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[06-04:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : it's basically the same thing as shaking up a bottle of coke or something then trying to take off the lid.. it explodes
[06-04:21]       SuicideBlonde looks at Cerf and thinks " daughter the scientist, i knew she would know"
[06-04:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : well leastim learning in biology and applying to to real life.. so im not failing completly lol
[06-04:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : Anyways, time for bed
[06-04:23] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok Cerf...*hugs her tight* hope you sleep well
[06-04:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : You too, Suo. *hugs her back tightly* Goodnight.
[06-04:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sui* fuck, I did it again x.x
[06-04:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hehe, its ok!
[06-04:24] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: night
[06-04:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright lol. *hugs Advent* Nighty.
[06-04:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : *poof*
[06-04:24]       Advent hugs serf.."night"
[06-04:30]       SuicideBlonde walks over to Advent and takes his hand "its been a long night love...i need to go to sleep now"
[06-04:31]       Advent walks over to sui and hugs her givin her a kiss on the lips...."night luv"
[06-04:32]       SuicideBlonde kisses him back on the lips, gently " well"
[06-04:43]       Advent rolls around on the floor
[06-05:39] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-05:39]       NewAndImproved looks
[06-05:42] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 5:39am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-05:50]       Advent looks in
[06-06:43] JOIN: Osiris appears
[06-06:45]       Osiris sighs briefly. Turns. And walks away.
[06-06:45] EXIT: Osiris disappears ( 6:45am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-06:47] e32, §Advent: hi osiris
[06-08:22] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-08:26] e32, §Advent: hello lint
[06-08:33]       Advent looks in
[06-09:44]       Advent kicks back
[06-09:47] JOIN: darkheart appears
[06-09:48] e32, §Advent: hi
[06-09:49] bb1, *darkheart: hello
[06-09:49] bb1, *darkheart: how are you?
[06-09:50] e32, §Advent: im good didnt sleep how are u heart?
[06-09:51] bb1, *darkheart: I have a headache,but I am ok come you did not sleep?
[06-09:51] e32, §Advent: didnt feel like it
[06-09:51] bb1, *darkheart: oh
[06-09:52] bb1, *darkheart: are you tired?
[06-09:52] e32, §Advent: not really
[06-09:52] e32, §Advent: i feel like i just woke up
[06-09:52] e32, §Advent: why do u have a headache?
[06-09:53] bb1, *darkheart: I dont know why ,I just do
[06-09:53] e32, §Advent: o ok
[06-09:53] bb1, *darkheart: in the last two weeks ..I have had 2 days with out one
[06-09:54] e32, §Advent: ouch
[06-09:54] e32, §Advent: u should go to the doctor heart
[06-09:54] bb1, *darkheart: yeah I should,but I dont have the money
[06-09:55]       Advent hugs heart hoping it makes her feel better
[06-09:55] bb1, *darkheart: aww thanks
[06-09:56] e32, §Advent: ^_^
[06-09:56] bb1, *darkheart: so did you have fun last night ?
[06-09:57] e32, §Advent: kinda
[06-09:57] e32, §Advent: nothing was going on so me and some friends kicked at at some guys house and drnk a litle beer..i didnt even get buzzed
[06-09:58] bb1, *darkheart: I started to get drunk last night ,but it was boring...stayed on line until 2:00am reading poems ..kinda sucked
[06-09:59] bb1, *darkheart: well at least you were with your friends ,right ?
[06-09:59] e32, §Advent: poetry when your buzzed...sounds good
[06-10:00] e32, §Advent: yeah i was with a few friends one of them hardly has time lately to hang out with us cause of his mothers condition so when ever he ca ngo out we hang out
[06-10:01] bb1, *darkheart: thats cool that you got to spend time with your friend ,good friends are hard to find
[06-10:01] e32, §Advent: yeah i know..i got ones i can depend on though
[06-10:02] e32, §Advent: speaking of wich i dont know if im up for taking off tonight,,,,,,,what are u doing tonight?
[06-10:03] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-10:03] bb1, *darkheart: I really dont know
[06-10:03]       NewAndImproved looks around
[06-10:04] e32, §Advent: u got no plans for tonight?
[06-10:04] bb1, *darkheart: no,I dont really ever have plans at night ..not much to do
[06-10:04] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-10:05] e32, §Advent: darkheart whats your asl?
[06-10:06] bb1, *darkheart: 33/fmich
[06-10:07] e32, §Advent: why dont u go out by yourself
[06-10:07] ecc, NewAndImproved: How are you all?
[06-10:08] MSG: Advent sent a message to Darkheart.
[06-10:08] bb1, *darkheart: I dont know Advent ,I dont know where to go by myself
[06-10:08] e32, §Advent: im whatevers right now
[06-10:08] bb1, *darkheart: Im fine are you?
[06-10:09] ecc, NewAndImproved: I'm ok
[06-10:09] MSG: Advent sent a message to Darkheart.
[06-10:09] bb1, *darkheart: glad your ok NAI
[06-10:10] ecc, NewAndImproved: Why?
[06-10:10] bb1, *darkheart: cant I be nice ?
[06-10:10] ecc, NewAndImproved: You weren't nice last night, you lied to me
[06-10:11] bb1, *darkheart: ?
[06-10:11] e32, §Advent: i wonder were moppy is
[06-10:12] MSG: Advent sent a message to Darkheart.
[06-10:13] ecc, NewAndImproved: Bye for now
[06-10:13] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 10:13am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-10:13] bb1, *darkheart: im not for sure I know what you are talking about
[06-10:13]       Advent shakes head ..."let it go heart its all part of his game...did u read my messages?"
[06-10:14] bb1, *darkheart: yes I did
[06-10:15] e32, §Advent: just making sure....hey did i tell u i have a rally race in 2 weeks from today
[06-10:15] bb1, *darkheart: no you did not tell me
[06-10:17] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-10:17] e32, §Advent: i have a race in two one in a few months ..i had 7 over the summer and 5 in spring
[06-10:17] bb1, *darkheart: wow ,thats cool
[06-10:17] bb1, *darkheart: brb
[06-10:17] e32, §Advent: okies
[06-10:18] ecc, NewAndImproved: You wanted to get rid of me last night so you said bye, but you, forget it, I have changed and am not going to argue
[06-10:18] JOIN: sanity appears
[06-10:18] e32, §Advent: ok good for u
[06-10:18] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[06-10:18] e32, §Advent: hello sanaty how are u?
[06-10:18] 763, *sanity: hey ber
[06-10:19] e32, §Advent: lol
[06-10:19] 763, *sanity: hey advent i am good what about you
[06-10:20] e32, §Advent: pretty ok just relaxing comtemplating wether i should eat or no
[06-10:20] e32, §Advent: what about u sanaty what have u been up to lately?
[06-10:20] ecc, NewAndImproved: But you lot wouldn't like that to happen to you
[06-10:21] 763, *sanity: i really should eat but but cant be bothered
[06-10:21] e32, §Advent: o..........k............then....
[06-10:21] 763, *sanity: won a football match with the colege football team
[06-10:21] e32, §Advent: why cant u be bother sanaty whats so important that food can wait?
[06-10:21] 763, *sanity: games
[06-10:21] ecc, NewAndImproved: I just had a lovely meal
[06-10:22] 763, *sanity: ber done ya weight lifting yet
[06-10:22] e32, §Advent: tonight is the clasic between my old high school and its old high school is gonna loose like the midgets they
[06-10:22] ecc, NewAndImproved: Baked potato filled with cheese, vege burger and ravioli
[06-10:23] 763, *sanity: ydo know i'm talking of football/socorr
[06-10:23] 763, *sanity: socor
[06-10:24] ecc, NewAndImproved: Soccer
[06-10:24] e32, §Advent: soccer
[06-10:24] ecc, NewAndImproved: lol
[06-10:26] e32, §Advent: soccer is a good sport u run a lot
[06-10:26] 763, *sanity: thats the 1
[06-10:26] e32, §Advent: yeah i know soccer what position do u play?
[06-10:27] 763, *sanity: i play mostly on sundays for about 8 hours none stop running nearly kills me every week
[06-10:27] e32, §Advent: dont say golley
[06-10:27] ecc, NewAndImproved: Goal scrounger lol
[06-10:27] 763, *sanity: i am a defender
[06-10:27] ecc, NewAndImproved: Goalie
[06-10:28] e32, §Advent: sounds good sanaty.....but have u scored any goals?
[06-10:28] 763, *sanity: no i am a defender
[06-10:28] ecc, NewAndImproved: He defends his own goal
[06-10:28] 763, *sanity: yeah got bored last week so went up front and scored 4
[06-10:29] 763, *sanity: yes ido ber
[06-10:29] 763, *sanity: and 1 of there players took me out with his stoods coz it pissed him of
[06-10:29] e32, §Advent: lol..yeah campos some player from mexico was golley and he used to run acroos the field with the ball and score goals
[06-10:30] 763, *sanity: i dont play proper matches on sunday just about 40 of my mates get together and have a kick around
[06-10:31] bb1, *darkheart: you have an e-mail NAI
[06-10:31] 763, *sanity: of course he does it is bers e-mail
[06-10:33]       Advent goes to the bar for a drink
[06-10:39]       Advent looks at tumble weeds pass by
[06-10:41] ecc, NewAndImproved: No comment
[06-10:41]       Advent i plead the 5th
[06-10:41] 763, *sanity: but to write no comment is still a comment
[06-10:42] e32, §Advent: and saying ok after they say to shut up is the same thing
[06-10:42] ecc, NewAndImproved: Ok
[06-10:47] ecc, NewAndImproved: Everyone is so quiet
[06-10:47] MSG: sanity sent a message to Refrication.
[06-10:48] ecc, NewAndImproved: I doubt re woll read that
[06-10:48] ecc, NewAndImproved: *ref
[06-10:48] ecc, NewAndImproved: *will lol
[06-10:49] ecc, NewAndImproved: It's one of those days
[06-10:49] 763, *sanity: just read the message
[06-10:50] ecc, NewAndImproved: He isn't here
[06-10:51] 763, *sanity: you are him now read the message
[06-10:55] ecc, NewAndImproved: I can't read other peoples messages
[06-10:55] ecc, NewAndImproved: pm messages
[06-10:55] 763, *sanity: i'm gonna go now all
[06-10:56] ecc, NewAndImproved: Advent and dh are quiet
[06-10:56] ecc, NewAndImproved: Bye
[06-10:56] 763, *sanity: you are ref and ber and new so dont pretend ya not
[06-10:56] 763, *sanity: they are now i am gonna be aswell coz i gota go
[06-10:56] EXIT: sanity disappears ( 10:56am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-10:57] JOIN: Moppy appears
[06-10:57] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[06-10:58] e32, §Advent: o moppy i was asking were u were about 10 minutes ago
[06-10:58] 775, *Moppy: lol I am here
[06-10:59] e32, §Advent: so moppy what crap u been up to?
[06-11:00] 775, *Moppy: Nothing much...I been busy with college stuff
[06-11:00] ecc, NewAndImproved: Looks like dh doesn't want me here, I will abide by peoples wishes as I have changed, bye
[06-11:00] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 11:00am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-11:00] e32, §Advent: getting hammerd this semester
[06-11:01]       Advent looks at ber...."she didnt even talk to"
[06-11:01] 775, *Moppy: lol
[06-11:02] e32, §Advent: but hey....thats ber for u.
[06-11:02] e32, §Advent: damn its cold as a witches tit right now
[06-11:03] 775, *Moppy: Same here
[06-11:03] e32, §Advent: hey moppy im gonna be in a race in 2 weeks man
[06-11:05] e32, §Advent: what time is it over there?
[06-11:07] 775, *Moppy: It's 5:15
[06-11:07] e32, §Advent: pm?
[06-11:07] bb1, *darkheart: bye guys ,I need to clean my house and my son is driving me nuts
[06-11:08] e32, §Advent: my kid driving u nuts again heart?
[06-11:08] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-11:08] bb1, *darkheart: bye NAI ..oh sorry hello Moppy
[06-11:08] e32, §Advent: just tell him daddy says ..."shut the f up"
[06-11:08] 775, *Moppy: Yeah...bye
[06-11:08] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:08am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-11:09] bb1, *darkheart: lol@advent ...bye
[06-11:09] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 11:09am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-11:09] e32, §Advent: bye heart....ill be home tonight at 8 sharp make sure u put junior to sleep before hten
[06-11:11] e32, §Advent: o crap....i lost my new boots
[06-11:12]       Advent pulls out shotgun and shoots at stupid neighbors
[06-11:17] 775, *Moppy: ..
[06-11:17] e32, §Advent:
[06-11:19] e32, §Advent: yeah i know its boring i blame the president
[06-11:26] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-11:27] e32, §Advent: how can lint appear?
[06-11:30] 775, *Moppy: Woohoo!! I'm going to a party tonight!
[06-11:31] e32, §Advent: were moppy?
[06-11:33] 775, *Moppy: At a 'goth' bar called the Phenix
[06-11:33] e32, §Advent: sure youll get all dressed up for it
[06-11:40] 775, *Moppy: Damn comp
[06-11:40] 775, *Moppy: lol, not too dressed up-when I get drunk I tend to lose my stuff lol
[06-11:43] e32, §Advent: well
[06-11:43] e32, §Advent: that makes 2 of us
[06-11:43] e32, §Advent: i lost my shirt one day at a gig i dont know how?
[06-11:47] 775, *Moppy: ..
[06-11:47] 775, *Moppy: lol
[06-11:48] e32, §Advent: i lost my car for 3 days once
[06-11:48] e32, §Advent: but that was around new years so i dont know how loade i was
[06-11:51]       Advent contemplates looking for the shirt he lost
[06-11:51] 775, *Moppy: lmao that's bad
[06-11:51] e32, §Advent: i found it 3 days letar guess were it was?
[06-11:52] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-11:52] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:52am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-11:53] 775, *Moppy: lol where?
[06-11:54] e32, §Advent: in the garage...i was so loaded into the new years that i forgot i put it in the garage so no one would take it
[06-11:56] 775, *Moppy: lol
[06-11:56] e32, §Advent: and to top it off
[06-11:56] e32, §Advent: i left the keys in the ignition
[06-11:57] 775, *Moppy: lol
[06-11:57] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[06-11:57] EXIT: alexander anderson disappears ( 11:57am, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-11:58] e32, §Advent: hi xander bye xander
[06-11:59]       Advent sends the ghost to get him
[06-12:00] 775, *Moppy: ...
[06-12:00] 775, *Moppy: lol
[06-12:01] e32, §Advent:
[06-12:02] e32, §Advent:
[06-12:04] 775, *Moppy: I gotta go and get cleaned up for the party, pleasent nightmares Advent
[06-12:04] EXIT: Moppy disappears ( 12:04pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-12:06] e32, §Advent: later on man...i havent slept either way
[06-12:20] MSG: Advent sent a message to Advent.
[06-12:22] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-12:22] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 12:22pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-12:22] e32, §Advent: lol
[06-12:23] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[06-12:23]       LittleAngela is HERE!
[06-12:24] e32, §Advent: hello litle angela
[06-12:24] 8f4, *LittleAngela: hullo!
[06-12:24] e32, §Advent: how are u today angela?
[06-12:25] 8f4, *LittleAngela: i'm fine!
[06-12:25] e32, §Advent: thats good to hear
[06-12:26] 8f4, *LittleAngela: how are you?
[06-12:26] e32, §Advent: pretty good ..working on fixing my comp...figuring out my plan for the night...and kicking back.
[06-12:27] 8f4, *LittleAngela: fun fun!!
