These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

072499b, Lleld: ...did I interupt? *stands up*
ce8981d, *Pyze Hrantis : ((things. stupid keyboard.))
d71c16b, Zerrick: What about them?
dddc265, *President Zahra : *LOL*
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
af72dba, 'Mr. J:
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Oh no, not at all...
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( *is back*))
756c80e, *Aerakade : *shrugs* I travel around the the galaxy, so *shrugs* I see enough.
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*ponders* Lleld.... she's a dragonlord, ne?))
b043920, *E : WB, Sis! ^_^
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: They are the ones I betrayed. The very ones who brought me to life.
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( *pops her new CD in...smiles* thank you!))
6489408, Moonblaze: *walks to an empty booth and slides in, watching the things going on around her*
e78e4aa, šV :
072499b, Lleld: ((( Rissa, you read the books? )))
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( *kicks the chat* ))
MSG: White Owl sent a message to White Owl.
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*L@V*))
072499b, Lleld: if you're sure *sits back down*
d71c16b, Zerrick: Then what do the Nekressis have to do with this?
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*nods* Great books!))
dddc265, *President Zahra : *giggles*
af72dba, 'Mr. J: hmm..pic test
b043920, *E : What CD? *cranes her neck to see the case*
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( *eyes AIM* I hate it when ppl say they'll be back and they don't come back.))
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: I....I....*sighs deeply, sliding the swords from her forearms again, holding them out for Zerrick's inspection*
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
d71c16b, Zerrick: (( ))
dddc265, *President Zahra :
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( Tri-sexual= You like guys, you like girls, you like Animals. ))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *L*
af72dba, 'Mr. J: ..bah..
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Shrugs smiling slightly and sips his drink*
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( Nick Cave's. The Boatmans Call.
072499b, Lleld: (( *hugs her* I love them! I can't wait 'till the next one comes out...Bard's tales, I think ))
dddc265, *President Zahra : *points out that if she were in London, it would be her birthday already* *prods V*
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( *eyes her pinky* Yeah. forget the ))'s. ))
756c80e, *Aerakade : duke-nuke'
d71c16b, Zerrick: {doesn't even bother with the swords} You're imbued...aren't you?
dddc265, *President Zahra : Nick Cave? Where? Where?
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( now playing, Ria.))
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: *brings her hands back to her sides, the swords sliding back into her arms, and says nothing*
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*huggles Lleld back* Me too! and just call me Calli))
b043920, *E : Oooh, nifty. *nodnod*
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( tis. I didn't expect it to arrive today.))
072499b, Lleld: (( K I loved Lleld)) ))
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Hey wonderful, a commercial about "Erectile Dysfunction"...that totally broke the mood...*was watching something on Spitfire fighter planes*))
e93d18f, *Stryfe Fyre : ((, lol))
af72dba, 'Mr. J: Mr.J@doyousmellthat?
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*G* Linden is my fav...))
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
d71c16b, Zerrick: You are...{leans back and sighs} Too bad...
072499b, Lleld: *looking away, she drinks*
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( *ponders* If Dark Angel just heard a gun , and had enough time to grab someone and duck them out of the way, or grab a gun out of someone's hand and dismantle it before they can react, how come she can't do poo when her boyfriend falls over cause he's a panzy ? ))
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: ((*LOL*@Zerrick. The Trojan commercials are the best....))
d71c16b, Zerrick: {closes his eyes aswell}
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Because she defied the law of Physics of Aera))
dddc265, *President Zahra : There. *has four now*,,, and the other one that she's torturing herself with*
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
553805a, Caletta Canse: *miss Canse rises from her seat quite swiftly...and exits*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : ooo
553805a, Caletta Canse: (( *rae@Ria* torturing yourself with?))
072499b, Lleld: (( He's o.k...but Raven...*g* ))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *ROTFL@KJ*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: is. *watches him carefully, almost gently*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *ROTFL@KJ*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *nodnod to.. um.. Caletta*
756c80e, *Aerakade : *ponder* who don't I like *shrugs* fine, ... Zerrick- Yeah, but how come when some guy gets dizzy and starts leaning he falls over like a little ho, and she doesn't help ? ))
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
072499b, Lleld: *turns back* The other night, you said you had large pets...what kind?
NICK: Caletta Canse changed nick to Jenalia
d71c16b, Zerrick: {his eyes flash open, an orange fire in them} Too bad I'm going to have to kill you now...{both lightsabers are suddenly in his hands, ignited as well}
756c80e, *Aerakade : ...
553805a, *Jenalia: (( *eyes window* freak.))
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((She's an idiot?))
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
dddc265, *President Zahra : Oh. *hugs Jen*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: No. You aren't. *she speaks with perfect calm, watching him*
756c80e, *Aerakade :
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((
d71c16b, Zerrick: {stands} Unfortunately, yes I am.
JOIN: Tenchi has entered.
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
756c80e, *Aerakade :
3d4b4e1, *KJ : v'
dddc265, *President Zahra : Oooo..
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Ah...*Clears throat*...Its not important....
JOIN: Roulette has entered.
553805a, Roulette: (( *eyes computer* quit. k?))
756c80e, *Aerakade : *chuckles*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: Sir, do you want the Dark Empire?
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*LHO@KJ*))
ecbcd92, Tenchi: *returns, sitting on a rafter, realxing*
b043920, *E : *whaps Sis's comp with the Tire-Iron of Asskicking*
e78e4aa, šV : omg.... fever
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: ((oooh.*ponders*))
dddc265, *President Zahra : It's all your fault too, V.
553805a, Roulette: (( *watches her computer get whapped* hmm))
072499b, Lleld: o.k.. *smiles* so, how was your day?
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: you want the Dark Empire?
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( Ria- I am LIKEWISE torn between four, you guys decide.... Aerkade@: ???
dddc265, *President Zahra : *lol* That's one way to tell someone..
af72dba, 'Mr. J:
dddc265, *President Zahra : Aera: You can have up to 20. So don't be torn.
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((
756c80e, *Aerakade : *also nominates "
d71c16b, Zerrick: What do you mean?
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*L*))
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: *she pauses and frowns* I don't understand. I am not supposed to consider my life of value. I should be able to die quietly now, but since I cannot I can only assume that I am still needed in service to the Dark Empire....
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *now has the email address*
e93d18f, *Stryfe Fyre : ((I just got
756c80e, *Aerakade : Thanks Ria.
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*votes for ""*))
JOIN: NS has entered.
553805a, Roulette: (( *quietly to self...almost as if a thought* ''hands up who wants to die?''.))
f59cd2a, NS: *Is ruler of the Dark Empire all must bow to me!*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {makes a swipe at her neck with a lightsaber} Then fight back
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : My day? so...did this and
dddc265, *President Zahra : *wishes there was an* *giggles*
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((NS! *POUNCEHUGGLESES*))
dddc265, *President Zahra : *wishes there was an* *giggles*
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( *LHAO@ ))
b043920, *E : *hugs and a daisy for NS* ^_^
f59cd2a, NS: Whoaness.
af72dba, 'Mr. J: *yawns*
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((ooohhhhh.....
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( *notes how tacky Dark-angel is* ))
553805a, Roulette: (( *wishes IC were a fad tonight*))
072499b, Lleld: *smiles* The same old thing, running my feet off while my boss just sits around.
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: *simply ducks down, the blade barely passing over her head* Perhaps I am to restructure it. Perhaps you would be useful in this. Perhaps the service required is the overthrowing of the current leader.
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
756c80e, *Aerakade : (( *thinks* Ballofsteele is good, but I'm sure I'll find good ones searching in "player"
dddc265, *President Zahra : *has four nice email addresses she's never gonna use, now* *hugs them*
b043920, *E : *seriously considering* hmm...
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((ooohhhh...
f59cd2a, NS: *Thinks Duilia is dull*
756c80e, *Aerakade : Ack, "player" is NOT a good search
756c80e, *Aerakade :
d71c16b, Zerrick: This has nothing to do with your foolish leader...this has to do with you being one of the imbued ones...
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : That must be annoying...I'm telling should go for "Galactic Model" *Winks*
af72dba, 'Mr. J: *ponders*
e93d18f, *Stryfe Fyre : ((, lol!))
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: ((*is not simply not fighting now, yay* :-P))
756c80e, *Aerakade : ???
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: ((Stalks: I'm kinda hopped up on painkillers. I don't have the concentration to fight. :-P))
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((That's mine Aera!))
f59cd2a, NS: *Wants some blood, but is afraid of being banned because he rps from time to time*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *Curls up on Stalker-y's lap*
e78e4aa, šV : ROFL
072499b, Lleld: *blushes*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: Which has no relevance to anything. Leave me be. *the blades spring out again, and she glares at him*
e78e4aa, šV : NS - some ppl are rping and ppfffft...I dont ban ppl for rping *pokes NS*
d71c16b, Zerrick: It has a lot of is my purpose for being defeat and destroy your kind...{makes a stab at her stomach with both sabers}
756c80e, *Aerakade : *LOL*
f59cd2a, NS: Hey, I don't know about all you admins, some of you might.
b043920, *E : *would RP, but doesn't figure Nigma is in good enough shape yet for another fight*
f59cd2a, NS: *Could kill Zerrick and run away like the wind!*
e78e4aa, šV : NS - Cool. Do it...
dddc265, *President Zahra : *would rp.. but is bad at it*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: My ''kind''? *she leaps up, the saber grazing the side of her leg, and lands on a tabletop* I don't work for them.
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((*could smack NS in the head and run away like the wind*))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Ponders E* Muhahaha...Become one with my ship!
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: ((*wants to watch NS fight Zerrick, woohoo! climbs onto Stalky's lap, too*))
d71c16b, Zerrick: You don't have to...{steps towards her and swings at her legs}
553805a, Roulette: (( *ponders...* always wanted to see what it was like to fight NS.))
f59cd2a, NS: *wants to kill, kill!*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Bleh, I'm actually not in the mood for a fight, I have to get off soon and do homework))
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
e78e4aa, šV : See NS! You have loads of votes saying "Yes. Do it"
3d4b4e1, *KJ :
756c80e, *Aerakade : anygirls with the e-mail ending in "" e-mail me at ""
b043920, *E : *chomps Owl* Notta chance :P
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: *leaps up and digs the claws into the ceiling, dangling there, bringing her feet up to press against the plaster as well*
ecbcd92, Tenchi: ((
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((*L@Aera*))
f59cd2a, NS: What if Stalker started to eat his dead? Would that bother people?
072499b, Lleld: *watches the fight*
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((not an option, Tenchi.... not that I can find.))
dddc265, *President Zahra : *could always bring in a random character for Stalker to kill*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {looks up at her} Your not worth won't even fight back...{disengages both sabers and clips them back to his belt}
dddc265, *President Zahra : *eyes Stalker* Erm.. Ack!
d7a0594, Rissa Finrir: ((I did get
e78e4aa, šV : Eat his dead??? ewwwww
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
f59cd2a, NS: *purchased Blair Witch 2*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((*pause* Hey wait, I have another character I want killed, you can kill him NS, although, he wouldn't be much of a challenge))
e78e4aa, šV : *ponders a full Nekressis attacking Zerrick*
MSG: White Owl tried to message White.
553805a, Roulette: (( *notes Aek has been doing that for a long time*))
MSG: White Owl sent a message to White Owl.
JOIN: calli thaala has entered.
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: You're right. I won't; there's no cause for it. *drops back down, landing balanced upon the floor, seeming not to care about the blood running down her leg*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: ((V: ooooh....))
JOIN: Calli Thaala has entered.
d71c16b, Zerrick: {heads for the exit} Life is the cause to fight back....
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((I did get
072499b, Lleld: *looks at him* I'm not that....*looks down*
756c80e, *Aerakade : Hmmm bye
ecbcd92, Tenchi: ((CAlli: I thought it was jsut make it up. ooh, I like that one))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Looks at her closely* Hmmm?
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
NICK: Roulette changed nick to Eloise Fealon
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *smiles oddly*))
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((No, Tenchles. go to
dddc265, *President Zahra : Bah. *wanders off* *hugs people*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: *raises an eyebrow, following after him silently*
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((nope, Tenchles. go to
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
b043920, *E : *hugs Ria* ^_^
d71c16b, Zerrick: {just leaves, ignoring the fact he's being followed}
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((ack.... forget that. I thought it wasn't posting...))
ecbcd92, Tenchi: ((okay.))
dddc265, *President Zahra : Thankoo, V! *many, many, many hugs* *is happy now*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *hugs Nigma back*
ce8981d, Valentine Duilia: *slips out*
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((oooohh....
dddc265, *President Zahra : *will probably be back soon, since she won't be able to sleep*
EXIT: Valentine Duilia has left the chat ( Quit ).
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((So who wants to kill a crappy character of mine? Your motivation is that hhe's wanted by the Empire))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : ack... nobody better get
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((*Huggleses Ria* Happy early B-day!))
ecbcd92, Tenchi: ((*LOL@Calli* nahh, not bad enough))
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
JOIN: Collin has entered.
dddc265, *President Zahra : Thankoo Calli. *huggles*
JOIN: pH has entered.
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *eyes chat* STOP IT!))
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((true, but it's all they got.((
4ab9ffb, Collin: *bops on in.*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *hugs Collin tons, then disappears to try to sleep.. will still probably be back soon*
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((OOH! TENCHI! I found one for you!
ce8981d, pH: *climbs onto Collin's lap*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *pokes around for E*
b043920, *E : *hugs, hugs Collin* ^_^
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *spots Collin...* did you enjoy your free food?))
ce8981d, pH: *hugs Ria* Happy bday!
dddc265, *President Zahra : Thankoo, pH, but it's tomorrow. :)
ce8981d, pH: MY BIRTHDAY IS FRIDAY! ...but I'll be in Boston. I'll get back the 19th.
b043920, *E : *G@KJ* Aye, I was thinking about that one, too...
ce8981d, pH: Er, 18th.
NICK: Zerrick changed nick to Justin Sane
ecbcd92, Tenchi: ((Calli: only when your not around darling *wink*))
dddc265, *President Zahra : *is really leaving now.. really*
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((*L*))
a605291, Collin: *hugs, hugs, hugs for the birthday folks and 'Nigma.* Hullo-a. :)
723ff5a, 'White Owl: ?
3d4b4e1, *KJ : hehe
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((NO! I Found it for ALL YOU GUYS!
ecbcd92, Tenchi: ((Calli: damn straight))
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((*LHAO@WO* definitely!))
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *allows that dull thunder to invade her mind again...* bleh. eating my posts....sucky chat.))
4ab9ffb, Collin: *ponders all the @ junk.* Hmm...
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((er,
ce8981d, pH: *curls up on Collin's lap*
JOIN: B has entered.
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *switches on 'west country girl'...sits back..and waits*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *plops down, bored and crap*
4ab9ffb, Collin: *again has his lap occupied like Alsace-Lorraine.* Ack! The Jerries!
723ff5a, 'White Owl:
b043920, *E : *hugs B* ^_^
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((
072499b, Lleld: (( So, Calli, did you read the latest one? ))
b043920, *E : *boots Owl to check his msgs*
4ab9ffb, Collin: Crooked smile and a heart shaped face, comes from the west country where the birds sing bass. *hugs, hugs Jenn.*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Ow....*Grumble*
9fce90d, B: *hugs for E*
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((Lleld: about the dragons and phoenix and all? *nods*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *plays in the sand8
553805a, Eloise Fealon: *once again...the woman enters...gray slacks...brown hair..dusting herself off*
ce8981d, pH: *puts her head on Collin's thigh*
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
MSG: White Owl sent a message to White Owl.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *grabs Collin and shoves him to the board*
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((a necessary:
dddc265, *President Zahra : *is back already*
MSG: Justin Sane tried to message Everyone.
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
072499b, Lleld: (( Akido, I had to go for a sec...did you say something? ))
4ab9ffb, Collin: Bah! *demilitarizes his lap and carves it up into different zones.*
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: ((YAY! WB RIA!))
b043920, *E : WB Ria!
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Yes..."Hmmmm?" ))
d7a0594, Calli Thaala: gtg
dddc265, *President Zahra : *annexes all of Collin's lap and curls up on it* *plants the flag of the Ria Empire*
b043920, *E : Seeya Calli ^_^ *huggles*
dddc265, *President Zahra : Thankoo, Calli and Nigma. *huggles*
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
4ab9ffb, Collin: *is shoved to the board, but no perform welcoming back the Tibetan Freedom Fighter: Ria.
JOIN: Eloise Fealon has entered.
ce8981d, pH: *bursts into tears*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *giggles and huggles Collin tons*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *pats pH*
4ab9ffb, Collin: Ack! *pokes Ria.* Look at you, Tsar Ria.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pats pH*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *ignores Collin's lap...and curls around his shoulders* hehe.))
ecbcd92, Tenchi: bbl
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
ce8981d, pH: *patted...cries anyway*
9fce90d, B: hmmm *lurks*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *hugs pH*
ce8981d, pH: *curls up on Collin's chest*
dddc265, *President Zahra : Gah! *is poked* Fine, be that way. *annexes all of Collin, and plants flags all over him* Mine.. mine.. mine!
b043920, *E : *left completely Collinless* Bah. *perches in her booth*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: *her ankle boots of the same color gray...crunch the sand as before...she looks about...that thoughtless look still in her eyes*
JOIN: Andy has entered.
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
e78e4aa, šV : Bed time for me
ce8981d, pH: *cries bitterly* V: Can I come?
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( g'night V.))
6c9b335, 'Andy: *sighs* I hate snow... *was almost in a car crash*
4ab9ffb, Collin: *is carved up like Poland, partitions a portion of Collin to Nigma.*
b043920, *E : G'night V ^_^
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *blinks@Ria...tumbles off Collin's shoulders...and walks off into the shadows...*))
b043920, *E : Ooo yay... *pats her Collin-portion*
ce8981d, pH: *cries bitterly* V: can I come along? ;-)
e78e4aa, šV : Andy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY
dddc265, *President Zahra : Night, V! *many hugs*
6c9b335, 'Andy: V erm? Thanks
3d4b4e1, *KJ : bye V
4ab9ffb, Collin: *hugs for sleepy V.* Tar tar...
dddc265, *President Zahra : *has some of Collin stolen from her* *screams, and declares war on everybody(
072499b, Lleld: (( I guess not ))
553805a, Eloise Fealon: I see...nice night...*she smiles sarcastically...folding her hands behind her...then grins*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I'm leaving, Son Of The Beach is on
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pushes Ria off Collin and wanders out*
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Dedse Xi *Snicker*
EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Notch Johnson is God ).
b043920, *E : Bye Justin ^_^
4ab9ffb, Collin: Whoa, Son Of The Beach! Awesome!
MSG: White Owl sent a message to E.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *feels special cause V said H-B-Day*
e78e4aa, šV : pH - All depends. Who knows. I might have wild sex on Thursday
072499b, Lleld: *sighs* It would be nice. But I
6c9b335, 'Andy: Wild sex... Oooo Strip club... *thwaps memories*
ce8981d, pH: V: What about wild sex tonight? :-P *lol*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *does not mention private shows*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: *she paces on to the empty table she was at before...sliding onto it...hands flat on the tabletop..*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Whats this about wild sex?
e78e4aa, šV : Highly doubt it.
4ab9ffb, Collin: Jesus! First, occupation, then annexation, and now war. This is insanity!
MSG: E sent a message to White Owl.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : But.....?
072499b, Lleld: (( sorry)) ...but I'm happy with my life. *glances at her feet, wincing*
e78e4aa, šV : I might go...clubbing on Thursday night
ce8981d, pH: V: No wild sex for pH? *pouts cutely*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Collin. I want Canada annexed to the U.S
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *L* Message to E: "All your corpse are belong to us"
553805a, Eloise Fealon: *she lets her legs swing freely this time...blinking once or if half asleep*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *is, obviously, defeated* *slinks off to a dark, icky corner and shivers*
4ab9ffb, Collin: V: Clubbing? Not with glow sticks and fuzzy clothing, I hope.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Are you alright?
b043920, *E : *prods Owl with a spork* Like I your dreams. :-D
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hugs all the ladies* *giving them also a slice of cake*
072499b, Lleld: *smiles at him* I'm fine. I've gotten used to it.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: :P All your corpse are belong to us!!!
072499b, Lleld: (( Andy, you'rre CRAZY ))
e78e4aa, šV : *EL@SW CCG card: All Your Base Are Belong To Us*
6c9b335, 'Andy: 'All Your Sith ae belong to Us.' 'Praise Ledon, This Destruction.'
9fce90d, B: *feels ignored, shrugs*
ce8981d, pH: Collin: Somebody tried to teach me glowsticks once....I'm not skilled with that. I can bump 'n' grind....
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Gotten used to.......?
b043920, *E : *hugs Andy, and accepts cake* ^_^
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *listens to Nick talk...* hmm.))
e78e4aa, šV : link
dddc265, *President Zahra : *yawns and so on*
072499b, Lleld: The noise, the yelling, the harrasment...*looks at her feet again* the sore feet *smiles*
a605291, Collin: *beats surrender and restores Ria to the throne of a slightly diminished Empire.*
e78e4aa, šV : . link
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Would you prefer to be carried?
6c9b335, 'Andy: *smiles at E for acknowledging him*
e78e4aa, šV : .. link
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Heh...I guess you'd have to...
dddc265, *President Zahra : Oooh.. *huggles her slightly diminished Empire, and plots to gain back all her lost land eventually*
b043920, *E : *applauds V's cards*
dddc265, *President Zahra : Oooh.. Pretty pictures.
ce8981d, pH: *pats V*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *glares@window* If you kick me out one more time...I will throttle you.))
4ab9ffb, Collin: *plays the fiddle in the streets as the chat dies.*
JOIN: Liam Rowe has entered.
e78e4aa, šV : They arent excellent...but first try with really old paint package
9fce90d, B: *slight wave, wanders off*
e78e4aa, šV : I need a better pic for Dalris
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Whispers to E* All your corpse.....
dddc265, *President Zahra : *giggles and huggles Collin*
b043920, *E : *hugs B 'fore he wanders*
072499b, Lleld: yes *looks into her water* But sometimes I wish there was a better life for me...
29fd46b, *Liam Rowe : * his sabres click together as he walks down the stone work stairs leading into the cantina *
e78e4aa, šV : the pics for some reason change colour and s tuff (thus the blotches in the pics)
b043920, *E : *waves the Tire-Iron of Asskicking threateningly at Owlie*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *chuckles@Collin*))
af72dba, Get a name!: .
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Hehehe
ce8981d, pH: V: Do I get a goodnight kiss before you leave? ;-)
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel: v..those cards are really cool
553805a, Eloise Fealon: *her eyes wander...her manner returning as it was earlier...nearly lost (literally) in thought*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Whoa, pH is gonna get a kiss by V.. Nice Nice..
dddc265, *President Zahra : *pouts* *wants a kiss too*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Stands* Hey...*Lifts her chin up gently with his hand* Everyone does...even me...*Tilts his head* All you have to do is work for it....*Smiles and steps out of the booth*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *kisses Serena*
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel: ((bah..goes IC))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *doesn't ask for kisses... doesn't need to*
072499b, Lleld: I suppose so. But what can a shop assistant do?
6c9b335, 'Andy: *kisses KJ on the cheek*
6c9b335, 'Andy: heh.
e78e4aa, šV : Jaradon - Thanks... I'll get better. My first real editing really. I intend to do an entire set to put together a Nekressis deck *G*
6c9b335, 'Andy: = p
072499b, Lleld: *watches him* You leaving?
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : Anything you try to...just believe in yourself *Smiles* Yes...I'm afraid I must go...
4ab9ffb, Collin: *doesn't like new dogs.* Grr, stupid new dog.
29fd46b, *Liam Rowe : * scans the room w/ his ice blue eyes and runs his fingers through his hair to remove the sand in it from the recent dust storm *
dddc265, *President Zahra : *sighs and wanders off to bed, un-kissed*
b043920, *E : BRB...gonna go tell my flatmates that the Feds are looking for me. hehe. *skips off for a bit*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Collin did you try out Joe Dolan
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Why thank you, Andy.
JOIN: Jaradon Rocel has entered.
4ab9ffb, Collin: *asks for money cos it's all he needs to be and smack.*
e78e4aa, šV : *doesnt kiss* :oP
ce8981d, pH: *saunters over to V, swishes hips....wants goodnight kiss*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: *she stands...quite abruptly...again...and exits...a light breeze greeting her exit..she vanishes again down the streets*
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : *enters, wearing his normal apparel, has retrieved his weapons*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *nods to KJ*
ce8981d, pH: V: C'mon, it's my birthday soon. *sulks*
29fd46b, *Liam Rowe : (( * brb* ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Come on, V.. pH is doing seductively.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *snickers*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *notes that it's her birthday in two hours* */demands/ kisses before she leaves*
4ab9ffb, Collin: Joe Dolan has some nice hop along jaunty tunes, man.
072499b, Lleld: *stands* Thank you...I'll see you later
3d4b4e1, *KJ : V doesn't have to kiss anyone if he doesn't want to.
dddc265, *President Zahra : *notes that it's her birthday in two hours* *demands kisses before she leaves*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Collin. Is it worth buying his cd?
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *is caught realising she's laughing* money and smack eh?))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Nods and exits*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *kisses Ria on the cheek and hands her a rose* Happy Birthday doll.
dddc265, *President Zahra : Or not. *changes her mind, and just leaves*
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : ((*hands ria a herseys kiss*))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Kisses Ria*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *huggles Andy much, and shakes her head at Jaradon*
e78e4aa, šV : *doesnt kiss IRL*
4ab9ffb, Collin: It's true. Drink, drugs and money could make me the happiest man on earth. Just like Iggy Pop.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *smiles at Ria*
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : ((*snickers*))
dddc265, *President Zahra : Ooooo.. *kisses Owlie back* *is happy now* *wanders off*
ce8981d, pH: *will try to get V to kiss if she sees him irl this summer* :-)
072499b, Lleld: *sits back down, pushing her long red hair behind her shoulders* Hmm
4ab9ffb, Collin: *Birthday kisses for Ria.* Great big kiss, moi!
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : ((*sighs as his beeper goes off* drag blasted friggin a..what do they want..))
ce8981d, pH: *doesn't get kisses....feels left out and unloved*
e78e4aa, šV : Kill the beeper
6c9b335, 'Andy: *kotc for pH*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hands pH his keys to his hummer*
e78e4aa, šV : pH - um...why?
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *never been kissed IRL... doesn't let people kiss her*
ce8981d, pH: Hummer?! Oooooh.
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : ((im about to...*looks around for a hammer, shoe, frozen pot roast, anything heavy*))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Gives pH a big kiss trying to make V envious*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *rae@kisses* wtf...))
dddc265, *President Zahra : Woooo! *is kissed by Collin* *is now the happiest person ever* *goes to sleep now*
ce8981d, pH: V: Because it's fun. :-) and because I'm gonna be in freaking England, and you have a cute accent.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *grins at pH*
ce8981d, pH: Oooooh....*purrs and kisses Owlie back*
e78e4aa, šV : My accent isnt cute. Ask myst
dddc265, *President Zahra : It is too, V. *really leaves*
4ab9ffb, Collin: Dont' fall for it, V! She's not pH, she's *removes pH's latex mask to reveal that she is none other than Otto Von Bismarck.* My God!
ce8981d, pH: V: Bah. I have like 500 minutes to England. I'll waste some on ya sometime. :-P
e78e4aa, šV : Who is Otto Von Bismarck?
ce8981d, pH: AAAAAAAAAA! *Shrieks at Collin*
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : *sits all unkissed, pulls out a sign "will kiss for food"*))
dddc265, *President Zahra : *or doesn't* Bismarck? *LOL*
e78e4aa, šV : NOoooooooooo.....I dont talk on phone
072499b, Lleld: *drinking, she looks around*
ce8981d, pH: V: Yes you will...:-) It'll be fun.
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : v..are you a hermit with a computer?
dddc265, *President Zahra : *eyes pH.. er.. Bismarck* *giggles lots*
4ab9ffb, Collin: Glad you asked that, V...Otto Von Bismarck is the Junker who united all of Germany under the Hohenzollern Dynasty through his policies of blood and iron. He had a mustache, liked to drink and gamble and hated the catholics. The end.
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( * kotf for Ria's B-day *))
e78e4aa, šV : No, Im a student who doesnt study with a computer
6c9b335, 'Andy: Everyone hated the Catholics for something...
ce8981d, pH: *LOL*@Collin. Germans have nice accents....there, you see what happens when I take come online?
e78e4aa, šV : I ph34r Collins knowledge
dddc265, *President Zahra : *huggles Liam lots* *will now leave, as long as Collin and everyone else promises not to say anything funny, cute, or silly while she's gone*
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : ahh..sounds familiar
dddc265, *President Zahra : Bah. You should know all the stuff Collin knows, V. It is European history, after all. *hugs her AP Euro History class*
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( heh can't promise that ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: German's are mean, rude and hate people... You cannot get citizen status if your an immigrant.
ce8981d, pH: *hugs Alc never called* If anybody sees him, tell him to check his email....
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : but they have those pimp beer mugs!!
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *is part german...* um...))
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( back anyways ))
e78e4aa, šV : *wonders where Jaradon likes Looney Tunes: Road Runner and Wile E Coyote: re sign thing*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *censors Andy's post, and edits out all the stereotyping and other mean comments, changing it to "Germans are.. citizen status."*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Well not all Germans.
4ab9ffb, Collin: Yeah really V. I'm just some dumb rock n roller. Don't fear me. Just give me money.
ce8981d, pH: *is part German as well...has a best friend who is half-German, a German citizen, and has the accent*
e78e4aa, šV : Ria - I didnt study history
dddc265, *President Zahra : *duct tapes Collin's mouth shut* If you keep saying silly things, I'll never get to sleep. And then I'll be tired and feel awful on my birthday, and it'll be your fault.
af72dba, *Jaradon Rocel : actually i saw a dude on the side of the road that had a "will work for food" sign..kinda sad really
072499b, Lleld: *looks around the room, thinking*
dddc265, *President Zahra : V: *jaw drops* You didn't... study history... ever?
4ab9ffb, Collin: Well you should, you can make lovely little allusions and name-drop. :)
6c9b335, 'Andy: pH I'm sowwie..
ce8981d, pH: *pats Ria and gives her a box of Peeps for her birthday*
ce8981d, pH: *glares at Andy*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *has a box of.. um.. Peeps*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *rae@pH* k.))
e78e4aa, šV : oh no.. I mighta studied some poverty thing, english civil war, egyptions and world war 1
6c9b335, 'Andy: *grovels in front of pH* I did not mean you...
ce8981d, pH: Peeps! Those marshmallow chicks....
dddc265, *President Zahra : Well, stuff Bismarck did led to WWI, despite the fact that everything he did was to try to keep the peace. *nodnod*
4ab9ffb, Collin: Ack! *is silenced by the duct tape and that's a shame really cos he just thought up an insanely humorous anecdote.*
ce8981d, pH: *glares at Andy some more...slinks off to find her happy muscle-relaxing pills*
dddc265, *President Zahra : *blinks at the chat*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Bag... *ungrovels and sits beside Collin*
4ab9ffb, Collin: *relents so Ria can get some sleep and have a ladyin birthday.*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Well off to homework.. ciao people bbl
dddc265, *President Zahra : Yay! *huggles Collin much, and wanders off to bed*
4ab9ffb, Collin: *pats astute scholarly Ria.* Hey, you can write my paper for European History 1870-1914 for me. :)
JOIN: pH has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
7a3ea68, Get a name!: Night, Ria.
EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Sweet dreams! ).
e78e4aa, šV : *phases for bed
4ab9ffb, Collin: Ladyin? Bolsheviks! B.itchin!
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( Quit ).
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *mopes
e78e4aa, šV : *GONE - reason: bed*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( hehe. ))
EXIT: V has left the chat ( Sexeh ).
7a3ea68, 'L: I've scared everyone away... *cries*
EXIT: V has left the chat ( Sexeh ).
723ff5a, 'White Owl: hmmm...test...shit
ce8981d, pH: *hugs V*
553805a, Eloise Fealon: (( *eyes clock...eyes chat...debating something*))
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : *walks up to the bar and gets a glass of water *
723ff5a, 'White Owl: hmmm...test...shit
ce8981d, pH: I'm going, y'all. *hugs*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: hmmm...test...shit
ce8981d, pH: I'm going, y'all. *hugs*
4ab9ffb, Collin: *The chat slides further into the slough of despond.*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: hmmm...test...shit
EXIT: pH has left the chat ( I can hear the voice, but I don't want to listen. Strap me down and tell me I'll be all right. ).
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : hmmm...that worked well...
7a3ea68, 'L: I've scared everyone away... *cries*
JOIN: Jennifer has entered.
7a3ea68, 'L: *eyes the chat*
JOIN: Jennifer has entered.
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *steps in quietly and reaches a hand up to push her shades onto the top of her head, glancing around the place for a moment*
553805a, Jennifer: bleh.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Naw L I'm still here
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Naw L I'm still here
7a3ea68, 'L: *kick* Please, work properly and stop eating my post.
072499b, Lleld: (( Is anyone still here..or have you all gone? ))
553805a, Jennifer: (( *still here*))
4ab9ffb, Collin: Silly Leigh. *hugs.*
072499b, Lleld: *hugs L* I'm here...
7a3ea68, 'L: *kicks* Behave. And stop eating my posts.
553805a, Jennifer: (( *closes her eyes...imagines the chat working*))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Burp* Oops...
553805a, Jennifer: (( intolerable...really.))
7a3ea68, 'L: *giggles @ Jen, then grumbles and throws a slipper at the tv*
072499b, Lleld: *watches the woman enter, then finishes her water*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *lightly moves down the stairs and makes her way to the bar where Wuher is already preparing her usual*
7a3ea68, 'L: *giggles @ Jen, then throws her slipper at the tv, again, since the first time, it didn't post cos of the stupid chat.
7a3ea68, 'L: *adds her asterisk*
7a3ea68, 'L: *gasps* BC in the championship? Ooooh...Too bad I can't go watch.
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : * glances up @ KJ from the bar before heading to his seat
553805a, Jennifer: (( *watches slipper* goodshot!!))
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : *
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *pays for her glass and glances around for a moment, then heads after Liam* Hey...
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : hey KJ * smiles *
553805a, Jennifer: *wonders if its some reason like Jez said*
7a3ea68, 'L: *curtsies* Thank you.
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : want to sit?
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smirks slightly* trying to avoid me?
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *takes a seat across from him*
553805a, Jennifer: *kills chat*
JOIN: Liam Rowe has entered.
072499b, Lleld: *sighs and gets up*
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( * beats up the chat * ))
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : so what's new?
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : Oh, not much... *leans back and takes a sip of her water* You?
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : Nothing new here... * takes a draught of water *
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : No? What have you been up to?
553805a, Jennifer: *is two seconds from giving up on the chat*
072499b, Lleld: (( Everyone have a good evening! ))
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : Nothng much, research and practicing to keep up my skill
7a3ea68, 'L: Nooo! Dun give up, Jen!
553805a, Jennifer: *has had her fill of the devil chat...exits for a while*
553805a, Jennifer: *stops* k.
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( * pokes Kelly * AIM ? * puppy-face *))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : Ah... *nods* Sounds good... *takes another sip of her water, her gaze wandering around the place*
553805a, Jennifer: I'd go IC if I trusted this chat to actually work to post ONE FECKING WORD!
7a3ea68, 'L: Devil chat...Devils...*grins at the game*
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : What ahve you been up to? You aren't one to be content with being bored.
7a3ea68, 'L: Devil chat...Devils...*grins at the game*
JOIN: Jenn has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
553805a, Jenn: crappy chatcrappychatcrappychat.
7a3ea68, 'L: Hmmm... *ponders going to Underground*
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( * pokes * Kelly, AIM? * puppy face * ))
072499b, Lleld: *leaves*
553805a, Jenn: who is Kelly...?
7a3ea68, 'L: Still got problems, Liam... *sniff*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *tosses head slightly* Oh, I've been keeping busy.
