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[08-22:17] 326, *blane: ahhhhh... it is cerf's fault then!
[08-22:17]       SuicideBlonde now looks confused
[08-22:17] 326, *blane: why does everyone disappear all the time?
[08-22:17] 5c7, *Asterius: faulty connections, blane
[08-22:18] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-22:19] 326, *blane: ast, you annoy me
[08-22:19] 323, Nightmare: when i have a faulty cinnection, i don't end up pc just crashes for two minutes and i have to log back on, but am not officially "logged off"
[08-22:19] JOIN: Winkie appears
[08-22:19] JOIN: Winkie appears
[08-22:19] 5c7, *Asterius: why's that, blane?
[08-22:19] 84c, *Winkie: *looks at Blane* uhh thats jsut a lill rude
[08-22:19] 326, *blane: guess you just rubbed me the wrong way...
[08-22:20] 6f5, DMT Harboline MAO Inhibitor: >.>
[08-22:20] 326, *blane: *looks at winkie* sorry i didn't know this was Politically correct lovey dovey happy huggy chat
[08-22:20] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[08-22:20] 5c7, *Asterius: by, um, trying to answer you?
[08-22:20] 326, *blane: nah... not by trying to answer me..
[08-22:20] 5c7, *Asterius: how then?
[08-22:20] 84c, *Winkie: its not Blane
[08-22:21] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-22:21] 326, *blane: can't put my finger on it ast, i'll get back to you.
[08-22:21]       SuicideBlonde looks at DMT
[08-22:21] 326, *blane: winkie i know it's not.
[08-22:21] 6f5, DMT Harboline MAO Inhibitor: a plant told me to smoke it....
[08-22:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *waves to DMT*
[08-22:22] 84c, *Winkie: ahh fuck this shit, im out, l8ers Cerfy hun*hugz* Sui, and Asty ill talk to u on Messengers
[08-22:22] 5c7, *Asterius: ehn....whatever
[08-22:22] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 10:22pm, December 08 (CST) ).
[08-22:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bye Winkie.. *hugs*
[08-22:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Guys.. please try to get alone
[08-22:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : along*
[08-22:22] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[08-22:23] 323, Nightmare: think this room is "lovey dovey polittically correct" and you don't kno why blane?.......oh yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense
[08-22:23] 323, Nightmare: oh........sorry cerf.........i will do my best.......i was away, multitasking
[08-22:23] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-22:25] 326, *blane: damn, some canadians need to get some thicker skin or they'll freeze
[08-22:25] 326, *blane: think this room is "lovey dovey polittically correct" and you don't kno why blane?.......oh yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense.. what you talkin' about i said i know it's not..
[08-22:25] 1f1, §Cerfestas : brb.. gotta do chores
[08-22:25] 326, *blane: NOT is the key word there buddy.
[08-22:26] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Please get along in my absence...
[08-22:26] 5c7, *Asterius: *thinks canadians are doing fine as they are*
[08-22:26]       SuicideBlonde just watches everyone
[08-22:27] 326, *blane: *put his finger on ast's annoying trait*
[08-22:27] 5c7, *Asterius: go for it, blane
[08-22:27] 326, *blane: allready did
[08-22:28] 323, Nightmare: *just kicks some ol' skoo'
[08-22:28] 326, *blane: if it's got a pussy your nose is all up in their butt.. so to speak.
[08-22:29] 323, Nightmare: `/me attempts to lighten the mood "any requests for songs anyone?"
[08-22:29] 326, *blane: haha yeah toxic by britney spears.. i love that tune
[08-22:29] 5c7, *Asterius: um, i was speaking of myself as a canadian, blane
[08-22:29] 326, *blane: *gets jiggy wit it*
[08-22:30] 326, *blane: i didn't mean just that moment ast.
[08-22:30] 326, *blane: thats basically i'll i've seen of you..
[08-22:31] 5c7, *Asterius: well, sorry for having female friends, blane
[08-22:31]       Nightmare htes brittany.......but something else may do..........
[08-22:32] 326, *blane: theres a diffrence between female friends and brown nosin' the vagina.
[08-22:32] 326, *blane: nightmare play the local H cover version of toxic then.
[08-22:33] 5c7, *Asterius: um, blane, i take serious offence to that remark.
[08-22:34] 323, Nightmare: would you cut the semi-sexist comments blane? i don't think they're too appropriate
[08-22:34] 326, *blane: um... asterius... you've mistaken me for someone who cares
[08-22:34] 5c7, *Asterius: and i think you might be better off taking more time to get to know ppl before you start making comments like that
[08-22:35] 326, *blane: sexist? nightmare my comment wasn't sexist at all...
[08-22:35] 5c7, *Asterius: ah, okay. point taken, blane. carry on
[08-22:35] 326, *blane: asterius... your advice is wonderful... but it falls ondeaf ears
[08-22:35] 326, *blane: plus i'm not saying thats the way you always are... i just call it like i see it.
[08-22:35] 323, Nightmare: i mean, damn, so wat if hes all up in peoples business, if they had a problem with it, they would have told him by now.......and i havent seen any remarks of the kind like "stay out of my business"
[08-22:36] 326, *blane: not my fault people get all bent outta shape when you call a spade a spade
[08-22:36] 323, Nightmare: oh, sorry.........that was a comment i was writing since my last
[08-22:36] 326, *blane: nightmare thats not what i'm talking about... i think asterius comprehends a little better.
[08-22:37] 323, Nightmare: like i was following up something earlier...........and i apologized for the remark
[08-22:38] 326, *blane: it's cool man... no biggie...
[08-22:38] 326, *blane: so what other games you been playin' lately?
[08-22:38] 5c7, *Asterius: i, like blane, agree
[08-22:40] 326, *blane: so where in canada are you anyway ast?
[08-22:40] 326, *blane: western eastern somewhere in the middle?
[08-22:40] 5c7, *Asterius: michigan
[08-22:41] 1f1, §Cerfestas : back
[08-22:41] 323, Nightmare: isn't michigan here in the states?
[08-22:41] 323, Nightmare: welcome back cerf
[08-22:41] 5c7, *Asterius: yes, it is. i'm canadian, but i live in michigan
[08-22:42] 323, Nightmare: oh........sorry i was confused for a moment
[08-22:42] 1f1, §Cerfestas : thanks
[08-22:42] 326, *blane: plese don't tell me you live in big rapids
[08-22:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: w/b Cerf
[08-22:43] 5c7, *Asterius: ok, i won't then, blane
[08-22:43] 326, *blane: no seriously is that where you live?
[08-22:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Thanks, Sui
[08-22:43] 5c7, *Asterius: lansing
[08-22:44] 326, *blane: allright well i guess the state is big enough for the both of us then
[08-22:44] 5c7, *Asterius: gee thanks, blane. 8 million ppl and you're that concerned about me?
[08-22:45] 326, *blane: pretty sure there are more than 8 million
[08-22:46] 5c7, *Asterius: well, as long as you're happy i'm that far away from you. sorry to have scared you so much
[08-22:46] 326, *blane: almost 10million now
[08-22:47] 326, *blane: plus i aint scared of you man....
[08-22:47] 326, *blane: plus your pretty far away since i don't live there at the moment..
[08-22:47] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *sits and watchs the two discuss things*
[08-22:48]       SuicideBlonde sits with Cerf and watches
[08-22:48] 326, *blane: *sits and wonder what happened to the "chat" in chatroom*
[08-22:48] 326, *blane: *hits on suicide blonde*
[08-22:48] 5c7, *Asterius: one should be scared of me. just dunno why you think we need 10 million ppl to dilute us..are you that antagonistic towards me?
[08-22:49] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Come on now, you two...
[08-22:49] 326, *blane: i was just correcting you man...
[08-22:49] 5c7, *Asterius: no, cerfy, we're fine. we're talking amicably
[08-22:50]       SuicideBlonde looks at blane and wonders what he means by "hits"
[08-22:50] 1f1, §Cerfestas : As you wish then. *moves off and lights a smoke*
[08-22:50] 326, *blane: yeah man just a friendly chat.. no ill will wished from either side cerf
[08-22:50] 326, *blane: suicide uh.... not in a bad way..
[08-22:51] 323, Nightmare: who wants to listen to some william hung remix?
[08-22:51] 326, *blane: i just heard georgia peaches were the best
[08-22:51] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[08-22:52] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: wooo....we are indeed, blane
[08-22:52] 326, *blane: ya got tha accent too?
[08-22:52] 5c7, *Asterius: georgia peaches *sighs*
[08-22:52]       Nightmare likes peaches, they taste yummy
[08-22:53] 326, *blane: *never spent much time in georgia* but i've been there a few times... gotta love them southern girls...
[08-22:53] 323, Nightmare: or were you guys reffering to "other" peaches
[08-22:53] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-22:53] 326, *blane: why you sighin' asterius?
[08-22:53] 326, *blane: i didn't mean peach as in the fruit...
[08-22:53] 323, Nightmare: i guess the latter is true
[08-22:53] 326, *blane: thats what they call a pretty girl from georgia.. a georgia peach!
[08-22:53] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...i was born and raised in New Orleans, moved here a while back and when i go home now they tell me i do have the accent, though here they say i think i now have a combo of the two
[08-22:54] 326, *blane: haha well new orleans and georgia aint a bad combo.. now me.. shoot i got a texas/new england accent... my lord it's horrid
[08-22:55] 326, *blane: haha.. not really... what basically happens is when i get back down south i end up slipping into my southern drawl.
[08-22:55] 326, *blane: but i still say alot of new england words.
[08-22:55] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: now THAT i would like to here for
[08-22:55] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *hear
[08-22:55] 326, *blane: ever said cool beans or wicked good in a southern accent it just doesn't sound right.
[08-22:55] 323, Nightmare: or "that shit is phat"......try that........
[08-22:56] 5c7, *Asterius: i've only ever had one on-line relationship and never will i try anything like that again, but it was with a woman from GA ... the most beautiful woman i have ever known with the most amazing accent
[08-22:56] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: me and my sisters say cool beans...*thinks it sounds ok*
[08-22:56]       SuicideBlonde looks at Asty and just nods
[08-22:57] 326, *blane: ahhh... yes asterius the southern girls... whooo
[08-22:57] 326, *blane: they are amazing.... aint never found no northern girl worth a spit.
[08-22:57] 5c7, *Asterius: yeah, thanks, sui. sometime sit still hurts
[08-22:57] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: heard the southern in there, blane
[08-22:58] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: "worth a spit" lol
[08-22:58] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i know Asty
[08-22:58] 5c7, *Asterius: great. well, now i'm depressed. but i'm sending her a christmas card, sui...
[08-22:58] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I understand what you mean,A sty
[08-22:59] 326, *blane: i never understood this who chistmas card thing.
[08-22:59] 326, *blane: maybe i'll try it out one day
[08-22:59] 323, Nightmare: i have known a northern girl worth the world to me.............jaimie............well, i've never been down south either
[08-22:59] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: thats good Asty...i think i should maybe give her a call soon
[08-22:59] 326, *blane: but seriously though blonde aint no woman your age up north look so breath takin' somethin' about that southern sun just keeps 'em looking nice.
[08-22:59] 326, *blane: if thats not to foreward of me to say of course
[08-23:00] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *is somewhat blushing* lol, no...its cool blane
[08-23:00] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and thanks for the compliment
[08-23:00] 5c7, *Asterius: yeah i'd really love to hear how she's doing, sui
[08-23:00] 323, Nightmare: i wanna see a pic of sui
[08-23:00] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *sits and watchs*
[08-23:01] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: you have Nightmare...i think
[08-23:01] 326, *blane: *sits next to cerf* want some of my mango?
[08-23:02] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, i'll put the one i have ready up
[08-23:02] 323, Nightmare: really? i have? when?.........wit i remember vaguely a picture of i think it was you.....looking in a mirror
[08-23:02] 323, Nightmare: oh, ok, thanx sui
[08-23:03] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 11:02pm, December 08 (CST) ).
[08-23:03] 326, *blane: / image can change the pic blonde
[08-23:03] 326, *blane: damn ast, don't get all depressed man.. how old are ya?
[08-23:03] 323, Nightmare: it don't work for some (like me)
[08-23:04] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[08-23:05] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 11:04pm, December 08 (CST) ).
[08-23:05] JOIN: blane appears
[08-23:05] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[08-23:05] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i can't get the /image thing to work for me
[08-23:06] 326, *blane: thats weird blonde...
[08-23:06] 326, *blane: it should work...
[08-23:06] 323, Nightmare: yes! thats the one of seen!
[08-23:06] 326, *blane: oh well maybe it won't work for me in this chat... i've never tried
[08-23:07] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[08-23:07] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-23:07] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Asty,you still there?
[08-23:08] 5c7, *Asterius: more or less
[08-23:08] 326, *blane: ast... how old are ya?
[08-23:08] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: after i call her...i will let you know how she is
[08-23:09] 5c7, *Asterius: 30, blane
[08-23:09] 5c7, *Asterius: thanks, sui. please tell her i say Hi
[08-23:09] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i will Asty
[08-23:10] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Cerf, how is your headache?
[08-23:10] 326, *blane: oh.. i take it blonde knows her then.
[08-23:10] 323, Nightmare: well, im getting tired, so im going to bed.......good night everybody
[08-23:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Still here, Sui.. it was gone for a little but it came back
[08-23:10] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 11:10pm, December 08 (CST) ).
[08-23:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night Nightmare
[08-23:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i know here through here...she lives really close to me, about an hour away
[08-23:11] 5c7, *Asterius: she and Sui know each other quite well, and for lots of reasons i'm not comfortable calling anymore
[08-23:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *her
[08-23:11] 326, *blane: night night
[08-23:12] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: sorry to hear that Cerf...what are you taking for it?
[08-23:13] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: how old are you blane?
[08-23:13] 326, *blane: 22
[08-23:14] 326, *blane: i'm a young in'
[08-23:14] 326, *blane: -----> look at avatar
[08-23:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ah...there you are, lol
[08-23:16] 326, *blane: yep..
[08-23:17] 326, *blane: i look WAY young in that pic.
[08-23:17] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ye look kinda scary lol. not in a bad way mind you
[08-23:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes you do, but your cute
[08-23:17] 326, *blane: aww thanks
[08-23:18] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: /em thinks about scary in a good way, lol
[08-23:18] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: really think he looks scary?
[08-23:18] 326, *blane: yeah whats scary in a good way?
[08-23:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I think it's your eyes, Blane.. just sorta pierce right in.. seems like they stare right through you
[08-23:19] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: a drunk bunny scares me...
[08-23:19] 326, *blane: cerf well i suppose they do... but i'm just lookin' in to your soul
[08-23:20] 326, *blane: mawhaha... or something....
[08-23:20] 5c7, *Asterius: please don't say "buny"
[08-23:20] 326, *blane: *hicup*
[08-23:20] 5c7, *Asterius: er, "bunny"
[08-23:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: especially where i live...because it would be probably making its way across the road in front of my moving car
[08-23:21] 326, *blane: there no more rabbit stew
[08-23:21] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: along with the suicide squirrels, deer and posums
[08-23:21] 326, *blane: sui, shott in my backyard we got skunk and deer
[08-23:21] 326, *blane: but real deer not thos wussy southern deer big ass bucks.
[08-23:21] 326, *blane: i'd never seen a skunk till i moved to maine.
[08-23:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey, we have bucks here...just not running in my back yard
[08-23:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *around
[08-23:22] 326, *blane: well you've been to maine...
[08-23:22] 326, *blane: you know what them moose look like... crazy moose!
[08-23:23] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i have only seen a dead skunk, drove over it with my car and the smell stayed in the car for over a month....
[08-23:24] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: you don't know how big a moose really is until you see it in person....BIG
[08-23:24] 326, *blane: i'll send ya a skunk..
[08-23:24] 326, *blane: moose rock the boat house!
[08-23:24] 326, *blane: until you hit one with your car
[08-23:24] 326, *blane: i hear it's not good
[08-23:25] 5c7, *Asterius: a moose can take out your entire windshield and total your car
[08-23:25] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: no, the smell is as bad as you think too
[08-23:26] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: my sister hit and elk going up a mountain in colorado...completely smashed the left side of her car in and almost totalled her car
[08-23:26] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *an
[08-23:27] 326, *blane: yeah moose will crush the car and kill you
[08-23:27] 326, *blane: they tell you that if you can't avoid the moose to hide under the dashboard or else you got a 1% chance of survival.
[08-23:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: wow
[08-23:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i guess you made it home in the snow then blane
[08-23:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: the first time i went to was -11 and there were 10 foot piles of snow everywhere...coming from the deep south...i thought i was on Mars
[08-23:32] 326, *blane: yeah lucky for me i've grown used to drivin' in this crap...
[08-23:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: its beautiful there, but stays cold too long
[08-23:32] 326, *blane: but it's when i look outside and see the one inch of snow and know that 71 more inches are coming in the next 4 months that i miss texas
[08-23:33] 326, *blane: yeah it's snows 4 months outta the year..
[08-23:33] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah...i get that
[08-23:33] 326, *blane: it's winter coat weather probably 8 months outta the year.
[08-23:33] 326, *blane: and then it's all muggy and humid in july
[08-23:33] 326, *blane: august and mid june are like the only really nice months.
[08-23:33] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: are from Austin right? you miss it i guess
[08-23:33] 326, *blane: i miss it soo much
[08-23:34] 326, *blane: i went back last winter.
[08-23:34] 326, *blane: spent a whole month in texas couch surfing from city to city.
[08-23:34] 326, *blane: few days in el paso few weeks in san antonio and a few week in austin.
[08-23:34] 326, *blane: i always feel so content when i'm home.
[08-23:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: never been to Austin, been to lots of other places in Texas
[08-23:34] 326, *blane: soon as i hit the boarder of that state i just feel good.
[08-23:36] 326, *blane: Austin is cool, it's the only liberal place in texas.
[08-23:36] 326, *blane: it's like a blue city in a red state.
[08-23:36] 326, *blane: but, mom's from new england and wanted to retire here.. so here i be
[08-23:36] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i had a friend in high school who was from Austin...and he said it was a great place to live, he moved back after he graduated
[08-23:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, they are two different worlds for sure
[08-23:38] 326, *blane: yeah... oh well though... i'm moving to michigan next spring.
[08-23:38] 326, *blane: gotta finish up my college degree out there and then i'll probably end up in california
[08-23:39] 326, *blane: but thats if i get accepted to the school in michigan.
[08-23:39] 326, *blane: if not i'll end up in las cruces new mexico
[08-23:39] 326, *blane: cause i was allready accepted in las cruces
[08-23:40] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: what is your major?
[08-23:40] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: still here?
