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[08-22:22] 901, Grant Wayland : Well...I..*he paused, rubbing the back of his neck*..Can I come over? Its sister just called and..I got some news that...I just...yeh....*frowning.*
[08-22:23] 861, Blaine Gavilian : You just take a mile, don't you? *She laughs low, giving a slight shake of her head but not saying anything to walt about cancelling that order. She's got tons of money, after all. Besides... he should really eat before she agrees to sneaking off into private with him.*
[08-22:24] b31, Jayson Marks : *needs his energy*
[08-22:24] b31, Jayson Marks : So come honest with me. What is with the girls in this town? *starts drinking a beer*
[08-22:25] 861, Rachel Montgomery : Whatever... your fault if I puke on you. *She gives a little shrug before hanging up, forgetting to yanno... wait to hear his reply.*
[08-22:26] 901, Grant Wayland : *He's delt with puke before, nothing he cant handle, he hangs up, grabs his jacket, and then his keys and then he heads out, few moments later he ends up at Rachels, he moves to the door and knocks on it, sliding his hands into his pockets.*
[08-22:26] 861, Blaine Gavilian : They're insecure, uptight little bitches who try to be conniving and manipulative, but half-ass it so they look retarded. They don't have fun, cause they're too worried about how the males will see them if they let loose. *She gives an idle shrug, eyes shifting over toward Jay*
[08-22:27] b31, Jayson Marks : I are right. Bob! Show her what is behind door number one. *does announcer voice*
[08-22:28] 861, Rachel Montgomery : *She groans as the knocking drags her from a near-sleep state, pulling herself up from the couch, hand lifting to her head as she moves to unlock the door and just walks back to her couch. He'll find his way in or he can go away*
[08-22:29] 861, Blaine Gavilian : Of course I'm right. I used to be like them. *She rolls her eyes all diva-ly, not ordering anything to eat. Ohh, she'll eat later. Course he'll probably think it's a model thing.*
[08-22:29] 901, Grant Wayland : Hey..*blinks when seeing her, and he steps in closing the door behind him and follows behind, he moves into the living room area where the couch and she is and he looks around finding a chair and moves to it sitting down and he raises a brow.*...Are you alright?
[08-22:30] b31, Jayson Marks : *he doesn't care. He was oblivious jackass* I need to get a shirt that says "the doctor is OUT!"
[08-22:30] 861, Blaine Gavilian : You wear a shirt like that and I'll smack you good. *Yeah, right. Like she can allow some doofus wearing crappy slogans on his chest to be seen around her*
[08-22:31] b31, Jayson Marks : Maybe I like getting smacked around. *bounces brows. Never was serious. Club sandwich is easy to make. Starts to eat*
[08-22:32] 861, Rachel Montgomery : *Well, the empty bottle of whiskey on the coffee table should really answer the question there* *She curls up on that couch, trying to tug the blanket down from the back of it onto herself, but... it's not so easy.* What do you need?
[08-22:33] 861, Blaine Gavilian : Thank goodness, cause it must happen a lot. *She gives a little shake of her head. The way he acts really was quite infuriating sometimes, but she always knew... she was better than him.*
[08-22:34] 901, Grant Wayland : *He watched her and then lowered his head a bit .*...Sister called....she's....with another man now...and I hate him..*and he used the word hate because he did, there was hanger in his voice and he balled his hands into fist's.*
[08-22:35] b31, Jayson Marks : Not as often as you would like, Blaine. *winks. Keeps eating* I need a girlfriend.
[08-22:35] b31, Jayson Marks : ((NO WIRE HANGERS!))
[08-22:36] 861, Blaine Gavilian : Christ... Those are four horrible words. Why do you need a girlfriend? *She raises a brow at him, shaking her head* You're joking some more, yes?
[08-22:36] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *flashback time here, for character development and all. She was home alone, in the livingroom, blasting Cyndi Lauper. Too young to understand the words to She-Bop but she was singing into a hairbrush anyway. She was up on the couch, in little pink socks, going nuts*
[08-22:37] 861, Rachel Montgomery : Hate's a strong word... you're too nice to hate people. *She twists, trying to get that damned blanket down on top of herself, and it ends up on her, just all piled there on her side... so she stops caring.*
[08-22:37] b31, Jayson Marks : If I had a girlfriend then I could say to the crazies...Woah! back off! I got a girlfriend. Plus I need some chick to pay for all my meals.
[08-22:37] 901, Grant Wayland : (hanger-anger, oops)
[08-22:38] 901, Grant Wayland : *He see's her messing with the blanket and stands moving beside the couch.*..Want some help? *smiling softly toward her but then paused.*...I hate him....I have a good reason to..*glancing to the side then back to her.*
[08-22:39] 861, Blaine Gavilian : You that hard up for cash? *That brow stays raised as she crosses her legs, always thinking all evilly too.*
[08-22:39] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *NOTHING like the adult she grew into. Have to stress that. This child was carefree and totally comfortable expressing her emotions. So what happened....*
[08-22:39] b31, Jayson Marks : I don't got a job and I got all these bills piling up from when I was in the hospital. What do you think? I need a sugar momma
[08-22:40] 861, Rachel Montgomery : He shoot your puppy? *She's a little oblivious to where he is, really, but go ahead... touch her nunly self.*
[08-22:41] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Can I touch your nunly self?))
[08-22:41] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He's around in the neighborhood.. or perhaps, he was lonely. Maybe he was just around in the neighborhood. He chews at his fingernail for a moment as he stands outside Rachel's door.. and then knocks at the door; Max.. struggling?.. lonely?.. no!.*
[08-22:42] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I want to stick my tongue in your eat, Rachel!))
[08-22:42] 901, Grant Wayland : *He looks down and then reaches around her taking the blanket thats piled up beside her and then he opens it up and then gently places it over her, tucking it around her a little and he then moves to sit back down.*....He hired the man that raped my sister....*closing his eyes .*
[08-22:42] MSG: Jayson Marks sent fanmail to Rachel Montgomery.
[08-22:42] 861, Blaine Gavilian : *She purses her lips thoughtfully, her gaze shifting over him... well... that damnable water was so unsatisfying. She could probably work it so that he wouldn't have a clue...* I'll see what I can do...
[08-22:43] b31, Jayson Marks : Its cool, Blaine. I like what we got. Friends with benefits. I am cleared for landing on your sexy airstrip.
[08-22:43] 861, Rachel Montgomery : Yeah... tou- *pause, glance as she hears the knock. She lifts her volume, shouting at the door* It's open! Don't come in if you're burglar!
[08-22:44] 861, Blaine Gavilian : I don't want to be a girlfriend, Jayson. What I meant was maybe if I decide it's worth it, I'll help you out money-wise. I'm not all bitch. *She waves a hand absently*
[08-22:45] 901, Grant Wayland : *His jaws clenched when he heard the door knock and he opened his eyes back up agian and looked to the side to see who it was and then looked back to Rachel.*
[08-22:46] b31, Jayson Marks : I don't want to be your boyfriend. But money always messes things up between friends. That is why I can't talk to Ben anymore. He lent me a few grand. Matt got mad. Now he makes Ben sleep on the couch.
[08-22:47] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He pushes the door open* Am I still considered a burglar if you know me?! *He hollars from the door*
[08-22:47] 861, Blaine Gavilian : Little secret? I don't give a shit about money. I don't loan it out, either. *Meaning, she gives him money. No strings attatched... that he knows about, of course.*
[08-22:48] 471, Jacob Lawson : *Pulls up on his bike. Cuts it off and heads to the front door of the Brooks home. Rings the doorbell.*
[08-22:48] 861, Rachel Montgomery : *Yeah... confused the sad, drunk chick.* Huh? Whossat? *She arches her neck, straining to see the door from where she lays on the couch*
[08-22:48] b31, Jayson Marks : *rolls his eyes* I am not going to let you just give me money. That is my little secret. I got a line on a few jobs. Or I might try reality tv again
[08-22:49] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she was in the middle of singing her little heart out when she heard the doorbell. Ooops! Neighbors complaining! She hops down off the couch, killing the hifi as she passes to get the door* Coooooooooming! *she calls out*
[08-22:49] 861, Blaine Gavilian : *Yeah... pisses her off when people reject her help. It's like rejecting her. The muscles in her jaw tighten before she just gives a single-shouldered shrug, looking back toward the tv* Great.
[08-22:49] 901, Grant Wayland : *He sits up and leans back in his chair, glancing to the door then back at her with a raised brow.*
[08-22:50] b31, Jayson Marks : What? You are all pissed off that I would rather be your friend then slide my ATM card at the Bank of Blaine. Seriously...get over it. I would rather be with you for your smoking hot body and incredible bedroom skill than your cash
[08-22:52] 901, Grant Wayland : Well hey listen...we can talk some other time if you have company..*standing as he slides his hands into his pockets.* I'll go let him in if you want..or..go see who it is..*rubbing the back of his neck a moment.*
[08-22:52] 861, Blaine Gavilian : *Her eyes flash before he turns and looks at him... Get over it? Yeah, people just do not talk to her like that. But she calms herself... which takes effort.* Yessir, whatever you want. *It's not like she's ever going to say "yeah, you're right."*
[08-22:53] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He steps in* Don't hurt your..*He looks at Grant and then back to Rachel.* yourself. Hey, damn. What's up? *He sees the empty bottle of whiskey* Who threw the party?! *He lifts the empty bottle and looks at it*
[08-22:53] b31, Jayson Marks : *rolls his eyes* Whatever, Blaine. I thought we had an understanding. That we got each other. Its fine. *gets off his stool. Pays for his own shit*
[08-22:54] 861, Blaine Gavilian : Don't you make me apologize, Jayson. Apologizing never makes me happy. *Yeah, that was sort of an apology. Or at least the recognition that she may need to give one.*
[08-22:55] 471, Jacob Lawson : *He waits and glances around.*
[08-22:55] b31, Jayson Marks : You don't have to say you are sorry. *gets his coat* If I wanted to deal with baggage, I would work at an airport. *pulls his coat on*
[08-22:55] 861, Rachel Montgomery : Heeeeey... Max! *She settles back onto the couch, giving a faint little smile* I like you more than I like him! Gr... *pause, forgot the guy's name* Grant came here to complain about stuff he'll never do anything about, and I am really drunk. *Yep... honesty, man! Drunken honesty.*
[08-22:56] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she gets up to the crack of the door. She can't see out the peephole so she talks through the crack* Whozit?
[08-22:57] 901, Grant Wayland : *He looks up to Max and then to Rachel .* Later..*he then turns moving to the door and opening it stepping out and shutting the door behind him, he let out a breath, perhaps if he went to the beach then he could clear his head some.*
[08-22:57] 861, Blaine Gavilian : Fine... keep being a jackass. *She gives a little shake of her head, looking back to the tv. While flipping on that vampire mojo of hers, like a magnet, doesn't like it when people walk away... especially pissy. Doesn't have friends, doesn't want to lose the few she almost has*
[08-22:58] 471, Jacob Lawson : My name is Jacob. I'm here to see Justine.
[08-22:58] b31, Jayson Marks : I AM a jackass. We already had this conversation. Don't change me baby. *gives her ass a pinch. Doesn't stay mad for long*
[08-22:59] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she tries to look through the crack, being the silly little kid that she is* Juuuuussy isn't home. She went to go shopping for a dress. *she opens the door just enough to see him, peek one out out*
[08-22:59] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *peek one EYE out*
[08-22:59] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He puts his hand on his heart* I'm flattered. *He puts the bottle down on the coffee table and watches the kid leave.* Damn.. your social skills are awesome.
[08-22:59] b31, Jayson Marks : *with or without a mojo rising*
[08-22:59] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Rach has an eat. Charlie has an out. Grant has a hangar. Sexy))
[08-23:00] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *Much better. Being hot, sexy, and evil has it's advantages! In fact... there were very few drawbacks!* *Her eyes widen and she half-stands at that pinch, chuckling* I wouldn't if I could.
[08-23:00] b31, Jayson Marks : You want to dance hot stuff? I can tell you all about my harem of girls?
[08-23:01] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Huh? *She blinks at him a couple of times before looking around to see what he was talking about... raising a brow* Where'd Grant go... nevermind, I don't care.
[08-23:02] b31, Jayson Marks : And how none of them are as hot as you!
[08-23:02] f86, Blaine Gavilian : Aw... I don't dance. But I'd gladly watch you do it. *She has to be nice, can only piss people off so many times a conversation she's learned* Ooh, yes, you really saved yourself on that one! *She flashes a little smile*
[08-23:02] 471, Jacob Lawson : Oh. Well, do you know when she'll be back? *smiles down at her.*
[08-23:03] b31, Jayson Marks : *goes to the dance floor. Starts to do the Running Man*
[08-23:04] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *She can't help but chuckle, lifting her hands to issue a round of applause* Dance, my monkey, dance!!
[08-23:04] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she looks up at him. She was at that stage where she was reading Bop and plastering her walls with pics of Billy Idol. Swooooon! She smiles at him* No. Mom took her to Sears. *like that was suppose to tell him how long it would be*
[08-23:04] b31, Jayson Marks : *Cabbage Patches*
[08-23:04] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : You scared him away. *He laughs and twists the whiskey bottle around.* So what's with this whole getting trashed without me thing?
[08-23:04] b31, Jayson Marks : *Roger Rabbit anyone? How about the Sprinkler? Backing the Car Up?*
[08-23:04] b31, Jayson Marks : *Oh yeah..Grocery Shopping*
[08-23:06] f86, Rachel Montgomery : You want some? I have some more... It's mine. But we can share it. *She gives a little nod as she struggles to sit up, the room spinning, totally not answering his question*
[08-23:06] f86, Blaine Gavilian : Oh, Jayson... stop, please stop. You're making me hot... I want you, I need you. *she says that all in a joking deadpan tone, struggling to keep from smiling*
[08-23:07] 471, Jacob Lawson : Okay. Guess I should have called. But you must be Charmaine.
[08-23:07] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : No.. I'm cool. You're trashed enough for the both of us. You can just.. you know, entertain me. How's your day going? *He plops down beside her and puts his feet on the coffee table*
[08-23:09] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Everybody calls me Charlie. *she smiles* The Colonel says we can't let anybody in the house when he isn't home but you can wait on the porch for her. I got some Otter Pops too if you want one. Oooh, is that your bike? *talking a mile a minute here*
[08-23:09] f86, Rachel Montgomery : I think I might throw up. What about yours? *She gives up... she gets all sorts of tangled in that blanket, and it's not worth sitting up for.*
[08-23:09] b31, Jayson Marks : *stops. Brushes self off* Yeah. All the ladies love me. LL Cool J stolehisname from me. *goes back to Blaine*
[08-23:10] 471, Jacob Lawson : Ah, yes. That's my bike.
[08-23:11] f86, Blaine Gavilian : That theiving whore. You should steal it back. *She gives a little nod of her head... she can't help it, his attitude was sort of contagious. It was hard to be serious around him.*
[08-23:12] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : Yum. *He looks around for a waste bucket and pushes himself off the couch to grab the nearest one. The only one he can see.* It's spiffy. *He moves the bucket in front of her* Bow down to the bucket God if the urge comes. *He plops back down, but a little more.. slowly this time*
[08-23:13] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she looks from the bike back to him with a smile* So you want an Otter Pop? I got Alexander the Grape and Lil Orphan Orange left. I will let you pick which one you want. They both will turn your tongue colors. Want to see?
[08-23:13] b31, Jayson Marks : Oh yeah. I could take him inside of three rounds. Anyone that does a duet with JLO deserves a punch in the nards. *grabs Blaine's hand. Yanks her up to stand*
[08-23:15] f86, Rachel Montgomery : *She blinks once or twice before giving a weary little laugh, issuing a thumbs-up...* thaaanks... Oh. Hi! Why're you here? *she kind of stares at him*
[08-23:15] 471, Jacob Lawson : I know they will. My buddies like them.
