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[20-02:16] 0ff, *LittleAngela: yay!
[20-02:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cool....i should probably read it again...i remember a lot about it and loved it
[20-02:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah, I just finished it and got the inspiration lol. I loved it too
[20-02:19] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you were inspired...
[20-02:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : hmm?
[20-02:20] 0ff, *LittleAngela: have you read the book Z for Zacariah.... that's what i'm currently reading
[20-02:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: just saying you were inspired by the book
[20-02:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : mmhm? and..? lol
[20-02:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: repeating kinda what you said...sorry, lol, i am out of it still i think
[20-02:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : never heared of it, Angela
[20-02:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : it's okay lol
[20-02:21] 0ff, *LittleAngela: it's really good!!! you should read it.... it's somewhat old i do believe
[20-02:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh
[20-02:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Well, guys.. I'm going to hit the sac.. tired as hell
[20-02:22] 0ff, *LittleAngela: awwww night nighty cerfy!
[20-02:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nighty Angela *hugs* You too, Sui. Good to se ya *hugs tightly*
[20-02:23]       LittleAngela hugs
[20-02:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : night *steps out*
[20-02:26]       LittleAngela feels all alone
[20-02:27] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: night Cerf...sleep well
[20-02:28] 0ff, *LittleAngela: sui! *clings to sui*
[20-02:30]       SuicideBlonde hugs Angela....hey, sorry i am tired and out of it...not feeling so good tonight
[20-02:32] 0ff, *LittleAngela: pooooooooooop
[20-02:32] 0ff, *LittleAngela: byebye then
[20-02:33] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 2:32am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-02:39]       SuicideBlonde crawls onto the couch and rests
[20-02:39] JOIN: Hawk appears
[20-02:39] 477, Hawk: hmm seems to be no one here either
[20-02:40] EXIT: Hawk disappears ( 2:39am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-02:45]       SuicideBlonde looks up thinking..."guess i must be no one"
[20-02:47] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-02:48] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 2:47am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-02:48] JOIN: salemchick appears
[20-02:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello salemchick
[20-02:49] 89a, *salemchick: hi sui
[20-02:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how are you today?
[20-02:50] 89a, *salemchick: yea i am stoned an eating
[20-02:50] 89a, *salemchick: u
[20-02:50] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, cool...i am tired and not feeling well
[20-02:50] 89a, *salemchick: y
[20-02:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: was kinda waiting to see if Advent will show up...but don't know if i will make it
[20-02:51] 89a, *salemchick: oh
[20-02:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i don't know exactly...just feeling yucky
[20-02:51] 89a, *salemchick: oh ok
[20-02:53] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Salemchick.
[20-02:55] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-02:56] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Salemchick.
[20-02:57] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-02:58] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Salemchick.
[20-02:59] MSG: salemchick sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-03:01] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Salemchick.
[20-03:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: salemchick, where do you live?
[20-03:01] 89a, *salemchick: on cali
[20-03:01] 89a, *salemchick: in*
[20-03:02] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ah...i see, my sister lives about 30 miles from San Fransisco....where in Cali?
[20-03:03] 89a, *salemchick: i live in hayward
[20-03:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: where is that close to?
[20-03:03] 89a, *salemchick: umm union city
[20-03:04] 89a, *salemchick: whre u live
[20-03:04] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: about 20 minutes west of Atlanta
[20-03:04] 89a, *salemchick: gerogia
[20-03:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah
[20-03:05] 89a, *salemchick: damn
[20-03:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he heart of the south
[20-03:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *the
[20-03:05] 89a, *salemchick: oh ok
[20-03:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: are you in school?
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: yea senior
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: z i am tired ok ill bb twm
[20-03:06] 89a, *salemchick: bye
[20-03:06] EXIT: salemchick disappears ( 3:06am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-03:06] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, night
[20-03:27]       SuicideBlonde gets up to leave realizing she is truly alone..."i one"
[20-03:29] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-03:32] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 3:29am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-05:18]       Advent walks in
[20-05:28] e7c, §Advent: anyone around here
[20-05:42]       Advent walks to the shadows
[20-06:09] e7c, §Advent: if anyone comes in plz wait few minutes
[20-06:20] e7c, §Advent: oi
[20-07:18] JOIN: Beep appears
[20-07:18] EXIT: Beep disappears ( 7:18am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-09:12] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[20-09:13] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: BEEP!!! Hope ya have a nice day.... *smirks* sorry I missed ya
[20-09:14] JOIN: Winkie appears
[20-09:15] JOIN: Winkie appears
[20-09:18] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[20-09:19] 999, *Winkie: hi Sui
[20-09:19] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hey are you this morning?
[20-09:20] 999, *Winkie: tired, mi poppa just phoned and got me outta bed WAY to early, its only 9:25
[20-09:20] 999, *Winkie: and u hoow r u doing?
[20-09:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, well becca got me outta bed tooooo early this morning, about a hour ago
[20-09:21] 999, *Winkie: lol kool kool, hey guess what
[20-09:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i'm not feeling real great...don't exactly know what is wrong...stomach ache, tired
[20-09:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: what?
[20-09:22] 999, *Winkie: aww yea I wasnt feeling good last night I had a headache from hell as well
[20-09:22] 999, *Winkie: I got a new webcam!!!
[20-09:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: woooo....we get to see you live and in person then
[20-09:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cool
[20-09:23] 999, *Winkie: yep yep
[20-09:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: glad i don't have one this morning...haven't combed my hair and still have makeup on from last night, lol
[20-09:24] 999, *Winkie: yea same here lol,
[20-09:25] 999, *Winkie: so whats ur plans for the day?
[20-09:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i have to go to mall...looking for some shoes to workout and walk in
[20-09:26] 999, *Winkie: blah! theres like nobody on mi MSN that I can talk to, at least I have u here then hehe
[20-09:26] 999, *Winkie: koooool, yea im gonna go into town today and go to the mall, then I have to work at 3pm
[20-09:27] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: but not sure if i will go cause i am really feeling rough...and of course i get to play taxi and i am supposed to go to the movies with my friend tonight
[20-09:27] JOIN: Fate's Daughter appears
[20-09:30] JOIN: Winkie appears
[20-09:30] 999, *Winkie: wellllll i hope u have fun, ill think of ya lounging it back when im slaving miself at work lol
[20-09:30] 999, *Winkie: damn dial-up
[20-09:30] 999, *Winkie: hi fate
[20-09:32] 999, *Winkie: *knock knock* neone here still?
[20-09:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry, had to run to the bathroom
[20-09:33] 999, *Winkie: lol ok
[20-09:33] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello Fate
[20-09:33] 18d, *Fate's Daughter: Hello.
[20-09:33] 999, *Winkie: hey Sui, umm I left Art a pm on YIM and he wrote me one back, and it sounds like hes still a lill pissed at me or sumthing
[20-09:35] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ah...well, maybe not, last time i talked to him (don't remember when that was) he was at his mom's and his comp was still out
[20-09:35] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: so maybe he is just dealing with that and stuff
[20-09:36] 999, *Winkie: hmm ok
[20-09:37] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i was having problems that day and we talked about things...but he had to go before i could really get a fix on how he was
[20-09:37] 999, *Winkie: ohhhh ic
[20-09:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i miss him to Winkie, he's been a good friend
[20-09:38] 999, *Winkie: yea me to Sui,'
[20-09:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he is one of the most consistent ppl i know...and straight up about everything
[20-09:40] 999, *Winkie: yep dats true
[20-09:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you ask, you get an answer, though you may not really like what he answers back, lol
[20-09:40] 999, *Winkie: thats why I like him so much he dunt put up for bull shit, and he dont lie
[20-09:41] 999, *Winkie: lol yea
[20-09:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: so, you still looking forward to Xmas?
[20-09:42] 999, *Winkie: yep!!!!!!!!!! I also realllllllllllly wanna try down and get to see him
[20-09:43] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-09:45] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Winkie.
[20-09:46] 999, *Winkie: k Sui
[20-09:57] JOIN: Hells Angel appears
[20-09:58] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Hells!
[20-09:58]       SuicideBlonde hugs Hells...."how are you?"
[20-09:58] JOIN: mansonswhore appears
[20-09:58] b6c, *Hells Angel: Hi sui *hugs* im good and how are you
[20-09:59] b6c, *Hells Angel: hi manson
[20-09:59] 201, mansonswhore: hi
[20-09:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i'm not feeling great today...but otherwise ok i suppose
[20-09:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: his mansonswhore
[20-09:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *hi
[20-09:59] b6c, *Hells Angel: im sorry sui, how is your daughter
[20-09:59] 201, mansonswhore: hi suicide
[20-10:00] b6c, *Hells Angel: i hope you will feel great soon
[20-10:00] 999, *Winkie: *lights a cog*
[20-10:00] 999, *Winkie: cig*
[20-10:01] b6c, *Hells Angel: hey winkie
[20-10:01] 999, *Winkie: hey hey'
[20-10:01] b6c, *Hells Angel: how are you winkie and manson
[20-10:01] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Hells Angel.
[20-10:01] 201, mansonswhore: i'm ok
[20-10:02] 999, *Winkie: good, im up to early this morning
[20-10:02] b6c, *Hells Angel: yeah me too lol
[20-10:02] b6c, *Hells Angel: always up early
[20-10:02] 999, *Winkie: mi god were having a music battle in mi house, me and mi bro
[20-10:03] b6c, *Hells Angel: ok winkie i will
[20-10:05] b6c, *Hells Angel: hold on its acting funky lol my yim
[20-10:05] 999, *Winkie: lol kk
[20-10:07] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: my daughter is good Hells...sorry i just read down...but..she is breaking up with her b/ not real happy
[20-10:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *waves by to Winkie*
[20-10:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, Hells...i gotta run
[20-10:13]       SuicideBlonde hugs if you are still there
[20-10:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: by mansonswhore
[20-10:14]       SuicideBlonde waves bye to whoever is there*
[20-10:20] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[20-10:20] JOIN: Hells Angel appears
[20-10:20] b6c, *Hells Angel: awwwww sorry sui, website is acting up *hugs* see ya hun
[20-10:24] MSG: Hells Angel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-10:25] EXIT: Hells Angel disappears ( 10:24am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-10:50] 05c, §Advent: anyone?
[20-10:52] de1, *QuietChylde: o.o
[20-10:53] 05c, §Advent: hello chylde
[20-10:54] de1, *QuietChylde: hello advent
[20-10:54] 05c, §Advent: how are you today?
[20-10:55] de1, *QuietChylde: Im oky how are you
[20-10:56] 05c, §Advent: im ..i dont know how i am...i need to do something in 4 hours and i dont know how i will be feling after right now im kinda just blanked out hoping things work out
[20-10:57] 05c, §Advent: i hate stupid drama.....god i hope i fixx this today for godd
[20-10:57] 05c, §Advent: *good*
[20-10:57] de1, *QuietChylde: *f* is everything ok?
[20-10:57] 05c, §Advent: i don tknow
[20-10:57] 05c, §Advent: some things are
[20-10:57] de1, *QuietChylde: its gonna be an icky day... its all foggy
[20-10:58] 05c, §Advent: ut the most important ones are fucking up.....its foggy over here to kinda
[20-10:58] 05c, §Advent: is kinda chilly.....the weather just set my tone for the day...
[20-10:59] de1, *QuietChylde: yea ... ive been draggin all always dow that to me
[20-10:59] de1, *QuietChylde: i hope things get better
[20-11:00] 05c, §Advent: thank you chylde...i didnt sleep last night
[20-11:00] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-11:00] de1, *QuietChylde: i have this urge to roll play >.< ... I suppose if i do though I will get yelled at
[20-11:00] 05c, §Advent: and im not really tired.....i just took a shower and i feel pretty refreshed
[20-11:01] 05c, §Advent: why will you get yelled at?
[20-11:01] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 11:00am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-11:01] de1, *QuietChylde: *shakes head* i shouldnt have said anything
[20-11:01] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[20-11:02] 05c, §Advent: hello xander
[20-11:02] de1, *QuietChylde: hello alex
[20-11:02] 959, *alexander anderson: hey advent and quietchylde how goes?
[20-11:03] de1, *QuietChylde: IM
[20-11:03] de1, *QuietChylde: cranky i think ....
[20-11:03] 05c, §Advent: its goes as usual xander
[20-11:04] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah oh well *sits on the bar and grabs a soda* hope it gets better or something heheh
[20-11:04] 05c, §Advent: yeah thanks
[20-11:05] 05c, §Advent: so whats up xander?
[20-11:05] 959, *alexander anderson: no worrys
[20-11:06] 959, *alexander anderson: hmmmm lets see i'm happy i'm going clubing tonight and i also am geting ready to go game hehe i have a busy day but its good fun
[20-11:06] de1, *QuietChylde: what are you gaming?
[20-11:06] 05c, §Advent: game where?
[20-11:07] 959, *alexander anderson: oh btw yesterday was my b day if you didnt know and rifts with my firebat hehe
[20-11:07] 959, *alexander anderson: role play
[20-11:08] de1, *QuietChylde: i did say happy birthday didnt i alex?
[20-11:08] 959, *alexander anderson: yes i'm pretty sure you did but i was talking to advent hehe
[20-11:09] de1, *QuietChylde: i just wnated to be sure
[20-11:09] 959, *alexander anderson: yeppers its cool
[20-11:09] 959, *alexander anderson: lol not like i would really care i never do anything for it
[20-11:10] 05c, §Advent: happy b day xanbdeer
[20-11:10] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs* xanbdeer?
[20-11:10] 05c, §Advent: *xander
[20-11:10] 959, *alexander anderson: lol ok
[20-11:11] de1, *QuietChylde: thats kinda cute *s*
[20-11:11] de1, *QuietChylde: some sorta scifi musketeer *lol*
[20-11:12] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah *does a lil pose* woot i'm a musketeer!*
[20-11:12] de1, *QuietChylde: *curls up in the corner of the couch *
[20-11:13] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[20-11:13] de1, *QuietChylde: *sighs*
[20-11:13] de1, *QuietChylde: hi GB
[20-11:14]       GraveBabyX3 yawns
[20-11:14] d13, *GraveBabyX3: hey
[20-11:14] 05c, §Advent: hello baby
[20-11:14] 959, *alexander anderson: cheer up buddy your not me thats something to be happy about *laughs lil and drinks some soda* hello
[20-11:14]       Advent fixes his hair and looks out the window with a tired look on hus face
[20-11:14]       Advent fixes his hair and looks out the window with a tired look on his face
[20-11:15] d13, *GraveBabyX3: someone tell me why i get 2 AV when i log in
[20-11:16] 05c, §Advent: dynamic cause that to happen baby
[20-11:16] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-11:16] d13, *GraveBabyX3: umm ok *sits with tears in her eyes choking* damnit that shit hurts... i hate not being able to breathe
[20-11:16] d13, *GraveBabyX3: fuck boy
[20-11:16] de1, *QuietChylde: *sighs* there is no one to play with... and the fog is gettin worse not better... maybe i should try to go back ot bed... maybe i can sleep through the day
[20-11:17] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lol im sorry dude i dont even know you lmao
[20-11:17] MSG: alexander anderson sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:17] d13, *GraveBabyX3: he never says anything.. he just leaves
[20-11:18]       Advent jumps to the rafters and sits in the shadows
[20-11:18] 959, *alexander anderson: i think thats when you log in wrong
[20-11:18] 959, *alexander anderson: it did that to me this morning
[20-11:18] 05c, §Advent: funboy is the default login name
[20-11:18] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ive got it set on auto. and ive tried exitin and redoing everything but yea...