[08-23:40] 326, *blane: Well if i get accepted to michigan it'll be "music industry management" if i go to las cruces it'll just be bussiness management
[08-23:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...thats cool
[08-23:42] 326, *blane: ehh.. it's decent... i mean it works you know
[08-23:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah...i have an associates degree in horticulture *rolls her eyes* not much you can do with that actually
[08-23:45] 326, *blane: hum.... grow good food?
[08-23:45] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: haha...well...plants anyway
[08-23:46] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i really wanted to take botany and do botanical research...but there were only two universities in the area at the time that offered it...Tulane, which was too expensive and another in a really bad area
[08-23:47] JOIN: blane appears
[08-23:48] 326, *blane: ahh.. well what do you do for a livin' then?
[08-23:51] 326, *blane: brb need to cook a sandwhich
[08-23:53] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, sorry, i was distracted for a minute...*waits for him to come back after "cooking" his sandwich*
[09-00:01] 326, *blane: steak and cheese on a bagel... yum
[09-00:01] 326, *blane: so what do you do for a living?
[09-00:05] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: right now...nothing...i have been seriously looking for about a year
[09-00:06] 326, *blane: ? how do you pull that off?
[09-00:07] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i am in the process of going through a divorce, he works and is gonna support me until i find a permanent job and the divorce is final
[09-00:08] 326, *blane: ahhh.. i'm sorry to hear the about the divorce
[09-00:08] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ah...its ok...we have been planning it for a while...just now going through with it
[09-00:09] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i am pretty much over the emotional shit...he can be um, how to say it nicely...a real son of a bitch, so no more tears for me over it
[09-00:10] 326, *blane: ahhh, well hopefully the job thing will look up
[09-00:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: if it does not, i'll start sub teaching again in January
[09-00:11] 326, *blane: you don't like sub teaching?
[09-00:12] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah i do...but it doesn't pay that much
[09-00:13] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i was an account rep for an insurance company for a long time...the one i told you who's home office was in Portland
[09-00:14] 326, *blane: well you think you could get back into that line of work?
[09-00:14] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: so that is mostly my background...boring...but it was my career
[09-00:14] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: trying to actually...but i don't want to do the traveling i used to do...i was gone quite a bit
[09-00:16] 326, *blane: ahh... you have children?
[09-00:19] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes, i have a daughter who is 18
[09-00:20] 326, *blane: where does she live?
[09-00:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: she's still here with me...her dad died last January
[09-00:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: she has not graduated from high school yet
[09-00:21] 326, *blane: i'm sorry to hear about her father
[09-00:21] 326, *blane: my condolences
[09-00:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: its ok, him and i had been divorced for a long time and she is getting over it pretty well
[09-00:24] 326, *blane: thats good to hear.
[09-00:25] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: so tell cold is it there right now?
[09-00:25] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and do you wave at Stephen King when you see him, lol?
[09-00:27] 326, *blane: haha... nah..
[09-00:27] 326, *blane: wind chill is 19degrees
[09-00:27] 326, *blane: temp is 27
[09-00:28] 326, *blane: i don't really see mr. king that often...
[09-00:28] 326, *blane: i've seen him at subway a few times, and the bookstore once
[09-00:28] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: really??
[09-00:28] 326, *blane: yeah really.
[09-00:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, give him the finger for me next time you see him for taking 20+ years to finish the Dark Tower series
[09-00:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol
[09-00:29] 326, *blane: i've never really talked to him though... people are always buggin' him and trying to shake his hand so i just act like he's nothing special.
[09-00:29] 326, *blane: when i first moved here i put a sign in front of his house (across the street) that said "when will Roland complete his quest"
[09-00:29] 326, *blane: so i think that might of had something to do with it...
[09-00:30] 326, *blane: i'm sure it got him thinking
[09-00:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: LMAO
[09-00:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: really....
[09-00:31] 326, *blane: yes really it was one of the first things i did.
[09-00:31] 326, *blane: him and i live in the same neighborhood
[09-00:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: he is one of my favorite writers...but his early work is the best
[09-00:31] 326, *blane: he just bought the house next to his... i think he's gonna combine them..
[09-00:32] 326, *blane: he used to teach english at my friend's high school.
[09-00:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: wow...
[09-00:34] 326, *blane: but these days i just bitch and get pissed about the tourists who want to see his house
[09-00:34] 326, *blane: cause they never park and get out
[09-00:34] 326, *blane: they just clog up the fuckin' road and go like 3miles an hour
[09-00:36] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hahaha
[09-00:36] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: damn
[09-00:36] 326, *blane: the cemetary they filmed pet cemetary in is right up the road.
[09-00:36] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well i would imagine it become quite a hassle
[09-00:36] 326, *blane: and the airport in the langalers is our airport.
[09-00:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, Travis Tritt lives 10 minutes from me
[09-00:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: really? that's the bangor airport? cool
[09-00:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: less actually, probably about 5 minutes....
[09-00:38] 326, *blane:
[09-00:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol, was just trying to think of the most famous person who lived close
[09-00:38]       SuicideBlonde is gonna go look now
[09-00:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: very nice...very Stephen King-ish ya know....i love the iron work
[09-00:40] 326, *blane: the ironwork is pretty cool up close.
[09-00:40] 326, *blane: can you guess what number his house is?
[09-00:40] 326, *blane: haha n/m
[09-00:41] 326, *blane: it says it on the gate
[09-00:41] 326, *blane: stephen king 47 westbroadway bangor maine 04401
[09-00:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah, i see it
[09-00:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i wonder if he actually reads his own fan mail
[09-00:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: he must get freaking tons
[09-00:42] 326, *blane: i wonder if he even gets his mail there.
[09-00:42] 326, *blane: *Shrugs*
[09-00:42] 326, *blane: like i said he's just another dude to me...
[09-00:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, if i were gonna write him...i would soooo write him at that address
[09-00:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: its funny, but there are not too many famous ppl i really want to meet
[09-00:44] 326, *blane: i want to meet some famous actresses.
[09-00:44] 326, *blane: couple musicians... but i've met my share..
[09-00:45] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i don't know what i would really say...the fine guys...i would just probably end up drooling or something
[09-00:45] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and then the rest....i just don't know
[09-00:46] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i have met the Almand Brothers...years ago...Alice Cooper about 4 years ago
[09-00:47] 326, *blane: stephen kings p.o. box is Stephen King PO BOX 1186 Bangor, Maine 04401
[09-00:47] 326, *blane: write him if you'd like
[09-00:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i meet John Goodman and Dennis Quade
[09-00:47] 326, *blane: alice cooper rocks!
[09-00:47] 326, *blane: i like john goodman and dennis quade there cool dude
[09-00:47] 326, *blane: dudes
[09-00:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Dennis Quade was my boyfriend
[09-00:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hehe
[09-00:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: j/k, i used to tell becca, my daughter that because i had met him...
[09-00:50] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, i am gonna now write to Stephen King and tell him..."hey, you know your rude neighbor who put up the sign in his yard...well, he told me to write to you, just to annoy you and said that you are just some dude like everybody, Sui"
[09-00:50] 326, *blane: haha..
[09-00:51] 326, *blane: that could work
[09-00:51] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol
[09-00:51] 326, *blane: i doubt he knows me
[09-00:51] 326, *blane: he's pretty reclusive
[09-00:52]       SuicideBlonde looks at blane..."you know i would never do that right?"
[09-00:53] 326, *blane: i dunno you well enough to know that
[09-00:54] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i would never do that...i am just joking
[09-00:54] 326, *blane: *smiles* it wouldn't matter to me either way though
[09-00:56] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok then...*gets out her paper and pen..."Dear Stephen, Hope you don't mind me calling you by your first name as I practically know you and all because Blane is your neighbor...."
[09-00:56] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hehehe
[09-00:56] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: LMAO
[09-00:56] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: sorry...kidding again
[09-00:56] 326, *blane: haha
[09-00:57] 326, *blane: thats coo' no biggie yo... i was just trying to see if i could find the address to write marilyn manson at
[09-00:57] 326, *blane: but no dice
[09-00:57] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ooo, now he would probably love to get letters from us
[09-00:58] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and what would you say to marilyn manson?
[09-00:58] 326, *blane: yeah i doubt it..
[09-00:58] 326, *blane: i'd say i really like your paintings, and i like your music... keep up the good work
[09-00:59] 326, *blane: ps. your wife is HOTTTTTTTT
[09-00:59] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: haha
[09-00:59] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: is she really? i have never seen her
[09-00:59] 326, *blane: oh yeah she's really really pretty
[09-00:59] 326, *blane: here i'll show ya
[09-01:00] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok
[09-01:00] 326, *blane: erton309/Dita_Von_TeeseNS.jpg' target='_blank'>
[09-01:01] 326, *blane: what the hell
[09-01:01] 326, *blane: erton309/Dita_Von_TeeseNS.jpg' target='_blank'>
[09-01:01] 326, *blane: this chat doesn't like pics
[09-01:01] 326, *blane: >avatar
[09-01:02] 326, *blane: pink
[09-01:02] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: wow, she is really pretty
[09-01:03] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[09-01:03] 326, *blane: ya it's really hard to find a pic of her with her clothes on
[09-01:03] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hi ya Cerf
[09-01:03] 326, *blane: hey cerf whats with the pink thing
[09-01:03] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: woooo, lol
[09-01:03] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What pink thing?
[09-01:04] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: pink?
[09-01:04] 326, *blane: erton309/Dita_Von_TeeseNS.jpg' target='_blank'>
[09-01:04] 326, *blane: that
[09-01:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ohh
[09-01:04] 1f1, §Cerfestas : one sec
[09-01:05] 326, *blane: so suicide your daughter cool too?
[09-01:05] 1f1, §Cerfestas : try now
[09-01:06] 326, *blane:
[09-01:06] 326, *blane: there we go
[09-01:06] 326, *blane: what was wrong with it cerf
[09-01:06] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah, i think she is pretty cool...but she hates being only comes on once and a while
[09-01:07] 326, *blane: understandable... i mean 18 year old girl has better things to do then sit around on the computer... me on the other hand well i live in maine so you know... nothing better to do
[09-01:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : before the /pink was an icon
[09-01:07] 326, *blane: ahhh
[09-01:07] 326, *blane: so it was just the fact that i got the /pinkerton account that was screwin' me
[09-01:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yeah
[09-01:08] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and...thanks for saying im cool...i think you said that, lol
[09-01:08] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...i have no excuse...i just have compudiction
[09-01:09] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yea.. i'm going to bed guys.. can'teep my eyes open
[09-01:09] 1f1, §Cerfestas : can't keep*
[09-01:09] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night Cerf...*hugs* sleep well
[09-01:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *hugs Sui* Night guys.. sorry for being quiet
[09-01:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : night Blane
[09-01:10] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-01:10] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: no problem Cerf
[09-01:10] 1f1, §Cerfestas : nighty
[09-01:10] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Sin!!
[09-01:11] beb, *†Angel of Sin†: mewo
[09-01:11] 326, *blane: night night
[09-01:11] 326, *blane: hi sin
[09-01:11]       SuicideBlonde hugs Sin tight
[09-01:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: how have you been?
[09-01:12]       †Angel of Sin† hugs sui back
[09-01:12] beb, *†Angel of Sin†: hiya blane : )
[09-01:13] 326, *blane: haha i keep forgetting i use my real name as a handle
[09-01:14] 326, *blane: i was like "you know me?"
[09-01:14] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol @ blane
[09-01:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: so, Sin, we were gonna write some letters to famous ppl, who do you wanna write to?
[09-01:16] beb, *†Angel of Sin†: . . .i dunno
[09-01:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i am writing to Stephen King and blane is gonna write to marilyn manson if he can find an address
[09-01:19] 326, *blane: yeah no luck with the marilyn manson address
[09-01:19] 326, *blane: artists are so pretentious!
[09-01:19] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: they are blane
[09-01:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol
[09-01:20] 326, *blane: oh well
[09-01:20] 326, *blane: if i had a hot wife like him i wouldn't have my address out there neither
[09-01:21] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and then there are, of course, all the ppl that think he is pretty hot too
[09-01:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Sin says she has to run off for a bit but will be back in a little while...wanted me to tell "everyone" in the chat that
[09-01:22] 326, *blane: there are people who think he's hot?
[09-01:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: not saying i am one of those ppl ....
[09-01:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: would be surprised
[09-01:23] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: theres a chick that comes in here...her sn is "mansonswhore"
[09-01:24] 326, *blane: hum... well i'm hotter than him
[09-01:24] 326, *blane: where did that sin girl run off too
[09-01:24] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *blane: there are people who think he's hot?....ok, you were joking when you asking that right?
[09-01:24] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: indeed, you are blane
[09-01:25] 326, *blane: i was joking a little bit
[09-01:25] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol, ok
[09-01:25] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Sin had to run off, she said to tell everyone in the chat she will be back in a bit
[09-01:25] 326, *blane: hum...
[09-01:25] 326, *blane: so in other words just tell blane
[09-01:26] 326, *blane: hehe.
[09-01:26] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hehe, yeah
[09-01:26] 326, *blane: how come you got a coo' character by your name and i got a lame star?
[09-01:26] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: because i am a mod in the room
[09-01:26]       SuicideBlonde flexes her muscles a bit to show she has the power
[09-01:26] 326, *blane: OH! what do you do as a mod?
[09-01:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i get to bounce your ass out of here if i need to, and clear the room and lock it
[09-01:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: basically just keep the peace
[09-01:28] 326, *blane: haha
[09-01:28] 326, *blane: good thing you weren't around eariler
[09-01:28] 326, *blane: i'd of sooooo gotten bounced
[09-01:28] 326, *blane: but cerf likes me so she don't kick me
[09-01:28] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: woo....what happened earlier?
[09-01:28] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[09-01:28] 326, *blane: i need a smoke brb
[09-01:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok blane
[09-01:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Angel!!!!
[09-01:29] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nice 'cyber-muscles', Sui *smirks*
[09-01:29] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, everyone...
[09-01:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: aw...thank you...been working on em *smiles*
[09-01:30]       TheFadedAngel was suppose to be sleeping, about 2 1/2 hrs ago...BUT she and I were having such intriguing convos...then, after getting off the phone, am still REALLY tired but cannot sleep...
[09-01:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: too..remember i said i was gonna take a bath and go to bed? well i never took my bath and still not in bed
[09-01:31] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[09-01:31] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Damn computer
[09-01:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: the coming and the going
[09-01:32] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: A nice, hot bath sounds wonderful about now... but, yeah, I really do not foresee that happening
[09-01:32] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: A nice, hot bath sounds wonderful about now... but, yeah, I really do not foresee that happening
[09-01:32] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I am going to restart...brb
[09-01:32] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 1:32am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-01:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i should...i would feel better tomorrow, er, later today
[09-01:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok
[09-01:33] 326, *blane: seems like this chats a regular love connection
[09-01:33] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol, why do you say that blane?
[09-01:35] 326, *blane: i dunno just seems like it
[09-01:36] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: so who you think has a love connection now?
[09-01:36] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 1:16am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-01:36] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[09-01:36]       TheFadedAngel has returned...for now, at least, lol.
[09-01:36]       SuicideBlonde tries to think of the "couples" in the chat
[09-01:36] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[09-01:36] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: w/b Angel
[09-01:37] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Thankiez
[09-01:37]       TheFadedAngel ponders with whom Blane feels connected
[09-01:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i think he meant others
[09-01:38] 326, *blane: i dont' feel connected at all
[09-01:39] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, I see.
[09-01:40] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Once my forced decent from heaven was made, I haven't yet been able to return; though, m'dearest has, on many ocassions (merely by being her), come rather close *smiles*
[09-01:40] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Sorry, merely in a rather 'cloud-9' mood, at the moment.
[09-01:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i see that Angel, lol
[09-01:41] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Can ya blame me, vata?
[09-01:41]       TheFadedAngel realizes he just refered to her as 'vata'...
[09-01:43] 326, *blane: whats up with your avatar... looks like a buff midget with a deformed head
[09-01:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: haha
[09-01:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: what is vata?
[09-01:44] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: *notes that he was just in the process of changing it* A buff midget, eh? Well, considering I am 6'2", thank you VERY MUCH (since I look thick enough to be a buff midget) for my dome, takes a lotta space to hold such a beautiful mind.
[09-01:45]       SuicideBlonde wonders if blane is looking at the same pic
[09-01:45]       TheFadedAngel notes Blane's Avvy
[09-01:45] 326, *blane: okay thats a big change in the avatar..
[09-01:46] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey Angel...blane is quite lovely, isn't he?
[09-01:46] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Btw, Sui, what time did you say you were calling me tomorrow?
[09-01:46] 326, *blane: haha yeah my boobs are to die for.
[09-01:47] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: 'Boobs' and 'to die for' should never go in the same sentence...
[09-01:47]       TheFadedAngel was never a breast-man, 'til he got w/ his baby.
[09-01:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: um, after, what's too early?
[09-01:47] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Anyways, Blane...since we are yet to speak...tell me a bit about yourself, if you will.
[09-01:48] 326, *blane: *scratches head* okay angel so are you a girl or a buff midget?
[09-01:48] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Well, mi carina is calling me at, anytime after.
[09-01:48] 326, *blane: about myself? um.... what do you want to know?
[09-01:48] JOIN: Azriel appears
[09-01:48] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok...*laughs at the Angel gender confustion*
[09-01:48] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I am 6'2", 165...normally 185.... male... so, you tell me. The pic in the avvy is of my baby.
[09-01:49] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: AZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09-01:49] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: General info...interests, descript of self, etc
[09-01:49] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: AZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09-01:49] 4cc, *Azriel: SUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09-01:49]       TheFadedAngel jumps on Az and licks her cheek
[09-01:49] 4cc, *Azriel: FADED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09-01:49] 326, *blane: *blinks*
[09-01:49]       Azriel rolls around with Faded and grabs Sui and pulls her down
[09-01:50]       TheFadedAngel thinks about Blane's midget references and smirks
[09-01:50] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Missed ya, m'lady! How have you been, dear?
[09-01:50] 326, *blane: blane.... male.....
[09-01:50]       SuicideBlonde rolls around with Az and hugs her till her eyes bulge
[09-01:50] 4cc, *Azriel: I've missed you too dear...I've been wonderful, and yourself?
[09-01:50] 4cc, *Azriel: Excuse me......hello a little excited there
[09-01:51] 326, *blane: hi azriel
[09-01:51] 4cc, *Azriel: Sui.....good gods woman!
[09-01:51] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i know it!
[09-01:51] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: how the hell have you been?
[09-01:52] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Otayz, a brief descript of me... I am a 20 yr old, male; from GA. I love to write, read and listen to well as study martial arts (I have studied 7 styles thusfar)... and, in responce to yours... Angel...male...GA....drums...women... hell yeah!
[09-01:52] 4cc, *Azriel: *laughs hysterically* At the moment, I'm pretty good....took some time away and now I'm good...what about you?!?!?!?!?
