Full Name: Castilon Warrick
Social Class: Noble
Occupation: Constable of Canaria City
Township: Canaria
Weapons:Arming Sword(Steel), Blue Spiked Shield with Canarian Royal Crest
Flaws:Loyal to a fault. No fear of death if in the line of service. Workaholic, Insomniac. Ownership: Castilon owns a medium sized house near the castle. A horse has been provided to him. He has thick steel plate mail to keep him protected. His horse also has plate armor.
Eyes: Brown

Castilon is around 5'10, 200 lbs. He's rather thick for his size as he likes to keep in great physical shape and can often be found carrying around heavy stones to keep his muscles at peak physical strength. Castilon has seen quite a bit of combat and has several scars on his forearms, legs and chest as well as two on his face. One on his right cheek, the other across his forehead. On his back he has a large tattoo of a black bear on his back.
Brief History
Castilon was born into a guard family in Canaria. When he was 5 his father gave him his first practice sword and he would practice with him. Eventually he got strong and skilled enough to carry a small shield and his father trained him in sword and shield combat. Despite his inability to do anything but fight with a sword and a shield he is rumored to be one of the best with the weapons in Canaria and perhaps the world. Hehas won several tournaments in this fashion. He joined the Canarian Guard when he was the ripe age of 15. Through exemplary integrity as well as his long standing service, he moved through the ranks patiently until he made it to the rank of Constable after Alec Avery was poisoned. However his new position and tenacity has caused his family to fall to the wayside. He believes he is protecting them by working the long hours but a family needs attention and he rarely gives it.

Magic:Frost, Expert

Spell List(with cast time):Ice Wall- Creates a 10 by 10 foot wall of ice about two feet thick and very dense. (Once per Week Duration: 5 posts)
Frost Breath- In close combat, lets out a cold burst of frost, providing a bit of cover for him as well as severely dropping the temperature of the effected area. (Duration 1 post, 5 times a day.)
Cold Resistance- Resistance to very cold temperature. (Passive, Two Day Duration, Two-Times a week. Second time causes fatigue. Cannot be cast on other players.)
Contact: Wagon of Donuts(AIM)
Avatar: Rufus Sewell