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[20-22:11] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : Sufficed my ass, let's not be shy, now. *lights another cigarette, smirking at the bartender when she gets a sideways glance*
[20-22:11] JOIN: Isaiah Pendelton has entered.
[20-22:12] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (*waves to Isaiah*)
[20-22:13] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : *shakes his head and laughs a little more* Well, at least a decade has passed if I have my dates right, but I don’t always. I’m just gonna say it’s been that long at least.
[20-22:13] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: ((*waves back* Is this free for all to join?))
[20-22:14] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (*absolutely*)
[20-22:16] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : *blinks... she wasn't expecting that. A number like that is just too much for her to wrap her head around* Are you kidding me?
[20-22:16] JOIN: Isaiah Pendelton has entered.
[20-22:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[20-22:18] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (*blows kisses to the Squirrelie*)
[20-22:18] e20, *Squirrel: *Sneaks in*
[20-22:18] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : No, if I was joking I would have said 20. I know it’s a while…but…eh. *he shrugs* Just the way things worked out.
[20-22:20] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *steps through the door of the bar, his blue eyes quickly scanning the room from underneath the few stray locks of blond hair that grace his forehead, has a heroin chic mullet of course, all professionally styled with product and all, his lean, young face unshaven, leaving a thin veil of stuble across his features*
[20-22:20] e20, *Squirrel: *Hugs and kisses teh Envy girl*
[20-22:21] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : Jesus... you're not even repulsive. *taps the ash onto the bar top*
[20-22:22] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *the worn brown cowboy boots he wears underneath his black Prada suit creak as he takes a step and thud as he completes the motion, accompanied by a sweeping of his hand through his hair, a few fingers covered with rings, a leather cuff he picked up from A/X strapped around his wrist, underneath the suit jacket a neo-vintage t-shirt with jim morrison and a lizard on it, faded deliberately, in that way you just know its expensive*
[20-22:23] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : Uh…thanks? *doesn’t really know what to say to that* I think.
[20-22:24] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : This is LA. It's not that difficult, you know. *as she has the distinct personality that allows her to be a slut and a whore, it's an area that she has much expertise*
[20-22:25] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *he slips his lean body into a bar stool and tucks his keys back into his pocket, tilting his head and peering over himself at the mirror behind the bar, if there is one, lets a wide grin spread over his face, craning his neck upwards and making a face at himself until the bar tender wanders over, and since he's the only one in the bar, it doesnt take long* Do you mind if I smoke in here?... I know the only places you can smoke in California are Oregon, Arizona and Nevada but it's just you and me dude... *gestures to himself with the cigarettes he's already taken from his suit*
[20-22:27] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : I know…if I was out looking, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard, but I don’t go out looking. *he just doesn’t understand why that has to be a bad thing. He just doesn’t go out looking to get laid, if the situation came up he’d go for it, but it just hasn’t*
[20-22:28] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: Well... *he sits up and reaches into his back pocket, taking out a sleek, thin wallet, which he pulls open with his nimble fingers, showing the bar tender the contents inside* I'll make your tip totally awesome, man... c'mon, lemme smoke and get me a vodka seabreeze... *he takes out a fifty and waves it between two fingers* C'mon man I've been on a plane for the last five and a half hours and i need'a drink...
[20-22:30] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : Do you have a... problem? *has to smirk, just because she's cruel like that*
[20-22:32] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *takes his ID out of his wallet and hands it over when asked, fake, but a perfect fake!... he lights a cigarette with a scratched old zippo and lets the smoke curl out of his mouth before sucking it back in, french inhaling, his mastery over the poison he breathes unparallel really, and it soon reappears, pouring out his nose as he lets his eyes survey the room once more* This place is fuckin' dead, man, like, totally ghost town'n'shit... *he puts his cigarette at the tender* I want your job, standing around all day, doin' SFA, must be like, wow... *nods his head a few times, rubbing his nose with his free hand*
[20-22:33] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : I don’t have a problem. *shrugs and just kind of smiles sarcastically* I just know how make alone time quality time when I have to.
[20-22:33] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[20-22:33] JOIN: Alberto has entered.
[20-22:34] c36, *Alberto: ((*peers*))
[20-22:35] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : Drunk and not getting any... what a way to live *polishes off her second shot, signaling for a third* (*wave wave to Alberto*)
[20-22:35] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: I gotta piss, my man, that lime better be fresh ! *he calls over his shoulder as he swaggers over to the bathroom, pushing his way in nonchalantly with his elbow and making his way to a cubicle in the female section, where he sits down on the toilet, closes the door and slips an iPod from his jacket, putting on ear in while he takes out an orange vial, which he unscrews, the lid conencted to a small spoon, and he proceeds to do a few bumps of coke*
[20-22:36] c36, *Alberto: ((*wave wave back*))
[20-22:38] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *once satisfied with himself he gets up, stuffs his ipod away and wanders back out into the main area, sniffing the residue lodged int he back of his nose back into his throat, takes a seat and slips the cigarette back between his lips, gets his drink and nods thanks* Ta, man... *swirls it around and tosses the straw over his shoulder before raising the glass to his lips and taking a sip*
[20-22:38] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : Not everyone gets to have it all. And it’s not like it’s killing me *leans an elbow on the bar and rests the side of his head against his fist* I’m still here and well, more or less.
[20-22:39] c36, *Alberto : *the door to the Sundance opens.... his eyes skimming over his surroundings slightly for a moment... then with a simple smirk he makes his way further into the area... black armani clinging to his form coverd slightly by a long ankle length black leather coat.... he comes to take a seat at the bar with a small sigh escaping him... slipping a few fifties across the bar top to the tender* a glass of Merlot... *that thick italian accent sounding out quite well*
[20-22:39] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: ((Whoa wait, is the sundance like the main bar? I thought it was someones private residence))
[20-22:40] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : That's a pitiful excuse. *takes a drag of her cigarette, desperately needing a shower, but in no hurry*
[20-22:40] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : ((it's a hotel that has a bar in it))
[20-22:41] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: ((Oh no shit, lol, im putting my dude in there *waves magic wand and does so*))
[20-22:41] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : It’s not really an excuse. I don’t think I need one. If I needed on I could come up with something better than that.
[20-22:41] EXIT: Isaiah Pendelton has left the chat ( 8:41pm, September 20 (CDT) ).
[20-22:42] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : ((one instead of on))
[20-22:42] JOIN: Isaiah Pendelton has entered.
[20-22:43] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *peers over at the wop who just wandered in, taking a drag of his cigarette, the smoke causing his eyes to squint faintly as he does so, turns back to the bartender after the Italian has given his order* So, what's the deal, man... is room service 24/7 or what?... *he sniffs again, slipping a hand through his hair again*
[20-22:43] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : *glances at Alberto, then back at Jaylin, deciding not to finish this conversation as Jaylin is a little too skinny to have his pride too wounded in front of another guy... or at least, what she'd think would hurt his pride*
[20-22:46] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : *glances at the guy as Marley goes quiet. He doesn’t really care either way, it wasn’t something that was really all that upsetting to him, something he’s guessing has to do with the whole not quite human thing among other things*
[20-22:47] 8cf, *Jaylin Anderson : ((Ack, I gotta run, someone else needs the computer and I have some stuff I have to take care of anyway))
[20-22:47] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *doesn't pay much attention to the other three there, just slumps back in his stool and places his foot against the bar, underneath the service area of course, glaring down at his boots as his cigarette burns idly in his hand, his tongue rolling across his lower lip every now and then before it gets sucked into his mouth, bit and released, his pupils simultaneously widening*
[20-22:47] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (*peace out, Jaylin! *blows the kisses*) Well, good luck with that.
[20-22:48] c36, *Alberto : *he raises a brow towards Isaiah a moment... finding him quite amusing.. then with a simple shake of his head he turns to the tender as he brings the glass to him... giving the tender a slight nod before reaching outward to take hold over the glass raising it up to those pale pink lips of his... and as his flesh touches it strangely enough it frosts but with no ice in it.... he takes a simple sip only to set it back down moments afterwards*((*waves to Jaylin*))
[20-22:48] e20, *Squirrel: *Ponders who to play*
[20-22:49] EXIT: Jaylin Anderson has left the chat ( 8:47pm, September 20 (CDT) ).
[20-22:49] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *watches the dude leave from the corner of his eye, pink lips sucking at the butt of his cigarette* Whoa... shylock... *tilts his head to the side, realising he said that aloud, glancing at the other two in case they heard him* Ummm... *just nods again and looks back to the bar tender, raises his glass and gulps down most of its contents, in a tall glass of course, cant use a highball for seabreezes*
[20-22:49] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : ((better hurry. I'm outta here in a few minutes))
[20-22:51] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: May I please, if it would be no trouble, have another drink, dude?... *is met with a stare and he just raises his brows* Comprende senoritta? *chuckles and smoke gushes from his mouth* i mean, senior...
[20-22:52] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : *naturally, her attention is drawn to the money... which Alberto seems to have* Do I know you? *hasn't paid much attention to Isaiah since she doesn't really need to*
[20-22:54] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *rubs his lips idly before taking another drag, idly listening to the other two talk, thought all the whores hung out on Sunset, though, things may have changed, hasn't been home in two years, but can't imagine that much has changed since then....gets his drink and hands over a twenty* thhhhhank you... *he drawls out all slow like*
[20-22:55] c36, *Alberto : *he raises a brow yet again as this woman speaks to him.... he turns his bold blue gaze to settle upon her* perhaps we have met... or seen one another o the side walk passing by.... but i doubt you know me... *said before he takes another sip from the glass.. watching her from over the edge of it*
[20-22:57] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : *isn't that obvious of a whore...which is why she's allowed to hang out here* Maybe *is sure that's not it, but she's horrible with details*
[20-22:59] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *utilizes whores himself rather frequently, can recognise them a mile away, doesnt hurt having friends who are whores either... he just listens anyway, smirking at that sidewalk comment, who would say that?...*
[20-23:00] c36, *Alberto : *he smirks at her faintness but gives a simple shake of his head... giving a slight wave of his hand to her* come.. have a drink with me... *that devil-like smile spreads forth to take control over his lips*
[20-23:01] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : *her eyes are already a little glassy with the vodka* You couldn't afford my drinks.
[20-23:03] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *stubs his cigarette out and exhales the last ghosts of smoke from his plush mouth, swinging an elbow over the back of his stool and slumping further down into it*
[20-23:03] c36, *Alberto : *he smirks at the mention of affording... * oh you think so... *his hand going into his pocket to fish out a large wad of cash clipped together with a nice gold money clip.... giving a simple shake of his head once again before placing it back into the pit of his pocket* i could buy this place if indeed i choose to.... but if you wouldn't like another drink that is fine aswell.
[20-23:06] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : *holds up a finger to the bartender and he brings her another drink. She's a pro at not paying the money much mind. She's not poor by any means or even close to it, but that doesn't stop her from taking what she wants* I don't know. The owner likes it a lot. Are you staying here?
[20-23:08] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *rolls his eyes and lights another cigarette, can't think of why anyone would flash around a wad of dough like that... not that its his business or that he cares, he just exhales out his nose and finishes off his other drink, rubbing his nose idly*
[20-23:09] c36, *Alberto : *he chuckles only slightly at the mention of him staying in a place like this* no m'dear i do not... i have a home on the out scurts of this city.... *he smiles just faintly at this then turns to take yet another sip from his glass*
[20-23:11] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : So you just... like the place then? *frowns as Isaiah smokes without hastle... something she's taken years to accomplish*
[20-23:14] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: *smokes without hastle, does everything without hastle! lazily and relaxed, and his body portrays this, apart from his eyes and lips, which both are almost constantly moving*
[20-23:15] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (*wonders where Squirrel skittered off to?*)
[20-23:26] 858, Isaiah Pendelton: ((*wonders where everyone skittered off to!*))
[20-23:27] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (*is here... waiting... really needing to go to bed*)
[20-23:30] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : (he can't get back in and I need to go to bed) *slides from the barstool and just walks out, her long legs carrying her out the door gracefully. her job was done and she has a good buzz. If asked, the bartender would say it wasn't necessary because her tab was taken care of by the owner.*
[20-23:31] 9b9, ºMarley Watkins : ((night, Isaiah. sorry, but I have really early classes))
[20-23:32] EXIT: Marley Watkins has left the chat ( 9:31pm, September 20 (CDT) ).
[20-23:46] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[20-23:47] baf, Street Urchin: no one in here?
[20-23:47] baf, Street Urchin: same as usual
[21-02:28] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[21-02:37] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[21-11:31] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[21-11:33] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((is anyone in?))
[21-11:44] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 9:33am, September 21 (CDT) ).
[21-15:37] JOIN: moth has entered.
[21-17:12] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[21-21:20] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[22-13:08] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[22-17:34] JOIN: Anastasia Giovanni has entered.
[22-17:42] dd2, *Anastasia Giovanni : (test)
[22-20:31] JOIN: Anastasia Giovanni has entered.
[22-20:32] dd2, *Anastasia Giovanni : (*pokes the Lurker*)
[22-20:34] dd2, *Anastasia Giovanni: (Hello?)
[22-20:44] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[22-20:45] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*pops in*'Ello?)
[22-20:46] dd2, *Anastasia Giovanni: (Hi)
[22-20:47] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (Aloha)
[22-20:50] dd2, *Anastasia Giovanni: ((*pokes thru the shadows*come out))
[22-20:53] dd2, *Anastasia Giovanni: ((BRB))
[22-20:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*slaps poking finger with shadow tenicle*Ok I can make intro)
[22-20:58] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *sStanding 6'3' he seemingly has a constant darkness to him,normally dressed in black leather pants and white t-shirt,and always his studded lether trench under which he carries two slinenced 9mm Berettas*
[22-21:10] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *strolling past the Spider Club heading towards past the Burning Bush and up to The Before The Dawn Bar*
[22-21:21] 9b9, ºEnvy: *sneezes*
[22-21:22] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((*pokes*Hey Envy*))
[22-21:23] 9b9, ºEnvy: 'lo. I'm all convered in clay dust. blah. I'm in desperate need of a shower, but I don't wanna leave you here by your lonesome.
[22-21:24] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *pushing onep the door to the bar he shuffels over to a table*
[22-21:25] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (is waiting for the someone to get back)
[22-21:26] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : sweet. then I can shower.... though I may go to bed afterwards. blah. we'll see. have fun!
[22-21:27] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 7:26pm, September 22 (CDT) ).
[22-21:28] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (take a shower chick I'll ttyl)
[22-21:30] JOIN: Anastasia Giovanni has entered.
[22-21:30] dd2, *Sacha : (test)
[22-21:31] dd2, *Sacha : *coming out of the hotel dressed in a tight red leather dress and thigh high leather boots she starts for her car motorcylcle parked across the street*
[22-21:32] dd2, *Sacha : (Back just under diff char)
[22-21:33] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (k)
[22-21:35] dd2, *Sacha : *climbs up on the bike and starts it up as she heads through the streets of LA*
[22-21:40] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *signaling the barkeep for a glass of whiskey he lights a smoke*
[22-21:41] dd2, *Sacha : *stops getting off the bike and going into the bar she slowly looks around*
[22-21:44] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *movement at the doors catches his eye and he turns to she who is entering*
[22-21:47] dd2, *Sacha : *walks to the bar and waits for the busy bartender so she may order*
[22-21:55] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *putting out his smoke he rises to walk to the bar for a fresh whiskey*
[22-21:58] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Yuir a new face come here much?
[22-22:05] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*goes to watch Smallville*)
[22-22:23] 9b9, ºEnvy: bah punks
[22-23:03] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[22-23:06] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (Smallville was good)
[22-23:07] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*wonders where Sacha went)
[22-23:09] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*pokes the shadows*'Ello?*waits for an echo*)
[22-23:27] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[22-23:27] 221, *Cookie Monster: ello?
[23-00:10] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 9:27pm, September 22 (CDT) ).
[23-19:47] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[23-19:47] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ('Ello?*[okes the shadows*)
[23-19:47] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*pokes)
[23-19:48] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 5:47pm, September 23 (CDT) ).
[23-21:15] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[23-21:16] e20, *Squirrel: *Peeks in*
[23-21:22] e20, *Squirrel: *Whistles idly*
[23-21:34] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[24-14:37] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[24-22:12] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[25-16:45] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[25-16:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (Anyone in?)
[25-16:55] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (bah, ass clowns)
[25-16:57] JOIN: Lizzy has entered.
[25-16:58] 465, Lizzy: (le peek)
[25-17:02] EXIT: Lizzy has left the chat ( 2:58pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-17:02] JOIN: katrieze markit has entered.
[25-17:04] EXIT: katrieze markit has left the chat ( 3:02pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-17:07] JOIN: Vampire Of The Red Dragons has entered.
[25-17:08] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: (hey)
[25-17:10] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[25-17:12] 465, *Nicola Jennings: (hey red)
[25-17:13] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: (how are you to day)
[25-17:14] 465, *Nicola Jennings: (
[25-17:14] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: (same)
[25-17:15] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: (i read your profile it was good, are you a real vampire)
[25-17:16] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[25-17:16] 465, *Nicola Jennings: (hehe yup*nods*)
[25-17:17] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: (wat race of vampire)
[25-17:18] 465, *Nicola Jennings: (one that bites hehehe)
[25-17:20] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: (there is Red dragon,Blue Dragon,Fire,ice and air,earth,Black Dragon.which one).
[25-17:21] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *strolls by The Burning Bush pondering if he should enter,he stops in front of the clublooking out at the street*
[25-17:22] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragons: msg/Envy i like to be a part of this chat
[25-17:26] JOIN: Vampire Of The Red Dragons has entered.
[25-17:26] 465, *Nicola Jennings: *She Slips out of the Burning bush on her break..almost bumping into Caine*Sorry Mate*said in alushas voice...adorned in a school girl outfit..She pulls a pack of cigs from her pocket and places one in her mouth gently*
[25-17:26] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((kid yuir confused on yiur reality))
[25-17:27] JOIN: moth has entered.
[25-17:27] JOIN: Vampire Of The Red Dragon has entered.
[25-17:28] 465, *Nicola Jennings : (8nips moth couse she can*)
[25-17:31] 465, *Nicola Jennings : (pic)
[25-17:33] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *turn around*It's okay*a slight Irish accesnt is detectable, as he flicks the cig he just finished*You work here?
[25-17:35] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[25-17:36] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *She nods as she pulls a lighter from her cleavage and lights the cig dangling from her lips..taking a deep draw and pulling it from her lips*Yeha I do..on my break
[25-17:39] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nods*I'm not one for places of light but I heard this joint could use a boun.cer
[25-17:41] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *She raised a little brow*Yeah some of the girls could do with being watched over..a few clients get a little to touchy
[25-17:45] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *pulling out another smoke and a zippo*Then who would I talk to about to position.*outs the cig to his lips an' lights it*
[25-17:46] 465, *Nicola Jennings : The main boss im afraid she isnt in but when she comes in a will pass your details on
[25-17:49] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Okay. If I'm not at Before The Dawn, then I'm at my hotel*slips her a card with his number on it*
[25-17:56] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[25-17:56] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : *Takes the card and slips it into her cleavage*Do you often give girls your card?*yup is being a tease as she is bored*
[25-17:58] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *grins*Only when I see potential in them. Why?