[09-01:52] 4cc, *Azriel: 19
[09-01:52] 4cc, *Azriel: Faded
[09-01:53] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I will be 20 Tuesday... 'tis merely another day, and less than a week away...why not just try to memorize my age as 20 already...
[09-01:53]       Azriel sticks her tongue out at Faded
[09-01:53]       TheFadedAngel usually has to think about his age for several moments and, without id, does not make it that convincing when purchasing cigarettes *smirks*
[09-01:54] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ooo, i am good right now...happy at the moment...missing Advent so much it,, um....thought it was my turn
[09-01:54] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: LMAO
[09-01:54] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Don't stick it out, unless you plan to use it...
[09-01:54] 4cc, *Azriel: LMFAO @ Sui
[09-01:54] 4cc, *Azriel: don't even, Faded.....don't even go there
[09-01:54] 4cc, *Azriel: Whose turn is it?!?
[09-01:54] 326, *blane: in response to you.... i'm a 22 year old male rotting in Bangor maine, i like to play on the computer, occupy my time with video games, currently studying business managment at university, i like to eat and um.... yeah.
[09-01:54] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Yours, Az
[09-01:54] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yours now Az...i think
[09-01:55] 4cc, *Azriel: Faded------------------------------------->catcher......RARably seczi catcher!
[09-01:55]       TheFadedAngel smiles at Blane's descript... 'Nice'
[09-01:55]       TheFadedAngel would only be the catcher for the right person; though, actively persues his pitching career.
[09-01:56] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: As for the RARably seczi...if you say so
[09-01:56] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I am a buff midget with a big ass dome
[09-01:56] 4cc, *Azriel: 24......female.......Jersey.......MEN! Pffftttt.....glad I'm not a lesbian! Wha......ummm.....yeah.....
[09-01:56]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[09-01:56] 326, *blane: haha
[09-01:56] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: OMG Angel...he lives like right next to Stephen King
[09-01:56] 326, *blane: midget with a dome.
[09-01:56]       SuicideBlonde looks at Az and winks
[09-01:56] 4cc, *Azriel: hehe
[09-01:56] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: And I am impressed, why?!?
[09-01:56] 326, *blane: well like a 1 min walk
[09-01:57] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: LMAO @ Blane
[09-01:57] 326, *blane: yeah thats what i said angel...
[09-01:57]       Azriel winks back at Sui, remembering their motto
[09-01:57] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: cause i knew you would not be...that is why i said it, lol
[09-01:57]       TheFadedAngel despises Stephen's style of writing
[09-01:57] 4cc, *Azriel: I'm impressed
[09-01:57] 4cc, *Azriel: Sui, I love that pic of you.....woooooo
[09-01:57] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Sui, come take nudes of me... *smirks*
[09-01:58] 4cc, *Azriel: Hey!
[09-01:58] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hey, to blane....Mr. King is just another dude...
[09-01:58] 4cc, *Azriel: Wait a minute....
[09-01:58] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I would ask Az, but you are closer...
[09-01:58] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: O.O Angel!
[09-01:58]       Azriel rolls her eyes "whatever"....*in her valley girl tone*
[09-01:58] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: do i have to ask permission from someone first Angel?
[09-01:59] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Hey *just notices* I look like I have traps in that pic
[09-01:59] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nopez
[09-01:59] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I could fuck ya and she wouldn't care...not that I am... she is done for about anything, just no double-standards
[09-01:59] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i think yepz from 2 ppl yes?
[09-02:00] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: But, if I fucked ya, would have to call her so she could listen
[09-02:00] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: LMFAO
[09-02:00] 4cc, *Azriel: heh?
[09-02:00] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Anyways! New subject
[09-02:00] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, now were scaring blane
[09-02:00]       Azriel lights a cigarette and tilts her head at Faded
[09-02:00] 326, *blane: told you love connection
[09-02:01] 326, *blane: they should call this "the bordello"
[09-02:01] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Sorry, we had a long discussion about all this shit tonight... but, alas, new subject, I don't like to blab private info...specially in a public chat
[09-02:01] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: LMAO @ love connection!!!!
[09-02:01] 4cc, *Azriel: connection......g-zuz
[09-02:01]       TheFadedAngel doesn't think many could afford him
[09-02:01] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Love connection? *glances @ Az* Nah, neva dat
[09-02:02]       Azriel pulls out a 5pot "would this be enough?"
[09-02:02]       SuicideBlonde watches the shit float above Angel's head
[09-02:02] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Orale, Sui...thanks for lettin me borrow the cd
[09-02:02] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: you that full of shit, Sui?
[09-02:02] 4cc, *Azriel: Ohhh......never......*raises her eyebrow at Faded*
[09-02:02]       TheFadedAngel gladly takes some 5pot....'For the Mariachi Band'
[09-02:03] 4cc, *Azriel: LMFAO
[09-02:03] 4cc, *Azriel: sorry Blane.....some old memories
[09-02:03]       TheFadedAngel actually enjoys SOME Mariachi musica
[09-02:03] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Musica Mariachi*
[09-02:03] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, you are welcome (for the cd borrowing, that is)
[09-02:03] 326, *blane: ?
[09-02:04] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Blane, would you be at all offended if I were to randomly hug you?
[09-02:04] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: omg....midget hugging
[09-02:04]       TheFadedAngel is just in a good mood...a touchy-feely (not that way) mood.
[09-02:04]       TheFadedAngel sticks his tongue out at Sui
[09-02:04] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Jealous?
[09-02:04]       Azriel looks at Faded and sings..."i bet you want the goodies, bet you thought about it"
[09-02:04] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: comment
[09-02:04] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: He is NOT hugging the midget, dear...that would just be WRONG!
[09-02:05] 4cc, *Azriel: oi.....vey
[09-02:05]       TheFadedAngel looks at Az and sings...'I like your pants around your...'
[09-02:05] 326, *blane: why would you want to hug me?
[09-02:05] 4cc, *Azriel: Oh no.........awwww
[09-02:05]       TheFadedAngel bounces off the couch, like a tigger, onto Az and begins to hug her tightly
[09-02:05] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: sorry, blane, we are all unusually rambunktious tonight
[09-02:06] 4cc, *Azriel: i'm in such a great mood.......woooooo...*grabs Sui and twirls her around*
[09-02:06] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I do not want to, per se, just wondering--for future reference
[09-02:06] 4cc, *Azriel: whoa.......*is pounced by Faded and hugs him tightly*
[09-02:06]       SuicideBlonde twirls around with Az, her hair flying
[09-02:06]       TheFadedAngel hands Sui an electronic spell-check
[09-02:07]       TheFadedAngel is twirling around with them (since he is on Az)...'Flower Power!"
[09-02:07] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i KNEW you would catch that Mr. Spell Check
[09-02:07] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Caught the one before it, as well. *smirks* I merely decided not to meantion it.
[09-02:07] 326, *blane: hum.... i aint really the touchy feely type... but feel free to bow before and tell me your not worthy... that always makes me smile... *grin*
[09-02:08] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: mention*
[09-02:08] 4cc, *Azriel: lmao @ blane
[09-02:08]       Azriel starts running with Faded on her back
[09-02:08]       TheFadedAngel leaps off Az, hands Blane a pansy and bows before him, chanting: 'You're so not worthy of this midget'...jumps on him, bounces off and back to Az
[09-02:09] 326, *blane: az a 6
[09-02:09] 326, *blane: 2
[09-02:09] 326, *blane: woah wrong button
[09-02:09]       TheFadedAngel smirks @ Blane
[09-02:09] 4cc, *Azriel: 6? 2?
[09-02:09] 4cc, *Azriel: Eh?
[09-02:09] 326, *blane: gotta admit though the avatar does make you look like a midget
[09-02:09] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol
[09-02:09] 326, *blane: i was trying to say
[09-02:09] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Hey! My height!
[09-02:09] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Only cuz it scrunchiez it down
[09-02:10] 326, *blane: az, a 6'2'' 185lbs man on your back, and after looking at your picture, i don' think you could run to far.
[09-02:10]       TheFadedAngel has no prob w/ Blane saying he is a buff midget with a abnormally large...ahem...dome
[09-02:10] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Damn, ese, Sun is good.
[09-02:10] 4cc, *Azriel: I'm 5'10" and 125lbs.....pretty strong, and I could definitely carry him...very powerful legs ya know
[09-02:10] 326, *blane: thats okay my nose look huge in the avatar
[09-02:10] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nah, just messin'...nice pic
[09-02:11] 326, *blane: looks
[09-02:11] 326, *blane: powerful legs eh?
[09-02:11] 326, *blane: you got the jersey attitude too?
[09-02:11] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Rambunctious <--for future ref, Sui
[09-02:11] 4cc, *Azriel: Heh......heh heh better believe it baby
[09-02:11] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-02:12] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nice thighs, too...ahem, nvm
[09-02:12] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Oh, I wanna put up a kinky pic too but do not want to scare Blane away (does not think cyber-covering his eyes would work)
[09-02:12] 326, *blane: hey woah i wanna see the thighs
[09-02:12] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-02:12] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: geez...thanks Angel...*thinks i knew that*
[09-02:13] 326, *blane: no midget thighs though thanks
[09-02:13] 4cc, *Azriel: Hehe.....*does a cute little stripper move*
[09-02:14]       SuicideBlonde is very quiet
[09-02:14] 326, *blane: uh... what are you to whisperin' aboot?
[09-02:14] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Otayz, the pic is not THAT bad, guess I will use it for a sec
[09-02:15]       Azriel runs and tackles Sui, gets up, grabs her and runs into the bathroom with her
[09-02:15] 4cc, *Azriel: Ha.....aboot
[09-02:15] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Hey! Be careful with my wallpapa
[09-02:15] 326, *blane: yeah but it's "aboot" with a southern accent.. go figure
[09-02:16] 326, *blane: okay angel those underwear you got on are very homo man.
[09-02:16] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-02:16]       TheFadedAngel tries to imagine that
[09-02:16] 326, *blane: britney is wantin' some.
[09-02:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: woo hoo...blane you'
[09-02:16]       TheFadedAngel smirks... 'got me some extra tips'
[09-02:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: looking very fem there...i was gonna say before my finger slipped
[09-02:17] 326, *blane: blane you' who?
[09-02:17] 326, *blane: ahhh... yes yes good old mrs spears
[09-02:17] 326, *blane: yeah thats a MRS
[09-02:17] 326, *blane: not miss
[09-02:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol
[09-02:17] 326, *blane: *Shrugs*
[09-02:18] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-02:18] 326, *blane: somthin' bout them louisiana girls
[09-02:18] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: My finger slipped, once, and bitch called the cops... *smirks playfully* Damn celebs
[09-02:18] 326, *blane: *winks@sui*
[09-02:18] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: sweet you are blane
[09-02:18] 4cc, *Azriel: I loooooooooooove that pic, Faded! *fans herself*
[09-02:19] 326, *blane: sweet?
[09-02:19] 326, *blane: nah
[09-02:19] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Yeah, 'SOMETHIN' 'BOUT THOSE LA GIRLS!!!'...otayz, Juliet and I already spoke about B enough for tonight....rrr
[09-02:19] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Why? It's not that great of a pic and about 3 yrs old...
[09-02:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: <-----------conass
[09-02:20] 4cc, *Azriel: Okay.......sure........*rolls her eyes*
[09-02:20] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Hell, guess you would have loved to hang with me back then, use to always wear my khakis and a white wife-beater when I went to 'work'
[09-02:20] 326, *blane: haha... angel you make me really love my beer belly.
[09-02:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: waits......for Mr. Spell Check to catch that one
[09-02:20] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Hey, man, you drink enough and I will look purti
[09-02:21] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nah, spelt like a true 'conass' would
[09-02:21] 326, *blane: man i can't drink at the moment.
[09-02:21] 4cc, *Azriel: beer goggles......*shudders*
[09-02:21] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: nope..tis "coonass"
[09-02:21]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[09-02:21] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: 'tis*
[09-02:22] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: my whole upper body is sore
[09-02:22] 4cc, *Azriel: omg, Faded.....cut it out
[09-02:22]       TheFadedAngel is not sore...
[09-02:22] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: HELLO ANGEL!
[09-02:22]       Azriel puts a 'dunce' cap on Faded's head and sends him to the corner
[09-02:23] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Whoa! That was aloud?
[09-02:23]       TheFadedAngel happily goes to the corner...'Yes, M'Lady. Thank you.'
[09-02:23] 4cc, *Azriel: Wha? I didn't hear a thing....ohhh....*takes off her headphones*
[09-02:24]       TheFadedAngel sings...'But I know; you were just like me, with someone disappointed in you.'
[09-02:24] 326, *blane: well i'm gonna go play some advance wars maybe i won't get my ass kicked this time.
[09-02:24] 326, *blane: later
[09-02:24] 4cc, *Azriel: ciao blane
[09-02:24] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nice meeting you, Blane
[09-02:25] 4cc, *Azriel: Okay, can come back if you get down on your knees and lick my boots
[09-02:25] 326, *blane: agradable satisfacerle todo adios
[09-02:25] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night blane...take care
[09-02:25] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Nos vemos
[09-02:26] 4cc, *Azriel: Oh bro left his X-Box at my house, and I've been obsessed with playing BloodRayne2
[09-02:26] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Satisfy it friendly everyone, bye? o.O *ponders how drunk he really is*
[09-02:26] 326, *blane: pleasant to satisfy all good bye = literal translation
[09-02:26] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Az! I am rightly horny enough, at the moment. And, you are REALLY not helping the situation. Much more talk such as that and I might have to 'jump' you.
[09-02:27] 326, *blane: alot gets lost in translation
[09-02:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: really? i have not played that yet...been working on Halo @
[09-02:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: oops 2
[09-02:27] 4cc, *Azriel: OMG! Sui! Me too! You have Halo2?
[09-02:27] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Entonces, fue un placer.
[09-02:28] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Ten un buen noche. Nos vemos, ese.
[09-02:28] 4cc, *Azriel: Faded......*walks over to him and takes her leather whip and runs it down his face, and then kisses him on his forehead* You'll be okay......*smirks8
[09-02:28] 4cc, *Azriel: *
[09-02:28] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: have not bought it yet...renting it now...but getting ready to buy it this week, IF i can find one
[09-02:29] 4cc, *Azriel: It's so friggin hard! It took me forever to get the controls down
[09-02:29] 326, *blane: si hombre adios
[09-02:29]       SuicideBlonde waves at blane
[09-02:29] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Si, estare bien si me tocas como me tratas como en 'The Basement'
[09-02:30]       TheFadedAngel notes the last Spanish comment was directed towards Az
[09-02:30] 4cc, *Azriel: hey......The Basement? *looks sternly at Faded*
[09-02:30] 4cc, *Azriel: anglais silvous-plait
[09-02:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...thats the hard part Az
[09-02:30]       TheFadedAngel est un ang *adjusts his halo*
[09-02:30]       Azriel notes the dent in his halo
[09-02:31]       TheFadedAngel whispers...'Welcome to the jungle'
[09-02:32] 4cc, *Azriel: I also have Need for getting Silent Hill 4 and Mortal Kombat 5
[09-02:32]       TheFadedAngel has a need for speed, at the moment....
[09-02:32] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: RRR!!
[09-02:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Silent Hill
[09-02:33] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: DAMN IT! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL! ok, nvm, that is kinky too! RR!
[09-02:33]       TheFadedAngel goes to the corner and cries
[09-02:33] 4cc, *Azriel: Hehe......*runs her fingernails down Faded's back and then walks away, to Sui*
[09-02:33] 4cc, *Azriel: I've never played it, Sui....i'm soooo excited to play it......woooo hoooo
[09-02:34] 4cc, *Azriel: okay....gotta calm down here
[09-02:34]       SuicideBlonde clasps Az's hand and sits with her
[09-02:34]       TheFadedAngel concentrates on the way the trinklets of blood feel, gently caressing their way down his back
[09-02:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ok, kids.....
[09-02:34]       Azriel runs her fingers through Sui's hair, and lays her head on her shoulder as she stares at Faded
[09-02:35] 4cc, *Azriel: lmao
[09-02:35]       TheFadedAngel is tempted to turn of the monitor but that defeats the purpose of chat....*pouts*
[09-02:35] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: off*
[09-02:35]       SuicideBlonde is laughing her ass off thinking about blane's "love connection" reference
[09-02:36]       TheFadedAngel sings...'There are just too many times when you tried to look inside of me, wondering what I think of you when I protect you out of courtesy...'
[09-02:36] 4cc, *Azriel: That couldn't have been more perfect timing, Sui....*chuckles*
[09-02:36]       TheFadedAngel is in dire need of a pack of cigarettes... merely one shall not suffice
[09-02:37]       TheFadedAngel thinks he needs to begin writing again...BUT...of course, that would just make it worse...but, hey, it would make for a great story
[09-02:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: lol @ whole pack of cigarettes
[09-02:37] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Speaking of which...PPL, WE NEED TO KEEP A.C.V. ALIVE!
[09-02:37] 4cc, *Azriel: Faded, you've got a novel goin' here
[09-02:38] 4cc, *Azriel: I've tried....i've continued the story, so.....
[09-02:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, i know...but in order to do that...we need a direction for the story i think
[09-02:38] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Everyone has a big group orgy? how is that for direction?
[09-02:38] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I mean...ahem... um *thinking*
[09-02:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and Sean...he has kinda fallen off the face of the earth
[09-02:38]       TheFadedAngel decides to go smoke, while thinking...
[09-02:39] 4cc, *Azriel: group orgy, now that's a thought.....*ponders*
[09-02:39]       TheFadedAngel whispers...'If I could change, I would; take back the pain, I would...retrace every wrong move that I made, I would... If I could stand up and take all the blame, I would... take all the shame to the grave'
[09-02:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, not really, he is still in Delaware, i just have not heard from him in over a month now
[09-02:40]       Azriel thinks of the house they would have in NO
[09-02:40] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ah....what a house....uptown
[09-02:41] 4cc, *Azriel: totally bordello style.....oh man.....that gets me all rowdy
[09-02:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: hehe
[09-02:41] 4cc, *Azriel: i think we need to add more people to ACV
[09-02:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...i really liked Sean's style of writing....him and i were talking about the story and what to do with it in September...then i have not heard from him since
[09-02:42] 4cc, *Azriel: Sui, but we would totally have to rethink the occupants of said house
[09-02:42]       SuicideBlonde frowns..."yes, i know"
[09-02:43] 4cc, *Azriel: I liked his stlye too....ashame he hasn't surfaced
[09-02:44] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: A house in which even de Sade, himself, would be forced to seek refuge within the closet.
