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[15-02:42] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *she shrugs again, shes not going to get even tipsy right now*
[15-02:43] ffc, *teufle hund: *hes still pretty sober* how about we take these bottles back to my room and we discuss things?
[15-02:44] f77, *Frank Walker: so I've heard.... heh you wouldn't mind if I built little sand maidens while you worked would you?* he tries to sound boyish.. ha, like he'd be out in the sun*
[15-02:45] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *its a risk.... but hell everything was, and really as she wasn't human.. she was fine..* if you'd like.. I'm all up for it *she answers*
[15-02:45] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *chuckles* well why not. *she doesn't know he's a vampire... just figures he's some really nice guy who's really hot*
[15-02:45] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : as long as you played with this one first
[15-02:46] ffc, *teufle hund: itd be my pleasure *he picks up the bottles dropin a tip on the table and giving her a wink and leads her to a swanky suite*
[15-02:47] f77, *Frank Walker: well, that would be a given..* he answers, dropping her a wink.*
[15-02:47] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *And the snake girl willingly goes with him.*
[15-02:48] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *she grins lopsidedly* So what else are you doing on this fine night Frank?
[15-02:49] f77, *Frank Walker: *He shrugs, grinning.* well, as its free my night revolves around you..
[15-02:50] ffc, *teufle hund: *the room is very comfortable as he puts down the bottles on a tea table and goes over taking his suit coat off hangin it on a wooden butler and he takes his double holsters off puttin them on the second bed* have a seat m'dear *he walks into the bathroom gettin 2 glasses*
[15-02:50] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : that's sweet *she smiles softly**she looks around and sighs* I am growing a bit bored of here though... not bored of you *she smiles* just of here
[15-02:51] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *And she just sits on the bed, crossing her panted legs as she watches him go into the bathroom, eyes very sharp*
[15-02:52] ffc, *teufle hund: *he puts the glasses down fillin them both with the proper drink and sitting on the sofa himself* so are you some type of huntress? *hes been dealin with hunters for longer then he can remember*
[15-02:52] f77, *Frank Walker: would you like to go then.. and where........* he grins mischievously.* there is always my place...* he says*
[15-02:55] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[15-02:55] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : well... I'd love to see your place. Sounds... a bit more open than my own *she smirks, as she is living with two other people*
[15-02:56] f77, *Pilar LeFou: well..... not exactly... I don't hunt people down usually.... nor do I kill them... I have the job of 'warning'
[15-02:58] f77, *Frank Walker: Well it is a flat...* he says, as hes used to calling it such..* you like bay windows? *he asks, standing and paying for the dirnk then leaving a tip*
[15-02:58] ffc, *teufle hund: well thats a come ive got a stinkin suspicion your a bit older then 22, as long as we are gonna drop the acts *he smirks as he takes his drink*
[15-02:58] JOIN: Nefarius has entered.
[15-02:59] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : I do.... *standing up as well, leaving a bit of a tip.. wants to feel she contributed* well I certainly would love to see this
[15-03:00] f77, *Pilar LeFou: Ahh well.. because it'd be true.. I guess..* she answers, leaning back on her arms on the bed, green eyes glinting*
[15-03:01] ffc, *teufle hund: *his eyes of course trace her body* i havnt heard gypsie in about 500 years. So this job of warning... been doing it long?
[15-03:01] f77, *Frank Walker: Lovely...* he answers with a dashing smile and moves with her outside, and hails a cab*
[15-03:03] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *smiles and looks around**is feeling a bit tipsy from those caesars.. but enjoyed them, wrapping her arm around his*
[15-03:04] f77, *Pilar LeFou: in truth for 800 years... it got boring the last 400.. but its the family job.. can't deny it until my sister finds her mind again.... ..* she shrugs.. oh this sweet tarts much older than him... her tank strap falls off her shoulder and her hair falls in her eyes again*
[15-03:05] f77, *Frank Walker: *Once the cab comes he ushers her in and climbs in beside her, odering the cabbie to the posher area of town*
[15-03:05] EXIT: Nefarius has left the chat ( 12:58am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-03:06] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *smiles, giggling a bit and then looking at him with a light smirk before looking back at the cab driver*
[15-03:07] f77, *Frank Walker: *and so there off to his place.. and hes looking out the window*
[15-03:07] f77, *Frank Walker: (damn you spelling demon!)
[15-03:07] ffc, *teufle hund: *he rolls up his sleeve giving a better view of the tattoos* i got this one *pointing to the crest* when i was 18 about 1082 years ago when i joined the family buisness which i still run. i enjoy it though its always changing *he so notes how good lookin she is on the bed like that and comtimplates how to make a move*
[15-03:08] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : So Frank.. *she smirks* what do you think about me?
[15-03:10] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *She cranes her neck and looks raising a brow.* ah..* she nods..* change is pretty good..* she stretches again this time her legs, her pants inching down some so they show her hips, and in the middle the peeking ears of a black cat*
[15-03:11] f77, *Frank Walker: *he turns to her.* I thought that was obvious? your a dish
[15-03:12] ffc, *teufle hund: *he notices the ears as he comes over to the bed vodka in hand he gestures to them* another tattoo?
[15-03:12] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *smiles* Sometimes a girl needs her ego filled *she runs a hand onto his knee and smiles softly*
[15-03:13] f77, *Frank Walker: *he inches closer to her.* yes, and I'm sorry for not complementing earlier..* he says, tempting his face closer to hers*
[15-03:14] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *she smiles, sitting right up next to him, taking in a soft breath* mmm apology accpeted *her lips are so close to his, she smiling, looking from his eyes to his lips*
[15-03:14] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *She nods, impish sexy grin.* yup.* and she hooks her thumb slightly on the front of her pants, letting him see just a slight amount lower, though to muchand there'd not be any surprise..*
[15-03:15] ffc, *teufle hund: *he looks deciding to get adventurous* and what does one have to do to see the rest? *he says as he lightly rubs her neck*
[15-03:16] f77, *Frank Walker: I'm so glad..* he answers his breath actually cool against her mouth as he puts his lips against her, but gently.*
[15-03:17] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *she takes in a soft breath, her eyes slowly closing as she falls into the kiss, her lips melting against his own*
[15-03:19] f77, *Pilar LeFou: *She smirks, and stands up, standing her 5'5" height infront of him, looking like a sex on wheels red head.* now that you've got to figure out * (*thinks it best soon if continued on IM*)
[15-03:20] ffc, *teufle hund: oh really *he quirks an eyebrow*
[15-03:21] f77, *Frank Walker: *his hands come around her waist to bring her closer ot him..*
[15-03:22] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *her hands go up his neck, one hand resting on his chest, the other behind his head as she kisses him deeper*
[15-03:22] f77, *Pilar LeFou: (I think fade would be good now)
[15-03:23] ffc, *teufle hund: (yea) ::fade::
[15-03:23] f77, *Frank Walker: *and she'd not feel a heart beat but that happens with humans too sometimes..*
[15-03:24] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *she doesn't regard it at first... but the longer she kisses him she'll realize that it isn't a normal stop**she pulls back and looks up at him* do you have a shallow heartbeat or something?
[15-03:27] f77, *Frank Walker: *he pauses for a moment* yes.... I thought.. it stopped doign that.. heh but *he shrugs acting as if its nothing.*
[15-03:27] EXIT: teufle hund has left the chat ( 1:23am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-03:28] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : Ah.. *she smiles, she's slightly drunk so she really doesn't care* I'm sure it'll clear itself back up *she leans up, kissing him again softly*
[15-03:30] f77, *Frank Walker: *and this time he assaults her lips, not agressively, but ardently.*
[15-03:31] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : mmm *she sighs, running her hand up the side of his face, getting closer to him, wanting those lips, enjoying the taste of them*
[15-03:33] f77, *Frank Walker: *and as long as she doesn't touch his chest hes fine with that, he rubs her back slightly, the cabbie trying to ignore*
[15-03:34] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *her hand wraps around his waist, she holding him close before slowly breaking the kiss, looking up into his eyes with a soft smile*
[15-03:36] f77, *Frank Walker: *he smiles back, closing his mouth as his fangs had just start to protrude, then quickly retracted.*
[15-03:36] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : ((can I call a pause? It's 4:30 here))
[15-03:36] f77, *Frank Walker: (sure)
[15-03:37] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : ((spanks :) gnight!))
[15-03:37] EXIT: Amadeus Puck has left the chat ( sweet dreams ).
[15-08:16] JOIN: Puss in Boots has entered.
[15-08:16] 09c, Puss in Boots: *color test*
[15-08:17] 09c, Puss in Boots: *test again*
[15-08:17] 09c, Puss in Boots: *lurks*
[15-08:28] JOIN: Summer Richards has entered.
[15-08:30] 09c, Puss in Boots: *waves*
[15-08:33] JOIN: Sonic Sailence has entered.
[15-08:35] 19d, Sonic Sailence: *waves to all*
[15-08:38] EXIT: Sonic Sailence has left the chat ( 6:38am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-10:57] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[15-11:15] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.

Chat cleared by Lucreccia.
[15-11:21] eeb, ºLucreccia: ADMIN POWERSSSSSS!
[15-11:25] eeb, ºLucreccia: *giggles and reads backlogs from this summer* How totally cute was everyone?
[15-11:42] eeb, ºLucreccia: *pokes at the Lurker*
[15-11:53] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 9:42am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-11:53] eeb, ºLAMadame: *test*
[15-11:53] eeb, ºLAMadame: Whoo! Now everyone can see him! *dances*
[15-13:46] JOIN: Drake Ermel has entered.
[15-13:55] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[15-13:56] ae1, *Stonester: (*'s internet is too slow to get on MSN right now *)
[15-15:21] eeb, ºLAMadame: *pokes about and shows off her kid ... points to avatar*
[15-15:40] JOIN: Sacha has entered.
[15-15:40] dd2, *Sacha: (*pokes the lurkers*)
[15-15:43] eeb, ºLAMadame: afk
[15-15:43] EXIT: Sacha has left the chat ( 1:40pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-15:47] JOIN: Davis Mcneil has entered.
[15-15:48] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[15-15:48] eeb, ºLAMadame: *waves to Davis* Evening.
[15-15:49] eeb, ºLAMadame: *snuuugles the Stoney*
[15-15:49] c3b, Davis Mcneil: evening
[15-15:49] eeb, ºLAMadame:
[15-15:50] ae1, *Stonester: * Pokes on the Madame *
[15-15:53] eeb, ºLAMadame: wbaby up. need to go agian. back later.
[15-15:57] ae1, *Stonester: ok
[15-16:11] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[15-16:11] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 2:11pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-16:11] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[15-16:47] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[15-17:01] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[15-17:06] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[15-17:06] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[15-17:06] f77, *Kitty: *pokes aroud*
[15-17:10] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *appears*
[15-17:12] f77, *Kitty: *ooooos* *wavies*
[15-17:13] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *waves back*
[15-17:13] eeb, ºLucreccia: *attacks the girls*
[15-17:14] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *ish attacked!*
[15-17:15] f77, *Kitty: *fluffs and loves*
[15-17:15] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: How is everyone tonight?
[15-17:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: Good! SO good! Thank you!
[15-17:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: How about you?
[15-17:16] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 3:16pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-17:17] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: Very welcome.
[15-17:17] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: I'm doing okay, studying for exams. Last day is Friday, thank goodness. Thanks for asking. *waits to see if she returns?*
[15-17:19] JOIN: Rennin Starweaver has entered.
[15-17:19] eeb, Rennin Starweaver: It`s me, Chris ... I hope everyone is done with exams soon! I`ve been so anxious for all of my friends, I just can`t imagine how stressed they are.
[15-17:20] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: Thanks. Lol. need the luck.
[15-17:20] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: Love the name.
[15-17:21] eeb, Rennin Starweaver: Thank you!
[15-17:21] EXIT: Rennin Starweaver has left the chat ( 3:21pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-17:21] eeb, ºLAMadame: Don`t mind me ... regging characters ...
[15-17:23] JOIN: Rennin Starweaver has entered.
[15-17:23] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: What fun!
[15-17:23] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver: Rivetting!
[15-17:24] f77, *Kitty: *goes to get into character*
[15-17:24] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *waits for Christmas*
[15-17:25] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver: *laughs* Hey, Chris, I can bring someone else in for you if you like! *versatile*
[15-17:25] f77, *David Autry: (*test*)
[15-17:25] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *laughs* I've only met one person and aren't I horrible? I've already forgotten her name.
[15-17:26] f77, *David Autry: oh blarg)
[15-17:27] f77, *David Autry: ^^)
[15-17:27] f77, *David Autry: okay better!)
[15-17:27] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver: LoL - It happens to all of us! I can`t tell you how many names I`ve forgotten. *petpet*
[15-17:28] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *is soothed* Good, I'm glad I'm not the only one.
[15-17:29] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver: *feeds everyone skittles*
[15-17:29] f77, *David Autry: *yays*
[15-17:31] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: I taste the rainbow
[15-17:32] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver: *wonders what was in those skittles ... hops IC*
[15-17:32] f77, *David Autry: catnip! *pic test*)
[15-17:35] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she straggles into downtown L.A., looking nothing like her usually polished, if gruff, self. It`s clear she`s been travelling by foot for some days now, if not a week. Her good boots are well worn, her jeans tattered at the ankles and knees, and her white tank smothered in dried sweat and dirt. Still lovely underneath it all, but looking like complete hell*
[15-17:38] f77, *David Autry : *And he who had just arrived say a day or so ago was on the corner of some street, he looked ruffled himself, a wrinkly shirt and jeands, but he was clean but for his bed clothes, a strand of his hair playing to get in his eyes as he took a smoke. His eyes scanning as he slowly walked.*
[15-17:40] 173, ºmoth: *Adds Mel Gibson to the list of taken avatars.*
[15-17:40] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she could have flied, could have drove, could have taken the train ... she always has her bank card on her, but fuck. She was what she was, if only Kinfolk. And it would be hard as hell for her father to track her by foot. He might have tought her a little too well. Pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and sliding it into her mouth, she lights and takes up a casual pace. Not looking friendly at all*
[15-17:40] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : (*smothers Moth in affection*)
[15-17:41] f77, *David Autry : (hey is brian molko on that list too?)
[15-17:41] 173, ºmoth: No.
[15-17:42] 173, ºmoth: He wasn't, but he is now.
[15-17:43] f77, *David Autry : *His eyes narrow as the smoke drifts around him, he smells of insense, the musky temple kind, god knows why, in a city like this.. * (thankies mothy love!)
[15-17:45] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she spots David, only because he gives off one of those strange vibes. She just happens to need the payphone he`s standing next to, and wanders over to it, shutting the plastic door soundly behind her. She has to call Jeremy, let him know where she is*
[15-17:47] f77, *David Autry : *And he just leans against it, hey he doesn't mind. He'd glanced at her, waking in her good looks dispite her dirty clothes.*
[15-17:48] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she dials, leaves a brief message, and hangs up. She broods in the payphone for a minute, finishing her smoke. Stepping out, she eyes David openly* Don`t suppose there`s someplace around here I can get a sink-bath. Texaco, or something.
[15-17:50] f77, *David Autry : *he looks down at her, raising a brow and shrugging slightly.* not that I know of, but there are bars around here you could go to... *and he points right across the street to one*
[15-17:52] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *he must be taller than six feet to look down at her. She just glowers at him* I don`t want to drink, I want a fucking shower. *she growls this faintly, before turning sharply and continuing down the street. What an idiot*
[15-17:54] f77, *David Autry : *6'2 actually..* hey you said sink bath *he answers, hes literal..* theres also a hotel a block down.* he calls after her then puffing on the cig again*
[15-17:55] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Feel like showing me? I don`t know this city. A block here may not be the block I`m used to.
[15-17:56] f77, *David Autry : *he shrugs and pushes himself away from the payphone, walking up to her, then past her, though slowing slightly so she can walk beside him* fine
[15-18:00] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she keeps pace with him easily. In her current attire, her tattooed arms and the tattos on her upper chest are visible. Not much of her that isn`t marked, even just a little. All in solid, thick black lines. She`s scarred here and there, too; one odd scar looking like a huge beast with five claws smashed into her left shoulder. She offers her hand as they walk* Rennin Starweaver. Nice to meet you. Sorry if I snapped, haven`t had the greatest of days.
[15-18:03] f77, *David Autry : so it looks... *he answers, taking her hand after flicking his cig off onto the pavement.* I'm David Autry... you need some clothes after you get a bath? *he asks, the open bit of his buttom shirt showing also scars, but tattoos also, or at least one, a peek of some sort o cross*
[15-18:06] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Yeah. Didn`t even think of that. No use in getting clean if you don`t have clean clothes. *she spies down at her filthy shirt and jeans, with a mute sigh. She`s usually so fastidious* Well. there goes that idea.
[15-18:06] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[15-18:06] f77, *David Autry : not entirely..* he answers..* theres always some place around here that thats open ..... with clothes..
[15-18:09] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[15-18:11] eeb, ºLucreccia: Yeah ... *she glances this way and that. Lookie there! There`s a Wal-Mart* Just let me run in for about five minutes ... *and run she does, right across the street, through oncoming traffic, to get to the store. She`s back in just under ten minutes, clutching a bag. New bra, undies, jeans, shoes, socks, and a few shirts. That`ll hold her. She`s not one to fuck around when she shops* So where is this hotel again? Does it have a name?
[15-18:14] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Yeah ... *she glances this way and that. Lookie there! There`s a Wal-Mart* Just let me run in for about five minutes ... *and run she does, right across the street, through oncoming traffic, to get to the store. She`s back in just under ten minutes, clutching a bag. New bra, undies, jeans, shoes, socks, and a few shirts. That`ll hold her. She`s not one to fuck around when she shops* So where is this hotel again? Does it have a name?
[15-18:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: *one of those rare nights where she`s plopped on the couch in front of the Discovery channel watching something about Assimo, or half-watching. She`s been preoccupied since the other night with odd, recurring dreams of Morguline and his torture. Can`t figure out why*
[15-18:18] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[15-18:19] f77, *David Autry : *And he does wait, what a nice guy, when she comes back he nods* you'll be there soon, its the sundance ...
[15-18:21] ae1, *Stonester : * Makes his way into the living room all groggy like from just waking up... his hair ruffled and shorts wrinkled *
[15-18:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she glances up at him and smiles, but it`s clear she`s not all there with him, obviously distracted by something* Hey. Sleep well?
[15-18:25] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Nice name. *nods, thumbing through the cash she took out of the ATM while she was in the store, before stuffing it into a grimey back pocket* Been there before?
[15-18:26] f77, *David Autry : I'm staying there.* he answers, as he meanders along the pavement.*
[15-18:29] ae1, *Stonester : * Just collapses into her lap... still quite tired... * Ehh... * Head speaking from her lap... * Whatcha watchin?
[15-18:35] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : (bRB)
[15-18:59] f77, *Kitty: *twiddles around*
[15-19:02] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Expensive? I`m not made of money, here. *she glowers faintly down at the street. She really should take up a respectable job. She might be here awhile*
[15-19:05] eeb, ºLucreccia: *he strokes his hair idly, shrugging* I dunno. Something on robots. *she leans to kiss his temple*
[15-19:05] f77, *David Autry : *He shrugs* it all depends on what room you get
[15-19:07] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : If I bunk with you it won`t cost anyting will it? *she gazes up at him, quite serious, her lips twisted into a faint smile* Or maybe we can trade something.
[15-19:10] f77, *David Autry : hmm *he raises a brow, smirking slightly.* hey that works for me... as long as you don't try to kill me.. *he answers*
[15-19:11] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she stops suddenly, glowering at him. He just had no idea how close she`d come to killing someone innocent, or how hard that hit her, such a simple phrase* What`s that supposed to mean?
[15-19:13] f77, *David Autry : *He shrugs, looking to her, hazel eyes quite sharp* exactly what I said.... of course your probably not going to... well you weren't until I said that at least
[15-19:15] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : I won`t kill you. *she turns again and starts off, entire body tense* I`m just tired, hungry, dirty, angry. Grumpy, I guess.
[15-19:16] f77, *David Autry : ahh.. *he walks after her..* sorry..* he says after a moment, his hands in his pockets now*
[15-19:17] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Why? It`s none of your fault. *she tucks her hands into her pockets, though she didn`t see him do the same. She glances at him side-long, finally giving him a decent look-see* So where are you from?