[08-23:15] f86, Blaine Gavilian : I have a nicer ass than her, anyway. *She stands up with the yanking, not smacking him in the face for touching her. Which is good for him, anyway!*
[08-23:16] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : There you go! You're working them social skills. *He slaps her butt* I'm just hanging around, why you trashed?
[08-23:16] c84, Charmaine Brooks : You don't like them? How come you don't like them? Jussy won't eat any of them but the red ones. She likes to pretend that its lipstick when her lips turn red. Oh, sometimes she lets me wear her makeup. See. *she closes her eyes, glitter on her eyelids. She was a handful, that was for sure. Probably why she got left at home*
[08-23:17] b31, Jayson Marks : *he grabs her hand. One arm around her waist. Leads her around the room. Dips her* But I've got the biggest balls of them all!
[08-23:18] f86, Rachel Montgomery : *Yeah, if Grant had slapped her ass, she woulda kicked him in the crotch... well, the crotch area. She probably couldn't hit his crotch* Cause I'm lonely and I have no purpose in life.
[08-23:19] b31, Jayson Marks : *note to self: Cover crotch area when around Rach*
[08-23:19] 471, Jacob Lawson : No, I do. But I think I better wait before I have one.
[08-23:20] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *She moves on around the room at his lead, dipped, all gracefully coming back up* They were rather impressive.
[08-23:21] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she opens her eyes. She had already had a couple. Hence the bouncing off the walls* How come? Ooooh, are you and Jussy going to kiss? *she makes smooching faces at him before she starts to giggle*
[08-23:22] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : I'm here and you're entertaining me. See? *He smiles really big* I've cured all of your problems. I'm a heeeeealer.
[08-23:23] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*HERE!*))
[08-23:24] b31, Jayson Marks : So kind of you to say. You going to help me out with my lady problem or what? *tangos with her*
[08-23:24] b31, Jayson Marks : *grabs a fake flower from one of the table. Puts it in his teeth*
[08-23:24] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Heal me, oh preacher... oh! No, but why are you hanging around the docks? Do you have a boat? *She lays her head down, cause the room is spinning and she really might puke.*
[08-23:25] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *Can actually tango... had to learn for a movie, probably. She gives a roll of her eyes, though it's accompanied by a smile so it's not really condescending* I shall try, dear Cool J.
[08-23:26] 471, Jacob Lawson : *He doesn't answer that one.*
[08-23:28] fa7, Laura Patzig : *In fresh from the play, she
[08-23:28] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *that was enough of an answer for her little ten year old self. She slips through the crack in the door to stand on the porch with him* Are you guys going to get married? And have lots of babies?
[08-23:29] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : Ooooh. *He lifts his eyebrows quickly* Uh.. I.. Yeeeeah, No. I just wanted to check out the scenery?
[08-23:30] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Ew. The scenery is gross, you're crazy. *arm just sort of draped over the edge of the couch, holding onto the trashcan cause "just in case" seems pretty likely*
[08-23:31] 471, Jacob Lawson : Ah, Charlie, we're just dating now.
[08-23:31] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : I'm looking at the scenery and.. although it may be trashed, it still looks pretty damn good to me..
[08-23:32] c84, Charmaine Brooks : So? *how cute is she? She just doesn't understand it. She grabs his hand, yanking him towards a big tree in the front yard* She loooooooves you. *she sings songs, all little kid teasing like*
[08-23:33] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Huh? *Yeah, use vague phrases like that when she's trashed. Oh... trashed, yeah. She laughs a couple of times before going stark white. And then promptly pukes into that trashcan.*
[08-23:35] b31, Jayson Marks : *dips her again. Pulls the flower from his teeth. Rights her* I got so many women, I don't know what to do with them all.
[08-23:36] f86, Blaine Gavilian : Oh yeah? Any of them sane? *Both brows go up together as she straightens up, head tilting inquisitively to one side*
[08-23:37] b31, Jayson Marks : A girl who likes me? Sane? What have you been smoking?
[08-23:38] 471, Jacob Lawson : And what makes you think she loves me?
[08-23:38] f86, Blaine Gavilian : Aww... *she ruffles his hair, fully prepared to smite him if he tries to do the same to her.* That's true. Forget I asked.
[08-23:39] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((The irony of it all!))
[08-23:40] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : Oh, Whoa.. *He leans over and.. take a picture folks cause he doesn't do the "sweet" thing very often.. He lifts her hair so she doesn't puke on the rest of it.* Guess that means we're not goin out for burritos.
[08-23:41] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she giggles as she lets go of his hand and starts to climb up the tree like a little monkey* I read it in her diary.
[08-23:42] f86, Rachel Montgomery : *Yeah, that joke there just gets a groan from her... and once she's finished puking, she flops back down on the couch, eyes closed..*
[08-23:42] b31, Jayson Marks : *knows better than to touch the hair* I am thinking I should just check myself back into the mental hospital.
[08-23:42] 471, Jacob Lawson : *Raises a brow.* Her diary?
[08-23:43] fa7, Laura Patzig : *So, freshly out of the auditorium, still wiping off the makeup, she heads into Bliss, grinning up toward Walt instinctively. And then, Lord help us, catches sight of Blaine. And Jayson. How the hell that happened she'll never know. In any case, she figures it best to keep low for the moment, and lets her hair fall in front of her face as she slips onto a stool at the bar.* Hey, old man. You haven't come to my show. Don't make me hurt you. Strawberry daquiri, if you don't mind.
[08-23:43] f86, Blaine Gavilian : How come? *Yeah, her actually caring enough to ask that question... congrats to you, man. You've held her attention long enough for her to give a shit!*
[08-23:45] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He lets go of her hair and puts his hand on her leg.. not purposely, just conveniently*.. Need some water? aspirin? a burrito? a baby? a bible? good sex? drugs? whiskey? *All said rapidly as he props his feet back on the coffee table.*
[08-23:45] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Yeeeeeeeeees....*she was climbing up into the tree now, getting pretty high up. But she did this all the time. What? Trees in Vegas? Its called non-native landscaping and in twenty years, it will all be removed. But its the early 80s, what do people know?*
[08-23:46] b31, Jayson Marks : *frowns. Not going to answer when Laura is here* I'll tell you later. *looks to Laura* Hey Woodgirl. You got some glitter on your cheek still.
[08-23:48] f86, Rachel Montgomery : A few of those would be good, and I'd tell you which if I could remember all you said. *she presses a palm against her forehead before she opens her eyes, trying to look back at him*
[08-23:48] 471, Jacob Lawson : Why don't you come on down and tell me about it? *Seeing she's a bit higher then he liked.*
[08-23:48] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She glances up, can't ignore 'em now that she's been seen. She scrubs at her cheek, but as the player knows how hard glitter is to get off of skin, she may as well not. It's not doing much good, and the fact that she's rubbing the wrong cheek doesn't help either.* Thanks. How're you? *She glances to Blaine, jaw tensing.* Evening.
[08-23:49] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *Well, at least she knows who Woodgirl is now! And she almost laughs. Because... christ. She just looks at Laura. She flashes a happy, friendly smile. She can act as well as the next person* Evening. *As if she hadn't been a hellbitch to her since forever.*
[08-23:49] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : Don't think too hard. *He pats her leg and stands up* Where do you keep the drugs? *He makes his way to what looks like a kitchen to dig around for glasses*
[08-23:50] c84, Charmaine Brooks : I don't want to come down. Why don't you come up here? *she calls down from one of the high branches down to him* She wrote about you kissing. And something about Hoover....Must mean the dam.
[08-23:51] b31, Jayson Marks : *is oblivious to the tension*
[08-23:51] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Bathroom off of the master bedroom... uh... that door to the right. If... you're on the couch. *She tries to escape the menacing clutches of the blanket, wiggling herself free from it, attempting the sitting thing again*
[08-23:52] b31, Jayson Marks : How did the play go tonight? I got my ticket for next Saturday. *pats his chest. Looks to Blaine* You want to come with?
[08-23:53] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *She shifts her eyes over toward Jayson, clasping her hands behind her back. So calm and friendly, she is... though no more than usual, cause that'd be acting strangely* I was planning to go... I might as well not be alone.
[08-23:53] 471, Jacob Lawson : *Coughs a bit.* Charlie, honest, might be better to talk down here.
[08-23:54] fa7, Laura Patzig : *A muscle in her jaw jumps. Frankly, the woman frightened her. But she returns the smile.* It was great. Can't wait for you to see it. Although I have a hunch that the good doctor was enjoying that kiss a bit too much. *She smirks. Obviously only kidding, because Eric's too much of a good guy for it to be true. But hey. It's funny. Sort of.* I think you'll both enjoy it.
[08-23:54] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He fills the glass with water and drops it off by the whiskey bottle on the coffee table and turns to follow her directions to the master bedroom's bathroom.. off to the right*
[08-23:55] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she swings down, just appearing, her face in front of his as she hangs upside down from one of the branches* She wrote "after tonight, he is going to be calling me Hoover". *she pauses* What does that mean? Is that your nickname for her? Ooooh, give me a neat nickname too!
[08-23:56] f86, Rachel Montgomery : *She manages to get upright, head swimming as she leans forward to grab that glass of water..*
[08-23:57] b31, Jayson Marks : Well what man wouldn't like locking lips with you? *looks to Blaine* Cool. Pick you up at 6 then? Or you want me to come over earlier so I can help you get dressed? *bounces brows*
[08-23:57] f86, Blaine Gavilian : I'm sure we will. *She could tell she scared the girl (vampire senses! yay!), and it made her tingle. It's so fun to mess with her... it really is.*
[08-23:58] fa7, Laura Patzig : *So mean.* *She nods stiffly, turning to sip her daquiri in silence.*
[08-23:58] 471, Jacob Lawson : Uh, don't call her that. *And jumps a bit with her suddenly in his face.*
[08-23:59] f86, Blaine Gavilian : Come over early. *Maybe a little extra early, and Jayson can help her get undressed too!*
[08-23:59] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *audience gets the reference though. Probably a few chuckles and such, for the smarter ones. She swings back and forth a little bit, smiling at him* Coooooooome on. I want a cool nickname too!
[08-23:59] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Yep. Definitely making Laura uncomfortable.*
[09-00:00] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He heads to the bathroom and opens the medicine cabinet* Asssss..pirin.. *He turns a couple of bottles around and grabs the aspirin and heads back out.* This should keep you from getting a migraine and too... you know, you might not feel as shitty tomorrow. *He shrugs and pops two pills in his palm, holding it out*
[09-00:01] b31, Jayson Marks : *looks to Laura* Hey, you want to take me out Friday before your performance? Pre-celebration dinner? *notice the wording*
[09-00:03] f86, Rachel Montgomery : *painkillers are gold in her family. she extends a hand, taking the pills from him and dropping them into her mouth, swallowing them down with a couple sips of water, cause... eww, still feelin' sick!* Ugh... thanks, man. You want to watch tv or... read the bible. Or... look through my underwear drawer? *grabs for the blanket again, trying to wrap it around herself*
[09-00:03] fa7, Laura Patzig : Sure. It'll have to be kind of early. Five or so. But I just got my paycheck, so I need to spend it hard and fast. That way I can be scrounging for cash come the end of the month. *She glances quickly toward Blaine, very brief. Probably wasn't smart to say in front of her. Damn.*
[09-00:04] 471, Jacob Lawson : Well, everyone calls you dad The Colonel, right?
[09-00:04] b31, Jayson Marks : *thumbs up at Laura* Five it is. We can do Mickey D's dollar menu. You treat me so good, Woodgirl.
[09-00:05] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Yup. *she smiles. She swings back up into the tree. Seconds later, she drops out of it, landing on her feet like a cat*
[09-00:05] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : The underwear and bible thing sounds pretty good.. *He sits down slowly and props his feet back up on the table* Whatchoo wanna watch? *He flicks the tv on* You into them Televangelists peoples or what?
[09-00:05] f86, Blaine Gavilian : Mm... thrifty. *She says with a congenial brow-bounce, though of course her being nice around Laura just probably makes her seem oddly creepy and bipolar to the girl.*
[09-00:06] 471, Jacob Lawson : Well, how about Sarge?
[09-00:07] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Sarge? *she snickers. She looks at him like he was totally off his rocker. Which he probably is if he is calling his sister after a dam*
[09-00:07] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Blaine, you are oddly creepy and bipolar))
[09-00:07] fa7, Laura Patzig : *You read her mind. Which is also creepy.* Hell no. I'm taking you out on the town, big man. We're talking top of the line gourmet. Wendy's. Sonic. Think of the possibilities. *She reaches over and puts an arm around his shoulders, hand waving as if gesturing to imaginary lights in the sky*
[09-00:07] f86, Rachel Montgomery : No way... they make me nauseous. I'm already pukey enough... I don't watch much tv. So I dunno what's on. *She manages to get that blanket around herself, wiggling it in his direction* Share? *meaning... share the blanket?*
[09-00:07] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Hear hear.))
[09-00:08] f86, Blaine Gavilian : ((But I've got a nice ass. That's all that counts!))
[09-00:09] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((It's not that great. *Eyes it.* Then again... I like big--- *Eyes Soapy Suds.* Nevermind. Shouldn't get her started.))
[09-00:10] b31, Jayson Marks : Ah want to go all the way, you would be taking me to Red Robin. *looks to Blaine* You see how good she is to me? You take me to Spago, she takes me to Sonic.
[09-00:10] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He flicks the TV off* You throwing up all over the place is sexy and all.. but we don't want me too excited. *He takes a portion of that blanket* Social skills are workin' for you now.. You doin' good. *He smacks her butt again*
[09-00:11] 471, Jacob Lawson : Well, rather I call you Judy?
[09-00:12] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Judy? *she wrinkles her nose up* You got weird nicknames for people.
[09-00:12] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Yeah, that ass swatting would either turn me on or repulse me if I had any care left in me tonight... *Yeah, ha. So much for the social skills. she picks at the blanket's hem..*
[09-00:13] 471, Jacob Lawson : Well, Judy was the name of a chimp on an old tv show.
[09-00:13] f86, Blaine Gavilian : She's just the best... *For me to poop on! ...Just kidding. But she does turn and smile toward Laura. I'mmm gonna getcha! I-i-i'm gonna getcha!*
[09-00:15] c84, Charmaine Brooks : You want to name me after a monkey? *she rolls her eyes at him.All little kid like with the huffing and stuff*
[09-00:16] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *He relaxes a bit.. stretches out some* Yeah, that's too bad. *He lays his head back and yawns*
[09-00:17] 471, Jacob Lawson : No,not a monkey a Chimp..or one of the great apes. Monkeys have tails, apes don't.
[09-00:17] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She turns her gaze away from Blaine, goosebumps and stuffs.* Do you want me to pick you up at the hotel next Saturday?
[09-00:18] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *she starts to do a bit of tumbling on the sparse grass of the front yard, full of energy* That's cool. Tell me something else about them.
[09-00:19] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Sleepy? *She ends up yawning too. Cause yawns are contagious. And then she sort of starts to lean over to the side toward Max, but she doesn't notice it.*
[09-00:20] f86, Blaine Gavilian : *Even creepier... she raises an eyebrow slightly at Laura, those hands of hers clasped behind her back.* Are you cold? It is a little bit chilly in here... *As if she noticed the goosebumps. Which she may have, and probably did!*
[09-00:20] b31, Jayson Marks : I am not at the hotel. I got a little apartment in this complex called Sin Esperanza. *or however its spelt. Too lazy to click setting*
[09-00:20] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : No.. Way. I own a Coffee Shop.. I don't believe in sleep. *He doesn't mind; He'd keep her warmer than the blanket!*
[09-00:21] 471, Jacob Lawson : I'm not a monkey/ape expert, or whatever they are called. I study law.
