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[13-21:46] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-21:47] 4435c, ºEnvy: hmmm hi.
[13-21:47] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-21:47] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *peers*
[13-21:48] 4435c, ºEnvy: Is that you, Mothy?
[13-21:48] 49ca3, Street Urchin: Of course. ;)
[13-21:49] 4435c, ºEnvy: leave it to you. I made this thing like 5 minutes ago. I put it on the portal and then here you are.
[13-21:50] NICK: Street Urchin changed nick to moth.
[13-21:50] 49ca3, moth: Since the Pjj portal is my homepage, I always see new chats just after they've been made.
[13-21:51] 4435c, ºEnvy: it's your homepage? huh... I guess it should be mine, but I'm still in denial
[13-21:52] 49ca3, moth: *L* I denial of what, rp addiction?
[13-21:52] 49ca3, moth: *L* In denial of what, rp addiction?
[13-21:52] 4435c, ºEnvy: Yep.
[13-21:54] 49ca3, moth: *just sits back and waits for you to put this place together - as he wants to see what you have in mind*
[13-21:55] 4435c, ºEnvy: I want dirt and grime, man.
[13-22:02] 49ca3, moth: *reads the board*
[13-22:04] 4435c, ºEnvy: of course... if I could keep from getting kicked out... that would be great. I'll even keep the back ground black so that you can use your red
[13-22:05] 49ca3, moth: *ponders making an attempt at creating new buttons for your chat in a graffiti font he downloaded*
[13-22:07] 4435c, ºEnvy: *would love you forever*
[13-22:25] EXIT: moth has left the chat ( 10:05pm, July 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:28] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-22:28] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 10:28pm, July 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:29] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-22:30] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 10:29pm, July 13 (CDT) ).
[13-22:51] 4435c, ºEnvy: (thinks this needs to be resized a little*
[13-23:14] 4435c, ºEnvy: (pic)
[13-23:16] 4435c, ºEnvy: ewww too little
[13-23:18] 4435c, ºEnvy: pic now
[13-23:19] 4435c, ºEnvy: better
[13-23:25] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-23:30] 4435c, ºEnvy: Hey, Mothy... I have stuff on the board! yay!
[13-23:36] JOIN: Kitten has entered.
[13-23:36] 577fe, Kitten: ^^
[13-23:38] 4435c, ºEnvy: hi kitten!
[13-23:38] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-23:38] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[13-23:38] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *pokes the kitten*
[13-23:38] 07969, Harmonia: ((*pokes Envy* It's trista evans))
[13-23:40] 4435c, ºEnvy: poking everywhere!
[13-23:40] 577fe, Kitten: *dies*
[13-23:40] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *tackles Trista*
[13-23:41] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[13-23:41] 07969, Harmonia: ((*is tackled* Hi))
[13-23:43] 4435c, ºEnvy: I'm so tickled you cool cats are here.
[13-23:47] 07969, Harmonia: No problem
[13-23:48] 4435c, ºEnvy: yay! cool buttons thanks to Mothy!
[13-23:55] JOIN: moth has entered.
[13-23:56] 4435c, ºEnvy: *pets Kitten... after putting her on life support of course*
[13-23:57] 577fe, Kitten: *coma*
[14-00:01] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:02] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 11:57pm, July 13 (CDT) ).
[14-00:02] JOIN: Kitten has entered.
[14-00:02] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:02] 577fe, *Kitten: *stirs*
[14-00:03] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-00:04] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-00:04] 577fe, *Kitten: *passes away*
[14-00:04] EXIT: Kitten has left the chat ( 12:04am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:06] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 11:47pm, July 13 (CDT) ).
[14-00:06] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[14-00:07] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[14-00:08] 07969, *Harmonia: *pokes Jayde* Tis Trista
[14-00:09] 42127, Jayde: Ouch, Hey
[14-00:09] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:11] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:09am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:11] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[14-00:12] 07969, *Harmonia: Look at the board under establishments. I now own a bar
[14-00:15] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:15] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:15am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:15] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[14-00:15] 07969, *Harmonia: I feel special, I own a bar now
[14-00:15] 4435c, ºEnvy: heh. yay for bars!
[14-00:16] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *lurks*
[14-00:17] 07969, *Harmonia: *is working at her bar, cleaning the counters, waiting for someone to enter*
[14-00:18] 4435c, ºEnvy: *pokes at the street urchin* Didn't I give you a name?
[14-00:18] 4435c, ºEnvy: I... don't even have a character yet for m'own room... that's so me
[14-00:18] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *blink* No...?
[14-00:21] 4435c, ºEnvy: did so, mothy
[14-00:25] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *isn't moth. Is moth's brother*
[14-00:25] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *a.k.a. Robot Devil*
[14-00:26] 4435c, ºEnvy: well that explains the redness and the IP!
[14-00:26] 4435c, ºEnvy: want that registered while I'm registering people?
[14-00:26] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:26am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:26] JOIN: Dunstan Ryder has entered.
[14-00:27] 49ca3, Street Urchin: Sure
[14-00:27] JOIN: Dunstan Ryder has entered.
[14-00:29] 4435c, ºEnvy: done. Robot Devil with the same pw, so you'll need to change it
[14-00:30] 49ca3, Street Urchin: k
[14-00:31] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-00:32] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *blink* it dosn't say I'm regged.
[14-00:32] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:32] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:32] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*image Test*))
[14-00:32] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-00:33] JOIN: NyteWulf has entered.
[14-00:33] 49ca3, Street Urchin: *blink* whats the password?
[14-00:34] 4435c, ºEnvy: Robot Devil
[14-00:35] c44b2, NyteWulf: hello
[14-00:35] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: ((*goes to find an image*))
[14-00:35] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:33am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:35] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*debates changing image*))
[14-00:35] EXIT: NyteWulf has left the chat ( 12:35am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:36] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-00:36] 49ca3, *Robot Devil: HA!!! Thankies
[14-00:36] 4435c, ºEnvy: lol sure
[14-00:36] JOIN: NyteWulf has entered.
[14-00:37] EXIT: NyteWulf has left the chat ( 12:36am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:38] MSG: Robot Devil sent a message to Harmonia.
[14-00:39] JOIN: NyteWulf has entered.
[14-00:39] c44b2, NyteWulf: sorry jsut trying to get my image
[14-00:40] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*profile test*))
[14-00:42] 4435c, ºEnvy: *smiles at Harmonia* you're getting right on stuff! that's the spirit!
[14-00:42] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 12:39am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-00:43] JOIN: nytewulf has entered.
[14-00:44] 49ca3, *Robot Devil: OH!!! Envy, you have AIM yes?
[14-00:44] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*smiles back* No problem, now someone get IC))
[14-00:45] 4435c, ºEnvy: yes *should get all of that up
[14-00:47] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: ((*got a profile and color, still workin' on the picture*))
[14-00:47] 07969, *Harmonia: (/image
[14-00:48] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*image test again*))
[14-00:50] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll finish cleaning the counter and look around* Dead night in here....
[14-00:51] c44b2, *nytewulf: *walks in off the street and looks around*
[14-00:52] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile at nytewulf* Hello. What can I get ya?
[14-00:54] c44b2, *nytewulf: *smiles back slightly* Cap'n and Coke please, and your name is?
[14-00:55] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll nod and get the drink for nytewolf and sets it on the counter. She'll extend her hand* Harmonia. And yours?
[14-00:58] c44b2, *nytewulf: *Shakes her hand* Arktik Nyte Wulf but pic any one of those nice to meet you Harmonia*smiles* thanks for the drink
[14-00:59] 49ca3,moth: *finishes the banner and falls over*
[14-01:00] 49ca3, *Robot Devil: *stabs his brother like woah*
[14-01:01] 07969, *Harmonia: *she nods* No problem Arktik. So tell me, what brings you here? *she'll lean against the counter facing the wall. A mirror stretches behind her, going the whole length of the bar. A wide variety of liquor behind her*
[14-01:02] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-01:02] c44b2, *nytewulf: *Looks in the mirror behind Harmonia, catching a glimpse of gold* oh i was told aabout thei place and thought I'd drop in what brings you here?
[14-01:03] 07969, *Harmonia: ((if anyone needs help finding images I don't mind looking for character images. Just let me know))
[14-01:03] EXIT: Walter Saint has left the chat ( 1:02am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-01:03] JOIN: Walter Saint has entered.
[14-01:03] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll laugh a little and smile at him* Well i'm happy that it's getting talked about. I own the place. *he would probably be surprised by this considering she looks to be in her early 20's*
[14-01:04] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: (link test)
[14-01:04] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: ((*image test*))
[14-01:06] c44b2, *nytewulf: *she is not surprised knowing she only looks 21* Thats cool it;s always nice to meet the owner(s)
[14-01:08] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile and nod* You're always welcome here. Just fair warning, if you start anything, any fight, you're out till I say so. Understand? *she'll be very serious about this part*
[14-01:08] c44b2, *nytewulf: /a sips her drink...finding hte mix just right knocks it back in two gulps *your a good bartender girl*
[14-01:09] c44b2, *nytewulf: thats fine with me, i dont like to fihgt unless in self defense
[14-01:10] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll nod* Thanks. Want a refil?
[14-01:10] c44b2, *nytewulf: and thank you for havinghte door always open to me, its nice to get away from all the in-fighting and stuff at other places....*looks* yes please
[14-01:10] 07969, *Harmonia: ((refill I mean...damn keyboard))
[14-01:10] c44b2, *nytewulf: ((no remember typo demons))
[14-01:11] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll take her glass and make the same drink again handing it back to her* No problem girl. I also got food if you're hungry. And the door is always open to anyone.
[14-01:12] 07969, *Harmonia: ((yep, typo demons *glares and kills them*))
[14-01:12] c44b2, *nytewulf: cool...but eh i jsut ate so im good fur now *smiles and drinks alil at a time, savoring the taste* to bad i cna never keep it long.....the buzz.....
[14-01:13] 07969, *Harmonia: *she nods * I know the feeling. You got a place a to stay around here?
[14-01:14] c44b2, *nytewulf: oh i stay in the woods though every now and then id like a real bed.....
[14-01:15] 07969, *Harmonia: *she thinks for a moment* You should stay here. I got some rooms above this place and I'd be happy to rent one out to ya
[14-01:16] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: (profile test)
[14-01:17] c44b2, *nytewulf: really? thats much?
[14-01:17] 4435c, ºEnvy: ok... everyone admire the fancy banner!
[14-01:17] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Nytewulf.
[14-01:19] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll think for a moment* I would say $150 a month. That includes electricity and heat/air conditioning. If you want a job, you can work here and then i'll chop that down to $70 bucks a month
[14-01:20] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*admires banner* Pretty))
[14-01:20] MSG: nytewulf sent a message to Harmonia.
[14-01:20] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: ((*another pic test*))
[14-01:21] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Robot Devil.
[14-01:21] c44b2, *nytewulf: OK well im good for chores, cooking, and dishwashing.....i also have a bartending liscense.....
[14-01:21] 4435c, ºEnvy: yay for mothy
[14-01:21] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Nytewulf.
[14-01:22] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile and nod* Excellent, I need more bartenders here anyway, considering I am the only one at the moment. *extends her hand again* So you'll work part-time here and rent will be $70 a month, we got a deal?
[14-01:22] 07969, *Harmonia: And you might be the cook occasionally, ok?
[14-01:24] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*icon test*))
[14-01:24] c44b2, *nytewulf: *shakes her hand* no problem i do want to let you know that if you hear my beeper pr you see me run off its for my other that ok?
[14-01:25] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: ((Okay, got picture, profile and color...I think I'm ready for IC))
[14-01:25] 4435c, ºEnvy: (test)
[14-01:25] MSG: nytewulf sent a message to Harmonia.
[14-01:25] 4435c, ºEnvy: test again
[14-01:25] 07969, *Harmonia: *nods* No problem. May I ask what your other job is? If you don't want to tell me you don't have to, I would just like to have an idea as to where you're running off too, jobwise that is
[14-01:26] 4435c, ºEnvy: again
[14-01:27] 4435c, ºEnvy: *grumbles at none of the icons working*
[14-01:28] MSG: nytewulf sent a message to Harmonia.
[14-01:29] c44b2, *nytewulf: no problem but i wrote it down.....and what not...*finishes her drink*
[14-01:29] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Nytewulf.
[14-01:30] 07969, *Harmonia: *she nods and smiles* I hope you like it here. I know when I inherited it at first I hated it. But I grew to love it, it's one of the only places that I feel comfortable in.
[14-01:31] 49ca3,moth: would the icons work since you do have their URL set?
[14-01:31] c44b2, *nytewulf: those are good palces to have *nods smiling gently* and thank you fur sure i will*looks around* get interesting charcters in here/. hey i cna also be a bouncer.....i have the training
[14-01:31] 49ca3,moth: would the icons work since you don't have their URL set?
[14-01:33] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile and laugh* You are just the whole damn package ain't ya. Of course you can be bouncer when you want to be. I usually let whoever in here, but if there is someone i get a bad vibe off of I usually will watch them or tell them to leave
[14-01:34] 4435c, ºEnvy: I didn't have a url at all. just words. picture icons confuse me
[14-01:34] c44b2, *nytewulf: ok no problem when im around and if anyone gives ya trouble let me know and i can 'bounce' them right out *laughs* hey a lot of marital arts training and much studying of buddhist teachings.....
[14-01:34] 49ca3,moth: ..but you still have to have a URL for the icons, you can't just type in the word..*blinks*
[14-01:34] 49ca3,moth: ..they would have to be made like the buttons.
[14-01:35] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll perk up at martial arts training* You're a martial artisit, so am I
[14-01:35] 4435c, ºEnvy: bloody hell worked in every other room! I just did it today
[14-01:35] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*glares at the typo demons* You shall all die))
[14-01:35] 49ca3, *Robot Devil: *and the sound of his heavy boots hitting the sidewalk echo down the street. A long trench coat pulled over his shoulders. As he walks past a bench on the sidewalk, a single feather comes from underneath the trench coat, from one of his wings. And a few more blocks down the road, he comes to a stop, and he looks at the doors of Before the Dawn. After a few moments, he walks to the door, pushing on it and steps into the room. He wears black boots, black dress pants, a blue dress shirt, and a trench coat covering that. He was also wearing a pair of sunglasses*
[14-01:35] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *and the sound of his heavy boots hitting the sidewalk echo down the street. A long trench coat pulled over his shoulders. As he walks past a bench on the sidewalk, a single feather comes from underneath the trench coat, from one of his wings. And a few more blocks down the road, he comes to a stop, and he looks at the doors of Before the Dawn. After a few moments, he walks to the door, pushing on it and steps into the room. He wears black boots, black dress pants, a blue dress shirt, and a trench coat covering that. He was also wearing a pair of sunglasses*
[14-01:36] c44b2, *nytewulf: oh thats cool, which discipline?
[14-01:36] 4435c, ºEnvy: *is going to have to deal with it later.*
[14-01:37] 07969, *Harmonia: Judo and Psh-ki-do. *she'll look at the new person in the bar and smile at him* Hey. What can I get ya?
[14-01:38] 4435c, ºEnvy: bleh
[14-01:38] c44b2, *nytewulf: *runs hte new guy througha quick scan, huffs and turns back towards the bar* those are good ones...for fun i use Twae-Kwon-Do and for defense i use LimaLama
[14-01:39] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 1:38am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-01:40] 07969, *Harmonia: I've heard about LimaLima. I heard it's one of the better ones out there
[14-01:41] c44b2, *nytewulf: yea, its all smooth like tai-CHi but when combined in a fight....i've found it useful *smiles wickedly*
[14-01:41] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he looks over at Harmonia then, and slowly starts to the bar. He takes a seat next to Wulf, though keeps his eyes on Harmonia* Uhm... Hi. I was wondering if you had any job openings? *he ask's this in a unbelivable smooth voice*
[14-01:42] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile at nytewolf an agreeing smile then look at Walter* Job openings? Of course I got some. I usually run everything by myself. So what are you looking to do?
[14-01:42] c44b2, *nytewulf: *smiles* hey two offers in one night Harmonia...not bad
[14-01:43] JOIN: Kailynn Benson has entered.
[14-01:43] 07969, *Harmonia: Not bad at all. I like this.
[14-01:44] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*looks at Kailynn benson's pic* Lead singer of garbage right?))
[14-01:45] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: ((aye))
[14-01:45] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he looks over at nytewulf, with a smirk, his eyes hiddin behinde the shades. He then looks back at Harmonia* I'm up for anything you have. *said with a nod*
[14-01:45] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 1:45am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-01:46] c44b2, *nytewulf: *nods to walter as he looks over*
[14-01:46] JOIN: Kailynn Benson has entered.
[14-01:46] 07969, *Harmonia: *thinks for a moment* Do you cook? I could use more then the one that I have.
[14-01:48] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he blinks slightly, as if thinking, then looks at her* I could... have a hand at it I suppose...
[14-01:49] 07969, *Harmonia: *she nods and smiles* You bartend? I'm gonna need some daytime and nighttime bartenders. After all I can only do the night shift
[14-01:51] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *comes out of a used music store, pulling the door closed and locking up. She stops a moment to shove her work uniform into her bag and pull out her taser, hoping she doesn't get busted for having it exposed. She could murder whoever was supposed to close with her for not showing up. Starting down the street, chin up, tugging a hat over her incredibly bright red hair. She's figured out the perfect mix of not looking terrified and not drawing too much attention to herself*
[14-01:51] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *nods* I can do that, Ms. *he saying this with another smirk, and another nod, he reaching up then, removing the sunglasses to show two dark brown eyes*
[14-01:51] JOIN: nytewulf has entered.
[14-01:52] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll extend her hand* Harmonia, call me that. So you want to work the day shift or night shift? *said to both nytewolf and walter*
[14-01:52] 790d2, *nytewulf: ((sorry had to reconnect))
[14-01:53] 07969, *Harmonia: ((no problem))
[14-01:53] 790d2, *nytewulf: *thinks* i can work either one Harmonia
[14-01:53] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: *he walks down the street, smiling slightly. He’s in a good mood, which hasn’t been very common lately. He was getting a bit of a break after a successful job the day before, and he felt like going out. But instead of going somewhere in particular, he just ended up walking around aimlessly, but it was a luxury he normally couldn’t afford. He had decided against going anywhere the chance was good he would meet any of his clientele, or someone who was angry about something he’d done or someone he killed. He didn’t want to mess up what he was wearing either besides just not wanting to fight tonight; they were actually some of his nicer clothes. A dark crimson shirt with the top few buttons undone, black slacks, a decent pair of black shoes, and his leather jacket that he rarely if ever wore for a night out that didn’t involve work*
[14-01:55] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he extends his hand then taking hers in a firm hand shake* Walter... Saint. *he adding his last name in there. , he then glances at nytewolf, then looks back to her* I can work either aswell.
[14-01:56] 790d2, *nytewulf: *looks over and offers a hand to Walter Saint* how do you do, im Arkitk Nyte Wulf, you cand call me by any of those
[14-01:57] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll think for a moment* I'll probably trade you guys on the day shift. You'll probably end up working 2 nights a week then days the rest. Is that ok with you? Any particular days you guys want? *she'll smile again, hasn't told them why she can only work the night shift. Probably won't unless one of them asks*
[14-01:57] 790d2, *nytewulf: ((Arktik))
[14-01:57] 790d2, *nytewulf: sounds fair Harmonia
[14-01:58] 790d2, *nytewulf: oh and may i ask why you are only able to work nights?
[14-01:59] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he turns, extending his own hand again, giving another firm hand shake* Walter Saint. *and he then turns back to Harmonia* Sounds good. *and he already has a good idea why*
[14-01:59] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile lightly and sigh. she was hoping that it wouldn't come up, she didn't want to scare them off* I'm a vampire.....I was turned when I was 21... *a slight hint of shame and sorrow can be heard in her voice*
[14-02:00] 790d2, *nytewulf: there is nothing wrong with that, i have lived wiht my..problem...all my life nad am now proud of should be too
[14-02:01] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *stops suddenly... her wallet.* Shit. *Turning on a booted heel, she starts back towards the store, keys jangling and muttered profanities following her*
[14-02:03] 790d2, *nytewulf: nice to meet you walter
[14-02:03] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll look at Arktik and smile* I am still adjusting to it. I am just afraid that if news gets out that I am a vampire and that I own this'll scare people off. *she'll shake her head slightly* I don't hae a lot of people I can talk to, hell I don't even have a family anymore...
[14-02:04] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he looks over at nytewolf then* And what are you sir, if you don't mind my asking. *if he was a human he really wasn't acting like one*
[14-02:04] 07969, *Harmonia: ((nytewolf is a girl))
[14-02:05] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: (AHH!!! *fixes mistake* sorry)
[14-02:05] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*laughs* made the same mistake))
[14-02:06] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: *comes up the street from the opposite direction as Kailynn, noting her rather displeased look and then that she’s headed for the closed used music store, keys jangling. He just keeps walking at the same pace and direction he had been, probably wasn’t a good idea to draw attention, you never knew what someone was around here really was until you got close to them, and as when he’d left his apartment, he still doesn’t want to get involved in a fight of any kind*
[14-02:07] 790d2, *nytewulf: i can understand the no family part myself Harmonia, thats why im glad for my pack....of friends, they are my family now*she tilts her head, shaking her head a bit * any questions for me Walter?
[14-02:09] 07969, *Harmonia: *looks at Walter as he asks his question then looks at nytewulf*
[14-02:11] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *nope, that told him everything he needed to know. A pack.* *he shakes his head* No, I belive I already know. *says with a smirk, then looks at Harmonia, as if the two of them were normal humans*
[14-02:11] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *looks down at her keys to select the right one... only to notice that the right key isn't there. She stares down at her hand in disbelief. Well, they should be in her bag, but she gets this feeling deep in her stomach that they're laying on the counter next to her wallet. Regardless, she starts to pull things out of her bag, letting her uniform and assorted papers fall into the street. As her panic gets more intense, she flips the bag upside down and dumps it all before throwing it on top of the pile*
[14-02:12] 07969, *Harmonia: *looks at Walter and smiles* Well since we are all talking about ourselves, you have anything you want to share Walter?
