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[10-01:08] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *he laughs* no I mean.. * he laughs again.* I mean with a Y and two N's and all
[10-01:10] 29e, *Lora Andrews: *She snorts* one of those days, wait months...... even even years... Fiance... caught him with... another guy.. *she gets another drink and downs it, human growling to herself, then giving him a side glance* so now I'm here, hoping to get drunk and picked up..... *siiiiiiiigh and downing the rest of the drink *
[10-01:11] f01, *Kailynn Benson : I didn't know you knew how to spell my name.
[10-01:13] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *he smiles* well.. thats the thing about me.. I jsut pick things up..
[10-01:15] f01, *Kailynn Benson : Like women at clubs *cluckles lightly and goes to her drawer, pulling out some PJs*
[10-01:15] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: *Mmm, now that would draw a snort from him as well, but it would be derived from the laugh that he was forced to stifle as she would reveal her reason for having been so angry when he’d began this conversation - and despite the overwhelming prospect that those final words entail, he can’t help but ask the first question that comes to mind.* Are you really that bad in bed Lora? *Arching a brow as he would ask this question, and it would be then that the laugh he had been holding back would escape.*
[10-01:16] 29e, *Gian Rogue : yes thanks..* he laughs though, trying not to watch as she gets the pj's... being a good boy...*
[10-01:17] 29e, *Lora Andrews: Apearently..* she says dryly, without humour or anger, and then she orders yet another martini, grinding her teeth, and ignoring the laugh*
[10-01:18] JOIN: Sam Andrews has entered.
[10-01:19] fca, *Sam Andrews: ((*falls in*))
[10-01:19] a25, *Cookie Monster: (*waves to Sam*))
[10-01:20] fca, *Sam Andrews: ((*waves back* Oooo, I have family? *peers at Lora* I never knew...))
[10-01:20] f01, *Kailynn Benson : *but she goes into the bathroom to change... which takes her forever*
[10-01:21] 29e, *Gian Rogue : (*paul waves to Sam*)
[10-01:22] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *and hes falling on the bed with his hands behind his head looking up at the ceiling*
[10-01:22] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: * wouldn’t take him too long to get control of himself, though he just couldn’t force that arrogant grin from his lips no matter how hard he tried - he turning to face her fully, bringing his elbow to rest atop the bar, it only then that he would speak again, much more restrained now.* I doubt that - he probably just wanted something you couldn’t give him - like a dick in the ass. *He ever so close to losing it again as he would speak these words, it taking a force of will for him to contain himself.* So, you’re looking to get picked up?
[10-01:22] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: (*..tackles and hugs Sam.*)
[10-01:23] fca, *Sam Andrews: ((*goes down, molests, then rapes mothy of her color* damn it! ))
[10-01:24] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: (*Color test.*)
[10-01:25] f01, *Kailynn Benson : *comes back out, chuckling a little* So... you want to stay then?
[10-01:25] 29e, *Lora Andrews: *she raises her delicate eyebrow. * yeah, I'm sure he was.... it is rather fun.. * she sulks a second, her gray eyes smoldering as she looks at him* yup...
[10-01:26] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *he looks to her* I'll leave if you want.. I am just next door..... still....
[10-01:28] f01, *Kailynn Benson : You can stay. It would be nice *smiles*
[10-01:28] 29e, *Lora Andrews: (ya know I just noticed....... ha! heh.... )
[10-01:29] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *and hes happy about that. * alright.... * he smiles in return*
[10-01:30] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: *How he adored this modern age and the way in which people took even the last comment that he had made in perfect step, as such a thing would have never been acceptable sixty years ago - but then, he would have never even thought to say anything of that manner back then, as he simply changed with the times, acclimating himself flawlessly for the most part.* Looking for anything particular? *He holding a look in his eyes far beyond confidence at this point, he’s sure he has her if he wants her at this point, unless something goes drastically wrong. But the question was, did he even want her?*
[10-01:32] fca, *Sam Andrews: We dont need no education...*she sings quietly to herself as she walks through the city streets, kicking an empty beer can down the road infront of her**dressed in a pink plaid mini skirt, fishnets, chucks, and a wife beater she opens the door of some random bar and steps inside, hoping to get service here, cause having a 16 year old face for all eternity sucks major ass when it comes to getting served alcohol*
[10-01:32] 29e, *Lora Andrews: No not really..* then she turns back to the bar and orders another drink, as if he'd not even been talking to her*
[10-01:33] f01, *Kailynn Benson : *slips into the bed, under the heavy comforter that always makes her happy she doesn't have to wash*
[10-01:35] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *and hes on the other side, above the cover, and its a simple turn out light of course, but he doesn't do that just yet*
[10-01:36] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: *..this doesn’t bother him in the least, as she could have reacted much worse to what he had said - a short hand gesture enough to get him another drink from the bartender.* Did you fiancé have a name? *Once more trying to start up conversation with the only bit of information he knows about her, as she certainly wasn’t asking questions.*
[10-01:37] f01, *Kailynn Benson : *looks over at him* Sorry honey, not tonight. I have a headache *tries not to grin... she tries so hard, but fails*
[10-01:38] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *he snickers, giving her a side glance8 oh darnit, I guess its off to the computer.* he smirks.. * light off now? *he asks*
[10-01:38] fca, *Sam Andrews: *she hops up onto a barstool and drums her hands on the counter top**she smirks as she spots a bartender she knows really, really, really well...ahem, yeah**he automatically slides her a shot of jack and winks* "On the house" *she licks her lips and grins* What a gentleman. *then procedes to slam the whiskey, her purpose here is to get drunk tonight, and will get there, as god is her wittness*
[10-01:39] f01, *Kailynn Benson : *nods, her hair feeling cold and strange against her face*
[10-01:39] 29e, *Lora Andrews: Robin.. *she answers, not looking at him, taking another drink, oh and now it was taking effect to her..... she didn't care, she didn't..*
[10-01:43] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *he nods* alrighty.* he smiles to her then clicks the light off, shifting around some on the bed.... getting his shoes off.. * wake me if you need me at all oaky?
[10-01:43] f01, *Kailynn Benson : If I need anything... you'll know *a reference to her nightmares, but she doesn't expect him to get it*
[10-01:45] 29e, *Gian Rogue : *he just nods in the darkness, boy is he away.*
[10-01:45] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: *A quick nod would be his only response, as he could only pretend to care about the man who she had been about to marry for so long before he grew bored when already half drunk - though, he would normally have no problem pretending that he was interested in a person for an entire night so long as it served a purpose - but that politician side of him was all but forgotten now as he would down his fourth shot.* Let me know when your ready to go. *Damn, he’s an arrogant one isn’t he? Or maybe it was just he had so much confidence that he wouldn’t care if she turned him down - but given the other choices of companions spread about the bar, choices weren’t looking too good.*
[10-01:48] f01, *Kailynn Benson : (hmmm maybe I'll go back to my room and watch movies until class)
[10-01:49] 29e, *Lora Andrews: *she gave him a side glance, oh har baby oh har. But then again, he looked like a good lay, he was an ass, but maybe it wouldn't matter when his dick was out.* how about now * she says finally, finishing her current drink*
[10-01:52] a25, *Cookie Monster: *Snuggles his silly Envy*
[10-01:52] fca, *Sam Andrews: (( I'm bored...*so lurks, and stuff**spins around and around in her chair*))
[10-01:53] f01, ºEnvy: too bad I don't get t.v. some golf would knock me out for sure
[10-01:53] f01, ºEnvy: play with cookie, sam! you two need each other. I can feel it in my bones
[10-01:54] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: *Given the fact that he was more or less condemned to an eternity of holding a position from which he was unable to advance without betraying those close to him, and that he was by nature an ambitious man, he had the right to be an ass every now and then - though his display tonight was very different than he usually chooses to portray himself - in fact, he would probably regret the way he had acted in the morning, and she might even get an apology. Hell, who knows. Sliding slowly from his stool as if he were afraid he would loose his balance the instant his feet came into contact with the floor, he would pay quickly without error and start for the door - assuming she will follow him out to his car waiting there to take them off to his apartment that demonstrated his wealth more clearly than even his clothing did.*
[10-01:55] a25, *Cookie Monster: Can I play with you too silly girl? And who might I be able to play for you Sam?
[10-01:56] f01, ºEnvy: I need to go. it's almost three in the morning. I need to get up at 7 for class
[10-01:56] f01, ºEnvy: and I'm in such a populated place. people keep looking to see what I'm doing *can't RP when people are watching*
[10-01:57] a25, *Cookie Monster: *huggles* You get some rest deary. I don't want no zombified Envy.
[10-01:57] fca, *Sam Andrews: ((*laughs* I appreciate the offer, and if I weren't also chatting with my two roomies about...boys...ahem...and why they suck, I would so play...))
[10-01:57] 29e, *Lora Andrews: *a flaunter would be all she would think of him, perhaps a married one, but pretty much drunk she didn't care at the moment, nor probably would she in the morning when she had a busting headache, indeed she follows.. bleh*
[10-01:58] a25, *Cookie Monster: o/ for sucking
[10-01:58] 29e, *Lora Andrews: (*knows boys suck but has one that sucks in a goooood way*)
[10-01:59] fca, *Sam Andrews: ((*agrees with Lora* See, I told you we were related...))
[10-01:59] f01, ºEnvy: boys do suck *hushes the ooc* I'm outta here. catch you cats later*
[10-02:00] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: *Fades.*
[10-02:00] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: (*Heads out himself.* Night everyone.)
[10-02:00] 29e, *Lora Andrews: (heh ^^) *fadies*
[10-02:00] fca, *Sam Andrews: ((alright, I've got a hour to get one of my roomies drunk and cart her ass home, later cats and chickies))
[10-02:01] 29e, *Saven Rahyn: (*is out herself.. wavies and poofies*)
[10-02:01] EXIT: Brigham Kushiel has left the chat ( 12:00am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-02:01] a25, *Cookie Monster: *poop, is all alone*
[10-02:03] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 12:01am, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-11:28] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[10-12:14] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[10-13:13] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[10-13:22] 29e, *Mark Morgan: (*thumbs around again waits*)
[10-13:27] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[10-13:31] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she stands just outside her officees; cald in the outfit in her picture, which for her sensitive skin, is fastly comfortable. Attatched to her like glue, it does not shift, and send constant shivers up her spine. Player will get her picture fixed shortly! She carries no bag; her wealth is rediculously unimaginable, and she will restock her wardrobe while in Vienna. If she ever leaves the vineyard. She smirks, eyes nearly glowing with her mirth and expectation as she waits for Markus to show up*
[10-13:35] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[10-13:38] 8a3, *Mark Morgan: *He apears out of shadows, hes dressed in all dark colours, yes this is how he is, darkness, but his personality is so far from that most of the time.* Zar *He smiles to her, his emerald eyes sparkling, his hair falling just in his eyes.*
[10-13:40] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she comes forward to him, circling her arms tightly around his waist and kissing him softly in greeting* Mark. The day was too long. You`ve made me look forward to my nights again!
[10-13:42] 8a3, *Mark Morgan: *He smiles to her, wrapping his arms about her waist and nuzzling at her.* Are you ready? *He asks, noting the lack of any bags or such.*
[10-13:48] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Mmhm. *She does have a purse, however, which carries all she needs: cellphone, blackberry, an address book, a pen, and her financial things such as credit cards and bank account numbers. She closes her eyes, stroking the tail ends of his hair at the back of his neck, relishing the feel of his cool, dead flesh. She kisses him again, more vigorously this time* So how long have you had your pilots liscense?
[10-13:51] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (I`ve got to go, dear. The baby is up. Will probably be back by six or seven. Love you!)
[10-13:58] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[10-14:00] f77, *Mark Morgan: (damn..... okay! *oause again*)
[10-14:01] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (*unpause!*)
[10-14:03] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He smiles* well yets see..... quite a few years now, under different names of course. *he snickers, licking her nose* there will be some stops of course...* he says...*
[10-14:07] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she nips at his bottom lip lightly, grinning* Well, I would suspect. What`s your flight itinerary?
[10-14:07] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (*can still not spell*)
[10-14:08] f77, *Mark Morgan: well.. thats a suprise. *he grins, balling her up in his arms and ravaging her mouth.*
[10-14:10] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *her petite self fits perfectly to his, as her mouth is engulfed. She giggles against his tongue and returns the empatic kiss with one of her own, swirling her fingers tightly into his hair. After a long, savory moment she pulls her mouth away, smiling*
[10-14:14] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He smiles back, lips a little puffy after, and loosens his grip.* so shall we go then? *hes smiling, impish, happy, and as always boyish*
[10-14:19] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she nods eagerly* Yes, please! The sooner we`re out of here, the better.
[10-14:20] f77, *Mark Morgan: alright, of course we have to take the train...* and so they go to the station, his arm around her the whole way, first time hes been content in centuries*
[10-14:22] f77, *Mark Morgan: Cabs waiting.. *he says, ushering her to it, arm around her the entire time.*
[10-14:23] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *She slides in, her leather against the leather seats getting stuck, so that she has to really force herself across the seats, and gives up at the middle* You`ll just have to sit close to me, I suppose. *She winks, giggling again*
[10-14:24] f77, *Mark Morgan: oh such a chore..* he says wryly, telling the cabbie where they need to be and then settles back with her, nipping at her ear*
[10-14:25] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she whimpers lightly, curling into him, nuzzling into his neck, her fingers dragging across his inner thighs; she`s such a horrible tease*
[10-14:31] 998, ºEnvy: *posted some business on the board that everyon should read* Can you two make sure that happens for me?
[10-14:31] f77, *Mark Morgan: *its his turn to whimper then, he sighs leaning against her, hand on her thigh.*
[10-14:32] f77, *Mark Morgan: *nod nod*)
[10-14:32] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (Sure thing, doll.)
[10-14:34] 998, ºEnvy: whoa.... did the room just get al wierd for you guys (hasn't checked any boxes to make it wierd)
[10-14:34] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (I messed it up, making an annoucnement up there. *points* Fixed now!)
[10-14:34] f77, *Mark Morgan: (*wails*)
[10-14:35] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (though i don`t know what to do about that strange font change ... Moth`ll have to do it.)
[10-14:36] 998, ºEnvy: good ol' moth
[10-14:37] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (NM. Got it.)
[10-14:39] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (Hey, Drake is up. I`ve got to scoot, and I need to run to the store for stuff. Will be on this evening, at some point. Love you both! *goes*)
[10-14:39] 998, ºEnvy: *blinks at Lisha* want the last hour of my online time for... I don't even know how long?
[10-14:40] f77, *Mark Morgan: (K! loves bye!)
[10-14:41] f77, *Mark Morgan: *blinks*
[10-14:43] 998, ºEnvy: *blinks back*
[10-14:45] f77, *Mark Morgan: gah! I hate this! I have to leeeeeeeeeeeave! not far *sobs and sobs and more sobbing and then just leaves* love ya!
[10-14:46] 998, ºEnvy: love you too! see you when I can *mosies off, too*
[10-14:53] aca, ºmoth: *..prods for Envy.*
[10-14:57] MSG: moth sent a message to Envy.
[10-15:08] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[10-15:08] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *prods for moth*
[10-15:08] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: damn ...
[10-15:52] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-15:57] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (*lurks*)
[10-16:59] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: God dammit ... where the hell is everyone ... *sigh*
[10-17:06] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-17:07] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 3:06pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-17:07] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-17:07] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: ^^ *can guess who that is*
[10-17:08] b2b, Street Urchin: ( Bah....... I'm a Street Urchin!)
[10-17:08] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (You can type in any name, such as, Stoney, in the handle box before you press Enter and you won`t be an Urchin anymore.)
[10-17:09] b2b, Street Urchin: ( Tried that... didn't work.. )
[10-17:09] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 3:09pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-17:09] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-17:10] b2b, Street Urchin: ( see... )
[10-17:10] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (Hmm. What handle did you try putting in? Maybe someone who`s registered already has it.)
[10-17:11] b2b, Street Urchin: ( stoney.. and it says stoney doens't have an e-mail... so it's not registered )
[10-17:12] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Okay, let me register you.
[10-17:14] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Stoney`s already taken. What other handle do you think you`d want?
[10-17:15] b2b, Street Urchin: ( It's already taken!?!?!?! What the crap... Stonester?)
[10-17:16] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: All right. I`ll get that to ya.
[10-17:17] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (E-mail sent!)
[10-17:17] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 3:15pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-17:17] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[10-17:18] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *hugs* Welcome! *giggles*
[10-17:18] b2b, Street Urchin: * Returns the hug * Thanks!
[10-17:19] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 3:18pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-17:19] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Wtf?
[10-17:20] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[10-17:20] b2b, *Stonester: Grr...
[10-17:20] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: LoL
[10-17:21] EXIT: Zarshreiy Kushiel has left the chat ( 3:20pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-17:21] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[10-17:21] 0e4, ºLucreccia: There, I think that`s a more familiar skin.
[10-17:21] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 3:21pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-17:21] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[10-17:21] b2b, *Stonester: * Bites somethin *
[10-17:23] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *claws you to pieces*
[10-17:24] b2b, *Stonester: ACK!
[10-17:24] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *considers* So are you up for any type of game, or just want to figure out what the hell usually goes on in here?
[10-17:25] b2b, *Stonester: I'm up for anything...
[10-17:26] 0e4, ºLucreccia: Well, most people start out at the bar ... called the Before the Dawn. There`s an icon for it down here somewhere. We could just, attmept a game and see what happens.
[10-17:27] b2b, *Stonester: Alrighty
[10-17:27] 0e4, ºLucreccia: Here, I`m just going to clear the chat.

Chat cleared by Lucreccia.
[10-17:30] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *finds herself, for the first night in many, without Elmster attatched to her hip. And despite their pending engagement, she sits brooding over a dark, frothing beer at the bar, considering seriously for once what the hell she`s doing. She got killed once for this, is it really worth it? Long, but well-cared for nails tap absently at the mohogany wood on which she leans, green eyes darting from here to there occasionally*
[10-17:33] b2b, *Stonester : * Makes his way through the front enterence... his skin darkened from dirt and grime, his face covered in stubble. He stops in just inside to pear around *
[10-17:36] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *catching sight of him in the mirror behind the bar, her brows raise in one of those, "I could swear I know that face", expressions. Looking over her shoulder to assess the dirty fellow, she can`t help but smirk at his appearance. Harmonia would probably faint to see something so dirty walk in here* Been a while since you had a bath, has it? *she calls over to him, to catch his attention*
[10-17:39] b2b, *Stonester : * Turns his glance at Lucreccia... Smiling * It would seem that way... * Keeps his position of the room * It's the way of the wanderer isn't it... See how long you can go... and make an assessment when you can't go any longer...
[10-17:41] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she laughs lightly and nods. She knows quite abit about wandering; it`s what she does best* So I`m guessing your popping in here means you can`t go any longer.
[10-17:43] b2b, *Stonester : Exhaustion has set in... though I am not sure I've hit that point yet... * Shrugs and removes his coat... * It's a bit chilly out there isn't it?
[10-17:44] 0e4, ºLucreccia : It`s a desert. *that seems to be enoughe explination as far as she`s concerned* Can I get you a drink? You look a little ... dry.
[10-17:47] b2b, *Stonester : * Licks his lips... luckily far from chapped... * Yes... I would apprecaite something to drink... * Hangs his coat up somewhere and makes his way to the bar *
[10-17:48] b2b, *Stonester : ( BRB )
[10-17:49] 0e4, ºLucreccia : (k)
[10-17:51] b2b, *Stonester : (Back)
[10-17:52] 0e4, ºLucreccia : You are terribly familiar, you know. Not to be too forward, but you nag at my memory like a child pestering for ice cream money. *she watches him approach, wolven eyes sharp and intense as always* What`ll you have to drink, then?
[10-17:53] b2b, *Stonester : Nothing better than a glass of water... Perhaps I am Familiar... * Smirks * People have said I have a rather common face... * whipes his face off with a wash cloth from his pocket *
[10-17:59] 0e4, ºLucreccia : That`s possible. *NPC bartender arrives, slides the glass of water across, and disappears back to his other customers. She takes a pull from her dirty brown beer, green eyes curious. It`s clear she`s wracking her memory banks to recall where she knows him from* So where have you come from? And how did you end up here? *she makes an expansive gesture with her hands; possibly meaning the bar, possibly L.A. itself*
[10-18:01] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[10-18:01] b2b, *Stonester : Where have I come from? I come from nowhere... And how did I get here? Following the path of the unknown... I do not know how I got here... Perhaps I thought there might be... Oportunity here... not here as in this bar... but here as in.... L.A... The bar.. eh, I just liked the sign...
[10-18:03] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she chuckles; what a character. Flair for the dramatic, it seems* Opportunity? What kind of opportunity?
[10-18:03] 0e4, ºLucreccia : (stonsteer dear ... he`s a vampire, if memory serves, right?)
[10-18:05] b2b, *Stonester : ( Lupine... )
[10-18:06] b2b, *Stonester : * Smirks as he expected the question * I haven't come up with a word for it yet... Though... Redemption is the closest to describing the opportunity I seek...
[10-18:09] 0e4, ºLucreccia : Ah. A common goal, so rarely reached. *she watches him warily at that comment; she knows much of redemption; she was dead, after all, and redemption brought her back* What`ve you done that needs redeeming?
[10-18:10] 8a3, *Mark Morgan: (lurks around*)
[10-18:11] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[10-18:11] b2b, *Stonester : * Makes his way toward her after grabbing his water * Now I couldn't possibly tell you that... It's to revealing of my Character... * Takes a generous sip of his water... *
[10-18:12] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she turns on her stool to face him, lips twisted into a dour smile* I`m sure. Isn`t that always the case? Do you at least have a name, or is that, too, revealing?
[10-18:13] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she turns on her stool to face him, lips twisted into a dour smile* I`m sure. Isn`t that always the case? Do you at least have a name, or is that, too, revealing?
[10-18:15] b2b, *Stonester : I am know as... Stoney... and yourself? * Stops 4 feet away from her, leaning agains the bartop *
[10-18:16] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she offers her hand to shake* Lucreccia. And I know that name, it goes with that face. Now if I could place you ... I seem to associate you with Morguline in my memories. Not a very happy combination. *she laughs faintly, wondering if he`ll know that name. Hardly any don`t*
[10-18:19] b2b, *Stonester : * Extends his clean and well groomed hand, taking hers into his grasp * Lucreccia... ah yes... that is a Familiar name... Morguline you say... * Eyes darken, and jaw tightens at the thought *
[10-18:20] 8a3, *Mark Morgan: *its his turn to whimper then, he sighs leaning against her, hand on her thigh.* (unpause*)
[10-18:23] 0e4, ºLucreccia : I see neither of us if fond of him. *she finishes off her beer and pushes it aside. Not like her to drink, but it`s one of those kind of nights.* He`s the one that gave me this ... *points to the scar that circles her entire neck, welted and still relatively fresh* And these ... *points also to the three ritualistic scars that mark either cheek and her forehead* What`s he done to make you so adverse to him?
[10-18:25] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *She squelches away from him, always the tease* You`re very impatient, aren`t you? I thought we`d commorate our reunion once we reached Vienna ... I have a surprise for you.
[10-18:26] b2b, *Stonester : What do most men do to achive hatred from another? He stole from me... My dearest Ophelia... * Releases her hand as he makes his way onto the next barstool *
[10-18:27] 8a3, *Mark Morgan: *he blinks to her, gah and she got him going damnit.* surprise? *he'd always been fond of suprises, as she knew. but he also loved knowing then....* what might that be? *he asked cutely, head tilted*
[10-18:28] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *her brows raise, in complete surprise* Now, there`s something I wasn`t aware of. I never realized she started out as yours. They dìdn`t seem to last long, as it were. Perhaps that`s some consolation. The last I saw here was some three years back, or there abouts.
[10-18:29] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Oh, no puppy`s eyes will work on me this time, Markus. I am impervious. I shant reveal anything! *she turns her back to him, crosses her arms, and giggles to the window, knowing full well what she`s doing*
[10-18:30] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[10-18:31] b2b, *Stonester : Ah... of course... Isn't that what they call wasted love? Though I need no more consolation.... I took my revenge long ago... and look what it got me... Nothing...
[10-18:31] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He blinks, then gives a slight evil, impish look and scoots over, kissing at her neck* oh come now dear, you know how torturous 'tis...
[10-18:35] 0e4, ºLucreccia : Is that what you come here to redeem of yourself? Your vengance? *she watches him intently; it`s strangely odd to have someone familiar, oldly familiar, so near* And what was the cost of your vengeance?
[10-18:39] b2b, *Stonester : He poisoned me... with his blood... He is unnatural... he is evil... The cost? Undying pain as the acid of his blood tried to take me over... It is not Redemption I seek... Redemption is only the closest word to the word I am looking for... Perhaps that is what I seek... a word... a word to put my existance in perspective...
[10-18:41] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: I know. I love it more than your kisses! *she wiggles as far away from his as she possibly can*
[10-18:44] f77, *Mark Morgan: *but he doesn't let her he wraps his arms about her waist* now thats not fair! *he answers, dragging her into his lap.*
[10-18:44] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *silent for many moments as she studies him, considering, still curious* Is there such a thing? Perhaps that is what all creatures seek, to whom life is valuable. The undead, I suspect, have no such qualms. But for mortals, that is certainly the drive of life, don`t you think? A little perspective on their existance. I would think you`re not the only one with such qualms.
