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[07-14:02] 3bc, §Advent: i just posted some thing in the news board....some dude killed himself at ground zero cause bush was relected
[07-14:03] 3bc, §Advent: i would of rather shot bush then myself..but everyone to there own i guess.
[07-14:04] 3bc, §Advent: serf u know i really hate having a huge penis sometimes....i want to wear shorts but i canat cause it just hangs out....*smirks*....."im trying to entertain myself"....
[07-14:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao
[07-14:05] 3bc, §Advent: i used to run the mile around school...ppl would trip when they passed me cause ib be slaping there legs and shit
[07-14:05]       Advent smiles at serf..."i know im a moron"
[07-14:05] 3bc, §Advent:
[07-14:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : naw you're fine lol
[07-14:08]       Advent walks around..."im to sexy for my im to sexy for my shirt......i do my litle turn on the cat walk...yeah on the cat walk.."
[07-14:10]       Advent rolls around on the floor...."i was rolling around on the floor....its fun try it!!"
[07-14:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O lol
[07-14:11] 3bc, §Advent: try it now.
[07-14:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : try what? lol
[07-14:14] 3bc, §Advent: roll around on the floor right now
[07-14:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : sorry for being quiet. was on the phone with my sister
[07-14:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : *rolls around on the floor*
[07-14:16] 3bc, §Advent: are u really rolling on the floor though?..i mean do it for real..its fun
[07-14:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : I do o.O
[07-14:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : geez it's been too quiet this weekend
[07-14:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : is it saturday or sunday?
[07-14:19] 3bc, §Advent: lol..i dotn know but i did that yesterday and i was like..." the hell am i doing?..thats it i need to do drugs again and act normal"
[07-14:19] 3bc, §Advent: its the pathetic continuation of yesterday
[07-14:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed.. I've had too many cravings
[07-14:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : i neeeedd a smoke right now.. or rit.. or both
[07-14:21] 3bc, §Advent: watching independence4 day right now
[07-14:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : cool.
[07-14:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : fuckim bored
[07-14:27] 3bc, §Advent: sry was getting something to eat
[07-14:27] 3bc, §Advent: i havent eaten much this wekeend
[07-14:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : No worries.
[07-14:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : *yawns*
[07-14:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sooo...
[07-14:42] JOIN: Heretic appears
[07-14:42] 815, ºHeretic : hello
[07-14:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey
[07-14:43] 3bc, §Advent: hello heretic
[07-14:43] 815, ºHeretic : hio advent.
[07-14:44] 815, ºHeretic : crud. i actually need to go.
[07-14:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : tsk
[07-14:44] 815, ºHeretic : bbl
[07-14:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : ok.. bye
[07-14:44] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 2:44pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-14:50] JOIN: Refrication appears
[07-14:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello Ref
[07-14:52] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[07-14:52] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-14:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : How are you?
[07-14:52] 3bc, §Advent: lol...what happen man cokies back fireing..whats up new and ref-proved
[07-14:53] MSG: NewAndImproved sent a message to Darkheart.
[07-14:53] 3bc, §Advent: hey cerf u on msn or yim?
[07-14:53] ecc, NewAndImproved: I'm ok, how are you?
[07-14:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : both, Advent
[07-14:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : Pretty damn bored lol.. ok i guess though
[07-14:56] ecc, NewAndImproved: I'm just waiting to watch "Most Haunted" and then a movie
[07-14:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool.. im watching The Others.. again
[07-14:57] ecc, NewAndImproved: I have that movie
[07-14:58] 3bc, §Advent: still watching indepence day
[07-14:58] ecc, NewAndImproved: The one I'm watching tonight is about a gang in 60's london. It's a true story
[07-14:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : I like it.. Well I watch it cos I love the house.. but it's good none the less
[07-14:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool.
[07-14:58] ecc, NewAndImproved: It has a good twist
[07-14:59] ecc, NewAndImproved: They being the ghosts
[07-14:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : which?
[07-14:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. Yeah, tis
[07-14:59] ecc, NewAndImproved: The Others
[07-15:00] 3bc, §Advent: *looks around for the others*
[07-15:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : shitty someone spoiled it for me lol
[07-15:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : They're in your head, Advent... it's all in your head..
[07-15:01] ecc, NewAndImproved: I love a violent gang movie
[07-15:02] 3bc, §Advent: well then if your part of whats in my head serf...that makes u my property
[07-15:02] 3bc, §Advent: the un touchables was good
[07-15:02] ecc, NewAndImproved: Have you ever heard of "Bors?" they were an 80's brit pop group
[07-15:02] ecc, NewAndImproved: *bros
[07-15:03] 3bc, §Advent: nopes
[07-15:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah.
[07-15:03] ecc, NewAndImproved: Ok, it's just that the lead singer is the star of the movie I'm watching
[07-15:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool
[07-15:04]       Advent feels like watching a mindless war movie
[07-15:04] ecc, NewAndImproved: I hope there's lots of stabbing etc
[07-15:05] ecc, NewAndImproved: Band of brothers is the best war series ever
[07-15:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : I agree
[07-15:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : It was fantastic
[07-15:06] ecc, NewAndImproved: It's a true story
[07-15:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : Indeed
[07-15:06] 3bc, §Advent: never seen it..heard about it but never got a chance to look at it
[07-15:06] ecc, NewAndImproved: I keep meaning to watch it over again
[07-15:07] ecc, NewAndImproved: You should
[07-15:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. I've gotta buy it
[07-15:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : It was directed my Steven Speilburg and Tom Hanks
[07-15:07] ecc, NewAndImproved: I have it
[07-15:07] ecc, NewAndImproved: I just recorded it from tv lol
[07-15:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : seen Schindlers List?
[07-15:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol.. yeah i think we intended on doing that..
[07-15:08] 3bc, §Advent: YEAH!!
[07-15:08] ecc, NewAndImproved: I can't remember, but I know of the title
[07-15:08] 3bc, §Advent: i loved that movie with all them dead jews...*ok u all new i was gonna say that so dont act so shoked*
[07-15:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : It's really disturbing, New.. You wouldn't know it were a movie if someone didn't tell you
[07-15:10] ecc, NewAndImproved: There is nothing wrong with "Jews"
[07-15:11] 3bc, §Advent: i know but there were a bunch of the taken out in that looks more like if they follwed ppl around with cameras then a scripted film
[07-15:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : but yeah.. you should watch it sometime, New.
[07-15:12] ecc, NewAndImproved: Maybe
[07-15:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : I dunno. I think the actors did a good enough job that it looked real enough
[07-15:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : He doesn't seem to spare any of the horror..
[07-15:14] ecc, NewAndImproved: I don't really like movies that are based of persecution
[07-15:14] 3bc, §Advent: o yeah have u seen a movie that called "the boxer"..its a great movie..a jewish boxer is sent to a camp with his father and they put him to box..trough the movie he keeps fighthing..whoever loses is the end his father dies and hes the only one left in the camp cause the germans thought they killed everyone ...but they missed him and he just walks down a long ass road all sad
[07-15:14] ecc, NewAndImproved: If it is on the basis of race
[07-15:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : It's still an exellent movie though
[07-15:16] ecc, NewAndImproved: No, not seen that movie
[07-15:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Meneither
[07-15:17] 3bc, §Advent: starship tropers was entertaining
[07-15:18] ecc, NewAndImproved: Yes, and the second one
[07-15:18] ecc, NewAndImproved: The movie tonight had better be violent
[07-15:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol typical male
[07-15:19] ecc, NewAndImproved: I think it will be, they have to show it after 10 pm
[07-15:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-15:21] ecc, NewAndImproved: Lots of blood, Yipeee!!!!
[07-15:21]       Advent contemplates buying devil may cry
[07-15:21] 3bc, §Advent: part 2*
[07-15:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : I played a demo for it, Advent.. very cool.
[07-15:22] 3bc, §Advent: i got tired of part 1..i think i will venture out and buy in like in 30 mnbutes
[07-15:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : ah
[07-15:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : I wanna try the new grand theft auto game.. looks cool
[07-15:26] 3bc, §Advent: its viloent if u want it to be..u can run around killing things for fun
[07-15:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea
[07-15:27] ecc, NewAndImproved: "Driver3"
[07-15:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : and FF7
[07-15:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : and.. new The Sims
[07-15:27] 3bc, §Advent: what about FF7?
[07-15:29] ecc, NewAndImproved: What?
[07-15:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : games i want to get lol
[07-15:30] JOIN: kitty appears
[07-15:30] 3bc, §Advent: o okies
[07-15:30] 3bc, §Advent: kitty!
[07-15:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : hi kitty
[07-15:32] 3bc, §Advent: hoe have u been kitty?
[07-15:32] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-15:33] bb5, *kitty: im k thanks uh....mmmmmm confused but yeah im k
[07-15:33] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-15:34]       Advent looks at kitty..."why are you confused?"
[07-15:34] bb5, *kitty: hello new and improved......who r u?
[07-15:34] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[07-15:34] bb5, *kitty: lots of stuff going best friend is really iffy bout me cos i got TINY AND I MEAN TINY lil bit tipsy lol
[07-15:35] MSG: Advent sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[07-15:35] bb5, *kitty: hi cerf and advent and angel and who ever i havent sed hello to
[07-15:35] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-15:35]       Advent hugs kitty
[07-15:35] bb5, *kitty: *hugs advent back*so whos this new and improved person?
[07-15:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : holy crap look at all the yellow
[07-15:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Faded *hug*
[07-15:36] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: hiya, kitty...cerfy
[07-15:37] 3bc, §Advent: new and improved is um..very ref like
[07-15:37] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[07-15:37] bb5, *kitty: (^_^) ref???? ah well FIRE WORKS HERE WERE SHIT lol
[07-15:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : He's the guy formerly known as ref
[07-15:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : o yea, wasn't it guyfawks (sp?) night sometime this past week or so?
[07-15:38] bb5, *kitty: okie....ref...
[07-15:39] 3bc, §Advent: i was angel..pero no me siento mejor mucho pero por que no estoy pensando....i need to kill something animated
[07-15:39] bb5, *kitty: arrghhhh i sat on this crubby wall on the beach and talked about my master plan about taking over the world....apparently.....i cant remember much
[07-15:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : go to newgrounds, Advent
[07-15:41] bb5, *kitty: apparently i called up a boy called alen and swore shit loads and made him tell me how great i was and told him to go roll in mud lol
[07-15:41] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: need to kill something animated? como que?....ah, como en RP?
[07-15:42] 3bc, §Advent: no angel i think im gonna go buy devil may cry right now i need to kill something somehow ...maybe ill kill someone on the way. to
[07-15:43] bb5, *kitty: so hows everyone been.....
[07-15:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : swell
[07-15:43] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: ah, i see...
[07-15:43] bb5, *kitty: omfg wots wrong with me i cant remember who everyone is im really sorry.....
[07-15:43] 3bc, §Advent: ive ben whatevers
[07-15:44] 3bc, §Advent: and u kity?..i havent seen u in a while
[07-15:44] bb5, *kitty: i didnt know who my mate kelly was the other night and i accussed her of being crazy i was so convinced i didnt know her lol
[07-15:45] bb5, *kitty: i dunno wot happened i cant remeber much...i basically lost all memory lol
[07-15:45]       NewAndImproved goes into observation mode
[07-15:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : what are you on, kitty?
[07-15:46] bb5, *kitty: oooooooooo i remeber somat....i sat in front of the tv dribbling lol.....mmmmm who this ref? im in divy mode
[07-15:47] bb5, *kitty: i dunno but im so addicted to sniffing stuff lol
[07-15:47] bb5, *kitty: dunno brains all mushy
[07-15:48] 3bc, §Advent: u do lines to kitty?
[07-15:48] bb5, *kitty: i forgot how to open me front door yesterday....lmao...i sat in the rain like a retard yay!
[07-15:49] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[07-15:50] ecc, NewAndImproved: is in for a shock when NTL have gotten through with observing them. That is an NTL ip in cardiff, they keep trying to send me viruses
[07-15:50] bb5, *kitty: lines? wot lines? duh......mmm.....*dribbles some more* hahahahaha wtf...uh....i dunno wot ur on about all i know is that ive been very hyper active.....i was continuously hitting my head on a wall on fri night screaming im crazy...kelly looked mortified lol
[07-15:51]       Advent thinks kitty is sired right now like he used to good old day
[07-15:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : try looking it up on an ip thing
[07-15:51] 3bc, §Advent: *days*
[07-15:51] ecc, NewAndImproved: I know where is is from
[07-15:52] bb5, *kitty: wtf wots sired!
[07-15:52] MSG: Advent sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[07-15:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.
[07-15:52] ecc, NewAndImproved: They will be prosecuted, the fool has used their own ip by the look of it
[07-15:52] bb5, *kitty: my friend reads the dictionary i'll fone her later lol
[07-15:52]       Advent thinks kitty is "wired" right now like he used to good old days
[07-15:53] 3bc, §Advent: kitty does meth or she sinfs glue either
[07-15:53] bb5, *kitty: oooooooooooooooo
[07-15:53] ecc, NewAndImproved: Bye, movie time
[07-15:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye, New.
[07-15:53] bb5, *kitty: wah??/// (x_x) duh lol im ill
[07-15:54] bb5, *kitty: bye bye new guy *waves*
[07-15:55] bb5, *kitty: I DONT SNIFF GLUE!..........................much....
[07-15:55] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[07-15:55] bb5, *kitty: i dont do meth! wot ever that is....
[07-15:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : have funw ith that, kitty
[07-15:56] bb5, *kitty: cerf who ru/
[07-15:56] bb5, *kitty: r u sorry...
[07-15:56] bb5, *kitty: i remember advent...kinda
[07-15:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : meth.. its like.. drain cleaner.. and ammonia.. and cough syrup.. and all that stuff mixed to make crystals you snort or w/e
[07-15:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : I am the second coming of Jesus
[07-15:56] MSG: Advent sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[07-15:56] 3bc, §Advent: im the first cuming
[07-15:56] 3bc, §Advent: *smirks*
[07-15:57] bb5, *kitty: i heard bout the second coming......kinda too!
[07-15:58] bb5, *kitty: omfg who the fuck r u ppl!
[07-15:58] bb5, *kitty: arrrggghhhhh
[07-15:58] 3bc, §Advent: IM RICK JAMES BITCH!
[07-15:58] 3bc, §Advent: /ri
[07-15:58] 3bc, §Advent:
[07-15:59] bb5, *kitty: ive watched pokemon the movie lol
[07-16:00] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[07-16:00] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[07-16:01] bb5, *kitty: HA I HAVE A WITNESS I WAS NOT DRUNK! i was just me!
[07-16:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hurms and goes lurking*
[07-16:02] MSG: Advent sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[07-16:05]       Advent hugs erf..."ok ppls im off"
[07-16:05] JOIN: kitty appears
[07-16:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye 8hugs Advent*
[07-16:06] bb5, *kitty: bye!
[07-16:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : Faded, you're too quiet
[07-16:10] bb5, *kitty: (^_^) kitty kitty kitty
[07-16:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : hum..
[07-16:35] JOIN: THOD appears
[07-16:35]       THOD waves to everyone and looks around
[07-16:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Thod
[07-16:38] f5b, *THOD: hi
[07-16:38] f5b, *THOD: brb have to chang age in profile
[07-16:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : k
[07-16:39] f5b, *THOD: there
[07-16:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : birthday?