[14-02:12] 07969, *Harmonia: ((will brb))
[14-02:13] 790d2, *nytewulf: thats good to know Walter....*looks down and huffs lightly, itsounding kinda pleased* Harmonia may i get a regular coke please?
[14-02:14] 790d2, *nytewulf: or i can get it myself......*looks up* walter would you like anything while im behind the bar?
[14-02:14] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *looks at her, then looks around the room, seeing noone else in the bar, then looks at her* I suppose. *he taking off the trench coat and putting it in the chair beside him. He streching his wings slightly, a sword straped to his back*
[14-02:15] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: Loose something? *stops at a reasonable distance from her. It didn’t take a genius to see that she was panicked, not to mention everything from her bag was now lying in the street She had either lost something important, or she was just crazy, though he’s pretty sure it’s not the latter*
[14-02:15] 790d2, *nytewulf: ahhh...nice equipment, both wings and sword.....and what is your pleasure this evening sir?
[14-02:16] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll blink at this a little and a smile will appear on her face* Well that answers that question. Just to let you both know anyone, human or non-human, is allowed to come into the bar, as long as they do not start trouble
[14-02:17] 790d2, *nytewulf: *looks at her* ok Harmonia
[14-02:18] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *has started digging through her pockets when he speaks. Her hand quickly jerks from a pocket. The taser that had been dangling from her wrist swings into her hand and she holds it out, pushing the button once just so that he's clear on what it is* Watch it, buddy.
[14-02:19] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll look at nytewolf and smile, hoping over the bar to take a seat next to Walter* Can I get a glass of jack daniels please?
[14-02:19] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *nods* And we have to keep covered? *sayed with a slight tone of digust. Though he stands then starting to look around the bar*
[14-02:20] 07969, *Harmonia: *looks at Walter* What do you think? If you do not want to stay covered, you do not have too
[14-02:20] 790d2, *nytewulf: no problem *grabs a bottle of jack and a short glass, pours the Jack in and hands it to Harmonia* enjoy!
[14-02:21] JOIN: Simon has entered.
[14-02:21] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll smile at her and take a sip of the jack. A smile crossing her face as she had not had jack in a while* Will do, thanks
[14-02:21] 790d2, *nytewulf: *turns slightly* would you like anything sir?
[14-02:22] 7c8e9, Simon: ((Yo, yo to you all from OOC land. :) ))
[14-02:23] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: *raises an eyebrow as he looks at the taser, trying not to smirk, because that wasn’t going to be helpful right now, she seems a little bit jumpy to him* I’m don’t like anyone offering you help. I didn't realize, I can just be on my way then
[14-02:23] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: ((waves to Simon))
[14-02:23] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: No thanks... *to nytewulf. He then looks back to Harmonia* And then what happens when a human comes in? *raises an eyebrow, and smirks* I'm not sure they'd handle that one to well.
[14-02:24] 790d2, *nytewulf: *nods* your welcome miss
[14-02:24] EXIT: Simon has left the chat ( 2:23am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-02:25] 790d2, *nytewulf: ok sir *pours herself a double shot of Tequila and slugs it back, rinsing out any glasses*
[14-02:25] 07969, *Harmonia: *looks at Walter and smirks, shrugs lightly* If they can't take it, then they can leave the bar. Either that or they may think it's some type of costume.
[14-02:26] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *just isn't an idiot. A woman out alone at night doesn't ask strange men for help. Her fiery green eyes blaze from beneath the brim of the hat. Of course, the anger is at herself for being so absentminded, but it it scares off a creep, then that's cool too*
[14-02:28] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *smirks, and chuckles* I suppose so. *he reaches back pulling the sword from around his shoulders, it seeming to have a large stone in the end. And they might wonder why an angel has a sword*
[14-02:28] 790d2, *nytewulf: *finishes rinsing used glasses, gives a low appreciateive whistle for the fine blade*
[14-02:29] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: *smirks a bit* If I wanted to hurt you, I wouldn’t have bothered saying anything in the first place, you were a bit preoccupied before, I could have taken you completely by surprise *raises his hands in the air in a ‘see I don’t have any weapons’ sorta way, though actually he just doesn’t have weapons in his hands* You just looked…a bit panicked.
[14-02:29] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[14-02:30] 07969, *Harmonia: *looks at the blade and smile* Some heavy equipment you got there
[14-02:30] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *sighs.... what the hell? She supposes this night couldn't get much worse* I locked the keys to the store... in the store.
[14-02:31] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: (pssstt... everyone. This chat is #1 on the portal)
[14-02:31] JOIN: Tevesh-Szat has entered.
[14-02:31] 07969, *Harmonia: ((it is? Awesome))
[14-02:31] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *looks at Arktik and Harmonia with a silent smirk of pride, laying the blade down on the table*
[14-02:31] 790d2, *nytewulf: ((*claps, that is good news))
[14-02:32] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: Ah, that would be a problem *turns his head to to consider the store, looking it over before looking back to her* What kind of security system does it have other than a lock?
[14-02:32] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll finish off her glass of Jack then walk over to Walter, looking at the blade on the table* Very nice. *looks at him* You got a place to stay around here?
[14-02:32] 790d2, *nytewulf: if i may ,Walter, how did you earn the sword?
[14-02:34] 790d2, *nytewulf: *rinses out the glass nad dries it with a towel, steps from behind the bar to join Harmonia and Walter*
[14-02:34] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: other than these bars over the glass you mean? *raises a brown and looks at him suspiciously*
[14-02:35] 07969, *Harmonia: ((*waves to Tevesh-Szat*))
[14-02:35] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *looks down at Harmonia, shaking his head, then looks up at Arktik* I didn't earn it... it was givin' to me by father... This is the sword of the Angel of Death.... *his voice trailing off*
[14-02:36] 790d2, *nytewulf: ((i like hte banner but it barely finishes loading b4 its refreshed))
[14-02:37] 790d2, *nytewulf: then it is well earned, gifted from father to son, you suit your profession sir
[14-02:37] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: That’s what I thought, doesn’t seem like it would be that difficult to get in if you really need to *shrugs a bit, because to him it doesn’t really seem like it would be all that difficult, just depending on the kind of damage you were willing to inflict on the building* Just doing it at night probably wouldn’t be the best idea, would look like your trying to rob the place if you took to long
[14-02:37] 07969, *Harmonia: *she'll blink at this information then look at Walter* If you want, I got rooms upstairs, you can feel free to rent one out
[14-02:37] 07969, *Harmonia: *nods in agreement with Arktik*
[14-02:38] 790d2, *nytewulf: *bows fromthe waist respectively, eyes lowered, towards Walter Saint*
[14-02:38] 7c8e9, Tevesh-Szat: ((*waves to Harmonia* Whaddup, foo? ))
[14-02:38] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *shrugs slightly to Arktik, then looks to Harmonia* It would be much appreciated.
[14-02:38] 4435c, *Kailynn Benson: *shrugs, kneeling down to shove her stuff back in her bag. She keeps her body at an angle so tha she can keep an eye on him* I don't open anyway. I guess I can come in and get them tomorrow *though that means no clubbing tonight, but she can live without that*
[14-02:39] JOIN: Diggory Youth has entered.
[14-02:39] EXIT: Diggory Youth has left the chat ( 2:39am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-02:39] 49ca3, *Walter Saint: *he looking over and blinks at Arktik as she bows*
[14-02:39] 07969, *Harmonia: *she nods and thinks* I'm charging Arktik $70 a month since she is working for me. Would that be alright with you?
[14-02:39] JOIN: Dunstan Ryder has entered.
[14-02:40] JOIN: nytewulf has entered.
[14-02:40] EXIT: Tevesh-Szat has left the chat ( 2:38am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-02:41] 790d2, *nytewulf: you have earned my respect...only to your enemies or subordinates do you watch, those respected or of better skill are honored
[14-02:43] 42127, *Dunstan Ryder: Then it’s not something to get that worked up about I suppose *watches her, fully aware that she doesn’t seem to much care for him being there, which is smart on her part considering she knows nothing about him.* To bad you had to dump out your entire bag before you figured that out
[14-02:43] 49c,moth: (*test*
[14-02:43] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-02:44] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 2:43am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-02:44] 49c, *Walter Saint: *nods* Yes that sounds fine... *looks at Wulf then* Thank you, Arktik
[14-02:44] 49c,moth: What does everyone think of the look of the place?
[14-02:44] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[14-02:45] 790, *nytewulf: *smiles slightly* your welcome, sir.
[14-02:45] 790, *nytewulf: ((i like moth ))
[14-02:46] 49c, *Walter Saint: (it's kool bro)
[14-02:46] 079, *Harmonia: ((*thumbs up* Awesome job)) *she'll smile and look at them, turning and heading back to the bar, she'll jump over it landing on the other side and smiling at them*
[14-02:47] 49c,moth: Now all I have to do is make the icons..
[14-02:47] 443, *Kailynn Benson: (*thinks it's UBER cool*) *is also smart enough to not disclose the security system to her job* Thank you for your concern *said a bit sarcastically since she can bet that he could really care less if she'd had a rotten night or not*... but I don't really need my short comings pointed out to me
[14-02:47] 790, *nytewulf: *smiles back* this is a fine thinking about spreading the word out....
[14-02:48]       Tevesh walks down the sidewalk, his bass guitar strapped onto his back and his tattered black tophat crooked upon his head. He whistles as he strolls merrily down the pavement, staring openly at every one of the people that pass him by, amazed by the recent fashions and whatnot. Tev is garbed in simple attire, brown, worn pants and a black t-shirt with a black overcoat. Atop his head is the aforementioned tophat that he got somewhere a long time ago. In his hand he holds a polished black bamboo cane, it's head carved into a dragon.
[14-02:48] 7c8, *Tevesh: ('tis ub3r 1337.)
[14-02:49] 079, *Harmonia: *looks at Arktik and smiles* That would be apperciated. I put a lot of work into it after my parents passed.
[14-02:49] 7c8, *Tevesh: (*Tizzest, foo!*))
[14-02:50] JOIN: Juliette Scabbard has entered.
[14-02:50] 421, *Dunstan Ryder: That wasn’t what I was doing *is completely honest, not what he meant at all* Just a side note on a bad situation, sorry if I’m making it worse. *is actually being sincere, when he first stopped it really was to see if he could help, but obviously that’s not going to happen* I’m not trying to be a bother, but I must be one anyway
[14-02:50] 790, *nytewulf: no problem there sir boss ma'am*snaps a salute, then laughs*
[14-02:51] 079, *Harmonia: *she'll laugh and look at her* And you're a riot, jeez, I can see I've hired good help
[14-02:52] 790, *nytewulf: thanks *smiles and chuckles low inher throat* i have an odd sense of humor and when it comes out.....
[14-02:53] JOIN: Kailynn Benson has entered.
[14-02:53]       Tevesh stops suddenly, his cane making a loud CLACK as he taps it on the ground. He is standing in front of a... tavern. Tevesh looked up and read the sign above the place and says the name slowly, tasting the words.. Having not spoken in years.. "Before. The. Dawn. Ah! 'Tis wonderful to speak aloud again!" Tevesh coughs loudly and steps up to the door of the place, walking in..
[14-02:53] 49c, *Walter Saint: *just smirks at the two, then picks up the sword, looking at Harmonia* Just so you know.... I could work security if ever the need be....
[14-02:54] 443, *Kailynn Benson: *stuffs her work shirt, which has a nametag that reads 'Desdemona' pinned to it, back into the bag* Hey... give me some credit. This is L.A. Rudeness is a survival skill.
[14-02:54] 079, *Harmonia: *looks at Walter and smiles* Two bouncers now. Things are looking up. *she'll turn to see Tevesh step into the bar and smile at him, noting the clothing and cane* Hey there. What would you like this evening?
[14-02:56] 790, *nytewulf: Hey Walter, what if we switch nights/days? *watches hte new comer, huffs nad trusn back towards Walter*
[14-02:56] 49c, *Walter Saint: *his wings push against his back as Tevesh walks in. He turns his head to look at him, the sword still in his hand, and he quickly turns*
[14-02:56]       Tevesh walks up to the bar, sitting on one of the stools.. He tips his hat at the barkeep.. "Good day, Miss! Ah, I'd like... Well.." Tevesh sighs lightly, and thinks... 'Is this place serving all.. kinds? Or must I show them what I am? Or do I keep the snake asleep?!' He grins to himself.. "What exactly do you serve here Missus?"
[14-02:57] 49c, *Walter Saint: *he looks over at Arktik then nodding.*
[14-02:57] 079, *Harmonia: *looks at him and smiles* Anything and everything hon. What'll it be?
[14-02:57] 7c8, *Tevesh: *didn't notice Walter.. :P *
[14-02:58] 790, *nytewulf: *looks at the newcomer again, and tilts her head slightly to the right, lettingher normal sight go* *whipsers, so thats who what he is....?!?!*
[14-02:59] 421, *Dunstan Ryder: I suppose, but it only really scares off the people you don’t have to worry about. It’s the ones that like the rudeness you need to watch out for*notes the name tag as she talks, and looks up at her with a bit of a smile playing across his face* You don’t look particularly like a Desdemona to me…but I guess there aren’t that many people that really ‘look’ anything.
[14-02:59] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-02:59] 790, *nytewulf: agreed? cool....*lounges in a tall backed barstool, head resting on the backrest*
[14-02:59]       Tevesh inclines his head slightly and looks at her... "I'll have a glass o' blood!" He grins slightly, hoping for the best.
[14-03:00] EXIT: Dunstan Ryder has left the chat ( 2:59am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-03:01] 443, *Kailynn Benson: Look, it's late. I'm going home. Thanks. *starts off down the street, slinging her bag over her shoulder*
[14-03:01] 079, *Harmonia: *she'll smile at him and nod* Coming right up. *she'll turn and start grab a bottle that was hidden underneath the bar, she'll grab a taller glass and pour the blood in, handing it to Tevesh* Enjoy. *she'll put the bottle away and lean against the bar again*
[14-03:01] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((*Pounces Walter*))
[14-03:02] 49c,moth: *eyes Juliette*
[14-03:02] 790, *nytewulf: *eyes half shut arms crossed over her stomach and smiles slyly, thinking her thoughts*
[14-03:02] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((*Pounces Motheh*))
[14-03:02] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((*Leers at him*))
[14-03:03]       Tevesh cocks a brow at her takes a deep drink of the blood, then tips his hat again towards the barkeep.. "Thank you again, Miss... Say, what's your name? Mine's Tevesh, how do ya do?" Holds his hand out for a handshake...
[14-03:03] 079, *Harmonia: *looks over at nytewolf and walter* Which one of you wants the day shift tomorrow? And which one wants the night? I have some business to take care of tomorrow night so I can't work
[14-03:03] 079, *Harmonia: *she'll look at Tevesh and smile, taking his hand in a firm handshake* Harmonia. Nice to meet ya Tevesh
[14-03:04] 49c, *Walter Saint: (*is.... pounced?) *he just stands afew yards behinde Tevesh, the sword behinde his back* *he looks at Arktik then* I don't care.
[14-03:04] 443, ºEnvy: I'm taking myself to bed because Beavis and Butthead is over. hehe. you darlings behave.
[14-03:04] 790, *nytewulf: Im good for either shift....though i would prefer day, less chance of me having to run out...*nods* ill take day then
[14-03:04] 079, *Harmonia: ((*huggles Envy* Will do, I need to get going myself))
[14-03:05] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((*Snugs him up* You like that name alot don'tya? *Can't talk, is the same with her Eva's name*))
[14-03:05] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((Envy = MADI!!!))
[14-03:05] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((I think!!!))
[14-03:06]       Tevesh grins heartily, his eyes sort of.. twinkling as he stares directly at her.. His general body language shows everyone that he is a true madman. Though his eyes are wild, he is quite obviously in control of his inheritance and is old. Far older than he looks. He looks around, and feels that he must be a wandering again.. "How much do I owe ya, Miss Harmonia?"
[14-03:06] 443, ºEnvy: the one and only, best friend Mischa! but I really have to go it's 4 am. g'night all
[14-03:07] 49c, *Walter Saint: (ooh.... *knows who it is*) *nods to Arktik, keeping his eyes on Tevesh*
[14-03:07] 079, *Harmonia: *she does pick up on this and smiles at him* First one is on the house for everyone that comes in
[14-03:07] 5d0, Juliette Scabbard: ((Night Best Friend Madi!))
[14-03:08]       Tevesh feels the eyes on him... He turns around slowly, not in the least bit offended.. He doesn't want to make a threatening move.. "Howdy!"
[14-03:08] 790, *nytewulf: *slowly stands up nad walks to stnad beside but diant from Walter* What's up?
[14-03:08]       Tevesh looks back at Harmonia.. "Thank you Miss, I truly appreciate it."
[14-03:09] 790, *nytewulf: ((distant....(stabs a typo demon))
[14-03:09] 079, *Harmonia: *she shakes her head* No problem. It's what I've always done for the new people that come in here
[14-03:10] 49c, *Walter Saint: Hi.... *thats all he says as he watches Tevesh. A hand behinde his back, still holding the sword*
[14-03:10] MSG: Harmonia tried to message Nytewolf (not registered).
[14-03:11] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Nytewulf.
[14-03:11] 790, *nytewulf: *steps up alil closer to the man at the bar* oh excuse name is Arktik and you are?
[14-03:11]       Tevesh stares at Walter again. He fiddles with his cane as he looks at him, straight in the eyes... Getting a feel of his vibes, knowing what his ends say to the top.. He grins as he thinks... Thinks of years passed, and other things like that.. Not concentrating on the situation at hand.."I'm Tevesh, how'dya do?"
[14-03:12] 7c8, *Tevesh: ((That was to Nytewolf and Walter))
[14-03:13] MSG: nytewulf sent a message to Harmonia.
[14-03:13] 790, *nytewulf: i am well and you sir? its nice to meet you
[14-03:14] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Nytewulf.
[14-03:15]       Tevesh tips his hat to Arktik.. "Good, good. Just got a bit of the liquid-life. That cheered me up right well. Thank you for asking."
[14-03:15] MSG: nytewulf sent a message to Harmonia.
[14-03:16] 790, *nytewulf: No problem sir and its good to hear you are feeling better *smiles and steps away saying* i hope you stay and if you leave may you travel safely adn return as well as you left
[14-03:17] 7c8, *Tevesh: Thank you, thank you.. *Looks at Walter.* And did you need anything, Mister?
[14-03:19]       Tevesh reaches back and grabs his glass, polishing it off then setting it back on the counter. He swallows quietly and doesn't break his gaze with Walter..
[14-03:20] 49c, *Walter Saint: No.... I'm fine.... *nods slightly* Enjoy your drink sir. *his wings up against his back, they almost impossible to see, unless you're behinde him*
[14-03:20] 790, *nytewulf: *slips behind the bar...finding a samll bag she left there, opens it and slips on two wrist sheaths covered by the long arms of her over shirt and walks to stand somewhere between Walter and Tevesh*
[14-03:21] 079, *Harmonia: *insert NPC Harmonia* ((sorry everyone, have to get to sleep, need to babysit tomorrow. *hugs for all* night!))
[14-03:21] 790, *nytewulf: ((nihgt harmonia have fun tomrrow take care and blessings))
[14-03:22] 079, *Harmonia: ((same to you nytewulf.))
[14-03:23]       Tevesh nods silently and digs into his pockets, and takes out a $10 bill and places it under the glass on the counter.. Tev throws up his cane and then catches it in midair, looking at the woman between him and the other one.. "So, that's a fine dandy dance, whatsay we all just have a bit of fun? Care to have a drink? Or three?"
[14-03:24] 49c, *Walter Saint: No... thank you.... *he just watches him, he squzing the sword slightly*
[14-03:24] 790, *nytewulf: im afriad to say, sir*looking at tevesh* that i would like to drink with you bu ihave already reached my limit
[14-03:25] 7c8, *Tevesh: ((Just wondering, but what kind of.. vampiric "powers" (( the White Wolf ones)) are allowed? Must I have a char sheet first??))
[14-03:26]       Tevesh looks at Arktik. "Nonsense! Limits are for the feeble-minded! Break the barriers, rust the chains! I'll buy your poison, you give me your company! We'll see that the night lasts long!"
[14-03:26] 49c, *Walter Saint: (*shrugs* I'm not sure)
[14-03:27] 7c8, *Tevesh: ((Well, that's a bitch. I'll just write up a char sheet later. -_-))
[14-03:27] 790, *nytewulf: *looks at Walter from behind a curtain of hair* hey man, whats up? *smiles and nods* thanks Tevesh but i really have had enough.
[14-03:28] 790, *nytewulf: ((you might want ot look under rules or else wait until Harmonia is back Tevesh))
[14-03:28] 49c, *Walter Saint: *shakes his head just slightly towards nyte wolf*
[14-03:29] 790, *nytewulf: *nods slightly* well i suppose i better get in backnad prepare food and stuff for the morrow.....if eihter of you need me ill be in the kitchen
[14-03:30] 7c8, *Tevesh: Righty-oh. For you, the limit is fine.. But for me! *Nods slightly at the barkeep and has another glass o' blood served up. As he talks, Tevesh seems to become more and more feverish, his eyes becoming a bit more... mad. He seems to be becoming more emotional, but that's an expected thing with a Malkavian..* I need strong drink! I wish I were still living, those were the days! I used to drink many a fine liquid death, full of wonderful mystical things... I could see the sky under that water, pure holy water. Nectar of the Gods! *his Tophat slips down slightly over one eye, his chin length hair falling out from under the hat.*
[14-03:31] 49c,moth: *should bring his Assamite character here*
[14-03:31] 7c8, *Tevesh: ((Go for it Moth. :) ))
[14-03:32] MSG: moth sent a message to Tevesh.
[14-03:32] MSG: nytewulf sent a message to Moth.
[14-03:33] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Moth.
[14-03:33] 790, *nytewulf: *slips ino the kitchena nd finds the fruits and vegetables, dicing and slicing haveing fun*
[14-03:33] MSG: moth sent a message to Tevesh.
[14-03:34] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Moth.
