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[08-17:55] da90e, *Zachery Slater : *He seems to just notice. Pulls back and looks down at her belly.*
[08-17:56] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *she frowns, fixing a look at him* What are you doing here? *oh she isn't going to bring it up unless he does*
[08-17:58] da90e, *Zachery Slater : What....happened?
[08-17:59] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *she brings a hand up to push a piece of hair away from her face. Hair seems to be getting shorter as she gets older. Was all pretty and long and curly when they met* I asked you first
[08-18:01] da90e, *Zachery Slater : I come looking for you
[08-18:02] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : Oh get a few of your spies to find out where I was. *she moves away from the door, leaving it open. About as much of an invite as he is going to get. She puts a hand to her lower back as she heads for a couch*
[08-18:06] da90e, *Zachery Slater : I've been looking for you since I found out you left. Now....*Points at her stomach.*
[08-18:07] da90e, *Zachery Slater : Is that why you left?
[08-18:08] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *she gingerly lowers herself down onto the couch, quite a feat in her condition. It takes a bit to catch her breath before she can answer him* I left because I walked in on you banging the commissioner of the licensing board. I didn't think you'd want a kid to cramp your style.
[08-18:12] da90e, *Zachery Slater : You had no right to decide that. *Didn't say it mean, just hurt.*
[08-18:13] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : I was going to tell you. I had custody papers drawn up. I was waiting for the courier to come pick them up so they could deliver them to you.
[08-18:15] da90e, *Zachery Slater : Custody, as in not letting me see my child?
[08-18:17] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : As in setting it up so you can see your child. I didn't feel like fighting in court about it and putting a kid in the middle. If you want to see the arrangement I proposed, its in my office. *she gestures towards one of the three bedrooms of the small house* Its in a manilla envelope with your name and address on it.
[08-18:18] da90e, *Zachery Slater : *Heads in there to get it. Comes back out and opens it. Pulls out the papers and reads.*
[08-18:19] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *well knowing him, he probably scoped the place out too. Her bedroom was on of those rooms, all militant in earth tones. Then a nursery done up in pink. And lastly her office, all very clinical looking*
[08-18:21] da90e, *Zachery Slater : What about Christmas? *Flips the pages.* I do want some holidays.
[08-18:23] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : Christmas goes back and forth. You get even years, I get odd years. You also get her for spring breaks once she starts school. *oh yes, said she! You think a control freak like her wouldn't learn the sex of the baby as soon as possible?*
[08-18:34] da90e, *Zachery Slater : She? *Looks up. Think of what idea is going through his head.*
[08-18:36] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : Yes...its going to be a girl. *she looks down at her belly, running a hand over it*
[08-18:37] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *and has no idea what is going through his head...Enlighten the auidence please*
[08-18:39] da90e, *Zachery Slater : I'd like to name her Kelly. *Puts those papers down and moves to her.* For my sister.
[08-18:40] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *she frowns, looking at him* I already thought about that, Zach. I don't want this baby to be some sub for your sister. She needs her own identity. *she pauses though and she was honestly already thinking this before he said it* Middle name?
[08-18:43] da90e, *Zachery Slater : *Starts to protest this.*
[08-18:44] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : *she puts her hand up* I am not going to fight with you about this. I don't need anymore stress for me or the baby right now.
[08-18:45] da90e, *Zachery Slater : Stress? How have you been stressing?
[08-18:46] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : You don't think having a baby is stressful? *she looks at him like he is freaking crazy* Or having you show up on my doorstep?
[08-18:46] 2a138, *Charmaine Brooks : ((*pauses*))
[08-21:35] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Look, I don't want you running off again. I know we can make it work.
[08-21:36] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : I am not going to be running anyplace. I am happy here. I have a good job. I am moving up with the firm. I just don't have time to make it work with anyone right now
[08-21:41] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Just looks at her...has more to say, its plain.*
[08-21:43] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she frowns when she looks at him, seeing that expression on his face* What? You've never been one to hold back
[08-21:45] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : I want you to come back to Vegas with me.
[08-21:47] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : HA! *she rolls her eyes before looking back to him, realizing he is serious* Why would I do something as stupid as that?
[08-21:48] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : To marry me. *You know what it took for him to say that?*
[08-21:51] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : I am not marrying you, Zach. *her voice firm on that. If she could get up, she would walk away from him* I didn't keep this baby to trap you, not now, not ever. I don't want you to do anything just because you think its the so called right thing to do
[08-21:54] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : What if its because I want to? *He comes to her instead.*
[08-21:57] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : I would rather that this little girl group up with two parents who love her very much but live apart then to grow up in a house where her parents fight all the time because they live together.
[08-21:59] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Sits down beside her.* How much longer?
[08-22:00] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she moves to take his hand, putting it on her stomach* Any day now. That is why I am at home instead of the office
[08-22:04] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Sitting there he feels the baby kick...then jerk..and again. Leans down to put an ear to her stomach and he chuckles.*
[08-22:06] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she leans back as best she can into the couch to give him a little more space to put his ear. She looks down at him for a little happy he seems* Well maybe...*she trails off slightly*
[08-22:10] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Hiccups...she's hiccuping. ..*Sits up to look at her.* Kelly used to before she was.....*stops.* Sorry. *Smiles softly at her.*
[08-22:12] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she returns his smile with one of her own* Its okay. *she swallows hard, not even believing what she about to say next* I have nine weeks of maternity leave....I could...maybe...go to Vegas, see how things work...
[08-22:18] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : I still have the little house. *That smile spreads to a grin. Probably hasn't smiled like that in years.*
[08-22:18] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she puts a finger up, her face carrying a warning* Nothing is set in stone, Zach. We'll just take it one day at a time...agreed?
[08-22:20] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Yeah, okay. Agreed.
[08-22:21] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she groans a little bit, shifting on the couch* I think I need to go to LA to get that salad that makes women go into labor. I am dying here.
[08-22:22] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Maybe there's something else that might work?
[08-22:25] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Besides going into the hospital and demanding that they induce labor? *she looks over at him with a raised eyebrow*
[08-22:26] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : I heard someplace that sex does it sometimes.
[08-22:27] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she chuckles softly, shaking her head* Having sex is what got us into this mess in the first place.
[08-22:28] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Well, the oven is already it were.
[08-22:30] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Oh my god...don't tell me you use those kind of lines on the girls you bed? *she can't help but have a smile when she says that though, especially after what he said*
[08-22:32] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : No, not all of them. Only the one that is beautiful and is carrying my daughter.
[08-22:33] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *damn him for saying things like that. She looks down a little bit, pushing some hair behind her ear* You really think I am beautiful...even like this?
[08-22:34] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Beautiful, sexy.....yes.
[08-22:36] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Oh now I just know you are lying...*she laughs nervously before brining her finger up, shaking it at him* Always were a smooth talker.
[08-22:37] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : I am not lying. Cross my heart. *And he croses his heart.*
[08-22:39] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : I've been you play poker, Zach....*she smiles at him, her eyes with his. She lets her gaze linger, her eyes staying with his for more seconds than is neccessary, that is for sure*
[08-22:42] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : ((been=seen))
[08-22:44] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : And what has that to do with our current topic? *Let's put on the innocent air here now.*
[08-22:46] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she keeps that smile on her face, watching him pretend to be innocent* Because I know that you can bluff when you need to. And right now, I think you are holding nothing. *in reference to the whole she is beautiful, she is sexy thing*
[08-22:49] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : No. If I laid my hand down everyone would be an ace.
[08-22:50] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Fine...*she leans forward as best she can considering her predicament**she says slowly and softly*
[08-22:53] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Four lovely aces with a beautiful queen of hearts. *Leans to her and kisses her.*
[08-22:56] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *oh bet all those stay at home moms and pregnant hausfraus are cheering for this alright! Probably calling the comment line as we speak. She kisses him back, eyes heavy lidded*
[08-23:23] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she wakes up with a start, having had a kind of flashback/dream sequence of when she was still pregnant with Nadine. One too many martinis in the lounge of the Seasons apparently as she waited for Zach and Nadine. She brings a hand up, rubbing her forehead. Its amazing how people remember things the way that they want. Did Zach really ask her to marry him? must just be the gin*
[08-23:26] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Has Nadine up on his shoulders, his hands holding either leg of her's. Walks on through the lobby.*
[08-23:26] 22457, Nadine Slater: *Drumming on daddy's head with her pudgy hands, Nadine is humming to herself, looking around the lobby.*
[08-23:28] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *even though she is here, she wanted to give them some alone time together. She wasn't going to intrude on his personal time with his daughter. Besides, it was bad enough that she had spent the his bed. Ugh, what was she thinking? She checks her watch, making sure she was nodding off for too long there*
[08-23:29] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : See her yet, Shorty?
[08-23:30] 22457, Nadine Slater: Nuh-uh! No mommy yet! *In a singsong voice, still drumming on his head and looking about.*
[08-23:31] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *at least he has that uncombed hair to protect his head. And the thick skull. She slides herself out of the booth, heading towards the doors of the lounge so she can meet them easier*
[08-23:32] 22457, Nadine Slater: There she is! Mommy! *Opens her arms wide, a smile lighting up her face.*
[08-23:33] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Its not uncombed. Its moused and styled. Well, was before Nadine wanted a ride.*
[08-23:33] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she smiles when she sees her daughter, looking up at her* Hi there sweetness. Look at you, top of the world there huh?
[08-23:34] 22457, Nadine Slater: I'm up high. I want a hug now! *Reaching for mother*
[08-23:35] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Okay babydoll. Let's have daddy put you down first. *she steps back a little bit so she doesn't get clocked in the face with a little girl shoe when Zach puts Nadine down*
[08-23:36] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Reaches up and takes her off his shoulders.* There we go.
[08-23:37] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she takes Nadine from Zach, with a bit of an effort, giving her a hug* Did you have fun with daddy today?
[08-23:37] 22457, Nadine Slater: Yes, mommy, we had fun - he let me play dressup and we...
[08-23:37] 22457, Nadine Slater: ((Leaving it open for Zach to hush her up from saying too much))
[08-23:39] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Yeah, she had her stuff all over the house before it was all said and done.
[08-23:41] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she smiles at Nadine, brushing some hair out of her face* Did you guys have a tea party too?
[08-23:43] 22457, Nadine Slater: Not a tea party...*eyes slide past Charmaine to look out of the lobby.*
[08-23:43] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she watches her daughter's gaze, following it out to the lobby* What is it, pumpkin? Something out there?
[08-23:44] 22457, Nadine Slater: No - I wanna go see...*Dancing up and down in place*
[08-23:47] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she sighs, looking over to Zach on whether or not they should let her. Not going to let her roam alone mind you...will be right behind her to watch her. This is Vegas after all*
[08-23:49] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : I thought you wanted that new bathing suit?
[08-23:53] 22457, Nadine Slater: Is it time to go shopping now? *Gasps and looks between her parents.*
[08-23:54] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she looks away a little bit* Well I don't know. You seem pretty eager about going to see the lobby....*she trails off before looking back to Nadine with a smile*
[08-23:55] 22457, Nadine Slater: No no no! Bathing suit! *Determined tone of voice, jaw set*
[08-23:56] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she chuckles, looking to Zach* You want to give her another ride so she doesn't get too tired out walking from here to the casino shops?
[08-23:56] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Looks down at Nadine.* Wanting to ride?
[08-23:58] 22457, Nadine Slater: Up, up! *She held her arms up to be held. When she was getting her way, Nadine could be such a charming angel.*
[08-23:59] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *oh but watch out if she ever gets told no!....Not like either of these two would do it anyway*
[09-00:02] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Reaches down and gets hold of Nadine.* There we go.
[09-00:03] 22457, Nadine Slater: *Makes an attempt at smoothing her earlier handiwork atop Zach's head.* You have messy hair, daddy! *Giggles*
[09-00:03] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : I have Nadine hair.
[09-00:05] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she can't help but laugh at her daughter when she makes the comment about Zach's hair before giving a shake of her head* Well...this is your casino so lead the way.
[09-00:06] 22457, Nadine Slater: Nadine hair? Heyyy! My hair is pretty!
[09-00:07] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Starts walking to one of several shops.*
[09-00:08] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Yes, your hair is very pretty. What daddy meant is that you styled his hair today. *not speaking down to her daughter, just explaining things to her*
[09-00:09] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : *Chuckles and then tickle's Nadine's knees.*
[09-00:10] 22457, Nadine Slater: Ohh...*laughing and kicking her legs a bit at being tickled*
[09-00:11] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : What kind of bathing suit do you want, Naddie? *she asks as they pass by a couple of the shops. She glances into a few of them, never really getting the whole obsessive shopping thing some women do*
[09-00:11] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : Did you tell your mother what we hand for breakfast?
[09-00:15] 22457, Nadine Slater: ((I am sorry to do this, guys, but my sister and I are off!))
[09-00:17] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : ((Its okay babes! Have a great night))
[09-00:17] 65d70, *Zachery Slater : ((N/P I need to get to bed
[09-01:27] 67120, *Nica Grey: ((*test*))
[09-01:34] 67120, *Nica Grey: nother test
[09-01:37] 67120, *Nica Grey: and again
[09-01:38] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she sits in what passes as the nicest resturant in town, which really isn't saying much all things considered. Her long fingers run the rim of her glass of brandy, lips pursed as she looks down on the other patrons of the place. She had a half a mind to buy the place, demolish it, and build a parking lot. It would be, by far, a more efficient use of the space*
[09-01:39] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : ((*waves to Nica* Hello there! Welcome to the room!))
[09-01:40] ac255, *Ellis Bateman: *Wearing dark glasses and walking rather stiffly he walks in behind the maitre 'd. Frowning a little. Hideous place, perhaps he'd buy it for mother then bulldoze it. Favoring his left arm, it is in fact in a stylish sling that matches his black Halston suit. His face is looking halfway decent, his personal make up artist did a good job covering the bruises. He tries a little smile*You look lovely.
[09-01:40] 67120, *Nica Grey: ((*smiles waves back* Thank you! *falls over*))
[09-01:41] ac255, *Ellis Bateman: (*waves, trips. Cries for Mommy*)
[09-01:42] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : ((*dusts both Ellis and Nica off, propping them back up* I am one of the admins of the room. If you give me a sec, I can turn on my AIM to answer any questions))
[09-01:43] 67120, *Nica Grey: ((*eyes Camille* I love you))
[09-01:44] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : ((Thank you. I think you are pretty swell too))
[09-01:45] ac255, *Ellis Bateman: (*whispers to Nica*She's not as sweet as she seems. Watch out for the evil streak.*Nods sagely*)
[09-01:45] 67120, *Nica Grey: ((yay!))
[09-01:45] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : ((My evil streak is right here...*points to the highlight in her hair*))
[09-01:45] 67120, *Nica Grey: ((I like evil...evil is fuuun >_o))
[09-01:47] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she looks up at her son, lips still pursed. Now the corners of her mouth turn down in a heavy set frown* You look like shit. *her French accent coming on particulary thick this evening. Its all the brandys she has been swilling like they were going out of style*
[09-01:47] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : ((If you need anything, the AIM is JJSoapChat. :) ))
[09-01:50] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : Oui a pleasure to see you as well Mother.*He leans down painfully to kiss each of her cheeks dutifully then sits and waves down the waiter.*Scotch neat. Chivas or nothing.*He turns back to her.*Things are set into motion. The rumour mills are already going. Seems the presence of a certain doctor makes one of the patients hysterical.*He leans back one corner of his mouth turned up in amusement.*Give it a few days there will be an investigation by the hospital.*He looks like a puppy who knew he pooped outside like a good boy and wants a treat now.*
[09-01:51] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Mmmmmm...yes...I heard about the little scene in the hospital today. But we have far bigger issues to tackle than your big brother at the moment. *she picks her glass up, looking at the amber contents, swirling them around a bit* His whore of a wife has turned up pregnant. A stall for the divorce no doubt.
[09-01:53] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He frowns and picks up his promptly delivered scotch.*Surely it's not his. I don't imagine the dry old fruit is even fertile. Who has she been screwing?*As if he was talking about some show dog or something.*Disgusting. Truly.
[09-01:55] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : I find it quite the rarity myself. Considering Meghan is not even his. And to go twenty years without so much as an accident. *she snorts, nose turning up even further* Hardly. Your father is looking into who the tramp has bedded as of late.
[09-01:57] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He shakes his head. At least most of his bastard children had been amply provided for and tucked away. Far from the family name.*What is wrong with him? Letting her get knocked up. It''s*His face screws up.*Obscene. You'd think he would know better. Pity he didn't inherit your brains for such matters.
[09-01:59] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : He didn't inherit anything from me. I should have left him on the mountainside. *she takes a sip from her drink, letting the liquid sit on her tongue before swallowing* If the child is indeed his, we will have to see to it that golddigging white trash Eric saw fit to breed with isn't allowed near it. I shant allow her to taint the family line.
[09-01:59] 67120, *Nica Grey: ((*eyes profile that's good enouh for one thrown together))
[09-02:00] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *His lips purse.*Well you know she does have a bit of a penchant for bedding random people.*Smiling a little.*And those mood swings*clucking his tongue.*Perhaps she is unfit. I would hate to see a child subjected to that. I hear there is a lovely new sanitarium in Nice.
[09-02:02] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : If you aren't currently occupied with one of your...pets, I would like you to get close to her. However....*she raises a finger, her eyes narrowing on him in a warning* none of them must know who you really are. Is that understood, mon petite gras?
[09-02:02] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : ((That is a pretty kickass profile Nica!))
[09-02:05] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He finally gives her that smile, the one she loves. Not truly a smile but rather a sweet candy shell to the evil inside. Her perfect petite gras. Always has been and always will be.*But of course. She doesn't deserve to know such a thing.*He reaches for her hand and holds it in his good one. Lets his face fall into a distressed kind of look.*There's something I should tell you about Eric..I'm sorry to be the one to say it. But*Then a low chuckle.*Oh yes.*Then he frowns.*There is someone..but I have yet to work things out with her.*A twinkle in his eye.*Mama..*letting her accent dribble into his voice*I need a small favor.