[09-00:22] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Ooooh...tell me something about law then. *she was still tumbling around, rolling around, head over her butt. Look at her go*
[09-00:22] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'll be fine. *That's weird and scary and she shudders.* If you want, I could ask my "employer" *Yes, she even does the finger quotes* if you could stay in the massive place I have all to myself. *She nods. Because she's so cool like that.* Anyway, I could drive you home so I know where it is, unless you have your car here. *Because bah, who knew, you could walk anywhere in this town*
[09-00:23] b31, Jayson Marks : Car? I don't have a car. And its fine. I never live with a chick. Then our sex life goes to pot.
[09-00:24] f86, Rachel Montgomery : Liquid crack... *she intones quietly, eventually ending up leaning over against Max, all sleepy. Pssh, who knows how long she's gonna be conscious!*
[09-00:24] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Her brow lifts suddenly.* Wasn't aware I had a sex life with you.
[09-00:25] b31, Jayson Marks : No yet but I am working on it. *smiles*
[09-00:25] f86, Blaine Gavilian : I think I'm going to head back to my hotel room... Jayson, if you'd like you may drop by later. I have... something to show you. *Or do to you. Naked. Something of that sort. She steps up to Laura, smiling, kissing the girl on the cheek all star-like.* It's great seeing you again. Talk to you later. *She smiles and starts off toward the door, slipping on out*
[09-00:25] 471, Jacob Lawson : Its actually boring. I'd rather hear about that diary.
[09-00:26] c84, Charmaine Brooks : Well if you tell me something, then I tell you something. How does that sound? You tell me something and then you ask me what you want to know. *she stops at his feet, looking up at him like an adoring puppy*
[09-00:26] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : Shh, don't give my secret away. *Lets her lean.. and is okay with the fact that he'd probably get puked on.* You're not a fighter.. fight the sleep.. don't let go.. never let go.. *He squeaks out the last part like ol' girl in the boat movie.*
[09-00:26] fa7, Laura Patzig : How romantic. *Smirks faintly, and then is all hollywood-kissed.**Yeah, she doesn't return that kiss-kiss stuff because it freaks her out immensely.* Right. Have a nice evening, Blaine. *And please fall off the face of the earth.*
[09-00:27] b31, Jayson Marks : *smacks Blaine's ass on the way out* See you in a bit.
[09-00:29] f86, Rachel Montgomery : *She mutters something about "Jack" as she just sort of passes out there against Max... Cause player's about to go to bed!*
[09-00:29] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Eye twitch.*
[09-00:30] b31, Jayson Marks : *sits down next to Laura* What's cooking good looking?
[09-00:31] 5d8, Max O'Reilly : *Passes out with her; Player is laughing his ass off at Chris Rock: Bring the Pain.. on comedy central.*
[09-00:32] fa7, Laura Patzig : Nothing much. Play's going good. I think you'll like it. *She thinks everyone will like it.* So what's the deal with you and.. Blaine? *Yep, manages to keep a sorta calm face.*
[09-00:33] b31, Jayson Marks : She's my friend. *shrugs. Wasn't a big deal to him. Finishes his club sandwich there*
[09-00:34] 3ab, Sterling : *enters*
[09-00:34] c84, Charmaine Brooks : *And the big reveal of what was in the diary.......well that is for another day!*
[09-00:35] fa7, Laura Patzig : Cool. *She sips on her daquiri, eyes slightly unfocused. Almost as if she was completely out of it after the play. Poor thing. Don't you just want to hug her? Anyone other than Jayson, that is. He'd skip the hugging.*
[09-00:37] b31, Jayson Marks : *doesn't hug* You going to be okay there, Woodgirl. You look high
[09-00:37] 3ab, Sterling : ummm -- i really tried to read solzhenitsyn, but it's all far too serious & dry, for the likes of me....
[09-00:40] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She nods.* I'm fine. Just a little exhausted. In that mental way. Stressed. I need a break from stuff. Sorry. *She shakes her head.* This is all backwards. You're the one supposed to be complaining about stress. I'm the psychologist-to-be and Walt's the bartender. Pick one and start blurting. *She grins, leaning forward expectantly, hands cradling her chin.*
[09-00:41] b31, Jayson Marks : I pay some dude a hundred and fifty an hour to listen to me complain. When I am here, I just want to have fun.
[09-00:42] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *outside the coffeeshop, she was having a cigarette, waiting on Topher. She really should quit but you know, she can't. She was trying*
[09-00:42] fa7, Laura Patzig : Really? Complaining is fun.
[09-00:44] 5d8, Topher Crash : *He's walks towards the coffee shop.. backpack on his shoulder with his skateboard sticking out of it.* Hey Roo. *He says as he gets a little closer to her*
[09-00:47] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She smirks, giving him a slight nudge.* You mean complaining isn't fun? And how is sitting around pouring death into your liver any fun?
[09-00:48] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Hey there, papi. *she gives him a smooch cause well, he deserves a smooch. On the cheek though. So he doesn't have to taste her cigarette breath*
[09-00:49] b31, Jayson Marks : What are you talking about? I only drink beer. Besides, I do a lot of fun stuff. You missed my Jackass impression earlier.
[09-00:50] 5d8, Topher Crash : *He turns his cheek to receive the smooch* How YOU doin'? *He smiles at her*
[09-00:50] fa7, Laura Patzig : Beer has alcohol which completely deteriorates your liver. Not like I'm doing much better. *She grins at the sound of the Jackass interpretation. She could definitely see him doing something along those lines.* Damn. I'll have to blackmail Walt into letting me watch the security tapes. Or you could do your own little show for me. *She lifts a brow.*
[09-00:51] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Okay Joey...are we getting coffee here or what? *she pokes the board sticking out* How is the new board working out?
[09-00:51] b31, Jayson Marks : I don't know. I was kind of in the zone if you know what I mean.
[09-00:52] fa7, Laura Patzig : Oh, I get it. I'm not zone-inducing. *She mock sniffles, wiping a nonexistant tear with her fingertip.*
[09-00:53] 5d8, Topher Crash : It's working out perfectly. *He opens the door for her and gestures for her to walk in.*
[09-00:53] b31, Jayson Marks : Well do you want to wear the panda suit?
[09-00:53] b31, Jayson Marks : Or you just want to watch me do PartyBoy?
[09-00:53] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she heads on in once he opens the door, heading to the counter to order them something to drink* What the hell...don't they have normal coffee?! Lay-tah? What is that?
[09-00:55] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She shakes her head.* Nevermind. *She rubs the bridge of her nose, catching sight of a bit of glitter and scrubbing at it with a napkin.*
[09-01:00] b31, Jayson Marks : *reaches over. Pats her back* What is wrong, snookums?
[09-01:02] 3ab, Sterling : *looks around for a moment, and heads to the bar*
[09-01:05] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to the bartender* Ummm, yeah -- sorry -- I'll be just a moment....
[09-01:05] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She shrugs, glancing over to him.* Nothing. My brain's just fried from all the stuff going on... *She leans against the bar, hand propping up her head, turning sideways to look up at him.* Found a job yet?
[09-01:06] 5d8, Topher Crash : A Latte? *He gets to the counter behind her* It's made with steamed milk, but it has less foam than a cappuccino.. *He looks at her and back to the menu* An Espresso has less caffeine than brewed coffee.. Um, but that's because it's brewed quicky with high steam.. pressurized water. *He rubs the back of his neck.* But.. The Toddy Espresso has the highest amount of caffeine you can get in your coffee.. but it's low acid. *He taps the top of the counter; Maybe he should of just said.. It's got milk..*
[09-01:06] 3ab, Sterling : *stares blankly at his reflection, in the mirror behind the bar*
[09-01:07] b31, Jayson Marks : Nope. I am going to work as a high priced escort. *smiles* But I will give you a discount
[09-01:08] c84, Ruby Espinoza : What the hell man...*she looks totally confused here. He should have known better. She looks at the girl behind the counter* You got juice? Like OJ? I just want some juice.
[09-01:08] fa7, Laura Patzig : How sweet of you. But considering you don't have a car and I do, how's that going to work out? *She grins.* I guess you'll have to escort your own chauffer.
[09-01:10] b31, Jayson Marks : *laughs at her* Escort, Laura. Like Heidi Fliess escort. Women pay me for sex.
[09-01:10] 5d8, Topher Crash : *He smiles because she's just too cute.* I'll have a Cafe Au Vanilla.
[09-01:10] b31, Jayson Marks : *glances at Sterling* Sup man. You should take a picture. Lasts longer.
[09-01:11] 3ab, Sterling : *snaps out of his reveries* *gestures to the bartender, ordering coffee*
[09-01:11] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she gives him a look before looking back to the girl* He'll have a juice too. Just regular...plain...OJ. Nothing fancy. No Aus
[09-01:12] fa7, Laura Patzig : Ohhh... *Her cheeks go an adorable shade of pink, and she nods.* Right. That kind of escort. *She glances toward Sterling, head tilted. She leans in toward Jayson.* Do you know him?
[09-01:13] b31, Jayson Marks : Nope. Don't know him. Was being friendly. *sips his beer*
[09-01:13] 5d8, Topher Crash : .. Or.. Juice is good too. *He pulls out a couple of dollars to pay for it and hands it to the girl; He turns back around and puts his backpack down at a booth.*
[09-01:13] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Jayson Marks* Oh -- hey, man. Sorry -- how are you...?
[09-01:14] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Laura Patzig* Hi....
[09-01:14] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She nods, turning back to Sterling and lifting her voice a bit.* You new here? Just about everyone is. *Blinking at the way he greets Jayson, she leans back toward him again.* You sure you don't know him?
[09-01:15] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she has her backpack too. She tosses it into the booth and slides in* You are such a showoff. You know that? *said with a smile naturally*
[09-01:16] 5d8, Topher Crash : I'm sorry, I was just explaining.. the.. um. *turns and points to the menu*.. that.. the stuff on the menu.
[09-01:16] 3ab, Sterling : *thanks the bartender for the coffee & stirs in a spoonful of sugar* *nods at Laura's comment, and then looks back to her* Actually, I am -- new, I mean -- around here....
[09-01:16] b31, Jayson Marks : Nope. Never seen the guy before in my life. *looks to Sterling* Good man, doing good. You?
[09-01:17] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Suuuuuuure...and then you have to go order your coffe au jous or whatever. *she puts her elbows on the table, chin in her palms as she looks at him*
[09-01:19] 5d8, Topher Crash : Cafe Au Vanilla? It's good.. You should try it one day. *He looks right back at her* What's on your mind?
[09-01:21] fa7, Laura Patzig : Welcome to St. Solanus. We'll be your welcoming committee for the evening. Please don't feed the mental patients. Beware the women in this town. The men are worse. And the kids are just freaks. Have a nice stay! *She beams*
[09-01:22] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Jayson and Laura* Real good -- real good. I didn't mean to interrupt....
[09-01:23] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she just smiles at him* Why does anything have to be on my mind? Can't I just spend time with you?
[09-01:23] b31, Jayson Marks : Not interrupting anything. Was just telling Woodgirl here about my plans to be the next big American Gigalo.
[09-01:24] 3ab, Sterling : *chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair* Okay -- I'll try to remember that. I'm Sterling. *extends a hand*
[09-01:24] 3ab, Sterling : *raises and eyebrow* Very nice -- I've know a few hustlers, in my time. *shrugs* Pays the rent, or so I hear....
[09-01:25] b31, Jayson Marks : Jayson, Jay, Woody. You might know me from my days on American Idol or from my television show. I am famous. *takes the hand. Shakes it*
[09-01:26] 365, Topher Crash : You just look like you have something on your mind. *He smiles* But, Yes.. I enjoy spending time with you..
[09-01:26] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She reaches forward, shaking the hand.* Don't encourage him. I'm Laura, Laura, Woodgirl. You may know me from my days in the community play or the cover of tabloids. I am not famous. But I am sexy. *She smiles.*
[09-01:27] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Well I was wondering when you finally wanted know...take this to the next level. Not that I am not digging the making out and all here.
[09-01:28] 3ab, Sterling : *shakes both Jayson's and Laura's hands* I'm overwhelmed, man. You're both famous-looking, anyway....
[09-01:28] fa7, Darcy Crash: *Hovers about Topher's head like a conscience.* You do it and I'll castrate you.... *Of course, said all spooky spirit-like.*
[09-01:29] fa7, Laura Patzig : No, I'm just sexy, and he's just weird. *Nods solemnly.*
[09-01:29] b31, Jayson Marks : I am weird...but famous. *nods. Was. Not anymore though. Well he was famous like Ryan Seacrest. B-list*
[09-01:31] 3ab, Sterling : *smiles, again* Well, we're all pretty weird, I suppose. Are you both from this area...?
[09-01:32] b31, Jayson Marks : Nope. Born back east. Lived in LA. Have only met one native so far. Meg Solanus. *nods* We're all plants...trans-plants.
[09-01:33] 365, Topher Crash : I just.. I don't want you to think that I'm.. you know, I joke often..I don't want you to think that I'd disrespect you.. or I .. *Isn't it starting to sound like he's the one that brought it up?* I just want you to be okay with it. I want you to be happy. *He nods and smiles.*
[09-01:33] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm from St. Louis. Thought I'd be the only person that actually moved to a place like this, but apparently I was wrong.
[09-01:34] 3ab, Sterling : Right -- I'm from the East, myself. So, other than -- uhhh -- your new career, Jayson, what do you do...?
[09-01:35] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Dude...I am happy. You aren't dissing me at all. If you don't feel cool yet, I will wait for you. *how great is she?*
[09-01:35] b31, Jayson Marks : I was an actor. *hence the famous. Sips his beer* You?
[09-01:36] fa7, Laura Patzig : He sits around in a bar hitting on unsuspecting girls that look like cheerleaders. *She nods.* We're getting married, you know. Me and Jayson. You could be the maid of honor.
[09-01:36] 3ab, Sterling : Yeah? I've got people -- family -- out in St. Louis -- on The Hill....
[09-01:36] b31, Jayson Marks : *chokes on his beer...when Laura says that. Sputters and coughs*
[09-01:37] 365, Topher Crash : I just don't want to.. *He leans forward and looks around* You know, mess up.. and you not like me or something. *This is where he'd insert about all the books he read about it, but you know.. that didn't work out too well with the coffee.. so he just keeps his mouth shut and his head leaning forward.*
[09-01:38] 3ab, Sterling : *shakes his head, faintly smiling* I don't do much, anymore. I write, a bit. Came into a little money, last year -- I'm just trying to make that last....
[09-01:38] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She blinks.* Changing your mind, snookums? *Yep, she's hyper or something tonight.* I didn't actually live in St. Louis. Just across the river. But hey, now I'm here, and pregnant with Jayson's baby. We're naming him Beau-Regard Sampson.
[09-01:38] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she smiles* You haven't messed up yet. But like I said, its fine. We will just take it slow. *she reaches for his hand, rubbing it gently* I know you aren't smooth and that you got all these book smarts. But I like that. Its different. And you are sweet to me
[09-01:39] 3ab, Sterling : *laughs, alound* I don't think that any girls are unsuspecting, anymore. I'm usually asked to be flower girl, but, uhhh.... *shrugs*
[09-01:39] b31, Jayson Marks : *keeps coughing. Never joke about pregnancy with a man*
[09-01:41] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Even one you've never touched?* *She lifts a brow, reaching over and patting him on the back.* Jayson, 'escort' or not, you needto keep track of who you've screwed. I am not one of them. Calm down.
[09-01:41] 3ab, Sterling : *nods, again* I've got family, there, as well.... Well, congratulations, then. Beauregard -- like the Southern general...?
[09-01:41] b31, Jayson Marks : Not...even...funny. *wheezing now. Tries to recover*
[09-01:41] 365, Topher Crash : Do you want to take this OJ to go? We can walk and talk. *He's looking around.. feeling a little uncomfortable*
[09-01:42] 3ab, Sterling : *rolls his eyes and chuckles* Ohhh -- okay, so -- no scare, really....