[25-18:00] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : Just curiouse*asking with a smile that might jsut give away her true nature as the moonlight catches the glint of her ivory fangs*
[25-18:02] 09c, *Caine Lupas : I tend to noticed young ones like you a lot. I see their need for guidance.*takes the last drag of his cig and flicks it*
[25-18:03] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : Oh so you wish to guide me*said with a little smirk*
[25-18:10] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Possibly. If yuir tealent proves worthy. I'm one not to sire any chylder
[25-18:12] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : And what if I do not wish to be your chylder?*asked as she flicks the cig away and leans off the wall..standing face on to him*
[25-18:14] 09c, *Caine Lupas : You alredy have the blood kiddo that is obvious. But do you how to control yuir blood to master the power within?
[25-18:16] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : *She looks to him straight on eyes narrowed..she wasnt used to people talking like this to her*No..*said plainly her curiosety setting in*
[25-18:24] JOIN: Vampire Of The Red Dragon has entered.
[25-18:26] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragon: hey
[25-18:26] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs*I can teach you all kinds of tricks*Obfus=Mask of a thousand faces,his face slowly changes into hers then into someone elses he'd seen walking down the street*This is small, You could learn beyond what I know even
[25-18:27] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : *She stumbles back a little her hands braced against the wall as his face changes*And you wish to teach me stuf like that?
[25-18:27] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (Are you here to Rp?)
[25-18:28] 159, Vampire Of The Red Dragon: yes
[25-18:30] EXIT: Vampire Of The Red Dragon has left the chat ( 4:28pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:30] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Ofcourse,*he drops the obfuss,his face returns to normal*Hey I gtg brb
[25-18:31] 4e5, *Nicola Jennings : Sure ..*She nods to him politly very curiouse now*
[25-18:40] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[25-18:40] MSG: Nicola Jennings sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[25-18:41] EXIT: Nicola Jennings has left the chat ( 4:40pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-18:55] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[25-19:18] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[25-19:18] JOIN: CookieMonster has entered.
[25-19:18] 221, CookieMonster: Allo
[25-19:19] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (ello)
[25-19:21] 221, CookieMonster: care to RP?
[25-19:23] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (gladly,lemme swith chars first)
[25-19:25] 221, CookieMonster: Any Preferance to the sort of char you'd like me to play?
[25-19:27] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (No,play as youwish that'ss what Rp is about,right?)
[25-19:29] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 5:27pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-19:31] NICK: CookieMonster changed nick to Cookie Monster.
[25-19:31] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 5:31pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-19:32] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[25-19:34] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *Jihan is in the Burning bush. Currently she's sitting in a bikini at the bar, drinking and waiting around for her next dance number*
[25-19:40] JOIN: Wraith has entered.
[25-19:41] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((*waves to Wraith* Caine, still there?))
[25-19:43] 09c, Wraith: *pulling up to the Burning Bush he turns off his Harley and strides to the doors*(Is Wraith. I wanted to get the feel of this char and see if he's worthy of on-line play)
[25-19:48] 09c, Wraith: *pulling open the door he slides in letting his eyes fall on different parts of the room,wearing fadedan' tattered jeans,plain black tee an' leather jacket w/a wolf on the back he strides to the bar glancing over at Jihan*do people normally come in dressed like that or do you work here?
[25-19:50] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *Jihan knocks back a couple shots of whiskey, as the ber tenders have learned she has a high enough tollerance that a few more drinks than normal doesn't impare her dancing. From the talk directed towards her, she turns and gives a devilish smile to the man, sliding her dark skinned body across the side of the bar.* You can come here like this if you want, but working gals like us might loose business if you did.
[25-19:54] 09c, Wraith: *laughing at that he lets his eyes shift from blue to green*It's not my style of dress*smiling he slightly bows*I am Alton,though I prefer to be called Wraith
[25-19:58] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *she smiles back, putting on the mask of an eager sexy peice of fluff that gets so many of the customers excited and willing to fork over their dough. Under the smile she's wondering what the hell is up with this guy. Wanting to be called some weird nickname and changing colors of his eyes is not within the realm of her normal clients.* Anything you want to be called baby. Call me Saige.
[25-20:04] 09c, Wraith: *A pleasue then Saige. I'm not one foe places like this but it seems like a decent place to drink. Would you agree?
[25-20:07] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *smirks and sips her whiskey* It's got a decent selection, but it's a lot cheeper to go to a real bar. *not being of great sensitivity, Jihan is only relatively sure that despite his nick name, he's not an actual member of the undead*
[25-20:10] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[25-20:13] 09c, Wraith: *turning to look around the room he remarks*Seems pretty cheep in here as it is.
[25-20:14] JOIN: Jonathon Brice has entered.
[25-20:15] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *strolling into the club he spots Jihan and walks over to her waving*
[25-20:17] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Trust me honey... this place aint cheep.
[25-20:17] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((Had Jihan met Caine before?))
[25-20:18] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((NM, now I remember him))
[25-20:19] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (Yea, at Before the Dawn,)
[25-20:20] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (Had talked about being a bouncer here and other stuff)
[25-20:22] 09c, Wraith: *smirknig at her comment*And you would know this I take it?*sees Caine enter*
[25-20:24] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *walking up to the two he orders something from the bar then turns to Jihan*Am I enter rupting any thing?
[25-20:25] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *glances at Caine... damn it, she's vamping a customer, why do the supernatural critters always have to bother her HERE? The club was, in Jihans mind, her territory and these westerner creatures of the night kept bumping their way into it.* Baby, I'm one of the "cheap things" and I cost twenty bucks for just a taste.
[25-20:27] 09c, Wraith: Twenty for a taste huh?*grins*
[25-20:29] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Well, when I'm up on stage, I'll give you a good view if you can tip me, but twenty'll get you a lap dance.
[25-20:31] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs*Presence Donna work on me bud yuir to young.
[25-20:31] 09c, Wraith: *turns to Caine ans uses presence 1*Yes you are,find somewhere else to be.
[25-20:32] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((wha?))
[25-20:33] 09c, Wraith: (My mistake, got me post mixed)
[25-20:35] 09c, Wraith: (was this before Caines')*uses presence 1*Yes you are now go find some whrer else.
[25-20:38] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *to Jihan*When are you on stage hun?
[25-20:40] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *looks to Wraith, sensing the magic. Ohhh... somebody is in shit now... speaks to Caine, though keeping her eyes on the newcomer* Ten minutes or so.
[25-20:43] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Ok What are you doing when you get off work?
[25-20:44] 09c, Wraith: *shocked he sits back on a stool*How is that possible. I've never met one older than me.
[25-20:47] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *looks between the two, and her eye color switches from pools of black to a brown that begins to glow to a bright copper. However, she keeps her tone nice and sultrly, so as to not get the attention of any nearby customers* Would you two damn ghuls avoid fouling up my favorite place and take your pissing contest outside? And Probably giving a guy head if you avoid interupting me when I'm on the job...
[25-20:51] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *ignoring Wraith,laughing at he last comment*Okay then I'll be at the Dawn.And there is no pissing contest, I wouldn't dream of bringing problems to yuir place of work. Oh about that bouncer job what's up with it?
[25-20:53] 221, *Jihan Aloula : You should ask Cecile.
[25-20:53] 09c, Wraith: *watching both of them he debate trying to use a higher level of presence*There is no way you could be older the I.
[25-20:56] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Is Cecile in?*looks at Wraith,and under his breath*I am a thousand years old boy. I would say yuir no more than three hundred. I've had more time to master my blood*looks back at Jihan*As I was asking.
[25-20:59] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *to Wraith, the eyes glowing brighter* Drop it. My father's father witnessed Caine's branding and becoming the first of your breed of Ghul, so keep your tongue still. *to Wraith* She's in the office in the back. ((She's been on NPC mode for a while))
[25-21:01] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((k))Alright then I'll stop back the bafore I head to the Dawn*nods to wraith*I'll see you later sweetie*not sure whether or not it was alright to speak her name*
[25-21:01] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *picks up his drink finally and walks to the back office*
[25-21:03] 09c, Wraith: How is that so. For that Caine to be the first he would have to least three millienia old.((sp?))
[25-21:05] 221, *Jihan Aloula : No shit? I never realy cared about how old father told me grandfather was. The bragging rights were all that realy mattered.
[25-21:06] 09c, Wraith: *pulls out a wad of twenties*Here ,we can skip the lap dance,but you can sit and talk about what you know about him.
[25-21:09] 221, *Jihan Aloula : What? My old man's old man?
[25-21:10] 09c, Wraith: No, yuir friend who just left. There is no way he could be THE Caine. Old I don't doubt. But not the first.
[25-21:12] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *walking out of the office he nods to Jihan and walks to a corner watching them both with a smile on his face*
[25-21:13] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *she shrugs* He's a ghul like you. Anything else you wanna know, you'll need to bribe me with a lot more than twenty bucks.
[25-21:13] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-21:16] 09c, Wraith: *peels off around two hundred*Will this work?
[25-21:19] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Show me more. I could make that on a good night.
[25-21:21] 9b9, ºEnvy: Cookie Cookie... it's a good thing I slipped in to check what was goin' on
[25-21:22] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*hugs the Envy*Hey)
[25-21:22] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((*sweeps you hup and swings you around, planting kisses all over your face* Heya cutey girl!))
[25-21:23] 9b9, ºEnvy: Why isn't your yahoo on? making me disrupt RP and everything
[25-21:25] 09c, Wraith: *sighs and pulls out his bill fold tossing it on the bartop*There's two grand there.
[25-21:25] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((I'm using the family compy, cause my compy has a realy nasty bit of adware on it that I can't get rid of.))
[25-21:27] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-21:27] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *picks the wad up, flips her thumb over it, then grins* Okay, this'll do. One, his name's Caine. He's not all that powerfull cause he's got some sort of blood magic binding him to some other people. He was vague on that. He's been looking for somebody whose strong with it to break him free from it.
[25-21:28] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:28] 09c, Wraith: *nods*COntinue
[25-21:30] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-21:30] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *she shrugs* Don't know much else. He's got money on him, but he's looking for a job, propbably for cover identity rather than actualy needing it. He's been looking to work here as a bouncer.
[25-21:31] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:32] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-21:35] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:36] 09c, Wraith: Hmm...Thanks*throws another hundred on the bar*Thanks.*gets up and heads to the door nodding to Caine as he heads out*
[25-21:36] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-21:39] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:40] MSG: Envy sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[25-21:41] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nodding to Wraith he walks from the corner over to Jihan* So what was up with the young one?
[25-21:43] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:44] MSG: Envy sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[25-21:45] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *gathers up her new found cash... and realy isn't sure what to do with it. Her bikini bottom certainly is good for about fifteen to twenty ones on either side, but a couple thousand in twenties? Ah well. she looks over to Caine* He wanted to know about you. The normal "Sek out great power, discover great power, think you are able to push everyone around until you find somebody bigger than yourself and then seeking out more power".
[25-21:46] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:47] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs*Ok. Then he isn't one to watch the next time he's around?You know why I ask.
[25-21:49] MSG: Envy sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[25-21:50] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Not realy, no. spell it out to me.
[25-21:50] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *glances down at the cash in her hands*Seems her paid well for little info.
[25-21:51] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:52] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *she shrugs* I can't help it if he prefers tossing cash around instead of doing a little bit of real research.
[25-21:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nods*I donna think there is need to spell it out.
[25-21:56] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[25-21:58] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-21:59] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-22:04] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[25-22:04] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-22:06] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Your information is of course highly confidential. I wouldn't dare give away any information valuable to you.
[25-22:08] 09c, *Caine Lupas : I donna doubt you Jihan,But i presently would like all things know about me kept that way.
[25-22:10] 221, *Jihan Aloula : I fed him little lies and vageries.
[25-22:12] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Hmm...vageries,dear, are what can lead to trouble.
[25-22:14] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *she streatches and runs her fingers through her hair* Oh pfff. If you can't cause trouble, you're not realy living... oh sorry... you aren't.
[25-22:14] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *so doesn't sound like seh's sorry*
[25-22:14] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-22:15] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-22:16] JOIN: Nakita has entered.
[25-22:17] f1b, Nakita: (( * peekies* 'ello ^^ ))
[25-22:19] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs*That is true, I suppose.*looks at his watch*I've got anappointment to get to so I'll catch you later*looks around to room to see who maybe looking their way and open a portal of abyss beneath himself*Take care Jihan*slips into the abyss*
[25-22:19] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((wave wave*))
[25-22:20] f1b, Nakita: (( heh heya ))
[25-22:20] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*waves to all*See you guys later)
[25-22:21] EXIT: Wraith has left the chat ( 7:36pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-22:21] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 8:20pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-22:21] f1b, Nakita: (( oh, bye Caine * waves *))
[25-22:22] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *her eyes flash with absoulte rage on seeing him exit in such a way... she REALY doesn't like people using magic in the club*
[25-22:28] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((Nakita, you new here?))
[25-22:30] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-22:37] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-22:37] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *comes from the upper part of the club. She's in her street clothes, instead of the work costume she'd been wearing when she'd gone up the stairs. She had the month's rent paid and quite a bit left over to stash away. Her hair is left down, since she just didn't feel like putting it up*
[25-22:38] MSG: Envy sent a message to Jihan Aloula.
[25-22:39] MSG: Jihan Aloula sent a message to Envy.
[25-22:42] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *gathering up her money, she slides off her stool and heads over to the dressing room*
[25-22:45] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *slips into the dressing room, walking to her booth to get her purse* It's almost closing time
[25-22:49] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *comes in, hearing her say that.* Good. I've got money to roll in when I get home.
[25-22:51] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *as does she... if she were into rolling in her money* Well, you should take a few days off then. Enjoy it
[25-22:56] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Nah, I love this place. A complete disregard of morals, free booze, mindless worship, money litteraly flung at me for doing what I do naturaly. *comes up behind Kailynn and waves the stack of twenties that adds up to two thousand in front of her*
[25-22:59] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *obviously doesn't share Jihan's feelings about the place, but smiles a little at the money anyways* you weren't kidding. I didn't see you upstairs.
[25-23:01] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Here's a trick for you to learn love: Keep your ears and eyes open. A little info blabed from one mouth, you keep and give it to an ear that wants to hear it.
[25-23:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : You got that much money just for relaying information? What in the hell did you say?
[25-23:06] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Something to the effect of "shell out more, cause I can get what you're offering on a good night working". C'mon, take a whiff. American dollars just smell rich.
[25-23:08] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : No thanks... *chuckles softly and picks up her purse, starting back to the dressing room door* I've got my own.
[25-23:09] 221, *Jihan Aloula : oooooo... *devilish grin* As I recall... I did hear YOU upstairs. Get lots of money for your honey?
[25-23:11] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : It's not really something I like to brag about, you know? It's a job. If you hurry up, we can share a cab.
[25-23:14] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Sounds good. *she moves over to her chair, flicks off her bikini she's been wearing and pulls on a sports bra, shirt, and pants* Lets ride.
[25-23:17] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *walks out through the room with her bag slung over her shoulder.* where do you live, anyway?
[25-23:19] 221, *Jihan Aloula : The Sun State Motel. Or the sleaze motel, depending on if you've seen it or not.
[25-23:20] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *just shrugs* I don't know where it is. You make that much money and you live in a sleazy motel *waves her hand to hail a cab*
[25-23:21] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[25-23:22] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : (*waves to Jayed*)
[25-23:22] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Its my uncle's, so rents free. Gives me the chance to spend more money on myself. And you KNOW how much I love getting myself things.
[25-23:22] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : (*jayde that is*)
[25-23:23] 663, *Jayde: *waves back*
[25-23:23] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((*waves to jayde*))
[25-23:23] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : You don't think a decent place to live is something you deserve?
[25-23:30] 221, *Jihan Aloula : I'm in L.A. instead of an oppulant castle surrounded by slaves. Have to work with what I get.
[25-23:31] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I guess. *slides into the cab, finally reaching back to get her hair out of her face*
[25-23:35] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *climbs in behind her and shoves her over to her corner, spreading herself out greedily* But, since I'm in a generous mood, I think I'll have a party tomarow to celebrate my little stroke of good fortune.
[25-23:36] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *gets shoved and looks at her with slightly narrowed eyes, but doesn't say anything.* Well, good luck with that. *turns her head to look out a window*
[25-23:39] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Wanna come? Pizza and beer.
[25-23:39] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Not really, no.
[25-23:41] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Okay... but you'll wish you had.
[25-23:42] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((I needa go baby girl. I love ya lots))
[25-23:43] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Stop the cab *as it rolls to a stop, she steps out* I'm busy, but have fun *gives the cabby her share of the fare and closes the door, deciding to walk the rest of the way*
[25-23:44] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : (sweet dreams, darlin')
[25-23:44] EXIT: Jihan Aloula has left the chat ( 9:42pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[25-23:51] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *He’s walking down the street, his head hung a bit. He’s dressed up, or he was a few hours ago. He looks like he actually tried to clean himself up, but then just decided to screw it. His clothes are wrinkled now and the tie he was wearing is just hanging untied around his neck, and the first few buttons on the dress shirt are undone, as well as his hair being messed up from having some kind of hair product in it and then getting touched to much. But he obviously doesn’t care as he walking along, drinking out of a bottle held in his right hand, just staring at the sidewalk and pretty much ignoring everything around him. But even with that he still looks better than normally, even though for him that doesn’t have to mean much*
[25-23:54] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *isn't particularly fond of this area of the city, so she walks quickly. Turning a corner, she feels a little more relieved as the buildings get a little better. Pulling out her keys, she walks up to the door of her building and starts fighting with the lock*
[25-23:58] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *can’t help hearing the sound of the fight with the keys as he gets closer and he glances up momentarily, pausing as he realizes he’s looking at someone he actually knows* Wow, been a while since I’ve run into you. *is said as just a statement of fact more than a comment*
[26-00:00] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *turns her head to the voice just as she gets the door open, a little surprsised herself* You do live quite a ways in the opposite direction.
[26-00:03] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *looks around, not having realized where he was actually* Right, I do. Funny, I didn’t even realize what neighborhood this was, I thought I was a little farther north.
[26-00:04] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *just smiles as she opens the door further, then leans on it* You should lay off that bottle.
[26-00:05] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *laughs a little* Probably, but that wasn’t why I was lost. It didn’t help, but….yeah. That is good advice, maybe someday I’ll listen to it.
[26-00:07] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Well, the last bus left quite a while ago. *could ask what made him lose his way, but she's not all that nosey* You can come up and call a cab if you want to?
[26-00:09] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah…if it’s not to much trouble…I can just walk if I absolutely have to…it’s not…well it is a little far, but I could make it *shrugs as he takes another drink from the bottle*
[26-00:10] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Well, it's up to you. *walks through the door, holding it open*
[26-00:13] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Cab then *walks past her inside, and if she’s paying attention she might notice he smells like perfume instead of the overwhelming stench of booze like usual. He walks over to the stairs and turns around to look back at her after putting a lid back on the bottle and slipping it inside his jacket* Lead on.