[15-19:19] f77, *David Autry : Oklahoma.. *He answers* spent a while in north carolina though..* he answered, and he pointed slightly. * theres the sundance* he says, putting his hands back in his pocket*
[15-19:21] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she crosses the street with him, making her way through the front doors and to the counter. She was joking about the room, but it`s soon clear through the glass (if he didn`t keep up her suddenly quick pace) that she`s going to be denied a room because she doesn`t have a credit card, and her appearance doesn`t speak for much. Her head lowers to the receptionist`s counter, and hits a few times*
[15-19:24] f77, *David Autry : *And he puts his hand between her head and the desk after a second.* hey stop.. share a room.. its got two beds..* he says.*
[15-19:25] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she turns her head to rest her cheek against his fingers, and her face is the picture of fatigue and weariness* How much do you want?
[15-19:26] f77, *David Autry : hey don't worry about money right now, lets get you a shower and a bed.. * he smiles slightly and motions to the elevator*
[15-19:27] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : *she rises and nods, slumping over to the elevator. She pushes the up button repeatedly, eyeing him* So ... why are you such a nice guy?
[15-19:28] f77, *David Autry : because I know what its like to not be able to get a room and be tired from long journeys... *he answers*
[15-19:30] eeb, ºRennin Starweaver : Oh? A wanderer, are you? *doors open, she steps in, the question hanging between them*
[15-19:31] f77, *David Autry : *He nods and enters also, pushing the button to 3rd floor*
[15-19:32] f77, *David Autry : (pauseity(
[15-19:33] EXIT: Rennin Starweaver has left the chat ( 5:30pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-19:33] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*lurks the lonely lurk*)
[15-20:11] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[15-20:11] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[15-20:14] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*hugs the two* Wb!)
[15-20:23] ae1, *Stonester: * Looks up at Luc * Is everything alright Luc? Am I starting to impose?
[15-20:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: What? Oh, no. Not at all. *she makes a dismissive gesture* Shit, I`m hardly here most of the time. So long as you`re in town you can crash here. No, I`ve just been having these dreams. Makes me wonder if Morguline isn`t on his way to town. They`re all about him.
[15-20:26] 8c8, ºEnvy: ((hello, little beauties!))
[15-20:27] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*loves on Envy*)
[15-20:32] JOIN: Drake Ermel has entered.
[15-20:36] ae1, *Stonester: ( Heya Envyness )
[15-20:37] 8c8, ºEnvy: hey, stonester!
[15-20:39] ae1, *Stonester: Dreams hmm... About Morguline you say... I would be more than happy to have a meet with Morguline... He's got something I'd like to get back....
[15-20:39] ae1, *Stonester: (* Chews on Envy *)
[15-20:42] ae1, *Stonester: ( Shit gotta go... Sorry )
[15-20:42] 8c8, ºEnvy: hey, I'm gonna take a shower because I'm really sore from moving I'll be back in a little bit *kisses Stoney pie* I hope you get your package by christmas
[15-20:50] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[15-21:09] eeb, ºLucreccia: *REALLY needs her god damn tribebook ... fuck*
[15-21:14] eeb, ºLucreccia: Okay, I can`t get a sheet up when I don`t have the resources. I had her sheet done once, and it was great, and now it`s gone. I just don`t have the resources now. It`ll take me a while to get her sheet done.
[15-22:42] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[15-22:50] 8a3, *Kitty: *twiddles around*
[15-23:06] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[15-23:14] JOIN: Amadeus Puck has entered.
[15-23:14] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *peek*
[15-23:14] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Kitty still here?
[15-23:15] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Kitty Kitty Kitttyyy
[15-23:18] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ba no kitty *pouts*
[15-23:19] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: kitty... kitty kitty.... here kitty kitty
[15-23:20] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *wonders if she should flood the room* That would be bad....
[15-23:27] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *pouts* kitttttyyyy
[15-23:50] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[15-23:51] 29e, *Kitty: Kitty is here but shes going on a smoke break
[15-23:53] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: well kitty has to come back when she's done
[16-00:01] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *waits fer kitty*
[16-00:02] 29e, *Kitty: here!
[16-00:06] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: yaya!
[16-00:06] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: continue from last?
[16-00:09] 29e, *Kitty: sure.. if you post first dear
[16-00:10] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *they are in the taxi cab, she sitting practically in his lap, her hands loose around his shoulders and looking up into his eyes gently, a soft smile touching her lips*
[16-00:15] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[16-00:16] 29e, *Frank Walker: *And his eyes look into hers before starting to nibble at her neck, suckling. Hands on her back*
[16-00:17] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smiles softly, her eyes falling closed and she pulling him closer, her eyes opening only for a minute to look at the cab driver, as he definitely looks uncomfortable, but could so ccare less*
[16-00:21] 29e, *Frank Walker: *and as he is into a real good nibble the cab stops... their there*
[16-00:22] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she sighs* we must be at your place.. *she says softly, slowly drawing back, but that sigh was merely for the break in what they were doing, knowing full well it was going to continue*
[16-00:26] 29e, *Frank Walker: *He smiles * yes.. *and he gets her out of the cab and pays the guy. and leads her to the place, unlocking the first door and then going inside to an elevator.. this was the posher area*
[16-00:29] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *smiles and follows him, taking his hand gently and looking around, quite impressed* It's wonderful
[16-00:31] 29e, *Frank Walker: and this is just the outside.. *he smirks and as they ride the elevator and enter, into his place... major space.. little but rish furniture ... and Windows..*
[16-00:33] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smiles, releasing his hand and walking around* wow.... *she walks up to the windows, looking down over the city* It's wonderful
[16-00:38] 29e, *Frank Walker: *He watches her for a moment, then kicks his shoes off intot he corner, to get himself relaxed* would you like anything?
[16-00:43] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Um.. *she turns, winking at him before shrugging slowly* no I'm alright
[16-00:43] 29e, *Frank Walker: *He smiles then, impish... he walks over to her looking outside*
[16-00:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she looks outside with him, smiling softly* so you live up here all alone..
[16-00:46] 29e, *Frank Walker: yup.... *he answers, his arm coming around her waist*
[16-00:47] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she glances up at him with a grin, moving in closer instinctively* must be lonely
[16-00:50] 29e, *Frank Walker: *He nods* yes, sometimes... at night especially..* he mumbles*
[16-00:57] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she looks up at him, in such close proximitiy she heard that mumble* well... tonight ought not to be lonely *she looks up at him softly, leaning up and pressing he rlips against his own*
[16-00:58] 29e, *Frank Walker: *He smiles just before the kiss, wrapping his arms around her.*
[16-01:00] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she warps her arms around his waist and pulls back from the kiss, looking up into his eyes, wondering how much farther he wants to go*
[16-01:05] 29e, *Frank Walker: *He looks down at her, his hands moving to her lower back as he bends down and nisses her neck gently, very gently.*
[16-01:05] 29e, *Frank Walker: (*will have it fade to IM anytime*)
[16-01:05] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *just say the word when**she sighs softly, leaning her head back, a hand running up his chest and her other hand moving to behind his neck*
[16-01:09] 29e, *Frank Walker: *he takes that hand running up his chest and moves his lips to it, kissing the fingers* (alright now.. I'll AIM you)
[16-01:16] 29e, *Kitty: *flits around...*
[16-01:46] JOIN: Puss in Boots has entered.
[16-01:48] 29e, *Kitty: *blinkies*
[16-01:48] aa7, Puss in Boots: *peeks*
[16-01:49] 29e, *Kitty: another cat?!
[16-01:50] aa7, Puss in Boots: yup, is there a prob with that?
[16-01:51] 29e, *Kitty: I am the only cat here! *growl.*
[16-01:55] aa7, Puss in Boots: oh puhlease. this place is more than large enough for more than one little pussy
[16-01:55] 29e, *Kitty: nuh uh.. *pouts*...... anyway.. who are you
[16-01:57] aa7, Puss in Boots: It all depends on who you wnat me to be*girins in triumph*
[16-01:59] 29e, *Kitty: *raises a brow*
[16-02:04] 29e, *Kitty: *pokes*
[16-02:09] 29e, *Kitty: *scared other kitty off.. yay*
[16-02:39] JOIN: Puss in Boots has entered.
[16-02:39] 09c, Puss in Boots: *growls and kicks AOL*
[16-02:42] 09c, Puss in Boots: is not scared off,got booted
[16-02:44] 09c, Puss in Boots: *pokes about*
[16-02:47] 29e, *Kitty: ahh
[16-02:48] 29e, *Kitty: *pounces on the puss*
[16-08:29] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[16-09:57] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[16-13:01] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 7:57am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-13:01] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[16-13:20] EXIT: Zarshreiy Kushiel has left the chat ( 11:01am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-13:21] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[16-13:21] 173, ºmoth: *Peers.*
[16-13:23] eeb, ºLucreccia: *prods Moth* So, even though you`re not Werewolf savvy as you are with other formats, you feel like peeking at Luc`s sheet on the board and giving me the Okay to keep playing her here? I`m tired of causing trouble over her `god-like powers`.
[16-13:23] 173, ºmoth: I just looked it over and I think its fine.
[16-13:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: Thank you.
[16-13:24] 173, ºmoth: Hell, I don't care what powers anyone has really - not with the rules that are in place.
[16-13:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: *Goes* Baby`s up. See you later!
[16-13:26] 173, ºmoth: *Waves.*
[16-13:27] 173, ºmoth: *Fixes an error with the MotD coding and heads out as well.*
[16-14:09] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[16-14:22] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[16-15:44] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[16-15:45] 29e, *Kitty: *twiddles*
[16-15:52] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*here, but cooking*)
[16-15:52] 29e, *Kitty: *watches you cook*
[16-15:54] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Bah. Just making thai noodles. Nothing fancy.)
[16-15:55] 29e, *Kitty: ooooo noooooodles
[16-15:56] 173, ºmoth: *Wonders who removed the CSS coding from the MotD.*
[16-15:56] 173, ºmoth: *Wonders who removed the CSS coding from the MotD.*
[16-15:58] eeb, ºLucreccia: Hey, about that, Moth. I have no idea. I had to stop and glare for a moment when I went to add my own little dig there. Since I`m always changing that MoTD I probably did it without realizing, or something. Last time I was in it, all I did was add a link to the poll. *shrugs* It was fine then.
[16-15:58] 173, ºmoth: ..a lot of shit is changed I noticed when I looked at it earlier.
[16-15:59] 173, ºmoth: All of the code formatting is changed, which pisses me off considering all the time I put into it.
[16-16:00] eeb, ºLucreccia: Look, all I can say is what I already have. It was like that when I opened it today, so I don`t know what happened.
[16-16:00] 29e, *Kitty: *no one can look at her because shes not an admin or anything ^^"*
[16-16:01] eeb, ºLucreccia: Whoa! We have EGG NOG! I totally forgot! *goes to get a glass*
[16-16:01] 173, ºmoth: I'm not pointing any fingers just saying. *Growls at the code seeing as the base tags are still there, but everything between them is gone.*
[16-16:02] eeb, ºLucreccia: You know what the French word for Eggnog is? I don`t either. All I know is it means "chicken juice". Chicken -Juice- .
[16-16:02] eeb, ºLucreccia: Bah! *kicks things*
[16-16:02] 173, ºmoth: *..kicks things too.*
[16-16:03] 29e, *Kitty: *lets moth stab some dummy* chicken juice? *thinks dirty thoughts*
[16-16:04] eeb, ºLucreccia: *thwaps Kitty with nurf bat* Ewwwwwww! Naughty girl!
[16-16:06] 29e, *Kitty: heh! yes! hey look at my DJ, Pickle!
[16-16:06] eeb, ºLucreccia: *tosses off to do so!*
[16-16:08] 29e, *Kitty: ^_^
[16-16:08] eeb, ºLucreccia: *shifty eyes* How FREAKY that we got so much in common on that ... besides husbands, and where we live.
[16-16:09] 29e, *Kitty: heh yeah.. aaaan d look at the one under it
[16-16:10] eeb, ºLucreccia: I like that position! Whoot!
[16-16:11] 29e, *Kitty: heh I wanna try ^^'
[16-16:12] eeb, ºLucreccia: Me too! And my position, and Kitten`s. Mmmm. I`ve been so h**** lately. Haha. Censorship.
[16-16:13] 29e, *Kitty: heh *licks* so have I..... *can't wait for her birthday so she can visit her fiancee*
[16-16:14] eeb, ºLucreccia: *shifty eyes* I can`t wait for Kitten! Mat`ll be at work ... heh. Heh. Heh. *loves on*
[16-16:16] 29e, *Kitty: hehe *snickers* whens she coming?
[16-16:17] eeb, ºLucreccia: 27th. Staying through the 1st.
[16-16:17] 29e, *Kitty: ooooooo
[16-16:18] 29e, *Kitty: so in the mood to play aty all?
[16-16:18] eeb, ºLucreccia: WHOOT! Hey, I want SO BADLY to play Luc, so whoever decides they`re playing, best be prepared for a grumpy, though not violent, girl. Yes, yes.
[16-16:18] eeb, ºLucreccia: Going to clear the room and post.
Chat cleared by Lucreccia.
[16-16:19] 29e, *Kitty: *whimpers, and looks for someone*
[16-16:20] eeb, ºLucreccia : *she lays on her stomach on the artist`s chair, her upper half bare, her tank top clutched in her hands. She faces the large windows that bleed neon into the street, her lower back working on being smothered in ink, and currently smeared with blood*
[16-16:22] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She walks out of a bar, and onto the street, her onyx eyes glinting. She'd gotten her fill of alcohol, to bad she'd lived so long it did nothing for her anymore... now she was just wandering, her looong braid bouncing lightly behind her as she walked.*
[16-16:27] eeb, ºLucreccia : *soon enough, the marking is done; or at least, the first part of it. After her back is wiped down, she shoos their attempt at bandaging her back up away. It`s fine as it is; and she has salves much more efficient in protecting open wounds than some gauze and tape. Slipping her shirt back on, she bestows the artist with one hell of a tip and wanders out of the studio. Her teeth are gritted together, and her Rage is burning in her eyes. She hasn`t slept in a few days, thanks to her -Sight From Beyond- Gift. Something dreadful is about to happen; her Visions haven`t been this strong in years. Quickly pleating her long red hair back, she hits the streets*
[16-16:31] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She saunters down the pavement, her eyes always open for men. her pale skin is whitened the more by her black pants and black tank top, her pants hip huggers, showing the edge of tattooed butterflies on her hip and her tank top low enough to see the start of a crescent moon shaped scar on her left breast*
[16-16:34] eeb, ºLucreccia : *this city is full of Taint. Full of it. It takes most of her senses to distinguish mortal from Wyrm-spawn, but Saven just has the look. That sleezy, slithering, pestulant whore look, that so many leeches adopt these days to attract victims or childer. Green eyes narrow in disgust as the woman saunters toward her. She wonders, will she just appear to the leech as an angry Mortal, or does she have sense enough to know what she is? Her own numerous tattoos and scars are almost dead giveaways, if one knows what to look for*
[16-16:38] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She spots the woman, and she gives no bones about her knowledge of Luc, she even gives her an amused small fanged smile.. Of course she looks like whore.... for many years she'd been called that(player is not happy about it but oh well), walks lesiurely, her steps slow. her hands in her pockets.. If only people knew the other side of this.. whore...*
[16-16:38] 173, ºmoth: *..coughs.*
[16-16:39] eeb, ºLucreccia : (*eyes Moth* What was that for?)
[16-16:40] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (shut up moth.... shes actually a caring person....... shes just got... issues)
[16-16:41] 173, ºmoth: It was a joke. *..can't help but wonder why he gets jumped on all the time in here.*
[16-16:41] eeb, ºLucreccia : *muscled arms cross and she glowers at the woman as she slows to a stop before her* Are you asking to be mauled? You leeches keep getting more stupid.
[16-16:42] eeb, ºLucreccia : (Did I jump? I didn`t think I did. I just wanted to know what it was for! )
[16-16:43] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *ahems... is touchy about saven....... forgives moth though..* ) *She stops and regards Luc, surely she can sense the shifter in Saven as well.. the all shifter..* who says I couldn't handle it.. *she asks, her voice long having dropped her cherokee roots and adopted the new orleans cajun..*
[16-16:46] eeb, ºLucreccia : *her smile is cruel and unforgiving. Green eyes are cold, so cold. The very thought of him infuriates her in such a manner that her usually cool and relatively at-ease Theurge mentality is demolished in favor of staying on her guard. Shifter or not, the leech is a leech. So much can be said for the Gangrel* Are you asking to see if you really can? I`d be more than happy to oblige you.
[16-16:48] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : I'm in no mood for a fight.. *She answers, her onyx eyes, not cold although they hold the lust that burns in her body, she is more in emotional tormoil, of course it shifts in those pitless eyes.*
[16-16:49] JOIN: 47 has entered.
[16-16:49] 599, 47: *cruisng the streets in his custom luxary sedan*
[16-16:50] eeb, ºLucreccia : Well, that just goes to affirm your cowardace. *she quivers with her Rage, which is barely kept in check. What is wrong with her? This is entirely uncalled for. The woman is no threat, clearly. She yanks out her braid and shakes her long hair over her shoulders* Then why the fuck did you stop? You are dense creatures, truly.
[16-16:52] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : I stop when I'm addressed.. but I can see as my presence causes you angst.. or something... I'll leave..* She raises a brow and prepares to side step her and walk away*
[16-16:54] eeb, ºLucreccia : I didn`t speak until you stopped. *her eyes lance over the woman, glowering* Angst? Angst? No, no. It`s not you. But no one`s safe when I`m this angry.
[16-16:58] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : well then you see me leaving..* she says, walking past luc slowly, not looking at her as she does.*
[16-17:00] eeb, ºLucreccia : That`s right. I do. *what is she doing? She sounds like ... No, no. She won`t admit that. Never. But she lets Saven walk by; she`s not interested in a screw, and since this woman is giving up so easily on Lucreccia`s temper, well. She`s not up for idle chatter, either*
[16-17:03] eeb, ºLucreccia : (brb)
[16-17:03] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : You might want to stop and wonder exactly why your Rage would lash out at anyone before you step out the door for the day.* she calls back, going on her way..* (okay)
[16-17:04] eeb, ºLucreccia : (I have to go for a while. Babe`s not going back to sleep. Hopefully back by seven.)
[16-17:10] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (alrighty.. goes off herself*)
[16-17:17] eeb, ºLucreccia : *Sidestepping as the woman leaves, she vanishes from L.A. entirely; she`ll be back when she`s back*
Chat cleared by Envy.
[16-18:29] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[16-19:06] abf, ºEnvy: So....
[16-19:12] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[16-19:13] eeb, ºLucreccia: *nibbles on Envy*
[16-19:29] abf, ºEnvy: Hi Luccy baby
[16-19:48] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[16-19:48] EXIT: Sergin Blade has left the chat ( 5:48pm, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-19:49] JOIN: Sacha has entered.
[16-19:50] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[16-19:50] abf, ºEnvy: wow! everybody at once! *pounces you all*
[16-19:51] dd2, *Sacha : *is sitting in the secret room that is in the Masterbedroom the doorway open so when Wlm wakes he can see her. The house has furniture now and she is just sorting her weaponds*
[16-19:51] dd2, *Sacha : (*sqeals and smothers Envy with kisses*)
[16-19:51] aa7, *Elmster: ((**feels the love**hey..))
[16-19:52] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*smothers all in love and affection* evening!)
[16-19:53] aa7, *Elmster: **he yawns, sitting up a bit with a smile, he turns over, arching a brow as Sacha isnt there. He looks about, spotting her with a smile**Hey you... you raise early
[16-19:55] dd2, *Sacha : *smiles and moves over towards him crawling up the bed*in my business you have to.
[16-19:55] aa7, *Elmster: ((Wow... is it just me or is Lucs Pic a bit clumped now...))
[16-19:56] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she stalks the streets, having just recovered enough from another vision (-Sight From Beyond-) to make her unstable way back across town to her apartment. That`s a long way from here. She rests a moment against a cold, rough brick wall* What`re you trying to tell me? Where`s the danger going to come from ... damned cryptic shit.
[16-19:56] abf, ºLucien : (shouldn't be. we didn't change anything about the pics... well, I didn't, but moth usually tells me when he's going to tinker)
[16-19:56] aa7, *Elmster: **he shrugs**I guess so... Im just glad I gotta look fancy for the consul.. thats about it... And train any little whelp Tremere that need be**He kisses her gently before leaning back against the Head board**
[16-19:58] dd2, *Sacha : *purrs*I will help train them*licks her lips*
[16-19:59] JOIN: Gerald Tarrant-Rothman has entered.
