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e43 ºOverseer: or something idk hi
e43 ºOverseer: yes
59b Trev: Woah
6b2 *Lydia Bishop: *She never quite found the gall to take anyone up on adventures, she stuck to her own comfort zone. Lydia looked over towards the man who just ordered. She looks Joshua over. Taking in his less than clean clothing. Worn and dirty looking like he belonged here as opposed to those with fresh clean clothing who came here for adventure or sick pleasure. Lydia tipped back her whiskey and put the small glass down. The tremor in her hand subsiding to a dull shake and then it stops. She figured he was just like the rest of these hosts out here. Slowly Lydia pulled her hat off her head and sat it on the bar. With a deep breath she tapped a finger against her glass and spoke to him.* You wanna buy a lady a drink? *not as smooth as she wanted it to be, but she wasn't going to beat herself up over it.*
dae *Joshua Bolan: *Joshua was in town to pick up some supplies and dry goods from the general store, having parked a small horse-drawn cart beside the building in a short, narrow alley space. The horse stayed hitched to the cart, the wheels of which had been hobbled so the horse couldn't bolt with his cart. He was just finishing up giving the store clerk his order, which was already being relayed to the young boy working in the back. He'd immediately set to work filling out the order while Joshua pays, then heads across the street to the saloon. He could use a drink to help take the edge off of the day. Red River had become like a home to him, a mostly predictable, somewhat sadistic home, but one he could rely on to not change much. Except for some of the faces, like the one at the bar. He'd sidle up to the bar a few feet from her and orders a beer, but doesn't say anything that sounds like it might be the start of an adventure. At the same time, he looks so lived-in and casual in this place that he must be a Host or something.*
6b2 *Lydia Bishop: *When things got bad she found her way her to the Park. She picked an all black get up this time when the choice was offered to her. How long was she staying? She never had an answer, staff just expected a simple stay from her. She didn't venture out of Red River often in these situations, unless she wanted to push her limits. When the train arrived she stepped off, adjusted her hat and headed to the first place she always visited. The saloon. Her boots cracked against the gravel, she felt brave this time around. Like she was doing better, but that came over her every time she stepped foot in WestWorld. Either way she found a place against the bar, ordering a simple whiskey which would eventually calm her shaking hand. She liked to listen, for the cues for storylines, to the other guests who talked about what they wanted to do to the whores milling around, often times leaving with one or two to disappear upstairs. It was all missed when she had to leave.*
6b2 *Lydia Bishop: *t*
dae *Joshua Bolan: (test)
6b2 *Lydia Bishop: *better color*
6b2 *Lydia Bishop: *face*
e43 ºOverseer: ye
03a 'Rachel: hooray
Join: Rachel has entered.
Join: Rachel has entered.
e43 ºOverseer: defpass
aaa Rachel: sure!
e43 ºOverseer: anyways you want an OOC?
e43 ºOverseer: dis gif
e43 ºOverseer: yeah I got Creative Cloud so I can work from home, but man nothing is tailored to my needs like my old versions of photoshop and illustrator are
aaa Rachel: oh god updates are sometimes the worst
e43 ºOverseer: *upgraded jfc
e43 ºOverseer: I'm gonna make new buttons but I upgrade my photoshop and now things are new and weird
aaa Rachel: yoooou
e43 ºOverseer: bueno
aaa Rachel: pretty good
e43 ºOverseer: how you doin
aaa Rachel: aaaay
e43 ºOverseer: ayy
Join: Rachel has entered.
e43 ºOverseer: Sean pls
b03c3 Sean: turkey dicks
Join: Sean has entered.
Cleared by Overseer.

Last Post:2:39am, December 09 (UTC) (1)

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