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0ca6335,Rob : He was injected by an anti force serum.*grumbles*
4fb428c, ºV : Rob - no more big leaps... bwahahahahahaha.....but there is one good side affect.
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: Yer welcome, E. It was the least I could do. Literally.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *L@Colton* You can find anything on Ebay....It's True, It's True
0ca6335,Rob : Ohhhh.. I see Ronnie ^_^*LOL@Colton*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Well that sucks Rob...just take him to a premier medical facility to remove it...or something
0ca6335,Rob : *RaE*There is..?
4fb428c, ºV : Justin - *ROFL* Its an alien serum that got in and has merged with his body
4fb428c, ºV : Yes. You are now Khal'ya imbued
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Ah, I thought it would be something that floats in his blood stream or like...sits in his cranium V...didn't realize it actually molded with the person
683713c, *E : So you can use the zzhat...hehe...
0ca6335,Rob : Ohh.. brilliant.
ad4e403, *Misty : Woo. Took long enough *blinks*
d148521, *Eun Khryseis: *walks out and is GONE*
4fb428c, ºV : So. Find someone to teach you and youll be able to use the Zzhat and any other Nekressis equipment. The Khal'ya is a replacement of the force, thus it overcomes it.
0ca6335,Rob : OH! Brilliant!*with enthusiasim this time*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *flying-jump-super-duper-tackles Misty*
4fb428c, ºV : The bad side to that is of course you loose linkage into the force. But also makes you a walking spy machine
ad4e403, *Misty : Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! *flying-jump-super-duper-tackled* Ooof!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pauses and thinks* If someone Khal'ya imbued is 'attacked' by The Force, will it affect them anymore? Such as, let's say I tried to use the force to push Yun in his current state, would it do anything?
0ca6335,Rob : Aw.. no more fancy saber tricks...
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *helps Misty up*
4fb428c, ºV : Its full body Khalya imbuement, thus, Yun is nolonger within the force - just like an Agent or Nekressis. Shekdai human agents only have the imbuement in their souls
ad4e403, *Misty : *helped up* *blinks* Wow.. Yun Force-less... Oh, the possibilities.. *EL* *slinks off into the shadows*
683713c, *E : *eyes Myst*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What's Yun? Full body or in his soul? And if it's in the soul, will the force affect that person?
0ca6335,Rob : For now anyway, V ^_~
ad4e403, *Misty : *eyed* Urk
0ca6335,Rob : *RaE @ Misty**Sniffs*
JOIN: pH has entered.
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: well dangbarnit, I have a class. grrr.
4fb428c, ºV : Its full body in Yun
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *eyes E* You're still attuned to The Force, Ritter still has one jedi to hunt
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: Must leave, everybody take care. *hands roses to everyone*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Oh ho...that just helped me out...alot *knows how to tell if a person is Nekkie IC or not now* Woohoo!
4fb428c, ºV : And there has already been times when shekdai agents have been hit with the force.
ad4e403, *Misty : *RaE'd at too* I was kidding!!! *whimper*
683713c, *E : Er...tho I shouldn't be eyeing anyone right now...heh... *sweeps Nigma's Dark Side usage under the rug*
d148521, pH: *blinks at V* Genetic alteration doesn't work like that. You can't change his entire structure in a single requires constant reinforcement.
4fb428c, ºV : No. Your character has no knowledge of the Khal'ya. And it wont help whatsoever with Shekdai agents
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Nigma used the dark side? When? Tonight? Or in the past?
683713c, *E : *is eyed by Justin* Um...erk. *hugs Colt* Take care!
0ca6335,Rob : *Er, does likewise with Yun*
ad4e403, *Misty : *eg@E* *plots*
0ca6335,Rob : G'night Colton ^_^
683713c, *E : In the distant past...and tonight. heh.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Well, what I was thinking V, was that if Zerrick tried to use the force on someone and it didn't affect them, the assumption could be made that they are Nekkie...
ad4e403, *Misty : "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny."
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Um..and this is because of real life medicine? Yun was hit with the needles that dissolved into the serum, and destroyed his midiclorians and imbue him in the Khal'ya
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: *hugs E* You too. *doesnt' now anything about the dark side. At all. Really.*
683713c, *E : In the distant past...and tonight. heh.
ad4e403, *Misty : *hums and plots and plans and connives*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: "Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Suffering"
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: V, you actually follow that midochlorian bull caca?
52f6cf8, *Cheyla Creshkay : *slips silently through the front door*
4fb428c, ºV : Justin - Yes...but since that is on the arachnids and on the agents, it doesnt help much
0ca6335,Rob : *Is already plotting a cure*
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: g'nighters, Rob! Take it easy V, Justin, Misty and all that I missed.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Got a point V
ad4e403, *Misty : *can't believe V's using the midichlorian garbage* Bah *boycotts it*
4fb428c, ºV : Yes, But recognise I also said imbue him in the Khal;ya.That cuts off force connection anyway Dalris can do that without a serum.
JOIN: ~G Wants 2 b Colton~ has entered.
ad4e403, *Misty : G'night, Colton *wave*
52f6cf8, *Cheyla Creshkay : *turns on a dome and walks out*
d148521, pH: V: You can't do doesn't work that way. You've changed the rules again at a whim. At the beginning of this rp, it took repeated exposure to cause such a change. It's impossible, anyway. The dna won't hold the new codes unless it's constantly re-exposed to the serum.
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : *realizes this char never exited... slides out of the booth I've decided she was sitting in, having finished entering a report on what happened into her datapad, and heads for the bar*
52f6cf8, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((on a dime, too!))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *semi confused* Do you follow the midochlorian bull crap or not V?
4fb428c, ºV : pH - You are talking about the "Change into Nekressis Serum"
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: *runs out the door flailing arms wildly and singing LIKE!!... Carly Simon! "you're so vaaaiiiiinn..."**
683713c, *E : midichlorians=suckiness
4fb428c, ºV : Justin - I dont really. But I simply offer explanations on both sids on the coin
a50873f, Heroic? Colton: hee hee! **Goners**
EXIT: Heroic? Colton has left the chat ( Quit ).
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *a pained scream comes from outside* Nooooooooo!
d035d6c, ~G Wants 2 b Colton~: COLT
d148521, pH: V: Which includes the Khal'ya. Either way, it requires a dna alteration which will not hold unless there is constant exposure to the vector you're using....
4fb428c, ºV : you can ignore the midiwhatever crap, and just use the "Khal'ya overcomming and severing the link"
56542e0, Nero Herz: {slips in through the back, his clothes tattered and blood stained. He looks like he's poor and hasn't bathed in atleast 2 days. An outdated DH-17 blaster pistol hangs at his side} I can't believe I'm coming back here.
0ca6335,Rob : *Totally agrees with E and Misty*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Gotcha V...I understand now))
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Hey, what about me Rob? I was the first one to call Midochlorians bull caca in this conversation.))
0ca6335,Rob : I agree with you too ^_~
56542e0, Nero Herz: {pauses at the scream, quick to draw his blaster pistol}
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *steps through the door...looking slightly pale..*
4fb428c, ºV : *rolls eyes at pH* No, the "Change into Nekressis" serum changes you into a Nekressis thus linked you with the Khal'ya at latter stages, Please dont tell me what my race is.
ad4e403, *Mystra: *grumble*
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : *pauses as she hears the scream, recognizing the voice* What in the name of the force.... *steps towards the door, peering out* Shane?
EXIT: ~G Wants 2 b Colton~ has left the chat ( Quit ).
ad4e403, *Breana Svalich : ((*ponder*))

Pain Panic Terror Despair Anguish Doom Darkness Decay
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Plus. Lightsabers dont really exist. They are physically impossible...with what info was supplied (contradictory)
d148521, pH: V: I'm not talking about that particular serum. I'm talking about any serum which would alter dna. And dna must be altered in order to delete Force usage.
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *looks at Kalle..* Isamu resigned. I've nobody to ehad fighter defence.
683713c, *E : Oooo... *forgot* *eyes her profile to see how it looks so far*
ad4e403, *Breana Svalich : ((Erm *peers at MOTD*))
56542e0, Nero Herz: {hears Shane and walks quietly over to him, his blaster pistol still drawn but doesn't realize it} Sir...
4fb428c, ºV : I intend to have a good talk to Yun when his AIM is all better.
ad4e403, *Breana Svalich : ((Erm.. not the MOTD,then.. a /raw command. *eyes it anyway*))
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : Is that all? I was worried you'd lost your manhood again, or something... Why did he resign?
0ca6335,Rob : Ooo... nice poem ^_^
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Lightsabers don't exist? know, in a way that makes sense...I mean, how does the blade know when to stop growing?))
JOIN: BLUE HERON has entered.
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: V.........let's talk
4fb428c, ºV : Blue heron?
ad4e403, *Breana Svalich : ((Ooo.. *peers at E's profile.. immediately likes*))
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: Why are you such a dictator?
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((I believe Blue Heron is that guy you banned for 9000 seconds about an hour ago, I could be wrong so don't take my word on it V))
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : He just...I...I don't know...just...Something about a newborn son to attend!
4fb428c, ºV : LOL
683713c, *E : ^_^ It's actually a Hindu greeting...and what our yoga teacher says to us at the end of every class. hehe.
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: We all know the rules and you really need to take a chill pill.
56542e0, Nero Herz: {speaks up louder} Excuse me...
683713c, *E : *g@Myst 'n Rob* Thankee...
56542e0, Nero Herz: {speaks up louder} Excuse me, sir...
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: I just got here..been away a week
d148521, pH: V: Yes, but they're based upon something real. In other words, if you don't follow basic rules of genetic engineering, you're making the entire rp meaningless.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : (( *likes it, too... if that counts for anything* ))
4fb428c, ºV : Well...if you know the rules and abide them, you wont get banned
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : He's not the only pilot we have, Coltar... Don't have a break down over this.
ad4e403, *Mystra: *quirks a brow at BLUE HERON*
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: You need to listen to the little people..NO I see you do plenty wrong
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *looks at Nero...* I'll pay you to track him down and kill him.
683713c, *E : 'course it does, Ronnie. *G* *plans to add more stuff when she feels creative or something*
d148521, pH: *pulls out another college brochure* Washington? No....William & Mary? Maybe....
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: This is a conversation to V with me, quirk away!
56542e0, Nero Herz: {shakes his head} I'm no longer an assassin...but...I'll lead your fighter sqaudron...I need work, desperately...{makes a gesture to the torn, tattered and bloody clothing he wears}
a8193c4, Get a name!: No one fear, Leigh is here....
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : He was the best, Vila. Everybody else is green in the saddle..
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : Kill him?!
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*doesn't fear now that Leigh is here*))
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Erm....I dont do biology and am obviously not as clever as you. So sorry. But. Its alien technology. Suck on that
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: Well V ? Can you fight like a man..or a weenie and ban?
683713c, *E : *was accepted to William&Mary as an undergrad* Grrreat place...I'm halfheartedly thinking about eyeing it for grad school. heh.
ad4e403, *Mystra: Oh, in that case...
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : (( Leigh! *hugs* ))
4fb428c, ºV : BLUE HERON - I have no idea what you are on about
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *looks at Nero...* *looks back at Kalle..* Yes. Kill him. *looks to Nero again..*
683713c, *E : *waves to Leigh* ^_^
0ca6335,Rob : *RaE*Grad School...? Wassat?
a8193c4, Get a name!: *hugs back* Me! Mmph. Yeah. 'lo Ver.
ad4e403, *Misty : *flying tackle-hugs for Leigh*
0ca6335,Rob : 'Lo Leigh ^_^
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: of course not Mr.Perfecto
d148521, pH: V: You can't use that as a justification for everything. If you used that, you could simply create a bomb the size of a thimble capable of destroying the Universe and say ''It's alien technology.'' There has to be some type of regulation.
56542e0, Nero Herz: I'm sorry...I shouldn't have done's just I'm so desperate for work...{has been hiding his nervoussness this entire time}
d148521, pH: E: Is it? Hmmm....Rhodes sent me something, too.
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : There isn't anything you can do about it, Shane.
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Well.....Sun Crusher?????? That defies EVERYTHING
d148521, pH: Wtf is Gardner-Webb?
a8193c4, Get a name!: *waves back to Nigma, then is tackle-hugged* 'ello Myst. *hugs back and stuff* Evening Rob. *slight smile*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((I think pH has a point V, at some point, you should draw the line, but that's my only comment))
683713c, *E : Graduate school, 'buelo. ^_^ *chuckles* I wasn't originally planning on doing grad school...can't do it for this coming fall anyway, cuz the registration deadline is passed...but now I'm thinking about maybe doing it at some point.
4fb428c, ºV : pH has no point whatsoever, It doesnt even involve her.
ad4e403, 'Vs Little Devil: *now officially a part of V and can butt into the conversation if she wants*
4fb428c, ºV : And you all agreed that the rp would contain new technology
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: *Smacks Nero* You think way to much!
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : Experience?
0ca6335,Rob : Is it like college or something..?
ad4e403, 'Vs Little Devil: *perches on V's shoulder*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Yes V, we did, however, at what point do you draw the line? I'm not trying to argue with you here, I'm just saying, at some point, a line must be drawn))
d148521, pH: *blinks at V* Excuse me....are you saying that my opinion doesn't matter? I didn't say new technology was bad. I'm saying that you need to regulate that technology. What you've come up with is utterly fantastic, and it seems to have no rationale whatsoever.
d035d6c, BLUE HERON: Yea Nero..don't be his Butt kisser
56542e0, Nero Herz: Experience? Well...I'm currently a smuggler...I'm an ex-assassin {looks around cautiously before continue} and I've got my own ship, you wouldn't have to provide me with one
BAN: V banned d035d6c for 604800 seconds.
683713c, *E : *nods* It is college, but a step above regular college. Sometimes it's only two years, sometimes it's still four. It's for the Masters' Degree.
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*claps for V* That guy was getting annoying))
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : Yes. We'll keep our squadrons uniform...*gets a crazed look in his eye*
ad4e403, 'Vs Little Devil: Heheh
0ca6335,Rob : Ohhhh....I see ^_^
4fb428c, ºV : pH - It doesnt involve you. And FFS. Its a rp. Deal with it. There isnt any rational explanation for mant things
56542e0, Nero Herz: But...I do have something I must tell you....I'm wanted by the New Republic and The Empire...or the remnants of it...
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *looks at Kalle* What do you think?
d148521, pH: V: There is a concept behind most things. And how does it not involve me? If I'm a part of this rpg, then it involves me. All I'm saying is, have some reason behind what you create. At least get a bit of information before you go inventing these things.
ad4e403, 'Vs Little Devil: Fah.. deja vu...
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*chuckles at VLD, totally agreeing on that statement*)0
ad4e403, 'Vs Little Devil: *requires chocolate*
4fb428c, ºV : Oh ffs. Concept is easy. Khalya = big nasty hive mind like thing. Kills the force.... Serum = melds the victim into the Khal'ya. EASY CONCEPT
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : What do I think? *backhands Coltar, smacking her knuckles across his cheek* Snap out of it! And you... *sends a glare at Nero* Don't encourage him. *pulls Shane aside, tugging him over to shady spot by the 'tina wall. She whispers softly* You need to relax.
JOIN: Droid Roger has entered.
4fb428c, ºV : And sorry. I DONT want to go and study a degree in genetics to satisfy nitpickers
d148521, pH: V: No...there's no basis for it. The impression that has been given is that the dna must be altered to introduce the Khal'ya. Dna cannot be altered by a single dose of a serum.
d148521, pH: V: Then talk to someone who knows about genetics. :-)
56542e0, Nero Herz: {looks at Kalle} Well, I guess I'm not getting this job...{looks at his blaster pistol he's still holding and holsters it}
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *backhanded..* *tugged* It's to much, Vila...I can't plan defences for the whole galaxy...
4fb428c, ºV : pH - it wasnt a single dose was quite a lot. One per needle
ca1515d, Droid Roger: Demands to know where was the warning and justification of the ban As moderator you did not follow proecdure
683713c, *E : Mmm...chocolate... *wanders briefly, in search of some*
4fb428c, ºV : And self replicates...hahahahahaha....yes...thats it...there we go.
d148521, pH: V: Very well, but it was still only introduced into the system once. After the serum is flushed from the body, more doses will be required to maintain the effect.
a8193c4, Get a name!: *mumbles*
0ca6335,Rob : Milk tray all gone then...?
4fb428c, ºV : Droid Roger - I am not a moderator. Im an admin. I dont need to follow the procedures
d148521, pH: V: There, you see? You've just created something from thin air again at your own whim.
ad4e403, 'Vs Little Devil: *makes a quick ISP change again*
ca1515d, Droid Roger: You will now be reported . V you have failed to many times.
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*chuckles at V*))
4fb428c, ºV : Reported? to whom? Forexs? *ROFL*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((No V, he's gonna report to jIm!))
4fb428c, ºV : I can deadmin Jim before the complaint reaches him
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : I know you can't. Unfortunately you came to this brilliant realization a bit too late. *shakes her head slowly* I'm taking you home, when's the last time you slept?
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*L* I was just kidding V))
683713c, *E : Nono...I just had to find it. :D *retrieves it from the kitchen*
d148521, pH: *sighs and rubs temples* V....go get some sleep. Get back to the real world. And learn some basic genetics. I'm in a freshman biology class, and I know these things.
JOIN: Vs Little Devil has entered.
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Oh my god..are you implying I made up the entire Nekressis?!?!?!?!?!? THEY ARE REAL I TELL YOU
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*bursts out laughing at V*))
df920af, 'Vs Little Devil: *arches a brow at V*
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Stick your biology book up your ass
0ca6335,Rob : *L*Impressive, how do you manage to keep any cadbury product that long..?
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : Seven days, sixteen hours, twelve minutes and...*looks at his chrono* five seconds...yes. 20 seconds.
a8193c4, Get a name!: Oh, pH, cuz you're a freshman in Bio, that automatically gives you right to debase his work?
56542e0, Nero Herz: {just standing there, watching Shane and Kalle} Umm...
d148521, pH: V: Believe it or not, I don't even read the thing....genetics is one of my specialties. Now, go get sleep, and calm down.
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((I got a degree in "Stupid Arguments Made Easy!"))
d148521, pH: Gan: I know genetics. All right? What he's trying to do is completely idiotic. :-)
683713c, *E : I'm making it last. ;)
4fb428c, ºV : Hang on...Im afraid "hyperspace" is flawed.... at that speed we would die as a human body on entrance into it. We have to remove hyperspace from the rp
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Remember pH, the SW universe is much different than ours))
a8193c4, Get a name!: pH~Get over yourself! A lot of people know it. This isn't Earth, this isn't the normal piss-ass technology that we have.
4fb428c, ºV : pH - You dont do in real life roleplay do you? I can tell....
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : *blinks* Right. Come with me. Now. *grabs him by the red tie he's always wearing and pulls him towards her transport-y... thing... ( *tired* ) *
a8193c4, Get a name!: *snickers @ V*
0ca6335,Rob : I wish I had half your willpower ;)
4fb428c, ºV : Also Lightsabers produce no heat? Bollox to that. Im afraid all lightsabers will now blow up
d148521, pH: Nero: Yes, but does that mean I can say, ''Look, I've created a supervirus that makes the Nekressis melt like ice cream,'' does it?
df920af, 'Vs Little Devil: *dryly* Indeed. *re V*
4fb428c, ºV : Also. blaster shots are supposed to travel at th e speed of light. No more dodging them please
683713c, *E : *reads over the logs...takes this opportunity to randomly declare that yes, she is a natural blonde*
52f6cf8, *Shane Coltar : *dragged along*
4fb428c, ºV : Also, the force has no rational explanation either. Remove that
d148521, pH: V: Somehow, this rationale only applies when you want it to. What if I wanted one of my characters to create said supervirus? You wouldn't approve it. Why? ''Because it's impossible.''
56542e0, Nero Herz: {watches the two go and looks at the floor, shaking his head} I'm never gonna find work...
0ca6335,Rob : 'thought so ^_^
0c3109d, *High Admiral Kalle : *lalalala gone*
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Gawd... listen. Nekressis is different.... they have their own tech, their own ways.
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Actually V, the blaster shots is more a physics thing than biology/genetics))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *A cloaked individual enters, shrouded in crimson red. It moves about him wavily as he walks down the steps of the cantina. His snow-white hair pokes out in several places in the large helmet-like headband he wears, especially the top. His red scarf, under which protrudes a medium sized, orb-style, golden bell, covers his nose and mouth*
d148521, pH: V: Yes, and each individual character is different. What's to say they can't create new technology, too?
a8193c4, Get a name!: I think pH is confusing reality with a role play.
4fb428c, ºV : Nero - So? We cant exclude physics if we include biology
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Because its not "rp"
df920af, 'Vs Little Devil: *poofs*
d148521, pH: I think pH is merely trying to get some limits enforced on what V's little god-race can do before this roleplay becomes even more pointless than it already has.
4fb428c, ºV : Go and play an in real life roleplay pH
NICK: Vs Little Devil changed nick to Misty
d148521, pH: V: So when you create new technology, it's roleplay. But when we create new technology, it's moding.
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((I didn't mean it that way, if you think about it. Since blaster shots travel at the speed of light, how would you ever hear it coming? That's alot faster than the speed of sound. You'd never know it was even fired))
56542e0, Nero Herz: {looks at Tod}
4fb428c, ºV : I am proud of many ppl who are combating the Nekressis. Many have created ideas and tactics to solve problems and combat them. Thats the idea
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: They're not a god race. They can be beaten.
56542e0, Nero Herz: Do you have any work I can do? I'm desperate for credits
a8193c4, Get a name!: Oh, lookee!!! pH's head has swelled so much with her adolescence and pampering that she now refers to herself in the third person. *smirk*
0c3109d, *Ronica : Ok, no one else is bringing this poo up... maybe it means we don't care? There's no point in fighting this battle.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Walks towards the bar, searching the faces of the Cantina's patrons with luminous yellow eyes*
df920af, *Misty : *slinks into the shadows*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*actually agrees with Ronnie* *scared*))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( Hail oh "Dark Princess" ))
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: They're not a god race. They can be beaten.
a8193c4, Get a name!: *pounces idly on Mazz*
df920af, *Misty : *agrees with Ronnie, also*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((A god race would be like creating a race of creatures that are like T-1000's in Terminator 2...))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *When he reaches the bar, he gestures to the bartender for a Coruscanti Martini, then looks about more as he waits for it to arrive*
0c3109d, *Ronica : *all agreed with and stuff* Hey, all right.
4fb428c, ºV : A god race would be creating things that never die. and win every battle. The Nekressis have not won every battle
56542e0, Nero Herz: {walks up to Tod} Please sir, do you have any work I could do? I'm desperate for any work...
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: *pounced upon, idly*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Infact, they lost a major one just a bit earlier V...))
df920af, *Misty : 2 got beaten tonight.. 3.. actually
a8193c4, Get a name!: *would agree with Ver, but has had enough of pH's "holier than thou" attitude*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Looks at Nero sadly and shakes his head*
df920af, *Misty : *ponder* How to find a way to prevent soul transferance..
a8193c4, Get a name!: Oh, that looks odd. *fixes it if necessary* I'm not here to win a spelling bee, so I don't really care much about it.
4fb428c, ºV : On a larger scale, yes they destroyed the Aurora. Why? They were throughout the Aurora territory. Had been for weeks. They are linked in a hive mind (which Ive never made secret) and thus when one turned, they all turned at the same time
683713c, *E : Invent a "The Club: Soul Version," Myst? *blinks* Um... *and settles back into lurking*
JOIN: pH has entered.
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: *has decided to prove people wrong* They'll be beaten at Corellia.
4fb428c, ºV : In the end, no.. I wont go into fine detail on how everything works. I dont even know how a blaster fully works....
0c3109d, *Ronica : *hushes Mazz*
d148521, pH: Fine, V...fine. Just wait, I'll keep track of how many of my tech ideas you feel like approving.
56542e0, Nero Herz: {stares at the man for a moment} Nothing? Not even say, cleaning your home for a mere 50 credits?
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: *tired of people b,itching and whining...and not doing a damned thing to try and stop the 'unbeatable' Nekkies*
df920af, *Misty : *giggles at E* Er.. *then swipes the giggle so it never happened*
d148521, pH: Mazzik: I have one registered character! Wtf do you want me to do?!
4fb428c, ºV : God. Ask Mazz... Im helping him use info he has gained for new ships. We already have new fighters worked out
0ca6335,Rob : *Takes a poleriod of Misty giggling*Wohoo!
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Chuckles silently at Nero, then sadly shakes his head again*
0c3109d, *Ronica : How many do you think he's going to approve now ?? You're setting yourself up to fail.
df920af, *Misty : *cheers the people who fight the Nekkies* *nodnod*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( For the love of Rob people...RP or something ))
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: New fighters, and perhaps anotehr new thing...depending on when the kinks get worked out.
0ca6335,Rob : *RaE*
683713c, *E : *blinks...tries something* God?
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: You don't need to be registered to RPG>
d148521, pH: Ronnie: what is it with you people? More and more you just wanna disagree with me for the sake of disagreeing. Or yell at me because I'm happy that something good happened. I was happy when I got home....gee, Rhodes likes my academics. And I was screeched at.
a8193c4, Get a name!: Oh bother. I don't know why I try if I'm only ignored.
d148521, pH: Mazzik: You do if you're gonna fight V. He won't recognize unregistered chars in big rp's involving the Nekkies. :-)
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( Yes E? ))
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*cheered by Misty*)) {sighs and walks to the door, asking all who enter for a job}
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Then why do you come on and moan when really there wasnt anything to moan about?
a8193c4, Get a name!: *shimmers from view*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
683713c, *E : *swats Owlie* :P
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: FS, he better. My entire fighter corps will be made of unregistereds...sans one or two.
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Bye bye L))
df920af, *Misty : *mutters at Rob* Gimme that. *lunges for the poloroid*
0ca6335,Rob : *blinks*I've been used a filter..?
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( Heheh *Swatted* Ow ))
d148521, pH: V: Because I don't think you're being fair , and I really suspect that one day you might invent some superunbeatable weapon just to keep your Nekkies from being defeated!
0ca6335,Rob : Wahaha!*turns tail and legs it*
d148521, pH: And now I have to go. Unlike some, I actually sleep.
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: pH: He may be giving me a superweapon. He's being quite fair.
df920af, *Misty : *polaroid
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( Hey Misty...IM? ))
4fb428c, ºV : Actually pH. Even if the Nekressis take out the New Republic as we know it, it will simply turn into a new rebellion idea.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( Hey Misty...IM? ))
df920af, *Misty : *chases Rob, running faster*
4fb428c, ºV : pH - attempt to insult me.
d148521, pH: Mazzik: don't you start. I trust you even less.
0c3109d, *Ronica : What is it with us?? We don't want to hear you bring up sh-t every chance you get!
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: I don't care who you trust.
d148521, pH: V: I'm not insulting you! I'm telling you how I feel about this!
4fb428c, ºV : pH - Im sorry, but really. All Ive seen from you is just moaning and never any action.
0ca6335,Rob : Er... help..?*runs all over the place*
df920af, *Misty : *blinks... stumbles to a halt from chasing Rob and blinks at Owlie* IM?
0c3109d, *Ronica : Is that so wrong? That we dislike these kind of pointless arguements? You appose everything, and a lot of people are tired of it!
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*trips ROb*)) {gets punched in the gut by a man after asking him for a job} Why me...
d148521, pH: Ronnie: Well, gee....I always thought it was a good thing when colleges liked your grades. I'm so so sorry I don't meet your standards.
NICK: Tod Eule changed nick to White Owl
4fb428c, ºV : pH - and I should what? Drop everything for you? I dont revolve around you pH
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: If you hate the Nekkies so much, try and stop them, FFS!
723ff5a, Get a name!: Yes Misty do you have IM? Over here Rob!
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
0c3109d, *Ronica : I'm not talking about your grades, I could care less who accepts you. I'm talking about your goddamn arguements with V.
d148521, pH: V: I HAVE ONE CHARACTER! What do you want me to do?! You took away the char who was leading a faction and the one who was a hybrid.
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
d148521, pH: *picks up her pile of college brochures and strolls off*
0ca6335,Rob : *Blinks and bellyflops into the floor*
df920af, *Misty : Yes I have IM. *looks around* Oh, ever'one here has my IM name. Hehe. But I'll need one in return, Owlie.
EXIT: pH has left the chat ( Quit ).
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Over here Rob!
4fb428c, ºV : w00t, She has gone
683713c, *E : *beats her network as it dies...again*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Sure
df920af, *Misty : *just as Rob bellyflops, tackles him, yoinks the polaroid,and runs off*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Sorry about the getting around the filter stuff, just a smite bit pissed off there))
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: *chortles at pH*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Onigear is my name...*Tackles Misty and wrestles the camera away from her*
0ca6335,Rob : Aw.... I wanted to sell that to a tabliod..
52f6cf8, 'Mazzik: w00t!
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*realizes he's RPing by himself and sighs*99
56542e0, Nero Herz: ))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Or developing picture*
df920af, *Misty : My IM is La Mystra. And it doesn't matter who knows cuz you have to be on my list to see me ^-^
4fb428c, ºV : Nero - For once, I totally agree with you. pH tends to get ppl to break the rules...even me
JOIN: Andy has entered.
df920af, *Misty : *cannot have the picture taken.. has landed on top of it from the tackle, and will not give it up* Nooooo
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*tottaly agreed with* Woohoo!))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Bah...and your not going to add me? *Pout*
df920af, *Misty : *fwaps Owlie* I just did!
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Very well! Ready the camera Rob! I will provoke a giggle! *Mercilessly Tickles Misty*
683713c, *E : *slips off, rather than fighting with it again tonight* *hugs 'round, in case she doesn't return* ^_^
6c9b335, 'Andy: *blink*
df920af, *Misty : *gets away from Owlie.. isn't ticklish.. hugs E back*
4fb428c, ºV : *vents one word out his system* B|tch!
df920af, *Misty : *glares at V* I'm offended.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Curses* Rob damnit...
0ca6335,Rob : Aww...*huggles kiddo back*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((*pats V* That's right, let it all out))
4fb428c, ºV : lol
0ca6335,Rob : *Blinks*Wha....?
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((He uses "Rob" instead of "God" in his sentences, Robobobo))
0ca6335,Rob : Hehehe.. thats very flattering, but I don't see why
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( Quit ).
df920af, *Misty : *wanders off and burns the pic*
56542e0, Nero Herz: ((Well, my dad's an batty 'ole, so I'm outta here))
56542e0, Nero Herz: {turns and leaves}
EXIT: Nero Herz has left the chat ( Quit ).
723ff5a, 'White Owl: To avoid arguements from atheists Rob
df920af, *Misty : *blinks after Justin* well.
0ca6335,Rob : Ohhh.....*blinks*Why 'Rob' tho..?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Convenient 3 letter word
0ca6335,Rob : Ahh....okay then. ^_^
0c3109d, *Ronica : Anyway, I'm off to bed.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Its off to never never land
df920af, *Misty : G'night, Ronnie *hug*
0ca6335,Rob : G'night Ronnie ^_^
0c3109d, *Ronica : *hugs back* Thank you. Goodnight to all of you, too. :)
df920af, *Misty : *blinks* *yawns* *shivers*
0ca6335,Rob : Gah.. I gota reboot...
df920af, *Misty : Heheh.. see ya in a bit, Rob ^-^
723ff5a, 'White Owl: New word----Root: Klave: Klavish (klaah•vish) : Coolness defined by a underlying need to kill, Aggressively homicidal but without psychotic tendencies, EX: Hannibal Lecter was a klavish sort of fellow
df920af, *Misty : *lol*
4fb428c, ºV : eat
723ff5a, 'White Owl: eat?
4fb428c, ºV : ag it posted.... lol now then
723ff5a, 'White Owl: now that you mention it...I am hungry
df920af, *Misty : *peers at the European folk who are still awake* Weird.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: So V...what do you think of the new word?
4fb428c, ºV : ack. pH kept me up
4fb428c, ºV : fs...I have to be up in 3 hours
EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( "Hello, you've reached the winter of our discontent" ).
JOIN: Rob has entered.
df920af, *Misty : Klave's all sexy and such. *nods* The epitome of evil, but in a good way. The kinda tall, dark and handsome guy you wouldn't take home to meet the 'rents.
df920af, *Misty : wb, Rob
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Ah...add that to the definition too
4fb428c, ºV : least I have rp to do with Klave
df920af, *Misty : *G@Owlie*
9be0e8e,Rob: Thankyoo ^_^
723ff5a, 'White Owl:
4fb428c, ºV : I have rp to do with Klave. AND I HOPE YOU ALL READ PART III OF THE NEKRESSIS HISTORY
df920af, *Misty : Angel's the sorta tall, dark and handsome guy you wouldn't take anywhere, cuz he's a psycho.
df920af, *Misty : *has already read it :P* *proofread it, in fact*
4fb428c, ºV : I will do part IV tommorow hopefully
9be0e8e,Rob: Whats the addy...?
df920af, *Misty : But a cute.. er.. roguish psycho. *nods* *G@Rob* Yer welcome
df920af, *Misty : Uh.. and Malus is taller and darker and handsomer and sexier than the lot of 'em. *blinks*
4fb428c, ºV : link
df920af, *Misty : *slinks into the shadows and her memories*
9be0e8e,Rob: Okay, I don't have the coherence to read it now, so I bookmarked it ^_^
4fb428c, ºV : hehehe. Part IV - Strikeback
9be0e8e,Rob: *Yawns hugely*Weell... with 'Nigma gone offline, there isn't much point in me staying awake much longer..
df920af, *Misty : *sneaks off to do another quick ISP change, now that she's done downloading*
df920af, *Misty : *hugs Rob 'fore she goes, in case he's not here when she gets back* G'night
4fb428c, ºV : i.e The Ekishzai mentioned in part II go "eh?"
4fb428c, ºV : gtg
9be0e8e,Rob: *Hugs*G'night ^_^
4fb428c, ºV : *hugs Rob back* Good night
4fb428c, ºV : heh
4fb428c, ºV : *leaves a hug for Myst*
9be0e8e,Rob: *Blinks*
EXIT: V has left the chat ( fs...I hate fake uni visits... ).
2b34c0f, *Misty : *wanders back after beating her ISP into oblivion*
9be0e8e,Rob: Hehehe...G'night Misty..*Hugs Misty this time and eyes V*
2b34c0f, *Misty : *chuckles at V and Oooooo... has had a hug left for her* Woo! *takes the hug*
2b34c0f, *Misty : *G* G'night, Rob.
EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( Two NeKressis with one stone.. yeah, I'm bad...*struts out* ).
2b34c0f, *Misty : *lol@Rob*
2b34c0f, *Misty : Well. *left alone* *ponders and wanders off, to be afk.. shall return at some point, maybe*
JOIN: MArc Harding has entered.
19f5a1f, *MArc Harding: *pokes around* Anyone still here???
2b34c0f, *Misty : *poked* Ouch. *flies at Marc and tackles him*
2b34c0f, *Misty : hehehe. *has found new secret weapon* Woo. *slinks back into the shadows, trailing evil laughter behind her*
JOIN: Bryt Forrde has entered.
JOIN: KJ has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ooo
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: *enters the cantina in the silent but deadly manner, scans the cantina his Mandalorian helmet acessing the target list,*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Is that Talon?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((Talon Karrde?))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : no... nevermind
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *sigh*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Who are you then?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((sorry, for not being Talon))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Oh, that's fine.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : But do I know you?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((I am everyone, I am no one))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *sigh* That tells me nothing
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Well, if you're not on my AIM list, then I guess I don't know you.
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((exactly))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Coolies. Do you know me?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((i don;t know u either so I guess that makes us even))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Awsome. That makes you the only person in here that I could possibly trust...
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ture
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: er, true))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Yay =) *hugs*
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: I am a man of honor
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Does that include integrity?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: *accepts hugs a complete stanger*
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: (((trustworthy, loyal helpful, friendly courteous....sorry flashback to boy scouts))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ooo... my uncle is a scout master, my three cousins are in scouts and my dad and all his brothers are Eagles
3d4b4e1, *KJ : So does that mean you're older than 18?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: (('twould seem))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : You're not going to tell me how old you are?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((21))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : I mean seriously, the only guys in here over 18 are Rob and Andy, and while Rob's a hottie, he's taken, and Andy is not my type...
