Full Name: Dahlia Haller
Codename: Legion, Crazy Taxi
Race: Mutant
Earth-616 Counterpart: David Haller
Age: 17
Affiliation: Xavier's School for that's my dad
Base of Operations: THE SCHOOL
Brace yourselves please.

Legion is an omega level mutant, and was also stated to be an Alpha-Level Mutant, with the ability to create spontaneous mutations with varying attributes. Due to either her immense powers, mental instability or combination of the two, Dahlia creates a new persona (or sub-personality) to govern each one of these new mutations.

She stated that she had in her mind "200 Omega-level split personalities".

She is connected to thousands types of powers and there were more "being born" all the time.

Due to the null necklace she is forced to wear Dahlia is limited to three of her main personalities powers. The rest of her personalities are confined to the reality of her mind.

• Jemail Karami (Personality 002): A terrorist leader who once tried to restructure Dahlia's fractured personality in his own image. He possesses telepathy. Jemail was once a real man, but died near Dahlia and thereby became the first psyche Dahlia absorbed.

• Cyndi (Personality 004): A temperamental, rebellious girl with pyrokinesis. She had a crush on Cypher.

Styx (Personality 666): Styx power is to use a touch of death to absorb the spirits' of his victims. After absorbing a spirit, Styx can continue to control the victim's body

Brief History:

Needing to create a progeny, Charles Xavier extended his mind out and possessed an unknown man who then slept with Gabrielle Haller with in Israel. When she was in the womb, Charle’s once again reached out via his mind and left a part of his psychic force on the fetus once he found out, what was not known was how that would affect the unborn child.

This resulted in Dahlia’s powers fracturing into unstable levels, where she would have been an alpha level mutant she was now an Omega level mutant. Her powers manifested when her and her mother were attacked and she absorbed the mind of the assassin Jemail Karami, her first personality.

From there Dahlia was kept as a null, with her powers constantly growing she was a threat to the Empire. She was equipped with a necklace that dampened her powers and kept her from unleashing all her personalities.

When she was 13 Charles put her name down on the auto accept list of the Institute with an Imperial High command biomarker, aka don’t ask questions just listen to her.