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[26-06:39] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((no, the swing is IC ))
[26-06:39] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((I can't dodge the Hammer OOC! AAAAHHH!!! ))
[26-06:40] d4780, Riggs: ((I understood that part))
[26-06:40] d4780, Riggs: ((*the result of the hammer striking coltons thumb is that it now resembles a beavers tail*))
[26-06:41] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *nods in greeting to Riggs*
[26-06:41] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : No, I doubt he will...and even if he did, I don't think I could marry him.
[26-06:41] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((hey, I already injured my big toe this week, that's enough! ))
[26-06:41] d4780, Riggs: ((you could fan yourself now at least...))
[26-06:42] d4780, Riggs: ((*hits the injured big toe then*))
[26-06:42] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : ((Poor, heartbroken Nova...*snif*))
[26-06:42] d4780, Riggs: *inclines his head to Colton in greeting*
[26-06:43] 116e4, Sade Procella: *walks in and looks around*
[26-06:43] be4b1, *Comkin Harding : Oh...*looks down at his water glass*
[26-06:43] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((*L* I'll keep that in mind ))
[26-06:44] be4b1, *Comkin Harding : well...I should get going home...*downs the rest of the drink* take care, Miss Nova.
[26-06:44] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *nods in greeting to Sade*
[26-06:45] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : Good night, Comkin. Look after your father. *smile*
[26-06:46] be4b1, *Comkin Harding : *smiles back* I always do. *turns and heads out*
[26-06:46] be4b1, *Comkin Harding : *GONE*
[26-06:46] d4780, Riggs: *takes a sip of the drink no one saw him get*
[26-06:46] 116e4, Sade Procella: *nods back as she makes her way to the bar*
[26-06:48] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : *picks up her own water glass, sipping it carefully, and glances about the room again, smiling briefly at Riggs*
[26-06:48] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *drinks orange beverage* marriage? and leave this great place? Certainly not. *cynically*
[26-06:49] d4780, Riggs: *nods to Nova*
[26-06:50] 116e4, Sade Procella: *glances at Colton for a sec, then orders a glass of water*
[26-06:50] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : Greetings.
[26-06:50] d4780, Riggs: ((was that to me?))
[26-06:51] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : It's not quite the bustling mayhem it used to be in here.
[26-06:51] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : ((That it was.))
[26-06:52] d4780, Riggs: Likewise.
[26-06:53] 116e4, Sade Procella: (( Who are you talking to, Colton? ))
[26-06:54] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((ah, I just pitched that last one out there to everyone ))
[26-06:54] d4780, Riggs: ((I think the question shold be not who is colton talking to, but who is listening.))
[26-06:54] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : *holds out a hand* My name is Nova Metallia.
[26-06:55] d4780, Riggs: *moves out of his seat and takes her hand in his, bowing his head down low over it, pauses, then rises again* Riggs. *the releases it*
[26-06:56] 116e4, Sade Procella: *to Colton* Is that a good or bad thing?
[26-06:56] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Riggs....
[26-06:58] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *looks to Sade* Depends on why and how one is here.
[26-06:58] d4780, Riggs: *retakes his seat and sips his drink* If you please, just Riggs. The "mr" part might make others think I hold some importance to you...
[26-06:59] d4780, Riggs: *to Colton* and why exactly do you come in here?
[26-06:59] 116e4, Sade Procella: *shrugs*
[26-07:00] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : I stay here out of duty, Riggs.
[26-07:00] 116e4, Sade Procella: Duty? To what?
[26-07:00] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : *chuckle* Everyone holds some importance to me. But very well, Riggs.
[26-07:01] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : Nevermind for now, ma'am. I have business here also.
[26-07:02] d4780, Riggs: *nods in response to Nova*
[26-07:02] 116e4, Sade Procella: Ahh, business *nods*
[26-07:03] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : *starts to speak, but something at her waist beeps, and she glances down with a slight sigh* Ah, work calls.
[26-07:03] d4780, Riggs: *to colton* This isnt the kind of bar where the women are for sale, try down the street for you business
[26-07:04] d4780, Riggs: *to Nova* Have a good night then.
[26-07:05] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : Yes....*smile* Of course.
[26-07:05] d4780, Riggs: Of course.
[26-07:05] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *faint grin* that was almost amusing.
[26-07:06] d4780, Riggs: *to colton* all the better then, you're almost charming.
[26-07:06] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : ((Mwaha. *flexes her faction-leaderness*))
[26-07:06] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : You seem like a business person, Miss...?
[26-07:06] d4780, Riggs: ((*suddenly glad I didnt piss her off*))
[26-07:07] 116e4, Sade Procella: *sips her water, smiling slightly*
[26-07:07] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : *stands, leaving a sizable tip on the bartop, and exits, sliding a hand fleetingly over Riggs' shoulder as she passes*
[26-07:07] 116e4, Sade Procella: Procella. And, yes, I suppose you could say that.
[26-07:07] 6abfd, *Nova Metallia : ((Go, AP! *does the AP faction leader dance*))
[26-07:08] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *drinks from the glass, then makes a face* what the hell is in this?
[26-07:08] EXIT: Nova Metallia has left the chat ( ''All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise.'' ).
[26-07:09] d4780, Riggs: *sips his drink*
[26-07:09] 78b77, *M : AP... must.... plot.... against.....
[26-07:10] 78b77, *M : Wait *already doing that* <Mr. Burns> Excellent </Mr. Burns>
[26-07:10] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((hee heee! plots! ))
[26-07:10] 116e4, Sade Procella: *snickers* Not what you expected?
[26-07:13] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *puts the glass on the bartop* Not really. Then again, the last one I had like this one was on one of the Carida planets, where drinks are made well.
[26-07:14] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *walks past Sade and slips her a data card* I can swing a nice chunk of business your way. G'd evenin'. *walks to the door*
[26-07:14] 116e4, Sade Procella: *watches him go, then glances at the card* Hmm
[26-07:15] d4780, Riggs: ((this message will self destruct in 5 seconds))
[26-07:16] 116e4, Sade Procella: (( *chucks it at him* 3...2...1 ))
[26-07:17] 78b77, *M : Yay for wind!
[26-07:17] d4780, Riggs: ((*eats it, cause he loves spicy food*))
[26-07:20] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *looks both ways, then runs out into the night flailing his arms in a very very intimidating manner*
[26-07:20] EXIT: Cpt Colton has left the chat ( Quit ).
[26-07:20] 116e4, Sade Procella: *sips her water, secreting the card away*
[26-07:21] d4780, Riggs: ((*makes an annonymouse call alerting the authorities to Coltons whereabouts*))
[26-07:21]       M is away. Reason: Only one or two. But they're for me to know, and you never to find out. Bwahaha! Fear not, however. I -will- be back.
[26-07:24] d4780, Riggs: *checks his chrono*
[26-07:27] 116e4, Sade Procella: *glances at him* Going, too?
[26-07:29] d4780, Riggs: Was only curious to the time
[26-07:29] 116e4, Sade Procella: Sorry *looks away, assuming a bored expression*
[26-07:30] d4780, Riggs: You mentioned business but never specified what kind.
[26-07:31] 116e4, Sade Procella: No, I did'nt.
[26-07:41] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[26-07:48] 116e4, Sade Procella: (( *waits* ))
[26-08:12] 116e4, Sade Procella: ***Pause***
[26-08:19] EXIT: Sade Procella has left the chat ( Quit ).
[26-08:47] JOIN: M has entered.
[26-08:47] c5837, *M : Oioioioioi
[26-08:52] c5837, *M : *lurks and works*
[26-08:55] c5837, *M : Speaking of work *actually HAS SOME!* \o/
[26-09:03] c5837, *M : *makes the MOTD "magically" disappear* Teehee
[26-09:30] c5837, *M : *long-suffering sigh* stupid lack of... *trails off and goes back to work*
[26-09:53] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[26-09:56] c5837, *M : Lo Luke
[26-09:59] f7ca6, 'Luke: Misty! *hugs*
[26-09:59] c5837, *M : Hehe *hugs back :)*
[26-10:07] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[26-10:08] 7cbe0, Savage: *wanders in*
[26-10:09] 7cbe0, Savage: *huggles and smooches misty and rockbottoms luke*
[26-10:10] c5837, *M : *huggles and smooches Darthy back :)*
[26-10:12] 7cbe0, Savage: how are ya misty?
[26-10:12] 7cbe0, Savage: how are ya misty?
[26-10:13] c5837, *M : I'm fine, Darthy.
[26-10:13] 7cbe0, Savage: grr *eats dp*
[26-10:13] c5837, *M : I'm fine, Darthy. :-P
[26-10:15] 7cbe0, Savage: *l*
[26-10:17] c5837, *M : :-D
[26-10:35] c5837, *M : Oi.. *lurks and works*
[26-10:48] EXIT: M has left the chat ( *plods on home* *will be back, if it matters* *will still be back, even if it doesn't matter. :P* ).
[26-10:49] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[26-10:51] 51d0f, 'Luke: *kicks comp*
[26-10:56] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[26-11:06] 78b77, *M : *wanders back* *lurks, clearleh*
[26-11:23] 78b77, *M : Eek. *eyes e-mail* Ah shit
[26-11:28] 78b77, *M : *panics*
[26-11:31] 78b77, *M : *then whimpers in fear and hides under a rock*
[26-12:36] 78b77, *M : *once more victorious in spam war* bwaha
[26-12:38] 78b77, *M : *rereads a specific e-mail* Holy hell, I'm a dead man.
[26-12:39] 78b77, *M : *goes back to hiding under a rock*
[26-12:42] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[26-12:43] 7cbe0, Savage: *wanders in*
[26-12:43] 78b77, *M : Lo, Darthy.
[26-12:44] 7cbe0, Savage: heya mist!
[26-12:46] 78b77, *M : *jumps out from under her rock and paces*
[26-12:46] 7cbe0, Savage: whats doing?
[26-12:48] 78b77, *M : Nothing, nothing. Coming up with a story to save my ass.
[26-12:49] 7cbe0, Savage: what did you get yourself into this time?
[26-12:51] 78b77, *M : Um.. My character made a random comment that someone took the wrong way and is now on her case. Heh. SHIT
[26-12:53] 78b77, *M : *groans* so dead
[26-12:57] 7cbe0, Savage: random comments get me in trouble all the time
[26-13:00] 7cbe0, Savage: you didnt make fun of their momma or something did you?
[26-13:01] 78b77, *M : Heh. No, but I might as well have. :/
[26-13:02] 7cbe0, Savage: so what are you gonna do?
[26-13:06] 78b77, *M : Write a long, lengthy, flowery, ass-kissing e-mail and hope that appeases him. Heh.
[26-13:11] 7cbe0, Savage: all this ass kissing because of a random comment? and it wasnt even about their momma? musta been pretty bad
[26-13:13] 78b77, *M : Um... "Perhaps it would be better if I asked this question in person. I find email doesn't quite convey a persons meaning or sincerety enough. In the meantime, be well. I look forward to our... discussion."
[26-13:17] 7cbe0, Savage: is that like a coded message?
[26-13:18] 78b77, *M : It's a veiled threat. The rest of the meaning is lost, clearleh. He asked me some questions, etc etc etc
[26-13:21] 78b77, *M : *waits, waits, waits impatiently for her "boss" to show up*
[26-13:21] 7cbe0, Savage: i see. will he succumb to your threats?
[26-13:22] 78b77, *M : Heh. I'm not threatening. There is no way in Hell I will threaten anyone
[26-13:26] 78b77, *M : *paces*
[26-13:26] 7cbe0, Savage: except if its veiled
[26-13:27] 78b77, *M : Heh. Naw. That quote *points* was what he wrote to me
[26-13:29] 7cbe0, Savage: ohhh *baps himself* i thought thats what you said to him
[26-13:30] 78b77, *M : Hell, no
[26-13:32] 7cbe0, Savage: so why do you need to see your boss?
[26-13:34] 78b77, *M : um... so we can talk about what I'm going to say when it's time for me to be questioned. Heh... by 'boss', I mean my IC boss
[26-13:35] 7cbe0, Savage: ohhh *baps himself* stop confusing me! you know im easily confused!
[26-13:36] 78b77, *M : Heheh. Sorry
[26-13:37] 7cbe0, Savage: thats ok. i think im in tune now
[26-13:38] 78b77, *M : Most excellant.
[26-13:38] 7cbe0, Savage: so who is it? cay? jim?
[26-13:41] 78b77, *M : Neither. All this is RL rping.
[26-13:48] 7cbe0, Savage: ohhh. so you made a random comment to someone in rl rp who sent you a veiled threat and is coming over to question you. is that right?
[26-13:48] 78b77, *M : Something like that. :)
[26-13:49] 7cbe0, Savage: its friday. im slow on fridays.
[26-13:52] 78b77, *M : Don't remind me that it's Friday! Tomorrow is when I have to meet this guy! *whimper*
[26-13:54] 7cbe0, Savage: itll be ok misty. you just stand up to him and you tell him exactly what you think of him and you dont bow to no threats! veiled or otherwise!
[26-13:55] 78b77, *M : At which point, he happily stakes me, or the Prince calls a blood hunt on me. (read: I'm dead)
[26-13:58] 7cbe0, Savage: hmm. on second thoughts, just to be safe, maybe you should give in to his demands
[26-13:58] 78b77, *M : Heh. Indeed.
[26-13:59] 7cbe0, Savage: blood hunts can be hazardous to your health
[26-13:59] 78b77, *M : No shit.
[26-14:00] 7cbe0, Savage: theres the weirdest bug on my screen
[26-14:01] 78b77, *M : Flick it off.
[26-14:02] 7cbe0, Savage: i dont think ive ever seen one like this before. its gots like a little ants upper body and a weird roach type lower body.
[26-14:02] 7cbe0, Savage: its like dark red
[26-14:03] 7cbe0, Savage: *flicks it off with caution*
[26-14:03] 78b77, *M : Interesting.
[26-14:03] 7cbe0, Savage: it flies too!
[26-14:03] 78b77, *M : Hehe
[26-14:04] 7cbe0, Savage: very wierd
[26-14:06] 7cbe0, Savage: anyways its knock off time for me
[26-14:06] 78b77, M: YAY! boss is online. He'll know what to do.. yes...
[26-14:06] 7cbe0, Savage: i'll see ya misty *huggles and smooches*
[26-14:07] 78b77, *M : *huggles and smooches back*
[26-14:08] 7cbe0, Savage: *wanders out*
[26-14:09] EXIT: Savage has left the chat ( Quit ).
[26-14:09] 78b77, *M : *crawls back under her rock, hiding*
[26-14:22]       M is away. Reason: Cleaning.
[26-15:18] JOIN: Dean Darkflame has entered.
[26-15:20] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((*wonders if Misty is still around*))
[26-15:20] 78b77, *M : *is*
[26-15:21] 51d0f, *Dean Darkflame : ((*big long hug*))
[26-15:21] 78b77, *M : *hugs, hugs back :)*
[26-15:23] 51d0f, *Dean Darkflame : ((*reads what was was said earlier* you gonna be okay?))
[26-15:24] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[26-15:26] 78b77, *M : Hehe. Yes, yes. I'm going to be fine. :)
[26-15:27] 51253, *Dean Darkflame : ((*keeps hugging* you sure? keep a baseball bat handy... borrow an air rifle from someone... those little pellets kill, if shot in the arm...))
[26-15:31] 78b77, *M : *chuckles* I'm going to be just fine. :) *hugs back, though*
[26-15:32] ff12c, *Dean Darkflame : ((you better be... *doesn't let go* mmm, so comfy hehehehe))
[26-15:35] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[26-15:36] e06d9, 'Mr. J: *shivers* damn its cold!
[26-15:37] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((*listens to the acoustic version of 'Teenager Of The Year', by Lo-tel (an Australian Band)* *is sweating, not shivering*))
[26-15:38] e06d9, 'Mr. J: I envy you then...
[26-15:39] 78b77, *M : *pats Luke* Hehe. *isn't shivering, either*
[26-15:40] e06d9, 'Mr. J: bah...*pulls out his lighter, goes off and finds some dry wood and leaves, then starts a fire*
[26-15:40] ff12c, *Dean Darkflame : ((*will have to stand out in the afternoon sun tomorrow, from 1pm to 5:30pm* *realises that he isn't sweating anymore as it is 11:34pm* it's actually nice and cool at the moment..))
[26-15:42] 78b77, *M : *dashes the fire* Less of that.
[26-15:42] e06d9, 'Mr. J: I've done that during the sucks...specially with the humidity, the only damn thing I cant stand about living in the south
[26-15:44] e06d9, 'Mr. J: *blinks as his fire is gone* damn...
[26-15:45] 51d0f, *Dean Darkflame : ((*puts on a gas heater, and sits himself next to a fan*))
[26-15:48] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((*decides to RP, seeing that he has nothing better to do, and there's nothing on television...*)) *walks in, wearing a t-shirt and crimson coloured pants*
[26-15:48] 78b77, *M : Oh dear
[26-15:49] 78b77, *M : Luckily, I've just finished my work. \o/
[26-15:50] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((hehehehehehe)) *heads over to an empty booth, and slides into it*
[26-15:51] ff12c, *Dean Darkflame : *closes his eyes tightly, and concentrates on something*
[26-15:51] 78b77, *Deianeira : *Enters silently, drawing her cloak around her as she negotiates the steps slowly and carefully, her hooded gaze drifting around the room. Her step is calm and even, her weapons hidden but for the staff she holds, fully extended as it taps the floor in time with her steps. She avoids the bar area and slips into the shadows. To those sensitive to the Force, rage radiates from her in all directions, her presence dark and foreboding.*
[26-15:52] e06d9, 'Mr. J: *would rp but...just something about not really trusting anyone from ID*
[26-15:54] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((Hey, I resent that! I'm not ID! :-P))
[26-15:54] 78b77, *Deirdre Malice : ((However.....))
[26-15:54] 969c2, *Dean Darkflame : ((*isn't ID*)) *he clasps his hands together, and suddenly a bright red ball of energy emerges in front of him* *rage builds up inside of him, and the ball grows larger and larger* *he sends out a furious yelling sound, and the ball flies at a tremendous speed toward the back wall* *when it hits, the red light of the ball spreads like napalm hitting a brick wall* *the wall slowly starts to vapourise, leaving a large hole in the wall*
[26-15:55] e06d9, 'Mr. J: er..anything with an IMperial symnbol then
[26-15:55] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((Oi... what power is that, then?))
[26-15:56] 6072d, *IG-87 : ((yes, however...))
[26-15:56] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((Heheh))
[26-15:58] 78b77, *Deianeira : *She watches this display with mild interest, her expression hidden by both her hood and the shadows. She crosses her arms over her staff as she leans back against the wall.*
[26-15:58] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((not sure what it's called, but it is possible to be achieved... I was asking V about it ages ago, and he said that it would be the gathering of negative force energy... I think that's what he said...))
[26-15:59] 969c2, *Dean Darkflame : *opens his eyes, and rests his hands back onto the table* *looks into the shadows, knowing very well that Deia is there*
[26-16:03] 78b77, *Deianeira : *Her cool gaze, although unseen, settles upon Dean.* ~Do you think it wise...~ *A pause. A long one.* ~To display such power in such an open and observed place?~
[26-16:04] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((*is, without a doubt, going to kill her cats*))
[26-16:10] ff12c, *Dean Darkflame : *he narrows his look at her a tad* ~there is no one around to observe it, though...~ *glances around to the near empty cantina, only an old bum and a couple of jawas lurk around the corners of the cantina* ~no one...~ *the old bum starts grasping at his neck and falls down dead moments later*
[26-16:11] 78b77, *Deianeira : *She makes no audible sound, but cold laughter penetrates Dean's mind.* ~Young fool. There are always people watching and listening.~
[26-16:18] JOIN: Dean Darkflame has entered.
[26-16:19] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ~point them out to me, then...~
[26-16:20] ff12c, *Dean Darkflame : ((well where else is he supposed to show her the things he has learnt? Deep Space? the OOC chat?))
[26-16:20] 78b77, *Deianeira : *Her eyes narrow, and with a lift of one gloved hand, she sends a blast of coldness... air? Force energy? hatred? ...directly at Dean. She says nothing.*
[26-16:21] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((Eh.. Well, he's only a child, so he can't be too powerful, and he's staying with her, so chances are, she's already seen most of what he knows. But if you want to do stuff like that ICly, the OOC/Nowhere chat would be best.))
[26-16:22] 51d0f, *Dean Darkflame : *the blast hits him, but he shows no response, as it is quite nice against the boiling hot skin of his body* *he simply smiles evilly and licks his lips*
[26-16:24] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((well, he is learning from the master and is getting stronger each day))
[26-16:25] 78b77, *Deianeira : *Her hand returns to where it was resting before.* ~If you do not learn to show the proper respect, you could find your life hanging precariously in the balance. I have no patience for insubordination.~
[26-16:27] 51253, *Dean Darkflame : *nods* ~I was seeing how much you would tolerate... and it isn't much... I'll cut out the nonsense..~
[26-16:28] 78b77, *Deianeira : *She arches a brow, stepping away from the wall.* ~You were seeing how much I would tolerate?~ *Her voice is nothing more than a hiss.*
[26-16:29] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((*unitalicises what isn't supposed to be italicised*))
[26-16:30] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((*and whaps the chat*))
[26-16:33] 51d0f, *Dean Darkflame : ~I am not going to repeat myself... you heard me correctly...~ ((remember he is only 8... and remember I haven't RPed him for about 2 weeks, so I can't remember how I RPed him when I first brought him in))
[26-16:34] ff12c, *Dean Darkflame : ~I am not going to repeat myself... you heard me correctly...~ ((remember he is only 8... and remember I haven't RPed him for about 2 weeks, so I can't remember how I RPed him when I first brought him in))
[26-16:37] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : *his voice is the volume of a whisper, sounding fairly weak and a tad frightened*
[26-16:41] a76ae, *Dean Darkflame : *his voice is the volume of a whisper, sounding fairly weak and a tad frightened*
[26-16:41] 78b77, *Deianeira : ((Oi. *kicks the chat into oblivion*
[26-16:42] 6072d, *Dean Darkflame : ((*kicks comp* stupid piece of shit!))
[26-16:47] JOIN: M has entered.
[26-16:50] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Tsk))
[26-16:52] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[26-16:53] 002cf, Tenel Ka: Hello
[26-16:57] b4b5d, *Deianeira : *She draws to an abrupt halt, just on the edge of the shadows, and remains silent, studying the boy.*
[26-16:58] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Stupid, stupid, stupidstupidstupid chat!))
[26-16:58] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Lo, Tenel.))
[26-16:58] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[26-17:04] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[26-17:06] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Hmm. *eyes ident* Hehe))
[26-17:09] 28c09, Get a Name!: *Wooo! @ the Big ole bouty message*Four million!
[26-17:10] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Oi.. *waits*))
[26-17:10] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((*snickers@Rob* Indeed... and AoD is "keeping an eye out" too. :/))
[26-17:11] 28c09, Get a Name!: 'Lo Misty ^_^
[26-17:12] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Lo :) ))
[26-17:12] 28c09, Get a Name!: I gotta up that another few million first ^_^
[26-17:13] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Ah dear. Heheh.))
[26-17:13] 28c09, Get a Name!: *Blinks*did you even sleep last night?
[26-17:15] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Sure I did. I slept... erm... Well, it's gettin' to be the time I usually go to bed, let's just say.))
[26-17:15] 28c09, Get a Name!: *chuckles*Say no more.. anyhoo, I gotta get going, I have to open up the bar in 45 mins..
[26-17:16] b4b5d, *Deianeira : ((Sounds like fun. *dryly* Have a good night. :) ))
[26-17:18] 28c09, Get a Name!: *L*I'll do my best, I'll be back in 7 hours or so. Have a good sleep ^_^
[26-17:18] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Well I always said there was something fundmentaly wrong with the universe. ).
[26-17:20] b4b5d, *M : Hehe. *pauses, then trundles off to bed*
[26-19:22] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[26-21:13] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[26-21:31] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[26-21:35] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[26-21:39] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[26-21:43] f533f, 'Mr. J: im reaaally reaaaally about to get the corwbar and smash this computer
[26-22:50] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[26-22:53] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[26-23:01] f4e37, •Ronica : *pounces Ria, if she's still lurking around*
[26-23:01] e944b, *President Zahra : *pounced*
[26-23:02] f4e37, •Ronica : *hugs lots*
[26-23:04] e944b, *President Zahra : *hugs lots back*
[27-00:18] JOIN: hi has entered.
[27-01:08] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-01:13] 0f066, •Rob : *Looks around*Christ on a bike... where is everyone?
[27-01:18] f4e37, •Ronica : It's Christ on a cracker, Rob. Cracker. Alliteration.
[27-01:19] 0f066, •Rob : There maybe, but not here, Bike is the golden word here. What the feck would he be doing on a cracker?
[27-01:19] 0f066, •Rob : Hey btw ^_^
[27-01:19] f4e37, •Ronica : What the feck would he be doing on a bike?
[27-01:20] f4e37, •Ronica : And Christ on a cracker isn't a "there" thing. It's my own thing.
[27-01:21] 0f066, •Rob : Cycling somehere, Duh. Well bike isn't my thing. It's a popular term.
[27-01:22] f4e37, •Ronica : Bah. He'd sooner be on a cracker than a bike. Communion and all. He is a cracker, really.
[27-01:24] 0f066, •Rob : What, "Take this all of you, and use it to fly down to the shops for a pack if ciggies, for this is my body"? I think Bike make more sense.
[27-01:25] f4e37, •Ronica : I don't.
[27-01:26] 0f066, •Rob : Yeah, well, I think therefor I am, you're not me therefor you're irrelivant.
[27-01:27] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[27-01:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ITS FRIDAY
[27-01:29] f4e37, •Ronica : Yeah, but I can spell irrelevant.
[27-01:30] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Ronnie: and therefore ;)
[27-01:30] 0f066, •Rob : That beside the point.
[27-01:30] f4e37, •Ronica : Actually therefor is also allowed.
[27-01:30] f4e37, •Ronica : But therefore looks better, I think.
[27-01:30] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Really?
[27-01:31] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Well I'll be...*looks on dictionary site*'re right.
[27-01:31] f4e37, •Ronica : Oh, but it's not Rob. It's not. And yeah, Stoney, it is.
[27-01:32] f4e37, •Ronica : *is right. Enjoys it, as it doesn't happen often* Ooo.. right-ness.
[27-01:32] 0f066, •Rob : Nono, look, there's point, that there's irrelevant right next to it.
[27-01:33] f4e37, •Ronica : Shush.
[27-01:34] 0f066, •Rob : :D
[27-01:40] 0f066, •Rob : Bah.. I need a shave.. be back in a few.
[27-01:46] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-01:52] 0f066, •Rob : Right, back.
[27-02:22] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Lively bunch, tonight...
[27-02:23] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : All righty, so who's up for an RP?
[27-02:25] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Anyone?
[27-02:27] JOIN: L has entered.
[27-02:29] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : OK then.
[27-02:30] f93eb, 'L: *blinks...sniffs...sighs...*
[27-02:32] f4e37, •Ronica : *hugs Stoney and Leigh*
[27-02:32] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *hugs for Ronnie*
[27-02:33] f93eb, 'L: *hugs back, then goes into her huff* I'm a moron.
[27-02:33] f4e37, •Ronica : Why are you a moron? *disagrees, by the way*
[27-02:34] f93eb, 'L: I only scored 1170 on my SATs.
[27-02:35] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I just read something about SATs!...of was from a MAD Magazine..*ponders this*
[27-02:35] f4e37, •Ronica : Blah. Standardized testing isn't an effective way of measuring intelligence. I probably would have scored something like that, too.
[27-02:36] f93eb, 'L: No. I did horribly. But, er...Stoney...what'd you realize?
[27-02:36] f4e37, •Ronica : Oh, trust me. I'd do just as bad.
[27-02:37] f4e37, •Ronica : *will take the SATs to prove that*
[27-02:37] f93eb, 'L: *quirks a brow*
[27-02:37] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : it was on some Stanley Kraplan SAT prep course thing...very funny.
[27-02:38] f4e37, •Ronica : *will speak with her counselor about taking them, will take them, and then will flaunt her shitty score*
[27-02:39] f93eb, 'L: As long as you don't purposely waste the money, and make yourself do terribly.
[27-02:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-02:40] f4e37, •Ronica : Oh no, I'll do my best. It'll still be a poor score though.
[27-02:40] ec1a8, Get a Name!: ONLY!?!?!?
[27-02:40] f93eb, 'L: You wish.
[27-02:41] ec1a8, Get a Name!: L, do you realize that with a 1170 you only need like a 2.75 GPA to get into most State schools?
[27-02:41] f93eb, 'L: If only I had a calculator with me that day..I prolly could've broken 1200...I would've at least been a bit happier then.
[27-02:41] f4e37, •Ronica : It will. There's math involved, so I'll do insanely bad.
[27-02:42] f93eb, 'L: *sob* I don't want to go to a state school! Besides, that's about all I have right now. A 3.4182 off a 6.0 scale.
[27-02:42] ec1a8, Get a Name!: they let you use a calculator?? I feel violated.
[27-02:43] ec1a8, Get a Name!: 6.0?? that's like the Richter scale!
[27-02:43] f93eb, 'L: *could've used a calculator...notes it would've been helpful...* I didn't have one. And yes, 6.0. I take AP French, the damn thing.
[27-02:45] f4e37, •Ronica : *glad there isn't much standardized testing involved with school up here besides the CCATs*
[27-02:46] f93eb, 'L: CCAT? Canadian something Acheivement Test?
[27-02:47] f4e37, •Ronica : Probably. *shrugs* I didn't really care, I just came in and wrote the test. But we get our scores differently than on SATs. They're in percentages.
[27-02:47] ec1a8, Get a Name!: actually no, you only need like a 2.3 to get into a state school with an 1170
[27-02:48] f93eb, 'L: *knows she was in the 79th percentile for Math...doesn't remember about English* I don't want to get into a state school. *whimper*
[27-02:49] f4e37, •Ronica : *still has her old standardized tests from living in Indiana*
[27-02:50] f4e37, •Ronica : *just found 'em* Let's see how much stupider I've gotten.
[27-02:51] f93eb, 'L: *misses old standardized testing, where it was all real easy and she could be in the 98th percentile for everything*
[27-02:52] f4e37, •Ronica : Yeah, I was pretty bright in the 5th grade, it seems... *roots around for her CCAT tests*
[27-02:53] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : MAD also has a list of the 25 least powerful people in show business...and look: celebrity cause-of-death betting odds for Angelina Jolie!
[27-02:57] f93eb, 'L: *eyes the time*
[27-02:57] f4e37, •Ronica : *eyes the time, too* What's it doing?
[27-02:59] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-02:59] f93eb, 'L: Going to slowly.
[27-02:59] f4e37, •Ronica : Maybe it's slowing down! *spazzes*
[27-02:59] ec1a8, Get a Name!: well is anyone going IC?
[27-03:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I might...
[27-03:00] f93eb, 'L: too, dammit. No wonder why I got only 600 on Verbal. Stupid mistakes.
[27-03:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : but as who...ach, decisions decisions..
[27-03:00] f93eb, 'L: *would, but would go elsewhere*
[27-03:00] ec1a8, Get a Name!: I will, but unless y'all want another soliloquy, others should too.
[27-03:01] f4e37, •Ronica : *could go... uh... elsewhere with Leigh*
[27-03:08] f4e37, •Ronica : *coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough* Oi... I'm dying.
[27-03:09] f93eb, 'L: Right, then! *disappears to go ic in xfs*
[27-03:09] f93eb, 'L: *tosses Ver a coughdrop and goes*
[27-03:10] f4e37, •Ronica : *dies before she can get to the cough drop. How tragic*
[27-03:10] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : L: what did you use to code the xfs registration form?
[27-03:12] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : was it just a PHP mail() function?
[27-03:15] f93eb, 'L: Stoney~Yeah, I guess.
[27-03:18] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : did you create it?
[27-03:25] f93eb, 'L: The php? No. That was one of Jeskar's many contributions.
[27-03:26] f4e37, •Ronica : *dead*
[27-03:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : so it just goes to your eMail?
[27-03:27] f93eb, 'L: *jabs at Ver with a pointed stick*
[27-03:27] f93eb, 'L: Aye..
[27-03:28] f4e37, •Ronica : *jabbed at. It doesn't bother her much, what with being dead and all*
[27-03:29] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Nod*
[27-03:29] JOIN: pH has entered.
[27-03:31] 37b25, 'pH: *peers*
[27-03:33] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-03:41] 27dd5, •Rob: *Peers in, then ponders going back to starcraft*
[27-03:42] 37b25, 'pH: *feels unloved*
[27-03:44] 27dd5, •Rob : *Pats pH*
[27-03:44] 37b25, 'pH: *purrs*
[27-03:56] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-03:57] JOIN: Zarek Dameon has entered.
[27-03:58] 88474, Zarek Dameon: *gates of heel open and Zarek is back from the dead*
[27-03:58] 37b25, 'pH: Zarek...ltns.
[27-03:59] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : hehe.gates of heel?
[27-03:59] 88474, Zarek Dameon: ((heel=hell))
[27-03:59] 37b25, 'pH: Heel...a horrible place, I've heard....
[27-03:59] 88474, Zarek Dameon: (shut up my ferret just walked across the keyboard))
[27-04:00] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ROFL
[27-04:01] 88474, Zarek Dameon: Yeah it's where people who aren't very bad but bot very good go
[27-04:01] 88474, Zarek Dameon: That's it I'm putting the little bastid up before he causes ant more typos
[27-04:01] 37b25, 'pH: *darns Stoney to heel*
[27-04:02] 88474, Zarek Dameon: God dammit
[27-04:03] JOIN: Thalis Orisa has entered.
[27-04:03] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Bwar.
[27-04:05] 37b25, 'pH: *considers this piccy*
[27-04:06] 88474, Zarek Dameon: *drop kicks the ferret across the room* So much for a dramatic entrance
[27-04:07] 27dd5, •Rob : Geocities doesn't allow leeching anymore pH :-(
[27-04:07] 37b25, 'pH: *beats Geocities with a stick* But it's so freaky-looking!
[27-04:08] 88474, Zarek Dameon: *just died a second death worse than when his head was blown off*
[27-04:08] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : hey man that's cruelty to animals.
[27-04:08] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : pH: bwahahahahahhahaha ph34r m3h upl04ding
[27-04:09] 88474, Zarek Dameon: He deserved it
[27-04:10] 88474, Zarek Dameon: **gates of HELL open up this time* Dammit *enters to come back another day*
[27-04:10] 37b25, 'pH: *beats Stoney with a stick*
[27-04:10] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *beaten with a stick*ow!...kinky.
[27-04:15] 37b25, 'pH: Oh, you know all about how kinky I can be, Stoney....;-)
[27-04:17] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ooh
[27-04:25] 37b25, 'pH: *wanders off to drive her new car*
[27-04:26] EXIT: pH has left the chat ( Pretty pretty dancing! ).
[27-04:48] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-04:48] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-04:50] 7cbe0, Get a Name!: *poke*
[27-04:51] 27dd5, •Rob : *Poked*Erk?
[27-05:00] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[27-05:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey Rob! Is that a dildo in your pic?
[27-05:01] 27dd5, •Rob : Say that once more, and you'll get a banning.
[27-05:01] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *snickers*...that never gets old.
[27-05:02] b4ad5, *M : OI
[27-05:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey Rob! Is that two ton pile of shit in your pic?
[27-05:04] 27dd5, •Rob : Stow it Justin, I'm not in the mood.
[27-05:05] b4ad5, *M : Voice of authority. Hehe. *pause* Speaking of that... *warily goes to check her e-mail*
[27-05:06] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Voice of authority - ROFL
[27-05:06] b4ad5, *M : Oi. Shush, Stoney. :P
[27-05:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Rob's not authoriti. He just pretends to be
[27-05:07] 27dd5, •Rob : Like it or not Stoney, it what I am.
[27-05:07] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-05:07] b94fa, Get a Name!: every home should have a kom in love and a daddy in space
[27-05:07] b4ad5, *M : Oh...... no.
[27-05:07] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh shut up Jim.
[27-05:08] b4ad5, *M : I knew I shouldn't have checked my mail. I knew it. Feck. Feckfeckfeck. *nervously reads the reply*
[27-05:08] b94fa, Get a Name!: Hell with that , i'll log in and ban Justin myself :)
[27-05:08] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[27-05:08] b4ad5, *M : Oh.. *relaxes somewhat* It's only from Adam. Thank god
[27-05:08] *** Jim sets mode +b 9f396 for I am the voice of authority . seconds
[27-05:08] b94fa, šJim: bwahahahaha
[27-05:09] 27dd5, •Rob : Feck... I was gonna do that.
[27-05:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: That didn't work
[27-05:09] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Sure you were, rob ;)
[27-05:10] 27dd5, •Rob : /b 9f396 900
[27-05:10] *** Rob sets mode +b 9f396 for 900 seconds
[27-05:10] *** Jim sets mode +b 9f396 for 10 seconds
[27-05:10] b4ad5, *M : Eh.... Men.
[27-05:10] 27dd5, •Rob : *sheepish grin*
[27-05:10] b94fa, šJim: yowza , thats gotta hurt
[27-05:10] b94fa, šJim: I was trying to play nice to , bwahahahahahahaha
[27-05:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: That sucked
[27-05:11] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-05:11] b94fa, šJim: batty ole sonuvabiatch anyway , like I give a damn .
[27-05:12] 27dd5, •Rob : *Has a vauge memory of /b doing something somewhere**ponders*
[27-05:12] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Bold command Rob
[27-05:12] 27dd5, •Rob : Nope..
[27-05:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Actually, yes.
[27-05:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: [x]Thing[/x] Replace the X with B for bold
[27-05:14] b4ad5, *M : eek. the sheriff's on the warpath, and I'm right in his way. :(
[27-05:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: The Sheriff is who now?
[27-05:14] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : If Rob would just read the manual, he'd know of all the functions of a moderator...
[27-05:15] b4ad5, *M : *ROFL!*
[27-05:16] b94fa, šJim: Or I could just get medievil on you all for fucking with one of my fellow administrative team , capeesh ?
[27-05:16] b4ad5, *M : "Brad, aka Scarey Rob" "Hey, d'you suppose I'd get myself staked right quick if I called him "Scarey Rob" IC?" "Naw, probably just get frowned at. In a scarey way, of course." <--pld *will so do that, maybe*
[27-05:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: well Rob isn't an admin...he's more like, the mall police, they can't really do anything.
[27-05:17] b4ad5, *M : *LMAO!!!!* Signed "Brad, Very-Scarey-Eyebrow-Man"
[27-05:17] 27dd5, •Rob : Pff.. 'like water of a ducks back.
[27-05:18] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Jim: Rob has more user priveleges than us, it's not like we're going to hurt him.
[27-05:18] b4ad5, *M : ah, that's great. Hehe. *still fecked, tho*
[27-05:19] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Who the hell is the Sheriff, Misty?
[27-05:20] b4ad5, *M : The Sheriff is the "guy in charge" of the LARP I'm in. ICly, of course. :/
[27-05:20] b94fa, šJim: Uh , yeah , but i'm in a pissy mood , I like rob , so all you guys need do is gimme an excuse ... please play nice , I really don't need the agrravation
[27-05:20] b4ad5, *M : *RaE@Jim* All us guys?
[27-05:21] JOIN: Seth Freeman has entered.
[27-05:21] 27dd5, •Rob : Jim, it's okay, 'like I said, it's like water off a ducks back to me.
[27-05:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: oh
[27-05:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Holy flying shit on a stick, it's Seth
[27-05:22] b94fa, šJim: *RaE* Generic term , don't like it ? Shove it up your ass sideways and fart your national anthem for all I care
[27-05:22] ad832, Get a Name!: Mwahaha
[27-05:22] ad832, Get a Name!: ah crap...
[27-05:22] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[27-05:22] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Rob's a moderator, he can hold his own should trouble arise. At least I'd like to think so. In any case, he should be dealing with matters like that...
[27-05:22] JOIN: Seth Freeman has entered.
[27-05:22] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Mwahahaha
[27-05:23] b4ad5, *M : Erm... okay, then.
[27-05:23] b94fa, šJim: Yeah , but as you well know Stone , I enjoy power tripping .. being the biggist bastard in the cantina chat system
[27-05:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Haha. You screwed up Seth
[27-05:23] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Hell yeah.. i always screw up..
[27-05:23] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : You're abusing the filter. Please don't.
[27-05:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Actually, Mitth's the biggest bastid ever
[27-05:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: and V currently has that title, not you jIm
[27-05:25] ad832, *Seth Freeman: SOoo uh.. whats goin on justin?
[27-05:25] b94fa, šJim: Abuse the filter *rolls eyes* then please do not annoy the moderation/administration staff for shits and giggles .
[27-05:26] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I didn't.
[27-05:26] b94fa, šJim: Didn't look that way when I came on
[27-05:26] 27dd5, •Rob : Suurre....
[27-05:27] b94fa, šJim: Now , maybe I have the timing of an A team bad guy , but it just looked like you were being a pratt ... then again ... i could be wrong .. should I bother checking the logs for you being provoked ?
[27-05:28] JOIN: M has entered.
[27-05:28] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : This isn't a compromise Jim.there is no "I won't break the rules if you won't" you're supposed to administrate fairly and use good judgement.
[27-05:28] JOIN: me has entered.
[27-05:28] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Not a friggen thing Seth.
[27-05:29] 649a0, me: (Slaps Jimmy)
[27-05:29] 649a0, me: (Nice butt)
[27-05:29] ad832, *Seth Freeman: dam... so we cool or we still mad at each other for stuff in the past? *L*
[27-05:29] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What stuff? *confused*
[27-05:30] ad832, *Seth Freeman: You know... you capturing me... me shooting part of your arm off.... you killing my brothers... you know that kinda stuff...
[27-05:30] b94fa, šJim: Yeah , well my judgement is mine to keep . I have the ability to use my powers as I see fit . And I have the right to not be told how to do my job by some jumped up little prick he seems to think hes knows it all ... get off my m00ing case Stoneneedle , i'm giving you fair warning this time ... heed it
[27-05:31] 27dd5, •Rob : And you're suppossed to behave and obey the rules.
[27-05:31] 649a0, me: *Throws a wet towel ON Jimmy!* breathe darlin
[27-05:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh, that char's dead anyways
[27-05:31] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Oh yeah and then your char dieing....
[27-05:31] b94fa, šJim: *RaE@'Me'* And you would be ?
[27-05:31] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ugh...*shakes his head* talking to a brick wall.
[27-05:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: But Seth, I would reccomend changing your color though.
[27-05:32] ad832, *Seth Freeman: ah so we're cool then?
[27-05:32] 649a0, me: (Is rob:sarin)]
[27-05:32] 649a0, me: (Is rob:sarin)]
[27-05:32] 27dd5, •Rob : Sarn...? Nope.
[27-05:32] aa983, šV : .
[27-05:33] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I never had a problem with you Seth. There's a difference between IC and OOC
[27-05:33] ad832, *Seth Freeman: OOOoO ... neato... aight then.. thanks
[27-05:33] b94fa, šJim: Brick wall ? Grow the m00 up Stoneneedle , we do not need your prissy little fits . FFS you can be amienable enough when you want to be , stop pissing me off
[27-05:33] b94fa, šJim: And 'lo Sarin
[27-05:34] ce1df, *M : Lo, V
[27-05:34] 649a0, me: Stoney and JIm back it up! no fighten
[27-05:34] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : You seem to be the one having the fit, Jim.
[27-05:35] b94fa, šJim: Fit ? No , i'm in one of my more annoyed moods .. I sorta have a lotta shit going on ... you on the other hand are being the way you generally are , an arsehole kid .
[27-05:35] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm with Sarin, just calm down
[27-05:36] JOIN: Leon Yara has entered.
[27-05:36] ce1df, *M : annoyed moods=take it out on everyone, clearleh.
[27-05:36] ce1df, *M : Lo, Leon. :)
[27-05:37] b94fa, šJim: Calm *LMAO* see me in a year .
[27-05:37] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: ((Hi :-) ))
[27-05:37] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Heeeeyyyy Leon!
[27-05:37] b94fa, šJim: 'lo Leon
[27-05:37] ad832, *Seth Freeman: *real name is Leon**scared*
[27-05:38] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: ((*real name is Seth* ...... *not really, but that would be pretty cool.* :-) ))
[27-05:38] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Whoa neato.... *L*
[27-05:38] ce1df, *M : *snickers*
[27-05:39] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: ((HI Justin. Hi Jim. :) ))
[27-05:39] 649a0, me: Leon! Snorts
[27-05:40] 649a0, me: Leon is Seth..BLAH
[27-05:40] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *is up for ICness*
[27-05:40] ad832, *Seth Freeman: huh?
[27-05:40] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: ((*snorted at* :-P))
[27-05:41] 649a0, me: Leon..did you forget your name?
[27-05:42] ad832, *Seth Freeman: *doesnt know who he is talking to*
[27-05:42] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You're not talking to anyone Seth
[27-05:42] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: ((*has a really bad headache* *L* Most likely....))
[27-05:43] ce1df, *M : *has a really bad headache, too... just not a physical one. :-P*
[27-05:43] 649a0, me: Shut up Foolish Justinsane
[27-05:44] ad832, *Seth Freeman: face is on fire.... *also has a headache*
[27-05:44] 649a0, me: Twich is on..Twitch off
[27-05:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Seth* Simpsons or just being random?
[27-05:45] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Ramdomness... and who is Me?
[27-05:46] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I dunno, ignore it, and it will go away
[27-05:46]       me A magical unicorn
[27-05:46] ce1df, *M : Heheh
[27-05:46] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: Sweet.
[27-05:47] ad832, *Seth Freeman: ok ok... clues... they help...
[27-05:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Misty for her hehehing*
[27-05:47] ce1df, *M : *patted* *smug look*
[27-05:47]       me I like to drink clue #1
[27-05:48] ce1df, *M : *ROFL@PA*
[27-05:48] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: The books thing?
[27-05:48] ce1df, *M : Aye. "The doctors say I'll be fine once they hook up my DSL." "Dial-up can be hard on a man."
[27-05:49]       me *feather waves over Jim*
[27-05:49] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-05:49] ad832, *Seth Freeman: .... oh yeah that narrows it down.... lemme count how many of my freinds drink....
[27-05:49] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hehe, read the opening paragraph to the main page
[27-05:50] ce1df, *M : "When you make an omelette, sometimes you've gotta kill a few people."
[27-05:50] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: *could use a drink right now...*
[27-05:50] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Ok im done counting.... 15 of my freinds drink.... so you could be 15 people that i know in real life...
[27-05:51] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: " bring over a "book" to give his wasted days some kind of honor, dignity, or meaning, and he tries to turn it on or something. "
[27-05:51] 649a0, me: Leon............I like to dance
[27-05:51] ce1df, *M : *rofl*
[27-05:52] b94fa, šJim: I already had a dsrink I need more ... much more
[27-05:52] ad832, *Seth Freeman: ..... ok now... lemme count how many of my freinds dance....
[27-05:52] 649a0, me: *Pours a vodka for Jim*
[27-05:52] ad832, *Seth Freeman: ok all of my freinds dance when they are that didnt help either
[27-05:53] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: *rae* *can't dance*
[27-05:53] ce1df, *M : *LMAO* "TV: The gateway drug." "Everybody's doing it."
[27-05:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hehehe. That one's good
[27-05:53] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: *LOL*
[27-05:53] ce1df, *M : Hehe
[27-05:54] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[27-05:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Stupid thing. Misty, check out today's Ubersoft
[27-05:55] ce1df, *M : I'm on it. :)
[27-05:56] 649a0, me: Well Leon..maybe another time..Farewell
[27-05:56] ce1df, *M : *LOL* Ah dear
[27-05:56] ad832, *Seth Freeman: bahhhhhh wtf?!
[27-05:57] b6b0e, *Leon Yara: *is all confused* :(
[27-05:57] ce1df, *M : "Still, it could have been worse. Hopefully, I can get through the day without hearing a certain five-word phrase that almost guarantees that it WILL get worse." "I have an idea." "Yep, that's the one."
[27-05:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hehehehehe
[27-05:59] ce1df, *M : actually, "Alex, I have an idea." is the five-word phrase. Heheh. oops.
[27-06:00] ce1df, *M : Or something.
[27-06:00] ce1df, *M : oi *eyes time*
[27-06:01] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: It's only midnight
[27-06:02] 79a6a, *Leon Yara: *has given up on sleep*
[27-06:03] ce1df, *M : I know. But I have to rearrange my schedule due to LARP tomorrow, so I should probably go to bed within the next... few hours.
[27-06:03] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : bah to sleep...
[27-06:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane:
[27-06:03] 79a6a, *Leon Yara: *agrees* Bah to sleep!
[27-06:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh, and that 5 word phrase was "I just had another idea."
[27-06:04] ce1df, *M : Aye, I know, Justin.
[27-06:04] ce1df, *M : *checked... after the fact, clearleh*
[27-06:06] ad832, *Seth Freeman: Ok im out... later all
[27-06:06] EXIT: Seth Freeman has left the chat ( Quit ).
[27-06:07] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You do know that this DNA key card thing is parodying Windows XP
[27-06:07] ce1df, *M : oi.. what to build, what to build...
[27-06:07] ce1df, *M : Clearleh.
[27-06:08] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : My father told me he has a copy of XP..I'm not letting him take that thing near my computer, though...
[27-06:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: My friend installed XP, but ignored pretty much all the shopping and business stuff on it.
[27-06:09] ce1df, *M : *decides to just leave off building shtuff, and save up resources for construction and research* Hmm... what to do... *has done everything she needs to do... m00*
[27-06:10] ce1df, *M : erm.. Now, why is feck filtered? *RaE*
[27-06:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: m00
[27-06:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: that's really odd
[27-06:11] ce1df, *M : No, it's really stupid
[27-06:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: true
[27-06:12] ce1df, *M : Heh.
[27-06:12] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : blarg..*notes that his next OS will not be Windows*
[27-06:13] ce1df, *M : I ask you: What little kid (since the filter is there, apparently, because this is a 'kid-friendly' chat) will look at the word feck, and see what it means?
[27-06:13] ce1df, *M : ...or what it's supposed to be?
[27-06:14] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I dunno, Myst.
[27-06:14] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : But then, this chat is anything but kid-friendly ;)
[27-06:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: And what little kids visit this place or even know about it?
[27-06:14] ce1df, *M : Both valid points.
[27-06:17] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : M: this is just a crummy time for SoD can expect some-bad things to go on...the admins are often busy, and without them it's difficult to advance the plot or even bother to go IC. I'm sure something will happen soon that will improve the overall chat environment and put some limits on who can play around with the filter.
[27-06:18] b4f2d, Jezral : It's all to do with the filter being f[euü][c]*k instead of just fuck.
[27-06:19] ce1df, *M : I suppose so.
[27-06:19] ce1df, *M : The filter wasn't like that when I first came back... *pause* was it?
[27-06:19] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Jez: did you make that modification or is it automatically done with the str_replace()?
[27-06:20] b4f2d, Jezral : It's ereg_replace();
[27-06:20] ce1df, *M : *checks logs* Nope.
[27-06:20] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No, it wasn'
[27-06:21] b4f2d, Jezral : I was just playing around seeing if I could ban the lot of f*ck words...
[27-06:21] ce1df, *M : Not too hard to figure out who did it then. \o/
[27-06:21] ce1df, *M : Hehe. See? *G*
[27-06:22] 27dd5, •Rob : But m00 is meaningless..
[27-06:22] 27dd5, •Rob : Bwa..?
[27-06:22] ce1df, *M : *rofl*
[27-06:22] ce1df, *M : Still, the shock factor is great
[27-06:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: m00
[27-06:23] ce1df, *M : "I just typed m00... what the HELL?!"
[27-06:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Holy crap on a stick......nooooooooooooooooooooooo!
[27-06:23] ce1df, *M : *blinks at Justin*
[27-06:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: he censored f uk. I hate you Jezral. I hope you die
[27-06:25] 27dd5, •Rob : Er, the word that sounds similar to feic is meaningless, is what I tried to say.
[27-06:25] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[27-06:25] ce1df, *M : Awh. *pats Justin* S'all good.
[27-06:25] ce1df, *M : I know, Rob.
[27-06:25] 046d7, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[27-06:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: freak
[27-06:26] ce1df, *M : Unless you're doing the whole accent thing. :D
[27-06:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: feek
[27-06:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: flick
[27-06:26] ce1df, *M : Lo, Rainer
[27-06:26] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Jezral: shouldn't it be eregi_replace() to make it case insensitive?
[27-06:26] ce1df, *M : *LOL* Erk.. *doesn't LOL due to people sleeping in the next room* Shiet.
[27-06:27] 046d7, *Rainer : ((*waves to the mistress M* How goes it? Nice discussion going I see))
[27-06:27] ce1df, *M : Ah, it goes well enough. :) Indeed, lovely discussion.
[27-06:27] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh screw them, if they go to bed at 12:30 they deserve to be woken up
[27-06:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : m00
[27-06:28] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : hm, case insensitive already seems to work..
[27-06:28] ce1df, *M : Oi. Guests, Justin. Guests. Well. One guest, anyway.
[27-06:29] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Like I said Misty, do I have to repeat myself?
[27-06:29] ce1df, *M : No, no. That's quite alright.
[27-06:30] b94fa, šJim: Apparently i'm a 'famous' cs player .
[27-06:30] b94fa, šJim: l;ike hell
[27-06:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You suck, jIm
[27-06:31] b94fa, šJim: Yeah , I do Justin ... generally I break even or a bit better .
[27-06:32] ce1df, *M : *eyes note* Oi. No. I'm not visiting anyone. *crumples it up*
[27-06:35] ce1df, *M : *RaE@e-mail* Hmm.
[27-06:36] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[27-06:36] ce1df, *M : *can't shake the feeling that October 26th is supposed to mean something to her* Gah.
[27-06:37] ce1df, *M : Hey! A horoscope encouraging my writing. \o/
[27-06:39] b94fa, šJim: I'm goin' to the shop ... cya later all
[27-06:40] ce1df, *M : *killed the chat again* W00t
[27-06:41] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: The shop? It's 5:30AM?
[27-06:41] b94fa, šJim: Yeah , well , i'm hungry and theres a 24 hour garage near by
[27-06:42] ce1df, *M : Damn you both.
[27-06:42] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Well that's different
[27-06:43] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: And i'm already damned, Misty
[27-06:43] ce1df, *M : Ah yes, but now you're damned by me. It's a whole different ballgame now. Bwahaha
[27-06:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, a minor league one
[27-06:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I was demoted
[27-06:44] ce1df, *M : *bap*
[27-06:45] ce1df, *M : asif V wants me to be online in 6 hours. pfft. not
[27-06:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *bapped* well now i'm down in little leagues
[27-06:45] ce1df, *M : Oi
[27-06:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Thanks, now I have work my way back up to the majors because of stupid you
[27-06:48] ce1df, *M : Serves you right. *smug look*
[27-06:49] ce1df, *M : *can't seem to help making noise, no matter what she does* fs
[27-06:49] ce1df, *M : what the hell is that in Rainer's pic?
[27-06:49] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What's it called when you like, believe in dating more than one person at once or something? Polytheism or something?
[27-06:50] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: It's Chewie shaving from what I can see
[27-06:50] ce1df, *M : Heh....
[27-06:50] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yup
[27-06:50] ce1df, *M : I'm not sure, Justin. :/
[27-06:51] ce1df, *M : Stupid is a good word for it, tho. *G*
[27-06:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No. No it wouldn't be.
[27-06:54] ce1df, *M : It wouldn't be? Why not?
[27-06:56] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Personal reasons, end it at that.
[27-06:56] ce1df, *M : Heh. I understand.
[27-06:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: good
[27-06:59] ce1df, *M : :)
[27-07:03] ce1df, *M : *considers solo RP*
[27-07:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Who's that kid in the back room? He's setting all things on fire. Where did he get that crazy smile? We all think he's really weird
[27-07:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *can RP*
[27-07:04] ce1df, *M : Nifteh
[27-07:04] ce1df, *M : *unfurls list of chars*
[27-07:05] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: i don't have it in me at the moment to be a mean character though, or get in a fight or something
[27-07:06] ce1df, *M : not a problem. Pick a char of yours, and then I'll choose accordingly. (tis good to have such wide variety. :) )
[27-07:07] b94fa, šJim: *is back , and bloody freezing*
[27-07:08] ce1df, *M : wb, Jim
[27-07:08] b94fa, šJim: thank
[27-07:08] b94fa, šJim: s
[27-07:08] 9f396, Corteme: ((*really only has one choice*)) {steps in, and blah, kiss my ass, i'm too tired to type any shit out, he goes to the bar dam nit, and that's all that matters}
[27-07:09] ce1df, *Bethany: ((That's why it's good to have generic, saved entries.)) *runs in, then comes to a screeching halt at the top of the steps and allows her eyes time to adjust to the dim lighting before carrying on*
[27-07:10] 9f396, Corteme: ((I don't like repeating myself.))
[27-07:10] 9f396, Corteme: {ignores Bethany's entrance because it's the same stupid one she always uses}
[27-07:11] ce1df, *Bethany: *doesn't care, doesn't care... just grins when she notices Corteme at the bar, and bounds over to him* Hiya!