[09-01:42] fa7, Laura Patzig : No. Like the cow. You know. Elsie's calf. Borden milk. *Nods, continuing to pat him on the back.* Come on, big guy, cough that lung up.
[09-01:43] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Sure. That is cool. *she grabs her bottle of juice and her backpack, sliding out of the booth. She offers her hand, waiting for him*
[09-01:44] b31, Jayson Marks : *gets himself together. Shakes his head. Looks at Sterling* I am not marrying her. I am never marrying anybody.
[09-01:45] fa7, Laura Patzig : What about that cheerleader you couldn't take your eyes off of the other day? And honestly, I'm heartbroken. *She nods, though the blank look on her face clearly betrays that lie.*
[09-01:45] 365, Topher Crash : *He takes her hand and grabs his bacpack, putting the strap on his shoulder and grabbing his juice.. making his way out of the booth and towards the door.* I don't know how ridiculous I sound, but.. I don't really want to talk about it.. I just want it to happen. You know? I feel uncomfortable with.. talking about it.. but I'm not uncomfortable when I'm just with you. *He shakes his head* That doesn't make any sense.
[09-01:46] 3ab, Sterling : No -- Elsie's calf was Elmer -- like the glue. Thank God I spent the extra money and got that Ph. D. .... *shakes his head*
[09-01:46] 365, Topher Crash : *backpack*
[09-01:46] c84, Ruby Espinoza : It makes totally sense. Like when we are ready, we will know. It will just happen. Shouldn't talk about it or plan it. Just let it come naturally. *she smiles at him. She hopes she is getting him, that they understand each other*
[09-01:47] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Jayson* Yeah -- I kept saying that, right up until I was at the altar -- both times. It's a good plan, but it takes a lot of willpower.
[09-01:48] b31, Jayson Marks : I've changed my mind. No more relationships for Jayson Marks. I am just going to keep making girls buy me steaks. No commitments. *looks at Sterling* Got to keep on keeping on man
[09-01:48] fa7, Laura Patzig : No no. Beauregard. I'm right. You're wrong. You're smoking stuff. *Nods.* And can we not talk about marriage? *That last bit was a little tense. Hmm.*
[09-01:49] 365, Topher Crash : *He smiles* Yeah.. That's what I mean. I guess it's kind of stupid for me to .. actually.. want to be romantic. Me? Romantic? Ha. *He shakes his head*
[09-01:49] fa7, Laura Patzig : *But that catches her attention.* Why not? What if you find someone you really care for and mooching steaks off of her isn't enough? *Damn, so much for not talking about relationships.*
[09-01:50] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she leans against him* You are romantic. You are my kind of romantic. That is what matters. *she starts to walk with him* Zach got me a car.
[09-01:50] b31, Jayson Marks : If I really care for her, I am not going to saddle her with having to deal with me for the rest of her natural life. *chuckles. Looks at Sterling* Am I right man?
[09-01:51] 365, Topher Crash : Really? He's treating you good now, huh? *He lets go of her hand and puts his arm around her*
[09-01:51] 3ab, Sterling : Commitment's a huge thing -- it's too real, for most people, when it's right there in your face. It's -- just -- far too huge....
[09-01:52] fa7, Laura Patzig : No. You aren't. If you really care about her, what if she wants to deal with you? Maybe by doing her what you assume to be a favor you're actually going to end up breaking her heart. *She shakes her head, sipping the rest of her daquiri.* How much do I owe you, Walt? *She fishes the cash out of her pocket, counting out the money, obviously disturbed by the sudden turn of the conversation.*
[09-01:53] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*Dances* Character development!))
[09-01:53] 3ab, Sterling : See, that's thinking. *nods to Jayson* Hey, it's not like women don't do the very same thing, anyway -- I've had more than one girl sniffing around my doorstep, since I came into money.... They're not in it for the long term, or even for love....
[09-01:54] 365, Topher Crash : ((Men don't settle down! They surrender!))
[09-01:54] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she leans more into him when he puts his arm around her* Yeah. Its...weird. He got me all these great presents for Christmas and then the car. He also told me to change my work schedule so I could take some classes and shit.
[09-01:55] b31, Jayson Marks : Better I break it sooner rather than later. *shrugs. Looks to Sterling* I am too damn young to be even thinking about this. I just want to have fun. I got too many girls on my jock right now to pick one
[09-01:55] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Damn right, Topher my man))
[09-01:55] 365, Topher Crash : That's good. That's.. great. You should. *He rubs her shoulder*
[09-01:56] c84, Ruby Espinoza : I don't know, papi...*she frowns slightly* I was never good at the school thing. Its just not my gig. *its not that she wasn't smart. She had some brains. It was the whole not fitting in and getting teased thing. Awww, poor Rubes*
[09-01:57] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She practically throws the money down, standing so quickly that her stool teeters.* Keep the change. See you Saturday, Jayson. *She hauls her purse over her shoulder and heading toward the door.*
[09-01:57] 3ab, Sterling : *sips his coffee* Men shouldn't be able to marry, anyway, until they're at least -- say, 50....
[09-01:57] 3ab, Sterling : *nods toward Laura* Nice to have met you....
[09-01:58] b31, Jayson Marks : *watches Laura leave. Sighs. Looks back to Sterling* I think I just pissed her off there.
[09-01:58] 365, Topher Crash : *His life story right there, baby.* School is the only thing that I'm good at. *He shakes his head* I think you'll be wonderful.
[09-01:58] 3ab, Sterling : *pulls a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket* Mind if I smoke?
[09-01:59] b31, Jayson Marks : California...smoking ban. You have to take it outside or get fined.
[09-01:59] 3ab, Sterling : *smies, a bit* Oh, yeah? Why? Seemed like she was just pulling your chain, there, at first, but....
[09-02:00] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Topher...that isn't true. *she stops and turns to look at him* You are good at a lot of stuff. You are really funny. And you always have these great ideas of stuff to do, like the aquarium. You never make fun of people.
[09-02:00] 3ab, Sterling : *sighs, heavily* Oh -- right -- now, that's gonna take some getting used to. *stows the cigarette pack*
[09-02:00] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Do I need to go on cause I can? I got a big list. *she smiles at him*
[09-02:00] 3ab, Sterling : smies = smiles
[09-02:00] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Hell yes you did. And Sterling didn't help matters much, saying women didn't marry for love. She leans against the wall outside, breathing hard and fast. For a moment she can't even get her own emotions in line. Not knowing for sure if she's more sad or angry, though God knows why.*
[09-02:01] b31, Jayson Marks : You see the way her stool almost fell over when I said I never wanted to get married? I think she had her sights set on me or something. Not good since I barely know her. Hell...don't even know her last name.
[09-02:04] 365, Topher Crash : I'm funny because I'm weird. I'm good at knowing the stupidest shit... and, I DO make fun of someone. I make fun of my mother, and the only reason I do that.. is because she's more eccentric than I am. You know.. *He scoffs and shakes his head at himself* That's pathetic.
[09-02:04] 3ab, Sterling : *gestures to Walt for a coffee refill* Well, if you're like nearly every other guy out there, you'll find yourself caught, one day. I'm probably pretty jaded -- I'll give you that, but -- it's just all a losing proposition....
[09-02:05] 365, Topher Crash : *Kicks Icon*
[09-02:06] 3ab, Sterling : *didn't really say that women don't marry for love, for the record* ((Ahem....))
[09-02:06] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Don't...don't that okay? Don't get all down on yourself. *she moves a little closer to him* You get me. Like nobody else. You never asked me to change. You don't get pissed off cause I smoke or drink or curse. And you don't make fun of me if I want to stay home and play Candyland with Nadine. You just let me be who I am.
[09-02:07] b31, Jayson Marks : I have got so many women problems, its not even funny. I liked her and all but damn...marriage? We aren't even dating. Its like town full of crazy stalker girls
[09-02:07] 3ab, Sterling : If I had it all to do, over again -- which, actually, at this point, I do -- it's eternal bachelorhood, from this moment, forward....
[09-02:07] b31, Jayson Marks : I am with you there, man
[09-02:07] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She slips into her car, glaring at the steering wheel. She'd known Jayson was shallow, but damn. That was just infuriating. And Sterling did not make a good first impression. She hits the wheel hard with the heel of her hand, setting the horn off, which only pisses her off more. A few more minutes pass with her absolutely fuming before she finally leans her head against the steering wheel and cries. Girl's kinda messed up when it comes to emotions.* ((I know that, but she took it to mean that women aren't in anything for love.))
[09-02:08] 365, Topher Crash : You forced me to get you.. You were the one that humped me on the park bench in front of my mother... I had no other choice but to sit there and you know.. like you. *He snaps his fingers* Oh, and.. well.. you're hot, so that was a major bonus.
[09-02:08] 3ab, Sterling : *chuckles, stirring more sugar into his refilled coffee* Take me to the crazy stalker girls, then. Those I can probably take -- it's the ex-wives and their attorneys that scare the Hell out of me....
[09-02:09] 365, Topher Crash : ((Don't do the car driving thing, you're not good with that.. Laura.. es no allowed to drive when upset.. *Waves fist*))
[09-02:09] 3ab, Sterling : *chuckles, stirring more sugar into his refilled coffee* Take me to the crazy stalker girls, then. Those I can probably take -- it's the ex-wives and their attorneys that scare the Hell out of me....
[09-02:11] b31, Jayson Marks : You want a list? First day I got here, this chick named Dylan was like "I will show you around town. Let me take you to my hole in the ground. I want to make a suit out of your skin!"
[09-02:12] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she laughs when he says that, remembering that rather strange evening together* So if I wouldn't have gotten in your lap that night, you never would have hooked up with me?
[09-02:13] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Reaching down, she flips open the shiny new cell phone and dials a few numbers, bringing the phone up to her ear.* ...Patzig residence, please. Doc? We need to talk. *Dun dun dun!*
[09-02:13] b31, Jayson Marks : *not shallow. Laura doesn't get him*
[09-02:14] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Of course she doesn't. He doesn't let anyone get him.*
[09-02:15] 365, Topher Crash : I think.. that.. if you wouldn't have gotten onto my lap that night.. you wouldn't have hooked up with me.
[09-02:15] 3ab, Sterling : *listens to Jayson, nodding and sipping his coffee* *makes a mental note: "Dylan: Lives in a hole. Wears suits made from skins."* Very nice -- yeah, this California air must really mess people up....
[09-02:16] 3ab, Sterling : ((*loves the "Dun dun dun!"*))
[09-02:17] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Sure I would have. I think you are cute. And I like to listen to you talk about smart people stuff. Like when we used to watch Discovery channel at the hospital. *she smiles and takes his hand, swinging it a bit* I really like you, Topher. I a lot.
[09-02:18] b31, Jayson Marks : Then I met Woodgirl there and I thought we were cool. I really liked her except for her whole always needing to challenge me, wear the dick you know. Then she goes postal tonight. Who else? Oh, Fiona. Yeah, she is weird too. Reads too much into shit.
[09-02:18] 3ab, Sterling : In the East, everything's -- well, the air's dirty -- it's this damned clean-living, non-smoking, avocado-and-sunflower-seed-sandwich-eating lifestyle.... It's just not healthy....
[09-02:18] b31, Jayson Marks : *take notes. Is a wealth of info on people in town*
[09-02:18] fa7, Laura Patzig : *And a short time later, as the audience is not allowed to hear her private phone call, nope, she nods.* Thanks, Doc. I just had to make sure. I'll try to visit sometime soon. Thanks. *She hangs up, stuffing the phone back in her purse and climbs back out. She's drunk and she's in a kinda ungood mood, and plus, she is now hungry. Sooo, she climbs out, bumping the door shut with her hip.*
[09-02:19] b31, Jayson Marks : I am with you there. I stick to my beer and my steaks. *holds up the beer bottle*
[09-02:20] 3ab, Sterling : *nods, listening to Jayson* Yeah, some do that more than others. I don't mind it -- it can be engaging. Some do it just to get on the nerves, though, I suspect. *raises his coffee cup and clinks it against Jayson's beer bottle* Gotta die, sometime. Quality of life, man -- it's something....
[09-02:22] b31, Jayson Marks : Rather live the way I want and die young. Then be old and miserable. *clinks drinks with Sterling* I am not for challenges. I want my cheerleader woman. A chick that will be a chick. Likes Meg Ryan. Cries at shit. Lets me feel like a hero.
[09-02:22] b31, Jayson Marks : *he is drunk. Its time for honest drunk time. And talking too much*
[09-02:23] 3ab, Sterling : Fiona, right -- are all of these girls on the make, or what? Nothing better to do...? I mean, this isn't a huge town, I know, but....
[09-02:23] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She slips back inside and back onto the same stool as before, silent for a moment as she motions to Walt to bring her a drink.* And a BLT. *remains quiet a while longer before glancing between Jayson and Sterling.* Had to make a call. *Another pause, which she breaks with a sigh.* Look. I'm sorry. I'm stressed, the play's taken a lot out of me. It's no excuse, but I'm sure I read incorrectly into what you'd said, Sterling.
[09-02:24] b31, Jayson Marks : I don't know. They all turn up pregnant here. You look at a girl and bam! knocked up. *glances to Laura. Not sure if the apology was for him too*
[09-02:25] 365, Topher Crash : I like you a lot too. *He's sure he does.. He's never had a girlfriend before Ruby except for the fat kid in his kindergarten class with the frizzy hair.. but that doesn't count.. She left him for the kid whose parents double packed his lunch.. narf!ing twinkie eatin' assholes.* I think.. that we should .. go back to my house and.. watch the discovery channel.
[09-02:26] c84, Ruby Espinoza : That sounds cool. *she links her arm in his, smiling* Is your mom going to hover over us though? She really creeps me out, papi. I a lot.
[09-02:26] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She turns her gaze toward Jayson.* And you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken my insecurities out on the two of you. *Whoa, she just sounds like a psychologist. Woot for her. But damn, does she look dead on her feet. Her whole face just slack like she wants to hug a pillow.*
[09-02:26] fa7, Laura Patzig : *And no, that's not code for sleeping, it means literally hugging a pillow.*
[09-02:27] 3ab, Sterling : Exactly, man. *gives up on the coffee and orders a double Jameson and water* Some of them don't understand, anyway -- it's not we -- some of us, anyway -- are just out here looking for girls who are all looks, and no brains.... I've always just wanted someone who would avoid conflict as much as I would....
[09-02:28] b31, Jayson Marks : Maybe you should head home, Laura. You need some serious sleeping time. *looks concerned. Is concerned*
[09-02:28] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Laura, quickly finishing what he was saying, before ((sort of)) she rejoins them* Hello, again....
[09-02:29] 365, Topher Crash : *He looks at his watch* She's probably doing Yoga at the gym or something.. She won't be there. She's hardly there anymore. *He smiles.* I think she might have a boyfriend or something. That's good, too. She's in serious need of getting laid.
[09-02:31] c84, Ruby Espinoza : She's not the only one. *she smiles as she tugs on the front of his hoodie/jacket/whatever. Going to be doing some fast forwarding here probably, with them at his mom's place*
[09-02:31] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *thinks she lives in a beach house...right?*
[09-02:32] 365, Topher Crash : *Si, Senorita*
[09-02:32] 3ab, Sterling : *shrugs and smiles at Laura* No one's broken. Friends, again. As much as I complain about women, I still love them -- all of them, apparently.... *thanks Walt and sniffs his Jameson and water, sighing, very happily*
[09-02:33] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm not tired. *She hesitates, then nods.* Yeah, alright, I'm tired. Walt, can you make that to go? *Glancing over toward Sterling, she gives a faint nod.* First impression wasn't wonderful. I'm not always this way. I apologize. *She nods slightly, glancing towards Jayson.* Just... give me directions to your place sometime this week. I'll stick around until you want to leave if you like.
