Full Name: Nathaniel Richards
Aliases: Young Kang; Iron Lad
Identity: Secret
Occupation: Adventurer; student
Citizenship: Earth-6311 (Other-Earth), 31st century
Place of Birth: Earth-6311, 31st century
Known Relatives: Nathaniel and Cassandra Richards, their unnamed son, and matriarch of the Eyriennes (ancestors); Tara (Huntara), Reed (Mr. Fantastic), Franklin and Valeria Richards; various Eyriennes (common ancestry); Victor von Doom (alleged ancestor); Ramades (son), Marcus Kang I-XXIII (sons, deceased); Immortus, Rama-Tut, Scarlet Centurion and numerous other alternate dimensional counterparts and their offspring
GROUP AFFILIATION: Young Avengers (founder)
Education: Robotics student before forming the Young Avengers.
First Appearance: Young Avengers #1 (2005)

Height: 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight: 166 lbs.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown

History: In the year 3016 on the technologically-advanced alternate world known as Earth-6311 (Other-Earth), 16-year-old robotics student Nathaniel Richards was rescued from a near-fatal attack by his future self, the megalo-maniacal time-traveler Kang the Conqueror. Kang gave young Nathaniel a suit of neuro-kinetic armor and provided a glimpse of his future as a conqueror. Horrified by his ruthless, destructive future self, young Nathaniel rejected Kang and used his armor to escape to modern-day Earth-616, seeking the Avengers so that they could help him defeat Kang.

Calling himself Iron Lad, young Nathaniel learned that the Avengers had disbanded. After failed attempts to contact former Avengers, Iron Lad came across The Vision(Really a fake created by Ultron). Hoping to find a way to reassemble the Avengers, Iron Lad downloaded the Vision's operating system and data files into his armor to gain access to the Avengers Fail Safe program created by Ultron. Iron Lad used this data to recruit three "Young Avengers" who resided in New York City: Patriot, Hulkling, and Asgardian (now known as Wiccan). Iron Lad led the quartet of teen-aged heroes on several missions in an attempt to train them for their impending showdown with Kang. When The Avengers again went public t was revealed to him that the vision he knew was a fake. The young Avengers Assaulted the Fake Vision and destroyed him. Soon after Iron Lad was forced to return to the future to rid his Neuro-Kinetic armor of aspects of the Fake Vision's programming that were creating issues. In the future Iron Lad confronted Kang. He came to an agreement with Kang that he would indeed be his protege if Kang would teach him everything he knew. Iron Lad only stayed around long enough to learn how to reprogram his armor so that Kang could never control him. When he left Kang he destroyed everything he could in Kang's hideout, including his time machine, and then used his own armor to escape back in time. Iron Lad has yet to step back into the lime light.

Abilities/Accessories: Iron Lad ages slightly more slowly than modern humanity. Iron Lad is gifted and perhaps a genius in the area of robotics and is fairly knowledgeable regarding time travel. Iron Lad's neuro-kinetic, trans-temporal bio-metal armor responded to his thoughts (although it could also be controlled via a belt console). Iron lad's Armor enabled him to travel through time, pull objects forward or back through the time stream, fly, hack into or override security systems or computers, download or upload massive amounts of data, expel destructive energy blasts, magnetic rays and fields, and fire extinguishing foam. In addition it made him superhumanly strong and durable, the armor further able to reshape to form spikes or other such protrusions. Holographic projectors allowed Iron Lad to change or mask his appearance. Do to the armor's neuro-kinetic setup it can react before Iron Lad even realizes he is thinking about the reaction. As such his response time can be much faster then human as well as more violent then Iron Lad himself would choose to be at times.

Additional Equipment:
During his time with Kang the Conqueror Iron Lad learned how to pull objects from the time stream, enabling him to gain access to many of the weapons and other technologies that Kang himself used.