Name: Adrian Thorne

Age: Twenty Four

Race: Human

Hair Color: Pale Silver

Eye Color: Light Blue

Height: 5'7"

High Concept: Thief for Hire

Trouble: Price on My Head

Aspect: Skilled with Knives

Aspect: Proficient with Locks

Aspect: Knowledgeable in Traps


Careful: +3

Clever: +3

Flashy: +0

Forceful: +1

Quick: +2

Sneaky: +4

Fate Points: 4

Refresh: 3

Stunt: Pick Lock, Pocket, Or Number - Because I am a thief without peer, I gain +2 to overcome when I am Quick and attempt to pick a lock or a pocket, or to beat a combination or other form of complex lock.

Stunt: Dodgy - Because I am good at getting out of the way of danger, I gain +1 to defend when I am Quick.

Stunt: Weapon Mastery - Because I have spent many years mastering a type of weapon, I gain +1 to Combatives when I attack, defend, create advantage, or overcome while using any weapon of that type.

Stunt: Alertness - Because I am unusually alert and perceptive I gain +2 while Focused to notice things.

Stunt: Skulker - Because I am so good at escaping notice, I get +2 while I am Sneaky and create an advantage or overcome challenges to avoid notice.

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Mild Consequence Moderate Consequence Severe Consequence Crippled Consequence