[10-18:47] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she laughs and twists this way and that to try and escape, even within the tight confines of their taxi* Oh, you are evil! I told you I wouldn`t tell, and I shant! I can endure your teasing! *and, in her spiffy suit which keeps virtually all sensations at bay, she can indeed!*
[10-18:47] b2b, *Stonester : Perhaps I am not... but I suppose I am more determined than most... I have to haunted a past to want to deal with that... so all there is left for me is the Future.... * Rubs his cheek making a scraping noise with his stubble *
[10-18:48] f77, *Mark Morgan: oh really? *he asks, taking her hand and kissing it gently, nibbling at her ear.* please tell me? *hes so cute, and so impish*
[10-18:50] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she nods faintly, eyes drifting to the bar mirror where she can observe him without looking directly at him* I can understand such things, more than most, perhaps. A past like mine, or one such as yours, there is only misery waiting. The future holds some light, even if it is uncertain. How interesting, and how true. There is naught but the future.
[10-18:52] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Oh, you`re impossible! *luckily for her, she has gloves on, unlucky for her, they don`t make gloves for ears. She tosses her hair down into his face and pulls away from his seeking lips* If you don`t stop, I won`t even tell you when we get there!
[10-18:55] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[10-18:55] b2b, *Stonester: ( That was strange )
[10-18:55] f77, *Mark Morgan: *somehow this just doesn't make him stop and he got to her ear and nibbled, moving his lips across her cheek.. He just hmms and keeps going*
[10-18:55] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (wb!)
[10-18:56] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she manages to turn in his arms, and using only a smidgen of her true strength pushes him back and away from her, growling faintly* I swear I won`t tell you, and it can all be canceled!
[10-18:56] b2b, *Stonester: * Shakes his head just thinking to himself... *
[10-18:58] b2b, *Stonester: ( Thank you )
[10-18:58] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he pouts, brow furrowed* not fair.. * he mumbles, looking a little dejected.. *
[10-18:59] 0e4, ºLucreccia : Another water? *she motions to his glass, unsure of how to continue. It`s terribly clear he has much on his mind* Or perhaps something stronger?
[10-18:59] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: You`re such a little boy! *she pokes him in the ribs, playfully* As impatient as a five year old on christmas morning. Honestly!
[10-19:00] b2b, *Stonester: Oh no thank you... I am refreshed... * Looks back up at her... So have you recalled as to how you know me yet?
[10-19:02] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he chuckles slightly, mock hurt at the poking ribs.* well I've always been like that with some things.... *he answers, and hmm they are to the airport*
[10-19:02] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she clears her throat and color rushes to her cheeks. She has, but wasn`t about to say anything, unless he asked. And, look at that, he had!* Yes. I believe in one of my more impulsive moments ... I planted myself on your lap, at one time or another, back at that tavern. And we had a nibble at each other ... so to speak. *she laughs at herself, and runs an anxious hand back through shimmering red hair* That was a very long time ago, however. I wouldn`t suspect you`d recall.
[10-19:05] b2b, *Stonester: Ah... that surely sounds like something I would do.... * Thinks back about all of his... Less than honorable actions with women... * I think.... * Vaguely remembers... * Takes in a deep wift of air... taking in her scent... * Yes... I do remember....
[10-19:06] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she glances out the cab at the mob of people swarming into the airport* I hate this place ... *muttered, as she opens her door and steps out. She`s glad she decided to travel light*
[10-19:08] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she shrugs faintly* I`m sure we had some interaction before that, but that is all that sticks out in my memory. I have a hard time recalling exact details of my past before my rebirth. Perhaps there`s a reason I remember you, though Gaia knows what it could possibly be.
[10-19:10] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he nods* yeah really.... oh and by the way, someone else will be flying us.... *he answers as he gets his own little pack and pays the guy*
[10-19:11] b2b, *Stonester: Rebirth huh... that must have been dramatic.. * Snickers to himself... *Gaia... hah... Still faithful to the unloving?
[10-19:13] b2b, *Stonester: ( BRB )
[10-19:13] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *her eyes darken, and it takes most of her good nature to keep from lashing out* She may not be the kindest of spirits, but she decided there was something left in me worthy enough to live. For that alone, I stay faithful ... or, try.
[10-19:13] 0e4, ºLucreccia : (k!)
[10-19:14] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she pouts, simpering over the roof of the departing cab at him* But I thought you would fly and I could sit in the cockpit with you. I`ve never been in one!
[10-19:16] f77, *Mark Morgan: well ........ do you want me to tell her to have the flight off?
[10-19:17] b2b, *Stonester: ( Back again, sorry drank a huge bottle of water.. )
[10-19:17] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *seriously considers* Well ... no. No, I suppose I don`t. *she smiles* But I`m still not telling you your surprise, no matter what you do to me! *is that a challenge in her voice, playful? Possibly ... she starts off, to the personal planes terminal*
[10-19:18] 0e4, ºLucreccia : (That`s totally cool.)
[10-19:19] b2b, *Stonester: * Shakes his head * Was it her that decided... or was is some other force?
[10-19:20] 0e4, ºLucreccia : Who is to say for sure? It is to her I prayed, the year I wandered in the spirit world ... it very well might have been something else posing as She. But if it was something other than Gaia, it was relatively benevolent, and has not requested anything of me but what our original deal was brokered on.
[10-19:21] f77, *Mark Morgan: ooo a challenge , he walks with her, and eventually she'll see a large black personal .. jet... and its spiffy*
[10-19:21] f77, *Mark Morgan: *of course after you get through everything*
[10-19:21] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[10-19:22] b2b, *Stonester: * Sighs thinking to himself... * I apologize ... I shouldn't try to sway your faith... Just because I lost mine...
[10-19:22] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she stands out on the tarmack, admiring the jet* Very nice. You`re doing well for yourself. We have a few, as personal charters for some of the family. *she lifts her eyes to him, offering her arm* Shall we go?
[10-19:23] 0e4, ºLucreccia : *she shrugs* Why shouldn`t you? It is often the drive of the faithless, as if they feel the need to spare those who are faithful the same loss they experienced. In a way, I suppose I appreciate it.
[10-19:23] dc5, *Elmster: **he awakes, leaning over tpo kiss Luc and finding her not there. He archs a brow, and searchs about**Were is she???**he stands and gets dressed and walks back out to the Streets, looking about as he wonders them**
[10-19:23] 0e4, ºLucreccia : (*hugs elm* evening you.)
[10-19:24] dc5, *Elmster: ((eve,.... ))
[10-19:24] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[10-19:25] dc5, *Elmster: ((2 lucs?))
[10-19:25] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he nods, and they head up into the plane, already greeted by a fellow vampire female, he talks to her a moment then goes to the seating area.*
[10-19:25] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (no, i got kicked out.)
[10-19:26] dc5, *Elmster: **he searchs about through aruas, spotting Lucs he heads trwards the Bar, quitely approaching as he is curious of what she is doing, he abrosps his aura so to make him seem just as a mortal**
[10-19:26] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she flits her way into the plush and graceful leather-bound seats, sinking into them with a sigh. She can feel the stress ease off of her shoulders now that they`re just a few moments sigh of being off the ground, and nothing can stop her from leaving, getting away, and with this man of any!*
[10-19:27] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-19:27] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (brb)
[10-19:27] b2b, *Stonester: * Cocks his brow... * Well... That's a different way of looking at it indeed... So... what is it that brought you here... ?
[10-19:29] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-19:29] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He eases into the seat beside her, sighing largely and putting his head back.* so how does it feel?
[10-19:31] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[10-19:31] 0e4, ºLucreccia: Originally? An old aqquaintance, the father of my son. More recently, what keeps me here is Elmster Wintersky. I`m not sure if you`ll recall his name or not ... I died for him once, and it seems he`s found me again. He proposed marraige, and I accepted. *she shrugs, and signals the bartender for another beer, smiling faintly* I suppose I`m a sap; willing to put my life on the line again for a doomed love, shunned by all. Perhaps I`m willing to chance that whatever gave me my second life, won`t take it away again. *she doesn`t notice Elmster, as he`s locked his aura away, and the Taint of Kindred fills this particular bar*
[10-19:32] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Spec-fucking-tacular. I already feel a hundred times lighter. Thank you ... so very much. *she takes his and and kisses it sweetly*
[10-19:32] dc5, *Elmster: **he enters the bar, taking a seat at a table so to watch her indicectly, simalar to what she has done to him.**gmmm..
[10-19:33] dc5, *Elmster: ((Is Stonester=Old Stony from VK????))
[10-19:34] b2b, *Stonester: That name does indeed ring a bell or two... So you are married now? Hah... That's an interesting thought... I suppose it is the thing to do this day in age...
[10-19:34] b2b, *Stonester: ( Is indeed Stoney.. )
[10-19:34] dc5, *Elmster: (long time no see.... heh..))
[10-19:35] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he purrs reaching over and tugging a strand of her hair gently.* just wait until we get to vienna... the vineyards are so beautiful right now.
[10-19:35] b2b, *Stonester: ( It has been a long time heh... )
[10-19:36] 0e4, ºLucreccia: I suppose it is. Though I won`t hesitate to say a part of me despises myself for being attracted to the one thing I should be murdering without hesitation. And no, we`re not married yet. No set date ... which may be a good thing. *she shrugs, and takes a healthy swig of her brown, frothing beer*
[10-19:36] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[10-19:37] dc5, *Elmster: **he orders a shot of Voldka, something he hasnt had a long time, he downs it quickly and without trouble. He watchs them.. wondering why she left him without a note... and is here.. with someone he knows, but doesnt quite remember why**
[10-19:37] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Just before the harvest, yes, I remember. You have good timing, it seems. *she keeps her fingers linked with his, her smile soft and for once, at ease*
[10-19:37] 09c, Promethius Kushiel: (*huggled Cec*Reggy me please)
[10-19:38] dc5, *Elmster: **he leans back in his chair, his covered aura grows darker as he now sees something in Luc he hasnt before. Maybe She doesnt love him as much as he thought. Maybe he words are just that. Words.**damm......
[10-19:38] b2b, *Stonester: * Curves his lips into a grin * Ah the filth of the Kindred... The ones who waste the flesh for the blood... I tried that once... turned out to be nothing but trouble..
[10-19:40] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (*goes to do so! and mauls her cainey-poo, just dies with love for him*)
[10-19:41] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (your pass is defpass, you know how to change it.)
[10-19:41] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he nods slightly* I'm always for timing.* he snickers, reaching over and nibbling her ear*
[10-19:42] 09c, Street Urchin: (*moleste his lover girl*Thanky babe*licks her eye*)
[10-19:42] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she shrugs* The problem is I love him, and I`m willing to risk all of it for him. Even if it means misery and hell in the future. A few sweet memories will hold me through. I can just see it ... we`ll be at the alter, and Morguline will show up. It`s his style to prolong his vengeance. *she pulls her hands through her hair, an expression of bemused confusion on her face* But it is still a most interesting calamity.
[10-19:42] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 5:42pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-19:42] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (*so welcome! *feels up*)
[10-19:43] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[10-19:43] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Oh, now you stop it you! *she bats him away* Do you have anything to drink? I`m parched.
[10-19:43] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*wiggles*NOt not me gf is around)
[10-19:45] dc5, *Elmster: **he sighs a bit, leaning back~I didnt trust her.. but... damm~Is usaly not the jeulous type, but this is new. He notes the Aura of Stoney is that of a Garou, and sighs**Damm**he orders another shot and downs it quickly**
[10-19:45] f77, *Mark Morgan: well.. theres always me *he says with a dashing smile.. wiggling brows*
[10-19:46] b2b, *Stonester: You love him... * Takes a deep breath * I've found relationships to be more appealing when they lack the curse of love... That way when that inevitable departure comes.... there is less pain... Less Suffering... even if it is a blood sucker...
[10-19:46] 09c, Street Urchin: I'll be back later got lots to do me yahoo is lunamccoh
[10-19:47] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *as the bartender goes to deliver Elmster his second vodka, she turns to follow his movements, and her eyes first widen, then narrow, at spotting him. Not worried about how long he`s been there, however. She`s done nothing wrong, and knows it. She smiles and motions Elmster to come to the bar and sit on the opposite side of her* I thought you would come and find me.
[10-19:47] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *as the bartender goes to deliver Elmster his second vodka, she turns to follow his movements, and her eyes first widen, then narrow, at spotting him. Not worried about how long he`s been there, however. She`s done nothing wrong, and knows it. She smiles and motions Elmster to come to the bar and sit on the opposite side of her* I thought you would come and find me.
[10-19:48] dc5, *Elmster: **he archs a brow at the Tender, but not before growling at Stoners coment**Why would I want to find you???
[10-19:48] b2b, *Stonester: * Turns about to see the one Lucreccia is talking to *
[10-19:49] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she turns back to Stoney and his words, nodding faintly, continuing to speak as if Elmster weren`t there, or that she weren`t aware of him* I have found that most often that is the best case, yet ... I find myself in the opposite situation, even with that mentality. I sometimes wonder if it`s not a test ... *again, back to Elmster* Well, you`re here, aren`t you? I don`t suspect you would have ended up here of your own volition if you weren`t looking for me.
[10-19:50] b2b, *Stonester: * Holds in his laugh at the humanoid's weak laugh.. *
[10-19:50] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 5:46pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[10-19:50] dc5, *Elmster: **he shurgs**Maybe I come looking for old company....**he glances to Stoner and using Telepathy~Who is he??~**
[10-19:51] b2b, *Stonester: Well... whatever works for you as I always say... Well actually I've just recently started saying that... but it does feel like I've always said it...
[10-19:53] dc5, *Elmster: **He leans back**Maybe I came to seek old friends.... or new wons** Telepathy~WHo is he??~~**
[10-19:53] dc5, *Elmster: ((dam undo button))
[10-19:54] dc5, *Elmster: *ones...
[10-19:55] 0e4, ºLucreccia: Cynicism will do that to people. *she smiles at Stoney; how nice to find comraderee again, with a fellow cynical wolf* I find those words at my lips more than I care for .. *she slants her eyes at Elmster* ||Someone I used to know, and just barely that. We couldn`t even have been called friends. What is with this jealousy, Elmster? Do you not trust me?||
[10-19:55] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *and she leans over, sliding ont his lap and cupping his face. With no hesitation, she leans down and sinks her fangs into his throat, no small sip this time*
[10-19:57] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he arches his neck, sighing gently his arms loose around her*
[10-19:57] dc5, *Elmster: ~You seem not to trust me when I was with Sacha... So why should I trust you when your out here with... that Garou... non the less leaving me at Home without a warning...~**he sighs and stands**~Have your fun.... ~**he walks out of the bar**
[10-19:59] b2b, *Stonester: * Sits there eyeing the two... able to feel an energy... but not enough to come to any conclusions.. *
[10-20:00] 0e4, ºLucreccia: Ah, Gaia. Why is there always such drama? *but she remains at the bar, slanting her eyes at Stoney* Your words are starting to make more and more sense. *Telepathically, again* ||Elmster Wintersky ... I didn`t trust her, I had faith in you. But she`s dangerous, and unlike the undead, Garou do go killing each other; we`re not even allowed to love one another. Please stop the melodrama and come back inside. Or you won`t be able to blame me for being the one to walk away from us.||
[10-20:01] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (Don`t go killing* rather ..)
[10-20:03] dc5, *Elmster: ~Im not blaming you.. But you say vampires do kill each other.. But its the garou that kill us without a just cause.... I dont trust him... Apparently he alreayd has the idea we shouldnt be together without knowing me.. And you listen to him..Hmm.. if you need me.. I will be in the park....~**he heads to the park, breaking the link**
[10-20:03] b2b, *Stonester: Glad to hear they're making sense to you... Nothing like someone not understanding... or even relating to your opinion...
[10-20:05] b2b, *Stonester: * Smells the air... realizing who the person Lucreccia was giving her attention may be... *
[10-20:06] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she groans as he breaks the link and orders yet another beer. Going to be a long night* What an ass. Honestly. Says we have no just cause for our crusade against the undead. It`s just become very clear to me he expects me to be some kind of human girl for him, and that`s just not what I am. I`m a wolf, and that`s that. This is apparently not going to work.
[10-20:08] dc5, *Elmster: **he sits on the park bench, his eyes over viewing the trees as the winds blows in the empty branchs.. He begins to have seconds thoughts on Marrige and what he gave up for her. **
[10-20:09] b2b, *Stonester: What did I say? They're not worth the trouble... and, what pleasures could you get from something that doesn't even have body heat? They probably can't feel your touch... they just know they're being touched... * His grin grows larger... showing his canines, long but not like a vampire... they are curved back like that of a wolf... *
[10-20:11] b2b, *Stonester: You know he feels he same as you... Unsure... I can smell it on him... though, barely over the stentch of the unclean..
[10-20:12] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-20:12] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-20:12] 0e4, ºLucreccia: There is that. And it`s so bothersome ... to keep to a nightly schedule. My work takes me around in daylight, quite a bit as of late ... I am a wolf, but I am not a god. *she laughs, smiling jovially at him* I sometimes have wondered if they don`t fake most of their reactions, except those of pain. I`m quite sure those are real. *her own cainines glint, and her eyes, just briefly, flash a wolven yellow* I think I needed you tonight, Stoney. You`ve helped clear the taint out of my head.
[10-20:12] JOIN: Phaedra has entered.
[10-20:13] 0df, *Phaedra: (knew ide get it right eventually)
[10-20:13] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she helps herself liberally to his blood for long, delightful moments, before breaking away, and offering him her own craned neck in return*
[10-20:15] dc5, *Elmster: **he sighs,looking to the ground now**She aint coming.....**he looks back to the moon. He sligtly knew. He knew that if she got to talking, she might leave him... and now...he growls lowing**That Fucking Garou.......
[10-20:15] f77, *Mark Morgan: *he takes a breath, slightly sorry that she broke away, but with glee at her own bared neck he bites, taking small pools of her blood, his hands flat on her back*
[10-20:17] b2b, *Stonester: Hah... That's always a good feeling.. to feel you did something... or were needed... * Reaches out touching her cheek * Only pain... that's what the undead are here for... Reliving their pain... .being punshed for the wrong they did..
[10-20:19] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she inclines her cheek lightly into his touch, nodding in agreement* I have seen it so many times .. I can`t understand, after all I`ve suffered, how I would allow my mind to be so clouded. I`ll have to get back on my guard. *she reaches to touch his fingers against her skin lightly* Being needed is a nice thing, true. Rare, but sweet when it happens.
[10-20:20] 0e4, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *whimpers with glee and contentment, as they take off, soaring into the sky, her happiness surmounted at being bound for Vienna*
[10-20:20] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[10-20:21] dc5, *Elmster: **he checks on what she is doing from lvl 6 Auspex. His eyes open wide as he watchs the touch**Damm it.....**he stands, walking back to the bar, quickly**
[10-20:22] b2b, *Stonester: * Draws lines up and down her jawline with his pinky * That is what the unclean do... they taint... they mislead... and cause you to do what you should not..
[10-20:22] f77, *Mark Morgan: *Finally as they clear and are quite a ways in the sky does he move his mouth from hers, licking his lips and licking her neck to get the last of her blood, his breath warm to her now.*
[10-20:22] dc5, *Elmster: ((claravionce is its name.. hey..))
[10-20:24] 0df, *Phaedra: *ELmster may just be knocked down by a feline type girl botling on all fours away from 2 large dogs not garou just dcommon pitbulls but they didnt look pleasant*
[10-20:25] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *her smile softens, reveling in his warm touch, leaning in towards him, resting an open palm against the center of his chest, to feel his heartbeat*And they`re dead. Which is so unpleasant, along with all the rest. I have been mislead before, now twice. I wonder, sometimes, if there isn`t something in my aura that attacts these leeches.
[10-20:26] 0df, *Phaedra: (damn my spelling)
[10-20:26] dc5, *Elmster: **he walks into the bar, his glare Upon Luc and Stoner as he walks to them**I see... I leave you to show I can trust you with someone.. and now this....**he looks to Stoner, knowing who it is now**
[10-20:27] b2b, *Stonester: Purity attacks dirt... It's like having a white shirt... you just know it's going to get dirty....
[10-20:29] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she turns sharply to Elm, glaring* I told you if you walked away, it was your fault for ending this. There is also just the funamental fact of my being alive, you being dead. My nature being to kill your kind, not to love them. He has done nothing but reawaken the eyes. Now take yourself and get out of here before I decide I can`t spare you. *she slides off her stool and stands; she towers at 6`2", likely looking down at him* It`s your choice.
[10-20:32] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[10-20:32] dc5, *Elmster: **he shakes his head**I have given myself the ability to become a mortal for you.. and soon permanityl... and now.. after all this you choice in one night is to leave me?....**he shakes his head**If that is your chioces... Its not our breed that is dead... its yours...... we atleast attempt to love others......
[10-20:32] b2b, *Stonester: ( Grrnes... )
[10-20:34] b2b, *Stonester: * Slips from his seat watching the both of them... Smiling at the reactions *
[10-20:34] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she stares at him* I have loved more truely than you can, or ever have. But I refuse to argue with you, or make this a prolonged, rediculous issue. There is no cure for your disease, or more of your kind would have opted for it. Keep your gift of mortality, and use it to better yourself. *her eyes slant to Stoney, brows lifted* Are you sufficiently refreshed to find somehwere else to keep talking? I`ve lost my taste for this place for the night.
[10-20:36] dc5, *Elmster: **he looks to Stoney**You.. Stoney... I remember.... heh....**he looks to Luc**Youi say you loved me.. and it changed in one night.. how nice**He leaves and removes only his book fromthe apartment**
[10-20:36] b2b, *Stonester: Lead the way... * Glances at Elmster... Then back to Lucreccia *
[10-20:36] dc5, *Elmster: **he looks to Stoney**You.. Stoney... I remember.... heh....**he looks to Luc**Youi say you loved me.. and it changed in one night.. how nice**He leaves and removes only his book fromthe apartment**
[10-20:37] b2b, *Stonester: Few can forget me... I suppose it's the common face....
[10-20:37] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she doesn`t bother to wave* It wasn`t love, it was Taint. *she hooks her thumb over her shoulder, towards the door* I have a hotel room with a restauraunt nearby if you`re hungry, or just need a place to crash.
[10-20:37] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[10-20:39] dc5, *Elmster: **he now rest in the earth at the park for now**Fucking garou will pay......... I gave up Sacha for her... I searched for her .. and now this.. In one Night.. because of Stoney......**he growls, shaking his head8*they wont that would be to good...**he seems into the earth**
[10-20:39] b2b, *Stonester: That works... * Grabs his coat * I could use a snack... It's been a few hours...
[10-20:39] dc5, *Elmster: **gones**
[10-20:40] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (*loves the melodrama, just laughing gleefully*)
[10-20:41] f77, *Mark Morgan: (heh, ya know I tihnk we all should write a soap opera)
[10-20:42] b2b, *Stonester: I expected more than just walking off like a Child.... Perhaps the honorless Undead are now getting less... defending...
[10-20:44] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *to spare time, they`re already at the hotel. The restaurant is a Denny`s, and the place is cheap but not shabby. She shrugs* Either that, or he`s making some horrible plot to take us down. Some fate worse than death. I`ve already faced death and a horrid fate, I don`t think much`ll phase me. *she flashes a wicked smile, giving him a small bow* Though I appreciate your showing up at just the right time.
[10-20:47] b2b, *Stonester: That young Kindred? hah... I would love to see an attempt... I appreciate the company... it's not usually that easy to pick up women at those kinds of bar... * Chuckles.. *
[10-20:50] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she laughs and meanders around the parking lot* Who said I was easy? *she drops a wink and punches him teasingly in the shoulder* And you came along pretty willingly. Maybe I`m trying to pick you up.
[10-20:51] b2b, *Stonester: Who said I wasn't easy? * Walks closer bumping into her to knock her off balance before walking into the door to Denny's *
[10-20:53] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she`s a Silent Strider, yo, and happens to have the merit of Perfect Balance, so ha! -she eases a foot back and catches herself on a tiptoe, graceful as a ballerina, before following him in* Hey now, don`t start a fight you can`t win.
[10-20:55] b2b, *Stonester: * Turns around in the doorway smiling.. * Oh? Let's not tempt * Licks his lips moistening them *
[10-20:57] 0e4, ºLucreccia: Why not? Afraid you won`t be tough enough? Be able to hold out? *her eyes follow the line of his tongue across his lips, and she reaches up to drag her thumb across those same lips, eyes glinting* ...Coward?
[10-20:57] b2b, *Stonester: ( Well... Angel might as well be a Vampire Soap Opera, so it wouldn't be the most original heh )
[10-20:58] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (no kiddin`... but it might be fun! *wiggle*)
[10-21:01] f77, *Mark Morgan: heh true)
[10-21:02] b2b, *Stonester: Afraid? You do tempt don't you? No... I just think you might enjoy it!
[10-21:03] b2b, *Stonester: ( Enjoy it too much that is... )
[10-21:04] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *laughs, and pushes him the rest of the way through the doors* You`re right! I would. But is there really such a thing as enjoying too much?
[10-21:04] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (*shifty eyes* ... i plead the fifth!)
[10-21:05] f77, *Mark Morgan: hhaha!)
[10-21:06] b2b, *Stonester: Isn't there? They say too much of anything is bad... * Back peddles into the Resteraunt and makes his way to a table.... *
[10-21:08] 0e4, ºLucreccia: *she chuckles and shrugs, sliding into an empty booth* I suppose so, but sometimes overdosing is a good thing, especially when one has been deprived. *she slaps a menue down in front of him, since Denny`s has gotten super cheap and don`t even make the waitresses carry them anymore* What`re you having?
[10-21:11] b2b, *Stonester: Hmm... I think I'll have to go with some kind of breakfast food... It's why I used to come here... for the breakfast...
[10-21:14] 0e4, ºLucreccia: I go for the eggs beendicte ... it`s all about the fat in that one. That sauce is ... just hell on the heart. *she doesn`t even look at the menu; one of her Vices: Denny`s. Hence, the hotel being so close*
[10-21:16] b2b, *Stonester: I guess I will try that too... it's been a while since I've eaten at a place like this..
