Name: Peony Rex Barlow
Age: 34
Description: Average height, 5'8", with a curvaceous build. Red hair, blue eyes, hand-made dresses.
Occupation: Owner of the Mortar and Pestle New Age Healing shop in Arkham County.

Brief History: Peony wasn't exactly well to do as a child. That didn't necessarily mean she grew up wanting, however; her parents raised her in a commune. She lived on everything organic, everything natural. She was taught the importance of living on the bare essentials, of using what she had around her, rather than buying processed goods and materials. And, for the most part, this worked out just fine. She was homeschooled fairly well, nearly comparable to high school graduate intelligence. She managed to snag her GED with relative ease.

College was a different story. One of the problems with her upbringing was that she had very little in the way of social graces. While she was certainly friendly, she knew very little of personal space, and often had trouble understanding why she needed to pay attention to a "manager" who hardly did any of the work. She was constantly battling with the real world, never quite fitting in. So, for a time, she went back to the commune, a bit enraged and frustrated at how little she knew. She then found her parents intentionally hid her from all those evils as they would surely corrupt her. In response, Peony left that world for the real one. She buckled down. She got a job, and finished her college education. With a little seed money, she decided to work within the system, to work with what she knew.

She started the Mortar and Pestle New Age Healing shop in Arkham County, living and working out of her shop. She came out of her childhood perhaps a bit cynical and analytical, yet still very much holding onto her free spirit ways.