[20-11:19] 959, *alexander anderson: or that
[20-11:19] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Alexander Anderson.
[20-11:19] d13, *GraveBabyX3: oh ok so im not picking on the same person
[20-11:19]       Advent lets his arm hang from the rafters and lets it sway back and forth slowly
[20-11:20] d13, *GraveBabyX3: i hate holiday season. its not even thanksgiving yet and theyre doing Xmas things
[20-11:20] MSG: alexander anderson sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:20] 05c, §Advent: yeah they got a 10 foot tall santa homer down my gonna blow it up if today goes wrong
[20-11:20] 959, *alexander anderson: *spings around on the bar*
[20-11:20] 959, *alexander anderson: weeeeeeeeee
[20-11:21] de1, *QuietChylde: they have had chistmas crap out here since before halloween... I actually saw them stocking xmas crud BEFORE they stocked the halloween crud....
[20-11:21] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lmao
[20-11:21] d13, *GraveBabyX3: *shrugs and starts making her xmas list
[20-11:21] d13, *GraveBabyX3: we went xmas shopping last night lmao
[20-11:21] 05c, §Advent: i swear some ppl just put there 4th of july and x mas crap up at the same time man
[20-11:22] d13, *GraveBabyX3: we dont really do turkey day.... just a really big dinner no extra family bullshit like that
[20-11:22] d13, *GraveBabyX3: halloween and turkey day at the same time i can understand..... same season....fall.... but c'mon ppl!
[20-11:22] 959, *alexander anderson: i cant remember my fam every doing anything but halloween and x mas
[20-11:23] 959, *alexander anderson: ever*
[20-11:23] d13, *GraveBabyX3: i wonder if tureky day has become trendy yet or not? are they doing it over seas now?
[20-11:23] 05c, §Advent: x any excuse for party right?...or to get loaded?..or have casual sex?
[20-11:24] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lol a time to make bad memories
[20-11:24] 959, *alexander anderson: indeed advent
[20-11:24] de1, *QuietChylde: riight... never gets to do anyof those things.... *leaves to go brood/sulk*
[20-11:24] d13, *GraveBabyX3: somthing for soime lady to be in a convo and says "lets not even bring that xmas party last year!"
[20-11:25] 959, *alexander anderson: have fun quietchylde
[20-11:26]       GraveBabyX3 watches the room go wquiet
[20-11:27] d13, *GraveBabyX3: oo ooo ooo smoke time! *rolls a blunt watching her husband walk in with xmas lights and a buterball hamm......oh well!
[20-11:27]       QuietChylde apparently isnt allowed to have fun ... *poofies*
[20-11:27] 959, *alexander anderson: *watches his pizza start burn!* ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh brb!
[20-11:27] 959, *alexander anderson: sure you are quietchylde
[20-11:28] d13, *GraveBabyX3: gbtg
[20-11:28] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 11:28am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-11:28] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs* weeeeeeeeee i saved the pizza! but damn that best is hot
[20-11:29] 959, *alexander anderson: beast*
[20-11:29]       Advent sits in the rafters alone once more contemplating what he shall say when the time comes in 3 hours.
[20-11:30] 959, *alexander anderson: *sits with advent and smiles* hey buddy
[20-11:31] 05c, §Advent: *looks at xander* how the f did u get up here?"
[20-11:31] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs* need i remind you of who is alwas up here
[20-11:32] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:33] 05c, §Advent: *looks away* need i remind you i made a habit of doing this trough 4 chats
[20-11:34] 959, *alexander anderson: never said you didnt do it but i also have done this to the very few chats for which i'm known
[20-11:34] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-11:34]       Advent jumps down from the rafters and runs into the shadows
[20-11:34] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:35] 959, *alexander anderson: *shrugs* well sorry i guess i will leave you alone then
[20-11:35] de1, *QuietChylde: *sticks tongue out at both of them* I have been playin in rafters for almost ten years .... shuush
[20-11:36] 959, *alexander anderson: *throws pizza at quietchylde* shhhhh thats not fair
[20-11:36] 05c, §Advent: /wgf
[20-11:36] 05c, §Advent:
[20-11:36] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:37] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:37] de1, *QuietChylde: neener neener neener
[20-11:38] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:38] 959, *alexander anderson: laters guys have fun
[20-11:38] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 11:38am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-11:39] de1, *QuietChylde: by alex
[20-11:39] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-11:40] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:40] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:40] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:42] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:43] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:43] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-11:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[20-11:45] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:45] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o; must be interupting something..
[20-11:46] 05c, §Advent: no sef hi
[20-11:46] 05c, §Advent: *serf*
[20-11:46] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-11:47] 05c, §Advent: chylde its not suprising..i just didnt know
[20-11:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *big hug Cerf*
[20-11:48] de1, *QuietChylde: Im not big on spreadin my life all over a chat *s* I learned a long time ago thats a fast way to get burned
[20-11:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs all around* hullo
[20-11:48] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-11:48] de1, *QuietChylde: *hugs* hi Cerf n Sui
[20-11:48]       Advent hugs serf
[20-11:49] 05c, §Advent: o well thats your decidion i guess chylde
[20-11:50] de1, *QuietChylde: oh...
[20-11:50] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hugs QC
[20-11:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : *rubs her forehead*
[20-11:51] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-11:51] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:51]       Advent walks over to the window glancing at the clock...."2 and a hallf hours to go"..*sighs inwardly rasing his hand to the glass a statue on the hill catches his eye*
[20-11:52] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-11:52] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : to what, Advent?
[20-11:54]       Advent turns to serf...."till i find out if i break or not" *turns back staring at the statue*
[20-11:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : huh? if you break?
[20-11:55] 05c, §Advent: nevermind
[20-11:55] 05c, §Advent: how are you this day serf?
[20-11:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..okay then.
[20-11:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : im fine.. you?
[20-11:56]       SuicideBlonde sits and watches with quiet concern
[20-11:57] 05c, §Advent: thats a retoricle question right?
[20-11:57] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-11:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : only if you don't really care *shrug*
[20-11:58] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-11:58] EXIT: QuietChylde disappears ( 11:58am, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-11:58] 05c, §Advent: thank you chylde...i will need it
[20-11:59] 05c, §Advent: this is gonna be such a happy day isnt?
[20-11:59] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[20-12:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah well..
[20-12:00] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[20-12:01] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lap tops rule! lol
[20-12:01] 05c, §Advent: all hale the lap tops
[20-12:02] d13, *GraveBabyX3: never ben online and ridin down the road at the same time
[20-12:02]       Advent just when he thoughts aericans couldnt get any more stupid
[20-12:02]       Advent just when he thoughts americans couldnt get any more stupid
[20-12:03] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-12:03] d13, *GraveBabyX3: hey go to hell you ass
[20-12:03] 05c, §Advent: soon enough
[20-12:03] d13, *GraveBabyX3: no fuck you, you cunt
[20-12:04] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-12:04]       Advent goes back to the window to look at the statue
[20-12:04] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 12:03pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-12:05] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[20-12:06] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-12:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : *murmurs* i think i'll go
[20-12:07] 05c, §Advent: bye serf take care
[20-12:08] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-12:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: bye Cerf
[20-12:09] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-12:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : ill be back later.. *shrugs and walks out*
[20-12:11] 05c, §Advent: life everlasting, truth in lov,e truth in sin, no one here will win, be it rich poor or insane we all end up the same
[20-12:11] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok then Cerf....later
[20-12:11] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: indeed Advent...we all end up the same
[20-12:13] 05c, §Advent: one can over come only so much with what he or she is faced with abstacles placed by those who do not like your presence are the hardest ,.....for they are the heaviest burdons to lift from a clouded mind
[20-12:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sin...comtemplates that concept from the 2nd Level of Hell
[20-12:15]       SuicideBlonde looks at Advent and nods
[20-12:16]       Advent shakes head......"i need some food....ill be right back"
[20-12:17] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ook
[20-12:18] 05c, §Advent: back'
[20-12:19] 05c, §Advent: sui tellme some of what you have been up to lately plz
[20-12:19] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b love
[20-12:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok...*stops thinking about the man-made construct of sin*
[20-12:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yesterday Angel and i spent some time together
[20-12:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: we went and ate Korean, which i have never had was spicy, not as spicey as Thai...and really good
[20-12:21] 05c, §Advent: never had thai i think
[20-12:22]       SuicideBlonde looks at him with a little smile "then we went to the movies"
[20-12:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Chinese, Thai and Korean are all similar...but Thai and Korean are heavy on the hot spices
[20-12:24] 05c, §Advent: bleh..ill stick to my place up the block
[20-12:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: we went and saw....Shall We Dance?
[20-12:25] 05c, §Advent: the hell?
[20-12:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, yeah....
[20-12:26] 05c, §Advent: f is that about?
[20-12:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: we were not in the mood for anything else and wanted something mindless and light....
[20-12:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: its with Richard Gere who plays a guy about my age (is my age as a matter of fact) who gets somewhat bored with his life and takes dancing lesssons...ballroom
[20-12:27] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he sees Jennifer Lopez in the window of the studio every evening as he passes and decides one day to stop and go in
[20-12:27] 05c, §Advent: crap!
[20-12:28] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah, but nice mind-numbing crap
[20-12:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Angel had a visitor coming in today (she should be here now) and had not slept and could not stop thinking bout
[20-12:30] 05c, §Advent: whos the visitor?
[20-12:30] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, i love dancing...trained classically in ballet for 9 years...
[20-12:31] 05c, §Advent: the movie still sounds like a suck fest
[20-12:31] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-12:32] 05c, §Advent: well thats good to hear sui
[20-12:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, Advent, it wasn't great and i don't care if i ever see it again...but for both of us was just the kinda crap we needed at the moment
[20-12:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah, i think so too, i do hope it works out well
[20-12:33] 05c, §Advent: fot hat you could of rented starship troopers
[20-12:33] 05c, §Advent: or slackers
[20-12:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah, that would have worked too, i suppose...but just being out was good for both of us *thinks about the satisfaction of blowing up ugly huge bug aliens*
[20-12:34] 05c, §Advent: but any movie with jenifer lopz is one i wont go to
[20-12:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i had not idea she was even in it
[20-12:35] 05c, §Advent: let me guess u saw a giant ass and knew it was her?
[20-12:35] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, that was the first giveaway
[20-12:35] 05c, §Advent: whts next a crappy accent that makes her sound stupid
[20-12:35] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: she is not an actress in my mind...but why don't you like her?
[20-12:36] 05c, §Advent: then of course she turns nd the complete absance of breast complete the pakage that is j-lo
[20-12:36] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i guess i never understand the jlo phenomina
[20-12:37] 05c, §Advent: bleh shes average really
[20-12:37] 05c, §Advent: i think its the whole shes a latina blah blah blah thing
[20-12:37] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and her and white bread-boy...whats his name? yuck!
[20-12:37] 05c, §Advent: wich one ?..shes fucked half of hollywood
[20-12:37] 05c, §Advent: well at last half of sug nights rappers anyways
[20-12:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: damn...i can't think of his name...but they are both boring and together......ewww
[20-12:39] 05c, §Advent: ben afleck?
[20-12:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah!
[20-12:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he does nothing for me whatsoever
[20-12:39] 05c, §Advent: bleh
[20-12:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks back in*
[20-12:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerf!
[20-12:40] 05c, §Advent: thats all crap...morons the lot of them
[20-12:40] 05c, §Advent: hello srf welcome back
[20-12:40] 05c, §Advent: *serf*
[20-12:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : hi
[20-12:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : ty.
[20-12:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: there are no good movies out right now
[20-12:41]       QuietChylde contemplates going out side and screaming
[20-12:41] 05c, §Advent: pretty much so sui....there might be one good one out there though
[20-12:41] 05c, §Advent: can i join you chylde?
[20-12:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: woo QC
[20-12:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: which one Advent?
[20-12:41] de1, *QuietChylde: certainly.. the foggy has lifted mosstly now... it aught to carry for miles *WG*
[20-12:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alexander looks good..
[20-12:42] de1, *QuietChylde: *looks around* where
[20-12:42] 05c, §Advent: the incredibles is pretty good..youd never think a cartoon could do so much low brow humor and violence
[20-12:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yes, Cerf, indeed, i have read a lot about him, lot of books and such, he is one of my favorite...but don't know how the movie can really live up to him irl
[20-12:43] de1, *QuietChylde: *curls up yawning*
[20-12:43] 05c, §Advent: i want them to remake the spawn movie...the one they made a few years ago was great..but needs more graphics and action
[20-12:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hey! we were gonna go see that...The Incredibles...but changed our mindss at the last minute
[20-12:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed
[20-12:43]       Advent puts a pillow for chylde
[20-12:44] de1, *QuietChylde: thx
[20-12:44] 05c, §Advent: welcom hun
[20-12:44]       Advent drinks a red bull to get some kind of energy
[20-12:45]       SuicideBlonde drinks coffee and tries not to think of chocolate
[20-12:45] JOIN: Captain Jean-Luc Picard appears
[20-12:45] 685, Captain Jean-Luc Picard: *Plops in shaking ye olde ass to the Picard song.*
[20-12:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: O.O @ Jean-Luc.....
[20-12:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : uhh
[20-12:46] 05c, §Advent: i look as pale as my avatar pic right now
[20-12:46]       SuicideBlonde walks over to Advent and takes his hand
[20-12:48] 05c, §Advent: captain u knew here?
[20-12:48]       Advent looks at sui
[20-12:49]       QuietChylde has no clue whats up .... but gives Advent Grandma's Rosery for luck
[20-12:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : *yawn*..
[20-12:50] JOIN: Captain Jean-Luc Picard appears
[20-12:50] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-12:50] 685, Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Aww, kitty.
[20-12:50]       Advent takes the rosery and wraps it in a cloth puting it in his pocket....'thank you chylde but im not religious....not of this religion anyways...but thank you for the gift"
[20-12:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: kitty, Capn?
[20-12:51] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-12:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hands Advent her charged quartz crystal* what of that?
[20-12:51] de1, *QuietChylde: im not either really .. but she was *s*
[20-12:51] 685, Captain Jean-Luc Picard: kjmmmmmmmmmmmmmjol pujrfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff opddddddddds.,huhjjjjyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyk ,b5 hbnxzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[20-12:52] 685, Captain Jean-Luc Picard: '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''=='-00-'0-0-------------------------
[20-12:52] de1, *QuietChylde: *g* is much more of Cerf's mind... *looks at her crystals*
[20-12:52] 685, Captain Jean-Luc Picard: 000000000000000
[20-12:52] 05c, §Advent: &takes the quartz crystal* well serf...what bound energy is contained within this?
[20-12:52] BAN: Cerfestas got the boot 685 for 604800 seconds.
[20-12:52] de1, *QuietChylde: thats rude
[20-12:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : What do you mean, Advent?
[20-12:53] de1, *QuietChylde: who the hell booted Cerf?
[20-12:53] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: to each his own
[20-12:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : what do you mean, Advent?
[20-12:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ouhh I gotta change that lol sorry
[20-12:54] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[20-12:54] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[20-12:54] 05c, §Advent: what is your quartz crystal charged with?..the energy it has'
[20-12:54] 959, *alexander anderson: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *runs in and sits on the bar and hides*
[20-12:54] de1, *QuietChylde: >.< ... no doubt I was gonna hurt someone *chuckles*
[20-12:54] a19, *GraveBabyX3: relizes shes bleeding and walks out for a moment
[20-12:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs to Advent* I don't know.. jus clarity of mind and projection, I suppose..