[09-02:07] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she pulls her hand away from him, a sneer sitting on her lips. She turns her body to the side, crossing her legs* You speak to me of favors? Really Ellis. You come in here, looking dreadful. Is your trust fund running so low that you can't afford a nice steak for your eye and some white undereye concealer? *oh yes, no child of hers better be caught looking shotty, that is for sure*
[09-02:08] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He frowns.*No Mother in fact I made about forty percent on it last quarter.*He leans back pouting a little.*All I need is a name. A woman. She's been seen in the hospital with Ms. St. Martin. Only a name mother. Since it was for you..I got my face marred.
[09-02:10] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : A woman...surely you can find out such information on your own. You've never had any trouble in acquiring knowledge before. *she looks down at her hands, studying her manicure. It was time for another* So do tell me how you manage to come to me so very battered. Were you picking bar fights with leather clad faggots again? *she says cooly, shifting her gaze back to him*
[09-02:25] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : No.*His eyes start to glitter.*She was the one who came for the girl. Miss St. Martin.*He looks almost rabid.*She's powerful. Tiny little thing, but her strength is amazing. There's something all together different about her. Mother*his voice lowers.*I think she's the one.*The one he's talked about since he was a kid. But the one to what now that is the good question.*
[09-02:28] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she pauses a bit, seeing the visble change that is occuring within her son. Her tongue sneaks out of her mouth, cleaning left over brandy from her lips as she contemplates such a thing* I will find you her name. *she says simply, awaiting his reaction*
[09-02:31] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He looks like someone just told him he just made a million dollars.*Mother, just wait til you see her.*He leans forward a bit seeming to forget his pain.*The bruises are incredible. And even though she found her little friend trussed up like a Thanksgiving goose*he likes his lips.*She showed mercy.*His pupils dilate and that look is all his father. A mix of lust hate and greed all rolled up into a handsom package.*I want her Mother. I will have her.
[09-02:32] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she gives him a cold looking smile, reaching out to pat his hand gently* Of course you will. Do your father and I not see to it that you recieve everything you deserve and more? To doubt me...*she clicks her tongue, pulling back. She almost looks hurt at his comment*
[09-02:35] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *His look changes to the adoring son again. In a blink he is again her wicked little fatty. He rolls a finger over the back of her hand, an oddly intimate gesture. Wee Oedipus complex there junior?*Oui, you and Father have seen to it that I never go without. But all I want from you now is her name. The rest*Yes crushing that mercy in her until she will do it for him. Yes she'll have to be it. Be theone to finally give him the ultimate rush. Or she'll die trying. He spaces for a moment then looks back at her.*At any rate. The visit with Ms St. Martin was quite good. The talk about her singing voice was right. Like a little angel.*Yeah an angel with a knife in her back and a mysterious pink object in the no no place.*
[09-02:37] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : I do hope you weren't too hard on the poor girl. *though by her tone, her smile, its so evident that is exactly what she wanted. The smirk on her face would put that Easton character to shame, that is for sure*
[09-02:40] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : Well she did have to have two emergency surgeries the poor dear. And the scar.*He smiles*From kidney over her left buttock. Also I imagine parts of her will never quite work the same.*Not quite talking about rape but damn near.*Oh you should hear that voice*He leans back and sips his scotch, letting it pool against a cut in his mouth. A trick learned from Daddy? Did he come by that odd masochism honestly?*You know Mother, a girl like that. Had she not been so*his mouth twists.*common would have made a wonderful daughter in law. She has potential but not nearly enough.
[09-02:42] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : And this girl...the one you have such stars think she would be quite the addition? *she raises a brow, studying him for a moment. Blood, the line, that was everything to her. Eric had it wrong. It had nothing to do with money. It was all about the legacy*
[09-02:45] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : Oh Mama*He leans forward again.*After I know her name I'll know more. But*he blushes a little.*she has power Mother. Of a kind that could only be of use to us.*And by his tone he's not talking money or influence*Her voice is terrible. But she is attractive and can fight.*He closes his eyes a little, reliving a few precious moments of the fracas.*
[09-02:50] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Well voice can always be taken care of through careful lessons *though the kind of surgery she is referring to hardly takes place by licensed professionals. She watches him carefully, his face, the way his manner changes. She can almost smell the hormones coming off him* Give me your phone, Ellis.
[09-02:51] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He plucks his latest one out of his pocket, a slick little thing. Tiny hardly the size of the palm of his hand. He hands it over dutifully.*
[09-02:54] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she takes the phone from him, starting to dial the hospital number from the top of her head. There was a time when she was on many of the boards of the hospital and she still had some significant influence there. She brings the phone to her ear, watching Ellis from the corner of her eye as she waits for someone to pick up*
[09-02:57] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He motions for another scotch and fishes a silver Tiffany pill box out of his coat. He pops two small white pills with a swallow of Chivas and leans back relaxed. Giving everything in the restaurant the evil eye. He mutters.*How goddamn gauche. Who serves brioche that way?*A snort as he mutters.*That is not any way to serve crudite.*His upper lip curls and sends a waiter skittering away.*
[09-02:58] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Ellis...quiet yourself. *she snaps at him before her tone takes on a more cheerful but slightly venomous one with the switchboard operation* Hello Marlene...this is Camille Solanus...why yes, very well. And yourself? How is your husband? *she rolls her eyes, looking back to Ellis. He should be getting giddy since Mummy dearest is fixing to get his name for him*
[09-03:00] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He quiets as told. But he won't give her the satisfaction of giddy. Instead his face settles into an expression learned from her. Eyes on the middle distance, mouth set in a disapproving line. Eyes gone absolutely cold. He pulls a cigarette case from his pocket and calmly gets out a Dunhill with the matching lighter.*
[09-03:02] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : That is such wonderful news...*she can put it on with the best of them when she needs something. She has found that not everyone responds to her brand of cruelty. Imagine that!* Actually I was inquiring as to a patient of yours...Miss Delia St. Martin. I heard she had no family and I imagine having no visitors takes quite the toll on her...*she gives a pause for the other woman to speak before putting just the right amount of surprise and inflection into her voice* Really? Do you happen to know the young lady's name?
[09-03:03] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : That is such wonderful news...*she can put it on with the best of them when she needs something. She has found that not everyone responds to her brand of cruelty. Imagine that!* Actually I was inquiring as to a patient of my son's...Miss Delia St. Martin. I heard she had no family and I imagine having no visitors takes quite the toll on her...*she gives a pause for the other woman to speak before putting just the right amount of surprise and inflection into her voice* Really? Do you happen to know the young lady's name?
[09-03:05] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He blows smoke over her head politely. But inside he's jumping up and down for freaking joy. Oh the things he could do with only a name. Most commoners never realize how much just aname can give someone if they really want things. And that he's filthy rich doesn't hurt either.*
[09-03:07] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : How very nice for her to have such a caring friend to come and visit her. Is that the only one who has been by? *she looks over to Ellis, snapping her fingers for a pen so she can write the name on a napkin* Well if she is as nice as you say she is, perhaps I can get her to volunteer for my children's charity. Do you happen to recall her name?
[09-03:08] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He pulls out a lovely engraved pen. Given to him by someone or another. Probably some greedy politician looking for a handout. He hands it over and gives her a sweet 'look Ma I'm a good boy' smile. All while inwardly seething. Damn her for knowing him so well.*
[09-03:11] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she takes the pen from him, pulling a napkin towards herself. She turns the pen so that the inked point comes out before scribbling on the napkin* Oh that is a lovely name. I am sure the young lady fits it quite well. *she sneers though, lip curling up as she writes the name.* Thank you so much for your time. I am sure this young lady will be a wonderful asset to The Solanus House. *she hangs the phone up, setting it back on the table. Might as well let him sweat a bit and beg for the name*
[09-03:12] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He knows her game well and takes his phone. All the while seeming calm as could be. He slides it into his pocket.*Cigarette Mother? There are some Galousie Blondes in there.
[09-03:14] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : No thank you, mon petite gras...*she picks the napkin up, holding it between two fingers. She raises her arm up to put the napkin at his eye level* The name of your angel...*she snatches the napkin away before he can take it though* for a heavenly price.
[09-03:16] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He gives her a look and waits. Knows what she wants to hear but if he has to wait she'll have to wait. He smokes another quarter of the cigarette before he fairly purrs at her. His tone sugar sweet.*s'il vous plaît la mčre. May I have the name?
[09-03:18] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she switches to her native tongue effortlessly, finding its far more easier to plot in it if there are ears listening* IF you promise to find me the girl who will ruin Eric. She has to be very stupid, easily enamoured, and most importantly...expendable. *knowing he will do it for her, she lowers her hand so that he can pluck the napkin from her fingers* By the end of the weekend, Ellis
[09-03:20] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He takes the napkin from her fingers then brings her hand to his mouth and kisses the back lightly.*Post haste Mother. You won't be disappointed.*Of course where else will he go but to the hospital. Play the gay patient in for a check up. Find some idiot girl to give over. Not such a complicated thing.*
[09-03:22] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she smiles at him, pulling her hand from his to give him a very affectionate touch against his cheek* You have always been my favorite. *and she means that too.With the way Vincent pushed her aside while he was in college. And Eric...well he was a complete waste in every sense. But Ellis...such a son!*
[09-03:24] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He beams at her.*I do my best to please.*He touches the side of his face.*Do you know if our friend in LA will fly up here? I have a tooth he has to fix. That bitch knocked one of my veneers loose.*Pouting alittle.*She'll have to repay me for that.*Oh that wicked glitter in his eye. All Daddy right there. That promise of wickedness in those icy blue eyes.*After all this unpleasantness is finished what would you say to you Father and I spending a few weeks at my new Villa.
[09-03:27] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she takes her hand away, dropping it back into her lap as she considers his question* I am sure if you pay him enough, he will happy to come up. *and yes, she said 'you pay'. She is not about to use her money for his mistakes. She shoots him a look, one that would kill a lesser man* Ellis...don't you dare speak of your angel in such a manner. Calling her such names as if she was a filthy common whore. *that is, if this girl is as great as he says she is. She will have to naturally see for herself. It was about time that Ellis found someone legit to settle with. One she could mold as she had been unable with Eric or Vince's trollops*
[09-03:28] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He smiles a little.*Oh but I use it in the fondest way.*And he does.*Of course I'll pay. You haven't paid for my dental work since that unfortunate incident when I was 17 and in boarding school.*Yes that would be beating another boy to a comatose pulp with an oar. THe boy had made fun of his Mama. And nobody talks about his mama like that. But he does look contrite.*
[09-03:30] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Bitch is hardly a term of endearment for ones such as ourselves. You would be wise to remember that less I have to give you more reason to need dental work. *her brow raising ever so slightly. She wasn't much on physical violence but if the need arose, she was not above smacking some sense into her baby boy*
[09-03:31] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *His lips form into a small petulant pout.*Mother really, don't work yourself into a state.*His tone almost a monotone. But not quite. She does still scare the piss out of him.*I'll behave myself. And I don't know yet if she is to be one of us or not. It all depends on what I find out. It could be nothing more than a passing fancy. She does have that bothersome heroism streak. That will have to be taken care of.
[09-03:34] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Hmmmm...that does put quite a damper on things. *she pauses for a few moments, glancing about the restaurant until her eyes come back to him* However, you have always done well with...persuasion. *the tiniest and cruelest looking smile playing at the corner of her lips*
[09-03:37] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He gives a self depricating little shrug.*Sometimes..Although if she's not I'll entertain myself with her and find something else.*He looks over at her and gives her his sneaky little smile.*You know Father mentioned to me something about a surprise for you?*He reaches into his pocket and pulls out an envelope. Ivory, heavy parchment. She'll know it on sight but he doesn't hand it over just yet.*He was so sorry he had to run off a few days ago. Business you know.
[09-03:39] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *oh and what lovely surprises Geoff always gives to her. She idly wonders which of her enemies he had eradicated. Or which company she dislike that he slashed and burned. Her face is a mask of non-expression though, only briefly glancing to the envelope* I am quite used to your father's business trips after over two decades of enduring such indignities. *as if her and Geoff ever had any kind of problems to speak of. Her distaste was merely at his absense but it was a neccessary evil*
[09-03:41] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He nods and hands her the paper like a good boy.*He said it's a present.*Inside is the deed to a large parcel of land in Northern Italy. Someone from their past who did them wrong. And was bought out for pennies on the dollar and run out of town broke and homeless. Along with a little love note describing the take over in excruciating detail.*Mother I tire of this place it's ugly. Let's go. I was driven.
[09-03:44] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she takes the envelope from him, not opening it in front of him. She slides her chair out, rising from the table* I have something for the beach house. I found one of the maids taking the silver. I left her in the basement for you. *she knows that he would never kill the help but he will make damn sure that girl never sticks a ladle down her support hose again!*
[09-03:46] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He rises and offers his good arm. Smiling like a happy puppy. He kisses her cheek.*You know just how to sooth me Mother. I'll be sure that stops. *Thinking he'll get the new young one down there to watch. Since it's always good to make an example.*Will you be needing a new maid? *He leads her out, giving anyone who comes within spitting distance a blood curdling look. Nobody touches his Mama. Not these kind of people. They should be kissing her feet.*
[09-03:47] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she pats his hand after she takes the offered arm, letting him lead her out* We shall see. *and thus the scene fades out so players can get some well deserved rest for being just so darn evil this evening!*
[09-03:48] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *As they fade out pretty but slightly discordant music plays. Always the music of the crazy ones.*
[09-13:18] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay: *Coming into town on that bad assed WC Custom of his.*
[09-13:22] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : ((test))
[09-13:26] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay: *Gets off his bike after cutting it off. Oh, yeah, he is still riding with no helmet. Shame Montgomery has been stuck at his desk of late.*
[09-13:29] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : *his brow eyes seem to search the room as he enters the tavern, he seems to be a easy going man in apperance, not to tall as to draw attention but tall enough to be menacing to most average people.His hands are tucked into his pockets as he slowly moves towards the bar only to take a seat with a small frown.He pulls his hands from his pockets only to turn his glance to the bartender and wave to him for service*
[09-13:34] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Enters into the bar. So quiet in here now. Glances around, none of the regulars to mess with, damn. Sees the geek in the suit, doesn't recognize him...Orders a beer.*
[09-13:37] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : *he orders a shot of whiskey and then tells the bar keep to just leave the bottle, the barkeep does so then begins cleaning a glass as his eyes settle upon Mulder*Rought night?*he ask.Mulder smiles then shakes his head*You wouldn't believe me even if I told you....*the bar keep scuffs then smiles*I've heard it all man....start by telling me what you do for a living....*With Mulders eyes upon him as he keeps a striaght face, his smile a thin line on his mouth and his voice even and dry*I'm a key figure in an ongoing government charade. An annoyance to my superiors. A joke among my peers. "Spooky," they call me. Spooky Mulder.Whose sister was abducted by aliens when he was a kid. Who now chases little green men with a badge and a gun, shouting to the heavens and anyone who'll listen that the fix is in. That our government's hip to the truth and a part of the conspiracy. That the sky is falling and when it hits it's gonna be the shitstorm of all time.*sits there a moment only to lift his drink and take a sip as if nothing had happened*
[09-13:39] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Grabs a peanut and shells it. Chuckles at what he has overheard. Puts the peanut in his mouth and chews.*
[09-13:40] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : *the bar keep just stares at him blanky for a few moments only to blink and shake his head*Why are you telling me this?*he ask.Mulder smirks only to lift his glass to him in a almost passive manner*who would believe a man drinking jack daniels?
[09-13:41] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : ((Just noticed my typo...rought=rough...sorry))
[09-13:42] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Because he's a lonely geek that has watched too much Star Trek. *finishes chewing that peanut..says this without looking at the guy.*
[09-13:43] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : And reading Tales from the Crypt comics. *chuckles again.*
[09-13:43] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : *he eyes now drift towards Stephen a laugh upon his lips*Takes one to know one....
[09-13:46] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Takes a drink of his beer and glances over at the man.* Dude, you didn't call me a geek, I hope.
[09-13:48] 03dc5, Agent Mulder : I don't even know you....*pauses as he smiles slightly at the mans words.Slang terms commonly used by thugs or people with attitude problems....his mind already working to fit the man into a profile but that was just how his mind worked*...dude.
[09-13:52] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : You been keeping to much to your beaming around or boogy hunting? *Can't believe he doesn't know the leader of the most popular band to hit since the Beatles.*
[09-13:54] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : And how brought you to that conclusion?*his eyes upon the man as he turns away slightly, he was more of a elvish fan.....oldies and the like*You're the time of person who gives perversion a bad name.
[09-13:57] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Well, if you work for the government on so called hunts for things that don't exist and your peers call you Spooky...well, its not a far stretch.
[09-13:58] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Maybe I am just a misunderstood youth?
[09-14:01] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Yeah, right. *Chuckles again then takes a drink.*
[09-14:05] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Think of it this way...your music is a tool to inspire young people who listen to your music while smoking pot.They do this in hopes of using your music as a boost to thier morale, this also gives them a reason to rebel and let thier parents blame your music for the crimes they par take in.*he pauses only long enough to take a sip of his drink, his tone is a low mellow tone and his sarcasim rather dry in nature*New specails will praise you on shows like "CNN" and "Talk Radio" then they will make fun of you behind your back.In my time the same situation was said of groups likes the beatles, so what makes you think I am not a missunderstood youth?
[09-14:11] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Oh, good one. *Claps a couple times.* The thing is, I don't give a big rat's ass what they say about me off camera or on for that matter. Fact is, more negative I get the more records I sell. And if you are of the Beatles generation, dude, you are no youth.
[09-14:12] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Much like this whiskey...*holds his glass up now only to smile thinly*I only get better with age.
[09-14:15] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Well, age is all relative. *Finishes the last of that beer.*
[09-14:16] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : How is it realative?
[09-14:17] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : What's the saying? You're only as young as you feel?
[09-14:18] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : I'm a decade or two past my shelf life, it that is true.*offering a short smile now as he sips at his drink*One moment I'm searching the world for something that doesn't "exist" and the next I am trading banter with a rock star.
[09-14:20] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : And just what is it you are looking for in St. Solanus that doesn't exist?