[16-19:59] eeb, ºLucreccia: (test)
[16-20:00] eeb, ºLucreccia: (seems fine to me. he has a larger version of it, but i don`t, and he`s not on.)
[16-20:02] aa7, *Elmster: **he grins a bit**That might a bit much.. Usaly only little high school geeks had been reciently sired... Nothing really else appeals to the tremere anymore... Sadd**He yawns again**
[16-20:02] aa7, *Elmster: ((its just looks differnt to me... meah...
[16-20:02] abf, ºLucien : *stands outside the door of his father's place, his hand is raised, rubbing his mouth nervously... sure, he didn't know him that well... well, not at all really if you want to get technical about it, but he had nowhere else to go. This certainly wasn't anything that he could talk to his mother about. So, finally, he raises his arm and knocks on the door*
[16-20:02] dd2, *Sacha : Oh now you know how I would love to help every member of your clan*mummbles*into final death
[16-20:04] aa7, *Elmster: Every member?**he sits up, arching a brow**
[16-20:04] dd2, *Sacha : (who is Luciens Father?)
[16-20:04] dd2, *Sacha : ofcourse not you*leans in and bites his shoulder*
[16-20:04] abf, ºLucien : ((oh, just some guy))
[16-20:05] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman : *having been dozing on his huge, old, beaten leather couch in the entry room of his well-to-do mansion in Manhattan, which for reference, is 30 minutes south of L.A. He jumps up and makes quick work for the door. Since Lucien paid him that surprise visit, he hasn`t seen him, and keeps hoping he might show back up. And, a he opens the door and smiles. What a nice way to wake up!* Hey kid. Come on in. *he steps aside, holding the door open*
[16-20:05] dd2, *Sacha : (But who I read the profile you never mention his name. I was just curious to as who)
[16-20:05] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman : *having been dozing on his huge, old, beaten leather couch in the entry room of his well-to-do mansion in Manhattan, which for reference, is 30 minutes south of L.A. He jumps up and makes quick work for the door. Since Lucien paid him that surprise visit, he hasn`t seen him, and keeps hoping he might show back up. And, a he opens the door and smiles. What a nice way to wake up!* Hey kid. Come on in. *he steps aside, holding the door open*
[16-20:06] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman : *having been dozing on his huge, old, beaten leather couch in the entry room of his well-to-do mansion in Manhattan, which for reference, is 30 minutes south of L.A. He jumps up and makes quick work for the door. Since Lucien paid him that surprise visit, he hasn`t seen him, and keeps hoping he might show back up. And, a he opens the door and smiles. What a nice way to wake up!* Hey kid. Come on in. *he steps aside, holding the door open*
[16-20:06] eeb, ºLucreccia: (I play the duel parent deal for Lucien.)
[16-20:06] aa7, *Elmster: ((heh.. new puppy just got here... little cutie too))
[16-20:06] dd2, *Sacha : (oh I just wanted to know the Dads name not who played him but coolness)
[16-20:07] abf, ºLucien : (*is totally human, for the record*)
[16-20:07] aa7, *Elmster: **he winces a bit, but with a smile**Thats what I tought**he leans back**You know.. I have been on this earth for a long time... And yet to sire a child...
[16-20:08] dd2, *Sacha : *frowns*Children are to much of a hassle(Oh i dont care I was just curies to the Daddys name lol)
[16-20:08] abf, ºLucien : *but Lucien had lost his nerve and had been turning to walk away when the door opened. He sticks his hands in his pockets and smiles, forced and nervous as he walks in*
[16-20:08] eeb, ºLucreccia: *having a sudden bit of inspiration, and a desire to be away from the bulk of the L.A. crowd, she kicks in -Speed of Thought- she doubles her maximum running speed and bolts off for the Hills, to the sign which has become her sanctuary in this horrid town. She climbs up onto the giant H and sits, legs dangling*
[16-20:09] abf, ºLucien : ((well, Lucien didn't know, so it's not in the profile since I'm a douche bag about updating))
[16-20:09] aa7, *Elmster: Aye... but without being on the conseul, and dissed till other wise noted.. It be nice to have something to do while Your away....**he shrugs a bit**
[16-20:10] 173, ºmoth: *Peers.*
[16-20:10] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[16-20:11] dd2, *Sacha : When have I been away?*tilts her head*There is so many jobs here in L.A. to take.
[16-20:11] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman : What`s up? You look uncomfortable. You want anything to drink? *he shuts the door behind him and reinstigates the alarm system with a few quick pushes of the alarm pad*
[16-20:11] abf, ºLucien : (Mothy! *pounce and huggle, giving lots of cookies because her aunties love her... and they make cookies*)
[16-20:12] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he emerges from the appartment, sighing a bit**She really shouldnt do that**He begins to walks slowly till he isnt seen then side steps into the umbra and remerges behind the H**Luc.. we need to talk...
[16-20:12] abf, ºLucien : *shakes his head. Since the water in this town is disgusting and he's a total snob about drinking anything else... that's a no* I'm fine.
[16-20:13] 173, ºmoth: *Pounced - hugs back and eats cookies.*
[16-20:13] dd2, *Sacha : (Dude he is sucxh a hot Gay guy*dreams of Brian now*)
[16-20:13] aa7, *Elmster: Yeah.. but you go out and all.. and Im left to wander..heh.. nevermind then....
[16-20:14] dd2, *Sacha : *straddles his lap and leans back her hands on the bed*Yes, I do have to work but that doesnt mean you cant go out.
[16-20:14] abf, ºLucien : ((gay guy! where! p.s. my whole family thinks I'm a raging lesbian *chuckles* and I'm not telling them anything to make them think any different)
[16-20:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: Get the fuck off my case. I don`t have anything to say to you. *she`s grumpy; she hasn`t been sleeping, and she can`t even go out without the risk of being assaulted by Visions. She doesn`t bother to explain this to Sergin, because it`s none of his business. Nothing she does is. He`sot her Elder, last she checked; not a Packmate, not a Tribemate. When she`s in a rage like this, nothing signals on her radar* What the hell have I done now, hm?
[16-20:16] aa7, *Elmster: **he laughs a bit, laying his hands by her ass**Me?... Kill for money.. I couldnt... it would be to easy.. I would take the fun outa your killing... Also Im not the most quitest person in the world...
[16-20:17] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: All right, then. *he flops back down onto his couch, watching his son and waiting for him to speak up. It`s clear he came here for something, but he`s not going to push it out of him*
[16-20:18] aa7, *Sergin Blade: You have lifted the veil.. by now.. twice I beleif that I have seen...**he looks up to her**You dont need to get mad... Just.. I warn you.. cause if a counsel member was here... I would feel bad if they had seen you**he leans back against the metal, sighing**
[16-20:20] eeb, ºLucreccia: How. Have. I. Lifted. The. Veil? *her green eyes, now yellow with her barely-contained rage, slant at him. Death rings in her expression, but not for him. He can`t understand or know what`s happening to her* If you`re talking about the man I fucked, he`s a wolf, so back off. If there is any other incident, let me know. Next time you decide to spy on me, and I know about it, or you`re stupid enough to tell me, I`ll kill you. Fuck the Litany. *this is all her Rage talking, of course. She can`t think past it right now*
[16-20:20] abf, ºLucien : *wishes he needed something simple, like money or a place to stay... things that he would have no problem asking this man, since he'd done nothing for him his entire like, but he came here for advice, which is the kind of things you as friends for. The kind of thing he would ask his grandmother for* I... well, I came here to meet you, and I have. I didn't expect my mother to follow along, but she did. I think I should leave *has to pause to gather his thoughts*
[16-20:21] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *his brows raise* I`d like you to stay, of course, but you do whatever you need to for yourself. You need money to get where you want to go?
[16-20:21] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *his brows raise* I`d like you to stay, of course, but you do whatever you need to for yourself. You need money to get where you want to go?
[16-20:21] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *his brows raise* I`d like you to stay, of course, but you do whatever you need to for yourself. You need money to get where you want to go?
[16-20:21] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs**I told you we would accept a metis before an amobination.. I can care less whom you love.. I am acculy happy for you**he smiles, but it quickly fades**lets just say.. slow down to the mortal speed limi while you run.. or atleast go somewhere unseen...
[16-20:22] dd2, *Sacha : *grins*I know you proved that lasy night in bed. But I never meny kill*shrugs*what do you Tremere like to do for fun
[16-20:23] abf, ºLucien : Well *lifts his hand, and itches his head... nervously, not because there is actually an itch. He doesn't know why he's so nervous, it's not like this man were really anybody to him other than the man who got his mother pregnant.* Have you talked to her recently?
[16-20:23] aa7, *Elmster: **he laughs at her comment**yeah.. and well.. What we do is .. uhh....**he shrugs**Basicly anything.. just depends on the moment..**he grins*8Why?.. you got sumthing in mind?
[16-20:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: *her eyes roll back in her head and close as she turns her face to the sky. She quavers inwardly, fighting the urge to shift, fighting the urge to sink her claws, silver and shiney, into his gut* You know what? At that speed, no one saw a god damn thing. Know how I know? Because I`ve done it often enough. You saw me, because you are not human, last I checked. Now. I have a question for you.
[16-20:24] JOIN: Gerald Tarrant-Rothman has entered.
[16-20:25] dd2, *Sacha : I know you like books you could open a book store*shrugs*read. It isnt like I go out alot and when I have a job I get it done quick.*runs a hand down his chest still having the other propped on the bed to support her*
[16-20:25] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he looks up twards her**Ask away.....**he smiles a bit**
[16-20:25] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: Not in about two weeks. I figured she`d left town. *nods to him* What happened? You two argue or something?
[16-20:26] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: Not in about two weeks. I figured she`d left town. *nods to him* What happened? You two argue or something?
[16-20:26] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: Not in about two weeks. I figured she`d left town. *nods to him* What happened? You two argue or something?
[16-20:28] abf, ºLucien : I don't know. A little. The thing is *sits on a chair, not looking at him*... is that I have a reason not to leave.
[16-20:28] eeb, ºLucreccia: When are you going to be done spying on me? How much longer are you assigned to be my fucking watch dog, huh? How long before Morguline shows up and decides to take my head off again because of some information you gave him, huh? *she`s on her feet, and got him grabbed by the lapels of his shirt, or if he`s dressed in his cloak, the shoulders of that. Her teeth are bared, her cainines sharpening in the first signs of impending transformation* I`m Haunted enough, without needing you following me around like a damned ghost.
[16-20:29] aa7, *Elmster: Well.. I have read enough to last me a life time.. and possibly the after life**he smiles**
[16-20:29] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: Found something you like? *he drops his son a wink, chuckling* Then don`t leave. If she stays, which is a rarity for her, she`ll get caught up in Tribe business again, like always. There`s no reason to worry about her butting in to your business all the time.
[16-20:31] dd2, *Sacha : Then what do you wanna do.
[16-20:31] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs**You have to much temper and are to high strung.. If had been telling morg anything.. he would be here.. And I have not been spying on you...**he leans back, obviously not imatated one bit**First.. Live your life how you wish.. I care less.. just obye the rules.. You might think mortals cant see you... but you are wrong..
[16-20:31] abf, ºLucien : I just don't want to be in her way. An this reason... well, I don't think that it's totally mutual. I mean, I know he likes me a... *his eyes get a little wide, then he closes them. He'd meant to kept Garrett a nuetral "reason", so that his father's advice won't be swayed, but... well, he's not used to hiding*
[16-20:33] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *brows raise for a startled moment, before he smiles and laughs again* Hold on. Wait a minute. Did you come here to ask my advice with your boyfriend? And your mom already knows and freaked out. That`s Luc for you. As for your guy, if you`re happy, I`m happy. I`ve had a few myself in my years. Nothing wrong with it.
[16-20:34] aa7, *Elmster: **he shrugs, shifting his hips a bit**Nothing really... I could just sit here all day.. As long as you were here**he smiles**
[16-20:34] abf, ºLucien : *well, that shocks the hell out of him* My mother still slept with you? Did she know you were queer?
[16-20:36] dd2, *Sacha : *purrs and leans into him*Well, we will have to go out sometime.
[16-20:37] eeb, ºLucreccia: They can`t, and I know it, so stop trying to make me think otherwise. And if you don`t care about what I do, then back, the fuck, off. Do you hear me? You pussy of a werewolf, who`ll die before he raises a claw against anyone. You listen to me, and you listen well. You stay away. You stop conveiniently knowing everything I do, since you`re not `spying` on me. And you know what? I`m not high strung. I`m getting Visions that you can never understand, so you get off my case, you got it? If I want to Rage, I`ll Rage, and that`s all there is to it. *she shoves him back, and returns to sitting on the H*
[16-20:39] aa7, *Elmster: **he nods**I guess... Atleast to feed**he grins**
[16-20:39] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: I didn`t even know, that early in the game. We were both really young when you came along. Your mom was only nineteen, and I was twenty-one. I explored after we broke up with each other. *another shrug* And she never bothered to ask, either, since she`s been here. I`m not one to hide, but I don`t go blaring my own trumpet, either.
[16-20:39] dd2, *Sacha : Well, I do enjoy staying where I know Im safe thats why this place is like a fortress. But I also enjoy going out.
[16-20:40] dd2, *Sacha : (damn all the hot ones are gay!)
[16-20:40] abf, ºLucien : She wants me to hide, but I'm not used to it. I embarassed her in front of her boyfriend. She wouldn't say it, but things are pretty obvious with her.
[16-20:41] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he sighs, hanging his head**You are wrong... I have killed... I didnt like it**he looks up to her**Gaia forgives all.. but you.... i am not sure.. you dismiss you race that tries to help... you dismiss another that never did wrong to you...**he shrugs**hopeless.... morg was better tempered than that girl**His last sentence he seems to be talking te someone else**
[16-20:41] aa7, *Elmster: Wel.. than we can go out... The only place I know of is that Mix Bar .. We could.. Expore a bit
[16-20:42] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: That`s your mom. She gets embarrassed easily, but don`t mistake that with shame or judgement. In the end, she only wants what`s best for you, and what`ll keep you alive.
[16-20:42] dd2, *Sacha : *grins*let me get dressed
[16-20:43] abf, ºLucien : So, what should I do? *finally looks at him, just wanting the truth from someone*
[16-20:43] aa7, *Elmster: **he nods*Wel.. I would need to too as**he lifts up the covers, then looks to her smiling**I am still in my brithday suit...
[16-20:44] dd2, *Sacha : *slips off his lap in hers as well she walks over to the closet and starts to flip through hewr clothing*
[16-20:45] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she laughs, just laughs for a long moment* You know what? How many of his own kind did Morguline dismiss, huh? You know it took me over two years before he even started talking to me, two years before any of the shit happened. And how dare you judge me. You only know what you`ve heard. You didn`t live my life; you don`t know why I did what I did. I was like you once. Never wanted to kill, sypathetic to all. It`s what got me where I was. None of my Race has tried to help me. And if you think Gaia has not forgiven me, you`re mistaken. I am still here, am I not? You don`t know me. You don`t. So don`t judge, and don`t assume that whenever I make a mistake, I bleed for my repentance.
[16-20:46] aa7, *Elmster: **he stands, walking over to another closet were his cloths hang, standing for amoment thinking about what to where**
[16-20:48] dd2, *Sacha : *grabs a pair of leather pants blak ofcourse and a red leathert corsett and starts to slip into them*
[16-20:49] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: Don`t bring him over for dinner. *he smiles, but grows serious* Honestly. If she knows, give her awhile, and she`ll get a grasp on it. She really loves you, and doesn`t want you hurt. Even if you`d brought the Virgin Mary home to her, she`d not trust her. Just play it cool. She`ll come to her senses, for your sake. *he nods again, sitting up, his eyes never leaving his son`s*
[16-20:49] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs a bit, looking up at her**You ramble to much.. make you point simple.. and yes.. morg did dismiss.. but he too took in help when offered....You on the other hand are still feeling rougish.. No one is you, know one knows yous...**he nods**As I do not.. And I havent judge by what I heard... I only state what I see and offer help.. You take it or not.. its your chioce.. I am only here to help you**he shrugs**
[16-20:50] aa7, *Elmster: **He nods a bit, placing on a black Fish net long sleeve with a pair of leather pants as well. Might as well match a bit he figures**
[16-20:51] abf, ºLucien : I don't care about her acceptance, I mean, it would be nice, but I don't need it. But, I don't want to be in her way. I don't want the people that follow her to think less of her, besides, it's not like we're in love or anything. Do you think I should just go home?
[16-20:52] JOIN: Zaron has entered.
[16-20:52] eeb, ºLucreccia: Help me with what? *she glares at him, but some of the fire of her Rage has settled. Which, depending on if he knows her Tribal name, would register with him as a very bad sign. She should never grow quiet* You judge me by saying I dismiss and that I am not forgivable by Great Mother, but putting that aside, what help can you offer me? I know I was about to make a bad decision, but it`s fixed now. In fact, at some point, I plan to rid the planet of the source of Taint that corrupted me before. Is that agreeable to you?
[16-20:54] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he shrugs**Do what must be done as you see fit... My help is only to cure that**he points to her eyes**that rage you have built up as a barrier to others... Get over that.. and you might yet become wise**he returns his hand to his side**
[16-20:54] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: No, stay here. Like I said, she`ll be reabsorbed into her world soon enough, if she isn`t already. She won`t forget, trust me, but it`ll give her the time she needs to mull over this lastest bit she`s found out about you. Do you know what I mean? The more she can chew it over, the more she understands and recognizes reason. And no one follows your mother. She`s a Strider, they`re loners.
[16-20:57] dd2, *Sacha : *smiles and walks over rubbing against him*You want me to drive or you wanna fly?
[16-20:57] eeb, ºLucreccia: You know what? At least I don`t deny the Beast, and shun the gift that Gaia gave me. It is no barrier to others. It`s usually under control. You don`t know why it`s flaring now, do you? Have you bothered to ask? No. You assume this is how I always am. It`s not. As for wisdom ... I`m here to kill, to survive and kill. And what my wisdom is, may not be what you think it should be. Oh, well.
[16-20:57] abf, ºLucien : Oh. *obviously knows as little about his mother as she does about him* Well, there's something else.
[16-20:58] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *motions him to continue* All right. What is it?
[16-20:58] aa7, *Elmster: Drive... it would be a bit easier**he smiles, grabbing her ass**
[16-20:59] dd2, *Sacha : *purrs and walks from the bedroom getting in the car but setting the alarm once they are both out of the house*
[16-20:59] abf, ºLucien : The uh... my friend, is a garou, too. She gets... well, do you think she'll do anything to him? He's pretty scared of her.
[16-21:00] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs**You think I shun that gift?... nay.. But I only embrace it when needed... You... having it now.. in homid is a bit much....**he smiles**And no.. I havent asked.. then again.. when I ask.. you never tell...
[16-21:01] aa7, *Elmster: **he slips into the car, leaning back in the chair, waiting on sacha**((Hey.. I just found G-Funk in another room...))
[16-21:01] 5fb, *Zaron : * Sits on his bed in the motel room he's renting. He looks at the door, thinking, contemplating going out. It's been over a week since he's arrived in LA and he's only really met one person. Mentally sighing, he stands up, grabs his gun and puts it in his holster and then looks at his sword.* Should I bring it......?
[16-21:02] dd2, *Sacha : *opens the garage door and pulls out closing it and speads off towards the bar. If Zaron looked in the phone book a listing under their Sire Mother's name would be found since Sacha is using it for the house she just bought.*
[16-21:03] dd2, *Sacha : *pulls up at before the dawn and slips out setting the alarm*
[16-21:04] aa7, *Elmster: **he smiles a bit**its nice not to need to walk or fly everywhere now...
[16-21:04] aa7, *Elmster: **he slips out as well, waiting for Sacha by the door, holding it open for her**
[16-21:04] 5fb, *Zaron : * He then looks at the coin in his hand, the one with a crown engraved on one end and arabic writting on the other.* And what does this mean? I've been trying to figure it out for as long as I can remember, but I still haven't got a clue.