[20-12:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : protection*
[20-12:55] a19, *GraveBabyX3: hmm... just a scratch... no bigie...
[20-12:55]       Advent hugs serf.."thank you"
[20-12:55] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i see you alex ....
[20-12:55]       Advent pics up his aztec calender neklace and lights some sage...."i prefer my own rituals"
[20-12:56] 959, *alexander anderson: hehe fine fine *sits up*
[20-12:56] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 12:55pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-12:56]       Advent thinks alex is a bit frutty
[20-12:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Alex, bye grave *hugs em both*
[20-12:56] 959, *alexander anderson: i'm not funny i'm a cool kid *nods head* yep yep thats me
[20-12:56] UNBAN: Cerfestas removed ban for 685.
[20-12:56] 959, *alexander anderson: *hugs cerfestas back
[20-12:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sage...interesting choice
[20-12:57] 05c, §Advent: and im the king of ireland
[20-12:58] JOIN: Special K appears
[20-12:58] de1, *QuietChylde: *fades*
[20-12:58] 685, Special K: Sorry about that. *Was the Captain, her cute little kitty jumped on the keyboard.*
[20-12:58] 959, *alexander anderson: laters quietchylde
[20-12:58] 685, Special K: *Eyes the cute little kitty* That wasn't so cute.
[20-12:59] 685, Special K: Ew. Neither is your stink. Smelly cat, smelly cat... why are you so smelly?
[20-12:59] 959, *alexander anderson: god cats suck
[20-12:59]       Advent walks back to the window opening the pane he steps trough it and walks the side of the buildings narrow ledge and finds his way to the roof wre he can observe the statue better trough a sun roof he can see the rest talking
[20-12:59] 959, *alexander anderson: *sits in the rafters and rests*
[20-12:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sorry as well, K.
[20-12:59] 685, Special K: I hate cats, but my brother brought home a 9899898kitten8999 and989 she8998 8si 989 definite98 cute99
[20-12:59] de1, *QuietChylde: >.< gone
[20-13:00] 685, Special K: Aw. She loves meh. :)
[20-13:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol That's cute
[20-13:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: bye QC...
[20-13:01]       Advent likes it on the roof no interuptions
[20-13:01] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah floirda sucks dring the day but at night i injoy a good hour or so of siting on the roof
[20-13:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : Anyway, welcome, K.
[20-13:02] 685, Special K: Thanks. :)
[20-13:02]       Advent lets a water ballon fall on xander and looks at the statue sketching it
[20-13:02] 959, *alexander anderson: son of a bitch i'm all wet
[20-13:02] 959, *alexander anderson: lol
[20-13:02] 685, Special K: So restless! *Pins her cat in place* Stay.
[20-13:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : Does it have a name yet?
[20-13:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i sit on my deck every night, the back of my house is surrounded by woods, so i can see the heavens usually pretty clear
[20-13:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : I like the floor or the ground lol
[20-13:04] 959, *alexander anderson: cool stuff suicideblonde
[20-13:04] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lo Special K and cat
[20-13:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: me me too Cerf, the ground though...some places eminate good energy
[20-13:05]       Advent walks to the edge of the roof and lets the wind blow his hair back the strands shine in the light he lets his trench drop and stands there wearing his form fiting net shirt and leather pants
[20-13:06] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs* wow that sounds sexy
[20-13:06] 685, Special K: Damn cat. Her name's Ginger.
[20-13:06] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-13:08] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Advent.
[20-13:08] MSG: Advent sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-13:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's cute, K
[20-13:10]       Advent produces a masamune and stabs it into the roof next were he is standing
[20-13:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why the rp'ing like things, Advent?
[20-13:11] 05c, §Advent: no reason serf they bother you?..ill stop..
[20-13:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* Do whatever, jus this isn't an rp room so.. I don't want people to come in and get the wrong impression
[20-13:13]       Advent walks out
[20-13:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : the hell?
[20-13:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Advent?
[20-13:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : Whatever..
[20-13:16] 959, *alexander anderson: *wonders if cyle will ever wake up*
[20-13:17] 685, Special K:
[20-13:17] 685, Special K: <3
[20-13:17] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-13:17] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: who is that alex?
[20-13:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : hehe She's really pretty
[20-13:18] 685, Captain Jean-Luc Picard: That she is
[20-13:18] de1, *QuietChylde: has always had a soft spot for torties and callies
[20-13:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: aw....sweet K
[20-13:18] 685, Special K: I looooove her
[20-13:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i have 3 cats
[20-13:18] 685, Special K: *Nuzzles her cute ging, until she randomly jumps off the desk*
[20-13:19] 959, *alexander anderson: who cyle just some fuck head i know and love hehehe his my ride and best friend sadly *spins around on the bar and drinks more soda* mmmmmmmm
[20-13:19] de1, *QuietChylde: said as yellin at Teya to get off counter lol
[20-13:19] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *smiles* ok alex
[20-13:20] 685, Special K: YIKE
[20-13:20] 685, Special K: She's attackin' my feet! *Screech*
[20-13:20] 685, Special K: Or not. *Sighs, runs to go get her out from under the futon*
[20-13:21] 959, *alexander anderson: yep i'm lame *sits in the rafters* i will leave you guys to your chat
[20-13:22]       SuicideBlonde goes quiet for a while as her mind is elsewhere
[20-13:23] de1, *QuietChylde: *sighs*
[20-13:23] 959, *alexander anderson: *pulls out a old school game boy and plays gaiga*
[20-13:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : hrm.. You guys are a real downer today lol
[20-13:23] 685, Special K: *Grumbles and puts her in the bathroom* Damn cat.
[20-13:23] 685, Special K: And now she's meowing.
[20-13:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Aww.. Don't you hate that? lol
[20-13:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry Cerf...trying
[20-13:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : s'ok Sui.
[20-13:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i have stuff to do today i don't want to...
[20-13:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : Like?
[20-13:26] 685, Special K: Mrow! *Eyes her cat* Silence.
[20-13:26] 959, *alexander anderson: *hangs upsidedown looking at suicideblonde* what you doing today?
[20-13:26] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-13:27] 685, Special K: Lord! She's throwing herself against the door!
[20-13:27] 959, *alexander anderson: oh never mind then
[20-13:27] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i have to go to the mall (i really am not a shopper), spend time with someone i really can't stand and might have to go to a friends later to help her get over some things that are going on with her
[20-13:27] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-13:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* why not call and say you're not feeling well?
[20-13:28] 685, Special K: *Yawns* Silence, kityt.
[20-13:28] 685, Special K: Kitty.
[20-13:28] 959, *alexander anderson: oh i see *smiles* i love the mall i'm a mall rat i go there just to hang out but lately poser rats have been showing up and there lameing it out
[20-13:28] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol @poser rats!
[20-13:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Lovely pic, btw, K
[20-13:29] 685, Special K: :) Danke.
[20-13:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, Cerf she has always been there for me...with all my i feel bad blowing her off...though, truly today i would rather be here
[20-13:30] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs lil* blowing
[20-13:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods to sui* Well do what you see fit then
[20-13:30]       SuicideBlonde looks at alex...hehe...well you know...old expression for the old one
[20-13:31] 959, *alexander anderson: *is confussled by expression*
[20-13:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods to K*
[20-13:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: expression...way of speech...instead of saying, ditching her or *can now only think of slang expressions to describe what she means* (help?)
[20-13:33] 959, *alexander anderson: *grins* YAY
[20-13:33] 959, *alexander anderson: i found my dollar *jumps around holding it*
[20-13:33] 685, Special K: *Nodded at.* Not going with her when she was hoping you would be.
[20-13:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: YAY! *smiles at K* thank you soooo much....had a little brain freeze there
[20-13:34] 959, *alexander anderson: *buys a honey bun and eats* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm there the sex
[20-13:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : *yawn*
[20-13:35] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: O.o @ alex
[20-13:36] 959, *alexander anderson: *hides and eats the rest* no its mine! cant have it!
[20-13:37] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Advent....deseo que usted con todo mi corazón... le envía bien mi amor
[20-13:37] JOIN: mansonswhore appears
[20-13:37] 685, Special K: Je ne comprende pas qu'est-ce tu parles, Suicide.
[20-13:38] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-13:38] 959, *alexander anderson: bloody hell
[20-13:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok sorry, i will not speak in another language... je fais des excuses à vous tout
[20-13:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. tu parle francais, K.
[20-13:41] 959, *alexander anderson: lol
[20-13:41]       SuicideBlonde looks up at alex..."you ok?"
[20-13:41] 959, *alexander anderson: *smiles lil* yeah i'm ok
[20-13:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: alex, were you born in Florida?
[20-13:42] 959, *alexander anderson: nope
[20-13:42] 959, *alexander anderson: thank god
[20-13:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: kinda like here...everybody was born somewhere else and moved here
[20-13:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: my cousins were born in Florida...Disney World rats
[20-13:43] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs*
[20-13:44] 201, mansonswhore: hi
[20-13:44] 959, *alexander anderson: hello there mansonwhore
[20-13:45] 201, mansonswhore: sup
[20-13:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello
[20-13:45] 959, *alexander anderson: nothing much here just wrighting some things NOT! poems
[20-13:45] 685, Special K: Un peu. Je suis une élève de la cours du Francais
[20-13:46] 959, *alexander anderson: freaken french
[20-13:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. bon.. je parle un petit peu aussi
[20-13:47] 201, mansonswhore: i thought i had enough french from my grand mas boifriend daniel and in skool now i get it in here
[20-13:47] 685, Special K: Vraiment?
[20-13:47] 959, *alexander anderson: yes that stuff is everyone
[20-13:47] 959, *alexander anderson: everywhere*!!
[20-13:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : uh huh lol
[20-13:48] 685, Special K: ....mansonswhore. ca assez.
[20-13:48] 959, *alexander anderson: play the best song in the world so me and cyle with both looked at eachother andside, Ok so we played the first song that came to are heads it just so happen to be the best song in the world
[20-13:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb
[20-13:49] 201, mansonswhore: wat did speacial k say
[20-13:49] 685, Special K: Urgh. Tenacious D used to be good.
[20-13:50] 959, *alexander anderson: shrug who cares not like french can back up anything they say *laughs*
[20-13:50] 685, Special K: arrete.
[20-13:50] 685, Special K: maintenant.
[20-13:50] 685, Special K: If it weren't for the French, we'd be under British rule right now.
[20-13:50] 959, *alexander anderson: *i'm french as well so i can make fun of them*
[20-13:51] 685, Special K: Thsoe of us in the States, that is.
[20-13:51] 201, mansonswhore: ummm stop
[20-13:51] 959, *alexander anderson: HA!
[20-13:51] 201, mansonswhore: then she says something
[20-13:51] 685, Special K: No. You can't. Because I still take offense to it.
[20-13:51] 959, *alexander anderson: or so you think
[20-13:51] 685, Special K: Look up the French and Indian War.
[20-13:51] 959, *alexander anderson: well heres how we fix this stop and i will stop sound good?
[20-13:52] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: en effet, K
[20-13:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah they were a great asset back in the day.. *is some french*
[20-13:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : asl, K?
[20-13:54] 685, Special K: Je déteste les gens qui sont cruel a le Francais.
[20-13:54] 685, Special K: fifteen and unfortunately texan.
[20-13:55] 959, *alexander anderson: omg can you please stop speeking something some of us dont know how to read
[20-13:55] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: désirez ardemment de phase Jean Lafitte
[20-13:55] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 1:55pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:55] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry alex
[20-13:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh, you don't look fifteen lol
[20-13:56] 685, Special K: Pardon, mais qui est Jean Lafitte? Je suis une imbecile...
[20-13:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i was born in New i know it all too well
[20-13:56] 685, Special K: Ooh! areally?
[20-13:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : yah
[20-13:57] 201, mansonswhore: ok to much french i gonna go
[20-13:57] EXIT: mansonswhore disappears ( 1:57pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: alex...please come back...i will explain in english
[20-13:57] 685, Special K: Most people say that. :-/ I called my ex and his grandma answered, and she said I sounded like an older woman and hung up....
[20-13:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol I see nothing wrong with that
[20-13:58] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde:
[20-13:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: that's a little bit about him...
[20-13:59] 685, Special K: Ooh. *Got her picture taken recently by a statue of Ponce de Lyon.*
[20-13:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and no you don't look 15 and what part of Texas?
[20-14:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok then.......
[20-14:03] 685, Special K: Dallas area.
[20-14:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..quark
[20-14:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: don't know why everyone hates Texas so much...good things come from Texas...Bush was not the only one to hale from there
[20-14:06] 685, Special K: I just hate it here. People here are such jerks. They don't listen to reason. A political debate is out of the question. Any facts are overrun with "Bush is better. Kerry sucks. Bush rocks. Kerry lost."
[20-14:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : I wouldn't want to live in Texas
[20-14:07] 685, Special K: No you wouldn't. It sucks here. I want to go back to Illinois, or Michigan.
[20-14:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : I just want to move int othe interior of BC or Alberta..
[20-14:09] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[20-14:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : Maybe New Orleans and NY after a while.. o and London.. berlin..
[20-14:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: its like that here too K....Bush rules, Kerry sucks, etc., etc.
[20-14:11] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: they both suck actually...
[20-14:11] 685, Special K: I've got tons of books and videos on the truth about Bush. You show those to a Bush supporter and they swear up and down it's lies.
[20-14:11] 685, Special K: I like Kerry. He's a people person. He calls people out by name, and gets in touch with the people themselves.
[20-14:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : Indeed, K.. ignorance
[20-14:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and Cerf...before you move to New Orleans...try to de-politize yourself...still a lot of corruption there...was always a joke when i was there about which thief was the least offensive of the evils to vote for
[20-14:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol what do you mean.. de-politize yourself?
[20-14:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: just don't concern yourself too much with the political process in N.O....its just still too corrupt...used to be enormously worse
[20-14:15] 685, Special K: I just wanna live in Paris. *Smiles at the though*
[20-14:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : I doubt I would anyways, Sui
[20-14:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: all the elected officials seem to get indicted for something or another...or they find out they were on the take and such
[20-14:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yes! Paris.. I'd love to go there, or just backpack around France all together.. My dad did that when he was my age.. Backpacked around France and Italy
[20-14:16] 685, Special K: I was going to go to france and italy with the people in my french club but I don't have the moola
[20-14:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. I was planning on it lastyear too but i'm not in french immersion at the school >.<
[20-14:18] 685, Special K: I want to go if just to live the french way. little shops on every corner, eating the same foods... Sounds so fun.
[20-14:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's ok.. I can't wait to go to Quebec to see my family.
[20-14:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: fraid if i went they would send someone looking for me...i would get to lost in the Lourve
[20-14:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *so
[20-14:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah it seems splendid.. I really want to go to London and Berlin though.. london, well, cos it's London.. have family there.. and Berlin cos they have this Leipzeig gothic festival in Germany every year so..
[20-14:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, I think they would have to drag me out of Le Lourve kicking and screaming
[20-14:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : They'd have to do the same with the Royal British Museum and the Cairo Museum too lol..
