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[15-04:12] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: she is 5'2"
[15-04:13] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: I believe (that she is 5'2")
[15-04:13] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: But yeah, talk about a shitty pic of me...almost as bad as...
[15-04:14] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: That one..
[15-04:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol you're a giant, Faded
[15-04:14] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: A small giant, perhaps.
[15-04:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Well, anythin 2 inchs taller than me I think is a giant lol.. What tattoo's do you have on the insides of your arms?
[15-04:15] 47f, ºSnowy: UNBELIEVEABLE!
[15-04:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : o.o; Wha?
[15-04:16] 47f, ºSnowy: That great..fat FUCKER came over the other mp3 player I was watching and bid THAT out from under me as well ~LOL~
[15-04:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Aww lol.. are there no others you wish to bid on?
[15-04:17] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: I have a black, barbed-wire rose on my left forearm ('Rose of Death') that I created, a blue rose with a tribal stem on my right forearm ('Rose Of Life') that I helped edit...and 'Faded Angel' armband on my right bricep/tricep (arm)... and, when I say on my forearm...I mean, from the 'slice here' area of the wrists to an inch above each elbow
[15-04:17]       TheFadedAngel agrees with Snowy...'That Fucker!'
[15-04:17] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Awesome..
[15-04:17] 47f, ºSnowy: Those were the only two of that kind that are up for auction tonight...bastard foreskin dribbling cockmunching POOHEADS
[15-04:18] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Once I get my cam back (I sent it to Juliet last Friday to take pics of her and the baby with for me), I shall take some pics of my tats and send you the links, Cerfy
[15-04:18] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: *L*
[15-04:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'm thinking of designing a tattoo to get on my 18th which is.. *sucks in breath* in 9 months >.< holy crap,, I'm getting old!
[15-04:19] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-04:19]       Refrication Walks through, he just looks at everyone and laughs. He begins to do the jig, then he flies around the room, wheeeeee wheeeeee. He exits through the open window.
[15-04:19] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 4:19am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-04:19] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: As am I... age is merely a number but damn, stress is a killer!
[15-04:19] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: He REALLY needs a hobby, me thinkiez.
[15-04:19] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Well, ANOTHER hobby
[15-04:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Fucking 18 though lol..
[15-04:20] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: My 18th bday never really meant much to me...'twas merely another day...though, most of my bdays pass as such... if it were not for Sui, yesterday would have been the same.
[15-04:20] 47f, ºSnowy: Alright, who lobotomized Ref?
[15-04:20] 1f1, §Cerfestas : God, and Im graduating this year.. holy fuck.. scary scary scary.. I didn't think i'd get this far
[15-04:21] 47f, ºSnowy: Lurking dickmuncher.
[15-04:21] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yeah no shit, Faded. I wish I had a friend who could do that for me.
[15-04:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Oh, I'm sorry Snowy.. I had to steal a taste..
[15-04:22] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: In this pic, if you save it and zoom in, you can see my 'Faded Angel' armband a bit... though, pic is rather old and not that great of a pic.
[15-04:22] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: actually, here, this is easier
[15-04:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yeah I have that one already hehe
[15-04:22] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Ah, otayz
[15-04:23] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: I know I have some of just my tats somewhere, just not sure where
[15-04:23] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No worries
[15-04:24] 47f, ºSnowy: Steal a taste of what, the dick Ref's munching on?
[15-04:24] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No, his lobotomized brain
[15-04:25] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-04:26] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Aww that just made my day, Faded..
[15-04:27] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Glad you liked it
[15-04:27]       TheFadedAngel smiles
[15-04:28] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: That was taken a good while back... summer time, I believe...don't remember
[15-04:28] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Cool
[15-04:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Geocities doesn't like direct linking
[15-04:29] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Anyways, my world is about to awake and I shall get bitched at if I am online...cuz I was online all night... hope you have a wonderful day at school, m'dear, and shall see you tonight
[15-04:29] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: well, was trying to view the pic since my comp is screwy...had to type that link by hand
[15-04:29] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: wanted to make sure it worked
[15-04:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Ah, i'm not going lol.. but thanks anyways.
[15-04:30] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: <---does the link work?
[15-04:30] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No, the jpg has to be lowercase
[15-04:30] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Ah, in that case... I shall be back in about 3 hrs... if you are still around, look me up, lol
[15-04:30] 47f, ºSnowy: I'm gonna go to head's starting to hurt. Nini you too..Cerf and Mr Faded *smooch*
[15-04:31]       TheFadedAngel smooch
[15-04:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I might be.. if not i'll be on at 9ish here, since my mom is insistant we wake up before the birds to clean the house
[15-04:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Take care Snowy
[15-04:31] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: 9ish there? so, about 12 here...otayz...will see you then
[15-04:31] EXIT: Snowy disappears ( 4:30am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-04:31] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Nice talking to the two of you
[15-04:31] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-04:31]       Refrication Are all Americans posers? just a question...that's the impression I get.
[15-04:31] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Farewell
[15-04:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Alrighty
[15-04:31] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 4:31am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-04:32] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 4:31am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-04:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Farewell
[15-04:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Ref.. Go snort some valium o.o. *poofs*
[15-05:17] JOIN: Moppy appears
[15-05:21] c9d, ºMoppy: ...
[15-06:19] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-06:20] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 6:19am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-06:57] c9d, ºMoppy: ...
[15-07:05] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-07:05] ecc, Refrication: I laughed my head off at this:
[15-07:06] ecc, Refrication: That's over the top.
[15-07:06] c9d, ºMoppy: Hey
[15-07:06] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[15-07:08] 056, ºMoppy: lol how are you? Sad that G4 lost?
[15-07:09] ecc, Refrication: Why wish someone a happy birthday 20 years later? it should say: happy 20th birthday anniversary.
[15-07:09] ecc, Refrication: It isn't his birthday now.
[15-07:10] ecc, Refrication: Yes, it is a rip off.
[15-07:12] 056, ºMoppy: lmao
[15-07:13] ecc, Refrication: So, does he want him to have a happy birthday? which has already gone, or a happy 20th anniversary of his birthday? because I thought we were supposed to be correct.
[15-07:14] 056, ºMoppy: lmao
[15-07:14] ecc, Refrication: It's right, though.
[15-07:15] ecc, Refrication: Why do people wish someone a happy birthday? are they going to go back in time and relive it?
[15-07:16] ecc, Refrication: Moppy, I want to be the first, so, happy birthday for your reincarnation.
[15-07:17] 056, ºMoppy: Thank you very much
[15-07:19] ecc, Refrication: What does your day entail?
[15-07:20] 056, ºMoppy: Absolutly nothing...except trying to get a girlfriend
[15-07:20] ecc, Refrication: Awwwww.
[15-07:22] ecc, Refrication: Friday, I have to stay in an empty house to wait for the gas board, saturday, I will be dismantling my gym etc, sunday, I will be moving things to the house all day, monday, I move in.
[15-07:23] 056, ºMoppy: Kool, so you found a new place to stay?
[15-07:24] ecc, Refrication: Yes, it's nice.
[15-07:24] JOIN: sese appears
[15-07:24] ecc, Refrication: No carpets over xmas, though.
[15-07:24] fb8, sese: n
[15-07:24] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[15-07:25] ecc, Refrication: I hate having no carpets.
[15-07:25] 056, ºMoppy: I told you that you'd find a place--------Hello
[15-07:25] 056, ºMoppy: I was in London yesterday
[15-07:26] ecc, Refrication: Was it fun? and what did you do/buy?
[15-07:26] 056, ºMoppy: I went to the Hayward gallery and The Tate Modern gallery...and I bought a U2 album
[15-07:27] ecc, Refrication: The house will be warm, though, unlike this one. It has double glazing etc.
[15-07:27] ecc, Refrication: Who did you go with?
[15-07:28] 056, ºMoppy: My photography class
[15-07:28] ecc, Refrication: Did you take lots of piccys?
[15-07:29] 056, ºMoppy: Nope, no cameras allowed
[15-07:29] ecc, Refrication: That's unusual.
[15-07:30] 056, ºMoppy: Yeah...
[15-07:31] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-07:31] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-07:31] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 7:31am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-07:32] 056, ºMoppy: Have you been to the Tate Modern before?
[15-07:32] ecc, Refrication: Hello, happy 20th birthday anniversary.
[15-07:32] ecc, Refrication: No.
[15-07:33] 056, ºMoppy: lol Steve is singing on the tv
[15-07:33] ecc, Refrication: I've never been out of my box.
[15-07:33] 056, ºMoppy: k
[15-07:33] ecc, Refrication: I was an unwanted xmas pressy.
[15-07:34] ecc, Refrication: I am broken sex-toy.
[15-07:34] 056, ºMoppy: k
[15-07:34] 056, ºMoppy: A dildo?
[15-07:35] ecc, Refrication: lol
[15-07:35] 056, ºMoppy: lol
[15-07:36] ecc, Refrication: I am an inflatable male-doll, I was punctured, I'm a let down, lol
[15-07:36] 056, ºMoppy: lol k
[15-07:37] ecc, Refrication: Do you know any girls who would like to fix me?
[15-07:38] 056, ºMoppy: Are you smoking a joint or summit?
[15-07:38] 056, ºMoppy: Are you smoking a joint or summit?
[15-07:38] ecc, Refrication: No, I don't do that.
[15-07:39] ecc, Refrication: I'm just trying to forget the stress I am under.
[15-07:39] 056, ºMoppy: lol k
[15-07:39] ecc, Refrication: I have lots to do, but I can't do anything else until I get the keys.
[15-07:40] 056, ºMoppy: oh
[15-07:40] ecc, Refrication: I only found the house last monday, and I am moving in this monday. It was so sudden.
[15-07:41] 056, ºMoppy: lol yeah
[15-07:41] ecc, Refrication: I have so much stuff to move, you just wouldn't believe it.
[15-07:42] ecc, Refrication: Ten wives, 48 children etc, etc, not really.
[15-07:42] 056, ºMoppy: k
[15-07:42] ecc, Refrication: Just ignore me.
[15-07:43] 056, ºMoppy: lol
[15-07:48] 056, ºMoppy: ...
[15-07:51] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-07:52] ecc, Refrication: ((((BOO!!!))))
[15-07:53] 056, ºMoppy: lol
[15-07:53] ecc, Refrication: Did you jump?
[15-07:54] 056, ºMoppy: huh?
[15-07:55] ecc, Refrication: Highlight the text, below.
[15-07:56] 056, ºMoppy: I did
[15-07:56] 056, ºMoppy: But, no, I didn't jump
[15-07:56] ecc, Refrication: Then why did you sat "huh?"
[15-07:56] ecc, Refrication: *say
[15-07:57] 056, ºMoppy: Because I didn't know what yoiu meant (blond moment)
[15-07:57] 056, ºMoppy: You*
[15-07:58] ecc, Refrication: I know some clever blondes.
[15-07:58] 056, ºMoppy: Who? Me?
[15-07:58] ecc, Refrication: They are so clever in bed, lol
[15-07:58] ecc, Refrication: Are you on pot?
[15-07:59] 056, ºMoppy: Nope, why you ask?
[15-07:59] ecc, Refrication: This: 056, ºMoppy: Who? Me?
[15-08:00] ecc, Refrication: What about it?
[15-08:00] 056, ºMoppy: You said you knew some clever blonds---I'm naturally blond
[15-08:02] 056, ºMoppy: Boner
[15-08:04] 056, ºMoppy: Ref?
[15-08:06] ecc, Refrication: What?
[15-08:06] 056, ºMoppy: I don't know what a clit is, could you please tell me?
[15-08:09] ecc, Refrication: Yes you do.
[15-08:09] JOIN: Death appears
[15-08:09] 056, ºMoppy: lmao
[15-08:09] ecc, Refrication: Hello, death.
[15-08:10] ecc, Refrication: It is sensitive to the touch/tongue.
[15-08:10] JOIN: Pogo appears
[15-08:10] 056, ºMoppy: lmao
[15-08:11] ecc, Refrication: it's juicy.
[15-08:11] ecc, Refrication: Tasty.
[15-08:11] JOIN: The Death Song Kid appears
[15-08:11] 056, ºMoppy: lol
[15-08:11] 056, Death: Greetings
[15-08:12] ecc, Refrication: Can be smelly.
[15-08:12] ecc, Refrication: How are you, death?
[15-08:12] 056, Death: I'm very well thanx, you?
[15-08:12] ecc, Refrication: I'm ok, are you the thycotic death?
[15-08:14] 056, Pogo: workworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkworkwork
[15-08:14] 056, ºMoppy: Don't think so
[15-08:14] 056, Death: No, I'm not I don't think
[15-08:14] 056, The Death Song Kid: Who the fuck let out the loonies
[15-08:15] ecc, Refrication: You should know, kid, they let you out.
[15-08:16] ecc, Refrication: Moppy, how would you know?
[15-08:16] 056, ºMoppy: Because I used to know Death from Thycotic
[15-08:16] 056, The Death Song Kid: Fuck you
[15-08:17] 056, Pogo: jumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjumpjuympjumpjumpjumpjumpjump
[15-08:17] ecc, Refrication: We know you are the same person: 056, Death: 056, The Death Song Kid: 056, ºMoppy:
[15-08:17] ecc, Refrication: lol
[15-08:17] 056, ºMoppy: lol
[15-08:18] EXIT: Death disappears ( 8:14am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-08:18] EXIT: Pogo disappears ( 8:17am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-08:18] EXIT: The Death Song Kid disappears ( 8:16am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-08:18] ecc, Refrication: So, Moppy, you used to be Pogo in thycotic?
[15-08:18] 056, ºMoppy: Having fun?
[15-08:18] 056, ºMoppy: Nope, that's the first time I used the name Pogo
[15-08:19] ecc, Refrication: Ok.
[15-08:19] ecc, Refrication: brb.
[15-08:19] 056, ºMoppy: k...
[15-08:23] 056, ºMoppy: 666hnnmn776666bmnsj666hjswkd666djsjhedtd666dhso666wjqh66624sh666sdjw9666hskd666109387666wjskj666ws9sj666jwiw9899266622222222266
[15-08:25] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-08:26] ecc, Refrication: I'm so anxious and I can't do anything.
[15-08:26] 056, ºMoppy: k
[15-08:26] ecc, Refrication: I'm so anxious and I can't do anything.
[15-08:27] ecc, Refrication: If only you knew how difficult it is to put that multi-gym back together.
[15-08:27] 056, ºMoppy: lol I wouldn't own a multi-gym
[15-08:28] ecc, Refrication: Why not?
[15-08:28] 056, ºMoppy: Because I don't like that kind of thing
[15-08:29] ecc, Refrication: You don't like to be manly?
[15-08:29] 056, ºMoppy: Nope
[15-08:29] ecc, Refrication: Don't be stupid.
[15-08:30] 056, ºMoppy: What? I don't see the point, I don't enjoy going down the gym or doing sport, so therefore I do not do it
[15-08:30] ecc, Refrication: It's the only way to be.
[15-08:31] ecc, Refrication: When you get old you will be saggy.
[15-08:31] 056, ºMoppy: I don't plan to get old
[15-08:31] ecc, Refrication: Are you going to commit suicide?
[15-08:31] 056, ºMoppy: Dunno
[15-08:31] ecc, Refrication: Can I help? joking.
[15-08:32] 056, ºMoppy: lol
[15-08:32] ecc, Refrication: If it is faded's b/d, how can he be 20?
[15-08:33] 056, ºMoppy: What?
[15-08:33] ecc, Refrication: I wasn't 20 when I was born.
[15-08:33] 056, ºMoppy: Ha, you're funny aren't you *rolls eyes*
[15-08:34] ecc, Refrication: No, I am justbeing correct.
[15-08:34] 056, ºMoppy: I feel like eating ice cream brb
[15-08:37] ecc, Refrication: I think I will play "Resident Evil: Outbreak" soon.
[15-08:41] ecc, Refrication: I think I will take a bath first, see you later.
[15-08:41] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 8:41am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-08:49] JOIN: Moppy appears
[15-09:00] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-09:00] 865, ºMoppy: ..........................
[15-09:00] 865, ºMoppy: Hey again
[15-09:11] 865, ºMoppy: Or not...
[15-10:03] JOIN: Aphotic Atrocity appears
[15-10:03] 865, ºMoppy: lol hello again...
[15-10:05] 538, Aphotic Atrocity: My avatar works in here but not there for some reason...
[15-10:05] 865, ºMoppy: Probably because they got this annoying music thing in the other room
[15-10:06] 538, Aphotic Atrocity: maybe
[15-10:10] JOIN: Heretic appears
[15-10:10] 865, ºMoppy: Hey Heretic
[15-10:11] 815, §Heretic : hello
[15-10:13] 865, ºMoppy: IF YOU'RE 555 THEN I'M 666 WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE A HERETIC!!!!!!!!!!
[15-10:13] 815, §Heretic : it sux ass to be a heretic. no one gets you. NO ONE!
[15-10:14] 865, ºMoppy: lol
[15-10:15] 865, ºMoppy: Scoob
[15-10:15] 815, §Heretic : ??
[15-10:15] 865, ºMoppy: You heard of an artist called Cy Twobly?
[15-10:16] 815, §Heretic : nope
[15-10:17] 865, ºMoppy: He's so amazing, I'd never heard of him, until yesterday when I saw 4 of his HUGE paintings at the Tate Modern Gallery, I just stood there and looked at them for ages
[15-10:17] 815, §Heretic : kewl
[15-10:18] 865, ºMoppy: I saw some Salvador Dali originals as well
[15-10:18] 815, §Heretic : right on. pioneer in the obscureed reality. lol
[15-10:19] 865, ºMoppy: lol yeah...I saw his 'Lobster Telephone'
[15-10:19] 815, §Heretic : im jealous
[15-10:19] 865, ºMoppy: lol
[15-10:19] 815, §Heretic : ur who now and a what what?
[15-10:20] 865, ºMoppy: They had some stuff by Damien Hirst, the guy who cuts up animals...but I couldn't find them
[15-10:20] 815, §Heretic : t sux
[15-10:21] 865, ºMoppy: There was this weird/freaky head with a face projected on it in the corner and it talked and shit
[15-10:21] 815, §Heretic : OMG i saw that here in louisville man!
[15-10:22] 815, §Heretic : talked about psycology an shit?