[09-02:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i think i will email him and tell him to im me when he can
[09-02:44] 4cc, *Azriel: good, Sui......*looks at Faded*
[09-02:45] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I would not mind adding more ppl to ACV, if they were active...but, alas, you know how uptight my elitist ass is when it comes to styles of writing
[09-02:45] 4cc, *Azriel: I think my room would have to be red......blood red....oh yes
[09-02:45] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Can I, at least, come to visit?
[09-02:45] 4cc, *Azriel: Touche, Faded
[09-02:45] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah, and really, the four of us work well together
[09-02:45] 4cc, *Azriel: which four are we talking aboot?
[09-02:46] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: My dearest Emily would make a wonderful addition, I think.
[09-02:46] 4cc, *Azriel: there's been many candidates, i can't keep track
[09-02:46] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: me, you, Angel and Sean
[09-02:46] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Emily...yes
[09-02:46] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: As would T.A.O.D.
[09-02:46] 4cc, *Azriel: Oooooohhh.....right
[09-02:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and the house.....*looks at Az* we can still dream
[09-02:47] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I know not of many writers whose style I truly appreciate.
[09-02:47] 4cc, *Azriel: awwwww.....*frowns and looks at Sui* yeah, i know
[09-02:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: who knows.....
[09-02:48] 4cc, *Azriel: Like I've said before, life's got a twisted way of making things work out.....sick and twisted sometimes, yes....but, you never know
[09-02:49]       TheFadedAngel stares down from his third story balcony upon the herds of mundane, in a trance like state. "You know, my dear, it yet saddens me that they conform so. If only aware they were of the world they disassociate themselves from." A feeble, yet chilling, november wind gently caresses his pale face as his words fall lazily across his vermilion lips.
[09-02:52] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: truth Az...
[09-02:52] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: nice Angel...very
[09-02:53]       TheFadedAngel He shivers not from the cold, but from the thoughts that plague his mind, as he continues..."As ants 'neath a magnifying glass are they; carelessly scurrying to their deaths while secretly wishing to be free"
[09-02:53] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Thankiez
[09-02:54] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Mere in a mood.
[09-02:54] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Merely*
[09-02:54] 4cc, *Azriel: "Whenever i step outside, somebody claims to see the light. It seems to me that all of us have lost our patience, 'cause everyone thinks they're right. And nobody thinks that there just might be more than one road to our final destination. But i'm not ever going to know if i'm right or wrong 'cause we're all going in the same direction. And i'm not sure which way to go because all along, we've been going in the same direction"
[09-02:55]       Azriel jumps up and runs around the room jumping on all the furniture
[09-02:56] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: "Though, m'dearest, who is to judge the correct path; foresee to where we shall stride if such a path is continually tread'. Shall we each wake in opposing fantasies, standing before a different destiny?"
[09-02:56]       SuicideBlonde stretches out her hands and then curls them in, watching her claws retract
[09-02:57]       Azriel watches Sui carefully..."Those can be dangerous, ya know"
[09-02:57]       TheFadedAngel begins to ponder if yet the same path shall lead to indentical destinations for all...
[09-02:58] 4cc, *Azriel: I haven't decided if I believe in destiny or fate.....I mean, things that I've thought were destined, have lead me to extreme disappointment
[09-02:58]       SuicideBlonde looks at Az "indeed, these can inflict some serious damage when i'm provoked"
[09-02:58]       TheFadedAngel taking note that many are unable to complete the journey, in its entirity, and drop-off at varying points along the path.
[09-02:59] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, but such disappointment merely strengthens us for the life yet unlived.
[09-03:00] 4cc, *Azriel: Oh yes, I remember very well when you're provoked...*smiles*
[09-03:00] 4cc, *Azriel: If you say so, Faded
[09-03:00] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: "I would promise you the night sky, and the stars which it contains, merely to be by your side...though, m'dearest, --to me-- your eyes shine brighter than the most lusterous of stars. *notes that his aforementioned statement was OCC*
[09-03:01] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: OOC*
[09-03:01]       SuicideBlonde senses things about to happen
[09-03:02]       TheFadedAngel tightens his collar and ponders what Sui is sensing
[09-03:02] 4cc, *Azriel: Hmmmm.....that's beautiful, Faded.....*looks over to Sui, trying to figure out her senses*
[09-03:02]       SuicideBlonde is preparing for battle
[09-03:03]       Azriel looks carefully around the room
[09-03:03] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: A battle within thyself? Or one in which there shall be many casualties, none of which shall be yourself?
[09-03:04] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: not here, not now...
[09-03:05] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: casualties yes, not sure if that includes myself...we shall see
[09-03:05]       TheFadedAngel glances into Sui's eyes...pondering
[09-03:05] 4cc, *Azriel: Never yourself, Sui....not over my dead body
[09-03:05] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: metaphorically and literally
[09-03:06]       TheFadedAngel grabs the shovel, willingly...
[09-03:07] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i think i have been underestimated one to many times
[09-03:07]       Azriel puts her hands down and glides them over her daggers..."Always and forever, Sui...I will be here"
[09-03:07] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:07]       TheFadedAngel tightens his collar, once more, and stands next to Azriel.
[09-03:08]       SuicideBlonde smiles at her sister "always and forever, Az"
[09-03:08] 4cc, *Azriel: We are the remaining three...we will always be...*smiles at Faded and Sui*
[09-03:08] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: indeed, it is Angel, indeed
[09-03:09]       TheFadedAngel hasn't any catchy motto but is Azriel's guardian angel and shall follow her to the depths of hell.
[09-03:09] 4cc, *Azriel: Okay.....wait.....can
[09-03:09] 4cc, *Azriel:
[09-03:09] 4cc, *Azriel: can't forget Osiris
[09-03:09] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: And, yeah, Sui does not need a 'G.A.' but I got her back
[09-03:10] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes, we are Az...there is great strength among us
[09-03:10] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: And, yeah, Os is my big bro...fuck with me/sui/az, ya deal with the big man
[09-03:10] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i guess i am being a bit vague...cause i have to be but...
[09-03:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: but its time i put some things right....
[09-03:11] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: do you believe you should fight for what you want?
[09-03:11]       Azriel looks at her guardian angel and her sister with sincerity
[09-03:11] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Is just in the mood for...well, many things... and, is always down for whatever.
[09-03:11] 4cc, *Azriel: Absolutely, Sui...never go down without a fight, if to go down at all
[09-03:12] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: "A stumble shall prevent a fall"
[09-03:12]       TheFadedAngel tightens his collar
[09-03:12] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: then fight, i shall
[09-03:12]       Azriel hands are tense on her daggers
[09-03:13]       SuicideBlonde puts her an arm around each of them..."thank you my friends"
[09-03:13] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i carry you each in my heart
[09-03:14]       TheFadedAngel sits, quietly; listening, watching, being hugged *returns her hug*
[09-03:14]       Azriel kisses Sui's forehead..."and you in mine"
[09-03:15] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Such heavy hearts the two of you must have... I merely shelter you 'neath my wings and entwine my heart around yours.
[09-03:15]       TheFadedAngel smirks and adjusts his collar
[09-03:16] 4cc, *Azriel: My heart is extremely heavy...I swear it feels like a brick sometimes
[09-03:16]       SuicideBlonde will choose her battleground wisely
[09-03:16] 4cc, *Azriel: Where Sui?
[09-03:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: don't know exactly yet Az
[09-03:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: but i know i have the advantage now
[09-03:18]       TheFadedAngel notes how R.P. he seems, while attempting to display himself as completely OOC. Thinks it is best for him to take a brief cigarette break to further himself from the growling music and thoughts of battle before he has to choke himself with his metaphorical collar.
[09-03:18] 4cc, *Azriel: Well, when the time comes....we will be there
[09-03:19] 4cc, *Azriel: I think I've smoked one too many cigs today...*coughs a bit and laughs*
[09-03:19] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:20] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:21]       Azriel leans into Faded to study his collar..."What sturdy collar you have" *smirks*
[09-03:22] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:23] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:24] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:24]       TheFadedAngel has arrived
[09-03:25] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:25] 4cc, *Azriel: OooOoooo,'s a Faded Angel
[09-03:26] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:27] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: w/b Angel
[09-03:28]       TheFadedAngel hugs Sui and Azriel
[09-03:29] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:30] 4cc, *Azriel: and how was your cigarette? everything you thought it would be?
[09-03:30]       Azriel returns Faded's hug..."missed you"
[09-03:31] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: And so much more...
[09-03:31] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: I, too, have missed you, m'dear.
[09-03:31] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:31] 4cc, *Azriel: Sooo much more.....
[09-03:31]       SuicideBlonde hugs Angel back tightly
[09-03:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: funny, i am not tired anymore
[09-03:32] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: and i was almost getting ready to go to bed Az when you came in
[09-03:33] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:33] 4cc, *Azriel: I'm not really tired either...but I know if I want to be productive at all tomorrow, I should probably head out soon
[09-03:34] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Sleep is vastly overrated.
[09-03:34] 4cc, *Azriel: I know your opinion on sleep, Faded...we've had this discussion numerous times...*smirks*
[09-03:37] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well, at 5 am i am turning into a pumpkin...and hopefully i will have good dreams like the one i had last i slept
[09-03:38] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:38] JOIN: Genocide Kommando appears
[09-03:38] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Walks In
[09-03:39] 4cc, *Azriel: I've not had good dreams lately....actually pretty scary......hello darky
[09-03:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: morning Geno
[09-03:39] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello Azriel: hugs
[09-03:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: the last few days mine have not been good, but the last....oo, goooood
[09-03:39] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello Sui
[09-03:39] MSG: Azriel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:40] 4cc, *Azriel: hehe.....*giggles at Sui*
[09-03:40]       Azriel hugs darky
[09-03:40] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Azriel.
[09-03:40]       SuicideBlonde is giggling too
[09-03:41] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: How have you been Azriel
[09-03:41] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: How are you Sui
[09-03:41] 4cc, *Azriel: I'm good, darky....can't complain...yourself?
[09-03:41] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Ok i Suppose
[09-03:42] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i am ok Geno...getting tired finally
[09-03:42] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Thats good is it not then Sui
[09-03:44]       TheFadedAngel runs his fingers through her hair, kisses her forehead lightly and walks downstairs, allowing his hand to brush across Her neck before departing (trying not to create too many 4 a.m. noises to disturb Her)
[09-03:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes, now i can sleep...and won't just toss and turn
[09-03:45] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Back. Sorry. Had to check on someone.
[09-03:45]       SuicideBlonde smiles at Angel
[09-03:46] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Thats good Sui
[09-03:46] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, Genocide Kommando. How are you on this glorious morn?
[09-03:46] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Don't really know faded
[09-03:47] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: And you
[09-03:47] 4cc, *Azriel: back is killing me...*rolls her shoulders*
[09-03:48] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Decent, I suppose. Merely wondering why I have been woke.
[09-03:48] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Im sorry to hear that Azriel mine has been hurting to alot lately
[09-03:50] 4cc, *Azriel: thanks, darky....i need some more drugs
[09-03:50] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Your welcome Azriel
[09-03:50] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hugs Az
[09-03:51] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:52] 4cc, *Azriel: I think it's that time ladies and gentlemen
[09-03:53] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Farewell Azriel takecare hugs
[09-03:53] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-03:54] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell, m'dearest Azriel.
[09-03:54] 4cc, *Azriel: Thanks, darky....*gives him a hug*
[09-03:54] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hands Azriel a black rose
[09-03:54] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Your welcome Azriel
[09-03:55] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Thinks that he, too, needs to depart. Though, I feel not much sleep in my immediate future. *decides to stick around a few more minutes*
[09-03:55] 4cc, *Azriel: Thank you, darky....*takes the rose and smiles*
[09-03:55] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: do you know that in nature...there is no such thing as a black rose....
[09-03:55] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Your welcome Az
[09-03:56]       SuicideBlonde looks at ironic is this?
[09-03:56] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: I know that Sui
[09-03:56] 4cc, *Azriel: Faded, Sui....*hugs them tightly* Always....remember
[09-03:56] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: It would be nice to see one anyway
[09-03:56]       TheFadedAngel hugs Azriel tightly... "As you shall in return..."
[09-03:56] 4cc, *Azriel: Irony.......*shivers at Sui's comment*
[09-03:56]       TheFadedAngel nods to Sui.
[09-03:57]       SuicideBlonde flexes her claws a bit
[09-03:59] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hvae a god night Az
[09-04:00] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 3:57am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-04:00] 4cc, *Azriel: kiddies have a good to see everyone soon....*curtsies and runs out the door, but not before saying..."Love you guys!"
[09-04:00] 4cc, *Azriel: kiddies have a good to see everyone soon....*curtsies and runs out the door, but not before saying..."Love you guys!"
[09-04:00] 4cc, *Azriel: kiddies have a good to see everyone soon....*curtsies and runs out the door, but not before saying..."Love you guys!"
[09-04:00] JOIN: Genocide Kommando appears
[09-04:00] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Close your eyes and the world yet plays on... reopen them and find nothing as it was left. Close your mind and you fail to hear the harmony...yet, the music plays on. Close your soul and bathe within the shadows... 'tis when you lose yourself within the aforemention'd shadows that the movie ceases to continue.
[09-04:00] 4cc, *Azriel: Whoa...........sorry all.........LMAO
[09-04:00] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Bye Az
[09-04:00] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell, M'dear.
[09-04:00] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Love you, too.
[09-04:00] 4cc, *Azriel: Ciao
[09-04:00] EXIT: Azriel disappears ( 4:00am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-04:00] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Sorry it wouldn't let me get back in it was being slow
[09-04:01] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Is anyone here still
[09-04:01]       TheFadedAngel notes that Sui has decided to depart for the has Az... and thinks 'tis now the time he does the same.
[09-04:02] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Bye Faded
[09-04:02] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: 'Twas nice conversing with you, Genocide Kommando; though, I have many things yet left unfinished.
[09-04:02] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell. I hope you have a wonderful day.
[09-04:02] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell. I hope you have a wonderful day.
[09-04:02] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 4:02am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-04:02] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[09-04:03] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night Angel....sleep well
[09-04:03] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Wb Sui
[09-04:03] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: thanks Geno...but i have to go to bed now too
[09-04:03] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Bye takecare Sui
[09-04:04] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hugs Sui
[09-04:04] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[09-04:04] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Wb Faded
[09-04:04] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: You too, m'dear. Farewell.
[09-04:04] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Angel....
[09-04:05] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Sui...
[09-04:05] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[09-04:07] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-04:07] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Farewell To you both
[09-04:07] EXIT: Genocide Kommando disappears ( 4:07am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-04:08] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-04:08] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night Geno
[09-04:09] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell, Geno.
[09-04:09]       TheFadedAngel thinks he shall soon follow
[09-04:09] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[09-04:10] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-04:11] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-04:13] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, M'dear.
[09-04:13] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[09-04:14] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-04:16] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-04:16]       SuicideBlonde smiles at Angel...we cannot deny what we are
[09-04:16] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: we can only pretend....
[09-04:17] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: 'Twas nice conversing with you, m'dear. I hope you have a wonderful night/morn/whatever.
[09-04:17] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: you too...sleep well, when you do
[09-04:17] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: 'Tis obvious only to those who pay attention enough to detail
[09-04:17] 3be, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell...
[09-04:19] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 4:17am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-04:20] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: night Angelface
[09-04:26] JOIN: Osiris appears
[09-04:27] 2b9, *Osiris: Wait wait wait...
[09-04:27] 2b9, *Osiris: Sui?
[09-04:28]       Osiris sighs...
[09-04:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: Os!!!
[09-04:29] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: you still here?
[09-04:29] 2b9, *Osiris: Aha!!
[09-04:29] 2b9, *Osiris: Morning Sui!
[09-04:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: morning Os!
[09-04:30] 2b9, *Osiris: You're up pretty late?
[09-04:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i have been thinking about you...this is thursday....
[09-04:30] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...Az was just here
[09-04:30] 2b9, *Osiris: You're right, it is Thursday.
[09-04:31] 2b9, *Osiris: Wha? I missed Az?
[09-04:31] 2b9, *Osiris: And Faded? *curses*
[09-04:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: :) and how are the preparations?
[09-04:31] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yeah, he just left too
[09-04:33] 2b9, *Osiris: Preparations are good, I think everything's under control. A little nervous, but it'll be ok.
[09-04:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: will be fine
[09-04:34] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: we just meantioned you earlier actually
[09-04:35] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *mentioned
[09-04:35] 2b9, *Osiris: You were talking about me?? LOL
[09-04:35] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes, we were, lol....where your ears burning?
[09-04:36] 2b9, *Osiris: Must be why I signed in here! How are you getting on anyway? You ok?
[09-04:37] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: we are so
[09-04:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes, i am good right now, been keeping busy lately so i do go completely insane
[09-04:38] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i have been workouting everyday...hanging out with Angel...have seen a couple movies
[09-04:39] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *working out....(lol)
[09-04:39] 2b9, *Osiris: Busy is good, I find. Keeps you out of mischief
[09-04:39] 2b9, *Osiris: lol - workouting!
[09-04:40] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: well...could be that too! lol
[09-04:41] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: so what have you planned for this week?
[09-04:41] 2b9, *Osiris: Well look, I have an apartment to scrub, so I'd best get a move on.
[09-04:42] 2b9, *Osiris: Planned? I haven't really thought about it!
[09-04:42] 2b9, *Osiris: Whatever happens, happens!
[09-04:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: cool!
[09-04:43] 2b9, *Osiris: But I must get busy now....
[09-04:43] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: better that you have no plans to get messed up
[09-04:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: yes...go clean and take care of everything
[09-04:44] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i will be thinking about you....hope you have a great time (don't think about us...we will be fine)
[09-04:45] 2b9, *Osiris: So, I'll catch up with you soon, and I hope you have a good week yourself.
[09-04:46] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: thanks too
[09-04:46] 2b9, *Osiris: *BIG hugs* for Sui.
[09-04:46] 2b9, *Osiris: Take care now.
[09-04:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: *big hug back*
[09-04:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: i will, you as well
[09-04:47] 2b9, *Osiris: Ok, bye Sui!
[09-04:47] b8f, §SuicideBlonde: ciao, Os!
[09-04:48] EXIT: Osiris disappears ( 4:47am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-07:29] JOIN: Refrication appears
[09-07:29]       Refrication passes by.
[09-07:31] ecc, Refrication: Boring.
[09-07:31] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 7:31am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-07:39] JOIN: drkheart appears
[09-07:39] dda, drkheart: dang
[09-07:40] JOIN: darkheart appears
[09-07:43] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 7:40am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-07:47] JOIN: demented appears
[09-07:49] de9, demented: hi
[09-07:54] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-07:54] dda, Fun Boy: hello
[09-07:55] dda, Fun Boy: whats up demented?
[09-07:57] dda, Fun Boy: anyone here?