072499b, Lleld: ****GONE****
553805a, Jenn: n/m
553805a, Jenn: *drops into the underground...just to see*
072499b, Lleld: *****GONE*****
7a3ea68, 'L: Problems with it still, Liam, dear.
08acce3, *Liam Rowe : (( * kills chat * ))
EXIT: Lleld has left the chat ( Quit ).
553805a, Get a name!: *growls@chat*
JOIN: KJ has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Humph
JOIN: Deena has entered.
5388086, Deena: *tumbles in*
JOIN: Roulette has entered.
553805a, Roulette: *chuckles*
7a3ea68, Get a name!: *peers* Are you working?
7a3ea68, Get a name!: Bah...when everyone's gone away, you decide to work... *curls up on her throne*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Erm?
JOIN: Andrea Ravenwolf has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Hello person
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: * steps inside her face stained with tears*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : nobody's RPing
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: ( can you?)
3d4b4e1, *KJ : yes, I can,,,
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: (thank u )
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *walks down teh steps slowly and looks around the Cantina as she moves to the bar*\
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *takes a seat at the bar and lays her head on her arms softly crying*
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: (KJ will you RP with me?)
JOIN: Talon BlackWolf has entered.
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: strides in his muzzles twitches at the rank smell in the room
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: arranges his robes to suit him better
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: looks around at the litter and looks disgusted
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *doesnt hear the person enter*
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: mmoves slowly to the bar picking his way through the trash lifting his robe to clear the rubbish
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: looks for the bartender and then asks for a clean glass of Nathu'll ale
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *still crying*
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: moves away from the leaking human
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *hearrs teh newcommer and her head bolts up with a suprised look to her face*]
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *hearrs teh newcommer and her head bolts up with a suprised look to her face*
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: wonders why him
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *looks at the person hello
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: grins showing lots of teeth
JOIN: Mareanus Calgar has entered.
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: *walks in his combat armor is dark blue with white and black trim*
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *i a little scared and backs away from the being slowly*
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: What is the name of this Emperor forsaken place?*looks around the scanner over his left eye showing data*
0bdf9ec, Talon BlackWolf: looks back at his drink satisfied
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: *walks to the bar looks at the drinks*
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *backs away from teh strange peopel and hides in a booth*
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: ((heh Talon is Kevin I think))
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: ((ahhh this place is dead))
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: ((ciao kiddies ))
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *shivers in the booth hopeing that they wont harm her if they see her
EXIT: Talon BlackWolf has left the chat ( Quit ).
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: ((^%%^#$%#$#$^^# Morganton for the %$%#%@ PS2))
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *slinks out of teh booth but freezes when she knocks a glas on teh floor and it shatters*
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: *spins pointing his heavy blaster at the source of the sound the designator shining a ruby red beam *
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *raises her hands in fear*
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: *raises his rifle*Woman thats a good way to get your bleedin head shot off!
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: im sorry
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: $##$%#$%@#% I just came back from a drop had ta shhot my way through half a bloody planet to get to thwe target only to find the target has skitterd offf two days earlier
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: oh,,,
bf0b800, Mareanus Calgar: the little #$#^5463456 in brown cloaks keep buggin me while I`m here ...hab\ven`t had any rest in a week and a half Praise the Emperor I just hope that I can keep sane for another month or so
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *dashes for the exit hoping she wasnt identified*
8e28e86, Andrea Ravenwolf: *GONE*
EXIT: Andrea Ravenwolf has left the chat ( Quit ).
EXIT: Mareanus Calgar has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
93f0455, Get a name!: .
JOIN: Neah Kwan has entered.
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : ...
JOIN: Stalos Dasher has entered.
JOIN: Ace dasher has entered.
570cd5b, *Stalos Dasher : you m00 no ships no planets
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: *a rogue lookalike staps into the cantina*
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: (staps=steps)
a0202de, šJezral : *cricket cricket*
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: Gah!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: hello Jez,whats on!?
a0202de, šJezral : Nothing at the moment.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: what"ya doing?
a0202de, šJezral : Just working on some graphics.
JOIN: Darth Rodiak has entered.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: for what?
a0202de, šJezral : A greenish spy-design for the net.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: *eg*
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: hi guys whats up
a0202de, šJezral : Clones, or just in the same room?
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: Cool,tha gost of Jez...spoky!
a0202de, šJezral : I meant you and Darth. Same ident.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: Ah,thats not me im not crazy thats Stalos! were classmates and we are in the same Liberary using comps with same ips,that happens alot.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: were in the same room
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: I've got comp 1 and Ace comp 3
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: avtually number 4 Stal!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: avtually =actually
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: you've forgotten how to count..oh yeah, your right
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: well my comp is numbered 4 but counting from you its 3!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: enough small talk.Hey Jez do you play Ferion?
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: hey Ace do you know who Labansat is?
a0202de, šJezral : Yes.
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: I thought you weren't supposed to talk about that
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: no!Cool *finally a way to face Jez*what S your on?
a0202de, šJezral : S2A1 and S2A2
a0202de, šJezral : Well, getting wiped in S2A2...
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: I built two ships on sector S2A3 a few days ago and they're not built yet
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: whats your Empire in S2A2? In S2A1 i got totally blown! in S2A2 im with 10 planets and getting strong*eg*the name of my Empire is Shadow Empire and the Alliance is Shadow Coaliation!
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: service isn't what it used to be,is it?
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: whats the name and status of your empire in S2A2?
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: goto your e -mail Ace
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: K!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: wich one?
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: I heard that Exelcious F is after your ass
a0202de, šJezral : In both I am Jezral of Magus Draconis.
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: gotta go
570cd5b, Darth Rodiak: see ya
EXIT: Darth Rodiak has left the chat ( Quit ).
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: bye*says IRL*
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: whats your x and y inS2A2?
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
95f48ad, Get a name!: Hey can anyone throw me Ria's email...I wanna send her a birthday card.
a0202de, šJezral : Won't matter, a 100 planet empire is eating my, atm, 5 planet...and I was 15+expanding before...
95f48ad, Get a name!: Collin: Anyone? Any help?
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: thats bad!I have 10 but the planets cost is killing me and the Tcpt is also getting all my money!I have an peace treaty with a guy with 20 planets.and a guy with 5 is on my alliance.I am now attacking a guy with 2 planets,poor guy!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: tell me your X and Y i will talk to the guy with 20 planets and we shall retaliate, if i get any money!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: you need help collin?
95f48ad, Get a name!: I just need Ria's email...
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: sorry, dont have!
a0202de, šJezral : 766 1680
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: me and Ria are good "pals" but i didnt got time to ask her for it!
JOIN: Sky has entered.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: since i am now in battle i will only send 1 ship but i will talk to the guys to back me up!
93f0455, Sky: I just dropped to kick Ace's butt, now that I got my objective *kicks his butt* I'm leaving, *L*
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: er, your pretty fat!It will take only 340 turns my guess is that you will have to hold on a little!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: *kicked*Hey!
a0202de, šJezral : I told you it wouldn't the time you get there I'd not exist.
93f0455, Sky: Ack, GTG now.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: then we must set a day to play in the same arena as allies,K? ?
EXIT: Sky has left the chat ( *gone to see Clockwork Orange directed by Stanley Kubrick* hehe ).
a0202de, šJezral : I don't know if I will play Ferion in new arenas.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: im not sayng tomorrow im saying in the future!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: when i get a comp at me house,that will yake some time and by then i dont think you will have work to do!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: I was thinking,wouldnt it be cool for all rp players to set a day to enter the same arena.It would be totaly awsome.All rp players agains each other in Ferion!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: ...
a0202de, šJezral : Could be nice, but also mixed enjoyment. Not a lot is that active.
a0202de, šJezral : Hello FX.
972b81c, Get a name!: Hey Jez... Hehe..
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: Forex?!Nice to meet you!
a0202de, šJezral : People with the ident 972b81c is always Forexs.
972b81c, Get a name!: Hey Ace.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: *is bad at recalling ips*
972b81c, Get a name!: (or some trained monkey using my comp)
a0202de, šJezral : And I am a0202de.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: *ponders if he ever meet Forex before*
a0202de, šJezral : Forexs being Cay the admin.
972b81c, Get a name!: *L*
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: ?Cay ,FX? wich one?!?
a0202de, šJezral : Forexs == Cay
972b81c, Get a name!: I'm both. :)
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: O my good!*hears the same sound when Luke discovered that Darth Vader was his father* Nooooooo*LOL*
972b81c, Get a name!: Heh, how do you think I felt, when I found out?
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: hello Cafx*LOL*
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: not like me!
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: got to go pick up little Darth Vader;*goner*bye have a nice rest of the day**GONE*
972b81c, Get a name!: See ya, Ace.
570cd5b, *Ace dasher: bye,Jez,Cay or Forex whatever your name is...hehe,just kidding.bye*gone*
EXIT: Ace dasher has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *pokes head in the door*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *looks at TV* TOM JUST SPOKE !? E GADS !!!
JOIN: Roulette has entered.
2259c8f, Roulette: (( *peers about...curious as to whether the chat has quit being glitchy*))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Jen .. jen ... sounds like ... um , Jen ... dammit . My rhyming sux
2259c8f, Roulette: (( *blinks@GaN*patpat*))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *patted , RaE*
2259c8f, Roulette: (( well you said..*pause* would you rather me bite you?))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: I got sharper teeth girly
2259c8f, Roulette: (( I bet you don't. ))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Bet I do .. 's all part of my lupine qualities
b4f363e, Get a name!: *peers*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Oh , another
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Me and jen were just getting all personal to ... gosh darnit
2259c8f, Roulette: (( lupine...right.))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *EG*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Yeah Lupine ... like da wolf ... you ain't seen me chasing people , growling on all fours
2259c8f, Roulette: (( *lol* Obviously not. ))
b4f363e, Get a name!: *waves to Jim and Jen* S'Leigh. In for a visit for her oddly scheduled Advanced Apps class.
2259c8f, Roulette: *hugs Leigh* *three gun salute...shoots the other noname* hehe.
b4f363e, Get a name!: Uhm...I scared them away..
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Odd in deed m'dear .
2259c8f, Roulette: Odd? s'my middle name.
b4f363e, Get a name!: *giggles*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Heheh
b4f363e, Get a name!: Anyways, my teach is getting mad at the class, so I'll spare him some more angry-ness. Mommy's off at work by now, so I'll be on in about an hour, after I get home from auditions.
b4f363e, Get a name!: *giggles* My bestest friend wrote a play that we're gonna perform... *hugs much* Bye bye guys.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
ac3bbe7, Roulette: *kicks AOL repeatedly*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *eats AOL*
ac3bbe7, Roulette: *accidentaly kicks GaN* hey!
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *accidently eats her foot* Oops
ac3bbe7, Roulette: *wonders if there's a reason the chat is being stubborn* good. didn't want that foot.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *chews* mmm , quite tasty ... a little tough , but I'll let it slip
ac3bbe7, Roulette: *eyes chat* please....QUIT!
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *nudges chat* Behave
ac3bbe7, Roulette: stop telling me the page cannot be displayed..hmmm? *eyes chat*
ac3bbe7, Roulette: Did anyone tell Jez or such it was acting up?
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Maybe you just have a crap comp
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Mine tells me the page cannot be display, but usually if I just right click in the frame and hit refresh it comes back biggy
c52e4a7, Get a name!: no biggy .. story of your life Justin
JOIN: Jennifer has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: That insult was...poor, at best.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Just like you
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Are you gonna continue with this?
c52e4a7, Get a name!: depends .. why ?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Bored with it
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Awh .. I ain't :-P heheh
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
a907b6d, Get a name!: *watches chat* uh huh.
a0202de, šJezral : Hmm...why is it noone assumes a name?
a907b6d, Get a name!: blargh.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *raspberries his namesake*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: I'm lazy Jez ... but if asked I can do :)
a907b6d, Get a name!: right now? Because it gets old...logging back in every time it quits.
a0202de, šJezral : It's just a name, password and a click in to me lazier than me to not do that...and that's real lazy.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Jim has entered.
c52e4a7, šJim: Tada .. let no man say Jim is a lazt so and so
JOIN: Jenalia has entered.
a907b6d, *Jenalia: that'll make the 5th time in an hour.
JOIN: Peaches has entered.
a0202de, šJezral : ...I see...maybe I should work out a faster system.
c52e4a7, šJim: *pats jen* Its good for the mind
a907b6d, *Jenalia: what does that have to do with it?
a907b6d, *Jenalia: *pats back* and the keyboarding skills.
c52e4a7, šJim: Um , nowty , just trying to make you feel better :P
c52e4a7, šJim: hee hee
a0202de, šJezral : I could try some cookie-magic, or bookmark any case it'd be password only.
0901de7, Peaches: Ha. Ha ha. Bwuahah. Whatever,
d803cdd, *Jenalia: Christ....
0901de7, Peaches: *sniffles her way in and considers her name* peaches; that's an ex-bf thing...Hi y'all... *gives Jim a look of mistrust*
c52e4a7, šJim: Not yet Jen , but i'm trying ;)
d803cdd, *Jenalia: *rae@Jezral* I just want it to work.
c52e4a7, šJim: *given a look of mistrust* Whats that for ... peaches were best sung by the presidents of the USA
0901de7, Peaches: *squeaks and scutters away.... a few bars of Marilyn Monroe's famous 'happy birthday mr. president' ring out*
c52e4a7, šJim: *still wondering what he did to become mistrusted*
d803cdd, *Jenalia: ''\millions of peaches...peaches for me''.
d803cdd, *Jenalia: ''millions of peaches...peaches for free''.
c52e4a7, šJim: PEACHES !!!!
JOIN: Rider A has entered.
c52e4a7, šJim: *RaE*
0901de7, Rider A: What? *just broke a bra strap and was faced with the problem of fixing it in the middle of the mall*
c52e4a7, šJim: Showin' some flesh ?
0901de7, Rider A: Last time I broke a shoe... *ponders* maybe I should go home. *doesn't feel like driving*
0901de7, Rider A: *sigh* it won't fix... *ponders the pH-y thing to do* take it all off?
c52e4a7, šJim: *still wants to what the hell he done*
d803cdd, *Jenalia: er...
0901de7, Rider A: his is the thong song; you know you like it when I shake my little bon-bon... *ponders* you beat me up last time I saw you...
0901de7, Rider A: this=his. *g@he message board* wow. I repeat: wow.
d803cdd, *Jenalia: *RaE* well it sounds like you Jim. hehe.
0901de7, Rider A: I wore a thong to school once recently... I had a really bad wedgie. *g*
c52e4a7, šJim: I did ? How ? I'm innocent I tells ya
0901de7, Rider A: You smacked me onto the ground and tried to pull my hair out and stuffs just cuz I said something. *sniffles... bursts into tears... buries her face in jim's shirt... blows her nose in his shirt...*
c52e4a7, šJim: *RaE* What did ya say ? *pats*
0901de7, Rider A: *doesn't remember*
      Jezral smacks the server with...something hard...uhm...rolled up newspaper or something...
c52e4a7, šJim: bad server .. bad
JOIN: Deena Milano has entered.
JOIN: Catsin Thucradle has entered.
80d7827, Catsin Thucradle: Thanks Jez!
1a29342, Deena Milano: *Smiles to Jez* Hi
a0202de, šJezral : Hello again, Deena.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
NICK: Catsin Thucradle changed nick to Jenalia
80d7827, *Jenalia: sorry. *G*
a0202de, šJezral : Got any more bananas?
1a29342, Deena Milano: *Walks over to Jez and takes his newspaper*
80d7827, *Jenalia: *guesses that last was to Deena...rae*
c52e4a7, šJim: Bananas ?
1a29342, Deena Milano: *Makes a banana out of newspaper for him*
JOIN: Corporal Hicks has entered.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: Greetings
a0202de, šJezral : Erhm...paper banana...this is not Japan, ya know...
c52e4a7, šJim: 'lo Hicks
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: *nods* Jim
1a29342, Deena Milano: Orgami....*Takes his hand to a table* Come I can teach you
80d7827, *Jenalia: *hands Jezral a normal banana*
80d7827, *Jenalia: *blows kisses to Hicks*b!tichslaps AIM*
a0202de, šJezral : See? This is a banana! *thanks Jenalia, then sits down with Deena*
80d7827, *Jenalia: *tells Jezral he's welcome...chuckle*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: Jen, is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? *snickers, grabs the airborne kiss, and smacks IM up also*
1a29342, Deena Milano: But its a banana not created by me.....*slowly takes his hands and shows him the art of paper folding*
a0202de, šJezral : Well, you can eat this banana...*watches while munching banana*
80d7827, *Jenalia: I don't carry fruit in my pockets. *LOL*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: *mischevious grin, goes for the bar*
80d7827, *Jenalia: *ponders IC briefly*watches Jez* calcium. *L*
1a29342, Deena Milano: *Glides her hand over his and tosses the banana*
1a29342, Deena Milano: **Banana hits Jen in the head**
80d7827, *Jenalia: *ducks it hit Hicks* hey!
a0202de, šJezral : Uhm...but I was *ceases objection as it hits Jenalia, then laughs*
c52e4a7, šJim: Don't suppose any one knows any cheapo air line that fly UK to US
1a29342, Deena Milano: Jim I do......
a0202de, šJezral : Uhm...but I was eating th... *ceases objection as it hits Hicks, then laughs*
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
      Jezral has a desire to rewire the server to be a toaster...bloody it...
c52e4a7, šJim: 'lo Owl
JOIN: Deena Milano has entered.
JOIN: Jenalia has entered.
JOIN: Talislanta has entered.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: AaaaaaaaaaaaaH!!! *beats chat*
0cae140, *Talislanta: ((*peeks in*))
0cae140, *Talislanta: ((*peeks in*))
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: is this normal? the chat?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: is this normal? the chat?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: bloody hell\
c52e4a7, šJim: Who Deena ?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: Cuz quite frankly..its inspiring feelings of utter disgust...
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Bwah! Anyone else get some wierd screen?
a0202de, šJezral : Not my fault this time...a DNS server died, and it wasn't mine.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: oof (delayed reaction to deadly flying banana)
JOIN: V has entered.
c52e4a7, šJim: 'lo V
JOIN: Deena Malino has entered.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: Ah. Good. Cuz I like you. *chuckles@Hicks*
1a29342, Deena Malino: Checks ADV to see what happens
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: I think I've got some MRE's I can chuck at people....gotta love those vegetable crackers
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *smiles sweetly@Hicks* I didn't throw it. *points to Deena*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: MREs *L*
1a29342, Deena Malino: *Chuckles* it looks nice on you Hicks.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: I'm glad you like it *chucks the peel in the direction it came*
6443329, šV : *flops down upon chair after a tiring day*
1a29342, Deena Malino: *Watches it hit Jen this time*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: *sets helmet on bar, wipes fruit matter off it, and begins his beer hunt*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: V:Carpal Tunnel syndrome?
1a29342, Deena Malino: *Returns to Orgami with Jez*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Ponders if he said what he was thinking or something entirely different*
1a29342, Deena Malino: *Cracks up * Owl that was so funny
JOIN: Misty has entered.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *watches it sail over her head again* :P I am NOT that slow.
c52e4a7, šJim: *hopes thats Origami and not something else*
c52e4a7, šJim: 'lo Myst
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *waves to Mist*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *smiles as Hotel California plays in the background* hehe.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Gets out his Armored Core style potato gun* Enough food flinging....mkay?
a0202de, šJezral : So, Deena, show me how this banana thing is done.
1a29342, Deena Malino: Its paper folding.*tosses a paper to Jim*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: heh@potato gun
c52e4a7, šJim: I know , but orgami is what you said , and thats a bit like orga .. er , shan't finish
1a29342, Deena Malino: *Folds the paper and takes his hand gently smoothing over the crease*
0cae140, *Talislanta: gack! I forgot I was here. >.<
487254c, *Misty : *may be groggy, but isn't that groggy* *waves to Jen, and Jim* *goes to her corner and curls up on her pillows*
6443329, šV : Orgasms?
c52e4a7, šJim: aye , that V
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: *pats the .50 Desert Eagle off his right hip* I agree, food flinging is not cool
1a29342, Deena Malino: oops........well you have a point....I spelled it wrong......but I never thought of that
6443329, šV : *has spent Ģ100 this week so far* Gawd
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Argg...
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: I heard that, I spent 600 US dollars yesterday on my car
NICK: White Owl changed nick to Dedsehk Xi
c52e4a7, šJim: I did *EG* ... its easy to spend money like water V ... 'specially when your me
2d2eb1e, Dedsehk Xi: <----- Say this name aloud
6443329, šV : Jez - Nah. Especially when you have a Debit Card
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: Oooo....Debit is good.
6443329, šV : Dedsehk Zi
2d2eb1e, Dedsehk Xi: I mean in real life...
6443329, šV : I know. I spent Ģ12 on Star Wars CCG Singles. ..... *remembers* OH FFS! I forgot to buy Vaders Lightsaber
487254c, *Misty : Jez?
0cae140, *Talislanta: ahaahaa.... *L*
c52e4a7, šJim: Heh , I gotta buy comics tommorrow
a0202de, šJezral : That's my name, Misty.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks: Alright, I'll be heading out. See you guys around
EXIT: Corporal Hicks has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: V has entered.
487254c, *Misty : got 24 hours left.. uh.. *searches for a sharp object* hehe@Jez. Aye it is... V made a typo, methinks. ^-^
c52e4a7, šJim: 24 hours !?
6443329, šV : *kicks IE* I bought a Nard Dreadnaught and another two Shadow Cruisers (minatures). That and food, puts me above Ģ100 this week so far. And Im going to a shop in Wolverhampton on Friday
6443329, šV : Nard=Narn
c52e4a7, šJim: 24 hours ?
2d2eb1e, Dedsehk Xi: OK...who wants to take bets whether I'll hurl in the next hour?
6443329, šV : phone ran out of credit today in the middle of me messenging Mel...grr....fs
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *hasn't bought groceries in over 2 months* hmm.
6443329, šV : 24 hours till Myst goes to visits her parents for the weeked :o)
c52e4a7, šJim: Ah , heh ... I usually visit mine every weekend
487254c, *Misty : Heh. No. Worse.
c52e4a7, šJim: Worse ?
487254c, *Misty : Aye
c52e4a7, šJim: As in *pokes*
1a29342, Deena Malino: HI Tali
6443329, šV : Dont worry Jim...
NICK: Dedsehk Xi changed nick to Phealzli Khrapp
c52e4a7, šJim: Uhuh .. knowing my worring personality , you should know better than say that V .
487254c, *Misty : *poked* agh!
2d2eb1e, Phealzli Khrapp: Heh...heh...its true its true
a0202de, šJezral : khrapp, pronounced crap (or very close)....
487254c, *Misty : worrying personality.. *lol* uh.. I mean.. *blinks* *slinks off*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: Don't worry. *G*
2d2eb1e, Phealzli Khrapp: Yes...Phealzli would be what then?
a0202de, šJezral : Feasly
c52e4a7, šJim: *RaE*
487254c, *Misty : As stupid as he is, he just gave me an air-tight reason for killing that character. Ahhh..
2d2eb1e, Phealzli Khrapp: no
NICK: Phealzli Khrapp changed nick to Phealzlye Khrapp
c52e4a7, šJim: *mutters and searchs for a torch* As it appears its the only way I'll not be in the dark .
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: Better?
a0202de, šJezral : Filthy
487254c, *Misty : Heh
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: *Personal condition relates to his name*
6443329, šV : I dont get it
6443329, šV : I demand it explained at ince
c52e4a7, šJim: Feels like crap V . he feels like crap
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: We have a winner *L* Ouch...
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: You fellows arent too good at this :P
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: blah blah blah.
6443329, šV : Good Jim *pats Jim's hair and gives him a Scooby Snack*
c52e4a7, šJim: rooby rack , yummy *eats it*
6443329, šV : *sneezes*
487254c, *Misty : *lol*
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: *L* Ouch...Anyone get "Dedsehk Xi"?
c52e4a7, šJim: Dead sick , see ?
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: Quasi warm Jim
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *chuckle*
6443329, šV : Dedsehk Zi?
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: It relates to my physical appearance
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: ''packed with minerals vitamins and nutcases...'' *smiles*
6443329, šV : Dead sexy
c52e4a7, šJim: Aye , V got it .. but it can't be right , cuz you ain't sexy Owl
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: Woo V got it
6443329, šV : I am sexeh
2d2eb1e, Phealzlye Khrapp: *L* Ouch...Whatever...
c52e4a7, šJim: Ahm deed sexah I ahm
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *rae@V* I don't have a BASE!!
487254c, *Misty : If I called Jim sexy instead of cute, would that be okay?
c52e4a7, šJim: *gives V all his bases , keeping the acids for himself*
6443329, šV : Can I be called sexy? I prefer that to "cute"
c52e4a7, šJim: No Myst ... Jim is niether .. jim is just plain
NICK: Phealzlye Khrapp changed nick to Alyerbayz B. Longtuas
2d2eb1e, Alyerbayz B. Longtuas: *L* Ouch...Take a wild guess
a0202de, šJezral : All your base, etc...and quit the joke's dead already...
487254c, *Misty : Blah.
a0202de, šJezral : AYB is so yesterday...
487254c, *Misty : *agrees with Jez*
1a29342, Deena Malino: Owl my friend's name is Tammy Zanfloidina......try saying that
6443329, šV : Misty - details for you
NICK: Alyerbayz B. Longtuas changed nick to Mai Stumakhertz
a0202de, šJezral : Gee, Misty agrees with me...*ticks the calendar*
2d2eb1e, Mai Stumakhertz: Any guesses?
c52e4a7, šJim: My stomach hurts
a0202de, šJezral : My stomach hurts.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *rather doesn't care...*chuckles@Mist an' Jez*
2d2eb1e, Mai Stumakhertz: Woo...ya'll 'er gettin better a' this
c52e4a7, šJim: Whoa ... big laser canon fired at the earth in this Gundam Wing show ... cool
6443329, šV : Why dont the /rem commands work? I wanted to remove Jims sentence and say it myself thus letting me win
487254c, *Misty : *blinks* No details, and a tick. Woo.
a0202de, šJezral : Works fine.
6443329, šV : Lies. It doesnt work for me
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *gets paid tomorrow* hehe.
NICK: Mai Stumakhertz changed nick to White Owl
6443329, šV : OMG
c52e4a7, šJim: Gets paid in ... ages , wahhh
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: The pain...
6443329, šV : That is soooo nifty.....
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *pats Jim* its okay. *smirks...waves about extra cash*
a0202de, šJezral : Uhm...V?
487254c, *Misty : *gets laid tomorrow* hehe.
c52e4a7, šJim: Oh ... i'll perform tasks for money Jen *G*
6443329, šV : Misty - What type of "laid"?
c52e4a7, šJim: Doesn't get laid for ages ... wahhh ;)
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: •
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *lol@Mist*
6443329, šV : Jez - I have always just done "/rem"
487254c, *Misty : Play on words, I don't actually get laid tomorrow. Although I could, if I really wanted to. Which I don't.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *is so paranoid right an email saying someone had a crush on her...doesn't know who*
6443329, šV : Was it supposed to be "paid"?
a0202de, šJezral : ...and you expected /rem on it's own to do what?
6443329, šV : Jen - Its me! Lets cyber
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *got a bonus check recently too...brags*
c52e4a7, šJim: Sure that isn't one of those ones that says someone fancies you in the title , then turns out to be a bloody porno one :P
487254c, *Misty : Poor Jim..
6443329, šV : Originally /rem command was to remove the top line in the chat, or so I fondly believed: thus I believed just "/rem" to remove the top line of the chat
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Bah...I get those all the time :p
487254c, *Misty : *lol@Jez*
6443329, šV : Porn
c52e4a7, šJim: Aye .. poor Jim ... dam social life needs a reworking , heheheh
a0202de, šJezral : Err.../rem never removed top line in this chat. It always took an input for searching.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: The /rem command should run around like lost puppy on its owN?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *blinks@WO* I DON'T!! *scowls*
487254c, *Misty : you just need to get some chick drink and haul her off to a corner
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Gets about 50 pornmails a day* ARRG....
6443329, šV : Well.... I blame Fx then. He told me wrong
6443329, šV : Misty - Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: I'm sure Jim. Positive. Its someone who knows where I work. *L*
c52e4a7, šJim: *tsk's Myst* I is a gentleman ... none of that :P
487254c, *Misty : drink=drunk
6443329, šV : Not like it really matters.....
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *eyes Mist* and the hauler dies.
487254c, *Misty : *Tsk'd* Well, it's no goddamn wonder you've not gotten laid lately, Jim.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: No no Jen...I meant fake ones! No one likes me...I always feel unloved ;p
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
c52e4a7, šJim: *ponders* When I eventually become a ciop , i'll sort them out jen
972b81c, Get a name!: I never told you that V, you m00
487254c, *Misty : Not if the chick's drunk, Jen. She'll probably want it
6443329, šV : Hmm...what to wear...
c52e4a7, šJim: *thwaps* Oi .. some of us have moral standards .
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *ponders Mist*
487254c, *Misty : STOOOOP IT!! *hides from all the pondering and the thwaps*
972b81c, Get a name!: You lied and lost.
c52e4a7, šJim: Mwuhahahahaha
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *ducks thwap* geeze...*stops pondering...*
6443329, šV : Okay... we both said /rem commands werent working.....
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *is suffering...really wants to know who the hell it is*
c52e4a7, šJim: the /rem command failed to take off my underpants :(
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Erate noay sveratis. ).
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *rae@V* random eye movement commands...BLINK!!!
6443329, šV : I will now type dogpoop
487254c, *Misty : *growls*
487254c, *Misty : That's too bad, Jim.
c52e4a7, šJim: Aye
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *hisses*
a0202de, šJezral : Dogpoop?
487254c, *Misty : rapid eye movement commands.
6443329, šV : Bwahaha...I now know how to work it
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: I know. Random just sounded better. heh.
c52e4a7, šJim: Any wierd fellas at work Jen ... y'know that always looks at you longingly and all ?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *eyes Jim* Pardon?
487254c, *Misty : Jim's describing himself. Heh. *hides*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *blinks@V* ''I like the way you work it...''. *lol*
c52e4a7, šJim: Almost Myst :-P fellas in work ... being a little bit blatant ?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: And no....nobody at work knows my email.
487254c, *Misty : I confess, Jen. It's ME! I've loved you since the first moment we met! I remember, you were wearing that gling... *sighs wistfully*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *nearly falls off her chair...laughing@Misty* I'm *choke* Flattered!!
6443329, šV : Bah. FK you Ferion
c52e4a7, šJim: You won't be when you get the dead anials in the mail .
487254c, *Misty : *frowns* Only flattered? *sniffles*
c52e4a7, šJim: dead animals
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: bah. Misty dun't know my address. *blinks@sniffle* okay okay. I Love you! I confess!! *chortle* the gling did me in!
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: anials...*lol*
6443329, šV : oi Jim. Dress up as Agent Jedan and take a photo
487254c, *Misty : *loved* Yay!!!!! *hugs Jen*
c52e4a7, šJim: I already do V ;)
c52e4a7, šJim: I'lkl get a snap when I pick up some passport ophotos
6443329, šV : Then take a photo and give it to me and I'll make an Agent Jedan card
487254c, *Misty : See, that's sexy.
c52e4a7, šJim: I was perfect for it today
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *messing around with his new digital camera/cam corder* Hmmm...what to take a picture of....
c52e4a7, šJim: All in black .. plus sun glasse's
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *hugs Misty back*still chuckling* who is Jedan?
c52e4a7, šJim: My Nekkie chat jen , hes a mean tough S.O.B
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *jams Justin's cam* nothing. *veg*
c52e4a7, šJim: chat ? I mean char
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: Omg...that sounded bad. *takes it back*
487254c, *Misty : agh.. Jedan is Jim.. He was dressed all in black!! *swoons*
c52e4a7, šJim: Oi , no swooning .. jim is not sexay
6443329, šV : Hm...I wont be dressing up as anything :oP
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: All in black? *blink* No red tie or anything?
487254c, *Misty : Jim is sexy, not sexay
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *blinks@Mist swooning* got it bad.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: really V? so its the birthday suit for you? *smirk*
c52e4a7, šJim: Jim is mean and nasty .. not sexy
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *looks at his camera which isn't jammed since it's impossible over the net*
487254c, *Misty : *snicker*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: So is*pause* no.
487254c, *Misty : Mean and nasty is sexy, Jim.
6443329, šV : *ponders* Nekressis - plasma, utah. Ekishzai - Pulse-wave, adaptive armour , Ryshan - ?,self-repairing systems.
3235147, šJim: no it ain't
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *eyes Justin* yes. I thought that was a given?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *runs off to take a picture of his custom lego*
487254c, *Misty : Eh.. *was supposed to be swooned* Oh well.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *wonders if Jez got his calcium today*
487254c, *Misty : Yes it is!
6443329, šV : I met the guy who did the artwork for some of Babylon 5 today. He is designing his own game and me, along with Kilb and Paul could possibly be playtesters
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: would you rather someone want to kill you, Jim?
3235147, šJim: Cool V ... I playtested a game afore
3235147, šJim: Yes Jen actually
6443329, šV : Jen - Jim lives in Ireland. 'nough said
487254c, *Misty : What kind of a question is that? "would you rather someone want to kill you?" duh
487254c, *Misty : duh as in.. answering being clearly "yes"
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *L* what does Ireland have to do with it? *threatens Jim with a kitchen knife*
3235147, šJim: Woo
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: same kind of question as..''do you want fries with that?''.
487254c, *Misty : Awh.. *could never want to kill Jim, even if he got annoying*
487254c, *Misty : *lol@Jen*
3235147, šJim: I'll test that someday
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *laughed at* Thank you! *waves the knife some more*
3235147, šJim: Woo woo
487254c, *Misty : I guarantee, you'll fail. We've had this conversation before.
3235147, šJim: *:-P@Mysty*
6443329, šV : I can annoy Myst
3235147, šJim: So can I
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: I couldn't kill anyone.*smiles that dangerously fake smile*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: I can annoy anyone. Even god.
487254c, *Misty : I can annoy V :P
3235147, šJim: been there done that Jen
487254c, *Misty : And I can annoy Jim too.
3235147, šJim: But it takes a lot of effort Myst
487254c, *Misty : effort? what's effort?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: It takes no effort at all. *nodnod*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Holy crap, that's high quality
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: isn't that kinda contradictory Justin? holy /crap/. High /quality/.
3235147, šJim: :-P
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *blesses Jez...just because the chat is behaving*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *grabs Jim's tongue...* HA!
487254c, *Misty : heheh
3235147, šJim: tho ... I feel no pain
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *realises going to kill Matt*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *lets go of Jim's tongue* ehe.
3235147, šJim: heh
6443329, šV : *smirks* How did you grab it?
763a7a5, Get a name!: *peer*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: stick your tongue out and you'll see. *notices smirk* oh right. *thwap*
487254c, *Misty : Heh
6443329, šV : OMG. I need to think up an adventure
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *uploading a pic of his custom lego* I love this lego cuz I made it!
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *grins* like...OMG!! Totally! Duuuuude.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: link <--- Cropped pic (52kb) link <--Uncropped (574kb)
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *ponders IC* that could be good.))
7598014, Get a name!: .
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Whats with all this "OMG"?
7598014, 'Mr. J: *appears*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: They're jesus freaks, Whitey
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *pokes GaN* I dunno WO. ))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: No religion bashing Justin
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( Um...Justin...*L* Try again.))
a0202de, šJezral : You know, Jenalia, links doesn't need . instead of spaces.
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *screams@Mr.J*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Wasn't bashing, just saying
763a7a5, Get a name!: *wonders which GaN was poked*
7598014, 'Mr. J: *blinks, sniffs, ponders* do i smell? is there something on my face?
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( I kinda thought that Jezral...wasn't sure. ))
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( habit I guess. *eyes Mr.J* no. people appearing just frighten me. *G*))
487254c, *Misty : Uh
7598014, 'Mr. J: ...riiiight....