[15-10:22] 865, ºMoppy: Really??? Do you know the artist who done it?
[15-10:22] 865, ºMoppy: Yeah!
[15-10:22] 815, §Heretic : no i cannot recall the name
[15-10:22] 815, §Heretic : but i love that piece man.
[15-10:22] 865, ºMoppy: Did the head thing have horns?
[15-10:24] 815, §Heretic : i dun think so. been awhile since i saw it tho
[15-10:24] 865, ºMoppy: Oh, lol yeah it was very good
[15-10:25] 865, ºMoppy: Do you know the Tate Modern Gallery?
[15-10:25] 815, §Heretic : i remember the head just being like a blank space with no features
[15-10:26] 865, ºMoppy: Kool
[15-10:28] 815, §Heretic : brb
[15-10:28] 865, ºMoppy: k
[15-10:31] 865, ºMoppy: Bad hand writing shows intelligence
[15-10:31] 815, §Heretic : back
[15-10:32] 865, ºMoppy: Wb
[15-10:39] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-10:39] 865, ºMoppy: brb
[15-10:39] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 10:39am, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-11:06] JOIN: Moppy appears
[15-11:07] a95, ºMoppy: ...............
[15-11:08] 815, §Heretic : what?
[15-11:08] a95, ºMoppy: Huh?
[15-11:08] 815, §Heretic : dunno
[15-11:09] a95, ºMoppy: lol k
[15-11:10] JOIN: Moppy appears
[15-11:11] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *wanders in*
[15-11:12] a95, ºMoppy: Cerf!! *hugs*
[15-11:12] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Moppy!! Holy crap *hugs*
[15-11:13] a95, ºMoppy: lol
[15-11:13] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Where the hell have ya been?
[15-11:13] a95, ºMoppy: Busy
[15-11:13] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-11:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hey Ref
[15-11:14]       Refrication looks.
[15-11:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : How have you been, Moppy?
[15-11:14] a95, ºMoppy: White Screen
[15-11:14]       Refrication Hello
[15-11:15] a95, ºMoppy: I've been ok thanx-stressed-you?
[15-11:15]       Refrication Do hauntings usually get worse when you are moving?
[15-11:15]       Refrication Because mine is.
[15-11:16] a95, ºMoppy: lol
[15-11:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Depends on where you move..
[15-11:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I've been alright, Moppy.. Happy cos I saw Maya the other day 6.^
[15-11:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ^.^*
[15-11:16] a95, ºMoppy: White Screen
[15-11:17] 815, §Heretic : hello
[15-11:17] ecc, Refrication: About 30 mins ago a ghost shot a bauble across the room.
[15-11:17] a95, ºMoppy: Kool:)
[15-11:17]       Refrication A bauble just shot across the room, about 30 mins ago.
[15-11:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bauble?
[15-11:18]       Moppy laughs
[15-11:18] 815, §Heretic : hello
[15-11:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hey Heretic
[15-11:19] ecc, Refrication: Yes, a xmas bauble from the tree.
[15-11:19] 815, §Heretic : hi cerf. how are you ref?
[15-11:19] ecc, Refrication: Yes, a xmas bauble from the tree.
[15-11:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Bulb, you mean?
[15-11:20] ecc, Refrication: Bauble is the real name.
[15-11:20] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Well.. I live in Canada.. we use bulb o.O
[15-11:20] ecc, Refrication: This proves it:
[15-11:20] a95, ºMoppy: -----------------------------------------666
[15-11:21] 815, §Heretic : what's it like to be a heretic!
[15-11:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : brb gotta take the garbage out
[15-11:23] a95, ºMoppy: If I take a gun and blow my brains over canvas, I wonder if it would be displayed in an art gallery
[15-11:23] 815, §Heretic : could be
[15-11:24] a95, ºMoppy: If I DO ever do that, you Heretic, have my permission to submit it to a gallery
[15-11:24] 815, §Heretic : u got it man.
[15-11:25] a95, ºMoppy: Cheers
[15-11:26] ecc, Refrication: Heretic, do you believe in "benefic" symbols.
[15-11:26] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Aww, I want to o.O.. mind you i'd have to resist the urge in eating the bits.
[15-11:26] 815, §Heretic : benefic?
[15-11:26] a95, ºMoppy: Damn comp!
[15-11:27] ecc, Refrication: Yes, like a crucifix etc.
[15-11:27] ecc, Refrication: Star od David and such.
[15-11:27] ecc, Refrication: *of
[15-11:27] a95, ºMoppy: lol@Cerf
[15-11:27] 815, §Heretic : symbols have only the power the believer puts into them
[15-11:27] ecc, Refrication: So you don't?
[15-11:28] a95, ºMoppy: Feed the woooooooooorrrrrrrllllllld
[15-11:28] 815, §Heretic : no
[15-11:28] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Oh god o.O
[15-11:29] a95, ºMoppy: Jump, jump, jump around!!
[15-11:29] ecc, Refrication: Why do you worship me, then? lmao
[15-11:29] 815, §Heretic : cuz ur so ruggedly handsome
[15-11:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Jump up jump up get down..
[15-11:29] ecc, Refrication: I wish.
[15-11:30] 815, §Heretic : is this a rap thing you two are doing?
[15-11:30] a95, ºMoppy: Have you ever danced with the Devil in the pale moon light...I ask this of all my prey...
[15-11:30] 1f1, §Cerfestas : House of Pain
[15-11:31] 815, §Heretic : *sigh*
[15-11:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : it could be worse
[15-11:31] 815, §Heretic : plz not worse
[15-11:32] a95, ºMoppy: Give it to me baby AHA AHA! And all the girls said he's pretty fly for a white guy...
[15-11:32] 815, §Heretic : it's worse
[15-11:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No.. worse than that..
[15-11:33] 815, §Heretic : yes well i submit to your torture.
[15-11:34] a95, ºMoppy: ...
[15-11:34] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lodi dodi we likes to party.. we don't cause no trouble.. we don't bother no body.. we're just some niggaz who're on a mic.. ><
[15-11:35] a95, ºMoppy: My comp's being really slow...brb
[15-11:35] 815, §Heretic : you win you win you win you win you win you win you win you win
[15-11:36]       Heretic shuts eyes and closes ears
[15-11:38] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *coughs*.... uhh.. uhh.. she is everything in more.. the solemn hypnotic.. my dahlia, bathed in possesion, she is home to me...
[15-11:38] 1f1, §Cerfestas : better?
[15-11:39] 815, §Heretic : ty
[15-11:39] 1f1, §Cerfestas : vermillion.. by slipknot
[15-11:41] 815, §Heretic : i know. i like their new stuff even tho some old fans think it's too commerical
[15-11:42] 1f1, §Cerfestas : i haven't heared their other songs oh and pulse of the maggots.. but yea.. i liked their first album a lot..
[15-11:43] 815, §Heretic : mbers was good but i liked idaho better
[15-11:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Iowa lol
[15-11:43] 815, §Heretic : *numbers
[15-11:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ?
[15-11:44] 815, §Heretic : soeaking of which duality is on the radio now. lol
[15-11:44] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ..or is that a song on the new album? o.o
[15-11:44] 815, §Heretic : yeah Iowa. lmao
[15-11:45] 815, §Heretic : yeah duality is their biggest commercial hit from their new CD which i do not know the name of and do not have
[15-11:45] 815, §Heretic : i love the line "jesus never went and pushed his way inside."
[15-11:45] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ah
[15-11:47] 815, §Heretic : "all i've got .. all i've got is insane."
[15-11:48] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hehe
[15-11:50] JOIN: Moppy appears
[15-11:50] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Welcome back Moppy
[15-11:50] JOIN: Moppy appears
[15-11:51] 7d0, ºMoppy: Cheers:)
[15-11:52] 815, §Heretic : not dead yet?
[15-11:52] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Aww.. moppy can't die
[15-11:52] 815, §Heretic : he wants to die for his art.
[15-11:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Wait until you're fourty and living on the street because no one will buy a sketch for a dollar.. that is when you kill yourself for your art..
[15-11:53] 815, §Heretic : that's depressing
[15-11:54] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I forsee that happening to me lol
[15-11:54] 7d0, ºMoppy: lol
[15-11:54] 815, §Heretic : then do avoid that
[15-11:55] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I dunno. I think that'd make my life interesting. lol
[15-11:55] 7d0, ºMoppy: lol, Cerf, you should see what I'm doing for my art coursework
[15-11:55] 815, §Heretic : ugh
[15-11:56] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What's that?
[15-11:58] 7d0, ºMoppy: lol our final piece has to be a, to be different, I'm making a horrific and depraved short movie lol
[15-11:58] 1f1, §Cerfestas : That's awesome lol
[15-11:58] 815, §Heretic : right on moppy
[15-11:58] 815, §Heretic : man i gotta tell you something
[15-11:59] 1f1, §Cerfestas : We're doing portraits right now too.. four different ones and all.. so.. yea.. last one is going to be a painting of lke.. my face melting off the skull or w/e..
[15-11:59] 7d0, ºMoppy: kool
[15-11:59] 7d0, ºMoppy: Yeah?
[15-11:59] 815, §Heretic : i think you might have what it takes to stand out from the rest with your work and be a true artist . someone ppl will remember.
[15-12:01] 7d0, ºMoppy: Wow, thank you, I am actually smiling now:)
[15-12:02] 815, §Heretic : get urself a website up man. or at least an online portfolio just so we can check it out
[15-12:02] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *chews on her tongue*
[15-12:03] 7d0, ºMoppy: Yeah, I would, but I don't really have the stuff to make a website or get my stuff onto my comp
[15-12:03] JOIN: Darkheart appears
[15-12:03] 815, §Heretic : go to public library. they can help you scan your work
[15-12:04] 7d0, ºMoppy: Me and Cerf could start a new art movement!!! Like a new DaDaism!
[15-12:04] 815, §Heretic : hello darkheart
[15-12:04] a76, ºDarkheart: Hi guys ..thought I would come online for a few mins
[15-12:04] 815, §Heretic : i love how ppl pronounce that word
[15-12:04] a76, ºDarkheart: Hi Heretic,how are you?
[15-12:05] 815, §Heretic : alrighty. still a heretic
[15-12:05] a76, ºDarkheart: Hi Moppy ,Cerf
[15-12:05] 1f1, §Cerfestas : mm.
[15-12:06] 7d0, ºMoppy: Hi Darkheart!
[15-12:07] a76, ºDarkheart: How are you Moppy?
[15-12:07] 7d0, ºMoppy: Heretic, I would LOVE to make my own site, but it's kind of awkward right now...I'll have to get someone who knows what they're doing to help me
[15-12:07] 7d0, ºMoppy: I'm Grrrreat thanx, you?
[15-12:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *waves at Moppy*
[15-12:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : use Deviantart
[15-12:08] a76, ºDarkheart: I'm fine ,thank you
[15-12:08] 815, §Heretic : i have a friend who does that stuff freelance but you would have to pay him. he works cheap tho.
[15-12:08] 815, §Heretic : yeah u could just scan ur stuff and upload it onto deviant art.
[15-12:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : s'what i did...
[15-12:10] 7d0, ºMoppy: Hm, maybe I will do that...gotta find someone with a scanner...HANG ON!!!!
[15-12:10]       Heretic hangs on to self with both hands* are my balls swollen...?
[15-12:12] 7d0, ºMoppy: lol my art teacher called me a genious last week and said I was improving at my own unique style of painting and said I should think about going on to study Fine Art when I leave college
[15-12:13] 815, §Heretic : kewl
[15-12:13] a76, ºDarkheart: thats great Moppy
[15-12:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hrm..
[15-12:14] a76, ºDarkheart: Hey Cerf ,have you ever heard of Mushroom Head?
[15-12:14] 7d0, ºMoppy: Damn the person I thought would have a scanner doesn't...
[15-12:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yes.. no i don't like then
[15-12:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : them*
[15-12:14] 7d0, ºMoppy: Have you seen Cerf's profile on Dieviantart?
[15-12:15] 815, §Heretic : scan at shcool or the library man
[15-12:15] 7d0, ºMoppy: Heretic?
[15-12:15] 815, §Heretic : ?
[15-12:16] 7d0, ºMoppy: Have you seen Cerf's profile?
[15-12:16] 815, §Heretic : seen her deviantart gallery
[15-12:17] a76, ºDarkheart: Im sorry are you talking to me ?
[15-12:17] a76, ºDarkheart: nope ,I guess not ..never mind
[15-12:17] 7d0, ºMoppy: lol
[15-12:17] 815, §Heretic : that's alot to read
[15-12:17] 7d0, ºMoppy: She is a better painter than me
[15-12:18] 815, §Heretic : dun worry bout it man. do your thing and no one else's
[15-12:18] 815, §Heretic : brb. gonna check mail now
[15-12:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : i dan't paint worth shit.
[15-12:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : can't*
[15-12:18] 7d0, ºMoppy: You did the painting called...''Just paint your face''?
[15-12:19] a76, ºDarkheart: I did not know you painted ,Cerf
[15-12:19] a76, ºDarkheart: I will have to look at it sometime
[15-12:20] 7d0, ºMoppy: I went to the Tate Modern Gallery yesterday, in London
[15-12:20] a76, ºDarkheart: did you have fun Moppy?
[15-12:21] 7d0, ºMoppy: It was great, I fell in love with these 4 HUGE paintings by a guy named Cy Twombly, I just stood there looking at them for ages
[15-12:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yea I painted that..
[15-12:22] a76, ºDarkheart: Im going to go now .....bye
[15-12:22] 7d0, ºMoppy: I really do like that painting, Cerf, it's Klass
[15-12:22] EXIT: Darkheart disappears ( 12:22pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-12:22] 7d0, ºMoppy: Bye
[15-12:23] 7d0, ºMoppy: Although I think I told you that before
[15-12:26] 1f1, §Cerfestas : klass?
[15-12:26] 7d0, ºMoppy: I'm off lol looks like my friends will be calling on me to come out later lol, pleasent nightmares, nice to talk to you again
[15-12:26] 7d0, ºMoppy: Klass means great lol
[15-12:27]       Moppy hugs Cerf and walks out
[15-12:27] EXIT: Moppy disappears ( 12:27pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-12:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bye..
[15-12:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *gets up and walks out*
[15-12:32] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-12:32]       Refrication watches everyone leave, from his lurking spot.
[15-12:32]       Refrication watches everyone leave, from his lurking spot.
[15-12:53] 815, §Heretic : ...
[15-13:11] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[15-13:13] 815, §Heretic : hi sui
[15-13:15] 815, §Heretic : or not
[15-13:16] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 1:15pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-13:17] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-13:17]       Refrication slithers through, like a snake.
[15-13:17] ecc, Refrication: Bye.
[15-13:17] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 1:17pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-13:40] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[15-14:06] JOIN: Asterius appears
[15-14:21] JOIN: Osiris appears
[15-14:22] EXIT: Osiris disappears ( 2:21pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-14:23] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-15:25]       Advent rolls around on the carpet
[15-15:45] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-15:46] 350, §Advent: funboy?
[15-15:47] 350, §Advent: ?
[15-15:49]       Advent goes back about his bussiness
[15-15:51] JOIN: maya appears
[15-15:51] 082, ºmaya: boo!
[15-15:51] 082, ºmaya: oi!
[15-15:52] 350, §Advent: MAYA!!
[15-15:52] 082, ºmaya: ADVENT!!!
[15-15:52]       Advent hugles maya cause shes so cute...."how are you hun?":
[15-15:52] 082, ºmaya: *blushes*
[15-15:52] 082, ºmaya: *blushes*
[15-15:52] 082, ºmaya: *blushes*
[15-15:52] 082, ºmaya: fabulous! You hun?
[15-15:52] 350, §Advent: shes blushing times cute ^_^
[15-15:53] 082, ºmaya: do me a favour..i think my msn is fucking out..please send me a message
[15-15:53] 350, §Advent: im well.....gotta go to work later on but shouls be relaxed
[15-15:53] 350, §Advent: ok ill send ya one
[15-15:54] 082, ºmaya: youre lookin pretty darn cute yourself>>>
[15-15:54] 350, §Advent: your offline maya
[15-15:54] 350, §Advent: hey maya...why do peoples ay that?
[15-15:54] 082, ºmaya: hmphfff
[15-15:54] 082, ºmaya: hmphfff
[15-15:55] 350, §Advent: how am i cute?...thanks for the compliment hun...but why does everyone say im cute?..i ont se it
[15-15:55] JOIN: Darkheart appears
[15-15:55] 350, §Advent: *donts ee it*
[15-15:55] 350, §Advent: darkheart!!!!!!!
[15-15:55] 082, ºmaya: ok,ok,..not cute.....damn hot? sexy?
[15-15:55] 17e, ºDarkheart: Hi Advent :)
[15-15:55] 082, ºmaya: hey dark!
[15-15:56] 17e, ºDarkheart: Hi maya
[15-15:56] 350, §Advent: lol@maya...sorry huhn..but i dont see myself as cute,,,kik,
[15-15:56] 082, ºmaya: little blue msn men have disappeared
[15-15:56] 17e, ºDarkheart: how are you two ?
[15-15:56] 082, ºmaya: maybe they have eloped
[15-15:56]       Advent hugs heart..."i havent seen you for a are you?>
[15-15:56] 082, ºmaya: brb
[15-15:56] 350, §Advent: lol@maya..there having super hot sex
[15-15:57]       Darkheart hugs Advent ..."Im ok "
[15-15:57] 350, §Advent: thats good to hear.....have you seen serene lately heart?
[15-15:57] 082, ºmaya: spying on em
[15-15:58] 17e, ºDarkheart: Im not for sure if I know who serene is ,sorry
[15-15:58] 350, §Advent: hey maya my bands playing firday...and im gonna sing a song for ya..cause you came back..after a 1000 years of you being gone
[15-15:58] 350, §Advent: its ok heart...not many ppl notice
[15-15:59] 17e, ºDarkheart: I dont get online much any more
[15-15:59] 082, ºmaya: for maya!!!!
[15-15:59] 082, ºmaya: damn....brb
[15-15:59] 17e, ºDarkheart: I dont even have e-mail or msn anymore
[15-16:00] 350, §Advent: whys that hear?
[15-16:00] 17e, ºDarkheart: I just dont hon
[15-16:00] 350, §Advent: whys that heart?