[09-14:22] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : The same thing as an other over looked lunatic.....answers...*his eyes upon Stephen now as he offers a sober expression*You?
[09-14:23] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Me? I'm not searching. I live here. *Instead of ordering another drink he pulls a flask from his inner pocket. Uncaps it and drinks.*
[09-14:26] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : So out of the ordinary happens are nothing new to you?
[09-14:28] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Out of the ordinary? Me? Nah, I'm actually a normal, pleasant guy.
[09-14:29] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : I didn't mean you actually....unless you are feeling guilty....*he checks his watch then only to sigh as he offers the man a thin smile*Four dollars for the first hour of parking is criminal. What you go to say better be worth at least 45 minutes.
[09-14:32] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : If you paid $4 for parking you're a bigger fool then I first took you for...when parking is free at the side of the building. *Oh, that about puts him off that bar stool laughing.*
[09-14:33] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : So is the smokers area....*siping his drink now only to smile slightly at Stephens laughing*I just can't see myself with a ciggerate and corvette, I already had one mid life crissis....
[09-14:34] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : And I don't feel the least bit guilty about anything. Unless you going to believe the pubilcity crap about my band being a bunch of vampires.
[09-14:35] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he pauses upon hearing that though he smiles to cover for it.Acting different now would only through him through a loop of trouble if Stephan took note*Things are not always as they seem....
[09-14:35] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Hey, got a problem with 'Vettes? You know, because I got one parked in my garage, dude.
[09-14:37] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : No problem at all..I am sure if I got paid to act like a fool on stage and draw chicks with a attitude and money, I would do the same thing.Even though the whole throwing money about to look big and cover for a childhood sydrom is overrated.
[09-14:41] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Takes another drink from that flask.* Well, and I'm sure you have the chicks falling all over your feet. But I don't break their arms to come to my concerts or buy my albums. *Naw, he don't do that but those enchanted chords that are interwoven in his music helps.*
[09-14:42] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : You know what they say?....Chicks dig that whole tall dark and paranoid theme.
[09-14:47] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Paranoid. That's not me, man. *Nope, now he instillls alot of it in people.*
[09-14:52] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Referring to yourself in third person is a good way to manage your ego....*he pays for his drink with a twenty only to stand as he turns his back on Stephan and moves for the door without so much as a glance back in his direction*
[09-14:55] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : I'm sure you're a blast at the office parties. *Calls after him. then low to self.* Asshole.
[09-15:18] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she passes by the guy leaving without even noticing him. She was looking for one person in particular and given that his 'badass west coast custom' was parked in the parking lot. She had spent the morning at the doctor while Stephen was probably busy trying to make up all the time lost for his trip to Vegas. She comes up behind him, slipping her arms around his waist*
[09-15:20] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Hmmm, *Turns to look at her.* I figured you'd come looking.
[09-15:22] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she moves her head so that she can look at him around his shoulder* Why wouldn't I? Do you wish I hadn't? *her hands slide just a tiny bit further down from his waist*
[09-15:24] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : You know better then that. *takes a drink and he is totally aware of what those hands are doing.* How was the doctor?
[09-15:28] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : Perfect...everything is perfect. *she moves her body a little closer to his* The best time will be in about ten days...unless you want to start trying earlier.
[09-15:29] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : I...*Looks at that flask in his hands.* I have somethings I need to do first.
[09-15:31] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : I understand...*and how can you not just love this new and improve Livvie huh? She turns her head, resting her cheek against his back* I am just happy you agreed to do it in the first place. I can wait ten more days.
[09-15:34] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Would you like a drink, babe?
[09-15:36] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : Naw...I am fine...*she pulls herself away from him, her warm little body leaving some trail of heat on his as she takes up a stool* How is the new video?
[09-15:39] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : We'll start Monday. I changed the music with everything that is going to happen.
[09-15:41] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she frowns slightly, looking at him* What do you mean you changed the music?
[09-15:43] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : The video is going to be Naked Eyes now.
[09-15:48] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : What made you change your mind? *she is just being curious now, not like she really remembers what song he was going to make for a video anyway. The old mean her didn't care as long as she was in it*
[09-15:50] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : I just seemed the thing to do.
[09-15:54] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she gives a nod of her head before giving him a smile* So what's the concept? *oh look at her, all taking an interest in him! Things might finally be perfect this time around*
[09-15:54] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Think he's going to say he's doing his most damaging song on the mind he's got to her? Has to do it while he still can put the magic to it.*
[09-15:55] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : My, aren't we so full of questions. *smiles.* No asking what's my part in it?
[09-15:58] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : I thought you would tell me that when you told me the concept for the video. *she touches her leg against his, rubbing slightly. Just a gesture of affection from her to him*
[09-16:01] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : I was actually thinking of....waiting and putting you in the next one. *Waits for the storm to hit.*
[09-16:02] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she purses her lips a little bit, a slight flash behind her eyes to give away that anger but she is keeping it pretty well in check* Any reason why you don't want me Naked Eyes?
[09-16:07] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : I'm going to showcase a few of the new talents in it.
[09-16:08] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : So not even so much as a parting shot? *her arms crossing over her chest. Oh this is bad...really bad. You can just tell by her posture*
[09-16:10] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus: ((tessacles..))
[09-16:11] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Babe, you were Surrender. And I have plans in the not so distant future.
[09-16:13] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : Yeah for when I am all big and pregnant. *she turns away from him, facing the bar now. She looks pretty well pissed off*
[09-16:14] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : No. *turns her back.* When I am....*his voice trails off.*
[09-16:17] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *yes, she knows how hard this is going to be for him so she reaches up to touch his face softly* It won't be for long....if you want, we don't even have to do it the old-fashioned way. We could use a doctor. You could be back to yourself after a few days.
[09-16:20] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : That's not right. *His blue eyes search her features. Only she can make those eyes of his soften to something close to kindness in them.*
[09-16:22] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : I just want you to be doing this because its what you want. Not because its what I want. I am trying to make it as easy as possible for you. *and she is! Going to the doctor, getting dates pinned down, things like that*
[09-16:23] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his eyes upon the sky as he gazes up into them with a sigh, Scully had vanished in this town and so far he had little leads really but that has never stoped him before.His gut told him this was a strange place....might be the pizza he had for dinner also..ahem...anyways.He looks down the street now only to cast his eyes near the side of the building where the free parking is located.He smiles as he notices a group of smokers all standing around his car and smoking like there is no tommorrow....Stephen was right and so was he.Irony?*
[09-16:26] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : And seeing you happy, makes me happy. *Leans to her and kisses her.*
[09-16:27] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she keeps her hands on his face so all her can be seen in the shot as they kiss. She knows how it works alright! She kisses him back, almost off that stool as she leans forward*
[09-16:31] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((profile test))
[09-16:31] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *You think their kisses are just normal few second things. WRONG!!!! Kissing her is one of his favorite things to do. Note said one. here.*
[09-16:33] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *well it usually leads to some of his other favorite activities, that is for sure! She moves even closer to him, deepening that kiss between them. Wouldn't be at all surprised if they clear off the bar and start going at it*
[09-16:33] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus: *while he's out there, a pretty Ford Thunderbird convertible goes around to the free parking, and as it moves past him, Mulder gets a nice view of red hair in the wind*
[09-16:33] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he turns back towards the tavern door only to push it open with a slight frown.Pausing in his steps as he notices Stephan at the bar and lip locked with some chick none the less, his lips form a "O" of surprise as he gets the "I just walked in on my parents"kinda feeling.He turns his head away with a smirk as he moves towards the bar*
[09-16:36] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : *she hops out of her car and pushes the door closed behind her, being sure to put the top up just in case it rains. She locks the doors, tosses the keys in her purse, and heads inside through the side door. She's wearing a pair of capri jeans, and a green camisole--one of the ones with the liner, so you don't have to wear a bra with it. Sandals on her feet, and a watch on her wrists. Sunglasses shade her green eyes, but she removes them as she steps inside*
[09-16:36] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Think the geek's presence bothers him and what he's doing. Hell, no. Probably the dude could take some lessons here. He does though know he needs to pull back so Livvie can breath. Damn annoying habit humans have.*
[09-16:38] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : *sits at the end of the bar and smiles slightly* Bring me a martini, please.
[09-16:40] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *yes sadly, is human now. But it makes things much easier for what she has planned. She leans back in once he pulls back, giving him one last soft peck on his lips* I guess...I guess its okay that I won't be in Naked Eyes. *she says softly*
[09-16:40] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : *is managing to ignore Stephen for the most part, despite the strange bond she feels towards him. She slips the bartender a reasonable tip as he brings the drink, and takes a sip of the mix*
[09-16:41] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Martini?*his eyes moving towards Lilly a moment though he looks away only to do a double take as he sets his gaze upon her again.He knows he must be seeing things....there was sitting at the bar like a average person yet that was so unlike her.While Mulder was the optomistic one with a open mind, Scully was more pesemistic and logical.Why would she be in a bar room setting?....Out of uniform and with no warning to anyone.He starts to move towards her only to pause after looking around.If something was wrong he doesn't need to draw attention.He slowly strides towards her side of the bar with a almost casual pace*
[09-16:42] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *And that strange bond will be broke in about a week.* Olivia, no matter what, you are the song that fills my heart.
[09-16:43] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : ((Oh man...when Eric finds out Lily is drinking while pregnant....BUSTED!))
[09-16:43] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : *looks up, hearing him approach, and her eyes pass over him without recognition before returning to her drink*
[09-16:43] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : ((shhh!))
[09-16:44] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she smiles, still touching his face* I know...and I love you. *she hesitates a bit before she adds* And I trust your decision about the video. *oh man, how hard it was for her to say -that-*
[09-16:45] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : ((And its not just Eric. What about mommy dearest?))
[09-16:46] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : ((Well it will just help Camille's case that Lily is unfit))
[09-16:46] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : ((quiet! you'll ruin my stealth!))
[09-16:46] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he stops at the bar only to turn his gaze to the bartender he met earlier.The man looks at him then stops only to shake his head*"no more liqour for you, you've had enough alreadly"*he actually smile in spite of himself*Everyones a critic....*his green eyes on Scully as he offers a smile, odd that she didn't greet him.How quickly she had turned away from him was alarming.Almost like she didn't know her partner of a little over 6 years*Scully?*he says almost softly*
[09-16:48] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : *her cellphone rings, and she stops herself from taking a second sip to answer* Yeah? *ignoring the weird guy* Oh.. ok, thanks, Dr Roth..... Yes, Tuesday's fine. Bye. *hangs up, stares at her drink before pushing it forward and getting up to go, completely unaware that Mulder had even been talking to her*
[09-16:48] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : How about a dance? *Grins at her.*
[09-16:49] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *Stephen must actually be happy for once that wasn't caused by any evillness he wraught. She trusts him, she loves him, and she is getting her jealousy in check. But oh how the mighty fall! She slides off her stool, giving him her answer nonverbally*
[09-16:51] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he watches her move away with a most puzzled look upon his face, his photographic memory filing away the name"Doctor Roth" maybe he could find some answers there.He turned back to her as he idly considered following her but that wouldn't wise as he was new in town and keeping a low profile would be to his advantage*
[09-16:51] 5a6dd, *Lily Solanus : *is gone like the wind, leaving only her barely-touched martini behind as proof that she had even been there*
[09-16:54] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Follows her and mysteriously Give it To Me starts to play. Did the jukebox start and auto cycle? You guess. Takes her into his arms, his hands on her hips...and could they be any closer?*
[09-16:54] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *the martini....of course.He moves towards the drink only to reach into his pocket and remove a pin, he uses this to slide the glass towards him for observation.He then reaches into his pocket only to remove a glove which he snaps onto his right hand.Lifting the glass then he pours the drink into a ash tray(much to the objections of the barkeep)he then fiddles into his pocket once more only to remove a clear plastic bag which he slips the glass into*Just send me a bill for this....*he replys to the barkeep*
[09-16:56] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *those weird jukeboxes in this town. They always just seem to turn on and play Stephen Clay songs whenever Stephen is is that for strange Mr. Paranormal Investigator? Hmmm? She closes her eyes, letting him lead them. Well if you can call their psuedo-mating on the dance floor dancing!*
[09-16:59] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his mind is else where at the moment though the sound of the music touches his ears.He glances towards Stephan and Livvie as they dance his brow lifted in a curious manner as he slips the glass into his pocket.Maybe he could get a DNA sample from Lily's lips stick and confirm her as Scully.This town certainly was a strange one but then again, he had seen worse*
[09-17:00] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Oh, its hard for him to keep in control, even with the water, when she moves against him like this. Turns her pulling her back to him. His hands, well, you know where one is going.*
[09-17:03] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *her eyes still closed as she moves her hips, pressing back against his body. Just a not so subtle reminder to him and everyone else who she belongs to...and who he belongs to!*
[09-17:05] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *As much as he is touched by the mellodrama...(not)he slowly moves towards the two dancers only to sigh as he moves behind Stephen and waits from him to shift so that Mulder might tap him on the shoulder which he does*
[09-17:07] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Not phased by Mulder's presence, he leans down to Livvie's shoulder and kisses it. And yes, she's his. she's always been his, even though she's killed him twice. It just means she's a passionate person to him.*
[09-17:10] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *and she died once so they are starting to get evened out here! Though he didn't kill her this time around. He just might do it one of these days. She feels that someone is behind them though, opening her eyes and stopping dancing for a second to see who dare interrupt them*
[09-17:12] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *offers a thin smile towards Livvie*I'll have your dance partner back in a moment, trust me.I don't think I would look that good in a size 3 dress....*his humour is dry as always.He then sets his gaze on stephen*Can I get a word in, Berry White?
[09-17:12] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Notices her stopping then looks around also.* Getting your kicks, dude?
[09-17:15] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *He wouldn't look good in the leather pants either like Clay wears.* Can't you see I'm busy with my wife?
[09-17:16] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : All it takes is a rose and teddy bear for her birthday and she'll forgive you.*his voice keeping the same thin monolog as always*I need to ask you a few questions.I got 5 minutes left until the parking vender tows my car.
[09-17:17] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she rolls her eyes, pulling away from Stephen* Just give him an autograph so we can get back to what we were doing
[09-17:19] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : My wife is more complicate the roses and teddy bears.
[09-17:20] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she slides her arms around Stephen's waist, staying close to him. She looks to Mulder, lips set in a frown* Just make it quick.
[09-17:21] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : With your money just go diamounds....*offers a brief and not at all friendly smile, his eyes glancing towards Livvie yet he doesn't coment this time*Do either of you know the name of that woman that left a few moments ago?The one who ordered the martini?
[09-17:24] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Shrugs.* There was a woman in here? *yes he knew damn well Lily was in here. But he wouldn't be Caleb if he didn't act like an asshole about it.*
[09-17:25] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : I didn't even notice there was anyone else here. *she says dryly, looking up at Stephen. That was the truth. Then again, he had turned her around and she had her eyes closed*
[09-17:25] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Only woman I noticed in here is my wife.
[09-17:27] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Why do I not believe you?Could be the fact that you making a living off of selling music to young people who don't know any better.Or maybe I should take into account that you have a fifty dollar hair cut and punk gothic look.Why help the new guy in town, right?*his green eyes held hard on Stephen now*All I need is a name....she looks like a girl I used to date in high school...*lieing is not below him*
[09-17:29] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Bah!you=your on the first line))
[09-17:30] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *now the only person who gets to insult and mess with Stephen is her. She pulls away a little from him, getting closer to Mulder* Excuse me? You have no right to talk to my husband like that. You with your bad shoes that don't even match your belt and your hair do from a super cuts trapped in the 1950s
[09-17:30] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *His arm is around Livvie, and his hand stroking her hair as he talkes.* And that is just it. Stranger in town. Especially when you alread stated earlier you work for the government.
[09-17:32] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *sighs at Livvie only to rolls his eyes and look back towards Stephen*Oh isn't it nice to be suddenly so highly regarded.....*this was not going as smoothly as he had hoped*Help a guy out, Its been a bad night and the pizza I had for dinner is waging war on my liver.
[09-17:34] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she gives a snort, saying under her breath but loud enough for all concerned to hear* Works for the government...that explains the cheap knock off of a Brooks Brothers suit and Burlington Coat factory trench.
[09-17:34] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Strangers in a small town asking questions....naaa...wrong move.
[09-17:37] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his eyes slowly stray from Stephen to Livvie as he takes in her outfit he then looks back to Stephen only to reply in his normal dry way*You gotta love this place everyday's like Halloween......*his hand moving into his coat now only to remove his badge, he flips it open so they both can see.Sad that he had to do this but he needed some answers*Specail Agent Fox Mulder F.B.I.I should warn you that with holding information can be considered as distupting a federal investigation, a rather serious crime.Are you sure that name hasn't magical poped into your head?
[09-17:40] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : Oh, what a shiney thing. And you know, I'd protest that picture of you on that ID. *leans over and kisses the top of Livvie's head.* Nope. It still doesn't do a thing for me.
[09-17:40] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *what? you don't like the whorish nightgowns? She rolls her eyes as he whips it out* What kind of lame ass FBI school did you go to? I told you, I didn't even notice anyone was here.
[09-17:43] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : I hate to tell you how to do your job...*she smiles a bit and its obvious by her expression that she doesn't hate it one bit* but maybe you should try asking the bartender first? There aren't that many people in this town, he probably knows them all
[09-17:44] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *closes the badge only to slip it back into his pocket with a sigh.Normaly he would leave a card but that would be like beating a dead horse with these two*I would say thanks for the help but, you really didn't do much....*he turns from then only to start towards the exit though he pauses at the juke box only to slip a coin in and change the music selection.The song "the twist"by chubby checker starts to play.His green eyes pass over the couple as he offers a thin line of sarcasim from his lips*Ten to one you can't dance to it.....*he then turns from them and moves back towards the bar to get one last thing*
[09-17:49] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Watches Mulder. Well, one agent vanished, wouldn't be hard to make another one. That loving kindness in those strange blue eyes of his that he held for Livvie is replaced by that predator one.*
[09-17:50] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *oh no! Attention is off her for a while thirty seconds. She tugs gently on his shirt to try to get him back to her* Steeepheeen...*she purrs his name out...well the name he uses in public anyway* I want to keep dancing.