[07-16:40] f5b, *THOD: ya...great fuck b-day it is
[07-16:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Happy birthday *huggles tightly* welcome to 17.
[07-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : Not going well?
[07-16:45] f5b, *THOD: no
[07-16:45] f5b, *THOD: my b-day is cursed something always happens to ruin the whole thing
[07-16:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Same here.
[07-16:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : I haven't had a good one in ages.. I'm sorry it isn't going good for you.. what happened?
[07-16:47] f5b, *THOD: my friend was trying to kill herself now i cant get a hold of her(not good) and my family all bitched at me for their life problems
[07-16:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : Shit.. i'm sorry. 8hugs*
[07-16:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : *
[07-16:50] f5b, *THOD: thnks
[07-16:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : no problem
[07-16:55] f5b, *THOD: bye
[07-16:55] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 4:55pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-16:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : ah.. bye *goes lurking*
[07-17:00]       Advent walks in and kicks his computer
[07-17:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : hullo
[07-17:03] d0b, §Advent: oi cerf if u see sui tell her ill be back later my comp needs to be severly beat around for a bit
[07-17:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright
[07-17:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : she's at a friends though so won't be back for a while
[07-17:04] d0b, §Advent: poo
[07-17:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea
[07-17:07] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-17:07] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 5:07pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-17:08] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[07-17:08] e2b, *LittleAngela: yay! i'm here!
[07-17:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello
[07-17:10] e2b, *LittleAngela: guess what cerf!?
[07-17:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : You're pregnant!
[07-17:11] e2b, *LittleAngela: no! but you are!
[07-17:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Really?? wow.
[07-17:12] e2b, *LittleAngela: in harvest moon, sheepy cerfy is pregnant!
[07-17:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmfao
[07-17:13] e2b, *LittleAngela: ^.^
[07-17:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : sheepy cerf got knocked up
[07-17:14] e2b, *LittleAngela: but my cow named after faded died o.o
[07-17:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : *laughs* Aww.. did you have a funeral?
[07-17:16] e2b, *LittleAngela: yes *sniffles*
[07-17:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : aww
[07-17:16] e2b, *LittleAngela: but now i have a sheepy named faded!
[07-17:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-17:21]       Cerfestas sings in a weird high pitched voice : Won't you take me to.. funky town!
[07-17:27] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-17:27] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I died?
[07-17:27] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Sheesh
[07-17:27] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Sheesh
[07-17:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o;
[07-17:29] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-17:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Where'd you disappear to?
[07-17:30] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Me?
[07-17:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : no,the wall
[07-17:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : yes you o.O
[07-17:30] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Family is over,, I was visiting them for a while.
[07-17:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh
[07-17:31]       TheFadedAngel cannot stay long this time, either...still has to take a nap sometime soon
[07-17:32] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: What are you up to?
[07-17:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : x.x everyone keep sleavin me alone
[07-17:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : in SRI not rping.. *mumbling* You?
[07-17:32] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: What happened to lil angela?
[07-17:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : nu idea
[07-17:33] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Waiting for the swelling in my hands to go down a bit and thinking about going to take my nap
[07-17:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : your hands?
[07-17:34] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Everytime ya try to be good, someone has to go off and ruin it... So, rather than do something stupid that I would regret solving the situation or calling so ppl closer to do it for me, I decided to beat the hell out of the heavybag for a while
[07-17:34] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: That thing comes in handy for taking out aggression *smirks*
[07-17:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : punching bag? I've been meaning to get one of those but.. my mom is incompitent
[07-17:36] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Lol. Mine was given to me a while back.
[07-17:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh
[07-17:36] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Anyways, I am yawning entirely too much now, I think I am going to go lay down for a few hours... be back later tonight.
[07-17:37] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[07-17:37] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell, dear
[07-17:37] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 5:37pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-17:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : k.. bye
[07-17:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : *off lurking again*)
[07-18:05] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[07-18:07] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-18:11] MSG: QuietChylde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-18:11] JOIN: THOD appears
[07-18:12] EXIT: THOD disappears ( 6:11pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-18:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.ol
[07-18:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o;
[07-18:13]       Advent walks in
[07-18:15] de1, *QuietChylde: o.o
[07-18:16] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : hulloo!
[07-18:16] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:19] de1, *QuietChylde: ?!
[07-18:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : greetings
[07-18:20] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : speak, people
[07-18:24] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-18:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : wtf indeed
[07-18:25] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:26] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:26] JOIN: Winkie appears
[07-18:26] de1, *QuietChylde: oh good lordlings
[07-18:26] d0b, §Advent: hiya winkie
[07-18:27] d0b, §Advent: how are u winkie...and chylde?
[07-18:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Winkie *hug*
[07-18:28] 240, *Winkie: hi, ok, and bye
[07-18:28] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 6:28pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-18:28] de1, *QuietChylde: im ok
[07-18:28] d0b, §Advent: u still felling sick chylde?
[07-18:30] de1, *QuietChylde: no im better
[07-18:30] de1, *QuietChylde: thank you for askin
[07-18:30] d0b, §Advent: thats good
[07-18:30] d0b, §Advent: hey serf they ran out of devil may cry 2 *pouts*
[07-18:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : poor you
[07-18:32] d0b, §Advent: but i got this one game eternal ring its fretty cool...trippy music
[07-18:32] d0b, §Advent: and i reserved devil may cry 3 just for fun
[07-18:33]       Advent runs around with alastor sword .
[07-18:33]       Advent lies on the floor and rolls around the carpet
[07-18:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : yawn yawn yawn
[07-18:34] de1, *QuietChylde: o my
[07-18:36] d0b, §Advent:
[07-18:37] de1, *QuietChylde: bbl
[07-18:37] d0b, §Advent: bye chylde bye serf
[07-18:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[07-18:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *lurks again*
[07-18:53] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[07-18:54]       NewAndImproved looks
[07-18:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey
[07-18:56] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-18:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : how are yu tonight?
[07-18:57] ecc, NewAndImproved: I'm ok, how are you tonight?
[07-18:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : Okay, i guess.. bored
[07-18:58] ecc, NewAndImproved: Except my movie was a bit boring
[07-18:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol that sucks.. i just watched The Mummy
[07-18:59] ecc, NewAndImproved: Been there, done that
[07-18:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-18:59] ecc, NewAndImproved: The brit movie makers are making a right pigs ear of gangster movies now
[07-19:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : what a dull day. i don't remember what i did yestersay.. lol
[07-19:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. i see
[07-19:00] ecc, NewAndImproved: Watch one and you've seen them all lately
[07-19:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah, exactly
[07-19:02] ecc, NewAndImproved: £3.50 down the drain
[07-19:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol poor you..
[07-19:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : how do you do that pound symbol?
[07-19:03] ecc, NewAndImproved: It's next to the $
[07-19:03] ecc, NewAndImproved: On the left on mine
[07-19:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah lol we have a number sign and percent sign..
[07-19:06] de1, *QuietChylde: o.o
[07-19:06] ecc, NewAndImproved: You must have £
[07-19:06] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-19:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nope
[07-19:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Quiet
[07-19:07] de1, *QuietChylde: hello
[07-19:09] ecc, NewAndImproved: Why don't you have the £ sign?
[07-19:09] ecc, NewAndImproved: £££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££ here, use sparingly
[07-19:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : I suppose because we don't use that currency here lol. do you have $ ?
[07-19:10] ecc, NewAndImproved: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ yes
[07-19:10] ecc, NewAndImproved: See, we think about you's, you's don't think about us
[07-19:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : And no one thinks of the japanese lol.. unless you have a yen symbol too
[07-19:11] ecc, NewAndImproved: How does it look?
[07-19:12] ecc, NewAndImproved: How are you, quiet?
[07-19:13] de1, *QuietChylde: im ok how are you NI?
[07-19:13] ecc, NewAndImproved: I'm ok
[07-19:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : its a Y with two horizontal lines
[07-19:14] ecc, NewAndImproved:
[07-19:14] ecc, NewAndImproved:
[07-19:15] ecc, NewAndImproved:
[07-19:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-19:16] JOIN: ‡Møøñ§p룣‡ appears
[07-19:16] a2b, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Ascii!
[07-19:16] ecc, NewAndImproved: I was trying to paste the symbol, but it won't let me
[07-19:17] a2b, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡:
[07-19:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello moonspell
[07-19:17] de1, *QuietChylde: : )
[07-19:18] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-19:18] a2b, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Howdy
[07-19:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ascii?
[07-19:19] a2b, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: That's what these funky char's are......ascii characters
[07-19:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah
[07-19:20] ecc, NewAndImproved: ?
[07-19:21] EXIT: ‡Møøñ§p룣‡ disappears ( 7:19pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-19:21] ecc, NewAndImproved: 0.0
[07-19:21] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-19:21] a2b, Bellybutton Lint: well fuck
[07-19:22] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[07-19:22] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 7:21pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-19:22] JOIN: ‡Møøñ§p룣‡ appears
[07-19:23] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[07-19:23] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-19:23] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-19:23] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 7:23pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-19:23] JOIN: salemchick appears
[07-19:24]       salemchick waddles in like a penquin
[07-19:24] de1, *QuietChylde: O.o
[07-19:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : the hell?
[07-19:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Salem can you refrain from doing that plx?
[07-19:24] 89a, *salemchick: y thats my trademark
[07-19:24]       SuicideBlonde hugs Cerf..."hello there"
[07-19:25] ecc, NewAndImproved: ???????????????????
[07-19:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : no with the coming in and out as bellybutton lint
[07-19:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello QuietChylde "hugs&
[07-19:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Suicide* Hey there.
[07-19:25] 89a, *salemchick: excatly
[07-19:25] de1, *QuietChylde: *hugs* hi sui
[07-19:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : *munchs on cheese* if I stop talking, tis cos i'm suffocating or dead lol.. I had a craving..
[07-19:25] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[07-19:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi salemchick
[07-19:26] 89a, *salemchick: hye sui how r u
[07-19:26] ecc, NewAndImproved: I'm going to flood the room if you don't stop erasing my text
[07-19:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i'm ok...its Sunday and Sunday's always suck for me...but im ok, lol
[07-19:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : Who's erasing your text?
[07-19:27] ecc, NewAndImproved: Forget it, bye
[07-19:27] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 7:27pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-19:27] 89a, *salemchick: ????
[07-19:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : um..bye
[07-19:27] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: huh?
[07-19:28] de1, *QuietChylde: huh...
[07-19:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : throat swelling.. x.x;
[07-19:28] 89a, *salemchick: lalalala
[07-19:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *shakes her head* see, typical Sunday
[07-19:29] JOIN: juliet appears
[07-19:30]       salemchick plops on floor
[07-19:30] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi juliet!
[07-19:30] de1, *QuietChylde: *sits in a corner*
[07-19:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello juliet
[07-19:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: do you guys ever wish you could go back in time, like for any reason? or do you think things should remain as they are?
[07-19:33] 89a, *salemchick: i wish i could go bk in time
[07-19:34] de1, *QuietChylde: sometimes
[07-19:34] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[07-19:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sometimes.. but I realise things happen for a reason so..
[07-19:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: me too you think if you go back and change something that it might screw everything up?
[07-19:34] a19, *GraveBabyX3: ooo... im high.....
[07-19:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : heu grave
[07-19:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi ya grave
[07-19:34] 89a, *salemchick: yes and no
[07-19:34] a19, *GraveBabyX3: hello
[07-19:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : high on what?
[07-19:35] a19, *GraveBabyX3: oo nice name moonspell... its writtin all prett
[07-19:35] a19, *GraveBabyX3: y
[07-19:35] a19, *GraveBabyX3: ice....crank
[07-19:35] a19, *GraveBabyX3: im hyper as fuck lol
[07-19:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : tsktsk
[07-19:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : wishing I was high.. very very high and watching spongebob
[07-19:36] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: there is so much injustice...that would be good to fix,....and things i have said i would like to take back...
[07-19:36] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[07-19:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed
[07-19:37] 89a, *salemchick: yea i know how u feel sui i wish i could do the same
[07-19:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: funny, but it seems the ppl who i know who have had the most fucked up things happen to them all say the same thing...these events, situations and ppl in their lives made them what they are today....
[07-19:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and they would not change a thing
[07-19:38] 89a, *salemchick: yea
[07-19:38] 89a, *salemchick: yea
[07-19:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: but sometimes i want to change it for them...
[07-19:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods.. offers Sui a pickle as to cheer her up a little*
[07-19:39] 89a, *salemchick: . . .
[07-19:39]       SuicideBlonde takes the pickle and tosses it around a bit and laughs
[07-19:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sui's gotta pickle.. sui's gotta pickle. sui's got a pickle, hey hey hey hey
[07-19:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol...i love ya Cerf!
[07-19:41] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[07-19:41] 9cd, *caterpiller: o_o
[07-19:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cat!
[07-19:42]       caterpiller crawls around.
[07-19:42] 89a, *salemchick: cater
[07-19:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : i love ya too Sui ^.^
[07-19:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cater!
[07-19:42]       caterpiller distributes fuzzyhugs
[07-19:42]       salemchick hugs cater bk
[07-19:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : *distrubutes suckers*
[07-19:42] 9cd, *caterpiller:
[07-19:43]       SuicideBlonde takes her fuzzyhug as she needs it and gives one back
[07-19:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : bah, that involves reading
[07-19:44] 89a, *salemchick: brb ppl
[07-19:44] EXIT: salemchick disappears ( 7:44pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-19:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok salemchick
[07-19:45]       SuicideBlonde goes off for a minute to read and decide exactly which demon she most resembles right now
[07-19:46] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: brb
[07-19:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : mmk
[07-19:58]       caterpiller tracks burrs all over the carpet, then rests on the couch.
[07-19:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Cater. *sits with him*
[07-20:01]       caterpiller curls up into a fuzzball.
[07-20:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : hehe
[07-20:04]       caterpiller sings songs.
[07-20:04]       Cerfestas does too
[07-20:05]       SuicideBlonde walks back in the room and plops on the couch
[07-20:06]       Cerfestas waves to Sui then hugs her.. welcome back hun
[07-20:07] JOIN: Osiris appears
[07-20:07]       SuicideBlonde hugs her back..."thanks...i decided i could probably be any of those demons least if you gage it by how i am feeling"
[07-20:07] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Os!!!
[07-20:07] 2b9, *Osiris: 1 sec...
[07-20:07] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hello Osiris
[07-20:08]       caterpiller has Suicideblonde sitting on his head for some reason. Watch where you sit!
[07-20:08]       SuicideBlonde jumps up and turns back to cat..."oh my, i am so sorry!"
[07-20:09]       SuicideBlonde pets his head..."its been one of those days, i am afraid"
[07-20:10] 9cd, *caterpiller: It's okay.
[07-20:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : I need to draw >.<
[07-20:11] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: go draw then Cerf
[07-20:12] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[07-20:12] de1, *QuietChylde: *curls up on couch with blanket*
[07-20:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : I don't know what to draw though
[07-20:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i need to make amends,,,,,,,,
[07-20:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi again QuietChylde
[07-20:13]       SuicideBlonde sits on the floor in front of the couch and rests her back on it
[07-20:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : *moves up behind Sui and starts to brush her hair*
[07-20:14]       caterpiller crawls on top of QuietChylde's blanket.