[27-07:11] ce1df, *Bethany: ((Oh hell, here we go. *digs up evil characters*))
[27-07:12] 9f396, Corteme: {startled slightly and looks over at Bethany} Hey
[27-07:12] ce1df, *Bethany: *casts a frantic, I'm-not-supposed-to-be-here look around* Fancy seeing you here
[27-07:13] 9f396, Corteme: I'm always here...
[27-07:14] ce1df, *Bethany: Must get terribly boring.
[27-07:15] 9f396, Corteme: I deal with....customers...and get some work done
[27-07:16] ce1df, *Bethany: In here? You work in here?
[27-07:17] 9f396, Corteme: Yes...
[27-07:18] ce1df, *Bethany: Isn't that dangerous?
[27-07:18] ce1df, *Bethany: ((Fking hell.))
[27-07:18] 9f396, Corteme: Yes and no. But I don't mind.
[27-07:18] ce1df, *Ethaeris : ((Evil))
[27-07:18] ce1df, *Bethany: *blinks* Yes and no?
[27-07:19] ce1df, *Deianeira : ((more evil. *will fight herself, if need be*))
[27-07:20] 9f396, Corteme: Don't ask. I can't tell, remember?
[27-07:22] ce1df, *Bethany: Oh yeah. I knew that. But... the danger doesn't bother you? *eyes widen*
[27-07:23] JOIN: Riggs has entered.
[27-07:23] 9f396, Corteme: No. The danger is minimal
[27-07:24] JOIN: Riggs has entered.
[27-07:24] ce1df, *Bethany: Oh. *looks a bit disappointed* Really?
[27-07:24] 046d7, Riggs: *meanders in through the open door*
[27-07:25] 9f396, Corteme: Yes. As long as I'm smart about it. It's the stupid ones who die.
[27-07:25] ce1df, *Bethany: *glances at Riggs, before turning and hopping to sit up on the bartop, beside Corteme*
[27-07:25] ce1df, *Bethany: Oh. Stupid ones?
[27-07:27] JOIN: Sade Procella has entered.
[27-07:28] 046d7, Riggs: *moves over to a vaccant booth and takes a sip of the drink no one saw him get*
[27-07:28] 9f396, Corteme: Yes. Those who don't watch their tracks and let people trick them
[27-07:29] ce1df, *Bethany: Oh. Well, I don't know anything about that.
[27-07:29] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *moves to the bar and orders a Ale*
[27-07:30] 9f396, Corteme: Which is probably a good thing
[27-07:31] ce1df, *Bethany: *bright grin* Probably
[27-07:34] 046d7, Riggs: *surveys the patrons of the bar carelessly*
[27-07:35] 9f396, Corteme: ((*has to go*)) Well, it was nice seeing you again, but I have other business to attend to
[27-07:35] 9f396, Corteme: {exits}
[27-07:36] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *glances at all of them, then, smiling slightly, sips her drink*
[27-07:36] ce1df, *Bethany: Hm. *blinks at Corteme's sudden departure* Huh. *baffled*
[27-07:36] ce1df, *Bethany: ((Later, Justin))
[27-07:37] 046d7, Riggs: *to no one in particular* Not everyone has tact when exiting I guess...
[27-07:38] ce1df, *Bethany: *shifts around and pushes herself to her feet, standing on the bartop.... then, casting a look around, meanders down the bar*
[27-07:40] 046d7, Riggs: *watches the bar walker with mild curiosity, but turns his eyes back to his drink and takes another sip*
[27-07:41] ce1df, *Bethany: *flashes Riggs a winning smile, then hops down as she reaches one end of the bar... she glances at the chrono, makes a face, and dashes for the door*
[27-07:41] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *looks at him* It depends on how you look at it
[27-07:43] 046d7, Riggs: Well, I look at it as Rude to simply say you are leaving and vanish with no explanation or waiting for a response to those you had been conversing with, but thats just me I suppose
[27-07:43] 40cdc, Sade Procella: (( *thumps her comp* Don't you dare late post me! ))
[27-07:44] ce1df, *Bethany: *bounds up the stairs and disappears out the door*
[27-07:44] 40cdc, Sade Procella: We all have reasons for doing what we do
[27-07:44] ce1df, *Bethany: -=GONE=-
[27-07:44] ce1df, *M : hm
[27-07:44] 046d7, Riggs: *chuckles* True enough
[27-07:45] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *smiles slightly*
[27-07:45] ce1df, *M : *has.... really... nothing to do... but doesn't want to go to bed yet* Bah.
[27-07:46] 046d7, Riggs: So how does one explain when what one does defies explanation?
[27-07:48] 40cdc, Sade Procella: One does'nt.
[27-07:48] 046d7, Riggs: One tries...
[27-07:48] ce1df, *M : *shakes head at mail* Duh. Holy water doesn't have any effect on my vampires. *mutters*
[27-07:50] 046d7, Riggs: ((instead of staking through a vampires heart, what if you sent a stream of acid at it till it ate all the way through?))
[27-07:50] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *nods* Yes
[27-07:50] ce1df, *M : Neither do silver bullets. fs. Ah well.
[27-07:50] ce1df, *M : Staking doesn't kill my vampires, either. *pause* omg, you just gave me an idea, Riggs!
[27-07:50] 046d7, Riggs: mmm *sips his drink*
[27-07:51] 40cdc, Sade Procella: Good?
[27-07:51] 046d7, Riggs: ((what about if you dissolved their heads in acid?))
[27-07:52] 046d7, Riggs: *shrugs* I've never met another perosn that says so.
[27-07:52] ce1df, *M : that would work. *mental note: add acid to the list-of-things-to-get-for-the-chantry*
[27-07:53] 046d7, Riggs: ((what about pressing a vamp head in a vice or some really isnt cutting it off...))
[27-07:54] 40cdc, Sade Procella: Well, there's a first time for everything, you know
[27-07:54] ce1df, *M : lethal damage. definitely throwing the vamp into Torpor. as long as the head still remains... *shrugs* no dice
[27-07:55] 046d7, Riggs: you can try it if you want to try and be that person *quirks a smile*
[27-07:55] 046d7, Riggs: ((would a vamp regenerate if you chopped off his wang?))
[27-07:55] ce1df, *M : Yup
[27-07:56] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *returns the smile, taking a sip* I'm always willing to try
[27-07:56] 046d7, Riggs: ((thats disconcerting))
[27-07:56] ce1df, *M : Not that a vamp would care, much, since he generally has no use for such things.
[27-07:57] 046d7, Riggs: *slides the glass over toward her* If you insist
[27-07:57] 046d7, Riggs: ((if I was a vamp I think I'd still care enough to want to get my rocks off every now and then))
[27-07:58] 046d7, Riggs: ((can vamps drown?))
[27-07:58] ce1df, *M : No pleasure from it. None at all.
[27-07:58] ce1df, *M : Nope
[27-07:59] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *takes it and raises the glass to her lips, sipping*
[27-07:59] ce1df, *M : If you can;t breathe, you can't very well be effected by something that prevents breathing.
[27-08:00] 046d7, Riggs: ((didnt know vamps didnt respire))
[27-08:01] ce1df, *M : Hehe. Now you know. :)
[27-08:02] 046d7, Riggs: ((what about vaccume? would the abscence of pressure on their bodies harm them?))
[27-08:02] 046d7, Riggs: *watches her reaction and gets a glass of water near by*
[27-08:03] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *chokes, almost spitting it out. Tears in her eyes, swallows it and grabs for the water*
[27-08:03] 046d7, Riggs: *catches his glass before she can drop it* You alright?
[27-08:03] ce1df, *M : Absence of pressure? I don't know. I highly doubt it.
[27-08:04] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *nods, finishing off the water*
[27-08:05] 046d7, Riggs: ((I bet it would...a vaccume would harm anything organic in nature since everything on earth developes with that pressure. But then again, why the hell would a vampire go into outer space?))
[27-08:06] 046d7, Riggs: *holds the glass out to her* Want me to get you your own glass?
[27-08:08] ce1df, *M : Ah, but ifyou don't have to breathe, and temperature doesn't effect you, and you're already a supernatural being.. Hmm... *considers* I'll ask around. Hehe.
[27-08:08] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *shakes her head* No...that's fine..I'll stick with my ale.
[27-08:09] 046d7, Riggs: *shrugs* If you like, almost as bad around here though
[27-08:10] ce1df, *M : Hmm.. *eyes BG2 critically* Might as well sell that
[27-08:10] 046d7, Riggs: ((it has to do with the abscene of the atmospheric pressure against the body, the lack of air and heat wouldnt kill you before explosive decompression would))
[27-08:11] ce1df, *M : urk *takes that back, as her thief has now lost stealth* Grr.
[27-08:11] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *shrugs*
[27-08:11] ce1df, *M : Mayhaps. :)
[27-08:12] 046d7, Riggs: *takes another sip*
[27-08:12] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *sips her ale, trying to get rid of the taste*
[27-08:14] 046d7, Riggs: What kind of environment did you grow up in that would cause you to try and drink something that could have killed you?
[27-08:17] 40cdc, Sade Procella: The kind of environment that encourages curiousity
[27-08:17] ce1df, *M : NoooOOOoooooOOOOOOooooo! Tsk.
[27-08:17] 046d7, Riggs: *looks around the cantina* wasnt around here then, I would guess
[27-08:20] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *shakes her head* Nope. Mind you, I don't try everything
[27-08:20] ce1df, *M : Oh drat. *sets up to kill the big bad guy, then realises she hasn't killed the little bad guy yet* fs.
[27-08:21] 046d7, Riggs: Oh, not everything?
[27-08:23] ce1df, *M : Ahh. *smug look* Much better outcome.
[27-08:25] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *shakes her head* Nope..
[27-08:25] 046d7, Riggs: what dont you try then?
[27-08:26] 40cdc, Sade Procella: The things I know would probably kill me. And the things that don't interest me
[27-08:27] ce1df, *M : Stupid, glitchy, pos game!! Gah! *shivers* feck.
[27-08:27] 046d7, Riggs: In that case, what has you on this dustball planet?
[27-08:30] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *shrugs* Just wandering
[27-08:30] 046d7, Riggs: You mentioned business before...
[27-08:31] b94fa, šJim: Okay , bedtime .. cy'all *hugs Misty*
[27-08:32] ce1df, *M : Night, Jim. *hugs back*
[27-08:34] ce1df, *M : Hehe. *ahem* *goes back to game*
[27-08:34] 40cdc, Sade Procella: I have no specific business...I do whatever comes my way. I'm a freighter, mercenary, and sometime nanny.
[27-08:34] 046d7, Riggs: ((which game?))
[27-08:35] 046d7, Riggs: Ah...well, *finishes of whats left in his glass* My business has need of me elsewhere.
[27-08:36] 046d7, Riggs: *pays for her drink, the water, and an additional drink or two for her* To get that taste out...
[27-08:36] ce1df, *M : Baldur's Gate 2
[27-08:36] 046d7, Riggs: ((ah))
[27-08:36] ce1df, *M : *eyes time* Bah, at least a half an hour. :/
[27-08:40] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *smiles* Thank you
[27-08:40] 046d7, Riggs: *stands and touches his fingertips to the brim of his hat breifly, then meanders back out through the open door*
[27-08:41] EXIT: Riggs has left the chat ( Quit ).
[27-08:41] ce1df, *M : Oooooi
[27-08:41]       M is away. Reason: Attempting to sleep. Bah.
[27-08:44] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *watches him go*
[27-08:49] 40cdc, Sade Procella: *has a few more drinks, then makes her way home*
[27-08:50] 40cdc, Sade Procella: **Gone**
[27-08:53] EXIT: Sade Procella has left the chat ( Quit ).
[27-12:29] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[27-14:35] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-14:39] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-18:31] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[27-18:56] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[27-18:58] 804b7, *President Zahra : *all alone*
[27-19:02] 35803, •Ronica : Nope. *hugs*
[27-19:03] 804b7, *President Zahra : Woo! *hugs back*
[27-19:06] 35803, •Ronica : :)
[27-19:09] 804b7, *President Zahra : *yawns* Oy.
[27-19:10] 35803, •Ronica : Still sleepy? *too hyped up on shopping now to be tired*
[27-19:12] 804b7, *President Zahra : Very, very sleepy.
[27-19:13] 35803, •Ronica : Ack. *hugs*
[27-19:17] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs back* Maybe I should go back to sleep. But then I might not wake up till tomorrow morning, and that would be bad.
[27-19:19] 35803, •Ronica : It would be bad. Maybe... I dunno... go for a walk?
[27-19:19] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. Walking is bad.
[27-19:20] 35803, •Ronica : Why?
[27-19:22] 804b7, *President Zahra : Because it requires getting up and getting dressed and so on.
[27-19:22] 35803, •Ronica : Yes, but that's good.
[27-19:23] 804b7, *President Zahra : Nah. *just wants sleeeeeep*
[27-19:24] 35803, •Ronica : But if you get up, get dressed and take a walk, you probably won't want to sleep anymore.
[27-19:26] 804b7, *President Zahra : I will too.
[27-19:26] 35803, •Ronica : Will not.
[27-19:27] 804b7, *President Zahra : Will too.
[27-19:28] 35803, •Ronica : I win.
[27-19:28] 804b7, *President Zahra : Nah.
[27-19:29] 35803, •Ronica : No, I do.
[27-19:29] 804b7, *President Zahra : Well, okay. But I still won't go walking.
[27-19:31] 35803, •Ronica : Rawr.
[27-19:33] 804b7, *President Zahra : Rawr to you too.
[27-19:35] 35803, •Ronica : Hmph.
[27-19:35] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs*
[27-19:36] 35803, •Ronica : *hugs lots*
[27-19:38] 804b7, *President Zahra : You win.
[27-19:39] 35803, •Ronica : Well...okay.
[27-19:42] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yaaay!
[27-19:42] 60426, šForexs: w00t, this song rules :Þ
[27-19:42] 35803, •Ronica : It's sock-wearing Cay!
[27-19:43] 60426, šForexs: ;)
[27-19:43] 804b7, *President Zahra : Cay! *huggleses!*
[27-19:43] 35803, •Ronica : Teehee.
[27-19:43] 60426, šForexs: *hugg0rs both*
[27-19:44] 35803, •Ronica : *hugg0rs back*
[27-19:44] 60426, šForexs: Hm, screw the board.
[27-19:45] 60426, šForexs: There.
[27-19:45] 35803, •Ronica : Hehe.
[27-19:48] 804b7, *President Zahra : *giggles and hugs Cay some more*
[27-19:49] 60426, šForexs: rAr!
[27-19:50] 804b7, *President Zahra : rAr?
[27-19:50] 60426, šForexs: *nod*
[27-19:51] 35803, •Ronica : Rawr is better.
[27-19:51] 60426, šForexs: I say thee nay!
[27-19:52] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. Roar is good, too. *pause* Xena on the X-Files season premiere?
[27-19:52] 35803, •Ronica : Yeah, Ria... She's an alien or a super human or something stupid like that.
[27-19:54] 804b7, *President Zahra : *sigh* Poor X-FIles.
[27-19:54] 35803, •Ronica : I know... *mourns*
[27-19:55] 60426, šForexs: LOL! How lame
[27-19:55] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs*
[27-19:55] 804b7, *President Zahra : *and pokes Cay*
[27-19:56] 35803, •Ronica : *hugs back, and pokes Cay also*
[27-19:57] 60426, šForexs: *double poked* What did I do now?
[27-19:58] 804b7, *President Zahra : Nothing. We're poking you 'cause we love you. :)
[27-19:58] 35803, •Ronica : We do? ...I mean, uh, yeah!
[27-19:59] 804b7, *President Zahra : Of course we do. *curls up on Cay's lap*
[27-19:59] 60426, šForexs: I thought so :P
[27-20:00] 804b7, *President Zahra : You did? Hmph. You weren't supposed to know. *weep*
[27-20:01] 35803, •Ronica : *should go get ready* *hugs Ria and Cay and runs off*
[27-20:01] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr! ).
[27-20:02] 804b7, *President Zahra : Byes, Ronnie.
[27-20:08] 60426, šForexs: Seeya *huggs*
[27-20:08] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pokes and hugs Cay*
[27-20:11] 60426, šForexs: :)
[27-20:13] 804b7, *President Zahra : Oy! *can't listen, because her speakers have died* *weeps, weeps*
[27-20:13] 60426, šForexs: aww
[27-20:13] 60426, šForexs: Checked if they're plugged in?
[27-20:15] 804b7, *President Zahra : They are plugged in. They're just.. static-y and odd.
[27-20:17] JOIN: Kilby has entered.
[27-20:17] f1c8a, Kilby: .....mmmmmmmmmm
[27-20:17] 60426, šForexs: oh
[27-20:18] f1c8a, Kilby: hhre
[27-20:18] 804b7, *President Zahra : Kilby! *pounce-huggle!*
[27-20:19] f1c8a, Kilby: *Is pounced huggled and smoothered....* Mmwwwwwaha
[27-20:20] 804b7, *President Zahra : *huggles*
[27-20:21] f1c8a, Kilby: how are all u?
[27-20:22] 804b7, *President Zahra : Ria's.. sleepy.
[27-20:23] f1c8a, Kilby: ah... *gives her a hug*
[27-20:26] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yay for hugs! *hugs lots* And how's Kilby?
[27-20:28] f1c8a, Kilby: Kilby's sleepy but ok.... Raaa...
[27-20:30] f1c8a, Kilby: hotmail slow....
[27-20:30] 804b7, *President Zahra : Just okay?
[27-20:31] f1c8a, Kilby: Yeah stuck babysitting. While the girlfriend swans off to a bloody party..
[27-20:32] 804b7, *President Zahra : Aww.. Evil girlfriend!
[27-20:32] f1c8a, Kilby: <-------- takes a while but its fun
[27-20:33] f1c8a, Kilby: ?????????? Evil? Yeah spose.
[27-20:35] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yes. Very evil.
[27-20:36] f1c8a, Kilby: ...... (anime style)
[27-20:37] 804b7, *President Zahra : *blinks* *patpat*
[27-20:39] f1c8a, Kilby: NOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[27-20:40] 804b7, *President Zahra : What?
[27-20:40] f1c8a, Kilby: no reason
[27-20:42] 804b7, *President Zahra : Oh.
[27-20:44] f1c8a, Kilby: damn it... dont wanna be stuck at home-nearly 20 and still baby-sitting.
[27-20:45] 804b7, *President Zahra : Awww.. *hugs lots*
[27-20:53] f1c8a, Kilby: giggle, hugs fun
[27-20:56] 804b7, *President Zahra : Silly.
[27-20:56] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-20:59] 804b7, *President Zahra : *eyes GaN*
[27-21:02] f1c8a, Kilby: *slaps GaN* Wow, gran's back
[27-21:03] 804b7, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[27-21:05] f1c8a, Kilby: ....
[27-21:09] 804b7, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[27-21:23] 804b7, *President Zahra : *all alone now?*
[27-21:31] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Never alone.
[27-21:32] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yaaay! *hugs Stoney!*
[27-21:36] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Hmmm...*Finally has headphones*
[27-21:37] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yay for headphones!
[27-21:50] 804b7, *President Zahra : *all alone yet again*
[27-21:51] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-21:53] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pounces GaN!*
[27-21:53] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : No.
[27-21:55] 804b7, *President Zahra : No? Yay! *hugs, hugs, hugs*
[27-21:59] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-21:59] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pounces GaN again*
[27-22:00] c3b1f, Get a Name!: *Pounced!**Huggles Ria*'Lo
[27-22:03] 804b7, *President Zahra : It's Rob! *huggleses!*
[27-22:06] edca8, •Rob: It certainly is ^_^
[27-22:08] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yay for Rob!
[27-22:20] b2a2a, •Rob : *Beats his isp with a frozen kipper*
[27-22:22] 804b7, *President Zahra : *patpat*
[27-22:24] 5e6e2, •Rob : Thou shalt no cut me off in the most in opportune moments..
[27-22:26] 804b7, *President Zahra : *L* *giggles at Rob*
[27-22:29] 5e6e2, •Rob : Bah, laugh at my misfortune will you?
[27-22:30] 804b7, *President Zahra : No, no. I'm laughign with you..
[27-22:31] 5e6e2, •Rob : *Eyes*Y'Sure....?
[27-22:32] 804b7, *President Zahra : Positive. Despite awful spelling.
[27-22:33] 5e6e2, •Rob : Wellll, Okay then ^_^
[27-22:34] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yay! *giggles*
[27-22:44] JOIN: NS has entered.
[27-22:45] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pounce-huggles Stalkery!*
[27-22:45] e58e7, NS: *is pounced huggled*
[27-22:50] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pokes, pokes*
[27-22:53] e688b, •Rob : *RaE @ NS's link**Eyes**Beats him with prementioned frozen kipper*
[27-22:54] e58e7, NS: *eats the kipper*
[27-22:55] 804b7, *President Zahra : *LOL@Stalkery's link*
[27-22:56] e688b, •Rob : Ewwwww...
[27-22:56] e688b, •Rob : Oi! Again with the laughing!*stomps off to plan out a severe haunting*
[27-22:57] e58e7, NS: *is a severe haunting*
[27-22:58] 804b7, *President Zahra : Oy. *hugs, hugs Rob* We love you!
[27-23:04] EXIT: NS has left the chat ( Quit ).
[27-23:05] e688b, •Rob : Oi.. I want my soul back!
[27-23:06] 804b7, *President Zahra : Um. *hands Rob a new soul*
[27-23:06] JOIN: NS has entered.
[27-23:06] e58e7, NS: No soul for you!
[27-23:06] e688b, •Rob : Thank.. but it's not the same thing. Worry ye not, I'll bide my time..
[27-23:07] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. *pouts at Stalkery* Give him his soul back? Pretty please?
[27-23:08] e58e7, NS: Nope, my soul
[27-23:09] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. *yoinks it from Stalkery and runs away with it*
[27-23:12] e58e7, NS: *has it buried in the desert*
[27-23:14] 804b7, *President Zahra : *has yoinked it just the same*
[27-23:42] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[27-23:42] 196d4, Get a Name!: ello?
[27-23:44] e688b, •Rob : Ello
[27-23:45] 196d4, Get a Name!: echo ?
[27-23:46] e688b, •Rob : Echo... echo.... echo.....
[27-23:46] 196d4, Get a Name!: cool
[27-23:47] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Solon Kay.
[27-23:48] e688b, •Rob : Hehe.
[27-23:50] 196d4, Solon Kay: lala how you be ?
[27-23:50] e688b, •Rob : No complaints, you?
[27-23:51] 196d4, Solon Kay: just a bit to much to learn but fine otherwise
[27-23:54] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( sorry, duty calls.. ).
[27-23:54] 196d4, Solon Kay: bye bye
[28-00:00] 196d4, Solon Kay: lalal *paints the walls crimson*
[28-00:29] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[28-00:30] 196d4, Solon Kay: *kicks his comp and adds more paint to the wall*
[28-01:00] JOIN: Kilby has entered.
[28-01:00] 51668, Kilby: ello?
[28-01:03] 51668, Kilby: ....
[28-01:36] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-01:37] JOIN: Shadowy person has entered.
[28-01:37] c9329, Shadowy person: 'lo all :)
[28-01:38] c9329, Shadowy person: Wow... this place is DEAD!
[28-01:40] c9329, Shadowy person: Anyone here?
[28-01:42] c9329, Shadowy person: Oy... G'bye then *Says g'bye to the GaN*
[28-01:43] EXIT: Shadowy person has left the chat ( And so I left, on a sea of dreams ).
[28-01:58] JOIN: Rob has entered.
[28-02:17] JOIN: A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term! has entered.
[28-02:18] 0e5c4, •Rob : ..the heck?
[28-02:19] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: The heck what? I chose a humorous (kind of, anyway) name
[28-02:20] 0e5c4, •Rob : Oh, okay then. 'Thought there was a new handless name thought up ^_^
[28-02:21] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: They get more amusing every time, don't they?
[28-02:22] 0e5c4, •Rob : Heh, if only.
[28-02:22] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: *LOL*
[28-02:24] 0e5c4, •Rob : Er, who do I have the pleasure of addressing anyway? "A GaN. That's a derogatory term!" is a bit of a mouthfull.
[28-02:25] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: Well, you have the pleasure of addressing, quite obviously, a GaN. I rarely give my real name over the 'net
[28-02:28] 0e5c4, •Rob : Not even the handle you use...? isn't that a bit.. pointless?
[28-02:29] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: "If they say that I'm a God then that's what I am" - Conversely, if it says that I'm a GaN, then that's what I am ;)
[28-02:30] 0e5c4, •Rob : ....I know you, don't I?
[28-02:30] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: Not at all. I enjoy speaking to people who don't know me. No prohibitions, no nothin'. So, pointless in some ways, laughable in others.
[28-02:30] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: Well, yes, you do. Gosh darn it!
[28-02:31] 0e5c4, •Rob : So you've never been here before?
[28-02:32] 0e5c4, •Rob : *LOL*'Kay... any clue?
[28-02:33] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: There should be at least two provided for you already *LOL*
[28-02:33] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: I 'ave to go, so goodbye, then
[28-02:33] 0e5c4, •Rob : You're not Jim then :p
[28-02:34] EXIT: A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term! has left the chat ( Does it rain, does it pour, is it hard to ignore ).
[28-02:37] 0e5c4, •Rob : *Blinks*Oi.. I'm not done guess yet.
[28-02:38] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: *Speaks from beyond the ether* Tough, you'll have to work it out with those clues. You're a smart boy, you can do it
[28-02:38] 0e5c4, •Rob : Guessing, either.
[28-02:38] c9329, A GaN. Thatīs a derogatory term!: *Is like, really gone now*
[28-02:39] 0e5c4, •Rob : Oh, thanks...*ponders*
[28-02:55] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-03:07] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-03:07] 60426, šForexs: *updates profile*
[28-03:07] 60426, šForexs : *updates profile*
[28-03:33] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-03:55] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[28-03:58] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-03:59] 804b7, *President Zahra : *waves*
[28-03:59] da442, Get a Name!: hi
[28-03:59] da442, Get a Name!: hey...seen Jez lately?
[28-04:00] 804b7, *President Zahra : Nope. Not in chat, at least.
[28-04:03] da442, Get a Name!: hmf
[28-04:03] da442, Get a Name!: I gotta remember the name of the chat he made me *LOL*
[28-04:04] 804b7, *President Zahra : Hmm.. He's on AIM, though. Maybe if you yell, he'll see you, and come to chat?
[28-04:05] da442, Get a Name!: I dont see him on AIM...hmf
[28-04:05] da442, Get a Name!: this Ria?
[28-04:06] 804b7, *President Zahra : He's has that new SN.. *points to the trial board*
[28-04:06] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yes, it's Ria. *blinks*
[28-04:07] da442, Get a Name!: OMG RIA!!!!!!!!!! *hugggggles* its me Candy!
[28-04:07] da442, Get a Name!: can you get it for me...Netscape is buggin out
[28-04:08] 804b7, *President Zahra : Ohh! *hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs lots!* And.. oy.. I don't feel right giving SNs to people, even if they're on public message boards. *is strange like that*
[28-04:09] da442, Get a Name!: well wheres the board link...I can hardly read the screen
[28-04:09] 41656, •Rob: *Peers*
[28-04:10] da442, Get a Name!: God I need to talk to him...
[28-04:11] 804b7, *President Zahra :
[28-04:11] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs, hugs Rob!*
[28-04:12] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-04:12] 41656, •Rob : *Hugs, hugs 'Ria*'Lo ^_^
[28-04:13] 804b7, *President Zahra : *curls up on Rob's lap* Why aren't you sleeping?
[28-04:14] e5111, •Ronica : *hums Moon River*
[28-04:14] 41656, •Rob : Because I'm not tired...?
[28-04:14] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie* *and eyes Rob* You are too tired.
[28-04:15] e5111, •Ronica : *hugs Ria back. Just watched Breakfast at Tiffany's for the millionth time*
[28-04:15] da442, Get a Name!: Well I'm off to go kick Piett's ass *grins*
[28-04:15] 41656, •Rob : Nope, no I'm not. I've got hours left in me.
[28-04:16] 804b7, *President Zahra : *L* Have fun, Candy. *hughug* *and pokes Rob* You are too.
[28-04:16] 41656, •Rob : Nope, neil, nien, niet, negitory...
[28-04:17] 804b7, *President Zahra : Yep, ja.. um.. da.. and.. just.. yes you are.
[28-04:18] da442, Get a Name!: *hugs Ria* oh Marley/Piett sends hugs to all his old RP buddies *L*
[28-04:19] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs for Marley!*
[28-04:22] e5111, •Ronica : *hums* Moon river, wider than a mile... I'm crossing you in style, someday... *abandons her black hole for a big comfy chair*
[28-04:23] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-04:23] 804b7, *President Zahra : *blinks at Ronnie*
[28-04:24] e5111, •Ronica : *blinked at* *shrinks* Sorry? The movie gets me all dreamy..
[28-04:24] 804b7, *President Zahra : No, no.. No apologizing. It's just cute.
[28-04:25] e5111, •Ronica : It's too nice a movie to go lurking about in a black hole afterwards.
[28-04:26] 804b7, *President Zahra : *nodnod*
[28-04:26] JOIN: E has entered.
[28-04:28] e5111, •Ronica : *curls up*
[28-04:28] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs Nigma* *and then pokes her* Off to bed, you!
[28-04:30] e5111, •Ronica : *waves to Nigma*
[28-04:30] fcaa9, *E : *hugs poked...blinks* Couldn't possibly. heh. I wasn't up til after noon today. ^_^
[28-04:30] 804b7, *President Zahra : No, no. Sleep. Or else Rob won't.
[28-04:31] fcaa9, *E : *waves to Ronnie, even though her poor Moose got bludgeoned by that bas.tard Sundin* ^_^
[28-04:31] 41656, •Rob : *Huggles Kiddo*You too huh, hehe.
[28-04:32] fcaa9, *E : *huggles 'buelo* heheh...situation normal. Sorry, Ria, even I can't sleep that much. :/ heheh.
[28-04:32] e5111, •Ronica : *won't be held accountable for anything her hockey players do*
[28-04:33] 804b7, *President Zahra : *mumbles*
[28-04:33] e5111, •Ronica : *goes back to pretending she's Audrey Hepburn*
[28-04:33] fcaa9, *E : *whips the entire Pens offense* *wasn't holding Ronnie accountable* ^_^
[28-04:36] 8b51f, šV: im in london
[28-04:37] 804b7, *President Zahra : Hooray, V!
[28-04:37] 41656, •Rob : *Hums*And I said what about Breakfat at Tiffany's? she said I think I remember the film..
[28-04:37] fcaa9, *E : *green with envy*
[28-04:37] e5111, •Ronica : London, eh? Snazzy.
[28-04:38] 804b7, *President Zahra : *greener with envy* *and giggles at Rob* *always thinks of that song when Ronnie talks about the movie*
[28-04:38] e5111, •Ronica : Breakfast at Tiffany's is just one of the most wonderful movies ever.
[28-04:38] 8b51f, šV: yes. meeting some Fury members
[28-04:38] e5111, •Ronica : *notes that both Ria and Rob need to get their asses in gear and see the movie*
[28-04:39] 41656, •Rob : I never heard of the Movie until after I heard the song, I thought it was a Cafe chain or something..hehehe.
[28-04:40] fcaa9, *E : *notes that Ria has been to London far more recently than she has...thusly, is greenest* heheh.
[28-04:40] e5111, •Ronica : Okay, we're not even going to get into how horrified and disappointed I was that you didn't know what Tiffany's was.
[28-04:41] 804b7, *President Zahra : *went to London and left her soul there, so is greenest-er*
[28-04:42] fcaa9, *E : *curls up on her tv...something*
[28-04:42] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[28-04:42] e5111, •Ronica : *watches her cat sleep*
[28-04:43] 804b7, *President Zahra : *half-asleep* *dies*
[28-04:43] e5111, •Ronica : *revives Ria* Go to bed.
[28-04:44] 804b7, *President Zahra : *isn't going to be until Rob does*
[28-04:44] 804b7, *President Zahra : be=bed, obviously
[28-04:45] 41656, •Rob : Then you're gonna be up at least three more hours :-D
[28-04:45] e5111, •Ronica : So... Ria won't go to bed until Rob won't go to bed and Rob won't go to bed until Nigma goes to bed... So... Nigma, who are you waiting for? Me, maybe? How bout we all go to bed?
[28-04:45] e5111, •Ronica : Until Rob goes to bed, that is.
[28-04:46] 804b7, *President Zahra : Three more hours? *dies*
[28-04:46] e5111, •Ronica : Go to bed, Ria. I'll keep an eye on Rob.
[28-04:46] 41656, •Rob : ....why are you trying to get rid of me?
[28-04:46] fcaa9, *E : Quite an offer, Ronnie :D
[28-04:47] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. *beyond stubborn* No bed for Ria. *and eyes Rob* Because we love you.
[28-04:47] fcaa9, *E : *ahem* Anyhow...I'm waiting for Godot. *absent nod*
[28-04:47] e5111, •Ronica : But Godot never comes!
[28-04:48] 804b7, *President Zahra : Godot doesn't come? Then what's the point?
[28-04:48] e5111, •Ronica : That is the point.
[28-04:48] 41656, •Rob : Godot...? *Blinks at 'Ria*But that doesn't make any sence.
[28-04:48] fcaa9, *E : Yes, well...that is quite a technicality, isn't it?
[28-04:48] 804b7, *President Zahra : But that's not a very good point.
[28-04:49] e5111, •Ronica : It's a play, Rob.
[28-04:49] 804b7, *President Zahra : *really must read the play, some day*
[28-04:51] 804b7, *President Zahra : *but must start on Bonfire of the Vanities, which is so amazing*
[28-04:51] 41656, •Rob : Oh... I knew that that.. really.
[28-04:51] e5111, •Ronica : *has read it* It's kind of... odd.
[28-04:51] e5111, •Ronica : Actually, not kind of. Waiting for Godot is really odd.
[28-04:52] e5111, •Ronica : *is supposed to be reading Anna Karenina, but hasn't really... started... per se*
[28-04:52] fcaa9, *E : *nodnod* Tis indeed odd...s'been awhile since I've read it, tho...
[28-04:52] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. *heard that Anna Karenina is really, really good, but simply doesn't have the patience to read a book that... long*
[28-04:53] e5111, •Ronica : Yeah, that's the whole thing. It's a little intimidating to read the first page and have nearly a thousand more to go.
[28-04:53] 41656, •Rob : *Is lost, busies himself with minesweeper*
[28-04:55] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pats, pats Rob*
[28-04:55] e5111, •Ronica : *is busy reading all the Atwood she took out from the library*
[28-04:57] 804b7, *President Zahra : *pats Tom Wolfe and his fun writing*
[28-04:57] fcaa9, *E : *is busy...doing...well, nothing. Is unbusy.*
[28-04:58] e5111, •Ronica : *is always busy, is just rarely ever doing what she should be busy with*
[28-04:58] 804b7, *President Zahra : Eeep! *peers at her earlobe* Okay.. How does a hole that's closing up because I haven't worn earrings in years get infected?
[28-05:00] e5111, •Ronica : I dunno, Ria...
[28-05:00] e5111, •Ronica : *goes to find her other cat, because that cat reminds of her of Cat from the movie*
[28-05:01] 804b7, *President Zahra : It's all red and in painful. *eyes it* Maybe if I leave it alone, it'll go away.
[28-05:01] 41656, •Rob : *Joins Kiddoe in a state of unbusyness*
[28-05:02] 804b7, *President Zahra : Unbusy people need to sleep.
[28-05:03] 41656, •Rob : *Baps the rogue 'e' away*
[28-05:03] e5111, •Ronica : *wishes she could write something*
[28-05:03] 804b7, *President Zahra : Gah! *needs to write something* *has that one-page dialogue due on Monday!*
[28-05:05] e5111, •Ronica : *doesn't have anything due. Not a single thing* *does have a performance Monday, though*
[28-05:05] e5111, •Ronica : Shit...*and a test*
[28-05:05] e5111, •Ronica : *doesn't have her law stuff with her* Hoo boy.
[28-05:06] 804b7, *President Zahra : Gah! *hugs Ronnie*
[28-05:06] fcaa9, *E : *has nothing due, ever again* Woo.
[28-05:07] e5111, •Ronica : * during lunch*
[28-05:07] 804b7, *President Zahra : *isn't glaring daggers at Nigma... no, no*
[28-05:07] e5111, •Ronica : *is definitely skipping Writer's Craft on Monday, because her teacher will be handing back the stories and Ronnie never handed one in*
[28-05:08] 804b7, *President Zahra : Eeep! *has a psych take-home test due Monday, too* *grumbles*
[28-05:08] fcaa9, *E : Bah...I paid my dues, man. I deserve this scholastic nothingness. * :/ @Ronnie* Bummer.
[28-05:09] 41656, •Rob : *Is'nt going to say anything, just... grins*
[28-05:09] e5111, •Ronica : Bummer is putting it lightly. Since I didn't write a story I'm failing that course.
[28-05:09] 804b7, *President Zahra : *hugs, hugs Ronnie, who could so have submitted any story Ria has ever written*
[28-05:10] fcaa9, *E : Ouch...huge bummer. :/
[28-05:10] 41656, •Rob : Erk! Write like the wind!
[28-05:10] e5111, •Ronica : *shrugs* I was asking for it. I don't know why I thought I could handle 3 English courses in one year.
[28-05:11] 804b7, *President Zahra : *...would even offer Ronnie that story she wrote in fifth grade about a purple spotted alien named Fido... or that one about the Adventures of Tiffy the Tiny Bear*
[28-05:11] e5111, •Ronica : It's too late to write anything. You lose ten percent per day to a maximum of 50 percent, and it was due at least two weeks ago.
[28-05:12] fcaa9, *E : Because you can handle them. *nods* Besides, you're practicing for college.
[28-05:12] 41656, •Rob : Gah...that sucks :(
[28-05:12] e5111, •Ronica : Clearly, I can't handle them.
[28-05:13] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. I'm sure she'll forgive you if you hand in a story about purple aliens named Fido!
[28-05:13] e5111, •Ronica : *was only pulling a 70 in Writer's Craft before the whole story thing anyway* Bah.
[28-05:13] fcaa9, *E : Mmm...not necessarily. It's just factoring all the other classes you have in with them that may be the issue.
[28-05:14] e5111, •Ronica : You know, I probably could bullshit my teacher into letting me hand something in, but I don't deserve to be able to hand anything in.
[28-05:14] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah. You do too deserve to be able to hand it in.
[28-05:15] e5111, •Ronica : I don't.
[28-05:15] e5111, •Ronica : Anyway, I could never finish that story if my life depended on it.
[28-05:20] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah.
[28-05:20] fcaa9, *E : *mutter@ISP* *perches again*
[28-05:20] e5111, •Ronica : It's the truth. *abandons her comfy chair for her black hole*
[28-05:22] 804b7, *President Zahra : *grumbles about her ear hurting, now that she's aware of it*
[28-05:23] e5111, •Ronica : *hums* I love you like I love the sunrise in the morning. I miss you like I miss the water when I'm burning...
[28-05:23] 41656, •Rob : Maybe you should, er, go to bed..?
[28-05:24] 804b7, *President Zahra : *so very in need of bashing something*
[28-05:24] JOIN: Falcon24 has entered.
[28-05:24] 804b7, *President Zahra : *eyes Rob*
[28-05:24] e5111, •Ronica : *is bashable*
[28-05:24] fcaa9, *E : If pus comes out it'll feel better, Ria. Gets rid of the pressure. ^-^
[28-05:24] 804b7, *President Zahra : Birdie! *pounce-huggle!*
[28-05:24] 1f64b, Falcon24: boo
[28-05:24] 1f64b, Falcon24: ack
[28-05:24] e5111, •Ronica : Ew, Nigma. :P
[28-05:24] 804b7, *President Zahra : *eyes it* No pus. Which is good, because.. ewww.
[28-05:25] fcaa9, *E : Oi Birdie ^_^ *waves* *is ew-ed* Hey, it's the truth. heheh.
[28-05:25] 41656, •Rob : Ewww.....
[28-05:25] 41656, •Rob : 'Lo Falc ^_^
[28-05:25] fcaa9, *E : fs
[28-05:25] 1f64b, Falcon24: huh weird
[28-05:25] 1f64b, Falcon24: hihi
[28-05:25] e5111, •Ronica : It's still ew.
[28-05:26] 804b7, *President Zahra : *curls up on Birdie's lap* *whines* Ria's ear hurts.. And her tummy hurts... And owwww.
[28-05:27] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Ponders*
[28-05:27] 1f64b, Falcon24: O_O k
[28-05:28] 804b7, *President Zahra : Hmph. *not getting the appropriate response* *tries again* *hugs Stoney and curls up on his lap* *whines* Ria's in pain..
[28-05:28] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-05:28] 1f64b, Falcon24: gwarg
[28-05:30] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : May I ask why Ria is in pain?
[28-05:32] e5111, •Ronica : *works on her look of bored contempt, in hopes she can learn to end conversations with a single glare*
[28-05:34] 804b7, *President Zahra : Because Ria's body is yet again randomly angry at her. Her ear hurts, and her sinuses are yuckie, and her tummy is randomly hurting.
[28-05:34] 804b7, *President Zahra : *blinks at Ronnie*
[28-05:34] 1f64b, Falcon24: Then poke it until it stops
[28-05:35] e5111, •Ronica : *blinked at* There's too many people I don't like who talk to me! And as of yet, I have no way to get rid of them short of telling them to fck off.
[28-05:36] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : mmhm..*admires his pic*
[28-05:36] 804b7, *President Zahra : Oooo! *realizes* That bored contempt look may work on Brian! *practices, also*
[28-05:37] 41656, •Rob : *Blinks*
[28-05:37] 804b7, *President Zahra : Well, if Stoney's not gonna comfort Ria.. *slinks off his lap and curls up in a corner, whimpering*
[28-05:37] fcaa9, *E : *plays with her little dagger* Bothersome.
[28-05:38] e5111, •Ronica : *considers* Black eyeliner always helps a good glare. *will need to start wearing it again* *is willing to comfort Ria*
[28-05:39] 804b7, *President Zahra : *shall wear ghastly makeup with bright colors that completely hide any pleasant facial features anyone may have possibly imagined to exist*
[28-05:40] EXIT: Falcon24 has left the chat ( Quit ).
[28-05:42] e5111, •Ronica : *has no bright colours... Except red*
[28-05:42] 804b7, *President Zahra : *has no bright colors either.. will just buy them*
[28-05:43] e5111, •Ronica : *has a lot of grey and black and dark dark blue. Would be pleasantly moody looking if not for her acursed blonde hair*
[28-05:45] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah to moodiness.
[28-05:47] e5111, •Ronica : Moodiness is all I've got going for me. No bahing.
[28-05:48] 804b7, *President Zahra : Bah, bah, bah. *hugs*
[28-05:48] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Ponders* bored...
[28-05:49] e5111, •Ronica : Bah nothing. *hugs back*
[28-05:49] 804b7, *President Zahra : Anyway.. Ria's off to bed now, finally, because she can't take it anymore, and has wanted to go back to sleep ever since she woke up.
[28-05:50] e5111, •Ronica : Good. Go sleep. Sweet dreams. *hugs lots*
[28-05:50] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[28-05:51] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : danged glasses are broke again...fs.
[28-06:05] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-06:07] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *ponders using tape*hmmm...
[28-06:09] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( Well I always said there was something fundamently wrong with the universe ).
[28-06:11] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : it isn't geeky if the tape is clear...
[28-06:28] JOIN: M has entered.
[28-06:29] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Hi M!
[28-06:30] a4aa5, *M : lo
[28-06:45]       M is away. Reason: Uh... yeah.
[28-08:08] a4aa5, *M : omg.. daylight savings time.. *just gained an extra hour* nooooooooo
[28-08:09] a4aa5, *M : (thank god I have my computer to tell me these things) *goes back to being aweh*
[28-09:02] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-09:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: now i need to find someone with computer hardware knowhow
[28-09:06] a4aa5, *M : *knows nothing*
[28-09:06] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[28-09:07] b94fa, Get a Name!: same here , a search under the board serial number provided nothing
[28-09:08] a4aa5, *M : eh. *blinks*
[28-09:08] 38ac2, Liz: Hello
[28-09:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: heh , bouncer found a computer card , gave it to me , i dunno what it is
[28-09:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: 'lo Liz
[28-09:10] 38ac2, Liz: What's up?
[28-09:10] a4aa5, *M : oi
[28-09:13] a4aa5, *M : *baps clock* you're supposed to be 3 am, not 2 am. B@stard.
[28-09:13] b94fa, Get a Name!: ah well times a biatch
[28-09:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: not much liz btw
[28-09:14] 38ac2, Liz: aww
[28-09:14] a4aa5, *M : time is my enemy.
[28-09:16] b94fa, Get a Name!: destroy it !!!!
[28-09:16] 38ac2, Liz: Did you guys set back your clocks?
[28-09:17] a4aa5, *M : uh.... huh. (ok, clearly my post down the page doesn't answer Liz's question) you tell me how, and I'll destroy it.
[28-09:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: uh , i dunno ... but i have garnered that this may be a CPU
[28-09:19] b94fa, Get a Name!: not yet Liz , i work on Jim time
[28-09:19] a4aa5, *M : uh... mmkay
[28-09:19] 38ac2, Liz: ok...
[28-09:20] a4aa5, *M : oh, the joy, the bliss... "come on.. I'll hit ya so hard, I'll knock ya back ta Belfast." *marks that quote down*
[28-09:21] a4aa5, *M : Ooh. *switches embracement date with actual birthday, since it's that much cooler to do so*
[28-09:21] b94fa, Get a Name!: quote ? hmmm , cool enuff , but hopefully brb ... gonna plug this card in
[28-09:22] a4aa5, *M : erm.. good luck.
[28-09:24] a4aa5, *M : mwaha
[28-09:25] a4aa5, *M : *actually hasn't turned her clocks back, due to the fact that she didn't know it was Daylight Savings Time* Eh. *pats trusty comp*
[28-09:26] a4aa5, *M : what would I ever do without you... *hugs it*
[28-09:28] 38ac2, Liz: Aww
[28-09:29] a4aa5, *M : *stares.... stares..... stares.... at PA* what?!
[28-09:30] 38ac2, Liz: PA?
[28-09:30] a4aa5, *M : yeah. online game. Planetarion.
[28-09:30] 38ac2, Liz: ahh
[28-09:31] a4aa5, *M : omfg. *gapes* oi
[28-09:32] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-09:32] b94fa, Get a Name!: hmmm , no slots it'll fit into
[28-09:33] a4aa5, *M : *rofl*
[28-09:34] b94fa, Get a Name!: ah , well , i'll find out eventually
[28-09:34] a4aa5, *M : the enigmatic computer card.
[28-09:35] a4aa5, *M : does it have any places to plug stuff in on it?
[28-09:37] a4aa5, *M : *imagines thoughtful examining of said card, and waits*
[28-09:38] b94fa, Get a Name!: nope , it looks to be plugged in to something else
[28-09:38] a4aa5, *M : *!* It could be a video card.
[28-09:41] a4aa5, *M : *just can't imagine that* "So, like, I've got this computer card." "Yeah?" "Yup. No clue what the fuck it is, tho." "No shit? Give 'er here. I'll figure it out." "Cool." wtf?
[28-09:45] b94fa, Get a Name!: yup
[28-09:46] a4aa5, *M : Nah. "Here, you want this?" "The hell is it?" "It's a computer card." "Um. What does it do?" "That's for me to know, and you to find out." "Er. Okay then." "Have fun." "Thanks."
[28-09:47] b94fa, Get a Name!: *L* Actually , story goes it casme out of the cigarette machine instead on a packet of cigarettes
[28-09:47] a4aa5, *M : *blinks* Interesting.
[28-09:49] b94fa, Get a Name!: verrah
[28-09:49] a4aa5, *M : "I need a pack of smokes. Be right back." "Sure." *five minutes later* "Apparently they're making cigarettes with silicon now." "Uh huh?" "Yup. Here. You've got a computer. See if you can figure it out." "No problem."
[28-09:50] b94fa, Get a Name!: heheh
[28-09:51] a4aa5, *M : Maybe it was one of those things that only happen in movies. "I'll leave the card in a cigarette machine at (such and such location). The brand will be (blah blah). Do not let it fall into the wrong hands." "I'll be right on it."
[28-09:55] a4aa5, *M : How the hell else would it get in there? "Shit! I just finished stocking those machines, and I accidentally put my new video card in there. Fuck! Well.. At least I've got this extra pack of smokes..."
[28-09:56] b94fa, Get a Name!: *L* Who knows
[28-09:56] b94fa, Get a Name!: All I know is its bed time *hugs* cya later kiddo
[28-09:57] a4aa5, *M : *baffled* See, now this is going to bother me.
[28-09:57] a4aa5, *M : *hugs back* Sleep well
[28-09:58] a4aa5, *M : geez... *ponders*
[28-10:00] a4aa5, *M : *will now be plagued with dreams in which there shall play any number of scenarios about how a computer card got inside a cigarette machine* There's one to tell the grandkids. mein gott.
[28-10:02] a4aa5, *M : *talking to herself, clearleh* Oi.. *patters off*
[28-10:07] 38ac2, Liz: Sorry...*poofing in*
[28-10:19] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[28-10:23] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[28-14:12] JOIN: Win has entered.
[28-14:13] e124b, Win: *Floats around, listening to the Foo's*
[28-14:48] EXIT: Win has left the chat ( Quit ).
[28-14:59] JOIN: M has entered.
[28-15:12] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[28-18:23] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[28-20:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-20:42] 9f396, Get a Name!: *mutters*
[28-21:33] c6d5f, •Ronica : *thrashes OD*
[28-21:34] c6d5f, •Ronica : *then goes back to lurking*
[28-21:37] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *tends to his homework boredly*
[28-21:37] c6d5f, •Ronica : *has no homework to do*
[28-21:38] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : bleh.
[28-21:39] c6d5f, •Ronica : Heh.
[28-21:40] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *admires pic*
[28-21:42] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[28-21:43] c6d5f, •Ronica : *hugs Ria*
[28-21:44] d437e, *President Zahra : *hugs back*
[28-22:05] d437e, *President Zahra : *grumbles*
[28-22:08] c6d5f, •Ronica : *peers at the grumbling*
[28-22:08] d437e, *President Zahra : *the grumbling peers back*
[28-22:09] c6d5f, •Ronica : Eek...
[28-22:11] d437e, *President Zahra : Eek?
[28-22:12] c6d5f, •Ronica : Eek. I was eyed by grumbling. That's eek-worthy.
[28-22:14] d437e, *President Zahra : I suppose.
[28-22:16] c6d5f, •Ronica : *nod*
[28-22:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : oops-for a minute there I thought intelligent conversation was going on.
[28-22:18] d437e, *President Zahra : *eyes Stoney* Yeah, and we love you too.
[28-22:18] c6d5f, •Ronica : Oh, don't ever count on intelligent conversation from me.
[28-22:20] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : I know, Ria :)
[28-22:20] d437e, *President Zahra : *sigh@Stoney*
[28-22:21] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : What?
[28-22:23] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-22:23] d437e, *President Zahra : Nothing, nothing. *curls up on his lap*
[28-22:29] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-22:50] d437e, *President Zahra : Oy. Quiet.
[28-22:58] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[28-22:58] 9f396, Get a Name!: Quietness sucks ass
[28-23:05] 9f396, Get a Name!: Yeah okay
[28-23:33] 9f396, Get a Name!: YOU ALL SUCK
[28-23:38] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : shut up, GaN.
[28-23:39] JOIN: Azhrei has entered.
[28-23:39] 9f396, Get a Name!: No, you whore
[28-23:40] 9f396, Get a Name!: Hey it's Rohan
[28-23:40] 540a3, Azhrei: *Eyes Ronnie, and tells her with his eyes to kick the stupid GaN out* Hi all!
[28-23:41] 9f396, Get a Name!: Bleh
[28-23:41] 9f396, Get a Name!: pizza....i shall return
[28-23:42] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Amazing that Rohan can tell Ronnie that just with his eyes.
[28-23:42] 540a3, Azhrei: *Ponders the identity of the GaN*
[28-23:42] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : it's Justin, most likely.
[28-23:42] 540a3, Azhrei: *Smiles at Stoney* Yes, amn't I brilliant?
[28-23:43] 540a3, Azhrei: Oh, well, the language would give him away alright
[28-23:43] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Yes. Brilliant. That's the word I was looking for.
[28-23:45] 540a3, Azhrei: That's good, then. The usual word is "Strange", "weird", or sometimes it's just "that guy"
[28-23:51] 540a3, Azhrei: *Hums*
[28-23:55] 9f396, Get a Name!: Weee
[28-23:55] 540a3, Azhrei: Indeed *Whistles, or at least, tries to*
[28-23:56] 9f396, Get a Name!: Raise your hands, you're a Sinner
[28-23:57] 540a3, Azhrei: Well, we're all sinners, true, but this isn't mass, so no I won't *Stops trying to whistle and goes back to humming*
[28-23:58] 9f396, Get a Name!: It's a song about people who tell other people to live morrally and just and that kind of stuff, when they themselves are sinners
[28-23:59] 540a3, Azhrei: They don't tell them to live morally, they tell them to TRY to be as moral as you can
[29-00:00] 9f396, Get a Name!: haven't been to church in a long time, have you?
[29-00:02] 540a3, Azhrei: *Smiles* Nobody is perfect, GaN. And those who would criticise others for trying to live morally, aren't any more perfect than those people
[29-00:02] 9f396, Get a Name!: I never said I was moral or perfect. Far from it.
[29-00:04] 540a3, Azhrei: *S*
[29-00:06] 9f396, Get a Name!: Hmmm....I think I'll be taking a trip to Babbages tonight
[29-00:09] 540a3, Azhrei: Babbages? What's that?
[29-00:11] 9f396, Get a Name!: Video game store, they have a demo of Smackdown! 3 in
[29-00:12] 540a3, Azhrei: Oh... Wrestling.. I see
[29-00:12] JOIN: pH has entered.
[29-00:12] 9f396, Get a Name!: Yes
[29-00:12] 9f396, Get a Name!: And now I'm outta here
[29-00:12] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Stupid Win98, just had to fuck up on me. I have to go fix it now. (i'm in Win2000 right now) ).
[29-00:13] 35618, 'pH: *peers*
[29-00:15] 540a3, Azhrei: *Sees pH peering* Look! Look! A person!
[29-00:16] 35618, 'pH: *blinks at Azhrei* I'm not a person! I'm not! You can't prove anything!
[29-00:17] 540a3, Azhrei: Yes I can! Yes I can! Umm... *Ponders how he can prove it*
[29-00:19] 35618, 'pH: Hah! I win! I have status .
[29-00:20] 540a3, Azhrei: Bah! Bah, I say! (psst, I'm Rohan btw :) ))
[29-00:22] 35618, 'pH: *baps Azhrei/Rohany*
[29-00:22] 540a3, Azhrei: *Bapped* Hehe!
[29-00:25] 35618, 'pH: Bad Rohany!
[29-00:27] 540a3, Azhrei: *Whimpers* Bad? Why?
[29-00:28] 35618, 'pH: cause I say so.
[29-00:28] 540a3, Azhrei: Aww, pH doesn't like me *Sniff*
[29-00:29] 35618, 'pH: No. No, pH doesn't.
[29-00:30] 35618, 'pH: *sulks in a corner*
[29-00:30] 540a3, Azhrei: *Doesn't like corners, they provide ample space for people to feel sorry in* *Pulls pH out of the corner* Don't stay in there
[29-00:31] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-00:32] 35618, 'pH: Ack!
[29-00:33] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : hm.
[29-00:36] 540a3, Azhrei: Ack? I saved you from a corner!
[29-00:43] 35618, 'pH: *has a headache*
[29-00:43] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : bah.*backs into a shielded and armored corner*
[29-00:44] 540a3, Azhrei: *Hands pH some Panadol and a glass of water, even if I'm not liked*
[29-00:45] 540a3, Azhrei: *Eyes the shielded and armoured corner* Hmm.. some atomics might do
[29-00:47] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *has an impenetrable fortress corner*
[29-00:48] 540a3, Azhrei: Bah! *Hates the impenetrable ones*
[29-00:48] 35618, 'pH: What's a Panadol?
[29-00:49] 540a3, Azhrei: It's a powerful headache removing-tablet that's sold over here in Ireland. Very good it is, too
[29-00:50] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Has a better drug that relieves headaches*
[29-00:52] 540a3, Azhrei: The absolute best for headaches is Panadol Plus, and for hangovers it's Alka Seltzer..
[29-00:59] 352fb, •Rob: *cough*Alcoholic**cough*
[29-00:59] 540a3, Azhrei: Excuse me! I was TOLD that! *Mutters*
[29-01:00] 352fb, •Rob : Sure you were, after you asked :P
[29-01:02] 540a3, Azhrei: Bah! I was told that, after DISCUSSING hangovers, not experiencing one. I've never had Alka Seltzer before!