[09-17:51] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : ((while=whole))
[09-17:52] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he leans into the bar as he approaches only to ask the barkeep for information on Lily's name.Of course this cost him a whole jackson and a bit of pain as far as banter goes.He smiles when he is finished only to look back towards Livvie and Stephen whom he waves to*
[09-17:53] 315d1, Extra: Holy crap! *falls over@Fox*
[09-17:54] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Moving from Livvie he goes to the jukebox. turns his back to it, lifts his booted heel giving it a kick...and bam....Give it to Me starts. Moves back to his wife.*
[09-17:54] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Yeah.....I get that reaction a lot.That or a slap from most females.))
[09-17:54] 315d1, Extra: That's freakin awesome!
[09-17:55] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((*L*A slap on the cheek....not exactly a sign of affection but it beats the could shoulder))
[09-17:55] 315d1, Extra: I suppose so.
[09-17:55] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *And he gives Agent Mulder a go to Hell look. He'd escort him personally too.*
[09-17:56] EXIT: Extra exits stage left( *FLEE* ).
[09-17:57] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *smiles as Stephen looks on him*My drinks are on him....don't mind the look.He just found out I didn't feed his fish while he was on tour and so he is a bit pissy...*winks at the barkeep before he turns to move for the door*
[09-17:57] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *too bad its daytime tv or she would be flipping Fox off right about now. She has her arms out a bit for Stephen as he comes back to her* Let's not let some jackass ruin our afternoon
[09-18:01] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Reaches, taking her hand and steps into her arms.* What jackass...*Leans down and kisses her.*
[09-18:03] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *ooooh...more kisses. And she is thinking to herself..FBI agent who? Her eyes close, body slowly swaying to the music as they kiss*
[09-18:03] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he approaches his car with it not really his but more or less a goverment issue vechile he rented out for this investigation.His meter is overdue and a ticket is resting upon his windshield for fifty dollars, he takes the ticket only to sigh*Why am I not surprised?
[09-18:05] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he approaches his car with a none to happy look, well it is not really his but more or less a goverment issue vechile he rented out for this investigation.His meter is overdue and a ticket is resting upon his windshield for fifty dollars, he takes the ticket only to sigh*Why am I not surprised?
[09-18:05] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *Because you parked in paid parking, you jerk agent. veg....*
[09-18:07] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *is not a jerk is umm.....ah crap*
[09-18:07] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *yeah...what ever happened to researching and scoping a place out. Like finding the free parking in the area? He must have gone to remedial agent training. Or picked up FBI for Dummies*
[09-18:08] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *perhaps the fact he doesn't wish to be parkered near the smoking area*
[09-18:09] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *hmmmm...wonder where he picked up that distaste for smoking from?*
[09-18:10] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : You know, we need to send a get well message to David. *Pulls back and strokes some of her hair back.*
[09-18:12] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *hardy har har*
[09-18:12] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she just gives a nod, all blissed out to the max right about now. What with the kissing and close dancing and psuedo-sex on the dance floor*
[09-18:13] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *crumples up the ticket and tosses it aside with a roll of his eyes*
[09-18:14] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : *A slow smile comes to his lips. Lowers, kisses her neck, making sure her hair hides most his face and well, a bit of a snack.*
[09-18:15] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : ((Boy that's going to go over with the local Marshall Dillon.))
[09-18:16] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : ((WOO! I get to arrest someone for littering!))
[09-18:17] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *takes the keys from his coat pocket then unlocks his car, he settles in only to start the engine and shift the automatic into reverse.He would need to visit the local police station and get a DNA check on the glass he took and that is what he goes to do now...he also needs to look up some back ground info on Lily and find out why she is visiting this "Dr.Soth"*
[09-18:18] 4f43f, *Stephen Clay : ((Probably need to take it to the locale hospital.))
[09-18:19] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she shutters in Stephen's arms as he does take that little bit of an afternoon snack from her. She is going to have to invest in some neck scarves here! Her voice breaks, letting out a little bit of a squeak*
[09-18:20] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *she's so tight...she squeaks!*
[09-18:20] 2a138, šLivvie Locke : *sorry, couldn't resist*
[09-18:21] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((As soon as the Doc is online I will))
[09-18:24] 4f43f, *Michael Easton : *Director yells cut pulls up and pulls out the fangs.* What's for dinner, babe?
[09-18:25] 2a138, *Kelly Monaco : *she rubs at her neck* Jeeze, could you try to maybe not press that plastic into my neck next time?
[09-18:26] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((*L*I am so not gonna coment....thats just to much))
[09-18:27] 4f43f, *Michael Easton : *Looks at her neck then grins.* Oh, yeah, you're going to have a good one there for sure.
[09-18:27] 2a138, *Kelly Monaco : Great...*she rolls her eyes, heading off the Bliss set* It can match the other ones you put on me already this week
[09-18:28] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Hmm....does this make me a guest star?*L*))
[09-18:29] 4f43f, *Michael Easton : You love it and you know it.
[09-18:30] 2a138, *Kelly Monaco : I am heading to my trailer to get changed. I'll meet you by your cycle in 30
[09-18:31] 4f43f, *Michael Easton : It makes you low man, dude. LMAO. *Looks to where she went.* 30. It'll be more like 120.
[09-18:32] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((*LOL*I feel so cheated....))
[09-18:34] 4f43f, *Michael Easton : Cheated. No, that'll be the bill I get for dinner.
[09-19:44] 2828c, šSoap Star: Six of us lurking around and none of us are playing...we got to fix that!
[09-19:45] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((7 now...))
[09-19:46] 2828c, šSoap Star: Well I am going through my character trunk. *starts tossing characters out left and right*
[09-19:49] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((so am I...*is done*lol))
[09-19:49] 2828c, šSoap Star: Well you only got the one...I got dozens
[09-20:21] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *needless to say he wasn't much caring for this hard to get act that Sofia was putting up. And then she jets off for days on end to Las Vegas. Really, some women. But he never lets any of this show outwardly. He is hanging around the park, lounging in the grass, looking all together too comfortable as he reads a book of Blake poetry. His dog, Porcia, is sleeping next to him, worn out from playing fetch*
[09-20:23] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *even as he entered he bar he couldn't quite make sense of the puzzle on his hands.The DNA sample he ad gotten from the martini glass was a match for Scully's blood but only in relation and not in person.which means Lily would be Scllys sister and nither of them seemed to know about it.Of course often times he is in the light of things before Scully is which is part of the reason he is always in trouble*
[09-20:23] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *That adorable dog's head perks up as she starts his way... had spied him a few yards off, having come to the park seeking him out actually. Sure, she could have called his cell, but why would she do that? That makes sense!* Dane? *Calls out, slipping her fingers into the pockets of her jeans*
[09-20:25] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *he glances up from his book, giving Sofia a smile. He sets the book down, pushing himself up so that he was standing now.* Sofia...when did you get back to town?
[09-20:28] c2536, *Sofia Campo : Ummm, just yesterday. Left Vegas for LA for a competition then came here. *She smiles softly... for the record, the hard-to-getness? Not an act! But it's not like she does it on purpose. She comes to a stop in front of him, pausing just to look at him a moment before bending down to scratch Porcia behind the ears* And hello to you too!
[09-20:29] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *he gives a nod of his head, seeming all rather understanding really* How did your competition in Los Angeles go then? I assume you won?
[09-20:30] c2536, *Sofia Campo : First in Jazz, second in Ballet, third in tap... *doesn't mention it was a national sort of thing, her smile turning a bit shy and all modest and such as she straightens up, wrapping her arms across her stomach, almost always at a loss as to what to say around him*
[09-20:31] 593de, Remy Harper: ((hmm...))
[09-20:31] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : ((Hello and welcome Remy. *waves* If you have any questions, I am the chat mistress. You can AIM me at JJSoapChat))
[09-20:32] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *after taking a seat at the bar he orders a glass of captain morgan, his expression the normal drawn out monolog of dry and disconnected.Though his mind is like a steel trap and gifted with photographic memory and understanding of killers to include second guessing them, even some mysterious threw him through a loop*
[09-20:42] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *his eyes light up at her accomplishment, all geniune looking. It could be for her benefit or it just might be real. He smiles, those dimples flashing* Well then...I think this is cause for a celebration?
[09-20:44] c2536, *Sofia Campo : Celebration? I like celebrations... what sort of celebration? *She laughs lightly and clasps her hands behind her back, rocking forward onto the balls of her feet before settling back down. You have to admit, she does seem pretty happy.*
[09-20:45] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *As is his habit hs shows up unexpected and often unwanted. But what the hell. Part of the perks of being what he is. Watches Sofia with the young man for a long moment from a distance.*
[09-20:45] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : I think as the big winner, you should get to pick. Don't you? *he reaches up, brushing some of the hair away from her shoulder* We could do something public or...something private if you prefer?
[09-20:47] c2536, *Sofia Campo: *She shifts her weight from one foot to the other, clearing her throat softly, trying to will away the goosebumps that rise on her arms very much without her consent* Umm... hmm! I really have no idea. Usually I just um... don't do anything. I don't celebrate much. *giggles*
[09-20:50] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *he smiles at her, tilting his head just slightly as he admires her. And yes, is admiring her here!* Well...we could always go back to my place for maybe some champange and dinner? *since he is underage in this country, he has to keep his drinking to inside his home, where it was safe, where his guardian wouldn't scold him for such things*
[09-20:51] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Finally he approaches the two.*
[09-20:52] c2536, *Sofia Campo : Umm... *the bridge of her nose wrinkles up slightly, a mini sort of cringe* Well, I kinda... sorta... already ate, but *she stops, seeing Stephen stroll on over as if she weren't in the middle of a conversation. She smiles softly* Oh! Hi, hey... *she pauses a moment before blinking* Did I forget to do something?
[09-20:55] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *well he hasn't had anything to any sense of the word. He pauses and looks to Stephen. Guy always seems to butt in where he wasn't wanted. But he doesn't show anything on his face. Ever the diplomat, he just gives a smile* Evening Mr. Clay.
[09-20:55] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : No. Infact I have something to tell you that you might like to...go out and party with your friend here. *Smiles at the girl and nods to her companion.*
[09-20:57] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *Her brows rise simultaneously and she lifts a hand to meekly tuck her hair behind her ears...* What? *curiosity twinkles in her eyes for a brief moment...*
[09-20:57] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : Dane. *acknowledges the kid.*
[09-20:58] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : First, I have full custody of you. Awarded by the State Supreme Court out of Sacramento.
[09-21:00] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *Her eyes widen slightly as she blinks again, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, barely contained...* Wow, okay... that's good! ...right? *smile awaiting confirmation...*
[09-21:01] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : I don't know. Do you think it is?
[09-21:01] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *since he assumed this was to be a conversation of a more private nature, since they were discussing custody, he bends down to pick a tennis ball up from the grass. He starts to move off, tossing the ball for Porcia to run and fetch*
[09-21:03] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *Her hand goes out all involuntarily and grabs Dane's hand, all letting him know nonverbally it's fine to hear this..* *She thinks for a minute before giving a little nod of her head* Um... I think so... I.. I mean, if you think so...
[09-21:04] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : I wouldn't have took it to a higher court if I didn't think it was good and that you wanted it.
[09-21:05] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *well there is also the good chance that he doesn't want to stay to listen to this. It thought it very rude for someone to just insert themselves into a conversation already in progress. Especially without asking if either party was busy. He slowly pulls his hand from hers, moving off a ways to play with Porcia*
[09-21:07] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She turns her head to see Dane walk off and a shadow of a frown slips across her face... she lets out a little sigh before turning back to Stephen, offering a little smile* Okay! Well um... that's good then! Good. Uh... that was "first", is there a second?
[09-21:08] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : There will be an agent watching us film the video this week. I want to showcase you in it for her to watch.
[09-21:10] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She stares at him a moment like she doesn't think she quite heard him right and is replaying his words in her head... before her eyes widen slightly* Oh wow... Really? I... *she pauses, a smile breaking through the flustered expression* I don't know what to say to that one! Thank you.
[09-21:12] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : A hug could be a start, since legally now we're all but family.
[09-21:14] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She laughs, stepping forward to give 'im said hug... see, mister bad boy rockdude isn't so mean! Geeze, what are Jon and Hope talking about? Really now!* Thanks again... I mean it. For everything.
[09-21:16] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Hugs her back.* I know. And I'm glad I was around to help when you needed it and not smoother you or lock you away. *Steps her back to look at her.*
[09-21:18] 593de, *Remy Harper : *lounging peacefully in a booth a good distance in the Bliss bar, holding a tumbler of whiskey in one hand as his eyes search the establishment - keeping to himself for the evening.*
[09-21:18] c2536, *Sofia Campo : Which, belieeeve me... is much appreciated! *She laughs quietly, looking down for a moment before returning her gaze to him, no real meaning behind the glance, she just has moves of her own, thank you!* *Hasn't forgotten about Dane! Really... is actually wondering if he's mad at her*
[09-21:21] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : Well, I better let you get back to your friend. Just remember, home at midnight. I don't need Montgomery giving us grief. And this weekend you can move into the main house. We'll pick out your room when you're ready.
[09-21:21] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *actually Dane's player is kind busy downloading the music video for the song Gay Boyfriend*
[09-21:22] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She nods a few times, that almost ever-present smile lingering on her face...* Midnight, gotcha.
[09-21:24] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson: *what a horrible day at the hospital she had! How was she suppose to know the difference between sodium and saline. They both sound so much alike. It was too much for her pretty little head to take. What she really needed right now was a drink as she goes strolling into Bliss with the requisite pink bubble gum bubble coming out of her mouth*
[09-21:26] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *he wasn't mad at anyone. He was just leaving the two to their conversation. He takes the tennis ball from Porcia's mouth, tossing it out once again to let the dog bound on after it*
[09-21:28] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *and player, much like the character, is pretty stupid since she didn't bother to put on an icon or anything. She heads over to the bar, her head going from side to side as she hums a little song to herself. Don't worry, this is only a reoccuring role...not a contract one*
[09-21:30] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Turns and walks on from them, heading up the path towards the Bliss. And come September Sofia will be ready for her real gift.*
[09-21:32] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *she pulls the gum from her mouth in a long string before letting it snap back to her mouth with a giggle. She looks at the bartender* Cos-mo...*spacing out the two syllabyles in the name of the drink* please. *she turns away from the bar, looking around to see who else is here tonight*
[09-21:34] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She watches him go before turning to look at Dane, just standing there, wtachin' him play with his dog... crossing one arm across her chest to rest on the opposite shoulder... silent, a faint smile still remaining*
[09-21:35] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *he hasn't even noticed that Clay has left, since he had gone down a bit aways from them to stay out of their way while he played with his dog. He figured that when Sofia was finished, she would come to him*
[09-21:37] 593de, *Remy Harper : *swirling the content of his tumbler with a motion of his wrist, his eyes stare down at his whiskey as he brings the rim of his drink to his lips, tilting it back so that he downs majority of the content with one fluid motion*
[09-21:37] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She watches him a moment, trying to study his posture, still wary he might be mad... before moving toward him, comin' up behind him and placing her hand on his shoulder, speaking quietly* I'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to show up...
[09-21:39] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *slim pickings tonight..that was pretty obvious. And she probably wasn't going to find Prince Charming in any old bar like Bliss. She pops her gum as she chews, all together just so annoying you want to stab her. Just stab her really good and deep and multiple times! One can only hope. She pushes off from the bar as the tender makes her drink, going to the jukebox to pick out some craptastic music*
[09-21:39] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *he pauses when he feels the hand on his shoulder, looking back to Sofia to give her a smile* Its not your fault. I just don't care much for Mr. Clay is all. He seems...very rude.
[09-21:41] 593de, *Remy Harper : *placing his crystalline tumbler back on the surface of his table, he kicks his feet up to rest upon the table. Shifting himself about to gain more comfort, entirely casual about it all. A coy smile on his lips as his eyes wander around the establishment, checking out all the female patrons present.*
[09-21:41] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *Well, she's not about to say that... nor is she going to say otherwise! Everyone's entitled to opinions and all* Well, let's see... where were we? *she raises a brow, smiling softly, hand sliding off his shoulder to rest at her side. She's touching him now, at least! Score one for him.*
[09-21:44] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *is pretty much the only female patron present at the moment. Well at least the only one that would interact with anyone. She digs into her purse for a change purse, coming out with one shaped like a fuzzy ladybug. She gets some quarters out, feeding them into the jukebox before picking out her songs*
[09-21:45] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *the whole thing had just put him in a rather sour mood. He couldn't quite stand people who felt like other people owe them respect and such because of who they were. For them to burst in on conversations whenever they see fit. He was really in no mood to go partying with Sofia here. Typical teen angst* I think Porcia and I should be going home. Congratulations...on everything
[09-21:47] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She opens her mouth to say something... before shutting it slowly... never a good sign when she stops herself before saying something, that is for sure. She looks down toward her shoes and just nods, wrapping her arms around herself. Smooth move, Romeo. See if you'll ever get past a handshake.*
[09-21:48] 593de, *Remy Harper : You need someone to dance with, love? *an eyebrow perks as his eyes fall upon Jennifer. That coy smile as he lifts the volume of his voice a tad when he addresses her, allowing his coy attutide to spread its wings - not that it already hadn't already done so.*
[09-21:49] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *she looks over when she hears a voice, giving the guy a smile* Do you like to dance? *just as Rock Your Body by Justin Timberlake filters out from the speakers. Did you expect anything less than pop musik?*
[09-21:50] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *not like he is going to get anywhere with Clay popping out of the woodwork every three seconds. He moves around her to go get his book as he is going to have to go home and think, to re-evaluate if she was even worth the chase with all these...obstacles* Have a nice evening, Sofia.