[07-20:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: oo...i love that Cerf....thanks
[07-20:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: draw your favorite imaginary place
[07-20:15] 2b9, *Osiris: Sorry about that - Hi everyone.
[07-20:15] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hi Os
[07-20:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hm.. have you ever seen Princess Mononoke?
[07-20:15]       SuicideBlonde waves to Os..."hi ya!"
[07-20:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Osi
[07-20:17] 2b9, *Osiris: That is one of my favourites Cerfy! I've seen it countless times - But you have to watch the original, not the dubbed version.
[07-20:17] de1, *QuietChylde: hi.. sorry got froze
[07-20:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh I've seen both, Osi
[07-20:17] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i think i saw it a long time ago...its pretty old right?
[07-20:17] 2b9, *Osiris: Abiut 5 years
[07-20:17]       SuicideBlonde looks at the thawed out QuietChylde
[07-20:18] 2b9, *Osiris: *about
[07-20:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yea, i think i saw it with becca
[07-20:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : Anyways.. the forest in that movie is my favorite imaginary place.. or Galadriel's forest.
[07-20:18] 9cd, *caterpiller: I've seen it
[07-20:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : The english version did a pretty good job though, Osi
[07-20:19] 2b9, *Osiris: "English", huh?
[07-20:19] 2b9, *Osiris: Kidding!
[07-20:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..uh? o.O
[07-20:20] 9cd, *caterpiller: Disney
[07-20:20]       SuicideBlonde nods to Galadriel's forest
[07-20:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: then draw either of those Cerf
[07-20:21] 2b9, *Osiris: They did as well as they could I suppose (and the translation was by Neil Gaiman, so I should like it) but dubbed films just suck, it's a law of nature.
[07-20:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods*
[07-20:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Not really.. Perfect Blue was much better in english, I think.
[07-20:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : I have it on DVD so they have both versions
[07-20:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i agree Os...woo Neil Gaiman....Sandman....
[07-20:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : who's that?
[07-20:23] 9cd, *caterpiller: Neil Gaiman, "Mr. Hero the Newmatic Man"
[07-20:24] 9cd, *caterpiller: Aside from graphic novels, many print novels
[07-20:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..?
[07-20:24] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-20:24] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 8:24pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-20:25] 2b9, *Osiris: If you haven't read "Neverwhere" or "Stardust" you really ought to.
[07-20:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i got "Neverworld" a while back...but never could finish it for some reason...was not crazy about it
[07-20:25] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *Neverwhere
[07-20:26] 2b9, *Osiris: It might make more sense if you actually live in London I suppose...
[07-20:26] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[07-20:26]       LittleAngela is HERE!
[07-20:26] 9cd, *caterpiller: "Coraline"
[07-20:27] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hello An-Ge-La
[07-20:27] 97d, *LittleAngela: caterpiller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs*
[07-20:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Angela
[07-20:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : What's it about?
[07-20:27] 2b9, *Osiris: Well, I think it's fabulous, and "Stardust" is possibly even better.
[07-20:27] 97d, *LittleAngela: cerfy! you had your baby!!!
[07-20:28] 2b9, *Osiris: Coraline is just too scary to even discuss right now....
[07-20:28] 9cd, *caterpiller: Button-eyed other-dimension parents
[07-20:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : boy or girl?
[07-20:29] 97d, *LittleAngela: boy
[07-20:30]       caterpiller sings "Master of the Universe". He's gone completely insane, waiting for this album to arrive, and is now convinced of demigod-like powers!
[07-20:30] 97d, *LittleAngela: i named him vengelle
[07-20:30] 97d, *LittleAngela: after my friend on msn
[07-20:31] 97d, *LittleAngela: but i'm gonna make you knocked up again cerfy, so what do you want the new baby to be named?
[07-20:32]       caterpiller boggles. And he thought he was insane.
[07-20:32] 9cd, *caterpiller: What exactly is going on?
[07-20:33] 97d, *LittleAngela: i named one of my sheep on my harvest moon game after cerfy
[07-20:33] 9cd, *caterpiller: Ah.
[07-20:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Umm... Ugly Doris!
[07-20:33] 9cd, *caterpiller: That sheds light on things, yes
[07-20:33] 97d, *LittleAngela: i named a sheepy after you too, caterpiller!
[07-20:33]       caterpiller crawls away!
[07-20:34]       caterpiller crawls back. "Really?"
[07-20:34] 97d, *LittleAngela: yup yup!
[07-20:34] 9cd, *caterpiller: Is it absurdly fat?
[07-20:34] 97d, *LittleAngela: but i shore all your wool off and sold it so now you're a nakey sheep
[07-20:35] 97d, *LittleAngela: yeah... all the sheep are absurdly fat
[07-20:35] 9cd, *caterpiller: Yay! Pear-shaped sheep!
[07-20:36]       caterpiller crawls away again.
[07-20:36] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 8:36pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-20:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : *munchs on pasta* where'd Sui go?
[07-20:37] 97d, *LittleAngela: i had oriental flavored top ramen noodle stuff for dinner
[07-20:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yum
[07-20:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i here Cerf....*waves*
[07-20:38] 2b9, *Osiris: I'm holding Sui hostage for another coupla minutes..
[07-20:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Bu bu.. I was brushing her purty hair..
[07-20:39] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hehe
[07-20:42] 2b9, *Osiris: I'm particularly tired, so I'm afraid I'm going to disappear now.
[07-20:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : >.< I hate it that my mom is so insistant on watching surgery shows while we're eating dinner. ugh
[07-20:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, night Os....sleep well
[07-20:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright, Bye Osi
[07-20:43] 2b9, *Osiris: Love and best wishes to all the nice people here, but I'm finished today.
[07-20:44] 2b9, *Osiris: Maybe I'll be here a bit longer tomorrow.
[07-20:44] 2b9, *Osiris: 'night!!!
[07-20:44] EXIT: Osiris disappears ( 8:44pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-20:44] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, Os see you then, night!
[07-20:46]       SuicideBlonde sits back down by Cerf
[07-20:46] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Angela?
[07-20:47] 97d, *LittleAngela: hm?
[07-20:49] 97d, *LittleAngela: that body was there when i got here!
[07-20:49]       SuicideBlonde hugs Angela...."i don't think i greeted you when you came in, how are you today?"
[07-20:49]       LittleAngela hugs
[07-20:50] 97d, *LittleAngela: i'm fine! i went to a birthday party today! my friends son turned 5! he's sooooooo adorable!!
[07-20:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sui I had a baby today o.O
[07-20:53] de1, *QuietChylde: *pokes head otta blankeT* Sui did WHAT
[07-20:53] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[07-20:53] JOIN: Wesker appears
[07-20:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..missing a comma in here
[07-20:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : hi Wesker
[07-20:53] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hell fuckin oe!
[07-20:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Grave., still high?
[07-20:54] 890, Wesker: hello, are you here
[07-20:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ello again grave
[07-20:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Wesker
[07-20:54] 200, *GraveBabyX3: sure am... and wonderin if i read that right..... you had a baby today?
[07-20:54] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hey sui
[07-20:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : Apparently, Grave.. according to Angela
[07-20:55] de1, *QuietChylde: O.o
[07-20:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Is who here, Wesker?
[07-20:55] 200, *GraveBabyX3: lmao okie dokie then....
[07-20:55]       SuicideBlonde gives Cerf a cigar..."congrats"
[07-20:56] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hmm...*sniffs around* i know of you goths have a clove
[07-20:56] 890, Wesker: I am looking for "Trent" i do not know what name he uses in here.
[07-20:57]       GraveBabyX3 looks at wesker all geeked out... ive seen you before
[07-20:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: he's not here right now Wesker
[07-20:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : Not here, Wesker..
[07-20:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : *gives Grave a clove and lights her cigar*
[07-20:58]       SuicideBlonde hums some song about being a bitch...
[07-20:58] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hey cerf are you gonna care when i put up a pic of whut i am doin tonight lol?
[07-20:58] 200, *GraveBabyX3: thank ya
[07-20:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Uhh.. go for it, Grave
[07-20:59] 890, Wesker: thank you Suicide Blonde, tell him nova 3 is done
[07-20:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : i wanna see
[07-20:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i will when i see him Wesker
[07-21:00] 200, *GraveBabyX3: ok hang on
[07-21:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: which will be soon i think
[07-21:00] 200, *GraveBabyX3: gotta figure out whut to type in google lol
[07-21:01]       SuicideBlonde hopes it will be soon...but knows how her day has gone so i not going to get too hopeful
[07-21:01] 97d, *LittleAngela: type in.... beastiality
[07-21:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : something like this grave?
[07-21:01] EXIT: Wesker disappears ( loads his baretta ).
[07-21:03] 200, *GraveBabyX3: close but not quite. thats coke. snorting
[07-21:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : whatd'ya looking for?
[07-21:03] JOIN: Winkie appears
[07-21:03] 200, *GraveBabyX3: that stuff you put on aluminum or in a pipe, heat it up till it melts... lets it harden. light it and inhale the smoke it puts off
[07-21:03] 200, *GraveBabyX3: ice... crank
[07-21:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Winkie *hugs*
[07-21:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb
[07-21:04] 200, *GraveBabyX3: meth i mean oops lol
[07-21:04]       SuicideBlonde waves bye to Wesker....likes the beretta
[07-21:05] 200, *GraveBabyX3: its a form of meth or crank i cant remeber... dont think i ever really knew
[07-21:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Winkie!
[07-21:05] 3bc, *Winkie: hey Cerf *hugz*
[07-21:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : back
[07-21:06] 3bc, *Winkie: hi Sui
[07-21:06]       SuicideBlonde runs over and hugs Winkie
[07-21:06] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how are you?
[07-21:06] 200, *GraveBabyX3: ok found a whole bunch..gotta find a good one tho
[07-21:08] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-21:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: like that pic Wiknie
[07-21:08] 200, *GraveBabyX3: can you guys tell whut that is real well or is it hard to see?
[07-21:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *Winkie
[07-21:08] JOIN: Winkie appears
[07-21:08] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 9:08pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : Is what hard to see?
[07-21:09] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-21:09] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 9:09pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:09] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i can see it, but honestly i have never seen ice in person, so have no clue
[07-21:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : O.. yeah its hard to see
[07-21:10]       SuicideBlonde thinks coke, however, might be really tempting right now
[07-21:10] 200, *GraveBabyX3: really? ok *keeps looking*
[07-21:10] 200, *GraveBabyX3: i love my white drugs... ice coke pills
[07-21:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : I want some ritalin.. and a cig..
[07-21:11] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-21:11] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: help me?
[07-21:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : what's up?
[07-21:11] 127, *Winkie: *is fucking sick and tired of shit ass dial up crap,
[07-21:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how can we help you lint?
[07-21:12] MSG: Bellybutton Lint sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: get cable...never had a problem in the year i have had it
[07-21:12] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: in not lint!.
[07-21:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Who are you?
[07-21:13] 127, *Winkie: *looks at Sui* U kno what, I would but out here in the fucking middle of knowhere, dial up is the only thing avaiable!!!
[07-21:13] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: i have been asking myself that since i can remember, but i usually go by silac.
[07-21:15] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-21:15] MSG: Bellybutton Lint sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:15]       SuicideBlonde looks confused
[07-21:15] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hmm.. im still here
[07-21:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, lint, we got yeah
[07-21:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : link. who did you come in here as?
[07-21:16] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[07-21:16] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-21:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Alex *hug*
[07-21:16] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi alex
[07-21:16] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: i know im not tall, but in not lint
[07-21:16] 959, *alexander anderson: *trys to smile and hugs cerfestas then sits in the rafters*.....hey
[07-21:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : reset to defpass, lint
[07-21:17] 200, *GraveBabyX3: fuck i cant find it...*sings a song by Juvienile..... bout coke....'numb numb'*
[07-21:17]       Winkie punches the wall, "fine then" walks to the dark corner and lights up a cig
[07-21:17] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: stop calling me that
[07-21:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Alex*( what's wrong?
[07-21:17] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 9:17pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:17] 200, *GraveBabyX3: asspfed
[07-21:17] JOIN: Alexia appears
[07-21:17] 959, *alexander anderson: just stuff i will be ok
[07-21:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : Want to talk about it?
[07-21:18] 959, *alexander anderson: not really no need to bug you with it
[07-21:18] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: ((walks in and hugs Cerfestas)) thank you
[07-21:18] 200, *GraveBabyX3: hmmm my pics still up lmao
[07-21:18] 200, *GraveBabyX3: lmao
[07-21:18] 200, *GraveBabyX3: @belly
[07-21:19] d0b, Bellybutton Lint: ((gives a self slap))
[07-21:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : No no no.. It's no bother, Alex. plz. if you wanna talk about it, let me know. I'm all hears.
[07-21:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : ears
[07-21:19] JOIN: Alexia appears
[07-21:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Alexia back* welcomes
[07-21:20] 959, *alexander anderson: thanks
[07-21:20] d0b, *Alexia: ((hugs Cerfestas hoping this works))
[07-21:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi ya alex
[07-21:21] 959, *alexander anderson: hey suicideblonde sorry i didnt say hi
[07-21:21] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 9:01pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: its ok alex, no problem
[07-21:22] 127, *Winkie: <--- obvesley mi word r invisiable!
[07-21:22] d0b, *Alexia: ((walks over to suicide))
[07-21:22] 127, *Winkie: words*
[07-21:22] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 9:22pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : you didn't say anything, Winkie..
[07-21:22]       SuicideBlonde hugs Alexia..."how are you?"
[07-21:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Can't really respond to you walking to a dark corner and lighting a cig..
[07-21:22] d0b, *Alexia: frustrated!
[07-21:23] JOIN: Winkie appears
[07-21:23] 959, *alexander anderson: hey winkie sorry
[07-21:23] 127, *Winkie: <---was talking before
[07-21:23]       SuicideBlonde looks at Alexia...."whats the matter?"
[07-21:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b Winkie
[07-21:23] d0b, *Alexia: and i cant get anyone to respond to me woday without getting all mad and stuff, today sucks
[07-21:23] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[07-21:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : well we noticed that..
[07-21:23] 959, *alexander anderson: nice pic btw
[07-21:24] 200, *GraveBabyX3: goddamn compy
[07-21:24] 200, *GraveBabyX3: test
[07-21:24] 200, *GraveBabyX3: test again
[07-21:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : who?
[07-21:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i know it Alexia! i was just saying that to Cerf a while ago...i have managed to piss off almost everyone
[07-21:24] 200, *GraveBabyX3: enh
[07-21:25] 127, *Winkie: Alexia did u say that u go by Silac>?
[07-21:26] d0b, *Alexia: and the stupid cat is trying to bite me. brb
[07-21:26] 959, *alexander anderson: *swings his legs in the rafters and trys to keep his mind of things*
[07-21:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : *pokes the bottom of Alex's shoe*
[07-21:27] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:27] 959, *alexander anderson: *smiles* oh but i did get new shoes today
[07-21:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool! what kind?
[07-21:28] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:28] 959, *alexander anderson: just some wall mart boots for my dirty jobs lol
[07-21:29] 959, *alexander anderson: so i dont mess up my lovely boots
[07-21:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : cool
[07-21:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: new shoes are always good alex...maybe that's what i need but since its like kinda late at night i think i will settle for a brandy
[07-21:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : I haven't gotten new shoes in 4 years
[07-21:29] 959, *alexander anderson: well i dont drink as most of you know so new shoes are good
[07-21:29] 959, *alexander anderson: same here cerfestas
[07-21:30] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Winkie.