[29-01:03] 352fb, •Rob : Riiiiiight ^_^
[29-01:03] 540a3, Azhrei: *Pokes Rob* Shut it, you
[29-01:12] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[29-01:12] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: STONE!
[29-01:12] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : stoned and ready, Justin.
[29-01:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: IM me, now
[29-01:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ...ready for your pathetic, endless talk ...
[29-01:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *snores*
[29-01:13] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : No, you IM me.
[29-01:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Dic k
[29-01:14] 540a3, Azhrei: Talk of cabbages and kings?
[29-01:14] 352fb, •Rob : Quit swearing please.
[29-01:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What?, shut up Rohan.
[29-01:15] 540a3, Azhrei: *Shuts up, then, though he doesn't really know what he said that warrants his shutting up*
[29-01:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Confusion makes me tell people to shut up
[29-01:16] 352fb, •Rob : That must happen alot.
[29-01:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Snickers at Rob*is it customary to warn with a sarcastic insult?
[29-01:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Actually, it does. Usually the shut up and is followed by a smack over the back of the head
[29-01:18] 540a3, Azhrei: I was quoting Lewis Carroll, Justin
[29-01:18] 352fb, •Rob : I don't know, I'm making this up as I go.
[29-01:18] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Lewis who?
[29-01:19] 540a3, Azhrei: Alice in Wonderland, for those not in the know
[29-01:19] 352fb, •Rob : *Blinks*...Lewis who? Alice in Wonderland? Through the looking glass?
[29-01:19] 540a3, Azhrei: Or is that C.S. Lewis.. ah well *Shrugs*
[29-01:19] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : You're right about that..hmm..does that happen often?
[29-01:20] 352fb, •Rob : Thats Cs Lewis*pat pat* Carol Lewis is the Athelete.
[29-01:20] 540a3, Azhrei: Alright then *Points to Rob* What he says
[29-01:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Uh, who?
[29-01:22] 540a3, Azhrei: *Sigh* The guy who wrote Alice in Wonderland, Justin
[29-01:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Alice in what now?
[29-01:23] 540a3, Azhrei: *Wonders what kind of childhood Justin had, but won't ask*
[29-01:23] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Alice was stoned.
[29-01:24] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Child what now?
[29-01:25] 540a3, Azhrei: Yep
[29-01:25] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : hehehehehehehehehehehe
[29-01:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *wanders away*
[29-01:25] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Faggots ).
[29-01:26] 540a3, Azhrei: What an intellectual
[29-01:26] 352fb, •Rob : I'm not going to forget that exit messege.
[29-01:27] 540a3, Azhrei: As well you shouldn't
[29-01:28] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : Because the wrath of Rob is far reaching and can become as horrid as a sharp scolding followed up by a "Ronnie, do you want to ban him?"
[29-01:29] 540a3, Azhrei: *ROFLMAO*
[29-01:29] 352fb, •Rob : That however, I can forget.
[29-01:32] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : well-err-if you don't write it down.
[29-01:55] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[29-01:57] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[29-01:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey look, it's Ria
[29-01:58] 26fcf, *President Zahra : It is? *peers at herself* Oh, it is.
[29-02:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria*
[29-02:02] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *purrs, purrs*
[29-02:02] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Hums*
[29-02:02] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Where the hell are the people
[29-02:04] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Hiding? *shrugs at Justin and curls up on his lap*
[29-02:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria* You could be right, and no Stone, you don't count
[29-02:07] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *Continues to hum*
[29-02:08] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *thwaps, thwaps Real Life* Just when I decide to catch up on my favorite comics... *grumble*
[29-02:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Let me guess, it's being slow as hell?
[29-02:10] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Yeah. But I think it's okay now.
[29-02:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: It's not Real Life though, it's Keenspot
[29-02:14] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Keenspot? Oh great. That means all my favorite comics will be slow. Bah!
[29-02:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Well they all are on the Keenspot server
[29-02:19] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *baps, baps, baps Keenspot*
[29-02:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yes, bap that server, break it, that'll fix it
[29-02:22] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *eyes Justin* Aren't you supposed to believe that violence solves everything?
[29-02:23] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : hehehehehehehehehehehe
[29-02:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *eyed* Uh no, it solves most things, not everything
[29-02:24] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *smacks Stone* Shut up you
[29-02:24] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : weeee...*smacked, falls over*
[29-02:24] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Oh, okay. *hugs Justin* *and blinks at Stoney*
[29-02:25] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[29-02:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* W00t
[29-02:25] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie*
[29-02:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *points and laughs at Stone cuz he's a stupid ass*
[29-02:26] c6d5f, •Ronica : *hugs Ria*
[29-02:26] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *pokes Justin* *and hugs Stoney*
[29-02:27] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *poked* erg
[29-02:30] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Erg?
[29-02:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: ERG!
[29-02:31] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *pats*
[29-02:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *patted* *smacks Stone*
[29-02:31] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-02:32] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Oy.
[29-02:32] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[29-02:34] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Luke! *leaping-tackle-hugs!*
[29-02:34] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Luke's a homo!
[29-02:34] 01dd6, 'Luke: *gets tacklehugged* oomph! *falls over*
[29-02:35] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *giggles and sits on top of the fallen Luke* I win!
[29-02:36] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *is too disoriented from all the smackings to hug back*
[29-02:36] 01dd6, 'Luke: *looks up at Ria and grins* *gets up and knocks Justin over with his cast* hey Stoney
[29-02:37] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *abandoned by Ria* *wanders off*
[29-02:37] 01dd6, 'Luke: Justin, you poof...
[29-02:38] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-02:38] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Gack! No! *un-abandons Justin, and curls up on his lap!*
[29-02:44] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Oh my god!! *eyes Ripley's Believe It Or Not, which is showing people hanging by hooks that have been pierced in their skin*
[29-02:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: So? That's nothing special
[29-02:46] 26fcf, *President Zahra : He's flying over the Hollywood sign, hanging on a helicopter by the hooks in his skin! *shudders, shudders*
[29-02:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: And your point is? I've seen worse, much worse
[29-02:48] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Yes, well, I haven't. *shudders some more*
[29-02:48] 01dd6, 'Luke: they were drinking cattle blood on Survivor Africa..
[29-02:49] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Hush, Luke! Ewwww!
[29-02:49] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Survivwhatnow?
[29-02:51] 01dd6, 'Luke: the Masai tribe in Africa mix the blood with milk... they puncture the juglar vein of a bull, and the blood pours out in a stream
[29-02:52] 26fcf, *President Zahra : EEEEK! They're showing them put hooks in him..
[29-02:52] c6d5f, •Ronica : Survivor is the best show.
[29-02:52] 01dd6, 'Luke: they mix it with milk... anyway, I gotta go.. see ya's
[29-02:52] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I hate Survivor, I hate ABC. I hate reality TV shows, they all friggen suck.
[29-02:53] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-02:53] c6d5f, •Ronica : Survivor doesn't count as a reality show. I dunno how often people get stranded in Africa in reality.
[29-02:53] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Byes, Luke. *waves* *keeps shuddering*
[29-02:53] c6d5f, •Ronica : Anyway, any show that brings out the worst in people and makes them eat things like cow brains is a good show to me.
[29-02:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You have a point, seeing that they also do takes of certain parts when something doesn't go the way they want, also doesn't make it reality
[29-02:55] c6d5f, •Ronica : And the fact that they cast for the show also makes it not reality. They have people up in the studio going "Oooo! A self-righteous vegan! Let's put her on."
[29-02:55] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Bah. *shaking*
[29-02:56] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugs Ria*
[29-02:56] c6d5f, •Ronica : I can't stand any of the other so called reality shows, though. But there's something trashy about Survivor that's so appealing. *hugs Ria lots*
[29-02:56] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yeah, they should just randomly grab a bunch of people off the street and drop them in the middle of the Sahara with only a 9mm camera
[29-02:56] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin and Ronnie lots*
[29-02:57] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged lots* W00t
[29-02:57] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Silly Justin.
[29-02:59] c6d5f, •Ronica : Ooo... The Sahara... maybe Survivor 4 will be there...
[29-03:00] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *heard something about them wanting to do a Survivor show in Afghanistan* *f*
[29-03:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Ahahahaha. That would be great. "Your mission for the day is to run into Kabul and survive!"
[29-03:01] c6d5f, •Ronica : Bah. They wouldn't. The next one will probably be in a rain forrest or something.
[29-03:01] 26fcf, *President Zahra : You never know what they're capable of.
[29-03:01] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh, a rain forest would suck.
[29-03:03] c6d5f, •Ronica : The people on the show can't die. If they did, bad things would happen. They wouldn't put them in Afghanistan. And how the hell would that work, anyway? "The tribe that performs the most embassy bombings in one hour gets immunity!"
[29-03:03] c6d5f, •Ronica : I think they should put them on some big ass mountain.
[29-03:04] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Heh.
[29-03:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Like the top of that big one north of India
[29-03:05] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Oy.. *shakes her head* *blinks and watches a Phantom of the Opera movie*
[29-03:07] c6d5f, •Ronica : *starting to get really pissed with OD*
[29-03:08] 2e72a, •Rob: *Is currently laughing himself silly at battle beyond the stars*This flick is so bad it's good...
[29-03:08] 26fcf, *President Zahra : It's still not working? *and blinks at the Phantom movie* How.. odd.
[29-03:08] c6d5f, •Ronica : Yes. Still not working.
[29-03:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *confused and dissapears*
[29-03:09] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *baps, baps it* *clings to Justin!*
[29-03:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *clung to* Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!
[29-03:11] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Fine. *sighs, and un-clings*
[29-03:12] c6d5f, •Ronica : *lurks in her black hole*
[29-03:12] JOIN: Streen has entered.
[29-03:12] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *lurks in the black hole beside Ronnie's*
[29-03:13] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *pause* Streen? *hugs!!*
[29-03:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Holy shit it's Streen
[29-03:13] 2e72a, •Rob : Good lord, it's Streen!
[29-03:13] cdabb, Streen: *strolls in, taking in the "scenery"*
[29-03:13] c6d5f, •Ronica : *waves to Ria*
[29-03:14] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *waves back to Ronnie*
[29-03:15] cdabb, Streen: *finds himself an empty booth and takes a seat*
[29-03:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *blinks at Streen* Dammit man, say something
[29-03:16] cdabb, Streen: What the heck happened to my other post? *L*
[29-03:16] cdabb, Streen: I must have clicked undo
[29-03:17] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *giggles and pats Streen*
[29-03:17] cdabb, Streen: *nods* sup Justin *G*
[29-03:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Idiota
[29-03:20] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *is one tired mother m00er*
[29-03:20] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[29-03:21] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: HEY!
[29-03:22] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Hey? *blinks at Justin*
[29-03:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Stupid new censor
[29-03:24] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *patpatpat for Justin*
[29-03:24] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *patpatpatted* *smacks Stone three times*
[29-03:25] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Eeep! Quit that!
[29-03:28] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No, Stone's a whore and he deserves it
[29-03:29] 2e72a, •Rob : Oi... 'nuff of that.
[29-03:29] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Bah. *hugs Rob*
[29-03:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Screw you
[29-03:31] 2e72a, •Rob : *Huggles 'Ria*
[29-03:31] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Um.. *hugs Justin, and puts a hand over his mouth* Shhh.
[29-03:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* mphf
[29-03:32] 2e72a, •Rob : One more like that, and not even 'Ria can save you.
[29-03:33] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I don't need saving, what I need is root beer
[29-03:34] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Bah. Ria can save anyone! *giggles*
[29-03:36] c6d5f, •Ronica : Bah. *had to go help her geographically impaired stepmother*
[29-03:37] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie*
[29-03:37] c6d5f, •Ronica : *hugs back* *was so tempted to give her the wrong answers* "Toledo? That's in.... New Mexico..."
[29-03:38] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Where is Toledo?
[29-03:38] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *giggles*
[29-03:40] c6d5f, •Ronica : Ohio
[29-03:40] c6d5f, •Ronica : Shouldn't you know the geography of your country better than me?
[29-03:43] 2e72a, •Rob : Good god... what a crappy ending.*Switches the TV off*What a waste of 90 minutes.
[29-03:45] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Bah. *doesn't know the geography of her country at all*
[29-03:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Well you see, I've never left New England, except for the one week in Orlando. And I haven't had any geography courses since 7th grade
[29-03:46] c6d5f, •Ronica : Well, maybe it's all the Jeopardy I watch...
[29-03:46] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: K.....
[29-03:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh, wait, there was that one time I went to Canada, but I try to block that from memory
[29-03:48] c6d5f, •Ronica : Oh, I know the feeling Justin. I try and block out the three years I spent living in the States.
[29-03:48] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[29-03:48] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: And you lived where?
[29-03:49] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria*
[29-03:49] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *purrs*
[29-03:49] c6d5f, •Ronica : Buttf*ck, Nowhere.
[29-03:50] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No, seriously
[29-03:51] c6d5f, •Ronica : Elkhart, Indiana. The RV capital of the world. Its one redeeming quality was that it was two hours away from Chicago.
[29-03:52] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Well no wonder, Indiana is a pile of shit. I'd block out all memories of that state as well.
[29-03:53] c6d5f, •Ronica : Yeah, it was pretty bad. Trailer parks as far as they eye could see. I lived in just about the one nice area in the whole place.
[29-03:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: It could have been worse though, you could have lived in Alabama.
[29-03:54] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[29-03:55] c6d5f, •Ronica : True. And I liked Chicago.
[29-03:55] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Alabama - The Red Neck capital of the world
[29-03:55] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Earth - The Alabama of the Universe
[29-03:56] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Bah.
[29-03:57] c6d5f, •Ronica : *ponders* If Arkansas is pronounced Arkansaw, why the hell isn't Kansas pronounced Kansaw?
[29-03:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Because Arkansas is ranked #49 in education in the US
[29-03:59] c6d5f, •Ronica : Makes sense.
[29-03:59] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: While Kansas I think is somewhere in the teens
[29-03:59] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[29-03:59] c6d5f, •Ronica : Is Alabama #50?
[29-03:59] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No, South Carolina
[29-04:00] c6d5f, •Ronica : Really? Interesting. Who's number one?
[29-04:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: My old physics teacher taught in South Carolina for four years, he said they were the dumbest people he'd ever met
[29-04:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I have no idea
[29-04:00] 3daaf, •Rob : What're the other three below it?
[29-04:00] c6d5f, •Ronica : He should go to Newfoundland.
[29-04:01] 26fcf, *President Zahra : NY is #1 in education! Well, it should be.
[29-04:01] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I don't know what the top 10 are, I know a couple years ago Mass. was in the teens
[29-04:02] JOIN: Lord tenchi masaki has entered.
[29-04:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey Tenchi
[29-04:04] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *pounce-huggles Tenchi!*
[29-04:04] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: a hoy hoy. why newfoundland if I may ask?
[29-04:04] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *hugs ria, kotc* hey you
[29-04:04] c6d5f, •Ronica : Because Newfies have a reputation for being not-so-bright. They're our rednecks.
[29-04:05] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: aye that they are. have you ever gotten the newfie virus?
[29-04:05] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *curls up on Tenchi's lap*
[29-04:05] c6d5f, •Ronica : The Newfie virus? What's that?
[29-04:06] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: funniest email I have ever gotten
[29-04:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Let me guess first
[29-04:06] c6d5f, •Ronica : Oh, some Newfie jokes are hilarious.
[29-04:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: When you visit New Foundland, you start to act like them, and talk like them, and by the time you come back, you're as dumb as them
[29-04:07] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: no.
[29-04:07] 3daaf, •Rob : 'Sounds a bit like Kerry, heh.
[29-04:08] c6d5f, •Ronica : Did you hear about the Newfie terrorist who tried to blow up a school bus? He burnt his lips on the exhaust pipe.
[29-04:09] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: LOL
[29-04:10] 3daaf, •Rob : Hehe, 'heard that on ebefore..
[29-04:10] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: cant find it in my email. you get it, its a picture that loads to read somethign like this...
[29-04:11] c6d5f, •Ronica : They're all the same jokes you just insert whatever stereotype you'd like to bash.
[29-04:11] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: you have recieved the newfie virus. now, as we aint got no computer skills or nothin, your on the honour system to delete all your files and breaks yer computer.
[29-04:11] c6d5f, •Ronica : *throws a comma in there*
[29-04:11] JOIN: Leon Yara has entered.
[29-04:11] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *hugs ria*
[29-04:12] c6d5f, •Ronica : Hehe.
[29-04:12] 3daaf, •Rob : Yeah, exactly Ronnie. Like the one abuut the Kerry army platoon who when to fight in the Gulf. The Mexicans didn't know what to do with them.
[29-04:13] 3daaf, •Rob : Er, about even.
[29-04:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hahaha
[29-04:14] c6d5f, •Ronica : Or.. what else is there? Oh, how many newfies does it take to go ice fishing? Four. One to cut the hole in the ice and three to push the boat in.
[29-04:15] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: LOL theres millions of those.
[29-04:15] 3daaf, •Rob : How many to change a lightbulb. One hundred and eighty one. One to hold the bulb, and 180 to spin the celing around.
[29-04:15] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: "why wasnt jesus born in newfoundland? they couldnt find 3 wise men and a virgin"
[29-04:16] c6d5f, •Ronica : *L*
[29-04:17] c6d5f, •Ronica : Did you hear about the war between the Newfies and the Nova Scotians? The Newfies were throwing hand grenades.... The Nova Scotians were pulling the pins and tossing them back.
[29-04:18] 3daaf, •Rob : *LOL*
[29-04:19] 3daaf, •Rob : What do you do if a Kerry soldier throws a pin at you? run, he had a grenade in his mouth.
[29-04:20] c6d5f, •Ronica : *snickers*
[29-04:21] 3daaf, •Rob : What do you call a kerryman in stolen wheelbarrow? a joyrider.
[29-04:22] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[29-04:22] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: That one sucked Rob
[29-04:23] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *baps, baps, baps her comp*
[29-04:23] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: there are alos some funny ones being tossed around about the war
[29-04:23] c6d5f, •Ronica : My favourite jokes are the you-know-you're-a-canadian-when ones.
[29-04:24] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: "canada has pledged full military support for the war on afganistan. you know what that means? BOTH tanks"
[29-04:25] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I thought it meant bombing the Baldwins...
[29-04:25] 3daaf, •Rob : Hehehe...thast like when Ireland sent three Icebreakers to the Gulf war, and thats isn't a joke, it's the truth.
[29-04:26] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *blinks, and curls up*
[29-04:26] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: Rob: or us sending half our navy to fight afganistan.
[29-04:26] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: *hugs ria*
[29-04:27] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Ahahahahaha.....i just saw this picture, it started out with "Why not to set the American flag on fire." and it showed an afghani setting an american flag on fire, then the flag swung out and set him on fire
[29-04:27] c6d5f, •Ronica : What cracks me up is that about two years ago, The Mall of Edmonton had more submarines than the Canadian Navy.
[29-04:27] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *hugs Tenchi lots*
[29-04:28] 3daaf, •Rob : Ireland doesn't have a navy. It's just a glorified coastguard. Eight frigates, all only armed with one cannon.
[29-04:29] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: Ronica: theirs are probably better
[29-04:29] c6d5f, •Ronica : I wouldn't be suprised. The Mall of Edmonton is one cool mall.
[29-04:30] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: tis one ladyin place indeed
[29-04:30] 3daaf, •Rob : The Mall of what...?
[29-04:30] c6d5f, •Ronica : Or West Edmonton Mall. Whatever the hell it's called. All I know is that it's the biggest mall in the world.
[29-04:31] 3daaf, •Rob : Ohh....Wow.
[29-04:31] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *all confused-like*
[29-04:31] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: biggest mall in the world, in the middle of m00ing nowhere
[29-04:31] c6d5f, •Ronica : Yeah, it's a big ass mall. 800 stores and three submarines among other things.
[29-04:32] 3daaf, •Rob : Why does it have Submarines??
[29-04:33] c6d5f, •Ronica : I dunno. Why not? They had room for a big big big tank and they decided that there should be submarines in it.
[29-04:33] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: Rob: it has a lake. and a hockey arena, theme park, water park and 2 full mcdonalds locations.
[29-04:33] c6d5f, •Ronica : It has the world's largest indoor lake.
[29-04:33] 3daaf, •Rob : Hehe, sounds pretty nifty.
[29-04:34] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: <-So rob, you call this a frigate?
[29-04:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-04:34] c6d5f, •Ronica : It is. I don't understand why it has to be in stupid Edmonton, though.
[29-04:35] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: ROFLMAO
[29-04:35] 3daaf, •Rob : Nono, thats bigget then anything we have.
[29-04:36] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Um.. *randomly uncomfortable with this conversation* *wanders off*
[29-04:36] JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
[29-04:36] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-04:37] 322d3, Get a Name!: maybe cos canada's stupid. present company and leonard cohen excepted.
[29-04:37] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: rob: where you from>
[29-04:37] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: SE! Thank god!
[29-04:37] 3daaf, •Rob : Ireland ^_^
[29-04:37] c6d5f, •Ronica : *peers at GaN* Commander Cohen?
[29-04:38] 79032, *Leon Yara: ((*grumbles from lurkdom*))
[29-04:39] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : ((It's good to be back...again.))
[29-04:39] 322d3, Get a Name!: perhaps. :) *hugs for Ronnie n Ria from way across some cold and neurotic sea.*
[29-04:39] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[29-04:39] JOIN: pH has entered.
[29-04:39] 2245c, Lord tenchi masaki: later
[29-04:39] c6d5f, •Ronica : Aha! *knew it* Sherlock's got nothing on me. *hugs, hugs*
[29-04:39] EXIT: Lord tenchi masaki has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-04:40] 8db69, Tenel Ka: Hola
[29-04:40] 3daaf, •Rob : 'Lo Ten ^_^
[29-04:41] 322d3, Get a Name!: *nudge.* Bah, as if anyone else can tolerate Leonard Cohen. Right, just popping in. I'm in the library being productive you see.
[29-04:41] 9f396, Mil Matan: (( <-This one's for you Ronnie))
[29-04:41] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((Hey Ten))
[29-04:41] JOIN: Thalis Orisa has entered.
[29-04:42] 8db69, Tenel Ka: *smiles* Hey Rob, Hi Mil
[29-04:42] c6d5f, •Ronica : Don't go raining on my brilliant deductive skills. And yes, I can see how productive.
[29-04:43] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((*is Justin, AKAK god*))
[29-04:43] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((AKAK? Yeah....that's right...))
[29-04:43] 8db69, Tenel Ka: LOL
[29-04:43] 26fcf, *President Zahra : So we're done talking about war and weapons and yuckie things?
[29-04:44] 9f396, Mil Matan: {steps in, a normal looking human that's not really that normal and kiss my ass, i'm tired}
[29-04:44] c6d5f, •Ronica : Bah. I was talking about a mall.
[29-04:44] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : *A soft hiss escapes the front sliding entrance, as an individual dressed in a carbon black military style uniform steps inside. The individual's right hand resting on the butt of a holstered Tenloss disruptor rifle.*
[29-04:44] 322d3, Get a Name!: Oh, you're so unjust, you poison-hearted Circe. So before you have the chance to turn my men into swine, I'm off. Nuts to you and your country!
[29-04:45] 26fcf, *President Zahra : As long as we're done.. *is back*
[29-04:45] 3daaf, •Rob : Who was that masked man...?
[29-04:45] c6d5f, •Ronica : Good riddance! We don't need your kind. :) *hugs, hugs* You busy bee, you.
[29-04:46] 322d3, Get a Name!: And on that note...bye bye. *hugs, hugs.*
[29-04:46] c6d5f, •Ronica : We don't want any of that fancy shmancy work ethic up here.
[29-04:46] 3af68, Thalis Orisa: *small chills run up threw her spine as she feels Spectre enter, she still stands at the bar though, closing her eyes, leaning forward agiants the bar.*
[29-04:46] 79032, *Leon Yara: ((*hugs for Ria*))
[29-04:46] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( "Everything is moral that is necessary for the annihilation of the old exploiting social order." ).
[29-04:46] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : *Moves down the staircase, glancing across the interior of the dimly lit cantina. A Ne'kressis biological implant placed inside of his right eye socket twitches, as it surveys the room.*
[29-04:46] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((work ethic? And that's what now?))
[29-04:46] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *hugs Leon!*
[29-04:47] c6d5f, •Ronica : Don't ask me, I don't have one.
[29-04:47] 9f396, Mil Matan: {steps up to the bar and sits, has something to report to Spectre but will wait until his personal business is done}
[29-04:47] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((*is probably one of the few in here with a job*))
[29-04:48] 3daaf, •Rob : Oi! Not true.
[29-04:48] c6d5f, •Ronica : I had a job. Once.
[29-04:48] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((One of the few, Rob))
[29-04:48] 3af68, Thalis Orisa: *she opens her eyes, her mouth begining to be a bit dry from nervousness, though she tries to remain as calm as she can..*
[29-04:48] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((The Few. The Proud. The Ones With Jobs.))
[29-04:48] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : ((*Has a job, and was gone for two months because of it.*))
[29-04:48] c6d5f, •Ronica : *and is getting one soon, because Christmas is coming up*
[29-04:49] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[29-04:49] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((*hugs Ria*))
[29-04:49] c6d5f, •Ronica : *hugs Ria*
[29-04:50] 26fcf, *President Zahra : *hugged*
[29-04:51] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : *Approaches Thalis at the 'U' shaped bar, before moving next to her and gently resting his hand on her left shoulder.* It's been a while.
[29-04:51] c6d5f, •Ronica : Right. So I'm gonna go away now. Night, and stuff.
[29-04:52] 3daaf, •Rob : G'night Ronnie.
[29-04:52] 26fcf, *President Zahra : Night, Ronnie. *hugs lots*
[29-04:52] 3af68, Thalis Orisa: *she muscles twitch a bit at her shoulder once he touches it, she looks downward and speaks, though her voice jumpy.* has
[29-04:52] 79032, *Leon Yara: ((Goodnight Ronnie))
[29-04:53] c6d5f, •Ronica : *hugs back lots and wanders off*
[29-04:53] EXIT: Tenel Ka has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-04:53] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((By Ronnie))
[29-04:53] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr. ).
[29-04:54] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : I had to leave you because of a mission, vital to the Eclipse. You understand, don't you?
[29-04:56] 3af68, Thalis Orisa: *she speaks, though softly, and nods...* Yes..I understand...*still not looking to him though.*
[29-04:58] 9f396, Mil Matan: {sitting at the bar and waiting and stuff}
[29-05:00] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : *Places his right index finger under her chin, as if to tilt her head up so that she would be staring into her eyes.* Something has changed. You no longer feel the same way about me, as you did in the past.
[29-05:01] 3af68, Thalis Orisa: *she looks back up toward Spectre, she looks as though she is recooperating from something, though she show's no emotion.*...Nothing has happened Spectre...
[29-05:05] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : *The Ne'kressis biological implant shimmers a bright crimson in the dim interior lighting.* Very well then. I believe you.
[29-05:06] 3af68, Thalis Orisa: No....You are angry about something...*looking back forward agian.* I can tell Spectre..with you I can tell always...
[29-05:06] 79032, *Leon Yara: *enters with his right hand bandaged and walks with a limp that is barely noticed.*
[29-05:09] 5537a, *Spectre Eclipse : *Brushes his hand through her raven black hair.* No, I would never be angry with you. *Glances back towards the front entrance as Yara steps inside.*
[29-05:10] 9f396, Mil Matan: {ignores Yara because Yara is just that damned un important}
[29-05:11] 79032, *Leon Yara: ((*L* Hey, thanks. :-) )) *makes his way to the bar and taking a seat at one of the stools*
[29-05:13] JOIN: Thalis Orisa has entered.
[29-05:14] JOIN: Thalis Orisa has entered.
[29-05:15] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: *she looks up toward Spectre, then follows his gaze toward Leon, then looks back toward Spectre and down..* I understand..but..I wish you wouldnt of hired Brin...
[29-05:18] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: (*sighs* I cant believe he left..)
[29-05:19] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((Are you shittin' me? God dam nit...))
[29-05:21] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: (*frowns.*)
[29-05:23] 79032, *Leon Yara: *orders a glass of water from the bar, although he is fighting not to get something stronger*
[29-05:24] JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
[29-05:24] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : ((Back. Sorry about that.))
[29-05:25] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((Dic k))
[29-05:25] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: (s'okay)
[29-05:26] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : Hired Bring Omega? I had actually hired him, when I had left.
[29-05:28] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : *Stares into her eyes, searching for the truth, she is hiding from him.* Why are you concerned about Brin Omega anyway?
[29-05:28] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: Spectre....Brin....had tried to convince had brain washed me into thinking that I was never with Brin befor...I had met you....
[29-05:32] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : You were never under the influence of mind control. No, I save that for Eclipse recruitment. *Turns towards the bar, placing and order for a tumbler of Whyren's Reserve.*
[29-05:33] 9f396, Mil Matan: {is at the bar and apparently was under the influence of mind control...dam nit}
[29-05:33] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: Spectre....I have just tired from my emotions I do not know what to believe anymore..*frowns.*
[29-05:38] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : You have your quarters in the Eclipse ISD Remnant. *Tosses of couple of credits to the 'tender, before turning to Thalis.* You could come back and stay there for a while.
[29-05:39] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: Spectre..your not listening..*she frowns turning her back to him, looking downward, her long dark jet black hair falling past her shoulders and beside her face a bit.*
[29-05:43] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : Omega has filled your head full of ideas that you were brainwashed. He is responsible for you feeling this way. *Downs the contents of the tumbler, before setting it on the bar top.*
[29-05:47] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: But Spectre...*she frowns...* care for me...*speaking softly, and carefuly, agian not looking toward him.*
[29-05:48] 9f396, Mil Matan: ((I'm going to bed, SE, I do need to RP with you sometime))
[29-05:50] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : ((Okay, hopefully Tuesday I'll be able to.))
[29-05:50] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Good
[29-05:52] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : You are the only one in my life that I care about. *Smiles down to her for a brief moment, before staring into her eyes.*
[29-05:52] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( I make punk rock. And I mix it with the hip hop. I get you higher than a tree top. You wanna roll with the Kid Rock. I make southern rock. And I mix it hip hop. I got more money than Fort Knox. I'm Forever being a Kid Rock. Forever. ).
[29-05:53] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : ((Okay, 'night.))
[29-05:54] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : As difficult for you to believe as it may be. Never-the-less, it is true.
[29-05:55] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: *looking up toward him....* Never befor you have brain washed me....never...? *she ask's in question , she curious.*
[29-05:58] be77d, *Spectre Eclipse : No, never have I used any form of mind control or brain manipulation on you. You may check the database on the Remnant for yourself.
[29-05:59] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: No....that's okay...*looking toward the side putting a hand to her head, wincing....*
[29-06:02] 38a5b, Thalis Orisa: Spectre I am..tired...*looking back up to him..*
[29-06:16] JOIN: Nova Metallia has entered.
[29-06:18] JOIN: Marc Harding has entered.
[29-06:19] e585c, *Marc Harding : *steps inside the Cantina, and sighs, heading towards the bar, his usual garb on and his helmet under his arm*
[29-06:19] db19f, *Nova Metallia : *a woman in her early twenties enters, honey-almond hair falling past her shoulders. She is dressed in neat, nondescript clothing, a ring holding a large blue Corusca gem hanging from a chain about her neck. She stands near the wall at parade rest, the large belt about her hips settling low on her waist, accenting her hourglass figure*
[29-06:23] db19f, *Nova Metallia : *steps up to the bar after Harding* Greetings.
[29-06:24] e585c, *Marc Harding : *Jumps slightly* Nova...Ma'am...*suddenly snaps to attention with a crisp salute*
[29-06:25] db19f, *Nova Metallia : *warm smile, returning the salute* At ease, Marc.
[29-06:26] e585c, *Marc Harding : *let's himself out of attention, looking uneasy* Yes Ma'am.
[29-06:27] db19f, *Nova Metallia : Is something wrong? *frowns slightly*
[29-06:27] e585c, *Marc Harding : No Ma'am...*softly* Just getting back in to the habit of military discipline...*is being evasive, as something is wrong*
[29-06:28] db19f, *Nova Metallia : *quietly* You can tell me what's wrong,'s all right.....
[29-06:29] db19f, *Nova Metallia : ((*can speel....really*))
[29-06:30] e585c, *Marc Harding : Should we here like this? I know that the Auiroa Prime could function without me...but without me and YOU....
[29-06:31] db19f, *Nova Metallia : I don't consider myself to be especially essential.
[29-06:34] e585c, *Marc Harding : You are, though.
[29-06:35] db19f, *Nova Metallia : No, I believe that we could function quite well without me. At any rate, however, I have taken precautions.
[29-06:36] e585c, *Marc Harding : Oh. Okay. I would still feel better with my squad, or wing, or Destroyer Squadron as backup...*smiles slightly*
[29-06:38] db19f, *Nova Metallia : It's quite all right, Marc....*pats his arm reassuringly*
[29-06:39] e585c, *Marc Harding : Yeah...I anyways, what do we have to work with?
[29-06:40] db19f, *Nova Metallia : That's...not exactly something to be discussed here....*nods to Wuher* Water, please.
[29-06:42] e585c, *Marc Harding : am I suppose to find out, then?
[29-06:42] db19f, *Nova Metallia : We'll have to discuss it at another time....I'm sorry.
[29-06:48] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-06:48] JOIN: Marc Harding has entered.
[29-06:49] db9a9, *Marc Harding : Okay, that's fine. What about standing orders? Am I suppose to be doing anything?
[29-06:50] db19f, *Nova Metallia : At the moment, no. We simply need to keep an eye on current situations.
[29-06:55] db9a9, *Marc Harding : Okay...*shrugs* A little vague. I'm assuming I'll still be piloting? *his voice hopeful*
[29-06:58] db19f, *Nova Metallia : If you wish, certainly.
[29-06:58] db9a9, *Marc Harding : Yeah, I do wish....rank wise, I'm still the same? Wing Commander?
[29-07:02] db19f, *Nova Metallia : Of course....
[29-07:03] db19f, *Nova Metallia : *picks up her water, the ring about her neck catching her eye for half a second, a slight sigh sagging through her shoulders*
[29-07:03] db9a9, *Marc Harding : Anyways...*tosses some credits down* I got a shipment to pick up...*head out the door, GONE*
[29-07:03] EXIT: Marc Harding has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-07:05] db19f, *Nova Metallia : *stands, paying for her drink, and exits*
[29-07:06] EXIT: Nova Metallia has left the chat ( All poets and heroes, like Memnon, are the children of Aurora, and emit their music at sunrise. ).
[29-07:45] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[29-07:46] JOIN: Riggs has entered.
[29-07:46] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[29-07:47] a0570, 'Jen: is that people I see?
[29-07:47] 046d7, Riggs: *meanders in through the open door*
[29-07:47] 046d7, Riggs: ((it very well could be, mistress))
[29-07:48] 046d7, Riggs: ((that is if you could define all of us as people))
[29-07:49] f552a, 'Luke: *chuckles*
[29-07:49] a0570, 'Jen: I think so....don't you think you're people?
[29-07:50] 046d7, Riggs: ((I think of myself, not so much a person, as people are all conformists, but as an individual with skewed views))
[29-07:51] a0570, 'Jen: sounds about right. but thats okay. we still luv you anyway. *elbows Luke* ain't that right?
[29-07:52] 046d7, Riggs: ((methinks I'll do without love from luke))
[29-07:54] 046d7, Riggs: *takes a seat at the bar and sips a drink no one saw him get*
[29-07:55] a0570, 'Jen: *smirks just a lil...and eyes IC in a strange manner*
[29-07:55] f552a, 'Luke: *L* you ain't gettin' any love from me, Riggs.. I assure you of that
[29-07:56] 046d7, Riggs: ((*the man known as Ivonavich Cranski returs her gaze*))
[29-07:56] 046d7, Riggs: ((no offense man))
[29-07:58] a0570, 'Jen: *eyed back* rawr! *hides off in the rafters*
[29-07:58] f552a, 'Luke: none taken...
[29-07:58] 046d7, Riggs: ((you just...don't do it for me...))
[29-08:00] a0570, 'Jen: *and reboots for the hell of it...kicking IM the whole way*
[29-08:01] f552a, 'Luke: *chuckles*
[29-08:01] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-08:01] b94fa, Get a Name!: bejesus , i'm drunk
[29-08:02] 046d7, Riggs: ((not like Jen does *sidles up next to jen* Hey baby...))
[29-08:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: And Dude , no shit chat up lines on Jen ... i'll just take the piss outta ya big time for that
[29-08:04] 046d7, Riggs: ((...))
[29-08:04] f552a, 'Luke: *L*
[29-08:05] 52635, *M : You could try on me, tho. *bright grin*
[29-08:05] 046d7, Riggs: ((in all my days I've still not decided which is more entertaining, truly drunk people, or people trying to act drunk))
[29-08:06] b94fa, Get a Name!: hey misty , got any irish im you ? Want some ?
[29-08:06] 52635, *M : Be kinda difficult, wouldn't it?
[29-08:06] 046d7, Riggs: ((*sidles up next to M* Glad you can at least appreciate my wit and company))
[29-08:06] 52635, *M : Certainly. I've got a whip with your name on it, Riggs. Because I know that's how you like it.
[29-08:07] f552a, 'Luke: Misty!!! *big hugs*
[29-08:07] b94fa, Get a Name!: Oh dear oyu've made me set down my pot noodle to take the piss out of you , you attempting to be condescending m00wit you , not anm accomplishment , more something to be ashmamed of ...
[29-08:07] 52635, *M : Luke! *big hugs back*
[29-08:08] 52635, *M : *about to kick someone's arse* *waits*
[29-08:08] 046d7, Riggs: ((I'm totally serious...I've seen true drunks and fools pretending to be drunk and I find both very amusing to the point of frustration becasue I dont know which I'd rather see. But fret not, I'll laugh at you just the same))
[29-08:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: someones arse ... sounds decuideldly bad
[29-08:09] 52635, *M : It's an IC thing. I have a fight to do. Since I challenged someone last night, and we might as well duk it out. *still waiting*
[29-08:10] b94fa, Get a Name!: Feel free Riggs , because to date i've yet to see you be amusing , your entrances smack of 'I am he man hear me roar' and your atitude sucks more than a vacumn cleaner .. oh and trust me , I know what drunk is .
[29-08:10] 52635, *M : bar fight.. no guns... fs.. *gets hers out, just in case*
[29-08:10] f552a, 'Luke: *hopes that he won't be getting the arse kicking... already has a fractured hand*
[29-08:10] 046d7, Riggs: ((note that now that the drunk act has been seen through, this person decideds they better start spelling words wrong and missing puncuation, none of which occured when they first came in))
[29-08:12] 046d7, Riggs: ((and I never asid I was here to amuse you, but should I need to I have a sock on a spring handy...))
[29-08:12] b94fa, Get a Name!: Oh , an attack on my grammactical usage ... well watch out Riggsy , people here know me , and should know that I know myself well enough to know whether i'm drunk or not . My typos are notorius , be it ddrunk or sober so theres that one blown ... and your a letch anyway , your opinion counts as much as a hedgehog in a blender
[29-08:13] f552a, 'Luke: if he's Irish, then he definately knows what drunk is... *soft chuckle to himself*
[29-08:14] 046d7, Riggs: ((*shrugs*))
[29-08:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: *thwaps Luke* thats stereo typin' tje Irish you barbequeing fosters drinkin' |Aussie you ;)
[29-08:14] 046d7, Riggs: ((well known, yet you hide behind an unidentified handle))
[29-08:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: Anyway Riggs , do us all a favour , break a pint glass and go m00 yourself with it :D
[29-08:15] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-08:15] b94fa, šJim: Because my friend , I am the easily identifieable GaN . Of course , you being a waker , you didn't know that
[29-08:15] f552a, 'Luke: *ROTFL* we never drink Fosters over here anymore
[29-08:16] b94fa, šJim: bah , waker = wanker
[29-08:16] 046d7, Riggs: ((the insecure always seem to be the ones that insult and then run before a response is made...but maybe its just me))
[29-08:16] b94fa, šJim: *ahem* I'm about as insecure as the doctor who slapped your momma when you were born
[29-08:17] 52635, *M : *wins*
[29-08:17] 046d7, Riggs: ((I wouldnt know))
[29-08:18] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-08:18] 52635, *M : Yay brawly Tremere! *does a dance*
[29-08:18] b94fa, šJim: Yeah , well theres a ,ot you wouldn't know , isn't there monkey boy . Grow up and quit making assunmption , you m00ing yanks don't even know what drunk is , m00ing lightweights
[29-08:19] 046d7, Riggs: ((*shrugs*))
[29-08:20] b94fa, šJim: Yeag , shrugging , thats a good comeback ... for a five year old badger dildo
[29-08:21] 046d7, Riggs: ((glad you approve, you of couse knowing whats representative of said dildo))
[29-08:21] 52635, *M : *moonwalks* I kicked Patrick's arse.. He sucks. Bwaha.. Yeah, yeah. Who da man? *does a jig*
[29-08:22] f552a, 'Luke: *hugs Liz, and stands by her while he watches the argument*
[29-08:23] 52635, *M : Oi. *wasn't going to be here* Drat. Foiled again.
[29-08:23] b94fa, šJim: That almost made sense , but hell , maybe I should let you get back to using cheap chat up line to people over the net , 'cause thats a good usage of your time , isn't ... hell , maybe your stiflers brother ... are you ?
[29-08:25] 38ac2, Liz: *watches*
[29-08:25] 52635, *M : I can feel the stinging reply coming already.
[29-08:26] b94fa, šJim: Yeah , I'm getting ready to cry ;)
[29-08:26] 046d7, Riggs: ((well I suppose I could spend my time getting tnto chat rooms and spouting line after line of bullsh!t while I tried to pretend I was drunk...))
[29-08:27] 52635, *M : *pats Riggs* He is drunk.
[29-08:28] 046d7, Riggs: ((*to M* Well, we all beleive what we wish to beleive I suppose))
[29-08:28] 52635, *M : matches.... fiiiiiiire...... *plays*
[29-08:28] 52635, *M : I don't believe, I know. :)
[29-08:28] f552a, 'Luke: the tension... the excitement... the language... Stay tuned for more Cantina arguments, starring Guinness Jim
[29-08:29] 52635, *M : I used to have a friend in high school who would go around lighting matches and blowing them out, just because she liked the smell.
[29-08:29] b94fa, šJim: Ah , prentend , OK , you take a poll of the regulars mate ,see what they say ... and then again , you could always m00 with the admin , oh shit , thats what your doing ... d'oh ... then again , you are a cocky we shit , kudos on that . But hey , you wanna mess with the best etc. ... feel free . I enjoy a good laugh . How are Pamela and her five sisters ?
[29-08:29] b94fa, šJim: Guinness ? Bleh , shite , gimme a miller any day .. m00 that Jack Daniels and coke
[29-08:29] 52635, *M : mmm... jack daniels and coke....
[29-08:30] b94fa, šJim: mmmm JD , thats the shit .
[29-08:30] b94fa, šJim: *points at M&* See , Great minds et al
[29-08:30] 38ac2, Liz: *passes some chips over to Luke*
[29-08:30] 52635, *M : Mmhmm]
[29-08:30] 52635, *M : darn ] key *smacks it*
[29-08:33] 046d7, Riggs: ((cocky and unafraid are different things. Thats why I'm still here bantering with you, even though I knew you were in a position of some power))
[29-08:33] 52635, *M : hmm.. almost burned that time..
[29-08:33] 046d7, Riggs: ((*shrugs* I just dont care))
[29-08:34] 52635, *M : *considers what to do after she runs out of matches*
[29-08:35] b94fa, šJim: Banter my arse , your trying to get some ground here my friend ... and failing miserably . Please feel free to assault my ego some more , its suffering ... honestly ... anyway , you suck , blah blah blsh
[29-08:36] 52635, *M : youch
[29-08:37] 046d7, Riggs: ((right))
[29-08:37] 52635, *M : Back where I used to live, these 2 kids set their house on fire by playing with matches too close to the curtains in their bedroom.
[29-08:38] 52635, *M : On Mother's day. Their mother wasn't too pleased.
[29-08:40] 38ac2, Liz: BBL
[29-08:40] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-08:41] b94fa, šJim: Right ? Oh come on , is that the best you can do hard man ? Coooome on , i'm drunk , usually i'm far more viscious than this ... anyone with any sense would be taking advantage of this ... this is a poor showing good chap ... must try harder
[29-08:41] 046d7, Riggs: ((why should I bother?))
[29-08:41] 52635, *M : Yes. Take advantage so that Jim stays awake longer, thereby giving me more time to take advantage of.. er.. *ahem* *goes back to her matches*
[29-08:42] 046d7, Riggs: ((you have already proclaimed yourself "the best" I simply bow to your superiority))
[29-08:42] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[29-08:43] 046d7, Riggs: ((Welcome back, other mistress))
[29-08:43] 52635, *M : that's no fun.
[29-08:43] 52635, *M : *is, of course, the better mistress* *EG*
[29-08:45] b94fa, šJim: Oh puhleeze Riggs , that one doesn't work .. come on man for crying out loud , at least make an effort
[29-08:45] 046d7, Riggs: ((*has not yet made that determination himself*))
[29-08:45] 046d7, Riggs: ((Jim, I dont care))
[29-08:45] 52635, *M : Bah.
[29-08:46] 05675, 'Jen: *baps M* thanks Rainer. *grins* allo Jim type person. *wave*
[29-08:46] b94fa, šJim: 'lo Jenarino
[29-08:46] 52635, *M : *bapped* Ouch. Bloody hell!
[29-08:46] 52635, *M : *sets Jen on fire with one of the 4 matches she's got left*
[29-08:47] b94fa, šJim: Bah Riggs , your no fun , you make all this noise trying to look cool and fail horribly at the final hurdle . You are the weakest link , fcck off
[29-08:47] 52635, *M : urk, that stung. fs.
[29-08:47] 046d7, Riggs: ((*shrugs*))
[29-08:47] 05675, 'Jen: *burns* well could be worse.
[29-08:49] b94fa, šJim: *christ , that was entertaining , at least the lot from east hand out a good slagging
[29-08:49] 52635, *M : You know, that's what started the fight between Patrick and Moira last night? "He is the weakness link." Moira=vengeful british, and short fuse. She reaches across the table, "I know you didn't just say that." "I did." And she then punches him across the face. "This is so on." "Oh puhlease." "I'll kick yer ass back to Belfast." "Whatever." "I will." As she stands. "We should settle this later, off of Elysium" "Fine."
[29-08:49] 05675, 'Jen: *blinks* should see some of the fights I have to put up with. This is nothing. :)
[29-08:49] 52635, *M : *so won the fight* Bwaha
[29-08:50] 05675, 'Jen: heat,long lines, and rednecks...bad combo. Aye Rainer? *peers@Misty* hehe. suuure.
[29-08:50] b94fa, šJim: This isn't a fight , its a new boy trying to impress . He picked the wrong drunken arsehole to mess with tho
[29-08:51] 046d7, Riggs: ((what makes you think I know of rednecks and long lines?))
[29-08:51] 52635, *M : ahh.. .twas a great night last night.. *reminisces*
[29-08:52] b94fa, šJim: rednecks ? Long lines ? Dude , you've been doing kore drugs than I have ... and thats a lot .
[29-08:52] 52635, *M : *peered at* I did win! We just RP'd it. m00ing guy.. "I have Focus Mind activated." "Fine, I'll pummel you across the room" Three challenges later. "I relent! You win!" Fucking right.
[29-08:53] 05675, 'Jen: drunken arsehole...*snicker*blinks@Riggs* I dunno...I'm prolly mistaking for someone else. pardonehmwah.
[29-08:53] 52635, *M : feck is now filtered, btw.
[29-08:54] 046d7, Riggs: ((no Jen, I dont think you are...I was just curious why you made the reference was all))
[29-08:54] 05675, 'Jen: me? drugs? nooo...*rae* is fck?
[29-08:54] 52635, *M : twas a reference to work, I imagine.
[29-08:55] 05675, 'Jen: basically Misty.
[29-08:55] b94fa, šJim: drugs are baaaad , verrah bad m, Imwhole heartyedly condemn drug usage .
[29-08:55] 05675, 'Jen: dun' worry about it Riggs.
[29-08:56] 52635, *M : *peers at Jim* Yeah?
[29-08:56] 52635, *M : No more matches. *sulks*
[29-08:56] 05675, 'Jen: I work with a guy that smokes pot...drinks...and takes pain meds before work. I take tylenol. I'm a fcking angel or something. guh.
[29-08:57] 52635, *M : I take tylenol, too. S'about it. Not to say I wouldn't do something else if I had the means. Which I don't.
[29-08:57] b94fa, šJim: oh yeah , never touch drug , nuh uh .. my nose is clean
[29-08:58] 05675, 'Jen: *hands Misty a few candles and a full lighter...happens to LOVE watching lighters burn...*and* I'd prolly do something besides tylenol...IF.
[29-08:58] 05675, 'Jen: *eyes Jim's nose* so then thats a pea stuck up there from when you were a kid?
[29-08:59] 52635, *M : *pats Jim* *goes off to throw out used matches.. comes back with a lighter* *maniacal look*
[29-08:59] 52635, *M : Ta, Jen. *G*
[29-08:59] b94fa, šJim: no peas y[p m,y nose ... no cojke either
[29-09:00] 52635, *M : tonight heh. *wants to make an entry in the worse way* *scowls*
[29-09:00] 05675, 'Jen: the typos of the drunken....gotta love 'em. where do you buy cojke?
[29-09:00] 52635, *M : worse=worst, clearleh
[29-09:01] 52635, *M : Typos of the drunken?! *eyes Jen* He's always like that
[29-09:02] 05675, 'Jen: always drunk? hehe. Yeah. I know. I'm just too much of a picky b!tch to make typos....*sigh*
[29-09:02] 52635, *M : Oi.
[29-09:02] b94fa, šJim: offa my bar owner , if I were to buy such horrible drug substance
[29-09:03] 52635, *M : *rolls her eyes*
[29-09:03] 05675, 'Jen: *pause* hey...damnit...I could be out smoking pot! *pauses again* bars don't really exist here.
[29-09:04] 05675, 'Jen: *picks up Misty's eyes and drops them in someone's drink* hehe.
[29-09:05] 52635, *M : AGH! MY EYES!
[29-09:05] b94fa, šJim: they do here ... was drinking in mine till like 5.30 am :)
[29-09:05] 52635, *M : *was in bed for 20 hours*
[29-09:06] 05675, 'Jen: good bars. *mutter*was in bed for 24 once....god that was nice*
[29-09:07] b94fa, šJim: should be in bed , but has work in 4 hours
[29-09:07] 52635, *M : It's the second time I've ever done that. The first time was because I didn't want to get up. I was going through some bad times then. Heh.
[29-09:08] 05675, 'Jen: *waits around for chat or computer to catch up*
[29-09:09] 52635, *M : tickx0r
[29-09:10] b94fa, šJim: o ho ./... *finds early version of a script*
[29-09:10] 52635, *M : heh
[29-09:12] b94fa, šJim: some of it is decent]
[29-09:12] 52635, *M : ah
[29-09:14] b94fa, šJim: Fav line : You know Harry , if this were a Zombie flick , you'd be the first to be eaten .
[29-09:15] 52635, *M : heheh
[29-09:16] b94fa, šJim: Gonna try and catch some sleep afore work hugs and such and such to all
[29-09:16] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[29-09:17] 52635, *M : *smacks various things that refuse to load* Oi
[29-09:18] 116c2, 'Jen: I see....sleep is more important than people...tsss...*lol*
[29-09:18] 52635, *M : yup
[29-09:19] 116c2, 'Jen: and the 24 hour thing..i was ill and depressed as hell. the most now is about 10. *pause*'re leaving too Misty?
[29-09:19] 52635, *M : Why would I be leaving?
[29-09:20] 116c2, 'Jen: mistranslation of 'yup'. n/m.
[29-09:20] 52635, *M : *pats* I wasn't talking to Jim while he was here, so nothing has changed at his parting.
[29-09:21] 52635, *M : *considers* Except a thicker wall. *G*
[29-09:22] 116c2, 'Jen: *patted* s'alright. I wouldn't know anyway.
[29-09:22] 52635, *M : Well, now you know. :-P
[29-09:23] 116c2, 'Jen: heh. *pause* oh fck...someone's got pictures of me...ugh.
[29-09:24] 046d7, Riggs: (...)
[29-09:24] 52635, *M : On second thought.. *patters off*
[29-09:26] 116c2, 'Jen: *eyes pattering off* well fine...hmph.
[29-09:26] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[29-09:26] 116c2, 'Jen: what's the matter Riggs?
[29-09:27] 046d7, Riggs: ((just making my presence known, I fear being forgotten))
[29-09:28] 116c2, 'Jen: I'm forgotten all the time. you get used to it. *patpat*
[29-09:29] 52635, *M : yup, you do.
[29-09:30] 116c2, 'Jen: *doesn't forget people tho...actually worries*
[29-09:31] 52635, *M : *only came back to retrieve her eyes from whichever drink they were placed in... then patters off again*
[29-09:31] 046d7, Riggs: *sips his drink*
[29-09:31] 116c2, 'Jen: well if you're leaving and nodoby else wants to stick around just to be nice...I'm fcking leaving too. cuz ironically my eyes hurt.
[29-09:33] 116c2, 'Jen: *hugs an' stuff for whomever wants it...and fades*
[29-09:33] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( tired of everything....really. ).
[29-09:33] 62b7b, 'Luke: *sneaks a hug from Jen, and continues to lurk*
[29-09:40] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-09:41] 046d7, Riggs: ((...))
[29-09:56] 046d7, Riggs: How mundane
[29-10:20] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-10:50] JOIN: M has entered.
[29-10:50] c5837, *M : oi
[29-10:59] c5837, *M : \o/
[29-11:00] c5837, *M : *gets rid of the MOTD*
[29-11:02] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-11:02] 38ac2, Liz: MOTD?
[29-11:04] c5837, *M : Yeah. The banner at the top of the screen and such.
[29-11:08] c5837, *M : *has a ladybug on her hand* Oi
[29-11:08] 38ac2, Liz: What?
[29-11:09] c5837, *M : I had a ladybug on my hand. Heh.
[29-11:10] 38ac2, Liz: Awww
[29-11:10] c5837, *M : Yeah. It flew away, tho. It's walking across the top of my keyboard now.
[29-11:11] 38ac2, Liz: warm over there?
[29-11:12] c5837, *M : No. Cold. And windy.
[29-11:21] 38ac2, Liz: Aww
[29-11:24] c5837, *M : *G* I like the cold. :)
[29-11:25] 38ac2, Liz: You do?
[29-11:26] c5837, *M : Yup. Cold and dark is nice. *pause* Well, that sounds strikingly familiar. Oi.
[29-11:26] 38ac2, Liz: Oh?
[29-11:28] c5837, *M : Yes. Just someone I know likes the same things. *faint smile*
[29-11:29] 38ac2, Liz: Ahhh....myself, I like warmth and light
[29-11:30] c5837, *M : Heheh. Well, *glances out window* It's all dark and cold atm. Perfect. *G*
[29-11:35] 38ac2, Liz: *s*
[29-11:38] c5837, *M : *patters off to take a walk (yes, at 4:30 in the morning)* See you later, Liz. :)
[29-11:38] 38ac2, Liz: Hehe...see ya later. Have fun
[29-11:39] c5837, *M : Ta *G*
[29-11:39] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-11:42] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-12:11] JOIN: M has entered.
[29-12:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-12:47] a1732, Get a Name!: hmm
[29-12:48] 589f2, *M : ?
[29-12:52] a1732, Get a Name!: *ponders,who M B*
[29-12:53] a1732, Get a Name!: Mystra?!*has been away for 2 long*
[29-12:53] 589f2, *M : And you would be?
[29-12:56] a1732, Get a Name!: Ace.*damm i miss this place*
[29-12:56] 589f2, *M : Ah. Lo, Ace. :)
[29-12:58] a1732, Get a Name!: good to be back,although same as always.laready have to go to class.*jumps tp Mīs lap,Kotc*byes,seyah later!*huggggggggggge hugssssssss*
[29-12:59] a1732, Get a Name!: sowry,cant stay longer!miss you!
[29-12:59] a1732, Get a Name!: bye !
[29-13:00] 589f2, *M : ah dear. *L* Bye, Ace
[29-13:00] a1732, Get a Name!: *goner*
[29-13:01] a1732, Get a Name!: bye...oh dear,oh dear!*ponders C3pio*gone*
[29-13:01] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-13:04] 589f2, *M : hmm... *decides to get all Metallica songs, since she can't seem to help liking anything she hears*
[29-14:42] 589f2, *M : *random evil laughter* Ahhhhhhhh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *lurks again*
[29-17:38] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[29-20:08] JOIN: Win has entered.
[29-20:09] 94765, Win: *Floats around, hunting for spiders*...... Squish!
[29-20:11] 94765, Win: *Test*
[29-20:12] 94765, Win: Blah!
[29-20:41] 94765, Win: *Pokes randomly for lurkers*
[29-20:44] EXIT: Win has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-21:50] JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
[29-22:03] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[29-22:04] 38ac2, Liz: *pokes around for any other people that could be around besides her*
[29-22:16] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[29-22:58] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-00:04] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-00:43] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-00:50] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-00:51] b94fa, Get a Name!: hmm
[30-00:58] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-01:02] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[30-01:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: .....