[10-21:16] b2b, *Stonester: ( Am going to have to dissapear here soon )
[10-21:17] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (You go ahead and go now if you need to, dollface.)
[10-21:18] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (I need to start cooking dinner for Mat, anyway .. *grumblies*)
[10-21:18] b2b, *Stonester: ( Alright, sorry to leave so soon, perhaps tomarrow night we can continue
[10-21:18] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-21:19] b2b, *Stonester: ( I'm Flipping starving myself heh.. )
[10-21:19] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (Sure thing! *hugs* Night, you!)
[10-21:19] f77, *Mark Morgan: (*just watches and listens to the chirps*)
[10-21:20] 0e4, ºLucreccia: (I need a pickle ...*goes to start cookin`* Night!
[10-21:20] b2b, *Stonester: ( Night )
[10-21:24] f77, *Mark Morgan: (*chirp chirp*)
[10-21:56] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-00:06] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[11-00:07] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[11-00:08] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (I'm bat man*tap dances into the room*)
[11-00:18] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (No yuir not I'm BatMan ye ass. Wait a minute I'm talkin' to meself now,'eh oh well*waves to that are his and is gone with poof*)
[11-00:23] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 10:16pm, December 10 (CST) ).
[11-00:24] f77, *Lora Andrews: *blinks*
[11-01:40] 9b9, ºEnvy: *lurks*
[11-01:48] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (test)
[11-01:48] 9b9, ºEnvy: brb love. having problems
[11-01:50] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (K)
[11-01:52] JOIN: Lucien has entered.
[11-01:54] 9b9, ºLucien: (could you start, precious?)
[11-01:56] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (sure)
[11-01:59] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *Garrett was up onstage of some club, he was with the band, like he had been this passed week, but it wasn't practice tonight it was real jamming. And he was really letting hsi voice out, maybe it was because he'd been happy these past few days. who knows, the band members kidded him, but heh he didn't care.*
[11-02:00] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (Test*)
[11-02:02] 9b9, ºLucien: *sits waaaaay in the back, his feet pulled up on the chair that he's sitting in, because he's skinny enough to pull it off. He wouldn't miss it, of course, but he didn't want Garrett to know that he was there. Not yet anyway. He has a little smile on his full lips that he doesn't even realize is there as he watches Garrett belt it out. He's even almost over the fact that he's not allowed to drink, not that he expected this place to have what he would want anyway*
[11-02:06] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *As the voice ends and music moves in louder he sways slightly, ignoring the girls currently oogling at him, and maybe the one petite boy with them. Then the music gets gentler and he does a mellow tone..... then ends the song, the last song, and he waves to all and goes back stage for water, dying of thirst after being without a break for an hour... damn no shows*
[11-02:09] 9b9, ºLucien: *he sits for a while longer, waiting for some of the crowd to clear. he doesn't want to get up and have his seat taken if the place is going to remain crowded, but that didn't appear to be the case. So, Lucien stands and mosies to the bar and proceeds to get a bizzare look when he simply orders some orange juice. it's good for the immune system, after all*
[11-02:09] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[11-02:10] 9b9, ºLucien : ((mothy))
[11-02:10] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*licks Envy in the eye*)
[11-02:10] 9b9, ºLucien : ((pops a "?" in there))
[11-02:11] 9b9, ºLucien : (*LOVES being licked in the eye!*)
[11-02:12] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*licks Envy in the eye*)
[11-02:12] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-02:12] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*licks Envy in the eye*)
[11-02:13] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *After a few minutes he comes out, and sneaks by the girls to the bar for a drink, but one manages to follow him and hangs onto him, and he looks like he wants to crawl away.*
[11-02:13] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (not mothy..just yuir fav lasombra)
[11-02:14] 9b9, ºLucien : (*knows that now*)
[11-02:15] 9b9, ºLucien : *which, of course, he finds quite funny. He watches quite amused, chuckling while drinking his orange juice*
[11-02:15] 9b9, ºLucien : (can I bring anyone in for you, Caine?)
[11-02:15] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (oh Caine! *loves on you, even though she doesn'tknow you.... shes had catnip, no joke*)
[11-02:16] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He spots Lucien and gives him a pleading look, 'please come over here and flirt or something!' that look...*
[11-02:16] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (garret = jayde?)
[11-02:18] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (not at the moment ish in the middle of somthin'. that an' I'm not gonna be me tonight)
[11-02:18] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (nope ^_^ )
[11-02:19] 9b9, ºLucien : *he doesn't at first, nope. He sits back and watches. When he stands, he's stopped by the bartender to pay for his drink... a whole dollar, which he does. Then he slides to Garrett, however... he starts flirting with the girl! But he has a playful look about him the whole time*
[11-02:20] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (what's everyone's location?)
[11-02:21] 9b9, ºLucien : (a random club)
[11-02:22] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (k I'll brb gonna go drinkin', oh ju read the borad me punk bitch)
[11-02:22] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (a club) *And the girl drops garrett, no matter that hes a musician! Lucien has more charm, and thats what counts to this blonde, Garrett sighs and gets himself a shot of vodka, he might need it.... and hes kinda surprised Luciens here...*
[11-02:25] 9b9, ºLucien : *he gives the girl a number, Garrett's of course, or what he picked up from a bill lying around was Garrett's number. This makes her happy enough and Lucien walks over to the bar, still chuckling to himself. He really can be a cocky bastard sometimes*
[11-02:28] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (ju = did you. an' was talkin' to Envy)
[11-02:29] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: brb
[11-02:29] 9b9, ºLucien : ((yes.... I read it all the time, doll. the new post is from me, though))
[11-02:29] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (Not it's from us)
[11-02:30] 9b9, ºLucien : ((OH! I didn't read your post yet! thanks hun! *hugs for when you get back))
[11-02:30] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *Garrett looks at him, shaking his head* you cocky little dick.* he laughs, downing his drink and paying for it.*
[11-02:33] 9b9, ºLucien : *shrugs one shoulder, still smiling* Don't tell me that you never have a good time.
[11-02:35] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He doesn't say a thing, he just laughs.* I didn't knwo you were here.. *he says after a moment, tugging the boy a little closer*
[11-02:36] 9b9, ºLucien : *he doesn't object, but he does take a quick scan around the club before looking back at Garrett* I was in the back.
[11-02:39] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He'd already looked around, people were dispursing and such.* ahh.... no wonder..... *he smiles* wanna get out of here? I need food.... and wine.. *his stomach growls a little.*
[11-02:41] 9b9, ºLucien : *doesn't get too excited, even though wine is mentioned. He's learned not to expect much from Americans and wine* Don't you have some... after gig party or something?
[11-02:46] f77, *Garrett Galloway: I never do that kinda thing. * he mumbles, seeing his band friends already leaving, they know he wouldn't go.*... right now I'd like to do something... do you drink wine? *he asks, already walking towards the door, he doesn't know about his wine thing..* the ritzy res's have some good stuff.... and I need a hundred dollar steak..* he smirks*
[11-02:54] 9b9, ºLucien : Occasionally *a little smirk tugs at his lips, since that was a total untruth* Why don't you ever go? Isn't that some kind of bonding thing?
[11-02:56] f77, *Garrett Galloway: Its .. not my thing.. not much of a group person.. *he says, and once outside hails a cab.*
[11-02:57] 9b9, ºLucien : You're in kind of a shitty business to be unsocial *sticks his hands in his pockets, not really meaning to be rude* Is it alright that I came?
[11-03:01] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *he laughs.* so true.. I have no idea why I do this..* he says..* of course it is, I'm glad you came.* he answers, once they get in the cab, his lips mauling Luciens in the greeting he'd wanted to give him*
[11-03:05] 9b9, ºLucien : *he's not so suprised as he is relieved. His mothers words had actually gotten to him a little upon thinking. He was careful in the club, not wanting to destroy any "image" that this fine man kissing him had made for himself. Besides, Lucien would be leaving at any time and Garrett would still be here to live it all down. He hated this. He hated having to worry about the appropriate time to kiss somebody that he wanted to kiss*
[11-03:09] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *he frenches the boy for a long moment, groping, then sits back.. finally tells the cabbie where they need to be.. some rizty place.*
[11-03:13] 9b9, ºLucien : *smiles, proping his elbow near the cab window, covering his mouth, now slightly swollen from the assault* What do you do with all of that energy if you don't go to after parties? You obviously don't take home fans...
[11-03:14] f77, *Garrett Galloway: Well.... I run alot... *He answers, but its clear he doesn't do it in human form, he leans back slightly, keeping his hand on some part of the boys body*
[11-03:17] 9b9, ºLucien : Run? Where do you run in the city? *so it's obvious he got it*
[11-03:20] f77, *Garrett Galloway: back allies, I run into gnawers there.... also the park..... the homeless don't seem to care.... I've even done it right downtown... *he says, looking to Lucien*
[11-03:21] 9b9, ºLucien : Won't you get into trouble? *looks a bit confused. He didn't know too much about all of this, but last he knew... shifting around humans in public wasn't too kindly looked upon*
[11-03:23] f77, *Garrett Galloway: ahh well I don't actually do the major part around them, I just scare the shit out of them afterwards.... *he answers.*
[11-03:26] 9b9, ºLucien : Oh. *looks out the window, smiling a little, shaking his head* I can't believe that you didn't go to a party or take home any of those girls. You're totally wasting your abuseable position
[11-03:27] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *he snickers.* well when I'm famous I can do that more... seems you'd be better at it than me.. * he answers, leaning his head back and closing his eyes, sighing.*
[11-03:28] 9b9, ºLucien : Practice, my dear boy *turns his head and smiles, patting Garrett's leg with his long fingered hand* It's all about practice.
[11-03:29] f77, *Garrett Galloway: uh huh.... *he answers, giving him a side glance*
[11-03:30] 9b9, ºLucien : I promise. Besides *pulls a napkin out of his pocket and hands it to him* I got you her number *waves it* But you probably won't need it since she's calling you tomorrow night.
[11-03:33] f77, *Garrett Galloway: What?! *his head shot up, he had not been paying that much attention to him and the girl.*
[11-03:34] 9b9, ºLucien : mmmmhmmm *grins and waves the napkin some more* Here
[11-03:35] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (pause)
[11-03:38] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-03:38] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[11-03:39] f77, *Carter Galloway: (*thumb twidle*)
[11-03:40] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[11-03:46] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : *an air of superiority an age hangs around him he strolls into the BtD dressed in black leather boots, black slacks, and a grey dress shrit completely buttoned to the collar with a crystal it the place of a tie,the crystal gives off a irredescant green glow*
[11-03:47] f77, *Carter Galloway: (ponders if she should drag a char in*)
[11-03:50] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : (please feel free. I'm not waiting for anyone. that an' I'll probly be lagging cuz ish looking for pic for char)
[11-03:51] f77, *Saven Rahyn: alrighty ^_^... )
[11-03:54] f77, *Saven Rahyn: *She herself had arrived at the BtD just minutes ago and was now drinking a tainted vodka martini, her favourite, her own age hung around her, even though she looked no more than 24. Long black hair cascading down her back, dressed herself in some sort of womans suit, a navy blue, pin stripe suit well fitted and nothing under the jacket, yet she didn't look like a whore for lack of such, her apearance clearly native american*
[11-03:55] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[11-03:58] f77, *Saven Rahyn: (nice pic)
[11-04:01] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-04:01] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *seeing her at the bar he approaches and takes a stool one down from her sencing the smell of corpse on her he smiles noding and orders a double Gin'n'Tonic from the npc bartender(tanky)not giveing her a second*Good eve miss.
[11-04:03] f77, *Saven Rahyn: *Her onyx eyes cut to him, her full lips smile slightly.* Eve sir..* she answers, her tone low, husky as she laps at her drink, black hair falling far past her back and down to the middle of the barstool, that was how long her hair was.*
[11-04:09] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *being keen on the undead he has come to tollerate them due to their major place in the family*Pardon miss but what is there to do is this city? I've heard of towo clubs here but have no idea where they are let alone which one I would want to avoid,though both are supposed to be rather prestigious
[11-04:12] f77, *Saven Rahyn: which ones are those? *she asks, turning herself to him, her skin pale, the shadow of her cleavage evident.* There are quite a few mon chere..* she added, her voice that of cajun, though shes clearly not that, just another accent shes picked up over the years.*
[11-04:16] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Umm*pauses to think*There's the Reality, and The Burning something or other.
[11-04:18] f77, *Saven Rahyn: *She busted out laughing* the Burning Bush? *she asked, raising a dark brow* thats a strip joint you know bebe
[11-04:24] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Yes the was mentioned, I wasn't paying to much attention to the conversation I was hold as I was to the person I was holding it with.*as he says this a mixture of greek and french acents come to the fore of he speech*What is so amusing about that by the way*drinking half the gin'n'tonic as if were water*
[11-04:26] f77, *Saven Rahyn: Well..... I don't hear the Burning Bush get called prestigous much..* she answers, ordering another drink, the same as before.*
[11-04:32] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Really, I suppose you would know the reason for that?
[11-04:34] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[11-04:34] f77, *Saven Rahyn: yes.. I've been to watch once or twice... its a strip joint..... nothing more.. * she shrugs and takes to her drink, amused looking.*
[11-04:39] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: So nothing to innteresting to watch while one has a drink? How sad.Thwn again this is America,where everything is over played and over rated.(brb need to make a store run.
[11-04:39] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: So nothing to innteresting to watch while one has a drink? How sad.Thwn again this is America,where everything is over played and over rated.(brb need to make a store run.
[11-04:41] f77, *Saven Rahyn: *she turns her hea to him* like everytihng else in this dull world.* she retorts, downing all of her drink.* (okay)
[11-05:10] f77, *Saven Rahyn: (*skips off*)
[11-05:17] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[11-05:18] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (we'll have to either pause this or end it cuz I ish very tired now)
[11-05:27] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (okay no responce*with a piff an' a poof *)
[11-05:27] EXIT: Promethius Kushiel has left the chat ( 3:27am, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-08:08] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[11-15:36] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[11-15:43] aca, ºmoth: *..tackles.*
[11-15:47] JOIN: Lora Andrews has entered.
[11-15:48] f77, *Lora Andrews: (*gacks*)
[11-15:50] f77, *Kitty: *pats moth on the head*
[11-15:54] aca, ºmoth: *Patted - and heads out for dinner.*
[11-15:55] f77, *Kitty: *waves bai*
[11-16:06] 9b9, ºEnvy: *slithers in*
[11-16:21] f77, *Kitty: (*wave wave*
[11-16:23] 9b9, ºEnvy: *snuggles the kitty*
[11-16:27] 9b9, ºEnvy: *loves google* I got the slide list for my art history exam, so I can study for that while being on here!
[11-16:34] f77, *Kitty: oooo yay!
[11-16:36] 9b9, ºEnvy: play with me a bit? I need to go later to grocery shop and study with the vegan, but I should have a bit.
[11-16:54] 9b9, ºLucien : mmmmhmmm *grins and waves the napkin some more* Here. Take it. it's yours
[11-16:55] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He swats at it as they come to a stop.* ahh.... bloody hell. *he grumbles, and drags the boy out of the cab, paying for the drive.*
[11-16:59] 9b9, ºLucien : *just laughs the whole time* You have no sense of humor.
[11-17:02] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *he just cuts his eyes to the boy, then proceeds into the place, one of the few places you don't need a tie and jacket and its still worth effort*
[11-17:04] 9b9, ºLucien : *just stops at the door way of the place* I can't go. *sticks his hands in his pockets, a nice habit of his. He never wears anything without pockets because he'd have nothing to jam his hands into*
[11-17:06] f77, *Garrett Galloway: What? *He turns himself back to him*
[11-17:07] 9b9, ºLucien : I don't have any cash on me *pulls his hands back out of his pockets, pulling the inside fabric out* I used everything I had on me to get in to see you.
[11-17:09] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *he raises a brow* so? I have money.... *he works.. and works in the day..... hes a jack of all trades... hes got some money... and a trust fund from relatives..*
[11-17:12] 9b9, ºLucien : *tucks his pockets back in* Well, I guess that's settled. *he has no great pride issues... which would surely be another great disappointment to his mother. He follows Garrett in, momentarily wishing he'd taken the time to do laundry so that his clothes were at least clean for a place like this*
[11-17:14] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *he smiles then and they walk in, and some dishy guy gets them seated and garrett gets some fine ass.... not cheap wine, and then lets Lucien order what he wants.*
[11-17:16] 9b9, ºLucien : *he plucks up the wine list, of course, taking an obnoxiously long time to come to a conclusion. He doesn't let on one way or another if he's trying to decide what he wants because it's all so good, or which one he'll settle with because it's all so bad. Finally, he orders some Italian wine, red of course. he even specifies a year*
[11-17:19] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *and so it goes..... and then handed a food list as the waiter rushes off to get the wine* your a snob. *Garrett muses after a moment*
[11-17:20] 9b9, ºLucien : I've been told that a lot since I got here. *hadn't even noticed how surprised the waiter looked when he ordered the way he did* I don't see it. *tugs at the collar of his own shirt* A snob would wash his clothes more than I do.
[11-17:22] f77, *Garrett Galloway: heh..*he just shakes her head* heh I like you that way.. *he answers* at least you not like some around here.. * he says, as the place way filled with people of 'want to be' class*
[11-17:25] 9b9, ºLucien : I was raised in a leisurely manner, which means you just sit around lazily and drink wine. Not many people can say that, I guess *now, he looks at the food menu. He's totally the kind of kid that would eat a McDonald's cheese burger with a $1,000 bottle of wine, but alas, this is not that kind of place*
[11-17:27] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *but they do have burgers. amazingly, but Garrett himself is getting a steak, two actually, and nothing else*
[11-17:28] 9b9, ºLucien : They're way off on what wine should go with what food *said with his eyes still on the menu* Who makes this shit up?
[11-17:32] f77, *Garrett Galloway: who knows... *he said, grinning, the funny thing is, its Carters resterant, well he bought it, just lets others take care of it.*
[11-17:35] 9b9, ºLucien : Well, they're awful at it *finally decides on some pasta dish, which he'll order without the lamb. There aren't many things he's opposed to, but eating infants is one of them*
[11-17:44] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *And with that and the steaks ordered garrett sits back, sighing.*
[11-17:45] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[11-17:46] 9b9, ºLucien : (*waves to Elmie* git yurself in 'ere, buckaroo!)
[11-17:46] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (whee)
[11-17:48] dc5, *Elmster: ((tI planned on it.. heh))**he emerges in the park, his eyes glancing about himself with Aura Perception on. He grins spotting Lucs Signs on her son, Lucien. THose looking at him phyicaly, he is Elm, but not mental or spiritualy. He is someone else.**Good...**he darts twards the returant**
[11-17:48] 9b9, ºLucien : *he sits with good posture, fantastic posture, as he was raised better than to slouch around at a restaraunt* You were great onstage
[11-17:51] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He smiles to Lucien. *Thanks.... and I actually like to hear it form you. *he smiles, genuine*
[11-17:53] dc5, *Elmster: **he stops outside the resturent, smiling at the view of Lucian and Garret. He sends a message to Lucien via Telepathy**~Come outside.. its me Elm... I need to talk to you.....~**
[11-17:54] 9b9, ºLucien : Well, you said it yourself... I am a snob, so you should be. I wouldn't say it if you were bad *drops him a little wink. then he looks towards the door, hearing the voice. He can't answer back, but the answer of 'no' should be clear when he doesn't appear outside*
[11-17:56] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He looks towards the door also, wondering what hes looking at, he can sense a vampire but little else at the moment...*
[11-17:57] dc5, *Elmster: **he growls and steps back**Even her son is just as putride........**he chants, and using Movement ot the mind, Lucien is ripped outof the resturant and flung into the streets**
[11-17:58] dc5, *Elmster: ((umm... Garret.. elm has Deseptive Aura, means you cant tell what he is...))
[11-17:59] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (ahh okay.. he can tell someones outside right?)
[11-17:59] 9b9, ºLucien : *lands on the street, rolling a little. Slim kid that he is, makes him fly out quite nicely* What the hell is your problem? *stands up quickly, not even bothering to brush himself off. He doesn't sound as angry as he should. His mother keeps telling him that Rage is in him somewhere... but he just doesn't know where it would be*
[11-17:59] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-17:59] dc5, *Elmster: (yeah.. someone... )
[11-18:00] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *And garret appalled, comes dashing outside to see what the fucks going on*
[11-18:02] dc5, *Elmster: **he walks twards Lucien slowly**Blame your fucking mother for this.. yo umay be human.. but you have her in you... and thats enough for me**using path of the focused mind, he uses Levinbolt to shock Lucien and uses Movement of the mind on Garrett, shuffing him back into the Resturant**
[11-18:04] 9b9, ºLucien : *actually, doesn't even recognize Elmster. He has no idea who this guy is or why he's doing this... which he opens his mouth to say before he's cut off by the shock*
[11-18:05] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (*whimpers....* not fair... ) *And thats about the time when he moves quickly into the Umbra, one thing he so rarely does, which then the vamp has no power against him... after the shock he moves out of the umbra right by Lucien to get him away.*
[11-18:07] dc5, *Elmster: **he grins**You dont wanna be here Garou.... I hate your kind enough.. and I would rather not kill you for fun.. but if ned be**he laughs. his vioce isnt even the same any more as he pulls the two apart with a ton of pressure, tossing Garrett as far as the park**
[11-18:08] dc5, *Elmster: ((btw.. tossing from Movement of the mind again.... lvl 5....))
[11-18:08] 9b9, ºLucien : *had his hands around Garrett's ankle. They just slip away as he's ripped off* Leave us alone! I don't even know who you are!
[11-18:09] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *but he shifts into the Umbra again, hes a tough little bugger.... and lands himself back to them both. *
[11-18:11] dc5, *Elmster: I was your mothers Feiance((sp)).. but appartently because im just a vampire, its not good enough for her society.. even if I was going to give this up for her**he laughs, shking his head**Giving this up for her.... ashame I didnt do this before**he walks over to Lucien, hoping he is well in pain now from the lighting, he grabs him by the ankles and begins to walk to a warehouse he has rented..**
[11-18:13] dc5, *Elmster: ((hey.. if you think this aint fair.. blame manda for playing Luc the way she did... you should know by now an angry tremere isnt fun.. especaily one with a goal...))
[11-18:13] 9b9, ºLucien : *which he is... he's certainly no warrior. He's never been in a fight in his entire life* He kicks his feet and claws helplessly at the pavement, all but destroying his elegant fingers* Then why don't you take it up with her?
[11-18:14] 9b9, ºLucien : ('isn't' fair! *swats Elmie*)
[11-18:14] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *Garrett shits into the umbra and comes out to tackle elmster*
[11-18:15] dc5, *Elmster: because... your a human...**he smiles**And you hate her..... I wont kill yeah.... just warn your little play dog now not to fallow.. other wise I might change my mind....**he looks at Garrett and again, tosses him away with Movement of the mind. He can keep this up all day with plenty of blood and blood peas to spare**
[11-18:17] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *this is starting to wear on the boy, hes not as strong as his panther brother Carter, nor is he used to fighting.... at all.... but hell he tries*
[11-18:17] 9b9, ºLucien : *he far from hates his mother, but there is no way that he's going to clear that up now* He does what he wants.
[11-18:17] dc5, *Elmster: ((brb...))
[11-18:18] 9b9, ºLucien : (*pic test*)
[11-18:19] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (love the pic!)
[11-18:19] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He growls, the wolf in him close to Rage*
[11-18:20] 9b9, ºLucien : ((what? this ol' thing? I just had it sorta lying around ;) ))
[11-18:23] dc5, *Elmster: ((nice picy...))**he sighs**well... if you want him to live... you might wanna warn him**is now only a few block from the warehouse**Other wise.. just hope you dont have your mothers fear of height**he grins a bit**
[11-18:24] 9b9, ºLucien : In case you didn't notice, I'm pretty far down on my mother's list of important things. *grabs onto a pole when one finally gets close enough and holds* So if you're using me to get back at her, you're going to fail
[11-18:27] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (hehe)*And he follows, he knows he can't do anything currently, but he'll follow and get a plan for christs sake*
[11-18:28] dc5, *Elmster: **Elms old vioce speeks out breifly**I am sorry about this.. I didnt want this at all.. I only wanted to be with Luc...**he sudenly snaps**Shut up fucking pussy...**he looks back at Lucien laughing**no no**he pole turns to air as he uses Alchemy lvl 5**Now.... your mother might says your not important.. but any offspring is to its mother**he cotinues to drag him**You will learn she does love you.. though you might not when im done with her..
[11-18:33] 9b9, ºLucien : *when his hands are now closed around nothing, he clamps them down hard on the pavement, using his arms to sit himself up and at least put a jolt in Elmster's dragging. He's not scared, but he's starting to get very... very angry* Listen, you asshole... if you think I'm so important to her, why don't you ask her exactly how many times she's seen me in my life.
[11-18:33] aca, ºJuden Sores : (*Glares at Elmster.*)
[11-18:33] aca, ºJuden Sores : (Where are the three of you?)
[11-18:34] 9b9, ºLucien : ((just on the street, I believe *whaps icon*)
[11-18:34] dc5, *Elmster: **he shrugs..**I dont care.. I know what I am doing**with that, they enter the WareWhouse, the door shutting behind them**((WEll.. now in a warehouse...))
[11-18:34] dc5, *Elmster : ((Hey.. whats witht the Glare???
[11-18:35] aca, ºJuden Sores : (I have a thing against Vampires.)
[11-18:36] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He'd shifted into wolf and followed, into the Umbra then out so he can watch using Blissful Ignorance, and just watching...*
[11-18:38] dc5, *Elmster : **Garretts Veiw of teh Ware house is Blocked. It acculy appears not even there due to the Ritual of Domain. The ware house is now Elms, and any who enter within it are in his domain**Now.. for you**he lifts Lucien Up to the wall were shakles hang, clamping them to his Arms and legs**
[11-18:38] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (and right now I applaud you for it... *is having something against vampires herself currently*)
[11-18:38] aca, ºJuden Sores : (*Arches a brow at Garrett.* You're a Garou and you haven't taken care of a single vampire?)