[09-08:00] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 7:57am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-08:05] JOIN: Refrication appears
[09-08:06] ecc, Refrication: Empty again.
[09-08:06]       Refrication goes back to other things.
[09-08:06] ecc, Refrication: Bye, bye.
[09-08:06] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 8:06am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-08:08] JOIN: Sunlight appears
[09-08:08] dea, *Sunlight: Anybody here?
[09-08:09] EXIT: Sunlight disappears ( 8:08am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-08:17] JOIN: demented appears
[09-08:19] de9, demented: got kicked out
[09-08:21] de9, demented: anyone
[09-08:21] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-08:21] dda, Fun Boy: hi
[09-08:21] 293, demented: hi
[09-08:22] dda, Fun Boy: whats up?
[09-08:23] de9, demented: nuttin much hows you
[09-08:23] dda, Fun Boy: man the chats are dead around here
[09-08:23] dda, Fun Boy: I be all alright
[09-08:24] de9, demented: cool
[09-08:24] dda, Fun Boy: it shows five ppl here ,where are they?
[09-08:24] JOIN: Refrication appears
[09-08:25] ecc, Refrication: I'm one of the people, bye.
[09-08:25] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 8:25am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-08:25] 293, demented: huh
[09-08:25] dda, Fun Boy: what was that all about?
[09-08:26] 6b8, demented: dunno
[09-08:29] dda, Fun Boy: dunno about this place I find me a better room,later alligator
[09-08:29] de9, demented: laters gators
[09-08:29] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 8:29am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-08:30] JOIN: Refrication appears
[09-08:30] 293, demented: hi
[09-08:30] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[09-08:31] de9, demented: wuts up
[09-08:32] ecc, Refrication: I don't speak alien.
[09-08:32] 6b8, demented: brb
[09-08:33] ecc, Refrication: Ok, me too.
[09-08:39] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:44] ecc, Refrication: [cee22tt]☻[/
[09-08:45] ecc, Refrication: [cee22tt]☻[/c
[09-08:46] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:47] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:47] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:49] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:49] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:50] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:50] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:50] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:50] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:50] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:51] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:51] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:51] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:51] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:51] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:52] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:52] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:53] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:53] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:53] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:54] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:54] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:54] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:54] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:54] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:55] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:55] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:55] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:55] ecc, Refrication:
[09-08:55] ecc, Refrication: ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓ ░▒▓
[09-08:56] ecc, Refrication: Xmas.
[09-08:58] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 8:56am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-09:51] JOIN: THOD appears
[09-09:53] 49e, *THOD: grrrr....damn you lagged the chat!!!!!
[09-09:54] MSG: THOD sent a message to Alexander Anderson.
[09-09:54] JOIN: Refrication appears
[09-09:55] MSG: THOD sent a message to Caterpiller.
[09-09:55] ecc, Refrication: You can't lag the chat by doing that.
[09-09:55] ecc, Refrication: I did it ages ago.
[09-09:55] 49e, *THOD: yes you takes so long to load it
[09-09:55] ecc, Refrication: Not for me.
[09-09:56] 49e, *THOD: oh well im on a piece of shit pc from school so ya...its lagged really bad..
[09-09:56] 49e, *THOD: hehehe it will be better in due time..
[09-09:57] ecc, Refrication: Didn't you like all the pretty colours?
[09-09:57] MSG: THOD sent a message to Gravebabyx3.
[09-09:57] 49e, *THOD: cant look at them.... if i scroll down it gets stuck cuz it cant load...
[09-09:58] 49e, *THOD: to freaking slow for my likeings
[09-09:58] ecc, Refrication: When was that comp made? in the 18 hundreds?
[09-09:59] MSG: THOD sent a message to Sammy.
[09-09:59] 49e, *THOD: no 1995 i think or 1993...around then
[09-10:00]       Refrication sent a message to God
[09-10:00] MSG: THOD sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-10:00]       Refrication sent a message to THOD
[09-10:01]       Refrication sent a message to Satan
[09-10:01] 49e, *THOD: lol really cute trick refrication
[09-10:02]       Refrication sent a message to darkheart
[09-10:02] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-10:02] 3e8, Fun Boy: hi
[09-10:02] 3e8, Fun Boy: shit
[09-10:02] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[09-10:02] JOIN: darkheart appears
[09-10:03] 49e, *THOD: hello med ears
[09-10:03] 49e, *THOD: me dears**
[09-10:03] 3e8, *darkheart: Hello
[09-10:03] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[09-10:03] 49e, *THOD: look refrication you for saw her coming... hello me dear darkheart
[09-10:04]       Refrication sent a message to a sexy girl
[09-10:04] 3e8, *darkheart: whats up guys ?
[09-10:04] ecc, Refrication: No, she will have been lurking.
[09-10:05] 3e8, *darkheart: nope,just got home
[09-10:05]       Refrication sent a message to darkheart.
[09-10:06] 3e8, *darkheart: lol
[09-10:06] ecc, Refrication: Read it.
[09-10:06] 3e8, *darkheart: know I cant ..nothing there ,silly :)
[09-10:06] ecc, Refrication: It's a matter of importance.
[09-10:07] 49e, *THOD: ~giggles~
[09-10:07] ecc, Refrication: Did it get lost in the xmas post?
[09-10:07] 3e8, *darkheart: must of
[09-10:07] ecc, Refrication: All the pressies I send people get lost in the post.
[09-10:08] 3e8, *darkheart: aww :( poor Ref
[09-10:08] ecc, Refrication: That's my excuse.
[09-10:09]       Refrication sent a message to his million girlfriends.
[09-10:10] 3e8, *darkheart: lol
[09-10:10] 49e, *THOD: you wish!!!lmao!!
[09-10:10] ecc, Refrication: I know, it's tiring having 3 million, 1 million would be easy.
[09-10:11] 3e8, *darkheart: lol
[09-10:12] ecc, Refrication: Some of the poor little creatures have to wait over a year for a turn.
[09-10:12] ecc, Refrication: Then they say it was crap. lol
[09-10:12] 3e8, *darkheart: OMG ...lmao
[09-10:12]       THOD dances around
[09-10:13] 49e, *THOD: im so nervous about tonight AH!
[09-10:13] 3e8, *darkheart: tonight?
[09-10:13] ecc, Refrication: Why? is it big?
[09-10:13] 49e, *THOD: yup
[09-10:14] 49e, *THOD: 25 songs...
[09-10:14] 3e8, *darkheart: O.O
[09-10:14] ecc, Refrication: Oh, songs.
[09-10:14] 49e, *THOD: its all charity but lots of people coming...
[09-10:14] ecc, Refrication: lol
[09-10:14] 3e8, *darkheart: you will do great ,Im sure of it
[09-10:15] ecc, Refrication: I thought you were doing something last night?
[09-10:15] 49e, *THOD: i hope i dont forget any of the songs..
[09-10:15] 3e8, *darkheart: dont you think Ref ,that she will do good ?
[09-10:15] 49e, *THOD: i was practicing...again...
[09-10:15] ecc, Refrication: Yes, go for it.
[09-10:16] 49e, *THOD: lil ber doesn't think well of me...
[09-10:16] 3e8, *darkheart: yeah ,see thod even Ref thinks you will do great
[09-10:16] ecc, Refrication: If you forget the words, start to strip.
[09-10:16] 49e, *THOD: do you refrication?
[09-10:16] 49e, *THOD: lolo
[09-10:16] 49e, *THOD: opps scratch the ber and replace it with ref!
[09-10:16] ecc, Refrication: What makes you thinketh that?
[09-10:16] 49e, *THOD: sorry!!!!
[09-10:17] 49e, *THOD: i just think you hate me...thats all
[09-10:17] ecc, Refrication: I have no hate toward you at all.
[09-10:17] ecc, Refrication: What did you do to me?
[09-10:18] 49e, *THOD: ummm...ok....then why do i feel as if you dont like me in any way shape and or form...?
[09-10:18] ecc, Refrication: Yes.
[09-10:18] ecc, Refrication: Whyeth?
[09-10:19] ecc, Refrication: I woder why people think I hate them.
[09-10:19] ecc, Refrication: *wonder
[09-10:19] 3e8, *darkheart: brb guys
[09-10:19] 49e, *THOD: cuz me and you got into a fight...
[09-10:20] 49e, *THOD: a stupid one...but a fight all the same
[09-10:20] ecc, Refrication: I forgot about that.
[09-10:20] ecc, Refrication: What was it about?
[09-10:20] 49e, *THOD: ....
[09-10:20] ecc, Refrication: What was it over?
[09-10:21] 49e, *THOD: ...l...n...and that chat nd me and geno.... :(
[09-10:21] 49e, *THOD: shit that was the bell i have practice again...
[09-10:22] 49e, *THOD: wasnt worth all the well hugs to you and everyone ttyl....(FREAK ON A LEASH!!!))
[09-10:22] ecc, Refrication: Bye.
[09-10:22] 3e8, *darkheart: you have to go :( ...bye bye
[09-10:22] 49e, *THOD: bye me dear....sorry!!
[09-10:22] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 10:22am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-10:22] ecc, Refrication: brb.
[09-10:23] 3e8, *darkheart: HEY good luck tonight
[09-10:27] ecc, Refrication: /returns.
[09-10:28] 3e8, *darkheart: wb
[09-10:28] ecc, Refrication: What have you been doing today?
[09-10:29] 3e8, *darkheart: well ,I cleaned the house and took a shower ,went up town ..thats about it .Might watch a movie later
[09-10:30] ecc, Refrication: Which movie?
[09-10:30] 3e8, *darkheart: what have you been up to ?
[09-10:30] 3e8, *darkheart: I dont know yet
[09-10:31] ecc, Refrication: Writing, exercising, eating, watching tv, talking on here etc.
[09-10:33] ecc, Refrication: I wrote a poem about people who live on the streets, to show that there could be a good reason for their predicament. A bit silly, really.
[09-10:33] 3e8, *darkheart: I could watch Boyz N the Hood ...or Pitch Black ,Riddick,..X2
[09-10:34] 3e8, *darkheart: oh ,sounds like a nice poem .I will have to read it
[09-10:34] ecc, Refrication: I've got "Pitch Black"
[09-10:34] ecc, Refrication: People usually trat them like shit.
[09-10:34] ecc, Refrication: *treat
[09-10:35] 3e8, *darkheart: I like that movie ,but the 2 one is real good ..The Chronicles of Riddick
[09-10:36] ecc, Refrication: I haven't seen that.
[09-10:36] 3e8, *darkheart: thats a real good poem Ref
[09-10:37] ecc, Refrication: People think that only scumbags live rough, that isn't so.
[09-10:37] 3e8, *darkheart: its sad
[09-10:37] ecc, Refrication: They have feelings.
[09-10:37] ecc, Refrication: Some of them may have lost all their family etc.
[09-10:38] 3e8, *darkheart: yeah
[09-10:38] ecc, Refrication: Don't cry lol
[09-10:40] ecc, Refrication: I picture an old alcoholic man with grey hair etc in that poem.
[09-10:41] 3e8, *darkheart: the sad part is no one really gives them the help they need.Usa is real bad about that
[09-10:42] 3e8, *darkheart: All the money us has and they never use it right ,not on the things that matter most .
[09-10:42] 3e8, *darkheart: *USA
[09-10:43] ecc, Refrication: Someone who has deep compassion for others.
[09-10:45] ecc, Refrication: People think it is their own fault, they could have turned to the drink because of a real bad thing in their life. That makes it even harder for them to quit.
[09-10:46] ecc, Refrication: But now I am being boring.
[09-10:46] 3e8, *darkheart: no your not
[09-10:47] ecc, Refrication: I'm always boring, anyway.
[09-10:47] 3e8, *darkheart: life can be very hard only takes a sec to lose everthing
[09-10:48]       Refrication sent a message to darkheart.
[09-10:48] 3e8, *darkheart: lol
[09-10:48] ecc, Refrication: Not really lol
[09-10:49] MSG: Refrication sent a message to Darkheart.
[09-10:49] 3e8, *darkheart: you know I am going to look
[09-10:51] 3e8, *darkheart: thats not fair,I cant pm you
[09-10:52] ecc, Refrication: That's because some dickheaded idiot keeps removing my membership.
[09-10:52] 3e8, *darkheart: MSG: Darkheart sent a message to Refrication .
[09-10:52] 3e8, *darkheart: hahaha lol@self ..that did not work ..lmao
[09-10:53] 3e8, *darkheart: what was I thinking
[09-10:53] ecc, Refrication: Your no good at it lol
[09-10:53]       Refrication sent a message to Darkheart.
[09-10:53] ecc, Refrication: That should be in red.
[09-10:53] 3e8, *darkheart: I forgot name would be there still
[09-10:53] 3e8, *darkheart: you got to have the MSG to make it look good
[09-10:54] MSG: Refrication sent a message to Darkheart.
[09-10:54] 3e8, *darkheart: that sucks ..ask for it back
[09-10:55] ecc, Refrication: I don't want it.
[09-10:55] 3e8, *darkheart: ok
[09-10:55] 3e8, *darkheart: dont you ever go to your room?
[09-10:55] ecc, Refrication: I'm not giving the moron the satisfaction of removing it again.
[09-10:56] ecc, Refrication: Which room?
[09-10:56] 3e8, *darkheart: how many do you have?
[09-10:57] ecc, Refrication: You can't answer a question with another question.
[09-10:58] 3e8, *darkheart: ok :) ... Bravenet
[09-10:58] ecc, Refrication: No.
[09-10:59] ecc, Refrication: And I only have that one.
[09-10:59] 3e8, *darkheart: now many rooms do you have ? (better?)
[09-10:59] 3e8, *darkheart: ok
[09-10:59] ecc, Refrication: No. I have the other one, with the games.
[09-10:59] 3e8, *darkheart: OOOOOOOOOOooo games!!!!
[09-11:00] ecc, Refrication: I don't use it anymore.
[09-11:00] 3e8, *darkheart: you want to play a game later?
[09-11:00] ecc, Refrication: I think I put it in my profile at gothic.
[09-11:00] ecc, Refrication: I might move it.
[09-11:00] 3e8, *darkheart: please ,please ,please ..can we play a game later ?
[09-11:01] ecc, Refrication: Maybe I will play, maybe I won't.
[09-11:01] ecc, Refrication: Why do you want to play with me?
[09-11:02] 3e8, *darkheart: cause your my playing budding :)
[09-11:02] ecc, Refrication: I thought I was the untrustworthy one.
[09-11:03] 3e8, *darkheart: or I mean *buddy.....dont ask ,just cant spell today
[09-11:03] ecc, Refrication: I thought about it, but I decided not to ask.
[09-11:04] ecc, Refrication: By the way, I don't want anyone telling me anything again, that way I can't be blamed for anything.
[09-11:04] 3e8, *darkheart: my lil brain is not working
[09-11:05] 3e8, *darkheart: sorry ,I dont understand
[09-11:05] ecc, Refrication: Course you do.
[09-11:07] ecc, Refrication: It doesn't matter anyway, I don't talk in pm, so people can't tell me secrets.
[09-11:07] 3e8, *darkheart: I got to go into town again ..I will be back soon and we can talk about this more if you wish ..ok
[09-11:07] ecc, Refrication: Bye.
[09-11:08] 3e8, *darkheart: bye
[09-11:08] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 11:08am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-11:08] JOIN: darkheart appears
[09-11:08] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 11:07am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-11:08] 3e8, *darkheart: hey ..I read that wrong ,I do understand
[09-11:09] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 11:08am, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-11:47] JOIN: darkheart appears
[09-11:47] 934, *darkheart: wow ,no one has been here
[09-11:48]       darkheart is away
[09-12:04] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-12:04] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-12:04] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:04pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-12:04] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-12:04] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:04pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-12:45] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[09-12:50] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thod.
[09-12:54] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Hells Angel.
[09-12:55] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[09-12:55] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 12:55pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-13:53] JOIN: Hells Angel appears
[09-13:54] MSG: Hells Angel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[09-13:54] EXIT: Hells Angel disappears ( 1:54pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-14:45] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[09-14:46] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 2:45pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-14:54] JOIN: cuddlebunny appears
[09-14:54] f45, cuddlebunny: hello
[09-15:11] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[09-15:12] 062, Nightmare: oh!!!! wheres the cuddlebunny? i like to cuddle bunnies
[09-15:20] f45, cuddlebunny: hi nightmare
[09-15:21] 062, Nightmare: hello cuddly are you?
[09-15:23] JOIN: darkheart appears
[09-15:24] 062, Nightmare: hello darkheart
[09-15:24] 817, *darkheart: hey night ,how are you ? :)
[09-15:25] 062, Nightmare: im good, and you?
[09-15:25] f45, cuddlebunny: fine how are you sorry for lagging
[09-15:25] 817, *darkheart: doing ok ,thanks
[09-15:26] 817, *darkheart: hi bunny ...thats a cute name
[09-15:26] 062, Nightmare: oh, by the way you know where i may download "paint it black" by the rolling stones? its a great song and all the sites that i've visited either had a music video, or just had the lyrics
[09-15:28] f45, cuddlebunny: thanks. I'm a cute guy
[09-15:28] 817, *darkheart: yeah night that is a very good song ,but I dont know where you could down load it from ..sorry
[09-15:29] 817, *darkheart: I always end up with a virus from those dang music sites
[09-15:29] 062, Nightmare: damn!
[09-15:29] 817, *darkheart: oh ..sorry bunny I thought you were a girl
[09-15:29] 817, *darkheart: keep looking night ,Im sure you will find something
[09-15:30] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-15:30] 062, Nightmare: the only site that i can do a search for it on is altavista......and it came up with results..........just crappy ones though
[09-15:31]       †Angel of Sin† walks in looking all sleepy like.
[09-15:31] 062, Nightmare: hello AoS
[09-15:31] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hiya night
[09-15:31] 817, *darkheart: Hello
[09-15:31] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hi dark
[09-15:32] 817, *darkheart: not enough sleep angel?
[09-15:33] f45, cuddlebunny: strictly male, 6'4
[09-15:33] 817, *darkheart: Free Music Downloads
[09-15:34] 817, *darkheart: oh your tall bunny
[09-15:34] 817, *darkheart: here is one from realplayer night ....RealPlayer Music Store
[09-15:34] f45, cuddlebunny: andmean I teach martial arts and am ex military
[09-15:34] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: nah, it's 8:0am, and im on school hols, what kind of 16yo gets up at 8:30am???
[09-15:35] f45, cuddlebunny: my you're quite attractive sin
[09-15:35] 062, Nightmare: ooooooo, an awfully big bunny........can i cuddle you ant way?
[09-15:35] f45, cuddlebunny: why not everyone else does
[09-15:35] 817, *darkheart: dont know angel ..its 4:34 pm here
[09-15:36] 062, Nightmare: yay!
[09-15:36] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you think so bunny?
