Oh gosh! Oh gosh! Gotta keep this up or she'll kill me!
Much thanks to Mab for making me the picture
I love my sister!
"Sileen is a perpetual boon to any that maraud the stars. Whether the victrim of strife is perversely wicked and evil, or the apogee of order and good, Sileen's presence serves to allay, to heal, and to tranquilize. She possesses more power than a raging horde of gundarks, if power can be measured in the friends you cherish along side you." -Nyevin Maggrig
Age: Never ask a woman her age
Sex: Female
Species: Human
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 127
Skin tone: Pale. She lacks the pigmentation needed to tan.
Hair: VERY Pale blond, white streaks.
Eyes: Indigo. Her eyes are a bit larger then average.
They also have a soft look to them, making it near
impossible for her glares to be intimidating.
Homeworld: Tatooine
Affiliation: Nuetral
"Ooooh.. beware the smile. It's a killer." -Kaxxir
Prefered weapons: Blaster modified. Pale green lightsaber.
Item(s) of Note: Where ever Sileen ends up staying, there are always three items that she constantly takes with her no matter what. One is an engagement ring, given to her by her first love, and fiance, before he died. The next is a platnium necklace with a pearl pendant, given to her by her second love.. before Imperials shot him down. The third is a red Agent helmet. Not many know where she got this one, or why she keeps it. When asked, she simply states "It is a reminder not to get too involved with darksiders" then says nothing more.
"She has the heart of an angel - and the potential of the Devil himself. May the Lightside pray that she shall never fall.. " - Allen Darksaber
Force Sensitivity:
Sileen is a skilled Force user. She has various strengths, and a couple of notable weaknesses.
Healing. Sileen is an amazing healer, able to draw people back from near death.
Bio Sight. Sileen can look into a person, see their pulse, their life, flashing through their luminescent form. For instance with a human, they would be a gleaming specter with bright trickles of arcing lightning to indicate nerves, and a steady pulsing glow for their blood.
Offensive Healer. Sileen can affect people offensively through her healing, namely by affecting their bodies. Slowing blood flow to make people pass out, messing with nervous systems to make people numb or limbs go limp, etc.
All the little things. What faint abilities Sileen has in telekenesis and energy play, she can use to devastating effect within people. All it takes is a small zap into the right spot to make someone's nerves so spastic, or a tiny push here to pinch off blood flowing to the brain. She is known to use all her abilities, even the faintest, in collaboration with her healing.
Self Enhancement. Sileen can enhance herself physically past what she would be capable of. This includes..
Mental Capabilities. She has a couple different telepathic-like abilities.
Defense. She can do a basic protection of her mind from others assault.
Empathy. She can do a sweep to have a basic idea of people's emotional states.
Mind trick. She can influence the weak minded.
Battlemind, lesser. She can battlemind link a basic attack force of reasonable numbers, not whole armies.
Lightsaber combat.
Form IV.
Sileen has a notorious weakness with Telekenesis. She tends to get flung around like a rag doll when it is employed against her.
Though many dark side users can create energy and fling around lightning, that is a gift Sileen will never have. She has potential to pass lesser amounts of energy (like ONE stun shot) that hit her into and out of her into something she is grounded to cause less harm, but she lacks the knack to create such amounts of energy. Her skills are in different areas.
"Gee. You're pale." -Random Person
Recent History: To be restored later.
"Yeah, I know of The Healer. Its really funny when you see a score or so of Darksiders all flocking to court and try to corrupt her...only to fail....and then defend her from the next score or so who come calling." -Liam