[11-18:39] dc5, *Elmster: ((hey.. sorry about it all....))
[11-18:40] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (........ hey lets not talk about that... *is one for making love not war*)
[11-18:41] 9b9, ºLucien: (*hearts vampires... but they don't seem to return the love*) *isn't that hard to lift up, being the puny cuss that he is. he 'ooof's as he hits the wall* She won't come for me. She won't even notice that I'm gone*
[11-18:44] dc5, *Elmster: ((**is kinda a 6th gen tremere that has been arround for 7 years in the making**And he isnt the best Garou in the world to kill him....))Ohh.. she will.. when your little play dog goes to tell her.. she will...**he takes a seat on his castket, leaning back a bit**Damm.. didnt elm ever train phsyically**he laughs, looking up at Lucien**BTW.. im Ian...... something Elm could never wish to be
[11-18:45] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *He's very frustrated, he breaks B I and goes into the Umbra, coming back out a few yards away, hes pissed, and worried*
[11-18:47] JOIN: angel phaedra has entered.
[11-18:47] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[11-18:48] dc5, *Elmster: ((yay. everyone is here now...))
[11-18:48] aa7, angel phaedra: hi everyone
[11-18:48] aca, ºJuden Sores: (So, what do I need to know about this warehouse of yours since Elm annouced in public "but appartently because im just a vampire" - and was pulling someone along the street as well, after firing lightening from your hands.)
[11-18:48] 9b9, ºLucien: *as that all means nothing to him, since he didn't know Elmsters name in the first place. He's not exaggerating when he talks about Luccrecia's removal of him from her life* I don't care who you are. She still won't know.
[11-18:48] aca, ºJuden Sores: (*..thwaps Luc.* I wanted to deal with this.)
[11-18:49] dc5, *Elmster: (errr... you might not want to use that Handle here.. Phae))
[11-18:49] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*Growls* It`s hur fucking son. Help, or get over it.)
[11-18:49] eeb, ºLucreccia: Who said I`d need anyone to tell me? *she Sidestpes from the Umbra right behind Elmster; her Grand Klaive is drawn, and her arua is visible, like a righteous fire surrounding her. The fury in her eyes is clear, and it`s taking all of her strength to keep from shifting into Crinos and knocking Elmster`s head off* This is your revenge, you stupid fuck? This is the biggest mistake of your undead life. My son comes before all.
[11-18:49] dc5, *Elmster: ((umm.. levin bolt comes from sky dude... not the hands...
[11-18:49] eeb, ºLucreccia: (brb)
[11-18:50] aa7, angel phaedra: ohh..ok
[11-18:51] 9b9, ºLucien: (bah, my cherry tomatos are all wrinklie *eats 'em anyway cuz they were expensive... then looks up and coughs* I mean... fight. yes. Lucien WAS pulled out of a public restaraunt via some... telekenic power or another.))
[11-18:51] aca, ºJuden Sores: (*Shrugs.* Never read about Levinbolt, nor used it, so I wouldn't know.)
[11-18:51] dc5, *Elmster: ((Uhhh.. luc... right of domain.. you cant enter though umbra.. the Gaunlt rating is to high even for morguline... the only way you could get in is though the front door.. and good luck with that..... Its ok Moth... I know enough abot Thaum... though I hate the Tremere... more of a gangrel guy...))
[11-18:51] aca, ºJuden Sores: (*Grumbles and heads back out - oh, after stabbing Luc in the back for that snappy response.*)
[11-18:52] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *still worried, can perhaps hear whats going on though*
[11-18:52] EXIT: angel phaedra has left the chat ( 4:50pm, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-18:52] eeb, ºLucreccia: (So what the fuck am I supposed to do? *paces anxiously*)
[11-18:52] dc5, *Elmster: **waits for luc to reposte
[11-18:52] 9b9, ºLucien: (*haaaaaauuuuuls Mothy in here* come ooooon you never play with me. Do I smell bad?))
[11-18:53] aca, ºMariasha Nefertari: (If you need any help on the dark side Elm, let me know.)
[11-18:53] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[11-18:53] dc5, *Elmster: ((umm... look for garrett and have him lead you to the Ware house and try an get in.. and fail... you pissed of a 6th gen tremere... what should you expect???.. and I will Moth.. But I know enough about Infernals to... speaking cause I am playing on.. gangrel.. irl))
[11-18:53] aca, ºmoth: I would have blown the hell out of the place with C4, or hacked through the door with Cleave, but I was ousted.)
[11-18:54] eeb, ºLucreccia: (I said you could help! *whimpers*)
[11-18:54] 9b9, ºLucien: (*as the master, gives you first dibs on blowing the building up or hacking through the door* Get in here. right now. do it!))
[11-18:54] dc5, *Elmster: ((that.. and kill Lucien to.. and proly not elm speaking cause he got fleck of marble and enough fortitude to spare....))
[11-18:55] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (*peers* guess who?)
[11-18:56] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (okay, how the hell is this going to do? I mean its almost pointless Elm)
[11-18:56] dc5, *Elmster: **he yawns, walking over to a fridge he has set up. He has been setting this up sense he and Luc had their little fight. **Ahh.. blood**he pops a blood pea and is fine again, he glances you Lucien**You want something to eat??**his vioce reverts to Elms again**
[11-18:57] aca, ºmoth: *..could always get Darius in here and erase Elm from existence.*
[11-18:57] dc5, *Elmster: ((You know Luciens mom, Luc, is strong as hell.. so you get her???**feels like a ST again..**))
[11-18:57] 9b9, ºLucien: ((Well, you're not killing Lucien, so... better think of some other way to make this entertaining for -everybody-)
[11-18:58] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*has no clue what to do! wait ... *) *through the bond that links all mothers with their children, she is alerted from a faint slumber in her hotel room by Lucien`s distress, which sings in her blood like holy water on the skin of a sinner. Before she knows what`s happening, she`s running in a blur, following the call of her son`s blood to where ever the hell they are, since no one is using their icons! Considering she`s just one rank shy of Morguline these days, her speed is incredible, and even if they were hundreds of miles away, her progress would be staggering. Her aura glows until it bursts into the physical realm, righteous fury making her bright as the sun. Her voice lashes out in Elmster`s head* ||This is your revenge? This will be the biggest mistake of your undead life, you fuck. There is nothing I prize more than my son. You`ll pay for any harm you cast upon him||
[11-18:58] eeb, ºLucreccia: (And you wont`kill Luc, so don`t get your hopes up.)
[11-18:58] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*likes this Darius idea*)
[11-18:58] dc5, *Elmster: ((why you need to get the whole army manda?.. just play luc out and deal with it... it is your fault... a conciquence for lucs actions))
[11-18:58] aca, ºmoth: *Wonders who registered Elm, as would have never given him this much power - one reason he doesn't have Darius in here.*
[11-18:58] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (*eyes his brother* *has no idea what's going on*)
[11-18:58] dc5, *Elmster: ((**didnt plan on killing her**))
[11-18:59] 9b9, ºLucien: I was trying to eat when you pulled me out of the restaraunt (Well, Lucien isn't dying and this should be fun for anybody that wants to come in, so Moth and Zeke are more than welcome, and personally invited by me, not amanda, to join*
[11-18:59] eeb, ºLucreccia: (I did, Moth. I`ll find away around it. *goes to search*)
[11-18:59] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *Garrett, thinks, hes just... not that good at fighting, so who else could do this...... and talk of...... Luccrecia.... yup... so he scents her and tries to find her, in Umbra and not*
[11-18:59] dc5, *Elmster: **he laughs and speaks back. His vioce isnt elms, its someone elses~Ohh no.. I wont hurt him.. he is kind acute.. make a great vampire.. you know....~
[11-19:01] dc5, *Elmster: ((I would like to note.. ELm isnot a Fight.. Ian, his other half, is.. and his powers were never used to harm, only protect... its just fianly someone pushed the Char to much))
[11-19:02] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*and the gift she used to run so long is: Speed Beyond thought. Forgot to post that*)
[11-19:03] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Does this place have windows?)
[11-19:03] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (*needs to stop relying on others and the interenet for all her Garou needs*)
[11-19:04] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-19:04] dc5, *Elmster: ((yes.. and you can see them though it.. but if you want to enter... you can try.. just watch my postes...))
[11-19:04] eeb, ºLucreccia: (answer me!)
[11-19:05] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 5:04pm, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-19:05] aca, ºmoth: *..he had seen the entire incident unfold on the streets, and that had been more than enough to draw his attention to what was going on, and as such, he had saw fit put out a call to the only other Hunter that he was aware of in this city, Zeke, and with that done, had went back to following the vampire until they had reached the warehouse where he know resided - he cloaked in the shadows of a building directly across the street where he had parked his bike, already going through his bag that he often kept draped over his shoulder, checking the various explosives that he had on him this evening - not that he didn’t already know exactly what he had - and checking to make sure that his weapons were loaded and at the ready, waiting for Zeke to come around from the back of the alley he was in as had been instructed - though, as Luc would burst from the umbra his head would cock to the side, the aura nearly blinding him with his second sight always on as it was.* Another mutt. *He’d whisper to himself, having noted what Garrett had been called, and was able to pick up the tell-tale signs that Luc was the same.*
[11-19:05] JOIN: Sylvie has entered.
[11-19:05] aca, ºJuden Sores: *..he had seen the entire incident unfold on the streets, and that had been more than enough to draw his attention to what was going on, and as such, he had saw fit put out a call to the only other Hunter that he was aware of in this city, Zeke, and with that done, had went back to following the vampire until they had reached the warehouse where he know resided - he cloaked in the shadows of a building directly across the street where he had parked his bike, already going through his bag that he often kept draped over his shoulder, checking the various explosives that he had on him this evening - not that he didn’t already know exactly what he had - and checking to make sure that his weapons were loaded and at the ready, waiting for Zeke to come around from the back of the alley he was in as had been instructed - though, as Luc would burst from the umbra his head would cock to the side, the aura nearly blinding him with his second sight always on as it was.* Another mutt. *He’d whisper to himself, having noted what Garrett had been called, and was able to pick up the tell-tale signs that Luc was the same.*
[11-19:06] eeb, ºLucreccia: *using Gift: Gate of the Moon, she casts her hands into the air, and a bridge of light lances across the sky, which penetrates and invades the windows where Lucien is being held. Almost instantaneously, she is in the room, and the light has vanished. She seeths with her rage and hatred; she entered the window, obviously, as a disolved form and reformed whatch past it, just so we`re clear. Her fury is hardly contained* You think this is the way to do it?
[11-19:06] 2f2, Sylvie: ((.::quietly lurks and drools over Lucien's pic::.))
[11-19:06] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Hey, Moth, I undid that post itentionally, since he`s got the Umbral block up ..)
[11-19:07] f77, *Garrett Galloway: *at this point he is going to just fade and wait and watch.......
[11-19:07] eeb, ºLucreccia: (watch=once)
[11-19:07] aca, ºJuden Sores: (*Grumbles.*)
[11-19:08] EXIT: Juden Sores has left the chat ( 5:07pm, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-19:08] dc5, *Elmster: **suddenly, the ware house shifts. Now luc finds her self in a main room of what looks like a mansion. To elm and luc, everything seems the same but Elm looks destracted, needing to stay in concentration to keep the ritual up**Ahh.. she is here**
[11-19:09] 9b9, ºLucien: ((*winks to Sylvie* how you doin' )
[11-19:10] dc5, *Elmster: **elms vioce passes out and into Lucs mind~I am sorry.. its not me... its Ian.. he~**he is suddenly cut off and the room flashes to normal for a sec*8Fucking pussy**It goes bac to looking like a mansion again**
[11-19:10] 9b9, ºLucien: *closes his eyes against the light, then opens them again when the light goes away. He blinks several times.... genuinely surprised to see her there*
[11-19:11] dc5, *Elmster: ((well.. tonight is a fun night.. full of action and long rp well missed... well.. just sucks elm might die... but meah.. jsut playing the Char...)
[11-19:12] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she`s no fucking idiot; and once in the house, since Elm didn`t specify, she does vanish into the Umbra. Here, all things are revealed as they truly are, and no illusion stands. Add to it, she has two spirit avatars, An Air Incarna and a Steel Incarna at her beck and call, who could have guided her through any illusion she could not dispel herself. She`s sees the room, Elmster, Lucien. It`s all very clear, as clear as the Umbra ever gets* I don`t care who it is. Your flesh will burn tonight, and your souls can duke it out in hell. You got it? *she advances on Elmster`s form, growling*
[11-19:13] 9b9, ºLucien: *oohhh. right! This was the guy she was with just the other night... when she yelled at him and Garrett in the park, then took off. Well, this is certainly interesting*
[11-19:14] dc5, *Elmster: **the umbra wont prevent the Veiwing, it still looks like the mansion, and she can see the two spirits, only the keeping moving arround her, in difernt directions as if her room is moving**
[11-19:15] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Bullshit. the Umbra is natural, no illusion can be sustained there.)
[11-19:15] dc5, *Elmster: ((its not an Illusion.. its real to luc. She may try to dibleif but it wont work.. this is a hard core Ritual...))
[11-19:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Fuck that, Elmster, fuck it. She`s a Theurge, she knows how to tell the difference between what`s real and what`s not. She spent a year dead, in the Umbra. This is crap. )
[11-19:16] 9b9, ºLucien: (( My god *rolls eyes, about ready to follow moth's example and go do something else*)
[11-19:16] dc5, *Elmster: ((Manda... I have had this pulled on me as well .. acculy.. Friday.. and it does suck and can be prevented.. I left that opening.. but someone**Looks to Lucien**Hasnt tried to distract elm...**should go back to STing some time))
[11-19:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: (if`it`s real to her, then ... it`s real. And you wouldn`t have used the word illusion a few posts ago)
[11-19:17] dc5, *Elmster: ((I never said Illusion in my poste... just the room became it... read more carefully))
[11-19:17] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*sighs* Fuck this. I`ll repost ian mintue.
[11-19:18] dc5, *Elmster: ((kk))
[11-19:18] 9b9, ºLucien: (*is being inspired to outlaw WW game fights in the room.... which is really tragic*)
[11-19:19] dc5, *Elmster: ((hey.. I have given chars full opertunity to do something.. but no one has done it.**waits for the char poste))
[11-19:20] 9b9, ºLucien: (I don't care. this is all become a big load of bullshit. It's not even a game. it's who's char has the biggest balls and I'm not interested in it. You two duke it out. Lucien just hangs there while Lisha and I do something else))
[11-19:21] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*feels shitty now*)
[11-19:22] dc5, *Elmster: **is tempted just to kil elm himself**
[11-19:23] aca, ºmoth: *Nods in agreement.* This isn't even a fight, it's all about powers.
[11-19:23] dc5, *Elmster: ((fine))**ELm begins to fight Ian, atteptimg to push though to Luc again, this causing the Ritaul to fully drop, leaving elm out in the open**
[11-19:23] eeb, ºLucreccia: No it`s not. But this Umbral block shit. That`s rediculous.)
[11-19:25] dc5, *Elmster: ((look up the ritual.. its a lvl 7 and its dick.. no err.. now just kil him.. apparntly thats all luc cares about instead of help him...))
[11-19:26] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Look, I`m on the pohone, I`m sorry.)
[11-19:26] f77, *Garrett Galloway: (*)
[11-19:26] dc5, *Elmster: **wait for Luc to Poste...))
[11-19:29] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Look, if this is just an issue with Elmster and Ian, then fix it. Because I don`t have the time for this right now.)
[11-19:30] dc5, *Elmster: ((no... play luc.. just kill him..))
[11-19:31] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[11-19:32] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *got up and got dressed incredibly quietly, especially for her collection of broken fingers. She closes the door, carefully, then heads down the hallway... wondering if she can go outside without passing out now*
[11-19:32] eeb, ºLucreccia: (I`m busy.)
[11-19:32] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*`ll be in shortly.)
[11-19:32] dc5, *Elmster: ((well then I will pause till you decide to poste.))
[11-19:33] f77, *Gian Rogue : *He'd been asleep the whole time, he'd finally slept after hours of sitting there and even one of her nightmares.... he was snoring quietly... for now.*
[11-19:36] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *keeps looking back, expecting him to come out at any minute, but he when he doesn't, she just keeps walking. Slowly down the stairs, not looking at the girl behind the desk as she walks out the door of the hotel*
[11-19:39] 07a, *Stonester : * Makes his way down the street... Learning the area *
[11-19:40] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[11-19:41] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : (*pounces on Stoney!* HI!)
[11-19:41] dc5, Sergin Blade: **hopes this aint Stones colour**
[11-19:41] dc5, Sergin Blade: good.. it aint..
[11-19:42] 07a, *Stonester : ( Heya there Gorgeous )
[11-19:42] f77, *Gian Rogue : *His cell rings and he flops around, fumbling, trying to find it, then finally when he does he answers with a growl.... after a minute he shoots up eyes wide... when he hangs the phone up he quickly puts his shoes on, then notices and looks around for Kailynn....... not finding her he frowns, then follows her scent out of the place quickly.*
[11-19:43] dc5, Sergin Blade: moth.. click link and tell me wether this char sheet is ok.. minus the spirit gifts in his link sense he didnt achive those here...
[11-19:44] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Okay, here`s the deal. I just got some shitty news, and I`m not playing this aggressive game tnoight. Kai and Gian already have this other game going, and I am just not in the mindset to fight or kill or anything. I`d like to play a chilled-out game with Stoney and relax, before my body just cumples in on me. You don`t like it, kiss my ass. I`m an Admin, and I`m pulling rank.)
[11-19:45] dc5, *Elmster: ((soo.. you jsut want me to take back everything elm did tonight and leave it how it was before?.. that make you happy??))
[11-19:46] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Look, I just got news my mom`s back in the hospital. You keep pushing me, and I`ll ban you. Get off my case. We can put a pause on it and leave it at that. Can I just relax for once? Christ. Pause it, and stop bitching.)
[11-19:46] JOIN: Lucien has entered.
[11-19:46] JOIN: Lucien has entered.
[11-19:47] aca, ºmoth: *..backs away slowly.*
[11-19:47] dc5, *Elmster: ((im not bitching.. and I am sorry to hear bout your mom.. Im jus sugesting .. I will have elm never had done everything.. Lucien is not in the warehouse and elm just isnt here...)
[11-19:47] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : (guys.... chill out. just pause it and let it go.)
[11-19:48] aca, ºmoth: You can do that if you want Elm.
[11-19:48] eeb, ºLucreccia: (I`m sorry, that was really shitty of me. I appologize, Elm. I`m just ... a little worked up. I`d just like to chill. Drama won`t help anything.)
[11-19:48] 07a, *Stonester : (* Just noticed all of Lucreccia's posts dissapeared... somehow... *)
[11-19:48] aca, ºmoth: And it looks fine to me Sergin, but I don't exactly know a lot about Garou.
[11-19:48] dc5, *Elmster: ((opk then.. I know how it is... been there before.. elm didnt do anything tonight. jsut to make it easy.. and Luc can be with Stoners...))
[11-19:49] dc5, *Elmster: ((its the undo Stones...))
[11-19:49] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *stands outside the doors for a moment... so far, so good. She's a little shaky, but not lightheaded. Well, where to go... maybe she'll go visit Dunstan since she hadn't checked up on him in a while*
[11-19:49] f77, *Gian Rogue : (*pets moth*)
[11-19:49] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*guides Stoney`s hand to the "Undo" button, giggling*)
[11-19:49] dc5, Sergin Blade: Thanks... I didnt wanna bother Luc with it**is elm BTw... if people are that oblivous to stuff**Just would like to reggy sometime soon...
[11-19:50] 07a, *Stonester : ( Yeah well I'm not used to these chat rooms damnit... and I can't read the little things on the bottom of the screen... other than Post... and Profiles... )
[11-19:50] f77, *Gian Rogue : *And he makes his way out to find her right there..* Kailynn! *He says, its perhaps a little loud, considering he's right by her, bu oh well... hes worked up*
[11-19:51] JOIN: Kailynn Benson has entered.
[11-19:51] f77, *Gian Rogue : (*would also play with manda if she wanted... I am stretch armstrong*)
[11-19:51] dc5, *Elmster: ((if yeah move the mouse to it and dont click.. it says what it is..))
[11-19:51] MSG: moth sent a message to Elmster.
[11-19:52] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *closes her eyes and opens them again before turning around* I was just going for a walk, ok? I'll be fine!
[11-19:52] 07a, *Stonester : ( I knew that.... I think... )
[11-19:53] dc5, *Elmster: ((tanks moth... **withdraws elm for the night and switches chars**))
[11-19:53] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 5:49pm, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-19:53] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[11-19:53] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 5:53pm, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-19:54] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[11-19:54] dc5, *Sergin Blade: ((all gravy now.. ty))
[11-19:55] f77, *Gian Rogue : *His breathing is fast, and its not totally about her, its about his... sister..* Will you go with me somewhere? *she can see hes different*
[11-19:57] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he enters into the city, his eyes looking about im slowly, he pullsout a note from a pack member, reading it again to make sure this was the place**Hrmm..**he looks about, missing the forest already**This isnt the greatest**he begins to roam the streets**
[11-19:57] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *blinks, taken aback.... he hadn't come out to yell at her? well that was pleasant surprise* Where do you want me to go?
[11-19:58] eeb, ºLucreccia : *she eases back into the poorly stuffed vinyl seats of their Denny`s booth, after having placed her order for eggs benedicte and coffee. She eyes him, curious suddenly* So why is it you tried so hard to persuade me against this leech back at the bar?
[11-20:01] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[11-20:01] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[11-20:01] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: (*Ponders.*)
[11-20:02] dc5, *Sergin Blade : **he roams quietly among the streets, his cloak flowing in the wind. His unseen eyes scan about him, taking in the sites of this new place**
[11-20:02] 07a, *Stonester : What self respecting man would let such a thing go to waste on a Kindred? * Cocks a brow *
[11-20:03] f77, *Gian Rogue : to.. to the hospital... its... they.. *he bounces and wiggles his phone in front of her, this wasn't like him.. * Shes alive...
[11-20:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: (*would really really like moth to come in as anyone... will even bring in another char if he wants*)
[11-20:03] f77, *Gian Rogue : (brigham I will play! *will play many.. will triple her chars, or whatever*)
[11-20:03] 07a, *Stonester : (* Is f'in up Flies, so excuse any delayed responses *)
[11-20:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *doesn't have the foggiest clue what he's talking about, and it's obvious in her silent look*
[11-20:04] dc5, *Sergin Blade : ((hmm.. interesting Pic Stone...))
[11-20:05] 07a, *Stonester : ( Eh, I couldn't find anything good.... So I figured I'd post something... )
[11-20:05] f77, *Gian Rogue : *He grins.. * Lyren is... My sister.. shes alive.... shes in the hospital... please.. please gow th me *he asks, begggggging*
[11-20:05] dc5, *Sergin Blade :
[11-20:07] 07a, *Stonester : ( Eh, used that WAY back in the day :) )
[11-20:07] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: I um... * she really doesn't want to. She hates the hospital... as she's well aquianted with it, but she's having a hard time coming up with an excuse*
[11-20:08] dc5, *Sergin Blade : ((yeah.. found back a while ago.. but still works..))
[11-20:08] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he gently, oh so gently takes her broken fingers and hand in his own hands.* please?
[11-20:09] dc5, *Sergin Blade : **he looks up at a sign and reads it aloud**THe bruning bush?....**having never been in a strip club before, the name really had no meaning to him, so he steps inside**
[11-20:11] eeb, ºLucreccia: *her lips twist into a bemused smile and she flips a creamer in her fingers* Well, I suppose so. I`m so glad you came by when you did. Saved me from a lot of hell, I`m sure.
[11-20:13] f77, *Gian Rogue : (**)
[11-20:13] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: I... *God, she really wants to tell him no. She wouldn't even let Jaylin take her to a hospital when he found her because she hates them so much.... but look at that face. How can she say no?* alright... fine.
[11-20:14] 07a, *Stonester : (* Looks at Lucreccia's picture... and just blinks a few times... Yum...*)
[11-20:15] dc5, *Sergin Blade : **he darts out with haste, not using anything specail, just runns like hell and straight to the park.**......**He cant speak. He has had childern, but found this place... repulsive.. especaily for a child of gaia. He takes a seat inside the grass, breathing rather quickly*
[11-20:15] f77, *Gian Rogue : Thanks you! *he would hug her, but shes still not even healed for that, so he bends and gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek, hailing a cab*
[11-20:16] JOIN: Lucy Belveaux has entered.
[11-20:16] 07a, *Stonester : So what was it that made you interested in me? That caused you to call me over... Is it because I smell so good? * Sniffs his jacket.. Smiling *
[11-20:16] f77, *Gian Rogue : (lets try this *doesn't want to steel colours*)
[11-20:16] f77, *Gian Rogue : (***)
[11-20:17] f77, *Gian Rogue : (test*)
[11-20:18] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *she's not happy and she sure as hell doesn't want to go to any hospital for any reason, but she tries not to frown too much. He deserves his time to be excited about his sister. She gets into the cab, immediately looking out the window*
[11-20:18] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: (and my pic is randomly gone... that's nice)
[11-20:20] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he tells the cabbie then sits back, sighing out heavy*
[11-20:20] f77, *Gian Rogue : *he tells the cabbie then sits back, sighing out heavy*
[11-20:21] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *keeps looking out the window, prepapring herself*
[11-20:21] eeb, ºLucreccia: It was your face ... which no matter what you say, isn`t that common. It made me remember my past, and that`s something I try to avoid. Though, the memory of you is rather pleasant. *winks and smiles at him, lips curving sensuously*
[11-20:23] f77, *Gian Rogue : *and they arrive not to much later, and he hops out of the car, then aiding Kailynn as she needs*
[11-20:25] 07a, *Stonester : Oh? The little memory of me you have? * Grinning * You don't think my face is common? * Looks at his reflection in the window * I guess I see it so often it's common to me.. * Gentle chuckle as he reaches under the table placing his hand on her knee *
[11-20:25] JOIN: Riak Hosenfield has entered.