[16-21:05] dd2, *Sacha : mmm yes I love my babies
[16-21:06] eeb, ºLucreccia: Pardon me if I don`t trust you, but you should just stop assuming completely. It`s a bad habit. Sort of like smoking. And you know what? If I was really embracing my Rage, I`d be Frenzied, and you`d be dead. So. Don`t tell me expressing it too strongly in my Homid form is a bit much. It`s fine, because it`s under control. Now. Is there any other critizism, judgement, or assumption you`d like to talk about or are you done? *she hasn`t looked at him since sitting back down*
[16-21:07] aa7, *Elmster: **he laughs a bit**I guess so**he slaps her ass as he walks by and he fallows her into the bar**
[16-21:07] 5fb, *Zaron : * Mentally sighs again, grabs his sword, grabs his concealed weapons permit and the permit allowing him to have the sword. He puts the permits in his pocket, and slides his sword into it's spot inside his trench coat. He looks at the door once more, then the coin one more time, and then walks out the door.*
[16-21:08] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: He`s Garou? *his brows raise* Well ... he should be a little afraid. Being a gay wolf isn`t really favored; it`s like being born Metis ... which is being born of two Garou parents. It`s shunned and looked down on. At any rate, you can be sure that she won`t do anything so long as the two of you are together. No promises she won`t maul him a lesson or two if you break it off.
[16-21:09] dd2, *Sacha : *walks into the bar going right for the bar she lays down a 50 and orders a 2 shot glasses and a bottle of tequila*
[16-21:10] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs**I never came here for any of that.. Only to ask you to slow it down a bit... You started with the threats...**he looks up twards her**And I know you dont trust me... but that is fine.. you have no reason to.. atleast yet... **he sighs**If you need an ear... just ask...and I wont watch you anymore.. I will be in the woods...**he begins to walk away.**
[16-21:10] abf, ºLucien : We're just fucking. We're not engaged. *rolls his eyes. He puts on a hell of a show, mostly because he has to for himself* I just wish she hadn't come. I didn't think she would. She hates cities. Now, I've messed everything up for the both of them.
[16-21:11] 5fb, *Zaron : * He locks his door and walks off the motel property. He walks down the street, looking down at the ground. While walking, he spots a flyer. He kneels down, picks it up, and reads it.*
[16-21:12] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she hates people like this. Melodramatic punks who have to say something like that and walk away, just to make her feel bad. Well, it still works. Fuckers. She stands and dusts her pants off* Let me buy you a drink. You have been nothing short of a saint in dealing with my outrages, it`s the least I can do.
[16-21:12] aa7, *Elmster: **he archs a brow, then walks over twards a table for them, sitting. He hasnt realy drank. In a Long time**
[16-21:13] 5fb, *Zaron : * He stands back up and walks towards the address of the bar on the flyer.*
[16-21:13] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: No you haven`t. And she didn`t come for you, you know. She didn`t even think you`d look at the address you wrote down. She came to see me. Just me. So you haven`t ruined everything. She saw me, and I haven`t seen her since. And don`t expect to. I don`t suspect she`ll be here too much longer.
[16-21:14] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he stops, turning arround**I dont drink.. atleast Acholoh.... Kinda Clouds the mind and makes people do stupid things.. But I could use a bite to eat...
[16-21:14] abf, ºLucien : Really? *didn't think they'd had any contact* Does she see you often?
[16-21:15] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[16-21:15] 5fb, *Zaron : * Opens the door to the bar and walks in. He takes a look around before walking up to the bar. He sits down on a stool and orders a Guiness.*
[16-21:15] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: We`ve been meeting off and on the past couple of decades, since you were born. This visit was the first in ... three years.
[16-21:16] dd2, *Sacha : *grabs the shot glasses and the bottle and moves thruogh the bar towards the table moving like a shadow on the crowded floor*
[16-21:17] eeb, ºLucreccia : Then come on. There`s a bar close to hear that has good chow at good prices. *she hooks a thumb back towards the city* To save time, I`m just going to sidestep there. *and with that, she`s gone, and reappears out front of the BtD*
[16-21:17] aa7, *Elmster : **he smiles, sliging over a bit**You know.. I havent drinkin in a long time...
[16-21:17] abf, ºLucien : I don't hate her, you know... I think she thinks I do, but I don't. I mean, I left Italy because I wanted to be sure that I got to see her this year. *he doesn't know where that came from, but he had to tell someone*
[16-21:18] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he sighs, sidesteping and reapering in a back ally, walking twards her**Ahh... so what do they have**looking up at the sign**
[16-21:19] 5fb, *Zaron : * Blinks as they tell him they don't have Guiness. Mutters to himself and orders himself a shot of Jager. In the brief moment he waits for his drink, he looks around the bar again. He sees the woman moving through the crowd like a shadow. He raises an eyebrow as he hasn't seen many whom can do that. Turns around, looks at the bar tender, and hands him a ten.* Keep the change...consider it your tip.
[16-21:19] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *he eyes her* Are you saying she missed you last year? That`s really unusual for her. She`s told Elders to fuck off so she could be there for your birthdays, at least. She got in a lot of trouble doing that, but she was always in trouble. And she knows you left to see her, and I bet you`ll never know how much that meant to her.
[16-21:20] dd2, *Sacha : *pours him a shot and moves into the booth rubbing against him as she does*well then it is to long
[16-21:21] aa7, *Elmster : **he grins, downing the shoot quick. A shake of his head as he sets the glass back down**ohy.. I shoulda been praticen...
[16-21:22] 5fb, *Zaron : * Takes his shot and downs it. He places the shot glass on the bar top and taps it, asking for another. Looks at the bar tender.* I'm sure ya know the drill. * Looks back at the crowd, watching them all...eyes darting from person to person to person.*
[16-21:24] abf, ºLucien : Did you love her? *it's the first time he's actually seemed interested, not just making conversation with a stranger*
[16-21:24] dd2, *Sacha : aww do you need something softer?*downs her shot and pours two more*I can go get something
[16-21:24] eeb, ºLucreccia : Anything and everything. Harmonia runs a first-rate place here. *she makes her way inside, and instnatly she knows Elmster and Sacha are there; more than one gift for that, but the player is too tired to care at this point. She makes her way for the bar, not bothering to acknowledge the Wyrm-spawn and his recently-aquired whore. Funny, how he accused her of moving on so quickly. Sliding onto a stool, she waves the tender down and orders a glass of milk*
[16-21:25] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks back at the bar tender, then looks past the bar tender. Is really happy that there is not a mirror there. Grabs his shot and then downs it again.* Better get me a bottle....cause I've got a feeling it's gonna be one of those nights. I'll pay for each shot before I leave.
[16-21:26] aa7, *Sergin Blade: **he siles, notding a bit as he fallows, he wipes his nose, having a dislike for the sent of vampires, and there are to many hear**Quite busy**he sits next to her, ordering a glass of water**
[16-21:26] eeb, ºGerald Tarrant-Rothman: *he relaxes back into the couch, hoping the kid has bothered to take a seat somewhere* Yeah. Still do. There`s something about that woman that is incorragably good. She tries her hardest to do the right thing, but she`s soft-hearted and gets sucked into the worst situations all the time. I love that she keeps trying, no matter what. She`s a great person, once you strip off all of the Garou bullshit.
[16-21:27] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at the woman who just came up to the bar and sat a few stools down from her. He nods at her before taking his bottle of jager and pouring himself another shot.*
[16-21:27] aa7, *Elmster : **he shakes his head, downing the next**better to not beat about the bush**he smiles a bit twards her**
[16-21:28] abf, ºLucien : *had plopped into a chair a while back* what's it like to love one of them?
[16-21:28] dd2, *Sacha : *grins and slips out moves back to the bar lays down another 50*your bottle of Jack please.*turns to look around*
[16-21:29] 5fb, *Zaron : * Pays the bar tender for each shot inside the bottle he just got, plus for the other shot he had before that. Looks at the woman on his other side whom just ordered a bottle of Jack. He looks her over a bit, studying her. He remembers the way she just moved through the crowd. He grabs his shot and downs it.*
[16-21:30] aa7, *Elmster : **he grins, watching her. he knows Luc is there, but he can care less about her. His eyes never leave Sacha**
[16-21:31] eeb, ºLucreccia : (I have to go to bed, and my carpal tunnel is flaring, so I need kill my games. Lord knows how having a character vanish can take seven posts when people are stubborn. Night!)
[16-21:31] 5fb, *Zaron : ((Night))
[16-21:31] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 7:31pm, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-21:31] EXIT: Gerald Tarrant-Rothman has left the chat ( 7:26pm, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-21:31] aa7, *Sergin Blade: ((night**withdraws Sergin as no more need))
[16-21:32] abf, ºLucien : (night, babe)
[16-21:32] 8a3, *Kitty: *Hmms around and lurkies*
[16-21:32] dd2, *Sacha : *grabs the bottle and looks over her shoulder at Zaron then turns as a phone rings she answers her cell and can tell it is a clan elder she speaks a code word her clan only knows and listens*
[16-21:34] aa7, *Elmster : **his eyes turn twards Zaron, Looking over his Aura a bit. He has lost one girl to a man here, and he doesnt intend on losing another.**
[16-21:35] 5fb, *Zaron : * He pulls out his coin and looks at it once again. He flips it between his knuckles, almost obsessed by it. Even though he feels completely sobber, he's learned that anyone who drinks three shots of jager back to back is gonna act a bit odd. As Elmster looks at his aura, he can see that Zaron is definiately kindred.*
[16-21:35] 5fb, *Zaron : ((brb))
[16-21:36] aa7, *Elmster : **he laughs to himself, leaning back. He posses no threat. He waits for sacha to return**
[16-21:37] dd2, *Sacha : *grabs the bottle and moves back threw the crowed like a shadow slipping into the booth as she hangs up*
[16-21:38] aa7, *Elmster : Someone Important?**he guestures twards her phone**
[16-21:39] dd2, *Sacha : nah, just a clan member
[16-21:40] aa7, *Elmster : ahhh**he nods a bit, leaning back**I see... and what about him**he looks twards Zaron**He seemed to be checking you out up there....
[16-21:41] dd2, *Sacha : *looks over her shoulder*I dunno but there is something fimilur about him
[16-21:43] aa7, *Elmster : ((hey.. I gotto go... pupy trouble... night))
[16-21:45] EXIT: Sacha has left the chat ( 7:41pm, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-21:45] JOIN: Sacha has entered.
[16-21:46] dd2, *Sacha: (*waits around*)
[16-21:48] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn: (*test*)
[16-21:54] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *Having arrived just a few days ago from Seattle she was still getting aclimated to her surroundings as this was not the drizzly town she'd spent her whole 22 years in. Right then she was wearing a loose blue long sleeved shirt and matching but tattered looking blue jeans, her blonde hair was down and her blue eyes shone as she walked down town L.A.*
[16-21:56] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *walks away from the Burning Bush, stuffing his paycheck into his pocket, headed for the ATM for a deposit... since banks are never open on his hours*
[16-21:59] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *As she wandered down the way she past various interesting people, and of course the very pale people that she considered 'over-the-line' goths.*
[16-21:59] EXIT: Sacha has left the chat ( 7:46pm, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-21:59] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[16-21:59] a25, *Cookie Monster: *slips in* Hey all!
[16-22:00] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (*waves to cookie boy and bites him*)
[16-22:01] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *but then there he is. Extrodinarily beautiful without the make up and velvet, strolling casually by her, but he stops, giving her a strange look. She looks like... no, it's not her, so he keeps walking* (hey, cookie pie!)
[16-22:03] a25, *Cookie Monster: ^_^ Shall I have one of my chars on the street to chill with yours?
[16-22:04] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : (*nod nod* uh huh)
[16-22:04] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *And she'd openly looked at him, not whoring after but admiring. And when he'd stopped she'd held her breath, her blue eyes bright, and showing great knowledge for her age. She even turned turned herself to look at him as he walked on, a strand of her hair falling in her eyes*
[16-22:07] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *he feels the eyes and turns back around, figuring he'd offended her* I apologize, miss. You look like someone else.
[16-22:08] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : Oh..* she blushes, she reminded him of someone else, it wasn't just her he was looking at, he was just making sure... she looks just a little dissapointed, but she smiles to him politely.*
[16-22:10] a25, *Damali Aloula : *poor Cinderella like Damali. Working for her Uncle or sister, she still has to do the shit chores. Right now she's walking back to the Bush with a couple of bags of groceries in her arms*
[16-22:11] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *he smiles when he sees Damali* Hey, princess. Let me get one of those for you.
[16-22:13] a25, *Damali Aloula : *Damali looks up from between her bags and is pleasantly surprised that the person saying it is Gavin rather than a mugger* Oh... thank you... you don't realy need to. *Damali's vision is obscured from seeing Grace as yet*
[16-22:14] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (gah.. brb)
[16-22:14] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *but he takes both bags, walking back* Hey, look at that girl up there. doesn't she look like Bunny? *one of the girls at the club*
[16-22:16] 5fb, *Zaron : ((back))
[16-22:17] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (okay backy) *She starts to turn, hearing them talk she wants to stop, but shes sometimes sshy and this is one of those times*
[16-22:18] a25, *Damali Aloula : *Damali blinks and looks the girl over* No... bunny's nose is bigger... and Bunny's boobs don't look so real.
[16-22:19] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : Well... true, but at a glace... *shifts one bag, then walks along*
[16-22:20] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *And she sighs walking along, talking a pack of smokes out of her back pocket and getting one out, then lighting it with the matches shes all ways carrying around*
[16-22:21] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *nudges Damali* Ask her for a smoke.
[16-22:23] a25, *Damali Aloula : I... realy can carry at least one of those bags... *she shuts up on that line of discussion as her back tells her "stfu biotch". As a favor to Gavin, since he's taking care of her groceries she moevs up by Grace* Um... would you mind giving me a cigarette?
[16-22:25] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *Her true sky blue eyes flash to Damali, and her lips curl into a friendly smile, as she takes her own smoke from her lips, then passes her salem pack to the woman.* sure.* she says, voice gentle*
[16-22:26] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *finally catches up to them, he smiles and continues to the club to give Jihan her groceries*
[16-22:29] a25, *Damali Aloula : *Damali pulls one out and turns to look at Gavin to give him his cig, but finds herself standing awkwardly as he continues back to the club* Uh... *she looks back to Grace* Thank you... she puts the smoke in her pocket where it will likely get crushed and hands the pack back*
[16-22:30] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *but it doesn't take him much time to get back, since he'd practically ran out when Jihan tried to get him to go "shopping" for other things for the club*
[16-22:31] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She looks some confused but takes the pack and smiles..* welcome..* she answers, taking a drag and finding people maybe a little odd here*
[16-22:32] a25, *Damali Aloula : You're uh... very pretty.
[16-22:32] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *he stands by Damali, holding his hand out for the cigarette, but he's looking at Grace... God, he knows her from somewhere?*
[16-22:34] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She looks from Damali to Gavin, her eyes linger, my does she like him, but the womans complement makes a little tinge move across her cheeks* thanks...
[16-22:35] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : you weren't... going there, were you? *nods past her towards the club*
[16-22:36] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She shakes her head rapidly as she looks to where he points, she'd die if she went there, shes not exactly adventurous really.*
[16-22:38] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : oh *looks at Damali and shrugs, having that "they do exist" look on his face*
[16-22:41] a25, *Damali Aloula : *oh! Remembers GAvin's cig and pulls out a slightly flattened one from her pants and gives it to him*
[16-22:42] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *And now shes just confused, cute confused and blinking, she smokes on*
[16-22:43] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : I'm Gavin... this is Damali *said as he takes the cigarette* Her sister owns it, I throw people out of it... I was going to talk you out of working in it if you were planning to?
[16-22:44] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She nods to the girl and looks at him.* I'm Grace, and no..... I've no plans on working there... *she looks slightly amused now, holding out the matches for him if he'd like them*
[16-22:45] a25, *Damali Aloula : *looks to Gavin, a little shocked* Its not THAT bad...
[16-22:46] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *and he does, since he's not a habitual smoker, once it's lit, he looks at Damali* It is for some people.
[16-22:47] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She raises a brow..* I'd be the some people probably..* she comments, taking a drag of her sig, and flicking the ash*
[16-22:49] a25, *Damali Aloula : Jihan's mean, but she runs it like Cecile... and Cecile was one of the nicest people I've ever danced for.
[16-22:51] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : the life just isn't for some people *he'd like to get off the subject before she starts to think they're predators. He passes the cigarette to Damali, sharing* So, what do you do, Grace?
[16-22:53] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : I'm a wildlife rehabist.. *she answers, watching every move they make, and finally getting that strand of blond hair out of her sparkling eyes*
[16-22:55] a25, *Damali Aloula : *Damali takes it... and holds it a few seconds before handing it back*
[16-22:56] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *takes it back, he never can remember who smokes and who doesn't* Well, you're either in the right place, or way off.
[16-22:58] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She watches Damali, finding her the oddest of the too, then looks back to him.* True... I'm currently in limbo because of people messing up things back in Seattle.. *she answers*
[16-23:00] a25, *Damali Aloula : Limbo?
[16-23:01] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : *stays quiet, curious*
[16-23:02] 39f, ºGavin Livingston : (gtg gon on without me)
[16-23:03] a25, *Damali Aloula : ((but you bring all the light and happyness to the chat!))
[16-23:03] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : an intermediate or transitional place or state of action... *she answers, a little amused.. * I'm waiting for them to sort out things when I worked there..
[16-23:05] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (heh shes gone.. bleh)
[16-23:06] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (and what.. I don't bring light?!)
[16-23:06] a25, *Damali Aloula : Oh. Sorry... my english is still sptty.
[16-23:06] a25, *Damali Aloula : ((You bring that cool gothic darkness. ;))
[16-23:07] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (oh thank you...) *she nods. *Arab? *she just guesses by Damalis looks*
[16-23:09] a25, *Damali Aloula : Yes. *looks mildly surprised* Most white people think I'm Mexican.
[16-23:11] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : thats because most people are idiots..* she states, flicking her ash some..*
[16-23:15] a25, *Damali Aloula : *isn't quite sure what to say to that* Some are okay...
[16-23:16] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : Yes.. but you have to root around for the good ones... *she takes her last puff and throws the butt away, smiling at Damali*
[16-23:18] a25, *Damali Aloula : You don't like most people, do you?
[16-23:22] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : I'm weary *she shrugs* thats why I work with animals.. you get a bite, you don't worry about it...
[16-23:24] a25, *Damali Aloula : Animals aren't much smarter than humans...
[16-23:26] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : I bed to difer on that..* she answers..* they are so much closer to the earth, and they know right from wrong.... but more importantly, they don't abandon values like people seem to do..* she was surprised at her self... she was almost going on a litany..*
[16-23:28] a25, *Damali Aloula : I don't think anything is close to the earth... and I don't think people abandon values because they don't start with any.
[16-23:29] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : Well, thats your views and what I just said are mine, probably neither of us are right.. * she shrugs.*
[16-23:31] a25, *Damali Aloula : Uh... would you like to get something to eat?
[16-23:33] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *she shrugs again, but she smiles, she'd not eaten and that'd be good.* sure..
[16-23:34] a25, *Damali Aloula : What food do you like? I can't realy afford all that much.
[16-23:36] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : I'll pay..* she answers, and she shrugs* you pick
[16-23:40] a25, *Damali Aloula : *ah crap. Somebody else paying for Damali is gonna mean she's going to go for the least expensive place available* Uhm... there's a mexican place called La Familia a few blocks off thats nice... *by nice she means roaches scamper out from inside the kitchen doors only one time out of every five*
[16-23:44] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *She frowns slightly* well.... how about Monte Alebon (sp)? its pretty good too
[16-23:45] a25, *Damali Aloula : Um... okay. What kind of place is it?
[16-23:49] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : regular .... mexican.. *she answers and motions starting to walk*
[16-23:51] a25, *Damali Aloula : *Damali follows faithfully* What sort of animals do you work with?
[16-23:53] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : demends on where I work..* she answers.* since its wildlife all sorts... raccoons, wild cats, eagles, ducks, deer, you name it
[16-23:56] a25, *Damali Aloula : Oh. My lover takes car of stray cats.
[16-23:59] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : *lover? lover? she hoped male..* Oh really? *she asks as they walk*
[17-00:00] a25, *Damali Aloula : Uh huh... twelve if I remember right.
[17-00:01] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : wow... thats some lucky strays then..* she answers, glancing to Damali*
[17-00:03] 8a3, *Grace Bradburn : (pause)
[17-00:04] EXIT: Damali Aloula has left the chat ( 10:00pm, December 16 (CST) ).
[17-00:07] 8a3, *Kitty: *twiddles around.... alone.....*
[17-00:38] 8a3, *Kitty: *will be here for a while, so she curls up and waits for perhaps someone to pop in*
[17-02:15] 8a3, *Kitty: 8sings the song of the lonely*
[17-02:48] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-07:22] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[17-07:22] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 5:22am, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-07:22] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
Chat cleared by Lucreccia.