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *L* so yer telling me that if someone just appeared in the room behind wouldn't frighten you?))
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *blinks@Misty* huh?))
7598014, 'Mr. J: no...
487254c, *Misty : Jim is far too stubborn.
JOIN: Lleld has entered.
7598014, 'Mr. J: face hurts..
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: link <--Look at what I made!
3235147, šJim: Aren't I thought
3235147, šJim: though even
487254c, *Misty : :P
b751db6, Lleld: *walks in, a slight smile on her lips. She is wearing her usual white blouse and black pants. She has a blaster at her hip and her long red hair is done in a braid*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( well truthfully...I'd just tell them to get out. *blinks* Hoorah Jim!))
3235147, šJim: heheh
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *is far more stubborn than she realises*))
JOIN: S has entered.
3235147, šJim: *subversilvely stubborn*
7598014, 'Mr. J: bah this is bad people..i got into a boxing match this after noon...ended up blocking most of his punches with my face..
487254c, *Misty : Tsk
3235147, šJim: *G*
bead0c1, 'S: heyo all.
487254c, *Misty : *is also stubborn, however*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *chortle@J* bravo...that takes massive talent.))
7598014, 'Mr. J: bah...thanks...
3235147, šJim: *is more stubborn*
3235147, šJim: *or is that still born*
487254c, *Misty : *is absolutely more stubborn than Jim :P*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *L* is far more stubborn than either of them* ;p))
7598014, 'Mr. J: *is really stubborn*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: .....your arguing over who is more stubborn? That's....sad...
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *lol@Justin*))
487254c, *Misty : That's not what we're really arguing about, Justin. What we're really arguing about is infinitely more sad than arguing about who is more stubborn
3235147, šJim: *is the most stubborn* Justin ... go shave with a chainsaw
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *narrows eyes@something* twit.))
7598014, 'Mr. J: *has tried that...hurts...hurts alot*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: A chainsaw? Haven't tried that one before...
7598014, 'Mr. J: haha me an a bunch of buddies are gonna make a video for mtv's jackass
487254c, *Misty : *hums*
7598014, 'Mr. J: mike is gonna run down the big open hallway at the mall in a speedo and dive into the fountain that is in the middle of the mall, splash around then run off
3235147, šJim: Please do Justin :)
7598014, 'Mr. J: of course if your amused by simple things like me this is funny as hell
487254c, *Misty : AHAHAHAHA!! *ROFLMAO* The great absentee ruler got ATTACKED!! Motherfker lost 2 mil points!! Take that, you little sh-t!! Grr..
3235147, šJim: heh
7598014, 'Mr. J: ..*blinks*...
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *blinks@Misty* ))
487254c, *Misty : *has to channel her anger somewhere :(*
487254c, *Misty : *blinked at*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pats Misty* Take it out on jIm, he's worthless.
487254c, *Misty : *patted* *smacks Justin* He is not!
7598014, 'Mr. J: *ponders* justin ill give you a dollar to go outside set your self on fire and run screaming down your street
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *smacked* Yes he is...*smacks back*
3235147, šJim: Justin ... speak to my mate ash about that shave
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Did that once Mr. J...of course...I got a grand for it...
487254c, *Misty : *snickers at Jim, and glares at Justin* He... is... not
b751db6, Lleld: *walks to the bar and sits down, not ordering anything..just waiting*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *sticks tounge out at Misty and runs off for dinner*
3235147, šJim: Justin , talk to the hand , since it'll be the only thing you can talk to when I show it down your throat
7598014, 'Mr. J: shave with a mach 20..cuts to the bone..*nods*
487254c, *Misty : bah, coward. *watches Justin run off*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *glares@windows* git.))
7598014, 'Mr. J: eat his liver when he returns..*mouths the words as he writes them down*
763a7a5, Get a name!: *peers again*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *peers back* Leigh?))
b751db6, Lleld: (( *peers back at G.A.N* ))
763a7a5, Get a name!: *glances at Jen and nods*
763a7a5, Get a name!: *is peered at, twice*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( hehe. *hugs Leigh*))
763a7a5, 'L: *hugs back*
487254c, *Misty : Eh. *urk*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *talks to his hand*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Coward? How dare you! *slaps Misty across the face with a dueling glove*
763a7a5, 'L: *wanders over to her corner and curls up on her throne*
487254c, *Misty : *avoids the smack :P*
3235147, šJim: *rips off justins nuts and feeds them to him*
b751db6, Lleld: (( Throne? )) *orders a scotch*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: yummy
487254c, *Misty : Ew. *slinks away from Jim and Justin*
763a7a5, 'L: Yep. My throne. This little imaginary thing that is supposed to boost my self esteem and make me feel better or something.
b751db6, Lleld: (( Well, whatever makes you happy *smiles* ))
6443329, šV : *just tested out basic ship combat* It works! Nekressis won, just
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *chuckles at the All Your Base Are Belong To Us Card*
763a7a5, 'L: In all honesty? It doesn't, really... *idly checks the time*
b751db6, Lleld: *sips her scotch* (( why not? ))
763a7a5, 'L: It's just an object. And not even a real one, at that.
b751db6, Lleld: (( Ah.. ))
bead0c1, 'S: *snickers at the Simpsons*
JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
763a7a5, 'L: Yeah. *glances around and wanders off to Underground* Should I be needed, that's where I am...but I can tell you right now, I won't be. *shimmers from view*
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *sneezes*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hmmm
b751db6, Lleld: *watches the woman fade from view*
b751db6, Lleld: (( Kanzuntite, Mr. J ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: It's all about the V says V says bull sheit...
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *falls on his face, lays there*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *eyes Justin* bleh.))
b751db6, Lleld: *gets up and goes to the man on the floor* Are you o.k?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Heh...
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Stupid bold! *smashes it*
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: iwillnowofficiallyrunmywordstogether
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No you won't J
bead0c1, 'S: NO!!!!*blocks the smash*you leave bold alone you monster!
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: really?
b751db6, Lleld: *nudges him with her foot* (( LOL ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *smashes bold anyways*
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *isoocandrunninghiswordstogether*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, really.
bead0c1, 'S: *blocks again**punches Justin in the head*bargh.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pokes J in the ear with a stick*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *thwaps keyboard*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *dodges punch and smashes bold in an unblockable way*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *thinksmaybejustinneedsanotherblowtothehead*))
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( correction. *thinksMr.Jneedsone*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *kicks J in the side of the head* Like that?
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *dontweall*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Morons...
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *blocks*
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *hits*
EXIT: Misty has left the chat ( *slinks off* ).
c1e1043, 'Mr. J: *wins*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *jabs whitey with a stick*
b751db6, Lleld: (( Bye )) *sighs and heads for the door*
bead0c1, 'S: *gives Justin a case of rum...*there....*knows Justin is an alcoholic*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *outside...a woman walks slowly down the sandy streets...towards the cantina...her cloak drifting behind her like a shadow*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Bah
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *tilts head at S and smashes the case over Stoney's head*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: (( *scures window*))
bead0c1, 'S: *vaporizes and Justin's case smashes on the behind Justin and drives his knuckles into Justin's back*
b751db6, Lleld: *leaves* ****GONE****
EXIT: Lleld has left the chat ( Quit ).
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *unaffected by the knuckles* *yawn* My back feels no pain, ever...*spins and backhands S across the face*
EXIT: Mr. J has left the chat ( Quit ).
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *she reaches up to brush several strands of 'also' sandy colored hair from her face...her eyes drifting over her shoulder a moment*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
bead0c1, 'S: *ducks and kicks Justin in the crotch-although he'll probably be unaffected by that too :P*
bead0c1, 'S: blarg..*hasn't the time for this*I should be doing something important....*has nothing important to do..vaporizes to IC land*
NICK: S changed nick to Nyevin Maggrig
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((test.))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Dear Chasey Lain, I wrote to explain, I'm your biggest fan. I just wanted to ask, could I eat your ass. Write back as soon as you can.
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : **steps in, frowning from beneath his brown cloak that plunges his alien face in shadow**a soft hiss-his breathing, can be heard by those close to him*
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : *has a small pen-shaped object in one long, knobby hand..he tinkers with cicuitry sticking out of his new mechanical arm*
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *she approaches the entrance...kicking the embedded sand from her boots...she steps gracefully inside*
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((*test for pic*))
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((*doesn't like that one..tests another*))
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *with one hand...she pushes her hood back...allowing her eyes to adjust to the dim light before she continues down the stairs*
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : worksss like a charm...*balls his hand into a fist, and the hand spins wildly on the arm, he opens his hand again and it stops*ohh....wish I were a mechanic.*in a low, deep voice*
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : *sits at a barstool, glancing briefly to Jenalia, continuing to examine his prosthetic limb*this thing wasn't cheap either....
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Heh...
9cb3df5, *Jenalia: *she watches Nyevin...tucking her hands into the folds of her cloak* nothing is. *she smiles...her face seeming all the softer for the dim light*
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : *brings his head up slightly*((late post.))no...everything has conesequences..
JOIN: Jenalia has entered.
b23cb86, *Jenalia: (( argh@aol.))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hahaha...dial up...primitive technology
b23cb86, *Jenalia: (( *rae@Justin* so?))
b23cb86, *Jenalia: (( *doesn't use anything that dials up...uses cable*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: You're a primitive, a savage.
b23cb86, *Jenalia: (( always on.))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Cable rules...AOL sucks...Dial Up is primitive...of course, T5 is god.
b23cb86, *Jenalia: *she turns away for a moment...ordering a simple water...'clean'...also paying for it*
b23cb86, *Jenalia: (( pardon me. I've got to run off for a few minutes. *vanishes*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: brb, need to restart
bead0c1, *Nyevin Maggrig : ((T5....*drools*))
763a7a5, 'L: *is stuck with dial-up, but doesn't care much anymore* It gets done what I need it to do.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Pat pat*
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
763a7a5, 'L: *thinks she is the one being pat patted* Uhm-huh.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: My dad will have T5 at his new job...I'll be spending plenty of time there...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: of course
763a7a5, 'L: *sings softly along with Simon and Garfunkel and curls up tightly*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *blasts hardcore death metal in L's ear*
763a7a5, 'L: *shrugs to Justin and listens to both* Just because I'm listening to Simon and Garfunkel at the moment doesn't mean I don't enjoy your music.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Dam nit!...*switches it over to hardcore ghetto rap, namely "Fuk The Police"*
763a7a5, 'L: Rap. The only kind of rap I like is Eminem and occasionally some other stuff. And he isn't even real rap.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Fuck the police you mean?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yeah Whitey, but ya know, banned for bypassing filters and all
723ff5a, 'White Owl: bah I dont listen to that rap crap...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: What? Bypassing?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Well then dam nit Leigh, what don't you like?
763a7a5, 'L: Country. I mean, real county. Not some country-pop crossover.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hmm..*doesn't have any country* Anything else?
763a7a5, 'L: And Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Ricky Martin.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Don't have any of that either....
763a7a5, 'L: *waits patiently for at least one of her good friends to come online* I'm bored... *makes a face* Hurry up.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Bah
763a7a5, 'L: Justin~Well, then it sucks to be you.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: It sucks I don't have any music that I don't like?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Hehe
723ff5a, 'White Owl: "It seems Bobo the furry footed burrower has joined our quest!" *L*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Right Whitey...where the hell is SE, I need to talk to him
723ff5a, 'White Owl: :P
3235147, šJim: *RaE@Owl* Shouldn't it be Bilbo ?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Jim I'm not watching it too?
3235147, šJim: Watching what ?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: nevermind
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Dorks!
3235147, šJim: Well I was assuming you were refering to LOTR/Hobbit
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Oh...Baggins...duh...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: No *L*...
763a7a5, 'L: No, that you can't piss me off with music that I don't like. *sighs and leans back*
3235147, šJim: Justin , shut it you tart
763a7a5, 'L: And SE isn't even online.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Oh...and I know SE isn't online
763a7a5, 'L: He was....sometime. *is busy reading and is therefore quite slow in dealing with the chat*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Books rule...
3235147, šJim: what were you talkin' bout then ... i'm intruiged
3235147, šJim: Books verily rule
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Jim...err...forget it
763a7a5, 'L: Of course they do. *isn't reading a book, reading online and studying*
3235147, šJim: Aww , go on man ... i'm intruiged
JOIN: noname has entered.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Dont be...its from TV...
3235147, šJim: 'lo Ian
3235147, šJim: Bah
475ba0e, noname: Yeah. Hi.
763a7a5, 'L: Heya Ian.
475ba0e, noname: *watches his will to live plummet, as his self confidence holds steady at 0*
3235147, šJim: *blinks* That is so not the ian I first met
763a7a5, 'L: *hugs Ian, then offers up some of her corner again to him*
475ba0e, noname: No... this is the new and unimproved Ian.
475ba0e, noname: *curls up in it, and gnaws his hand*
3235147, šJim: *baps* Pull yourself together
475ba0e, noname: I think I'm going to spend a week in an institution... like a vacation.
475ba0e, noname: I can't... my week has been hell on earth.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *points at Ian and laughs* Poor pathetic boy he is.
475ba0e, noname: I mean, things I could not even GUESS would go wrong went straight to hell.
475ba0e, noname: It's the little things, really. Like my friend whom Ihaven't seen in 3 years coming back and telling me she doesn't think it would be a good idea to talk to me.
475ba0e, noname: And walking out on today's job because the pompus, arrogant pricks got me a parking ticket because of their directions.
475ba0e, noname: I mean, come ON.
763a7a5, 'L: *frowns* People are such batty oles sometimes.
763a7a5, 'L: *hugs Ian again*
475ba0e, noname: I figured that I actually PAID to go to work today when you compare my expenses to what I made.
475ba0e, noname: There's only so much punishment anyone can take, Jim...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Ouch
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Should I feighn concern for Ian's problems or just laugh at him more.
475ba0e, noname: You should go to hell, Justin.
3235147, šJim: Oh I know that ian ... but it could be worse .. I'm not sure how , but the eternal optimist in me sayys it
475ba0e, noname: If you're not going to say anything helpful, you can do the least and keep your mouth shut.
763a7a5, 'L: Justin~You're an arse.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Already there
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No, I just don't find his problems to be anything. Those are little things.
475ba0e, noname: How could it possibly get any worse?
475ba0e, noname: Riight. Little things. Constant danger of having your car reposessed, family problems from here to the moon, right.
475ba0e, noname: You're just a kid, Justin.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: And I'm waiting for the bad things still. I've been through worse
3235147, šJim: *checks ian* Yup , there a pulse .. things can still get worse
475ba0e, noname: *lol* I've been through worse, too. Being expelled, arrested twice for nothing crap...
475ba0e, noname: Yes... where there's a pulse, there are problems.
475ba0e, noname: I got a traffic ticket my graduation day. It's like... come on.
3235147, šJim: See .. hjell , this is sort a level area
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Bleh, that's nothing to be concerned with. Sure, it sucks, but don't drown yourself in misery over it
763a7a5, 'L: *Curls up*
475ba0e, noname: Well, I wouldn't, but there's no hard liquor in my house.
3235147, šJim: Heh , I gots 2 bottles of wine and no bottle opener
475ba0e, noname: I was in such a positive mood yesterday, too... *whistful*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: It's a fuking parking ticket!
763a7a5, 'L: Justin~Get over yourself, ai'ight? Some people need to vent sometimes.
475ba0e, noname: It's the fact that I spent money to go to work today. The parking ticket doesn't bother me. The past 3 years bother me.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
475ba0e, noname: It's called "cumulation.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Ah...Might I suggest RPing a fight with someone to take your mind off your day/week?
487254c, Get a name!: Wine is sexy.
475ba0e, noname: No... that just annoys me further, WO.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Then seek help Ian.
3235147, šJim: No wine is to get me plastered
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Sorry...And you can call me Owl...
475ba0e, noname: Help? *lol* Like, help, like, what?
763a7a5, 'L: *giggles at Ian* They all try and say the same thing. And think that it's the answer to everything.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What else do you think? A psychologist dumb ass. Or, you can quit bitching about your porblems and just deal with them, like I do.
3235147, šJim: How's about this Ian... forget RPing a fight ... get in a real one .. kickass for stress
3235147, šJim: Always works for me
475ba0e, noname: Pyschologists... which cost money... which I don't have.
JOIN: KJ has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Who's fighting???
763a7a5, 'L: *blinks @ KJ*
763a7a5, 'L: *goes back to reading*
3235147, šJim: Me KJ .. always
475ba0e, noname: KJ... go away. *rolls his eyes*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ooo bad boy.. *sends Jimmy to the corner*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *blinks at Ian, then goes away*
EXIT: KJ has left the chat ( Quit ).
475ba0e, noname: I swear... *mumbles from Leigh's corner*
3235147, šJim: *tells KJ to take a running jump offa pier* Wotchit you , I may be passing through Seattle :P I'll get you :P
763a7a5, 'L: Eveyone thinks money grows from trees and we can just get up and pick the money when we need it, and that you say "I want help" and POOF! there it is! *offers Ian more of her corner*
475ba0e, noname: It's like, I'm trying real hard not to get my car reposessed, you know?
475ba0e, noname: I can't afford a $100/hour lady session just to have someone tell me I'm screwed.
JOIN: V has entered.
6443329, šV : Ian - You're screwed (that was a free consultation)
3235147, šJim: 'lo V
475ba0e, noname: Thanks, V. *believes in it*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Heh.......
JOIN: Misty has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *mixing anti-depressants* Goodbye everyone.
3235147, šJim: WB Myst
487254c, *Misty : *rejoins*
487254c, *Misty : Why thank you, Jim.
475ba0e, noname: That's a damn straight idea, KJ...
3235147, šJim: *RaE@KJ* That ain't wise
6443329, šV : Further free consultation - Internet is a good SHORT TERM thing. But it can hook you, get you addicted and make things a LOT worse. I advise you simply get out there
487254c, *Misty : You know.. *nostalgically* ..It's almost like I never even left
3235147, šJim: V is rooight of course :P
475ba0e, noname: Um... the internet's the only thing I've got, V.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ian... you are the biggest self-absorbed idiot I have ever communicated with.
763a7a5, 'L: Too late, V. *falls down*
475ba0e, noname: I'm not neglection other things for this, rather, this is it.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pats Misty* Maybe you didn't...
487254c, *Misty : *patted* Heh
475ba0e, noname: Mm... thanks, I'm flattered, KJ.
6443329, šV : Ian - Been there. It is for me.
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
475ba0e, noname: *mumble* 'Least I'm good at SOMETHING.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: No KJ, that title would go to you
6443329, šV : But the fact that I... ME....have managed to arrange things for every day this week just goes to show it aint never too late
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *eyes Ian... eyes Justin... decides to leave*
EXIT: KJ has left the chat ( if I'm not wanted here, I won't come. ).
763a7a5, 'L: I was hooked at a young age, V. I'm stuck. *giggles*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* *flips KJ off*
475ba0e, noname: *blinks at V* Well... good for you... have fun...
763a7a5, 'L: Then don't, KJ. Chrissakes, it ain't rocket science.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Good riddens, stupid bi-ch ass slut...
JOIN: Rowen has entered.
763a7a5, 'L: *whimper* My finger hurts.
487254c, *Misty : Eh.. *falls offa cliff*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Ian, look. I can't give you much advice on your problems since mine are different, but what I can tell you is to stop worrieing about everything so much, that's what makes all this sheit worse. That's all I can tell you.
c883432, Rowen: *ponders*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *sets up an air bag thingy that stunt guys use for Misty to land on*
3235147, šJim: *sets a amttress below Myst*
475ba0e, noname: Hey, Gany.
6443329, šV : *just catches Myst* :oP
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Damn you V!
6443329, šV : Ian - Thats kinda the general idea....
487254c, *Misty : woohooooooooooooooooooooooo!! *lands on the airbag* Let's go again!
475ba0e, noname: *builds a citidel to woe, and invites all depressed to find sanctuary amongst the water and trees and light*
c883432, Rowen: hey, ian. what'samatter?
3235147, šJim: *shrugs@V* I have no need to be a hero :P
475ba0e, noname: No, really, V, I mean it... it'll be real good for you.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I'm a Gym Hero.
487254c, *Misty : *rebounds off the airbag, lands on the mattress, bounces, gets caught by V* *blinks*
c883432, Rowen: aww, poor Ian.
763a7a5, 'L: 'lo Gany.
c883432, Rowen: heyo 'L....*ponders at 'em* who?
6443329, šV : I hope so.... I am sh!t scared
763a7a5, 'L: Leigh.
c883432, Rowen: V- talking about a real life?
3235147, šJim: Christ V , it all go fine and you know it P
475ba0e, noname: Mmph... my
6443329, šV : Hopefully.....;o)
c883432, Rowen: oooh! hey Leigh!...(no offense about that real life bit, but point.))
475ba0e, noname: My 'real life' is the LARP I go to every other weekend for a couple hours... damn... I didn't realize it was that bad.
c883432, Rowen: V, it'll be fun...a nice change...believe me. it'll be great!
487254c, *Misty : Someone keeps moving Jim's ":" key. *whistles innocently8
487254c, *Misty : 8=*
c883432, Rowen: My brother's life is Coming home on the odd weekend to hang out with me and my friends...he's 25 ;)
3235147, šJim: "" key .. whassat ?
475ba0e, noname: Wow.. *lol* That's bad, too.
487254c, *Misty : See?
c883432, Rowen: don't I know it. my main fear in life is ending up like him...*LOL*
6443329, šV : Yes. I have a rp to run this weekend. Damn. I need to learn the new SW system, find out old character sheets, and create an adventure in one night
763a7a5, 'L: Better get started, V.
487254c, *Misty : It can be done, V
3235147, šJim: I'm playing the new SSW at the mo .. plus a game called deadlands
c883432, Rowen: you'll manage V :)
723ff5a, 'White Owl: V:...."Got Milk"?
475ba0e, noname: Mine is Vampire: The Masquerade.
6443329, šV : Deadlands.. *shudders*.
487254c, *Misty : *lol@Owlie*
3235147, šJim: i like dead lands
6443329, šV : I only know the CCG.....not the rp
c883432, Rowen: ian! go to my site, dear! leave me a comment!
475ba0e, noname: Sure.
3235147, šJim: the rp is excellent ... my pyscho irish immigrant gunslinger rules
6443329, šV : Basically, Im the best Sci Fi like GM out our little group. Curse Thermal Detonators....they blew up my brilliant hotel
475ba0e, noname: I'll look at it later tonight, okay? *bookmarks it*
6443329, šV : In the end, we have fun...... thats the idea.....the amount of times Callard got sliced, cut, bruised.. lol..... and dressing up as stormtroopers just to kick the head in on another player character that was captured
c883432, Rowen: okies, Ian
JOIN: Jenalia has entered.
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( bleh.))
6443329, šV : My owned rp systems: Star Wars, Fading Suns and Changeling: The Dreaming
6443329, šV : oh and StarCraft heh
3235147, šJim: *G* I had our groups prisoner crapping themselve , my char went ballistic cux h
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *bored* Anyone wanna RP?
3235147, šJim: er , cuz my char has an intolerance of Lawyers and this lawyer turned up
475ba0e, noname: My vampire has 90% of the group of 50 or so wanting to kill him... *lol*
487254c, *Misty : Agh. Law... *hides*
JOIN: KJ has entered.
6443329, šV : Any idea on when you plan on coming over?
JOIN: pH has entered.
487254c, *Misty : I only own Star Wars and AD&D... 2nd Ed!!
6443329, šV : Fading Suns is futuristic gothic a bit...... very Warhammer 40K style.
6443329, šV : StarCraft setting is Eternity rules
3235147, šJim: yeah .. next month ... I can get flights to London for 50 quid , bus/train up then accomodation for 25 quid a night
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( ....*rae* damn. thats what I get for checking the mail.))
487254c, *Misty : I can't believe you even sullied yourself with that fking game, V. StarCraft rpg? WTF!
3235147, šJim: *inspects his roll up* getting better
JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
6443329, šV : And I pronounched Living Dead as "The Living Deeeeeeaaaaadddd" and now I always get that mentioned in any Fading Suns session
d245956, *President Zahra : *peeks in*
06dd210, pH: *climbs onto V's lap, wanting attention* *just got back from visiting her sex to-uh....being tutored in Algebra.....*
c883432, Rowen: for the love of little green apples...*Sighs at her parents*
3235147, šJim: You all know the AD&D song ?
475ba0e, noname: *will not ever admit to his Game name*
6443329, šV : Starcraft RPG. It looks pretty good
6443329, šV : Not a big campaign sort of thing, but just for them fill in gap weeks
487254c, *Misty : I don't know the AD&D song. StarCraft RPG. It looks pretty baaaaaaaaaaaad
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( why's that Ian?))
d245956, *President Zahra : Ahem.. "Hello, Ria.... Happy birthday, Ria..."
6443329, šV : Myst - Exact same rules as Eternity
06dd210, pH: Happy birthday, Ria!
763a7a5, 'L: *huggles for Ria, lots and lots* Jeez, you'd at least give me the chance to say it before you jump down my throat! *giggles* Happy Birthday.
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *lavishes Ria with hugs and such* Happy Birthday. :)))
487254c, *Misty : Bleh
475ba0e, noname: *lol* My nickname is "The worm speaks!"
3235147, šJim: have good one Ria
d245956, *President Zahra : Thankoo, pH!
475ba0e, noname: Happy birthday...
487254c, *Misty : Happy Birthday, Ria.
d245956, *President Zahra : *huggles Leigh lots*
6443329, šV : lol. I had a technocracy character called "Klave",
475ba0e, noname: (worm was, in that case, a euphanism for the male organ.)
06dd210, pH: Bbl, y'all! Alcy called!
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *glances@IM* Bloody hell...bloody bloody hell...))
EXIT: pH has left the chat ( Quit ).
d245956, *President Zahra : Thankoo, Jim-y, and Ian, and Mist-y! *many hugs*
487254c, *Misty : My reaction: Jesus Christ, it's a fking MALK! *flees*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *refers people to the Board, then exits for the last time*
c883432, Rowen: Happy birthday Ria!
EXIT: KJ has left the chat ( Quit ).
475ba0e, noname: What, Misty?
763a7a5, 'L: And uhm...since if Ver was here, and even though she prolly sent a card or something, she'd say Happy Birthday, I'll just say it for her.
JOIN: Lleld has entered.
487254c, *Misty : *comes back and hugs Ria back*
d245956, *President Zahra : Thankoo, Gany! ... *eyes KJ*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *blinks* um. *rae@Misty*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *waves bye to KJ* Good riddens.
d245956, *President Zahra : *peers at the board* Erm?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Look at her reply to my Moderator Nominations post, Ria
487254c, *Misty : I'm 100%, bona fide Tremere. *narrows eyes at Ian and Jen*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( who's birthday? ))
d245956, *President Zahra : Ohhh.. *goes to see... blinks* Bah. *isn't gonna get a "chance"*
d245956, *President Zahra : Mine, Lleld.
6443329, šV : I really want ppl to stop the "oh this person would be a good mod" and the "you are sexist" stuff.
475ba0e, noname: *makes everyone in Misty's vision appear to have three eyes......*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *notes narrowing of the eyes* What? smeggin christ...what?))
6443329, šV : Ria - Correct, you arent.
c883432, Rowen: *sips camomile tea and ponders the mysteries of the universes*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *can't help being a Malkavian*))
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Happy Birthday! How old? ))
d245956, *President Zahra : *nodnod to V* 'Course not.
487254c, *Misty : Agh. *flees again*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *lol* ))
d245956, *President Zahra : Lleld: 16.
475ba0e, noname: *turns Misty into a burbling, terrified heap on the floor* Don't EVER diss the Malkies.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Er...heh...sorry V...
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *can do much worse*))
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Congrats! Sweet Sixteen! ))
6443329, šV : In the end, I cant appoint anyone really
487254c, *Misty : Eh.. *dominates Ian before he can do that*
d245956, *President Zahra : Thankoo. :)
09ef988, 'L: Ria~She responded to Justin's post about Mod nominations/
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: You can't? Who does then? Is it a group decision between you, Jez and Cay?
475ba0e, noname: *can also do worse... has gotten several characters killed, others with perminent derrangements. Is feared, and hated*
d245956, *President Zahra : *nodnod to Leigh* I know.
475ba0e, noname: Do you respect my status? *sweetly*
09ef988, 'L: *eyes the slowness of her comp*
6443329, šV : Jez has NOTHING to do with chat structure.
c883432, Rowen: wait..wait..who's KJ anyway?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pats L* Told you dial up sucked
09ef988, 'L: *kicks her comp* Sorry, Ria.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Uhm...okay V, just asking, seeing he is an admin...
487254c, *Misty : *doesn't verily respect Ian's status :P*
d245956, *President Zahra : *giggles at Leigh*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( permanent.))
1cc0446, Lleld: *walks in, wearing a white blouse and black pants, with a blaster at her hip. Her long red hair is done in a braid*
09ef988, 'L: As do you, Justin.
475ba0e, noname: Okay, how many mental traits do you have?
475ba0e, noname: *quiets Jenalia*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Aw, really Leigh? That's so nice.
487254c, *Misty : Flah. *whaps Ian* Shush
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *quieted*scowls...boiling*))
d245956, *President Zahra : Can I.. um.. be mod for 15 minutes, just 'cause it's my birthday, if I promise not to actually do anything? *just wants to see the dot by her name and pretend to be special*
475ba0e, noname: Nye hee hee. *resists*
6443329, šV : Justin - He made the chats......thus he is an admin at EVERY chat room.
475ba0e, noname: brb
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: who makes the decision on who's mod and admins and such? You and Cay?
3235147, šJim: God does Justin , so shush up or be struck down
d245956, *President Zahra : *blinks at Jim-y* That was random.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *smacks jIm with a keyboard*
c883432, Rowen: oh...fardles...*just got camomile tea up her nose* don't ask how...
5944e26, *Jenalia: *with a small and sudden movement...she picks up the water the 'tender delivered long ago...amazed at just how lost in thought she was*
487254c, *Misty : God? God? *snorts*
475ba0e, noname: back
51163a0, Get a name!: *wonders where to send birthday greetings for Ria.* Hmm, if only I had the email address. *sigh.*
3235147, šJim: Justin , fk you and your childrens children
475ba0e, noname: *diablorizes Misty when her back is turned*\
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: for 3 months
d245956, *President Zahra : *giggles at Gany* *points noname to or or or ... and so on*
6443329, šV : Me and Fx yes. Fx is the person who got the chat idea done. I was simply a friend of his that he trusted to help him
487254c, *Misty : *diablorized* *cries*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *widens her eyes...* damnitdamnitdamnit.))
c883432, Rowen: *LOL* Ria, tooooo many addys
475ba0e, noname: *Quietuses her* You can't cry when you're diablorized.
51163a0, Get a name!: Ohhhh *is directed.* Thank you ever so much.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I have 5 e-mail addresses...though, only 3 are in use
1cc0446, Lleld: *looking around, she goes to the bar and orders a bottle of spring water* *sits down*
487254c, *Misty : I can't do much when I'm diablorized, I'm dead Wait! YAY!
475ba0e, noname: I have at least 10, most of which I can't remember let alone use.
d245956, *President Zahra : *has at least three more.. no, five more, if the other two work*
c883432, Rowen: I have Three, two for Trash and storage and one that I actually get stuff at.
5944e26, *Jenalia: *she turns...sitting on free stool...glancing over her shoulders at the room as she does so*
487254c, *Misty : I can't do much when I'm diablorized, I'm dead Wait! YAY!
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *has 4 now...and a question for Myst*))
475ba0e, noname: Uh oh. *hopes Misty doesn't have any friends in the Giovanni...*
487254c, *Misty : Ooo, a question!
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *has been dead for 20 years* bleh.))
c883432, Rowen: Ian, did I send you my beautiful people poema?
d245956, *President Zahra : Erm. *hugs Misty*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *lol@Ian*))
51163a0, Get a name!: It's away...courtesy of or
487254c, *Misty : Friends in the Giovanni? I 0wn the Giovanni!! *EL*
475ba0e, noname: Um.... you sent me several, Gany, I just dunno which one's which.
475ba0e, noname: *runs and hides, not forgetting to Obfuscate*
487254c, *Misty : KAFKA! *blinks* *hugs Ria back*
d245956, *President Zahra : Collin? *many many many hugs*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *un-diablorizes Misty*
c883432, Rowen: *blinks*
487254c, *Misty : *blinks* *un-diablorized?*
475ba0e, noname: Don'[t worry, Justin. *stage wjisper* Misty's Giovanni contacts will resurrect her.
475ba0e, noname: *nukes typos 'till they glow*
51163a0, Get a name!: KAFKA! Franz Kafka! Tortured Austrian man...*hugs, hugs for Ria.*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Is what I just did even possible?
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *needs to get her own creative lil email address....that no one will ever suspect is her*))
c883432, Rowen: *Gets really confused*
487254c, *Misty : Heh. You can't undiablorized. *peers at Jen* Question?
3235147, šJim: Right .. i'm going to bed
c883432, Rowen: *gets confused squared*
487254c, *Misty : g'night, Jim
MSG: Jenalia sent a message to Misty.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Bye Bye jIm, pleasant nightmares.
d245956, *President Zahra : *checks her mail... and bursts out crying* *huggles Collin repeatedly, and doesn't let go*
3235147, šJim: If i'm not back in fifeteen minutes ... don't be at all surprised !
51163a0, Get a name!: *all this vampy talk.* Bah! :)
487254c, *Misty : Heh. If I'm not back in 5 minutes.. just wait longer!
MSG: Jenalia sent a message to Misty.
3235147, šJim: Well , well I just though about your momma Justin .. odds are i'll be to scared to go asleep
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pats jIm* You just thought of your momma, you don't know what mine looks like.
51163a0, Get a name!: *hugs, hugs for Ria.* Oi! Don't abuse the Voucher system! :)
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *is scared to check her email anymore...after what she got this afternoon*))
3235147, šJim: Sure Justin .. it just all those nasty email I got from someone called Justins Mom
d245956, *President Zahra : *giggles* Why not? *reads more carefully* CD? Oooooo..
MSG: Misty sent a message to Jenalia.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Justin isn't my real name and my mom doesn't know I use this as a screen name, jIm, so it couldn't be "Justin's Mom".
1cc0446, Lleld: *takes a drink. There is a thoughtful look on her face*
51163a0, Get a name!: *hugs, hugs for Ria.* Oi! Don't abuse the Voucher system! :)
3235147, šJim: *shrugs* Well you keep telling yourself that biatch
MSG: Jenalia sent a message to Misty.
3235147, šJim: Anyhow
487254c, *Misty : Oy.. Jim, go to bed :P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pause* That didn't make sense jIm!
09ef988, 'L: Nooooo!!! *cries* Marty!
EXIT: Jim has left the chat ( I just found out the cost of living ... my soul ).
475ba0e, noname: *gives Justin a flaw, immature x5*
MSG: Misty sent a message to Jenalia.
487254c, *Misty : Heh
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *doesn't play Ian's games and is unaffected by his crap*
51163a0, Get a name!: Sure, I'm always threatening to send people music and sometimes I make good on those threats...
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *lol@Ian*))
475ba0e, noname: *thinks Justin would be very affected by his crap, depending on what he eats...*
d245956, *President Zahra : *wants music* *wants hugs too* *hugs lots*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *backs Collin up on that*shivers violently*L*))
487254c, *Misty : *suffers Final Death and disappears*
6443329, šV : Nooooooo
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Um, right Ian...
5944e26, *Jenalia: *she spins the stool...quietly..left to right...bringing her heels to rest on the rungs of the barstool*
EXIT: Misty has left the chat ( When letting something go, it is dangerous to love it more ).
475ba0e, noname: Oh, Misty, what's the URL to the vampire chat? I... lost it.
51163a0, Get a name!: *points to Jen.* See, look what happened when I sent Jen some music. My God, she's gone all a-flutter! :)
475ba0e, noname: Damnit.
6443329, šV : Misty - You B!tch!
d245956, *President Zahra : *giggles* Ack! Jen got music and I didn't? *cries*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *pointed at*blushes* I Have NOT!))
c883432, Rowen: *wants comments*
a0202de, šJezral : Noname, do you mean The Masquerade?