[14-03:34] 49c, *Walter Saint: *he just watches him, staying still*
[14-03:35] 790, *nytewulf: *gets those into covered refrigable bowls. slips then back intothe fridge and finishes preparing the meats and lunch things*
[14-03:37] 7c8, *Tevesh: ~stands up suddenly, showing that he is quite tall.. Almost 7 feet. Grinning akwardly at Walter, he starts to try to make him see the point of the story...~ Who? What? When? Why? It doesn't matter! What really matters is the future! Past is nothing in the eyes of the Golden Bead! Make her pay, make her weep. You'll see nothing of the tears of the sky! It used to be my life's blood, the poison. Bottled poison left me emotionless, hapless. Thoughtless. The way I thought I wanted to be!! But no, this vile retched worm of hate and lust came upon me and sucked me dry! Then I was shown what real life was like. Death. That is true life!
[14-03:37] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Moth.
[14-03:39] 7c8, *Tevesh: ~leans in closely to Walter.. His face a foot or two away..~ Do you see the point?
[14-03:39] 790, *nytewulf: *clenas up her workplace, washes her hands, gets out he pans and dishes needed for the morrow, then take off her apron and steps outside, drying her hands*
[14-03:42] 790, *nytewulf: ((well i gotta get going ineed at least something b4 work later...take care and blessings all))
[14-03:43] 7c8, *Tevesh: ((Peace!))
[14-03:43] 790, *nytewulf: see ya Walter, Tevesh, it was nice meeting both of you. *walks towards hte stairs and then up them toher room* g'morrow
[14-03:44] 7c8, *Tevesh: ~nods at Nyte..~ LIkewise, Missus.
[14-03:46] 7c8, *Tevesh: ~Sighs at Walter.. Bids him goodday, and walks out of the place himself.. Walks down the street and dissapears...~ ((Gonna go play some Spiderman 2. _ Peace!))
[14-03:46]       Tevesh is gone!
[14-03:46] EXIT: Tevesh has left the chat ( 3:46am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-03:48] EXIT: nytewulf has left the chat ( 3:43am, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-03:57] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-04:16] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:16] a06,moth : test
[14-04:17] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:17] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:17] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:17] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:37] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:37] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:37] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:37] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:37] a06,moth : *test*
[14-04:37] a06,moth : *test*

Chat cleared by moth.
[14-04:39] a06,moth : *wanders to bed now that the icons are completed*
[14-04:40] a06,moth : *wanders to bed, now that the icons are completed*
[14-04:45] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-04:46] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-04:47] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-14:09] JOIN: Kirsten has entered.
[14-14:09] 5d0, Kirsten: *Tosses twenty bucks at Moth and runs*
[14-14:09] EXIT: Kirsten has left the chat ( 2:09pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-15:02] JOIN: Kailynn Benson has entered.
[14-15:12] e50, *Kailynn Benson: Yay! It looks so pretty! Thank you Mothy!
[14-15:32] JOIN: LAMadame has entered.
[14-15:32] e50, ºEnvy: *loves madly on the madame*
[14-15:45] be7, ºLAMadame: *drags into a dark corner and has her way with the glorious Envy*
[14-15:46] be7, ºLAMadame: *hunts for dark and dirty pictures for her soon-to-be character*
[14-15:47] e50, ºEnvy: lemme finish my thread on the board and I'll help
[14-15:48] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[14-15:48] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 3:48pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-15:49] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[14-15:50] 1de, *Tevesh: ((Yo, yo OOC style bitches! Werd!))
[14-15:50] be7, ºLAMadame: 'lo Tevesh!
[14-15:51] e50, ºEnvy: hi Tev
[14-15:51] 1de, *Tevesh: What's up, home diggidy dog?
[14-15:52] 1de, *Tevesh: dogs**
[14-15:53] e50, ºEnvy: Just loving on my Madame
[14-15:54] 1de, *Tevesh: Wow. You guys ever get naked and sit in front of a fan with two ice cubes in your lap? It's invigorating. :P
[14-15:54] be7, ºLAMadame: I've never tried, but I'll have to. It might be fun to do with the hubby. ^_^
[14-15:55] 1de, *Tevesh: Whooo! It wakes you up! Better than coffee.
[14-15:56] e50, ºEnvy: You fucking weirdo
[14-15:57] 1de, *Tevesh: But hey, I'm an irrestible weirdo, eh? Ehhhhhhh...? :)
[14-15:59] be7, ºLAMadame: You do have a certian charm, Tev.
[14-16:00] 1de, *Tevesh: *blush..* Thank ya Missus! :) Now you got me all bashful-like.. :P
[14-16:01] be7, ºLAMadame: I hardly think a person who sits with ice in their lap and who tells about it would be bashful. ^_^
[14-16:02] 1de, *Tevesh: Well, you got me there. I'll admit it, I lied about the bashful part. You cought me... *spreads eagle up against a wall..* Have your way with me, if you must! Please, be rough though
[14-16:02] 1de, *Tevesh: CAUGHT*******
[14-16:04] e50, ºEnvy: *clings to the Madame and swats Tev* Back off, biotch. she's my ho
[14-16:05] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[14-16:05] 1de, *Tevesh: Bastard computer internet electronic... THING! Die!
[14-16:07] 1de, *Tevesh: ~walks off to the corner. Pouts, whimpers, cries, etc.. Does everything to make himself look pitiable.~
[14-16:07] be7, ºLAMadame: *just laughs, and clings to Envy* I am hers, and she is mine, but maybe we can play with him a little, maybe please? *looks puppy-like and cute*
[14-16:08] 1de, *Tevesh: Hey, hey! Look at me! I'm pouting AND sexy! It's a great combo! Fear my unholy powers of making you unalbe to resist me!
[14-16:09] e50, ºEnvy: tie him to the end of a string and bat at him a little?
[14-16:12] 1de, *Tevesh: Wait, wait. If it doesn't involve leather and some sort of whipping... device, I'm not down.
[14-16:13] 1de, *Tevesh: Speaking of tight leather, I need to find a Dom IRL. :(
[14-16:14] be7, ºLAMadame: What about Flechettes? Do those suite your tastes? I used to have a Dom. *shifty eyes*
[14-16:18] be7, ºLAMadame: Well, while I have the chance, I'm hopping IC in this lovely place. ^_^ Btw, what time of day is it here in L.A.? *misses muchly her lovely, smoggy city*
[14-16:19] 1de, *Tevesh: Hum dee dumm. Flechettes are fine. ;)
[14-16:19] e50, ºEnvy: Whatever time you want it to be, love
[14-16:20]       Tevesh jumps into IC too, I guess. -_-
[14-16:20] be7, ºLAMadame: Ooo, what's your saftey word? 'Cause I just might have to hurt you. *laughs and falls IC*
[14-16:20] 1de, *Tevesh: (Bah! Fuck safety words. Keep going until I pass out. Pain is good. Tells me I'm living.)
[14-16:21] NICK: LAMadame changed nick to Cecile DeMornay.
[14-16:22]       Tevesh walks along the sidewalk, his signature cane scraping along a the wall to his left.. His tophat is on his head, crooked as ever, and he wears the same brown pants and overcoat, but has a grey shirt on this time.. He stops in front of the bar he went to last night, and enters it once again..
[14-16:23] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : *she stands outside the door of her strip club; it's just eleven in the morning, and around the back her staff and strippers are arriving and getting ready to start work. A cigarette dangles from her lips and she's clad in a silky, halter dress that barely passes her secret area. Long, creamy-white legs slink down to stelleto shoes. Her hair is left wildly around her shoulders, though it's clean and shinning. Dark eyes study the passers-by as she contemplates opening a little earlier today*
[14-16:23] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (pic change)
[14-16:25] 1de, *Tevesh : ((Dammit! Daytime = baaad. Ah well, I guess I'll wait til later.))
[14-16:26] e50, *Kailynn Benson: (make another char, dude)
[14-16:26] 1de, *Tevesh : ((That requires effort. Leaving and the like. And I'm feelin' preeeeeeeeetty lethargic at this point in time.))
[14-16:27] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (Okay, so it's dusk, how about that? And the club is open for business, she's just stainding outside for some fresh air.)
[14-16:27] 1de, *Tevesh : ((Bah. Oh well, Simon, the weirdo human dude, will come in now! :) ))
[14-16:28] 1de, *Tevesh : ((You'd do that for lil ol' me? Oo, how I do love you! :P ))
[14-16:28] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (no no! Keep tevesh in, please!)
[14-16:28] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (i want to play with him ... ^_^)
[14-16:28] e50, *Kailynn Benson: (you mean Moth and I make you this lovely room and you're too lazy to make a new char for it? ya bum) *Is one of those girls. She'd had to stop by the record store and pick up her keys and wallet, first. But she comes up the street with a bag slung over her shoulder, in jeans and a black tank top with a white hat over her red hair*
[14-16:30] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : Good evening, Kailynn. Go ahead in the front, if you want, just be careful. There are a couple of grabbers in the bunch tonight. *she gives the girl a kind smile; she does treat her girls and men as well as she possibly can; they get all the money they make on stage and if they have any side ventures, they get half the profits. Working a night to their best, some girls can go home with five thousand or more; not bad for a nightly wage. But they do work for it*
[14-16:30]       Tevesh walks down the street, his cane gently tapping on the ground with every step he takes. His tophat sits atop his head, still crooked to one side. His chin length brown hair hangs down tonight, covering both sides of his face, and his mustache and goatee seem to be freshly trimmed. He is wearing simple clothes again, a grey t-shirt, brown pants, and a brown leather overcoat. Tevesh walks with the air of a crazy man, eyes darting back and forth, but he gives off the air of something more dangerous.. ((He's a Malky! :) ))
[14-16:33] e50, *Kailynn Benson: *nods and smiles back, enjoying her last few moments as Kailynn Benson. It's a name that she hardly gets to use anymore. She's Dedemona at the record store (Shakespeare fan), and Mary Ann, the Catholic school girl at the Bush* Thanks for the heads up.
[14-16:33]       Tevesh whistles as he stares everything passing him by.. He stops moving for a bit and leans up against a rough brick, one leg propped up and leaning on his cane. Speaking aloud he says to himself.. "Wonder where we are? Bah, shouldn't care, shouldn't worry. The night is young, and I am old!"
[14-16:34] 1de, *Tevesh : ((rough brick wall**))
[14-16:38] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : Mmhm. *she tosses a wad of cash at Kai* You forgot this last night. It was left by your last patron for the evening. He quite enjoyed your company, it seems, because this is just a tip. Keep that up for a bit longer, and you'll be able to retire, young lady, and live quite comfortably. *she gives her a broad smile* You're well-liked, Kai, and while this isn't the most gratifying job, it does pay, and pay damned well. I hope you'll make it through. Now get in there, or you'll be late when you clock in.
[14-16:42]       Tevesh looks down at his scuffed black leather boots.. He rubs one foot with the other as he watches the world go by, entire people become one big blob of conciousness.. He blinks, watching them all herded off to wherever they need to be, disgusting men and women.. Cellulite hanging out of every available space, stupidity leaking from their ears.."It's sad, isn't it bud?" He says that to his cane, which seems to be able to talk to him.
[14-16:42] e50, *Kailynn Benson: *takes the cash, but the compliment doesn't flatter her in the slightest... though the money does. Stuffing the money into one of the pockets on her bag, she looks back up. Knowing full well that if she had worked anywhere else in this city, she never would have seen that money, she does smile graciously at Cecile* Thanks.
[14-16:45] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : *she only nods and then pushes herself off the wall* Go home early tonight, kid. You look worn out. Tell Chaz I said it's okay. *Chaz is the Manager of the club* Let him know I'm just going for a little walk and I'll be back soon. *she throws her cigarette into the gutter and starts off, pulling another from behind her ear and sticking it in her mouth as she goes. She might be mistaken for a whore walking the streets at this point, but anyone who's been around this area long enough knows better. It's amusing, though, when a new John does come up every once in a while and try to solicit her services. It's been nearly a decade since she made her fortune. No need for that anymore*
[14-16:46] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (pic test .. feedback please)
[14-16:47] e50, *Kailynn Benson : (fabulously trashy!!!))
[14-16:48] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[14-16:48]       Tevesh continues to stand, leaning on the wall. Muttering here and there to the cane, which has an ornate dragon carved upon the head. Two red jewels are embedded where the eyes are, and they seem to glow ever so lightly.. "Ah, just wait, bud. The world is changing too fast for our mind. I'm old, you're old. But hey, we're going to keep going.. Not going to fall into the Pit like the others.. Bad, bad, bad." ((Good pic. ;)))
[14-16:51] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (yay!) *she passes by the strange man with the cane, for a moment her eyes focused very accutely on his face, completely facinated. So enthralled for a moment, in fact, that she catches a heal on a crack in the sidewalk and falls flat on her knees and hands with a little wail. A whore she may have been, but she has her modesty, and she quickly shimmys her slinky dress back down over her thong-covered bum before too many people get a nice look at it*
[14-16:52] e50, *Kailynn Benson : *nods, but she's not going home early. She'll stay here until her shift is over, then close at the record store, then come for her second shift here. She comes in the place through the front, but goes along the back wall to get to the back room. With her current attire and hat, she draws absoultely no attention away from the tall, naked blonde on stage. She does lift the brim, though so that the bouncer can see it's her before he lets her in the back*
[14-16:53]       Tevesh jumps as the lady falls.. Rushes over to quickly help her up. He has a well-defined sense of manners for a Malkavian. He looks at her and says, "Hello Miss, y'llright?"
[14-16:55] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : *taking his help, she pulls herself up, cursing under her breath. She flashes a well-practiced smile and nods* Sure, I'll be fine, but no short skirts for me for a while. *looking down, both knees are nearly completely skinned, blood quickly pooling and making it's way down her calves* What a complete drag. *she's had worse pain; childbirth among that, so this is no real concequence to her nerves* Thanks for asking.
[14-16:56]       Tevesh looks almost comical standing there in front of her, with a tattered black tophat and a long brown overcoat.. Though he gives off the feeling that he is a complete madman, that he sees the fiery pits of Hell and Conciousness as none see them.. His mind is completely warped in every sense imaginable, but still maintains an outward calm.. His eyes reflect a constant battle between himself, a constant torment.. Mind a blaze with a flame white hot..
[14-16:57]       Tevesh looks at her knees, and says.. "Snakes fucked a cat, you're in a bad way joint-wise right now, Miss." He takes out a white handerkerchief and hands it to her, smiling.. His eyes meeting hers and staying there..
[14-17:01] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : *those eyes, the very ones which caused her the nasty fall in the first place, catch nearly all her attention again; for a moment, she can't find the words to reply. But forcing her eyes back to her knees with some considerable amount of will, she bends to dab at the torn and terribly throbbing flesh* The joints to hurt, that's for sure. I think I'd like to see a snake fuck a cat, just once, for the novelty of it.
[14-17:02] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (to=do*)
[14-17:02] 1de, *Tevesh : Bah. Snakes, cats. We're all animals. Human copulation is amusing also, as it were. But that's besides the point. ~Smiles again and continues to watch her, curious. He just stands there.. Not saying anything, tapping his cane onto the ground lightly..~
[14-17:05] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : Amazing. Someone else that's come to the realization that just because we walk on two legs instead of four doesn't make us any more special than a dead dung beatle. *the handkerchief is soon soaked, and does little to stop the bleeding; knees, like heads, bleed overly much for their wounds. She offers the cloth back to him with a smile* You strike me as odd enough to take this back even in its current state. Can't blame you. Blood's a facinating thing. To think such a thin substance keeps us alive, hm? You think God or whomever might have been a bit more creative with it.
[14-17:08] 1de, *Tevesh : Well, well. I guess I'm supposed to take it back now, and stick it in the dark space? ~Grins as he knows he speaks nonsense, and takes the handkerchief back, placing it in the left pocket of his coat.~ Your wounds continue to ooze the stuff of life! Ah, I agree with your statement of blood, it keeps us alive, maybe differently. Bleed blood and lose life, flimsy and frail human bodies. ~Nods slightly and tightens the grip on his cane as it slowly mutters to him.. 'Move, we must be gone. Leaving, travel.. Move!'~
[14-17:09] e50, *Kailynn Benson : (*profile*)
[14-17:11] JOIN: Aurora Sempter has entered.
[14-17:11] 5d0, Aurora Sempter: ((*Dances*))
[14-17:11] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : *she laughs* You speak like you weren't human anymore. Hell, it really wouldn't surprise me if you weren't. This is L.A. after all. *she snickers and reaches to dab her fingers in her blood and give it a sniff and a lick* Not bad. Anyways, thanks so much for the help. And yes, worship that little cloth. I'm a goddess, after all. *she laughs and wiggles a finger at him* You're fun. Maybe we'll see each other again, hm? But I need to get back to the club.
[14-17:14] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : (the baby needs his mother, so I must go, my darlings. Caio!)
[14-17:14] be7, ºCecile DeMornay : *and with that, she turns and with all the haste her wounded legs can muster, makes her way back down towards her club*
[14-17:14] 1de, *Tevesh : ~Tips his tophat to the lady.. He finds her quite intruiging...~ Ah, never doubt the impossible. For all you know I could appear behind you with fangs of death hanging from my mouth oozing poison. ~Stops talking and thinks...'Los Angeles? How'd we get here, bud? Wandering takes time, and time slipped our mind! Minds of hate and minds of fun!' His eyes open wide, and he stares directly at the woman.~ It was good talking to ya, Miss. I do hope we meet again and see what is happening in the world of Angels. ~walks away..~
[14-17:15] 1de, *Tevesh : ((Peace out, home girl.))
[14-17:15] e50, *Kailynn Benson : (*wave* bye peanut! *frantic wave*)
[14-17:20] e50, *Kailynn Benson : ( I need to go for a bit too. my head is splitting. Drag someone in here and have fun, Tevvy)
[14-17:20] 1de, *Tevesh : ((Bah. I guess I'm outta here for a bit. ))
[14-17:20] EXIT: Tevesh has left the chat ( 5:20pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-17:20] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 5:20pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-18:23] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-19:01] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-19:16] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-19:49] JOIN: Kailynn Benson has entered.
[14-19:49] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 5:49pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[14-19:50] 551, ºEnvy: *comes back after a fabulous nap*
[14-20:23] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-20:24] 551, ºEnvy: *scoops up Mothy and watches the Jackass movie*
[14-20:36] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-20:38] 551, ºEnvy: howdy Robot kid
[14-20:41] a1a, *Robot Devil: hello
[14-20:43] 551, ºEnvy: check the new fabulous icons
[14-20:44] a1a,moth : *test - new icon*
[14-20:45] a1a,moth : *test - new icon*
[14-20:46] a1a, *Robot Devil : of course moth goes for the strip club
[14-20:46] a1a,moth :, actually I just made this icon. *thwaps his brother*
[14-20:47] 551, ºEnvy: and it looks fabulous.
[14-20:47] a1a,moth : *test*
[14-20:48] a1a,moth : Thanks. Do you know of any other icons we need?
[14-20:49] 551, ºEnvy: Not right now, actually
[14-20:50] a1a,moth: Now I just need to make a character so I can rp.
[14-20:51] 551, ºEnvy: shoo shoo... go do it
[14-20:52] a1a,moth: *has no idea what kind of character to make, though that isn't a surprise*
[14-20:53] 551, ºEnvy: you always come up with such brilliance
[14-22:00] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-22:07] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-22:08] JOIN: moth has entered.
[14-22:08] JOIN: moth has entered.
Chat cleared by Envy.
[14-22:09] 551, ºEnvy: see you later, clutter
[14-22:18] 551, ºEnvy: *whistles*
[14-22:22] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[14-22:24] 551, ºEnvy: *pounces Jayde*
[14-22:26] f82, *Jayde: *is pounced*
[14-22:37] a1a,moth: *watches the pouncing*
[14-22:39] 551, *Kailynn Benson : *comes out the back door of the Burning Bush, her second shift over. It was a good night. This month and next month's rent is covered with extra for groceries and film. Her make up is washed off and a hat covers her red hair, which has made her famous in the club. Most girls wear a wig at work both to make themselves more appealing and to somewhat disguise themselves, but when Kailynn had tried that, intrest in her had dropped dramatically. Pausing only briefly to ajust her bag over her shoulder and light a cigarette, she heads down the street*
[14-22:40] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-22:47] f82, *Dunstan Ryder: *is walking down the street at a rather quick pace dressed for work. It had seemed that there were a few of LA’s non-human inhabitants that hadn’t much cared for the fact that the person he’d killed two night before was important to them. Not that it matter, it wasn’t like the group was all that big, and the pair that had shown up at his apartment to kill him were dead, and now the other three either were, or in the case of one, would be come daybreak. He’d pinned him to the ground where the sun would be sure to reach him come morning, and he didn’t have a hope of freeing himself even if he woke up in time unless someone came along, but no one knew where to look. Dunstan had to be sure that no one else would come looking for the two that had died at his apartment.*
[14-22:54] 551, *Kailynn Benson : *she's walking much more slow, but still not dallying around. Being momentarily distracted by trying to decide whether or not to go home and sleep, or go get a drink, she rounds a corner and bashes into Dunstan. It has been a split second before that when she decided that the three rum and cokes that she had at work were plenty. A normal reaction in this kind of situation would be a bit of surprise and perhaps a little stumble back, but surprise of this kind is never anything she likes, so not only does she smash into the body, but her arms almost instinctivly come to push him away from her as she takes a step back*
[14-23:02] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : *he takes step back, reaching into his coat instantly for a weapon as the other grabbed one of her arms to hold her but the hand going for the weapon paused, as it became obviously quickly this wasn’t someone who was out to get him, or had planned on running into him. So the hand drops, though he still hangs onto her arm with the other. He narrows his eyes as he suddenly remembers where he’s seen her before, the girl who locked her keys in the music store* Desdemona wasn’t it? Funny running into you again. *a slight hint of suspicion is in his voice, as it was odd, but he’s pretty sure she didn’t do it on purpose, but he could never be to careful*
[14-23:06] 551, *Kailynn Benson : *steps back again, trying to wrench her arm out of his grasp* Let me go, you creep. *that wrench put the finishing touches on her hat, which had already been ready to fall off with the initial run in. Now, her fiery hair spills down across her shoulders. Matched with the intensity of her pale green eyes, she looks like a caged demon*
[14-23:11] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : You’re the one who ran into me *when he lets go he pushes her a bit, not liking her tone at all, he hadn’t done a damn thing to her* Your lucky I didn’t hit you, for all I knew you were someone who was after me. And it’s a bit suspicious that this is the second night in a row I’ve come across you.
