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[28-22:44] 94a, ºFiggy: Snowy: :(
[28-22:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I don't think my cam even works anymore. I just got it back from my older sister, and knowing her she probably dropped it a few times
[28-22:44] 815, £Heretic : hi figgy
[28-22:45] c45, ºSnowy: Why're you sad, Figgster? Brb
[28-22:45] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 10:43pm, December 28 (CST) ).
[28-22:45] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[28-22:45] 532, ºNightmare: i like how good my scanner pics can come out..........
[28-22:46] 532, ºNightmare: it should show up any moment now &rarr
[28-22:46] 7a5, ºSammy: *has to get a light closer to his*
[28-22:46] 94a, ºFiggy: Nothing much
[28-22:47] 532, ºNightmare: if you zoom in on my pic, you can see wat the scanner light does to my eyes
[28-22:48] c45, ºSnowy: It's not nothing much if you're sad, Figgy.
[28-22:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *kicks up a new link*
[28-22:48] 532, ºNightmare: my kitty is laying on the desk right in front of me.............
[28-22:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Smile, Figgy.
[28-22:48] 94a, ºFiggy: Sometimes, it's the lack of something that makes me sad
[28-22:49] 7a5, ºSammy: Well my head is starting to pound again so I'm going to go attempt to sleep off yet another headache*waves and disapears*
[28-22:49] 532, ºNightmare: kuja's trancin!!!!!!!!!!!!
[28-22:49] c45, ºSnowy: Affection?
[28-22:50] c45, ºSnowy: Dont place expectations on others, no matter how gentle..when it comes to managing your own moods
[28-22:50] 94a, ºFiggy: And how about myself?
[28-22:50] 94a, ºFiggy: Night Sammy
[28-22:50]       Nightmare has has occasional sadness due to affection
[28-22:50] c45, ºSnowy: Expect yourself to be complicated, I guess.
[28-22:50]       Heretic offers Figgy a hug
[28-22:50] EXIT: Sammy disappears ( 10:49pm, December 28 (CST) ).
[28-22:51] 94a, ºFiggy: Or, a walking bunch of complexes.
[28-22:51]       Figgy hugs Heretic.
[28-22:51] c45, ºSnowy: And learn how to let go of bad feelings instead of letting them mature inside you like a good coffee you begin to reach for more and more often.
[28-22:51] 815, £Heretic : aww... *hugs Figgy and rubs back*
[28-22:51] 532, ºNightmare: it only feels like 8:00 over here.............
[28-22:52]       Nightmare does not know how to help figgy when he himself would like to better understand himself and has an c=aching heart that he cannot deal with by himself
[28-22:52] c45, ºSnowy: What I like to do when I feel sad is 'something else'..something other than what I usually do when I get that way. If i've been sitting for awhile, and feel melancholy...i'll go for a walk and rejoin nature.
[28-22:52] c45, ºSnowy: If i've been too busy, running around...i'll take a break.
[28-22:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: What Snowy said.. Just do something to take your mind off of it, or open yourself up to it completly so you can get over it
[28-22:54] c45, ºSnowy: If nobody will hug you today..remember the hug from yesterday..and that hugs ARE there for the taking. Ya know, Skunk Anansie were pretty about die with a whimper.
[28-22:54] 815, £Heretic : so Figgy... how is it now?
[28-22:55] 94a, ºFiggy: busy, brb
[28-22:56] 815, £Heretic : times all ppl need is a hug. *offers Nightmare a hug*
[28-22:56]       Nightmare accepts the hug
[28-22:57] 815, £Heretic : who else needs a hug?
[28-22:57] 1f1, £Cerfestas: * laughs* American commercials are funny..
[28-22:58] 532, ºNightmare: which one are you watching, cerf?
[28-22:58] 815, £Heretic : i think asian and european commercials are the best
[28-22:58] c45, ºSnowy: ~~i awake from blood thick dreams, washing blame from my knees
[28-22:59] 1f1, £Cerfestas: It was some sweepstakes or something.. This chick with platinum blond hair saying things like "Do you want this Viper?... Do you want some mmoonneeyy?... Do you want this body?"
[28-22:59]       Nightmare hums to ff 7's normal boss theme music
[28-22:59] 532, ºNightmare: lol@ do you want this body.....
[28-22:59]       Nightmare would have said yes to the body
[28-22:59] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yes, Japanese commercials (As i've not seen chinese, korean, etc ones..) are by far the most bizzar i've seen.
[28-23:00] 532, ºNightmare: if they had size c breasts, of course
[28-23:00] 815, £Heretic : say yes to all man
[28-23:00] 815, £Heretic : japanese TV period is bazar
[28-23:00] 532, ºNightmare: true...........
[28-23:01] c45, ºSnowy: Heri..are you encouraging Nighty to turn homosexual?
[28-23:01] c45, ºSnowy: 'say yes to all man!'
[28-23:01] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I've only seen anime and a game show *shrug*
[28-23:01] c45, ºSnowy: Ohh man, 70,000 dead now
[28-23:01]       Nightmare has the music from ff9 when beatrix and steiner fight together in alexandria
[28-23:02] 815, £Heretic : we should all try bi
[28-23:02] 815, £Heretic : oh god snowy i know. it just saw that about an hr ago
[28-23:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Still saying over 56 thousand here, Snowy. *kicks CNN*
[28-23:02] 532, ºNightmare: hey, heretic, hold on, i've got something for you...........
[28-23:03] 815, £Heretic : 22,000 last i saw yesterday now it is 70. so terribly sad
[28-23:03] c45, ºSnowy: a kiwi couple who'd gone to phuket to set up an orphanage after they were married got swept many small tragedies
[28-23:03] 532, ºNightmare:
[28-23:03] 815, £Heretic : ok nightmare
[28-23:04] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I really hate it when CNN shows pictures of the mass graves and lines of children's corpses.. That's really disturbing.
[28-23:05] 815, £Heretic : brb
[28-23:05] 532, ºNightmare: oops, i missed an article! brb
[28-23:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: See, Snowy? I do have a bit of a soul.
[28-23:06] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah, well that's the reality I's shock coverage but it's just what happened..lots of kids went down to the beaches to play with all the newly exposed beach..not knowing what was coming
[28-23:06] c45, ºSnowy: Oh I know you do..I've been watching, you dont need to prove anything to me..i've got eyes.
[28-23:07] 532, ºNightmare: that happened once i hawiaii.................when a tsunami comes, it always lowers the water level drastically
[28-23:07] 815, £Heretic : why was that for me Nightmare?
[28-23:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah, it' is shock coverage, but the least they could do is put up a warning. It's really disgusting how heartless they are. Even when they're doing their coverage, it's soulles sympathy in their expression and voices.
[28-23:08] 1f1, £Cerfestas: souless*.. whatever
[28-23:08]       Heretic watches farm porn
[28-23:08] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah, that bothered me..the NZ news reader last night had this EAGER gleam in his eye
[28-23:08] 532, ºNightmare: i just revised this the reply ALL the way at the bottom
[28-23:08] 532, ºNightmare:
[28-23:08]       Figgy hasn't forgiven CNN for their coverage of the SARS outbreak in Toronto.
[28-23:09] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah no doubt.. I even saw one of the news readers half smiling while she was giving off her brief.. I mean shit. It's only sad when it hits home. You saw those same people brought almost to tears when they were first covering 9/11.
[28-23:09]       Nightmare hasn't forgiven his mom for killing the cable............
[28-23:09] c45, ºSnowy: Their job is to be a facade no matter what, I guess. Ugh.
[28-23:10] 815, £Heretic : ty nightmare but im really sick of seeing it all man
[28-23:11]       Heretic agrees with the ugh
[28-23:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I really hate my mother right now. Whenever she's not on the computer, she has CNN on and she knows how much it bothers me watching it. I'm not getting cable-anything after I move out.
[28-23:12] 532, ºNightmare: i just updated this thing even more..........
[28-23:13]       Nightmare wants digital cable again
[28-23:13] 815, £Heretic : sealab rules
[28-23:14] 532, ºNightmare: i even have numbers of people missing from their countries, here.............
[28-23:14] 532, ºNightmare: sealab 2021
[28-23:14] c45, ºSnowy: They're saying countries knew that a tsunami was coming..japan and australia..fucking assholes
[28-23:14] 815, £Heretic : so here are two movies u all need to see. trust me. one: Buba Hotep. Two: Napolean Dynamite. dun ask, just rent them
[28-23:14] c45, ºSnowy: because of diplomatic protocol
[28-23:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah, my little sister said the same about the Americans.
[28-23:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lol I want to see Napolean Dynamite
[28-23:15] 815, £Heretic : i dun think it is all like that. for one they only knew about the tsunami for certain after the earthquake and then they really had no one to contact in india or elsewhere that could do anything about it.
[28-23:16] 94a, ºFiggy: Are you drinking 1% because you think you're fat?
[28-23:16] 815, £Heretic : yes very good movie cerf.
[28-23:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lol I was just thinkin of that quote Figgy
[28-23:16] 815, £Heretic : lol figgy
[28-23:16] c45, ºSnowy: I cant belieeeeeeeeeve that..they're murderers.
[28-23:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah well what the hell is anyone going to do? Jack shit.
[28-23:17] 815, £Heretic : it's a phenom of nature. it is very sad but those who knew about it knew it too late to be able to affect any kind of help.
[28-23:17] c45, ºSnowy: They could have phoned the governments of the poor countries..if people had walked 15 mins inland they'd have been safe
[28-23:18] c45, ºSnowy: I bet some people see this as population control.
[28-23:18] 815, £Heretic : ouch
[28-23:18] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You know that's the first thing I thought of when I heared that countries knew what was going to happen.
[28-23:20] 94a, ºFiggy: I don't like John Howard, but I have a tough time believing the Australian government would do that
[28-23:20] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[28-23:21] c45, ºSnowy: Are you an aussie, Fig?
[28-23:21]       Advent walks into the room soaking wet and trhows his coat down.."all hale drunk drivers"....*lights a cigarratte*
[28-23:21] 94a, ºFiggy: Nope, Canadian
[28-23:21] 94a, ºFiggy: Hello Advent
[28-23:21] 532, ºNightmare: the u.s. also knew about it, snowy........the tsunami i mean
[28-23:21] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hello, Advent.. PM Sui, she was looking for you
[28-23:21] c45, ºSnowy: Well they knew, the calls to the government were recorded..from seismologists in Australia and Japan..and they're close to the region affected...the news just said that diplomatic protocol prevented the messages being passed on.
[28-23:21] 532, ºNightmare: hello advent
[28-23:22] 815, £Heretic : yes they knew. however they knew too late to be able to do anything about it
[28-23:23] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Diplomatic protocal? That sounds like a euphemism
[28-23:23] 94a, ºFiggy: Euphemism? Well, they can suck my diplomatic protocol then
[28-23:24] 532, ºNightmare: not really, the article i put out says that the U.S. DIDN'T KNOW who to notify............
[28-23:24] c45, ºSnowy: Naw, it's just what happens..the news said something faggy about how the calls must go from government to government and not from siesmologists in aussie to like..the government in indonesia
[28-23:24] c45, ºSnowy: and none of the governments acted.
[28-23:25] c45, ºSnowy: What a load of shit...who would you call? I'd call the central governments.
[28-23:25] 532, ºNightmare: hmmmmm, that's true, too, snowy...........
[28-23:25] 815, £Heretic : listen, there really isn't anyone to blame about this. it was an aweful act of nature
[28-23:25] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[28-23:25] 532, ºNightmare: heretic, letys blame god!
[28-23:25] 532, ºNightmare: hello sui
[28-23:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hey Sui
[28-23:26] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hello Nightmare
[28-23:26] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hey Cerf
[28-23:26] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I think you can place a blame when something could have been prevented and they chose not to do so
[28-23:26] 532, ºNightmare: damn, my last update to the disaster is even bigger than the the main disaster report itself............
[28-23:27] c45, ºSnowy: do realise people can just visit , right? *L*
[28-23:27] 815, £Heretic : perhaps that is true. but they really could do nothing other than call the governments
[28-23:27] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: lo Snowy
[28-23:27] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hey Heretic
[28-23:27] 532, ºNightmare: ah! but my last update is NOT from CNN
[28-23:28] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: Advent are you around love?
[28-23:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: How are you tonight, Sui?
[28-23:28]       SuicideBlonde plops on the couch with her brandy
[28-23:28] 815, £Heretic : now if it is true that the governments recieved no calls at all and they had no idea this was going to happen then yes, that is just wrong
[28-23:29] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i'm here Cerf...alive and fairly well
[28-23:29] c45, ºSnowy: Ayeee there Sui
[28-23:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Good to see, hun
[28-23:29] 532, ºNightmare: well, apparently, my last update pretty much covers everything, too........hhhhhhmmmmmmm
[28-23:29] 815, £Heretic : ght romance question ppl
[28-23:29] 815, £Heretic : *alright
[28-23:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Shoot, Heretic
[28-23:30] 532, ºNightmare: wat is it, heretic?
[28-23:30] 532, ºNightmare: go ahead
[28-23:31] 815, £Heretic : there is a guy you may like but you just met and he is a customer at work and he sends you roses or the tulips. which do you like better and which is more affective?
[28-23:31] 532, ºNightmare: ???
[28-23:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Roses
[28-23:31] 532, ºNightmare: i am afraid i do not understand, heretic?
[28-23:32] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Tulips die quickly, aint too pretty, plus roses are a classic symbol of affection
[28-23:32] 532, ºNightmare: someone gave heretic some flowers at work?
[28-23:32] 815, £Heretic : but not red roses. im going with peach color whatever flower i choose
[28-23:32] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Not red ones though.. Thats pushing it too much.. like white or yellow
[28-23:32]       Figgy loves tulips, and his tulip girls
[28-23:32] 94a, ºFiggy: But I just think roses are overplayed
[28-23:33] 815, £Heretic : peach roses it is then
[28-23:33] 94a, ºFiggy: I'd be happy to find a woman who appreciates them as much as I do
[28-23:33] 815, £Heretic : ya know tulips are actually more expenisve than roses
[28-23:33] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: yes, why roses at all?
[28-23:33] 815, £Heretic : ty for ur advice cerf
[28-23:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Or you know, you could go completly different and get something like Lilys or a a mix of different roses and all
[28-23:33] 532, ºNightmare: hey, cerf, did you know that they are starting to use ecstatsy on cancer patients, as an expeiment?
[28-23:34] 815, £Heretic : lilies just suck.
[28-23:34] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: lilies are my favorite
[28-23:34] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ...Why, Nightmare?
[28-23:34] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: no, they don't Heretic....
[28-23:34] 815, £Heretic : im thinking like six and not a whole dozen
[28-23:34] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Really? Lillies are really pretty.
[28-23:34] 532, ºNightmare: or chocolates, give a woma chocolates, plenty of them, like 10 pounds of it
[28-23:34] 815, £Heretic : oh sorry sui.
[28-23:35] 815, £Heretic : ok maybe mix of lilies roses and tulips?
[28-23:35] 532, ºNightmare: well, i just know cerf's a raver, and at raves, people do E, so i just though..........
[28-23:35] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Nooo
[28-23:35] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: its ok, each his own...*goes back to siting quietly on the couch*
[28-23:35] 532, ºNightmare:
[28-23:35] 815, £Heretic : mix of lilies and roses?
[28-23:36] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Roses ... and uhm... Fuck what are those flowers called..
[28-23:36] 815, £Heretic : the fuck flower?
[28-23:37] c45, ºSnowy: Oh for fucksake..hahaha
[28-23:37] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Starts with a C..
[28-23:37] c45, ºSnowy: Kiwi News...
[28-23:37] 815, £Heretic : ok whatever the flowers are im getting this special happy face vase. it's funny
[28-23:37] 532, ºNightmare: cerf's favorite sceintific word &rarr methylenedioxymethamphetamine
[28-23:38] c45, ºSnowy: 'now here's Cliff with sport, and it seems the Sri Lankan Cricket Team wants to go home?' ( Cliff ) 'You're dead right, Susan'
[28-23:38] 532, ºNightmare: chrisanthamums, cerf?
[28-23:38] c45, ºSnowy: I received white roses from a special friend earlier this year, and they were very effective : )
[28-23:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, those are too large.. they look kind of like those though
[28-23:39] 94a, ºFiggy: Yeah, give an enormous fucking chrysanthemum, surrounded by Birds of Paradise
[28-23:39] 532, ºNightmare: who here knows wat "methylenedioxymethamphetamine" is? i do!
[28-23:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: But yea Heretic.. Roses.. These flowers I can't remember the name to (I'm looking it up).. With maybe some baby's breath and/or blue bells and fern
[28-23:39] c45, ºSnowy: What the hell, these are all NANA flowers
[28-23:39] 815, £Heretic :
[28-23:39] 815, £Heretic : that's the vase im getting
[28-23:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Um.. Methamphetamine, Nightmare?
[28-23:41]       Figgy finishes what he was writing, and returns to further snuggle Cerfy.
[28-23:41] 815, £Heretic : click the link
[28-23:42] 532, ºNightmare: close, cerf, "methylenedioxymethamphetamine" is it's cousin.......ECSTACY!!!!!!! you know you want some, cerf
[28-23:42] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Carnations!
[28-23:42] 532, ºNightmare: lol, nice vase, heretic.........
[28-23:43] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Oh yeah. MDMA
[28-23:43] 532, ºNightmare: oh! carnations.......that word is best know for drink products..........
[28-23:43] 815, £Heretic : yeah that's the one im getting
[28-23:43] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Roses.. Carnations.. Baby's breath.. and some greens like fern
[28-23:44] 94a, ºFiggy: Carnation evaporated milk
[28-23:44] c45, ºSnowy: *shudder* Cerf, that's an Ultimate Nana Bouquet.
[28-23:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lol "Nana bouquet"?
[28-23:44] 532, ºNightmare: cernation hot coco
[28-23:44] 815, £Heretic : i agree with snowy. i DO want to date this girl ya know
[28-23:45]       Nightmare wants to do more than just date jaimie
[28-23:45] c45, ºSnowy: Nana = Grandmother..come on, BABY'S breath?
[28-23:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I.. don't want to know, Nightmare
[28-23:46] c45, ºSnowy: Just think about her personal she a traditionalist frump or a modern sleek woman?
[28-23:46] 815, £Heretic : nightmare, start with the dating first.
[28-23:46] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ohh lol.. hrm. Yeah, good point.. *laughs* My dad always got a similar bouquet for my mom.
[28-23:46] 815, £Heretic : she's silly. like me. which is why i know she will dig the vase
[28-23:46] c45, ºSnowy: If she's modern, go for something stylish, not overly romantic that'll remind her of a prom corsage.
[28-23:46]       Figgy shudders. He isn't looking forward to giving flowers to women, if they are like Snowy. They'd toss his flowers back in his face, and kick him in the nuts.
[28-23:46] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Well what kind of flowers do you like, Heretic?
[28-23:47] 532, ºNightmare: that's not what i meant, cerf and heretic........pull yo minds outta the gutter just for 10 minutes..........
[28-23:47] 815, £Heretic : im not gay but i like peach roses alot
[28-23:47] c45, ºSnowy: Oh, is that what I am like, Figgy?
[28-23:47] 815, £Heretic : and black roses
[28-23:47] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Then get those
[28-23:47] 1f1, £Cerfestas: the peach ones lol
[28-23:47] 94a, ºFiggy: Maybe. I don't know you well. I'm just scared now.
[28-23:47] c45, ºSnowy: You couldnt put peach roses in a yellow vase like that.
[28-23:47] 815, £Heretic : ok
[28-23:48] 532, ºNightmare: jaimie would be very happy with me if i ever got her black roses........but i haven't a dime to my name
[28-23:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah, but black roses don't exist, unless you want to go for a very.. very dark red
[28-23:48] c45, ºSnowy: Fine, you can get fucked...I tried to offer you some heartfelt advice earlier, and you see me as some person who'll kick a man in the nads for buying me flowers?
[28-23:48] 815, £Heretic : sure you can. done it before. it is a nice accentuation
[28-23:48] c45, ºSnowy: Oh so you have a standard 'I wanna date that bitch' bouquet? *L*
[28-23:49] 815, £Heretic : no. and i do not think oa woman as a bitch
[28-23:49] 94a, ºFiggy: Whatever.
[28-23:49] c45, ºSnowy: That was a joke...haha.
[28-23:49] 815, £Heretic : *of
[28-23:49] EXIT: Figgy disappears ( 11:49pm, December 28 (CST) ).
[28-23:50] c45, ºSnowy: Have fun lurking, Turkey.