[07-21:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : combat boots are so durrable lol except the inside of my boots are destroyed lol
[07-21:31] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, well maybe no brandy...i have to go get becca at who knows what time tonight
[07-21:31] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah i know how that is lol
[07-21:31] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:32] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:32] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Winkie.
[07-21:32] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-21:33] MSG: Winkie sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : uh oh.. attack of the pm's
[07-21:33] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:33] d0b, *Alexia: ((runs from the tomatos))
[07-21:33] 959, *alexander anderson: i know and of course i'm left out
[07-21:34] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Alexander Anderson.
[07-21:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : Me too >.<
[07-21:35] MSG: alexander anderson sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-21:35] 959, *alexander anderson: cuz i'm nice like that
[07-21:36] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs*
[07-21:36] JOIN: Asterius appears
[07-21:36] 127, *Winkie: w/e
[07-21:36] 959, *alexander anderson: hey asterius
[07-21:36] 450, *Asterius: hello all
[07-21:36] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:36] 127, *Winkie: that wasnt to u alex btw
[07-21:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Asty *hugs*
[07-21:36] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Asty!
[07-21:36] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Alexander Anderson.
[07-21:37] 959, *alexander anderson: so whats up winkie
[07-21:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : who to then, Winkie?
[07-21:37] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Asterius.
[07-21:37] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:37] 127, *Winkie: pissed of Alex, and nvm Cerf
[07-21:38] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexander Anderson.
[07-21:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : um.. why are you pissed?
[07-21:38] 959, *alexander anderson: that sucks
[07-21:38] 127, *Winkie: why
[07-21:38] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:38] 127, *Winkie: alot of reasons Cerf,
[07-21:39] 959, *alexander anderson: thanks suicideblonde dont worry i will be ok
[07-21:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : care to share?
[07-21:39] 127, *Winkie: no
[07-21:39] 959, *alexander anderson: ok then
[07-21:40] d0b, *Alexia: ((eats chocollate))
[07-21:40] MSG: Asterius sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:40] 959, *alexander anderson: i have left over cake anybody want it?
[07-21:40] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:40] MSG: Asterius sent a message to Winkie.
[07-21:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : how are you Asty?
[07-21:40] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-21:41] 450, *Asterius: *hugs cerf* i'm ok. and you?
[07-21:41] 127, *Winkie: bye
[07-21:41] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 9:41pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-21:41] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Asterius.
[07-21:41] 959, *alexander anderson: laters winkie hope you feel better
[07-21:41] d0b, *Alexia: my knee hurts ((rubs her knee))
[07-21:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: bye Winkie
[07-21:42] 959, *alexander anderson: O.o just be glad your dont have mine lol
[07-21:44] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-21:45] d0b, *Alexia: how do i get there?
[07-21:46] 450, *Asterius: brb
[07-21:47] 959, *alexander anderson: *rolls around in the raftes* weeeeeeeeee
[07-21:47] d0b, *Alexia: ((watches Alexander and giggles)) dont fall dow now
[07-21:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: look up at the top....where it says private chat and just hit that
[07-21:48] 959, *alexander anderson: oh i will
[07-21:48] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-21:49] 959, *alexander anderson: *jumps down and sits on the bar* hmmmm i hope my comp doesnt die on me i will be so lost without it
[07-21:49] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-21:52] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i know how you feel alex...i have compudiction too....
[07-21:53] d0b, *Alexia: im adicted to candy bars
[07-21:54] 450, *Asterius: mmmmmm...chocolate
[07-21:55] 959, *alexander anderson: *looks around* yeah but i dont know whats wrong with it i'm really good with comps but i'm at a loss
[07-21:55] 959, *alexander anderson: i'm out of candy lol i have ate the shit out of it
[07-21:55] d0b, *Alexia: want some candy asty?
[07-21:56] 450, *Asterius: yes!
[07-21:56] d0b, *Alexia: ((breaks asty some candy off and hands it to him)) i cant live without candy
[07-21:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well i DON'T know much about my comp...i know enough to do things, but know enough to get it running properly lately
[07-21:58] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *not
[07-21:59] 959, *alexander anderson: woot
[07-21:59] 450, *Asterius: mmmmmmmmm
[07-21:59] 959, *alexander anderson: i like food
[07-21:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sorry i'm being quiet.. Soring through some pictures to send to Sui.
[07-22:00] d0b, *Alexia: i think asty is having a orgasm? ((backs up and runs behind Cerfestas))
[07-22:00] 959, *alexander anderson: those are fun
[07-22:00] 450, *Asterius: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07-22:00]       Cerfestas video tapes Asty
[07-22:00] 450, *Asterius: chocolate orgasm!!!!!!!!!!
[07-22:01] 450, *Asterius: *covers lens*
[07-22:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : *pulls a knife out* my cam is expensive.. no finger prints! >.<
[07-22:01] 959, *alexander anderson: *videos tapes cerfestas video taping asterius*
[07-22:02] d0b, *Alexia: lord of the rings is on ((puts on a elven dress)) and sits down
[07-22:02] 450, *Asterius: weird
[07-22:05] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: favorite series of books of all time, Lord of the Rings
[07-22:05] d0b, *Alexia: what no one likes lord of the rings?
[07-22:05] 959, *alexander anderson: *shakes head* elfs suck lol gimil is where its at dwarfs own
[07-22:05] 959, *alexander anderson: hehe
[07-22:05]       SuicideBlonde waves her arms around widely..."me!"
[07-22:06] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ents!
[07-22:07] 450, *Asterius: *off phone, and now more attentive
[07-22:07] d0b, *Alexia: l like that girl who plays the elf pricess or whatever she is
[07-22:07] 450, *Asterius: Sui !!!
[07-22:07] 959, *alexander anderson: woot
[07-22:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : *dances around in a corset*
[07-22:08]       SuicideBlonde does the ent-walk over to Asty....""
[07-22:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: oh, that was in her deep ent-voice, btw
[07-22:08] 959, *alexander anderson: ent walk?
[07-22:08] 959, *alexander anderson: *hides his axes not wanting to piss off the huge tree person*
[07-22:08] 450, *Asterius: ooohh...cerf in a corest !
[07-22:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : ewww liv taylor
[07-22:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : yes! Cerf in a corset. *starts to liquid dance to Infected Mushroom*
[07-22:09] 450, *Asterius: er, liv tyler?
[07-22:09] 959, *alexander anderson: *watches cerfestas and videos tapes*
[07-22:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : She plays the elven princess Alexia said she likes
[07-22:11] d0b, *Alexia: yeah Cerfestas i think thats the one
[07-22:11] 450, *Asterius: what's with all the videotaping all of a sudden?
[07-22:12] 959, *alexander anderson: got me a new cam?
[07-22:12] 450, *Asterius: *shares more than a love of chocolate with alexia*
[07-22:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : I started it when you were messing yourself, Asty P
[07-22:12]       SuicideBlonde hugs everyone one by one
[07-22:13] 959, *alexander anderson: *hugs back*
[07-22:13] 959, *alexander anderson: woot!
[07-22:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i go to go get becca, i will be back in about 20-30 mins.
[07-22:13] 450, *Asterius: i wasn't messing myself...just, well, messing myself with alexia's chocolate
[07-22:13] 959, *alexander anderson: laters suicideblonde
[07-22:13] d0b, *Alexia: ((plays with orcs))
[07-22:13] 450, *Asterius: ok that didn't sound very good
[07-22:14] 959, *alexander anderson: lol that sounds wrong alexia?
[07-22:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao
[07-22:16] d0b, *Alexia: thats why i dont date many guys, you always think everything girlsdo is wrong. eating a super pop is wrong to right alexander? ((sorry bad day today))
[07-22:17] 959, *alexander anderson: super pop? whats that
[07-22:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yah no shit eh, Alexia? You could call me a whore for dancing like I do in a corset lol
[07-22:17] 959, *alexander anderson: but sorry i didnt mean anything by it just saying
[07-22:17] 450, *Asterius: you can't be a whore for dancing
[07-22:17] d0b, *Alexia: ((hugs alexander))
[07-22:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sure I can
[07-22:18] d0b, *Alexia: dont worry alexander that was just a general statement on guys
[07-22:18] 450, *Asterius: what's wrong about eating a super pop?
[07-22:18] 450, *Asterius: not in my mind, cerf
[07-22:18] d0b, *Alexia: i want to see Cerfestas dancing around in a corset now
[07-22:19] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah i know i get yelled at all the time for being a guy lol its just great makes you feel loved
[07-22:20] d0b, *Alexia: ((yells at alexander)) ITSA NOT LIKE I SAID I WAS PLAYING WITH A GUYS ORC!!..((im joking alexander dont get all mad and junks))
[07-22:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : people can accuse me for being a whore just for standing out on a corner.. cos I'm a woman lol
[07-22:21] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Alexander Anderson.
[07-22:21] 959, *alexander anderson: *goes and sits in the rafters*
[07-22:21] 959, *alexander anderson: dont worry about it
[07-22:23] d0b, *Alexia: ((looks up at alexander)) i was only joking with you im sorry have some of my candy
[07-22:24] 959, *alexander anderson: no no i'm fine i sit up here all the time
[07-22:24] d0b, *Alexia: cerfestas are you a whore though?
[07-22:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nope.
[07-22:24] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs* that was blunt
[07-22:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : Actually yeah.. I did you all in your sleep...
[07-22:25] d0b, *Alexia: i was just asking i didnt mean any disrespect to you Cerfestas
[07-22:26] 450, *Asterius: wtf?
[07-22:26] d0b, *Alexia: ((jumps in the shower)) unclean unclean. dont take away my inocence Cerfestas, give it back!
[07-22:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh none taken, Alex
[07-22:26] 959, *alexander anderson: woot i had it with cerfestas *his day just got better*
[07-22:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alexia* sorry x.x
[07-22:26] JOIN: MadameMinuit appears
[07-22:27] 959, *alexander anderson: *looks down* hey i remember her *waves*
[07-22:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : Okay *gives Alexia a jar that rights "innocence" on it*
[07-22:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : Madame!*tacke hugs*
[07-22:27] JOIN: Glamish Deathy appears
[07-22:27] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: O.O!
[07-22:27] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Well hello ^^
[07-22:27]       MadameMinuit writhes happily with Cerfie on the floor
[07-22:27] d0b, *Alexia: ((takes it from Cerfestas)) im 16 and im still holding onto it, not many girls can say that out here.
[07-22:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : *giggles happily*
[07-22:28] a19, *Glamish Deathy: ? oO
[07-22:28] d0b, *Alexia: hello madame minuit
[07-22:28] a19, *Glamish Deathy: :D
[07-22:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : I really wish I could say the same, Alexia.. I stupidly gave it away to some jackass
[07-22:28] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: hi alexia! hi Deathy!
[07-22:28] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: hehehehehe I gave mine to Cerfie
[07-22:28] d0b, *Alexia: he wast named clinton was hi?
[07-22:28] d0b, *Alexia: ((he))
[07-22:29] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Heylo Madame Minuit
[07-22:29] d0b, *Alexia: (shrugs at that coment))
[07-22:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao.. No.
[07-22:29] 959, *alexander anderson: 19 here and i have only had sex with one person and i'm happy about it
[07-22:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : *pets Madame happily*
[07-22:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Glamish *hug*
[07-22:29] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Cerfy..I'm fugly *cries*
[07-22:29] 450, *Asterius: Salut, Minuit
[07-22:30] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: ASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07-22:30]       MadameMinuit hugs Asto-tron 3000
[07-22:30] 450, *Asterius: :)
[07-22:30] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *clinges onto Cerfy*
[07-22:30] 959, *alexander anderson: *sleeps in the rafters and ties self down first so he doesnt fall*
[07-22:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : bu..bu.. im clinging with madame righ tnow
[07-22:31] d0b, *Alexia: ((puts on another elven dress and sits watching lord of the rings))
[07-22:31]       MadameMinuit smiles
[07-22:31] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: :D
[07-22:31] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: how's it going, Asty? Cerfie?
[07-22:32] a19, *Glamish Deathy: ok well I am clinging onto both :)
[07-22:32] 450, *Asterius: i'm tired. drove to detroit to see the lions game, came home, drove to saginaw to play hockey....
[07-22:32] JOIN: myownslave appears
[07-22:33] a19, *Glamish Deathy: I want an icon of that top hat I am wearing Cerfy..but Iunno where to find one *tear*
[07-22:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Im okay. bored as fuck
[07-22:33] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: oh, was it a good game in either case?
[07-22:33] d0b, *Alexia:
[07-22:33] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: myownslave! well helloooo!
[07-22:33] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh oh me too..damn Lizzy goes to Austin and I am here gathering dust!
[07-22:34] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh okies thank you ^^
[07-22:34] d0b, *Alexia: hi hi my own slave,
[07-22:34] c42, *myownslave: whats up landen
[07-22:34] 450, *Asterius: the football game was awful, but an intriguing outing. hockey was good. even a bad hour on the ice is better than...well, you get the idea
[07-22:34] a19, *Glamish Deathy: brb top hats YAY MAN! lol
[07-22:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : Slave! *tacke hugs him*
[07-22:34] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh heylo Dusts
[07-22:34] c42, *myownslave: hey alexia, ast, minuit, cerf
[07-22:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..Liz? I thought she was in like.. chechnia or something
[07-22:35] a19, *Glamish Deathy: lol Finny..she is back ^^
[07-22:35] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: yes indeed, asty
[07-22:35] d0b, *Alexia: i want drugs but i cant have them
[07-22:35] 450, *Asterius: hey slave
[07-22:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : me too, Alexia.. and it's making me miserable
[07-22:36] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Lizzy=Bathorygoth ^^
[07-22:36] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: hey, do you guys know the brit band Muse? I am addicted.
[07-22:36] a19, *Glamish Deathy: kk brb
[07-22:36] c42, *myownslave: shit brb
[07-22:36] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: I want a glass of red shiraz, but I have no wine at my disposal...
[07-22:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : I've heared of em.. don't think I like em
[07-22:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Damn, I do, Madame. *gives her some wine*
[07-22:36] 450, *Asterius: my only drugs are alcohol and caffeine, both in increasingly reduced rates of consumption
[07-22:37] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: oh, thankyou sweets
[07-22:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : mien are.. alcohol.. MJ.. rit.. cigs.. and coffee.
[07-22:37] a19, *Glamish Deathy: (Muse=good music! lol yeah time is runing out is addictive ^^) brb
[07-22:37] d0b, *Alexia: i want a line and some cigarrates is that to much to ask for ((takes her elf dress off and puts on her moo moo goes the cow pajamas))
[07-22:37] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: increasingly reduced? Sounds.... miserable
[07-22:37] 959, *alexander anderson: *wakes up and looks around*
[07-22:37] 959, *alexander anderson: hello?
[07-22:38] d0b, *Alexia: ((waves to alexander))
[07-22:38] 450, *Asterius: LMAO @ Alexia for her pjs.
[07-22:38] 959, *alexander anderson: *waves back*
[07-22:38] a19, *Glamish Deathy: the link didn't work ><
[07-22:38] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: hey I'm in my pjs too!