[26-00:16] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *notices, but it's not her place to say anything. She's actually even happy for him. Maybe he won't be so miserable all the time if he had a girl around. She lets the door close and heads up the stairs silently*
[26-00:19] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *he just follows behind, still staring at the ground and only looking up occasionally while he follows to be sure he’s still going the right way. He’s gone back into his own thoughts, like he was outside. It’s not happy thoughts, though he is planning on keeping it all to himself, it’s easier, and he just has to make it home so he can finish off the bottle and pass out for the next couple of days*
[26-00:21] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : You weren't at work tonight. You haven't been for the last few nights. Did you find another job? *trying blindly to make polite conversation before it gets too uncomfortable. Once at the top of the stairs, she heads down the hall towards her door*
[26-00:24] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *looks up for a moment realizing she was talking.* Huh? Oh, no, just been working different shifts than usual….took a couple days off the last two days…just been…out, doing stuff. *doesn’t appear to want to elaborate on that as he goes back to looking at the oh so interesting floor*
[26-00:26] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *unlocks her door, immediately tossing the keys and her bag on a table and kicking off her shoes* Well, it's good to get out and do things that you want to do.
[26-00:27] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah….I’ve been having fun…mostly *walks in and glancing around briefly* Where’s the phone? I don’t want to bother you for to long.
[26-00:31] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *oh yeah. the phone. She doesn't seem all that embarassed over such a small thing, but she is as she's reminded why she chose to keep to herself in the club in the first place... the people that worked there are just too draining* Sorry. It's just around the corner in the kitchen *points in the direction* My other one died on me.
[26-00:34] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *nods* Thanks, I’d probably have been wandering until morning if I hadn’t run into you *walks over into the kitchen to get the phone, working on calling up from memory the number of a cab company while he does*
[26-00:36] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : You really should lay off that bottle, especially if you're going to be walking around the city *it's not so much a lecture as just a word of advice. meanwhile, she goes into the bathroom to wash her make up off*
[26-00:38] JOIN: Alberto has entered.
[26-00:43] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Well, it was a gift and I figured I might as well put it to use. I have a hard time keeping bottles closed when I’m having a bad night anyway…but yeah, I should have left it alone *picks up the phone and dials, he hadn’t meant to say most of that and hadn’t really thought about what he’d said till it was to late*
[26-00:45] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *comes out of the bathroom, her face free of make up and her hair brushed and pulled back. She opens her mouth to speak, but stops when she see's he's already on the phone*
[26-00:46] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *he finishes after a few moments on the phone and hangs it up* Uh…really, thanks again for letting me use your phone.
[26-00:48] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Sure. I uh... hope your night goes better. *he doesn't smell like he had that horrid of an evening....*
[26-00:50] EXIT: Alberto has left the chat ( 10:38pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[26-00:51] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : I just need to go home and pass out and I’ll be fine. I just need some time to…not think *closes his eyes and shakes his head for a moment before opening them again* Anyway…I can wait downstairs…
[26-00:54] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Hey... are you going to be ok? *leans against the arm of her couch, crossing her arms over her chest. A little drunk is one thing, but he looks a little more tormented than usual*
[26-00:55] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah, I’ll be fine. Like I said, I just need to pass out for a while. It’s nothing to get worried about *starts to stare at the floor again* I’m just an idiot, nothing new.
[26-00:58] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *waits a moment, trying to decide if he's wanting her to push the issue, or let it go. Since she can't figure it out, she decides for a little push* What makes you think that you're an idiot?
[26-01:00] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Nothing…I just…I do stupid things….I did something stupid tonight, it’s just…never mind I really need to get going *looks up* Wait for my cab, thanks again for the phone *walks for the door*
[26-01:01] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Are you sure? You can crash on my couch *what is she saying.... just shut up* I mean... sometimes, it's just better to not be alone.
[26-01:04] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : *pauses, why the hell does that sound so temping? Well, he knows why. It is nice not to be alone sometimes* I don’t want to bother you…I think I’ve done enough of that for one lifetime already…
[26-01:05] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : If it was a bother, I wouldn't have offered. I'm just going to sleep anyway. You can take a shower or whatever.
[26-01:08] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Okay then…thank you. *doesn’t know what else he can say, or even why he’s actually going to do it except…he doesn’t want to go back to that hotel, and it’s nice in his mind to pretend that someone actually cares what happens to him, though he doesn’t think in the end that she really does care, but it’s nice to pretend*
[26-01:10] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : There are extra pillows and bedding in the closet over there. Just help yourself. Eat whatever you want. *as friendly as her actions are, the whole time, she just seems confused* You don't have to leave right away tomorrow, but if you do go before I wake up, just make sure that you lock the door.
[26-01:11] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah…I’ll do that….uh…*just trails off, he doesn’t know what else to say. He can tell she’s confused, and he is to, though he knows more why he’s doing it, but he has no idea why she is, and he really just doesn’t want to ask to many questions right now*
[26-01:13] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Good night. *spoken as she goes down the little hall to her room*
[26-01:14] 663, *Jaylin Anderson : Night *watches her walk off, then goes to get the bedding to make up the couch for the night first before he does anything else*
[26-01:15] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *disappears into her room for some much needed sleep*
[26-01:17] EXIT: Jaylin Anderson has left the chat ( 11:14pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[26-01:17] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 11:15pm, September 25 (CDT) ).
[26-03:06] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[26-03:08] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 1:06am, September 26 (CDT) ).
[26-03:08] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[26-03:09] 09c, *Caine Lupas: ('Ello?)
[26-03:12] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 1:09am, September 26 (CDT) ).
[26-04:46] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[26-04:46] c6b, *Nicola Jennings: (peek)
[26-04:53] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[26-05:02] c6b, *Nicola Jennings: (*le sigh*)
[26-16:55] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[26-16:56] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (pic test)
[26-16:57] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 2:57pm, September 26 (CDT) ).
[26-17:12] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[26-17:14] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[26-17:22] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *walking down to the Burning Bush from his local bar he checks his Berrettas before he starts work,stoping to light a cig he leans next to the doors*
[26-17:34] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[26-17:37] 754, *Nicola Jennings : *she was heading into work...not in her usualy mini skirt but in a long flowing gown(see pic)showing how deathly thin she was..seems out of work she was much less revealing..a sinister grin appeared when she seen Caine near the door*
[26-17:41] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *smiles seeing Nicola approaching*Hey young one what's up?
[26-17:42] 754, *Nicola Jennings : Same as usual really...looking forward to another thrilling day of acting like I lvoe a bunch of en who I couldnt give two hoots about*She smiled sweetly*
[26-17:45] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[26-17:49] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *takes the last drag off the cig*Well no worries then. At least it's money and you really do seem to act well.Oh and did you think about my offer?
[26-17:50] 754, *Nicola Jennings : Though about nothing else..and if your so sure you want me as a chylder then I will be*a slight nod of her head*
[26-17:53] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Think of it more as you being a pupil. My blood is curesed, i can make no chylder.But if yuir sure you will be tough.
[26-17:55] 754, *Nicola Jennings : I am sure...I wish to be your pupil untill you grow bored or angry wityh me
[26-17:56] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Nicola Jennings.
[26-17:59] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Anger is rare for me, been around a little too long for anger to come easy. Good then after we both get off work we can decide where to go for yuir teaching to begin.I hope yuir ready for what I've got in store for you.*turns to open the door and holds it for her*Coming?
[26-18:04] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[26-18:05] 754, *Nicola Jennings : *She raises a little brow wondering what his job is and what may be in store*yes*she says quickly as she squeezes past him and enters the building*
[26-18:08] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *follows her in and takes his post by the door*My job is to throw out he unwanted.Oh the was a weak use of Auspex.
[26-18:11] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[26-18:15] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[26-18:16] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : (*kicks crap out of pc*)
[26-18:17] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She stands at his side for just now*Oh relaly...why do I have a funny feeling this is going to be very difficult*she pats his shoulder*congrats on the job
[26-18:18] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*hands her a rubber chicken*Beat it with this)
[26-18:19] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : (*takes chicken and beats it over pc*work damn you)
[26-18:21] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *grins*Why would it be difficult? And thanks.
[26-18:26] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : I dont knoqw it kust sounds like it might...excuse me I must go and perform*she runs into the changing room and changes into a slinky short number and is on the stage quicker than you can blink...swirling around a pole slowly and removing each item of clothing very slowly..teasing her audiance with what might be underneath them*
[26-18:29] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *smiles to himself at her use of speed*At least she knows that one*watches the room for any disruttions*
[26-18:32] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *apart from a few trying to get on the stage she is on there seems to be no one misbehaving and just couse player is lazy and cant be assed typing out the whole dance ruitian she finishes after 10 mins and exits the stage juast as quickly as she arived...taking her garments with her which every item was removed so the crowed had gone nuts...she got dressed and headed back to caine*
[26-18:36] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *now standing at the bar he sips on a glass of Bloody Mary, his left hand on a berretta eyes continueally scaning the room*
[26-18:38] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She slides into a stool beside him*sorry about that..
[26-18:40] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *puts down his glass*Sorry about what?Yuir proper use of the blood to attain supernatural speed?
[26-18:42] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She blinks*No I ment the delay*giggles lightly*
[26-18:45] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *chuckles at that*There was no delay. We'll sit and talk through the next few acts then we'll go some where else more private,trust me privacy will be needed.
[26-18:46] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She couldnt help but smile at his words*You dont know how often I get told that during a night
[26-18:50] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *shakes his head and finishes his glass*I can imagine Nicola,I can imagine
[26-18:51] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : So why exactly do weneed to go somewhere more private
[26-18:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas : This is where the conversation through the next few acts come into play.This is the part where Iremind you or tell you wnat you should know alredy.
[26-18:55] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (I may have to sign of for a bit room mates just got home.
[26-18:55] 09c, *Caine Lupas : )
[26-18:58] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : (okz hun)
[26-18:58] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She smirks sire wasnt exactly helpfull in that department
[26-19:01] 09c, *Caine Lupas : I thought not*waves to the bar tender for a nother drink*So,let's start with what you do know.
[26-19:02] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : Baisic stuff really im stronger and faster than the human race and i suck on blood *little shrug..tho9guh she felt pathetic for not knowing much*
[26-19:07] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Okay, the bare basics. Do you happen to know of what clan you or yuir Sire are of?*mutters sire and clan under his breath*
[26-19:10] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She shakes her head*
[26-19:14] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nods*Okay then,yuir of thegroup known as Caitiff,translation Clanless. This gives you an adavantge over most others of our kind.You'll be able to learn what I have to teach you a lot faster. Almost as if you were my chyld*looks to the stage*I don't cliam to know the origins of Kindrednor do I really wish to know.
[26-19:19] 09c, *Caine Lupas : There are things from my past that may surface in the times to come but I'll deal with all that. I 'm an odd teacher that you'll come to see. In fact I'll start with asking you:What would you like to know first?
[26-19:19] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She nodded gently taking in every word as he speaks*understandable
[26-19:24] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : That I dont know....without trully knowing what there is to know ..I just cant tell so I will leave that choice upto you
[26-19:28] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Well I'm no good at being a history teacher so I guess I'll only give what I said I would,knowledge of the blood*looks at his watchand pulls out a wand of twenties setting it on the bar top*They hate it when I leave an untouch dirnk.Let go somewhere else now it's time.
[26-19:31] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She watches him closely with the wad of cash and nodded as she stood slowly*well lead me where ever you like..
[26-19:33] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *rising to go he looks around the room one more time*Hold on I gotta get this clown down off the stage*wlaks over to the stage and grabs some scruffy looking dude by the ankle and pulls himoff balance draging him off the stage, he then turns and walks to the doors throwing him out*And the next time you come back stay off or you'll get worse than that*turns to Nicola*Ready?
[26-19:38] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : *She couldnt help but admire the way he handled the situation and when he returned she loped her arm around his*lead the way*giving the poor man on the floor a glare*
[26-19:40] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *as they head out the door* I think the best place would be a nice empty park. Know of any?
[26-19:43] 36b, *Nicola Jennings : There is one not far from here*She said with a slight smile*
[26-19:46] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Good then lead the way*holds open the door for her as they exit*
[26-19:50] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 5:46pm, September 26 (CDT) ).
[26-20:59] JOIN: moth has entered.
[27-14:42] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[27-14:44] JOIN: Nicola Jennings has entered.
[27-14:46] f2c, *Nicola Jennings: *She guides Caine to a deserted park ..that has been badly vandalised...she releases his qarm and sits on a bench that is filthy beyond beleafe ut she doesnt seem to care*
[27-14:49] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *looking around the park*Well if it's not empty, it will be by the time we leave.*looks back to her*
[27-14:50] f2c, *Nicola Jennings: Are you sure we wont lure a crowed*Looking up to him from her seat on the bench*
[27-14:53] 09c, *Caine Lupas : For most of what I'm gonna show how to do no.There a some thing we'll have to be carefull about.Now let me think*ponders on what to show first*
[27-14:55] f2c, *Nicola Jennings : *She nods to his words as she watches him carefully for any change in his posture or anything to indicate he is about to do something*
[27-14:59] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Ok.Most of theses are fairly simple it'sjust a consintration of the blod to enhance things like movment,and strength.Stand up will you and follow me?*walks over to the thickest tree hecan find*
[27-15:00] f2c, *Nicola Jennings : *She stands slowly and follows him fairly closely her heels clicking lightly on the paving stones*
[27-15:05] JOIN: Alberto has entered.
[27-15:05] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *bringing up his hand in a fist he hits the tree dead center putting the fist into the tree*This is Potence. To do this you must simply make yuir blood strengthen every part of yuir body, doing so allows you to do more damage in fights persay.
[27-15:07] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *pulling his hand out of the tree he hits it again with a spin kick knocking it down*
[27-15:07] f2c, *Nicola Jennings : *She watched with wide curiouse eye..she was impressed*
[27-15:10] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Not only can potence do this but in combination with..oh sa celerity you can make yuirself into a battering ram.You used celerity preety well back at the club but if you choose you can move even faster than that.
[27-15:13] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : I know but I dont like to arouse to much suspision amung the punters*she smiles sweetly to him*
[27-15:14] MSG: Alberto sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-15:15] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Alberto.
[27-15:17] 09c, *Caine Lupas : It's a good thing not to raise any suspsion.ANd trustme there are those who constantly watch of our kind.
[27-15:19] MSG: Alberto sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-15:19] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Alberto.
[27-15:19] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : Really*she couldnt help but look around for any signs of someone looking*
[27-15:20] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Alberto.
[27-15:20] MSG: Alberto sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-15:21] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Alberto.
[27-15:22] c36, *Alberto: *and as Nicola would be looking around.. she would see a large man dressed in nothing but black.. watching them... a cocky smirk resting over his lips.. finding amusement in what they're doing... his arms crossed fully over his chest... that olive like skin of his glistens just faintly off of the lights of the night... those deep blue eyes shifting over his surroundings but never once falling from the two*
[27-15:23] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *l*Yes,but their not always about.Most tend to say in areas of the populace to watch for us*
[27-15:23] MSG: Alberto sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-15:25] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She lightly nudges Caine and nods her head in Albertos direction*
[27-15:25] 09c, *Caine Lupas : WE'll work up to it nothing right off the bat
[27-15:28] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *turning his head to see what she's looking at he spots Alberto*Hmm....It would seem another is present*Lifts a hand in greeting to him*
[27-15:29] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *Watches this other man closely ..unsure about him*
[27-15:29] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Alberto.
[27-15:30] c36, *Alberto: *he notes the movement that she makes.. then with a simple smile he backs into the shadows where he seems to fade from veiw... and with a slight burning of blood he would now come out of those same shadows but behind them... and much closer.... ~celerity/obfuscate~... those deep sea like eyes flickering just faintly like a soft candle flame hit by a gentle mid-night breeze...*
[27-15:33] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She blinks and turns sharply to look at the man..she was unsettled by him but tried not to show it instead lightly nodded to him in greeting*
[27-15:34] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *instictively reaches for both berrettas then pulls his hands back*Nicely done quicker than I would have expected
[27-15:36] c36, *Alberto: *he smirks as the man goes for his weapons... but then that smirk fades as the man settles... a small sigh escaping him as he comes to lean against a tree* perhaps.. quickness is all in the power... *his arms remaining crossed over his chest... his gaze shifting from Caine to Nicola then back again*
[27-15:38] 09c, *Caine Lupas : +
[27-15:39] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She was curiouse who this man was and why he felt the need to show them his power but she remains selent leaning against a tree not far from them not wishing to get to close*
[27-15:39] JOIN: Brock has entered.
[27-15:41] 8fb, Brock: <<<< Walks up with Wripped leather JAcket, Biker Boots Shades, a 5:00 shadow, and a crowbar.... Any Questions?????
[27-15:43] 09c, *Caine Lupas : It is..that it is*shifts his weight slightly sizing up this both new comers*Well it's turning out to be a regular party out here now.*watches Brock*
[27-15:45] c36, *Alberto: *his gaze flickers towards the form of Brock... giving a small chuckle then a shake of his head.... he shifts just slightly to make himself comfortable against the tree.. finding this area quite amusing tonight*
[27-15:46] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *Her gaze moved to brock...seemed tonight would be more itnresting than she had hoped
[27-15:47] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Alberto.
[27-15:48] 8fb, Brock: Looks tword Caine..... Well Im here and all you act serprised to see me!
[27-15:49] MSG: Alberto sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-15:50] JOIN: Janus has entered.
[27-15:51] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *looking to Brock*Questions about what? And what do you plan on doing with that?*points to the crow bar*
[27-15:51] c36, *Alberto: ((well i shall return... i must go and get lunch for me and my shepard))
[27-15:52] 8fb, Brock: Hmmm Looks around to see the Looks... Finding a place to lean on, he finds a shadow and just watches for awile
[27-15:52] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((See you when you get back))
[27-15:52] 8fb, Brock: Anything i want
[27-15:53] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : (bye)*she watched her teacher speaking weith the others..observing quietly*
[27-15:55] 8fb, Brock: ANyone Got a Smoke???
[27-15:56] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs at his comment*Anything you want huh?*slips back the left side of his trench revealing a slinced 9mm*Are you sure a bout that?
[27-15:58] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She observed couldnt help but smile as the two men sized each others weapons up*
[27-15:59] 8fb, Brock: Fuck you and your guns, Ill beat you to death, as your fingers uncontolably pull the trigger at everyone but me.... Tread lightly, for you know not what you deal with
[27-16:03] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs again then looks to Nicola*You got a smoke for him I'm fresh out.*allows the trench to slip back into place concealing the berretta again*looking back at Brock*Threats made like that in such an open place could get you hurt*using Obtenebration he lengthens the shadows around them*
[27-16:05] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She pulls a crumbled fag packet from ehr pocket and looks in pulling out a fag and handing it to Caine .she wasnt about to aprouch brock anytime soon*
[27-16:07] 8fb, Brock: *laughs* for someone so dark i would think you would be more hmmmm easygoing.. Im not here to play this My dick is bigger then yours Bullshit.. Relax and let me find a smoke!
[27-16:08] 8fb, Brock: ahhhh.. LAdy is that for me*nods head tword the smoke
[27-16:10] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : She nodded gently*
[27-16:10] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *takes the smoke from her and hands it to Brock*Well when one approaches as you did one in my position expects trouble.
[27-16:13] 8fb, Brock: *walks over to Caine* Thanx Babe*Lights up and Looks back at Caine* Its My American Express Card... I never leave home without it.