3d4b4e1, *KJ : 21... *gapes*
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: yeah i'm an old fart compared to most the ppl in here
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Yeah, well, I'm 19 and I feel ancient sometimes. *sigh*
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((I'm gonna be 22 in 2 weeks...its scary))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Hehe... cool. Do you drink?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: u betcha
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Darn
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: *sips red Dala wine from helm dispenser*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Why do I feel like the only college student that doesn't drink or engage in sexual activities or smoke or party or... blah?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: ((i never drank that much in college either))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *sigh* Kids in the hall teaching the exchange student bad words...
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Oh my gosh, now they're teaching him about PMS...
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: Kids in the Hall...funny show
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: not as funny as clssic SNL though
3d4b4e1, *KJ : ergh
3d4b4e1, *KJ : So... where do you live? West Coast?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: east...near Baltimore, Md))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ah... cool. My dad's from there.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : I'm from Seattle
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: cool
3d4b4e1, *KJ : link
3d4b4e1, *KJ : =)
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: I want to visit Seattle...i watch Dark Angel
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Hehe... I have the same stats as her... did you click that link?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: yeah
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: Manticore
3d4b4e1, *KJ : That's my site
3d4b4e1, *KJ : I just started the Manticore site though, but the Dark Angel Seattle one is pretty developed
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Sign my guestbook!
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: Awesome...I want to create a DA RP room
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ooo... you know, I could get one here...
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: that would rock
44a8b3f, Get a name!: Bah! I want to play Donald Lydecker...
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Awsome... do you have AIM?
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: I have Y Groups email group but i want alive chat
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: yes
3d4b4e1, *KJ : I'm Max!
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: I already have someone as Deck
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *claims it cause she has pics, the same stats, etc* =oP
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: and I got dibs on Logan
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Okay, anyone that wants this RP chat, email me at
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: IM--- Concord327
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Is Malthis here?
44a8b3f, Get a name!: Yes, me. I'm here already...
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Okay I thought so =)
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: Malthis Oriban...aka Mike is playing Lydecker in my group
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ooh, I could really set this up... *G* I just hope Jez or whoever lets me...
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: do u really look like Max?
3d4b4e1, *KJ : I'll talk to him tomorrow =) I left Jez a message on AIM
3d4b4e1, *KJ : er... on ICQ
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: cool
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Nah... more like Natalie Portman for features, but my little sister looks a LOT like Max
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
50e4c15, Bryt Forrde: i'm gona go to IM and leave this place
3d4b4e1, *KJ : ok.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : =) This is exactly something I needed... something to do.
JOIN: Typhonis has entered.
2b34c0f, *Misty : *ponders*
2b34c0f, *Misty : *goes back to being afk-ly*
89572fe, Get a name!: Hmmmmmm........
6e1a061, Get a name!: *hiccup*
JOIN: KL has entered.
a9b9f68, KL: *glances in*
JOIN: Apone-Eniram has entered.
a9b9f68, KL: anyone here?
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: Ola peeps
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: Kl?!
a9b9f68, KL: *G* 'sup?
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: ola! whats on?
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: no much!
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: You?
a9b9f68, KL: not much. Just checking to see if anyone was in here
570cd5b, *Apone-Eniram: ops got go
a9b9f68, KL: bye
JOIN: Ace has entered.
570cd5b, Ace: Back!
570cd5b, Ace: sorry to live ya here but where i was i could only be for 20 minutesd and i was like an hour or so! io changed comp now im back but not for long! what on?
570cd5b, Ace: bah!*gone*
EXIT: Ace has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Misty has entered.
769bd8f, *Misty : Bah. *eyes chat* curse you for being empty.
769bd8f, *Misty : *slinks off, muttering*
EXIT: Misty has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: It's GaN! Whoever GaN is!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *reading Yun/E vs. The Agents/Dalris from yesterday*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: This is damn long
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *still reading*
d331ad4, *Misty: *mutters and slinks back.. slinks into her corner.. curls up on her pillows... sews.. yes, f-cking sews.. deal*
d331ad4, *Misty : *notes eaten entrance* Woo
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pats Misty*
d331ad4, *Misty : *patted* *resists urge to bit*
d331ad4, *Misty : *bite, rather*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pulls back hand* Problems?
d331ad4, *Misty : Not at all. *shortly* Just tired and extra b-tchy.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Extra B-tchy? *runs and hides*
d331ad4, *Misty : Yes, that's right. Extra b-tchy. *mutters* and you'd better run, too.
JOIN: Lynda Brythe has entered.
4b98156, Lynda Brythe: *Looks around*
JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Allo! *still reading the fight*
d331ad4, *Misty : *ignores colour thieves, imposters, and trouble makers*
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: 'sup ppl?
4b98156, Lynda Brythe: Well Hi Justin *sneers at the rude one*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: "d89d80a, *Misty : one of the GaN's is Justin, I'll bet. " I'm not a wussy, I don't hide behind "Get a Name!"
d331ad4, *Misty : *smirks at the unwelcome one*
4b98156, Lynda Brythe: *Eyes Glare as if one can see the color before you enter* ~snickers at the brainless twit~
4b98156, Lynda Brythe: Hey Knight..
d331ad4, *Misty : Absolutely glad you cleared that up, Justin. Now we can all sleep better at night.
d331ad4, *Misty : *idly* and just because there isn't an admin currently in the chat, doesn't mean I can't get one in here. Don't piss me off, "Lynda"
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yes Misty, yes we can.
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *nods* hi
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Misty.
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: oh bah...BBL
4b98156, Lynda Brythe: What to get the one you cyber..gone..
EXIT: Lynda Brythe has left the chat ( Quit ).
MSG: Misty sent a message to Justin Sane.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: cyber gone? That's a new insult
d331ad4, *Misty : Goddamnit, she's all too easy. What I wouldn't give for a real fight. F-cking wuss.
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Misty.
d331ad4, *Misty : Oh, she meant for me to run and get V.. she assumes I cyber with him, you see.
MSG: Misty sent a message to Justin Sane.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Oh ho, I see
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: But you can't be cybering with V, cuz V's all mine!
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Misty.
d331ad4, *Misty : Yes, a shame that. *shrugs* Ah well.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Weee
d331ad4, *Misty : *smirks at Justin* That's what makes it obvious.
a9b9f68, *KnightLance : back
d331ad4, *Misty : WB, Lance. *wave*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *chuckles at Misty*
a9b9f68, *KnightLance : thanks
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I'll keep that in mind for future times Misty
d331ad4, *Misty : Indeed. ^-^
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey, it's eating my posts...
d331ad4, *Misty : Ah.. well.. I'm not posting anything for it to eat. Simple solution.
3235147, Get a name!: You are all my children :P hooo hah !
d331ad4, *Misty : Not
3235147, Get a name!: 'fraid so
d331ad4, *Misty : 'fraid not. *jabs Jim with her sewing needle.. yeah, needle.. and then goes back to sewing*
3235147, Get a name!: Whatever .. *opens his ice cold Carlsberg* mmm
d331ad4, *Misty : *arches a brow* Has it really been a month already?
3235147, Get a name!: Feb is a short month ... anyway , less about me and um , abstenances *G*
d331ad4, *Misty : *growls at train of thought and promptly pricks herself with her needle* FECK!!!!!!!!!! I suppose you're smoking again too.
3235147, Get a name!: And Carlsberg tastes sooooooo good *drinks* Ahhhhh
3235147, Get a name!: er ... shush , um ... I got torilla chips and dip *beams , changing the subject*
d331ad4, *Misty : Ah yes, good save. You've totally fooled me. Brava.
3235147, Get a name!: oh , Tortillia even
d331ad4, *Misty : Ah yes, good save. You've totally fooled me. Brava. At this rate you'll have no trouble hitting that cut-off date.
3235147, Get a name!: :P , shush , I did a good deed today ... I deserve allowances
d331ad4, *Misty : Oh, a good deed? You should be martyred.
3235147, Get a name!: I hope that isn't an offer ...
d331ad4, *Misty : Dammit. *puts away the big f-cking rocks she was getting ready to bludgeon Jim with* *goes back to sewing*
3235147, Get a name!: *RaE* Methinks not even double chocolate fudge could solve that quandry ...
d331ad4, *Misty : Methinks you're probably right. I suppose I didn't give you ample warning. I'm extra b-tchy today. Consider yourself warned.
JOIN: Scorpio has entered.
3235147, Get a name!: *S* Sure .. plus i'll consider the irony ...
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
d331ad4, *Misty : *RaE* The irony?
ea79371, Scorpio: ...
a8d5e67, Get a name!: be it that time of the month, Misty? :-p
3235147, Get a name!: I hit hyper , you , quite the opposite
d331ad4, *Misty : It fecking well is not! *thwaps Jim*
3235147, Get a name!: *shushe's GaN*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *chuckles at GaN*
a8d5e67, Get a name!: teehee...
d331ad4, *Misty : It fecking well is not! *thwaps GaN... doesn't care who it is.. thwaps*
3235147, Get a name!: *raises a non amused eyebrow* Quit it you two .
d331ad4, *Misty : Bah. *doesn't find that irony the least bit amusing* *pricks herself again with the sewing needle* *mutters a long string of curses*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What? I'm just laughing, I thought it was funny
3235147, Get a name!: You should know by now that if you play with fire you'll get burnt :P
d331ad4, *Misty : *takes back the thwap cuz she's not violent b-tchy, just verbally nasty b-tchy*
JOIN: Scorpian has entered.
ea79371, Scorpio: Imposter
EXIT: Scorpio has left the chat ( Quit ).
ea79371, Scorpio: Scorpian-Imposter!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *puts Duct Tape over jIm's mouth*
ea79371, Scorpio: its so quiet in here
3235147, Get a name!: *flips Justin and kicks him where it counts*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *is T2, invincible*
3235147, Get a name!: *is he f-ck*
a8d5e67, Get a name!: *kisses Mystra on the cheek and apologizes profusely* sorry, it's me, Stil'...
d331ad4, *Misty : *mutters at Stil* arse
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: "3235147, Jedan: (( I'll remeber that Myst .. next time Justin attacks you OOC )) " Oooh....*el*
ea79371, Scorpio: *enters the cantina and walks over to the bar*
d331ad4, *Misty : Don't get your hopes up, Justin. Jim'll defend me.
d331ad4, *Misty : I fireball would melt T2 nicely. *hiss*
ea79371, Scorpio: *leans against it, scanning the room*
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Sorry Stil
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: A rather large fireball
3235147, Get a name!: *EG@Justin*
ea79371, Scorpio: doesn't anyone RP in here anymore?
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: *makes pouty face ad M*
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: erm - (at M)
d331ad4, *Misty : A nice pit of lava opening up beneath Justin would suffice.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *will be fighting with Omicron soon if Mazzik get's his white naked ass in the chat*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, that would be suffice...*learns to fly* Muhahaha
d331ad4, *Misty : Bah. *forgives Stil*
ea79371, Scorpio: Justin-(i see))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Weee...*test* Ferion
ea79371, Scorpio: (just wondering)
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: So Jez did wipe that filter out
d331ad4, *Misty : T2 can't fly, you dolt. *thwaps Justin*
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *upgrades to T2 Beta Version*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Tacklehugs Misty*
d331ad4, *Misty : *tacklehugged* Feck!
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Gotcha! *w* *Runs away*
d331ad4, *Misty : *gets to her feet, using a nearby Jim for support, and glowers at Owlie as he runs away, muttering* Coward
ea79371, Scorpio: i can sting like a mutha *draws Stingbeam from concealed holster in a graceful gesture and spins it on his finger, then stashes it just as quick*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Skids to a halt* ....WHAT?!
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
d331ad4, *Misty : *glower* You heard me
ea79371, Scorpio: *orders an Imperial City Iced tea*
ea79371, Scorpio: ((red, white n partriotic))
3235147, Get a name!: thats what she said *nods*
8429b76, 'Mazzik: I'll be right back. *skitters off to the F-word game*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Bring it...*Nonchalantly*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: How much does it cost to buy Misty vs. Whitey on PPV? 29.95? 19.95?
d331ad4, *Misty : *would so kick Owlie's ass, if she were in the mood.. but isn't.. leans on said nearby Jim instead, scowling darkly*
3235147, Get a name!: Heyyy , you got fight of the week last night people
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Aw *was looking forward to misty vs. whitey*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: jIm, I think that's fight of the year...
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: .....*Considers taunting*
ea79371, Scorpio: *takes his drink over to a booth and slides in watching the crowd*
d331ad4, *Misty : That's right, and best "couply-type-fight" can't happen 'til I get Mystra back.. fs.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*sits and waits for Mazzik to get his white ass back here*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Sorry bout that Misty...I tried...
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: *yawns* I was up at 5:40 AM this morning to get to work. It sucked.
8429b76, 'Mazzik: That fight last night ruled you, Justin.
d331ad4, *Misty : Poor Stil
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*gives jIm and Mazzik "Fight Of The Year" statuettes*))
d331ad4, *Misty : *pats Owlie and muffles a yawn*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Where's V, Rob and E? Hell, where's Rohnan and Mavei?))
ea79371, Scorpio: *sips his tea and looks round for the guy of his dreams*
3235147, Get a name!: woo
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: The...wha-?...
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: The...wha-?...
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Guy of his dreams? You got a gay character too?))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*jIm's statuette is gold, Maz's is silver, since jIm actually lived*))
ea79371, Scorpio: white- you know the first time I ever came here I thought this was a gay chatroom
JOIN: Ronica has entered.
ea79371, Scorpio: ritter-((yep))
8429b76, *Omicron : *sits perched atop the bar*
d331ad4, *Misty : Gay characters are so passé. there are four. that's enough
ea79371, Scorpio: Ritter-((your C is gay?))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((You will die))
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: Cool. A gay RP'er. *LMAO* "Not that there's anything wrong with that."
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Uh, no...but one of Ronnie's is....))
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: Scorpio and Ritter - a match made in heaven...
ea79371, Scorpio: ((actually I'm switch hitter IRL))
47439e7, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *winks* Prrrrowr... *is Ronnie's gay character* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {growls as he spots Omicron on the bar...angry abou the other day} ((*takes back jIm's award* Insult me and you get no award))
d331ad4, *Misty : *snickers at Jim, and Stil*
8429b76, *Kraychen : ((*is Mazzik's homophobe*))
d331ad4, *Misty : *waves to Ronnie*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Uh whoops *sorry the generic colored text, figure it was jIm and not Stil*))
ea79371, Scorpio: *watches Dr.Defloye enter*
NICK: Kraychen changed nick to Omicron
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: "Princess of Darkness" *L*
3235147, Get a name!: heheh ... I rule
d331ad4, *Misty : *claims Jim For Entertainment Purposes Only* erum.. *is tired, so therefore should be forgiven for any such comments in the future*
47439e7, *Ronica : DeFloyé didn't enter, sorry to ruin your fun. *waves back to Misty*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*also should have mentioned that Ritter is deep in the shadows, his eyes are slits so can not be seen*))
ea79371, Scorpio: ((oh well))
8429b76, *Omicron : *smiles to himself and shakes his head, ordering a bottle of whiskey*
3235147, Get a name!: Oh oh ... *is claimed*
8429b76, *Omicron : ((FS))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*is off the ball right now*)) {hisses, pacing stealthily and slowly, watching Omicron...waiting}
JOIN: Gaylord Blayde has entered.
8429b76, *Omicron : ((There))
8429b76, *Omicron : ((No! Away!))
d331ad4, *Misty : Eheh
47439e7, *Ronica : Stupid headache.. Stupid society teacher... Stupid report card... Stupid cat in my face.. *pushes the cat aside*
JOIN: Knees has entered.
3235147, Get a name!: *whimpers , even though he is a badass*
8429b76, *Kraychen : *steps through the door, six foot three inch frame covered by a long black duster*
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *Slides the door over ever so slowly so his hair doesn't mess in the wind*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*puts on some fight music...."La Resistance Medley"*))
d331ad4, *Misty : I think it would be really fun to go on a killing spree, but I... don't have the proper character atm
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Deia seems proper))
8429b76, *Kraychen : *steps through the door, six foot three inch frame covered by a long black duster*
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *His perfect face shadows in the darkly lit room*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Or when Mystra gets back she can go on a "I'm really pissed off now" killing spree))
ea79371, Scorpio: Gaylord- hey, ssexy...
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: *ROFL* Stiletto as a gay character - Gaylord Blayde. *ROFLMAO*
3235147, Get a name!: awh
3235147, Get a name!: Lose the Gaylord name ... now ... no bashing .
ea79371, Scorpio: *winks at Blayde and motions him over*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: much would you pay to see Misty vs. the Galaxy? $29.95? 19.95?
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *his tight black leather pants..begins to he views Scorpio*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*smashes Whitey* And that's not what I said either, you missed it completely))
8429b76, *Omicron : *brushes a few strands of his black hair out of his sunglassed eyes*
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: Where's (V)i#h when you need him to rant homophobic sentiments... *sigh*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
d331ad4, *Misty : Or when Mystra gets back she can find Angel and beat him.
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: (gaylord is a name and I am not bashing anyone)
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {looks at Gaylord Blayde, annoyed by the man and fires off his automatic slug thrower (think Tommy Gun) at him}
53d7643, 'Knees: Ewww....
JOIN: Jim has entered.
JOIN: V has entered.
ea79371, Scorpio: white- Please, honey, he's just my lady i let him go by the name gaylord
d331ad4, *Misty : And "Gaylord" is a perfectly legit name.
47439e7, *Ronica : *eyes V and Jim* My heroes.
a8d5e67, Sorry Stil: Blayde - that's too risque for here, man. Tone it down.
3235147, ºJim: Lose it , and even think of Cyber-ing and your sooooo dead
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: (I am gay..Do you have anything to add)
ea79371, Scorpio: what the hell?
ea79371, Scorpio: lady
47439e7, *Ronica : *waves to Knees*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*notes he just fired about 20-30 bullets at Gaylord from pretty much point blank range*))
ea79371, Scorpio: b!tch
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: I'm actually glad to see V in all his klavish glory...*L*
d331ad4, *Misty : *also waves to Knees*
8429b76, *Kraychen : *brushes a few strands of his long balck hair from his sunglassed eyes*
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *Swings his jacket over his shoulder and slides over by Scorpio*
3235147, ºJim: I don't care if your Gay , Bi or hetero ... don't be at that cyber crap ... period
d331ad4, *Misty : *snicker@Owlie*
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Jim.
7a02f3d, ºV : chaos reigning here? Can I not leave people alone for more than a few hours?
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *hands him a note..from the Empress*
8429b76, *Omicron : *shrieks at the sound of gunfire*
ea79371, Scorpio: hey we are just mild compared to the smut that usually takes place aroun dhere
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Uh...Blayde, you do realize you were just shot at, many times from point blank range, right?))
d331ad4, *Misty : Yes, we're just bad children, V. Punish us. *dryly*
ea79371, Scorpio: *takes the note* aw, Queen Gerardo has sent me a sweet
NICK: Sorry Stil changed nick to Stiletto
3235147, ºJim: Not on my watch .. what about you V , far i know you don't let rampant cybering occur either .
53d7643, 'Knees: *waves to Misty and Ronnie-ca*
ea79371, Scorpio: ((mild= er no pun intended))
d331ad4, *Misty : You can't shoot at point blank if you're deep in the shadows. are you deep in the shadows? Perhaps I missed a post
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Hmmm...*Reminded of "Mony Python's:Search for the Holy Grail" by Misty's post*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Smut? What kind of Smut happens here? Alot of violence happens here, but no smut))
ea79371, Scorpio: ((who's cybering? isn't the peurpose of a bar or cantina to meet somebody?))
7a02f3d, ºV : Myst - Time for your spanking then :oP
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Yeah, but The Cantina is kinda small ya know, and even so, he'd never hear the shots coming...bullets are faster than the speed of sound))
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *Wraps his arm over Scorpio's shoulder* (For the perverts a gesture of hello)
53d7643, 'Knees: Oooh..Monty Python... *waves the tape in front of Mazzi's face*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Hugs Knees*
ea79371, Scorpio: White-((bring out your dead!))
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: I see smut..Spankings...
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Owlie, too*
ea79371, Scorpio: *hugs Blayde and gives him a kiss on the cheek*
d331ad4, *Misty : Feck.
3235147, ºJim: *hands it over do Justin* Do your thang .. its over two minutes
ea79371, Scorpio: hiya
7a02f3d, ºV : Blayde - Hello to you. I am the administration in this establishment. Whether you chat here is up to me. Dont quest my authority
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Scorpio-...?
a8d5e67, Get a name!: ((*waves to V* How was work today? ))
7a02f3d, ºV : Blayde - Hello to you. I am the administration in this establishment. Whether you chat here is up to me. If you cant tell the different, I am "out of character"
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Spankings qualify as smut?
ea79371, Scorpio: ((u were talking about MPATHG))
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: The Empress request your presesence tonight at her latest Fashion show..its going to be mode*
7a02f3d, ºV : Blayde - Hello to you. I am the administration in this establishment. Whether you chat here is up to me. If you cant tell the different, I am "out of character"
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Owlie, too*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Scorpio- Oh...sorry...wasnt really ready for that *L*
JOIN: Stiletto has entered.
3235147, ºJim: *points to V , raspberrying gatlord* Thats my boss :P
ea79371, Scorpio: spanking is an art where I come form
3235147, ºJim: gatlord ... quite obviously not enough carlsberg
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Crud. Same Question applies, V. ))
7a02f3d, ºV : Work???
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*smiles coldly*)) {The bullets peirce threw Blaydes directly square through the back of his head, one threw the upper left corner of his back, shooting through his insides and coming out the other side, peirced his heart. The other bullets slice his torso into nothing more than swiss cheese}
d331ad4, *Misty : *0wnz admins*
ea79371, Scorpio: you know I'll be there...does she have need me to run an errands for her?
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: (this is a closed RP )
d331ad4, *Misty : *gives sexual favours, you see*
ea79371, Scorpio: ritter-((hey stop shotting my lover))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Where the hell is Omicron?))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Misty: Ah...I see
3235147, ºJim: To right its closed ... death does that :P
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Your "lover" is dead....non-registered characters can't declare closed RPs))
7a02f3d, ºV : Myst - You owe some
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *Smiles at him* Her order at Victoria Secrets arrived..
d331ad4, *Misty : Patience, I'm under Jim atm
8429b76, *Omicron : *shrieked at the sound of gunfire about 5 minutes ago*
ea79371, Scorpio: ((i'm not registered either))
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((PC World, V? Or isn't that appropriate conversation for here? ))
3235147, ºJim: Er , I tripped .. honest ...
7a02f3d, ºV : Scorpio - You have quick perception
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: {Ritter UH Duh..your not registered!!!}
ea79371, Scorpio: like it matters
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*didn't see Omi's post*)) {turns the bullets on Omi}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Neither are you Blayde, thus you can't declare a closed RP, you stupid son of a biznitch))
ea79371, Scorpio: ((all the times I've sent requests no one ever responded))
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *Pokes Scorpio* Perhaps you'd like to try on some of the things for me.
ea79371, Scorpio: ((to any of my C's))
d331ad4, *Misty : *pats Jim*
3235147, ºJim: *G*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Sent what kind of requests? Registrations? Talk to Cay, he deals with that, but if you b|tch at him, he'll just block you.
ea79371, Scorpio: Gaylord- um, your forgetting one can I try on victoria secrets when I'm not a woman or a crossdresser?
ea79371, Scorpio: but i'd love to give my opinion as an artiste
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: (( link <---Me, I got the Blink 182 shirt on...damn shirt was is too small but the only thing left in the drawer))
8429b76, *Omicron : *jumps up into the air and sails backwards, landning on a table, blades drawn*
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *whispers to Scorpio* Just ignore him..he will cuase you one of those terrible nasty headahces
ea79371, Scorpio: ((i've never b|tched or complained...i dont; really care))
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((*eyes Jim and the other admins, while watching this "gay" scene critically* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*looks at the name of the pic* Eep! *kills his physics teacher for calling it that*))
7a02f3d, ºV : Erm....Stiletto. I hope you arent saying I should ban someone for gay tendencies...
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {the bullets stop suddenly, then one shot for his..uh, I'm just gonna call it Shotgun for now on since it's simpler flies at Omi}
3b15e56, Gaylord Blayde: *Slaps his cheek softly* I'm so terribly sorry, that's Jeffie the cross dresser
ea79371, Scorpio: ((lol* Jeffie))
d331ad4, *Misty : I'm glad Blayde knows how to spell. headahces.
3235147, ºJim: Still trying to figure out the wheel Justin ;)
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I'm glad he knows how to mode, he doesn't realize he's swiss cheeze right now))
8429b76, *Omicron : *rolls forward off the table, then changes directions and rolls under the table*
3235147, ºJim: Leave swiss cheese ling enough and it becomes sentient Justin .
BAN: V banned 3b15e56 for 9000 seconds.
7a02f3d, ºV : Chatter request
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Damn that Cheeze))
ea79371, Scorpio: no, Jeffie is just the Drama queen
3235147, ºJim: *G* ...
d331ad4, *Misty : I'm sure "he" won't be missed, really
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Not at all, V. Just was wondering what you folks were going to do. Glad you guys keep a cool head. ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*requests that V bans Scorpio and is quite serious about this*))
d331ad4, *Misty : I'm sure "he" won't be missed, really.
3235147, ºJim: Cool as ice ... i'm a dude Stil ;)
d331ad4, *Misty : Oh Justin, I'm sure you recall the one we were speaking of earlier.
ea79371, Scorpio: ((what I do?))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {watches Omicron and two clunks can be heard in the shadows as he drops his guns}
ea79371, Scorpio: ((i haven;t sucked anyone's d|ck yet))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Be annoying as all fudge, that's what Scorpio))
JOIN: Little §un has entered.
BAN: Jim banned ea79371 for 600 seconds.
8429b76, *Omicron : *narrows his ice blue eyes on the spot where the sounds originated from*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*chuckles at Misty* Don't worry, I recognized "him" right away this have taught me well *bow*))
70c45f1, Little §un: *walks in glowing eyes and all*
3235147, ºJim: *mutters*
70c45f1, Little §un: greetings
70c45f1, Little §un: *laughs and shakes her head and goes to grab a seat at her usual corner booth*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {steps slowly from the shadows slowly and only partially, they are still covering his face and he doesn't move...his body is that of a Noghri warrior}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((600? That's all jIm?))
d331ad4, *Misty : He's still having issues with his bad-guy image, Justin.
8429b76, *Omicron : *slowly begins hitting his blades together, watching Ritter*
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((is that lj? *peers at Little §un* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: (( link <-- Look! Stoners doing Physics!))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Yeah, that's LJ))
3235147, ºJim: Teach a lesson , thats all
70c45f1, Little §un: *G* yah stil hey
d331ad4, *Misty : lj and SS, I imagine
70c45f1, Little §un: I would have thought you'd know that stil, I used it enough with §§
d331ad4, *Misty : Trouble makers, especially of the immature type, cannot be "taught"
70c45f1, Little §un: close misty ss is hibernating...otherwise known as sleep in long durations for him
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I noticed Misty, being bad is so easy, I don't know what's wrong with jIm that he can't do it right...)) {standing there, waiting for any oncoming attacks...then snarls}
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Thwaps Misty*
70c45f1, Little §un: *puts her feet up snaps her fingers and her firebrew appears in her hand out of nowhere* hehe hi owl
d331ad4, *Misty : *thwapped* FS
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Hi Lj...Get Xenogears yet?
3235147, ºJim: Keep it up Justin and i'll make registering character pointless for you *EG* after all , what the point of registering a char for 5 mins RP time ?
8429b76, *Omicron : *tilts his head at Ritter..* Will you be my friend? *innocently*
d331ad4, *Misty : *glares poison-tipped daggers at Owlie and slinks off behind Jim*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Damn you and you're "banning", jIm!))
70c45f1, Little §un: *L and thinks* no it wasn't at the store so he went and bought retro helix
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Eeee....*Shrivels up under Misty's stare* Dont hurt me!
70c45f1, Little §un: *G@ritter* hehe I like him, he has spunk
47439e7, *Ronica : He means he'd kill them, Justin.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {hisses, his voice lizard like and his basic is not always pronounced correctly} I want you to die...{slips back into the shadows}
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: actually its "your" justin
3235147, ºJim: banning my arse .. i'd kill em all
d331ad4, *Misty : And he'd do it well, too.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*tackles Whitey, punches him hard in the left temple once, gets up and runs off* Don't correct my Grammar))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: cause he's Jim
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Or Tod will pay))
d331ad4, *Misty : And quickly. With finesse.
8429b76, *Omicron : You're mean. *shrieks, at the top of his lungs*
3235147, ºJim: *G* Thank you ...
70c45f1, Little §un: OOC: hey stil hehe watching the pens tonight, hehe the canadians again last time they played em it was a masscre
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Dont threaten me Justin...or I wont draw anymore "pictures" for you
d331ad4, *Misty : *shiver*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {in pain from the shriek, but makes no noise, slinking his way closer to Omicron through the shadows} ((You're pictures suck ass Whitey))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Eat me...It was on MS Paint...
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((*grins at Jim* almighty Jim. ))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
70c45f1, Little §un: *pouts @ owl how come you don't draw pictures for me? you like him better *cries*
47439e7, *Ronica : The Montreal Canadians have to have the stupidest name... You don't see a team called the Chicago Americans... Bah...
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Hey Ritter - nifty lightsaber artwork... ))
d331ad4, *Misty : And much better than taking off a head and staking it, I might add.
d4bd72b, Get a name!: PENS WILL RULE THE CANADIANS!!!!!! *runs to get a handle*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Uh, what are you talking about Stil?))
70c45f1, Little §un: don't listen to him owl you're pictures are beautiful
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((That would be Steele there))
8429b76, *Omicron : *looks about...* *cannot see Ritter, so, as is his usual defence mechanism, yells...hitting the hightest note he can...and holds it*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: dont want the pictures I draw for him...*Nervous*
d331ad4, *Misty : *snickers at Ronnie*
70c45f1, Little §un: *LHAO* um iggy I"m guessing?
JOIN: Steele has entered.
70c45f1, Little §un: *LHAO* you're right owl I want my own pics
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Ritter - I was cruisin the root directory of those pics you're linking to... ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: like 10 year old girl?
ea79371, Scorpio: goddamn homophobes
8429b76, *Omicron : ((*blares Ratamhatta*))
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Whoo! But the Canadians aren't the only teams named for their countrymen.... Vancouver Canucks anyone? And the Chicago Blackhawks... Native Americans there.]]
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((uh, yeah, I guess Penguins will win. I really don't care too much about hockey. ))
70c45f1, Little §un: *LHAO* I stand corrected. hello steele, I should have known such enthusiasim for the pens was leading to you
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((That's not my site, Stil....that's my Physic's teachers page))
8429b76, *Omicron : ((Yes I did))
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Well hockey doesn't care much about you.]]
ea79371, Scorpio: *sings* I'm sssuperrr, thanks for asssking,,, all things considered I couldnt; be better I must say..I'm ssuper no nothin; bugs me..everything is super when your...don;t ui think I look cute in this hat..
3235147, ºJim: Shush Scorpio , I have no problem with gays ...
47439e7, *Ronica : Canucks is a nickname though. Canadians is just stupid... And It's not like they're perticularly patriotic or anything. They should be called the Montreal Seperatists.
70c45f1, Little §un: *shrug* sorry stil *L* just making conversation I managed to hit paydirt with steele and iggy I figured you might like hockey too
ea79371, Scorpio: why was i booted?
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {hisses and tosses what appears to be a peice of concrete at Omicron, then proceeds to keep on the move, slowly, but moving}
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Mwa ha ha, my clicking on the link to this page insited hockey feelings.]]
d331ad4, *Misty : *smirks at Ronnie* Yeah, really.
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[*runs the Vancouver Canuck franchise in two fantasy hockey leagues*]]
3235147, ºJim: Shove anything in my face and you feel my wrath Scorpio .. capeesh ?
d331ad4, *Misty : *ahem* Separatists
70c45f1, Little §un: *LHAO@steele* nice
ea79371, Scorpio: ritter-(*perhaps u are only viloent toward us because u are afraid of being the same))
70c45f1, Little §un: *offers steele a firebrew* care to predict some scores *L*
8429b76, *Omicron : *ducks the concrete and bounds to the bar, holding his blades* Face my blades, foul fiend! I draw could steel against you, and now thou shalt die!
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((What the hell are you talking about?))
47439e7, *Ronica : *eyes Misty*
70c45f1, Little §un: Canuck's *scoff* come now I would aim a lil higher than that *L*
ea79371, Scorpio: ((oh u mean the at least i didn't suck anyone's d|ck, part?))
d331ad4, *Misty : *eyed* Oh bah. *hides behind Jim*
3235147, ºJim: see there you go again
d4bd72b, *Steele : I have a strong feeling that over the next... 6 games, we will lose... at the most... 1... I should be scared of the Capitals but I'm not because we consistantly dominate those pig m00ers. Only team I'm worried about is the ultra pumped Canadians tonight.
ea79371, Scorpio: i gotta go
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Jim...isnt it Capisce?
ea79371, Scorpio: *poofs*
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Tut tut, such language... ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Who are the Pen's playing for the next six Steele?))
d4bd72b, *Steele : I picked the Canucks because they are one of about... 4 ogranizations, other than the Pens, that I don't really hate yet... besides... the Canucks... great name... grrrrrreat name... and their logo is a Killer Whale! I mean, c'mon... Killer Whales and Canada, can't beat that combo.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {steps out from the shadows completly, clinking the claws on his feet on the floor} You are useless without your weapons...
70c45f1, Little §un: *shrug* I think we've beat before we can definately do it again *G* I see a tight game though maybe 3-2
d331ad4, *Misty : Heh.
70c45f1, Little §un: *LOL and shakes her head at steele* oh jeez
d4bd72b, *Steele : Off the top of my head... it goes... Canadians, Rangers, Capitals, Capitals... after that I'm not sure, I'll guess the Devils or something.
8429b76, *Omicron : I have this, foul fiend of hell! *once again...yep...shrieks*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*didn't bother putting in the description of his voice*))
JOIN: Stiletto has entered.
d4bd72b, *Steele : We're 1-1 vs. the Canadians this year... not only do they play us tough... but in Montreal, Mario is considered a god... they were scalping tickets away yesterday for hundreds... the crowd's going to be jacked.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Not exactly Klavish Omi
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {wincens and hisses} Another weapon...
47439e7, *Ronica : *so bored*
d331ad4, *Misty : Really, only Klave can be satisfactorily klavish
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: Hey Steele, §§ and LJ, I'd been thinking about a possible Pennsylvania "Cantina Chat" get-together sometime this summer. Interested?
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*pokes around for Stil* Stil, what saber pic where you talking about? Show me the link))
d331ad4, *Misty : And Klave is just.. well.. *shiver*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Nods agreeably to Misty*
70c45f1, Little §un: yah that sounds awesome stil count me in if I can
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Err...agreeing with the post before the "shiver"
3235147, ºJim: Open apology to the room or I ban you .. and not a crappy ten minute ban
70c45f1, Little §un: send me the info when ya can... ya need my email or you just wanna send it to ss's?
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Err.. yeah sure... as long as I can drive and it's in the Pittsburgh area : )]]
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*wonders who jIm wants to apologize*))
3235147, ºJim: *thunks ISP* Now what did I miss ?
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[And I have my license by then since I've had my permit for about a year and a half.]]
3235147, ºJim: nevermind Justin ... very late post
8429b76, *Omicron : *slams his blades together* You wish me dead?
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Heh, you mean Scorpio?))
d331ad4, *Misty : Scorpio, probably.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {snarls} You're foolishness wants you dead
70c45f1, Little §un: still it'll depend on wether or not I have my newer car by then *LOL* the 87 cavalier won't quite make it
3235147, ºJim: aye
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Steele - not sure about that part yet. Sorry. Very tenuous plans as of yet. ))
d331ad4, *Misty : Personification of a mental trait? Interesting.