[28-23:51] 532, ºNightmare: who wants some fun pictures?? i can find them for you guys! just give me a keyword and i'll find it for you!!!!
[28-23:51] c45, ºSnowy: I cant believe I was concocting this Ultimate Cool Bouquet in my mind..only to have to imagine it sitting in that coffee cup vase *L*
[28-23:51] 815, £Heretic : girls gone wild barbie
[28-23:52] 815, £Heretic : well snowy if you do have something else in mind plz tell me.
[28-23:52] 532, ºNightmare: lol@ heetic.......if you want it.......i'll try......brb
[28-23:52] 815, £Heretic : i want it
[28-23:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I dunno, Heretic.. I think the peach roses is the one to go with *shrugs*
[28-23:53] 532, ºNightmare: wouldn't it be a pisser if i found the pics, heretic?
[28-23:53] 815, £Heretic : they are pretty. one time i got yellow for a girl and it just didn't have a very positive affect.
[28-23:53] c45, ºSnowy: Nah, nobody sends flowers in vases here..we've all gotta find our own *L*
[28-23:53] 815, £Heretic : i have looked before nightmare and could not find anything. but maybe you can
[28-23:53] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Same here, Snowy.
[28-23:54] c45, ºSnowy: and if she's fun-loving and you dont want to make too heavy a statement they're probably perfect...i'd choose friendly beautiful flowers for the bouquet - NO BABY'S's so old fashioned..maybe some cool twig action.
[28-23:54] 532, ºNightmare: ah! that, heretic, is because i have the ultimate search engine!
[28-23:54] c45, ºSnowy: Sorry I got cranky at your friend, guys..he hurt my feelings with that post of his.
[28-23:54] 815, £Heretic : ?
[28-23:55] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I think he was saying that jokingly, Snowy *shrug*
[28-23:55] 532, ºNightmare: own little search engine.......oh! looky here "girls gone wild barbie"
[28-23:55] c45, ºSnowy: He didnt say it was a joke..he said women like SNOWY..then shuddered and said he was scared. Humph.
[28-23:55] 815, £Heretic : i want the pic!
[28-23:56] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *nods*
[28-23:57] 532, ºNightmare: sorry, heretic, theres only one, and i can't get it............
[28-23:57] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ...Everyone knows it's butters!
[28-23:57] 532, ºNightmare: you'll have to choose another pic, man
[28-23:57] 815, £Heretic : gimme the link man
[28-23:57] 815, £Heretic : IT'S BUTTER!
[28-23:58] 815, £Heretic : gothic barbie
[28-23:58] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I think he's bullshitting you, Heretic
[28-23:58] 815, £Heretic : well ya never know.
[28-23:59] 815, £Heretic : "tha-that's me."
[28-23:59] 532, ºNightmare: it's not a link, i said, it's my own "special " search engine
[28-23:59] 815, £Heretic : "special" huh?
[28-23:59] 1f1, £Cerfestas:
[28-23:59] 532, ºNightmare: ok, if you really wanna know, heretic, go and download limewire.......shit
[29-00:00] 815, £Heretic : yes. kewl goth barbie. but i wanted Gothic Barbie. how bout Satanic Barbie?
[29-00:00] 532, ºNightmare: i was using the image search over there
[29-00:01] 815, £Heretic : and ty cerf
[29-00:01] 1f1, £Cerfestas: The hell is the difference, Heretic? lol
[29-00:01] 532, ºNightmare: the "ic" cerf
[29-00:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No shit, Sherlock..
[29-00:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Here, a whole damn website..
[29-00:02] 815, £Heretic :
[29-00:02] 532, ºNightmare: i was fucking around, cerf
[29-00:03] 532, ºNightmare: lol........
[29-00:03] 532, ºNightmare: satanic barbie
[29-00:03] 815, £Heretic : damn. now i want that barbie
[29-00:03] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I think we scared off Snowy
[29-00:04]       Nightmare is going to bed soon........
[29-00:06] 815, £Heretic : i hope this works ..
[29-00:06] 815, £Heretic : nope
[29-00:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Anyways...
[29-00:07] 815, £Heretic : alright try this then.
[29-00:09] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *wonders if Sui is still around*
[29-00:09] c45, ºSnowy: Are you boys having another 'my link is biggest' contest?
[29-00:10] c45, ºSnowy: I was just relaxin' back watching The Simpsons and feeling slighly pooey.
[29-00:10] JOIN: Heretic appears
[29-00:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh.. What episode?
[29-00:10] 815, £Heretic : dangit. back
[29-00:11] 815, £Heretic : ya know these barbies are reaslly pretty good.
[29-00:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Welcome back
[29-00:11] c45, ºSnowy: The one where Millhouse meets Samantha 'Stinky' and falls in love, much to Bart's chagrin
[29-00:11] 815, £Heretic : ty cerf. brb again
[29-00:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh
[29-00:12] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I was watching the one where Lisa turns to Buddhism, but realised i've seen that same episode 7 times in the last week and a half.. lol
[29-00:13] c45, ºSnowy: Still fucking storming outside...Grrr. I suppose I should be thankful my house isint swept away entire..BUT...meh *L* I'd like a summer, pleaseeeeee.
[29-00:13] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah it gets played all the time in the States, I remember that
[29-00:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You're telling me. It's pretty horrible. Luckily simpsons is played about 5 times a day here and i've only twice encountered a day where they played the same episode twice
[29-00:15] 815, £Heretic : goddamn all im get is once a day during the week
[29-00:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I saw an episode today that made me think of you, Heretic lol.. It's called "Homer the Heretic"
[29-00:17]       SuicideBlonde walks back in and plops down on the couch again
[29-00:17] 815, £Heretic : oh which one is that?
[29-00:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Welcome back, Sui. *Sits with her*
[29-00:18] 1f1, £Cerfestas: It's the one where Homer decides to not go to church and gets the OK from God in one of his dreams.
[29-00:18]       SuicideBlonde puts her arm through Cerfs and looks at her..."so how was you evening?"
[29-00:18] 815, £Heretic : oh yeah and at the end he asks god about his death and God says, "you can't want another five year?" No. Tell me now.
[29-00:18] 815, £Heretic : *wait
[29-00:18] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm alright, Sui.. Just a little bored hehe. What of you? *pats her hand*
[29-00:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: 6 months, not 5 years lol
[29-00:19] c45, ºSnowy: Have you caught up with of yours, Sui?
[29-00:19] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i'm a little bored too, just sitting here drinking my brain is non-functioning right now...
[29-00:20] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: yes, i did Snowy, thanks for asking...
[29-00:20] c45, ºSnowy: Good.
[29-00:21] 815, £Heretic : cerf this is for you...
[29-00:22] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i had a weird day...slept to long and not well, bizzare dreams...had a call from someone from my past that was disturbing...went to the bookstore and could not find anything to walk out with, which is frightening in and of itself
[29-00:22] 1f1, £Cerfestas: A doll dressed up as a doll. Interesting
[29-00:22] 815, £Heretic :
[29-00:22]       SuicideBlonde looks
[29-00:22] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh.. I see, Sui.
[29-00:23] 815, £Heretic : damn i love those
[29-00:23] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: woo, goth barbies
[29-00:24] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Wtf?? Neo-nazi barbie?
[29-00:24] 815, £Heretic : yup
[29-00:24] 815, £Heretic : now i know this might be gay to sume ppl but i WANT all of them
[29-00:25] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: my aunt used to make my barbie clothes and i was always trying to get her to make everything in black...she refused, so i have a collection of flower print dresses, pink suits, and the like for my old barbies
[29-00:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Someone has too much time on his hands
[29-00:25] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: well, we all have our hobbies Cerf :)
[29-00:26] 815, £Heretic : well the band is out of town and i have no g/f
[29-00:26] 815, £Heretic : and you gotta admit these are all really kewl
[29-00:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Not.. really o.o
[29-00:27] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: you know Ken was just the most useless thing in my barbie world...except to ride in the barbie car
[29-00:28] 815, £Heretic : well fine. i think they're kewl tho. so there.
[29-00:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I always made my barbies pretend they were having sex or killing eachother o.O
[29-00:30] 1f1, £Cerfestas: So.. Ken was pretty useful hehe
[29-00:30]       Heretic scoots far away from cerf and hides his goth barbies
[29-00:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: None of my barbies are naked and headless now and I have nooo idea where they are
[29-00:31] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: oh, i did forget that one thing and then riding next to barbie in the he was good for two things then
[29-00:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: All of my barbies are naked and headless now and I have nooo idea where they are
[29-00:31] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: haha
[29-00:32] 815, £Heretic : man too bad these are not for sell.
[29-00:32] 815, £Heretic : i just think these are so cool
[29-00:32] 1f1, £Cerfestas: why not email em? lol
[29-00:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I want to see a succubus or harpie barbie
[29-00:33] 815, £Heretic : i mean come on. just look at this...
[29-00:33] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: well all of becca's are definitely naked...and there hair is messed up, everyone of them eneded up in the the ones i wanted to keep in good shape for her later, i never let her play with
[29-00:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Well that one was pretty cool..
[29-00:34] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah same here, Sui.
[29-00:34] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: oo...pinhead Ken...interesting
[29-00:35] 815, £Heretic : see? told ya. *goes back to playground and plays with pinhead ken in the sand*
[29-00:35] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: lol
[29-00:35] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I even brought a collectable one my mom bought in the tub x.X
[29-00:35] 815, £Heretic : shit i gotta stop lookin at all those. making me retrovert into some kinda weird gay goth kid
[29-00:36] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: woo...bad Cerfy...bad
[29-00:36] 815, £Heretic : cerf! you ruined it.
[29-00:36] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: "some kinda weird gay goth kid" LMAO
[29-00:37] 815, £Heretic : yeah we already got enough of those in here.
[29-00:37] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hey we know some of those personally, don't we?
[29-00:37] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: yeah
[29-00:37] 815, £Heretic : lol
[29-00:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: meow
[29-00:38] 815, £Heretic : here kitty kitty
[29-00:38] c45, ºSnowy: I wish David Blane would just talk at regular speed for ONCE.
[29-00:38] c45, ºSnowy: magic...blurs the line between...realities...
[29-00:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Who?
[29-00:38] c45, ºSnowy: he's like shatner at half speed.
[29-00:39] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hey Cerf, did you ever have the barbie pets?
[29-00:39] 815, £Heretic : lol@david blane. the magician?
[29-00:39] c45, ºSnowy: This EXTREMEEEE magician guy, he's relatively famous
[29-00:39] 815, £Heretic : lmao
[29-00:39] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah that guy...JESUS he's annoying.
[29-00:39] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i love david blane
[29-00:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, I had beenie babies I used instead lol
[29-00:39] 815, £Heretic : yes he is. and pretty fake too
[29-00:40] 815, £Heretic : beenie babies? wasn't that like 5 yrs ago maybe?
[29-00:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, that was a while ago
[29-00:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Not real beenie babies.. Just bean-stuffed plushies
[29-00:40] c45, ºSnowy: You must dig the bad boys, Sui
[29-00:41] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: well that would work for pets, lol...barbie had no pets when i was a kid...but she had Midge....
[29-00:41] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: her pet friend
[29-00:41] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: oui Snowy...the badder the beater
[29-00:41] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: oops...*better
[29-00:42] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I need to get a picture of my cat.. she's the cutest thing ever
[29-00:42] 815, £Heretic : i hate the world. fuck the world. i'll kill you all.
[29-00:42] 815, £Heretic : im bad i tells ya
[29-00:42] c45, ºSnowy: What a terrible typo to make, lmao
[29-00:42] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: LOL, i was just thinking that myself
[29-00:43] c45, ºSnowy: Oh well, then I'll quit worrying about you from afar, Sui...that Advent character...rrrrr
[29-00:43] 815, £Heretic : oh ya wanna get beaten huh? i can beat ya. i'll beat you all near death.
[29-00:43] 815, £Heretic : im bad i tells ya!
[29-00:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You're a teddy bear, heretic
[29-00:44]       Heretic simmers
[29-00:44] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: lol @ Advent character
[29-00:44] 815, £Heretic : im a bad teddy bear. bite ur head off man
[29-00:44] 815, £Heretic : im bad i tells ya!
[29-00:45] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i have a penchant for them Snowy...tis the bane of my life i am afraid
[29-00:45] 815, £Heretic : GGRRRRRRRRRR
[29-00:45] 815, £Heretic : BAD!
[29-00:46] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: nice try Heretic...
[29-00:46] 815, £Heretic : well i am a heretic. that much is certain. and many ppl think that's bad. so i guess i will just have to settle for that.
[29-00:46] c45, ºSnowy: I really am glad I've seen you say that..*L* You seem so...gentle or whatever, I've been thinking he's such a lout for not being here to talk to you when you need him. But if that itches ya bits, hooray!
[29-00:47] 815, £Heretic : and i am naughty
[29-00:47] 815, £Heretic : that's bad
[29-00:47] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: sometimes, he shows up right at the right time...:)
[29-00:48] JOIN: Gobely Goop appears
[29-00:48]       Gobely Goop goops around..."goop.....goop for snowy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[29-00:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Like now lol
[29-00:48] 815, £Heretic : i sometimes forget to rewind the video tape. well when they still made those.
[29-00:48] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: ok, your own are bad...
[29-00:48] c45, ºSnowy: Who the hell is this Goopy person? *L*
[29-00:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Avent lol
[29-00:49]       Gobely Goop goop is your daddy bitch
[29-00:49] 815, £Heretic : AND i have a very profane vocabulary
[29-00:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: advent*
[29-00:49] c45, ºSnowy: Oh great, keep your GOOP away from ME you big bufOON!
[29-00:50]       SuicideBlonde puts up her umbrella again
[29-00:50] 815, £Heretic : plus im thinking very bad thoughts right now.
[29-00:50]       Gobely Goop runns over jumps on snowy and EJACULATES all over her face..."GOBELLYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[29-00:50] 815, £Heretic : ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-00:50] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Won't you take me to.. Funky Town?!
[29-00:50] c45, ºSnowy: Someone always goes too far..and it's usually the retard in the corner with the poorly controlled sense of self.
[29-00:50] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 12:50am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-00:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: And it's about this time I stop paying attention to the room.
[29-00:52]       SuicideBlonde watches Cerf go to Funky Town
[29-00:52] c45, ºSnowy: That's pretty sure he'd never be able to manage an actual orgasm IRL...his pipes would be so clean from the constant polishing he gives 'em all that'd happen is that a puff of musty air would fart in my face and perhaps we'd hear a little 'toooot'.
[29-00:53] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *laughs*.. Oh man..
[29-00:55] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-00:55] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[29-00:56] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: lmao
[29-00:56]       Gobely Goop wonders if snowy ever stops sepaking like she dont have a sikada wedgfeed up her anus
[29-00:57] 8c6, Gobely Goop: hey snowy hows that asemlby line machine of yours at the cat factoory you work at?
[29-00:57] c45, ºSnowy: Probably about as often as you talk like a real man and not an insecure greasy little asshole, Advent.
[29-00:57] c45, ºSnowy: It's great, I earn a thousand dollars a week. How about you?
[29-00:59]       SuicideBlonde thinks maybe she is applying for jobs in the wrong places now
[29-00:59] 8c6, Gobely Goop: i earn the same..i can make 3000 dollars in a hour by just walking down the block seeling "things"....and the cops here are morons...i have well over 13 grand saved in the bank wich is good for my age...i have some nice trust's that will off later on in life.....and i have a great job
[29-00:59] c45, ºSnowy: you 'can' but you 'dont'. I'd suggest you just lay off teasing me, you fucking moron.
[29-01:00] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Geez I wish I made that much money. 1,000 a week. shit
[29-01:01] c45, ºSnowy: Kids these days.
[29-01:01] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lol What?
[29-01:02]       Gobely Goop wonders why ppl always call in the cavalry..."hey should try it down here its fun doing that....ive made deals over the snowy im 14
[29-01:02] c45, ºSnowy: *L* Oh, that's my final comment on Advent.
[29-01:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh, I see
[29-01:02] c45, ºSnowy: You fucking ACT like it.
[29-01:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: With the amount of shit you alway seem to get into, Advent? I'm not sure I'd want to
[29-01:04] c45, ºSnowy: I told you during a nice conversation the other day that I didnt like people belittling my job..and you proceeded to do it again and again because you think it's hillllarious.
[29-01:04] 8c6, £Advent: most of that crap is cause of friends i help...but for tohe most deals go unoticed by everyone else.....its easy to get away with dogs traiend to go down the block get money come back and take a 10 or a 20 to someone....its convinient..and i dont know how he learned it
[29-01:04] c45, ºSnowy: I think you need to grow the fuck up and try listening to women instead of treating them like shit.
[29-01:04] 8c6, £Advent: snowy still talking? dont she ever shut up?
[29-01:05] 8c6, £Advent: that was soposed to be a pm....well not really
[29-01:05] 8c6, £Advent: lol@snowy
[29-01:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Can you two not at least try to be civil to eachother?
[29-01:05] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-01:06] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Advent.
[29-01:06] c45, ºSnowy: I'm fine, I actually liked him until today.
[29-01:06] IGN: Advent ignored c45 for 1000 seconds seconds.
[29-01:07] c45, ºSnowy: Ahhh, sweet relief.
[29-01:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: indeed.. well i need to restart, so I will brb
[29-01:07] 8c6, £Advent: so serf what ya got planed for new years another drink a thon....ill send you pics from the rave
[29-01:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Nothing, Advent. I recieved no invites nor know of any parties going on. I'll be staying home.
[29-01:08] 1f1, £Cerfestas: brb
[29-01:08] 8c6, Gobely Goop: ok ..*goes off to get his neon trench,,
[29-01:10]       Advent looks at the monstresity wich is goop...."another one bites the dust"
[29-01:10] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah, I have no doubt that your cock inspires plenty of dust, teehee
[29-01:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Back
[29-01:12] c45, ºSnowy: Teehee some more...*ssssssssstretch*
[29-01:12] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: w/b Cerf
[29-01:13]       Advent pookles serf and sui..."its hailing oer here and were seing things in the lightning....i hate having a spoked house...kinda"
[29-01:13] c45, ºSnowy: I'm gonna have a shower...bbiab
[29-01:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Thank you Sui.. See you later, Snowy
[29-01:14] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: ok Snowy...see you later...have a good shower
[29-01:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: It's just really cold here, Advent
[29-01:14] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hail means tornados here
[29-01:14] c45, ºSnowy: I shall. I'll leave an avatar with Advent in mind.
[29-01:15] 8c6, £Advent: snowy lets not say what your web cam inspires....hehehe
[29-01:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hail means.. More weird spring/summer weather. I've never been somewhere with weather as odd as we get.. It'll switch from Sunny, to rain, to hail, to thunder, even to snow, back to rain, back to sun, all in a matter of two hours
[29-01:16] JOIN: Blazen appears
[29-01:16] d68, ºBlazen: Shit, you're still here Snw?
[29-01:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hello Blazen
[29-01:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: She just left to shower
[29-01:17] d68, ºBlazen: screw that typo crap
[29-01:17]       Advent thinks the Av of snowys mother beating her when she was a child is atrocious>>>>>>>>.
[29-01:20] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: thats weird weather Cerf
[29-01:21] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hey Blazen
[29-01:21] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah.. It's pretty amusing. Sometimes I can look in my back yard and it'll be raining, then i'll look in the front and it'll be sunny.
[29-01:22] d68, ºBlazen: Heya Folks....
[29-01:22] 8c6, £Advent: veening blazen whats up?
[29-01:22] 8c6, £Advent: lol@serf
[29-01:23] d68, ºBlazen: I see the natives are teasing Snowy me from experience, in the end won be her looking like the ass, give up while you still have balls to hold on your own eh? **chuckles at Advent with a wink*
[29-01:23] d68, ºBlazen: well....I'm not veening...but...doing decently...*g*
[29-01:24] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: lol
[29-01:25]       Advent looks at blazen.."i know what ivve gotten myself into ..thanks for the warning....but heyin here im prone to make mindless jokes...its practically in the
[29-01:26] d68, ºBlazen:'ll learn dahling....but you won't like that lesson! **waggles a finger at him**
[29-01:26]       Advent smiles at blazen.."whats your asl exactly?
[29-01:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: humm.
[29-01:27] d68, ºBlazen: whaaaaa? *L* show me yours, then I'll show you mine
[29-01:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: God, i'm hyper
[29-01:29] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: really need some of my brandy...slow you right down *offers her a glass*
[29-01:29] 8c6, £Advent: 19 male san fransisco and you?
[29-01:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yesh! *takes some and rather chugs it down*
[29-01:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: San Fran? What ar eyou on?
