Registration Application
Tides of Adventure

Admin notes: Welcome to Tides of Adventure! Please remember that if an application is not completely filled out, it will be declined. Please do NOT put underscores, apostrophes, or special characters in your handle. The system does not like these things! If you must use these things, submit the app without them and add them in later yourself under preferences. Also, please see the board for notes on canon characters and other features regarding locations and magic. Furthermore, please be sure to fully read over the rules before making your character! Also, save your character information! Chat Master will no longer send such back to players. The Chat Master has the right to deny applications for any reason. No longer will feedback be sent back to players. Chances are that something was missed or there was not enough information granted. Try again. If your application has been denied three times, it may be best to move on from that character.

Name – This is self-explanatory.

Gender – Male or Female. You know the drill.

Race – What race or races is your character? Note on Mixed Races: These are allowed, however, while every character is special to its creator; do keep in mind that mixing a ton of races just to be special ends up looking very tacky. If you do decide to mix races, make sure you keep some weaknesses too and not just add up all of the strengths.

Age – How old is your character? Please keep this reasonable.

Height – How tall is your character?

Weight – How much does your character weight?

Appearance and Notable Features – What does your character look like? Are there notable tattoos or scars? What build is your character; are they lean, muscular, ect?

Place of Origin – Where did your character originate?

Currently Resides – Where does your character currently live?

Family – Tell us about your character’s family. Are they alive? If so, where are they now? Are they deceased? If so, how did they die? Names are required.

Occupations (Current and Former) – What does your character do with themselves in terms of work? What did they do in the past?

Skills - These are things you can learn in the real world. Include level. As new characters, you may have a maximum of twelve skills. To go with this there is a maximum skill level of 10 for new characters. Example - Painting : Level 10 Starting out, you may only have two level 9 -10 skills, three 6 - 8 skills, and are welcome to have twelve level 1 - 5 skills.

Abilities - These are commonly seen as stats in RPGs and such (strength, speed, agility, etc.) Include level. If you don't want to list any abilities, put N/A. New characters are allowed two abilities with a maximum level of 8.

Powers - These are things that are commonly thought of as superhuman but not magic, such as kinesis and superhero-type powers. Include level. If you don't have any powers, put N/A. New characters are allowed two powers in this field with a maximum level of 7.

Magic - These can be listed by types of magic. Spell lists are nice but not necessary. Include a counter, such as "magic: fire - counter: water." Include level. Limit of 2 magic types for new characters. If you don't have any magic, put N/A. For new characters, there is a maximum level of 7.

Racial Attributes - These fall under what is included with your race type. Please see the racial attributes section on the board for these. Please just put [Pending] for the time being. This aspect is coming in 2018!~

Resistances and Immunities - Include level. If none, put N/A. New characters are allowed two resistances with a level of resistance up to level 5. One immunity is granted solely if it fits with the character's race, for new characters.

Physical Weaknesses - Are you average? Were you born with weak lungs? List such here.

Personality Flaws – What are the flaws of your character? Every person has these, so what are the ones belonging to your own character?

Personality – What is your character’s personality like?

Hobbies/Interests – How does your character occupy their time when not on a quest or doing their everyday duties? What do they do for fun?

Dreams/Aspirations – What are the goals of your character?

Backstory – Give us a semi detailed background about your character. This means more than one sentence. A two paragraph at minimum - 6-7 sentences each.

Quest/Event Currency - N/A for new characters but required on profile.

Quest/Event Items Earned - N/A for new characters but required on profile.

Misc Information of Importance – Are there any other details that need stating that are perhaps unique to your character? If this is a canon character, please state this here and from what they are from.

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