[30-01:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: oh shit ... here comes pacman
[30-01:05] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: ....yeah....
[30-01:06] b94fa, Get a Name!: anyway ... *bored
[30-01:07] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: yeah....
[30-01:08] b94fa, Get a Name!: this blows .... I might take a wander to the shop and grab a smoke while i'm at it
[30-01:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: um, okay
[30-01:12] b94fa, Get a Name!: nmo slight to your company dude , but what are we gonna do ? Compare notes on our evenings ?
[30-01:19] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: eh...
[30-01:34] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[30-01:35] 18a29, *President Zahra : *peeks in*
[30-01:35] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: hi
[30-01:37] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-01:38] 18a29, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin!*
[30-01:39] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* eh
[30-01:41] 18a29, *President Zahra : Something wrong, Justin? *hugs some more*
[30-01:41] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged more* yes
[30-01:43] b94fa, Get a Name!: mildly interesting read ... posts by Qui Gon Jim are me ...
[30-01:44] 18a29, *President Zahra : What is it? *keeps hugging Justin*
[30-01:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: that sucks jIm, a bunch of faggots
[30-01:47] 18a29, *President Zahra : *blinks and pats Jim-y confusely*
[30-01:47] b94fa, Get a Name!: Nice to know ya care Justin :-P
[30-01:51] 18a29, *President Zahra : Wooo! Daddy brought home the Episode I DVD!
[30-01:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: i bought it the day it came out
[30-01:57] 18a29, *President Zahra : *couldn't buy it the day it came out because J&R was still closed that day*
[30-02:08] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: oh...
[30-02:45] JOIN: Calli Thaala has entered.
[30-02:45] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *peeks in*
[30-03:00] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[30-03:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm here
[30-03:16] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Weee
[30-03:20] JOIN: M has entered.
[30-03:20] 8eac2, *M : Ahhh... ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! *more random evil laughter*
[30-03:29] JOIN: pH has entered.
[30-03:30] e97be, 'pH: *peers*
[30-03:33] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-03:34] 8eac2, *M : *reads "link"* Uh.. real amusing. Yes.
[30-03:38] 5aade, •Rob: *Loiters*
[30-03:39] 8eac2, *M : lo, Rob
[30-03:40] 5aade, •Rob : 'Lo Misty.
[30-03:40] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Weee
[30-03:43] 8eac2, *M : hmm.. *tries to think up any number of reasons to stay here* eh.
[30-03:44] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[30-03:45] 5aade, •Rob : Wanna rp some...?
[30-03:45] 8eac2, *M : Not particularly. Not in the mood. Just woke up from a 5 hour sleep. :/
[30-03:45] 8eac2, *M : Solitaire is addicting. :(
[30-03:46] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-03:46] 5aade, •Rob : 'Kay then. 'Only a suggestion ^_^
[30-03:47] 8eac2, *M : I know. :)
[30-03:47]       Mr. J Likes PIE!
[30-03:48]       M Likes BRAINS!
[30-03:48]       Justin Sane likes killing people
[30-03:48]       Mr. J is sure you do
[30-03:49]       M was going to say what Justin said, but decided on the other route.
[30-03:51]       Mr. J thinks about the comparison of the word pie...the subtle softness of the word and then he thinks of the word CAKE! the harshness of the word CAKE!
[30-03:52] 8eac2, *M : oi
[30-03:52]       Justin Sane thinks that J is a faggot
[30-03:52]       M is away. Reason: Uh... "Ask me again sometime."
[30-03:52]       Mr. J thinks that Justin is a flamer
[30-03:53]       Rob warns Justin to watch his tonge
[30-03:54]       Get a Name! thinks he should be asleep damnit
[30-03:58] ff55b, 'Mr. J: *drinks a beer, hands everybody a beer*
[30-04:02]       M thinks she's tired of being avoided.
[30-04:03] 5aade, •Rob : Who's avoiding you....?
[30-04:03] 8eac2, *M : My... um... roommate.
[30-04:04] 8eac2, *M : *smirks@e-mail* Oh, that's cute. How lovely. Yes, I'll go to the bar with you on Friday night to celebrate your birthday. Yes.
[30-04:05] 5aade, •Rob : Bah..*boycotts Misty's roommate*
[30-04:05] 8eac2, *M : I shouldn't really complain. But I am. Heh.
[30-04:06] 8eac2, *M : *scoffs at another e-mail* ffs
[30-04:07] 8eac2, *M : *idly wonders if her food is ready*
[30-04:08] 5aade, •Rob : *Blinks*Whats so wrong with that?
[30-04:08] 8eac2, *M : ROFL
[30-04:08] 8eac2, *M : nothing.
[30-04:08] 8eac2, *M : "We should give ourselves a better name than "Waterloo By Night" or "Vampire LARPers." How about the Waterloo Ontario Roleplaying Society of Thespians. Oh wait, that spells WORST... nevermind."
[30-04:08] 8eac2, *M : *dies laughing*
[30-04:09] 5aade, •Rob : *L*Thats clever..
[30-04:10] 8eac2, *M : Yeah. Damn David and his cleverness.
[30-04:12] 8eac2, *M : Speaking of Davids. *snickers evilly at a pic she's got*
[30-04:13] 5aade, •Rob : *RaE*
[30-04:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *mutters*
[30-04:14] 8eac2, *M : Ehe. *patters off to get some food and all that fun stuff*
[30-04:17]       M is away. Reason: Hugging my new Metallica collection ( \o/ ) and probably having some food.
[30-04:19] 5aade, •Rob : Bleh*Plays with his lighter*
[30-04:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: wee
[30-04:35] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( eh ).
[30-04:59] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[30-05:00] 5aade, •Rob : 'Lo there Ronnie.
[30-05:00] 849da, •Ronica : Well, this place is just bursting with fruit flavour.
[30-05:04] 5aade, •Rob : Tell me 'bout it...
[30-05:05] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-05:06] 849da, •Ronica : So what's up with you?
[30-05:07] 5aade, •Rob : Absaloutly nothing, I'm bored out of my skull. You?
[30-05:08] 849da, •Ronica : Just watched some uneventful tv.
[30-05:10] 5aade, •Rob : I just finished watching some crappy wareworf flick a few mins ago.. I'm contemplating watching Hitchikers guide to the galaxy...again.
[30-05:10] 8eac2, *M : yay Metallica
[30-05:11] 849da, •Ronica : *watched The Weakest Link, but only because Ru Paul was on*
[30-05:12] 8eac2, *M : *hugs, hugs her mp3s* Where have you been all my life?
[30-05:14] 5aade, •Rob : *Chuckles* Ru Paul...? Was it celebrity edition?
[30-05:16] 849da, •Ronica : Yeah, it was. But there are rarely good people on. Although Jerry Springer and Ben Stein were on. They're cool. But Ru Paul was the best. If he... um... She, damnit. She didn't know the answer to a geography question and she was like. ".....Chaka Khan!"
[30-05:17] 8eac2, *M : *decked someone because they made a "weakest link" comment IC*
[30-05:17] 5aade, •Rob : *L*Excellent.. I'll have to look out for that one.
[30-05:18] 849da, •Ronica : *hates that Robinson woman*
[30-05:18] 5aade, •Rob : *LOL@ Misty*At a LARP?
[30-05:19] 8eac2, *M : Yup. Vengeful British. "He is the weakest link" "I know you didn't just say that." "I did. He is the weakest link." *Moira reaches across the table and punches Patrick.* *shrug*
[30-05:19] 18a29, *President Zahra : *peeks in*
[30-05:20] 849da, •Ronica : *hugs Ria!*
[30-05:20] 18a29, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie!*
[30-05:21] 18a29, *President Zahra : Gah. *now not allowed to go to school tomorrow because of the supposed terrorist attacks that are probably not gonna happen*
[30-05:21] 5aade, •Rob : Hehe, sounded like a barrel of laughs.
[30-05:22] 849da, •Ronica : There are going to be terrorist attacks? *stopped watching the news a long time ago* Says who? Why?
[30-05:22] 5aade, •Rob : Erk!*Huggles 'Ria lots*Thats awful!!
[30-05:22] 8eac2, *M : It was great. Moira: "This is so on." Patrick: "Oh puh-lease" Moira: "Tis. I'll kick yer arse back to Belfast." Patrick: "Oh, puh-lease." Moira (half out of her seat): "Let's go." Patrick: "Perhaps we should take this off Elysium." Moira: "Fine. We'll settle this later."
[30-05:23] 18a29, *President Zahra : Ronnie: Says.. um.. what's-his-name.. John Ashcroft. Because they've got threats or something. Bah. *hugs Rob*
[30-05:23] 8eac2, *M : Of course, it was settled later, and Moira won.
[30-05:24] 849da, •Ronica : Oh. Hmm... *would try and stay home to keep Ria company if she could*
[30-05:24] 18a29, *President Zahra : Heh. *will have Daddy to keep her company, as he isn't allowed to go to work*
[30-05:24] 8eac2, *M : *was supposed to be trying to write something... lost her train of thought* *sigh*
[30-05:26] 849da, •Ronica : *hugs lots*
[30-05:27] 18a29, *President Zahra : *hugs everyone lots*
[30-05:30] 8eac2, *M : *scraps what she was writing* t'wasn't important, anyway.
[30-05:34] JOIN: Collin has entered.
[30-05:35] 849da, •Ronica : *hugs Ria back on behalf of 'everyone'*
[30-05:35] 849da, •Ronica : *and hugs Collin, too*
[30-05:35] 5aade, •Rob : *Beats chat with a frozen kipper**Delayed reaction hugs Ria*
[30-05:39] 88139, Collin: *hugs, hugs for "everyone."* Hullo.
[30-05:40] 8eac2, *M : *isn't an 'everyone', is a 'no one'* :)
[30-05:40] 18a29, *President Zahra : *hugs Collin*
[30-05:40] 5aade, •Rob : 'Lo there Col-lin.
[30-05:40] 849da, •Ronica : You've come just in time for the high point of the evening, Collin. It's busy, I know, but see if you can't squeeze yourself in somewhere.
[30-05:42] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( *so very not in the mood for this* ).
[30-05:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-05:46] 88139, Collin: Oh, I don't wanna be a bother or clutter up the joint. *squeezes himself into a hat box.*
[30-05:50] 88139, Collin: Hehehehe, yes! I killed the evening with one comment. With one flick of my wit I sent a charming evening down the toilet to the dustheap of history. Har har. *all said from within the hat-box.*
[30-05:50] 8eac2, *M : That's gotta hurt.
[30-05:50] 8eac2, *M : Hey, you get used to it. *does it all the time*
[30-05:51] 849da, •Ronica : *places the lid on the box*
[30-05:53] 5aade, •Rob : Hehehehe...
[30-06:00] JOIN: Rob has entered.
[30-06:07] 8eac2, *M : *sigh@writing* fs.
[30-06:10] 88139, Collin: Writing's for suckers. It's all about carving out clay tablets this season. Get with it! :)
[30-06:10] 8eac2, *M : Heh. Jim's going to have 17 long ICQ messages whenever he wakes up.
[30-06:14] 849da, •Ronica : I went out and bought me a shiney new chisel. Gotta keep with the trends, you know.
[30-06:19] 8eac2, *M : *sigh*
[30-06:19] 8eac2, *M : clay tablets? hm...
[30-06:20] 88139, Collin: Yup. Very French. Very um...very very. *nods, with a sly look in his eyes.*
[30-06:20] 8eac2, *M : *rae* is that so?
[30-06:21] 8eac2, *M : oi. *tackles Metallica*
[30-06:23] 88139, Collin: Yes. Yes it tis.
[30-06:24] 8eac2, *M : Intriguing....
[30-06:32] 8eac2, *M : heh@message. *adjusts halo*
[30-06:39] 8eac2, *M : See? It's easy to kill the chat. \o/
[30-06:40] 849da, •Ronica : But it's not really killed... it's the living dead...
[30-06:41] 8eac2, *M : UNDEAD! Of course.
[30-06:42] 849da, •Ronica : Bwaha. *bright*
[30-06:42] 8eac2, *M : Hehe
[30-06:43] 88139, Collin: Humbug, it's in denial and needs therapy.
[30-06:43] 849da, •Ronica : Then how do you explain the way it devours our brains? Huh, Collin?
[30-06:43] JOIN: Calli Thaala has entered.
[30-06:44] 8eac2, *M : Mmm... brains....
[30-06:44] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *peeks in*
[30-06:46] 88139, Collin: It ain't got my brains yet. I can quit anytime I want.
[30-06:47] 849da, •Ronica : It got me ages ago.
[30-06:47] 8eac2, *M : damn you both.
[30-06:48] 849da, •Ronica : *damned* Nifty.
[30-06:49] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *wants to be damned too*
[30-06:49] 8eac2, *M : Um. *damns Calli, then*
[30-06:49] 849da, •Ronica : No! You're not cool enough, Calli.
[30-06:50] 88139, Collin: Damned, Damned, Damned. Answer, the UK punk band Collin'll be seeing on Halloween after he goes and throws things at Karla LaVey and her Satanic minions.
[30-06:50] dbe77, Calli Thaala: YAY! *is damned* *dances around happily* Tracy-sama promoted me to "Evil Disciple" in place of Julie-san!! *bounces happily*
[30-06:52] b94fa, Get a Name!: Right , I'm off again .
[30-06:52] b94fa, Get a Name!: Cy'all later hopefully ... BTW 'What lies beneath' Is an amazing flick ... nifty OST to .
[30-06:54] 8eac2, *M : *forgot she was here* *cranks up the volume*
[30-07:00] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Rawr. ).
[30-07:00] 8eac2, *M : oi
[30-07:06] JOIN: Lord tenchi masaki has entered.
[30-07:11] b1422, Lord tenchi masaki: hmm
[30-07:18] EXIT: Lord tenchi masaki has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-07:23] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *blinks*
[30-07:31] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-07:56] JOIN: M has entered.
[30-07:56] c5837, *M : \o/
[30-08:00] c5837, *M : *reads down* what the hell is an OST?
[30-08:02] c5837, *M : Ah well. *lurks and works*
[30-08:02] c5837, *M : \o/ WORK!
[30-08:10] c5837, *M : *takes a moment to flaunt blackmail material, then gets back to work*
[30-08:11] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[30-08:12] 6bfe4, Liz: Hello
[30-08:13] c5837, *M : lo
[30-08:24] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[30-08:28] 6bfe4, Liz: How are you?
[30-08:30] c5837, *M : Pretty good, actually. You?
[30-08:31] 6bfe4, Liz: Good
[30-08:32] c5837, *M : :)
[30-08:35] 6bfe4, Liz: hehe
[30-08:52] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-09:07] c5837, *M : *patters off*
[30-09:07] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-09:29] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[30-09:29] 7cbe0, Savage: *wanders in*
[30-09:32] 7cbe0, Savage: *wanders around*
[30-09:34] 7cbe0, Savage: *wanders out*
[30-09:35] EXIT: Savage has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-10:31] 8eac2, *M : heh
[30-10:31] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-10:36] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-14:45] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[30-14:47] 51d0f, 'Luke: anyone in?
[30-14:50] ff12c, 'Luke: guess not...
[30-14:54] 8eac2, *M : I'm half in and half out. Does that count?
[30-14:57] 51d0f, 'Luke: *chuckles* Misty! *hugs*
[30-14:57] 8eac2, *M : *hugs back :)*
[30-14:57] 51d0f, 'Luke: *was about to head off to bed*
[30-15:00] 51d0f, 'Luke: *cast starts to get heavy on him* *hugs again* I'm gonna head off... I'll catch ya later, Misty
[30-15:00] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-15:01] 8eac2, *M : Drat, late. *well, hugs back anyway* Sleep well.
[30-16:03] 8eac2, *M : *patters off*
[30-16:03] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[30-19:00] JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
[30-21:04] WHO: Jen last seen 9:33am, October 29 (GMT)
[30-21:58] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-23:28] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[30-23:29] 21d77, Get a Name!: ello ?
[30-23:29] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[30-23:30] 1d043, *President Zahra : *waves to GaN?*
[30-23:30] 21d77, Get a Name!: *hugs ria *
[30-23:30] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to solon kay.
[30-23:31] 1d043, *President Zahra : Who's GaN? *hugs, hugs, hugs*
[30-23:31] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oh! Tivak! *hugs!*
[30-23:32] 21d77, solon kay: how you be ?
[30-23:33] 1d043, *President Zahra : Meh. I'm okay.
[30-23:34] 21d77, solon kay: *g* *looks around for some munchies *
[30-23:35] 1d043, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[30-23:37] 21d77, solon kay: *munches some corn chips and pulls out a book *
[30-23:38] 1d043, *President Zahra : *giggles*
[30-23:39] 21d77, solon kay: **sisghs* damm i can't quite thinking about learning more and more
[30-23:41] 1d043, *President Zahra : Awww.
[30-23:42] 21d77, solon kay: i am in total stress from uni ... way to much to learn in no time at all
[30-23:50] 21d77, solon kay: *kicks his comp *
[30-23:51] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yeah.. My school is insane, too. *dies*
[30-23:51] 1d043, *President Zahra : Yeah.. My school is insane, too. *dies*
[30-23:52] 21d77, solon kay: *pulls out a defilibrator and goes back to reanimating ria *
[30-23:54] 1d043, *President Zahra : *giggles* *reanimated*
[30-23:55] 21d77, solon kay: *sighs * patient alive doctor in need of food and more ... damm i forgot it
[30-23:56] 21d77, solon kay: yes it was RISE RISE FROM THE DEAD
[30-23:58] 1d043, *President Zahra : *L*
[30-23:59] 21d77, solon kay: now what else was i missing .....
[30-23:59] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-00:01] 1d043, *President Zahra : Silly. *huggles*
[31-00:02] 21d77, solon kay: no me tired and got way to many things in my head
[31-00:09] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-00:13] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oh.. *is here*
[31-00:17] 21d77, solon kay: is where ?
[31-00:21] JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
[31-00:23] 1d043, *President Zahra : Nowhere. *hug*
[31-00:29] 21d77, solon kay: *hugs * got to go and sleep now *hugs * see ya
[31-00:30] 1d043, *President Zahra : Night. *hugs*
[31-00:30] 21d77, solon kay: *hugs ** vanishes into his bed to dop dead *
[31-00:30] EXIT: solon kay has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-00:39] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[31-00:40] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Ronnie!*
[31-00:41] 2e19e, •Ronica : *tries to shake off her post-nap haze and hugs Ria!*
[31-00:42] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy. *should call for her homework*
[31-00:43] 2e19e, •Ronica : *should stop sleeping after school* *curls up and yawns*
[31-00:46] 1d043, *President Zahra : *sighs*
[31-00:47] 2e19e, •Ronica : *hugs lots*
[31-00:48] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs lots back*
[31-00:55] 2e19e, •Ronica : Bleh. *rubs her eyes and blinks lots* Naps are the devil.
[31-00:56] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[31-00:58] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[31-00:58] 1d043, *President Zahra : *thwaps her comp*
[31-01:02] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yeah...
[31-01:03] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin*
[31-01:03] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* w00t
[31-01:05] 1d043, *President Zahra : Wooo! *can't do her homework, as she lost all the phone numbers of people in her class*
[31-01:05] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-01:13] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-01:13] 4badf, Get a Name!: wow... its a star wars chat room... woo peee.....
[31-01:15] 4badf, Get a Name!: *looks around for something to take him out of his misery* please save me from this OOC hell...
[31-01:15] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-01:15] 1d043, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[31-01:19] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[31-01:22] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-01:26] 1d043, *President Zahra : *all alone*
[31-01:53] 1d043, *President Zahra : Hmph.
[31-03:18] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-03:46] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-03:49] 1d043, *President Zahra : Oy.
[31-04:01] b94fa, Get a Name!: vey
[31-04:02] JOIN: Nay has entered.
[31-04:03] a6bb2, 'Nay: people are in this room!!
[31-04:03] 1d043, *President Zahra : Nay! *hugs* *and hugs Jim-y!*
[31-04:04] a6bb2, 'Nay: *hugs back*
[31-04:04] b94fa, Get a Name!: inded
[31-04:07] 1d043, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[31-04:08] a6bb2, 'Nay: *ponders stuff*
[31-04:10] 1d043, *President Zahra : *ponders too*
[31-04:12] a6bb2, 'Nay: *ponders the p[ondering*
[31-04:12] a6bb2, 'Nay: *ponders the pondering*
[31-04:12] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[31-04:14] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs Justin!*
[31-04:15] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* w00t
[31-04:17] 1d043, *President Zahra : Silly.
[31-04:18] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Bleh
[31-04:21] 1d043, *President Zahra : Bah.
[31-04:23] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pokes Ria*
[31-04:23] 1d043, *President Zahra : *squirms*
[31-04:24] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Haha
[31-04:24] 1d043, *President Zahra : Hmm?
[31-04:27] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Laughing at you for squirming
[31-04:30] 1d043, *President Zahra : Mean!
[31-04:34] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hahaha
[31-04:43] 1d043, *President Zahra : *hugs, anyway*
[31-04:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugged* w00t
[31-04:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Wow it's dead
[31-05:21] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( eh ).
[31-05:28] JOIN: M has entered.
[31-05:28] 6d3a7, *M : oi
[31-05:28] 2e19e, •Ronica : Oi, oi.
[31-05:29] 6d3a7, *M : lo, Ronnie
[31-05:31] 2e19e, •Ronica : Hello.
[31-05:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-05:35] ec1a8, Get a Name!: if I could dig down deep in my heart, and spill it all over the stage--would be enough for your cheatin' heart
[31-05:35] ec1a8, Get a Name!: would help to ease the paay-yay-yaaaayyynn
[31-05:36] 6d3a7, *M : mmkay
[31-05:36] ec1a8, Get a Name!: *whispers* I know it's only rock n roll but we like it
[31-05:36] 2e19e, •Ronica : *blink*
[31-05:37] ec1a8, Get a Name!: only r nr but I like it
[31-05:39] ec1a8, Get a Name!: say can't ya see that this ol' Cpt is gettin' lonely!! hhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
[31-05:40] 6d3a7, *M : I should have known. heh
[31-05:40] ec1a8, Get a Name!: is anyone home?
[31-05:41] 6d3a7, *M : nope. but you can leave a message, and I'll get back to you asap
[31-05:41] ec1a8, Get a Name!: well ya know I had to send a shout out loud to everyone here.
[31-05:43] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Sleep, sleep, sleep. ).
[31-05:43] 6d3a7, *M : sleep? wtf? *just woke up*
[31-05:44] ec1a8, Get a Name!: well don't forget to wait for the Great Pumpkin tomorrow night, peeps!
[31-05:44] 6d3a7, *M : oi
[31-05:58] ec1a8, Get a Name!: man the world series must have scared everyone away
[31-06:00] 6d3a7, *M : naw
[31-06:09] 6d3a7, *M : *got the most awesomest, bestest chocolate in the world, and is happy now*
[31-06:10] 6d3a7, *M : *is pathetically easy to win over :/* Ah well.
[31-06:13] ec1a8, Get a Name!: hey, chocolates actually can work!!
[31-06:14] 6d3a7, *M : Only the right ones. ;)]
[31-06:14] 6d3a7, *M : *baps away ]*
[31-06:17] ec1a8, Get a Name!: ah, too true
[31-06:18] 6d3a7, *M : aye
[31-06:22] ec1a8, Get a Name!: hmm. do you have IM? I don't fink you're in my list, and I have to shut this down to create a CD.
[31-06:22] ec1a8, Get a Name!: I'm expanding my 80's Invasion Library.
[31-06:23] 6d3a7, *M : Heheh. I do have IM, but I'm not on it atm. My screen name is La Mystra
[31-06:24] ec1a8, Get a Name!: hmm. Alright, I'll have to write that on my forehead, then. *gets a Sharpie*
[31-06:25] 6d3a7, *M : hehe
[31-06:27] ec1a8, Get a Name!: heh indeed. So who are YOU waiting for?
[31-06:27] 6d3a7, *M : Who am I waiting for? What makes you think I'm waiting for someone?
[31-06:28] ec1a8, Get a Name!: call it a hunch. :oP
[31-06:29] 6d3a7, *M : I'm actually not waiting for anyone.
[31-06:30] ec1a8, Get a Name!: Well that's interesting. We're all waiting for something.
[31-06:30] 6d3a7, *M : Oh, I won't deny. I am waiting for soemthing (namely, for the right time to make some food), but I'm not waiting for someone. *eyes* Who are you waiting for?
[31-06:30] 6d3a7, *M : *something, even
[31-06:31] ec1a8, Get a Name!: the daughter of the Devil himself.
[31-06:31] ec1a8, Get a Name!: :o)
[31-06:32] 6d3a7, *M : Oh dear. You'll have to be more specific, I'm afraid. :/
[31-06:35] ec1a8, Get a Name!: well I thot I had met her, but it turned out to be his sister.
[31-06:37] 6d3a7, *M : Hehe. Ok. :)
[31-06:38] ec1a8, Get a Name!: the daughter couldn't be that wicked
[31-06:38] 6d3a7, *M : Oh, you just never know.
[31-06:38] ec1a8, Get a Name!: well I'm waiting for someone, but not here.
[31-06:40] ec1a8, Get a Name!: then I met this other girl, and it turned out the Devil had another sister!!
[31-06:42] 6d3a7, *M : *gasp* You don't say!
[31-06:43] ec1a8, Get a Name!: I say!
[31-06:43] 6d3a7, *M : Will wonders never cease!
[31-06:46] ec1a8, Get a Name!: likely not!
[31-06:47] 6d3a7, *M : Hehe
[31-06:50] ec1a8, Get a Name!: hey... the Cd creator worked with the browser running. Mark the date.
[31-06:51] 6d3a7, *M : Hehe. *does so*
[31-06:51] ec1a8, Get a Name!: LOL@the music club. "Goodbye, Cpt Colton" it says.
[31-06:51] 6d3a7, *M : I dunno if my burner works that way.. it's on the other comp, and the other comp isn't connected to the 'net.
[31-06:52] ec1a8, Get a Name!: oh good, cause I can't. There's no space left on my forehead to write anytihng.
[31-06:53] 6d3a7, *M : Well, you could write on your arms and such.
[31-06:56] ec1a8, Get a Name!: I wear long sleeves to work tho, and it might get worn off
[31-06:56] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[31-06:56] 6d3a7, *M : Damn. Well, there is much to be said for paper. ^_^ Anyway... *patters off in search of food* Later, Colton
[31-06:57] 38ac2, Liz: Hello!
[31-06:59] ec1a8, Get a Name!: g'day!!
[31-06:59] ec1a8, Get a Name!: g'night then! Have a good one.
[31-06:59] 453fb, Liz: How are you?
[31-07:01] ec1a8, Get a Name!: all right
[31-07:03] 453fb, Liz: Good
[31-07:04] ec1a8, Get a Name!: yo?
[31-07:04] ec1a8, Get a Name!: I mean--You?
[31-07:05] 453fb, Liz: Good
[31-07:06] ec1a8, Get a Name!: I'm having an intellectual discussion with the wall here.
[31-07:07] 453fb, Liz: Oooo!
[31-07:11] ec1a8, Get a Name!: we're arguing over the pros and cons of textured vs. porous materials for insulation value
[31-07:12] 453fb, Liz: Cool
[31-07:26] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-07:44] JOIN: Spectre Eclipse has entered.
[31-09:52] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[31-09:52] 2e9e8, 'Jen: Oooo...
[31-09:54] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *moves into lurkdom...and plops onto her back...* nice. it worked. :)
[31-09:55] 2e9e8, 'Jen: now there has to be someone else here...right?
[31-09:56] JOIN: M has entered.
[31-09:56] cebc2, *M : *random evil laughter* Ahh hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
[31-09:57] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *did that at work...only ONE person got it*joins in* bwahahahahaha...
[31-09:57] cebc2, *M : Hehe
[31-09:58] 2e9e8, 'Jen: or you could just (insert evil/and/or maniacal laughter here)
[31-09:59] cebc2, *M : *hops around with her blackmail shtuff* Mwehehehehe
[31-10:00] cebc2, *M : *gestures to the links she sent to Jen* D'you think we look good together? *ROFL*
[31-10:04] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *since she's already on her back...*lhao*
[31-10:04] cebc2, *M : Teehee!
[31-10:06] cebc2, *M : Hey, waitaminute! That's not an answer! *eyes Jen*
[31-10:08] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *stops laughing*nods and says* no.
[31-10:08] cebc2, *M : *LMAO*
[31-10:09] cebc2, *M : That's okay. Best friends, and all that. It'd never happen. *G*
[31-10:09] 2e9e8, 'Jen: stranger sh!t has happened.
[31-10:10] cebc2, *M : *EL* Indeed
[31-10:14] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *needs juice...has to clean pitcher tho doesn't she? bah*
[31-10:15] cebc2, *M : All good things come in time. :p
[31-10:16] 2e9e8, 'Jen: they do not. you have to go get them and drag them with you.
[31-10:17] cebc2, *M : Well, that's true. :/
[31-10:22] 2e9e8, 'Jen: and some good things come too early.
[31-10:23] cebc2, *M : Heh. Or never at all
[31-10:30] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *peers@a particularly shadowy dark rafter and wanders on up the wall to it*
[31-10:32] cebc2, *M : *activates protean and turns into a bat*
[31-10:35] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *eyes bat*
[31-10:35] cebc2, *M : *bats eyes*
[31-10:37] 2e9e8, 'Jen: wait...does that mean I've just been batted in the eyes...or....rawr.
[31-10:38] cebc2, *M : Open to interpretation. *fangy smile, and flapflapflaps away*
[31-10:39] 2e9e8, 'Jen: well m00. I'm in pain and confused. tsss.
[31-10:41] cebc2, *M : mo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o
[31-10:41] 2e9e8, 'Jen: hehe.
[31-10:41] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-10:41] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-10:42] cebc2, *M : "Hey, hey, hey.. ain't no mercy... ain't no mercy there for me... "
[31-10:44] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *watches GaN* new?
[31-10:44] cebc2, *M : *eyes Jen's link... then current topic of conversation* *falls over*
[31-10:45] 2e9e8, 'Jen: *has link eyed* its from a 'Garbage' song. *grin*
[31-10:45] cebc2, *M : Teehee
[31-11:19] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( cuz i'm not USING this chat right now. heh. ).
[31-11:22] cebc2, *M : oi
[31-12:02] JOIN: M has entered.
[31-12:09]       M isn't here. Reason: Gone for a walk. :-P
[31-12:59] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-13:20] 5f5f4, *M : *patters back* eh... *lurks*
[31-14:04] JOIN: M has entered.
[31-14:04] 5f5f4, *M : ack
[31-14:04] 5f5f4, *M : *lurks again*
[31-14:58] 5f5f4, *M : *just got herself a keep* \o/ *goes back to her game*
[31-15:05] 5f5f4, *M : *patters off to kill a dragon, cuz that's what D&D is all about*
[31-15:16] 5f5f4, *M : *thwaps lurk0r first, tho*
[31-15:35] 5f5f4, *M : *RaE@choclate* There is a dark chocolate caramel thingy in this package. There isn't supposed to be a dark chocolate thingy in this package. It is not a dark chocolate package. It is a milk choclate package. *should complain... instead, is inspired to write*
[31-15:41] 5f5f4, *M : *shouldn't, rather
[31-15:45] 5f5f4, *M : Bwaha! ok. *so done with talking to herself* *lurks*
[31-15:57] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-15:58] a9661, Get a Name!: still there?
[31-15:59] 5f5f4, *M : I refuse to answer, as my answer may serve to incrimi--DOH
[31-16:00] JOIN: Streen has entered.
[31-16:00] 5f5f4, *M : Lo Streen. :)
[31-16:00] a9661, Streen: *enters* Hello M *S*
[31-16:01] 5f5f4, *M : How are you?
[31-16:02] a9661, Streen: So what brings you to the 'tina?
[31-16:02] a9661, Streen: Oh pretty good
[31-16:02] 5f5f4, *M : Nothing better to do. It's almost as good as talking to the walls. They both don't talk back. :P
[31-16:04] a9661, Streen: *L* I know what you mean.
[31-16:05] 5f5f4, *M : Hehe. Indeed. :) At least when talking to walls, no one will witness it and call you craze.
[31-16:05] a9661, Streen: Hmmm... what does your link mean anyway?
[31-16:05] 5f5f4, *M : craze=crazy
[31-16:06] 5f5f4, *M : My... erm..? Heh... Uh.. nothing. :)
[31-16:06] a9661, Streen: Usually when a person says its nothing, it's even more of a something ;)
[31-16:07] 5f5f4, *M : Usually. *G*
[31-16:09] a9661, Streen: Heh... I think it's kind of funny that this place has managed to survive for so long. It's probably even funnier that I actually came back here.
[31-16:09] 5f5f4, *M : Yeah? You call this... *gestures around* ...surviving?
[31-16:11] 7a29f, Streen: *G* Good point.
[31-16:12] 5f5f4, *M : *bows* Naturally
[31-16:13] 7a29f, Streen: *L*
[31-16:13] 5f5f4, *M : *G*
[31-16:14] 7a29f, Streen: Look, I'm going to be perfectly honest with you as to why I'm here.. Well.. first, let me ask you this. Do you know who I am? I mean, have you heard of me before?
[31-16:14] 5f5f4, *M : Sure, I've seen you around and such.
[31-16:16] 7a29f, Streen: Ah, okay then. In that case, let me explain. You see, I'm looking for a potential student. I hadn't considered where to look, but I had a feeling that I should come here today, something I rarely do now. And so, here you are. The only other one here.
[31-16:17] 7a29f, Streen: You see what I mean? *RaE*
[31-16:17] 5f5f4, *M : I suppose so
[31-16:18] 7a29f, Streen: *S* But not entirely?
[31-16:18] 5f5f4, *M : Certainly.
[31-16:21] 7a29f, Streen: It was your link that made me wonder about you... You see, I am what you might call.. a Jedi. At least, that is one label. I had a feeling that someone like you would be here today, and your link is what almost convinced me of that.
[31-16:22] 5f5f4, *M : *ahem* Is that so? Well, I might be interested, if I were at all in character. :) *pause* Why would my link convince of you that? *curious*
[31-16:24] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-16:25] 7a29f, Streen: There is no character needed here, M. I am speaking from a real life perspective. And the fact that your link mentioned "living in the moment", a concept derived from zen, that to me was a sign that I was on the right track.
[31-16:25] 5f5f4, *M : Really? Hmm... Interesting.
[31-16:26] aaccc, Get a Name!: *wonders how longs its been since she was last here*
[31-16:27] 7a29f, Streen: Not to mention the Joan Didion quote on your profile page. *S*
[31-16:27] 5f5f4, *M : Oh.. Heh... yeah.. *hides it*
[31-16:29] 7a29f, Streen: I'll let you think about it *S* There's no pressure. Email me: Let me know what you think ;)
[31-16:30] 5f5f4, *M : What exactly do you teach?
[31-16:31] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-16:31] 7a29f, Streen: What would you like to know?
[31-16:32] 5f5f4, *M : Erm... Well... If you were giving a brief summary, what would you say?
[31-16:33] 5f5f4, *M : Hmm. *spies on a chat people have assume she's forgotten* *grins stupidly* I want that. *cough* anyway..
[31-16:34] 7a29f, Streen: I just did say it. What have you wondered about in your life? What answers do you seek? I can guide you to them if anyway you wish. That is my goal, my purpose.
[31-16:35] 5f5f4, *M : Ah.. The only answers I seek can't be given by spirituality. :)
[31-16:36] 7a29f, Streen: Who said anything about spirituality? *G*
[31-16:36] 5f5f4, *M : Point
[31-16:36] 7a29f, Streen: What answers do you seek, M?
[31-16:37] 5f5f4, *M : Any number. ;)
[31-16:38] 7a29f, Streen: *L* You lost me there :)
[31-16:38] 5f5f4, *M : Yes, I tend to confuse people a lot. It's a talent. *G*
[31-16:38] 7a29f, Streen: Apparently *S*
[31-16:39] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-16:39] aaccc, Get a Name!: *got bored*
[31-16:40] 5f5f4, *M : Heheh.
[31-16:40] 7a29f, Streen: Anyway, you have my email. Like I said, I won't pressure you, and I explain my reasoning for my offer. I look forward to hearing from you ;)
[31-16:41] 5f5f4, *M : I'll think about it. :)
[31-16:41] 7a29f, Streen: Good *S* Until then...
[31-16:42] EXIT: Streen has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-16:44] aaccc, Get a Name!: *pokes round*
[31-16:45] 5f5f4, *M : *poked* ouch
[31-16:47] aaccc, Get a Name!: seeing if anyone was here sorry m
[31-16:47] aaccc, Get a Name!: M
[31-16:47] 5f5f4, *M : S'okay. :)
[31-17:14] EXIT: M has left the chat ( *sigh* ).
[31-18:54] JOIN: SilverSun has entered.
[31-18:54] 2ef07, SilverSun: Hmmm
[31-20:23] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-21:08] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-21:29] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-21:30] JOIN: Garat Jax has entered.
[31-21:31] fe2af, Garat Jax: Been a while.....
[31-21:31] fe2af, Garat Jax: Been a while.....
[31-21:33] fe2af, Garat Jax: quiet innit...*slides into a booth*
[31-21:34] EXIT: Garat Jax has left the chat ( Quit ).
[31-23:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[31-23:53] f74d6, Get a Name!: Wow Streen Garat and Mystie
[31-23:54] f74d6, Get a Name!: Hello anyone here?
[01-02:08] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[01-02:37] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[01-02:49] JOIN: Kyp has entered.
[01-02:49] ad164, Kyp: Im here
[01-02:56] ad164, Kyp: hi cantina
[01-03:12] 14a26, *President Zahra : *dies*
[01-03:17] a96b9, Kyp: ack
[01-03:18] 14a26, *President Zahra : *from beyond the grave* Ack?
[01-04:17] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[01-04:18] JOIN: Anaesthesia has entered.
[01-04:20] 8da12, Get a Name!: *flip*
[01-04:22] 14a26, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[01-04:24] 8da12, Get a Name!: *winks*
[01-04:26] 14a26, *President Zahra : *winked at*
[01-04:30] JOIN: Ronica has entered.
[01-04:34] JOIN: Tenel Ka has entered.
[01-04:34] 14a26, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[01-04:35] 2a56b, •Ronica : *has glued her mouth shut with caramel* Mmmrg... *hugs Ria*
[01-04:36] 14a26, *President Zahra : *L* *hugs back*
[01-04:39] 2a56b, •Ronica : *is a dentist's wet dream right now* God damn candy. Oi.
[01-04:39] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[01-04:40] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *had to work during Halloween* Oh that so ruled, no customers at all and no friggen midgets coming up to me asking for candy
[01-04:40] 14a26, *President Zahra : *pats Ronnie, and curls up on Justin's lap*
[01-04:41] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Ria*
[01-04:41] 2a56b, •Ronica : *found out she could very well get a half decent job today*
[01-04:42] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Then get it, money is money
[01-04:42] 2a56b, •Ronica : Oh, I'm going to. And it's easy money, too.
[01-04:43] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What will you be doing?
[01-04:43] JOIN: Ruhk has entered.
[01-04:44] 2a56b, •Ronica : Receptionist at a tiny phisioptherapy clinic. My friend already works there and she says it's a minimal amount of work. She spends most of her time playing Solitaire on the comp.
[01-04:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Haha
[01-04:45] fe288, Ruhk: Er....
[01-04:45] EXIT: Ruhk has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-04:46] 2a56b, •Ronica : I'd start at a buck more than minimum wage, so it suits me just fine.
[01-04:46] 14a26, *President Zahra : Um.
[01-04:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Heh
[01-04:47] JOIN: Ruhk has entered.
[01-04:51] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Wee
[01-04:53] fe288, Ruhk: *Looks around* Even the dead arn't moving in here. Why's it so boring?
[01-04:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: We're boring, especially Ronnie. She's one boring beotch.
[01-04:55] fe288, Ruhk: Bummer.
[01-04:56] 14a26, *President Zahra : I'm boring-er.
[01-04:56] 2a56b, •Ronica : Yeah, I can kill any party.
[01-04:57] fe288, Ruhk: Well, how are you guys?
[01-04:58] fe288, Ruhk: And how come you guys are here?
[01-04:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Why wouldn't we be?
[01-05:00] fe288, Ruhk: It's halloween, least it is here. I'm stuck at home cause I'm sicker'n hell.
[01-05:01] 2a56b, •Ronica : I was out earlier. Then my friends went to go booze it up in the park and I decided to pass on that.
[01-05:02] 14a26, *President Zahra : *has never, ever, ever done anything for Halloween, and it's too late to start*
[01-05:02] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I was working so now I'm doing homework
[01-05:03] 14a26, *President Zahra : Anyway.. *off to bed* *disintegrates*
[01-05:03] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-05:03] 2a56b, •Ronica : Bah. *will do something with Ria someday*
[01-05:03] fe288, Ruhk: Not uh! Go find a party! Go trick or treating! Find something to do!
[01-05:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *hugs Ria* night
[01-05:05] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm doing homework, I'm not going out now
[01-05:08] fe288, Ruhk: Oh
[01-05:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Retard
[01-05:11] 2a56b, •Ronica : Behave.
[01-05:12] 8db69, Tenel Ka: Hello
[01-05:14] EXIT: Tenel Ka has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-05:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: "I'm the candy master." "No no, you're the ass master. There's a difference."
[01-05:17] EXIT: Ronica has left the chat ( Sleep. ).
[01-05:20] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: The hell
[01-05:30] JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
[01-05:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: KL
[01-05:32] JOIN: Nova Metallia has entered.
[01-05:32] 56c17, *KnightLance : ((hey Justin)) *is still sitting in the booth at the back of the room and glances towards the door*
[01-05:34] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[01-05:35] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *walks in quietly and brushes back her hood, glancing around the place*
[01-05:36] 56c17, *KnightLance : *smiles and wonders how long it will take her to know he is there*
[01-05:37] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *not too long... senses his presence almost immediately, which is apparent by the smile that crosses her face as she heads in his direction*
[01-05:41] 56c17, *KnightLance : Hey Siera
[01-05:41] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Hi Lance *meets his gaze as she reaches him* I thought I might find you here.
[01-05:43] 56c17, *KnightLance : *chuckles* where else would I go?
[01-05:44] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins* Yeah, where else? *slides in next to him and gives him a quick kiss* How're you?
[01-05:44] 56c17, *KnightLance : Not bad at all. Yourself?
[01-05:46] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : I'm fine. So, have you heard from home recently?
[01-05:46] 56c17, *KnightLance : *nods* Yeah. Whenever we are ready.
[01-05:47] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her stomach starts to flutter nervously for some reason* Well.. I'm ready whenever you are...
[01-05:49] 56c17, *KnightLance : Then we need to come up with a date that we both like...what do you think? *smiles at her*
[01-05:51] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *bites her lower lip and smiles back* Well... maybe we should wait until after our birthdays, but we could go to your planet in the meantime and work on preparations...
[01-05:52] 56c17, *KnightLance : *nods* that sounds fine with me...are you ok?
[01-05:53] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *blushes slightly* I'm just kind of nervous...
[01-05:54] 56c17, *KnightLance : Yeah...I know, as am I...but I think it's a good type of nervousness
[01-05:55] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *nods* Yeah... *slowly reaches over and hooks her arm in his for comfort*
[01-05:56] 56c17, *KnightLance : Hey...everything is going to work out. *S* I know it
[01-05:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *smiles back and rests her head on his shoulder* I just want it to be perfect.
[01-05:57] 56c17, *KnightLance : and it will be. I promise
[01-05:59] JOIN: M has entered.
[01-05:59] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Okay. *scoots closer to him and slides her hand down his arm to entwine her fingers in his, her ring sparkling on one finger*
[01-06:00] 56c17, *KnightLance : *lifts her hand for a moment and kisses it* I love you
[01-06:01] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *breaks into a big smile, the flutter working its way into her heart* I love you too, Lance. *squeezes his hand gently*
[01-06:04] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( Nighty Nightmare ).
[01-06:04] 56c17, *KnightLance : You's strange to think of what my life would have been like if I have not come to Tatooine in the first place...*chuckles* I almost didn't...I almost jumpped a different ship
[01-06:06] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : I never thought of that... how exactly did you get here in the first place? *looks over at him*
[01-06:07] 56c17, *KnightLance : *flashes a grin* Jumped a cargo ship that was headed here...didn't know were it was going at the time though
[01-06:07] 56c17, *KnightLance : that was so long ago...
[01-06:07] a96b9, Kyp: I have me own ship, ah ha ha.
[01-06:08] 56c17, *KnightLance : ((*was 10 at the time*))
[01-06:08] 56c17, *KnightLance : ((hehe))
[01-06:11] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Wow... yeah, I came here with my mom... my real mom, but then she got abducted and I never heard from her again so I was kind of stuck here.
[01-06:12] 56c17, *KnightLance : *nods* I met you not long after I got here...*chuckles* You know right now the both of us should only be like 13 years old...
[01-06:13] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[01-06:15] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *smirks slightly* Yeah... we missed a lot of growing up... *a sad look crosses her eyes* ... but I'm glad we went through it together. I don't think I could have survived without you... I know I couldn't
[01-06:16] 56c17, *KnightLance : I will always be here for you *smiles at her*
[01-06:17] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : I know... and I for you. *smiles softly* Let's get out of this place, okay?
[01-06:18] 56c17, *KnightLance : Fine by me...*waits for her to stand so he can move out of the booth as well*
[01-06:19] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[01-06:19] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *gets up without letting go of his hand*
[01-06:19] 6888e, Get a Name!: *peers...* where's the normal people?
[01-06:20] c7b95, *M : no such thing. heh
[01-06:21] 56c17, *KnightLance : *stands and moves to the exit with her*
[01-06:22] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *exits with Lance*
[01-06:22] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*is abnormal, apparently*))
[01-06:22] 56c17, *KnightLance : *GONE*
[01-06:24] EXIT: Siera Vessler has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-06:25] 6888e, Get a Name!: okay okay...the regulars? and just so ya'll know...Jeepers Creepers SUCKS!
[01-06:26] c7b95, *M : *already assumed that*
[01-06:32] 6888e, Get a Name!: should've just gone and seen Joy Ride or The Others.
[01-06:34] c7b95, *M : You should have gone to see The Others. I thought I told you that once already?
[01-06:36] 6888e, Get a Name!: my day sucked. I wanna die. *L* yes you told me that. but...uh...
[01-06:36] c7b95, *M : *thinks... that averaging 2 entries a day is a bad thing*
[01-06:36] c7b95, *M : it was only one day, and tomorrow it'll get better.
[01-06:39] 6888e, Get a Name!: how?
[01-06:39] c7b95, *M : dunno
[01-06:40] c7b95, *M : You're asking the wrong person. Ask an optomist.
[01-06:41] 6888e, Get a Name!: *should've found her co-worker and bummed some stuff off him*
[01-06:41] c7b95, *M : heh
[01-06:42] 6888e, Get a Name!: *in a very very very bad mood at the moment...apologizes*
[01-06:43] c7b95, *M : *just woke up*
[01-06:44] 6888e, Get a Name!: *considers beating her head on the concrete stairs outside*
[01-06:44] c7b95, *M : That's fine to consider. I wouldn't actually recommending doing it, tho.
[01-06:50] 6888e, Get a Name!: *can't eat*no mood to sleep* jesus. I just suck. :)
[01-06:50] c7b95, *M : *patters off for food and other such things* I'll bb.. erm.. eventually. *many, many hugs for Jen, and a pouncetackleglinghug for good measure*
[01-06:51] c7b95, *M : *can't eat either, and can't sleep... even when she was trying.. but.. eh... gotta try*
[01-06:51] 6888e, Get a Name!: *awaits Misty's return...considers what to distract herself with*
[01-07:11] 6888e, Get a Name!: *eyes av* eh. i feel like I'm not here anyway...
[01-07:11] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Jen.
[01-07:11] 6888e, 'Jen: handle. *eyes chat* 3 people that never speak. really useful don't you think?
[01-07:27] 6888e, 'Jen: *lurks*
[01-08:00] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[01-08:00] 8da12, Savage: *wanders in*
[01-08:01] 6888e, 'Jen: *notices Savage has entered*waves*
[01-08:02] 8da12, Savage: *huggles and smooches jen* heyas jennybean!
[01-08:04] 6888e, 'Jen: thanks Savage. *huggles and smooches back* :) what's kickin?
[01-08:06] 8da12, Savage: nothin much. just sweating. how about you?
[01-08:07] 6888e, 'Jen: not sweating. shall i open a window for you?
[01-08:09] 8da12, Savage: if you could fan me with a palm leaf that would be swell
[01-08:12] 6888e, 'Jen: *opens a window* heh.
[01-08:14] 8da12, Savage: *takes in the cool breeze* ahh thats much better
[01-08:15] 8da12, Savage: so how ya been jennybean?
[01-08:19] 6888e, 'Jen: Having a helluva night. want to curl up outside on the grass and freeze while I watch the moon. *grin* you?
[01-08:21] c7b95, *M : "They shot Bob, sir!"
[01-08:22] 8da12, Savage: havent quite felt like that yet but ive been ok
[01-08:22] 8da12, Savage: *huggles and smooches for misty*
[01-08:22] c7b95, *M : *huggles and smooches for Darthy*
[01-08:23] 6888e, 'Jen: not many people do. Or care. *shrug* ok...oooooklahoma where the wind-....heh.
[01-08:23] 8da12, Savage: but sitting in the fridge however is becoming very tempting
[01-08:24] 8da12, Savage: savage cares
[01-08:24] 6888e, 'Jen: thankoo Savage. *hugses* sitting in cube @$$?
[01-08:26] 8da12, Savage: im willing to risk a frostbitten ass to get out of this dam heat wave
[01-08:27] 6888e, 'Jen: well at least you know you aren't the only one that doesn't like heat. *despises it*
[01-08:29] c7b95, *M : "havin' a heat wave...a tropical heat wave...the temperature's rising, it isn't surprising, she certainly can can-can.."
[01-08:29] 8da12, Savage: i cant stand summer. but of course when its winter i always complain about the cold too
[01-08:30] 8da12, Savage: *records misty* and now your on tape
[01-08:31] c7b95, *M : urk
[01-08:32] 6888e, 'Jen: i can't stand summer. I very rarely complain in the winter. hehehe...bwah.
[01-08:33] 8da12, Savage: im a spring boy myself. i just end up complaining about all the other seasons.
[01-08:34] c7b95, *M : eh.. *thought that said "sprung" instead of "spring"* *cough*
[01-08:35] 8da12, Savage: *baps misty*
[01-08:35] c7b95, *M : *bapped* What?! *adjusts halo* brb
[01-08:40] 8da12, Savage: some like it hot...some like it cold...some never know
[01-08:44] 8da12, Savage: gotta feed dog. bbs
[01-08:46] 6888e, 'Jen: *doesn't have any pets* tss.
[01-08:46] c7b95, *M : *has 3 she just finished giving attention to*
[01-08:50] 6888e, 'Jen: can't have them either. I'm...gonna go to bed. my back hurts and I don't want to piss anyone off.
[01-08:51] JOIN: Isamu has entered.
[01-08:51] c7b95, *M : awh. ok. *many hugs* Sleep well
[01-08:52] 6888e, 'Jen: *many hugs back* or something similar. :) *fades*
[01-08:52] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-08:54] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[01-08:55] 8da12, Savage: just three? is that all?
[01-08:55] c7b95, *M : 3 cats is quite enough, thankyouverymuch
[01-08:57] 8da12, Savage: bah. three cats is easy. i got a cat.
[01-08:58] 8da12, Savage: just sits around lickin itself all day. only walks up to when its hungry
[01-08:59] c7b95, *M : generally, you're supposed to give it attention. there's no point in having so many pets if you don't have the time to give them attention.
[01-09:00] 8da12, Savage: my cat pays no attention to me so i pay no attention to my cat
[01-09:05] c7b95, *M : maybe your cat pays no attention to you because you pay no attention to it
[01-09:08] 8da12, Savage: or maybe its because i keep brushing its fur the wrong way. it seems to hate it but i like it
[01-09:09] c7b95, *M : oi
[01-09:11] 8da12, Savage: you never rub your cats fur the wrong way?
[01-09:12] c7b95, *M : All the time.
[01-09:16] 8da12, Savage: misty are you on aim?
[01-09:18] c7b95, *M : No. :/
[01-09:20] 8cbc4, Savage: well why not?
[01-09:21] c7b95, *M : Because I don't want to be. :P
[01-09:23] 8cbc4, Savage: well phooey. i need an aim guinea pig
[01-09:23] c7b95, *M : *rae* An aim guinea pig?
[01-09:25] 8cbc4, Savage: yes. i just downloaded it and i need a guinea pig to test it on
[01-09:26] c7b95, *M : Oi
[01-09:29] 8cbc4, Savage: so you dont wanna be my guinea pig?
[01-09:31] c7b95, *M : Not particularly. *dryly*
[01-09:33] 8cbc4, Savage: well fine then! i'll find someone else
[01-09:34] c7b95, *M : Hehe. :P
[01-09:37] 8cbc4, Savage: so what did you do for halloween?
[01-09:37] c7b95, *M : Sleep.
[01-09:40] 8cbc4, Savage: all halloween?
[01-09:41] c7b95, *M : Went to bed around 11:30. Woke up at about 10:30. So yeah.
[01-09:42] 8cbc4, Savage: sleep can be fun
[01-09:43] c7b95, *M : Heh. It wasn't. Believe me.
[01-09:43] 8cbc4, Savage: why not?
[01-09:44] c7b95, *M : Bad dreams.
[01-09:44] 8cbc4, Savage: i spose that will do it
[01-09:45] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[01-09:45] c7b95, *M : Aye
[01-09:47] b94fa, Get a Name!: Yawn et al
[01-09:48] 8cbc4, Savage: dont yawn gan.its catching *yawns*
[01-09:48] b94fa, Get a Name!: Its also early , and my halloween festivities are just finished :)
[01-09:49] 8cbc4, Savage: what did you do for halloween?
[01-09:49] 8cbc4, Savage: you didnt sleep too did ya?
[01-09:50] b94fa, Get a Name!: Not allowed to sleep while partying ... its not shave .. razors or markers tend to come into play
[01-09:50] b94fa, Get a Name!: Oh , and I dressed up as the crow :)
[01-09:52] 8cbc4, Savage: at least you dressed up. kids came to my door and didnt even have a costume! slackers!
[01-09:52] c7b95, *M : My halloween party isn't until next week.
[01-09:53] c7b95, *M : *contemplates the ramifications of bad dreams on halloween* fuck it. *blinks*
[01-09:54] b94fa, Get a Name!: Mine was pretty cool :)
[01-09:54] 8cbc4, Savage: hmmm. thats a bad sign misty
[01-09:56] c7b95, *M : shut up
[01-09:56] b94fa, Get a Name!: *RaE*
[01-09:57] c7b95, *M : Jen had a bad day, too. :/ We're linked, somehow.
[01-09:58] 8cbc4, Savage: am i the only one here who had a good day?
[01-09:58] c7b95, *M : No. Jim had a good day, clearleh.
[01-09:58] b94fa, Get a Name!: Mine was ok ... I got free beer
[01-09:59] c7b95, *M : See? Free beer. Always a winner.
[01-09:59] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[01-10:00] 8cbc4, Savage: free beer is very good
[01-10:00] c7b95, *M : There's your guinea pig, Darthy.
[01-10:00] 06c01, 'Luke: *walks in, ― cast on his arl*
[01-10:00] b94fa, Get a Name!: Always .... free beer rules ! Go free beer ... w00t
[01-10:00] 06c01, 'Luke: arl=arm
[01-10:00] b94fa, Get a Name!: arl .. wtf is an arl ?
[01-10:00] b94fa, Get a Name!: Ah
[01-10:00] 8cbc4, Savage: luke are you on aim?
[01-10:01] c7b95, *M : ..that answers the question, I think
[01-10:01] b94fa, Get a Name!: somebody had a really good halloween party then ... go Luke *high fives the good arm*
[01-10:01] 06c01, 'Luke: yeah
[01-10:01] 06c01, 'Luke: *high fives Jim back*
[01-10:02] c7b95, *M : "Just let me kill you for a while, just let me kill you for a smile, just let me kill you once, I'm oh so bored to death.."
[01-10:03] c7b95, *M : I have dull (read: poor) friends. They spend Halloween roleplaying.
[01-10:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: nowt wrong with that Myst
[01-10:04] 06c01, 'Luke: *doesn't celebrate Halloween*
[01-10:04] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[01-10:05] 8cbc4, Savage: dont celebrate halloween? whats wrong with you?
[01-10:05] c7b95, *M : heh
[01-10:06] c7b95, *M : *was going to do something... forgot*
[01-10:06] b94fa, Get a Name!: Nifty link Sav ... thats a kickass flick .
[01-10:06] 06c01, 'Luke: I'm from New South Wales... that's what's wrong with me... *lol*
[01-10:07] 8cbc4, Savage: *lol* no arguments there
[01-10:08] 8cbc4, Savage: "your on ten on your guitar, ten on your amp, ten on your speaker. where can you go from there? where?"