[07-22:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks down at her bear slippers, corset, sweats, and kimono for pj's * o.o; ineresting
[07-22:38] d0b, *Alexia: shut up asty!. whats funny is that i am weaing pjs that say that all over
[07-22:38] 959, *alexander anderson: whats pjs?
[07-22:38]       MadameMinuit grins because Asty knows what "pjs" are for me
[07-22:38] a19, *Glamish Deathy: ...poop..
[07-22:38] 450, *Asterius: omg! what a coincidence! I'M in Minuit's pjs too!!!
[07-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : What, nothing? Asty and madame are nekkid! o.O
[07-22:39] 450, *Asterius: LMAO @ minuit
[07-22:39] 959, *alexander anderson: right
[07-22:39]       MadameMinuit 's jaw drops
[07-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Pijamas, Alex.. things you wear to bed
[07-22:39] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: that's HOT
[07-22:39] a19, *Glamish Deathy: I want a mohawk but my hair is too long and won't stand up..can anyone help me?
[07-22:39] a19, *Glamish Deathy: or have suggestion to what will work :D
[07-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : knox geletin, Glam
[07-22:40] 450, *Asterius: i know someone who could help you. glamish
[07-22:40] d0b, *Alexia: my cousins got a mohawk glasmish
[07-22:40] d0b, *Alexia: ((walks over to asty)) moooo!!!!
[07-22:40] 450, *Asterius: you don't happen to be in cincinatti, do you glamish?
[07-22:40]       MadameMinuit fishes Asty out of her pjs because's he's tickling me, the silly man
[07-22:41] 450, *Asterius: *offers alexia, do you offer a cow?
[07-22:41] a19, *Glamish Deathy: nope sorry Asterius
[07-22:41] 450, *Asterius: sorry, minuit, i have no idea however i ended up in there. must have zigged when i should have zagged
[07-22:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hay?
[07-22:42] 959, *alexander anderson: well to many ppl here i better be going laters everyone good night
[07-22:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Aww.. night Alex 8hugs tight*
[07-22:42] d0b, *Alexia: ((hugs alexander)) bye
[07-22:42] a19, *Glamish Deathy: where do I get knox geletin Cerfs?
[07-22:42] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: not a bother at all Asty, the um, door is always open?
[07-22:42] a19, *Glamish Deathy: bye mr. anderson ^^
[07-22:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Your.. grocery store? o.O
[07-22:42] 450, *Asterius: sorry, glammish. though i happen to know the world's coolest hair stylist, in cincinatti
[07-22:43] 959, *alexander anderson: *hugs cerfestas back* thanks for the chat alwas fun laters alexia and glamish
[07-22:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : No problem, Alex
[07-22:43] 959, *alexander anderson: HALO 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07-22:43] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 10:43pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-22:43] a19, *Glamish Deathy: geletin as in jello?
[07-22:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : Um.. yes
[07-22:44] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh ok Asterius
[07-22:44] a19, *Glamish Deathy: kk
[07-22:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : *me gets up and liquid dances again for the hella it*
[07-22:45] 450, *Asterius: brb
[07-22:45] d0b, *Alexia: how old are you laden?
[07-22:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : *BETTER than Glam ever could, at that...*
[07-22:46] d0b, *Alexia: i need money i want to be a cyber goth, anyone up for donations??
[07-22:46] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *tackles Cerfy and giggles then gets up and liquid dances EVEN BETTER than Cerfy* "MUAWAHAHAHA!
[07-22:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah. Im looking for donations too lol
[07-22:47] a19, *Glamish Deathy: I am 13 why Alexia?
[07-22:47] a19, *Glamish Deathy: lol
[07-22:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : *gets a gun and pops a few in his arms and legs*...
[07-22:47] d0b, *Alexia: slag-it-all i want to be cyber goth now!!, and im wearing cow pajamas to!.
[07-22:47] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *has armor* *grins*
[07-22:47] d0b, *Alexia: just wanted to know laden no reason,...
[07-22:48] a19, *Glamish Deathy: a....cyber goth?
[07-22:48] a19, *Glamish Deathy: kk ^^
[07-22:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : *thinks bullets from an M249 could turn Glams armor into dust..*
[07-22:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cybergoth.. like raver people.. multi coloured dread locks, pvc corsets with glow int he dark boning, that shtuff
[07-22:49] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *thinks about eating Cery's hair* mmm..
[07-22:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : Touch and die
[07-22:50] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh ok so industrial goths huh? or gravers some call it...or rivithead..hmm..LOL
[07-22:50]       SuicideBlonde walks back in after her lovely hike through the forest
[07-22:50] a19, *Glamish Deathy: lol
[07-22:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..No, thats completly different
[07-22:51] a19, *Glamish Deathy: lol I look soo damn ugly in my new pic ><
[07-22:51] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh okies..
[07-22:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : Industrial goths wear like.. army clothes and aviator goggles.. and computer hardware as jewelry
[07-22:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Sui ^_^ *tacke hugs*
[07-22:51] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh I see
[07-22:51] JOIN: Alexia appears
[07-22:51] d0b, *Alexia:
[07-22:52]       SuicideBlonde tackle hugs her back
[07-22:52] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello Glamish
[07-22:52] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Alexia *hugs*
[07-22:52] d0b, *Alexia:
[07-22:52] d0b, *Alexia: thats more or less a cyber goth girl
[07-22:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : Wanna see what im going to do with my hair for graduation?
[07-22:53] 450, *Asterius: what's a cyber goth girl?
[07-22:53] d0b, *Alexia: <<me if i let my hari grow out long for next hallowen
[07-22:54] d0b, *Alexia: ((hugs suicide)) cn you wait 13 minutes suicide i need to feed the dog cat chinchila parrot tarantula scorpian and myself
[07-22:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Just explained Asty. read down
[07-22:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yes, Alexia, i will be here
[07-22:56] a19, *Glamish Deathy: brb
[07-22:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hey again Asty
[07-22:56] d0b, *Alexia: cyber goth people are the only ones i can talk to that are kool
[07-22:57] 450, *Asterius: yeah, i saw, cerf. sorta disappointing
[07-22:57] d0b, *Alexia: ((hugs suicide asty and cerfestas)) be back soon goin to go feed the zoo
[07-22:57] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 10:57pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-22:58] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: what is disappointing, As
[07-22:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why's that, Asty?
[07-22:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: comp died for a second....*Asty
[07-22:59] 450, *Asterius: *hugs Sui*
[07-22:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : <<< that's how im doing my hair for grad but diff colours
[07-22:59]       SuicideBlonde hugs Asty back
[07-23:00] 450, *Asterius: dunno, cerf. i guess i'm not an anime fan, and i'm unsure of the anime/goth crossover
[07-23:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah that was the pic Alexia showed lol
[07-23:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: now that looks cool Cerf
[07-23:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: but time consuming
[07-23:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cyber goth is just like.. modern or future like.. pvc, platform boots, dreadlocks, glowing things
[07-23:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah it'll probably take some 8-10 hours to prepare them.. those are made from synthetic dreads you weave your normal hair into so you can take them out.
[07-23:02] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: a lot of 60's type stuff
[07-23:02] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: one of my friends used to have this clear plastic dress she wore
[07-23:03] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i had a black plastic (guess it would be pvc now) mini skirt
[07-23:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : nice
[07-23:03]       SuicideBlonde now wishes she had keep more of her clothes
[07-23:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : I have this pvc like trench coat.. well it's like pvc but not shyny, diff tecture
[07-23:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : texture*
[07-23:04] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i have my platforms from um, lets just say LONG ago
[07-23:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : nice. what they look like?
[07-23:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : So sui.. if you don't mind my asking.. were you a metal head, hippy, or disco-person?
[07-23:07] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hehe
[07-23:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: first, i have 3 pairs of with hard rubbery-like soles that are brown leather lace ups
[07-23:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: then wooden sandles with leather straps
[07-23:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and grey and white suade monster platforms lace ups
[07-23:09] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hard to explain those
[07-23:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : cool lol
[07-23:09] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: they are from 197...something
[07-23:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : should take a pic of em then lol
[07-23:09] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and i was metal headppy type
[07-23:09] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: anti-disco
[07-23:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol sounds like my dad.. he was the same way.
[07-23:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb
[07-23:10]       SuicideBlonde despised all things disco
[07-23:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok
[07-23:11] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[07-23:11] JOIN: Alexia appears
[07-23:11] 959, *alexander anderson: *wonders back in*
[07-23:11] d0b, *Alexia: suicide how much longer will you be here?
[07-23:12] a19, *Glamish Deathy: back ^^
[07-23:12] d0b, *Alexia: ((hates cokies))
[07-23:12] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *tackles mr. anderson*
[07-23:12] a19, *Glamish Deathy: (alexia you are pretty ^^)
[07-23:12] 959, *alexander anderson: hello glamish deathy
[07-23:12] 959, *alexander anderson: *falls over and is shocked?*
[07-23:12] 959, *alexander anderson: hi
[07-23:13] a19, *Glamish Deathy: hi ^^
[07-23:13] 959, *alexander anderson: dont think i have met you yet
[07-23:13] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *giggles and looks down at you* hmmm..
[07-23:13] a19, *Glamish Deathy: we have met but we just said
[07-23:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: a while Alexia
[07-23:14] a19, *Glamish Deathy: brb
[07-23:14] 959, *alexander anderson: yes about a hour or so ago but it was formal hehe *bows head lil* i'm alex i would like it if you didnt call me mr anderson as well
[07-23:14] 959, *alexander anderson: hey suicideblonde
[07-23:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b alex
[07-23:15] 959, *alexander anderson: thank you
[07-23:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Glamish
[07-23:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: did you get that Alexia?
[07-23:15] 959, *alexander anderson: got my first tackle hug lol
[07-23:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : Back
[07-23:16] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b Cerf
[07-23:16] 959, *alexander anderson: welcome back cerfestas
[07-23:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : *tackle hugs Alex happily* Second ^.^
[07-23:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : Thanks Sui, Alez
[07-23:16] 959, *alexander anderson: ahhhhhhhh!
[07-23:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : alex* Christ im losing my ability to type
[07-23:17] 959, *alexander anderson: *falls over again and looks up* you know my ass isnt used to this?
[07-23:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's why I put a pillow under you before you fell over =)
[07-23:20] 959, *alexander anderson: awww how sweet
[07-23:20] 959, *alexander anderson: *laughs lil and gets up*
[07-23:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : ok not here's too much blue.. one sec
[07-23:21] 959, *alexander anderson: what i like blue
[07-23:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh I do too, but too much of one colour in various forms is annoying lol
[07-23:22] 959, *alexander anderson: maybe to you lol
[07-23:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: that is a wee bit better on my eyes Cerf, danke
[07-23:23] 959, *alexander anderson: danke hehe *giggles to himself*
[07-23:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-23:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : better?
[07-23:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : *stares at Alex when he giggles then gets all happy and hugs him tight* That was so cute
[07-23:24] 959, *alexander anderson: ok...???
[07-23:24] a19, *Glamish Deathy: ok where was I?
[07-23:24] a19, *Glamish Deathy: oh yeah I was on Alex..^^ *plays with tummy* LOL
[07-23:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : Pink!! >.< gar!
[07-23:25] 959, *alexander anderson: ahhhhhh *crawls away and hides* no no lets not all play with alex he isnt used to it!
[07-23:25] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Hi SuicideBlonde
[07-23:25] a19, *Glamish Deathy: yes lets play with Alex *says in a sluttly notion* LOL
[07-23:26] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Whatever happened to Dusts?
[07-23:26] 959, *alexander anderson: *hides* >.<
[07-23:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : He left
[07-23:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : fuck!
[07-23:27] 959, *alexander anderson: O.o you ok?
[07-23:27] a19, *Glamish Deathy: *sits on Alex and nuzzles* ^^ whats wrong Cerfs? oO
[07-23:28] a19, *Glamish Deathy: you are cute Alex ^^ but..evil..
[07-23:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Test....
[07-23:28] a19, *Glamish Deathy: hmm?
[07-23:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : no!!
[07-23:28] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how are you Glamish?
[07-23:28] a19, *Glamish Deathy: whats wrong?
[07-23:28] 959, *alexander anderson: *wonders how she found him then looks as he is siting on the couch* oh crap this hideing place sucks
[07-23:28] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry, was lost in deviantart...
[07-23:28] 959, *alexander anderson: whats wrong cerfestas?
[07-23:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-23:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : there we go.. sorry.. trying to find a colour lol
[07-23:30] 959, *alexander anderson: *shakes head* geeze you would think someone died?
[07-23:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm sorry. It's frustrating.
[07-23:31] 959, *alexander anderson: yeah i guess it could be
[07-23:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh yes, and someone did die. it took me 5 minutes to find that colour, so 10+ people died
[07-23:31] 959, *alexander anderson: *curls into a lil ball on the floor next to the couch* oh i see sucks for them
[07-23:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: statistics suck.....
[07-23:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, they suck
[07-23:32] 959, *alexander anderson: *trys to figger out what that word is*
[07-23:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : statistics?
[07-23:33] 959, *alexander anderson: oh yeah lol
[07-23:33] 959, *alexander anderson: i remember
[07-23:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o;
[07-23:34] 959, *alexander anderson: i think i'm the only "guy" in here
[07-23:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: where did Alexia go?
[07-23:35] 959, *alexander anderson: to the cleaners lol i dont know she most likely left?
[07-23:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : I could be a guy.. one sec.. *goes off to wrap her chest up to hide it and shove a banana down her pants.. comes back with a beer in hand and belchs*
[07-23:35] JOIN: Alexia appears
[07-23:35] 959, *alexander anderson: or was just hideing
[07-23:35] 959, *alexander anderson: very nice cerfestas
[07-23:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : Welcome back, Alexia. *talks all manly *
[07-23:35] 959, *alexander anderson: wish i was as big as a banana lol
[07-23:35] 5b0, *Alexia: ((walks in with her cow pjs and scarf on cause its cold shaking back and forth )) im dead im dead im dead im dead im dead im do dead
[07-23:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yah, it's great, hey? I want to go compare?? o.o
[07-23:36] 959, *alexander anderson: O.o why is that
[07-23:36] 959, *alexander anderson: you would win
[07-23:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why, Alexia?
[07-23:37] 5b0, *Alexia: i meesed up the computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[07-23:37] 959, *alexander anderson: not a good thing
[07-23:38] 959, *alexander anderson: well i belive i must go for good and i will make myself sleep bye bye all *hugs anyone who wants one*
[07-23:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Alex* bye sweetie
[07-23:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : twas already messed up, Alexia
[07-23:39]       SuicideBlonde hugs alex..."sleep well"
[07-23:39] 959, *alexander anderson: bye bye
[07-23:39] 959, *alexander anderson: i will try you to
[07-23:39] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 11:39pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-23:39]       SuicideBlonde hugs Alexia..."um, tell me what you think you did?"
[07-23:40] JOIN: Glamish Deathy appears
[07-23:40] a19, *Glamish Deathy: back
[07-23:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b Glamish
[07-23:40] JOIN: Marble appears
[07-23:40] 38a, *Marble: Im Alive!!!
[07-23:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Marble!