[14-23:12] a1a,Victor Cross: (*test*)
[14-23:12] a1a,Victor Cross: tet
[14-23:14] 551, *Kailynn Benson : And I could say the same thing about you *she just never knows when some freak is going to follow her home from the club... or worse, recognize her at the music store. Looks at her broken cigarette with total disgust and throws it down* I apologize for running into you.
[14-23:15] 551, *Kailynn Benson : (yay! *snugglies Victor and gives him Cheeze-its* you need a pic, my fine detective friend*
[14-23:17] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[14-23:23] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : I’m not sure if I should believe that *takes a step back, carefully looking her over, trying to figure her out. He doesn’t think she’s everything she appears to be, but he’s not going to call her on it, at least not yet* You probably shouldn’t be walking around alone at night so much, especially in this area. I may not be out to get you, but I’ve no doubt there are plenty out there who could be.
[14-23:29] 551, *Kailynn Benson : *has actually heard something similar from Cecile... but she understood that warning. Cecile was protecting a source of income, but what was the deal with this guy* Well, I'll be sure to run right out and hire a body guard with my extra pocket cash. *just by her tone, it's either obvious she's heard it before, or it's a thought that has occured to her many times... or both*
[14-23:32] JOIN: Rowena Michaels has entered.
[14-23:34] 5d0, Rowena Michaels: ((...test?))
[14-23:35] NICK: Rowena Michaels changed nick to Rowena Michael.
[14-23:36] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Just an observation. I don’t like to see anyone get hurt if they don’t have to be *raises his hands in a defensive gesture, shakings his head a bit* You treat everyone you talk to like this? Not that treating everyone like a potential enemy is a bad thing, probably a good idea actually
[14-23:37] NICK: Rowena Michael changed nick to Gabriella.
[14-23:38] NICK: Gabriella changed nick to Rowena Micheals.
[14-23:39] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Kicks her pic* Wrong one! *Goes to find the right one*))
[14-23:40] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *as he answered his own question, she just raises her brows* The only one that's even brought up the subject of my harm, has been you.
[14-23:40] a1a, *Walter Saint: (test)
[14-23:41] a1a,Victor Cross: (*test*)
[14-23:42] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : You’re the one who keeps calling me names, and I do believe last night there was the threat of mace *smiles slightly* I’d have to be stupid not to know you thought I was a threat.
[14-23:44] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : Mace is for light weights... what I had would have done temporary, but painful damage to your nervous system.
[14-23:45] a1a,Victor Cross: (*test again*)
[14-23:46] a1a,Victor Cross: (*test again*)
[14-23:49] JOIN: Rowena Micheals has entered.
[14-23:50] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((Pic test))
[14-23:51] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Oh scary, whatever it was. I wasn’t really paying attention *shrugs slightly, he hadn’t really cared what it was she had. She’d of had to actually touch him with it to hurt him, and he knew she wouldn’t have been able to if he didn’t want her to, but he wasn’t worried about her trying, he wasn’t doing anything to hurt her or threaten her unless standing counted*
[14-23:57] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *is aware of how unthreatening she is. She glances down at her hat... in a puddle. Perfect. She should be able to make it home without being bothered. She wasn't wearing make up and is in normal clothes. Mary Ann had been left in the Burning Bush and Kailynn Benson was going to walk home without looking over her shoulder* So what are you doing in this part of town at night, anyway? *after it's blurted out, she regrets it... as it would undoubtedly require her to return the given information*
[15-00:01] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : *seems to consider the question for a moment, before answering, deciding to go with a version of the truth without actually telling her what he was doing. * Just got off of work. You?
[15-00:02] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *hesitates a moment... since he already knows where she works, but oh well* Same. *doesn't seem all that willing to give any more information about it*
[15-00:07] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Good enough *nods, it’s obvious she doesn’t particularly wants to talk about her work, though this was not where he had seen her working before, and that’s fine with him. He’s not going to press the issue* How much farther do you have to go? And I’m not asking for some creepy I’m going to follow you reason *adds almost as quickly as he ended the previous sentence* I was going to offer to walk you the rest of the way, but I can always continue on my own way if you prefer.
[15-00:11] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : About 5 blocks *which tonight seems devastingly long. So many hours on heels, her legs and feet were killing her, but the walk usually left her time to clear her head and relax* It's in the opposite direction that you were headed, though.
[15-00:13] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : *There is a low rumbling from the sky. Not thunder, there aren't any clouds about. The rumble grows, resonating in the chests of people all through the city. It goes on this way for almost a full minute, before stopping altogether, and there is a strange stretch of calm over the city. Those in the park would see a streak of light, almost that of a comet, shoot straight to a particularly grassy area with a strange sound, almost that of a chord being struck on a piano, though more fluid, and the harmony is, quite honestly, perfect. The comet lands and for a moment it shines with a light so bright it may look as though a miniature sun had fallen in the heart of LA. With a snap, the light is gone, and the figure on the ground distorts, shrinks, and molds into something completely different. A young child, lying in the grass, unharmed by the fall.*
[15-00:13] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : *chuckles a little as he shrugs with a smile* I wasn’t going anywhere in particular, just away. Five blocks isn’t all that far for something like this anyway. Ten and I would have changed my mind
[15-00:15] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((*Is so cute ^_^*))
[15-00:17] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : Fine... but... *doesn't even know a good 'but'. She's never let anyone walk her home except for a guy that she works with in the record store who lives in the same building*.. Fine *starts walking while pulling a tie from her wrist and reaching back to put her hair up*
[15-00:18] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : ((awww. yes indeed. super cute)
[15-00:19] a1a, *Walter Saint: (*wonders what Rowena is*)
[15-00:19] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((Who you callin' cute? I'm older than your great times seventy grandfather!))
[15-00:19] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((I mean... ^_^ *is cute*))
[15-00:20] a1a, *Walter Saint: (*thinks Rowena=angel*)
[15-00:21] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : *smiles to himself as he catches up within a couple strides to fall into step next to her* I take it you don’t get many offers to be walked home that don’t come with strings attached?
[15-00:21] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((Aww, gee, you really think so? *Blush* Nobody's said anything so nice...))
[15-00:25] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : Something like that, so prove me wrong and restore some of my faith in the patrons of this city by not turning out to be a total psycho
[15-00:29] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : I’ll do my best not to be a total psycho, but I’m not sure that’s a reason to have any faith in the patrons of this city *turns his head to grin slightly* I’d say 99% don’t deserve it in the slightest amount, for any reason
[15-00:35] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *nods* True... true. *switches her bag from one shoulder to the next, stopping at a crosswalk to let a car go by before starting again* Do you have a name?
[15-00:39] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Dunstan *doesn’t offer his last name, she doesn’t need it anyway.* And your Desdemona? *looks over her a bit skeptical, though for all he knew it was true. But she seemed to have some kind of secret about her, and a fake name wouldn’t be that surprising, also considering she’d just gotten off work, when the place he’d seen her working the night before wasn’t exactly close by*
[15-00:41] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *smirks* The boss said that we had to wear name tags and we weren't going to do it. The deal was that we got to pick the name on the name tag.
[15-00:43] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Ahh, interesting choice *nods as he talks* Can I know what the real names is, or is that secured information?
[15-00:47] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *has actually never been asked for her real name. People usually were satisfied with whatever one she'd given them* ... Kailynn.
[15-00:48] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : (*blinks* where'd everyone go?)
[15-00:52] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Hmm…I don’t think I’ve ever heard that name before. It sounds…good *is looking ahead as he walks, but he was being honest. He always tries to be as honest as he can be depending on the situation, especially when it wasn’t about work.* How many people actually know that?
[15-00:54] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : In this city? *shakes her head, considering* Not many. It's never really come up.
[15-00:57] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : That seems…odd *tilts his head as he talks, he does find it odd* but then I don’t really know you that well so no doubt there are reasons.
[15-00:59] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : Well, do you run around introducing yourselfto everyone that you come across? *glances at him suspiciously. This guy could be some kind of cop trying to get her talk about the club or something* Why are you so interested anyway?
[15-01:04] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : I…don’t get out much *doesn’t want to say ‘I don’t talk to humans all that much’. That probably wouldn’t go over well* And I introduce myself to anyone who asks. There’s no doubt in my mind that anyone who would actually be dangerous with the information could find it on there own anyway. A name is a name, just a way to identify something
[15-01:08] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *doesn't really feel like getting into a deep conversation about names* It was a rhetorical question... the first one anyway.
[15-01:12] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Still felt like it should get an answer. Either way, doesn’t really matter. I’m…talking too much *just falls silent for now, starting to wonder why he’d said something like that, it was…not stupid, but he shouldn’t have been getting so, serious*
[15-01:15] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *stops as they come to another street and the light turns green and cars start to go* Honestly... have you been tailing me?
[15-01:18] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : No *keeps it as simple answers* I was more worried you were following me, but I’m mostly sure now you weren’t.
[15-01:23] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *Well, that's interesting. For as much as he's gathered about her being not quite what she seems, he seems to be dropping hints left and right that he's somebody that is either in trouble, or after people that are in trouble* I'm not exactly inconspicuous... I ran right into you. I don't know much about stalking, but I would hope you'd give me more credit than that.
[15-01:24] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[15-01:27] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : *turns and looks at her, looking completely serious* Your right, I’m sure you could take me out in an instant, and are very capable as a stalker *is a bit proud that he’s managed to keep a completely straight face through that*
[15-01:28] 079, *Harmonia : *will walk down from the upstairs level of the bar, telling whoever is behind the bar to go home for the night. She'll get behind the bar and start to clean the bar down*
[15-01:28] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : Well... that confirms it *crosses the street* You're definately too much of an asshole to be a psycho.
[15-01:29] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : (*waves to Harmonia*)
[15-01:30] 079, *Harmonia : ((*waves to Kaliynn* Hey))
[15-01:30] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[15-01:30] 046, *Tevesh : ~Walks down the sidewalk, tapping his cane lightly on the ground.. Stops in front of the bar he went to the other night and enters it...~
[15-01:31] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : I take that as a complement *looks forward again as he follows her, smiling to himself slightly* I’d rather be an asshole than a mentally unbalanced psycho.
[15-01:32] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll smile seeing Tevesh enter* Hey there Tevesh, how are ya?
[15-01:33] 046, *Tevesh : ~Sits down at the bar on a stool and leans his cane up agains his leg.. He is clothed in a simple garb, grey shirt, brown pants, black leather boots, and a brown leather overcoat. His tattered old tophat sits utop his head once again.. He looks directly at Harmonia, his eyes meeting hers..~ Hello, Miss Harmonia! How're ya doin'?
[15-01:33] 046, *Tevesh : ((Err.. Instead of "howre ya doin'.." Put Good. And then How're ya?))
[15-01:34] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *stops in front of an apartment building, a fairly new one. A vast improvement to the crappy above store places that she's lived in recently* This is it.
[15-01:35] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll shrug* Doing good, it's been dead in here all night
[15-01:37] 046, *Tevesh : ~Smiles and looks at her again, getting the feel of her vibes.. Seeing the way she feels.. He follows her body language and the language of the entire building.. There's a pool around here.. A dark, shadowy residue that coats everything in this building.. Clinging to all that enter and leave.. It's what he travels around, seeking, Madness. This place is overcome with it, and he sees it sticking every, feeding upon fear and love and hate and all emotions...~ Kind of a pun, eh Missus?
[15-01:38] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : Nicer than I expected *looks back to her from the building with a smile* Well, it looks like my work here is done. It was nice to talk with you Kailynn.
[15-01:39] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll laugh and smile* True. So what can I get for ya this evening?
[15-01:40] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : *just nods, letting the 'nicer than expected' thing slide* Yeah. Thanks for walking me home. *unlocks the door and disappears inside*
[15-01:40] 046, *Tevesh : Ah.. ~Grins again..~ A bit of the bubbly would be nice, but then again I can't drink that. I'll have another glass of the red stuff, and make it extra... red...? ~Squints his eyes and smiles..~
[15-01:41] 4c1, *Kailynn Benson : (night guys)
[15-01:41] EXIT: Kailynn Benson has left the chat ( 11:41pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[15-01:41] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll smile and nod, she'll grab a bottle and a tall glass, pouring it in the glass and handing it to Tevesh* There ya go
[15-01:41] f82, *Dunstan Ryder : *turns and starts walking away, finding that he did actually enjoy the conversation, something he found vaugly amusing and disturbing at the same time*
[15-01:42] f82, *Jayde: *waves goodnight and heads off for bed herself*
[15-01:42] EXIT: Jayde has left the chat ( 11:42pm, July 14 (CDT) ).
[15-01:44] 046, *Tevesh : ~Takes a drink and removes his hat, placing it on the bar. His chin length brown hair falling down from under the hat and resuming a somewhat normal position on his head.. He rubs his face and continues to stare at Harmonia.. His eyes are green, and are wild with an.. tightly controlled madness.. A constant battle is being reflected in those eyes.. A wild fear and hate.. Emotions are flowing and the mind is warping..~
[15-01:46] 046, *Tevesh : Thank you Miss.. ~sets the glass back on the bar..~
[15-01:46] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll start to wipe down the glasses, noticing him staring and pays no mind to it, knows what he is and he is the same as she*
[15-01:46] 079, *Harmonia : No problem Tevesh
[15-01:49] 046, *Tevesh : ~looks down at his cane as it whispers into his mind... 'Feel that? The grip is tightening here.. Pools everywhere.. This town is full of that substance.. That layer of blackness and hate that we seek.. This is just one of the nerves.. We need to find the mainline...' He nods lightly and mutters out loud...~ But not tonight.. ~He sighs heavily and looks at the barkeep..~ What brought you here to the City of Angels?
[15-01:50] 079, *Harmonia : I was born and raised here. My parents didn't want to live in the country, they wanted the city life
[15-01:52] 046, *Tevesh : Ah. Born and raised in this town.. I can barely see which way's right and up here.. Horrible town for me, bad vibes and souls of darkness.. Corrupted. What's your story, if you don't mind me askin'? ~Doesn't really expect much of an answer, but asks anyways.. He's curious and lonley..~
[15-01:54] 079, *Harmonia : Went to school here, my parents were murdered when I was about 19. I inherited the bar from them and my home. I started goin to college and was turned at the age of 22. I've been dealing with it for a while now. *she'll sigh slightly and look at him* And your story?
[15-01:55] JOIN: moth has entered.
[15-01:58] 046, *Tevesh : ~Blinks, eyes growing confused as his mind nearly snaps.. Didn't expect it. He keeps control though.. ~ We're very old, you know. Older than I look. I've been around for a long time.. But he ~holds up the cane, as if she knows it's a person (to him)~ has been with me for a few centuries. I can't really remember if I had a family.. I know I was born, but not as... this.. ~bares his fang as he talks, his eyes showing a fierce battle in his mind as he struggles to remember details...~ But I'm not from here. Or anywhere, if it's possible. We're not in here anymore..
[15-01:59] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod a bit, finishes cleaning the glasses and looks at him* Quiet a story ya got there
[15-01:59] 046, *Tevesh : ~finishes off his glass.. And sets it back on the bar..~
[15-02:02] 046, *Tevesh : Not even the half of it.. ~Nods again...~ May I have another? I'm a bit thirstier than yesterday, it seems. ~The room starts to pulse with life as he talks to her, the veins running like black ropes up and down the walls of the place.. A slow mutter sounding into his head as the MMN starts to invade his mind for a bit... He props his head up with his elbows and closes his eyes..~
[15-02:03] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he moves from the room he had been renting out from Harmonia. He moves towards the bar, and steps inside. His eyes shoot to Tevesh. He wears exactly whats in the picture, his sword up in his room though*
[15-02:03] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod and pour him another glass, setting it down in front of him* You alright?
[15-02:04] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll look over at Walter and smile* Hey walter, how are ya doing?
[15-02:05] 046, *Tevesh : I'm alright. Feeling woozy, voices speak and nothing is sensible. Strike me blind and deaf and I'd still hear this.. Little stirs and little ripples.. ~Downs the glass fast and takes out a wad of cash...~
[15-02:05] a1a, *Walter Saint : I'm fine.... and yourself? *his back seems to move under the coat, no doubt re arranging his wing*
[15-02:06] 046, *Tevesh : ~takes out a $100 bill and sets it on the bar, in case he passes out from the wooziness.. Replaces the wad in his pocket and presses his palms into his eyes..~
[15-02:07] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll shrug and look at the $100 and blinks.* Thanks
[15-02:09] 046, *Tevesh : ~Removes his hands from his eyes and nods...~ Need no change.. ~He seems to be bleeding heavily from the eyes as the whispers grow louder and louder, the veins pulsing harder and the room starting to grow very warm... He groans a bit and grabs his cane.. The woozy sensation dissapearing immediatly.. But the room still growing hot and the voices growing louder...~ No prob...lem.
[15-02:10] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((Piccyness pweez))
[15-02:10] 046, *Tevesh : ((Is it supposed to be a little kid? ;) ))
[15-02:11] a1a,Victor Cross: (*shoots Tev*)
[15-02:12] 046, *Tevesh : (*is shot? Wonders whodunnit?*)
[15-02:13] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he moves behinde the bar, standing beside Harmonia, then looks around the room, noone in except Tevesh* Slow tonight hmm?
[15-02:13] 079, *Harmonia : *sees this and looks at Walter a concerned look on her face then back to Tevesh* Ok then....are you sure you're alright though. ((*pokes Victor* Heya))
[15-02:13] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod at Walter* Very slow. I'm debating on closing earlier. And that goes the same for you and Arktik, if it's dead, you can close early
[15-02:14] a1a, *Walter Saint : (*kills his brother*)
[15-02:14] a1a,moth: Well, seeing as I'm the only mod.
[15-02:14] a1a, *Walter Saint : *looks over at her* I thought you sayed you were busy tonight?
[15-02:14] a1a,moth: *narrowly avoids death*
[15-02:15] 046, *Tevesh : ~Looks up as he grabs a handkerchief out of his pocket... wipes his eyes..~ I'm fine, we're fine. We're all fine.. A bit confused and a little crazed, other than that I'm fine and dandy.. ~The temperature of his body starts to lower again and the room returns to normal slowly...~
[15-02:15] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((*Clings to Mothy* Howdy hi punkin' pie!))
[15-02:17] 079, *Harmonia : *looks at Walter* I just finished my business about an hour ago, figured I would stop by and see how things were going. ((*pokes moth*)(
[15-02:17] 046, *Tevesh : ~Grabs his cane again and is the place is back to the way it was before his little episode.. Breathing as buildings do and the light film of his Mind covers it all..~ All better. Wow, we've had a bit of panic along the lines..
[15-02:17] a1a,moth: *poked, and clung to*
[15-02:18] 046, *Tevesh : ((*Removes Moth's leg. With a rusty cutting tool. That's dull.*))
[15-02:19] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((Testy piccy))
[15-02:20] 079, *Harmonia : ((*looks at Rowenas pic* Who is that?))
[15-02:20] a1a,moth: *stabs Tev in the face before he can take his leg, and then just gawks at Rowena's change*
[15-02:20] 046, *Tevesh : ((She's uber attractive.))
[15-02:21] 046, *Tevesh : ((*bites into Moth's neck and tears out his jugular..* Yum!))
[15-02:22] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : *A woman slips into the Before the Dawn bar, clad in a white fur shirt and a long white skirt, nearly albino in appearance, save for the deep grey-blue of her eyes.Her eyes turn immediately to Walter, and she smiles, tilting her head as if recognizing him. She stands stock still for a good long moment before stepping over to Walter and standing there before him.* ((No clue, I found her on a google search for 'blonde' lol))
[15-02:23] 079, *Harmonia : *she looks at Rowena and smiles at her as she enters.* Hey there, what can I get you?
[15-02:23] a1a,moth: *falls over* Well, if everyone else is going to rp.. *is so susceptible to peer pressure*
[15-02:24] 079, *Harmonia : ((*pokes Moth IC* Peer pressure.....))
[15-02:24] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((*Throttles the Moth* Oh, sure, as soon as I change her into a hot woman of legal age you decide to go IC! *Whack*))
[15-02:25] 046, *Tevesh : ~Drops his hands onto the bar.. Grits his teeth and suddenly starts to shake.. Vibrating, nearly.. He kind of claws at the bar, and his eyes kind of go wild.. But the spasm ends as suddenly as it starts, and stops. His hair is mussed, and he looks like hell.. Even though 10 minutes ago he looked fine..~ Bastards! Bastards of Hell, grabbing mind and twisting it! I'm not a pawn! ~Lays his head down on the bar~
[15-02:25] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : *Those words roll off her like droplets of water on wax, and she turns her head, staring at the woman with an expression as innocent as one belonging to a child. After simply staring to Harmonia for a while, she smiles, but remains silent.*
[15-02:27] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll smile at her and look at Tevesh and his spasm. She'll blink and look at him* I think you need to rest
[15-02:27] a1a,moth: lol
[15-02:29] 046, *Tevesh : Rest. No.. ~Sits up and wipes his face with a new handkerchief. He opens his mouth wide and shakes his head again..~ I can't rest my mind, have a break until daytime. No! They want to get in and that's the perfect time.. Resting early is bad for the system, for the little panel!
[15-02:30] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod slowly, trying to figure out exactly what to do with Tevesh, as she is getting extremely weird vibes from him right now. Looks at Walter to see if he is getting the same vibes*
[15-02:31] 046, *Tevesh : ~Looks at his cane and mutters...~ They got to me again, in the eye of the majority. Bad for them, bad for me. Ah well, I will wait for later.. ~He looks up and sighs again, looking like hell still.. Just pale (for a vamp) and gaunt.. His eyes drooping a bit..~
[15-02:31] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : *Still staring down Walter. Ooh, creepy lady.*
[15-02:32] 046, *Tevesh : ((Let's start a Mad House! Doooaaaaaaa! AHHH! *is random!))