[29-01:30] d68, ºBlazen: this always feels lly and yet cheesily revealing...*L*....29, TN originally canada, female durrr
[29-01:30]       SuicideBlonde curls up on the couch with her blanket and brandy and watches the room
[29-01:31] d68, ºBlazen: this always feels silly and yet cheesily revealing...*L*....29, TN originally canada, female durrr
[29-01:32] JOIN: sally appears
[29-01:32] c0d, ºsally: hello there miss me
[29-01:32] c0d, ºsally: sally's time has come
[29-01:33] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hello, your time has come?
[29-01:34] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: TN, i am your neighbor, Blazen, i'm in GA
[29-01:34] c0d, ºsally: yeah, this is the time when i usually appear now a days
[29-01:34] d68, ºBlazen: Poor us Sui...*L*
[29-01:35] d68, ºBlazen: usually when someone says their timehas come I think of the big D...*L*
[29-01:36] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *curls up on the couch and lightly hits her hand on her knee repeatedly*
[29-01:36] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: ah, i see sally, i thought you meant something a little more dramatic, lol
[29-01:36] c0d, ºsally: there is no such a think blazen]
[29-01:37]       SuicideBlonde looks at Blazen.."yeah, poor us, i was born in New Orleans and miss is so"
[29-01:37] 8c6, £Advent: hello sally
[29-01:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I wish I lived there lol.. Then I'd have friends close by. I hate living on this god forsaken secluded island no one's ever heared of except BCers.
[29-01:38] d68, ºBlazen: I miss snow!! **sobs*
[29-01:38] MSG: Advent sent a message to Blazen.
[29-01:38] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: N.O. awaits you Cerf, my dear
[29-01:39] d68, ºBlazen: BC makes great weed your provinces only claim to fame....besides all the queers....heheheheh
[29-01:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I know. I hear her calling and I can't get to 'er >.<
[29-01:39] 8c6, £Advent:
[29-01:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Queers? If there are gay people there, I don't know them.. Well I do, like two.. lol
[29-01:39] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Advent.
[29-01:39] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: great week in BC...wooo, don't know if i ever smoked Canadian weed
[29-01:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: here*
[29-01:39] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: *weed
[29-01:39] 8c6, £Advent: ring ring ring banana phone!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
[29-01:39] d68, ºBlazen: ooooh...I luvvvvv Vancouver nightlife
[29-01:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Come up here, Sui.. I'll smoke uyou up lol
[29-01:40]       sally hugs advent
[29-01:40] MSG: Advent sent a message to Blazen.
[29-01:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You know i've lived in BC almost all my life and i've never been to downtown vancouver
[29-01:40] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: wooo, would like that mucho Cerf
[29-01:40]       Advent hugs sally back.."you doing ok sally?"
[29-01:41] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Advent.
[29-01:41] c0d, ºsally: yeah
[29-01:42] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I think i'll move there though. to vancouver.. then NO.
[29-01:43] MSG: Advent sent a message to Blazen.
[29-01:43] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I really want to go to london though...
[29-01:43]       Advent doesnt want to go to san fransisco..."ugh i hate gay land nice shops though...hehehe"
[29-01:43] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: well, it will be there Cerf...its not scheduled to erode away until about 150 years from now
[29-01:44] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: it snowed in N.O. on christmas day for the first time in 15 years
[29-01:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Jeepers
[29-01:45]       sally is going crazy
[29-01:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Lots of mosquitos there, Sui?
[29-01:45] 8c6, £Advent: whats wrong sally?
[29-01:46] c0d, ºsally: she seing weird things
[29-01:46] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: yeah...they have lots of mosquitos...lots of bugs, actually, lol...that was one of the pleasant things about moving 2 inch cock roaches
[29-01:46] JOIN: sally appears
[29-01:46] 8c6, £Advent: you should see what me and my cousin were seing in the lightning sally...that was weird....*trys to send gabriel to sally to see if he can calm her down*
[29-01:46] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Tino Didriksen.
[29-01:46] d68, ºBlazen: shit
[29-01:47] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I don't mind cockroaches.. so long as there are no big spiders
[29-01:47] d68, ºBlazen: LOL....look who's getting sleepy
[29-01:47] c0d, ºsally: i think i have to stop drinking after yesterday
[29-01:47] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Advent.
[29-01:48] MSG: Advent sent a message to Blazen.
[29-01:49] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: well sally, if its making you crazy..maybe so
[29-01:49] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Advent.
[29-01:51] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: well...they have spiders and some are big, but there are more of those here then there
[29-01:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Are there big spiders, Sui?
[29-01:51] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i HATE, LOATHE and FEAR roaches
[29-01:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I hate spiders.. I can't even think about them without my mind going crazy..
[29-01:52] c0d, ºsally: thanks sui, is that loneliness get me sometime
[29-01:52] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: not too many Cerf...its not really a great environment for them....too much moisture...but here in GA, yeah,
[29-01:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: If I see them I go into hysterics
[29-01:52] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: sorry to hear that sally...well, just stay and talk to us
[29-01:53]       Advent walks up to sally.."come on hun..what you lonely about?...tell me whats going on?"
[29-01:53] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: most of the time they are tiny her Cerf...not noticable
[29-01:53] d68, ºBlazen: she said she misses you too....
[29-01:54] 8c6, £Advent: thanks blazen
[29-01:54] d68, ºBlazen: absolutely
[29-01:54] d68, ºBlazen: anytime
[29-01:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Either way.. if they come close to me...
[29-01:55]       SuicideBlonde spinkles anti-spider dust for Cerf
[29-01:55] 8c6, £Advent: ducks live on the moon
[29-01:55]       sally picks the bottle of jack daniels and a line
[29-01:55] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: there...we will have none here in this room
[29-01:55]       Advent shakes head at sally.."jona pick one but not both come on..."
[29-01:55] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm waiting for Advent go put a pic of a spider up on his Av.. I'm just waiting
[29-01:56] 8c6, £Advent: spider what?...what i do now serf,,,,,*shrugs*
[29-01:57] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: ok, now the ducks on the moon thing was just weird
[29-01:57] c0d, ºsally: to late, i'm testing death
[29-01:57] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: don't give him any ideas Cerf
[29-01:57] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm saying.. I'm waiting for you to put a pic of a spider up on your av, cos it seems like something you'd do
[29-01:57]       SuicideBlonde looks at Advent...don't even think about it
[29-01:58]       Advent shrugs
[29-01:59]       SuicideBlonde gives Cerf another glass of brandy
[29-01:59] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *takes it and chugs it but slower this time*
[29-01:59] d68, ºBlazen: she s to turn yer IM on Ad
[29-01:59] d68, ºBlazen: s....says...
[29-02:00] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Advent.
[29-02:01] MSG: Advent sent a message to Blazen.
[29-02:02] JOIN: sally appears
[29-02:04] MSG: Blazen sent a message to Advent.
[29-02:05]       sally waits in her corner so she won't be feeling lonely.
[29-02:05] d68, ºBlazen: there!
[29-02:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: brb
[29-02:06]       SuicideBlonde goes and sits by sally..."you don't have to sit by yourself, sally"
[29-02:06] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: ok Cerf
[29-02:07] c0d, ºsally: you are welcome in my corner sui, thanks
[29-02:07] d68, ºBlazen: Gotta head for bed...long day for me tomorrow....night all
[29-02:08] EXIT: Blazen disappears ( 2:07am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-02:09] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: night Blazen
[29-02:10] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: cookies, sally?
[29-02:11] 8c6, £Advent: night blazen thankies again
[29-02:11]       Advent walks over to sallys corner and sits
[29-02:11] c45, ºSnowy: Beep Beeeeeeeeeeep
[29-02:12] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-02:12] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 2:12am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-02:12] 8c6, £Advent: whats wrong talking to angie online right now she says hello
[29-02:12] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hey again Snowy
[29-02:13] c45, ºSnowy: 'ello there...just cookin' din din so I thought i'd plop down
[29-02:14] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: dinner...i am hungry again now, lol
[29-02:15]       Advent walks behind sui huging her and handing her some animal crackers
[29-02:15]       Advent deices to go to his colour
[29-02:15] MSG: Advent sent a message to Fates Daughter.
[29-02:15] 8c6, £Advent: sally you there?
[29-02:15] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: animal crackers! yummy *immediately eats the head off the giraffe*
[29-02:16] 8c6, £Advent: lol@sui
[29-02:16] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: yeah buddy...
[29-02:16] 8c6, £Advent: sui your gonna have to wear quistis uniform..btetter find one by march
[29-02:17] JOIN: sally appears
[29-02:17] 8c6, £Advent: that or get the seed unifrom,...i saw a girl like selphie once..damn that was hot
[29-02:17] 8c6, £Advent: ok there hun? much of whatever it is did you do?
[29-02:18] c0d, ºsally: i'm hearing things hun, but nothing to worry
[29-02:19]       Advent hopes gabriel can fly fast,,,:dont worry sally im sending something towards you...i already sent something to sui tonight...glad it made it ther
[29-02:22] c0d, ºsally: half of the daniels, and a fat line
[29-02:24] c0d, ºsally: hey snowy, is the thing true
[29-02:24] c0d, ºsally: did that happend for real
[29-02:24] 8c6, £Advent: u got me wanting to do that sally....i quite that crap....make pretty good selling it...every suplier here is getting caught...and i know whos the one whos been snitchign to
[29-02:24] c45, ºSnowy: Pardon? *sitting down to a bowl of stirfwy*
[29-02:24] c0d, ºsally: FUCKING SHIT I'M BEING IGNORE
[29-02:25] JOIN: sally appears
[29-02:25] c45, ºSnowy: Is what thing true? Fuck this chicken is hot *mouth agape* Holy craaaaaaaaaap
[29-02:26] c0d, ºsally: the clip on your name snowy
[29-02:26] c0d, ºsally: the baby
[29-02:27] c45, ºSnowy: *L* No it's not real. It's an animated movie a tiny one..they take the real baby out with an eraser and put in a different object, it's cut.
[29-02:27] c0d, ºsally: OH
[29-02:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: im dsorry.. im trying to do a scan for spyware.. it's taking so long..
[29-02:28] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: i was wondering where you went Cerf
[29-02:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: brb..
[29-02:28] c0d, ºsally: hi there gal
[29-02:30]       Advent plays bad religion..."we really need to cover automatic man"
[29-02:32] c45, ºSnowy: lol my lips are burrrrning
[29-02:32] c0d, ºsally: IS SOMEONE AROUND, ADVENT, SUI
[29-02:33] c0d, ºsally: LONELY ONCE AGIAN
[29-02:33] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: sally...we are here
[29-02:33] c45, ºSnowy: Nah, not for me..byeeeee
[29-02:34] c0d, ºsally: i hate this day today
[29-02:35]       Advent hugs sally..."sally were rightr here you want to talk on messenger to or should come back out here to L.A,,ya know
[29-02:35] c0d, ºsally: the guy who got me pregnant came to visit me that bastard, that is the reason i'm acting like this
[29-02:36]       Advent hugs sally.."sorry about that know i would of beat his ass the second i saw him"
[29-02:36] c0d, ºsally: advent don't tell this to angie nor cindy,plz
[29-02:36] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: are you going Snowy?
[29-02:37] c0d, ºsally: i don't want my cousin to know
[29-02:37] MSG: Advent sent a message to Sally.
[29-02:38] 8c6, £Advent: dont worry saly i dont tell cindy anything about what we say...cindy dont even know we talk online..till today cause it sliped but i just tell angie i tak to u and thats it i dont go into specifics
[29-02:38] MSG: sally sent a message to Advent.
[29-02:38] c0d, ºsally: thanks hun
[29-02:40] 8c6, £Advent: sally they just told me today that i can beat up that faggot carlitos....son of a bitch tried to take advantage of cindy a few days ago....
[29-02:40]       Advent doesnt beat up fucktards unless he gets the green light,,,HAHAHAHA
[29-02:40] c0d, ºsally: what
[29-02:40] 8c6, £Advent: not to mention he boned dolores and tried shit with angie when we broke the next day
[29-02:41] c0d, ºsally: you make him pay for me, plz take care of her for me
[29-02:41] c0d, ºsally: how dare he
[29-02:42] c0d, ºsally: with angie too, are they both ok
[29-02:42] 8c6, £Advent: carlos aked her to a regeton thign...and he got cindys liqourd up and kept insistting her pants be droped....i saw him today and he ran into his car scared of me......and he says he dont like me cause im defensive.....well no shit look what he tries to do....i broke his car windows tonight...he lives a block from me...shit if steven lived close by to if fuck hjim up as well....angie is ok..this happen a long time ago...he was huging her cause she was upset over us spliting and he tried tokiss her in her moment of weaknes.....what a prick
[29-02:43] c0d, ºsally: advent talk to me
[29-02:44] JOIN: sally appears
[29-02:44] 8c6, £Advent: dont owrry cindy is with my friend jhon hes a good guy veryr kind and caring he doesnt like carlos and takes care of cindy.....dont worry sally i do my best to make sure funboys ok
[29-02:45] c0d, ºsally: if angie kiss him she is a disappointment
[29-02:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Goddamnit my comp is going so slow!!!
[29-02:45] 8c6, £Advent: kissed who?.
[29-02:45] c0d, ºsally: when i go to la i'm goign to kick his ass
[29-02:45] c0d, ºsally: carlos
[29-02:45] 8c6, £Advent: you wont...
[29-02:46] c0d, ºsally: what do you mean, i hate guys like that
[29-02:46]       Advent smiles...."were gonna jump him later on this week....cindy said for me to kick his ass casue she was hurt that hes been jumping all over the place with her friends and she thought he only liked her"
[29-02:47] 8c6, £Advent: i know sally but that.."you wont:" just instagating you...and if you hate guys like that what about steven?
[29-02:47] 8c6, £Advent: steven and angie arnt a exeption..but ill leave that subject aside
[29-02:47] c0d, ºsally: i'm drunk wired and pist, not a good combonation
[29-02:48] 8c6, £Advent: then come to L.A and beat carlos then
[29-02:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Sui? Still here?
[29-02:48] c0d, ºsally: steven never meant to take advantage of angie,
[29-02:48] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: yeah, Cerf, i am
[29-02:48] 8c6, £Advent: BULLSHIT AND YOU KNOW IT!
[29-02:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: okie sui
[29-02:49] 8c6, £Advent: not even going to get started on that.....not tonight
[29-02:49] c0d, ºsally: lets leave it to that
[29-02:49] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: just waiting for you to get done with what you are doing
[29-02:49] 8c6, £Advent: but steven is a prick he riped himself from her life and cindys by doing that and i wish him dead by my hands or others...but first carlios is on the ist
[29-02:49] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[29-02:49] c0d, ºsally: you better protect them
[29-02:50]       Advent wonders how long till carlos notices the broken windshield...."dont worry cousin dont like angie dont know"
[29-02:50] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-02:51] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[29-02:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: bye.. ill bbl when im done scanning *leaves*
[29-02:51] c0d, ºsally: and keep him away from angie cause he will be coming for the one that did not let things happend
[29-02:52] 8c6, £Advent: who will come back?
[29-02:52] c0d, ºsally: that how ass holes like that work, carlitos guy
[29-02:52] 8c6, £Advent: carlos is scared of me
[29-02:52] 8c6, £Advent: he doesnt talk to angie cause of me
[29-02:53] c0d, ºsally: oh
[29-02:53] 8c6, £Advent: he saw me today and literally jumped in his car and left...but cindy is unmarked by me..guess he thinks i dont care or sield her.....but hes wrong.....
[29-02:54] 8c6, £Advent: carlos was walking around universal studios with her and cindy a few months ago with his arm around angie like they were together she told him off i went down to pick her up and socked him in the wont bother her......cindy is something i ned to work on...although cindy brings on herself to sometimes...ahrd to help her sometimes
[29-02:54] c0d, ºsally: that sound like if angie is your property,
[29-02:55] c0d, ºsally: so think sometimes about what you say
[29-02:56] 8c6, £Advent: ok shes not....but if some other moron tries abything with her.....i step in...usually she asked me to step in
[29-02:56] c0d, ºsally: WHY DOES YOUR COUSIN DON'T LIKE ANGIE?
[29-02:56] 8c6, £Advent: cause angie came in here with your name the other day and talked with my cousin and they said a few things to each other
[29-02:56] c0d, ºsally: have she met her
[29-02:57] 8c6, £Advent: and shes not my property sally
[29-02:57] 8c6, £Advent: yeah they met a ffew times about a month ago...but ive ben ignoringmy cousin she pretty much dont like anyone who i hang out with
[29-02:57] c0d, ºsally: she made a mistake, she is human,
[29-02:58] 8c6, £Advent: and no angie is not my property..but sometimes i use strong words
[29-02:58] JOIN: sally appears
[29-02:58] c0d, ºsally: i know
[29-02:59] JOIN: sally appears
[29-02:59] 8c6, £Advent: angie knows i cant and wont try to control..i just ask her to consider what i say.....same with cindy.....but everytime she gets buzzed is when she kises carlos...carlos has taken advantage of her,,,thank god cindy hasnt slamed him..or i would of gotten gay black men to rape carlos
[29-03:00] c0d, ºsally: of what i've seen angie is real loveable, and she is liked by everyone she meets
[29-03:01] JOIN: sally appears
[29-03:01] 8c6, £Advent: yeah i know...she doesnt like to be mean cause of her past.....ive had to step in cause some morons told her in the past.."leave him for me"...
[29-03:01] c0d, ºsally: where has angie been all those times
[29-03:02] 8c6, £Advent: usually happen around the phone...
[29-03:02] c0d, ºsally: angie is always takes care of her
[29-03:03] 8c6, £Advent: ppl know ill go off if they try something....but i dont attack unless improvoked....or you hurt my friends...
[29-03:03] c0d, ºsally: look angie loves you and won't let you go for those guys
[29-03:04] 8c6, £Advent: carlos says im mean and i have anger problems..but i only am mean if i have a reaosn..for example...what he did
[29-03:04] c0d, ºsally: and you know that , there is steven, he si a good prove
[29-03:05] 8c6, £Advent: i know veen know i have her heart...but still....guys iill do anything they want ....doesnt matter if the girl doesnt want it ya know.....but im so close i can skate and hunt down anyone and i have friends all over the place to keep an eye out and cath the guy tilli get there..and yeah thats happen in the past
[29-03:05] c0d, ºsally: with angie or other girsl
[29-03:05] 8c6, £Advent: ok steven was a dick..he knew we were together he saw us the day before and he still didi that the next day..maybe because when he saw us wew wrent that close he htought he could take her from me......but still hes a dickl for doing that knowing we wre together
[29-03:06] c0d, ºsally: you protect them
[29-03:07] 8c6, £Advent: (steven) leave him for me.....<<<thats what he said when she took u to him...he just dont learn he lost her.......he lost something he never had
[29-03:07] c0d, ºsally: forget about steven cause he's going to become an obstacle
[29-03:08] 8c6, £Advent: i hope he doesnt show up in the next few days
[29-03:09] 8c6, £Advent: oi i was at cindys house and lolo...kept jumping all over the place distracting us from watching the damn movie
[29-03:09] 8c6, £Advent: shes really hyper
[29-03:09] c0d, ºsally: just tell angie to stay away from him
[29-03:09] c0d, ºsally: is being a while since i've seen her
[29-03:10] 8c6, £Advent: shes told him and cindy has told him not to come around...and the last time he came angie ran out the house..
[29-03:10] c0d, ºsally: i'm freking out, i'm hearing things
[29-03:10] 8c6, £Advent: yeah lolo is getting whitter everyday..shes really hyper...and always wants attention..and she laughs like cindy
[29-03:11] c0d, ºsally: so you don't have nothing to be afraid of
[29-03:11] 8c6, £Advent: sally what you cousin is here and shes sleping in my room cause her room is freaking ehr out...i went in there and i got a odd feeling myself ...our house is sorta spooked
[29-03:12] c0d, ºsally: just things like a conversation, and hey or biist
[29-03:13] 8c6, £Advent: im our housoe we see shadows in the day...and things move i walked into her room right now and the rose was on the floor the vase was up but the long stem stem rose ws on the floor.....freaky
[29-03:14] c0d, ºsally: yeah,
[29-03:15] 8c6, £Advent: the other day somethg took hold of her she got numb all over and my arms extenede to the side without trying i saw it later on...its weird...but we can keep most bad things out
[29-03:15] c0d, ºsally: are you still around advent
[29-03:16] 8c6, £Advent: sorryr heard a noise...just the cat walking around,,,,with a paper in its mouth,,,,who the hell wrote this?.....*turns and asks his couin if she scribled on the paper*
[29-03:17] 8c6, £Advent: ok this is getting to odd even for me
[29-03:19] 8c6, £Advent: joanna?