[15-16:01] 350, §Advent: o ok
[15-16:01] 350, §Advent: i came in here the other day looking for evrery
[15-16:02] 17e, ºDarkheart: I think today is the first day I have been online in a week
[15-16:03] 350, §Advent: ive been gone for 2 weeks
[15-16:03] 350, §Advent: glad to see your ok
[15-16:03] 17e, ºDarkheart: oh wow ,how come ?
[15-16:04] 350, §Advent: firend neded one i told you about...they also neded rent money so i worked my ass off to make 3000 for them
[15-16:04] 17e, ºDarkheart: Im ok ,but things could be better ,you know?
[15-16:04] 350, §Advent: tell me about it
[15-16:05] 17e, ºDarkheart: sounds like your a real good friend
[15-16:06] 350, §Advent: *smiles*..i am heart...tell me whats wrong ...if you want of coursae.
[15-16:07] 17e, ºDarkheart: I would ,but you know ..some how I will be ok ,but thanks
[15-16:08]       Advent sighs...."ok long as your ok that is...but you know im always here to talk if you ever want to"
[15-16:09] 17e, ºDarkheart: thank you
[15-16:10] 350, §Advent: ^_^ hows our kid? mean your kid?....*just trying to make jokes here ya know*
[15-16:10] 17e, ºDarkheart: lol..he is ok
[15-16:10] 350, §Advent: yesterday my boss was bitching at me..she looks like a guy..sometimes i think it is a guy
[15-16:10] 17e, ºDarkheart: oh no
[15-16:11] 350, §Advent: i always think of that song..."dude looks like a lady.....dude looks like a lady"...i dont know...its should be..."lady looks like a dude"
[15-16:11] 350, §Advent: i wish i had her facial hair..*sighs*...ehheeh
[15-16:11] 17e, ºDarkheart: omg ADVENT
[15-16:12] 17e, ºDarkheart: lol
[15-16:12] 350, §Advent: what?
[15-16:12] 350, §Advent:
[15-16:12] 350, §Advent: brb
[15-16:12]       Darkheart smiles a lil
[15-16:13] 17e, ºDarkheart: ok
[15-16:16] 350, §Advent: back
[15-16:16] 350, §Advent: whats the opmg abotu heart?
[15-16:16] 17e, ºDarkheart: k
[15-16:16] 350, §Advent: *omg*
[15-16:17] 17e, ºDarkheart: it was nothing ,just thought it was kinda funny when you said ..wish i had her facial hair
[15-16:17] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[15-16:18] 17e, ºDarkheart: Hello Sui
[15-16:18] 17e, ºDarkheart: how are you?
[15-16:18] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey Darkheart, i'm ok, you?
[15-16:19] 17e, ºDarkheart: im ,so
[15-16:19]       Advent hugles sui
[15-16:19]       SuicideBlonde kisses Advent and hugs him..."hello love, how are you?"
[15-16:19] 350, §Advent: well...heart...she has peach fuzz......all aorund her face...but its thick thick fuzz...zz top
[15-16:20] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-16:20]       Refrication walks through, fast, then disappears.
[15-16:20] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 4:20pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-16:20] 350, §Advent: im ok sui...*hugs sui back*..gotta work today later on*
[15-16:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: seems to be the way of the day dh...everybody is so, so....
[15-16:20] 350, §Advent: im happy
[15-16:21] 350, §Advent: im also ewating a nice
[15-16:21] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, i am getting ready to go do some running around...i will be back later
[15-16:21] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: glad your happy Advent
[15-16:21] 350, §Advent: beer and cherrios
[15-16:21] 350, §Advent: yummy!!!!
[15-16:21] 350, §Advent: heart?
[15-16:21] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yummy...
[15-16:22] 350, §Advent : hheheh
[15-16:22] 350, §Advent : aww im poking myself help!!!
[15-16:23] 350, §Advent : d
[15-16:23] 350, §Advent : lol
[15-16:24] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, just thought i would check in for a minute
[15-16:24] JOIN: Darkheart appears
[15-16:24] MSG: Advent sent a message to Darkheart.
[15-16:24]       Advent kises sui cause he loves her so..."ok love"
[15-16:25] 789, ºDarkheart: take care Sui
[15-16:25]       Advent pokes heart with a penguin
[15-16:25] 789, ºDarkheart: O.O
[15-16:26]       SuicideBlonde smiles and kisses him back...."te amo Advent", i'll be back in a little later
[15-16:26] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: take care dh...good to see you
[15-16:26] 789, ºDarkheart: I think I should go .......take care Sui ,Advent
[15-16:26] 789, ºDarkheart: bye
[15-16:26] EXIT: Darkheart disappears ( 4:26pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-16:26] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: bye dh
[15-16:26]       Advent actually pokes people trough out the day,.,,,"i poke them in the side here and there"
[15-16:27]       Advent pokes sui in the pink spots
[15-16:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol
[15-16:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: O.O...i likey
[15-16:27] 350, §Advent : lol
[15-16:28] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[15-16:29]       Advent hugs sui once more..."i klnow love its ok..idt you say u had somewere you had to be going to?
[15-16:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i have to go deliver something to Angel...if i can find him...he seems to be mia at the moment
[15-16:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah, boring running around and what we talked about last night
[15-16:30] 350, §Advent : check the super smirk store
[15-16:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: HEHEHE
[15-16:30] 350, §Advent: look for somewere were people smirk all over the places
[15-16:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, love *hugs him again* i'm off now...i will see you later tonight...will you be back here later?
[15-16:31] 350, §Advent: *hugs sui*..sorry love i muswt gett to work now....*ksies sui all over*..see you tonigh?
[15-16:31] 350, §Advent: yeah be back in 6 hours sui ...*runs out?*
[15-16:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, me too...later
[15-16:32] JOIN: blane appears
[15-16:33]       SuicideBlonde on her way out she waves to blane who appears to be wearing oddly familiar black rimmed glasses
[15-16:33] 326, ºblane: nope it's a hoodie and blue jeans
[15-16:34] 326, ºblane: hey when am i gonna get HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLANE!!! on the thingie up above
[15-16:34] JOIN: Refrication appears
[15-16:36] ecc, Refrication: It should say: happy birthday anniversary, it is only your birthday the day you are born.
[15-16:36] 326, ºblane: bloody 'ell it's a english man
[15-16:36] ecc, Refrication: Yes, the best kind of people.
[15-16:37] 326, ºblane: how goes it today governer?
[15-16:37] JOIN: pishtosh appears
[15-16:37] ecc, Refrication: It goes stressful.
[15-16:38] ecc, Refrication: What about you?
[15-16:38] ecc, Refrication: I have 4 days to get into a new house, I have too much to do.
[15-16:40] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-16:40] ecc, Refrication: And then there was silence.
[15-16:41]       †Angel of Sin† walks in and looks around
[15-16:41] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-16:41] ecc, Refrication: Hello, sinner.
[15-16:41] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:41pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-16:41] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: sui?
[15-16:41] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: hi ref
[15-16:41] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-16:41] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[15-16:42] ecc, Refrication: How are you? and are you pretty new here?
[15-16:42]       †Angel of Sin† looks around for Sui... "mummy?!?!?"
[15-16:42] ecc, Refrication: Hello, quiet one.
[15-16:42] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: me? ah, well, i met a few ppl from here in Torgoth, like, about a year or so ago.
[15-16:43] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: but left for a while, cos my school banned the site, and i didn't have a home comp then.
[15-16:43] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[15-16:43] b44, ºQuietChylde: hello
[15-16:43] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: where's sssuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii???
[15-16:43] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: howsy chylde
[15-16:43] ecc, Refrication: She left.
[15-16:43] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: *howdy
[15-16:44] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: she did? aw. *cries*
[15-16:44] EXIT: pishtosh disappears ( 4:43pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-16:44] ecc, Refrication: Who the pish was that?
[15-16:44] 326, ºblane: i'm allright.. did my christmas shopping
[15-16:45] ecc, Refrication: Do you fancy her?
[15-16:45] JOIN: pishtosh appears
[15-16:45] ecc, Refrication: Are you taking the pish?
[15-16:45] 8c9, pishtosh: ugh. man. i need some chocolate milk.
[15-16:45] b44, ºQuietChylde: how are you all .. ?
[15-16:46] ecc, Refrication: Stressed, very.
[15-16:46] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: do i fancy sui? ...Sui is my mummy ^_^
[15-16:46] ecc, Refrication: Don't be silly.
[15-16:46] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: okkk
[15-16:46] 8c9, pishtosh: heh.
[15-16:47] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: huh? she iiiissssssssss you can ask her!!!
[15-16:47] ecc, Refrication: Where have those lips been?
[15-16:47] ecc, Refrication: No.
[15-16:47] ecc, Refrication: I don't believe that rubbish.
[15-16:47] JOIN: maya appears
[15-16:47] 8c9, pishtosh: nowhere interesting lately.
[15-16:47] 082, ºmaya: ello ello
[15-16:48] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: hu maya
[15-16:48] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[15-16:48]       maya hugs sin
[15-16:48] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: *hi
[15-16:48] 082, ºmaya: hey hey ref...long time n all
[15-16:48]       †Angel of Sin† hugs maya back
[15-16:48] ecc, Refrication: Time is nothing to me.
[15-16:49] 8c9, pishtosh: pff...
[15-16:49] b44, ºQuietChylde: well... I gotta go .. later all
[15-16:49]       †Angel of Sin† looks around for blane
[15-16:49] EXIT: QuietChylde disappears ( 4:49pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-16:49] 8c9, pishtosh: lata homes!
[15-16:49] ecc, Refrication: Pffft.
[15-16:49] 8c9, pishtosh: ptttbbb.
[15-16:49] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: byes chylde... have fun!
[15-16:49] ecc, Refrication: Bye.
[15-16:49] 082, ºmaya: dum de dum
[15-16:49]       †Angel of Sin† continues her search for blane. . . .
[15-16:50]       maya falls asleep
[15-16:50]       maya dreams of having sins pink....
[15-16:50]       †Angel of Sin† gives maya a blanky and a pillow and pets her
[15-16:50] 8c9, pishtosh: kinky.
[15-16:50]       Refrication just looks.
[15-16:50]       maya thinks sins pink is much nicer than her pink
[15-16:51]       Advent walks in..."i got the day off"
[15-16:51] 326, ºblane: *hocks a loogie from the rafters*
[15-16:51] ecc, Refrication: I bet.
[15-16:51] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: my pink? tis myyyyy ...but i could share it for a li'l while
[15-16:51] 082, ºmaya: something just splatted on my head
[15-16:51] 350, §Advent: shit i missed chylde...o weell
[15-16:51] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: DADDDYYYYY! *runs and tackles advent*
[15-16:52]       Advent falls over..."hello sin"
[15-16:52]       pishtosh just broke her led zep cd in half, guys
[15-16:52]       †Angel of Sin† looks up to the rafters... oh that's where blane was hiding *waves* "so, do you like me today? or am i a bitch today?"
[15-16:52] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[15-16:52] 082, ºmaya: awwwwwww
[15-16:52] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: hiya daddy dear.
[15-16:52] 326, ºblane: i'm just distracted
[15-16:53] 350, §Advent: led zep.. o well...*puts on the wall*
[15-16:53]       †Angel of Sin† see's maya's woken up and goes to shnuggle with her
[15-16:53] 350, §Advent: we dont need no education...
[15-16:53] ecc, Refrication: That isn't a pic of the real Advent, he isn't that young.
[15-16:53] 082, ºmaya: snuggle...*makes snuggling noises*
[15-16:53] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: it's li'l advent!
[15-16:54] 350, §Advent: thats me when i was 15 diging up old see my dog?
[15-16:54]       †Angel of Sin† pets maya
[15-16:54] 350, §Advent: lol#@sin......its there so sin wont feel so young,,,*smirks at sin*
[15-16:54] ecc, Refrication: I already did, I was spying.
[15-16:54] 8c9, pishtosh: pink floyd, pfft.
[15-16:54] 082, ºmaya: purrrrrs
[15-16:54] 082, ºmaya: how old sin?
[15-16:54] 350, §Advent: i bet you were
[15-16:54]       †Angel of Sin† likes to be the baby of the chat lol.
[15-16:55]       Advent hands maya and sin some lolly pops/...."there you go kiddies"
[15-16:55] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: but i think glamish feathy's beatin me by a couple of year *pouts*
[15-16:55] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: *years
[15-16:55] 082, ºmaya: me kid? im the ripe ol age of 25!
[15-16:55] ecc, Refrication: And the cockatiel.
[15-16:56] 082, ºmaya: cock a what?
[15-16:56]       †Angel of Sin† takes the lollypop and licks it... MMMMMmmmmm [i] strawberry!! [/]
[15-16:56] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: oops
[15-16:56] 350, §Advent: lol
[15-16:56] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: cock? where?
[15-16:56]       maya bounces baby sin on her knee
[15-16:56] 350, §Advent: sin!!
[15-16:56]       maya points at ad
[15-16:56]       †Angel of Sin† looks at maya, im 16.
[15-16:56] ecc, Refrication: Don't be disgusting children.
[15-16:57]       Advent pets his daughter on the head,,,,"evvy would flip....cause im a hippie and all"
[15-16:57] 350, §Advent: lol@maya..yes hun we know we know...dont have to anounce it now
[15-16:57]       †Angel of Sin† blushes... sorry *holds her wrist out to be smacked*
[15-16:57] 350, §Advent: its not digusting right maya...*winks*
[15-16:57]       maya smacks said wrist
[15-16:57]       †Angel of Sin† sighs... Evvy is dumb at times. im sorry daddy...
[15-16:58]       Advent doesnt smack sin and tells her to go run off and play with maya....literally if she wants...hjehehe
[15-16:58] 082, ºmaya: who you??? never!! not disgusting..noooooo
[15-16:58] ecc, Refrication: Well, you are 16, you are a legal sexual being, here.
[15-16:58] 350, §Advent: lol
[15-16:58] 082, ºmaya: lol
[15-16:58]       †Angel of Sin† *pouts - as children do when they get smacked - and pets her wrist*
[15-16:58] 082, ºmaya: do you still chat to crystal ref?
[15-16:58] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: im legal here too! why do you think evan's still with me lol
[15-16:59] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: nah its not like that.
[15-16:59] ecc, Refrication: I only talk to one person.
[15-16:59] 082, ºmaya: yourself?
[15-16:59]       †Angel of Sin† takes advents advice and goes to "play" with maya
[15-16:59] ecc, Refrication: Sometimes.
[15-16:59] JOIN: Twiggit appears
[15-16:59] 350, §Advent: omg..i got someone ....great...*hugs sin and maya*..gotta run you ro,,,,,,,be back later,...*tuns out happy to skate with some old friends*
[15-17:00] 082, ºmaya: woooohooooo!
[15-17:00] 9fe, Twiggit: Ehiem?
[15-17:00] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: twiggit? ...hi twiggit!
[15-17:00] ecc, Refrication: Hello, twiglet.
[15-17:00] 350, §Advent: lol@twiggit...hey man whats up welcome to my nd maya are with them as u gotcha grind,,,,laters people
[15-17:00]       †Angel of Sin† though that said 'Twiggy' and got all excited : (
[15-17:00] 9fe, Twiggit: Hello strangers
[15-17:01] 9fe, Twiggit: I jsut came to ask Advent if he was a Jaye fan or if he was jsut chat hoppinh, heh
[15-17:01] ecc, Refrication: Where did you come from? twiglet person.
[15-17:01]       †Angel of Sin† walks up to twig, allow me to introduce my self *clears throat*...
[15-17:01] 9fe, Twiggit: I'm only online for a few minutes
[15-17:01] 082, ºmaya: bye advent
[15-17:01]       †Angel of Sin† hugs Twig, "Im Sin, pleased to meet you!" *courtseys*
[15-17:02] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: advent's leaving? NNOOOOO
[15-17:02]       †Angel of Sin† runs and pouncec ontop of him
[15-17:02] ecc, Refrication: I don't hug, so stay clear.
[15-17:02] 9fe, Twiggit: I'm sinful, nice meeting oyu as well ^_^
[15-17:02]       maya misses advent
[15-17:02]       †Angel of Sin† sits on him......advent?
[15-17:02] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-17:03] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 5:02pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-17:03] 9fe, Twiggit: I guess I'm not getting an answer from him then, bleh
[15-17:03] 082, ºmaya: ello ello
[15-17:03] 9fe, Twiggit: I met Advent in my chat, he linked me here *nod* where I cam from, heh
[15-17:03] 082, ºmaya: i must away..*hugs sin* *waves to ref* nice meeting you twig
[15-17:03] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-17:04] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: nooo!
[15-17:04] ecc, Refrication: Bye.
[15-17:04] 082, ºmaya: *poof*
[15-17:04]       †Angel of Sin† snuggles real tight with maya
[15-17:04] EXIT: maya disappears ( 5:04pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-17:04] 9fe, Twiggit: Yes, yes. Everyone like smeeting me, I'm a very attractive eprson
[15-17:04] 9fe, Twiggit: The world would be a better place if everyone learned to worship me
[15-17:05] ecc, Refrication: Goodnight, all. Food then bed.
[15-17:05] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 5:05pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-17:05]       †Angel of Sin† feels alone now *pouts and moves to her corner*
[15-17:05] 9fe, Twiggit: Alone? I'm not company?
[15-17:05] 9fe, Twiggit: I'm stillhere for 6 minutes ya know
[15-17:05]       †Angel of Sin† feels even more alone
[15-17:06] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: twiggit! well atleast you stayed *huggle*
[15-17:06] 9fe, Twiggit: -_-'
[15-17:06] 9fe, Twiggit: for a little while
[15-17:06] 9fe, Twiggit: Unfortionatly I was suppsoed ot be gone over an hour ago
[15-17:07] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: oh. ok then
[15-17:07]       †Angel of Sin† listens to pacman remix by Aphex Twin
[15-17:08] 9fe, Twiggit: *listens to 'happy to be stuck with you' by Huey Lewis and the news* <.< >.>
[15-17:08]       †Angel of Sin† wonders if blane is still around *looks around*
[15-17:08] 9fe, Twiggit: leaving in 1.5 minutes
[15-17:09] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: aw.
[15-17:09] 9fe, Twiggit: sorry
[15-17:09] 9fe, Twiggit: but Is houldnt even be here now
[15-17:09] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: blany blane???