[20-14:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ah yeah...Cairo Museum...i would love to visit the pyramids...just touch them
[20-14:21] 685, Special K: I don't think I'd ever come out of the louvre. They say it would take you years to go through if you spent two minutes on every painting.
[20-14:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah, i heard that too K
[20-14:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. I figure when I go to London, i'll take a boat down to Egypt.. I can't wait to go there. It has been one of my life goals.
[20-14:22] 685, Special K: *Wouldn't waste time. Would only go to see the Mona Lisa and Van Gogh's shite.*
[20-14:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: me too Cerf...since i can remember
[20-14:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : And Money *smile*
[20-14:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : And Monet *smile*
[20-14:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : 'Ey why not come with me, Sui lol
[20-14:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: there is a Van Gogh exhibit here at the High Museum...becca and i are gonna find some time to see it before it goes in January
[20-14:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: that would be awesome Cerf...i would love it for real
[20-14:23] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[20-14:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : They had a Van Gogh one here too a year or so ago but I couldn't go.. but I did make sure I went to the Da vinci one..
[20-14:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm so pissed off though. My mom cheaped me out and we couldn't go to the Egypt one that came this summer.
[20-14:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b alex :)
[20-14:25] 959, *alexander anderson: hello.... suicideblonde
[20-14:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : wb Alex
[20-14:25] 959, *alexander anderson: hey is K still here?
[20-14:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : Far as I know, yes
[20-14:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ah...i thought you went to that one...i saw one last December in New Orleans...and *she says in a small voice* visited the King Tut exhibit when it came in 198er something
[20-14:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : So yeah, Sui..Come to egypt with me lol
[20-14:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : I was going too but my mom is like.. No.. we can't go.. I gotta use this money to buy useless crap..
[20-14:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : *beats her head against a wall rather hard*..
[20-14:27]       SuicideBlonde gets her safari hat out and ready
[20-14:27] 959, *alexander anderson: *gets a head ach from thinking about it*
[20-14:27]       Advent walks back in and jumps to the rafters
[20-14:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Woot ^.^
[20-14:28]       SuicideBlonde looks up at Advent..."hello love"
[20-14:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i am truly fixated on anything ancient...
[20-14:29] 959, *alexander anderson: i just like med evil battle hehe man to man with some chicks here and there oh yeah thats fighting
[20-14:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Me too, Sui.. I'm going to eventually go to Japan so I can see all the temples and such there
[20-14:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : See if I can go to Kyoto and get a geisha o.O
[20-14:30] 685, Special K: *Shakes her head* Typical guys.
[20-14:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : And.. you know.. pick up those hhoott japanese girls...
[20-14:31] 685, Special K: *Points at her pic* The greatest warrior EVER.
[20-14:31] 959, *alexander anderson: oh there you are hey sorry for being a ass earlyer
[20-14:32] 959, *alexander anderson: lol yeah i just watch out for there hotels there lil boxs with tvs lol
[20-14:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: <--------wanted to be a Geisha
[20-14:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: its ok alex...we were rude
[20-14:32] 685, Special K: AGH!
[20-14:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, they're beautiful, Sui
[20-14:32] 685, Special K: wtf?!
[20-14:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao I love the pic, K
[20-14:33] 685, Special K: MAKE IT GO AWAY!
[20-14:33] 685, Special K:'s me as joan. *Stares at the background of the chat*
[20-14:33] 959, *alexander anderson: no not really i shouldnt have acted like that
[20-14:33] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cool K
[20-14:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Joan?
[20-14:33] 685, Special K: of Arc.
[20-14:33] 959, *alexander anderson: joan of ark
[20-14:34] 685, Special K: ...Does no one else have a really nasty beige background?
[20-14:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh, cool lol
[20-14:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah, but Cerf...i really couldn't hack being that subserviant i think...not with my background
[20-14:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : In the chat?No. it's back here
[20-14:34] 959, *alexander anderson: ahh my link is gone
[20-14:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : What do you mean, Sui?
[20-14:35] 959, *alexander anderson: man i hate being dumb i never know whats going on in here
[20-14:36] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-14:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey it's not as bad as you could be.. I've had people look at me dumbfoundedly when I've said words with more than three syllables in them or spelled something right
[20-14:36] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-14:37] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i am a little confused too alex...what did you mean K about the chat background?
[20-14:37] 685, Special K: Whew. It's okay now.
[20-14:38] 685, Special K: It just changed to this bright biege
[20-14:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey want to be registered, K?
[20-14:38] 685, Special K: Please, yes.
[20-14:38] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[20-14:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright, pass will be 123. one moment
[20-14:38] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hey guys!
[20-14:38] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-14:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Done
[20-14:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Glam
[20-14:39] 05c, §Advent: ...
[20-14:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Glamish
[20-14:39] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hey Suicide and Cerfy
[20-14:39] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-14:39] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-14:39] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 2:39pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-14:39] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-14:39] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-14:40] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: brb..
[20-14:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : Holy shit, it's freeazing outside x.x
[20-14:40] 959, *alexander anderson: hey glamish deathy
[20-14:40] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-14:41] 959, *alexander anderson: well thats what happens when you live up norht
[20-14:41] 959, *alexander anderson: north*
[20-14:41] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-14:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: guess i should venture out sometime today...don't know what its like actually...i am just putting all this crap off
[20-14:41] JOIN: mansonswhore appears
[20-14:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : I forbid you to leave, Sui o.o
[20-14:42] 959, *alexander anderson: YAY cyle is up and he is comeing to get me *dances* were gona game were gona game
[20-14:42] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-14:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: aww..Cerf, lol
[20-14:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : *clings to her tightly*
[20-14:43]       Advent nods at sui..."thank you love"
[20-14:43]       mansonswhore sleeps "hi every1"
[20-14:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: brb you guys....i have to go do something...*looks at Advent and smiles*
[20-14:44] 685, *Special K : o_O
[20-14:44] 685, *Special K : OMG HOT
[20-14:44] 685, *Special K : Ebil smileh
[20-14:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Uhh?
[20-14:44] 959, *alexander anderson: hey advent
[20-14:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[20-14:44] 685, *Special K : oooh
[20-14:44] 685, *Special K : ^_^
[20-14:45] 05c, §Advent: yes xander?
[20-14:45] 685, *Special K : ...*Tests them all, then will undo her posts*
[20-14:45] 685, *Special K : ...
[20-14:45] 959, *alexander anderson: just saying whats up man
[20-14:45] 685, *Special K : ...
[20-14:45] 685, *Special K : ...
[20-14:45] 959, *alexander anderson: WHOA! i want that one!
[20-14:45] 05c, §Advent: ok
[20-14:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ye know you can always go into the members thing, K, and look o.o
[20-14:45] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Alex ^^
[20-14:45] 685, *Special K : ...
[20-14:46] 685, *Special K : undo
[20-14:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Welcome back, Glam
[20-14:46] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Thank you Cerfy ^^
[20-14:46] 959, *alexander anderson : hey glamish deathy how goes
[20-14:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : You disappeared lastnght, Glam
[20-14:47] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: oh just call me Glam lol..and its going ok I might go see a concert tonight but I dunno..
[20-14:47] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Yeah sorry for that Cerfy
[20-14:47] 959, *alexander anderson : ok glam
[20-14:47] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: how are you Alex?
[20-14:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Evil kid.
[20-14:47] 959, *alexander anderson : man i love not haveing to work most weekends
[20-14:48] 959, *alexander anderson : i'm ok yourself
[20-14:48] 201, mansonswhore: hey ppl sup
[20-14:49] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: I am alright ^^
[20-14:49] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi Whore!
[20-14:50] 201, mansonswhore: hey glam
[20-14:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : Bah, I'm bored lol
[20-14:50] 959, *alexander anderson: woot hey mansonswhore
[20-14:50] 959, *alexander anderson: do something cerfestas or someone i hear thats fun lol
[20-14:50] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi ^^
[20-14:50] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: LOL
[20-14:51] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: do Alex do Alex! LOL
[20-14:51] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs* no there has to be something there to do
[20-14:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o;
[20-14:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : I kinda want to get my rp going lol
[20-14:52] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[20-14:52] 685, *Special K : LMAO
[20-14:53] 685, *Special K : o/
[20-14:53] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: LOL
[20-14:53] 05c, §Advent: llama!
[20-14:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : green llama!
[20-14:53] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: its the llama!
[20-14:53] 685, *Special K : That's a llama?!
[20-14:53] ceb, §Cerfestas :
[20-14:53] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: its like the energizer bunny..its keeps gonig and going and going..^^
[20-14:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah, we just call it a llama cos we have no idea what the fuck it is lol
[20-14:54] 959, *alexander anderson: ok then
[20-14:55] 05c, §Advent: its madames retarded llama
[20-14:56] 959, *alexander anderson: poor lamas
[20-14:56] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: LOL
[20-14:56] 05c, §Advent: me andmadame love our retard llama
[20-14:57]       SuicideBlonde walks back in
[20-14:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Sui* welcome back
[20-14:57] 959, *alexander anderson: *waves to suicideblonde* hello
[20-14:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : *sings along to Heart-shaped box*
[20-14:58] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lo alex :)
[20-14:58]       SuicideBlonde hugs Cerf..."thanks"
[20-14:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey.. wait.. i got a new complaint.. forever in debt to your priceless advice..
[20-14:58] 959, *alexander anderson: whats lo?
[20-14:59] 959, *alexander anderson: *grins* i'll take it
[20-14:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, short for hello alex
[20-15:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yah.. british thing, methinks
[20-15:00] 959, *alexander anderson: *slaps head and gets it*
[20-15:00] 959, *alexander anderson: blood hell
[20-15:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: me Cerf?
[20-15:00] 959, *alexander anderson: i would love to get threw a day in here without looking like a fool
[20-15:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : the Lo thing
[20-15:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you never look like a fool to me are a delight
[20-15:01]       SuicideBlonde looks at Cerf....what was the complaint? and it was because of me?
[20-15:02] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[20-15:02]       Cerfestas sings ... she eyes me like a pisces when I am weak..i've been locked inside your heartshaped box, four whole weeks.. i've been dragged into your magnet tar pit trap.. i wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black..
[20-15:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : No sui, it's nirvana lol
[20-15:02] 959, *alexander anderson: a delight eh?
[20-15:02] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: omg the Nirvana boxset is ocming out soon ^^
[20-15:02] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *Coming*
[20-15:03] 959, *alexander anderson: *cuming*
[20-15:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : I know, eh?
[20-15:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i look pretty foolish, hehe
[20-15:03] 959, *alexander anderson: *shifty eyes*
[20-15:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yes you are alex
[20-15:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b Glamish
[20-15:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O don't mess yourself there, Alex
[20-15:03] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: you are..cumming?...*hides* LOL
[20-15:03] 959, *alexander anderson: lol sure sure as one person says most of the other people here i'm sure wouldnt mind if i left
[20-15:03] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:03] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Thank you Cerfy ^^
[20-15:04]       Advent walks over and hugs sui..."hi luv still here i soppose"
[20-15:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : I would mind i you left, Alex.. you stay
[20-15:04]       SuicideBlonde hugs him and looks at him* yes you are love
[20-15:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..why are you thanking me, Glam? o.O
[20-15:05] 959, *alexander anderson: no i'm sure you wouldnt maybe for a day maybe but i'm sure no more than that
[20-15:06] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: I dunno..LOL
[20-15:06] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Cerfy how did you do your profile it is pretty nice!
[20-15:07] 685, *Special K : LIFE SUCKS TESTES!
[20-15:07] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:07] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: hehe..K said testes..LOL
[20-15:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : Geocities page builder, Glam
[20-15:08] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: how do I do it?
[20-15:09] 959, *alexander anderson: wow sexy song on your profile cerfestas
[20-15:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : go to the geocities site.. sign in.. and there should be something that says page builder.. lol
[20-15:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : Aphex Twin, Alex =)
[20-15:09] 959, *alexander anderson: well later guys i will be gone for a few days dont miss me to much
[20-15:09] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:09] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: after I creat the page how do I place it as my profile?
[20-15:10] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:10] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: Alex we will miss you!
[20-15:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry...don't really know what that said, Advent!
[20-15:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : right click.. View Page Source.. and copy the HTML to your pjj profile
[20-15:10] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah yeah be careful when you say we
[20-15:10] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-15:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: what i wanted to say that i will miss you...*hugs*
[20-15:11] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-15:11] 959, *alexander anderson: ok laters guys be well stay safe to lol
[20-15:11] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 3:11pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-15:11] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: ok Cerfy..
[20-15:11] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: brb
[20-15:12] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nice, going to a show tonight
[20-15:13] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:16] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Advent?
[20-15:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : jesus?
[20-15:21] 685, *Special K : God doesn't like me.
[20-15:21] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, seems the universe does not like me K, so....
[20-15:22] 685, *Special K : :'(
[20-15:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : I think my hamster doesn't like me
[20-15:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : her name is Jesus =)P
[20-15:24] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : k well.. imma go iron my hair
[20-15:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb
[20-15:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok Cerf
[20-15:29] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: to me
[20-15:30] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-15:32] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[20-15:32] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:33] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:33] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:36] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[20-15:36] MSG: Special K tried to message I Feel Left Out (not registered).
[20-15:36] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry K....
[20-15:36] 959, *alexander anderson: well i will be gone if my ride ever gets here lol
[20-15:38] 685, *Special K : No, no. I see how it is. *Sniff sniff*
[20-15:39] 685, *Special K : :)
[20-15:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry K...kinda bad day...goober *tries to smile*
[20-15:40] 959, *alexander anderson: *hugs suicideblonde*
[20-15:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: thanks alex
[20-15:40] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: I t won't let me do page builder LOL
[20-15:41] 959, *alexander anderson: more than welcome suicideblonde your a buddy me look after you as long as i'm here
[20-15:41] 959, *alexander anderson: awww poor glam
[20-15:41] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *sniffles*
[20-15:42] 959, *alexander anderson: *hugs glam* not you to
[20-15:42] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: *hugs back* I'll be ok Alex thankies..
[20-15:43] 959, *alexander anderson: good good
[20-15:43] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:43] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: mmhm
[20-15:43] 959, *alexander anderson: damn i really should save my pic somewhere so i dont lose it for this place
[20-15:44] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: just put it on cookie
[20-15:45]       Advent stands up and walks out the door looks back at sui...."i suffer u suffer whatever u feel now amplyfy it by 20 thats how i felt ad this to it and you have my present state"
[20-15:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: add what Advent?
[20-15:47] 685, *Special K : It's alright. I'm having a shitty time too. 'scuze my language. *Sighs and beats her head into a wall.
[20-15:47] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-15:48]       SuicideBlonde hears "i am the monument to all your sins" in the background and steps in
[20-15:53] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[20-15:54]       GraveBabyX3 tries to figure out what suit SK has one.
[20-15:54] 200, *GraveBabyX3: on*
[20-15:56] 200, *GraveBabyX3: helloo? is anyone even here???
[20-15:56] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hmm guess not
[20-16:02] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-16:02] JOIN: THOD appears
[20-16:02] a19, *†Glamish Deathy†: brb
[20-16:02] f5b, *THOD: is advent here?
[20-16:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i don't know THOD
[20-16:03] f5b, *THOD: :/
[20-16:04] f5b, *THOD: every fucking time
[20-16:04] f5b, *THOD: lmao!
[20-16:05] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-16:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he's not speaking to me THOD...he might to you
[20-16:05] f5b, *THOD: cuz i wanted to talk to him....hold on
[20-16:06] f5b, *THOD: errrr...he is away on msn...