[09-02:33] fa7, Darcy Crash: *Doesn't have a boyfriend.* *Poor her.*
[09-02:34] fa7, Darcy Crash : *But the other guess was right on the money. She is just finishing up.*
[09-02:35] 365, Topher Crash : *He unlocks the door and opens it for her.* Bandit's probably running around.
[09-02:36] b31, Jayson Marks : I was going to stay here and talk shop with my man Sterling. Let me get a napkin. WALLY! NAPKIN! *pen magically appears. Is just that cool. Writes directions to his place on said napkin* No phone yet. No heat. No cable.
[09-02:36] 3ab, Sterling : *smiles at Laura* Accepted, and I hope that you'll accept mine, as well, Laura....
[09-02:37] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Yeah...I was wondering where he was. *she did love his dog. Made her want one of her own. Course Nadine had the basset hound now. She whistles for him as she heads back to Topher's room* Baaaandito! Donde estas?
[09-02:38] fa7, Laura Patzig : I can talk to Dr. Brooks. Lord knows it's big enough to house a freakin' army. *She smirks, covering a yawn and taking the doggy bag when it arrives.* Talk to you two later. *She winks at Jayson with a half grin and leans forward to lick Sterling's cheek.* Welcome to St. Solanus. And God have pity on you as long as you're here.
[09-02:39] b31, Jayson Marks : Like I said Laura. I don't want to live with a girl I am trying to get into bed. *smiles at her*
[09-02:39] 365, Topher Crash : *He shuts the door behind her and walks into the livingroom.. tugging his gray hoodie off and laying it on the couch.* Did you find him?
[09-02:40] 3ab, Sterling : *blushes, slightly* Alright -- I'll take that as, "Yes, Sterling, you're forgiven."
[09-02:40] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *calls out from the bedroom, already on the bed, snuggling with the dog* He is in your room! *gets doggy kisses. Makes sure to rub the tummy*
[09-02:40] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *careful not to get the jimmy leg started*
[09-02:41] 3ab, Sterling : *laughs, softly* Hey, thanks. I appreciate the welcome. I'll be careful....
[09-02:42] b31, Jayson Marks : Just don't drink the water. Causes pregnancy. *chuckles*
[09-02:43] fa7, Laura Patzig : What girl aren't you trying to get into bed? *Returning the smile, she wiggles her fingers in a cutesy little wave.* You'll be lucky to get my autograph when I hit the big time, buster. Let alone a piece of this. *She smirks, wiggling her hips ridiculously and giving Sterling a pat on the back.* Jayson gave birth to a deformed monkey baby last fall. *And with that she heads out.* Ta ta!
[09-02:43] 365, Topher Crash : *He smiles as he walks into his bedroom and leans against the door* I'm jealous.
[09-02:43] b31, Jayson Marks : *nods* It was all over the Weekly World News. My baby and Bat Boy got married.
[09-02:44] 3ab, Sterling : *nods and pulls his cigarettes out, again, nervously* Water's for washing. Whiskey's for drinking.
[09-02:44] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she laughs, looking up at him, taking a Bandit kiss to the cheek. Of course, when he sees his owner, she is forgotten* Well come here and I will rub your tummy and let you lick my face. *she smiles at him*
[09-02:44] fa7, Laura Patzig : ** *She walks back in, grabbing her doggy bag off the counter and heading back out.*
[09-02:46] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Jayson* Hey, I read that -- The Weekly World News. It's like an oasis of sanity, in an increasingly odd world....
[09-02:47] 365, Topher Crash : *He scratches Bandit behind the ears for a few seconds and then pounces on Ruby.* Deal. *He rolls over onto his back and lays there.*
[09-02:47] b31, Jayson Marks : My fave part is the Page Five girl. Or is she on Page Six now. Nothing says entertainment than Bin Laden having a flipper baby.
[09-02:48] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she laughs as she gets pounced there. She falls back and then rolls over to lay half on him, half on the bed. She starts to rub his tummy, venturing...gasp! under his shirt*
[09-02:49] 3ab, Sterling : ((*also needs to get laid*))
[09-02:50] 3ab, Sterling : ((Okay -- that should have been IC.)) *also needs to get laid*
[09-02:50] fa7, Darcy Crash : ((*Needs to get laid. Both OOC and IC.*))
[09-02:51] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *is fine in both departments*
[09-02:51] 3ab, Sterling : *pauses, momentarily* Yeah -- the British tabloids all have those girls -- very buxom -- very -- uhhh.... *thinks, and trails off*
[09-02:51] 365, Topher Crash : *..And he lets her venture as he starts talking to her* I figure we can save up some money and get out of this town.. one day. Maybe get Bandit a girlfriend.. *He smiles faintly and jumps a bit.. He was slightly ticklish.*
[09-02:51] b31, Jayson Marks : Easy? *offers. Takes another sip of beer*
[09-02:52] 365, Topher Crash : *I'm a male whore!.. okay well.. yeeeeah.*
[09-02:52] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Yeah...that sounds good. Where do you want to go? *he is just talking cause he is nervous. He always gets like this before they make out. She kisses his neck...then his cheek. Letting him talk*
[09-02:52] 3ab, Sterling : ((Well, if we're being entirely honest, then -- yeah....))
[09-02:53] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *likes whores*
[09-02:54] 3ab, Sterling : *pulls a slight face* I was actually going to say -- Hell, I dunno....
[09-02:55] b31, Jayson Marks : *likes whores as well*
[09-02:56] b31, Jayson Marks : I think you need to keep drinking my man. *pats Sterling on the back*
[09-02:56] b85, J: *yawns and lurks*
[09-02:56] 365, Topher Crash : Uhh-hh. *His voice crackles a bit and he swallows a lump in his throat* Somewhere peaceful.. Somewhere decent. *He raises up for a second and looks at Ruby*.. Let me.. *he points to his bedroom door* Let me close that..
[09-02:57] 3ab, Sterling : *finishes his drink and orders another, gesturing to Jayson* Excellent suggestion, my friend. What are you drinking?
[09-02:57] c84, Ruby Espinoza : Okay. *she nods, smiling at him when he raises up. She just lays back on the bed, looking up at his ceiling* I always wanted to go to Baja.
[09-02:58] b31, Jayson Marks : MGD. Can't handle anything much stronger.
[09-02:59] 3ab, Sterling : *nods to Walt* Thanks -- another MGD, here, please.
[09-03:01] b31, Jayson Marks : So why did you pick this town? Since you aren't all for the clean living?
[09-03:03] 3ab, Sterling : *chuckles, raising his glass to his lips* A friend of mine used to live out this way -- she liked it, enough. I figured it might be nice to take a few years off from teaching, and write -- work on my novel -- or whatever in Hell it is....
[09-03:04] 3ab, Sterling : *chuckles, raising his glass to his lips* A friend of mine used to live out this way -- she liked it, well enough. I figured it might be nice to take a few years off from teaching, and write -- work on my novel -- or whatever in Hell it is....
[09-03:04] 365, Topher Crash : *He gets up off the bed and shuts the door* Oh yeah? *He steps closer to the bed and pounces on her again.* I'll have to take you there one day. *He leans down and starts mocking her from earlier. He kisses her neck slowly and traces his mouth up to hers.*
[09-03:05] 3ab, Sterling :, I'm leasing the place back East, and trying to get away from it all, out here....
[09-03:05] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *they were just begging to be caught! BEGGING! She laughs when he starts to do that* You just want to see me in a bikini! *oooh! No more talking. Mouths are meeting*
[09-03:06] b31, Jayson Marks : Well there is always the university in town if you get bored. *gestures out the door with his beer* Probably a lot easier to teach her than back east.
[09-03:10] 3ab, Sterling : *sips his drink and sighs* I don't know -- I could check it out, I suppose. Teaching's can be an easy way to burn yourself out, quickly.... Lotsa coeds, then, huh...?
[09-03:10] 365, Topher Crash : *The tension is gone. He's actually comfortable right now, so he makes the kiss deeper; He relaxes a bit and slips one hand behind her head and one underneath her, which brings them closer together.*
[09-03:10] 3ab, Sterling : *sips his drink and sighs* I don't know -- I could check it out, I suppose. Teaching can be an easy way to burn yourself out, quickly.... Lotsa coeds, then, huh...?
[09-03:11] 3ab, Sterling : *sips his drink and sighs* I don't know -- I could check it out, I suppose. Teaching can be an easy way to burn yourself out, quickly.... Lotsa coeds, then, huh...?
[09-03:12] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she was never tense around him! Good thing she popped some serious altoids before this little makeout session. Smoochy smoochy! She closes her eyes, wrapping her arms around him as he deepens the kiss*
[09-03:12] b31, Jayson Marks : Prime man...totally prime. *makes an 'ok' with his fingers. Then thumbs up* Everyone in this town is hot.
[09-03:13] fa7, Darcy Crash : *Well, since it would be just cruel to deny it when they were begging... They wouldn't hear her come up. Not since she's taken up riding that damned bike again. But hey, it's stealthy and quiet and suits the purposes for this scene. She leans it against the fence, slipping in quietly and, upon seeing Topher's coat, goes to see if he's asleep. Because she just lurves her son so much and whatnot. And she bought him a little present at the gym. One of those little stress ball thingies! Because she found it amusing, and figured everyone did. So, quite silently, though she's not meaning to be stealthy, she heads down the hall. And at Topher's door, she takes the knob, turning it and opening the door slowly at seeing his light on.* Topher, are you awa--- Oh my God.
[09-03:15] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *was he copping a feel? She has a feeling he was!*
[09-03:16] 3ab, Sterling : *smiles and fumbles with his cigarette pack* Very nice -- at least the scenery'll keep my interest, then.... What about nightspots...?
[09-03:17] 365, Topher Crash : *Cue the screaming cusswords in his head!* Um. *He raises up and turns to look at his mom.. his hand is still on Ruby's breast.* I'm awake?
[09-03:18] b31, Jayson Marks : I haven't found anything yet. I am not much of the nightspot sort of guy. Everyone just pretty much hangs here. *watch beeps. He looks at it* Damn...time flies. I got to go.
[09-03:18] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she sits up partially, all startled and whatnot. She pushes his hand off her chest.* Uhhh...Ms. Crash...hi...
[09-03:19] 3ab, Sterling : Jayson, it was good to meet you, man. See you around. *extends his hand*
[09-03:20] b31, Jayson Marks : *takes the hand. Gives it a slap. Low five* Good to meet you too. See you around. *had to leave to take his meds. Wanders out*
[09-03:20] 365, Topher Crash : *He slips to the side of Ruby and .. just stares.*
[09-03:21] fa7, Darcy Crash : *She blinks. Many times.* I... got you this squeezy thing. It's like a little balloon with sand. It's the breast--- best ---thing there is for strengthening your arms. *Eyes huge. She places the little stress ball on his dresser and takes a step back.* Don't... stay up too late. Ruby can stay the night if she doesn't sleep in your room... *There's a long pause, and she just....stands.*
[09-03:22] 3ab, Sterling : *returns to sipping his Jameson and water* *also orders more coffee*
[09-03:23] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she has to keep from groaning when Dracy says 'breast' instead. She closes her eyes, looking away. She bites her lip to keep from laughing. She gathers her things up, clearing her throat* No...its cool.I need to get home. Zach will have a coronary.
[09-03:24] fa7, Darcy Crash : *She nods, stepping back a few and turning to go into her bedroom, closing the door without a word. But it sounds distinctly like someone screaming into a pillow.*
[09-03:25] 3ab, Sterling : *pulls a book from a jacket pocket and begins to flip through it, slowly*
[09-03:25] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she looks back to Topher, standing in the doorway. She gives him a sheepish smile* Sorry papi. Next time we will just stick to my room at the casino, okay?
[09-03:25] 365, Topher Crash : *He covers his mouth.. trying desperately not to laugh. Yes, he was embarassed. Yes, he was sure he'd get the same talk about the birds and the bees.. for the 70th time.. Yes, he was laughing because it was an awkward moment.* Um..*He looks at Ruby and smiles* I'll call you later or.. you can call me. *He leans in to give her a kiss on the cheek.*
[09-03:26] 365, Topher Crash : That sounds.. good.. *He shrugs* Even a park bench.
[09-03:26] c84, Ruby Espinoza : *she laughs* Yeah...a park bench. *she hurries back to the bed, giving him one more long deep kiss before breaking away and scurring off back to her dad's*
[09-03:27] 3ab, Sterling : *settles up with Walt and moves himself, his two drinks, and his book, to a booth*
[09-03:27] 365, Topher Crash : *He watches her go.. making sure he doesn't hear any psychotic screaming and a gun shot.. nope, just a door shut. He lays back on his bed and puts a pillow over his face.* Sooooo close.
[09-03:29] 3ab, Sterling : *fishes his reading glasses from a jacket pocket and cleans them*
[09-03:31] 365, Topher Crash : *He eventually falls asleep.. because Player is going to bed!*
[09-03:32] fa7, Darcy Crash : ((*Ahems at the IC notes*))
[09-03:32] 365, Topher Crash : ((Goodnight Sterling! Hopefully we'll see you around later!))
[09-03:33] 3ab, Sterling : ((*l* Goodnight.... I'll just lurk, for a while....))
[09-03:44] 3ab, Sterling : *rises from his booth and wanders out, nodding to the bartender* *gone*
[09-12:37] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Come, fellow lurkers! Show thyselves!))
[09-12:41] db6, ME: I don't wanna.
[09-12:42] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*Thwap* Meanie.)) *She leans against a wall outside somewhere or other, sipping a cup of coffee with her eyes fixed vacantly on the ground across the street.*
[09-12:46] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *Mandy was seated on a park bench, her legs crossed primly and her eyes staring down at the book in front of her. It was a thick book, and when you looked closely, it was a college book... American Colleges and Universities to be exact.*
[09-12:53] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She takes another sip before stepping onto the crosswalk, her coat pulled around her against the cold. She starts up the sidewalk, moving to cut through the park on her way to Bliss.*
[09-12:59] df3, Deacon Stone : *He's doing his usual routine of jogging. Maybe it's to keep his body in shape, Maybe it's to help clear his head... Who knows. He looks good doing it though, designer jogging threads on and a nice pair of sunglasses. Amazing how they stay balanced and how he doesn't look a bit sweaty or tired.*
[09-13:01] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *Sighing, she blew a strand of hair from her eyes before slamming the book shut.* Deacon! *She exclaimed.*
[09-13:03] df3, Deacon Stone : *He slows down his pace when he hears his name.. and starts to walk to the familiar face.* Mandy. *That's said in a introductory/questioning way. He rubs his mouth with one hand and puts his other hand on his hip* What are you doing out here?
[09-13:03] 648, Espen Talbert: *Up to no good, as usual.*
[09-13:06] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She pushes a hand into her coat, closing it around the tiny laminated clover there, pressing it into the palm of her hand. So far it had definitely worked as far as luck went. Both Friday and Saturday nights' performances went practically perfect. The daughter of one woman helping to sell tickets had been there for every performance, and at the end of the last one Saturday asked Laura to autograph her playbill. A smile lifts her lips at the memory, because it was just too damn cute. And thus she continues walking, not particularly paying attention to her surroundings so long as she doesn't walk into a tree.*
[09-13:12] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Reading. *She proudly displayed the book of universities/colleges.* Are we still on for lunch? I'm starving.
[09-13:15] df3, Deacon Stone : *He looks at his Rolex and back to her* It's still early, but I can do that. *A couple of miles knocked off his initial plan. He could always run them tonight.* Rosettis doesn't open until 3, though. You have another place in mind?