1cc0446, Lleld: *looks over at the other woman at the bar with her* Hello
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *blinks@Ria*
475ba0e, noname: *blinks... is losing weight like a valujet airplane loses altitude*
475ba0e, noname: Yeah, Jez.
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *could give Ian the addy no problem*))
d245956, *President Zahra : *rereads the email.. cries some more* *plots evilly for a certain someone's birthday*
475ba0e, noname: Feck... I also lost my username and password... *looks chagrined*
a0202de, šJezral : link - list of chats present on Project JJs server.
51163a0, Get a name!: *consoles.* Yup, I sent Jen some tapes...I sent Nigma some tapes too. *snaps fingers hipster-like.* I'm just turning people on to groove, daddy.
5944e26, *Jenalia: *smiles back at Lleld* reaching back to curl her hands around the edge of the bar...her back popping as she pushes away gently*
d245956, *President Zahra : Bah! *wants tapes*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *throws a rock at Collin* Don't do that ever again.
475ba0e, noname: *finds it*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *throws a cow@Justin* bite me.))
51163a0, Get a name!: *is hit with the rock.* Aww, baby, you're shuttin' me down, man...what's all this?
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( * afterall...a champion cowflinger*))
1cc0446, Lleld: *smiles* My name's Lleld.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *drops a boulder on Collin* Jen, is this a european or american cow?
d245956, *President Zahra : *protects Collin*
c883432, Rowen: *LOL*
475ba0e, noname: Thanks, Jez.
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *veg@Justin* A european cow that bites.))\
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *sidesteps the cow and kicks it in the head, would have eaten it but all the european cows carry mad cow disease*
51163a0, Get a name!: make it an American cow...Justin doesn't deserve foot and mouth.
6443329, šV : And if you even make a joke about the Foot and Mouth crisis I will kick your f*cking ass
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( good point Collin. *switches it*))
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( Actually, No I'm not V. ))
c883432, Rowen: V, is it really really really bad?
6443329, šV : Or that. Dont get all pompous you USA tosser. Foot and mouth MAY have spread t o America. I will then laugh bitterly at you
475ba0e, noname: Are you Brits sucking your toes again?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *rarely ever eats cow meat anyways...prefers chicken since everything tastes like chicken*
6443329, šV : I REALLY dislike ppl who find it amusing when such things happen. And the "it only happens in Europe" News for you tossers: Foot and Mouth happened in the USA in 1927.
51163a0, Get a name!: Don't get all touchy know I'm the furthest thing from patriotic. Feel free to laugh bitterly now if you please.
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( s'alright V. I don't eat beef...or chicken...really...))
475ba0e, noname: What IS Foot and Mouth? *has never heard of this*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( oooo! All this racial bashing! ))
d245956, *President Zahra : *blinks and comforts V*
c883432, Rowen: *wonders what a tosser is* V, how bad is it?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: 1927, hmm, I wasn't alive, therefore, I don't give a damn.
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Have they found a way to prevent it, yet? ))
6443329, šV : Its a disease. Oddly enough we have no control over diseases.....they happen. Just like your weather in the form of Hurricans. Europe dont crack jokes when you have cities wrecked by such things.
51163a0, Get a name!: Calm yourself, sailor...nothing meant by it. Just throwing it out...
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( V! Chill....I'm not bashing....anyone except Justin...with a cow...nothing to do with a disease.))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *lives up north, isn't affected by hurricanes, points and laughs at the southerners*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *blinks* christ.))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
6443329, šV : Its very bad. Its spread to France with rumours of it being in Italy (not confirmed in Italy). The UK is in chaos
51163a0, Get a name!: Hurricanes are ladyin! Hurricane Georges m00ed my town up royally... *those were the days.* I lost my favorite hat in that storm.
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Justin! That's not nice! Where are you from, anyways? ))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: How does Foot and Mouth affect you anyways?
d245956, *President Zahra : *hugs V*
475ba0e, noname: What does it do?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Massachusetts.
c883432, Rowen: how many animals have been destroyed?
d245956, *President Zahra : *blinks at Collin*
6443329, šV : UK are loosing a lot of money, things which will affect us severly especially after the BSE crisis. Further crippling blow to UK economy. Also, the number of cases reported in a day has increased. it shows no signs of reaching its peak yet
5944e26, *Jenalia: *stops smiling to speak...* Jenalia. But everyone ends up calling me Jen. so feel free. *lets go of the ledge...*
475ba0e, noname: *thinks the world is about to go straight to anarchy*
c883432, Rowen: if it doesn't affect people, why is it so horrible?
1cc0446, Lleld: (( AMERICAN ))
d245956, *President Zahra : *pauses* Does that mean I shouldn't go to London on the 24th?
475ba0e, noname: Because it kills all their livestock, Gany?
1cc0446, Lleld: o.k.....Jen
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *blinks* okay. next time I'll throw a purple spotted zebra.))
c883432, Rowen: Mass is so affected by hurricanes id they're bad enough...
6443329, šV : I dont have statistics....not in memory. Buts its all over the country even after all counter measures. It makes ppl vomit and stuff....but its nothing bad for humans. It just cripples the economy
c883432, Rowen: Yeah...but...I mean...well...okay.
475ba0e, noname: *wry chuckle at Jen*
6443329, šV : There hasnt been reports of it appearing in ppl yet, not in significant numbers.
5944e26, *Jenalia: *she reaches back for her water...and drains it...*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( can cross over to Humans. It's rare, but it has happened. ))
1cc0446, Lleld: *smiles* Thirsty?
51163a0, Get a name!: Ria: Nope, you should go to London.
c883432, Rowen: Lion's get their own form of HIV...FIV..
d245956, *President Zahra : Good. 'Cause I was gonna go, anyway. :)
51163a0, Get a name!: Bah! *goes to his handle.*
51163a0, Collin: Ta Da!
d245956, *President Zahra : *hugs Collin lots*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *gains a smile from Collin's pic*))
51163a0, Collin: *likes his pic too.* Simon Bonney...that's a beautiful man. *hugs for Ria.*
6443329, šV : *won his arguement* *grinds his heel on the "insult Europe and act like tossers" ppl*
c883432, Rowen: *Waves to the now name-ed collin*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( What's a tosser? ))
c883432, Rowen: V, what is a tosser?
51163a0, Collin: *wonders who V is grinding his heel on.*
475ba0e, noname: *huddles quietly in Leigh's corner*
d245956, *President Zahra : *climbs onto Collin's lap*
6443329, šV : Its UK slang. You need not know.
51163a0, Collin: *L* It's a fine insult, like Shirt Lifter and Crafty Butcher.
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *notes for Collin* Me.))
1cc0446, Lleld: (( K ))
c883432, Rowen: what's a shirt lifter, or crafty butcher?
6443329, šV : oi Collin. Just because us English dont like insults
5944e26, *Jenalia: Yes...I am actually. *slides down from the stool...* Either that or restless.
6443329, šV : lol... shirtlifter
1cc0446, Lleld: Are you waiting for someone?
d245956, *President Zahra : *grumbles at her AP Euro History teacher* I don't wanna read about the Holocaust. It's frightening.. It hurts. *baps things*
09ef988, 'L: *hugs for Ian*
51163a0, Collin: *has his shirtlifter t-shirt.* I love that shirt. It rules!
5944e26, *Jenalia: Not at all. There's nobody to wait for. *smirks*
475ba0e, noname: Hey, you're still here? *rubs his eyes and looks up*
c883432, Rowen: ooo..holocaust is scary...
09ef988, 'L: *sighs quietly and mumbles*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *blinks...needs some t-shirts*nodnod*must make some*nodnod*))
d245956, *President Zahra : *nodnod to Gany* Especially if your grandparents just barely escaped it..
6443329, šV : Anyway. Time for bed. I need to have a shower, get looking all good for going out. Get more credit on my phone
1cc0446, Lleld: I am....*blushes*
c883432, Rowen: *goes to take a bubble bath* Whoo hooo!!! I HAVE ERNIE BUBBLES!
d245956, *President Zahra : Night, V! *hugs*
09ef988, 'L: *nods to Ian and offers her cot to him*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *doesn't want to hear about the holocaust...has nasty dreams over that*))
c883432, Rowen: Awww! poor Ria's grandparents! that's REALLY not cool...
1cc0446, Lleld: (( LOL ))
c883432, Rowen: night night alls.
51163a0, Collin: Ohhh, V...tart yourself up, baby!
EXIT: Rowen has left the chat ( Quit ).
d245956, *President Zahra : And poor Ria's parents who had to deal with antisemitism until they left Ukraine, and poor.. all of Ria's relatives. *nodnod* *shudders and bashes her teacher*
475ba0e, noname: No thanks... *unfolds a deck chair and curls up under it*
6443329, šV : Collin - No.... I do not have a black trenchcoat, nor a spiked collar, nor fangs
475ba0e, noname: Bye Gany
5944e26, *Jenalia: *notes the blush...* i'm sorry.
475ba0e, noname: *wishes he had all three*
09ef988, 'L: *fixes her link* Bah. Slightly more tolerable.
6443329, šV : I will wear all black :oP
51163a0, Collin: *The Holocaust Exhibit at the Imperial War Museum in London is really disturbing.*
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *has fangs*shrug*))
1cc0446, Lleld: *looks at her* Why be sorry?
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *doesn't want to hear about the holocaust!! DAMNIT!))
6443329, šV : Black jeans.... I only have a short sleeved black shirt though, so Im debating whether to use that and a light jacker. or whether to buy a shirt
d245956, *President Zahra : And having your own relatives tell you things that happened to them.. Not somebody else in a dried up museum, but actually them, is really disturbing too.
475ba0e, noname: *doesn't have obvious fangs, but will cut tongues of people he kisses on accident*
51163a0, Collin: No no should tart yourself up. A little glitter, maybe some big boots, some paste-on stars, a little nail varnish and baby there you go.
d245956, *President Zahra : And having your own relatives tell you things that happened to them.. Not somebody else in a dried up museum, but actually them, is really disturbing too.
d245956, *President Zahra : *eyes Jen and shuts up*
6443329, šV : Collin - Thats not me, darling
475ba0e, noname: *doesn't have obviously visible fangs, but cuts people he kisses on accident*
51163a0, Collin: *winks at V.* Not yet it isn't. Har har! :)
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( black polish and smut.))
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *settles down...doesn't have the words to explain why the holocaust bothers her so much...shuts up and backs out*))
d245956, *President Zahra : Erm. *has no place in this conversation* *leaves*
51163a0, Collin: *points to Jen.* That's the ticket! Black polish and smut, glitter and smack, velvet and crank!
5944e26, *Jenalia: You don't seem to want to wait.
EXIT: V has left the chat ( We always end up as the things we hate..... ).
1cc0446, Lleld: what do you mean?
5944e26, *Jenalia: (( *winks to Collin* You got me pegged.))
09ef988, 'L: *sighs softly, curls up and closes her eyes, whispering to her teddy*
d245956, *President Zahra : *curls up beside Leigh, and huggles the stuffed dog and teddy bear she got today*
475ba0e, noname: I need to trust my instinct/intuition more... I wanted to run from that place in terror today. I still don't know where that feeling came from. All I know is I'd've been better off.
09ef988, 'L: *hugs Ria, then curls up further and pulls her blanket up around her and her teddy and continues to whisper*
d245956, *President Zahra : *hugs Leigh back*
5944e26, *Jenalia: *seems utterly uncomfortable suddenly* I don't know. Listen...I've got something I need to do...*smiles* I apologize for leaving...but I must. *pulls her hood back up...and exits...quickly..nearly sprinting down the sandy streets*
NICK: Jenalia changed nick to Jennifer
1cc0446, Lleld: *watches her go, looking confused*
5944e26, Jennifer: there. *nudges Ria back into conversation...will not speak*
1cc0446, Lleld: *takes a drink of her water and waits*
d245956, *President Zahra : *is nudged* *blinks*
JOIN: Slim Whitman has entered.
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: *grin*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Hi, Slim ))
5944e26, Jennifer: *wrinkles nose* bleh.
5944e26, Jennifer: ''...and tell me..oh tell me what you're thinking...''.
5944e26, Jennifer: *ponders Malkie*
475ba0e, noname: *kills Malkav for siring him, the bastid*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: That was fun! Zero Wing rules!
NICK: Jennifer changed nick to Eloise Fealon
d245956, *President Zahra : *yawn*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: *wouldn't have it any other way*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( *goes IC..* heh))
475ba0e, noname: *not sure if he would or not anymore*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( Give it time Ian.))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Slim Whiteman? Andy, I know you can do better than that
475ba0e, noname: The more time I give it, the worse everything gets. *dejectedly*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( Trust me Ian. I know. Give it time. Sooner or later you'll see it change.))
475ba0e, noname: These are supposed to be the best days of my life... if I find that to be true, I swear to God I'm killing myself.
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( don't you even think about killing would be far far worse.))
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( and you know it. Christ do.))
475ba0e, noname: All I'm doing is howling at the moon.\
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
51163a0, Collin: *quotes as he fades.* Every day above ground is a good day...unless, of course, you're wholed up in a really swank cavern palace, then that's the best day
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( howl louder.))
JOIN: Hyperspace has entered.
475ba0e, noname: No, I don't really know it, Jen. I mean... I guess things could get better. But if they don't... I mean, what's the point of living in misery?
420f464, *Hyperspace: wow! look who'se here!
475ba0e, noname: How many more years is this gonna go on? When does it end?
420f464, *Hyperspace: *blinks*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Hey Hyp
09ef988, 'L: 'lo Hyper.
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( its not misery.))
420f464, *Hyperspace: oy... you again... *pats Justin*
475ba0e, noname: I've believed strongly, until recently, that all I have to do is hang on a little more. Now I'm not so sure that things WILL get better.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *patted* Yes me again, I'm always here, I have nothing better to do...
d245956, *President Zahra : *hugs everyone*
420f464, *Hyperspace: that's certainly for sure... *mobhuggles Elly*
51163a0, Collin: *hugs, hugs for Hypes, Ria, Jen, Leigh and anyone else I've neglected.* Right, I'm abandoning the 'tina for higher ground.
420f464, *Hyperspace: doh! Collin! *tackles and hugs and such before he leaves*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *was hugged by Collin* Aw! *kotc for Collin* I knew you loved me!
d245956, *President Zahra : Night, Collin! *many hugs*
09ef988, 'L: *hugs back for Ria, Hyper and Collin*
51163a0, Collin: *becomes a hippie for one brief moment.* I love everyone except LBJ and the Oil Companies, man.
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( *hugs Collin...ruffles 'is newly cut hair*))
MSG: L sent a message to Hyperspace.
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Justin Sane.
420f464, *Hyperspace: There's a highway here that's named for LBJ....
51163a0, Collin: Oi! Leave the boy with the new haircut alone! Bah, I still look like a damned Beatle. Fi upon it! *runs away.*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *gasp* it's Ria's birthday!?
d245956, *President Zahra : Yup.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *looks*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( *grins* I will not.))
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Bye, Collin ))
420f464, *Hyperspace: WOW!!!!! you're birthday's only 4 days after mines!!! *extraspecialsuperdupercalifragilisticspasticwithanextrabirthdaytwist huggles for Ria!*
475ba0e, noname: *doesn't look like anyone famous*
475ba0e, noname: *slight smile at Hyper's word...*
d245956, *President Zahra : *erm.. extraspecial....etc.. huggles back for Hyper*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *looks like herself... therefore looks like someone famous*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Which is a good thing Ian, people won't come up to you and be like "Did any one ever tell you that look like some celebrity you don't evil like"
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: "One time, this lady came up to me and said 'Hey, I don't want to insult you or anything, but you look like Bobcat Goldwait.'" - Bobcat Goldwait. (I think that's how you spell his name)
EXIT: Collin has left the chat ( My Farwell Delegation, These Few Trees. This Station That Is No Station, That Is Left, That Is Mine. I Could Have Saved You All, You Gave Me So Little Time... ).
420f464, *Hyperspace: *smiles brightly and gives Ria a daisy* Happy Birthday!
d245956, *President Zahra : Thankoo, Hyper!
1cc0446, Lleld: *finishes her water and looks around*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *hugs his brand spankin' new digital camera*
420f464, *Hyperspace: Welcome!
09ef988, 'L: *eyes AIM*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *eyes Elly*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( *eyed* :( ))
09ef988, 'L: *is eyed, withers up*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Elly? Who the hell is Elly?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *takes a picture of a book with his camera*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: *with a silent step upon the stair...a woman enters...simply dressed in ankle boots of blue slacks...and a white blouse*
475ba0e, noname: *needs to go... hurries out*
09ef988, 'L: *hugs for Ian* Bye.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *doesn't need to go but leaves anyways* South Park
EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Your my butterfly, sugar, baby... ).
1cc0446, Lleld: *watches the woman enter and smiles, tossing her braid over her shoulder* *orders another bottle of water*
475ba0e, noname: Bye. *hugs for all the special people*
EXIT: noname has left the chat ( Quit ).
420f464, *Hyperspace: Elly... is Elly!
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: *her eyes a simple brown...her hair the same...she glances over the room...*
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: (( *assuming she wasn't eyed*unfrowns*))
d245956, *President Zahra : *wanders off to bed* Night!
1cc0446, Lleld: *sips her water*
JOIN: Liam Rowe has entered.
09ef988, 'L: Night, Ria. Happy Birthday. *hug*
d245956, *President Zahra : *hugs Leigh*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * enters down the Stone ware steps *
EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Sweet dreams! ).
1cc0446, Lleld: *waits* ~where is he?! ~
5944e26, Eloise Fealon: *pauses upon seeing Liam...exits*
09ef988, 'L: *in order to take her mind off of stuff, she ponders either going to Underground or rping, neither really appeal to her, though*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * RaE @ the distress Woman who just left *
1cc0446, Lleld: *sighs and plays with the end of her braid*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : (( * L * Kelly I really don't have that effect on women do I ? ))
NICK: Eloise Fealon changed nick to Jenn
5944e26, Jenn: *thwaps Liam*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *attempts talking her father into buying her a really cute underwear set*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : (( Ack! sorry Jenn ))
09ef988, 'L: Not at all, dear. Just not feeling well.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
1cc0446, Lleld: *drinks some water, looking around*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : (( kay * smiles all happy w/ himself now * ))
420f464, *Hyperspace: *notes that fathers are hard to persuade*
JOIN: Deanna Milano has entered.
09ef988, 'L: *pats*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( How true! ))
JOIN: Andy has entered.
6c9b335, 'Andy: m00ing Anonymous bastid.
420f464, *Hyperspace: *eyes Liam*
09ef988, 'L: *notes that her father and her had their first conversation in a month, this morning*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * eyes Hyper back *
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Wow! Really? ))
5944e26, Jenn: *shatters*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Son of a lady... *smashes chairs and tables*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *squishes her eyes shut real tight... and then eyes Liam again*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *eeps at twin*
09ef988, 'L: Wow, next time, I'll only have to wait about a week. My sister's birthday is next Friday. He'll make a visit, if she's lucky.
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : (( * looks @ the shattered jenn and pounces on her giving her a hug * heya jenny-wren ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Why can't they put m00ing names.. Cowards... No one can take a m00ing joke.. Piss Ant.
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : moo
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Cool! ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: *smashes more tables and chairs*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * LOL *
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : (( * pokes hyper * ))
5944e26, Jenn: *blinks@Andy*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Andy, what's wrong? ))
09ef988, 'L: Andy...! *grabs his arm gently*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *worries about Andy and wonders what's wrong*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *feels likes running someone over with his hummer* *thinks* Nah-- to dangerous... *grabs his steel chair*
420f464, *Hyperspace: eek! *poked*
5944e26, Jenn: *pounced..hugged* hehe. *replies in kind*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *grabs his steel chair* Now someone will get hurt.
420f464, *Hyperspace: it's really hard to skoot your chair up when you're wearing slippery pants*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *eyes Liam*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *peers L* *frustrated and angry*
420f464, *Hyperspace: eek! *blinks at Andy and hovers about him* what's wrong what's wrong?
1cc0446, Lleld: *looks over at the man on a smashing rampage, a worried look on her face*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * RaE @ andy*
09ef988, 'L: Shhh... *pulls her twin close and huggles him*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Can we help? ))
5944e26, Jenn: probably the same thing that was wrong with me earlier.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *blinks at Jukebox as it begins to play '2 by 4 by Metallica'*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *sighs*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : OOC:
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : you alright dude?
6c9b335, 'Andy: This idiot in the Board, made me like this as he replied 'And Andy why when i wrote this i had the idead of some stupid idiot coming here and saying what you did!? '
5944e26, Jenn: O_o
420f464, *Hyperspace: *kills all Board Idiots*
09ef988, 'L: They're no better than the ones in the Vamp Chat, Andy. Remember that.
1cc0446, Lleld: (( The Baka! ))
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Baka means: Stupid, Moron, or idiot in Japanese ))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
420f464, *Hyperspace: actually... Baka is alot worse than stupid, moron, idiot in Japanese... but that would be the basic translation...
6c9b335, 'Andy: *sighs* *does not know why he continues to chat anyway*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : well sometimes people are @$$holes
09ef988, 'L: Because you love me, Andy, and you love Correy.
420f464, *Hyperspace: eep! *snugglehuggles Andy* You chat because you love me! and i'm always here! *beams and winks cheerfully*
5944e26, Jenn: *watches it all go over her head* ....
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Andy, stay with us, we'll make you feel better ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: L love you as a sister..
09ef988, 'L: Of course you do. *pats* And I love you as a brother.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hugs Hyperz* L and yourself are my twins.. I lvoe you both equally.
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Note: Does'nt even know Andy, Jen, and is trying to make him feel better anyways ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: *nods to Lleld* Thanks.
420f464, *Hyperspace: so you cant leave then... *wags a finger* umm... because I said so... *blinks*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( np, Andy ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: *smiles at Hyperz* but I will have to leave all of you in August.
5944e26, Jenn: *blinks@Andy* why?
420f464, *Hyperspace: *gasp* really!? *sobs*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( yes, why? ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Well I will be gone for 3 years, possibly forever.. Theology school awaits.
6c9b335, 'Andy: I will miss you all.
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Ahh... ))
420f464, *Hyperspace: *sniffles sadly* if i give you my snailmail address will you remember to write me letters?
1cc0446, Lleld: *drinks her water, still waiting*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *thinks* Ok it's 52 cents a postage to the states* I can do that, doll. *smile* just mail me at
1cc0446, Lleld: ( is waiting for Akido or Cpt. colton )
5944e26, Jenn: *curls up...looking suddenly blank...chin on her knee...frowns*
575a9b0, 'L: *squeezes her eyes shut*
6c9b335, 'Andy: A piece of music you all must download is by Slim Whitman 'Indian Love Call'
6c9b335, 'Andy: *blinks looknig around him*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Erm. what is wrong ladies?
JOIN: Deena Milano has entered.
420f464, *Hyperspace: ok... I sended the mail... you're now obligated to write to me Andy or I'll umm... bust your nose open!
1cc0446, Lleld: I'll try to get it ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Dare hit a Priest, Hyperz?
5944e26, Jenn: *blinks@Andy* Nothing and everything.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hugs Jenn*
420f464, *Hyperspace: Yes! *EG*
f7add8a, Deena Milano: Cpt Colton won't be on tonight
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hides from Hyperz*
f7add8a, Deena Milano: Cpt Colton won't be on tonight
5944e26, Jenn: *hugs back...snaps out of it*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Ok, I need someones opinion. Should I be a married Priest or a Celebate Priest?
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Aww! Why not? ))
5944e26, Jenn: *smiles oddly as she realises something*
420f464, *Hyperspace: a married one... definitely... well that's me... of course I couldnt ever live without umm... pleasure... *clears her throat*
f7add8a, Deena Milano: *Peeks out from her veil ......for Jez*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *hugs Jen by the way*
f7add8a, Deena Milano: ( he went out Lleyd)
6c9b335, 'Andy: Hyper is from Texas... *goes silent*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Married Priest! ))
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * LOL *
6c9b335, 'Andy: Married will be alittle hard... I don't have anyone to love me here in Ottawa.
420f464, *Hyperspace: *whaps Andy*
      Jezral peeks at Deena
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * hugs for Jenny-wren * cheer up girl * wink *
f7add8a, Deena Milano: *Skips over to sit near Jez*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *notes to assassinate Mr.Bush on his visit to Ottawa*
575a9b0, 'L: *glances at Andy*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *glanced at*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
9a9b104, Get a name!: This life is a grand illusion
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Thanks..and Akido? ))
a0202de, šJezral : Greetingz once again, Deena.
5944e26, Jenn: *hugged* thanks. *hugs back*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *mumbles about mean siblings*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *ponders*
5944e26, Jenn: I am considerably more cheered up at the moment. *smiles*
f7add8a, Deena Milano: (Akido didn't report in ,,Sorry)
6c9b335, 'Andy: *curls up on L's lap*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *finds a corner and pouts in it*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( why not go after Klein? ))
575a9b0, 'L: *pats*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * curls up on Jenn's lap *
5944e26, Jenn: *waves to Jez...thanking him again because the chat works*
5944e26, Jenn: *patpats Liam* I feel loved. *L*
1cc0446, Lleld: (( *pouts* aww. I don't really know anyone else ))
420f464, *Hyperspace: eep! I gotta go now! *hugs everyone and runs away* bye!
f7add8a, Deena Milano: *Grabs Jez out the door for a walk on the sand dunes*
420f464, *Hyperspace: *special hugs for Elly and Jenn and Liam and Andy and anyone else that wants em*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * hugs for hype *
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hug back for Hyperz*
575a9b0, 'L: Bye Hyper. *hug*
      Jezral follows Deena...
5944e26, Jenn: *hugs Hype back* :) later.
EXIT: Deena Milano has left the chat ( Quit ).
420f464, *Hyperspace: *flounces out the door, humming to herself...*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : hey andy I'll trade ya
EXIT: Hyperspace has left the chat ( I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... oh wait... you werent supposed to know that... ).
6c9b335, 'Andy: Trade for what?
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Bye! ))
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : you can curl up in Jenn's lap if I can curl up in L's
6c9b335, 'Andy: Erm.. *gets off L's lap and goes into a corner and sits there* Go right ahead.
575a9b0, 'L: *closes her eyes*
5944e26, Jenn: * she expected that*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : Erm... you coulda said no... sorry * pout *
6c9b335, 'Andy: *blink*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * feels really bad now *
575a9b0, 'L: Chad, don't worry. *disappears to Underground*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * would rather she disappear to ICQ but that's just him *
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( I am in deep thought . . . I am so confused and frustrated . . . Can I live without love? Can I live without a mate? Desperate plea...... Bad emotions. ).
5944e26, Jenn: *watches Andy go* My laps always here. Can't exactly lose it.
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Who's still here? ))
JOIN: Andy has entered.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *returns and curls up on Jenn's lap*
1cc0446, Lleld: *sighs and stands up, stretching*
5944e26, Jenn: :)
1cc0446, Lleld: (( Good Night, All ))
5944e26, Jenn: G'night Lleld.
6c9b335, 'Andy: NiNi Lleld
1cc0446, Lleld: *leaves* ***GONE***
5944e26, Jenn: You aren't unloved, Andy. Just misunderstood.
EXIT: Lleld has left the chat ( Quit ).
6c9b335, 'Andy: *looks up at Jenn* *sigh*
5944e26, Jenn: Trust me.
6c9b335, 'Andy: I'm 20, Jenn... Most guys have girlfriends by the age of 16.
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : just cause they have 'em doesn't mean things are peachy keen * is currently having a 'disagreement' w/ his gf *
5944e26, Jenn: Thank you Liam. It means jack schitt if its not real.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *bites lip*
5944e26, Jenn: old do you think I am?
6c9b335, 'Andy: Jenn 16
5944e26, Jenn: 20.
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * snickers * she wishes * runs away cuz doesn't wanna get hit *
6c9b335, 'Andy: you're 20.
5944e26, Jenn: very much so.
5944e26, Jenn: *smirks@Liam* you know better.
6c9b335, 'Andy: kay. *smile*
5944e26, Jenn: Funny. Everyone thinks I'm younger...and I feel absolutely ancient...
6c9b335, 'Andy: Well it is time for me to do some homework.. later peeps. *hugs for those who want it*
5944e26, Jenn: *hugs back* later.
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( All is disappearing. What is Next? Hopefully I could Yodel like Slim Whitman or even sing better than Johnny Cash. Who knows. ).
5944e26, Jenn: *lurks like the no-life she is...*grins*
5944e26, Jenn: *thinks IC sounds fun*
5944e26, Jenn: hmmm...
5944e26, Jenn: *blinks@Jez* something to say?
a0202de, šJezral : I don't think so.
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * pokes jen *
5944e26, Jenn: *poked* wut? Hey bout them bananas?
a0202de, šJezral : Dunno, Deena threw one away and the other was of paper...
5944e26, Jenn: so eat the paper one. *L*
5944e26, Jenn: Erhem. *smiles*
JOIN: Talislanta has entered.
0cae140, *Talislanta: um, um, um.. hi. heehee
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : hey Tal
0cae140, *Talislanta: Hey Liam
5944e26, Jenn: 'lo Talis. *nodnodwave*
JOIN: Misty has entered.
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : sup? LTNS
9df537e, *Misty : *blink*
0cae140, *Talislanta: *waves back*
0cae140, *Talislanta: Nothin' much! Just....chillin' yo! heehee... not really. Working on homework
9df537e, *Misty : *acks@Collin's post on the board*
5944e26, Jenn: *cracks up laughing*
9df537e, *Misty : Egads
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : hey Tal, i remember ya but don't you have other handles, or did anyway?
0cae140, *Talislanta: yeah. Only 1 other one. It was Dalilia Nabirye. I barely RPed her though
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * nods * kay...
5944e26, Jenn: hehehe....hehe...*collapses into a hysterically laughing heap*
9df537e, *Misty : *can't laugh, however... almost feels like crying*
0cae140, *Talislanta: what?! what what what!? *wants in... as usual..*
5944e26, Jenn: *points@the board*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : first post by Collin
0cae140, *Talislanta: Oh! I *cough, cough* see it. *cough, cough* I've only been at this chat for 3 days. how would I know where the board is? *L*
0cae140, *Talislanta: aHA! found it. heehee...
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : upper leaft hand corner "board"
5944e26, Jenn: *smirk*
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : *ponders that he should be in the Jedi Faction *
5944e26, Jenn: who what?
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : me... er Liam I mean
5944e26, Jenn: Why?
07dfbe7, *Liam Rowe : * shrugs * cause Liam is protrayed by me as a jedi...
5944e26, Jenn: Yargh! *wanders IC*))
5944e26, Jenn: (( *ponders whose handle to use*))
9df537e, *Misty : IC!
5944e26, Jenn: (( what??))
9df537e, *Misty : IC?!?!?!?
5944e26, Jenn: (( that so shocking coming from me? *L*))
9df537e, *Misty : It's just a shocking concept altogether!
5944e26, Jenn: (( no its not. its quite easy.))
9df537e, *Deianeira : ((Let's play))
9df537e, *Deirdre Malice : ((Ooo!))
5944e26, Jenn: (( *lol*))
9df537e, *Deirdre Malice : ((*hums*))
0cae140, *Talislanta: ((hmmm... IC... oh my gosh! I haven't done that in... a year and a half.. or---so..))
9df537e, *Deianeira : ((*settles on a char, then*))
NICK: Jenn changed nick to Solencian Van Elonis
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *ponder*))
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *tests color*))
9df537e, *Deianeira : ((Hehehehehehehehehe.... yellow))
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *goes blind* Krist!!))
NICK: Deianeira changed nick to Tristise Umbra
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *tests again*))
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( hehe? its friggin dandelion!))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *hums*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: That's a nice colour, the one you've got
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: *a woman of considerable heighth and shadow...drifts thru the door*
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( thank you. *loves it...* I've got sheets that are slightly more red...gorgeous!))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *enters, drawing her cloak around her as she negotiates the steps slowly and carefully, her hooded gaze drifting with curiousity around the room*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Really? Hmph! *jealous*
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: *almost as if her steps had taken her by hostage...she seems to relax as she stops...grateful for a break*
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( 275 thread count.))
0cae140, *Talislanta: ((*lol*))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *glances at Solencian and arches a brow before stepping lightly toward the bar, her footfalls silent, her stride measured*
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *smiles* its heavenly. better than silk an' satin.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Mmmph. *eyes Jen*
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: *her eyes capture the image of the woman as she passes...watching her approach the bar...then looking away*
5944e26, Solencian Van Elonis: (( I worked some long and exhausting hours to get those...worse so for my new bed.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *frowns, feeling eyes upon her, and gestures to the 'tender for a drink, a glass of icewine.. her eyes, unseen beneath her hood, drift back to Solencian, a scowl etching her face*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *hugs pic*
JOIN: Solencian Van Elonis has entered.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her thin hands slither out from her sleeves to clasp gently at her temples...eyes closing at the dull ache*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *they drop just as sudden....she is painfully aware that its unwise to show weakness when amidst this venemous environment*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *looks away from the other woman and settles onto a barstool, drawing her hood away to reveal her face.. she doesn't look like she normally looks, but rather, the way she used to look, before she was killed and given a new body.. illusion is lovely..*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she turns her eyes to the bar...the 'tender specifically..and takes a few graceful steps to stop at the edge of the bar...*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she settles her palms flat over the cool surface of it...and orders a chilled water...*letting the payment drop from between two slender fingers as the 'tender requests it*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *draws her icewine toward her, looking into the depths of the glass and swirling the liquid about with one hand.. with the free hand, she slides payment across the bar, for the 'tender to pick up once he's done with Solencian's order*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she curls her fingers around the glass and takes it from the 'tender before he can set it down...and takes a deep draught*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her hood falls back...which she fails to notice...draining the deep glass...and enjoying it*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *she draws away the hand that paid for her drink, and it floats down to rest on her stomach.. she quickly lifts the icewine and sips, working at trying to prevent herself from shivering*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her smile is oddly thankful as she orders another water...paying him in the same way...her movements almost seeming to be planned*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *mutters, almost, but not quite beyond hearing* Water is not cheap here...
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her eyes turn to Tristise.....a curtain of gray hair following her shifting hood like water following a gutter* unfailing...that.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she takes the drink from the 'tender this time before he even has a chance to offer it to her...only sipping it this time...her dry lips and throat whetted*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: If I cared, I might think you were some rich woman willing to throw her money away. If I were a thief.. *turns slowly to stare at Solencian, her gaze unsettling* might be a prime target.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: I've been the target of worse than a thief...*her fingers tighten slightly about the glass...something about her demeanor a warning against assualt*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *smirks@typo* assault.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *smirks slightly, but only slightly* I've done worse than steal. *returns her gaze to her glass*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she turns her face to of seeming agelessness...smooth yet seeming ancient* Loved by they say.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Loved by death? Hardly. Taken once, and scorned.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: A figure of speech....*she brings the glass to her lips again...the thin haze made by the temperature difference already dripping off over her fingers*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: I do not love you as if you were the salt-rose, topaz or arrow of carnations that propagate fire: I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, secretly, between the shadow and the soul *mumble*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *blinks*would catch that at any other time* mm?))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Is it indeed? In this place, such a figure of speech has new meaning.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Just felt like reciting. Heh.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her expression seems suddenly to be barely human...veiled in flesh...something more behind it...* care to elaborate?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Elaborate? Not particularly. *she keeps her hand upon her stomach, and her free hand draws her glass once more to her lips.. she takes a slow sip*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: Refusal noted...*it vanishes as if mere illusion*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *arches a brow, turning to study Solencian more closely*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *a thin trail of water winds its way about her wrist...ignored..she leans to the bar...the curve of her back seeming to fit comfortably against the jutting edge*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *her eyes narrow thoughtfully as she watches the other woman for several long moments... she then looks back to her drink, seeming to have lost interest, and instead returns to staring into her glass*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *a slight hint of a smile seems to scream past behind her eyes...the effects....a hint of pain in her posture*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *emotions tearing away...back and forth...deep and glaring...all behind a thin veil of sanity...a long thin breath winds its way out from her lungs*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: One does not often remain in... *trails off, her eyes flashing momentarily as she seems to slip into the past for a few minutes.. she closes her eyes and shakes her head, refocussing.. sensing the turmoil of Solencian's emotions*
JOIN: Solencian Van Elonis has entered.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *the woman doesn't seem to take another back in...yet somehow does...her eyes shifting*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *opens her eyes and watches the other woman, more curious than anything else*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *the eyes...oh the telling yet so utterly veiled...turn to Tristise...a blackness seeming to slam down*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *the illusion surround her shimmers somewhat as a cold smile forms her lips, watching these events unfold before her* It seems I have a penchant for meeting up with strange and intriguing creatures...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: surround=surrounding
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her brows tilt inward...her glass once more held to her lips for a sip of water...water to sooth the parched flesh*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: I hadn't the knowledge I was strange or intriguing....*something odd snags in her voice...her whole body shifting in something akin to amusement*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *murmurs* But you're different.. You aren't cold.. Hmm.. *turns abruptly back to her icewine, swirling the liquid before taking a sip*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( ah but the skill to hide the chill is well learned.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: heheh.. ain't that the truth
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( quite. it is acquired to the point not even the one doing it is conscious of it.))