[15-02:32] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : ((Oy. Okay, ya know what? Scratch all that happening. Please. It's just bad. And you know what we do with bad writing. *Deletes* No bad writing.))
[15-02:34] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((Piccy piccy))
[15-02:35] a1a, *Walter Saint : *and he is getting the same vibes, he keeps his eyes on Tevesh, then looks down at Harmonia* Want me to get him out?
[15-02:36] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll think a moment and nod slightly. she'll look at Tevesh* You need to try and rest.
[15-02:36] 046, *Tevesh : Bah. Maybe she's right.. Hell, bub.. Nothing much seems right now.. ~looks up at the woman..~ Any rooms free? ~has a moment of clear thought..~
[15-02:37] a1a, *Walter Saint : *shrugs slightly* Maybe he didn't have to do it. *smirks slightly*
[15-02:37] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals : *There is a low rumbling from the sky. Not thunder, there aren't any clouds about. The rumble grows, resonating in the chests of people all through the city. It goes on this way for almost a full minute, before stopping altogether, and there is a strange stretch of calm over the city. Those in the park would see a streak of light, almost that of a comet, shoot straight to a particularly grassy area with a strange sound, almost that of a chord being struck on a piano, though more fluid, and the harmony is, quite honestly, perfect. The comet lands and for a moment it shines with a light so bright it may look as though a miniature sun had fallen in the heart of LA. With a snap, the light is gone, and the figure on the ground distorts, shrinks, and molds into something completely different. A young child, lying in the grass, unharmed by the fall.*
[15-02:38] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll look at Walter and give him a look that says wait, she looks back to Tevesh* I have a couple of rooms that are available. It'll cost you $100 a month
[15-02:38] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll look at Walter and smirk, shaking her head lightly*
[15-02:39] 046, *Tevesh : ~looks at the barkeep, and holds his cane tightly as the "entity" that holds residence in it talks for him... He reaches into his pocket and takes out four $100 bills.. Hands them to the woman and says..~ Th... That will be good, yes? We need rest.. Rest.. ~puts his tophat on wearily..~
[15-02:40] a1a, *Walter Saint : *blinks at Tevesh, smirking, he then looks down at Harmonia*
[15-02:41] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll take the money and put it in a safe she has and nods, handing him a room key* You're right at the top of the stairs. *she shrugs as she quickly looks at Walter then looks back to Tevesh*
[15-02:42] 046, *Tevesh : ~Can.. sort of tell the way that the one behind him is acting.. But ignores it.. His mind warping slowly and bending, trying to accomodate the new environment and the like.. He doesn't adjust well.. Not in this place, this town is too free.. Too broken.. To worn.. He stands up shakily and, leaning on his cane, walks to the stairs.. He mutters..~ Thank you.. ~and makes his way up them~
[15-02:43] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod and then look at Walter, waiting till Tevesh is up and in his room* This should be interesting
[15-02:44] a1a, *Walter Saint : *laughs slightly, grabing a rag and wiping down the bar*Yeah... how long has he been here?
[15-02:45] 046, *Tevesh : ~Enters the room and walks in, sitting on the bed and removing his coat and stuff..~ Bastards.. Get out. ~He drops the cane onto the bed and stands up slowly, opening the door to the room again and placing the 'Do Not Disturb' sign onto the handle, closing the door again..~ Why'd they choose then, bud? They're trying to get me.. Fast! ~lays down on the bed and closes his eyes for a bit..~
[15-02:46] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll think and hop over the bar, sitting on one of the stools* About an hour. I'm not sure what to make of him. He's a very old vampire and a little crazy *makes air quotations around the word crazy* Do you think it was a wise thing letting him stay here?
[15-02:50] 046, *Tevesh : ((Warning: Tevesh is not suitable for all ages. He is prone to have random fits of insanity, unintentional Dementation splurts, and a wacky inanimate mind-controlling sidekick that is the polar opposite of his true personality. Side effects include: dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, bleeding from the eyes, cancer, and in some severe cases, death. Do not use in heavy doses and do not take anything to aggrevate Tevesh. This Vampire is approved by the FCC.))
[15-02:51] a1a, *Walter Saint : I dunno.... *shrugs* Your the boss. And if he trys anything... *shurugs again, of course mean he was here*
[15-02:52] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((...lmfao))
[15-02:53] 079, *Harmonia : *she nods* I'm happy both you and Arktik are working here. So do you like the room?
[15-02:55] a1a, *Walter Saint : *nods* Yeah... it's nice. *continues to wipe the bartop* So, are we closing early?
[15-02:55] 046, *Tevesh : ((HOT DAMN! Ice cube down the pants, invigourating. *goes to make some food and stop doing some OOC nonsense...*))
[15-02:56] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll look around and smile, getting up and going to close the door. She locks it as soon as it's closed and smiles* Yep, closing early sounds like a good idea. Which one of you is working tomorrow morning?
[15-02:58] a1a, *Walter Saint : Me.... I think.... *shrugs again, looking at her* So, what are you gonna do the rest of tonight?
[15-02:59] 079, *Harmonia : *shrugs* Truthfully, I have no idea.
[15-03:00] a1a, *Walter Saint : oh... *looks down as if disappointed. He finishes wiping the bar, putting the rag under the bar, then jumps over the bartop*
[15-03:01] 079, *Harmonia : *looks at him and perks a brow* Why? You want to do something for a bit?
[15-03:03] a1a, *Walter Saint : Well, I dunno... *shrugs slightly* I'm still sort of new... here. *he of course meaning earth*
[15-03:05] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod and smile* I almost forgot that. You want to go out on the town? See what this place has to offer
[15-03:06] a1a, *Walter Saint : Sure... I guess... *nods slightly* so... can you fly?
[15-03:07] 079, *Harmonia : *she shakes her head* Nope, one of the things that I did not gain from becoming a vampire.
[15-03:08] MSG: Harmonia sent a message to Walter Saint.
[15-03:10] MSG: Walter Saint sent a message to Harmonia.
[15-03:10] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:11] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((....I felt left out.))
[15-03:11] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:11] a1a, *Walter Saint : (lol)
[15-03:11] 079, *Harmonia : ((*inserts NPC Harmonia and goes off to bed* Night everyone))
[15-03:11] 046, *Tevesh : ((:P))
[15-03:13] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:14] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:15] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:16] a1a, *Walter Saint : *goes with npc Harmonia to see the city.* *returns back to the bar. Harmonia goes to bed, Walter gets his sword and leaves the coat in his room. Starts flying around*
[15-03:16] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:16] 046, *Tevesh : ((*sings* I believe I can fly! Spread my wings and touch the sky! *insert other lyrics here!*))
[15-03:18] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: *There's a brief flash of light, and a cometlike object plummets to the earth. From a closer perspective, its wings are fluttering like a trapped bird, and it's somersaulting in midair out of control. Eventually the creature slams full-force into the earth in the center of the park, and a bright light surrounds it. When the light fades, a small girl lies unconscious, unharmed by the fall.*
[15-03:19] 046, *Tevesh : (( I wish Real Life came with the comic book "Hit Phrases." Bang! Zap! Poww! Kkrat!))
[15-03:20] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((You mean Bankalakalazooeyzop!!! Skoowash!! Skreeet!))
[15-03:20] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he sees the streak across the sky and flys to the park. He hoves above the grass, watching the light* Why'd they send another? *his sword behinde his back*
[15-03:20] 046, *Tevesh : ((Word up, Rowena.))
[15-03:21] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:21] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:22] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: *She lies there in silence, dressed in a little white sundress with bair feet, her short hair in pigtails. Adorable as they come.*
[15-03:23] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:24] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:25] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:26] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:27] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:27] a1a,moth: *peers at the whispering - leans in close to hear what they are saying*
[15-03:27] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he looks down at her, a small crowd gathering. And down comes Walter, landing in the middle of the group. A women gasps*[Oh my god!!!! AndAngel!!!!] *Walter turns to looks at her a moment, then bends down, scoping Rowena up in his arms and with a few flaps of his wings, he is rising off the ground with her in his arms*
[15-03:27] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:28] 046, *Tevesh : ((*pokes Moth in the eyes*))
[15-03:28] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Moth would hear the following: "And so then I says to him, I says, if you're gonna take that apple you may as well take the other too!"*))
[15-03:28] a1a,moth: *dodges and stabs Tev*
[15-03:28] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:29] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: *She would lean into Walter, clutching at his shirt, if he still has one, clinging close to his chest while still asleep.*
[15-03:29] 046, *Tevesh : ((*is stabbed?*))
[15-03:29] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:30] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Makes moth poke-proof and Tevesh stab-resistant.*))
[15-03:30] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:30] 046, *Tevesh : ((I'm better than God, I'm made of Kevlar!))
[15-03:31] 046, *Tevesh : ((*Rapes moth.* Beat that.))
[15-03:32] a1a,moth: *Would assume that would be covered under poke-proof*
[15-03:32] 046, *Tevesh : ((Ooh touche..))
[15-03:32] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:33] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((LMFAO))
[15-03:33] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:33] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:33] a1a, *Walter Saint : *no, no shirt. He finding it easyer to fly with no shirt. He moves to a high building, landing on the roof on a knee. He lays the girl down, looking at her. He nudges her slightly, watching her*
[15-03:34] 046, *Tevesh : ((Ooh, touche. Fucking undo button..))
[15-03:34] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: *She wakes and looks up to him, blinking slowly. At first she says nothing, only watching him. After a moment, she lifts her hand in greeting.*
[15-03:35] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:35] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:36] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:36] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Tevesh.
[15-03:36] a1a, *Walter Saint : I am Walter Saint, seventh son of the lord. *he looks down at her, taking her hand* And you are?
[15-03:36] MSG: Rowena Micheals sent a message to Moth.
[15-03:37] MSG: Tevesh sent a message to Rowena Micheals.
[15-03:38] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: *She sits up, tilting her head* I am Fortituda Dea, sister to Gabriel. ((PAUSE))
[15-03:39]       Tevesh freezes in place.
[15-03:40] a1a,moth: Later Tev. *heads out as well*
[15-03:40] a1a, *Walter Saint : *pause*
[15-03:41] 046, *Tevesh : *stab stab*
Chat cleared by moth.
[15-03:41] 046, *Tevesh : AH! What!?
[15-03:44] 046, *Tevesh : ((I'm outta here guys. Pewace out!))
[15-03:44] EXIT: Tevesh has left the chat ( 1:44am, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-12:19] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[15-12:42] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[15-12:42] 079, *Harmonia : ((*lurks*))
[15-14:20] JOIN: Cecile DeMornay has entered.
[15-14:23] fa6, *Kailynn Benson : *pounces Cecile*
[15-14:24] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay: *has her way with Kai* How's it goin' today, darling? Busy night?
[15-14:24] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay: ^^
[15-14:24] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : (icon testy)
[15-14:24] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : Thanks Mothy for the sweet Icon! *dance dance*
[15-14:28] JOIN: Harmonia has entered.
[15-14:29] 079, *Harmonia : ((*pic test*))
[15-14:30] fa6, *Kailynn Benson : *in her little plaid mini skirt, which any respectable person would probably wear as a belt, black leather bra, and incredibly high heeled boots, Kailynn steps away from the bar, holding up a tray with a couple of beers. It's midway through her shift, but her red pigtails, complete with little bows are holding up well and she's comfortably settled into the persona of "Mary Ann, Irish Catholic girl gone wrong, and here now for your viewing pleasure"... or whatever other pleasures the patrons of this city can afford*
[15-14:31] fa6, *Kailynn Benson : (kicks icon and waves to Harmonia!)
[15-14:32] 079, *Harmonia : ((*waves back to Kailynn* Hey, how are you?))
[15-14:33] fa6, *Kailynn Benson : (pretty good)
[15-14:35] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : *stepping from her office at the back of the club, she hands a very heavy envelope to Chaz and whispers some instruction or other into his ear; he's quickly out the door, running another errand. Spotting Kailynn, she weasles her way through the patrons; shaking this hand and that, laughing and smiling in that all-too practiced way she has developed over the years. She touches the girl's waist lightly as she passes and mumurs* I need you in the VIP section, please. There's a Senator and two house Reprasentatives who say they like your outfit. You should go give them a closer look for me, please. I'll be up shortly to keep them in line.
[15-14:40] fa6, *Kailynn Benson : *nods, setting the beers down on the table. The inhabitants of the table give her a good once-over, but as pleasing as she may be to them, the one on stage is naked* Alright, Cecile, but I only have about another hour on my shift.
[15-14:42] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : Iknow. But you might be able to work out a few lucrative deals. They are always looking for new mistresses, and if you play your cards right, a few months with one of them and you'll be able to quit. Besides, if they like you, they'll be back for your second shift. I appreciate it, and they'll appreciate you. *she reaches up and reties a rather loose-looking bow* Like I said, I'll be right up.
[15-14:45] fa6, *Kailynn Benson : *nods. As if she won't call into the record store if she needs to. A mistress to a nasty old senator? That was a little more personal than she wanted to get, but as usual, she keeps her mouth shut and slides the tray back onto the bar as she walks way back and up the stairs, having the task mastered in her boots*
[15-14:50] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : *watching her go, she shakes her head some, but signals one of the three barkeeps* All right, I'm going to need one of you to run out for champaign, the best you can find, and I need one of you to come up and attend personally to these guys. If you - *speaking to the third* - get too busy, pull one of the girls back here to help you, I don't care who, but you'll be sharing your shift's tips with her to make up for her own loss by not being on stage. When you come up - *to the second, who is to attend* - I want three waters, and three gin an tonics. No, nothing for me, thanks. Thank you, boys, you'll see this in your paychecks. *turning smoothly, with her second bartender in tow, she makes her way up to the sentators and Kai*
[15-14:51] JOIN: SenatorDavis has entered.
[15-14:55] 8fb, SenatorDavis: *as Kailynn comes up, he scoots to the edge of his booth and pats his lap eagerly* Do you like meat, young lady? I hope you do. If I can convicnce darling Cee here with the right price, I think I may just take you home with me tonight. The wife's too drunk to notice or care most days. Now, sit down here and I'll make it worth your while. *he's not an old man, but he's not fresh, either, and he wears a drab grey suit that seems to be the standard for senators these days, even if it is Armani. The two representatives with him have two other girls on their laps, newer ones than Kai* Aren't you cute with those red pigtails. Could have fun with those, huh? Handlebars! *he laughs grotesquely*
[15-14:57] d83, *Kailynn Benson : *She plasters on her sultry, yet innocent little smile and glides onto his lap* That's a shame... your wife letting a catch like you go to waste.
[15-15:00] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : I don't know about that, Senator. Mary Ann here is very costly. I don't think even you could afford an out-of-house visit with her. *she smiles and laughs lightly, taking a seat in a chair that's been pulled up to the front of the booth* And, of course, it depends on how she feels about it. You know my rules, Senator. You've been here often enough to have them memorized! *she speaks playfully, but there's a very serious undertone to her voice; she's had men arrested for breaking contract and abusing any of her girls. She's not afraid to do it to a senator*
[15-15:02] 8fb, SenatorDavis: It is, isn't it? She's such a snotty bitch. Only married her for the money and the looks, and now both of those are nearly gone, so what's the damned point, eh? It's easier and cheaper in the end for me to just come here and find a nice young piece. *he reaches up and tugs on both pigtails, laughing* Do you like that, having your hair pulled? I think it's a serious turn on for most women, though they won't admit it. *he wiggles his lap, making sure she feels his bulging phallus* Like that too, I bet.
[15-15:02] 8fb, SenatorDavis: And as for price, Cecile, you name it and I'll pay it. *he gives her a completely serious look over Kailynn's shoulder*
[15-15:03] d83, *Kailynn Benson : *has to seriously refrain from rolling her eyes and socking him in the face. She gives Cecile a look that says she'll do it, but it had better be worth her while... very... very worth her while*
[15-15:03] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : You'd have to let me discuss that with Mary Ann, Senator, as I said. It's her choice, in the end. *She crosses arms and legs, sultry eyes glancing over her high-rolling company with a predatory gleam. There's a lot of money going to be made here tonight*
[15-15:05] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : Give me a minute to talk to Mary Ann, Senator - let her off your crusty old lap for a minute. *Standing, she moves over to a corner and hooks a finger, calling Kai over*
[15-15:06] d83, *Kailynn Benson : *gratefully stands from his lap and walks over to the corner. The first and only words from her mouth *... how much, Cecile?
[15-15:08] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : Fifteen thousand; it's my going rate when they can afford it. $8,500 of that would be yours, plus any kind of gift or tip he gives you for himself. Sound good enough for you?
[15-15:09] 8fb, SenatorDavis: Cecile! I want a god damned answer! *he stands up, giving himself a scratch* She's got me all wired, and I'm tired of this loud music. What's it going to be?
[15-15:10] d83, *Kailynn Benson : *raises a brow, and looks at the terribly unattractive man, then back to Cecile* Alright... it's on my terms though and just for one night. *figures that's fair because she'll have to blow off her second shift and probably the morning one* I leave if he gets brutal.
[15-15:11] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : Fifteen thousand, Senator. Up-front. Or can I trust you to deliver it after your session? You know what'll happen if you don't, hm? *she leaves Kai in the corner and walks over to him* I want it in cash, after all. And you know my rules. You do what she allows you to do and what she agrees with. You once step over the line, and I'll make sure this gets out, you got it? *she offers her hand to shake* Agreed?
[15-15:13] 8fb, SenatorDavis: *he takes her hand and shakes it vigorously, then motions to Mary Ann* You get your things together, little lady, and meet me out back. Hurry it up. We've got work to do. *he drops a two grand on the table in hundreds from his pocket and makes his way down the stairs*
[15-15:14] fd6, ºCecile DeMornay : *she turns to Kai* Make sure he gives you the cash at the end of this. Eight hours, no more. Then take tomorrow off.
[15-15:16] d83, *Kailynn Benson : *actually has to wonder how she got so lucky with this job. Sure, being a whore isn't what she'd had planned, but it could have been a lot worse* Alright. I'll call to let you know he paid *goes down stairs into her little space in the back room and grabs her coat and her purse and heads out the door and into the waiting limo*
[15-15:18] d83, ºEnvy: k. I'm going to have to lurk around because I have stuff to do to my house.
[15-15:19] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[15-15:20] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Yo, yo, yo Home dogs..))
[15-15:20] 079, *Harmonia : *will walk down the steps of the bar, the heavy black curtains are pulled down and she smiles, sitting down at the bar, looking at NPC bartender and places her order. She gets her drink and smile* Thanks.
[15-15:24] 97e, *Tevesh : ~wakes up... not knowing where he is.. His pillow drenched with blood and his face covered in dried blood.. He is looking far better than last night though, not as ragged and whatnot.. He yawns, stretches.. Stands up and remembers he's at a bar.. Staying in a room he rented. Looks around and walks into the bathroom for a shower...~
[15-15:31] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Does the naked, bathy thang, and looks around... Puts his clothes back on and sits on the bed looking for his hat.. Nowhere to be seen and stuff.. Finds it, puts it on his wet head, then opens the door and walks out, and down the stairs into the bar area... His cane raps lightly as he steps..~
[15-15:31] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Aww, am I alone now???))
[15-15:33] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll look over her shoulder to see Tevesh and smile* Hey there tevesh, have a good rest?
[15-15:36] 97e, *Tevesh : Rest we did, better than usual. No nightmares or daymares or anything of the sort. All rested up and ready for a night of fun. How does the lady feel today? ~Nods silently at her and grins, back to his cheery, insane self again..~
[15-15:37] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Goddamn, I love bein' crazy. Speaking nonsense is my forte.))
[15-15:42] 079, *Harmonia : *she shrugs* As good as any other day.
[15-15:44] 97e, *Tevesh : Ah.. ~Nods and sits down.. He looks at her, almost staring.. As if noticing her, actually noticing her and caring who she is for the first time.. His eyes seem to widen as he gets the feel of the room again, trying to tap into it's soul.. Smiles a bit..~ Could I have a glass of the Red stuff? ~grin~
[15-15:45] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod and look at the current barkeep, the NPC bartender gets Tevesh a glass of blood and hands it to him*
[15-15:47] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Nods at the NPC guy.. Takes a sip..~ Ah, that's good. We're better now. He's ok, I'm ok. The rest really helped.. Bad vibes on the lines, pulled taught and cut at the moment. I'm keeping my distance from them ~taps his head..~ Now I can actually think clear and see the cracks again..
[15-15:51] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll nod and smile* Always a good thing to be able to think clear
[15-15:51] JOIN: Stoney has entered.
[15-15:51] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Nods slowly and drinks again..~ We wonder, anything interesting happen in the life of Miss Harmonia?
[15-15:52] 581, Stoney: *Cough Cough*
[15-15:52] d83, ºEnvy: *huggles Stoney*
[15-15:52] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Sto-mutha-fuckin-ey! What's up bud?))
[15-15:54] 581, Stoney: * Returns the hug * Howdy Howdy
[15-15:55] 079, *Harmonia : Not as of late. Just the normal run of the mill stuff here
[15-15:55] 581, Stoney: (( Hmmm I need to hop me up an Avatar..))
[15-15:56] d83, ºEnvy: Lemme register you first, lovey
[15-15:56] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Claps his hands..~ A lot better than the brain waves that my lighthouse has to endure.. ~taps his head again and adjusts his hat, staring at the lady and wondering who she really is.. 'Do the shadows have her up and down, bud?' He looks at his cane and grins..~ No, no.. We're elastic brain-wise. We can handle it..
[15-15:58] 581, Street Urchin: (( Or get registered))
[15-15:59] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 1:58pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-16:00] JOIN: Stoney has entered.
[15-16:01] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Mutha fuckin' Avatar test! Word!))
[15-16:01] EXIT: Street Urchin has left the chat ( 2:00pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-16:01] JOIN: Stoney has entered.