[09-13:17] 648, Espen Talbert : *Getting out of class, he tucks his textbook and notes against his side as his hand remains tucked under them as he just saunters along campus - whistling idly as he walks - eyes catching a glimpse of a few passing girls.*
[09-13:18] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Bliss is good.
[09-13:20] df3, Deacon Stone : The Bliss. *He says it dryly.* Sure.
[09-13:29] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Well... is something wrong with Bliss, Deacon? I can wait.
[09-13:29] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Gotta --boot, k-yboa-- not typing hal- th- l-tt--s.))
[09-13:30] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((ER, FoR so-E REason it will typE thE- in capital lEttERs but not othERwisE.))
[09-13:32] 05d, Deacon Stone : No, no. We don't wait, Amanda. *He gestures for her to get up* Blis is fine.
[09-13:33] 05d, Deacon Stone : *Bliss, too.*
[09-13:34] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Okay? Let's go, then. *She stood up from the bench, daintily wiping at her bottom to make sure nothing gross had stuck to it like gum or something, then she joined Deacon as they walked to Bliss.* Don't you have a gym at your house?
[09-13:37] 05d, Deacon Stone : Yes, I do. *He looks off in the distance and waves to someone with a camera. Professional or just a fan, who knows. who cares?*
[09-13:39] c3a, Mandy Dessen : What's up with you? Are you okay? *She pressed, as they headed across the street and she opened the door for him into Bliss.*
[09-13:41] 05d, Deacon Stone : What do you mean? Of course I'm okay. *He sits down on a stool and flashes her that sickeningly perfect smile* I'm better than okay.
[09-13:45] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She heads in a bit after them, slipping down onto the stool she usually takes and leaning her head on her hand.* Walt, get me a coffee.
[09-13:49] 05d, Deacon Stone : *He doesn't even look at the menu. He wasn't hungry.* Iced Tea with lemon.
[09-13:56] fa7, Laura Patzig : *At the sound of a familiar voice, she glances up drowsily, though her expression lightens at who it is.* Afternoon, Deacon. Who's your friend? *She gestures toward Mandy, indicating that Deacon introduce them.*
[09-13:58] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *She smiled sweetly at the girl. Maybe this one wouldn't claw her eyes out.* Sprite, please.
[09-13:59] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Nope, had her nails done in celebration of the play, and doesn't want to ruin it. It's her first manicure. Ever. Whoo for being poor!*
[09-14:01] 05d, Deacon Stone : *He doesn't even take his sunglasses off; He doesn't introduce people either.* I'm surprised that you don't know. *He takes the glass and lifts his brows just above the rip of his glasses.* No straw? *He takes the straw from Walt, unwraps it, and drops it into his tea.*
[09-14:03] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Damn egotistical.... She leans toward Mandy, hand extended.* I'm Laura Patzig. And for God's sake, Deacon, I didn't know who you were when we first met.
[09-14:07] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Mandy Dessen. *She shook her hand politely.*
[09-14:07] 05d, Deacon Stone : You know who I am now, though. That's all that matters. *He stirs his straw around in his drink.*
[09-14:07] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Where'd you two meet?
[09-14:11] db6, Stephen Clay : *A sound that hasn't been heard in weeks around here. The sound of that bad ass WCC. He pulls into the parking of the Bliss and cuts it off then heads inside. He's not dead and he's ready to let people know.*
[09-14:15] 05d, Zeke Durden : *He's already there.. in the back. He'd been shootin' the breeze with Walt for awhile, he had a feeling Stephen would come in sometime today. He was okay for now without the bottle, but he knew he'd need it soon.*
[09-14:16] fa7, Laura Patzig : Here. A while back. Long story. *She glances up to Deacon, figuring he probably doesn't want her blabbing about how drunk he got, passing out and having to be dragged, vomiting, back to her apartment.*
[09-14:18] db6, Stephen Clay : *Glances around. Notes that that punk Stone is there then he sees Zeke. Well, he didn't have to see him to know one of his was here. He walks on over.* Beer, Walt. *Doesn't have to say more. Walt knows what to get his boss. Looks to Zeke.* You look troubled, kid.
[09-14:19] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Oh, that's cool. I've known Deacon since like... forever! *Gushes.* I can't even remember meeting him it was so long ago!
[09-14:19] 05d, Deacon Stone : *He takes a sip from his tea; Yeah, He's sure that she's sick of having the whole double identity thing brought up as well..*
[09-14:22] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Precisely. A silent agreement.* Really. And you've put up with him this long? *Said in a joking tone, playfully. She flashes a smirk toward Deacon.*
[09-14:22] c3a, Mandy Dessen : It's been tough. *Tried to return the joke.*
[09-14:27] 05d, Zeke Durden : Just a little bit. Jon and Eric were asking me a bunch of questions on your whereabouts. Jon took the blue bottle.. well, he picked my pocket. *He had known, but he was supposed to keep it low key.* I didn't do anything, pretended to not notice. I wanted to keep it low key. *All of this said low enough for only Stephen to hear*
[09-14:31] 05d, Deacon Stone : I'm not that horrible, am I? I did take you to Paris. *He points to Laura*
[09-14:38] 150, Stephen Clay : *He takes up his beer and drinks, His eyes never leave Zeke. Lowers his beer and his voice is low, calm...too calm.* Well, Zeke, it seems you have somethng to do then.
[09-14:38] fa7, Laura Patzig : And Paris was beautiful. *She smiles.* Alright. I give in. You're a good person, when you get past the criminal record. *Again, playfully.*
[09-14:39] 05d, Zeke Durden : What is that? *He tilts his head a bit. Questioning and all.*
[09-14:39] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *She leans forward on the counter, glancing away tiredly.*
[09-14:40] 05d, Deacon Stone : The criminal record? *He lifts a brow* I'm not aware of any criminal record.. yet.
[09-14:43] 150, Stephen Clay : Get that bottle along with any tests the good doctor has ran on it. Replace it with normal bottle water.
[09-14:43] fa7, Laura Patzig : It's alright, Deacon. Your secret's safe with me. Sort of. *She smiles, turning her gaze to Mandy.* Tired? Me too.
[09-14:45] 05d, Zeke Durden : Right. Okay. *He was already working out something in his head.*
[09-14:47] c3a, Mandy Dessen : So what do you do, Laura?
[09-14:48] 150, Stephen Clay : They only think they know what we are, Zeke. They have no proof. Dr. Solanus is a smart man. But he wouldn't quite understand the composition of the water. However, there is a doctor at the hospital that would. If he were to see the results...
[09-14:50] 05d, Zeke Durden : *He nods* I understand. I'll get over there right away. I just wanted to ask you about something else.. all quick like.
[09-14:51] 150, Stephen Clay : And that being? *His eye wander again to the other patrons. Possible snacks.*
[09-14:53] fa7, Laura Patzig : I own the bookstore on the way out of town. By Its Cover. *She smiles faintly, giving a nod.* The previous owner died just after Christmas.
[09-14:54] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Oh! I'm sorry to hear that. That's very cool, I've been in there before. It's nice, that's actually where I did a lot of my college applications.
[09-14:55] fa7, Laura Patzig : Really? Glad to hear someone likes it. *She smiles broadly. Proud and whatnot.* And I'm assuming you're another big Hollywood name that I'm too sheltered to know?
[09-14:57] 05d, Zeke Durden : Trevor.. my girlfriend's brother is dying with Aids and it's really taking a toll on my girlfriends mental state. *That was hard to say.* Is there anything that you and I can do to.. help him?
[09-15:00] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*Giggles* Drinking AIDS infected blood...has got to taste awful.))
[09-15:00] 150, Stephen Clay : If you are thinking about the water. He can't drink it. *Is he saying he couldn't take a dip in that spring? No. But he hasn't told anyone but Olivia where it is.*
[09-15:03] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Yes ma'am.
[09-15:04] c3a, Mandy Dessen : My daddy's an Oscar winner, and I'm a budding actress myself.
[09-15:04] 05d, Zeke Durden : I just don't want to.. lose Ariana.. *He actually means.. I don't want Ariana to lose her sanity.* That's fine, really. I'm .. honestly.. just worried about Ariana.
[09-15:05] 150, Stephen Clay : Zeke, let me think. But feeding on a dieased individual. When homan did you ever get food poisoning or ate a bad piece of meat?
[09-15:06] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She smiles, giving a nod.* Nice. It's not much, but I've got a heart for some acting as well. Obviously nowhere near your level, but I'd be honored if you were to come to the performances. Deacon won't go. He says this particular performance is one he's going to have to pass on.
[09-15:07] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Oh, please! *She smiled.* Thank you, though. Performance? What performance? I love plays.
[09-15:09] 05d, Deacon Stone : That's right. *He picks up his cell phone and presses a button. Speed dial to Jennifer Garner, gonna check up on her and see if she's feeling any better.*
[09-15:10] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She shoots a triumphant grin toward Deacon. She definitely likes this girl.* Twelfth Night. I play Viola. *The irony of that part... She grins, rummaging in her purse* We're all given complimentary tickets to give to family and friends. I'd love it if you could come. *She passes two toward Mandy.*
[09-15:13] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Ooh. Shakespeare! Nice. Thank you very much, that's really nice of you. I only need one though.
[09-15:14] fa7, Laura Patzig : Well, you never know. You might talk Deacon into showing his scrawny ass. *She grins, but tucks the extra back in her purse.*
[09-15:16] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Ha! Yeah right. *Her perfectly manicured fingerfails picked up the ticket and secured it safely in her own purse.*
[09-15:17] 05d, Deacon Stone : *He hangs up the phone* It's not scrawny. It's perfect... and No, I will have to excuse myself from all performances.
[09-15:18] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She eyes Deacon, shaking her head.* What part of you isn't? *She lets her gaze drop pointedly before grinning and sipping at her coffee.* I like your friend better than you. She'd probably buy me Paris, not just take me. *She nods, again joking.*
[09-15:18] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Haha. Why not? Maybe Johnny Depp will come with the package.
[09-15:22] fa7, Laura Patzig : Ooh, there's a thought. *Chuckles, eyeing Deacon.* See? She offers to buy me sexy men. How can you possibly compare? *Ah, such fun.
[09-15:22] 150, Stephen Clay : *He takes another drink still watching those around him.*
[09-15:29] b31, Jayson Marks : *hits Bliss. Is here a lot. Heads to the bar.* MGD, Wally. *hasn't checked out who is here, yet*
[09-15:30] fa7, Laura Patzig : Woody! You are so stalking me! *She grins to Mandy* This is my creepy stalker guy, Woody. He sits in my bushes and watches me dress.
[09-15:31] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Hey Jay, I need some more of that pizza viagra. My pizza's practically soup.))
[09-15:31] b31, Jayson Marks : ((You need to start seeing a new pizza man since this one can't satisfy you))
[09-15:32] 150, Stephen Clay : ((Who the hell needs viagra?))
[09-15:32] b31, Jayson Marks : *looks to Laura and Mandy* Well hey, if it isn't the two hottest girls in my harem. How's it hanging ladies
[09-15:32] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*Snickers* But the pepperoni!))
[09-15:33] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Make sure you ask for a spicy Italian sausage))
[09-15:33] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm better. *She tilts her head, glancing to Mandy* I guess you've already met then? What a shocker. Woody is there a girl in this town that you haven't tried to screw? *She grins, motioning for him to sit with them.*
[09-15:34] b31, Jayson Marks : Yeah. That one on the docks...with the beard. Big Bertha. Just not my type. She likes gospel music. *sits with them*
[09-15:34] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Italian sausages don't taste as good as country style or bratwurst. *Snickers*))
[09-15:35] c3a, Mandy Dessen : That's not Bertha, that's Millicent. Be nice, Jayson.
[09-15:36] 901, Fiona Hart : ((Hey Jayson was just lettin u know I'll be on later tonight, gonna be goin to see White Noise here in a few))
[09-15:36] 901, Fiona Hart : ((*goes back to Lurkin*))
[09-15:36] fa7, Laura Patzig : She's not that unattractive. Her acne's gotten better.
[09-15:36] b31, Jayson Marks : ((If I am here, I am. If not, I'm not))
[09-15:37] b31, Jayson Marks : What are you talking about? She is hot! More cushion for the pushin. I just know since she is a Jesus freak, I won't be getting any place with her. *smiles* Hey Mandy, when are we going out for steaks?
[09-15:39] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She shudders. Baaaad mental image.* Damn, Woody . . . have you got every woman in town lined up to take you out for dinner?
[09-15:40] b31, Jayson Marks : I am trying...I am trying. No woman should be denied the Jayson Marks experience.
[09-15:41] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Hey Jayson. Whenever is okay. *She smiled, leaning forward on her arms.*
[09-15:42] fa7, Laura Patzig : Just promise you won't hit on the house manager. She's creepy. She'll rip your goods off.
[09-15:42] fa7, Rosaline Vickson : *Flex!*
[09-15:43] b31, Jayson Marks : *scratches his head* What about Thursday? You pay and I will be the entertainment.
[09-15:43] 05d, Zeke Durden : I've gotten food poisoning once.. back in Arizona. *He stays quiet, not really caring about the other people around.* ((BRB))
[09-15:43] b31, Jayson Marks : Well if she asks to take me out for steaks, she can rip whatever she wants off me. *bounces brows*
[09-15:46] fa7, Laura Patzig : You don't understand me, Jayson. She'll neuter you. And probably make it so that you have to get your nutrition through a tube. You should've seen her the other day when someone was talking during the play. It was scary.
[09-15:48] fa7, Laura Patzig : You'll never taste steak again.
[09-15:48] b31, Jayson Marks : Real great way to keep people coming back then. *rolls his eyes*
[09-15:49] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Fine. I'll pay. *She shook her head, smiling.* Who else is in the play?
[09-15:50] b31, Jayson Marks : *grabs napkin and pen. Writes down directions to his place. Hands it to Mandy* I don't have a car. You mind picking me up too? Gas, ass, or grass?
[09-15:51] 901, Dylan Rivers : *She was outside, at the park with her dog casey, sighing softly as she hasnt heard from John in awhile, she looked down at the frizbee in her hands and then she looked up and smiled throwing it and Casey chases it leaping up and catching it.*
[09-15:51] fa7, Laura Patzig : Hey, she's good at it. Someone tried to get her number the other day, and she went apeshit. I think she's afraid of guys. *She nods.* *Glances to Mandy, tilting her head.* Delia St. Martin, Dr. Solanus, girl by the name of Torrie... Court Foster, Jon something... Ariana Spencer. Her brother's the director. *She smiles, shaking her head at Jayson. Uberly amused.*
[09-15:51] 901, Pierce Richards : ((*and dont forget about Pierce!*))
[09-15:53] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((She didnt name everyone. It's hard to remember every single person in the play. And besides, Pierce freaks her out.))
[09-15:53] b31, Jayson Marks : Woah...back that ass up. Delia St. Martin? The singer? The songbird of Harlem? *was raised in Queens. LA was a new thing*
[09-15:54] 901, Pierce Richards : ((*blink*))
[09-15:56] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm not sure. She sings at the casino, definitely an amazing singer, so it's possible. She plays Olivia. *Standing, she pulls down the nearest play poster, pointing to the image of Delia, right next to Eric and her own picture.*
[09-15:56] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Jay, what program did you use to alter that IMDb page? I'd like to try the same with a character of mine in another chat, if you don't mind.))
[09-15:57] b31, Jayson Marks : *takes the poster. Looks at it* Hot shit...I haven't seen that dyke in years. We used to split a slice of Famous Ray's every Tuesday.
[09-15:57] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Liv did it for me. I told her what I wanted. You have to ask her))
[09-15:59] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Will do.)) Really? You should come backstage before the show then. Catch up with her.