[29-03:21] 8c6, £Advent: sally!!?
[29-03:25] JOIN: sally appears
[29-03:25] c0d, ºsally: hey, had to do something
[29-03:25] 8c6, £Advent: sally?
[29-03:25] c0d, ºsally: are you still around
[29-03:25] 8c6, £Advent: that ya do?
[29-03:25] JOIN: Verity appears
[29-03:26] 951, Verity: bum diddy bum diddy bum diddy
[29-03:26] c0d, ºsally: what
[29-03:26] 8c6, £Advent: hello verity
[29-03:26] c0d, ºsally: hi there verity
[29-03:26] 8c6, £Advent: you doing bette sally?
[29-03:26] 951, Verity: hey beans, how are you guys doing?
[29-03:26] c0d, ºsally: yeah,
[29-03:27] c0d, ºsally: fine
[29-03:28] 951, Verity: sensational
[29-03:28]       Advent looks at sally..."have you lost alot of weight from all those lines?"
[29-03:28] c0d, ºsally: advent this has being the longest conversation we have been in
[29-03:29] c0d, ºsally: little
[29-03:30]       Advent smiles at sally,,,," want to keep talking stop talking...or go to sleep?"..*smiles at the sleep remark*
[29-03:30] c0d, ºsally: it seems to me that i won't sleep at all
[29-03:30] c0d, ºsally: to tweek out
[29-03:31] c0d, ºsally: but beer makes me sleepy but the chooce is yours
[29-03:31] 951, Verity: *holds up her scotch and cola and burps*
[29-03:31] 951, Verity: christmas spirits
[29-03:32] 8c6, £Advent: what do you do all day sally run around texas all wired spanking catle or what?
[29-03:32] 8c6, £Advent: lol@verety....i need a corona now that you mention it..*wanders into the kitchen real fast hoping nothing pops out*
[29-03:33] c0d, ºsally: i go tothe weariest places in texas with a friends
[29-03:33] 951, Verity: what could pop out? gosh it's hard going to new chats, I never know what people are talking about
[29-03:33] JOIN: Snowy appears
[29-03:34] c45, ºSnowy: Oh UGH
[29-03:34] c45, ºSnowy: You wont be living here, scarface
[29-03:34] c45, ºSnowy: *wrings out my wet hair on Advent*
[29-03:35] c0d, ºsally: hi there gals
[29-03:35] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-03:35] c45, ºSnowy: Feeling better Sally?
[29-03:35] 951, Verity: ahh I do love it's new server
[29-03:35] c0d, ºsally: yeah
[29-03:36] 8c6, £Advent: ok back
[29-03:36] 8c6, £Advent: just got off mesenger with angie ..she says bye sally.
[29-03:37] c0d, ºsally: dido
[29-03:37] c45, ºSnowy: It's weird seeing someone say they drank a whole heap of stuff and snorted other things..worrying, you're not gonna get sick and die on us one night I hope ;p
[29-03:38] c0d, ºsally: like i said 'the more you test death the less it mi happend
[29-03:39] c0d, ºsally: "the more you test death the less it might happend
[29-03:39] 8c6, £Advent: que te habla es una muy ....nos se como.....pero es la enojes
[29-03:39] c0d, ºsally: isn't that right advent
[29-03:40] c45, ºSnowy: Wellll how about testing life a little more before you test death...I assume you're pretty young, hell you're probably preTTy..dont drink it all away
[29-03:40] 8c6, £Advent: yep sally..,,,we both know that....*flys over to texas and picks sally up and brings her back to L.A,,,,you should consider moving back out here to be part of our circle sally
[29-03:41]       Advent sally is very atractive..."yeah although we wwere drunk that day we met right sally?"
[29-03:41] 951, Verity: what if you test death by chewing on a railway detonator
[29-03:41] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah, sounds like you'd take REAL good care of her
[29-03:41] c0d, ºsally: true snowy, yes advent, not bad lokkign
[29-03:42] 8c6, £Advent: ^_*.....cindy erased the pic of me ou left on her comp...said it was crap./
[29-03:42] 951, Verity: or bobbing for apples but using hand grenades instead
[29-03:43] c0d, ºsally: ok, point taken verity
[29-03:43] c45, ºSnowy: *scowl*
[29-03:43] 8c6, £Advent: as long as you dont yank out the pin verety its safe
[29-03:43] 951, Verity: pffft logic
[29-03:43]       Advent pokes sally...."lolo wont go to sleep aparently...shes keeping them both awake"
[29-03:43] c45, ºSnowy: Dont listen to a word that Verity chick says, she's el stupido.
[29-03:44] c0d, ºsally: HAHAHAHAHA, THAT IS FUNNY SNOWY,
[29-03:45] 8c6, £Advent : nice gringo spanglish snowy......llo vivo de tres animales....mi gallo mi perico i mi chiva....*could use some chiva right now*
[29-03:45] 8c6, £Advent : damn know i wanna dip into my old for new years...hehhe
[29-03:46] c45, ºSnowy: I wish I could speak another language properly...I also know 'gringo' maori
[29-03:46] c0d, ºsally: well, they should give her something to make go to slep
[29-03:46] c45, ºSnowy: Can you turn that stupid pointer OFF, please?
[29-03:47] 8c6, £Advent : they did know lolo she no sleep..i think shes wired?
[29-03:47] c0d, ºsally: no, bust your pooky things advent so i will trip uot
[29-03:47]       Advent wonders if sally ever ?
[29-03:47] c0d, ºsally: not today
[29-03:47] 8c6, £Advent : sally when we went drinking do u even rmemeber sleping that night?....i rememberd you asked for a 20 to take with
[29-03:48] c0d, ºsally: nope
[29-03:48] 8c6, £Advent : link he come to town he come to save ...the princess zelda
[29-03:49] c0d, ºsally: i guess you want to sleep advent
[29-03:49] 8c6, £Advent : im wide awake..i dotn need the stuff to stay awake
[29-03:49] 8c6, £Advent : even when i was a kid i never slep naturally wired i guess
[29-03:50] c0d, ºsally: /juju
[29-03:50] 8c6, £Advent : USE a *
[29-03:50] c0d, ºsally: where is juju
[29-03:51] MSG: Advent sent a message to Sally.
[29-03:51] 8c6, £Advent: i dont know were is juju
[29-03:52] c0d, ºsally: heheheeheheh i saw juju
[29-03:52] c0d, ºsally: /juju
[29-03:52] c0d, ºsally: why i'm not getting juju
[29-03:52] 8c6, £Advent: ! <<use that
[29-03:52] c45, Fun Boy: Save me from the beast with 40,000 eyesssss
[29-03:53] 8c6, £Advent:
[29-03:53] 951, Verity: farrrrk, that's quite a smiley....what is it?
[29-03:53] 8c6, £Advent: sally its cindy!!!....all hale funboy..hope you dont mind me calling your cousin funboy
[29-03:53] 951, Verity: oh wait i see it...a baboon doing star jumps
[29-03:53] c0d, ºsally: nah
[29-03:54] c45, ºSnowy: Grrrr
[29-03:54] 8c6, £Advent: ! juju <<put those together
[29-03:55] JOIN: sally appears
[29-03:55] 8c6, £Advent: welcome back sally
[29-03:56] c0d, ºsally: i'll call a day, so adios hun, take care of angie and cindy, and kick his ass for me, take care and see you tommorie around this time
[29-03:56] 951, Verity: ahhh i do like talking to people who think they're vampires
[29-03:57] c0d, ºsally: thanks for talking to me advent
[29-03:57]       sally tackles advent and kisses him
[29-03:57] c0d, ºsally: WHERE IS MY JUJU?
[29-03:58] 8c6, £Advent:
[29-03:58] c0d, ºsally: /JUJU
[29-03:58] 951, Verity:
[29-03:58] 8c6, £Advent: sally use this !
[29-03:58] 8c6, £Advent: ! juju
[29-03:58] c0d, ºsally: /juju
[29-03:58] c45, ºSnowy: *banging head*
[29-03:58] c45, ºSnowy: lmfao
[29-03:58] c0d, ºsally:
[29-03:58] c45, ºSnowy: Hugs not drugs, kids!
[29-03:59] c45, ºSnowy: HOORAY!!!!!!!
[29-03:59] 951, Verity: the exclamation point, sally not the forward slash
[29-03:59] 8c6, £Advent: rather have drugs right sally?
[29-03:59] c0d, ºsally: hehehehehehehehe, i found juju, !juju
[29-03:59]       Advent hands sally a cd case with a 20 served on it...."c;mon like old times ...for the good old days!!"
[29-04:00] c0d, ºsally: hehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!
[29-04:00]       sally sniff a line, yum yum
[29-04:01] 8c6, £Advent: lol@sally..its the sticky icky..the yellow stuff...clear gold
[29-04:01] 951, Verity: are you guys talking about speed? how naughty
[29-04:01] c0d, ºsally: !juju
[29-04:01] c0d, ºsally: ! juju
[29-04:01] c0d, ºsally: what
[29-04:02] 8c6, £Advent:
[29-04:02] c45, ºSnowy: What are those supposed to be...bats flying on two fucking huge beaver teeth?
[29-04:03] c0d, ºsally: hehehehehehehe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *standing on her corner asking "where are my poking things advent?"
[29-04:04]       Advent pokes the cd cse
[29-04:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *looks in*
[29-04:05] c0d, ºsally: put lines of the pokes thing
[29-04:05] 951, Verity: hallo cerfestas
[29-04:05]       Advent does the raill..."o thats the stickiest of the ickiest...."lol
[29-04:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hi Verity
[29-04:06]       Advent hugs serf
[29-04:06] c0d, ºsally: wb cerf
[29-04:06] 1f1, £Cerfestas: thanks
[29-04:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Snowy if you're still here they're bats
[29-04:07] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah I know -- on two HUGE white beaver teeth.
[29-04:08] c0d, ºsally: i think you i leave you with enough company advent so see you laters today, sally give a good night kiss to advent, adios gals
[29-04:08] 8c6, £Advent : night sally take care and dont wory about angie and cindy ill take care of them
[29-04:09] 951, Verity: bye-o sally, sleep tight
[29-04:09]       sally waves nighty night to everyone.
[29-04:09] c0d, ºsally: last tried
[29-04:09] c0d, ºsally:
[29-04:09] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I think i'm going nuts
[29-04:09] c0d, ºsally: hehehehehehe
[29-04:09] EXIT: sally disappears ( 4:09am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-04:10] 8c6, £Advent : RING RING RING..BANANA PHONE!!!!
[29-04:10] c45, ºSnowy: Make them stop snorting lines of coke,'s worrying..and make Verity fuck off : (
[29-04:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Meth, Snowy. It's meth
[29-04:10] c45, ºSnowy: Oh're kidding me?
[29-04:10] 8c6, £Advent : coke? isnt the 80's snowy.....COKE!>....hahahahah
[29-04:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No
[29-04:10] c45, ºSnowy: That stuff is all thru our country...people go nuts on it dont they?
[29-04:11] c45, ºSnowy: Advent, I dont know anything about drugs.
[29-04:11]       Advent has quit since his b-day but cyber rails dont count
[29-04:11] JOIN: sally appears
[29-04:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Advent!! No more meth you goddamn bastard
[29-04:11] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 2:50am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-04:11] c0d, ºsally: one more tried,
[29-04:11] c0d, ºsally: sorry had to do that
[29-04:11] 8c6, £Advent : i havent touched the stuff since my birthday lines dont count less i sniff my hardrive!!
[29-04:11] c0d, ºsally: till later
[29-04:12] EXIT: sally disappears ( 4:11am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-04:12] 8c6, £Advent : lol@sally..kok sally your wired...stay in here and trip out hun
[29-04:12] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:12] JOIN: sally appears
[29-04:12] IGN: Snowy ignored 8c6 for 172800 seconds.
[29-04:13] c45, ºSnowy: Sorry, that's just because that poking icon is SO annoying
[29-04:13] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-04:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: They just get really addicted to it, Snowy.. I think people have a better chance at going nuts on acid
[29-04:13] c0d, ºsally: hehehehehe hehehehe, where are my poking lines
[29-04:13] 951, Verity: *examines the 'a's and 'o's on her bankcard*
[29-04:13] c45, ºSnowy: There's something called P in this country that makes people go crazy and torture folk
[29-04:13] MSG: Advent sent a message to Sally.
[29-04:13] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:14] c0d, ºsally: !poking
[29-04:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, Sally. Stop
[29-04:14] c0d, ºsally: teach me advent
[29-04:14] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-04:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: P?
[29-04:14] c45, ºSnowy: Yeah, I think it's Meth related
[29-04:14] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:14] 8c6, £Advent: next to the color box sally.////choose the icon at the bottom that says poke this
[29-04:14] c0d, ºsally: ok, gal thousand apologize
[29-04:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hrm. I'll look it up.. I've not heared of anyone going nuts on meth
[29-04:15] c0d, ºsally: /////
[29-04:15] 951, Verity: with continued use, cerf, people generally predisposed to schizophrenia and the like.
[29-04:15] 8c6, £Advent: you more more paranoid then nuts...right sally...but paraoia last as long as the high does after the 24th hour of no sleep paranoia seeps in for me
[29-04:16] MSG: sally sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Well I dont know the effects of meth much. i never took the time to read into it
[29-04:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: All I know is Acid would do that to y ou too
[29-04:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: P is Meth
[29-04:17] 951, Verity: oh hell yes, I know a few people who've been changed forever by acid
[29-04:17]       sally sits back in her corner
[29-04:17] MSG: Advent sent a message to Sally.
[29-04:18] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I have a friend who's done acid over 100 times and most she's dropped at a time was 6 caps.. yes, it definatly changes people. She's crazy
[29-04:18] 8c6, £Advent: makes holes in your brains serf....and it sticks to your spine
[29-04:19] c45, ºSnowy: Ugh I have to close the freaking avatar too
[29-04:19] MSG: sally sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:19] c45, ºSnowy: It's not fairrr, why do people we hate have to follow us around like puppies
[29-04:19] 951, Verity: acid, advent??? I never knew that shit, I did acid well over a hundred times when i was a teenager
[29-04:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: That's a myth Advent
[29-04:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Don't know, Snowy. They're like leeches
[29-04:19] 951, Verity: pleeeease let it be a myth *picturing acid tabs stuck to her spinal column*
[29-04:20] MSG: Advent sent a message to Sally.
[29-04:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: How the hell would it get to your spinal column? It goes through your goddamn digestive system and there's no secret tube that goes to your spine
[29-04:20] c45, ºSnowy: *cry* I just wanted to keep that weird sunburnt hatchetface away from meeeeeeeeee
[29-04:20] 951, Verity: hahaha secret tube
[29-04:21] MSG: sally sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:21] 1f1, £Cerfestas: It'll be okay, Snowy..
[29-04:21] c45, ºSnowy: : ( I hope so
[29-04:21] 1f1, £Cerfestas: It does drain your spinal fluid though, as far as I know.. and of course, like any drug, severly damages your brain cells..
[29-04:21] c45, ºSnowy: *L* I've had a few beers..being melodramatic.
[29-04:22] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-04:22] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You know what? I think i'm going to have some wine
[29-04:22] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:22] 951, Verity: do you happen to know how acid flash backs come about? I've often wondered....seems to me that some must be stored in your body somewheres still (like in your spine *L*)
[29-04:23] c45, ºSnowy: I'm gonna get another beer *chink*
[29-04:23] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-04:23] 8c6, £Advent: check it out
[29-04:24] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Just certain things that will trigger them.. bits of things you do, like dejavu.. plus it stays in your body undetected for a long time so when you have flash backs, its the chemicals left over being released in your brain giving you acid effects
[29-04:25] c0d, ºsally: advent is lonely over there
[29-04:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: what am I looking at, Advent?
[29-04:25] 8c6, £Advent: check it in the private room
[29-04:25] 951, Verity: that makes sense i guess....I only get them in 'white' places like my's really freaky
[29-04:26] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Looks like something LN would put up, Advent.
[29-04:26] 8c6, £Advent: HOW DARE YOU SERF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
[29-04:26] 8c6, £Advent: @serf...ok i get the hint
[29-04:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I can't wait to do acid.. It'll definatly be enlightening.
[29-04:27] c45, ºSnowy: Nummy cold beer.
[29-04:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: What beer you drinking, Snowy?
[29-04:28] c45, ºSnowy: It's a kiwi beer called Speights...a medium ale, I suppose
[29-04:28] 951, Verity: :) the first time is always fantastic, you'll love it
[29-04:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: %?
[29-04:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Gotta do shrooms first.. gotta do shrooms first.
[29-04:28] c45, ºSnowy: 4
[29-04:29] c0d, ºsally: bye
[29-04:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh.. okay. Ever drank any canadian beer?
[29-04:29] EXIT: sally disappears ( 4:29am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-04:29] 951, Verity: shrooms are even horrid come down
[29-04:29] c45, ºSnowy: I've had shroom acid or something..once, my ex fed it to me in chocolates. It was quite nice, really.
[29-04:29] c45, ºSnowy: Noooope, I've never seen any for sale here.
[29-04:30] 1f1, £Cerfestas: If you can, look for Labatt or Molson Canadian.. Labatt is better.. but goodd...
[29-04:30] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I want to do E again -.-.
[29-04:30] c45, ºSnowy: I've heard of the Molson stuff...I drank Busch in the me so drunk. The people downstars were redneck NASCAR people *L*
[29-04:31] 951, Verity: I want to do E for the first (real) time...that was one thing i missed out on
[29-04:31] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[29-04:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Fuck american beer. That stuff is like watered down dog piss
[29-04:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Welcome back Sui
[29-04:31] 951, Verity: hihi sui
[29-04:32] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:32] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-04:32] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:32am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-04:32] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: hello you guys
[29-04:33] c45, ºSnowy: It tasted...drinkable. I had good friendly company so it doesnt pay to pass up their drink of choice.
[29-04:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah, true
[29-04:34] c45, ºSnowy: The guy who fed me shots of Wild Turkey is dead now : ( He had a brain hemorrage.
[29-04:34] c45, ºSnowy: brb
[29-04:34] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm kind of bias toward american beer so.. i don't know. Maybe the stuff you had was good, but stuff like Busweiser and all is gross
[29-04:35] 1f1, £Cerfestas: That sucks.. RIP Turkey Shot Man.
[29-04:35] 1f1, £Cerfestas: This is one of the worst wines i've tasted. yuck
[29-04:35] 951, Verity: australian beer (not including fosters)
[29-04:36] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: ADVENT, I'M SORRY, THIS IS MY FORMAL APOLOGY TO YOU...
[29-04:36] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: sorry you guys
[29-04:36] 1f1, £Cerfestas: For what?
[29-04:37] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: for yelling that ot
[29-04:37] b8f, £SuicideBlonde: *out
[29-04:37] 1f1, £Cerfestas: It's alright
[29-04:37] c45, ºSnowy: What'd ya do to Advent? *L*
[29-04:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: o.o;
[29-04:40] 951, Verity: (-_^)
[29-04:41] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Well..
[29-04:41] c45, ºSnowy: Damnit, I was hoping she'd tortured him somehow
[29-04:41] 1f1, £Cerfestas: He's not here anymore lol
[29-04:42] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:43] 951, Verity: ima sleep, thanks for letting me hang folks
[29-04:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: bye
[29-04:44] MSG: Snowy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-04:45] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:46] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Snowy.
[29-04:48] MSG: Snowy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-04:49] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:49] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Snowy.
[29-04:50] 1f1, £Cerfestas: What an eventful evening
[29-04:50] c45, ºSnowy: Ah hah, so THAT'S how you skin a cat. Thanks, Cerf.
[29-04:50] c45, ºSnowy: I keep wanting to lay this nice cold bottle against my boobie. Damn drink. *L*
[29-04:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *laughs* Go for it. Feel that invigerating coolness course through ya o.o
[29-04:53] c45, ºSnowy: teh debbil is in your words
[29-04:53] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-04:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Gar. I swear to jebudia i'm going nuts.
[29-04:57] JOIN: noctis appears
[29-04:57] c45, ºSnowy: : ) Heyyyyy.
[29-04:57] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hey Noctis
[29-04:57] 8c1, ºnoctis: allo....
[29-04:58] 8c1, ºnoctis: 'lo, cerfestas.
[29-04:58] 8c1, ºnoctis: 'lo, snowy.