[01-10:08] 06c01, 'Luke: not once have I celebrated Halloween... but the Melbourne Cup... now that's another story *lol*
[01-10:11] 8cbc4, Savage: i cant even remember the name of last years winner even though i know i backed it
[01-10:12] 06c01, 'Luke: it was Brew, wasn't it?
[01-10:12] 8cbc4, Savage: i think so. i know it was a one syllable name
[01-10:13] 06c01, 'Luke: *lol* I remember when I backed Might & Power one year when it won, then I got the 2nd and 3rd place horses in the sweeps
[01-10:14] c7b95, *M : eh..
[01-10:14] 8cbc4, Savage: misty doesnt have a clue what we're talking about
[01-10:15] 06c01, 'Luke: 8^Þ hehehehe
[01-10:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: BTW , i'm very close to drifting off .. apologies to certain people in advance .
[01-10:15] c7b95, *M : Misty wasn't paying attention... heh.
[01-10:16] c7b95, *M : Just so long as you drift off with so sort of program running that allows me to spamm0r j00
[01-10:16] 06c01, 'Luke: no apologies necessary, Jim..
[01-10:16] 8cbc4, Savage: apology accepted jimbo
[01-10:17] c7b95, *M : *needs to go for a walk/run very soon... work off some negative energy* :/
[01-10:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: icq is all yours misty
[01-10:18] c7b95, *M : yay! *many hugs for Jim* Thankee
[01-10:19] c7b95, *M : ok... so I need a brush that doesn't fall apart whenever I try to brush my hair. :(
[01-10:20] b94fa, Get a Name!: np ... I really shoulda taken my make up off :(
[01-10:20] c7b95, *M : why don't you go do that while you're still coherent?
[01-10:21] 8cbc4, Savage: *just needs to brush*
[01-10:21] c7b95, *M : (and that, my friends, is how you monopolise the conversation)
[01-10:21] b94fa, Get a Name!: coherant ... i'm coherant ? what drugs are you on !?
[01-10:22] b94fa, Get a Name!: *just finished spamming the something shocking*
[01-10:22] 06c01, 'Luke: ((*chuckles*)) *uses hair gel... can't find his brush*
[01-10:22] c7b95, *M : *EG* Why, do you want some?
[01-10:22] c7b95, *M : *hates gel, even though it makes her hair all semi-wavy/curly and such*
[01-10:23] c7b95, *M : my bad spamming skills are leaking off. :/
[01-10:23] c7b95, *M : m00ING BRUSH! *bashes it against the wall*
[01-10:23] 06c01, 'Luke: *ponders* your spamming job viewable to the general public, Jim?
[01-10:24] 8cbc4, Savage: yeah you show that brush whos boss!
[01-10:25] c7b95, *M : grrrr... *hates her hair* *hates her brush* *tries to figure out which she hates more*
[01-10:28] c7b95, *M : Hehe... *bets Jim's fallen asleep*
[01-10:30] 8cbc4, Savage: probably without taking his makeup off too
[01-10:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[01-10:35] c7b95, *M : Yeah. Hehe. He's cute when he does that. :)
[01-10:36] 6aed9, Get a Name!: ya mesa found peeps
[01-10:36] c7b95, *M : *denies*
[01-10:36] 8cbc4, Savage: if you say so misty
[01-10:36] c7b95, *M : I do. *G*
[01-10:37] 8cbc4, Savage: *pokes leta*
[01-10:37] 06c01, 'Luke: *hugs for Rach!!*
[01-10:38] 6aed9, Get a Name!: *hugs back*hi
[01-10:38] c7b95, *M : *could make some random comment about the piece of clothing she just put on but....won't*
[01-10:38] 06c01, 'Luke: 8^) heya
[01-10:39] 06c01, 'Luke: *L*
[01-10:40] 6aed9, Get a Name!: *yawns*
[01-10:41] 06c01, 'Luke: *hugs again*
[01-10:41] 6aed9, Get a Name!: anyone want any of the stash that i got last night? stash=food
[01-10:42] 06c01, 'Luke: depends on what it is...
[01-10:43] 8cbc4, Savage: i thought stash meant something else for a minute there
[01-10:43] 6aed9, Get a Name!: erm *looks through bag*alsorts ok i should have said something else then
[01-10:44] 06c01, 'Luke: hehehehe
[01-10:44] c7b95, *M : *has a "stash"*
[01-10:45] 6aed9, Get a Name!: ok
[01-10:45] 06c01, 'Luke: *LOL*
[01-10:45] 6aed9, Get a Name!: *L*
[01-10:49] c7b95, *M : Ehe *patters off to take a walk/run* bbs..ish
[01-10:50] 06c01, 'Luke: see ya Misty...
[01-10:51] 6aed9, Get a Name!: bye bye
[01-10:52] 8cbc4, Savage: *huggles and smooches misty*
[01-10:53] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *walks in, wearing a dark robe, and crimson coloured pants* *immediately heads for the shadows*
[01-10:55] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *walks into the shadows and sits down in the corner booth, completely out of site*
[01-10:57] JOIN: Ace Revanche has entered.
[01-10:58] 8cbc4, Ace Revanche: *walks in and up to the bar*
[01-10:58] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *keeps his eye on the newcomer*
[01-11:01] 8cbc4, Ace Revanche: *gets bartenders attention* one usual *glances around. spots the boy*
[01-11:02] 8cbc4, Ace Revanche: Arn't you a little young to be in here, kid?
[01-11:02] JOIN: Jade Ashton has entered.
[01-11:03] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *steps in quietly and waits till her eyes adjust to the dim light before she moves futher in*
[01-11:03] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : tell me where the age limit signs are, and that will answer your question...
[01-11:04] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *the look on his face isn't able to be determined*
[01-11:06] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *takes a seat at the bar and glances round*
[01-11:10] 8cbc4, Ace Revanche: There don't need to be any signs, kid. It's just that kids with sense don't come in these grown up places..
[01-11:11] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *laughs*kids have no sense. thats why they come here get hurt then come back the next day
[01-11:12] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : I'm as grown up as I need to be to come in here..
[01-11:13] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *without warning, a bottle from the bar shatters, sending glass chunks flying at Jade*
[01-11:14] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *lets herself get cut*clever. but i don't care if i'm hurt
[01-11:15] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *the glass shards rapidly move across Jade's arms, making a heap of cuts and the like*
[01-11:16] 8cbc4, Ace Revanche: Hey! What the hell's going on round here?
[01-11:17] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *puts her hand in the way*i get the point though
[01-11:18] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *the glass drops to the bar*
[01-11:21] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *rumages around her jacket for something*
[01-11:23] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *stands and goes and cleans her arm up*
[01-11:24] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *stands up, and walks out into the open, no weapons in hand*
[01-11:25] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((dinner's ready... bbs))
[01-11:25] 9f173, Ace Revanche: ((BBS))
[01-11:26] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (*waits till someone comes back*)
[01-11:29] c7b95, *M : Huh.. *huggles and smooches back :)*
[01-11:30] c7b95, *M : belatedly, of course.
[01-11:31] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (wb M)
[01-11:31] c7b95, *M : Ta. :)
[01-11:32] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (nice run/walk?)
[01-11:33] c7b95, *M : Tiring, a touch painful, but altogether great. *G*
[01-11:34] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (k)
[01-11:42] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((back *hugs for Rach and Misty*))
[01-11:43] c7b95, *M : wb. *hugs back*
[01-11:43] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (*hugs*)
[01-11:46] JOIN: Ace Revanchw has entered.
[01-11:46] JOIN: Ace Revanchw has entered.
[01-11:46] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((*wants Misty to come IC*))
[01-11:47] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((*LOL*))\
[01-11:47] JOIN: Ace Revanche has entered.
[01-11:47] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (hehe)
[01-11:47] 4843f, Ace Revanche: ((you know, it's pretty bad when you can't spell your own name))
[01-11:48] c7b95, *M : IC? what the hell is that? *whine*
[01-11:48] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((*chuckles* I can't even write it))
[01-11:48] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (*lol8)
[01-11:48] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: (*lol*)
[01-11:49] 4843f, Ace Revanche: ((*L*))
[01-11:49] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((*gives Misty a peck on the cheek* you know what it is))
[01-11:50] c7b95, *M : bah..
[01-11:50] c7b95, *Deianeira : ((They's gonna be some ass kickin' ta night.))
[01-11:51] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *sips his usual*
[01-11:51] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : ((8^) hehehehe))
[01-11:51] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *goes and sits back down when shes finished sorting her arm out*
[01-11:52] MSG: Dean Darkflame sent a message to Deianeira.
[01-11:54] MSG: Deianeira sent a message to Dean Darkflame.
[01-11:55] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *walks over to jade* Do you know that weird kid over there? Who is he?
[01-11:55] MSG: Dean Darkflame sent a message to Deianeira.
[01-11:56] MSG: Deianeira sent a message to Dean Darkflame.
[01-11:56] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *looks to Ace and shakes her head*nope not a clue but don't get him mad like i just found out
[01-11:56] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *doesn't do anything, as he knows that Revanche wouldn't be a challenge at all and wouldn't be worth fighting* *just lets anger from insults and such build up*
[01-11:57] c7b95, *Deianeira : ((*should probably enter, right? yeah*))
[01-11:58] c7b95, *Deianeira : *Enters silently, drawing her cloak around her as she negotiates the steps slowly and carefully, her hooded gaze drifting around the room. Her step is calm and even, her weapons hidden but for the staff she holds, fully extended as it taps the floor in time with her steps. She avoids the bar area and slips into the shadows. To those sensitive to the Force, rage radiates from her in all directions, her presence dark and foreboding.*
[01-11:58] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *lloks over at the kid* There's certainly something fishy about him.
[01-12:00] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *looks to the hooded figure who just walked into the shadows, turns to the bar and orders a drink*i'm keeping out the way
[01-12:00] c7b95, *Deianeira : *She exhales slowly, in a soft hiss, as she leans back against a wall and narrows her gaze on the room, watching... waiting...*
[01-12:00] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *doesn't look around to her* *sends a message to Deia* ~master....~
[01-12:02] MSG: Dean Darkflame sent a message to Deianeira.
[01-12:04] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: *Is force sensitive but is keeping to herself as she looks round the room, pays for her drink and takes a sip of it*
[01-12:05] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *the message would've been private, so that only Deia would've heard it... due to the close apprentice/master bond-type thing*
[01-12:06] 8eb6e, *Deianeira : *Her eyes shift toward Dean for a brief moment. She does not acknowledge the greeting.*
[01-12:08] 06c01, *Dean Darkflame : *glances to Revanche*
[01-12:08] MSG: Deianeira sent a message to Dean Darkflame.
[01-12:15] 4843f, Ace Revanche: Kid, why arn't you at school, huh? Where are your parents?
[01-12:18] 6aed9, Jade Ashton: schools round here arn't good
[01-12:20] JOIN: Dean Darkflame has entered.
[01-12:21] 98840, *Dean Darkflame : I have no need to explain myself to you...
[01-12:21] 8eb6e, *Deianeira : *Smiles coldly at the conversation between Ace and Dean, listening and watching, but taking no action.*
[01-12:24] 4843f, Ace Revanche: Well, kid, I have need of an explanation. It's not everyday a kid comes in here and starts making bottles move by themselves. Who are you?
[01-12:28] 98840, *Dean Darkflame : like I said before, I have no need to explain myself to you... *a row of bottles lift up off the shelf behind the bar. the bottles make no noise as they do this, so he would be unaware that this is occurring*
[01-12:32] 4843f, Ace Revanche: Can you believe this kid? Listen shrimp, tell me what I want to know and I'll buy you a nice sodapop ok? Who are you? What are you?
[01-12:33] 8eb6e, *Deianeira : *Isn't bored by this in the least, In fact, is rather amused. Especially since she knows Dean can well take care of himself*
[01-12:33] 98840, *Dean Darkflame : I am the end of you... *grins evilly, and the bottles all fly straight at Ace's body, all at different times*
[01-12:34] 8eb6e, *Deianeira : *Makes note to give Dean extra points for drama*
[01-12:35] 98840, *Dean Darkflame : ((*L*))
[01-12:36] 4843f, Ace Revanche: What the? *pelted by bottles. puts up his arms as a sheild* What the hell?
[01-12:39] 98840, *Dean Darkflame : *the bottles swerve around his arms, pelting into his ribs and groin area*
[01-12:41] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *drops to the ground covered in glass and alcohol. shakes his head to clear it* Shrimp, I dunno what you did but, damn, you are gonna pay. *draws his blaster*
[01-12:42] JOIN: Jade Ashton has entered.
[01-12:43] 6a213, Jade Ashton: don't! the more mad he gets the worse you get
[01-12:44] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *sees the blaster, and makes the energy cell drop out of the bottom*
[01-12:45] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Almost idly, she reaches out for the energy cell as it drops, snatching it in mid-air with the Force... and draws it toward the shadows, although not directly at her.8
[01-12:46] 3cf31, *Deianeira : 8=*
[01-12:47] 4843f, Ace Revanche: Don't worry. I think I can handle a kid. *points blaster at dean* Now, shrimp, We're gonna sit down and have a nice little chat, ok? *blaster cell drops out* What the...*cell flies into the shadows*...hell?
[01-12:48] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((Hehe))
[01-12:49] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : you were saying? *gets out his dagger*
[01-12:49] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *shakes head*fine get yourself killed
[01-12:50] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *The energy cell smashes into the back wall, far away from her.*
[01-12:52] 4843f, Ace Revanche: Wait a minute. I've heard of your kind. Your one of those Force people arn't you?
[01-12:53] 6a213, Jade Ashton: force sensitive
[01-12:54] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : you ask too many questions... *throws the dagger at him, with almost perfect and deadly accuracy, using the force to guide it*
[01-12:55] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *uses the force to stop the dagger or at least try*thats enough kid
[01-12:56] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *watches the dagger stop* Wait...your one of them too?
[01-12:56] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *her attempts fail, as the anger that is powering him is extremely strong*
[01-12:58] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *grabs Ace by the arm and pulls him out the way*move it! i'm not to good at this
[01-12:59] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *the dagger slams into the bar, embedding it as far as the handle*
[01-12:59] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Remains more or less uninvolved, observing.*
[01-12:59] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *ducks out of the way* keep him busy! I'm gonna find my clip
[01-13:00] 6a213, Jade Ashton: forget about it!
[01-13:00] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Smiles coldly at Ace's words. Her staff telescopes down, and she places it at her belt, drawing her own dagger silently.*
[01-13:01] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *mutters as he searches in the shadows* Just came in for one damn drink and now I'm getting the whole selection thrown at me
[01-13:01] 3cf31, *Deianeira : (("I've heard this song before you arrived, but now it's time to kiss your ass good-bye.." *EL*))
[01-13:01] 6a213, Jade Ashton: (*lol*)
[01-13:02] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Nothing more than a dark shadow, she slips up behind Ace.* Looking for something? *Her voice is casual, but cold.*
[01-13:03] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *uses the force to pull the dagger from the bar, and it flies back to his hand*
[01-13:04] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *turns, startled* What? Uh..yes. You seen a blaster cell lyin round here? It...uh...flew over here.
[01-13:04] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *watches dean*
[01-13:05] 6a213, Jade Ashton: erm whatever your name is in the shadows *talking to ace*i'd leave if i were you
[01-13:06] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *She leans against the wall, the blade of her dagger glinting in whatever light travels from the bar area into the shadows. As he speaks, his energy cell scuttles along the floor, coming to a halt at her feet.* Is that it? *She nods down to it.*
[01-13:07] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *glances to Ace*
[01-13:09] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *looks down at scuttling cell, up at deia* Um...I don't know whats going on this place but I think I'll be leaving. Now. *backs away from the two and stands with Jade* I think I might take your advice
[01-13:10] 6a213, Jade Ashton: you'd better
[01-13:10] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *She hefts her dagger as he walks away, not even bothering with taking aim, and sends it flying through the air at a blinding speed, toward Ace's neck*
[01-13:12] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *watches the dagger, somehow able to see it moving through the air with relative ease*
[01-13:14] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *ducks to the side, the dagger knicking his neck* Dammit!
[01-13:16] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *The dagger does the whole "magic bullet theory" thing and turns in midair, continuing after Ace even as he ducks away, still going for his neck/throat*
[01-13:16] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *pulls out his spare cell* I ain't putting up with this *slips it in the blaster. turns the setting from stun to kill and takes aim* Say goodnight children
[01-13:17] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *speaking of children, it would be mere child's play to take that blaster from Ace... buuuut... that would end the fun right quick. :/*
[01-13:17] 4843f, Ace Revanche: What is this thing? *turns and blasts the dagger out of the air**
[01-13:17] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *can't do much to help him here so stay quiet*
[01-13:18] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : goodnight children *throws the dagger at Ace's back with almost the same amount of speed as Deia's* *he also redirects the blaster's barrel away from the oncoming dagger*
[01-13:19] JOIN: Ace Revanche has entered.
[01-13:19] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *the blaster dodges! hahahaha! No, it doesn't. It gets hit on the blade, refracting the blaster bolt. The good news is, the dagger careens out of control long enough for Ace to get free of it. Deia gets control of the dagger once more, and it returns to her hand.*
[01-13:19] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((blaster=dagger, clearleh))
[01-13:20] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((*likes her's better than Dean's :-P*))
[01-13:20] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *use the force to try and stop deans dagger from hitting ace just nudging it off course a bit*
[01-13:21] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Is like a cat. Likes to toy with her prey. EG*
[01-13:21] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *turns and shoots the other dagger. shouts* Hey your one of those Force people too! Force them to stop!
[01-13:22] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *As the dagger returns to her palm, she sheathes it, and leans back against the wall, once more returning to a state of observation.*
[01-13:23] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *the dagger is nudged off course slightly, but as it was going for his spinal chord before, it is now going for his left lung* *the blaster gets hit, and spins on a horizontal axis and still heading for him but the course is more for his neck and a little to the left*
[01-13:24] 6a213, Jade Ashton: drat!
[01-13:24] MSG: Dean Darkflame sent a message to Deianeira.
[01-13:25] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *grabs a chair and lifts it up as a sheild. the dagger swaks into the chair*
[01-13:26] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *uses the force to make the chair as heavy as a tie fighter*
[01-13:27] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ((*corrects himself* to make the chair seem as heavy as a tie fighter))
[01-13:27] JOIN: Ace Revanche has entered.
[01-13:27] MSG: Deianeira sent a message to Dean Darkflame.
[01-13:27] 4843f, Ace Revanche: ((pic test))
[01-13:28] MSG: Dean Darkflame sent a message to Deianeira.
[01-13:28] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *drops the chair* Dammit! *rips the dagger out of the chair and hurls it at dean*
[01-13:29] 4843f, Ace Revanche: ((why dont my pics work anymore?))
[01-13:29] 6a213, Jade Ashton: just get out will ya the more you try the less chance you've got to escape
[01-13:31] 4843f, Ace Revanche: I'm runnin! But your gonna stay behind and cover me right? I knew you would *makes a dash for the door*
[01-13:31] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Observes*
[01-13:32] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *thinks to herself* i can't belive i'm doing this *watches his back when he goes8
[01-13:32] 6a213, Jade Ashton: 8=*
[01-13:33] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *waits for the last moment, and lifts his hand up and catches the handle of the dagger, just inches from his face*
[01-13:34] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *is starting to feel really exhausted*
[01-13:35] 4843f, Ace Revanche: *runs out the door and hails the first cab*
[01-13:35] 4843f, Ace Revanche: ((gtg. bbl))
[01-13:35] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *watches dean*
[01-13:35] 6a213, Jade Ashton: (bye savage)
[01-13:36] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ((see ya Sav))
[01-13:36] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((Later, Darthy))
[01-13:36] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *suddenly drops to his knees*
[01-13:36] 4843f, Ace Revanche: ((see yas people))
[01-13:37] EXIT: Ace Revanche has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-13:38] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *takes a step forward towards him but stops and heads the other way*
[01-13:39] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *tries to get up, but can't get back on his feet*
[01-13:41] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Watches Dean, and Jade's reaction to Dean. Makes no move toward either of them*
[01-13:41] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *...yet*
[01-13:41] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((I have a lot of e-mail addresses.))
[01-13:42] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ((*chuckles*))
[01-13:43] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *goes and sits back down*
[01-13:50] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *looks around to Deia*
[01-13:50] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *She moves silently through the shadows, her cloak swirling about her legs as she comes to a halt before Dean. Her eyes, hidden beneath the hood of her cloak, stare down at him.*
[01-13:51] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *his eyes peer into hers, a tired but still evil look penetrating from him*
[01-13:53] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *She holds out a gloved hand to him.* ~How can you expect to use your youth to the best advantage if you are always showing everyone what you can do?~ *Her voice is a low hiss in his mind, not cold, but not warm, either.*
[01-13:55] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *takes her hand and forces himself to stand* ~I didn't want you to see me as a weakling... I didn't want to disappoint you...~
[01-13:56] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *orders herself another drink if thers any left*
[01-13:57] 6a213, Jade Ashton: theres
[01-13:57] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *As their hands meet, conforting warmth flows between them, giving him strength, and making him feel sheltered and safe.* ~I know you are not weak. You must show others that you are, so that you may be underestimated. It is your greatest weapon.~ *Her eyes settle upon Jade momentarily.*
[01-13:58] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((conforting=comforting, clearleh.))
[01-14:00] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ~she is a shadow jedi... she will keep to herself...~ *he slides his hood off,revealing the innocent looking boy underneath*
[01-14:01] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *pays for the drink and sips the gold liquid*
[01-14:02] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ~You know her?~
[01-14:03] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ~no, but I can sense the path that she has taken, just by her thought patterns~
[01-14:05] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ~Indeed.~ *Clearly, hadn't bothered to check. Her next message is not only sent to Dean, but sent in such a way that Jade can't help but pick up on it.* ~If she crosses my path, she will perish.~
[01-14:06] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ~you can take care of her, I have had enough fighting for one period of time...~
[01-14:06] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *stops for a moment and looks over*
[01-14:06] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((*will ignore the fact that shadow jedi aren't actually allowed in the RPG...heh*))
[01-14:06] 6a213, Jade Ashton: (i don't come here anymore anyway)
[01-14:07] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ~You are mistaken. If she proves to be a problem, now - or ever - then you will be the one to take care of her.~
[01-14:07] 6a213, Jade Ashton: (well on rare accasions anyway)
[01-14:07] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((Clearleh. Heheh))
[01-14:10] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *looks up to her, a slight look of disappointment on his face* ~I doubt that she will become a problem though... she has seen what we can do, and she would be a fool to try anything...~
[01-14:10] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ~but I want to rest a little now...~
[01-14:11] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : ((why aren't they allowed?))
[01-14:11] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *She steps toward the door, guiding Dean along beside her wordlessly.*
[01-14:12] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *walks with her, pocketing his dagger as they walk*
[01-14:12] 3cf31, *Deianeira : ((Because normal Jedi are restricted for a reason. I suppose shadow Jedi are too powerful or something. Plus, personally, I think the whole idea behind them is stupid.))
[01-14:12] 6a213, Jade Ashton: *watches the two*
[01-14:12] 3cf31, *Deianeira : *Exits with Dean in tow, and all that fun stuff.*
[01-14:13] 3cf31, *M : The point of Star Wars is that there is no "in between." It's light vs. dark. No grey.
[01-14:13] c1eef, *Dean Darkflame : *exits with her* ((I see... shadow jedi are supposed to use light and dark sides of the force, aren't they? *shrugs*))
[01-14:13] 6a213, Jade Ashton: (*isn't going to argue won't use char again*)
[01-14:14] 3cf31, *M : Yeah, something like that. I don't know the specifics. All I know is that someone else wanted one, and V denied him. And such. It's not my show. :)
[01-14:15] 3cf31, *M : *just plays the game, doesn't run it. :D*
[01-14:15] c1eef, 'Luke: ((*likewise*))
[01-14:15] 6a213, Jade Ashton: (*drops outta the game*)
[01-14:17] EXIT: Jade Ashton has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-14:18] c1eef, 'Luke: *yawns* I might head off to bed
[01-14:22] c1eef, 'Luke: *hugs* see ya Misty
[01-14:23] 3cf31, *M : Night, then, Luke. :)
[01-14:23] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[01-14:23] 3cf31, *M : *hugs back*
[01-14:23] 3cf31, *M : *patters off to play a game or something*
[01-16:00] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Oi ).
[02-00:07] JOIN: Quinn Thyme has entered.
[02-00:09] JOIN: Aera has entered.
[02-00:09] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: ((*peers*))
[02-00:10] 31311, *Sully: (test)
[02-00:11] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-00:12] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *a young woman enters. Today's theme is black. Black bondage pants with silver zippers, a black tank top under a long black trenchcoat and black combat boots. Her gait is unassuming, yet something about it catches the eye. She is Quinn Thyme, frontgirl for Mass Debate*
[02-00:13] 31311, *Sully: *and behind her is her boy/friend lover type, the short haired goateed Sully Erna, he's a muscular squared off type*
[02-00:13] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *turns, grinning up at Sully*
[02-00:16] 31311, *Sully: *smirks* guess what?
[02-00:16] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: What?
[02-00:16] 31311, *Sully: *pulls a datadisc and pad thingy out of his coat and hands it to Quinn*
[02-00:17] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *takes the two...glancing at him questioningly*
[02-00:18] 31311, *Sully: *doesn't wait for her to read it* I've been Riot Patrol.
[02-00:20] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: What? Why? *blinks, watching him*
[02-00:22] 31311, *Sully: This is good. This means I'm only really working if their's a riot. I have to go in 1 weekend a month, and two weeks in the summer ((I know that's not original)) for training, but I still get paid the same. Otherwise I'm only working if their's a riot.
[02-00:23] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: Ah....*breaks into a grin* More free time for you to putter about the apartment, then.
[02-00:23] 31311, *Sully: And in a riot, martial law is declared, now more of those "civil rights", you just club the.. *stops himself from profanity* rioters.
[02-00:24] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *laugh* You love your violence, don't you, Sully?
[02-00:27] 31311, *Sully: Only if they deserve it.
[02-00:27] 31311, *Sully: Besides, I'm a damn good lover too, atleast I like to think so.
[02-00:28] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *grin* Oh, do you? *slides her fingertips over his palms*
[02-00:29] 31311, *Sully: *moves his index fingers over her palms lightly* Indeed.
[02-00:30] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: You could be right....*smile*
[02-00:33] 31311, *Sully: *grins confidently* could be *moves his finger a bit faster* ((It does wonders on my girlfriend, but she's so ticklish I touch her hair and she laughs. ))
[02-00:35] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *breaks into a giggle* ((I know..I'm hideously ticklish, as well.))
[02-00:38] 31311, *Sully: *smirks* Come on, let's go home *smirk*
[02-00:39] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *grins, leans up, and kisses him* Sounds like fun.
[02-00:39] 31311, *Sully: ((GTG)) *Gone*
[02-00:40] 8f191, *Quinn Thyme: *gone, as well*
[02-00:48] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-00:53] JOIN: M has entered.
[02-00:55] 2001b, •Rob: 'Lo Misty.
[02-00:58] JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
[02-00:58] JOIN: KJ has entered.
[02-00:58] 46b86, *KnightLance: *walks into the 'tina and glances his around**sighs and moves down the steps heading for the booth in the back*
[02-00:59] 3cf31, *M : Lo, Rob
[02-00:59] JOIN: Cuntilliamon has entered.
[02-01:00] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *runs into the cantina out of breath, and presses up against the wall by the door, glancing over her shoulder warily*
[02-01:00] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: ooo look! its another SOD Starwars OOC RolePlaying Game!! Wow!
[02-01:00] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: will mmkayilliamon be "banned" by the pyschotic communist swines?
[02-01:01] 2001b, •Rob : His powers of observartion are just astounding...
[02-01:01] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: what are siera and KL doing??? there are in character!!! wow!!! look at that!! quick gather round everyone!!
[02-01:01] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : ((*huggles Robberoo*))
[02-01:02] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: quick quick before it disappears into other presidential hugging contest!!
[02-01:02] 46b86, *KnightLance: *turns quickly looking back towards the door* Siera?
[02-01:02] 2001b, •Rob : *Huggles Kj lots*
[02-01:02] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: can i play the out of character role playing game to??
[02-01:02] 2001b, •Rob : Continue like that, GaN, and you will be banned.
[02-01:02] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *glances at Lance and puts a finger to her lips to shush him... waits for a few moments to see if anyone comes in the door*
[02-01:03] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: ooh look its the bunghole sniffing Rob!!! He thinks I care!!! wow!! everyone stick your fingers in his batty ole, making he will get empathtic!
[02-01:04] 46b86, *KnightLance: ((*RaE*))
[02-01:04] 2001b, •Rob : *Shurgs*Oh well, your choice. buh bye.*'lil wave*
[02-01:04] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : ((Hey, be nice to Rob, he's the only gentleman around here anymore... well, one of them *pats Lance*))
[02-01:04] 3357f, Cuntilliamon: now quick put your crap stain on his upper lip!! dirty sanschez!!
[02-01:04] EXIT: Cuntilliamon has left the chat ( Quit ).
[02-01:04] *** Rob sets mode +b 3357f for 1800 seconds
[02-01:05] 3cf31, *M : heh
[02-01:05] 46b86, *KnightLance: *RaE and moves towards Siera*
[02-01:06] 2001b, •Rob : *Wonders who that was anyway*
[02-01:07] 3cf31, *M : who cares
[02-01:07] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *breathes a sigh of relief as she seems to have lost her pursuers... * Hey Lance... *sheepish look*
[02-01:08] 46b86, *KnightLance: Are you ok??
[02-01:08] 2001b, •Rob : Well I don't, I'm just curious.
[02-01:09] 3cf31, *M : heh
[02-01:09] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Yeah... these guys were stalking me... some smuggler rifraf, probably just got in from a run... *shakes her head*
[02-01:10] 46b86, *KnightLance: *his eyes narrow* who were they??
[02-01:11] 2001b, •Rob : And thank what you said Siera, 'twas thoughtful ^_^
[02-01:12] 3cf31, *M : twas true
[02-01:12] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : I dunno, never met them before *laughs* I wouldn't have thought they'd ever seen a girl before by the way they were bahaving.
[02-01:12] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : ((np, Rob *S*))
[02-01:13] 2001b, •Rob : Ta Misty ^_^
[02-01:13] 46b86, *KnightLance: *RaE* You're sure you are ok?
[02-01:15] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *shrugs* Yeah, it seems like I lost them...
[02-01:16] 46b86, *KnightLance : *nods* Ok...*shakes his head*
[02-01:17] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-01:17] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *laughs and reaches over to tusle his hair teasingly*
[02-01:19] 46b86, *KnightLance : *moves his head to the side away from her hand* Hey now...*grins*
[02-01:20] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *grins back* You were getting jealous...
[02-01:21] 46b86, *KnightLance : No, not jealous...
[02-01:21] 3cf31, *M : :/
[02-01:22] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : What then? *tilts her head, looking at him questioningly*
[02-01:23] 46b86, *KnightLance : Well if they had hurt you I was going to have to go find them...
[02-01:23] 2001b, •Rob : S'matter..?
[02-01:24] 3cf31, *M : nothin'
[02-01:25] 2001b, •Rob : 'sure?
[02-01:25] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *shakes her head* No way... they didn't know I'm a Jedi and they couldn't have done anything to me...
[02-01:26] 3cf31, *M : aye
[02-01:26] 46b86, *KnightLance : Ok ok...*smiles* Then I have nothing to worry about
[02-01:27] 2001b, •Rob : Okiedokie then.
[02-01:29] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *smiles back* Nope... I was just kind of playing a game of hide-and-seek with them *laughs*
[02-01:30] 3cf31, *M : *makes a face*
[02-01:31] 2001b, •Rob : *RaE*
[02-01:31] 46b86, *KnightLance : *pauses*
[02-01:32] 3cf31, *M : I'm thinking. (that's bad for me). Just ignore. *activates invisibility*
[02-01:33] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *pauses*
[02-01:34] 2001b, •Rob : *Blink*Er, if you say so. Oh, hang on, do you want me to ignore that statement, or everything after that statement?
[02-01:35] 3cf31, *M : *eyes Rob* Oi.
[02-01:35] 3cf31, *M : Ahh, fixxxxxxxxxxxx... *hugs coke*
[02-01:36] 2001b, •Rob : *Blinks again*..what...?
[02-01:36] 3cf31, *M : Nothing. :-P
[02-01:39] 2001b, •Rob : *Ignored that, as instructed, so it doesn't matter*Dum de dum de dum...
[02-01:40] 3cf31, *M : Pfft. You can unignore now. If you want. Hmm... *ponders* someone's cooking cabbage. *pause* I should probably get up. *grimace* *eyes time*
[02-01:40] 3cf31, *M : *peers at this window* I was going to do something with this... what was it?
[02-01:41] 2001b, •Rob : *fine, unignores**Blinks*Get up....?
[02-01:41] 3cf31, *M : Eh.. *can't remember* *closes*
[02-01:41] 3cf31, *M : Yes. You know... take a shower, get dressed. Get up
[02-01:42] 2001b, •Rob : Ohhh.... I see..
[02-01:42] 3cf31, *M : heheh
[02-01:42] 3cf31, *M : *makes faces at ICQ*
[02-01:44] 2001b, •Rob : Now what did ICQ do to deserve that?
[02-01:44] 3cf31, *M : Just being ICQ, dammit.
[02-01:45] 2001b, •Rob : Heh..understood.
[02-01:45] 3cf31, *M : Hehe
[02-01:48] 3cf31, *M : *bets Ronnie's away message is some kind of code for something really sappy* Teehee!
[02-01:50] 2001b, •Rob : *Blinks**reads**confused*A rooster that doesn't know that time it is I guess.
[02-01:51] 3cf31, *M : LOL
[02-01:51] 3cf31, *M : Ssh, it's a private message for someone. It really means "I love you in that trash romance novel kinda way" She just doesn't want people to know
[02-01:53] 2001b, •Rob : *ROTFL*We'll probably get a harsh telling off for this..
[02-01:54] 3cf31, *M : Ah whatever. She deserves it. She's having a torid love affair with Jim and she thinks I don't know about it. *emphatic nod*
[02-01:54] 3cf31, *M : *torrid
[02-01:55] 2001b, •Rob : *L*Oh really...?
[02-01:55] 3cf31, *M : You betcha. She gets around, that 'un. I'm surprised she hasn't got her claws in you yet. Then again, I suppose she just has too much respect for Nigma to even try.
[02-01:59] 2001b, •Rob : Oh, well, thank goodness for that, heh, I'd hate to have to explain that one.
[02-01:59] 3cf31, *M : *arches a brow, eyeing him suspiciously* You have a bit of a guilty look to your words, Rob...
[02-02:00] 2001b, •Rob :, I'm very reliable... oh wow! look at that!*Points at something that isn't him*
[02-02:01] 3cf31, *M : *isn't the least bit fooled* Uh huh?
[02-02:02] 46b86, *KnightLance : *walks towards the bar and orders himself a water**looks at Siera* You want something?
[02-02:02] 2001b, •Rob : No seriously, its the greatest thing ever, and if you don't look now, you'll regret if for the rest of your life.
[02-02:03] 3cf31, *M : Sure, sure. No matter. You'll get what's coming to you. What goes around comes around, after all. *serene, all-knowing, mysterious, I've-been-up-to-something, cheshire-type grin*
[02-02:04] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *follows him*water's fine...
[02-02:05] 2001b, •Rob : Oi, loyalty is my middle name.
[02-02:06] 3cf31, *M : Right, right. Guilt all over your face, dear. *pats*
[02-02:06] 46b86, *KnightLance : *orders another water and hands it to her*
[02-02:08] 2001b, •Rob : Bleh, you're seeing things :p
[02-02:09] 3cf31, *M : Sure I am. Must be that coke I had earlier. Oh wait... that was soda, not drugs. And even if it weren't, cocaine isn't a hallucinogen. Try again. :-P
[02-02:10] 3cf31, *M : weren't... wasn't... whateva
[02-02:11] 2001b, •Rob : Well I know I'm right, so there.*Frim nod*
[02-02:12] 3cf31, *M : Frim? Frim?!
[02-02:13] 3cf31, *M : Frim? Frim?!
[02-02:13] 2001b, •Rob : Er, firm, that said firm, firm, not frim, firm, gettit?
[02-02:14] 3cf31, *M : Oh, that's good I'll add "frim" to my arsenal. It'll go right along with "gling" *glings and frims* Bwaha
[02-02:14] 3cf31, *M : Oh, certainly, Rob. :)
[02-02:15] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Thanks *takes the water, her eyes glancing around the place for a moment before she takes a sip*
[02-02:17] 2001b, •Rob : *Frantic nodding**Blinks*[i[Gling?
[02-02:17] 3cf31, *M : mmhmm
[02-02:19] 2001b, •Rob : Hmmm... 'sounds genuine, hehe. like splab...*ponders* or twag for that matter..
[02-02:19] 3cf31, *M : Definitely.
[02-02:22] 46b86, *KnightLance : So how are you doing tonight?
[02-02:23] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : I'm okay... *smiles* You?
[02-02:23] 3cf31, *M : *patters off to take a shower*
[02-02:25] 2001b, •Rob : *Ponders food**decides on food**leaves to get food*
[02-02:26] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( It must be a thursday, I never could get the hang of thursdays ).
[02-02:27] 46b86, *KnightLance : Not too bad.
[02-02:28] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Good. *smiles, watching him as she takes another sip*
[02-02:30] 46b86, *KnightLance : *leans back in his seat looking tired but trying not to show it*
[02-02:31] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : So... what having you been doing?
[02-02:32] 46b86, *KnightLance : Not much...trying to take care of a few things back home
[02-02:34] 3cf31, *M : Heh...
[02-02:38] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Ah... keeping in contact? What sort of things?
[02-02:40] 3cf31, *M : Hey *notes that it's actually early enough in the evening that she can listen to her music without earphones, and no one can complain* \o/
[02-02:43] 46b86, *KnightLance : *nods* Yeah...military problems...
[02-02:45] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *frowns* Military? Is something going on over there?
[02-02:47] 46b86, *KnightLance : *shakes his head*'s just I have two damn groups that want my support...*sighs* and I do not wish to get my world involved in a war again
[02-02:49] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Oh, I see... *frowns* I guess they need something to bring them together...
[02-02:49] 46b86, *KnightLance : I guess...
[02-02:52] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Maybe we can use the wedding to emphasize planetary unity or something *shrugs*
[02-02:55] 46b86, *KnightLance : I don't know....
[02-02:55] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : Just a thought... sometimes those things work.
[02-02:58] 3cf31, *M : *wars with her brush again* ffs
[02-02:59] 46b86, *KnightLance : ((brb))
[02-03:00] f3aa5, *Siera Vessler : *pauses*
[02-03:04]       M is away. Reasons: Many. :-P
[02-03:25] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-03:31] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-03:37] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-03:43] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-03:44] JOIN: M has entered.
[02-03:44] bb849, *M : omfg. *beats slow,slow,slow comp*
[02-03:45] bb849, *M : (must be the pink walls)
[02-03:46] 5bda6, •Rob : Naturally.. heh.
[02-03:46] bb849, *M : and yet... I seem to be posting faster than everyone else, despite a crappy space bar. Lo, Rob
[02-03:47] bb849, *M : I wonder if my gal would kill me if I launched 10 minutes early.. *eyes time* fs.
[02-03:47] 5bda6, •Rob : *Blinks*
[02-03:47] bb849, *M : heh
[02-03:49] bb849, *M : *mutters* gee,it's a good thing I've seen the movie before.... not missing much by being late. *throttles spacebar*
[02-03:51] bb849, *M : Don't everyone talk at once... *eyes a passing tumbleweed*
[02-03:53] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-03:53] bb849, *M : Oh, look. *smirk* *keeps comments to herself* 5 minutes.
[02-03:54] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[02-03:54] 9d25e, Get a Name!: Hey Everyone, *is Sarn, doesn't want to get handle though*
[02-03:55] bb849, *M : Lo, Sarn. *taps foot* 2minutes..
[02-03:55] 1ebcd, *President Zahra : *hugs Misty and Sarn*
[02-03:56] bb849, *M : lo, Ria
[02-03:56] 9d25e, Get a Name!: Crap, good thing I didn't get a handle..I'm gonna try to drop back in latter tonight..*Fades away*Bye Ria!
[02-03:57] bb849, *M : Hey, you know, good. that's okay. *isn't feeling neglected at all* ha * no mind*
[02-03:58] 1ebcd, *President Zahra : Um. *blinks, and falls over* *but hands Misty a teddy bear first*
[02-03:58] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Things to do. HEY LOOK, I DO HAVE A FKING LIFE. W00T ).
[02-04:00] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-04:01] 1ebcd, *President Zahra : *all alone?*
[02-04:03] dade9, •Rob : Nevah!*bounds in*
[02-04:04] 1ebcd, *President Zahra : Bah. *hugs, but then is off to bed*
[02-04:04] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[02-04:08] dade9, •Rob : *Hugs*... I can't do it R2... I can't go on alone.....hehe...
[02-04:29] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-04:40] JOIN: pH has entered.
[02-04:40] 38d86, 'pH: *peers in from Sleepy-bye land*
[02-04:41] 38d86, 'pH: OH CRAP! I HAVE TO TAN MYSELF! *runs around like a maniac*
[02-04:45] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[02-04:46] 38d86, 'pH: *shriek*
[02-04:46] 38d86, 'pH: *wanders off*
[02-04:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: K...
[02-04:51] b94fa, Get a Name!: I wonder why I keep staying awake to visit this place
[02-04:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You love uss too much
[02-05:00] b94fa, Get a Name!: yeah ... right
[02-05:02] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Now jIm, don't deny your true feelings
[02-05:14] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[02-05:15] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Jen!
[02-05:16] b4e32, 'Jen: usually. but sometimes I'm Insane. :) 'lo Justin.
[02-05:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Eh?
[02-05:18] JOIN: B has entered.
[02-05:18] b4e32, 'Jen: what's there to Eh? its a greeting.
[02-05:19] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Quiet you
[02-05:23] b94fa, Get a Name!: Oh , by the way , i'm not being rude , i'm writing ... got a script to finish .
[02-05:23] 22f23, B: eh...
[02-05:23] b4e32, 'Jen: you are too being rude. You belched didn't you?
[02-05:24] b4e32, 'Jen: *hugs B* 'lo you. *hugs Jim too of course*
[02-05:24] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: jIm's really busy performing oral sex on a flock of hseep
[02-05:24] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: sheep
[02-05:26] 22f23, B: *returns Jen's hug* evening
[02-05:26] b4e32, 'Jen: couldn't you think of a more creative animal, Justin?
[02-05:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No. I'm lazy
[02-05:28] b94fa, Get a Name!: Creative Justin ? I think not ... the guy should smash a pint glass and go fuck himself with it .
[02-05:28] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Ou...god that's a good one jIm
[02-05:29] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Ou....that's a good one jIm
[02-05:30] b94fa, Get a Name!: I know more .
[02-05:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm sure you do, but I'm not one to care
[02-05:31] b4e32, 'Jen: eh.
[02-05:31] 22f23, B: hmm..
[02-05:32] b4e32, 'Jen: *made cd's today..enjoying music for once...*
[02-05:33] b94fa, Get a Name!: Aww , poor justin ... why don't you just bleed to a slow miserable death and videotape it for me . I could use a laugh .
[02-05:34] b4e32, 'Jen: go see Jeepers Creepers, Jim. you'll see enough of that.
[02-05:34] b4e32, 'Jen: pointless movie. lots of gore.
[02-05:34] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Eh, that one's not as good as the last one
[02-05:36] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Gore is good
[02-05:37] 3cf31, *M : "I can buy nuclear warheads on the black market for 40 million. Hell, I could buy half a dozen and get a discount."
[02-05:38] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Uh, what
[02-05:38] b94fa, Get a Name!: 'lo Mysty ... well hell Justin , hows about you chop your own nob off and choke on it ? Do us all a fovour , eh ?
[02-05:38] 22f23, B: *leaves*
[02-05:38] 3cf31, *M : Lo, Jim.
[02-05:39] 3cf31, *M : *hugs quote* guh... good movie, good movie..
[02-05:39] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Heard that one before, jIm. Now you're just starting to suck.
[02-05:39] b4e32, 'Jen: *agrees* good movie. *eyes Jim* did someone piss you off?
[02-05:40] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Bye B
[02-05:41] 3cf31, *M : Oi.
[02-05:41] b4e32, 'Jen: or piss ON you?
[02-05:42] b94fa, Get a Name!: Me , nah , Justins just an easy target . His shit gets old almost as fast as mine , although his angry young teen skit can be amusing ... isn't that right monkey boy ? or maybe I should just call you the five knuckle shuffler ?
[02-05:42] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm confused.
[02-05:43] 3cf31, *M : *gets undressed* I've heard that doesn't take much
[02-05:43] b94fa, Get a Name!: Poor baby
[02-05:43] b94fa, Get a Name!: *is currently writing scene 5*
[02-05:44] 3cf31, *M : Oozing sympathy, clearleh
[02-05:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No, it doesn't.
[02-05:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What's really confusing is when I'm told by the person with the highest grade in the class that I'm the smartest, when I have one of the lower grades in the class.
[02-05:44] b94fa, Get a Name!: Oh , just for you Justin , a line from the script ... Spoken by Jack hardin , main character . 'In a Zombie movie , you'd be the first to be eaten !'
[02-05:45] b4e32, 'Jen: hehe.
[02-05:45] 3cf31, *M : Oh, Jim's writing. Excellant.
[02-05:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Well no shit
[02-05:45] b4e32, 'Jen: lower grades doesn't mean you're less intelligent.
[02-05:46] 3cf31, *M : Well, in some cases it does.
[02-05:46] 3cf31, *M : Like, in my case, for example
[02-05:46] b4e32, 'Jen: hush Misty. I know I'M stupid.
[02-05:46] b94fa, Get a Name!: grades = jack shit .
[02-05:46] dade9, •Rob : Yeah.. Einstien sucked at Math.
[02-05:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Yes, but I don't know anything
[02-05:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm just an excellent bullshitter
[02-05:47] 3cf31, *M : "I can't drive this thing!" "Learn!"
[02-05:48] b4e32, 'Jen: *pause* why didn't Rob say hi?
[02-05:48] b94fa, Get a Name!: No Einstien excelled at Math , he was just numerically dyslexic , like I reckon I am .
[02-05:48] dade9, •Rob : Hi ^_^
[02-05:48] 3cf31, *M : Because Rob is an arse. Plus, he's got the whole guilty conscience thing going. *whispers to Jen* I hear he's messing around with Ronnie...
[02-05:49] 3cf31, *M : Oh. Shit. *continues getting changed*
[02-05:49] b4e32, 'Jen: *can't do math...*eyes Misty...* hehe.
[02-05:50] 3cf31, *M : *eyed* What? We've seriously gotta take that chick down. She's poaching on our preserves.
[02-05:50] dade9, •Rob : Numeric dyslexia...? I didn't know there was such thing.
[02-05:50] dade9, •Rob : *Blinks*Oi!
[02-05:51] 3cf31, *M : *ES*
[02-05:52] b4e32, 'Jen: gummy bears anyone?
[02-05:52] b94fa, Get a Name!: there is Rob :-P
[02-05:52] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:53] b94fa, Get a Name!: Right , my first 5 scenes are finished if anyone wants a read of them .
[02-05:53] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:53] 3cf31, *M : *idly waves in Jim's direction*
[02-05:53] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:53] b4e32, 'Jen: *does*
[02-05:53] dade9, •Rob : Thats the script about Jim?
[02-05:53] dade9, •Rob : Er, that = what
[02-05:53] 3cf31, *M : heh
[02-05:53] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:54] b4e32, 'Jen: *wonders why her IP thingy has a b* HA! for b!tch.
[02-05:54] b94fa, Get a Name!: ER , its complicated ... it all doesn't fall into place till the last scene .
[02-05:55] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:55] b94fa, Get a Name!: But basically , its a script for a short film , loosely within the science fiction genre
[02-05:55] dade9, •Rob : *Chuckles*I'll wait 'till it's finished then. I'm tired, I doubt I could finish a Peter an Jane book at this stage..
[02-05:55] 2d3da, Get a Name!: Well that sucks
[02-05:56] b4e32, 'Jen: peter and jane?
[02-05:56] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:57] b94fa, Get a Name!: i'll send you a copy when its finished then Rob
[02-05:57] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-05:57] 3cf31, *M : *spellchecks*
[02-05:57] JOIN: White Owl has entered.
[02-05:57] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Wooo I remembered!
[02-05:57] dade9, •Rob : Er, a pre school learn-to-read book Jen.
[02-05:57] 3cf31, *M : Lo, Owlie.
[02-05:57] b94fa, Get a Name!: No spell checking , i'll proof read it when its finished thak you verrah much :-P
[02-05:57] b94fa, Get a Name!: ltns Owlster
[02-05:57] 3cf31, *M : *is spellchecking anyway*
[02-05:58] dade9, •Rob : Sounds like a plan Jim ^_^
[02-05:59] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Howdy Rob, Mav, Jim, and Jen
[02-05:59] dade9, •Rob : 'Lo Owlie.
[02-05:59] b94fa, Get a Name!: Kickass Rob , i'll have a rough version finished soon enough hopefully :)
[02-05:59] 2d3da, 'White Owl: I been missing much?
[02-05:59] b94fa, Get a Name!: mav .. thats not Mav owl
[02-05:59] b94fa, Get a Name!: Its Mysty
[02-05:59] 3cf31, *M : Oi
[02-06:00] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Err....I knew that....I was just saying hi to- ah forget it. Hi Mysty sorry
[02-06:00] b94fa, Get a Name!: *LMAO*
[02-06:01] 3cf31, *M : *mutters*
[02-06:01] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[02-06:03] eb777, 'Jen: 'lo Owl. *pause* wait...dun' I get to read?
[02-06:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: Shure Jen , but your not on AIM to send the file to .
[02-06:04] 3cf31, *M : *lol*
[02-06:05] 3cf31, *M : Eh.. scene 5 was the best.
[02-06:05] 2d3da, 'White Owl: What be ye writin Jim? Arrr...
[02-06:07] eb777, 'Jen: He's writing mushy poetry.
[02-06:08] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Jim? Do I get to read it??
[02-06:08] 3cf31, *M : *snorts*
[02-06:09] eb777, 'Jen: *grins*
[02-06:09] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-06:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey woah, I'm still here
[02-06:11] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Hey Justin
[02-06:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *bashes Owl for old times sake*
[02-06:12] 155dd, •Rob: *Beats ie with a frozen kipper*
[02-06:12] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Ah the good old days, when concussions were many and survivors were few
[02-06:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Survivors are still few, take a look around
[02-06:13] eb777, 'Jen: *mutter*
[02-06:14] 2d3da, 'White Owl: Ah...keep up the good work
[02-06:14] 3cf31, *M : wb, Rob
[02-06:14] 155dd, •Rob : Ta Misty ^_^
[02-06:16] b94fa, Get a Name!: Owl , aim me , i'll send you it
[02-06:16] b94fa, Get a Name!: busy looking into possible ways of funding
[02-06:16] eb777, 'Jen: someone kill me so I don't have to work tomorrow?
[02-06:17] b94fa, Get a Name!: three words ... ring in sick
[02-06:17] 3cf31, *M : Only if you kill me first, Jen. :-P
[02-06:18] eb777, 'Jen: right Jim. ''I'm not coming in today...I'm sick. *fake cough*'' *peers@Misty* me? murder?
[02-06:18] 3cf31, *M : People should stop writing in their diaries, so that I'm not obliged to read them. *can't type today*
[02-06:18] 3cf31, *M : Hey... All's fair in love and war, friend.
[02-06:19] eb777, 'Jen: *doesn't write in her diary...its crap not writing* love and war aren't fair.
[02-06:19] 3cf31, *M : Heh. True.
[02-06:21] 3cf31, *M : *has chocolate somewhere... or something*
[02-06:21] eb777, 'Jen: *has chocolate* dark and milk.
[02-06:21] 3cf31, *M : ^Mystra has quit IRC ( I've amovietowatch. andthisspacebariscrapandIcan't be arsedto fix it) <--hehehe
[02-06:22] 155dd, •Rob : *Has a six pack of Toblerone*
[02-06:22] eb777, 'Jen: a movie...Sleepy Hollow, Fight Club, or Trainspotting...*considers*eyes Rob* :P
[02-06:22] 3cf31, *M : Someone once got me... um... 10 big Toblerone one year, just after Christmas, because they were on sale
[02-06:23] 155dd, •Rob : *Eyed* :-D
[02-06:23] 3cf31, *M : FIGHT CLUB
[02-06:24] eb777, 'Jen: someone once sent me a package of candy from switzerland. :)
[02-06:24] 155dd, •Rob : Trainspotting!
[02-06:25] eb777, 'Jen: *leaves final votes up to Justin, Jim, and Owlie*
[02-06:26] EXIT: Justin Sane has left the chat ( "You are nothing but unorganized grabasstic peices of amphibian shit." - Full Metal Jacket ).
[02-06:26] 3cf31, *M : Jim would say Fight Club. And Justin is gone. :P
[02-06:26] eb777, 'Jen: hehe.
[02-06:27] b94fa, Get a Name!: funneh ... and yeah fight club
[02-06:28] 3cf31, *M : :-P
[02-06:28] JOIN: Riggs has entered.
[02-06:29] 46841, Riggs: *meanders in*
[02-06:29] 155dd, •Rob : *Wants to see that film**wants to see it bad*
[02-06:29] 3cf31, *M : Oi *@link*
[02-06:29] 3cf31, *M : Lo, Riggs
[02-06:30] 46841, Riggs: ((My greetings, one of two mistresses))
[02-06:30] 3cf31, *M : *bows*
[02-06:31] 46841, Riggs: ((*spanks?*))
[02-06:31] eb777, 'Jen: *lol*
[02-06:31] b94fa, Get a Name!: Have you downloaded the song Rob ?
[02-06:32] 3cf31, *M : *snorts*
[02-06:32] eb777, 'Jen: *has song...* karma coma.
[02-06:32] b94fa, Get a Name!: Enya rules
[02-06:32] 46841, Riggs: ((Greetings jen, the other mistress))
[02-06:32] 155dd, •Rob : *Blinks*
[02-06:32] eb777, 'Jen: *lhao*
[02-06:33] 3cf31, *M : heh
[02-06:33] 46841, Riggs: ((always Dug Aerosmith myself))
[02-06:33] 155dd, •Rob : The LOTR one? nope
[02-06:33] b94fa, Get a Name!: want a link to the site for the song Rob ?
[02-06:34] b94fa, Get a Name!:
[02-06:34] 155dd, •Rob : Nah, it's okay, I'm getting Fr. Ted quotes atm. ^_^
[02-06:34] b94fa, Get a Name!: *L* Yeah , well 512k modems rock
[02-06:35] 3cf31, *M : effes
[02-06:35] eb777, 'Jen: s'wrong Misty?
[02-06:35] eb777, 'Jen: who's gonna watch Fight Club with me btw?
[02-06:36] 3cf31, *M : stupid feckin pos wanking gits keep dropping out of my... *grr*
[02-06:36] 3cf31, *M : I would, but my VCR is screwed. :(
[02-06:36] eb777, 'Jen: *rae*
[02-06:37] eb777, 'Jen: damned vcr...I'll murder it!
[02-06:37] 3cf31, *M : Uh.. *ahem* Heh. That sounded pretty wrong, dinnit?
[02-06:37] 3cf31, *M : *is getting a new one, soonish*
[02-06:37] eb777, 'Jen: *pause* wait....Jim likes Enya??!!
[02-06:37] 3cf31, *M : But... I could probably quote along with it. Just tell me when you start it. :-P *knows it that well*
[02-06:38] eb777, 'Jen: *starts it*
[02-06:38] 3cf31, *M : Heh
[02-06:39] eb777, 'Jen: *and blesses her glasses*
[02-06:39] b94fa, Get a Name!: Yeah , Jim does
[02-06:40] eb777, 'Jen: I just never had you pegged for Enya. stranger sh!t has happened.
[02-06:41] 3cf31, *M : People are always asking me how I know Tyler Durden... "This is it. Ground zero. Think of all we've accomplished. D'you have any last words to mark the occasion?" *mumbling* With a gun barrel between your teeth, you only speak in vowels. "What was that?" "I can't think of anything." For a moment I forget about Tyler's whole controlled demolition thing, and I wonder how clean that gun is.
[02-06:41] 3cf31, *M : :(
[02-06:41] 3cf31, *M : *wants to watch now....fs*
[02-06:42] eb777, 'Jen: *stops tape* I can't watch it from here.
[02-06:42] 3cf31, *M : Hehe
[02-06:44] 3cf31, *M : Enya is good. I've only got 2 songs, tho. Can't be arsed to get any more
[02-06:45] eb777, 'Jen: *has 2 cds*
[02-06:45] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[02-06:46] 0ffc5, Savage: *wanders in*
[02-06:46] eb777, 'Jen: *rarely listens to them...has A Perfect Circle, Vast, and various others to keep her amused*
[02-06:46] 3cf31, *M : Yes, well.. *can't afford the luxury of buying CDs.. has to download mp3s* I used to have 2 tapes, but they actually.. um.. didn't belong to me, thus had to leave them when I moved out of my parents' place
[02-06:47] 0ffc5, Savage: enya is yuck
[02-06:47] 3cf31, *M : You know who would be a fun person to spamm0r? Steele.