[06-12:28] e32, §Advent: not really..why u so hyper?
[06-12:28] 8f4, *LittleAngela: my comp is bad too! my stepdad looks up porn on it, and i get gagillions of adware cookies and crap
[06-12:28] 8f4, *LittleAngela: i'm in a good moon *shrugs*
[06-12:29] 8f4, *LittleAngela: mood ^
[06-12:29] 8f4, *LittleAngela: lol i'm in a good moon :D
[06-12:30] e32, §Advent: my comps better compared to before.....dont u have scaners to take spyware off/?
[06-12:31] 8f4, *LittleAngela: i got one just recently...... cause my friend gave it to me
[06-12:31] e32, §Advent: what kind is it?
[06-12:33] e32, §Advent: stop sign is a good scanner
[06-12:33] 8f4, *LittleAngela: it's called spy sweeper
[06-12:33] e32, §Advent: srry angela i gott atake off for a while and go shower be back like in 30 minutes
[06-12:34] 8f4, *LittleAngela: okie dokie
[06-12:37]       LittleAngela dances about happily
[06-12:39]       LittleAngela sings "I was once a treehouse! I lived in a cake, but I never saw the way the orange slayed the rake!"
[06-12:46] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 12:39pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-12:48] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[06-12:56] cbb, §Advent: back
[06-12:57] cbb, §Advent: llama llama llama potato duck fuzzy llamal funny llama
[06-12:59] cbb, §Advent: the orange slayed the rake?
[06-13:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : *wanders in*
[06-13:03]       Advent hugles serf
[06-13:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Advent *hugs* howare you?
[06-13:05] cbb, §Advent: im good serf...didnt sleep last are u?
[06-13:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm alright.. I barely slept. i thought about coming back here but i figured everyone woulda been gone lol
[06-13:07] cbb, §Advent: lol
[06-13:07] cbb, §Advent: ive been floating around
[06-13:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah lol
[06-13:09] cbb, §Advent: hehe
[06-13:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : So.. how's life treating you?
[06-13:11] cbb, §Advent: treating me the same i dont bother it it dont bother me
[06-13:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol that works
[06-13:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : fuar.. i guess everyone's still in bed lol
[06-13:14] cbb, §Advent: yeah i guess
[06-13:14] cbb, §Advent: llama llama llama llama the orange slywed the rqke
[06-13:14] cbb, §Advent: *rake*
[06-13:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : not talkative today?
[06-13:15] cbb, §Advent: srry was distracted with a flash thingy
[06-13:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : no worries
[06-13:16] cbb, §Advent:
[06-13:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : saw it lol
[06-13:16] cbb, §Advent: llama!
[06-13:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : i want a guard llama.. they were advertising one of those a few weeks ago in the news paper lol
[06-13:19] cbb, §Advent: a guard?
[06-13:19] cbb, §Advent: llame?
[06-13:19] cbb, §Advent: whats that?
[06-13:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : well you know how they have guard dogs?..t hat guard your house from burglars and such.. well it's like that.. but a llama instead of a dog
[06-13:21] cbb, §Advent: well thats a new one
[06-13:22] cbb, §Advent: some guy in L.A had attack crabs...dont know how that worked
[06-13:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yah. isnt that awesome
[06-13:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao
[06-13:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : one of my friends has goats living in his living room. no lie
[06-13:28] cbb, §Advent: your friends are odd
[06-13:28] cbb, §Advent: speaking of friend from rehab droped by im gonna take off with him and make him fall off the wagon *hugs serf*..bye serf
[06-13:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : They are.. another one moved out of his appartment cos there was spiders in it..
[06-13:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh okay *hugs* bye.
[06-13:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : *lurks*
[06-14:56] JOIN: juliet appears
[06-15:07] JOIN: darkheart appears
[06-15:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[06-15:08] e35, *darkheart: Hey Cerf
[06-15:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello
[06-15:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : how are you?
[06-15:16] e35, *darkheart: could be better ,my damn neck hurts .I got stung by a bee today :(
[06-15:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : bah, i hate that. goddamn bees lol
[06-15:19] e35, *darkheart: yeah ,it would not of hurts so bad if it would of been my hand or arm but my fucken neck O.O
[06-15:20] e35, *darkheart: oh well
[06-15:21] e35, *darkheart: got alot of stuff done outside ..its nice out :)
[06-15:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : lucky you. it's raining and cold here
[06-15:22] e35, *darkheart: aww,that sucks
[06-15:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah
[06-15:23] e35, *darkheart: are you going out tonight ?
[06-15:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : I dont think so. I was invited ti a party but I have no way of getting there.
[06-15:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : what of you?
[06-15:25] e35, *darkheart: no,nothing it all
[06-15:26] e35, *darkheart: just another day for me
[06-15:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : That sucks
[06-15:26] e35, *darkheart: why?
[06-15:26] e35, *darkheart: I am use to it
[06-15:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea, me too
[06-15:27] e35, *darkheart: I use to party hard when I was younger
[06-15:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : How oldare you now?
[06-15:28] e35, *darkheart: I always thought you party all the time Cerf
[06-15:28] e35, *darkheart: 33
[06-15:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : I do on occasion. I had a month where that's what I did every weekened lol. sorta finished with that camping trip
[06-15:30] e35, *darkheart: cool
[06-15:30] e35, *darkheart: aaahhhh my neck hurts
[06-15:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : from the stong?
[06-15:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : sting*
[06-15:31] e35, *darkheart: yes from the bee sting
[06-15:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : where were you stung?
[06-15:32] e35, *darkheart: on the side of my neck
[06-15:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah. you should put some ice on it. it'll bring the swelling down
[06-15:34] e35, *darkheart: ok doc
[06-15:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-15:37] e35, *darkheart: damn I think I could use a nap
[06-15:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-15:39]       darkheart colors with her son
[06-15:40] e35, *darkheart: he has a really cool monster coloring book :)
[06-15:40]       Advent rolls into the room
[06-15:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol cute. how old is he?
[06-15:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Advent *hugs*
[06-15:41] e35, *darkheart: he is 6
[06-15:41]       Advent hugs serf
[06-15:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : cute
[06-15:41] e35, *darkheart: Hello Advent
[06-15:41] 50b, §Advent: wow dark heart junior is 6 seems like yesterday we brought him from the hopital
[06-15:42] 50b, §Advent: hi heart
[06-15:42] e35, *darkheart: lol..yeah he sure is getting big
[06-15:42] 50b, §Advent: does he have his mothers smile? *S*
[06-15:43] 50b, §Advent: hey serf i saw a llama about 30 minutes ago
[06-15:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool lol
[06-15:45] 50b, §Advent: outside of triftys there was a guy with a llama and a pony
[06-15:45] e35, *darkheart: OOOOOOOoo a llama and a pony
[06-15:46] 50b, §Advent: but no potato or duck *pouts*
[06-15:47]       darkheart keeps coloring
[06-15:47]       Advent plays with ghost
[06-15:48] e35, *darkheart: cute ghost
[06-15:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-15:50]       Advent rolls around on the floor
[06-15:50]       darkheart colors the monsters horn red
[06-15:51] 50b, §Advent: chiken!
[06-15:52]       darkheart wonders what color for the eyes
[06-15:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : *yawns*
[06-15:52] 50b, §Advent:
[06-15:53] e35, *darkheart: ok ,I will be the stupid
[06-15:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : Im bored >.<
[06-15:54] e35, *darkheart: me too
[06-15:54]       Advent looks at evryone....."did i miss the giant life sucking vacum wheni left or what?"
[06-15:55] e35, *darkheart: lol
[06-15:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : yes.. yes you did
[06-15:55] 50b, §Advent: you are getting sleppy u will cluck like a chiken
[06-15:56] 50b, §Advent: when i snap my fingers u will be a chikens
[06-15:56]       Advent snaps fingers
[06-15:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : Meow
[06-15:57] e35, *darkheart: lol
[06-15:57] 50b, §Advent: MOOOOO
[06-15:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : *starts to do the storm trooper dance*
[06-15:57] 50b, §Advent: what the hell?
[06-15:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : hmm?
[06-15:58] 50b, §Advent: kirby attack!!
[06-15:58] 50b, §Advent: <('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)<('-'<)
[06-15:59] 50b, §Advent: tonberry anyone?
[06-16:01] 50b, §Advent: dont all talk at once now
[06-16:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb
[06-16:02]       Advent falls backwards and passes out
[06-16:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao wtf?
[06-16:05] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[06-16:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: just dropping in to say hey...not feeling too well, so I shall be back later
[06-16:05] JOIN: juliet appears
[06-16:06] e35, *darkheart: ok angel ..hope you feel better
[06-16:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, get better then Faded..
[06-16:06] d13, *juliet: ya hope you feel better
[06-16:06] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, Juliet... didn't expect to see you here *smiles*
[06-16:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : better soon*
[06-16:06] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Thankiez, everyone
[06-16:07] d04, *TheFadedAngel: btw, Sui doing a bit better today?
[06-16:07] d13, *juliet: well you konw me always wanting to talk
[06-16:07] d13, *juliet: know*
[06-16:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : haven't seen her.
[06-16:08] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Lol. Yeah, I suppose so. *smirks*
[06-16:08] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, otayz, Cerfy... Just wonderin' if anyone knew
[06-16:09]       TheFadedAngel is soon to go soak in a nice, hot bubble bath
[06-16:09] d13, *juliet: bubbles?
[06-16:09] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-16:09] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Yes, bubble bath
[06-16:10] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:10] d04, *TheFadedAngel: How has your day been, thusfar, Cerfy?
[06-16:10] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-16:10] d13, *juliet: oh i didnt know you were fond of bubbles
[06-16:11] e35, *darkheart: well that was fun
[06-16:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* not good, not bad.. jus blah.. discussed things with my friends I was having problems with so.. we kinda got that resolved.. mad cos i can't go to this party tonight..
[06-16:11] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Indeed. Sometimes it is nice just to take a nice, relaxing bubble bath
[06-16:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : plzplz plz get rid of the red...
[06-16:11] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, I see...
[06-16:11] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:11] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Yes, no more red...rrr
[06-16:12] e35, *darkheart: better ?
[06-16:12] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-16:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs*
[06-16:13]       TheFadedAngel hugs Cerfy
[06-16:13] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Hope you had a wonderful time last night with the midget *smirks*
[06-16:13] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:14] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-16:14] d13, *juliet: i like your new pics faded
[06-16:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs back and shrugs again* I suppose.
[06-16:14] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-16:15] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Thankiez
[06-16:15] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:15]       darkheart thinks of something to do
[06-16:15] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:15] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-16:16] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-16:16] ceb, §Cerfestas :
[06-16:16]       TheFadedAngel hugs DH tightly and hands her another rose
[06-16:17] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:17] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:17]       darkheart hugs angel back
[06-16:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : 13 hours on the phone yesterday and you're still pm
[06-16:17]       TheFadedAngel is listening to the albinoblacksheep thing
[06-16:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : pm'ing like madmen.
[06-16:18] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lol, yepz
[06-16:18] d13, *juliet: 13 hours?
[06-16:18] d04, *TheFadedAngel: i can just say all the stuff outloud, 'tis not a prob on my part
[06-16:18] d04, *TheFadedAngel: if you take out all the lil breaks we had
[06-16:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* do whatever.
[06-16:19] d13, *juliet: well you didnt get up until 2 or 3 so that was a big break
[06-16:19] d04, *TheFadedAngel: but didn't get off the phone 'til about 4 or 5 this morning
[06-16:20]       Advent crawls up from the floor ...."i really did knock out"
[06-16:20] d13, *juliet: ya it was about 5
[06-16:20] d04, *TheFadedAngel: well, that was interesting... would be even moreso if I believed in hell...but, in my opinion, both hell/'heaven' are on Earth...'tis all what you make of it
[06-16:20] d13, *juliet: but it was fun
[06-16:20] e35, *darkheart: what,really Advent
[06-16:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : I jus thought it sounded cool.
[06-16:21] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Hiya, 'mano.... *hugs him* hay drugaz en the cough-syrup, mano, y ahora 'stoy loco
[06-16:21]       Cerfestas outs on Psycho Magnet by LAM
[06-16:21] 50b, §Advent: let me break you....*sees foggy like**.
[06-16:21] d04, *TheFadedAngel: London After Midnight! cd is in Atlanta :(
[06-16:22] d13, *juliet: OMG i went in the living room and dylan was sittin on the farrets cage with it in one had and a dorito in another
[06-16:22] 50b, §Advent: here we go again...takin it to the end
[06-16:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : I can send you music if you want, Faded..
[06-16:23] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Lmao @ Dylan & the ferret
[06-16:23] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I am going to see what I can find on winamp first...
[06-16:24] 50b, §Advent: brb dizzy
[06-16:24] e35, *darkheart: Have fun everone
[06-16:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : As you wish.
[06-16:24] d13, *juliet: its like a never ending battle between them eaither the farret is biting dyaln or dylan is chasing it and trying to get it
[06-16:25] e35, *darkheart: bye guys
[06-16:25] d04, *TheFadedAngel: ...cuando los angeles lloran...
[06-16:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[06-16:25] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Otayz, Mano
[06-16:25] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 4:25pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-16:25] d04, *TheFadedAngel: farewell, darkheart...have a wonderful day, dear
[06-16:25]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[06-16:25] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Poor Ferret
[06-16:26]       TheFadedAngel sings...'I hate my job and I hate my life...and, if it wasn't for my two kids, I'd hate my ex-wife'
[06-16:26] d13, *juliet: well it bites dylan toes and i dont feel sorry for it
[06-16:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : kill it and use it for a neck warmer then. win win.
[06-16:27] d13, *juliet: well the ferret is just 10 weeks old so they both are like little kids
[06-16:27] d13, *juliet: curious and tests their bundaries
[06-16:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : ah.
[06-16:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : careful.. farrets are vicious little fuckers.
[06-16:28] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Cerfy! Why can't there be a Mariachi station on WinAmp? *pouts*
[06-16:28] d13, *juliet: hell ya they are i cannot belivie how fun they are though
[06-16:28] d04, *TheFadedAngel: You must show them who the dominant ferret is.... *still insists that he, not Phillip, is the dominant ferret*
[06-16:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* I dunno.. email them and ask em to put one up.. *no idea what the fuck mariachi is
[06-16:29] d04, *TheFadedAngel: You ever seen 'Desperado' or 'Once Upon A Time In Mejico' w/ Antonio Banderas?
[06-16:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : *wonders if there's anything in her medicine cabinet she could get high on*
[06-16:30] d13, *juliet: who are you asking?
[06-16:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nope. Wanting to see Once Upon Atime In... but haven't gotten around to it yet
[06-16:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: You can borrow some of my cough-syrup
[06-16:30] d13, *juliet: hey you can always sniff a marker or do a whip it
[06-16:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, anyways...the music they play in the movie is Mariachi
[06-16:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cos well.. Banderas and Depp are in it.. i'd die if I saw it.
[06-16:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : What's a whip it?
[06-16:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I watched it this morning before goign to bed
[06-16:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: going*
[06-16:31] d13, *juliet: whip cream
[06-16:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : Wouldn't that be like.. latin music then?
[06-16:31]       TheFadedAngel sits quietly, listening to Kabah, 'Vete Lejos'
[06-16:31] d13, *juliet: the air in the bottle that makes it come out inhale that and it will fuck your head up
[06-16:31] d04, *TheFadedAngel: yeah...but ya got Marengue, Bachata, Mariachi, Rock, Rap, etc, etc, etc...