[20-16:07] f5b, *THOD: i think i really did break the bone in my foot when i drop the huge iron on it...
[20-16:07] f5b, *THOD: opps...
[20-16:09] f5b, *THOD: sui....can i help in anyway?
[20-16:09] f5b, *THOD: im worried about him not
[20-16:09] f5b, *THOD: now**
[20-16:09] f5b, *THOD: not= now**
[20-16:12] f5b, *THOD: OMG
[20-16:12] f5b, *THOD: all i can smell are my boobs! they smell like cotten candy....darn that widow and her spraying me
[20-16:13] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[20-16:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: one can help i think
[20-16:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: somehow i manage to fuck everything up with one miss placed post...unintentional, but nontheless...
[20-16:17] f5b, *THOD: O.o
[20-16:18] JOIN: Beep appears
[20-16:18] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thod.
[20-16:18] EXIT: Beep disappears ( 4:18pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-16:19] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Thod.
[20-16:20] f5b, *THOD: oh i see
[20-16:20] f5b, *THOD: i did that once...then i told the person to read the logs
[20-16:20] f5b, *THOD: they under stood i made a mistake
[20-16:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he knows THOD
[20-16:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i'm so upset i can't even think anymore
[20-16:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and concerned for him
[20-16:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i am clueless and at a complete loss right now....sorry
[20-16:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i am gonna go for now
[20-16:29] f5b, *THOD: sorry i had to run down stairs
[20-16:29] f5b, *THOD: bye sui see you soon
[20-16:30] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, i don't know when i will be back...and if its a good thing or a bad thing anymore...i just don't understand
[20-16:31] f5b, *THOD: awwww
[20-16:31] f5b, *THOD: ~hugs~ go have some tea ok me dear
[20-16:31] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how can he know it was a mistake and harmless and still...
[20-16:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry
[20-16:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *hugs* thanks...see you soon heart
[20-16:34] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 4:32pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-16:37] f5b, *THOD: ADVENT WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[20-16:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[20-16:39] f5b, *THOD: hello me dear cerfestas
[20-16:40] f5b, *THOD: adorible pic
[20-16:40] f5b, *THOD: who is that? anyone you know
[20-16:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : where?
[20-16:41] f5b, *THOD: your pic
[20-16:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh, that's me
[20-16:42] f5b, *THOD: for real!!!! omg you so adorible!!!
[20-16:42] f5b, *THOD: your**
[20-16:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : yah o.o; thank you.. lol
[20-16:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : that's a first.. being called adorable lol
[20-16:43] f5b, *THOD: really? i would think lots of people would have called you adorible
[20-16:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : closest was being called cute lol
[20-16:44] f5b, *THOD: O.O
[20-16:44] f5b, *THOD: i cant believe that no one else called you adorible!!!!!
[20-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o;
[20-16:45] f5b, *THOD: well you are, and thats that!
[20-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : why's that? lol
[20-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : well thanks lol
[20-16:45] f5b, *THOD: LOOK AT YOU!!!!
[20-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : I look like a guy o.o
[20-16:45] f5b, *THOD: you look all sad and dark and angery hehehe so adorible!!!!
[20-16:46] f5b, *THOD: no you dont
[20-16:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : sad? i've got a small smirk, if you look close enoug o.o
[20-16:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : enough**
[20-16:46] f5b, *THOD: your eyes
[20-16:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh
[20-16:47] f5b, *THOD: your eyes looks sad...your smirk makes you look dark and evil
[20-16:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : cool lol
[20-16:47] f5b, *THOD: your the tpye of person i get along with best :)
[20-16:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol You should put up a pic of yourself sometime
[20-16:51] f5b, *THOD: its not on the web...well it is but my friends wont give me the web address cuz they know ill have a friend hack in a take it down...but hold on ill put on up in a min
[20-16:52] f5b, *THOD: brb
[20-16:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : ok
[20-16:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb too
[20-16:59] 685, *Special K : *Pounds a knife into her skull* Life. Sucks.
[20-17:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : Back.. why do you say that K?
[20-17:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : *eats the brain chunkies that come from her skull*
[20-17:02] 685, *Special K : A bunch of seriously shitty stuff going down.
[20-17:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : oh? care to share?
[20-17:07] 685, *Special K : *Shrugs* My boyfriend broke up with me, says he still loves me, I know I still love him, and yet he won't get back with me, and keeps getting really mad at me. He never got mad at me before.
[20-17:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. boyfriends.. peh..
[20-17:08] 685, *Special K : :'( As dumb as it sounds, I was supposed to marry him.
[20-17:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : doesn'tsound dumb at all. I was supposed to with my last boyfriend. we were together for 5 years then he cheated and broke up with me
[20-17:11] 685, *Special K : *Sighs* He just broke up with me for no reason... It doesn't make sense. One minute he was being all uber-affectionate and calling me his wife, and the next he said we just didn't fit together.
[20-17:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : that's messed up.. give it a little time and see what happens
[20-17:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : he's probably getting flack from people about em about your relationship
[20-17:13] 685, *Special K : I doubt it. He said long-term relationships don't work. But they were working perfectly fine for five months. I don't understand.
[20-17:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods*
[20-17:14] 685, *Special K : He says that on a scale from one to ten of how angry he is with me, it's a twenty-two.
[20-17:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : angry at you? for what?
[20-17:16] 685, *Special K : I don't know. I asked him and he just said I pissed him off and to stop talking to him
[20-17:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : wtd
[20-17:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : wtf.. that's really messed up.
[20-17:18] 685, *Special K : I repeat what I said. Life sucks.
[20-17:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah, life does suck.. but you gotta move on. shit happens
[20-17:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : im sure he's going through male PMS. Like I said.. give it some time
[20-17:21] 685, *Special K : Can't I just . . . make him stop being angry at me? *Grumbles.*
[20-17:21] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 4:52pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-17:21] JOIN: THOD appears
[20-17:21] f5b, *THOD: ~shivers~ i hate pic of myself
[20-17:21] f5b, *THOD: hello med ear k
[20-17:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods to K* I understand, hun.. Just give it a little time.
[20-17:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh lovely, THOD. *smile*
[20-17:23] 685, *Special K : med ear k?
[20-17:23] 685, *Special K : Medical ear K?
[20-17:24] f5b, *THOD: me dear**
[20-17:25] f5b, *THOD: sorry trying to eat and message back 7 different people
[20-17:25] 685, *Special K : I'm your dear? Who are you?
[20-17:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol o.o
[20-17:27] f5b, *THOD: i refer to everyone as me dear
[20-17:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : where did Sui go to ?
[20-17:29] JOIN: tom appears
[20-17:32] f5b, *THOD: she had to go somewhere
[20-17:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh yeah
[20-17:32] f5b, *THOD: gods freaking damn them! some stupid hackers or what not are setting off my anti virus and i cant even type without it cutting me off with an alert!
[20-17:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : odd
[20-17:34] f5b, *THOD: wait...i think they stopped
[20-17:35] f5b, *THOD: i havent even got to put one bite of my dinner into my mouth! people wont stop talking to me...i feel over loved!
[20-17:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[20-17:36] ea2, tom: hi
[20-17:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello
[20-17:36] f5b, *THOD: ya tom
[20-17:36] ea2, tom: sup
[20-17:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : nothin.. you?
[20-17:37] ea2, tom: same
[20-17:37] ea2, tom: asl
[20-17:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : immortal.. hermaphrodite.. near lake titikaka
[20-17:38] f5b, *THOD: brb
[20-17:39] ea2, tom: asl cerfestas
[20-17:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : just told you
[20-17:39] ea2, tom: i know
[20-17:40] ea2, tom: but is is ur age and sex and where do u live at
[20-17:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : i know.. age.. immortal.. sex.. hermaphrodite.. and i live near lake titikaka
[20-17:41] 685, *Special K : Lake titicaca, lake titicaca, in between bolivia and peru...
[20-17:41] 685, *Special K : *Sings*
[20-17:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[20-17:43] ea2, tom: lol
[20-17:43] ea2, tom: asl k
[20-17:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : No >.< Leave me alone
[20-17:44] f5b, *THOD: back
[20-17:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : welcome back
[20-17:45] ea2, tom: i was not talking to u
[20-17:45] ea2, tom: i was not talking to u
[20-17:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : what of you tom? asl
[20-17:46] ea2, tom: i was talking to special k age
[20-17:46] 685, *Special K : Me?
[20-17:47] 685, *Special K : Age: 43 sex: male location: LA sexual preference: gay pedophilic.
[20-17:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao
[20-17:47] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[20-17:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Sui!
[20-17:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerf...can i talk to you?
[20-17:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi K
[20-17:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : sure
[20-17:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hey THOD, again, sorry about earlier
[20-17:49] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[20-17:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : heading in, sui
[20-17:50] f5b, *THOD: AHHHHH!!! freaking stupid anti virus and stupid freaking hacker people that i dont know!!!
[20-17:50] f5b, *THOD: hello sui
[20-17:50] ea2, tom: hi blonde
[20-17:51] f5b, *THOD: tom you cant have sui! so dont even try
[20-17:51] ea2, tom: what
[20-17:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : Tom this isn't a dating service, k?
[20-17:52] 685, *Special K : She's all mine. *Winks seductively at sui*
[20-17:52] ea2, tom: k
[20-17:52] ea2, tom: so can i make some friends
[20-17:52] f5b, *THOD: all the friends you want
[20-17:53]       THOD cries at the sight of the dancing banana
[20-17:53] ea2, tom: sleical k and cerfestas
[20-17:54] 685, *Special K : *Starving* Okay. My 'rents left for Polar Express at 11 and it's almost six and they're not back. Should I now be worried?
[20-17:54] ea2, tom: can we be friends
[20-17:54] f5b, *THOD: thats the icon my bf uses...and i think i pissed him off cuz he was talking to me and i wasnt there so he think i was ignoring him
[20-17:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : Depends, what's polar express? lol
[20-17:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs at Tom* we'll see
[20-17:55] ea2, tom: k
[20-17:55] 685, *Special K : Ditto.
[20-17:55] 685, *Special K : And it's a movie, Cerf.
[20-17:55] ea2, tom: can we be friends special k
[20-17:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh yeah, I don't know lol.possibly
[20-17:56] ea2, tom: l
[20-17:56] ea2, tom: lol
[20-17:57] ea2, tom: lol
[20-17:57] 685, *Special K : *Ponders calling them* If those fuckahs went to Incredibles afterward I'm gonna keel 'em.
[20-17:57]       THOD slap her pet, tom, for saying lol
[20-17:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[20-17:57] ea2, tom: k
[20-17:57] 685, *Special K : *ring*
[20-17:57] 685, *Special K : *riiiing*
[20-17:58] ea2, tom: ok
[20-17:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : ring ring ring ring ring ring.. banana phone.. banana phone..
[20-17:58] ea2, tom: hellp suicide blone
[20-17:59] 685, *Special K : OMG NO
[20-17:59] ea2, tom: k
[20-17:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao
[20-17:59] 685, *Special K : Call for pizza! I'll call my cat!
[20-17:59] f5b, *THOD: where is sui???
[20-18:00] f5b, *THOD: brb
[20-18:00] 685, *Special K : *Shifty eyes* *Burp* I've not seen her.
[20-18:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : me and her are off busy talking in private
[20-18:03] ea2, tom: ya
[20-18:05] ea2, tom: :)]
[20-18:06] ea2, tom: k no one is here to talk
[20-18:13] f5b, *THOD: oh ok cerf, tell her she did have to apoligize to me. there was no need for it at all!
[20-18:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : mmk
[20-18:15] JOIN: Shane appears
[20-18:15] ea2, tom: hi shane
[20-18:16] f5b, *THOD: hello med ear shane
[20-18:16] f5b, *THOD: rb again
[20-18:16] f5b, *THOD: brb**
[20-18:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : Shane ^_^
[20-18:18] ea2, tom: hello
[20-18:18] 7b1, *Shane: I want to kill the dancing banana.
[20-18:19] ea2, tom: asl
[20-18:19]       Shane Stabs tom repeatedly "No! Of hell is you!"
[20-18:20]       Shane breaks down into a sobbing fit,and hides somewhere.
[20-18:20] ea2, tom: ok
[20-18:21] ea2, tom: r u m or f
[20-18:21] baa, *Shane: AAAHRRRRRGHHHH...SPELL PROPERLY! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD oh MY god hahahahabHAAA...
[20-18:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o
[20-18:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : Tom can you stop plz?..
[20-18:21] ea2, tom: lol
[20-18:22] ea2, tom: k
[20-18:22] c5e, *Shane: Of hell is the usage of the letter of the hells instead of of the words and of and of and one can stop me no one can stop no no no one can stop and and use words not the usage of letters*Curls up into the fetal position.*
[20-18:23] ea2, tom: k
[20-18:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O Shane, calm down..
[20-18:23] db1, *Shane: Of go to pentagram is you!
[20-18:24]       Shane finally gets a grip on himself.. "Cerf, you -know- how I react when people use letters instead of words."
[20-18:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : yup lol
[20-18:25] ea2, tom: k
[20-18:26] baa, *Shane: Sometimes it makes me want to kill,you know, those people who care not of how they spell.
[20-18:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : It bugs me too, Shane
[20-18:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yes.. K is a very nice letter
[20-18:26] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-18:26] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-18:26] ea2, tom: ya i know is it
[20-18:26] ea2, tom: thats y iam shy
[20-18:27] ceb, §Cerfestas :'s not Y.. it's WHY..
[20-18:27] 106, *Shane: *L* But it confuses me, which is why I go nuts like that. In the confusion of seeing someone say 'asl plz lol' I forget how to talk correctly, let alone how to type out a complete sentence, which instead turns into a long run on sentence, which are sometimes amusing, though not always.
[20-18:27] ea2, tom: ok'
[20-18:28] JOIN: Shana appears
[20-18:28] 214, Shana: hi
[20-18:28]       Shane peers at the Shana person..hides.
[20-18:28] ea2, tom: hi
[20-18:28] ea2, tom: supo
[20-18:29] ea2, tom: sup shana
[20-18:29] 214, Shana: supo?
[20-18:29] ea2, tom: i don;t knwo
[20-18:29] ea2, tom: i don;t know
[20-18:29] 214, Shana: o ok lol
[20-18:29] 214, Shana: qats up?
[20-18:29] ea2, tom: lol
[20-18:29] 214, Shana: wats up?*
[20-18:29] ea2, tom: nothing u
[20-18:30] 214, Shana: ssdd
[20-18:30] ea2, tom: what
[20-18:30]       Shane cries and hides in Cerf's shirt "Make them go away!"
[20-18:30] 214, Shana: same shit different day
[20-18:30] ea2, tom: ya
[20-18:31] ea2, tom: asl
[20-18:31] 214, Shana: 13/f/pa
[20-18:31] 214, Shana: u?
[20-18:31] ea2, tom: kool
[20-18:31] ea2, tom: kool
[20-18:31] ea2, tom: kool
[20-18:31] ea2, tom: do u have msn
[20-18:31] 214, Shana: no
[20-18:32] 214, Shana: i have aim
[20-18:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : ...Okay i'm going now
[20-18:33] IGN: Shane ignored ea2 for 172800 seconds.
[20-18:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : im going to a show tonight.. see you all around 12:30 my time.. (pacific)
[20-18:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Shane* don't go too nuts
[20-18:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : *poof*
[20-18:34] a66, *Shane: Latewr Cerf..
