Full Name: Arianna Markovic
Codename: Boomslang
Race: Mutant
Earth-616 Counterpart: None
Age: 20s
Affiliation: Leader of the Morlocks
Base of Operations: Morlock Base underground
Asides from her body, which resembles an ever shifting pallet like a chameleon, she has a few powers that mimic a snake. These include:

• Body Shedding: Boomslang can shed her skin much like a snake, which enables her to slip out of bindings, or heal wounds.

• Camouflage: Asides from being able to shed her skin, Boomslang is able, much like a Chameleon, to either change her body’s scales to a vibrant display of colors (for attracting mates), or to blend into her surroundings as well as look a touch more normal.

• Dermal Armor: Boomslang’s body is covered in what looks to be scales on parts of her body, like her stomach, arms, face and back. She can also manifest scales over her body for more protection when needed.

• Enhanced Agility

• Enhanced Flexibility

• Enhanced Bite

• Enhanced Smell
• Enhanced Strength: She is limited to about 500 pounds of strength

• Matter Ingestion: Boomslang is able to pretty much unhinge her jaw and eat damn near anything

• Healing Factor: Her healing factor is not insanely advanced, but she is able to heal minor wounds in a matter of minutes, and more grievous wounds in hours or days depending

• Seismic Sense: Due to the sense receptors along her nose and mouth she is able to detect movement around her.

• Venomous Fangs: Hence her name, Boomslang’s venom is much akin to the Dispholidus types venom, meaning it’s a hemotoxin. She can also deliver a pleasurable bite as she can change the chemical make up in her saliva

• Pheromone Manipulation

Also the lower half of her is a fucking massive snake.

Brief History: Boomslang is the leader of the Morlocks, a bunch of ugly looking mutants who aren't readily accepted in society due to denying most of the null collars. So she fled underground to offer refuge to the mutants who don't look like everyone, who's powers are dangerous or are just strange. She runs a group of misfits and a black market ring.