[17-14:21] JOIN: Zaron has entered.
[17-14:38] 5fb, *Zaron : ((*Lurks*))
[17-14:48] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-14:48] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:48pm, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-16:34] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[17-16:35] 29e, *Kitty: *meanders around in OOCness*
[17-16:35] 5fb, *Zaron : ((Hello))
[17-16:39] 29e, *Kitty: Hallo
[17-16:39] 5fb, *Zaron : How long you been lurking in here?
[17-16:40] 29e, *Kitty: just now *points to Irene Lox enter name... switched from that character to ooc name*
[17-16:40] 5fb, *Zaron : Aaaaaah
[17-16:41] 29e, *Kitty: *nod nod*
[17-16:43] 29e, *Kitty: wanna play?
[17-16:43] 5fb, *Zaron: Sure
[17-16:44] 5fb, *Zaron : * Sits on a stool in front of the bar, a shot of Jager infront of him. He watches over the crowd of people casually.*
[17-16:46] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *Walks into the BtD, bored, like always. She moves to the bar, getting a double vodka martini. crossing her long legs as she sits on the barstool, dressed in black jeans and a white button shirt unbuttoned a few to show cleavage*
[17-16:48] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks over his shoulder at the woman who just walked in. He grabs his shot, downs it, taps on it for the bar tender to refill it, and nods to her....all in one fluid motion.*
[17-16:49] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She'd glanced at him with onyx black eyes, giving a little closed mouth smile form her pale full lips and nodding herself*
[17-16:50] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (*curses fast fingers and spelling demon*)
[17-16:51] 5fb, *Zaron : * He pays the bar tender as soon as his shot is poured. He then pulls out a silver coin. Slowly flips it between his knuckles as he looks over the woman one more time then looking down into his drink.*
[17-16:53] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She takes her martini and sips it, playing the olive against her gold tongue ring, seeing the flash of the silver out of the corner of her eye*
[17-16:55] 5fb, *Zaron : * He looks between the coin and the drink. Not in the slightest bit drunk, but wanting to keep up appearences for the bar tender, he acts as if though he were a bit tipsy.*
[17-16:57] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She finished her drink, and got another. Silently gesturing for it. She'd only spoken for the drink the first time, she didn't need to do it again, her hair fell behind her, in a long braid that went to the middle of the barstool in length*
[17-17:01] 5fb, *Zaron : * He takes his drink and down the shot again. He leans back this time, grabbing onto the bar top as he does so. All well rehearsed many times before in countless bars in just as many cities. He pulls himself forward a bit and looks at the bar tender.* Get me....a long island iced tea. * He looks back at the woman and smiles politely. He then looks away from her and the bar tender and lets his facial expressions return to normal. He pulls out a cigarette from his breast pocket, along with his zippo, and lights the zippo. As he lights it, he barely flinches. He then lights his cigarette, closes the zippo, and puts it back in his breast pocket.*
[17-17:03] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[17-17:05] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She'd watched him out of the corner of her eye, it was interesting to see his acting skills. She'd long since discarded them, after all whats the point anymore, half the time people didn't pay attention*
[17-17:09] 5fb, *Zaron : * He looks back at the bar tender, his expression still tipsy. He turns back towards the crowd and takes out a silver flask. He quickly opens it, takes a swig out of it so fast that a human would wonder weather or not it really happened, closes it, and puts it back in the inside pocket of his jacket. He looks back at the tender and pays him for his drink.*
[17-17:11] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *she'd long since finished the second martini, getting another with a sigh, and maybe a controlled yawn*
[17-17:11] 5fb, *Zaron : * As he pays the tender with one arm, he whipes his mouth with the other.*
[17-17:12] 5fb, *Zaron : * He looks back at the woman.* Evening
[17-17:13] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *Shes caught mid yawn and she laughs slightly, then smiles.* Eve..* she says, taking her third drink and sipping*
[17-17:17] 5fb, *Zaron : * He takes his drink and sips it slightly. He no longer hits on women, as he doesn't know how long he will be staying in any one city.*
[17-17:18] 5fb, *Zaron : What's a lovely lady such as yourself drinking by yourself?
[17-17:20] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She turns her head totally towards him, smirking slightly.* I don't know... no one would go prowling with me?
[17-17:20] 5fb, *Zaron : * Raises an eyebrow.* Prowling?
[17-17:22] JOIN: Drake Maia has entered.
[17-17:22] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *she breaks out into a grin, just barely any white of the teeth..* or bar hopping, which ever you call it.* she says, and finishes her drink*
[17-17:22] eeb, Drake Maia: ((boo))
[17-17:22] JOIN: Amadeus Puck has entered.
[17-17:23] eeb, Drake Maia: ((*sings oh canada*))
[17-17:23] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((OOhhh Canada!))
[17-17:23] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: (*twacks colour* ohh Canada!))
[17-17:24] 5fb, *Zaron : * Smirks.* I see
[17-17:25] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (*kitty gives you a good thwack*) Well, what about you? *she raises a brow as she asks for another drink..* you alone or waiting for someone /mon chere/ ?
[17-17:26] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((Owa! *if that thwack was meant for me* I'm sorry :( computer failure))
[17-17:26] 5fb, *Zaron : in town actually.
[17-17:26] eeb, Drake Maia: * comes out of the umbra ..his hair now pure white like the winters of northern ontario where he was born....with a stern look he looks to his sides with his nose up in the air trying to get a sense of eny one other then human in teh near area....he adjusts his raged out leather jacket and heads for the streets*
[17-17:27] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (*nods*) ahh.. *she nods... and plays at her new glass* you like?
[17-17:28] 5fb, *Zaron : The city, or you?
[17-17:28] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She smirks* well, put it that way, both
[17-17:29] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*rubs head* owa...))
[17-17:29] 5fb, *Zaron : The city I only know where this bar is, where the train station is, and where my motel is. I like so far.
[17-17:30] 5fb, *Zaron : How about you? How long ya been in this city and do you like?
[17-17:30] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (*snicker*)
[17-17:31] eeb, Drake Maia: * he lumbers his way through the streets...hes got a meen look on his face ...but thats related to passed issues ...when you where a face for so long it kinda sticks with you *
[17-17:31] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : I've been a couple of weeks, though I don't know much, about like you.... and yes.. so far I like.. *she plays with her martinis olive, like the last ones, she doesn't eat it, she just plays, gold pierced tongue flashing occasionally*
[17-17:34] 5fb, *Zaron : * Nods and drinks his drink in one gulp. He notices the gold pierced tongue flash. Looks at the bar tender and motions for another drink. He looks back at Saven.* Oh, where are my manners? The name's Zaron....* Extends a gloved hand.*
[17-17:36] eeb, Drake Maia: * he reaches a bench and decides to sit ...leans back arms back and closes his eyes*
[17-17:36] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She pauses a moment and takes his hand, her own long fingered and pale.* Saven... *she nods slightly*
[17-17:38] 5fb, *Zaron : * He leans over as if to kiss her hand and stops a few inches away from it. She can feel the coldness from his face. He pulls back and looks at her.* Sorry, old habits die hard.
[17-17:39] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : *She just shrugs* its good at least some people still have them.. *she answers, her accent is cajun, long has she forgotten her cherokee tongue.* What brings you here?
[17-17:40] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (* er... what brings you here - to this city^)
[17-17:41] 5fb, *Zaron : I got tired of being in Phenoix and figured since I've never been to LA, might as well come here.
[17-17:41] 5fb, *Zaron : What brings you to this city?
[17-17:42] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : Wanted a change *she answered*
[17-17:42] 5fb, *Zaron : * Nods.* I see
[17-17:44] 5fb, *Zaron : So it seems we're both here cause we got fed up with where we were before.
[17-17:45] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : yes, so it seems... life gets boring after a while, when you spend such a long time in one place its.. insanity prevoking
[17-17:46] 5fb, *Zaron : I've never had that problem. I myself keep moving to keep that from actually really.
[17-17:46] 29e, *Saven Rahyn : (damnit, gotta go for now.. might be on 9 or 10 CT)
[17-17:46] 5fb, *Zaron : ((KK))
[17-17:46] 5fb, *Zaron : ((*Returns to lurking for now then.*))
[17-17:50] JOIN: Drake Maia has entered.
[17-17:52] 5fb, *Zaron : (( Screw it.)) * He looks back at his drink and looks down into it. As he looks into it's depths, he ponders to himself the same questions he's been asking himself for years now once again.*
[17-18:02] eeb, Drake Maia: * his eyes open after a while fo listnening to gaia`s words....he looks about and stands ...walks again*
[17-18:16] 5fb, *Zaron : * He down his drink and sighs.*
[17-18:18] eeb, Drake Maia: * he pics up a few smells here and there * he slips into the umbra ....... a while later ..he steps out into the bar ...making it look like hes been standing in that corner all this time....arms crossed and leaning back against the wall*
[17-18:21] 5fb, *Zaron : * He turns around and looks at the crowd. He stands up and stumbles in the direction of the bathroom. He thinks to himself " Gotta get this god awful stuff out of me anyways before it does any damage. Might as well act it".*
[17-18:24] eeb, Drake Maia: ((what is zaron))
[17-18:25] 5fb, *Zaron : ((He is Kindred))
[17-18:27] eeb, Drake Maia: * he follows calmly *
[17-18:28] 5fb, *Zaron : * He stumbles into the bathroom and into a stall. As he stumbles into the stall, he closes the door behind him and locks it. As soon as it's locked, he regains his composior, bends over so that his head hangs above the toliet, and pukes.*
[17-18:30] eeb, Drake Maia: he walks in ...slowly walks towards the stalls but stops at the sinks...runs the water and splashes his face ...dries then looks in the mirror ...his one eye looks at the stals and smirks a bit*
[17-18:32] 5fb, *Zaron : * He hears someone else in the bathroom. He knows that he has no reflection. He continues to puke, so that he gets all the alcohol out of the pit that used to be his stomach, but also so that he doesn't have to go out of the stall.
[17-18:32] 5fb, *Zaron : *
[17-18:33] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *walks into the Before the Dawn Bar, stretching light, having had a good night the night before... wondering if that is equally so tonight*
[17-18:33] eeb, Drake Maia: to much to drink there....friend
[17-18:34] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *raises a hand in a bit of a wave and orders a caesar before going to sit down at the booth*
[17-18:34] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((test))
[17-18:35] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((test))
[17-18:35] 5fb, *Zaron : Yeah....ah uess. In't able to hold my liqor ike ah usd to.
[17-18:36] eeb, Drake Maia: mabey you should stop ...drinking...entirely
[17-18:36] 5fb, *Zaron : Aybe.
[17-18:37] 5fb, *Zaron : * Pukes again. Always hated this part of the act.*
[17-18:38] eeb, Drake Maia: * he truns around to face the stall takes one last look at him *how sad to bad it dont cover your stench ....* walks out as he walked in heading towards a booth*
[17-18:40] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *smiles, humming to herself and drumming her fingers on the table. Had been in need of that... feels she needs more of it**sighs and smiles up at the server as they set her drink down in front of her*
[17-18:41] 5fb, *Zaron : * As soon as he hears the door close he stands. He whipes his mouth and then pulls out his silver flask. He opens it and takes a nice, big swig of the blood he has in there.* What stench is he talking about? I took a shower this evening when I woke up. * Takes another swig, whipes his mouth, closes the flask and puts it away. He flushes the toliet, opens the stall door, and walks out of the bathroom. As soon as he walks out of the bathroom, he stumbles over to the bar and sits down on another stool. Looks at the bar tender.* Some cranerry juice please.
[17-18:42] eeb, Drake Maia: * he sits ..and leans back ...the light hits his face jsut good enought to show the huge scar that runs across it a waiter comes around and he nods ..shortly after the waiter comes back with a beer he takes it pays the man and drinks*
[17-18:43] 5fb, *Zaron : * He pays the bar tender as he brings him his cranberry juice. He sips it slowly, the look on his face of someone who is drunk.*
[17-18:45] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *is human, she probably smells of it under her lovely white musk perfume**she smiles. sipping at her drink, looking around the room, on the prowl*
[17-18:46] eeb, Drake Maia: *he looks kinda sinister with the scar and the pure white hair ..siting there looking blankly into one does after being ravaged by a very long and traumatic war *
[17-18:46] 5fb, *Zaron : * He turns away from the bar tender and his face changes expressions. He looks over the room with mild curiosity.*
[17-18:47] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she looks around, getting a bit bored before sliding out of her seat, picking up her drink and sauntering towards the bar, her eyes hungrily searcing*
[17-18:49] 5fb, *Zaron : * He watches the woman whom saunters towards the bar. As easily as putting on a mask, his facial expression changes back to that of being drunk.*
[17-18:49] eeb, Drake Maia: his eye falls upon the man making it rather obvious he is looking at him ...his look never changes ...facial expression still the same ...yet the eye ...the eye says other wise has a hidden rage ..a furry ...a hatred*
[17-18:54] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *slides up to the bar and sets her drink down, taking another sip and sitting up a little straighter*
[17-18:55] 5fb, *Zaron : * He looks over at the woman who sits down at the bar and nods to her.* Evening
[17-18:56] 5fb, *Zaron : * Ignores the looks he is getting from the other man. Thinks to himself " not even a week here and already I've managed to piss someone off without knowing it."*
[17-18:56] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *nods to him* Evenin stranger. *she smiles* how are you? *she takes another sip of her caesar*
[17-18:57] eeb, Drake Maia: * the beer goes down fast ...he orders an other one and waits
[17-18:58] 5fb, *Zaron : I am alright. Ow are you?
[17-19:00] eeb, Drake Maia: brb
[17-19:00] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Good... good... a little bored...a little.. wanting.. but other than that.. I'm good *she smiles*
[17-19:01] 5fb, *Zaron : That's good. So long as a lovely lady such as yourself is good, then the world is good. * Takes another sip of his cranberry juice.*
[17-19:07] eeb, Drake Maia: * he watches the two drinking away*
[17-19:08] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smiles prettily, looking around slowly and spying Drake* seems as if we have a watcher *she wiggles her fingers at him friendly like*
[17-19:08] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks over his shoulder at Drake.* It appears we do. * He nods a friendly nod and then turns back around.*
[17-19:09] eeb, Drake Maia: * he does nothing but take a sip of his beer*
[17-19:09] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she turns, leaning back on the bar, crossing one leg over the other* so what brings a handsom devil such as yourself out here?
[17-19:10] 5fb, *Zaron : I'm new in LA and saw a flyer for this bar. Igured ah might as well come ere for a drink.
[17-19:12] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: well that makes a load of sense *She smirks, looking at her nails before looking around the bar* appealing so far?
[17-19:14] eeb, Drake Maia: * he finishes his beer orders a jack daniels on the rocks and one for the two as well ....he continues to watch and waits for his arrives*
[17-19:14] 5fb, *Zaron : Haven't really gotten to see much of LA. But you though. You are as appealing as a full moon.
[17-19:16] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: is that a good thing... or a bad thing? *she says with a smirk, looking up at him a little crossways*
[17-19:16] 5fb, *Zaron : * Blinks as the bar tender serves him a jack daniels on the rocks. Nods thanks to the bar tender and asks him whom ordered it for him. The tender points to Drake. Looks over his shoulder, holds up the drink, and nods thanks. Looks back at Amadeus.* A good thing.
[17-19:19] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Mmmm good *she smiles, running a hand down her belly as she looks around the bar again before looking back at him with a wide grin* so... *she looks him over* how much have you had to drink tonight?
[17-19:20] 5fb, *Zaron : * Sips the Jack Daniels.* Half a bottle o Jager, three Long Island Iced Teas, and this...
[17-19:20] eeb, Drake Maia: * and with that and with the outmost calculation..his drink falls to teh bar making a slight thud ...he is sitting on a stool next to the other two *
[17-19:21] 5fb, *Zaron : * Blinks as he looks over his shoulder.* Ello
[17-19:22] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: guess I have some catching up to do *her crystal eyes look to Drake with a soft smile* well hello *maybe she'd get two for tonight*
[17-19:23] eeb, Drake Maia: * he nods and takes a sip * tell me friend are yu enjoying the drink
[17-19:23] 5fb, *Zaron : Guess so. * Finishes the Jacks and returns to sipping his cranberry juice. Looks at Drake.* Thanks for tha drink. Yes, yes I am friend.
[17-19:24] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smiles, listening to the two of them, sipping at her caesar8
[17-19:25] eeb, Drake Maia: * eye on the glass he brings it up to his lips and takes a sip * i`m glad...and what of you madame
[17-19:26] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Mmmm I'm quite content thank you very much *she smiles warmly*
[17-19:27] eeb, Drake Maia: goody
[17-19:29] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she grins* so what are you boys doing tonight? *she grins, running her tongue along her lips*
[17-19:29] 5fb, *Zaron : Ow about friend. Could I get ya something to drink?
[17-19:29] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Amadeus.* Nothing...absolutely nothing.
[17-19:30] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: really? *she smiles, taking another sip of her drink*
[17-19:31] 5fb, *Zaron : Really.
[17-19:31] eeb, Drake Maia: just passing through...for now....and no thank you
[17-19:32] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: well.... would you like to come to my place? *she looks at Drake* or perhaps you?
[17-19:32] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Drake and nods.* Suit yar self. Figured I would return the favor. * Looks at Amadeus.* Alright.
[17-19:34] eeb, Drake Maia: let me ask you something my prowl like the wolf ...yet you would give yourself willing to eny stranger you meet...and two at that ...without knowing nothing of the two weather one is dangerous or for that matter both ...* he smirks a bit through his words*
[17-19:35] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smirks* I just asked if you wanted to come to my place. Who said I was going to give myself up to either of you? OR do you have a complex you need Satisfying Mr...... I never caught your name *she smirks lopsidedly, a coy expression to her face, having miraculously hidden what it was she really wanted, one of them, if not both*
[17-19:37] eeb, Drake Maia: Maia Drake Maia...* he snifs the air a tad *...but you smell of lust ...almost that of a cat in heat...but..*he smiles* i smell something else
[17-19:38] 5fb, *Zaron : Ya see....I never expected ya to give yourself to me madame. As far as I know *looks at Drake.* She wants to kill me. Then again, as far as I know she just wants some company. * Leans backwards, grabs the end of the bar top, and pulls himself back up. Rehearsed moves once again. He grabs his cranberry juice quickly and drinks it.*
[17-19:39] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she narrows her eyes* and since your smelling me why not tell me what else it is you're smelling on me? *she pouts a bit and then nods at Zaron* The latter of what he said is true, I just want some company
[17-19:40] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at the bar tender and orders a bloody mary. Pays the bar tender and tips him in advance.*
[17-19:40] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Drake.* Ya see. Now, if ya dun wanna come...yar loss.
[17-19:40] eeb, Drake Maia: *well at the moment lets say its not in our best interest to divuldge such information for the sake of ...shits and giggles
[17-19:41] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she picks up her drink, getting to her feet and then looking from Drake to Zaron* well, I think I might just go back to my booth then *she glancs at Zaron* if you want to join me, you're more than welcome *she glances at Drake, raising an eyebrow at him, finding him curiously strange*
[17-19:42] 5fb, *Zaron : * He stands and grabs his drink. Looks at Amadeus.* I think I'll follow.
[17-19:42] eeb, Drake Maia: * he remains seated for the moment ...just enought time to finish his drink*
[17-19:45] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *smiles, sliding into her booth and crossing her slender legs, looking up at him with a grin* thanks
[17-19:45] eeb, Drake Maia: * after so he stands ...he`s a tall man..muscular and fit ...his long white hair falls to the side of his face and he heads towards the booth *
[17-19:45] 5fb, *Zaron : * Slides into the booth, opposite of her. Looks at her.* You're welcome
[17-19:46] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she runs her finger alont he rim of her glass* So what if I wanted more than just a bit of company? *she looks up at him devilishly*
[17-19:47] 5fb, *Zaron : We would have to see. I let the night take me where it wishes usually.
[17-19:47] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Indeed *she takes another sip of her drink*
[17-19:48] 5fb, *Zaron : * He takes a sip of his drink.*
[17-19:48] eeb, Drake Maia: * as he passes by a table he grabs a chair and slides it over to the booth and sits sets his drink and brings a finger to the huge scar on ihs face to scratch*
[17-19:50] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she looks up at Drake and smirks* well.. it seems I won't be lacking in company for this evening
[17-19:50] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Drake.* Decided to join us I see
[17-19:50] eeb, Drake Maia: i have my reasons
[17-19:51] 5fb, *Zaron : I bet. Just admit it, you are just as bored as I am and dun feel like being alone tonight.
