Distinguishing Features
Aside from his Chiss appearance, there is nothing else distinguishing about him.
Force Talents- Zilvad has displayed considerable talent in the healing and telekinetic aspects of the Force.
Fighting Styles
Teras Kasai- +++
Dual Lightsaber- +++
+++ = Very Skilled ++ = Above Average Skilled + = Average skill +/- = Low to Average Skill - = Low Skill
Lightsaber- Zilvad has two custom built lightsabers in the form of the metallic bracers he constantly wears upon his wrists. Each lightsaber is designed to emit two blades approx. 18 inches in length to take advantage of his training in Teras Kasai. It should be noted that if Zilvad is forced into a physical altercation, he fights purely defensively, looking to disarm or disable an opponent rather than seriously injure them.
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