These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *hugs Ria back *
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *envy Ria cus she has her own song*
527c605, *President Zahra : Hmm? *is envied?*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : You know that song:" Mariaaaa, you gotta see her"
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : I was just kidding anyway.heheh
527c605, *President Zahra : Ewww! Icky song!
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *L* *agrees*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : At least you have your name on it...:)
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *ponders about a song with her name* Nahh it wouldn't work.
527c605, *President Zahra : *dances about*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *dances as well*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *prods Syy into dancing *
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
6e1a061, Get a name!: *tooo sleepy to dance* *curls up with a yawn, being dj..... in her sleep*
527c605, *President Zahra : *dances some more*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *check out some Hayden sites*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *ponders..... pokes other GaN zombie like*
972b81c, Get a name!: *Takes poking GaN poking hand and pulls her closer* Hi... *Hugs* *g*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *giggles @ Sky* If you come across any Angel sites.. letmeknow.. *cg*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *Pulled close* Hiiii... *giggles up at him and huggles him tight* *kotc* *kotc*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *S@Syy* Ok!
527c605, *President Zahra : Cay! *hugs*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Cay! *waits up in the line for a hug* Hey c'mon, faster!
972b81c, Get a name!: Hehe... *kotc* *hugs again* *then hugs Ria*
972b81c, Get a name!: Oy.. *Runs over and hugs Skie too*
972b81c, Get a name!: *collapses* Argh... Too... many... hugs... :P
6e1a061, Get a name!: *got the first one* *prances around, showing off* *lowers eyes and giggles*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at Cay*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at Syy too*
6e1a061, Get a name!: We know ye love 'em.. *g* *helps him up*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *glares @Syy*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *giggles at Ria, blushing* Ack.. *makes a peace offering to Sky* ^_^
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Never thought hugs could kill anyone... *is feeling guilty*
972b81c, Get a name!: *Helped up and stuff* Hehe...
527c605, *President Zahra : Hmm.. *wanders over to her "no-hugging" corner*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : hehe *hugs Syy*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *huggles Ria, just to be evil and break da rules* Yay! *huggles Sky* Acckkk.... *goes to get her dog before her bother shoot her*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *still checking out Hayden sites* Gosh, that guy is sooo cute! *sighs*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Er.. brother.. >_<
527c605, *President Zahra : *is huggled* *cries*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : No crying Ria! *pats Ria* *looks accusingly @ Syy*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *g@Sky* *bites her tongue*
527c605, *President Zahra : *patted* *smiles*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *winces*
972b81c, Get a name!: Hmph.. *cuter*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Uhm... Thought she wanted a hug. *nodnod*
527c605, *President Zahra : *climbs out of the corner and hugs Syy*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *lhao* *patpats C*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Yay! *smiles*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Hayden is cuter! *just to make Cay mad* *eg*
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes Cay*
972b81c, Get a name!: Oh well. :P
527c605, *President Zahra : *is cutest* *dances about*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Angel's sooo cuter than Hayden.. *in my opinion* *giggles*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Just of which Angel are you talking about?
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : C'mon and defend yourself Cay. *jk*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Angle! Ass kicking Angel! Buffy's Angel! Y;know.. *drool*
972b81c, Get a name!: Okay.. *Deletes Skie's chars untill she says hes cutest. :P *
6e1a061, Get a name!: *g* He doesn't need to.. *giggles*
527c605, *President Zahra : *baps Cay* That's not how you prove you're cutest!
6e1a061, Get a name!: Evil! *gasp*
972b81c, Get a name!: *evades bap* She asked for it!
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Ack! ok ok Cay you got me there! *agrees to his terms*
527c605, *President Zahra : No. What she wanted was to ogle you while you strut around and show off your cuteness.
JOIN: Sigma has entered.
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Ah that Angel, very cute but Hayden is cuter, Syy
972b81c, Get a name!: Ah well.. Too bad. :P
527c605, *President Zahra : No, wait, that's what I wanted.. *giggles*
527c605, *President Zahra : Aww.. *ogles Cay anyway*
972b81c, Get a name!: *ogled?*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *giggles at Ria* Saaame.. *whispers that*
972b81c, Get a name!: Sounds like some kind of fish or something..
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles some more, and retreats to her corner*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Oops I mean ...uh...Cay is.. *doesn't want her char deleted*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Cuter than Angel!? Well.. Maybe.. But not when he's kicking ass.. *g*
972b81c, Get a name!: *goes to his corner and looks cute*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Ria, that's what I wanted too *giggles and with Ria in the corner*
527c605, *President Zahra : *pats dictionary* ogle: to glance with amorous invitation or challenge; to eye amorously or provocatively
a3f28d9, Sigma: *enters the cantina and says hello*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Fish.. *ggl* *thinks of Dogma*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at the third definition* to look at especially with greedy or interested attention
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *adds "goes" in her previous post*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *eyes C up and down*
527c605, *President Zahra : *now goes back to ogling Cay*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Oi, Sigma.. :)
527c605, *President Zahra : *waves to Sigma*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *joins Ria and Syy *
a3f28d9, Sigma: *waves to President Zahra*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Hi Sigma.
527c605, *President Zahra : *ogles some more*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *giggles* Wonder if he could do the Vampire face.. *cg*
527c605, *President Zahra : *shakes her head at Sigma* Not Zahra. Ria. Riiiiaaaaa, is my name. :)
a3f28d9, Sigma: Hi Kaaliya Starlancer
6e1a061, Get a name!: *PoT@Sigma*
a3f28d9, Sigma: ok Ria
972b81c, Get a name!: *Looked up and down* *ogled*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : I can't watch Buffy now cuz it's over , here.
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *stares @ Cay for being in a corner and not wanting to join the concentration of girl power in the other corner*
527c605, *President Zahra : *ogles Cay again*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Ugggh.... *falls over, asleep*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *looks@Syy then @ Ria* She fainted?
527c605, *President Zahra : I think so.. *peers at Sky* From Cay's cuteness. *nodnod* *ogles Cay again*
527c605, *President Zahra : Erm. *meant to peer at Syy, not Sky* That's what you get, for having similar names.
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : He left her devasteted! *giggles*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *curls up with a giggle* *dreaming and stuff* *ggl*
972b81c, Get a name!: Hehehe...
972b81c, Get a name!: *w*
527c605, *President Zahra : Who're you winking at, Cay?
6e1a061, Get a name!: *pot* *g*
527c605, *President Zahra : *notices something in her last post* *blinks* *needs to get her mind out of the gutter*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Perhaps she's having dreams with Cay ,Ria. Look at her she's smiling and stuff *points @Syy*
527c605, *President Zahra : Yeah, she probably is. *nodnod* Well, she's having fun. *returns to ogling Cay*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Heeey! *protests and stuff*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *pokes Ria with an elbow* Hehe, he's blushing.
972b81c, Get a name!: Of course she is. :P
972b81c, Get a name!: *hopes*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *LOL@Cay* Sure you do.
JOIN: noname has entered.
6e1a061, Get a name!: *shoves her boot into ICQ*
7fc4661, noname: *drags himself in, looking worse than ever*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles*
527c605, *President Zahra : Ack! *hugs Ian*
6e1a061, Get a name!: *was gonna make a typical report, but can't 'cos he's hoping* ^_^ *just giggles*
7fc4661, noname: Good morning... .... ... ...
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *spots Ian* Heya! *huggles*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Ian,did you receive the email I sent you?
7fc4661, noname: Apparently... smashing yourself into the grond, wedging yourslf between pieces of furnature, and screaming and shaking do more for you than any ammount of sleep....
7fc4661, noname: Mmm... Sky? Yeah... I went and saw it... thanks for taking the tiem.
7fc4661, noname: Mmm.... *listens to the rain*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Yup, 'tis Sky, no problem Ian. *S*
527c605, *President Zahra : *sigh*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Sigh = :(
7fc4661, noname: Nine letteers.... nine letters that are tearing my world apart. One single word, just for being true...
7fc4661, noname: E-V-O-K-A-T-E-U-R
JOIN: Jim has entered.
07267ba, šJim : *rubs his lovely new IP*
527c605, *President Zahra : Jim! *huggles*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Sigh might not be = to :(, it might be sigh= being happy
07267ba, šJim : Hey hey Ria *hugs back , grinning*
7fc4661, noname: Mm... perhaps, Sky. But perhaps we've all just forgotten what tha's like.
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : The simple word lost the meaning itself...
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *can't stand to see Ian like that* *hugs him*
527c605, *President Zahra : *climbs onto Jim-y's lap, curls up, and falls asleep*
7fc4661, noname: *goes back to quietly contemplating the rain, falling falling falling from the sky...*
07267ba, šJim : *pats Ria* Awh ... heheheh
527c605, *President Zahra : *purrs in her sleep*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *streches*
6e1a061, Get a name!: Ugh...... *leaves before she falls asleep* *Huggles C tight* *huggles Ria and Sky, and sneaks out* G'night.... *yawns*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
7fc4661, noname: Not drinking not leaking not anything at all....
527c605, *President Zahra : *is hugged in her sleep, hugs back, and goes back to purring*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Bah to late to say "bye".
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Eeeck *has to go*
7fc4661, noname: See you later, Sky....
527c605, *President Zahra : Bye, Sky! *hugs*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Bye Ian*hugs* Hope you start feeling better. *g*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : Bye Ria *hugs*
93f0455, *Kaaliya Starlancer : *hugs lurking Cay and dashes off*
EXIT: Kaaliya Starlancer has left the chat ( Quit ).
7fc4661, noname: "How can you kill something that's already dead?"
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes Ian*
7fc4661, noname: Mm...? *looks at Ria*
db9352b, šJim : with a very big gun ?
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Ian*
7fc4661, noname: There's a shadow just behind me/shrouding every step I take/making every promise empty/pointing every finger at me. //Waiting like a stalking butler/who upon the finger rests/murder now the passion must we?/Just because the Son is come?
7fc4661, noname: I am just a worthless liar/I am just an imbacile/I will only complicate you/trust in me and fall as well.// I will find a center in you/I will chew it up and leave/I will work to elevate you/just enough to bring you down....
527c605, *President Zahra : *blinks*
7fc4661, noname: *loves that song...*
7fc4661, noname: WHY!? Can
7fc4661, noname: WHY!? Can't we not be sober/I just want to start things over/why can't we sleep forever/I just want to start this over...
527c605, *President Zahra : *sits quietly*
7fc4661, noname: *now listening to Optimisitic, which is a little less morbid...*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Ian lots*
7fc4661, noname: *needs to leave in an hour or so to look for a job...*
527c605, *President Zahra : Ack.
7fc4661, noname: Yes... *is starting to get worried about this unemployment thing*
527c605, *President Zahra : *will pay Ian $1 a day to do nothing, if that helps*
7fc4661, noname: ......
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles*
7fc4661, noname: I'm not the one who's so far away/when I feel the snakebite enter my veins/never did I want to be here again/and I don't remember why I came
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
7fc4661, noname: Well I threw you the obbious/and you flew with it on your back/just a name in your recollection/down among the millions there....
7fc4661, noname: difficult not to feel a little disappointed/and passed over/but I look right through/see you naked but oblivious..... you don't/see/me.....
527c605, *President Zahra : *ponders*
7fc4661, noname: But I threw you the obvious just to see what goes on/behind the eyes of a fallen angel/the eyes of a tradgedy/here I am expecting just a little bit too much from/the wounded...
7fc4661, noname: It must be getting early/the clocks were running late/even the morning sky/looked so phony/dawn is breaking everywhere/light a candle/curse the glare/draw the curtains cuz I don't care/cuz it's alright...
527c605, *President Zahra : *wanders off to take a nap*
7fc4661, noname: I will get by/I will get by/I will get by~y/I will survive.... I see you've got your list out/say your piece and get it out/I guess I get the gist of it but/it's alright/sorry that you feel that way/the only thing there is to say/every silver lining's got a/touch of grey...
7fc4661, noname: See you, Ria...
7fc4661, noname: *goes to look for a job/play in the rain*
EXIT: noname has left the chat ( Quit ).
527c605, *President Zahra : *is kind of here now*
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes the new aim* I have myself on my buddy list! How fun!
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Andy has entered.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *blink*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Andy*
527c605, *President Zahra : *kicks chat*
3235147, Get a name!: I'm baaaaaaack
b08ad8a, Get a name!: *peers in*
b08ad8a, Get a name!: *curls up*
3235147, Get a name!: *RaE*
b08ad8a, Get a name!: *blinks at the other GaN* What?
3235147, Get a name!: *holds up his hands* Nothing , nothing ....
b08ad8a, 'L: All right. *pats Jim, then curls up again*
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
3235147, Get a name!: *wipes brwo* Phew
b08ad8a, 'L: *sighs quietly*
3235147, Get a name!: You still super down leigh ? :(
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Damn, it feels good to be a gangstah
JOIN: Ritter Mortello has entered.
b08ad8a, 'L: Jim~Eh, just a bit. *smiles slightly* Don't worry about me, though.
3235147, Get a name!: *rolls eyes disdainfully at Justin*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What?
3235147, Get a name!: Now what sort of a guy would I be if I didn't worry Leigh ?
b08ad8a, 'L: Jim~*quiet giggle* A normal one?
3235147, Get a name!: You ain't a gangster Justin ....
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: It's a song....would you rather I put lyrics from Fuk Tha Police?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: or how about Trigga Happy Nigga? Or Die Mother Fukers? Or Natural Born Killaz?
JOIN: Jerri Rute has entered.
b08ad8a, 'L: *cough* PN *cough*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *RaE@Leigh* ?
b08ad8a, 'L: *waves a hand to PN*
3235147, Get a name!: You wouldn't use offensive language at all Justin ...
b08ad8a, 'L: *AkA Jerri*
9d3e425, *Jerri Rute: *Enters and walks to the bar*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *understands now* I see....and Jim, what?
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
3235147, Get a name!: I said ... ' You wouldn't use offensive language Justin ' .
297510a, Get a name!: *RaE@L* Really?
3235147, Get a name!: *baps post eating chat* To re iterate justin , you wouldn't use offensive language
9d3e425, *Jerri Rute: *Opens a bottle of wine, looking around*
b08ad8a, 'L: *nods*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yes I would, whatever the hell you mean by that
297510a, Get a name!: *smirks* How intriguing.
3235147, Get a name!: *RaE* I mean you wouldn't/won't use offensive language in this chat *mutters*
b08ad8a, 'L: Myst?
297510a, Get a name!: Naturally.
b08ad8a, 'L: *smiles to Myst, then eyes her list of chars*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: "wouldn't" was throwing me off, cuz of course I would. But "won't", I understand.
297510a, Get a name!: Hehe
EXIT: Jerri Rute has left the chat ( Quit ).
3235147, Get a name!: *S* Good to see we are in agreement :P
b08ad8a, 'L: I've had this ic-kick recently...Which isn't necessarily a bad thing... *amused smirk* Bye bye PN/
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Jim.
b08ad8a, 'L: Ooops. *kills typo*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hehe, so you are logged in
297510a, Get a name!: Mm, don't hit the door on your way out... *ponder* You too, L?
JOIN: Stryfe Fyre has entered.
b08ad8a, 'L: Justin~Actually, could send him a PM when he's not even online, and he'd get it when he logs in.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey Misty, did you ever go to sleep last night?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Oh....dam nit! Foiled again!
b08ad8a, 'L: Myst~Oh, yes....It'd be nice if I could actually rp, though.
527c605, *President Zahra : Oh, look.. People are actually here! *hugs almost everyone*
297510a, Get a name!: Yup. Just woke up half an hour ago.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hehe...same here *went to bed at 2, woke up at 1*
b08ad8a, 'L: *hugs back for Ria*
88f8471, *Stryfe Fyre : ((went to bed at around 4, woke up at 2, about a half hour ago))
b08ad8a, 'L: *went to bed early...12:30...woke up early...12:45*
297510a, Get a name!: *hugs Ria back* I'll brb.. I have to take a shower, then I'll be IC with bells on
b08ad8a, 'L: *waves to Myst*
527c605, *President Zahra : Gah. *went to be at 3am, woke up at 9am*
3235147, Get a name!: *comes back from napster* OOH , message ...
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I killed three people last night! Wooo! Sure they were 2 minute joke characters...but it felt good
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *prods Misty* IM?