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *grins oddly* I love words.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Strange and intriguing. Both.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: Coins have two must everything.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *back pops* Love that too. *L*))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: And none would know that better than I.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: Its something known from birth...from the moment the doctor slaps you and jolts you into this life...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *chuckles*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Perhaps. But there are some who fail to understand this concept.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *a thin...almost angry manner poisons this womans blood...* Fail to care.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *smirks slightly, feeling her anger, welcoming it* Indeed. Fail to care.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: What fun it must be for them to watch the world die....pompous snakes...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: To each his own. If he would watch the world die, I would watch him die.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *without notice...her fingers tighten even farther upon the glass of half empty shatters...her hands closing around the few shards of glass stuck in her smooth skin...she bleeds...* something like that.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( further?))
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( hand=hands. *pats typo demon*))
JOIN: Tristise Umbra has entered.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *thunks chat and pats typo demon too* IC: *narrows her gaze on Solencian as the glass breaks*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *thin streams of blood squeeze out from between her fingers...trailing like an odd lace...she uncurls her fingers...spreading her palm flat* curious.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Blood is not curious. Watching it flow from someone else as you rip their heart out.. that is curious..
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she turns her hand...palm down...each tiny piece of glass dropping like rain along with the blood to the floor*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: No...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *arches a brow* No...?
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: No...*her eyes on the blood...* that would as a beautiful yet cruel work of art...the play of life from a being...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Perhaps... But I do not see beauty in anything. Anymore. *implying, of course, that she once might have* *she props her elbows on the bartop and tilts her head, as though listening for something, or expecting something.. her posture is that of one who waits.. she brings her icewine to her lips and sips*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *the flow of blood simply seems to cease...the woman curls her hand slightly...and tucks it along with the other beneath her robes*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: But appreciation of it does not cease.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( heh. cease cease cease.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Does it not? *looks back to the other woman, noting her actions* Tell me, then, what you find most curious..
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Cease is a good word. *G*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: That depends...there are many kinds of curiousity....morbid..mindless..
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: I don't linger with curiousity....when I take often dies.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Everthing often dies, if given time. Perhaps you need to find something that will not bore you.. *her voice is quiet, contemplative, and yet distant*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Everthing=Everything
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: I see....*she notes the woman's look....her tone..* suggestion?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *laughs sharply, quickly, bitterly* No
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: I thought not. *a slender hand moves from her her neck....resting there...fingers curled just enough as to keep it stationary without thought*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: You strike me as one who is creative. I'm certain you have no problems finding something with which to keep yourself occupied.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: Oh...yes....always.*her smile seems painful enough to shatter a mirror* Love is the most cruel.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *she expells her breath in a soft hiss, an agreement, perhaps, to the woman's statement* Love...?
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *she seems almost hollow for a long moment...shifting her back against the ledge behind her...* Pure hell.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Is it. Would you prefer administering this "pure hell", or being a victim to it?
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: Thats the trick. There is sometimes no way to tell which you are.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *stares at the woman for a long moment in silence, her eyes flickering in the dim lighting of the Cantina.. either with acknowledgement of understanding, or pain of truth* You can be both.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: There is no distinction in love.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Love is a curse of those with a heart. *clearly trying to imply that she doesn't have one*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *there seems ashes now....something blown into pieces...evident...raw...then it vanishes* The heart....oh what a fiction.
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: What a horrible truth...and a fiction....
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *smiles coldly, the tenuous grip she holds on the illusion surrounding her almost falters as she takes in Solencian's words, almost savouring them as one might a fine wine* I am cold. *she states this plainly*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *eyes window and back button* Fukker.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *LOL*
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *startled by laughter* wha?))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Eh.. nothing. Post. ^_^
62c20f6, Solencian Van Elonis: *her eyes seem suddenly to how anyone could be cold...on a planet with twin suns and burning sand...* Cold?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Yes. *sips her icewine, and then lowers it to the bartop slowly* Cold.
JOIN: Solencian Van Elonis has entered.
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: *she leans back on the bar only slightly if her thoughts are heavier* how?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: I believe it is entirely too complicated. *narrows her eyes at her glass, her other hand still upon her stomach.. she shivers visibly before regaining control* My body is cold. Others who are cold fascinate me. *her thoughts drift to the strange cold man she'd met a day or so ago*
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *is suddenly thinking of cold beer*would thwak Hicks if he were here*))
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: There is a chill that one never escapes....suffers....and cannot stop...*she glances down slightly*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Is there.. The chill I feel was given to me on purpose. *finishes off her icewine quickly and pushes away the glass*
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: *bringing her hands together...folding them....not a trace of blood as the fingers lace across her midsection* Indeed...we die from the moment we are born.
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: Given to you....*she pauses to look closely at Tristise* Given?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *speaks coldly as she looks to the other woman* That's right. Given.
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: And I would guess you don't wish to tell of this either....
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: *she closes her eyes a moment...opening odd mixture of pity/anger/and other such emotions killing everything else that would be seen within them* I imagine someone controls you.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Tell you of what..? *stands slowly and steps away from the bar.. the illusion around her shimmers and fades, revealing her true appearance*
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: (( scratch someone. something.))
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: (( true appearance? *pause@her own last IC post* Damnit...scratch the words.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *hisses softly* Controls... me...?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *mumble*
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: (( sorry. *blinks*))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Heheh
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: This chill you suffer. That the most intense bonfire would not cure...
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: The coldness I suffer. That the most intense fire would not cure. It comes from within... It is emptiness.
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: *it seems as if a low...feral growl echoes from this woman..yet there is not a noise..* would that I did not ever know that cold...but I do.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Do you really... The cold I feel is the emptiness that was left when my warmth was taken away....
3597226, Solencian Van Elonis: *she shakes her head slowly* I cannot say that this is the same thing...I do not feel.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Do you not? I envy you, then.]
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *hides ]*
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: (( uh...why?))
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: I do not feel unless I allow myself to...and it has been years.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Why? Because that "]" was a typo, that's why :P
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: (( i thought maybe you had broken it. *G*))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Would that my "feelings" were so far distant.
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: *the woman falls silent...her robes seem as that dark shadow that lingers over the ones marked for death*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: One whose basis for living is hatred should not love.
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: What about one who lives for death?
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: I would ask what point such a one gives to loving, if one only lives for death.
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: Well it wouldn't be me you would ask.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Would it not?
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: No. *she smiles oddly*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *notes the smile and arches a brow, drawing her hood up over her head with the Force, to conceal her face from any who might happen by, having no further will to keep up the illusion* I have grown accustomed to the coldness. Have you?
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: Quite.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: I can tell you my story, but I am quite certain you mightn't be interested. *should also note that she didn't fail to notice the fact that the blood had seemingly disappeared from Solencian's hand*
e492086, Solencian Van Elonis: *she unfolds her slip them into the folds of her robes...her gray hair falling quietly back with the movement* You could always be wrong.
JOIN: Solencian Van Elonis has entered.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Is that so? *she moves to take a step forward, but stops suddenly, tensing as she seems to be gripped with...something... that has frozen her to the spot... memories flash before she takes a sharp intake of breath and shakes her head, to clear it*
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: *as with everything she has ever seen....she notes each movement Tistise makes...each reaction...each shift in mood...reamining silent*
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *slaps a key* remaining.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: I can tell you how I once saved a man's life and how he changed me forever.
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *lol* OMG! Tistise?? Tristise. Good grief.))
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: *again...not a word..only observance*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *steps silently toward Solencian, her movements slow, deliberate, feral* I can tell you how I once thought I helped myself by helping others.. How I saw him, and he was weakened, and I sat next to him and watched as he lay motionless.. How I could have killed him so easily, but instead I took pity, and got naught but a slap across the face for my efforts..
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *eyes GaN* why don't they ever say something?))
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: *does not react in any way whatsoever save to track the woman with her line of sight*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: You keep scaring them away. *matter-of-factly*
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: (( Ah!! at your service. *chuckle*))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Hmm. *steps close to Solencian and comes to a halt, turning to watch the room as she speaks* How he took me in, gave me shelter, a place to live.. How he taught me to be what I am today. How he gave me warmth, and promised coldness should we ever be apart. Coldness, should I ever betray him...
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: *her own eyes drift out over the room...almost like the beam from a lighthouse sweeps...then back to Tristise*
JOIN: Neah Kwan has entered.
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: You could tell me of how he left a blade as cold as that promise...lodged in your flesh...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Death to all others who betray... *her voice lowers to a soft hiss, the tone almost wistful* And all would bow before Us
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: Ohh, there's peeps IC, hehe
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: I could tell you how, when he thought I had betrayed him, he fought me and stabbed me with his staff.. *from beneath her cloak, she produces said staff.. it is not telescoped* This staff...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Heheh. *prods Neah into looking at the profiles, particularly the one for Deia*
0700247, Solencian Van Elonis: *she takes the image in...knowing full well what probably happened...*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: And how it was only our bond.. *her free hand moves to her stomach* ..that kept him from taking my life
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: profiles? hmm okey dokey
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: One That poem encouraged me, hehe
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Hehehe. Tis the Code of the Sith
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *she notes even the settling of her free hand on her stomach...raising one gray brow*
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: I don't have that part of the library yet, *sulks* mostly cuz my orders were cancelled due to those books being sold out.*kills american editors*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: And then I can tell you how one day he was gone and all that was left was the coldness.
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: *wanted to Rp but doesn't have the time atm*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Ick. *hugs for Neah* Eh, well. Life happens. ^-^
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *for the first time all is Solencian's turn to shiver...and violently...her eyes slamming shut*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Can you feel it, then...? *her voice still soft, carrying, however, through the Force, magnifying, echoing* Can you feel the cold?
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *her thin fingered hands bolt from beneath her robes...clamping onto the edge of the bartop..*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *her teeth clenched as she looks to Tristise...eyes as cold as ice* There is no begining...there is no end.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *she watches the woman silently before turning away.. a single tear forms at the corner of her eye, the moisture burning a hot trail down her face, unseen.. she makes no move to wipe it away, and soon the skin that held it dries, and there is nothing to indicate its passing* You can feel it. *her voice has not changed*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *a hiss...laced with pure venom* I've always felt it...
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: whoops, gtg, ta taa! *waves*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: It was I that killed the one who betrayed me....It is I that was felled upon a pure blade...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: I have not. *cannot mistake the hatred in Solencian's words, and smiles coldly, revelling in it* Tell me why you feel it
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *sneaks her post in before Jen's :P*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *allows it...this time* hardeharhar.))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: So sure of their betrayal, are you?
EXIT: Neah Kwan has left the chat ( Suggestion of the week: Crouching tiger, hidden dragon ).
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: You are so gracious to me.
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *lol*))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: :-)~
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: Certain...oh but to have others turn on me....*her whole body seems ready to collapse* Imagine! Being betrayed...*her voice almost as a death rattle*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *waits to strike out mistakes in last post*))
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: Imagine bleeding...because you were right!! *lowers her a growl* right...
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Imagine bleeding because you were wrong.
JOIN: Ace has entered.
df0f1c4, Ace: (er .olá!)
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: Death is nothing....compared to this.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Do you covet death?
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *she leans back upon the bar....thankful for the pain as it digs into her spine...*
df0f1c4, Ace: (*ponders who is these guys*)
df0f1c4, Ace: (er,hello)
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Hello, Ace.
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: Oh no...I'm already there.(debug, J)
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *rae@ (debug, J)* er....))
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *her cold smile fades, her demeanor thoughtful* You are already dead.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Hello, Ace. *thwacks eaten post*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: Quite.
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: Again, I envy you.
df0f1c4, Ace: (bah,got to go!,bye)(have a nice rp you 2)*gone*
EXIT: Ace has left the chat ( Quit ).
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: OOC: Awh.. That's sweet.. He wished us a nice RP. *sniff*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *sniffles* tis.))
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: How can you envy someone who is beyond dead? *looks completely unbelieving*
9df537e, Tristise Umbra: *steps away from the bar, folding her arms around her waist, allowing the cloak to fall closed before her* If you are dead, you cannot feel. I do not wish to feel.
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *she watches Tristise rather intensely for a moment....moving slightly away from the bar...standing to her full heighth...gray hair seeming out of place*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: Be careful what you wish for....*said with no particular tone or feeling...*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *jerks away from keyboard as if bitten* I hate dejavu sometimes!!))
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *glances@AIM* oops.))
JOIN: Tristise Umbra has entered.
589008a, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *mutter*
589008a, Tristise Umbra: *narrows her gaze on Solencian for a moment, her voice a soft hiss* Indeed. *moves to step past the other woman, toward the door*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *thwaks window*))
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *her eyes track Tristise...void of the feeling she gives the illusion to...*
589008a, Tristise Umbra: OOC: *thwaks ICQ for starting up without permission*
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: (( *hasn't used ICQ in ages* hehe.))
589008a, Tristise Umbra: *she pauses upon reaching the bottom of the steps, turning to look back at Solencian* Perhaps you are correct. After all, it is feeling that gives me power
2259c8f, Solencian Van Elonis: *with a violently quick movement...she pulls her hood back up....and exits*
589008a, Tristise Umbra: *watches the other woman exit, remaining where she is, at the bottom of the steps, for several long moments, seemingly lost in thought.. before she ascends the staircase and slips out into the night as silently as she entered* -=GONE=-
EXIT: Tristise Umbra has left the chat ( Quit ).
EXIT: Solencian Van Elonis has left the chat ( its what you don't look for that finds you out ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
570cd5b, Get a name!: hello
a0202de, šJezral : Greetz
c8410a2, Get a name!: *peer*
c8410a2, Get a name!: Well, this was eventful. *shimmers from view*
JOIN: Winjo has entered.
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Peeks in*
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Ponders*
JOIN: Rachelle has entered.
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Pounces*
39f2a73, Rachelle: *pokes winjo*me not 95
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Looks at the wrinkles*....You sure? Hehe
4025dec, Rachelle: cheeky you must be 100 and odd then if i'm 95 :p
e0c75fb, Winjo: 101 actually.
4025dec, Rachelle: i said 100 and odd and thats an odd *L*
e0c75fb, Winjo: I'm super-duper bored....and i've only 15 minutes left until I gotta go do some work. *Huuf*
e0c75fb, Winjo: Details... details. *Shrugs*
4025dec, Rachelle: aww*pats*well i've just got home from borin school
e0c75fb, Winjo: Yeah, I guessed that. Hehe. I've got another 2 hrs still....gotta finish my project by tomorrow.
JOIN: Apone-Eniram has entered.
39f2a73, Rachelle: heh well i'm glad i'm home now
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *is in boring school*
4025dec, Rachelle: aww me got home and now going to be bored for the rest of the day
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Points his chicken blaster at Ace*......Chuck!chuck! Bang!Bang! *LOL*
4025dec, Rachelle: and i can't find my brother
4025dec, Rachelle: *L*
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *would entertain Rach but...*
4025dec, Rachelle: but ya can't so ya won't
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: Gah,*points his ,am,water ballon bazooca at Winjo*Go ahead ,make my day!
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Chants* Liverpool!!!!!! 9, Porto -2 !!!!!!*LOL*
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Fires a chick round, and watches the beak of the chicken bullet burst his water ballon* .......I feel like chicken tonight! Hehe
4025dec, Rachelle: ohh god football is so borin!
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: yep!*fires water ballons at Win*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: then lets dance the Funky chicken*LOL*
4025dec, Rachelle: *lol*
e0c75fb, Winjo: *Dances the funky chicken, decides to leave, but not of his wishes*.......*Mutters*...Stupid project! *Waves bye*....Play nicely boys and girls. *LOL*
4025dec, Rachelle: seeya win!*hugs for win*
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *LOL*Cheerz bro!
4025dec, Rachelle: *hugs for ace too*
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *strongly hugged*
4025dec, Rachelle: heh
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: So...
4025dec, Rachelle: ?
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *cleans his throat*Hello there pretty mama!
4025dec, Rachelle: *rae*right
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *Roflol+
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: *ponders if Jez is around*
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: Lets rp?!
4025dec, Rachelle: rp me?
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: I dont see anyone else here
df0f1c4, *Apone-Eniram: maybe im talking to myself*ponders*
4025dec, Rachelle: erm..ok
4025dec, Rachelle: maybe
JOIN: Mawkold Veers has entered.
4025dec, Rachelle: erm which char?
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: The one you designated for the Shadow Warriors
4025dec, Rachelle: ok
JOIN: Tessa Lay has entered.
4025dec, Tessa Lay: there
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: (1 minute)
4025dec, Tessa Lay: (k)
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *A strange man walks in the cantina wearing a cone shaped hat that covers most part of his head leaving only his cold smile*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he heads for the shadows of the cantina with a grin expretion in the corner of his icy mouth*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *slips into the room slowly and quietly*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *as he passes by everyone stops to get out of the way,for the cooldness of Veers is so great as if a shrud was created around him to drop the temperature to zero*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *glances round the room and notices it is fairly empty*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *his cloak covering all his body,including his hands,leaves a trace of shadow as he walks by*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he leans his back on the wall as he looks deep into the cantina for "recrutes"*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *walks over to the bar quietly not making a noise while she walks*
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *orders a drink*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *a woman catches his attention as she walks like the sand of Tatooine in a hot day*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: ()
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *pays for her drink and looks round again brushing some strands of hair out of her eyes*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *she steps with a significant unheard steps similar to a professional assassin*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he ponders in his diabolic mind,perfect*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: (hello Justin)
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *takes a small sip of her drink*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he stares at her through the small fibers of his cone shaped hat*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he looks at the data pad in his hand that contained the picture and name of possible menbers*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *she stands and looks over to where Veers is *what do you want and if its nothing quit staring at me already
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *there she was,her photo,her past,her to be future if she joined*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he heads toward her with a grin smile and his cone shaped hat above*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *stays where shes stood and watches him*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *once near her*his eyes looking straight at hers,through the fibers of the cone shaped hat,he says*I want you...
39f2a73, Tessa Lay: *looks at him*excuse me?
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *his voice as cold as the coldest Hoth storm*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he bows shortly,points to the table*Shall we?!
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *thinks for a small moment then nods trusting him*ok
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he sits,after her,and speaks*I...assume you know who I am?!Or am i mistaken?*his voice respectfully and yet deadly*
39f2a73, Tessa Lay: *looks at him*sort of in both cases
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: Yes...yes...Hmmm*He handdles her the data pad that he checked before*Than thats why you are here*the datapad had her photo together with her life info*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *looks at the data pad then up at him*
39f2a73, Tessa Lay: *hands him back the data pad back to him*so this is important
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: that was taken due to your person,my informer tought you might be a menber of the future....
39f2a73, Tessa Lay: the future
4025dec, Tessa Lay: sounds intresting
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: Tell me Tess,what do you know about a unprevailed assassination group called 5 Winds?*through his hat fibers he penetrated her with his eyes as if reading her mind*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *nods*i have
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: (you have what?)
4025dec, Tessa Lay: (heard of them he asked i question she answered)
4025dec, Tessa Lay: i=a
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: What do you know about them?The last menber was assassinated also...Offcourse those are rumors..
4025dec, Tessa Lay: alot i have read about them
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: (*has to go in 10 minutes*)*he takes his cone shaped hat off,did you know who Mawkold Veers was?*he revealed his face with one normal eye and other replaced one*
39f2a73, Tessa Lay: only a little bit(ok)*watches him*
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *the replaced eye was a deep red color,the normal one was a deep black world*
4025dec, Tessa Lay: i only know a bit about him that is and who he was
df0f1c4, Mawkold Veers: *he got to his feet relocating his hat*I will leave you my card,*He throws the card that reveals his name,Mawkold Veers,*i now must me if your interested
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *looks to him then at the card*sure thing!
4025dec, Tessa Lay: *stands and leaves herself*
EXIT: Tessa Lay has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Roulette has entered.
d7d1345, Roulette: (( *amazed at the amount of typo's...chuckle*))
a0202de, šJezral : Just because people can't'd be worse if they couldn't spell.
d7d1345, Roulette: (( *gets ''The page cannot be displayed''* yeah...I guess.))
d7d1345, Roulette: (( hukt on fonix wurkt 4 me.))
JOIN: Andy has entered.
d7d1345, Roulette: (( It could always be worse. ))
a0202de, šJezral : Damned DNS...
JOIN: ©onner has entered.
EXIT: Đonner has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Connor has entered.
d7d1345, Roulette: (( DNS?))
JOIN: Dameon Gunther has entered.
d7d1345, Roulette: (( *thinks DNI* do not inventory. *lol*))
d7d1345, Roulette: (( Right. Well. Good luck beating it into submission. *vanishes in an explosion of loud music and light*))
EXIT: Roulette has left the chat ( Quit ).
e65e4f7, Dameon Gunther: ((This place is alright))
e65e4f7, Dameon Gunther: ((*wonders why his last post was so dark*))
e65e4f7, Dameon Gunther: ((Is anyone in here?))
e65e4f7, Dameon Gunther: ((*Leaves*))
EXIT: Dameon Gunther has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
ad4e403, Get a name!: Ugh. No one in the chat, and IM isn't working. This day keeps getting better..
2ff32b4, Get a name!: *peers*
ad4e403, Get a name!: *peers back*
2ff32b4, Get a name!: *dies*
ad4e403, Get a name!: *blinks* Last time I checked, I didn't peer with an evil eye.. *revives*
2ff32b4, Get a name!: *is revived* I died just because I was bored. *goes off to get a handle*
ad4e403, Get a name!: Aha. Boredom.
2ff32b4, 'Leigh: Boredom. Christ, that thing'll kill ya.
ad4e403, Get a name!: Yup. Grr... Is AIM working for you?
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
2ff32b4, Get a name!: Uh huh. *nods*
ad4e403, Get a name!: *mutters*
2ff32b4, Get a name!: *ponders* Either Jen or Myst, though I'll assume the latter.
ad4e403, Get a name!: Heheh. *puts on her Jen mask to see if she can fool the masses*
2ff32b4, Get a name!: *makes people wake up and stuff*
ad4e403, Get a name!: Eh.. *blinks* You're a GaN with colour.
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *eyes* So I am....How incredibly odd. This isn't supposed to happen. What the hell happened to my hande?
ad4e403, Get a name!: Odd is definitely the word I'd use. Hehe
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: Heh. GaNs aren't supposed to be allowed colour. Hmmm...
ad4e403, Get a name!: *blinks*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *tests*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: I broke the chat.
ad4e403, Get a name!: ?
ad4e403, Get a name!: *lol*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: Oh dear. *runs away, dragging Leigh with her*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: We don't want to get in trouble.
ad4e403, Get a name!: Hehehehe
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *is feeling quite distant from her usual self today...leaves Leigh and continues to run off*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: *giggles and watches GaN run into a wall*
ad4e403, Get a name!: That's gotta hurt
ad4e403, Get a name!: Ugh. *kicks IM and tries reconnecting*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *nods slowly to Myst* does... *whimpers*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: Did you try that Auto Configure option, Myst? That sometimes works for me.
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: And me. *nods in agreement*
ad4e403, Get a name!: Grr.. It didn't work! Auto Configure?!
ad4e403, Get a name!: Tsk. *smacks IM*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: Yeah, in your Preferences...The Connection tab, and then you hit "Auto Configure" and it checks the port, or something.
ad4e403, Get a name!: I tried that, still didn't work
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: We're sorry we can't help. We're bad with computers. We just smack it around a while until it decides to work for us. After a while, though, your hand begins to hurt.
ad4e403, Get a name!: Heheh. Indeed
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: *eyes GaN*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *eyes Leigh back*
ad4e403, Get a name!: *tries beating AIM into submission* Well, I could always.. *runs off to switch ISPs*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: *yawns* Where are people? I'm getting really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored. *needs to practice typing really*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *waves* Enjoy!
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: ((bored ))
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: (What's the point of having ooc marks if they aren't the ones you want? )
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: *shrugs to GaN*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: ~Hmm... ~
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: I'm just a stupid little girl. I don't know anything.
0d04c14, Get a name!: Grrr....... *tries to reboot*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *~ Is that you, Myst? ~*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *~ Oh. WB, Myst.. *nod* ~*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *~ Hehe. I like this. ~*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: You talk too much... *eyes GaN*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *~ You think people think we're crazy? ~*
e3b4a8f, 'Leigh: No, only if we bring Sam in. Then they will.
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *~ Whoever reads the log is going to have fun with this. Hehe. ~*
e3b4a8f, Get a name!: *~ Anyways! It was fun breaking the chat, and running into a wall, and finding new ooc marks, but I think I'll go off and take a nap, now, and give you some peace of mind, or something, Leigh. ~*
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: You go do that, GaN. And while you're at it, take Sam and Kat with you, too.
cae6c0f, Get a name!: *~ Bye byes! ~*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
ad4e403, Get a name!: *thwacks chat* Don't you start.
ad4e403, *Misty : ...? Hm
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Hehe.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Oh, that looks cool.
ad4e403, *Garot Drax : OOC: No one even noticed the new symbol. Teehee
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: I don't exactly bother to look at the symbols when I'm ooc. There's no point. Heh...
ad4e403, *Annair : ((Aye, that's true.))
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Interesting, though.
ad4e403, *Misty : Yeah. Now I actually have a place to put a few of my characters. Hehe
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: My head is killing me. *watches the long tunnel with the bright white light just ahead*
ad4e403, *Misty : Ugh. Turn away from the light! Turn away!
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: *gets pulled towards it* But it's so pretty..
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
ad4e403, *Misty : Pretty, mayhaps, but not worth it. *waves to Owlie*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Waves*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: .....?
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: *sighs quietly and curls up on her throne*
JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
ad4e403, *Misty : *sigh* So tired. *ponders laying down for an hour*
ad4e403, *Misty : Bleh. *wanders off to do just that*
EXIT: Misty has left the chat ( In the whispers of the soul, in the shadows and the darkness, it comes to be that what you couldn't live without ceases to exist, and the memory of what you had grips you in terror; it's then you realize that it's too late. ).
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Bah. Is anyone still alive?
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Going round like clockwork, our worlds intertwine, our emotions are the gears that make this clock show proper time, oh why cant we now see that we are all in all alike, spinning round in circles like the tires of a bike
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: I'm here...
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Mmkay.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Dont mock me... :*( I'm sensitive
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: I wasn't mocking anyone.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Sniff*
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: *mutters and goes off to lurk*
JOIN: Aerakade has entered.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : ....
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: ....
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *wonders why Leigh is NEVER on AIM*
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Because LEIGH has more than on SN on AIM. Chrissakes.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: one. *kicks typo*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : ..... k
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Heh
a0202de, šJezral : 9 people of where 3 are chatting...? Gee.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: 9 people are here?
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *shrugs* Jez- Without any admins to boss us around chatting is much less enjoyable
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: A lot of people don't like me much, so they don't say anything, Jez.
a0202de, šJezral : Well, 8 now. See the (8) at the bottom? That's how many unique users are viewing the chat.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *misses V, and KJ, and Mitth, and LOS, and Bryn, and everyone else*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : SS, LJ, DA
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Lovely little addition Jez
JOIN: RiaBear has entered.
bd14487, RiaBear: *shrug* Some people just have nothing to say. :)
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Aera~Which makes the rest of us feel like poo.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Leigh- I'd miss you too if you weren't here.
bd14487, RiaBear: *isn't missed.. ever*
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: V's around. It's not like he's disappeared for good. KJ's just sore, so whatever. Mitth is sore, too. LOS, I have no idea who that is. I miss Bryn, too. SS is here, LJ is here, and who is DA?
bd14487, RiaBear: DA? *misses him too*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *misses Ria when she's not around, and misses the way Ria used to be in the OLD tina more than he misses half the people around* Da= Death Angel, and not Jim or whoever the hell, SS's brother.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : LOS=Lord of Stupidity... one of the greats if you don't mind me saying so
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: But who is LOS?
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: *ponders* I almost remember.
bd14487, RiaBear: *blinks* How was Ria in the OLD 'tina? Newbie-ish?
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: AIM doesn't work for Myst, but ICQ doesn't work for me.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: I miss Jace..
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: And Lanna.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: *pokes all the lurkers* Get in here, please..? I mean, I could care less who you are, but please? I'm bored.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Lanna, for some reason last time i talked to her she was less than pleasant... JACE RULED.... *nod nod*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Ria- I dunno. *shrug* Loveable.
bd14487, RiaBear: *ponders*
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Aera~The original Jace.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Leigh- Yeah, that guy was the shiz-nit.
bd14487, RiaBear: As opposed to now, when I'm not loveable?
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Alex Trebek (sp?) just said "Whose your daddy?"
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Ria- *shrugs* I dunno, you seem more bitter. I suppose we all are however.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: You are loveable, Ria. You are loveable and capable. *hug*
bd14487, RiaBear: Bah. *is so not bitter*
bd14487, RiaBear: Awww.. *huggles Leigh lots*
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: Aera~We all are. It isn't Ria.
cae6c0f, 'Leigh: *smiles slightly*
bd14487, RiaBear: *randomly dances*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : ....
cae6c0f, 'L: *sings softly*I hear your voice/it's like an angel sighing/I have no choice/I hear your voice/Feels like flying/You're hear with me/It's like a dream/Heaven help me...
MSG: L sent a message to Aerakade.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : You guys wanna RP at all ?????
cae6c0f, 'L: Ooops. *fixes typos*
cae6c0f, 'L: I was going to suggest it, Aera.
bd14487, RiaBear: *would rp... but has homework to do*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : And I haven't read the message yet
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *note shis last message was about Ria's RP with three hero's and a gem and all that*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
cae6c0f, 'L: *pushes Aera off her wavelength* Stop!
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Huh ?
bd14487, RiaBear: *giggles*
cae6c0f, 'L: I was thinking about the fairy tale rpg.
JOIN: Winjo Locan has entered.
cae6c0f, 'L: "Mr. Coulson rocks my world!!!"
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Oh, sorry. I'm not in it, so Beats me
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Sam&Aera ?
334c123, Get a name!: Oooh...~ Win!
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((*Floats in, munching a small pizza.*))
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((Er? what? who? ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *could rp once she finished homework*
334c123, Get a name!: *eyeing pizza.....*
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((*wonders who gan is?*))
cae6c0f, 'L: If you'd like.
334c123, Get a name!: Mee.. >_< Oi. ;)
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((Oh it's you! :) ))
cae6c0f, 'L: *yawns quietly and tries to build up "L" posts*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *shrug* Beats me, I'd just like any RP period.
334c123, Get a name!: *giggles, just 'cos*
cae6c0f, 'L: 'lo Winjo. *looks around for lurkers*
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((*Offers pizza too every one*......*Yawns*))
bd14487, RiaBear: *peers at noname*
cae6c0f, 'L: *eyes her list of chars* Too bad there isn't anyone who has a char that's Mina's age.
cae6c0f, 'L: It's up to you, Aera.
334c123, Get a name!: *huggles Ria* Yup. ^_^
cae6c0f, 'L: *doesn't get a huggle* *sniff*
bd14487, RiaBear: *hugs noname back* *eyes Leigh* How old is Mina?
JOIN: Syyl has entered.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *shrugs* Surprise me.
cae6c0f, 'L: Almost 18..
cae6c0f, 'L: I mean, there are people, but they aren't rping.
bd14487, RiaBear: Seven is 19, Dyani is about 20, Niamh is 17..
cae6c0f, 'L: Aera~I was never good at surprises..
334c123, Syyl: *sets nick and stuff* Thankies for the mails, Win. ^_^ I'll get back to 'em... *nodnod* *huggles Leigh, too*
cae6c0f, 'L: *huggles back* Thank you. *smile*
cae6c0f, 'L: You've got homework to do, Ria. *hug* Dun worry.
a89902f, Winjo Locan: (( No biggy. ))
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Leigh- Whatever you feel like, Sam would be nice, a new person would also be nice. *shrugs*
bd14487, RiaBear: Stupid chemistry. *baps it* *will be done soon*
334c123, Syyl: How's yer leg doing?
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((Chemistry! eek! *Hides*...........My leg. Slightly walkable. :) ))
334c123, Syyl: Chem... *chokes....dies..* I was hoping I'd never to hear that word... Ick..
cae6c0f, 'L: Bwah. *pats NBK* "That thing. That moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person. And you realize that that person is the only person you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life. And for one moment you get this amazing gift, and you wanna laugh, and you wanna cry... 'cause you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that it'll go away all at the same time."
334c123, Syyl: Oooo! NBK! *giggles...loves that*
cae6c0f, 'L: "Guy is totally crunching on you!" "Do I wanna be crunched?" "By Guy?" "Ohh yeah."
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((Erm...I only need one crutch......Erm sorry for sounding dense....what's NBK? ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Syy~Two words: Mike Vartan.
334c123, Syyl: *lol* ...That you'd trip over your barbie heels... *gasps* Did I say that out loud?
cae6c0f, 'L: "Hey, Merkin ain't jerkin', he's workin'."
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((*Is lost*))
334c123, Syyl: *g* ^_^ *then starts thinking of Angel...* Missed it again.. >_<
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((*Is watching Angel repeats*))
f79ba83, *Aerakade : ...
334c123, Syyl: Win, 'tis a movie. ^_^ *pats his foot* Good! Ugh.. *goes to finishes up on email*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Oh, the chat ate my post I see..
cae6c0f, 'L: Aera~Hmm?
JOIN: Pilgrim has entered.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Evenin' all ))
cae6c0f, 'L: "Wow...Rob's a loser!"
a89902f, Winjo Locan: ((*wonders which foot she patted....cos I'm thinking of the pain factor here* * LOL*))
cae6c0f, 'L: 'lo Pilgrim.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : "I dunno Leigh, I'd like Sam, or anyone else who'd be fun to talk with, whatever character is easiest for you. ))
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*doffs hat to Leigh* Thank you kindly ma'am ))
cae6c0f, 'L: I'll bring in Sam, I guess. She's the easiest to rp atm.
cae6c0f, 'L: *smiles* You're very welcome.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *nod nod* Don't bring her in if you don't wanna.
334c123, Syyl: Soft pats? Eek? :P
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*would grin if he werten't the dour type , being a pilgrin an all* ))
a0202de, šJezral : (debug, J)
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*RaE* ))
a0202de, šJezral : Whoops...sorry
cae6c0f, 'L: "When you're my age, guys'll be lined up around the corner for you." "You have to say that because you're my teacher." "Actually, I shouldn't say it, because I'm your teacher."
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Wasn't me broke it ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Aera~No, I do.
2d2eb1e, Get a name!: *L*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : ....
cae6c0f, 'L: Aera~No, I do.
334c123, Syyl: *waves @ Jez* Oi..