[27-16:15] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nods*Then I take it yuir the type to raise a bunch of rabble like noise then?
[27-16:18] 8fb, Brock: I claim no clan but a friend to many
[27-16:20] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nods,knowing Brock caught what he meant*Well then welcome. I am Caine and this*motions to Nicola*is Nicola.
[27-16:21] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She nods to brock as she moves to caines side*
[27-16:23] 8fb, Brock: *takes a drag and inhales deeply* Thanks, its a good night to meet you all, You can call me Brock
[27-16:24] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *droping the Obten he lets the shadows return to normal* Well then I say we all head to The Dawn or back to the club. Brock yuir free to join us,if you wish.*looks to Nicola*Whens yuir nxet shift?
[27-16:26] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : Im off tomorrow so no rush
[27-16:26] 8fb, Brock: *takes another drag* Id love to. I need to see what the town has to offer anyhow. I am new to this place so i need to find my grounds
[27-16:29] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Okay then We'll take a rain check on the teachings and introduce our new friend here the Los Angeles*looks back to Brock and smiles*Then there are several places to go,I'm presently headed to the bar.
[27-16:30] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (*to=the)
[27-16:31] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She links her arm around his a little weary of Brock and it probably showed as she nodded to the idea of showing him around*
[27-16:33] JOIN: Windra has entered.
[27-16:34] eac, Windra: hi yall
[27-16:34] eac, Windra: what yall doing today
[27-16:35] JOIN: Windra has entered.
[27-16:35] 09c, *Caine Lupas : (Hi,we're presently Rping care to join?)
[27-16:35] EXIT: Windra has left the chat ( 2:35pm, September 27 (CDT) ).
[27-16:36] JOIN: Windra has entered.
[27-16:36] eac, Windra: sure I would like to
[27-16:36] eac, Windra: what r yall talking about
[27-16:37] 09c, *Caine Lupas : So Brock does the bar sound good?*nods in the direction of the street*
[27-16:37] eac, Windra: hu hellooo
[27-16:38] 8fb, Brock: LEt us go then, And to you Nicola, You need not be so leary, for i won't harm you! That is unless you like that type of thing... Then it would be a pleasure* as a smile emerges to show imusment rather then vulgarity....
[27-16:39] eac, Windra: anyone there
[27-16:39] 8fb, Brock: And the bar sounds good Caine
[27-16:40] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((You gotta slip Ic,wait do you know how to role play?))
[27-16:41] eac, Windra: no
[27-16:41] 09c, *Caine Lupas : Alright then*to Nicola*To The Dawn or would you like to go else where?
[27-16:41] MSG: Brock sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-16:42] eac, Windra: I'l stay here
[27-16:44] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : Im not to fussed*said with a smile*but your buying me a drink*an almsot cheeky grin on her face*
[27-16:44] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She looked to Brock with a raised brow*been there donw that got the tshirt*seeming unamused*
[27-16:44] eac, Windra: hay yall r ignoring meeeee....I feel sad now
[27-16:46] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *grins*I'll buy the first round for all of us*nods toBrock*Follow us then*walks to the street corner and hails a cab*I really don't feel like walking.Any of you object?
[27-16:48] 8fb, Brock: (((( Windra, Were Roleplaying, No offense, but were involved in other things
[27-16:48] 09c, *Caine Lupas : ((Okay Windra,pay attention to what what type if you follow our lead then I'm sure you can get the hang of roleplaying))
[27-16:49] 8fb, Brock: Not at all
[27-16:50] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She shakes her head and waits for him to enter the cab aswell*im lazy so a cab sounds great
[27-16:51] eac, Windra: I'm sorry
[27-16:51] eac, Windra: bye
[27-16:52] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *opens the door to the cab*Ladys take front seat* then opens the back door and slides in*
[27-16:53] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Nicola Jennings.
[27-16:54] EXIT: Windra has left the chat ( 2:51pm, September 27 (CDT) ).
[27-16:54] MSG: Nicola Jennings sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-16:54] 8fb, Brock: *Walks to the other side of the car and gets into the backseat* God the smell always gets to me!
[27-16:55] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *She slips into the front seat and winks at the cab driver who she knows from the club and promptly tells them this ride is on the house*
[27-16:56] MSG: Caine Lupas sent a message to Nicola Jennings.
[27-16:57] MSG: Nicola Jennings sent a message to Caine Lupas.
[27-16:58] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *laughs at Brocks comment then to the driver he tells him to head to The Before The Dawn Bar*
[27-16:58] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : (thats promptly the cab driver tells them its free hehehe)
[27-17:01] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *to Brock*So What brings you into L.A.?
[27-17:04] 8fb, Brock: Im Hungry* as he smiles a one fanged grin* That and to see a new place *
[27-17:06] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : Arent we all*glancing to Caine as she speaks..then turns to the cab driver and does some small talk with him leaving caine and brock to speak*
[27-17:06] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *gives Brock a stern look*I can understand that but here in L.A. we are descreet in the presence of others*nods in the direction of the drive*
[27-17:08] d5a, *Nicola Jennings : *Kisses the drivers cheek in thaks as he pulls up to the bar..she then slips out of the seat and runs her hands down her dress to take out the creases...*
[27-17:09] 8fb, Brock: Yah, I can understand, but to tell you the truth, I don't give a damn, Im tired of hiding from Cattle. There here for the slaughter, and ill let them know before they die
[27-17:10] 8fb, Brock: *opens the door as he looks back at Caine* Were the Preditors, Not them
[27-17:10] 8fb, Brock: *gets out of the Car*
[27-17:11] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *opens his door and pulls out three twenties handing them to the driver*I know it was on the house so take this for yuirself*to Brock*So you choose not to fall under Camarilla law?*gets out and close the door*
[27-17:11] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *She waits for the other two to exit ..hearing brocks words and frowning thinking that wasnt a good idea at all*
[27-17:12] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *She walks to the door swaying her hips..her overly long hair swaying at her back almost un naturaly as she opens the door and almost inhales the air*
[27-17:15] 8fb, Brock: THe Wha?????LAw??? Ok Where in hell am I?
[27-17:15] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *following Nicola to the door he looks back at Brock*Welcome to the Before the Dawn Bar*opens a slip of abyss and walks into it come out the other end in the bar*
[27-17:17] 8fb, Brock: *shaking his head as he catches back up to Caine, Umm Don't tell me The Cam rule this city too???
[27-17:17] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *waiting at a table for the other two to enter he orders a drink from the waitress going by*
[27-17:18] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *Takes a seat beside Caine frowning a little as a few men watch her knowing full well wherre she is from*
[27-17:21] 8fb, Brock: *walks to the Table and sits down*you cant tell me this city is ruled by the Cam!* Waives for a waitress
[27-17:22] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *orders a white wine before the waitress heads off..glancing to Brock she doesnt say anything thining Caine needs to tellhim a few things*
[27-17:26] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *now speaking under his breath*Yes Los Angeles is under the Ivory Towers' watch.Certain things don't go unnoticed.
[27-17:27] 465, *Nicola Jennings : *She stands suddenly and whispers into Caines ear*I have to go there are two many regulars to the burning bush...there eyes are on me and its freaking me out*she kissed his cheek and slipped him a card with her details..then nodded goodbye to Brock and out of the pub quickly*
[27-17:31] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *nods to Nicola and takes the card as he watches her leave*
[27-17:34] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *turning back to Brock*She appologizes for the rushed exit but she had to go handle some other business
[27-17:35] 8fb, Brock: its ok* But i need to go as well, if what you have told me is true, I need to take care of some business
[27-17:43] 09c, *Caine Lupas : It is. I hope to run in to you again.*looks at his watch*It seems we all have business to attend to
[27-17:44] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *raises from his chair and extends his hand*It was interesting meeting you
[27-17:47] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *opening another slip of abyss he slides into it leaveingthe bar*
[27-17:48] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 3:47pm, September 27 (CDT) ).
[27-20:50] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[27-21:36] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[27-22:06] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *comes out of her bedroom in her Spider-Man boxers and a faded UCLA t-shirt. Her red hair is a tousled mess, signifying a moderate sleep disorder. On her way to the kitchen, she looks over the back of the couch. Yep, that long, lean form is still stretched out there like it had been the other 5 or 6 times she'd checked through out the sleepless night. Though now, she's up for the day and puts on a pot of coffee. Once it's brewing, she goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower*
[27-22:13] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : *starts to wake up and moves to roll over, just barley realizing he’s on a couch in time and puts a hand on the floor to push himself back up before he falls onto the floor. He flinches slightly as he sits up and looks around, taking a minute to remember where his is as he runs a hand through his already messed up hair and glances around for his shoes, unable to remember what he did with them*
[27-22:17] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *comes out of the bathroom a few moments later... probably right about when he's looking around* You look like you can use some coffee. *back in the pj's, but now her hair is wet and pulled up. Her legs slim, but lightly muscular from hours on heels. Though, she's not all that flaunting, even when she's at work.*
[27-22:19] JOIN: sam andrews has entered.
[27-22:19] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : Huh…oh…yeah…coffee good *is really not a morning person, not hard to figure out for anyone who’s seen how much he drinks at night. He blinks a few times and shakes his head* You wouldn’t happen to know what I did with my shoes would you?
[27-22:20] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *just shakes her head on her way to the kitchen* no. I'm sure you were wearing them when you came in, though. ((*wave wave to Sam*))
[27-22:22] fca, *sam andrews: ((*waves, then has to go poofies, damnit*))
[27-22:22] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : Me to, otherwise my feet would hurt a lot more *stands up and looks around, but still can’t seem to spot the elusive shoes, and almost knocks over the empty bottle next to the couch that he’d left there after finishing it off before sleeping/passing out the night before*
[27-22:27] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Just take it easy. There's no use trying to do anything until you've had some coffee. *she disappears into the kitchen and returns with a cup of black coffee... just a guess, though she has the cream and sugar if he desires. She hands him the cup, also bearing a UCLA logo* Here.
[27-22:31] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : Thank you *drinks a little of the coffee* I think I’m going to sit down again *does exactly that without waiting for a response or anything else*
[27-22:32] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *once her hands are free of the mug, she sits in her cozy, oversized chair* Sure. Are you going to make it?
[27-22:33] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : I’ll be fine…I just don’t do well in the mornings, usually why I end up sleeping or drinking through them *takes a couple more sips of the coffee*
[27-22:34] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : It's a little after one if that makes you feel any better. I'm a little surprised I didn't have to take you to the hospital.
[27-22:37] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : *he laughs a little before drinking more of the coffee* I don’t need hospitals. They only make things worse anyway, and I was just drinking, same problem as always.
[27-22:44] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Yeah. They tend to ask more questions then they need to. *curls her feet up under her* I think you made the smart move just passing out here. You really shouldn't wander around drunk like that
[27-22:45] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : Well, I was trying to get home. I couldn’t stay where I was before that *continues to take small drinks of the coffee* But thank you for letting me stay, you didn’t have to.
[27-22:48] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I know. *just looks at him with quiet eyes, looking very young in her big shirt in the big chair* and you're welcome.
[27-22:49] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[27-22:51] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : *nods and finishes the cup of coffee* I can get out of your way as soon as I find my shoes, I should be fine now.
[27-22:52] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *follows him with only her eyes* Want to talk about it? I don't have anywhere to be.
[27-22:55] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : I…yeah…but your just gonna think it’s stupid and….well…yeah. *just stares at the coffee cup*
[27-22:56] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I heard a couple of 'yeahs' and not a single 'no'... so just have a seat. What do you care what I think anyway? *smirks, the joke meant to ease his nerves*
[27-23:00] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : *gets comfortable on the couch and sighs* Just because I do alright? I don’t know why, but I do. Anyway. *pauses, still having some trouble with this, he knows it’ll sound stupid to anyone else, he just doesn’t think anyone else would get it* Okay….last night…I went out and …sorta picked up some girl and went back to her place. Somehow I thought it would make my life a little better, and honestly after…it really just made me feel a whole lot worse, and I snuck out.
[27-23:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : What is there to feel bad about? *she doesn't look all that surprised, or judgemental, but she definately doesn't understand where he's coming from*
[27-23:08] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : I…*now this is the really hard part* before last night…damnit *stops to collect his thoughts then actually looks up at her* Until last night I had only slept with one woman in my entire life, and I had been planning on marrying her. She…died before we could get married…it’s been years but it still feels like somehow…like I betrayed her by having a one night stand with a girl who’s name I can’t even remember.
[27-23:10] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Oh *doesn't stumble for words as much as one may expect* Well, maybe you're just ready to get on with your life. There's nothing to feel guilty about with that.
[27-23:13] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : Except I don’t want to get on with my life...I don’t even really want a life at all*looks back down at the mug* Not that I really seem to have a choice.
[27-23:15] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : You're body does seem pretty intent on living... so you may as well just forgive yourself and go on. *which happens to be something she says to herself quite a bit... it's so rare she gets to say it for someone else* You're doing the best you can. You can't blame yourself for that.
[27-23:17] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : No…I gotta plenty of other things to blame myself for…I should really go…I’m just bothering you and I need to get back to the hotel, it’s rent day.
[27-23:18] 221, *Cookie Monster: *huggles Jayde and Envy before signing off for the night*
[27-23:18] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Alright. But, if you were bothering me, I would have kicked you out. *stands up and takes the cup from him* See you at work later.
[27-23:19] 52b, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah *walks for the door, finding the shoes on his way, both in different places* And….thanks again *slips out the door quickly after that and out of the building*
[27-23:20] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 9:18pm, September 27 (CDT) ).
[27-23:20] EXIT: Jayde has left the chat ( 9:20pm, September 27 (CDT) ).
[27-23:21] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 9:18pm, September 27 (CDT) ).
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[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
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[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-11:22] EXIT: Caine Lupas has left the chat ( 9:22am, September 28 (CDT) ).
[28-11:23] JOIN: Wraith has entered.
[28-11:25] 09c, Wraith: (*pokes around*Heeeellooooo?*waits for an echo*)
[28-11:27] 09c, Wraith: (*shakes his head*bah)
[28-11:27] EXIT: Wraith has left the chat ( 9:27am, September 28 (CDT) ).
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[28-12:27] EXIT: Wraith has left the chat ( 10:26am, September 28 (CDT) ).
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[28-12:47] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 10:47am, September 28 (CDT) ).
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[28-12:58] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 10:58am, September 28 (CDT) ).
[28-13:54] JOIN: Alton Wraith has entered.
[28-13:55] 09c, *Alton Wraith: ((pic test))
[28-13:56] 09c, *Alton Wraith: ((*pokes the shadows*Heeellooo?))
[28-14:00] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.

Chat cleared by Envy.
[28-19:53] JOIN: Alberto has entered.
[28-19:53] c36, *Alberto: ((*test*))
[28-20:02] 9b9, ºMadi: (test)
[28-20:03] JOIN: Alberto has entered.
[28-20:03] c36, *Alberto: ((*waves*))
[28-20:05] 9b9, ºMadi : *takes a final look at a list scrawled down on a sheet of paper before she stuffs it into the back pocket of her black leather pants. She hadn't brought much with her to LA... things she hadn't even thought about, like a bed. Though, she had left in quite a rush. But now, she'd figured out the essentials and was headed down the streets to find any late night furniture stores... preferably antique*
[28-20:05] 9b9, ºMadi : (blue)
[28-20:06] 9b9, ºMadi : (again)
[28-20:18] c36, *Alberto: *he removes himself from within the shadows... his gaze following that woman that seems to be walking along the midnight streets... his arms crossed fully over his chest.... his jaw tightening just slightly.. simply taking in the veiw of this beauty... his coat flaring down around him like a blanket of enternal darkness*
[28-20:21] 9b9, ºMadi : *just continues down the street, now quite aware that she's being followed. She turns a corner, but then just flattens herself against a wall, her hand moving to her back to wrap around the gun tucked in the back of her pants. Patient, she stands and waits for her follower to pass.*
[28-20:31] c36, *Alberto: *no he does not pass... instead he slips into the shadows once again.... vanishing completely for a moment.... his eyes searching for her... a small smile playing against his pale lips.... watching her*
[28-20:33] 9b9, ºMadi : *after a while, she peeks around the corner. She knows enough to know that just because you don't see something, it doesn't mean it's not there. She drops her hand from the gun, as she can get it again just as quickly, and continues down the street. She can never be too careful these days*
[28-20:38] c36, *Alberto: *and he continues to follow her... watching her closely.. her every step... his nostrils flare at her scent... his eyes close just for a moment as he takes it in.... then those deep sea like eyes flash open once again as his lips twist into a dark smile.... he's hungry... and this one is the closest thing*
[28-20:42] 9b9, ºMadi : *is not even a human... duh. To a human, she would just appear very confident and graceful in her step, but another immortal would be able to spot her, which is something she needs to work on. She's never had to hide before. However, she doesn't need to be causing any kind of disruption on the street, so she ducks into the first shop on her list: an antique store that guaranteed they had just the sofa and chairs she'd been looking for*
[28-21:12] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[28-21:16] 9b9, ºMadi : ((jayde my hero!))
[28-21:33] 576,Lennon Smith: ((test))
[28-21:40] 576,Lennon Smith : *is walking down the street, staying to the shadows. He’s dressed in Death Dealer clothes, though that’s because he hasn’t stopped to change since leaving the mansion. It hadn’t really been that hard to get out, despite being told he was not to leave, especially considering the reason he wanted to leave. He’d just done the exact same thing he’d done the last time he’d had to leave and didn’t want to be followed; he made them think he’d gone missing because of Lycans. They would probably figure it out this time, but at the moment that wasn’t his problem. Finding Madi was the current issue of the day, and so far it's proven a bit harder than he had thought it would have been*
[28-21:45] 9b9, ºMadi : *comes out of the store, frowning at how difficult it had been to get them to deliver the following night, instead of the day. These Americans... they weren't impressing her so far. She stops a few steps outside of the store and looks around. The presence that had been following her seems to be gone, so she pulls out her list and heads toward the next stop... weapons. Not having the lab wasn't actully as hard as she'd thought, however, she had been left alone far too long with her own thoughts*
[28-21:51] 576,Lennon Smith : *And very suddenly the search has gotten much easier as he spots her across the street. He’s completely frozen in his tracks for the instant when he first sees her, his brain just shutting down with relief to see that she was not only here, but that she was alright. He didn’t know why, but he had been worried something might have happened to her by now, even though he knows she can take care of herself. He waits just a few moments more before crossing the street, not trying to hide his approach as he does. He doesn’t want to sneak up on her, he wants her to know it’s him and that he’s coming*
[28-21:55] 9b9, ºMadi : *the alarms go off in her head that something not human was coming in her direction. She pulls the gun from her back and whirls on a heel. There doesn't seem to be very much hiding of guns in this city, which is something she'll have to get used to. Yet, her own safety is a bit more important than hiding. besides, it's not that hard for her to disappear. Though when she sees who she's pointing the gun at, she blinks once, then again and her hostile face softens. She almost lowers the gun, but she doesn't. She can't be certain why he's here and the fact that he's in hunting garb doesn't help* How did you find me?