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( hehehehehehehehe ).
JOIN: Jim has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Like a Blister In The Sun...
b08ad8a, 'L: *thinks the msgboard should be cleaned out*
527c605, *President Zahra : Jim-y! *huggles!*
3235147, šJim: *W* I see you Justin
3235147, šJim: that mes ... *RG*
b08ad8a, 'L: *thinks some fairytale-ness should go on today*
527c605, *President Zahra : *agrees with Leigh*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: Heh...Jim I thought if a person was not logged in it would say "Justin Sane tried to message [Person Name]" and wouldn't go through.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Heh...Jim I thought if a person was not logged in it would say "Justin Sane tried to message [Person Name]" and wouldn't go through.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pats Undo*
3235147, šJim: Thats me Ria *RG*
527c605, *President Zahra : *curls up on Jim-y's lap, and considers sleep*
b08ad8a, 'L: *thinks she's doing too much thinking today*
527c605, *President Zahra : *curls up on Jim-y's lap, and considers sleep*
JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at Leigh*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello:'re so new...and I've never had this taste in my past
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *pats Undo again*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Dam nit! Didn't work right...
b08ad8a, 'L: *hides from SE*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yes it did...weeee *hugs Undo*
JOIN: Poe has entered.
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: Poe? Isn't that like a singer or something...
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Poe? Isn't that like a singer or something...
297510a, *Misty : *prods Justin* No IM. *peers* Now, who to IC as.
297510a, *Misty : *thunks lagging chat* Quit it!
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Misty.
b08ad8a, 'L: *hugs for Jen*
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( *wanders about..peeking in*))
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Jen tons*
MSG: Misty sent a message to Justin Sane.
EXIT: Spectre Eclipse has left the chat ( Quit ).
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( ah...right....everything else malfunctions...this chat had to join in. *mumbles...vanishes*))
297510a, *Misty : *hugs Jen*
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Misty.
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( er....*notices it worked* hugs L and Ria back* :) ))
JOIN: The Dark Phoenix has entered.
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( *hugs Misty back too* ))
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( Yeah Justin. Poe is also a singer.))
MSG: Misty sent a message to Justin Sane.
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( its awful quiet....))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yeah...that's what I thought...*just downloaded Hey Pretty*
JOIN: Misty has entered.
297510a, *Misty : *sigh@chat*
3235147, šJim: *pokes chat*
297510a, *Misty : Weird.. I wonder if anyone else sees what I see.
JOIN: Collin has entered.
a0202de, šJezral : Which is dead people?
297510a, *Misty : *peers at Jez*
3235147, šJim: naw , gotta be talking chicken
f6e86cc, Collin: *slips in.* Hullo-a
3235147, šJim: 'lo Jez and Coll BTW
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Well that was quite....sheity
297510a, *Misty : *waves to Collin*
f6e86cc, Collin: *salutes Jim and waves to Misty.*
297510a, *Misty : *cries* stop lagging
JOIN: Poe has entered.
3235147, šJim: At ease Col
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
dfc0cea, *Poe: (( *makes faces@the chat* ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Weee
527c605, *President Zahra : *kills chat*
JOIN: Misty has entered.
cd09d21, *Misty : *mutter*
3235147, šJim: *mutters*
527c605, *President Zahra : *blinks*
527c605, *President Zahra : *blinks*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Anyone else notice that when it dies, it deletes our messages?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Anyone else notice that when it dies, it deleted our messages?
3235147, šJim: yes ...
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes chat*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Agh, this place sucks. *kills the server*
3235147, šJim: heh
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Well, I'm going to work in a few minutes, better be fixed when I get back
3235147, šJim: See you later Justin , have fun .
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
8099609, Get a name!: Bwah!
8099609, Get a name!: *giggles* It's up!!!
JOIN: Ronica has entered.
b69b866, Get a name!: It's up, but for how long?
8099609, Get a name!: *tacklehugs Ver*
b69b866, Get a name!: And it's still lagging.
JOIN: Poe has entered.
dfc0cea, *Poe:
8099609, Get a name!: For as long as I want it to be up.
7bde698, *Ronica : *tacklehugged* Gyah!
8099609, Get a name!: Not by much, though...
JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
527c605, *President Zahra : *murders the chat.. repeatedly* *and then hugs Ronnie&
7bde698, *Ronica : Ria! *hugs*
7bde698, *Ronica : You know why the chat got better? Hmm? Because I got home.
dfc0cea, *Poe: *thuds the chat with her p.o.s. car...then hugs everyone who actually made it into the chat*
b69b866, *Misty : *goes back to work*
8099609, 'L: There...
8099609, 'L: *giggles @ Ver* Of course.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at Ronnie*
7bde698, *Ronica : Well if it isn't some of my very favourite people... *hugs for everyone*
8099609, 'L: *hugs back*
8099609, 'L: *points* My piccy's back! *hugs crosswinds*
b69b866, *Misty : *hugs Ronnie back, then hugs every too*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Misty* *giggles some more*
dfc0cea, *Poe: *is a favorite ppl?* ^_^ *slinks over to a corner...and curls up...tail an' all*
JOIN: Fringe has entered.
7bde698, *Ronica : *curls up* Gah... I'm so glad it's Friday... Stressful day... Stressful week.
JOIN: V has entered.
8099609, 'L: *hugs for Myst, ponders ic*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie*
527c605, *President Zahra : Oooh, V! *hugs*
4fb428c, šV: Nooo *forgot to tick the reload*
dfc0cea, *Poe: oh yeah...its workin alright. LAG!
f9005a3, Fringe: Once again, it does not announce my entrance.
7bde698, *Ronica : *found out why her friend has been missing all week... frowns.* *hugs back*
dfc0cea, *Poe: tick?
527c605, *President Zahra : *comforts V*
b69b866, *Misty : teeheehee
8099609, 'L: *glances at Ver, then hugs s'more*
8099609, 'L: *idly hugs the half-eaten, dead V*
7bde698, *Ronica : Mm... my daily horoscope is finally not about love... *hugs Leigh back, sighing a little*
JOIN: The Dark Phoenix has entered.
dfc0cea, *Poe: *blinks...feels like the dirt on the floor...hugs ronnie*
8099609, 'L: *pounces on DP, just because*
b69b866, *Misty : You're lucky, then, Ronnie
4fb428c, šV: Im vunerable...Mysts horoscope said I am ;o)
527c605, *President Zahra : *ponders*
4fb428c, šV: I want a horoscope!
8099609, 'L: *huggles Jen*
dfc0cea, *Poe: vulnerable.
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs Jen back*
dfc0cea, *Poe: hell...who cares about typo's. *deletes*
4fb428c, šV: I want a colour!
EXIT: Fringe has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Collin has entered.
dfc0cea, *Poe: *is really askin for it* Color.
527c605, *President Zahra : Collin! *hugs*
4fb428c, šV : ITS COLOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
f6e86cc, Collin: *can only laugh as he sees tickets to the Nick Cave show selling for about $150 dollars a pop on ebay.* Heh.
527c605, *President Zahra : V: So put in your color/colour code..
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
f6e86cc, Collin: *hugs for Ria, Ronnie, Jenny Jen Jen, Misty, L and V.* Hullo-a again..
8099609, Get a name!: *kicks*
8099609, Get a name!: *hugs back for Leigh*
a0202de, šJezral : Server rebooted...blast it. Well, it is expected that it, in a year, is down 15 hours all-in-all. Guess it's taking some of the downtime in advance (hope that's it).
8099609, 'L: There..... *uses the line she used on Aera the other night* This thing is up and down more often than a light swtich. *grin*
8099609, 'L: *giggles* It's okay, Jez... *kinda keeps going back to her own chat and hanging out when this place goes down*
JOIN: Ronica has entered.
8099609, 'L: *sighs quietly and curls up some*
b69b866, *Misty : *kicks lagging chat* STOP!!! stopstopstop!!
8099609, 'L: Poor Myst...
7bde698, *Ronica : *prods the chat gently* Gonna behave, now?
8099609, 'L: I think it's all SE's fault. He comes in, and a few minutes later, the chat goes down.
b69b866, *Misty : *got a hug* Woo. *hugs Collin back* *and glings the chat to death*
8099609, 'L: Well, there goes that theory...
8099609, 'L: *had a theory, but it got eaten* Bah.
b69b866, *Misty : Gee *dryly* it's a good thing no one is trying to RP.
b69b866, *Misty : And Ronnie spelled "imbalance" wrong in her link. *pokes it*
8099609, 'L: *giggles @ the typo*
JOIN: The Dark Phoenix has entered.
8099609, 'L: *giggles @ Myst, too* Yeah...
8099609, 'L: *eyes her chat list*
b69b866, *Misty : It appears to be working again. *knocks on wood*
2cc17d6, *The Dark Phoenix : *A soft hiss escapes the rear sliding entrance, as a black cloaked individual with the cowl covering his head steps inside.*
4fb428c, šV : was down'?
4fb428c, šV : odd...*thought Phoenix was overseeing the Mon Gazza stuff*
8099609, 'L: *points* It's DP! *giggles*
8099609, 'L: *smacks V*
b69b866, *Misty : How very intriguing.
2cc17d6, *The Dark Phoenix : ((Ah it works now...))
2cc17d6, *The Dark Phoenix : ((*Will return there after completing a mission*))
7bde698, *Ronica : imblanace? Heh.. that's a good one..
8099609, 'L: *pokes DP with a twig, just because*
2cc17d6, *The Dark Phoenix : ((*Frowns* A twig? *Throws a rock at L*))
2cc17d6, *The Dark Phoenix : ((*L* I'm sorry L, I couldn't help it.))
8099609, 'L: *dies* Phoenix doesn't love me anymore....
JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
527c605, *President Zahra : *goes back to murdering the chat*
7bde698, *Ronica : *revives Leigh* You don't need him!
2cc17d6, *The Dark Phoenix : ((Ah! I've killed her! *Quickly revives L*))
7bde698, *Ronica : *waves to Ria* Fancy meeting you here.
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles and hugs Ronnie*
JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
8099609, 'L: *is revived...twice*
f335fa5, Tenel Ka: *sighs* He's not here yet.....
b69b866, *Misty : *helps*
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs Ria back, giving the chat dirty glances* *hugs Ten, too.*
527c605, *President Zahra : Ten! *hugs!*
527c605, *President Zahra : *goes back to destroying the chat*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
972b81c, Get a name!: Lets blame Ria, she destroyed it.
b69b866, Get a name!: *blames Ria then* *blinks*
527c605, *President Zahra : *is blamed* Hey!
3235147, Get a name!: hmmm
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
ebe837e, Get a name!: Yes, lets..... *ponders if Cay's still here*
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *bounds in dancing to his techno remix of The Imperial March*
ebe837e, Get a name!: *eyes the chat*
ebe837e, 'L: *sigh*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: This place is being gay today, I'm gone for 4 hours and it still ain't fixed *kills it*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: This place is being stupid today, I'm gone for 4 hours and it still ain't fixed *kills it*
JOIN: Ritter Mortello has entered.
7bde698, Get a name!: *wonders how long it'll last this time*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Till the end of time, GaN...whoever you are
ebe837e, 'L: *curls up* Not long enough, knowing it.
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
7bde698, Get a name!: I'm guessing 5 minutes, at the most.
JOIN: Mazzik has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: It's been like this since I left 4 hours ago, I'm guessing more than that
JOIN: Steele has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yo Steele....
JOIN: Misty has entered.
e3cf82d, 'Mazzik: w00t
b69b866, *Misty : Hey, the chat lasted longer than Jim did.
17186d6, *Steele : What it is jive turkeys?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *snickers at Misty*
JOIN: Fringe Backwater has entered.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Cross over rp from Underground to here...))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Jive Turkeys? *smacks Steele with a keyboard*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: (('s trying to die...))
17186d6, *Steele : Kiss my big black behind, sucka.
JOIN: Hyacinth has entered.
f071341, Fringe Backwater: ((Crossed.))
7bde698, Get a name!: I told you, 5 minutes at most. *waits for it to crash and burn again*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *goes back to dancing to his Techno Mix of the Imperial March*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *realizes he looks like an idiot dancing by himself and stops* Well, that was stupid
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *strokes his cheek gently*
JOIN: Rob has entered.
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *sits on a rooftop, sweating. Holds the BlasTech A280 with his right hand...trying to get a feel for Fringe*
17186d6, *Steele : Why did my post no go up? Making me repeat myself... ''KISS MY BIG BLACK BEHIND!''
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Again? Can you two ever be here and not fight?
b69b866, *Misty : Wow.. *impressed*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Smiles and kisses the top of her head.* ((*Laughs at Tzu.*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help your black ass?
2cb4dc3,Rob : Finally...
7bde698, Get a name!: *wonders what has Misty so impressed*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Impressed about what Misty?
b69b866, *Misty : That the chat is still working
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Oh
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No wait *clamps hand over Misty's mouth* Don't say that or else it will break again!
7bde698, Get a name!: Maybe it's finally over.. But I'll just keep a negative outlook on things, because I'm good at that.
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((*laughed at* I'm a put a cap in yo head, sucka.))
b69b866, *Misty : Mmphm mmm ffpphgg. *blinks*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *prods GaN* Who are you?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *removes hand before it gets bitten*
527c605, *President Zahra : *revives the chat*
527c605, *President Zahra : *blinks*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: ((Well you're the one sitting on the roof sweating to death.))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey, Rob's here...*just noticed*
527c605, *President Zahra : *blinks*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: ((Well you're the one sitting on the roof sweating to death.))
17186d6, *Steele : I see you baby... shaking that ass... shaking that ass...
b69b866, *Misty : *leans back and observes*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Who's shaking their ass?
2cb4dc3,Rob : Yes, yes he is ^_^
7bde698, Get a name!: *prefers to remain anonymous*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *twists the front end of the barrel, activating the particle-accelerator* He should be...ahhh hell. I need a drink. *slides off the roof*
527c605, *President Zahra : *huggles Rob!*
204429a, Get a name!: and what a fat ass you have Steele :P
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *L@Maz* Hehee
NICK: Get a name! changed nick to The Nameless Wonder
b69b866, *Misty : I know who GaN is..
2cb4dc3,Rob : *Huggles 'Ria*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *prods the new GaN* Who the hell are you?
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: Just to set myself apart from the other Gan..
f071341, Fringe Backwater: ((Oh, yeah, right, you just suddenly need a drink. That's not good roleplaying, get you ass back on that roof!!))
17186d6, *Steele : Bah, I weigh a meager 137 lbs. on my buff 5'6 frame.
ebe837e, 'L: *tries to grab the attention of a passing server* White wine, please.... *glances at Fringe* Would you like something to drink?
204429a, Get a name!: the nameless wonder is , i'm afraid , a name ,
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((Bwah.)) *gets his ass back on the roof*
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: I know you know Mist... I'm sure quite a few people know. But no one say it.
17186d6, *Steele : bbl
204429a, Get a name!: ay , but 75 of thouse pounds are on your fat ass ;)
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Looks at the droid* Whyren's Reserve.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*blink* I must've pressed "back" sometime.... *arches a brow* That's my post, at any rate.))
b69b866, *Misty : The new GaN is Jim, innit?
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: I'm quite aware it's a name, thank you Jim.
527c605, *President Zahra : Erm.
f071341, Fringe Backwater: ((I don't care, just giving you a hard time, do what you want.))
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: Fat Ass Jokes coming from GaN, yeah it's JIm
b69b866, *Misty : Ahh. *looks smug* *enjoys confusing the hell out of some people*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Fat Ass Jokes coming from GaN, yeah it's Jimbo jones
204429a, Get a name!: Aye Myst ... just bein' observant nameless wonderino ... and Ritter , I resemble that statement :P
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Ritter? *looks around innocently then pats Undo*
204429a, Get a name!: I ain't Jimbo Jones ... dude *thwaps Justin*
b69b866, *Misty : Ahh. *looks smug* *enjoys confusing the hell out of some people*
JOIN: Lt. Falcon has entered.
527c605, *President Zahra : Jim? *hugs*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *thwaped* Exuse me! *throws a Mouse (as in the computer version) at jIm*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *sits upon the roof, listening to the whine of the accelerator*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Go go yeah yeah huh what?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I'm a Legend In My Spare Time!
204429a, Get a name!: *steals Justins mouse , hugs REia* A ha , Justy cannae use his comp now !