[17-19:52] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: what reasons are thos Drake?
[17-19:52] eeb, Drake Maia: the view is better from this perspective
[17-19:53] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: what view? *she laughs, finishing off her drink and ordering another*
[17-19:54] eeb, Drake Maia: * gives a slight wink and takes a sip of his drink*
[17-19:54] 5fb, *Zaron : Ummhmmm...anyways. * Finishes his drink and orders himself a long island iced tea and a couple of shots of jager and gold miester.* I've been rude this entire evening.
[17-19:54] eeb, Drake Maia: ((ok lets just say he ordered an other drink ))
[17-19:55] 5fb, *Zaron : Allow me to introduce myself to the both of ya. My name is Zaron. Just that, Zaron. I couldn't give ya a last name right now, because I forgot it. *Lightly chuckles as if though it was a joke.*
[17-19:56] eeb, Drake Maia: * nods slightly*
[17-19:56] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *chuckles softly and shrugs slowly* alright Zaron who forgot his last name.. and Maia Drake, I'm Amadeus Wolfgang Puck
[17-19:57] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Amadeus.* It is a pleasure to meet you madame Puck.
[17-19:58] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smiles lopsidedly* As it is you Zaron with no last name
[17-19:58] eeb, Drake Maia: interesting name ....* takes an other sip of his drink with a slight smile to amadeus* i hope that your stomac wont turn soon there dear Zaron
[17-19:58] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *looks at Drake witha slight smile* My parents... liked Mozart
[17-19:59] eeb, Drake Maia: indeed
[17-20:00] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Drake.* Nah, it won't. Not soon anyways. It already turned earlier.
[17-20:00] 5fb, *Zaron : So I've got some room.
[17-20:01] 5fb, *Zaron : Nah, it won't. It already turned earlier, so I've got some room.
[17-20:01] 5fb, *Zaron : ((* Kicks his computer.*))
[17-20:01] eeb, Drake Maia: * he nods to Zaron*
[17-20:02] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at Amadeus and smiles slightly. Pays for his drinks as they arrive at the table.*
[17-20:04] eeb, Drake Maia: ((gtg sorry ...laterz))
[17-20:04] 5fb, *Zaron : (( Laters. It's alright))
[17-20:05] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *smiles at Zaron and watches Drake Leave* it was nice meeting you *she smiled, looking back at Zaron*
[17-20:05] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((laterz :))
[17-20:06] 5fb, *Zaron : * Chuckles slightly to himself.*
[17-20:10] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: so what else do you do Zaron>
[17-20:11] 5fb, *Zaron : * Shakes his head and sighs. He's got a half drunk smile on his face. Looks at Amadeus.* So
[17-20:11] 5fb, *Zaron : I am a wanderer. I wander from city to city, just checking it out. And it's not like I am broke, cause I got the money to do this.
[17-20:12] 5fb, *Zaron : What do you do Amadeus?
[17-20:13] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: I go to school *she smiles warmly, playing with her new drink,, a shirley temple*
[17-20:13] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[17-20:13] 5fb, *Zaron : Aaaaaaaah. And what do you go to school for? Mind me asking.
[17-20:13] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*pokes Lucreccia*))
[17-20:14] 5fb, *Zaron : ((* Waves to Lucreccia*))
[17-20:14] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Archeology *she smiles, picking up her drink and drinking some of it*
[17-20:14] eeb, ºLucreccia: (hey zaron, ama.)
[17-20:15] 5fb, *Zaron : Aaaaaaah...I see. * He takes another sip of his long island iced tea, followed by a shot of Jager.*
[17-20:16] 5fb, *Zaron : That must be interesting
[17-20:16] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: yeah... it is... *she watches him drink, rather facinated by it* you can really hold your liquor
[17-20:17] eeb, ºLucreccia: *this is just so that everyone who bothers to read the logs, that Lucreccia will be absent from L.A. for a day or two*
[17-20:17] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((eep.. whathappened to her))
[17-20:17] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[17-20:18] eeb, ºLucreccia: (nothing, she`s just got a date in another room, so she has to `leave town`to meet up with someone.)
[17-20:18] 5fb, *Zaron : Thanks. It's an aquired talent. The trick is to eat alot of bread before going out to drink...and to already be an alcoholic, or atleast have a high tolerance.
[17-20:18] 5fb, *Zaron : ((Aaaaaah))
[17-20:20] 5fb, *Zaron : * Blinks a few times and laughs lightly.* But you might not me drinking this much. Perhaps you plan on raping me later tonight. * He leans back in his seat and pulls out a cigarette from his breast pocket. He also pulls out his zippo.*
[17-20:21] 5fb, *Zaron : * He lights the zippo and barely flinches. He lights the cigarette, closes the zippo, and puts it back in his breast pocket.*
[17-20:23] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *chuckles and looks at him with a grin**she reaches forward and snatches the cigarette out of his mouth, putting the end in hers and sucking on it lightly* Perhaps I want you to rape me tonight - ever think of that notion?
[17-20:25] 5fb, *Zaron : Perhaps...but if that was the case, then it wouldn't be rape. * Leans over and snatches his cigarette out of her mouth. Puts it back in his mouth.*
[17-20:27] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 6:18pm, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-20:30] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smirks, seems as if they were going to play a game**she lets him take a couple drags of it before snatching it back from him* so you interested?
[17-20:31] eeb, ºLAMadame: (*loooooooves ama ... wonders if a certain monster is playing her ... eyes*)
[17-20:33] 5fb, *Zaron : As I said, I go where the night takes me. But before I go, I need to finish these drinks. * Leans over and snatches the cigarette back from her. This time though, without realizing it, he does it so fast that it looks like he only twitched.*
[17-20:33] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[17-20:34] a25, *Cookie Monster: ((Ello?))
[17-20:34] eeb, ºLAMadame: (*jumps cookie and lathers the love*)
[17-20:35] a25, *Cookie Monster: *cuddles back* Heya! But no, Puck is played by another player... who oddly enough played in the first chat I was ever in. Small world, yes?
[17-20:36] eeb, ºLAMadame: (Very small, indeed! I jus` wanted to know if it was you or not. *hushes the ooc*)
[17-20:38] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *blinks as the cigarette is out of her mouth*(Huh? me? ama?))
[17-20:38] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: How did you do that?! *she asks, confused*
[17-20:38] 173, ºmoth: *..peers.*
[17-20:38] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((oh heh.. yeah.. I'm someone else..))
[17-20:38] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[17-20:39] eeb, ºLAMadame: (*hugs the moth*)
[17-20:39] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*tackles mothy*))
[17-20:39] 5fb, *Zaron : Reflex. Yeahs of martial arts training. Been studying it since ah was ah kidd
[17-20:40] 173, ºmoth: *Hugs Madame.*
[17-20:40] 173, ºmoth: *..and is tackled from her grasp - or better yet, along with her..*
[17-20:41] eeb, ºLAMadame: (Whoo! *makes sure, since she`s very self-sacrificing, to coushion moth`s fall*)
[17-20:41] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-20:41] 3a5, Street Urchin: *pokes Moth*
[17-20:41] 173, ºmoth: *Poked too.*
[17-20:42] 5fb, *Zaron : ((Yay!!! People are actually here. * Is happy cause he's been in the room since around 1:30pm 2pm EST.*))
[17-20:42] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((woot! *snuggles LAMadam and mothy*)) ah Ok... *she eyes him over.. has never seen someone do that that fast*
[17-20:42] eeb, ºLAMadame: ( .... *aaaaand, Lucreccia is back in town*)
[17-20:42] a25, *Cookie Monster: *huggles for all&
[17-20:43] 3a5, Street Urchin: *wonders why he is not on Im but eh..*
[17-20:43] 5fb, *Zaron : Yeah...lets just ignore what just happened. ((* Huggles back*))
[17-20:43] 173, ºmoth: *..just isn't.*
[17-20:43] eeb, ºLAMadame: (*pours the love on everyone, like a nice thick maple syrup. Mmm-mmm!)
[17-20:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*eyes madame* Oh Canada?))
[17-20:44] 5fb, *Zaron : * He takes a few more drags off his cig and hands to to Amadeus.*
[17-20:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*huggles cookie*)) Alright... if you.. .say so.. *she downs the rest of her drink, ordering another*
[17-20:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *takes it and smirks, taking a few drags of it*
[17-20:44] 3a5, Street Urchin: *Well then Tehya will just speak to him later then nods and poofs ooc so she wont interupt the ic.*
[17-20:45] eeb, ºLAMadame: (by marriage! heh.)
[17-20:45] 5fb, *Zaron : (( Ewww....I am covered in thick love. Thick, maplely syrup love.....mmmm....maple syrup.))
[17-20:46] 5fb, *Zaron : * Takes another sip of his long island iced tea, and follows it with a shot of gold shallger*
[17-20:47] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: so why are you getting tanked tonight? Just out of.. boredum?
[17-20:47] 5fb, *Zaron : Up
[17-20:48] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Up?
[17-20:48] 5fb, *Zaron : Plus, ah figure, if anything does happen and if you are drunk and so am I, then we could say we rapped each other.
[17-20:48] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-20:48] 5fb, *Zaron : Sorry about that. I ment to say Yup
[17-20:50] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *chuckles* yeah and we can sue each other for nothin and just have a roarin good time *a smirk crosses her lips as she takes a drink of vodka straight*
[17-20:50] 5fb, *Zaron : That's right
[17-20:51] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: well I like that arragement
[17-20:52] eeb, ºLAMadame: (*goes off to bed* Night, everyone.)
[17-20:52] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((night))
[17-20:52] 5fb, *Zaron : ((Nighty night))
[17-20:54] a25, *Cookie Monster: ((g'night!))
[17-20:55] 5fb, *Zaron : * Slouches over the table.* Anyways....
[17-20:57] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: anyways what? *chuckles, watching him*
[17-21:00] 5fb, *Zaron : I don't know
[17-21:01] 5fb, *Zaron : I think I gotta stop drinking.
[17-21:05] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: well do you like feeling all woozy and out of sorts?
[17-21:07] 5fb, *Zaron : No, I mean for tonight. I think I gotta stop once I'm done with these drinks....Weeeeheeee
[17-21:08] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *chuckles* oh ok *finishes her vodka straight and ponders ordering another, already feeling quite rosy*
[17-21:11] 5fb, *Zaron : * He takes the shot of Gold Shalger and Jagermiester in each hand. He takes a few deep breathes, and then drinks one immiditately followed by the other. He leans back and coughs a few times. He doesn't need to do everything he just did. He could have just as easily drank them both without flinching. But once again, the act is ment to keep anyone from being suspecious.*
[17-21:16] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*loves how he spelt Jagermeister wrong*))*she watches him curiously* Listen... I think I'd like to get you to your place.. either that or let you sleep on my couch or something.. I.. don't want you to walk home alone
[17-21:17] 5fb, *Zaron : I think your couch would be better. The motel I'm staying at is in a shitty place.
[17-21:20] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: alright then. my couch it is. you'll like my couch.. it's really soft
[17-21:21] 5fb, *Zaron : I bet
[17-21:23] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *motions for the tender to come and she pays her tab* so when should we go?
[17-21:24] 5fb, *Zaron : * Grabs his long island iced tea and finishes it.* Whenever yar ready.
[17-21:24] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[17-21:24] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[17-21:25] 223, ºEnvy: *sneaks up behind squirrelie and pounces 'im*
[17-21:25] 477, *Squirrel: Behold teh rodent! Ph34r m3!
[17-21:25] 477, *Squirrel: *Pounced* .... *Eyes shift, couhs and dusts off himself* Hello Envy.
[17-21:26] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: always ready. (It's Squirrel!))
[17-21:26] 223, ºEnvy: You're such a dork *swat*
[17-21:26] f77, *Kitty: *talkes the squirrel*
[17-21:26] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*tackles Kitty*))
[17-21:28] 477, *Squirrel: Ow...hehe, just rying to asset myself is all...*Shifty eyes*
[17-21:28] 477, *Squirrel: *trying
[17-21:28] 5fb, *Zaron : Alright then. * Slides out of his seat and stand. As soon as he stands, he stumbles a bit before regaining his balance.*
[17-21:29] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*wonders if Squirrel remembers me*)) *slides out and rushes up beside him, supporting him* you've had wayy too much to drink
[17-21:29] f77, *Kitty: anyone want me I'm on messengers, just fooling around right now
[17-21:30] 173, ºmoth: *..tackles everyone who has popped in since he last glanced at this screen.*
[17-21:30] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks at her.* Yeah, I have....perhaps I oughta go to the bathroom first.
[17-21:31] 477, *Squirrel: Don't know Amadeus...I don't know...
[17-21:31] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*is Gemini Sith*)) yeah maybe you should.
[17-21:32] f77, *Kitty: *comes in for that tackling....... hugs moth*
[17-21:32] 477, *Squirrel: Ok...the AIM name is familar...uhm, don't know...know I knew you from Bettenchi...
[17-21:33] 173, ºmoth: *Hugs Kitty and Envy assuming she is still around.*
[17-21:33] 5fb, *Zaron : * Stumbles over to the bathroom, walks in, and stumbles into a stall. He closes the door to the stall behind him and locks it. As soon as it's locked, he bends over the toliet, again, and begins to puke up all the alcohol he drank.*
[17-21:35] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((yeah that'd be where ya knew me. I Played Dremakius)) *she leans against a table, folding her arms across her chest, waiting for her drunken night in shining armor*
[17-21:35] f77, *Kitty: =^.^=
[17-21:35] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-21:36] 568, Street Urchin: ((Woo.
[17-21:36] 568, Street Urchin: ))
[17-21:37] 5fb, *Zaron : * He stands up, whipes his mouth, then leans back over. Pukes once again before finishing. He stands back up, whipes his mouth off, and then pulls out his silver flask once again. He opens it and drinks the remainer of the blood inside it. Closes the flask, puts it back inside his jacket, and then whipes his mouth. He listens carefully for any signs of anyone else inside the bathroom before opening the stall door, walking out of it, and then walking out of the bathroom. Slightly stumbles back to the booth.*
[17-21:37] 5fb, *Zaron : Alright, I'm ready now.
[17-21:38] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *watches him stumble back and smirks, shaking her head*What did I get myself into now?*she thinks to herself, taking his arm and wrapping it around her shoulders, walking towards the entrance* C'mon, lets go sober you up
[17-21:39] 477, *Squirrel: Noooowwwww I remember
[17-21:40] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((yep :))
[17-21:40] 5fb, *Zaron : * Walks with her towards the entrance.* Alrighty
[17-21:42] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she walked out with him, hailing a cab, letting him slide into it first before she did**gives the driver the address* And don't waste any gas
[17-21:43] 5fb, *Zaron : * Slides in all the way to the other side. He leans against the other door, making sure to lean down far enough that he wouldn't be in the driver's review mirror.*
[17-21:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: wow you must be really.... really drunk
[17-21:46] 5fb, *Zaron : I am.....* mutters so low under his breath that she can't hear him.*...not
[17-21:47] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she hears him mutter something and assumes what he said* You are.... too *she says mimicking the beat in which the mutter was said, leaning back against the seat as the driver takes them to her place*
[17-21:50] 5fb, *Zaron : * Thinks to himself..." I haven't been drunk since the 80s.".* If you say so then. If I am drunk, and you say I am drunx, then I am drunx.
[17-21:53] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Yes I do say so *laughs and sighs, the cab stopping shortly afte rher laughing*she leans forward and pays the cabbie* c'mon, lets go *she opens her door and slides out, moving around to open his door and help him out*
[17-21:56] 5fb, *Zaron : * As soon as she opens his door, he tumbles backwards and lands on his feet. This time actually dizzy from doing that, he stumbles forward, holds onto the roof of the cab for a bit of balance, before resuming the act and stumbling a bit towards Amadeus.*
[17-22:00] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she walks up to him and wraps her arm around his waist and pulls his other arm around her shoulder* come on *she says witha smirk, walking towards the apartment, her keys already at the ready*
[17-22:01] 5fb, *Zaron : * He walks with her, his arm around her waist sliding down some.*
[17-22:02] 5fb, *Zaron : * Walks with her towards her appartment.*
[17-22:03] f77, *Kitty: *wonders if moth or moth's brother will play with her tonight.... =^.^= *
[17-22:04] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *unlocks the door and pulls him in, walking to the elevators*
[17-22:04] 5fb, *Zaron : Quick question....
[17-22:06] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: uh sure *looks up at him*
[17-22:06] 5fb, *Zaron: Does your elevator have any mirrors in it?
[17-22:07] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: nope. It's pretty boring that way. Why? you don't like mirrors?
[17-22:08] 5fb, *Zaron: No, I don't mirrors. * Thinks to himself " Good."*
[17-22:10] 5fb, *Zaron: * Stumbles towards the elevators.*
[17-22:11] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *hits the button and an elevator opens, having not looked at the polished durasteel doors that would have harbored a reflection**walks in, having not noticed anything, hitting the button for the elevator to go to her apartment*
[17-22:13] 5fb, *Zaron: * Walks inside the elevator. Just before he walks inside it, he notices the polished durasteel doors. He half expects her to scream when she notices that he has no reflection, but when she doesn't, almost lets out a physical sigh of relief.*
[17-22:14] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *the inside is all coated in brown, plastic stuff on the walls, meant to look decorative no surface wide enough to cast a reasonable reflection**they ride up to the 12th floor where she helps him out and walks down the hall with him*
[17-22:14] 5fb, *Zaron: * Stumbles down the hall with her.*
[17-22:15] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *keeps him up with her own torso, unlocking her door and pushing it open* alright we're here *she flicks on the light, a mirror just down the hallway, a big one too, a blanket half over it though*
[17-22:17] 5fb, *Zaron: * He stumbles towards the mirror, rather quickly, and pulls the blanket completely over it. Turns around and looks at her with a smirk on his face.* I really don't like mirrors.
[17-22:18] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she chuckles* It's ok.. I only have that one and the one in the bathroom... *she shrugs slowly* It's alright *she stumbles over to the couch, flopping down on it*
[17-22:19] 5fb, *Zaron: * Looks at her.* Speaking of you mind if I take a shower?
[17-22:20] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *waves her hand* Sure.. go right ahead *she lays down on the couch, putting an arm over her eyes*
[17-22:21] 5fb, *Zaron: Oh, and mind me adding that you look pretty drunk yourself. * He walks into the bathroom and turns on the light. He walks over to the shower, turns the water to the hottest setting he can stand right off the bat, takes off his clothes, and gets in.*
[17-22:23] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smirks* why thank you *she laughs, getting up and going to her room, stripping out of her party clothes and slipping into more comfortable pants and a shirt*
[17-22:24] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[17-22:25] 477, *Squirrel: Rejoice! For I am back...and then there was much love...heh
[17-22:25] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((yay!))
[17-22:26] f77, *Kitty: *pounces and kill the squirrel*
[17-22:26] 5fb, *Zaron: * He slowly keeps increasing how hot the water is. He does this more to warm his body up then anything else...considering that his flesh is so cold that it could kill a plant.*
[17-22:26] 223, ºEnvy: *snuggles squirrelie... even though he's dead*
[17-22:26] 477, *Squirrel: Oh dear gaaaaahhhhhhhh.......*dead*
[17-22:27] 173, ºmoth: *Revives the squirrel - shoots Kitty.*
[17-22:27] 5fb, *Zaron: ((NO!!!!!! WHY CAN'T KITTIES AND SQUIRRELIES JUST GET ALONG DAMN IT??? *Cries cause now there is a kitty being shot at.*))
[17-22:28] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *as she walks past the bathroom she notices that there is a lot of steam coming out from underneath the bathroom door**she walks up, knocking* are you alright?
[17-22:28] 477, *Squirrel: *Revived* o/
[17-22:28] f77, *Kitty: *sobs because shes shot, always wonders why everyone else gets away with things like that, and she doesn't*
[17-22:28] 5fb, *Zaron: Yeah....I am. I just like my showers to be hot.
[17-22:29] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: alright.. *she moves away from the door and heads back to the couch, laying down on it and turning on the TV*
[17-22:31] 223, ºEnvy: *gets stabbed by moth all the time*
[17-22:32] f77, *Kitty: *wonders how he can actually stab as hes played with plastic knives and shes faught with real butterfly knives.... blarghs*
[17-22:33] JOIN: T has entered.