334c123, Syyl: Ugh! What's that word.. *can
334c123, Syyl: Ugh! What's that word.. *can't think of it*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : ok
334c123, Syyl: Grum.. *stomps enter button*
334c123, Syyl: "I live in..... Billy.." "You like in Billy
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Slips inside, brushing a hand through her jet black hair. Glances around quickly and makes her way to the bar*
cae6c0f, 'L: "Billy Bali...A suburb of Bali Proper." "Ah...The island nation of Bali!"
f79ba83, *Aerakade : **slides next to Samantha* Hello hello.
JOIN: Pilgrim has entered.
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Looks startled for a moment, then slowly smiles* Hello to you too. *Orders a red wine*
cae6c0f, 'L: *broke the chat earlier*
cae6c0f, 'L: *just thought she'd mention that to the crowd*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *smiles to Samantha as he pays for the drink*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((lalalalalalalal ))
cae6c0f, 'L: "So who're you supposed to be? Other than freaks..."
2d2eb1e, Get a name!: L: On a quoting rampage?
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Kisses his cheek quickly* Thanks...
334c123, Syyl: *giggles* Billy Bali.. :P *late..* Grum.. *gone*
EXIT: Syyl has left the chat ( Quit ).
cae6c0f, 'L: GaN~Yes. Only because I'm watching Never Been Kissed at the moment. And I'm bored. Heh...
2d2eb1e, Get a name!: Ah...
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *smirks* no problem
cae6c0f, 'L: Bye Syyl. *hug*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: tadaa
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : What's up? *Settles onto a stool, crossing her legs*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Question ... is the Jedi faith the main religion in the star wars universe ? ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: "Some one take the Alpo girls out back and hose them off"
cae6c0f, 'L: "I never made it to my prom" "Really?" "I only made it to the parking lot" *giggle*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : (( Pilgrim- I have often thought about that, their are many religions, on many worlds etc. ))
cae6c0f, 'L: *baps Owlie* Not there, yet. *giggle* "Josie, you rock my world. You're like the most fun girl I've ever...dated."
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Ow...
cae6c0f, 'L: Oh, shoot me. *has giggled far too much over the course of the past week*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *shrugs* not much, you ?
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *L*
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : Absolutely nothing. *Stifles a yawn*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Anyone ? ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: No Pilgrim
cae6c0f, 'L: Oh, Mike Vartan, will you marry me?
cae6c0f, 'L: Pilgrim~Nope.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *sighs slightly* Not getting much sleep lately ?
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((D'ya know what is owl ? ))
cae6c0f, 'L: There isn't one, Pigrim.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : (( IT ATE MY POST AGAIN !!!! *shoots the chat repeatedly)) (( Pilgrim- I have often asked myself that, There are MANY MANY MANY religions. ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Actually Pilgrim there is no "Main" the universe is HUGE
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Notes the sigh, frowning slightly* I've been sleeping well enough.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Wow I didnt know there were so many people named OWL...
cae6c0f, 'L: There are, Owlie. *eg*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Oh I know .. but its for this character ... *ponders* ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: :p
f79ba83, *Aerakade : Aw cheer up.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: :9
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : I'm just bored. Not unhappy. *Smirks softly*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *smirks slightly*
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Sips her wine, glancing over the rim of her glass to him*
bd14487, RiaBear: There. *is done with homework*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((RIA :P I might be coming to newark ... 's a big big ass might , but I might :) ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Whoo! Yay, Ria!
cae6c0f, 'L: Pilgrim~*gasp* Newark?? That's 20 minutes from me!
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *sips his beer out of the bottle*
cae6c0f, 'L: But, no one would want to see me. *sticks her tongue out and curls up on her throne*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Well by Newark , I was playing UK dude and mis pronouncing New York :) ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *peers at Pilgrim* Newark? Bah.. Still kinda far from me..
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((But I thought you were gonna drop in and say 'hi' to me when your here Liegh :P ))
bd14487, RiaBear: Oh, New York! That would be very, very, very nice!
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : You don't seem so talkative tonight. Something the matter?
JOIN: E has entered.
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
cae6c0f, 'L: I might not be going. *makes a sad face*
1778c79, *E : *drops by for a bit* 'lo y'all ^_^
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*G* Might fly in the the big apple as opposed to DC , if I can find a cheap bloody air line ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *huggles Nigma lots*
cae6c0f, 'L: Hiya, Nigma.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: E: All your corpse are belong to us
bd14487, RiaBear: *huggles lots* And then you can visit me and scare my parents!
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: and Hi too
1778c79, *E : *huggles Ria bunches* Happy Post-Birthday! Since I wasn't around much yesterday. hehe.
1778c79, *E : Heya Leigh ^_^ *chomps Owl* ...and hi, too. :P
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Eek ... not good Leigh .. I had the ' Welcome to Belfast ' balloons ordered and all :P ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *nodnod* Thankoo, Nigma!
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *swirls his drink a little and shrugs* Nothing is entertaining me lateyl
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Arg...I'm the "Other other white meat" to you arent I E?
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~If he meets your parents, this road trip might look like nothing compared to that experience. *eg*
bd14487, RiaBear: Hehe.
1778c79, *E : *erk@Owl* Uh...nope, I'm vegetarian. ^_^ hehe.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: :P
cae6c0f, 'L: "Welcome to Belfast," as if it's my first time there. *grins* I'm trying, though.
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Sets her glass down* That's a shame.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *nods* Indeed *takes a good long swig*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Gutte .. lest I have to crack skulls :-p ;) ))
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Smirks briefly before she finishes her wine*
cae6c0f, 'L: You can if you really want to. *grins*
cae6c0f, 'L: *gasps* This is the best part of the movie..... *pouts and sniffs*
bd14487, RiaBear: *baps Jim-y randomly*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Yawn*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Just tell me whose skull ya want cracked *G* ))
cae6c0f, 'L: *gasps* This is the best part of the movie.. *pouts, sniffs*
1778c79, *E : *curls up and reads Northanger Abbey whilst contemplating dinner*
cae6c0f, 'L: My mom's. You don't have to crack it, just knock some sense into her.
cae6c0f, 'L: Dinner? *glances at the time* Oh...
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*hefts his mom whacker 9000* will do ))
f79ba83, *Aerakade : link
cae6c0f, 'L: *lets a giggle slip*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *L*
1778c79, *E : *finishes contemplating, and wanders off to do something about it* bbl ^_^
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *rests a hand on Samantha's leg, slightly behind her knee* So what are you up to ?
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Glances quickly around the room* Same old, same old. *Lets her gaze rest on him*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *smirks*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : What else is new ?
bd14487, RiaBear: *blink*
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : Not much at all. *Leans back against the bar* I'm glad to see you know where my eyes are, now.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: You know...there could have been a large number of humorous responses to "What are you up to"...but oh well
cae6c0f, 'L: Oh, Owlie?
f79ba83, *Aerakade : I've known where your eyes are.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: eh?
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Laaaaaaaaaaaacriiiiiimooooooohhhhsah ))
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : Hasn't seemed like it until recently.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Bah *Has to go*
cae6c0f, 'L: *blinks* Mmmkay, Jim.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Cya Owl ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Bye Owlie.
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *grins* Oh, I've always known. I've just your entire essence more alluring (Sp?)
EXIT: White Owl has left the chat ( Now how does this blasted thing work? *Presses buttons* *ZAP* AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH-- *Thud* *Sizzle* ).
cae6c0f, 'L: Bwahaha... *is third for the most posts in the chat* That's really sad, though.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*pats* Just sing lacrimosa ... one of my fav classical pieces ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Jim~Oh....
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((heheh .. it all dark and gothic .. mesa liken it ))
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Smirks softly, then sits up on the bar, facing him. Leans forward a bit* Thank you..
cae6c0f, 'L: Jim~Neat...
f79ba83, *Aerakade : *nods* no problem
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Aye# ))
cae6c0f, 'L: *runs off to get her dinner* Keep chatting, rping, and whatnot. I'll only be gone for a minute.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Aye ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *forgot that she's here*
f79ba83, *Aerakade : (( I gotta go, BB in 30 minutes ))
f79ba83, *Aerakade : (( I gotta go, BB in 30 minutes ))
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : *Pushes forward s'more* You know, I could make your night a helluva lot more entertaining, if you wanted.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
cae6c0f, 'L: *pauses rp, and stuff*
cae6c0f, 'L: *eyes widen @ SNL*
cae6c0f, 'L: *wonders where everyone went*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: They went to Uranus
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((scanning pics ))
cae6c0f, 'L: ...
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Weeee
cae6c0f, 'L: *yawns*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I'm not usually a praying man, but if your up there...please save me Superman!
cae6c0f, 'L: Opium...yummy dinner...
cae6c0f, 'L: Homer Simpson!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: That it was L, that it was
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Mom, Lisa's making me feel bad!
cae6c0f, 'L: *giggle*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Hmm , almost scanned a supes pic ))
cae6c0f, 'L: *curls up further on her throne and yawns boredly*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *bounces up and down* Stupid Commercials! I want more Simpsons! *smashes the TV station and steals all their Simpson tapes*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: link - My speeder I made with my Legos...
cae6c0f, 'L: *snickers @ Justin*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((seen it Justin ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *snickered at* }:P
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *apparently has a unibrow* Hmmm...I know jIm, I've posted it before, but I'm just so proud!
cae6c0f, 'L: Heh. *tugs her blanket close around her*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Heh ... link a sketch of mine :-P ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *shoots that Old Navy dog* I hate that dog...
cae6c0f, 'L: Link doesn't work, Jim.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: James Nesbitt?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Change it to FP instead of WWW, L
bd14487, RiaBear: *reappears, having forgotten that she exists*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((argh .. damn you geocities .. damn you to hell ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *hops up and down, clapping cuz there's more Simpsons*
JOIN: Aerakade has entered.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Its my name Justin :-P ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Oh. Ooooh.
JOIN: Fringe has entered.
cae6c0f, 'L: *hugs for Ria*
bd14487, RiaBear: *climbs onto Jim-y's lap*
bd14487, RiaBear: *hugs Leigh back*
cae6c0f, 'L: *hugs for Fringe*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What kind of an idiot uses there real name for a geocities account?
cae6c0f, 'L: Justin~I wouldn't be speaking of idiots, if I were you.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((*pats Ria* ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *purrrrs*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((I like my real name .. anybody stupid enough to try and find me will have me to deal with ... polus my site isn't exactly public .. I use it for pics and thats it ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *loves Jim-y's name*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((Any sites I publiscise are under different names ))
cae6c0f, 'L: I'll tell you all my real name right now, I could care less. Half the people in here know my first name, anyways.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((I know your last name not your first.))
bd14487, RiaBear: *has an ugly name*
cae6c0f, 'L: Fringe~Mine?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I know my name!
JOIN: Rowen has entered.
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : Hey Fringe, Ria, Pilgrim, Justin, Leigh.
cae6c0f, 'L: I don't know your last name, Ria, but I love your first.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Yes, but only because I have my memory is slipping away and you told me your last after your first.))
cae6c0f, 'L: *hugs for Aera*
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Hey, Aera.))
bd14487, RiaBear: *hugs Aera*
cae6c0f, 'L: *blinks* I did?
5947943, Rowen: ((*pokes her nose in* ))
bd14487, RiaBear: My last name is icky..
cae6c0f, 'L: *waves to Rowen* Hiya!!
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((James Donald Phillip Nesbitt ... to be precise BTW :-P ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Yes.))
5947943, Rowen: ((heya leigh! :) ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: My last name is chock full of Italian goodness.
cae6c0f, 'L: Kelly Anne Katherine Fitzgerald.
bd14487, RiaBear: *faints at Jim-y's name*
bd14487, RiaBear: *faints at Leigh's name too*
5947943, Rowen: ((My last name is all...lithuanian...heh. ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Ah-ha! Now I know your first name too.))
JOIN: E has entered.
cae6c0f, 'L: *blinks @ Ria* Wha?
bd14487, RiaBear: Mine is Russian..
cae6c0f, 'L: *grins to Fringe* Yep.
1778c79, *E : *returns...blinks...grins* *is particularly attached to K-names*
bd14487, RiaBear: It's really pretty, Leigh.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((tada ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((I feel deprived, I only have three names in my name. That's a little redundant.))
5947943, Rowen: ((*is Amalia Theresa* *proud smile* *loves her name* ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Fringe~I've got four, obviously. First, middle, confirmation, last.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((woo , my new piccie works ))
1778c79, *E : I only have three names too, Fringe. Tis all good. ^_^ *thumbs up to all y'all's names* Verra nice.
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~Naw, it's just a name.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((I never got confirmed. And yet I go to church more than the rest of my family.))
5947943, Rowen: ((*only has three, not counting her alias's and stuff* ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Oh please, Milhouse likes Vasoline on Toast
cae6c0f, 'L: *giggles* I like that name...Amalia Theresa. Hehe.
5947943, Rowen: ((fah...confirmation should only be entered into if its what you truly believe not just to make 'rents happy! ))
bd14487, RiaBear: *only has two names*
5947943, Rowen: ((*Grins to leigh* Ain't it perty? Nobody calls me by my first name me Mali..or Molly...or Mal ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((That's why I am not confirmed Rowen.))
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((if you count all my psuedonyms we'd be here all night ))
5947943, Rowen: ((Good on you, Fringe! *tis Gany, btw* ))
5947943, Rowen: ((heh heh@Pilgrim ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Gany? Gany gany? Wow. Ltns.))
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : ..
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I go by Castro , Blink, Venezuela, OPEC, *pauses* and I can't remember the rest.
5947943, Rowen: ((I know it, Fringe-er-doodles. *LOL* ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: 'Course I don't like any of them...
cae6c0f, 'L: *has the most posts in this chat* Oy.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What are you talking about L?
bd14487, RiaBear: *curls up*
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : But of course you do Leigh.
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((woo , one minute till this bloody CS download is finished ))
cae6c0f, *Samantha Louryn : Justin~There're statistics for the chat. I've got the most posts in the room, under this handle.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: CS
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: ?
5947943, Rowen: ((*hands leigh an award for her specialness* ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Teehee. No one saw that.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Uh, where are the statistics?
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((.... Fringe-er-doodles.... Hmm....))
cae6c0f, 'L: link
cae6c0f, 'L: *has an award* Whoo!
cae6c0f, 'L: Aera~Huh?
bd14487, RiaBear: *blink*
5947943, Rowen: ((*would settle for finding out how to switch her linky thing without having to quit* ))
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : have the most posts
JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : Why does V have such a high amount ? WHERE ?
5947943, Rowen: ((*innocent smile* Sometimes I get Carried away, Fringe. If ya don't like it, I'll be good a stick to just Fringe :) ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hmmm....I will take you down L! That title will be mine!
bd14487, *President Zahra : There. *will now have her posts recoreded and such*
1778c79, *E : Goodness...I need to start talking more. heehee. Gany - Check the Adv box, then make a post...the other boxes will appear ^_^
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Its really up to you.))
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~How?
bd14487, *President Zahra : *giggles at Nigma*
c52e4a7, Pilgrim: ((BBL ))
5947943, Rowen: ((ooo...*fiddles* ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pauses* Why am I listed twice?
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~They're still counted in unregistered handles.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pauses* Why am I listed twice?
5947943, Rowen: ((*happy with her sizable chunk of stuff* ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : Nevermind, Leigh. *thought only registered users showed up on that chat statistics thing*
cae6c0f, 'L: Justin~Go ahead and take it.
cae6c0f, 'L: Hehe.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No Ria, since Zerrick is on the list
bd14487, *President Zahra : *posts as much as "Get a name!"* *giggles*
5947943, Rowen: ((*feels better now that she has her link* ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : I know now, Justin.
cae6c0f, 'L: Justin~*shrugs*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *eyes the chat statistics some more* Bah.. It isn't a good thing to post too much..
cae6c0f, 'L: *sighs softly*
5947943, Rowen: ((*makes a note to call Fringe 'Fringe' or a simple add on rather than -er-doodles...* fringe, do you have an adverse reaction to Fringer-bob? ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *posts too much*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *hugs Leigh*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *LOL@Gany*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *agrees with Justin*
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~Not at all.... *hugs back* Shows you how much of a life I don't have.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I have less of a life than all of you!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Or something...
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Yes, I do. Bob is already in my RL name, I don't need it here.))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *giggles at Leigh* Dun worry. I'm in third place for the "Lack of a Life" contest. :
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *trying to be the best at something*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
bd14487, *President Zahra : Bob is Fringe's RL name?
5947943, Rowen: ((s'ok Leigh! My excitement is hanging out with my big brother on weekends...or recieving a phone call... ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *patpat for Justin*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *patpatted* Wonderful!
1778c79, *E : *very very excited* For the first time in four years, starting tomorrow, I don't have any Friday classes! *just had to share*
3235147, Get a name!: oh blast
5947943, Rowen: ((ooo...sorry Fringers. tis a title of honor for ya, but I'll keep it to Fringers, then. ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~Nope.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Its my middle name.))
bd14487, *President Zahra : Yaaaaaay for Nigma!
cae6c0f, 'L: *grins to Nigma*
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Sounds like fingers but that's good.))
bd14487, *President Zahra : Oh, kay. *hugs Fringe, and pats Justin some more*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Fringers...that's different
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((*Hugs Ria.*))
5947943, Rowen: ((*Razzzberries at Fringe* Just wait...I'll come up with something extra special that you'll something. ;) ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *patted more* Hey...great....hmmm...I should be doing Physics, English or History, screw them
1778c79, *E : *grins@Leigh* Thankee Ria! hehe. I feel I think everyone else on campus has had no Friday classes before, except me. And it finally happens! The last half of my last semester of my last year. *L*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *patted more* Hey...great....hmmm...I should be doing Physics, English or History, screw them
bd14487, *President Zahra : *stares at the purple lines* Pretty... Is it in increments of 10 or 100 or something?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *patted more* Hey...great....hmmm...I should be doing Physics, English or History, screw them
bd14487, *President Zahra : Now you can.. um.. sleep.. on Fridays! *nodnod*
5947943, Rowen: ((best time for 'em E! ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Alright.))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *has done all her homework already* *dances*
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : Anyone know a BIG chat (not beseen please) with friendly non-perverted people?
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~No clue. Ask Jez. *eg*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I dunno, but I moved above V and GaN...yet, some how Jenalia jumped above me...
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Thank you.))
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : And not Yahoo
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yes Aera...well, it's actually a message board
cae6c0f, 'L: Aera~Here.
1778c79, *E : Right on, Gany. *g* And aye, Ria, I would except I should use the day to work on my thesis. hehe.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *would ask Jez, but doesn't wanna bother him*
cae6c0f, 'L: Oh, no wait....We're mean here.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No...Simpsons over!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *cries*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
bd14487, *President Zahra : Nigma: Bah. Who needs.. erm.. theses.. anyway?
1778c79, *E : I dunno, Leigh...we're friendly, but occasionally perverted...
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((*Cringe* I'm supposed to be doing a report now.....))
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : Not here, I've got a newbie friend who just got the net
1778c79, *E : I dunno, Leigh...we're friendly, but occasionally perverted...
bd14487, *President Zahra : Simpsons? I missed the Simpsons? *sigh of relief* No, I didn't.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *goes to the local FOX station and steals all their Simpsons tapes*
5947943, Rowen: ((*has to write up an interview about her brother...* A writing assignment for Math...hmm..pre-calc officially rots. ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *is friendly and mostly non-perverted*
cae6c0f, 'L: *hugs for Fringe*
1778c79, *E : *thumbs toward the administration* The Man says I need one to graduate from the honors program. bah on him.
5947943, Rowen: ((*Does get cable* *glowers at all recipients of it* ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : An interview.. for pre-calc? *does not understand this*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Let's see, finish my speech on World War I, do my Physics Lab or study for english...which should I do...
JOIN: Jim has entered.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((*Hugs Leigh back.*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I know! I won't do a single one of them! Screw school!
bd14487, *President Zahra : Oh, wel.. Um. Down with The Man! Yeah! And all that..
ebdf5a1, *Aerakade : I need a standard chat, free, and not beseen or yahoo
5947943, Rowen: ((*ponders the name Cringer for Fringers* *LOL* He-man! ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *eyes Justin* Not such a smart idea.
3235147, šJim: Can't have Justin getting to far ahead in that post count thingamy , can we *G*
5947943, Rowen: ((yeah! *is really annoyed* an interview for Pre-Calc! and she even is making us write it up to Regents board standard! bah! ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((I had a feeling saying cringe would have bad results.)
bd14487, *President Zahra : *giggles and huggles Jim-y*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pats jIm* Yes we can, because I r00l j00
1778c79, *E : *chuckles@Jim*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks* *comforts Gany* Complain to people?
5947943, Rowen: ((*LOL*@Fringe Hey! Battle cat is my FAVE! ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hmmm...Drew Carey or Winamp...Drew Carey or Winamp...I'll take Winamp
bd14487, *President Zahra : No! Drew Carey!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What the hell? *hit the power button on his Virtual TV and the sound still continues* That's fudged up
5947943, Rowen: ((*LOL*@Ria* nah...I'll be okay...due tmrw, then I'm done with it...only has to be 3.5 pages. ))
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((What did I say?))
3235147, šJim: 'fradi not Justin .. me admin , you pleb .. hence , I rule you , plus I speak proper english , not your blasted internet speak
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I'm pretty sure I need to restart right now...cuz this isn't right...
bd14487, *President Zahra : Well, as long as it doesn't take too much effort.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((What did I say?))
5947943, Rowen: ((aww...I'll be good, Fringers...promise. :) ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Internet speak is stupid anyways, I don't speak it.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks at Jim-y*
cae6c0f, 'L: Okay, I'm gonna go. I've spent enough time online today as it is, and when I get home, I'll most likely come back and do it again. *sighs*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *restarts comp since it's being stupid*
EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Stupid computer! You go squish now! ).
5947943, Rowen: ((awws! we love you leigh! ))
1778c79, *E : Bye Leigh ^_^
cae6c0f, 'L: *hugs for people*
3235147, šJim: *blinked at , smiles*
cae6c0f, 'L: Bye Nigma.
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Bye Leigh.))
bd14487, *President Zahra : Ooo.. *got a smile.. smiles back happily* Byes, Leigh! *hugses*
cae6c0f, 'L: Bye Fringe, Ria.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *all of a sudden is in second place of the "No Life" contest*
5947943, Rowen: ((*ponder* Does roki even hang around here? ))
cae6c0f, 'L: Ria~And I think it's in increments of 5. At least I hope it is.
bd14487, *President Zahra : But I do have a life! I do!
3235147, šJim: Cya Leigh
bd14487, *President Zahra : I'll have a party on Saturday, and I'm going to Londo next week.. I do so have a life..
1778c79, *E : Haven't seen 'im in quite a while, Gany
bd14487, *President Zahra : Maybe it is.. *would test it and count posts or something, but that takes effort*
cae6c0f, 'L: *shimmers out of view*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Roki? *sometimes sees him on AIM*
5947943, Rowen: ((*has no life, painted her legs blue one night just because she was bored, should prove that she has no life* ))
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *curls up on Jim-y's lap and purrs*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Stupid computer
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks at Gany* Blue? Ooooo.
1778c79, *E : Saturday is gonna rock...bwaha. A combined double-birthday-St.-Patrick's-Day...
5947943, Rowen: ((*Sees him on AIM all the time* *just wondering in general* ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *comforts Justin*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *glad he's getting a new computer*
3235147, šJim: I dunno Ria , I'm pretty lacking in the having a life stakes
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Painted your legs blue?))
1778c79, *E : *tacks 'party' on the end of that, whistling*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *comforted* Wow, someone's being all ince to me for some unexplained reason
bd14487, *President Zahra : Nigma: Oooh.. That does sound fun.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I'm getting a new computer...weee
bd14487, *President Zahra : Jim-y: That's why you havta come to NY, so I can lend you a life, or something.
5947943, Rowen: (( was fun! I was I gave myself paw prints and stripes...and then I washed it all off in the shower in the morning....water based paints :) ))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *throws his old comp out the window*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *watches the Simpsons, and giggles.. then stops* This episode isn't fun.. It's disturbing.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *takes a picture with his new digital camera too* Wee! Stuff is fun!
5947943, Rowen: ((Ria! in NY? me too! but not the city :( ))
3235147, šJim: heh , indeed
bd14487, *President Zahra : Gany: So nobody in school got to see it? No fun!
5947943, Rowen: ((*told her friend IRL, and still hasn't lived it down--the blue legs thing ))
1778c79, *E : Which epi, Ria?
bd14487, *President Zahra : *should eventually bring her scanner upstairs again and scan some pics of herself, or something*
5947943, Rowen: ((Ria, in NY? me too! but not the city :( ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : Where Homer gets a gun, and joins that gun club and stuff.
bd14487, *President Zahra : Where, then, Gany? *is in Brooklyn*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Gun Club...hehe...*holds up his NRA card*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *has a scanner and a digital camera* Woo!
1778c79, *E : Oh aye...
bd14487, *President Zahra : *baps the chat statistics* I do too have life! Quit it!
5947943, Rowen: ((I'm near the albany-ish area...whoo hoo! capital districts! ))
3235147, šJim: *is currently working on a site* Woo .. fun , really ... :-P
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Justin owns a gun? What were they thinking?))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Sites are fun to make, if they're about something you like
bd14487, *President Zahra : What site, Jim-y? *wants to see*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Gany: Oh, I go upstate sometimes in the summer..
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: They weren't Fringe
1778c79, *E : *sorta kinda thinks about RP or mediocrely attracted to the idea*
5947943, Rowen: ((*watches herself climb the charts* duty...I'll be back later, methinks...adios, migos! ))
3235147, šJim: Well , heh , this is the Imperial Directorate one :) so yeah , I like it :-P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Weee
5947943, Rowen: ((upstate is fun :) ))
bd14487, *President Zahra : *baps the Simpsons repeatedly* Not fun!
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Apparently.))
bd14487, *President Zahra : Jim-y: Oooh.. I wanna work on that site too. *pout*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Imperial Directorate? What has to be said about them? Their remnants of the old Empire, big freaking deal
5947943, Rowen: ((*Goners* ))
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Guns don't kill people, Mr. T kills people.
EXIT: Rowen has left the chat ( Quit ).
ce10fb4, 'Mazzik: Wow...Fringe was right. *GONE to Deep Space*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *still trying to figure out the increments in the chat stats*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Mr. T also does 1-800-COLLECT commercials
bd14487, *President Zahra : Mazzy! *peers* Bah, he's gone..
65d0b7e, Fringe: ((Told ya. *Rides on Mazz's coat tails.*))
EXIT: Fringe has left the chat ( Quit ).
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pokes around for Jezral*
3235147, šJim: *pats Ria* Its my pet project Ria ... *thwaps Justin* respect the ID ,
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *listening to Trigga Happy Nigga* Hehe
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *thwaped* *smacks jIm with a fish*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *purrs* But.. but.. *loves html*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *is incredibly curious* Why does Justin call Jim-y "jIm"?
3235147, šJim: *blocks and kicks Justin you know where*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Cuz jIm is usually a GaN, and JiM is too much like "GaN", so I reversed it to "jIm"
bd14487, *President Zahra : Ohhh.. Makes sense.. Kinda.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *baps tv in general* Stupid Seinfeld. Stupid Simpsons.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: No, no it doesn't Ria, but that's me, I don't make sense
bd14487, *President Zahra : That's okay. *patpat*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Hmmm...*filters out all songs from his MP3 list that aren't "Fight Songs"*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *patpatted* That's right, it is okay
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *giggles*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Oww! *hurt her toe*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Oooo! Mazzy's back! *climbs onto his lap and clings*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *feels like a fight* *goes into some stupid stereo typical karate pose*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Ack.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *is learning karate in school* *goes into a real karate pose, and punches.. something*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I could pretend to scream stuff in chinese and pretend to be some stupid ass karate black belt
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Karate is useless...Kung Fu and Judo are where it's at
bd14487, *President Zahra : *agrees that karate is useless* Anything they teach you in school is useless.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *ponders Mazzy disappearing again*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: No...I'm learning programming and psychology in school, (major: programming, minor: psychology)
bd14487, *President Zahra : Oh, psychology. *nodnod* Not useless. *wants to learn that*
3235147, šJim: Try jeet Kun Do Justin
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Actually, I'm doing Sociology right, same prinicples
bd14487, *President Zahra : Psychology is better. Just because.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Jeet Kun Do? Never heard of it...but I know Drunken Boxing!
bd14487, *President Zahra : *randomly hugs people*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Drunken Boxing? Like that Jackie Chan movie!
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: My Physics teacher has a green golf ball used in the summer and a white one used in the winter.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Not really Ria...Drunken Boxing is more like pretending to be drunk, so you're bobbing and weaving constantly
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks* Odd.
3235147, šJim: Jeet Kun Do is the martial art made by Bruce lee :-P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Think about that for a moment Ria, white golf ball in the winter and green one in the summer
bd14487, *President Zahra : *nodnod* Exactly. Like in the Jackie Chan movie where he did Drunken Boxing.
1778c79, *E : Gah... *was attacked by a flurry of phone-ness*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *thinks about it* Um?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I thought he was actually drunk, Ria...I dunno, didn't see it the movie anyways
bd14487, *President Zahra : *giggles at Nigma*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: White golf ball for the winter, there's snow on the ground. Green golf ball in the summer, there's green grass.
bd14487, *President Zahra : Well, he was supposed to be actually drunk in the movie, but he wan't for real..
bd14487, *President Zahra : Yes. So?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: White golf ball, there's snow, you can't find it! Same for the green. That's the joke, a stupid one, but it's the one my Physic's teacher won't let go of
bd14487, *President Zahra : Ohhh.. *is slow* *giggles*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---My Physics teacher
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <--My Bio teacher from 9th grade
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---My Chem teacher from 10th grade
bd14487, *President Zahra : Whoa.. Why are they all so ugly?
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *notes that the homework on the page is atleast 3 weeks old* Somebody doesn't do their updating
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I dunno, but my Bio teacher was litterally insane...she ate a worm brain, swore in class...great class it was
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks* Scary.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---The School System's webpage...I offered to them to make it better, but noooo...they like it how it is...pile of bantha fodder it is
bd14487, *President Zahra : *is blinking too much*
bd14487, *President Zahra : Ewww.. Ugly. Our school gets a team of students to do the website, and they change it every year.. Or every term? This time, it's really ugly. link
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: The High School's page has Java! It's a technilogical miracle to them.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <--High School's page
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *LOL@the quote of the day on her school's website* "Woman was God's second mistake." - Nietzsche
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---I must find out how my Physic's teacher did this
bd14487, *President Zahra : *LOL@the quote of the day on her school's website* "Woman was God's second mistake." - Nietzsche
bd14487, *President Zahra : *looks* Oooo.. Shiny.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *peers* Why're they showing a Jackie Chan movie?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What's Shiny?
bd14487, *President Zahra : Your physics teacher's page..
bd14487, *President Zahra : *eyes the chat settings* I now officially have the least life.
bd14487, *President Zahra : I'm gonna go now, so that I can pretend to have a life. Byebyes! *hugs.. whoever*
3235147, šJim: heh ... nope ... you just post more than me Ria
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *will defeat Ria's position while she's gone*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *wants to be defeated* Silly Jim-y. *huggles* *really leaves now*
3235147, šJim: cya Ria
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Mmm...that's good Smackdown
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Bleh, this song sucks
3235147, šJim: what is ?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What is what? What are you talking aboot jIm?
3235147, šJim: d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Mmm...that's good Smackdown
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *cheers for Test*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Smackdown, WWF Smackdown
3235147, šJim: ah ... 'k
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, you Europeaners don't get to watch it tonight like we do...or do you? Hmmm...
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Woo! Go Test!
3235147, šJim: um ... don't think so ... i don't subscribe to the sports channels
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I think it's on...Channel 4
3235147, šJim: 4 ... sometimes ... sky sports got the lions share on WWF though
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Kane doesn't talk! They screwed him up!
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, that's the other channel that carries the WWF
3235147, šJim: heheh
3235147, šJim: yup
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Wrestlemania...*reminisces about his two trips to Wrestlemania*
3235147, šJim: kickass , my mates;'d be sooo jealous
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Why, they watch the WWF?
3235147, šJim: Aye .. big style
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Hmm...Houston was too far to go to Wrestlemania this year
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I think it's coming to the UK within the next few years, could be wrong...
3235147, šJim: link
3235147, šJim: I hear so to ... thats a work in progress BTW *points to link*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Page could not be found
3235147, šJim: link try it now
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *gasp* Stone Cold just insulted the fans! He's going heel!
3235147, šJim: Stone Cold .. heel ... asif .
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Why the hell did you list Neo? He's dead, I killed him...and destroyed the body
3235147, šJim: he's on the official list
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
ab2d1b5, Get a name!: hmmm
3235147, šJim: Be back in 5
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: But he's dead
3235147, šJim: As I said , work in progress :-P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Hmm...Undertaker vs. Triple H at Wrestlemania, I gauren damn tee it
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: brb
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: back
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Not that I missed anything
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Pokes chat*
JOIN: Rowen has entered.
87c2fbf, Rowen: ((*Whimpers at her math report* smart persons? ))
87c2fbf, Rowen: ((help? please? one's here... ))
87c2fbf, Rowen: ((bah. ))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: ...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: ...
0b17c32, 'L: 'lo Owlie. *is amused by the fact that Justin now has the most votes*
0b17c32, 'L: votes, posts...same difference.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Chuckle*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *is back*
0b17c32, 'L: *curls up on her throne* *waves to Ria*
bd14487, *President Zahra : *waves back to Leigh*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Waves to all
3235147, Get a name!: I was born under a wandering star
0b17c32, 'L: *waves to Owlie*
0b17c32, 'L: *is watching the messenger*
0b17c32, 'L: Ooops. *capitalizes it and puts it in quotes*
0b17c32, 'L: Were you, Jim?
bd14487, *President Zahra : *giggles*
3235147, Get a name!: Dunno ... maybe . Lee Marvin sung it better
0b17c32, 'L: *smiles*
3235147, Get a name!: *ponders*
0b17c32, 'L: She's pretty. *ponders, then finds her blanket and covers herself with it*
3235147, Get a name!: link ... work in progress
0b17c32, 'L: link
0b17c32, 'L: That's the link Jim wanted to give you guys.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *blinks*
0b17c32, 'L: Ooops. Or not. I was just there! I saw it!
3235147, Get a name!: d'oh
JOIN: Andy has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: link
6c9b335, 'Andy: *enters with a burito in his mouth*
0b17c32, 'L: Bwahaha...There it went.
3235147, Get a name!: She's right as usual *kicks at dirt on the ground , staring at his feet* 'lo Andy
0b17c32, 'L: *would hug Andy, but not with a burrito in his mouth.
0b17c32, 'L: As usual? I'm hardly ever right.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *tries to talk, but won't burito is good* *waves*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *chokes*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Holy Poo... Hot Son of a lady
0b17c32, 'L: *performs the Heimlich on Andy*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Gyah.. *mock moan* L more and more. Yes Yes.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *goes silent goes off and finishes his burito*
0b17c32, 'L: *blinks at Andy, then finds her blanket again and hides under it*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *sniffles at L*
3235147, Get a name!: 'the last of the V8 interceptors ! Piece of history ! Woulda been a shame to blow it up !' Anyone know the quote ?
0b17c32, 'L: No, don't know.
NICK: Andy changed nick to Slim Whitman
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: *prances about* *attempts a Yodel*
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: In the amount of 20 Music stores in Ottawa, non of them have Slim Whitman... *fumes*
3235147, Get a name!: Wegot Slim in our store methinks
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: Well Jim.. I had to order it from the States.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *yawns*
3235147, Get a name!: e gads
0b17c32, 'L: *ponders and leans forward, folding her hands together, elbows resting on the arms of her throne* Are the Diranos still in existance?
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: Indian Love Call, Blue Bayou, Rhinestone Cowboy, Virginia Lee (Yodel Extrodinaire). hehe
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: *stuffs a burito in Ria's mouth*
3235147, Get a name!: Hmmm , I heard rumour they were in Stones chat Liegh , but I ain't seen em here
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: Stone's chat. *smirks, then ponders, leaning back again*
JOIN: Lleld has entered.
bd14487, *President Zahra : *keeps forgetting that she's here*
0b17c32, 'L: *pats Ria*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( So, how was your 16th B-day?
