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fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: La la la la la.... Okay I'm bored.
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Okay it's about ready to Rock n Roll.. ;)
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: I see purple don't work
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: So what ya think....???
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: I just created the Chat RULES.. Not too hard. lol
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Okay ....
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Hi... Testing..
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Hello!
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Let me know if you all had a hard time getting into chat?
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Hey
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: k
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001 : hi
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001 : Maybe too many animations?
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001 : Helloo "Welcome to my new Chatroom.
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001 : I wanted an easy simple chattroom.
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Plz let me know if u like it.
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001 : Still working on this chatroom
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: TEST
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001: Hello
fad9a93987caad1efdec4b4a8d832f7e, ºwhitewolf3001 : Hello..
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Hello
JOIN: Zombie has entered.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: I'm working on creating a different logo at the top..Instead of a raven.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: All you have to do is refresh the page. Can you see the changes?
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Yeah I'll take em out. Probably too disstracting.
b36288a, Zombie: I wouldnt have animations
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Thank you..
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Yeah it has a ways to go yet. I'll more than likely start over on the animations and backgrounds
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Is it slowing it down?
b36288a, Zombie: What is this even all about, also all the gifs going on make this really hard to look at. Its garish.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: The animations? Plz be honest.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Does it look okay to you?
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: I'll be using this in my site once that's up and working.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: It's just a barebones chatroom.
b36288a, Zombie: Um to be honest I dont know what I'm looking at.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: What ya think of this?
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Hey
JOIN: Zombie has entered.
JOIN: Zombie has entered.
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001:
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Let me know what you think of it so far?
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: Almost ready to post online here.. yaya
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001 : It's between 3
fad9a93, ºwhitewolf3001: I've just updated the background.
fad9a, ºwhitewolf3001 : I do.. It's simple & I love it! ;)
fad9a, ºwhitewolf3001 : Let me know if you like this chat?
fad9a, ºwhitewolf3001: HI
fad9a, ºwhitewolf3001: Hello
JOIN: idk has entered.
JOIN: idk has entered.
116cd, Guest Boo : :)
116cd, Guest Boo : Trying to figure this chatroom out
116cd, Guest Boo : Hello
JOIN: Guest Boo has entered.
JOIN: Guest Boo has entered.
EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 1:01am, November 05 (UTC) ).
d51ee, Noname: TEST
JOIN: Noname has entered.
EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 1:00am, November 05 (UTC) ).
d51ee, Noname: test
JOIN: Noname has entered.

Last Post:3:04am, January 03 (UTC) (1)

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