8429b76, *Omicron : Your momma.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
70c45f1, Little §un: test
d4bd72b, *Steele : *walks into the Cantina... wearing once lavish and expensive clothing... his apparel is now, well, scoffed beyond repair. Muffed up pants and a white shirt... a belt holstering two slug throwers hangs sloppily over his waist, while two nifty lightsabers are holstered around his ankles, his bald head rules and his sunglasses make him look like even more of a bad ass mo-fo*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Your foolishness Justin...fjs
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {raises an eyebrow (do Noghri's even have eyebrows?) at the comment}
70c45f1, Little §un: yah but that sounds good stil, let me know as you figure out more
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((LS - lost both you and §§'s email addys... *sigh* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*tackles Whitey, punches him hard in the right temple once, gets up and runs off* Don't correct my Grammar))
d4bd72b, *Steele : I just made a huge enterance post and my IE screwed up, but consider me in there with a pair of pistols, a bald head and a pair o' lightsabers, (all legally acquired)
70c45f1, Little §un: *LOL* okay then still
8429b76, *Omicron : ((How did you legally acquire the bald head, Steele?))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Grabs Justin and punches him in the ribs* Then dont make mistakes on it
70c45f1, Little §un:
d331ad4, *Misty : Wow, three days in a row, Steele? Impressive
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *She enters through the front entrance, bypassing the shadows as the evil in her soul provides more than enough darkness. Lifting her head, the hood of her robes falls back slightly, allowing her light grey eyes to survey the room, focusing on Omicron and Ritter*
8429b76, *Omicron : Yes. Your momma. Whatcha gonna do about that? *paces, standing on the bar*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( enters through the entrance? Bah. ))
70c45f1, Little §un: *LHAO@steele* bald head huh *rubs it for luck* ooooo
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Stay down Netra....please)) {hurls a knife at Omicron}
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( I'll do as I please. Thank you. ))
d331ad4, *Misty : Careful now. *prepares just-in-case IC-ly-like char*
JOIN: Ait has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
8429b76, *Omicron : *bats the knife out of the air with his left blade...then yells, not a shriek, but a yell* Bah! They said you were dead! *leaps backwards, landing in a dark corner*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: A corner Omi?
70c45f1, Little §un: hmmm that's a interesting look for you steele, *L* maybe I should try it, *L* go for that alien 3 ripley look
JOIN: Steele has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {slowly stalks towards Omicron}
b8fc5a4, 'Ait: Lo.
8429b76, *Omicron : ((Yes...where two walls conjoin. Corner))
d331ad4, *Misty : "They" said nothing of the sort. *thwaps Mazz*
70c45f1, Little §un: *G and feels silly and grabs owl under her arm and gives him a huge noogie* hehehe
3235147, ºJim: 'lo Ait
d331ad4, *Misty : *waves to Ait*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Omi...and Ritter has a slugthrower?
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Hey John Ritter :-) Post that link again to one of those pics and I'll show you. ))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : Then consider this a visit from Death itself. *her eyes narrow*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I left them back in my hiding spot in the shadows Whitey...))
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Anyone hear about Theo Fleury? And bald heads rule!!!!!]]
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I found them Stil... link ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: AHHHAH *Slips out and throws Lj in a pool*
8429b76, *Omicron : *physically shakes as if he's just seen a ghost* Back, foul beast of the damned! *sprints to his right, hopping onto a table and crouching, still holding both blades*
d331ad4, *Misty : *thwaps Ronnie* He was given his freedom
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Oh, nm then
70c45f1, Little §un: *L and thinks to herself she'll hold off on the ripley idea* nah
b8fc5a4, 'Ait: lo Jim, *waves back to Misty*
70c45f1, Little §un: *L and snaps inches above the pool and stops herself in mid-air, sticks tounge out @ owl* hehehe
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {snarls at Omicron} You are weak...{changes his direction and continues stalking towards Omicron}
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[*thinks ''Ronnie'' should AIM him*]]
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Snapping eh? *Snaps and the water rushes upward, thuroughly soaking Lj*
d331ad4, *Misty : *forgot she wasn't supposed to be in a thwapping mood* *RaE*
8429b76, *Omicron : Nuh-uh!
70c45f1, Little §un: *hops down from her suspended position in the air and walks over to steele and feels compelled to rub that bald head again* hehehe
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((What the hell? Is Omi like 10 or something?))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *thwapped* I'm just teasing him! *whimpers* ))
d4bd72b, *Steele : *like the burn out he is, he semi-stumbles towards the bar, his mind on one thing... which is, presumably, alcohol*
70c45f1, Little §un: *G* now owl you know as well as I do I"m the only one that gets to snap....mine
8429b76, *Omicron : ((Omicron is 16. He's just insane. Hence all his different voices and attitudes))
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Ack! ))
d331ad4, *Misty : Oh. Well, then by all means.. play. Forgive me. *slinks off to hide behind Jim again*
8429b76, *Omicron : ((Where you at, whodi?))
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((*phew* accidentally held down the Enter key, but nothing happened. ))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *wonders why "Ronnie" was in quotes, but gets on AIM* ))
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Damn it! A 16 year old named after the main villain on the Transformers movie.]]
70c45f1, Little §un: *flicks her arm's out sending excess water from her in all directions and then snaps with both fingers and a huge rush of hot air comes from underneath her drying her throughly then disperses*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *smirking, she watches Omicron and Ritter, seemingly amused*
70c45f1, Little §un: fingers=hands
d4bd72b, *Steele : /m Chhaya_Netra Damn you, send me an AOL IM! Noooooooooo!
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Ritter - yeah, nice stuff. ))
d4bd72b, *Steele : Well, there you have it, my private confessions have been revealed... and NOOOOOOOOO was supposed to be NOOOOOOOOOOW]]
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((*LOL@Steele* ))
d331ad4, *Misty : *pats Steele*
70c45f1, Little §un: silly owl snappings for jawa's
MSG: Chhaya Netra sent a message to Steele.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {hisses, warry of Omi's blades...then slips into the nearby shadows}
MSG: Chhaya Netra sent a message to Misty.
70c45f1, Little §un: *goes back to her booth to find someone walked oof with her drink* jeez *grumbles* guess I can try the actual bar for once
70c45f1, Little §un: *hops onto a bar stool leap frog'ishly and looks around for a bartender* now I know why I always snap, slow service
8429b76, *Omicron : *flips off the table and lands near Chhaya* They said you was dead and kicked me out.
MSG: Misty sent a message to Chhaya Netra.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*must find out how his Physic's teacher made those lightsaber blades*))
70c45f1, Little §un: *pounds her fist on the bar and looks around* hellloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a little help here
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Uh, Omi?))
8429b76, *Omicron : *flips off the table and lands near Chhaya* They said you was dead and kicked me out.
70c45f1, Little §un: *L and looks@steele* you do this bar thing, who do you have to screw to get a drink around here jeez
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {a few clicking sounds can be heard from where he was when he first made his presence known}
d331ad4, *Misty : Stop lying. *thwaps Omi* Don't make me come in and correct you
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : You were dead. *corrects*
3235147, ºJim: Not me Ver :P
MSG: Chhaya Netra sent a message to Misty.
8429b76, *Omicron : When as I dead? *looks at his hands, examining them* I don't remember..
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {re appears from the shadows, his Shotgun now in hands} You will die
8429b76, *Omicron : ((When was I dead......))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Oook...entire office building was evacuated but thats alright
d331ad4, *Misty : *taps Jim on the shoulder*
70c45f1, Little §un: *continues to look for someone that's a bartender*
3235147, ºJim: yes ? *turns around*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *exhasperated sigh* No, you just... Never mind. I am not dead. *gestures to Ritter* You might be, though, if you don't pay more attention.
8429b76, *Omicron : *looks at Ritter* She said I was already dead.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Was that a threat to me or a warning to him?))
MSG: Misty sent a message to Chhaya Netra.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {pulls trigger...a different kind of bullet flies out, this one is more sleak and sharp...armor peircing type bullet}
70c45f1, Little §un: *L* now owl maybe you know I try to get a drink and 'ne, not a bartender in sight
d331ad4, *Misty : *blinks* RP with me? 'fore my head finds it's way to my desktop? *pathetically imploring look*
8429b76, *Omicron : *looks at his shoulder as the bullet passes through, leaving a neat little hole* Ouch. *looks up at Chhaya, then back at Ritter*
MSG: Chhaya Netra sent a message to Misty.
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Ritter - check here for now link I have a better link to a tutorial on how to do that, but I can't find it at the moment... ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {pulls the trigger again, aiming for Omicron's sternum}
3235147, ºJim: Gimme 15 for a smoke and your on
70c45f1, Little §un: *about to give up and simply snap like she always does* oi
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: I'm not really at liberty to answer that question...
d331ad4, *Misty : *snickers at Ronnie*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((If you find it Stil, you must let me know))
8429b76, *Omicron : *moves this time, the bullet passing through his other shoulder* Ouch...again. This is most unpleasant..
70c45f1, Little §un: *LHAO@owl* not at liberty, all I wants a drink
d331ad4, *Misty : Righto. I can use that time. *wanders off to take a shower*
3235147, ºJim: BB i'n 15 then
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {hisses, firing off another round at Omicron's sternum}
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : Fight him, you fool. *shakes her head, looking dissapointed and disgusted* Don't just stand there.
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Ritter - not exactly it, but it'll do. link ))
70c45f1, Little §un: oh well *L* my time has come I must be going now
8429b76, *Omicron : *dashes right then spins, ducking and spinning, blades held outward like a helicopter, meaning to cut Ritter's lower legs off*
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((Ditto for me, LS. See y'all later - be back tonight! ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Bleh! *doesn't have adobe photoshop*))
70c45f1, Little §un: bye bye folks see ya later
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {the blade misses by a good couple of feet since he's still about 10-12 feet from Omicron, fires off one more round and backs up slowly}
70c45f1, Little §un: see ya still
a8d5e67, *Stiletto: ((*gone* ))
8429b76, *Omicron : *comes out of the spin and hops, crossing Ritter's path and landing on his right, the bullet passing behind him* *gives Mortello a feral grin* You wish the delightful pain? *sets himself and crosses his blades*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((crosses the blades how, like a pair of scissors?))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *she merely observes, taking in every detail*
8429b76, *Omicron : ((Quite.))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {falls to the floor before being cut, dropping the gun at the same as it is now out of bullets and sweeps his leg out at Omi's feet, making sure his claws are pointed so that if they connect they will slash across his calfs/shins}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*pauses RP for a minute or two as he goes to wolf down his dinner*))
8429b76, *Omicron : *sees the attack, but cannot move* *gets slashed across his shins. Does, however, bury the point of his sword into the ground, so that by following through with the kick, Ritter will relieve himself of his lower leg*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*un-pauses RP* You would have been tripped Maz if I sweeped you, or I would have stopped when I hit your legs...))
8429b76, *Omicron : *sweeped, then* *the fact still remains that Ritter is about to be a gimp*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {does follow through, but because Omi was off balance, the stab is somewhat off target and only ends up grazing his leg, still causing blood to trickle out of the calf...he flips back to a crouch position, a good 2 meters away from Omi}
8429b76, *Omicron : *stands and takes his sword from the ground* Face me.
d331ad4, *Misty : *wanders on back*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {hisses from his position} You cut me, you will die now...{stays crouched, but in a way that's he ready to spring at a moments notice}
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *remembers she's IC, and continues to observe the fight, obviously not impressed with the display of skill from either opponent*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
8429b76, *Omicron : You're stoooopid. And you look funny. And you smell like a dead jawa.
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((He has two swords, I'm not gonna be dumb and attack him outright, my claws are strong, but probably not that strong)) {hisses at the Jawa comment, but still does not move}
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Would show Ronnie his Mad skillz but...uh...has to go in a minute*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : ~This is pathetic.~ *shakes her head at Omicron*
3235147, ºJim: innit just
d331ad4, *Misty : You tell 'em, Ronnie.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Appears as one of them little conscience buggers* Do it Ronnie! Burn them! Burn them all!
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*runs up behind Ronnie and flicks Whitey off her shoulder to shut him up*))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Actually had that happen after eating an entire 3 layer cake and 2 ceaser salads* Oi
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *half tempted to* ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Poofs away from Justin's finger and appears on the other side*
d331ad4, *Misty : ya did good, Ralfie, ya dead real good.. now ye know wot ye've gotta do... burn 'em! burn 'em all!
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *but doesn't know how certain people might feel about that* *surreptitiously glances over to Misty* ))
3235147, ºJim: Erk ... stiff jaw ...
8429b76, *Omicron : ((*will brb*))
JOIN: Yrvron Alc has entered.
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *remembers that episodes* And that's where I saw the leprechaun.... He told me to burn things! ))
d331ad4, *Misty : *doesn't know how she might feel about that* Pick a char, Jim, and I'll follow.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Simpsons Rule))
4b0eca4, *Yrvron Alc : *waves joyfully*
3235147, ºJim: er .... *ponders*
MSG: Chhaya Netra sent a message to Misty.
d331ad4, *Misty : *half-assed wave back to Alcy :P*
4b0eca4, *Yrvron Alc : *hugs to all who want em, Thzzbbbt to those who dont*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *eyes the hugs.. eyes the Thzzbbbt... takes a thzzbbbt* ))
3235147, ºJim: 'lo Alc
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: New word---------------- Root: Ver : Verish ( vair·ish ) : Constantly in the state of mood change, at times sad then swiftly changing to anger, then to happiness and back to anger.
4b0eca4, *Yrvron Alc : that An Admin symbol???
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*puts a barrel on his head* Look at me! I'm the prime minister of Ireland!))
NICK: Jim changed nick to Harlan Cofax
MSG: Misty sent a message to Chhaya Netra.
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( mebbe Alc ))
d331ad4, *Misty : Hmm. That's a ponderous one. All right. *unfurls her list*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Hushes Justin*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*waits for Mazik to get back*))
4b0eca4, *Yrvron Alc : ((HEY does anyone remember when this used to be a ROLEPLAY Chat??))
4b0eca4, *Yrvron Alc : ((better))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *is verish, then* ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: So far I've got 2 words...hmmm
d331ad4, *Misty : Ack.. 3 to choose from
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Most Likely To Start Up A Conversation wins. *pats Sharil replacement*))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*still wainting for Mazzik*))
8429b76, *Omicron : ((F'ck you, Justin.))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *runs in, then comes to a screeching halt at the top of the steps and allows her eyes time to adjust to the dim lighting before carrying on*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((No thanks Mazzie...I believe it was your turn, I was just crouched there, biding my time))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *a tall , lank man enters . He is dressed in loose fitting slacks , and a dark tunic . He wears a knee length black coat that sits awkwardly on him . he is rather scruffy and in need of a shave*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Justin ... diss Ireland = death ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I wasn't dissing really much watch the Simpsons...Homer was drunk and put a barrel on his head and said was funny cuz he was drunk))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( St. Patricks day episode .. guest starring Sam Niel ... or episode where Homer buys a gun to protect the family . I watch the simpsons ... you still uttered a diss on Ireland ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Yup, St. Patricks Day episode.))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( So hush up on the Ireland dissing ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*idly wonders why the chat has decided to lag on her now when she decides to go IC.. puts it down to Kismet*))
8429b76, *Omicron : *smiles...lunges at Ritter*
d331ad4, *Bethany : *peers around, mildly annoyed at the lack of action that there seems to be in the place, and trudges over to the bar*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Hey my ISP went biccies when I went IC ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {rolls to the side and slashes at Mazz's side when he passes by}
JOIN: Knees has entered.
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Yeah, but your ISP has been messing up since you got it. The chat was working fine all day. Until now))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *adjusts his jacket , running his fingers through his toussled hair as he walks to the barside*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( point taken ))
53d7643, 'Knees: Hmm... *considers RP*
8429b76, *Omicron : *spins toward Ritter, the slash going along his ribs, and brings the sword down upon his shoulder, fueling the strike with the momentum on the spin*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((The whole f-cking world's against me.))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : ~I'd think you were toying with him if you weren't doing so poorly.~ *continues to watch the fight, motionless by the bar*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( whole ? ))
8429b76, *Omicron : ((Bwahaha! Two minutes!))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Except for me Misty)) {turns to his side, the blade making a slice along the middle of his torso, the spin also causes the other blade to miss. He grabs Omicron by the wrists and throws him through the air towards a wall}
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *eyes Misty and speaks into a microphone hidden in her shirt cuff* Alpha 1 to Fearless leader, she's on to us! Abort mission! *shoulder rolls out of the room* ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *peers around, then pulls a small datacard out of her pocket and eyes it, almost rebelliously, then shoves it back into her pocket quickly before ordering some sort of fruit slushy type drink, the kind that Orien introduced her to* ((yup, whole ))
7a02f3d, ºV : Hm
8429b76, *Omicron : *trails the blades behind him, one to cut across Ritter's face, one for his throat, before hitting the wall feet first* *rebounds and twists, hitting a table on his back* *groans*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*chuckles at Ronnie*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Bah )) *orders a mocchachino with a shot of raspberry syrup* (( what i'm drinkin :) ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*peers at V*))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *the snap-hiss of a saber can be heard, the blade cutting into the dimness of the 'tina, glowing a dark green* I'm highly dissapointed with this performance...
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*way too distracted by TV, shuts it off*))
53d7643, 'Knees: Damn grayhound! *curses the lanky dog walking around in her front yard*
d331ad4, *Bethany : *eyes the freakish woman at the other end of the bar, then just as quickly looks away as she ignites a lightsaber.. her face flushes with the potential excitement of a fight, however*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Sid Vicious singing 'My way' on telly .. like hell i'm turning mine off ))
8429b76, *Kraychen : *moves to the bar and sits down, ordering a vodka*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Oooo... freakish. ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {takes a step back to dodge the blades, but the one for his face manages to create a small slice on his cheek} {hisses loudly at Omicron, cut three times now and is very pissed off}
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Hehe))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *glances sidelong at the fight ... not really amused*
8429b76, *Omicron : *rolls off the table...shrieks and charges Ritter, holding to tone. Stops on a dime once he's within two feet and ducks, slashing up at Ritter's chest in a crossing pattern*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *she begins to move, slowly and disturbingly casual as she makes her way over to Omicron and Ritter*
d331ad4, *Bethany : *blinks and looks to the 'tender as her drink is brought.. smiles bright and says a cheery "Thanks!" before paying for it and peering at the patrons seated/standing at the bar*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {rolls backwards, the blade narrowly missing his feet as he rolls, then stops, and leaps on Omicron, grabbing his wrists so he can't swing the blades}
8429b76, *Omicron : *so, instead...just bites Ritter on the neck...well, tries to, at least*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {rears back some, then kicks his feet up and digs them into Omicron's gut, deep into the gut, which should knock both to the floor and still holds onto Omicron's wrists}
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((brightly, even))
8429b76, *Omicron : *falls back, but bulldogs his head all the same, aiming to tear a large portion of flesh from Ritter's shoulder*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *nods absently as his cup is placed afore him , mumbles a thanks*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *her distaste has fallen into disgust as she continues to observe the clumsy fight*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*wakes her comp up by doing something other than sitting in the chat* You poor baby.. *pats the casing*))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {hisses in pain as Omi's teeth dig into his shoulder, pushes his feet harder against Omi's gut, then digs his hand claws into Omi's wrist}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*has no casing on his comp since it broke*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Heh ... I may be upgrading this piece of crap on saterday ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((To what jIm? A bigger peice of crap?))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
8429b76, *Omicron : *pulls back violently, meaning to take the flesh with him* *spits, then leans his head right in there beside where Ritter's earhole would be...right there...and shrieks, the ungodly nosie filling the entire cantina*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( well , i'm on a PI 166 at the mo ... I have a PIII board with a PIII 450 processor ... and a new case , just need RAM ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((hehehe@93 mp3s.. an accomplishment for one such as m'self.))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *sneaks a longish peek at Harlan*
b8fc5a4, Get a name!: I love when my chars get deleted over and over again..
JOIN: noname has entered.
bdb85ce, noname: *mumbles and drags his decrepit carcass in*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {roars(?) in pain, but does not release his grip, although it does weaken somewhat , determined to dig his claws straight through Omicron's wrists}
JOIN: Kalen Morano has entered.
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( 'lo Ian , you cheery chappy )) *fumbles in his pockets , setting all sortsa junk on the counter as he fishes out a notepad*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I'm on a PII 350Mhz processor, I'm upgrading to PIV 1.5GHz processor within a month...60 gig hard drive, 512MB of RAM *laughs evilly*))
JOIN: Quicksilver has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {should also mention there's a ringing in his ears}
8429b76, *Omicron : *holds the shriek, tears forming in his eyes...until he now latches his mouth grip onto Ritter's throat...trying to choke him into unconsciousness*
b8fc5a4, *Quicksilver: ((Hmm, just seems that Ait Voicu always gets deleted..))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *doesn't even blink as Omicron screams, standing silent and still... watching. The only sign of life is the tightening of her grip on the saber... Suddenly, she strikes. Slashing her forest green saber at Ritter's back* ~I can't begin to express my dissapointment in you~ *the force message, of course, directed at Omicron*
bdb85ce, noname: I'm on a ... no, wait, damn, my laptop is broken. I'm on a Compaq 344 ,Hz with 4GB hard drive and 64MB of RAM.
d331ad4, *Bethany : *blinks* *peers more blatantly, suddenly fascinated*
8429b76, *Omicron : *is not, however, Force sensitive*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( shrugs ... my comp usage plans ... surf the net .. play counterstrike and maybe starcraft ... hmm , 450 is abundant ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {from the scream, the pain is so intense he rolls off of Omicron and directly into the shadows, just in time too, narrowly missed by Netra's blade through well, blind luck}
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Quicky lots* :P *goes back to lurking about*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( ... Er... Alright. then it was said aloud. ))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *also withdraws a pencil stub , and scribbles down in the pad*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Staaaaarcraft? *EG*))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Err, let me modify that, I just realized Omi was like biting my neck...
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *she spins, turning and extending the saber so that it's right in Ritter's path*
8429b76, *Omicron : *waits till the saber hass passed and takes up his blades, leaping after Ritter* *slashes hard at Ritter's legs*
b8fc5a4, *Quicksilver: ((*hugs back and such*))
bdb85ce, noname: At least I have plans for my future. *brightly* After my car gets reposessed, I'm going to lock myself in my closet and not come out again, ever, and hopefully dehydrate to death within only a couple days.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Or not))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( er .. maybe , yeah ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *with an innocent, don't-mind-me look on her face, she shuffles a bit closer to Harlan, craning her neck to see what he's scribbling*
b8fc5a4, *Quicksilver: ((*chuckles to himself* Quicksilver, what a stupid name..))
bdb85ce, noname: m00, I most definately have food poisoning. Damnit, I haven't had it for 4 or 5 years...
bdb85ce, noname: I said f-u-c-k, not mOO
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *writes comments and observations and other stuff in a barely intelligible shorthand*
bdb85ce, noname: and I spelled my link wrong. It just gets better and better.
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Fah, shorthand is like a second language to me.. IC, however.. *eyes her char ruefully*))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Heh, Undo wouldn't work for me..*sigh*))
bdb85ce, noname: *knows exactly where to shoot, too* If you fire through the back of your mouth, the bullet goes right into the cerebreal cortex, and utterly destroys the area of your brain used to control basic body functions.
bdb85ce, noname: *mutters*
d331ad4, *Bethany : *picks up her drink and moves as quietly as possible to Harlan's side, speaks kinda loudly.. on purpose, of course* Whatcha writing?! *hoping to scare the sh-t out of him*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Ok, then.. We'll just go with that you did. )) *she spins, turning and extending the saber so that it's right in Ritter's path*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*modified post*)){from the scream, the pain is so intense he attempts to roll off of Omicron but since Omi is like attached to his neck, they just roll together, still narrowly missing Netra's blade, they stop rolling with Omi on top now, but he still has his grip}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Eep! Ah!))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*peers at Ian*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *startled he drops the pad and pencil* wha .. what ? *looks up* Um ... nothing ... just , y'know ... stuff ...
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Bah. ))
8429b76, *Omicron : *tries to sink his teeth into Ritter's windpipe*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *annoyed with the both of them, she stabs the tip of her blade down on the pair, aiming for Ritter but honestly not caring if she strikes Omicron*
bdb85ce, noname: Damn everything.
d331ad4, *Bethany : *not nearly as satisfactory a response as she would have wanted, notes to try better next time* *quirks a brow* Stuff?
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *blinks* Wait,wait.. Make 'down' into 'horizantally' *just noticed Omi's on top of Ritter* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I know...sorry Ronnie...should have mentioned I was still gonna post the modified one)) {pulls his claws from Omi's gut and curls up....then springs out, kicking Omicron square in the chest, at the same time moves his head to the side to avoid the blade}
bdb85ce, noname: Damn those raspberries that made me sick...
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*is part of everything, therefore is damned* Hmm. ))
8429b76, *Omicron : *is kicked away, now has free control of his blades...falls backwards*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((How would that work Ronnie? You put the blade on the ground and like slid it on the floor at my head? Or something))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *twisting her wrist she slashes the blade again, upwards now, at Ritter's chest*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Um ... yeah ... stuff *nods , gathering the pad and pencil*
bdb85ce, noname: I don't even feel sick. But I know I'm about to get it... *wonders if there's anything he can take to prevent the bacteria from multiplying further*
d331ad4, *Bethany : What kinda stuff?
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*doesn't know how Ronnie could do that since he's on the floor*))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Not all the way down to the floor...I'd stoop down a little, obviously...Bah, just go with it. *doing homework at the same time* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {rolls to the side, the blade missing but the very tip singeing his skin, he leaps to his feet and backflips onto the bar, now has a full view of the both of them}
bdb85ce, noname: *wonders if there are any illegal drugs about he can use to simply not care what the hell happens*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Er , I dunno ... what , i'm *sheepishly* thinkin' ... and um , stuff *is taen aback , caught at unawares*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Marijuana, Noname...))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *blinks as some other freakish looking character leaps onto the bar*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *read "springs out" as "springs up" * For the love of... *puts her homework away* ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*is a Noghri, not a freakish looking character...*))
bdb85ce, noname: Mmph... I think just ladying helps a lot, too.
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( *scoffs* Oh yeah Justin , marijuana is really hard ... its makes you forget *cracks up laughing* ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : Well. *gestures to Ritter* Whaddya think about that?
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((For the love of Rob?))
8429b76, *Omicron : *lays there...motionless...doesn't even appear to be breathing*
bdb85ce, noname: ....this chat filter thing is really starting to piss me off.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Marijuana doesn't make you forget, it just makes not care really))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Hey, do the rafters still exist, or where they outlawed?))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((You are to someone who's never seen a Noghri before, and Noghri aren't exactly what I'd call.. pleasing aesthetic.))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((pleasingly, even.))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((They're sexy biotches Misty))
bdb85ce, noname: Damnit, it's the inevitable doom thing. I'm not feeling too bad right now, but I have the early indicators. In a couple hours, I'll be wishing for the hand of Death itself.
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Outlawed.))
7a02f3d, ºV : Dum de dum
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *while Ritter is on the bar, she takes this as a prime opportunity to hit him with a concentrated force push, aiming for the solar plexus*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Erm.. yes... really sexy..))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Bleh to you and your "Solar Plexus Force Push"!!))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*peers at V whilst awaiting an IC post from the ever-disappearing Jim*))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( It's the best place to aim for. ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Wouldn't you think on a guy, the groin is a better place?))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: That .. oh , unnecessary ... people like that just want to show off
bdb85ce, noname: *smacks Ritter for sheer stupidity*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( No, solar plexus. ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : Yeah. *slurps her slushy-type-thing*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Hehe. *keeps forgetting lack of sleep*))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {gets hit in the Solar Plexus by The Force and falls off the bar and a very audible snarl can be heard}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((I fell behind the bar, just to clear that up))
8429b76, *Omicron : *lays there*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *she looks almost bored as she sends a rack of bottles crashing down on Ritter's somewhat prone form*
20e330d, Harlan Cofax: (( *wants the super strong marijuana Justin has* ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *jumps as the rack falls over and steps away from the bar*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {was playing possom, was actually thinking Netra would leap over the bar and would be ready for her, but was also expecting something like this. He rolls to the side, dodging the bottles before they crack, but some shrapnel hits him, none of peircing the skin. He lets out a roar(?) of pain anyways}
20e330d, Harlan Cofax: But , its up to them *fumbles for his cup , sipping*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((What jIm?))
d331ad4, *Bethany : Uh.. Yup. *slips behind Harlan and appears on the other side of him, eyeing the destruction currently being done to the bar, fairly close to them*
20e330d, Harlan Cofax: (( referring to your earlier comments .. that bull jusrin , marijuana is a soft drug , you forget feck all ))
20e330d, Harlan Cofax: *RaE* Oh that .. heh , that always happening ...
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Heh. Ssh.))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*shrugs* It's a soft drug, so what? It's a good drug...*has never actually smoked, but has eaten brownies with them in it*))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *using the distraction of the bottles as a diversion, she leaps up on the bar, knowing Ritter would be too distracted to have any sort of effective attack*
d331ad4, *Bethany : Bah, no it's not. This the first time I've come here and something exciting has been going on. *hmphs*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *blinks at distraction* Distruction! You were supposed to be distruction ! ))
20e330d, Harlan Cofax: (( *pats Justin* 's OK :P Mystys right ... we'll shush ))
JOIN: Karden Liss has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {rolls backwards too, all the way to the end of the U-shape, right next to the back door and leaps to his feet}
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*patted* *shushes for Misty*))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Thank you. ^-^))
6a533eb, *Karden Liss: ((*looks around*))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Uh...*makes his post reading it as "distraction" instead of "destruction"))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((made.., not makes))
EXIT: Karden Liss has left the chat ( Quit ).
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*has...................... chocolate *))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Made...not makes))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *she dashes at Ritter, her speed preternatural since it's force-enhanced. She's there in a split second, and her saber is with her, slashing up at Ritter's neck*
8429b76, *Omicron : *immediately jumps and and dashes, flinging one of his swords at Ritter's back whilt he's distracted*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *perks up* Chocolate? ))
bdb85ce, noname: *ponders amusing himself by making a countdown estimation of time until he throws up*
d331ad4, *Bethany : (( Uh.. *hides "necessary for staying awake suger-fix chocolate away from others* Nope, you're mistaken. I didn't say chocolate.. I said.. uhm.. not chocolate.))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*waits for Mazzik to make his fixed post before replying to either*))
8429b76, *Tzu : ((*instead of using the hard to fight with Omicron....* *whistles*)) *ambles down the street, freshly released of the med-center*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *RaE* You really must visit this type of place more often , if you find this exciting ...
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Okay then...Omicron is like gone from the fight...*replies to Netra's post*))
8429b76, *Omicron : *pops up, holding his blades*
JOIN: Tristise Umbra has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Or not, what the hell is going on...))
d331ad4, Tristise Umbra: ((*ponders doubling up*))
d331ad4, *Bethany : I find anything exciting.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {uses his small frame to his advantage by squeezing himself tight against the wall, the saber end passing to the edge of his nose, also singeing it. Leaps up over the bar before Netra has time for another attack and runs out the back door}
d331ad4, Tristise Umbra: *enters, drawing her cloak around her as she negotiates the steps slowly and carefully, her hooded gaze drifting with curiousity around the room*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Let him live Ronnie....please? *begs*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Excitable , aren't we ?
8429b76, *Omicron : *flings both swords at Ritter, one at him, one spinning directly in his path*
d331ad4, Tristise Umbra: ((Uh.. everyone knows at least OOC who I am, right?))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((You Misty!))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((And your name is exactly as long as mine))
d331ad4, *Bethany : Uh.. excitable? Sure. Well, I mean.... moisture farming isn't... er... terribly exciting.
d331ad4, Tristise Umbra: ((No, besides that. *fwaps Justin*))
8429b76, *Omicron : *steps through the front door, replacement Widowmaker on his hip, and a BlasTech A280 slug over his shoulder* *looks around, black duster whipping a bit in the evening breeze*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*thwapped* Then, no I don't...I sorry))
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: You two crackheads still at it?
d331ad4, Tristise Umbra: ((Bah. *goes for a more impressionable handle, then*))
bdb85ce, noname: Mmph... I think just ladying helps a lot, too.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*insulted now* You going down Whitey))
bdb85ce, noname: *stares at the post* Where did THAT come from?
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((*scratches entrance, reposts*)) *enters silently, drawing her cloak around her as she negotiates the steps slowly and carefully, her hooded gaze drifting around the room.. her step is calm and even, her weapons hidden but for the staff she holds, fully extended as it taps the floor in time with her steps.. she avoids the bar area and slips into the shadows*
8429b76, *Tzu : *steps through the door, replacement Widowmaker on his hip and his BlasTech A280 slung over his shoulder* *looks about, as his black duster billows in the evening breeze*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: (( Hmmm...ever read "Cask of Amontillado" Justin? ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*pokes for Ronnie* Uh...))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Bashes parenthesis))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((No))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Ahhh!!! I dont have control over my pinky keeps hitting the darned parenthesis!
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Uh, what? You dodged my attack, right? ))*she draws back from her attack, turning to look at Deia, her head lowering in respect*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Justin -----> link
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((Ronnie mighta gotten rudely disconnected.))
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((Or not))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Nah, just distracted by her chatty father. ))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: {sees the swords coming as he goes out the door and falls to the floor, both blades sailing over head, then leaps up and dissapears into the tattooine streets} ((I was just expecting another attack, that's all Ronnie))
e99a343, Harlan Cofax: Maybe not .. but niether is dying apparently
d331ad4, *Deianeira : *moves to her place in the shadows, speaks to Chhaya through the Force* ~Never let down your guard; continue your fight.~
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( I would've attacked again, but Deia had to go and enter...So I've gotta be all respectful, and stuff. ))
8429b76, *Omicron : *chases after Ritter* *gone*
d331ad4, *Bethany : Yes, well.. *eyes all the new ppl come in* I don't plan on dying any time soon
e99a343, Harlan Cofax: (( next time its a restart ))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Oh, and now I'm gonna get sh-t for not fighting. Phooey. ))
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((Or not. *thwaps ppl* Don't get ahead of me.))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Did you notice the relation Justin?
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*hugs Jim*))
8429b76, *Tzu : *moves to the bar and orders a whiskey...looks about*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *trieing to do homework now, not really paying attention to the chat*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Need a repost?
d331ad4, *Deianeira : *narrows her eyes slightly as Ritter runs away like a little coward, and a cruel smirk forms her lips* ~He is intruiging, I think. Come, Chhaya Netra.~ *crosses her arms around her staff, waiting for Ronnie to move her character into the shadows and such*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No, don't bother *doing homework*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: ok
JOIN: Knees has entered.
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((*fixes pic*))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Well. *waits for Jim to return from a restart* Heheh))
8429b76, *Tzu : *exits*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *moves her character into the shadows, as this is expected of her*
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((heheh)) *as Chhaya approaches, she reverts to speaking rather than using the Force* That is an interesting Jedi weapon you have.. *referring, of course, to the lightsaber*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Harlan Cofax has entered.
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *she glides a thumb across the activation pad and the blade vanishes. She glances down at the hilt of the weapon and then back to Deia* How so, m'lady?
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *tries to figure out when all the dark siders got too cool for lightsabers* ))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Glad to here it *smiles , his face lighting up with the wonderous new expression*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *believes the same as Ronnie on that*
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((Erm.. 'bout the time Malus decided he didn't like his ppl using lightsabers.. I guess.)) Just the mere fact that you chose the weapon of a hated Jedi over something more unique. But I assume you are skilled with other weaponry.
8429b76, *Cheyla Creshkay : *slips silently through the entrance, dark blue robes pulled closely around him*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( er , hear ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *blinks and smiles back* I guess so. I rather like life.. except that it can get boring. I'm Bethany.
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( *does a limp wristed wave with her hand* Oh, lightsabers are so passé ))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Hi ... i'm Harlan ... nice to meet you .
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Lightsabers are still the coolest thing ever...*would so like for lightsabers to be real*
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((*just going by what she was taught, staying all nicely IC and such*))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : Striving for orginality is never something I let myself become preoccupied with... Yes, I am quite skilled with various other weapons. More so than with a saber, in some cases.
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( I've almost figured out how to make 'em Justin , its different from the design in the books/films , but does the same thing ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I have one jIm...well, just the doesn't actually work, but looks pretty cool...
d331ad4, *Bethany : Likewise. *leans into the bar, peering down into her slushy-thingy* Uh.. so, d'you live here?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( heh , i mean a slicy one ))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Temporarily ... i'm not a citizen of this place ... I'm an off worlder
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I see....but you never experimented with your plan, did you?