[09-21:52] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She drags her fingers through her hair, giving a frustrated and confused little sigh, talking softly as she turns* I was... but thanks. *Not angry, far from it... hurt, almost.*
[09-21:53] 2828c, *Dane Morehart : *they all can't be winners, now can they. He grabs his book of poetry from the grass before whistling for Porcia. The dog comes running along at his side as he heads out of the park for his car*
[09-21:54] 593de, *Remy Harper : With a gorgeous women such as yourself? Sure, I love to dance. *returns her smile only with a more charming twist upon his lips, sliding his feet off the table and props one arm upon the table as he leans forward.*
[09-21:56] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *she smiles back at him, big ol' white teeth showing past those ruby painted lips. She opens her big yapper to say something but just then, her cellphone rings. She gets it out of her purse, bringing it up to her ear* Howdy ho! *giggling to herself as she turns her body back and forth on the floor, listening to the person on the other end*
[09-21:58] 43dc0, *Jennifer Sampson : *she gives a little wave of her fingers, hand just opening and closing at Remy* I gotta go, stud. I hope I'll see you around. *she drops him a wink before walking out of the bar, still twittering away on her cellphone. She didn't even pay for the drink the bartender made rude!*
[09-21:59] c2536, *Sofia Campo : *She just watches him go... time for one of those internal-but-external monologues!* *She wants to chase after him, wants to more than anything... but she knows it'd be useless... for a second she feels like she might actually cry, before she sniffles, clears her throat, and forces herself to laugh* God, this is stupid, Sofia... Really. Why am I acting so dumb...? ...just another boy with another agenda, you know how they are. He just happens to have a shiny exterior...
[09-22:00] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Walks into the Bliss. Glances around before heanding for the bar.*
[09-22:01] 593de, *Remy Harper : *cants his head to the side, his eyebrow quirking as he studies or actions and demeanor with a vague interest. Giving Jennifer a two fingered salute as she addresses him once more.* Likewise. *drops her a little wink before he reaches for his glass tumbler once again, returning to his relaxed state.*
[09-22:05] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Sits, but he pulls a flask from his pocket instead of ordering from the bar. Uncaps it and drinks.*
[09-22:05] c2536, *Sofia Campo : Must be that Y chromosome that fries the brain... *she laughs again, only this time the sound comes easier... she swallows hard to try to banish the choking teary feeling for good* Besides! I don't need any distractions right now... I have plenty to think about, plenty to keep me busy, I don't need a bo- *she pauses a moment* Oh man, is that what I thought this was gonna turn into? Wow... yeah, that was stupid. Sheesh. I need a reality check. Check, please! *chuckles low, shaking her head, stomping that feeling of rejection there, down with all her other stowed emotional baggage. See, she doesn't have any... cause she keeps it in mental version of those self-storage places... you know, the ones you rent?*
[09-22:09] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Sits and grabs a napkin, starts jotting a few things down.*
[09-22:14] 91069, *Sofia Campo : Ugh... welllll... so much for my evening. *She takes a seat on a nearby bench, drawing her knees toward her chest and resting the very ends of her heels against the edge of the bench seat* Mmm... I don't have to be back for hooours... *having gotten fired from her extra jobs really left her with well... extra time!*
[09-22:30] 91069, *Sofia Campo : *She finally sighs softly and stands... She might as well just go home. Yeah, that's right! Home. She tucks her hands in her pockets and heads on off... will go swimming, that's what she'll do! Away she goes to forget about Dane.*
[09-23:14] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Moves to sit in a back corner booth.*
[09-23:17] 91069, Erika : *She's all waiting in that corner booth, head tilted back against the back of the seat, a wry little smile resting on her lips as she peers out at Stephen*
[09-23:19] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Stops seeing her.* What brings you out? Still upset I didn't take you to Vegas?
[09-23:20] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*yawns*))
[09-23:21] 91069, *Erika Hamori : Upset...? I was not upset. *She really was, for a whole of two seconds. Until she realized she could have gone if she wanted to!* Sit down, that is what you wanted to do, yes? Sit.
[09-23:23] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *And he does.* ((Hello, Remy))
[09-23:23] 593de, *Remy Harper : (('ello Stephen.))
[09-23:24] 91069, *Erika Hamori : *She straightens up slowly, leaning forward, clasping her hands and placing them on the table top, odd gray eyes shifting over his face...*
[09-23:31] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : What? Have I got egg on my face or something?
[09-23:33] 91069, *Erika Hamori : Mmm... No, but... there is.. dirt or something. *Her brow furrows and she licks her thumb, half standing and leaning way over to rub it off, clicking her tongue absently...* There we go.
[09-23:35] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Winces at this.* Mother...
[09-23:37] 91069, *Erika Hamori : *She raises a brow, looking all innocent and unknowing* What? Can't have you looking a mess. *She purses her lips a moment before shifting a lock of hair on his head, examining her work, and then settling back into her seat, flashing a smile. Lucky him, tonight she's seemed to have collected enough sanity for coherent conversation. Last nice she spent the entire time pacing and muttering in her room.*
[09-23:41] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : Was there something you wanted?
[09-23:44] 91069, *Erika Hamori : *A frown slowly casts its darkened influence across her delicate face* Do not be so short with me... I am plenty patient with you and your little pet projects.
[09-23:46] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : My projects are for our family.
[09-23:48] 91069, *Erika Hamori : Ah yes... right. Family. About family... Tell me, who is that girl? The one now staying with us? I've kept away, as I'm sure I'd be tempted to meddle... and you do get so very possessive.
[09-23:50] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : I am her legal guardian.
[09-23:51] 91069, *Erika Hamori : *She purses her lips to contain a laugh, closing her eyes a moment before opening them, the urge to laugh having passed* And... why, exactly, would you go and do such a thing, my dear?
[09-23:56] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : I have my reasons. Image is one.
[09-23:58] 91069, *Erika Hamori : You said "reasons"... Which means more than one. The others? *She almost adds some biting comment such as "is this another scheme Livvie wrangled you into?" but she decides to leave the Livvie-bashing for later*
[10-00:02] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Leans forward and speaks lowly for only her to hear.* She will be part of the family, just as Reese and Caz.
[10-00:04] afec4, *Erika Hamori : Mm. *She purses her lips, head tilting slightly to the side as she listens to him speak but leveling off once he's done* I would ask why... but I'm sure you'd dance around the question and give some annoyingly vague reply.
[10-00:07] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : Did father consult you on who he was going to take into the family?
[10-00:11] afec4, *Erika Hamori : You know the answer to that question.... Stephen. Perhaps I was foolish to hope you would hold me in higher regard. By all means... I need not know. I am perfectly content to exist in my own little box, isolation and cluelessness suit me. *The tone of her words is genuine, but it's likely the truth is absent in reality...*
[10-00:16] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : Mothr we'll talk more about this later.
[10-00:17] afec4, *Erika Hamori : Very well... I shall be back to my cage now. *She nods her head once before slipping from sight*
[10-00:17] ffe5a, *Stephen Clay : *Shakes his head and then leaves also.*
[10-01:16] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: ((*new profile and pic test*))
[10-01:16] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: ((*another test*))
[10-01:17] ac255, *Ellis Bateman: (Testicles)
[10-01:20] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson: ((Oh sexay pic there))
[10-01:20] ac255, *Ellis Bateman: (*Nods.*Innit. Should tuck it in your um..*mumbles*)
[10-01:23] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson: ((In my chesticeles? *LOL*))
[10-01:25] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He sits in the cafeteria of the hospital waiting. Pretending to drink a rather vile cup of coffee. No make up so the bruises on his face are rather appalling. Any sweet young thing might come talk to him. Add in his beaten posture and big sad blue eyes and he's a sitting duck for some sort of feminine attention.*
[10-01:27] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *and enter the resident St. Solanus Hospital Mattress. She spends more time on her back in the in-patient wing than the patient. Hahaha, just kidding. She is saving herself for marriage. Lucky for her, the bible don't say nothing about no heavy petting and everything but before marriage. She is getting scolded by an older, more experienced nurse for mixing up 10 ccs with 10 in she delivered a box of b.b. gun pellets. Oh she is just so stupid. Har har*
[10-01:31] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He stands up restlessly and heads for the hallway. Pausing as he hears a nurses tirade. He turns the corner and spots the girl. A little secret smile breaks on his face. Perfect. He limps that way and gets a few tears going.*Excuse me..girls.*His voice changed a bit, the slightest whine in it.*Can one of you? You-*He reaches the two and bursts into tears. Awwww lookit the big beat up puppy.*
[10-01:32] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *oh no! Cute boy crying! Volunteer Jennifer Sampson to the rescue. The senior nurse was already on her way back up, muttering curses about the dumb blonde. She looks to Ellis, concern on her face* Oh no sugar...are you okay? Whadda need? *ain't she just so cute with that southern fried belle accent going on*
[10-01:36] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He looks down at her with those tear filled eyes.*I'm so sorry it's just,*a pause for drama.*My boyfriend last night. Look what he did to my face.*Pointing, almost flailing a little.*And now he's in jail and I just need someone to talk to for a minute. I don't even live here.
[10-01:37] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Oh you poor dear. *she reaches out to pat his hand. Damn, he was gay. Not going to be the meal ticket for this little gold digging hussy.* Here...why don't we just have a seat over here? *she starts to lead him towards one of the vacant rooms so he can spill in private. She loved good gossip!*
[10-01:39] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He sniffles and pulls out a little Hermes hanky.*See we came here because he has a heart problem and he was referred to um*wiping his eyes gingerly.*THat famous doctor here. Solanus. Yes Dr. Solanus. Well last night I made a comment about letting the doctor poke around in me*he giggles a little.*It was just a joke but he is really cute. Straight but cute. And my boyfriend just went crazy.
[10-01:41] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Oh that is just horrible...*she gives a shake of her head, moving him to a chair so he can sit down. She takes up the chair next to him. She knows all about Dr. Solanus already. Like was said before, she loves gossip. And his divorce was all over the hospital*
[10-01:42] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He frowns.*I just don't know what to do. I mean*he lowers his voice.*Between you and me he's got more money than god and doesn't usually get upset over my little*a wave of his hand.*dalliances. But..he's freaking out over this Dr. Solanus guy. Tell me, is he as juicy as he looks in pictures?
[10-01:44] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Oh he is pretty good looking know, for an older man and all. I wouldn't throw him outta bed for eating crackers, if that is what you mean. *she gives a little smile well gay men are always the best to dish with. That is why Data Lounge is so damn popular*
[10-01:46] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He nods.*I bet he's a beast in the sack. most of those kind of conservative types are. Oh..*almost a yelp.*Where are my manners? I'm Calvin from LA. And your name Miss Tits and cuteness?*Holding out a hand.*
[10-01:47] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *she laughs as she takes his hand, giving it a shaky* Jennifer but everyone seems to call me Jenni. *yes bitches, with an "i"* Its nice to meet you Calvin from LA
[10-01:48] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : A pleasure to meet you Jenni. You are so cute why are you working here and wearing veritcal stripes?*He gives her a look.*Good place to meet boys?
[10-01:50] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *she rolls her eyes* I am a volunteer here. I go to the community college, trying to be an RN. But its just so hard. All I wanna do is help people. *oh yeah, she has got to go alright*
[10-01:50] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *and yes...said COMMUNITY college. Girl is too dumb to get into Bevel*
[10-01:52] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *What a twit but he gives her a wide smile.*You go girl.*He nods.*It must be hard. *He glances around.*So..tell Aunty Calvin you got your hands on Doc Solanus yet? He has to just love you.*Looking her up and down.*
[10-01:54] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Oh heck no...I am not allowed even near cardiology yet. I've only been here for a coupla weeks. *and she does fill out that candy striper outfit pretty nicely. Little too short, little too low cut. It serves its purpose*
[10-01:55] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He smiles.*Well since you are a volunteer and I technically have an appointment with him*A sly little smile.*Maybe you should make it your responsibility to see that I get to him all safe and sound. You know since I'm all upset and everything.*Blue eyes twinkling.*
[10-01:57] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *she gives a little bit of a smile* Why sure...I would love to walk you there. *she stands up from her chair, waiting for him to do the same*
[10-01:58] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *he takes her arm.*You knnow if I can't have a piece of that someone Iknow will.*He looks down at her grinning.*And of course you'll tell me all about it won't you?
[10-02:01] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Well you will just have to wait and see. *she gives him a look over though as they walk towards the elevators to take them to cardiology* You sure you are gay?
[10-02:02] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He grins.*If I ever have any doubts you will be first on my list of conquests cupcake. In case I get tired of catching I'll try the kitty*then he giggles and makes a face and whispers.*Boobs are amusing but..*his nose wrinkles, lips purse.*I can't imagine touching girl parts.
[10-02:04] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : I can't imagine touching girl parts either. *she laughs, all obnoxious sounding. She presses the button for the elevator* Do you know a lot about Dr. Solanus? I just know the hospital gossip
[10-02:05] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : Well I know that he's apparantly Mr. Super whizkid doc. His family is LOADED*eyes wide for emphasis.*Mmmm..and he has been known to screw around.*He whispers.*Wife is apparantly a little loose too.
[10-02:08] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *the word she catches the most of is 'loaded'. was good. As the elevator doors part, she steps inside with him* Ex-wife. Word around the hospital is that they are going through a divorce. *which means maybe he is looking for a younger, prettier trophy wife*
[10-02:10] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He nods.*That's what I heard. From what I hear she's kind of a bitch. I bet he's just aching for some sweet young thing to adore him. You know docs and their huge*a long pause with a dirty little smirk.*Egos.
[10-02:11] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Ooooh, you are a naughty one, aren'tcha? *she pushes his shoulder all playful like, not even realizing that hello! he got beat up. She leans forward to press the right floor, speaking after the doors close* I've never been out with a doctor before.
[10-02:13] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He winces but manages not to punch her in the jaw.*I've never been out with one. But I did have on at the Hilton's last birthday party.*He makes the international coke sniffing gesture.*He was a joy and half.
[10-02:14] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : From all I've heard about Dr. Solanus...I don't think he is the type. *and please god will you punch her in the goddamn jaw! Won't someone do it! Or stab her! Or maim her. SOMETHING!*
[10-02:17] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He nods.*He seems clean. But you never know.*He closes his eyes a little.*You want a percocet? I have a few in my pocket. My face is killing me. T hat bastard. I should go find someone to make me feel better. He'd deserve it after what he did.
[10-02:18] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : No thank you. I don't do any drugs. Not even a tylenol. *probably something good to note right there. Clean blood. Takes less drugs to do more damage* And yeah, you should. You don't need that kinda trouble
[10-02:19] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He smiles and pops one. Filing that info away carefully.*So what time do you get off of work? I could use some company and I think I need to spend a night in and order lots of room service. Maybe a massage. Have you been to the dayspa in town?
[10-02:20] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Well I am a volunteer so I can leave just about whenever I want. Maybe when you are done with your appointment? *ping! Doors open. Nine floor. Cardiology, ladies underwear, hot doctors about to set up to take a fall*
[10-02:23] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He steps out of the elevator and nods.*We can get Showgirls on the booby channel and laugh at Elizabeth Berkley.*He looks excited. Then at the desk.*Hello, My boyfriend James Emerson has an appointment with Dr. Solanus today but he won't be able to make it. Is there anyway I can see the doctor to reschedule?*He gives Jenni a little smile.*Oh this young lady is just fabulous, I was so lost.
[10-02:24] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : Well you are in good hands here so I will just go down and change. I am not about to wear this outfit out arond town. *and props to the Showgirls reference there. Hopefully he won't forget the bacon grease*
[10-02:26] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He grins at her and nods. Hells yeah won't forget the bacon grease. Cause player is feelin all romantical and shit. He sits down to wait, knowing full well he won't see the doc what with that Delia girl about bleeding out the other day. But yes, she'll be perfect to have a little accident. Little nit.*
[10-02:27] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : (brb cuteness going to go smoke)
[10-02:28] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : I will meet you downstairs by the north entrance. *like she knows which way is north. Only because there is a huge freaking painted lettering that says 'NORTH' above it. She heads down the hall to go get change while other player goes off to smoke*
[10-02:34] ac255, *Ellis Bateman : *He sits for a few minutes and then after rescheduling the phantom appointment he gets up and heads for the meeting place. He steps outside and dials a number on his phone.*Mother, I believe I've found our pigeon. She's absolutely precious. *His tone snide.*Give me four days. *He finishes the message with a little French endearment and hangs up, leans against a pillar, oh isn't he pretty even all beat up.*
[10-02:40] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : ((Ellis...IM))
[10-02:45] 835fc, *Jennifer Sampson : *and they are just going to faaaaaaaade out with them leaving together for a fun ol' spa day filled with lots of dishing and pampering and filling her head with all sorts of thoughts about the hot doc*
[10-11:06] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews: *On the floormatt with the twins. Playing with them. Baby giggles can be heard from the livingroom.*
[10-11:07] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *sneaking out and away from a hospital...not as hard as you might imagine it to be. Right now, all she could think about was getting away. It was all just getting to be too much for her. Between Aaron, Rafe, Sofia, Caleb, and now Delia...poor girl was about to have a mental breakdown. She comes downstairs, duffle bag on her shoulder. She watches Aaron with the boys from the base of the stairs, really hating to do this to him*
[10-11:10] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews: *Hears her and looks up. Looks at the nanny who is sitting in the rocker then gets up and she comes to take care of the boys. Walks on to where Hope stands.*
[10-11:11] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *she doesn't want to air their personal business in front of Tina, who was still pretty much a stranger to her. She just stands there, looking at Aaron, not really sure how to go about this*
[10-11:14] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews: Maybe we need to step outside. *he has a couple things of his own to ask.*
[10-11:16] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *she pauses before giving a nod of her head. She slides the bag down off her shoulder, letting it hit the floor with a thud. She moves towards the door before stepping outside*
[10-11:19] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Looks at the bag then follows her on out the back door. Shows her to the yard swing and waits for her to sit down. Isn't it pretty here? The birds are singing. A couple squirrels it seems have made it a game to tease Emma and Noodle. And maybe, somewhere in those branches sits a big, black bird...ever watching.*
[10-11:20] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *man those freaking big black birds are annoying as all hell. She drops herself down onto the swing, feet dragging a little as she looks down. She'll let him talk first since she wasn't used to doing this sort of thing*
[10-11:22] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : What's the bag for? *Says quietly, no anger.*
[10-11:23] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *she gives a little shrug of her shoulders, head still down as she looks at her feet* I was thinkin' the boys and I could go visit Baby D and Tamiel for a coupla days.
