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[23-21:38] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[23-21:38] cc51b, (Lurker): anybody home?
[23-21:39] cc51b, (Lurker): So sad that this place died... I realy miss it.
[24-22:14] JOIN: Jade has entered.
[24-22:21] JOIN: Jade has entered.
[26-21:24] JOIN: hecate has entered.
[26-21:25] 42a1e, hecate: is anyone on?
[26-21:27] 42a1e, hecate: i guess no one is talking. gods u people are boring
[26-21:28] EXIT: hecate has left the chat ( 9:27am, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-00:46] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[27-01:06] JOIN: Warlock has entered.
[27-01:32] 8502e, Warlock: ((*..plunks a quarter into the ol' Roleplay Machine...*))
[27-01:34] JOIN: Pearl has entered.
[27-01:41] fddb6, Pearl: ...this is the way we count our mice...count our mice...*there's a small blonde woman crawling across the floor of one of R'leyh's large sitting rooms, her bare knees skidding against polished wood floors. she's quite a mess, and as we watch, one of her hands dart's out!..snatching a now-squeeling rodent from behind a large cabinet - the thing rocks dangerously, slapping back against the wall - quite strong, isint she*
[27-01:43] fddb6, Pearl: ...*her teeth come together in an obscene gnash, holding the terrified morsel between cupped hands, one eye comes to the crack in her digits, peers thru* oh yesss, this is how we count our mice these days...*her lips seem to kiss her hands, and push the poor thing to them. she bites it, and tears, squeezing the hot squirt of femoral blood past her maw, sucking*
[27-01:47] fddb6, Pearl: ...*the woman, if i might call her that..she suddenly smiles, such a warm gesture from her face, as one leg of the dead rodent twitches in reflex against her nose - she holds the thing away from her self, smiling down as if it had caressed her* awwww, my darling. hehe, my darling! *quite suddenly invigorated, her arms raise, smiling truely to the ceiling, foul benediction and thanks to what traps her within these maddened walls, the House itself*
[27-01:50] fddb6, Pearl: ( it occurs to me that i should put ...before my post ends, not as a new one begins *L* ...sorry )
[27-01:51] 8502e, Warlock: *...brights flickering with as he accelerates, the black Toronado's V8 engine a guttural , abrasive roaring in the boggy wilderness near the House, traveling up and towards, via the one-lane, winding road ...a dirt one, as he gets closer, seems fitting...Warlock himself, behind the wheel, the face one could've seen among William Wallace's lit only barely by the end of his cigarrette, glowing small but fierce in the black enclosure of the monster vehicle..*
[27-01:53] fddb6, Pearl: ...*arms to her breast, cupping the dead thing there, she spins over to one wall, touches hand smeared with skant residue against it's peeling paper, and rubs along as if caressing a lover. *somewhere* the House seems to mumble, whisper to her...echo echo of what she was, calling back...back..|| blinking she fights away whatever that was, and her other hand opens - the mouse falls to the floor, digits scrubbing themselves against one leg, dirty dirty*
[27-01:55] 8502e, Warlock: *...slows, pulling all the way up to the entrance itself, parking a mere handful of steps..doesn't think a valet will be coming out to offer to take the beastly auto 'round back, considering the disrepair the House itself seems to have fallen into, from his first glance..**...kills the engine, the machine itself seeming to protest, then silenced..**..steps out, boots crunching the gravel beneath also silent, this monster now rarely is so loud as his transportation..*
[27-01:56] 8502e, Warlock: *...his black trenchcoat slowly rolls with the wind, not a creak coming from it, the leather is beyond's skin-silk, a second skin of Brujah cliche that he wears as such..**...the dim light from the moon falls over him, his features sharply if the divine sculptor Himself had battle and conflict ingrained in the visage..*