[09-15:36] f45, cuddlebunny: 2.39 here
[09-15:36] f45, cuddlebunny: yeah, you look like a girl I used to date
[09-15:36] f45, cuddlebunny: she was scary as hell though
[09-15:37]       Nightmare cuddles the cuddly wabbit and pets his back, and pets his ears, and pets his belly, and pets his head............
[09-15:37] 817, *darkheart: lol...thats not nice bunny
[09-15:37] 062, Nightmare: are you a floppy ear or pointy ear wabbit bunny?
[09-15:37] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: ok... Im not scary am i?
[09-15:37] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: : (
[09-15:38] 062, Nightmare: oh, and i have the same time as darkheart
[09-15:38] 817, *darkheart: no your not scary angel
[09-15:38] 817, *darkheart: thats cool night ,where are you from?
[09-15:38]       †Angel of Sin† puts paperbag over head... "i am!"
[09-15:38] 062, Nightmare: no, your not scary to me..........just be careful around me........i have a 6'4" bunny on me thats afraid of you........
[09-15:39] 062, Nightmare: i reside in the state of connecticut, darkheart
[09-15:39] f45, cuddlebunny: she was pretty but mean
[09-15:39] f45, cuddlebunny: who's pickin on you nightmare *assumes a horse stance*
[09-15:40] f45, cuddlebunny: you're not scary so far.....
[09-15:40] 062, Nightmare: no ones picken on me bunny...........are you floppy or pointy eared?
[09-15:40]       †Angel of Sin† /me adjusts her paper bag... "don't look at me"
[09-15:41] 062, Nightmare: ok......well maybe you are a little scary, so wat? look at my dude
[09-15:41] f45, cuddlebunny: oooppp sorry
[09-15:41] 062, Nightmare: -------->
[09-15:42] 817, *darkheart: floppy bunnies are cute
[09-15:42] f45, cuddlebunny: Now now *pulls the bag away* You're a pretty little thing
[09-15:42] 062, Nightmare: i used to have a floppy eared was horny as hell.............well i guess you can say that bout all bunnies though
[09-15:43] JOIN: Heretic appears
[09-15:43] 062, Nightmare: hey bunny, how many wabbit kids you got? 6,000? 8,000? how many?
[09-15:43] 062, Nightmare: hello heretic
[09-15:43] 817, *darkheart: Hello Heretic
[09-15:43]       †Angel of Sin† covers face "NO give my bag back"
[09-15:43] 815, §Heretic : hello
[09-15:44]       Nightmare gives AoS a plastic bag "here ya go"
[09-15:44] 817, *darkheart: no NOT
[09-15:44] 815, §Heretic : im not in here for long.
[09-15:44] 817, *darkheart: how are you Heretic?
[09-15:45] 815, §Heretic : i have a gig tonight and just wanted to say hello
[09-15:45] 815, §Heretic : aklright darkheart. amped up about tonight
[09-15:45] 817, *darkheart: oh ,ok ...well hi there
[09-15:45] 062, Nightmare: ahhh, heretic, you know you just can't spend a single day without us
[09-15:45] 815, §Heretic : also a little sad about dime bag darrell of p[antera/damage plan getting shot and killed lastnight at a gig.
[09-15:45]       Nightmare playfully punches heretics arm
[09-15:46] 815, §Heretic : yeah i say a lot of shit when im feeling stupid, like last night.
[09-15:46]       †Angel of Sin† stares at the pentagram... OoooooooOoooOhhh...
[09-15:46] 062, Nightmare: oooooooooooooo...............sorry to hear that man
[09-15:46]       Heretic puts nightmare in a full nelson then lets him go
[09-15:46] 817, *darkheart: sorry to hear that too Heretic
[09-15:46] 062, Nightmare: every one is facsinated by HERETICS pent........but no one really appreciates mine...........
[09-15:47] 815, §Heretic : yeah that shit about darrel pisses me off. dude just started his gig and then bam he was dead
[09-15:47] 815, §Heretic : mine matches my av
[09-15:47] 062, Nightmare:
[09-15:47] f45, cuddlebunny: thats cool can I use it on my site?
[09-15:48] 062, Nightmare: oh he the one that was shot at a club yesterday?!?!?!?! its on my home pages news, i think
[09-15:48] 062, Nightmare: its not really mine cudds......just take it, i have it on my site
[09-15:48] 815, §Heretic : yes. dimebag darrel of pantera/damageplan was shot dead on stage lastnight and so were three otehrs in the audience
[09-15:49] f45, cuddlebunny: thanks dude
[09-15:49] f45, cuddlebunny: anyone here like vamp fiction?
[09-15:49] 817, *darkheart: and thats the same place you play at Heretic?
[09-15:49] 062, Nightmare: looking at that article right it all right if i post it heretic?
[09-15:49] 815, §Heretic : plz do man
[09-15:50] 062, Nightmare:
[09-15:50] 817, *darkheart: vampires are good
[09-15:50] 062, Nightmare: here you go man
[09-15:51] 062, Nightmare: then theres also a bio of the band, or something similar
[09-15:51] f45, cuddlebunny: TRY THIS ANCIENTWHYSPERS.8K.COM
[09-15:51] 815, §Heretic : vampires suck
[09-15:51] 815, §Heretic : *drum rim*
[09-15:51] f45, cuddlebunny: THATS MY PATHETIC SITE i WROTE ALL THE STORIES
[09-15:51] 817, *darkheart: lol@Heretic ..ok
[09-15:52] 815, §Heretic : very good buuny. perhaps someday you will consider writing professionally.
[09-15:52]       †Angel of Sin† watches all the people, and adjusts her paper bag
[09-15:52] f45, cuddlebunny: I TOOK THE BAG AWAY RIPS IT TO SHREDS
[09-15:52] 815, §Heretic : what's with the paper bag?
[09-15:52] 062, Nightmare: holy shit your email or was it yahoo?
[09-15:52] f45, cuddlebunny: WHAT DO YOU MEAN HERETIC MY spelling in here ofr have you seen my work
[09-15:53] f45, cuddlebunny: hotmail why
[09-15:53] 062, Nightmare: uuuuuh heretic, did you get the link down below?
[09-15:53] 815, §Heretic : no i have not read ur work but i do support independet writers.
[09-15:54] 815, §Heretic : yes i already read a bunch of sites articles about what happened nightmare. ty
[09-15:54]       †Angel of Sin† puts on another paper bag. I have infinite supply of paper bags. mwa ha haa
[09-15:54] 815, §Heretic : nightmare you never did show me the new av u were working on
[09-15:54] 062, Nightmare: ooooooooh, wanted me to help you with your chat, right bunny?
[09-15:54] f45, cuddlebunny: cool have a look and tell me what you think The GIFT is about to be published in a book and a magazine
[09-15:55] f45, cuddlebunny: mhmmm
[09-15:55] 815, §Heretic : what's with the paper bags??
[09-15:55] 062, Nightmare: that, heretic, is because it sucked worse than i thought it would
[09-15:55] 815, §Heretic : that's very good bunny. how old are you and how long have you been writing short fiction?
[09-15:55] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i am fugly so i am covering my repulsive head with a paper bag.
[09-15:56] 062, Nightmare: hey heretic, you want the "band bio" by netscape?
[09-15:56] 815, §Heretic : you are not fuckin ugly. in fact a number of ppl here have said you are quite attractive. so take the bag off.
[09-15:56] 815, §Heretic : no. i already know the band nightmare.
[09-15:56]       Nightmare pats aos "don't worry, you may be fugly, but we still love ya
[09-15:56] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: brb
[09-15:56] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 3:56pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-15:57] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-15:57] 062, Nightmare: true, heretic......i don't find her attractive, but she is definitly NOT ugly in the least
[09-15:57]       †Angel of Sin† readjusts paper bag and cuts little eye-holes
[09-15:57] 062, Nightmare: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[09-15:57] 815, §Heretic : well i think she's attractive. and i know others do too.
[09-15:58] f45, cuddlebunny: older than dirt and started in the second grade thanks
[09-15:58] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hah. now you can't take away my bag. : ) *smiles like a little smart-ass*
[09-15:58] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Heretic.
[09-15:58] 817, *darkheart: your very pretty angel
[09-15:58]       †Angel of Sin† smiles at heretic, awww thanx : )
[09-15:59] 817, *darkheart: lmao
[09-15:59] 815, §Heretic : no ty nightmare
[09-15:59] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: thz darkheart
[09-15:59] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: *thx
[09-15:59] 062, Nightmare: oh, ok heretic
[09-15:59]       Heretic gently takes off angel's bag and smiles at her
[09-16:00]       †Angel of Sin† looks up at heretic... noooooo
[09-16:00] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you can't take it off me... ------------------------------->
[09-16:00]       Heretic gives the bag back. * very well
[09-16:01] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: unless you.... BEG FOR IT!!!!
[09-16:01] 817, *darkheart: lol
[09-16:01] 815, §Heretic : the heretic begs no one for nothing. ever
[09-16:01] f45, cuddlebunny: yep shes just like autumn
[09-16:02] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: well fine. it stays. You just cant bare the thought of looking at my fuglyness.
[09-16:02] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: am i the only girl in here?
[09-16:02] 815, §Heretic : perhaps it is u who cannot stand the thought of ur asttractiveness.
[09-16:02] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: im not sure who fem or male
[09-16:02] f45, cuddlebunny: ill make you an op in my room nightmare then send the info if you are still interested
[09-16:03] 817, *darkheart: lol...nope I am a girl
[09-16:03] 062, Nightmare: im male
[09-16:03] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you have the same colour font as Sui...
[09-16:03] f45, cuddlebunny: i'm male too
[09-16:03]       †Angel of Sin† smiles "I wuvs Sui"
[09-16:03] f45, cuddlebunny: brb
[09-16:04] 815, §Heretic : later guys. i gotta get for tonight.
[09-16:04] 817, *darkheart: bye
[09-16:04] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: byes : )
[09-16:04] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 4:04pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:05] 062, Nightmare: an op cuddle......and you wanted help with it or something? will i be able to give help as an op? cuz if so, then im fine with op...........gimme the name Nightmare password q
[09-16:05] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i miss sui... Some use your majickal mind controlling powers and make her come in here so i can cuddle with her
[09-16:05] 062, Nightmare: oh, and you gotta gimme the name of your chat too......just wait two moments.....brb
[09-16:05] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 4:05pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:06] JOIN: Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare appears
[09-16:06] 817, *darkheart: O.O thats a long ass name there night
[09-16:06] 062, *Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare: pm me the link cudds....ok? youll have to do it the / msg way though
[09-16:07] 062, *Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare: was my first name on this site
[09-16:07]       †Angel of Sin† sits all lonely upon the rafters, with her black candle burning next to her
[09-16:08] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: *sigh*
[09-16:09]       †Angel of Sin† cries "where's sui?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
[09-16:10] 817, *darkheart: aww, im sure she will be around later
[09-16:10] EXIT: Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare disappears ( 4:07pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:10]       †Angel of Sin† looks around at the people...
[09-16:10] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[09-16:11] 062, Nightmare: i'm not gonna wait around like that all day
[09-16:12]       darkheart sighs
[09-16:13]       Nightmare yawns
[09-16:13] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: who wants to see a kitty with a frog hat thing on its head???
[09-16:14] 817, *darkheart: I think Im going to play ps with my son ..bye bye
[09-16:14] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: yuo dont get to see the kitty : (
[09-16:15] JOIN: cuddlebunny appears
[09-16:15] 062, Nightmare: i wanna see the kitty froggy thingy
[09-16:15] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: okies brb
[09-16:15] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 4:15pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:15] f45, cuddlebunny: sin, nightmare I am back
[09-16:15] 062, Nightmare: heeeeey cudds........bout time you came in..........i just gave you the info on here and everything else man
[09-16:15] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:15] f45, cuddlebunny: control your enthusiasm please. Anyone get to check out my site?
[09-16:16] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: ------------------------> kitty with frog thing on its head
[09-16:16] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: aww it didn't work : (
[09-16:16] f45, cuddlebunny: got it. I'll enter it when i can and send you confirmation thanks
[09-16:16] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: SHKUNKWEASEL!
[09-16:17] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 4:16pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:17] f45, cuddlebunny: any other pics sin?
[09-16:17] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:17] 062, Nightmare: wait already have my e-mail
[09-16:17] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: did it work ----------------->
[09-16:17] f45, cuddlebunny: but I'll pick a different pass since it was openly posted in here
[09-16:17] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol kitty.
[09-16:18] f45, cuddlebunny: I certainly do
[09-16:18] 062, Nightmare: its all right man, just gimme that pass, im sure i can change it
[09-16:18] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: can you see tha ktty?
[09-16:19] 062, Nightmare: and uh, e-mail me your link, ok?
[09-16:19] 062, Nightmare: yes, i can
[09-16:19] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: is my font invisdible?
[09-16:19] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: oh
[09-16:19] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: is it not koot?
[09-16:19] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: is it not koot?
[09-16:21] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: dont all talk at ove...
[09-16:21] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: *once
[09-16:21] 062, Nightmare: uuuum, to it isn't.....i was kinda imagining a cat with an actual frog on its head..........and that cat looks angry
[09-16:22] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: FINE
[09-16:22] 062, Nightmare: i don't think it likes the froggy thingy........but thatnx for showing it to me any way, i really appreciate it
[09-16:23] 062, Nightmare: aaaaawwww don't worry bout it angel, its different, and we need a new kinda av. in here nay way
[09-16:23] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-16:24] 062, Nightmare: oh, is that how it is, angel?
[09-16:24] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:23pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:25] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:25] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-16:25] f45, cuddlebunny: okay will do nightmare, sorry for lagging wheres your room?
[09-16:25] 88d, Fun Boy: bah shit brb
[09-16:26] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:25pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:26] 062, Nightmare: uuuuh, look in the boards, click affiliates, and look, im the VERY last one
[09-16:27] 062, Nightmare: or, just click on affiliates right up there
[09-16:27] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:27] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:28] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: meow
[09-16:28] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i are backest
[09-16:28] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: now, where was i?
[09-16:29] 062, Nightmare: ok........welcome back then
[09-16:29] 062, Nightmare: you were angry that i didn't find your pic "cute"
[09-16:29] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: teddy bears. teddy bears are cute. especially when they are holding hearts that say i love you... right?
[09-16:29] 062, Nightmare: uuuuuh they can be cute, i guess
[09-16:29] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i wasn't angry! lol
[09-16:30] 062, Nightmare: hehe, i see your face angel
[09-16:30] 062, Nightmare: brb
[09-16:30] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: well hangon...
[09-16:31]       †Angel of Sin† hides behind a teddy bear
[09-16:31] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: ...if it works
[09-16:31] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 4:31pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:31] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:32] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hee hee... teddy bear.
[09-16:32] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: uhh.... helloooo?
[09-16:36] JOIN: Genocide Kommando appears
[09-16:36] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Walks In
[09-16:37] f45, cuddlebunny: you're lady phantom?
[09-16:37] 062, Nightmare: hello geno.....i haven't seen you in, like, forever man.......howya been doin?
[09-16:38] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello
[09-16:38] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-16:38] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Ok i suppose
[09-16:38] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:38pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:39] f45, cuddlebunny: nightmare? your a lady?
[09-16:40] 062, Nightmare: no, cudds, im a male
[09-16:40] 062, Nightmare: why?
[09-16:41] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:41] 062, Nightmare: hello angel
[09-16:41] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hi.
[09-16:41] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello Angel Of Sin
[09-16:42] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-16:42] 062, Nightmare: well, bunny? you gonna e-mail me your chat or not?
[09-16:42] 88d, Fun Boy: FOR FUCK SAKE
[09-16:42] 062, Nightmare: lol
[09-16:43] 88d, Fun Boy: why the fuck does it keep changing me to funboy???!?!?!?!
[09-16:43] 062, Nightmare: you want SAKE?!?!?!?!?!
[09-16:43] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello cuddlebunny
[09-16:43] 062, Nightmare: wrong pass
[09-16:43] f45, cuddlebunny: hi kommando i believe you have misspelled your name and given it n unusual meaning
[09-16:43] 88d, Fun Boy: no it wasn't the wrong pass
[09-16:43] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:43pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:44] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: No its the right way its a black metal band
[09-16:44] f45, cuddlebunny: trying to find MY pass right now wrote it down and can't find it dude
[09-16:44] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:44] f45, cuddlebunny: and the last one is lady phantom
[09-16:45] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Wb Angel Of Sin
[09-16:45] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: if this cunt of a fucking thing changes me again...
[09-16:45] f45, cuddlebunny: hmmm never heard of them I sorta got out of metal
[09-16:45] 062, Nightmare: who is lady phantom? and wat the hell are you talkin bout bunny?
[09-16:45] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: wtf is a .RTF file?
[09-16:45] 062, Nightmare: its the password angel, that's all........Fun Boy is the default handle
[09-16:46] 062, Nightmare: RTF?!?!?!?!?!
[09-16:46] 062, Nightmare: retarded trix fuckers?
[09-16:47] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: no, it does it all the time. i know what my pw is. and even if i type it right, after like, a while it'll change me to funboy. & if i go /image it changes me aswell. it fucking annoying
[09-16:47] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: yes rtf. im looking up shit on soulseek, and there's rtf files... ?
[09-16:47] f45, cuddlebunny: i went to the bottom of the list and they said lady phantom
[09-16:47] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: what's a .png?
[09-16:48] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: is that like a pic, or media...?
[09-16:49] 062, Nightmare: puking nazi games.......png
[09-16:50] f45, cuddlebunny: awwww angel you hid your pretty face
[09-16:51] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: shld i put my pic back?
[09-16:51] 062, Nightmare: YES!!!!!!
[09-16:52] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: k. brb
[09-16:52] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 4:52pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:52] EXIT: †Angel of Sin† disappears ( 4:52pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:52] f45, cuddlebunny: yes you should
[09-16:55] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-16:55] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: there you go. happy?
[09-16:56] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: br gotta let my cat out. or feed her or something
[09-16:56] f45, cuddlebunny: i surely am lovely cheekbone
[09-16:56] f45, cuddlebunny: big eyes
[09-16:56] 062, Nightmare: hey, cudds, look up on your monitor........see "affiliates" ? it, then click "other rooms".....scroll down till the LAST's my chat room, click the link, enter my chat, and just gimme your chat link to your room once in my room, ok?
[09-16:58] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you really think im pretty?
[09-16:59] 062, Nightmare: well........i don't think your hot, but you certaintly are NOT ugly
[09-16:59] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: oh.
[09-17:00] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you're brutally honest aren't you?
[09-17:01] 062, Nightmare: just to let you know......i am in love with another, too..........and with me, when i am attracted to someone that i physically know, every thing else seems "bleh" compared to my love
[09-17:01] 062, Nightmare: sometimes, angel
[09-17:01] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: dont make me put my paper bag back on!