[29-04:58] c45, ºSnowy: 'ello there Noctis ;p
[29-04:59] c45, ºSnowy: Let the party begin! *L*
[29-05:01] c45, ºSnowy: *fanning herself*
[29-05:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yay... *waves a little flag*
[29-05:03] c45, ºSnowy: Who would have guessed that it was the druggies who kept the conversation flowing all that time....*L*
[29-05:03] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yeah no shit.. Can't have any fun without the influence of illegal substances or alcohol
[29-05:04] c45, ºSnowy: I have where's my fun?
[29-05:04] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Um.. More boose?
[29-05:05] c45, ºSnowy: Nooo I dont like losing control...especially while im still online. It's icky.
[29-05:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: But being drunk online is fun *l* I've done that a couple of times
[29-05:06] c45, ºSnowy: me's horrible the next day ;p everyone has the logs.
[29-05:06] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-05:06] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yah.. thankfully I haven't done or said anything overly stupid. Just mindlessly babbled with countless spelling mistakes
[29-05:08] c45, ºSnowy: I've done allsorts..shared dodgy photographs, said outrageous things...spelling errors, I WISH *L*
[29-05:08] c45, ºSnowy: Never lost control IRL while drunk tho...not the last vestages of it, anyway..but online it's just too tempting ot be naughty..there are not real repurcussions.
[29-05:09] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *laughs* Oh i've lost control many a-time drunk irl.
[29-05:10] JOIN: noctis appears
[29-05:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Welcome back
[29-05:10] c45, ºSnowy: I'm starting to slide sideways in my chair.
[29-05:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *laughs* How much have you drank?
[29-05:12] c45, ºSnowy: *purses lips* 3 beers, which is PLENTY for a gal like me *L*
[29-05:12] c45, ºSnowy: ( A weenie like me )
[29-05:12] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Oh god *L*
[29-05:13] c45, ºSnowy: *L* shut UP.
[29-05:13] c45, ºSnowy: I am not drunk, merely tiddly
[29-05:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I used to be like that. I mean I could still be, with beer cos I never drink it, but.. Fuck, It takes me half a 26 of rum to get me drunk
[29-05:14] 8c1, ºnoctis: allo....
[29-05:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hello!
[29-05:14] 8c1, ºnoctis: than kyew....
[29-05:15] 8c1, ºnoctis: 'lo, cerfestas...! *waves*
[29-05:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: =)
[29-05:15] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-05:16] 8c1, ºnoctis: argh -- okay, i'll probably see you all, later....
[29-05:16] c45, ºSnowy: You got a SMILEY FACE?!?! holy shit.
[29-05:16] c45, ºSnowy: Room no workies?
[29-05:16] 8c1, ºnoctis: good evening, all.... *gone*
[29-05:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Night
[29-05:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Jesus christ. How stupid can a person be? .. Im watching this guy on tv bungy-jump a mile down from an aeorplane.
[29-05:35] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Well im going to bed.. Night, whoever's here. *poof*
[29-06:02] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[29-09:42] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-09:51] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-10:30] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-10:31] 6a5, ºNightmare: I NEED SOME HELP URGENTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-11:14] 6a5, ºNightmare: jgdgc
[29-11:17] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 6:02am, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-11:20] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-11:21]       Nightmare walks out of the shadows with shinra's theme music from ff7 playing behind him
[29-11:23] 6a5, ºNightmare: hello??
[29-12:24] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-12:29] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-12:29] 6a5, ºNightmare: you gonna stay this time?
[29-12:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *yawns and wanders in*
[29-12:29] b8f, Fun Boy: sorry Nightmare, i don't think i should
[29-12:29] 6a5, ºNightmare: guess how long i've been logged in, cerf...........
[29-12:30] 6a5, ºNightmare: who are you, fun boy?
[29-12:30] 6a5, ºNightmare: c'mon in and stay alittle......i love to chat with people
[29-12:31] 6a5, ºNightmare: hey, cerf, my final fantasy music is plenty now...............i'm currently listening to jenova's battle music from ff7
[29-12:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: um... good for you, nightmare
[29-12:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Stick around, Funboy
[29-12:31] MSG: Fun Boy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-12:32] 6a5, ºNightmare: i've been in here since round about 9:00, my time............8:00 CST............
[29-12:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: right..
[29-12:33] 6a5, ºNightmare: oh, and i've even got the ff9 boss music downloaded!!!!!
[29-12:34]       Nightmare is currently burning himself a "special" final fantasy cd
[29-12:34] 1f1, £Cerfestas: uh huh..
[29-12:34] 6a5, ºNightmare: how long ago didja get up, cerf? i was lonely.............
[29-12:35]       Nightmare calls jaimie
[29-12:35] 1f1, £Cerfestas: 20 minutes ago.. I was up until 5 this morning doing scans and shit on my computer
[29-12:36]       Nightmare hangs up "whoops! she's supposed to call me back, i don't even know if she's home or not!"
[29-12:36] 6a5, ºNightmare: wow, your always busy, huh, cerf?
[29-12:37] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Not really.. I was just screwy in the head lastnight and my computer was being an asshole
[29-12:38] 6a5, ºNightmare: my pc is a constant dick wipe........i normally have to restart it 5 times a day
[29-12:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: that's not good for your hard drive.
[29-12:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: have you done virus scans? spyware/adware scans? scan disk.. defrag?
[29-12:40] 6a5, ºNightmare: my step dad does hose EVERY's why you don't see me in here as often during the weekends
[29-12:40] 6a5, ºNightmare: i mean my step dad does those
[29-12:40] 6a5, ºNightmare: and norton disk doctor activates ever day
[29-12:41] 6a5, ºNightmare: at around 6:00 my time, a small virus scan shows up
[29-12:41] 6a5, ºNightmare: and i also have some other program that turns on automatically, but i don't know wat the hell it's for
[29-12:41] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ah
[29-12:42] 1f1, £Cerfestas: well.. that's porbably whats fucking your computer up.. if there are programs running in the background that you either A)don't use or B) Have no idea what they're for.. best to remove them or get your step dad to
[29-12:42] 6a5, ºNightmare: my pc just hates me, that's all
[29-12:43] 6a5, ºNightmare: my step dad knows the purpose of them, i just don't
[29-12:43] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ask em
[29-12:44] 6a5, ºNightmare: and every weekend he also does this program that scans the ENTIRE program and it takes like 4 hours to complete, and i can't have any other programs running at the time
[29-12:44] 6a5, ºNightmare: he'll just tell me that it's just to help the computer or some damn thing, cerf........
[29-12:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ah.
[29-12:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: meh.. *shrugs*
[29-12:45] 6a5, ºNightmare: and besides, i know all of the programs are good, it's just the scanning one also pops up when i least suspect it...........
[29-12:46] 1f1, £Cerfestas: mm
[29-12:48] 6a5, ºNightmare: brb, ff downloads......
[29-12:49]       Nightmare thinks he knows a way to get cerf's "desert palace" music..........
[29-12:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ill find it myself
[29-12:50] 6a5, ºNightmare: nnnnooooooooooooo
[29-12:50] 6a5, ºNightmare: i'm on it, cerf...........
[29-12:50] 1f1, £Cerfestas: no, it's okay.
[29-12:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: i don't want people to send me music and shit anymor eunless i really want it
[29-12:52] 6a5, ºNightmare: repayment............
[29-12:52]       Nightmare is gonna be foreven in debt to cerfestas :(
[29-12:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I don't want repayments.
[29-12:54]       Nightmare still feels like he's in debt
[29-12:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: oh well
[29-12:54] 6a5, ºNightmare: oooo black mage village.....*click!
[29-12:56] 1f1, £Cerfestas: mm.
[29-12:57]       Nightmare plays his black mage village music
[29-13:00]       Nightmare goes to fing quinas frog hunting music
[29-13:02] 6a5, ºNightmare: cerf, i'm semi succesful in the hunt for "the desert palace".......i found a remix of it (but it has been blown)
[29-13:04] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *shrugs*
[29-13:05]       Nightmare kicks some "edea's parade" music
[29-13:06] JOIN: sally appears
[29-13:06] 6a5, ºNightmare: helo sally
[29-13:07] a58, ºsally: hey
[29-13:08] 6a5, ºNightmare: you guys shoulda seen the cutscene at this part in ff8................
[29-13:09] a58, ºsally: hi there cerf, sorry for yesterday , i was of
[29-13:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: meh
[29-13:10]       sally needs to rest for the day, it was a long painful start today, bye, and have a nice day
[29-13:10] 6a5, ºNightmare: this music makes me feel like a cultist......i wanna go sacrifice something.........*looks over at his dog, petie "hehehe"
[29-13:11] a58, ºsally: forget it cerf,
[29-13:11] 6a5, ºNightmare: you too, sally
[29-13:11] MSG: sally sent a message to Advent.
[29-13:11] EXIT: sally disappears ( 1:11pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-13:12]       Nightmare hates OCC Redifier for fucking up final fantasy music..............
[29-13:13]       Nightmare sacrifices OCC Redifier to the Dine Mega that is cerfestas
[29-13:14]       Nightmare sips some coffee
[29-13:15]       Nightmare listens to the motorcycle chase music from ff7............
[29-13:20] 6a5, ºNightmare: oh, cerf, you want to know a strategic way to beat the fianl sephirtoh in ff7? try you r best to keep cloud at the LOWEST LEVEL POSSIBLE, but level up the rest of your characters to high levels..............the final sephiroths level goes higher with clouds, and lower with clouds, therefore, if you keep clouds level low, sephiroth becomes a much easier boss, almost equavilant to the strength of, ummmmmm, well, one of the weaker bosses........
[29-13:22] 1f1, £Cerfestas: um... i never played 7...
[29-13:24] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-13:24] 6a5, ºNightmare: i was just saying, cuz i know you wanna play the game...........
[29-13:24] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *shrugs*..
[29-13:25] 6a5, ºNightmare: you know that you can beat ff9 in less than 10 hours, right?
[29-13:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: probably
[29-13:26] 6a5, ºNightmare: your characters will just be weak, that's all........the only reason that you'd wanna beat the game in under 12 hours is to get the "excaliber 2" sword........well, not BEAT the game, but you have to get to a certain part in under 12 hours..........
[29-13:26] 1f1, £Cerfestas: meh
[29-13:26] 6a5, ºNightmare: ff9 is actually a surprisingly small game for 4 discs, though
[29-13:27] 6a5, ºNightmare: oh, and to get to the certain part in under 12 hours, you DO have to skip the cutscenes.........
[29-13:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *shrugs*
[29-13:29] 6a5, ºNightmare: so, how's about a real conversation that does not involve final fantasy and shrugging?
[29-13:30] 6a5, ºNightmare: oh! i know wat this music is......the chocobo hot n cold music!!!!!!
[29-13:36] 1f1, £Cerfestas: im going for a shower.. bbl
[29-13:36] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *poof*
[29-13:37] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Advent.
[29-13:38] 6a5, ºNightmare: DOn'T FORGET TO WASH BEHIND YOUR EARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-13:45] JOIN: Winkie appears
[29-13:46] bb4, ºWinkie: *comes in the room, sits back and lights up a smoke* god I hate having so many ppl over
[29-13:47] 6a5, ºNightmare: how many peeps are over there?
[29-13:47] 6a5, ºNightmare: and where's your cartoon devil lady? &rarr
[29-13:48] bb4, ºWinkie: l8ers
[29-13:48] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 1:48pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-13:49] 6a5, ºNightmare: a'ight, watever, i get one likes me, they are all just pushing me away :(
[29-14:01] JOIN: Snowy appears
[29-14:08] 6a5, ºNightmare: SNOWY!!!!!!!!!!!!! hi
[29-14:08]       Nightmare waves to snowy...........wats up miss?
[29-14:12] 6a5, ºNightmare: snowy?
[29-14:20] JOIN: Snowy appears
[29-14:20] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-14:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: back
[29-14:20] 6a5, ºNightmare: did you wash behind your ears, cerf? *checks behind cerf's ears
[29-14:20] 878, ºSnowy: I had a a hair appointment sooooon. 'allo Cerf and Nighty
[29-14:21] 6a5, ºNightmare: hello snowy........
[29-14:21]       Nightmare burnt himself his own super mix of final fantasy game music
[29-14:22] 6a5, ºNightmare: brb
[29-14:22] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hehe Me too, Snowy.. Minus the hair appointment *shrug*
[29-14:22] 878, ºSnowy: oh my god, how thrilling for you *L* Actually I was way-chuffed with my first burnt CD...the function soon becomes rather blase.
[29-14:23] 878, ºSnowy: I tried to make my hair dark but it hates it...goes a funny colour every time, so they're gonna try to fix it *L*
[29-14:24] 1f1, £Cerfestas: What colour did you try to turn it to?
[29-14:25] 878, ºSnowy: A nice dark brown, but my hair is so blonde it just lightens within a few days to a really odd wan dark blonde
[29-14:25]       Nightmare has burnt plenty of never gets old to me
[29-14:26]       Nightmare sees that the the back of cerf's ears are indeed clean...........
[29-14:26] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-14:27] 6a5, ºNightmare: who is this mysterious fun boy that keeps showing up?
[29-14:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh, I see.. that's interesting. Are you albino, or close to it? Ye kind of look like it
[29-14:27] 878, ºSnowy: *L* No im not, im just a brown-eyed blonde with pale skin.
[29-14:28]       Nightmare heard that albino humans have silver eyes.............
[29-14:28] 878, ºSnowy: No they have pink eyes, Nighty
[29-14:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Pink or red.
[29-14:28] 6a5, ºNightmare: i would love to have silver eyes..............i would open my eyes wide and stare at would freak them out........
[29-14:29] 6a5, ºNightmare: red is cool, but i want silver eyes
[29-14:29] 6a5, ºNightmare: but red would probably freak people out more.........but silver eyes might attract the ladies............hhhhhhmmmmm, which is better?
[29-14:29] 878, ºSnowy: Just getting dressed for town, brb
[29-14:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I've seen people with silver-ish eyes *shrugs* Nothing special.
[29-14:30] 6a5, ºNightmare: my eyes turn to a silverish color.......but i don't want siverISH......i want flat out silver.........
[29-14:30] 1f1, £Cerfestas: The most interesting eyes i've seen were these stark blue eyes and these hazel brown ones that looked almost gold.
[29-14:30] 6a5, ºNightmare: cerf, in ff9, have you ever went frog hunting with quina?
[29-14:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *shrugs* Gouge out your eyes and get silver glass eyes.
[29-14:31]       Nightmare likes silver more than gold
[29-14:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Um.. yea
[29-14:31] 6a5, ºNightmare: then i won't be able to see, cerf.........
[29-14:31] 6a5, ºNightmare: you know the clanish music that comes on at that time?
[29-14:32] 6a5, ºNightmare: do you like quinas clanish music?
[29-14:32] 1f1, £Cerfestas: yes.
[29-14:32] 6a5, ºNightmare: i'm listening to it on my walkman..........
[29-14:33] 6a5, ºNightmare: if you give me your street and city address, your providence, and your zip code, i'll send you copy of my final fantasy cd.............
[29-14:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Um... okay?
[29-14:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No thanks.
[29-14:37] 878, ºSnowy: LOL.
[29-14:37] 1f1, £Cerfestas: And it's Province lol
[29-14:37] 878, ºSnowy: You're just aching to reach out and TOUCH someone, aintcha Nighty
[29-14:38] 6a5, ºNightmare: think about has 34 different forms of "one winged angel" the 7, 8, and 9 boss battle musics, the trance kuja music, the music that plays during sorceress edeas parade in ff8, clouds motorcycle music in ff7, squalls theme music from ff8, ff10's chocobo music, shinra's music, the turks music, jenovas battle music from ff7, the black mage village music from ff9, the music from when steiner and beatrix when they fight together in alexandria, and the last song is the "game over" music from ff7.............
[29-14:38]       Nightmare is aiming to impress...........
[29-14:38] 6a5, ºNightmare: mean 4 different forms of one winged angel..........
[29-14:38] 878, ºSnowy: I'm off to the hairdressers...see ya later of luck *L* Bye Nighty.
[29-14:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, Nightmare.... That's okay
[29-14:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Good luck, Snowy hehe
[29-14:39] 6a5, ºNightmare: i accidentally forgot to backspace the 3.........Oh! and it has the music from chocobo hot and cold........
[29-14:39] JOIN: Heretic appears
[29-14:40] 6a5, ºNightmare: hello heretic.......
[29-14:40] 815, £Heretic : shit my eyes really suck today. i can barely see the screen
[29-14:40] 815, £Heretic : hello
[29-14:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hey Heretic.
[29-14:40] 6a5, ºNightmare: how long were up last night?
[29-14:41]       Nightmare still can't download that "girls gone wild barbie" sorry heretic
[29-14:41] 815, £Heretic : no worries
[29-14:41] 6a5, ºNightmare: any thing else you might want? music, pictures, heretic?
[29-14:42] 815, £Heretic : hmmm
[29-14:42] 815, £Heretic : how bout a conclusive guide to understanding and contacting the inner self?
[29-14:43] 6a5, ºNightmare: won't fit on the search bar, man
[29-14:43] 815, £Heretic : how bout contacting the inner self
[29-14:44] 6a5, ºNightmare: i'll try it........
[29-14:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Im gunna go clean up.. bbl
[29-14:45] 6a5, ºNightmare: i think i might be getting results...........
[29-14:45] 6a5, ºNightmare: ok, see ya cerf.........
[29-14:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *poof*
[29-14:46] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 2:45pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:46] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-14:51] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 2:43pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:51] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-14:52] d84, ºNightmare: had to reboot my pc, so i have to reload the thing, heretic.......
[29-14:52] d84, ºNightmare: why'd you leave?
[29-14:54] JOIN: Verity appears
[29-14:54] d84, ºNightmare: EXIT : Cerfestas disappears ( 2:41pm , Decamber /29/ ( /CST/ ) ).
[29-14:54] d84, ºNightmare: hello verity..........
[29-14:55] d84, ºNightmare: how are you today?
[29-14:55] d84, ºNightmare: (CST)
[29-14:55] 951, Verity: goot morning :) I'm not quite sure it's only 7am and I'm only on my first coffee, how's yourgoodself?
[29-14:56] d84, ºNightmare: my self is's 3:57 over here.......
[29-14:56] 951, Verity: in the arvo?
[29-14:56] d84, ºNightmare: i'm trying to reenact the leaving text......
[29-14:56] d84, ºNightmare: yes, in the afternoon
[29-14:58] 951, Verity: sounds like jolly good fun. chrstmas is so dull online that's just about all there is to do
[29-14:58] d84, ºNightmare: EXIT :Cerfestas disappears ( 2:41pm, /December/ 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:59] 951, Verity: okay something tells me it's computer cleaning day
[29-15:00] 951, Verity: *starts up one of fifty scanning thingies*
[29-15:00] 951, Verity: so what is it you do with yourself, nightmare?
[29-15:00] d84, ºNightmare: EXIT : Cerfestas disappears ( 2:41pm, /December/ 29 (CST) ).
[29-15:00]       Nightmare isn't scanning his pc......
[29-15:01] 951, Verity:, what else aren't you doing?
[29-15:01] d84, ºNightmare: me? listening to a final fantasy mix cd that i burned........downloading music, and burning more cds.......
[29-15:02] d84, ºNightmare: wat else am i NOT doing? ummm, excercising? plaing my playstation?
[29-15:03] 951, Verity: ohhh music fun, I'm trying to download an epicure album atm but the queues are bollocks. what're you downloading?
[29-15:03] 951, Verity: cool, I'm not practising trapeze or studying computer science
[29-15:03] d84, ºNightmare: final fantasy music, insane clown posse music...........that sort of stuff
[29-15:04] d84, ºNightmare: have you ever heard f final fantasy 7's "one winged angel" verity?
[29-15:05] 951, Verity: I was just gonna ask about it, I've never really seen the movie(s?) so I have no idea what the music is like
[29-15:06] d84, ºNightmare: oh, that's not wat i meant..........."one winged angel" was originally put on the final fantasy the final boss,.........sephiroth..........
[29-15:06] d84, ºNightmare: i, myself, have never seen final fantasy advent children, myself............
[29-15:06] 951, Verity: *shakes head sadly* I've never played the game either
[29-15:07] d84, ºNightmare: "one winged angel" is like a perfect mix of classical music and modern music
[29-15:07] 951, Verity: I'm sold *searching*
[29-15:07] d84, ºNightmare: oh, you should play it know you can download demos of the games for your pc.............