[20-18:34] 214, Fun Boy: ...
[20-18:34] 214, Fun Boy: holt crap!
[20-18:34] 214, Fun Boy: wat happened to my sn thinger?
[20-18:35] JOIN: Shana appears
[20-18:35] 214, Shana: thats not my name thinger
[20-18:35] 214, Shana: y arent u people talking?
[20-18:36] db1, *Shane: Dave the Chat Gnome got upset and booted ya off your name for partaking in the stupidity.
[20-18:36] 214, Shana: whos dave?
[20-18:36] JOIN: mr grammer<---lol appears
[20-18:36] baa, *Shane: I would taljk, but the next time I see a 'y' or a 'u' by itself, i'm going to lose the already shaky grip I have on my sanity.
[20-18:37] a54, mr grammer<---lol: ow is u?
[20-18:37] 214, Shana: why?
[20-18:37] a54, mr grammer<---lol: cuz he thinks he knows grammar
[20-18:37] 214, Shana: o
[20-18:38] a54, mr grammer<---lol: dont you, grammer man?
[20-18:38] 86c, *Shane: No,I just dislike people who can't be bothered to spell out a word. How difficult is it to say 'you' instead of 'u'?
[20-18:38] 214, Shana: y do u care?
[20-18:38] 214, Shana: as long as u kno wat i say i dont care how i spell it
[20-18:39] a54, mr grammer<---lol: i dun know
[20-18:39] f5b, *THOD: im back me dears.
[20-18:39] 693, *Shane: I care because it makes you all look like five year olds*L*
[20-18:39] a54, mr grammer<---lol: i is not boothered aboot it
[20-18:40] 214, Shana: me either
[20-18:40] f5b, *THOD: and yet shane , you just use the short form of laughs. So by placing that *L* you made yourself a hypocrit.~giggles~
[20-18:40] a54, mr grammer<---lol: lmao
[20-18:41] 214, Shana: yea wat she said
[20-18:41] f5b, *THOD: shane you should see how some of the people around talk and type now. its actually really sad
[20-18:41] a54, mr grammer<---lol: oops, laughing my ass off
[20-18:41] baa, *Shane: Nah. I cosnider it the same as stuff like lol,rofl, wtf, omg...those things I can deal with.
[20-18:42] a54, mr grammer<---lol: dont come on the net then
[20-18:42] a54, mr grammer<---lol: mr grammer man lol
[20-18:42] f5b, *THOD: oh I see you just dont like C, y,u,k things like tyhat?
[20-18:42] f5b, *THOD: that**
[20-18:43] c5e, *Shane: Exactly.
[20-18:43] a54, mr grammer<---lol: he is scared of the alphabet
[20-18:44] 214, Shana: ...o0ok...
[20-18:44] c5e, *Shane: Uhm,no, not really.
[20-18:44] a54, mr grammer<---lol: by the way, i do know is "grammar" unlike shane
[20-18:45] c5e, *Shane: How do ya feel about how people say color, or colour? Which is correct, mistah grammah?
[20-18:46] a54, mr grammer<---lol: depends where you're from
[20-18:47] f5b, *THOD: niether yet both at the same moment shane, for in canada it is said to be spelt colour, yet in america it is spelt color
[20-18:48] f5b, *THOD: and let us leave this at that.
[20-18:48] baa, *Shane: There's my point.
[20-18:50] JOIN: salemchick appears
[20-18:51]       salemchick looks around
[20-18:51] EXIT: salemchick disappears ( 6:51pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-18:52] JOIN: Berserker appears
[20-18:52] f5b, *THOD: how i hate my picture...
[20-18:52] fe5, *Shane: If you hate it, change it.
[20-18:53] f5b, *THOD: i have no other picture of myself and i wish not to put a picture that isnt me
[20-18:55] f5b, *THOD: hello berserker
[20-18:55] 693, *Shane: Gah, I never bother to use my real picture*L*
[20-18:55] f5b, *THOD: i put it up cuz cerfestas ask to see it
[20-18:55] 693, *Shane: Ahh
[20-18:56] 693, *Shane: ,
[20-18:57] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 6:55pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-18:57] JOIN: THOD appears
[20-18:57] f4d, Berserker: owz youz?
[20-18:57] f5b, *THOD: i normally have no picture
[20-18:58] f5b, *THOD: do you mean to type "how are youz?" ber?
[20-19:01] f5b, *THOD: well aren't you people all chatty, dont all type at once now...
[20-19:03] c5e, *Shane: *L* Sorry, I had to take a depe breathe and count to ten. And i'm pondering on playing a game now.
[20-19:03] f5b, *THOD: shit brb!
[20-19:09] f5b, *THOD: ok im good
[20-19:10] f5b, *THOD: why did you have to take a deep breath and count to ten for shane?
[20-19:12] JOIN: salemchick appears
[20-19:13]       salemchick looks around
[20-19:14] f5b, *THOD: hello med ear samelchick
[20-19:14] f5b, *THOD: me dear**
[20-19:16]       salemchick hugs thod
[20-19:16] 7fe, *salemchick: hi thod
[20-19:18] f5b, *THOD: how are you dear?
[20-19:18]       THOD hugs back
[20-19:18] 6fe, *salemchick: i am doing ok
[20-19:18] 6fe, *salemchick: how r u
[20-19:20] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-19:20] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 7:20pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-19:20] f5b, *THOD: ok well, trying to tune my guitar...
[20-19:21] f5b, *THOD: shit!!!!
[20-19:22] f5b, *THOD: i just snaped my string!!!man that whipped me across the hand
[20-19:22] 6bf, *salemchick: damn u ok
[20-19:23] f5b, *THOD: im fine just a bit of blood....but i can play my guitar!!
[20-19:23] fd9, *salemchick: thats good
[20-19:24] f5b, *THOD: can=cant
[20-19:25] ea3, *salemchick: u cant do it
[20-19:25] f5b, *THOD: omg it looks so cool it made my hand bleed but it didnt cut the top layer of skin only the under im bleeding through a hole lol
[20-19:26] 6e9, *salemchick: wtf thats freaky
[20-19:26] f5b, *THOD: i only have 5 strings i need all six and the one i broke is the one i use the most right now
[20-19:26] 6bf, *salemchick: damnthat sux
[20-19:27] f5b, *THOD: ya it is bleeding through a pin hole yet it looks like i sliced my hand
[20-19:27] b93, *salemchick: lolo
[20-19:29] MSG: THOD sent a message to Advent.
[20-19:29] f5b, *THOD: well...thats over what do i do...
[20-19:29] 6bf, *salemchick: i dont know
[20-19:31] f5b, *THOD: lol, just i type with you more
[20-19:33] 403, *salemchick: ok
[20-19:33] f5b, *THOD: what have you been up to?
[20-19:37] JOIN: Heretic appears
[20-19:37] 815, ºHeretic : how many salemchicks are there?
[20-19:37] 12a, *salemchick: just me
[20-19:37] 12a, *salemchick: nm thod
[20-19:38] 815, ºHeretic : T-E-E-N T-I-T-A-N-S teen titans, let's go!
[20-19:38] 815, ºHeretic : im sorry i meant "tee titas!"
[20-19:39] fd9, *salemchick: umm ok
[20-19:39] f5b, *THOD: hello me der heretic
[20-19:39] fd9, *salemchick: well imma go now ppl ttyl
[20-19:39] f5b, *THOD: me dear**
[20-19:39] 815, ºHeretic : mmm... microwave popcorn
[20-19:39] 815, ºHeretic : hello
[20-19:41]       Heretic considers the three "M's" that men love the most
[20-19:42] f5b, *THOD: what are the three M's?
[20-19:42] 815, ºHeretic : mmm-money, mmm-mother, mmm-pussy
[20-19:43] f5b, *THOD: hahaha
[20-19:45] 815, ºHeretic : do androids snore?
[20-19:48] 815, ºHeretic : I'm sorry. That's my questin from the year 2104.
[20-19:50] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 7:48pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-19:51] JOIN: Beep appears
[20-19:52] EXIT: Beep disappears ( 7:51pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-20:00] f5b, *THOD: looks around
[20-20:05] f5b, *THOD: bye then
[20-20:05] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 8:05pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-21:49] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[20-21:49] a19, *GraveBabyX3: ummm... *zoooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
[20-21:49] EXIT: GraveBabyX3 disappears ( 9:49pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-22:20] JOIN: THOD appears
[20-22:21]       THOD looks around to see no one is around
[20-22:49] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 10:21pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-23:00] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-23:01] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 11:00pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-23:22] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-23:22] 9b6, Fun Boy: hi
[20-23:22] 9b6, Fun Boy: hey
[20-23:22] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 11:22pm, November 20 (CST) ).
[20-23:23] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[20-23:23] 9b6, Fun Boy: whos funboy cause its not me god dammit
[20-23:23] 9b6, Fun Boy: this sucks ewww im a chick
[20-23:31] JOIN: Marble appears
[21-00:41] JOIN: Heretic appears
[21-00:41] 815, ºHeretic : yeah, party over here!
[21-00:51] 568, §Advent: oi
[21-00:52] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[21-00:52] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi
[21-00:52]       Advent hugsglamsih because his life is finally back to normal
[21-00:53] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: *hugs back* Well hello are you?
[21-00:53] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi Heretic!
[21-00:53] 568, §Advent: good fdor once .....eating chineese food...u?"
[21-00:54] JOIN: Winkie appears
[21-00:54] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: mmm just go surprsed with Placebo's new look and just got shocked to know their new album came out! ^^
[21-00:54] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi Winks
[21-00:54] 568, §Advent: hi winks
[21-00:54] 4cb, *Winkie: hi
[21-00:56] 568, §Advent: test
[21-00:56] 568, §Advent: so what you 2 been up 2?
[21-00:57] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Nothing really lol
[21-00:57] 4cb, *Winkie: *lights a cig up*
[21-00:58] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: *blows on a feather*
[21-01:00] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: I declare we have an jk ^^
[21-01:01] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 12:57am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:06] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: ...?
[21-01:06]       Advent bends galmish over..."whos your daday!"
[21-01:06] 568, §Advent: WHOS YOUR DADDY!!!
[21-01:06] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: *screams* "you are! you are!" LOL
[21-01:07] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: the night is slow *yawns*
[21-01:08] 568, §Advent: yeah it is
[21-01:08] 568, §Advent: im raping a 13 year old damn it....*puts on priest costume* i can do it and get away with it
[21-01:09] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: LOL
[21-01:09] 568, §Advent: well its true!!
[21-01:10]       Advent wonders how long glamish would last in a church
[21-01:10] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Haha yeah lol
[21-01:10]       Advent loked in with the pope...."damn thats mean ass torture
[21-01:10] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: why would you wonder that? lol
[21-01:11] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: LOL
[21-01:11] 568, §Advent: well im 19
[21-01:11] 568, §Advent: im to old to be handle its against the church its the 11th comandment
[21-01:12] 568, §Advent: thou shall not touch that wich is of age
[21-01:12] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: LOL
[21-01:13] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: I love Sephiroth's hair style man lol
[21-01:13] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: did Adventchildren come out yet?
[21-01:13] 568, §Advent: i guess the 12th comand ment is...thouh shall cover thy raping with moving of preiest to fresh meat....errr fresh timmys...err....fresh land..
[21-01:13] 568, §Advent: glamish my hair is that style man i sorta look like this fool in the pic
[21-01:13] 568, §Advent: ive seen advent children but in jap text..stil awsome though red looks awsome
[21-01:14] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: oh that would be awesome to have hair liek that lol
[21-01:14] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: *like*
[21-01:15] 568, §Advent: my hair style is a mohawk but when i let it down it forms that shape if i comb it...let me upload a old pic of mine
[21-01:15] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: ok
[21-01:16] 568, §Advent: this is me like a year ago ive lost the mustache and colored the hair
[21-01:17] 568, §Advent:
[21-01:18] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: whoa awesome man! brb I need some liquid
[21-01:18] 568, §Advent: glamish u still alive?
[21-01:19] 568, §Advent: liquid?...awsome...yeah its hair man everyone has
[21-01:23] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: back
[21-01:23] 568, §Advent: what liqued u gettingman?
[21-01:23] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: your hair rocks
[21-01:24] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol some lemon iced tea..LOL
[21-01:25] 568, §Advent: thanks man ....but that was the mohawk....its thick so i can goth it out when i want......i put some thought into it
[21-01:26] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-01:26] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 1:26am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:26] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[21-01:26] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[21-01:27] 568, §Advent: doesnt even look like a mohawk does it?
[21-01:27] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi littleangela
[21-01:27] 568, §Advent: evening angles
[21-01:27] d01, *LittleAngela: hullo glamish person
[21-01:28] d01, *LittleAngela: hullo advent
[21-01:28] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: nope didn't look like a mohawk
[21-01:28]       LittleAngela is ill
[21-01:29] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: why?
[21-01:29] JOIN: Winkie appears
[21-01:29] 568, §Advent: it is glamish.....the cuts style lets me comb it down sick and look normal..well now with the color in it it looks all blue
[21-01:29] 568, §Advent: whats wrong angeles?
[21-01:30] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Advent.
[21-01:30] d01, *LittleAngela: i have a sore throat and all... can't talk and stuff and i have my first day of work at toys r us tomorrow x.x
[21-01:31] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[21-01:31] a1b, *Winkie: HI Alex
[21-01:31] d7e, *alexander anderson: *finds out lap top has more bat than i thought
[21-01:31] d7e, *alexander anderson: hello everyone
[21-01:32] a1b, *Winkie: O.o?
[21-01:32] 568, §Advent: hey xanders
[21-01:32] d01, *LittleAngela: hihi
[21-01:32] d7e, *alexander anderson: on the road again on the road
[21-01:32] MSG: Advent sent a message to Winkie.
[21-01:32] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi ho Alex
[21-01:32] d7e, *alexander anderson: *is on his way up to north florida*
[21-01:32] d7e, *alexander anderson: hello there glam and advent
[21-01:33] 568, §Advent: smoking bowls on the raod again cron kush nd medicinal marijuana in the bong again...
[21-01:33] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Advent.
[21-01:33] d7e, *alexander anderson: well i dont want to kill my bat so later guys
[21-01:33] d7e, *alexander anderson: take care see you on mondy
[21-01:33] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 1:33am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:33] a1b, *Winkie: bye
[21-01:33] MSG: Advent sent a message to Winkie.
[21-01:37] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: .....
[21-01:38] d01, *LittleAngela: silence....
[21-01:39] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[21-01:40] d01, *LittleAngela: i need cough drops >.<
[21-01:42] 568, §Advent: ok im buzzed,,,brb
[21-01:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : *wanders in and groans*..
[21-01:43] d01, *LittleAngela: cerfy!!!
[21-01:43] a1b, *Winkie: *Cerf!! hi
[21-01:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : *drops face down on the floor*...hi..
[21-01:44] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Cerfy! *hugs*
[21-01:44] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: hiw are you?
[21-01:44]       LittleAngela pokes cerf with a stick
[21-01:44] d01, *LittleAngela: what's wrong cerfy?
[21-01:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : my..whole.. body is neck..hurts.. my throat.. hurts.. ohhhhh man I had fun tonight..
[21-01:45] a1b, *Winkie: *gives Cerf a pillow to lay her head on*
[21-01:45] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: hat did you take?