[27-01:57] fddb6, Pearl: you see, it wasnt always this way *looking down at the pathetic corpse, she converses with it. it's another dead thing, afterall...and knowing this place, it will probably respond* once, i was GRAND! vagabond royaltiy, that was me. yep *her knees crackle as she squats over mousey, a finger rubbing at it's wet grey fur*..but now, well now is hard times. hard times...*sad blue eyes regard her only companion, she has failed to elicit a response*
[27-02:00] 8502e, Warlock: *..supposes, as he walks up to the door, eyeing the padlock, cobwebbed and rusty, chaining the double-doors together and shut...that when one visits a gravesite, they remain quiet, introspective..respectful..**...shifts his shoulders beneath his trench, as if considering this, images of his "fallen" Childe running through his cold memory like slides, dimly lit..*
[27-02:01] 8502e, Warlock: *...rears back and slams his right boot, scuffed and worn , the bottoms crusted still with dried blood..into the middle of the two rectangles of wood...**...with a sharp crack, they buckle in, the padlock itself intact, but the chains snapping, wood splinters, and the left sags...the right merely topples, hitting the floor of the foyer with a bang, dust exploding out from under it..slowly settling back..*
[27-02:02] fddb6, Pearl: *her face regained a little of it's former expressive quality during the rendering down from Alal to mere Vampire, and it now wears what could pass for 'regret'..and perhaps even 'shame', some sembalance of Self, hiding away. careful hands pick the mouse up, ready to take it out into the night, for burial. a few steps, tho..and suddenly she speaks at the ceiling, distraught* why NOT? WHY NOT? it'll rot and i'll see it..*why does the way outside seem suddenly *so* far away? she regards her small.....
[27-02:03] 8502e, Warlock: *...treads determinedly..eyeing the place like a man sizing up an opponent..**...respect? quiet? No. ...the last time he was here he was brought low, has no intent on letting it happen again, not by some god-like Alal...definitely not by cobwebs and dust..*
[27-02:04] fddb6, Pearl: ...companion, and finds a 'better' answer to going outside - deposit the small flag of meat behind the fridge out in the next suite's kitchen. hmmm, noise, vague, like something falling over? no, who cares. let us bury our good friend, mousey*
[27-02:07] 8502e, Warlock: *...descends the few stairs to the "Lounge" area..which of course, is nothing of the sort, broken and rotting chairs (apparently from the thick, boggy air) laying around cracked and tilted tables..grey eyes peer into the dark, his voice lifting over the silence ..barely even notices himself speaking..* ...I'm here, girl. ...*..pauses, as if hearing it from someone else's mouth...what is he doing? talking to the long gone? the taken? ...should forget her, not travel miles away from the important events (c)
[27-02:08] 8502e, Warlock: ...that are unfolding in NYC, events he must be a part of , to lead his clan...**...shakes his head, as if disagreeing, but in what way..he can't even say..**...walks slowly, his footsteps like the gentle, but deliberate hammering of coffin nails...leaving footprints in the dust..*
[27-02:09] fddb6, Pearl: *while she commits mousey to the afterlife, such as it is...let us regard her living environment. there is a well-worn trail amoung the delapidation of R'leyh, obviously she has been alone here for quite sometime. leading away from the main lounge where she has just fed, opposite to where she is now headed with our dearly-departed, she has found empty boxes and piled them high for some reason. they lead back to where she has been sleeping, a strange little anteroom with no windows, right at the heart....