[29-15:07] 951, Verity: my favorite part of the innernet is picking people's brains about music
[29-15:08] 951, Verity: oh but I'm not really interested in playing it :/
[29-15:08] d84, ºNightmare: have you got a file sharing system? you won't find it easily on the net, verity
[29-15:08] 951, Verity: I'm not much of a gamer, I've only ever played two pc games
[29-15:08] 951, Verity: yeh I got fileshare coming out of my anus
[29-15:09] d84, ºNightmare: final fantasy was originally a playstaion game.............but then it was made for pc, too
[29-15:09] d84, ºNightmare: oh, well search for "one winged angel" verity........
[29-15:09] 951, Verity: mmmm if I ever see it cheap for playstation I might grab it and see what people get so excited about
[29-15:09] d84, ºNightmare: which file share programs do you have, verity?
[29-15:10] 951, Verity: I use soulseek atm but I've got limewire ready to go for when soulseek gives me the shits too much
[29-15:10] d84, ºNightmare: you will only find the game at a store like gamestop's so hard to find, and i accidentally broke my ff7 game
[29-15:10] d84, ºNightmare: i use limewire...........
[29-15:11] 951, Verity: seems a lot of people are these days
[29-15:11] 951, Verity: soulseek was great after using kazaa for years but it's starting to go to seed
[29-15:12] d84, ºNightmare: i get a lot of good results with it, though............
[29-15:12] d84, ºNightmare: with, limewire, i mean
[29-15:14] 951, Verity: yeh I do with soulseek too but it takes forever the queues are basically too bloody long
[29-15:14] d84, ºNightmare: limewire doesn't have too long of queues............
[29-15:14] 951, Verity: I'll finish this epicure album and install is *fingers crossed* this afternoon
[29-15:14] 951, Verity: it***
[29-15:15] d84, ºNightmare: brb
[29-15:16] 951, Verity: I have to nash for a bit, thanks for the music tips i'll catch ya soon
[29-15:18] d84, ºNightmare: ok, bye
[29-15:26]       Nightmare wishes that there were CDRs capable of holding 250 minutes of music
[29-15:31] d84, ºNightmare: oh, wat am i to do? i wanna take a shower, but wat if jaimie calls while i'm in it?
[29-15:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *wanders in laughing* My mother is a bloody compulsive liar
[29-15:50] d84, ºNightmare: why?
[29-15:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Im just listening to her talking on the phone with my grandmother lol. Just saying shit to her that didn't happen and all that, plus she lies to us all the time
[29-15:51]       Nightmare is in a fix, take a shower, or wait for jaimie's call...............
[29-15:52] d84, ºNightmare: i know a person who lies a whole lot..........
[29-15:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *shrug* wait for the call.. and who's that?
[29-15:52] d84, ºNightmare: his name is todd, but not my step dad todd.......
[29-15:54] d84, ºNightmare: some idiot who be all like "ya i know 6 different forms of martial arts" "i christened my sword on someones neck" "i can take a gun from someone so quick they don't even have time to pull the trigger"........that sort of bull shit.........
[29-15:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lol sounds like my ex
[29-15:56] d84, ºNightmare: oh, and he also once said something like "i made someone drink s native american mix of drink and now, whenever they sweat, it burns because they permanently have salt and peppers in their skin"...........wat a fucking moron
[29-15:57] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lol That's funny
[29-15:57] JOIN: Mythias appears
[29-15:58] d84, ºNightmare: hello mythias
[29-15:58] c58, Mythias: Ack nien nien *mall scretches as he slams his head on the desk repeatedly
[29-15:58] c58, Mythias: hello
[29-15:58] d84, ºNightmare: hhhmmmmmm, mythias, it sounds like an rp kinda name.........
[29-15:58] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Having some issues?
[29-15:59] c58, Mythias: Yeah i rp alot of chars..
[29-15:59] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You new here, Mythias?
[29-16:00] c58, Mythias: yeah kaji kitsune isnt on and i hate the net cuz i can t rp whit her
[29-16:00] c58, Mythias: na
[29-16:00] c58, Mythias: just havent been here in like
[29-16:00] c58, Mythias: forever
[29-16:00] d84, ºNightmare: kaji kitsune......that's from sri, right?
[29-16:00] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ah, hehe I mean this room.
[29-16:00] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I've seen Kaji in SRI.
[29-16:01] JOIN: Verity appears
[29-16:02] d84, ºNightmare: hello verity............
[29-16:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: asl, Mythias? If you don't mind my asking.
[29-16:02]       Nightmare listens to some tenchu opening music........"it's that japanese ninja stealth killing musical goodness!!!!"
[29-16:03] c58, Mythias: yeah were rp like mad we ahould right a book on it together im malikie
[29-16:03] 951, Verity: yo, I found the song and i didn't even have to wait on a queue
[29-16:03] c58, Mythias: canada , 18 male
[29-16:03] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Cool.. Where in Canada? *is in Canada too*
[29-16:03] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-16:04] d84, ºNightmare: wat song? one winged angel, verity?
[29-16:04] 951, Verity: yep but I'm on dialup so it's gonna take about a century to download
[29-16:04] d84, ºNightmare: at this point in this song, in tenchu 2, they show a bunch of shit exploding
[29-16:05] d84, ºNightmare: oh, verity, you know that they have about 5 varieties of it, right?
[29-16:05] c58, Mythias: alberta your in ontario ??
[29-16:05] 951, Verity: I'm gonna get some ICP too.....I know i didn't like them years ago but my tastes change a lot
[29-16:06] d84, ºNightmare: the one you are actually looking for is eather "orchestrated" or "original" or ""classical"
[29-16:06] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Fuck, no. BC
[29-16:06] 951, Verity: haha no i didn't, you couldn't possibly say it a bit quicker next time?
[29-16:06] d84, ºNightmare: don't mention icp in here, people get pissed, alot, verity
[29-16:07] 951, Verity: it just says the song title ...track 16, if i don't like it i'll grab a different version
[29-16:07] c58, Mythias: ive talked with you before just cant remember when
[29-16:07] 951, Verity: ohhh okay *L*
[29-16:07] d84, ºNightmare: let's see, they have the kingdom hearts version of 1 wing (i like that, cuts straight to the latin a lot quicker)........and there's a lot of them........
[29-16:08] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Really? I don't recall..
[29-16:08] d84, ºNightmare: verity, which one you using, soulseek, or limewire?
[29-16:08] 951, Verity: it's okay, I'll probably like it because i have nothing to compare it too
[29-16:08] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ..Sors immanis.. et innanis..
[29-16:08] c58, Mythias: you had a pic of a baby with screwed up eyes
[29-16:10] d84, ºNightmare: well, verity? which one are you using for search?
[29-16:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ah, I see. Where abouts was this?
[29-16:11] c58, Mythias: afk for a min))just a moment
[29-16:11] 951, Verity: I'm using soulseek but I'm installing limewire this very second
[29-16:11]       Advent steps back in
[29-16:11] c58, Mythias: addy hi
[29-16:11] c58, Mythias: by addy
[29-16:12] d84, ºNightmare: advent, read your messages, buddy
[29-16:12] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hey Advent.
[29-16:13] d84, ºNightmare: i left you one somewhere
[29-16:13] d84, ºNightmare: mmmmm my moms cooking porkchops for me, porkchop
[29-16:14] 951, Verity: bbs
[29-16:15] d84, ºNightmare: ok..........
[29-16:16]       Nightmare kicks some ff8 boss music
[29-16:17] c58, Mythias: hey
[29-16:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hullo again
[29-16:17]       Nightmare cuts off the boss music and plays the EDEA PARADE MUSIC THAT ADVENT WANTED
[29-16:18] c58, Mythias: yeah it was like 6 or 7 months a go that i talked to you
[29-16:18] d84, ºNightmare: who here has heard of Jin tha MC?
[29-16:18] c58, Mythias: i used to be Mad HatTer
[29-16:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Uhmm... *tries to remember*
[29-16:19] d84, ºNightmare: want me to search the logs, cerf?
[29-16:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, Nightmare.
[29-16:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: brb
[29-16:20] d84, ºNightmare: oh, ok...........
[29-16:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Back
[29-16:28] JOIN: Verity appears
[29-16:28]       Nightmare goes and has dinner.......porkchops n salad......yum
[29-16:28] d84, ºNightmare: hello verity.....have you heard it yet?
[29-16:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ahh the manditory bitch session I get every two months 'bout my computer..
[29-16:28] c58, Mythias: multitasking in 6 chats is interesting
[29-16:28] 951, Verity: nooo I'm in the process of falling in love with limwire! it just gave me a song I've wanted so badly for so long
[29-16:29] d84, ºNightmare: the one you REALLY want is 7 minutes and 18 seconds long.........
[29-16:29] d84, ºNightmare: wat song?
[29-16:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No she doesn't. Quit lying to her, Nightmare
[29-16:30] 951, Verity: it's called "screams from da old plantation" by king kapisi...they're samoan
[29-16:30] 951, Verity: uh-oh *L* am i being fibbed to?
[29-16:30] d84, ºNightmare: ah! cerf it's doing one of the popup programs right now......... "the one button checkup" and it scans almost everything.....
[29-16:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *shrugs at nightmare*
[29-16:31] d84, ºNightmare: no you are not, verity, the 7:18 one is the original "one winged angel"
[29-16:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Yes you are, Verity. Speak not to this man of lies!
[29-16:31] 951, Verity: god...I'm flat stick multi tasking two chats and a messenger window
[29-16:31] d84, ºNightmare: well, brb.................FOOOOOOOOOD
[29-16:32] d84, ºNightmare: i am not a man of lies!!!!
[29-16:32] 951, Verity: *L* it's too late to go back, it's already at 60%
[29-16:32] d84, ºNightmare: i love the song "one winged angel" that's why i have almost all of thevariants of it on my cd!!!!!!!
[29-16:32] d84, ºNightmare: one button checkup is done..........
[29-16:35] 951, Verity: ohhhh I do so like limewire
[29-16:37] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Estuans interius ira vehementi... Estuans interius ira vehementi..Sephiroth!.. Sephiroth!.. Sors immanis.. et inanis.. sors immanis.. et inanis.. Veni, veni, venias.. Ne me mori facias..Veni, veni, venias.. Ne me mori facias..
[29-16:38] c58, Mythias: nien??
[29-16:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: neine?
[29-16:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: er minus the stray E..
[29-16:39] d84, ºNightmare: cerf just had to spit out one winged angels choir, huh, cerf?
[29-16:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Aw.. Yeah I had to.. i sing it so well.. hehe
[29-16:40] d84, ºNightmare: lets see you do the music itself!!!.............
[29-16:40] d84, ºNightmare: brb........FOOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[29-16:40] d84, ºNightmare: ah, but you like E,
[29-16:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I just had to .. I sing it so well hehe
[29-16:41] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-16:41] 1f1, £Cerfestas: yes, I couldn't resist.. I sing it so well..
[29-16:41] d84, ºNightmare: aw, but you like E,
[29-16:41] c58, Mythias: nein ya thats it du Hast mich
[29-16:42] d84, ºNightmare: my pc is being so fucking slow..............
[29-16:42] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Indeed
[29-16:42] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-16:43] d84, ºNightmare: my pc won't let me post!!!!!!!!!!
[29-16:46] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Uhmm
[29-16:48] 1f1, £Cerfestas: wtf
[29-16:49] MSG: Fun Boy sent a message to Advent.
[29-16:49] c58, Mythias: what
[29-16:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: this working?
[29-16:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: yes!
[29-16:49] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-16:50] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Goddamn piece of shit of a browser
[29-16:50] 1f1, £Cerfestas: yerg..
[29-16:50] 22c, ºNightmare: cerf, lovely job you did in there.............
[29-16:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Did where?
[29-16:51] 22c, ºNightmare: and i see that your rocking your "samara look alike av in there, too"
[29-16:51] 22c, ºNightmare: in the private chat
[29-16:51] 1f1, £Cerfestas: This thing is really screwy right now
[29-16:52] 22c, ºNightmare: when i reentered this room, i saw that the Motd had said "go to the private room NOW", so i did, and VOILA! it looks great in there
[29-16:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: This thing is really screwy right now.. I try to type something and it won't show up.. so i'll undo my last message, post something, and it keeps moving up to the top and won't let me post anymore .
[29-16:53] 22c, ºNightmare: that's exactly wat my pc was doing, cerf............try rebooting it
[29-16:54] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-16:54] 951, Verity: mmmm orbitallll *drool*
[29-16:54] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-16:54] dc6, ºNightmare: it's doing that to me, too, cerf.......try rebooting your pc...........
[29-16:55] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hullo?
[29-16:55] 1f1, £Cerfestas: This thing is really screwy right now.. I try to type something and it won't show up.. so i'll undo my last message, post something, and it keeps moving up to the top and won't let me post anymore .
[29-16:57] 951, Verity: it's doing the same for me in another room
[29-16:59] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-16:59] 414, ºNightmare: y pc is sucking balls...........
[29-17:01] 414, ºNightmare: mklmkfgl;kmxfg;bn mdfxlnbkxflxcnvblnxc vbnxfl; xcvnlxfgnbo dgb drf09gjmsrldkgvhsr9dguj1orff
[29-17:01] 414, ºNightmare: it's working!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-17:02] 951, Verity: PISSCAKES
[29-17:02] JOIN: Mythias appears
[29-17:02] 414, ºNightmare: finally, it starts lettin me post.............
[29-17:02] 951, Verity: oh thanks god, nothing scarier than having your chat server clap out on you
[29-17:02] c58, Mythias: i thought my comp was on the fritz
[29-17:03] 951, Verity: *L* so did i
[29-17:03] 414, ºNightmare: my pc was just plain fucking up, i think.........
[29-17:03] 951, Verity: no it was happening for everyone and not just in here
[29-17:03] 414, ºNightmare: but if it's happening to every one, there may be something wrong with the system, or, even worse, a virus in the system..............
[29-17:04]       Nightmare shrugs "oh, well, it's over for now........."
[29-17:04] c58, Mythias: viruses are tasty
[29-17:04] 414, ºNightmare: Mythias wrought this upon us!!!!!!!!!
[29-17:05] 414, ºNightmare: CITIZEN'S ARREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-17:05] 414, ºNightmare: lol
[29-17:06] c58, Mythias: Ack nein!! du hast mich , du hast mich , du hast mich grefragt
[29-17:06]       Nightmare tackles Mythias and cuffs him
[29-17:06] 414, ºNightmare: speak english, foo!!!!!!
[29-17:07]       Nightmare throws Mythias into an unknown part of the unknown room
[29-17:08] 414, ºNightmare: where did cerfestas go???
[29-17:08] c58, Mythias: Paley voo francie, ia onli speaka engrish , Fooook Yooouuu!!
[29-17:08] 414, ºNightmare: can you PLEASEspeak english???
[29-17:09] c58, Mythias: Unhand me you imbicile i am the king of fraunce*mythias speaks whith a heavy french accent
[29-17:09] 414, ºNightmare: wait, paley voo i do NOT speak freanch, even though the only enlgish you can sya is "fuck you"
[29-17:09] 414, ºNightmare: i just started taking french classes.............
[29-17:10] c58, Mythias: Io sonne motebela , mate tue se imbicillio
[29-17:10] 414, ºNightmare: and that's the point of citizens arrest........arresting those with arresting authorities...........
[29-17:11] 951, Verity: I think he just called you an imbecile
[29-17:11] 414, ºNightmare: i am so not an imbicile
[29-17:11] 414, ºNightmare: i know.......i can find links between foreign and common words
[29-17:11] JOIN: Heretic appears
[29-17:11] 414, ºNightmare: hello heretic.........
[29-17:12] 414, ºNightmare: je'mappele John.........
[29-17:12] c58, Mythias: Brutaxta shulo juta hakae bonthos
[29-17:12] 815, £Heretic : verity: truth. clever
[29-17:12] 414, ºNightmare: WTF?!!?!?!?
[29-17:13] 815, £Heretic : hello
[29-17:13] 414, ºNightmare: i gorgot how to say "what's your name" in french
[29-17:13] 878, ºSnowy: Ugh, yet again.
[29-17:13] 951, Verity: :) aye aye, howzit heretic
[29-17:13] 878, ºSnowy: Damn puppies following ya around.
[29-17:13] 414, ºNightmare: hello, snowy........
[29-17:13] IGN: Verity ignored 878 for 172800 seconds.
[29-17:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: is this working yet?
[29-17:13] IGN: Snowy ignored 951 for 172800 seconds.
[29-17:13] c58, Mythias: snowy how you doing havent bugged you in like ever
[29-17:13] 878, ºSnowy: Great until I saw that ugly trollop here yet again
[29-17:14] 414, ºNightmare: yes it least on our end.............
[29-17:14] 951, Verity: I wouldn't walk behind you for fear of choking
[29-17:14] 878, ºSnowy: 'ello Mythias and Nighty..Cerf *tips hat* and Heretic
[29-17:14] c58, Mythias: hey im reformed im not the hATteR any more
[29-17:14] 878, ºSnowy: I dont mean you, I mean Verity
[29-17:14] 815, £Heretic : there's a trollop here?
[29-17:15] c58, Mythias: oh ok yello*myth waves jolliely
[29-17:15] 878, ºSnowy: There is indeed.
[29-17:15]       Nightmare forgot how to say almost everything in french.......i'm a failure..........
[29-17:15] 951, Verity: oh yes, I do like one winged angel.....sounds like i got some kinda techno version though.....I'll try a search on limewire
[29-17:15] 414, ºNightmare: hey, mythias, i'm jusat a beginner at french, but could you please refresh me as to how to say "how are you?"
[29-17:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Oh fuck.. I'm ripped
[29-17:16] 878, ºSnowy: That person likes to send foul PM's and pass along crap to Correy..she's of that ilk and I have no time for it..especially when it follows me around to every place I go.
[29-17:16] 878, ºSnowy: Naughty Cerf.
[29-17:16] 815, £Heretic : oh boy
[29-17:16] 414, ºNightmare: lol@ verity, if ya search for "one winged angel" on limewire, it's best to download them ALL..............
[29-17:16] 815, £Heretic : from lady night's crew?
[29-17:17] 878, ºSnowy: Yep she is.
[29-17:17] 414, ºNightmare: limewire has like, 52 downloads of it, but some of them won't download...........
[29-17:17] 951, Verity: yeh I might, this is the kinda stuff you put on a mixed disc for parties
[29-17:17] c58, Mythias: parley vue francey*shruggles i dont know mutch french or any language other than english so i cant help you
[29-17:17] 815, £Heretic : correy hates me man
[29-17:17] 951, Verity: yesssss, I'm already discovering it's ins and outs
[29-17:17] JOIN: Figgy appears
[29-17:17] c58, Mythias: snowy what happened to all your old pics i liked them
[29-17:17] 878, ºSnowy: Well this person is like Correy, only she pretends to be sane and nice to get in with new chats.
[29-17:18] 878, ºSnowy: Mythias, im very sorry my current image does not please you.
[29-17:18] 815, £Heretic : i see. well i will give verity a chance. but if she/he starts hating me im thru
[29-17:19] MSG: Figgy sent a message to Snowy.
[29-17:19] EXIT: Figgy disappears ( 5:19pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-17:19] 951, Verity: I've talked to you before heretic :) snowy would have everyone despise me for no reason like she does
[29-17:19] 878, ºSnowy: I wont be..I plan on being a total cunt so that she has to leave this room..she made sure I had to leave the last one we cohabited.
[29-17:19] 815, £Heretic : well i dun despise you but i think correy despises me
[29-17:20] 951, Verity: eh....she's an odd one
[29-17:20] c58, Mythias: i like it but i like your old one bettler ,, the one where you wore the black sweater
[29-17:20] 878, ºSnowy: Verity is the sort who passes along private photographs via PM's and who likes to write inane message board crap, hiding behind Correy's skirt and going 'teehee' an awful lot.
[29-17:20] 951, Verity: ha-cha found the orchestrated version
[29-17:20] 815, £Heretic : i never meant to hurt her feelings. just tried to patch things up and i did from time to time make jokes about her hair.
[29-17:20] 878, ºSnowy: Mythias...i'll just ignore you if you keep going on about how I look in a room that's about what we say, alright?
[29-17:21] 414, ºNightmare: hey, verity, the exact download on limwire that you want is called Final Fantasy VII - One Winged Angel (Sephiroth Final Battle) those EXACT words, find it, download it, verity
[29-17:21] c58, Mythias: sorry
[29-17:22] 951, Verity: got it! hehe, i love new music toys.
[29-17:22] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ohh, oh man guys, i'm so ripped
[29-17:22] c58, Mythias: so what do you all think about the tsanami that hit thi land
[29-17:22] 878, ºSnowy: Ugh, I hate sorry too, I just HATE being followed around by people who like to fuck with me.
[29-17:22] 815, £Heretic : hello cerf
[29-17:23] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hey heretic
[29-17:23] c58, Mythias: are you talking about me??