[09-16:01] 901, Pierce Richards : *Since it was sunday he didnt have to work, and was thankful, he yawned leaning back agiants his chair and looked up toward the ceiling, staring up toward it in thought, he hoped that Edwin had excepted his apology, even though it was over the phone, he then sat up and ran his hand over his face leaning forward and taking a sip of his mocha lata', then taking a small bite of his cake chewing and swallowing.*
[09-16:02] b31, Jayson Marks : Might just do that. *looks to Mandy* You sure are quiet today. Let me see if the cat got your tongue. *leans to Mandy. Going to open her mouth. Look inside*
[09-16:02] MSG: Laura Patzig sent fanmail to Jayson Marks.
[09-16:03] fa7, Laura Patzig : Run, Mandy! Run while it's still safe! *Slo-mo dives toward Jayson, aiming to pull him off Mandy.*
[09-16:04] MSG: Jayson Marks sent fanmail to Laura Patzig.
[09-16:04] MSG: Laura Patzig sent fanmail to Jayson Marks.
[09-16:10] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Did we lose Mandy or something?))
[09-16:11] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Player had to eat! Sorry.))
[09-16:11] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Seems that way. *Pokes around* Found her!))
[09-16:11] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((*is back*))
[09-16:11] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Thought I scared you off. I do that a lot))
[09-16:11] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *Opens mouth widely.* I'm busy harvesting bacteria.
[09-16:12] b31, Jayson Marks : *peers into her mouth* Sexy. I can see some now. We will call them George. *hand out. Puts a palm to Laura's forehead to stop her*
[09-16:13] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She stops, leaning against the hand in the same divetackling position, looking quite funny.*
[09-16:13] c3a, Mandy Dessen : So sexy. *She shut her mouth and smiled.*
[09-16:15] b31, Jayson Marks : You think maybe your oral bacteria can meet my oral bateria? *bounces brows. Waits for the right amount of pressure from Laura. Lets go. Likes chicks tumbling into him*
[09-16:18] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Sorry. My bacteria has lesbian tendencies.
[09-16:18] b31, Jayson Marks : Mine too! Its perfect!
[09-16:19] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Well she obviously hadn't thought he'd do that, what kind of freaky guy likes to be smacked into? She reaches out toward Mandy for support, probably dragging her with, and tumbling straight into Jayson.* Gah!
[09-16:19] b31, Jayson Marks : *they can all tumble to the floor together*
[09-16:20] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Ugh. *She laughs. Walt! Get the yummy substance to roll in! Jello, ice cream, chocolate, take your pick!*
[09-16:20] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *Pulled in some random direction... hard.* Oof!
[09-16:21] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Sexy. She puts a hand on Jayson's face, trying to pull herself up.* Mandy... Is that your leg on my back?
[09-16:23] b31, Jayson Marks : *pretzel on the ground. Grabs the girls. Keeps them on him* Personal foul!
[09-16:24] fa7, Laura Patzig : Ow! *She goes flat, face-planting in Jayson's armpit.* Ugh. Someone's laying on my foot.
[09-16:24] b31, Jayson Marks : Offensive holding! Ten yard penalty. Nobody move until we get a ref. *is loving this*
[09-16:27] fa7, Laura Patzig : Ew. Jayson, you pervert, that was my butt. I'm going to knee you in the crotch if you continue this offensive holding. *Though she too is obviously amused.*
[09-16:28] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*Poke* Mandy died again.))
[09-16:29] b31, Jayson Marks : *pinches Laura's ass* Ooooh, thought that was mine!
[09-16:29] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Did not! I'm too slow for you guys. ))
[09-16:30] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I guess she just doesn't like us))
[09-16:30] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Lol.))
[09-16:30] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I'll go slower then))
[09-16:30] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Jayson, I hope to got that is your hand that is poking my ass.
[09-16:30] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Me too.))
[09-16:30] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *God
[09-16:31] fa7, Laura Patzig : I hope it's not, because something's poking my leg, and as far as I know, he only has two hands. And no underwear.
[09-16:32] b31, Jayson Marks : *laughs. Evil laugh*
[09-16:34] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Eww! *She peels herself away from him.*
[09-16:34] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((I'm laughing my head off over here. *Giggles at Jayson*))
[09-16:34] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She scrambles to follow Mandy.* Don't leave me!
[09-16:35] fa7, Laura Patzig : Jayson will you get your hand off my ass?
[09-16:36] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Ugh. My poor ass. I feel dirty, Jayson.
[09-16:36] 901, Fiona Hart : *smirks at ya'll* and here I am missin all the fun
[09-16:36] 901, Fiona Hart : ((*smirks at ya'll* and here I am missin all the fun))
[09-16:37] b31, Jayson Marks : *lifts his hands up* Fine...fine....Uuuuuuuuhhhh...*shifty eyes. Grabs a menu. Covers below his waist*
[09-16:38] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She rises to her feet, eyeing Jayson with a brow lifted.* As if we don't already know. *She holds out a hand to help him up.*
[09-16:39] b31, Jayson Marks : I think I will just stay here for a bit. *closes his eyes. Mutters to himself* Mom naked, mom naked. *opens one eye. Peeks under the menu* Damn, made it worse.
[09-16:40] fa7, Laura Patzig : Oh, NASTY! *She shudders, grabbing his shoulder and pulling.* Get up, that floor's dirtier than your mind.
[09-16:41] b31, Jayson Marks : *chuckles. Gets up. Brushes himself off* You know you love it. *grabs Laura around the waist. Starts the pelvic thrusts*
[09-16:42] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *Mandy about doubles over here, feeling her eyes fill with tears. Tears of laughter, of course.*
[09-16:42] b31, Jayson Marks : *Mandy's turn. Since she is double over. Gets her from the back*
[09-16:43] b31, Jayson Marks : *Mandy's turn. Since she is doubled over. Gets her from the back*
[09-16:43] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She just stands there, face like this: -_-* I love it. I can't help myself. It's so sexy. Give me more. *All said monotonously, though she has to laugh when it's Mandy's turn.*
[09-16:43] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Jaysoooon. Eww! Stop. *She begs, laughing really hard* I have a cramp.
[09-16:44] b31, Jayson Marks : Cramps. Headaches. I got a pill for you. But its a suppoooooooository. *sing songs. Few more thrusts. Goes back to Laura. Does the same*
[09-16:44] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *Scoots down a few seats.* Get a room you two! *joking, of course.*
[09-16:45] b31, Jayson Marks : Get a room us three!
[09-16:45] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Sorry. I'm a one guy kinda gal.
[09-16:45] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She wrinkles her nose.* Jayson, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but technology has moved on. No one's using 3 1/2 inch floppies anymore. *Badum ching!*
[09-16:45] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She coughs* I'm not a guy!
[09-16:46] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *dies laughing*
[09-16:46] b31, Jayson Marks : Ouch...*pulls back. Hand on his chest* And she goes for insulting the dick again
[09-16:48] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She smiles, patting his shoulder.* Someday I'll stop, Jayson, dearest. I just haven't figured out when. *Grins.*
[09-16:51] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Wow. Not the first time?
[09-16:51] b31, Jayson Marks : You keep making fun of him and he will never want to come out and play. *sits next to Mandy. Grabs his beer* You would never make fun of little Mordechai, would you?
[09-16:52] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She smiles, slipping onto the stool.* I'm sorry, Woody. I won't make fun of your woody.
[09-16:57] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Of course I would.
[09-16:58] b31, Jayson Marks : *gasps* You women here are so cruel. What every happened to the sweet cheerleader who is only mean to other women?
[09-16:58] b31, Jayson Marks : *gasps* You women here are so cruel. What ever happened to the sweet cheerleader who is only mean to other women?
[09-16:58] c3a, Mandy Dessen : That's highschool. Which I like to avoid at all costs.
[09-16:58] fa7, Laura Patzig : She's buried deep within me somewhere. *She nods slowly. Because sadly enough, that's true. Creepy, no?*
[09-16:59] b31, Jayson Marks : Well aren't going to keep a man insulting his manhood. Looks, yes. Dress, for sure. Manhood...big no no.
[09-17:01] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'll just stop insulting you altogether. That way we can all be happy. *She nods, looking as if she's about to burst into a round of Kumbaya, and reaches up to pet Jayson's hair. Yes, the hair.*
[09-17:02] b31, Jayson Marks : Awww...don't stop that baby. Then you wouldn't be you. *leans into the pettings*
[09-17:03] c3a, Mandy Dessen : No comment.
[09-17:03] b31, Jayson Marks : Well both of you girls are very hot. But you are single. I think you need man lessons from Professor Marks
[09-17:03] fa7, Laura Patzig : No, no. I'll make it my new years' resolution. *There's a short pause, and then she grins.* So don't worry, I'll insult you again in another ten minutes. Tops. *Awh, now that's just cute. Pets.* You want your ears rubbed, Mandy? *Smirks*
[09-17:13] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((*Cricket cricket*))
[09-17:18] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((...Mandy?))
[09-17:18] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Think we should just go on without her?))
[09-17:19] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((I guess... *Blink blink*))
[09-17:19] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm not looking for a guy, Jayson. If one happens to come along that's interested and isn't an asshole, maybe something will happen. But I don't need a man to complete me. *Can I get an amen?*
[09-17:20] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Preach it, sister.
[09-17:20] b31, Jayson Marks : And what about if a guy comes along that is interested in you and you are the asshole? *raises a brow*
[09-17:24] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm usually an asshole for two reasons. *She smiles faintly to Mandy.* Insecurity and retaliation. Either someone's done something to me that makes me respond with being a complete bitch, which is rare and has only happened with one person since I moved here, or it's a defense mechanism. Often people have attempted to cover their feelings by being overly rude. It's generally referred to as 'undoing' or reaction formation, where a person emphasizes the opposite of how they actually feel to draw attention away from their insecurity. Like a ten year old beating up on kids because he doesn't want people to beat up on him, or a little kid making fun of someone they secretly like because they don't want anyone to know. *Applause? Anyone?*
[09-17:25] b31, Jayson Marks : *shakes his head* You should put the textbook down once and a while. *gets up. Pays for his beer*
[09-17:26] fa7, Laura Patzig : Are you leaving? *Blinks, turning toward Mandy with a "Did I do that?" look on her face.*
[09-17:26] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Uh-oh. *She mumbles, digging some money out of her purse to pay for her own food as well.*
[09-17:27] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She pulls a twenty out of her back pocket, crumbled up, and pushes it onto the bar.*
[09-17:27] b31, Jayson Marks : See, Laura, the thing about the school bully the end of the day, he is all alone. He doesn't have anybody to watch his back. His toadies don't care about him. Justifies his own insecurities.
[09-17:28] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Hey... guys. Let's just get along!
[09-17:28] b31, Jayson Marks : *smiles at Mandy* Whatchoo talkin' about, Mandy? I get along with everybody.
[09-17:29] c3a, Mandy Dessen : No fighting, then.
[09-17:30] b31, Jayson Marks : I'm a lover, not a fighter. *leans over. Licks Mandy's cheek. Looks to Laura* Playground is all yours. I am transferring schools.
[09-17:31] fa7, Laura Patzig : I'm not a bully, Jayson. *But that kind of stung. Because it's true, and she knows it. She doesn't have anyone there to protect her.* I just wanted to make people laugh for a change. *She blinks slowly, taking the change when Walt hands it over and stuffing it with the rest of her cash in her back pocket.* Don't bother. I'll beat you to it. *She takes her purse, heading to the door. Nobody, ever, had called her a bully before. Maybe it's true.*
[09-17:32] b31, Jayson Marks : *she didn't catch the bigger picture either. That he was interested in her*
[09-17:32] b31, Jayson Marks : *or maybe she did?*
[09-17:33] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Oh, she caught it. She just didn't trust herself to decipher it correctly. God knows she's made mistakes often enough.*
[09-17:33] b31, Jayson Marks : *looks to Mandy* Well its just you and me now. You want to go for a walk?
[09-17:33] b31, Jayson Marks : *is interested in a lot of girls though. Don't give up hope, ladies*
[09-17:39] fa7, Laura Patzig : *she pulls the tiny eight-note harmonica necklace out from under her shirt, pulling it over her head and staring at the tiny inscription on the bottom, tears in her eyes. Tammy. After a good long moment of silence, staring at the necklace, she balls it up in one hand, giving it a hard toss across the street, where it lands among the bushes.* I'm through with you, Tammy.
[09-17:41] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She slips her hands into her coat for her keys, fingers brushing against that four leaf clover. She slides down the wall, sitting on the sidewalk with her head resting on her knees....*
[09-17:44] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Outside, definitely not in St. Solanus, she's practically begging something of another girl about her age. They're both about eighteen. Laura's dressed in a sleeveless iridescent purple evening gown, fluffy skirt and all, and the other girl has on a sweater iwth the sleeves too long and jeans.* I don't feel right letting you stay home. It won't be that big a deal, and you never get another senior prom. Please, Tam?
[09-17:46] fa7, Tammy Jobes : Trust me, alright? I'll be fine. *She smirks, leaning against a tree with her arms crossed.* He just wants to talk. Promise. Anyway, I'd kick his ass if he tried anything. He knows better. He said he just wanted to apologize for the way things turned out. Relax, will you? Go have fun.
[09-17:47] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I lost Mandy...again?))
[09-17:48] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Flash forward. Leaving the dance, arm in arm with Doc Patzig. A cop approaches her, stern-faced.* {Miss Laura Jobes?} That's me. Is something wrong?
[09-17:50] fa7, Tammy Jobes : *Flash forward. Hospital. She comes around, her arm pumped full of needles, hand being held gently by Laura.* Hey. What an asshole, huh? *She chuckles faintly, the tubes in her nose pumping air into her lungs.* You crying, angel bird? Don't be sad. *She smiles, lifting a hand slowly to touch Laura's cheek.*
[09-17:51] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She sniffs, wiping the tears from her eyes and smiling.* I'm okay. Mom and Aunt Marie are getting your things.
[09-17:51] b31, Jayson Marks : *waits twenty minutes for an answer. None from Mandy. Pays for his beer. Leaves. Heads to the park to take a walk. Collect his thoughts*
[09-17:52] fa7, Tammy Jobes : They don't need to... I'm going to be fine. *At Laura's sniffle of disbelief, she smiles, reaching slowly to take a small necklace from the bedside stand.* Here. I'll fight you for it when I'm better. Promise.
[09-17:52] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Ahh! Sorry. You guys must hate me. ))
[09-17:53] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Well a 'brb' or something would be nice. *L*))
[09-17:53] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((I'm doing my homework for school tomorrow. I'm usually very active. Soo sorry!))
[09-17:53] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Do your homework then. More important. Will catch you another time))
[09-17:54] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((No! I need a break. ))
[09-17:54] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *bounds outside.* Sorry, sorry! He had to count my pennies.
[09-17:56] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She takes the necklace, peering down at the tiny harmonica.* You sure? I'll kick your ass. *Grining, she pulls the cord around her neck, tucking the harmonica into her shirt.* Thanks, Tam. *She looks up, Tammy's eyes closed.* Yeah. Get some sleep, chickadee. *She leans in, kissing her forehead.* I'll be here when you wake up. *She waits a few minutes longer. And that's when strange beepings start sounding from the machines around her. One she recognizes, and it squeezes her heart. A flatline. Doctors and nurses rush in, and she's shoved, eyes wide in terror, away from the bed. A few minutes later, she watches in disbelief, horror, and intense sorrow as a white, crisp sheet is pulled gently over Tammy's head. A doctor places his hand on her shoulder.* {I wish we could have done more.... There was a fingerprint on the knife. We will catch who did this. *Her thoughts blur, and for a moment she feels almost as if she's passed out. Lifting her head, she finds herself back at Bliss, tears streaking her face.*
[09-17:56] b31, Jayson Marks : Its cool. Pennies are important. *walks through the park with her* So no high school huh? Why don't you like it?
[09-17:57] c3a, Mandy Dessen : I hate it. Stupid cheerleaders and dancers, all brainless bimbos. Mostly all, anyway.