[17-22:33] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((is that Talon T?))
[17-22:34] 4b2, T: No. I'm from another room. Just stopped in to read and enjoy this evening if there are no objections of course. ;)
[17-22:35] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((oh ok. naw you're welcome here))
[17-22:36] 173, ºmoth: How's it going T? *Plays Juden Shade in your room.*
[17-22:36] 5fb, *Zaron: * Once he's used up all the hot water, he turns the shower off. Grabs a towel, dries himself off, gets dressed, and walks out of the shower. Walks over towards the couch that she's on.*
[17-22:36] f77, *Kitty: *........ lets T pass her inspection.. as Envy is here... is being good*
[17-22:38] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she had, between that time, gotten a beer out of the fridge and was drinking it, Liquor before beer you're in the clear**she watched Corner Gas, wanting to laugh but feeling too drunk to concentrate**she looks up at him as he leaves, watching the steam come out of the bathroom, then looks at the tv again*
[17-22:38] 4b2, T: Hello Moth. It's going well, thanks. Thought I'd stop in here for a change of scenery tonight. Always enjoy a good read when the play gets going. :) Thanks, Kitty, Envy and Moth..*now shuts up so the play may continue*
[17-22:38] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*wonders who T is*))
[17-22:40] 5fb, *Zaron: * Sits down on the floor next to the couch.*
[17-22:40] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: I can get up and let you have it.. *she said softly, taking another swig of her beer* or I can make room.. either way
[17-22:41] 5fb, *Zaron: Better to make room.
[17-22:43] 5fb, *Zaron: Least that way we could share
[17-22:43] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she sits up, scooting over and patting the couch as she leans on the one arm, taking another swig of her beer before setting ti down on the floor*
[17-22:44] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-22:44] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 8:44pm, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-22:44] 5fb, *Zaron: * Sits down on the couch next to her. He leans back, acting perfectly sobber.*
[17-22:44] JOIN: teufle hund has entered.
[17-22:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she sighs, looking at him a bit crosseyed and then back at the tv**she tosses him the remote* you.. can pick.. anything *she says, quite drunk*
[17-22:46] b0d, *teufle hund: *he walks out of his hotel room and starts to wander the streets not worryin about who he runs into for he is packin 2 berettas*
[17-22:46] 5fb, *Zaron: * Catches the remote and turns on the history channel, hoping that something about the past is on instead of just about inventions that have impacted human history.*
[17-22:47] 5fb, *Zaron: * He watches as they talk about WWll as if though he was actually there. He can't remember it, but something inside him just feels like he was.*
[17-22:47] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *there is a special on the Maians and Aztechs, she slowly sliding down on her side, curling up*
[17-22:48] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *listens to the special on WWII and nods her head, as if slowly going to sleep*
[17-22:48] 5fb, *Zaron: * Suddenly turns on a soft porn on HBO.*
[17-22:49] 5fb, *Zaron: Ya ain't going to sleep.
[17-22:49] EXIT: teufle hund has left the chat ( 8:46pm, December 17 (CST) ).
[17-22:52] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *looks up at the porn and smirks* No... I'm not
[17-22:53] 5fb, *Zaron: Good. * He casually watches the porn.*
[17-22:54] f77, *Gian Rogue: *Gian had found out Lyrens bills were paid, amazingly it'd been a few days now and they had transfered her back home for care, but she'd be with family and the others, no need for hopitals now....*
[17-22:55] 5fb, *Zaron: Cause you had asked me back here at the bar so that you can have some company. Now you've got your company, so what cha gonna do with it?
[17-22:56] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *smirks and glances back at him, slowly moving onto her back* I dunno.. what does company want to do? It might be abit obvious since you turned over to the soft porn
[17-22:56] f77, *Gian Rogue: *and eh was currently walking down the street, dark eyes pensive*
[17-22:56] 5fb, *Zaron: I'm up for anything
[17-22:59] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: Are you? prove it.
[17-23:00] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *sits in the bar of the hotel, slowly sipping on a pina colada, her third*
[17-23:00] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((brb))
[17-23:00] 5fb, *Zaron: * He leans over and kisses her.*
[17-23:01] f77, *Gian Rogue : *and thats exactly where he was heading, well the hotel at least*
[17-23:03] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *she'd love a cigarette, but naturally, that would require a use of her fingers that she doesn't have*
[17-23:06] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she smiles, closing her eyes, kissing him back softly*
[17-23:06] 5fb, *Zaron: * Smiles and breaks the kiss*
[17-23:07] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *looks at him softly* mmm that it?
[17-23:08] 5fb, *Zaron: The rest you've gotta take. You've gotta prove ta me what you want to do.
[17-23:09] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: oh mercy you're gonna make me work? *she looks at him with quite a drunken stare, smirking* Alright.. Zaron *she moves forward, running a hand up his neck as she presses her lips against his own*
[17-23:10] 5fb, *Zaron: Mmm* Kisses her back, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close to him.*
[17-23:11] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she tastes like alcohol but doubts he minds that, pushing him gently down on the couch as she gets up ontop of him, running her hand up his neck and through his hair, kissing him deeply*
[17-23:13] 5fb, *Zaron: Mmmmmm * He pulls her down to him, kissing her back just as deep.*
[17-23:14] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she gently pulls back, looking down into his eyes, hers glistening and very drunk looking*
[17-23:17] 5fb, *Zaron: * He leans up a bit and he kisses her neck before she can realize that his eyes show that he's perfectly sobber.*
[17-23:18] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *she closes her eyes, smiling and sighing softly, her blood coarsing through her viens pretty fast as her heart is fluttering*
[17-23:18] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[17-23:20] 5fb, *Zaron: * No, he doesn't like drinking from the neck. So instead he only nibbles her neck a bit and bites it softly.*
[17-23:21] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[17-23:22] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *interesting**she smiles, a curve to her lips as he lavishes that attention on her, her hand running lightly down his side*
[17-23:22] f77, *Gian Rogue : *once he gets in there he actually goes to the bar........ and sees Kailynn..*
[17-23:23] 5fb, *Zaron: * He continues to nibble her neck, moving his mouth up and down it.*
[17-23:23] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *yes, there she is, her eyes a little hazy, obviously having had a few drinks, but she's certainly far from totally blitzed*
[17-23:25] MSG: Amadeus Puck sent a message to Zaron.
[17-23:25] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he meanders over and sits by her, tilting his head.*
[17-23:26] 223, ºKailynn Benson : ((you guys'll have to take it to the private room or messenger pretty soon))
[17-23:26] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *smiles a little* hey... wanna drink?
[17-23:27] MSG: Zaron sent a message to Amadeus Puck.
[17-23:27] 173, ºmoth: Do you two want to be registered for the Private room?
[17-23:27] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((Woot there is a private room where people can read the naughtyness?))
[17-23:28] MSG: Amadeus Puck sent a message to Zaron.
[17-23:28] 5fb, *Zaron: ((Sure))
[17-23:28] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*already working on that Kailynn :)))
[17-23:28] 223, ºKailynn Benson : ((well, if you two drop messages I could get into trouble))
[17-23:29] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((not a problem))
[17-23:29] f77, *Gian Rogue : (*holds back from saying somethin... eevvviiil*) *he nods..* how many dirnks you had?
[17-23:29] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Moth.
[17-23:29] 5fb, *Zaron: (( The messages aren't what you think they are. It's debating weather to keep it pg-13 or to take it some where else.))
[17-23:29] f77, *Gian Rogue : (*made the naughty room, all hail the whorney *)
[17-23:30] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((hail the whorneh!))
[17-23:30] 223, ºKailynn Benson : Two. Don't worry *lifts her arms from the bar and places them on her lap, wanting to stretch, but knows it would but her in more agony than relief* I've got a while to go before I'm drunk. Besides, I've asked first
[17-23:31] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Hails the whorney*))
[17-23:31] 223, ºKailynn Benson : (( I wasn't trying to be presumtuous, darlin'. It's just happened before and I was letting you know your options. ; ) ))
[17-23:31] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((tshure motheh register us :D))
[17-23:32] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((Lol hey I know *huggles*))
[17-23:32] MSG: Zaron sent a message to Amadeus Puck.
[17-23:32] f77, *Gian Rogue : (*is the whorney... grins*) *he smiles slightly and gets a long island iced tea, simple enough..* my sisters bills got paid..* he states*
[17-23:32] MSG: Amadeus Puck sent a message to Zaron.
[17-23:33] MSG: Zaron sent a message to Moth.
[17-23:35] MSG: Zaron sent a message to Amadeus Puck.
[17-23:35] MSG: Amadeus Puck sent a message to Zaron.
[17-23:36] MSG: Amadeus Puck sent a message to Moth.
[17-23:38] 223, ºKailynn Benson : That's cool. Hospital bills are expensive. The last time I was there, my bill was over 5 grand for some stitches and antibiotics.
[17-23:39] f77, *Gian Rogue : *blinks* yes.. but heres was much more *he answered, giving a slight sigh after his long island comes.* how're you ?
[17-23:40] MSG: Amadeus Puck sent a message to Zaron.
[17-23:41] MSG: Zaron sent a message to Amadeus Puck.
[17-23:41] 223, ºKailynn Benson : I'm getting better with every sip *smiles, leaning in for a drink*
[17-23:43] f77, *Gian Rogue : *He laughs slightly, taking a sip of his own drink* well, we don't wanting you to get too drunk..
[17-23:44] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[17-23:44] 223, ºKailynn Benson : Why not? They have elevators.
[17-23:45] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*tackles RobotDevil the mothy brother*))
[17-23:45] f77, *Gian Rogue : but its the hangovers..*he comments.* (hey I wanted to tackle him first!)
[17-23:46] MSG: moth sent a message to Amadeus Puck.
[17-23:47] 173, ºmoth: It's done you two.
[17-23:48] 223, ºKailynn Benson : I have to get pretty drunk to get them bad enough to bother me.
[17-23:48] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-23:49] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-23:49] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[17-23:50] f77, *Gian Rogue : oh? *as he got hangovers rather easy... damnit.... cats just can't take alcohol*
[17-23:50] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[17-23:50] f77, ºKitty: *wonders if moth could put Sean Bean up on images taken*
[17-23:51] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *nods, wondering how little she can say without being blunt* I had a bit of a drinking problem for about four years
[17-23:52] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((thanks mothy))
[17-23:52] 5fb, *Zaron: ((Thanks Moth))
[17-23:52] f77, *Gian Rogue : ahh *he nods, looking at her as he drinks.* but you don't now? *hoping that didn't sound stupid*
[17-23:54] 223, ºKailynn Benson : It's not such a problem.
[17-23:56] f77, *Gian Rogue : okay.. *he looks a little tired as he sits there, content, but tired... * sorry I've not been to visit at much but to help with your bandages... its been... interesting time..
[17-23:58] 223, ºKailynn Benson : I can handle myself. Don't worry about it. I just asked you to get me here. *looks at him, narrowing her eyes a little* are you gonna make it?
[18-00:00] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he laughs slightly* yeah, I'll be fine.. *he leans against the bar some.* I know you wanted me to just get you here... but.... I wanted to do more
[18-00:04] 223, ºKailynn Benson : Well, you did. I probably would have starved to death by now. *smiles a little* (shit, I can't find Robin's daughters present ANYWHERE!)
[18-00:06] f77, *Gian Rogue : (ack!) *he cracks a genuine smile.*well glad I did that much
[18-00:09] 223, ºKailynn Benson : (I have to find it! I have to give it to her tomorrow morning.. and with 4 people putting my stuff where they think it should be *rolls eyes*) *sips on the drink some more, the drink finally finished* How is she? *meaning his sister of course*
[18-00:11] f77, *Gian Rogue : rrrr. yeah I know how that goes) *he thinks a moment.* well she was tranfered home.... *he says slowly..* shes back with the rest of the family now... shes a quick healer...
[18-00:13] 223, ºKailynn Benson : They'll take good care of her, then? Your family that is?
[18-00:15] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he nods* yeah, we're a alarge family, I think about thirty members of our family are caring for her right now.. *he laughs slightly, but its not a joke*
[18-00:17] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *but waits for him to tell her it is... for quite a while before she finally realizes he's not* Are you serious? thirty?
[18-00:18] 223, ºKailynn Benson : (found it)
[18-00:19] f77, *Gian Rogue : (great!) *he nods.* and that.. I think is only a fourth of them...
[18-00:20] 223, ºKailynn Benson : Wow... *blinks a few times* that... incredible. You all stay in touch and stuff?
[18-00:22] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he nods* yes.. its. where all close..lets just say once a week I get to spend six hours talking to all of them, a few minutes each...
[18-00:23] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[18-00:24] 223, ºKailynn Benson : at least you don't have to bother with reuninons and all of that. *chews on the inside of her lip, happy that he's not talking about anything pertaining to her for once*
[18-00:27] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[18-00:28] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[18-00:28] f77, *Gian Rogue : *He nods, sipping his drink more.* true... though when family wants to see family we just get up and go...
[18-00:30] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (*yawn*)
[18-00:31] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *just nods, conveniently out of small talk. It's a good thing she's had some drinks in her, since she's got a million things on her mind, like how she's going to afford to live in this city? Should she just give up and go home, listen to her parents and their "I toldja sos" and, though she'd never outright say it, why haven't Jaylin or Dunstan come by? Were they angry? BUT she has drinks in her, so it all just seems not important* It's good that you have that. That's really cool. I didn't know families were still close anymore
[18-00:34] f77, *Gian Rogue : well.. they are old ways....... *he gets an idea..* would you be willing to ... visit them with me?
[18-00:34] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*watches Zeke yawn*)
[18-00:35] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *eyes him a moment... yeah. he's serious again* No.
[18-00:35] 173, ºJuden Sores: (*Watches everyone.*)
[18-00:36] f77, *Gian Rogue : Not at all? *he asks, his brown eyes pleading* (watches everyone too.. watches moth..... *)
[18-00:37] 223, ºKailynn Benson : (*isn't that stimulating... is wrapping presents and waiting for laundry*
[18-00:39] 223, ºKailynn Benson : No. I'm not your damned girlfriend. Stop trying to sucker me into it.
[18-00:40] f77, *Gian Rogue : well I don't think of you like that* he retorts* but your a friend.....
[18-00:40] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (*peers at moth and Ginger*)
[18-00:41] 223, ºKailynn Benson : I'm sure you have no trouble making friends to take home to mom *raises a brow and looks at him*
[18-00:42] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*peers back at Zeke, ushers him into ICness...*)
[18-00:42] f77, *Gian Rogue : You've no idea..* he saying, biting his glass, its what he does when hes annoyed*
[18-00:43] 223, ºKailynn Benson : Do you always get so clingy with girls you bring home from clubs? That could be your problem, you know.
[18-00:45] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he fights from saying sometihng like "you really think you'd be alive if I wasn't what you think is 'clingy'.." * I'm not clingy, I'm just asking.... you've said no, so fine.... *he huffs, like a cat*
[18-00:46] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (meybe...)
[18-00:47] 223, ºKailynn Benson : Pouting isn't going to talk me into it either. *her words are said so blandly, with no real harsh or light tone to them*
[18-00:47] f77, *Ginger Lox: meybe? just maybe?)
[18-00:47] MSG: Zeke Bedford sent a message to Ginger Lox.
[18-00:49] MSG: Ginger Lox sent a message to Zeke Bedford.
[18-00:50] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he sips his drink, sighing.* I'm not pouting..* but boy does he sound like it.... its kinda funny seeming*
[18-00:52] MSG: Zeke Bedford sent a message to Ginger Lox.
[18-00:52] 223, ºKailynn Benson : I'm just... not good with crowds.
[18-00:54] MSG: Ginger Lox sent a message to Zeke Bedford.
[18-00:55] f77, *Gian Rogue : Its fine...* he answers, loosening up some, he sounds like he doesn't mind now...*
[18-00:58] 223, ºKailynn Benson : I think I'm going to go up to bed. *slides off the stool, landing on both feet at the same time*
[18-00:58] f77, *Gian Rogue : do you need anything? *he asks, standing as well.*
[18-01:01] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Appears briefly. Puts a sign on the private room that says..." In Use". Disappears*))
[18-01:01] 223, ºKailynn Benson : No. I think I'll be alright. Thanks. *sticks her hands in the pocket of her hoodie and starts for the stairs*
[18-01:03] f77, *Gian Rogue : (*laughs at Zaron*) *And he takes a big breath, a long sigh.*
[18-01:04] 5fb, *Zaron: (( Had to as someone just walked right in, and right out, for the second time. Just letting people know that there are still people in there.))
[18-01:04] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (I didn't know.... I was also seeing if I was really regged *slaps Zaron*)
[18-01:04] JOIN: Amadeus Puck has entered.
[18-01:06] f77, *Ginger Lox: hehe.. did it work for you Zeke? *snickers*)
[18-01:06] 223, ºKailynn Benson : *and then she's up the stairs, not looking back... she knows he's still standing there, probably wondering what the hell he got himself into with her*
[18-01:06] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Is slapped.* Hey, I even waved hello before I realized you left.))
[18-01:08] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (*just shakes head at Ginger* But really, moth said he regged me and I didn't remember it happening)
[18-01:08] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((lol hey ya'll can watch if you really want to))
[18-01:09] f77, *Gian Rogue : *after a few minutes he takes the elevator up, and goes into the room beside hers, he'd still had it ..*
[18-01:09] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (no, I got my own. *winks at Ginger*)
[18-01:10] 223, ºKailynn Benson : ((night bratlings! *blows kisses*))
[18-01:10] f77, *Ginger Lox: ahh *nods*... damn thing... who starts Zeke *grins at the wink, thumbs up.*)
[18-01:10] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*catches kisses and swoons*))
[18-01:11] 5fb, *Zaron: (( Nighty night))
[18-01:11] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (you can if you want)
[18-01:11] f77, *Ginger Lox: (sure)
[18-01:13] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((<.<...>.>... *has been reading the logs* DIRTY! heheheh))
[18-01:14] f77, *Ginger Lox: *It seems at night all she does is drink coffee and eat pickles, after sneaking out of Zekes place after he slept, which was interesting, she get back home and changed, and here she sat hours later in the cafe, dressed as in Link .. but shes readig the paper.. she'd forgotten a book, still smokes she'd never forget as she puffed on one just then* (heh like the one with Garrett in it ^_~)
[18-01:16] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*swoons* that gay one.... *drools*))
[18-01:18] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*snickers as that was my char*)
[18-01:20] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((That was HOT!))
[18-01:20] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*wants to get in the middle of that action*))
[18-01:21] 173, ºmoth: *Arches a brow.*
[18-01:21] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((*tackles moth*))
[18-01:21] f77, *Ginger Lox: *shakes head, amused*)
[18-01:21] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((what?))
[18-01:21] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((so I'm horny like 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Shoot me if it bothers ya :D))
[18-01:22] 173, ºmoth: *..tackled.* Y'know, we have a private room so these matters can stay out of the main chat. *L*
[18-01:22] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Points to the sign*))
[18-01:22] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((Lol we're just talking about it. we're not doing it))
[18-01:23] 173, ºmoth: Sign?
[18-01:23] 173, ºmoth: Sign?
[18-01:23] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *And he's out doing his job. Across town, he is sitting on a rooftop, his sniper out and set, ready for the limo. He lays on his stomach, looking through the scope. Then he saw it. The sleek black limo and there was his target, popping his head out of the sunroof. He pulls the trigger, and bullets fly, taking off parts of the vamps head. He smirks as he gets up abit, starting to pack his sniper, his FA-MAS beside him incase any of the other vampires in the car saw him and got to close. God he loved sniping vamps*
[18-01:26] 5fb, *Zaron: (( Read the logs for this room. It's recent))
[18-01:27] f77, *Ginger Lox: *If she'd been that type of hunter, she'd love it too. But she hunted different things, she just yawns as she read, green eyes sparking and calming, bordly looking over letters to the editors.. smoke curling from her lips... her free hand toying with the collar like cloth choker on her neck, a small bell jingling very lightly on it.*
[18-01:30] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*Kicks spelling demon....*)
[18-01:33] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *luckily noone did see him, and he moves off the fire escape to the ally, his car parked below. *He opens the trunk and places his guns carefullt inside, llooking behinde him to make sure no one else saw and he then got into his car, pulling out of the ally and starting down the street*
[18-01:36] f77, *Ginger Lox: *she picked up a pickle, licking the juice of her finger as it slide down and then popped the thing in her mouth, chewing a moment before drinking her over creamed coffee. her green eyes scanned the paper as she turned the page every so often, maybe even looking out the window she sat right next too, red hair falling in her eyes like it always did.*
[18-01:37] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*changes image to show what shes wearing..*)
[18-01:38] 5fb, *Zaron: ((Wanna a laugh? Then check the link))
[18-01:39] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*blinks.... wants to be a pimp..*)
[18-01:42] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *He then turns to head back home. He needed to do some research about a clu he was planning on hitting, and a few targets. His mind drifting back to the night before and a small smile comes to his face though it is quickly taken away as he looks around the sidewalks, almost as if searching for someone*
[18-01:43] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[18-01:45] f77, *Ginger Lox: *And if he kept searching, and kept driving, a block ahead he'd see someone, who he should know very well by know, staring idly out the cafe window, bare shoulders slumped thoughtfully*
[18-01:50] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: ((Smooches for all! Night!))