9a06b38, *Cheyla Creshkay : *peers about, a calming aura flowing off of him, almost everywhere*
7a02f3d, *The Serpents Soul : ((Bwahaha ))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *her attention is caught by the presence of the Jedi, but she does not let her gaze wander, focusing on Deia*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( well , I don't have any super heating elements or a suitable gas , do I ? ))
d331ad4, *Deianeira : How saddening. *she looks through the shadows toward the Jedi that just entered.. she concentrates for a moment, managing to conceal her presence in the Force.. her dark presence, and reverts to speaking through the Force again, to Chhaya, and only Chhaya.. and no one else..ever* ~You have yet to tell me what your...~ *arches a brow* ~...vacation... entailed.~
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *looks at TSS* V?
d331ad4, *Bethany : Oh. *slurps at her slushy, rather loudly*
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((Hehehehehehe... TSS.... hehehehehehehehe))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : *her attention is caught by the presence of the Jedi, but she does not let her gaze wander, focusing on Deia*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Yup ... thats me *S*
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Gah!!! *tears something apart* I'm being dragged to Loblaws and Bulk Barn... *weeps openly* I have to go for a while...))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Could we pause this or... *gestures absently* whatever? ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *peers* Huh?
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((Hehe.. certainly. ^-^ *hugs Ronnie*))
47439e7, *Chhaya Netra : (( Fantastic, I'll hurry back as fast as I can *hugs back and dashes off* ))
9a06b38, *Cheyla Creshkay : *exits, as he's bored and stuff*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: um , off worlder ... *G*
d331ad4, *Bethany : Well... d'you like it here so far? *speaks in a tone of voice that clearly sets out how much she believes no one could possibly like it here*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Its OK ...
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*is officially not correcting any typos she might make, so ppl'll have to just deal with it and figure it out :P*))
d331ad4, *Bethany : No it's not!! It's Hell! Can't you tell by the heat?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: I've been to hot places before
d331ad4, *Bethany : *perks up* You have?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Yeah .
d331ad4, *Bethany : Well, I mean... *eyes widen* Where else have you been?]
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*really really really struggles not to fix*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *shrugs , sipping his coffee* Loadsa places ... I tend to travel a bit
d331ad4, *Bethany : D'you like it? *peers more closely at his drink, ignoring the fact that hers is melting*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Yeah ... differnet places ... differnet people
d331ad4, *Bethany : *sighs wistfully, seeming to lose herself in thought for a moment or two*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Heh , but its not all fun and games ...
JOIN: Mitty has entered.
d331ad4, *Bethany : *kinda sorta snaps out of it* Hm?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: It can be boring ...
16022bb, Mitty: Heya.
d331ad4, *Bethany : Anything's gotta be better than here! ((*waves to Thrawny*))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*assumes it's Thrawny, anyway ^-^*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Not necessarily
16022bb, Mitty: *smirks* Yeah, it is...
d331ad4, *Bethany : Not necessarily?! Hmph! How long have you lived here, Harlan?
16022bb, Mitty: *wonders why he's looking up Janus mutual funds*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *shrugs* , a month , mebbe more
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Mitty?
16022bb, Mitty: Yo?
d331ad4, *Bethany : Yeah, well, I've lived here all my life, and lemme tell ya, it's not the most exciting place to be. I'd rather be somewhere else!
16022bb, Mitty: Do you have a question, Justin?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: maybe one day you will be
d331ad4, *Bethany : *smiles* D'you think? That'd be an adventure.. even just seeing a spaceship, close up, y'know? inside, instead of watching them come in and fly out... seeing the stars from another planet instead of this one.. *brightens for a moment* Seeing this place as a distant star. *giggles* Now that would really be something!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Does anyone use this color, can someone tell me?
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*absolutely despises the word "giggle"* bleh.. it's characters like these that make me wanna be evil. *waits for Ronnie to return*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Or this one?
16022bb, Mitty: I dunno.
16022bb, Mitty: Out.
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Hey ... anythings possible , you just gotta work for it
EXIT: Mitty has left the chat ( Quit ).
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Don't think anyone does, Justin.))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *saves the page in it's current state, catching one of Misty's characters giggling*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hooray!
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Erm.. this character giggles a lot. She always has. It's really not a biggy. :-)~))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Poo
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Anythings possible if you try ....
d331ad4, *Bethany : *sorta snaps out of it again, looking dejected* I have tried. *sips her now-melted slushy*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Gotta keep in mind, Justin, she's only 16 years old.))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Uhuh ? Well you aren't exactly an old timer , lookit me , i'm young and I did ... you still got loadsa time
d331ad4, *Bethany : Bah.. time shmime. *then blinks and peers at him* Erm.. what do you do that lets you travel so much?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *S* I like to call my self an adventurer ... part archaeologist , part treasure hunter
d331ad4, *Bethany : *eyes widen again* Treasure hunter?!
3235147, Harlan Cofax: um , sorta
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Well. *stamps "First Crush" on Harlan's forehead* Poor Bethany didn't have a chance. Hehe.))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( erk .. thats mean :P ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : *blinks* Sorta?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( plus hes , um to old ))
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Steele has entered.
d4bd72b, *Steele : [[Hoo-rah.]]
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Well , I haven't found anything major ... mainly trinkets
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((It's not mean, it's how she would react. *thwap*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Ouch .. allrighty , but the thwap was mean ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((Bah. Fine *retracts the thwap*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( Yay *hugs* ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*waves to Steele*)) Ooh.. trickets? From where?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( 'lo Steele ))
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*tries... realllllllly tries not to fix* feckfeckfeck!!!!! trickets=trinkets!!!!))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: All over ... I found some at hoth on a visit , that was .. interesting , plus dantooine ...
d331ad4, *Bethany : Really? You found trinkets on those planets? What kind?
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((*and hugs back too ^-^*))
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Bits of old alliance tech , nothing special .. jewellry dropped by fleeing staff , that sorta thing
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pokes around for Deia*
d331ad4, *Bethany : Oooh. Jewellry?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *fishes a bronze bracelet from his pocket* yeah like this 8hands it to her*
d331ad4, *Deianeira : ((*poked around for*
d331ad4, *Deianeira : +))
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: *will kill Justin*
d331ad4, *Bethany : *takes the bracelet gingerly, looking at it closely* Nifty... *examines it for several moments before handing it back with a smile*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *waves her hand away* keep it , I've got loads like it ...
d331ad4, *Bethany : *blinks* Keep it? Really?
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Sure *G*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *won't attack Deia* You gonna wait for Ronnie to come back before doing anything with Deia?
d331ad4, *Bethany : *looks down at the bracelet*Thank you. *speaks softly, before shoving the bracelet into her pocket quickly it make it seem like it really wasn't a big deal* I've never-- *breaks off and peers at the chrono* urk. *small voice*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((actually, I'm probably just gonna exit her, cuz I'm tired and need sleep.. er.. I think.))
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: Yay. 223 mp3s
3235147, Harlan Cofax: *RaE*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep ))
d331ad4, *Deianeira : *exits and such like, in a timely and orderly fashion*
d331ad4, *Bethany : Uh.. heh.. blast! I've.. erm... It was great meeting you!! *grins, turns, and dashes out.. conveniently not giving any hint of the fact that she'll be putting the bracelet on when she gets home and prolly not taking it off*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: Heh , you to beth ... *Grins and finishes his drink , exiting not long after*
d331ad4, *Bethany : ((My only quick-exiting char that can get away with it each time.. hehehe))
d331ad4, *Misty : *pats over-protective father excuse* anyway. *hugs for those who want*
3235147, Harlan Cofax: (( *bows out* A mans gotta sleep folks .... cya ))
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: Bye Jim.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
d1c46f0, Get a name!: urk
d1c46f0, Get a name!: Stupid isp.
d1c46f0, *Misty : anyway. *logged on just to say g'night* Stupid.
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: *hugs Misty*
d1c46f0, *Misty : *hugs Mazzi back ^-^*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Yaaaaaaawn*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: 327 MP3s...stupid dad needed comp
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: I hate you, Owl. Rot in hell.
d1c46f0, *Misty : Anyway. *wanders off to potentially sleep* *really must get in that RP with Ronnie!*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Eh? ok
723ff5a, 'White Owl: What?
EXIT: Misty has left the chat ( In the whispers of the soul, in the shadows and the darkness, it comes to be that what you couldn't live without ceases to exist, and the memory of what you had grips you in terror; it's then you realize that it's too late. ).
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: *kicks Owl in the face*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: ok there?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yeah! *kicks Owl in the gut*
47439e7, *Ronica : Speak of the devil..
47439e7, *Ronica : *gets here 3 seconds after she leaves.. Typical*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Ignores* What the hell are you talking about Mazz?
47439e7, *Ronica : *demands to know where everyone is. Points accusingly at Justin* You! You must have chased them off!
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Someone say something...
JOIN: RiaBear has entered.
463d6e2, RiaBear: *peeks in*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Mazz?
47439e7, *Ronica : *sneaks up and hugs Ria*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pointed at* I was off playing a game, how the hell should I know where everyone went?
463d6e2, RiaBear: Gah! *is sneaked up on* *jumps and screams and acts all surprised*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *and hugs back too, of course*
463d6e2, RiaBear: Oooh! Drew Carey show next! *dances happily*
47439e7, *Ronica : *never watches TV anymore, for whatever reason* I need to get a TV in my room...the living room is just so far.. It's like... a whole 5 feet...
7a02f3d, ºV : woohoo...*as his fleet heads towards FF;s main system - containing 5 size 45 planets*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *applauds V.. a lot*
47439e7, *Ronica : *also applauds, and stuff*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Prods about for Mazz*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Weeeeee
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Points at Justin* You! I know you had something to do with this!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pointed at again* *slaps Whitey silly*
47439e7, *Ronica : Where is everyone?
7a02f3d, ºV : 95 planets next turn.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Dead?
JOIN: E has entered.
463d6e2, RiaBear: *hugs V*
20ecbfb, *E : *burns her computer graphics syllabus* bwahaha...buhbye.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey wait...*hands V a silver "Best Fight Of The Year" award, then hands E a gold "Best Fight Of The Year" award*
47439e7, *Ronica : 'Nigma! *hugs*
20ecbfb, *E : Ooooh...friggin awesome! *accepts the award* Thanks, Justin! *g*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *then hands Ronnie a bronze "Clumsiest Rescue Of The Year Award"*
20ecbfb, *E : Ronnie! *hugs* *blinks...* I think I'm gonna wear out my exclamation point key. heehee.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Where the hell is Rob, Rohan and Mav? They still need to take their awards
463d6e2, RiaBear: *hugs Nigma lots*
47439e7, *Ronica : *eyes her award* Yeah... thanks...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Kills Justin*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Well, you were involved, you just didn't fight, Ronnie
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *is T2, doesn't die*
20ecbfb, *E : *hugs Ria lots* ^_^ Dunno where they are, Justin...if they were here we could have an in-med clinic RP. hehe.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Heh, or Yun could work on making new lightsabers
7a02f3d, ºV : Well. Im taking an early night tonight.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Youre not a T2...youre a die NOW *Throws him in a pool of lava*
47439e7, *Ronica : I'm a doctor, not a soldier.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Fine V, don't accept your award
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *doesn't die*
7a02f3d, ºV : Ta ta
47439e7, *Ronica : Night, V.
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: Night, V.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Night, V
20ecbfb, *E : Seeya V ^_^
EXIT: V has left the chat ( "To contend with the Delta Cominion is to resist. To resist is to die..." ).
47439e7, *Ronica : Friggin' echoes. *eyes Mazz and Justin*
NICK: White Owl changed nick to Tod Eule
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *ca-thunks E* You broke the pattern!
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* *did that on purpose*
EXIT: V has left the chat ( "To contend with the Delta Dominion is to resist. To resist is to die..." ).
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
47439e7, *Ronica : *eyes the butchered Black Sun quote* Hmm...
JOIN: Pyze Hrantis has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* *copied on purpose*
20ecbfb, *E : *is ca-thunked* Gah! I wasn't paying attention...sooooorry...
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *A cloaked individual enters, shrouded in crimson red. It moves about him wavily as he walks down the steps of the cantina. His snow-white hair pokes out in several places in the large helmet-like headband he wears, especially the top. His red scarf, under which protrudes a medium sized, orb-style, golden bell, covers his nose and mouth*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : (( tub, poppin' bubbl-y....))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *He walks toward the patrons, resting his luminous yellow eyes on each*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *a young woman or an old girl, it is hard to say which, peeks her way in. She seems by nature to be unnoticed as she creeps along the wall, quickly ducking beneath a table*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *hugs pH*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *He walks toward the bar, glancing at each one's face*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*hugs Ria back*))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Seats himself at the bar and gestures to the bartender for a Coruscanti Martini*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *jump jump jump's up and down in place, stabs a safety pin into his face, leaves the human race to do The Punk Polka*
47439e7, *Ronica : *really wants to RP, and stuff*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *looks down about herself, only the toe of a beat-up shoe visible to the casual observer*
5cf4204, 'Mazzik: Anyways, now that we've all decided that I'm God...*goes back to what he was doing*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Resting his elbows on the counter he leans forward and closes his eyes, sighing inaudibly*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *is all that is living, all that is dead and all that does not exist, thus, is higher than god*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*really considering creating a ninja-ish sitting around in her Kung Fu garb atm....* Teehee....))
20ecbfb, *E : *would like to RP too...however, also has to prep a presentation for tomorrow*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *ponders IC-ness, too*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *also has a presentation tomorrow, but doesn't bother to prep because it's really something that so's easy it can be made up on the fly*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *looks down at the sand again, suddenly springing out from beneath the table to land on her stomach, the ill-treated skin of her elbows reddening*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: (( Prolonged thought leads to death and old age people : p ))
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*has a big test on plant biology tomorrow*))
47439e7, *Ronica : Screw the presentation! I'm much more exciting! .... Or, wait... I dunno if I quite match up to the excitement prepping a presentation provides.
20ecbfb, *E : My presentation is the culmination of four years of being an English major. heh. Shouldn't have put off organizing til now.
463d6e2, RiaBear: *giggles at Nigma*
20ecbfb, *E : Oh, I dunno either, Ronnie... [/sarcasm] heh. What would you like to do?
47439e7, *Ronica : No, this presentation sounds terribly important. Don't listen to me.
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((Come, Justin. Battle.))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Turns about at the sound of Pyze hitting the ground, blinking abit at her*
20ecbfb, *E : I've got it all written out, sort of...just gotta decide what order to say it in, and pick my music and such. :D I can RP too, tho...just might be a lil slow.
47439e7, *Ronica : Well... if you
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *unaware of her surroundings, she curls her toes back and presses them against the ground, scraping along on her stomach, gazing determined at the far wall. A sweat has already broken out across her rather light skin*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((And now young Creshkay, you will die))
47439e7, *Ronica : Well, if you're sure...
20ecbfb, *E : Sure. ^_^ Whatcha wanna do?
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Looks at Pyze with a questioning look*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *makes his way silently through the door*
47439e7, *Ronica : Well let's see.. *ponders*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *curls up*
47439e7, *Ronica : *hugs Ria*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *keeps herself perfectly silent, inching along in Cheyla's way, her face a strange mix of terror, pain, and stubbornness*
56542e0, Zerrick: {slips through the back, a navy blue cloak concealing his body, the shadows caused by the hood covering his face. His arms are crossed over his stomach. The dark aura of the force flows from him}
20ecbfb, *E : *ponders*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*grins at Zerrick....ponders a new dude for Valentine*))
463d6e2, RiaBear: *hugs back*
47439e7, *Ronica : What can we do?
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *a calming aura seemingy pours off of him...makes his way toward the back, to his booth*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *wanders off for a while* BBL.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Still looks extremely confused at Pyze's behavior*
56542e0, Zerrick: {watching Creshkay with a cold gaze from under his hood, still standing near the back door}
20ecbfb, *E : Well...lessee. We could have a discussion between Veronica and Maura about the events last night or something...we could do an in-clinic RP with Julian and Nigma, tho I kinda wanted to wait til Yun was around for that. *considers* Is there anything you think we ought to do, before we both leave for our respective vacations?
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *stops suddenly and lloks down* *in his raspy, kindly old voice..* Why, hello..
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *continues her motions, with a desparate lunge succeeding in pressing her left cheek to the wall*
JOIN: Zerrick has entered.
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *blinks...then moves on...stopping again, suddenly, to look at Zerrick*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Walks over to Pyze and stands over her, looking puzzled*
47439e7, *Ronica : *reminded of her vacation* Geez... I need to pack and stuff...*ponders* I guess we can do Veronica and Maura, because I agree about waiting for Yun... And I don't think there's anything that needs to be done before I alive, I don't know about you.
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *rolls over onto her back and smiles up at Tod*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((Aight. No interference on this here showdown, ya hear? *spits* Else me and you's gonna have ta slap leather. *hitches his belt up and tilts his cowboy hat*))
47439e7, *Ronica : *blinks* alive? How in the world...? Leave.
d71c16b, Zerrick: Jedi...{does not move but utters that word, quite idly, yet cold and dark at the same time}
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*sulks...really wanted to bring Viatrix in*))
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : Yes? *tilts his hooded head*
20ecbfb, *E : Packing? What's that? hehe. I don't have anything terribly pressing, aside from doing an in-clinic thing tomorrow sometime. Maura, then?
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Blinks, then extends a hand down towards her*
20ecbfb, *E : Packing? What's that? hehe. I don't have anything terribly pressing, aside from doing an in-clinic thing tomorrow sometime. Maura, then?
47439e7, *Ronica : *nods* Yup. See you IC. *dashes off to get a handle, and her entrance*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((*declares this a private RP, as per Justin's request, if you didn't catch the drift*))
47439e7, *Ronica : *her really long entrance*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {continues his gaze, appears not to moving period}
47439e7, *Ronica : *the slender figure of a woman enters through the back, body bathed in shadows as she makes her way to bar. Stepping into the light, she pauses... Allowing herself a moment to glance around. Her violet eyes are cold, cunning, and the smile that sits upon her lips so naturally is in fact precisely calculated.. Specifically meant to send out the impression that she is one who lives and breathes success. For she is the Dark Princess of Black Sun, and to contend with her is to lose.*
47439e7, *Veronica : *the slender figure of a woman enters through the back, body bathed in shadows as she makes her way to bar. Stepping into the light, she pauses... Allowing herself a moment to glance around. Her violet eyes are cold, cunning, and the smile that sits upon her lips so naturally is in fact precisely calculated.. Specifically meant to send out the impression that she is one who lives and breathes success. For she is the Dark Princess of Black Sun, and to contend with her is to lose.*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : You...wish something? *feigns ignorance*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*makes sure this is the right color*))
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *grasps Tod's hand gently, though she seems content to rest upon the ground, still breathing heavily*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {waves his hand in a dismissing way} I wish nothing from you, Jedi
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *shrugs* Alright. *continues his journey to the back of the cantina*
d71c16b, Zerrick: Except...{pauses} Your death
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *steps through the front entrance, pausing at the top of the stairs, allowing her dark gaze to roam over the room. A sharp, stylish pantsuit and cloned-leather duster encase her tall body.*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Lofts Pyze into the air with ease and stands her up, brushing off the dust she collected*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : What? I have bad breath?
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *lets her tired muscles drool, arms and legs hanging down, shaking a little* *bites her lip* H-hello....Tod....
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *catches sight of Veronica and continues down the steps, strolling toward the bar...casting a brief, mildly interested look at Cheyla and Zerrick.*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {turns to face Creshkay} Do I mistake that for an...insult?
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *catches sight of Veronica and continues down the steps, strolling toward the bar...casting a brief, mildly interested look at Cheyla and Zerrick.*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *just now thinks of another char that could've come in to talk to with Maura, but it's a bit too late.. bah...* ))
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : I'm'll have to speak up...*can hear Zerrick perfectly fine..* How did you smell my bad breath from over there?
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Looks at Pyze concernedly and lifts her into the air again carrying her toward a booth*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((Drool? droop.)) *sighs* What's wrong, Tod?
47439e7, *Veronica : *she pays the two men no mind as she gives Wuher a curt nod, in this way ordering her usual. Sitting down on a stool, she crosses her long legs and casts a glance in Maura's direction*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {drops his hood, the head of a man in his early 40s is unveiled} The Force...{sarcastic}
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : You have a horse? My stars...I've not seen a mighty beast like that in many a year...What's it like?
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *While still carrying Pyze, he frees an arm and points to her, then makes bags under his eyes with his fingers*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Good evening, Highness. *smiles slightly, inclining her head. Brushes some dirt/sand from a stool before settling in.*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : Tired? I'm...I'm fine, I guess. *smiles rather weakly, a bit feverish*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Shakes his head dismissively and orders a water for her, gesturing to the barkeep*
47439e7, *Veronica : Yes, hello Vigo Val. *takes a wary sip of her champagne, knowing full well how bad it can be sometimes. Pleasantly surprised, she continues drinking* And how are you this evening?
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : It's okay, Tod....I'll be okay....*suddenly turns onto her side, curling up into a little ball*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {some anger forming from the Jedi's either senility or stupidity, he peels his cloak off and lays it over the bar, his back turned to Creshkay. Two ligthsaber hilts are at his side, each one looks different, how ever, the butt of the hilt is exactly the same.} Maybe, you'll know this...{unclips the black colored hilt saber and a snap-hiss followed by a navy blue glow can be seen silloutteing his figure}
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Okay, my fingers are tired now, I'm done. :)~ ))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Frowns and moves over to Pyze's side of the booth quickly. Gently lifting her head he puts a hand on Pyze's forehead, attempting to detect if fever is present*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : Ahhh...a fine weapon. You're a Jedi? *tightens his grip on one of his own hilts under his robes..* We seem to be a dying breed..
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Fair enough, thank you. And yourself? *snaps her fingers sharply to get Wuher's attention* My usual.
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *she has a rather high fever, and her eyelids burn as she closes them heavily over her bright blue eyes*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {scoffs} The Jedi will not survive...{turns around, a fire can litterally be seen in his eyes} The Dark Jedi will rise...{uses the force to shove Creshkay down}
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *shoved down...more specifically, back into a table* And a fine trick...*winces under his hood..*
47439e7, *Veronica : As good as can be expected. I assume by your presence that you received my message? *eyes Zerrick momentarily... unimpressed* Pathetic.. *murmurs this lowly and turns back to Maura*
463d6e2, RiaBear: *is back, long enough to say goodnight*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {unclips the other saber, and flips this one on. The hilt is gold and the blade is orange instead of navy blue like the other} I was once like you, believing I could use the force to help people, but then I learned...
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((*hugs Ria-ness* Goodnight.))
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : Oh did you? *rights himself, watching Zerrick*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *hugs Ria lots* Sleep tight. :) ))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*hugs Ria* ^_^))
d71c16b, Zerrick: {smiles coldly, the flames in his eyes getting brighter and manipulates the force so that it uppercuts Creshkay}
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*hugs Ria*))
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *puched up and flies back, landing on the other side of the table*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Frowns seriously and Pyze's water arrives. Cradles her in his lap and puts the glass of water to her lips, encouraging her to drink*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {uses the force to lift the table up....and drop it on Creshkay}
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *nods* I did...I presume you wished to discuss the holorecordings from this place last night? *wets her lips before taking a sip of martini*
d71c16b, Zerrick: You are weak...Twi'lek
463d6e2, RiaBear: *hugs Mazzy and Ronnie and.. Maura.. and pH and everyone* *wanders off to bed*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *rolls away...knowing how much punishment he can take..* Am I really? *stands, slowly*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((*got a hug from Ria* *very shocked*))
d71c16b, Zerrick: You are a Twi'lek, of course you are weak {throws a bottle at Creshkay, through the force of course}
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *carefully sips at the water until it gets cought in her throat and she coughs, spraying a fine mist at Tod*
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((Egg roll..breakfast of champions..))*simply ducks...watching Zerrick* What have I done to you?
463d6e2, RiaBear: *blinks at Justin* Oh, I did say everyone, didn't I? Oh well.. *really wanders off now*
EXIT: RiaBear has left the chat ( Sweet dreams! ).
47439e7, *Veronica : That, and other things as well. *touches a hand to a device on her belt, turning on a disruptor. Any nearby listening devices will get nothing but static*
d71c16b, Zerrick: Be a Jedi {slices at Creshkay's midsection with one of the blades}
5cf4204, *Cheyla Creshkay : *jumps back...draws his right hand from his robes, a chrome plated lightsaber hilted contained in it* Perhaps we can talk matters out...Must it always come to violence?
47439e7, *Veronica : That, and other things as well. *touches a hand to a device on her belt, turning on a disruptor. Any nearby listening devices will get nothing but static*
d71c16b, Zerrick: Talking got the Old Republic no where, and it will get the New Republic no where...Violence is the only answer. {steps in closer, taking another swing, this one and overhead swing coming down on Creshkay's head}
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Certainly. *crosses her long legs at the knee*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : ((*pokes Zerrick* And sex. Don't forget about the sex.))
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((*poked* Yes yes, I know pH. Sex is the other answer))
47439e7, *Veronica : Firstly... What are your impressions from last night? It was certainly.. something.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Wipes the droplets of water from his face, then pours some of the water onto a towel and puts it on Pyze's forehead*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((I think Mazzi got booted))
41918c6, *Cheyla Creshkay : *applies pressure to the activation button and ducks slightly, bringing his purple blade up to parry Zerrick's. The blades sream in protest when the meat, and a quick flash lights up the cantina when the blades of energy collide* *breaks the blade lock and shuffles back, setting himself*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *keeps her eyes closed, whimpering softly. She sets her head on Tod's lap, arms hugging him gently*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {stabs at Creshkay's gut with one blade and swings at his head in a wide arc with the other} Talk has gotten the Jedi no where either
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Yes, it certainly was. *corner of her lips twitches up slightly* The Jedi took quite a beating...their nemeses took a worse one. *pause* What happens now, with dead?
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((man being Dalris, 'course))
41918c6, *Cheyla Creshkay : *slams his blade into the stab, knocking it aside* *ducks the cut, and slashes at Zerrick's legs*
47439e7, *Veronica : I don't think he's dead...
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *brow arches a bit* Really? That would be quite a trick...
d71c16b, Zerrick: {blocks the slash at his legs and in an overhead arc, brings the blade down on Cheyla again}
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Meaning the other blade))
47439e7, *Veronica : Something he showed me leads me to believe he's far from dead. Which would be convienant, considering some of the talks he and I have had.
41918c6, *Cheyla Creshkay : *brings his blade horizontal, again blocking. he almost loses his grip and steps back, setting himself on his left foot* *readjusts his grip and smiles under his hood, his face unseen*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {backs off a few steps} So far, you are more impressive than I thought...{smiles coldly and deactivates both sabers...then presses the butts of each hilt together and an audible "click" can be heard}
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Indeed. It would be a shame for our discussions to be derailed at this time. *sips her martini, glancing to the fight for a briefest instant. Murmurs.* This one pales in comparison to the one last night.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Smiles slightly*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *murmurs softly* ....comfy....comfy Tod....
47439e7, *Veronica : This is nothing. The dark one is a disgrace... *waves a hand dismissively in the fight's direction*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((*ca-thunks both Ronnie and Maura* It will get better, this is just a warming up session, trust me on this))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Blinks at her words, tilting his head*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Your earlier fight blew goats. ))
d71c16b, Zerrick: {backs off a few steps} So far, you are more impressive than I thought...{smiles coldly and deactivates both sabers...then presses the butts of each hilt together and an audible "click" can be heard} ((repost for Mazilicious))
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Haven't seen you have a decent fight either Ronnie, so don't talk crap to me until you do))
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *as her eyes are closed, she cannot see Tod's expression, and she curls her knees up toward her chest*
d21e9e0, 'Mazzik: Wow...I thought double bladed lightsabers died a long time ago...
d21e9e0, *Cheyla Creshkay : ((Said it OOC, and now...)) Wow...I thought double bladed lightsabers died a long time ago...
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((It's two lightsabers that may be joined there Maz. He can fight any way, one saber, two sabers, staff saber))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Mmm. *tsks softly* At any rate...
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Lifts up the handkerchief on Pyze's forehead, then checks her temperature with his hand*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((*gave an OOC response too* God dang it)) {does the Darth Maul stance and without a word, one side ignites, followed by the other} ((I had to do it...))
47439e7, *Veronica : (( That's because I can find other things to do besides fight all the time. But trust me, while I'm not that good, I'm decent enough to be able to pass judgement on your skills... or lack thereof. ))
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *her temperature remains relatively the same, although her skin is now sticky from the water on the handkerchief* *opens her eyes and rubs them* Tod....?
47439e7, *Veronica : What do you think about a... deal with these beings? Not exactly an alliance.. but a mutually beneficial situation?
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Looks down concernedly at Pyze and nods*
d21e9e0, *Cheyla Creshkay : *stands at ready, tensed to counter any attack...*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {concentrates the force and uses it to land a blow in Creshkay's gut before lunging at his neck with one end}
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *considers this carefully* Do you think such a situation could come about? They are powerful, and I've no doubt we could gain a lot from them...but would the benefits outweigh the risks?
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : What's wrong? *rolls onto her back again*
d71c16b, Zerrick: ((Then maybe one day Ronnie, I will test your skills))
d21e9e0, *Cheyla Creshkay : *the blow causes him to double over, the neck lunge effectively missing* *stabs at Zerrick's stomach and backs away, setting himself again...smiles grimly*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {spins the blade to push the stab away then lands two force punches on Creshkay, one in the gut, then one on the top of the head}
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Test my skills? Go for it, it should be a laugh. ))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Points to Pyze's forehead, then makes a gesture meaning "hot"*
47439e7, *Veronica : They want little things... information and the likes... in exchange for us not becoming a target. Which is quite the pro.
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : I know...I know....*her eyes slip shut again, and a hand drifts up to rest awkwardly against his stomach*
d21e9e0, *Cheyla Creshkay : *doubles over, then falls down again...rolls away and comes up on his haunches, watching...poised for attack..*
JOIN: Eleizha Dey has entered.
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Certainly. And yet... *pauses* the specter of what happened to the Aurora will not quite leave my mind. They were once allies with those beings...
d71c16b, Zerrick: {swings from an low to high arc for Creshkay's head with the lower blade}
47439e7, *Veronica : The Aurora was weak, and they failed... Also, we would not become as closely tied with these beings as the Aurora did.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Blinks, then tries to lower his head down to eye level with Pyze*
d21e9e0, *Cheyla Creshkay : *rolls backwards, away from the attack...swallows slightly as he hits a wall*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *again Eleizha a breakneck pace as always...she skids to a halt...narrowly avoiding a patron...her eyes wide and on the verge of tears*
d71c16b, Zerrick: {shuts down the saber} I will finish you another time...{turns, grabs his cloak and exits} ((Dad's making me get off))
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *sensing his movement, she opens her eyes again, blushing a bright red as she watches him*
EXIT: Zerrick has left the chat ( I am a Jedi master ).
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Also true. *pauses for a sip of martini* If this be the case, then I think an alliance has the potential to be very beneficial.
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she fingers the folds of her black dress...what looks like dead roses tucked into her hair*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *writes up an English thing-um, casting the occasional glare to her last marked assignment* I'll show you comma splices... Hmph...))
c2e621d, Get a name!: *shimmers into view*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *hugs Leigh* ))
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Looks at Pyze with questioning eyes*
47439e7, *Veronica : Yes...*falls into thought for a moment* Hopefully he's not dead.
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *very, very softly* What?....*instinctively, she avoids his eyes*
c2e621d, Get a name!: *hugs back*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : And if he is...well, perhaps the arrangement can be continued by his successor.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
47439e7, *Veronica : That's something I doubt. I can't expect them all to overlook my one obvious flaw that makes me "impure" in their books...*gestures with a hand, her champagne glass rising steadily off the bar*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she looks down at the floor...momentarily pausing at the entrance...only one step down...*
JOIN: Collin has entered.
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Shakes his head and points at Pyze then forms a pillow with his hand and rests his head on it*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *then she looks up....behind her...and scrambles down the steps...shiny gray boots smudged with sand*
JOIN: Myron has entered.
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : I guess....I...guess I should.....
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *eyes turn to the glass* Ahh...yes. *pauses, voice lowering slightly* I am concerned for your welfare, Highness, because of these beliefs they hold...
f0bbf9e, *Myron : *a man, or boy rather, enters the large room slowly, he has large blue eyes, blonde hair, a white long sleeved shirt, and blue jeans, with bright red shoes that add to his youth*
4eb4f0f, Collin: *bops in for a moment or so.*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Collin, dahling..))
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( *hugs Collin* welcome.))
47439e7, *Veronica : I realize I'm far from safe.... But certain risks must be taken, I suppose.. *catches her glass deftly, bringing it to her lips*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Lifting Pyze and hugging her close, lest she fall, he stands*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she stops only once she reaches an empty booth...curling up behind the table...*
4eb4f0f, Collin: *hugs for Ronnie and Jenny Jenny Jen.* Hullo hullo :)
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *leans against Tod heavily, her body having about the consistancy of cooked spaghetti. Her arms hug him tightly, and she still blushes very brightly*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : You should at least have several bodyguards with you at each meeting...inconspicuous ones, of course. I could accompany you as well, if you wished.
d21e9e0, *Cheyla Creshkay : *GONE*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: 9 has entered.
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *her eyes ringed darkly...she's had no sleep...haunted by nightmares*
723ff5a, Tod Eule: *Exits, Pyze in tow, with a concerned expression*
47439e7, *Veronica : I can't allude that I might be afraid, or worried. Who knows who they'd take that.
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she looks about...then seems to fall nearly asleep..snapping awake so hard the back of her head hits the wall behind her*
ff613c8, *Pyze Hrantis : *led out, half-conscious*
f0bbf9e, *Myron : (( *notes he's been trying to get in the Black Sun for only 1 month or so*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *notes that she's been IC as Veronica a few times in the past month and if someone wants to join they come to her- not the other way around.* ))
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she sends a hand to the back of her head...the dull pain in her head not really bothering her in the least*
EXIT: Pyze Hrantis has left the chat ( Quit ).
4eb4f0f, Collin: *Collin says with a self-deprecating wave of his hand.* Black Sun is far too stylish to just set up some rude recruitment office. :)
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : But if, say, only I would be present at these meetings...well, they could hardly blame you for having a trusted adviser along...
JOIN: pH has entered.
NICK: Tod Eule changed nick to White Owl
JOIN: ¤¿¤ has entered.
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Thank you, Collin. *nods at Myron* So there. ))
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *eg, curls up in a corner and shakes constantly, chuckling like a mad man*
ff613c8, pH: Blerg! Teehee.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Oi
ff613c8, pH: *trying not to tell Mikey about his surprise*
47439e7, *Veronica : It depends... Dalris seems like the one-on-one fellow. But of course, if the option is made available I'll certainly have you accompany me.
4eb4f0f, Collin: *eyes the pile of work and then the 'tina.* Hmmm...what to do, what to do.
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *prods pH with a cattle prod*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Far be it from me to jeopardize anything, or course. *lips twitch up in a faint smile*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( Work later. Play now. ))
ff613c8, pH: *prodded....eyes*
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *poof! and she is sitting on Collin's shoulder, in a smashing little devil outfit* 'tina... 'tiiiiina... ))
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *blood drips down his right nostril* *snickers*
f0bbf9e, *Myron : Bah, *thinks he oughta have this character off himself*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( * angel on Collin's other shoulder...whispering a sultry 'tina'*))
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Or you could make an effort to join Black Sun *gasp* what a novel idea. ))
f0bbf9e, *Myron : Doesn't help to have a drug seller IC when IRL most of the people are social rejects that will never expeirience drugs.... or something sinister like that.
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she moves her hand back down....then slides silently out of the booth...edging behind it once more*
f0bbf9e, *Myron : Veronica- Yeah, that's nice and possible, when I actually saw a BSer in here they said "I can't help you, I'm just here for the money, screw the others.".. the best damn recruiting person, if I say so myself.
4eb4f0f, Collin: *is torn.* Oh dear, what should I do?
ff613c8, pH: Myron: Um....Chitin Khiton's a drugdealer....
47439e7, *Veronica : (( It's not my fault you asked the wrong people. ))
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *gets up and moves to his 4 million dollar 'shaker' chair, his signature Hannibal Lecter M.D. on it*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *sits down*
47439e7, *Veronica : *chuckles softly, sipping at her champagne* This is going to have to be done slowly...and delicately. I don't even know how to deal with these types.
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she just stands a form from a renaissance painting...perfectly proper...*
f0bbf9e, *Myron : Veronica- I built this character in response to the "lack in black sun" post, inviting people to join, than there is no effort to recruit them.... helps a lot... pH- I care because? Myron's a creator... thus he makes his own, new stuff.
ff613c8, pH: Myron: So does Chitin...she's the NR's medical director....
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Didja get the part where I said I'm not going to chase after anybody? I'm IC right now, and what are you doing? Complaining OOC. ))
ff613c8, pH: And y'all, I gotta go....sleepytime. *hugs everybody*
c2e621d, Get a name!: Did you actually read the post, Myron? Cuz it said to get in contact with Veronica. You look for jobs. They don't look for you.
c2e621d, Get a name!: It's not rocket science!
