~ Star Gazers ~1~ viewers~/~Board~

bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Happy Holidays to all. Be happy and stay safe.
f8d40, 2beOrNot2be: If you can swear you're not crazy you must not be completely crazy.
4e387, Krys: Not everone. Im something people the site. I swear im not ...crazier.
4e387, Krys: Can you guys see this?
4e387, Krys: Im just shocked this place is still ---- internet alive.
4d548, 2beOrNot2be: I hold you in my heart, Watcher. Always will.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: I think of you often. Yes, am well. Thank you. With hopes of finding the same with you. Will always love you dearly. Am very fond of you with a lot of respect.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Hello to all. Am alive. Yes, and still the monster.
677a9, 2beOrNot2be: Hoping you are well, Watcher.
70f91, Jerry: hi 2be
70f91, Jerry: hello!
6f34e, yesman: Correct. Antifa terrorist should stop hiding and reveal themselves. Cowardice is unbecoming.
d2de6, Krys: I also agree on the mystery bashing. Its childish. ---- knock it off or have the balls to tell the person who you are.
d2de6, Krys: Thanks. I enjoy accidently double posting while trying to remember colour codes. lol
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Happy New Year, Vamps. Hoping this year shapes up to be better than the last few years. Everyone stay safe and be happy.
b54ed, Moonspell: I am not afraid of anything nor scared away, Nice to see some familiar faces still kinda sorta around,
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Thanks for the info.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Put on those big boy pants. If you wish to bash Blaze, use your moniker. In other words, show your face, per se.
ca26f, 2beOrNot2be: Blazen is the worst person to ask, she is too stupid. As too how to send private messages, private messages can only be sent between registered users. A person who isn't registered can neither send nor receive private messages.
97a0f, jerry: whysper you have to be in here I think so I can send the whisper to you I don't see that Private any more
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: I ^seem
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Hey, Blaze, how does one go about sending a private message? I see to still be me, and that would be clueless.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Krys, Nice testing.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: PrinceNoCharming, lol. Hello.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Whysper, welcome to the WTF club about still breathing. Guess we go when we go. Seen the proof of that, isn't pretty.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Grim, my man! ~Hugs~ Yes, been awhile. Glad to see you.
bfd2c, ‡Watcher: Hey my favorite vampires. Thank you for your care. Still working through life. Getting better. Guess that is what time is for.
MSG: jerry sent a message to Whysper.
30393, 2beOrNot2be: Hey watcher. Sorry its been sometime . Sorry about your news. Oh its Grim by the way.
30393, 2beOrNot2be: Hey watcher. Sorry its been sometime . Sorry about your news. Oh its Grim by the way.
d532f, Krys: .....test
d532f, Krys: .....test
d0f13, †Whysper: Much better
d0f13, †Whysper: Test
d0f13, †Whysper: I guess no one comes here anymore
d0f13, †Whysper: I guess blaze scared away moonspell :(
d0f13, †Whysper: Hey, jerry, hru?
d0f13, †Whysper: Hey watcher. So sorry for your loss. I'm still alive. Dunno why. Oh YouTube the song Requerdos by The Mavericks. I think you might like it. I forgot how to message In here.
cf3bd, 2beOrNot2be: And by "shit person", he really means that I'm so excellent, that he's been obsessed with me since we met. Just not in the good normal healthy way...
c77ee, PrinceNoCharming: "My people! Hello there..Hahahaha..

Last Post:11:48am, December 23 (UTC) (1)

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