Character Name: Mattimeo Blackdawn

OOC name:Nick

Race(Is your character human,mermaid or what have you? Up to you): HUMAN

Stats(Not needed for those moved from the Old Grimm. Mandatory for New Grimm PC's.): moved from old

Skills(Acrobatics, lock-picking or even yodeling. What kind of skills has this character learned in the course of his or her life?):
Lock picking, acrobatics, marksmanship, hand to hand combat, blade throwing, blade fighting, sabotage, master of chess and tactics, leads the world in weapon advancement through his company Blackdawn Industries. Mattemeo is a man of extreme physical fitness, intensely training each day to keep his body operating at optimal levels.

Magic(If any. If not, then no need to fill this in.): Mattimeo's "Spectre" suit has been infused with magic to enable it to phase at his will. This enables him to avoid both assault, as well as allowing him to pass through doors and walls unhindered, while also adding to the legend of the Spectre.

Equipment(Swords, healing kits, bubblegum or what have you. List it here.): armor suit, assortment of blades and knives, grappling guns, semi automatic pistols, and two tommy guns usually. *This is subject to change in response to his mission. Mattimeo has access to some of the best military equipment and weaponry the world has to offer.

Short Bio(Tell us a bit about your characters backstory): Mattimeo, like his father, and his father's father, was orn into the Blackdawn home for one purpose. To carry on the family secret. FOr a hundred years, they have worn the mask of the Spectre, instilling fear into the world with their ruthlessness andblood shed. Trained by his father in secret, much as his father's father trained him, Mattimeo is perhaps the most ruthless of the Spectre's yet. His contract kills have earned him a notoriety all over the world, which onl fuels the myth of the Spectre. While Blackdawns have no need for money, there is a much more sinister reason for their cause. to be revealed soon...