[07-23:41] a19, *Glamish Deathy: darn when I come back Alex leaves :(
[07-23:41] 38a, *Marble: and back online, set, locked, reloaded.....logged into Trillian
[07-23:41] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Why thank you SuicideBlonde *tips hat*
[07-23:41] a19, *Glamish Deathy: Hello Marble
[07-23:41] 38a, *Marble: allo
[07-23:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: good to see you are you?
[07-23:42] 38a, *Marble: im good
[07-23:42] 5b0, *Alexia: something came up that said scaning eroe then everything went balck and i gave a scream and salem was on my lap and she scratched me on the arm now i have scratches on my arm and on my knee
[07-23:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : 'ey it's marble!
[07-23:43] 38a, *Marble: goddam right its Marble, Back in Orange and More Eccentric than Ever
[07-23:43] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: oo
[07-23:44] 5b0, *Alexia: ((doubts marble even knows the meaning of that word))
[07-23:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yay ^.^ missed ya dude..
[07-23:44] 38a, *Marble: sit on it and Twist Alex
[07-23:45] 38a, *Marble: i got Internet Dictionaries Just a Click away
[07-23:45] 5b0, *Alexia: screw you!
[07-23:45] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 11:45pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-23:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : Now now, children
[07-23:45] 38a, *Marble: yeah but youd need to get off me first
[07-23:45] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-23:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : Was that nessisary, Marble?
[07-23:46] 38a, *Marble: so....
[07-23:46] 38a, *Marble: not like i give a fuck if she has had a bad day
[07-23:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : I don't givea fuck either.. first rule is to respect the members here.. That wasn't nessisary.
[07-23:48] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: *stretches*
[07-23:48] JOIN: Alexia appears
[07-23:48] 38a, *Marble: >.>
[07-23:48] MSG: Alexia sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-23:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello Moonspell
[07-23:49] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 11:49pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-23:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : hi Moonspell
[07-23:49] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Alexia.
[07-23:49] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Howdy SuicideBlonde and Cerfestas
[07-23:49] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: tsk tsk, Marble....
[07-23:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : You can apologize to her if she decides to come back, Marble.
[07-23:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-23:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-23:51] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Apologies are useless if someone else puts you up to it and tis not heartfelt
[07-23:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs8
[07-23:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* I suppose, but at least it brings closure and allows for the one person to, possibly, not be so angry and feel welcome to come back
[07-23:55] 38a, *Marble: <.<
[07-23:56] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: I seriously doubt a fallout with a single individual is going to bring memories of unwanton within the rest of the clique
[07-23:57] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Marble.
[07-23:58] MSG: Marble sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-23:59] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Marble.
[08-00:00] JOIN: Marble appears
[08-00:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Perhaps not..
[08-00:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ello again Marble
[08-00:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: so Moonspell, what are you up to this evening?
[08-00:02]       Marble Steps Out
[08-00:02] EXIT: Marble disappears ( 12:02am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-00:02] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Nursing my dehydration of the prior evening...... dropped off the payslip, and visited with the family a bit....... yourself SuicideBlonde?
[08-00:04] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: not much...i managed to piss off almost everyone i care deeply for...with the exception of my dearest Cerf here...ate too much, played taxi half the day and did not get to visit my good friend like i was supposed too...typical
[08-00:04] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: SuicideBlonde......... I doth inquire how you've upsetted those that you've offended *listens intently*
[08-00:05] JOIN: juliet appears
[08-00:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : Evening, Juliet
[08-00:06] MSG: juliet sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-00:06] a19, *juliet: hey cerfy howz it goin?
[08-00:07] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, in my own peculiar way...assuming things before i know what is what...being a little insecure...Sundays are bad days for me, always have i get uptight and a little defensive
[08-00:07] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi juliet
[08-00:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright, I suppose. I'm neither here nor there. It has been a rather dull day. What of you?
[08-00:08] a19, *juliet: hey scui
[08-00:08] a19, *juliet: sui*
[08-00:09] a19, *juliet: just having some issues with my babys daddy
[08-00:09] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: SuicideBlonde.... must I suggest you gain a bit of confidence....... it'll override that insecurity you seem to possess..... and perhaps make you a bit more prosperous in your own little way.
[08-00:09] a19, *juliet: actually between faded and my babys daddy
[08-00:09] JOIN: Marble appears
[08-00:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, I see.
[08-00:10] 38a, *Marble: >.>
[08-00:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : Welcome back, Marble
[08-00:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: more easily said than done, Moonspell...most of the time i am able to feel pretty secure....though Sundays are rough
[08-00:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b Marble
[08-00:11] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Why are sunday's suicide? Is it a breakdown from a night of heavy boozin or what?
[08-00:13] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Juliet.
[08-00:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: try that juliet
[08-00:13] a19, *juliet: okie dokie thanks alot
[08-00:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, no! not because of heavy boozin as you put it
[08-00:15] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Then why is it then?
[08-00:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: my theory is that all my life Sunday's have been the day before i have to either go to school or work...
[08-00:15] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i always spent it dreading Monday
[08-00:16] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Have you thought of obtaining something productive to fill out your sundays then? P'rhaps a part time job?
[08-00:16]       SuicideBlonde laughs
[08-00:17] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, these days my Sundays are pretty busy...
[08-00:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : I think Sundays are just days of closure, or everything just boiling over. One is a little more on edge so things get to them more so, thus making the day more unbearable.
[08-00:17] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i think these feelings are residual from days past actually
[08-00:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and i get them at sunset a lot of the time too
[08-00:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: which is weird because i am a night person
[08-00:22] EXIT: Marble disappears ( 12:10am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-00:23] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: I personally like Sunday's..... it's one of the days I get off and enjoy it. Work doesn't bother me too much to go.
[08-00:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: something to do with the ends of things i think...
[08-00:25] a19, *juliet: is it under faded angel sui? because i cant find it
[08-00:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: did that not work for you?
[08-00:26] a19, *juliet: no it didnt
[08-00:26] a19, *juliet: i dont know why
[08-00:27] JOIN: juliet appears
[08-00:27] a19, *juliet: wait i got it
[08-00:27] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Juliet.
[08-00:27] a19, *juliet: my computer is messing up
[08-00:27] a19, *juliet: thank sui
[08-00:27] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: mine has been too today
[08-00:27] a19, *juliet: thanks*
[08-00:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : Find what?
[08-00:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. got there too late. nevermind
[08-00:28] a19, *juliet: well i guess sundays suck all around
[08-00:28] a19, *juliet: smiles*
[08-00:28] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: the link to Angel's diary site
[08-00:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, Alright.
[08-00:29] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i used to be linked to his...i am not sure anymore if i am
[08-00:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Well, I'm going to go to bed.. school tomorrow and all. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
[08-00:31] JOIN: Alexia appears
[08-00:31] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Seeya Cerfestas
[08-00:31]       SuicideBlonde hugs Cerf...night, sleep well , see you tomorrow
[08-00:31] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: w/b Alexia
[08-00:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : Goodnight Moonspell.
[08-00:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Sui* Goodnight, and you too.. night Alexia, Juliet. *hugs *
[08-00:33] 5b0, *Alexia: ((hugs sui))
[08-00:33]       SuicideBlonde hugs Alexia..."better?"
[08-00:34] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: Why hello there Alexia
[08-00:36] 7b8, ‡Møøñ§p룣‡: This gal on tv has great boobs
[08-00:37] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: erm, ok Moonspell
[08-00:39] 5b0, *Alexia: great another one of them
[08-00:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: what is it about males that they always have to talk about female body parts?
[08-00:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i assume you are male Moonspell?
[08-00:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: do you guys really want to here us females say stuff like "look at the schlong on that guy!"
[08-00:42] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *hear
[08-00:45] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, the silence speaks for itself
[08-00:47] 5b0, *Alexia: bye
[08-00:47] EXIT: Alexia disappears ( 12:47am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-00:48] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Alexia...don't go
[08-00:49]       SuicideBlonde sits on the couch and sighs..."what the hell was in the air today? we all should have held our breath"
[08-00:50] JOIN: Angel of Sin666 appears
[08-00:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello Sin
[08-00:51] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: howdy sui
[08-00:52] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how goes it over there?
[08-00:54] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: it's cold :(
[08-00:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: pretty chilly here too...but it was warm during the day...kind of odd
[08-00:59] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: wow we're the only ppl in here...
[08-01:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i think so Sin...not sure
[08-01:02] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: we could have a few lurkers out there
[08-01:03] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: yea i suppose.
[08-01:03] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: ^^^what's with the "photoshop Shootout 002" ^^^
[08-01:06] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i really have no idea
[08-01:06] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i just looked at that
[08-01:06] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: hmmm. . .
[08-01:08] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: a photography contest perhaps?
[08-01:10] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: oh, I didn't realise it was a link...
[08-01:10] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: *clicky*
[08-01:10] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, yeah
[08-01:11] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: hmm.
[08-01:12] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: oh ok.
[08-01:13] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: someone posts a pic, and paople edit it, in they're own little, way, or style or. . . Whatever...... koole.
[08-01:13] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: *kool
[08-01:16] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: kinda interesting
[08-01:17] JOIN: Daughter of Fate appears
[08-01:19] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: hithere DOF
[08-01:19] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: * hi there
[08-01:22] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: dof?
[08-01:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hello Fate
[08-01:25] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: *looks around on the forum (from the link above)* there's some pretty kool shtuff on here. Interesting, and entertaining to say the least.
[08-01:25] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-01:25] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 1:25am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-01:25] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[08-01:26] 968, *LittleAngela: hullo!!!!!
[08-01:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yes its is
[08-01:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: *it
[08-01:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hey Angela
[08-01:27] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: hey ang : )
[08-01:27] 968, *LittleAngela: hihi angel and sui!!!!
[08-01:30] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: how are you Angela?
[08-01:31] 968, *LittleAngela: i'm doing veeeeery well
[08-01:31]       LittleAngela is watching her cradle of filth dvd XD
[08-01:32] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: oooh cof :P *is listening to nymphetamine :)
[08-01:32] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cool...i am tired, just lost in deviantart...
[08-01:33]       LittleAngela loves dani ^.^
[08-01:33]       Angel of Sin666 loves dani filth and plans to kidnap him and make him hers...
[08-01:33] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: but is willing to share him : )
[08-01:33] 968, *LittleAngela: NO!
[08-01:34] 968, *LittleAngela: he's all mine! you can have... someone else
[08-01:37] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: I can always go for robert Smith . .... MMMMMMMmmmmmm
[08-01:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: um, sorry Rboert's mine Sin...
[08-01:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol
[08-01:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well, guess i can't have him either cause i can't even spell his name right
[08-01:38] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol
[08-01:38] 968, *LittleAngela: lol
[08-01:38] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: bah!!!
[08-01:39] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: k what about. . . Edward Scizzorhands?
[08-01:39] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: surely h's not taken?!?!?
[08-01:39] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: *he's
[08-01:40] 968, *LittleAngela: i suppose you can have him....
[08-01:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde:
[08-01:41] 968, *LittleAngela: as long as i can have ville vallo, lead singer of HIM ^.~
[08-01:44] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and if i can run off with everyone from Type-O
[08-01:45] 968, *LittleAngela: well...... you drive a hard bargain sui... but ok
[08-01:45] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: sounds fair ; )
[08-01:46] 968, *LittleAngela: so.... we all have our men now?
[08-01:47]       LittleAngela steals captain jack sparrow when no one's looking
[08-01:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: O.O, you cheated Angela!
[08-01:47] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: yep *runs to a corner with edward scizzorhands being careful not to cut herself on him* lol
[08-01:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol
[08-01:47] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: @_@ SHE GOT JOHNNY DEPP?!?!?!?!?!
[08-01:47]       LittleAngela looks about wide eyed
[08-01:48] 968, *LittleAngela: WHAT!?
[08-01:48]       LittleAngela grabs her men and runs
[08-01:49]       SuicideBlonde smiles anyway because she thinks she has the best of them anyway
[08-01:50]       LittleAngela giggles and looks about slyly
[08-01:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Angela...
[08-01:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: come on...youhave to give back one or two
[08-01:52] 968, *LittleAngela: shhhhhhhh
[08-01:53] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[08-01:53] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Angel!
[08-01:53] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you are awake...
[08-01:54] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: indeed
[08-01:54] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: I think
[08-01:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol, i was just getting ready to go t sleep
[08-01:54] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: lol
[08-01:55]       LittleAngela slowly grabs Davey Havok as no one's looking
[08-01:55]       LittleAngela >.>
[08-01:56] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: davey havok? AFI right? i used to LOVE him...
[08-01:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Angela!
[08-01:57]       LittleAngela grabs him and runs!
[08-01:57] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol
[08-01:57] 968, *LittleAngela: lol
[08-01:57]       SuicideBlonde looks at Angela's side of the room crowded with men
[08-01:57]       LittleAngela pouts
[08-01:58] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: should be smiling
[08-01:58] 968, *LittleAngela: alright... *lets davey go*
[08-01:58]       TheFadedAngel just observes
[08-01:58] 968, *LittleAngela: look! a loose man! someone needs to grab him!
[08-01:59] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: oh! its a faded, didn'y see you there, howdy : )
[08-01:59]       TheFadedAngel chains himself to the bar
[08-01:59] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: Hiya, Syn
[08-01:59] 968, *LittleAngela: ah!!!!
[08-01:59] 968, *LittleAngela: where did faded come from?!?!?!?!?!?!?
[08-02:00] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: Damn, I feel loved now...only one person outta three noticed me
[08-02:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol
[08-02:00]       TheFadedAngel shall return, momentaril, off to smoke a cigarette
[08-02:00] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: momentarily*
[08-02:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cause they can't see you...
[08-02:01]       LittleAngela wonders if anyone's gonna grab the loose davey >.>
[08-02:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: geez...already, you just got here
[08-02:01]       Angel of Sin666 is happy with just edward. and her lovecat : ) and snuggles in the corner with her quiet, sharp-handed little friend
[08-02:01]       SuicideBlonde is happy with the one who occupies her thoughts
[08-02:02]       LittleAngela is happy with dani XD!!!
[08-02:05] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: meow
[08-02:06] 968, *LittleAngela: kitty!
[08-02:06]       Angel of Sin666 smiles up at ang
[08-02:07] 968, *LittleAngela: yay kitty! *hugs*
[08-02:08]       Angel of Sin666 purrs "i likes hugs, don't get them often"
[08-02:08]       LittleAngela huggles more
[08-02:09] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: I thik I am going to go lay back down...gotta work at 7am..nice talking to everyone
[08-02:10] bd6, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell
[08-02:10] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 2:10am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-02:10] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: ta tah faded : )
[08-02:10] 968, *LittleAngela: buhbye faded
[08-02:12]       LittleAngela dances about
[08-02:12]       Angel of Sin666 dances too, for no real reason. . .
[08-02:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: night Angel
[08-02:12] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: well you too...have fun...i got to go get some sleep
[08-02:13] 968, *LittleAngela: yay! dancing is fun!
[08-02:13] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: night then sui *assumes that means ur leaving...*
[08-02:13] 968, *LittleAngela: night night sui!
[08-02:14] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: sleep well, sweet dreams :)
[08-02:15] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[08-02:15]       LittleAngela hands angel a my little pony
[08-02:15]       SuicideBlonde hugs them both...."thanks you two"
[08-02:15] 968, *LittleAngela: Pony!!
[08-02:16] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: night
[08-02:16] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 2:16am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-02:18] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: wow
[08-02:19] 968, *LittleAngela: wow?