[15-17:09] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: s' ok
[15-17:09] 9fe, Twiggit: David Blane?
[15-17:10] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: no blane, check out his av -------->
[15-17:10] 326, ºblane: first time i saw david blane i was at my friend david's house
[15-17:10] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: its kool, lol
[15-17:10] 326, ºblane: weird eh
[15-17:10] 9fe, Twiggit: heh
[15-17:10] 9fe, Twiggit: well, buh bye now
[15-17:11] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: there he is!
[15-17:11] 9fe, Twiggit: oh, 'fore I go... Jaye Davidson fans here??
[15-17:11]       †Angel of Sin† wonders if blane would let sinny sin sin hug him...?
[15-17:11] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: aw. byes twigster!
[15-17:12] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: what's a jaye davidson
[15-17:12] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: ???
[15-17:12] 9fe, Twiggit: oi -_-' *points to his link* He's listed under 'absolutely gorgeous men'
[15-17:12] 9fe, Twiggit: and now, I must go. Hugs and kisses to myself. Bye bye
[15-17:12] EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( 5:12pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-17:13] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: clickety click
[15-17:13]       †Angel of Sin† snoops around for blane... heloooooooooo?
[15-17:14] 9fe, Twiggit: Ignore Blane >.> go admire Jaye
[15-17:15] 9fe, Twiggit: Ignore Blane >.> go admire Jaye/wexit I'm gone, seriously
[15-17:15] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-17:15] EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( I'm gon, seriously ).
[15-17:15] EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( Gone, with an E ).
[15-17:16] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: hey! how'd he do that?!?!
[15-17:16]       †Angel of Sin† tries to think of something that will get blany's attention...
[15-17:16]       †Angel of Sin† strips off, and runs around nekkid
[15-17:17] 9fe, Twiggit: Do what??
[15-17:17] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( I'm gon, seriously ). <---- howd ya do that?
[15-17:18] 9fe, Twiggit: um.. I typed /exit and typed stuff after it, heh
[15-17:18] 9fe, Twiggit: But, yeh, I really have to go now.. Go drool over Jaye >.>
[15-17:18] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: and how'd you come in here with out 'appearing' ?!?!?!?!
[15-17:18] EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( I'm really gone, I mean it!! ).
[15-17:18] 9fe, Twiggit: Thats a secret
[15-17:18] EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( I MEAN IT!!! ).
[15-17:19] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( meow... ).
[15-17:19] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-17:19] 588, º†Angel of Sin†: hm
[15-17:20]       †Angel of Sin† sits nekkid and cries
[15-17:27] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( goes to cry elsewhere - be back laters ).
[15-17:49] JOIN: maya appears
[15-17:49] EXIT: maya disappears ( 5:49pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-18:08] JOIN: Asterius appears
[15-18:09] EXIT: Asterius disappears ( 6:08pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-18:20] JOIN: maya appears
[15-18:20] EXIT: maya disappears ( 6:20pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-18:31] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[15-18:31] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( ).
[15-18:45]       Advent walks in..."i think ill work on my story for right now while i wait for someone to show up"
[15-18:58] JOIN: maya appears
[15-18:58] 082, ºmaya: boo
[15-18:59] 082, ºmaya: or boohoo...noone here
[15-18:59] EXIT: maya disappears ( 6:59pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-19:00] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-19:00]       †Angel of Sin† looks around.... Daddy?
[15-19:02] 954, º†Angel of Sin†: aww. ill just stay til someone arrives
[15-19:02]       †Angel of Sin† gets all comfy in her corner
[15-19:14] JOIN: salem appears
[15-19:16] 954, º†Angel of Sin†: hi there
[15-19:17]       salem smiles hey
[15-19:21] 954, º†Angel of Sin†: soz, was playing tetris. lol
[15-19:22] 095, ºsalem: !!!!! tetris !!!!
[15-19:22] 954, º†Angel of Sin†: yes, tetris. brb i have to eat
[15-19:22]       salem plays pong cuz she has nothing to do
[15-19:23] 095, ºsalem: ok
[15-19:31] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[15-19:32] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: can't stay long I have homework..oh hi! lol
[15-19:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[15-19:33] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: Cerfy ^^
[15-19:33] 095, ºsalem: O.O
[15-19:34] 095, ºsalem: brb have to fic stupid aim!!!!
[15-19:34] 095, ºsalem: *fix
[15-19:34] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: brb
[15-19:35] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-19:36]       †Angel of Sin† walks back in with noddly goodness ^_^
[15-19:36] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: *noodly
[15-19:36] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: CERFY!!!!! *huggles*
[15-19:39] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: back
[15-19:41] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: hiya glammy
[15-19:42] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: mat i ask ur age glam?
[15-19:42] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: *may
[15-19:43] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: sure
[15-19:43] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: 13
[15-19:43] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: my birthday is next month ^^
[15-19:43] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: aw. ok
[15-19:43]       †Angel of Sin† thought she was the baby of the chat lol. : (
[15-19:43] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: hehe
[15-19:43] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[15-19:44] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: CATTY!
[15-19:44]       caterpiller crawls down from the rafters
[15-19:44]       †Angel of Sin† invites the catty over for snuggles
[15-19:44]       caterpiller happily accepts the invitation.
[15-19:45]       †Angel of Sin† sits the catty on her lap and snuggles him
[15-19:45]       caterpiller mutters, something about salem's livejournal
[15-19:45]       caterpiller snuggles back, and makes happy noises.
[15-19:45] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: huh?
[15-19:46]       †Angel of Sin† pets the catty
[15-19:46] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Nothing.
[15-19:47]       caterpiller mutters, something about "I have a livejournal"
[15-19:48] 1f1, §Cerfestas : oops
[15-19:49] 779, º†Angel of Sin†: you do? oooooh
[15-19:50] 94a, ºcaterpiller:
[15-19:50]       caterpiller hugs Sin
[15-19:50]       †Angel of Sin† has to disconnect for a min to use the phone... brb
[15-19:50] JOIN: blane appears
[15-19:51] 326, ºblane: hola
[15-19:51] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Buenos Dias, Blane
[15-19:51] 326, ºblane: eh seniorita!
[15-19:52] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol
[15-19:52] 326, ºblane: chinese food rocks
[15-19:53] 326, ºblane: so do blonde tutors
[15-19:53] 326, ºblane: mmmmhmmm
[15-19:54] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol
[15-19:55] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-19:56] 0a7, º†Angel of Sin†: back ppl
[15-19:56] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Hello blane
[15-19:56] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What's up my homie-g's?
[15-19:57]       †Angel of Sin† raises eyebrow at cerfy.....
[15-19:57] EXIT: †Glamish Deathy† disappears ( 7:43pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-19:58] 326, ºblane: hello cat
[15-19:58] 326, ºblane: gittin' down with a bit o gin and juice.. gotta get on the tele and call up some hoes gonna have a part in the hizzy for shizzy ya heard that
[15-20:00] 1f1, §Cerfestas : That's wack! Off tha heezie fo' sheezie...
[15-20:00] 0a7, º†Angel of Sin†: brb - hass to use phone again
[15-20:01] 326, ºblane: *wonders what an australian goth sounds like*
[15-20:01] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *says in an aussie accent* Ohh woe is me.. My wallabi died..
[15-20:02] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-20:02] 326, ºblane: thats ok mate we'll get ya a koala
[15-20:02]       †Angel of Sin† kicks her phone
[15-20:02] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: lmao @ cerfy
[15-20:03] 326, ºblane: yeah sin it happens no worries
[15-20:03] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: and @ blane
[15-20:03] 326, ºblane: KRIKY!
[15-20:03]       †Angel of Sin† throws her phone accross the room, then jumps on it... and kicks it... and...stuff... til its dead.. stoopit piece of CRAP
[15-20:03] 326, ºblane: hehehe corcadile hunter he's always like KRIKY look at the jaw on that thing
[15-20:03] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No, it's Kroikie!
[15-20:04] 326, ºblane: Korikie!
[15-20:04] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: please, do not base us all on that fucktard.
[15-20:04] 326, ºblane: haha he rocks
[15-20:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : danger danger danger!
[15-20:04] 326, ºblane: KROKIE
[15-20:04] 326, ºblane: and crocadile dundee
[15-20:04] JOIN: salem appears
[15-20:04] 326, ºblane: and mel gibson though his accent isn't really pronounced
[15-20:04]       †Angel of Sin† is starting to nt like being an aussie....
[15-20:04] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: *not
[15-20:04]       caterpiller hugs Sin. He'd never base her on that
[15-20:04] 326, ºblane: and that one guy.. shit what his name
[15-20:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I wanted to see that crock eat it's baby
[15-20:05] 1f1, §Cerfestas : his*
[15-20:05]       †Angel of Sin† hugs back, thankya catty
[15-20:05] 326, ºblane: i'd base australians on nicole kidman
[15-20:05] 326, ºblane:
[15-20:05] 326, ºblane: russle crow
[15-20:05] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yum. She's hhoott
[15-20:05] 326, ºblane: thats right
[15-20:05] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: yea, base us on her! sh'e like, SOOOOO loved down here
[15-20:05] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lmfao! Russle Crow.. that reminds me of that episode of south park
[15-20:06] 326, ºblane: god bless america , god save the queen , god protect new zeland, and thank christ for australia
[15-20:06] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: lmao
[15-20:06]       salem looks
[15-20:06] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: YAY... *likes being aussie again*
[15-20:06]       Cerfestas stares.. gawks..
[15-20:06] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: hi salem : )
[15-20:07] 326, ºblane: being american is like a international excuse for being arrognant
[15-20:07] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: lol @ blane
[15-20:07]       salem smiles hey aos!
[15-20:07]       caterpiller is Sin's pet.
[15-20:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yeah, and being american is also like wearing a sign with a giant target that says "Mock me!"
[15-20:08] 326, ºblane: thats ok being canadian is like wearing a sign "hockey , and maple syrup is all i need to live on"
[15-20:09]       caterpiller is a Canadian Caterpiller
[15-20:09] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: lol... maple syrup... mmm... pancakes....
[15-20:09] 94a, ºcaterpiller: I'm a toque-wearing stereotype
[15-20:09] 326, ºblane: see you even call 'em toques
[15-20:09] 326, ºblane: there fuckin'g beanies!
[15-20:09]       salem mouth waters pancakes
[15-20:09] 326, ºblane: :-P
[15-20:09] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Beanies have propellers on top
[15-20:09] 326, ºblane: bastard ass ice niggers
[15-20:10] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: AWWW i want some now!!!
[15-20:10] 326, ºblane: "i'm canadian i live in a igloo" don't cha know
[15-20:10]       caterpiller crawls off Sin's lap, in order to distribute hugs to salem and Cerfestas
[15-20:10] e72, ºsalem: brb i'm makin pancakes
[15-20:10] 326, ºblane: with maple syrup
[15-20:10]       †Angel of Sin† cries... wish i cld make em.
[15-20:11] 326, ºblane: australians don't make pancakes
[15-20:11] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I don't like hockey lol
[15-20:11] 326, ºblane: they eat eukaliptis leaves
[15-20:11]       salem laughs well sin come over i will make you some lol
[15-20:11] 326, ºblane: and stuff
[15-20:11]       †Angel of Sin† starts swimming to america
[15-20:11] 1f1, §Cerfestas : And kangaroo
[15-20:11] e72, ºsalem: i like them with choc chips i like to make my one iceing!!!
[15-20:11] e72, ºsalem: lol
[15-20:12] 326, ºblane: wallabe
[15-20:12] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I don't like pancakes
[15-20:12] 326, ºblane: they aint kangaroos!
[15-20:12]       †Angel of Sin† swims faster
[15-20:12] 326, ºblane: i don't like pancake boobs
[15-20:12] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I love saying that.. wallabe
[15-20:12] 326, ºblane: ya'll know what i'm talkin' 'bout
[15-20:12] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: oi! don't be mockin me kangaroos!!!
[15-20:12] e72, ºsalem: lol
[15-20:12] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lmao
[15-20:12]       caterpiller crawls back to Sin.
[15-20:13] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Oi mate! Me kangaroos!
[15-20:13]       †Angel of Sin† loves koala's... "i cuddles one once! it was soooo koot and snuggly and fuzzy"
[15-20:13] 1f1, §Cerfestas : My mom was offered a job in Somolia and I wanna go!! >.<
[15-20:13]       salem makes a dozen pancakes for sin
[15-20:13]       †Angel of Sin† snuggles the catty
[15-20:14]       †Angel of Sin† rides a whale to salems house
[15-20:14] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: somolia?
[15-20:15] 326, ºblane: brb
[15-20:15] 326, ºblane: somolia is in africa sin
[15-20:15] 94a, ºcaterpiller: You mean Somalia is actually organized, and not a war-torn country anymore
[15-20:15] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: oh ok...
[15-20:15] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Or you just want to go anyway
[15-20:16]       salem gets tired of makin pancakes and falls asleep
[15-20:16]       †Angel of Sin† wants her mum to get a job offered to her in america... so i could go... and go to salems house and eat pancakes!!!
[15-20:17] 326, ºblane: caterpiller yes
[15-20:17] e72, ºsalem: lol
[15-20:17] 326, ºblane: it is
[15-20:17]       †Angel of Sin† prods salem....
[15-20:17] 326, ºblane: america is a big place yo
[15-20:17] 326, ºblane: salem where do you live?
[15-20:17] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: id ride a whale around
[15-20:17] e72, ºsalem: it's a sucki place!
[15-20:17] 326, ºblane: even been to the real salem mass?
[15-20:17] 326, ºblane: it's kool on halloween
[15-20:17] e72, ºsalem: i live in cali
[15-20:18] 326, ºblane: you live in cali and your telling me america sucks
[15-20:18] 326, ºblane: you much live in like fresno or something
[15-20:18] 326, ºblane: much= must
[15-20:18]       †Angel of Sin† jumps on a giant inflatable koala and floats to cali
[15-20:18] e72, ºsalem: bay area it's really sucki san fran
[15-20:19] 326, ºblane: salem are you gay or a lesbo
[15-20:19] 94a, ºcaterpiller: salem lives in Metallica Land
[15-20:19] 326, ºblane: caterpiller san fran is the gay capital of the united states
[15-20:19] 326, ºblane: large asian population though.
[15-20:20] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Yeah, but the Bay Area is the home of Metallica, AFAIK. From what I gleaned back in my fanclub days
[15-20:20] 94a, ºcaterpiller: All my mail came from there
[15-20:20] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Took months
[15-20:20] 326, ºblane: well i like San diego and Los Angeles
[15-20:20] 326, ºblane: never been to san fran
[15-20:21] e72, ºsalem: i'm bi dude and yes i have a gurl friend whois a bitch and i'm gonna slap her if she keeps eating my FOOD!!!
[15-20:21] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: allthe green!
[15-20:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I wish i had a girlfriend o.o
[15-20:22] 326, ºblane:
[15-20:23]       salem gets pissed she fucking eation my food!!!! watch i'm gonna be on the news dude gurls kills gurl friend over a sandmitch
[15-20:23]       †Angel of Sin† has a pretty bf ^_^ ...and secretly fantasises about a 3some with a chik who was in her class
[15-20:23] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol
[15-20:23]       caterpiller is a reject
[15-20:24] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: cater is not a reject!
[15-20:24] 326, ºblane: i'm a reject
[15-20:24] 94a, ºcaterpiller: But, I've been rejected. Many times
[15-20:24] 94a, ºcaterpiller: Nobody is a reject here, as long as you aren't too much of a dick
[15-20:24] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'm a reject too
[15-20:24] e72, ºsalem: lol she threw a sandmitch at me i told her that it was gonna go to her ass NOT GOOD
[15-20:24] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: neither is blane!
[15-20:25] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: or cerfy!
[15-20:25] e72, ºsalem: i'
[15-20:25] e72, ºsalem: i'
[15-20:25] e72, ºsalem: i'm DUMB ASS I CANT GET MY DOGS HEAD TO GET OUT OF THE VENT!!!!!
[15-20:26] 94a, ºcaterpiller: I dunno, the dog sounds dumber
[15-20:26] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: wtf?
[15-20:27] 326, ºblane: fear leads to anger..... and anger leads to stress... and stress leads to doobies.. and doobies leads to twinkies
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: lol true !!!
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: lol true !!!
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: lol true !!!
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: lol true !!!
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: lol true !!!
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: lol true !!!
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: there
[15-20:27] 94a, ºcaterpiller: flooded
[15-20:27] e72, ºsalem: *i have my stash in the vent
[15-20:27] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: doobies? twinkies???
[15-20:28] 94a, ºcaterpiller: dooby = "marijuana cigarette". twinkie... ask blane
[15-20:28]       †Angel of Sin† screws up nose. ICK dun' wanna know now.
[15-20:28] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Twinkies.. they're like.. nuclear pastries
[15-20:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : they look like yellow submarines with white filling.. tastes like eating sandpaper
[15-20:29] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: ooooooooooooooookay
[15-20:29] e72, ºsalem: you know speakin of mary i'm gonna pay her a lil visit 0.0
[15-20:29] e72, ºsalem: bbs
[15-20:30] 326, ºblane: yes marijuana cigarette...
[15-20:30] 326, ºblane: twinkies are good when your stoned on marijuana cigarettes
[15-20:31] e72, ºsalem: nvm i'm all out :O(
[15-20:31] 326, ºblane: sucks for you salem
[15-20:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I hate twinkies.. give me brownies when i have the munchies
[15-20:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : or chips and rootbeer
[15-20:32] 326, ºblane: fuck brownies... i don't like chocolate
[15-20:32]       salem sits about to cry starts to mumble and throws a snadmitch at jess
[15-20:32] 326, ºblane: plus you just bite off the tip of the twinkies and suck out the cream... thats the only way to eat 'em
[15-20:32] e72, ºsalem: *sandmitch
[15-20:33] 326, ºblane: vegimite sandwhich
[15-20:33] e72, ºsalem: THE CREAM!!!
[15-20:33]       †Angel of Sin† loves vegemite sandwich
[15-20:33] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: that was meant to be a plural...