[06-16:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Too bad no one in my family is on ritalin lol..
[06-16:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, we don't have a whip cream bottle here.
[06-16:32] d04, *TheFadedAngel: the N20 in the bottle... use to help cool the whipped cream and also propel it out of the canister
[06-16:32] d13, *juliet: oh
[06-16:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Im gunna go look. brb
[06-16:33] d13, *juliet: ya there you go
[06-16:33] d04, *TheFadedAngel: You could just cut the line to a lil riceburned (sports car) and inhale the Nos/Nitrous Oxide/N20 that way
[06-16:33] d04, *TheFadedAngel: rice-burner*
[06-16:33] d13, *juliet: ok faded
[06-16:34] d13, *juliet: I LSOS!!!
[06-16:34] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : fount.. viox.. celebrex.. effexor.. and my trazodone.. benedryl.. advil.. lol
[06-16:35] d04, *TheFadedAngel: ILSS* *smiles*
[06-16:35] d13, *juliet: ok that works to
[06-16:35] d04, *TheFadedAngel: interesting array of meds, CErfy
[06-16:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : found*
[06-16:36] d13, *juliet: so how did you get sick if i havent been down there?
[06-16:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* Dunno what they are, except mine. i doubt any of them are snortable tho..
[06-16:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : what's ILSS?
[06-16:36] d13, *juliet: i like morphene
[06-16:36] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Sudden drop in temp....
[06-16:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : Im not sure I want to do morphene.
[06-16:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : i want ritalin >.<
[06-16:37] d13, *juliet: oh i see
[06-16:37] d13, *juliet: why not its just a very good rekaxer
[06-16:37] d13, *juliet: relaxer*
[06-16:37] d04, *TheFadedAngel: no se que es viox...
[06-16:38] d04, *TheFadedAngel: opps, I mean, I don't know what Viox is
[06-16:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : cos I don't want to get addicted to it, plus that involves money that I don't have.
[06-16:38] d13, *juliet: thats all the hospital gave my when i had pre term labor for 2 weeks
[06-16:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : they pulled Viox off the shelf cos they found it gave people heart attacks.. i think it's for artritis
[06-16:39] d13, *juliet: oh it can be expensive i guess
[06-16:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : arthritis*
[06-16:40] d13, *juliet: but i tell ya its awesome so is demoral
[06-16:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-16:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : my mom has been on morphene when she got this blood clot... it was funny seeing her on it..
[06-16:42] d04, *TheFadedAngel: NH3 and HydroChloric Acid *smiles* interesting lil chemical reaction there...too bad it is lethal if exposure is over more than a few mins
[06-16:42] d13, *juliet: oh i bet you should have seen me on demoral i said my step bro girl had a flamingo nose
[06-16:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : What's that from?
[06-16:43] d13, *juliet: Attack of the evil ferret!!!!
[06-16:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : My mom kept saying shit like.. it's okay meg. I'm okay meg.. did you clean up the house? I hope it's clean.. I'm coming home tomorrow meg (when she was in there for two weeks).. kept wishing my little sister a happy birthday when it had passed two or three weeks before*
[06-16:43] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[06-16:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Two lil household chemicals found in every house, under different names... but, very dangerous to play around with...
[06-16:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lol
[06-16:44] d13, *juliet: lol
[06-16:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Hiya, SUI!!!
[06-16:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Sui! They have NO MARIACHI on WinAmp!! *pouts*
[06-16:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Don't those make up soap?
[06-16:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey sui! *hugs her tight*
[06-16:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lol...nope...
[06-16:45] d13, *juliet: lol
[06-16:45] d04, *TheFadedAngel: least i hope you don't have soap made out of those
[06-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : What then?
[06-16:45] d13, *juliet: lets wash our body with acid
[06-16:45] d13, *juliet: cleaners for the kitchen and bathroom and shit like that
[06-16:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : Soap does ahve an acid in it though.. and a base.. both strong ones at that. we made soap in biology a month or so ago
[06-16:45]       Advent walks back in..."i just fell on my comp blacked out and reboted everything half blind"
[06-16:46] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I will just say, both can be used to clean your clothes... one will clean dark clothes without much of a problem...the other will turn them colours
[06-16:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : ok Advent?
[06-16:46] d13, *juliet: oh i see
[06-16:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. bleach
[06-16:46] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ay, 'mano... 'stas bien?
[06-16:46] d04, *TheFadedAngel: one of them, yes...
[06-16:46] d04, *TheFadedAngel: bleach=hydrochloric acid
[06-16:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : N2H is like.. nitrigen hydroxide or something, no?
[06-16:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hey you guys, i can't stay
[06-16:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ADVENT
[06-16:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : nitrogen*
[06-16:47] d04, *TheFadedAngel: the bleach bottle should tell ya what the other one tells ya not to mix them, but it does not label it as NH3, it uses its common name
[06-16:47] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: just checking on passing out guy here
[06-16:49] 420, §Advent: mucha presion mano a estado pensando mucho
[06-16:49] d13, *juliet: dylan is sitting in mommys lap singing lalalala
[06-16:49]       TheFadedAngel sings...'Es tu voz, lo que tu piel, que senti...'
[06-16:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : We don't have any bleach here
[06-16:49] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[06-16:50] d04, *TheFadedAngel: pensando de que, 'mano?
[06-16:50] MSG: Advent sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:51] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[06-16:51] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:51] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Sui...remembre how I was at your house that night, on the back deck...before I began my bad habit of lighting myself on fire? well, this cough-syrup has made me feel the same way
[06-16:51] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you guess i will go then
[06-16:52] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-16:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : What the hell is N2H? >.<
[06-16:52] MSG: Advent sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[06-16:52] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-16:53] d04, *TheFadedAngel: N2H? Nitrogen Hydroxide...why, when did that come up?
[06-16:53] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[06-16:53] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: oh geez Angel
[06-16:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : You said it! lol
[06-16:54] d04, *TheFadedAngel: nah, I said NH3
[06-16:54] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ammonia
[06-16:54] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerf...keep an eye on these two...*shakes her head*
[06-16:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : Will do Sui
[06-16:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh lol.
[06-16:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why not put amonia and bleach together? equal amounts put together will make water.. they'll cancel eachother out
[06-16:56] d04, *TheFadedAngel: b/c most ppl do not put enough to cancel each other out and it makes a not so friendly gas
[06-16:56] d13, *juliet: ok guys this isnt a science class
[06-16:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi juilet
[06-16:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, which?
[06-16:56] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you may have to help Cerf with them...
[06-16:57] d13, *juliet: hi sui
[06-16:57]       TheFadedAngel hugs Sui
[06-16:57]       TheFadedAngel wants a cigarette
[06-16:57] d13, *juliet: oh well i will if she needs it
[06-16:57] d13, *juliet: so go smoke
[06-16:57] 420, §Advent: amonia and bleach....i wants a line nows
[06-16:57]       SuicideBlonde hugs Angel and smiles
[06-16:58] d04, *TheFadedAngel: i do not think that would be wise about right now...right about now... would it, sui?
[06-16:58]       TheFadedAngel smirks at his mano.... shhh! *smirks*
[06-16:58] d13, *juliet: gonna go up in flames?
[06-16:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : What? what? Me help with what? *confused*
[06-16:58] d04, *TheFadedAngel: pretty much
[06-16:58] d13, *juliet: so howz your day been sui?
[06-16:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerf...i am gonna sleep tonight for a while i think so i may not be back until the morrow
[06-16:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: been busy juliet...
[06-16:59] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: and yours? how is your son?
[06-16:59] d04, *TheFadedAngel: oye, mano... que 'stas haciendo?
[06-17:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh, you're sleeping the day away, Sui?
[06-17:00] d13, *juliet: good i have been cleaning, and my son keeps getting attacked by the evil ferret. sui
[06-17:00] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol @ evil ferret
[06-17:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerf...i have only slept about 8 hours in the last 3 days, i am hoping i will sleep for a long, long time
[06-17:01] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: but gotta go now
[06-17:01]       SuicideBlonde hugs Cerf tightly
[06-17:01]       SuicideBlonde hugs Angel and juliet
[06-17:01] d04, *TheFadedAngel: nos vemos, sui
[06-17:01]       TheFadedAngel returns her hug
[06-17:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs Sui* Bye then
[06-17:02] d13, *juliet: awe hugs back sui
[06-17:02]       SuicideBlonde sends kisses to Advent for when he returns..take care love
[06-17:02] d13, *juliet: bye sui i hope
[06-17:02] d13, *juliet: you have a nice sleep
[06-17:03]       SuicideBlonde looks back at juliet...i certainly plan on it...ciao you guys!
[06-17:03] 420, §Advent: .things with my close loved ones streching myself thin again angel
[06-17:03] d04, *TheFadedAngel: ciao
[06-17:03] d13, *juliet: bye
[06-17:03] 420, §Advent: //undo
[06-17:03]       Advent runs out
[06-17:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yah.. Soap.. is made of NaOH+ and fat.. lol
[06-17:04] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[06-17:04] EXIT: SuicideBlonde disappears ( 5:04pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-17:04] d04, *TheFadedAngel: sodium = oxygen =hydrogen=fat, eh? interesting
[06-17:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: +*
[06-17:05] d13, *juliet: brb
[06-17:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: otayz
[06-17:06] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[06-17:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : No.. Sodium hydroxide, the chemcial.. IE drain cleaner.. and fat.
[06-17:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : Do you not remember fightclub?
[06-17:07] d04, *TheFadedAngel: yes.... BOOM!... hehehehe.... but, right now, tis not a good thing for me to think about such things... hehehe... a bit, um, loopy
[06-17:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : I know you are lol but you got me started.
[06-17:07] d13, *juliet: hey they make soap out of goats milk to lol
[06-17:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : Geez, what cough syrup did you drink? I want some lol
[06-17:08] d04, *TheFadedAngel: we use to have a fightclub-like meeting everyday after school, in front of my house... that was so much fun...'cept it pissed me off cuz no one ever wanted to fight against me... no clue why, I always played gentle with 'em
[06-17:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : In fightclub they made it out of human fat lol now wouldn't that be gross? you could be washing your body with the same fat you just lipo'ed out of your thighs lol
[06-17:09] d04, *TheFadedAngel: No clue what it is called *smirks* some good shit that my mom got from her MD
[06-17:09]       TheFadedAngel looks at his thighs
[06-17:09] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Hey! No getting rid of the thick thighs!
[06-17:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..not you, faded lol.
[06-17:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : More like me.
[06-17:10] d04, *TheFadedAngel: There is nothing better than having a pair of thick thighs wrapped around your head and..ahem...nvm
[06-17:11] d13, *juliet: faded i hope your not thinking bad thoughts again
[06-17:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : I wouldn't know, Faded lol. I have yet to enjoy that pleasure.
[06-17:11] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Julieta, porque no 'stas hablando?
[06-17:11] d13, *juliet: huh?
[06-17:11] d04, *TheFadedAngel: me, thinking bad thoughts? oh, never that
[06-17:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : gar! the spanish! why the spanish?
[06-17:11] d04, *TheFadedAngel: nvm, lol
[06-17:12] d13, *juliet: gurrr....
[06-17:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : you people are frustrating sometimes lol
[06-17:14] d13, *juliet: would you mind translating for me
[06-17:14] d13, *juliet: please *smiles*
[06-17:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : He said something why no something something lol
[06-17:15] d13, *juliet: ok
[06-17:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : something like*
[06-17:15] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-17:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's about as far as my knowledge of spanish goes.. words that look/sound like french
[06-17:16] d13, *juliet: oh
[06-17:16] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-17:17] d13, *juliet: i have no clue what i am gonna do when i am sitting in a room and he is talking in spanish i will think its about me
[06-17:17] MSG: Bellybutton Lint sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-17:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yah no shit, eh? that pisses me off. when people around you start speaking another language when you're trying to speak to them
[06-17:19] d13, *juliet: ya that would make me mad to
[06-17:19] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[06-17:20] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Damn computer
[06-17:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : wb faded
[06-17:21] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Thankiez
[06-17:21] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I doubt it shall let me stay here all to long
[06-17:21] d04, *TheFadedAngel: too*
[06-17:21] d04, *TheFadedAngel: all that long*
[06-17:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why?
[06-17:22] d04, *TheFadedAngel: cuz it is more loopy than i
[06-17:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : party pooper
[06-17:23] d13, *juliet: ILSS
[06-17:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : what's ILSS?
[06-17:24] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I wanna go to a party (quiero ir a una fiesta)
[06-17:24] d04, *TheFadedAngel: love ya, too, dear
[06-17:25]       TheFadedAngel hugs both Cerfy and Juliet
[06-17:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs back*
[06-17:25] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Otayz, no dancing in the computer chair... I could fall out...
[06-17:26] d04, *TheFadedAngel: This song is just so.... it just makes ya wanna move your body
[06-17:26] d04, *TheFadedAngel: but a lot of Spanish songs do that to me
[06-17:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : What's ILSS >.<
[06-17:26] d13, *juliet: whats with the ya's?
[06-17:27] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Would you prefer that I converse in a completely proper manner...a manner not all that befitting of someone in my current mental state?
[06-17:28] d13, *juliet: um ok no i guess?
[06-17:28]       TheFadedAngel sits quietly, listening to Thalia, 'Tu y Yo'
[06-17:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : ~.~ fine, don't answer then
[06-17:29]       Cerfestas listens to gwenly mernans by Aphex Twins
[06-17:29] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I Love Someone Special: ILSS
[06-17:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Twin.. twin.. always do that.
[06-17:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. acronym.
[06-17:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: indeed.
[06-17:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I.L.Y.W.A.M.H.A.S.
[06-17:30] d04, *TheFadedAngel: mmmmwwwwaaaahhhhaaaahhhaaaa
[06-17:30]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[06-17:31] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I wish I knew where my Patricia Monterola cd was...
[06-17:31]       Cerfestas slaps Faded in the arm.
[06-17:31] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Juliet...why so quiet?
[06-17:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : snap out of it o.O
[06-17:32]       TheFadedAngel is thinkin' 'bout jus bouncin'
[06-17:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : nuu. stay
[06-17:33] d13, *juliet: IMing a friend who is more perverted than anyone i have ever met and hes like 30
[06-17:33] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Yeah, that is really something I desired to hear
[06-17:33] d04, *TheFadedAngel: have fun
[06-17:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why wouldn't you want to, Faded?
[06-17:34] d13, *juliet: no he and i used to hang out all the time and thats just how he is
[06-17:34] d13, *juliet: no he and i used to hang out all the time and thats just how he is
[06-17:34] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Be right back...going to go smoke a cigarette
[06-17:34] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Be right back...going to go smoke a cigarette
[06-17:34] d13, *juliet: call me real fast
[06-17:34] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 5:34pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-17:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : *quirks a brow*
[06-17:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : the hell?
[06-17:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : *assums Juliet isn't going to say anything til faded gets back so.. lurks til he does*
[06-17:39] d13, *juliet: ya i will
[06-17:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.
[06-17:41] d13, *juliet: so whats up cerfy
[06-17:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* nothing. you?
[06-17:42] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[06-17:42] d13, *juliet: ok were done
[06-17:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : wb
[06-17:43]       TheFadedAngel steps forth from within the shadows which he once amalgamated within
[06-17:44]       TheFadedAngel switches his cd to SPM
[06-17:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: ty
[06-17:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : yup..
[06-17:45]       TheFadedAngel sings...'Runaway, run for you life..he's for your life'
[06-17:46]       Cerfestas sits back with a cig propped between her lips, picking at the burns on her arm..
