- Singing
- Misc Dances
- Decent painter/drawing
- APPARENTLY sewing. Who knew she was such a great seamstress?
- Mechanical know how with
- Common ships
- Common land vehicles
- Most appliances
- Wire repair on commonly used security systems
Professional Training::
- Self Defense, hand to hand
- Combat with lightsaber, specializing in Form IV
- Force Training
Force Sensitivity::
Sileen is a skilled Force user. She has various strengths, and a couple of notable weaknesses.
- Healing. Sileen is an amazing healer, able to draw people back from near death.
- Bio Sight. Sileen can look into a person, see their pulse, their life, flashing through their luminescent form. For instance with a human, they would be a gleaming specter with bright trickles of arcing lightning to indicate nerves, and a steady pulsing glow for their blood.
- Offensive Healer. Sileen can affect people offensively through her healing, namely by affecting their bodies. Slowing blood flow to make people pass out, messing with nervous systems to make people numb or limbs go limp, affect them like they are on drugs by messing with chemical levels, etc.
- All the little things. What faint abilities Sileen has in telekenesis and energy play, she can use to devastating effect within people. All it takes is a small zap into the right spot to make someone's nerves spastic, or a tiny push here to pinch off blood flowing to the brain. She is known to use all her abilities, even the faintest, in collaboration with her healing.
- Chemical levels. She can stimulate chemical levels, like dopamine or other emotion changing chemicals, to affect how a person is physically feeling.
- Self Enhancement. Sileen can enhance herself physically past what she would be capable of. This includes..
- Speed
- Agility
- Strength
- Senses
Mental Capabilities. She has a couple different telepathic-like abilities.
- Defense. She can do a strong protection of her mind from others' assault.
- Empathy. She can do a sweep to have a basic idea of people's emotional states. She can even turn this around to project an emotional state onto others around her. She uses this most effectively in tangent with her healer ability of messing with one's chemical levels.
- Mind trick. She can influence the weak minded.
- Lie detector. So long as one does not have too strong a mental defense, she can read their surface impressions even during conversation.
- Sileen has a notorious weakness with Telekenesis. She can redirect energy, but generating is not a strong suit.
- Crystalline Sword.
- Light body armor.
- Standard med kit.
- Standard supplies.