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((*can beat up Justin's character*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *has about 20 mices sitting in his closet and about double that of keyboars*
204429a, Get a name!: More like a legend in your fist ;)
527c605, *President Zahra : *climbs onto Jimy's lap and curls up* *falls asleep, purring*
204429a, Get a name!: (( twenty mice justin .... thats the plural , chap ))
2cb4dc3,Rob : *Can beat up Mazz's character*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *makes his decision...crawls along the rooftops, making his way towards the Cantina*
b69b866, *Misty : *arches a brow at Jim*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Keyboars! Yeah! I got 40 keyboars in my closet!.....KeyboarDs.
204429a, Get a name!: er ... *swots away parenthesis*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: mices!
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: mices... pff.
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((*can beat up Rob*))
204429a, Get a name!: *can beat up anyones character , even with Harlan*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *hugs his word, mices*
b69b866, *Misty : *can beat up Rob's character*
JOIN: Ait has entered.
ebe837e, 'L: *presses lightly against Fringe and waits for their drinks to arrive* You haven't told me much of this man that likes to hurt you so much.
204429a, Get a name!: 'tis Mice
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Except for Klave, right jIm?
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: I bet I could beat the snot out of Mazz, IRL.
204429a, Get a name!: Mice's is bad grammar
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *failed english class
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Now I know I didn't press back.... *whimpers*))
b624fcb, 'Ait: Aloha.
204429a, Get a name!: Y'see Angel cannae fight Klave :P
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Ait? That's a silly name
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Hugs her tightly.* I don't know much of this man who likes to hurt me so much. I think he's got something wrong with his mind.
204429a, Get a name!: I'd take you all on IRL and win
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((Ait! FFS, man, it's good to see you.))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Cannae?
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Quicky!!!! *runs into a flying-pounce-tacklehug*))
b624fcb, 'Ait: A silly name?
204429a, Get a name!: 'lo Ait *slaps Justin*
JOIN: Hyperspace has entered.
b69b866, *Misty : That's such a pity too, Jim, because now I'm going to have to use my own resources to escape.
527c605, *President Zahra : *huggles Ait*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *slaped* *kills jIm*
204429a, Get a name!: Cannae is scots brogue Justin , you dumb fool
b624fcb, 'Ait: *nods and grins to Mazz* Hey mate. *tackled and such, huggled to*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, Ait. It's a funny name.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: Obviously...I don't see who would want to hurt you...
b624fcb, 'Ait: Heya Jim.
b69b866, *Misty : *waves to Ait*
527c605, *President Zahra : *goes back to sleep*
204429a, Get a name!: *can't be killed by Justin , cuz justin sux*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: brogue?
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Quicky~It's Leigh!))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: hello hello! *blinks*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey Hyp...
b624fcb, 'Ait: *blows a kiss to Misty* Is Justin a newbie? Or is he just an ass of some sort?
204429a, Get a name!: Justin , read more , and quit annoying me with your lack of intellect ... its a colloquialism
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: Obviously...I don't see who would want to hurt you... ((*eyes the post cuz it was eaten*))
JOIN: CoBack has entered.
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: He's an ass, Ait.
b624fcb, 'Ait: *bear hugs Leighstuff* Hey cutie.
204429a, Get a name!: A bit of both Ait *:P"Justin*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Neither Ait, I'm just doped, I'm on a sugar high
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Quicky~He's an ass of sorts))
527c605, *President Zahra : *sigh*
b624fcb, 'Ait: I knew it had to be one of the two, Jim. ;P
b69b866, *Misty : *G*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: Oh? There are lots of people who would want to hurt me.
204429a, Get a name!: *pokes Ait* I'm not the nameless one , well I am , but i'm not ... y'n
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *murders everyone who said he was an ass with his 15" machete*
e034574, *CoBack : *Steps inside. He wears standard clothes...all in dark green colors. He has a brown cloak on, but the hood is not slung up.*
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: *isn't Jim*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: Like who? *smiles slightly and takes her wine as it is offered to her* ((*grins to Quicky*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: whoa... i got a greeting from the infamous Justin...
JOIN: Enigma has entered.
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *makes his way to within range of the cantina...waits, somewhat paranoid*
204429a, Get a name!: 15 inch machete , 2 inch ... well .
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Nigma!*
7bde698, The Nameless Wonder: *is.......*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *bear hugs Ria, Misty, and Hyps*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *shrugs* I don't hate you Hyp, or even dislike you, so why not greet you.
NICK: The Nameless Wonder changed nick to Fashionably Evil
204429a, Get a name!: Oh 'lo Hyp and 'nigma BTW
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*hugs Ria!* ^_^ Ait! LTNS...))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Shut up jIm...*slices jIm's head off*
527c605, *President Zahra : Oooh.. *bear hugs Ait right back* *giggles* *curls up on Ait's lap instead of Jimy's*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey E
JOIN: KJ has entered.
b69b866, *Misty : *ponders IC*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*pounces on Ver, then hugs*))
b624fcb, 'Ait: Forgive me, nameless ones. :P
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Hiya Jim ^_^))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Just as the thought...*meaing The Nameless Wonder*
972b81c, Get a name!: Yes.. Good... !! *Shoves Myst IC*
e034574, *CoBack : *Walks briskly down the stairway and heads to a unoccupied booth in-which he settles down.*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Takes his drink and sets it before them.* Him for one, obviously. *Frowns* This is more dangerous than it used to be. I.... *Trails off and sips his drink*
b624fcb, 'Ait: Aloha, 'Nigma. :)
527c605, *President Zahra : Gah! *knew that The Nameless Wonder was who The Nameless Wonder is, but then again, had an unfair advantage*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Hey KJ
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Hey Justin ^_^))
527c605, *President Zahra : Gah! *knew that The Nameless Wonder was who The Nameless Wonder is, but then again, had an unfair advantage*
b69b866, *Misty : *hugs Ait back ^-^*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs KJ*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((* Quicky is stolen from her*))
7bde698, Fashionably Evil: *pounced, then hugged* What unfair advantage, Ria?
204429a, Get a name!: Oh puh leeze Justin ... *dodges and kicks ihim wheres it hurts* In the nads ! E gads !
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: You...?
JOIN: Tolain has entered.
b69b866, *Misty : *shoved IC* *stumbles* wtf?!
b624fcb, 'Ait: *pats Leigh and Ria, oo that rhymed*
e034574, *CoBack : *Leans back into the booth, placing his hands on the table infront of him.*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *slips through the back door, pausing just at the edge of the shadows. Reaches up to flick her hood down, glancing over the room.*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *enters quietly, not very recognizable in a dark robe of lightweight cloth, her eyes peering out from beneath her hood*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *almost had his dad listen to Uncle Fuker just now* Stupid Winamp
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*hugs back*))
527c605, *President Zahra : A certain idea in a certain non-existant chat, erm..."Fashionably Evil." ... *is patted, purrs*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Almost, Quicky. *smile*))
204429a, Get a name!: *hugs his 'Airwolf' MP3*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *flutters a wave to KJ*
7bde698, Fashionably Evil: *snaps fingers* Right, forgot about that.
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *coughs*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: Nothing nevermind.
e034574, *CoBack : *Looks up and throws a glance across the room for the first time...his dark brown eyed gaze scanning the room.*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *wavse to Ait too*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I have The Imperial March in a Techno Dance Club Mix, so there.
204429a, Get a name!: *LOL"'Fire water burn' video*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *frowns softly and kisses his cheek, then sips her wine*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Go here: link Click on Movies, then Star Wars Rap...*EG*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *sarcastic thumbs up for Justin Sane*
7bde698, Fashionably Evil: *also waves to Ait*
204429a, Get a name!: Old people rocking out ! *LMAO*
b69b866, *Misty : Um. *eyes list of chars*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *makes her way to the near side of the bar, pulling her fingertips through her hair to smooth it in place. Nods to Wuher.* WR, please.
7bde698, Fashionably Evil: Yoohoo...
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: You've never seen the Fire Water Burn video? What kind of Bloodhound Gang fan are you?!
e034574, *CoBack : *Looks at the newly arrived, sensing a presence in the force...arches a eyebrow slightly.*
204429a, Get a name!: A UK one Justin *thwaps*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Will do KJ
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *brushes her hood back from her face after a moment and step downthe stairs*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *grins and waves back* Hey Shugah. *winks at Ver*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((The video rules! That video is just...genius.))
JOIN: Lt. Falcon has entered.
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Frowns and looks into her eyes.*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((The one I posted, Mazz?))
204429a, Get a name!: *shudders* More bloody Limp Bizkit
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((WE GOT DEATH STAR, WE GOT DEATH STAR... *rapping*))
7bde698, Fashionably Evil: *pats Ria for being the only one who seemed to notice her "I prefer to remain anonymous" statement*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: Ugh jIm, it's the same video *pat*
527c605, *President Zahra : Erm.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *Her icy blue eyes soften considerably* What's the matter?
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*eyes her pic* Of all the bloody... *mutter* Okay, back to Homestead. *sigh*))
204429a, Get a name!: *shushe's KJ* its not that good
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Ugh jIm, it's the same video *pat*
e034574, *CoBack : Hmm....*Frowns a bit, before reaching in under his cloak and fetching out a small book.*
b624fcb, 'Ait: Sorry, anonymous Ver.
204429a, Get a name!: *breaks Justins arm* Don't fricking pat me ....
7bde698, *Ronica: Smooth, Ait. *wry grin*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((hehe... I think it's hillarious...Maybe it's the context though))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*blink* *ponder* ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: You posted damage to someone else! You're moding!
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *sinks onto a stool, her cloak falling back over her shoulders. Tosses a cred chit to Wuher and accepts the glass of amber liquid.*
b624fcb, 'Ait: But, of course my dear. *grins devilishly*
JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
527c605, *President Zahra : *kills IE*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *lowers the barrel of the A280 and peers in the one of the various small windows high up on the walls* Holy sh*t....*grins to himself..* But I can't end it like this...Soooo...*centers the crosshairs on the area just right of Fringe's head...just right...depresses the trigger, a highly powered blaster coil passing throught he barrel and then the particle-accelerator*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *yawns* I hate my job
7bde698, *Ronica : *declares this her colour for when she's in an odd mood*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: Nothing, I'm just worried. *Sips his drink*
204429a, Get a name!: You spoke Justin ... your annoying me :P
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *pauses on her way to the bar, something crossing her face and she glances at Enigma for a moment, then turns for an occupied booth on the side...*
e034574, *CoBack : *Gazes at Enigma for a second before opening his book and starts reading.*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *chuckles* Justin, your not liked that much.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: That's alot of detail right there Maz
7bde698, *Ronica : *dreamy sigh* Run away with me, Ait...
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((That would be at me, Tzu! *thwack*))
204429a, Get a name!: YESSSSSSSSSS FRICKING A *'Teen Spirit' is on*
527c605, *President Zahra : *curls up*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *tilts her head slightly, feeling both CoBack's and Kjersti's glances...face remaining placid, a faint smile touching her lips. Lifts her drink for a sip.*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *is bored*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Frowns* Something is *Is cut off by Tzu's shot.*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Fuking A is so over used since Clerks came out..
b624fcb, 'Ait: *grins* Oooh, running away.. sounds like fun.. BWHAHAHAHA! *cough*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*pats Jim* You see. ))
e034574, *CoBack : *Looks up from his book as he hears the shot.*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *quietly makes her toward CoBack's booth*
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs Ria, and hugs Hyper too*
f2faf5f, Tolain: *A snout a lizard appears through the back alley way door, it inhales the stale cantina air and blows it back out.*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((*looks at all the jedis* *licks lips* *looks at who they are* Damn, I want to start with a crappy character before moving on to the big ones))
204429a, Get a name!: Lucky I've been using it for ages then isn't it Justin :P
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *taking a slow step into the 'tina, she pauses a moment to look around, pushing back a strand of black hair as she does so, and then makes her way toward the bar*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *tosses a paper airplane at Hyps*
7bde698, *Ronica : *takes a small stepback as Ait bursts into maniacal laughter*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie back*
204429a, Get a name!: You wanna dance Justin ... I got low characters ...
7bde698, *Ronica : *sticks a space in between step and back*
527c605, *President Zahra : *briefly considers IC-ness, before deciding that there's no point*
56542e0, Ritter Mortello: ((Nah, not right now jIm....))
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *is quite literally hairs away from being hit by Tzu's shot...she grows even more pale than usual*
d96cfa7, Lt. Falcon: *Walks in wearing all black BDU's with heavy armor and 4 holstered imperial blaster rifles*
2cb4dc3,Rob : Eh hehehehe....
e034574, *CoBack : *Looks at Kjersti and smiles.*
7bde698, *Ronica : *wonders why there's no point*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: S-somehow...I don't think we're so safe here.
b624fcb, 'Ait: *looks very innocent like at Ver*
JOIN: Eleizha Dey has entered.
204429a, Get a name!: then quit whining .
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *just found out something he's very glad to know*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *eyes Rob and his dot*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*pounces on Quicky again*))
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *The red flecks in his eyes begin to swirl with rage* Are you hurt?
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles softly, meeting his gaze as she reaches the booth* Hi...
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *glances to Fringe and Miranda's booth, brow creasing at the shot...on the way back to her drink, gaze is caught by the lizard snout. Blinks.*
b624fcb, 'Ait: *pounced* Goog.
527c605, *President Zahra : *curls up on a corner*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *grins to himself...moves the crosshairs to Miranda, centering them on her chest...lets his float over the trigger for the long second..* Rainsford wouldn't like that....*chuckles and returns to watching, flicking his safety on*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : Hmm. *seems to be deep in thought as she steps to the bar and orders... a glass of water*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *shakes her head vigorously*
204429a, Get a name!: *could scare Ait even more*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*giggles and kisses Quicky on the cheek, then skitters over to her corner*))
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: oh wow....IC. *peers about*
e034574, *CoBack : Hey....*Stands and gives Kjersti a hug.*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Closes his eyes* I don't sense any danger....
7bde698, *Ronica : *wanders over to Ria's corner and sits down beside her*
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It breaths in the cantina air again, and then runs full force towards Enigma. The lizard creature stands about 5'0". Its two thin arms each end in claws painted black. It's powerful hind legs cross the cantina floor swiftly as its semi-long tail waves behind it. As it nears Enigma, she can see its large black eyes, reflecting her face as it pounces her*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *grins to himself...moves the crosshairs to Miranda, centering them on her chest...lets his float over the trigger for the long second..* Rainsford wouldn't like that....*chuckles and returns to watching, flicking his safety on*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *looks at Tzu's post* You just described a Noghri ya know
b624fcb, 'Ait: *waits to be scared by Jim*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *looks at Tolain's post* You just described a Noghri ya know
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *wraps her arms around him, trying to keep from trembling*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Get those quaking boots on ).
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Holy sh'asst! *caught very much offguard, is pounced from her barstool and flattened to the floor...whiskey glass tumbling out of her hand*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: oh...nice lizard. *nodnod*
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Squeezes her against him.*
f2faf5f, Tolain: ((bah, a Noghri isn't Tolain. Close but no cigar buddy.))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Very close
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Is he a Barabel?
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *blinks as a lizard goes flying across the room and pounces Nigma*
JOIN: Jim has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No couldn't be a Barabel since Barabel's have a deep respect for Jedis...
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *chuckles@Dionne*
e034574, *CoBack : *Looks over Kjersti's shoulder as he hugs her and see's as Enigma is attacked by the lizard.* Hmmm....*Takes a step foward.*
204429a, šJim: *EG*
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It shoves its snout into Enigma's face, sniffing and licking. Its claws click quickly together as it is its way of saying hello*
JOIN: Droeon Snoi has entered.
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *breaks from the hug, spinning toward Enigma, her eyes widening*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*hugs for Eleizha*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *coughs summore* damnit!
f2faf5f, Tolain: ((Stop trying to figure out what my character is Sane.))
fde3317, Droeon Snoi: *makes his away in*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *gives Hyp some cough drops*
b624fcb, 'Ait: Oh sweet moses..