[18-01:51] 5fb, *Zaron: (( The private room is open.))
[18-01:52] f77, *Ginger Lox: *is having trouble with it anyway, will do whatever..... on IM* good that you could use it though ^_~)
[18-01:52] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *The blue camero roars past the cafe. He hadn't seen her, well atleast it hadn't registered yet, though upon seeing the cafe, he decides to grab a bite to eat before heading home, so he circles the block and moves from the car, his cell phone in his pocket as he crosses the street, still unaware of her precence*
[18-01:55] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks out the window of the the cab he's in perfectly awake. As he enters the neighbor hood his motel is in, he tells the cabbie to stop. He opens the door, pays for the cab and gets out. He walks towards his motel, his flesh slightly less pale then it was earlier.*
[18-01:55] f77, *Ginger Lox: *as she is with him, he doesn't really register cars to her memory, little use in it since there were so many.. especially in city.. She just eats another pickle, and sips more coffee, folding the paper as she'd finished it.*
[18-02:02] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *he just happenes to look to his left. A smirk comes to his face as he sees her sitting there. He dosn't approach her yet though, he simply moves to the counter, ordering a drink, then he moves behinde her* Is this seat taken? *he still smirking*
[18-02:05] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (brb)
[18-02:05] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She'd not even smelled him, so she starts just a little. then smiles, looking up at him.* not yet..* she answers, green eyes glinting mischievously.* (k)
[18-02:06] 5fb, *Zaron : * He reaches his motel, and walks to his motel room. He gets in, closes the door behind him, and makes sure that the slightest bit of light from the outside can get in. Once he's made sure of that, he turns on a lamp and takes off his coat. He lays down on his temporary bed and turns on the TV. He turns on the news and watches it.*
[18-02:06] 5fb, *Zaron : ((* Is eather gone or lurking for now*))
[18-02:15] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*is waiting*)
[18-02:21] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (back, sorry)
[18-02:22] f77, *Ginger Lox: (no worries)
[18-02:23] 173, *Zeke Bedford: Good... *He smirks, winking at her as he sets down opposite her. He then reaches into her coat, pulling out a book* You left this last night... *He looks down at it as he puts it on the table, then looks up at her*
[18-02:26] f77, *Ginger Lox: *she smiles, her hand lightly touching his as she pulls it across the table to her side, short distance it is.* thanks.... *she clears her eyes from her unruley red hair, the tattoo of cats paw, hed' already seen, shifting slightly on the top of her left breast as she moved.*
[18-02:32] 173, *Zeke Bedford: No problem... *The smirk stays on his face and he glances down to look at the tatoo, stareing at it for a moment before shaking his head* So.... you left awful early... *He states this almost as if a question*
[18-02:33] 173, ºmoth: *..thinks that should have been 'awfully early.'*
[18-02:35] f77, *Ginger Lox: early? *she raises a brow, amused.* were you planning more fun when you woke up? *she teases, eyes shinning, as she props her chin on her hands, her elbows on the table.*
[18-02:36] f77, *Ginger Lox: er.. *looking straight at him.* ^ )
[18-02:37] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (*slaps his brother* It's 3:36!!! Shut up!) *He continues to smirk and as she says this he takes a drink, his eyes looking into hers* Maybe.... But I guess we'll never know...
[18-02:41] f77, *Ginger Lox: are you sure? *her brow still raised as she leans back, regarding him.* is the hunter working?... we could always spark the plans into work..* she drops him a lazy wink.* (yes brother! how annoying! ..* snicker*)
[18-02:44] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *He chuckles, also leaning back* Ready when you are... *He crosses his arms over his chest after draing the cup empty, his pale blue eyes watching her*
[18-02:47] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She gets up, her jeans riding very low on her lips and she makes to get in his lap, but for a moment, but she just puts one leg between his, so his knee is between hers as she stares down at him, hands on her curvey hips.* really ready hunter?
[18-02:49] f77, *Ginger Lox: hips *^ damnit hips!)
[18-02:50] f77, *Ginger Lox: how many times am I ging to mis spell on simple word?! *pants*)
[18-02:51] f77, *Ginger Lox: yeah.. well.. there you go.. I misspelled in my rant... *JhfG*)
[18-02:51] 173, *Zeke Bedford: *His eyes glint, almost seeming dangerous* Are you? *He the faintest smirk on the edges of his lips*
[18-02:54] f77, *Ginger Lox: all red heads are.. *she says evenly, her soft peaches and cream coloured hand stroking under his chin gently..*
[18-02:57] 173, *Zeke Bedford: Then lead the way... *He remains with the smirk on his face as he moves one hand behinde her, moving it down her spine intill his hand was cupping her butt, his other hand on her thigh*(Can we pause? *is seriously about to pass out*)
[18-02:58] f77, *Ginger Lox: (yup we can pause)
[18-02:59] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (ok, thanks*) **PAUSE**
[18-02:59] 173, *Zeke Bedford: (night)
[18-02:59] f77, *Ginger Lox: (night)
[18-03:00] f77, ºKitty: *will lurk for a bit*
[18-03:02] 173, ºmoth: *Lurks too.*
[18-03:07] f77, ºKitty: whee
[18-03:37] EXIT: Kitty has left the chat ( 1:07am, December 18 (CST) ).
[18-07:50] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[18-08:03] eeb, ºLucreccia: *thinks that Envy playing Zakari-poo as a propective daddy is every pregnant woman`s DREAM ... after all, not a lot of guys really WOULD hold your hair back while you puked, or go get you ice cream whenever you wanted!*
[18-09:13] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[18-11:00] JOIN: Zaron has entered.
[18-11:01] 5fb, *Zaron: ((*Lurks*))
[18-11:50] eeb, ºLAMadame: (*prods the lurker*)
[18-11:54] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Is prodded. Prods back*))
[18-11:54] NICK: LAMadame changed nick to Lucreccia.
[18-11:54] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*throws pomegranate seeds at zar*)
[18-11:54] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Catches the seed and eats it. Throws an orange at Luc.*))
[18-11:56] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*catches, peels, and nibbles* Mmm ... not as good as a pomegranate, though! I`m addicted to those things. *goes to fetch her picture* Bah ... I always forget it!*)
[18-11:59] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Well, I`m off until this evening. Babe`s up. Bye!)
[18-11:59] 5fb, *Zaron: (( Meh....well, we've got tons of oranges here, so I figured I might as well toss you one.))
[18-11:59] 5fb, *Zaron: ((Bye bye))
[18-12:00] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* Goes back to lurk mode.*))
[18-13:17] 5fb, *Zaron: ((*Still lurking*))
[18-14:16] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[18-14:21] 5fb, *Zaron: ((Ello))
[18-14:30] NICK: LAMadame changed nick to Lucreccia.
[18-14:32] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Hey, Zar, if you`re bored, The Dark Realm is pretty busy!)
[18-14:33] 5fb, *Zaron: (( I know. I am playing Hunter in there))
[18-14:33] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Oh okay!)
[18-16:32] 5fb, *Zaron: ((*Continues lurking.*))
[18-16:50] 49c, ºLAMadame: (*flits about*)
[18-16:56] 5fb, *Zaron: ((*Throws pomagranet seeds at the flitting one*))
[18-17:00] 49c, ºLAMadame: (*throws oranges at Zar!*)
[18-17:02] 5fb, *Zaron: * Catches, peels, eats, and spits out the seeds like only a true Floridian can.* did you know they were my favorate
[18-17:02] 5fb, *Zaron: ??
[18-17:02] 5fb, *Zaron: ((* All done in OOC of course*))
[18-17:03] 49c, ºLAMadame: (Who can`t love a pomegranate? *laughs* I eat the seeds ... lots of good nutrients in those. Mmhm.
[18-17:06] 5fb, *Zaron: (( I haven't had pomegranate seeds. I love Passion Fruit though))
[18-17:07] 49c, ºLAMadame: (I`ve never had Passion Fruit. Any good?)
[18-17:08] 5fb, *Zaron: (( Let me put it this way. We some times buy passion fruit juice by the gallon. It's gone in less then a day))
[18-17:08] 5fb, *Zaron: (( There is a reason why people dilute it with other juices. It's just that damned good))
[18-17:10] 49c, ºLAMadame: (Shit. I`ll totally have to try it.)
[18-17:12] 5fb, *Zaron: ((Yeah, you do. Unfortunately it only grows in certain areas. But still, if you go to any Spanish food store, you are bound to find atleast passion fruit juice pulp))
[18-17:14] 49c, ºLAMadame: (Our stores up here have all sorts of stuff. Canada`s big on organic everything; I think I`ve seen some at the store around the corner.)
[18-17:14] 5fb, *Zaron: (( Nice))
[18-17:18] 5fb, *Zaron: * Sits on his bed in his hotel room, hunched over slightly. He watches the news on TV as if he's waiting for something to come on it. Something that he's been waiting years to come on, but it never does. A clue, an inkling about his past, something, anything, but nothing of that sort ever comes on the news.*
[18-17:22] NICK: LAMadame changed nick to Zarshreiy Kushiel.
[18-17:23] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (test)
[18-17:24] 5fb, *Zaron : * Grabs the remote and turns off the TV. Stands and opens his duffle bag. He pulls out a pair of black sweat pants, a pair of chain mail leggings, and a pair of black jeans.*
[18-17:24] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (You want to play, Zaron? Or are you just farting around?)
[18-17:28] 5fb, *Zaron : (( I wanna play. Just getting him ready.)) * Also pulls out a black sweater, chainmail shirt, and a thick, black leather shirt. He changes into what he just pulled out, putting the sweats on first, then the chainmail, followed by the outter wear. He puts on his boots, slides on his trench coat. He grabs his katana and gun, sliding both into their place within his trench. Opens the door of his motel room, and walks out.*
[18-17:29] 5fb, *Zaron : * Walks down the street, heading in the direction of the bar he's been frequenting lately.*
[18-17:29] JOIN: Sacha has entered.
[18-17:30] dd2, *Sacha : *sits at the bar after her latest kill and is drinking*
[18-17:33] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *has been at the bar for some time; she sits curtly on a stool, surrounded on the bartop by various papers, a pen, and more than one communications device. Blue eyes are sharp, and she is very aware of everyone and everything around her. So many thousands of years of life can do that. She chats amiably with an npc bartender, who it`s clear she knows well, and who sets before her a fine crystalline glass, the contents of which shimmer darkly in their lewd holder*
[18-17:33] JOIN: Amadeus Puck has entered.
[18-17:33] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: *is walking down the street as well, right heading for Zaron*
[18-17:33] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck: (*will be like 2 seconds with him*)
[18-17:35] 5fb, *Zaron : * Walks into a shadow. Without realizing what he is doing again, walks out of another shadow 50 feet.*
[18-17:35] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *near me or away from me?....**is confused*
[18-17:36] 5fb, *Zaron : * Towards the bar.*
[18-17:36] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *well then he'd bump into her then cause she has a bone to pick with him* Zaron!
[18-17:38] 5fb, *Zaron : * Blinks and stops, recognizing the voice from last night. Mutters in Arabic.." Fuck, I thought she would be too drunk to remember".*
[18-17:39] dd2, *Sacha : *looks up as she sees the same man from the other night and smirks at the angery woman with him*
[18-17:39] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *walks up to him and brings her hand up to slap him across the face* That was a fine trick you pulled last night! What did you do! Slip sleeping pills into my drinks or something!
[18-17:40] 5fb, *Zaron : * Is slapped.* I didn't slip anything into your drink. In fact, you were so drunk last night that you were falling asleep before anything happened.
[18-17:40] 5fb, *Zaron : * When she slaps him, his skin is as cold as ice.*
[18-17:41] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : so what was with the note hm? *a flush comes to her cheeks, not wanting to believe that she fell asleep during the foreplay*
[18-17:41] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *doesn't even notice how cold his skin is*
[18-17:42] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *a phone rings, and she answers. There`s faint laughter and the confidential tone that is used only for her lover, Markus. If only he weren`t away on business. Ah, well. A few more minutes of murmuring and a sad farewell. She sets the phone aside, and considers the mirror behind the bar, swirling the suspicious contents of her glass along her tongue and between her teeth to savor. She smiles at last, and snatching up her pen, continues to scrawl her endless corresbondance. Ah, being Matria of The Family was time-consuming, but more than worth it. There was much too much money to be made, and much too much intrigue to be played*
[18-17:42] 5fb, *Zaron : The note ment what it said. When I first checked into my motel room, the land lord told me if when he checks to see if the room is empty in the morning, if no one is in there he will assume that they are dead and will eather throw their shit out or pawn it.
[18-17:42] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (correspondance* even)
[18-17:43] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *she folds her arms across her chest, drumming her fingers on her opposite arms, looking him over* You didn't have fun last night. I know you didn't.
[18-17:43] 5fb, *Zaron : Now if you excuse me, I am a bit thirsty. * Opens the door to the bar and walks in. He doesn't like being slapped. Atleast not when he just woke up not too long ago. Walks towards the bar.*
[18-17:44] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks over his shoulder.* I had loads of fun last night. More then you will ever know. * Is telling the truth.*
[18-17:44] 0f5, *Amadeus Puck : *she just curls up into herself, her cheeks rather flushed**she looks back up at him, for some reason not believing him* sure... whatever... *she says under her breath and just walks off, not feeling too confident right now*
[18-17:45] dd2, *Sacha : *is sitting at the bar drinking from the bottle of Tequila*
[18-17:46] 5fb, *Zaron : * Notices the mirror infront of the bar and stops. Walks towards an empty table and sits down. Flags down a waiter and orders a bottle of Green Apple Schnaps.*
[18-17:47] EXIT: Amadeus Puck has left the chat ( that's all fer me fer now. ).
[18-17:49] 5fb, *Zaron : * Pulls out his coin with Arabic writting on one side and the image of a crown on another*
[18-17:49] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *she finishes off her glass, and pushes it aside and away from her precious documents. One folio is opened to what looks like business spreadsheets, which she marks carefully with her pen. Her head lifts when she feels Zaron enter; setting aside her work, she slides from her stool and makes her way for his table, tapping lightly on the side of the booth as if to knock at a door, announcing herself* Have you found yourself comfortable in the city, Mr. Zaron?
[18-17:50] dd2, *Sacha : *hearing his name she looks up and over at him she tries not to act as if she is watching him but her grip on the bottle grows harder*
[18-17:51] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks up and sees Zarshreiv.* Yes, yes I have. Each day I spend here is another day I become more comfortable.
[18-17:51] 5fb, *Zaron : * Nods to the waiter whom brings him his drink. Pays him for the drink, along with a nice tip.*
[18-17:53] 5fb, *Zaron : That motel room you found for me was perfect, and as you can tell from me being here, I've finally found a bar.
[18-17:55] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : This is a great bar ... very profitable ... and, it seems to attract a certain type of clientel that other bars do not. You should indeed be comfortable here. *her smile is kind, and quite friendly. She makes an engulfing notion with her hands* Just so you`re aware, I know most of the goings-on of this city; I`m a powerful person in L.A. I don`t like to toot my own horn, as it is said these days, I only wish you to know that if you ever need anything, I`m here.
[18-17:57] dd2, *Sacha : *the neck of the bottle breaks in her hand as she slips off the bar and moves towards a bathroom fast*
[18-17:57] 5fb, *Zaron : Thank you very much. Rest assured that I will not abuse that offer, as I prefer to do things on my own. And just so you know, if you ever need someone to perform some odd job or another, then you can depend on me.
[18-17:57] 5fb, *Zaron : I already owe you so much.
[18-17:59] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : I`ll remember that offer. *she`s much too shrewd a business woman to let him and his likely unique skills get away from her or be entirely from her grasp. But she`s no domineering leech on those who owe her, either* Actually ... there is one favor you can do for me. May I sit?
[18-17:59] 5fb, *Zaron : ((.))
[18-18:00] 5fb, *Zaron : Yes you may sit. Now, what is that favor?
[18-18:01] 5fb, *Zaron : ((.))
[18-18:01] dd2, *Sacha : *moves into the bathroom and starts to remove the glass from her hand her breathing heavy even though she doesnt need to breath.*
[18-18:01] 5fb, *Zaron : * He opens his bottle of Green Apple Schnaps and takes a swig from it.*
[18-18:05] dd2, *Sacha : *slowly walks back out moving thru the crowed like a shadow and sits watching him*
[18-18:05] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : I`d like to know who and what you are. You`ll forgive my bluntness, but it`s something I feel I need to know. My stakes in this city are high; I know from simply sitting here you are a rather powerful creature, and powerful creatures do not go without notice in my jurisdiction. So if you`d favor me with those details, I`ll leave you to your drink. *she hasn`t lost her friendly smile, and her tone is just as amiable, but there`s the business edge to her voice ... and rather something else. Not a threat, no, but a warning. Subtle, yet clear: This is my Territory, I will protect those who are in it, and kill those who threaten it.*
[18-18:07] 5fb, *Zaron : * He flips his coin towards her.* That's what I am. I only know my name is Zaron, and that I don't have a memory from before the 1980s. I know I am older though, but by how much, I don't know.
[18-18:08] 5fb, *Zaron : I'm a wanderer, just like I told you the first day I met you. I also know that I've got alot of money involved in serveral stocks, which is how I am able to support myself.
[18-18:08] 5fb, *Zaron : Now if you could tell me what those engravings on that coin means, I would be much abligged.
[18-18:09] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (Zar, IM me would ya?)
[18-18:09] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (Shit ... MysticRysa on AIM.)
[18-18:10] dd2, *Sacha : *mones towards Zaron and cusses at him in Arabic*
[18-18:13] 5fb, *Zaron : * Looks up at the woman whom just cursed at him and raises an eyebrow. Great, first he gets slapped, then interrograted, then cursed at. Looks at the woman whom just cursed at him in Arabic and curses back at her in Spanish.*
[18-18:14] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[18-18:15] dd2, *Sacha : *glares at him*You should know better then to flaunt yourself in public.
[18-18:15] 5fb, *Zaron : * Raises an eyebrow.* What the hell are you talking about?
[18-18:16] dc5, *Elmster: **he yawns, streching a bit. He looks about, getting use to the Idea of Sacha not being there when he wakes. He crawls outa bed and gets dressed and heads out to the streets to wander**
[18-18:16] 49c, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *her eyes slant to Sacha as the woman passes; no decency these days! People lack simple and polite courtesey, and it`s the one thing that might make her cross. She eases back into the booth and ignores the woman for now* The Crown is the hallmark calling-card of a Kindred clan that call themselves the Lasambra. The Arabiac word reads, "The Children of Haquim". I do not associate, nor was I ... how do the kindred term it ... Embraced in their manner. I am something much older than they, but since they are starting to influence, too greatly, the human world, I keep myself versed. I hope that helps. *she fingers the coin a moment longer, then slides it back across the table to him. Her eyes again on Sacha, but she refrains from making a rude comment. There is no need*
[18-18:18] dd2, *Sacha : *grabs the coin as she looks at the woman*You know much of my clan it seems*looks at Zaron*and you should know more with such a great mans blood within you*tosses the coin at him and starts for the door her anger just rolls off her the shadows seem to gather a bit at her feet as she makes her way to the door. It is time she get home she thinks or atlest out of there before she hurts someone.*
[18-18:18] 5fb, *Zaron : * Takes the coin back and nods to Mrs.Kushiel* Thank you. You've been the first real help I've had in years.
[18-18:19] 5fb, *Zaron : * Grabs the coin and stands. Celerity six finds him infront of Sacha.* And how do you know so much about me that I don't know about myself?
[18-18:20] dc5, *Elmster : **his eyes scan the streets for anyone of importance to him, or just someone that may look fun, frowning as he sees no one**