[29-17:23] 951, Verity: okay I'm gonna let all this crap d/l and go fer coffee, seeyas later
[29-17:23] 878, ºSnowy: It's truely horrible, Mythias..I wish it had happened in the Atlantic instead, and wiped out the rich countries not these poor bastards. No, im talking about Verity.
[29-17:23] 414, ºNightmare: limewire people UNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-17:24] c58, Mythias: oi!! unhand me these cuffs icht me bothersomly
[29-17:24] 815, £Heretic : cerf why are you ripped?
[29-17:24] c58, Mythias: three of my dads friends were there when it hit
[29-17:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm Stoned, Hertic!
[29-17:25] c58, Mythias: and ,,, he was supposed to fly out there to meet with them 4 days ago but he missed his flight
[29-17:25] 815, £Heretic : now im jealous
[29-17:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Im looking at everything and it's gotten 2 times larger and all warped
[29-17:25] 815, £Heretic : smaller enhales
[29-17:26] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-17:26] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 5:26pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-17:26] c58, Mythias: what you smoking??
[29-17:26] JOIN: juliet appears
[29-17:26] 1f1, £Cerfestas: This type of weed called ICE. We had to roaches and we're soooo ripped
[29-17:27] JOIN: salemchick appears
[29-17:27] 815, £Heretic : ur doing ICE???
[29-17:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Not meth ice
[29-17:27] c58, Mythias: ACk!!! you be smoking weed and crystal meth you numie !! or did you know that
[29-17:27]       salemchick walks in quietly an sits on floor
[29-17:27] MSG: Heretic sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-17:28] EXIT: salemchick disappears ( 5:28pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-17:28] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Maybe.. either way it's gooodddd... I've had shit with meth in it.. Ecstasy. haha
[29-17:28] 815, £Heretic : OHH!! nvm what i just sent then
[29-17:28] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Heretic.
[29-17:29]       Nightmare uncuffs mythias and throws him in the chamber specifically meant for people under citizens has a king size tempur-pedic, a !0 ft plasma screen tv, a shower, a private toilet, a 10 foot deep swimming pool, and a nice comforter.........
[29-17:29] MSG: Heretic sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-17:29] 414, ºNightmare: ecstacy does NOT have meth in has meth's cousin all up in it...............
[29-17:29] c58, Mythias: E is bad
[29-17:30] 878, ºSnowy: Tsk TSK.
[29-17:30] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Heretic.
[29-17:30] 414, ºNightmare: i mean a 10 foot plasma screen.....
[29-17:31] c58, Mythias: Hey jailer jimmey a blunt will you
[29-17:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Nightmare you dumbass. You said the full name yesterday.. MDMA. the ma part is "METHAMPHETAMINE"
[29-17:31] 815, £Heretic : no worries cerf
[29-17:31] 878, ºSnowy: So are you still crazy, Myth? *L* ;p
[29-17:31] 414, ºNightmare: oh, and the citizens arrest chamber also comes complete with xbox, a dvd player, a ps2, a gamecube, and all the products manufactured for those electronics, including games and movies
[29-17:31] c58, Mythias: Myth relaxes on the tempr what yamacallit and turns on the tv
[29-17:31] 815, £Heretic : meth*
[29-17:32] 414, ºNightmare: wat kind of weed would you like in the joint, mythias......wait, let me bring you something.........
[29-17:32] c58, Mythias: Do i sound like the nutter MaD HatTEr to you ?? i aint said the t word for 5 months
[29-17:33] 815, £Heretic : just dun piss in it man
[29-17:33] 815, £Heretic : T word??
[29-17:33] 878, ºSnowy: No you're still inordinantly interested in what I look like tho..that always makes me uncomfortable - im sorry I was rude. I got home from town and having my hair repaired to find someone I really cant stand hanging around my haven..cranky.
[29-17:33] 878, ºSnowy: And no I dont mean you!
[29-17:33] c58, Mythias: and i heavn't used random on the color select in 4 months
[29-17:33]       Nightmare leaves and rolls a portable weed farm, dehydrator, fridge, and black lights................and the rest of the pot factory (papers n shit, yo)
[29-17:34] 414, ºNightmare: there is a random for color select?
[29-17:34] 815, £Heretic : suddenly nightmare is gheto
[29-17:34] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ohhh... man ...
[29-17:35] 414, ºNightmare: lol........look down to see all that is in the citizens arrest chamber.......
[29-17:35]       Nightmare tackles heretic and places him under citizens arrest, and takes him to his citizens arrest chamber.............
[29-17:35] 414, ºNightmare: brb
[29-17:35] c58, Mythias: well i apreciate good looking women and you are one of the and you have a personality to boot , i aint meaning to offend you but to compliment you* shruges*
[29-17:36]       Heretic is unable to be apprehended in any way shape or form and suddenly shows his darkest core as a terrifying god
[29-17:36] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm sooo ripped.. I odn't even know what i'm saying.. what the hell
[29-17:36] c58, Mythias: NNOOOOO!! Hey jailer i dont want to share
[29-17:37] c58, Mythias: *rolling a big fat gagger looking at heretic and laughing cuz hes getting so backed *
[29-17:38] BAN: Heretic gave the boot to 414 for 200 seconds.
[29-17:38] 815, £Heretic : no one touches me in such a manner
[29-17:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: 414?? What's what??!
[29-17:38] c58, Mythias: his ident number
[29-17:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: What person??
[29-17:39] 815, £Heretic : nightmare
[29-17:39] c58, Mythias: on left hand side all those numbers are the personal ident numbers for his comuter net id
[29-17:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: What did he do?
[29-17:40] 815, £Heretic : she knows that man. she's just not all there right now. lol
[29-17:40] 815, £Heretic : well he was playing but so i am i. he will be back in a bit
[29-17:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: YES I AM.. I'm r-right here-!
[29-17:40] 878, ºSnowy: Ugh.
[29-17:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: oops.. sorry
[29-17:41] 815, £Heretic : ok cerf. ur right there. we see you. put the knife down
[29-17:41] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hahaha.. What' knife?
[29-17:41] c58, Mythias: whats ugh. too, snowy??
[29-17:41] 1f1, £Cerfestas: lmfao I just got that
[29-17:42] 414, ºNightmare: aw, man, i made some funny comments, too........but they didn't come up...........
[29-17:42] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Wh y did you change your indent, Nightmare? Don't do that
[29-17:42] 815, £Heretic : no one touches the heretic in such a manner
[29-17:42]       Nightmare throws heretic into a cell that seems completely dark..............
[29-17:42] c58, Mythias: Hey night get me some munchies and a 4 liter of pepsi
[29-17:43] 414, ºNightmare: i didn't change my does it on it's own whenever i log OFF the internet............
[29-17:43] 815, £Heretic : alright dude. im warning u. you keep fucking around like that
[29-17:43] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Wel.. stop.. Dont do it anymore. seriously
[29-17:44]       Nightmare wheels a 5 foot long by 10 foot high fridge in mythias's chamber.........
[29-17:44] c58, Mythias: Yippe runs past night and slams the door locking him in the cell
[29-17:44] 815, £Heretic : i dun wanna be in no cell
[29-17:45] 414, ºNightmare: i can't stop it cerf, whenever i restart or shut down my pc, it automatically logs off the internet.......
[29-17:45] c58, Mythias: Oi ! let me in * but mythias has no key * hey come out night i want back in
[29-17:45] 815, £Heretic : see? Mythias got out
[29-17:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I don't care.. Nightmare, change it
[29-17:45] 414, ºNightmare: the cell has the same kinda stuff mythias's does.........oh, wait........whoops! i accidentally gave mythias your chamber!!!!
[29-17:46] c58, Mythias: let me in lemein
[29-17:46] 815, £Heretic : lol
[29-17:46] 414, ºNightmare: change wat, cerf???? my enternet program.......ya, right, then i'll never be able to come step dad will rip me a new ass hole.........
[29-17:46] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Guys.. My head is somewhere else.. What the fuck.. What's going on? why is everything so big??.. Alkjret..... wtf..
[29-17:47]       Nightmare leaves mythias's cell and throws the "french king" into the cell that was meant for him.........a hole
[29-17:47]       Heretic does the disco duck
[29-17:47] c58, Mythias: let me in lemein!!*mal screams for night mare to open the door so he can hide in the fridge eating munchies
[29-17:48] 414, ºNightmare: oh, heretic, your cell (whichj i had accidnetally gave to mythias) is so you can leave whenever you want.........*puts hot ladies into heretiucs chamber
[29-17:48] 414, ºNightmare: mythias is in his rightful chamber.........
[29-17:49] 815, £Heretic : pfft. i fall for no traps. *keeps dico ducking*
[29-17:49] 414, ºNightmare: it really isn't a trap
[29-17:49] c58, Mythias: ah nuts no munches *opens his shirt revealing 2 pounds of C4 enough to blow every one to hell* ok listen up i wnat my foookin munchies *mal screamed olding the trigger in one fist * and a teddy bear* mal whispered quieter*
[29-17:50] c58, Mythias: Ready to low every one up * i will count to 3!*
[29-17:50]       Nightmare throws heretic his keys and walks into the cell, he closes the door, till it shuts all the way, then opens it and comes back out......see?
[29-17:51]       Nightmare gives mythias some munchies....."now shut up!"
[29-17:51] c58, Mythias: 1!!!!*finger onthe trigger itching to incinerate the building*
[29-17:51]       Nightmare throws 5' by 10' fridge ON mythias......"there's ya damn munchies!!!"
[29-17:51] 815, £Heretic : that dudes addicted
[29-17:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'M SO SOTNES!!
[29-17:52] c58, Mythias: 2!!!!* still waiting *not enough munchis i want to beable to swim there is so mutch*
[29-17:52] 815, £Heretic : ur what? lol
[29-17:52] 1f1, £Cerfestas: so stoned
[29-17:53] c58, Mythias: shtonneds
[29-17:53]       Nightmare cannot help it if his ident CONSTANTLY changes, it does it on his own, but he knows he can manipulate it to change his ident at any given moment
[29-17:53] 1f1, £Cerfestas: shut up, MYthias haha
[29-17:53]       Nightmare drives a 300 pound anchor into mythias's head
[29-17:53] 815, £Heretic : nightmare ur on dial up huh?
[29-17:54] 414, ºNightmare: dial up??? i think i have a mix between that and dsl.........
[29-17:54] 414, ºNightmare: i'm not sure, though
[29-17:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: not possible, Nightmare.. you really know nothing about comouters
[29-17:54] 815, £Heretic : could be why the ident changes everytime
[29-17:55]       Nightmare ius looking at hisa internet box thingy that says "speedstream"
[29-17:55] 414, ºNightmare: i said that before, cerf, that i know nothing of pcs..........
[29-17:55] c58, Mythias: 3!!!!!* mal pushes the trigger and a screen pops out of his chst followed by a controller * suckas* mal is content to play videogames and eat munchies in the dark*
[29-17:55]       Nightmare could change his ident right now.................
[29-17:56] 414, ºNightmare: but i won't
[29-17:56] c58, Mythias: Out of the cold and into the dark mal fals a sleep * by by yall
[29-17:56] 414, ºNightmare: too much work.........and it takes too long, like, wat, 1 minute?
[29-17:56] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Warm and fuzzy doesn't work for me
[29-17:56] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Where's heretic and snowy?
[29-17:57] 414, ºNightmare: warm and fuzzy? wat the fuck you talkin bout, cerf?
[29-17:57] 815, £Heretic : who now and what what?
[29-17:57] 414, ºNightmare: dude, i've listened to my walkman so much in two days, the batteries are almost dying
[29-17:57] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Tehe sky is going red!!
[29-17:58] 414, ºNightmare: cerf needs some help...............
[29-17:58] 815, £Heretic : pretty
[29-17:58] 1f1, £Cerfestas: gI can't reach the keyboard guys...
[29-17:58] 878, ºSnowy: I'm whining about my new hair colour elsewhere...I hate it
[29-17:58] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'm really messed up, Nightmare
[29-17:58] 815, £Heretic : go lie down cerf
[29-17:59] 414, ºNightmare: cerf, some men are here, they have prepared a nice, clean, soft white room for you and a clean, white jacket that you can use to hug yourself for ever and ever with!!!
[29-17:59] 1f1, £Cerfestas: You can whine here, Snowy
[29-17:59] 878, ºSnowy: Awww
[29-18:00] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No I think i'll stay
[29-18:00]       Nightmare listens to the kingdom hearts variation of "one winged angel"
[29-18:00] 414, ºNightmare: cerf, the men say they don't want to MAKE you go with them...........
[29-18:01] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Ngithmare.. The cerf says FUCK OFF!
[29-18:01] 414, ºNightmare: GET ER BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:01] 414, ºNightmare: lol
[29-18:01]       Nightmare wonders how bad cerf is gonna beat down the clean men
[29-18:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: NIghtmare, I'm'snotevenn funny.ican'treachthegoddamnkeyboardanyhmoreandlookhowi'mtypingnow..lmfao
[29-18:02] 414, ºNightmare: you know, the funny thing is that i fully understood wat you just said..........
[29-18:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: icandotthatwoithoutevenhavingtothinaboutitlikewheni'mnormall..thisissofuckingfunny
[29-18:03] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 5:58pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:03] 1f1, £Cerfestas: i'msorryheretic...Ican'thelpit
[29-18:03] 414, ºNightmare: cerf, your writing right nowis so NOT NORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:04] 414, ºNightmare: O MY GOD CERF!!!!!!!!!! THERE'S RATS CRWALIN ALL OVER YOUR BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:04] JOIN: Figgy appears
[29-18:04]       Nightmare gives cerf a knife to get rid of the rats
[29-18:04] 414, ºNightmare: hehehehehehe
[29-18:04] 414, ºNightmare: hello figgs
[29-18:04] 1f1, £Cerfestas: fuckyounightmare..lmfao.idon'tmindrats.
[29-18:04] 94a, ºFiggy: Hello Nightmare, and oddly typing Cerfestas o.O
[29-18:05] 1f1, £Cerfestas: they'rereallycuteevenwhentghey'refatlikesewerrats
[29-18:05] 414, ºNightmare: ok, then cerf...........
[29-18:05] 94a, ºFiggy: And Snowy the lurking wonder
[29-18:05] 94a, ºFiggy: And Mythias, whoever you are
[29-18:06] 414, ºNightmare: OH, MY GOD CERF!!!!!! THERE ARE SPIDERS CRAWLING ALL OVER YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:06] 1f1, £Cerfestas:
[29-18:06] 94a, ºFiggy: They aren't spiders. They're fuzzy caterpillers
[29-18:06]       Nightmare gives cerf two knives to get rid of the spiders............
[29-18:06] 414, ºNightmare: hehehehehehehehehehehehe
[29-18:07] 414, ºNightmare: they're spiders, figgs!!! caterpiller isn't here!!!!!!!!
[29-18:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ionderwhatthepeoplewhoreadtheselogsaregongtothinkwhentheyreadwhat'msayingrightnow
[29-18:07] 414, ºNightmare: brb.........
[29-18:07]       Figgy attempts to understand what is going on, and fails.
[29-18:07] 414, ºNightmare: so do i,
[29-18:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I'MREALLYFCUKINGRIPPED FIGGY
[29-18:07] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:07pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:07] 94a, ºFiggy: MaYbE i ShOuLd StArT tYpiNg LiKe ThiS tO FiT iN WiTh CeRfY
[29-18:07] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[29-18:08] JOIN: Blazen appears
[29-18:08] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:07pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:08] 1f1, £Cerfestas: yeahgoaheafiggy.icanunderstandthatokay
[29-18:08] d68, ºBlazen: Whats up with your hair?
[29-18:08] JOIN: ºcaterpillar appears
[29-18:08] 94a, ºFiggy: Hello Fun Boy, and Blazen
[29-18:08] d68, ºBlazen: 'Allo Folks...
[29-18:09] 414, ºcaterpillar: hello figgy
[29-18:09] EXIT: Figgy disappears ( ).
[29-18:09] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[29-18:09] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Hello caterpillar
[29-18:09] 414, ºcaterpillar: are you getting conzuzed, figgs??
[29-18:10]       ºcaterpillar converses with the caterpiller
[29-18:10] 94a, ºcaterpiller: I'm not ripped, though, so it just seems like Nightmare is impersonating me
[29-18:10]       ºcaterpillar has a little fuzzy cater convo
[29-18:10] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Osiris.
[29-18:10] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[29-18:10] d68, ºBlazen: **twiddles thumbs**
[29-18:11] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 6:10pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:11] JOIN: Figgy appears
[29-18:11] 94a, ºFiggy: Enough of that
[29-18:11]       ºcaterpillar is not impersonating catepiller.........i am caterpillar.......with an a, not an e
[29-18:11] 94a, ºFiggy: As long as I don't get a typewriter that turns into a giant beetle, I'll be fine
[29-18:11] 414, ºcaterpillar: figgs, your color code is 7CFC00, right?
[29-18:12] 94a, ºFiggy: I thought it was 00FF00 or something to that effect
[29-18:12] d68, ºBlazen: **sniffs* chicken smells goooood
[29-18:12] 94a, ºFiggy: But, why do you want to be small and fuzzy?
[29-18:12]       Figgy randomly hugs Blazen
[29-18:12] 414, ºcaterpillar: no, this is 00FF00
[29-18:12] 414, ºcaterpillar: hmmm???
[29-18:12] 414, ºcaterpillar: oh, lol........
[29-18:13] 414, ºcaterpillar: cuz small and uzzy means i get to be pet, and i like to be pet
[29-18:13] d68, ºBlazen: Ack!! Eeeeek!! **get off me!
[29-18:13] 94a, ºFiggy: Next thing I know, you'll spoof my IP. Then you could say anything, and people would think it was me, if they only caught the different vowel near the end of your name
[29-18:13]       Figgy gets off of Blazen, and looks for Cerfy.
[29-18:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hifiggy
[29-18:14] 94a, ºFiggy: Can I hug you, or will it make you barf? :)
[29-18:14] 414, ºcaterpillar: lol@ figgs, "i'm not a real identity theif, i just joke for a little bit........
[29-18:14] d68, ºBlazen: **sighs in relief*. totally hate touching people....they have wierd diseases....LOL
[29-18:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *hugs Figgy* I'm okay
[29-18:14]       ºcaterpillar crawls over to cerfestas and gives her a fuzzy hug
[29-18:14]       Figgy gives enormous extra huggable hugs to Cerfy.
[29-18:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *stretchs her arms out and walks after Blazen* disease....DISEASE!!
[29-18:15] 94a, ºFiggy: Unclean! Unclean!
[29-18:15] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-18:15] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:15pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Wow.. for the size of her body.. She has really huge tits
[29-18:16] EXIT: ºcaterpillar disappears ( 6:14pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:16] 94a, ºFiggy: Who
[29-18:16] JOIN: ºcaterpillar appears
[29-18:16] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I dunno. I ment to say thatlastnight but didn't lol. Fear factor
[29-18:16] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-18:17]       Figgy offers the strange insect a leaf.
[29-18:17] c36, ºNightmare: hehehehehehehe ui have c36 now............
[29-18:17] c36, ºcaterpillar: wat kind of leaf??
[29-18:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Maaaarijuana
[29-18:17] c36, ºcaterpillar: damn! i was hoping that i'd stay at 414...........
[29-18:18] 94a, ºFiggy: A fig leaf
[29-18:18] d68, ºBlazen: **sprays Cerf down with lysol**...uh uh can stop right there
[29-18:18] 94a, ºFiggy: Of course
[29-18:18]       ºcaterpillar crawls over to cerf and gives her a little cater hug
[29-18:18] d68, ºBlazen: mmmhmm....stay...*spritz*
[29-18:18]       ºcaterpillar does not want a fig leaf
[29-18:18] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Sto touching bme through other people Nightmare. -.-.
[29-18:18]       ºcaterpillar wants a tobacco or marijuana leaf
[29-18:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *looks at Blzen and meows*
[29-18:19] 94a, ºFiggy: Sorry, caterpillar. I don't give tobacco and illicit drugs to minors. Or anybody, for that matter
[29-18:19] c36, ºcaterpillar: wat, cerf, i'm hugging you through my caterpillar, not figgs, caterpiller......note that i have an "a" not an "e"
[29-18:19] d68, ºBlazen: Keep it to yer selfish self eh Figgs? hehehee
[29-18:19] 878, ºSnowy: Ayeeee Blazen
[29-18:19] 94a, ºFiggy: Besides, you'd have to eat many many pot leaves to get the same effect of smoking them
[29-18:20] 94a, ºFiggy: Nah, I don't smoke
[29-18:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: fuxkyounightmare.