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*hugs for Eleizha*))
f071341, Fringe Backwater: Its alright, I think we're okay for now. *Kisses the top of her head.*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Fuk you Tolain...*keeps trying to figure it out* *can't think of any more lizard like species* Dam nit
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: hehe. *hugs back...ponders IC*
204429a, šJim: I thought you'd like it Ait
c1c0e28, *Enigma : What the...ack! *laughs* I'll be damned...hello, Tolain. *grins broadly. Reaches up sorta awkwardly and pats him on the head*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*lol@Ait*))
fde3317, Droeon Snoi: ((oops *switches characters*))
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((I would say it's a Ryn...but it's not a Ryn...))
2cb4dc3,Rob : 'Ey.. 'nuff of that Justin.
NICK: Droeon Snoi changed nick to Chaos
NICK: Jim changed nick to Parallax
b624fcb, 'Ait: lol.. I wasn't expecting this..
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *chuckles softly, then turns back to the bar and waits for her ... water... to arrive*
fde3317, Chaos: ((test))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Nuff of what Robbie?
d96cfa7, Lt. Falcon: *He scans the room with his infra red sensor in his helmet and walks to the bar*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((It's a Tolain. That's all that matters. *nods*))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *blinks, then glances to CoBack* I uh... I think she knows him... *smirks*
e034574, *CoBack : *Grins a bit as it appears that Enigma knows the creature, turns and looks at Kjersti.*
204429a, Parallax: I'm sure
2cb4dc3,Rob : Of how you started your previous post.
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *pokes@Rob* 'ullo.
204429a, Parallax: damn colours
fde3317, Chaos: *makes his way in and looks around with his red glowing eye's*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *looks at Misty's picture* Hmm...that chick looks awfully like another chick I know of...
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((Purple. Interesting))
2cb4dc3,Rob : 'Lo Jen ^_^
fde3317, Chaos: ((crap, brb!))
e034574, *CoBack : Well....sit down. *Smiles to Kjersti and gestures to the booth.*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I see Rob...
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Looks down at her.* You aren't used to getting shot at are you?
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: chocolate...
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *eyes ICness warily*
204429a, Parallax: Aye Myst ... very psycologically interesting at that ... lucky for me it was a mistake
f2faf5f, Tolain: *The creature snaps its teeth at Enigma's face, and then backs up off of her.*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : Okay, thank you... *slides into the booth, straightening her robes*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *sighs quietly*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *pays for the water as it arrives and pulls it toward her, settling onto a barstool* ((*G@Hype* Icecubes?))
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *waves to Hyper*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: No, not really...
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *waved to* hi?
e034574, *CoBack : *Sits down infront of Kjersti.*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: I could kill you now,'d have no chance. Bore a hole right through your head...*smiules grimly* But I'm a sporting man. *stands and shoulders the rifle*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *goes IC*))
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Rests his head on hers.* You shouldn't be near me.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((*fixes typos*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *whispers to Maz* Most hunters kill their pray from a distance
204429a, Parallax: *sings* Hes got a brand new car , looks like a jaguar , its got leather seats , its got a CD .... PLAYER-ER-ER-ER
JOIN: V has entered.
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *a thin figure of a girl can be seen rather sprinting into the cantina...skidding to a halt...she looks around nervously*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *slowly sits up, pushing her tosseled hair out of her eyes. Remains seated on the floor for a moment.* Where've you been? Long time no see... *grins*
204429a, Parallax: *coreects Justin* Prey
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *wants to RP*
7bde698, *Ronica : *nudges Hyper* Remember when Veronica and Hyper were supposed to become good buddies?
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: I couldn't stand not to be.... *frowns*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles across at him* So... what brings you here again?
7a02f3d, šV : Justin - If I hear one more complaint about you then you will receive a 24 hour ban. I mean it. One more...
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((I don't, Justin. I'll usually get within 30 yards before I take my shot.))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *rests her elbows on the bar and takes up her water, sipping*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: yes...
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It clicks its claws rapidly followed by a gnash of teeth here and there telling her all about his travels.*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*prods the quasi-eaten, dead V with a twig*))
b624fcb, 'Ait: *slides out*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *her head snaps sharply to the lizard...silver eyes widening* what the....*she quicksteps away*
e034574, *CoBack : Ah...the sand, the burning the sun, the trouble...*Grins a bit and pauses.* You of course...
EXIT: Ait has left the chat ( Quit ).
204429a, Parallax: *RaE@Leigh* He looks quite alive to me
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *grins, her cheeks flushing slightly* You're too kind...
f071341, Fringe Backwater: He nearly killed you. I couldn't bear it if I was responsible for that.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What complaint?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I don't remember insulting anyone
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: or saying anything bad
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *c.ocks her head slightly, listening and watching*'ve been quite busy, haven't you? That's great...
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *her hands are occupied with the folds of her skirt...nervous...she moves mutely to an empty table...and settles herself beneath it*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Jim~Yeah, but I stabbed him with a twig last night and he died...(then I ate part of him...) ))
204429a, Parallax: *ROTFLMAO*
e034574, *CoBack : *Chuckles a bit as he looks into her eyes.*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: It's all right, love....
7a02f3d, šV : Justin - Through email/icq/aim.....ONE MORE........*gestures to 24 hour ban command*
204429a, Parallax: *backs away from Leigh* okaaaay
JOIN: Chaos has entered.
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *sips her water, keeping her eye on the room*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *stares at V, confused*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *looks back at him, her eyes twinkling* So... do you have a place to stay while you're here or is it out to the Dune Sea again?
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: What the hell did I do?
7bde698, *Ronica : *distracted for a moment* Whoopsie.. What was I saying? Oh right. Wanna RP Hyper?
2cb4dc3,Rob : Dont worry V.. if he steps out of line again, hell know about it.
7a02f3d, šV : No. I wont tell you who complained.....breach of "V;s modified Data Protection Act 2001"
fde3317, Chaos: ((back))
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Jim~Oh, it's all right...I won't eat you. I just ate V cuz he was laying there for so long....))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It clicks its nails together, and tabs its foot asking a question, then holds out its "hands" to Enigma*
e034574, *CoBack : *Laughs a bit.* No...I've had my share of the Dune Sea. *Smiles.*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Then don't tell me who complained, but did they complain about?
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *blinks@V* cool.))
f071341, Fringe Backwater: No its not. You're going to stay some place safe, please. I'll hunt him.... until his game ends.
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *drops off the roof and disappears into the night*
204429a, Parallax: Thats all right then Leigh ... I think
fde3317, Chaos: ((darn))
7a02f3d, šV : Justin - Your smart arse OOC comments and your typical sheit behavoir towards others
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : Alright, well... *smiles* I think accommodations shouldn't be hard to arrange... *her gaze never leaves his*
fde3317, Chaos: ((stupid computer))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *sips her water*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: No V, that's not good enough. What exactly was complained about?
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *blinks, then looks to her hands* Well...I don't know...this is the original color they came in. *grin goes a bit crooked* I guess I'm just a different branch of the family.
527c605, *President Zahra : *forgot she's here* Can I complain too?
7bde698, *Ronica : Hey, if you need someone to list your faults for you, Justin, I'd be more than glad.
e034574, *CoBack : Sounds good....*Leans back and smiles.*
7a02f3d, šV : Justin - Not good enough????? I decide that, thank you very much. Now..shut up or I'll complain about you to myself thus banning u
fde3317, Chaos: ((*eye's aol...*))
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *sighs* What if it doesn't end? Or what if it ends in the worst way possible? *eyes him, a frown pressing at her lips*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles softly, just sitting there for a moment and looking at him*
204429a, Parallax: *reminds Ria that one more complaint gets Justin a 24 hour ban* So if you really want to ... otherwise ...
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*giggles @ V*))
fde3317, Chaos: (( Hi Ronnie *pats fashoinably evil Ronnie on the back not silly*))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *still confused* Yeah whatever...not like I've said anything tonight about anyone
7bde698, *Ronica : I can complain, too. Or was my b-tching about Justin a few days ago already a complaint?
f2faf5f, Tolain: *it reaches out to the bar, and digs its claws into the top of it, pulling back. It collects bits of wood, and varnish on each of its claws then, clicks its teeth in a demand*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*complains about Justin to V* He says the f-word without the m00 too often...))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *sips again, then eyes the water, making a bit of a face*
e034574, *CoBack : *Blushes a bit, gazing at the door for a moment.*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *thinks Justin is just being annoying...all the time*))
JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((I'd complain if I got the chance. *quietly*))
fde3317, Chaos: *makes his way in scanning the room with his bright red eye's*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((And not just to have fun. It's legit.))
aa12a7a, 'Mr. J: *appears, sneezes, explodes*
d96cfa7, Lt. Falcon: *Sits at bar and orders a drink then goes and sits in a far off booth in the shadows*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *looks at Mr. J* That was odd
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : So um... how long did it take you to decide to come back?
204429a, Parallax: *doesn't want to sneeze due to earlier nasal discoveries*
fde3317, Chaos: ((riiiiiiiiight))
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *applauds Mr. J*))
EXIT: Lt. Falcon has left the chat ( Quit ).
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *blinks and slowly extends her hands to him* What...?
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*pats Jim*))
fde3317, Chaos: *walks to the bar and takes a seat*
204429a, Parallax: *G"Myst*
aa12a7a, 'Mr. J: hehe
17186d6, *Steele : Sho'nuff
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *her silver eyes close...and she falls asleep where she sits...*
88f8471, Get a name!: I read that if you hold back a sneeze you can burst a certain blood vesel in your neck and die
527c605, *President Zahra : *peers at Justin, and ponders complaining*
e034574, *CoBack : *Looks at Kjersti.* I always said I would visit.....*Gently lays his hand on hers.*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Hey Steele ^_^ How goes it?))
204429a, Parallax: WB Steelster
fde3317, Chaos: *still starts looking around the room from his seat*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *takes another sip, then frowns and sets the glass down, pushing it away*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she snaps awake....glancing to Enigma and her 'friend'...* i believe it wants a drink.
f2faf5f, Tolain: *He quickly draws a black streak across each of Enigma's nails with the bar varnish he collected.*
aa12a7a, 'Mr. J: *eyes steele, pulls out his crucifix and garlic*
204429a, Parallax: Lucky I don't need to sneeze then
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Steele*
fde3317, Chaos: ((*pats Ria*))
7bde698, *Ronica : * so wants to complain*
17186d6, *Steele : [[Watching the Penguinos... 5-3 us right now... Kovalev with the hat trick, whooo... hate the damn Rangers.]]
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles at his touch, the Force flowing between them* I didn't expect you to visit so soon though...
f071341, Fringe Backwater: It will end eventually. I've got to head back to the hanger and pick up some supplies before I head out.
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she seems to shrink after saying this...a tiny comment of 'maybe not' echoing out from under the table*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: I'll come with you.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *glances to Eleizha, or in the direction of her comment if she's not in plain view* Could be... *then looks back to her streaked nails, admiring them* Aww...thanks, Tolain. I appreciate it. *nods*
fde3317, Chaos: *folds his arms and mutters* I'm bored...
e034574, *CoBack : I couldn't visit you soon enough....*Smiles a bit.*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Woo...go Kovalev. One of my best buddies is a Rangers fan...she's got a Rangers garbage can, and I always thought that was so appropriate...))
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Nods*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *sits back* Go ahead, have nothing to complain about, but go ahead and do it
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *sighs and props her chin in her hand, watching the room once more*
aa12a7a, 'Mr. J: *watches starship troopers, ponders then thinks of a really big paintball war*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *blushes* Really?
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes Justin*
204429a, Parallax: Go Belfast Giants :P
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *sighs and props her chin in her hand, watching the room once more*
e034574, *CoBack : *Nods.* Yeah....
fde3317, Chaos: *glances around at everyone*
7bde698, *Ronica : I have an impressive amount of stuff to complain about, actually.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*baps Nigma*))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It clicks its nails several times, and bobs its head accepting the way enigma's nails look now*
204429a, Parallax: Justin , don't tempt fate mate
17186d6, *Steele : [[*LOL* Hehe... Aubin, though he gave up 3 goals is looking very good tonight, finally... whoo... Penguinos rule! Everyone else sucks you suckies! You all suck! Penguins rule! Whooo!]]
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((*giggles at Jim and cannot help but go over and hug him*))
204429a, Parallax: Give people enough ammo and they'll fire
fde3317, Chaos: *leans back and looks from person to person*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles, not knowing what to say and averts her gaze back towards Enigma and the strange creature*
EXIT: Mr. J has left the chat ( Quit ).
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Down with the Penguins.....Bah.))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : I'm sorry I didn't do it before now. *tucks her feet beneath her, standing, and offering an abbreviated bow* I'm honored.
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Kisses her gently.* Shall we?
204429a, Parallax: *wonders why he's being giggled at*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : I'm sorry I didn't do it before now. *tucks her feet beneath her, standing, and offering an abbreviated bow* I'm honored.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*is bapped* Whaaaat? Don't tell me you like the Rangers, Leigh... please don't tell me...))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: I hate's so...boring now.
fde3317, Chaos: ((*agrees with Parallax*))
17186d6, *Steele : [[Hmm... Miranda = Leigh I'm pretty sure, right?]]
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *standing, she smiles and takes his hand* ((Cuz you said "Go Belfast Giants" and I thought it was funny.))
17186d6, *Steele : [[She's a Devil fan... the Devil's whom are the team with the weakest fan base and are, coincidentilaly, only one spot up on the Pens.]]
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Nigma~Hellz no. But I do believe they're doing well without Richter. Besides, I'm a Devils lady.))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It stands up on tip toes to try to look taller*
fde3317, Chaos: (( I think penguins are cool!))
204429a, Parallax: Whats wrong with the Giants !? Thet rule !!! 1st season in the UK hockey league and we finished 3rd !!!!
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Not such a coincidence.))
f071341, Fringe Backwater: *Stands and tugs Miranda gently toward the door.*
7bde698, *Ronica : *likes penguins* *real penguins*
17186d6, *Steele : [[ F-You Justin... you have to just appreciate the game... I can sit there and just watch the whole game... even no scoring... it's great... people beating each other in the corners, top-notch D... I love it, love it all.][
e034574, *CoBack : *Stretches a bit.*
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Jim~Nothing!!! I just thought it was cute!))
fde3317, Chaos: ((*admires his penguins* *pats them on the head*))
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *chuckles@Ronnie* ))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Too many teams, not enough talent in the NHL....
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *follows him out*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((I knowz you're a Devils fan...but the way you bapped me, thought you might like the Rangers too. heehee.))
4b0eca4, Get a name!: Hello all
204429a, Parallax: *bought a comic recently about killer penguins ... the 2nd one he owns with said villians*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *to CoBack* Do you know what species that creature is?
17186d6, *Steele : [[ UK Hockey League? Bah! I've never seen a British hockey player in my entire life, there are more Polish players in the NHL than British... and there are only 2 Poles!]]
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *can't help but continue to grin* I've missed seeing you around, y'know.
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Justin~Too many brainless losers in WWF, ECW, and WCW....Oh, and look at that! XFL, too!))
204429a, Parallax: Giants rule ... Jeff Hoad kicks hieny and Paxton Schulte rocks
fde3317, Chaos: ((*pats Ronnie* I like penguins too...real peguins!!!))
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Nigma~*giggle*))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
204429a, Parallax: Most of the Giants players are canadian Steele
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((bwah. *gets pic*))
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie*
17186d6, *Steele : [[Blah! Get some British people in! We need some Brits in the NHL.. I want to see Brits in hockey!]]
e034574, *CoBack : Hm? *Glances slightly at the lizard being, then shakes his head.* I was never good at reconizing species anyways.
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *thinks the Mighty Joe Young song is pretty*
fde3317, Chaos: (( *thinks penguins are friggin cool* ))
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs Ria back*
JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Well, that sucked
f2faf5f, Tolain: *Its black empty eyes stare back at Enigma. It then clicks its claws understanding*
204429a, Parallax: Brits suck at hocky at this point in time
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *her eyes seem piqued with intereste in Enigma and Tolain....she moves to her knees to get a better view...her head peeking out from under the table*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*loves penguins*))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : Heh. *smirks* Me neither... at least, not with the more unusual ones.
JOIN: Ally has entered.
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*pokes Alc*))
4b0eca4,Ally : *waves* hello all
7bde698, *Ronica : *wonders why she doesn't use her Feathers McGraw picture anymore* *tries to find it*
fde3317, Chaos: ((*agrees with hyper but will not call it pretty rather good*))
204429a, Parallax: Penguins are nice .. that chocolate covered biscuit ... yum
17186d6, *Steele : [[We should make the Penguins the official team of the Cantina.]]