[06-17:46] d04, *TheFadedAngel: So, cerfy, sup?
[06-17:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* nothin.. jus sitting here. you?
[06-17:47] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Just sittin' here, listening to music, wishin' ppl would talk more
[06-17:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : nothing stopping you from striking up a conversation.
[06-17:48] d13, *juliet: ok i am here and i wannna talk
[06-17:48] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Thinkin' 'bout going to go work out for a while, then takin' a nice hot, bubble bath
[06-17:49] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Well, you are quiet, as usual...and Juliet is busy chattin' on AIM... so, I am content with listenin' to my music
[06-17:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : ~.~ why the hell to people keep ragging on me about being quiet?
[06-17:50] d04, *TheFadedAngel: cuz you are in a chat, being you are suppose to chat while in a chatroom
[06-17:50]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[06-17:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : not just here though. ugh. nevermind.
[06-17:51] d13, *juliet: be back in 15
[06-17:51] d13, *juliet: gotta help mom
[06-17:51] d04, *TheFadedAngel: All is good in the hood
[06-17:51] d04, *TheFadedAngel: 'tayz
[06-17:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : *pats Faded*
[06-17:51] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-17:52] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-17:53] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-17:53]       TheFadedAngel sings...'Think it's gonna be one of those nights, one of those nights again...think it's gonna be one of those nights; smoke out with my friends'
[06-17:55]       Cerfestas puts on some Skinny Puppy
[06-17:56]       TheFadedAngel sings...'We're from the H homeboy, Hustletown TX...aka Screwston, O's and X's...and you plexas leavin' on stretchers...y'all ain't deep enough, you need to call up your extras...'
[06-17:56] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I am in my lil latino gangsta mood now, lol
[06-17:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : I noticed.
[06-17:57]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[06-17:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : I heared this song today.. some rap one.. and the entire thing is this guy saying "You'sa Hoe... You'sa hoe.." over and over with some synth and bass in the background.. i mean.. wtf?
[06-17:58] d04, *TheFadedAngel: damn, that's an old song
[06-17:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : I don't know how people can say that's talent..
[06-17:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : I mean shit, I could do that.
[06-17:59] d04, *TheFadedAngel: If you ever want to listen to some good rap, though... look up some lyrics by Swollen they have talent... cuz they actually research things to put in their lyrics and such
[06-17:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Swollen Members are from here in Victoria, Faded dear.
[06-18:00] d04, *TheFadedAngel: One of my fav groups
[06-18:00] d04, *TheFadedAngel: but, yeah, i didn't know that
[06-18:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Some of the members went to Belmont Highschool in the city.. they come here very.. very very often
[06-18:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hell, one of my older sister's friends used to know one of the members.. small world, eh?
[06-18:01] d04, *TheFadedAngel: yepz
[06-18:02] d04, *TheFadedAngel: You heard of Ludacris, Franchise, Snoop Dawg? I met all of them when I was at work... almost got in a fight w/ Franchise... that was an interesting night
[06-18:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : I don't really like them much though.. not too into rap.. had to put up with it constantly from my older sister playing it 24/7 so she sucked the life out of it.
[06-18:02] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, i see...
[06-18:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : Who hasn't heared of them?
[06-18:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : there's some stuff I like though.. jus songs.. but i never remember the names of them lol. tis all canadian rap.
[06-18:03] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah...
[06-18:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : well hiphop.. fuck, I dunno the difference.
[06-18:04] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Well, I think I am going to go workout a lil bit and then take a hot bath... be back later on tonight...
[06-18:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright.. take care then.
[06-18:04] d13, *juliet: ok had to help with grocerys
[06-18:04] d13, *juliet: wait where you goin babe?
[06-18:05] d13, *juliet: oh ok have fun
[06-18:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : *yawns*
[06-18:05] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-18:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Farewell
[06-18:06]       TheFadedAngel hugs Cerfy and Juliet
[06-18:06] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 6:06pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-18:06] d13, *juliet: XOXO
[06-18:06] d13, *juliet: I.l.y.w.a.m.h.a.s.
[06-18:07] d13, *juliet: well i gotta do the family thing
[06-18:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : mm.. so whats up?
[06-18:07] d13, *juliet: well i gotta do the family thing
[06-18:08] d13, *juliet: so i will be back later
[06-18:09] d13, *juliet: bye cerf take care
[06-18:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[06-18:27] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-18:27] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[06-18:27]       NewAndImproved passes through the room on his journey
[06-18:28] de1, *QuietChylde: hi
[06-18:28] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[06-18:28] de1, *QuietChylde: ho are you today
[06-18:29] de1, *QuietChylde: how*
[06-18:29] ecc, NewAndImproved: Not bad, how are you?
[06-18:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks back*
[06-18:29] de1, *QuietChylde: good
[06-18:30] de1, *QuietChylde: *hugs Cerf*
[06-18:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs back* Hello
[06-18:30] ecc, NewAndImproved: Hello
[06-18:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello Guy Formerly Known as Ref.
[06-18:31] ecc, NewAndImproved: I will leave you to your hugging, I have a journey to make, bye
[06-18:31] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 6:31pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-18:31] de1, *QuietChylde: later
[06-18:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[06-18:32] de1, *QuietChylde: how are you today Cerf?
[06-18:33] JOIN: Grave BabyX3 appears
[06-18:33] a19, Grave BabyX3: TA DA!
[06-18:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Im ok.. trying to get this damned avg thing working.. you?
[06-18:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey grave
[06-18:33] a19, Grave BabyX3: hey ya
[06-18:34] de1, *QuietChylde: avg? good tired... was movin wood
[06-18:34] de1, *QuietChylde: hello grave
[06-18:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : avg.. virus scanner
[06-18:35] a19, Grave BabyX3: hello
[06-18:35] de1, *QuietChylde: ahh ok
[06-18:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : brb restarting
[06-18:35] EXIT: Grave BabyX3 disappears ( 6:35pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-18:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : or not
[06-18:37] de1, *QuietChylde: ?
[06-18:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : nvm
[06-18:39] de1, *QuietChylde: wont let you restart?
[06-18:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : nah just decided not to
[06-18:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : i just*'
[06-18:40] de1, *QuietChylde: gotcha
[06-18:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea
[06-18:40] JOIN: Grave BabyX3 appears
[06-18:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : wb grave
[06-18:41] a19, Grave BabyX3: shit how do i get more chats on my Affiliates?
[06-18:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : make a new thread and add then there.
[06-18:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : k now im restarting. brb
[06-18:47] de1, *QuietChylde: k
[06-18:47] de1, *QuietChylde: k
[06-18:47] de1, *QuietChylde: k
[06-18:47] de1, *QuietChylde: *f* freakiy comp
[06-18:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : back
[06-18:57] de1, *QuietChylde: wb
[06-18:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : thanks
[06-19:00] de1, *QuietChylde: *thinks of nasty things to do to the sql server *
[06-19:00] de1, *QuietChylde: *s*
[06-19:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : fuck it's quiet today..
[06-19:01] de1, *QuietChylde: yea... its dead everywhere
[06-19:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : i noticed lol
[06-19:02] de1, *QuietChylde: i may have to resort to writing *l*
[06-19:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : *gasp* lol
[06-19:04] de1, *QuietChylde: i suppose i could break down and actually work or study *makes face*
[06-19:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea..
[06-19:08] de1, *QuietChylde: *sighs*
[06-19:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-19:09] de1, *QuietChylde: *chuckles*
[06-19:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : I want alcohol lol
[06-19:11] de1, *QuietChylde: hmm theress a thought ... *eyes the pantry*
[06-19:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-19:12] de1, *QuietChylde: i know there is alchohol in there * l*
[06-19:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : lucky you lol we have none. well we do, but it's crappy wine.. i like wine but.. the stuff we have is shit
[06-19:16] de1, *QuietChylde: ew... I dont have any wine in the house right now... but I think there is some decent brandy some vodka ...rum...
[06-19:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o; you lucky sonuva..
[06-19:19] de1, *QuietChylde: hmmm
[06-19:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : hum.
[06-19:31] de1, *QuietChylde: *l* entertaining are we not
[06-19:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : I know eh?
[06-19:36] de1, *QuietChylde: blah
[06-19:36] JOIN: Grave BabyX3 appears
[06-19:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Grave
[06-19:38] d13, Grave BabyX3: hello
[06-19:38] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-19:38] d13, Grave BabyX3: hello
[06-19:38] d13, Grave BabyX3: hello
[06-19:38] de1, *QuietChylde: hello grave
[06-19:38] d13, Grave BabyX3: bye bye lol
[06-19:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *quirks a brow* okay.. bye lol
[06-19:39] de1, *QuietChylde: *l* bye
[06-19:41] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-19:41] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-19:41] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-19:41] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-19:41] JOIN: NewAndImproved appears
[06-19:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Having fun there, New? o.O
[06-19:42] de1, *QuietChylde: woops
[06-19:42] ecc, NewAndImproved: That was strange
[06-19:42] de1, *QuietChylde: woops
[06-19:42] ecc, NewAndImproved: That was strange
[06-19:43] de1, *QuietChylde: *F* lags ville repeats
[06-19:43] ecc, NewAndImproved: my pc is sleepy, like me
[06-19:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao..
[06-19:44] de1, *QuietChylde: sheesh
[06-19:44] de1, *QuietChylde: needs to go get wood... dun wanna
[06-19:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : *gives New some caffiene(sp?)*
[06-19:45] ecc, NewAndImproved: Why do people lie?
[06-19:46] ecc, NewAndImproved: Sorry, thinking out loud
[06-19:47] de1, *QuietChylde: hmmm
[06-19:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : It happens absentmindedly, New.
[06-19:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : Just a sudden impulse people have when put in a testy situation
[06-19:49] ecc, NewAndImproved: Not like this lie
[06-19:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : What lie?
[06-19:50] ecc, NewAndImproved: I can't say
[06-19:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : As you wish.
[06-19:51] ecc, NewAndImproved: But I will never forget it
[06-19:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : *now is curious to know what said lie was..*
[06-19:52] de1, *QuietChylde: *puts wood on fire and watches flames*
[06-19:53] ecc, NewAndImproved: I trust people even less than before, I didn't think that was possible
[06-19:54] de1, *QuietChylde: its always possible ... no matter how little you trust someone can always break you
[06-19:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Indeed.. You think you know someone, then what do they to? turn around and stab you in the back.
[06-19:56] ecc, NewAndImproved: I will never open up to anyone
[06-19:56] de1, *QuietChylde: good luck
[06-19:57] ecc, NewAndImproved: I have to try to forget about this now
[06-19:57] ecc, NewAndImproved: Good luck?
[06-19:57] de1, *QuietChylde: with never oopening up to anyone... ive tried it ... it didnt work
[06-19:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : If you try, it won't happen.. jus let it go on its own
[06-19:58] de1, *QuietChylde: yes.. maybe it would work that way
[06-19:58] ecc, NewAndImproved: hahahaha....hahahaha
[06-19:58] ecc, NewAndImproved: Their is no such thing as friends
[06-19:59] ecc, NewAndImproved: *there
[06-20:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sure there are.. but they're jsut some sort of pseudo happiness or comfort..with them, you're happy and all.. but when you're alone, you get to be yourself.. not nessisarily a good thing.. cos when you're alone, you get to see how worthless you are.
[06-20:00] de1, *QuietChylde: yes there are
[06-20:00] ecc, NewAndImproved: There isn't
[06-20:01] ecc, NewAndImproved: Goodbye
[06-20:01] EXIT: NewAndImproved disappears ( 8:01pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-20:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : erm.. Bye
[06-20:03] de1, *QuietChylde: *sighs*
[06-20:03] de1, *QuietChylde: bye
[06-20:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : I feel sorry for that guy
[06-20:06] de1, *QuietChylde: that didnt sound good did it ... sounds like hes been abused
[06-20:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* Perhaps, but I do.. just peoples opinions of him.. his change in mannerism when he's talking one on one as opposed to in groups.. this thing he's going through..
[06-20:10] de1, *QuietChylde: we spent some time in here yesterday, I enjoyed his company
[06-20:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. I did with him a few weeks too. we stayed up the whole night talking.. twas great.
[06-20:12] de1, *QuietChylde: *s* yes he kept me company when i had insomnia and we traded writings ... it was very nice
[06-20:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. well it's nice to see that someone else doesn't share the same sour opinion of him as some people here do.
[06-20:15] de1, *QuietChylde: I find that life feels better if i judge ppl by how they treat me and not by what others say about them
[06-20:15] de1, *QuietChylde: *s* specially if i do not know the person offering thier 'advice' about ppl i choose to associate with
[06-20:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah no shit, eh?.. I don't see anything wrong in his behavior.. he can be a bit odd when here with large groups and all, but overall he's great.. yet i've been told countlessly otherwise.
[06-20:18] de1, *QuietChylde: ive heard he was a bit of a prankster *s* but thats the worst i have heard ... there was that odd display of rage on a females part... that one day *l* but im not even gonna try and decifer that one
[06-20:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol When was this?
[06-20:19] de1, *QuietChylde: i dont remember exactly... i thought you were here... yea i remmber you tellin her to take it else where .. he was not even here... an she came in screamin about the way he talked to her in an email ... >.< it was very uncool
[06-20:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ohh.. yeah.
[06-20:21] de1, *QuietChylde: it happens...
[06-20:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Indeed..
[06-20:22] de1, *QuietChylde: I like him
[06-20:23] de1, *QuietChylde: this writiing is bad I should know better than to try to actually work on something ... *L*
[06-20:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah I like him too. he's great.
[06-20:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol I see..
[06-20:27] de1, *QuietChylde: *l*
[06-20:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol o.o
[06-20:32] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-20:33] de1, *QuietChylde: *yawns* sheeesh *tells self no yawnin*
[06-20:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-20:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : breath heavily.. it'll take away the yawning
[06-20:35] de1, *QuietChylde: *l* ok
[06-20:39] JOIN: juliet appears
[06-20:40] 200, *juliet: hello cerfy
[06-20:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello Juliet
[06-20:40] 200, *juliet: and everyone
[06-20:41] 200, *juliet: so hows your night been?
[06-20:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : Reletivly boring and unproductive.. yours?
[06-20:42] 200, *juliet: well boaring but i have gotten alot of cleaning done
[06-20:43] de1, *QuietChylde: hello
[06-20:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, same here.
[06-20:44] 200, *juliet: i hope angel has been feeling better
[06-20:44] 200, *juliet: he sounded strung out on that cough syurp
[06-20:47] ceb, §Cerfestas : Sounded? he was lol
[06-20:48] de1, *QuietChylde: that is one way to describe his behavior *s*
[06-20:49] JOIN: darkheart appears
[06-20:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello Dark
[06-20:51] aa1, *darkheart: Hi Cerf
[06-20:52] de1, *QuietChylde: hi
[06-20:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : What a lively group tonight!
[06-20:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol..
[06-20:54] aa1, *darkheart: I am sorry ,lots on my mind
[06-20:54] aa1, *darkheart: just a bad night
[06-20:54] aa1, *darkheart: :(
[06-20:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Aw, sorry to hear that
[06-20:56] aa1, *darkheart: my neck feels a lil better though
[06-20:56] aa1, *darkheart: damn bee
[06-20:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : Did you ice it?
[06-20:58] aa1, *darkheart: nope
[06-20:58] aa1, *darkheart: it just started to feel a lil better ,but it is still really red
[06-20:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.