[02-06:47] eb777, 'Jen: *just made two cd's for that same reason* my 'rents just got a cd burner.
[02-06:47] 3cf31, *M : *considers switching names, just to do that*
[02-06:48] 0ffc5, Savage: spam?
[02-06:48] 3cf31, *M : spam!
[02-06:48] 0ffc5, Savage: spam is yuck
[02-06:48] eb777, 'Jen: *finds spam amusing...sometimes*
[02-06:49] 3cf31, *M : it is not.
[02-06:49] 0ffc5, Savage: is too
[02-06:49] JOIN: Riggs has entered.
[02-06:49] 3cf31, *M : is not
[02-06:50] eb777, 'Jen: America's Most Haunted Places. I love this stuff.
[02-06:50] 0ffc5, Savage: you know its yuck
[02-06:50] 0ffc5, Savage: just like enya
[02-06:51] 3cf31, *M : spam 0wnz
[02-06:51] c4d04, Riggs: ((*throws his hat like Odd Job at Savage in an attempt at decapitation*))
[02-06:51] eb777, 'Jen: *eyes picture of view from her apartment...*considers falling over laughing*
[02-06:52] 3cf31, *M : "I'll say one thing for her... at least she's trying to hit bottom." "What, and I'm not?" "Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken."
[02-06:52] 0ffc5, Savage: what the? *blocks hat with some yucky spam*
[02-06:52] eb777, 'Jen: *and pick of herself biting the heads off two gummy bears while laughing* heh. *chuckles@Misty*
[02-06:52] 0ffc5, Savage: *stuffs riggs into the spam can*
[02-06:53] eb777, 'Jen: pick=pic. clearly. *eyes next one* and i thought they were kidding when they said I look dead.
[02-06:53] c4d04, Riggs: ((*also tries throwing a shoe*))
[02-06:53] eb777, 'Jen: *eyes Riggs and Savage* I can just see you two dogfighting...
[02-06:54] 0ffc5, Savage: shoes? *swipes shoes*
[02-06:54] 0ffc5, Savage: zat you red?
[02-06:54] 3cf31, *M : That's not Red. Heh.
[02-06:55] c4d04, Riggs: ((Gott in himmel!))
[02-06:56] 0ffc5, Savage: zat you owen?
[02-06:56] 3cf31, *M : Swordfish! *hop* Swordfish! *hop* Swordfish! *hop*
[02-06:56] eb777, 'Jen: Rainer. innit?
[02-06:57] eb777, 'Jen: *considers Misty* halobit ?
[02-06:57] 0ffc5, Savage: i vill haf yor name!! zu vill gif it to me!! now!!
[02-06:57] 3cf31, *M : Gah! *falls over*
[02-06:57] c4d04, Riggs: ((good flick swordfish...better soundtrack))
[02-06:57] 3cf31, *M : Hehehehehe!
[02-06:58] 0ffc5, Savage: *aint seen swordfish*
[02-06:58] eb777, 'Jen: *hasn't seen it*
[02-06:58] 3cf31, *M : "What, are you surprised that a girl with an IQ over 70 can give you a hard-on?"
[02-07:00] 3cf31, *M : Still, my favourite: "I can buy nuclear warheads on the black market for 40 million each. Hell, I could buy half a dozen and get a discount."
[02-07:01] 3cf31, *M : "I haven't even been here five minutes and I'm already starting to feel sorry for myself." "If I knew you were coming, I would have cleaned up a bit." "I'm not here to give you a blowjob, Stan."
[02-07:01] 3cf31, *M : Okay, some has got to speak, or I will just keep quoting
[02-07:02] eb777, 'Jen: woof woof howl bark.
[02-07:02] 3cf31, *M : *falls over*
[02-07:03] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[02-07:03] c4d04, Riggs: ((I'm a multi speed variable drill))
[02-07:04] 3cf31, *M : "Oh, she's good, isn't she?"
[02-07:05] c4d04, Riggs: ((too bad Stan, you gotta die...))
[02-07:05] 3cf31, *M : "He wants an airplane out on the runway in 25 minutes. I recommend you give it to him."
[02-07:06] 0ffc5, Savage: quotes! quotes everywhere!
[02-07:07] 76a60, 'Jen: ''do you monkey?''
[02-07:08] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[02-07:09] c4d04, Riggs: ((only if you ask nicely))
[02-07:09] 0ffc5, Savage: "monkey magic! monkey magic!"
[02-07:09] 76a60, 'Jen: *loves that particular inside joke*
[02-07:10] 155dd, •Rob : *Thunk!*Zzzzz..........
[02-07:10] acf88, Liz: Hello
[02-07:10] 3cf31, *M : *pats Rob* *frims him*
[02-07:10] 0ffc5, Savage: hay liz
[02-07:11] 3cf31, *M : Lo, Liz
[02-07:11] c4d04, Riggs: ((goo, liz))
[02-07:11] 155dd, •Rob : ...oi...thats copyrighted...
[02-07:12] 3cf31, *M : Of course it is. Because it was my idea, so I'm allowed to use it. So there.
[02-07:12] 155dd, •Rob : No fair, it was my typo.
[02-07:13] 76a60, 'Jen: *glings Rob and Misty* copyright that!
[02-07:13] 3cf31, *M : Don't care. I'm using it. And you can't stop me. *frims him again, to prove her point*
[02-07:13] 3cf31, *M : *glinged* Ack
[02-07:13] 155dd, •Rob : *Glinged?*Err....
[02-07:14] acf88, Liz: How is everyone?
[02-07:14] 0ffc5, Savage: glings? ohh no
[02-07:14] 3cf31, *M : Rob - Think "frim" and you'll understand the concept of "gling"
[02-07:14] 0ffc5, Savage: mesa good
[02-07:15] 155dd, •Rob : *Frimed too*Ack! an onslaught!
[02-07:15] 3cf31, *M : Mwaha
[02-07:15] 155dd, •Rob : Gah..*splabs them both*Take that.
[02-07:15] 3cf31, *M : *splabbed* The hell...?!
[02-07:16] 3cf31, *M : *shakes it off* bleh
[02-07:16] 0ffc5, Savage: at least it aint spam
[02-07:17] 3cf31, *M : *g*
[02-07:17] 3cf31, *M : Someone spamm0r Steele
[02-07:17] 76a60, 'Jen: *splabbed?* Oi.
[02-07:18] 155dd, •Rob : Mwahahaha...
[02-07:18] 76a60, 'Jen: question...since there's at least two guys here. how would a girl know if a guy liked her?
[02-07:19] 3cf31, *M : Depends on the guy. If it's someone like Jim, for example, there is no way in hell you'd know.
[02-07:19] 3cf31, *M : SPAMM0R STEELE effes
[02-07:20] 76a60, 'Jen: *doesn't really know how to spam...and doesn't have Steele's SN* sothere!
[02-07:20] MSG: M sent a message to Jen.
[02-07:21] 3cf31, *M : thrrpt
[02-07:21] 3cf31, *M : There is a spamm0r in all of us
[02-07:21] 3cf31, *M : *is the SPAM GODDESS and knows these things*
[02-07:22] 0ffc5, Savage: normally you can tell by the bulge in his pants. its a dead give away
[02-07:22] 3cf31, *M : *thwaps Darthy*
[02-07:22] 0ffc5, Savage: spam goddess? yucky yucky yucky
[02-07:22] 155dd, •Rob : Well... I think it's sleep time for me...
[02-07:23] 0ffc5, Savage: *thwapped* ouch!
[02-07:23] 3cf31, *M : WIMP! *stamps 'wimp' across Rob's forehead*
[02-07:23] 0ffc5, Savage: night rob
[02-07:23] 76a60, 'Jen: *won't say it...WON'T*hugs Rob btw* g'night. sleep well.
[02-07:23] 3cf31, *M : Oh.. yeah... 'night, Rob. :-P *hugs and such*
[02-07:24] 155dd, •Rob : Wimp? wimp I'm awake near enough 21 hours!
[02-07:24] 3cf31, *M : "Oooh, is that a hydrospanner, or are you just happy to see me?"
[02-07:24] 3cf31, *M : Pfft, details
[02-07:26] 155dd, •Rob : Bleh... I don't have to stay here and listen to this... :P
[02-07:26] 3cf31, *M : Oh, come on people! WAKEY WAKEY! Chop chop!
[02-07:26] 3cf31, *M : You do so, Rob
[02-07:27] 3cf31, *M : For, "So it is writ, so shall it be."
[02-07:28] 155dd, •Rob : Ha! I'm out of here, just watch me, twags!*stomps off*
[02-07:28] 3cf31, *M : *clearleh, is talking to herself* Well, that's fine. I can do that well enough. I spam Jim all the time. Nothing new here.
[02-07:28] 3cf31, *M : Awh.. poor Rob...
[02-07:28] 3cf31, *M : What's a twag?
[02-07:28] 3cf31, *M : *looks around* "Anyone? Anyone?"
[02-07:28] 76a60, 'Jen: *blinks*
[02-07:29] 0ffc5, Savage: we are i think
[02-07:29] 3cf31, *M : OH FOR THE LOVE OF---!!!!
[02-07:29] 3cf31, *M : Ah.. shit... really? *looks down* I'm a twag?
[02-07:29] 155dd, •Rob : Bleh! don't give me that, and ignorance isn't an excuse to not know things, I would stay and explain the word twag, but.. I don't want to.*frim nod*
[02-07:29] 3cf31, *M : *ROFLMAO@Rob*
[02-07:29] 3cf31, *M : Explain it, or you can't go!
[02-07:30] acf88, Liz: hehe
[02-07:31] 3cf31, *M : and the race is on...
[02-07:31] 155dd, •Rob : I can't explain whats not explainable! no tellin' what can't be told! look it up, if you dare, but it will be in vain, for it exists not! bwhahaha!*drops a smoke bomb*
[02-07:32] 0ffc5, Savage: i dont think he knows either
[02-07:32] 3cf31, *M : *points in Rob's general direction* He's an arse.
[02-07:32] 3cf31, *M : *nodnod@Darthy* I think you're right.
[02-07:33] 3cf31, *M : *clearly, because he's lurkx0ring, even if he isn't posting or anything, sneaks up behind Jim and tackles him... does it, even if there is no response, because she's just cool like that*
[02-07:33] 3cf31, *M : *...also, she's used to V*
[02-07:35] 0ffc5, Savage: *giggles at the tackling twag*
[02-07:35] 155dd, •Rob : *Blinks as the smoke clears*Dangit.... I'll give the gypsie a piece of my mind...*turdges off*G'night all...*huggles for those who want one*
[02-07:35] 3cf31, *M : killed it... *performs CPR on chat*
[02-07:35] 3cf31, *M : Hey it worked!
[02-07:35] 76a60, 'Jen: *takes a huggle*
[02-07:35] 3cf31, *M : *takes a huggle, and administers one in kind* turge, huh? He's a veritible font of information.
[02-07:36] 0ffc5, Savage: *huggles and smooches rob*
[02-07:36] 3cf31, *M : *ROFL*
[02-07:37] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( Twag = *headbops Savage* :D ).
[02-07:37] 3cf31, *M : Hmm...
[02-07:37] 0ffc5, Savage: *headbopped* ouch! twag!
[02-07:38] 3cf31, *M : that's gotta sting
[02-07:39] 0ffc5, Savage: not really. got a thick head.
[02-07:40] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-07:41] 3cf31, *M : hehe
[02-07:41] 76a60, 'Jen: *pouncetackleglings Misty*forgot that*
[02-07:43] 0ffc5, Savage: *pokes gan*
[02-07:44] 3cf31, *M : *pouncetackleglinged* Ooof! *falls over*
[02-07:46] 0ffc5, Savage: *pokes misty for good measure*
[02-07:46] 3cf31, *M : *poked* ack
[02-07:48] 76a60, 'Jen: *glings again*
[02-07:48] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( Quit ).
[02-07:49] 3cf31, *M : *glinged* baaaah
[02-07:49] 76a60, 'Jen: *gling-a-gling-gling-gling-gling*
[02-07:49] 3cf31, *M : *random evil laughter* AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
[02-07:50] 3cf31, *M : Gack *drowns*
[02-07:53] 0ffc5, Savage: "and there was a deathly silence..."
[02-07:54] 76a60, 'Jen: at least it isn't a deadly silence.
[02-07:54] 0ffc5, Savage: or a glingly silence
[02-07:56] 76a60, 'Jen: glingy. make sure your gling grammar is right. :)
[02-07:57] 76a60, 'Jen: no wait. glingly. my bad. feel free to point and laugh.
[02-07:57] 0ffc5, Savage: *points and laughs*
[02-07:59] 0ffc5, Savage: *yawns* mesa outta heresa
[02-07:59] 76a60, 'Jen: brazenberry, tar, or boogie? *nail colors*pause* okay. *huggles and smooches* have fun.
[02-07:59] 0ffc5, Savage: *huggles and smooches jennybean and mistybean* see yas!
[02-08:00] 76a60, 'Jen: Misty!
[02-08:00] 0ffc5, Savage: boogie is a colour?
[02-08:00] 76a60, 'Jen: yep. boogie is a color. black and glittery.
[02-08:01] 0ffc5, Savage: well you learn something new every day
[02-08:01] 3cf31, *M : Wut?
[02-08:01] 76a60, 'Jen: hehe.
[02-08:02] 0ffc5, Savage: *waves and zooms off*
[02-08:02] 3cf31, *M : Later, Darthy
[02-08:02] EXIT: Savage has left the chat ( Quit ).
[02-08:04] 3cf31, *M : dum dee dum..
[02-08:05] 3cf31, *M : "It's dead, Jim." OMG! *falls over*
[02-08:07] 3cf31, *M : "I've already heard this song before you arrived, but now it's time to kiss your ass good-bye."
[02-08:07] 76a60, 'Jen: hehehe. bwaha!!
[02-08:07] 76a60, 'Jen: help me pick a nail color. brazenberry=dark red, slightly metallic. tar=dark red..blackish. boogie=black and glittery.
[02-08:08] 3cf31, *M : Brazenberry!
[02-08:11] 76a60, 'Jen: s'what i was thinking. *grin* thanks. now...lipstick....heartless...silvery gray...or simple red?
[02-08:12] 3cf31, *M : Simple red. Only because, myself, I can't wear silver lipstick. You probably want to be dark as opposed to pale for that'un.
[02-08:13] 3cf31, *M : Secretary, admin assistant... po-tay-toh, po-tah-toh
[02-08:15] 76a60, 'Jen: for silver?
[02-08:16] 3cf31, *M : Yeah. Dark for silver. For pale, red.
[02-08:17] 76a60, 'Jen: dark red then. can't wear all black with red red.
[02-08:18] 3cf31, *M : yes you can
[02-08:19] 76a60, 'Jen: well. I'll try then. too bad I never get pictures. I look good. *L*
[02-08:19] 3cf31, *M : Hehe
[02-11:48] JOIN: M has entered.
[02-11:48] 353f8, *M : oi
[02-11:50] 353f8, *M : Oooh. *eyes her ident colour thingy* Ehe
[02-11:50] 353f8, *M : *test*
[02-11:50] 353f8, *M : Hm.
[02-11:50] 353f8, *M : Naw
[02-11:51] 353f8, *M : Well... since I'm not sleeping... *patters off to take a walk*
[02-12:51] 353f8, *M : hey. *hasn't missed much* \o/
[02-12:52] 353f8, *M : s'a bit wet. *ponders* *loads up a game or three*
[02-12:56] 353f8, *M : Hmm.. lesse what inspiring shtuff my horoscope has to say t'day
[02-12:57] 353f8, *M : *jaw drops* f*ck me.
[02-12:57] 353f8, *M : holy hell! *changes icon right quick*
[02-12:58] 353f8, *M : Bah. Just..... bah
[02-12:58] 353f8, *M : *spamm0ring, clearleh*
[02-12:59] 353f8, *M : *checks all e-mails*
[02-13:00] 353f8, *M : every hour I check my mail, and every hour I have more junk than I did before. effes *deletes*
[02-13:02] 353f8, *M : Jim sux0r. *cough* hehe. *patters off t'play that game she was going to load up a few minutes ago but didn't, but does now*
[02-13:03] 353f8, *M : urk. *gapes@start menu button thingy* uh... right... *blinks*
[02-13:27] 353f8, *M : *watches game crash* NooooOOOOOOooooo
[02-13:28] EXIT: M has left the chat ( reboot.... bah ).
[02-13:45] JOIN: M has entered.
[02-13:45] 703d9, *M : *clearleh, won't be killing the dragon t'day* ah well
[02-13:55] JOIN: M has entered.
[02-13:55] 9608e, *M : fs
[02-13:56] 9608e, *M : well. *gives up on that game and moves on to another*
[02-13:57] 9608e, *M : Gaha!
[02-13:58]       M is away. Reason: Diablo 2, fs
[02-14:04] 9608e, *M : ok... not that
[02-14:08] EXIT: M has left the chat ( not lurking here, either. Bwaha ).
[02-17:45] JOIN: TheNoNameThatHasAReallyLongNoName has entered.
[02-17:46] 7cf3c, TheNoNameThatHasAReallyLongNoName: hmmmm
[02-17:57] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-18:47] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-19:01] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[02-19:01] b94fa, Get a Name!: YOU CAN DO IT
[02-19:50] JOIN: Calli Thaala has entered.
[02-19:50] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *peeks in*
[02-19:51] dbe77, Calli Thaala: *goners*
[02-20:26] JOIN: M has entered.
[02-20:26] 9608e, *M : ..lies..
[02-20:29] 60426, šForexs : ..ties..
[02-20:29] 60426, šForexs : ..and..
[02-20:29] 60426, šForexs : ..flies..
[02-20:29] 9608e, *M : spamm0r
[02-20:30] 60426, šForexs : ..lies..
[02-20:30] 9608e, *M : heh
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : m33p
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : goes
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : the
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : sh33p
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : b33p
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : go
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : my
[02-20:31] 60426, šForexs : f33t
[02-20:32] 9608e, *M : SPAMM0R!!1
[02-20:32] 60426, šForexs : Muahaha
[02-20:32] 9608e, *M : :P
[02-20:32] 60426, šForexs :
[02-20:33] 9608e, *M : hehe..
[02-20:34] 60426, šForexs : :) *hugg0r*
[02-20:35] 9608e, *M : yay.. *hugg0rz back*
[02-20:36] 60426, šForexs : whee
[02-20:37] 9608e, *M : :)
[02-20:42] 60426, šForexs : wh00t, The guys are arriving soon for a few (hundred) beers, and then we're going to PARTE-EH!!!
[02-20:43] 9608e, *M : yay
[02-20:43] 60426, šForexs : yir
[02-20:45] 9608e, *M : have a few for me. :)
[02-20:46] 60426, šForexs : I will :D
[02-20:46] 9608e, *M : yay
[02-20:51] 60426, šForexs : *dance*
[02-20:52] 9608e, *M : heheh
[02-20:52] 60426f62efcdcb92ae8a74342b63a97a, šForexs : ph34r the long idents
[02-20:52] 60426f62efcdcb92ae8a74342b63a97a, šForexs : mwaha
[02-20:52] 60426f62efcdcb92ae8a74342b63a97a, šForexs : (Yes, I'm bored.)
[02-20:53] 9608ed9889b702d8f8fd718291584533, *M : yike
[02-20:53] 60426, šForexs : :P
[02-20:53] 9608e, *M : hehe
[02-20:54] JOIN: GForce has entered.
[02-20:56] 9608e, *M : *considers sleep sometime soon*
[02-20:58] 9608e, *M : *also, idly wonders why she always hears sirens when it rains*
[02-20:58] 9608e, *M : *thinks ppl in this town cant fking drive when it's wet*
[02-20:59] 60426, šForexs : here they are *gone*
[02-21:00] 9608e, *M : have fun
[02-21:01] 9608e, *M : looks suspiciously like my ident when I'm at the school. oi.
[02-21:03] 9608e, *M : huh.
[02-21:04] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[02-21:05] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: *appears*
[02-21:05] 9608e, *M : Lo, J
[02-21:05] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: ' where ever you at
[02-21:06] 9608e, *M : Afternoon. *G*
[02-21:06] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: afternoon...that means breakfast!
[02-21:06] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: oh yeah, I need to find out does Lando die in the new starwars book?
[02-21:07] 9608e, *M : dunno. *blinks*
[02-21:07] 9608e, *M : breakfast? It means I have to go to bed soon, fs
[02-21:07] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: damn...*is going insane, it all points to lando but he has his suspicions that it may be kyp*
[02-21:11] 9608e, *M : How's about you read the book? :P
[02-21:11] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: I would but I need the $ to buy it
[02-21:11] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: OH MY GOD!!!!!
[02-21:12] 9608e, *M : Library?
[02-21:12] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: *shakes his head* nonononononono way f'cking way!
[02-21:12] 9608e, *M : *blinks*
[02-21:13] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: you read the njo books?
[02-21:13] 9608e, *M : Nope.
[02-21:14] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: then you dont mind if I tell you who dies in star by star
[02-21:14] 9608e, *M : Not at all. Go ahead.
[02-21:15] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: Anakin Solo
[02-21:16] 9608e, *M : Huh. Interesting.
[02-21:17] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: that sucks!
[02-21:17] 9608e, *M : I'll take your word for it. :)
[02-21:32] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[02-21:34] a4680, 'Jen: *pause* I'm guessing its empty now...
[02-21:34] 9608e, *M : you'd be half-right, possibly
[02-21:36] a4680, 'Jen: not if you aren't leaving. funny...most of the time when I drop by before work..its totally empty.
[02-21:36] 9608e, *M : Well, I should sleep some time soon *dryly*
[02-21:36] a4680, 'Jen: did you eat?
[02-21:37] 9608e, *M : Yup. Almost 12 hours ago.
[02-21:38] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: *appears out of nothing* no one expects the spanish inquisition!
[02-21:38] 9608e, *M : Heh
[02-21:39] a4680, 'Jen: *eyes Mr.J* you aren't the spanish inquisition. :)
[02-21:39] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: no...but...I am an honorary memeber of the nights who untill recently said NEE!
[02-21:40] 9608e, *M : "touch me so I think I'm here.. skin my senses.."
[02-21:40] 9608e, *M : knights, don't you mean?
[02-21:40] a4680, 'Jen: sure you are...*backs away slowly*hides behind Misty*
[02-21:41] 9608e, *M : *hidden behind* Hehe. *hides Jen*
[02-21:41] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: aaaaaaany waaaaaaay *goes back to being all sad like*
[02-21:41] 9608e, *M : *snickers*
[02-21:43] a4680, 'Jen: *gasp*wants a snickers*
[02-21:43] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: *me too!*
[02-21:44] 9608e, *M : Mmm... chocolate...
[02-21:44] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: *tackle! gimme chocolate!*
[02-21:45] a4680, 'Jen: *has to have chocolate now...grabs a lil bit from the candy drawer*chuckle*
[02-21:46] 3acf3, 'Mr. J: actually right now im eating a very healthy breakfast of salsa and chips*
[02-21:46] 9608e, *M : *tackled* Holy hell! It's gone! All gone! *holds up empty hands*
[02-21:48] a4680, 'Jen: *hugs explodingdog too*
[02-21:50] 9608e, *M : bah... enough... *patters off to bed*
[02-21:51] a4680, 'Jen: salsa and chips...hehe. *eyes Misty* Noooooooooooo
[02-21:53] a4680, 'Jen: *eyes dove wrapper* 'one little smile can fill a room with sunshine'....I'm never smiling again!!
[02-21:54] EXIT: M has left the chat ( *eyed* sleep. *still wants to know what a twag is, fs* ).
[02-21:54] JOIN: Mr. J has entered.
[02-21:55] a4680, 'Jen: *mutters...wants to know what a twag is too...afraid to ask*
[02-21:55] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: *eats a pickle slice*
[02-21:56] a4680, 'Jen: *eyes pickle slice* you're evil aren't you?
[02-21:56] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: *hands Jen a pickle slice*
[02-21:58] a4680, 'Jen: *takes pickle slice...*hands Mr.J a piece of chocolate* hehe.
[02-21:58] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: woo! a barter
[02-21:59] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: *eyes* Ill give you two goats and a chicken for another piece of chocolate
[02-22:01] a4680, 'Jen: how bout I'll just give you chocolate. *L*
[02-22:03] a4680, 'Jen: dark or milk?
[02-22:03] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: um...milk
[02-22:04] a4680, 'Jen: unless you have a pocket dragon...*tosses several more pieces of chocolate at Mr.J then*eyes clock* I hate that thing.
[02-22:05] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: *catches* what the clock?
[02-22:06] a4680, 'Jen: that and time.
[02-22:08] a4680, 'Jen: blah.
[02-22:09] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: ah *eats the clock*
[02-22:09] a4680, 'Jen: want a hyena?
[02-22:10] a4680, 'Jen: Hyena's are the strangest animals....what with the psychotic laughter and all.
[02-22:11] 3b3ce, 'Mr. J: um...I want a chimp
[02-22:12] a4680, 'Jen: why a chimp?
[02-22:14] a4680, 'Jen: you could have lint rats!
[02-22:17] a4680, 'Jen: uh..yeah. I'm gonna leave now before the men in white coats arrive. *sneaks off*
[02-22:17] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( Quit ).
[02-22:45] JOIN: White Owl has entered.
[02-22:51] JOIN: Imanonnameanidontcare has entered.
[02-22:51] f35ba, Imanonnameanidontcare: Hey...anyone home...?
[02-22:53] f35ba, Imanonnameanidontcare: Guess not....
[02-22:53] f35ba, Imanonnameanidontcare: Who ever thought the internet could be just as boring as real life....
[02-22:56] JOIN: Stillanonnameandidontcare has entered.
[02-22:57] f35ba, Stillanonnameandidontcare: This place is a tomb....I'm goin' to the nut shop, where it's fun....
[03-00:48] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[03-01:51] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-01:54] 9364a, *Stoneneedle : Bah.
[03-02:17] JOIN: Cannus has entered.
[03-02:19] a97f1, 'Cannus: no one in the cantina? On Friday night? How bizarre...
[03-02:19] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : Stupid Roadrunner, FS.
[03-02:20] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[03-02:21] a128e, *President Zahra : *peeks in*
[03-02:22] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OFGARBAGE*kicks his computer insanely*
[03-02:28] a128e, *President Zahra : Um. *hugs Stoney*
[03-02:30] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!*takes an axe to his roadrunner*&
[03-02:44] a128e, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[03-02:46] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : *twiddles his thumbs*...bored bored bored I am sooo bored...
[03-02:56] a128e, *President Zahra : *sigh*
[03-03:06] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : why the sighing?
[03-03:07] a128e, *President Zahra : I dunno.
[03-03:08] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : Tell me.
[03-03:08] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : pwease?
[03-03:08] a128e, *President Zahra : There's nothing to tell.
[03-03:09] 302c2, *Stoneneedle : *Shrug*all right then.
[03-03:20] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-03:20] a128e, *President Zahra : *hugs*
[03-03:25] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[03-03:25] a3880, *Stoneneedle : stupid comp...
[03-03:28] a128e, *President Zahra : *patpat*
[03-03:28] a3880, *Stoneneedle : *decides he is content with whining about his computer all night*
[03-03:29] a128e, *President Zahra : *L*
[03-03:37] a3880, *Stoneneedle : *sighs and searches about for his book on JavaScript*...this Friday has been-disappointing...
[03-03:39] a128e, *President Zahra : Disappointing? How?
[03-03:41] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-03:45] a3880, *Stoneneedle : It just has.*shrug*not nearly like a regular cheery and wonderful...this Friday is sort of quiet-hmmm...
[03-03:46] a128e, *President Zahra : Aww.. *comforts, then*
[03-03:52] ec1a8, Get a Name!: even Friday can be an off day.
[03-03:53] a3880, *Stoneneedle : Yeah. But I always look forward to the Fridays! It's the best time of week!
[03-03:53] a128e, *President Zahra : Aww.. *keeps comforting*
[03-03:58] JOIN: Leon Yara has entered.
[03-03:59] a128e, *President Zahra : *hugs Leon*
[03-03:59] a3880, *Stoneneedle : SAI DEV !!!!!!*frantic waving*
[03-04:00] adacc, *Leon Yara: *hugs Ria and waves to Stoney* Hi
[03-04:00] a128e, *President Zahra : *blinks*
[03-04:01] a3880, *Stoneneedle : Sai get on aim!
[03-04:01] adacc, *Leon Yara: *nods* Ok
[03-04:01] a128e, *President Zahra : *eyes her comp*
[03-04:03] adacc, *Leon Yara: *grumbles at his lack of e-mail*
[03-04:04] a3880, *Stoneneedle : Sai: I have 432 junk want my account?
[03-04:05] adacc, *Leon Yara: *shivers* Noooo.... I had to switch accounts because of that problem. Bah.
[03-04:06] a3880, *Stoneneedle : Hehe.
[03-04:07] a128e, *President Zahra : *curls up*
[03-04:09] adacc, *Leon Yara: *eyes Ria*
[03-04:12] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-04:12] a128e, *President Zahra : *eyed*
[03-04:13] ec1a8, Get a Name!: well. this is interesting. Really.
[03-04:14] a128e, *President Zahra : *eyes GaN*
[03-04:16] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *collapses*
[03-04:20] a128e, *President Zahra : *hugs Leon*
[03-04:20] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *hugs Ria back*
[03-04:22] a128e, *President Zahra : *sighs*
[03-04:23] 2375b, *Leon Yara: Awww... sighing is bad. *nods*
[03-04:23] a128e, *President Zahra : Why?
[03-04:25] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *shrugs* I dunno... *thinks* hmmm... Why do you sigh then?
[03-04:27] a128e, *President Zahra : Because.. um.. because I'm tired.
[03-04:28] 2375b, *Leon Yara: I can relate with that. *sighs*
[03-04:28] a128e, *President Zahra : Aww. *hugs*
[03-04:29] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *s* *hugs*
[03-04:30] a128e, *President Zahra : *hugs more*
[03-04:32] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *more hugs* :)
[03-04:33] a128e, *President Zahra : You win.
[03-04:35] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *LOL* I win? Yeah.
[03-04:36] a128e, *President Zahra : Yup. *hands him a prize*
[03-04:38] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *takes the prize*
[03-04:39] a128e, *President Zahra : Yay. *giggles*
[03-04:41] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *grins*
[03-04:42] 2375b, *Leon Yara: Oooo.... Have you ever read the book "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath. I'm almost 80 percent done with it and it's really good. *s*
[03-04:44] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *puts a question mark in there.*
[03-04:49] a128e, *President Zahra : *nodnodnodnod* *loves that book!*
[03-04:54] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *grins* I'm reeaallly enjoying it! My brother dumped a bunch of reading material on me withing the past couple of weeks. Some of which I read. Like "Johnny Got His Gun" and "Go Ask Alice"
[03-04:55] a128e, *President Zahra : *hasn't read either of those* The Bell Jar is great, 'cause it's got my favorite poem ever at the end of it. "Mad Girl's Love Song."
[03-05:00] 2375b, *Leon Yara: Oh, I love that poem!! Is that in the story itself or at the end where it has the commentary?
[03-05:01] a128e, *President Zahra : Um.. I can't remember right now.. I all I know is it's in the last few pages.
[03-05:04] 2375b, *Leon Yara: I guess I could go look..*L* ...I think you would like "Go Ask Alice." It's a journal of a girl...I think she's sixteen or fifteen... but it's her actual journal that her mother found... it's kinda depressing, though...
[03-05:08] a128e, *President Zahra : Bah. I'm reading too much at once as it is.
[03-05:12] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *L* I know how that can be...
[03-05:15] 2375b, *Leon Yara: I need sleep...*looks at the clock* *lol* It's only 9:00....*grumbles*
[03-05:16] a128e, *President Zahra : Bah. It's 10 for me. And I've been sleepy since I woke up.
[03-05:20] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *L* Recently, I seem to always be tired... It's no fun.... "So tired I could lay down and die"
[03-05:24] a128e, *President Zahra : Aww.. *hugs lots*
[03-05:29] 2375b, *Leon Yara: *s* *hugs back* I really should be going though... *needs rest* But I'm going to want to talk to you about that book when I'm finished. Do you have AIM? Mine is Seiuchin111.
[03-05:30] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-05:33] a128e, *President Zahra : Yeah. Mine is SmigglyMe. Goodnight, now? *hugs*
[03-05:35] 2375b, *Leon Yara: thanks *hugs* 'Night.
[03-05:35] EXIT: Leon Yara has left the chat ( Quit ).
[03-05:44] EXIT: President Zahra has left the chat ( Quit ).
[03-06:51] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[03-07:09] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[03-07:09] e6c14, 'Jen: crap.
[03-07:14] EXIT: Jen has left the chat ( because it'd be stupid to stay if no one is here wouldn't it? ).
[03-07:32] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-07:35] JOIN: TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName... has entered.
[03-07:35] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: hmmm
[03-07:45] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-07:46] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to n0|\|4|\/|3 \/\/ ][ 7h 7h3 l337 n4|.
[03-07:46] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to n0|\|4|\/|3 \/\/ ][ 7h 7h3 l337 n4|.
[03-07:49] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-07:50] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-07:52] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: Hmmmmm...
[03-07:55] b94fa, Get a Name!: ?
[03-07:57] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: ??
[03-07:57] b94fa, Get a Name!: !?
[03-07:58] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: ??!??
[03-08:01] b94fa, Get a Name!: Silver Sun , your a class A nut job m8
[03-08:03] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *LOL*Why thank you.
[03-08:04] b94fa, Get a Name!: I thought you'd like that'n :-P
[03-08:06] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: Yep,though I think I'm gonna fire someone.I have people who aren't doing their job.I was only a class B last I looked and know one told me i got moved up in the ranks.
[03-08:08] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: ack...*kicks the wrong word out othe way*...bloody hell.
[03-08:11] b94fa, Get a Name!: you got power ... kickass
[03-08:12] b94fa, Get a Name!: Mind you , anything class A is good by me :-P
[03-08:13] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *L*Well I spent a great many years working my ass off for this rank and now....I can die happy.I am class A!!!!!*moonwalks*
[03-08:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: Yes , the force is strong in this one
[03-08:15] JOIN: M has entered.
[03-08:16] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *LOL*
[03-08:16] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: Hell-o there M
[03-08:18] a0d9b, *M : *wave*
[03-08:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: now thats what I call timing
[03-08:18] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *Stops moonwalking,sits*
[03-08:19] a0d9b, *M : thought I lost it. :/
[03-08:19] b94fa, Get a Name!: Ah shure ah nevah 'ad it annahways
[03-08:20] a0d9b, *M : lies
[03-08:22] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: pies
[03-08:22] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: skies
[03-08:23] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: highs
[03-08:23] a0d9b, *M : ties
[03-08:23] b94fa, Get a Name!: skies
[03-08:23] a0d9b, *M : no fair. *was lagging* *sulk*
[03-08:24] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *LOL*
[03-08:26] a0d9b, *M : ...highs?
[03-08:29] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: Yes as in what I am now...*stops*.....or what SOME people might be right now...yeah...
[03-08:29] b94fa, Get a Name!: sausages .
[03-08:29] a0d9b, *M : uh huh?
[03-08:29] a0d9b, *M : *blinks* ....sausages? bacon.
[03-08:30] b94fa, Get a Name!: Bah , no fair , I have no drugs .
[03-08:31] a0d9b, *M : drugs...
[03-08:31] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: Mine are for medcinal only....really.I have a note from my doc.*Runs and writes a note real quick*see.
[03-08:31] b94fa, Get a Name!: As adminstrator of this chat , I demand you surrender all class A pharmceuticals to me , for .. er , examination .
[03-08:32] a0d9b, *M : *cough* what sort of thing is that to teach your children?
[03-08:32] b94fa, Get a Name!: er , a) I have no kids ( that I know of ) and B) if I did they aren't here :-P
[03-08:33] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *LOL*
[03-08:33] a0d9b, *M : *eyes*
[03-08:33] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *L*Mine isn't born yet
[03-08:33] b94fa, Get a Name!: *eyed* Hey , if I get drugs i'm not bloody sharing ... the examinations that is .. cuz all i'm gonna do is examine them ... yeah
[03-08:34] a0d9b, *M : But it will be. It will be.
[03-08:34] a0d9b, *M : *eyes s'more* You have to share with me.
[03-08:34] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *LOL*
[03-08:34] b94fa, Get a Name!: You don't use such things :-P
[03-08:34] a0d9b, *M : for lack of access, that's all.
[03-08:35] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *Pass out drugs for everyone*One time offer folks.Come one come all get the high of a life time.
[03-08:35] a0d9b, *M : if only
[03-08:36] b94fa, Get a Name!: Whaddya got for me them ?
[03-08:36] b94fa, Get a Name!: And I dun want any of this shit cut with rat poison
[03-08:37] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: rat it's's not cut with anything,it's pure.
[03-08:38] b94fa, Get a Name!: Kickass *rolls up a 20* ... anything less just isn't right :)
[03-08:39] b94fa, Get a Name!: :>|
[03-08:39] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *L*
[03-08:39] a0d9b, *M : "I cry to the alleyway, confess all to the rain... but I lie, lie straight to the mirror.. the one I've broken to match my face.."
[03-08:39] b94fa, Get a Name!: heheh , customised smiley for the situation
[03-08:40] a0d9b, *M : oi
[03-08:40] a0d9b, *M : Oh.. is it raining tonight? *checks.. will make it, if she has to*
[03-08:40] a0d9b, *M : cloudy... promising
[03-08:41] b94fa, Get a Name!: :>~|
[03-08:41] b94fa, Get a Name!: even better
[03-08:41] a0d9b, *M : OI
[03-08:41] b94fa, Get a Name!: 8>~|
[03-08:42] b94fa, Get a Name!: 8}~|
[03-08:43] b94fa, Get a Name!: which one do you reckon is better ?
[03-08:43] a0d9b, *M : uh.... the... um... *cough* You know, they're both really good...
[03-08:43] 81329, TheNoNameWithAReallyLongNoName...: *LOL*
[03-08:44] b94fa, Get a Name!: ((((((______________()~~~~~~~
[03-08:44] a0d9b, *M : holy hell.
[03-08:45] b94fa, Get a Name!: (___________________}>
[03-08:46] a0d9b, *M : I suppose I should eat something before I start drinking.
[03-08:46] b94fa, Get a Name!: light 'er up :-P
[03-08:47] b94fa, Get a Name!: 8?~|
[03-08:48] a0d9b, *M : oi
[03-08:48] b94fa, Get a Name!: (_8?>)
[03-08:48] a0d9b, *M : just like a child with a new toy. He'll be occupied for hours now.
[03-08:48] b94fa, Get a Name!: 0______________________)>~
[03-08:49] b94fa, Get a Name!: nah , I wanna smoke , so thats where my mind is fixated .. tho my druggies smilies are amusing , yes
[03-08:49] b94fa, Get a Name!: 0_____)~~~
[03-08:49] b94fa, Get a Name!: stick 'o dynamite
[03-08:50] b94fa, Get a Name!: ()_____)~~~
[03-08:50] a0d9b, *M : Uh... of course they are... very amusing.
[03-08:50] b94fa, Get a Name!: |bullet>
[03-08:51] b94fa, Get a Name!: ()____)~~~*
[03-08:51] a0d9b, *M : uh.. why don't you go have a smoke and become un-fixated?
[03-08:51] b94fa, Get a Name!: oh oh
[03-08:51] b94fa, Get a Name!: ()____)~~*
[03-08:52] b94fa, Get a Name!: ()____)~*
[03-08:52] b94fa, Get a Name!: ()____)*
[03-08:52] b94fa, Get a Name!: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM
[03-08:52] a0d9b, *M : Ah dear
[03-08:53] b94fa, Get a Name!: :D
[03-08:53] a0d9b, *M : *rolls her eyes skyward* why me?
[03-08:53] b94fa, Get a Name!: <_____|8?)~ ... big hat
[03-08:54] a0d9b, *M : hehe.. er.. *cough* heh.
[03-08:54] b94fa, Get a Name!: <|8?}
[03-08:54] b94fa, Get a Name!: 's a fireman
[03-08:55] a0d9b, *M : Oh? Oh... I see...
[03-08:55] b94fa, Get a Name!: {|8?)
[03-08:55] b94fa, Get a Name!: 's a man wearing a beret
[03-08:56] a0d9b, *M : hehe
[03-08:56] b94fa, Get a Name!: (0 )
[03-08:56] b94fa, Get a Name!: (0#)
[03-08:57] b94fa, Get a Name!: (8<|
[03-08:57] b94fa, Get a Name!: Darth vader
[03-08:57] a0d9b, *M : *L* okay
[03-08:58] b94fa, Get a Name!: >0<
[03-08:58] b94fa, Get a Name!: |0|
[03-08:58] a0d9b, *M : (-o-) :P
[03-08:59] b94fa, Get a Name!: 0(<_>--<_>)
[03-08:59] b94fa, Get a Name!: millenium falcon :)
[03-08:59] a0d9b, *M : *L*
[03-09:00] b94fa, Get a Name!: o{_(_(__(_}>|<(____________________________)
[03-09:01] b94fa, Get a Name!: (<(
[03-09:02] b94fa, Get a Name!: (<(_)
[03-09:02] a0d9b, *M : *RaE*
[03-09:02] b94fa, Get a Name!: (o[/o](_)
[03-09:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: (o(_)
[03-09:03] b94fa, Get a Name!: a tie
[03-09:04] a0d9b, *M : hmm... okay :-P
[03-09:04] b94fa, Get a Name!: (<-(
[03-09:04] b94fa, Get a Name!: Palpatine
[03-09:04] b94fa, Get a Name!: the tie was a side view *thwaps*
[03-09:05] a0d9b, *M : *ducks* Yeah, yeah
[03-09:05] b94fa, Get a Name!: (<'(
[03-09:06] b94fa, Get a Name!: (_8<o>
[03-09:07] b94fa, Get a Name!: - - - - - (o(_) DIE YOU REBEL SCUM
[03-09:07] a0d9b, *M : ROFL
[03-09:07] b94fa, Get a Name!: Ah , so you like that one ?
[03-09:07] a0d9b, *M : S'cute >P
[03-09:08] a0d9b, *M : Hmm.. *baps typo*
[03-09:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: <()<8
[03-09:09] b94fa, Get a Name!: (_()<8 a cylon
[03-09:10] b94fa, Get a Name!: the first one was better
[03-09:10] a0d9b, *M : a what?
[03-09:10] b94fa, Get a Name!: &:?P
[03-09:11] b94fa, Get a Name!: cylon , from battlestar galactica
[03-09:12] b94fa, Get a Name!: (______________________________o_________) FEAR THE DEATHSTAR AT YOUR LETTERBOX
[03-09:12] a0d9b, *M : Oi!
[03-09:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: Fear it
[03-09:14] a0d9b, *M : No
[03-09:14] b94fa, Get a Name!: fine then .... commence firing sequence lads
[03-09:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: (-(-(-(-(-(------------------------------------------------------------*---------------*
[03-09:15] a0d9b, *M : uh huh?
[03-09:15] b94fa, Get a Name!: ()---------------------->}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
[03-09:16] a0d9b, *M : *yawn*
[03-09:16]       Get a Name! high fives his death satr gunner
[03-09:17] a0d9b, *M : and?
[03-09:17] b94fa, Get a Name!: Uh ....
[03-09:17] a0d9b, *M : *taking all the chocolate off her chocolate-covered almonds, and leaving the almonds* *is weird*
[03-09:18] a0d9b, *M : hmm?
[03-09:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: a ha .. a cunninck plan
[03-09:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: (((((((____________() SMOKE BREAK
[03-09:18] a0d9b, *M : ah dear
[03-09:18] a0d9b, *M : Hehe
[03-09:18] b94fa, Get a Name!: bwahahahahahahahah
[03-09:19] b94fa, Get a Name!: m0m
[03-09:19] a0d9b, *M : *blinks*
[03-09:20] b94fa, Get a Name!: mOOm
[03-09:20] a0d9b, *M : uh... hokay
[03-09:20] b94fa, Get a Name!: mm O>O mm
[03-09:21] b94fa, Get a Name!: bah , its supposed to be a bloke peeking over a wall
[03-09:21] b94fa, Get a Name!: brb anyway ... smokie time
[03-09:21] a0d9b, *M : Ooooh.... is it?
[03-09:21] a0d9b, *M : hehe... ok
[03-09:28] b94fa, Get a Name!: back
[03-09:30] b94fa, Get a Name!: But I think I need to grab some sleep ... 4 hours in the past 80 isn't good
[03-09:30] a0d9b, *M : wb
[03-09:30] a0d9b, *M : Oi.
[03-09:31] b94fa, Get a Name!: :( I know , soz
[03-09:31] a0d9b, *M : *just got back too..heheh*
[03-09:31] b94fa, Get a Name!: but I gotta go work l8er
[03-09:31] a0d9b, *M : No, 4 hours in the past 80 isn't good
[03-09:32] a0d9b, *M : always fun. *hugs* sleep well
[03-09:32] b94fa, Get a Name!: so i'll see ya later *hugs* happy birthday
[03-09:32] a0d9b, *M : thanks. :)
[03-09:34] a0d9b, *M : *patters.. um.. off*
[03-10:10] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-11:11] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[03-11:12] 2c1fb, Savage: *wanders in*
[03-11:14] a0d9b, *M : lo, Darthy
[03-11:15] 2c1fb, Savage: heya misty *huggles and smooches*
[03-11:15] a0d9b, *M : *huggles and smooches back*
[03-11:17] 2c1fb, Savage: is it your birthday?
[03-11:18] a0d9b, *M : uh.... *looks around* *cough* *shifty eyes*
[03-11:19] 2c1fb, Savage: no? *peers closely* are you sure?
[03-11:20] a0d9b, *M : uhm... I refuse to answer as my answer my serve to incriminate me...
[03-11:22] 2c1fb, Savage: ok but that means you get no present *shakes present*
[03-11:22] a0d9b, *M : *RaE* That's fine. If it's not the Owen doll you promised me months and months ago, I don't want it.
[03-11:25] 2c1fb, Savage: you never know. it could be your lucky day
[03-11:25] a0d9b, *M : Today? *scoffs* Right
[03-11:27] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-11:28] ec1a8, Get a Name!: hmm hmmmm hmmmm
[03-11:29] ec1a8, Get a Name!: happy happy birthday
[03-11:29] a0d9b, *M : thanks, GaN.
[03-11:30] 2c1fb, Savage: eep. brb
[03-11:31] a0d9b, *M : *eyes scotch* You aren't going down fast enough.. *considers something to mix it with*
[03-11:32] ec1a8, Get a Name!: each day could be lucky, but then again.
[03-11:32] a0d9b, *M : Heh...
[03-11:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-11:34] JOIN: Cpt Colton has entered.
[03-11:35] 2c1fb, Savage: *gives misty her life size blow up owen doll with moving parts* happy birthday misty!
[03-11:35] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : gah
[03-11:35] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : *throws confetti everywhere*
[03-11:35] a0d9b, *M : Yay! *takes the doll* Thankoo, Darthy
[03-11:35] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((hey I saw the preview for attack of the clones tonite ))
[03-11:36] a0d9b, *M : fs.. haven't they renamed it yet?
[03-11:36] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((furthermore, it doesn't look like it's a cartoon like phantom menace ))
[03-11:36] 2c1fb, Savage: dont thank me yet. the bills in the mail
[03-11:36] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((*L* it's set in stone once they start to market it. ))
[03-11:36] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((Course, there was the whole Revenge of the Jedi thing ))
[03-11:37] 2c1fb, Savage: you know, im starting to like the title
[03-11:37] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((has there EVER been a good SW title? ))
[03-11:37] a0d9b, *M : Take it to the collection agency, Darthy. :p
[03-11:37] 2c1fb, Savage: its still a dumb title but better than ESB anyway
[03-11:38] a0d9b, *M : But Attack of the Clones is just bad
[03-11:38] 2c1fb, Savage: ROTJ is a good title
[03-11:39] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((um, the Empire Strikes Back? what was that all about? ))
[03-11:39] a0d9b, *M : Tis
[03-11:39] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((granted it was 197-1980 and everyone was still on coke and all but come on ))
[03-11:39] a0d9b, *M : Oh bah. No more straight scotch for me t'night. The rest gets diluted *makes a face*
[03-11:39] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((1979 actually. Oh, nevermind. Useless debate. ))
[03-11:40] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((put chocolate in it M. :o) ))
[03-11:40] 2c1fb, Savage: bourbon misty. scotch is no good
[03-11:41] a0d9b, *M : Hehehe.
[03-11:41] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((definitely bourbon. but I maintain that Natalie Portman and what's his face do a FAR FAR better kiss than Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher did ))
[03-11:41] a0d9b, *M : Oi *eyes Darthy* scotch, damn you
[03-11:42] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((but then there's that Chirpa and Neesie thing ))
[03-11:42] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[03-11:42] a0d9b, *M : Heh
[03-11:43] 2c1fb, Savage: bah. scotch is for old people
[03-11:43] 2c1fb, Savage: just like brandy
[03-11:44] a0d9b, *M : Well, how 'bout that. I'm one day older
[03-11:44] a0d9b, *M : One year, too.
[03-11:44] 2c1fb, Savage: and who the hell is hayden christensen anyway?
[03-11:44] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((hours are like diamonds, days do not matter. ))
[03-11:44] 2c1fb, Savage: i never heard of him before
[03-11:45] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((me neither. ))
[03-11:45] a0d9b, *M : Oi.
[03-11:47] 2c1fb, Savage: *ponders registering savage*
[03-11:47] a0d9b, *M : Hehe
[03-11:47] 2c1fb, Savage: i want a asterix
[03-11:49] a0d9b, *M : You can have mine. :)
[03-11:50] 2c1fb, Savage: i can? yay! but then you wont have a asterix
[03-11:50] a0d9b, *M : *blink blink* *refocus* *has s'more scotch*
[03-11:50] a0d9b, *M : Oh, that's fine. :)
[03-11:51] 2c1fb, Savage: now whatever you do dont puke on yer keyboard
[03-11:51] a0d9b, *M : I won't puke. I don't feel like puking. :P
[03-11:53] a0d9b, *M : "so low the sky is all I see... all I want from you is forgive me.. so you bring this poor dog in from the rain, though he just wants right back out agian."
[03-11:53] a0d9b, *M : *again
[03-11:54] 2c1fb, Savage: i hate drinking. always made me puke
[03-11:54] a0d9b, *M : sometimes it makes me sick, but sometimes I have a good one. Drunk, that is.
[03-11:54] 2c1fb, Savage: i mean beers good but i dont like spirits much no sir
[03-11:54] a0d9b, *M : Mmm... scotch.. *hugs it*
[03-11:56] 2c1fb, Savage: *waits for lotr trailer to download* slow ass quicktime
[03-11:56] a0d9b, *M : *LMAO*
[03-11:57] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((gah, I lost a keyboard to beer once ))
[03-11:58] a0d9b, *M : Hehehehehehehe *sway* feck
[03-11:58] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((spilled a forty right over it ))
[03-11:58] 2c1fb, Savage: *lol@cartoon*
[03-11:58] a0d9b, *M : *is the spam goddess so loves the comic*
[03-11:59] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((Savage would be great to register. made you puke? ya just need to learn to pace yourself, methinx. ))
[03-11:59] 2c1fb, Savage: capt your sposed to drink it not spill it
[03-12:00] a0d9b, *M : pace..
[03-12:00] a0d9b, *M : *giggle*
[03-12:00] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((that was years ago. I've never spilled in public. ))
[03-12:00] 2c1fb, Savage: capt your probably right. half a bottle in fifteen minutes probably aint good spacing
[03-12:00] a0d9b, *M : *cough, cough*
[03-12:01] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((Mr. Savage, I've seen almost everything, and that's probably not a good pace. ))
[03-12:02] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((hey, do you all know the size of the AT AT vehicle toy? ))
[03-12:02] 2c1fb, Savage: *eyes misty* shes gonna do it! shes gonna hurl!
[03-12:02] a0d9b, *M : I'm sitting still and I'm swaying. fs. god help me if I stand up
[03-12:02] a0d9b, *M : *eyed* I am NOT
[03-12:03] 2c1fb, Savage: nup sorry capt
[03-12:04] 2c1fb, Savage: focus misty focus.
[03-12:04] a0d9b, *M : I am. Sorta. Kinda. I'm trying
[03-12:05] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((don't stand up. Focus on the screen. ))
[03-12:05] a0d9b, *M : *blink blink* I have to stand to make another drink
[03-12:06] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((Well the AT AT toy is roughly a meter high and long. And my cat attacked one last night ))
[03-12:06] a0d9b, *M : did it win?!
[03-12:07] 2c1fb, Savage: woah. that was wierd. my mouse just moved across the screen all by itself
[03-12:07] a0d9b, *M : LOL
[03-12:08] JOIN: Win has entered.
[03-12:09] a0d9b, *M : Lo Win
[03-12:09] 4e7f8, Win: Good morning peeps...*Yawns*
[03-12:09] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((I think it was more of a draw ))
[03-12:09] 2c1fb, Savage: heyas win!
[03-12:09] 4e7f8, Win: Oh crap! mother is calling...BRB
[03-12:10] a0d9b, *M : MOTHER *ROFL*
[03-12:10] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((hello win ))
[03-12:10] a0d9b, *M : *falls over!*
[03-12:10] NICK: M changed nick to Lose.
[03-12:10] a0d9b, Lose: har har
[03-12:10] NICK: Lose changed nick to M.
[03-12:11] 2c1fb, Savage: well how could the cat be expected to win without a tow cable?
[03-12:11] a0d9b, *M: Well, lesse... my scotch.. plus the beer Fx is drinking for meh... excellent
[03-12:11] a0d9b, *M: Hmm... you've got a point, Darthy
[03-12:12] 2c1fb, Savage: translation: PUKE
[03-12:12] a0d9b, *M: Who says your typing has to be full of typos when you're drunk? \o/
[03-12:12] a0d9b, *M: Eh... No, no puke
[03-12:12] a0d9b, *M: translation: feeling good
[03-12:13] 2c1fb, Savage: just dont go to sleep when your still drunk or you get a hangover
[03-12:14] a0d9b, *M: I never get hangovers
[03-12:15] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((that's what I said, man!! Without a tow cable, it was a draw. ))
[03-12:16] a0d9b, *M: *giggle*
[03-12:16] a0d9b, *M: hey
[03-12:16] a0d9b, *M: I lost my icon :((((
[03-12:16] a0d9b, *M : *fix0rs*
[03-12:17] 4e7f8, Win: RawwwR!!!!
[03-12:18] a0d9b, *M : wb win
[03-12:19] 4e7f8, Win: Thx M......Ooooo...Cat vs At-At....Has the cat got a troop of super fighting fleas on it??
[03-12:19] a0d9b, *M : cats 0wn all
[03-12:20] a0d9b, *M : *has 3*
[03-12:20] 2c1fb, Savage: cats? bah! *pokes his cat* fleabags
[03-12:21] 2c1fb, Savage: *pokes mistys fleabag cats*
[03-12:21] a0d9b, *M : No fleas on mine
[03-12:21] 4e7f8, Win: that case then, I presume the At-At won??? *Likes pretending to be a cat - without fleas or any other parasites attached*
[03-12:21] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((nah, Da Buddy doesnt' have any fleas. ))
[03-12:22] a0d9b, *M : *turns into a cat, even though every one else seems to do it, even though they stole the idea from her, and whatnot*
[03-12:22] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((I would say that the AT AT won, but the cat gave a valiant effort ))
[03-12:23] a0d9b, *M : stupid at at
[03-12:23] 2c1fb, Savage: great. now im surrounded by fleabags! *pokes everyone*
[03-12:23] a0d9b, *M : *poked* *falls over* bbs
[03-12:23] 2c1fb, Savage: at ats are not even practical
[03-12:24] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((*is poked and jumps* AH! ))
[03-12:24] 4e7f8, Win: *Blinks at Savage*..... LTNS bud. How's the evil referee this year? *turns into a sabre-toothed cat*...Rawwr!
[03-12:24] 2c1fb, Savage: their slow, they cant move and they look stupid
[03-12:25] 2c1fb, Savage: the evil refs kept his mouth shut this year. hes been doing his job properly for a change which is good
[03-12:25] 4e7f8, Win: At-At's are cool. They look like elephants without ears and a trunk!
[03-12:26] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((they blew the hell out of a fortified Hoth base. Weren't much good in the forest tho, which compromises the whole All Terrain thing. ))
[03-12:26] 2c1fb, Savage: *remains a civilized human. tsk tsks at the cats*
[03-12:26] a0d9b, *M : never.. ever... ever try tostand up when you're drunk
[03-12:26] 4e7f8, Win: At-St are cool too....they look like half an elephant, without ears and trunks. *L*
[03-12:27] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((ya gotta sometimes, M. ))
[03-12:27] 2c1fb, Savage: headspins misty?