[21-01:45] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: *w*
[21-01:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ohh nothing.. just smoked a lot.. I went to a hardcore punk show.. headbanging.. and moshing.. and floor punching.. ohh man lol
[21-01:47] JOIN: sally appears
[21-01:47] e95, *sally: hi there gals
[21-01:48] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: lol
[21-01:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : we couldn't find a boot for alcohol or anyone who would give us weed so..
[21-01:48] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: brb
[21-01:49] a1b, *Winkie: *sits in the corner smoking*
[21-01:49] a1b, *Winkie: hi Sally, how r u tonight
[21-01:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : Winkie.. can i steal one of those from you?
[21-01:50] e95, *sally: tired of a long flight
[21-01:50] a1b, *Winkie: *yea sure hands Cerf her pack
[21-01:51] a1b, *Winkie: Ic where did u come from?
[21-01:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : *grapples for it from her faced down position and forces herself to roll over and get one to smoke*..
[21-01:51] e95, *sally: from los angeles to texas
[21-01:52] a1b, *Winkie: kool kool
[21-01:53] a1b, *Winkie: well im going to bed, I gotta work tomorrow night ppl
[21-01:53] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 1:53am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : night
[21-01:54]       sally waves at winkie
[21-01:56]       sally need to take her nap time for a big day, adios
[21-01:56] EXIT: sally disappears ( 1:56am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:56] JOIN: sally appears
[21-01:56] EXIT: sally disappears ( 1:56am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-01:58] d01, *LittleAngela: lalalala
[21-01:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : hmmm
[21-02:00] d01, *LittleAngela: brb
[21-02:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : geez everyone's leaving lol
[21-02:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : *waits for people to come back*
[21-02:09]       LittleAngela is back
[21-02:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey
[21-02:12] d01, *LittleAngela: hihi
[21-02:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : heyhey
[21-02:14] d01, *LittleAngela: i like orange
[21-02:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : I don't lol
[21-02:15] d01, *LittleAngela: poop
[21-02:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[21-02:20] d01, *LittleAngela: lalala my head hurts lalala i feel like dirt
[21-02:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm on the floor lol.. close enough to dirt.
[21-02:23] d01, *LittleAngela: i'm watching fullmetal alchemist
[21-02:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : never heared of it
[21-02:24] d01, *LittleAngela: it's really good
[21-02:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : ill look into it
[21-02:27] d01, *LittleAngela: good
[21-02:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : yup
[21-02:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb food
[21-02:28] d01, *LittleAngela: i just ate an orange popsicle! yay!
[21-02:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : ahh lol
[21-02:30] d01, *LittleAngela: the tv is talking to me!!! nooooooo >><
[21-02:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o what did you think it'd do?
[21-02:36] d01, *LittleAngela: dance for me
[21-02:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : *starts liquid dancing...?(
[21-02:37] 815, ºHeretic : hello
[21-02:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : *
[21-02:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : Well hello, Hereti
[21-02:37] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 2:36am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-02:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : heretic* x.X Sorry i'm fingerly challanged right now
[21-02:37] 815, ºHeretic : did i chase someone away again?
[21-02:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : naw
[21-02:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : how are you?
[21-02:38] 815, ºHeretic : alright. how bout you
[21-02:39] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[21-02:39] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[21-02:39] d01, *LittleAngela: yay!
[21-02:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Good but sore lol
[21-02:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : I got home about an hour ago from a hardcore punk show
[21-02:39] 815, ºHeretic : what have you been doing to be sore? have you been naughty?
[21-02:40] 815, ºHeretic : ah. who was it?
[21-02:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : local groups.. tough as nails.. alcoholic white trash.. war by other means.. self inflicted something-or-rather.. and another group
[21-02:41] 815, ºHeretic : sounds like fun.
[21-02:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : It was insane. I haven't gotten a city show before lol
[21-02:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oi.. headbanging.. and floor punching.. and moshing.. lol
[21-02:43] 815, ºHeretic : yeah i have alwaus enjoyed being the one to cause others to do that. dun think i would actually like the mosh pit
[21-02:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, it's pretty damn crazy. I usually don't go in unless it's smaller people cos I just get trampled and killed if they're taller guys
[21-02:44] 815, ºHeretic : be careful
[21-02:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sometimes you can't help it though. Some people will just push you in and all.. last time I was in one, not today, but yeah.. I fell over and people tried to help me up but some jerk kicked me in the side of the head
[21-02:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : one of my friends got nailed in the face tonight
[21-02:46] d01, *LittleAngela: o.o poor cerfy
[21-02:46] 815, ºHeretic : the guy was an idiot. the g=dangers of moshing
[21-02:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, but they're a helluva a lot of fun
[21-02:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : They can be really good though.. there's like an unwritten law of the yeah
[21-02:49] 815, ºHeretic : yeah. i prefer being on stage behind the safety of my kit.
[21-02:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : Just sometimes some people will stand at the edge and punch/kick people cos they're drunk and stupid
[21-02:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol the place I was at had no stage.. just their set on the floor right in the crowd
[21-02:49]       LittleAngela has never been to a concert ~.~
[21-02:50] 815, ºHeretic : course it would be nice of some of those chicks out there flashing their tits would give me the time of day. but no! it's all about the singer and the giuys out front.
[21-02:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah that'd be a real kick in the pisser lol
[21-02:51] 815, ºHeretic : story of my life.
[21-02:51] 815, ºHeretic : im the one doin all the work back there making them sound good.
[21-02:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : none of the girls here do shit like that lol.. most the people are guys and the few girls don't do shit like that lol
[21-02:52] 815, ºHeretic : i would just like a groupie ever now and then
[21-02:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea
[21-02:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : fuck
[21-02:53] 815, ºHeretic : the kind of groupie who loves drummers and will do anything just to touch me. that kind.
[21-02:53]       Heretic fantasizes
[21-02:54] 815, ºHeretic : be my groupie cerf.
[21-02:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : I was out wandering trying to find my sister so i could get a smoke from her friend or something and this guy we were talking to before.. he was drunk and comes up to me and asks if I went to this bar and rode this electronic bull they have.. I said no and he's like.. yea.. it's not that good.. not as good as me anyways.. soo.. you want to take a ride?.. uuggh.. creepy.. so I told him I was a lesbian and thought the male body was repulsive n walked off lol
[21-02:55] 815, ºHeretic : good strategy
[21-02:56] 815, ºHeretic : hate idiots like that
[21-02:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : Works like a charm
[21-02:56] 815, ºHeretic : so u dun wanna be my groupie then?
[21-02:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : I dunno. maybe lol
[21-02:57] 815, ºHeretic : hmm... im a good drummer.
[21-02:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh I don't doubt it
[21-02:58] 815, ºHeretic : and im a nice guy. few dates have actually told me later the reason they did not go out with me twice was b/c im too nice. im like wtf does that mean?!
[21-02:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : they drummers tonight were good.
[21-02:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : I dunno. most girls are like that..they want someone kinda mean lol.. kinda..
[21-02:59] 815, ºHeretic : w/e
[21-02:59] 815, ºHeretic : i aint no pussy that's for sure
[21-03:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : but yeah.. couple bands couldn't keep up a rythm which sucked.. but yea.. one or two of em had really good drummers.
[21-03:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh I know you're not
[21-03:00] 815, ºHeretic : man when the drummer sux the band always suck.
[21-03:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah exactly
[21-03:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : the last band was like that.. they were supposed to be the best band of the night but the two before em were better
[21-03:01] 815, ºHeretic : see you understand what i mean about the drummer being the one making everyone else sound and look good.
[21-03:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. drummers.. then the bassist.
[21-03:02] 815, ºHeretic : hey did u mess with that pic yet?
[21-03:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : I barely pay attention to the vocalist.
[21-03:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : No, no adobe, remember?
[21-03:02] 815, ºHeretic : why do u need adobe?
[21-03:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : good effects
[21-03:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : paint sucks
[21-03:03] 815, ºHeretic : ah. well if you can remember try an give it a black BG
[21-03:04] d01, *LittleAngela: great.... one of my best friends just told me i'm pathetic ~.~
[21-03:04] 815, ºHeretic : who told you that. i'll kick their ass!
[21-03:05] d01, *LittleAngela: guy on im..... he said i'm pathetic cause i like... 'leave when the going gets tough' or some crap like that
[21-03:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : that's silly
[21-03:06] 815, ºHeretic : u break up with him?
[21-03:07] d01, *LittleAngela: i couldn't understand what he was talking about
[21-03:07] 815, ºHeretic : maybe he is in love with you
[21-03:08] d01, *LittleAngela: i was never going out with him.... i told him i would leave so he didn't have to talk to someone as pathetic as me.... and he said ok goodnight and then left
[21-03:08] 815, ºHeretic : that sux.
[21-03:08] d01, *LittleAngela: strange man
[21-03:09] 815, ºHeretic : well take cerf an i as an example. we were an item but now we are just friends. i think he has a thing for you and will not admit it
[21-03:11] d01, *LittleAngela: that's cool...all my ex's are assholes.... we were good friends then we went out and then the first one broke up with me on the phone, the second one just started going out with this other girl with no explanation and then the last one just like..... stopped talking to me... he says he's busy with college
[21-03:12] 815, ºHeretic : that's wrong. u should always try an remain friends.
[21-03:13] d01, *LittleAngela: i tried with the last two but they were jerks about it.... the one who went out with the other girl went around and told everyone i slept with him
[21-03:14] d01, *LittleAngela: which is a lie... i'm a virgin and i plan on staying a virgin till i'm married..... cause that's how i feel..... the first one broke up with me cause i wouldn't have sex with him
[21-03:14] 815, ºHeretic : guys can make u out to be a whore with their friends. but you know the truth. you have power over him. be strong
[21-03:16] d01, *LittleAngela: well the one who said i had sex with him... two of my friends were at my house and he came over one day, acting like we were still going out... he was all hugging and trying to kiss on me... so i kicked him in the balls and we actually started fighting...... and then i tied him to a tree and left him there for about an hour
[21-03:17] 815, ºHeretic : should left him permanently
[21-03:18] d01, *LittleAngela: i wanted to... but my friends untied him and made him leave...
[21-03:18] 815, ºHeretic : guys can be real assholes to former lovers. that sux.
[21-03:20] 815, ºHeretic : where's cerf?
[21-03:20] d01, *LittleAngela: i just have troubles finding guys... no problem finding girls.... but they tend to be a bit pushy....
[21-03:20] d01, *LittleAngela: maybe she fell asleep
[21-03:21] 815, ºHeretic : i wish you the best angela. everyone deseves happiness in a relationship. well maybe nit everyone. but most ppl.
[21-03:22] d01, *LittleAngela: thank you ^.^
[21-03:22] JOIN: Kalogero appears
[21-03:22] NICK: Kalogero changed legaly changed name to Kal.
[21-03:23] d01, *LittleAngela: hello kal person
[21-03:23] 151, Kal: hello!
[21-03:23] 815, ºHeretic : im gonna go now.
[21-03:23] 151, Kal: hm.... no one I know is in here....
[21-03:23] 815, ºHeretic : g'night all. be well
[21-03:23] d01, *LittleAngela: ok heretic
[21-03:24] d01, *LittleAngela: night night
[21-03:24] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 3:23am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-03:24] 151, Kal: nite nite
[21-03:25] d01, *LittleAngela: hullo kal person! i'm angela ^.^
[21-03:29] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 3:25am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-03:29] 151, Kal: hello!
[21-03:29] EXIT: Kal disappears ( 3:29am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-03:29] JOIN: Kalogero appears
[21-03:30] NICK: Kalogero changed legaly changed name to .
[21-03:30] 151, Fun Boy: so... you still there?
[21-03:30] NICK: Fun Boy changed legaly changed name to Kal.
[21-03:32] 151, Kal: *leaves*
[21-03:32] EXIT: Kal disappears ( 3:32am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-09:33] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-09:39] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[21-10:31] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[21-10:44] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[21-10:44] a19, *GraveBabyX3: damnit!
[21-10:58] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-11:12] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[21-11:14] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Well no one home I'm going bye ^^
[21-11:47] JOIN: Hells Angel appears
[21-11:48] EXIT: Hells Angel disappears ( 11:47am, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-11:51] JOIN: Fate's Daughter appears
[21-12:42] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:42] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:42pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:43] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:43] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:43pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:43] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:43] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:43] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:43pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:43] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:43] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:43pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:44] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:44] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:44pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:44] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:44] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:44pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:44] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:46] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:49] JOIN: Alexia appears
[21-12:49] 63a, *Alexia: my computer is so gay today
[21-12:54] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-12:54] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 12:54pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-12:55] 63a, *Alexia: HELLO?
[21-12:58] JOIN: Winkie appears
[21-12:59] 63a, *Alexia: hello winkie
[21-12:59] 08a, *Winkie: hi
[21-13:01] 63a, *Alexia: boring today
[21-13:01] 08a, *Winkie: yep
[21-13:03] 63a, *Alexia: i woke up about 20 minutes ago and im all slugish and junk
[21-13:04] 08a, *Winkie: same here
[21-13:05] 63a, *Alexia: i was a litle um "tipsy" last night. i cant handle alcohol that well, im not a big drinker.
[21-13:06] 08a, *Winkie: then dunt drink
[21-13:09] 63a, *Alexia: i didnt that much, its was kinda fun till i walked into a wall, i have a tendancy to walk into walls.
[21-13:09] 08a, *Winkie: o.O uh huh
[21-13:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : *wanders in grumbling*
[21-13:10] 08a, *Winkie: hey Cerf
[21-13:10] 63a, *Alexia: i dont have good vision and i do not usually wear my contacts around the house at night.
[21-13:10] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[21-13:11] 08a, *Winkie: hi Chylde
[21-13:11] 63a, *Alexia: hello Cerfestas, hello QuietChylde.
[21-13:11] de1, *QuietChylde: hi
[21-13:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey guys
[21-13:13] EXIT: QuietChylde disappears ( 1:11pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-13:13] 08a, *Winkie: *sits in the corner and lights up a cig*
[21-13:13] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[21-13:13] 63a, *Alexia: i need some coffee and chocollate, seen you two some other time.
[21-13:14] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 1:13pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-13:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : i need t3's and a massage x.x
[21-13:14] de1, *QuietChylde: cooofffeeeee................ i did that i made coffee... goes to get coffee
[21-13:16] de1, *QuietChylde: *bows to the coffee goddess*
[21-13:16] de1, *QuietChylde: t3's?
[21-13:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : tylonol 3.. they
[21-13:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : they're perscription tylonol
[21-13:18] de1, *QuietChylde: ahh... yea i could go for something like that ... took three ibeoporfin and am prayin ... woke up with my back killin me
[21-13:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah me too.. except my legs and arms and neck and everything hurts all over. buises on my arms and legs lol
[21-13:20] de1, *QuietChylde: geez what did you do to yourself?
[21-13:20] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[21-13:21] 08a, *Winkie: hi Sui
[21-13:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello, this is Becca
[21-13:22] 08a, *Winkie: oh well then Hi Becca
[21-13:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Winkie
[21-13:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : I went to a hardcore show lastnight lol. moshpit and headbanging pretty violently lol
[21-13:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello Becca
[21-13:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerfestas, does my mom call you Cerf?
[21-13:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yep, she certainly does
[21-13:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i need to talk with you but i don't know how to do the message thing
[21-13:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh. go up into the private chat, hun
[21-13:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, how do i do that?