[15-16:02] 581, *Stoney: (( That's a bit annoying))
[15-16:02] d83, ºEnvy: But now it's all over
[15-16:03] 079, *Harmonia : Those brain waves can't be that bad
[15-16:05] 97e, *Tevesh : Oh, Miss Harmonia.. You have no idea. They pound and pound, eroding the wall.. Barriers don't last forever, and minds can't take much more than what I have dealt with. They say that us Malkavians fall into a pit as we age.. I'm nearing the bottom.. And the bottom will break when I land, and then I'm done.. No more rational Mr. Tevesh. I'll be done, and my Bud here will be too.. ~Gestures to the cane..~ We're fucked, to say it bluntly.
[15-16:05] 581, *Stoney: * Walks around a bit *
[15-16:06] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll shake her head slightly* Not if you figure out how to stop it you won't be
[15-16:07] d83, ºEnvy: ok, lovies. I have to go and make some dinner because I'm hungry and grouchy. Catch you on the flipside *loves on Stoney real quick like and bolts out*
[15-16:08] 97e, *Tevesh : Stop it? I think it could be done, maybe so, maybe so. All depends on my mental state on the the day of damnation. The pit is deep, and I think I've a few more years left... ~By a few more years, he means centuries.. Time is nothing to him anymore..~ Ah... Excellent drink.. What year is it? ~He grins as he tries to lighten the mood a bit..~
[15-16:08] 581, *Stoney: ((* Feels the love...* Oh yeah ))
[15-16:09] 079, *Harmonia : *she smiles and shrugs* Not real sure. I don't ask questions when I get it
[15-16:12] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Grins...~ I wouldn't either.. But no need to hunt when you've got cattle.. So what would you like to speak of? ~Notices his actual coherent conversation start to emerge..~
[15-16:13] 079, *Harmonia : Whatever you want to talk about. I never really know what to talk about
[15-16:14] 97e, *Tevesh : Bah. Who are you? I mean it. Really, who are you? ~Stares at her, meeting her gaze.. His eyes are seeming rather... emotional. More sane, human like..~
[15-16:15] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[15-16:15] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Bastard IE! Die!))
[15-16:16] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Image check.))
[15-16:17] 079, *Harmonia : *sees this and thinks for a moment* I am not really sure
[15-16:18] 97e, *Tevesh : You've got to know.. You're you, we're me.. I know who I am.. Sort of. I am Tevesh, seer and messenger, creator and destroyer.. ~He winks and sips some more from his glass..~
[15-16:20] 079, *Harmonia : *she'll smile and shrug* I don't know really. I'm finding out though
[15-16:21] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Leans back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap.. He smiles again, his hair hanging over his eyes.. He brushes it back and stares at her.. Not saying anything..~
[15-16:22] 079, *Harmonia : ((brb))
[15-16:23] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Right-oh.))
[15-16:32] 079, *Harmonia : ((back))
[15-16:34] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Welcome back.))
[15-16:37] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Your turn, I guess? :D))
[15-16:37] 079, *Harmonia : ((thank you)) *she'll take a sip of her drink and look around at the bar* I'm really happy that I got this place
[15-16:39] 97e, *Tevesh : Aye.. Interesting people here, one guesses... ~Is trying his hardest to suppress his derangement.. The world continues warping in his mind, but he can still keep a rather coherent conversation... For now.~ How long have you had it?
[15-16:42] 079, *Harmonia : Since I was 19
[15-16:51] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[15-16:51] 97e, *Tevesh : Well, what now? What's the score? ~Smiles and polishes off his glass..~ Whats the topic now?
[15-16:53] 079, *Harmonia : I've had the bar for 5 years
[15-16:55] 97e, *Tevesh : Ah.. 5 years.. Such a short time.. I guess not for you.. ~His eyes brighten up, and he looks at her..~ How long since you dropped the beating heart?
[15-17:07] 97e, *Tevesh : ((You there?))
[15-17:09] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Guess not.. -_-))
[15-17:15] 9c6, ºEnvy: hi tevvykins
[15-17:15] 97e, *Tevesh : Hiya babe.
[15-17:15] 97e, *Tevesh : How're you?
[15-17:16] 9c6, ºEnvy: happy. I went and got a 12 pack of corn dogs and a half gallon of ice cream *grins*
[15-17:17] 97e, *Tevesh : :D Nice. Speaking of ice cream, I'm gonna go get some.
[15-17:20] 97e, *Tevesh : Righty-oh.
[15-17:22] 9c6, ºEnvy: it's good stuff.
[15-17:23] 97e, *Tevesh : I love ice cream! Yummy uymmymyymymym. Hehe.
[15-17:26] 9c6, ºEnvy: everyone loves ice cream, except my brother, but that's the LEAST of his strange problems
[15-17:29] 97e, *Tevesh : Tee hee.
[15-17:37] 9c6, ºEnvy: *murders her 'net*
[15-17:42] 97e, *Tevesh : ~Loves up on Envy.. ^_-~
[15-17:44] 9c6, ºEnvy: *soaks up the lovin's like a sponge*
[15-17:50] 97e, *Tevesh : Oooh yeah! ~loves more n stuff..~
[15-17:52] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[15-17:53] 97e, *Tevesh : Oh no! Robot Devil! *kills*
[15-17:53] 9c6, ºEnvy: *waves to the Devil* what's cookin'?
[15-17:53] EXIT: Tevesh has left the chat ( 3:53pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-17:53] JOIN: Tevesh has entered.
[15-17:54] a1a, *Robot Devil: *dodges Tevesh* counter-kills and waves to envy* nothing much, you?
[15-17:56] 9c6, ºEnvy: not much. Watching the Air Up There... the little African kids just steal my heart
[15-17:57] 97e, *Tevesh : *counter counter kills with a jab to the stomach of horrible power! BAM!*
[15-17:57] a1a, *Robot Devil: ah.
[15-17:58] a1a, *Robot Devil: *is the devil... and made of metal so HA!!!* *kills Tevesh 'cause he's just cool like that*
[15-17:58] 9c6, ºEnvy: *sighs* ah... boys
[15-17:59] JOIN: Rowena Micheals has entered.
[15-17:59] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Whaps Madi* What's up best friend? ** You spelled my char's name wrong.))
[15-17:59] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*L* not **))
[15-18:00] 9c6, ºEnvy: now now, boys... you're in the presence of an angel
[15-18:00] 97e, *Tevesh : *is better than metal.. Is better than god.. He's made of Kevlar and Adamantium..* Suck on dat.. *kill!*
[15-18:00] 9c6, ºEnvy: did not! it's the one that was in the e-mail. I copy and pasted to be sure
[15-18:01] a1a, *Walter Saint : *kills Tevesh, since he's the angel of death and all*
[15-18:01] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: O.o Forward me the email back.
[15-18:01] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: (( ))
[15-18:02] 97e, *Tevesh : WEll... *Kills Walters family.* HAR!
[15-18:02] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((..angels don't have families...))
[15-18:02] a1a, *Walter Saint : But your already dead, and I'm not sure you can kill god
[15-18:03] 97e, *Tevesh : Argh.
[15-18:03] 97e, *Tevesh : *is dead ooc like*
[15-18:03] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((well that was dumb of me, *L* Considering who Rowena's twin is.))
[15-18:04] 9c6, ºEnvy: all cute angels need twins
[15-18:05] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((heh. He doesnt look a thing like that pic though. And in her real form, neither do she.))
[15-18:05] 97e, *Tevesh : ((Does**))
[15-18:06] JOIN: moth has entered.
[15-18:06] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((DO!!))
[15-18:06] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Did that on purpose*))
[15-18:07] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Seriously, did.*))
[15-18:07] a1a,moth: *peers*
[15-18:07] 9c6, ºEnvy: *double checks and forwards* yep... there is an 's'. I could reg you another handle if you want
[15-18:07] 97e, *Tevesh : ((*peers at moth naked-like..* Ewwwie..))
[15-18:08] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Cuddles the moth*))
[15-18:08] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*L* Double check if it's Michaels or Micheals like you regged, babe.))
[15-18:08] 9c6, ºEnvy: hi mothy *feeds Mothy ice cream*
[15-18:09] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Eats the ice cream for moth, as he is too delicate to eat such things.*))
[15-18:10] a1a,moth: *..was about to eat his icecream - stabs Rowena numerous time for stealing it*
[15-18:10] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[15-18:10] JOIN: moth has entered.
[15-18:11] a1a,moth: *glares at the banner*
[15-18:11] a1a,moth: *glares at the banner*
[15-18:11] a1a,moth: *glares at the banner*
[15-18:11] a1a, *Robot Devil: *kills his brother.... TWICE!!!!!*
[15-18:12] 9c6, ºEnvy: so much death *just eats ice cream in peace*
[15-18:12] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Whimpers and saves teh moth from being killed...though she is stabbed. Damneth.*))
[15-18:13] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[15-18:13] a1a, *Robot Devil: *steals Envy's ice cream*
[15-18:15] 9c6, ºEnvy: *beats the measly little Devil on the head with a spoon* little punk!
[15-18:16] 97e, *Tevesh : *dies*
[15-18:16] a1a,Victor Cross: (*starts work on his profile*
[15-18:16] a1a,Victor Cross: (*starts work on his profile*)
[15-18:17] a1a, *Robot Devil: Ahh!!!! *runs away* *runs to his brother* Bother *runs away*
[15-18:17] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((My evil email sucks, so Madi chica, tell me, in the email I sent, did I put Micheals or Michaels?))
[15-18:17] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Steals her ice cream, as she can do that, because is a best friend, yes.*))
[15-18:19] 9c6, ºEnvy: you put Michaels... that's why I put Micheals
[15-18:19] a1a, *Robot Devil: *kicks his brother* get on AIM!!!!!!!!
[15-18:19] 9c6, ºEnvy: *doesn't take kindly to ice cream stealing... even from best friends*
[15-18:19] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Points* Told you! Ya spelled it wrong!))
[15-18:19] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Sniffles* I sorry. *Hands it back*))
[15-18:20] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[15-18:21] 9c6, ºEnvy: *blinks* What are you talking about, you nut? I copied and pasted it right from the e-mail! I always do that so that I don't mis-spell things
[15-18:22] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((You just said, I put Michaels, so you put Micheals.))
[15-18:23] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: (( >Character alias: (register this one please) Rowena Michaels ))
[15-18:23] 97e, *Tevesh : ((She's more confusing than Tevesh..-_-))
[15-18:23] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Points* See?))
[15-18:23] 9c6, ºEnvy: yeah... I... guess I just dont understand what's going on.
[15-18:23] a1a,Victor Cross: *snickers*
[15-18:23] 9c6, ºEnvy: Is that not what I registered?
[15-18:24] a1a,moth: *thwaps Envy*
[15-18:24] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((*Hugs* Are you okay, Madi girl?))
[15-18:24] 5d0, *Rowena Micheals: ((A is befor e in the one I sent ya, sweetcakes.))
[15-18:25] a1a, *Robot Devil: is it really that big of a deal??
[15-18:26] 9c6, ºEnvy: but... I copied and pasted! son of a bitch. alrighty I'll reg you a new handle, lovie
[15-18:28] 9c6, ºEnvy: You have to be more obvious when I make mistakes... like 1. this is exactly what you did wrong 2. this is what I would like you to do to fix it.
[15-18:29] 9c6, ºEnvy: *belatedly realizes she's been thwaped and pours red Kool-Aid over Mothy's head*
[15-18:31] 97e, *Tevesh : *loves on Envy. Hard and nasty.*
[15-18:32] a1a,moth: *shoots Tevesh*
[15-18:32] 97e, *Tevesh : *loves on Moth too.*
[15-18:34] NICK: Rowena Micheals changed nick to Rowena Michaels.
[15-18:35] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((AAGH! MINE! *Kills Tevesh and sexes up the moth*))
[15-18:35] 97e, *Tevesh : FINE *Loves on Rowena* How's that?!
[15-18:36] a1a,moth: *..locks Tevesh in a cage in a basement and leave him there.*
[15-18:36] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Pedophile.))
[15-18:36] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Lol*))
[15-18:37] 97e, *Tevesh : ((*is gone.. everyone hates him..*))
[15-18:37] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Loves up Tevesh*))
[15-18:38] 9c6, ºEnvy: *loves Tev!... just had to go get s'more food*
[15-18:38] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Moth, your brother's talking trash about you. You should mudwrestle in g-strings.))
[15-18:38] 97e, *Tevesh: ((*Grin!*))
[15-18:38] a1a,moth: ...
[15-18:38] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((STOP SAYING FOOD! *Has had two bananas over the course of three days.*))
[15-18:39] 97e, *Tevesh: ((Go eat Rowena.
[15-18:39] 97e, *Tevesh: ))
[15-18:39] 9c6, ºEnvy: we went grocery shopping today *grins* I'd been living off of chocolate milk
[15-18:39] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((I can't. I'm sick.))
[15-18:40] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Plans to order a fucking pizza and pay for it with her savings of seventeen dollars.*))
[15-18:40] a1a, *Robot Devil: *glares at K* you asked me and I told you
[15-18:40] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((I was coughing so bad yesterday I thought I'd throw up.))
[15-18:40] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*L* You're mean though.))
[15-18:41] 97e, *Tevesh: ((*is playing his bass guitar!*))
[15-18:41] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Mountain man my ass. Moth is sexy. I can tell. *Winks at hotsex moth*))
[15-18:41] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Is playing her...oh...* Forgot. My brother stole my guitar when he moved. :'( bastard.))
[15-18:42] 9c6, ºEnvy: let's all not pester Moth. he's a good kid
[15-18:42] a1a,moth: *just sits back and snickers*
[15-18:42] a1a, *Robot Devil: *should play his drum set just to make his brother mad*
[15-18:42] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Moth is hotsex!))
[15-18:43] a1a, *Robot Devil: Moth is a mountain man
[15-18:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Lol. man, you're an ass to your brother.))
[15-18:43] a1a, *Robot Devil: he even has a lumberjack coat
[15-18:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Moth is not a mountain man. He's probably got that sexy rugged look. Rawr.))
[15-18:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((I have a lumberjack shirt. And I wear it frequently. Bite meh.))
[15-18:43] a1a, *Robot Devil: I tell it like it is
[15-18:44] 9c6, ºEnvy: *shares her Cheezey crackers with Tev... cuz all the rest of y'all are a bunch of hooigans*
[15-18:44] a1a, *Robot Devil: Look I have nothing against lumberjack, I was just saying
[15-18:45] 97e, *Tevesh: *enjoys said Cheezey Crackas.. Laughs wildy at the rest! And cuddles Envy.*
[15-18:45] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Hasn't eaten in days, and is not being shared with because she's a hooigan. Whatever the f00k that is.*))
[15-18:46] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Stares at her tummy*))
[15-18:46] a1a, *Robot Devil: *gives K food*
[15-18:46] 9c6, ºEnvy: *actually meant to call you 'hooligans' but who really needs 'l's in this day in age?'
[15-18:46] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Ya know what? You're a cheesy cracker! OH!!! OHH BEAT THAT YOU CHEESY CRACKER! *Munches*))
[15-18:47] a1a, *Robot Devil: *blinks*
[15-18:47] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Continues humming Vincent*))
[15-18:47] 9c6, ºEnvy: *waves a 12 pack of corn dogs under Mischa's nose* oh yea... smell that... huh? do ya?
[15-18:47] 97e, *Tevesh: *isn't a hooligan! Hardee-fucking-HAR!*
[15-18:48] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((WHAT IS WITH CORN DOGS?!))
[15-18:48] 97e, *Tevesh: *licks Envy's face.*
[15-18:49] 9c6, ºEnvy: They're good, man. my favorite part of the fair, but I'm being abandoned for a week, so granny bought me a HUGE box of them to make up for it.
[15-18:50] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((I know, but everything is corn dogs lately. My character in xund met deadpool because he shot out the kneecaps of a guy that ran by and snatched her corn dog. Wtf?! And today they went and got corn dogs. W. T. F. IS. WITH. CORN DOGS?!))
[15-18:50] 97e, *Tevesh: ((*licks Rowena's OOC face.. IC is weird..*))
[15-18:50] 9c6, ºEnvy: If the whole cyber community is going to revolve around something... it should be corn dogs.
[15-18:51] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Is licked* Oh great. I haven't eaten, so now I'm becoming food.))
[15-18:51] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((It looks like it is revolving around corn do--AAH MY FOOTS ASLEEEP!!))
[15-18:52] 9c6, ºEnvy: *is going to have to wrap Mischa in duct tape... because she needs to relax a little*
[15-18:53] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((MY FOOT! That's it, I'm ordering pizza. My own money can kiss my butt, I can make more... erm...eventually.))
[15-18:53] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Is poor*))
[15-18:53] 97e, *Tevesh: *loves up on all females in the room, OOC of course* Now, now, now. That oughta calm us all down.
[15-18:53] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*(Runs to order said pizza*)0
[15-18:54] 9c6, ºEnvy: You dirty dirty ho, Tev *works on a new character because she only has one*
[15-18:54] 97e, *Tevesh: Fine, be that way. No more lovin' for you, Envy.
[15-18:55] 9c6, ºEnvy: who needs lovin' when you've got corn dogs?
[15-18:55] 97e, *Tevesh: Obviously not you.. *cries.. and runs away blindly into the woods..&
[15-18:56] 9c6, ºEnvy: Mothy, you still here?
[15-18:56] 97e, *Tevesh: *
[15-18:56] 97e, *Tevesh: If you want to view paradise... simply look around a view it... *sings*
[15-18:57] 9c6, ºEnvy: awww... *loves Willy Wonka*
[15-19:00] 97e, *Tevesh: I do too!
[15-19:03] 9c6, ºEnvy: *snuggles Tev*
[15-19:03] 97e, *Tevesh: *snuggles back..* How're you, M'lady? :D
[15-19:04] 9c6, ºEnvy: Full... and dirty. I haven't gotten to take a shower since monday
[15-19:05] 97e, *Tevesh: Same. Dirty is good though. *grin*
[15-19:06] 9c6, ºEnvy: Sunday, actually!
[15-19:06] 97e, *Tevesh: Meh.
[15-19:07] 97e, *Tevesh: Bah. Where'd everyone go?!
[15-19:08] 9c6, ºEnvy: I think they scared each other away
[15-19:09] 97e, *Tevesh: In springtime, the only pretty ringtime, birds sing.. hey ding. A ding a ding sweet lovers love... The spring.
[15-19:09] 9c6, ºEnvy: I'm just... so... sleepy
[15-19:11] 97e, *Tevesh: TYake a nap?
[15-19:13] 9c6, ºEnvy: It's 8. if I go to sleep now, I'll wake up at like 1 and not be able to go back to sleep
[15-19:14] 97e, *Tevesh: Aye.
[15-19:15] 97e, *Tevesh: Drink some coffee.
[15-19:15] 97e, *Tevesh: Where is fancy bread, in the heart or in the head?
[15-19:15] 9c6, ºEnvy: well I wish that everyone hadn't scared each other off
[15-19:16] JOIN: Mischa has entered.
[15-19:16] 5d0, Mischa: Err...your wish is my command?
[15-19:16] 5d0, Mischa: Er...your wish is my command?
[15-19:17] 9c6, ºEnvy: I love it when my wishes come true
[15-19:17] 97e, *Tevesh: You know who'd make a good Malkavian? Willy Wonka.
[15-19:18] 97e, *Tevesh: Err Gene Wilder too. :D
[15-19:19] 5d0, Mischa: What's Malkavian?
[15-19:19] 97e, *Tevesh: MY god. What?!
[15-19:19] 97e, *Tevesh: *Punches himself.* Are you serious?
[15-19:19] 5d0, Mischa: .....That's my friend's handle on a chat...
[15-19:20] 97e, *Tevesh: It's a Clan from Vampire: the Masquerade.
[15-19:20] 9c6, ºEnvy: the crazy ones hehe which Tev is brilliant at
[15-19:21] 97e, *Tevesh: *Bows humbly..* Thank you Missus.. *Let's the lovin' commence.*
[15-19:22] 5d0, Mischa: *Loves up the tev*
[15-19:22] 97e, *Tevesh: GIVE IT TO ME NOW! I want a bean feast!
[15-19:22] 97e, *Tevesh: Give that lovin' to me now too.. :)
[15-19:23] 5d0, Mischa: lol. *Gives the lovin', waits for her pizza*
[15-19:23]       Tevesh is a bad egg. Like Veruca Salt.
[15-19:24] 5d0, Mischa: Really bad eggs..... drink up me hearties yo ho!
[15-19:24] 97e, *Tevesh: Do you think any of the Umpa Lumpas are still alive?
[15-19:24] 5d0, Mischa: Oompa* loompa*
[15-19:24] 5d0, Mischa: Doopity* Doo*
[15-19:24] 5d0, Mischa: lol
[15-19:25] 5d0, Mischa: Gene Wilder's still alive, so sure.
[15-19:25] 97e, *Tevesh: Bah. Shut the hell up. Oompa Loompa's.
[15-19:26] 97e, *Tevesh: Double bubble burp-a-cola.. *Cries profusely and rocks back in forth, whilst in a fetal position! Oo! How does he do it?*
[15-19:26] 9c6, ºEnvy: Do not even verbally abuse my best friend Mischa... I'll slap the shit outta you
[15-19:28]       Tevesh turns into Sonic the Hedghog. Is faster than light now.
[15-19:32] 97e, *Tevesh: Bah! Talky talky!
[15-19:33] 9c6, ºEnvy: *doesn't know what to say to Sonic the Hedgehog... is in awe*
[15-19:34] 97e, *Tevesh: *turns into Tevesh.. Because that's far sexier*
[15-19:34] 97e, *Tevesh: *turns into Tevesh.. Because that's far sexier*
[15-19:34] 9c6, ºEnvy: *wants the Mr. Clean autodry carwash*
[15-19:35] 97e, *Tevesh: *wants a bj.. -_-* We all don't get what we want.
[15-19:35] JOIN: moth has entered.
[15-19:36] 9c6, ºEnvy: Tevvy stop being an ass *wallup*
[15-19:36] 5d0, Mischa: ....lmfao
[15-19:37] 97e, *Tevesh: Wallup me harder next time.. And on the ass.. You know I like it like that.
[15-19:38] 9c6, ºEnvy: Put you down the garbage disposal.
[15-19:39] 97e, *Tevesh: I'm sure that'll be just as pleasurable, as long as you do it. ;)
[15-19:40] 5d0, Mischa: wallup? OH! Whallop!