[06-21:00] aa1, *darkheart: I was kinda hoping that ppl would be in here talking ,I have to keep my mind busy
[06-21:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : Well talk, we'll respond lol
[06-21:01] de1, *QuietChylde: is working on a chat room... sorry distracted
[06-21:03]       darkheart does not know what to talk about
[06-21:04]       Cerfestas does neither
[06-21:04] aa1, *darkheart: oh no ..what shall we do?
[06-21:05] aa1, *darkheart: I take it you did not find a ride to the party Cerf?
[06-21:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : Not a damn clue
[06-21:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nope. I wan't intending on a ride. Just no money for the bus lol
[06-21:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : I didn't much want to go out tonight anyways.. I would have just enjoyed smoking up tonight, even alone.. but the little twat at school sold the joint i was gunna buy from em
[06-21:08] aa1, *darkheart: I bet that pissed you off
[06-21:11] aa1, *darkheart: tonight feels like a good night to be in bed and cry
[06-21:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, it did.
[06-21:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah.. not for me. I'm just content tonight
[06-21:14] aa1, *darkheart: brb
[06-21:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : k
[06-21:21] aa1, *darkheart: bbl
[06-21:21] aa1, *darkheart: bye
[06-21:21] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 9:21pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-21:23] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-21:23] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 9:23pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-21:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : *lurks*
[06-22:00] JOIN: caterpiller appears
[06-22:00] 9cd, *caterpiller: I am in fact a talking caterpiller.
[06-22:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : oo, hey Cater.. Didn't see you there
[06-22:10] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hullo
[06-22:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey ^.^ How are you? *hugs*
[06-22:12]       caterpiller hugs back
[06-22:12] 9cd, *caterpiller: Well, a bit disappointed, but okay
[06-22:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why disappointed?
[06-22:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : sorry if I take a bit to respond. I'm multitasking
[06-22:16] 9cd, *caterpiller: I'm also multitasking
[06-22:16] 9cd, *caterpiller: I was supposed to go clubbing, but everyone cancelled.
[06-22:16] 9cd, *caterpiller: So I called my sister.
[06-22:16] 9cd, *caterpiller: She said we could go somewhere but not a goth club, or else Ben wouldn't go.
[06-22:17] 9cd, *caterpiller: In the end, we didn't go anywhere, because they had synagogue to go to tomorrow, so we just sat around watching movies.
[06-22:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's lame.
[06-22:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : I was supposed to go to a party tonight but.. My mom wouldn't give me money for bus and boose so.. I got stuck alone at home.
[06-22:21] 9cd, *caterpiller: We watched "Dawn of the Dead", "South Park: The Movie", and the end of a Family Guy episode.
[06-22:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol Awesome.. Southpark.. good movie.. never saw dawn of the dead
[06-22:27] 9cd, *caterpiller: It was filmed near my old home, so it's funny to look at the scenery and laugh.
[06-22:27] 9cd, *caterpiller: Ben kept saying things like "Hey, I used to smoke pot in that tunnel" and "Sure. Milwaukee, Thornhill, *ONTARIO*."
[06-22:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao.. cool. I did that with Butterfly Effect.. most of it was filmed here
[06-22:30] 9cd, *caterpiller: The mall where they stay most of the movie is a somewhat modified Thornhill Square.
[06-22:30] 9cd, *caterpiller: It's changed a lot since I lived there.
[06-22:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. I see. Have you seen Butterfly effect?
[06-22:31] 9cd, *caterpiller: No
[06-22:31] 9cd, *caterpiller: We also watched "Monty Python and the Holy Grail"
[06-22:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : You should.. tis good.
[06-22:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao awesome movie
[06-22:35] 9cd, *caterpiller: Devil bunny!
[06-22:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : holy grenade!
[06-22:37] 9cd, *caterpiller: The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
[06-22:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's the one
[06-22:38] JOIN: juliet appears
[06-22:38] 9cd, *caterpiller: Castle Anthrax
[06-22:38] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[06-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : *watching a metal show right now on tv... drools over the long haired guitarists*..
[06-22:39] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, everyone...
[06-22:39] de1, *QuietChylde: o.o
[06-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : hello Juliet.. faded.
[06-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hello quiet *hugs*
[06-22:39] 9cd, *caterpiller: Ben has an original mint of Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon"
[06-22:39] 9cd, *caterpiller: oh, hi Quiet, Faded.
[06-22:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool
[06-22:39] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Hiya, Cat
[06-22:40]       TheFadedAngel just woke up, again
[06-22:40] 9cd, *caterpiller: He also offered me some of his bootlegs, because they're all on tape and so he can't sell them anymore
[06-22:40] de1, *QuietChylde: eve
[06-22:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : cool
[06-22:41]       caterpiller hugs Cerfestas, and settles onto the couch.
[06-22:42]       Cerfestas hugs Cater, sitting next to him and lighting up a clove
[06-22:42] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I am going to go smoke a cigarette, brb
[06-22:43]       caterpiller enjoys spending time with the goth girls
[06-22:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[06-22:47] 9cd, *caterpiller: But they so rarely appreciate it as much, sadly enough.
[06-22:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : I appreciate your company, Cater
[06-22:51]       TheFadedAngel has returned
[06-22:51] JOIN: juliet appears
[06-22:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : wb.
[06-22:51] de1, *QuietChylde: *curls up by the fire and zones*
[06-22:51] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Thankiez
[06-22:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : yup..
[06-22:51] JOIN: darkheart appears
[06-22:52] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-22:52] aa1, *darkheart: cool we have a fire here
[06-22:52] 200, *juliet: hello peeps
[06-22:52] aa1, *darkheart: just like the old times ...*sits next to the fire*
[06-22:53] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-22:53] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, Juliet
[06-22:53] 200, *juliet: well you can beat me all day
[06-22:54]       TheFadedAngel raises his eyebrows a bit
[06-22:55] 200, *juliet: lol
[06-22:55]       darkheart closes her eyes for a min ,feeling the warmth of the fire
[06-22:55]       TheFadedAngel ponders who Juliet is talkin' to
[06-22:56] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-22:57] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hi juliet
[06-22:57]       caterpiller is glad he's appreciated.
[06-22:57] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-22:57]       TheFadedAngel wishes he could feel the warmth of the fire...but, instead, is rather cold and puts his hoodie on
[06-22:57] aa1, *darkheart: Hello cat ,how have you been?
[06-22:57] 200, *juliet: hi caterpiller
[06-22:58] 9cd, *caterpiller: Bored. The clubbing plans fell through.
[06-22:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : *pets Cater*...
[06-22:58]       QuietChylde gives faded a blanket
[06-22:59] 200, *juliet: so angel did you have a nice nap?
[06-22:59] 9cd, *caterpiller: I'm not sure I want to pretend to be a caterpillar anymore.
[06-22:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : why not?
[06-23:00] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-23:00] d04, *TheFadedAngel: It was alright. I slept a bit longer than I desired..but, oh well
[06-23:00] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:00] 9cd, *caterpiller: It gets tiresome, pretending to be a giant fuzzy insect.
[06-23:00]       TheFadedAngel Juliet I 'need' to? And why is that?
[06-23:01] d04, *TheFadedAngel: But you make such a cute and loveable gaint, fuzzy insect
[06-23:01] 200, *juliet: cuz you should and i need you to
[06-23:01] d04, *TheFadedAngel: opps, that was suppose to be a PM
[06-23:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : Im allergic to caterpillars
[06-23:01] d04, *TheFadedAngel: otayz, fine...hold on
[06-23:02]       darkheart sighs
[06-23:02] d04, *TheFadedAngel: allergic to caterpillars? sheesh!
[06-23:04] 9cd, *caterpiller: Allergens don't spread digitally :)
[06-23:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : I have issues.. I can't even eat raw fruit and vegetables without my goddamn mouth burning ~.~
[06-23:04] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Sui been about yet this eve?
[06-23:04] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Lol @ Cat
[06-23:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : been and gone.. she's sleeping
[06-23:05]       darkheart puts her headphones on and turns the music up
[06-23:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, I see...
[06-23:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Music sounds good right about now
[06-23:05] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : *sigh*
[06-23:06] 200, *juliet: ya i like this melody to
[06-23:06] aa1, *darkheart: bored Cerf?
[06-23:07] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Juliet.
[06-23:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea
[06-23:08] 9cd, *caterpiller: Have you ever been experienced?
[06-23:08] aa1, *darkheart: me too
[06-23:08] MSG: juliet sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:09]       caterpiller has the radio on, and it's the Jimi Hendrix Experience
[06-23:09] aa1, *darkheart: cool cat
[06-23:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : uhh?
[06-23:12] de1, *QuietChylde: *ywns and contemplates bed*
[06-23:12] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:12]       caterpiller tries walking on two legs.
[06-23:13]       TheFadedAngel helps cat
[06-23:13] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-23:13] aa1, *darkheart: .
[06-23:13] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:13pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-23:13]       caterpiller is now a Walking Caterpiller
[06-23:14] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Advent.
[06-23:14] aa1, *darkheart: yay cat
[06-23:14] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Indeed, you are. Good Job
[06-23:14] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:14] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[06-23:14] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ya know what you need? A walking stick
[06-23:14] d04, *TheFadedAngel: To help you walk
[06-23:15] 9cd, *caterpiller: Yeah, if I want to walk two legged and all
[06-23:15]       TheFadedAngel buys him a silver and black diamond walking stick
[06-23:15] JOIN: Asterius appears
[06-23:15] 84d, *Asterius: hello all
[06-23:15] 8f4, *LittleAngela: YAY!!!! I'm here!!
[06-23:15] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings, Angela, Asty
[06-23:15] aa1, *darkheart: Hello
[06-23:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Asty *hugs tight*
[06-23:16] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hello AsTeRiUs
[06-23:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Angela
[06-23:16] 9cd, *caterpiller: Hello Angela
[06-23:16] 84d, *Asterius: *hugs tight* hey cerf!!!
[06-23:16] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 11:15pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-23:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : ^.^ How are you, asty?
[06-23:16] 84d, *Asterius: hello oddly typing caterpillar
[06-23:16] 84d, *Asterius: ok thanks, cerf. you?
[06-23:16] JOIN: LittleAngela appears
[06-23:17] 8f4, *LittleAngela: stupid comp >.<
[06-23:17] 9cd, *caterpiller: oops
[06-23:17] aa1, *darkheart: wb angela
[06-23:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Welcome back Angela
[06-23:17] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm ok I guess, Asty.
[06-23:17]       LittleAngela hugs caterpiller "Hullo!"
[06-23:17] 84d, *Asterius: *thinks lil angela is into the disappearing act for the hugs* lol
[06-23:17] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lol
[06-23:17] 84d, *Asterius: Angela! *hugs*
[06-23:18] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:18]       LittleAngela hugs asterius "Hullo!"
[06-23:18] 84d, *Asterius: anything wrong cerf?
[06-23:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah.. I'm bored.. and craving things
[06-23:18] 8f4, *LittleAngela: guess what?!
[06-23:19] 84d, *Asterius: things like....?
[06-23:19] 84d, *Asterius: what?
[06-23:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : like.. ritalin.. and cigarettes lol
[06-23:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : What?
[06-23:20] 84d, *Asterius: ah...blech
[06-23:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : I know.. I hate it.. ~.~...
[06-23:20] 8f4, *LittleAngela: i was playing harvest moon and i bought 2 sheep and i named them after cerfestas and caterpiller!!!!! ^.^ little fuzzy sheepies!!
[06-23:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : im guessing tis why i'm so damn moody..
[06-23:20] aa1, *darkheart: lol
[06-23:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao that's awesom, Angela
[06-23:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'd name you after someone but.. I have an oldersister named Angela so..
[06-23:21] 84d, *Asterius: i sense another convo coming on in which i have no idea what's going on
[06-23:21] aa1, *darkheart: yeah angela is a good
[06-23:22] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:22] 8f4, *LittleAngela: i named my pony asterius and i named my cow faded and i named my chickenss after chylde and winkie!!! ^.^ i lovels harvest moon!!!!
[06-23:23]       TheFadedAngel thinks about 'silly cow' from Thycotic
[06-23:23] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Interesting enough that I was chosen to be the cow... and, i mean that not in a bad way
[06-23:24] 84d, *Asterius: and i'm a pony. well, since that i'm...oh nvm
[06-23:24] d04, *TheFadedAngel: At least I wasn't an ass, I suppose
[06-23:24]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[06-23:24] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:24] 8f4, *LittleAngela: i also named a cow after my best friend, kiwi >.>
[06-23:24] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Hung like a horse?
[06-23:24] 84d, *Asterius: got it in one
[06-23:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm a sheep.. beastialites like to do me up the ass o.O
[06-23:24] 8f4, *LittleAngela: o.o
[06-23:24] aa1, *darkheart: lol@angel
[06-23:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : Baaahh!!!
[06-23:25] aa1, *darkheart: brb
[06-23:26] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:26]       TheFadedAngel thinks Cerfy should not bahh too loudly
[06-23:26] 9cd, *caterpiller: Well, I'm idling a lot, so I'll just vanish. I'll be back some time when I'm not multitasking so much :)
[06-23:27]       TheFadedAngel thinks his cousin/brother/whatever the imbred son of a bitch is, is getting a bit too happy in the background
[06-23:27] 8f4, *LittleAngela: yay ^.^ i can't wait till december when they're supposed to come out with harvest moon for girls!!!!! that means i can finally get in the hot doctor mans pants!!! *blushes*
[06-23:27] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Otayz, cat
[06-23:27] EXIT: caterpiller disappears ( 11:26pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-23:27] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:27] d04, *TheFadedAngel: 'that means I can finally get in the hot doctor mans pants'?
[06-23:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why not too loudly?
[06-23:28] d04, *TheFadedAngel: read the next post after that, lol
[06-23:28] aa1, *darkheart: /imaga
[06-23:28] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:28]       darkheart looks
[06-23:28] aa1, *darkheart: rrrrrrrrrr
[06-23:28] 84d, *Asterius: damn gotta start listening to music more quietly
[06-23:29] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:29] 8f4, *LittleAngela: doctor man is hot....
[06-23:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ohh.. lmfao
[06-23:29]       darkheart sits down
[06-23:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : ba..mur... meow!
[06-23:30] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:30]       LittleAngela giggles
[06-23:30] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-23:30] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[06-23:30] MSG: TheFadedAngel sent a message to Cerfestas.
[06-23:30] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:30pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-23:30] JOIN: salemchick appears
[06-23:30]       salemchick waddles in like a penquin
[06-23:31] 89a, *salemchick: .. .
[06-23:31] 8f4, *LittleAngela: salem! which do you wish to be? a chicken, a cow, or a sheep?
[06-23:31]       TheFadedAngel is just gonna sit here, all back of the bus
[06-23:31] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:32] 84d, *Asterius: why's the penguin meowing?!?!
[06-23:32] 89a, *salemchick: MEOW
[06-23:32] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lmfao
[06-23:32] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Thefadedangel.
[06-23:32] 8f4, *LittleAngela: no meow.... there's no kitties.... you have to be a chicken, a sheepy, or a cow
[06-23:32] d04, *TheFadedAngel: she said she waddled in like a penguin...not that she was on...damn fat kats... or, i could be wrong
[06-23:32] 89a, *salemchick: MEOW
[06-23:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm a cat! I'm a goddamn cat!
[06-23:33] d04, *TheFadedAngel: one*
[06-23:33] 89a, *salemchick: wht u tlkn bout faded ???
[06-23:33] 8f4, *LittleAngela: no cerfy you're a sheepy
[06-23:33] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I would have to say that Asty, with all his 'innocence' is the most comical of the chatters
[06-23:34] 84d, *Asterius: i? comical? however on earth?