[09-17:02] 062, Nightmare: nonononononon!!!!!! don't put the bag back on! the bag looks doofy
[09-17:02] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: aww thats sweet, night.
[09-17:02] 062, Nightmare: i think your curremt avatar is just fine
[09-17:03] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i are in wuv too : ) with my very own lovecat. Im sure you've heard me speak of him.
[09-17:03] 062, Nightmare: how is me being in love sweet angel? we've all been in love at one time or another
[09-17:03] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: yea but it just sounded all aweet how you said it.
[09-17:05] 062, Nightmare: who is this wuv of yours?.........mine is a girl practically around the corner of me.............jaimie........i'd do absolutely ANYTHING for her, but, unfortunately, i do not think she returns my love.........but still i will always have a special piece of my heart reserved strictly for her
[09-17:06] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: my lovecat is Evan. we've been together for 8 months now. 8 months since wednesday. *sighs happily* do ya wanna see him?
[09-17:07] 062, Nightmare: uuum ya, sure, why not angel?
[09-17:07] 062, Nightmare: oh wait
[09-17:07] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: okies hang on
[09-17:08] 062, Nightmare: do not post it as an av.........just post it the link here, ok? you won't get pissed at your pc i mean
[09-17:08] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: wait?
[09-17:09] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: lol... okies ill upload it at the image thingymabob.
[09-17:09] 062, Nightmare: ok.......brb
[09-17:09]       †Angel of Sin† looks for a recent pic of her lovecat
[09-17:12] 062, Nightmare: i want a pet ferret
[09-17:12] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: here ya go, he's v prettyful : )
[09-17:12] 062, Nightmare: but my cat would kill it
[09-17:13] 062, Nightmare: he scares me...........
[09-17:13] 062, Nightmare: lol
[09-17:14] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Gos to the corner
[09-17:14] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: lol a boy brought his pet feret into class once, when i was in like, gd 2, and i had my shoes off and sitting next to my desk, the feret crawled into my shoe.
[09-17:14] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: why does he scare you?
[09-17:15] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i have a pic of him with an orange fuzzy thing in his mouth, tis less scary lol
[09-17:15] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[09-17:15] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello grave
[09-17:15] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: night?
[09-17:15] 062, Nightmare: he looks creepy to me that's all...........i mean....look at his eyes in that pic
[09-17:16] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-17:16] a19, *GraveBabyX3: who looks creepy?
[09-17:16] 88d, Fun Boy: hiya grave : )
[09-17:16] a19, *GraveBabyX3: ello
[09-17:16] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: How are you grave
[09-17:17] 88d, Fun Boy: bight thinks my bf looks creepy in that pic. (link's below)
[09-17:17] 88d, Fun Boy: bah fuck. see what i mean with this think night?
[09-17:18] JOIN: bunny appears
[09-17:18] 88d, Fun Boy: *thing
[09-17:18] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 5:18pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:18] a19, *GraveBabyX3: say it with me....Edward Scissor Hands
[09-17:19] f45, bunny: hmmm graves kinda cute
[09-17:19] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Gravebabyx3.
[09-17:19] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-17:19] 062, Nightmare: its bunny in the first form i met him in!!!!!!!!!!!11
[09-17:19]       †Angel of Sin† is listening to edward scissorhands theme as we speak...
[09-17:20] f45, bunny: ha! still lookin dude my old lady "CLEANED UP" my desk
[09-17:20] a19, *GraveBabyX3: oh well lol you dont have to actually send them back to me lol. but whut about that song i sent you
[09-17:20] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Gravebabyx3.
[09-17:21] f45, bunny: sits down and scratches for fleas
[09-17:21] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: why are we saying edward scissorhands? *confuzzled*
[09-17:21] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello Bunny
[09-17:22] a19, *GraveBabyX3: umm... fo you have a thing that says Fwd? on your email? TALK IN PUBLIC! i hate pm'S
[09-17:22] a19, *GraveBabyX3: thats who that guy looks like.... look for the site below
[09-17:22] 062, Nightmare: its the bunny that is an ass whoopin martial artist 6'4" white, floppy ears..........and i forgot its name.......sorry.....oh and since everyone knows rabbits are horny manny litters hav you and oyur rabbit hoes produced? 10,000?
[09-17:22] 062, Nightmare: sorry grave
[09-17:23] a19, *GraveBabyX3: ... its ok
[09-17:23] a19, *GraveBabyX3 : ???
[09-17:23] a19, *GraveBabyX3 : ..
[09-17:23] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: thats my bf. he does look like edward scissorhands a bit. which is coincidental, that's like my fav movie of all time!!!
[09-17:23] a19, *GraveBabyX3 : bunny!
[09-17:23] a19, *GraveBabyX3 : my fav actor...
[09-17:24] 062, Nightmare: uh, oh...........just stay away from my link, ok grave?
[09-17:24] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: in the pic...
[09-17:24] a19, *GraveBabyX3 : whut? the bunny?
[09-17:24] 062, Nightmare: link meaning the icon............cerf put it up for me!!!!
[09-17:24]       GraveBabyX3 dances like the bunny
[09-17:24] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†:
[09-17:25]       †Angel of Sin† cant remember what that is...
[09-17:25] a19, *GraveBabyX3 : thats a fuckin weird ass kid
[09-17:25] a19, *GraveBabyX3: HEY! IVE GOT ONE OF THOSE TOYS!
[09-17:25] a19, *GraveBabyX3: BOING!
[09-17:26] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: does it go "boing boing i love you"
[09-17:26] a19, *GraveBabyX3: nope jut boing
[09-17:26] f45, bunny: hi kommando
[09-17:26] JOIN: salem appears
[09-17:26] 062, Nightmare: one of wat toys?
[09-17:26] 062, Nightmare: hello salem
[09-17:26] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: How are you bunny
[09-17:26] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: oh. with that one, you hit it, and its like "boing biong I LOVE YOU!" its so cute.
[09-17:27] f45, bunny: hi grave
[09-17:27] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello salem hugs
[09-17:27] a19, *GraveBabyX3: click that pic she just sent the toy in his mouth.. ive got one
[09-17:27] f45, bunny: just dandy kommando and how are you?
[09-17:27] 062, Nightmare: oh, thats wat you mean.......ok
[09-17:28] EXIT: salem disappears ( 5:26pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:28] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: im ok bunny
[09-17:28] f45, bunny: that pic is ....disturbing
[09-17:28] f45, bunny: hello salem
[09-17:28] a19, *GraveBabyX3: mines defective.... its the same color and everything'
[09-17:29] a19, *GraveBabyX3: i had two of them adn theyd wake up in the middle of the night and scare the shit outta me
[09-17:30] a19, *GraveBabyX3: ok bye bye
[09-17:30] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: firby? where? *pulls out rocket launcher*
[09-17:30] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 5:30pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:30] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[09-17:30] a19, *GraveBabyX3: lmao yup!
[09-17:30] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 5:30pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:30] EXIT: Genocide Kommando disappears ( 5:28pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:32] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: WTF?!?!?!?!
[09-17:32] 062, Nightmare: my friend had one (a guy had a furby) and he gave it to my sister........all the thing knew how to say was "uh, uh, yum" and "my name is ebay".........and the my buddy is does everything on ebay..........and from wat i've heard, you have to say a word a LOT of times in order to change its name
[09-17:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[09-17:32] JOIN: Asterius appears
[09-17:32] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: some ppl really are screwed in the head...
[09-17:32] 062, Nightmare: WAT?!?!?!?!?!?! why'd they leave?
[09-17:33] 062, Nightmare: oh hello cerf and ast
[09-17:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hey Asty
[09-17:33] d86, *Asterius: back shortly
[09-17:33] EXIT: Asterius disappears ( 5:33pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:33] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: like my bfs ex for example.
[09-17:33] f45, bunny: later guys
[09-17:33] 062, Nightmare: peace out wabbit
[09-17:34]       Nightmare pets the bunny one last time
[09-17:34] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: buh byes bunny
[09-17:35] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *looks around*
[09-17:35] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hiya cerfy : )
[09-17:35] 062, Nightmare: so, how are you today, cerf?
[09-17:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hello Angel
[09-17:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : getting sick, Nightmare
[09-17:37] 062, Nightmare: oh, just a cold i hope?
[09-17:37]       †Angel of Sin† cuddles her purple puppy and sits in confuzzzledness
[09-17:38] 1f1, §Cerfestas : nah.. throat is hurting. will probably get strepped throat
[09-17:38] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: hey how do i get the little msn things and stuff under my name?
[09-17:38] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: poor cerfy *pets her*
[09-17:40] 062, Nightmare: i hate the strepped.........every thing becomes hard to swallow........taste gets distorted.......when i have strep, i tend not to eat for a couple days, and i drink VERY little
[09-17:40] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: what are the chances of a stoopit person dying in America?
[09-17:40] 1f1, §Cerfestas : click members.. then int he drop down menu select "edit preferences", Sin
[09-17:41] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: thx
[09-17:42] 1f1, §Cerfestas : apple cider and tea for me, Nightmare..i haven't had strepped in a long time. will probably lose my voice.
[09-17:42] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-17:43] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 5:42pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:43] JOIN: †Angel of Sin† appears
[09-17:44] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: no one answered me...
[09-17:44] 062, Nightmare: ya....tea is one of the few things i'll drink when strepped........but like i will ALWAYS have my has to be iced tea, with sugar
[09-17:44] 1f1, §Cerfestas : answers what. Sin?
[09-17:45] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: what are the chances of a stoopit person dying in America?
[09-17:45] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *quirks a brow* you put.. sugar in iced tea? Iced tea IS sugar, with favor..
[09-17:45] 062, Nightmare: the chances of a stupid person dying in america are slightly higher than a smarter person.........depending on their level of stupidity........why?
[09-17:46] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: my bf's ex is going to america. and she's stoopit. and i hate her. grr.
[09-17:46] 062, Nightmare: mom uses the tea bags when she makes it............then she cools it and adds sugar
[09-17:46] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Slip, Angel. Most americans are stupid and the population is still hella overpopulated
[09-17:47] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Slim rather
[09-17:47] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you may not know it, but all us aussies hear bout america is bad stuff. like those big swirly windy thikg all the time, murder, stoopit ppl, more murder...
[09-17:47] 062, Nightmare: i like only that kind of tea cerf, and when the only type of tea i like is regular.........when my ma turns it into iced tea, i mean
[09-17:48] 062, Nightmare: hey! i am against murder!.........i just listen to songs abou it, thats all.............and i am not stupid either...........i just have behavior problems
[09-17:48] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: all we hear about america is ppl getting murdered all the time. mb an arab will hijack her plane.
[09-17:48] 1f1, §Cerfestas : swirly windy things.. *ponders that concept*
[09-17:48] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[09-17:49]       caterpiller crawls into the room
[09-17:49] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *shakes her head a little and sits back in the shadow, biting her tongue*
[09-17:49] 062, Nightmare: and wat "swirly windy thingy"?
[09-17:49] 062, Nightmare: yay!!!! fuzzies back!
[09-17:49]       caterpiller crawls toward Angel.
[09-17:49] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: you know those big windy things that are all swirly like and wreck a whole buncha stuff?
[09-17:49] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hurricanes? Tornadoes?
[09-17:49] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: caterpiller!!!!!!!
[09-17:50] 062, Nightmare: oh!!!! tornadoes!!!!
[09-17:50]       †Angel of Sin† pounces on the caterpiller and snuggles into him ^_^
[09-17:50] 062, Nightmare: oh.....he beat me to it....
[09-17:50] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: yea those things
[09-17:50]       caterpiller cuddles Angel, and churrrs affectionately
[09-17:50] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: i need coffee
[09-17:51]       †Angel of Sin† huggles the caterpiller "how you been? haven't seen you in a while?"
[09-17:51]       †Angel of Sin† goes to get sme food and some coffee brb
[09-17:52] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-17:52]       Nightmare picks the cater up, now that angel is getting coffe, and pets the fuzzy dritter
[09-17:52] 062, Nightmare: *critter
[09-17:53] 9cd, *caterpiller: You must really like caterpillars, Nightmare. Not that anyone else doesn't, except for Cerf who's allergic
[09-17:54] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Caterpiller.
[09-17:54] 062, Nightmare: i just like petting fuzzy animals.....and your probably a big cater thats lots of fuzzy to pet
[09-17:54] JOIN: Refrication appears
[09-17:54]       Refrication looks.
[09-17:55] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-17:55] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hello Ref
[09-17:55] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hey Ref
[09-17:55] ecc, Refrication: Hello.
[09-17:55] MSG: Cerfestas tried to message Caterpillar (not registered).
[09-17:55] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Caterpiller.
[09-17:56] 062, Nightmare: oh, hello ref
[09-17:56] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-17:56] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-17:57] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Caterpiller.
[09-17:57] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Thod.
[09-17:57] MSG: caterpiller sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-17:57] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Jeepers
[09-17:58] ecc, Refrication: Creepers.
[09-17:58] 1f1, §Cerfestas : doneCater
[09-17:58] 1f1, §Cerfestas : where'd you get those peepers..
[09-17:58] 062, Nightmare: .......whered you get those peepers
[09-17:58] 062, Nightmare: dammit!!!!!!
[09-17:59] ecc, Refrication: Where'd you get those eyes.
[09-17:59] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hehe
[09-17:59] 9cd, *caterpiller: Thank you
[09-17:59] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 5:59pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-17:59] JOIN: Figgy appears
[09-18:00] EXIT: Figgy disappears ( 5:59pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:00] 062, Nightmare: hello figgy
[09-18:00] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-18:00] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:00pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:00] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-18:00] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:00pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:01] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *yawns*
[09-18:01] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-18:01] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:01pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:01] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[09-18:01] 9cd, *caterpiller: Whoops. So used to the password just being there, that I hardly remember it.
[09-18:02] 9cd, *caterpiller: Sorry 'bout the "Fun Boy" flooding
[09-18:02] 1f1, §Cerfestas : mhm
[09-18:04] 062, Nightmare: i remeber mine.....its ********
[09-18:06] 9cd, *caterpiller: A bunch of screwed-up pixels
[09-18:07] 1f1, §Cerfestas : cerfy tired..
[09-18:07] 9cd, *caterpiller: Much like the imps in the original "Doom" game, if you got too close to them
[09-18:08] 9cd, *caterpiller: Aww. *hugs the tired Cerfy*
[09-18:09] JOIN: jim appears
[09-18:09] 062, Nightmare: ff2 for super nintendo has imps..........and they look stupid as hell too!!!!! man you gotta love them old schol systems
[09-18:10] fe8, jim: sup
[09-18:10] 062, Nightmare: hello jim
[09-18:10] 9cd, *caterpiller: hello jim
[09-18:10] fe8, jim: and the topic is...
[09-18:11] 9cd, *caterpiller: screwed up pixels.
[09-18:11] fe8, jim: on random systems?
[09-18:11] 9cd, *caterpiller: Pretty much
[09-18:12] fe8, jim: like n.e.s. which NEVER FRICKEN WORKS!!!
[09-18:12] fe8, jim: *cries
[09-18:12] fe8, jim: anyway...
[09-18:12] 9cd, *caterpiller: Yeah, mine died a long time ago
[09-18:12] 9cd, *caterpiller: But then, it had drywall on the hardware, long story short, it was doomed
[09-18:13] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 6:12pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:13] fe8, jim: the only thing that ever works is hard lowing
[09-18:13] fe8, jim: *blowing
[09-18:13] fe8, jim: no sick minds
[09-18:13] fe8, jim: so...
[09-18:14] fe8, jim: i feel retarded
[09-18:14] fe8, jim: i'll shut up now
[09-18:14] 062, Nightmare: well, im leaving.....see you all later i guess.....bye
[09-18:14] EXIT: jim disappears ( 6:14pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:15] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:14pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : im going for a sleep
[09-18:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bbs. *poof*
[09-18:20]       †Angel of Sin† walks back in, sorry bout that ppl
[09-18:20] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: what?
[09-18:20] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: there is no ppl.
[09-18:20] 88d, *†Angel of Sin†: damn
[09-18:20] ecc, Refrication: Bye, cerfy werfy.
[09-18:24]       Refrication walks out, bye
[09-18:24] EXIT: Refrication disappears ( 6:24pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:30] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[09-18:30]       caterpiller returns.
[09-18:30] 9cd, *caterpiller: *sniff* Dimebag Darrell...
[09-18:32] 9cd, *caterpiller: Poor bastard
[09-18:33] 1f1, §Cerfestas : bleh can't sleep
[09-18:34] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yah. I heared about that on the radio.. I don't lsiten to pantera but it was jus so random..
[09-18:34] 9cd, *caterpiller: Me neither. I didn't even recognize that he was formerly in Pantera, just something about "Damageplan"
[09-18:34] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yeah
[09-18:37]       caterpiller CrAwLs ToWaRd CeRfEsTaS
[09-18:38] JOIN: Figgy appears
[09-18:39] JOIN: theentertainers appears
[09-18:39] 9b6, theentertainers: hello
[09-18:40] JOIN: theentertainers appears
[09-18:40] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[09-18:40] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-18:40] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 6:37pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:41] 062, Nightmare: yo, chelsie the reason the parentals are acting up is because the swearing in the ohter rooms
[09-18:41] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:41pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:43] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:40pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:43] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-18:45] JOIN: salemchick appears
[09-18:45]       salemchick walks in
[09-18:45] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-18:46] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:45pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-18:48]       salemchick sists in shadows
[09-18:59] JOIN: theentertainers appears
[09-19:00] 9b6, theentertainers: hello
[09-19:00] JOIN: blane appears
[09-19:00] 9b6, theentertainers: anybody here?
[09-19:00] 326, *blane: indeed
[09-19:02] 326, *blane: ok
[09-19:03] 326, *blane: what a wonderful waste of 2min that was
[09-19:03] EXIT: blane disappears ( 7:03pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:07] 9b6, theentertainers: hey sorry im back!
[09-19:09] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[09-19:09] 062, Nightmare: yo chels
[09-19:09] 062, Nightmare: you tryed to put your pic up
[09-19:10] 9b6, theentertainers: ok sorry i accidently had like the umm thing on thge other one sent twice i dunmno why
[09-19:10] 9b6, theentertainers: dunno
[09-19:10] 9b6, theentertainers: not my pic a pic
[09-19:10] 9b6, theentertainers: its like xed out huh?
[09-19:10] 062, Nightmare: call me....i'll explain the entire process....ok?
[09-19:11] 9b6, theentertainers: i cant call you
[09-19:11] 062, Nightmare: no.its just not there
[09-19:11] 062, Nightmare: at all??? well, if i tell you guys here, i'll flood this poor little chat room
[09-19:11] 9b6, theentertainers: william hung kicks yeah
[09-19:11] 062, Nightmare: oh.....jujus here too?