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: it is so pretty!
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( hehe....intereste...i'm french! *dances*))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*apparently gets thwapped for no reason* *glare*))
4b0eca4,Ally : ((*ponders Dionne Hurst* any relation to Kye??))
7bde698, *Ronica : *pokes the avatar* There.
204429a, Parallax: No ... Giants for official team.
fde3317, Chaos: (( *pats Dionne* I love peguins too.))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Oooh... *agrees with Jim...and further agrees with Steele*))
4b0eca4,Ally : ((*ponders Dionne Hurst* any relation to Kye??))
17186d6, *Steele : BBL
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Steele~Hell no.))
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((*lives near Tampa...Tampa being the city of the Lightning*))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*apparently gets thwapped for no reason* *glare*))
17186d6, *Steele : 6-3 pens, bbl
c1c0e28, *Enigma : I'm glad you're back. Would you like something to drink? *gestures to Wuher*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: ((*agrees too...*))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*also apparently gets her posts eaten frequently*))
fde3317, Chaos: (( *agrees with steele* penguins are great!!!))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: He best go run and hide...Daddy's got a new 45...and I won't think twice to stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat. Believe me when I say I've got something for his punk ass.
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *doesn't really like can't say on the offical team*))
204429a, Parallax: *is all powerful and impervious to glares etc.*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((She's Mystra's twin, Alc))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It shakes its head, one of the few human signs it knowns*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Official Team should be the 1960 All Star Bruins...Bobby Orr: Greatest Player Ever
fde3317, Chaos: ((*thwaps Dionne* he he he.))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: 1960's...not just 60
4b0eca4,Ally : ((*GASP* The family is growing?!?!?! poo, and Hurst swpped sides too!))
2cb4dc3,Rob : *Dangles a jack daniels infront of Jim*
7bde698, *Ronica : *lives near Toronto... Home of the grammatically incorrect Maple Leafs*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*hiss* *bites Chaos*))
e034574, *CoBack : There's many unknown or unclassified species...especially here in Mos Eisley. *Looks back at Kjersti.*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *eyes Rob* shame on you.))
204429a, Parallax: *looks to Rob , his eyes glazing over* jack ...
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *nods* Very true. *smiles slightly*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : All right... *resettles onto her stool, twining her ankles around the rungs* So what made you decide to come back here?
2cb4dc3,Rob : See.. it's easy when you know how*g*
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Dionne Hurst.
fde3317, Chaos: (( AHHHHHH!!!! that stings... sorry... it was so tempting))
527c605, *President Zahra : Alc-y! *hugs*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : All right... *resettles onto her stool, twining her ankles around the rungs* So what made you decide to come back here?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *chuckles at Rob*
2cb4dc3,Rob : See.. it's easy when you know how*g*
527c605, *President Zahra : Alc-y! *hugs*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*LOL@Ronnie* *then 'acks' at 6-hour-disconnect* Erk *pats Alc* S'okay, I don't know where I belong, Aurora-wise.))
204429a, Parallax: *snatches the bottle* MINE *chugs on it* Ahhhh !
fde3317, Chaos: ((*ponders*))
7a02f3d, šV : Hm
4b0eca4,Ally : *hugs Ria* oh NOW im noticed eh?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *just now notices KJ's pic* Pretty...*steal*
2cb4dc3,Rob : *^_~ @ Jen*
aa12a7a, Get a name!: .
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*LOL@Ronnie* *then 'acks' at 6-hour-disconnect* Erk *pats Alc* S'okay, I don't know where I belong, Aurora-wise.))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((no stealing...))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It clicks its claw slowly, as it tells the sad tale of its lost friend*
EXIT: Get a name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((I edited that))
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: ((Where's Steele? *smirks* Rangers just got a goal. Powerplay.))
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *looks at IM window* V was warned up to 5% and it wasn't me
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*prods V*))
ebe837e, 'L: *sighs and curls up*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Don't worry KJ, it's not going on any pages...just for my own personal's a very cool picture
fde3317, Chaos: ((*shrugs for no apparent reason*))
4b0eca4,Ally : ((Well Dee (Dionne) The aurora doesnt really exist anymore.))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((mmkay))
MSG: Dionne Hurst sent a message to Justin Sane.
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((I have a much nicer one elsewhere...))
fde3317, Chaos: ((*hates IM growls at aol*))
JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
e034574, *CoBack : *Gently pats Kjersti's hand, smiling to her.* I'm glad to see you again....
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *leans against a building, somewhere in the city*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((Yeah, I know, Alc, that's what I'm not sure where I should be.))
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Dionne Hurst.
ebe837e, 'L: *prods 'clipsy with a twig*
fde3317, Chaos: ((*kicks aol* AOL is evil...))
ebe837e, 'L: *curls up again*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: AOHELL
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It slowly clicks its claws together telling the sad tale of its lost friend*
a0202de, šJezral : How long has this been up?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *had AOL once for about a week, hated it*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *her eyes seem to grow tired...dimming...she sits back down...still watching Tolain and Enigma*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: What been up?
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : *A soft hiss escapes the rear sliding entrance, as an individual dressed in a carbon black military style uniform steps inside.*
ebe837e, 'L: An hour or so, Jez.
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs Leigh*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *takes his hand and gives it a gentle squeeze, running over the back of it with her thumb* It's good to see you again too...
aa12a7a, *Jaret Snomel : *frowns, walking down the crowded streets of moseisly, his black cloak billowing around him, his hood down face visible*
ebe837e, 'L: Just over an hour, I believe.
fde3317, Chaos: (( they go off saying so easy to use no wonder it's number one... but compared to what evidence I have it's so hard to use WHY? is it number one? ))
7a02f3d, šV : Warning war with Kirkos.
ebe837e, 'L: *hugs back for Ver*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Hehe, V if I warn somone once, they automatically shoot up to's fun
527c605, *President Zahra : *forgot that she's here*
fde3317, Chaos: ((*nods to Justin*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *a frown steals over her lips, brow creasing* I'm sorry to hear that...that's terrible. Is there anything I can do to help?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: It's number one because it's killed all competition off
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she pales slightly upon catching sight of SE...backing under the table again...hugging her knees...*
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs Ria, too*
ebe837e, 'L: *hugs for Ria*
e034574, *CoBack : *Smiles to her.*
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : *The individual's presence within the Force is virtually non-existent, due to a Taozin nodule attatched within his uniform.*
fde3317, Chaos: (( economic monopoly!!!))
7a02f3d, šV : I think Ive won
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs Leigh and Ronnie back*
MSG: Dionne Hurst sent a message to Justin Sane.
fde3317, Chaos: (( that's wrong))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It again shakes its head, making humans and others to understand what it says.*
MSG: Justin Sane tried to message Dionne Hurt.
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: BLAH!
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*works on her gum wrapper chain which is about 9 inches long now*))
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Dionne Hurst.
aa12a7a, *Jaret Snomel : *enters the cantina, keeping his force aura hidden*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *stretches...slings his rifle over his shoulder and makes his way back to the Cantina*
fde3317, Chaos: ((*nods to Justin* Aol is crazy!!))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*works on her gum wrapper chain which is about 9 inches long now*))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((anyway)) *pushes away from the bar and stands.. eyes SE for a moment, tries to hide a scowl*
204429a, Parallax: *floats*
e034574, *CoBack : *Smiles to her.*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Well...if there is, let me know. *reaches out, lightly resting her hand on his*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: 9 inches long...*doe not comment although he could*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: doe? does
MSG: Dionne Hurst sent a message to Justin Sane.
fde3317, Chaos: *looks around the cantina looking at each indivdual person*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( someone shoot Justin...please?))
ebe837e, Miranda Lolyyn: *sigh*
204429a, Parallax: *shoots Justin* happy to
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *smiles at him* Do you want to go back to my place and I could whip up something to eat...?
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *shot* *reforms like the Terminator dude*
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : *Steps over to the 'U' shaped bar, cautious as to keep a hand down by his holstered Tenloss disruptor rifle.*
ebe837e, 'L: *eyes the post coming from M'randa* Eh?
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( thank you Parallax *kisses 'im* lovely person!))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((I only said it to tempt you, Justin.))
fde3317, Chaos: *eye's Dionne*
e034574, *CoBack : *Nods to Kjersti.* Sure....*Stands, still holding her hand.*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: Blah to you KJ....don't tempt me
ebe837e, 'L: I didn't do it, swear ta god... *sighs and curls up lots and closes her eyes*
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *clasps his hand and gets to her feet as well, looking up at him*
204429a, Parallax: *whispers to Eleizha* And the worlds greatest ever hero , even after a little hiccup
e034574, *CoBack : *Moves towards the exit.*
d71c16b, 'Justin Sane: *looks in his wallet* Damn....I'm broke...
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((Why not? It's fun to watch you make yourself look bad...))
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *is eyed.. scowls s'more and sends a scathing look all around, looking more like her sister than she realizes (since she doesn't know she has a sister, really)*
f2faf5f, Tolain: *it taps its foot and clicks its teeth saying thank you*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she's barely breathing...bordering on passing out...still watching...less focused*
BAN: V banned d71c16b for 36500 seconds.
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : *walks out with CoBack*
e034574, *CoBack : ***GONE***
JOIN: Tyr has entered.
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *whispered to...shivers* ))
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*snickers*))
e034574, *CoBack : ***GONE***
fde3317, Chaos: *smirks still eyeing Dionne*
7a02f3d, šV : w00t *got Kirkos to 100%*
7bde698, *Ronica : Woohoo!
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((*eyes V* Were you using multiple handles???))
ebe837e, 'L: Thank you V.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Any time. *nods and sits back, leaning casually against the bar*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *of course, if she were anything like her sister, she'd kill Chaos, but since she's nothing like her, she just mutters to herself and heads for the door*
527c605, *President Zahra : *hugs V.. a lot*
7a02f3d, šV : Yes *snicker*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( ooooh....*kisses V* Lovely person you!))
e034574, *CoBack : OOC: Bye all....*Salutes.*
EXIT: CoBack has left the chat ( Quit ).
3d4b4e1, *Kjersti Renn : ((bye Sea! *huggles*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*hugs for CoB* ^_^))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *dances* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...
fde3317, Chaos: *still eyeing Dionne* Hey!
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( g'bye CoBack.))
014ba7e, Tyr: *Looks at KJ then waves* Hi!!!
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : *Moves off into the darker regions of the shadows, before sitting down at a booth facing the front entry.*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Um... yo Tyr
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *pauses, one foot on the bottom step, and turns, arching a brow at Chaos*
fde3317, Chaos: *waves* good-bye see ya' later...*EL*
014ba7e, Tyr: *Frowns* Dwa...*Notes the KJ probebly doesn't even remember him*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *waltzes through the front door, BlasTech A280 blast-rifle slung over his shoulder*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Sure I do =)
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Tyr-Gon Chatine...
4de6061, Parallax: *frowns*
014ba7e, Tyr: x_x
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : Don't count on it. *glowers fiercely at Chaos, then continues and continues ascending the steps*
527c605, *President Zahra : *blinks*
fde3317, Chaos: (( don't get mad get glad... I have no idea why I said that))
7a02f3d, šV : woohoo *as he warns Justin on AIM then blocks before he gets retal warnings*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: roll a bowl a ball a penny a pitch...
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*peers at Jim frowning*))
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she kinda blinks...then seems to regain coherency...she snaps just slightly...and scrambles out from under the table...backing into a wall*
fde3317, Chaos: *still waving and smirks*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at V*
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : *Turns around in the booth, facing the front entry, as he motions for Tzu to join him.*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *smirks@V*
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at V*
EXIT: Tyr has left the chat ( Quit ).
7a02f3d, šV : Jim is frowing because he just realized he cant come to England. Im saved!
7bde698, *Ronica : A Justin-free evening... Oh, the possibilities. *plunges IC*
fde3317, Chaos: ((*pats Ria on the head*))
4de6061, Parallax: *S* Its nothing ... *mutters*
527c605, *President Zahra : *is patted* *blinks*
ebe837e, 'L: *pats Ver*
527c605, *President Zahra : Oooh.. IC! *ponders following Ronnie*
7a02f3d, šV : Jim is frowing because he just realized he cant come to England. Im saved!
3d4b4e1, *KJ : 8 minutes
EXIT: Ally has left the chat ( Quit ).
4de6061, Parallax: Do you guys hate him that much ? I mean , I have no love for the guy , but hell ....
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*RaE* *peers more at Jim*))
fde3317, Chaos: ((*chuckles @ Ronica*))
527c605, *President Zahra : Ack. *hugs Jim tons*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *looks over at SE and grins...adjusts his sunglasses and moves over to the being*'s been a while.
4de6061, Parallax: *:P@V*
JOIN: Collin has entered.
ebe837e, 'L: *goes to take a few Alleve*
527c605, *President Zahra : Collin! *hugglkes*
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : ((*blink* *blinks again* what?))
527c605, *President Zahra : *kills typo*
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - so it s true?
527c605, *President Zahra : Jim: I am so close to hating him. And I don't hate anyone. :)
4b1dda5, Collin: *sees the IC'ing trend and decides to plunge in as well in a bit.* right there. :)
4de6061, Parallax: You heard me . He isn't that bad , sure he's annoying , but hell ... so am I
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *is going to prey on the innocent* ))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Oi! *hugs, hugs Collin*))
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *looks over at SE and grins...adjusts his sunglasses and moves over to the being*'s been a while.
4de6061, Parallax: I could still make a trip to the mainland ...
fde3317, Chaos: ohhhhh Character change time!!!
b69b866, *Dionne Hurst : *mutters incoherently as she exits* -=GONE=-
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((*high fives Ronnie*))
NICK: Chaos changed nick to Zaka Rider
b69b866, *Misty : *actually doesn't hate Justin*
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((Ria: You hate me.))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((test))
527c605, *President Zahra : Nah, Jimy. You're not annoying at all.
4de6061, Parallax: I could still make the trip ...
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It looks around the cantina, taking in all the sights, and smells*
7a02f3d, šV : this is fun *as he warns every newbie on his aim then blocks them*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( No, no... He is that bad. ))
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( *hugses Collin...hugses good* ))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *sets another cred chit on the bar as her new drink arrives. Lifts it and takes a sip.*
bfacec1,Rob : 'Lo Col ^_^
4b1dda5, Collin: *hugs all 'round.* It's off to races when I return. ho ho ho. :)
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((*pats Misty*))
4de6061, Parallax: Ria ... I am annoying , hell at times I pride myself on it ....
527c605, *President Zahra : Mazzy: You? *blinks* Never..
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: I'm sexy, I'm cute, I'm popular to boot! I'm b*tchin, great hair, the boys all love to stare! I'm wanted, I'm hot , I'm everything your not! I'm pretty, I'm cool, I dominate this school! Who am I? just guess! guys wanna touch my chest!
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *sets another cred chit on the bar as her new drink arrives. Lifts it and takes a sip.*
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - no longer a definate then?
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : *Slightly nods his head, glancing at the individual.* Indeed it has. We have much to discuss.
527c605, *President Zahra : Bah. You couldn't ever annoy me, Jim-y..
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((*shrugs at nothing at all*))
4de6061, Parallax: Look , if anyone bites at Justin while hes here it me ... I just don't get on with the guy , but still , I think maybe he gets railed against
b69b866, *Misty : Hmph. Yes he is, Ria. He's way annoying.
7a02f3d, šV : Mazz - I hate you
4de6061, Parallax: Its a dependant V
4de6061, Parallax: Ria , you don't know how wrong you are
527c605, *President Zahra : *giggles at Misty*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((*stares at Hyper*))
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes Jim-y* Well you wouldn't annoy me..
b69b866, *Misty : *EG* I defeat him by being annoying right back. *flashes an arrogant grin at Jim*
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - on what?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: (( that was great hyper!!!))
e3cf82d, *Tzu: ((Oh? *eyes V*)) *nods* That we do...*takes a seat, opposite Spectre Eclipse*
4de6061, Parallax: Wouldn't I ?
b69b866, *Misty : and Jim, you could just unban him
7a02f3d, šV : Im annoying....
4de6061, Parallax: Factors V ... factors .