[03-12:28] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((*remains human, but civilized is a question of viewpoint* ))
[03-12:28] 4e7f8, Win: *Considers that m is lucky in some-ways.....she and all other women, unlike most drunk men, don't have to stand and pee when drunk......whish is bloody difficult to do when you are pissed as a newt!*
[03-12:29] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((yeah but guys can use a tree ))
[03-12:29] 2c1fb, Savage: *l@win* too true. too true
[03-12:30] 4e7f8, Win: Good point. *L*
[03-12:30] a0d9b, *M : hehe.. headspins... hehehe... bbs... agian
[03-12:31] a0d9b, *M : again, even
[03-12:31] a0d9b, *M : tis a b-day drunk. I've never been drunk on my b-day before. YAY ME *now bbs*
[03-12:32] 4e7f8, Win: 'Ave any of you guys slept on the bog before when you are about sheer agony when you wake up! I did this once, and I got cramp in my legs.....Too painful.....Never ever gonna do that again, I tell ya. :)
[03-12:32] 4e7f8, Win: Happy B'day M. :)
[03-12:33] 2c1fb, Savage: *gives a knowing nod* shes puking
[03-12:33] ec1a8, *Cpt Colton : ((I had something like that happen. It sux ))
[03-12:34] 2c1fb, Savage: i once slept in the toilet when i was drunk. it was cosy
[03-12:34] a0d9b, *M : thanks win.. and no, I'm not puking. I'm going to the store...fs
[03-12:35] 4e7f8, Win: In the toilet???....Whoa! that must have been a tight fit.
[03-12:35] 2c1fb, Savage: course it was on the floor. sort of wrapped around the porcelin
[03-12:36] 2c1fb, Savage: *baps win*
[03-12:36] 2c1fb, Savage: out of booze misty?
[03-12:36] 4e7f8, Win: *Bapped*.....ooof!........Ahh, I see.
[03-12:37] 4e7f8, Win: Oh well.....gotta go. Got games to play, women to see, cats to de-fur. Bye all. *Waves, and is then gone*
[03-12:38] EXIT: Win has left the chat ( Quit ).
[03-12:38] 2c1fb, Savage: see yas win! *waves*
[03-12:44] 2c1fb, Savage: *registers savage* at last i shall have my asterix
[03-12:47] 2c1fb, Savage: brb
[03-12:58] a0d9b, *M : not outta booze and even if i was, i couldn't get it at the store *hasn't left yet... heh*
[03-13:02] a0d9b, *M : *is leaving now, tho.. before she falls out of her chair* fs bbs
[03-13:16] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[03-13:22] 2c1fb, Savage: if she cant even sit on her chair hows she gonna get to the store?
[03-13:23] 2c1fb, Savage: oh dear
[03-13:49] a0d9b, *M : um...... back
[03-14:00] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-14:01] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-14:01] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hello
[03-14:01] a0d9b, *M : lo
[03-14:01] 6c953, Get a Name!: Savage?? M?
[03-14:01] 6c953, Get a Name!: Yay hello M
[03-14:02] a0d9b, *M : hehe
[03-14:02] 6c953, Get a Name!: *Strokes Merlin* Nice kitty
[03-14:03] a0d9b, *M : *faint smile* yeah
[03-14:04] 6c953, Get a Name!: :P
[03-14:05] a0d9b, *M : *has a Percival now* *S*
[03-14:06] 6c953, Get a Name!: What about a Lancelot or Guinevere
[03-14:06] a0d9b, *M : had them, but gave them away. kittens, y'know.
[03-14:08] JOIN: Savage has entered.
[03-14:09] 28984, Savage: *is back. has been watching star trek 3 on tv*
[03-14:09] 6c953, Get a Name!: Heeheheh
[03-14:09] 6c953, Get a Name!: SAVAGE!!!
[03-14:09] a0d9b, *M : wb darthy
[03-14:09] a0d9b, *M : oh... bah... *rests head8
[03-14:10] a0d9b, *M : 8=*.
[03-14:10] 28984, Savage: ty m. GAN!!!
[03-14:10] 6c953, Get a Name!: *Places a shoe filled with peppers and mustard on the floor*
[03-14:10] EXIT: Get a Name! has left the chat ( Quit ).
[03-14:11] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-14:11] a0d9b, *M : hehe.. oi.. eh.. pillows... keyboards make good pillows
[03-14:11] 6c953, Get a Name!: Ummm
[03-14:12] 28984, Savage: *sniffs* hmm i smell shoes! *dives onto shoes and gobbles them whole* hmm mustards off
[03-14:12] a0d9b, *M : *many hugs for Red* nice b-day present. *S*
[03-14:13] 28984, Savage: red!!! *lockjaws onto red*
[03-14:13] 6c953, Get a Name!: Oh Savage you know who I am don't you?
[03-14:13] 6c953, Get a Name!: B-day?
[03-14:13] 6c953, Get a Name!: Ouch
[03-14:13] a0d9b, *M : all I need now is Rica and Owen and s'all good
[03-14:13] a0d9b, *M : yeah
[03-14:14] 6c953, Get a Name!: Oh Lirica is in bad right now, it is her B-day today :)
[03-14:14] 6c953, Get a Name!: Your B-day as well M?
[03-14:14] 28984, Savage: owen was at nightly before
[03-14:15] a0d9b, *M : yes. rica and I are twins, y'know. you didn't know that, did you?
[03-14:15] a0d9b, *M : why didn't you get him? *baps darthy*
[03-14:15] 6c953, Get a Name!: I miss Owen
[03-14:16] a0d9b, *M : s'why we were best friends, rica and me. I miss her. :(
[03-14:16] 6c953, Get a Name!: I talk to her every single day
[03-14:18] a0d9b, *M : *S*
[03-14:18] 28984, Savage: i miss my momma. she always made the best fudge
[03-14:19] 28984, Savage: owens there a lot. you can probly catch him
[03-14:20] a0d9b, *M : not right now... too late for him to be around..
[03-14:20] a0d9b, *M : tell Rica happy b-day for me, Red, please?
[03-14:21] 28984, Savage: and me too!
[03-14:22] 6c953, Get a Name!: Okay will do
[03-14:22] 6c953, Get a Name!: That will mean alot to her :)
[03-14:23] a0d9b, *M : *hopes so*
[03-14:23] 6c953, Get a Name!: She is doing really well now, had a hard time, but is not doing great, I am so proud of her
[03-14:23] a0d9b, *M : I'm glad
[03-14:24] 6c953, Get a Name!: So am I :p
[03-14:24] a0d9b, *M : I know ;)
[03-14:25] 6c953, Get a Name!: Happy Birthday M *kotc*
[03-14:25] a0d9b, *M : Thankee *kotc back :)*
[03-14:26] 6c953, Get a Name!: Sooo how is life?
[03-14:27] a0d9b, *M : *grins* fair to partly cloudy.
[03-14:29] 6c953, Get a Name!: :)
[03-14:29] 6c953, Get a Name!: So what has happened in here then?
[03-14:29] a0d9b, *M : In here? Pfft.. nothing much. No one RPs anymore :/
[03-14:29] 28984, Savage: pure chaos, red
[03-14:30] a0d9b, *M : hehe
[03-14:30] a0d9b, *M : monitor=pillow *rests head*
[03-14:30] 6c953, Get a Name!: I noticed :(
[03-14:31] 6c953, Get a Name!: So where is V and his minions then?
[03-14:31] a0d9b, *M : V is on IRC \o/
[03-14:31] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hey if you guys ever want to right to me just mail me here :
[03-14:31] a0d9b, *M : *is a minion and is here* Hehe
[03-14:32] 6c953, Get a Name!: Nah only kidding:
[03-14:32] a0d9b, *M : *stupid grin@e-mail* aw
[03-14:32] a0d9b, *M : Hehe
[03-14:32] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hey Savage thought you were buying Asheron's Call
[03-14:32] 6c953, Get a Name!: Yeppers :)
[03-14:32] 6c953, Get a Name!: Lirica is yum yum
[03-14:32] a0d9b, *M : :P
[03-14:33] a0d9b, *M : :)
[03-14:33] 6c953, Get a Name!:
[03-14:33] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hehehe
[03-14:34] a0d9b, *M : *lol* awh
[03-14:34] 6c953, Get a Name!: I sSavage still with us or is he munching on a shoe?
[03-14:34] 6c953, Get a Name!: Heheh *Adjusts halo*
[03-14:34] a0d9b, *M : I think he's munching on a shoe. :/
[03-14:34] a0d9b, *M : Would you like some tarnish remover?
[03-14:35] 28984, Savage: im here. i was just watching the enterprise escape from spacedock
[03-14:35] 6c953, Get a Name!: Nah, I can see that you and Lirica are twins, she says that to me ...
[03-14:36] 6c953, Get a Name!: Oh yes, you watching Enterprise or another ST thing?
[03-14:36] a0d9b, *M : *G* Of course she does. ;)
[03-14:36] 6c953, Get a Name!: Yer, I am in lub
[03-14:36] a0d9b, *M : *is too* \o/
[03-14:37] 28984, Savage: star trek 3: the search for spock on tv
[03-14:37] 6c953, Get a Name!: Yay
[03-14:37] 28984, Savage: one of the better trek movies
[03-14:37] 6c953, Get a Name!: Oh right, hey Savage you in Aussie land?
[03-14:37] a0d9b, *M : long, long... long long long stories to tell. Heheh
[03-14:38] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hey you know Spock tried to do Shakespear after his Star Trek career?
[03-14:38] a0d9b, *M : Oh bah. I'm sobering up. :(
[03-14:38] 28984, Savage: yeppers. on the sunny gold coast
[03-14:38] 6c953, Get a Name!: To be or not to beam me up Scotty
[03-14:38] 6c953, Get a Name!: To be or not to be, illogical captain
[03-14:39] 6c953, Get a Name!: Well one day I will bring Lirica over to meet you Savage
[03-14:39] a0d9b, *M : Did I say that the person I was messaging had an AIM crash? If I didn't say it, consider it said. If I did, apologies
[03-14:39] 28984, Savage: he did? a vulcan shakespear? i dont think that would work
[03-14:39] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hehehe
[03-14:39] 28984, Savage: i told ya misty you need bourbon for a lasting drunkeness
[03-14:40] 6c953, Get a Name!: Savage read the two lines below P
[03-14:40] a0d9b, *M : isp disconnected :( *baps stupid ICQ and AIM* You aren't supposed to disconnect him on my birthday. You suck.
[03-14:40] a0d9b, *M : Pfft.
[03-14:40] 28984, Savage: id like to see rica again
[03-14:40] a0d9b, *M : SCOTCH, not bourbon
[03-14:40] 6c953, Get a Name!: Hehehe @ M
[03-14:40] a0d9b, *M : :-P
[03-14:41] 6c953, Get a Name!: She is about, and we talk about you sometimes :)
[03-14:41] 28984, Savage: BOURBON and thats final!
[03-14:41] a0d9b, *M : SCOTCH! *baps Darthy*
[03-14:42] 28984, Savage: just talk? you should be looking after me!
[03-14:42] 6c953, Get a Name!: Okay anyone have any song requests I can sing for them? I am feeling happy today :)
[03-14:42] a0d9b, *M : Ehehehehe. At least I can say I spent the first 5 hours of my birthday drunk. \o/
[03-14:42] 28984, Savage: red whats better? bourbon or scotch?
[03-14:42] a0d9b, *M : Damn.. Um... *can't thnk of any* I'm listening to Metallica at the moment... so that doesn't help. Uh... *thinks*
[03-14:43] 6c953, Get a Name!: Cool you drunk now?
[03-14:43] a0d9b, *M : Scotch.. duh
[03-14:43] a0d9b, *M : I'm sobering up *dramatic sigh*
[03-14:43] 6c953, Get a Name!: Okay Savage, this is our chance to get some cash out of her
[03-14:43] a0d9b, *M : Woke up at 12 am.. Started at 2 am to drink... and now it's 7:30... :./
[03-14:44] 28984, Savage: you get her money. ill get her shoes
[03-14:45] a0d9b, *M : *never been drunk on her birthday before* I think I'm repeating myself. *pause* Songs.... Everything I Do (I Do It For You) Go sappy love songs!
[03-14:46] a0d9b, *M : meanwhile.. *will sing Low Man's Lyric*
[03-14:46] 6c953, Get a Name!: I like Aerosmith - Don't want to miss a thing
[03-14:46] a0d9b, *M : Ooooo! That's a good 'un. Bad memories, but still a good 'un!
[03-14:47] a0d9b, *M : Unchained Melody is a good 'un too. :)
[03-14:47] 28984, Savage: love songs. hmm. i like michael jacksons beat it
[03-14:47] a0d9b, *M : Oi *whaps Darthy*
[03-14:47] 6c953, Get a Name!: Look into my eyes, you will see, what you mean to me, such a heart, such a soul, when you find me then you search no more, don't tell me it's not worth trying for...
[03-14:48] 6c953, Get a Name!: I like Weird Al's version
[03-14:48] a0d9b, *M : lol
[03-14:48] 6c953, Get a Name!: Scotch Savage
[03-14:49] a0d9b, *M : SEE?!?!?! SCOTCH!
[03-14:49] 28984, Savage: scotch? your both nuts!
[03-14:49] a0d9b, *M : *G* Yup
[03-14:49] 6c953, Get a Name!: Just eat it, eat it, have a banana have the whole bunch, it doesn't matter what ya had for lunch just eatit, eat it eat it eat it
[03-14:49] a0d9b, *M : *rofl*
[03-14:50] 6c953, Get a Name!: You know what "our" song is....
[03-14:50] 28984, Savage: ooo enterprise v klingon ship.
[03-14:50] a0d9b, *M : "I cry to the alleyway, confess all to the rain... but I lie, lie straight to the mirror.. the one I've broken to match my face.." Oi.. depressing song.
[03-14:51] a0d9b, *M : What's your song? *should probably know this... :/*
[03-14:51] 6c953, Get a Name!: There's Klingons on the starboard bow wipe them off Jim, STARTREKKING across the universe, only going forward cause we can't find reverse
[03-14:51] a0d9b, *M : Eh.. Jim... *mournful sigh*
[03-14:51] 6c953, Get a Name!: This is our song...
[03-14:52] 28984, Savage: kirk got him! good shooting mr scot
[03-14:52] a0d9b, *M : *doesn't have a song* bah.
[03-14:53] 28984, Savage: oh no! the klingons blew up their engine!
[03-14:53] a0d9b, *M : Shush! *gags Darthy*
[03-14:53] 6c953, Get a Name!: In this proud land we grow up strong, we were wanted all along, I was taught to fight, taught to win, I never thought I could fail, no fight left it seems, I am a man whose dreams have all deserted, I changed me face, I changed my name, but no one wants you when you lose.....
[03-14:54] a0d9b, *M : Oooo
[03-14:54] 28984, Savage: *gagged* well really!
[03-14:54] 6c953, Get a Name!: You know the song?
[03-14:54] a0d9b, *M : Keep singing. :)
[03-14:55] a0d9b, *M : *doesn't know the song, but damn... likes the lyrics*
[03-14:55] 6c953, Get a Name!: Don't give up, you still have friends, don't give up your not beaten yet, don't give up for there's a place where you belong, bless you head, you worry too much, it's gonna be alright, when times get tough, don't give up on us, don't give up, please don't give up
[03-14:55] a0d9b, *M : eh.. *should probably get dressed if she's going out for breakfast in a bit*
[03-14:56] a0d9b, *M : That's a good song for you two. :)
[03-14:56] 6c953, Get a Name!: Or Glory of love - Peter Cetera
[03-14:56] 6c953, Get a Name!: Yeppers, two years on...
[03-14:56] a0d9b, *M : *S*
[03-14:57] 6c953, Get a Name!: I am a man who will fight for your honor, I'll be the hero you been dreaming of, we'll live forever, knowing together that we did it all for the glory of love.....Like a knight in shining armour from a long time ago, let me take you to my castle far away
[03-14:58] 6c953, Get a Name!: Chicago - Hard habit to break
[03-14:58] a0d9b, *M : hmm.. s'a nice song... *will definitely miss the romance a bit*
[03-14:59] 6c953, Get a Name!: Savage's song:
[03-14:59] 28984, Savage: *baps quicktime* took long enough
[03-14:59] a0d9b, *M : eh oh
[03-14:59] a0d9b, *M : *ROFL!@Darthy*
[03-14:59] 28984, Savage: nah. my song is yellow submarine
[03-14:59] a0d9b, *M : Hey *not completely sober... can't walk straight yet*
[03-15:00] a0d9b, *M : My song is "B!tch" *EG*
[03-15:00] 6c953, Get a Name!: Stars in your eyes little one, where do you go to dream, to a place we all go, the land of make believe, shadows tapping at your window, go to sleep, voices whisper come to play......Run for the sun little one, your an outlaw once again,time to change Superman, you'll be with a smile in hand, in the land of make believe
[03-15:01] 6c953, Get a Name!: One that makes me cry:
[03-15:01] a0d9b, *M : Hehe
[03-15:02] 28984, Savage: that sounds like a groovy song
[03-15:02] 6c953, Get a Name!: Turn around, look at what you see, in her face, the mirror of your dreams, make believe in everywhere, hidden in your life, written on the pages, is the answer of the Never Ending Story........
[03-15:03] a0d9b, *M : :/
[03-15:03] a0d9b, *M : I used to have songs that made me cry... but they don't make me cry anymore \o/
[03-15:03] a0d9b, *M : Song that sometimes makes me cry:
[03-15:04] 6c953, Get a Name!: Reach the stars, fly a fantasy, dream a dream, and what you see will be, Rhymes that keep there secret, will unfold behind the clouds, and there behind the rainbow is the answer to the Never Ending Story
[03-15:04] a0d9b, *M : "Holding on, that is what I do since I met you, and it won't be long, would you notice if I left you? It's hard for some, cuz you're not the one, you're not the one there... "
[03-15:04] 6c953, Get a Name!: I like this one:
[03-15:04] a0d9b, *M : The movie Neverending Story used to make me cry sometimes
[03-15:05] 6c953, Get a Name!: I dopn't know much, but I know I love you, and that maybe all I need to know
[03-15:05] 28984, Savage: crowded houses dont dream its over makes me cry
[03-15:05] 6c953, Get a Name!: And Elvis:
[03-15:05] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[03-15:05] a0d9b, *M : *likes that song too*
[03-15:05] 6c953, Get a Name!: Wise men say, only fools rush in, but I can't help falling in love with you
[03-15:06] a0d9b, *M : *and that one*
[03-15:06] 6c953, Get a Name!: That was Paul Young as well
[03-15:06]       Forexs is away. Reason: Going to see PTO again :Þ
[03-15:06] a0d9b, *M : FX!!!11
[03-15:06] a0d9b, *M : DID YOU DRINK BEER FOR MEH?!?!?
[03-15:06] 28984, Savage: *watches enterprise get blown up* this really makes me cry
[03-15:06] a0d9b, *M : *pats Darthy*
[03-15:07] 28984, Savage: *rockbottoms luke*
[03-15:07] a0d9b, *M : Lo Luke
[03-15:07] 6c953, Get a Name!: Don't know much about history, don't know much about biology, but I do know that I love you, and if you loved me what I would do, what a wonderful world this would be
[03-15:08] 51d0f, 'Luke: *elbows Sav, and drops him with the last ride* heya Misty *hugs*
[03-15:08] 6c953, Get a Name!: *Whipsers to Savage* Its all acting son
[03-15:09] a0d9b, *M : *snickers@Red* *hugs Luke back :)*
[03-15:09] 28984, Savage: blasphemy!!! its real!
[03-15:09] 6c953, Get a Name!: BLUE MOON, you saw me standing alone, without a dream in my heart, without a love of my own, Blue blue moon
[03-15:09] a0d9b, *M : lol
[03-15:09] 60426, šForexs : Of course m'lady, and some wine/vodka/chilisshot/baileys :P
[03-15:09] a0d9b, *M : Hey! That's a good song!
[03-15:09] 6c953, Get a Name!: Savage, that is illogical
[03-15:09] a0d9b, *M : YAY ! *hugg0rz Fx* Thankoo
[03-15:10] a0d9b, *M : I had some scotch for you ;)
[03-15:10] 60426, šForexs : gna! *waves@red person*
[03-15:10] 28984, Savage: *rockbottoms red*
[03-15:10] 60426, šForexs : whee :D *hugg0r*
[03-15:10] a0d9b, *M : Hehe
[03-15:10] 28984, Savage: *rockbottoms cay for good measure*
[03-15:11] 60426, šForexs : ack
[03-15:11] 60426, šForexs : *pokes Savage in the eyes* muah
[03-15:12] 28984, Savage: ouch! cheater!
[03-15:12] 6072d, 'Luke: *has his own wrestling room... and thinks that would be more appropriate to be doing wrestling than in here...*
[03-15:12] 60426, šForexs : mwhehe..
[03-15:13] 60426, šForexs : Did I scare Red away? hope not.. anyways, I'm off to the theater! :P
[03-15:13] a0d9b, *M : *dives into her Pile o' Pillows (tm)* Gah, but drinking'll tire you out
[03-15:13] a0d9b, *M : Later, Fx!
[03-15:14] 28984, Savage: see yas cay! *waves*
[03-15:14] 51d0f, 'Luke: see ya Cay
[03-15:15] 28984, Savage: *finally gets lotr trailer to work* at last!
[03-15:15] a0d9b, *M : *patters off* F00d. BBL *hugs for those who want 'em*
[03-15:16] ff12c, 'Luke: *takes a hug from Misty*
[03-15:17] 6c953, Get a Name!: Scare me, I wouldn't of thought so..... :þ as you would say
[03-15:18] 28984, Savage: *huggles and smooches for misty*
[03-15:21] 6c953, Get a Name!: What about me Savage?
[03-15:21] 51253, 'Luke: get his shoes, Sav! the shoes!!
[03-15:22] 6c953, Get a Name!: Okay Savage what is your fav group? Men at work?
[03-15:23] 28984, Savage: ahhh my precious! *goes in for a huggle and smooch, pulls a jordan fake and swipes reds shoes*
[03-15:23] 6c953, Get a Name!: I am barefooted please note
[03-15:23] 6c953, Get a Name!: Somehow you do remind me of Goluum Savage
[03-15:23] 28984, Savage: metallica. im a loyalist
[03-15:25] 6c953, Get a Name!: Umm
[03-15:30] 28984, Savage: *flip*
[03-15:32] 6c953, Get a Name!: I have to go son
[03-15:33] 6c953, Get a Name!: I will be talking to mommy later on today, I will say that I have talked to you
[03-15:34] 6c953, Get a Name!: Take care and nhope to see you soon :)
[03-15:34] 6c953, Get a Name!: *Gone*
[03-15:35] 28984, Savage: *huggles and smooches red* bye dad!
[03-15:39] 28984, Savage: *yawns* YAWNNN
[03-15:41] 28984, Savage: *leaves a huggle and smooch for bday girl and wanders out*
[03-15:41] 969c2, 'Luke: Sav, you get my email?
[03-15:41] 28984, Savage: yeah i got it. when are we on?
[03-15:42] 51d0f, 'Luke: whenever... meet ya in there now?
[03-15:43] 28984, Savage: ok
[03-15:44] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( Quit ).
[03-16:04] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[03-16:15] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : ((hmmm... ))
[03-16:16] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : heh.
[03-16:36] a0d9b, *M : Ooo *takes the huggle and smooch*
[03-16:38] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : *waves frantically*M!!!!!
[03-16:38] a0d9b, *M : Lo, Stoney
[03-16:41] 6907b, *Stoneneedle : how are you?
[03-16:46] a0d9b, *M : Tired but good. :) You?
[03-17:02] a0d9b, *M : Eh. *too tired to wait for a reply :/* *patters off to take a nap or something*
[03-17:02] EXIT: M has left the chat ( Quit ).
[03-19:34] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[03-19:54]       Forexs is back.
[03-19:56] JOIN: President Zahra has entered.
[03-19:56] 4a1e5, *President Zahra : *peeks in*
[03-20:03] 4a1e5, *President Zahra : *all alone*
[03-21:18] JOIN: Sarn has entered.
[03-21:19] 3810e, *Sarn: *appears*
[03-21:33] 3810e, *Sarn: anyone out there?
[03-21:37] 3810e, *Sarn: ...
[03-22:19] 3810e, *Sarn: I'll be lurking around, drop me an IM if you come in, my name is Sarn226
[03-22:41] 046d2, *Sarn : ..
[04-00:03] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[04-00:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I am here
[04-00:07] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-00:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Johnson, Kitty and I do not partake in the consumption of alcohol
[04-00:09] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: "Well, this is uh, non-alcoholic scotch."
[04-00:11] JOIN: M has entered.
[04-00:12] a0d9b, *M : BLASPHEMY!
[04-00:13] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What?
[04-00:14] a0d9b, *M : non-alcoholic scotch!!!11 Such blaspemous words should never be uttered!
[04-00:15] a0d9b, *M : Or typed
[04-00:15] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: It's a joke because it doesn't exist
[04-00:17] a0d9b, *M : But that's not the point! *shakes a finger* That is something that should never be joked about. Guh! *mutters* non-alcoholic scotch... mein gott....
[04-00:22] a0d9b, *M : Oi *baps Utopia* stop trying to cast0r against me. *builds shtuff*
[04-00:22] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: What?
[04-00:23] a0d9b, *M : Oh, some stupid game I play more out of habit than enjoyment. Heh.
[04-00:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: The hell is wrong with you
[04-00:26] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-00:27] a0d9b, *M : Uh. I dunno?
[04-00:27] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-00:27] a0d9b, *M : *EL@politics post* Teehee
[04-00:29] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: WHORE!
[04-00:29] a0d9b, *M : *thinks she's still partially drunk :(*
[04-00:29] a0d9b, *M : ...and?
[04-00:30] a0d9b, *M : "Okay, that's not a car." "Shut up and get on. I hear the law!" *ROFL*
[04-00:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: have to play the game to get it even more...
[04-00:31] 08e53, •Rob: ..only partially drunk?*L*
[04-00:32] a0d9b, *M : Well, I was really drunk about 6 hours ago when I took a nap. Heh.
[04-00:34] a0d9b, *M : "Of course, what you don't know is that those resources Zhilleh gave me weren't, as he would have you believe, because it's my birthday, but rather, for services rendered." *VEG*
[04-00:34] 13978, •Rob : Er, happy birthday then? or am I too late?
[04-00:35] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *wanders away*
[04-00:35] a0d9b, *M : No, not too late. :)
[04-00:36] a0d9b, *M : Only 6 and a half hours left to go. \o/
[04-00:36] 13978, •Rob : Oh good, 'thought I might have missed it ^_^
[04-00:37] a0d9b, *M : Hehe... Nope. *g* Thankee
[04-00:38] 13978, •Rob : 'Welcome ^_^
[04-00:41] 98e32, šV : ?
[04-00:41] a0d9b, *M : *ponders*
[04-00:42] a0d9b, *M : *cough* Nothing... nothing... *pats V* You can go about your business. *EG*
[04-00:43] 13978, •Rob : Hehehehehe..
[04-00:44] a0d9b, *M : *nudges V* Politics. Hehe. *goes back to pondering*
[04-00:45] 98e32, šV : ????
[04-00:45] a0d9b, *M : Oh. I've confused him. W00t \o/
[04-00:48] a0d9b, *M : \o/
[04-00:51] a0d9b, *M : Oi. I've not gotten a horoscope for day yet. That's disappointing.
[04-00:53] a0d9b, *M : *killed the chat* Oh, there's a surprise.
[04-00:54] a0d9b, *M : *mutters*
[04-01:03]       M is away. Reason: Um. Isn't it obvious?
[04-01:20] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey I'm here
[04-01:46] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[04-01:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I saw you stone
[04-01:57] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-01:57] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: ....
[04-01:58] e380a, *Stoneneedle : No you didn't.
[04-02:01] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-02:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I just did
[04-02:08] JOIN: L has entered.
[04-02:09] 75e95, 'L: ...
[04-02:10] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hey Leigh
[04-02:10] 75e95, 'L: *drags all the people out of lurking by their tails* 'lo Justin. *really in the mood to rp*
[04-02:11] EXIT: L has left the chat ( Quit ).
[04-02:11] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Hehe, the Devils lost to the Bruins....
[04-02:11] JOIN: L has entered.
[04-02:11] e4f0d, •Rob: *Isn't lurking, is, um, loitering*
[04-02:12] 75e95, 'L: *ka-thwack* And suddenly, I'm reminded of why I never come here anymore.
[04-02:12] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Huh?
[04-02:13] 75e95, 'L: Harrumpf. *curls up on her throne, the one thing that hasn't changed in all these moths*
[04-02:13] 75e95, 'L: months*
[04-02:13] e380a, *Stoneneedle : L: me too.
[04-02:14] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm confused. What the hell is going on?
[04-02:16] e380a, *Stoneneedle : We're all conspiring against you, Justin.
[04-02:16] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-02:17] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I knew it, so who wants to RP?
[04-02:17] 75e95, 'L: *cries softly* I want rp... *begins a search for one*
[04-02:18] e380a, *Stoneneedle : bwah. *will go IC, then*
[04-02:19] 9f396, Corteme: ((I can, no I will RP)
[04-02:19] e4f0d, •Rob : *Would go IC, but one of his chacters is missing, and the other would be attacked on sight*
[04-02:20] 75e95, 'L: Bring in Wedge...what can they do to stop you?
[04-02:20] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : *all the idiot mines are probably dead by now, the Ne'kressis having disappeared from the NR or whatever, Kliv steps in...dark cloak wrapped around him as he moves for the bar*waterr...
[04-02:21] e4f0d, •Rob : Er, throw me out of the rp?
[04-02:22] 9f396, Corteme: ((Wait, what happened Stone? Explain on IM if it's too much for the chat.))
[04-02:22] 9f396, Corteme: ((Wait, what happened Stone? Explain on IM if it's too much for the chat.))
[04-02:22] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((Absolutely nothign has happened, that's my fking point.))
[04-02:22] a0d9b, *M : heh
[04-02:23] 75e95, 'L: What rp?
[04-02:23] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((If actual chaos has happened at Corellia for a while, all the mines would have been exhausted by's insane.))
[04-02:24] e4f0d, •Rob : Unless Misty is sober enough to rp with me? :P
[04-02:25] 9f396, Corteme: ((*is a Black Sun agent*)) {steps in, a 17 year old human male with a standard issue Imperial blaster rifle at his left hip and a data pad on his right. He is dressed in normal clothing.}
[04-02:25] a0d9b, *M : I'm sober, but I'm about to step out. And since when did an RP revolve around one thing? Like an alien race, for example? "You decide your own level of involvement." But that's just meh. Call me delusional. :P
[04-02:26] e4f0d, •Rob : Er, this rp?*gestures around*
[04-02:26] 75e95, 'L: Delusional!
[04-02:26] a0d9b, *M : *is delusional* WOOHOO
[04-02:27] e4f0d, •Rob : *Chuckles*'Kay then.
[04-02:27] a0d9b, *M : hehe
[04-02:27] 75e95, 'L: Enjoy the rest of your...special day. *nod*
[04-02:28] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((Everything has to be approved by the admins now...))
[04-02:28] a0d9b, *M : *G* Thank you, L. :)
[04-02:29] a0d9b, *M : I. Hate. This. Effing. Brush. *grr*
[04-02:29] 9f396, Corteme: ((Boy, this is turning into Star-Net all over again.))
[04-02:29] 75e95, 'L: *nod*
[04-02:29] 75e95, 'L: Star-net had rping going on.
[04-02:30] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((FS, SN had a lot of great RPs Justin.))
[04-02:30] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-02:31] 9f396, Corteme: ((I mean the approvation by the admins.))
[04-02:32] a0d9b, *M : Well, there isn't a whole lot that has to be approved by this admin... unless it has to do with the Nekkies. As long as it's within reason, you can do it.
[04-02:32] JOIN: Sarn has entered.
[04-02:32] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((there wasn't any admins. The major issues were of character registration...))
[04-02:33] 63a58, *Sarn: *Shimmers to life*
[04-02:33] 75e95, 'L: *yawn* 'lo Sarn.
[04-02:33] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((LTNS, Sarn.))
[04-02:33] 63a58, *Sarn: Hi everybody
[04-02:34] 75e95, 'L: He stole my shimmer...
[04-02:34] e4f0d, •Rob : 'Ey Sarn ^_^
[04-02:34] 63a58, *Sarn: LTNS, Hey Bobbo!
[04-02:34] a0d9b, *M : I know.. Nothing's sacred. Hehe
[04-02:36] 75e95, 'L: Heh.
[04-02:37] 9f396, Corteme: ((You know, this RPing thing isn't working))
[04-02:38] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((scratch IC posts in the 'tina))
[04-02:39] a0d9b, *M : Anyhoo. *patters off*
[04-02:41] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You know, when someone says they want to RP then someone says they'll do it with them then, then the first person should go IC and not just the second.
[04-02:41] e380a, *General Kliv : ((Sarn: ready?))
[04-02:42] 75e95, 'L: *did not agree to go ic with Justin*
[04-02:44] 63a58, *High Admiral Zarin : *3 dagger shaped Imperial Class Star Destoryers drop out of hyperspace near Corellia, soon followed by 4 smaller, Victory Star Destroyers*
[04-02:44] 75e95, *Samantha Louryn: *Strolls in, glancing about slowly with her molten red eyes. Pauses at the top of the steps just long enough to let an audible sigh from her painted lips*
[04-02:44] 61267, •Rob : Boooo! Hissss!
[04-02:44] 75e95, *Samantha Louryn: ((Gwar. First my shimmer, then my colour...))
[04-02:45] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Zarin's is darker
[04-02:46] 75e95, *Samantha Louryn : ((By a fraction. *shrug, doesn't really care*))
[04-02:46] a0d9b, *M : ROFL
[04-02:46] a0d9b, *M : Poor L. Hehe. Anyway *gone now*
[04-02:47] 61267, •Rob : Buh bye Misty ^_^
[04-02:47] 75e95, *Samantha Louryn : ((*pitied...feels better now*)) *Moves to the bar and motions Wuher on over*
[04-02:47] e380a, *General Kliv : *Kliv frowns from the bridge of the Nebulon-B frigate Equinox, staring at the ships darkly*...eet startss...
[04-02:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Boy does this suck
[04-02:58] 75e95, 'L: It really does. *disappears*
[04-02:58]       L was here
[04-02:58] EXIT: L has left the chat ( Quit ).
[04-03:02] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-03:04] 61267, •Rob : ...what happend to Sarn...?
[04-03:04] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((He said he'd be back in a few minutes...))
[04-03:04] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : ((there he is.))
[04-03:05] JOIN: High Admiral Zarin has entered.
[04-03:06] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Stands aboard the bridge of the ISD Revenge..sensor officer calls out*'Sir, we have one Nebulon Frigate in the immdeate area..'
[04-03:07] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-03:08] e380a, *Jekek Kliv : *the frigate is accompanied by a huge host of other NR rescue vessels as well as the shipyards....Corellia probably having a superior NR navy there for now*
[04-03:09] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *flicks on the comm unit*All ships open fire, repeat open fire, Troop transports launch, fighter squads launch
[04-03:11] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The large ships open fire on the NR fleet, the fighters launching before the troop ships, moving in to also engage the NR fleet*
[04-03:12] e380a, *General Kliv : ((oops...*eyes handle and switches to 'General'*))*Kliv leaves the bridge, moving into a large ground vehicle in the docking bay that is lifted out of there by a Corellian Heavy Lifter shuttle...the ship moves in towards the planet, making it's landing in the heart of Coronet, Corellia's capital*
[04-03:13] JOIN: Kua Nomi has entered.
[04-03:14] e380a, *General Kliv : *The NR ships return fire, the sizeable force-whatever it is, moving in to close with the Directorate ships..*
[04-03:15] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Under the cover of the raging battle, a convoy of troop transports and drop ships luanch heading into the planetary atmposphere*
[04-03:16] e380a, *General Kliv : *the lifter lifts off, leaving the capital city of Coronet...the TR-MB(mobile command base) deploying and moving out with a sizeable contingent of NR forces stationed there to organize a defense*
[04-03:18] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The convoy sets down a few kilometers outside of Coronet nestled into the hills of Corelia, they begin to unload the troops and equipment*
[04-03:20] e380a, *General Kliv : *Kliv sits himself down in a command chair and brings a BHCI interface online, giving him a holographic display of his troops as they move outside of the city and towards the imperial's landing site-in the general direction*
[04-03:21] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[04-03:22] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Begins to slowly draw the battle away from the planet, towards the planetary shadow..orders two VSD's to stay in the thick, incase the NR attacks too soon*
[04-03:23] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : VSD group, launch your missle attack on the city..*The VSD's 80 missle launchers come to life as they each fire off 80 missles apiece on the city of Coronet*
[04-03:24] e380a, *General Kliv : *the ground forces continue to move towards their destination, a few scanner-jammers using their point scanners in an attempt to spot out a few targets before they arrive*
[04-03:26] e380a, *General Kliv : *The missiles of the VSDs would give out the location of the ships to the NR forces, thus they move towards them*
[04-03:27] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Continues to draw the NR fleet further and further away from Corellia, then, 2 VSD's and 2 ISD's disapear with the white flare of hypedrive engines, the Revenge disapearing along with the group*
[04-03:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *ponders this RP* I don't get it
[04-03:30] 61267, •Rob : *pic test, ignore*
[04-03:31] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: it's broken Rob
[04-03:31] e380a, *General Kliv : *Coronet is being pounded by missiles, several buildings going up in flame-people running for cover, and the like....the ground forces reach the mountains where the Directorate forces are*
[04-03:31] 61267, •Rob : I know, I just wanted to see if it displayed flash animations.
[04-03:36] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The Directorate forces have since set up a staionary command base, and set up there ground forces*
[04-03:40] e380a, *General Kliv : *the forces move in upon the imperials, the TR-MB and five attack tanks hanging back, several hover transports and hover tanks moving in towards the command base*
[04-03:41] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The 3 AT-AT's and 10 AT-ST
[04-03:41] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Dang enter key))
[04-03:42] 61267, •Rob : *Ponders bringing a pilot char in*
[04-03:43] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The 3 AT-AT's, 10 AT-ST's begin to open fire on the approaching hover transports and tanks that are advancing on the base, his foot soldiers moving to the outside of the front line*
[04-03:45] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Next, the mobile artillery units begin to open fire on the advancing units*
[04-03:45] JOIN: Stoneneedle has entered.
[04-03:47] e380a, *General Kliv : *the hover tanks, designed to be anti-infantry, start cutting down the stormies as though they were nothing, two hover transports running recklessly up to an AT-AT and unloading the deadly infiltrator, a trooper that runs up to the AT-AT and attempts to take it over*
[04-03:48] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *the Ground Forces open fire, moving back behind the AT-AT's and mobile artillerys, to protect them, and keep safe from the hover tanks, while the AT-ST's advance on them*
[04-03:52] e380a, *General Kliv : *two hover tanks go up in smoke and flame, the infiltrators continuing to use devices to get up and into the mammoth walkers and capture them*
[04-03:54] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[04-03:55] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The crew of on AT-AT reports that it is being boarded, then the comm goes into stactic as the walker is captured by enemy forces*
[04-03:56] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-03:56] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *a young woman in a sand-colored duster with the hood up walks in, a light blue tank top visible under the cloth... her light eyes glance around the cantina for a moment, taking in more than they seem to*
[04-03:57] JOIN: KnightLance has entered.
[04-03:58] e380a, *General Kliv : *the renegade AT-AT turns on the other forces, blasting at the nearest AT-AT to take it by surprise*
[04-03:59] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *While the rogue walker turns on the other, the remaining one in turn blasts this one*
[04-04:00] af92b, *KnightLance : *sits at the bar, his hood drawn up covering his face and his presense being hidden in the force**smiles when he senses Siera*
[04-04:01] e380a, *General Kliv : ((Corellia RP is using a lot of NPCs, anyone feel free to take up the positions...just state what your character does, what faction, and try to keep the number of playing chars even for the two factions(such as not all NR ppl) ))
[04-04:01] af92b, *KnightLance : *wonders how long he could trick her this time*
[04-04:02] e380a, *General Kliv : *having enough position info now, the attack tanks spring into action, moving away from the TR-MB as they fire long range torpedoes at one of the AT-ATs as cover for the infiltrator-captured one, the Rebel AT-AT keeping a steady volley on the remaining imperial AT-AT*
[04-04:02] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *slowly heads down the steps to the bar, feeling eyes watching her and starting to creep her out... *
[04-04:05] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The Imp AT-AT is unrelentless, continues to fire, while AT-AA's move into position to intercept the incoming torpedoes*
[04-04:05] af92b, *KnightLance : *looks back at his water and takes a sip*
[04-04:06] e380a, *General Kliv : ((AT-AAs can't kill torpedoes...))
[04-04:06] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Well torpedoes aren't alive to begin with....))
[04-04:06] JOIN: Loki Firestorm has entered.
[04-04:07] JOIN: Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe has entered.
[04-04:07] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Hmm, OK))
[04-04:07] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *steps up to the bar and orders a glass of juice, slipping a few credits across the table to pay for it, keeping the ring on her finger hidden beneath her sleeve so scavengers don't get any ideas of mugging her...*
[04-04:08] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : *A tall, dark, figure moves into the cantina, covered by flowing black robes, two lightsaber hilts softly buckling against his robes as he moves.*
[04-04:08] e380a, *General Kliv : ((Make ya a deal Sarny, I'll let you destroy my AT-AT if you let me torpedo to death one of yours...leaving one remaining for you))
[04-04:09] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Look! It's Loki Shitstorm!))
[04-04:09] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Okay, people, be nice now...))
[04-04:09] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The remaining AT-AT goes up in a titanic explosion, the torpedoes tearing it apart*
[04-04:09] af92b, *KnightLance : *turns his head looking towards Loki*
[04-04:09] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : (( Hello, Justin. ))
[04-04:09] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Die KJ))
[04-04:10] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Where the hell have you been Loki? I missed beating up on people.))
[04-04:10] 61267, •Rob : Justin, be nice.
[04-04:10] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *turns sideways against the bar, her eyes flicking towards the newcomer in a black cloak as she starts to feel uneasy*
[04-04:10] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *stumbles slightly into the Cantina then straightens up**dusts himself off and takes off the scarf covering his face form the haarsh effects of the sand*
[04-04:10] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*hugs for Robberroo*))
[04-04:10] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Nice....nice....nice....nope, doesn't ring a bell.))
[04-04:11] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Not remaining, 3rd :) ))
[04-04:11] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : *Glances to KnightLance as well, smirking, though giving a nod.* (( Around I suppose, football season just ended, so I've got more time now. ))
[04-04:11] e380a, *General Kliv : *The infiltrators give an overwhelming amount of damage reports to Kliv, then are silenced as Sarn's AT-AT blows through the Rebel AT-AT....leaving the remaining hover transports and tanks to attack...the attack tanks moving in to fire with their main cannons upon the AT-STs*
[04-04:11] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her face softens slightly as she notices a friendly face enter*
[04-04:12] af92b, *KnightLance : *gives a slight nod back*
[04-04:12] 61267, •Rob : *Hugs Kj ^_^*
[04-04:12] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((4 to zip, D-Backs.))
[04-04:12] JOIN: Mavei has entered.
[04-04:12] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((4 to zip, D-Backs.))
[04-04:12] af92b, *KnightLance : *forgets it and pulls down his hood*
[04-04:13] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *glances around the cantina, then makes his way down to the bar, smiling at Siera*
[04-04:13] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : *Keeps his head bowed as he slowly strides to the cantina bar.*
[04-04:13] e380a, *General Kliv : we need reinforcemenntss...thee eemperialss havve superior ground forces...*Kliv taps a few keys*heavy leefter, requessteeng an airfield....*the lifter gets on it immediately, preparing to land an airfield just south of the TR-MB*
[04-04:13] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The AT-ST's spread out so the tanks and transports have to pick individual things to attack, while the mobile artillery units open fire on the tanks, the troopers digging in and opening fire from natural cover*
[04-04:13] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *thinks it figures that the two hooded people would know each other... *looks to Wolfe as he approaches and smiles* Hey, long time no see, Jeffrey....
[04-04:14] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : (( Heh. ))
[04-04:14] MSG: Loki Firestorm sent a message to Knightlance.
[04-04:14] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : long time no see
[04-04:15] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *S*how are you?
[04-04:15] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : How are you doing? *takes a sip of her juice*
[04-04:15] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : I'm pretty good...
[04-04:15] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : just fine...*orders a WR*
[04-04:16] MSG: KnightLance sent a message to Loki Firestorm.
[04-04:16] af92b, *KnightLance : *watches Siera and Wolfe*
[04-04:16] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Good... hey, did you hear that Lance and I are getting married?
[04-04:17] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((brb))
[04-04:17] af92b, *KnightLance : *smiles* that we are...
[04-04:17] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *S*congratulations!
[04-04:17] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-04:18] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *whirls around, looking for the source of Lance's voice! You!!! *looks for something to hit him over the head with, but comes up short* You'e been here all along... *turns red*
[04-04:19] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((That's a "You've", even))
[04-04:19] af92b, *KnightLance : *L*
[04-04:19] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : *Glances over to KnightLance at the mention of him getting married.*
[04-04:19] e380a, *General Kliv : *the NR ground forces begin to get pounded, the airfield landing after what seems an eternity..two attack tanks go up in flames, as well as another hover tank....the hover transports speeding about and delivering a few infiltrators here and there in attempts to take over the AT-STs(AT-ATs, AT-STs are the only mobile units infiltrators can take over btw)*
[04-04:19] 1140a, *Mavei : ((Hm...))
[04-04:19] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *L lightly**shakes his head*
[04-04:19] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *A single X-Wing, the lone surviror of it's squadron, streaks down through the upper atmosphere towards the raging ground battle*
[04-04:20] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The troopers, now aware of this tactic pick off the infiltrators on their way to the walkers and as they try to take them over*
[04-04:20] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *glares at his laughing* You did that on purpose, and you even masked your Force presence... ooh, you're gonna get it, as soon as I figure out some way to get you back...
[04-04:21] af92b, *KnightLance : *smiles at her* Awww come on. It was just a joke
[04-04:21] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((oops... I hit the undo button... *looks for a redo button*))
[04-04:21] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *listens to the couple fighting and then turns back to his drink*
[04-04:21] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *Still feeling the adreniline rush of surviving his first real dogfight, he grips the flightstick with sweaty palms and watches the rangefinder steadily count down*
[04-04:21] e380a, *General Kliv : *several infiltrators are cut down in the stormtrooper fire, but the hover transports move in as close as they can and deploy their payload of the clever tandem with this tactic, the hover tanks open cover fire on the stormies for the infiltrators*
[04-04:22] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*is back*))
[04-04:22] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *narrows her eyes, then laughs and shakes her head*
[04-04:23] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {a squad of Y-Wings come from orbit, loaded with bombs, however, they appear to set in a protection formation around a ship that is unseeable due to their formation}
[04-04:24] fd313, *Loki Firestorm : *Closes his eyes, relaxing at the bar for a few moments.*
[04-04:24] e380a, *General Kliv : ((c'mon everyone, join the party...imperial directorate chars are still needed...))
[04-04:25] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *suddenly gets a call on his comlink and picks it up**listens to it for several seconds then grabs his stuff**heads out the door for his X-Wing*
[04-04:25] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *glances at Wolfe's rushed exit* Hey, wait... *blinks*
[04-04:26] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {the squad is moving as fast as it can, still protecting that ship, heading for the ID base}
[04-04:26] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *With a short crackle of static, he switches to an open channel*This is flight cadet G'mor offering assistance.
[04-04:26] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *rushes up the ladder while his crew is still getting it ready and takes off as soon as possible*
[04-04:27] af92b, *KnightLance : *looks at Wolfe leave* hmmm...
[04-04:27] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *hears the call and seeing the flight cadet he also calls*Flight Cadet, join in tight formation
[04-04:28] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *rowns slightly, reaching out through the Force* I think... I think something is going on... a battle or something.
[04-04:28] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((frowns, even))
[04-04:28] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The AT-AA's move into position to take on the Y-wing squadron, the troopers moving back, finding cover from the hover crafts*
[04-04:29] e380a, *General Kliv : whoa Irrseeneeg, back yorr Y-wingss off unteel we can get those AT-AAs out off there...
[04-04:29] af92b, *KnightLance : *nods* I can sense it...
[04-04:29] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {the Y-Wings don't budge, their shields taking a pounding and one blows up, revealing a wing} I have it under control Kliv, I will take care of them myself.
[04-04:29] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *looks at him* Do you think there's anything we can do?
[04-04:30] e380a, *General Kliv : *comm to Irrsinnig, btw...some lieutenant answers G'mor's call by telling him to attack some of the AT-STs*
[04-04:30] e380a, *General Kliv : negateev, Gerrade-back eet off...*his voice growing annoyed*
[04-04:31] af92b, *KnightLance : *frowns* if Colonel there left it must be a space battle...
[04-04:31] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *A squadron of V-40's appear from thin air, screaming into atmopsphere launching missles into the NR battle group*
[04-04:31] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *blasts by over the rebel lines and moves in towards the AT-ATs, already arming one of his proton torpedoes, throwing his ships in to tight rolls as lasers come at him*
[04-04:32] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *nods slowly* I don't hear anything, so it must be a ways off or not in the atmosphere...
[04-04:32] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {flicks his comm off, ignoring Kliv now, because he has it under control} {the Y-Wings break formation to engage the V-40s, reavealing the ship they were once protecting, an unmaned B-Wing with nothing but explosives attached to it, behind the B-Wing is his own X-Wing, remote piloting the B-Wing}
[04-04:32] 61267, Solis Gīmor: Copy that, 'Setting up for my attack run.*He reaches up, keying his S-foil servo activator*
[04-04:32] af92b, *KnightLance : *nods*
[04-04:33] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Should we stay here?
[04-04:33] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The V-40's easily evade the slow Y-wings, hacking into the squadron*
[04-04:33] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *launches off two proton topedoes at one of the AT-ATs but doesn't get to see what damage he does*
[04-04:34] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : General Kliv, this is Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe, give me a target...
[04-04:34] e380a, *General Kliv : dammeet Gerade, Y-wingss are meant for attacking ground troops!*because of the Y-wings deciding not to give Kliv's ground guys some cover, several more vehicles go up in smoke and flame...his forces thinning considerably....*
[04-04:34] af92b, *KnightLance : I think it would be best...
[04-04:35] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *One V-40 breaks and shots down the torps, they blow up in air with an ear-splitting explosion*
[04-04:35] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Probably... *glances around the rest of the place for a moment, thoughtfully*
[04-04:35] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He flick his eyes to his scanners for a moment anf frown slightly as a group of red blips close in on the Y-wing group several tens of kilometers away**He frowns slightly and takes a deep breath as he flicks cannons to single fire and prepares himself the the first strafing run*
[04-04:35] e380a, *General Kliv : *answering Wolfe*attack thee remainneeng AT-AT walkerr...
[04-04:36] af92b, *KnightLance : you ok?
[04-04:36] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her eyes move back to his* Yeah... just distracted I guess...
[04-04:36] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Two V-40's break off and began to attack Wolfe's X-wing, the rest continuing to attack the Y-wings*
[04-04:37] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {sends the B-Wing screaming into the middle of the base, even if it were shot down, the explosion would be enough to destroy about a third of the base, then Y-Wings go to protecting the ground troops}
[04-04:38] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The group of the battle is now away from the base, when the B-wing impacts, creating another colossel explsion*
[04-04:38] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *see's the two fighters moving to attack him**turns toward them and radios*need support...
[04-04:38] af92b, *KnightLance : *nods*
[04-04:39] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He swoops in low behind the Directorate lines and squeezes the trigger, raining fire down on the troops below then quickly pull up while twisting to port to avoid a lock-on*
[04-04:40] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {switches his comm back on and heads off to take on those gay little V-40s}
[04-04:40] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *the fighters open fire on Wolfe's X-wing, while his ground troops hug the ground, the laser fire doing no more than scaring some, and annoying others*
[04-04:40] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : How are you, Lance? *looks up at him, tilting her head to one side, trying to read his expression*
[04-04:41] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {should note that the gay little V-40s are the one's attacking Wolfe}
[04-04:42] af92b, *KnightLance : *he just smiles at her and sits back down on a stool* I'm doing
[04-04:42] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *jinks and jukes, firing back at the V-40's knowing that he can defeat them*
[04-04:43] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Only 2 little gay V-40's are attacking Wolfe, while the rest of the Gay V-40's finish off the Y-wing Squadron and move on to finish off the rest of the NR Air craft*
[04-04:43] e380a, *General Kliv : *the NR infiltrators have by now commandeered 4 AT-STs, immediately feeding the info to the other fighters and ground units in the area so they won't be attacked...the AT-STs start going after the AT-AT*
[04-04:43] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *leans back against the bar next to him, between two stools* I'm okay... *pauses for a moment* Is it okay to be nervous?
[04-04:43] 61267, Solis Gīmor: that I've got their attention*He pulls into a long loop and switches to torps. On the downside of the loop he drops the crosshair onto one of the untouched At-st, pauses for a positive lock and taps the trigger, sending a torpedo streaking down towards it before pulling up again*
[04-04:44] af92b, *KnightLance : Of course. From what I know almost everyone is before they are married
[04-04:44] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *2 V-40's swoop off to attack Solis' X-wing, shooting his torps outof the air on the way*
[04-04:45] JOIN: L has entered.
[04-04:45] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {blasts away at the two V-40's behind Wolfe, should obliterate them from the sky} Solis, Wolfe, form up behind me, we're taking out that AT-AT.
[04-04:45] 60426, šForexs : Go the empire, go the empire!
[04-04:45] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Okay, I just... I don't know much about marriage except what I observed from my parents before they... well...
[04-04:45] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : roger, inbound...*moves in behind Gerade*
[04-04:45] e380a, *General Kliv : ((AT-STs pre-approved on IM, btw))
[04-04:46] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *Loading another torpedo, he dips his fighters nose towards the remaining At-At, switches to double fire, doesnt' bother waiting for a lock and releases both torpedos at the At-At's broad side*I'm way ahead of you Sir.
[04-04:46] e380a, *General Kliv : *he nods to G'mor*nice worrk...
[04-04:47] af92b, *KnightLance : *looks at her* Hey, it's going to be fine. I promise you. I love you, Siera...I always will
[04-04:47] f9b53, 'L: 'lo people. *disappears again*
[04-04:47] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The first V-40 of the battle begins to careen towards the planet, crash landing into Correllia, the remaning 11 swoop in behind the 3 fighters, opening fire**The AT-AT explodes with an ear splitting boom and a good fireworks display*
[04-04:48] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He grimaces as fire slpashes over his rear shields, rolling onto his port S-foil he snaps to the left, evading further fire*Sithspit..
[04-04:49] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *her hand closest to him moves to him arm* I know, Lance, and you're everything to me, I know this is right, I just don't want to mess stuff up because of not knowing about something or another...
[04-04:49] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : Excellent work, now let's get those V-40s. {swoops in behind G'mor and opens fire on the V-40s behind him}
[04-04:49] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *several shots burn into his rear shields**he grimaces and rolls in to a loop, coming out behind the V-40s and loosing 3 torpedoes at 3 different fighters before breaking away*
[04-04:50] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((that's HIS arm.. gah, I'm tired or something))
[04-04:50] 60426, šForexs : *eats popcorn and watches the show*
[04-04:50] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*prods Cay*))
[04-04:51] af92b, *KnightLance : *smiles* things are going to be'll see.
[04-04:51] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*accidenly bumps into Cay and spills his popcorn* did I do that?))
[04-04:51] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The ships shimmers and disapear from sight*
[04-04:51] 61267, Solis Gīmor: Thanks Colonel, good shooting Sir.*He leaves out a breath of relief and brings his fighter around to target one of the enemy fighters. He swithes back to lasers and selects quad fire. He lits the crosshair drift over the nearest one and double presses the trigger*
[04-04:52] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *his smile cheers her up, as usual* Yeah, you're right... *drops her hand* I don't know why I'm so scared and nervous, it's silly...
[04-04:53] af92b, *KnightLance : Siera, I would be lying to you if I said that I was not a bit nervous as well...but I know in my heart that things will work out.
[04-04:54] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He watches the V-40 drop out of the sky and smash into the rocky ground*..Give my regards to Palpitine.
[04-04:55] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *nods slowly* I believe you... gosh, it's hard, waiting... *her eyes widen as she remembers something* Oh! I have to get you a birthday present... what do you want for your birthday?
[04-04:56] af92b, *KnightLance : *chuckles* I already have what I want...*kisses her cheek*
[04-04:56] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *Satisfied, he closes his S-foils to cruising positions and boots all laser energy to shields*
[04-04:56] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *From what seems out of thin air, all 3 of the X-wing's suddenly have 2 missles each fired at them from .45 clicks behind them*
[04-04:56] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*needs caffeine... desperately... checks the vending machine outside the door to her room to see if there's any Code Red Dew left*))
[04-04:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *blushes and smiles, lowering her gaze for a moment, then looking up into his eyes* I still have to get you something... something special.