[11-20:29] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *but she waves him off, determined to see what she can do. Much to the cabbie's dismay, she gets out of the cab herself, very slowly*
[11-20:29] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *Hes in some club, his eyes, which used to be green has changed to a pretty and familiar icey blue, even some of his features have changed, though still holding his femme looks, currently dressed as in pic, even the little chain necklace, and just as pale, even if hes human.*
[11-20:29] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: ((fuck))
[11-20:30] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she eases onto her elbows on the table, leaning forward, head tilted slightly* Hey, it was a good memory, what can I say? You left a lasting impression. *her hand snakes across the table to snatch his up, playing with his fingers, running them over her palm*
[11-20:30] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she eases onto her elbows on the table, leaning forward, head tilted slightly* Hey, it was a good memory, what can I say? You left a lasting impression. *her hand snakes across the table to snatch his up, playing with his fingers, running them over her palm*
[11-20:30] f77, *Gian Rogue: *He gets and looks to the hospital, hes excited, worried but excited, he wants to see his sister, no matter how bad off she might look, but he waits for Kaylynn.*
[11-20:32] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[11-20:32] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: brb
[11-20:32] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: (**)
[11-20:33] f77, *Gian Rogue: (k)
[11-20:33] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she makes her way into the same club Riak inhabits; drawn there by some invisble force. She pushes her way through the throng, eyes glancing this way and that, searching for ... what? She`s not even sure*
[11-20:33] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she makes her way into the same club Riak inhabits; drawn there by some invisble force. She pushes her way through the throng, eyes glancing this way and that, searching for ... what? She`s not even sure*
[11-20:33] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: k
[11-20:34] EXIT: Stonester has left the chat ( 6:25pm, December 11 (CST) ).
[11-20:35] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[11-20:35] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (Test)
[11-20:35] eeb, ºLucreccia: (wb, stoney!)
[11-20:36] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *once she's out of the cab, she unconciously wraps her arms around herself, her trademark defensive action, but she smiles a little at him* Are you ready?
[11-20:36] 07a, *Stonester: A good memory huh? What did you like about it? * Watches her fingers as they pleasant his hand... *
[11-20:36] 07a, *Stonester: ( Thanks! I was just putting up a new pic)
[11-20:37] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He watches the crowd, idly sipping a bbc, which is good dispite the name, he himself, and the one within him searching.*
[11-20:37] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: (whoa... I'm not for buff peopel but look at that picture!)
[11-20:37] 07a, *Stonester: ( Think I like this one... later I'll have to do some editing to make him look a bit scared up and what not... so then he'll really look like Stoney... )
[11-20:38] f77, *Gian Rogue: *He nods to her and they head in, and he goes up to the main desk, asking for Lyrens room number, once he gets it they go to the elevators...*
[11-20:38] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she opens her mouth to speak, a teasing glint to her eyes, but their food arrives. Got to love suspense. She pulls her hand from her soft stroking of his own, rubbing her own together in a kind of triumphant glee* I love this stuff!
[11-20:39] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (where do I know that guy from, stone?)
[11-20:39] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *she's uncomfortable, very uncomfortable and trying to hide it. He'd better appreciate this...* So... um. How did they find her?
[11-20:39] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: (*waves hello*)
[11-20:41] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: (*thinks Christelle has the most thorough char sheet she's ever seen*
[11-20:41] 07a, *Stonester: ( I don't know? )
[11-20:42] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she works her way to the back of the crowd, and her eyes, after several sweeps, pick Riak out of the lurking, brooding sulkers in the dark corners of the club, where the strobe lights don`t reach and the music, amazingly, is faint enough you only have to bellow to be heard. Her eyes widen, and mouth drops open slightly at seeing Jason ... in Riak`s face and eyes*
[11-20:42] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: (I actually took it from another club I'm in.)
[11-20:42] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: (Lol.)
[11-20:42] f77, *Gian Rogue: it seems.... that she was helped out of a burning biulding by someone...* though he knows it was the woman who killed Ryan.. she just didn't tell him such... and boy he does apperciate it.*
[11-20:42] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: (Just switched the name around.)
[11-20:44] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: Well, that was lucky. *shifts, glad her lip is healed so that she can bite it*
[11-20:44] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *At that moment he/ they see her, and there is a smile to that pale face, but its not a normal smile, its one of those creepy yet alurring smiles, those eyes beckon her. insist she move to him/them.*
[11-20:44] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: (<~~~ this char used to go to UCLA, too... howevr, since my profile is NOT as thorough as yours and I'm supposed to set an example, not everyone would know that ;) way to make me look bad lol)
[11-20:46] f77, *Gian Rogue: (jesus on a clothes pin cross, if my sister doesn't stop banging around I'm going to kill her... and stuff the body somewhere..) *he nods, curls bobbing as they are in the elvevator and going up.*
[11-20:46] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she is compelled even more strongly, and her feet and legs move her until she`s barely inches from him, her breath trapped somewhere in the back of her throat. Her heart races torridly in her chest; she opens her mouth to speak but is unable; her blue eyes, intense, longing, do the speaking for her*
[11-20:47] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson: *watches the numbers light up. She's the first one out of the elevator when the doors ding. The faster they get in there, the faster she can leave*
[11-20:48] f77, *Gian Rogue: And he follows very quickly, counting the numbers and such.*
[11-20:48] f77, *Gian Rogue: (pause)
[11-20:51] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: (Aww... don't say that, Kailynn. I like your profile!)
[11-20:52] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *and he smiles, a serpent of a human.* hello.* he says, its so clear over the music its amazing, and its not Riak but the other in him, its in his eyes, he knows her..*
[11-20:52] 07a, *Stonester: ( My post dissapeared... that sucks )
[11-20:54] 07a, *Stonester: * Feels his stomach grumble * You have no idea... heh... It's been a little while since I've eaten anything... Properly cooked...
[11-20:56] 07a, *Stonester: (* Ish starving in real life too...* 1 more hour and breakfast opens... )
[11-20:59] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (brb)
[11-21:00] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: (k)
[11-21:02] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (gtg - baby`s awake.)
[11-21:03] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: (alrighty)
[11-21:03] 07a, *Stonester: ( awe... Take it easy! )
[11-21:04] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: well.. now I'm bored)
[11-21:08] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[11-21:08] 07a, *Stonester: (* Scavanges for food *)
[11-21:09] f77, *Kitty: *watches*
[11-21:10] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (*has returned!*
[11-21:11] 07a, *Stonester: ( Welcome back!)
[11-21:11] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (Thanks so much! *goes to post now*)
[11-21:12] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: Jason ... *she reaches up and up and touches his face* God ... I thought you were dead, killed by that awful man! *her left hand is bandaged, from where Juden shot her, and unusable. A nasty cut, clean and healing, though still relatively new, slices across her right cheek. Juden did a number on her, it seems* Jason ... I thought you were dead!
[11-21:14] eeb, ºLucreccia: *a focused eater, she dedicates herself to her meal; like any good active wolf, she can polish of a lot in a little amount of time, and does so. Within five minutes, she`s got her plate nearly cleaned, and managed to polish off two cups of coffee. No shame in it, either. It`s just her nature*
[11-21:14] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *A hiss, and echo, but surely it sounds like his voice so much!* We've ways of staying alive.* he says, smiling at her, eyeing the cuts and damages to her*
[11-21:16] 07a, *Stonester: * Watches as he eats his food a bit more slowly... he smiles to himself... * Heh... Heh... Heh... * Sips from his glass of water. *
[11-21:17] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[11-21:17] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: I see that ... *she`s antsy; it`s clear. Her eyes dart from here to there, nervous* I don`t know when he`s watching me and when he`s not. He thinks you`re dead, but he doesn`t like me much, either, for what possesses me when I`m ... in the throes of my Master`s passions. Please, I`ve been craving you. Help me, please!
[11-21:19] eeb, ºLucreccia: *once done, she licks her teeth and finishes a third cup of coffe. There`s no other time ever she`d ever eat like this; it`s just Denny`s. Like that SouthPark episode about walmart ... she`s just can`t stop herself from eating there, and being a pig about it. She watches him eat, then glances away. She always hates being done first*
[11-21:21] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Evening, Sergin! Welcome to L.A.! *eyes* I remember you, I think.)
[11-21:21] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He stands and pets her, soothing her, gentle for now.* calm down, we'll take care of you..* hes warm, not like the orginal which was as cold as death ten days old.*
[11-21:23] aca, ºBrigham Kushiel: ..Sergin is Elm..
[11-21:23] aca, ºmoth: ..Sergin is Elm..
[11-21:25] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she attaches herself to his side; from a small purse she carries, she pulls a leather collar, simple and elegant, hooked to a chain. Closing the collar around her neck, she hands him the chain* I brought this for you ... *she hands him the simple metal chain lead, blue eyes looking up at him, imploringly*
[11-21:25] 07a, *Stonester: * Finish his food and pushes the plate away * So... What've you got planned next? * His lips curle into a face full of smile... *
[11-21:26] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[11-21:27] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He smirks, tugging the chain testing... then with a smirk he pulls her up by it to his face, kissing her, icey eyes with the same bit of evil in them.*
[11-21:29] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she shrugs gracefully, fishing in her back pocket for her wad of travel cash* Depends on you. I have the urge to relive old memories, but it`s your call. *she eases out of the booth and drops a twenty and a five on the tabletop; one to pay for their meals, the other as a tip. She doesn`t understand stingy tippers*
[11-21:30] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[11-21:30] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (wait, serg is elm? cool! both spectrums!)
[11-21:30] 07a, *Stonester: * Watches her drop the money... normaly he would not let this happen this way.. but considering he has no money... he has no room to refuse... * Reliving old memories? How so might I ask? * Scoots out of his booth on after her *
[11-21:31] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[11-21:31] aca, ºJuden Sores: (*Introduces Riak and Zeke.* Riak, this is Zeke. Zeke, this is Riak, the reincarnate of a vampire I've already killed.)
[11-21:32] aca, *Zeke Bedford: ( we should.... kill her again?)
[11-21:33] aca, ºJuden Sores: (*L* Him.)
[11-21:33] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she groans as his lips, warm and pulsing, burn against hers; there is no resistence in her now. When her feet touch the ground again, she nearly sinks to her knees, weak with the need to serve him ... but there is, too, Juden`s number, sitting predialed on her phone. Something about him ... who is to know? She felt the sadist in the man, the penchant for torture. But there is Jason, in his new flesh ... she shakes her head, confused*
[11-21:34] aca, ºJuden Sores: (And no. At least, not right now.)
[11-21:34] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (that's what I.... oh.... sorry)
[11-21:34] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: (okay there isn't going to be any of that, thats just picking on me then.... )
[11-21:35] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (no death! just, ... yeah. *hushes*)
[11-21:36] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He looked at her.* does our pet want to get out of here? *He asks, snakey voice soft yet so loudly heard to her, he gives a little tug to the chain.*
[11-21:36] aca, ºJuden Sores: (We're just messing around. *Snickers.*)
[11-21:36] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[11-21:36] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (yeah. what he said)
[11-21:37] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: (ya know I tihnk we should put the private room link up there, so people can just use it for there sick needs.. .... *sighs at moth... gives him a lollipop*)
[11-21:38] eeb, ºLucreccia: *and poof! There the two of them gone, lost into the night for now*
[11-21:38] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (Linkin Park is a roller coaster!!!! *shifty eyes*)
[11-21:38] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she stumbles slightly but follows obediently behind him* Yes, I`d like to go now, please, if it is your will, Master.
[11-21:40] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she stumbles slightly but follows obediently behind him* Yes, I`d like to go now, please, if it is your will, Master.
[11-21:41] aca, ºmoth: We have a private room?
[11-21:41] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (Yeah ... *shifty eyes*)
[11-21:42] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He smiles, the orginal and the other liking her quick to please manner.* good girl...* they say, waiting for her then wrapping an arm around her as they get out of the club, other hand holding the leash*
[11-21:43] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: yeah moth I made it for court so we could have a room for other and.. heh us ^_~..... I'll reg you as a amin or such on it and give you the link if you wish?)
[11-21:45] aca, ºmoth: Alright. You want a link up?
[11-21:46] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: sure............. by the way whats your email?)
[11-21:46] aca, ºmoth:
[11-21:46] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she curls into him, her petite form sliding smoothly in place with his. It`s so different than Jason`s, but warm, and breathing ... that was the one thing she could never get over about Jason. His being undead. This one ... this one might appreciate her talents more*
[11-21:46] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (anyone know how to put music on a profile? *eyes moth*)
[11-21:46] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (*hits Zeke* Are you getting your ass in here, or what?)
[11-21:48] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (what?)
[11-21:48] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (I got the impression you were going to come and rp with us ...)
[11-21:49] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: okay sent .... hey as long as my char doesn't get messed with no problem!) *He hails a cab and gets her in, then he.* what have you been doing while... I've been away? *He asks, his icey gaze falling to her form and then her face*
[11-21:49] aca, *Zeke Bedford: ( sorry. I was going to wait to play with him. *points at moth*)
[11-21:50] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (ahh, k!)
[11-21:51] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he finaly gets up and sighs**That is something I didnt wish to see.. at all**he looks about the area, sniffing the air, hoping to catch his taregts sent**
[11-21:53] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: Healing ... hiding ... keeping away from that ... man. Whatever he is. *she shudders when she thinks of the gun held to the back of her head, but hides it best she can. Why is she back here? She really isn`t asking for death. Is she?* Did it take you long to find this host?
[11-21:54] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *he nods, well it hadn't been long since he found the host.... being able to control the host was another...*
[11-21:56] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she sits quietly in a park, not far from the hotel. She hopes to find Stoney again, at some point. She`s freshly showered, and as she lacks a scent, the only smell of her Sergin might hope to pick up would be her shampoo, and the dusty cotton of her shirt and jeans. She eases her head back, agaisnt the bench, eyes closed, muttering soft prayers to Gaia in thanks for sending Stoney to set her straight once more*
[11-21:58] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he turns, having been inside the park already, he nods a bit, approaching Luc slowly. His black coat covering all except his eyes which are shrouded by darkness**
[11-21:58] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she lifts her face to his, boldly reaching up to touch the living skin of his cheek, her fingers trailing across his mouth* Master ... have you missed me?
[11-21:59] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she eyes the cloaked and shadowy figure with a sigh. Eyes narrowing, her vision splits, and she observes his Umbral presence. Well, well. She hadn`t expected to meet someone from his pack, ever again. Brows raised in question, she waits for him to speak*
[11-21:59] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He growls, and looks sharply to her eyes, grabbing that wrist.* of course we've... I've missed you..* he says, grinning..*
[11-22:01] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she shivers at his agressive touch, watching his fingers circle her wrist in rapt adoration .. she longs for his cruel touch. The Haze dances in the corner of her eyes* May I touch you, please?
[11-22:01] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she shivers at his agressive touch, watching his fingers circle her wrist in rapt adoration .. she longs for his cruel touch. The Haze dances in the corner of her eyes* May I touch you, please?
[11-22:02] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: He drops her hand, that would mean yes, for hes less tense then..*
[11-22:02] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he nods to her as he stops before her**Hello Luc... .. it has been a while.. if ever...**he taks a seat before her on the ground, his sword lying behind him. His presence is quite calm, for one whome was part of Morgulines pack.**Dont fear.. I am not here to harm...**his movements are smoth. **
[11-22:05] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: I`m sure you`re not. *her tone is sarcastic, her eyes wary. Damned CoG ... too damned calm, even for her Silent Strider tastes. At least this one carries a damned weapon. That`s some progress* Then why are you here? Wait, no. I know why you`re here. More correctly, what in the hell does he want? *she knows he knows the `he` she means. It`s clearly evident by Sergin`s presence here alone*
[11-22:05] eeb, ºLucreccia: I`m sure you`re not. *her tone is sarcastic, her eyes wary. Damned CoG ... too damned calm, even for her Silent Strider tastes. At least this one carries a damned weapon. That`s some progress* Then why are you here? Wait, no. I know why you`re here. More correctly, what in the hell does he want? *she knows he knows the `he` she means. It`s clearly evident by Sergin`s presence here alone*
[11-22:06] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[11-22:07] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *showing her flare for the daring, she cups both hands on his face and leans up, smothering his mouth in another kiss, this one more ardent, hungry. Not sure if this is allowed under `touching` but she`s so enthralled with this new form, with it`s living flesh, she can`t help herself*
[11-22:07] JOIN: Riak Hosenfield has entered.
[11-22:09] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *And he returns it with heat, but after just a moment he grabs her throat, collar and all and shoves her back. The cabbie watches the whole time, but doesn't say a word, just drives...*
[11-22:09] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he shrugs**He just wants to know how your are doing.. Making suer your not wasting your second life**he looks up to her with a smile*8THough few do waste a second chance..Soo**his hands glide over the grasss**what have you been up to. here... in this**he looks about**City**his dislikes being in a place without trees.. and it is evident
[11-22:11] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she gasps at his violence and sinks back into the seat, submitting sweetly to his demand. She whimpers faintly, blue eyes liquid with her emotions, locked on his*
[11-22:13] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she stares at him for a long moment. Just stares* He wants to know how I`m doing? Are you kidding me? He`d cut my head off a second time the moment he saw me. He must be getting soft in his old age. I have my reasons for being here, though I suspect I won`t stay much longer. I hate cities. I hate this one almost as much as I hate New York. But duty calls, as I`m sure you understand.
[11-22:13] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *his icey eyes stare back at her, an amused smile playing at his full lips.*
[11-22:14] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: What do you wish of me, Master? *her voice is hoarse, tight in her restrained throat. Her desire soars through her, and the Haze darkens at the outer rim of her vision*
[11-22:15] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he nods..**I understand.. and yes.. he is becoming a bit more rash now... I can do that to some people...**he smiles a bit**So...**he sniffs her arching a brow**.. you reak of a vampire..... still...
[11-22:15] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He lets go of her neck and turns to the other window looking out, growling lowly*
[11-22:17] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *for the sake of this game, sure* I`m a wolf. That kills vampires. It comes with the territory. *and that`s all she`ll say to that. She turns her eyes from him, staring darkly out into the neon-bleached night sky* And how much do you really know of any of that, anyway? I`m sure you heard what the Council wanted you to hear. And what Morguline told you. *the name is sour on her tongue, bitter. She spits after saying it*
[11-22:19] eeb, ºLucreccia: *for the sake of this game, sure* I`m a wolf. That kills vampires. It comes with the territory. *and that`s all she`ll say to that. She turns her eyes from him, staring darkly out into the neon-bleached night sky* And how much do you really know of any of that, anyway? I`m sure you heard what the Council wanted you to hear. And what Morguline told you. *the name is sour on her tongue, bitter. She spits after saying it*
[11-22:20] dc5, *Sergin Blade: hmmmm... i see**he looks up, mummering something about gaia, then looks back to Luc**Its ok.. you are given.. alteast by me.. and no worries**he smiles again**Morg shouldnt know... .. no need**he looks about the park again**Something he need not to know... like when I first meet him.. **he loks to her**I wanted him dead....
[11-22:20] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: Something`s bothering you. *it`s not a question, she can feel it crawling along her skin. Her voice is welcoming, beckoning for him to look at her, lying still in her prone position, as she hasn`t been told to rise* Tell me what it is.
[11-22:23] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He turns to look at her, venom in his eyes.* you're also enthralled with that man who killed my other body... * he growls, he knows, even in this.. human form.. he knows..*
[11-22:23] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she continues to stare at him. What is he doing, revealing all of this to her, and how much does he really know about Elm* Listen to me, Sergin. Nothing happened. And it`s not as if Morguline is some fine upstanding example of Garou morality, himself ... *she cuts short her rant. She could go on for hours about all of the things she`s seen that bastard do, that he shouldn`t have. Litany breaker! She eyes Sergin warily* And why did you want him dead?
[11-22:25] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *her head hangs, and she sighs* Such is my nature. I am built to know and seek those who have need of such a thing as me. Such is the gift of my God. How can I resist something that is as sadistic and cruel as you are? Perhaps even moreso. It is my nature. I cannot appologize for that. It would be forsaking the One that blessed me so.
[11-22:26] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: (half an hour more and i need to go crash. i hurt like hell.)
[11-22:27] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he sighs**He kills for no reason.. kinda hard for me to deal with such a being... speaking of my tribe..**he looks up to her**And it seems you dislike him just as much.... **he knows little about elm.. only enough that she died for him and he didnt.. not right in his eyes**
[11-22:29] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He goes after her then grabbing her neck harshly and shoving her against the door behind her, his face inches from his.* why would he want something like you?... you're barely anything.. you should be glad I'll have anything to do with you....
[11-22:30] eeb, ºLucreccia: He killed me for an act he himself had committed. He is no stranger to loving a leech. *she mutters this through gritted teeth. The Rage is still hot in her over her death; if she thought she`d stand a chance, she`d try her damndest to kill Morguline herself. But that would be as foolish a waste of her second life as marrying Elmster, and perhaps more of a sin in Gaia`s eyes. Morguline`s no saint, but he`s paid his dues, too* I have my reasons for hating him, but I can`t deny I respect him, even after all of it. He`s done his share.
[11-22:30] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: 2nd his= hers*&
[11-22:32] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *despite her efforts - it`s all been so much, the last several weeks - tears splinter down her cheeks, large and sultry, darkening her black lashes, making them stick about her bright eyes. She whimpers and mutters something incoherent before forming words* I am very lucky to have you, Master ... forgive me. I am nothing, you`re right.
[11-22:34] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he nods**aye.. just his rank is enough to Give him respect..**he stands, streching and dusting the grass off the cloak*I must ask a favor from you.. I need to be arround here for a while.. atleast to watch you... I need somewhere to stay.. have an idea?**is very blunt.. not common for a Child**
[11-22:35] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *He glares at her, and the cab stops, its his place, he lets her go and gets out, caring nothing for her tears or her words. he pays the cabbie, no tip of course and tugs on that leash, she'd better move...*
[11-22:40] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she stares at him. She`s just completely baffled by this guy* Uh ... I have an empty apartment you could use. I`m in a hotel room right now. Got complaints from my neighbors about coming and going at bad hours of the night. *she stands, lean and graceful, as a Strider should be* I can show you the way. *she turns her back on him, but stops, and turns back* Why in the hell do you need to watch me? My business is none of yours, and none of his. Are you sure you`re not some council spy?
[11-22:40] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *she rushes out of the cab and after him, she`d crawl like a dog if he ordered her to. She follows him, two strict paces behind, the lead on her collar taught at that distance, but not harshly tight*
[11-22:40] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she stares at him. She`s just completely baffled by this guy* Uh ... I have an empty apartment you could use. I`m in a hotel room right now. Got complaints from my neighbors about coming and going at bad hours of the night. *she stands, lean and graceful, as a Strider should be* I can show you the way. *she turns her back on him, but stops, and turns back* Why in the hell do you need to watch me? My business is none of yours, and none of his. Are you sure you`re not some council spy?
[11-22:42] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *and they go up stairs to apartment 10, and after unlocking the door he tugs her inside into the dark livingroom*
[11-22:44] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs**Your just as slow as him aswell... **he shakes his head**no.. its non of mybusiness.. I dont wanna watch you.. personly... you could love every breed of vampire.. and I wouldnt care.. I am just here.. to get away from him.. you could only stand his rank(smell.. not status)) for so long**he smiles**
[11-22:44] eeb, ºLucy Belveaux: *She trips over the ledge of the doorway, falling into the livingroom on her knees and hands, with a grunt of pain. The Haze roars to life, as her shattered hand flares with pain, and blood seeps softly into the white gauze bandage, the hole reopened. Sinking to her face, she weeps into the carpet, shivering with pain*
[11-22:46] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she studies him a long moment* All right, I`ll buy that. I wouldn`t imagine being around him more than a few minutes to be fun. But he`s not here, so why don`t you just keep to yourself until you have to go back and report to him on my daily routine? I will at least show you the apartment. *which she Cleansed earlier that day, all traces of Taint vanished. And the player means that. -All-*
[11-22:47] eeb, ºLucreccia: ( Ineed to sleep. We`ll have to finish later! *loves and goe*)
[11-22:47] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *he growls, but the human smells blood and the vampire within perks.... he then bends down to her, jerking her up, by that hurthands wrist, looking to the bandage (okay! *pause*)
[11-22:48] f77, *Riak Hosenfield: *has no one to play with now*)
[11-22:49] f77, *Kitty: Oh well...
[11-22:49] dc5, *Sergin Blade: ((bye))**he nods, knowing this wil doo.. and rest there, tired from his travels. Even in the umbra, this was a far place to get to. He crawls into teh bed and napes**
[11-22:50] dc5, *Sergin Blade: (i sorry... I would play withyeah.. but yeah... kinda already in another room and all))
[11-22:52] f77, *Kitty: *doesn't mind.. will just lurk alone and all......*
[11-23:03] f77, *Kitty: *wanders off and poofies*
[12-00:29] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[12-01:07] JOIN: Riak Hosenfield has entered.
[12-01:08] f77, *Kitty: *lurk*
[12-01:11] JOIN: Riak Hosenfield has entered.
[12-01:46] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[12-01:46] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (hookers)
[12-01:47] f77, *Kitty: *blinks)
[12-01:47] f77, *Kitty: *
[12-01:48] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (*pokes*what are ye blinkin' at?)