[10-11:25] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Turns and sits down next to her.* Weren't going to ask me or tell me?
[10-11:26] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : I didn't know I had to ask you if I wanted to go someplace for a few days. *she frowns heavily, not looking up at him* I was gonna tell you. I wrote a note.
[10-11:29] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Silent for a long moment then lets out a deep breath.* Running isn't going to help things.
[10-11:32] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : I just need a break. I feel like I'm drowning. Everytime I come up for air, another wave just hits me. *her eyes still down, she looks at her arms. Kind of odd to be wearing a long sleeved shirt in summer...even if it is Northern California*
[10-11:35] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : Hope, I don't think we'll ever lead quiet lives. Not with what we are.'ll just follow.
[10-11:36] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : I am not asking for a quiet life. I am asking for a break. There's a difference. *she looks over at him, her eyes already wet with tears* Why can't I have one day where I don't get some bad news? Just one good that too much to ask?
[10-11:40] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Leans forward, his elbows rest on his legs. He wants to say something of what he saw earlier but can't seem to.*
[10-11:44] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *she looks away him, eyes going back downwards* I put everybody's cellphone numbers on the fridge. I'll probably be gone a few days.
[10-11:47] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : Okay. *Stands.* I'll go get your bags. *He's supposed to be an angel, dammit, how can life be so wrong for a friggin' angel.*
[10-11:48] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *when he stands up, she reaches out to take his hand. She looks up at him, not saying a word. That look just speaks volumes. She isn't blaming him for anything. She blames herself*
[10-11:51] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Turns when she takes his hand. Looks at her. He pulls her up and into his arms and holds her, his eyes squeezing shut.*
[10-11:53] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *she turns her head, resting it against his shoulder. She stays close to him, letting the silence hang between them for several seconds* Why don't...why don't you pack something? Well drive up the coast, towards Oregon, and just stop where ever its pretty for a few days?
[10-11:55] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : Are you sure? *Still holding her.*
[10-11:57] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't. *now how can he even think that anything with her and the guy with the Jag was anything more than innocent friendship? She doesn't have the capacity to cheat, its not in her nature*
[10-12:04] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Nods.* Its just, things haven't happened for you the way you wanted...since you've been with me.
[10-12:06] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*peers about*))
[10-12:07] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *she gives a little bit of a halted laughing sound, closing her eyes as she stands there* Its like the Stones can't always get what you want.
[10-12:07] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : ((Hello, Remy))
[10-12:07] 593de, *Remy Harper : (('lo Aaron.))
[10-12:08] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : ((Hi there Remy.))
[10-12:10] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((Hey Hope.))
[10-12:12] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : ((Hold on a sec, Remy I'm about to change characters here.))
[10-12:13] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : ((Damn, why do I have to have such a weakness for Orange sherbert?))
[10-12:14] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : ((Cause its good? *L*))
[10-12:17] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : ((I guess that has to be it. *Just ate a big bowl of it.* I think I need to add a mile to my run tonight.))
[10-12:17] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : ((How about you add a post to our rp? *L*))
[10-12:19] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : ((Bossy, ain't ya? *Licks the spoon.*))
[10-12:19] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : ((Pretty much))
[10-12:20] bcbfe, *Aaron Matthews : *Pulls back and kisses her then takes her in the cabin so he can go pack a duffle.*
[10-12:22] 835fc, *Hope Gavilian : *wow...sure glad player stayed awake for that one! She follows him inside so she can pack up the boys to go on their little mini-vacation here. Who knows, maybe they will make it as far as Canada. She's never been there!*
[10-12:23] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay: *Well, the sound of that WC Custom should be pretty familiar in town now. Heads it through the streets of the town.*
[10-12:32] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: *such an absolutely dreadful sound if she has to be quite honest! She was out kicking puppies or some other such evilness, strolling the dirty streets of this hellhole when that horrible sound assaulted her delicate ears. Oh if only murder wasn't quite so illegal!*
[10-12:36] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay: *She's probably looking for dalmation puppies to make a coat out of. Passes right by her, up on the curb then parking there in that lot by the Bliss...that just happens to be dirt and gravel so probably kicked up a dust at that.*
[10-12:38] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: *hey now...let's not confuse the actress' movie roles with her current role! Besides, dalmation is so last season. She is literally dripping in diamons today, wearing white so dust and dirt...not her friends. Not as if they usually are. She coughs delicately, muttering something so filthy in French about Stephen, player can't even type it out!*
[10-12:41] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay: *He gets off his bike and hears the woman.* Now was that very nice to say, especially for a woman of your apparent breeding?
[10-12:43] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: *damn right she has breeding. She has the papers to prove it! Now could mention something about the pedigree of this bitch but that is waaaaay too easy. She looks up at Stephen, delicate sneer set on her features* I didn't know that the auto mechanic program at the community college was requiring foreign languages now.
[10-12:47] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay: It doesn't, as far as I know. Just helps when your visiting other countries to know the language so you don't get called all sorts of names. *Oh, that smirk comes to his lips.*
[10-12:48] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: Are you part of some transient exchange program then? *she raises a brow as she looks him over. You expect her to know popular music? Hardly.* It seems to me that we got the bad end of the deal in that one.
[10-12:51] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay: No. I'm a musician. I purchased the old Raven's Crest Estate. *Oh, he knows who this broad is. Thinks she's something on a stick that can't be scraped off.*
[10-12:53] 2828c, *Camille Solanus: And I doubt you have the good sense to tear that architectural atrocity down. *said not as a question but a statement. And you never saw any of the Kennedys or Rockafellars acting any less than American royalty. Why should she be any different?*
[10-12:55] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : No. I like the place. Has a not so sterile, cozy feeling. I like unique things. Like myself.
[10-12:58] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *she raises a brow, giving him a once over with a look of distaste on her features* If that is what you wish to call yourself. I can think of far better adjectives....
[10-12:59] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : You know, you have such a sweet granddaughter. Well, no wonder, she's not your's, is she? *Grins and then moves closer to her.*
[10-13:01] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : An unfortunate accident. Then again...I always knew her mother was a whore. *she looks right at him, not really that intimidated. Birds of a feather as they say* Then again, I am sure you know all about Lily being a trollop. You seem the type to go for the passed around type.
[10-13:03] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Sweetheart, once the have me...they don't want passing around anymore. I imagine if you had a good lay...I mean a really good one you wouldn't be so uptight.
[10-13:03] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : And if I were you, I wouldn't call Meg an accident. *That smile fades.*
[10-13:05] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Vulgarity...the only defense of the common man. *she pauses a bit to adjust one of her heavy jeweled bracelets* The accident was in reference to her paternity. Meghan has and always will be a Solanus.
[10-13:08] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Oh, babe, I'm anything but common.
[10-13:09] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Unless you mean his voice of course....))
[10-13:10] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *did he just call her...'babe'?! Does she look like one of his middle aged fangurls that throws panties on stage. She just rolls her eyes heavily* You should use your considerable fortune and spare time to get yourself an education, young man.
[10-13:13] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Hey, he married Elizabeth, didn't he?* I've got more education then you know. *Chuckles at her.*
[10-13:14] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((*Hits Mulder with a rock.*))
[10-13:14] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *thank god he didn't marry Lucy....EWWWWWW!*
[10-13:15] 8511d, *Agent Dana Scully: ((Test..))
[10-13:17] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : Would this be where you tell me you were raised on the streets? Recieved an urban education from the school of hard knocks? *she gives a dismissive sounding snort*
[10-13:19] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : No. Maybe if you're lucky, one day I'll tell you the story. *Swats her ass then heads for the bar.*
[10-13:20] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he pulls the car to a stop in front of Bliss only to remove his key as his green eyes flicker towards Scully*Your gonna love this....*his hand gesturing towards the tavern now*I finanly found a town full of people so paranoid they even make me seem mild mannered.This place has more paranormal activity then a star trek convention in Dallas on staurday night.
[10-13:21] 2828c, *Camille Solanus : *omfg, that is just NASTY! Swatting the ass of a senior citizen. Ewww, ewww, ewww! She jumps a bit, letting out a noise. Stephen has just made her list alright. When Geoff finds about this...rolling heads people...rolling heads*
[10-13:22] 8511d, *Agent Dana Scully: *Gives a shake of her head slightly.* You mean to tell me that there is the possibility of you being considered "Mild"?..*Giving a small smirk, she unbuckles her seatbelt.*
[10-13:27] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *He heads on into the Bliss...pulls that flask from his pocket and uncaps it. Drinks from it.*
[10-13:27] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *offers a thin smile as he looks back towards the tavern*Many legends differ as to what exactly immortal creatures can do...The vampire is truly a global creature, with myths related to the dead which rise to drink the blood of the living coming out of cultures all around the world. From Africa to Japan to Spain and the UK, the vampire has held humans enthralled for centuries. Nowhere, however, do we see more vampire folklore than in the stories of the Slavic people. Perhaps the reason for this is the historically high population of gypsies in that area. The migration of the gypsies has been traced back across the continent to northern India, where the religion had a cast of certain bloodthirsty deities (such as Kali) and creatures (such as a bhutu). It has been theorized that with this as a base of folklore, the gypsies picked up bits and pieces of other legends as they migrated toward the north-west and as a result, altered the folklore of the Slavic nations.*he fishes into the glove compartment to grab a vinilla style folder which he hands to Scully, the folder holds pictures of dead cows which all have been drained of blood, two puncture holes on the neck of the dead animals*What do you make of this?
[10-13:31] 8511d, *Agent Dana Scully : *Taking the folder, her eyes glance down upon it, as her hands open it.* *Tilts her head slightly, gazing at the photos..Her expression seems calm enough.* Two puncture holes on the jugular. The holes seem close enough to be a bite mark, though, it seems highly unlikely that anyone would want to do such. I presume that it's a sadist cult sacrifice. *Closing the folder, she looks back at him.*..And I shouldn't have to ask, But what do You make of this?
[10-13:34] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *smiles slightly at her as he tilts his head*Why would a cultist take time to drain the blood of a cow?True some witchcraft crews use blood for odd "spells", but I don't see the connection.They say that behind all myth is some truth and vampires appear in almost all folklore around the world to include hollywood...
[10-13:35] 8511d, *Agent Dana Scully : ((..The constant surprise of events have led me to be hauled off of the compter. Dreadfully sorry, Mulder. I'll try to be back as soon as I can.))
[10-13:36] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Its all good.....we can pause))
[10-13:36] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Caps that flask and pockets it. Heads to the bar, orders his beer.*
[10-13:41] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he steps out of the car as he bends low towards the window*I'm going to see if I can't get to know the locals better.You might want to head on down to the local hospital and see what you can dig up on those cows...*thin smile*Hope you have some garlic....*he stands then only to move away from the car and head for Bliss*
[10-13:41] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *again, no explanation for why she is back in town and not in Vegas. Doesn't need to be explained. Its a soap where flights from NY to Italy take 30 seconds and flights from PA to Puetro Rico take a commercial break. She was trying to spread the word about finding a PI since most of the ones in this town where a little too old for the kind of jobs she had. So she was all hushed whispers with the bartender, knowing he was pretty good at letting the right people know the right things*
[10-13:48] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *and she was the lawyer who was representing Gavilian-Matthews in the custody suit until the couple mysterious decided to drop it. Lucky for Stephen! She would have served his ass to him on a silver platter if she had kept the case. She was the best damn lawyer on this coast, especially when it came to custody and divorce cases. She gives the bartender a nod before letting him get back to cleaning glasses or whatever it is that he does, after she slips him another twenty though to pass the info around town*
[10-13:48] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((Are you referring to John McBain getting to Puetro Rico after talking to Mrs. Vega and Dorian? LMAO))
[10-13:49] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *as he enters the tavern he lets his green eyes stray around the room just a habit he has gained over the years.He first lets his eyes stray towards Stephen.A rock star with a attitude, nothing out of the ordinary there.The guy had been glaring daggers at him since he first met him, the way he laughs about being a rumoured vampire could work ways really, he was either more arrogant then Mulder thought or he was just really foolish and secure in his own "power".Next his green eyes play towards Charmaine.The look of a buisness woman though seemed to be hitting up the barkeep like a school girl trying to charm a guy out of some cash.Must be in the law enforcement field....and she just sliped the barkeep a twenty...we have a winner.He slowly moves towards the bar as his mind works to place all his new "friends"into perfect profiles*
[10-13:49] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : ((As well as Carly showing up in Italy after talking to Mark or Mac or whatever the bodyguard guy's name is. *LOL* I want one of the soap jets!))
[10-13:52] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *the whole briefcase resting by her feet probably gave her away as well as the polished look. Professional in most everything she did. There was only one area of her life that she allowed herself to let her hair down as it were and neither of these two boys would find out what it was! The bartender brings her back a club soda with a lime since a little too early for her to be drinking yet*
[10-13:53] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Sees Charmaine. Watches her as he takes a pull from the bottle. Bet that would taste sweet.*
[10-13:53] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *keep your fangs outta my chars!*
[10-13:55] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she feels eyes on her, giving a glance over to Stephen. As if she didn't know who he was.* Mr. Clay...*she says simply, just a little acknowlegement. Never know when he might get divorced so its good to stay on everyone's good side*
[10-13:57] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he claps his hands down upon the bar as moves up beside Charmaine but at a comfortable distance, maybe one stool down from her.He smiles slightly at the barkeep as he sighs upon seeing Mulder*And last night I thought you loved me....*his humour as dry as dirt which is typical for him.the barkeep rolls his eyes while mulder orders a vodka on the rocks, his eyes straying slightly as Charmaine addresses Stephen as "Mr.Clay"they must know eachother....things were almost to easy for Mulder sometimes, right before everything became deep as a Bill Clinton smoking cigars with everyones favorite white house intern*
[10-13:58] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Ms. Brooks. *And oh, yes, he's seen the geek come in. That necktie must be tight since he seems dumb enough to come back. Lack of oxygen to the brain.*
[10-14:01] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she gives a glance over to the new guy who has walked into the bar. This place is growing by leaps and bounds everyday. But it still beats Vegas...well some parts of Vegas. Other parts of Vegas she rather enjoyed. A bit of a smile comes to her face, thinking about that but she crushes it quickly. She glances to Mulder* Don't take it too personally. He really doesn't care much for anyone.
[10-14:03] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : The barkeep knows you stiffed him last night. Trying to have your drinks put on my tab.
[10-14:03] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he glances towards Brooks with a bit of a grin*I wont lose any sleep over it.The constant be littling of everyone around you is a good way to hide a ego.*his hands on the bar as he "accidenlty*bumps his elbow into tray of beer nuts which spills upon the bar.Slowly he turns a half glance towards Stephen just to see if he is counting the spilled nuts*
[10-14:05] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *Stephen is rainman now? Next thing you know, he is going to be talking about having to watch Wapner and buying his jockeys at KMart*
[10-14:07] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *common folklore tends to suggest vampires have a obessesive disorder to count anything they can and untie knotts...a simple test of this theroy is all he has in mind*
[10-14:07] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Oh I don't think Manny is trying to hide any...*she stops suddenly as the beer nuts go spilling out all over the bar and over the edge. She grabs a napkin and the dish, wiping the nuts back into it. Slightly OCD here with her though*
[10-14:08] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : You know, Agent Mulder, I hope you aren't as messy with your paperwork and filing as you are with this bar.
[10-14:09] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *a slight frown at the actions of Brooks and Clay's reaction.None the less he turns to face Stephen with a sober expression*A messy desk is the sign of a genius they say.....
[10-14:11] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Ha! *that was her basic reaction to that messy desk comment by Mulder as she cleans the rest of the nuts up* No wonder the press is claiming Jessica Simpson should be a card carrying member of Mensa.
[10-14:14] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : I know, as a little boy you always wanted to be Columbo. I see it now..the wrinkled trench...and all.
[10-14:14] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he starys his eyes towards Brooks a moment*I don't believe I caught your full name or, is Mrs.Brooks the whole thing?
[10-14:17] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Its Miz Brooks. *you know, how all those feminazis say 'Ms' these days.* And its because it was never mentioned. *she looks to him, finally done cleaning up the nuts* Charmaine...*she extends a hand to him*
[10-14:18] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he shakes his hand though his eyes stay upon Stephen*I don't think my hair is grey enough to be Lt.Columbo....besides....*his smile thin as always*I don't have Jennifer Sky for a girlfriend...*he then looks back towards brooks*I believe you caught me name already.
[10-14:20] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : Should I assume your first name is Agent? Or is that merely a title? *she smiles slightly because with all the weird names people were giving their kids today like Audio Sciene or Pilot...Agent can't be far off*
[10-14:21] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : I think I remember when he first came on TV, he wasn't all that grey.
[10-14:21] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Geek is more like it. *Mumbles as he finishes his beer.*
[10-14:23] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : My name is Fox..and save any one liners you might have about the name, I've heard them all in grade school.*his tone a very dry and flat voice, his eyes straying towards Clay once more*Stephen, you keep unfolding like a flower.Next thing I know you'll be stalking me and trying to drink my blood....
[10-14:25] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : I don't do one liners. *she says flatly. Does she look like the kind of lady who cracks a true smile...or a joke for that matter? Usually only around a select few or when she has to for business. She raises a brow, slight bit of a snort* Wonderful...*she looks back to Stephen* You know, every since you moved to this town, its been nothing but freakshows showing up to see the famous "vampire" Stephen Clay. *does the airquotes even*
[10-14:26] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Laughes as he puts down that bottle. Shaking his head a bit to toss back his long bangs.* First, Mulder, I never gave you permission to call me by my first name. Where I come from that's called disrespect. Two, you need to stop looking for monsters where there is none.
[10-14:28] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : And I'm sorry, I can't pull the fangs out for you. I left them in my other shirt. *Looks to Charmaine.* I'm sorry. It always happens. I get about as tired of it as anyone else.