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she just stands there...her back tight against the wall...she holds one wrist with her hand...looking alternately embarrassed..and interested as she watches Enigma and Tolain*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *stepping in through the front, she pauses... blood red cloak licking at her heels, and falling over her shoulders to cover the gleaming royal guard armour she wears. Not wearing a helmet, she Jolly Rogers an eyebrow coldly, surveying the room*
ebe837e, 'L: *climbs into the hot tub and ponders, very briefly, venturing ic once more*
4de6061, Parallax: I could , but theres no point if everyone is against him ... anyway , i'd prefer all text of me sticking up for him to be off the screen first
ebe837e, 'L: V~Yes, you are.
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - you are just playing with words and annoying me...bah fk you then
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *walks into the tina with his blonde hair cut to his shoulders looks around with his blue eye's, takes out a bandanna and ties his hair into a ponytail*
ebe837e, 'L: Oh, that just totally ruined your image, Ver.. *grin*
4de6061, Parallax: Quite the contrary V
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *snarls* c.ocks!!!! *could piss anyone off if she tried, but usually does it effortlessly anyway* ))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: I'm something, I smile! if anything I'm ... I'm modest... I jump.. you can look but dont you h*mp! woo! I'm something... I roar! i swear I'm not a whore! we cheer and we lead! we act like we're on speed... you hate us cuz we're beautiful but we dont like you either... we're true leaders ! we are true leaders!
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - Justin has been warned/banned so many times that Ive lost count.
ebe837e, 'L: V's annoying, yes...
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It slowly turns its head towards Eleizha Dey. The black, emotionless eyes stare at the person, as he sniffs the air trying to get a feel for who is watching him*
b69b866, *Misty : Heheh... *eyes V*
ebe837e, 'L: ...But I'm even more so.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *scans the room some more*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *thinks Bring it On was the dumbest movie ever...*
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : First order of business is to discuss our control over the planet of Kashyyyk. We have made our presence known even without the support of the Aurora fleet.
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
4de6061, Parallax: I know V , but c'mon half the times its just to annoy him , other times its cuz hes an easy target .
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *flicks a brief glance to Ailis, eyes darkening for a moment...then follows Tolain's glance*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *it was kinda funny sometimes though... simply because... cheerleaders disgust me...
JOIN: Venator has entered.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: (( *pats Hyper* that one was cool too yourr great Hyper!!!))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *goes on ranting*
4de6061, Parallax: I'm with banning him if he's out right deserving ... but just for being unliked . No .
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: *she seems to go completely still upon even the notion of being noticed...she bolts*
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - you are arguing....perhaps I should ban you
527c605, *President Zahra : *ponders*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: why thank you...
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *makes his way to an abandoned booth*
ebe837e, 'L: I'm out. *sighs* Be back later. *shimmers from view*
4de6061, Parallax: Go for it V ... you and I know that won't help anyone
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *blinks, brows arching...watching Eleizha bolt*
EXIT: L has left the chat ( Quit ).
7a02f3d, šV : Jim - No. I RECEIVED LEGIMATE COMPLAINTS! kthxbye
506f585, Venator: Good day all....
e3cf82d, *Tzu: Kashyyyk, eh? *leans his rifle on the booth beside him*
b69b866, *Misty : Pish, V. Don't even go there
bfacec1,Rob : *Beats ICQ lots*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((your welcome *Big Smile*))
4de6061, Parallax: And thats it ...
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It raises the right side of his lip in a snarl gesture, a sign of question, but could be mistaken for a sign of anger. It slowly moves after Eleizha Dey.*
17186d6, *Steele : [[6-4 We win! Bwaaaaaah!]]
4de6061, Parallax: What was his side ?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((*is inraged by someone even mentoining ICQ and beats it up*))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *smirks cooly in Enigma's direction as she moves down the stairs, boots thudding against the floor, sand crunching under her heels. Her brown hair, streaked with red, is up in a loose bun and she tucks an escaped strand behind her ear*
3c08fe7, Eleizha Dey: (( hehe. I'll be back....Tolain can rip me to shreds later. *gone*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Woohoo!))
EXIT: Eleizha Dey has left the chat ( Quit ).
7a02f3d, šV : What? Do i need people to write to me through snail mail?
b69b866, *Misty : *didn't see anything to complain about, but hey... that's just me*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *pats Napster and things some people are just stupid stick in the muds*
4de6061, Parallax: What ?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((*kicks it while it is down* even AIM IS BETTER THAN YOU!!! *sticks his tongue out*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: things=thinks
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *brought this char in to pick on Eleizha* What now?? Bah... ))
EXIT: Venator has left the chat ( Quit ).
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: brb...
7a02f3d, šV : Bah Myst, Of course you will support Jim.....
fde3317, Zaka Rider: (( and that's sad...))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *corner of her lip curls up at Ailis...then looks after Tolain* It's okay... ((She had to go for now))
f2faf5f, Tolain: ((cancel that post))
4de6061, Parallax: *mutters*
JOIN: Kua Nomi has entered.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((bye bye for now Hyper))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *corner of her lip curls up at Ailis...then looks after Tolain* It's okay... ((She had to go for now))
b69b866, *Misty : *thwaps V*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*peeks in to the peeps*))
1a4511b, *Spectre Eclipse : Yes, while you were locked away in a prison facility on Coruscant, we received orders to invade Kashyyyk.
527c605, *President Zahra : *eyes Ronnie* Should I bring in Liana?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((hmmm... *jumps into OOC land*))
JOIN: Janan Sawa has entered.
6c9b335, Janan Sawa: *blink*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: wow it's wonderful here...
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: back!
e3cf82d, *Tzu: *nods* Kashyyyk...butt...why? What's there except wookiees? And they are only good for slave labour..
b69b866, *Misty : Gah. *runs for the hills*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *nods to Ria* Yes please. *s* ))
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*Checks in on the place he hasnt been to in quite a long time*))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *looks all wide eyed and amazing*
4de6061, Parallax: I hear they're nice Myst
7a02f3d, šV : Tzu - use the symbol or loose your registeredness
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( Shalom chatters.....))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: oops I mean amazed
527c605, *President Zahra : Kay, Ronnie.
4de6061, Parallax: 'lo Kua
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *coughs*
17186d6, *Steele : [[*begins a ''Let's Go Pens!'' chant*]]
6c9b335, Janan Sawa: *eyes Steele*
b69b866, *Misty : Yes, nice, peaceful, no arguing or fighting. *blinks*
bfacec1,Rob : *Beats AIM too, 'cuz that isn't working either*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( V may I ask a question of ye?Nothin bad...))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: Welcome back Hyper!!!
7a02f3d, šV : Kua is still registered?????
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((Shalom Parallax, whoever ye are....))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *pats Hyper*
EXIT: Parallax has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Tolain has entered.
e3cf82d, *Tzu : ((I would be using the symbol, but aff's aren't loading for me...))
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( what I do!))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Here we go, Penguins, here we go! *clap clap*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *patted*
JOIN: Jim has entered.
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( I havent done anything, somebody....))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *yawns*
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Strides inside, silver eyes flashing. Gets herself a drink at the bar, and retreats to a darkened booth.*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( Im just comin in to say high! Ill leave ye be!))
6c9b335, Janan Sawa: *farts on Zaka*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( *Shuts his yap*))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *kicks AIM*
17186d6, *Steele : [[Hell yeah Enigma... whooo... 6-4 baby... 5 points for Kovy... face it, Enigma, we rule... and so does our team, WHOOOOO!]]
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *thwaps Janan*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *yells at aol* your not so grat either!!!
6c9b335, Janan Sawa: Hockey stinks.
7a02f3d, šV : Kua - Continue..........*watches like a hawk for the first messup*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( Has no idea what is goin aboot but likes the feel of the old familiar place))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Abso-friggin-lutely, Steele. *nods* Sho'nuff.))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *smiles at hyper*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *turns slightly, catching Liana with the corner of her eye. She smirks faintly* Oh, the possibilities.
4de6061, šJim : *will have a hawk-off with V* heheh
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*gulps to self*))
17186d6, *Steele : [[Heh... *did a panomime today entitled "Fro'nuff" *]]
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Sips her drink, narrowing her eyes slightly.*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *eye's Janan ponders his remark* no comment.
EXIT: Janan Sawa has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: Andy has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *snickers* V's trigger happy today with the mouse pointer hovering over the BAN button... =oP
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*wondered why neither managed to appear on his AIM list* all becomes clear))
6c9b335, 'Andy: *thwaps KJ* Hush... He might ban you.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *ponders where Sho'nuff came from*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *takes a sip of her whiskey, gaze wandering ver the room briefly*
7a02f3d, šV : *has no idea what a hawk-off is* *plus has Jim on the "Pissed at" list*
JOIN: B has entered.
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *snickers to herself*
4de6061, šJim : You show up fine on mine Kua
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*wonders where the "o" went*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: sho'nuff... as in... sure enough?
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *smirks* Yeah right/
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *has alot of buddies on his list but his feelings for aol remain*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *thwapped*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( Oh yea, ya do. I just wasnt payin attention))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *stands next to Enigma*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*hugs B* ^_^))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *nods to Hyper* correct.
4de6061, šJim : *bows to V* Where I belong ?
17186d6, *Steele : [[*is waiting for his elderly mercenary to get registered*]]
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : *His cloaked form moves quietly in through the rear entrance*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*replies to ICQ* I can get messages, but not reply...))
b69b866, *Misty : Ack.. Jim's on the "Pissed at" list.. *peers at the "Pissed at" list*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Ooo... *prods Yun*
e3cf82d, *Shane Coltar : *steps through the front door, black cargo pants riding low on his waist*
a0202de, šJezral : Some time ago, about the start of this cantina, people asked me for a pic of myself. I finally got one: link
7075795, B: ((*hugs Enigma*))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *kicks ICQ again*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ooooooo a link
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : ((*Is prodded**RaE*))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Ooo Jezzy looks like my cousin.. heh
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*peers at Jez's pic* Ooooooh.. *pretends not to stare*))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *she shifts, turning slowly, gaze locked on Liana. Her expression could be called thoughtful as she stands there pensively. Suddenly, she loses interest in Liana, as the person who failed to protect the young girl from Ailis steps into the room.*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *smiles at softening further as she senses a familiar presence...heh...that sounds so Jedi*
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : ((Bugger.... I'll try AIM again..))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: i'm so smart...
7a02f3d, šV : *everyone who has attempted to talk tohim in the last half an hour is on that list
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*prods around for V* Ya still aboot?))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: link
b69b866, *Misty : *hugs for B*
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*bah@Ronnie* So I brought in Liana for no reason?))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *agrees with hyper* you are.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Aw... V!!! Unblock me. I won't talk to you... I didn't know =(
17186d6, *Steele : [[Wow, Jezral, quite the lady killer eh?]]
b69b866, *Misty : Did I attempt to talk to V? *scratches head* I think so. Ah. *is on the "Pissed at" list*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: Yun AIM is evil stay away
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: AGH!!! AGH!!! ice-cream headache! aha aaaah!
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( Of course not, Ria. *pats* ))
7a02f3d, šV : *Mazzik is in the special "Torture painfully till I gain vengeance" list*
7075795, B: *hugs Misty too*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *pats hyper*
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((So, should I stay IC?))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *patted* gyah!
17186d6, *Steele : Steele is,of course, on the Bad Mutha m00er list.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *ponders* ~ I want ice-cream~
6c9b335, 'Andy: Hyper is smart? *grin* Of course she is...
b69b866, *Misty : Mazzik is special
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *wonders which vengeance list she's on*
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : *He smiles a bit beneath his hood and strolls towards Enigma*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: dooby! *ticklehugs Andy*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *continues patting*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( Sure. :) Or, well, that is if you want to. ))
7a02f3d, šV : Steele is on the bad mutha m00er list yet...because I find him amusing and witty
6c9b335, 'Andy: No, Steele. You are on the 'Boyo' List
7a02f3d, šV : No he isnt *kills Myst*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( Am I on a list? ))
e3cf82d, *Shane Coltar : *looks about and adjusts his tie...then moves to the bar*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *tickle hugged* Eeek
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*stays IC, then*)) *Sits, sipping her drink still.*
EXIT: B has left the chat ( Quit ).
b69b866, *Misty : *blinks at Steele.. blinks at IM* Ooo
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: yo Andy... who's birthday is in 15 days?
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*is probably not on any list*))
17186d6, *Steele : *flexes* No I'm not on the Boyo list, I'm on the amusing and witty list.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Bwah... *mutters at getting warned*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Both of our birthdays... *jumps about*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: watch out everyone if you haven't already heard Aol is eeeeeevvvvvvviiiiiiillllllllllllllllllll...
7a02f3d, šV : arent...possibly the "neutral" list with Ria
b69b866, *Misty : *dies*
JOIN: Brin Omega has entered.
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : ((Try it now Kiddo ^_^ ))
f2faf5f, Tolain: *Hisses as Yun comes closer. It clicks its claws furiously*
17186d6, *Steele : Steele Has a Declaration To Make
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *both eyebrows arch, surprised but pleased as Yun doesn't notice Liana... She makes her way over to Liana's booth silently*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *peers at V* I'm on his pe0n list and forever will stay on that list. heh
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: oooooh yeah... that's right! *grins and nods* that's right... it is my birthday... in 15 days...
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((Oooh! *is on the neutral list* Woo! *hugs V*))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( Good. *un-listed* ))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *wishes his birthday was in 15 days*
b69b866, *Misty : *just got killed* Woo.. V's pissed at me.. That ought to really please some people!! ^-^ *then goes back to being dead*
17186d6, *Steele : Tommorow = Cantina Starcraft Battle Royal day... we need some big time action... whooo! Who else is in?!?!
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*eyes Hyper* Since when was your birthday four days before mine?))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *murmurs* It's okay, Tolain...don't worry.
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : *He arches a brow and slows his pace slightly while flicking his hood back*
972b81c, Get a name!: I am.
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: umm... since March 10, 1984...
6c9b335, 'Andy: Andy's and Hyper's birthday is on the 10th of March..
fde3317, Zaka Rider: IM has taken a life nooooo...
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*giggles at Hyper* Oh, okay! *hugs*))
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*ponders ICness*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *giggles back and hugs, knowing she knows who it is but being absolutely horrible at identifying people*
17186d6, *Steele : Someone join in on the fun... CSCBRD!
6c9b335, 'Andy: Turning 20... Yipee!!!!
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It lifts the front lip on its snot, baring a row of sharp teeth, and clicks its claws once before raising them.*
6c9b335, 'Andy: It's Ria... I tend to like her giggling.. *hugs her twin* heh.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((15 more days here would be... March the 3rd...))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *pouts at Andy* 17's better!!! i can go see R movies... all by my little self... *pats herself on the head*
6c9b335, 'Andy: GAH!!! her-his
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*would join the Starcraft stuff, Starcraft*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: er... no... 15 days is March 10th...
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*is very Ria*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Tolain... *still quietly, but more firmly* Don't.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: here anyways...
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: Ria's sweet sixteen is March 14th!? *blinks*
17186d6, *Steele : [[*gives Enigma the purchasing power to get Starcraft*]]
7075795, Brin Omega: *steps in*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( V ya hangin aboot? Wanna have few civil words?))
17186d6, *Steele : [[*Steele's Sweet 18 is June 10*]]
JOIN: Yun Sunrunner has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *snickers* V's at 45%....
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*nodnod* That's right, Hyper.))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Who was warning V?
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: hey wow! June 10th's my sister's birthday!
f2faf5f, Tolain: ((The ICQ message wasn't IC Yun.))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *walked over to Liana's booth, IC, just in case anyone might care* ))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *hates timezones* They get me all con fusssed
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Bwah *feels old* *will be 19 1/2 on May 13th*
7a02f3d, šV : I am here
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*is given purchasing power* Hot damn!))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *isn't going to be around for Ria, Andy, or Hyper's birthday* Bah... ))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: June 10th is my birthday
BAN: Jim banned 506f585 for 600 seconds.
7a02f3d, šV : *eyes IM for next "what is wrong?" victim*
4de6061, šJim : he was told over Im *shrugs*
6c9b335, 'Andy: ((Ronnie is going to Egypt. heheh)
fde3317, Zaka Rider: That's cool
17186d6, *Steele : [[June 10th is Elizabeth Hurley's B-Day too, great day in the world it is!]]