[28-22:01] 576,Lennon Smith : I know you, so I figured you’d go about as far away as you could get, and I started to look in those places, and ask the right people questions to find you. I still have contacts in a lot of places. It really wasn’t all that hard to figure out the city. Then I just…went out to find you *he stops where he is after the gun is pointed at him, and he doesn’t move except to talk*
[28-22:04] 9b9, ºMadi : *she lowers the gun, knowing it was unnecessary, but she just had to be smart about things like that* Did they send you after me?
[28-22:06] 576,Lennon Smith : Even if they did do you really think you need to be worried? *pauses for a moment* And no, as far as their concerned I was killed by a Lycan and they just haven’t found the body yet.
[28-22:08] 9b9, ºMadi : *shrugs one shoulder, the heavier one holding the gun* They're pretty shallow. It would have been stupid not to ask. *tucks the gun back into the back of her pants* The safety was on anyway.
[28-22:11] 576,Lennon Smith : *shrugs* A gun is a gun. *still just stands there, looking at her. It’s not a hard look or mad or anything else along those lines. If anything it’s confused* What are you doing here?
[28-22:12] 9b9, ºMadi : *smiles a little* Well, I wanted to get as far away from the coven as I could. This seemed like a good city to disappear in. *takes a step back on the wide sidewalk* But you'd better get out of the street before you get hit by a bus.
[28-22:17] 576,Lennon Smith : Well it already seems like I know what that feels like metaphorically speaking *he walks up onto the sidewalk, still looking at her* And that wasn’t what I really meant with that question. But I guess that’s my fault for not being clear…why? Well, more of, why did you leave the way you did?
[28-22:21] 9b9, ºMadi : I couldn't take the chance that you'd talk me out of it. I was going to leave you a note, but that felt cheap and I didn't know what else to do.
[28-22:24] 576,Lennon Smith : So, leaving a note is cheap, and walking out without saying a word is better…how? *doesn’t even try to hide the sarcasm in that one, even a little surprised himself by it he hadn’t intended that*
[28-22:26] 9b9, ºMadi : I said that I didn't know what else to do. If you had asked me to stay, like you had before, I would have. I couldn't be in that house anymore. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I didn't want to, but I had to get out of there.
[28-22:31] 576,Lennon Smith : You could have asked me to leave with you *said kind of quietly* I actually probably would have gone. That house…that’s not my house anymore. It’s never going to be again. You and Kali would be the only things keeping me there…you more than Kali. Kali can take care of herself…and she doesn’t really want me around anyway.
[28-22:34] 9b9, ºMadi : I thought about asking you, but it just never seemed right. I guess I didn't realize how unhappy you were there, also. I really am sorry. I didn't think you'd track me down, but I was hoping somewhere in the back of my mind that you would.
[28-22:39] 576,Lennon Smith : Of course I would. What else was I going to do, nothing? I’m not the kind of man who just does nothing. And I was not going to stay in that house by myself…it just…*stops and shakes his head* One more week and I would have finally been driven literally insane.
[28-22:42] 9b9, ºMadi : *takes a couple steps towards him and reaches out, putting her hand on his fore arm* I was scared and I didn't know what to do. I've never done anything like this before. I really am sorry that I made such a mistake *is so British, her lovely thick accent making her words seem so much more important*
[28-22:46] 576,Lennon Smith : It’s….it’s alright. It’s not like I can lecture you on proper etiquette when ducking out of the mansion. I didn’t exactly do so well the first time I did it *smiles, any anger that was there starting to fade away* And I can’t blame you for wanting to get out either.
[28-22:49] 9b9, ºMadi : *drops her hand, not wanting to be too pushy. He has a right to be sore with her and she knows it. She wouldn't want to rob him of that* Have you ever been to America before?
[28-22:52] 576,Lennon Smith : No….and I can’t say I much care for it so far either….anywhere in Europe seems better to me than this place *gives a slight glance around while he talks*
[28-22:53] 9b9, ºMadi : That's what I thought... so this is where I came. I figured they'd never look for me here, or be so disgusted that they'd give up.
[28-22:53] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-22:55] 576,Lennon Smith : You have a pretty good shot on both counts. I’m just too stubborn for my own good so here I am.
[28-22:55] 9b9, ºMadi : ((yo, urchin))
[28-22:57] 9b9, ºMadi : And I'm glad that you are. I could use a friend in this place. Although, I didn't bring much of anything with me. I was out doing some shopping *digs into her pocket for the list*
[28-22:59] bad, Street Urchin: ((Hola.))
[28-23:03] 576,Lennon Smith : Well, you’re farther than me then. This *holds his arms out* is all I brought with me.
[28-23:06] 9b9, ºMadi : *takes the opportunity of his arms being outstretched to place herself within them* And that's all that I should have brought in the first place.
[28-23:06] JOIN: moth has entered.
[28-23:09] 576,Lennon Smith : *And that’s all it takes to melt away what little anger is left in him and he hugs her* I’m very glad you realize that. *can’t help laughing a little bit when he says it*
[28-23:11] 9b9, ºMadi : I drained one of the accounts and spread it out through out Switzerland. I figure I've earned it. The house I bought is a bit of a wreck, but I don't have much else to do but remodel it.
[28-23:13] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[28-23:15] 576,Lennon Smith : You do deserve it, more than anyone else in that house does. And remodeling houses is fun…or so I’ve heard. *can’t help a slight shrug* I don’t exactly know much about remodeling, everywhere I’ve lived was already as good as it was going to get…but that’s what I’ve heard.
[28-23:15] 9b9, ºMadi : ((everyone, I put a new poll up for your polling pleasure))
[28-23:18] 9b9, ºMadi : There are books on it, I'm sure. My computer will be arriving tomorrow. But, for now, I say that we get you some pajamas. You look tired.
[28-23:20] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[28-23:20] 576,Lennon Smith : Yeah….well, it was a really long flight. I hate airports. *a little reluctantly lets her go* I’m assuming you know all the stores open at night around here? Or at least one or two?
[28-23:23] 9b9, ºMadi : *holds up the paper for him to get at least a decent look for the scrawled words on it* I have a list.
[28-23:24] 576,Lennon Smith : Good, lists are good. I’m so lucky your organized *grins*
[28-23:26] 9b9, ºMadi : *tucks the list back in her pocket and... goes shopping because her player is going to die on her keyboard if she doesn't get some sleep*
[28-23:26] 576,Lennon Smith : ((Go, sleep before it's to late. Night))
[28-23:27] EXIT: Lennon Smith has left the chat ( 9:26pm, September 28 (CDT) ).
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[29-14:58] 09c, *Alton Wraith: '/nick newname'
[29-14:59] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:59pm, September 29 (CDT) ).
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[29-15:09] 09c, *Caine Lupas: ((pic test))
[29-15:09] 09c, *Alton Wraith: ((pic test))
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[29-18:32] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[29-18:32] 09c, *Caine Lupas: (('Ello?))
[29-19:52] 9b9, ºEnvy: Caine... ya just come too late, or too early
[29-20:54] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[29-20:55] 9b9, ºEnvy: Jayde! yay! I'm here again. It's incredible how little homework you have when you don't go to classes all week *le smirk... then le cough*
[29-20:57] 295, *Jayde: lol, yeah, that's how it ussualy works
[29-20:59] 9b9, ºEnvy: I tried to go today, but my German professor kicked me out and told me to go to the health center. I really don't feel crappy, I'm just coughing like a dying old person.
[29-21:00] 295, *Jayde: So you just got a bad cough? I've had that before, I ussualy stayed home, was just easier, and I bothered people to much with my coughing
[29-21:13] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[29-21:14] e20, *Squirrel: CSI just made me puke....bleh.
[29-21:17] e20, *Squirrel: ...Looks like I came in a bit late...ah well...
[29-21:18] 295, *Jayde: *lurks about* Hey, CSI hasn't been on here yet
[29-21:20] e20, *Squirrel: Yeah, well, that New York one...just made me sick..bleh. Anyways, hey Jade
[29-21:58] 9b9, ºEnvy: I'm baaaaack
[29-22:00] e20, *Squirrel: *Huggles Envy* WB
[29-22:01] 9b9, ºEnvy: thanks, darlin
[29-22:02] e20, *Squirrel: ^_^
[29-22:03] JOIN: moth has entered.
[29-22:04] e20, *Squirrel: And there's Mothman
[29-22:04] 9b9, ºEnvy: *whistles and waits for Jayde to get off the phone*
[29-22:07] e20, *Squirrel: *Hums idly and searches for pictures*
[29-22:10] EXIT: moth has left the chat ( 8:04pm, September 29 (CDT) ).
[29-22:10] e20, *Squirrel:'s hard as hell to fins non-nude and non-blatent hentai pics of Mai Shiranui
[29-22:11] e20, *Squirrel: *Find
[29-22:11] 295,Lennon Smith : *is smiling as he looks around the club. So far it seemed like it had been a good idea, at least to him. He wasn’t exactly sure about Madi, but he’d like to think he’d made a good choice. And besides, he hadn’t been able to find anywhere else on short notice, and he had been on a mission to find a good club. Hopefully as the night progressed it would turn out that he had found one*
[29-22:11] 9b9, ºEnvy: Squirrel, you'd best get into your RP hat. Jayde's postin'
[29-22:14] 9b9, ºMadi : *does a pretty good job of not clinging to Lennon. All of these people bashing about... the noise. It's quite a bit for her to take in. But she stands a reasonable distance from him, just looking around, checking it all out*
[29-22:18] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Is dancing on the floor right now, hopping and a jumping with the other ravers/dancers to the music and in one of her newer clubbin outfits, quite cleraly enjoying herself with the glowbands and such, moving them in the semi-darkness with the others to form a neon rainbow*
[29-22:21] 295,Lennon Smith : *not that he would be all that upset if she was clinging to him, but he knows better than that. After a few more minutes of looking around though, he leans closer to her so that he won’t have to yell to be heard over the noise, even though she probably would be more likely to hear him despite all that, but no sense in making things harder just because* Do you want to go dance now?
[29-22:25] 9b9, ºMadi : *she looks at him surprised, as if she hadn't expected him to ask. Which, of course, she had and she'd been dreading it as much as looking forward to it. Does she even need to say that she doesn't know how? When she tries to give him a confident smile, it comes out all wrong... more like a twisted, sheepish half-smile*
[29-22:28] 295,Lennon Smith : You don’t have to dance you know. If you don’t want to. We could just sit *offers her a smile. He doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable, but he had made a promise a while back that he was trying very hard to keep. But he wasn’t going to do it at her expense, this was suppose to make her happy, not upset at all*
[29-22:29] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Pfft dancing. This wasn't really dancing, just a bunch of jumping and grinding, though some had some skill and were actually dancing with their partners and what not, but for now it was mainly a big, writhing mass of bodies going to the flow of the music...which is what Shika is part of, and loving it*
[29-22:31] 9b9, ºMadi : We didn't come here to sit. *she turns her head and looks back over the jumping people. It had been quite some time since she'd seen dancing... and boy has it changed*
[29-22:35] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[29-22:36] 221, *Cookie Monster: *sneak huggles his Envy*
[29-22:36] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[29-22:36] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Shika's more on the inside of the group, probably only being spotted from someone with a higher vantage as she's hidden by the taller people mainly, though one might catch a glimpse of her hair here and there. She keeps going along with the music, squishing herself into the eb and flow of the crowd*
[29-22:37] 9b9, ºMadi : ((*pat pats cookie*))
[29-22:39] 221, *Cookie Monster: ((*ponders who to play... Jihan going to see what its like dancing without getting payed, Damali looking for some simple fun, or Eyad, looking for a new avenue of business*
[29-22:41] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *strolling thruogh the streets of L.A. he lets his thoughts roll through his mind*
[29-22:43] 295,Lennon Smith : Then come on…trust me, there is really no skill involved anymore, it’s easy *smiles again. While she hadn’t been out among humans for a very long time, he had a while back, and he’d seen this before. It wasn’t anything like it used to be, but if you did it right it was fun. He takes her hand and leads her toward the dance floor, silently praying he hasn’t made a huge mistake*
[29-22:45] 09c, *Caine Lupas : *looking at his watch he realizes he's gonna be later and heads to work*
[29-22:47] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *A half block from Reality, two women dressed quite well are headed towards the highly popularized club. Both have dark skin and an accent that would be identified as being vaguely arabic if one were to listen to it, though the sound is sweet enough to be exotic rather than difficult to understand* Hurry the hell up Damali... I wanna get to the place before half the nights gone.
[29-22:47] 9b9, ºMadi : *thinks that they all just look pretty silly, jumping about like that... but if he says it's fun, then it must be. Although, her idea of fun is somewhat skewed, being a nerd and all. But she follows withougt hesitation, except for when she gets knocked around and her hand is forced to pull out of his. Naturally, she'd trip right over the little Asian*
[29-22:51] 9b9, ºMadi : (*makes do with what she has pic wise... even though it doesn't totally fit*)
[29-22:53] 9b9, ºMadi : (this one's better)
[29-22:53] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Gets tripped over* Ouch! *Comes back to reality and down from the excitement, falling into some random guy, who in turn falls into another person, and who falls into someone else. She manages to gather her balance somewhat and gets up in half-crouch, looking about for the person that caused this as she begins helping the man she fell into up*
[29-22:54] 221, *Damali Aloula: You wouldn't be so late if you didn't have to drag me along...
[29-22:54] 09c, *Caine Lupas: *In mid-stride he turns around and heads home remembering other important things*
[29-22:55] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Oh no... don't think that I'll let you just lay about in your room with your little girlfriend when I can be getting you into trouble. *Damali visibly looks worried at this prospect*
[29-22:55] 9b9, ºMadi : *as she was bumped into first... she wasn't the cause. She just winces and looks at Lennon* So, their balance hasn't gotten any better?
[29-23:00] 295,Lennon Smith : Getting better would imply some level of proficiency to start off with *kinda half smiles. He’s suddenly finding that his brilliant idea to come here is probably very not brilliant. But it’s a little late now, and he’s still going to attempt to salvage the night* You just need to…keep an eye out. *glances over her shoulder at the woman Madi had run into, hoping it wasn’t going to turn into a problem*
[29-23:02] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Apparently not as all that was caused, but hey, they weren't prepared for it and it certaintly didn't slow down things that much. The club's music helps conceal what Madi said, at least to her, and she begins to dance with the gentlemen she just ran into, figuring it would be a nice gesture, the search for the person who had run into her over and forgotten really*
[29-23:03] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[29-23:03] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *the two get in line for the club and after a decent wait, come to the guy letting people in. Jihan immediatly shoves Damali in front of herself* Let us in for free and she'll give you the best damn blowjob you've ever had. *Damali of course looks horribly appauled*
[29-23:03] 9b9, ºMadi : More like put an eye out. *expertly ducks away from another full body attack from some X-head* So... are you going to teach me? *and oh how snooty she sounds with her thick accent*
[29-23:06] 221, *Damali Aloula: *fortunately for Damali's dignity (what little a stripper gets to be entitled to), the bouncer in question mummbles something about not being into latino chicks and says they still have to pay. Jihan grumbles about this and pays for the two of them and enter*
[29-23:07] 295,Lennon Smith : I didn’t think it would be that hard to pick up on, but I suppose I could see how you would have trouble *laughs a little but he reaches over and pulls her close to him, it helps with the teaching, not to mention it’s not exactly upsetting to him to be this close to her, and it also makes it easier to avoid getting separated and for him to help her avoid getting bumped again.* You just have to flow with the music like this, trust me it won’t take long to get it.
[29-23:10] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *And she would return to the usual hopping and holding her partner close to bump with, naturally flowing into the writhing mass that was before*
[29-23:11] 9b9, ºMadi : So I just... jump around like an ass and rub up against you like a.... *decides not to finish because she was brought up better than that* I think I can handle that.
[29-23:13] 295,Lennon Smith : I thought you could *he can’t help grinning, laughing a bit as he can fill in the rest of that sentence himself, and whenever she’s proper like that it’s just…something he likes. This whole thing was turning out to be very amusing to him at least.* Come on, it’s not that bad is it?
[29-23:18] 09c, *Alton Wraith : *riding into town he passes The Reality and notices the long line, reving his Harley as he turns on the next street looking for a place to park and mutters to himself*I hope this place is livelier than that last club I went to.*finds a place to park his motorcycle and pulls in keying of the Harley. As he gets off he lets his eyes fallon the surounding area watching all who pass by him*Well Carpe Noctum.*heads to get in line of the Reality*
[29-23:19] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Gets herself disentangled from the man's roaming hands, them getting a just a little bit to far than she'd like. Excusing herself, she heads out, brushing past the primp and proper, before getting out and wiping her forehead* an obstacle course...*Shakes her head and heads over to the bar, ordering up something nice and cooling*
[29-23:19] 9b9, ºMadi : It's not bad, just strange. *a woman who's spent the better part of two centuries in a basement building weapons would naturally have to take a few minutes to ajust when she comes out to find the world full of ravers. But, she is a fast learner. Closing her eyes, her body starts to move against his in lovely, liquid gestures that should be at least slightly recognizable to him*
[29-23:20] 221, *Damali Aloula: *Damali immediatly splits off from her sister, heading for the roudiest mess of dancers while Jihan heads to the bar to kick start her evening with one of her favorite games: drunk taunting*
[29-23:28] 295,Lennon Smith : *he knew she’d get it eventually, the trick had been to get her to try it out, and suddenly this idea is seeming brilliant again. He can’t remember every having enjoyed dancing this much before. But then he’d never gone dancing with Madi before, and only dancing a few times like this before besides that. And he hadn’t been with anyone one he much cared for then. But this is definitely proving to be much more fun that other more ‘proper’ forms of dancing, and much more fun than anything because he’s with Madi*
[29-23:31] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *She turns to Jihan, looking her over for a little bit with a slight smile before returning to her drink and taking it up in one gulp, ordering another*
[29-23:31] 9b9, ºMadi : *her arms slip around his neck and she leans up to speak closer to his ear, mostly because she doesn't really want other people in on what she's saying* So, are you going to keep 'working'.
[29-23:33] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *gives Shika a firey smile back, and immediatly plops herself into the lap of the nearest man that looks too intoxicated to know what to do when a hot chick plops down on his lap*
[29-23:33] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Hey cutey, buy me a drink. Make it strong.
[29-23:35] 295,Lennon Smith : Madi…are you really going to try and make me actually have to work at thinking about something right now? *is said mostly as a joke to deflect the question, as he really hadn’t thought about it or given it much thought yet. He had been preoccupied with just getting to LA in the first place, he still hadn’t much moved beyond that in his thinking*
[29-23:37] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Chuckles a little at the site and goes between her drink and looking at the spectacle, giggling inside the glass when she brings it back to her lips for another drink* Oh my...the lucky bastard...*Shakes her head slightly, looking back to the dance floor and watching the others go about dancing*
[29-23:38] 9b9, ºMadi : *her mind hadn't stopped thinking about it, even for a second. But, she smiles warmly as he calls her on one of her flaws: being a total buzzkill* Sorry.