2dd7c3e, Lleld: ))
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: *has fallen in love with Yodelling*
3235147, Get a name!: Roight ... time for thyis weary pilgrim to put his head down
bd14487, *President Zahra : *wanders off to bed* Night! *huggles*
3235147, Get a name!: BTW everyone try to read Garth Ennis' 'Just a Pilgrim' ... top quality comic entertainment .
0b17c32, 'L: *hugs for Ria*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *walks in wearing a white blouse and black pants with a blaster at her hip. Her long red hair lays over her shoulders, it shimmers in the light as she moves*
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: *sigh*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *goes to the bar and orders a bottle of juice. As she sits, she looks around*
6c9b335, Slim Whitman: *exits*
EXIT: Slim Whitman has left the chat ( Quit ).
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Who's still here? ))
0b17c32, 'L: I am.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Ahh *looks around* are we alone? ))
0b17c32, 'L: No.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( who else is here? ))
0b17c32, 'L: Lurkers.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( ...lurkers? ))
0b17c32, 'L: Uh huh.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( hmm...are you IC? ))
0b17c32, 'L: Not at the moment. Though I might go shortly.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( cool! Is your Character F or M ? ))
0b17c32, 'L: Female.
JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Cool! )
0b17c32, 'L: *glances @ SE*
8f71e19, *Spectre Eclipse : ((*Nods to Leigh*))
0b17c32, 'L: *smiles slightly to Lleld*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Hey, SE! ))
8f71e19, *Spectre Eclipse : ((Hi Leigh, Lleld.))
8f71e19, *Spectre Eclipse : ((I'll BBL.))
EXIT: Spectre Eclipse has left the chat ( Quit ).
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( K..Bye ))
0b17c32, 'L: *sighs*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( You IC? ))
0b17c32, 'L: Nope. *yawns, then eyes her list of chars, curling up slightly*
JOIN: Andy has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( what's wrong? you sighed ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: No one knows what love is. Each of us have our own opinion about love.. *smirks and ponders how M knows*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: Just bored, Lleld.
JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( oh ))
6c9b335, 'Andy: *fiddles with his fingers*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *sips her juice*
0b17c32, 'L: *snickers @ the Anon* As much as I hate people that don't have the balls to use their name, I admit, I'm getting a good laugh outta this all.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *snickers at Anon*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( *looks at her* ))
0b17c32, 'L: *is freezing...curls up under her blanket*
0b17c32, 'L: As much as this is something bad to say, Andy... *giggles quietly* At least Correy won't have to worry about you rping with KJ anymore.
6c9b335, 'Andy: Erm, why L?
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( *hands L her comforter* ))
0b17c32, 'L: *closes her eyes*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (brb)
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
85f8a08, Get a name!: what happened with KJ
6c9b335, 'Andy: *sighs, decides he should leave also*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *he is well notr wanted as KJ is*
85f8a08, Get a name!: interesting quote andy
0b17c32, 'L: Andy, please don't leave...who's gonna keep me sane? Whose lap will I have to curl up on? Who will curl up on mine?
0b17c32, 'L: Who will be my twin?!?!
6c9b335, 'Andy: *flips GaN the finger*
6c9b335, 'Andy: L we have each other on IM.
6c9b335, 'Andy: I am there, if you need anything..
0b17c32, 'L: But what about The Order...? And Aranya? And Iggy?
0b17c32, 'L: And the Sorchetts?
6c9b335, 'Andy: *sighs pondering about those IC characters*
6c9b335, 'Andy: A quote is usually under quotations.
0b17c32, 'L: Andy, I need you around...even if it's just for the next 5 months...
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
6c9b335, 'Andy: Only character I can use now is Iggy.
0b17c32, 'L: Who says you can't use Marcus?
6c9b335, 'Andy: *sigh* Without Macy. I don't know what to do with him
0b17c32, 'L: RP with me. *ponders* We can build up the Sorchett clan again, like it used to be, before Terra left, and before Taren stopped rping. *misses that the most out of her years in rping*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: And we can start a war with the Diraons...
0b17c32, 'L: *fixes typo*
6c9b335, 'Andy: sure. heh
6c9b335, 'Andy: *blinks at a possibility of a relationship going to dust*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: *hugs*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *drinking her juice, she gets up and moves to a table*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hugged* *holds back a certain emotion called 'sadness'*
JOIN: Kastor has entered.
0b17c32, 'L: *tugs him ic* C'mon... Get yer mind off of bad stuff like sadness....
6c9b335, 'Andy: As who?
EXIT: Kastor has left the chat ( Quit ).
0b17c32, 'L: *shrugs* Anyone. Pick someone.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( who's Kastor? ))
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : (*test*)
0b17c32, 'L: I dunno, Lleld.
0b17c32, 'L: Just someone who chats.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Ahh..thanks, L ))
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Glances inside with her pale blue eyes, brushing a few stray curls behind her ear. Steps in, the long, soft green material of her dress whispers around her shapely figure as moves*
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : *enters with a blank face, fist clenching, in between it is a letter, from his wife* *looks around the room* *his mind not at ease, his force ability quavering*
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: ((*eyes her not-working pic and goes to check what exactly she has available on crosswinds*))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Turns slowly to face her uncle, well sensing his presence in the Force* Marcus? *Tilts her head slightly, a loose curl falling into her vision*
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: ((*test*))
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : *hears Mina call* *emotionally torn within, not looknig rather emotionless from the exterior* *looks at Mina* Yes? *attempts a smile*
JOIN: Eloise Fealon has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Does anyone know if Akido or Cpt. Colton plan on comming tonight? ))
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: Marcus, what's the matter? *Inhales slowly and tries to extend warming thoughts to her uncle*
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : *walks to her, and hands her the letter* *turns away*
272e6d7, Eloise Fealon: (( *tests color..eyes IC*))
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Glances quickly over the letter, then frowns, glancing up at him* I'm sorry...
272e6d7, Eloise Fealon: (( *rae*tests again*))
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *watches from her table as the two people enter*
272e6d7, Eloise Fealon: (( bleh. *chuckle*))
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : There is no need for you to be sorry . . . I've always been a failure to the Sorchett family. Even if I have tried so hard to prove my worth.
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: No one's perfect, Marcus. *Hands him the letter and moves to the bar*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *sips her juice and watches*
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : *puts the letter in his pocket* *sighs* *stays there standing*
NICK: Eloise Fealon changed nick to Chase Lee Ainsley
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( hmm.))
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : (KJ if you are here, why are you blocking me?)
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Hello, Chase ))
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( 'allo. ))
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: When my father... *Trails off, her gaze falling to the floor. Pauses a moment, then turns to him* I made a promise to him that I would not let our family fall to pieces anymore. You need to stay strong, Marcus.
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *a woman looking to be in her mid twenties enters the cantina...a pair of headphones tucked into her ear, a cassette type device tucked over one of her belt loops*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( I don't believe we have met, in either of your Char. I'm Lleld ))
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *watches the woman enter and smiles. Takes a drink*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( ear=ears.))
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she mouths the lyrics that sync with the low thud of bass and the high squeal of stringed instrunments...dancing down the stairs as if nobody cared*
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : Even if I alienated myself from the rest of the Sorchett family?
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she stops to return Lleld's smile...then continues*
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: For twelve years, I felt alienated. It's never too late...
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : *looks at her*
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Glances over her shoulder to Chase, then looks back at Marcus*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *tossing herself about like an idiot...oblivious as hell and enjoying it...*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *watching Chase, she can't help but laugh*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she comes to a jolting stop as her music ends...blowing kisses to the room* Thank you! thank you!
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *applauds* Bravo!
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she stops to flash a grin to Lleld* My fans love me. *she then dusts herself off...bits of sand falling from the sky blue midriff top reading ''don't look now''...tumbing aimlessly off her faded and worn jeans*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she settles her hands just above the jeans resting on her hips..glances to the tender...* Rum! Rum to tha floor!!
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : (*sighs, cannot rping*)
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Sighs* Marcus, have a drink.
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : (Even his form of grammer is faulty. rping-rp)
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she then pauses...and motions furiously out of Llelds sight that she really doesn't want rum...just a water*
6c9b335, *Marcus Sorchett : *nods to Mina* I'll be around... *exits*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *watches the man leave*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *curls up in a corner*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she jumps up onto the bar...sitting up where she can see the whole room..then pays the 'tender...winking at him*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *finishing her juice, she goes up to the bar*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *tight blonde curls tumble down her back and hang slightly over her ice blue peepers* God I love this place!
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *ordering a strawberry kooler, she smiles at Chase* I can tell
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( Will be on IM.... Love means nothing to me anymore . . . I will feel sorry for my wife... I don't know if I can ever tell her 'I truly love her' ).
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Sighs and shakes her head, whispering to herself* Father, help me...
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she kicks her feet up...sandals flying across the room and flat into a wall...* Booyah!
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Falls weakly onto a stool, suddenly looking tired*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she pulls her feet up under her...and stands up...pacing over the bar despite the 'tenders protests...*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *L* My name's Lleld
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she settles her hands just above the jeans resting on her hips..glances to the tender...* Rum! Rum to tha floor!!
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *blat@chat*))
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *shakes her head@regurgitated post*))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: *Glances up at Chase and Lleld, then stands and slowly makes her way to the door. Slips out into the night, hands tucked under her elbows*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Areas Stargazer has entered.
0b17c32, Mina Sorchett: ((Leaving, guys. *hugs Jen*))
EXIT: Mina Sorchett has left the chat ( Quit ).
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *hugs back* laterz budette.))
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *steps inside her tail swaying from side to side*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( pah! *hugged thin air*))
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she rather pounces off the bar....taking her newly delivered drink with her...and downing it after her feet are planted firmly on the floor*
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *walks to the bar*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she tosses the glass back...applauding the 'tender for catching it*
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *orders and pays for a cup of tea*
272e6d7, Chase Lee Ainsley: *then she thumbs her music back on....nodding her head slightly and mouthing lyrics...*something about being what she says she is*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *takes a drink*
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *looks around*
53d7643, Get a name!: Was Mazz in here?
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *looks at Lleld and smiles showing her catlike fangs*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *(picture the Limp Bizkit music video for 'rollin'.....mixed with J'lo...and there you have Chase's dancing)*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *hides Mazz behind her* no.))
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *looks at Areas* hello, again.
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: Hi Lleld
JOIN: Corporal Hicks. has entered.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she pauses suddenly...taking one earphone out...* If I hear a cricket..
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *smiles, then goes back to her table with her drink*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *walks in, helmet and kevlar off, but still in his greens with his pistol belt*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *doesn't...* drat. and I was so looking forward to random violence...
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *walks over to the table and sits with Lleld*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *watches the armed man come in*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *grins to herself...tucks the earphone back in...and sashays back to the bar*
53d7643, Get a name!: Um...err...ok.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *is obviously bored...catwhistles@Hicks*))
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *looks at Lleld * I need freh meat
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: freh = fresh )
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *y grin as he's whistled at* Don't do that too much, it might go to my head. *yanks one of her earbuds out as he walks by, grinning mischeviously*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((obviously c*ocky has been filtered))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( wonder why. *smirk*))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *makes big motion@Steele*))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *brings her hand around quickly to thwak him in the back of the head* Do that again and you'll be missing it.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Missing what? *asked innocently*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Brb )) **PAUSE**
JOIN: Andy has entered.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *yawn*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: That darling little thing your neck spit up...*she darts to the bar...hopping up and sliding half way down while she motions to the 'tender for another water*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *shakes his head at the water* Ordering water in a bar...that's a first
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *looks around* hmm...whom to eat?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *with a small flick of the wrist..she tucks the earbud back obvious thud as her music cuts back in*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she catches the comment nonetheless...grins sweetly...* No..thats thirst.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Jesus, woman, will you stop it with the puns tonight?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Or can you hear me over your boy band pop?
6c9b335, *Ignautius : *cloaked figure, stands deep within the shadows, pulls out a small sphere (metallic) from his cloak pocket*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she pulls one earbud back out...* pardon? did you say you wanted a pop? *motions to the 'tender*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *glances@Iggy's pic* Oooh...))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : *unlatches the sphere, by pressing a small triangular button on it, it shifts int a long 6'4 metallic staff, with twin gold blades on each tip*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: I'll take that as a no. Bring out the beer, barkeep
6c9b335, *Ignautius : *unnoticable by light, or with the force* *he exits from the shadows, light not touching him, seems like a dark phase, not visible at all*
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *walks out*
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*RaE*)
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: *GONE*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *watches her go, sipping at her drink*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she smiles a big loving b.s. smile...plucking the other earbud out..she tucks them over her player*
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*smirks wanting to kill Areas Stargazer*)
2dd7c3e, Lleld: *finishing her drink, she stands up and walks out* ***GONE***
1a5eea3, Areas Stargazer: ( why kill her shes done nothing to you ?)
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *then launches herself at Hicks....her aim to tackle his ass to the floor and shake the brains out of him*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *leans over and opens her music thingy* So that WAS new kids on the block you were playing. I'll buy you a drink if you burn that tape
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (Go back IC, and we will see. *smirk*)
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( LOL ))
EXIT: Areas Stargazer has left the chat ( Quit ).
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (Pathetic... *smirk*)
6c9b335, *Ignautius : *its eyes focus on Chase and Hicks* *holding the long staff close*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( So, I guess neither Cpt. Coltorn nor Akido is going to show up ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (Ok, Lleld why don't you come IC.)
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *is knocked to the floor and spills his drink, grabs her arm as she reaches for his throat* You spilled my beer. You can throw me on the floor, but wasting beer is inconcievable
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *stares in her eyes* You sick sick bastid *shakes head*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Nope ))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *makes for his neck with the other hand...* I didn't spill your beer...
JOIN: DEE has entered.
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (Why not?)
a8d5af6, DEE: ,.,
a8d5af6, DEE: ,.,
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( I've heard bad things about you...and I don't feel like getting Lleld killed ))
a8d5af6, DEE: Colt is out again..
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: I'm not the one who fell off the stool....*jerks* Where's a blunt object when you need it??!!
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Aww! ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (I see. . . but I will tell you to watch out. I could appear without further notice.)
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: I didn't fall, I was pushed. There's a difference
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( If I came would just kill Lleld ))
JOIN: Willow Citelle has entered.
80d7827, Willow Citelle: (( *ponders* ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*pats Lleld* You catch on rather quickly.)
80d7827, Willow Citelle: (( *grin* ))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *nods...* and what're you gonna do about it?
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Thanks...I learned how to rp in the old Creed. There was a person like you there. I learned after the third time dying ))
a8d5af6, DEE: Lleld he says hi and will catch up with ya soon..bye
80d7827, Willow Citelle: *a thin shadowy creature slips into the cantina...her form as well as her mind shadowed and dark*
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Thanks, DEE ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*snickers* *eyes Willow* Oooo.)
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *reaches in her pocket and pulls out enough cash for another beer*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *latches onto his wrist...* Stealing is naughty...its even worse when its stealing from me...*won't let go*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Who says I'm stealing? You ~did~ make my spill my beer all over
80d7827, Willow Citelle: *her eyes snap as an empty dream....and scan the arm behind her...hand clasped around a small object*
6c9b335, *Ignautius : *sneers, sinks back into the shadows, not seen*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she smiles to the 'tender...* a beer for this gentleman. *then turns some rather vicious ice blue peepers back on him*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *wolflike grin* So who says I can't make you get off me in the first place?
80d7827, Willow Citelle: *her steps don't really sound...muffled by the cloak that hovers about her like a shadow*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: I don't recall making that statement...*flips her hair all superior like*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *throws his whole body around, now being the one on top* Who's superior now?
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*glares at IM*)
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *rather follows the momentum...bringing one knee into his gut...* the bank.
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( IM? ))
80d7827, Willow Citelle: *she moves into a shadow that lingers by the back walls...crouching and waiting...*
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*puts Lleld on his KOS list*)
80d7827, Willow Citelle: (( *eyes the list over his shoulder*))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*idly thwaps Willow*)
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Why? ))
80d7827, Willow Citelle: (( *thwapped...realises somehow that it stung*bites Ignautius on the shoulder*))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (Lleld. Simple you irritate me, and plus idiotic one word questions like 'IM?' are annoying. *hisses at Willow*)
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *the player hooked at her waist suddenly snaps to life...blaring loud obnoxious music...* ah...perfect....just perfect. Look...I'll buy you your beer...k?
80d7827, Willow Citelle: (( *hissed at* pah. *vanishes*))
80d7827, Willow Citelle: *the woman snaps upright suddenly...and slips out*
EXIT: Willow Citelle has left the chat ( all that stolen. ).
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*snickers and waves by to Willow, places her on his Interested/Intriguing List*)
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((was distracted, sorry))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *knee in his belly, but is balancing rather admirably on his 6 pack* Alright, you're buying. And for that knee thing, you buy the next round too
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( well, I did'nt know what it meant. How else am I to find out except by asking? ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*eyes Lleld* Silence, peasant.)
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Is there anyway I can convincce you to take my name off the list? ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*smirks* Slit your wrists.)
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (but before that fill your tub up with water, and add a tad of salt*)
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she wrenches her wrists free...and shoves him violently to the side* B@stard...
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *rolls to her knees and hops back up on the bar...tucking her earbuds back in*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Guilty as charged. *jumps up and throws down that beer*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *couldn't help it...had to say it at least once*))
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( Just one more question, am I on the list for all your chars? ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (Lleld all but one...(
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *jerks as the beer is thrown...* Christ....does your temper visit often?
2dd7c3e, Lleld: (( K. Good Night all! ))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *cracks up laughing as soon as she considers something*))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *jumps up on the bar...* ''I did it! Guilty as charged...I did ya think I've gone too far?''))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Hmm...only when I've been drinking, why?
EXIT: Lleld has left the chat ( Quit ).
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*takes his pen and places it on his KOS list* *eyeing Chase*)
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *pokes Ignautius's eyes out* ))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : (*adds Chase* *ponders ICness*)
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Don't drink....*she stands up on the bar once more..and paces around*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *added* hehe. thanks.))
6c9b335, *Ignautius : ((*shakes head*))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Why not? I'm much more sociable and amusing when I do. I break stuff and people and have a good time.
EXIT: Ignautius has left the chat ( Another time for massacres, now their is rest. ).
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *glances at his bouncing empty glass from this crazy chick walking on the bar*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she stops just shy of Hicks..sitting on her heels* Maybe. *she fixes her player...turning the music up slightly..* ''its just the beast under your your your head! ''
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she stands up and headbangs all'a Nirvana*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( bouncing empty glass...*rae* since when is the bar that flimsy?))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *flashes a grin at hearing that old fave* Good choice. Big switch from the other early 90s crap you had
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *hops down off the bar...* yeah...even if it took years to figure the lyrics out...
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Eh, it didn't take that long.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she pauses to look at Hicks...* If you have a crappy does.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *boots the 'a'*))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she finally sits down like a normal cantina patron...altho she spins the stool at least twice*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Fair enough. I have the CD though, so there
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Doesn't everyone? *grin*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: pfft, everyone with taste
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: More like everyone with ears...*motions to the tender for a refill on her water...dropping payment with a lil plink*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: How about that ''teen spirit''?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( ''with the lights out...this is we are now...entertain us...''.))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *snickers*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Something funny? *grabs her water and takes a sip*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *tosses back another beer* Mm...not at present
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she swivels to the side...then the other...* is it always this slow? *watches a moth slam into a flourescent-type light over and over again*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Obviously. But I wouldn't know though
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: A drunk like you....wouldn't know?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: No, a drunk like me won't know much
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Good point....that explains why the blow to the head earlier didn't seem to bother you.*grin*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Maybe it's because you hit like a girl :P
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Wonder why...maybe because I am !!! *kicks the stool under him*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Might have something to do with it. *moves a little with his stool* Then again, if you'd been a male when you threw me to the floor, I would have just cut your throat, so you got off easy
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: C0cky ass....sonuva....*kicks the stool again*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *pulls knife, sets it on the bar* You think I'm kidding?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: If you were a girl....oh on wait...nevermind. *makes the punchline drum movements*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *glances at knife* got a fork in there too?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Nope. This is a K-bar, we use these in the Corps. I use this to kill stuff and eat it raw
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: And don't look like a goat to me.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: But you don't eat people. So why slit my throat?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: DO you know I don't eat people? *evil grin*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Because then you would have slit it regardless...
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: I'm just selective like that
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Just following your reasoning. *grins*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Selective....isn't that a shampoo?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *moves over to him and sniffs his hair...pausing* What kind of cologne are you wearing?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: How the hell should I know? I'm talking about cannibalism here
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *is really asking for it...stops for a while*))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: think I could cut the bartender's head off and eat his brain?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: I guess...but then who'd serve you your drinks?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: What, we can't tap a keg?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *jumps as her player seems to snap on of its own accord...belting ''popsicle cannibal with post mortem fame....''*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Qui.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she shuts it off...* piece of shi!te.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: You really should buy a new one
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Do me a favor....kill my landlord?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: When and where?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: This is a new one...
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she pauses at his question of 'when and where'* Actually....I'm my own landlord...
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Landlady. LandMistress. Whatever!!
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Then you should have spent the extra 10 bucks on that non-pice of crap one
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *kicks his stool again* Quit picking on my buying habits!
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: So you want me to kill you? This is why I'll never understand women
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: No. I don't. If I wanted you to kill me ....I'd have said so.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *her eyes widen at that last* And you think men are that easy to understand?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: But....if you are your landlord, and you want him dead, don't you want yourself dead
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Actually, yeah, we're pretty easy
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: I was sh!tting you....Christ!
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Oh you are? Explain yourself then.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: What do you want to know? I have all the answers
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she cracks up laughing...having to hold onto the edge of the bar to keep from falling over*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she stops finally...catching her breath...* You must be god then.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: What. Men are straightforeward about what they want, or else it's at least common knowledge already
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: well....actually....if you must know
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: So what do men want?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Sex, money, and property. In that order
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Figures. I'm guessing one is always on your mind?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: You didn't know?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Oh I did....just confirming it.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: Next qestion, while lama is in?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: You know what pisses me off the most about men...
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: What's that?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Superiority complexes.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: I have no qualms about saying I suck at something
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Oh yeah? name one.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: I know very little about car repair
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Oh something that isn't normal!
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: What do you suggest?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Well if I have to suggest it...then there's really no point. *sips at her water...spitting it out at Hicks when she finds out it is no longer cold*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *wipes his face with her shirt*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *slaps his hands away...* hey...there's napkins for just that reason!
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((I probably should have clarified that I wasn't diving into your chest, but pulling it up before it became a large napkin, but whatever :)))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *has done turned red from laughing so hard...snorts* No need to clarify. *L*))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( Unless you have buildup.))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *looks around and finds not a single napkin* Nope, I don't think so
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *eyes him...closely...* uh huh. blind ol coot.
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *pulls out results of his last eye exam from last week* 20/20 baby, beat that
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *has a shirt turned napkin...pulls at it...being a midriff...its inconvenient* Sput.
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *laughs slightly* You carry around eye exam results?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((I don't know what a midriff is, so there, I know nothing about clothes))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.:, just mine
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: So Sgt. Apone can call me a smartass when he calles me a blind mofo
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Lemme see that again....
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( O_O good lord....where've you been hiding?))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *drops it on the bar*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((I probably see them every day, but don't know the name))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( people wear them to show off bellybutton piercings.*shudder*))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *eyes the results* Oh...well then...
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((Oh, THAT....well damn, I am one daring mofo))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( Exactly. ))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *leans back and to the side a little...propping her feet up where its inconvenient to Hicks*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: The few, the brave, the proud, the marines. I'm the only one here, that satisfies the few....I just proved I was brave, I'm proud of it, and I was a marine before I got here. So there
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *glances down at feet* You, um....put your feet in my lap
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( *L* funny. I don't remember putting them there.))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: What....too many drugs in the 60s or something?
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she snatches some ice..and drops it into her glass...sipping it and acting like she's perfectly comfortable*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( Do I look that old to you??*checks results of eye exam again*))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *pokes at the leg in his lap*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: No, but they're doing wonderful things with cosmetic surgery these days
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *ignores the poke...* surgery....?
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *mischevious smile*
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *jerks her legs back...realising the knife never left the counter*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((LOL))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( well thats gotta be what you were thinking....))
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: ((no, you actually suprised me with that one))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: (( hehe....Score!!))
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: Uh..yeah...listen...I'm gonna...uh...go now...*jumps off the stool...bolts*
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *glances her way* Fine, be that way. Leave me sitting over here with no entertainment or cannibalism
5944e26, Chase Lee Ainsley: *she looks back in the door...chunks her player at him...and runs off*
EXIT: Chase Lee Ainsley has left the chat ( what were you thinking....''psycho's make nice friends''? ).
6f7dbab, Corporal Hicks.: *chucks the player back at the door, it busts into about 34 pieces, stands up and walks out*
EXIT: Corporal Hicks. has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Win has entered.
e0c75fb, Win: *Strides in, glancing around with a slight frown over his ggod eye.*
e0c75fb, Win: ((Good, even. *L*))
e0c75fb, Win: *Wanders over to an empty boothe, and shuffles around inside his jacket for his data pad. Once found, he begins to uplink a com-link to his bank details.*.......Umm. Abit low this month. *Scratches his chin, disapointed-like, as he begin to think what to do about his money situation*
JOIN: Winjo Locan has entered.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Whacks his computer*))
JOIN: Savage has entered.
b4101f7, Savage: *wanders in*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Hey Sav! :) ))
b4101f7, Savage: heya win! how are ya?
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Okay. Considering I'm in plaster))
b4101f7, Savage: plaster? what did you do this time?
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Snapped my Achilles tendon, whilst playing soccer.....didn't even get a chance to score before it snapped! *L*))
b4101f7, Savage: aww *l* thatll teach you not to play soccer
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Yeah. I guess it does? How are you? ))
b4101f7, Savage: im ok. no sporting injuries but i do have a band-aid
JOIN: Skylar has entered.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Really! How comes?))
93f0455, Skylar: Sav!!?
93f0455, Skylar: LTNS, dude, what's up?
b4101f7, Savage: cut my thumb on the fence. its ok though. i will survive. hey sky!
b4101f7, Savage: not much dude. how bout you?
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Well, that teach ya for touch sharp fences *LOL*))
93f0455, Skylar: Same thing as always, except for some unknown reason I'm in a great mood today ^-^
93f0455, Skylar: *sneaks behind Winjo and tackles him* *eg*
b4101f7, Savage: *l* it was all the fences fault!
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Got ganged up apon did ya. *Tackled*....Oooof!))
b4101f7, Savage: dont worry. i will have my vengeance. the fences days are numbered
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*L*....Yeah. Make 'em into firewood.))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Is listening to the Crow soundtrack*......Thrill Kill Cult! Yay! *Starts moshing*))
b4101f7, Savage: very good soundtrack
93f0455, Skylar: I hurt myself yesterday at one of the chairs in the movie theatre but I can't fire it up *is too fond of that Cinema*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Wonders how in hell the chair hurt her.....Did it have a gang of arm-chairs with it??*))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((I know.))
93f0455, Skylar: A guy yesterday said to me that if I wanted to be near the band in any concert I had to start a mosh and then ask peeps to put me up so they'll just do the rest.*L*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((The second soundtrack is not as good.))
b4101f7, Savage: maybe it was one of those flip-up chairs and she got gobbled up by it
93f0455, Skylar: No, I stumbled on the chair :-P
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Is ROTFHAO at the thought of Sky being eaten by a flip-chair* ......Evil! those brutes are. *L*))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Imagines a chair line-up at the police station*))
93f0455, Skylar: *LOL* Erm, poor little chairs , it wasn't their falt the room was dark.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Policeman: Which one? ...Sky: The one with the evil look in his cushion. ))
93f0455, Skylar: Now I have a big bruise in my leg.
93f0455, Skylar: Yes officer, and see that it gets the death penalty!!
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Would kiss it better.....but looks at the hairs on her legs*.....Eek!))
93f0455, Skylar: Which would be going to a porno-cinema and spend the rest of its life in it, poor chair... *L*
93f0455, Skylar: *doesn't have hair in her legs but woudn't let Win kiss it better anyway* :-P
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*LOL*))
93f0455, Skylar: *doesn't have hair on her legs but woudn't let Win kiss it better anyway* :-P
b4101f7, Savage: might be a good idea. dont no what else hes been kissing
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Whoa! *Watches Sky's text jump postion*....That don't look to good! ))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Just my teddy bear! That all. *Spits the fluff out*))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Listen to "I'm your Boogie Man" by White Zombie*.......I'm your boogie man!! *Starts dancing*))
93f0455, Skylar: *agrees with Sav*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Hey I'm no Man-haw! *Remembers that from Duece Bigalow*))
93f0455, Skylar: The male gigolo? *L*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*LOL* services are the right woman! Hehe))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Waits for the sarcasstic comments to flow in*))
b4101f7, Savage: only women? thats discrimanation!
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((That the only way i do business! *LOL*))
93f0455, Skylar: A gigolo just accepts every offer...innit Winjo? *giggles*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Cringes at the voice of P.J.Havey in the background*.....Er what? I have some selective processes. *giggles*))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Harvey, even.))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Hey Sav did you hear about those New Zealanders who want SW to be a new religion?))
93f0455, Skylar: Really Win? wow!!
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Scary thought, that some people can't tell the difference between fact and fiction.))
93f0455, Skylar: Well....
b4101f7, Savage: yep. typical kiwis. beleive anything they see
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Yep 8000 stupid people!))
93f0455, Skylar: Kiwis? heheh
b4101f7, Savage: hmm i wonder if george lucas believes in the force
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Nah. I believe he knows his position in the film-industry world....but not in the force.))
JOIN: Savage has entered.
b4101f7, Savage: *pokes comp*
b4101f7, Savage: yes. mind tricks dont work on him. only money
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Wonders if G.Lucas could be the new J.C. .....he's got a similar grey beard!*))
93f0455, Skylar: There is some similarities between the Force and acient Eastern beliefs....
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Really?))
93f0455, Skylar: Yep, samurai-warriors and such.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Could be that G.Lucas probably based the force-belief-system around them, perhaps?))
93f0455, Skylar: yes, of course he added some original thoughts of his own.
93f0455, Skylar: Winjo, ya have mail.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((I do?))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Are you my new postwoman? *L*))
b4101f7, Savage: i gots to go
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Where did you send it?))
b4101f7, Savage: *waves* see yas win and sky
93f0455, Skylar: Its the email I just sent.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Bye Mate!))
93f0455, Skylar: Bye Sav! ;-)
b4101f7, Savage: *zooms off*
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Home or Uni addy?))
EXIT: Savage has left the chat ( Quit ).
93f0455, Skylar: Uni addy.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((It's taking a long time then. Hrmm.))
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((Did ya see Placebo in the end?))
93f0455, Skylar: It's only in the end of the month,the concert.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Wonders if Sky stuck a second-class stamp on that e-mail*....Oh I thought you said it was this weekend? Sillly me. ))
93f0455, Skylar: It's hotmail's problem, not mine....
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((What you doing this weekend?))
93f0455, Skylar: I'm gonna see a movie trailer now, brb in 5min.
e0c75fb, Winjo Locan: ((*Notices the time*....Eeak I'm late! *Wanders off* Bye Sky!))
EXIT: Winjo Locan has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
6e1a061, Get a name!: *sniffles* I miss Win AND Sav? :( *peers* Still here, Sky?
6e1a061, Get a name!: Sky?! Wake up already, girl!
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
570cd5b, Get a name!: hello
JOIN: Neah Kwan has entered.
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *is sleepy*
JOIN: Apone-Eniram has entered.
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: then wake up!!!!!!!!!!
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : OOC: Buzz off Apone, I'm not in the mood to rp.
JOIN: L has entered.
JOIN: Winjo has entered.
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: I dont have time for it either!
b4f363e, 'L: *peers*
a89902f, Winjo: ((Yum yum bubble gum....stick it up your .....ooops! Said that out loud. Eak!))
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *ponders if Syy still around*
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: *hides*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Ooh! There yas are! *prods Sky* Oi..! *huggles Win* Heey.. ^_^ *huggles Leigh* ^_~
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : Hey L *waves*
b4f363e, 'L: *huggles back for Syyl, waves to Neah*
a89902f, Winjo: ((Who? where? what? when?))
a89902f, Winjo: ((*Huggs and stuff*))
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *is Sky btw* :-)
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: ((hello Syy,Leigh,...Won...i mean Win)
a89902f, Winjo: ((yo Bro! what's kickin' your end?))
JOIN: Apone-Eniram has entered.
b4f363e, 'L: 'lo.
JOIN: Syyl has entered.
b4f363e, 'L: *curls up on her throne, drumming her fingers against its arms*
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: Porto0 Liverpool2(Bah,I hate european footbool,The only good one is spanish and thats only because they have lots of Brasilian players)
6e1a061, Syyl: Ugh... Coffee already..
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : A queen? ohhhh can I be the princess, can I ....? *giggles*
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : footbool? err must be some new sport....
0b6ebac, *Apone-Eniram: bad typos is a new sport Sky*LOL*
6e1a061, Syyl: *is soo not going to wake up* Emails..... yup........... *siffles yawns*
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : Apone. have you seen the movie I told ya to see?
6e1a061, Syyl: *belatedly hugs Sky* Where'd ye get to?
0b6ebac, *Apone-Eniram: nope.Hey Sky check out my pic!
6e1a061, Syyl: *rubs eyes* Stiffles, even.. *pokes about for Win* Still with me, mate?
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *hugged*hugs Syy back* I wasn't here when you logged in, I just left without logging out.
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : I ain't seeing any piccy.
6e1a061, Syyl: Same here.
0b6ebac, *Apone-Eniram: well,look at it and you might!I am seeing are you Win?
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : Then you must be seeing things, tsk tsk I told you to stop taking those pills! *giggles*
6e1a061, Syyl: *just isn't with it* I'm going to head off to bed.. *smiles* Going to fall asleep here. Angel - Be mailing ya soon. ;) And you, Win. .. ;) G'Night. Take care. *huggles where wanted*
b4f363e, 'L: Bye Syyl. *huggle*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0b6ebac, *Apone-Eniram: er,Goodnight Syy...
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : Bye Angel, goodnight! *hugs*
EXIT: Syyl has left the chat ( Quit ).
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *listening to radio*
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: is there a pic now?
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : Err this silence here weights a ton, ack *brings a radio to the middle of the 'tina and raises the sound to max* hehe
b4f363e, 'L: *turns on the kickass sound system Steve installed, and blasts it way louder than Neah's little radio* *giggle*
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *didn't like the crappy thing anyway* *dances about*
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : *pokes everyone*
b4f363e, 'L: *shimmers out* BBL.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
93f0455, *Neah Kwan : Bah *goes uh.... do sumin' else*
EXIT: Neah Kwan has left the chat ( Mwahahahahahahahah ).
JOIN: Aera has entered.
7b9bab6, Aera: ...k
7b9bab6, Aera: Anybody home?
7b9bab6, Aera: There are 3 people around....
7b9bab6, Aera: ...
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
4f1c13d, Get a name!: *walsk in casually*
4f1c13d, Get a name!: dumdeedum
4f1c13d, Get a name!: *walks around the deserted bar*
4f1c13d, Get a name!: *exits*
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: hello
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: im herec
EXIT: Apone-Eniram has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: noname has entered.
0f3fc16, noname: *ponders quietly*
JOIN: Knees has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: soon as I come back from vacation, everyone leaves... *sulky pout as she crawls into a corner*
a0202de, šJezral : Where have you been to?
53d7643, 'Knees: I went to Washington D.C. ...not my choice, mind you. *was dragged there by unwavering parents*
a0202de, šJezral : Well, had fun anyhow?
53d7643, 'Knees: To a degree.
a0202de, šJezral : So you did enjoy it...
53d7643, 'Knees: :) BBL... *scampers off*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
b4f363e, Get a name!: *peers*
b4f363e, 'L: *sighs a bit*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Jezral has entered.
a0202de, šJezral : test
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: Oww...