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: That is all that people do now a days. Complain, moan and lady...
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *pats her very favourite Gan* Heehee... ))
EXIT: pH has left the chat ( Dragged off by the men in white coats. ''From all wise men, O Lord, protect us.'' ).
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : It's a delicate situation, surely. They're a most unusual race. *sips her martini*
c2e621d, Get a name!: *smiles innocently to Ver*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *ponders where Leigh is* Ronnie can I register now?
f0bbf9e, *Myron : Ver- You said yourself that your not on often, ontop of that you seem to be plotting, interruption wouldn't be wise I'd assume.
47439e7, *Veronica : To put it mildly. They want information on the NR... How strongly placed are our operatives in that field?
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( *still on Collin's up the angel routine....settles on a small figure in black...swinging her feet*))
f0bbf9e, *Myron : Bah I'm too tired to argue....
4eb4f0f, Collin: *pats the better angels of his nature.* Yeah, I just got too much pooe to do tonight...I'm just gonna lurk and such. :)
47439e7, *Veronica : (( I'm on everyday. Don't make excuses, make an effort. ))
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( *blinks..hums 'Sonnys Burning'* ))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Hmm...fairly strongly; more strongly than in any other faction. A few in intelligence, some on the High Command's staff, some scattered throughout various snubfighter wings...there is always room for more, though. But it would take a little time.
c2e621d, Get a name!: *wonders where L is, too*
4eb4f0f, Collin: *pat-a-pats Ronnie.* Don't waste your breath, deary. :)
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *she shakes her head furiously every so often...her eyes burning...*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *thwaps L*
NICK: ¤¿¤ changed nick to Gatsby
c2e621d, Get a name!: Is Leigh 'round?
47439e7, *Veronica : Perhaps we could pay someone off... Not necessarily an agent of ours. Just someone who could use a large amount of credits... Because who can't find a use for a little extra money?
4eb4f0f, Collin: *gives up on ever being able to RP as Magus ever again.* Poo.
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Especially on the salary the NR pays. *laughs lightly* Shall I have our operatives start scouting around for qualified candidates?
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: *sooner rather than later...she walks quickly out...* not now...leave me alone...*gone*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*eyes Collin* Whyzzat?))
6c9b335, Gatsby: *blinks*
47439e7, *Veronica : As soon as possible. *nods* I'd like to have this taken care of before I leave.
4eb4f0f, Collin: *L* Cos, this jail-break is never gonna happen that's why. :)
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((Heh...granted, it will be set back a while now...but it'll happen sometime. :) ))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Of course. *inclines her head* I'll start things moving at once.
c2e621d, Get a name!: *yawn&
c2e621d, Get a name!: Whoops. *fixes typo*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
JOIN: Little §un has entered.
4eb4f0f, Collin: I dunno...that might be the last we ever see of Magus. He'll skulk off into history like some dead-beat dad. "Um, I'm just going out for some milk and to free Jadzia Piett, I'll be right back." :)
3eeef91, Little §un: greetings folks
6c9b335, Gatsby: Little Sun?
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : (('d better not be, Collin. *eyes some more*))
3eeef91, Little §un: *L* okay quick question, for the life of me I cannot figure out the alt code combination that gives you this funky L symboy that I used in my name...anybody know it offhand?
3eeef91, Little §un: yah little sun aka little jawa
6c9b335, Gatsby: £
4eb4f0f, Collin: *is eyed.* but but but, with Magus gone I'd be free to indulge and create my slapstick comedy supreme evil character!
47439e7, *Veronica : Excellent... *drums her fingers along the stem of her glass, pondering* Is there anything else that needs to be dealt with? Oh, yes... A friend of yours, that Akido fellow, has joined us. You're in charge of keeping him in line for now, before he's transfered and put to work.
6c9b335, Gatsby: Collin can do what he wishes, Maura.. He can be creative and create a new character. *grin*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( *blinks*))
3eeef91, Little §un: yah gat but I might have found it 0163?
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((Tsss...))
6c9b335, Gatsby: That is right Little Sun
6c9b335, Gatsby: *wishes Mr.Riddler was here*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *cocks her head slightly, smiling faintly* He didn't make a very good first impression, did he? *less of a question than a statement*
JOIN: £ittle §un has entered.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: that's better
47439e7, *Veronica : It was horrible, actually.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: that's much better
4eb4f0f, Collin: *wishes everyone a happy St. David's Day a few hours early.*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: mr. riddler jeez I think I remember him maybe
3eeef91, £ittle §un: gats-just call me Ls it's much easier *L*
6c9b335, Gatsby: That guy was cool... *snickers*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *shakes her head* I'll have a talk with him. I don't believe he knows quite yet that I work for Black Sun. *chuckles*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *grabs her usual seat in the corner and snaps and her firebrew appears in her hand out of nowhere*
47439e7, *Veronica : It should be a pleasant surprise for him, I'm sure.
4eb4f0f, Collin: *bops about.*
JOIN: Maura Val has entered.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: so gats I could be wrong but do I know you?
47439e7, *Veronica : Also, I had someone speak with him, pretending to be nothing more than a person looking for conversation. He drops the information about who he works for too easily. Talk with him about that.
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Perhaps...perhaps not. Men sometimes have this complex about "seeing" women who hold more power than they do. *dryly*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*slides her last 'fore Ronnie's*))
6c9b335, Gatsby: I am of no concern...
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *yawns and stretch's and kicks her feet up*
6c9b335, Gatsby: Name begins with an A.
47439e7, *Veronica : "seeing"? You're not leading the poor fellow on, are you?
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *shakes her head, laughing a bit* What is it with the males in the operation? They're all far too loose-lipped.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L and shrugs* if you say so there gat's...hmm and a huh
4eb4f0f, Collin: *quips that that won't be a problem with Andaris.* Tee hee
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *takes a thoughtful sip of martini whilst formulating her reply* Not really. I just hope he doesn't expect things to get terribly serious.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *yawns again and then downs her firebrew and slaps the cup back down on the table*
6c9b335, Gatsby: *snickers*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *leans back in her booth and snaps and a nice warm wool blanket is over her*
47439e7, *Veronica : Well... You know men.. *absently slides a hand into her pocket, fingering the ring that's caused so much disturbance in her life*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *puts her hands behind her head and closes her eyes and tries to drift off to sleep for a lil while*
54d0882, Eleizha Dey: (( *snickering@ronnie an' maura*))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *sleeping*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Yes...far too well. *maroon-tinted lips twist in a faint smirk* They're always too far one way or the middle-of-the-road. Oh... *laughs again* Speaking of, did I tell you the request that Reev Forii made the other day?
47439e7, *Veronica : No, what does he want now? Mercy? *chuckling, she drops some of her business-like attitude, no longer in a discussion with a employee, but in a chat with an old friend*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : In a way. *grins slyly* He was asking me to play matchmaker for him. Not using those words, of course, but the intent was blatant.
47439e7, *Veronica : Oh really? This could prove to be extremely entertaining... Did you have anyone in mind?
EXIT: Eleizha Dey has left the chat ( Quit ).
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *still sleeping*
6c9b335, Gatsby: *baps the sleeper*
4eb4f0f, Collin: *abandons the sinking ship of the 'tina with its glittering figureheads and its horrible captain bligh.*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Mmm...not as of yet. I was idly running through mental lists of associates...or people who would be suitable. None have seemed quite right, yet. His main requirements are that she not be a twin or an actress. *almost...dare I say it?...giggles*
47439e7, *Veronica : She needs to be able to kick his ass. *manages to work her lips around the crude word in such a way that it seems civilized, and even charming*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *mumbles something and bats away at whoever is hitting her* mmmppphhHH yeee
6c9b335, Gatsby: Bah....
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : It doesn't seem it would be that hard to do, really...though he did put up a semi-impressive fight against Daya and Kyoto. *swirls her martini* It would almost have to be someone outside the organization...
3eeef91, £ittle §un: mmmmppppph *swats blindly* not NOW.....i'm....tired
4eb4f0f, Collin: Right...*hugs all 'round and square.* ...I'm off to threaten more people with condoms filled with ketchup or something.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: mmmmppppph *swats blindly* not NOW.....i'm....tired
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : That's another main purpose of his, you see. To find life outside his work. *sips*
4eb4f0f, Collin: *bops out.* Tar tar good
47439e7, *Veronica : (( You're off to...what? Collin! I thought that was our special little thing... If I'd known you were doing it to everyone... Hmph. ))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*hug, hug for Collin* :) ))
6c9b335, Gatsby: *exits*
EXIT: Gatsby has left the chat ( Quit ).
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *rolls over and starts to lightly snore*
JOIN: Zerrah Vei Chezz has entered.
4eb4f0f, Collin: *winks at Ronnie.* Ketchup for the coarse masses...Catsup for us. :)
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *zips up her boots...and steps in...either to go IC or lurk*))
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( oh dear god....wrong color.))
4eb4f0f, Collin: Bye!
47439e7, *Veronica : Someone mysterious... He'd probably like that. Men get a kick out of that. *chuckles wryly*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( hmm.))
47439e7, *Veronica : (( Bye! ))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *rolls over again and starts to talk in sleep*
EXIT: Collin has left the chat ( goin to graceland, ba-bay! ).
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *pulls out blaster while still talking in her sleep and points at a spot on the wall and starts to rant* you stupid...son...of...*shoots randomly at the wall*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Definitely. And of course, she'd have to be at least fairly good-looking...wouldn't need to be drop-dead gorgeous, per se. Someone...intelligent in a sexy sort of way.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: hmmphhh take that *nods in sleep and carefully puts her blaster back in her holster*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *glances briefly in the direction of the blaster shots, brow arched slightly*
47439e7, *Veronica : I can think of a few girls. She'd also have to be able to put up with him. That's key, I'd say. *smirks*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *mumbles again and swats at the air once more before waking up abrubtly and blinking several times*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *chuckles* Absolutely. He doesn't seem to be a bad sort of might not be so bad dealing with him. He does have his moments...of course, they all do... *waves dismissively*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *and she enters...just like if she holds the keys of ancient mysteries...she moves silently to the inside left of the entryway...glancing slowly over the room*
47439e7, *Veronica : Indeed... Well, *casts a glance at her chrono, arching a brow slightly as she notes the time* As simply scintillating as this conversation is, I must be running along.
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( everyone's bedtime...but mine.))
47439e7, *Veronica : (( *patpat* I wish I could stay. ))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *glances at her own tasteful-yet-expensive timepiece* Oh it flies. Shall you speak to those ladies you have in mind, and I'll do the same...and we'll inundate him with companionship? *grins wickedly*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( i know. time zones...shame on 'em all.))
47439e7, *Veronica : *nods, her own smile delicately mischevious* It's a little disturbing what kind of sick pleasure we take in this. I'll see you soon, Maura.
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *her deep brown eyes seem to close as if in a momentary sleep...then open...every last image filed away in her memory...she turns...looking once to Maura then Veronica...and exits*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *blinks...will prolly be the only one left this late at night*))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : Everyone needs a hobby. *raises her glass in a slight toast* Until later, Veronica.
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *loves her color tho...* not quite purple..not quite red.))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*nodnod* I like it a lot, too. :) ))
a50873f, Get a name!: Hooo?
47439e7, *Veronica : *chuckles softly as she turns, heading for the door. Exits and whatnot*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *she enters moments later...with a smile all to herself...maybe evil...maybe not....a shadow moves swiftly by the cantina entrance before it closes...and vanishes*
a50873f, Get a name!: is little Sun still here?
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((GaN - Don't know, sorry))
JOIN: Cpt Colton has entered.
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *she slips her thin fingered hands into the folds of her flowing dress...her skin smooth...flawless..she glances once more about*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *gaze flicks to the entrance as she drains the remnants of her martini*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *flails arms a little and looks about the room*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Hello Maura and Zerrah.
a50873f, Cpt Colton: I was looking for a friend of mine.
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((Hello, Cpt Colton :) Little Sun was here, but I don't know if she still is))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((is anyone IC? I never really go out of it))
47439e7, *Ronica : Goodnight all you lovely people!
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( g'night ronnie. *hugses an' such*))
EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( "Hello, you've reached the winter of our discontent." ).
a50873f, Cpt Colton: G'nighters, Ron.
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : ((*is IC, for another few posts* *waves to Ronnie* Ciao!))
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *eyes IC*))
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *her hidden by a loose hood...well booted feet peeking out just under the hem of her dress..she is making a decision...whether to stay..or go*
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *sets her empty glass on the bartop as she slides from the stool. Smooths her duster as she moves for the door.*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Kinda like the Clash, eh Ms. Chezz? *fills glass* Glass of wine?
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *really knows how to clear a room*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *grin*))
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *she glances at Colton...and shakes her head a slight..subtle 'no'.*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *nods back at Zerrah politely and drinks from the glass* Did you see the fight last night?
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((LOL* that sounds like he's talking about boxing))
20ecbfb, *Maura Val : *slips out into the alleyway, and into a sleek black transport...and is whisked away.* ~gone~
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *her figure is quite well cut in shadows...should she not one would notice her presence...she raises a brow to if to inquire what in the world he's talking about*
EXIT: Maura Val has left the chat ( Fall upon the thorns of life and bleed. ).
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *won't tell anyone who he saw here tonight*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *with a content smile...listens to 'Henry Lee'*))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((*likes the new Dave Matthews Band album*))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: hrrrrr.... what can we do here? *breaks out marshmallow creme and peanut butter*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *backs away from Colton...her skirts barely shifting...her grace is so flowing..*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *G* why colt I never knew you were a closet DMB fan hehe you livey bastid you
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((closet? Rabid is closer, Little Sun))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *admires grace* Not to worry, this is just a test.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *G* ya know you can spare the formality and just call me lj
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *puts a dab of peanut butter on a small plate on the bartop* weeellll I was trying on the new nick, lj.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* whatever makes you happy *G and steals some marshmallos* hehehe
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *puts a marble-sized orb in the peanut butter and globs marshmallow creme all over it* this will be fun, if it works.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *walks up to a bar stool and hops on to it leap frog'ishly*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *she turns from if there is some other person she's looking for...eyes lidded sleepily*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: **snaps and a big bag of supplies appears in front of her on the bar*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *takes out stuff and starts putting marshmallo creme on some grahm crackers and then slaps some hersey chocolate on it*
JOIN: Lt. Kettch has entered.
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: yub yub
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *chuckles@Kettch* oh wonderful.))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *makes many of these and lines them up on the bar* heheh fast way to make smores
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *backs away* lj, this will be messy. *takes out a remote*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: yub yub indeed!!
JOIN: Stiletto has entered.
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *walks over to Chezz. looks up at her* yub yub
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *snaps and a huge firey flame comes up from below the smores out of nowhere for a split second and then disperses and offers to colt* dig in hehhe
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *eyes new handle* wow....seriously?))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: oh snock! That Ewok got me zapped last time I encountered it.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *grabs a smore and throws it to ketch* hey catch
31af2c9, *Stiletto: Seriously. :-)
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *takes the smores* Tanx! Now back away a moment.
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((LOL))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Stiletto! How are we? *salutes*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: hey and stil too jeez now it's a party *tosses stil a smore* hehehe
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( Cool. *hugs Stiletto...knows he don't know who she is*))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L and rasies a brow under her hood* kay *backs away* just don't ruin the smores man
31af2c9, *Stiletto: *bows to Colton* We are doing fine, tonight... *smiles broadly*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
31af2c9, *Stiletto: *gets hit in the face by a smore, wipes it off and eats it* Yum....
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *eats a smore* yub I mean yum yum
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Gling!! *presses a button on the remote. The marshmallow creme ball "detonates" sending cream all over the bar area* HOOOOOOOO!!!!
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L@stil* sorry
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((*gets hugged by an unknown person* hey there... ))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: it WWOORRRRKKSS!!! *rocks out* Rock n' ROLLL!!
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *smack upside colts head* dammit you ruined all my smores you nut
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *walks over to £ittle §un* yub yub
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *smacked* ow!
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Hello GaN... ))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: sorry...
3eeef91, £ittle §un: yub yub kettch *L* I would offer you another smore but colt killed em all
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: *she looks about the room...once...then turns mutely..and exits...the shadow seeming to join her as an old friend..its form bent as a friend at her arm...she vanishes down the sandy streets*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: we can make more...
a50873f, Cpt Colton: starve the furball.
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* feel free to call me lj or ls kettch it's easier
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((hee! Hello Kettch))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *frowns and looks sad* *runs over to Colton and tackles him for killing all the smores*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Stiletto, did you see that? Wowsers!
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* shouldn't have to *L* it's all you creme puffs fault
a50873f, Cpt Colton: gah!! *tackled* Get it off me!!
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *LHAO@ketch* jeez
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L and picks up ketch* come cute teddy bear *sets him down on a bar stool*
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *doesn't get off him, trys lick any smore that might be left on his face or hands*
54d0882, Zerrah Vei Chezz: (( *nod...ish* hey.))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *is ploped on a bar stool*
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((*ROFL at Colton* thanks for reading... ))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Zerrah - you know I ain't gonna guess this... ))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((just wait, Stil! Zoinks is coming next!))
NICK: Zerrah Vei Chezz changed nick to Jenalia
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( yep. I know that.))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Jen-a-rama! Hey! *hugs* ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((AH! it ate my post!! )) *is ploped on a bar stool*
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( *is called Jen-a-rama....feels like an arcade game*hugs back* uh...thanks.))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* hey stil were you able to catch ss's and my email addresses
3eeef91, £ittle §un: much better
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ...
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((*LOL* ))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((*G* Thanks for clueing me in, Jen. How ya doin'? ))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( yeah...'laugh it up fuzzball'.))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *humming I did it as she listens to it on naps*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *guilty as charged* lj.
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *jumps on top of the bar and runs back and forth on the bar knocking over glasses that others have left there*
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( Welcome Stil. I'm doin alright. Mindless and aimless as always...but alright. you?))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *thinks she wants this cd, only right since she has all the others*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L@colt* damn straight
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *recommends the CD*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *raises an eyebrow@ketch from under her hood*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *chucks a marshmallow creme ball at Kettch*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* thanky colt but you're a bastid for having it...can't wait till june they're coming here two days before my b-day ehehe
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *stops all of a sudden and freezes and stares at all the people*
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Colton - haven't heard it yet, but I saw him in concert this summer, and was not impressed with the new stuff. But I did see him on the Tonight Show last night, that was rather good. ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *yells* YUB YUB
a50873f, Cpt Colton: How the hell did an Ewok get to this planet??
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( it got smuggled in with the surplus livestock type stuff.))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: thanky colt but you still a bastid for having it
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *catches the marshmallow creme ball and gobbles it down.* *jumps off the bar and runs over to Colton for more*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((Stil--Them, dude. I saw them too and some of stuff they previewed was killer, but they scrapped a whole album of material and recorded other tracks, and Dave went electric))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: hehehe can't wait till june they come here for a concert only two days before my b-day
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Umm.... *chucks a creme ball to Kettch*
3eeef91, £ittle §un: my fav cd would have to be under the table and dreaming
a50873f, Cpt Colton: i'm a bastid anyhoo, lj!
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((him, them... *G* sorry, grammatical force of habit. I know just how ticked ppl get at that. Wait, Dave's electric on the album? ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *ducks the ball, then runs over to where it landed and eats it*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((sweetness, lj. I don't think I'm going to be able to make it this year--they're playing Dodger Stadium on a snockin' Tuesday))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: crash was okay but what I've heard so far from their new cd it sounds good...hey colt read rolling stone
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((aye, all but one track, I think. It came out really killer, tho))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *LOL* poor man you
3eeef91, £ittle §un: yah dave went electric stil, i think it has alot to do with the new producer's influence
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((*watches Jen disappear in a flood of posts* ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((Colton, you live in CA?))
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( *is watched...dissappearing...glug glug from flood*))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((I got a subscription, lj--but I havent gotten to read the article))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* and also I would recomend listening to some of david grays stuff...DM himself said he loved the guy, and I agree he's good
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Hmmm... I shall have to investigate this... I really loved Across These Crowded Streets (last album with new material)... ))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *L* good article colt very good
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((Kettch--aye I do))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Hey Jen - got AIM? :-) ))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: that was good to stil I was happy with that cd I thought it was better than crash...some parts anyways
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((cool, me too, where abouts??))
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( certainly do Stil. Its the same as before.))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((Crowded Streets was the best album they did, but not the best singles))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: yah I agree colt I didn't think too highly of the singles specially don't drink the water, I thought some of the best was as always was not singles
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((From Los Angeles, but right now I live in Bakersfield))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: I dig don't drink the water, cause it's got classic rock influence))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: *shrug* didn't care for it much
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( add lyn to my handle.))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Woops - lost ya, Jen... ))
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( can't lose me with this color.))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: I like the dreaming tree thats one of my fav's
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((Alanis Morisette did backup vocals on that))
3eeef91, £ittle §un: she did back ups on spoon I think too, not sure though
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((that one's killer, too))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((Kettch, ya here?))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: yeah she did. That one's great.
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((lj, where are you located again? My memory serves me bad))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((oops, forgot about the tina. I live in pasadena area))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((ah, the nice part of it, Kettch?))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: yup
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((I'm acctually in Monrovia, but most people don't know where that is, it's about 10 mins east of Pasadena))
JOIN: £ittle §un has entered.
c1ae329, £ittle §un: I'm in Buff NY
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((yeah, I've been in Monrovia a couple times))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((ah, ok, cool))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: g'neez, it's late there lj. Where did you see DMB?
c1ae329, £ittle §un: I kinda like alot of their mild stuff like dreaming tree but at the same I love drive in drive out and dancing nancies
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *stands on the bar and waves to all the wallflowers* Howdy howdy howdy!
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((I've got family in baskerfield and telarie(sp??) ))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: (("A track for every mood" we say here, lj))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: sorry dancing nancies=jimi thing
c1ae329, £ittle §un: best of whats around is one of my all time fav
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((I LOVED the Last Stop. Excellent. And..... uh.... "Halloween," I think it's called... ))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: you ever hear david gray colt?...btw didn't see them yet going to this summer
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((sp=Tulare. Yeah, it's fun here in the desert *dryly*))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: halloween kinda freaks me out...but it's good *L*...colt unfort everytime tickets went on sale here they went fast
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((YEAH, Stil. That one was awesome. So is Minarets, from that old one))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((She's in Buff NY with §§... *wink* ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((there's like nothing out there, my mom grew up in tulare))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((yeah, lj we have to be on the ball))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((.....and my dad in maine....))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: his last concert here was at a very small venue..this time he's gonna be at marine midland arena where the sabres play so ir's huge
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((a New York show will be awesome. Last summer we saw 'em in a big ol' L.A. amphitheater; it was an all-day event))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((yeah, it's a different place, Kettch))
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( 'where has all the roleplay goooOOoone....' *spinoff of 'where have all the cowboys gone'*))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *grins@stil* enough out of you *L*...that had to be cool
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((ya I know))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: yah it's the good thing about big city, they all put in big effort for the show
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Right here, Jen. *stands on the bartop raising fists* I am the eggman!!
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( *rae...mumble*))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *yeah, I try to catch L.A. shows, cause they're the best))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *chucks a creme ball over the bar and jumps down*
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* RPing dissipates at night *L* we need real conversation we're too late to dream up RP stuff
c1ae329, £ittle §un: late=sleepy...see what I mean jeez
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *chases the creme ball and gobbles it up*
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *ducks creme ball and snaps and watches the creme ball stop in mid air then fly back towards colt* hehe
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Good point. Speaking of which, I have to crash. Work early, grrrr.
c1ae329, £ittle §un: damn you colt *L* big baby
a50873f, Cpt Colton: Heh! The Ewok ate it.
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *g* gotta luv me!
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *LOL@ketch* nevermind my post then
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *looks to colton for more*
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *sings@colt* I'm the baby gotta love me, sorry old tv show song
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( can't lose me with this color.))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((LOL is that from Dinasours?????))
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( stupid window.))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *LOL* yah that would be it
c1ae329, £ittle §un: god I thought everyone besides me forgot that show, kinda like ALF *misses ALF*
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((lol, my english teacher played a bit on one of the shows for some reason that I forget now))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((ALF!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved ALF!!!!!!!!!!))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* I like all those old shows, ALF dinosaurs um perfect strangers and poo
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((we've still got them all on videos!!!!))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((aye it was))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: gah, ALF sucked. Time for an exit.
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((man, how old are you???))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((and poo - I like that show too! *G* ))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *LOL* yah me too ALF was AWESOME man I miss that show
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *LOL* 19 soon
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((perfect stangers sounds familar, poo as in winnie the poo??))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *skips halfway to the door and breaks into a run, flailing arms and singing LIKE---*
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* bite your tounge colt
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((wow, see, i'll be 17 in may, and I remember all those))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((ALF was awsome... *G* ))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: now poo is the filter choice for s.h.i.t.
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((*takles colt for what he said about alf*))
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( *grins*))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: ALF was the thing when I was in kindergarden
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((oh, ok,))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((see ya Colton! ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((alf is awesome))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: perfect strangers, um cousin larry and the sheep herder guy balki *sp*
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *sings LIKE--Boy George!!* do you really want to hurt Chewie! Do you really want to see the wookiee cry??
a50873f, Cpt Colton: ((*L* G'nighters, Stil, Kettch, lj, & Jen!))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((We've got an alf mask that fits over your whole head, my sister was in the bathroom and I put it on and scared her when she came out, she yelled and like fell backwards, it was sooo funny!!))
a50873f, Cpt Colton: *runs out the door flailing arms* GONE/\/\//\/\/\/\
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((night colt))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* loved how alf used to try and eat the cat...alf the original transformers...
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* night colt
EXIT: Cpt Colton has left the chat ( Quit ).
31af2c9, *Stiletto: (("Now we are so happy, we do the Dance of Joy! Dai dai dai-dai, de dai-dai-dai-dai... hey! Hey! HEY!" ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((lol, yup))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* I have a pooload alf stuff that is supposedly worth alot, the talking alf doll and the alf puppets from buger king
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((oooo, there was that other show.... out of this world?? where the girl would put her fingers together and freeze time))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* hey does anybody here remember this big 80's kick they had these burgers at burger king but they were mini burgers they sold them in four packs
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((ah, cool. my dad's got a bunch of alf stuff, on that will stick on a window))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: everyone says I'm a nut and that they didn't exsist
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((I remember eating mini burgers, don't think they were form burger king though.....))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Yeah, I remember those mini-burgers things... ))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: I doubt I'll sell the talking alf though *L* ebay they're getting more than a hundred bucks for those bad boys
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( *shudders*))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: see ahahahaha they DO exsist hehehe *in her glory*
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((wow))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: lol
c1ae329, £ittle §un: it's this alf doll kinda like teddy rucksben *sp* his ears and mouth and eyes moved he came with these tapes of stories like puss n' boots
54d0882, *Jenalia: (( bye ya'll. *vanishes in a flash of bright lights and loud music*))
EXIT: Jenalia has left the chat ( Quit ).
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* only alf would screw with all the stories and change em, it was great he still works too
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((Lol, I always wanted a teddy rusksben doll, but my mom would never let me. : ( ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: ((Lol))
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((There's some great pages on the web about reprogramming Teddy Ruxbin's... *L* ))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: *L* well the stupid alf doll was expensive when it came out I think it was close to $50...but because they were so expensive not many were sold so now they're high priced and in demand
c1ae329, £ittle §un: I remember this show with these dinosaurs that were part robots and people rode around on them and crap that was a cool show
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((hm. Transformers? ))
c1ae329, £ittle §un: no *L* different show someone told me what it was called
c1ae329, £ittle §un: but I don't remember what it was
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((hm. Go-Bots? :-) ))
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: hmmm,,,, I don't remember
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((maybe GaN knows! :-) ))
JOIN: little jawa has entered.
c1ae329, little jawa: page is being pissy jeez
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((hmmm... Little §un AND Little Jawa? *L* ))
      Stiletto kicks the Tina in the arse...
c1ae329, little jawa: *L* yah little jawa is too lazy to bother with the special alt keys for little sun
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: yub yub
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Hey lj - is § back from work yet? ))
c1ae329, little jawa: he's off tonight *L* why wanna talk to him?
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: k, I gtgto bed now
c1ae329, little jawa: bye bye kettch *hugs*
337f3fb, Lt. Kettch: *hugs back* night all
c1ae329, little jawa: *pulls up a seat next to stil* one of his few days off, *L* he gets two
EXIT: Lt. Kettch has left the chat ( Quit ).
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((drat - I did. Time for me to go (compy lab's closing). ))
c1ae329, little jawa: ss works usually 11pm-7am graveyard shift
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((Tell him "All Your Base Are Belong to Us." :-) ))
c1ae329, little jawa: he usually works 11pm-7am graveyard shift *giggle* mr security guard
31af2c9, *Stiletto: ((See ya! ))
c1ae329, little jawa: *L* okay I will see ya
EXIT: Stiletto has left the chat ( goners! ).
JOIN: Aymeena Veltay has entered.
cca7dc5, Aymeena Veltay: (( *tests about*))
cca7dc5, Aymeena Veltay: (( *tests again*))
cca7dc5, Aymeena Veltay: ((*test*))
cca7dc5, Aymeena Veltay: (( hmm. looks right.))
cca7dc5, Aymeena Veltay: (( *tests once more*))
cca7dc5, Aymeena Veltay: (( blah.))
EXIT: Aymeena Veltay has left the chat ( Quit ).
b4f363e, Get a name!: *blinks*
b4f363e, Get a name!: I hate it being so empty in the morning.... *sigh*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
b4f363e, Get a name!: *yawn*
JOIN: Winjo has entered.
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*Floats in*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Aww... I'm all alone. *Shrugs*))
93f0455, Get a name!: Nope, I'm here!
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Who you?))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((I ain't good at guessing games. *Shrugs* ))
93f0455, Get a name!: Ack, server problems
93f0455, Get a name!: Ahem I''s a clue....*hugs*
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((I get hugs all the time. What makes yours so special? *L*))
93f0455, Get a name!: Oh mine is special
93f0455, Get a name!: Another clue....I like metal.
e0c75fb, Winjo: (( All women like metal.....especially the gold or silver variety. *LOL*))
93f0455, Get a name!: *pokes Winjo* Not that kinda metal, funny boy. *G*
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Sky? ......))
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Skylar
93f0455, Skylar: Tadda!!
93f0455, Skylar: See , you can play guessing games!
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((I knew it!......Wasn't sure though. Hehe. How are you?))
93f0455, Skylar: ~Hey there's another lurker around here....*pokes*
93f0455, Skylar: I'm fine, just came back from a short period of holidays, if you can call it that.
93f0455, Skylar: What about you?
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Okay, I guess.......Another Lurker? Ooooh yeah, your right. *Pokes GAN also*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: I'm doing my last semester at Uni now, and the work is piling up on me......which probably explains the tight feeling I've got on my chest. *LOL*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*Floats over to a bouncie castle, and starts to bounce* ......Weeeee!!! Whoaaa! Yipeeee!))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*Bounces high in the sky*))
93f0455, Skylar: You mean the very last semester?
93f0455, Skylar: You're finishing and graduating then!
93f0455, Skylar: eck bouncing on me?
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Yep, the very last......well unless I fail....then it's back to the ol' drawing board. *L*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*L* .....Oh No! Not on you..... *Imediately erases dirty thought, he just thought of*))
93f0455, Skylar: You're not gonna fail , have positive thinking!
93f0455, Skylar: You better erase the dirty thoughts pal! hehe :P
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Okay....I'm definitely going to fail !!! There, is that's positive thinking enough? *LOL*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*Erased forever-and ever* *LOL*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((Did ya get your results back? I'm still waiting for mine. I'm not getting mine until the tution fee arguement over here is solved....which sucks, like a baby on a cabbage lolly-pop.))
93f0455, Skylar: *blinks at the mention of a cabbage lolly-pop* Anyways...yeah I got all my results, all good news even if there was some subjects which I deserved a higher score but I'm not stupid enough to go and argue about it.
93f0455, Skylar: Tuition fee arguement, huh? I guess every country has it. What is it about? People don't wanna pay or what?
93f0455, Skylar: Erm Winjo, you still there?
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((The student union wants the tution fees scrapped and wants to go back to the system by where students get their tution fees paid by their local council. Students number have decreased rapidly since the introduction of tution fees.....Tutors are losing jobs because of the lack of students attending....etc,etc,etc...))
93f0455, Skylar: That seems a major problem.
93f0455, Skylar: Here nobody pays anybodys tuitions unless you really have the need for it, you know, low income families and such.
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((There was a boycot at uni today because of the whole tution lectures were attended by students. A group of protesters tried stopping me, but I threatened them with my crutches if they didn't let me through. I had final project stuff to do and there was no way someone was going to stop me. ))
JOIN: noname has entered.
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((The old system was best, as students just paid higher taxes for a while when they graduate....a kind of "paying back the community once they've passed" thing!))
d1d7f81, noname: Screw college.
93f0455, Skylar: *is scared @ Winjo's crutches*
93f0455, Skylar: Ian!! *huggles*
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((I know someone who virtually has! *LOL*))
93f0455, Skylar: If we follow that line of thought...screw the entire system.
d1d7f81, noname: Hey.. .. .. bloody hell. *dragged off*
93f0455, Skylar: Ack
d1d7f81, noname: *GONE*
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*Wonders where to get a good pair of padded gloves from?* ))
93f0455, Skylar: Buh ..bye Ian
93f0455, Skylar: From your Mom Winjo, the ones used for getting things out of the oven, those are padded.
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((I hate my crutches.....they bruise my hands))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*L@Sky's comment*.....If Mom ever cooked, I would. But as she doesn't that line of thought is a no-goer!! *L*))
93f0455, Skylar: Here have some moisturecream *throws the bottle*
93f0455, Skylar: For the hands ,of course.
93f0455, Skylar: Your Mom doesn't cook! Ah that explains the addiction of pizza.
e0c75fb, Winjo: I kinda gotta go....someone wants my compy, and as it's the only one with a scanner in the whole Uni, I've got to give it up. *Sulks* .....Seeya around my little Brazilian Fruit and Nut cake! *ROTFLOL*))
e0c75fb, Winjo: ((*Takes the moisteriser cream, and giggles into the sunset*))
EXIT: Winjo has left the chat ( Quit ).
93f0455, Skylar: O-o
93f0455, Skylar: *catches up the reading of the board*
93f0455, Skylar: *curls up and sleeps *
d333718, noname: *staggers back in*
93f0455, Skylar: *wakes up and spots Ian* WB.
d333718, noname: *groans* Yeah, hey Sky. *was up all night with food poisoning*
93f0455, Skylar: *hugs* You feeling better Ian, last time we talked you seemed , I don't know...sad and away.
d333718, noname: It really hasn't gotten any better.... God knows my situation keeps getting worse.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
93f0455, Skylar: You need positive thinking Ian, I know things just tend for the worse these days though that happens with everyone, if we just stop fighting against it , there'll be no salvation, right?
d333718, noname: Positive thinking... right.. I'm sure that having all this crap happen to me will be something something good I don'tknow...
93f0455, Skylar: I'm not saying that, I'm telling you to don't give up trying to overcome those bad things.
d333718, noname: Mmph.... well, I'm currently incapacitated, so I shouldn't worry about anything until I recover..
93f0455, Skylar: I can't reaaly pass any judgement since I don't know about the situation.
93f0455, Skylar: reaaly=really
93f0455, Skylar: Just focus on recovering then.
d333718, noname: *mumble* my uvula is trying to choke me to death.
93f0455, Skylar: Not only phisically but mentally as well.
93f0455, Skylar: Your what?
d333718, noname: The dangly thing in the back of your throat.
93f0455, Skylar: Drink lemon tea, that usually helps.
d333718, noname: We don't have any... and I'm sure as heck not driving anywhere to get some. Ah well, I'll just rough it.
93f0455, Skylar: A mint might help too.
93f0455, Skylar: *mutters* Sh*t I have to go.
d333718, noname: Hey, no problem, see you.
93f0455, Skylar: *hugs Ian* I hope you get better soon, my fingers will be crossed , just held your head up high . ;-)
93f0455, Skylar: See ya around.
93f0455, Skylar: *Gone*
d333718, noname: *goes to make lunch*
EXIT: Skylar has left the chat ( Quit ).