[12-01:49] f77, *Kitty: you! *pokes back with claw*
[12-01:51] 09c, *Caine Lupas: I can understand that but pokin' back with yuir claws.... that's just rude*pulls out toenail clippers*
[12-01:52] f77, *Kitty: *hisses, fur fluff*
[12-01:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas: I wonna use them less ye do it again.
[12-01:55] f77, *Kitty: *growls. baring fangs*
[12-01:57] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *lol*Yuir a cute lil' fur ball. Where's everyone at?
[12-01:59] f77, *Kitty: *glares as with Saven Kitty is not a littl fur ball.* gone.. poofie.. off to have lives...
[12-02:01] 09c, *Caine Lupas: off to have lives or RP in other rooms?
[12-02:01] 09c, *Caine Lupas: nice pic...brb for RP k
[12-02:02] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *with a piff an' a poof*
[12-02:02] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 12:02am, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-02:03] f77, *Kitty: *grumbles.. waits.. sighs...*
[12-02:12] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[12-02:15] aa7, *Celeste McCoh : *finishing her act on stage she makes her way to the dressing room to change quickly and head to the bar for a stiff drink.*Voadk on the rocks and make it stiff.
[12-02:15] f77, *Kitty: *ponders who to rp*
[12-02:19] JOIN: Riak Hosenfield has entered.
[12-02:19] f77, *Kitty: (hey look at my profile and pick someone for me)
[12-02:21] aa7, *Celeste McCoh : *receivig her drink she tells the girl to put on her tab and moves to a table in a corner of the room as if waiting*
[12-02:24] aa7, *Celeste McCoh : (ummm.......Gian maybe)
[12-02:27] f77, *Kitty: ermm well.. okay everyone but him.. hes in pause.. no others are I believe... ^^'
[12-02:29] aa7, *Celeste McCoh: (*gets rid of icon thingy*okay...I'm not in the mood for her so let's go with Irene an' I'll change char)
[12-02:30] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[12-02:30] f77, *Kitty: okay
[12-02:30] aa7, *Celeste McCoh: (mothy?)
[12-02:31] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (moth's brother)
[12-02:31] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (I'm Robot Devil)
[12-02:31] f77, *Kitty: oo mothy's brother....
[12-02:32] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (the smart and pretty one *shifty eyes*)
[12-02:32] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[12-02:32] aa7, *Celeste McCoh: (*waves waves*k gonna rp?)
[12-02:33] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (maybe)
[12-02:33] f77, *Kitty: okay I'm gonna claim the pretty one... *grin* play with me moths brother ^_^
[12-02:33] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[12-02:34] f77, Irene Lox: (you start Promethius)
[12-02:35] aa7, *Caine Lupas: TH.
[12-02:36] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (alright, you two wanna start? *eyes Celeste and Kitty*)
[12-02:36] aa7, *Caine Lupas: that's a really deep blue I almost can't read it
[12-02:37] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (*thinks Kitty should use this image*
[12-02:37] f77, *Kitty: *looks at Zeke, she wants him all to herself*
[12-02:38] f77, *Kitty: although cute.. it doesn't suit me mood ^_~
[12-02:38] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 12:36am, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-02:38] 9b9, ºEnvy: *slumps in after forsaking studying for.... yes... x-men cartoons*
[12-02:38] f77, Irene Lox: (**)
[12-02:39] f77, Irene Lox: go you! Envy)
[12-02:40] NICK: Kitty changed nick to Ginger Lox.
[12-02:41] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: *sitting at the bar of the BtD he munches on a bag of Doritos(*licks Envy in the eye*X-men rock)and sips on a Gin'n'Tonic*
[12-02:42] f77, Ginger Lox: ((*)*
[12-02:43] 9b9, ºEnvy: (hehe. yeah go me... I'm gonna fail! *hushes and gets to regginsg chars... since it's her real job anyways
[12-02:43] f77, *Irene Lox: *She meanders herself in the BtD, looking the same as her pic, but her hair is down, and shes wearing a black bondage strap skirt, D rings and all*
[12-02:43] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (I'm a hunter by the way.... so I wouldn't reccomend doing anything that would be "ill willed" against humanity around him. And you can start.)
[12-02:45] 9b9, ºEnvy: (night dolls. have fun *hands out kisses and hugs and dried mangos because they're really good*
[12-02:46] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: *cathing her scent her turns as she enters a smile on his face*Good eve M'lady,how goes for you this eve?
[12-02:47] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[12-02:48] f77, *Irene Lox: (I hate aol *will post in one moment*)
[12-02:49] f77, *Irene Lox: *She looks to him, smiling slightly and sitting, ording a bbc and legs.. * goes well...
[12-02:49] f77, *Irene Lox: TY)
[12-02:50] JOIN: Sam Andrews has entered.
[12-02:51] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*test*)
[12-02:51] f77, *Irene Lox: crosses her legs*^
[12-02:52] f77, *Ginger Lox: (okay!) *Shes currently walking the streets, her green eyes looking over people, not really that interested, she is but not.. a cigarette dangles form her lips*
[12-02:54] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: (okies. Has AOhell too. it blows)Ahh,to have a nice evening the days is rare,with all the undead running rampant.*turns to her as she crosses her legs he lights a cigarettes*You want one?
[12-02:57] f77, *Irene Lox: *She shrugs* sure.. *she answers, and takes chen shes offered, taking his lighter from him also.*
[12-02:57] f77, *Ginger Lox: (I wonder, did Zeke leave?)
[12-02:58] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *Just down the street, atop a building across the street from a vamp night club sits Zeke. He has his RAMO M650 high caliber sniper rifle set up on the roof top. He is laying on his stomach, looking through the scope. He has it pointed at a vamp in clear few in the window. He waits a moment before pulling the trigger. The sound of the shot wouldn't be hear over the hussle and bustle of the street, but inside people scream and start to run from the building. Zeke then starts to pack up his kit and move off the roof*
[12-03:00] f77, *Ginger Lox: haha he didn't) *Only thing she says was the running and the screaming, wow something interesting for a friggin' change... didn't matter to her they were vamp, why would it.. they were filth.. she continues on after a minute, flicking her cigarette every once and a while*
[12-03:01] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: So what brings such a beautiful one as your self to a city such as this? I dont see how ant of our race could live here.It's not wild nor free.
[12-03:04] f77, *Irene Lox: We have to do business sometimes..* she answers, puffing on the cig, ice blue eyes looking to him.* I'm not a glasswalker or a bonegnawer, but the city is alright at times... boring.. but alright.... *she sips her drink, flicking the ash into a tray by her.*
[12-03:04] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He moves down the fire escape and when he lands in the ally, he moves to a random dumpster and he puts his gun inside the dumpster. It of course in a case. He then moves out of the ally way, wearing a leather jacket would held his two revolvers. He leans against the wall, calmly, watching as people run past and down the street and he can't help but smirk*
[12-03:07] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: *he raises a brow*I understand having to do business,but what is a glasswalker,this isa term unfamiliar to me.*takes a deep drag from the smoke and sips from his drink*
[12-03:07] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She stops, tilts her head, and watches. Shes down right laughing at these people, though of course not loudly as that just wouldn't do... About time she says something city-ish around here.*
[12-03:09] f77, *Irene Lox: *she waves a hand* oh never mind then..* she says, like it was just a fly.. shes not parcial to them, so why explain.....* what about you, what are you doing here? *she asks, raising a brow*
[12-03:11] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He shakes his head and he pushes himself off the wall and starts down the sidewalk, his leather jacket reveals a glint, of corse a gun and it would be obvious to anyone watching him, but since someone had just been shot nobody was and he silently passes Ginger Lox, smirking*
[12-03:12] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: Me, I'm her on business as well, it's about time for my family to gather..all it's generations persae`
[12-03:13] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: It's gonna be a tough gathering this year.
[12-03:14] f77, *Irene Lox: ahh.. *she nods, is she really listening.. who cares.. shes there isn't she?*
[12-03:15] f77, *Ginger Lox: *But she did, she noticed. It was the cat in her.* Good job..* is al she says, quietly, flicking the ash of her cigarette, it was almost finished.*
[12-03:15] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*kicks the misspeller demon in her*)
[12-03:19] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: Not interested I know,Not too many are.So you mentoined last time we spoke a place called the Burning Bush,what is the place,some have told me it's a strip joint
[12-03:19] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *he chuckles as he passes then stops and turns to look at her. He seems to look her over, not checking her out or anything, but using the second sight and he finally speaks* Meow. *he turns and begins walking again, smirking. He of course knew what she was*
[12-03:20] f77, *Irene Lox: yup.. thats what it is.. *she answers, finishing her drink and ordering another..* why.. do you like placces like that? .. I find it rather low class.. that place.. but still a lot of people go....
[12-03:22] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She smirks back, flicking the butt away. When he meows she snickers, red hair falling in her eyes.* hmm classic hunter call..* she murmers, looking back tot he throng of people gathering, running and others trying to get order of things*
[12-03:22] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: I'll habe to agree with you on that places like that are rather low class and degrading,what's the Reality like?
[12-03:23] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: (*have)
[12-03:26] f77, *Irene Lox: *She shrugs* never been, hear its an alright place though...... not as trashy. though you won't find naked tits there unless someone mistakes LA for New Orleans...
[12-03:27] aca, *Zeke Bedford: Thank.... and good call... *he yells this reply back and he moves around the corner moving to his car. A 1969 chevrolet camaro. He gets in and starts the engine and and pulls around the corner. He passes by her again, giving her a wink if she'd look and then he pulled into the ally, retriving his gun and putting it in the back of his car*
[12-03:30] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: *stiffles a smallchuckle*New that's a city ,though far from it's origins,is a rather nice city.The world today is nothing like it once was,the majority of mankind respected the body of the female and those who didn't were dispatched with.
[12-03:30] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She shakes her head, very amused, people rarely amuse her, she saw the wink and gave a wave, searching in her pockets for another cigarette, and her always lost lighter.*
[12-03:31] f77, *Irene Lox: oh yes... with all the concubines and belly dancers in old times.. *she cocks a brow, like 'as if, women had it hard and were objects always.'*
[12-03:34] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He closes the trunk of the car and he moves to get in the driver's seat. He then pulls out of the ally, passing her yet again and he starts down the street*
[12-03:36] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: Yuir thinking of times before these pesent ones, I speak of the graet days of Italy,or When Greece was the world power,just before Rome became known.When woman who chose to be respected wererespected.
[12-03:37] f77, *Ginger Lox: *finally getting the pack she gets one out and eventually finds her lighter, lights and sighs, meandering herself down the way he went, though due to the fact on foot, and not using any gifts shes homid slow..*
[12-03:38] f77, *Irene Lox: uh huh..... you don't find that anywhere in history.. but like mama always said.. *she mocked the latter slightly.* history was written by the dumb..
[12-03:39] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: And the insane...let's not forget.But then again there is so much covered up and skiped over when it comes to history
[12-03:40] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *she might find it amusing, but she'd find his car only a small ways down the road. He had went to get a bite to eat after his work was done, and he can be seen sitting in a cafe across the road, watching as a ambulance goes past*
[12-03:43] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: (finds it weird that mothy's bor uses the same pic mothy does for Victor Cross)
[12-03:43] f77, *Irene Lox: yes..but in the end its better for everyone
[12-03:44] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (I used these pics in another chat for the same character and he used them in here. Then he told me he'd let me use them and he's use some one else)
[12-03:46] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She meanders around, scratching her head and causing lots of her hair too fly about her face, red tendrals in her green eyes, as she walks along, spotting the hunter in the cafe, which hell, does interest her.* (aww what a good brother)
[12-03:46] f77, *Ginger Lox: by the waaaay...... are you a younger or older brother?)
[12-03:47] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (younger. I'm only 13. he's 17. Actually my b-day is a week from wensday)
[12-03:47] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: Only because that's what everyone wishes to beleive,there are the few that have the inate ugre to dig deeper,and that in it's self is rare,but non the less the truth need be known not what everyone is taught to be the truth.*starts to ponder why he's gotten into a history discussion with Irene, and not something that they would both rather enjoy talking about*
[12-03:48] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*nods, as she knows moth* ahh)
[12-03:49] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: (*pats him on the back*Welcome then young one,we do enjoy having fresh on-line rpers in the fold)
[12-03:50] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (Actually I've been RPing for like six months. Alot of chats. *pokes Ginger* and who be you? and where you know moth from?)
[12-03:50] f77, *Irene Lox: *because she digs into things and such.. she is a debator after all.* yet what would you want humans to believe.. I mean really... real real.. history suggests ones like us to outrank them, do you tihnk human egos would allow that? *she raises a brow*
[12-03:51] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He continues to look out the window and he spots
[12-03:52] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He continues to look out the window and he spots Ginger. He raises an eye brow before shrugging and he sips his coffee, turning to look around the near empty cafe*
[12-03:53] f77, *Ginger Lox: (*ish poked.. blinks* haha you ask him about Saven.. he'd tell you.. I know him back from the Vampires Kiss chat, me and him are the same age.. hehe)
[12-03:54] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (Beseen?)
[12-03:54] f77, *Ginger Lox: *Shes feeling annoying, and why not.. this is a friggin' boring town... so she wanders over to the cafe, stiffles her cig outside and wanders in, and sits directly behind him, getting herself some coffee.*
[12-03:54] f77, *Ginger Lox: (yup)
[12-03:55] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: Anon M'lady humans rare naturally ones to beleive that that are the superior race on the face of Gia, though all they are are the children of Seth who we are to protect and guide.Though our guidance they more often then not the reject it.
[12-03:55] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (I played there.... but I was ten and sucked at RPing, so I was ignored by most)
[12-03:56] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He sighs and seems to roll his eyes, before turning to look at her* Can I help you, kitty? *he raises his eyebrow again as he watches her going silent again*
[12-03:57] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: (whoa I haven't heard the Kisses name in forever,where any of you even in bens?)
[12-03:58] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (except for Zarr that is... He would actually talk to me)
[12-03:59] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[12-04:01] f77, *Ginger Lox: (ahh who knows.. I mighta talked to ya then.. oh so many chars) Unless you want to help put cream in my coffee then know hunter.. * she answers, there is sarcasm and also a hint of flirt, she is after all a cat*
[12-04:02] f77, *Irene Lox: Yes.. so why guide them.. its clear they don't care anymore, that haven't for a long time....
[12-04:04] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *he smirks, turning around and taking a sip of his coffee* Then why did you follow me, if you didn't want anything that is? *He remains facing forward, then he looks out the window*
[12-04:07] f77, *Ginger Lox: What, are you afraid you're becoming the hunted now? *she says, adding liberal cream to her coffee as she talks making she her coffee is almost all milky instead of actual coffee.*
[12-04:09] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: This is true.But it'shard to for some of us to stop doing what we were born to do,for me I do my part through my family,and thankfully they care.Though the whole of Seth's children are no more than a waste for time to teach and guide.*finishes his drink and pays for both of theirs*I hope you don't mind my gesture of paying for yuir drink M'lady,I've quite enjoyed or conversation.
[12-04:09] aca, *Zeke Bedford: Well if that's the case.... you should know, I've never been caught. * He turns and gives her wink once again before turning to look out the window*
[12-04:10] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: (*our)
[12-04:12] f77, *Ginger Lox: (I'm so tempted to use Purr (lvl 3) on him.... *snicker*) You've never been caught so far..* she answers, smiling as she raises the cup to her lip, inhales the steam then takes a generous sip*
[12-04:14] f77, *Irene Lox: *She looks at him..* I've stopped.. no use in it unless I find someone worthy of it..* she nods after he pays..* thanks...
[12-04:16] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (*dosn't even know what that is*) *he just smirks and drains his cup before asking for another, looking at people who pass*
[12-04:17] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: Well to each their own..*pauses*By the way M'lady,my name is Promethius*slightly bows*
[12-04:19] f77, *Irene Lox: *She nods* ahh... I'm Irene.. *she smiles slightly.. maybe in a little better of a mood*
[12-04:21] f77, *Ginger Lox: (its a very fun cat gift) *She sips her drink contentedly, idly playing with her cross necklace, moving it along the leather loop around her neck*
[12-04:23] f77, *Ginger Lox: its like this - by softly purring near some person or animal, the Bastet instills him with a desire to cuddle, pet and spoil her.. homid, metis or feline)
[12-04:24] aa7, *Promethius Kushiel: It's been a wounderfulpleasure having this small debate with you Irene,I hope to have more with you in such a calm manner*adjusting the irridescent green crystal from beneath his shirt to above he turns to walk out the doors into the cresent moonlit night*
[12-04:25] f77, *Irene Lox: *And with that, she orders anothe broken bloody condom... drink...*
[12-04:27] aa7, *Caine Lupas: Well people I bid ye all good night, and good Rp. Have fun.Kitty I'll catch you later,as with the rest of you all. Oh and for those who played in Vamp9ires Kiss or Vampire Cross Roads, I played Tristan.Night all*huggles and waves an' all that stuff*
[12-04:27] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 2:27am, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-04:29] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He continues to look out the window untill his second coffee comes and he then prepares his with cream and sugar and the like. He starts to drink the coffee silently*
[12-04:31] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She has the need to start a purr, and she does, but rather quickly stops, taking a large sip of her coffee and waving to get a side order of pickles.. she loves them.*
[12-04:39] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He turns to her, blinking as he has an urge to be near her, thoughb he shakes his head and the feelings subside. He then stands up after finishing his coffee. He looks back at her* I'll ask you not to do that again... *he pulls his wallet out and puts his money on the table. Then he pulls out more money and puts it on he table, buying her coffee, how nice. He then pulls out a small peice of paper and writes something down on it before handing her the paper* *he then turns and walks out, moving to his car and pulls away. On the paper she would find his name and cell number*
[12-04:41] f77, *Ginger Lox: *She just glanced at him when he said that, a smile on her lips. very pleased that he paid for her coffee, even more pleased for the name and number, which she promptly puts away.... and finishes her pickles and coffee*
[12-04:42] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *gone* (alright, night. and thanks for the rp))
[12-04:45] f77, *Ginger Lox: (welcome anytime.. *wave*) *She gets up and leaves, maybe giving a small tip and then shes off to her sisters apartment*
[12-05:00] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[12-05:01] EXIT: Zeke Bedford has left the chat ( 3:00am, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-10:37] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-10:38] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[12-11:22] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-12:40] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
Chat cleared by Lucreccia.
[12-13:38] 9b9, ºMadi : (profile test)
[12-13:49] 9b9, ºMadi : (profile test again)
[12-13:50] 9b9, ºMadi : (*grumbles and goes back to work*)
[12-14:00] 9b9, ºMadi : (*one more time)
[12-14:01] 9b9, ºMadi : (frowns.... just work)
[12-14:05] 9b9, ºMadi : Blast you all to hell, profile!
[12-14:07] 9b9, ºMadi : fuck it. there's a smushed pic. I can live with that
Chat cleared by Madi.
[12-14:11] 9b9, ºMadi : ....
[12-14:19] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[12-14:37] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-14:41] f77, *Kitty: Rawr
[12-14:41] eeb, ºLucreccia: Growwwwwwwwwl!
[12-14:42] f77, *Kitty: meep!
[12-14:44] eeb, ºLucreccia: *pets*
[12-14:44] f77, *Kitty: *puurrrr*
[12-14:45] eeb, ºLucreccia: *Stroke stroke, chin scratch*
[12-14:47] f77, *Kitty: *Melt*
[12-14:48] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[12-14:49] EXIT: Lucreccia has left the chat ( 12:45pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-14:49] f77, *Mark Morgan: (*test*)
[12-14:49] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[12-14:52] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *as they walk up the drive to her rather plush, but not overly extravagant Beverly Hills home, hand in hand, Zar can`t imagine not having Mark around now. What a wonderful three days! If only it could have been longer! She smiles up to him, blue eyes shimmering with contentment*
[12-14:54] f77, *Mark Morgan: *Of course a lot of hapy vampy sez went on.. heh... He squeezes her hand then grabs her up, arm under her legs and other around her waist, grinning to her.*
[12-14:55] f77, *Mark Morgan: *Of course a lot of hapy vampy sex went on.. heh... He squeezes her hand then grabs her up, arm under her legs and other around her waist, grinning to her.*
[12-14:58] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: Now how am I supposed to unlock the door from this position! *but she doesn`t fight; he`s broken her, and what fun they had doing it! She smothers her mouth against his, her arms tight around his shoulders. A kind of serene bliss hums in the air between them. Their connection has never been stronger*
[12-15:01] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He returns the smothering with his own ardent kiss, holding her that way so easily. He'd been and still was happy. He'd gotten her back, convinced her every now and then its good to get away...*
[12-15:04] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she maneuvers from his arms and away from his mouth, closing the final feet to the door. She shuffles her keys out of her purse and inserts the key into the lock. At that very moment, she stiffens and jolts backwards some; as if pushed. Her head lowers briefly, and there is another soft shudder. Turning to face Mark again, her voice is faint, malicious, quavering; her eyes remain downcast* I guess this is where we say goodbye ...
[12-15:07] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He was jovial, hopping about like a boy.. then at her voice.. at the shudder at it all.. he frowns.. serious..* What?
[12-15:12] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *her Rage - not hers, but Charles`s rage, Mark would know that Rage anywhere - spouts fourth from her in a ghust of energy; her telekenetic power flaring violently, if briefly; shattering the door behind her, cracking the columns that support the porch roof, and knocking him so hard that, unless he was prepared, he might go flying back down the drive a ways away* I said it`s time to say goodbye. *and her blue eyes are blue no longer, but thick, sickly brown, her flesh quavering, as if the host is furiously trying to batter this intrusive spirit out*
[12-15:21] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He could feel it... he knew that spirit, he knew all of it.. and boy now he was annoyed.. He was slightly prepared so only fell back a few yards.. He walked back to her.. to them and growled.... *Charles............... *It was hissed out his mouth..* (pause)
[12-15:33] f77, *Kitty: *Twiddles around*
[12-16:42] JOIN: CaineLupas has entered.
[12-16:42] EXIT: CaineLupas has left the chat ( 2:42pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-16:43] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[12-16:43] f77, *Kitty: *blink*
[12-16:43] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *waves*
[12-16:45] 09c, *Caine Lupas: Lemmie guess I just misted me two beauties?
[12-16:46] 09c, *Caine Lupas: n/m I just kissed on of them.
[12-16:46] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *missed
[12-16:48] f77, *Kitty: heh *pat*
[12-16:52] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[12-16:52] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[12-16:52] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *clings to Caine and slathers with love*
[12-16:53] 9b4, *Christelle Bonnet: *waves*
[12-16:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (*sighs an' gets IC*was talking 'bout Cec.I'm not sure of yuir gender,though ye could be one of me beauties)*slipping from the abyss into the nearly empty BB he moves to the back room to check on the girls an' to see who's all in tonight.Not sure if Jihan is around yet an' really not caring at the moment,he feels he's in command at the moment cuz Marley inna here either*Okay girls I donna care who's up next but lets' hussle will ye. The boos donna pay ye to sit on yuir arses.(*loves on his Cec babe*)
[12-16:55] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (*is CEC!*)
[12-16:56] f77, *Kitty: *just twiddles around right now*
[12-16:57] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Zarshreiy Kushiel.
[12-16:58] MSG: Zarshreiy Kushiel sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[12-17:00] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Zarshreiy Kushiel.
[12-17:01] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: (*gets a private eye licking, goes to picture hunt ...* I`ll be in a few minutes, Kitty, so we can finish, and if you`ll have a little patience, Caine-babe, I`ll be in to play with you, too.
[12-17:03] f77, *Kitty: I can wait for my dearest!
[12-17:05] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (*loves on Cec someomre,starts to moleste*K babe)*seeing the next girl gets to the sage he moves to claim his post turning on the secret service tye two in his ear*
[12-17:08] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she smiles; or rather, Charles does, and it twists her pretty mouth into a semblance of hatred and cold disgust* You ruined me. You ruined my life. I`ll make sure you die now. *and as he advances, another wave of energy pounds at him, her arms outstretched to circle her fingers around his throat. Charles only ever having been a mortal, he`s unsure of exactly what Zar`s strength is*
[12-17:10] f77, *Mark Morgan: *Mark sense that, and he grabs her arms and twists them behind her.. him.. with one hand the other massaging her temple.. thats the way to get a telic calm.. even if shes possessed.*
[12-17:10] f77, *Mark Morgan: How'd I ruin your life exactly?
[12-17:11] JOIN: Cecile DeMornay has entered.
[12-17:12] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *she enters the Bush for the first time in weeks; the atmosphere of the place, so familiar once, is now very repulsive. She sinks into the shadows so that no one she doesn`t want to see her remains ignorant to her presence. Her eyes dart about; a smile splits her lips as she spots Caine. She narrows her eyes at him and tickles his mind with mental fingers to get his attention*
[12-17:13] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[12-17:13] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (pic test)
[12-17:16] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *She groans at the touch, and whimpers; the voice something of a hybrid of Zarshreiy`s and Charles`s. She sags softly into his arms. Charles is still there, but even as a spirit, his mental capabilites cannot continue to manipulate Zarshreiy`s formiddable powers, which were never meant for Mortal minds* Markus ... help me, please. His Rage keeps him locked inside of me. *she being who she is, she has never known Rage but once, and that was eons ago, when her mortal life was stripped from her*
[12-17:16] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[12-17:16] dc5, *Sergin Blade: ((*peeks*))
[12-17:17] JOIN: Cecile DeMornay has entered.
[12-17:18] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *perking to the mental tickle he looks about an' signals to his number two man that he his now in charge till Jihan or Marley shows up,mainly who ever comes first.He moves into the shadows behind him cuz they make any already open portal into the abyss for him as he movesto Ceciles' side*Hey there lass how are ye.