[08-02:20] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: fun. . .
[08-02:21]       LittleAngela starts to dance again
[08-02:22]       Angel of Sin666 watches and wonders if she should join in. . .
[08-02:22]       LittleAngela throws sparkly confetti about
[08-02:23] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: O_O
[08-02:23] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: sparkles!!!! *plays with the confetti and starts to dance around with angela*
[08-02:24] 968, *LittleAngela: shinay!
[08-02:24] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: : )
[08-02:27]       LittleAngela jumps about on the furniture
[08-02:28]       Angel of Sin666 blows up balloons and throws them around
[08-02:29]       LittleAngela screams and cowers in the corner
[08-02:29]       LittleAngela is deathly afraid of balloons
[08-02:30] 39f, *Angel of Sin666: OMG i didn'y know!!!
[08-02:31]       LittleAngela was blowing up a balloon when she was about 8 and it popped as she was blowing it up and now is deathly scared of the evil balooooooooons
[08-02:38]       LittleAngela sits and plays with ponys
[08-02:41] 968, *LittleAngela: la la la
[08-02:45] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 2:41am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-02:46] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[08-02:48] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 2:46am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-04:01] JOIN: juliet appears
[08-04:04] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[08-06:08] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[08-06:29] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[08-09:01] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-09:02] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 9:01am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-10:28] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[08-10:29] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 10:28am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-10:49] JOIN: Beep appears
[08-10:49] EXIT: Beep disappears ( 10:49am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-11:24] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[08-11:25] ecc, NewAndImproved: More news, LN, Devilishtoy and geno are all deffinately pedo's
[08-11:25] ecc, NewAndImproved: They allow 30 year old freaks to play with kids in her chat
[08-11:26] ecc, NewAndImproved: I knew there was a pedo group going on with that lot
[08-11:28] ecc, NewAndImproved: I wish I could kill them
[08-11:32] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[08-11:32] ecc, NewAndImproved: Gothchat=pedo chat
[08-11:38] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[08-11:38] ecc, NewAndImproved: Beware of them all, especially if you have children
[08-11:39] ecc, NewAndImproved: I was once watching Devilishtoy cybering a 13 year old in a chatroom
[08-11:41] ecc, NewAndImproved: It was at chathouse
[08-11:42] ecc, NewAndImproved: And to think, she is supposed to have her own children
[08-11:51] ecc, NewAndImproved: Poor little scruffy kids lol
[08-11:51] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 11:51am, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-12:09] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-12:34] JOIN: Moppy appears
[08-12:36] 775, *Moppy: ...
[08-12:38] JOIN: salemchick appears
[08-12:41] 775, *Moppy: Hello
[08-12:42]       salemchick waddles in like a penquin
[08-12:44] 413, *salemchick: hye aaron how r u
[08-12:46] 775, *Moppy: .
[08-12:47] 775, *Moppy: I'm good thanx, you?
[08-12:47] 413, *salemchick: i am ok i am in class now but bored
[08-12:47] 413, *salemchick: wht is the number to change the color font to yellow or orange
[08-12:49] 775, *Moppy: lol dunno
[08-12:49] 413, *salemchick: imma just try any numbers
[08-12:50] 413, *salemchick: . . . .
[08-12:51] 413, *salemchick: here
[08-12:51] 413, *salemchick: thats better
[08-12:52] 775, *Moppy: lol k
[08-12:55] 413, *salemchick: so whts up n
[08-12:55] 413, *salemchick: up*
[08-13:39] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[08-14:10] JOIN: Berserker appears
[08-14:10]       Berserker looks
[08-14:10] ecc, Berserker: I have escaped from satan
[08-14:13] EXIT: Berserker disappears ( 2:10pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-14:14] JOIN: Daughter of Fate appears
[08-14:21] JOIN: Moppy appears
[08-14:22]       Moppy raises an eyebrow hhhhhhmmmm......
[08-14:22] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-14:22] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 2:22pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-14:22] JOIN: sally appears
[08-14:23]       sally stares with a big smile and says "hola"
[08-14:24] 775, *Moppy: Hello
[08-14:24] MSG: sally sent a message to Advent.
[08-14:24] d4a, *sally: hi moppy
[08-14:29] d4a, *sally: it seems to me that my time here is short so i'll leave you ppl,
[08-14:29] d4a, *sally: adios
[08-14:29] EXIT: sally disappears ( 2:29pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-14:29] JOIN: Moppy appears
[08-14:29] EXIT: Moppy disappears ( 2:29pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-14:52] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-15:10] JOIN: Windra appears
[08-15:10] EXIT: Windra disappears ( 3:10pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-15:10] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-15:17] JOIN: darkheart appears
[08-15:18]       darkheart reads her messages
[08-15:18] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 3:18pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-15:19] JOIN: sanity appears
[08-15:20] EXIT: sanity disappears ( 3:19pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-15:37]       Advent sally!!!!!!!
[08-15:39] WHO: Sally last seen 2:29pm, November 08 (CST)
[08-15:39] 850, §Advent: sally come back....joanna are u in L.A or back in texas?
[08-15:40] 850, §Advent: sally come back....joanna are u in L.A or back in texas?
[08-15:43] JOIN: sally appears
[08-15:44] d4a, *sally: hi advent
[08-15:44] 850, §Advent: sally!!
[08-15:44] 850, §Advent: were have you been? you just dissapeard
[08-15:45] d4a, *sally: i'm around
[08-15:46] d4a, *sally: i had an abortion
[08-15:46] 850, §Advent: how are you doing ?
[08-15:46]       Advent hugs sally..."im sorry to hear that sally"
[08-15:46] d4a, *sally: that is i made everyone believe i left but i'm in la
[08-15:47]       Advent looks at sally..."i heard u left...i do have a neklace for you"
[08-15:48] d4a, *sally: well, hope to get it sometime
[08-15:48] 850, §Advent: click on the button that says private chat
[08-15:48] 850, §Advent: http:/
[08-15:49] d4a, *sally: i'm there
[08-16:07] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-16:11] 730, *Nightmare: hello?
[08-16:11] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 4:11pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:11] JOIN: Hells Angel appears
[08-16:12] 850, §Advent: hi
[08-16:12] 850, §Advent: nightmare get out of the private room,..,..thats a 2 person convo man.srry
[08-16:13] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-16:13] 730, *Nightmare: yo
[08-16:13] MSG: Hells Angel sent a message to Winkie.
[08-16:13] 850, §Advent: hi night mare whats up?
[08-16:13] 730, *Nightmare: hello hell's angel
[08-16:13] b6c, *Hells Angel: hi nightmare
[08-16:13] b6c, *Hells Angel: hey advent
[08-16:13] 730, *Nightmare: nothin much advent
[08-16:14] 850, §Advent: how u been hells? the wife and kids?
[08-16:14] b6c, *Hells Angel: nightmare have you ever been to a chat called the vamire directory
[08-16:14] 730, *Nightmare: ah damn brb
[08-16:14] 850, §Advent: okies
[08-16:14] 730, *Nightmare: no i have not
[08-16:14] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 4:14pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:14] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-16:14] b6c, *Hells Angel: they are good ty and im good too, how are you
[08-16:14] 730, *Nightmare: had to gets my pic back
[08-16:14] 730, *Nightmare: hahaha nice pic advent
[08-16:16] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol yeah that is cool
[08-16:16] 730, *Nightmare: it's my pic now MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08-16:16] 730, *Nightmare: yeah my pc can save again
[08-16:16] b6c, *Hells Angel: just wondering nightmare i use to go there and there was a person that came in the chat with your name
[08-16:17] 730, *Nightmare: oh well advent wouldn't log me on as the_notorious_johnny_nightmare so i shortened it
[08-16:18] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol ok
[08-16:18] 730, *Nightmare: hmmmmm brb
[08-16:18] 850, §Advent: lol
[08-16:18] b6c, *Hells Angel: ok
[08-16:18] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-16:18] 730, *Nightmare: wats so funny advent?
[08-16:19] 850, §Advent: t.v
[08-16:19] 730, *Nightmare: wat happened?
[08-16:19] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-16:20] 730, *Nightmare: hey hell's angel
[08-16:20] 850, §Advent: some old lady poped out a gun and began fireyng
[08-16:20] 850, §Advent: some old lady poped out a gun and began fireyng
[08-16:20] b6c, *Hells Angel: yes nightmare
[08-16:21] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Hells Angel.
[08-16:21] 730, *Nightmare: really wat are you watchin?
[08-16:22] 730, *Nightmare: i just can't get over that pic advent where the hell do you get your pics?
[08-16:22] MSG: Hells Angel sent a message to Nightmare.
[08-16:23] 730, *Nightmare: ok hell's
[08-16:23] 850, §Advent: ^_^ sex!
[08-16:23] b6c, *Hells Angel: ooooooo sex
[08-16:23] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Advent.
[08-16:25] MSG: Hells Angel sent a message to Nightmare.
[08-16:25] 850, §Advent: SEARCH?
[08-16:25] 730, *Nightmare: you know for your images
[08-16:25] JOIN: Winkie appears
[08-16:26] 730, *Nightmare: example the storm trooper who apparently likes to uuuuuuuh thrust
[08-16:26] 730, *Nightmare: wat up winkie?
[08-16:27] 532, *Winkie: nuffin just got hme frm skool, and u
[08-16:27] 850, §Advent: gotta go.....bye ppl
[08-16:28] 730, *Nightmare: nothin here either
[08-16:28] 730, *Nightmare: wait advent
[08-16:28] 730, *Nightmare: why do you keep the search that you use a mystery?
[08-16:28] b6c, *Hells Angel: bye advent
[08-16:28] b6c, *Hells Angel: hi winkie
[08-16:28] b6c, *Hells Angel: long time no see girl
[08-16:29] MSG: Nightmare sent a message to Advent.
[08-16:29] 532, *Winkie: yes no kiddin hells
[08-16:30] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-16:31] 532, *Winkie: so whats new with ya hells
[08-16:32] b6c, *Hells Angel: not much, well quite abit but nothin to mention its the little things
[08-16:32] b6c, *Hells Angel: whats new with you
[08-16:32] b6c, *Hells Angel: why so quiet nightmare
[08-16:32] 532, *Winkie: Ic Ic, yea same old, skool, work, no fun or play, yep thats me
[08-16:32] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-16:33] b6c, *Hells Angel: awwww
[08-16:33] b6c, *Hells Angel: thats too bad
[08-16:33] 730, *Nightmare: oh sorry i just registered at the "other" chat room
[08-16:33] b6c, *Hells Angel: im waiting for my pw i forgot it
[08-16:33] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-16:33] 532, *Winkie: but actually I dunt kno if I told u Hells but I am goin home to Toronto for x-mas lol
[08-16:33] b6c, *Hells Angel: i love goin there its my fav chat
[08-16:34] b6c, *Hells Angel: no you didnt lol
[08-16:34] JOIN: Peter North appears
[08-16:34] b6c, *Hells Angel: thats good to hear
[08-16:34]       Peter North walks in
[08-16:34] b6c, *Hells Angel: hello peter
[08-16:34] b6c, *Hells Angel: brb
[08-16:34] 730, *Nightmare: yo hells it's taking forever to load
[08-16:35] b6c, *Hells Angel: yes it does
[08-16:35] b6c, *Hells Angel: it sucks
[08-16:35] 730, *Nightmare: wat...............the fuck
[08-16:35] b6c, *Hells Angel: especially when you IE
[08-16:35] b6c, *Hells Angel: *use
[08-16:35] b6c, *Hells Angel: i use mozilla firefox
[08-16:35] b6c, *Hells Angel: try downloading that
[08-16:35] 730, *Nightmare: wat it's supposed to take forever? wat the hell is it loading? porn? cds?
[08-16:36] b6c, *Hells Angel: brb
[08-16:36] 730, *Nightmare: AAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08-16:37] 730, *Nightmare: awwwww screw it peace out y'all
[08-16:37] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 4:37pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:37] 532, *Winkie: uhhh huhh
[08-16:37]       Advent walks back in
[08-16:37]       Advent walks back in
[08-16:37] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-16:38]       Winkie sits back in her dark corner and lights up a cig
[08-16:38] 730, *Nightmare: hello advent i'm back
[08-16:38] 730, *Nightmare: i was just bout to click "X" when i see you come waltzin right on in
[08-16:38]       Advent goes to the bar and orders a brandy and picks up his brass knuckles..."bye hells winkie and nightmare.....just picking up some things i need.........fuck steven....all the fucking stevens in the world...but the one i know will get it today."....*walks out"
[08-16:39] 730, *Nightmare: w/b advent
[08-16:39] 730, *Nightmare: WAIT ADVENT!!!!!!!!!!
[08-16:39] JOIN: sally appears
[08-16:39] 730, *Nightmare: i need to talk to you
[08-16:39] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[08-16:40] a41, §Advent: what do u need nightmare im in a hurry my rides here
[08-16:40] 730, *Nightmare: oh wat did he do this time?
[08-16:41] a41, §Advent: different steven nightmare...not the one from TG..i have bad luck with ppl named steven.
[08-16:41] a41, §Advent: /unso
[08-16:41] a41, §Advent: different steven nightmare...not the one from TG..i have bad luck with ppl named steven.
[08-16:41] d4a, *sally: hi everyone
[08-16:41] 730, *Nightmare: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA sorry to hear that advent well good luck and good beating
[08-16:41] a41, §Advent: sally look in the private chat i said a few more things
[08-16:41] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-16:41] d4a, *sally: winkie from where did you get that pic
[08-16:41] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 4:41pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:41]       Advent walks out and goes to 6th and rowan *looks at sally*..."take care"
[08-16:42] 532, *Winkie: good luck there Advent
[08-16:42]       Nightmare gives advent his second best broadsword and mini-bat
[08-16:42] 532, *Winkie: why Sally
[08-16:42] a41, §Advent: already have a katana man..but htanks
[08-16:43] 730, *Nightmare: well i think i'm outie for a while this time so bye!
[08-16:43] 730, *Nightmare: oh wait i said BROADSWORD which is far supereor to a katana
[08-16:44] 730, *Nightmare: and mini-bats give right good better than the baseball bats!
[08-16:44] MSG: Advent sent a message to Sally.
[08-16:44] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 4:42pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:45] JOIN: Winkie appears
[08-16:46] 730, *Nightmare: yaaaaaaa i'm outie bye
[08-16:47] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 4:46pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:49] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 4:45pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:49] JOIN: Winkie appears
[08-16:50] 532, *Winkie: pshh well then bye
[08-16:50] EXIT: Winkie disappears ( 4:50pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-16:53] d4a, *sally: advent did you get my message
[08-16:55] JOIN: sally appears
[08-16:56] d4a, *sally: are you even there
[08-17:04] MSG: Hells Angel sent a message to Advent.
[08-17:05] JOIN: Daughter of Fate appears
[08-17:16] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[08-17:17] a41, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings...
[08-17:17] JOIN: juliet appears
[08-17:17] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[08-17:17] a41, *TheFadedAngel: Hello, dear
[08-17:17] a41, *TheFadedAngel: I am going to Thycotic instead...otayz?
[08-17:18] 200, *juliet: hey everyone
[08-17:18] a41, *TheFadedAngel:
[08-17:18] 200, *juliet: ok want me to go to?