[21-13:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : just click the link
[21-13:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry not used to this
[21-13:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: the link?
[21-13:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : it's alright
[21-13:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah
[21-13:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: like under the banner?
[21-13:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah
[21-13:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok
[21-13:25] de1, *QuietChylde: your excuse is better than mine at least you had fun getting all sore
[21-13:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol what's your excuse?
[21-13:27] de1, *QuietChylde: i think i just slept funny lol .. very boring
[21-13:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : ohh ok lol
[21-13:32] 08a, *Winkie: *bored*
[21-13:36] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 1:32pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-13:37] de1, *QuietChylde: yea
[21-13:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : hm.
[21-13:40] de1, *QuietChylde: o.o
[21-13:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : wha? o.o
[21-13:43] JOIN: Alexia appears
[21-13:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello Alexia
[21-13:43] 63a, *Alexia: blue!
[21-13:43] 63a, *Alexia: hello Cerfestas
[21-13:44] 63a, *Alexia: Cerfestas, what does your name mean?, i have been meaning to ask that for a while.
[21-13:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : It means nothing lol It's my name. if you try to google it, it only comes up with sites I belong to lol
[21-13:45] de1, *QuietChylde: distractedchylde is playin in proboards for the coven
[21-13:47] 63a, *Alexia: ~giigles at whatever chylde just said~
[21-13:47] de1, *QuietChylde: *S* im workin on createing a messageboard
[21-13:48] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Alexia.
[21-13:48] 63a, *Alexia: like the one in here or the original pne for pff?
[21-13:48] de1, *QuietChylde: it always makes me think of a female adams family fester or what ever his name is
[21-13:48] 63a, *Alexia: lol i mean ~pjj~
[21-13:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : What does, quiet?
[21-13:49] de1, *QuietChylde: like the one in here... have a pjj one it annoys me
[21-13:49] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-13:50] 63a, *Alexia: im cold and my head hurts and im wearing co pajamas....moo!!!
[21-13:50] 63a, *Alexia: ~cow~
[21-13:51] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Alexia.
[21-13:51] de1, *QuietChylde: i just turned the heat up too
[21-13:53] 63a, *Alexia: but i bet your not wearing supper cool pajamas with flying cows?
[21-13:53] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-13:53] de1, *QuietChylde: you got me there im wear ' n ones that sox and scuffs on them... and it looks like it says sex n scuffs LMAO
[21-13:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol my pj's consist of sweats and a tshirt that says 'smoke crack and worship satan'
[21-13:54] 63a, *Alexia: eww sex, yuck
[21-13:54] 63a, *Alexia: i like that shirt Cerfestas
[21-13:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : eww sex? o.O
[21-13:55] 63a, *Alexia: ~runs away not wanting to dicess how she feels on the subject~ please talk dont mention that.
[21-13:56] 63a, *Alexia: ~please dont talk about tha around me~
[21-13:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o;;
[21-13:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : ye celebit or something?
[21-13:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : er.. something liek that
[21-13:57] 63a, *Alexia: i almost got um, ...raped a year ago....
[21-13:57] de1, *QuietChylde: oh
[21-13:57] 63a, *Alexia: please just change the subject
[21-13:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : ouh..
[21-13:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : ummm..
[21-13:57] 63a, *Alexia: moo!
[21-13:57] 63a, *Alexia: mooooo!
[21-13:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : meow
[21-13:58] 63a, *Alexia: ~pets salem~ shes friendly today.
[21-13:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : your cat?
[21-13:59] 63a, *Alexia: yeah, its black with blue eyes.
[21-13:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : cute
[21-14:00] 63a, *Alexia: i got the name from that T.V show with the witch.
[21-14:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea
[21-14:01] 63a, *Alexia: it was gonna be salem or slappy
[21-14:01] 63a, *Alexia: ~shivers~ cold here,
[21-14:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : *gives alexia a blanket*
[21-14:03] 63a, *Alexia: ~wraps it around her and her cat~ thank you , i just got one right now to.
[21-14:03] 63a, *Alexia : kitty?
[21-14:03] 63a, *Alexia : arch angel!
[21-14:03] 63a, *Alexia : hes hot
[21-14:05] 63a, *Alexia: where is everyone?
[21-14:05] 63a, *Alexia: ~cracks her knukles~ i came here looking for someone in particular
[21-14:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : who?
[21-14:06] 63a, *Alexia: someone.
[21-14:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..okay
[21-14:07] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-14:08] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 2:07pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-14:08] JOIN: Alexia appears
[21-14:08] 63a, *Alexia : ?
[21-14:09] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Alexia.
[21-14:10] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-14:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : Bye Alexia
[21-14:11] 63a, *Alexia : bye serfestas abnd chylde if your around
[21-14:11] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 2:11pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-14:13] JOIN: Alexia appears
[21-14:13] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Asterius.
[21-14:13] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 2:13pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-14:21] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[21-14:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey
[21-16:12] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[21-16:12] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hmmmm..
[21-16:28] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-16:28] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:28pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-16:28] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-16:28] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:28pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-16:28] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 4:28pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-16:43] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-16:44]       Advent walks into the room,,.."hello there fun boy"
[21-16:45] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[21-16:45] JOIN: Genocide Kommando appears
[21-16:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Advent, can you and i talk please?
[21-16:45] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello
[21-16:46] 63a, §Advent: hello geno
[21-16:46] 63a, §Advent: sui yes we can talk provide a place and i will meet you there in 3 mintues i mnsut tend to something first
[21-16:46] IGN: Genocide Kommando ignored b6c for 172800 seconds.
[21-16:47] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: How are you both
[21-16:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, i will be in the private room or on yim
[21-16:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[21-16:48] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Im ok
[21-16:48] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Hello Cerfestas
[21-16:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : hiya.
[21-16:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Cerf...i understand becca was looking for me
[21-16:48] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: How are you today
[21-16:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea she was
[21-16:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Geno
[21-16:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i'm sorry
[21-16:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : for?
[21-16:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: that i made her come in here to look for me
[21-16:50] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: that she felt she needed to do that
[21-16:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : it's ok
[21-16:50] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i can explain
[21-16:50] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: give me a sec
[21-16:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : ok
[21-16:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i've been in the hospital
[21-16:52] a4b, *Genocide Kommando: Are u ok SuicideBlonde
[21-16:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : why?
[21-16:54] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-16:57] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[21-17:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : glad you're ok, sui
[21-17:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : if you're even here
[21-17:05]       Advent walks back in i need one
[21-17:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey
[21-17:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i'm here Cerf
[21-17:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : ok
[21-17:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : so.. how are you two?
[21-17:17] 63a, §Advent: retoricle question right serf?
[21-17:17] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[21-17:18] de1, *QuietChylde: *rubs bum from boot* damn that was a hard one ..
[21-17:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah, I really want to know lol
[21-17:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O what happeend?
[21-17:19] de1, *QuietChylde: power failed
[21-17:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh
[21-17:20] 63a, §Advent: sol@chylde.....hehe
[21-17:21] de1, *QuietChylde: dumped me good and hard
[21-17:21] de1, *QuietChylde: huh
[21-17:21] de1, *QuietChylde: whats that mean advent *l*
[21-17:22] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[21-17:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : I want coffee -.-.. I've already had three cups today
[21-17:31] 63a, §Advent: hello?
[21-17:31] 63a, §Advent: is theis a deaf room?
[21-17:31] 63a, §Advent: is this a mute room?
[21-17:33] de1, *QuietChylde: got it ad *l*
[21-17:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : umm
[21-17:33] de1, *QuietChylde: *zips lips and goes back to work*
[21-17:33] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[21-17:33] 63a, §Advent: neeehh
[21-17:33] 63a, §Advent: BRAINS!!!
[21-17:33] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi guys!
[21-17:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : hiya
[21-17:34] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Advent I have a question for ya
[21-17:34] de1, *QuietChylde: *wanders off to the salt mine*
[21-17:34] MSG: Advent sent a message to Quietchylde.
[21-17:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : Where's sui?
[21-17:34] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hi Cerfy ^^ *hugs*
[21-17:34]       Advent takles glamish and takes his lincon hat
[21-17:35] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Hey my hat! *takes it back and tackles Advent*
[21-17:35] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: did you get that message board for this chat?
[21-17:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : *grumbles cos of the pain in her neck *...that show lastnight was awesome..
[21-17:37] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Umm okies well could ya message me a response to my question when you can? thanks I should be back in like 3 hours guys byes stay safe!
[21-17:38] MSG: Advent sent a message to Glamish Deathy.
[21-17:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[21-17:38] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: bye lol
[21-17:40] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: Yeah Advent see I made a RP board and I would like a board like that but I don't know how to make one so I asked Cerfy and she said to ask you..anyways I'll see you guys later...if you could help I would be awfully grateful ^^ byes!
[21-17:40] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: opps thats *I made a RP room*
[21-17:40] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: ok byes now ^^
[21-17:40] EXIT: †Glamish Deathy† disappears ( 5:40pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-17:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: so Cerf...tell me about your concert
[21-17:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : I never said to ask Advent o.O I said he was the one who got our board
[21-17:41] 63a, §Advent: sure thing
[21-17:41] 63a, §Advent: lol@serf
[21-17:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : It was awesome, Sui. I smoked way too much though so im paying for it today.. plus I have a buise on my tit from being elbowed in the mosh pit aanndd.. I ache all over from headbanging so much lol
[21-17:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : I still have my voice though thankfully
[21-17:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: wish i was sore from something i enjoyed....*arm hurts as we speak*
[21-17:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed
[21-17:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : watching those concerts makes me want to join a band even more so lol
[21-17:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah
[21-17:46] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: god, poor becca
[21-17:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : unfortunatly people here don't like bands made up entirely of or having one or two girls in them.
[21-17:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea she was pretty worried.
[21-17:47]       Advent brb...cousin found a baby bird
[21-17:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, i am sorry to worry her and then have her come here
[21-17:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you guys talk?
[21-17:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok Advent
[21-17:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea we did, Sui
[21-17:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: she's not much of an online
[21-17:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: she's pretty pissed about it all now
[21-17:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed.
[21-17:50] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-17:51] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[21-17:52] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-17:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh man..I feel like I have an E hangover
[21-17:53] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[21-17:53] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: so she is having a wonderful day...on top of all this she was late for work and they chewed her out
[21-17:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i do have a hangover and have not taken the pain meds they gave me yet
[21-17:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: but seriously considering doing so soon
[21-17:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods*
[21-17:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : you should
[21-17:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: it was strange last night, i was out of it, came in here looking for you, but it was too early and then went looking around and left a couple messages in a chat or two....but can't exactly remember which ones
[21-17:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: or what i said, guess i should check around
[21-17:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed
[21-17:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and my arm did not really hurt until early morning...guess when the alcohol wore off
[21-17:58] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[21-17:58]       Advent walks in we got a new pet...."small blue bird that she found on the side walk...hold ok sui just setting the litle thing up"
[21-17:59] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[21-18:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok Advent
[21-18:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ah..i see Cerf
[21-18:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..uh? *can't remember what she wrote*
[21-18:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : don't mind if i'm outta it today. I probably killed a few braincells lastnight
[21-18:03]       Advent walks back in and past to the other room
[21-18:06] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, its ok Cerf...i killed a few myself last night
[21-18:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol okay
[21-18:06] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[21-18:07]       Advent probly don t have eny left anyways
[21-18:07] 63a, §Advent: maybe thats why i cant s[phell?
[21-18:07] 63a, §Advent: *speelsj*
[21-18:07] 63a, §Advent: *speill*
[21-18:07] 63a, §Advent: *S.....P...E.....L....L....*
[21-18:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : speil... ein speil.. mit mir..
[21-18:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : i love that song
[21-18:09] 63a, §Advent: ISH VEIL
[21-18:10] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[21-18:10] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings
[21-18:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : Faded!^_^ *tackle hugs*
[21-18:11]       TheFadedAngel has been tackle hugged
[21-18:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : how have you been, hun?
[21-18:12]       Advent jsut realized that with this new baby bird his house has 1 tarantula 1 2scorpians 1 lab rat 1 chinchila 1 cat 1 bulldog and a baby bird
[21-18:12] 63a, §Advent: *2 scorpians*
[21-18:12] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: How is everyone today?
[21-18:12] 63a, §Advent: retoricle question rgith angel?
[21-18:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : eewww... Im not going into your house if you have atrantula, Advent lol
[21-18:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello Angel!
[21-18:13] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: I have been doing well...just hanging out with Jacque (Juliet)...working...sleeping
[21-18:13] 63a, §Advent: the tarantula and scoripans are my cousin sos the cat
[21-18:13] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: calling you, sui
[21-18:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh, she's there now eh?
[21-18:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: that is a rhetorical question is it not Angel?
[21-18:14] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: indeed... got here saturday...
[21-18:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool
[21-18:14] 63a, §Advent: lol@sui
[21-18:15] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: Yepz
[21-18:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol..i know, i'm late
[21-18:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: brb, PHONE
[21-18:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and, um...i think its um YOU Angel
[21-18:16] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: phone? Sheesh, who would be calling you at this time of the night?
[21-18:16] MSG: Advent sent a message to Hells Angel.
[21-18:16] JOIN: †Glamish Deathy† appears
[21-18:16] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: back ^^
[21-18:16]       TheFadedAngel would never do such a thing
[21-18:17] 63a, §Advent: angel estas listo para peliar?
[21-18:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : welcome back
[21-18:17] 63a, §Advent: si peleas unos de estos dias pon el nobre Advent en unos de tus knukles para me *winks*
[21-18:17] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: DEATHY!!!!!!!
[21-18:17] MSG: Advent sent a message to Glamish Deathy.
[21-18:17] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-18:18]       Fun Boy walsk in touches angel hes ded now walks out busting the charsten
[21-18:18] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: HI ^^
[21-18:18] 63a, Fun Boy: *charsten*
[21-18:18] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:18pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-18:18] JOIN: Fun Boy appears
[21-18:18] EXIT: Fun Boy disappears ( 6:18pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[21-18:18] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: si, siempre estoy listo para todo... pero, cuando?
[21-18:18] MSG: †Glamish Deathy† sent a message to Advent.
[21-18:19] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: Um, sure, Fun Boy
[21-18:19] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: That fun boy..nothing but trouble..LOL
[21-18:19]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[21-18:19] 63a, §Advent: one day ill; tell you all about the girl i call funboy..hehe....just look at the crows character funboy adnd ull get the idea
[21-18:20] MSG: Advent sent a message to Glamish Deathy.
[21-18:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : humz..
[21-18:21] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: lol, otayz, 'mano
[21-18:21] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: *hugs* Cerfy ^^
[21-18:21] MSG: †Glamish Deathy† sent a message to Advent.
[21-18:21] d13, *†Glamish Deathy†: brb
[21-18:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : hum..
[21-18:27] JOIN: salem appears
[21-18:28] ba0, *salem: hello!!!
[21-18:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello
[21-18:28]       salem looks ...bites her nails
[21-18:28] ba0, *salem: hey!
[21-18:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey hey
[21-18:29]       Advent takles salem
[21-18:29] ba0, *salem: MEEP!!!
[21-18:29] ba0, *salem: hey sweetie!!! missed ya!~!
[21-18:30] 0ce, *TheFadedAngel: Hiya
[21-18:30] ba0, *salem: HEY!!!
[21-18:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : WB Faded