Faith Lehane...Southie, Slayer, Don't let the dimples fool you.

Few people know the truth of who Faith Lehane really is. Murderer, rogue Slayer, loyal friend, bitter enemy. She grew up hard and fast. Even prior to being activated Faith learned to look out for herself lest she get swallowed up by the life she was set up to lead.

Faith has done things that would curl your toes. Murder, madness, prison time. After Sunnydale and a few free years in LA she finally took responsibility for her actions and spent time in jail in LA. However, she was not to do her time peacefully. Wolfram and Hart intervened in the guise of the government and a hallowed pardon. Faith was approached to perform a one time favor for good old Uncle Sam.

She was taken from jail and sent via private plane to Italy to assist in the killing of a dangerous and old vampire. There she was met by Special Agent Markus Hall with whom (after a good fight) she's developed a close relationship with. Supposedly just before completion of the mission Faith was injured badly enough to be air lifted back to the states. Unbeknownst to her weeks passed while she was in the hands of Wolfram and Hart doctors.

When she awoke she was no longer in prison and was met by smiling nurses in a "private" hospital just North of the Mexican border in California. When she was pronounced healed and in good condition she was given two thousand dollars, a new passport and her pardon.

What Faith didn't know was that while she was in a chemically induced near coma samples of her DNA, psychological profile and other assorted parts of her were taken to be replicated. While Faith drove off into the sunset to Mulege Mexico and to her new start, Wolfram and Hart were creating a clone.

Faith's clone (when they were finally successful at creating one) was everything bad that Faith could have been. Faith's clone wantonly slept with, killed and conspired with evil people. Until Faith recieved a mysterious note to head for the town of St. Solanus where she was needed she had no idea. Upon arriving in St. Solanus she was confronted with the truth of the situation.

There was only one thing to do and she did it. After a bit of soul searching Faith met Faith in the desert and the real one won out. She has paid for this, she is haunted by nightmares, feelings of not being good enough, of never being good.

It hasn't been all bad however. In St. Solanus she has reconnected with her friend Markus and made new friends. Mainly Jon Montgomery who, she's been living with since she arrived in town. Though her relationship with him is a complicated one Faith is learning once again that she can be loved and trusted, and that she can return that love and trust. However despite this semblance of a normal life the latent violence in her still stirs.

Her life in St Solanus settled. She created a small tight family for herself after taking legal custody of Vincent White and reaching an agreement with her half sisters parents. Life started to become normal. Then everything started to change when Charles Gunn came into her life.

For the first time, ever Faith had a real relationship. A man who cared and treated her well. Who saved her life and tentatively she discovered happiness. When she found out she was pregnant things started to change again. Whether it was supernatural or self sabotage she cheated during her pregnancy, then a worse mistake when she went into labor she didn't tell a soul. And Gunn was gone.

After a month of magic and grief fueled sanity, her daughter being kidnapped she accepted things as they were. After a demon instigated illness, the worst happened. Charles Gunn was killed.

Despite having friends around Faith was never the same. The future that had seemed bearable turned dark...tune in to find out what happens.