Character Name: Prince Regent Hector of House Graenneog, Lord of the Realm of Caledonia, Son of King Daal "The Unwell" Graenneog.

Race: Human - Caladonian (Tall thick bodied people)

Skills: Swordsmanship, Heavy Armour, Fitness, Riding, Tactics and Strategy,

Magic: None

Caledonian Platemail: A superb and intricate design, with heavy use of articulation to provide extreme protection to it's wearer. Hectors suit is the finest wrought, and enchanted further with spiteful wards inscribed all across it's surface, such that they give a circumstantial negative to attackers who would attempt harm upon the wearer.

Sword of the High King: An ornately forged Bastard Sword, made with the finest iron in the land, by the most skilled of blacksmiths, in the hottest forge. For it had to be the most durable blade to take the enchantments which Hector asked for it. The Blade ignores armour, as if metal and hide were nothing more then thin paper to it, as well, when drawn it burns as though oiled fire were poured across the blade, though never damaging the blade itself.

Shield of Pelos: It is an ornately crafted heater shield, inscribed with Wards of Shielding, which pushes upon projectiles cast in the users direction, giving a circumstantial negative to those wishing to use ranged weapons upon the user.

Short Bio: His Father raised him to rule the land with Iron fist, until he was struck down by the poison of the Quthangbaet. From there, he had to take command of the kingdom and run it his way, learning as he went. And so years later, with his father still in coma, The country calls him the King that isn't. (only due to being the Heir, and his father not Technically dead yet...)