[09-19:11] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *poitns to the private chat*
[09-19:12] 9b6, theentertainers: lmaao tell me on the other one
[09-19:12] 062, Nightmare: look closer at the pick, was done in photoshop!!!!!! but i don't know by who!!
[09-19:12] 9b6, theentertainers: hello cerf (hey do you really not like nosmiles? if so why?)
[09-19:13] 062, Nightmare: thanks cerf.....i forgot about that one
[09-19:13] 9b6, theentertainers: no parental controls again
[09-19:13] 1f1, §Cerfestas : it's right there, Nightmare..
[09-19:13]       Nightmare drags chels to the private chat....."come on"
[09-19:13] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I'm not entitled to give you a reason, Entertainer
[09-19:13] 062, Nightmare: i know.....i ghad forgotten about it is all
[09-19:26] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[09-19:26] de1, Fun Boy: cerff... if you have a moment could you reset the password for quietchylde
[09-19:28] 1f1, §Cerfestas : defpass
[09-19:29] de1, Fun Boy: thank you
[09-19:30] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 7:29pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-19:30] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[09-19:32] de1, *QuietChylde: *yawns*
[09-19:33] de1, *QuietChylde: everyone is out
[09-19:34] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yup.
[09-19:39] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[09-19:40] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Lindsey Lohan is the NEW Paris Hilton
[09-19:40] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi ^^
[09-19:42] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hello
[09-19:42] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hello Cerfy ^^
[09-19:44] 1f1, §Cerfestas : hullo
[09-19:44] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: mmhms..
[09-19:49] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yup..
[09-19:53] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: the..lead guitarist of..pantera..died..
[09-19:56] 1f1, §Cerfestas : i know, eh?.. someone popped a cap in his ass..
[09-19:56] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[09-19:58] 062, Nightmare: baaaa-aack
[09-19:59] 062, Nightmare: that's not very nice cerf, heretics seemingly feelin shitty bout it
[09-20:00] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *shrugs*
[09-20:00] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: yeah now I feel shitty about laghing..
[09-20:00] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *laughing*
[09-20:01] JOIN: salemchick appears
[09-20:01]       salemchick walks in an sits on floor
[09-20:01] 062, Nightmare: hello juju
[09-20:02] 89a, *salemchick : nightttttttttt
[09-20:02]       salemchick runs an jumps on night
[09-20:03]       Nightmare falls over "OOF!!!!!!"
[09-20:03]       salemchick *hi*
[09-20:05] 1f1, §Cerfestas : what a shitty day
[09-20:05] 89a, *salemchick : hi cerf
[09-20:05] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: why?
[09-20:06] JOIN: blane appears
[09-20:06] 326, *blane: *kisses cerf to make it all better*
[09-20:06] 326, *blane: it's just a little pinch, can you show me where it hurts
[09-20:07] JOIN: Sammy appears
[09-20:07] 326, *blane: hello hello hello is there anybody out there.. just nod if you can hear me.. is there anyone home...
[09-20:08] d7f, *Sammy: *slides in*
[09-20:08]       salemchick nods
[09-20:08] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Hello, Blane.. make what better? o.o
[09-20:08] 326, *blane: your shitty day yo!
[09-20:08] 326, *blane: nods at salemchick...
[09-20:08] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[09-20:09] 89a, *salemchick : hehehehe
[09-20:09] 326, *blane: what you laughin' 'bout?
[09-20:09] 326, *blane: run penguin run!
[09-20:09] 1f1, §Cerfestas : oh yeah, i forgot about that
[09-20:09] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ^^
[09-20:10] 326, *blane: '''^._.^,,,
[09-20:10] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: brb
[09-20:10] 326, *blane: kitty is lookin' for blood
[09-20:10] 326, *blane: '''^._.^''' = kitty pounces
[09-20:11] 326, *blane: '''^._.^,,, = kitty scratches
[09-20:11]       Nightmare sneaks up behind juju and lifts her over his head "AAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
[09-20:11] 326, *blane: ,,|,, = middle finger
[09-20:11] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: back
[09-20:11] 326, *blane: (o)(o)
[09-20:12]       salemchick *ahhhhhhhhhh* laughs
[09-20:12] 326, *blane: okay this is entertaining.
[09-20:12] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *cough* perv *cough*
[09-20:12] 326, *blane: []D[][]V[][]D blane is sooo gonna smak ya slamish
[09-20:12] 326, *blane: 8===D *smack*
[09-20:12] 062, Nightmare: huh? wats that one blane?
[09-20:13] 062, Nightmare: oh!!!! thats wrong
[09-20:13] 326, *blane: nightmare whats which one?
[09-20:13] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare.
[09-20:13] 326, *blane: (|) ~ ~ ~ ~ C=====8 now this one is wrong.
[09-20:14] 89a, *salemchick : wtf blane????
[09-20:14] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ... ok can you stop?
[09-20:14] 326, *blane: whats the problem with everyone?
[09-20:14] 326, *blane: entertain me... talk, chat..
[09-20:15] 062, Nightmare: you are dirty blane......keep that offa here woukdja?
[09-20:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : i want a cigarette
[09-20:15] 326, *blane: shit... you think thats dirty shoulda seen fallen angel's pics lastnight...
[09-20:15] 326, *blane: my lord....
[09-20:15] 062, Nightmare: i want a life......and cds.......and a decent walkman......and to win the lottery
[09-20:15] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What pics where they, Blane?
[09-20:15] 89a, *salemchick : lolo
[09-20:15] 326, *blane: ''''^._.^,,,,
[09-20:16] 326, *blane: cerf... nothing..
[09-20:16] 326, *blane: no pics
[09-20:16] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Noo tell me
[09-20:16] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare.
[09-20:16] 326, *blane: sui was checkin' 'em out too don't cha know
[09-20:16] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ok..that is sick..
[09-20:16] 326, *blane: you know seein' as how she's a mod and all thery probably weren't that bad.
[09-20:16] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Moppy.
[09-20:16] 326, *blane: okay salem whats with all the whisperin'
[09-20:17] 89a, *salemchick : bz i can
[09-20:18] 326, *blane: *shoots your penguin*
[09-20:18]       salemchick aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[09-20:18] 326, *blane: sorry thought it was playing guitar.
[09-20:18]       salemchick falls on floor
[09-20:18] 326, *blane: mawhahaha.
[09-20:18]       salemchick throws a rock at blane
[09-20:18] 326, *blane: i know i know thats in bad taste.
[09-20:18] 062, Nightmare: hey uuuuh know im not logged on as thenotoriousjohnnynightmare and will probably never be again right? if you wanna talk in private ill be more than happy to go into private chat up there
[09-20:18] 326, *blane: *catches the rock and beams it back*
[09-20:19]       salemchick ducks
[09-20:19]       Nightmare disintegrates the rock
[09-20:19] 326, *blane: yeah buddy private chat is where the majik happens
[09-20:19] 89a, *salemchick : yea ok night
[09-20:19] 326, *blane: it's a heat seeking rock
[09-20:19] 062, Nightmare: enough wit the cyber fight, ok?
[09-20:19] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *goes up in the rafters and just sits away*
[09-20:19] 326, *blane: it turns around and knocks salem in the back of the head.
[09-20:19] 326, *blane: *throws a rock at nightmare*
[09-20:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : What's sick?..
[09-20:19] 89a, *salemchick : night he killed the penquin
[09-20:19] 326, *blane: *sets fire to the rafters*
[09-20:19] 1f1, §Cerfestas : um..
[09-20:20]       salemchick takes out shotgun dont make me do ti blane
[09-20:20] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: the unneeded diagrams Cerf..
[09-20:20] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* What of faded's pics?
[09-20:20] 326, *blane: *opens his trench coat to reveal a bomb strapped to his cest* if i go you all go.
[09-20:20] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *is now sitting on a couch*
[09-20:21] 326, *blane: how many couches we got?
[09-20:21] 89a, *salemchick : no i wont bz i am already dead
[09-20:21] 326, *blane: *looks up at the rafters* burn mother fucker burn
[09-20:21] 326, *blane: if you dead you can't shoot me then.
[09-20:21] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Fuck it. I'm going
[09-20:21] 89a, *salemchick : yea i can
[09-20:21] 326, *blane: plus i shot the pengiun not you
[09-20:21] d7f, *Sammy: Blane I think thats enough
[09-20:21] 326, *blane: bye cerf
[09-20:21] 1f1, §Cerfestas : i'll beon my messengers if im needed.
[09-20:21] 326, *blane: sammy i think you need to lighten up
[09-20:22] 326, *blane: *throws a rock at sammy*
[09-20:22] 89a, *salemchick : i dunt care
[09-20:22] 062, Nightmare: i'd join you cerf......but mine is down im afraid
[09-20:22] d7f, *Sammy: Blane, I think you need to grow up a bit
[09-20:22] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Cerfy NO!
[09-20:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I think you guys need to shut the fuck up and stop acting like a bunch of fucking 12 year olds
[09-20:22] 326, *blane: sammy bit my shiney metal ass ok
[09-20:22] 89a, *salemchick : tell blane
[09-20:22] 326, *blane: bit= bite
[09-20:22] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *looks at Nightmare* Yah well...
[09-20:22] 326, *blane: tell me what?
[09-20:23] 326, *blane: if ya'll would of just talked i'd have to need to sit around and entertain myself
[09-20:23] d7f, *Sammy: I think my opinion is backed by that of Cerf, so I will not bite your ass
[09-20:23] 1f1, §Cerfestas : No,i'm telling you all
[09-20:23] 326, *blane: sammy, whatever.
[09-20:23] 062, Nightmare: youd accept me in im though, right cerf?
[09-20:23] 1f1, §Cerfestas : If you guys aren't going to stop your sensless bickering, i'm just going to give you all the goddamn boot
[09-20:23] 89a, *salemchick : hye night
[09-20:23] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ..mmhm..
[09-20:23] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: I'm not doing anything..
[09-20:24] 326, *blane: cerf, you know i think you should.. they all need a big boot up there ass maybe it'll make them talk more
[09-20:24] 326, *blane: ya'll don't talk to me so i throw rocks at you... seems fair.
[09-20:24] 062, Nightmare: im leaving........see you guys later
[09-20:24] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 8:24pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-20:25] 326, *blane: *waits for the late night crowd to arrive* ya'lls are no fun for real..
[09-20:25] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-20:25] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: I'm gonig too..
[09-20:25] EXIT: †Glamish Deathy† disappears ( 8:25pm, December 09 (CST) ).
[09-20:25] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *has been waiting since 3 for them to come*
[09-20:26] 326, *blane: i think all that goth gear is drivin' ya'lls panties up your bums... lighten up peeps shit..
[09-20:26] 1f1, §Cerfestas : they haven't been coming around much..
[09-20:26] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[09-20:26] 326, *blane: cerf, this chat is great after midnight
[09-20:26] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yea I know itis
[09-20:27] 1f1, §Cerfestas : unfortunate I can't stay up that late.
[09-20:27] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ello
[09-20:27] 326, *blane: ahh class in the mornin'
[09-20:27] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[09-20:27] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yeah
[09-20:27] 326, *blane: i ment midnigth my time though.. so it's really like 9 for you
[09-20:27] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-20:27] 1f1, §Cerfestas : yea but sometimes they don't come until midnight where I am
[09-20:27] d13, *GraveBabyX3: 930 here lol
[09-20:28] 062, Nightmare: my bad......that was s'pposed to be public
[09-20:28] 326, *blane: lastnight was great we had fallen angel, sui , and this other girl from jersey don't know her name...
[09-20:28] 326, *blane: we had a blast..
[09-20:28] IGN: Nightmare ignored bla for e 99999999999999999999999999999999999999 seconds.
[09-20:28] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Mumsie.. Azriel
[09-20:28] 326, *blane: 9:30 here too graveboy... gotta love how fast the night hoes
[09-20:28] 326, *blane: / gives finger to nightmare
[09-20:28] 062, Nightmare: anti-ignore, damn
[09-20:28] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[09-20:28] d13, *GraveBabyX3: where you at?
[09-20:28] 062, Nightmare: its bud
[09-20:29] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: too boring not to be here..
[09-20:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *quirks a brow at Nightmare* Would help if you did it right.
[09-20:29] 326, *blane: Azerial thats who it was
[09-20:29] 326, *blane: yeah nightmare jeez
[09-20:29] 326, *blane: it's like this son
[09-20:29] 062, Nightmare: i did it wrong?
[09-20:29] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Azriel, Blane lol
[09-20:29] MSG: Sammy sent a message to Thenotoriousjohnnynightmare.
[09-20:29] IGN: blane ignored 062 for 30 seconds.
[09-20:29] 062, Nightmare: ooooooh ok.....
[09-20:30] IGN: Nightmare ignored 326 for 172800 seconds.
[09-20:30] 326, *blane: azriel yeah thats who it was...
[09-20:30] 062, Nightmare: hey, sams wanna talk in private chat? i kinda don't take messages no more
[09-20:30] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Yeah..
[09-20:30] 326, *blane: jeez nightmare your such a dork
[09-20:30] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ...hmmm..
[09-20:30] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Im pissed I missed her
[09-20:31] 326, *blane: why you pissed at her anywway?
[09-20:31] d7f, *Sammy: No, its allright
[09-20:31] 062, Nightmare: oh, ok
[09-20:31] 326, *blane: there was some mad sexual tension in the chat... and fallenangel looked like a midget in his avatar pic... we got quite a laugh outta it
[09-20:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Nooo.. I just haven't seen her in a long time
[09-20:31] 1f1, §Cerfestas : lol Faded and his midget..
[09-20:32] 326, *blane: ahhh... yeah suicide blonde was pretty happy 'bout seein' her i guess
[09-20:32] 062, Nightmare: sui was on earlier today.....or was it yesterday?
[09-20:32] 326, *blane: we all had a killer conversation made me feel all sad that i went to sleep.
[09-20:32] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ..Lizzy says hiya all..
[09-20:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : indeed
[09-20:32] 326, *blane: oh look at all the peeps who come right back to the chat.. thought you people were to cool to be here.
[09-20:32] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ok, Glam.
[09-20:33] d7f, *Sammy: They never said they were to cool
[09-20:34] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: never said I was too were just..annoying..
[09-20:34] 326, *blane: well you aint what i'd call prime entertainment miss i'll sit in rafters and on the couch only saying "you're a perv"
[09-20:34] 326, *blane: sammy bite me i don't like you at all.
[09-20:35] 1f1, §Cerfestas : ugh..
[09-20:35] 326, *blane: sammy here's some advice from me since you thougth it was nice to give advice to me.... /ignore blane 9999999999999999999999 seconds
[09-20:35] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: are..a perv..and you have no idea do ya?
[09-20:35] 326, *blane: go on.
[09-20:35] 326, *blane: glamish.... haha... you don't even know me foo' best check yourself.
[09-20:35] JOIN: salemchick appears
[09-20:35] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Cerfestas.
[09-20:35] d7f, *Sammy: Heh, gues what Blane?*pauses for dramatic effect*I dont like you, and dont give a shit about what you think about be
[09-20:35] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *looks at Glam8 You're not helping
[09-20:35] 89a, *salemchick : OK BK
[09-20:35] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *
[09-20:36] 062, Nightmare: welcome back juju
[09-20:36] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: he?..
[09-20:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Nightmare..
[09-20:36] 326, *blane: good sammy... now that we've cleared that up.
[09-20:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I've told you thousands of times
[09-20:36] 1f1, §Cerfestas : read the manual..
[09-20:36] 326, *blane: cerf is the only one who talks to me in this chat anyway... the rest of you just wanna spout advice from the peanut gallery and run away.
[09-20:36]       salemchick walks into the shadows an sits
[09-20:37] 062, Nightmare: i've already done it cerf.........5 times within the past ten minutes
[09-20:37] 1f1, §Cerfestas : *sits back and crosses her arms* Well read it again.. it's there.
[09-20:37] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ....
[09-20:37] d7f, *Sammy: I dont think I've run away, I just think I've choosen not to bother.
[09-20:37] 326, *blane: good sammy you should take that approach when it comes to advice as well.
[09-20:38] 326, *blane: did it rain on the island today cerf?
[09-20:38] 1f1, §Cerfestas : It's been raining non-stop for the past two days
[09-20:38] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†:
[09-20:38] 326, *blane: shit gotta love the rain... you can have our snow i'll take your rain sound fair?
[09-20:38] 062, Nightmare: i,ve just looked through it AGAIN cerf......if i had seen it in there, i wouldn't be asking
[09-20:39] 062, Nightmare: aww screw it, i'll just wait for time to run out
[09-20:39] 1f1, §Cerfestas : no thanks, Blane. I like my rain
[09-20:39] 89a, *salemchick : night can i tlk to u in private
[09-20:39] 1f1, §Cerfestas : LOOK closer, Nightmare.. It's fucking there.
[09-20:39] 062, Nightmare: ya sure juju
[09-20:39] 326, *blane: haha so nightmare can't figure out /un ignore 325 ?
[09-20:39] 89a, *salemchick : ok
[09-20:40] 326, *blane: i like rain too, but alas we don't get much of it this time of year.. *sad face*
[09-20:40] 1f1, §Cerfestas : We get it constantly here in the winter, Blane
[09-20:40] 326, *blane: so yeah cerf i got finals next week...
[09-20:40] 326, *blane: fun fun gonna spend the whole weekend studyin'
[09-20:41] 1f1, §Cerfestas : That sucks..
[09-20:41] 326, *blane: well it sucks that i gotta take the finals, but it's coo' cause after next week i got my degree and then it's off to michigan!
[09-20:41] 326, *blane: so i mean thats a plus
[09-20:41] 1f1, §Cerfestas : I have exams after the winter break.. Im pissed of it.. provincials
[09-20:41] 326, *blane: what are provincials?
[09-20:42] 1f1, §Cerfestas : They're like SATs.. I need to do five in different subjects to be able to get into university
[09-20:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : they're huge.. worth like.. 40 or 60% of my final grade
[09-20:43] 326, *blane: ahh.. well fuck it you'll do allright just don't stress 'bout it... thats the secret to takin' tests just don't stress and you'll be good to go
[09-20:43] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Oh, I don't stress.. and I fail anyways. I got 60% on my last biology test.
[09-20:44]       salemchick goes bk to eating
[09-20:44] 1f1, §Cerfestas : so long as I pass the class though, I don't give a fuck.. so long as I pass english and the english provincial.. i'm happy. 56 credits to grad, which im ok with so..
[09-20:44] 326, *blane: damn thats not that great of a score cerf.
[09-20:45] 326, *blane: but you'll be allright i got faith in ya
[09-20:45] 326, *blane: chin up
[09-20:45] 1f1, §Cerfestas : Not at all.. I do full well with my assignments and understand the notes great but when it comes to the exams, I fail