[15-20:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I don't like them much either Blane but.. they're good stoned when you don't care lol
[15-20:34] e72, ºsalem: *lays down
[15-20:34]       †Angel of Sin† is glad she doesn't do drugs
[15-20:34] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: or smoke
[15-20:35] e72, ºsalem: be happy b VERY happy you dont
[15-20:35] e72, ºsalem: *coughs up a lung*
[15-20:35] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Why? pot is good
[15-20:35] 326, ºblane: Buying bread from a man in Brussels, He was six foot four and full of muscles, said, "Do you speak-a my language?", He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich, And he said, "I come from a land down under, Where beer does flow and men chunder , Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?, You better run, you better take cover."
[15-20:35] e72, ºsalem: shit!! my aim SUCKS!!!!
[15-20:36] e72, ºsalem: pot is killing me!!!
[15-20:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : haha
[15-20:36] e72, ºsalem: ok looks like piss or something is all over the room
[15-20:38]       salem looks at everyone
[15-20:40] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ..*was about to start typing in a carol...*
[15-20:40] JOIN: salem appears
[15-20:40] e72, ºsalem: O.O
[15-20:42]       salem gets her plate of pancakes yummy!
[15-20:45]       †Angel of Sin† watches yim d/l....
[15-20:46] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: care to share salem?
[15-20:46] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *eats stuffing*
[15-20:47] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: stuffing?
[15-20:47]       salem pats the floor and hands her a plate with yummy pancakes
[15-20:48] e72, ºsalem: want some good iceing??
[15-20:49] 1f1, §Cerfestas : don't know what stuffing is? o.O
[15-20:50] e72, ºsalem: ew stuffing blah!
[15-20:51] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Fuck you o.O Stuffing rocks
[15-20:52] e72, ºsalem: i just dont like the way it taste but it is ok is you add some REALLY good stuff that i put in there some REAL good herbs
[15-20:52]       salem smiles
[15-20:52] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: stuffing??????
[15-20:53] JOIN: salem appears
[15-20:53]       salem smiles at sin
[15-20:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. it's like.. dried bread crutons with seasoning and herbs cooked up with a bit of water and butter, usually baked inside a turkey.. sooooo good
[15-20:53] JOIN: Anachrox appears
[15-20:55]       †Angel of Sin† had developed a phobia of the msn smiley
[15-20:55] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: i mean. yim smiley
[15-20:55] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-20:55] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: oh that!!!
[15-20:56] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: eeewwww
[15-20:56] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 8:55pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-20:58]       †Angel of Sin† yawns
[15-20:58] dfb, Anachrox: Oh and here I was hoping you were talking about taxidermy...
[15-20:58] dfb, Anachrox: I vote for human taxidermy...
[15-20:59] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: taxidermy?
[15-20:59] dfb, Anachrox: Yes taxidermy
[15-21:00]       Advent walks in for a bit
[15-21:00] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Ow my uterus >.<
[15-21:02] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: ooooookay
[15-21:03] dfb, Anachrox: And so I said to jesus, do not run my friend, when it would be far more in your interests to die. You do not wish to see the world that I will create.
[15-21:03] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: yuo're an interesting li'l chappie *tilts head to side*
[15-21:04] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: *you're
[15-21:05] dfb, Anachrox: It's much worse when you get to know me.
[15-21:06] dfb, Anachrox: Wow this place is really going off.
[15-21:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yeah, it's so exciting, eh?
[15-21:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I can hardly contain myself.
[15-21:08] dfb, Anachrox: I'm so excited. I just can't hide it. I think I'm losing control and I think I like it. *hacks off someones head with a pickaxe*
[15-21:09] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol
[15-21:09] 1f1, §Cerfestas : the dreaded... a/s/l? lol
[15-21:10] dfb, Anachrox: Agony Suffering and Lust?
[15-21:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : naw..
[15-21:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : age sex location lol
[15-21:11] dfb, Anachrox: If I told you that I'd have to kill you
[15-21:12] 1f1, §Cerfestas : how original o.o
[15-21:12] dfb, Anachrox: Death to the homosapiens!
[15-21:13] dfb, Anachrox: Okay... if I told you that I would have to slit your chest open and remove all your vital organs, then gouge out your eyes and ejaculate in your eye sockets.
[15-21:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'm not a homosapien.. I'm a.. homo.. fuhkyuulots
[15-21:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'd say.. When?
[15-21:15] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[15-21:15] dfb, Anachrox: Nah I wouldn't kill you. Your not one of the mindless mass.
[15-21:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Sui!! Hey
[15-21:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yes I am. I'm a drone.. I'm a goddamn drone
[15-21:15] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Cerf!
[15-21:16]       SuicideBlonde gives Cerf a big hug
[15-21:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : How are you? I missed you..
[15-21:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: how are ya?
[15-21:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i missed you too...had to do some running around today
[15-21:16] dfb, Anachrox: Ah fitness...
[15-21:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol, well not quite that kind Anachrox, and hello to you
[15-21:18] dfb, Anachrox: I return the words...
[15-21:18] JOIN: Asterius appears
[15-21:18] 32a, ºAsterius: hello all
[15-21:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Asty!
[15-21:19] 32a, ºAsterius: Cerfy!
[15-21:19] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lo Asty!
[15-21:19] 32a, ºAsterius: hey Sui!
[15-21:19] 32a, ºAsterius: *hugs to all*
[15-21:19] dfb, Anachrox: Don't hug me
[15-21:20] dfb, Anachrox: I loathed being touched by mortal flesh
[15-21:20] 32a, ºAsterius: er, ok, *retracts the hug offered to anachrox*
[15-21:20] 32a, ºAsterius: ew! way to make a hug sound creepy!
[15-21:21] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What about.. not-mortal flesh?
[15-21:22] 32a, ºAsterius: lol @ cerfy
[15-21:22] dfb, Anachrox: Have you ever been hugged by a demon?
[15-21:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yes, and it was the best sex I ever had
[15-21:22] 32a, ºAsterius: lucky demon...
[15-21:23] dfb, Anachrox: *pictures a massive strong looking red demon hugging a teddy bear*
[15-21:23]       SuicideBlonde tries to picture that too
[15-21:23] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: where did Sin go?
[15-21:24] 32a, ºAsterius: demons regularly hug teddy bears?
[15-21:24] dfb, Anachrox: Not that I know of
[15-21:24] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: brb
[15-21:24] dfb, Anachrox: SIn lies within my mind
[15-21:25] dfb, Anachrox: and in very deed i do
[15-21:25] dfb, Anachrox: *listens to dark funeral*
[15-21:26] 32a, ºAsterius: argh! white screen!!!
[15-21:27] dfb, Anachrox: Oh wait we've retracted back into silent mode
[15-21:27] dfb, Anachrox: Oh someone spoke
[15-21:27] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *cherp cherp*
[15-21:28] dfb, Anachrox: dont you mean chirp?
[15-21:29] 32a, ºAsterius: *churp*? *cherp*?
[15-21:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : i like cherp better
[15-21:29] dfb, Anachrox: This is a little trick I like to call Keep your eyes on the birdy. Now, keep your eyes on the birdy...
[15-21:30] dfb, Anachrox: *fires of an energy blast*
[15-21:30] MSG: Asterius sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-21:30] dfb, Anachrox: *switches from dark funeral to my dying bride*
[15-21:31] 32a, ºAsterius: er, the fires of an energy blast? what about them?
[15-21:31] dfb, Anachrox: Huh?
[15-21:31] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Asterius.
[15-21:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hippies!
[15-21:32] 32a, ºAsterius: oh !!! you meant fires off an energy blast! i get it
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:32] dfb, Anachrox: Hippies are already dead in my eyes
[15-21:33] dfb, Anachrox: wtf happened there???
[15-21:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What's orange and looks good on hippies?
[15-21:33] 32a, ºAsterius: please don't do that
[15-21:33] 32a, ºAsterius: hmm...dunno, cerfy
[15-21:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : It's happened to Sin too, browswer fuck up
[15-21:33] dfb, Anachrox: i didnt
[15-21:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What's orange and looks good on hippies? Fire
[15-21:33] 32a, ºAsterius: okies. sorry...
[15-21:34] 32a, ºAsterius: lol
[15-21:35] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[15-21:35] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: Hi again!
[15-21:35] 32a, ºAsterius: hey glam
[15-21:35] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hey Glammy
[15-21:35] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: Hi Asteruis!
[15-21:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Sui? Mummsie? Mom? sui? mummers! mother? mum? mummy? where are you??
[15-21:36] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: *rius*
[15-21:36] dfb, Anachrox: Together we are as one. We live our lives in passion. Full up with thirst I drink your light and beauty for always...
[15-21:36] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: Hi Cerfy!
[15-21:37] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: finally done with my homework and no more exams! YAY!
[15-21:37] 32a, ºAsterius: to whom do you speal, anachrox?
[15-21:38] 32a, ºAsterius: er, *speak
[15-21:39] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Fucker! Ow!
[15-21:39] dfb, Anachrox: We burn like Gods of the Sun. Paradise pales compared to you. Never will we be alone.Our world will change for no-one.And as our live are closing, we lie close and hear nothing...
[15-21:39] 32a, ºAsterius: er, Cerfy?
[15-21:39] 32a, ºAsterius: guess what i bought today ?!?!
[15-21:40] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I just bit off one of my taste buds >.<
[15-21:40] 1f1, §Cerfestas : A ..Uh.. what?
[15-21:40] 32a, ºAsterius: aw, sorry...bit your tongue?
[15-21:40] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yah
[15-21:42] 32a, ºAsterius: the original 1931 Bela Lugosi version of Dracula, along with the Spanish version, along with Dracula's Daughter, Son of Dracula, and House of Dracula !!!
[15-21:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Nice
[15-21:43] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-21:43]       Cerfestas sings.. white on white translucent black capes.. back on the rack.. Bela Lugosi's dead..
[15-21:43] dfb, Anachrox: Oh no
[15-21:44] dfb, Anachrox: I have that song
[15-21:44] 32a, ºAsterius: he's dead he's dead he's dead
[15-21:44] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: OMG that song rocks!
[15-21:44] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[15-21:44] dfb, Anachrox: Good old bauhaus
[15-21:44] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yea..
[15-21:45] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: bauhaus yays!
[15-21:45] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Undead undead undead!
[15-21:45] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: I thought it was undead undead undead lol
[15-21:45] 32a, ºAsterius: hehehe
[15-21:45] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: yeah lol
[15-21:45] dfb, Anachrox: *stick with my dying bride*
[15-21:45] dfb, Anachrox: *sticks
[15-21:45] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: my dying bride is excelent too
[15-21:46] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *switchs to Aphex Twin * Come to daddy.. come to daddy.. come to daddy... come to daddy!
[15-21:46] dfb, Anachrox: STOP MAKING THAT BIG FACE!
[15-21:46] 32a, ºAsterius: um, that big face?
[15-21:47] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ..what?
[15-21:47] dfb, Anachrox: nevermind
[15-21:47] dfb, Anachrox: aphex song
[15-21:47] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Which song?
[15-21:48] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: *sings along with L A M* "where good girls go to die..thats where I'll be.."
[15-21:48] 32a, ºAsterius: dunno it...
[15-21:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, gotta run guys take care
[15-21:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hi Glammy
[15-21:48] 32a, ºAsterius: bye Sui!
[15-21:49] 32a, ºAsterius: i'll bbs ... need to go wash the wallabee
[15-21:49] dfb, Anachrox: Cant remember. *eats weet-bix*
[15-21:49]       SuicideBlonde hugs everyone but Anachrox out of respect
[15-21:49] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: Howdy to you Suicide
[15-21:50] dfb, Anachrox: *smirks*
[15-21:50] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'm forever painting with plastic fingers. I'm forever floating when it's in my cheese... I'm always frying up vegetables with cheese, if you please!..
[15-21:51] dfb, Anachrox: I was hungry, so i heated up a brick of cheese!
[15-21:51] 32a, ºAsterius: back soon
[15-21:51] EXIT: Asterius disappears ( 9:51pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-21:52] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ..ew oi.O
[15-21:52] 1f1, §Cerfestas : o.O*
[15-21:52] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: My sacrifice..I sacrifice myself to you right here tonight..cause you know that i love you! Sacrifice..
[15-21:52] dfb, Anachrox: dont worry, its a tom green thing
[15-21:53] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[15-21:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Prolly lol
[15-21:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Bye Sui.. Love ya *hugs*
[15-21:54] dfb, Anachrox: Falling, drowning, deeper and forever. Choking, sinking, deeper into this ocean. Screaming, crying for someone to save me. Reaching, hoping, calling to no-one...
[15-21:55] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: did i miss sui AGAIN!?!?!
[15-21:55] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: OMG MY DYING BRIDE???
[15-21:55]       †Angel of Sin† loves mdb
[15-21:55] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-21:56] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Just popping in to say hello, cannot stay... hope everyone has a wonderful night.
[15-21:56] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 9:56pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-21:56] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bye Faded, I LOVE YOU!
[15-21:57] dfb, Anachrox: Dies to the hypnotic sounds of grace unhearing
[15-21:57] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-21:57] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[15-21:57] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: As I have been wanting to say for the last few days, Cerf...but never did... I love you too
[15-21:57] f41, ºTheFadedAngel: Anyways, really need to go now... might be on later, not sure... rough day...
[15-21:58] dfb, Anachrox: How touching
[15-21:58]       TheFadedAngel walks out the door, pondering what made Cerfy say that...'Farewell, everyone'
[15-21:58] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: *hugs Angel* happy b-day hope to see you later
[15-21:58]       TheFadedAngel hugs Cerfy right before exitting
[15-21:58] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 9:58pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-21:58] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Okie, Sweetie.. Smile! *hugs*
[15-21:58] dfb, Anachrox: Where did the my dying bride fan go?
[15-21:59] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I dunno *munchs trail mix*
[15-21:59] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: well I got to get going too..break is going to start soon so I should be online anyone cares though well...good night ya'll..
[15-21:59] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: well not really going yet but..soon lol
[15-21:59] dfb, Anachrox: Where are you now? My love? Hold me again....
[15-21:59] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I care
[15-22:00] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: Aww Cerfy thankies *hugs* I was kind of being stupid with what I said there..
[15-22:00] 1f1, §Cerfestas : mu-mu-mu-morphine
[15-22:00] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yea.. You kinda went emo there, Glam
[15-22:01] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: I just kind of fell like crap right now..and I got my phone back so IAm kind of happy..
[15-22:01] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: lol yeah I think so too lol
[15-22:01] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *gives Glam trail mix*
[15-22:01] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: *feel*
[15-22:01] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Smile! You're on candid camera!
[15-22:01] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: *nibbles on the nuts*
[15-22:02] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: lol *grins*
[15-22:02] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *click click*
[15-22:02] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[15-22:02] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Sucker love is heaven sent.. you pucker up, our passion's spent..
[15-22:03] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: yay! lol
[15-22:03] JOIN: Figgy appears
[15-22:03]       Figgy bounces in to the room
[15-22:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I love that song
[15-22:04] dfb, Anachrox: Where are you now my love? My sweet one... Where have you gone my love? I'm so alone...
[15-22:04] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: carve your name into my arm instead of blessed I lie here charmed..
[15-22:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : having fun there, Arach?
[15-22:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : cos there's nothin else to do.. every me and every you..
[15-22:04] dfb, Anachrox: My Wine my Silence
[15-22:05] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: well..I can't stand the yelling I'm going to shut the door and go to dream guys..goodnight I love you see you tomorrow night!
[15-22:05] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: yay! every me and every you!
[15-22:06] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: love ya guys byes now!
[15-22:06] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: *hugs Cerfy*
[15-22:06] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yay! Listen tot hat song and think happy thoughts, Glam =) Take care.. it'll get better
[15-22:06] 94a, ºFiggy: bye deathy
[15-22:06]       Figgy hugs Cerfestas
[15-22:06] dfb, Anachrox: Happy thoughts? Why would anyone want happy thoughts when despair is all we have to live for?
[15-22:06] 6f1, º†Glamish Deathy†: will do Cerfy thankies byes babe! bye Figgy!
[15-22:07] JOIN: SharpMarble appears
[15-22:07] EXIT: †Glamish Deathy† disappears ( 10:06pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I dunno. People seem more willing to think happy than smoke some J..
[15-22:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hey Marble
[15-22:07] a71, SharpMarble: allo
[15-22:07] JOIN: blane appears
[15-22:08] 326, ºblane: sin is overdosing on my webcame
[15-22:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hey Blane
[15-22:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Wha?
[15-22:08] dfb, Anachrox: overdosing?
[15-22:09] 326, ºblane: uh-huh
[15-22:09] a71, SharpMarble: overdosing on what?
[15-22:10] dfb, Anachrox: how can you overdoes on a webcam?
[15-22:10] dfb, Anachrox: s your dancing naked for her
[15-22:11] dfb, Anachrox: *unless your
[15-22:11] a71, SharpMarble: Textual overwhelming
[15-22:11] 326, ºblane: nope
[15-22:11] 326, ºblane: just sittin' around
[15-22:11] dfb, Anachrox: and so you are soaking up her affection?
[15-22:13] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol
[15-22:13] dfb, Anachrox: well are you?
[15-22:15] 326, ºblane: apparently
[15-22:15] 326, ºblane: i was born cute though it's not my fault
[15-22:15] dfb, Anachrox: why what is she saying
[15-22:15] 326, ºblane: MEG your lookin' too!
[15-22:15] dfb, Anachrox: oh alright then
[15-22:16]       Figgy just sits there, being Figgy
[15-22:16] dfb, Anachrox: i have to go. hey blane, tell sin her boyfriend says hi, and that im sorry i didnt call last night. tell her to keep drooling over you for whatever i care. farewell.
[15-22:16] 326, ºblane: so what are ya'll up to
[15-22:16] JOIN: Asterius appears
[15-22:17] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yea i'm watching lol
[15-22:17] 89f, ºAsterius: hello all
[15-22:17] 94a, ºFiggy: Hello Asty
[15-22:17] 326, ºblane: hey ast
[15-22:17] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-22:17] 1f1, §Cerfestas : See, that's why I got pissed off at her when I found out she was going googly over you Blane >.<
[15-22:18] 89f, ºAsterius: hey there blane, figgy, cerfy, sinsisn, anach, did i miss anyone?
[15-22:18] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: anachrox
[15-22:18] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: WAAAIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTT
[15-22:18] EXIT: Anachrox disappears ( 10:16pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:18] 326, ºblane: hum
[15-22:18] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: blane wtf?