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Death
c83eb08, Death: *hovers around*
d333718, noname: *slight moan*
c83eb08, Death: *eyes Ian*
d333718, noname: Who are you?
c83eb08, Death: Death.
d333718, noname: Talon?
c83eb08, Death: That too.
d333718, noname: I'm a good shot. *grimace*
c83eb08, Death: Indeed.
d333718, noname: *waiting to die..... moans*
c83eb08, Death: *the icy cold hand of death is upon you*
d333718, noname: Um... nope. Besides, my body is prob'ly colder than Death's anyway.
c83eb08, Death: Bah!!
d333718, noname: S'not my fault. *pouty* I have no heat retension whatsoever.
d333718, noname: And recovering from a severe case of food poisoning doesn't help any.
c83eb08, Death: *sniffs and goes to his boat and floats down the river of Stix*
d333718, noname: As to my mental state, I broke my laptop, I still don't have a job, I lost the remote to my car stereo... *tries to remember what else has happened within the last couple of days8
c83eb08, Death: Food Poisoning? Ow.
d333718, noname: Sorry if I'm going on... *tiredly*
c83eb08, Death: Never had food poisoning.
d333718, noname: You've never had it? *blinks, finding that inconcievable*
c83eb08, Death: *changes subject* Played FF IX?
d333718, noname: It's awful. Really, really bad. Horrible.
d333718, noname: Nope...
c83eb08, Death: *hopes to never have it*
c83eb08, Death: IX is the best. VII is now a second place runner up.
c83eb08, Death: Bah, hate to steal souls and run, but I goota go. *takes Ian's soul, gone*
EXIT: Death has left the chat ( Gone like a bat outta hell!! ).
JOIN: little jawa has entered.
9d0b4fd, little jawa: greetings *looks around* um, big crowd today
JOIN: KL has entered.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
618c8bb, Get a name!: *steps inside*
JOIN: KJ has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *pokes KL*
JOIN: noname has entered.
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *a 16-year-old girl in a tan-colored robe with a light blue tank top beneath it steps in*
1a2a911, noname: *waits to die*
JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *steps in behind Siera and grins**taps her on the shoulder*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((Um... *huggles noname*))
1a2a911, noname: I'll wait all day if I have to. *mutter*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *with extremely fast reflexes she reaches up and grabs the hand touching her shoulder as she whirls around, ready to grab the person and body-slam them or something...*
5ec1de1, Get a name!: My Coke went flat from being on the counter all night. fs.
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((*smirks and pats V or whoever GaN is*))
1a2a911, noname: My mind went flat from my body being up, vomiting all night. *feels, somehow, he has a better gripe*
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: Woah! Take it easy! *chuckles* it's just me
3235147, Get a name!: :P heheh ... i am the faceless woder *hugs Ria*
3235147, Get a name!: oh ... other one ... d'oh .. well I ain't all here ... reading comics
5ec1de1, Get a name!: Poor Ian. *looks around for Ria*
1a2a911, noname: *hmph... lurks... *
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *checks herself and relaxes* Oh, just you, is it? *throws her arms around him in a hug*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((Dork, I'm KJ))
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *smiles* nice to see you too
1a2a911, noname: I was supposed to look for a job again today... I'm halfway between mindless panic and utter apathy.
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *smiles back* What are you doing here?
3235147, Get a name!: Bah .. thrown by the colour ... *slaps Kjerti* respect mah authoritay :P
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *shrugs* I haven't been around for a while so I thoght I would drop in and see who was here
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((*slapped* Ow! ))
5ec1de1, Get a name!: *rolls eyes*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : Oh... *drops her arms and turns to glance around the place* Well, it sorta looks like we're alone in here... *smirks slightly*
3235147, Get a name!: now shush ... i'm reading Green Arrow number one
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((authority shmority..))
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((What the heck is that?))
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: Good, I like that better...
3235147, Get a name!: *looks up from comic* i'll argue in a bit .... reading
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *moves over to the bar and tosses a few credits across for a water* You want anything?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Green Arrow is a dork...he looks like a retarded Robin Hood
5ec1de1, Get a name!: *shakes head*
3235147, Get a name!: Feck you , Kevin Smith writes and Parallax brought him back to life
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : Oh, the same for me... thanks. *smiles, following him to the bar*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((*thinks Justin should be permanently banned*))
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *orders her a water and hands it to her* So how are you doing?
3235147, Get a name!: ah ah KJ , no arguing please ... no need to go at each others throats when nothings happened today ... yet
5ec1de1, Get a name!: *thinks "Judge not lest ye be judged."*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I'm so loved! *hugs self*
1a2a911, noname: *knows the true meaning behind that verse*
5ec1de1, Get a name!: *setting self up to be in a good mood today*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *takes the water* I'm doing pretty good I guess... *shrugs, glancing down at her glass*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((*smirks*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What would that be Noname?
5ec1de1, Get a name!: throats=source of food=going at them
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((Ooo.. you shouldn't have asked, Justin.))
1a2a911, noname: It means hold yourself to the same standards you hold other people to.
5ec1de1, Get a name!: 3 pm = not middle of night = music loud
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Uh...duh
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: 5ecldel, Get a name! = Misty!
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: you guess?
5ec1de1, Get a name!: Justin = perceptive = hugs
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Stop talking like that
5ec1de1, Get a name!: A thousand apologies. *hugs Justin, then goes back to sorting out a new playlist*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: And a thousand acceptances... :)~
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : Yeah, well... I'm 16 now, and even though my growth rate has slowed down, I dunno if it's normal yet....
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: *smiles at her* You've caught up with me...
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Ack! *just found another link to AYBABTU*
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *smiles slightly, looking back up at him* Yeah... but I don't want to pass you up...
5ec1de1, Get a name!: *sorts out playlist, turns music up-ish, and then gets a handle*
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: Maybe you wont...perhaps you will stop growing now and it will return to normal.
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((AYBABTU has really caught on at my university... there's even a flyer out about some program and if you look closely you can see the words on the back of a couple of T shirts...hehe))
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : *her eyes scan his face* I hope so.
3235147, Get a name!: AYBABTU ? *puts it down to some strange north asmerican cult*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: All Your Base Are Belong To Us
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US))
3235147, Get a name!: *was right*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *smirks slightly*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *poked jIm with a stick*
3235147, Get a name!: *whacks Justin* Shush , i'm reading my Ultimate team up ( spederman and Wolverine) issue one now
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---This is ligitimate
JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
5ec1de1, *Misty : suffered a case of temporary insanity last night.. it was great
ac17424, *KnightLance: ((*kicks the school comp then glances around and hits it again* die!))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Insanity is great
5ec1de1, *Misty : It was. ^-^ I put it down to exhaustion today, but still....
3d4b4e1, *Siera Vessler : ((*makes Lance and Siera walk out cause Lance's compy is bad*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---You are where you eat
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Uh, hello?
a9b9f68, *KnightLance: ((*throws his hands up* I give up! bbl))
3235147, Get a name!: *RaE@Justin*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What jIm? Look at the pictures, they're funny
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Hehe
3235147, Get a name!: you said 'uh hello /' ... i gfound it confusing
5ec1de1, *Misty : *wanders over to her corner, plunks down on her pillows, and sews*
3235147, Get a name!: Anyway , thats todays comic fix ...
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Cuz, everyone stopped talking
3235147, Get a name!: I was reading
5ec1de1, *Misty : Sometimes... when you have nothing to say... falling silent is the best thing to do
3235147, Get a name!: as opposed to falling , um , off a cliff :)
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *falls off a cliff*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Well, I can think of worse ways to die
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: So can I
3235147, Get a name!: Aye , but I can think of better things than dying
5ec1de1, *Misty : This coming from the "It's better to burn out than fade away" guy? If you want to burn out, you'll prolly have to do it yourself. *ahem*
3235147, Get a name!: oh yeah , but theres a few things to do along the way .. and i won't go quietly either
3235147, Get a name!: *RaE@MTV2* Could this be the new Paradise lost song ? Hmmm *watches*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Well, it will certainly be an interesting thing to see.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *doesn't get MTV2, quite pissed about that*
3235147, Get a name!: It will be Myst *G* It will be ...
3235147, Get a name!: *does AND he's in the UK , but then he gets the UK version* Advantages of digital :P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *has digital*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *doesn't get MTV.. has MuchMusic*
3235147, Get a name!: Yup .. twas paradise Lost .. they rule
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Stupid Crappy Mediaone! They don't get any of the good channels...cept for Nickelodeon Games & Sports
3235147, Get a name!: Advantages of digital and subscribing ...
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: It's not even in the channel guide jIm...that's what pisses me off, I couldn't get it even if I wanted to
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: and I do want to!
3235147, Get a name!: Ah well ... I have it , nyah nyah
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: link <---*doesn't say anything, just laughs*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *smiles faintly* Child. *continues sewing*
3235147, Get a name!: And proud Myst ... i'll never grow up :P
5ec1de1, *Misty : Most men never do. *wryly*
3235147, Get a name!: Justin , I will not have you post links to such ... *shudders* perversity ...
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *grows up*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: But jIm, that's funny
3235147, Get a name!: Awh , that sounds almost bitter Myst :P
3235147, Get a name!: its sick Justin *shudders s'more*
5ec1de1, *Misty : What can I say, I'm a bitter old hag. *shrugs with a half-grin*
3235147, Get a name!: 's ok Myst .. we need some old peeps
5ec1de1, *Misty : We've got plenty of old peeps. Yun, Nigma, yourself.
3235147, Get a name!: I'm not old ....
5ec1de1, *Misty : Sure you are. *frowns as she pricks her finger, but lightly* stupid thing.. *sews*
3235147, Get a name!: arse , nice and young me .
5ec1de1, *Misty : Alright. *concedes* Young, mayhaps, but nice? *snorts*
3235147, Get a name!: er , its a relative term , we all know i'm as nasty as the come ... evil through and through *nods8
5ec1de1, *Misty : Yes, we all know that.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *peer*
3235147, Get a name!: good , as long as its clear
3235147, Get a name!: *pier*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Mmhmm. As clear as crystal. *humouring Jim*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *falls off the pier*
3235147, Get a name!: Oi ! No humouring .. i'm mean , thats taht
3235147, Get a name!: *looks at MTV2* Oh yeah ... sabotage !!!!!!!!!!!
5ec1de1, *Misty : *idly* Never said a word to the contrary, did I?
JOIN: Ronica has entered.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : My, this place is simply bursting with fruit flavour...
3235147, Get a name!: blah ... *growls all mean like*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *smacks both jIm and Misty* Stop it you two
5ec1de1, *Misty : *absolutely unphased by the growl, pricks Justin with her needle, waves to Ronnie, and goes back to sewing*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pricked* Ow...
3235147, Get a name!: *kicks Justin in the nether regions* 'lo Ronnie
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *waves back to Misty* Hey there, Jim.
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *nudges Ver to check the msgboard*
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *nudged* Hey Leigh :) *checks*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: Teehee.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *snickers*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Hmm... *won't respond right away, because she has to think of something good*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : BRB
5ec1de1, *Misty : Ooo, it's begun!! *tries to decide her first victim, and terms..*
3235147, Get a name!: *LMAO*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *eyes Jim*
3235147, Get a name!: *points* Sid Vicious singing 'My Way' on telly
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *in shock* My stepmother... just appologized to me... sincerely... *sits down*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: Oh.
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *huggles Ver*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *destroys the extra "p" *
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *hugs back*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: That's good, right?
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I don't know... *blinks* It's never happened before. Maybe there's some ulterior motive..
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: Ehk.
JOIN: Steve has entered.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *has two tests tomorrow* Gah...
09f1639, Steve: *pokes his head in*
09f1639, Steve: *wves to Ronnie-chan*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *waves back to Steve*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: 'lo Steve. *has a super hard french exam for a contest or something on saturday morning, but will be out until @ least 1 AM Friday night after opening night for SoM* I'm screwed! *has no time anymore*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: No time cuz most of it's spent here. *hugs for Ver and Steve* I'm gonna go. Study for French.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I've got a lot to do tomorrow because I need to get certain school-ish things done, since I'll miss a week of school.
5ec1de1, *Misty : *thinks it might be nice to have a life.. makes note to see about getting one*
09f1639, Steve: Uhhh.... Hi NoName....who I THINK might be Kelly-Chn
09f1639, Steve: *wave to Misty*
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *giggles to Ver* But it's worth it, right?
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: *is, indeed, Kelly-ness*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *hugs back* Good luck, then!
5ec1de1, *Misty : *waves to Steve*
09f1639, Steve: *hugs Kelly-chan*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I've got one, Misty, and they're just plain bothersome most of the time...
9c9d7a9, Get a name!: =) Thanks much. *hugs for Myst, too* Bye bye guys.
5ec1de1, *Misty : *hugs Leigh back* Later
5ec1de1, *Misty : Well, I mean, even some semblance of one might be nice. I've not even got that.
09f1639, Steve: I have a's not all it's cracked up to me
09f1639, Steve: Well... my So Called Life is calling again.... I must be out... Later ya'll...*vanishes into a whisp of smoke*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Bye, Steve
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I missed you by all of three seconds last night, Misty.
5ec1de1, *Misty : *lol* Figures
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *taps her chin as she tries to think of a victim for Honey if you love me*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Hehehe.. I've got a victim.. now all I need is to think something up *EG* Actually, I've got 2 victims atm
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Yeah, but how do you know someone will pick you as their victim?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Where the hell is Mazzik?
5ec1de1, *Misty : Oh.. *waves an idle hand* No one will pick me for their victim. *self-assured grin*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *picks Misty as his victim*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Is that right...*taps her fingers together and plots*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *rae@Justin*
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What? You said no one would pick you as a victim, so...
5ec1de1, *Misty : Yep, that's right.
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Whats with all the plotting and planning?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Who knows Whitey, they're women
5ec1de1, *Misty : That's right.
3235147, Get a name!: wooo ... *just got handed Pizza*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *is indeed a woman* What a simply brilliant observation. Tell me, are you a detective?
JOIN: V has entered.
5ec1de1, *Misty : *el*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Only at night, by day, I go by the name of Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Long live "The Comic Store Guy".
5ec1de1, *Misty : *slept 16 hours today... had a f-cked up dream directly linked to her temporary sanity of last night.. and is still tired*
3235147, Get a name!: don't diss comics Justin :P
3235147, Get a name!: and yes , I know its a simpsonism
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: jIm, don't you know who The Comic Store Guy is?
3235147, Get a name!: from the St. Patricks day episode mentioned yesterday
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: It wasn't dissing comics, that was straight from the show
3235147, Get a name!: :P the paranoid ( i.e me ) could assume you making allusions to my earlier statements :P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: The stupid would also think that too, jIm
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: BURN!
3235147, Get a name!: Oh yeas , and the stupid ( i.e You ) could piss me off :P heheh .
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Uh, that made no sense
5ec1de1, *Misty : And that was our daily dose of intelligence. We now return to our regularly scheduled program
3235147, Get a name!: and so he spake .
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Spake?
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *snickers at Misty*
3235147, Get a name!: I thought me being grumpy and justin being dumb was our daily regular programming ?
3235147, Get a name!: Olde English Justin , your heritage :P
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: No, we're just the infomercials at 3AM you don't want to watch but do anyways since there's nothing
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: else on
3235147, Get a name!: Oh that right .. darn it
5ec1de1, *Misty : That's the point, Jim.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Ain't my heritage, I'm Italian and Irish.
3235147, Get a name!: And the english conquered the irish and instilled thier culture on 'em :P so it is , why do you think I speak english instead of Gaelic
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Damn you and you're history. *hasn't had a world history course in 3 years anyways*
JOIN: Aymeena Veltay has entered.
3235147, Get a name!: *hasn't done history in , blinks , SEVEN YEARS !?*
5ec1de1, *Misty : you're=your
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Well then you learned it from a book, and that's cheating.
3235147, Get a name!: Nope I just pick things up . marvellous thing an intellect ...
4fb428c, ºV : *hasnt been to uni for seven weeks*
3235147, Get a name!: *growls*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *blinks@V* um...why?))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Cuz V's a rebel
4fb428c, ºV : because the course sucks and I really hated it
5ec1de1, *Misty : *arches a brow at Jim* You really must get that fixed.
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( good reason.))
3235147, Get a name!: Aye , but still *growls*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *pokes GaN*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *wishes he could do like V and just skill English class everyday cuz it sucks royal ass*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( What course,V?))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: skill? skip
5ec1de1, *Misty : *chuckles*
3235147, Get a name!: *is poked , glares* Quit that .
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Freudian slip, Justin.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *pokes jIm with a stick*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What Ronnie?
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( k. *kisses GaN*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : No, of course you wouldn't know what it means.
5ec1de1, *Misty : *pats Jim* Quit growling, dear.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Uh, yeah...
3235147, Get a name!: *rips Justins arm off* You'd be surprised how good I am at it IRL Myst *is kissed , RaE* Er ...
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *is good at growling, purring, hissing...and getting odd looks from people*smiles@Jim?*))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *grows arms back* Hey, I have a arm span of 64 inches
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : A Freudian slip is a verbal mistake that is thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion.
3235147, Get a name!: Not anymore *rips it off and cauterise's the wound* Your very affectionate Aymeena ... heh
5ec1de1, *Misty : *dryly* Actually, I wouldn't be surprised atall.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: I suck ass at English...*has made it above an 80 in 3 years*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *adds space where necessary*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *applauds Justin for sucking ass*))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: IE: "Both of you stop fighting! kiss and make out...I mean up..."
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *applauded, bows*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *didn't expect that...*stops applauding*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Or: "Nice to meet you, I don't believe we've ever been properly seduced- er... introduced before.."
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What the hell are you talking about whitey?
3235147, Get a name!: Yeah , well ... being a security guard an all :P
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Or: "Nice to meet you, I don't believe we've ever been properly seduced- er... introduced before.."
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *blinks@Jim* pardon?))
5ec1de1, *Misty : Called upon to growl often, are you?
3235147, Get a name!: Ya kissed me ... sorta , er surprising an all
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( hey...growling is is...*pause* grin*))
3235147, Get a name!: Oh yeah Myst ... along the lines off 'get outta my store or i put you out ... now !!!'
5ec1de1, *Misty : Surprise often has the effect one wants it to have.
3235147, Get a name!: indeed
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *runs off something else*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( so is anyone up for IC?))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: If Mazzik shows up, tell him to IM me, whether I'm still on away or not
3235147, Get a name!: Stop looking at internet porn you dirty dirty boy :P
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *is studying...sort of*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: must be hungry...
5ec1de1, *Misty : IC? Whassat?
3235147, Get a name!: *is going on a sweetie run to the shop soon*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( oooh....Jim has a sweet tooth....))
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( IC...when you...*pause* good question.))
5ec1de1, *Misty : That so sounds like an idea..
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots...*
3235147, Get a name!: aye ... I feel like a creme egg ... yum
3235147, Get a name!: plus it counts as a smoke break :)
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *perks up* Creme egg? As in.. Cadbury?
5ec1de1, *Misty : Well, aside from the smoking bit.. *ponder*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *perks up more* Smoke? I mean...That doesn't interest me at all.. *hides*
3235147, Get a name!: Aye Ronnie ... mmmm
3235147, Get a name!: *pats Ronnie* I know .. I feel so bad ... I caved under the pressure and bought a pack of ciggies yesterday :(
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Those are gooood...And the clucking bunny is so cute.
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *is having a hard time wanting candy...feels ill*))
3235147, Get a name!: clucking bunny .. christ I just eat 'em ...
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I was a bad and rebellious kid...Well, I still am. But I quit the whole smoking thing, thankfully.
5ec1de1, *Misty : Caving under pressure? Well, that.. *trails and goes back to sewing*
3235147, Get a name!: I did , but then ... I quit cold turkey and it was to much , so now I'm gonna ween myself offa them
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: *leaves, under pressure*
3235147, Get a name!: but , i'll be back soon ... sweeties xcall
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Pff... I didn't even try for that cold turkey nonsense.
JOIN: Hyperspace has entered.
5ec1de1, *Misty : I'm sure.
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *peeks*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *ponder* *finishes her sewing* *ponders more*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *hums*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *waves to Hyper*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *hugs Ronnie*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *hugs Hyper back*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots.....*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( what're you sewing then, Misty?))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: oy... tonights the first performance... *yawns*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *glad she quit because the new warnings on the Canadian cigarette boxes are just terrifying*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *eyes Ronnie*
JOIN: Knees has entered.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *eyed* What?
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *...Plots*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: my interface chord burned out damnit... *glares at it*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Clothes ^-^
5ec1de1, *Misty : *waves to all and wanders off*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Ok... ok.. Gotta study. *opens her Society textbook and stares* Cultures... how fascinating, and all that.. *attempts to read and absorb the info*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *hugs Misty before she wanders off*
84f4b6f, Aymeena Veltay: (( *ponders IC alone*))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots*.....
5ec1de1, *Misty : *hugs Hype back* *hugs Ronnie and Aymeena too, then wanders again*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *hugs back*
4fb428c, ºV : *tackles Myst*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: Seninonoyelseninocaek... *Plots*
JOIN: Ally has entered.
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *eats Kraft Macaroni and Cheese*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *hugs Misty...waves to Hyper*))
4b0eca4,Ally : *wanders in, sets up an 'Alc fan club table' complete with Keychains, buttons and T shirts, NEW ITEM!! Alc action figure! complete with lightsbre!*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *waved at* *would recognize the color but is having interface problems*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *is waiting for her food to be ready*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *doesn't normally use this color anyway*))
4b0eca4,Ally : Hi Y'all
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( Hey the saber possessed?))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Hey Alc.
29009aa, *Hyperspace: er... well who is it?
4b0eca4,Ally : could be possessed, dunno...Hi ronnie
NICK: Aymeena Veltay changed nick to Jenalia
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *flashy entrance...* tada.))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: Jen! *hugs hugs hugs*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *runs out of energy* damn...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( hehe. *hugses back*pokes Alc*))
3235147, Get a name!: cherry cola , dolly mixtures , raspberry ruffles , a pot noodle and creme eggs woo hooo
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *watches the clock, mouth watering* 1 more minute... *sooooo hungry*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( cherry vanilla dr.pepper...*swoons*))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: mac and cheeze rocks...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *is so not hungry* Feck.))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : It's done! *runs off to get her food*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: i have to eat now... wont be able to later...
4b0eca4,Ally : *is poked and hugs* Ok...*throws jen a T-Shirt* that SHOULD cosdt ya 12 bucks, but seein as were old friends, ill let you have it for 20!!!
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( No thanks Alc. I'm broke. *tosses it back..*))
4b0eca4,Ally : Dang
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Mwuahahaha.. *decides on a victim for "Honey, if you love me"* Yes...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *smiles widely...douses Alc with a sudden dose of SS*))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *dances languidly to 'Red Right Hand'*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : That's such a good song!
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( ^_^ tis. *gives an ear out to 'Nobodys Baby Now'*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *feeds her cat some ham, whispering to it conspiratorally* Now kitty.. no one hears about this, understand? *shifty eyes*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *sniffs*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( 'RONNIE'S FEEDIN THE CAAAAAAT!))
4b0eca4,Ally : ((is anyone here a WWF Fan??))
3235147, Get a name!: sorta
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( no. *tackles Alc to the floor and pins 'im* ))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Shhhh!! *waves her hand at Jen* Hush!
4b0eca4,Ally : ((well, The Kat got fired and as a Result, jerry the King lawler has quit.))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *has a hand waved at her* is that red? *RaE*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : No, it's a little blue, though... *turns up the heat*
3235147, Get a name!: heh
5465c4a, *Jenalia: ((*looks at her own pale hand..* hmm))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *kisses GaN again*))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, there they are standing in a row...
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head!
3235147, Get a name!: Erk ... *cries* Jens playing with my fragile emotions again !!!!!
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *eyes Ronnie and Hyper* dear almighty penguin...))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: give em a twist, a flick of the wrist, that's what the showman said...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( I am not. ))
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots*
3235147, Get a name!: *doesn't want to fork out 100 quid for a twenty gig hard drive , only wants a ten but they're expensive to ... after all what the hell does he need twenty gig for !?*
3235147, Get a name!: Are to *cries*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *hugs GaN...whispering sweet nothings in his ear*))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( I am not. If I were you'd never know.))
JOIN: noname has entered.
1a2a911, noname: .
3235147, Get a name!: :P *is on a sweetie binge , heheh*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Hey there, Ian.
29009aa, *Hyperspace: oh I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts... everybody throw and make me rich...
1a2a911, noname: *slight nod* Hey, everyone...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *gives noname a kiss as well*dances again to 'Red Right Hand'*))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: there stands me wife... the idle of me life...singin roll a bowl a ball a penny a pitch...
4b0eca4,Ally : *reappears*
3235147, Get a name!: 'lo Ian
1a2a911, noname: *listens to "Off the Edge of Despair" compulsively*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( Off the Edge of Despair?))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *squeaks in a random manner*
3235147, Get a name!: brown dolly mixtures suck
1a2a911, noname: It's a midi from Final Fantasy VII.
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *tries to figure out Ferion*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( Ah...right. *grins..clueless*))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *decides she wont figure it out in 10 minutes and leaves it till Sunday*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: wow you guys... did you know it's only 9 days till my birthday...
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Plots...*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( ''all the towers of ivory are crumbling...and the swallows have sharpened their beaks....This is the time of our great undoing...this is the time that I'll come running....Straight to youuu''))
1a2a911, noname: *puts on "The Promised Land" which is almost as depressing*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *won't be here for Hyper's birthday* *sobs*
29009aa, *Hyperspace: i'm rather excited actually... i just dont have the energy to prove it...
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *sobs back at Ronnie* traitor!
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *blinks...won't really have a birthday..* happy early birthday Hyper.))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: aww... thanks Jen *hugs*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Say, Hyper, do you know how to play "Honey if you love me.." ?
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Traitor? *sobs more*
3235147, Get a name!: Hypes B-Day ?
29009aa, *Hyperspace: ...yes... *eyes Ronnie*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *eyed* *looks terribly innocent* What? Just because we're playing it on the message board and it's my turn to do it to someone, you don't think I'd pick you ?? I'm shocked and insulted.
29009aa, *Hyperspace: i think... if it's the "Honey if you love me..." I'm thinking about...
2d8cb55, *Ronica : "Honey, if you love me... Just smile"
29009aa, *Hyperspace: oh I'm quite sorry dear... I really didnt mean it that way... just slipped out you know?
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *has never been picked...hides*))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: yes that one... where the response should be "Honey, I love you, but i just cant smile" but i cant ever seem to get it out without doing so...
29009aa, *Hyperspace: er... *shouldnt have given that away*
2d2eb1e, 'White Owl: *Pats Jen* *Leaves...Plotting*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *patted* Well if you do nothing but plot...nothing will come of it.))
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *is struggling with a smile*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *chuckles* ''Do you Love Me?''))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *smiled at Leigh's post, so is screwed* Is there a proper response to make if you do smile? Cuz I always played it where you just go after the next person if you do...
1a2a911, noname: Without a second's notice, everything you know to be true can change... you take a breath, and suddenly, you have a whole new way to cope with.
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( all the time Ian.))
1a2a911, noname: Don't blink... or, when you do, don't open your eyes again. The terrors of the new reality, obfuscated for only a moment, shall drive you mad...
29009aa, *Hyperspace: well... i must be going...
29009aa, *Hyperspace: fairwell, m'dears...
1a2a911, noname: Every time you go to sleep, you die, only to be reborn into a new day... why can't everything be different?
29009aa, *Hyperspace: *gone...warming up as she goes*
1a2a911, noname: We go from day to day, all being the same as the day before, until it all falls into entropy...
1a2a911, noname: See you, Hyper.
3235147, Get a name!: bye hypes
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( later Hype.))
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Parallax
1a2a911, noname: And why? Only so we can wake up the next day with the same status quo. But is what we have really all there is on Earth?
1a2a911, noname: Why not taste the tartness of a pure sunrise, unsullied by everything that happened before the phoenix flames rise from the horizon?
1a2a911, noname: Why not just start over when things don't happen the way they're supposed to?
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *blinks*))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( yeah. um....If you love me....just smile. *nodnod*))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( 'on the second day he came....with a single red rose...he said give me your loss and your sorrows...''))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( 'on the third day he took me to the river...he showed me the roses and we kissed...and the last thing I heard...was a muttered he leaned above me with a rock in his fist...'))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *pauses...laughing* sorry. ))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Is that the nick cave and kylie song ?
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *blink*
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *blinks@GaN* surely. how'd you know?))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: C'mon Jenster , I know all ;)
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( Jenster? Who the bloody pickle are you??? ))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: *sighs* I thought I was the most obvious GaN
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *sings the rest in a creepy whisper for Ronnie*))
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( Not when you've got Nick Cave rumbling thru yer brains...))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Eeek! *runs*
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Gimme a J ...
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Gimme an I ...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( Jim.))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Bravo :)
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *kisses Jim all passionate and stuff...just to keep with her earlier sweets kick*))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: Eek ...
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *dances off...singing "where the wild roses grow"*))
c52e4a7, Get a name!: heheh
JOIN: Rohan Ambrai has entered.
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *ponders IC briefly*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *He stands hesitantly in the doorway, reluctant to enter this place again for fear of recognition. His hood remains, leaving only a shadow where his face would normally be*
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Jedan rules
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *dances around Jim...singing it to him*))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *EG@Rohan*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *He peers around from inside his hood, and walks slowly over to the bar, his steps marred by a slight limp. He orders his usual from Wuher, his voice quiet and subdued*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *is sung to*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((hehe.. it was some night, wasn't it? *G*))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: You could say that :P
5465c4a, *Jenalia: (( *plants a rose 'tween 'is teeth...and vanishes*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *Usually he would close his eyes at this time and reach out into the Force, trying to sense any malevolent intent towards himself. He did not do so this time*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *is left with a rose bnetwixt his teeth and a silly look on his face*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Hopes fervently that V doesn't bring Dalris in*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Ponders the Ne'kressis*))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *supposes that means he's pondered*
NICK: Jenalia changed nick to Eleizha Dey
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*LOL*)) *Wuher serves him the drink and he presses some coins into his hand, not speaking a word. He takes the glass from the counter and looks around warily, before sitting down at a nearby booth*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *test* ))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *lol* way too dark.))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *mumble*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( oh*lol*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *realises there's other ppl here...goes IC*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *He sits down awkwardly, unused to the stiff joints he had acquired during his treatment. He takes a small sip of the fiery red liquid, and sets the glass on the table. He looks around again*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*LOL @ Jen*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *laughed at* hey!))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*G* Sorry :) ))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( hmph. ))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *just outside of the a shadow cluttered alley...a small woman if in coma...twitching occassionaly...shifting in the sand*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: ((*pops in to hand Rohan his golden "Fight Of The Year" award, then dissapears*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *wanders back*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *He notices the newcomer and he stares hard at her, trying to make out whether she held any malicious intent toward him. He takes his eye off her when satisfied*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( ROHAN! *L* she's outside hon. *patpat*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*graciously accepts the award, takes a bow, and... hey!))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *suddenly she sits bolt upright...her silver eyes wide...and terrified...* holy...I didn't...
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Glances at Jen* What? I didn't understand a WORD of that!))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((Ohh.. whoops! Thought she entered for a second *Scratches his head* Sorry!))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( said newcomer....uh..n/m))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: Ah....bloody...*her hands go to her ache making itself blatantly known..she moves slowly..ever so carefully to her feet*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *there's a faint trace of dried blood on her garments...and hands...which she notices...seeming to grow rather upset...she moves to the Cantina entrance*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *meanders to her corner and curls up.. waves to Rohan and Jen*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *Slightly, ever so faintly, he hears something through the Force.. a cry for help? A keening wail? He shakes his head in frustration, his limited control of the Force stopping him from seeing it clearly enough*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*waves to Mist*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *waves back...* ))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *a moments hesitation...then she palms the door open...noticing the floor with a violent lurch down the stairs...she pauses at the bottom...*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((tells everyone to see Rohan's updated profile so everyone can feel sorry for him *Nods*))
5ec1de1, *Misty : *saw the fight, doesn't need to read the profile*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *plays with her sister's video camera*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *His eyes flickers to the entrance, noticing the woman for the first time. His first instinct is to get up and help her, but his disabilities made of him no use to her*
5ec1de1, *Misty : for the love of...! *hides away from Ronnie*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Nods* A hell of a fight.. ))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((er, that should be eye, not eyes))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *hidden away from* What?
5ec1de1, *Misty : *points to the words "video" and "camera" that are so very close together*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : What about the video camera?
5ec1de1, *Misty : Um.. I just dislike 'em, s'all. Heh. *wanders off again*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Gotcha.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *points the camera at Rohan* Smile! You're on candid camera
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Runs away very quickly*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Ooo.. the power.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: they steal your soul
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((Interesting way at looking at a camera!))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Cameras?
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: yes
5ec1de1, *Misty : *slinks through the shadows and tackles Jim from behind*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Well then.. who's soul to steal? *glances around*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *with a short look around...she folds her hands behind her..and proceeds to an empty booth...the very picture of ladylike manners*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *there's a faint trace of dried blood on her garments...and hands...which she notices...seeming to grow rather upset...she moves to the Cantina entrance*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( stupid...stupid window.))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *vanishes from sight like a vampire*))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: ACK
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *growls@regurgitated post*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *His back is slightly stooped as he takes another sip of his drink. Rage threatens to burn him inside, but he calms himself with the sure knowledge that he would get better. Well, some parts of him would.. one of them would never fully return*
4fb428c, ºV : Ronica - Rohan used bacta *snicker*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((He had to! *L* And facial reconstruction therapies.. the guy's a mess - check his bio))
5ec1de1, *Misty : *EL*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Oh.. tsk.. shame. *snickers, too*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((I hope you're not intent on bringing Dalris back near Rohan any time soon! I'd like the guy to have some sort of life before he's eventually hunted down and killed *G*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *really doesn't want to study the digestive and respiratory systems* Bah.. I hate bio...
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *she look Rohan over...then back away slightly..and move to an empty barstool*
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*ROFL* Profile then *S*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *knows everything about the human body* its not all that bad.))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( I had to memorize every bone, every muscle, every disease.))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Who said it was human respiratory and digestive systems?
5ec1de1, *Misty : *snicker*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *has to disect a fetal pig* *shivers*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *thbbbt@Ronnie* S'all about the same. ))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *He sits back as well as he can, and tries to relax, to ease the aching cramps and muscle strains out of his system, but he is too tense. Eventually he gives up trying and takes another sip of his drink, looking somewhat lost*
JOIN: Knees has entered.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I beg to differ. The respiratory systems of humans and fish are quite different. :P
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *had to disect a baby shark....and a crawfish*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( S'why I said ABOUT!))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *she begins to look as if she's having withdrawls...shivering..shrinking down from the stool to sit under the bar*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Ahhhhh! *finds herself on the tape that was in the camera* Nooo! my humiliating birthday at Jack Astor's!
JOIN: E has entered.
5d2e15a, *E : Jack Astor's?! They have those where you live too, Ronnie?
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *tackles and hugs E* wonderful to see you.))
5d2e15a, *E : *tackled and hugged* *returns hugs* Hiya Sis!
2d8cb55, *Ronica : They have them everywhere in Mississauga.
5d2e15a, *E : *tackled and hugged* *returns hugs* Hiya Sis!
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *always always gets The World's Most Ridiculously Small Pudding*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *hasn't the faintest what Jack Astor's is*))
5ec1de1, *Misty : *prefers Mandarin*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *she hugs her knees to her chest...breathing as if she's terrified....images invading her mind*
5d2e15a, *E : Jack Astors is an awesome restaurant, Sis... *G* *adores the nacho platter* *hugs Myst* ^_^
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : *He stares at the drink intently, blanking his mind of the feelings that threatened to resurface at every opportunity*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *ponders*))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Waves to 'Nigma*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : The nacho platter is so big... Jack Astor's is my favourite restaurant.
5ec1de1, *Misty : *hugs E back*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : The nacho platter is so big... Jack Astor's is my favourite restaurant.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *likes the Movenpick Marché in Toronto a lot, too* The big one...
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *likes 'the other place'* :P
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *her bare arms show the marks that would ordinarily surface on the worst drug addict...only on this slight woman...they seem something horrific*
5d2e15a, *E : *waves to Ro'* We used to have our birthday parties there all the time. *waves to Jim, too*
53d7643, 'Knees: *peeks in for a moment*
JOIN: Aera has entered.
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *she moans.....a horrible pain taking over her mind and body...she curls up into the fetal position..staring blankly...*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : They make you stand on your chair while everyone sings to you... And I have this horrific moment caught on tape!
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *is shocked at how many ppl have birthday parties*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : It's almost as bad as the Winnie the Pooh thing...