[29-23:40] 295,Lennon Smith : It’s a valid question and all, just….not what’s on my mind right now *laughs a little again, but does note that this issue will have to be resolved at some point*
[29-23:40] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *the man orders two, one for her, one for himself. When they arive, Jihan downs her whilst her companion takes a sip. She then finishes his and tells him to order some more. The fool complies and she gets two more rounds off him in this manner before the though processes start working in the back of her brain. By that time she's allready excused herself, pulled off his lap, made to head to the restroom, and plopped herself on the lap of the man on the other side of Shika*
[29-23:44] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Looks to the couple dancing, being able to make them out almost immeadiatly as non-regulars, thinking it was sweet that he would be like that to her. When Jihan sets herself back down on the lap of the other, she giggles, watching her for a moment and ordering up a couple more drinks, figuring she might as well be next for the woman's attention*
[29-23:45] 9b9, ºMadi : and what is? *since she has about a thousand things on her mind, such as: who in this club could be here to kill her, they should get a hotel for a while until the major renovations on the house is done... since construction workers have to work during the day, how in the HELL is she doing to get good weapons and supplies without the old coven contacts... but mostly, how flattering Lennon's pants are on him. He looks good when he's not moping around depressed*
[29-23:47] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *the poor man shells out three rounds before she tires of him. She didn't find him nearly as entertaining as the last guy. Seeing all the other men giving her a look of "I know what you're up to, decides to see if there's any extra untapped market and walks up beside Shika's chair* Hey, you into girls?
[29-23:48] 295,Lennon Smith : *grins, this is definitely fun, and puts a finger on under her chin so he can tilt her head up at the right angle and kiss her* I think just about all my thoughts are about you at the moment.
[29-23:50] 9b9, ºMadi : *which makes her smile, and of course blush. Though, she's pretty sure nobody else could have possibly heard it over the noise* Then let's get out of here. We can come back when you're feeling more scattered.
[29-23:51] 221, *Damali Aloula: *on the dance floor, the ravers and the X heads are starting to go wild with their dancing, moving about in wild abandon that somehow looks systemized and deliberate. The whirl of dancers is centered around Damali, who's lost in the moment and dancing with almost inhuman fluidity and grace*
[29-23:52] 295,Lennon Smith : That is an excellent idea *and doesn’t waste anymore time as he leads her out of the crowd and then the club*
[29-23:52] 9b9, ºMadi : ((night dolls! *as she and Jayde just realize what time it is!* love you all!))
[29-23:52] e20, *Shika Hisayo : 'Course. Haven't seen the way I'm looking you over yet? *Chuckles and leans back against the bar, patting her lap.* I've already got a round ready for you too...
[29-23:53] e20, *Shika Hisayo : ((Night Envy and Jayde))
[29-23:53] 295,Lennon Smith : ((*waves goodnight to all*))
[29-23:53] 221, *Damali Aloula: ((night you two!))
[29-23:53] EXIT: Lennon Smith has left the chat ( 9:53pm, September 29 (CDT) ).
[29-23:55] 221, *Damali Aloula: Mmm... I like you allready. I may even keep you most of the night.
[29-23:56] 221, *Damali Aloula: *slips into her lap, curling her arm around Shika's neck and taking her glass, drinking it off before turning back to her new found benefactor and smiling*
[30-00:00] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Returns the favor, helping her on and wraping an arm about her waist* Sounds good to me...*Leans forward to brush her lips against Jihan's and smiles cutely* So what's your name?
[30-00:03] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *the brush of lips makes Shika's feel like she just kissed a tobasco bottle. Jihan tilts her haid, pondering what answer she should give* I'll give you my work name for another whiskey or my real name for the most expensive drink in the house.
[30-00:06] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((*changes real name to familiy name*))
[30-00:09] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[30-00:09] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Wheph..*Pulls back from the initial punch of the kiss, licking her lips and shivering a little from the tingly feeling* about both, huh? *Grins, turning to the waitress and ordering both, then going back to Jihan*
[30-00:14] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *definatly likes this girl. Jihan LOVES getting stuff* I go by Saige, but my name is Jihan. And I think you'll be my toy for the night.
[30-00:19] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Nice to hear that, Saige...I was kind of hoping you and I could get to know each other better. *Smirks slightly and hands her one drink.* here with anyone? Or is a fine girl like yourself alone for tonight?
[30-00:23] 221, *Jihan Aloula : I brought my sister here, but she can find her own way home. *takes Shika's hand and moves it so that its poured into her mouth* Mmm... not bad.
[30-00:24] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *by now Shika would notice that Jihan is unusualy warm... enough to make a person sweat if they were say being sat on by her*
[30-00:27] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *And does, but doesn't really think it's all because of her. She was dancing earlier and so the sweat could be from that, non the less, she wipes it off her brow with the back of her other hand and raises an eyebrow at the drink pour, giggling* You do know what you like, don't you?
[30-00:29] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Uh huh. Sex, worship, alchahol, and riches. In no particular order. *finishes off the expensive drink, smacking her lips at the taste*
[30-00:29] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[30-00:31] 221, *Jihan Aloula : ((*waves to the Urchin*))
[30-00:35] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Quite a nice list you have there, say it makes up most of mine too. *Winks at her, taking the glass and setting it back*
[30-00:40] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Lists keep things in order while I cause havoc. Speaking of... *she shits her legs from side saddle to straddling Shika by lifing her long leg up over and around her lap then spreading and pushing against her on the stool. As she does so she places her hand on the back of Shika's head so she's in Jihan's hold but able to look back at her* Some rules if you're gonna be my toy.
[30-00:43] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Can't help but watch her leg lift and go over, giving a nod of approval and then leaning close to her* And what are those, huh? *Brings both hands to Jihan's waist, squeezing her behind and holding her close*
[30-00:45] 221, *Jihan Aloula : One: You're buying me drinks all night. And I'm a heavy drinker.
[30-00:46] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Shrugs* I can handle that, not to much of a task...number two?
[30-00:48] 221, *Jihan Aloula : You're mine until I'm done with you. Then we're done. Until I want you again.
[30-00:50] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Again, acceptable. Continue, Jihan...
[30-00:54] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Third, you have to say, preferably in your native tongue if its not english, "You may do with me what is your will".
[30-00:56] e20, *Shika Hisayo : You may do with me, what is your will. *Winks at her and then repeats it in Japenese...since player has no idea of how to actually say it in that language*
[30-00:58] 221, *Jihan Aloula : *Jihan grins... and do her eyes shift from pools of dark dark brown to bright copper for half a second?* Good girl. And two more things. You must worship me.
[30-00:59] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Blinks* Huh? Worship you? How?
[30-01:02] 221, *Jihan Aloula : Same way you would a god or your ancestors.
[30-01:04] e20, *Shika Hisayo : ((*Slaps on a pause because it's player's bedtime* G'night Cookie))
[30-01:06] EXIT: Shika Hisayo has left the chat ( 11:04pm, September 29 (CDT) ).
[30-01:54] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[30-01:54] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[30-01:55] 09c, *Alton Wraith : (*peeks*Allo))
[30-01:56] 09c, *Alton Wraith: (*decides to lurk*)
[30-03:06] JOIN: Caine Lupas has entered.
[30-03:08] 09c, *Alton Wraith: (*peeks again*Allo?Any one else lurking about?)
[30-03:48] EXIT: Alton Wraith has left the chat ( 1:08am, September 30 (CDT) ).
Chat cleared by Envy.
[30-21:32] 9b9, ºEnvy: *scribbles away on an essay and lurks... even though she should be sleeping*
[30-22:10] 9b9, ºEnvy: well, night chaps. have loads of laughs without me.
[01-00:36] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[01-00:49] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[01-22:41] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[01-22:42] 4ad, *Squirrel: Hmm...Katya or Shika...Russian or Asian...Sexy or...Sexy...damn, so hard to choose...
[01-22:45] 9b9, ºEnvy: *votes for Katya*
[01-22:54] 4ad, *Katya Yudin: ((Katya it is then!))
[01-22:55] 9b9, ºEnvy: *wishes the other Russian were around. Life would be perfect, then! but this russian is more than heavenly*
[01-22:56] 4ad, *Katya Yudin: ((Keep in mind, not on college comp, so I dont have any other pictures to use for her other than what it is on right now))
[01-22:57] 4ad, *Katya Yudin: ((And yes, if the other russians were here it'd be great...ah well...))
[01-22:57] 9b9, ºMadi : *could really care less.* it works, man
Chat cleared by Madi.
[01-23:02] 4ad, *Katya Yudin: *Out, strolling the streets, resuming an old hobby of her's and stopping by the Warehouse CD store to pick up some more dancing music to practice to. Exiting, she takes a look across the street at the taped off and partially destroyed building that used to be the Depot, Nikolai's old place. Seeing as there seems to be no police scrounging around the place at the moment, she decided to head over and pick through the remains...for old times sake.*
[01-23:06] 9b9, ºMadi : *strolls along the street, walking almost unnaturally graceful in her spiked heel boots. Athough, she pulls them off with the rest of her sleek attire. Actually, she looks far too rich for this neighborhood and a prime mugging target, however, nobody has tried it yet. She stops relatively close to Katya, then looks down at the sheet of paper in her hand, then back at the remains and curses a thickly British "damn" under her breath*
[01-23:06] 9b9, ºMadi : *strolls along the street, walking almost unnaturally graceful in her spiked heel boots. Athough, she pulls them off with the rest of her sleek attire. Actually, she looks far too rich for this neighborhood and a prime mugging target, however, nobody has tried it yet. She stops relatively close to Katya, then looks down at the sheet of paper in her hand, then back at the remains and curses a thickly British "damn" under her breath*
[01-23:06] 9b9, ºMadi : (my enter key is sticking and being weird... expect a lot of double posts heh)
[01-23:09] 4ad, *Katya Yudin: (NP) *Jumps at the voice behind her and drops a piece of charred wood onto the pile of debris she took it from, whirling around on her heels and taking in a very quick breath, ready to explain to an officer what she might be doing here...but then she sees Madi and..blinks. Completly unexpecting someone of her stature to show up, especially here. She let's out a 'Phew' and brings a hand to her heart, trying to calm it and laughing a little*
[01-23:12] 9b9, ºMadi : *her dark eyes shift again to the startled woman and she gives her own half-smile. She hasn't had to deal with humans, at least not in every day contact, for quite some time* Is there the faintest chance that this bar is any one other than The Depot? *maybe Lennon gave her the wrong address*
[01-23:15] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : *Chuckles lightly at the woman, looking her over briefly and then motioing behind her* Yeah...this is it alright. The's over there...*Waves to a spot where it used to be, smirking slightly* Take a seat and a waitress will be right with you. *Said in a mildly sarcastic voice*
[01-23:15] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : *motioning
[01-23:18] 9b9, ºMadi : *cheeky Russians. Good to know that they haven't changed* Damn *feels like throwing the paper onto the shambles, but she knows better. Anyone can pick it up then. So she puts it back into her pocket* Thank you. It looks like I'll be... drinking elsewhere. *gives a polite nod and starts walking past her down the side walk*
[01-23:23] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : *Hesitation on the 'drinking elsewhere' Hmm...this perks her interest. She hops out of the rubble and calls out to Madi* Hey! Wait up. *Begins to jog over to her, not easy in heels, until she's on the same sidewalk with her and steps to the left side of her.* Uhm...why ask? Didn't know that that place was practicly demolished after the poilice raided it? I was practicly all over the news y'know. Might've gotten national attention as well...
[01-23:25] 9b9, ºMadi : The news doesn't concern me. *she's not particularly cold, but a little perplexed perhaps. She doesn't like disappointment*
[01-23:29] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : Oh...well still...there's at least some way you could've known that the place was no more by now...why ask about it, though? *Raises an eyebrow at Madi, watching her closely*
[01-23:31] 9b9, ºMadi : If I had some way of knowing that it wasn't here anymore... then perhaps I wouldn't have been so surprised that it wasn't. *raises a brow back to her* Why are you so interested in my ignorance?
[01-23:34] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : *Shrugs casually* Oh..I don't know...curiousity, I guess. You uh...don't ecactly look like the type that would usually come into The Depot...there was definetly a do you say...clientel that you could always expect in there...
[01-23:36] 9b9, ºMadi : Yes well, I was looking to expand my horizons. *gives her a polite smile* if you'll excuse me... *cuts in front of her to cross the street to her waiting car, which is nothing as flashy as what she drove in Europe, but still not quite fitting in this neighborhood*
[01-23:39] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : *Shakes her head and scoffs lightly* Stuck up Euros...*Heads out for a drink and then returns to her slummy apartment, some part wishing she was that Euro, surely she had a better place to go home to*
[01-23:50] 4ad, *Squirrel: *Walks around idly and whistles*
[02-00:50] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 9:50pm, October 01 (CDT) ).
[02-01:30] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-01:30] 4ad, *Katya Yudin : (())
[02-01:42] EXIT: Katya Yudin has left the chat ( 11:30pm, October 01 (CDT) ).
[02-19:21] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[02-19:53] 752, *Jayde: *lurks about*
[02-20:09] 9b9, ºEnvy: *slinks in*
[02-20:12] 752, *Jayde: *waves*
[02-20:13] 9b9, ºEnvy: heh. I was hoping you'd be here. I just got home from my friend's house. We watched Donnie Darko and she'd never seen it before
[02-20:13] 9b9, ºEnvy: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
[02-20:14] 9b9, ºEnvy: eek! sorry about that. my enter key is sticking and I was messing with it.
[02-20:14] 752, *Jayde: s'okay
[02-20:16] 9b9, ºEnvy: So... nice evening for an rp, huh?
[02-20:17] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[02-20:17] 752, *Jayde: Yup :-)
[02-20:21] 9b9, ºEnvy: go for it, m'dear.
Chat cleared by Envy.
[02-20:45] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[02-20:45] e20, *Squirrel: So nice to be back in my dorm room, oh so nice
[02-20:46] 9b9, ºEnvy: sweet, lovely dorms
[02-20:47] e20, *Squirrel: *Huggles teh Envy* Yes, oh so lovely and cozy
[02-20:57] 9b9, ºEnvy: *whistles and waits for Jayde's computer to stop hiccuping*
[02-20:59] e20, *Squirrel: Heh heh
[02-21:00] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[02-21:00] 752, *Jayde: *kicks computer*
[02-21:01] e20, *Squirrel: Welcome Jayde
[02-21:01] 9b9, ºEnvy: did ya whoop it?
[02-21:02] 752, *Jayde: I think, hopefully
[02-21:02] 9b9, ºEnvy: I just defeated my sticky enter key! *dances*
[02-21:03] e20, *Squirrel: Woo!
[02-21:05] e20, *Squirrel: I..uhm...just caught the tailend of uhm...that movie with Bruce Willis as the retired hitman...uhm...that one yeah.
[02-21:06] 9b9, ºEnvy: *kicks Squirrel into character while trying to think of the name*
[02-21:07] e20, *Squirrel: Aha! The whole ten yards!
[02-21:10] e20, *Katya Yudin : ((*slips into this idea where to go or what to do though*))
[02-21:11] 752, *Jaylin Anderson : *is sitting on a park bench, not really looking at anything. He just needed somewhere quiet to think, and this was the only place he could think of, and where he could be relatively sure he wasn’t going to be bothered. He’s sober for once, and without any alcohol on him, which is really not helping him as much as he had thought it would, and he’s starting to think about wandering over to the closest bar so he can work on passing out for the night*
[02-21:16] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *comes out of an upstairs room, her hand over an already reddening cheek. When the attending upstairs bouncer tries to find out what the problem is, she just shoves him out of her way and all but runs down the stairs. To hell with this place.*
[02-21:18] e20, *Katya Yudin : *Bumps into Kailynn on her way up the stairs, in not as much of a rush as she is. She lets out a little squeal before falling back against the wall and grabbing the railing to help balance herself, taking a moment to compose herself before opening her eyes to see who she just ran into*
[02-21:21] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *isn't all that startled. It's a crowded place. She just goes right past Katya, not even stopping in the dressing room to change or get her purse. Her only thought is getting out of here. She ignores any inquiries as she makes way to the door, which she's actually doing quite well at considering the shoes she's wearing*
[02-21:25] e20, *Katya Yudin : *Watches her go down that stairs and scratches her head* Kailynn...? *Raises an eyebrow slightly and looks up the stairs, wondering what the hell she just ran from and recondering if she should go up there just for the hell of it and being bored. Off her shift, she decides to maybe give chase? If she can catch her she heads the way she saw Kailynn go, looking around for her*
[02-21:30] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *shoulders the door open and goes outside into the cool night. Of course, she gets whistles and taunts from the unsavory patrons of the street, but it's not enough to make her respond. Her steps slow just a bit with the fresh air in her lungs, and she just starts walking in her short plaid skirt and leather studded bra. Feeling exposed, of course, but it's better than another second in that damned club*
[02-21:35] e20, *Katya Yudin : *Runs around the corner and guesses from the rude bump into and hurrying off that she's on her way out the door, so she heads there and tries to catch up, busting out the doors to the bush and looking around for a moment before hearing the various catcalls and hoots coming from farther down the street. She heads off and runs towards the sounds, catching a glimpse of her trademark schoolgirl look and increasing her speed, calling out* Mary Ann! Wait up!
[02-21:37] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Leave me alone, I quit. *crosses the street, cars needing to slam on their brakes in order to not hit her. She pulls her already tousled hair out of the pigtails they were in*
[02-21:39] e20, *Katya Yudin : Wait! Hey! Come on! *Trys to catch up to her, dodging a honking taxi and cursing at it in Russian, waving her fist in the air before going across the stopped traffic* Mary! Come on! Let's talk!
[02-21:41] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : There is nothing to talk about. I'm done talking. *has to pause to kneel down and unbuckle her shoes because they're just killing her and she can't ignore it anymore*
[02-21:46] e20, *Katya Yudin : *Grabs onto a shoulder of her's and tugs up* Get out of the street first before you do that...*Lifts a hand to her chin and tilts her head up* Come now, there's clearly something to talk about if you're in that much of a hurry out of here that you didn't even take time to change. *Nods to the bra* It's a bit dangerous to walk around like that and you know it, now come on. What's wrong?
[02-21:50] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *stumbles as she's half out of her shoes when she's grabbed. The red mark that's going to be a nasty bruise is well exposed* How much more clear can "I quit" be?
[02-21:53] e20, *Katya Yudin : Who did that to you? *Looks to the bruise on her face and reaches up tentavily to turn her head to the side* What happened? Some joe get to comfy with the surroundings and take the bad boy approach? *Concern clearly written on her face as she examines the bruise*
[02-21:57] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *swats the hand away. She's not in the mood to be comforted or examined* It doesn't matter, because it's not happening again. *steps down from her shoes and kicks them away. Her grateful feet remind her of the abuse she's caused them when they land on the hard concrete*
[02-22:00] e20, *Katya Yudin : Ow...*Frowns a bit and shakes the hand to take away the pain* That wasn't necessary, Kailynn. Now come on, this is a bit rash though I can understand it a about a drink or a walk or something...the park's right over there y'know. *Waves her hand towards the general direction*
[02-22:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Rash? *her voice starts to rise. A normal woman would cry or something, but she's a red-head, so naturally... she's just mad* I'm done letting those bastards rip me apart. I'm sick of being paid off. I don't think walking out is rash.
[02-22:08] e20, *Katya Yudin : Kai..*Sighs* Look, just calm down, please. Plenty of other women in this business, probably longer than you've been, and endured worse. It's gotta hurt, yes, but please concider something else.