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*feels even older...will be 22 in September* heehee.))
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((You did? *hugs Ronnie*)) *Glares at Ailis.* What do you want?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: I won't be 18 though
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *blinks@V*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *snickers and huggles Nigmers*
7a02f3d, šV : Enigma is old...bwahaha....
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *pats himself for being so great*
17186d6, *Steele : [[June 10th is in the house!]]
3d4b4e1, *KJ : V is young... =oP
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: eep! *blinks at Niggerz*
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : *He contines to watch the strange creature*Friend of yours..?
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((But I'm not the oldest...bwa. :-D *huggles KJ*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *feels youngish*
6c9b335, 'Andy: KJ is weird... *blink* Thought that fit in with all this talk.
7a02f3d, šV : 6 screen names on block so far
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *feels sorry for Enigma* *pat pat*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*is blinked at* Don't act my age, do I? *L*))
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*feels young too*))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *eyes Andy*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: yeah June 10th rocks!!! and I'm the youngest...
6c9b335, 'Andy: *listes to Bangles 'Walk like an Egyptian'*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*is patted and felt sorry for* Don't be sorry, Zaka. It's all good.))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *is indeed going to Egypt* )) Doesn't it bother you? *folds her arms across her chest, leaning against the wall near Liana's booth*
4de6061, šJim : *hug Nigma* I'm not to old then :P
17186d6, *Steele : [[Enigma = 24]]
6c9b335, 'Andy: *hugs KJ* *then moves off and dances*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *blinks*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *feels relativly the youngest person here*
527c605, Liana Syeira: Doesn't what bother me? *Keeps glaring.*
7075795, Brin Omega: *carefully scans the space bar, his jaw tightening ever so slightly as he descends the small staircase*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *nods* Yeah, a friend who's been away for a long while...this is Tolain. Tolain, my husband, Yun.
f2faf5f, Tolain: *it clicks its claws twice, followed by a foot tap* ~Hello Lunch.~ *speaking to Yun*
b69b866, *Misty : *blink*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: well... i've been told I dont act mine either so... *pats Niggerz* dont feel bad ^_~
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*is not 24...blinks at Steele* *hugs Jim* Not at all. :-D))
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : ((Thanks for reminding me kiddo... :-P ))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: great, I'm special because I have an awesome vocabulary for my age...
17186d6, *Steele : [[*lol @ Niggerz* You racist.]]
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Doesn't it bother you... *flicks a glance over to Enigma and Yun, though concentrating more on Yun* That one who claimed to care for you, and fought for you, doesn't even notice you?
bfacec1, *Yun Sunrunner : *He takes a step back, smiles slightly to him*Easy there pal....
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *pokles Robberoo*
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: *whaps Steeley*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*L@Hyperz* I don't feel bad at all. I'm'na be forever young. *nods* *w@Yun* Any time.))
527c605, Liana Syeira: Not in the least. *Smiles sweetly.*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *feels older than she is* ))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: For...ever... yooooung! *belts it out*
b69b866, *Misty : Dum dee dum. *waits for V to stop being an ass*
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*eyes V*))
aafdbb7, *Hyperspace: actually I'm usually told I'm rather mature for my age...
6c9b335, 'Andy: *is 19, but feels like he is 60*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *eye's nigma* you shouldn't feel bad be proud of yourself
c1c0e28, *Enigma : No, he's not lunch, Tolain. Don't even consider it, please. *sets her glass gently on the bar*
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *LMHO* Like, it, V?
b69b866, *Misty : *actually wouldn't have to create screen names, has plenty*
7a02f3d, šV : That was you KJ?
4de6061, šJim : *is 20 feels about 5*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Is that right? *tilts her head curiously*
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *bows because he is young and enjoying it*
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*feels like she's 4* *:p@Jim*))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *notes that she's not going to warn V though, even though he warned her* *pats V*
JOIN: Yun Sunrunner has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : =oP
527c605, Liana Syeira: Quite.
6c9b335, 'Andy: *feels like KJ will be banned for good*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((I look younger than my age...heh...which I'm sure I'll appreciate when I'm 40 or so, but now... *vague shrug*))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : You didn't recognize the color/font?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *blinks*
7075795, Brin Omega: ((*shrugs*))
7a02f3d, šV : I cant talk to Fx now!!!!!!! B*tch! how many seconds are in forever?
6c9b335, 'Andy: 2 million seconds
f2faf5f, Tolain: *In a single leap he jumps into the air, and lands on the bar top, towering over Yun. It clicks its black claws togther and then shows them to Yun*
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((V: Erm.. A lot?))
7a02f3d, šV : SwChitchatter..
fde3317, Zaka Rider: ((*pats nigma*))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *blinks* Erm...
7a02f3d, šV : .ban 3d4b4e1 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( I look older than my age... My dad dared me to try and buy a bottle of wine at the LCBO and they didn't even card me. He spent the next three weeks making me promise to not use this advantage for evil purposes. ))
7a02f3d, šV : missed the /
6c9b335, 'Andy: Bye KJ.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*is patted* *bristles slightly*))
b69b866, *Misty : If V were thinking clearly, he might realize that all he has to do is switch screen names. But we know V isn't thinking clearly right now.
BAN: V banned 3d4b4e1 for 604800 seconds.
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : You always got more attention than your sister... I would have thought that when there was suddenly a lack of what you'd gotten so used to, it might... hit home. But I guess it's better this way. Who cares if they don't give a damn?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: Ailis... that's,great...
7a02f3d, šV : Myst - My other SN is warned ti 50% also
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Yun has to reconnect cuz his ISP is being a bast.ard...he'll be back ASAP))
527c605, Liana Syeira: What slightly interests me is why you give a damn. *Shrugs.*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((She did get more attention than Sierra... *sniffles*))
b69b866, *Misty : So create another :P And you've got 4, V.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: hmmmmmmm...
6c9b335, 'Andy: *does not believe KJ did that*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Oh, I don't. I've just got nothing better to do.... And meddling in your life proved amusing the first time around.
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*hugs Nigma* I'm sorry..))
7a02f3d, šV : Myst 0 why should I?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *blinks*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((hehe...tis okay. It just gives her another reason to be angsty. *hugs Ria* :-D ))
7a02f3d, šV : bah *vomits..almost*
MUBAN: Forexs cleared the ban list.
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *agrees with andy*
6c9b335, 'Andy: if V creates another he will probably get warned... I pity the ass who did that
EXIT: V has left the chat ( Here comes that beefburger I had earlier... ).
b69b866, *Misty : V - Erm.. because you were just b*tching about not being able to talk to Fx. *blink* Oops. *is supposed to be dead*
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Shrugs at Ailis.* Go meddle somewhere else.
JOIN: Yun Sunrunner has entered.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Bah... *did not warn V*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*peers in at the peeps hearing the covo*))
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((Sweet Churches Chicken...))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Ohh dear... *ears flatten in a moment of catdom*))
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner: *He looks up at Tolain*Lan.... whats going on..?
fde3317, Zaka Rider: riiiight
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *tsks softly, mockingly* You've changed...
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( Soooo goood))
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *scratches his head*
6c9b335, 'Andy: &exits*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner: ((Back, BTW ^_^ ))
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( Quit ).
3d4b4e1, *KJ : All I did was say hi with my "BlockMeOrKissMe" AIM handle... I made that one a long time ago though...
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( What happened?))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : He's taller than you and he's got black claws...bad news for you. *disentangles her feet from the rungs, tucking them up beneath her...standing on the stool*
4de6061, šJim : Shush Kua
fde3317, Zaka Rider: *looks around*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*shushes*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *...still a bit shorter than Tolain, however*
527c605, Liana Syeira: Good for me. *Yawns.*
7075795, Brin Omega: *silently gestures to the 'tender, waiting for the shot as he fingers a cred chit*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner: I see..*clearly has no clue whats going on*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : No, it's hardly a change for the better.
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Hm... Teasing V puts me in a good mood for some reason *blinks*
4de6061, šJim : Thats not funny KJ
EXIT: Zaka Rider has left the chat ( see you guys later bye bye 4 now ).
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Heh... I didn't do anything =oP
f2faf5f, Tolain: *Looks blankly at Enigma as she stands on the stool rungs*
527c605, Liana Syeira: I'm happy with myself. What do I c are about your opinion?
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*kills space bar*))
4de6061, šJim : *tsks KJ*
JOIN: Collin has entered.
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *walks in his robes swaying , he sighs and takes a large breath of the slightly dingy air. Walks over to the bar*
c5b9c2b, Collin: right on. *is all back and such.* :)
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((WB Collin! *many hugs*))
3d4b4e1, *KJ : Dum de dum...
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : You must care about someone's opinion... Or else you wouldn't be back. *watches her for a moment, and then her lip curls into a smirk* Is it Sunrider? Trying to prove to him that there's some part of you left that he didn't destroy with his carelessness?
3d4b4e1, *KJ : *disappears*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner: *He drags a stoll over with a gently tug of the force and steps onto the higher set of rungs**Arches a brow*
7075795, Brin Omega: ((*doesn't see a point, blinks* yeah...))
527c605, Liana Syeira: I'm back because there's someone I need to kill.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *slightly unnerved at seeing the reflection of her silver eyes in his dark ones...* Now, Tolain...
b69b866, *Misty : *becomes alivish*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *spots the displays , shrugs and sits at the bar* Its been a long time....
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Ok...So basically, it's what I just said.
b69b866, *Misty : Fah. *thunks Jim's ISP*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : You're just being difficult.
c5b9c2b, Collin: *cracks his knuckles.* I'll just dive right back in... :)
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*offers Myst a daisy to complete the reviving process* ^_^))
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *sits for a long wait*
b69b866, *Misty : Ooo. *takes the proffered daisy* Why thank you :)
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It turns its head towards Yun, as the Jedi makes an attempt to be taller than him.*
JOIN: Andy has entered.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Soitenly. ^_^))
6c9b335, 'Andy: Question did a Donovan ever come to the tina or Nar Shadaa chat rooms?
b69b866, *Misty : Hehe
c1c0e28, *Enigma : You...might want to be careful doing that. *drops into Ariish to complete the thought* You're basically opening yourself up to a challenge...don't want this getting out of hand.
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( How are all today?))
3235147, šJim : 'lo Coll
7075795, Brin Omega: ((*loose wave*))
3235147, šJim : late post , heh
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : Understood..*he bites his lip and steps back down*
EXIT: Brin Omega has left the chat ( Quit ).
JOIN: noname has entered.
6c9b335, 'Andy: Umm Hello?
c5b9c2b, Collin: *salutes good guy Jim.*
b69b866, *Misty : *pats Jim*
75e6a1f, noname: *wanders in*
b69b866, *Misty : Not that I recall, Andy, although the name sounds familiar
c5b9c2b, Collin: Now...who to come in as. *ponders.*
e3cf82d, *Tzu : *still sitting in his booth...looks over at Yun*
6c9b335, 'Andy: Thanks Misty.. It is familiar. He is in a chat I am at currently.
b69b866, *Misty : *waves to Ian* ^-^
3235147, šJim : Good guy Jim !? Where !? Theres only mean nasty villianous drunkard Jim here :P
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *remains quietly perched on the stool's seat*
75e6a1f, noname: Yes... hello. *bids a point of Melocholy to force everyone to make an Angst check*
3235147, šJim : 'lo Ian
6c9b335, 'Andy: Misty he uses this pic... If you recognise it. link
b69b866, *Misty : Fah. *fails Angst check and falls into depression*
c5b9c2b, Collin: *would attempt to free Jadzia, but she ain't around.* Hmmm...guess I'll have some monkey business with Johnny.
f2faf5f, Tolain: *It growls once at Yun and clicks its claws, reminding the other who is more powerful. And then it jumps off the bar top*
75e6a1f, noname: Oh come on... mental challange on everyone who can hear me. "Voice of Bitter Anger"
c5b9c2b, Collin: Nah, Jim's good people...
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : Does it know what Jedi are...?
75e6a1f, noname: *though he's gained absolutely nothing by bringing Misty down with him, he does get a perverse sense of satisfaction as is befitting clan Hopeless Romantic*
3235147, šJim : Keep taking those drugs Col , I like the influence they have on you ;)
e3cf82d, *Tzu : *lets his hand slide for the Widowmaker...still watching Yun..*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *mentally breathes a sigh of relief, sinking down to sit on the edge of the bar, then sliding back onto the stool* Not it ... he .
7bde698, *Ronica : *secretly loves that expression.. when someone refers to one person as "good people" *
c5b9c2b, Collin: *turns his nose up at drugs.* Whatdya take me for? I'm a glue, man, myself...glue, carbona and gasoline. :)
3235147, šJim : *points Ian to his profile*
b69b866, *Misty : Hehe *@Ian*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *sits at the bar and watches the spectacle*
3235147, šJim : Hmm , glue leaves a nasty residue .. gasoline fun tho :P
c5b9c2b, Collin: *hugs for Ronnie.*
6c9b335, 'Andy: *gone*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( *Snifs down his nose at the ruffians* I am an Opera, Symphony man myself....
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( Quit ).
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ))
75e6a1f, noname: Seen the fanboy site, Misty? It's a parody of LARPs... funny crap
7bde698, *Ronica : *hugs back for Collin* Why hello there, my swoon-worthy friend.
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : I take it this is good...?*Slowly makes his way over to her side, not taking his eyes off Tolain*
b69b866, *Misty : I haven't, Ian.
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( *Snifs down his nose at the ruffians* I am an Opera, Symphony man myself....))
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *watches and orders a Lumm* Some things never change...
c5b9c2b, Collin: Hello yourself, my loverly fashionably evil dear. *makes ready to catch any swooning types.*
75e6a1f, noname: Nice, Jim
c1c0e28, *Enigma : It's better, but... *flicks a surreptitious glance around* Keep an eye in other directions, too.
7bde698, *Ronica : *swoons, because it's just plain tradition now*
75e6a1f, noname: Ack... *lost it* Sorry Misty. It was funny though. Disciplines such as "Rulemastery", "Dicemastery", and "Source" (Source was SWEET. It delt with having knowledge of the occult subjects that the games were derrived from)
b69b866, *Misty : *peers at Jim's profile again*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : I'm way ahead of you...*He offer a brief smile and a small bow to Tolain*
b69b866, *Misty : *snickers at Ian*
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*is back* *hugs everyone*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*hugs Ria* ^_^))
75e6a1f, noname: And then there's the Hopeless Romantic clan discipline, "Magik of the Smiths." As the only halfway socially adept of all the Fanboy clans, they can make others swoon at their words and touch. *grin* Skills such as falling asleep on people's feet, rendering them immobile, and equivilents of V:tM Awe and Majesty...
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *hops back into character, and hugs Ria back* ))
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Eyes Ailis.* Why should I not be difficult to you?
e3cf82d, *Tzu : *exits and all that*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Actually, I was counting on you being more difficult. This is a bit of a dissapointment.
c5b9c2b, Collin: *catches and cradles Ronnie, keeping with tradition* *hugs for Ria.* *drifts back to the ICey realm.*
f2faf5f, Tolain: *flicks its claws on the right hand once at Yun*
75e6a1f, noname: Hopeless Romantics also get to use Meloncholy rather than Stench as the equivilent to Willpower, the only clan allowed to do this.
b69b866, *Misty : Hehe
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : What does that mean..?
f2faf5f, Tolain: ((flicks should be clicks))
JOIN: Kua Nomi has entered.
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Rolls her eyes.* Well, I'm so sorry.
b69b866, *Misty : *kicks Jim's ISP again*
75e6a1f, noname: The other clans were SciFi Mutant, Punk Type, Goth Type... um... *thinks*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Apology accepted. I was expecting you to be a little more angry. But I guess you're saving all that up for Sunrider.
b69b866, *Misty : *and waits*
75e6a1f, noname: *Jim's ISP kicks Misty*
527c605, Liana Syeira: I have no reason to waste perfectly useful anger on you.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : It's a sign of respect. *reaches up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear*
b69b866, *Misty : *dodges*
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: Right, seeing as my computer rebelled last night in the middle of my grand entrance we'll just forget that ever happened. *strikes it from the record.*
75e6a1f, noname: *bids that Misty is one trait down in all challanges due to her failure to pass the Angst test*
JOIN: Eleizha Dey has entered.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((Pity it rebelled, Collin...the twins were eyeing you up for some fun... *EG*))
b69b866, *Misty : Fah. *tsks Ian*
75e6a1f, noname: So, you think you can dodge a bashing damage at two physical traits down on the retest?
