A Mandalorian mercenary with Jedi blood and a Skirata attitude. Force help us all...

Mirja Talon is the daughter of the daughter of a clone, raised by a woman who could field strip a weapon as a toddler and who plied the mercenary trade well up into graying hair. Born into Clan Skirata, she was raised as a protector by her vode, but her mother always held a more practical, cynical view of the galaxy born of experience and a connection to the Force via Jedi parents who had fled the purge.

A skilled mercenary in her own right, when Mirja came to Tatooine she already had a smattering of friends and eclectic talent collected during her career. A tactician and natural leader, she swiftly gathered more support on the war-torn world, mostly from spacers and locals who were drawn to the skill, reputation, and authority that the group of Mandalorians cut. The squad became a unit, the unit a division, the division a Clan.

Now Alor (commander) of Talon Clan, Mirja rakes in the credits while trying to stay one step ahead of everything that could kill her on this tumultuous world.

Basic equipment rundown:

Offensive -
*Modified A280 Blaster Rifle.
*Silver dual-bladed lightsaber taken from the Jedi Master Kai-Bon Yoon
*Red saber taken from a Sith stalker
*Holdout blaster housed in a compartment on her right calf. Compartment is molded to follow the lines of her armor, and is difficult to detect even under scan.
*Concealed vibroblade; left gauntlet. In the style of the Clone Wars Commando units
*Flamethrower; right forearm.
*Right gauntlet is a Mandalorian Crushgaunt; trust me, you don't want to know.
*Standard vibroknife, left shoulder.
* Thermal detonators, det cord, stun grenades, and assorted tools are kept on her belt.

Defensive -
*Beskar'gam chest and back plates, helmet, gauntlets, and boots.
*Katarn II left arm armor, shoulder to gauntlet.
*Beskar-plated Plasteel everywhere else.
*Helmet contains standard macrobinocular suite with IR, lowlight, binocular, and UV options.
*Sealed environment suit, 30 minutes oxygen.
*Jet pack, capable of carrying twice her weight in sustained flight for several seconds. Sacrificed extra fuel for stability. No Fett Family Curse with -this- puppy.

Aliit Talon

Clan Talon, Mirja's little project, is comprised of Mandalorians and outsiders seeking to try their hand at the culture. A more militant alternative to her parent Clan Skirata's contentedness 'to retire to a farm and grow old watching nerfs', Mirja cultivates a home for people who cant bring themselves to stop fighting yet. Priding loyalty and brotherhood, the mercenary group has attracted warriors from all walks of life, and grows steadily.

After reluctantly accepting the help of Cassan to oust a demonic cult beneath her very feet, Mirja discovered something in the wreckage of the ancient ship that the cultists had used as their base. A huge, beastlike droid that responded to Mando'a like a loyal hound responding to the voice of its master. A Basilisk War Droid. The machine now clings to Mirja, after first encountering her upon its awakening and solidified when her soldiers called her Alor. This fiercly loyal, intelligent construct is a remnant of a time of conquerors, and now defends its new charges with all the rage of the ancient Taung.

Tiring of holding a city and with an open distaste for civilians, Mirja Talon opened her doors to the locally known "Space Elves" - a race displaced in a war against the Invid. After due diligence in instructing them in the basics of Tatooine survival she sceded the city entirely to their King Arvellon in exchange for a casual alliance and instruction in their brand of elegant magic. That's right. Yer a wizard, Mirja.

After her Force sensitivity was awoken on the energy-rich planet of Tatooine, Mirja finally sought help with its rampant visions and intrusive feelings by consulting the one expert she was aware of and... well, 'trust' is a strong word, but considered neutral enough for her purposes: Cassan Fistwick. He reluctantly agreed to help her train and harness these latent talents lest she become an easy mark for the Dark Side, but Mirja has also never dedicated to the Light. Loyal to her Mandalorian roots, she struggles to find a balance between a history that despises the Jedi and a future that damn well might need them. In the meantime, her would-be clan has dwindled at the news that its leader has taken up the saber, even casually. A core of loyal friends and a few interested hangars on are all that remain of Clan Talon.

Current compliment:
Mos Vhekad - Literally "Mos Sand". Western edge of the Dune Sea, imbedded in the rocky canyons. Primary camp, making use of the sturdy cliffs. Perimeter is monitored by speeder patrols. Several moisture farms maintained by clan families.

City Station - This uncreatively named post sits in the heart of Mos Eisley in what was once a headquarters of the local GWAM organization. After assassinating the leaders there as part of the fulfillment of a Hutt contract, Mirja settled her own forces within it to keep a finger on the pulse of the city and also to run something of a Bounty Hunter's Guild - allowing outsiders access to Clan resources for a cut of their hunt.

1 Bes'uliik (Mandalorian Basilisk War Droid)
1 HWK-290 freighter (Heavily modified into an armored gunship/transport vessel)
2 Zaku II mobile suits
2 Knightmare frames

Small squadron of TIE Defenders

5 Ori'ramikad (Supercommando)
20 Verd (Warrior)
3 Ge'verd ('Almost warrior', ublooded hopefuls)

Currently named members of Clan Talon and a bit of flavor text -

* Rhyke Starcross - Twin blaster pistols and a flameslinger. Mechanical expert. Has 8 kids, none of them his own by blood. The only person to box Mirja upside the head when she needs it.

* Demos Timar - Recon, ambush, sharpshot. Former Imperial Stormcommando

* Artemis Sol - Medical. Former Imperial Stormcommando. Companioned by a B-1 medical droid named "Squeaky". Has three daughters by a staunchly Loyalist wife; hasn't seen them since he deserted.

* Granger Ley'faa- Tech specialist. Bothan. In charge of all things Information, and don't you forget it, simpleton.

* Trassk - Armory sergeant. Trandoshan. Do not break his things. DO NOT BREAK HIS THINGS.

---Honored Dead---

*Atin Jendrassi - Gunslinger and Mirja's childhood friend. Once proposed to her, and she now regrets not answering him. Killed in a bombardment while on an off-planet contract.