[15-22:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : The fuck is so funny? o.O
[15-22:18] a71, SharpMarble: uhhhh ok....
[15-22:19] 89f, ºAsterius: *wonders if sin knows how "je" is pronounced yet*
[15-22:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Blane.. What's so funny? lol
[15-22:19] 89f, ºAsterius: hello marble. i did miss someone
[15-22:19] 326, ºblane: i'm watchin' futurama
[15-22:20] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: FUCK FUCKING FUUUUUCCCKKKK
[15-22:20] a71, SharpMarble: uh.......ok
[15-22:20] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 10:20pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:20] JOIN: hatebreed appears
[15-22:21] MSG: blane sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-22:21] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Blane.
[15-22:21] dfb, hatebreed: Where are you now my love? My sweet one. Where have you gone my love? I'm so alone...
[15-22:21] EXIT: hatebreed disappears ( 10:21pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:22] 94a, ºFiggy: whoops
[15-22:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : roight.. Imma leave the room cos.. it's hard to watch webcam.. and chat in here.. and on messenger.. and look up shit for my sis lol.. if you need me i'll be on msn..ym.. or aim.. bye
[15-22:22] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-22:22] MSG: blane sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-22:22] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: EVVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNN
[15-22:22] MSG: blane sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-22:23] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Blane.
[15-22:24]       †Angel of Sin† bursts into tears
[15-22:24]       Advent walks back in ,,,,"evening"
[15-22:24]       Advent walks over to sin ..."why are you crying?"
[15-22:25] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bbl.. bye
[15-22:25] JOIN: bringer of hope appears
[15-22:25]       SharpMarble hums
[15-22:25] 89f, ºAsterius: bye cerfy. enjoy your many activities...
[15-22:26] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: eeevvvvvvvaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn *cries*
[15-22:26] dfb, bringer of hope: it's nothing to get upset over
[15-22:26] EXIT: bringer of hope disappears ( 10:26pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:26]       †Angel of Sin† walks over to bringer of hope... "evan?"
[15-22:26] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15-22:27] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: why does he keep leaving?
[15-22:27]       †Angel of Sin† curls in a ball in her corner and cries*
[15-22:28] 89f, ºAsterius: dunno, sin. aw, he'll be back. it'll be'll see
[15-22:28] a71, SharpMarble: cause he probably is very sadistic >.>
[15-22:28] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: lovecat...........
[15-22:28] f8d, §Advent: sin whats wrong ?
[15-22:29] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: does anyone think he might still be lurking???
[15-22:29] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: I MISS MY LOVECAT!
[15-22:29] 89f, ºAsterius: impossible to tell, sin, as far as i know...
[15-22:30] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: that's what's wrong advent
[15-22:31] JOIN: myownslave appears
[15-22:31] 326, ºblane: advent
[15-22:31] c42, ºmyownslave: has maya been here today?
[15-22:31] 326, ºblane: she was looking at my webcam..
[15-22:31] 326, ºblane: i was just sittin' around typing online
[15-22:31] f8d, §Advent: im clearing the room
[15-22:31] 326, ºblane: her boyfriend assumed she was drooling and i was being sexual and stuff

Chat cleared by Advent.
[15-22:31] 326, ºblane: then he disapeared
[15-22:31] c42, ºmyownslave: kk
[15-22:31] f8d, §Advent: sorry people i had to
[15-22:32] c42, ºmyownslave: just checking, ill be back later
[15-22:32] EXIT: myownslave disappears ( 10:32pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:32] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: *shniffle*
[15-22:33]       Advent hugs sin.."sorry hun"
[15-22:33] 89f, ºAsterius: argh...white screen
[15-22:34] f8d, §Advent: hey asty are u?
[15-22:35] EXIT: SharpMarble disappears ( 10:28pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-22:35] JOIN: SharpMarble appears
[15-22:35] 89f, ºAsterius: ok, advent, though a tad confused by all this...
[15-22:37] f8d, §Advent: sorry asty...i have reasons...dont owrry man i wont do this again...hey marble whats up?
[15-22:37] a71, SharpMarble: not much
[15-22:38] 89f, ºAsterius: no no, i don't mean that, advent. just, it's an odd night, ya know?
[15-22:39] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: brb. im gonna try and call me lovecat
[15-22:39] 89f, ºAsterius: good luck, sinsins
[15-22:39]       Advent hates work
[15-22:40]       †Angel of Sin† sighs a big huge sigh of releif
[15-22:40] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: he msgd me, on my mobile, he had to go to his aunts... he's not mad at me
[15-22:41] 89f, ºAsterius: yaay!!!
[15-22:41] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: i still miss him but... but he said he'll call later
[15-22:41] 02d, º†Angel of Sin†: ...brb
[15-22:42] 89f, ºAsterius: let's hope he can get through
[15-22:44] f8d, §Advent: so.......
[15-22:44] f8d, §Advent: who in here hates the president?
[15-22:45] 89f, ºAsterius: me me me me me me me me me me me me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15-22:46] f8d, §Advent: hey asty got to run if u see sui tell her i nede to go do something imprtant muight be back
[15-22:46] f8d, §Advent: thanks man later
[15-22:46] 89f, ºAsterius: sure thing, man
[15-22:53] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-22:53] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: *happy sigh*
[15-22:53] JOIN: Aphotic Atrocity appears
[15-22:54] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: is advne gone already?
[15-22:54] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: APHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15-22:54] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: *advent
[15-22:54] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Hello.
[15-22:54] 89f, ºAsterius: he may return...see below
[15-22:55] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: i see ya posted in the forum aphy : )
[15-22:55] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: You wanted me to.
[15-22:55] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: thankya
[15-22:56] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: You are welcome.
[15-22:57] 89f, ºAsterius: k back shortly all
[15-22:57] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: okies ast
[15-22:58]       †Angel of Sin† gets comfy in her corner
[15-22:58] JOIN: Twiggit appears
[15-22:59] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: hi twiggit
[15-22:59] fc2, Twiggit: <.>
[15-22:59] fc2, Twiggit: HUllo
[15-23:00]       †Angel of Sin† wonders if the aphy brought that bean bag.. lol
[15-23:00] fc2, Twiggit: I used to have a bean bag
[15-23:01] fc2, Twiggit: it fell apart
[15-23:01] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Drags his large blue bean bag to Sin.*
[15-23:01] fc2, Twiggit: You drooling over Jayeyet??
[15-23:01]       †Angel of Sin† snuggles onto the bean bag
[15-23:02] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: i was looking around ya site twiggit
[15-23:02] fc2, Twiggit: Drooling over Jaye yet? >.>
[15-23:02] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: and the only pic i saw of a supposed "jaye", well, i couldn't see him that well... assuming it is a him...
[15-23:03] fc2, Twiggit:
[15-23:04] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: He looks very pretty.
[15-23:04]       †Angel of Sin† looks at Aphy and wonders why he seems so quiet
[15-23:05]       †Angel of Sin† also wonders if her shneaky lovecat is still lurking. . . .*shifty eyes*
[15-23:05] fc2, Twiggit: Indeed :)
[15-23:05] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Because I'm not horribly social, I just try to hard to be sometimes.
[15-23:05] fc2, Twiggit:
[15-23:06] fc2, Twiggit: Admire and love him!!
[15-23:06] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: he looks alright... dani's better ^_^
[15-23:06] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: that link is dodgy
[15-23:07] fc2, Twiggit: You dare say tehre is better then Jaye? >.>
[15-23:08] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: i indeed dare say, dani filth is better looking than jaye...
[15-23:08] fc2, Twiggit: *murders*
[15-23:08] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: when he's all done up that is. he's just scary when he has no make up... eek!
[15-23:09] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: *bites*
[15-23:09] fc2, Twiggit: HA! Jaye's better then ^_^ thats no make up jaye
[15-23:10] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: of course he's have make up on. . .
[15-23:10]       †Angel of Sin† invites Aphy over for hugs...
[15-23:10] fc2, Twiggit: Pfft, Jayes better
[15-23:11]       †Angel of Sin† thinks twiggits, just a tad obsessed
[15-23:11] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Struts over to Sin.*
[15-23:12] fc2, Twiggit: He's an Idol, not an obsession:)
[15-23:12]       †Angel of Sin† huggles the Aphy
[15-23:12] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Hugs back.*
[15-23:13] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: ah. ok. well. *thinks about convo topic* - *other than 'jaye'*
[15-23:13] fc2, Twiggit: *hugs self*
[15-23:13] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: i know. what's everyone wearing!!!
[15-23:13] fc2, Twiggit: You can't have Jaye anyway... He's gay :) NIEH! *sticks tongue out*
[15-23:13] fc2, Twiggit: Noothing!
[15-23:14]       †Angel of Sin† doesn't want jaye
[15-23:14] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: But I'm bi, so it's okay. And to Sin, just green silk boxers.
[15-23:14] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: how original twig......... . . . .
[15-23:14] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-23:14] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 11:14pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-23:14] fc2, Twiggit: You're jsut in denial, you want him, always have, but knowing you cant have him you jsut say you can't
[15-23:15] fc2, Twiggit: My naked record is 14 hours :-P
[15-23:15] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-23:16] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: . . .rrriiiiigghhhhht.
[15-23:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Backs
[15-23:17] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: hiya sis ^_^ *waves*
[15-23:17] fc2, Twiggit: ^_^ see, you agreed
[15-23:17] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hey Sin.. *looks to Twiggit* You new?
[15-23:18] fc2, Twiggit: No, I been around for 20 years or so
[15-23:18]       †Angel of Sin† raises eyebrow at twig. whatever.
[15-23:18] 1f1, §Cerfestas : New here.
[15-23:19] fc2, Twiggit: Sins in denial
[15-23:19] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Assumes the lotus position and closes his eyes.*
[15-23:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : about?
[15-23:19] fc2, Twiggit: Yes... second visit ^_^
[15-23:19] fc2, Twiggit: About loving and wanting Jaye
[15-23:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Who is Jaye?
[15-23:20] fc2, Twiggit:
[15-23:20] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: oh god. will it ever enddd?????
[15-23:20]       †Angel of Sin† watches Aphy
[15-23:20] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: ...*Twitch.* You ruined it with the second pic.
[15-23:20] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hey Aph
[15-23:21] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Hello, Cerfestas.
[15-23:21] 1f1, §Cerfestas : The pic won't load for me
[15-23:21] fc2, Twiggit: She asked
[15-23:21] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: He looks like the alien pharoah from Stargate.
[15-23:21] fc2, Twiggit: He is
[15-23:22] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Thought he looked familiar.
[15-23:22] fc2, Twiggit: Also Dil on the cryinggame :)
[15-23:22]       †Angel of Sin† talks to her mummy
[15-23:23] 1f1, §Cerfestas : The picture isn't working..
[15-23:23] fc2, Twiggit: you have a mummy??
[15-23:24] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: no. i dont have a mummy. i am not human. i am a..... think thats not human.
[15-23:24] fc2, Twiggit: Yeah.. you said that, heh
[15-23:24] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: duh
[15-23:24] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yes, I know I did, and got no responce.. my apologies
[15-23:25] fc2, Twiggit: Ah
[15-23:26] fc2, Twiggit: Dunno what to say... pic not work... bleh
[15-23:26] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Cracks his neck then closes his eyes.*
[15-23:26] fc2, Twiggit: You said you have amummy, I saw it!! Is it one of those little mummies? Like the jerky flavored kind?
[15-23:26]       †Angel of Sin† pets Aphy
[15-23:27] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: i meant my mother.
[15-23:27] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Opens a single eye to Sin.*
[15-23:27] fc2, Twiggit: Mummy and mother are 2 different things!!
[15-23:27]       †Angel of Sin† smiles at Aphy
[15-23:28] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: w/e twig
[15-23:28] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Twiggit, you're only serving as an annoyance to Sin, so, please, stop.
[15-23:28] fc2, Twiggit: *yawns* Vexing the world is... boring
[15-23:29] JOIN: USER666 appears
[15-23:29]       †Angel of Sin† smiles at Aphy, again
[15-23:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hum. Well this is boring
[15-23:29] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: 'user666' - how... original...*raises eyebrow*
[15-23:29] fc2, Twiggit: Indeed
[15-23:30]       †Angel of Sin† invites the cerfy over for hugs
[15-23:30] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: cerf do you have yim?
[15-23:30] 40c, USER666: i've been one for sometime
[15-23:31] fc2, Twiggit: what happened to the non-jaye conversations?
[15-23:31] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: i d/l'd it today and have 1 contact so far, lol.
[15-23:31]       †Angel of Sin† tilts head to side at 666. . .
[15-23:32] 40c, USER666: yes.........
[15-23:33]       †Angel of Sin† smiles "hi"
[15-23:34] 40c, USER666: hi........
[15-23:34] fc2, Twiggit: Hi
[15-23:34]       †Angel of Sin† wonders if she knows 666.... but doubts it.
[15-23:34] 1f1, §Cerfestas : uhm
[15-23:35] 40c, USER666: i am new here.............the format is old style........
[15-23:36] fc2, Twiggit: well, I'm leaving now -_-'
[15-23:36] fc2, Twiggit: you can find me int he Jaye chat... or SRI if you need me.. like you would
[15-23:37] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: ugh, SRI >.<
[15-23:37] EXIT: Twiggit disappears ( 11:36pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-23:37] MSG: †Angel of Sin† sent a message to Cerfestas.
[15-23:37] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: yay.. no more 'jaye'
[15-23:38] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: SRI???
[15-23:38] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Angel Of Sin.
[15-23:38] 1f1, §Cerfestas : The people in SRI are so unwilling to rp with new commers
[15-23:39] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: dun' worry cerf
[15-23:39] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: uh... ok. *looks confuzzled-like*
[15-23:40] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Silver Raven Inn. I was a admin and a friend of the original owner when it was back on Beseen. It's gone slowly to hell since Cathy leaving.
[15-23:40] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: oh. okays.
[15-23:41]       †Angel of Sin† looks around for the user666
[15-23:41] 1f1, §Cerfestas : It's hard to find worth while place to rp in now
[15-23:41] JOIN: pishtosh appears
[15-23:42] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Sings softly.* The only thing I ever wanted was you~ The only thing I ever really loved, was hurting you~
[15-23:43] JOIN: Heretic appears
[15-23:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hello Pishtosh, Heretic
[15-23:43] 815, §Heretic : HERESY!
[15-23:43] MSG: USER666 sent a message to Artimis.
[15-23:44] 8c9, pishtosh: hey, hey.
[15-23:44] 815, §Heretic : just saw the movie blade trinity
[15-23:45] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: brb
[15-23:45] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ah.
[15-23:45] MSG: USER666 sent a message to Angel Of Sin.
[15-23:46] MSG: USER666 sent a message to Angel Of Sin.
[15-23:49] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: It was a good movie. Hannibal King kind of stole the movie though.
[15-23:49] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hum..
[15-23:49] 815, §Heretic : ah. well im glad someone else here has seen it too.
[15-23:50] 815, §Heretic : personally i liked it. but i like blade and i always love shit like that.
[15-23:50]       USER666 is looking around at his new room...........
[15-23:51] 815, §Heretic : and hannibal was good comic relief
[15-23:51] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Not enough good fighting scenes though. But yeah, I love that kind of shit, it gets me all hyped up and I want to go spar more.
[15-23:51] 815, §Heretic : i see.
[15-23:51] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bleh.. nother stupid action movie
[15-23:52] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Scowls.* It wasn't stupid.
[15-23:52] 815, §Heretic : we're guys man. not lots of gals get it
[15-23:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : there's nothing to get..
[15-23:53] 815, §Heretic : damn
[15-23:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yay! Lets get over hyped about a movie where things blow up and people get their heads cut off!! Omg..
[15-23:53] 815, §Heretic : exactly!
[15-23:54] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Sex has nothing to do with it and it can be a lot deeper than that to an individual, if you don't get it, move on, but don't degrade it.
[15-23:54] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No thanks.. I'd rather not waste my time and money. if I wanted to watch that, i'd turn on CNN.
[15-23:55]       †Angel of Sin† has returned from reading todays logs... *sigh* why didn't evan tell me it was him : (
[15-23:55] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: what's the convo topic ppl?
[15-23:55]       USER666 smiles as he feels the energy ...............
[15-23:55] 815, §Heretic : the movie blade trinity
[15-23:55] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Narrow minded individuals that can keep their thoughts to themselves.
[15-23:56] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *quirks a brow at 666*
[15-23:56] 815, §Heretic : now now. there's no need for any of us to be upset with one another over opinions about movies.
[15-23:56] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: *Rae to Heretic.* Into auras or something?
[15-23:57] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[15-23:57] 815, §Heretic : dunno that im "into" them
[15-23:57] 1f1, §Cerfestas : And arrogent individuals that won't keep their trap shut..
[15-23:57] 815, §Heretic : hey, it's a fun boy
[15-23:57] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: heretic=666
[15-23:57] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 11:57pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[15-23:57] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Fuck you.
[15-23:57] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Don't dish it if you can't take it, Aph
[15-23:57] 40c, USER666: smiling.................
[15-23:58] 815, §Heretic : ???
[15-23:58] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[15-23:58] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: I can take more than you can dish.
[15-23:59] 815, §Heretic : *sigh*
[15-23:59]       †Angel of Sin† senses bad things.... what's goin on?!?!? *gets all worries like*
[15-23:59] MSG: USER666 sent a message to Angel Of Sin.
[15-23:59]       †Angel of Sin† hears a car in the driveway...that be me mumsy! and she has KFC!!!!!!!
[15-23:59] 1f1, §Cerfestas : "Fuck you." .. Ah.. you certainly can take it well.
[16-00:00] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: I'm in a bad mood and the last thing I want to endure is your shit.
[16-00:00] MSG: †Angel of Sin† tried to message User666 (not registered).
[16-00:00] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: I'm in a bad mood and the last thing I want to endure is your shit.
[16-00:00] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: ???
[16-00:01] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: well. no. 666
[16-00:01]       †Angel of Sin† looks around... why are plp arguing!!!!?!?!?!?
[16-00:02]       †Angel of Sin† goes to eat KFC. brb
[16-00:02] 1f1, §Cerfestas : And you think I want to endure yours? What right do you have slandering me like that out of nowhere? I didn't do a goddamn thing to you.