[15-19:40] 5d0, Mischa: Tevesh is very horny.
[15-19:40] 97e, *Tevesh: Not too bad today.
[15-19:40] 97e, *Tevesh: Usually worse.
[15-19:40] 9c6, ºEnvy: *does not whallop... wallups* He is, isn't he? dirty little whore.
[15-19:41] a1a,moth: *nods in agreement with Mischa*
[15-19:41] 97e, *Tevesh: FUckin' right I'm a whore.. Only way I can make money.. I'm too dainty for manual labor..
[15-19:42] 5d0, Mischa: *Clings to her moth* Howdy.
[15-19:42] 5d0, Mischa: LOL
[15-19:42] 5d0, Mischa: *Munches her pizaz*
[15-19:42] 5d0, Mischa: Pizza works too
[15-19:43] a1a,moth: *steals some pizza while being clung to*
[15-19:43] 9c6, ºEnvy: I think that pizaz has a better ring to it
[15-19:43] 5d0, Mischa: *Has ordered a full four-corner pizza, all four pepperoni, all for herself, so has enough to share.*
[15-19:45] 97e, *Tevesh: Wow. TV sucks now.
[15-19:45] 9c6, ºEnvy: *is the only person in thw world, except for vegetarians of course, that doesn't like pepperoni*
[15-19:47] 5d0, Mischa: I think even some vegetarians make an exception for pepperoni.
[15-19:48] a1a,moth: *doesn't think so*
[15-19:48] 5d0, Mischa: *Whaps* It's a hyperbole, moth! A hyperbole!
[15-19:48] 9c6, ºEnvy: not the ones that I know. most of my friends will only have an almost lapse for chicken... though most of them are vegans so meat is totally way out there. I'm lucky when I'm just hanging around vegetarians
[15-19:49] 9c6, ºEnvy: in fact.... most of them that I know became a vegetarian after finding out what pepperoni is made out of.
[15-19:49] 5d0, Mischa: Eugh . . . vegans....
[15-19:49] 5d0, Mischa: *Eats Haggis. And escargot. And alligator nuggets. And cow brain sandwiches. Isn't going to be grossed out by sliced hot dog.
[15-19:50] 5d0, Mischa: *
[15-19:50] 9c6, ºEnvy: I love my vegans! I wish I had that kind of conviction and discipline for something
[15-19:50] a1a,moth: ..cow brain sandwiches?
[15-19:50] 9c6, ºEnvy: eewwww gross!
[15-19:50] 5d0, Mischa: They're good.
[15-19:50] 5d0, Mischa: really do taste like chicken.
[15-19:51] 5d0, Mischa: brb, need a refill on pizza!
[15-19:51] 9c6, ºEnvy: *will stick with her veggie burgers* ugh
[15-19:51] 9c6, ºEnvy: Eat chicken, man... ugh.
[15-19:51] a1a,moth: *despises veggie burgers*
[15-19:52]       Tevesh goes to play with the puppy.
[15-19:52] 5d0, Mischa: I'm glad my brother's out of the house. His girlfriend turned him vegetarian.
[15-19:53] 9c6, ºEnvy: some of them are gross, but really good ones make me happy. I just found some mushroom and pepper ones that are heavenly
[15-19:53] 5d0, Mischa: He used to eat steaks as rare as humanly possible without being considered raw. And now he won't eat fries if they've touched animal fat.
[15-19:53] 5d0, Mischa: Hey Moth? You know what they use to make olive oil?
[15-19:53] a1a,moth: ..olives?
[15-19:54] 5d0, Mischa: You know what they use to make baby oil?
[15-19:54] 9c6, ºEnvy: I don't either just because of health wise. I need to watch what I eat for m'heart. veggie stuff is just better for me, but I do enjoy my chicken sandwiches and corn dogs.
[15-19:54] 5d0, Mischa: :-x
[15-19:55] 5d0, Mischa: I think I'd die happiest if I died fat and with cholesterol out the roof.
[15-19:56] 9c6, ºEnvy: oh most certainly, but I don't want to do it before I'm 25
[15-19:56] 97e, *Tevesh: I eat whatever I can.. But I don't get fat. I'm lucky.
[15-19:56] 97e, *Tevesh: And I'm 16, so it doesn't surprise me. Hehe.
[15-19:58] 97e, *Tevesh: And I'm 16, so it doesn't surprise me. Hehe.
[15-19:58] 97e, *Tevesh: _
[15-19:58] 5d0, Mischa: I won't die before I'm 25. I have to live extra long and fat and cholesterol-abundant, because I'm gonna be famous.
[15-19:58] 97e, *Tevesh: Doctor said I have a rather high blood pressure though. _
[15-19:59] a1a,moth: ..why would you want to be famous?
[15-19:59] 5d0, Mischa: I eat anything i wanna eat. And I'm still considered underweight. ^_^ *Fifteen*
[15-19:59] 5d0, Mischa: I don't wanna be famous. I'm gonna be though. I'm going to act.
[15-19:59] 9c6, ºEnvy: *shrugs* just like animals more than people and my stomach/heart can't handle animal protein so I just watch it
[15-20:00] 97e, *Tevesh: Here's a pic of me! I'm soooo "fat":
[15-20:00] 9c6, ºEnvy: *is going to marry a rock star and invite Mothy to all of her crazy rockstar drunk parties*
[15-20:00] 97e, *Tevesh: *is going to be a famous musician.. Spread my message!*
[15-20:01] 5d0, Mischa: *Is going to be a famous actress and/or author.*
[15-20:01] 97e, *Tevesh: *Add author to his resume too. ;) *
[15-20:01] a1a,moth: *will be expecting money from all of you when you are rich and famous*
[15-20:02] 5d0, Mischa: *Is already a published poet. ^_^*
[15-20:02] 5d0, Mischa: *Will buy Mothy his own victorian mansion.*
[15-20:02] 97e, *Tevesh: *will buy Mothy his own Poppy plant field in Colombia. Good for makin' money..*
[15-20:02] a1a,moth: *..and hopes that Envy marries a cool rock star*
[15-20:03] 5d0, Mischa: Man, have any of you ever signed your first autograph? wow. THAT'S a good feeling right there.
[15-20:03] 9c6, ºEnvy: I don't want to be rich and famous... just marry someone who is... preferably Brody Dalle from The Distillers.
[15-20:04] 97e, *Tevesh: No, but I have smoked a lot of pot with people who've seen me play and said I'm good. ;)
[15-20:04] 5d0, Mischa: *Thinks madi will marry Tevesh.*
[15-20:04] 97e, *Tevesh: ^_-
[15-20:05] 9c6, ºEnvy: heh... um.. yeah. my best friend's boyfriend is a pro-photographer and I signed some of the pictures he took of me
[15-20:05] 9c6, ºEnvy: yeah right. he's too young for me.
[15-20:05] 97e, *Tevesh: I waited til you said that, Envy, because I didn't wanna say.. "She's too old for me." ^_-
[15-20:06] 5d0, Mischa: *L* I signed my first autograph when THE Morgana Shaw, the mother of my brother's friend and a good friend of mine, directed my play, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever... I got to be Imogene Herdman, and twas fun. Had emotional scenes, and got to cry... yeah. A little girl asked for my autograph right after one of the performances.
[15-20:06] 5d0, Mischa: *L* Oh come on.... my mom's eight years older'n my dad.
[15-20:07] 9c6, ºEnvy: *can't stand people her own age, let alone you youngun's*
[15-20:07] 5d0, Mischa: OMIGOD! I just found a mythological site with the goddess of sex on it!
[15-20:07] 97e, *Tevesh: *Can't stand people his own age either..*
[15-20:07] a1a,moth: ..uhh..Venus?
[15-20:08] 5d0, Mischa: No no no... That's the goddess of beauty and love.
[15-20:08] 5d0, Mischa: the goddess of sex is named.... Kirsten.... >.> Oh, come on. You walked right into that one.
[15-20:08] a1a,moth: ...
[15-20:09] a1a,moth: *..thinks he is right btw*
[15-20:09] 97e, *Tevesh: The god of all that is awesome goes by the alias of Tevesh.
[15-20:09] 5d0, Mischa: *Cuddles Moth
[15-20:09] 5d0, Mischa: *
[15-20:09] 5d0, Mischa: actually there is no god or goddess of sex...
[15-20:09] 5d0, Mischa: They have the goddess of fertility and pregnancy and they have the goddess of labor and childbirth, but no sex.
[15-20:09] 97e, *Tevesh: A friend of mine IRL refers to me as Tevesh. It's great.
[15-20:10] 5d0, Mischa: some say sex is a god in itself.
[15-20:10] 5d0, Mischa: >.< Trin and Nate both call me Kirst irl.
[15-20:11] 5d0, Mischa: I dunno, it just sounds awkward to say to me. Like it's a mouthful. Keerst. EEK.
[15-20:12] 97e, *Tevesh: Tevish. That's how my bud pronounces it.
[15-20:14] a1a,moth: *..and everything goes quiet*
[15-20:14] 97e, *Tevesh: Dum dum DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!
[15-20:14] 5d0, Mischa: I pronounce it tuh-vesh.
[15-20:15] 97e, *Tevesh: Tehvish. THat's how I say it. :D
[15-20:15] 5d0, Mischa: dum dum damn?
[15-20:15] 97e, *Tevesh: I'm gonna be a drag queen when I grow up, Mommy!
[15-20:15] a1a,moth: you actually sit at your computer and say his name Mischa?
[15-20:16] 9c6, ºEnvy: *just doesn't have anything to say*
[15-20:16] 5d0, Mischa: Mom: NO! You will NOT take after your father!
[15-20:16] 5d0, Mischa: -.-; Come on, Moth. You don't say things in your head? That's how you visualize, man.
[15-20:17] 97e, *Tevesh: I'm gonna kill someone soon. Uber bored.
[15-20:18] 5d0, Mischa: Ooh!! Ooh!! kill me!! Ooh ooh! Pick me!!
[15-20:19] 97e, *Tevesh: *obviously ignores Mischa, then cuts her throat from ear to ear..* Whoops, I tripped. _
[15-20:19] 97e, *Tevesh: ^_^
[15-20:20] 5d0, Mischa: *Has a cut* Owwie. I gots a boo-boo.
[15-20:20] 97e, *Tevesh: *licks the boo boo and dissapears like a bat in the night!* Lookit! I'm invisible!
[15-20:20] a1a,moth: *heals Mischa with his godly powers*
[15-20:21] 5d0, Mischa: ..lmfao. *Cuddles the godlike moth*
[15-20:21] 97e, *Tevesh: wtf
[15-20:21]       Tevesh kicks the buttons. REFRESH! UNDO! THEY ALL LOOK DA SAME!
[15-20:22] 97e, *Tevesh: ^_^
[15-20:22] 5d0, Mischa: Lol
[15-20:22] 97e, *Tevesh: *sneezes*
[15-20:23] a1a,moth: ..they look the same except for consisting of different letters arranged in seperate, easily discernable words? *coughs*
[15-20:23] 97e, *Tevesh: Word up, Moth.
[15-20:24] 5d0, Mischa: *Has to lean forward and squint to read that type* Not easily discernable.
[15-20:25] 97e, *Tevesh: Yeah.
[15-20:25] 97e, *Tevesh: :P
[15-20:25] a1a,moth: *strikes Mischa down with a lightning bolt*
[15-20:26] 9c6, ºEnvy: The buttons are sweet. If you don't know what they say.. espeically by now... then I cannot help you
[15-20:26] 5d0, Mischa: *Struck* *Down* *Ow*
[15-20:26] 5d0, Mischa: I know which is which.
[15-20:29] 9c6, ºEnvy: *wants the dress that the toothfairy chick wears in that Coinstar commercial*
[15-20:30] 5d0, Mischa: *Loves coinstar* *Looks down at her pile of quarters from when she was dumping out her piggy bank* Damn bank. I should've made the hole on the bottom bigger so I could get the stuff out.
[15-20:31] 9c6, ºEnvy: I like to count and roll money, so I think I've only used it once.
[15-20:35]       Tevesh dances sexy-like.
[15-20:36] 9c6, ºEnvy: I've gotta go for a bit. my laptop is getting really warm. I'll catch you later.
[15-20:36] 97e, *Tevesh: kk
[15-20:38] a1a,moth: *wanders out to play Spiderman 2*
[15-20:38] EXIT: moth has left the chat ( 6:38pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-20:47] 97e, *Tevesh: /ne wanders off to play Spiderman 2 also.
[15-20:51] 97e, *Tevesh: *flashes Mischa* There, just as good.
[15-20:54] 5d0, Mischa: .....ew.
[15-20:55] 97e, *Tevesh: **Insert the words "his boobies at" after flashes..**
[15-20:57] 5d0, Mischa: ....EW.
[15-20:57] JOIN: moth has entered.
[15-20:57] 97e, *Tevesh: ^_-
[15-20:57] a1a,moth: *drops back in*
[15-20:58]       Tevesh jumps off of a building! And webs up! I love this game.
[15-20:58] 97e, *Tevesh: Spiderman 2 is way better than the first.
[15-21:00] 5d0, Mischa: *Coughdidn'tgetpastthefirstbossinspidey1coughcough*
[15-21:01] a1a,moth: *has already beat Spiderman 2*
[15-21:03] 97e, *Tevesh: I just got it a day ago. :D
[15-21:03] 5d0, Mischa: *Has only ever beat two games. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and Devil May Cry 2.
[15-21:04] 97e, *Tevesh: :D
[15-21:05] 5d0, Mischa: Yeah, well, I didn't technically beat HPatCoS because we still lost the house cup. I should've run out in front of them when under the polyjuice potion more often. ^_^
[15-21:05] 5d0, Mischa: I found it amusing though, that all the spells you learn, YOU have to risk your life repeatedly for, but everyone else just learns it once you've done that.
[15-21:08] 97e, *Tevesh: Bbl, gonna watch The Graham Norton Effect.
[15-21:29] 238, ºEnvy: I leave you guys alone for a little bit and the room dies?
Chat cleared by Envy.
[15-21:33] a1a,moth: *eyes*
[15-21:33] 238, ºEnvy: *pets Mothy and slips him another bowl of ice cream... since the last was stolen most viciously*
[15-21:34] a1a,moth: *..places the icecream in the freezer for now, which he padlocks so as to keep it safe - just got done eating icecream*
[15-21:35] 238, ºEnvy: *high 5 for ice cream eating*
[15-21:35] 5d0, Mischa: ((*Pounces Moth and cuddles immensely*))
[15-21:35] 5d0, Mischa: ((*Wants ice cream*))
[15-21:38] 5d0, Mischa: This's the story of a guy named Zeke, he just moved here from Fossil Creek... As he walks with his pepsi can, he's approached by a strangest man...
[15-21:41] 5d0, Mischa: ((*Walks up to the freezer and whispers all creepily to moth* Is it secret? is it safe? *Eyes the freezer*
[15-21:41] 238, ºEnvy: meh... I can't come up with ANYTHING for a new character. It's like everything has just been sucked out of my brain
[15-21:43] 5d0, Mischa: *Could help*
[15-21:43] 5d0, Mischa: *if wanted*
[15-21:43] 5d0, Mischa: *^_^*
[15-21:43] 238, ºEnvy: *hearts you best friend Mischa*
[15-21:45] a1a,moth: *feels like all possiblity for rp has been stolen from his brain*
[15-21:45] 97e, *Tevesh: Who <3 me? NOONE! Because I'm crazed.. _
[15-21:46] 238, ºEnvy: ooo Just got an e-mail from Robin the rockstar! brb!
[15-21:46] 238, ºEnvy: *thinks Mothy should go play in IP so that she can play Nico*
[15-21:47]       Tevesh will bbl! Again!
[15-21:49] 238, ºEnvy: awww... she wanted to tell me happy birthday and thanks for making people buy their cds and get my opinions on new packaging because they're going to have to stop the really cool cases that they have now because they're not mass produceable (so get yours NOW)
[15-21:51] 5d0, Mischa: ((....What CD?))
[15-21:52] 238, ºEnvy: TCR *points*
[15-21:53]       Tevesh goes insnae.
[15-21:53] 97e, *Tevesh: insane*
[15-22:00] 238, ºEnvy: hmmm... I do love Robin... what kind of advice do you give to a rockstar about promotions and packaging : S
[15-22:02] 5d0, Mischa: ((OMG I WANT ONE! YAY!))
[15-22:02] 5d0, Mischa: ((NEVER HEARD OF EM! BUT YAY!))
[15-22:02] 238, ºEnvy: She's done all of this before, the silly girl
[15-22:04] 238, ºEnvy: get one! you wouldn't believe how great it is! and for those of us with no credit card, if you drop them an e-mail, I'm sure they'd find some way to get you one.
[15-22:05] 5d0, Mischa: ((*Bats her lashes* Will you drop them an email for me?))
[15-22:06] 238, ºEnvy: there's a link right there
[15-22:09] 238, ºEnvy: the credit card thing is new... maybe the old instructions for paying by money order is still up somewhere
[15-22:10] 5d0, Mischa: ((Babe, the link is fukked uppeh. ^_^ You have to put http://www.whatever or else it does what your link did.
[15-22:11] a1a,moth: ..basically, she means you have to put Http:// before your link when you type it in.
[15-22:12] 238, ºEnvy: you just have to delete the nonsense before the actual link. here. is the e-mail for asking about getting their stuff
[15-22:12] 5d0, Mischa: ...that's what I just said.
[15-22:13] 238, ºEnvy: or I can just fix it. thank heavens for you and your translations, Mothy
[15-22:13] 97e, *Tevesh: AHHHHHHHHHH!
[15-22:15] 5d0, Mischa: ...I just said that! >.< What's so hard to understand?
[15-22:16] 5d0, Mischa: Anyway, I just read something about Jack Off Jill in some celebrity gossip magazine. That magazine was funny as shit, and retarded to boot.
[15-22:17] 238, ºEnvy: you talk like a teenage girl! I never understand what teenage girls say! I never have!
[15-22:18] 238, ºEnvy: well, on another part of the site, it says to e-mail here TCRMerch@T-C-R.NET to pay with a money order or check.... so huh. crazy girls. Yeah, Robin took the talent of JOJ with her because Jessica's new band sucks (and she's a major bitch)
[15-22:18] 5d0, Mischa: ...You mean plain and simple? *Oooooh buuuuuuurn*
[15-22:19] 97e, *Tevesh: Yay! Webcam works!
[15-22:19] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[15-22:20] EXIT: Mischa has left the chat ( 8:18pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-22:20] JOIN: Rowena Michaels has entered.
[15-22:20] 238, ºEnvy: *lol*... and I did not know that Haetmunky had his own shirt.... who is actually Colin, Robin's hubby. that's fucking fabulous
[15-22:20] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Bounces*))
[15-22:21] 238, ºEnvy: I wonder if I'll get to make my own t-shirt and sell it when I marry my rock star *ponders*
[15-22:22] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *Sitting up, she looks to the hand and then back up to Walter* I am Gabriella, sister of the Archangel Gabriel. *Her eyes cloud a moment* I mean... *Suddenly her voice loses that strange adult quality and she is only a child again.* I'm Rowena Michaels... *She wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him as if he were her only hope on the planet. Which he is.*
[15-22:26] a1a, *Walter Saint : *blinks slightly, and dosn't know what to do really. He timedly returns the hug, his wings streching out* Why have you been sent to earth.... Gavriella? *he picks that name above the other, he did of course know of Gabriel*
[15-22:30] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: No... I'm Rowena. *She looks up to him, and truly has the look of the sweetest of angels in her eyes, as do many children.*
[15-22:36] a1a, *Walter Saint : *shrugs slightly* Alright... Rowena... *he blinks slightly, looking down at her. He couldn't help but smile slightly at her* So, why are you on earth, Rowena?
[15-22:36] 97e, *Tevesh: ((I'm off of here.))
[15-22:37] EXIT: Tevesh has left the chat ( 8:36pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-22:39] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *She looks up to him a moment, and tears gather in those big shining eyes* I don't know....
[15-22:41] a1a, *Walter Saint : Alright, alright.... Don't cry. *he reaches up, wiping the tears out of the corners of her eyes. He looks around slightly, then stands, lloking down at her* Can you fly?
[15-22:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *Looks up at him and then reaches her hand over her head to pat the bare space on her back. No wings.*
[15-22:44] a1a, *Walter Saint : (*glares* You are just trying to make this diffecult)
[15-22:46] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*L*)) I can fly...
[15-22:47] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he sighs, looking out at the city, walking to the edge of the roof and looking down. He then looks back at her, smileing slightly, and nods* Alright then...
[15-22:49] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *She walks to the edge of the roof and looks up to him with a faint smile before taking his hand* Are you gonna fly with me?
[15-22:56] a1a, *Walter Saint : Yes... *gives her a small smile, reaching out and grabing her hand, steping to the edge aswell* Ready when you are....
[15-22:58] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *She takes a deep breath and then leaps. Halfway through the time that Walter might be panicking, theere's a soft glow, and no longer does he hol the hand of a small girl, but a woman, dressed in all white as the girl was, her blonde hair fluttering in the wind, large feathery wings flapping*
[15-23:03] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he leaps of when she does, since they on a rather tall building, as they gain speed, he would open his wings, the current lifting him up and he still holding her hand. Though as she changes, he realeses her hand, blinking slightly*
[15-23:06] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *She wouldn't release his however, her eyes looking about the lights of the city, taking it in in all its wonder.*
[15-23:09] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he just watches her, blinking still, and since it appeared he wasn't going anywhere, he takes ahold of her hand again*
[15-23:16] JOIN: Rowena Michaels has entered.
[15-23:17] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *After a moment she turns to look back to him with a smile* It is lovely here.
[15-23:18] a1a, *Walter Saint : Uh... yeah. *blinks, then looks forward, looking at the street below*
[15-23:18] a1a, *Walter Saint : (brb)
[15-23:21] JOIN: Rowena Michaels has entered.
[15-23:21] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((K))
[15-23:21] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Test))
[15-23:29] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Test again))
[15-23:34] JOIN: Caroline DeMornay has entered.
