Full Name: Brunnhilde of Asgard Brianna Vogel
Codename: Valkyrie
Race: Asgardian
Earth-616 Counterpart: Valkyrie
Age: hella old
Affiliation: Asgard
Base of Operations: Asgard
Power(s): Valkyrie is the strongest of all Valkyrior. Like all her people, her body is several times denser than humans. She is not immortal, but she ages far more slowly than humans. Valkyrie is immune to all earthly diseases and is difficult to injure. Her Asgardian physiology grants her enhanced levels of stamina. Valkyrie can perceive the approach of death, in the form of a "deathglow" surrounding a person's body. She does not know how death will come but she can tell that it is imminent. Valkyrie can transport herself and a dying or dead body to and from the realm of the dead by willing it. Valkyrie has had extensive training in sword fighting as well as unarmed combat and horseback riding. Her natural fighting ability is among the best of all Asgardians, matched only by Sif.

What you need to know: As far as she knows, Brianna is just an average human nomad, doing odd jobs of varying legality for both sides of the human/mutant conflict. She has been at this for years, never knowing her true nature.