[12-17:19] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He stays as they are.* how do you want me to help.. how..... *he doesn't know how to get spirits out of people.*
[12-17:19] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-17:19] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*will be right in*)
[12-17:19] eeb, ºLucreccia: /imgae
[12-17:20] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*test*)
[12-17:20] dc5, *Sergin Blade: (mhmm...))
[12-17:20] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*ponders playing now that he has really sexy pic*Thank you Cec)
[12-17:21] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : Remind me of what we have with each other. Qwell his rage with our love. Please ... *her voice strangles out of her throat and another wave of energy bombards him, likely pushing him away from her, with her collapsing to the concrete* (Welcome)
[12-17:21] f77, *Mark Morgan: (I'll bring somone in if you wan)
[12-17:21] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he yawns, his eyes glancing about the park. He has been here fora good 5 hours, just mediating. He stands slowly, strechinng a bit**
[12-17:23] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: Well enough, well enough. But what is `well`, anyway? *she shrugs and eyes him* I still don`t understand why you waste your time here. At any rate, would you care to go Hunting with me? I`m thirsty, and would like a friend about.
[12-17:24] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (hmmm anon lad I'm am not ready quite yet)
[12-17:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she slides out of the Denny`s across the street from the park, a toothpick at work in her hand to clean the last of the gunk out of her pearly whites, which she prizes almost as much as her long, wild hair. She pats her stomach contently. She`s really got to get out of this city before Denny`s and lack of exercise make her fat. Her, fat! She chuckles at the very thought*
[12-17:26] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he looks about and then walks up to the apartment Luc has given him and changes, something he normaly wouldnt do, but the fact is he is in the city. He hasta fit in a bit..**
[12-17:26] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *smiles at her invitation an nods*I would gladly join ye for a drink me lass,as I haven't feed yet ither*making his way to the door he slips out an' waits*
[12-17:27] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He struggles, then beds to her..* this weekend... *he tries to think* drinking blood wyne as we walked through the vineyards....
[12-17:27] f77, *Irene Lox: (*twiddles around*)
[12-17:28] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *she`s ahead of him, oddly enough, having dodged out the door the momet she was done speaking. She`s looking fine tonight; sleek and polished, the way she used to when she was Mistress of this club. She gives a swish to her hips and throws open her arms* So the City is ours, my dear. Where would you prefer to Hunt?
[12-17:29] f77, *Irene Lox: *
[12-17:29] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*lol*ok ok Iget the hint,be right in)
[12-17:30] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : Yes ... more of that ... NO! *and Charles rebounds again, throwing this time a rather large, ornamental boulder from the nearby garden towards Mark`s head, her body never moving from it`s prone position on the concrete steps*
[12-17:30] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-17:30] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he walks back out the streets, not looking like in the pic but with bell boddom jeans on. He looks about, still having yet to fully explore this city, and only knowing one being here**
[12-17:31] eeb, ºLucreccia: *She Sidesteps, and manifests a few feet infront of Sergin less than a moment later. She ditches her toothpick in a nearby trashcan, eyeing him* I hope you made the bed.
[12-17:32] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *taking a moment to bask in her beauty as he normally does though it wasn't known*Let's go to Hunington Park I here it's rather busy this time of evening.
[12-17:32] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He dodges, moving to her side again afterwards..* watching the moon... the stars shifting across the sky..... hours of nothing but relaxing.. he says..* words rushed*
[12-17:34] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: That it is, that it is. *she offers her arm for him to take, a gesture that is much too gentlemanly than her slim, petite self should be making* Let`s walk there. I rather don`t like travelling the Abyss, even if it is on your arm.
[12-17:34] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *desiding not to go straight to the bar he moves through the streets of L.A. not sure where to go. Though he sees two of the undead moving away from the BB he turns to walk another direction just wandering,pondering if it's time to sniff out a family member*
[12-17:35] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : Kiss ... Make him feel it ... *the boulder is lifted again, and she arches, groaning painfully, her telekenetic`s mind acheing with the use of an unpracticed hand, her energies being wasted, as the boulder circles the two of them*
[12-17:36] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *letting his head sghag to his chest he let's out a small laugh.*Lucky for you then I dinna feel like traveling the abyss there. I donna enjoy the city enough.
[12-17:37] f77, *Irene Lox: *Shes actually somewhere besides the BtD... leaning idly against a light post and smoking a cigarette, one might think her a hooker, but shes not dressed like that... well pretty much not, with her black tanktop and her black jeans, her simple pearl necklace*
[12-17:38] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *she smiles up at him, green eyes as limitless as ever, still indecisevly green and black, forever changing* It is a lovely town, for certain. It throbs with its own unique madness.
[12-17:38] f77, *Mark Morgan: *He grabs her trying to move them both away from that boulder, hes got his arms pined around her, her face close to his..* keep fighting him..* he demands, gently nuzzling her, then kissing her with such ardence(sp)*
[12-17:40] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he shrugs*I kinda slept on the floor... Makes it feel more like home... atleast till i can get a hamock in there**he smiles a bit**
[12-17:40] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *almost walking past Irene as his was upwind to her and could not catch er scent he stops and smiles reaching to tuck away the crystal the still glows an irredescent green*Well godd eve M'lady Irene,how does the night bode for thee?
[12-17:41] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *she sinks into the kiss, and noise from inside of her, like the scream of a dying man, soars around them. The cold, as much as it can from a dead woman, lifts away and the woman collapses in a whimpering heap, clutching her head*
[12-17:43] f77, *Irene Lox: *She raises a brow, then smiles taking a long drag of her cig.* Fine... how goes it for you..?
[12-17:43] eeb, ºLucreccia: Uh-huh. Don`t you guys *meaning children of gaia* ever feel like you might just be a little too connected with the Wolf? Sometimes it`s okay to take advantage of technology.
[12-17:43] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[12-17:43] f77, *Mark Morgan: *hes got his arm around her the whole tim, so all she does is collapse into his arms, and he holds her.. soothing as much as he can..*
[12-17:44] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *now lol he takes her arm*Well then lass show me it's madness Cecile*his blue eyes shift to grey and back as if a sing of the beast is near the surface*Shall we now?*begins to walk to the mentioned parkarm in arm with her*
[12-17:44] 9b9, ºEnvy: ((ooo nice avatar, Luc, baby!))
[12-17:44] 673, *Stonester: (* Is going to be OOC for a few... *)
[12-17:45] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he shakes his head**I accept the new stuff.. But the older stuff matters more... its something maybe you should take in as well.. You might not be in the situation you are in now**he smiles**((brb.. dishes))
[12-17:46] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *sighs*The night could be more exciting...but it goes fine for now,no deaths,that is as far as I'm concerened.Any one else who knows.
[12-17:47] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: (*snugs her Envy!* Thanks so much!) *she laughs and shakes her head* My dear, you have to be in here to see it ... *She taps her temple emphatically* Do you understand? The Madness of this city isn`t a visible madness, it`s something you feel in your bones, when you`re the filter for that madness. Do you understand? *she smiles softly, eyes drifting off into the distance as they walk. She`s so close to ranting incoherently, she`s always at the edge of collapsing again*
[12-17:47] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (*huggles the Envy girl an' licksher eye*Hey babe)
[12-17:48] f77, *Irene Lox: *She gives a little laugh* well.. such is the city.. I'd like to see a little fight or to sometimes.. but oh well.. I'm in the mood for a drink... you like one?
[12-17:49] f77, *Mark Morgan: (ENVY!!)
[12-17:51] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-17:51] eeb, ºLucreccia: /imgaes
[12-17:51] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *chuckling*Yes me dear I've come to understand that with you. In fact I've come to wonder exactly what that maddness is like*hints at wanting a taste of her blood*But nein lass I donn think that the maddness is for me.
[12-17:51] eeb, ºLucreccia: /imgae
[12-17:51] 9b9, ºEnvy: (hey guys. sorry, I can't come in. I have to leave in about 10 to study. for real this time. No x-men involved)
[12-17:52] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: A drink?*ponders it for a spilt second*Aye I couldd do for a drink.Where to M'lady,You lead the way.
[12-17:53] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (*lol*Well as long as yuir actual studies get done babe*should be doing the same himself*)
[12-17:54] dc5, *Sergin Blade: ((bakc
[12-17:54] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *she stops and turns to face him, brows raised. Her hand raises and traces the slim, elegant line of her throat* You should understand that there is risk in taking this blood. Some rumor it`s diseased ... I know better, but you may not like the temporary side effects. Though, I`m also quite aware, that our blood is sweet, like that of a loved mortals.
[12-17:54] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she narrows her eyes* And what situation is that? You presume to know an awful lot about me, Sergin.
[12-17:55] f77, *Irene Lox: aww darn.. *pouts and huggles envy*) * she smiles and does lead the way hips swaying lightly as she walks*
[12-17:57] dc5, *Sergin Blade: Thats cause I can... You got into the New Idea of taboo love... Something that coulda been avioded had you stuck to the old ways.. Love your own kind...**he looks back in the room**Would you rather sit and talk....?
[12-17:58] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *stoping more in shock that she would allow itthan from her offer*Cecile! What would yuir sire say lass? That an what are considered side effects.*looks down at her not meaning to lock eyes with her yet he does as his beat fights to reach the surface*
[12-17:59] eeb, ºLucreccia: We can if you like, I prefer to stand. *but since it`s her apartment, she walks right in, and dumps her keys on a sidetable right next to the door. She`s fuming; this guy is getting under her skin* That, too, is against the Litany, or haven`t you read it lately? I carry a copy with me at all times. In fact, it`s the copy Morguline gave me some years ago.
[12-18:01] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *follows herfor a second as his stride brings him to be walking next to her*So Irene where is it that we shall drink to night?*looks at his surroundings to cath his bearings as the breeze brings to there nostrils a sent like his own though from where he can not tell*
[12-18:01] dc5, *Sergin Blade: *he nods*8I know.. but trust me.. the society will quickly accept a metis than a Abomination..**he grins, he knows he can get to people.. he did to morg... but he does know a bit what he is speaking about. He sits down on a chair**
[12-18:02] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (brb you two there's a rumblie in me tumblie)
[12-18:02] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *her Madness reaches out to lick at the edges of his senses. Dark and truthful, sultry, thick. She laughs, and the sound is silvery and echoes the dirtiness of the city* You`d have a glimpse into my head. And as for my sire? I haven`t seen him in weeks. And while he is here ... *She taps her temple* ... he is more and more distant. I believe I`ve been abandoned.
[12-18:02] f77, *Irene Lox: Whatever you want.. *she answers, taking in a breath then snorting it out.. finishing her cig and tossing the butt.*
[12-18:03] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: (*likes a man who`s confident enough to use a Poohbear quote*)
[12-18:05] f77, *Irene Lox: aww pooh!)
[12-18:08] eeb, ºLucreccia: Your society. The majority of the rest of us won`t. *she knows, her brother was a Metis. She paces into the livingroom and the kitchen, which are connect, arms crossed* And I would never have ever let him Embrace me. Never. I would have slit my own throat first.
[12-18:11] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (k ish back)
[12-18:13] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (Hey I got kids man,why wouldn't I be?)
[12-18:13] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he laughs**I wasnt taking about you.. I was talking about your children.... A natural born Garou Dhampire.... The tremere know a few more ritual than you think**he watchs her pace**Ae you... ok??
[12-18:14] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Are we anywhere close to the Reality? I'd like to check that place out.
[12-18:15] f77, *Irene Lox: *She shrugs* About a block away I believe.... *she answers.* if you are into grinding with nameless people we can head that way..
[12-18:15] eeb, ºLucreccia: Fine. I`m fine. *no, she`s not. Elmster`s face has been haunting her since she told him to kiss off. She can`t figure out why. Maybe, because she really does love him, and even knowing the wrongness of it doesn`t make it any less true. She bites her lip, and makes sure her mind is securely forbidden from Sergin. Her thoughts will remain her own. It is clear, however, that she`s confused about something only she knows about*
[12-18:16] 9b9, ºEnvy: (speaking of kids, Cecile's kid is getting a present that all of my friends are jealous of!)
[12-18:17] JOIN: Cecile DeMornay has entered.
[12-18:17] f77, *Irene Lox: (*wants the present*)
[12-18:17] 09c, *Caine Lupas: Ah yuir not abandoned lass he was here at yuir embrace an ye knew him after, he'll come for ye again....when he feels the time is right....As for in yuir head I've been there remember? Our little brush with the Assamite.
[12-18:17] dc5, *Sergin Blade: You lie... not nearly as well as some people...**he leans back**You can tell me... I wont speak your mind to others.. that you can trust...
[12-18:17] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: (*snickers and holds up baby ... or a picture of, since he`s sleeping* heeheehee! *can`t wait to see it!*)
[12-18:18] eeb, ºLucreccia: I don`t trust anyone ... *except Elm. God dammit. What is going on in her heart? She`s never had such conflict before. She keeps her back to him, chewing her lip* I`m not telling you shit. As far as I`m concerned, your mere association with Morguline, let alone being in his pack, is enough to keep me from trusting you forever.
[12-18:19] 9b9, ºEnvy: (gotta jet. bye guys!)
[12-18:19] JOIN: Sacha has entered.
[12-18:19] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Nameless people......Hmmm well I'm not one to dance if that's what you meant by grinding but sure we can get a table away for humanity.
[12-18:19] dd2, *Sacha: (test)
[12-18:20] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he shrugs*TO each their own.. but it would make you feel better if you got what ever you have inside out... weather to me.. or prehaps Gia herself**he looks about, then to her**
[12-18:21] JOIN: Elmster has entered.
[12-18:22] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: Well, then you should have no problem, if you really want a taste ... *she slides awa from him, sinking into the darkness of some forbidden alley, tempting him*
[12-18:22] dd2, *Sacha : *steps out of the hotel she is staying in. She is dressed in a pair tight black pants and a black shirt(see image). The diamond heart pendent rests on her clevage as she walks across the street to her lexus convertable.*
[12-18:22] dc5, *Elmster: **he emerges from the warehouse, his eyes looking about. He sighs, then walks out and wanders the streets, looking fora meal**
[12-18:23] f77, *Irene Lox: *She laughs, its rather musical..* hmm well fine..* and so she leads him to it... and already you can hear the music as they get to the door..*
[12-18:23] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *having forgot his hand was still wrapped around the crystal he tucks it into his shirt as they walk seemingly unawares*
[12-18:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she whips around and glares at him* To Gaia? What I hold here ... *she taps her heart* ... is something I died for once. *whoops! There`s the fatal slip. Fuck. She quickly makes her way out of the apartment, bursting out into the cool night air, gasping for breath. Why does she feel so overwhelmed all of the sudden? She has to find him. Has to. She starts off at a fair speed, seeking out the one person who probably doesn`t want to see her*
[12-18:25] dd2, *Sacha : *opens the door and slips into the car as she starts to drive off. She smirks seeing him on the side the road and pulls up along side Elm*wanna ride?
[12-18:26] dc5, *Sergin Blade: **he smiles**Thats what I thought**he stands, then walks outside and begins to hunt down a place to buy a hammock*
[12-18:26] dc5, *Elmster: **he grins, nodding**yeah.. be nice than walking in the cold**he slides in. His vioce doesnt sound the same anymore. even his presence to Sacha, is difernt**
[12-18:27] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *never one to easily fall into temptation he move's into the shadows with her*Ye do realize that the cover of darkness like this makes it rather easy for me to slip us from point A to point B. I'm rather hungry Cecile an me beast becomes stronger by the moment.
[12-18:27] dc5, *Sergin Blade: ((meah.. with drawing Sergin Less someone needs him...))
[12-18:27] dd2, *Sacha : *she puts it in drive and presses her highheel hard on the gas and they take off top down even in winter she turns and looks at him*Whats wrong?
[12-18:29] EXIT: Stonester has left the chat ( 3:44pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-18:30] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[12-18:30] 673, *Stonester: ( Pic Test )
[12-18:30] 673, *Stonester: ( Eh... Good enough I guess... )
[12-18:30] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*oogles Stoney`s pic* Whoot!)
[12-18:31] dc5, *Elmster: **he grins**Nothing.. atleast now**he turns to her.**Luc decided Elm wasnt good enough for her.... apparently me being a vampire is a bad thing....**he leans back, now looking foreward**But that matters no more..((Wow.... nice try with the tatoos their Stoner...))
[12-18:31] f77, *Irene Lox: *she leads him into Reality, lights flashing and people dancing..* here we are.* she yells over the music.*
[12-18:31] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *she shrugs* My Sire was old, and I`m good about keeping myself fed. I have blood to spare. It is your choice, however. *she moves closer to him, just a bit* But if you feel yourself slipping into the Abyss, you either let me go, or take me with you.
[12-18:31] 673, *Stonester: ( Tattoo's are a pain in the ass... )
[12-18:32] dd2, *Sacha : *laughs as she turns back to watch the road*Well what a lil hipocrate she is. So what made her see this?
[12-18:33] dc5, *Elmster: Stoney... a guessed friend.. but no longer...**he closes his eyes**But he will pay.. someway..... and she to....
[12-18:33] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *coming back to reality he perks his ear as they near the Reality, his ears unacustomed to the sheer volume at which the music blares*I noticed,it's is it said...rather loud*he yells back over the musci*
[12-18:34] dd2, *Sacha : *she slams on the break and pulls over and sneer crossing her lips*SToney?!?!*laughs*He was once my mothers lil sex toy.
[12-18:34] 673, *Stonester : * Makes his way from building top to building top observing the below, he stops at the edge... standing still in his wolfen form, almost Gargoyle like *
[12-18:35] f77, *Irene Lox: Ya think? *She answers guiding him over to the bar and letting him order, she herself getting a screaming orgasm.. *
[12-18:35] 673, *Stonester : ( Hey there's nothing wrong with being someone's Sex Toy )
[12-18:35] dc5, *Elmster: **he grins looking over twards her**then looks like we have two of the same kind here.. ....**he sighs~I cant belive you were dumb enough to let her go Elm... such a shame~**
[12-18:35] dd2, *Sacha : (But when it is a Vampire most Garou look down on that*sticks tounge out*)
[12-18:36] 09c, *Caine Lupas: If I slip into the abyss lass I'm not leting ye go the would ensure certain peril for ye an' I'm not about to let tha' happen.So I think I'll wait tillafter we're well feed for the night before I go making me self insane.
[12-18:36] 09c, *Caine Lupas: once again brb, I must tend to bebies)
[12-18:36] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she runs the streets; no longer focusing on Elmster, simpling running to relax. Running is her first passion. She burns with confusion. That god damned CoG. She just needs to smother something. Smother it, hard and violent. She stops suddenly, a swarth of dust smothering the toes of her boots. She pants, a faint sweat sheening on her face*
[12-18:36] dd2, *Sacha : *leans back and looks at him*My mother used that lil wolf in more ways then I can kill a person I think. She even tried to get me to*shivers*I enjoyed torturing him more*purrs softly and licks her lips*
[12-18:37] 673, *Stonester : ( Not Smart Garou... due to the few Garou being around... one's gotta find some way to get his jollies off, heh heh heh.. )
[12-18:37] JOIN: Cecile DeMornay has entered.
[12-18:38] dc5, *Elmster: **he grins*then we have a common purpose.. I want him dead.... and for luc.. she dont desevre death.. apparently she will give that up for anything.. she needs.. to be embraced
[12-18:38] dd2, *Sacha : (yes and I am sure Porn helped SToney do that many many times)
[12-18:39] 673, *Stonester : (* BRB *)
[12-18:40] dd2, *Sacha : *turns to look at him*and why should she be gifted with such a thing? Stoney was my mothers lil whore he is a fun lil toy when one needs to let something bleed.*reaches a hand over and touched Elm's cheek*This isnt like you, I am the one that like revenge you were always the calm level headed one of us both.
[12-18:40] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: (*eyes Elm. This was never discussed over AIM. He better IM her, and quick*)
[12-18:42] 673, *Stonester : ( Back )
[12-18:43] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (back)
[12-18:43] dc5, *Elmster: **he leans to her touch*8I know.. Elm is a bit more level headed.... And thats not a gift.. its a curse and a rejection from society...ohh**he turns to her and smiles**Names Ian... The side of elm he repressed...
[12-18:43] 673, *Stonester : * Continues on his way down the street via rooftops looking for something of interest... *
[12-18:44] eeb, ºLucreccia: *suddenly, from nowhere, Luc`s voice invade`s Elmster`s mind. There`s pleading in it, desperation, and something else. Sacha, of course, would be unawares of this* ||Elmster, please, come to speak with me. I beg of you, just for a moment ...||
[12-18:45] dd2, *Sacha : *slowly pulls her hand away*Spilt personalities are never good.*slowly gets out of the car and moves around to sit on the trunk since they are parked at the park now*
[12-18:45] dd2, *Sacha : *turns and looks at him pats next to her*Come sit with me.
[12-18:46] dc5, *Elmster: *elms voice peeks though*~Why now?... I thought I wasnt Right for society to be with you~* **Ian Watches Sacha**What do you mean never good?.. I could be the best thing for him**he stands, fallowing her and sitting next to her**
[12-18:46] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *once at the bar he adjust his hearing to the of the rooms atmosphere an' order his beloved Gin'nToinic double*So thisis a decent place. I almost ended up at that bush place for a drink but there were towo undead out front*whispers the undead part so only she hears it*and I didn't want to have any problems.
[12-18:47] 673, *Stonester : There must be something in this city... * Takes in several deep breaths *
[12-18:47] f77, *Irene Lox: ahh yes.. better to avoid them if they're looking for a fight.. though they can be a good lay every once and a while *she comments.. sipping ehr drink*
[12-18:48] eeb, ºCecile DeMornay: *she changes tactics, eyes roving the skyline, as if seeking guidence from heaven* ||Who said my mind was changed? I thought I`d give you the chance to finish your threat. Or are you that much of a coward?||
[12-18:48] dd2, *Sacha : *leans back her chest pushesd out as she looks at him. She slowly crosses her legs letting the wind tossel her hair*Because it is only when something bad happends that one is needed. Elm is strong enough to deal with this himself.*smirks*
[12-18:49] eeb, ºLucreccia:
[12-18:49] dc5, *Elmster: **he shakes his head*8No.. he isnt.. thats Why I am here... Dealing with Luc and Stoney.. he could do that... when they are gone.. he will be happier.. Im sure of it
[12-18:50] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she changes her tactics* ||I just thought I`d give you a chance to live up to your threat, hm?||
[12-18:50] 673, *Stonester : * Jumps from the rooftop transforming into his Humanoid form before touching the ground... landing with a bit of a thud... *
[12-18:51] eeb, ºLucreccia: (you go on and play promethius, caine babe. i`m going to focus on luc.)
[12-18:51] dd2, *Sacha : Then let him*slowly sits up and moves straddling his lap to look in his eyes*There are many reasons to kill I know that. I am paid to do that, but a broken heart thats a reason to get even*purrs*
[12-18:51] dc5, *Elmster: ~Threat?.. What..~*elm is cut off and Ian hopes on, now seeming to be distracted from Sacha**~A threat.. yes.... But no need to rush to your fate... .. TIm ewill bring it~Because this is the first time Luc hearing Ian, she can tell that is isnt elm.**
[12-18:51] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *he laughs at her coment*A good lay huh? Well I'll look into that if I ever have the urge*says that with a hint of scarasim*Shall we move to a table M'lady?
[12-18:51] 673, *Stonester : Nothing... There's nothing... * Frowns a bit to himself as he walks down the street... dodging people on the crazy sidewalks *
[12-18:52] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (someones' gettin' her post mixed huh?)
[12-18:53] eeb, ºLucreccia: *her head jerks up, and she turns to look over her shoulder at the throng behind her. Does she glimpse Stoney back there? She takes in a heavy breath, trying to pick his scent out of the hundreds that surround her. Maybe so ..*
[12-18:53] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (okay hun we'll fin` later*throws Caine into pause*)
[12-18:54] f77, *Irene Lox: *She smirks at him, then nods, walking over to a dark corner, and a table*
[12-18:55] dc5, *Elmster: **he comes to, grining at Sacha, his hands Wrapping about her back**naw.. I think I would rather be here now..... and a broken heart is enough.. especialy for one with just a soft one..
[12-18:55] 673, *Stonester : * Flattens his black tanktop down his chest to his abs... as he continues to make his way... nowhere... * I hate the wind...
[12-18:57] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she back peddles, turning to work against the crowd, until she`s behind Stoney. She taps him on the shoulder* Isn`t it a little cold for a tank top?
[12-18:57] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *moves behind her to the table of her choice*So lovely how is it you came by laying with the parasite of Gia? Was it out of boredom?
[12-18:59] f77, *Irene Lox: What else is there to do around this city? most of our kind... or such...... are to busy battling... *she shrugs, smirking and setting her self beside him actually.*
[12-18:59] dd2, *Sacha : And who am I speaking to now*tilts her head her golden hair falls to the side in the moonlight she is the spiting image of her mother Porn.*
[12-19:01] 673, *Stonester : * Stops slowly turning around... * Hey... I know that voice * Holding up a finger as if I thought he comes to a complete 180 * L.A. Cold? Hah... unless it's in the 30's it hasn't started getting cold...
[12-19:03] eeb, ºLucreccia: *not that she`s in anything more than a plain white tanktop, herself. She laughs* In never gets below fourty five here. So I hope you`ve been keeping yourself occupied.
[12-19:03] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Ahh this is true, our kind live to full fill the call of their blood.Though many never do falling to the hands of the Vampires, or that of some stupid human out to kill us all for some crime commited by our enimies
[12-19:06] 673, *Stonester : Occupied? You'd think in a city like this more things would be going on... I have been so bored all day... * Takes in a deep breath and sighs * The day was rather disapointing..