[16-00:02] MSG: Heretic sent a message to Angel Of Sin.
[16-00:02] EXIT: USER666 disappears ( 11:59pm, December 15 (CST) ).
[16-00:02] 8c9, pishtosh: ...think about what you guys are arguing over; think about it.
[16-00:03] 815, §Heretic : KFC IS EVIL!
[16-00:04] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: I understand what it came from; culmination of instances, not this individual one, which leads to my sudden anger. One thing after another is worth my slandering. I don't give a flying fuck about it right now, I just don't want to deal with it.
[16-00:06] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What the hell did I do?
[16-00:06]       †Angel of Sin† sighs to herself. im going to eat. please be nicer when i return...
[16-00:06] 815, §Heretic : well if you ate KFC you may have contributed to the great beast
[16-00:07] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Not much, maybe I just need an excuse.
[16-00:07] 815, §Heretic : no one needs an excuse to abandon their faith in the great evil that is KFC
[16-00:08] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Agreed, cows taste much better.
[16-00:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : An excuse? I think you're just using me as a scapegoat for your frustration..
[16-00:09] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: No, you're already in low standing with me, combining that with me already pissed off perhaps makes you a scapegoat but it's not unjustified in my eyes because I think you deserve it.
[16-00:09] 89f, ºAsterius: *back*
[16-00:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What the fuck did I do?
[16-00:10] 815, §Heretic : chickens need freedom - emancipation for the evil that is their genocide.
[16-00:10] 89f, ºAsterius: er...what's up folks?
[16-00:10] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: Same problems we've had before, I just hold grudges.
[16-00:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What problems?
[16-00:10] 815, §Heretic : hey asty. KFC is evil man
[16-00:11] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Enlighten me on our "problems"
[16-00:12] 89f, ºAsterius: *confesses that i have indeed eaten at kfc* i'd say i average twice a year...
[16-00:12] e12, Aphotic Atrocity: I shouldn't have to tell you. I didn't come here to disrespect you in your own place, I just wanted to see Sin. I'm leaving the chat.
[16-00:12] EXIT: Aphotic Atrocity disappears ( 12:12am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-00:12] 815, §Heretic : all those poor chickens
[16-00:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hrm.
[16-00:14] 815, §Heretic : damn that KFC !!
[16-00:14] 89f, ºAsterius: sorry, heretic...
[16-00:14] 815, §Heretic : hey cerf, want sum chicken. just picked up a buket of KFC
[16-00:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No thanks
[16-00:17] 815, §Heretic : hey cerf, want sum chicken. just picked up a buket of KFC
[16-00:18] 815, §Heretic : ...
[16-00:18] 89f, ºAsterius: er, didn't you just say that?
[16-00:18] 815, §Heretic : yes i did.
[16-00:18] 815, §Heretic : strange
[16-00:18] 89f, ºAsterius: wtf is up with the room? and hello, heretic
[16-00:19] 815, §Heretic : dunno man
[16-00:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : pjj had been kind of slow, it seems
[16-00:22] 815, §Heretic : happens sometimes. we just wait it out
[16-00:23] 1f1, §Cerfestas : indeed
[16-00:24]       †Angel of Sin† returns
[16-00:24] 1f1, §Cerfestas : wb Sin.
[16-00:25] 815, §Heretic : hey there
[16-00:25]       †Angel of Sin† feels bloated from all those dead chickens she just ate lol.
[16-00:26] 815, §Heretic : hehe
[16-00:27] 89f, ºAsterius: lol...hey sin! chicken consumer!
[16-00:27] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: hi asty!
[16-00:27] 89f, ºAsterius: hey sin ! *hugs*
[16-00:28]       †Angel of Sin† hugs him back
[16-00:28] 89f, ºAsterius: talked to evan yet?
[16-00:28] 815, §Heretic : no hugs for a heretic
[16-00:29] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: nah. he's still at his aunts. won't be home for a whil i assume.
[16-00:29] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: can't wait to talk to him. i miss him!!!
[16-00:29] 89f, ºAsterius: aw, that's so great, sin. i hope it goes really well
[16-00:29] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[16-00:30] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Sui!
[16-00:30] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: yea. he wasn't upset or anything before. i just assume he doesn't think the world of blane atm though. . .
[16-00:30] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: hiya sui : )
[16-00:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Cerf!
[16-00:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey Sin!!
[16-00:30] 89f, ºAsterius: Sui!
[16-00:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hi Asty!
[16-00:30] 1f1, §Cerfestas : how are you? Is faded alright?
[16-00:31]       †Angel of Sin† smiles "hi"
[16-00:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah, he's ok...he will probably be on in a little bit
[16-00:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: he's talking on the phone right now
[16-00:32] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: what happened to faded?
[16-00:32] 89f, ºAsterius: um, sui. damn! what was the message?!?! advent has to deal with something and he may be back...
[16-00:33] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[16-00:33] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: long ago was that Asty, do you remember?
[16-00:33]       †Angel of Sin† sighs and moves to her corner
[16-00:33] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: he's ok, Sin...just some personal stuff going on
[16-00:34] 89f, ºAsterius: um, i'm guessing 90 minutes to two hours?
[16-00:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: why didn't he just leave me a pm?...sometimes i wonder
[16-00:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, thanks Asty
[16-00:34] 89f, ºAsterius: i wondered the same thing, sui
[16-00:37] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[16-00:38] JOIN: salem appears
[16-00:38]       †Angel of Sin† watches from the shadows of her corner
[16-00:39] 89f, ºAsterius: salem?
[16-00:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, i am gonna let him come on when he gets off the phone, Cerf
[16-00:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey salem!
[16-00:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Sin, you ok?
[16-00:39]       salem hands sin some pancakes
[16-00:39] 469, ºsalem: HEY PPLS!!!
[16-00:40] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: not hungry salem. but thanks anyway.
[16-00:40]       salem winks at sin ok!
[16-00:40] MSG: salem sent a message to Asterius.
[16-00:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: how are you salem?
[16-00:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and Cerf...what did i miss tonight?
[16-00:41] 469, ºsalem: hi'm sui want some pancakes? lol
[16-00:41] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Um.. nothing
[16-00:42] 469, ºsalem: *i'm good
[16-00:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah! loooove pancakes *takes a plate from salem and poors syrup all over them*
[16-00:42] MSG: Asterius sent a message to Salem.
[16-00:42] 469, ºsalem: lol
[16-00:43] MSG: salem sent a message to Asterius.
[16-00:43] 89f, ºAsterius: i wanna go to denny's !!!!!!!!
[16-00:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: good thing they are cyber pancakes...i am trying to lose weight
[16-00:43] 469, ºsalem: i live right next to dennys :OP
[16-00:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: been being good and working out
[16-00:44]       †Angel of Sin† sips her mountain dew
[16-00:44] 89f, ºAsterius: heads to union city
[16-00:44] 469, ºsalem: lol
[16-00:45] 89f, ºAsterius: mountain dew in tassie?! lol
[16-00:45]       salem waits for asty
[16-00:45] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and hey, Sin, you guys have KFC's too?
[16-00:46] 89f, ºAsterius: er, waits for me to do what? lol
[16-00:46] 469, ºsalem: to get your butt over here lol
[16-00:47] 89f, ºAsterius: okay, well, get your butt onto aim so we can discuss
[16-00:47] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[16-00:48] 469, ºsalem: lol its there!!!!
[16-00:48] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:47am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-00:48] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[16-00:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Fun Boy is never very fun
[16-00:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hello Angela!
[16-00:48] bb6, ºLittleAngela: yay me!
[16-00:48] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hrm
[16-00:49] bb6, ºLittleAngela: hihi sui!
[16-00:50] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: §SuicideBlonde: and hey, Sin, you guys have KFC's too? <--- yes. and maccas.
[16-00:50] 469, ºsalem: ok well i'm gone!! see ya
[16-00:51] EXIT: salem disappears ( 12:50am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-00:51] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night salem
[16-00:51] bb6, ºLittleAngela: i want chicken!
[16-00:51] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: whats maccas?
[16-00:52] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: Mc Donalds
[16-00:53] 1f1, §Cerfestas : There's a mac d's in ever country..
[16-00:53] bb6, ºLittleAngela: yes yes
[16-00:53] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i am not a McD's fan...never eat there....but...if i have to eat fast food fries...they are the best
[16-00:55]       LittleAngela grabs sin and dances
[16-00:55] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: too bad the US could not send something better to every country in the world
[16-00:56] 1f1, §Cerfestas : that'll happen when Hell freezes over, Sui.
[16-00:56]       Advent walks back in and falls down
[16-00:57] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Advent!
[16-00:57] bb6, ºLittleAngela: o.o
[16-00:57]       SuicideBlonde leans down close..."you ok love?"
[16-00:58]       †Angel of Sin† sits. "not in a mood for dancing ang"
[16-00:58] bb6, ºLittleAngela: okie dokie sin
[16-00:58] f8d, §Advent: *looks up at sui*..yes...just really tired
[16-00:59]       SuicideBlonde kisses his forehead..."sorry love"
[16-01:00] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[16-01:01] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[16-01:01] bb6, ºLittleAngela: it's cold >.<
[16-01:02]       †Angel of Sin† glances at advent from her carner, "did you tell sui what we found out about saturday?"
[16-01:02] bb6, ºLittleAngela: it's also gonna snow soon! yay! snow!
[16-01:02] f8d, §Advent: not yet sin...tell her
[16-01:02] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: me? ...
[16-01:03] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: what?
[16-01:03]       SuicideBlonde now looks concerned
[16-01:04] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: advent you tell her. i suck at talking.
[16-01:04] MSG: Advent sent a message to Erick Draven.
[16-01:04] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: nothing bad sui. its a good thing. fascinating.
[16-01:04] f8d, §Advent: sin in really really tired right now cant u tell her something about it
[16-01:05]       †Angel of Sin† is trying to tell her on msn....
[16-01:05] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[16-01:06] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 1:05am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:06] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'm goin to bed
[16-01:06] bb6, ºLittleAngela: night night
[16-01:06] f8d, §Advent: *hugs serf*..night serf
[16-01:06] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[16-01:06] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, Cerf....night....sleep well
[16-01:07] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: night cerf
[16-01:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Night.. *hugs everyone then walks out*
[16-01:08] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-01:08] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[16-01:08] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[16-01:09] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-01:11]       SuicideBlonde hugs Advent..."night love..."
[16-01:13] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: *sigh*
[16-01:13] JOIN: Azriel appears
[16-01:13] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ello ello
[16-01:13] bb6, ºLittleAngela: hullo azriel person
[16-01:14] EXIT: Azriel disappears ( 1:13am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:14] JOIN: Azriel appears
[16-01:14] 4cc, ºAzriel:
[16-01:14] 4cc, ºAzriel: hello little angela
[16-01:14] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: AZ!!!
[16-01:14] 4cc, ºAzriel: SUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16-01:15] bb6, ºLittleAngela: hihi! *giggles*
[16-01:15] 4cc, ºAzriel: I thought I saw Sin somewhere around......where'd she go?
[16-01:15] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: she died
[16-01:15] JOIN: Asterius appears
[16-01:16] 4cc, ºAzriel: Awww.....*walks over and pats Sin on the head and hands her a cookie* Hey
[16-01:16] 4cc, ºAzriel: Asty O' Batty.....
[16-01:16] 89f, ºAsterius: Az !
[16-01:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: w/b Astyu
[16-01:17]       †Angel of Sin† nibbles the edge of the cookie. thx. ......"hi"
[16-01:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i want cookies!
[16-01:17] 4cc, ºAzriel: Hehe.....*walks over to Sui and leans over and hands her a baggie, very secretly*
[16-01:17] bb6, ºLittleAngela: i want fish sticks!
[16-01:17] 4cc, ºAzriel: welcome, Sin
[16-01:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yummmmmmmmyyyyy
[16-01:18]       Azriel throws a baggie at the invisible person next to Sui
[16-01:18] 4cc, ºAzriel: ya been?
[16-01:18] 4cc, ºAzriel: it REALLY cold anywhere else besides here?!?
[16-01:19]       LittleAngela raises her hand "Cold here...."
[16-01:20] 89f, ºAsterius: 'i'm good thanks
[16-01:20] 89f, ºAsterius: not cold here. maybe 25 F...
[16-01:20]       †Angel of Sin† says quietly "its summer here. But still cold."
[16-01:20] 4cc, ºAzriel: Thanks, Angela....just makin' sure, because it's like the Arctic
[16-01:20] 4cc, ºAzriel: 25F?!?!? And that's not cold? Are you crazy?
[16-01:21] bb6, ºLittleAngela: yes yes... supposed to snow tonight, that it is
[16-01:21] 4cc, ºAzriel: It's 18F with the windchill here
[16-01:21] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh gods....not that white stuff......uggghhhh
[16-01:21] 89f, ºAsterius: not crazy, just canadian...
[16-01:21] 4cc, ºAzriel: Eh?
[16-01:22] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh Sui.........*looks over at her* Whatcha doin'?
[16-01:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey, i am gonna let Angel come talk ya!
[16-01:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: he is hovering over my shoulder here, lol
[16-01:22] 4cc, ºAzriel: ya too!
[16-01:23] 4cc, ºAzriel: I can somehow picture that....him hovering like a vulture, waiting for his
[16-01:23] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Nah, I am more stealth in my hunt
[16-01:23] 4cc, ºAzriel: hold on......need to wrap some 'more' blankets around moi
[16-01:24] 4cc, ºAzriel: Stealth.....pffft......okay.....*whistles and looks to the ceiling*
[16-01:24]       SuicideBlonde notes that Sui is currently hovering over his shoulder
[16-01:25] 4cc, ºAzriel: you two.....i wish i could be there with you guys....but then, who would be the one hovering?!?
[16-01:25] 89f, ºAsterius: <----disconcertingly pleased by Az's avatar
[16-01:26] 4cc, ºAzriel: Awwww.....thanks, Asty....that was the hat I wore to the rodeo! Yee-haw
[16-01:27]       SuicideBlonde smirks
[16-01:27] 89f, ºAsterius: yeah that's the disconcerting part! LOL but, yeah, gorgeous beyond belief
[16-01:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Az, leather, cowgirl hats, etc...mmm...
[16-01:27] 4cc, ºAzriel: Hey.....I LOVE that hat....*puts it on as she speaks just to be disconcerting to some, name which will not be mentioned*
[16-01:28] JOIN: Refrication appears
[16-01:28]       Refrication walks through, hello, bye.
[16-01:28] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 1:28am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:28] 4cc, ºAzriel: Hello Ref
[16-01:28] 4cc, ºAzriel: Okay....bye
[16-01:28] 89f, ºAsterius: eep
[16-01:28] 4cc, ºAzriel: Hmmm......a leather outfit with a cowboy hat?!? can do the chaps and boots too!
[16-01:29] 89f, ºAsterius: hey bers
[16-01:29] 89f, ºAsterius: grrrrrrr
[16-01:29]       Azriel feels the need to say 'Whaaaaaat' like Lil Jon
[16-01:30] 4cc, ºAzriel: have you guys started on the Goldschlager and SoCo?
[16-01:31]       †Angel of Sin† sighs and sipps mountain dew
[16-01:31] 89f, ºAsterius: hw=ey sin
[16-01:31]       Azriel sighs and sips Sprite
[16-01:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Nopez, I am yet to start that...well, 'sides a small swig of GS before getting on the comp
[16-01:31] 89f, ºAsterius: er...
[16-01:31] 4cc, ºAzriel: Yeah.......mmm mmm mmm....sprite
[16-01:32] 4cc, ºAzriel: Well you better get to it, Faded.....*watches*
[16-01:32]       †Angel of Sin† watches anime download....very....slowly : (
[16-01:33] 4cc, ºAzriel: omg.......*takes a look at herself quickly in the mirror....wearing a sweatshirt, pj pants, cowboy hat, scarf, and blanket*
[16-01:33]       SuicideBlonde is wearing blue jeans, REALLY big, baggy, sleeveless sweater and sunglasses
[16-01:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Oh, and black socks
[16-01:34] 89f, ºAsterius: sounds lovely, az
[16-01:34] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ha.....the black socks.....lmao
[16-01:34] 4cc, ºAzriel: And what's your cohort wearing, Faded?
[16-01:34] 4cc, ºAzriel: Gee, thanks Asty.....and what are you wearing, hmm?
[16-01:35]       †Angel of Sin† wonders why anime girls have big eyes, where, real japanese girls eyes' are smaller than average
[16-01:35] 4cc, ºAzriel: I couldn't answer that, Sin.....but, I'm not into the whole anime thing, so I guess I wouldn't know....
[16-01:35] 89f, ºAsterius: jeans, boxers, t-shirt and sweat-shirt...very boring
[16-01:35] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: black shoes, socks, jeans, shirt and jacket<---all black
[16-01:36] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: anime girls are hot.
[16-01:36] 4cc, ºAzriel: Woooooo.......Sui in all black.....The Women In Black.......RAR
[16-01:36] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: mum's baggy track pants, evans black jumper...
[16-01:36] 4cc, ºAzriel: You really think they're hot, Sin?
[16-01:36]       LittleAngela crys
[16-01:36]       SuicideBlonde smirks
[16-01:37] MSG: Asterius sent a message to Angel Of Sin.
[16-01:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: 'Tis her normal attire
[16-01:37] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: yes, why not? they are.
[16-01:37] 4cc, ºAzriel: Wait........*woman
[16-01:37]       Azriel checks for boxers....."Nope, I'm wearing men's flanned pj pants, but definitely not boxers'
[16-01:38] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: no sorry ast. must be mistaken for someone else.
[16-01:38]       SuicideBlonde is wearing blue-flamed boxers
[16-01:38] 4cc, ºAzriel: seczi beasty, you!
[16-01:38]       LittleAngela has leopard print pants on
[16-01:38] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ooooo......meow.....
[16-01:39] 89f, ºAsterius: well, okies, sinsin, though i think in fact i'm correct :)
[16-01:39] 4cc, ºAzriel: Are they hot because they have big eyes, or is it something else?
[16-01:39]       LittleAngela blushes and giggles
[16-01:39] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: people seem to think the same ast. but. i doubt it.
[16-01:39] 4cc, ºAzriel: I don't think I own one piece of clothing that is a leopard print
[16-01:40] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: they're just hot, az. All there is to it.