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: *ponders the GaN, whimpers, and scurries off to a corner*
972b81c, Get a name!: Welcome to the land of the deserted.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: I don't like it.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: I dunno ... looks quite nifty to me :-P
53d7643, 'Knees: *curls up in a ball and lets out a lil sigh* tummy. *holds it*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Sore stomach *ponders* Mt remedy for that is ... um , warm milk ... it helps
53d7643, 'Knees: I'll just throw it up. *sniff*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Not neceswsarily
53d7643, 'Knees: Mmhmm. I've thrown up 5 times today.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: not much left then , it'll burn itself out by the sounds of things
53d7643, 'Knees: *curls up*
972b81c, šForexs, prophet of the apocalypse : y'know, you wont throw up if you eat toasted bread.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *pats Knees* Illness is an unfortunate part of life .. you just gotta ride it out .
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Oh .. Cay is right ... dry toast works a treat
c52e4a7, Get a name!: BTW , Hola Cay :)
53d7643, 'Knees: *patted* Erm... *ponders Cay, hugs and snuggles up to him*
972b81c, šForexs, prophet of the apocalypse : Hey Jim. :) *Hugs Knees tightly*
972b81c, šForexs, prophet of the apocalypse : Ack.. I dont have a link.
53d7643, 'Knees: Eep! No tightly... *winces since her arm is still sore from the shot she had to take today... snuggles against Cay and yawns*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Hoo boy ... slow tonight , innit
JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: 'lo 'lo Ria
58151e7, *President Zahra : *peeks in* Gack! *hugs Kneesie much*
972b81c, šForexs, prophet of the apocalypse : There we go.
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *ponders* Ryvita and Jam .. not exactly a monumental meal methinks
58151e7, *President Zahra : Jim-y? *peers* Different IP-thingy.. Oh well. *huggles and huggles*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Oh .. nifty link Cay , heheh
972b81c, šForexs, prophet of the apocalypse : :-)
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Ria-ness gently, and rests her head on Cay's shoulder*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Yup Ria , tis I in all my 'stuck in on a friday' greatness ;)
58151e7, *President Zahra : Gack. *huggles Jim-y tons*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *eyes a certain Cay who didn't even say hi to her*
972b81c, 'Cay: *Tugs knees in closer and gives her a kotc* Toast toast.. ;)
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *pats* 's OK , I ain't had a social life since the end of the holiday season :)
972b81c, 'Cay: Oh, Sorry Ria.. Hello.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *comforts Jim-y* I'll lend you mine when you come to NY. :)
58151e7, *President Zahra : It's okay.. *considers hugging Cay*
53d7643, 'Knees: *smiles softly* I doubt I could even get toast down.... *snuggles close to Cay*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Heh .. no need .. social life leads to me going astray ... and that always end up in bad things ;)
53d7643, 'Knees: My arm is numb from this damn shot... *peers down at it*
58151e7, *President Zahra : So I get to keep my social life? Woohoo!
972b81c, 'Cay: Ohhh.. :/
58151e7, *President Zahra : Erm.. *sits and thinks and gets Knees a new arm*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Indeedy Ria
58151e7, *President Zahra : Not like I actually have much of a social life. But I am gonna have a party tomorrow! *dances*
53d7643, 'Knees: *now has a new arm* Yay....get me a new stomach while you're at it, Ria-ness. :) *gives Cay a delayed kotc back*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Heh .. well , If I do become a cop , I won't need a social life .. i'll be to busy kicking criminal ass
58151e7, *President Zahra : Sure. *hands Knees a new tummy, too*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles at Jim-y* That really does sound fun!
972b81c, 'Cay: *Smile* Hehe..
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Yup , laying the smackdown on Drug dealers , pimps and thieves ... woo ,
53d7643, 'Knees: *has a new tummy and a new arm* Yay! *crawls into Cay's lap, curls up, and considers sleep*
58151e7, *President Zahra : And meanwhile setting up other people while Ria runs around rampant and commits crime! *giggles*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *nudges Ria* Gotta keep that shufty
58151e7, *President Zahra : *nudged* I mean.. um.. uh.. Did I say something?
c52e4a7, Get a name!: I dunno , did you ;)
53d7643, 'Knees: Maybe I caught this thing in D.C. ...damn Congressmen... *mumbles, closing her eyes and resting her head against Cay's chest*
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Hal
972b81c, 'Cay: *Holds knees in against him* Yea... Damn Congressmen.. The lot of them..
53d7643, 'Knees: Will you go beat them up for me, Cay? *yawning*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles*
c52e4a7, Hal: Congress = politics = badm men and women
58151e7, *President Zahra : *eyes Cay and Knees*
972b81c, 'Cay: Yeah, sure.. If you pay my trip. ;)
972b81c, 'Cay: *eyes Ria* Eh?
c52e4a7, Hal: yay ... *claps for his pic*
53d7643, 'Knees: Can my parents pay for it instead? *snuggles lots*
JOIN: noname has entered.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *keeps eyeing, but says nothing*
972b81c, 'Cay: Hehe, yeah sure. All the same. *hugs*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Oooh... *applauds Jim-y's pic*
c52e4a7, Hal: 'lo Ian
972b81c, 'Cay: *pins Ria with an Evil gaze* Mwaha..
1bc70c0, noname: "If the opposite of pro is con, what's the opposite of progress?"
972b81c, 'Cay: Hey Ian.
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs back gently, closes her eyes again, and curls up against him* No evil laughing...
JOIN: Kua Nomi has entered.
c52e4a7, Hal: digress ?
c52e4a7, Hal: Oh , no , its regress Ian :)
c52e4a7, Hal: damn colour
1bc70c0, noname: Congress.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *LOL@Ian's quote*
1bc70c0, noname: Fricken stuped analytical people completely missing the point... *mutter*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *is pinned* Bah. *un-pins herself, and keeps eyeing*
1bc70c0, noname: "If olive oil is made from olives, what's baby oil made from?"
c52e4a7, Hal: Analytical *sniggers* That Ian , my friennd , I ain't
1bc70c0, noname: *just realized he didn't make a typo; he actually spelled stupid wrong*
972b81c, 'Cay: Yea, okay, no evil laughing. :)
53d7643, 'Knees: Good, good. *kotc for non-evil-laughing Cay*
1bc70c0, noname: "I'm so great, I'm even jealous of myself."
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles at Ian some more* *curls up in a corner and eyes Knees and Cay*
1bc70c0, noname: *starts laughing maniacally*
c52e4a7, Hal: *raspberries Ian , and grins evilly* Grand Theft Audio .. I love this track
1bc70c0, noname: *needs to buy the Lincoln Park CD.. has no money*
972b81c, 'Cay: Hehe..
c52e4a7, Hal: Its OK Ian ... buy thenew Aerosmith one first , then send it to me :)
58151e7, *President Zahra : *yawns*
1bc70c0, noname: *is going to make a prop for Game tonight.... a 2 litre bottle necklace, slashed many times with a boxcutter, hung on a piece of macrame string and used as a necklace*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: Grah... *attempts to eat this macaroni and cheese her parents made for her* Gack, Ack.... Caaay. *whines*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *blinks at Jim's link* ... ... ...
c52e4a7, Hal: Whats wromg with me link ?
1bc70c0, noname: *laughs at Knees' link* Only me can prevent forest fires.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *is all disgusted and such* *wanders off*
c52e4a7, Hal: Oh oh , Death in vegas , Aisha ... this rules
972b81c, 'Cay: Ack... Toast!! *hugs and pokes macaroni away*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Nothing's wrong with the link.
c52e4a7, Hal: Thats OK then :-P
53d7643, 'Knees: *smiles strangely at Ian and hides against Cay* Should I ask my parents to make the toast?
1bc70c0, noname: *is laughing uncontrollably... sure sign of he's going to have a bad evening*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Certainly it is..
972b81c, 'Cay: Well, thats up to you.
c52e4a7, Hal: Nifty IP .. ain't seen you with that'n afore
53d7643, 'Knees: I think I will.... *doesn't want to get up... snuggles against Cay s'more and yawns tiredly*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *peers at IP*
c52e4a7, Hal: see
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *reverts back to regular colou*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: colour, even.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: My IP always changes.
c52e4a7, Hal: heh
c52e4a7, Hal: Ah well , I don't have that problem any more :)
1bc70c0, noname: Baby: The other other white meat.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *has no life, and therefore couldn't have wandered off*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Yes you do. Sometimes you're a 33, sometimes you're a C52, sometimes... *trails, shrugs*
c52e4a7, Hal: Ian , I gee yah yer money , an 'is mooojo , if you gimme yer baybah !
c52e4a7, Hal: Aye , but it narrowed down now , as sopposed to what git used to be
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *blinks* *stares*
1bc70c0, noname: What language was that, Jim? *politely*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Heh. *snickers at Ian*
c52e4a7, Hal: Glaswiegian Ian
1bc70c0, noname: Ah. *gets out his Glaswiegian to English dictionary*
53d7643, 'Knees: *thinks Cay must have wandered off without her...eyes this plate of toast her parents just gave her with a whimper*
c52e4a7, Hal: As in .. ' see you wee mon , ahl do yer knees if your no careful , ya ken ?'
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *ponders a phone call just to say "I can't understand a word you're saying" *click* *
c52e4a7, Hal: *RaE*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *eyes Jim*
c52e4a7, Hal: *eyed* What ?
c52e4a7, Hal: I'm only teaching you people some culture
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Heh.
58151e7, *President Zahra : Nothing, nothing.
1bc70c0, noname: *kicks Jim* There's culture.
972b81c, 'Cay: oi oi *Hugs knees s'more*
c52e4a7, Hal: *catches the foot , undoing his shoelaces*
1bc70c0, noname: *simply slides his foot free and kicks at Jim a second time*
53d7643, 'Knees: *eyes the toast s'more, rests her head against Cay and sniffles* Damn tummy...
58151e7, *President Zahra : Bah. *would sooo leave, if she has somewhere to go* *is sad, or pathetic, or whatever*
c52e4a7, Hal: *ducks , unleashing a savage blow at the rear of his kneecap*
c52e4a7, Hal: *pats Rai* 's OK ... we're all the same :)
972b81c, 'Cay: It'll probably be gone tomorrow. :)
1bc70c0, noname: *takes it like a man, the prosethic leg incurring no damage*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Speak for yourself, Jim.
53d7643, 'Knees: I hope so... :(
58151e7, *President Zahra : *is patted* *cries and such*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *has somewhere to go* *could go somewhere* *ponders*
c52e4a7, Hal: I always do GaN *smug grin*
JOIN: NS has entered.
c52e4a7, Hal: Woo ... i'm a pretenscious bastiche BTW ... *had fun annoying people in work today*
c52e4a7, Hal: 'lo Stalker
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Do you? The collective "we" in your statement concludes otherwise, I'm afraid.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *blinks at Jim*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Oh for the love of.. *breaks off and slinks off*
242574e, NS: Hello mortals.
c52e4a7, Hal: Aye , I speak for myself ... I just speak for others to :-P
1bc70c0, noname: This is just art's traumatic essence....
1bc70c0, noname: Hey!! Who are you calling mortal ?
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Oh for the love of.. *breaks off and slinks away*
c52e4a7, Hal: *ahem* What about us immortals Stalker :-P yer just jealous I bet
53d7643, 'Knees: *munches the toast, holding her tummy* Mmm....ouch....maybe this wasn't a good idea...
c52e4a7, Hal: Cya GaN , you'll just have to ignore me .. i'm in one of those moods *G*
242574e, NS: bah, it is interesting to see the reaction of people
58151e7, *President Zahra : *huggles NS lots*
1bc70c0, noname: Yeah? *kicks NS in the nuts*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Ah sh-t... One of those moods?
c52e4a7, Hal: *ROFL@Ian*
242574e, NS: Well that was uncalled for don't you think?
c52e4a7, Hal: Yup ... *cackles* No caffiene but still Hyper as a 5 year old with a bag of sugar
58151e7, *President Zahra : *wants to go IC*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *heads for the hills*
1bc70c0, noname: *is in a happy bouncy mood, which signifies an inpending breakdown*
c52e4a7, Hal: *ponders* IC , hmm , I have been toying with another new character idea .. dunno if he'd fit with any of yours though Ria
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Heh. *snicker*
c52e4a7, Hal: *raspberries GaN* he's a good guy .. sorta
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Eek.
c52e4a7, Hal: *nods* Thanks to the mind of garth Ennis , I once more recieved inspiration ( you can blame Ennis for Killian , since one of his characters provided inspiration there )
53d7643, 'Knees: Caaay. *pokes around for him*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: But... sorta good?
972b81c, 'Cay: Yea??
53d7643, 'Knees: You left. *sulkily*
1bc70c0, noname: *haunts*
c52e4a7, Hal: Aye .. um , a religeous freak *G* carry a big gun and see's the nekkies as the work of Satan *G*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1bc70c0, noname: Sweet, Jim!!! *loves that idea*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Uh.. but weren't you making a character like that.. same one?
58151e7, *President Zahra : *blinks some more*
c52e4a7, Hal: Yup ... read Garth Ennis' 'Just a Pilgrim' comic then ian .. its similar
c52e4a7, Hal: Naw , this one is a progression
c52e4a7, Hal: Instead of mindless killer , this guy is gripped by devout faith *G*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Heh. *has 2 chars with an official vendetta against the Nekressis*
53d7643, 'Knees: *pushes the toast away with a weird look and considers*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Gripped by devout faith.. *shudder*
c52e4a7, Hal: Theres a cool bit in the comic where this dog is running around barking like mad , and the pilgrim shoot it . Everyone is like what the hell !? And he says ... ' it had the devil in it , lucky I caught it in time ' *LOL*
1bc70c0, noname: Not always a bad thing, GaN. It just depends.
c52e4a7, Hal: I'll probably use a sketch from the comic as the pic ... really shoulda scanned one in last night when I was in my mums
58151e7, *President Zahra : *yawn*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *snicker*
972b81c, 'Cay: Toast good... *nodnod*
53d7643, 'Knees: But...but.... toast.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *drifts for a moment, lost in thought*
c52e4a7, Hal: *hands GaN a road map*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *blinks and snaps out of, eyeing the road map with confusion*
1bc70c0, noname: *haunts* ((his reply to lurks))
58151e7, *President Zahra : *is all.. ignored-ish*
c52e4a7, Hal: look just south of perdition *S*
c52e4a7, Hal: *pats ria*
53d7643, 'Knees: Ack...!
58151e7, *President Zahra : *is patted* *hugs Jim*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: South of... *looks* Aha. *blinks and drifts again*
1bc70c0, noname: *just f-ing leaves as his parents bit-ch at him time and time again* Bye all.
EXIT: noname has left the chat ( Quit ).
EXIT: noname has left the chat ( Quit ).
c52e4a7, Hal: Aw hell GaN , just get a Taxi
53d7643, 'Knees: *frowns at bit at Ian's disappearance, eyes the uneaten toast, then Cay*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *blinks again, smiles tolerately, and hums*
c52e4a7, Hal: ohhhh , tolerance ! *G*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Mmhmm.. tolerance..
c52e4a7, Hal: sorta ... humouring ... *L*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *sings* You're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off of you, you'd be like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much, at long last love has arrived, and I thank God I'm alive, you're just too good to be true, can't take my eyes off you...
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles and hugs Jim*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *arches a brow* Oh.. It's March 17th, isn't it? *G* *hugs Jim* Happy St. Patrick's Day.
c52e4a7, Hal: nifty GaN ... *hugged twice* Woo
c52e4a7, Hal: *counts* 18 hours till I can hit the bar
58151e7, *President Zahra : *hugs Jim some more*
c52e4a7, Hal: heh , thankies Ria ... *ponders* 2 bottles of wine , but no bottle opener
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Break 'em open
c52e4a7, Hal: Ah , see that leads to splinters of glass , which wreak havoc on the insides
fc76d4a, Get a name!: You just have to be careful, is all. And you don't need bottle openers to open wine that's corked. Use your imagination!
58151e7, *President Zahra : Don't drink, then?
c52e4a7, Hal: Oh I know that , but that mean I leave it open all night if I don't drink it all , plus I goota decide between then white and the red
c52e4a7, Hal: Don't drink *sputters* its St. Paddys Ria ... I'm irish ...
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Jim.. Just make sure you drink it all. *G*
c52e4a7, Hal: Yeah .. heh
58151e7, *President Zahra : Well, um.. Okay... *hangs a "Kiss Me, I'm Irish" sign around Jim-y's neck, and giggles lots*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: I mean, I'd help, but... Heheh..
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *RaE@the sign* Hm.
c52e4a7, Hal: No kissin' .. just 'Gimme all yer money , i'm an irish thug' will do *G*
c52e4a7, Hal: *narrows eyes at GaN* You trying to get me drunk ? ( like thats hard ;) )
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: And if you have no money to give?
edc1626, Get a name!: *wonders if Cay was registering* *can only hope*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Nah. *gives Jim-y a kotc* There.
c52e4a7, Hal: dunno .. um ... free stuff goes down well *G*
edc1626, Get a name!: hope=nope
fc76d4a, Get a name!: So what if I am?
c52e4a7, Hal: *kissed* Oi ... *notes he hasn't shaved , so his cheek is all rough an stubbly*
c52e4a7, Hal: Just wondering GaN :-P
fc76d4a, Get a name!: That's easily gotten 'round. Don't kiss the cheek.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles* Oooh.. Stubble..
c52e4a7, Hal: :P ... don't make get all dodgy
c52e4a7, Hal: :( I shaved my beard off earlier in the week
58151e7, *President Zahra : *peers noname* Oh, good idea.. *eyes Jim-y*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: All dodgy? *eg* I would never.
c52e4a7, Hal: *tense's*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: And stubble is a pain in the ass.
c52e4a7, Hal: Me myself and I .. woo , love this track
c52e4a7, Hal: I like my stubble :-p , it just when it get to that not stubble , not beard stage its annoying
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Aye, you've got a point there. Stubble can be sexy.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *agrees*
c52e4a7, Hal: NO ... not sexy ... scruffy
c52e4a7, Hal: I'm not sexy , i'm not cute , I'm scruffy
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Sexy.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Scruffy is sexy, too.
c52e4a7, Hal: nope .. on others maybe , on me it emphasise my scruffyness
c52e4a7, Hal: Scruffy ain't
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Scruffy is
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ooo.. Scruffy... *giggles*
c52e4a7, Hal: on other maybe .. on me , its scruffy .. period
fc76d4a, Get a name!: It's sexy. Period.
c52e4a7, Hal: not here it ain't :-P
58151e7, *President Zahra : It is too.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Aye, tis.
c52e4a7, Hal: Not .
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *EL and wanders*
c52e4a7, Hal: Christ .. i'm just plain . Not sexy , a tad scruffy , and not cute :-P
972b81c, 'Cay: Ahhh... There.
58151e7, *President Zahra : I'm sure you're gorgeous in a roguish way, Jim-y.
c52e4a7, Hal: *hides behind cay*
c52e4a7, Hal: Fricking well am not ria .
fc76d4a, Get a name!: My job... is done... *EG*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Are too, Jim-y.
c52e4a7, Hal: nonononononononononononononono !
58151e7, *President Zahra : Erm. Yes.
c52e4a7, Hal: *hides*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *eyes Jim-y*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Bah. *realizes she's never seen a pic of Jim-y.. therefore, takes all that back*
c52e4a7, Hal: Quit it .
c52e4a7, Hal: Woo ... yer forgiven then Ria]
58151e7, *President Zahra : *quits*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Oooh.. *feels very.. forgiven* *now wants to see a pic of Jim-y*
c52e4a7, Hal: *pats*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *pats right back*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *has seen a pic, so therefore won't take anything back* Have a drink, Jim. I'll make sure you finish it...
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *eyes noname* But.. but.. *wants to see a pic*
c52e4a7, Hal: WSell , I may be scanning a more recent pic than the previous one , tommorrow night
ed6d897, *Ronica : Boo.
c52e4a7, Hal: *double take* RONNIE !?
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *waves to Ronnie and smiles serenely at Jim*
ed6d897, *Ronica : No, The Easter Bunny.
c52e4a7, Hal: Oh , can I have a 'bounty' easter egg ?
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ronnie? *screams* *many many many many many many hugs*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *waves back*
ed6d897, *Ronica : Eep! *many many many many many many hugs back*
JOIN: E has entered.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *latches on to Ronnie and doesn't let go* So, how was Egypt?
c52e4a7, Hal: *blinks* E ? oh oh ... druggs are bad , mmkay
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Drugs.. *wanders*
a4880b8, *E : *blinks at Jim* Er...riiiiiiiight. *smiles and nods, smiles and nods*
cdb3aea, Get a name!: whats a good name for a women ?
cdb3aea, Get a name!: whats a good girls name ?
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *cringes* A women?
ed6d897, *Ronica : Egypt was amazing, up until the last day when I came down with a nasty case of Pharaoh's Revenge, which is akin to Montezuma's Revenge. This resulted in some of the most miserable days of my life.
c52e4a7, Hal: cdb3aea - biatch *ducks incoming thwaps*
a4880b8, *E : Oi! *hugs for Ronnie, and Ria, and GaN* ^_^
58151e7, *President Zahra : *would huggle Nigma if she wasn't clinging to Ronnie*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *hugs back for E* Hey there! How was your vacation?
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *hugs E back*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Gack. That doesn't sound like fun.
a4880b8, *E : Quite nice ^_^ I found out all kinds of interesting things, and it was reaaaally good to just get away from here for a while...
ed6d897, *Ronica : No, it's not fun at all. I havn't eaten in 2 days. But I'll be ok. :)
JOIN: Kua Nomi has entered.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Good morrow everyone....
cdb3aea, Get a name!: ment to be
c52e4a7, Hal: Good Morning Vietnam .. I mean Kua
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ack. *hugs Ronnie some more*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : What dreams may Come? I wonder often...
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles at Jim-y*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : I mean....hiya patch...
a4880b8, *E : Bah...poor Ronnie... *offers a daisy*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *takes the daisy* Oooh... thank you. Depending on the efficiency of the Egyptian postal service, you should be getting your postcard sometime in the near future.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *speaks uglu 'ol Viatnamese than stops* Oh yea, Im american....*smiles happy with this returned realization*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Oooh.....*sighs*...I have never been outa the country...Im dying to go to Europe...Although you name it in the US and Iv been there.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *dryly* There's a proud thing to be.. American..
a4880b8, *E : *metal sign* Woohoo! Very exciting. ^_^ I like getting any kind of mail, but kickass cool international mail makes for a majorly good trip to the mailroom.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *enjoyes Debussey and Fuere`*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *pales, coming to a realization of her own*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Proud above all else. American. *Says with pride and patriotism and such*
c52e4a7, Hal: Bangor Maine Kua ... been there ?
c52e4a7, Hal: *RaE@GaN*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Drove through it...Mud Season...Egh.
c52e4a7, Hal: Ocean City , New Jersey
ed6d897, *Ronica : *hugs Ria back and makes a brave and uncoordinated trip to the kitchen* I need to eat something or I'll pass out, and God forbid I deprive you people of my charming company.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : New Jersey, Been there.....I liked Princeton better.
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *slinks off to a dark corner to rethink some things*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *worries and such*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *chuckles@Ronica* I can nary live with the thought of such a catastrophy.....
c52e4a7, Hal: *raises those brows further , ponderin'*
a4880b8, *E : *searches for something sugary*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Iv had a version of Montezumas Revenge and it passes realtivly quickly. I got it in NM stayin at some Indian place...*grumbles about the dirty water*
ed6d897, *Ronica : Heres one, Kua. Been to Elkhart Indiana? *lived there, hated it*
ed6d897, *Ronica : See, I didn't get Pharoah's Revenge from the dirty water, the other way you can get it is from dehydration... *chew chew* mm... dry bread..
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Who knows! Dad drove the interstates through all the states on the mainland...I most likely drove through it if it has an interstate in it!
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Oooh, and the generel dirtyness of the food and such got to you?
58151e7, *President Zahra : Gack.
ed6d897, *Ronica : Yup. Everyone was joking how I was the group's sacrifice to the Egyptian Gods. I was not amused.
a4880b8, *E : Are you back home, Ronnie, or still out 'n about?
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Gimme some reasonable town or city and Iv passed through at least....Unless its one of those godforsaken wholes out where there are no roads...*refers to most of Nevada and the desert states*
ed6d897, *Ronica : No, I'm in Poland still. I'll be home Sunday.
ed6d897, *Ronica : I really shouldn't be up right now, but that's what you get for sleeping all day.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : And yet Europe....*Cheers loudly* FARSCAPE SPECIAL!!!! Yeaha!
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : In 10 mins the farscape special comes on ...and then the series premiure...
a4880b8, *E : Aye, I can imagine... *patpat*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Bah. Go sleep, Ronnie.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *giggles insanely in his masterfullu trained falseto*
ed6d897, *Ronica : I can't. I'm wide awake and starving. *gnaws away at her bread*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *blinks* Aera said love means sacrifice...
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ack..
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : There wouldn't happen to be any here who know what a Counter/Contra Tenor is , Would there?
JOIN: Lleld has entered.
c52e4a7, Hal: he ain't nesscessarily right
fc76d4a, Get a name!: but I agree.
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Love means sharp pointy things proddin around in yer insides for the chance to find a sole-mate....Have fun.
ed6d897, *Ronica : Soooo... Anything interesting happen while I was away?
a4880b8, *E : *sorta curious/paranoid now* Hey Jim, what was the whole "drugs are bad" greeting about, anyway?
c52e4a7, Hal: Yer handle 'E' , as in the common street nanme for ecstasy
c52e4a7, Hal: Maybe gaN .. maybe
a4880b8, *E : Not really, least, that I've been around to see, anyway...dunno.
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ronnie: Nope. Not a thing. The world stops when you're not around. :)
a4880b8, *E : Oh, true...I never thought about that, actually. ^_^
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Quote-" Always say what you mean, even if you only mean it right then. That way even if what your saying is not the truth you were not lieing"
4924d62, Lleld: (( hi *pouts* ))
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *sighs and goes back to the corner*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : Ah, quotes compliments of Kua...*bows to cheering fans*
ed6d897, *Ronica : Does it? Excellent. *low, maniacal laughter* mmwuahaha..hahaha...ha..haha... hah-ooo... *gets a little woozy... goes back to gnawing at her bread*
4924d62, Lleld: (( Ignacius put my name on his SOS list. ))
c52e4a7, Hal: *ponders*
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ack..
4924d62, Lleld: (( so, is it safe for me to come IC? ))
ed6d897, *Ronica : *pats Ria* Don't worry, it's a lot better than it was earlier. I couldn't sit up.
a4880b8, *E : Hmmm...Ronnie, my Kalle assistant has been put on the on-hold reg list...just a random piece of info...
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ack again..
c52e4a7, Hal: *giggles*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *eyes Jim-y giggling*
ed6d897, *Ronica : But see, now I can sit up. Look on the bright side. *blinks at Jim* *blinks again*
ed6d897, *Ronica : On-hold, eh? Hmm...
4924d62, Lleld: (( Ria, has Cpt. Colton or Akido been in yet? ))
c52e4a7, Hal: er .. something unrelated Ria
a4880b8, *E : I don't mind so much...I can still play her, and play her in the capacity of swamping Reev with chicks...
ed6d897, *Ronica : Oooh, that reminds me. Veronica spoke with Nadezhda about a date with Reev. Hehehe...
58151e7, *President Zahra : I don't think so, Lleld.
4924d62, Lleld: (( THanks. *judges it safe to come IC* ))
a4880b8, *E : hehehe...excellent...
58151e7, *President Zahra : *giggles*
4924d62, Lleld: (( Who's IC? ))
ed6d897, *Ronica : No one, Lleld.
c52e4a7, Hal: Safe IC ... well , I suppose *cackles*
4924d62, Lleld: (( ah...))
a4880b8, *E : *halfheartedly wishes ICness, but lazy*
972b81c, 'Cay: HAHAHA!! IC !!!
58151e7, *President Zahra : *wants to go IC, actually*
4924d62, Lleld: *looks strangely at Hal*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *blinks at Cay* You okay?
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *peers at Cay from dark corner*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *is in no shape to go IC*
c52e4a7, Hal: I ain't IC Lleld ... lucky for you *EG*
c52e4a7, Hal: Cays an hour ahead of me .. poor guy
4924d62, Lleld: *blows kisses to all* Sorry, but I have to go.
EXIT: Lleld has left the chat ( Quit ).
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *sings Falseto*
ed6d897, *Ronica : Hmm... *checks her daily horoscope for the day she got sick*
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *waits for his fans to cheer* Diiieesadeheheheoo...
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *rolls eyes@horoscope*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Jim thinks he's all big and mean and evil
ed6d897, *Ronica : Aww.. *gets all teary eyed at an email from her sister*
c52e4a7, Hal: Rolling your own ciggies is a total b*tch
c52e4a7, Hal: Aren't I GaN .. look at the eyes .. the evil staring eyes *nods*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *peers into Jim's eyes*
c52e4a7, Hal: no no .. the piccies eyes in the userlist
58151e7, *President Zahra : *ponders*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *totally unaffected by the eyes in the piccy, which she knew he was referring to* A little eyedrops'll take care of that nicely.
JOIN: Cay has entered.
c52e4a7, Hal: bah
53d7643, 'Knees: *comes back and all that...looking pale and sick-ish*
c52e4a7, Hal: new pic
fc76d4a, Get a name!: ah. you were expecting tolerance or humour? shiznit. I'll have to work on that.
ed6d897, *Ronica : *waves to Knees* *is pale and sickish as well*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie and Knees lots*
c52e4a7, Hal: yes you will young lady
ed6d897, *Ronica : Hey Ria, did you get an email from me on your birthday, or do I have to write a scathing and strongly worded letter to the e-card thing-um I used? *hugs back lots*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *never got her varification email so she isn't sure if it sent*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: That's an absolutely fab pic, Jim. *humours*
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Ronnie-ca lightly, and Ria-ness, too*
JOIN: firefly has entered.
58151e7, *President Zahra : *nodnod* I got it! It's really, really, really cute!
c52e4a7, Hal: woo
a4880b8, *E : *wonders if Val fell off the face of the earth* How long can it take to get party supplies? *ponders and explores a bit*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *needs to complain about guys in general and one guy in particular to Ronnie, eventually*
78aef9a, *firefly : *Walks in and walks to the bar*
EXIT: firefly has left the chat ( Quit ).
fc76d4a, Get a name!: heheh.
c52e4a7, Hal: Ah sheit ... running outta ciareette papers
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : ((*smug grin* ))
fc76d4a, Get a name!: you could always just chew it, Jim. *smirk*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *will be available to listen to any and all complaints Sunday or Monday, depending on how jet lag-y she is*
c52e4a7, Hal: yeuch
fc76d4a, Get a name!: *gasps at Cay*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *technically speaking, she's available now, she just doesn't have AIM*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *nodnod*
c52e4a7, Hal: At least i'm getting better at rollin'
28fd2a6, *Kua Nomi : *puts urine in an eyedropper* Use this on them eyes!
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : ((EEEKK I'm Link-Less(c) ))
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Cay some, too before curling up again*
c52e4a7, Hal: *RaE* Cay ?
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Send me one, Jim. *ponders IC*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *gasp* "Honey if you love me" isn't up on the board anymore! Noooo! Nooooo!
c52e4a7, Hal: I tend to pack 'em Myst .. loadsa baccy .. so bit harsh on the lungs .. advantage is better hit .
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : ((weee ))
58151e7, *President Zahra : Ack..
c52e4a7, Hal: Plus , roll ups don't tranfer well via modem ;)
fc76d4a, Get a name!: By the time it gets here, perhaps I'll have created a suitable enough vice.
53d7643, 'Knees: Yay...Ronnie-ca, I'm trying to get Matt to come in here and say hi.. :)
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Through snail-mail
a4880b8, *E : *flops in booth, yawning*
ed6d897, *Ronica : Ooh, the infamous Matt... *whines like a child in an email to her daddy*
58151e7, *President Zahra : *blinks*
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : (("Why do you fear time, my good old friend?" ))
53d7643, 'Knees: Infamous? Hehe.
c52e4a7, Hal: So what with the wantin' to smoke ? I'll send ya one if ya want .. but whats you smoking excuse ... mine is addiction .
a4880b8, *E : Oh...blast...being summoned. *hugs 'round* Catch y'all later. ^_^
ed6d897, *Ronica : Bye E!
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : (("At the same moment where Time is responsible for the most amazing smile, Somewhere else it covers a face with anger and sadness. Time is Good and Evil, Black & White." ))
a4880b8, *E : Seeya Ronnie! Feel better, hear? You too, Knees. ^_^
fc76d4a, Get a name!: I've already explained it to you.
53d7643, 'Knees: :) Bye, E!
58151e7, *President Zahra : Bye, Nigma! *hugs*
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Later, E. *hugs*
ed6d897, *Ronica : *wonders how she could possibly be hungrier after eating, than before* Most intriguing... and bothersome.
c52e4a7, Hal: Roight .. well , i'll get your snail mail offa you and send you one then .
a4880b8, *E : *hugs for GaN and Ria* Bye! *wanders*
c52e4a7, Hal: Bye Nigma
EXIT: E has left the chat ( Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. ).
fc76d4a, Get a name!: Woo!
a4880b8, *E : Bye Jim ^_^ *really gone, now*
c52e4a7, Hal: i'll even roll this one specially
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : ((THE BONGO SONG!! WEE ))
53d7643, 'Knees: Ronnie-ca...he's coming. *big smile*
fc76d4a, *Misty : *narrows eyes* No tricks. You'd be just enough of an ass to do something totally f-cked up
JOIN: Thomas Covenant has entered.
ed6d897, *Ronica : *is sure that the Pharoah wanted revenge because she offered the Spinx a kleenex and then laughed until it hurt, even though it wasn't really that funny* That's what you get for mocking big statues.
c52e4a7, Hal: Safri Duo cay .. what the hell , that sux
ed6d897, *Ronica : Is he? Ooooo...
c52e4a7, Hal: *looks to Tom Covenant* Nifty books ... *then back to GaN* No tricks .
fc76d4a, *Misty : Urk, a leper! *flees*
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : ((HELL NO ))
53d7643, 'Knees: Yup...there he is. *points to Covenant*
972b81c, *CayQel-Droma : ((OooOoooOOOoo.. "In the jungle!!" ))
fc76d4a, *Misty : *isn't a GaN anymore* *pats Jim*
da51f98, Thomas Covenant: Hal... just call my the unbeliever
da51f98, Thomas Covenant: Hal... Just call me the unbeliever
fc76d4a, *Misty : Hm. *studies Covenant closely*
c52e4a7, Hal: so you ain't
ed6d897, *Ronica : *waves to Thomas/Matt*
da51f98, Thomas Covenant: Heh.... ~hugs Knees~
c52e4a7, Hal: GHow about Berek Half hand Tom ?
da51f98, Thomas Covenant: ~waves to Misty and Ronica~
fc76d4a, *Misty : *smug grin*
fc76d4a, *Misty : *waves back to Matt*
53d7643, 'Knees: *hops into Covenant's lap and hugs him back* Awh, be nice, Mysty. :P
fc76d4a, *Misty : Nice? *hautily* I don't know the meaning of the word. Hmph. :P
da51f98, Thomas Covenant: geee.... what did I do to get a smug look?
ed6d897, *Ronica : He does his actions with them there wavey lines! *stabs with her pitch fork threateningly* Burn him at the stake!
fc76d4a, *Misty : Oh, no need to worry, Matt. That grin was directed to the totally sexy creature known as Jim. You would know him as "Hal". *gestures*
da51f98, Thomas Covenant: ~holds the power of the white gold, and can show action however he bloody well pleases~
fc76d4a, *Misty : *gasps@Ronnie using a pitchfork* *dies*
53d7643, 'Knees: *pokes Ronnie-ca* Shh! *snuggles up against Covenant protectively*
c52e4a7, Hal: who in all actuallity is not sexy :-P