[02-22:11] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Something else is exactly what I'm considering. Other women are idiots. I'm not. *kicks her shoes out of her way. The drink idea did sound good. Her emerald eyes start searching for a bar as she walks along*
[02-22:17] e20, *Katya Yudin : No..wait, what I meant was...ugh..*Catches up to her* I wasn't saying you were an idoit or that you should become one to stay in the business...
[02-22:19] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I don't care what you're saying. I don't understand why you're still talking at all. *must be pretty upset to be so uncharacteristically rude, but she just wants to get as far away from the area as possible*
[02-22:23] e20, *Katya Yudin : *Sighs and throws her hands up in the air* Alright, whatever you like. Just saying that this decision might be a little to rash right now and you may want to reconcider it. Can always go for other clients, y'know...*Watches her walk away with hands on her hips*
[02-22:25] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : No! no. *whirls back around* I was guaranteed safety and have repeatedly not gotten it. This is not my life. It's not who I am. I'd rather work at a gas station. At least the customers have the decency to shoot you.
[02-22:32] e20, *Katya Yudin : Where in the world did that come from?'re saying that a slap to the face is worse than being shot and not being able to live out the rest of your life the way you wanted too? That's a bit far fetched if you ask me. The people that promised you protection aren't obviously doing their jobs well enough and you should talk to Cecill about it, not just up and quit your job. Hell, if I was that way, I'd probably be freezing to death if not already dead and still in Siberia, huddled with the corpses of my parents that had died months ago! *Pauses and sighs, looking at her half heartedly*
[02-22:34] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *just rolls her eyes. This wasn't the first time she'd been smacked around, but she was sure it was going to be her last* Well, this is America. The land of other jobs. In case you haven't noticed, Cecile is gone.
[02-22:36] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[02-22:39] e20, *Katya Yudin : ((Jayde, welcome back, feel free to post now while I work on something to answer that with))
[02-22:41] 04a, *Jayde: ((okay))
[02-22:44] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : *had left the park in search of a bar finally, it wasn’t as if he really thought he could last the entire night without a drink, not after the decision he’d come to. But something had to change, and he had to finally admit that. He’s walking down the street searching for the first neon sign, thinking of stopping in at work since it’s free drinks there and it’s close. As he gets closer to the Burning Bush he spots the two women coming out and down the street, and it’s not that hard as he gets closer to hear the argument, though by the time he gets close enough to hear the actual words he only catches the last part, but he doesn’t like the way things seem to look* What’s going on?
[02-22:48] e20, *Katya Yudin : ((damnit, gotta go. Sorry all.))
[02-22:48] EXIT: Katya Yudin has left the chat ( 8:48pm, October 02 (CDT) ).
[02-22:48] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I was just leaving *gives one final glare to Katya and turns, walking on her bare feet to whereever* I'll see you around.
[02-22:52] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Whoa…wait a minute *he really couldn’t care less about Katya, he doesn’t really know her anyway, and she’s not the one he’s concerned with so he ignores her as he follows after Kailynn* What’s wrong? You’re gonna kill your feet walking around barefoot like that.
[02-22:55] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I... *now that she's already lashed out at Katya, she doesn't have much energy to tell the story again* I quit.
[02-22:56] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Oh….*just sort of pauses as he takes in what that means* That’s….good I guess?
[02-23:00] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I think so. *wraps her bare arms around herself, getting more and more concious of how exposed she is* You don't need to follow me. I'm really ok. I just had to leave.
[02-23:02] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : You don’t look okay…and I’m more worried about you being okay walking home like that. *doesn’t think he really needs to elaborate on that, it’s not like it would really be hard to figure out what he means*
[02-23:05] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *home. Is that where she was going? Well, she wasn't going in the right direction for it. Then, she realizes that her keys were in her bag, which was in the club that she's not going back into* I... um *how awkward is this? Maybe she can just change the subject* Are you alright? You left really quickly the other day.
[02-23:08] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : I’m fine. *said very shortly, as not only does he not want to talk about it, but she was changing the subject, and being sober for once, he can actually notice that* It’s okay if your not alright you know. I’m not going to do anything to make it worse, I just want to help.
[02-23:10] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I don't *stops herself before she says something rude that she doesn't mean and continues with something a bit more truthful*... have my keys.
[02-23:12] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Where are they? *he’s being amazing rational, especially for him. Makes him wonder once again about trying the staying sober thing, but only for a brief second*
[02-23:17] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : In the back room. I just had to get out, you know. I wasn't thinking about anything. *his rationality is setting off her irrationality.* I just had to get out.
[02-23:20] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Okay just…stay here, don’t move. I’ll go get them okay? *this has got to be the first time in his life he could be considered the rational one, though he’s still trying to work out what exactly happened to make her run out like that as he hasn’t quite caught sight of the beginnings of the bruise on her face yet*
[02-23:24] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : O...kay *blinks a few times. She hadn't thought he'd go get them. They'd been tacked up as lost. Something she'd never see again, along with everything that they got her into, like her apartment and safety deposit box at the bank*
[02-23:27] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : *pauses for one more second before turning around and head for the club. He’s gotten slipping through the crowd and inside to an art form, as well as quickly getting into the back room and finding the missing keys along with her bag. He just grabs it and heads out the back door to walk around and back out front instead of fighting through the crowd inside again*
[02-23:29] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *as told, she's standing there with mild to little harassment, although a car is just pulling over, but speeds off when Jaylin comes towards her. She's just pretending not to notice it*
[02-23:30] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : *and after seeing the car he jogs the last little bit over to her, she didn’t look like she needed that right now* Here you go, I don’t think anything else that was yours was in there.
[02-23:35] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : thanks *takes the bag and pulls out a t-shirt. She drops the bag and pulls the shirt on, then picks up the bag again.* I... thanks. *what an ass she can make of herself sometimes. She walks, still without shoes, but at least with a shirt, in the opposite direction she had been heading towards her apartment*
[02-23:40] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[02-23:41] 04a, *Jayde: Uh….shouldn’t you put some shoes on your something? *continues to follow close to her, just not really sure what else to do*
[02-23:42] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Uh….shouldn’t you put some shoes on your something? *continues to follow close to her, just not really sure what else to do*
[02-23:44] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I just want to go home. You really don't have to follow me. You looked like you had somewhere to be. *isn't being to pushy for him to leave, or sounding much like she wants him to stay so it really is up to him*
[02-23:46] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : I wasn’t going anywhere, I was just out *is technically not a lie, and he doesn’t really count searching for a bar as having to be somewhere* And I just want to make sure you make it home okay.
[02-23:49] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Alright. *chuckles a little, dry and short* I guess I just can't have my shit together all the time.
[02-23:51] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Your only human *is said more as a comment than anything, and he can’t really think of anything else he can say at the moment, so the cliché works*
[02-23:54] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Yeah. Sometimes I wish that I were a little less than human or just drunk all the time. *usually at this point, she'd be sick of hearing herself talk, but tonight she just doesn't care*
[02-23:59] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Neither of those things is quite what you’d think *he doesn’t even really care about the implications of what he’d just said. He doesn’t really think it matters as much as it used to, or at least to him it doesn’t* But if you really have your heart set on being drunk all the time, I can always give you advice, I’m well versed in the subject.
[02-23:59] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[03-00:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I wouldn't be able to afford it now, anyways. *pauses for a moment.* I know that I don't know you very well, but do you think that I made a mistake.
[03-00:03] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : (*waves to the Urchin*)
[03-00:05] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : In leaving that place? I can definitely say no. I think everyone knew you didn’t particularly like working there, I don’t know if you hated it….and while I don’t know you that well…it didn’t seem like you were happy.
[03-00:10] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *nods... that being pretty much exactly what she needed to hear* Yeah. I wasn't. *looks up at him briefly, then back to the sidewalk to watch what she's walking on* Are you really doing alright?
[03-00:12] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : I’m really doing alright…probably better than normal right now actually. Not sure how long that’ll last, but for right now it’s true *and he actually believes what he’s saying. He’s sober tonight, and for the first time in a while not concentrating on punishing himself for things that don’t really matter anymore*
[03-00:15] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : That's good. *feels a little less like a rotten human being* I'm sorry you had to waste it putting me back together.
[03-00:17] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : It was this or watch TV, I think this is more productive *shrugs as he walks, looking ahead* And you helped me out the other night…it would be, to put it lightly, extremely rude of me to just walk away knowing you needed some help.
[03-00:20] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *and she did need help, which hits her pretty hard at that point. And she got it from the most unlikely source at a strange time* I guess you're just more human than you think.
[03-00:21] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : *looks over at her when she says that, and smiles slightly* Maybe. Hopefully
[03-00:27] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *finally after the hike, her building is in sight* Well, it sounds like it to me. So... if you don't mind my asking, is there any particular reason that you're not drunk?
[03-00:29] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : No particular reason. I’m just…not. *kind of tilts his head while he talks and thinks about it* Though I guess really…I just wanted to be able to really think, get rid of the fuzziness for a little while so I could really know what I was doing for once. And…it just actually lasted longer than an hour for once.
[03-00:31] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : How're you liking it? *reaches into her bag, feeling around for a hair tie. The hairsprayed mess in her face is driving her nuts*
[03-00:33] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : It’s not….as bad as I remember it being the last time I tried it. I also didn’t end up getting beat up this time either which is a big plus. But I’m not sure how long this’ll last. *just shrugs, it’s the truth*
[03-00:34] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Beat up? *looks at him with some interest even as she continues digging*
[03-00:38] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : The last time I tried sober…I stepped into a fight that wasn’t my place… I didn’t exactly walk away from it so much as limp away from it…it just wasn’t a pleasant experience.
[03-00:41] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : Oh. That's interesting. Most people do things like that when they're drunk *finally digs one out about the time they get to the door of her building. She pulls her hair back to free up her hands to work the keys*
[03-00:44] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah well, I’m special like that *smiles sarcastically, but briefly* I just can’t do things the normal way. *glance up at the building* Well, I got you home safely, there’s another good thing about being sober, I can actually be helpful.
[03-00:46] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *unlocks the door as he talks and pulls the door open, turning to look up at him and smile a little* yeah. I guess it was my lucky night *the last part of it anyway*
[03-00:48] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Just glad I could actually help….and you are better off out of that place…it’s…not exactly a great environment for anyone to be in.
[03-00:51] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : *just nods* Yeah. It's amazing what it took to convince me that there has to be something else out there. *ajusts her bag* I guess I'll see you around.
[03-00:52] 04a, *Jaylin Anderson : Uh yeah, probably, just take it easy alright? You deserve some vacation.
[03-00:53] 9b9, *Kailynn Benson : I will. thanks *turns inside, the door slowly closing behind her*
[03-00:56] EXIT: Jaylin Anderson has left the chat ( 10:52pm, October 02 (CDT) ).
[03-00:56] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 10:53pm, October 02 (CDT) ).
[03-22:23] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[04-01:43] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[04-01:44] JOIN: sam andrews has entered.
[04-01:44] fca, *sam andrews: ((tests a pic and stuff))
[04-01:57] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[04-03:43] JOIN: sam andrews has entered.
[04-03:45] JOIN: Alberto has entered.
[04-09:41] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
Chat cleared by Envy.
[04-23:22] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[04-23:22] e20, *Squirrel: Hello?
[04-23:23] e20, *Squirrel: Envy, sorry I didn't catch you on MSN. Was afk at the time
[05-21:52] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[05-23:31] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[05-23:32] 9b9, ºEnvy: *whistles as she drops in like she meant to hours ago but people kept coming by*
[05-23:32] e20, *Squirrel: *Huggles teh Envy*
[05-23:33] e20, *Shika Hisayo : ((*Changes pic because just felt like it*))
[05-23:33] e20, *Squirrel: And back to Squirrelie
[05-23:35] 9b9, ºEnvy: *snugglies the squirrlie* my study abroad thing just got a whole lot better, since I realized that I was actually done with my essay because it needed to be shorter than I thought and all that I need is my transcript *dances* oh, that's one less thing for me to freak out about for a while
[05-23:36] e20, *Squirrel: Good to hear about, always good news to have one less thing to freak out about
[05-23:37] 9b9, ºEnvy: yep! and I talked my friend into coming with me, which is just wicked because I love her so much. We're going to be bouncing around London saying silly things like "god save the queen" and all those other cute things that they say
[05-23:38] e20, *Squirrel: And "Cheerio!"
[05-23:38] e20, *Squirrel: lol
[05-23:39] 9b9, ºEnvy: oh... there will be tons of 'cheerio' in my vocabulary. I'm just so british in my heart.
[05-23:40] e20, *Squirrel: lol Well I'm sure it'll be tons of fun
[05-23:41] 9b9, ºEnvy: you should come too.
[05-23:43] e20, *Squirrel: I should, though, I'm not so sure I could afford a ticket right now with the uh...$30 in my bank account
[05-23:43] e20, *Squirrel: And college
[05-23:43] e20, *Squirrel:
[05-23:44] 9b9, ºEnvy: I'm going to have to come up with $1000 + because my finacial aid isn't going to cover it all, then plane ticket, then food money... but I'll do it somehow
[05-23:46] e20, *Squirrel: Yup...not gonna be able to afford that anytime soon, unless a $1 million dollars drops in my lap and I'm free to do with it as I wish without having to pay taxes on it.
[05-23:47] 9b9, ºEnvy: I only have about $200 bucks in my bank account and that's just because my grandma took pity on me because I was hungry. so not enough money is just not enough money, but I'm going to do some begging. I've worked so hard and paid for all of my own everything for the last 2.5 years. I think that I deserve some help on this one thing
[05-23:48] e20, *Squirrel: Oh hells yeah, I'll say
[05-23:49] 9b9, ºEnvy: I'm so mad that people kept coming in my room. for the last hour, they weren't even talking to me. a couple music majors were sitting talking about their classes in my room when I'd said that I wanted to do homework (which really was I wanted to get on here) but they were just yap yappin' away. bah. musicians
[05-23:52] e20, *Squirrel: Sucks...Never had that happen, but everyday, there's a new shouting match between (and I'm not being racist or prejudice, but I swear, it is always between) a couple of black people. Specially those black girls. I never want to cross and angry black female in my life.
[05-23:54] 9b9, ºEnvy: nope. one of them in here was an angry black girl who is fiercely intelligent, so it's even more passionate.
[05-23:58] e20, *Squirrel: Oh...I'd never want to encounter one of those. As far as I know, none exist on my floor. All I ever hear is them fighting with a boyfriend, or calling down the hall to each other, or blasting rap music (Which I hate), or let's see..uh...leaving their down open and watching Ricki Lake or something like that and yelling at the TV...oi...
[06-00:00] 9b9, ºEnvy: Kim (the particular angry girl) isn't rude like that, but when she gets mad, she gets really freaky like the zombies on 28 Days Later and I'm just so happy that I'm not the object of her scorn
[06-00:01] e20, *Squirrel: Hell, any mad female I wouldn't like to be the object of scorn
[06-00:02] 9b9, ºEnvy: It's true. we get pretty vicious. I usually just sit and brood for a while, bitch to someone else about it, then bring it up when I've calmed down if it's even still and issue by then.
[06-00:03] e20, *Squirrel: That last part remind sme of myself
[06-00:04] 9b9, ºEnvy: yeah. I have a very boyish way of dealing with frustration.
[06-00:06] e20, *Squirrel: Hah...I thought it might have been a feminin way of dealing with it, but..*Shrug* Any way, I'm like that.
[06-00:08] 9b9, ºEnvy: girls just tend to go nuts and flip out. I just kind of shut down and go off by myself for a bit. Mostly, because I think of better points and come backs to my arguement after I've thought about it.
[06-00:09] e20, *Squirrel: Ahh...hrmm *Scratches chin* I see
[06-00:11] e20, *Squirrel: Damnit...If only I had the money to pay for all of these photo sets of Erin' many images I want to have and use for many good, classy, hot, sexy, tasteful pictures of her...I'd give my right arm to have that million right now.
[06-00:13] 9b9, ºEnvy: lol well... you know how it is. the market is a little bare for right arms
[06-00:14] e20, *Squirrel: How about a kidney? I got two of them and only really need one.
[06-00:16] 9b9, ºEnvy: true. and do you really need ALL of those intestines? I mean, you have miles of them
[06-00:16] e20, *Squirrel: Exactly. How about fat? Got plenty of that too lol
[06-00:18] 9b9, ºEnvy: yep. fat for pecs or lips even asses. I have some to spare, too.
[06-00:18] 9b9, ºEnvy: it must be nice to be so skinny that you need to have fat injected
[06-00:19] e20, *Squirrel: And to have that kind of money *nods*
[06-00:22] e20, *Squirrel: *Sigh* Damn...I need to get on earlier so there will be time for the RPness
[06-00:22] 9b9, ºEnvy: I need to be more scary when I say 'get out of my room, I have to do homework'.
[06-00:23] e20, *Squirrel: lol
[06-00:23] 9b9, ºEnvy: because today was the day when I had more time, but that time is now gone.
[06-00:24] e20, *Squirrel: happens
[06-00:25] 9b9, ºEnvy: buttheads. I don't know if I'll be around much this weekend either, because I'm going home and computer/phone line access is questionable
[06-00:26] e20, *Squirrel: *Nods* It's cool. I know how that can be
[06-00:29] 9b9, ºEnvy: I'm not looking forward to it. it's even a 4 day weekend. I shouldn't have even told my grandma it was that long
[06-00:31] e20, *Squirrel: Could use the "Got to head home a day early because of schoolwork/research/other school excuse"
[06-00:32] 9b9, ºEnvy: there is always that. I am a tad behind from being sick.
[06-00:33] e20, *Squirrel: Hehe
[06-00:38] 9b9, ºEnvy: I'm organizing all of my pictures
[06-00:40] 9b9, ºEnvy: because my virus scan is taking forever! fuck it. I'm tired and going to bed. I'll catch you.... asap, dear little squirreli
[06-00:41] e20, *Squirrel: See ya Envy
[06-01:00] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 10:41pm, October 05 (CDT) ).
[06-19:22] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[06-21:11] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[06-23:40] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[06-23:57] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-00:12] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-00:28] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[07-00:29] a25, *Jihan Aloula : Rule number five... *she pulls her purse that hangs from the strap on her arm and opens a small pouch, producing a white, unlabled pill* Take this. I like girls to be slightly out of it when I have my way with them.
[07-00:34] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Blinks, taking the pill and looking it over* What is it? Some sort of date rape pill? *Raises an eyebrow at Jihan, smiling slightly and looking around to make sure at least one of her people might be able to see her*
[07-00:36] a25, *Jihan Aloula : Mmm... a date rape pill wouldn't be much use since I've got you all for mine anyway. This is just for altering perception.
[07-00:39] e20, *Shika Hisayo : ...*Looks the pill over one more time before plopping it her mouth and swallowing it done with some alcolhol*'ve pretty much got me in your trap as it is, hun. *Winks a little and lets her hands rest on Jihan's thighs* Any more rules for me, my goddess Jihan?
[07-00:43] a25, *Jihan Aloula : Only on a case by case basis... those are just the ones I require for any followers. *she takes Shika's chin and holds it, licking up her cheek* So, pet, where can you take me?
[07-00:47] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Anywhere you want me to take you, I suppose...where is it you want to visit and for how long? *Bends down to kiss and lick at her neck, sucking on a small patch of skin on her throat*
[07-00:48] a25, *Jihan Aloula : Some place private... preferably a place you own.