[16-01:40] JOIN: Artimis appears
[16-01:40] 4cc, ºAzriel: Okay, I'll take your word for it, Sin
[16-01:40] 43a, ºArtimis: Hello Everyone
[16-01:40] 89f, ºAsterius: well, bedtime for me. goodnight all
[16-01:40] JOIN: Refrication appears
[16-01:40]       Refrication walks back the other way, hello, bye.
[16-01:40] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 1:40am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:41]       Azriel rushes the gender-confused Sui and hugs it tightly
[16-01:41] 43a, ºArtimis: nite Asty
[16-01:41] 4cc, ºAzriel: hi, bye
[16-01:41] 89f, ºAsterius: *hugs* goodnight
[16-01:41] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ciao Asty...goodnight
[16-01:41] 4cc, ºAzriel: Art!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16-01:41] EXIT: Asterius disappears ( 1:41am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Farewell, Asty
[16-01:41] 43a, ºArtimis: Hey there Az
[16-01:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Art!
[16-01:41] 43a, ºArtimis: Hi
[16-01:41]       SuicideBlonde has been hugged tightly
[16-01:41] 43a, ºArtimis: Sui!!!!!!!!!!1
[16-01:42] 4cc, ºAzriel: Got your message earlier....I was at work though, so my phone was off....*frowns*
[16-01:42]       SuicideBlonde returns her hug and whispers something in her ear about earlier.
[16-01:42] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh......yes......*blushes*
[16-01:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: 'Tis I, Art, TheFadedAngel... Merely at Sui's house *smirks*
[16-01:42] 43a, ºArtimis: I figured as much but i was near a phone so i thought i would call
[16-01:43] 43a, ºArtimis: ahhhhh.....tell her i called her today aswell but as usual there was no answer
[16-01:43] 4cc, ºAzriel: I didn't know who it was at first, until after the said your name so
[16-01:43] bb6, ºLittleAngela: faded!
[16-01:43] 43a, ºArtimis: I am a fast talker......sorry next time i will say it real slow like
[16-01:44]       Azriel as this feeling that she was in some weird porno twilight zone 'earlier'
[16-01:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Otayz, I shall. She is in the kitchen, currently, washing dishes.
[16-01:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Angela!
[16-01:44] 4cc, ºAzriel: Reeeeaaaallllll slow like
[16-01:44] 43a, ºArtimis: is she bare fool
[16-01:44] 43a, ºArtimis: yes just like that Reeeeeeeaaaaalllll sloooooooowwwwwww like
[16-01:44] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[16-01:44] 4cc, ºAzriel: she's in black socks and boots
[16-01:44] 43a, ºArtimis: *foot
[16-01:44]       †Angel of Sin† wonders what the poster behind Art is. (in the pic --->)
[16-01:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: foot*? nah
[16-01:44]       LittleAngela hugs faded
[16-01:45] bb6, ºLittleAngela: yay!
[16-01:45] 43a, ºArtimis: its Spiderman...(my son's fav)
[16-01:45] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[16-01:45] 43a, ºArtimis: So how has everyone been?
[16-01:46]       Azriel wears an 'S' on her chest
[16-01:46] b3f, º†Angel of Sin†: oh
[16-01:46] bb6, ºLittleAngela: i've been working >.<
[16-01:46] 4cc, ºAzriel: Cold, Art.....very cold
[16-01:46]       †Angel of Sin† contemplates leaving
[16-01:46] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[16-01:46] 43a, ºArtimis: How come Az....its not that cold there is it
[16-01:46]       SuicideBlonde has been rather shitty, recently...
[16-01:47]       Artimis wears hair on his chest
[16-01:47] 4cc, ºAzriel: here we go's like 18F with the wind chill......that is damn cold!
[16-01:47] 4cc, ºAzriel: A hairy chest?!?
[16-01:47] 43a, ºArtimis: bah......thats not cold
[16-01:47] 43a, ºArtimis: yes i have a hairy chest
[16-01:48] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[16-01:48] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 1:46am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:48] 4cc, ºAzriel: Pffftttt......not cold my ass
[16-01:48] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[16-01:48] 43a, ºArtimis: Ok now is that you faded that is rather shitty....or is that Sui
[16-01:49] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Sorry, 'twas bugging me
[16-01:49] 43a, ºArtimis: don't know Az i have not seen your ass
[16-01:49] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Me
[16-01:49] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: And Sui, I suppose
[16-01:49] 4cc, ºAzriel: ewwwww.....*looks at Art, with her head tilted*, how hairy?
[16-01:49]       TheFadedAngel trims all his body hair to a rather short level
[16-01:49] 43a, ºArtimis: well cheer up....summer will be here soon and that means that i shall be there
[16-01:49] 43a, ºArtimis: not very....just a little
[16-01:50] 43a, ºArtimis: lets say slightly more than the hair on my head
[16-01:50] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Artimis.
[16-01:50] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 1:46am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:50] 4cc, ºAzriel: Do you trim, or shave, Faded?
[16-01:51] JOIN: USER666 appears
[16-01:51] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh, so it's like fur?!?
[16-01:51] 4cc, ºAzriel: LMAO
[16-01:51] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Trim...not shave
[16-01:51] 43a, ºArtimis: well i used to shave my whole body...but that got to be way too time consuming
[16-01:51] 43a, ºArtimis: i spelled that wrong
[16-01:51] 4cc, ºAzriel: how the hell do you just 'trim'?
[16-01:52] 43a, ºArtimis: are you calling me an animal Az
[16-01:52] 43a, ºArtimis: cause yes i can be one
[16-01:52] JOIN: USER666 appears
[16-01:52] 4cc, ºAzriel: You, Art, an animal?!? Nooooooo.....not at all
[16-01:52] 43a, ºArtimis: thats what i thought *puffs up his chest*
[16-01:52]       †Angel of Sin† sighs, gets up, and walks out.
[16-01:52]       Azriel plays 'Lovesong' for Faded
[16-01:53] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( bye ).
[16-01:53] 4cc, ºAzriel: Awww....Sin, what's wrong? Don't leave....
[16-01:53] 43a, ºArtimis: yes sin stay
[16-01:53] MSG: USER666 tried to message Msg (not registered).
[16-01:53]       Azriel says in Art's voice...."Me, strong like bull"
[16-01:54] 43a, ºArtimis: no its i am strong like russian bear *must be said with russian accent*
[16-01:55]       Azriel is sitting, trying to figure out (mathematically) how many they're on
[16-01:55] 43a, ºArtimis : how many are on what
[16-01:55] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ohhh.......the *with a tongue twirl* Rrrrrussian accent
[16-01:55] 43a, ºArtimis : mmmmmmmm toungue twirl
[16-01:56] 4cc, ºAzriel: how many drinks Faded and Sui are on
[16-01:56] JOIN: Refrication appears
[16-01:56]       Refrication rides through, on a pig.
[16-01:56] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 1:56am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-01:56] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: None... yet
[16-01:56] 43a, ºArtimis : they are drinking.......and without me
[16-01:56]       Azriel watches B ride back and forth through the door on a pig
[16-01:56] 43a, ºArtimis : Az your pic is not working again
[16-01:56] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh my heavens.....the travesty!
[16-01:57] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Azriel.
[16-01:57] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ya know, Art.....I really think it's you this time
[16-01:57] JOIN: USER666 appears
[16-01:57] 43a, ºArtimis : its not me i know
[16-01:57]       TheFadedAngel notes that Azriel's picture is working, for him.
[16-01:57] 43a, ºArtimis : cause you said it was me last time and it was not
[16-01:57] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[16-01:57] 4cc, ºAzriel: Shite.....goddamned gender switching
[16-01:58] 43a, ºArtimis : dammit........i think then that this comp just hates me
[16-01:58]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[16-01:58] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-01:58] 4cc, ºAzriel: Nah nah nah nah nah-nah....*sticks her tongue out at Art*
[16-01:58] 43a, ºArtimis : hey don't stick that out unless you intend to use it
[16-01:59] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Azriel.
[16-01:59]       TheFadedAngel agrees with Art
[16-01:59] 4cc, ºAzriel: Heh.......*wonders where she heard that before*
[16-01:59]       Artimis wonders if he has ever said that to Azriel before
[16-02:00]       TheFadedAngel knows who has said those exact words before
[16-02:00] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-02:01] 4cc, ºAzriel: Nope, not you Art,,,,,but someone.......*turns slowly and smirk at Faded*
[16-02:01]       Artimis has figured out that Faded has said that before
[16-02:01] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Azriel.
[16-02:01] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: He has hair!
[16-02:02] 43a, ºArtimis : yes i did....but not so much now.
[16-02:02] JOIN: USER666 appears
[16-02:02] 43a, ºArtimis : now i have no hair and a fu-manchu mustache
[16-02:02] 4cc, ºAzriel: Long live the hair!
[16-02:02] 43a, ºArtimis : kinda biker like really
[16-02:03] 43a, ºArtimis : you like the hair?
[16-02:03] 43a, ºArtimis : cause if so you are the only one.....everyone tells me to shave my head
[16-02:03] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-02:04] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: I do not think it looks bad.... though, I have a thing for bald heads *notes the style of his hair, or lack thereof*
[16-02:04] 4cc, ºAzriel: Actually, I have a thing for guys with no hair on their head.....just somethin' about it
[16-02:04] 43a, ºArtimis : why thank you faded......I kinda go back and forth....depending on my mood
[16-02:04] 4cc, ºAzriel: OooooOOooo......GET OUTTA MY HEAD, Faded!
[16-02:05] 43a, ºArtimis : God if only i knew what that was about
[16-02:05] 4cc, ºAzriel: what what was about?
[16-02:06] 43a, ºArtimis : but then again......ignorance is bliss
[16-02:06] 4cc, ºAzriel: nevermind......a lil slow tonight
[16-02:06] 43a, ºArtimis : the get outta my head thing
[16-02:06]       Artimis is blissful
[16-02:06] 4cc, ºAzriel: He's stealing my thoughts, straight outta my head!
[16-02:06] 43a, ºArtimis : l
[16-02:07] 43a, ºArtimis : interesting
[16-02:07]       TheFadedAngel notes that 'tis not the first time
[16-02:07] 43a, ºArtimis : are there any good thoughts in there Faded
[16-02:07] 4cc, ºAzriel: Yeah, Faded, are there, hmmm?
[16-02:08] 4cc, ºAzriel: So.....what is everyone listening to, at this very moment?
[16-02:08] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Indeed. 'Specially of her times alone... *smirks*
[16-02:08] 43a, ºArtimis : ok now it may just be me but.....everytime someone uses the hmmmm makes me think OMG cant type picture
[16-02:09] 4cc, ºAzriel: hmmmm.....
[16-02:09]       TheFadedAngel isn't listening to anything but the saddening lil voice that has JUST recently began to inhabit his heart
[16-02:09] 4cc, ºAzriel: wallpaper does wonders
[16-02:09] 43a, ºArtimis : my god i wish i was lingerie
[16-02:09] 4cc, ºAzriel: LMFAO @ Art
[16-02:09] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Indeed, it does, Az.
[16-02:10] 4cc, ºAzriel: Tee-hee....*is listening to Ying Yang Twins*
[16-02:10] 43a, ºArtimis : wallpaper where is there wallpaper
[16-02:11] 4cc, ºAzriel: I've got wallpaper......ALL over my bathroom
[16-02:12] 43a, ºArtimis : i would love to see that wallpaper sometime Az
[16-02:12] 4cc, ºAzriel: I thought I was going to take it down, but decided to leave it up....really don't want to part with it, so.....
[16-02:12] JOIN: USER666 appears
[16-02:12] 43a, ºArtimis : and i am not just saying that cause of the pic......the pic has alot to do with it but not completely
[16-02:12] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh man............*can't stop laughing*
[16-02:12]       TheFadedAngel ponders why Art would enjoy viewing her wallpaper from her bathroom
[16-02:12]       Artimis listens to travis tritt
[16-02:13] 4cc, ºAzriel: Very nice, Art.....Travis Tritt
[16-02:13]       Artimis is now wondering why in the hell is he listening to Travis Tritt
[16-02:13] 43a, ºArtimis : cause bedrooms are boring Faded
[16-02:14] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Azriel.
[16-02:14] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Indeed, they are...
[16-02:14]       Azriel really cannot stop laughing..."hold on"
[16-02:14] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: I think of my rightful place to be somewhere such as the bathroom...
[16-02:14] 43a, ºArtimis : close Az but the song is help me hold on
[16-02:15]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[16-02:15] 43a, ºArtimis : and why is that Faded
[16-02:15]       Artimis thinks he really needs to get drunk
[16-02:15] 4cc, ºAzriel: G-zuz..........good song, Art
[16-02:15] 43a, ºArtimis : yes i sing it in the bar all the time
[16-02:16]       Azriel is fumbling all over the keyboard trying to type
[16-02:16] 4cc, ºAzriel: My favorite is Modern Day Bonnie and Clyde
[16-02:16] EXIT: USER666 disappears ( 2:12am, December 16 (CST) ).
[16-02:16] 43a, ºArtimis : never heard of it
[16-02:16] 4cc, ºAzriel: Yes, bedrooms are only boring if you make them boring......but I do believe Faded should be in a bathroom
[16-02:16] 43a, ºArtimis : well i like anything lovey dovey or make me cry my eyes out kinda music
[16-02:17] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: 'Tis a bit more interesting than the bedroom... and, you have a shower, shower heads (for females), countertops, walls, etc
[16-02:17] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-02:17] 43a, ºArtimis : ok this slow stuff is making me lonely
[16-02:17] 4cc, ºAzriel: Yeah, I got you on that, Art......the sad country songs
[16-02:18] 43a, ºArtimis : my favorite is the stairs
[16-02:18] 43a, ºArtimis : Colin Raye is getting to me
[16-02:18] 4cc, ºAzriel: you have 'accessories' in a bathroom
[16-02:18] 4cc, ºAzriel: the stairs......mmm.....basement stairs
[16-02:18] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Yes, the stairs are great...
[16-02:19] 43a, ºArtimis : i have ten accerssories.....there called fingers......and i'm not afraid to use em
[16-02:19] 4cc, ºAzriel: gods......lmao
[16-02:19] 4cc, ºAzriel: That was good, Art.....*claps*
[16-02:19]       TheFadedAngel prefers to use his tongue
[16-02:19] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: On Az...or a female... not myself... andways
[16-02:20]       Azriel blinks
[16-02:20] 43a, ºArtimis : yes but my tongue is not an accessorie....its more of a ride
[16-02:20]       Azriel lights a smoke
[16-02:20] 43a, ºArtimis : Oh no........not Diamond Rio
[16-02:21] 4cc, ºAzriel: I've smoked a lot since I've been hom from work.............wonder why
[16-02:21] 4cc, ºAzriel: Diamond Rio-Beautiful Mess.....saw them in concert with Chris Cagle
[16-02:21] 43a, ºArtimis : i am not touchin that with a ten foot pole
[16-02:21] 4cc, ºAzriel: you might need longer then 10feet
[16-02:21] 43a, ºArtimis : I am listening to Your Gone
[16-02:22] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Azriel.
[16-02:22] 43a, ºArtimis : and why would i need more than ten feet
[16-02:23] 4cc, ºAzriel: "all of the sudden, the jukebox blares out a line...."move bitch, get out the way, get the way bitch, get out the way"*
[16-02:23] 43a, ºArtimis : i could just use the ten feet i just might have to be ready to run is all
[16-02:23]       TheFadedAngel smirks...'Next in line!'
[16-02:23]       Artimis is confused
[16-02:24] 43a, ºArtimis : not that it is hard to confuse me
[16-02:24] 43a, ºArtimis : Ok enough of the slow crap
[16-02:24] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[16-02:25] 4cc, ºAzriel: i'll be confused with you, Art
[16-02:25] 43a, ºArtimis : ok
[16-02:26] 4cc, ºAzriel: I'm not listening to slow......listening to my rrrrrrraaaaaap..........*jumps behind the bar and disappears for a couple of seconds....pops up and comes out in her ghetto-fab gear...hat tilted sideways included*
[16-02:26] 43a, ºArtimis : ewwwwww rap
[16-02:27] 4cc, ºAzriel: Ha.......i'm definitely eclectic when it comes to music
[16-02:28] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[16-02:28]       Azriel is now wearing over-sized jeans, hanging half-way down her ass, a sleeveless sweater, and a huge gold chain
[16-02:28] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Had to restart...sorry
[16-02:28] 43a, ºArtimis : I will give you that Az your definately eclectic....and you look good in burgundy too
[16-02:28] 4cc, ºAzriel: it's okay, dear
[16-02:28]       TheFadedAngel smirks at Azriel
[16-02:28] 43a, ºArtimis : for some reason i think that would look good on you
[16-02:28] 4cc, ºAzriel: Why thank ya, Art....I try, I really do
[16-02:29] 43a, ºArtimis : maybe its just cause of the pants being half way down your ass
[16-02:29] 43a, ºArtimis : OMG i am such a perv tonite
[16-02:29] 43a, ºArtimis : Bad Artimis.....bad
[16-02:29] 4cc, ºAzriel: that might just be it, Art.......very well could be....I've been known to catch a couple of glances when my ass is hanging out.....lmao
[16-02:30]       Azriel smacks Art on the hand
[16-02:30] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh......forgot.....*is wearing sunglasses too*
[16-02:30] 43a, ºArtimis : if your gonna hit me you MUST and i can't stress this enough you MUST be wearing leather
[16-02:31]       Azriel starts singing 'You Got What I Need', just like Biz Markie
[16-02:31]       TheFadedAngel mumbles Linkin Park, 'Numb'
[16-02:31] 4cc, ºAzriel: Faded?!?
[16-02:31] 4cc, ºAzriel: Oh....there you are
[16-02:31] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Yes?
[16-02:31]       TheFadedAngel is here
[16-02:31]       TheFadedAngel adores psychological warfare
[16-02:32] 4cc, ºAzriel: Leather, hmm.......mmmm.....
[16-02:32] 4cc, ºAzriel: not very fond of psychological warfare....too exhausting
[16-02:33] 43a, ºArtimis : i am usually unarmed when it comes to psychological warfare
[16-02:33] b8f, ºTheFadedAngel: Exhausting? Nah! 'Tis rather fu!