5d2e15a, *E : *LOL* I was never tormented with that...I have pics of my friend Victoria standing on her chair and doing her birthday shot...
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *waves to Knees*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *goes into hiding on his birthday*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *still has no idea...* winnie the I even wanna know.))
5ec1de1, *Misty : *never has birthday parties.. never will, either*
53d7643, 'Knees: *waves back to Ronnie-ca*
EXIT: Aera has left the chat ( Quit ).
e256607, Aera: Hmm
2d8cb55, *Ronica : No, you don't want to know.
e256607, Aera: Man, it takes forever and a day to get an application in..
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( k. *blinks*actually...hasn't had a birthday party since she was 10-11*))
4fb428c, ºV : ooo....a new thing on the board
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *rushes to the board*
5ec1de1, *Misty : One of my victims.. is in this room......
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((there's a board?))
e256607, Aera: Bah.. *hopes for a harding-cide*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Poor poor Knees...
5d2e15a, *E : *points at the link up by the banner* See? "Board."
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( should say 'Bored'))
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((ah, many thanks *Must be blind*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *got Knees good* Bwaha!
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *she moves quietly onto her back...staring up...her arms out on the floor...her silver eyes containing nothing more than pain*
53d7643, 'Knees: Ehhh?? *eyes Misty warily*
5d2e15a, *E : I need All this talk of Jack Astors has killed me. heh. *hugs 'round* I'll BBL. ^_^
e256607, Aera: *note's he'd LOVE to take out the hardings* hmmm, dunno why
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *hugs E back* ))
5ec1de1, *Misty : *EL* One of my victims is in this room..... *allows her voice to trail off as she wanders away*
e256607, Aera: *ponders infiltration* Bah, a waste of my talent.
b67fccf, *Rohan Ambrai : ((*Listens to Weird Al's SW Cantina song*))
5d2e15a, *E : *patters off in search of dinner*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: i hate them....all of them...*she moves her arms to fold them under her head..the pain fading*
5ec1de1, *Misty : *wanders back. hugs E. wanders off*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *ponders the GaN*))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: which one of us ?
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: hold on ... bah , I got a handle ... d'oh
5ec1de1, *Misty : *pats Jim* S'okay
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( hehe. s'alright Jim. I'll ponder you too. *ponders Jim*))
NICK: Misty changed nick to Jedan sucks
5ec1de1, Jedan sucks: :P
JOIN: White Owl has entered.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: argh
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: I rule ... I am the champion
5ec1de1, Jedan sucks: That's because E is too nice to hurt a hair on your cute little head. Me, on the other hand..
NICK: Jedan sucks changed nick to Misty
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *eyes eaten post* lil poo...*thwaps it*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Hehe... Nigma could totally take Jim.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: I'd take you all on AND win
5ec1de1, *Misty : *snorts*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Nah... Not 'Nigma.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *notes he had the chance to take out Nigma*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *notes that if he'd tried, Nigma would've kicked his ass around the block*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *eyes Jedan* hah.))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *notes that cuz hes fond of repeatidly kick you guys rear ends , he used the pain setting as opposed to kill and hit her :P*
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *mumbles...*))
5ec1de1, *Misty : I could beat you, Jim.
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: *she rolls over onto her stomach...and crawls out*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: If I let you :P
2d8cb55, *Ronica : She would've wiped the floor with you if she'd wanted to.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: bullcrap ... I rule ... fullstop
5ec1de1, *Misty : Nope, if you tried I would still beat you.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Ah Mysty , what pretty dreams you have :P I'd rule
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *pops Jedan's Ego*))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : All right. A show of hands. Who thinks that either Misty or 'Nigma could totally beat Jim? *raises her own*
5ec1de1, *Misty : Oh yes, about as pretty as the one I had last night. You didnt do too well against Malus, if I recall. Lost a few body parts. *EL* Let's just say.. I could take Malus
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *raises her hand*))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Bah , its you guys seem to think you'd win :P
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( ok. so why don't ya'll actually go IC and duke it out?))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *ahem* I can win ... nuff said
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *bored...kisses Jim again*))
5af0068, *Misty : *raises hand also*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: eek ... no fair , you cheat
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Hmm...3 against one. Majority rules.
5af0068, *Misty : Well, I would, but Jim's not at his best. I'll bet he's all tired and stuff. *RaE@Jen* good way to distract him. hehe
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *yawns* Not tonight cuz its my bed time 30 mins ago , but we can set a time , use equal chars made specifivcally for the fight ...
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *very big grin* Thank you.))
5af0068, *Misty : You're so on
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *ponders Jim* yeah. I wish I could but I've got a job.))
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: kick ass ... you bring the beer , i'll bring the can of whoop ass
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Oooh, I so want to see this.
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( How about...if I'm here?))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Mazz is holding a could duke it there
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: So do i Jen
5af0068, *Misty : *smirks* In your dreams, cutey. *ruffles Jim's hair patronizingly*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: In a crappy tourney ... no way , this is a PPV event ... no holds barred , get yer popcorn
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( it'd have to be after 10pm.*smiles* But I'd love to do it.))
5af0068, *Misty : Why, that's an excellant idea, Owlie. *EG*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Erk ... *but isn't bother as his hair is already messy ... the way he likes iot :P*
5af0068, *Misty : *snorts*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Afyter 10 GMT ? suits me
723ff5a, 'White Owl: There are no holds barred Jim...
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( *lol*))
5465c4a, Eleizha Dey: (( GMT? er....central I think...))
5af0068, *Misty : Yes there are, Owlie... only 2 weapons
723ff5a, 'White Owl: GMT is what?
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: I don't wanna wait for the tourney , plus i don't want to follow the rules ... it'll be two one off chars the death
53d7643, 'Knees: *smacks her compy around for a bit*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Well hell...your werent planning on carring an arsenal in a gym bag were you?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Carrying...
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: No , in my backpack owl
5af0068, *Misty : Well, actually, now that you mention it, Owlie... *trails*
NICK: Eleizha Dey changed nick to Jennifer
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Well I'm in the 2 weaps are an eclispe class SSD and a wing of E-wings
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *waves to Knees*
5465c4a, Jennifer: No...seriously Jim. I'd be happy to get into it. As long as its when I'm off work.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: j/k
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Heh , i'll have the death star two and the sun crusher :P
5af0068, *Misty : Erm.. which is your sidearm, Owlie? *smirk*
53d7643, 'Knees: *waves back to Ronnie-ca*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Sure jen ... we'll sort out chars and what not
5af0068, *Misty : *pats Jim* I don't have a life.. you set the time and place, and I'll be there.
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: We'll try and sort it *RG*
5465c4a, Jennifer: Ask Mazz. I love play fights.*eg*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: Right , well , my ISP is gonna go biccies soon , so g'night all
5af0068, *Misty : *yawns, totally not effected by the grin*
5af0068, *Misty : g'night, Jim. *hugs, etc*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: n9ot affected by my trademark roguish grin !? *gasps*
5465c4a, Jennifer: Night Jim. *wave*
c52e4a7, Jedan rules: *hugs Myst and anyone else wanting one*
5af0068, *Misty : That's right, I'm not. *flashes a grin at Jim, and hugs for others who want* *then wanders off to take a bath*
5465c4a, Jennifer: well since yer offering...*hugs*
JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
5465c4a, Jennifer: *for both...*
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: *appears, sneezes, explodes*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5465c4a, Jennifer: (( *applauds Mr.J*))
5465c4a, Jennifer: *feels the need to yawn...does so*
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: heh..thankee
a50873f, Get a name!: get the firehouse!!
5465c4a, Jennifer: i don't have a firehouse...
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: *sighs* i do believe i am loosing the battle of the bulge..
JOIN: Stefanie has entered.
5465c4a, Jennifer: *blinks@J* uh...
53d7643, Stefanie: Mm... *tries this out, to see if her real name looks any good* ...Naw.
JOIN: Decaffeinated Colton has entered.
2d8cb55, *Veronica : (( It's just cuz you're not used to it. My real name looks just fine. ))
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Hehe.. *pats her name*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *patpats Knees?* s'alright. Jennifer ain't so good either.
JOIN: Steele has entered.
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *brings in a bucket of water* This is the best we can do for now.
5465c4a, Jennifer: *chuckles@Colton...* yeah Ronnie...
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: real name...*ponders*
2bd13f1, *Steele : [[*flexes*]]
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: ...
53d7643, Stefanie: ...but your name is cool. Mine isn't Star War-sy enough.
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: ..
53d7643, Stefanie: *patpatted*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Veronica isn't Star War-sy.
95c8ffb, Greg: *ponders*
4539f1c, Get a name!: *blinks*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: Wait, we don't have a firehouse around here? How did that happen?
5465c4a, Jennifer: *chuckle*
2bd13f1, *Steele : [[Damn you "Ronica" and your non-AIMish ways... you shall pay dearly! Bwa ha ha! Bwa ha ha!]]
53d7643, Stefanie: It's more Star War-sy than Stefanie. *pokes Ronnie-ca*
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: bwarg..
2d8cb55, *Ronica : It's not any more star war-sy than your name. It's so far from SW-sy... I was just so lazy and uncreative when I started.
5465c4a, Jennifer: My name damnit....
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: *blinks* i was just about to do something..damnit..i forgot
53d7643, Stefanie: Well I was lazy and stole an Ewok name... but it kinda stuck.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
2d8cb55, *Ronica : My name stuck, too.. *gets "wait, Veronica is your real name?" all the time*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *gets 'wait....yer how old?' all the time*
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to Death
53d7643, Stefanie: Hmm... *pauses, then gasps* I just realized I've been here over a year...
5465c4a, Jennifer: Oh! Oh! Its Death! *swoons*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *throws confetti* Wee!
5465c4a, Jennifer: *has been around over 2 years...* ^_^
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *feeling a bit archaic* Hell, I've been here.... eeewwww.....
5465c4a, Jennifer: maybe more....*grin* I have no life. I'm sure its more.
95c8ffb, 'Mr. J: *sighs* how hard is it to find a good image of a friggin ISD
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *testing the newest prototype in the Cpt Colton action figure series*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *Has also been around for over 2 years* :)
53d7643, Stefanie: Hey it's big for me! I was a newbie when I came....and now people actually talk to me. ^-^
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *over 2 and a half, even.*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *snock me! It's been, off and on, 3 years. I 'm ancient :o(*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *is thinking..maybe 3...*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : We just love you sooo much Knees. *hugs*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *looks around for Death* Have you come for me again?
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *can't add well tho*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Tsk tsk
2bd13f1, *Steele : [[*has been around longer than Ronica and Colton combined... he thinks*]]
53d7643, Stefanie: *giggles and hugs Ronnie-ca back*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *floored* omg...I've been around way too long.
EXIT: Stefanie has left the chat ( Quit ).
e256607, Get a name!: ...
e256607, Get a name!: Bah! 4 years here...
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *looks to White Owl* Hoooo! How ya doin'?
JOIN: Knees has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: *sheds the 'Stefanie' handle* That was just too weird.
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: actually, if you take out hiatuses, it's only been like 1 and three quarters for me. These things keep me awake at night too.
e256607, Get a name!: Steele- 4 1/2 years is the max... I dunno if you've been here longer than I have, I know it's close..
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: We luv you under any alias, Knees. *Raises glass, which has no caffiene*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *blinks* 4 is about right. cuz...omg.
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: Age is relative, tho. Funability is what we're after! OPEN BAR!!
2bd13f1, *Steele : [[I haven't been here as long as Maria and a few-few-few others... but, when it comes to age... don't try to go into years with Big Stevie Style]]
2d8cb55, *Ronica : *proudly displays her real name* Fear me, and my true identity! Bwahaha!
5465c4a, Jennifer: *should use GaN more often*
53d7643, 'Knees: Hehe.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Doesnt really care how long he's been around*
e256607, Get a name!: I've been here about aslong as Ria, very close.
2bd13f1, *Steele : [[Dude, now that I think about it, I've definately been around since 6th grade... and since I'm in 11th grade now, it has been 5 years.]]
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *sluggishly ponders*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *doesn't care how long his feathered friend has been around either*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *stops counting the years...cuz it'll undoubtedly be more*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: Hey, did you all know that White Owl used to crap on my head in the Wilman one? I think Enigma put him up to it.
e256607, Get a name!: Steele- Humbug... *knows the exact date within a 15 minutes time zone of when he started*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Did not...*L*
5465c4a, Jennifer: *remembers someone who likes staring out windows*
53d7643, 'Knees: *feels left out in her newbie-ness and crawls into a corner*
5465c4a, Jennifer: Oh yeah! who here remembers Red in his Dragon days?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Go IC people...
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Pats Knees*
5465c4a, Jennifer: You want me to go BACK ic ALONE?
e256607, Get a name!: Knees- Honestly, I'd rather be a newbie... I remember Red.... How about Lord of Stupidity ? Deep 13 ? Silver Sun and LJ ? Death Angel ?
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: Yeah you did! Don't deny it! I deserved it most of the time, but... but.. nevermind. *is IC*
e256607, Get a name!: Zhen? Mike ? Orthae ?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: I want everyone to go IC
53d7643, 'Knees: *patted*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Orthae, ah...a true elf
5465c4a, Jennifer: *remembers*
53d7643, 'Knees: *bites Owlie's hand*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *chucks a cable up to the rafters*
e256607, Get a name!: Why? It won't be as good as the old days.... *notes he's in his annual "it wasn't as good as it used to be" time*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I remember Red in his Dragon days, unfortunately.. *hated that* *hugs Knees* We love you anyway.
5465c4a, Jennifer: *was IC...*
e256607, Get a name!: Ronica- I never liked him too much... but he was okay
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *hoists up on the cable, and pushes off the bar, swinging over the reveller's heads* We need more clans!!
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Ow...What was that for?
5465c4a, Jennifer: *snickers@Ronnie*
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Ronnie-ca* long as I'm loved. :)
53d7643, 'Knees: For patting me. *sweet smile*
5465c4a, Jennifer: GaN....MAKE it as good.
5465c4a, Jennifer: Clans?
723ff5a, 'White Owl: ...
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Don't let anyone make you think that your length of time attending the 'tina measures your worth. *nod*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *swings back and forth weakly* Remember? The Faerns, the Sorchetts, and Team 7? *swings back* they were my primary sources of business.
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *looks down from the cable @ Ronica* I don't! I'm comfortable with my body.
5465c4a, Jennifer: Thank you ronnie. its just there for memories.
5465c4a, Jennifer: Ooooh. *eyes Colton*
e256607, Get a name!: *already mentioned the Faerns* Ah, the Sorchettes *was the only person to take out a team 7 member* *smirk*
JOIN: Fringe Backwater has entered.
53d7643, 'Knees: Noooo...I don't remember... *hides from all this 'the tina was like this way before Knees was here' talk*
e256607, Get a name!: Color keeps changing
5465c4a, Jennifer: *sneaks up on Fringe...* Hiya!
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Stupid Sorchetts. They were everywhere!
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: ((*S* Hi Jen.))
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *swings across the room again* Hello Mr. Backwater!
e256607, Get a name!: Ronica- True. I didn't like some of them.. the half second cousins and ridiculous things like that, But Tarren was the greatest... *notes he Killed Taren, and Terra*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: ((Hello Colton.))
e256607, Get a name!: Hey Fringe... there another ole' timer.... *notes his color left again* DAMNIT
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Aerakade has entered.
e256607, *Aerakade : dumb GAN stuff
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: ((Yeah. Hi.))
5465c4a, Jennifer: *rather misses one particular oldie...mumble*
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *swings back across the room* Aerakade, hello!
e256607, *Aerakade : hey Colton.
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Spoot
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: '/nick Cpt Colton'
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: ((uh oh, I'm a dumb@$$. And everyone knows now))
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: gah! ((BRB))
5465c4a, Jennifer: *blinks*
e256607, *Aerakade : I think I remember doing a job for ya' captain.... *grins* it's all coming back
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
e256607, *Aerakade : Anyone gonna' RP anytime soon ?
5465c4a, Jennifer: (( Sure Aera.))
NICK: Jennifer changed nick to Aymeena Veltay
e256607, *Aerakade : I'd love to RP, I've got a couple characters that are flexible enough to join one person or another
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( ehe.))
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: ((I'm game.))
JOIN: Akido Sajkai has entered.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *a meek...quiet woman enters..wearing long robes of free flowing style...her gray eyes shimmering*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( Someone describe their character a wee-bit, so I know what I'm up against. ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *blinks@Aera* ''how may I help you?''.))
e256607, *Aerakade : What's appropriot? Jedi/Drug Dealer/Bard/Mad Scientist/Leader of the Empire (political and ground forces)
EXIT: Fringe Backwater has left the chat ( Quit ).
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she has the demeanor of a servant...her head bowed slightly...her hands drifting at her sides...*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Porup Pinn has entered.
e256607, *Aerakade : (ic) *a man enters in attire matching his pic (soon to be up) *
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she is well groomed...and beautiful by many definitions...her robes gently shift around her legs as she moves into the cantina..*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Walks in, standing a full 5'5'' above the ground, glances around the room from behind his enormous bulbous flight goggles which he then pulls up onto his leather flight cap. Adjusts his nerf hide vest and makes his way down the steps.*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( Bah. )) *he wears dark gentlemans attire* ((Val Kilmer in Tombstone-ish))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( hmm.))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai: *Sporting a long dark cloak, a G8, and a confident stride, he descends the steps of the cantina, searching the crowd with eyes of ice blue. A bell, composed of a lustrous blue metal, hangs from the collar of his coat jingling slightly with each step.*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she looks to Aerakade...bowing slightly to him...then this she Porup*
e256607, *Aerakade : *Aerakade drops his left leg behind his right as he bows his head* Ma'am.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai: *He approaches the bar and sits on a stool, cracking his knuckles*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Which char.. *ponder ponder*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Smiles brightly and bows to Aymeena, kicking his right foot across his left. Accidently kicks his left leg from beneath him dropping onto his face.*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she smiles slightly...* sir...anything I can do for you?
e256607, *Aerakade : (( Ronica- Aera and Ver have met.. *L* I don't think they liked each other much. ))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai: *Yawns slightly and orders a Correlian Whiskey*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *distracted suddenly by Porup's tumble...she moves over swiftly to help him up...*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai: (( *Picks his read color* ))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai: (( I meant to say read instead of red..*L* ))
e256607, *Aerakade : *goes to Purop and offers a hand up*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : They met?
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Watches Porup fall and a smile twiches at the side of his mouth for an instant*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Wrinkles his nose and pushes himself up with the help of Aymeena. Stands up straight and fixes his vest. His face is now quite right. Holds up his hands to Aerakade* Um, thanks, both of you... I'm... sorry. I... uh... *Trails off, forgetting what he was getting at.*
e256607, *Aerakade : *nods slowly* Of course, that's okay.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Well Ronnie you could always come in and yell at Akido ))
2d8cb55, *Ronica : They met?
e256607, *Aerakade : (( Ver- Yeah, I helped Ernst out... when he still came back. ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she goes about dusting him off...smiling in reply to his apology*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : I've got, like, 12 chars. I don't need to come in as Veronica.
JOIN: Mav has entered.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Was just a suggestion if you couldnt think of one Ronica ))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Youre so verish : P ))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Looks up at Aymeena.* Th-th-thank you. *Frowns and tilts his head to the side, noting her beauty*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Pays for his drink as it arrives and sips it*
2d8cb55, *Ronica : Well, I should be, since the definition is named after me.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she looks down at his notice...* You are most welcome. Would you like refreshments...sir?
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Swallows hard and begins to cough, when he finally stops he puts his hand to his throat.* Please.
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Youre kind of Klavish too...))
e256607, *Aerakade : (( Aymeena- SaintAerakade is my SN ))
JOIN: Enigma has entered.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she shifts quickly...moving to the bar...ordering a cold..iced drink...laying payment down with a worried look to Porup*
518100a, Mav: *tackles Ver* He got my legs!! Aaaaahhh!!!
01538d3, Death: *hovers in*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Follows her slowly.* Excuse me... what is your name?
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *strolls through the halls of a nearby medical facility, looking sharp in his snazzy little doctor's get-up. He hums softly to himself, singing occasionally as well.* Cuz we are liiiivin' in a material world, and I am a material girl..*fades off as he nears his destination, pausing in front of the room to knock* Avon calling... *sing-songs*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *hugses her sis* Wb.))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Cracks his knuckles loudly and extracts a datapad for a moment, looking at its information, then replaces it*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Mav - We should all beat on Rohan for starting it all... *chuckles*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( I'm Klavish? Nah... I'm evil in a different way. ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she ignores the 'tender for a her knees...head bowed* Aymeena.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *tackled* Blah! ))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Fashionably Evil right? ))
518100a, Mav: Get Rohan! *L*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( You betcha. ))
      Death steals Mav's soul
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *eyelids crawl open as she drags herself into the realm of consciousness. Pushes herself to sit up a bit more, wincing as she does so. Looks to the door.* Yeah...?
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : That's a very beautiful name. Wh-what do you um, do, for a... living?
e256607, *Aerakade : *notices he's been x-ed out of the conversation, and orders a sour beer*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( !...Youre still on the floor E?? ))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she rises...her skirts barely brushing the floor...smiling to Porup* Serve others.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *he pushes the door open, entering with a flourish* Well if it isn't my very favourite patient. *pauses... looking at her a little more closely* Oh, wait.. it really isn't. *grins*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*g@Owlie* Nah, I'm in the med clinic. hehe.))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Smirks slightly. Feels slightly dizzy suddenly*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( Oh...))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *ignored or overlooked...* Uh...yeah. *lurks OOC*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *a faint smirk touches her lips for the briefest moment. Sinks back against her pillows.* Thanks...I'm honored.
e256607, *Aerakade : *he sips her beer slowly*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*hugs 'er twin* ^_^))
      Death steals Enigma's soul
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she steadies him with a gentle loop of her arm beneath his...and hands him his drink*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Ohh...sorry, Death, but you're too late. I sold my soul and my backup soul already.))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *hugged...*bites her lip*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Hey, you should be. *he smiles again, and pulls the clipboard from the slot at the end of her bed... assuming they have clipboards in SW... and reads over the information* Well let's see here.. Refusing bacta treatment, refusing an IV, refusing to let go of the nurses neck...*looks up, arching an eyebrow* You've been busy, hmm?
      Death pouts and steals Aymeena's
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Looks at Aymeena's arm for a moment. Takes the drink. Smiles brightly once more* Th-thank you.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *soul is stolen* doesn't notice* ))
      Death also takes Porup's for no real reason
      White Owl eats Death
e256607, *Aerakade : (( *walks up to death and gives him a swift boot to the ass* ))
      Aerakade disembowels Death
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *with semi-forced nonchalance* I hate to be bored, y'know. *reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear* And I told that nurse she should get away from me with that needle...she didn't listen, so I...helped her understand.
      Death slices open White Owl's stomach and floats out, takes Owl's soul too
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she smiles back...her eyes slightly lidded...her light purple hair falling gently about her face...*for a moment she looks to if noting he's alone...a silent question in her eyes* can I help you?*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: My power safeguards my soul Death...It will never be yours...
      Death is disembowled, already dead so doesn't notice, takes Aerakade's soul and tosses it into his bag-o'-souls
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Glances at Aera, having forgotten he was there. Frowns slightly* You look familiar....
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *swings back across the room from the rafters* errr..... fell asleep up there.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she turns to Porup...her brow faintly raised...unsure whether he means her or Aera...*
e256607, *Aerakade : *The silent look is caught, and smiled at slightly, a "hello pretty lady" is the easiest way to describe the look* *he looks to Porup* Yes, it seems you were having a drink with the lovely lady over there *he points slightly*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Blinks at Aymeena. Motioning with his head to Aera. A portion of his drink spills out onto his boot.*
      Death cackles and fades away back to Hades with all his new souls
e256607, *Aerakade : (( *likewise having no soul, he banishes Death to the Total Perspective Vortex* ))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : How considerate of you. *scrawls something in his messy doctor's writing, ( they all have it. ) and sticks it back in it's place* You do realize, of course, that by refusing bacta treatment and preventing those that try to help you from breathing ... You guarantee yourself a longer stay with us.
JOIN: pH has entered.
e256607, *Aerakade : *smirks slightly as Porup spills his drink*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Nods slowly.*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she blushes faintly at Aera's return...hearing the spill upon Porup's boot...she takes up a rag and dries it...polishing it slightly*
      White Owl laughs as Death returns to a frozen hell, the Lord of Terror now homeless...
      Death is already back in his home, laughs as Area's banishing has no effect
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *swings over their heads* Enigma, I have something for you.
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Doesn't look at the wet stain on his new boots, hoping that if he doesn't look it won't be there. Sips the drink a bit*
EXIT: Death has left the chat ( And I'll get your little dog too!! ).
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Heya Colt ^_^ We're not in the 'tina, tho))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she stands straight then....discarding the rag and shifting into silence...awaiting a request*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : I know... *pause* Not necessarily, though...I have my own ways of healing. And I didn't refuse all bacta...let 'em stick that damn patch to me, didn't I? *fingertips absentmindedly drift over her torso*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( *notes that being an extra-dimensional being, he exists in ALL space and time*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( *notes that being an extra-dimensional being, he exists in ALL space and time* ))*he goes over towards Aymeena* Your very helpful, you know that, don't you.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( * death has a really gawd awful soul in his possession*)
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: ((hey!! You dont' know where I'm swingin'. I gotta go anyhoo. Take care everyone))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Frowns.* Something odd about all this....
e256607, *Aerakade : ((BRB- *has to go banish his sister* ))
a50873f, Decaffeinated Colton: *drops to the floor and runs out flailing arms wildly*
EXIT: Decaffeinated Colton has left the chat ( Quit ).
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Seeya! *waves*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Yes, that was rather gracious of you, wasn't it? *smirks faintly, but always maintains his cheery disposition ( Like Mary Poppins! )* How are you feeling? In pain?
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she looks to Aera...* Any way possible. *bowing her head slightly*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Why... why do you help... so much?
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she folds her hands lightly over her midsection...looking quietly to Porup* I can do nothing other.
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : B-but why?
5d2e15a, *Enigma : I thought so, yes. No...not much pain. *lying through her teeth, and concealing it rather poorly for a change* I'm all right. Tolerable.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she looks over Porup's face...and deep into his eyes...* I was born a servant.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: What use am I if I do not help...? *she smiles*
a340b4e, pH: Awww, does Porup have a girlfriend? Teehee.
a340b4e, pH: *points at Aymeena* Like Nova!
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Frowns slightly. Quietly* I could use some helpful workers like you. *Shakes his head and speaks up* Do you ever help yourself?
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *blinks@pH* ))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : ((*S* I noted the similarity. And no.))
e256607, *Aerakade : (back) I assure that your good for something.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *pointed at* Er...))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Really? Because you look like sh-t. I know a few drag queens who look more aesthetically pleasing then you do right now. *sits down in a chair near her bed, careful to keep out of choking distance*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( *thinks a fantasy chat with magic and stuff would be pretty cool* ))
a340b4e, pH: *ponders bringing Nova in*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *not even aware of her own thin and deprived state..* Help myself?
e256607, *Aerakade : (( take whatever you want out of that comment ))
JOIN: Nova Metallia has entered.
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Yes! Help yourself. Do things for you. *Gets a little excited and spills his drink all over the place*
e256607, *Aerakade : *nods* You can help yourself be realizing your potential doing other things..
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *is caught chuckling@Julian and Enigma*))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( i didn't notice the similarity....I didn't know there...*blinks...shuts up*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *dryly* What a wonderful bedside manner you have, Dr. DeFloyé. *shifts position a bit, the cast or brace or whatever on her broken leg making even the tiniest movement awkward.* I'm not out to win any beauty contest at the moment.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *a woman, early twenties enters. Her honey-almond hair, neatly trimmed, is swept up into a graceful bun, and her silvery-gray flecked eyes gaze about, then return humbly to the floor. As she stands near the wall at parade rest, the large belt about her waist settles low on her hips, accenting her hourglass figure*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she catches Porups drink...and looks to Aerakade...then Porup* I have no...*she falls quiet...*
e256607, *Aerakade : *looks at Nova for a moment or two*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Glances back at Nova and smiles, then returns his gaze to Aymeena.*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : That's a relief. But seriously, you don't look that great. I think a mild painkiller- in pill form, of course- would help a bit. And if you're lucky, it'll dull your sense of taste... because I hear tonight's giju stew is simply horrible. *grins*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( LOAD DAMN YOU ! ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *loads stuff*))
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *every twenty or so seconds, her eyes drift back up to relook the room, then return to their former focus upon the floor. Her body is draped in a long-sleeved shirt, fitted pants, and a knit jacket-like thing, tied once at the center of her chest*
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *nods slowly to Pinn, her voice warmer than the smile that seems constantly fixed, yet fluid upon her face* Greetings, Mr. Pinn.
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Glances at Nova again and waves her over.*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *her eyes shift to Nova...then back to the floor...hands folded at her midsection...*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : I'll take a double, then. *grins slightly. Her grin fades almost immediately, eyes flickering to a darker shade as she asks quietly* Where is my husband? I...I can't feel him. *bites her lip*
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *steps forward slowly, hands clasped at the small of her back. She moves with an ease and grace unseen in any human being, though she is visibly humble, eyes downcast*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *didn't know Enigma had a husband*))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Smiles at Nova, watching her movement carefully.*
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
0e9e18c, 'Mazzik: I got a new shirt. *proud*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : ((Ooh, whoa Mazz... big spender. *S*))
e256607, *Aerakade : *looks ay Aymeena* What's such a pretty girl doing on tantooine ?
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: It is good to see you again, Mr. Pinn....I apologize for my absense, but affairs of state can rarely be placed on hold....
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*is actually married to Yun in this timeline, decided to play it from the start cuz it'd be easier*))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *oggles Mazz's shirt*))
0e9e18c, 'Mazzik: It's the most homosexual item I own.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((What kind, Mazz? ^_^))
JOIN: Steele has entered.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : He's fine... Recovering nicely. And I'm not just saying that. *gives her a reassuring glance* But uh... something odd seems to have happened.
JOIN: Collin has entered.
dbe44ec, *Steele : [[Mwa ha ha! Steele has secured all of the narcotics, alcohol and illegal whatevers money he'll ever need! Mwa ha ha!]]
0e9e18c, 'Mazzik: This big disco ball looking thing
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Shrugs, very proud of Nova.* Its amazing we get by at all without... you. How are you running?
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: ((*got 8 letter things from colleges*))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: Existing....*she does not look up from the floor...seeming thrown into a sudden darkness*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Glances worriedly at Aymeena.* You had to come here t-t-to .... exist?
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: Not too badly....Brors has been most kind to....*her voice fades away, and her gaze focuses unwaveringly upon Aymeena*
dbe44ec, *Steele : [[*Steele's religon doesn't believe in colleges nor grass*]]
0e9e18c, *Tzu : ((*goi9ng to one of the biggest JV tournies in the Country tomorrow*)) *steps through the front door, black duster flowing slightly in the night breeze*
8d3c342, Collin: *bops in laughing at the absurdity of life in general.* God...
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Good... *the word dies on her lips* What's wrong? I can feel it, it's horrible... *leans toward Julian, eyes widening*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: No...I was following my work.
0e9e18c, *Tzu : ((Religion is evil))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*hugs, hugs Collin* I'm on spring break! *bounces* *waves to Steele*))
dbe44ec, *Steele : [[Pens traded Jagr.]]
JOIN: Petra Atrapose has entered.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *bashes her head on the wall*))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Looks back at Tzu's enterance momentarily, then turns back to the bar*
e256607, *Aerakade : (( JV ? ))
a340b4e, Petra Atrapose: ((*ponders icness*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((.......are you kidding?))
0e9e18c, *Tzu : ((Juniour Varsity, for my academic team))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Oh, good. *Visably relieved. Looks at Nova* S-s-sorry, any... uh, any corrections I need to... create... no, no... make.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Well... I don't know much as far as the Force is concerned. Freaks me out, really... I mean it's so- *realizes he's straying from the topic* Er... Sorry... He says he's lost it.. lost all connection with the Force. *furrows his brow, anticipating a far from pleasant reaction*
e256607, *Aerakade : Aymeena- Who do you serve ?
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she will look up not one more time...her hands folded...her hair falling like a thin curtain about her face..hiding her eyes and expression*
8d3c342, Collin: *hugs, hugs for 'Nigma.* You lucky bugger! Another week for this lonely planet boy. *L* I was just giving some "disaster relief." There was a tornado warning and everyone was crowded in the halls so Ross and I donned silly hats and aprons and served everyone crackers and water. It was grrrrrrrand.
dbe44ec, *Steele : [[Actually yes I am kidding... HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.... but we should trade him, he's a whiney lady and he sucks.]]
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Looks at Aymeena, once more becoming slightly dizzy with the sight of her.*
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: I'll be all right, Mr. Pinn. *slips a gentle hand to his arm, reassuring him* Though emergency teams may be necessary....
e256607, *Aerakade : (( AH, JV, now it all makes sense. ))
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *adjusts his replacement Widowmaker and adjusts the A280 that's thrown over his shoulder*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Why? I do not believe my facilities were attacked....
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *simply stares at him for a moment, unable to suppress the emotions that cross her face...the main one being a kind of horrified dread.* I knew it...oh, gods. *slumps back, hiding her face in her hands*
e256607, *Aerakade : *thinks Porup is a lush as he takes a few swigs of his ale* I think you've had too much to drink buddy *he taps Porup in the back twice*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*threatens Steele with a hockey stick* Don't do that...))
a340b4e, Petra Atrapose: ((*ponders bringing Petra in....* Hm.))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *waits...with a grand truly screwed up look on her face*))
dbe44ec, *Steele : [[Well he should get traded, he's a whiney lady.]]
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *looks at Pinn...face contorting as he thinks...* Aha! I remember you!
e256607, *Aerakade : *he smirks at Aymeena* So, whom do you serve ?
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*LOL@Collin* Rock on, dude. Glad you didn't get blown away.))
JOIN: Zerrick has entered.
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: I refer to myself....that is, if they can be spared. I am now a highly public figure....*she trails off, her eyes drifting down to the unusually large blue Corusca gem upon her left hand*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( why don't you just bring everyone in pH...))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Whips around, falls back against Nova and then steadies himself.* I... uh... don't drink ... *moves his hands in a fashion to represent alcohol*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*LOL@Collin* Rock on, dude. Glad you didn't get blown away.))
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Enigma's out of the hospital, already?))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *rises from his seat, moving to stand by her bed* Hey... *touches her shoulder gently* It's alright. He's doing fine, and he says something else happened. Something weird, but not necessarily bad. He'll talk with you. You're both out of intensive, so I'll have him wheeled in here.
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Whips around once more to Tzu.* You... uh.... *His memory sparks* Big man!
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *keeps her hands tightly on Pinn's sides* Perhaps we should depart....
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: Anyone whom requests my services...*she still does not look up...her voice small and considerate*
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: ((Aymeena: I don't think my compy could handle all those windows....))
8d3c342, Collin: *metal sign.* Just call me Florence Nightingale....
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Security.... emergency... yes... spare... big man... *Waves his hands around*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Nono... *is in the hospital*))
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Oh))
JOIN: Viatrix Sung has entered.
0e9e18c, *Tzu : Quite. *stalks towards Pinn, slowly...a grin forming on his face*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Shrugs away from Nova. Dropping back, clenches his fists.* I can.... crack .... um... craniums if need be.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( k. Florence.))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((Bwar?))
JOIN: Fringe Backwater has entered.
e256607, *Aerakade : Aymeena- Well, you could start by looking up, and let people see those beautiful (insert color here) eyes of yours.
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *she speaks a bit more sharply now* Mr. Pinn....
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Steps in the door, levels the Widowmaker at Tzu, clipping a rather large power pack into the bottom.*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( dragon-scale gray.))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *scrubs her hands over her face, uttering a sigh from the depths of her soul* I...thanks. *falls silent for a moment, in thought* Does he know what caused this...loss?
56542e0, Zerrick: {enters slowly through the back. Wearing his dark blue cloak as usual, his face hidden by the shadows his cloak creates. His body gives off the aura of the dark side of the force}
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Nova... I am your... maker... I can take care of myself....
8d3c342, Collin: In the hospital?
JOIN: Anya Kenobi has entered.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she looks up...still the picture of servitude...not a word spoken*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Collin, you missed it. Enigma/Yun/Rohan vs. Dalris/Chorne/Jedan/Korik. Yunigma, Rohan and Jedan were the only survivors. It was wonderful))
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *tilts his head, drawing the Widowmaker* Remember me...*flicks some dust off the barrel* hero?