[08-17:18] a41, *TheFadedAngel: if you would like to talk
[08-17:18]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[08-17:18] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 5:18pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-17:35] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[08-17:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : *wanders in*
[08-17:38] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-17:38] 730, *Nightmare: CERF!!!!!!!!! how are you doing today?
[08-17:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hi. Im fine,, you?
[08-17:39] 730, *Nightmare: i'm good
[08-17:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : 8nod*
[08-17:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *
[08-17:40] 730, *Nightmare: question: is the chat below really faded angels cuz he's there you know
[08-17:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea it's his.. why?
[08-17:41] 730, *Nightmare: cuz wouldn't you like to talk to him or something? *hint-hint
[08-17:42] JOIN: Daughter of Fate appears
[08-17:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* I think he's busy talking to someone else so.. I'll wait here for more people to come.
[08-17:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hi Fate
[08-17:43] 730, *Nightmare: how can it be only for registered users? don't you have to be on there to register in the first place?
[08-17:43] 18d, Daughter of Fate: Hey
[08-17:43] 730, *Nightmare: wat up fate?
[08-17:43] 18d, Daughter of Fate: Not too terriably much.
[08-17:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : No, you'd talk to him and he'd give you a password, as to keep the stupid people out.
[08-17:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : You're new I gather, Fate?
[08-17:44] 730, *Nightmare: oh so i'd never be welcome...........aaaanyway do you like cats cuz mine is always begging for my undying attention
[08-17:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : I love cats
[08-17:45] 18d, Daughter of Fate: Yes I am.
[08-17:45] 18d, Daughter of Fate: I like cats but i'm a dog person.
[08-17:45] 730, *Nightmare: mine be an adorable black kitty named shadow.........she only responds to noises or "kitty" though
[08-17:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Well, welcome then. =)
[08-17:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : What kind, Nightmare?
[08-17:46] 730, *Nightmare: i was raised around cats but i also have two dogs though it once used to be three.........
[08-17:47] 730, *Nightmare: oh you mean breed of cat? i do not know
[08-17:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, I see.
[08-17:47] 18d, Daughter of Fate: Thank you.
[08-17:48] 18d, Daughter of Fate: I prefer mutts, big,furry, tail wagging full of wigglyness mutts.
[08-17:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : a/s/l? If you don't mind my asking..
[08-17:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : Egh.. I detest dogs..
[08-17:48] 730, *Nightmare: you see wat? about my other dog? his name is moka but we had to give him away as he kept getting out...............but now he has 6 acres of land!
[08-17:49] 730, *Nightmare: oh well to each their own cerf, he was my baby
[08-17:49] 18d, Daughter of Fate: I don't mind. 21/f/anywhere that'll have me
[08-17:50] 730, *Nightmare: brb
[08-17:50] 18d, Daughter of Fate: I'm a fond of all animals, but cat's tend to not like me.
[08-17:51] 730, *Nightmare: oh sorry to here that...... i once had a baby squirrel and i caught a bat up in my house last was the shit!
[08-17:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's unfortunate. I love animals too.. They're great companions.
[08-17:52] 730, *Nightmare: yes they are.....especially that baby would just cling to your shoulder and fall right asleep
[08-17:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol.
[08-17:54] 730, *Nightmare: no really and when we fed it it wrapped it's little paws around the dropper and held onto it while we fed it
[08-17:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : cute
[08-17:56] 730, *Nightmare: i know i'd probably still have it now too but someone turned the heating pad up too high..........i wanted a pet squirrel dammit!
[08-17:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. I'm sorry
[08-17:56] b6c, *Hells Angel: i love bats
[08-17:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : hi hells
[08-17:57] b6c, *Hells Angel: hi cerf
[08-17:57] 730, *Nightmare: yes my cat brought it home alive and it spent the night flying around or something and i finally got it yesterday
[08-17:58] b6c, *Hells Angel: where are you keepin it nightmare
[08-17:59] b6c, *Hells Angel: bats are so beautiful
[08-17:59] 730, *Nightmare: i my ma had me release it
[08-17:59] 730, *Nightmare: oh i can get into torgoth!!!!!!!!!!!
[08-18:02] b6c, *Hells Angel: awww bummer
[08-18:02] 730, *Nightmare: eh ima hold off on it for a little though....startle steven ya know
[08-18:02] b6c, *Hells Angel: probably the best thing to let it go though
[08-18:03] 730, *Nightmare: yes i know....wait you know about torgoth?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
[08-18:04] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-18:05]       Nightmare just shakes his head "i hate it when i do that"
[08-18:05] b6c, *Hells Angel: i heard about it but never gone
[08-18:06] 730, *Nightmare: oh it can be a good chat so much as steven ain't there
[08-18:07] JOIN: Heretic appears
[08-18:07] 815, ºHeretic : damn i love that av hells>>>
[08-18:07] 730, *Nightmare: it's that heretic anthem!
[08-18:08] 815, ºHeretic : if ur 555 im 666
[08-18:08] 730, *Nightmare: wat about my avatar?
[08-18:08] b6c, *Hells Angel: hi heretic and ty
[08-18:08] 730, *Nightmare: wait that was from heretic anthem?
[08-18:08] 815, ºHeretic : i mean hells angels
[08-18:08] 730, *Nightmare: niiiiiiiiiice pic heretic
[08-18:09] 815, ºHeretic : the mouth and fangs
[08-18:09] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-18:09] 815, ºHeretic : tyvm nightmare. it's a vacation photo
[08-18:09] b6c, *Hells Angel: awwww i wanted to go, how come i didnt get invited
[08-18:10] 730, *Nightmare: tyvm? wat does that mean?
[08-18:10] 815, ºHeretic : i did invite you put u said u are already in ur own hell
[08-18:10] 815, ºHeretic : tyvm=thank you very much
[08-18:11] b6c, *Hells Angel: oh yeah *pouts*
[08-18:11] 730, *Nightmare: oh your vacation photo........ooookaaaaaaaaay
[08-18:12] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-18:12] 815, ºHeretic : fromthe time the christians burned me at the stake and sent me to hell
[08-18:13] 730, *Nightmare: oooooooooooooooooo tell me more
[08-18:13] b6c, *Hells Angel: those damn christians
[08-18:13] 815, ºHeretic : *More: the christians burned me at the stake and sent me to hell
[08-18:14] 815, ºHeretic : where i took vacation photos
[08-18:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm sorry, I happen to like christians.. they're an endless sours of cheap entertainment and never cease to amuse me..
[08-18:14] 730, *Nightmare: hahahahahahahahahaha
[08-18:14] 730, *Nightmare: hey i'm christian!
[08-18:14] 815, ºHeretic : cerf knows why i am a true heretic. hello btw
[08-18:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm sorry you ahve to suffer with that, Nightmare.
[08-18:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello Heretic
[08-18:15] 815, ºHeretic : lmao
[08-18:16] 730, *Nightmare: that is just wrong cerf..................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08-18:16] 815, ºHeretic : if christians actually lived by the ministry of Jesus perhaps the world would be a better place.
[08-18:16] 730, *Nightmare: at least you have a sense of humor
[08-18:16] 730, *Nightmare: you too heretic
[08-18:16] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:16pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-18:17] JOIN: Nightmare appears
[08-18:17] 730, *Nightmare: you'll like this avatar heretic
[08-18:17] 815, ºHeretic : play that funky music stormtrooper
[08-18:18] 730, *Nightmare: BEHOLD THE NIGHTMARE MWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08-18:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : took that from advent
[08-18:18] 815, ºHeretic : advent wore it out in here already
[08-18:18] 730, *Nightmare: yes i know i stole it from him
[08-18:19] 815, ºHeretic : speaking of stormtroopers, anyone know where i can find the revenge of the sith trailer online for media player? it is only on quick time on their site.
[08-18:20] 730, *Nightmare: i'm listeenin to icp's parody of "hi my name is".....thier version is called slim anus
[08-18:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : It'll only be on media player, Heretic.
[08-18:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : I mean quick time, sorry
[08-18:20] 730, *Nightmare: i do not know
[08-18:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : Should get quicktime though.. works good
[08-18:21] 815, ºHeretic : i have not found it for media player cerf, that is what i am asking. on their site they have it for quick time only.
[08-18:21] 815, ºHeretic : i hate quicktime
[08-18:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : ah
[08-18:22] 815, ºHeretic : did a google and could not find it either. guess maybe give it another week or so.
[08-18:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : could try a downloading thing too
[08-18:23] 730, *Nightmare: this is some funny ass shit
[08-18:23] 815, ºHeretic : my ass is NOT funny
[08-18:23] 730, *Nightmare: oh mean wat i am listenin' to
[08-18:23] JOIN: Marble appears
[08-18:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Marble
[08-18:24] 730, *Nightmare: yo marble
[08-18:24] 730, *Nightmare: yo i'm outie bye
[08-18:25] EXIT: Nightmare disappears ( 6:24pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-18:25] 815, ºHeretic : "yo"?
[08-18:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : Was just thinking that, Heretic lol
[08-18:27] 815, ºHeretic : waddup yo. fo shizzle my bizzle
[08-18:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Imma busta cap in yo ass! Wha? Wha? Hoe! Whatcho doin in ma bizzness, yo?
[08-18:28] 815, ºHeretic : step off my grizzle nizzle
[08-18:29] 815, ºHeretic : sheet nigga
[08-18:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Y'all don't know me!
[08-18:29] b6c, *Hells Angel: omg lmao
[08-18:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oi, too much Maury there lol
[08-18:30] 815, ºHeretic : let me get all krackified now: who's ready to get er done?!!
[08-18:30] b6c, *Hells Angel: lol
[08-18:31] b6c, *Hells Angel: ron white is the best
[08-18:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh man.. i want turkey
[08-18:33] 815, ºHeretic : is that what u kids are calling it these days?
[08-18:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : yup
[08-18:41] 815, ºHeretic : shh... the baby is sleeping
[08-18:43] JOIN: Glamish Deathy appears
[08-18:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : *screams*
[08-18:43] 815, ºHeretic : hello
[08-18:43] 200, *Glamish Deathy : Hmmmm..
[08-18:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Landen
[08-18:44] 815, ºHeretic : big hat there
[08-18:44] 200, *Glamish Deathy : thank you lol
[08-18:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : perogies ^_^
[08-18:44] 200, *Glamish Deathy : well hello Cerfy
[08-18:45] 815, ºHeretic : cannot tell very weell but is it a top hat?
[08-18:45] 200, *Glamish Deathy : (?)
[08-18:45] 200, *Glamish Deathy : Correct Heretic
[08-18:45] 815, ºHeretic : nvm
[08-18:46] 815, ºHeretic : ah
[08-18:46] 200, *Glamish Deathy: I want my icon as a top hot but..I can't find a place where I can find one ><
[08-18:46] 815, ºHeretic : do a googlre image search
[08-18:47] 200, *Glamish Deathy: but what would I search?
[08-18:48] 815, ºHeretic : gimme a few mins i will help you. brb
[08-18:49] 200, *Glamish Deathy: kk thank you ^^
[08-18:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : hehe
[08-18:51] 200, *Glamish Deathy: lol
[08-18:52] 200, *Glamish Deathy: tra la la la *sits on Cerfy's head* ^^
[08-18:52] 815, ºHeretic : back
[08-18:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : get off ~.~
[08-18:52] 815, ºHeretic : alright here is my idea and advice...
[08-18:53] 200, *Glamish Deathy: kk
[08-18:53] 200, *Glamish Deathy: *gets off*
[08-18:53] 815, ºHeretic : go here pick an image you would like as ur icon then send it to cerf or advent who can make it into an icon for you. and BTW advent still hasn't made the one i asked him to for me.
[08-18:53] 815, ºHeretic : cerf if i send you an imagge will you make it an icon for me?
[08-18:54] 200, *Glamish Deathy: brb thank you Heretic *huggles*
[08-18:54] 815, ºHeretic : welcome
[08-18:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : sure.
[08-18:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : nothing bigger than 50/50 pixles tho
[08-18:55] 815, ºHeretic : ty brb
[08-18:56] 815, ºHeretic : can u plz make this an icon for me and title it Heretic2
[08-18:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : An icon to go by your name?
[08-18:59] 815, ºHeretic : yes like the cross
[08-18:59] 200, *Glamish Deathy: ok nvm..thanks anyways though..
[08-19:00] 815, ºHeretic : didn't find one you liked glamish?
[08-19:00] 200, *Glamish Deathy: yeah I liked Mop's old top hat but I wanted mine black lol
[08-19:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sorry.. It's too big.
[08-19:01] 200, *Glamish Deathy: where is Moppu anyways?
[08-19:02] 200, *Glamish Deathy: *Moppy*
[08-19:02] 815, ºHeretic : u cannot size it?
[08-19:02] 200, *Glamish Deathy: ?
[08-19:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : No, can't resize Gifs
[08-19:03] 200, *Glamish Deathy: mean I am fugly ><..
[08-19:04] 200, *Glamish Deathy: *man*
[08-19:04] 815, ºHeretic : crud. i will find sumthing else then.
[08-19:04] 815, ºHeretic : and u are not fugly glamish
[08-19:09] JOIN: Winkie appears
[08-19:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Winkie
[08-19:09] 815, ºHeretic : ok ceff how bout this one
[08-19:10] e00, *Winkie: hey
[08-19:10] 815, ºHeretic : hi wink
[08-19:10] 815, ºHeretic : kewl av>>>
[08-19:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : that'll look really bad if you size it down.. try and find one that's already at or close to 50/50pixles..
[08-19:11] 815, ºHeretic : kk. let me see.
[08-19:11] JOIN: .☻ appears
[08-19:11] ecc, .☻: Hello
[08-19:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Smily face
[08-19:12] e00, *Winkie: omfg I want a smile face for a name lol
[08-19:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[08-19:12] ecc, .☻: Get one from your character map
[08-19:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hm.. Smily face.. or.. the guy formerly known as ref, formerly known as NewandImproved?
[08-19:16] JOIN: Asterius appears
[08-19:16] e00, *Winkie: ASTY!!!!!!!!!1
[08-19:16] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[08-19:16] 559, *Asterius: hello all
[08-19:16] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 7:16pm, November 08 (CST) ).
[08-19:16] ecc, .☻: Hello ☻
[08-19:16] 559, *Asterius: WINKIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[08-19:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Asty ^.^ *hugs*
[08-19:16] 815, ºHeretic : this is hard cerf
[08-19:17]       Winkie runs and takes a flying leap at Asty
[08-19:17] 559, *Asterius: *hugs cerf* hey hon
[08-19:17] 559, *Asterius: *is tackled by winks, but hangs on!*
[08-19:17] JOIN: Glamish Deathy appears
[08-19:17] a19, *Glamish Deathy: sorry guys I got cut off
[08-19:17] ecc, .☻:
[08-19:18] e00, *Winkie: ☻ lol
[08-19:18] a19, *Glamish Deathy: I am so fugly Heretic
[08-19:18] 559, *Asterius: *hangs onto winks* how's things?
[08-19:18] ecc, .☻: Smiley face thief
[08-19:19] a19, *Glamish Deathy: cool your name is .☻ so whats your asl?
[08-19:19] a19, *Glamish Deathy: .☻
[08-19:19] ecc, .☻: asl is for children
[08-19:19] ecc, .☻:
[08-19:19] e00, *Winkie: tis all good, and u
[08-19:19] a19, *Glamish Deathy: huh?