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Yeah, you know... you're right. Because all I did was trigger your fall from grace. If I'd never come around, maybe he wouldn't have forgot about you and your sister. *malicious smirk*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : Where did you learn to read these gestures..?
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((*eyes peeps*))
b69b866, *Misty : Certainly
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: *snaps fingers.* Poo. Opportunity's missed. We'll take a rain check. :) *shrugs and creeps off to solo RP-dom.*
75e6a1f, noname: Let's start this over... *Jim's ISP is intensely throwing a punch at Misty*
84f5dde, Eleizha Dey: (( *grins along with Enigma...then jumps IC*))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Like I said, I've known Tolain for quite a while...he's just recently come back to Tatooine. *smiles a bit*
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Laughs.* Or, you're a has-been weak little insecure thing, who managed to kidnap me once when I was ten, and does nothing now except dwell on it.
b69b866, *Misty : *gets punched in the nose and falls unconscious*
75e6a1f, noname: *bets that Misty can use the Insomnia discipline to recover consiousness*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *unphased by the comment* I guess there are two ways of looking at it... But who's the one who came back all this way to prove something?
3235147, šJim : :P
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *once again...a small girl pretty well sprints into the cantina...she skids to a stop...glances behind her...then scrambles to an empty booth..and attempts to be as small as possible*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : 'Never mention him 'before*He folds his arms and lets his gaze crossthe 'tina**He arches a brow as he notices Liana for the first time* I don't believe it...
JOIN: Andy has entered.
6c9b335, 'Andy: I got a pic of myself with a bunch of gals.. heh link
75e6a1f, noname: *would actually be a pretty powerful Fanboy char, with Ride x4, Magik of the Smiths x7, Insomnia x3, Source x3...*
b69b866, *Misty : *bets she probably could too, but would rather stay unconscious :P*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Hmm? *briefly follows his glance...not recognizing the girl he's looking at*
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: *At first glance, you might take this puss n boots plus with the chipped nail varnish and smeared lipstick as just some random piece of street trash or maybe even as the lost king of gypsies or something. But you'd be wrong and you should quit it with the f*cking assumptions, sunshine, and just read the man's shirt. Sure enough, as Johnny makes his sluggish and sloshy moves towards the bar on his big-heeled boots, his blouse proclaims in scrawled-on script that Johnny is, "Just Another Girl."*
527c605, Liana Syeira: And who's the one who's making assumptions that have no base at all?
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((*reads...and applauds* Man, you are like the king of entrances.))
75e6a1f, noname: *rotflol* Did I tell you about the NPC eagle that kicked the living hell out of 3 Brujah, a Ventrue, and a couple Gangrel? It was hysterical.
527c605, Liana Syeira: ((*LOL@Collin's entrance, and applauds too*))
JOIN: !emaN a teG has entered.
75e6a1f, noname: I have never seen ANYONE throw like that.
b3a07fe, !emaN a teG: Nigma, whats your IM name?
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : ((*LOL*Wow!))
b69b866, *Misty : *peers at Ian* You're kidding
6c9b335, 'Andy: *must be ugly not to get a response*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( That was cool.))
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: *L* It's what I'm good at. It's like most of my intros are stellar and then things fall apart in the middle. *bows, all flattered like.*
b3a07fe, !emaN a teG: Or do you not have one? (tis me, Kyppers, btw)...I got kicked out last night, so IM is the only way we can talk anymore. If you dont wanna give it, contact me: Praetor Titus
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : No base at all? *smirks* Doubtful. You're not here for the scenery, that's for sure.
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *aplauds the odd stranger* Way to make an entrance...
75e6a1f, noname: Nope. Eagle flies in with a tape from the Sabbat on its back. Well, our Brujah primogen, the smartass that he is, bid the eagle was clumsy because of it.
b3a07fe, !emaN a teG: Nevermind
c1c0e28, *Enigma : ((A'ight, Kyp ^_^)
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He smiles slightly*You don't know her...
75e6a1f, noname: Okay, fine, player playing the eagle goes okay. Anyway, there are like, 5 physical challanges on this sucker at once.
f2faf5f, Tolain: *He clicks his claws twice, and then bolts from the cantina*
75e6a1f, noname: IT ESCAPES EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!
b69b866, *Misty : *rofl@Collin, and !emaN a teG*
527c605, Liana Syeira: I've already told you. I'm here to kill someone.
75e6a1f, noname: No one could keep a straight face. It took them half an hour just to catch the eagle, which promptly escaped again, with the tape still on its back. They take it to the Brujah room after catching it again, and it CONTINUES to kick the hell out of hte whole clan in a serious of the most unbelievable throws I've ever seen.
b69b866, *Misty : ROFLMAO@Ian
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : ((I thought you weren't coming back Kyp..?))
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *ponders whether Tolain is mocking her earlier exit* ))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : And just who is that someone?
75e6a1f, noname: They finally use annimalism and get the damn thing under control, but it was... geeze.
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *blinks, watching Tolain dash off*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((Survivor?))
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Shrugs.* You'll find out, eventually.
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((Guess not....))
07267ba, šJim : Argh
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He shakes his head slightly*Alright.. what was all that about..?
EXIT: Andy has left the chat ( Quit ).
75e6a1f, noname: It's not like it was a ghouled eagle or anything. It was your average, basic eagle for Cain's sake!
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *watches the lady from the bar and chuckles as her entertainment walks out. Nods to her* Evenin'.....
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *totally forgot what she posted last IC* ))
b69b866, *Misty : *pats Jim* *snickers at Ian*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *draws her fingertips back through her hair again* Like I said...he's an old friend who's been away for a long time...and came back. Who's she? *indicating Liana*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : I'm simply breathless with anticipation.
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *starts from after she skidded to a stop*))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
75e6a1f, noname: 'Course, like I said, my city's pretty weird anyway...
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: *For once Johnny's mind is on something more than lookin' for a fix or a kiss, tonight he's looking for trouble. His peepers, peeping out from under his rat's nest of hair crowned with a grey pork-pie hat, take in the coolest scene in town.*
75e6a1f, noname: *l* I pissed off the Archon. *can't believe he hasn't been killed yet* But I'll tell you, I'm a DAMN good Malkie.
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : She's Liana Syeira... she and her sister were under my protection before the 'circle got them a few years ago, they blame me for that.
a5e04f9, 'L: *peer*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *low laugh at the vagrant at the door and his Lumm is back in his hand*
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *recalls that wasn't the last one...* Drat)) *she looks around with wide silver eyes...her lips twitching as if she's speaking occassionally*
b69b866, *Misty : hehe.. you aren't red listed yet, Ian. *pats*
a5e04f9, 'L: *light sigh*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *flicking a glance to Yun, she resists the urge to give him a cute little wave, and merely smirks.*
527c605, Liana Syeira: I'm sure. *Yawns again.*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : (( *hugs Leigh* What's the matter? ))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : Ahh...I see. *half-turns, taking up her forgotten drink...cutting a Look at Ailis over the glass's rim as she sips.*
75e6a1f, noname: *grin* I actually almost got a bloodhunt called on me... the entire clan Brujah wants to kill me, passionately...
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Look at that, they remember... *tilts her head in Yun's direction, speaking to Liana*
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *she looks down at her hands...fingers twining and twitching...she looks up at Enigma...*
a5e04f9, 'L: *hugs back* Nothing unusual.
527c605, Liana Syeira: Do I look like I care?
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *feels another set of eyes...and looks to Eleizha. Lowers her glass, offering a nonthreatening smile.*
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Doesn't look like she cares, actually.*
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : No, but I bet that deep down inside... you do. So much.
b69b866, *Misty : Poor Ian.. Yes, most Malkies I know are on the "desire to kill" list
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He dips his eyes, forwning slightly, then turns back to the bar, sighing**He nods once to Wuher*Usual please..
75e6a1f, noname: *innocently* I couldn't imagine why....
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *then looks down...her face drained of color...then hesitantly back up...she simply blinks at Enigma*
b69b866, *Misty : Fah, really
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
527c605, Liana Syeira: Not in the least. *Really, really looks like she couldn't care less.*
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: *Johnny grunts to himself,* Huh *Damn, the one night Johnny pulls it all together...the one night he's not mired down in a drug-addled haze and downright laziness, there's not even a hint of trouble.* *~Place resembles a f*ckin' convent...~*
07267ba, šJim : My god wheatus suck
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : Another friend of yours...?
75e6a1f, noname: It wouldn't have anything to do with "Out of character, if you can hear me, please raise your hand. Thank you. Mental challange on all of you." would it?
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *really really looks like she isn't convinced* If you say so.
527c605, Liana Syeira: Now, run along and bother someone else. *Waves dissmissively, and turns away.*
b69b866, *Misty : *peers at Jim* M'kay
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Jim.
b69b866, *Misty : *dryly at Ian* Not at all
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *makes sure he keeps an eye on the odd kid that he thinks is tryin to pulla trick , thinks .."Ah , the wonders of Mos Eisley"*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : I've not seen her before, actually. *blinks too, then speaks softly in Basic* Can I help you?
75e6a1f, noname: *chuckle*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((Trick in the hooker sence just so ya know Johnney)
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : Well, if you insist...
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: *Johnny admires his reflection in an empty bar stool. Pouting and puckering his lips, flipping his hair and quickly deciding that he's the hottest thing to hit this joint in awhile. Daddy Rollin' Stone.* *Johnny remarks to no one in particular in his high nasal voice,* Damn, I got dolled up fa nuthin'
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: Oh, I get ya, cowboy. And you're dead on about Johnny...he's no good! :)
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: bar stool? bar glass.
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *she seems absolutely terrified of Enigma suddenly...shutting her eyes...shaking her head yes...then no...*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He turns to look at Eleizha, smiles slightly and offers a nod*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( I dont want any in that sence thanks....*wry grin* But my guy will probly pull the kids bacon out of he gets in a load of it))
75e6a1f, noname: *blinks at Eleizha* Do I know you as something?
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: Well, Johnny's looking for trouble, capn... :)
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( yeah. a nutcase.))
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : *Strolls inside, her right hand resting casually on the butt of her blaster, left swinging freely at her side. She pauses briefly on the top step to glance around with her molten red eyes before she continues on down to the bar, hips swaying gently as she moves*
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Jim.
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Doesn't answer, blantantly ignoring Ailis as she sips her drink.*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( Who else are you, yer oddness stuns me. A rare enough occurance to note it))
75e6a1f, noname: Er..... *eyes her*
b69b866, *Misty : Another Malky at heart, Ian. ^-^ *referring to Eleizha*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *brow creases...reaches out with the Force, sending calm thoughts and feelings to Eleizha*
75e6a1f, noname: *l* Explains why she's so familiar.
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : ((*gacks @ the msgboard*))
MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Misty.
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: *shrugs.* Who am I? *dramatic hand flourish.* Just another girl, man. :)
75e6a1f, noname: But seriously... is she fresh blood, no pun intended, or is she one of us ancients under a different nominitif?
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *just smiles...not going to say a thing*))
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : ((Ian~Jen.))
3235147, šJim : FS
506f585, *Kua Nomi : ((So yer a girl? With the name johnney? Hmm...))
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : I know when I'm not wanted... Althought truthfully, that never stopped me before. *she smirks to herself, turning to head for the exit.. after a few steps she pauses, and turns. Her fist clenches, and at the same time, so does the force constrict around Liana's glass, powerful enough to shatter it quickly.*
MSG: Misty sent a message to Justin Sane.
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : *Leans gently against the bar* Red wine... *Pushes a credchit across the bartop*
b69b866, *Misty : *hugs Jim*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: So it was it was...
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *watches the questionably male/female charecter carefully*
527c605, Liana Syeira: *Frowns, leaning backward really quickly as the glass shatters. Sends most of the glass shards at Ailis' face, picking more out of her hands and sending those too.*
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *her eyes snap open...wide...she stares at Enigma...startled by the feelings and thoughts not her own*
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: *Johnny perches on a bar stool, his arm spastically strumming an invisible instrument and singing not so quietly to himself.*
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: *shrugs.* Why any a this? Escapism, baby. *blows a kiss and snaps his fingers all beatnik-like.* Cos life's a drag, baby. :)
75e6a1f, noname: mm
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *her eyes wander over to Johnny...disbelief showing obviously@his imaginary instrunment*
b69b866, *Misty : *peers at the messageboard* Hm
75e6a1f, Get a name!: ...
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *drops her gaze, quickly withdrawing the sense...noting that it didn't calm her down...but rather the opposite*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He turn, glances at Johnny for a moment for a momen and arches a brow*
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: Come on...
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : *she grabs a handful of her cloak, lifting it up to block the shards of glass.* ~I was expecting better, after what you've been through.~ *lets the cloak drop, and continues towards the door*
506f585, *Kua Nomi : (( What I am asking is what gender are you and what is yer char....*sighs* ...Ah the nice crazies that frequent the Tina))
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : ((Myst~Teehee. You see the latest post?))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Jim....where are you? *prods around for Jim*
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: ))Betteris_)
3235147, šJim : *kicks comp*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Jez needs to shave his stubble
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: ((Invisible color))
527c605, Liana Syeira: {I told you, I'm wasting no anger on the insignificant. Learn to listen.}
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *hears thunder* OMG!! *totally cheered up*))
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : *Turns towards Johnny, her lips curling into a rather unhappy-looking smirk* Do you mind?
b69b866, *Misty : Yeah, Leigh. *G* Jim's having ISP problems, Justin
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( *eyes Ian's new handle* missed it?))
MSG: Fox Saber tried to message Eleizha Dey.
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: ((Missed what?((
3235147, šJim : I'm here idiot
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: ((Blastit, who are you, you're driving me kooky!))
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Idiot? Jim, I'm no dumbass, I saw the how you sorta stood up for me earlier.
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : ((*smacks Justin* Stubble is good...))
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: *Johnny, mugging and grimacing and groovin' for an imaginary audience, is actually enjoying himself. He had had his heart set on sticking a knife into someone tonight, but this ain't half bad. There is life outside the "junk" balloon. It's great when you're straight!*
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: (( you know who I am. ))
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: ((No I don't. *sulk* Hyper?))
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *sighs softly, almost inaudibly...drains her whiskey with a flick of her wrist*
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He watches Johnny, somewhat amused as he never saw anything like it before*
c5b9c2b, *Johnny Dahl: OOC: Right...who's the only person obsessed with junkies, rock n rollers in women's clothing and trash culture besides Bukowski, Burroughs, Bangs and myself? *notes all the B's.*
cdfcf3f, Eleizha Dey: *a smile twitches at the corners of the girls mouth...then vanish as she looks back to Enigma* s'alright. I don't mean to be rude...
7bde698, *Ailis Shale : ~Fine then... Just let yourself get kicked around.... again ~ *pauses at the doorway to throw an almost challenging glance at Liana, and glides out.... A blood red example of the former glory of the Empire.... a living memory of a different time.*
a5e04f9, *Samantha Louryn : Oh, for the love of the Emperor.. *Takes the wine, lifts it to her lips and sips it slowly before she lowers the glass and wanders down the bar, moving away from Johnny. Mutters to herself* If he had some talent, it might be nice.
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: *walks in, the Apocalypse in his hand and a grin on his face. Just for added effect, fires a shot at a hanging light, turning it into a shower of sparks. the sonic boom shakes glasses and rattles brains as the report of the gun echoes even in the small chamber, disrupting all conversation for a moment*
3235147, šJim : Stood up for you *L* You must be trippin
506f585, *Kua Nomi : *rolls eyes@Saber* Another one who simply MUST make an entrance....
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *corner of her mouth twitches up* It's okay. I didn't mean to be intrusive.
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: Jim, don't play me for a fool. I saw it. I was watching the chat
c3ef249, *Yun Sunrunner : *He draws his eyes away from Johnny to look at the source of the gunshot*
c1c0e28, *Enigma : *flicks a glance at Fox, brow arching slightly*
75e6a1f, *Fox Saber: *does a sort of triple turn on his finger and neatly plants the gun in the holster with an obnoxious grin at any gawkers*
56542e0, 'Justin Sane: *picture test*
JOIN: Get a name! has entered.