[15-23:35] EXIT: Caroline DeMornay has left the chat ( 9:34pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-23:35] EXIT: Caroline DeMornay has left the chat ( 9:34pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-23:35] JOIN: Cecile DeMornay has entered.
[15-23:35] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay: (jesus, I am tired. Evening Everyone!)
[15-23:38] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Test))
[15-23:39] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : (very nice.)
[15-23:41] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Here we go))
[15-23:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Taps her foot* Gaw, he takes forever.))
[15-23:44] JOIN: Robot Devil has entered.
[15-23:45] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((And speak of the devil. Err. Angel. Whatever.))
[15-23:45] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *Turning to look at him, she smiles* You have been very kind to me, Walter.
[15-23:45] a1a, *Robot Devil: *hits in the head* I do not. Only when there's computer trouble.
[15-23:45] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : *leaving the club in the capable hands of her manager, Chaz, she makes her way to no place in particular, clad in a simple black silk skirt and red halter - as in picture. Her black hair is left brushed, soft, but undressed in any manner and a knee-length, unbuttoned trench protects her from the chilly evenings of her beloved desert city. Dark eyes survey this and that, and she wonders if that odd man might be wandering around in the area still for her to encounter*
[15-23:47] a1a,Victor Cross: (*falls over after completing his profile*)
[15-23:48] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Catches the mothy* Aww...))
[15-23:48] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he looks over at her*Thats what us angels do... *he returns the smile, then looks back down* Where are we going? I know where we could go, if you wish.
[15-23:48] a1a, *Walter Saint : (*glares* And you didn't even use any Riddick pictures.... *shakes head*)
[15-23:49] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : Ah, Los Angeles ... how much like a tragic play you are. Someday, you'll sink into the ocean and no one will remember your glory. *she mutters this to herself, smiling at this well-known Bush patron and that as they pass with some cheap rented whore or that; not like the fine women she brokers for at the Burning Bush. She hopes that all of them - the felandering men, that is - catch diseases*
[15-23:49] a1a,Victor Cross: (*wonders why he would want to use Riddick pictures*)
[15-23:49] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : (*clings to moth* evening dear!)
[15-23:49] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : (*hates dail-up, and sobs*)
[15-23:50] a1a,Victor Cross: (*clung to* Evening.)
[15-23:50] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: Okay. *That's all she says, just a simple 'okay' before her wings slow to a glide as she would let him steer her* ((Angels are weird, dude.))
[15-23:50] a1a, *Walter Saint : (*because Riddick was his best movie*)
[15-23:52] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Finally saw Pitch Black. Her aunt had it, so while the adults were talking about who gives a shit, she watched a movie on her portable DVD player. With much trouble, as Trin was telling her the crossdresser chick died, and so she's all confused when the other one does...yeah.*))
[15-23:53] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he slows done too, and he moves to the right, looking over at her*(Pitch Black... I've watched it like 15 time. *Waits for chronicles of Riddick to come out so he can buy it. Has already seen it once*)
[15-23:55] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *Already she is frowning, looking back to him* Are we going to land soon?
[15-23:56] a1a, *Walter Saint : Yes... *and he rounds another corner, flying for about five more minutes, then starts to descend down to the street*
[15-23:56] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : *realizing how terribly alone she is this evening, and most evenings since she quit actively hawking herself. Ten years of a beautiful, up-in-the-hills, butlered and maid-staffed completely empty house. Aye, well. Perhaps as it should be. She really does wish the odd man with the cane would suddenly show up. She did enjoy is rather odd speech, and how he kept refering to humans as if he weren't one. Sliding into an alley that cuts parallel to Sunset, she meanders her way towards her in-town apartment*
[16-00:00] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((*Thinks it sad that no pictures of angels with blonde hair came up in a search for 'blonde angel' and the only things that did come up nearly got her in trouble as her dad was passing by right then.* Stupid net...))
[16-00:00] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : *once to her building, she climbs up the rickety iron stairs. Unlcoking the five different locks she has on her reinforced door, she slams it shut behind her. Once inside and locked securely away, she fixes a drink, draws a bath, and soaks until dawn*
[16-00:01] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *The instant he would start to descend he would find himself holding hands with that same small girl again, her hair fluttering cutely ^_^ in the wind*
[16-00:01] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Tada!))
[16-00:02] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : (here, I don't use these anymore: :: )
[16-00:03] 8fb, ºCecile DeMornay : (Evening, everyone. Have fun!)
[16-00:03] EXIT: Cecile DeMornay has left the chat ( 10:03pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[16-00:04] JOIN: moth has entered.
[16-00:04] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: ((Thank you!))
[16-00:05] a1a,moth: * about to kill his connection*
[16-00:07] a1a,Victor Cross: (*ponders making his introduction*
[16-00:07] a1a,Victor Cross: (*ponders making his introduction*)
[16-00:07] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he looks over at her blinking, and he spreads his wings, moving down to land on the sidewalk, just outside the Before the Dawn bar. He pushes his wings against his back and opens the door* After you*
[16-00:08] JOIN: moth has entered.
[16-00:08] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *She steps into the bar, holding his hand still, probably for all the world looking like someone just found out he had a daughter.*
[16-00:12] a1a, *Walter Saint : *moves into the bar, grateful noone was inside. He moves behinde the bar, looking at her* Do you want anything to drink?
[16-00:15] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels: *Tilts her head* Like what?
[16-00:15] a1a, *Walter Saint : Milk? *blinks slightly, watching her over the bar*
[16-00:18] JOIN: LAMadame has entered.
[16-00:18] 8fb, ºLAMadame: (Just a friendly note: The two of you might like to check your icons. ^_^)
[16-00:19] a1a, *Walter Saint : (thanks)
[16-00:20] JOIN: Street Urchin has entered.
[16-00:23] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Okay.
[16-00:26] a1a, *Walter Saint : *nods and goes back to the kitchen, going to the fridge and getting a carton of mik, as it is used in recipes more then people getting it to drink, since it was a bar after all. He comes back a few minutes later, with the milk and a glass in his hand. He puts the glass on the bar and pours the milk in, then hands in to her* *he then pulls the sword that was straped around his shoulder, off and lays in on the bar. She would problt recognize it as the sword of the angel of death*
[16-00:31] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She takes the glass, sipping at it and letting her legs dangle off the stool* I remember you now, Walter. Though you may not remember me. No one ever remembers me.
[16-00:34] a1a, *Walter Saint : *looks over at her* I know Gabriella... *gives her a small smile, then looks down at the sword*
[16-00:36] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : My name's Rowena. *She says this firmly this time, as if afraid who might hear her name.*
[16-00:36] a1a,moth: (*lounges boredly*)
[16-00:36] a1a,moth: *lounges boredly*
[16-00:37] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Kicks moth IC*))
[16-00:38] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*gently*))
[16-00:41] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he raises an eyebrow at her, then looks back at the sword. He returns his gaze to her then, leaning on the counter behinde him*
[16-00:42] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Nobody's sposta know about me. So don't call me that, okay? Not until I find out why I'm here. *Tears build up in her eyes again, and she lowers her head*
[16-00:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Is fecking adorable! And has the perfect link! YAY!*))
[16-00:47] a1a, *Walter Saint : Alright... *nods slightly, just watching her, crossing his arms over his chest*
[16-00:49] JOIN: Lane Albright has entered.
[16-00:49] 8fb, Lane Albright: ((*twiddles about, scopes the room*))
[16-00:50] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Where do I live when I'm here? *Going back to sipping at her milk, legs dangling*
[16-00:51] JOIN: moth has entered.
[16-00:51] a1a,moth: *welcomes Lane, and that sort of thing*
[16-00:52] 8fb, Lane Albright: (thank you moth, and all that.)
[16-00:52] JOIN: Jayde has entered.
[16-00:53] a1a,moth: *smirks*
[16-00:53] a1a, *Walter Saint : I'm not sure... I guess you can stay in my room tonight...I'll sleep on the floor.... *shrugs*
[16-00:54] 8fb, Lane Albright: (there's a moth flitting around my head right now. isn't that just the most interesting thing?)
[16-00:56] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Clings to Moth* This one's mine! See? *shows a sticker on his back saying 'property of the kirsten'* Toldja!)) I don't wanna make you sleep on the floor. *She gets a little sad kid's face on* There are monsters on the floor.
[16-00:57] a1a,moth: *removes the sticker*
[16-00:58] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : (( It's the dread pirate roberts, and he's come to eat your soul!
[16-00:58] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Pouts*))
[16-00:58] 8fb, Lane Albright: (oh, hey, i'm not claiming anything. wouldn't dare.)
[16-00:58] a1a, *Robot Devil: *blinks at K*
[16-00:59] a1a, *Walter Saint : No there arn't... *blinks at her, one of his wings twitching*
[16-01:00] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((Whaaat? *Stares RD down* What you want, boy? I told you your brother is hotsex! *L*)) That's only because you never see them. They'll come up and eat you up. *Is really getting into the part, here..*
[16-01:01] a1a, *Robot Devil: No, I was blinking at that picture
[16-01:01] 821, *Jayde: *lurks about*
[16-01:01] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((Oh. Heh. It's the dread pirate roberts!! *L* Actually I uploaded it because Nate needed a piccy pie for a char in lotr.))
[16-01:02] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Throws a sock at Jayde and points at moth*))
[16-01:03] a1a, *Robot Devil: No they won't... and do I need to remind you who you are? *raises an eyebrow*
[16-01:04] 821, *Jayde: At least it wasn't something painful to be hit with, or another poke. Been getting poked alot lately
[16-01:04] a1a, *Walter Saint : No they won't... and do I need to remind you who you are? *raises an eyebrow*
[16-01:04] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she stands quietly at the door of the Before the Dawn bar, a crinkled yellow post-it with the address on it. She looks over both shoulders, eyes flicking this way and that, before pulling the door open and slipping inside, moving directly to the nearest booth and planting herself there, without so much as looking around at any other patron who might be within*
[16-01:06] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Throws a note at her and points at moth again*)) *She frowns, shaking her head quickly and glancing to Lane. Then, in a softer voice* I am Rowena Michaels. Four year old. Be careful.
[16-01:07] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Kills whoever is in Lane's picture, as she is laughing at her* *Doesn't have issues....honest.* <.< >.>))
[16-01:08] a1a, *Walter Saint : I know* said in a wisper, then looks at Lane* Hi.. uhm, welcome to Before the Dawn, what can I get for you. *dosn't have to walk over to her, since there was noone else around*
[16-01:09] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Swivels and looks to Lane, innocent little kid eyes, legs swinging off the bar stool as she sips at her milk. Is just adorable.*
[16-01:11] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she gives Walter a scruitinizing look, not even regarding the child as she's of no consequence* Water would be great. Lots of ice. Thanks.
[16-01:11] 8fb, Lane Albright: (*grins and laughs some more* but she's so happy! she wants to share her happiness!)
[16-01:13] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((She is bad! No laughing at me! She's making fun of me, I know it.)) *And that's precisely the reason she's remaining a child. People act differently around a child than an angel. She watches the lady before smiling* hi.
[16-01:15] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she gives the girl a smile despite herself; she really is a cute girl* Hello.
[16-01:16] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : What's your name? *Swingage of the feet... she's barefoot, dressed in a white sundress with her hair up in little pigtails*
[16-01:16] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she gives the girl a smile despite herself; she really is a cute girl* Hello.
[16-01:17] 8fb, Lane Albright: Lane, and you? *fuck. Shouldn't have said that. She'll be in trouble for that. Fuck, fuck* And yours?
[16-01:17] a1a, *Walter Saint : *hey, his wings are out for all to see, well actually you can only see then if you stand behinde him, since they are pushed against his back, He then turns around, going and getting aglass of water, with lots of ice, then moves out from the back, moving to the table, and putting it down* There you are. *he then moving back behinde the bar*
[16-01:18] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : I'm Rowena. You're nice.
[16-01:19] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she laughs some and shakes her head* Only to cute little girls in sundresses. Your kind has a beguiling charm. *she nods thanks to Walter, and lifts her glass, drinking half her water quickly*
[16-01:20] a1a,Victor Cross: (*ponders*)
[16-01:21] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((*Cuddles Vickie.* *Wonders if he shoots people that call him Vickie*)) *She giggles and hides her face with the glass as it takes up half her face anyway, taking a sip*
[16-01:22] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he leans back against the counter, watching the two*
[16-01:24] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she uncrinkles her post-it again, glancing from it to her watch a couple of times, before rising partially out of her seat to glance over the back of her booth at the door. She curses under her breath again and sits down, stuffing the note back into her coat pocket* Shit ...
[16-01:25] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Her eyes widen and she gasps, as the nice lady said a not-nice word, before looking up to Walter and smiling. She likes him, not just in that love-all way that all their kind must.*
[16-01:27] a1a, *Walter Saint : *smirks, returning the smile to Rowena and watches Lane, crossing his arms over his chest*
[16-01:28] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Standing, she skitters, yes skitters, over to Walter and hugs him around the waist*
[16-01:29] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she sips at her water again, chewing at her lip and glancing at the two of them* She's your daughter?
[16-01:30] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he looks down at her, smileing, and returns the hug, then looks at Lane* My- oh hyeah... this is my daughter...
[16-01:31] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Almost has to surpress a laugh but she only nods and turns her head* He's the best daddy ever. *Awww*
[16-01:33] a1a, *Walter Saint : *he smiles, looking at Lane* And she's the best daughter... *aww indeed*
[16-01:34] 8fb, Lane Albright: *she raises a brow; didn't miss that hesitation. At any rate, it's their own business what their relationship is really like* You haven't seen anyone come in here looking for anyone, have you? In the last hour or so?
[16-01:35] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Their relationship is not like that! * We haven't been here that long.
[16-01:36] a1a, *Walter Saint : *shakes his head* *then looks down at Lane* Sorry to say, I just started my shift.
[16-01:37] 8fb, Lane Albright: Ah, okay, well ... thanks for the water. *she slaps a five down on the table; should cover the cost of water, even in L.A. She stands, and leaves the bar in a hurry*
[16-01:38] JOIN: moth has entered.
[16-01:38] a1a, *Walter Saint : *nods slightly, watching her leave*
[16-01:38] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Looks up to Walter* I love you, daddy.
[16-01:39] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((Water is free...everywhere. *L*))
[16-01:39] a1a,moth: ..acutually, its not.
[16-01:39] a1a,moth: ..actually, its not..
[16-01:41] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : ((really? Psh. *Got a birthday card that said "Inside is a coupon for a free drink at a fancy restaurant!" And inside was a piece of paper that said "Sir, may I please have a glass of water?"*))
[16-01:41] a1a, *Walter Saint : *smirks, laughing slightly* I love you too. He lifting her up and sits her on the bartop, then looks up at her as Lane exits*
[16-01:42] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Grins and shakes her head* That was just fun.
[16-01:43] EXIT: moth has left the chat ( 11:39pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[16-01:44] JOIN: moth has entered.
[16-01:44] a1a, *Walter Saint : Yeah*smirks, watching her carefully*
[16-01:46] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Can you still visit? Up there? *Rubbing one of his wings idly, as she does her brothers often. It was something that felt good to an angel, like running a hand through their hair.*
[16-01:49] a1a, *Walter Saint : *his wing twitches slightly as she starts to rub it* Yes, I can... You can, right? I mean you didn't do anything to get thrown down here?
[16-01:52] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : I don't know. *She sighs, running a hand over her face* I don't even know how to get up there. I've never been down here before.
[16-01:54] a1a, *Walter Saint : Oh... *sighs slightly* I've had to come here... to preform my dutys I mean....
[16-01:56] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : I know what you mean. It must be difficult.
[16-01:58] a1a, *Walter Saint : *shrugs* Not really... *he pulling himself up to sit on the bar beside Rowena*
[16-01:59] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Was it when you began? I mean... it must have been hard the first few times, wouldn't it? *Not knowing wtf she's talking about, just trying to make conversation.*
[16-02:01] a1a, *Walter Saint : *shrugs again* I suppose the first few times...
[16-02:02] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : It would be for me... *She reaches over and takes his hand* You're a very interesting person, Walter. I love you. *That, of course, is standard greeting in Heaven. But here, it's not so common.*
[16-02:06] a1a, *Walter Saint : *nods, looking at her* I love you too. *he really hoping she didn't mean that in earth context*
[16-02:07] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *No way. Love is love. Angels love all. ^_^* And I like you, too. If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to be your friend. Or... I guess, daughter. *Smiles slightly*
[16-02:13] a1a, *Walter Saint : *laughs* Gow about friends. *smiles*
[16-02:14] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Friends sounds good to me. *She reaches around and hugs him again* Thanks for picking me up.
[16-02:16] a1a, *Walter Saint : Alright... *returns the hug* No problem.... *smiles down at her*
[16-02:19] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : I think maybe I should sleep... thank you for offering but I'm sure I can find someplace alone. *Doubtful, but she's new here*
[16-02:20] a1a, *Walter Saint : oh, well there are empty room. I'm sure Harmonia wouldn't mind letting you stay. I'll tell her tommarow your staying... *nods*
[16-02:23] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Alright. Where are they? *Attempts to slide off the bartop but...well, is about her height's length up.* A little help would also be lovely.
[16-02:24] a1a, *Walter Saint : *smirks, picking her up and puts her on the floor* They're just up the stairs there... Come on, I'll show you
[16-02:24] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Alright. *She takes his hand, walking toward the stairs, and as she does, she would change again with that same flash of light.*
[16-02:27] a1a, *Walter Saint : *is standing behinde so has a good veiw now of her real form. He smileing still and walks up the stairs. As they reach the top landing, there are rooms on either side.* Those are empty... *points to his room* And thats my room, if you need anything....
[16-02:29] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She turns, smiling to him* Thank you, Walter. You've been wonderful.
[16-02:31] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *smiles and nods* Don't mention it. *hey, even angels like the opposite sex*
[16-02:33] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Oh really?* No, really. Thank you. *She leans forward and kisses his cheek. Something that has the same amount of value in both life and afterlife.*
[16-02:35] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *yes, really* *his smile becomeing brighter, and the she might be able to see the faintest red in his cheek* Well, uhm, your welcome...
[16-02:37] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Chuckles* You're a bit red, Walter. Just there. *Touches his cheek lightly and smiles* Now, which of these rooms should I take?
[16-02:40] 7c5, *Walter Saint : Oh... *he reaches up to where she's touched, slightly embarassed* Uhm.... you can take anyof them you'd wish.
[16-02:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She smiles to him, lowering her eyes* Thank you, Walter. *And releasing his hand, she moves to the door next to his and opens the door, looking back with a soft smile* Good night.
[16-02:45] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *His hand falls slowly, and he looks at her. He smiles back to her* Good night...
[16-02:50] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She slips inside, shutting the door with a smile and moving to lie on the bed. Wow. Who'd have thought?*
[16-02:51] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he just stands there a moment, smileing, then moves into his room, he also laying down, though dosn't go to sleep*
[16-02:53] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She smiles up to the ceiling, saying a soft hello to those still up there, before rolling onto her stomach to face the wall seperating Walter's room from hers, stretching her wings out behind her.*
[16-02:55] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he sits up, after a long while, not being able to fall asleep. He streches his arms out, along with his wing, then looks around the dark room*
[16-02:55] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She too rises, stepping around the room with a soft hum...*
[16-02:57] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he moves over, pulling on a pair of jogging pants and then moves to the door, opening it and steps out of the room. He knew if you were going to stay in the human world, you had to atleast dress like one. The sound of his bare feet walking across the landing and moving down the stairs could probly be heard by Rowena*
[16-03:00] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *she does hear it, and she moves out and into the hallway, following down the steps, still in her strange toga-ish outfit.* Walter?
[16-03:03] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he was only wearing the jogging pants, he having on no shirt. He had already gotten himself a glass of milk and was sitting at the bar when she came down. He looks back her* Yeah?
[16-03:06] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She smiles and slips over to sit next to him* Couldn't sleep either?
[16-03:08] 7c5, *Walter Saint : No... *gives her a small smile, that wing twitching again* *Was there something wrong with his wing? Or was he just nerveous?*
[16-03:10] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *She reaches over, smoothing his wing gently and leaning against the bartop* It's difficult, when you've been sleeping in the same place for millenia upon millenia and suddenly, you're not.
[16-03:11] 7c5, *Walter Saint : Yeah... *nods slightly, giving her another small smile*
[16-03:13] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Where is the milk? I don't want to make you get up.
[16-03:16] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he reaches over the bar, grabbing the milk* Here you go... *gives her a smile*
[16-03:18] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Smiles, shaking her head and pouring herself a glass in the same one she'd left out from before.* Thank you. *She watches him a moment as she sips the milk*
[16-03:20] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he just gives her a smile and a nods. He hadn't really been looking at her, just looking down into his milk, taking a sip every few minutes*
[16-03:22] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Her smiles start to fade* Walter ,is something the matter?
[16-03:25] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *he looks over at her* Huh? No, everythings fine... It's just.... *his voice fades and he looks back don to his milk*
[16-03:27] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : It's just what? *Watching him as she drinks her milk*
[16-03:29] 7c5, *Walter Saint : It's just... *he repeats, then looks over at her, seeming to turn rather shy* It's just you're rather beautiful....
[16-03:32] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Her eyebrows move up, not suddenly, more surprised than that, her mouth forming a small O shape.* Oh...r-really... *Quite suddenly, a ridiculously goofy grin breaks out over her face and she looks to the ground* Oh... well... thank you...
[16-03:35] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *another smile forms on his face, he turning a light shade of red again, and looks down, stareing at the bartop* Y-you're welcome...
[16-03:37] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : Well... When you first woke me, the first thing I thought was... how handsome you are. *Yes, handsome. They still use that word in Heaven*
[16-03:40] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *his smile seems to widin', though she wouldn't be able to tell since he was stareing at the bartop*
[16-03:43] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : *Leans over and puts a finger under his chin.* Walter? Are you alright?
[16-03:44] 7c5, *Walter Saint : *blinks slightly, looking up at her* Yeah... I'm fine I guess. *gives her a small smile*
[16-03:46] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : You are handsome. *Pulling her hand away and watching him a moment, she turns with a soft smile, looking down slightly*
[16-03:47] 5d0, *Rowena Michaels : gtg