[07-00:50] e20, *Shika Hisayo : That'll be my apartment then. *Grins and lifts her up as she stands, holding her close for a kiss* Come on, this place can take care of itself. I want you all for my own and without any other distractions. *Starts to lead her out of the club a little hurredly*
[07-00:55] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *follows her with a grin, and looks at the near orgy of people that dance around Damali as her "sister" gets into the lack of restraint. She feels mildly disapointed she won't get to see the ensuing chaos, but she can always come back later. Right now she's got a toy to play with.*
[07-00:59] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *That she does, and to just speed things up a little as it is getting late...they make their way to Shika's car, the 9-11 GT2 and after some more kissing/petting/other, hop in and she speeds them both to her place. A big and nice apartment complex, expensive as hell looking and with a magnificent view of the whole city over a large cliff*
[07-01:02] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *Looks at the view for a minute with a "ah, how very nice" sort of attitude then turns to Shika, wraping her arms around her neck* Mmm... I like this place. It will be suitable for you to worship me in. But its so damn cold...
[07-01:04] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Cold? ...How do you mean, my goddess?
[07-01:07] a25, *Jihan Aloula : I mean... I think I'll make it warmer... *suddenly the entire room feels like the temperature just shot up 20 degrees and is rising* There... thats a little better.
[07-01:11] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Begins to sweat lightly as she feels the temperature increase and grins to Jihan* Wow...sure is hot...*Shakes her head a bit, beleiving the drug might be starting to take place* Phew...what next?
[07-01:14] a25, *Jihan Aloula : Show me your bedroom... *the smell of incence begins to waft under Shikas nose and ever so faintly, as though coming from another room, the sound of music can be heard. Something vaguely west asian*
[07-01:20] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Without a word she leads her there, the typical rich and stylish bedroom. Large bed, TV, the works, with different pieces of asian art hanging along the walls and such. The music seeming to be perfectly fit in, Shika figuring her player must have been on somewhere in the background and playing her various selections of songs from her culture*
[07-01:24] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *The music slowly becomes louder, with the beat and druming revealing it to be less contemplative far east but more rapid and intense middle eastern or perhaps subcontinental. Jihan plops herself on the bed and curls up like a cat, facing Shika.* Bring your goddess alchahol in sacrifice.
[07-01:26] e20, *Shika Hisayo : ((Pausorz))
[07-01:26] EXIT: Shika Hisayo has left the chat ( 11:26pm, October 06 (CDT) ).
[07-02:15] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-02:15] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 12:15am, October 07 (CDT) ).
[07-14:29] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[07-20:47] 9b9, ºEnvy: *whistles and goes to take a shower. will bb*
[07-21:37] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[07-21:37] dc2, *Jayde: *just lurks about since technically she is playing diablo with her friends*
[07-21:38] 9b9, ºEnvy: Jayde! guess what I did while I was waiting for people and not wanting to study?
[07-21:39] dc2, *Jayde: What?
[07-21:39] 9b9, ºEnvy: I became an ordained minister : )
[07-21:40] dc2, *Jayde: lol, are you serious?
[07-21:41] 9b9, ºEnvy: as a heart attack. hahaha. I'm a reverend. I can marry people
[07-21:41] dc2, *Jayde: How?
[07-21:42] 9b9, ºEnvy: online. my friend gave me a link to where he got his mom ordained to marry him and his wife.
[07-21:42] 9b9, ºEnvy: Robin from Jack Off Jill's husband, actually.
[07-21:46] dc2, *Jayde: That's just great, and my friend is yelilng at me abou ignoring the game, so afk till the next game break
[07-21:47] 9b9, ºEnvy: k
[07-22:59] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[07-23:02] e20, *Squirrel: An ordained minister, ehh? Hmm...I should become one, then I can go about denoucing religion during 'Faith Week' and when the religious come to me and start denouncing..I pull out my certification! Ha! Yes! must give me that link so that I may go out and screw with the minds of the masses...yes..yes..Excellent...*Rubs hands together* Yes, excellent indeed. *Evil laugh*
[07-23:35] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[07-23:36] e20, *Squirrel: Heyya Cookie
[07-23:36] a25, *Cookie Monster: *wave wave*
[07-23:37] e20, *Squirrel: Shall we get to it?
[07-23:46] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Hurries off into the kitchen and throws open the cubbards, grabbing the first bottle of liquor she can to sacrifice and returning to her room and Jihan, where she quickly walks in and kneels before her with a smile, holding the bottle out in one hand* Your alcolhol, my goddess. *Smiles faintly as she watches her like a child by a videogame*
[07-23:49] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *Jihan rolls in the bed and stretches to pick up the bottle. She opens the cap, snifs it, then proceeds to chug down a fifth of it*
[07-23:53] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Giggles as she watches her down the...sake we'll say. Nice and warm, just the way it should be served. Staying silent and letting her drink, sweating from the heat a little, but she just puts it off and keeps her eyes glued to her*
[07-23:57] a25, *Jihan Aloula : Mmm... a good sacrifice. *Her eyes definately change color, from dark black pools to molten copper and she grins wide white white teeth. She sets aside the bottle and places her hand on Shika's collar, tugging it towards her and the bed* Now come get your reward.
[08-00:01] e20, *Shika Hisayo : Yes, Mistress. *Goes willingly to the tugging and climbs onto Jihan's slide, wrapping an arm around her waist to bring them closer in and leans towards her to a hot kiss, while the other moves to unzip her dress...I think that's about a fade out from there...but then we fade in again to the next morning. Shika, tangled in the satan covers of her bed, moaning from the great dream and rolling over, reaching out for Jihan*
[08-00:03] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *And she finds nothing there. No sound of somebody showering or making breakfast either*
[08-00:06] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Gropes around the bed blindly with her eyes closed for awhile before slowly opening them and sitting on her elbows, blinking sleepily and waiting for sound to come to her ears...but hears nor sees anything* Jihan..? ..*Listens for a response* Goddess..? Hello?
[08-00:19] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[08-00:20] a25, *Jihan Aloula : And she hears nothing but the far off sounds of LA traffic hundreds of feet below her abode. She would notice that her room has become much messier since she first introduced her new friend to it since last night.*
[08-00:24] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Scratches her head and gets up out of bed, wrapping the bedsheet around her body and looking around at the mess, chuckling a little to herself, must have had fun last night. Of course she searches in the bathroom first, peeking in, then when finding no one she heads out and into the living room, laening against the frame* Just like Marley...not here in the morning...*Sighs a bit, of content but also a small sadness*
[08-00:27] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *she would notice bottles of all her liquor on the floor, empty. Flashes in her mind of Jihan smiling down at her while Shika carried more and more to Jihan in sacrifice*
[08-00:30] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Groans at the site of the bottles, wondering with so many on the floor how she has no hangover..unless Jihan drank all of it. She was right, could hold her liqour very well..too well. Shika sets about getting the bottles up and off the floor, making a note to replenish her supply...perhaps double it if Jihan could drink that much.*
[08-00:33] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *in picking up one bottle, well say for argument's sake a Jack Daniels, another flash occurs. This one seems almost surreal and more like what she dreamed that what could have happened. She vaguely recalls looking out from inside the glass she holds now at a gigantic Jihan, who holds the bottle and grins at her captured Shika like a 6 year old that catches a bug in a jar*
[08-00:36] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Gasps at the site, dropping the armfull of bottles she's already collected and staying frozen where she is until the vision passes. She looks about, the memory of it fading and the real world coming back* ...Oh...*Shakes herself mentally* Just part of the dream, Shika..get a hold of yourself..*Goes about collecting the bottles again*
[08-00:39] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *in picking up the bottles, she would come near the couch where many of Shika's "toys" have been uncerimoniously dumped and many look like they've been used quite recently. Small tidbit flashbacks throughout the night would remind her she was definatlye party to their use*
[08-00:45] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *Slowly smirks at the toys, remembering each and every one's purpose last night and their appropriate places, never quite figuring out how she managed to get three of them in...some place better not mentioned. Gathering up what bottles she can, Shika goes to the sink and sets them all in there, washing them all out with water and looking at the toys on the couch* Hmm...going to need to get someone to clean this place...*As an off thought while she cleans up*
[08-00:47] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *bending back up, she might notice something is differant about body weight distribution*
[08-00:52] e20, *Shika Hisayo : *And she does by the gods! Something's not quite right...something lighter, something..softer and not...* Oh my god... *Looks down at her chest* What in..the..hell? *Her mouth gapes open and she stares blankly into space* They're...They're real..!
[08-00:59] a25, *Jihan Aloula : *Another flash in Shikas mind, with Jihan telling her something about the pain being a price for the reward. Then being grabbed and a searing heat in her chest...*
[08-01:01] e20, *Shika Hisayo : ((And time for another Pauseor))
[08-01:01] EXIT: Shika Hisayo has left the chat ( 11:01pm, October 07 (CDT) ).
[08-18:39] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
Chat cleared by Envy.
[08-19:55] abf, ºEnvy: hey guys. I'm at home (frown) running about doing laundry and what not. I'll be hopping on and off, but the only messenger I have on this comp is Yahoo, so just because I'm not on a messenger. dpes
[08-19:55] abf, ºEnvy: -doesn't mean I'm not there
[09-02:13] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[09-02:15] e20, *Squirrel: <_< >_>
[09-15:32] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[09-15:36] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[09-15:38] JOIN: Christopher Lucase has entered.
[09-15:39] b02, Christopher Lucase: (( Hey ))
[09-20:18] 478, ºEnvy: bah. people
[09-23:18] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[10-17:05] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[10-19:44] 16b, ºEnvy: *whistles "Streangers In The Night"*
[10-19:53] 16b, ºEnvy: going to bathe. bbs
Chat cleared by Envy.
[10-20:11] 16b, ºEnvy: people... darn it! where are you?
[10-22:05] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[10-22:05] b10, *Jayde: *appears*
[10-22:07] 94d, ºEnvy: yay!
[10-22:16] 94d, ºMadi : *sits patiently in the corner of the bar, one long, black satin clad legs crossed over the other. Well groomed wiith Italian heeled boots and the sleeveless leather top, she looks slightly out of place depending who comes in. It surprises her, though, the array of different types come in here. Luckily, they either don't see her or don't find her all that attractive because she hasn't been hit on tonight. She needed to find a food source and this seemed like the best bet*
[10-22:25] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : *walks into Before the Dawn. He hadn’t been in for a while, and he wanted to see how things had been going, maybe catch up with Harmonia if she was around, she had to be wondering what had happened to him to cause such a long absence. Not that she’d probably see him hanging around as much. He wasn’t going to try to completely cut out the alcohol, but he was going to try to cut back. And he did like coming here, if only because at least one or two people knew what he really was here. It was a small comfort, but some comfort at least. He walks over and sits at the bar, frowning when he doesn’t see Harmonia and orders one usual, planning on waiting until the drink was done, then leaving since his plans to talk to Harmonia have fallen through, and he usually avoids advertising his presence here, afraid it might get back to some slayer or hunter who might come after him again.*
[10-22:28] 94d, ºMadi : *stands up, pushing the chair back without much noise, and walks to the bar and leans over while the bartender is pouring Jaylin's drink* Excuse me. Do you know if the owner will be in tonight? *there's a slight hint of irritation in her voice, as if she's asked the question before, though a shake of the head in the negative isn't what she'd been hoping for*
[10-22:35] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : If she’s not here tonight, she’ll be in tomorrow night. She almost never leaves things for more than a day or so *said to the woman after his drink is finished being poured* or that’s what my experiences has been.
[10-22:37] 94d, ºMadi : Thanks *looks at him briefly, then back down at the bar top. Tomorrow is a long time to wait* Are you a friend, or a regular?
[10-22:42] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : I’d say friend, used to be regular *shrugs as he starts his drink* What are you?
[10-22:44] 94d, ºMadi : *she smiles at his unknowingly loaded question* A curious party. Do you know where she buys her goods?
[10-22:47] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : No clue, but I’m sure it’s some supply company most of LA uses so she knows it’ll get here on time, why? You opening your own bar or something?
[10-22:51] 94d, ºMadi : Something like that. *putting on her best social interactive face... and hiding her frustration at how irritating starting over has been. But at least she doesn't have to do it all by herself* What do you do? *not asked so much because she's making conversation, but perhaps he can be useful*
[10-22:57] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Right now I’m a bartender, just not here. *he’s a little confused as to why this woman is here looking for Harmonia and all, she doesn’t look like the kind of person to usually come in here, and doesn’t really sound like it either, but he doesn’t see the harm in answering simple questions she asks, whatever reasons for her being in the bar*
[10-22:59] 94d, ºMadi : Is that all? Everyone seems to have a double life in this country *looks up at him now. Maybe its a strange question, but she's not used to sublty*
[10-23:02] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah, that does happen a lot around here; I think it’s the city. Attracts those types of beings for citizens *shrugs as he finish off the drink quickly out of habit before he even realizes it*
[10-23:05] 94d, ºMadi : The kind that avoid questions as well. No matter. It's the smart thing to do.
[10-23:08] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Exactly *looks at the glass and when the bartender comes over to just pour another without having to be asked he stops them, and just pushes the glass away* You never know when what you say might be repeated again.
[10-23:11] 94d, ºMadi : *nods and pushes off the bar* Thanks for your help. Maybe mankind is worth saving *and then she's out the door*
[10-23:15] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Not likely….*is just really confused as to what the hell that was all about, and what she was doing here in the first place. But he has a fear that maybe she’s connected to some kind of hunter or slayer, or maybe was one. She looked to…high class. It set off major alarms for him, as he doesn’t really feel like getting shot up again. He gets up and heads for the door, thinking maybe he shouldn’t be out tonight, and not here just in case something is up*
[10-23:18] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : *sits on the curb, her hair is down blowing like flame in the soft wind. Her arms are wrapped around herself as she just watches the garbage in the gutter flutter over her boots*
[10-23:19] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-23:20] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[10-23:20] JOIN: Squirrel has entered.
[10-23:21] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : *stops dead in his tracks after walking far enough and spotting Kailynn. This night was just…really strange, but his fear of another ‘near death’ experience is overridden by his need to know why she’s out here* What are you doing here?
[10-23:21] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : (hi squirrelie)
[10-23:22] e20, *Squirrel: Heyya
[10-23:22] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:23] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : *doesn't even look up at him. She doesn't care who it is* Are you going to arrest me? I'm just sitting here.
[10-23:25] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:25] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : I don’t exactly have that power Kailynn….*walks over and sits down next to her, figuring she hadn’t realized who was talking to her* As far I know you haven’t done anything anyone would arrest you for anyway.
[10-23:25] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:28] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:31] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : As far as you know... *her fingers are curled up tightly around a white sheet of paper. She looks a little messed up, drunk maybe* it doesn't seem to matter anyways
[10-23:32] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:33] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : What happened to you? *leans forward to try and get a good look at her face, try to gauge what is wrong with her, or if it’s something that’s really badly wrong*
[10-23:35] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:36] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : *the bruise on her cheek is healing, which means it looks the nastiest, but her eyes are just lost* I did it all for nothing. I can't get back into school.
[10-23:38] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:38] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:39] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:40] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : What happened…what school? *he’s very obviously upset by the sight of the bruise, knowing full well what a bad bruise like that can feel like, but also knowing she doesn’t really heal as well as he does when something like that happens. He’s also hoping somehow that the reason for that bruise isn’t someone from the club*
[10-23:45] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:46] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : I had to quit because I didn't have any money. Then I got the job at the club. I guess the Dean of Admissions has a problem with girls like me. I'm not going back to the club. I don't know how he found out *her words are monotone and fade out by the end*
[10-23:46] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:50] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:51] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:52] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Maybe he was one of the asshole’s who goes in there *doesn’t try to hide the undertone of anger in his voice when he says it, then shakes his head slightly. He wants to think of a way to help somehow, she’d helped him so much, but he’s finding it very difficult to think of what to do* There’s a lot of schools out there…can’t you transfer credits or something?
[10-23:53] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:56] MSG: Squirrel sent a message to Kailynn Benson.
[10-23:57] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : It doesn't matter. You're scaring all the cars away. *tightens her fingers around the paper then just lets it go to blow down the street* Don't you have drinking to do?
[10-23:58] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[10-23:59] MSG: Kailynn Benson sent a message to Squirrel.
[11-00:00] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : I already finished my drinking for the night, and I’m not going anywhere. Looks like you might of done your drinking for the night too.
[11-00:08] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : I haven't had anything at all. It didn't seem like what I need. *normally, she'd be trying to think about something to say to redirect the subject, but she doesn't this time. Being a whore had been terrible, but at least worth it when she thought she'd get her life back. Now she just wants to waste away on the street*
[11-00:10] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Then being out isn’t agreeing with you…how about I walk you home?
[11-00:15] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : I don't want to go home. I have things to do, you know. *her fingers slip through the holes of her red fish nets and pull a little, but not enough to break them*
[11-00:17] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : I don’t really know, why don’t you tell me? *tries to smile as best he can, but it’s hard since he’s really starting to get worried*
[11-00:24] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : I'm going into business for myself. *she's not ashamed or angry, just resolved* I can do it. They're just not stopping because you're here.
[11-00:27] EXIT: Squirrel has left the chat ( 9:56pm, October 10 (CDT) ).
[11-00:27] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : That’s what you want? Sorry, but I find that a little hard to believe *just looks at her like she’s lost her mind. It was pretty obvious she didn’t like her life before at the club, everyone knew it. He’s not going to just believe that’s what she wants to do now after having just quit*
[11-00:31] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : I don't know what I want. I don't think it's in my hands anymore. Or yours either. You're quite a mess too.
[11-00:36] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah I am, but I’m not the issue at a moment, and I’m working on that. *says it a little sharply and pauses after that for a second to take a deep breath* You can’t do this, everything else aside, you’ll get yourself killed, especially in this area of town.
[11-00:43] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : *is that what she wanted? Is it why she'd come down here in the first place? She lowers her head, her fingers still entangled in her tights. A few tears roll down her cheeks and land on her thighs.* I never want to be an issue. I just wanted everything to work out.
[11-00:45] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Maybe things just need more time. Not to mention…things don’t work themselves out. People work things out. Common problem, I’ve run across it quite alot myself…come on, you don’t belong out here.
[11-00:49] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : Then where do I belong? I'm supposed to get up out of this gutter and go where? *she goes to stand, but her balance on the heels is off and she stumbles*
[11-00:51] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[11-00:53] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : *moves to stand up with her and reaches over to help her up when she stumbles* You belong back at your apartment, not here. I’ve seen girls who belong here, your not one of them.
[11-00:57] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : *she lets him help her, mostly because she doesn't have the energy to resist* You don't have to be nice to me.
[11-01:00] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : I’m aware of that, I have free will, I don’t have to be nice to anyone if I don’t want to, but if I do want to I have that right as well. *smiles at her* Now come on.
[11-01:02] 94d, *Kailynn Benson : *uses the heel of her hands to wipe her tears* We're a pathetic sight. Isn't it strange? We even have names that rhyme
[11-01:04] b10, *Jaylin Anderson : Yeah *laughs a little* I hadn’t thought about that before. Kinda odd, interesting kind of odd though.