[06-23:34] de1, *QuietChylde: now you have to learn to purr...
[06-23:34] 8f4, *LittleAngela: geisha robots?!
[06-23:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : *curls up on the couch and purrs*
[06-23:35] 89a, *salemchick: MEOW
[06-23:35] 84d, *Asterius: one must admire a woman who can purr
[06-23:35] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Just some of the things that you tend to point out that none of us really think twice about... or, your experiences with certain household appliances...etc... I don't know, I just find you rather comical at times
[06-23:35] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Indeed
[06-23:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : I can purr..
[06-23:36] de1, *QuietChylde: is good then you can be a cat *l*
[06-23:36] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:36] 84d, *Asterius: omg i got up the next day, walked into the kitchen, looked at the dishwasher and almost busted a gut laughing
[06-23:37] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:37] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lol
[06-23:37]       TheFadedAngel pets Salem
[06-23:37] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:38] 84d, *Asterius: so, um, someone needs to pay attention to the little kitty i think
[06-23:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : mmmeeeooowww
[06-23:38] 89a, *salemchick: MEOW
[06-23:39] aa1, *darkheart: seems we have two kitties
[06-23:39] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I would feel that I am betraying my cat *pouts* since she is no longer around.... someone else can pick up the salem kitten
[06-23:39] de1, *QuietChylde: *goes back to the fire*
[06-23:39] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:39]       TheFadedAngel misses his dearest Selena
[06-23:40] 84d, *Asterius: i've got a black lab here who would love to give chase
[06-23:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : *sits down in Faded's lap and paws at his leg with her nails and all* meow =^.^-
[06-23:41]       TheFadedAngel thinks cerfy is acting just like a kitten, when you don't want them around you know they are going to force their presence to be known...smirks and pets the cerfy kitten
[06-23:41] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:41] aa1, *darkheart: she likes to chase cats asty?
[06-23:41] 84d, *Asterius: she'll pretty much chase anything
[06-23:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : *pouts* Don't want me around, meow?
[06-23:42] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Kittens just make me think of my Selena, which I had to get rid of *pouts* I have had that cat for the last 5 yrs
[06-23:43] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Not that I do not want the cerfy around...just not a kitty
[06-23:43] 84d, *Asterius: sorry to hear it, tfa. that must be difficult
[06-23:43] d04, *TheFadedAngel: but, i suppose you can stay in my lap
[06-23:43] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Okay. I'll just be a cerfy in your lap then. *sits up and lights a clove* want one?
[06-23:44] 84d, *Asterius: blech
[06-23:44]       TheFadedAngel remembers throwing her across the room as a kitten cuz she would attack his bald head while sleeping cuz i 'moved'...or the time we were playing peek-a-boo and she attacked me out of turn... and i remember having to help her give birth to her kittens and...ok, no more talking about Selena
[06-23:44]       LittleAngela cries "oh no!"
[06-23:44] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Sure, Cerfy...would love one
[06-23:44]       salemchick sits an pulls out bowl an smokes
[06-23:45] 84d, *Asterius: sorry man
[06-23:45] 89a, *salemchick: meow
[06-23:45] d04, *TheFadedAngel: 'Tis otayz. Just happened recently so it will take me a while to get over. Though, thank you for your concern
[06-23:46] 8f4, *LittleAngela: sheepy cerfy is sick!!!!!
[06-23:46]       darkheart looks in
[06-23:46] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Animals are lovely though, they listen without judging when others won't...and always know when you don't like someone and can get away with scratching the hell outta them for ya
[06-23:46]       TheFadedAngel sits, smokin' a clove with Cerfy
[06-23:47] 84d, *Asterius: *turns on his personal fan*
[06-23:47]       salemchick gets up an goes away to find shrooms and more bomb
[06-23:47] aa1, *darkheart: lol@asty
[06-23:48]       TheFadedAngel tries his best to keep his smoke contained to only around him
[06-23:48] 84d, *Asterius: you know what really sucks?
[06-23:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cloves don't smell bad.. they smell like.. christmas lol.. like when you're baking minsmeat pies or something.. just very sweet..
[06-23:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : your mom?
[06-23:48] 84d, *Asterius: excuse me?!?!
[06-23:49] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lmfao
[06-23:49] aa1, *darkheart: O.O
[06-23:49] de1, *QuietChylde: *snikkers8
[06-23:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : ...sorry..I couldn't resist o.O..
[06-23:49]       TheFadedAngel still trying to keep a straight face
[06-23:49] 84d, *Asterius: that was weird
[06-23:50] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Yes, Asty? What sucks?
[06-23:50]       Cerfestas cracking up irl.. I'm sorry. x.x I guess you don't understand "your mom" jokes, Asty
[06-23:51] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Ah, tonight is wonderful, thusfar
[06-23:52] 84d, *Asterius: when you meet someone on-line who's totally hot and super interesting, and suddenly her screen name around the election says things like "Go George you can do it" and "My President is a man of faith" and "I love you Mr President"
[06-23:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, that does suck
[06-23:52]       TheFadedAngel smirks
[06-23:52] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[06-23:52] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Must we begin the presidential/political debates again
[06-23:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : What's the most annoying noise in the world?
[06-23:53] aa1, *darkheart: no,lets not angel
[06-23:53] 84d, *Asterius: me talking politics?
[06-23:53] ceb, §Cerfestas :, your mom in bed..
[06-23:54] d04, *TheFadedAngel: o.O
[06-23:54] d04, *TheFadedAngel: And, one time, at band camp
[06-23:55] 84d, *Asterius: *waits for the rest of the joke*
[06-23:55] 84d, *Asterius: that's it?
[06-23:55] 84d, *Asterius: ooh...weird thumping noise from the basement...grabs my knife
[06-23:56] d04, *TheFadedAngel: And, one time, me mum and i went to the candy shop...and, and, and, and, we saw a mate of mine....and, and, and, and, I forgot.
[06-23:56]       TheFadedAngel runs outta asty's basement
[06-23:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O Thanks, Asty.. I made that one up too.. other people found it funny..
[06-23:57] aa1, *darkheart: lol
[06-23:57]       TheFadedAngel I shall return, momentarily, off to smoke a cigarette
[06-23:57] 84d, *Asterius: it's still missing something, cerf
[06-23:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : Like what?.. it's.. what's the most annoying noise in bed? Your mom in bed! lol
[06-23:58] de1, *QuietChylde: O.o
[06-23:58] d04, *TheFadedAngel: obviously she did not meet my grandma before she died... and, on that note, I am off to smoke
[06-23:59] aa1, *darkheart: anyone else got a joke ,hm?
[06-23:59] EXIT: LittleAngela disappears ( 11:46pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[06-23:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : I got another one
[06-23:59] 84d, *Asterius: mystery solved. tfa knocked over some hockey sticks as he fled the basement....
[07-00:00] aa1, *darkheart: ok lets hear it Cerf
[07-00:00] 84d, *Asterius: no, like. What's the most annoying sound in bed? Your mom, because he....*insert rest of joke here*
[07-00:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : (first guy) I'm so rich.. that I could buy your mom three times and still have money left over..(second guy) really? I'm so poor, but I can buy your mom three times and still have money left over..
[07-00:01] ceb, §Cerfestas : THat pulls away from the rest of the joke though, Asty.. It was ment to be short, blunt
[07-00:01] 84d, *Asterius: again, a near miss, cerf. almost there
[07-00:01] 84d, *Asterius: but it doesn't make sense as it is, cerf
[07-00:02] aa1, *darkheart: have you guys heard about the 3 Vampires ?
[07-00:02] 84d, *Asterius: no
[07-00:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : Well I give up >.>.
[07-00:03] 84d, *Asterius: sorry. i'm a mean critic
[07-00:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : it's okay
[07-00:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : My feeble attempt at making up jokes
[07-00:04] aa1, *darkheart: There are these 3 vampires. The first vampire walks into a bar and says, "Bartender, give me a shot of blood." The bartender gives him the shot of blood, the vampire drinks it, and leaves.
[07-00:04] 84d, *Asterius: they've got potential, cerf
[07-00:05] aa1, *darkheart: The second vampire walks into the bar and says, "Bartender, give me a shot of blood." The bartender gives him the shot of blood, the vampire drinks it, and leaves.
[07-00:05] aa1, *darkheart: The third vampire walks into a bar and says, "Bartender, give me a shot of water."
[07-00:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : well what would you add to them?
[07-00:05] aa1, *darkheart: The bartender says, "Why do you want a shot of water?"
[07-00:05] aa1, *darkheart: The vampire pulls out a dirty tampon and says, "Tea time."
[07-00:05] d04, *TheFadedAngel: I took your mum along with me to see the whales and they made us leave the parking lot because they said we were taking away from their ticket sales
[07-00:05] 84d, *Asterius: lol
[07-00:06]       TheFadedAngel smirks @ DH
[07-00:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : Beautiful
[07-00:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : what's black and blue and flies around the room?
[07-00:07] d04, *TheFadedAngel: Asty in his BFUI state?
[07-00:07] 84d, *Asterius: OMFG!!! LMFAO!!!!!!!
[07-00:07] aa1, *darkheart: lmao
[07-00:07] aa1, *darkheart: thats funny Cerf
[07-00:08] aa1, *darkheart: oh this joke is sick
[07-00:08] aa1, *darkheart: Yo Mama is Like a Hockey Player
[07-00:08] aa1, *darkheart: Yo mama is like a hockey player she doesn't change her pad for three periods.
[07-00:09] 84d, *Asterius: Why are the Toronto Maple Leafs like a tampon?
[07-00:09] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lol
[07-00:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : ...You didn't even let me finish
[07-00:09] 84d, *Asterius: they only have one string and they're only good for one period
[07-00:09] aa1, *darkheart: hahahahaha
[07-00:10] 84d, *Asterius: still waiting, cerf
[07-00:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : Bah. nevermind
[07-00:10] 84d, *Asterius: CERF!!!!!!!!!
[07-00:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : What?
[07-00:11] 84d, *Asterius: punch line PLEASE!!!!!!
[07-00:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : ...a dead baby with a punctured lung..
[07-00:12] aa1, *darkheart: The Great Crab Escape
[07-00:12] aa1, *darkheart: Yo mama is so nasty, her crabs use her tampon string as a get away rope.
[07-00:12] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-00:12] 84d, *Asterius: what's black and blue and floats in St John's harbour?
[07-00:12]       TheFadedAngel did not find the baby joke amusing
[07-00:13] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lmfao @ darkheart
[07-00:13] 84d, *Asterius: a mainlander telling Newfie jokes
[07-00:13] aa1, *darkheart: lol
[07-00:13] d04, *TheFadedAngel: but, since we are on baby jokes.... how do you fit 1000 babies in a telephone booth? a blender. How did you get them out? a straw
[07-00:14] 84d, *Asterius: how do you get 50 hamiltonians into a volkswagen? tell them it's going to toronto
[07-00:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : What are the only things newfies are famous for?
[07-00:16] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lmao @ asty
[07-00:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : the solar powered flashlight and screen doors for submarines..
[07-00:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : How do you confuse a newfie?.. put his welfare check in his boot..
[07-00:18] 84d, *Asterius: i don't quite get that, cerf
[07-00:19] d04, *TheFadedAngel: <---two jokes you might like
[07-00:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : meh, I give up
[07-00:21] 84d, *Asterius: yeah me too
[07-00:21] aa1, *darkheart: brb
[07-00:24] aa1, *darkheart: is everyone sleeping ?
[07-00:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : no
[07-00:24] 84d, *Asterius: not yet, but soon
[07-00:24] aa1, *darkheart: still bored ?
[07-00:26] d04, *TheFadedAngel: nopes, just multi-tasking
[07-00:26] aa1, *darkheart: Smile
[07-00:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : still bored
[07-00:26] aa1, *darkheart: You might be a redneck if your jack-o lantern on your porch has more teeth than you do.
[07-00:27] 84d, *Asterius: lmao @ dh
[07-00:28]       darkheart laughs
[07-00:29] aa1, *darkheart: Top 10 Reasons to Know You're a Redneck
[07-00:29] aa1, *darkheart: 1. Your dog rides in your truck more than your wife.
[07-00:29] aa1, *darkheart: 2. You wear specific hats to farm sales, livestock auctions,
[07-00:30]       TheFadedAngel notes how many teeth he has in comparison to the jack-o-latern
[07-00:30] aa1, *darkheart: customer appreciation suppers, and vacations
[07-00:30] aa1, *darkheart: 3. You have ever had to wash off in the backyard with a garden hose before your wife would let you in the house.
[07-00:31] aa1, *darkheart: the rest are dumb
[07-00:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why do blonds die before help arrives?..because they can't find the 11 button..
[07-00:32] aa1, *darkheart: lol
[07-00:32] 84d, *Asterius: lol
[07-00:33] 84d, *Asterius: bedtime for me folks
[07-00:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : night
[07-00:34] aa1, *darkheart: ok ..goodnight asty
[07-00:35] d04, *TheFadedAngel: farewell, asty
[07-00:36] aa1, *darkheart: Why can't you hear bunnies having sex?
[07-00:36] aa1, *darkheart: Because they have cotton balls.
[07-00:37] EXIT: Asterius disappears ( 12:33am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-00:39] d04, *TheFadedAngel: mfao
[07-00:39] d04, *TheFadedAngel: lmfao*
[07-00:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : hehe..
[07-00:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : im finding jokes really not funny right now for some reason
[07-00:44] aa1, *darkheart: im cold
[07-00:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : im bored >.<
[07-00:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : ou guys are just such a lively bunch.. i'm so excited that i'm bored.
[07-00:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : you*
[07-00:47]       darkheart reads her horoscope
[07-00:50] aa1, *darkheart: well ,my mind was busy for a lil while*sighs*
[07-00:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : Indeed.. I wonder where everyone is tonight.. this place is usually crawling
[07-00:52] aa1, *darkheart: dont know
[07-00:53] aa1, *darkheart: I dont want to go to bed ..I have to find something to do
[07-00:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-00:54] aa1, *darkheart: or at least be so damn tired I cant think anymore
[07-00:54] d04, *TheFadedAngel: be back later
[07-00:54] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 12:54am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-00:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Bah, eveyrone's leaving
[07-00:57] aa1, *darkheart: I guess its just us now
[07-00:58]       darkheart reads a poem
[07-00:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah
[07-01:01] aa1, *darkheart: I am going to clean the kitchen
[07-01:01] aa1, *darkheart: bb
[07-01:02] JOIN: MadameMinuit appears
[07-01:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : *nods.. goes lurking*
[07-01:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : oo or not.
[07-01:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Madame ^_^
[07-01:02] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: :)
[07-01:02] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: hi hon, I'm not here for long...
[07-01:02] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: just saying hi :)
[07-01:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : Aww.. damn x.x
[07-01:03] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: how's you?
[07-01:07] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: hmmm... okies I'm going to bed
[07-01:07] 4ea, *MadameMinuit: night Cerfie
[07-01:07] EXIT: MadameMinuit disappears ( 1:07am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-01:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : Night.. *hugs*
[07-01:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : *lurks now*
[07-01:52] JOIN: alexander anderson appears
[07-01:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : ...*tackles Alex from behind*
[07-02:05] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[07-02:06] JOIN: QuietChylde appears
[07-02:06] 99c, *QuietChylde: damn boot
[07-02:07] 99c, *QuietChylde: *contemplates bed*
[07-02:09] 99c, *QuietChylde: wanders off to bed...