[12-19:06] f77, *Irene Lox: Well I prefer love, not war.. * she answers, waving her hand like she does, sharp nail glinting crystal clear, she sips her drink and crosses her legs.*
[12-19:08] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-19:09] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she hooks a thumb over her shoulder* All I know of here are restaurants and one strip club that`s pretty nice.
[12-19:12] 673, *Stonester : Strip club eh? * If he was in his Wolfen form his ears would have perked up at that moment * Hmm.. * Smiles... thinking to himself *
[12-19:12] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *leans back in his chair and props one leg on the table*Ahh mez`eme(sp?failed french way back)that I can agree with but even in love therecan be war.Just look at Helen of Troy.
[12-19:13] eeb, ºLucreccia: *nods, and grabs his hand, tugging him southerly* It`s about two miles from here ... called the Burning Bush. Aptly named, too.
[12-19:14] f77, *Irene Lox: Well I'm looking for the simple no restrictions love..... you really can't call it love at all.. just sex.... but hell thats fine with me..* shes stating these things to him, flicking a blond strand of her hair from her icey blue eyes*
[12-19:15] 673, *Stonester : * Lightly lets his fingers wrap around her own as the follows her tug * Burning Bush? * Laughs * That's soo wrong...
[12-19:15] JOIN: Lucreccia has entered.
[12-19:15] EXIT: Stonester has left the chat ( 5:15pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:15] JOIN: Stonester has entered.
[12-19:15] 673, *Stonester: (* Pic Check *)
[12-19:16] eeb, ºLucreccia: Isn`t it? I love it. Think it`s the best strip joint name I`ve ever heard. Thought of working there for a while, just to earn some extra cash. *she drops a wink at him* Think I have the body for it?
[12-19:17] 673, *Stonester: * Stops pulling her to a hault as he observes her up and down * Hmm... Not sure... I haven't seen it yet... * Licks his teeth as he thinks... keeping his thoughts burried deep within *
[12-19:18] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *feeling that she's droping hints his ears perk*It's one thing to have just sex.Another to have love,and as you know love is rare for us,between our own*sipps form his drink as he turns from the waist to look at her*
[12-19:19] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she slides against him, giving her hips a little swivel before sliding away* Does that mean you`re interested?
[12-19:19] f77, *Irene Lox: *She stays straight, but her eyes cut to him, her mouth smiling slightly against her glass.* rare but the best.. *she answers, voice low* so I've heard
[12-19:22] 673, *Stonester: * Places his middle and forefinger in between her collar bones drawing aline down her chest between her breasts, down her abs stopping at the top of her pants... he inserts his fingers just inside gripping... he then jerks her hips even closer to him * As long as you don't give me that " You can look but can't touch " bull shit
[12-19:23] dd2, *Sacha : **gets in her car and takes off drops Elm off where he wants to be and desides she needs sa drink. As she drives she spots Stoney on the street and just smirks as she drives by so fast that it would look like her mother.**
[12-19:24] eeb, ºLucreccia: *little thrills trickle from under his fingertips, and she laughs as she`s forced against him* Do I look like that kind of woman? I don`t offer what I don`t plan on giving.
[12-19:24] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *a look of wonder breifly crosses his face*Heard, only heard*blows out a bit of air as to snort in shock*M'lady you've been missing out, sex let alone love between ones own race,ours being that it is,is the greatest thing one the face of Gia, completely feral full of wild abandon........*he trails off finishing his drink and orders a straight Gin on the rocks*
[12-19:25] 09c, *Celeste McCoh: (*peeks*)
[12-19:25] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[12-19:26] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*forces people to take the poll, pointing the the big white font* Take it, or I`ll kill you. I swear it.)
[12-19:27] 673, *Stonester: * Looks up long enough to see Sacha drive by... * Hmm... * Cocks a brow then turns his attention back to Lucreccia * Looks always are decieving...
[12-19:27] 673, *Stonester: (* Quickly clicks the white font *)
[12-19:29] eeb, ºLucreccia: What you see is what you get. And what about you? NOt going to drag me along, get me worked up, and drop me, are you? *boldly, a statement of her character, she plants both her hands on his ass cheeks and gives a good squeeze* `Cause I don`t like that game very much, either.
[12-19:29] f77, *Irene Lox: *She laughs* well dearest, as it is so frowned upon I've not tried my.. hand at it thus far.. though I'm willing to see what the fuss is about *she shrugs, finishing her drink, then leans back trying to find a smoke in her pocket*
[12-19:29] 673, *Stonester: (* BRB *)
[12-19:29] eeb, ºLucreccia: (*rewards Stoney with goldfish and hot chocolate*)
[12-19:31] dd2, *Sacha : *pulls over having seen him and parks getting out and making her way through the crowed as she spots him she smirks*What a long time it has been. Finaly got out from under my mother?
[12-19:32] 673, *Stonester: ( Whoo! Back by the way )
[12-19:32] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *smiles placing his pack one the table*Frowned upon by those who know what a powerful child could come from such a coupling.I belive it's way we breed with the humans so often*picks up the gin set in front of him*
[12-19:32] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[12-19:33] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[12-19:34] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Yay!)
[12-19:34] f77, *Irene Lox: (*waves to Zeke*) *She nods, taking his pack and getting a cig out of it, then motioning for a lighter.*
[12-19:35] 673, *Stonester: Good to hear... Oh you really don't know me to well do you... Not even of my reputation? Hmm * Smirks * I am suprized..* Notes her hands on his as and just smiles * I have grown tired of games myself...
[12-19:36] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *hands her his lighter and waves to zeke*You can keep the pack I only smoke when I'm extremely broed
[12-19:37] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (Hey. *Waves back*)
[12-19:38] dd2, *Sacha : *looks at Luc in Stony's arms*You two fit well you both love what you both claim to want to kill.*shakes her head*Hypocrits.
[12-19:38] eeb, ºLucreccia: Then? Shall we make this more than a game? *her brows raise questioningly, and her smile is wicked* And as for your reputation, I`ve been out of the loope for a while. Why don`t you prove why you`re so ... well known?
[12-19:38] f77, *Irene Lox: (want me to get a character for you Zeke? ) *she raises a brow and lights the cig, taking a happy drag.* thanks.... hmm and you're not bored no? *she asks, her foot idly brushing his leg*
[12-19:40] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[12-19:40] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[12-19:40] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[12-19:40] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (sure, if you want *shrugs*)
[12-19:40] JOIN: Christelle Bonnet has entered.
[12-19:41] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she glares over Stoney`s shoulder at Sacha* Boy, you are a rude little bitch, aren`t you? Can`t keep your nose out of anyone else`s business. *oh, yeah. There`s good old Luc, agressive and foul-mouthed to the core. She might as well be a Get of Fenris, but perhaps she just spent too much time around Morguline before her death*
[12-19:41] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she glares over Stoney`s shoulder at Sacha* Boy, you are a rude little bitch, aren`t you? Can`t keep your nose out of anyone else`s business. *oh, yeah. There`s good old Luc, agressive and foul-mouthed to the core. She might as well be a Get of Fenris, but perhaps she just spent too much time around Morguline before her death*
[12-19:41] 673, *Stonester: * Looks up a t Sacha sighing * Ah, and when you think the beast is dead it comes from beneath it's stone to bother again...
[12-19:41] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she glares over Stoney`s shoulder at Sacha* Boy, you are a rude little bitch, aren`t you? Can`t keep your nose out of anyone else`s business. *oh, yeah. There`s good old Luc, agressive and foul-mouthed to the core. She might as well be a Get of Fenris, but perhaps she just spent too much time around Morguline before her death*
[12-19:41] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she glares over Stoney`s shoulder at Sacha* Boy, you are a rude little bitch, aren`t you? Can`t keep your nose out of anyone else`s business. *oh, yeah. There`s good old Luc, agressive and foul-mouthed to the core. She might as well be a Get of Fenris, but perhaps she just spent too much time around Morguline before her death*
[12-19:43] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: Far from,Irene far from.*notices her flirting advance and smiles agreeably at here*I'm buying drinks again,what do you want?
[12-19:44] dd2, *Sacha : *purrs*now now you know my fondest memories is of torturing you.*laughs at Luc*I just happend to see my mothers old sex pet and wanted to say hi. I do hope you both enjoy each other. You both been with what do you call us yes Leeches. You have alot in common*turns and starts for her car she stops and looks over her shoulder at Stoney blows him a kiss*and dont think I wont be looking for you a bit later to have a bit fun like the old days.*she then turns and seems to just disappear into the crowed of people*
[12-19:45] eeb, ºLucreccia: *as Sacha leaves, she stifles a growl* I swear to God, one more invasion like that, and next time I`ll kill her. She`s not worth the box of dye that made her that blonde.
[12-19:46] dd2, *Sacha : (it isnt dye her hair is naturaly blonde)
[12-19:46] eeb, ºLucreccia: (Does Luc know that?)
[12-19:47] JOIN: Irene Lox has entered.
[12-19:47] dd2, *Sacha : (No but she shouldnt guess it is )
[12-19:48] 673, *Stonester: Oh I look forward to it... * Slips from Lucreccia appearing infront of Sacha staring down at her... his face as close as he can get it without bending over... * Don't think there is anything to hold me back anymore from you woman... Other than making a scene in this public place...
[12-19:48] eeb, ºLucreccia: (most blonds aren`t natural, and she can guess whatever she wants to guess. she doesn`t know sacha, so she wouldn`t know the hair is really blond. we both need to cut the ooc so whe stop interrupting the flow.)
[12-19:48] 8a3, *Irene Lox: (I'll bring in Ginger .. if you start Zeke) *She looks to him..* Hmm.... Broken Bloody Condom.. *She answers.. grinning* (damn net)
[12-19:49] dd2, *Sacha : *licks her lips and drags her nails down his chest*mmm maybe later we can play big boy but right now I have a lil job I must attend to. You are looking as tastie as ever.
[12-19:50] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she follows Stoney casually; she probably towers over Sacha at an easy 6`2", and she`s as buffed as she can get while still being attractively feminine. Her smile is pure wickedness; her eyes light up at the thought of murdering this bitch. But hey, she`ll keep her hands to herself for now*
[12-19:51] dd2, *Sacha : *stands 6' herself so no she doesnt, hearing Luc come up behind her her right hand slides down her side into her leather pocket as she looks at Stoney never even flitching*
[12-19:53] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she just smiles and stares, never blinking, not moving. She could kick in her gift of Intimidation, but she figures it would be wasted on this woman, and her energies she`s saving for getting Stoney, at some point, in the sack. She waits for the little drama to play out, patient*
[12-19:53] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *nods*One bbc coming up*waves for a waiter to come to the table,and as he orders her drink he whipspers into the waiters ear and sends him off with a hefty tip*It will be here shortly M'lady.
[12-19:54] 673, *Stonester: * Looks down at her filthy fingers touching him * It's been a long time Sacha... Don't think for a second I am the same I once was... * Turns away from her heading in the opposite direction *
[12-19:55] eeb, ºLucreccia: Ta-ta. Take care of that pretty head of yours. Wouldn`t want to loose it. *she turns curtly and follows Stoney, bumping shoulders with him* You all right?
[12-19:55] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She tries to perk her ears to hear, her icey eyes narrowed through her cigarette smoke.*
[12-19:55] dd2, *Sacha : *purrs*You are the same, if my mother was here she would just snap her fingers and on all 4's you would crawl to her.*turns to look at Luc*oh and dont worry about Elm I will take good care of him*moves and slips into her car starting it up and drives off as she has a job to get done.*
[12-19:57] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *Zeke sits in the dimness of a the northside church, a simple prair passing through his lips. His head is bowed and his eyes closed. As he finishes the prair he closes it with 'amen' He then stands and exits the row of pews and movesdown the aisle, a cross on a chain draped around his neck. He then exits the church as his sunday ritial ends and he moves to his car*
[12-19:58] 673, *Stonester: * Blows Sacha off... Thinking again... always thinking and assessing * I am fine... Just angry... a very common feeling...
[12-19:59] eeb, ºLucreccia: Well, it`s part of who we are. Anger just comes with the territory. *she stroles alongside him, the throng of people thinning as they head toward the less favorable parts of town* Anything you need to get off your chest? Wolf to wolf, or even man to woman?
[12-20:00] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: She is much like her sister in the way of she loves to roam the streets, but she roams like a cat, and she wants something, though she doesn't know exactly what at the moment... she smokes a salem, hissing the smoke past her lips as she looks past strands of red hair.*
[12-20:00] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *grining as the waiter returns to their table and places her bbc in front of her the faint scent of two fresh roses takes to the air as a lovely waitress approches tha table with them on their on tray and set them in the middle of the table*For you miss from the gentelman*the girl says then moves off to whatever she was doing before*
[12-20:00] EXIT: Sacha has left the chat ( 5:55pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-20:02] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She looks back at him, raising a brow, her foot nudges a little high on his leg as she smiles and reaches out to pluck one petal from a rose and chews on it, taking a sip of her drink.* how sweet..* she says after a moment.*
[12-20:02] 673, *Stonester: Yeah actually... Let's go somewhere private... I'd like to get this shirt off ... * Grins as he dodges through people... careful not to touch any of them... *
[12-20:03] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she laughs, thinking that was a pretty damned witty comment* I have an apartment near here. *she points* About a block up.
[12-20:06] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *The purr of the car's engine sounds as he turns the ignition. He smirks and pulls out of the parking lot of the church. He then starts down the road, heading back towards down town, his jacket on laying in the seat beside him, his cell phone in the pocket*
[12-20:06] 673, *Stonester: Good... I don't do well with sticky situations... Anger gives me dirty thoughts...
[12-20:07] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *taking in her movements he chuckles*Now do you mean me or the petl you just munched on?*sips from his gin and swils the glass to hear the ice clink against it's sides*
[12-20:07] eeb, ºLucreccia: *she back peddles, turning to watch him as they continue to walk. Her lips twisted into a wicked smirk* What kind of dirty thoughts?
[12-20:09] 673, *Stonester: Now if I told you they wouldn't just be thoughts anymore would they? Perhaps I'll show you, but I don't fantasize and tell..
[12-20:09] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She purrs to herself.... hmm she puts the cig in her mouth and digs out her cell, then a peice of paper from her blue jeans... She dials the number then puts the cig between her fingers, waiting as it rings.. Zeke.. *
[12-20:10] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She raises a brow* would you like a taste to see? *she asks, turning to him some and smiling, icey blue eyes challenging.*
[12-20:10] eeb, ºLucreccia: *and they`re off!*
[12-20:13] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He looks over to his jacket as he hears his cell ring. He digs it out of the jacket and turns down the music he had on. He pushes the connecy button* Bedford. *he states his name and wait for a reply*
[12-20:13] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *bringing his proped up le down from the table he sits up to lock eyes with her his own emerald green eyes flahing,in time the the pulsing glow of the crystal beneath his shirt*Only if that taste come from you Lady Irene*leans closer to her,and yet keep a respectful space between them*
[12-20:16] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She stops her purr after a moment, this isn't Purr, though.. * Hmm Hello dear, its the kitty thought I'd try your number out..
[12-20:17] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She smirks, looking at him.* well you'll have to get closer then that then my dear... * she says, maintaining her spot her flashing blue eyes locked on his*
[12-20:20] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He smirks, one hand on the the steering wheel, one hand holding the phone to his ear* I was hoping to hear from you. *He finally gets into the downtown area, coming to a stop at a stop light.*
[12-20:21] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[12-20:23] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She laughed.* well thats something for the ego.... would you go so far as to like to see me? *she asks, flicking her cig ash on the street, walking slowly down the pavement.*
[12-20:23] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *at her cue he stands pulling her up with him into an embrace almost too stronger for her to break as he leans down from his 6'4'' height to kiss her deeply and passionately*
[12-20:24] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: (*knocks the er off of strong*)
[12-20:26] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *Wonders why they stand but goes along with it, her lips tasting of her drink and of the rose, which although bitter is rather sweet also. Her hands rest on his arms as this all happens*
[12-20:27] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He chuckles as the car starts off again* Yes, possibly. Would you want me to pick you up? *he raises an eyebrow, even though she wasn't there*
[12-20:30] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She smiles.* hmm sure.. as I'm currently on 24th and 17th ... if you'd like to swing by the corner as I'm bored and tend to roam... *She takes a puff, which is clear over the phone*
[12-20:36] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: taking in the bittersweet taste on her lips he pulls back looking into her eyes*Come let us go,the Reality isn't where I wish to be at the moment*and almost in a barbaric manner he half lifts her from her spot as he tosses down a bill and moves them out the door to the cool night air of the street.Setting her down he reaches in side he shirt for the irredescent green crystal as it pulses like a rapid heart beat,indicateint one of the four is near,maybe within the city*I appologize I'm not sure what came over me.And I don't maen the kiss.
[12-20:37] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She raises a brow as all this happens not used to it, but rather happy with it.* hmm..... *is all she says, she rather enjoyed the barbaricness of it all*
[12-20:39] aca, *Zeke Bedford: I'll see you there... *he pushes the disconnect button and he starts for said corner. And upon reaching his destination he parks his car and gets out, scaning the crowds for Ginger*
[12-20:40] JOIN: Zarshreiy Kushiel has entered.
[12-20:42] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *Shes not hard to miss at all, in a black baby doll T, so well fitting to her, and blue jeans that ride on her hips, her hair the strawberry red it is the most noticable.*
[12-20:44] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel: *she lays in her house, her head splitting after Charles`s little invasion and the expendature of her energies. She has a store of blood slaves at the house, and after Markus has gone to try and find something to aid her headache with, she calls one of them to her and, for the sake of a quick recovery, drains one to death, and discards the body in a shute she had built into the house for just such a purpose. Dressing in simple finery recently acqired in Vienna, she meanders her way downstairs. Her brows perk as her blood ripples in her veins like waves. Well, whichever family member had just reached town, it wasn`t Brigham. She makes her way to her front door and perches herself on the porch. No doubt, whomever it was, would be by soon enough*
[12-20:45] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He does indeed spot her quickly and he ducks back into his car, pulling his jacket out and puts it on, closing the door to the car and crosses the street, moving towards her. He has on a a gray T-shirt, his leather jacket, as previously stated, and a pair of loose blue jeans.*
[12-20:45] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (*icnoage*
[12-20:45] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel: *asuming her reply meant she didn't mind at all he smiles,wondering if she even noticed the eratic pulse of the crystal*Well,I think it's time for a short walk about the town,what about you?*he starts to move in one direction then turns around extending his arm facing the way he wishes to head,following the pull of the crystal*
[12-20:46] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : (*nods nods*iconage)
[12-20:47] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She spots him also, and waits, yet another cigarette being lit, yes shes addicted to them, upon him getting to her he can here her Purr, but it is low and not long at all so it won't work fully.*
[12-20:49] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She shrugs, licking her lips, and lights another cigarette, like her sister an addict tot he core, one thing they share even if its not race.. she follows him, only semi interested by his pulsing stone and whatnot*
[12-20:50] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *she shuffles through the filing cabinets of her mind, considering who might be paying her a visit. No doubt the majority of them had heard of Markus by now, what with Brigham and his collection of spies. She drags her tongue across her teeth, lingering on each elongated cainine, before coming to her conclusion* Promethius. It must be. Lursira is in town too, if I recall. Now I wonder why he`d be coming to visit.
[12-20:55] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : Irene we may have to cut this short I have the feeling I'm being lead to a family member I haven't seen in some time andshe's going to be surprised as it is that I'm at her doorstep.
[12-20:56] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *little does Promethius know that she`s already waiting for him, and quite aware who will be coming to visit. Such is her power, as Matria*
[12-20:57] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He smirks, and moves over to her, leaning against the wall next to Ginger* Hey... *he says this, getting the same feeling he had from the night before, moving closer to her, before steping back as the feeling subsides*
[12-20:58] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *She stops and smirks* aww I don't get to see the family.. what a shame.. * total sarcasm.... but oh well she smokes her cigarette and yawns after* go along then .* she motions to shoo him off.*
[12-20:59] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : *feeling the crystal change pulse and pull to his left he he turns following it knowing it will lead the way*You can come alonog if you wish be be prepared for anything.
[12-21:01] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She just loves seeing how well that works.. She answers in kind* Hello.. *She leans against the wall herself, her slim arm idly brushing his as she takes the smoke out of her mouth. * would you like one? *she doesn't off yet, most people shes met are those new health freaks.. she hates them.*
[12-21:01] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : (*makes the first be into but*)
[12-21:02] 8a3, *Irene Lox: Heh, I usually am.* she says, shes got such dry lazy sarcasm and laid back personality, if satan came to her door she'd just raise a brow..*
[12-21:03] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : *Still there, waiting. She has a slight smile on her face. Not often one of the Six makes an appearance at her personal residence. After all, even though they`re Family, there is still the slight natural aversion that comes with Vampire and Wolf being so close to each other*
[12-21:04] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He smirks, nodding as he looks at her* Sure... *He pulls out a zippo lighter from his pocket, the lighter having a cross on it* I'm all out.
[12-21:06] JOIN: Sacha has entered.
[12-21:07] EXIT: Sacha has left the chat ( 7:06pm, December 12 (CST) ).
[12-21:08] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *she grins handing the pack over, eyeing his lighter, thank god shes not like her sister, the shiney object fiend Irene is..* Then I'm your saviour.. *she says dryly, wondering if that will go well with him*
[12-21:08] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : *nods*Good then please do come along*has made a slight pause in in his walking*My elders home is not far now the pulse has quickened*Not sure how Irene will react to one of his family being Vampire, beings he doesn't seek any of the Four to often less he is in the same area as they only to let them know he's around, but this time he's got moreone his mind*
[12-21:10] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *And she walks along, smoking, she likes the pulsing, its a little bit of a weakness, but as long as its not something like chrome or silver she'll be fine.....*
[12-21:12] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (irene likes shiny things, like a crow! *teases mercillesly*) *she`s still there, waiting, admiring her front garden in the dark, how the blue and purple and black roses glimmer with their nightly dew*
[12-21:13] 8a3, *Irene Lox: (yes! yes she does! *character is exactly like her player in that way*)
[12-21:13] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *His eyes, look up at her for a moment, raising an eyebrow before he takes the pack from her hand and taksa smoke, putting it between his lips and hands her the pack back, he then lights the cig with the zippo. He remains silent as he inhales. He then reaches up and takes the cig out of his mouth, exhaling the smoke. She might also notice a golden cross on a chain around his neck, because believe it or not, he was very religious, as most hunters were. He then looks back up at her* And what is you name exactly, kitty? *a faint smirk on his lips as he watches her, then replacing the smoke to his lips*
[12-21:14] 09c, *Promethius Kushiel : *as they make another sharp turn the irredescent green stops as they pass a house and slow picks up agin as they move on. Promethius stops and turns moving up to door of the house looking back at Irene*I doun't think I'm gonna have to knock.
[12-21:15] 8a3, *Irene Lox: *Currently she follows silently, smelling vampire all over the place*
[12-21:17] JOIN: Zeke Bedford has entered.
[12-21:18] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : Of course you won`t need to. *She fades from the porch shadows, gleaming in a gown of gold brocade and silvery lace, though it`s a simple shift pattern. Her red hair flows casually around her shoulders; she almost looks like she`s ready to turn in for the day, but there is the air of power and superiority about her, similar to Promethius`s. Of course, despite her petite stature and slime form, she commands Presence, and plenty of it. Over a hundred thousand years of life will give you that* Greetings, Promethius Kushiel and consort. What brings you to my home this night?
[12-21:18] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She watches him the whole time, the hand that was crossed over her stomach takes the cig pack back and stuff it in her back jean pocket, her 5'5" tall body shifts some on her slim legs, and her arms cross under her ample chest, she notices she herself has a cross on her neck, though its a daggar cross.* This kitties name is Ginger..* She answers after a moment, her green eyes breaking away from him and looking aroud the crowd*
[12-21:18] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (*kicks comp*)
[12-21:19] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: (*pats Zeke, knows how he feels*)
[12-21:19] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (slim, not slime*)
[12-21:21] 8a3, *Irene Lox: (*tests link and if it works makes people look at it as she loves that picture*)
[12-21:23] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He smirks, breathing the smoke through his nose as he talks* I'm Zeke, Ginger. *he extends his hand to her, looking to the crowd aswell before looking back to her. Her name flowing off his lips almost like a whisper. After he speaks he takes another drag, letting the smoke fill his lounges before he removes the cig from his lips, flicking the ash onto the sidewalk*
[12-21:24] eeb, ºZarshreiy Kushiel : (*oolges ... but warns how pJJ can be sort of ... picky about pictures like that, even on links*)
[12-21:25] aca, *Zeke Bedford: (*joins in oogling*)
[12-21:27] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: (*hmms*) *She takes his hand after a moment, nodding..* Has the hunter ... Zeke anything to do on this night... or is this a day of rest for him? *she looks amused as her tendrals of hair come to dangle about her face, green eyes sharp, under slim quirked brows.* (hehe I have started an oogle cult!)
[12-21:33] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He smirks, looking up to her green eyes wih his own peiercing blue ones.* Not yet, Kitty. He looks over at the passing crowd again* I suppose this is a day of rest... *He looks back over to her, putting the cig back where it belongs* And does the cat have any plans for the evening?
[12-21:37] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: *She shakes her head, flicking her cig then taking another drag, and as she speaks lets the smoke curl from her lips.* Nope... but why don't we make our own fun? *she winks slightly, its a flirty devilish wink, a cat one*
[12-21:38] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[12-21:39] 8a3, *Ginger Lox: (different link *snicker*)
[12-21:40] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Zarshreiy Kushiel.
[12-21:41] JOIN: Promethius Kushiel has entered.
[12-21:41] aca, *Zeke Bedford: *He smirks* And what do you think is fun? You wanna go to my place? *This last comment said with sarcasim as it was of course a joke. He returns her wink and he looks into her eyes*
[12-21:41] MSG: Zarshreiy Kushiel sent a message to Harmonia.