[04-04:58] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *he gets the warning, but too late**he jukes in time to make on missle miss but the other hits and penetrates his already sligthly weakened sheilds**two engines fail and his X-wing starts to limp*
[04-04:58] e503c, *General Kliv : ((stupid computer))*Kliv puts in an order to Coronet-five hover tanks to rush to the battle and help deal with the increasing air attacks...*
[04-04:58] af92b, *KnightLance : You really don't have to get me anything
[04-04:58] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He lets out a yell of utter suprise as he shields overload and fill his cockpit with sparks, he sends his fighter into a near frantic spin*
[04-04:58] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {cuts all power to engines and heads for a tall mountain, trying to out run the missle}
[04-04:59] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((missles))
[04-04:59] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Woohoo! There was some Code Red left! *chugs*))
[04-05:00] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *The other missile steaks past, thanks to the sudden manouver and he inverts his fighter, pointing it streight down. He dives towards the ground at breakneak speed*
[04-05:00] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Laser fire seems to just appear and rian down on the wounded ships, and the defending ship*
[04-05:00] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *being over Deep NR territory he bails out and lands safelyon the ground, watching with grim satisfaction as his X-Wing crashes in Imperial territory*
[04-05:01] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Of course I do! I want to. I'd give you everything if you asked. *smiles softly*
[04-05:01] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {pulls up the last moment, so close that the bottom of his ship scrapes against the mountain slightly, the missles slam into the mountain, unable to keep up} {diverts power back evenly into all systems}
[04-05:01] af92b, *KnightLance : *smiles* well....I have no clue as to what I why don't you surprise me?
[04-05:02] da6c6, *Kragressis : *A shadowy form suddenly flickers into life onboard the bridge upon the infested holoprojector* High admiral....
[04-05:02] 61267, Solis Gīmor: Mayday! Mayday! 'under attack by unkown source! Suspect Tie Phantoms!*He pulls up, with mere feet to spare and the trailing missile smashes into the ground behind him*
[04-05:02] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *looks down to check himself out and notices a deep cut in his flight suit at chest level, then realizes how close he was to death*
[04-05:02] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins* Sounds good. How old are you going to be? I forgot... are we going to be 19 or 20?
[04-05:03] e503c, *General Kliv : ((*plays dark, scary music for V*))
[04-05:03] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The Phantom ships are un-relentless in their attack on the remaning two X-wings a storm of green laser fire filling the sky*
[04-05:03] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*plays happy, uplifting music for V, just to change the mood*))
[04-05:03] MSG: Forexs sent a message to Kragressis.
[04-05:04] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Straigtens up coming to attention*Yes M'lord.
[04-05:04] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((Kliv:where are you right now?
[04-05:04] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ))
[04-05:05] af92b, *KnightLance : *flashes a grin* well...I'm really supposed to be turning 13 but we will forget about that. I'm turning...20...*chuckles* that just sounds strange
[04-05:05] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He weaves from side to side, pulls up and dips is compleatly random patterns, trying everything to throw off his unseen attackers*
[04-05:05] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*plays a funeral march for V because he never talks to her anymore*))
[04-05:05] JOIN: Ariana Lyslio has entered.
[04-05:05] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {blasts into thing air, hoping to hit the phantom ships as he flies in random patterns, throwing off the phantoms' pilots}
[04-05:05] e503c, *General Kliv : *the hover tanks arrive, anti-air fire spewing from their AA cannons at the phantom TIEs-don't even think about an imperial cloaking device, ph34r the CGT*
[04-05:06] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *laughs* Well, I got all messed up with that Ne'kressis stuff, so I guess I could be turning 20 two days after you, even though I'm supposed to be 10 I think. *shakes her head*
[04-05:06] e503c, *General Kliv : ((I'm at the TR-MB..go there if you're EV))
[04-05:06] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *For a second time, a salvo of missles streak out at each ship, as one of the phantoms shimmers back into view as it is hit by one of the anti-aircraft guns*
[04-05:07] da6c6, *Kragressis : Phase II of the assualt is to commence in 5...4...3....2...1..... *in a blink of an eye, the Kraiken command ship of the Nekressis Imperium unphases at the edge of the Corellia system surrounded by over twenty other much smaller capital ships. A small task force of three Shalein cruisers cover four other knobbly shaped vessels in orbit of Corellia. In sheer horror - the strange vessels begin to break up into pieces falling down towards the planet*
[04-05:08] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((The hell are you doing V? Sending big chunks of shrapnel down onto the planet?))
[04-05:08] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *after declining medical help, he asks a nearby colonel where Kliv is and makes his way to the TR-MB*
[04-05:08] e503c, *General Kliv : ((AHHHHHHHH ITS V!!!!!!!and he's killing all of m3h precious forces))
[04-05:09] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*roots for V cause she thinks he's a good RPer even if he hates her*))
[04-05:09] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *this time he's ready for an attack and waits until the missiles are about to hit him, suddenly cuts to 60% throttle, pulls up and opens to 100% again. He switches all laser power to engines, giving his ship a 20% speed boost*..If I can't outmanouver them, maybe I can outrun 'em.
[04-05:09] da6c6, *Kragressis : *The shalein cruisers launch their "gnats" of fighters as they harass the NR limited air forces - not engaging full force but covering the "debris"'s decent*
[04-05:10] af92b, *KnightLance : *nods* it's so strange...
[04-05:10] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : It's kind of depressing knowing I missed out on half of my life.
[04-05:11] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {brakes, just flat out stops, and then punches it and dips, the missles flieing over head, he spins around and heads back where he hopes the Phantoms are and guns it, hoping the missles will collide with the phantoms}
[04-05:12] af92b, *KnightLance : It is to me as well....but at least I'm not looked at as just a little kid that can be pushed around anymore
[04-05:12] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *Out of nowhere, a missle is fired at Gerade, almost down his throat from point blank range*
[04-05:13] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Yeah, I know what you mean. I don't think we would have survived everything if we were still kids. I suppose it's all worked out for the best. We're alive, and we're going to get married, and I'd trade that for 10 years of childhood all over again if I had to make the choice.
[04-05:14] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He frowns sligthly as he notices he's strayed some 60km from the battlefield*
[04-05:15] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The missles chasing Solis final explode, he having evaded them long enough*
[04-05:15] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *stands to attention and salutes Kliv when he arrives*sir..
[04-05:16] af92b, *KnightLance : *smiles* as would I...
[04-05:16] e503c, *General Kliv : *he looks over the BHCI screen grimly as the Ne'kressis forces arrive, nodding to Wolfe*Colonel...*he lets out a sigh*
[04-05:17] JOIN: Siera Vessler has entered.
[04-05:17] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {screw it, ejects from the x-wing and waits till the very last moment to pull his parachute so he can hide in the explosion of his X-wing, then activates the distress signal} ((Well that didn't work.))
[04-05:18] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *looks at the screen in horror*sir...what is happening?
[04-05:18] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *smiles up at him and moves in front of him, slowly reaching up to clasp her hands behind his neck, gazing at him fondly for a long moment*
[04-05:18] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *The fighters then begin to launch missle attacks against anti-aircraft forces*
[04-05:18] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He checks his torpedo count. Three left**He frowns slightly and opens his com again*Cadet G'mor, requesting orders. Be advised, possibly enemy fighter in close persuit.
[04-05:19] e503c, *General Kliv : sit tight, Colonel, right noww I'm tryeeng to save yorr @$$' thee ground and air forces...*Kliv dispatches a hover transport to pick up Irrsinnig*
[04-05:20] af92b, *KnightLance : *gazes back down at her and smiles* So what do you want for your birthday? Yours is just 3 days after mine...
[04-05:20] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {comms to G'mor} Tell Kliv to get a rescue crew out here for me, I'm stuck on the planet, I was shto down.
[04-05:21] e503c, *General Kliv : *he sends a personal comm to Irrsinnig*eef yo had followed my orderrss, Y-wings may havve steell been eentact....I'm senndeeng a transport to get yo out off therre, but donn't expect a warm welcomme....
[04-05:21] 61267, Solis Gīmor: Roger that. Additional, Man down, needs assistance, coordinates enclosed.*He keys the cords into his keypand and trasmits them to HQ*
[04-05:21] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : sir...with your permission I need to go to the Cantina in Mos Eisley...I have friends there and I need to make sure they are ok...I will keep my comlink on...message when you need me...
[04-05:22] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {mutters a few choice words about not being briefed properly}
[04-05:23] e503c, *General Kliv : ((Wolfe this is Corellia...))
[04-05:23] e503c, *General Kliv : ((halfway across the galaxy.))
[04-05:23] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((*confused up*))
[04-05:24] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He pulls back on the throttle slightly, slowing to 80%*R4, prepare a topedo to explode with a two second time delay and negitive thrust.*The astromech beeps an afermitive and complies*
[04-05:24] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *grins up at him* How about... hmmm... something thoughtful? It doesn't have to be anything expensive or anything... even just spending time with you is a good enough birthday present for me... *smiles*
[04-05:24] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((screw it))
[04-05:24] e503c, *General Kliv : ((Don't be confused, it's Corellia...that's all.))
[04-05:24] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {plots}
[04-05:25] af92b, *KnightLance : *smiles back* I think I know the perfect gift...
[04-05:25] e503c, *General Kliv : *the transport pulls up to Irrsinnig, the hatch opening and the transport pilot giving him a friendly greeting*
[04-05:25] e503c, *General Kliv : ((Where did V go FS?))
[04-05:26] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : yes sir...*moves over to the screen giving air battle information*
[04-05:26] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((He died.))
[04-05:26] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : You do? Oh, don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise. *grins* But... *sigh* Now I'm going to have to think really hard for a good present for you... *laughs*
[04-05:27] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {enters the ship, but ya know, was told it wouldn't be a friendly welcome so suspects something}
[04-05:27] e503c, *General Kliv : ((well, he didn't answer my question...))
[04-05:27] e503c, *General Kliv : *the hatch closes and the transport tries to evade the directorate forces and return to the NR lines*
[04-05:28] af92b, *KnightLance : I don't plan on telling you. and I'm sure whatever you get for me I will love it
[04-05:28] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {sits and waits, still thinking}
[04-05:29] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *Satisfied, his bring his fighter around and heads for home, full throttle**
[04-05:30] e503c, *General Kliv : *he sends a grim comm to the orbitting NR fleet*thees ees Kliv, to anny an' all drop ships..get down here...*ordering the ships so that he can retreat and conduct later battles even though he is most likely trapped on Corellia*
[04-05:30] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((I think he's having ISP problems))
[04-05:30] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *smiles up at him* I hope so!
[04-05:30] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*hasn't really been paying attention to the RP anymore*))
[04-05:31] e503c, *General Kliv : *among the ships is a heavily defended drop ship in the center of the force of landing ground carries the precious CGT device, the ships landing on places not yet under aussalt to hide out and prepare for the battles ahead*
[04-05:33] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : General...can we expect any support soon?
[04-05:35] e503c, *General Kliv : we musst retreat, Colonel...*opening a wide spread channel to all NR units-ground and air*retreat, split up and hide out...I weell coordinate attackss to help defennd Corellia, but thee Ne'kressis forces weell strip us of ourr air superiority...good luck, force weeth yo all...
[04-05:35] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {is still on some transport}
[04-05:36] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : sir...if you would lend me an X-Wing, I may be able to get us some help...
[04-05:36] af92b, *KnightLance : *grabs his water and downs the rest of it*
[04-05:36] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He comes in low over the mobile base, reseting all power levels**He frowns slightly at the transmission*General? Will all due respect, I'd prefer to stay and assist.
[04-05:37] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *turns back to the bar and finishes off her juice as well, considering things*
[04-05:37] e503c, *General Kliv : *orders the transport back to the main retreating NR attack force, fighters and remaining tanks/transports forming up on the TR-MB and pulling out...many losses being sustained, the somber group of ships retreating from the directorate attacks-...this sad day being a prelude to the pure insanity to come in the battle for Corellia*
[04-05:37] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *Adds*Sir.
[04-05:39] e503c, *General Kliv : G'morr, we need yo to be weeth thee battle group...there ees no one to help...we arre retreateeng and telling the people to evacuate Coronet....hellp by defendeeng thees battle group...
[04-05:39] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {climbs out of the transport, enters the TR-MB and heads for Kliv}
[04-05:39] e503c, *General Kliv : *he cuts the comm to G'mor and turns to the Colonel*as soon as wee get an available starrfighterr...
[04-05:41] 61267, Solis Gīmor: Acknowledged. Good luck sir, G'mor out.*He pulls up, despite the obvious reluctance in his voice and heads for high orbit to join the fleet*
[04-05:42] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {enters the room or whatever it is where Kliv is and doesn't budge}
[04-05:43] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *opens his comm*G' you think you could send an extra X-Wing planet side?
[04-05:43] 935e9, šV : fk off ISP
[04-05:44] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((*Points to the NR*They high-tailing it and your missing it V))
[04-05:44] e503c, *General Kliv : *glaring at Wolfe*negative G'mor, we cann't have anny ship comeeng een annd compromising our location...*cutting the comm*patience, Wolfe...
[04-05:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-05:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-05:44] 935e9, *Kragressis : *Did a good decription. blah blah. Debris lands. Breaks open. Silence. Sudden cracking open. Titanic "many limbed" aracnid monstrosity appears out of osme of the larger ones. Many hover like tanks zooming across the at the fall back lines of the NR. Thousands and thousands of
[04-05:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-05:44] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-05:45] JOIN: Seth Freeman has entered.
[04-05:45] ad832, *Seth Freeman: ((there... found the right pass...))
[04-05:45] 935e9, *Kragressis : Nekressis warriors moving out of the "wreckage"*
[04-05:45] e503c, *General Kliv : *he turns, glowering at Irrsinnig with an icy stare*
[04-05:45] ad832, *Seth Freeman: ((right when i gotta go.... sunuva...))
[04-05:45] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *glares*yes sir...*turns back to the screen*
[04-05:46] EXIT: Seth Freeman has left the chat ( Quit ).
[04-05:46] 61267, Solis Gīmor: ....Understood General...*he bites back a pitthy remark and shuts his comm off*
[04-05:46] e503c, *General Kliv : ((blah@V...))*a few tanks and transports trapped between the ID and the Ne'kressis open fire-though hopelessly outnumbered*
[04-05:46] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : General Kliv.
[04-05:46] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : *His ground forces, though exhausted, fight back..not moving from their entrenchments*
[04-05:48] e503c, *General Kliv : *Kliv returns the greeting flatly*...Majorr @$$hole....
[04-05:48] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *looks back at Lance after a moment* I remember when we couldn't come in here without getting attacked by someone or something or another... I can't say that I wish that still happened, but it does break the silence...
[04-05:48] JOIN: Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe has entered.
[04-05:48] 935e9, *Kragressis : *One of the nearest "titans" shows itself in full horrific view - an almost perfect resembelence to the Nekressis themelves. The "machine" locks onto a nearest passing evacuation ship with several leg mounted tractors - green beams of energy burst forth from the "chin area" ripping through the ship like a hot knife through butter. Two more of these "titans" decend upon the NR forces, flanked by twelve tanks - plasma raking across them mercilessly*
[04-05:50] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {snarls}
[04-05:50] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He watches his scope as hundreds of enemies appear in the form of red blotches**He closes his eyes, trying to ignore them as he starts the calculations for hyperspace*
[04-05:50] 935e9, *Kragressis : *Another five of the titans cause small tremors as they approach the main city - twenty thousand Nekressis warriors following in a blood lust - another twelve tanks zooming in and out the edge streets*
[04-05:50] e503c, *General Kliv : ((You'll have to be more specific V, retreating NR guys from Coronet, Kliv's attack group, what?))
[04-05:51] JOIN: Zarin Crassic has entered.
[04-05:52] 935e9, *Kragressis : ((Ones harrasing the Directorate. Although if there are other forces - the Nekressis would split of some of the titans, tanks and troops to go for them))
[04-05:52] af92b, *KnightLance : *chuckles* Yeah...that was always interesting...
[04-05:53] JOIN: Marc Harding has entered.
[04-05:53] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Maybe we should spar some time, you and me... you know, lightsaber on low power...
[04-05:53] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *he stalks into the Catina, a mottled cloak blending with the background and hiding him from view*
[04-05:54] af92b, *KnightLance : *suddenly pales slightly* do you feel that...?
[04-05:54] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((*scratches head a moment*))
[04-05:55] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *on his belt rests a lightsaber and two small, curious guns*
[04-05:56] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : {just stands there, waiting, for what is apparent doom}
[04-05:56] af92b, *KnightLance : *shakes his head and sits back*
[04-05:56] 935e9, *Kragressis : *The Nekressis Overlord, Kragressis watches the NR fleet scatter in panic attempting to position itself for hyperspace. "he" smirks coldly as he activates a broad band communication in their inferior language* Inferior forces... you can not escape.... *on cue. two more vessels dephase - the mutilated forms of Interdictor cruisers*
[04-05:57] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *watches the two men**is afraid that blood may be shed so he readies himself*
[04-05:57] e503c, *General Kliv : ((OK))
[04-05:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *frowns slightly* Something wrong?
[04-05:57] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((brb, real quick))
[04-05:58] af92b, *KnightLance : I don't know...
[04-05:58] e503c, *General Kliv : *the NR naval forces blast at the interdictors, I suppose, in a desperate attempt at escape*
[04-05:58] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He watches as scores of fighters and ships of all sizes jump into hyperspace around him before he finally jumps himself*
[04-05:59] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*isn't a man, look at my damn profile*))
[04-05:59] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *...and is suddenly brought back into realspace*The hell?
[04-05:59] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : We're going to die you know, Kliv.
[04-06:00] e503c, *General Kliv : shut up.*turns to the BHCI, tapping keys busily in an attempt at organizing the NR ground forces as they go into hiding*
[04-06:01] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : General...he's right...
[04-06:01] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He throws all power to engines, fires off his last three torps at the nearer interdictor and heads for the nearest edge of the gravity well cone*
[04-06:02] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((back))
[04-06:02] e503c, *General Kliv : thee NR weell sennd us reinforcemenntss..until then, we weell conduct battless conservatively an' quietly...make eet easier when NR forces arrive...
[04-06:02] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Hmmm...
[04-06:03] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *he pulls out the two small guns and makes sure each is loaded before firing two darts at each of the couple*]
[04-06:03] 50330, *Marc Harding : ((*strains at his Aurora-Prime leashes, wishing to help out the NR*))
[04-06:04] 935e9, *Kragressis : *The Nekressis ground forces move to mop up any resistance within the city like childs play as massive purges begin upon civilians in a show of severe brutality. Meanwhile the NR fleet smashes into the brunt of the Nekressis Imperium fleet - explosions within Corellia's sky indicating the NR's blind panic and dwindling light of hope. Nekressis fighters suicide run into vessels and missiles that attempt to destroy the Interdictors*
[04-06:04] 60426, *Jack Loft : .
[04-06:05] af92b, *KnightLance : *senses the shots being fired* Siera! *ducks down quickly sliding from the stool as he does so*
[04-06:07] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : Kliv. The battle is lost. Do not sacrifice troops into pointless deaths. You are against that yourself.
[04-06:07] e503c, *General Kliv : *the NR ships struggle and battle fiercely, but they are no match for the NI starships....great explosions sound in the air, frigates and corellian corvettes going up as if they never existed*
[04-06:07] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *ducks as well, sensing the attack, but not as fast as Lance... one of them hits her* Ow!
[04-06:07] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He weaves his small ship around the psycotic Nekkis suicide attacks and throws all remaing power to the engines, not bothering to open the s-foils*Almost..there..
[04-06:07] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : wait...I agree with you, but what do we do then?
[04-06:08] e503c, *General Kliv : I'm not...I'm goeeng to recruit as manny Corellian rebelss as possible...but our only option ees to sneak about and conduct guerilla warfare unteel we haave rescue forcess...
[04-06:08] 60426, *Jack Loft : (( :) ))
[04-06:08] af92b, *KnightLance : *his saber is in his hand and he moves quickly to her side*
[04-06:08] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : You are doing it now, by having troops on this planet. Until a stable force arrives, a major one. We are defeated.
[04-06:09] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *stretches out with the Force to be ready to ward off anything else* It's that guy over there, Lance... one hit me, but it doesn't seem very potent...
[04-06:10] e503c, *General Kliv : *sneers angrily at Gerade, never looking up from the BHCI*perhapps I should havve left thee troopss on those orbeeteeng NR vessels....thee ones droppeeng like flies now....thees way I am geeveeng them a fighteeng chance...
[04-06:10] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *has already moved, but stay's agains the wall so the mottled cloak keeps him invisible*
[04-06:11] af92b, *KnightLance : *grips the hilt of the saber* So much for not being attacked....*smikrs*
[04-06:12] af92b, *KnightLance : ((-smirks))
[04-06:12] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Yeah... *tiredly as she gets to a crouch behind him, her saber now in hand*
[04-06:12] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : They're deaths up there are no different than down here. They are being obliterated by Nekressis forces.
[04-06:13] af92b, *KnightLance : *looks at Siera worried* are you ok?
[04-06:13] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *4 more darts shoot out at Lance**2 from on side, then another 2 where he predicts Lance will move to*
[04-06:13] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *With a slight jolt, his fighter emerges from the gravity well cone and his astromech starts to recalculate the hyperspace trajectory*
[04-06:14] e503c, *General Kliv : *finally, Kliv looks away from the BHCI screen, gesturing to Gerade with grim determination*No. we cann beat them...they're on our territory now...thee key to thee ne'kressis ees infiltratorss...form transports weeth enhanced armor, design a whole new infiltratorr to take their technology...
[04-06:17] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : You better be right about this.
[04-06:17] af92b, *KnightLance : *sends a chair flying and it should block the two at the side and because he doesn't move the other two do nothing*
[04-06:17] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Watch out Lance! *moves forward and intercepts two, melting them with her lightsaber on contact, before her movements slow with fatigue* Lance... *her eyes widen slightly before they start to droop and she stumbles to her knees*
[04-06:18] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *The astromech beeps in a mish mash of panic and anxiety*Relax, we're going, we're going!*Mumbles*I never should have left Tatooine...*he pulls back on the hyperdrive activation lever and propels the X-wing into lightspeed in a blinding flash*
[04-06:18] e503c, *General Kliv : eet doesn't matterr anymore...our job now ees to find out as much about thee enemy as possible annd stay alive lonng enough to get thee info to thee Republic...we might jusst take a few weeth us...weeth me, or againsst?
[04-06:19] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : It's that staying alive part that worries me.
[04-06:19] af92b, *KnightLance : Siera! *leaps to her side once again**mumbles* this isn't good...
[04-06:19] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : same here but hey....I'm game for anything...I'm with you..
[04-06:20] 50330, *Marc Harding : ((Why do I recognize that name...? *ponders*))
[04-06:20] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *was waiting for him to do that**the exact moment that Lance takes his mind off him, he attacks, send 4 more darts at Lance*
[04-06:20] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Which name?))
[04-06:21] 61267, Solis Gīmor: *He lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes his grip on the flightstick*... did you see how many others got out?*He frowns as the droid beeps a negitive* didn't see, or none got out?*It beeps again*Oh... I guess I was the first then..
[04-06:21] 50330, *Marc Harding : ((*points at Wolfe* His. Any of you NR peps got AIM?))
[04-06:22] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Watch out... *her voice is faint before she lurches to the side and finds herself on the floor, her body to tired to respond to her mind as she slowly fades off to sleep*
[04-06:22] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((Major_Horn))
[04-06:22] af92b, *KnightLance : *sends another chair flying to intercept then and slashes at the others with his saber**sends a hard force shove at Zarin*
[04-06:22] 60426, *Jack Loft : ((All of them have :) ))
[04-06:22] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((I dunno, but I'm Justin))
[04-06:22] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((ack..))
[04-06:22] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*stares at Jack* Cay?))
[04-06:23] e503c, *General Kliv : good. I amm not weethout my tricks....some technology centers cann be made-gather data on Ne'kressis and research better shieldeeng and armor for ground unitss...
[04-06:24] 60426, *Jack Loft : ((*stares at Irrsinnig* Justin?))
[04-06:24] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *falls to the ground then scrambles up a bit slower**decides it's time to put his own force in play and sends a chair spinning at Lance from one direction while sending two darts from another))
[04-06:24] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Zarin, what are you talking about Lance? I didn't do nothing))
[04-06:24] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *is in a heap on the floor, asleep*
[04-06:24] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((no, I'm not Justin. I'm King Of All That Is Unholy Business Practices.))
[04-06:24] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((There are two Zarins))
[04-06:24] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Hey wait a minute..that name is familar..))
[04-06:25] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((OK, I'm Zarin 1 though..he's Zarin 2.. :P))
[04-06:25] 60426, *Jack Loft : ((no, I'm not Cay. I'm king of.. er... I'm just king))
[04-06:25] af92b, *KnightLance : ((bah, not you))
[04-06:26] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((oh...geez...I knew my name was familiar...sorry...I'll change it if you need me to))
[04-06:26] af92b, *KnightLance : ((*chuckles* will just say Crassic))
[04-06:26] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((fs...where's Misty when I need someone to get that joke...))
[04-06:27] NICK: Solis Gīmor changed nick to Rob.
[04-06:27] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Ooo... that was Rob???))
[04-06:27] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((You suck as a pilot Rob))
[04-06:27] 61267, •Rob: Weeeelll, that was fun, hehe.
[04-06:27] af92b, *KnightLance : *back flips so the chair and the darts will hit each other*
[04-06:28] 61267, •Rob: You're the one that got shot down, Justin :p
[04-06:28] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*giggles*))
[04-06:28] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((I got shot down cuz Sarn's a whore like that.))
[04-06:28] e503c, *General Kliv : ((dang, that was Rob, if I had know that I'd have ordered his fighter into the ground!))
[04-06:28] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((I almost shot you down
[04-06:29] 61267, •Rob : :-D
[04-06:29] JOIN: Tesrik has entered.
[04-06:30] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *G**a deep voice sounds*this is interesting...
[04-06:30] JOIN: Enigma has entered.
[04-06:30] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((I'm not the whore that got shot down am I))
[04-06:30] af92b, *KnightLance : *frowns* who are you??
[04-06:31] c6d59, Tesrik: ((Rob does indeed suck at flying.))
[04-06:31] EXIT: Tesrik has left the chat ( Quit ).
[04-06:31] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((But you are the whore who sucks some dick for coke.))
[04-06:31] 50330, *Marc Harding : ((As opposed to some of the rest of us...))
[04-06:32] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((And Rob, well Rob is just E's bitch.))
[04-06:32] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *doesn't move at all... *
[04-06:32] JOIN: Tesrik has entered.
[04-06:32] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Where the hell did V go?))
[04-06:32] 61267, •Rob : Oi! I flew rings around you in XvT as I remember*pokes Tesrik* :p
[04-06:32] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Come up with something catch phrases are so stupid...))
[04-06:32] 50330, *Marc Harding : ((Who has XVT?))
[04-06:32] cddef, Zarin Crassic: just a bounty hunter looking for Riches...the Girl alone will bring me a good 5000 imperial're 15000
[04-06:32] d4117, *Enigma : ((I have a b|tch and I didn't know it?? Well, damn.))
[04-06:33] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*blinks at Niggy* WHa-?))
[04-06:33] c6d59, Tesrik: ((speaking of such, would you be up for a game in the far future?))
[04-06:33] 61267, •Rob : Hey, 'nuff of that Justin.
[04-06:33] af92b, *KnightLance : You mean the price has gone down? That is insulting...
[04-06:33] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*smiggers*))
[04-06:34] 61267, •Rob : Sure, I'll have to dig it up and reinstall it ^_^
[04-06:34] cddef, Zarin Crassic: oh?it's higher?I''ve been out of the much the better..
[04-06:34] d4117, *Enigma : ((*blinked at* *vague shrug* Just replyin...))
[04-06:34] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((I belive Rob and Tesrik here have XVT Marc, I do too, somewhere in that mess I call I closet of games....))
[04-06:34] JOIN: Justin Sane has entered.
[04-06:34] e503c, *General Kliv : ((*blinks at Sarn**doesn't see any movie catchphrase*))
[04-06:35] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((Boy I sure hope Crassic doesn't mind dieing.))
[04-06:35] 50330, *Marc Harding : ((I want to play XvT against something that actually shoots opposed to the AI...or any of my pathtic friends or the losers in LSF...))
[04-06:35] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Sucking d888 for coke is off of half baked..BOb Saggot said it))
[04-06:35] d4117, *Enigma : ((*thinks she has XvT, but hasn't ever played it*))
[04-06:35] c81b4, *High Admiral Zarin : ((Think it was half baked..))
[04-06:35] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : (("I used to suck dick for coke pal. That's an addiction man. Come on, have you ever sucked any dick for some marijuana?"))
[04-06:36] 60426, *CayQel-Droma : ((I think V got disconnected :Þ ))
[04-06:36] c6d59, Tesrik: mmmm...666
[04-06:36] c6d59, Tesrik: WHAT THE...?! Damn these color codes
[04-06:36] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *groans and twitches slightly*
[04-06:36] af92b, *KnightLance : *shakes his head* I would give up now if I were you...
[04-06:37] d4117, *Enigma : ((*patpats T*))
[04-06:37] MSG: High Admiral Zarin sent a message to Rob.
[04-06:37] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {a noghri warrior, moving ever so slowly and silently is watching Crassic, from behind him out of arms reach}
[04-06:37] 61267, •Rob : *Chuckles*It really really suits ya..
[04-06:38] cddef, Zarin Crassic: give up?I can see you at least....
[04-06:39] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {oh the irony of it all, could easily kill Crassic right now if he wished, but will wait, bide his time if you so want to say it that way}
[04-06:39] af92b, *KnightLance : *grips the hilt and watches Crassic*
[04-06:39] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Justin, I don't think any of us really want you to join this RP... ))
[04-06:40] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *opens her eyes slowly and waits for a moment as she regains her senses, if sluggishly*
[04-06:40] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((I don't think I want you to live either KJ, but hey, when life gives you shit, make shit-ade.))
[04-06:41] d4117, *Enigma : ((*disapparates, for the time being*))
[04-06:41] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *moves slowly to the left, behind Lance, his Cloak and cloathing still making him look like just another part of the wall*
[04-06:41] EXIT: Enigma has left the chat ( What the hand, dare seize the fire? ).
[04-06:42] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *reaches out with the Force to sense where the attacker is, hoping he doesn't realize she's awake now as she's not moving yet*
[04-06:42] af92b, *KnightLance : *can sense him through the force and turns* Why don't you find some other person to collect a bounty on?
[04-06:43] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((You know, the RP is kinda frozen without V))
[04-06:43] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-06:43] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *senses Siera through the force and shoots another 2 darts at her*
[04-06:44] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {tracks Crassic, following, hell, copying his movements to stay behind him}
[04-06:44] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((*was waiting to see how long it would take*))
[04-06:44] af92b, *KnightLance : *sends a chair to intercept the darts*
[04-06:44] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *rolls to her feet, lightsaber in hand*
[04-06:45] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((I knew that would happen...*changes that post to Crassic*))
[04-06:46] 61267, •Rob : Improvise. Say, the invading nekkie forces reacted to the atmospheric bacteria and all suddenly dropped dead.
[04-06:47] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((*Rotflhao@Rob* This isn't War Of The Worlds here buddy.))
[04-06:47] e503c, *General Kliv : ((Gerade: the RP is fairly ended for's the situation: Ne'kressis got Coronet, NR evacuated as many civies as they could, NR forces in hiding throughout the planet in preparation for the invasion....))
[04-06:48] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *suddenly, a bottle about a foot away and from behind Lance flies straight at his head along with a table at Siera*
[04-06:50] af92b, *KnightLance : *ducks down to avoid the bottle*
[04-06:50] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-06:51] 61267, •Rob : Or in a fit of depression on seeing their own reflection in one of Corellia's lakes, they lobbed their own heads off.
[04-06:51] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *ignites her saber and slices it down at the table in one swift stroke to sever it in two as she give the pieces slight nudges to pass in opposite directions by her*
[04-06:52] 9f396, *Gerade Irrsinnig : ((Oh goody))
[04-06:53] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *as Siera slices the table in two she exposes her back to him and he leaps out of the shadows swinging at her*
[04-06:53] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*eyes Rob*))
[04-06:53] e503c, *General Kliv : ((Have a little faith here, ppl...your old buddy Stoney will pull every last one of those chars out without a scratch!))
[04-06:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: V's ISP sucks
[04-06:53] 61267, •Rob : *Is eyed*What...?
[04-06:54] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *spins, sweeping up with her saber to counter the blow, letting out a breath of air and staggering back a step*
[04-06:54] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {watching the fight, waiting, because well, the three of them all suck anyways, especially that Knight Lance guy, man is a peice of horse shit.}
[04-06:54] c81b4, *The Phantom Phoenix : *Walks into the dark room slowly..his glowing orange eyes illuminating the dark confides of his hood..*
[04-06:54] af92b, *KnightLance : Siera! Heads up!
[04-06:54] JOIN: The Dude has entered.
[04-06:56] c81b4, *The Phantom Phoenix : *Slowly scans the room..taking in the faces of the patrons*
[04-06:56] JOIN: Mavei has entered.
[04-06:57] 1140a, *Mavei : ((*poses*))
[04-06:57] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((*blinks*))
[04-06:57] af92b, *KnightLance : ((oh knock it off Justin))
[04-06:58] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((I'm just bored, you know I love you KL))
[04-06:59] af92b, *KnightLance : ((yeah yeah...))
[04-06:59] af92b, *KnightLance : ((whatever...*smirks*))
[04-06:59] c81b4, *The Phantom Phoenix : *Eyes settle on the two force users and the other man..who are battling it out..*
[04-06:59] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((no wonder Justin hates me... he's gay))
[04-07:00] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Oh yeah, I'm real gay. I'm the gayest person ever.
[04-07:01] 1140a, *Mavei : ((To go IC... or not to go IC.... to use this char if I do... or another... desisions decisions.... and why can't I spell?))
[04-07:02] 1140a, *Mavei : ((O_O Justin's gay? Eeee! *hides*))
[04-07:03] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((*blinks**sighs*can we stop arguing?))
[04-07:03] c81b4, *The Phantom Phoenix : *His raspy voice quietly says the word..*Impure..
[04-07:03] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((*blinks at Mavei*__
[04-07:03] e503c, *General Kliv : ((People, people...we can't hate those that are homosexual. we have to respect their-oh forget it...BWAHAHAHAHA JUSTIN IS GAY!!!!))
[04-07:04] 1140a, *Mavei : ((*blinks back* I know I'm short and blue, but am I really that surprising to see?))
[04-07:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *smacks Stone*
[04-07:04] af92b, *KnightLance : ((*pokes people* back IC...))
[04-07:05] e503c, *General Kliv : ((*smacked*ow.))
[04-07:06] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((well when I haven't seen you for a couple of months you are...))
[04-07:07] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : (repost)*spins, sweeping up with her saber to counter the blow, letting out a breath of air and staggering back a step*
[04-07:07] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *when he lands he immediately spins and slashes with his saber*
[04-07:08] af92b, *KnightLance : *moves quickly and brings his saber across in a downward slash at Crassic's back*
[04-07:08] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *blocks, stepping back another step to get better footing*
[04-07:09] 1140a, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Heh)) *slips nimbly into the cantina, the hood of her light dusty brown cloak pulled up to hide her face* *she hesitates just inside the entrance as she sees the fight*
[04-07:09] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *spins away at the last second and tands so he is facing both**he reaches back and pulls out a poison dagger*it is dead or alive you know...
[04-07:10] af92b, *KnightLance : What a surprise...
[04-07:11] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *assumes a defensive stance*
[04-07:12] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *he grips his dagger like he's going to throw it and throws his arm forward, though he holds onto the knife, aiming at Siera*
[04-07:13] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *slices her blade at his hand as he moves, twisting to one side*
[04-07:14] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *at the exact moment she moves to defend herslef, he slices at her now undefended side**his hand gets cut, but it's only a slight one*
[04-07:15] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *twists her blade to intercept that as well, jumping back*
[04-07:15] af92b, *KnightLance : *twirls his blade and brings it hard towards the man's left side just above the waist*
[04-07:15] 1140a, *Sileen Tenlae : *moves hesitantly in, discreetly not looking at the fight as she moves towards and empty booth*
[04-07:15] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *falls flat, rolling away**he leaps up*
[04-07:17] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {makes his move, throwing a small dagger at Crassic from his place in the shadows with deadly accuracy}
[04-07:17] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *assumes a better defensive stance, gritting her teeth*
[04-07:18] 1140a, *Sileen Tenlae : ((Hm... I'm not in a Sileen mood... *puter her away and grabs another char*)) *turns without sitting and heads out*
[04-07:18] JOIN: Get a Name! has entered.
[04-07:18] 1140a, *Kayla Nar: ((puter=puts))
[04-07:18] 3c163, Get a Name!: *eyes Ritter* who's he fighting?
[04-07:18] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *as he had just jumped up, his position was still moving so the dagger misses completely*
[04-07:20] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((I'm fighting my own personal demons, plus those of another.))
[04-07:20] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : *she steps just inside the Cantina, pausing atop the steps as she glances around, the hood of her dark purple cloak thrown back to allow her slightly wind ruffled raven black hair to flow down her back, sharp golden eyes scanning the place* *she moves her hand to rest on her blaster as she looks towards the fight*
[04-07:21] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((Crassic, you still logged in as Wolfe?))
[04-07:21] af92b, *KnightLance : *sends another hard force shove at Crassic with enough force to knock him into the wall if he doesn't counter it in some way*
[04-07:21] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((I am))
[04-07:21] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {then flings a second dagger Knight Lance}
[04-07:21] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*wonders what happened to TPP*))
[04-07:22] 3c163, Get a Name!: ha ha. @$$. *thwaks Justin*
[04-07:22] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *he throws up a force shield, though it is weak and he is driven to his knees*
[04-07:22] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *jumps and slices at the dagger directed at Lance*
[04-07:22] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((*thwaked* Jen?))
[04-07:23] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((Crap, make a post with him them, I can't remember the rest of his name))
[04-07:23] af92b, *KnightLance : *leaps forward and attacks Crassic swinging the blade at his torso while he is down*
[04-07:24] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((alright))
[04-07:24] 3c163, Get a Name!: know my thwak.
[04-07:24] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : *keeps her hand pressed against her blaster as she steps lightly down the steps, moving towards the bar*
[04-07:25] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *rolls forward right when Lance is leaping at him and sticks his saber in the bath of Lances leap*
[04-07:25] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((bath=path))
[04-07:25] MSG: Justin Sane sent a message to Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe.
[04-07:25] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {as Siera slices at the dagger, he throws another one at her}
[04-07:25] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : ((bath.... hehe...))
[04-07:26] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Jen* You do it too often, my dear Jen
[04-07:26] 3c163, Get a Name!: in the bath...*chortle*
[04-07:26] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *sweeps her blade up with Force-enhanced speed to slice through the other blade*
[04-07:27] af92b, *KnightLance : *would be swinging on the way down so senses Crassic's move and brings his saber down quickly to block and pushes it with the force so he will not land on it*
[04-07:27] 3c163, Get a Name!: *patted* guh...why do people do that? an' I'm not your dear. *pat*
[04-07:27] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *as it is pushed away he spins away with it*
[04-07:28] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {quickly draws his mini-gun like slug thrower and opens fire in a spray of bullets at Siera}
[04-07:28] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *right afterwards he rips off his cloak and throws it at Lance, following up with a quick flurry of slices*
[04-07:28] 3c163, Get a Name!: I bet nobody's here when I get back. *mutter*
[04-07:29] af92b, *KnightLance : *lands on his feet and advances once more bringing his blade forward in an atempt to stab Crassic but at the last second brings it up hard to the left to cut his shoulder/arm*
[04-07:29] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : *watches the fight* ... ... ...
[04-07:29] af92b, *KnightLance : *ducks to the left and spins bringing his blade up to meet each of the slices*
[04-07:29] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *hurls a table in the path of the slug thrower and lets it continues on a speedy vector to slam into Ritter as she ducks away*
[04-07:30] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Aw, but I love you Jen!
[04-07:30] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {the table gets torn to shred by the slug thrower and the bullets still come at Siera}
[04-07:31] 3c163, Get a Name!: You'll get over it when you realize I'm satan. :D
[04-07:32] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *the wave of Force energy directing the table towards Ritter serves to also slow the slugs so they drop to the floor*
[04-07:32] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((............this isn't The Matrix, KJ))
[04-07:32] JOIN: Riggs has entered.
[04-07:32] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I already am Satan, Jen.
[04-07:33] 93abe, Riggs: *meanders in*
[04-07:33] 3c163, Get a Name!: slugs....ew
[04-07:33] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : ((*cracks up*))
[04-07:33] 3c163, Get a Name!: no you aren't Justin. no horns. horny maybe...but no horns. *grin*
[04-07:34] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : *draws her blaster, twirling it around one finger... and comes close to shooting herself in the foot* ...Geh!
[04-07:34] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((So what? Don't need it if you have the Force *s*))
[04-07:34] 93abe, Riggs: *walks around the core of the fighting and makes his way to the bar*
[04-07:35] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((.........*shakes his head* This is pointless, you're fuking moding.))
[04-07:35] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {never happened, was never there, is just gone}
[04-07:35] 3c163, Get a Name!: *should get into a fight with 'em how its done*
[04-07:35] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((if I am or not, you were never welcome in this RP in the first place))
[04-07:36] af92b, *KnightLance : ((ok...))
[04-07:36] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((You were never welcome in life in the first place.))
[04-07:37] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I'm game if you are Jen
[04-07:37] 61267, •Rob : Hey, knock that stuff off .
[04-07:37] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((screw the battle...I'm bringing this guy in to...))
[04-07:37] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : ((*wants to see how it's done!* *wants to see so she can sit here and mock you for lack of anything better to do*))))
[04-07:38] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Rob, you're a mod, you make the decision if she was moding or not
[04-07:38] 93abe, Riggs: *takes a sip of the drink no one saw him get*
[04-07:38] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You can't Wolfe, he's on Corellia.
[04-07:38] 3c163, Get a Name!: I usually get my @$$ partially kicked any way I do it Kayla. hehe. *sneaks a hug on Rob*
[04-07:39] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : ((O_o))
[04-07:39] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *pats Jen* Don't worry, we'll just have fun, no real, "Hey, you die now" stuff.
[04-07:40] 61267, •Rob : She isn't moding, several people have used the fuorce to stop bullets before. My character included.
[04-07:40] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((it's 11:30 right now....humor me Justin...he is on Corelliia but for something that will never matter I'm going to bring him in here....))
[04-07:40] 3c163, Get a Name!: *patted...snaps@his hand* who as?
[04-07:40] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : ((Ooo! Drunken brawl!))
[04-07:40] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Who else?
[04-07:41] 61267, •Rob : *Huggles Jen ^_^ *
[04-07:41] a6bb2, Get a Name!: ..... I know kung fu......
[04-07:41] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : ((*knows a good way to get past bullets, duck*))
[04-07:41] 61267, •Rob : Sea's Jedi character.
[04-07:41] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: You can't fuking stop a god damned bullet! Bullets travel at a speed that breaks the sound barrier, and in such a close range, it would be impossible to react in time.
[04-07:42] af92b, *KnightLance : ((*yawns* blah...))
[04-07:42] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((for the last you don't...))
[04-07:42] 3c163, Get a Name!: *is actually laughing at this arguement*peers@IC*
[04-07:42] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Jen.
[04-07:42] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( *takes a wild guess*))
[04-07:43] 93abe, Riggs: ((*ponders entering the argument by agreeing with Justin*))
[04-07:43] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *enters the Cantina and peers around*
[04-07:43] af92b, *KnightLance : ((*ponders if they are still fighting* did I win yet?))
[04-07:43] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Go Riggs!
[04-07:44] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((*rotflhao@KL* Good guess Jen))
[04-07:44] EXIT: Riggs has left the chat ( Quit ).
[04-07:44] a6bb2, Get a Name!: I shall select balloons for $800
[04-07:44] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *leaps at Knight slashing wildly*
[04-07:44] JOIN: Rainer has entered.
[04-07:44] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: That's not a category
[04-07:44] 93abe, *Rainer : *wanders in*
[04-07:45] 61267, •Rob : So is a blaster bolt, Justin.
[04-07:45] af92b, *KnightLance : ((*yawns and pokes Justin* bah...))
[04-07:45] a6bb2, Get a Name!: very well... I shall choose balloons for $600
[04-07:45] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( *peers@GaN* if you get 800 for balloons....))
[04-07:45] NICK: Get a Name! changed nick to Keanu Reeves.
[04-07:46] 93abe, *Rainer : ((blaster bolts are energy that can be dissapated once they reach the body...thats how Darth Vader was able to block the bolts with his hands...))
[04-07:46] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((let's just go with colors that end in urple for $800))
[04-07:46] af92b, *KnightLance : ((*is going to take that to be Crassic*))*brings his blade up to block once more**uses the force to send glasses flying at the man to help slow him down*
[04-07:46] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: who is.. Jaleel White
[04-07:46] 93abe, *Rainer : ((bullets are kinteic projectiles...there is no energy that can be absorbed and dissapated))
[04-07:46] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((What is light urple?))
[04-07:47] 61267, •Rob : Yeah, but a Jedi can still react in time is what I'm saying.
[04-07:47] 93abe, *Rainer : ((but thats only my two cents))
[04-07:47] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *stands back and gets ready to attack again*
[04-07:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: No Rob! Blaster bolts are slower than bullets! Watch the movie, they travel much slower if you compare.
[04-07:47] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: was he not Urple, the amusing fellow who enjoyed cheese?
[04-07:47] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *heads towards Lance and the other to back Lance up*
[04-07:47] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: "Martha Stewart Seems Pretty Confidant. Let's See What She Wrote. Absolutely Nothing." "Alex, I'm Filthy Rich, I Don't Need Your Chump Change." "You're Playing For Charity." "Screw 'Em." "Please Seek Some Counsiling."
[04-07:48] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *having already seen the battle he fires several blaster shots at Zarin*
[04-07:48] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( *still agrees with 'DUCK!'* thats the old fashioned way. fs.))
[04-07:48] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: heh
[04-07:48] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: ..... I know Kung Fu....
[04-07:48] 93abe, *Rainer : ((I would tend to think that a laser bolt would travel at the speed of light though...but I'm no effects supervisor so I wouldnt know))
[04-07:49] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *turns and deflects the shots*
[04-07:49] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( *is going to get her @$$ kicked by M later for this...but wanders IC*))
[04-07:49] af92b, *KnightLance : ((er...what about the glasses))
[04-07:49] 61267, •Rob : Er, I'm not sure 'bout that one, but usually light travels faster then lead. Anyhoo, I'm off to bed,
[04-07:49] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((Let's see what Keanu Reeves wrote....nothing...the question was write anything and you got it wrong...I'm speechless...))
[04-07:49] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {in shadows}
[04-07:49] 93abe, *Rainer : *moves over to the bar and reaches back to grab a bottle whilst wuhers attention is elsewhere*
[04-07:50] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: *a living shadow...slender...wearing a well fitting black bodysuit and boots...still the black around the eyes...lined nails...and wirey coifed black hair*
[04-07:50] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((*brb))
[04-07:50] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: eleventy billion dollars
[04-07:50] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *he slices all of the bottle apart*((that's before my post about deflecting the shots*))
[04-07:50] JOIN: Sean Connery has entered.
[04-07:51] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {spots Aekanna, as soon as she enters, assuming that she did}
[04-07:51] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Okay, enough with the Celeb. Jep.
[04-07:51] 93abe, *Rainer : *takes his bottle and moves to a vaccant booth, placing a small cube at the end on the wall , then opens the bottle and takes a pull from it*
[04-07:51] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Or I will have to go all out
[04-07:52] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((you can't beat me...I have every script for Celeb. Jep.))
[04-07:52] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: is it "iced" tea?
[04-07:52] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: *she drifts (quietly of course) in the shadows along the wall...eyeing a bottle of alcohol on the bar*
[04-07:53] EXIT: Rob has left the chat ( "Six by nine, fourty two?", "Well I always said there was something fundamently wrong with the universe." ).
[04-07:53] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((no!it's hot tea!))
[04-07:53] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: ..... well then I have no idea....
[04-07:53] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: I have every script, sound and video file.
[04-07:54] cddef, Zarin Crassic: Sean Conner((y,what sound does a dog make?))
[04-07:54] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {following Aekanna's movements} Slis
[04-07:54] 485ab, Sean Connery: *looks at Justin* Boy, you may be legally retarded.
[04-07:54] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *tackles Crassic* NOOO! Don't do it!
[04-07:54] 93abe, *Rainer : *follows Aekanna with his eyes behind his shades for a moment, then mentally shrugs and sits back in the booth*
[04-07:55] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((ack!Sean Connery what sound does a dog make))
[04-07:56] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *beats Crassic till he's dead* Don't do it!
[04-07:56] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : (*is back*)
[04-07:56] 1140a, *Sileen Tenlae : *back inside she goes.... there's a dust storm, that's it, that's why she's coming back in.... yeah.... ((*shifty eyes*))* *absently brushes some sand from her front as she steps nimbly down the first few steps, then pauses halfway down, her eyes drawn to the fight between Zarin and Wolfie* ((If it's still going on)) *pulls her hood a little lower over her face as she discreetly moves the rest of the way down the stairs*
[04-07:57] 93abe, *Rainer : ((*9in best connery voice* I've got half a mind to waste you, punk))
[04-07:57] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: *has always known when someone was watching her...she tosses a short look at Rainer...then turns towards Ritter* Ritter.
[04-07:57] 485ab, Sean Connery: Moo.
[04-07:57] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((Sean Connery:Moo... Alex Trebek:no! Sean Connery:well that's the sound your mother made last night!))
[04-07:58] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {opens fire on Aekanna with his mini-gun thingy}
[04-07:58] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: NOOO! I SAID NOT TO DO IT! YOU DID IT WRONG!
[04-07:58] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((NO I DIDN'T!that is exactly how it is!!!))
[04-07:59] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *looks at Sileen when she enters*
[04-07:59] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Wait, no, you did do that part right. It's the second part everyone screws up on.
[04-07:59] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *right when Wolfe looks away he slashes at him hard*
[04-07:59] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((Is this fight over?))
[04-07:59] 1140a, *Kayla Nar : *mutters* Lots of fights... *dryly* Good to be home
[04-08:00] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *he tries to move away but isn't fast enough and the saber cuts a deep gash in his arm*
[04-08:00] 1140a, *Sileen Tenlae : *pulls her hood lower over her face, feeling eyes on her, and moves towards an empty table*
[04-08:00] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((guess not)) As Zarin turns toward Wolfe, she slashes at his back, hard and fast*
[04-08:00] cddef, Zarin Crassic: ((which one is that?))
[04-08:01] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: *she ducks and rolls...bringing the corner of the bar between the shots and herself* ((that work?)) *hissing* did your mommy slip a snake into your bed again?
[04-08:01] 485ab, Sean Connery: Crassic's right. He did it right.
[04-08:01] cddef, Zarin Crassic: *he turns but isn't quick enough to block her attack**it stabs deeply into him and he collapses on the floor dead*
[04-08:01] a6bb2, Keanu Reeves: ..... whoa!
[04-08:02] 93abe, *Rainer : *watches events unfold from his booth*
[04-08:02] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((That works)) {takes out the high powered gun and takes aim for the corner of the bar, and fires, the bullet having enough power to easily cut through the material of the bar}
[04-08:02] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *gasps at what she did and jumps back, deactivating her saber*
[04-08:02] af92b, *KnightLance : *slashes at Crassic from the left aiming for his torso*
[04-08:02] af92b, *KnightLance : ((nm...))
[04-08:03] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *drops to his knees, his arm bleeding freely*
[04-08:03] af92b, *KnightLance : *RaE* ok...*walks over to Siera*
[04-08:04] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Jef... Jeffrey, are you okay? *is a bit in shock*
[04-08:04] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: Well then there's the thing about Scooby Doo
[04-08:04] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: *she catches the sound easily..taking it as a warning...she launches herself away from the bar this time...standing starkly upright...staring harshly@Ritter*
[04-08:04] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : ((You arm isn't bleeding cause it's cauterized, Wolfe))
[04-08:05] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : ... ... ... *takes her hand off the blaster she was unconciously gripping as she moves over to Wolfie*
[04-08:05] 485ab, Sean Connery: I'll take months that start with Feb, Trabek.
[04-08:05] 93abe, *Rainer : ((was under the impression saber cuts didnte bleed))
[04-08:05] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( said you wouldn't TRY too hard to kill me. *bap*))
[04-08:05] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: "No. Good lord. We would have accepted bow wow or ruff." "Aw, ruff, just the way your mother likes it Trebek."
[04-08:05] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((oh...whatever...then it's just a deep reall painful cut as opposed to a deep really painful bleeding cut))
[04-08:05] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : ((I'm not trieing))
[04-08:05] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {chuckles as best he can from his position} Did your mommy teach you how to run like a coward?
[04-08:05] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : I...I think so...*is deep in shock, collapses*
[04-08:06] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : *stops next to Jeffrey, her face still hidden by her hood... mostly*
[04-08:06] af92b, *KnightLance : *looks towards Sileen*
[04-08:06] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: Most beings with an inkling of intelligence...avoid dangerous objects.
[04-08:06] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: And then there's of course, everyone's favorite...
[04-08:07] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *bends down, grabbing him before he hurts himself falling, to let him slump to the ground in a safe way...*
[04-08:07] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: BUCK FUTTER!
[04-08:07] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : ... Jeffrey?
[04-08:08] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : Would you rather I not shoot at you and uses these? {tilts his hands so a bit of light shines off his claws for Aekanna to see}
[04-08:08] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : ((below me))*blinks, tries to focus, believing he's Delirious to hear that voice*wha?...Sileen?
[04-08:08] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: Do you plan on giving me those? *she grins cruelly...wouldn't she love to break a nail... his *
[04-08:08] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *looks up at Sileen, in a bit of shock herself* Can you help him?
[04-08:09] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( *called it a nail on purpose...don't correct me* :) ))
[04-08:09] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : *kneels down next to Wolfie* Keep him still... *this said to Siera, as she extends her hands over him, fingers spreading*
[04-08:09] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : I plan on tearing your innards out with them, then spreading your pathetic body parts across the massive desert of this waste of a planet.
[04-08:09] af92b, *KnightLance : *watches as he clips his hilt back to his belt*
[04-08:10] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *puts her hands on his shoulders to hold him down*
[04-08:10] 93abe, *Rainer : ((*fiddles around with a multi speed variable drill*))
[04-08:11] 93abe, *Rainer : *from his booth, to no one in particular* sounds like a dish I had once...
[04-08:11] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *struggles slightly, then calms down*what...?what's going on...?I thought I heard Sileen...
[04-08:11] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( *chuckles@Rainer*))
[04-08:12] 9f396, 'Justin Sane: *ponders if Rainer has a purpose of if he's just ya know, here*
[04-08:12] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: You never were very creative were you...*she tilts her head...sending a massive amount of kinetic energy his direction in the form of a push*
[04-08:12] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : Shh, you did, she's going to heal you... it's okay. *glances up at Lance, keeping her eyes averted from the body*
[04-08:13] 93abe, *Rainer : ((just trying to interact a bit is all))
[04-08:13] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : *closes her eyes as she concentrates... there is a flare in the Force as she starts to work, first temporarily shutting down the nerves leading to his arm, making that entire area numb, then scans over the wound, judging the damage, before finally starting in with her healing, steadily mending the broken tissues*
[04-08:13] af92b, *KnightLance : *sighs and walks over to the body**grabs hold of it and starts to drag it outside*
[04-08:14] cddef, *Colonel Jeffrey Wolfe : *feeling his arm go numb, he relaxes and falls into a deep sleep until shes done*
[04-08:14] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( what body? who's leaving their messes?))
[04-08:15] af92b, *KnightLance : ((heh))
[04-08:15] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : ((It wasn't me))
[04-08:15] 9f396, *Ritter Mortello : {puts his arms over his face in an X and takes the the push at full force, however, seems unaffected and steps from the shadows, into the light, revealing his short, yet deadly noghri body}
[04-08:15] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *gets to her feet when he's fallen asleep, to let Sileen concentrate... glances around the bar to make sure everything's back to normal*
[04-08:16] JOIN: Alderaania has entered.
[04-08:16] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : *continues with her mending and so forth.... not feeling really discriptive tonight, sue me*
[04-08:17] af92b, *KnightLance : *comes back a few moments later and walks back to Siera*
[04-08:17] JOIN: Jake Gallows has entered.
[04-08:17] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : *steps towards Lance and grabs him in a tight hug, almost shaking*
[04-08:18] af92b, *KnightLance :'s ok...*holds her close*
[04-08:18] 93abe, *Rainer : *sips his drink*
[04-08:18] 50794, *Jake Gallows : *Walks in wearing a military style outfit he has a blaster on his left side and some sort of computer gear on his forearms*
[04-08:19] JOIN: Jen has entered.
[04-08:19] e11d9, *Siera Vessler : I... I killed him... I didn't mean to, but he hurt Jeffrey...
[04-08:19] 3c163, Aekanna Slis: (( stupid...grr...))
[04-08:19] e73cc, *Sileen Tenlae : *rocks back to sit on her heels when she finishes, opening her deep indigo eyes to look over her handiwork, then with a final tweak, she restores his nerves... and that's when the dull throbbing pain will set in as the aftershock*