[07-02:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : eh.. im going.. ill bbl.. *gone*
[07-02:15]       Advent rolls into the room
[07-02:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..just as I was a bout to leave
[07-02:17]       Advent kicks back goes out of his mind ..the morons are in power so ill kick back and fall father behind...but o what can u do!!!....GO!!!...*guitar solo*
[07-02:18] 5cb, §Advent: i hearf them say that the meek shall reign on earth phantasmic fury and sasne bucolic birth,,,ive seen the rapture in a starving babys eyes in tune to the lord of the flyes so what does it mean when your mind begins to stray...i heard them say....1000 fools are born...every fucking day
[07-02:18]       Advent hugs serf
[07-02:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O.. hello Advent *hug*
[07-02:19] 5cb, §Advent: whats up serf?
[07-02:20]       Advent rolls around on the carpet
[07-02:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : Not a lot.. rping a little.. bored as hell lol. this place is fucking dead tonight.. You?
[07-02:22] 5cb, §Advent: went out kicked some ass
[07-02:23] 5cb, §Advent: then went to my friends house to talk with my friend cindy about her problems and met up with a few other ppl for a metting then rlaxed at my other friends house and watched movies
[07-02:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Cool.. Im trying to deal with cravings.. tis pissing me off lol.
[07-02:25] 5cb, §Advent: cravings for wha serf?
[07-02:26] MSG: Advent sent a message to Advent.
[07-02:26] aa1, *darkheart: Boo
[07-02:27] 5cb, §Advent:
[07-02:27] 5cb, §Advent: hi heart your up are u?
[07-02:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Dark
[07-02:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah, ritalin and cigs, Advent
[07-02:27] aa1, *darkheart: lol
[07-02:28] 5cb, §Advent: serf dont do ritalin
[07-02:28] 5cb, §Advent: want chiken wings?
[07-02:28] aa1, *darkheart: TIRED and cold ,but ok
[07-02:28]       Advent puts a warm blanket around heart
[07-02:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why not? i've done it so often..
[07-02:29] aa1, *darkheart: oh thanks advent ..I am soooo cold
[07-02:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : *gives Dark her blanket too*
[07-02:29] 5cb, §Advent: i know u have serf but still ya know..take care of yourself
[07-02:29] 5cb, §Advent: serf after i left here i was mad...i got a phone call that pissed me off
[07-02:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. what was the phonecall for?
[07-02:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : And I know I should.. but i like ritalin.. makes me more productive, wanting to do things
[07-02:30] ceb, §Cerfestas : supresses my appitite so I don't eat and id on't feel bad..
[07-02:31] 5cb, §Advent: my friend april was jumped by a few girls from NCK and Jay called me to go to her house and see if shes ok,,,,when i got there she was crying it made me sad to see her like that...shes a good fighter but4 on 1 is unfair,
[07-02:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. yeah.. damn people. I hate that.
[07-02:34] 5cb, §Advent: i think FPB might have to finally get draged into a feud if this dont stop...april is one of the people placed under my wing,,,,i mean if your gonna fight fight fair so ur win can have meaning
[07-02:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah
[07-02:35] 5cb, §Advent: dont tell this to sui i dont know whats gonna happen ...ill tell her in my own time ok serf and heart
[07-02:35] 5cb, §Advent: dont want to worry her
[07-02:36]       Advent looks at hearts avatar..."thats a heart demon?"
[07-02:37]       darkheart smiles
[07-02:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : shouldn't have said it out in the opening, Advent dear.. she might read it int he logs
[07-02:39] 5cb, §Advent: argh...i know.....but still serf .....i might have to run around with a freaking vp-70 straped to my leg if things fall to shit
[07-02:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : christ.. advent, you be careful ok?
[07-02:40] 5cb, §Advent: why do they call sandwiches sandwitches?..they dont have sand in them or witches
[07-02:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : Because it was named after the king Sandwhich.
[07-02:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : In england.. they had a famin so he asked the cooks to make up something for himw ith the last bits in the kitchen.. two slices of bread, meat, etc.. and they named it Sandwhich, after the king
[07-02:42] 5cb, §Advent: that was a retoricle question
[07-02:43] aa1, *darkheart: goodnight guys
[07-02:43]       Advent hugs heart,,,"night heart"
[07-02:43] aa1, *darkheart: I am to cold to stay up any longer and I think I am tired enough that I will not think to much.
[07-02:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : night Dark
[07-02:44]       darkheart hugs Advent "night sweety"
[07-02:44] 5cb, §Advent: take care
[07-02:44]       Advent pours sugar on himself
[07-02:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol Sorry, Advent.. thought I might just dive you the explination..
[07-02:44] aa1, *darkheart: night Cerf ,take care
[07-02:44] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 2:44am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-02:47] 5cb, §Advent: y do kids like apple jacks they dont taste like apple?
[07-02:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : *shrugs* lol
[07-02:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : why do they call it a blow job? you're not blowing on anything..
[07-02:51] 5cb, §Advent: why do divorces cost so much?
[07-02:52] ceb, §Cerfestas : why marshmellow?.. they don't come from the marsh.. don't make you mellow
[07-02:52] 5cb, §Advent: divorces cost so much cause ther worth it!
[07-02:53] 5cb, §Advent: what would u do for a klondike bar?
[07-02:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : why would you eat the red ones last?
[07-02:55] 5cb, §Advent: lol i heard a george bush adio clip and he says..."it wil take time to restor caos and order" a moron
[07-02:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao..
[07-02:56] ceb, §Cerfestas : fuck.
[07-02:57] 5cb, §Advent: im glad no one voted for him
[07-02:57] 5cb, §Advent: fuck?
[07-02:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : sorry.. that was to your comment lol
[07-02:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : what you mean no one voted for him? o.O if no one voted for him, he wouldn't be prez
[07-02:59] 5cb, §Advent: well in the first election four yers ago he did not win ...but they found that out a month after the election he was not the winnrt
[07-02:59] 5cb, §Advent: *winner*
[07-02:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : uh..huh..
[07-03:02] 5cb, §Advent: what u didnt hear about tha?
[07-03:03] 5cb, §Advent: brb im hungy
[07-03:03] ceb, §Cerfestas : i did.. but you said no one voted for him.. people did
[07-03:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : k
[07-05:55] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-05:55]       TheFadedAngel looks around
[07-06:33] JOIN: refrication appears
[07-06:34]       refrication looks like darkheart was in a horny mood last night, I think that is why she lied to me the other night, so she could get on with cybering in piece
[07-06:35] EXIT: refrication disappears ( 6:34am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-06:35] EXIT: refrication disappears ( 6:34am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-08:24] JOIN: sanity appears
[07-08:25] EXIT: sanity disappears ( 8:24am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-09:01] JOIN: darkheart appears
[07-09:07] MSG: darkheart sent a message to Refrication.
[07-09:12] MSG: darkheart sent a message to Refrication.
[07-09:12] 48f, *darkheart: goodbye
[07-09:12] EXIT: darkheart disappears ( 9:12am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-11:03] JOIN: juliet appears
[07-11:03] JOIN: Grave BabyX3 appears
[07-11:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : *looks in*
[07-11:04] d13, Grave BabyX3: am i no longer REGed?
[07-11:04] d13, Grave BabyX3: damn guess not.....
[07-11:04] ceb, §Cerfestas : Umm.. you should be.. one sec
[07-11:04] d13, Grave BabyX3: lol ok
[07-11:05] d13, *juliet: good afternoon
[07-11:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : methinks it's supposed to be gravebabyx3 one word
[07-11:05] ceb, §Cerfestas : mornin, juliet. it's only 9 here
[07-11:05] d13, Grave BabyX3: i think it was my fualt actually lol. i deleted my cookies for sometinhg and all my chat auto logins got cleared
[07-11:05] d13, Grave BabyX3: i dont know... hang in
[07-11:05] EXIT: Grave BabyX3 disappears ( 11:05am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-11:05] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-11:05] d13, Bellybutton Lint: nope
[07-11:06] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:05am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-11:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : yea it's only one word
[07-11:06] JOIN: Grave BabyX3 appears
[07-11:06] ceb, §Cerfestas : i just checkec the admin log
[07-11:06] d13, Grave BabyX3: i just tried it with one word and it made me belly lint *pout*
[07-11:06] d13, Grave BabyX3: well fuck
[07-11:06] EXIT: Grave BabyX3 disappears ( 11:06am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-11:07] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-11:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : wrong password for it then, dearie
[07-11:07] d13, Bellybutton Lint: nope
[07-11:07] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:07am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-11:07] JOIN: Bellybutton Lint appears
[07-11:07] ceb, §Cerfestas : let me reset your pass.. it'll be defpass
[07-11:07] d13, Bellybutton Lint: damnit whut is it
[07-11:08] d13, Bellybutton Lint: def pass
[07-11:08] d13, Bellybutton Lint: defpass
[07-11:08] d13, Bellybutton Lint: ssapfed
[07-11:08] d13, Bellybutton Lint: damn bordem
[07-11:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : try now. defpass one word
[07-11:09] EXIT: Bellybutton Lint disappears ( 11:08am, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-11:09] JOIN: GraveBabyX3 appears
[07-11:09] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ta da
[07-11:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : voila
[07-11:09] d13, *GraveBabyX3: wonders what advent was talking about.....
[07-11:10] d13, *GraveBabyX3: thankies!
[07-11:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : when?
[07-11:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : what'd he say?
[07-11:10] MSG: GraveBabyX3 sent a message to Advent.
[07-11:10] d13, *GraveBabyX3: in a PM
[07-11:10] d13, *GraveBabyX3: hope u dont mind but i like that pic of u with your fluffy sweater the sleves look funny ^_^
[07-11:10] ceb, §Cerfestas : ah.. care to share?
[07-11:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh..
[07-11:11] d13, *GraveBabyX3: nah i dont mind lol
[07-11:11] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ta DA LOL
[07-11:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-11:12]       GraveBabyX3 ow! brain freeze! hehehe cold choco milk lmao
[07-11:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : silly advent.
[07-11:12] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lol
[07-11:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : aww...i mis choco milk..
[07-11:13] d13, *GraveBabyX3: why? go get some...
[07-11:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : i can't..allergic to milk
[07-11:13] d13, *GraveBabyX3: damn that sucks......
[07-11:13] d13, *GraveBabyX3: go get fake milk....
[07-11:14] d13, *GraveBabyX3: fake choco...
[07-11:14] d13, *GraveBabyX3: but that would suck
[07-11:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : it does, majorly.. bleh. i've had the worst cravings for choco milk and cheese lol
[07-11:14] ceb, §Cerfestas : Eh, the fake stuff is horrible lol.
[07-11:15] d13, *GraveBabyX3: poor thing lol
[07-11:16] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lactosintolerant?(sp)
[07-11:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : eh lol. i'll getover it, I suppose.. jus ask my doctor if there's anythin I can do about it or something.
[07-11:16] d13, *GraveBabyX3: that the pic advents talking about
[07-11:16] d13, *GraveBabyX3: theres meds you can take so you can drink real milk
[07-11:16] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nah, just plain allergic to milk.. symptoms of the allergy is different than from being lactos intollerent
[07-11:17] d13, *GraveBabyX3: damn....
[07-11:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : oo, very pretty.
[07-11:17] JOIN: Heretic appears
[07-11:17] d13, *GraveBabyX3: TFA fixed it up for me
[07-11:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yeah, prolly. I ju s haven't gotten around to asking my doc about it.
[07-11:17] 815, ºHeretic : hello
[07-11:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Heretic.
[07-11:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's you, I gather?
[07-11:17] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ello
[07-11:18] d13, *GraveBabyX3: yup
[07-11:18] 815, ºHeretic : hi grave
[07-11:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : very pretty. *nods*
[07-11:18] 815, ºHeretic : can u all see my av>> ?
[07-11:18] 815, ºHeretic : nvm
[07-11:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : yersh.
[07-11:18] d13, *GraveBabyX3: huh?
[07-11:19] d13, *GraveBabyX3: yes'r
[07-11:19] EXIT: salemchick disappears ( 11:47pm, November 06 (CST) ).
[07-11:19] d13, *GraveBabyX3: uuuhhhhhh
[07-11:19] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-11:20] 815, ºHeretic : am i sposed to talk to LN?
[07-11:20] d13, *GraveBabyX3: uhh... i think i drank my milk to quick..... i dont feel so good
[07-11:20] d13, *GraveBabyX3: idk...
[07-11:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol poor Grave.
[07-11:20] ceb, §Cerfestas : No.. Let me talk to her, Heretic.. You're welcome to join the conversation though.
[07-11:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : or.. you can start it and invte me in after.. *shrugs* whichever
[07-11:21] 815, ºHeretic : alright. i have her on my YIM now
[07-11:21] ceb, §Cerfestas : speaking with her?
[07-11:21] 815, ºHeretic : truthfully i would prefer if you start the convo
[07-11:22] d13, *GraveBabyX3: i just triued to ask her if you were or not but she had already left
[07-11:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Asked who, Grave?
[07-11:22] ceb, §Cerfestas : Understandable, Heretic.. I just dont know if she'll talk to me.
[07-11:22] d13, *GraveBabyX3: LN if heretic was suposed to speak with her or not
[07-11:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : Nooo... don't ask her, Grave..
[07-11:23] 815, ºHeretic : alr5ight. i will try an start up a convo with her now.
[07-11:23] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ok hang on got some undoing
[07-11:23] ceb, §Cerfestas : x.X
[07-11:24] d13, *GraveBabyX3: all fixed
[07-11:24] d13, *GraveBabyX3: she isnt around right now she had somthing to do...
[07-11:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh man.. now i gotta think of something to say to her >.<
[07-11:25] d13, *GraveBabyX3: hey
[07-11:25] d13, *GraveBabyX3: whatcha doin....
[07-11:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : hmm?
[07-11:25] d13, *GraveBabyX3: idk... whatchja wanna talk about? (back her into a convo corner lol)
[07-11:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : to her or in general?
[07-11:26] 815, ºHeretic : tryin my best to be as friendly as possible
[07-11:26] d13, *GraveBabyX3: okyea.
[07-11:26] d13, *GraveBabyX3: lmao... i may be dumb but i can sure confuse the hell outa someone
[07-11:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : Indeed lol.
[07-11:27] d13, *GraveBabyX3: AT AT AT ATL HOE
[07-11:27]       GraveBabyX3 sings
[07-11:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : if it's to her.. I want to try and settle things between us.. more so with her and advent, but I pissed her off too so.. yea..
[07-11:27] ceb, §Cerfestas : if it's just in general, Fuck if I know what to talk about o.O
[07-11:27] d13, *GraveBabyX3: honestly... shes losing her mind.
[07-11:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol how so?
[07-11:28] d13, *GraveBabyX3: shes becoming more like a child every day. paranoid as hell. nosey, and just fucking weird
[07-11:28] 815, ºHeretic : she sounds very upset at me
[07-11:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : Why, what's up, Heretic?
[07-11:29] d13, *GraveBabyX3: enh. i just try to ignore her
[07-11:29] ceb, §Cerfestas : ignore her? he instigated the conversation, sweetie
[07-11:30] d13, *GraveBabyX3: huh? idk....
[07-11:30] d13, *GraveBabyX3: im confused....
[07-11:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : about what, Grave?
[07-11:31] d13, *GraveBabyX3: whatever the fuck is going on here lol
[07-11:31] ceb, §Cerfestas : Heretic is speaking to lady night because I want to try to speak to her, maybe settle things between us.
[07-11:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : He started to talk to her because if I tried to talk to her, she'd murder me lol
[07-11:32] d13, *GraveBabyX3: and LN is mad at him sayin such?