[09-17:58] b31, Jayson Marks : Man...this whole town is full of cheerleader haters! I will have to be their champion.
[09-17:58] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Ex-cheerleader.*
[09-17:58] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Hey... select few!))
[09-17:58] c3a, Mandy Dessen : I like to ice skate.
[09-17:59] 150, Stephen Clay : ((Continued from earlier.))
[09-17:59] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Link test))
[09-17:59] b31, Jayson Marks : Oh? You going to be the next Katarina Witt? *raises a brow*
[09-17:59] 150, Stephen Clay : Zeke, did you have in mind....*His unspoken words were to turn this guy.*
[09-18:01] b31, Jayson Marks : ((brb))
[09-18:01] fa7, Laura Patzig : *Bwarg. SO. Drives drives drives, and eventually, tada, is at Jayson's apartment. She writes on the back of the napkin a short note, wraps it around the clover, and tucks it through the mail slot.* "It didn't bring me the luck I'd hoped for." *Because that's too small of a note to waste time putting on the IC notes if the other person is IC*
[09-18:04] b86, Zeke Durden : No.. I don't know. *He didn't want to have Trevor turned, he wanted Ariana turned.* Something to give him more time or.. *He shakes his head* I don't know. *He didn't want to come out and say. "I'd rather Ariana be turned.. Trevor, I just want him around because I want Ariana to be happy."*
[09-18:06] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Bad post. Ignore.)) *She drives, to Jayson's apartment, and slips a note and the clover through the mail slot on the door.* "I didn't get the luck I'd hoped for." *She starts back out, rubbing her temples slowly.*
[09-18:07] b31, Jayson Marks : ((back))
[09-18:07] 150, Stephen Clay : Zeke, I have my reasons for what I do. You have to trust me. *Motions to Walt who automatically goes to the back and then comes back out with several bottles for Zeke.* Be a little more careful with these.
[09-18:08] b31, Jayson Marks : *will still be at the play Saturday with daises. Is a nice guy*
[09-18:09] fa7, Laura Patzig: *Aw, how sweet. Till then she's gonna be all :'(*
[09-18:10] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Stephen! Give me a job))
[09-18:11] b86, Zeke Durden : I will. *He takes them* I'll go get the bottle and results from Eric.
[09-18:11] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((*Blinks* Wouldn't people freak out that the guy that's sposta have been murdered is walking about?))
[09-18:12] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Mandy? I lose you again?))
[09-18:13] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((*Is bored with nothing to do. Will RP or whatever if asked. Hint hint.*))
[09-18:15] c3a, Mandy Dessen : (( I can't think of anything witty to say. ))
[09-18:15] c3a, Mandy Dessen : (( You intimidate me.))
[09-18:15] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Who's that? Witt who?
[09-18:16] 2f1, Stephen Clay : Zeke, stealth. You have the means now to do that.
[09-18:16] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((Who intimidates you? Me with my hot body?))
[09-18:16] b31, Jayson Marks : The ice skater. Olympics. Probably does the ice capades now. *smiles* Let me guess, you like Scotty Hamilton? You going to show me your triple lutz?
[09-18:17] 2f1, Stephen Clay : ((If you think I'm going to hire you to be my girlfriend's bodyguard...that's like asking the fox to guard the chicken house.))
[09-18:17] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Stephen...I say again...give me a job. I went to the Bartending Academy of Madeupplace, USA))
[09-18:17] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Oh, yes! TAKE IT OFF!))
[09-18:17] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Wow. I'm not THAT good. I just enjoy it.
[09-18:17] b31, Jayson Marks : ((But this fox is a vegetarian!))
[09-18:18] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((Does that mean Jay's gay?))
[09-18:18] b31, Jayson Marks : You want to go ice skating sometime then? I used to do it when I was a kid in New York. I bet I still got the moves. *moves his hips from side to side*
[09-18:18] b31, Jayson Marks : ((HELL NO! He is on a fish only diet))
[09-18:18] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((XD))
[09-18:19] c3a, Mandy Dessen : (( Don't OD on mercury! ))
[09-18:19] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((*Twitches* I'm bored out of my skull, and my brother's playing that guitar next door without shutting the effing door.))
[09-18:19] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Sure! I'd like that. My bacteria are pleased.
[09-18:20] b31, Jayson Marks : Okay. I don't have a phone. You can just show up by my place and we can go if I am there.
[09-18:20] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((I know that I'm probably getting annoying by now, but d'you two mind if I jump back in? I won't if you don't want me to, I'm just bored as hayell.))
[09-18:21] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I could care less who jumps in and when. I came to rp, not to sit around))
[09-18:22] fa7, Laura Patzig: ((You sure? I don't want to be a nuisance.))
[09-18:22] b86, Zeke Durden : Yes. I know. *He nods* Thanks again, Stephen. *Doesn't have a clue why people don't like Stephen, he's been nothing but helpful to this kid.*
[09-18:23] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She can be found looking through the bushes for the lost necklace. How stupid was she to have thrown it away like that?*
[09-18:24] 2f1, Stephen Clay : Zeke, all you have to do it think. Think of where you want to be. But make sure you have your water because it burns energy.
[09-18:25] 2f1, Stephen Clay : *He's not going to tell Zeke yet his poofing abilities become 10 fold when he feeds on blood. Not yet.*
[09-18:26] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Poofter abilities? I am staying away from you. *covers his butthole*))
[09-18:27] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((O_O))
[09-18:28] 2f1, Stephen Clay : ((This isn't England, dude. Just like we don't call cigs fags here.))
[09-18:29] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Oh I am sure a guy like you would smoke a fag. *keeps butthole covered. Has to entertain himself while he waits for RP partner*))
[09-18:31] b86, Zeke Durden : Anywhere? *He rubs his forehead and tries to concentrate for a moment of where he'd like to be.*
[09-18:32] fa7, Laura Patzig : *In the park.*
[09-18:32] fa7, Laura Patzig : *^_^*
[09-18:32] 2f1, Stephen Clay : *The kid is going to learn he's a footsoldier and doing the bidding of his sire is what he is meant to do.* Within reason. You do have limits.
[09-18:33] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I am trying to be nice to Mandy since I haven't RPed with her in a while.))
[09-18:33] fa7, Laura Patzig : ((Oh. Sorry. *Feels all bad-like.*))
[09-18:34] 2f1, Stephen Clay : ((*Will have two irishboys going at it when off set. Puts Fallon out of mind now.*))
[09-18:34] c3a, Mandy Dessen : You don't have a phone? Do you live off the land?
[09-18:34] c3a, Mandy Dessen : That's hot.
[09-18:34] b31, Jayson Marks : ((I will play with whoever wants me. Don't worry. I got all night))
[09-18:34] 2f1, Stephen Clay : ((*And its not for pleasure, either.*))
[09-18:35] b31, Jayson Marks : ((What on earth? Two irishboys going at it? Are you and some other dude going to make sweet, sweet love or something?))
[09-18:35] c3a, Mandy Dessen : I do a mean Paris Hilton impression.
[09-18:35] b31, Jayson Marks : *chuckles. Shakes his head* No. I am just poor. I can't afford a phone. I can barely afford the apartment I got. I can't get a job in this town.
[09-18:36] b31, Jayson Marks : Oh...I stayed in the Paris Hilton. I woke up with an itchy groin.
[09-18:37] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Nothing a little Neosporin can't cure!
[09-18:37] b86, Zeke Durden : *He nods* Within reason.. So from here to outside.. but I can't close my eyes and think really hard about Cancun and end up there?
[09-18:37] b31, Jayson Marks : I think it was more like I needed a prescription for penicillin. *chuckles*
[09-18:38] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Ew. That's nasty. I hear she's a crap lay.
[09-18:38] b31, Jayson Marks : I cut myself on her hipbones. Want to see?
[09-18:38] 2f1, Stephen Clay : *smiles at Zeke.* No. I think you'd get maybe to Frisco...when you've grown in your abilities.
[09-18:39] c3a, Mandy Dessen : *She laughed.* Erm... no thanks.
[09-18:39] b31, Jayson Marks : ((Nice dodge of the sweet sweet love question. I know you want me but sorry man, I don't swing for bananas))
[09-18:39] b31, Jayson Marks : Damn. Another missed opportunity for me to take my pants off. *chuckles*
[09-18:40] c3a, Mandy Dessen : A way to a girl's heart is not the pants.
[09-18:41] b31, Jayson Marks : Nope. Its through the ribcage. Like this. *pokes her. Not hard. But pokes her right over her heart* En garde!
[09-18:41] 2f1, Stephen Clay : *Finishes his beer. Puts the glass down.* Zeke, patience. You have an eternity. No need to rush into things you will later regret.
[09-18:41] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Hey! We've gone to like, 3rd base today.
[09-18:41] c3a, Mandy Dessen : First you grab my ass, now you're grabbing my boobs. I like to take things SLOW.
[09-18:42] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Like funeral procession slow.
[09-18:42] b31, Jayson Marks : If I wanted to grab your boobs, it would be like this. *play lunges. Doesn't follow through*
[09-18:42] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Mine are real. They can tell when it's gonna rain, too!
[09-18:42] b31, Jayson Marks : I like my women like I like my coffee. Wrapped up and in the freezer.
[09-18:43] b31, Jayson Marks : *pauses* Wasn't that in Mean Girls?
[09-18:44] b86, Zeke Durden : *He nods* Thank you.. *For being the parental type, it's nice to have that again.* I have the music down.. I can't wait for practice. *Someone who is truly excited about getting back to the band practices.*
[09-18:44] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Yes! That is so fetch that you know that.
[09-18:45] b31, Jayson Marks : Watched a lot of movies the past couple of months. *when he was in the mental hospital. But leaves that out*
[09-18:45] 2f1, Stephen Clay : Good. I'm just as anxious. I've missed my music.
[09-18:46] c3a, Mandy Dessen : That's cool. Where are you from?
[09-18:47] b31, Jayson Marks : I was living in LA. Before that, Queens. I was on American Idol, made it at the NYC auditions. They shipped to Hollyweird. I stayed there. You?
[09-18:48] c3a, Mandy Dessen : I voted for you! I knew you looked familiar. L.A. I'm an actress. My dad is Jackson Dessen, he's won an Oscar. *She announces, sounding proud.*
[09-18:48] b31, Jayson Marks : I was living in LA. Before that, Queens. I was on American Idol, made it at the NYC auditions. They shipped me to Hollyweird. I stayed there. You?
[09-18:48] 2f1, Stephen Clay : Now I suggest you go home. Give that girl of your's some attention. *Pats Zeke's back as he moves on past him.*
[09-18:48] b31, Jayson Marks : *chuckles* Thanks for the vote. *pauses. Tries to recall the name* What he look like again?
[09-18:49] c3a, Mandy Dessen : He's blonde, late 40s. Good looking. I have some of his features, not many.
[09-18:49] 2f1, Stephen Clay : *Turns back at the door.* And don't for get that bottle. Replace that water with regular water.
[09-18:50] b31, Jayson Marks : Hmmmm..don't know him. I am a D-list celebrity. They won't even call me for the Surreal Life. *chuckles* Tell your dad I said congrats on the little gold man
[09-18:51] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Thanks. That was last year.
[09-18:51] b86, Zeke Durden : Oh yeah. *That was the best advice all.. week!.. He stands up and nods to Walt*.. Definitely, I'll take care of it. *He would, just waiting for Eric to head on home.. He'd sneak his way into the lab and get the results and trade out the water.* I'll see you tomorrow. *He gets the bottles and heads out.. right after.*
[09-18:52] c3a, Mandy Dessen : A D-List? I knew who you were once you said something. That's ATLEAST C. *She joked.*
[09-18:52] b31, Jayson Marks : I am up there with Flava Flav and Dave Couiler. *hand over his heart. Sighs*
[09-18:53] 2f1, Stephen Clay : *Heads out and to his bike. Rides on off. The sound of it echoes through the town. He's back, folks.*
[09-18:53] b31, Jayson Marks : ((He's back....just like The Clap!))
[09-18:53] c3a, Mandy Dessen : And Brigitte!
[09-18:53] c3a, Mandy Dessen : CHARRRRRRRRO!
[09-18:54] b31, Jayson Marks : Choochi choochi cooo. *reaches over. Tickles Mandy*
[09-18:54] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Boogie! *She squeals.* I'm really ticklishhh!
[09-18:55] b31, Jayson Marks : (( the hell do you spell that sound she makes? Coochi...coochie...chooci...cooci...*ponders*))
[09-18:55] b31, Jayson Marks : That is why I keep tickling you. *goes in for her side*
[09-18:56] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Hmm. How do you correctly smell boogie, too?))
[09-18:56] c3a, Mandy Dessen : ((Isn't bogeyman spelled like that?))
[09-18:57] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Wait. Weren't you on another TV show, too?
[09-18:58] b31, Jayson Marks : Uhhhh...yeah...*stops tickling. Gets uncomfortable* It got cancelled.
[09-19:00] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She sits at home. Depressed. Alone. To die. In the rain. Well, not that last part. But she's making friends. MALE friends. Two of them. And they aren't Jayson. Their names are Ben and Jerry. And now she feels like shit because she knows he was right. Bah. At the eend of the day, she's alone and sad. :'(*
[09-19:00] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Oh, really? Why?
[09-19:01] b31, Jayson Marks : *shrugs* Low ratings. Bad writing. Its the biz. *ask him that six months ago. Well it wasn't pretty*
[09-19:02] c84, Dr. Justine Brooks : *well it was her house that Laura was watching but she was still polite. Jacob was home from the hospital so now it was on to business. She knocks on the door of the house she is paying Laura to maintain*
[09-19:06] fa7, Laura Patzig : *It's home.* *Anyway, she leaps up, placing the B&J in the kitchen as she heads to the door, having changed into jeans and a pink tanktop. Door = opened.* Oh... Dr. Brooks! *She opens the door wider, asi t is this woman's house.*
[09-19:08] c84, Dr. Justine Brooks : *and she signs your paychecks. Best be nice. She gives Laura a smile before waddling in, one hand on her lower back. Triplets made her very pregnant here* Laura. I am glad I caught you at home.
[09-19:10] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Oh. Well... have any auditions or anything?
[09-19:11] b31, Jayson Marks : I am not doing the acting...or singing thing anymore. I put in an application for a bartender at Bliss. *jerks a thumb that way* Maybe work at Target.
[09-19:11] fa7, Laura Patzig : *She places a hand on the older woman's shoulder to help, though not sure how much that helps.* You're looking well. You needed to speak with me?
[09-19:12] c3a, Mandy Dessen : You're still interested in acting... aren't you? Or... no?
[09-19:12] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Targčt! The French store.
[09-19:12] b31, Jayson Marks : I don't really think its my calling. *shrugs* What about you? Any big movies?
[09-19:13] c84, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she gives Laura a warm enough smile. With her, its always the thought that counts* Well the college is going to be starting Spring semester up. I wanted to talk to you about the kind of ad to put in the paper for roommates.
[09-19:15] fa7, Laura Patzig : Not a problem. *Not quite sure how to help the woman sit or anything. Telling her to have a seat is kind of weird, as it is Justine's house but Laura's home. Odd.* Would you prefer to talk about this sitting? It's quite a load you're carrying. *Smile!*
[09-19:17] c84, Dr. Justine Brooks : *she laughs softly* Yeah, I know. I am getting spayed after this. *she lowers herself onto a couch, adjusting the pillows to make herself more comfortable* How is everything going with the house? No problems I hope?
[09-19:19] c3a, Mandy Dessen : Actually... I'm doing one right now with Deacon Stone. It's a war epic.
[09-19:19] b31, Jayson Marks : That sounds pretty cool. What's your part?
[09-19:20] c3a, Mandy Dessen : I play a young nurse, who falls in love with a soldier. It's boring to most, I'm sure but I'm just trying to build my resumč!