[10-14:30] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his smile still thin as he offers a polite chuckle*The English word monster can be traced back to various etymological roots. The Latin 'monstrum' means 'that which teaches', and there is also another connection to 'monstrare', to show. Both Latin words derive from the same base 'monere', to warn. [1] The theme of teaching or guiding is thus implicit in the etymology, with the English word 'demonstrate' turning out to be a cousin of 'monster' in that the Latin 'demonstratum' is a past participle of 'demonstrare', which means 'to point out, indicate, show or prove'. [1] Tracing these etymological roots is instructive insofar as it suggests that the ancient pagan (as in non-Judeo-Christian-Islamic) world may well have had a somewhat different view of monsters than 'we' in the contemporary Judea-Christian cultures of Western Europe do. Perhaps the most common form of monster to appear in myth and legend has been the 'serpent' -in a variety of different guises, from the talking snake in the Garden of Eden to the winged serpent or dragon slain by St.George. The etymology of the word dragon also reinforces the suggestion of a difference of view, since the Greek word 'drakon' meant not only 'a dragon or large serpent', but also (more literally) 'sharp-sighted one', and the probable Sanskrit etymological base for this translates as 'drk', meaning 'to see'. I often like to explore the changing way in which monsters have come to be seen, and attempt to relate these changes to both their causes and effects in terms of culture, philosophy and politics......*pausing a moment as he looks towards Charmaine*Besides....One of the luxury's to hunting down aliens and genetic mutants and monster, you rarely get to press charages.
[10-14:32] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Alan Edgar Poe, eat your heart out))
[10-14:34] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she rolls her eyes because lord did she get enough of this when she was going to Harvard* You can put it away now Agent Mulder. *cause he whipped out something with that little diatribe alright*
[10-14:34] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Oh, damn, I bet you're the life of the party.
[10-14:35] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Party life can also be a socail disorder....*his eyes moving towards Brooks while he offers just a hint of a smile*
[10-14:35] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : I think you need to go down to LA and get on Jeopordy. Beat see if you can get that other pencil neck geek off it.
[10-14:38] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she rolls her eyes, not just at Stephen but at Mulder as well. She doesn't return that smile he gives her, feeling rather out of place stuck between these two idiots while they play whose is bigger*
[10-14:44] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : You strike as the kind of bully who might steal kids lunch money in school...but every dog has there day.....*his eyes on Stephen*But you look like a home schooler....*actually his just taking a guess at Stephens age meaning that most shcooling done in the years prior to the ealry 1900's was taught at home*
[10-14:44] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Pulls that flask out again to uncap it and drink, not ordering another for himself.*
[10-14:46] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Stops, a puzzled frown crosses his features.* Now where the hell did that come from. Damn, no wonder our nation's intelligence agencies are being questioned.
[10-14:47] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Actually as a child he was a very good kid. Loved everyone. Never a bad word did he utter.*
[10-14:47] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : This from a man rumoured to be a vampire?
[10-14:48] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she reaches into the pocket of her power suit to pull out a few dollars to pay for her club soda* If you two Queens will excuse me, some of us have to work for a living. *and she did promise Zach she would look over the zoning stuff for his new casino for him....for free. What the hell was she thinking! Guy had her all crazy wrapped around*
[10-14:50] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Now look what you did, dude...scared away something pretty to look at. Asshole. You know you really need to get a life. Its called publicity And if anyone believes it they need mental help.
[10-14:53] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Or perhaps it is a a play of fate......someone got to close to the truth and you used it as a ploy to further your own career....*he eyes still upon Stephen as he continues to shoot into the dark.He was well known in the F.B.I. for his unfounded theories and rantings*More then likely you just took advantage of a turn of events by a ill prepaired investigator.
[10-14:54] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she thinks both of them need some heavy medicating. She lays her money on the bar before reaching down to pick up her briefcase. They will probably just continue to have their little verbal catfight long after she leaves*
[10-14:57] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Okay, how is it I'm out in broad daylight? huh? And I know what you were trying with the nuts. Don't you think that hasn't been done before. Next the rope. Got a rope with some knotts in it? Oh, and what about crossing water? hun? Guess what I got a big assed swimming pool at home I swim in almost every evening.
[10-14:59] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Pushes away from the bar.* Asshole. Get a goddamn life.
[10-15:00] 2828c, *Charmaine Brooks : *she shakes her head as she heads out of the door. Its pretty bad when she looks forward to going back to Vegas because its normal. Whole lot less freaks there for sure*
[10-15:02] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *a reference to water and then a swiming pool, he notes this idly and reminds himself to investigate this later.*Unlike the common belief of hollywood, crosses and knotts are just some of many myths of vampire all over the world.From the german "nosfuratue"or the more commonly used theme of "Count Dracula"legends differ....the indians even mentioned a vampire that walked in the daylight.
[10-15:03] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : How about some garlic? You keep any of that handy? huh?
[10-15:04] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : You know, I just might need to talk to Ms. Brooks about a restraining order for you, Agent Mulder.
[10-15:06] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *hr tucks his hands into his coat pockets only to smile in that typical Mulder fashion*Am I too close to the truth, Mr.Clay?*shifting away from the bar now as he moves towards the door at a easy pace*
[10-15:06] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((hr=he))
[10-15:08] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : What you are is a psycho. I'm even wondering if you're a real agent. Want me to turn into a bat? huh? I don't think I will. I rode my bike and it'd be hard to ride it if I did that.
[10-15:09] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*lounges*))
[10-15:10] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *Mulder had been called such before....actually he is called that all the time nothing new.He pauses at the door as he turns one last glance towards Clay*Funny how you keep trying to defend yourself against a story that "is'nt true"I thought you had nothing to hide.
[10-15:12] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Its psychos like you that cause me to defend it. *takes another drink from that flask.*
[10-15:14] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his eyes roll as he pushes the door open and moves outside.Stephen had given him a lead to follow so his next stop would be the towns water plant after that he would visit the libarary and dig up anything he could find about where the citys water comes from.He would also check out any information he can find about where the wells in the town tap into, Mulder was the type of guy to expose Stephen for what he was*
[10-15:20] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((O_O Six lurkers.))
[10-15:21] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Takes another pull from that flask of his. Nobody had annoyed him as much since Rafe Kovich....which, by the way, he's going to have to find thanks to that damn Mathew....*
[10-15:21] f855e, Extra: *can't figure out who to bring in*
[10-15:21] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((It happens.....))
[10-15:23] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((Costume trailers are that way. *Points off set.*))
[10-15:23] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((I'll be back in a time))
[10-15:23] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((Who do you play?))
[10-15:24] f855e, Extra: who me?
[10-15:24] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((Yes, you. *s*))
[10-15:25] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((*Looks at the flask.* Something stronger then water would be nice in there.))
[10-15:25] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((((Hasn't anybody told you people it's the weekend? GO HOME!))
[10-15:26] f855e, Extra: *ves* ooohhhh the twins
[10-15:26] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((Wow, lookit that. Extra brackets.))
[10-15:27] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((Its call OT.))
[10-15:27] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((Bring one of them in then. *L*))
[10-15:27] f855e, Extra: hhhmm which one is the question
[10-15:27] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((OT? Shit, no one told me.))
[10-15:28] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((...the evil one?))
[10-15:28] f855e, Extra: uuuhhhh *LMAO* they both are...ok hang on
[10-15:29] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*LOL* uh...I knew that...*shifty eyes*))
[10-15:29] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((Get Vi in here to entertain them while I go feed my ass.))
[10-15:29] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((*LOL*))
[10-15:29] 8197a, Extra: mmm, color test
[10-15:29] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((awh, bring Jez in. *L*))
[10-15:29] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((Kendall, stop griping, you know now...get in here.))
[10-15:30] 8197a, Extra: teeest
[10-15:30] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((I'm on strike!))
[10-15:31] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*brb*))
[10-15:31] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((No you're not. You're contract isn't up yet and the guild isn't calling for one.))
[10-15:32] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((Drat.))
[10-15:32] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *oh why look at that...the miracle of soaps, guess who's back in town from Vegas!! Thats right boys and girls...your favorite evil, one eyed bitchy twin....Jez!!! Having to come back early to check on a few things, she was only going to be in town for a few days before heading off to London and to home base *shifty eyes here* She looked both ways before crossing the street as she headed for Bliss*
[10-15:33] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Stepping out he needs to clear his head.*
[10-15:34] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((BRB...I need to feed my ass.))
[10-15:35] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((*Everyone seems to be clearing out of Las Vegas. Well, she can't really b))
[10-15:36] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((Whoops!))
[10-15:37] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *Everyone seems to be clearing out of Las Vegas. Well, she can't really blame them. After all, who's there but some boring casino owners. Besides, she did what she went there to do and now it was time to go "home." Home, of course, is now St. Solanus.*
[10-15:41] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((back.))
[10-15:42] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *She doesn't bother making a stop at her hotel room. Her luggage is being delivered there for her, care of the airport. It'll probably be in her room when she gets back. She heads straight to a place she's never been before, but has heard a lot about: Bliss. She makes a mental note to learn more about St. Solanus. After all, she wasn't in town very long before she left for Vegas. Perhaps it was time to actually settle down, relax. Let life catch up to her instead of rushing on ahead.*
[10-15:44] 593de, *Remy Harper : *stirring his tumbler of whiskey, Remy leans his weight against the bartop. Staring blankly down at the surface of the counter at the fairly empty establishment - deprived of his socializing and charming, he kept to himself this afternoon, nursing his drink ever-so-slightly.*
[10-15:45] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *pushed the door open to Bliss and wandered on inside, she gave a small wave to the bartender and she headed for a back booth, settling down in it and started to set up her laptop*
[10-15:46] 593de, *Remy Harper : *His head perks up as he hears the door open, eyes flickering wake as he breaks away from his day-dreaming. Looking over his shoulder towards the new patron - Jezebel - one eyebrow quirking upward as he watches her with a vague curiousity*
[10-15:47] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *After about a few seconds (soap opera time is a wonderful thing) she steps through the door of the bar. She lingers there for a moment, looking around carefully. She doesn't immediately see anyone she recognises, but then... she wouldn't recognise too many people. With a faint shrug, as if coming to some private decision, she makes her way toward the bar.*
[10-15:53] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *once finished setting up, she glanced up as the bartender brought over her drink, gave him a small smile, waited for him to go away and as her eyes drifted back to her laptop she noticed Remy watching her and she stared back*
[10-15:55] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *She arrives at the bar soon enough, resting one hand palm-down upon the bartop. Clutched loosely in the other hand is a small purse, fashionable but highly impractical. Well, at least it stores her cell phone neatly enough. She glances over the room, letting her gaze linger on those who are present, and then she seats herself on the barstool next to her. She crooks a finger toward the bartender to get his/her attention.*
[10-15:55] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *These events with this asshole Mulder is going to push him into doing what Livvie wants him to do even sooner. Moves around to his bike and leans back against the wall of the Bliss in the parking area.*
[10-15:57] 593de, *Remy Harper : *the corner of his lips quirk in a small smug smirk as he inclines his head to the side.* I don't know if a computer is really the ideal company I'd like to share a drink with in a bar, what do you think, love? *an eyebrow lifts almost coyly*
[10-15:59] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *Leaning forward just a bit, she half-turns to rest her elbow on the bar and her chin on the back of her hand, fingers splayed elegantly, pointing downward. Her eyes lose sharp focus as her thoughts drift.*
[10-16:00] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *she smiles at him, though that smile does not reach her eye and she reached up and closed her laptop suddenly, seeing as this was going to get interestint* Well that all depends on what other company there is
[10-16:05] 593de, *Remy Harper : *he chuckles, maintaining his bold and flirtatious attitude as he gestures in the direction of her booth* Well, may I join you and perhaps you could see if I'm suitable company, no?
[10-16:06] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Looks at that flask in his hand. He does need to get it refilled.*
[10-16:07] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *When the bartender finally arrives to take her order, she blinks and straightens, letting her hand fall.* Wine spritzer. *Did you ever notice when you're watching soaps that people very rarely actually pay for anything?*
[10-16:09] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani: ((all around testing...))
[10-16:09] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : ((oooo anahita is sooo purdy))
[10-16:09] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *she nods slightly with her head to indicate he could and she would watch him curiously*
[10-16:10] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani: ((Thanks!))
[10-16:11] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Finally after calming down he heads back into the bar.*
[10-16:13] 593de, *Remy Harper : *score! he stands, picking up his crystalline tumbler and walks over to her booth. Slipping into his seat and setting his glass on the table, he watched her with equal curiousity.* So, whats your name, hm?
[10-16:14] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *The drink arrives, and she takes it up. After tasting it briefly, she glances toward the door. Spots Stephen. Smirks just a bit.*
[10-16:17] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *Out of the cab she climbs, counting out money and handing it over, straightening up as the vehicle pulls away... and glancing to peek into her wallet, counting out carefully what remaining cash she has. Enough for a meal and a night's board, but after that... it all gets cloudy. That's fine, though. She won't ever have to worry about money again, not after she does what she came here to do... She moves toward the door and after pausing a moment with her hand resting on the doorknob, she opens the door and strolls inside. Her steps are slow and meek, but they thinly veil an aristocratic nature- the difference between nature and nurture.*
[10-16:19] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : Jez....*smirks* Actually its Jezebel Jessups...parent's had a sick sense of humore I think *cool tone to that heavy british accent of her's as she looks at him* And you are?
[10-16:20] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Another beer....he takes a pull from the bottle.*
[10-16:22] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : Is it safe for a popular guy like you to be wandering around such a small place like this without bodyguards? *Is speaking, of course, to Stephen. Who will obviously be able to hear her, because he's just that damn good.*
[10-16:23] 593de, *Remy Harper : *Carries his own hint of a British accent as he replies to her query* I'm Remy, though I think you should keep it in mind, love. You might be screamin' it later...*drops her a small wink, as he takes a sip of his whiskey. Oh yeah. His coy, smug and bold attitude was certainly not uncommon for him.*
[10-16:23] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *She stands just inside the doorway, honey colored eyes making a wide sweep of the establishment... She takes a long, slow deep breath, moving first for the bar but stopping and trading that destination for a table instead... sitting and snatching up a menu, brow furrowing slightly as she reads over it*
[10-16:25] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Turns to see Kendall.* When'd you get here?
[10-16:26] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : And it used to be. I'm beginning to wonder.
[10-16:26] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : About an hour ago. Why, did you miss me? *Dryly.*
[10-16:27] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : Well aren't you full of yourself *smirked ever so slightly, yeah this one was a real character alright*
[10-16:27] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Miss you badgering me to hock you cosmetics? Hardly.
[10-16:29] 593de, *Remy Harper : Better to be full of one self than empty. *mirrors her smirk, setting his drink back down*
[10-16:29] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : Really. So! What makes you think it isn't safe anymore?
[10-16:30] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *She purses her lips just slightly before running her finger down the pricing column, lifting her gaze as a waiter approaches... her eyes never reaching his face, instead settling on the writing pad in his hands* French fries and... water with lemon. *Gives a little nod once she orders, folding the menu up and putting it back.. her mind wandering out to catch bits and pieces of conversation...*
[10-16:31] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *she picked her laptop up and set it on the booth next to her, glancing back up at Remy* So what is it that you do aside from being a flirt?
[10-16:34] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Oh, we have this annoying psycho roaming around here. He seems to want to believe the publicity crap about me and being a vampire.
[10-16:35] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *she props her elbows up on the table top, toying idly with the sleeves of her thin long-sleeved shirt, gaze floating curiously around the room... not resting on any one thing for more than a second nor any one person at all*
[10-16:35] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : He was in here earlier. Trying to do all those little things that are supposed to give classic signs of a vampire. Asshole.
[10-16:36] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : I'm sure there's a way to get rid of him. *She shrugs, taking another sip of her drink.* He's probably just some tabloid reporter looking for a quick route to fame.
[10-16:36] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : They'll do just about anything for a buck these days.
[10-16:37] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : He claims to be a FBI agent. Flashed a badge and all...but you can get one if you know how. I think he's been to too many sci/fi conventions.
[10-16:39] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *Laughs lightly.* Probably. Maybe someone should distract him for you.
[10-16:39] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : ((*smirks* wonder where Remy wandered off to))
[10-16:39] 593de, *Remy Harper : Oh, I suppose you could say I do a mix of things...*shrugs his shoulders, lifting his tumbler to his lips as he tilts his wrist forward, taking a drink of his whiskey. Placing it back down on the table, as he glances over to her.* What about you, love?
[10-16:40] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((Right there! *points*))
[10-16:40] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *Her eyelids flutter in a blink as she sees her fries arrive. She sifts through her wallet and exchanges money for the food, her eyes settled on the waiter's back as he walks away... before she turns her attention to her food, reaching for the ketchup, ignoring the quiet and anticipatory growl of her stomach*
[10-16:40] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Be my guest. *Takes another drink.*
[10-16:40] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*shifty eyes*))
[10-16:41] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : What'll you give me for it? *Only half-joking.*
[10-16:41] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *Is Kendall. Can talk just about anyone out of just about anything.*
[10-16:42] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *Even suspicious FBI-types. Especially suspicious FBI-types.*
[10-16:43] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : An interesting question really....I'm on vacation at the moment *Lie, biiiig lie and she was totally ignoring Clay being in the Bliss as well*
[10-16:44] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *Is Caleb. Can talk anyone into anything if he wanted. VEG Including killing themselves. Would say ask Mick...but Mick killed himself.* *Just chuckles.*'m not going down that road.
[10-16:45] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : Fair enough. *She sounds amused, though.*
[10-16:45] 593de, *Remy Harper : Oh, really? What brings you here?
[10-16:47] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *She plucks a fry from the pile, dipping it into the sweet tomatoey paste, nibbling on it thoughtfully... where does she go from here? After years of waiting and wondering and planning, she's finally made it... but now what? She only planned so far, she dared to only plan so far. From here on she has to wing it*
[10-16:47] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((*brb - 10 minutes
[10-16:47] 593de, *Remy Harper : *))
[10-16:49] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Well, I hate to cut this short, but I need to go. I'm sure my wife is wondering where I am.
[10-16:50] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : That's all right, I'm tired anyway. Just one thing before you go, though. Has your wife ever done any modelling?
