"Savior, Conqueror, Hero and Villain"....I am all of these things, and yet I am none of them. My name is Galen Marek, and when I was five years old I stepped into the gates of a living hell. Twisted...Ruined by the hatred and poisoned by the lies of the most evil man I know. I grew strong, powerful...And when he deemed me ready, I began my hunt. Killing the best the galaxy had to offer me, and bearing the weapons of my enemies to my master...Though as I did this, doubt into my mind. I began to question, to consider "what if" I could escape..."What if" I could find a more better way and gain my freedom? But captivity for so long clouded my mind and while I worked with others, helped them to begin their own fight against my master and the evil he represented...I too, betrayed them. And in the end, I not only slew my master....I became him. Reborn as a True Sith lord. And now, I have come here to this..."World." Once more, into the breach. Like attracts like after all. And though I may not be entirely as evil as others presume, darkness is a part of me....And its only a question of whether or not my darkness will eventually turn upon you. I am Galen Marek....One of Four. And you will know me soon enough.

Name: Galen Marek

Alternate names: Starkiller

Place of Birth: The forests of Kashyyk

Age: 28 standard years

Sith Rank: Dark Lord

Height: 6'3

Weight: 230 lbs

Body frame: Slim but muscular

Fighting Style: Shii-Cho(Meant for multiple opponents),Makashi(Dueling-centric. Blade-to-blade combat),Soresu(Defensive style. Deflecting), Ataru(Aggressive style. Offensive),Shien/ Djem So(Greater defensive style/Counter-attacking), Niman(Combination style. Requires creativity in use.), Vaapad(Killing form. Heavy Offensive style)

Weapons: Life Drain Lightsaber(personal blade. Uses a corrupted Dark Side crystal to drain the life of others and absorb their life force to be used by the wielder), The Lady(Modified, Gunblade-esque lightsaber with a white-colored blade. Fires dust bullets and its focusing crystal is a gem from the hand of the Goddess, Desna. Does greater damage to enemies the more justified the wielders wrath is against the target.)


Imperium of Man Inquisitor Rosette

Broken Katana

Legionare Emblem

Nyen Coin

Yautja Mask

Zerg Tooth

Grimm Ursa Claw

Anubis Mask

Armor: Sith Stalker, Jedi Defender, Lone Ranger, Black Knight, Gladiator

Ships owned: None


Hand to hand(Vaapad)


Languages(Rodian, Huttesse, Bothan, Basic, Ithorian, Twiliek, Noghri, Wookie)

Melee Weapons

Ranged Weapons

Force-Enhanced strength(10 tons maximum)


Telekinesis(10 tons minimum)

Force Lightning

Force Repulse

Energy Resistance(Use the Force to protect from Cold, Fire, Electrical, Sonic and Energy sources)

Fear(Create an aura of fear that affects your opponent mentally)

Resist Force(Use the Force to protect against other Force/psychic powers)

Ionize(Use the Force to overload, or even destroy electronic-based units)

Telekinetic shields(Creates an unconscious field in battle that slows down all projectiles/melee moves in battle)

Mind Trick

Lightsaber throw

Corruption(Use the Force to send a bolt of pure, Dark Side vileness into an opponent)

Force Grip

Force Storm(Creates a swirling whirlwind of Dark Side energy around you)

Dark Rage(Enter a beserker state brought on by the Dark Side)

Force Speed





Wilderness Survival

Ship repair

Craftsmanship(Lightsaber/melee weapons)




First Aid

Malkite Poisoning

Force Jump

Force Senses(Increase reaction time, hearing, sight, etc with the Force.)

Dual wielding