[29-18:20]       Nightmare picks up the kitten that is cerfestas and pets her ears, chin, and belly
[29-18:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hey Snowy
[29-18:20] d68, ºBlazen: alright now...there is way too much damn huggin goin on in here...creeps me out. Quick....fight with me Snowy...*L*
[29-18:20] 94a, ºFiggy: At least, that's what friends have said
[29-18:20] c36, ºcaterpillar: figgs, i am a fat caterpillar that weighs 230 lbs..........
[29-18:20] 1f1, £Cerfestas: 420!!!
[29-18:21] MSG: Figgy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-18:21]       ºcaterpillar goes back into the alice and wonderland story book and gets his hookah
[29-18:21] 878, ºSnowy: Nah, im too freaked out about my new hair colour to fight anything *L*
[29-18:22] d68, ºBlazen: aw hell...what have you done....
[29-18:22] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Figgy.
[29-18:22] d68, ºBlazen: Put ya up a cam....lets see the damage....
[29-18:22]       ºcaterpillar crawls onto snowy's hand
[29-18:22] MSG: Figgy sent a message to Nightmare.
[29-18:23] IGN: Figgy ignored c36 for 123456 seconds.
[29-18:23] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Figgy.
[29-18:23] IGN: Figgy ignored 414 for 123456 seconds.
[29-18:23] 878, ºSnowy: I do have one online right now..hang onnn
[29-18:23] c36, ºcaterpillar: oh, that was cold, i just pmed him too......brb
[29-18:23] EXIT: ºcaterpillar disappears ( 6:23pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:23] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:23pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:24] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-18:24] c36, ºNightmare: nice try, figgs, read your pm that i just sent you
[29-18:24] c36, ºNightmare:
[29-18:25] c36, ºNightmare: my ident didn't change this time.........brb
[29-18:25] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:25pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:25] 878, ºSnowy:
[29-18:25] 94a, ºFiggy: Is that more of a red, or more of a brown, colour, Snowy?
[29-18:26] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ooo Pretty, snowy
[29-18:26] MSG: Figgy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-18:26] d68, ºBlazen: **shrieks**
[29-18:26] 878, ºSnowy: It's like ALL of's that colour to cover up the asshole mistake the last bint made
[29-18:26] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-18:26] 37b, ºNightmare: always on top of the system......nightmare!!!!
[29-18:26] IGN: Figgy ignored 37b for 123456 seconds.
[29-18:27] 37b, ºNightmare: figgs check your pms wouldja???
[29-18:27] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Figgy.
[29-18:27] 94a, ºFiggy: Well, based on that one photo, I like it
[29-18:27] d68, ºBlazen: go get some Blonde foiled back in that and slowy go back to normal without frying it...not so bad, just makes you really pale....paler...*g*
[29-18:27] 37b, ºNightmare: oooooooo, how many times do i have to do this? *shakes head and sighs
[29-18:27] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Do it again and i'll report you to Tino, Nightmare
[29-18:28] MSG: Figgy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-18:28] 878, ºSnowy: Nahh the guy says foils are a nono now until all that grows out
[29-18:28] 37b, ºNightmare: your hair doesn't look bad in that pic, snowy
[29-18:28] d68, ºBlazen: See how well Cerf types when she threatens?? *chuckle*
[29-18:28] 878, ºSnowy: What'd he do, Cerf?
[29-18:28] 37b, ºNightmare: it's not m ip that i'm changing,'s the random numbers, the ident
[29-18:28] d68, ºBlazen:'s reddish...I like it...the world needs to be a redhead I always say
[29-18:28] 37b, ºNightmare: and besides, it'sa just gonna happen again next time i shut my pc down.........
[29-18:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Well his purposly restarting when Figgy ignores him.. and is ignorig him
[29-18:29] 1f1, £Cerfestas: i mean not report him to tino.. sorry.
[29-18:29] 878, ºSnowy: Tino cant do anything about that...Moonspell does that to me, stupid fucker.
[29-18:30] d68, ºBlazen: If you shut down the ignore goes away?
[29-18:30] d68, ºBlazen: *L*....Brando that shit...
[29-18:30] 37b, ºNightmare: i didn't restart my pc that time, cerf......i just looged off the internet, when i get a web cam, i'll show you guys the series of events.......
[29-18:30] 878, ºSnowy: He's a typing grogan.
[29-18:30] MSG: Figgy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-18:31] 37b, ºNightmare: with me, it does, blazen, i don't know about you, though, blazen.........
[29-18:31] 37b, ºNightmare: wat is a typing grogan???
[29-18:32] 94a, ºFiggy: Brando... what, trying to emulate the late Marlon Brando?
[29-18:32] 878, ºSnowy: A grogan is a's an aussie/kiwi slang term...dont ask me how it got started.
[29-18:32] 37b, ºNightmare: when i first learned i could change my IDENT (not IP) it was by accident
[29-18:33] d68, ºBlazen: I have no earthly clue NM....I couldn't give a rats ass if someone wanted to ignore me...*L*.
[29-18:33] 37b, ºNightmare: snowy, can you please tell figgy that i'm sorry??
[29-18:33] 878, ºSnowy: No, piss off
[29-18:33] 878, ºSnowy: Let him ignore you and get over it already.
[29-18:34] 37b, ºNightmare: i tryed it on bans, too, (i banned myself in my room on perpose for experimental purposes) and it doesn't work, though............
[29-18:34] 37b, ºNightmare: i was just wondering if you could tell him that i'm sorry, not if he can unignore me..............
[29-18:35] 37b, ºNightmare: damn! my walkman just dyed!!!!
[29-18:36]       Figgy doesn't want to know what he's missing
[29-18:36] 37b, ºNightmare: i accept the ignore....just not the fact that i can't apologize..........
[29-18:37] 878, ºSnowy: Tell ignores arent just moooove on.
[29-18:37] 878, ºSnowy: See, it's not about how you feel at's about how he feels.
[29-18:37] 878, ºSnowy: And he feels better with you on ignore. Next topic.
[29-18:37] 37b, ºNightmare: i know they aren't.........oh! i have an idea, and it doesn't involove realyed messages OR ident changes
[29-18:38] 878, ºSnowy: DA BEARZ.
[29-18:39] 94a, ºFiggy: The Chicago Bears, of the NFL?
[29-18:39] JOIN: figgy, nightmare apologizes appears
[29-18:39]       Nightmare cannot watch football
[29-18:39] 878, ºSnowy: Oh for fucksake
[29-18:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hey if i stop talking it's cos i passed out.. fuck.. i was so ripped.. still am
[29-18:40] 878, ºSnowy: Chicago Bears, Figgy
[29-18:40] 37b, ºNightmare: like i said, i don't care about the ignore......i just wanna apoloize.........
[29-18:40] 37b, ºNightmare: lol@ cerf
[29-18:41] 94a, ºFiggy: I don't follow American Football much... not even Canadian Football. I just know the Toronto Argos won the CFL championship this year...
[29-18:41] 37b, ºNightmare: i would put the whole message, but i can't..................
[29-18:41]       Nightmare is unfamiliar with canadian football teams
[29-18:41] 37b, ºNightmare: i just know that canada has some of the best hockey teams.............
[29-18:42]       Nightmare hopes that cerf hasn't passed out............
[29-18:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: wwooaahh...
[29-18:44] 37b, ºNightmare: yay!!! ahe lives!!!!
[29-18:44] 878, ºSnowy: I dont follow it at ALL *L* I just always say that when I see 'Chicago' mentioned at all *L*
[29-18:45]       Figgy looks at Cerfy.
[29-18:46] 37b, ºNightmare:
[29-18:46] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I closed my eyes for two minutes and just opened the a minute ago and my sister is standign RIGHT there
[29-18:47] 37b, ºNightmare: lol
[29-18:47] JOIN: salemchick appears
[29-18:48]       salemchick walks in quietly an sits on floor
[29-18:48] 94a, ºFiggy: Hello salemchick
[29-18:49] 89a, ºsalemchick: hi fig
[29-18:49] 37b, ºNightmare: hello juju
[29-18:49] 89a, ºsalemchick: hi night
[29-18:49] 89a, ºsalemchick: hi night
[29-18:49]       salemchick gets up an jumps on couch and lays down
[29-18:50] 37b, ºNightmare: you want a penguin today??
[29-18:50]       salemchick staring at the wall till odds end
[29-18:50] 89a, ºsalemchick: no thats ok night
[29-18:50] EXIT: Figgy disappears ( 6:48pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:50] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[29-18:50]       caterpiller crawls up to the couch.
[29-18:50] 37b, ºNightmare: it seems that you don't like penguins anymore.........
[29-18:50]       salemchick hey get ur own
[29-18:51] 89a, ºsalemchick: i still like penquins night always have and always will
[29-18:51]       Nightmare would pet the caterpiller, but i think he's mad at me :(
[29-18:51]       caterpiller nudges salemchick affectionately, hoping to snuggle.
[29-18:51] 37b, ºNightmare: he doesn't want to hear my mouth.........
[29-18:51] d68, ºBlazen:
[29-18:51]       salemchick pets cater
[29-18:52]       caterpiller churrrrs.
[29-18:53]       Nightmare wants to pet the cater...........
[29-18:53] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *yawns*
[29-18:53] 37b, ºNightmare: but my words go unheard by the cater right now :(
[29-18:53] 37b, ºNightmare: I WANNA PET THE FUZZY!!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:53] 89a, ºsalemchick: y is that night
[29-18:54] 37b, ºNightmare: he's ignoring me.............
[29-18:54] 89a, ºsalemchick: y
[29-18:54]       caterpiller looks at the yawning Cerfestas
[29-18:54] 1f1, £Cerfestas: fcuck I hate th emunchies
[29-18:54] 89a, ºsalemchick: there mut be a reason y though
[29-18:54] 37b, ºNightmare: there is a reason, juju......i imerpsonated his cater form..........
[29-18:55]       Nightmare 's mom is making a cake
[29-18:55] d68, ºBlazen: skipping out
[29-18:55] d68, ºBlazen: layter
[29-18:55] 89a, ºsalemchick: ok then
[29-18:55] EXIT: Blazen disappears ( 6:55pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:56]       Nightmare is listening to the bong song...........the bong version of the thong song............
[29-18:56] 1f1, £Cerfestas: that bonb.. b-b-b-bong
[29-18:56] 37b, ºNightmare: cerf, you've heard that song???
[29-18:56]       caterpiller rubs fuzz against salemchick
[29-18:57] MSG: Fun Boy sent a message to Cerfestas.
[29-18:57]       salemchick GETS UP
[29-18:57] 89a, ºsalemchick: g2g
[29-18:57] EXIT: salemchick disappears ( 6:57pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:57] JOIN: I NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!!!!!! appears
[29-18:57]       caterpiller falls onto the floor, since the person he was resting on got up abruptly.
[29-18:58]       Nightmare would help out the cater, but it barely knows i exist..............
[29-18:58]       I NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:59]       caterpiller crawls up to the rafters with a sigh, bound to return some time.
[29-18:59]       I NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!!!!!! I REALLY, REALLY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-18:59] 37b, ºNightmare: now the norton anti virus pops up...................
[29-18:59] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 6:59pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-19:01]       Nightmare feels lonely, and thus.......
[29-19:01]       I NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!!!!!!
[29-19:04] EXIT: I NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!!!!!! disappears ( I STILL NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ).
[29-19:07] 878, ºSnowy: Pooooor Jaimie.
[29-19:07] 878, ºSnowy: She must have such a headache *L*
[29-19:07] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I agree
[29-19:07] 37b, ºNightmare: why is it "poor jaimie"'s me who misses her dearly!!!!!!!
[29-19:08] 37b, ºNightmare: oh...........i don't really get to see her, actually......
[29-19:08] 878, ºSnowy: You left, Nightmare.
[29-19:08] 37b, ºNightmare: i only visited her on sundays, and now she lives out in canterbury.........
[29-19:08] 37b, ºNightmare: no...... I NEED MY JAIMIE!!!!! left........not me!
[29-19:09] 878, ºSnowy: *L* I'm starting to develop Cerf's 'tone'.
[29-19:09] 878, ºSnowy: Oh my GOD shut UP dude
[29-19:09] 878, ºSnowy: I mean have a LITTLE restraint..*L* Gods.
[29-19:09] 37b, ºNightmare: ...............
[29-19:09] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 7:09pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-19:10] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *l* See what i mean, Snowy?
[29-19:10] 878, ºSnowy: *L* Far OUT.
[29-19:11] 878, ºSnowy: You do get to be defended if people are mean to you, but fuck..we do get to enjoy the room TOO..not just YOU, Mr Hyperactive.
[29-19:11] 1f1, £Cerfestas: how messed whas I? lol
[29-19:12] 878, ºSnowy: Pretty messed up, but I'dj ust gotten home and was crying about my hair so I didnt notice all that began typing without any spaces for awhile..*L*
[29-19:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Oh dead *laughs* Why you cryng about your hair? From what I saw it looked good
[29-19:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hear*
[29-19:14] 878, ºSnowy: Just feels wierd...and it wasnt MY choice that it went dark, they had to do it to patch up a mistake
[29-19:14] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *nods* yeah. they're bastards
[29-19:17] 878, ºSnowy: BASTARDS. Nighty stop being hurt, you've gotta give a little as well as just take.
[29-19:17] 878, ºSnowy: You're VERY noisy and you keep leaving and entering, leaving and's irritating, it's a place to talk not a trampoline.
[29-19:18] 1f1, £Cerfestas: I second that, Snowy
[29-19:23] 878, ºSnowy: *L* Oh well, I dont feel bad for saying that...little bugger has to realise he does share the world.
[29-19:25] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-19:25] 37b, ºNightmare: i'm not hurt or nothin, i'm just on the phone with jaimie and i want to minimize my distarctions.......bbl
[29-19:26] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 7:25pm, December 29 (CST) ).
[29-19:32] 878, ºSnowy: Ohhh good.
[29-19:33] 878, ºSnowy: Maybe you should just...close the chat window instead of leaving the chat all the time? *L*
[29-19:33] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *snickers* Oh boy
[29-19:49] 1f1, £Cerfestas: So dead in here.
[29-20:00] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[29-20:01]       Nightmare is just chillin here for now...............still talkin to jaimie.....
[29-20:01] 1f1, £Cerfestas: hey Nightmare
[29-20:01] 37b, ºNightmare: she's singin stuff from buffy
[29-20:01] 37b, ºNightmare: yo......
[29-20:02] 37b, ºNightmare: i'll take snowy's advice next time.............
[29-20:02] 1f1, £Cerfestas: which was?
[29-20:03] 37b, ºNightmare: the closin the windpw, i fact did just that when i edsited last time........
[29-20:03] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Isee
[29-20:03] 37b, ºNightmare: i mean exited
[29-20:04] 37b, ºNightmare: i might be able to go over her place on friday and sleep over!!!!!!!!!!!!
[29-20:04] 1f1, £Cerfestas: cool. don't fuck 'er o.O
[29-20:05] 37b, ºNightmare: why?????
[29-20:05] 37b, ºNightmare: lol
[29-20:05]       Nightmare just wants to spend some quality time with jaimie
[29-20:06] 37b, ºNightmare: cerf, can you put on your samara lookin av??? it looks cool
[29-20:06] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ummm.. no
[29-20:12]       Nightmare bursts out crying...."i had to hang up with her!!!!!"
[29-20:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *quirks a brow* Lovesick fool lol
[29-20:13] 37b, ºNightmare: she says she'll call me tommorrow!!!!!!!!
[29-20:13] 1f1, £Cerfestas: yup
[29-20:13] 37b, ºNightmare: lol@ cerf............i am a love sick fool.........nothin to l about
[29-20:14]       Nightmare cannot wait for friday to come, and hopes that jaimies aunt will allow him over and to spend the night
[29-20:15] 37b, ºNightmare: lol, jaimie said not to grope her when and if i go over there, to make a good impression
[29-20:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Told tha
[29-20:15] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ya*
[29-20:16] 37b, ºNightmare: she likes icp, but says there is no way in hell they are rap.......she says the are "hardcore rock"..............and she said she HATES final fantasy music!!!!! i am appalled, but if she doesn't like it, i won't play it over there...........
[29-20:17] 37b, ºNightmare: any thing for my lovely jaimie
[29-20:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *laughs* Hard rock?? What the hell is she on..
[29-20:17] 37b, ºNightmare: if she is allowed to, she may come on to this chat room, too!!!!!!!
[29-20:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Not in one song I heared by them was hard rock
[29-20:17] 1f1, £Cerfestas: oh great...
[29-20:18]       Nightmare frowns, " will tolerate insultation of me, but NOT of jaimie"
[29-20:18] 37b, ºNightmare: cerf, jaimie is my absolute WORLD
[29-20:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: uh huh.
[29-20:19] 37b, ºNightmare: and wats wrong with her comin to chat with me here?
[29-20:19] 37b, ºNightmare: it's better for me!!!!
[29-20:19] 1f1, £Cerfestas: indeed
[29-20:20] 37b, ºNightmare: and if you guys really won't want to hear us chat here......i also gave her my chat addy!!!!!!
[29-20:20]       Nightmare notes the indeed as a possible ignore to make me THINK she is listening to me.........
[29-20:21] 1f1, £Cerfestas: i didn't Ignore you
[29-20:21] 37b, ºNightmare: always on top of things..........nightmare!
[29-20:21] 37b, ºNightmare: that's not wat i meant, cerf......i wasn't talking about /ignore...........brb
[29-20:21] 1f1, £Cerfestas: ah
[29-20:22]       Nightmare wonders where he put it.........
[29-20:25] JOIN: Aphotic Atrocity appears
[29-20:25] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Hi, Aphotic
[29-20:25] d25, ºAphotic Atrocity: Hey.
[29-20:27] JOIN: Sammy appears
[29-20:28] 37b, ºNightmare: hello aphotic and sams
[29-20:28] d25, ºAphotic Atrocity: Hello, Nightmare.
[29-20:28] 37b, ºNightmare: aphotic atrocity looks almost like rich, only with the facail hair trimmed up a little
[29-20:29] 37b, ºNightmare: that is, f aphotic is the guy........
[29-20:29] d25, ºAphotic Atrocity: I am the guy, and I agree. I look like a count or something.
[29-20:31] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *pounces Sammy*
[29-20:33] ec6, ºSammy: *pounced*EPP!
[29-20:34] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[29-20:34]       caterpiller crawls down from the rafters, and looks at everybody.
[29-20:34] 37b, ºNightmare: no, thats not wat i meant, look like a guy i know name richard..........
[29-20:34] d25, ºAphotic Atrocity: Sorry, I'm Julio not Richard.
[29-20:34]       Nightmare wishes to apologize to the cater......if he'll listen and accept it...........
[29-20:35] 37b, ºNightmare: well, maybe not accept it.......but at least listen
[29-20:38]       caterpiller chitters a greeting at Cerfy
[29-20:38] 37b, ºNightmare: oh, cerf, you know that i have the hardcore rock version of "one winged angel" ?
[29-20:38] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *pats Cater*
[29-20:39] 1f1, £Cerfestas: that's nice, nightmare.
[29-20:39]       Nightmare could send the hardcore rock "one winged angel" to cerf if she wants it........
[29-20:39] ec6, ºSammy: *pounced then forgoten, sniffles*
[29-20:40] 1f1, £Cerfestas: No, Nightmare.. *curls up with Sammy*
[29-20:41]       Nightmare forgot wat music to download for his beloved jaimie...........
[29-20:41]       caterpiller is patted.
[29-20:41] 37b, ºNightmare: ! wait! it's rioght here all loaded up!!!
[29-20:42] 37b, ºNightmare: okee silly dilly dokee-o!!! i'm an idiot!!!
[29-20:42] ec6, ºSammy: *curls up with Cerf and smiles*
[29-20:43] 37b, ºNightmare: that's a lot of queen..........
[29-20:43]       caterpiller gives off the hugging call of the wild caterpiller
[29-20:44] 1f1, £Cerfestas: *watchs little caterpillars start marching toward Caterpiller*
[29-20:44] 94a, ºcaterpiller: chitchitneeeEEAAATTT!!!
[29-20:45] JOIN: Snowy appears
[29-20:45]       caterpiller watches the approach of the little bugs
[29-20:45] 37b, ºNightmare: lol@ the hugging call of the wild cater
[29-20:45] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Hello Snowy
[29-20:45] 1f1, £Cerfestas: Greetings Snowy
[29-20:45] 878, ºSnowy: 'ellooooo folks.
[29-20:46] 37b, ºNightmare: cerf's a fire hazard!!!!!!!!!!!