[07-11:32] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ill be there with ya if you need an extra ax.. i mmean word
[07-11:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : I don't know what he's saying to her.
[07-11:33] 815, ºHeretic : h/o
[07-11:33] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright
[07-11:34] d13, *GraveBabyX3: see im not even worried bout fixing things. shes nucking futs
[07-11:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : Perhaps.. but I still want to try..
[07-11:35] 815, ºHeretic : what is ur YIM cerf? think i must have took it off when... well blah blah. you know. anyway what is it?
[07-11:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : sorry, must be the canadian in me lol
[07-11:35] ceb, §Cerfestas : tarnisheddreams666 , heretic.
[07-11:35] d13, *GraveBabyX3: enh thats all you sweet pea... youre a peace keeper thing..i start shit lmao
[07-11:36] d13, *GraveBabyX3: you know whut its prolly is! my bubba is the same way
[07-11:37] ceb, §Cerfestas : your bubba?
[07-11:39] d13, *GraveBabyX3: asty
[07-11:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh.. yeah.
[07-11:39] d13, *GraveBabyX3: hmm.. my nipples hurt.... *did i say that out loud? shit!*
[07-11:40] d13, *GraveBabyX3: pheromones...... yummy
[07-11:40] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol my er.. chest.. jus hurts all together o.O
[07-11:40] 815, ºHeretic : heathbarcrunch_zero
[07-11:40] 815, ºHeretic : she says u can im her or do you want to start a conference?
[07-11:40] d13, *GraveBabyX3: bbl bye bye
[07-11:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[07-11:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : methinks a conference would be better.. some back up would be nice..
[07-11:41] d13, *GraveBabyX3: conference? godamnit shes like 16. why does she try to sound old! ima act 18-21 till the day i die. then ill act old
[07-11:41] d13, *GraveBabyX3: ill back you up but i dont have YIM
[07-11:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : no worries, Grave
[07-11:42] d13, *GraveBabyX3: k :D bye
[07-11:42] ceb, §Cerfestas : bye
[07-11:43] 815, ºHeretic : cerf it hurts for me to try asn see your font color. have to keep highlighting while i am trying to talk to her
[07-11:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : oh okay, once moment, Heretic.'
[07-11:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-11:44] 815, ºHeretic : much better, tyvm. i am going to try for this conference thing. give me a few.
[07-11:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-11:44] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright
[07-11:45] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-11:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : test
[07-11:45] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Greetings
[07-11:45] ceb, §Cerfestas : Hey Faded.
[07-11:46] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: How are you>
[07-11:46] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: ?*
[07-11:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm alright, thank you. And you?
[07-11:46] ceb, §Cerfestas : hm..I thinkI like this better than the green..
[07-11:48] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I am doing alright, putting together a vacuum
[07-11:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol oh fun.
[07-11:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : i'm talking to LN...
[07-11:50] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Sounds like fun
[07-11:50] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I thought the two of you did not get along all that well
[07-11:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : We don't.. Im going to try and solve things.. clear the air a little.
[07-11:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : I doubt it'll do much good, but no one can blame me for not trying
[07-11:52] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: be back in a lil bit
[07-11:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright see you..
[07-12:12] JOIN: SuicideBlonde appears
[07-12:13] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-12:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Sui.
[07-12:13] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Cerf!
[07-12:13] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Oob-A-Keep
[07-12:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : and Faded.
[07-12:13] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs them both tight*
[07-12:13]       SuicideBlonde hugs Cerf tight
[07-12:13]       SuicideBlonde hugs Angel and pinches his nose
[07-12:13] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: And the cerfy with the cerfyness and the sui with the blondeness and the angel with the halo submissive collar thingy
[07-12:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i can't stay but a few minutes...
[07-12:14] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I had a goggy one time b4 but it died... my kitty ate it all gone
[07-12:14] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: lol @ Angel
[07-12:14]       TheFadedAngel hugs Sui and Cerfy...licks both their noses and bites their tits, then falls over
[07-12:15] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Why u no stayin' wit me? You no want to play?
[07-12:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : Faded, are you on cough syrup again?
[07-12:15] ceb, §Cerfestas : Aw you leaving us, sui?
[07-12:16] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Syrup of the cough...coughing of the syrup...syrup that makiez me no coughing no morez...a coughing, nopez
[07-12:16] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-12:16] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Y???!!!!!?????
[07-12:16] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: yeah, i am gonna go cook some breakfast
[07-12:16] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: were u a bad girl and now you gett a spankin'?
[07-12:17] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: at the 1 of the 16, the 16 of the 1, the one sixteen in the pm?
[07-12:17] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-12:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : ...uh..
[07-12:17] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i just woke up...slept from 10pm to about 2am,went and got the pizza hut ppl and came back and slept from about 5 till about a half hour ago
[07-12:18] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: with the cantalope and the pregnant domesticated kackys and tha tha tha kristinas and the hi
[07-12:18] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde:, i am gonna come over and take your cough syrup from you
[07-12:19] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I have all these pills...they all have these lil letter E's...I don't know what it means but but but, I JUST START TAKIN' THEM
[07-12:19] ceb, §Cerfestas :
[07-12:20] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-12:20] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: no, with the illegal taking of the syruppy coughy stuffy...and the taking without asking...and the asking to take with the no...and, you cant have it
[07-12:20] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, thats it....after breakfast expect a phone call Angel....
[07-12:21] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: but but but but but but but but but but but but WHY?!?!?!
[07-12:21] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-12:21] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: cause you are looney toones out of it man
[07-12:21] 815, ºHeretic : back
[07-12:22] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-12:22] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: hi Heretic
[07-12:23] 815, ºHeretic : hi sui
[07-12:24] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-12:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Hertic
[07-12:25] 815, ºHeretic : hi cerf. that was adventurous
[07-12:26] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Cerfestas.
[07-12:26] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: Angel? you still alive?
[07-12:26] ceb, §Cerfestas : indeed..
[07-12:27] MSG: Cerfestas sent a message to Suicideblonde.
[07-12:27] 815, ºHeretic : u still alive angel?
[07-12:27] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: with the maybe, yes, no, who knows, why? where? when? i had a goggy :( :( :(
[07-12:28] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: WAAAAAAZZZZZZZUUUUUUPPPPP!!!!!! u
[07-12:29] 815, ºHeretic : looks like he is in da his-house-a!
[07-12:29]       TheFadedAngel sings...'you don't have a fluffy tail, you don't have squirrelly wrath... you just build to destroy, while i collect some all suck!'
[07-12:31] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok Cerf, done
[07-12:32] ceb, §Cerfestas : alright
[07-12:32] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: with da boo and da hi
[07-12:33] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: i am gonna send pillze after you Angel
[07-12:33] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, gotta run for now...
[07-12:33] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: with da twin of the looking alike with the the the things gone spooky like...and da mirror...with the bagel...
[07-12:33] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: gottza hab da bagel!!!!
[07-12:33] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: have you seen Advent this morning?
[07-12:34] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: anybody?
[07-12:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : now I want a bagel.
[07-12:34] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I did once, back b4 my goggy died
[07-12:34] ceb, §Cerfestas : yes i saw him this morning, i think.. or was it lastnight? i don't remember
[07-12:35] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: with the cream cheese...the creamy, creamy, cream cheese...and a cup of coffee...yeah, definitely a cup of coffee... so, you need to GET UP and drive ME to the bagel shop
[07-12:36] 815, ºHeretic : bbl
[07-12:36] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: un, du, twa ale, ale, ale.... ey macarena
[07-12:36] EXIT: Heretic disappears ( 12:36pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-12:37] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I am going to go light myself on fire now...and maybe smoke a cigarette too... bbl
[07-12:37] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: sorry i feel asleep last night, just woke up about 12:30, i neeed that...hope you are ok...i waited as long as i could for you to get back...i am going to my friend Carol's later, she doesn't have a comp so not sure when i will be able to talk with you...well, got to run...te amo mucho mi amour
[07-12:38] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: and, whatever you do, do not believe anything that damn sheep says about me...
[07-12:38] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: BAhhhhh *twitches*
[07-12:38] EXIT: TheFadedAngel disappears ( 12:38pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-12:39] JOIN: ThatDamnSheep appears
[07-12:39] 56c, ThatDamnSheep: if I do'd it, I get a whippin'...I DO'D IT!!!!
[07-12:39] ceb, §Cerfestas : Alright.. bye guys
[07-12:39] 56c, ThatDamnSheep: BAH!!!
[07-12:39] EXIT: ThatDamnSheep disappears ( 12:39pm, November 07 (CST) ).
[07-12:40] MSG: SuicideBlonde sent a message to Advent.
[07-12:40] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: ok, gotta run
[07-12:40]       SuicideBlonde hugs Cerf and Angel
[07-12:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : k.bye hun.
[07-12:41] b8f, ºSuicideBlonde: you guys take care
[07-12:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs tgihtly*
[07-12:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : tightly*
[07-12:54] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-12:54] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Hi?
[07-12:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Faded
[07-12:54] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: And how are you, m'dear, on this glorious afternoon?
[07-12:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : I'm alright.. tryin to talk to LN still
[07-12:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : you?
[07-12:55] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: How well is that going?
[07-12:55] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I am doing well, I suppose... just a bit tired...was up all night
[07-12:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : well.. we're not killing eachother lol
[07-12:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : so it's going ok.
[07-12:55] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: That's good to hear
[07-12:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : Wel shit you should have come on, dear lol. I was up all night too
[07-12:56] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: I was looking up a bunch of definitions and such for most of the night
[07-12:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ahh. on what?
[07-12:59] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: various things
[07-12:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : spiffy..
[07-13:00] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: ok, my neice went to grab a coke, told her to get me one too...somehow she managed to burst the first one open...makes it into the trash can before too much gets everywhere...then, the trashcan has a hole in it so it spills everywhere ...lmfao
[07-13:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao..
[07-13:01] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: She is the only one in the family that I know could do, 'cept her momma, she is the same way
[07-13:01] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: and her momma, my sis, is preg with another *smirks*
[07-13:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : Oh joy lol
[07-13:06] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: SHHH! Be very quiet, I am huntin' a bunny wabbit
[07-13:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-13:08] ceb, §Cerfestas : nyyeeehhh... what's up, Doc? *bites a carrot*
[07-13:09] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Uh, have you seen the wabbit?
[07-13:09] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.O
[07-13:10] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Hmm... He has a big fluffy tail, pointy ears, hops around like this *hops* and, and, and says 'what's up doc' sure you have never seen the wabbit?
[07-13:11] ceb, §Cerfestas : yah.. sorry.. i'm a kittie
[07-13:12] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: Ehhh...otayz *goes and looks for the wabbit*
[07-13:12] ceb, §Cerfestas : *puts a robot rabbit out that does everything he just described*
[07-13:17]       TheFadedAngel walks up to the robowabbit...'um, excuse me kitten, have you seen da wabbit? has a fluffy tail, big pointy ears and hops around like this *hops*'
[07-13:17] ceb, §Cerfestas : ..that is the rabbit, dear
[07-13:18] 56c, *TheFadedAngel: The wabbit? WHERE? *looks suspiciously around*
[07-13:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : *points infornt of you*
[07-13:18] ceb, §Cerfestas : front*
[07-13:23]       TheFadedAngel looks at Cerfy...'are you da wabbit?'
[07-13:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : um..
[07-13:24] ceb, §Cerfestas : sure o.O
[07-13:25]       TheFadedAngel tackles the cerfy wabbit
[07-13:25] ceb, §Cerfestas : *falls over* x.x
[07-13:26] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-13:26] JOIN: TheFadedAngel appears
[07-13:28] ceb, §Cerfestas : wow, it's over.
[07-13:36] ceb, §Cerfestas : umm.
[07-13:37]       Advent beats the living shit out of his computer
[07-13:38] ceb, §Cerfestas : hey Advent
[07-13:39]       Advent hugs serf ..."im might have to take my comp to be fixed might be offline till friday maybe"
[07-13:41] ceb, §Cerfestas : *hugs* What's wrong with it?
[07-13:43] 3bc, §Advent: i cant get a conection to the sbc server
[07-13:43] 3bc, §Advent: the log ins are all weird
[07-13:43] ceb, §Cerfestas : That's odd.
[07-13:45] 3bc, §Advent: yeah
[07-13:45] 3bc, §Advent: i think someone tried to hack me ....not to sure
[07-13:45] 3bc, §Advent: this hardrive im using is the "safe one" its not the one i have with all my wonderfull programs i never use the ohter one on the net ....this ones pretty vulnareble
[07-13:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : Ah.. yeah.
[07-13:48] ceb, §Cerfestas : have a firewall?
[07-13:49] 3bc, §Advent: *pouts*....i need a good laugh
[07-13:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : umm
[07-13:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : i talked to ln today oo
[07-13:49] 3bc, §Advent: yeah i have a fire wall but the bratt disabled it so she could watch music videos and left it like that since friday
[07-13:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : o.o*
[07-13:49] 3bc, §Advent: u talked to her what she say?
[07-13:49] ceb, §Cerfestas : that's prolly what happened then..
[07-13:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : i think we've pretty much resolved things..
[07-13:50] 3bc, §Advent: what happend though
[07-13:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : her and I at least.
[07-13:50] ceb, §Cerfestas : Umm..
[07-13:50] 3bc, §Advent: ur not gonna get specific are u?
[07-13:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : I told her I wanted to resolve things.. make peace.. had to explain to her countless time why cos she didn't understand..
[07-13:51] 3bc, §Advent: *nods*
[07-13:51] ceb, §Cerfestas : umm.. explained to her why I left.. that i had this chat before I went into gothchat.. didn't feel like dealing with her shit.. that i wasn't stealing anyone from her room.. that we needed to stop badmouthing eachother behind eachother backs.. which she denies she's done..
[07-13:52] 3bc, §Advent: i never bad mouth her behind her back.....i did it in her face
[07-13:52] 3bc, §Advent: she likes it in her face
[07-13:53] ceb, §Cerfestas : Yea, I know lol
[07-13:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : but yea.. that's pretty much it.. i had to explaint o her why I banned Geno..
[07-13:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : told her I didn't want her lurking around the room anymore..
[07-13:54] 3bc, §Advent: unban geno from here serf
[07-13:54] ceb, §Cerfestas : he is. it was temporary
[07-13:55] 3bc, §Advent: let her lurk she can lurk till she turns in a mutant for all i care....even she likes this room better then her trap hole
[07-13:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-13:55] ceb, §Cerfestas : she said she won't come in cos she said it'd be weird..
[07-13:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : she wanted me to understand why she was so angry that we left.. I told her if people started leaving and going somewhere else, i'd accept it and follow em.. jus the way things go.
[07-13:57] ceb, §Cerfestas : i'd send you the convo but I forgot to save it.
[07-13:57] 3bc, §Advent: she could come in ...hell ill talk to her here i wont bitch at not steven,,,with his clasic..."what are u doing here?"...."your baned" now theres an arse!!!
[07-13:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : lmao.
[07-13:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : yeah..
[07-13:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : i've never met him
[07-13:58] 3bc, §Advent: no one meets him
[07-13:58] ceb, §Cerfestas : umm.. encountered then?
[07-13:59] 3bc, §Advent: they kinda see his name login then say "get out" and thats about it...but he is a prick though,
[07-13:59] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol
[07-14:00] ceb, §Cerfestas : is toronto chat jus a java room or something?
[07-14:01] 3bc, §Advent: hell if i know
[07-14:02] ceb, §Cerfestas : lol