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : He's not sure. Something one of those 3 fellows did to him, he wagers. None of the tests we did can find anything conclusive. *watches her, brow still creased in concern* Can I get you something? Anything?
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*at a loss for any insperation of character, simply starts with the "First"*neh..*munches on Girl Scout thin mints*))
e256607, *Aerakade : *he notices guns and hostile people entering, he looks at Aymeena* Perhaps we should move someplace safer...were are you from ?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *slips in, clad in cargos stretched nicely about the hips, widening to become baggy at the legs. Her spaghetti strap is unzipped a few inches down the center, and both are currently a solid black. Her yellow eyes look about calmly, coolly, seeming to see through each being present*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*nodnod* There was a helluva fight the other should eyeball the logs. It's the Feb 28th link. *g*))
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Very long too))
8d3c342, Collin: No, I missed that...I'll take a look.
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *steps foward, between Tzu and Pinn* Sir, I would kindly ask you to leave this man be.
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Whistles, flicking off the safety, makes his way down the steps to the main portion of the room.* Hey, sithspit! Yes, you Tzu.
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*sniffles* I MISSED IT!Gyah!*ponders* y'mean Dalris is gone??Does that make Lybra free now?))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Holds up his fists* Wh-when I am through you will remember nothing!
8d3c342, Collin: *is all snowed under like with work.*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : Hold on, fudgepacker...*flicks off his own safety*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : N-nova! I can take care of myself....
0e9e18c, *Tzu : Oh? *raises the weapon to point at Porup
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( Dalris isn't gone. I bet anything. ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she seems disturbed by Tzu...looking at him with a slight scowl...*
56542e0, Zerrick: {he makes his way to the center of the U-shaped bar, the patron sitting in the seat at the direct middle suddenly falls over, dead. He nonchalantly(sp?) sits down in the seat does not move afterwards, simply appears to be...wating for something}
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Dalris seems to have died, but dunno if it's for real...))
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *steps in front of the gun, the muzzle at her chest* Leave.
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Well, he's dead for the moment, but he can re-appear in another body I bet))
e256607, *Aerakade : *takes Aymeena by the arm, tugging gently, not demanding* Maybe we should move...
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Fires a shot at Tzu's feet.* No, I will not hold on. Leave them alone.
56542e0, Zerrick: ((can = will))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Rawr...did I miss your post, Ronnie?))
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *raises his weapon to point at Pinn, consequently pointing at Nova*
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *she steps out to the bar, running a hand carefully through her reddish-green hair. A smirk forms as the being slumps over...she is drenched with the ''scent'' of the Darkside*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( Sure did. ))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Pushes Nova, trying to move her.*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *then she looks back to Aera...moving with him...* as you wish..
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *stays in place, not moving at all at Pinn's touch*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((D'oh...repost, please? *pins the blame on a phonecall*))
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *doesn't look at Fringe...* Neutral ground, fudgepacker...
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : He's not sure. Something one of those 3 fellows did to him, he wagers. None of the tests we did can find anything conclusive. *watches her, brow still creased in concern* Can I get you something? Anything?
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*sniffle* damn it...poor Lybra ain't been the same ever since*thinks for a moment* no, wait..yes she has...)) *the Young woman walks in, her ash blonde hair tied back away from her face in a tight braid, her grey eyes swirling a deeper grey as she enters the room*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *blinks...* 'rats in paradise...rats in paradise...'))
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: I'm not playing your stupid games Tzu. I am however, aiming your gun at the back of your head.
56542e0, Zerrick: {he feels the presence of another darksider in the room and he smirks underneath his hood}
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Suddenly becomes stern, his insecurities fading* Nova! Step out of the way! I will not have you take care of me!
0e9e18c, *Tzu : Hmm...*smiles at Pinn...* In that case...*ducks and spins, loosing a shot at Fringe's chest*
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *slips a cred chit across the bartop with two half-gloved fingers, speaking in an unusually low tone* Water....
8d3c342, Collin: Rats in paradise, rats in paradise I'M BAILING OUT!!!
5d2e15a, *Enigma : A double serving of whiskey would be great. *brow furrows in concentration* It couldn't have been the lightning-type shots, because I can still feel the Force...
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Pulls the trigger just before the shot tears into his chest dropping his back into the wall.*
e256607, *Aerakade : *smirks* Of course, I don't 'wish' us to be hurt. *sits down at a booth in a safer position* So, were are you from Aymeena?
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Looks sideways at Viatrix, recalling seeing her before* *Smiles pleasantly then turns back to his drink*
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *glances back at Pinn, looking rather tired* Very well....have your way, Mr. Pinn. *steps away, retreating to a corner booth*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *rises...and has a large chunk taken from his side*
56542e0, Zerrick: {he turns his head slowly to the darksider sitting next to him, his face still covered by shadows}
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she pales at the sound of blaster fire...* she looks to Aera with a smile...and points up*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Falls down as Nova leaves, having been leaning against her, drops painfully, shattering the datapads in his pockets.*
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *looks toward Akido briefly, then Zerrick, assessing them both...for a moment, her eyes seem almost to flicker to blue, but they return to normal before the change may be confirmed*
56542e0, Zerrick: {still watching Viatrix, something oddly familiar about her}
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : (( *Slightly drools at Viatrix's pic* ))
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *frowns morosely, watching Porup* I apologize....
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : Ah, but of course... *he smirks slightly* So, you just do whatever people tell you to do? What if you didn't want to?
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Well... You two will have to conference on that, once I get him in here... *strokes his chin thoughtfully* Whisky, eh? I know there's a bottle of something strong in the doctor's lounge... I don't know what it is, though. I'll check it out for you later.
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *snifs the air, turning toward Zerrick again..a cruel, cryptic smile forms*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((*chuckles at Whitey*))
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Swallows hard, trying to relieve the pressure of the armor plate crushing his chest.*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *looks down...notices the wound is gushing blood* God dammit, Fringe...
56542e0, Zerrick: {to Viatrix and Viatrix only} ~Valentine~
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( Make that doctors' ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: Doesn't matter....As I said...I live to serve...
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Groans.* Sithspawn.... I've got a wife and child you know.... all you had to do was stop....
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Struggles to his feet. The fighting spirit having gone out of him.* I'm sorry... I was so harsh Nova....
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : So what if I told you to say, jump off a bridge?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *though she herself cannot use the Force, she creates its illusion through her training, knowing that Zerrick will pick up what she has to say* ~That is not my name. But you, I are a wanted man....~
0e9e18c, *Tzu : I've got a wife and child too, idiot...
56542e0, Zerrick: ((*falls down in pain, holding head. Trying too hard to follow all the RP's going on*))
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Gulps for air.* You... don't... seem like the... type...
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *looks down at the table, rubbing her temples*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Yeah...we'll have to figure it out. Something. It can't be like can't. *eyelids droop closed to restrain the tears that threaten to fall* See what it is and then leave the bottle.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: Would you truly desire that...? *she looks slightly offended*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Walks over to Nova.* What is troubling you?
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : *he finishes his ale quickly* Of course not..
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *lol@Zerrick* patpt*))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Glances at Aymeena and sighs.*
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: This pressure....Mr. Pinn, if I am to marry will I make time for him? What if we have a child? I don't even have time to keep my body healthy....
56542e0, Zerrick: {to Viatrix} ~By whom? You're boss?~ *lets out an audible chuckle*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((*patpted, whatever the hell that is*))
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *drops to a knee..* I get that sometimes...*things start to waver and spin..*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Sighs, quietly* Come to the Fleet Production headquarters, I can look after you there....
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*blinks*)) *peers around the room, hesitantly making her way around and to the bar, quietly ordering an ale*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( hmm. patpted...could work.))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : Please... don't make it a target.
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : What if you became emotionally attached to someone ?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ~An individual who holds much sway with me.~ *rises, eyes slightly obscured by her hair, she looks at his face carefully, seeing through the darkness*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she catches Porup's sigh...looking down again..*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Laughs, choking*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *he watches her for a moment, frowning* You want me to go get it now? I'll only be away for a moment..
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: I can't promise that. I have a government to run, Porup...*in a voice that says ''I'm sorry, Daddy....''*
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : I'm heading back soon, you can come with me.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: I......*she seems stricken by an urge to help the injured...* I've never...*she swallows...*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : Fringe...?
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: I can't ....Porup, this needs a leader.
56542e0, Zerrick: ((*runs in and kills both Tzu and Fringe, actually sick of seeing them fight all the time*)) {his hood flips back through no use of his hands (if you can't figure out what I mean, you are stupid) and his cold, dark eyes are staring at Viatrix} ~Is that individual too afraid to tell me themselves?~
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: Well... sithspawn... it looks like... *chokes, blood coming to his lips.* This... may... be ... it...
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *frowns...* just like that.))
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : Okay, okay.
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : (( *hopes Cay starts registering handles again* ))
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Nods slowly.* I must go then. You are always welcome...
56542e0, Zerrick: ((*agrees with Aera, so badly needs at least one registerd character*))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ~It makes no difference. I'm sure it would be regarded as a great....favor....were I to capture you....~ *steps forward, looking him up and down*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Me too Aera...Me too
3652bce, *Porup Pinn : *Turns and walks out.*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *considers, then shakes her head slowly* No...I...I shouldn't. Not right now. *blinks rapidly, visibly getting ahold of herself* I haven't thanked you yet for saving our skins. I can't begin to express my gratitude...
EXIT: Porup Pinn has left the chat ( Quit ).
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: Wait! Mr. Pinn!
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *her throat so constricted by emotion for the wounded...she cannot speak*
56542e0, Zerrick: {he turns his head, watching her} Do not tempt me...child.
0e9e18c, *Tzu : kinda bad, Fringe...*makes his way over to Fringe's downed form*
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: *sets her credits on the counter, taking a small sip of her drink*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Gives off another choking laugh.*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Looks back at Viatrix and Zerrick*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Send Tzu and Fringe back to the clinic so we can set up a Sabacc table! :D ))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: Tempt you to do what, exactly? *in a rather biting, saucy tone* *she begins a slow walk about him, examining him*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((*chuckles at E*))
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : *rubs his hand up and down Aymeena's back lightly* take it easy... *looks at Fringe*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Drops out flat, unable to hold himself up anymore.*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : Hey Fringe...
56542e0, Zerrick: {he turns his head straight forward} Kill you
a340b4e, Nova Metallia: *stands, walking out*
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : (( I'd help Fringe, but I bet it's planned. ))
EXIT: Nova Metallia has left the chat ( Quit ).
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*swears that she is twitching from the girl scout cookies* THIIIIIIN MINNNNNNNTS!))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she bites her lip...hard...attempting to breathe easy..*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( exactly Aera.))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Ooo... *wants Tagalongs*))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: I died's not so bad as you think. *smirks bitterly, stopping in front of him again, looking up at his face*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Don't mention it. I don't have much of a social life so I amuse myself with saving Jedi..*wryly as he gently takes hold of her wrist, checking her pulse* There was a third one...A Rohan. he says he knows you?
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: ((It was a dumb accident.)) What! *Blood leaping from his lips*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : We're too old...for this...*slumps against the wall, eyes drifting shut, body reaching for the delightful salvation of unconsciousness*
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : (( fine than.. )) *looks to Aymeena* Maybe you oughta get oughta' here.
56542e0, Zerrick: ((I'll gladly end your life then Tzu))
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*also had Caramel delights of Semoas..whatever you wanna call them))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: isn't so bad as you think. *smirks bitterly, stopping in front of him again, looking up at his face. She grins coolly, her eyes definitely shifting to blue this time, remaining that way for a few seconds before fading to yellow*
JOIN: Chitin Khiton has entered.
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton: ((*eyes Julian* Should I come be scary?))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : You're quite good at it. *grins, which quickly turns brittle at the name "Rohan."* Yes, we are a little acquainted... *smashes down the anger the slowly creeps up through her body*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Wishes he could say he wasn't too old but chokes on his blood. Rolls himself over, the blood spilling from his throat. His stomach constricting emptying its contents on the floor.*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : ((No you won't, Justin. :P))
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : (( Zerrick- Bah you. ))
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she takes his free hand...pressing her lips to it gratefully...she stands and exits...quickly...*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *Wishes he could say he wasn't too old but chokes on his blood. Rolls himself over, the blood spilling from his throat. His stomach constricting emptying its contents on the floor.*
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: *thiks to herself, kind of slouching over, keeping a wary eye on other patrons, keeping her distance*
56542e0, Zerrick: Then maybe you'll enjoy when I kill you...{stands slowly, his eyes now litterally have orange flames in them, the pupils gone}
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : *looks at Aymeena* together..
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: (( *eyes Fringe and Tzu...*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *eyed* I dunno..If you want to come and be scary...))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *a foot-long ''sword'' of bone slides from her arm, protruding from the wrist of her forearm* Oh, I don't doubt it.
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *tugging Aerakade along with her...pleading in her eyes*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *arches a brow, noting not only her reaction but a quickening of her pulse* Hmm.. what's the story there?
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*wants to play too......would come in as Lybra if she had time......*))
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Sniffs the air, smelling...poo...and turns about, looking at Fringe and Tzu, beaten and bloody*
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : *a figured, wrapped in dark blue-green cloth, appears at the doorway to Enigma's room*
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : *looks at Aymeena* Why don't you go to the dockingbay, I'll be right behind you.. *he smiles re-assuringly* *stops as he hears the terrible sound of Fringe.. he sighs heavily* Why do I have to be such a good guy? *he tsks himself as he goes over to Fringe, and looks at him, tipping him over carefully, so he doesn't choke on his own contents of his stomach*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : *slips into the reaches of unconsciousness, far from any physical pain*
56542e0, Zerrick: {backs away, not scared, but not stupid either...he pulls his cloak off and lays it across the bar, two hilts at his sides, one black and one gold, they both look different but have the same butts to them}
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Frowns and walks over to Fringe, removing the armor he wears with a vibroblade*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she follows his directions...and is gone*
3652bce, Fringe Backwater: *His eyelids slip shut.*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : He started it all... *cuts her words off, noting the new presence in the doorway...eyes turning in that direction*
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : *notes he reached Fringe first*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Lofts Fringe over his shoulder and does the same with Tzu and carries them towards the door*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Notes he is a doctor*
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ~You move well, Mr. Zerrick.~ *the other claw springs forward, and she crouches down, growling softly as she watches him*
0e9e18c, *Tzu : ((w00t)) *carries away*
4da4cd7, *Aerakade : *lets Akido take over, and silently wishes the two men well* Crazy fools... *he stops, and notes he's got company tonight* eek.. *he hurries out door*
56542e0, Zerrick: {smiles coldly at Viatrix} Stupid girl...{through no movement, Viatrix is suddenly "punched" on the top of the head}
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : *moves into the room, quite tall, almost flowing upon the ground, hands covered in the folds of the cloth*
EXIT: Fringe Backwater has left the chat ( Quit ).
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *he drops her wrist, turning towards the door only to see Chiton there* Ahh... Director Kiton... What brings you to my wing of the hospital?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *she flinches, but makes no other movement, recognizing these tactics...reminded of someone*
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : I thought it wise to inquire upon the health of one of our newer patients. *the head makes a nodding motion toward Enigma*
723ff5a, *Akido Sajkai : *Exits, Fringe and Tzu in tow and transports them to his ship, the Gustave II*
56542e0, Zerrick: {another "punch" strikes Viatrix square in the gut}
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *exhales sharply, making no move by sheer instinct*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Despite resisting most forms of treatment, she'll pull through fine.
a31f8e4, Anya Kenobi: ((*really wants to play somehow*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *inclines her head slightly to Chitin, still rather wary of all these medical types. Smirks faintly at Julian. Absently threads a tendril of the Force down to ease the aching in her leg.*
56542e0, Zerrick: You are no challenge if you don't fight back...{in a moments notice both darksabers are in his hands and are ignited, one orange,the other navy blue} I'll make this is a mercy killing for you
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : Yes....I had heard of this. In fact, it was the reason for my visit. *a gloved hand is extended toward Enigma, the hand encased obviously not human*
5465c4a, Aymeena Veltay: *she takes his free hand...pressing her lips to it gratefully...she stands and exits...quickly...*
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *very softly, offhand* ~You killed me once...isn't that enough?~ *her eyes cloud over blue as she watches him*
EXIT: Aymeena Veltay has left the chat ( Quit ).
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Oooh, I'm infamous... *extends her hand and loosely shakes Chitin's*
NICK: Anya Kenobi changed nick to Ali-Cat
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Normally I would've insisted upon the treatment, but she is a Jedi... And I'm sure she can handle things just fine.
56542e0, Zerrick: {somewhat confused by her words} ~I've never killed you, but I will now~ {swings a blade at Viatrix, not so to hit her, but to graze across the top of her hair}
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : *tilts its head toward Julian, speaking dryly* Of course.
a31f8e4, Ali-Cat: *too busy munching on cookies andstuff....doesn't have enough time anyway...*
JOIN: ¤¿¤ has entered.
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *moves ever-so-slightly, just enough to duck the blade*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *snicker*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Andy?)
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *she seems distracted, her thoughts drifting back into periods of confusion*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Got it under control...yep yep... *smiles a bit, suppressing a twinge from her torso-wound*
56542e0, Zerrick: ~Fight me~ {swings again just above her head}
a31f8e4, Ali-Cat: *peers at elfwood and really hopes that lady gets Godsmacked for what she said*
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : I assume you've refused painkillers....*the other hand produces a small vial*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: No.... Boba Fatt
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Godsmack Rules))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Boba Fatt works for GamePro...))
JOIN: Knees has entered.
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: Andy.... you're weird
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *springs forward and up as his swing passes by, blades swinging toward his exposed torso*
a31f8e4, Ali-Cat: Yes...yes they do, but thats not what I ment...
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Weird? Nah....
53d7643, 'Knees: Ronnie-ca?! *searches*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Just intravenous ones. *slight shudder at the very words* As a matter of fact, I just told Dr. Defloyé that I could do with a double helping.
56542e0, Zerrick: {side steps Viatrix, expecting this and as she passes by, he brings an overhead swing down for the small of her back}
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *chuckles, and hugs Ali* Don't dwell on it. ))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *waves over to Knees* Yeeees? ))
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : This should be more effective, I believe, *adeptly uncorks the vial, holding it out to Enigma*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Double helping? Is Enigma a drug addict? Oooo I smell news story!
56542e0, Zerrick: ((What did ya mean Ali?))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *coils her body more tightly, her back singed as she flies by. She lands upon a tabletop and turns to watch Zerrick*
53d7643, 'Knees: *latches onto Ronnie-ca's legs* They're gonna make me take a booster shot! *screaches*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: *thwaps KJ*
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : ((*grins at White Owl*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*chomps Owlie* Bah!))
a31f8e4, Ali-Cat: I can't help it! I just....gyah! She's......neh.....That was so not "Harm None"! She just broke the rede, and she say's that I'm a Phoney!?
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: booster shot... Ouch those hurt... So Sorry Knees... *winces*
56542e0, Zerrick: You shouldn't be so predictable, you might actually hurt someone....{smirks and sends a "punch" uppercut to her jaw}
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Rede?))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ... *starts to extend her hand...halts the motion halfway. Eyes Chitin, then Julian, then back again.* What are they? What's in them?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *leaps up with this one, absorbing the impact, and lands down into her crouch again* *she thinks to herself* ~How very like....~
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *blinks... is latched on to. Peers down at Knees* Ok..deep breaths... It only lasts a few seconds. And it's for your own good. Concentrating on reciting something aloud, like all of Santa's reindeer, and you don't even notice it. ))
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: *thwapped* Ow....
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Serves you right for calling me weird.
53d7643, 'Knees: You have no utter idea how terrified I am of needles....
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : Oh...simply a more effective formula. It's typically not available for this floor; quite rare. I had a few extra minutes in the laboratory.
56542e0, Zerrick: {finishes her thoughts} ~How very like...{pauses mid message} Malus?~ {a smile crosses his face}
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: *cries*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: *Wearing a falconeer's glove he pats Knees*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Andy, you're retarded *kicks him in the gut and follows up with a Powerbomb*))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *she pales visibly, eyes narrowing, and creeps back from the edge of the table*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Stop crying, Earthquake girl...
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Retarded is you using wrestling moves... Grow up.
53d7643, 'Knees: *tries to bite Owlie's hand in a panic* Grah...I have to go next Friday...
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( I know some people are really afraid of them, but there's no way around this.. *unlatches her and hugs her* ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : I see. *still eyeing warily, finishes extending her hand*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Why are you so afraid Knees?
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Knees when you get the needle, just sing or whistle a tune, it helps.
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : *sets the vial in Enigma's hand* It has a rather unpleasant aftertaste.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *he watches them both, eyeing the vial curiously...preferring more mainstream painkillers himself*
56542e0, Zerrick: {watches her cower} ~No, I am not Malus...but I know of him...and some of his teaching methods.~
53d7643, 'Knees: *hugs Ronnie-ca lots and lots* I'm going to scream...I know it. And quite possibly break my boyfriend's hand into pieces because there is no way I'm going alone...
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ~....obviously.~ *eyes him for a moment, then shakes her head, as if ridding herself of a bad dream* ~It's not my place to question.~
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: Earthquake Girl... *snickers*
723ff5a, 'White Owl: An aftertaste like bitter almonds Chitin?
a31f8e4, Ali-Cat: *Pats Knees but is still dwelling on the evil lady witch lady*
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: pH and Justin rping together.. Scary thought...
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((Knees, wanna see a piccy of Mikey?))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((Or did I send you one? I don't remember.))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: For Robs sake Knees it wont be that bad...
56542e0, Zerrick: ~Question what?~ {"pushes" Viatrix off the table}
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *hugs her back lots and lots* I'd go with you if I could...It's a bit far for me, though. You'll be all right. Just don't dwell on it. Not before it happens, and not during. ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Joy... *withdraws her hand, gaze flicking down to the vial...then to Julian, getting vague impressions of his feelings*
53d7643, 'Knees: I've seen one already, it a different one?
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: What this about needles, Knees?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *lands once again in a balanced position* ~The I shall not dwell on this.~
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: So many Mikey's around... *blink*
53d7643, 'Knees: But... needles.... grah....
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : Now I shall depart. Good evening, Ms. Enigma. Doctor.
a31f8e4, Ali-Cat: well..gotta go...*sighs and materializes...along with her thin mints..dwelling on witches who make us look bad*
56542e0, Zerrick: ~You are pitiful~ {deignites both sabers and clips them back to his belt} ((*is a Mikey*))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((Knees: Nopers...but I get to go see him tomorrow. He's sick, so I think I'm gonna bring him a card.))
JOIN: noname has entered.
1a2a911, noname: My website's back up, little pieces, with new poetry ... for anyone who cares, which is no one.
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Knees a booster shot aint that bad... Rabies shots is worse, try 42 needles at the same time.
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ~Yes, yes. I am. Unworthy even of death.~
1a2a911, noname: *points out his link*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Good evening...Dr. Khiton, was it?
a340b4e, *Chitin Khiton : Yes. Chitin Khiton. *the figure reorients itself, moving slowly out the doorway*
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: Oh, bah... shots are nothing. I have to get a Hepatitis B shot... my dad go Hep B so I need a shot, but I might have contracted it, so I have to get a blood test too.... *sigh*
EXIT: Chitin Khiton has left the chat ( Quit ).
56542e0, Zerrick: ~You must learn to control your emotions or you will be killed, be lucky I don't kill someone without a fight~ {picks up his cloak and puts it back on, leaving the hood down}
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Ian got a little repitition going on. in the first poem. heh
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((*used to have to get blood tests like...every 1-2 months* Lots of blood, too. Not just one little vial.))
723ff5a, 'White Owl: Hepatitis B shots are small...very small
1a2a911, noname: Oh yes... the first poem is really really bad and I should take the link down.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *nods, watching Khiton leave, waiting until she's well out the door before turning back to Enigma* And that's my boss.
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: So? I might HAVE Hep B.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Hep. B shots are actually a series...or at least they were a couple years ago))
3d4b4e1, Get a name!: *gives blood all the time*
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Still are E, you get one, then you get another like 3 months later, then another 6 months later or something))
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Ian it's pretty good, but m00 is repeated always...
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *glares up at him, seething* ~I have not been properly trained, it seems.~ *flicks her wrists back, the blades retracting, looking him up and down once more*
1a2a911, noname: That was, uh, the point...
1a2a911, noname: *embarrased now* I was REALLY pissed off that day.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Ahh... *looks to the vial again, then back up at Julian* Do you
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: Yup. That is pretty cool.
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Don't worry Ian, I liked that poem...m00 everything!))
MSG: ¤¿¤ sent a message to Knees.
JOIN: Viatrix Sung has entered.
56542e0, Zerrick: {turns to face her, the fire gone out in his eyes, he just stares and does nothing more}
6c9b335, ¤¿¤: umm Bah.. Forgot this is not a registered char.. *blink*
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
1a2a911, noname: *makes an angst check... shocked to find he passes it* Must be the writing easing my mind...
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *at Zerrick's new posture, her own arrogance seems to regain its strength. She straightens up, eyeing him very carefully* What do you want?
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Honestly? No. I could get you some good ol' fashion bantha tranquilizers if you want.. *grins*
JOIN: Willow Citelle has entered.
56542e0, Zerrick: {he smiles softly} Such a pretty girl, with such a dumb mind...{said to himself, but loud enough for Viatrix to hear, smirks}
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: Dumb? *grins this time, actually chuckling* Hardly. Confused, perhaps...but who wouldn't be? *she pauses for thought, stepping forward toward him again* Tell me, I alive?
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *grins slightly* I just usually prefer drugs that I know what they are...or something about them. But I don't want to offend...
EXIT: ¤¿¤ has left the chat ( Quit ).
56542e0, Zerrick: {quirks an eyebrow at her question} You are walking on this ground, are you not?
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((Bah! *lol*@Julian and Enigma. Chitin's great at mixing drugs!))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *extends his hand* Give it to me and she'll never have to know. Plus, it'll give me the opportunity to figure out what she puts in this stuff.
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: Yes, but that does not make life. Droids are not alive....*stops not two feet from him, tilting her head up to watch him*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*L* Can you blame her for being paranoid?))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: ((*blubbers* b-but....she's the NR's director of medicine...))
1a2a911, noname: Well... I'm off for the night... see you all later... I like email... it makes me feel a little less unapprechiated and that the time I spend writing isn't wholly wasted... goodnight...
56542e0, Zerrick: You have flesh and bones, you are not a droid. Thus, you are alive. {watching her slowly}
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *drops the vial into his hand* Works out all around, then. *chuckles a bit*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *hums along with Veggie Tales* Good stuff... ))
56542e0, Zerrick: ((Yes E, yes I can))
JOIN: Knees has entered.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((She still is incredibly wary of anything or anybody medical-related...kind of ironic, since she does part-time duty for a clinic. *:P @ Justin*))
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: Is that all life is? I'm not so sure. Not at all. *her features alter once more, eyes becoming a brilliant yellow this time...fixed upon his face*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *slips it into his jacket pocket and winks* This is between you and me, of course. *shifty eyes and a wink*
53d7643, 'Knees: *goes back to panicing and avoiding anything that would remind her of a needle...stays clear of sharp, random objects*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *comforts Knees* ))
56542e0, Zerrick: {watching her eyes sensing something about her} You are alive, but you will be dead if you don't leave me alone...{flips his hood} Good bye. {turns and exits}
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Absolutely. *winks back*
EXIT: noname has left the chat ( Quit ).
a340b4e, Viatrix Sung: *turns, slipping out*
EXIT: Viatrix Sung has left the chat ( Quit ).
53d7643, 'Knees: *comforted*
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: *then enters a woman of slight build...long, muted gray and black hair hanging to her eyes shifting over the room*
EXIT: Aymeena Veltay has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Willow Citelle has entered.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Let's see now.. *sticks a hand in his other pocket, pulling out a bottle of pills. He holds it up, eyeing the label* Oh, you're in luck.
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *bashes window*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : The first time that's happened in a while... *chuckles...the sound breaking off in a soft cough* Ow...damn.
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: *she tucks her hands into the folds of a green cloak...moving ghostlike, down the stairs*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *frowns slightly, tsking as he pops the top off the bottle. He taps two pills out into his hand and offers it to her, palm up* Take these. *grabs a glass of water from her bedside table and holds that out to her as well*
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *ponders the point of going IC*shrugs...just lurks*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *carefully picks up the pills, letting them rest on her tongue a moment...washes them down with a surprising level of obedience. Just goes to show, it must hurt pretty bad for that to happen.*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *he holds the bottle out so that she can see what she just took; a safe and effective painkiller she'd probably be familiar with* Give it a few minutes and they should do a world of good.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *reads over the label quickly. Nods and sinks back into her pillow again.* Oh, I'm looking forward to it.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *sits back down in the chair, relaxing a little. He glances at his chrono and his eyes light up a little* shift is over.. *stretches, his manner becoming more relaxed* So in other words, if you aren't enjoying my charming company... You can throw me out. *tries to look to endearing*
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( Ronnie. Enigma. Check your inboxes for some incoherent poetry.))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *chuckles* Nah...first of all, I'm enjoy your company. Secondly, I don't think I have the energy to throw you out. But I can understand completely if you'd rather not be stuck here with a most disobedient patient.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*bashes her typos* Oooh! *dances off to her mail*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( Will do Jen :) *runs off to check* ))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *odd look...sings along once again with "where the wild roses grow"*))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( its not my best...but its what I got typed up. Like it says. ))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : The disobedient ones are always more interesting. And you havn't thrown your bedpan at me, so you're not even close to the amount of crap I have to put up with... And when I say crap, you don't know how literally I mean that.
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *eyes Julian* oy.))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *eyed* Hehehe...))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *wrinkles her nose* Goodness... Well, I'll just have to try harder, won't I? *eyes lighten in color somewhat, almost twinkling*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : I'm sure you can piss me off like no one has before if you just apply yourself. *chuckles, leaning back in his seat a little* So how did you guys get yourself into that fight anyway?
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Awesome poetry, Jen...I love your imagery...))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( Seriously. *nods in agreement* I really like it, it flows so nicely...*coughs to cover up her actions and slides her own poetry behind a rock* ))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: ((*eyes Ronnie's poems* hey!))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *the mild cheer fades from her face...casts down her gaze, picking at the edge of her blanket* Rohan was fighting Dalris...he started it... *almost hisses those words, then gets a grip. Continues.* Then they just showed up. *shakes her head slowly* We should have just left when Yun first suggested it...I feel responsible that we didn't...
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *blinks* Thanks...anyway.))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *makes distracting gestures with her hands* There are no poems! ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Uh...Nigma prolly doesn't know Dalris's name, so insert "that guy" or something))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( No no...I showed you my pooe...I would like to see yours. *L*))
JOIN: little jawa has entered.
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( Ooooh....'that guy'....GET 'IM!! ))
1bdac1e, little jawa: *walks in and grabs her usual seat in the corner, snaps and her usual firebrew appears and mumbles to herself*
1bdac1e, little jawa: hello folks
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( You too E. If you have any you can handle sharing.))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : I see...*runs a hand through his hair, mussing it up a little* Huh... It was those anti-force user types, wasn't it?
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Heya LJ ^_^))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: *turns...with a slight scowl...*gone*
JOIN: Collin has entered.
e7d5930, Collin: *agrees with Nigma bout the poetry.*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Actually...I haven't done any poetry in a while. The only one I've got typed up is a really depressing one...heh...))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *hides*))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( If I were to show you mine, that would suggest that there actually is poetry that I've written, and uh... *throws something over the rock that's hidding her work* There isn't any.. ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *nods* Yeah...I'd never run up against them before. Yun had. *shivers* I wish I'd listened...
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *L* what of mine are not?))
1bdac1e, little jawa: hey iggy *continues to mumble and downs her firebrew*
e7d5930, Collin: *bops back in after playing "disaster relief" for a second time.* Hehehe...
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *gives Collin a large round of applause*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Our navy has met them in battle and they're just as vicious up there... *sighs*
e7d5930, Collin: Yup...gave out more water, more crackers and more tornado cheer. :)
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Rawr...if I get Word working, you really wanna see it?))
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( Of course I do.))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( I wanna see it... *meekly, so as not to seem demanding* ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Unbelievable... *sighs quietly* Where did they come from? I'm so out-of-touch...
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *in answer to Enigma IC* Hell))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((hehe...a'ight. I'll try to get this damn thing functional, 'n then mail it off))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*agrees w/ Jen*))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : The Unknown Regions... They just up and appeared one day.
1bdac1e, little jawa: *lays head down on table and closes eyes slowly*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Sent ^_^)) Well, I wish they'd all go back or self-destruct or something. *muttering*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : That'd be just to perfect... What I wouldn't give to disect one of those things.
1bdac1e, little jawa: *sighs softly and snaps and a rum and coke appears in her hand and lifts her head up to take a sip*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : Which ones? The Agent ones or the big insect-looking thing that showed up right at the end? What we need is industrial-strength bugspray...
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
d82ea68, 'Mazzik: *closes his eyes and drifts away..*
eca6b60, Get a name!: *pounces on Mazz, just because she can*
e7d5930, Collin: *steps down into robespierre's velvet basement.*
eca6b60, Get a name!: *ends up pouncing nothing, cuz he drifted away....*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Both, preferably.. But the insect thing interests me quite a bit. Nothing seems to be working against them.
eca6b60, Get a name!: *waves to Collin*
1bdac1e, little jawa: *closes eyes and snaps and a blankie is covering her*
e7d5930, Collin: *coughs something about babylon 5 ripoffs.* :)
e7d5930, Collin: *waves back from within robespierre's velvet basement.*
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *has suddenly lost track of what ppl are talking about...just sits upon her computer chair..and goes blind*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : At least there are two less to deal with now... *trails off, almost seeming about to say more...sighs quietly instead*
d82ea68, 'Mazzik: *pounced upon...drifts away to the Brandenburg Concertos*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Check yer mail in the near future, if ye wish. *pokes Sis and Ronnie* If hotmail's working, that is.))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *needs to find a half-decent poem or two to send, and make it fair* ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((oooh... *thumbs up to Ronnie*))
eca6b60, Get a name!: See? Not loved. *grins, then falls onto her throne*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : *nods* Yeah... well, *stands* I think I'm going to run along now. *places the bottle of painkillers on her bedside table, within reach* Every 4 hours.
e7d5930, Collin: *pokes GaN.* I waved...I tried.
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( What email address did you send it to? ? ))
eca6b60, Get a name!: Oh, I know, Collin. *smile* But people get scared of me and run away. *giggle*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *blinks slowly, sleepily...the drowsy part of the medication kicking in* All right...thanks...
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( *blinks...waves to GaN*))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((Yeah *nodnod* Sometimes it takes a while for hotmail to send things, though...))
e7d5930, Collin: Rally? Hmm. Well, not this lonely planet boy. :)
5465c4a, Willow Citelle: (( always slow, E.))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : Oh, I see you're already off in the world of Lollipops and Sunshine, so I'll leave you be. *grins again, offers a dramatic bow, and turns, heading for the exit*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( Bah.. hotmail... *needs to have clever little domain names like "imneverwrong" and "ijustdontcare" *))
NICK: Willow Citelle changed nick to Jennifer
5465c4a, Jennifer: *eyes her real name* gawd....s'worse every time.
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *a little smile floats across her lips* Thanks... 'n tell Yun I love him, please? *eyelids droop closed*
eca6b60, Get a name!: *waves back to Jen*
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( What's wrong with Jennifer? Doesn't anyone like their name? Is it just me? ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*likes "imneverwrong" a lot* heehee))
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : I will, but I'm sure he knows... *smiles and exits*
e7d5930, Collin: *likes his name.*
5465c4a, Jennifer: Um. I don't like having a name at all. *would love to burn her namebadge*
5d2e15a, *Enigma : *dozes off almost immediately...half asleep, half in a healing trance*
5465c4a, Jennifer: I like yer name too Collin. : D
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( That email address was made for me! My personal quote used to be "I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong" ))
5d2e15a, *Enigma : ((*likes her name, but is most unfond of wearing nametag-type things*))
eca6b60, Get a name!: I like my name...
2d8cb55, *Dr. Julian DeFloyé : (( *hated her nametag when she worked, too* ))
5465c4a, Jennifer: Tis why I don't like my name....ya ever have perfect strangers call you by your name? its freaky.
d82ea68, 'Mazzik: *hates his name*
eca6b60, Get a name!: *likes Mazz's name*