[10-16:51] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : ((Have to go, all...You want my autograph you can by a black and white glossy at the door and I'll be back later to sign.))
[10-16:51] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((*L*))
[10-16:51] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : Olivia? No. She's never been in showbiz until we married.
[10-16:52] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : Hm. *That's all she says, returning her attention to her drink.*
[10-16:52] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *She glances over toward the clock before returning her gaze to her minimal meal, picking up another fry, swirling it absently in the ketchup pooled beside the fries...*
[10-16:52] bcbfe, *Stephen Clay : *and as if on cue his cell phone goes off. Looks at the ID and yep, its Olivia.* I'm so outta here.
[10-16:52] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : Catch you later, Stephen.
[10-16:53] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *the man hole opens somewhere rougly in the middle of the city.Soon after his head pops up and he drags himself up onto the road.His suit covered in foul smelling sewege*Talk about the ugly under belly of the city....*his back laying on the pavement as he sighs to himself.He had been to the library and even the city water plant.All his reasearch had led him to a spring above the city in the mountains.Something very odd about its capabilites which leads him to believe all the more that Stephen was fronting a act....his phone rings.He pulls it out of his pocket with a winch as he gets the foul smelling water all over it*Mulder...*a bit of chatter on the other end tells him he is late for a appointment, he sighs and shuts the phone off*It's kind of hard to make an appointment when you're you up to your ass in sewege....
[10-16:53] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((Hey, that works IC and OOC. Amazing! I'm just that good.))
[10-16:55] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : *She stands, leaving her half-finished drink on the bar. Pays for it. And makes her way out of the bar... headed back to her hotel room, where she'll be able to unpack and unwind. And make plans to find a more permanent residence.*
[10-16:55] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((*eyes Kendall's post*Distract who?....OMG!!!!*panics*))
[10-16:55] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((I've got to go too. People to kill, places to blow up, things to destroy.))
[10-16:56] 315d1, *Kendall Hart : ((*L*))
[10-16:56] 8197a, *Anahita Subramani : *Finally, she decides she has very little time to waste... she stands, grabbing a couple of napkins and opening them up, wrapping her fries up and starting for the door. What, you think she's going to just leave her food there? No way! She slips out quietly, off to try to find a job. A temporary one... of course.*
[10-16:57] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((*ahem*I'm done now...))
[10-16:57] 5cd26, *Mayor Rosenburgh: ((Hmm...))
[10-16:58] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : ((waits for Remy to get back))
[10-16:59] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She pulls up to the all-around hangout here and just sits there in her car for a few minutes, tapping her fingertips on the steering wheel. She can literally feel all that ugly tension bundling up the muscles in her neck and shoulders and no amount of happy stupid romantic comedies will help relieve her stress. It's hard to sit and watch everything crumble around you, not able to do a thing about it!*
[10-17:00] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he picks himself up off the pavement only to move towards his chair parked a few blocks away, opening the door he pauses then lays his head down on top of the roof.He had been in this town for 2 days and already he hated this place*This place must be a 6.2 on the paranormal scale...and thats not counting the population....
[10-17:01] MSG: Agent Fox Mulder sent fanmail to Alison Barrington.
[10-17:02] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *And for goodness sakes... one can only make so many batches of muffins. When you're so covered in flour your fourth trip to the grocery store for a refill of baking powder causes a kid to run off crying in fear of a ghost... well, you have a problem. She could always rely on baking! But for once... it has failed her.*
[10-17:04] MSG: Alison Barrington sent fanmail to Agent Fox Mulder.
[10-17:04] 5cd26, *Mayor Rosenburgh: ((I apologise for my rather, long, absence.))
[10-17:05] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((Yes!!!*has struck pay dirt with Alison*))
[10-17:07] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : ((*is laughing hysterically))
[10-17:08] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She heaves a sigh and rests her forehead on the steering wheel... jumping in alarm when contact causes her horn to sound. She straightens up fast and finally tugs the keys from the ignition, climbing out of the car and locking the door. Not that the area has a car theft record at all... or that any potential criminal would be able to withstand the overpowering aroma of blueberry muffins. But it's a habit, and habits are hard to break.(
[10-17:09] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *after going to his hotel to change his car is now outside of the local tavern"Bliss"he exits his vechile and sets the lock then moves for the small pub*I don't know whats worse...hic ville dallas or soap ville Solanus...
[10-17:10] 593de, *Remy Harper : ((back.))
[10-17:12] 5cd26, *Mayor Rosenburgh: *The mayor is sitting in his office and rather enjoying himself on this fine, fine day. At the moment, he is pondering extensivally over the contents of an open box, which sits infront of him and on his desk. Insideis an assortment of twenty-four different donuts. His hands hover over the box as he peers into it, the fingers wriggling back and forth, ''getting ready to draw.''* Hmmm...Eeny, meeny, miney, melly, which one of you, is going to end up in my belly. *He gives a little chuckle to himself as he continues to ponder.*
[10-17:13] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She slips her keys into the pocket of her jeans, crossing her arms over her stomach... pausing a moment and hestitating. Should she go in? I mean, after all... if Stephen happened to be inside, she might not be able to resist trying to put salt in that stupid water he always carries around, and that's certainly not very nice!*
[10-17:15] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he steps up to the door only to pause as he notices Alison is baring his path, his hands tucked into his trench coats pockets while his green eye settle upon her*...Don't mean to seem like a out of townie but, are you going to let me in?
[10-17:16] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : ((yea!!)) *she smiles slightly at him* Peace and quiet and oddly this town just doesn't have quite enough of that
[10-17:17] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She spins, cornsilk blonde hair a'flying until her eyes settle on Mulder...* Oh! Oh... I... uh, I.. *she flounders, flustered, embarrassed a second before grabbing the doorknob and opening it up, apologizing profusely* I'm, sorry... sorry, really.
[10-17:19] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his brow lifts at her as he offers a thin smile.She was one of two things at this point A) a drama queen or B) a really nervous house wife sort while the whole blond complex going on.....probably both.*No harm no foul...listen..I'm looking for his guy named, Stephen Clay.Do you know where I might find him?
[10-17:21] 593de, *Remy Harper : Perhaps your just venturing into the wrong places, love, or maybe your right - maybe this isn't the most ideal of places. *shrugs his shoulders* But if you ever need a tour around the place or some such, feel free t'ask...
[10-17:21] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She stares at him blankly for a moment, an expression that usually accompanies an "ummm, no!", before giving a flighty sort of laugh and tucking her hair behind her ears with one hand* Um... Stephen? Uh, yeah. Yeah, I do. Why? Who're you?
[10-17:21] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : A local are you? *she raised a brow at him, and slid her hand across the table towards her drink*
[10-17:23] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : You might say I'm a fan of a point.*taking the time now to get Alisons features locked into his memory*I'm just doing some investigating....I don't guess you could tell me what you know about him?
[10-17:25] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *Absolutely transparent, the bridge of her nose wrinkles in dislike at the prospect of aaanyone being a fan of Stephen's. She clears her throat and gives a small one-shouldered shrug* You uh... don't exactly fit his fanbase. But uh, well! What kinda.. info... are you um, are you looking for?
[10-17:26] 5cd26, *Mayor Rosenburgh: *Grinning lightly, his hands finally lowered into the box, plucking out a glazed donut. It was like those claw machines. Smiling, the donut turned over in his hand as he stared at it, as if admiring it's beauty. Then, he slowly opens his mouth, eyes looking down as he does so, gently bighting off a piece. His eyes roll back as he slowly chews on the pastry.* Mmmm... *One would think he was at the verge of sexual peak. Overy a donut. Chewing a moment more, he raised the donut to his mouth, and took another large bite. In a slow yet steady pace, the donut is devoured piece by piece. When he finishes with the donut, he licks each finger, one by one. Savouring each and every lick.*
[10-17:27] 593de, *Remy Harper : Mmhm. *chuckles softly, shifting himself in his seat slightly to gain more comfort but also turn his form around to more fully regard her. Eyes discreetly wandering to give her the once over, hiding his little look as he lifts his glass to take a drink*
[10-17:28] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : It all depends on how much you know....*his eyes looking around a moment in his typical paranoid manner....*Maybe we can talk inside at the bar?*that shouldn't raises any red flags with people.When you have a drink in your hand you could confess to murder and be over looked*
[10-17:30] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : Pssh. *She gives a light, airy laugh, the sound back by perhaps just a hint of bitterness and anger* I know plenty. Probably nothing you're interested in. *Most of what she says requires a password that she's never the first to say... but after that? Boy does she have stories to tell! She gives another little shrug and moves inside, holding the door open by her fingertips for him*
[10-17:33] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he moves into the bar only to shake is head slightly...his best hope of cracking Stephen open seems to be the blond cheerleader type behind him.Sure he liked those kinda of girls in high school but man what a head ache...taking a seat at the bar he turns his stool to face her with a small smile*Should I start by getting your name?
[10-17:33] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *picks her glass up, she may only have one eye but she saw him checking her out. Yeah she had it goin on, but most never really took much notice other than to stare at the eyepatch and tell pirate jokes* Funny that we have not run into each other before...I've been here a couple months already *raised the glass up and took a long sip from it, eyeing him. eh he wasn't bad lookin at all really*
[10-17:35] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She just follows on over to the bar. Least he's not catching her way back when she thought life was rainbows and butterflies. She'd have annoyed him to tears! She sits down, propping her heels up on the lower rung of the stool, turning her head slightly toward him* Alison Barrington.
[10-17:37] 593de, *Remy Harper : *placing his tumbler back down on the table, he props one elbow upon the surface of the table. His own features displaying an amused expression as he notices her eyeing him.* Hmmm...find it rather curious m'self. Though I'm not usually in here this early where it's quieter...*shrugs his shoulders* But if you come in here later too, Jez, then I can understand why I haven't came across y'yet with all the people and so on...
[10-17:39] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : My name is Fox Mulder, I'm with the F.B.I. doing a little research into Stephens background....*his green eyes playing upon her own as he keeps his normal dull and even monolog*I was hoping you might be able to open the door into his past for me?
[10-17:42] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : Oh I get around town quite a bit actually...I'm usually out after dark...I like the night life ...its more...interesting *she took another sip, yeah like she was gonna tell him that she was Interpol and one of the higher ups of a mysterious Order that tracks the supernatural critters that run amuck*
[10-17:42] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She raises a brow slightly at the idea of the FBI wanting anything to do with Stephen... but then again, she figures it shouldn't be a surprise. After all, he's tried to kill so many people multiple times, word was bound to get out...* Well, that's not his real name... first of all. You're not gonna find much under "Stephen Clay". Not much except fan website and merchandise offers.
[10-17:44] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *finaly he was getting somewhere but a alter ego is common amoung rock stars*Thats not unheard of....lots of famous people have alter egos...
[10-17:46] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : Yeah, um... you'd have to check for a Caleb Morley. M-o-r-l-e-y *spells it, cause she's super helpful like that. and also because this is as much a revenge as she's ever going to enact all by her lonesome.* You might find stuff lately under that name, I dunno... but uh... you might have to check... uh... way um, way back. *her last word rises at the end to almost a question, indicating the arrival upon a subject in a gray area... sure, she'd tell. But she's not about to spend the night in a psych ward for it.*
[10-17:47] 593de, *Remy Harper : I agree....the night life is always that bit more...thrilling...*Once again that coy smile finds itself spreading along his lips. And he was not going to tell her of his life as a thief, oh no, wouldn't want to let her on that*
[10-17:48] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *actually he seems most interested, his eyes upon her as he goes silent for a moment* you believe in paranormal activity....*ildy he wonders if he needs to spell that out for her...this makes him smile just slightly*
[10-17:50] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She taps her fingertips against the bar counter, brows drawing together thoughtfully, glancing around for a moment before leaning toward him slightly, dropping her voice a notch or two..* Um... uh, do you? *The tone of her voice should tell him a good deal rests on him answer to that question*
[10-17:52] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : I believe the truth is out there......*his calm demenour not leaving his voice as he leans in a little himself still meeting her eyes*I also believe that Stephen or "Caleb"is a vampire.....I believe his abilites have something to do with the natural spring in the mountains above this city but I can't prove anything.
[10-17:53] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *she set her glass down and wondered why she had such a hard time carrying on conversations with what she deemed normal people, probably casue she wasn't harrassing them about who they really were, yeah that must be it* So what do you do for fun Remy?
[10-17:54] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *Her eyes widen slightly, but it's not the kind of expression that often preceeds an exclamation of "what is wrong with you??"... She's all silent a moment, lookin' at him, before speaking finally in a quiet, meek little voice. A simple sentence, but meaningful all the same* It's true.
[10-17:55] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *his brows lift as she catches him full attention now*How do you know?*always been the type willing to believe and easy to follow a hunch*
[10-17:58] 593de, *Remy Harper : Oh countless things, really...*his eyebrows waggle slightly, propping both his elbows upon the table. Leaning forward ever-so-slightly as he watches her curiously* I just like to have a good time, but what about yourself, love, what do you like t'do for fun?
[10-17:58] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : He uh... he just moved here, and I lived in the same city with him before... called Port Charles? He um... he's always trying to mess up my life, really. His girl, Livvie Locke, she's one too... or was, I dunno what's going on now. But back in Port Charles there was this healing spring that they'd drink from so they wouldn't need blood. *She gives a little nod of her head, talking all quietly*
[10-18:01] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : *dammit, why does everyone ask her that question, she sighed ever so slightly as she leaned forward to rest an elbow on the table as well, looking at him with a slight smirk* I work too much...even though I'm supposed to be on "vacation"...I'm still have yet to figure out
[10-18:04] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *leans in his stool once again as a few pieces of the puzzle shift into place*which might let him walk in the daylight....Vampires are creatures that maintain immortality by sucking blood from humans and animals. They are night creatures, and the sight of sunlight turns them to stone, or sometimes dust. Typically, they are characterized by black capes, long corpse-like bodies and the ability to fly, although whether or not these characteristics were included in the original vampire myths is not known. They sleep in coffins, can't stand churches, and scream at the sight of garlic. Vampires are also highly sexual, and they often prey on members of both sexes.*he then shakes his head as he continues to recall off hand what he knows of such myths*The idea of drinking blood to be immortal is not a foreign one to the human mind. Indians, Greeks and Christians have all had a part in this conception. Drinking the blood of another is sometimes understood as obtaining the "life-blood" of someone else for yourself. Therefore, the idea of the vampire stems from cannibalism, and the concept of putting someone's body inside your own to obtain more life.*he then cast his eyes upon her once more*But legends do you know this and do you know what weaknessess he might have?
[10-18:06] 593de, *Remy Harper : Some people just don't know how to seperate business from pleasure or mix them both steadily together. Tradegic, but oh well... some people take more time than others to discover that...*smirks*
[10-18:07] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : Man... umm... *she purses her lips and straightens slightly, wrapping her arms across her stomach* Physically, I'm not really sure... he can do all sorts of things, levitate himself and people, he has this magic ring that you make wishes on and they always backfire... um... he can make himself look like other people, and mess with your dreams. But he depends a whole lot on that water. He needs it. That, and... Livvie. He'd give up anything for Livvie.
[10-18:09] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : So the water would basicly be the key...*why does life never throw him any bones?Everything he knows or learns is always second hand and he never gets the proof he needs to back up his sucks*Great....this makes things easy....Good, I didn't want to have to tell Skinner that his suspect was a giant blood sucking bat.
[10-18:10] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : ((bear with me Ali..*pats*Its hard playing a know it all paranoid
[10-18:11] MSG: Agent Fox Mulder sent fanmail to Alison Barrington.
[10-18:12] 593de, *Remy Harper : *pause*
[10-18:12] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : I mean... most of the other stuff doesn't work, like the garlic and crosses and stuff. But the stake thing does. He's died that way like... twice already. *she laughs lightly, giving a small shrug.* It just neeever seems to be permanant. *And the prospect of that seems to trouble her, definitely.* Oh! And... one more thing. There's this... dealy thing. There's this ex-angel slayer dude floating around here somewhere, lord if I know where... but if he dies, so does Caleb and vice sersa. ((S'all good!))
[10-18:13] MSG: Alison Barrington sent fanmail to Agent Fox Mulder.
[10-18:13] f855e, *Jezebel Jessups : ((oooooo got put on hold *LMAO*))
[10-18:13] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Whats his name?
[10-18:16] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : Um... Rafe. Rafe Ko- *the last name just catches in her throat, so she has to clear it, glancing down toward her hands... not an indication of a lie, by any means... but more a sign there's something on that subject she's not willing to share* Rafe Kovich.
[10-18:18] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *noticing that this seems to be causing her some trouble he leans in slightly only to offer his hand to her by placing it on top of her own*I'm not trying to put you in any danger.This information can actually help me make sure that this "creature"doesn't cause anymore harm....are you afraid he might find out?
[10-18:20] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : Um... um, no, actually. *And even as she speaks the words, she's a bit surprised to find them to be true* I mean, maybe a little. But... I don't think he'd hurt me, he hasn't before. He just... he tends to go after anything and everything I love. He's the type of guy to you know... pee in your Cheerios just for kicks and giggles. *oh yeah, let the watered down cliche phrases come!*
[10-18:23] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : *he pulls his hand back only to reach into his coat and remove and pen and card*This card has my name and contact information on it....*he writes down the hotel and room number of wear he is staying only to flash her the card when done*If you need some help or think of anything that might be more helpful, give me a call.
[10-18:25] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *She looks at the card and the numbers it contains, studying them a moment before her head bobs up and down in a nod and she looks back to Mulder* Yeah, okay... I'll see if I can come up with anything.
[10-18:28] 03dc5, *Agent Fox Mulder : Don't do anything to get yourself hurt.You've been a big help to me...*offering a slight smile as he stands only to lay a 20 upon the bar top to cover his drink and hers if she needs one*I'll be in touch.
[10-18:30] 8197a, *Alison Barrington : *Her, do anything to get herself hurt? Certainly you jest! She gives every action immense forethought and planning!* *She just nods again, managing a small yet genuine smile* Just... don't poke around too hard without knowing how to get him. He does stuff just to prove he's mean...