[27-02:10] fddb6, Pearl: of the House. the ceiling is strange, it appears as if it has melted down, like some ancient limestone formation, reaching for the bed*
[27-02:14] 8502e, Warlock: ...Who's there? * near the ...well, won't call it a "trail" ..there can't be anything here, but it seems like it, the boxes ..the disturbment of the dust...**...his voice is loud and commanding, one that with each question lets it double as an order..his hand is inside his trenchcoat, lithe , pale fingers along the cracked, wooden stock of his sawed-off shotgun, what a relic of times past it is...eyes searching the hall, the scent of rat droppings and the corpses of their owners slowly finding his (c)
[27-02:16] 8502e, Warlock: ...nose...**..doesn't seem to even want an answer, moving solidly forward, but slowly..ever so cautious...but why? this place is a grave, someone merely forgot to write the epitaph...*
[27-02:18] fddb6, Pearl: *humming to herself, she walks back along well-trod twists of passageway, head down. shes done quite well today! 9 mice.* nine *she speaks conversationally to the air, feet padding, sticking to the floor in places, we wont ask what gluten lurks within those darkened patches. looking up, quite suddenly, there's someone.....*
[27-02:21] fddb6, Pearl: ...*THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE IN THE HOUSE THEY PAY FOR THAT RIGHT, THEY PAY THEY ARE NOTHING BUT PAYERS NOW PEARL YOU WILL DISPATCH THIS INTRUDER DO IT FOR ME LOVELY KILL THE TRESSPASSER* -she is running, fist in the air, pushing! past boxes, they flie and scatter, and finally SEEING this usurper, she leaps on it's back, hands on it's head, tensing to twist it violently from it's root*
[27-02:23] 8502e, Warlock: *...his instincts have always been faster than he could ever be, and tonight is no exception, as a form hits his back, tosses off his trenchcoat in a Celerity enhanced movement of his shoulders and arms, tossing the sawed-off in the air as the sleeve of the coat falls of his right arm...catches it, spinning, one hand grabbing for ...yes, a handful of hair...(blonde?) ...and shoving the twin barrels, two gaping maws, into the (familiar?) face of the attacker..*
[27-02:25] 8502e, Warlock: *..the twin hammers cock, the click having that deafening quality of sharp, short noises in moments of incredibly fast motion, as if it all slows to enhance the tiny noise itself..**...his face contorts with anger, for a single moment..but then, before his lithe finger hits the trigger...the gun merely drops from his graps, his hand lets go of the shock of blonde hair..*
[27-02:28] fddb6, Pearl: *hair gripped so painfully tight she now wears an ad-hock facelift, her eyes are utterly inhuman, enraged her fists LASH! at the gun, mouth open, lips bare as a gutterl howl of rage escapes - falling back to the ground, the back of her head collects with the floor, fearsome eyes rolling back in her head, unconscious. but her body twitches, mostly at it's belly, as if some rope were being tugged from above, urging her up, UP..her feet scrabble a bit as her eyes flutter, rolling onto her belly....
[27-02:30] fddb6, Pearl: arm out before her, broken nails digging into the floor in an effort to rise. she screams, but it is not her voice.* GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT GET OUTTTTTTTTT
[27-02:32] 8502e, Warlock: *...his face is a train-wreck, emotion sweeping across it so quickly...and with such force, it looks frightening, his utter pain and surprise all at once on a face not built for even a kind smile..**...rushes forward, muscled arms reaching around Pearl and grabbing her up, using all his strength to tug her to him, to hold her against his cold body, smelling of gunpowder and the copperish scent of blood..* (c)
[27-02:34] 8502e, Warlock: ...Pearl....*...the name just spills out of him, one hand reaching out to ever so gently...carefully, as if she might break apart at his fingertip's caress...strokes her face, his touch icy but somehow, full of warmth..* ..Pearl......Pearl....*...seems stuck on it, as if saying it will cause this woman in his arms to be as real as he is desperately hoping it is..*
[27-02:37] fddb6, Pearl: *her head swung back, as he steadies it to have a good look at her, eyes suddenly open, all-white eyes...while her consciousness is uncertain, it appears something else is at play within her* WE ARE MARRIED GET YOUR FUCK-ASS OUT *the voice is coming from her mouth, but her lips move to unspoken words of an entirely different variety, trying to wake up, she obviously cant as the other thing has pushed to the forefront of her mind. what are her lips trying to say? such a horrific scene, the howling...
[27-02:39] JOIN: Warlock has entered.
[27-02:40] fddb6, Pearl: ...Thing of her, and yet her mouth will not utterly betray who she was, she whispers his name, tho he will likely never know this...a muscle rebounds at her jawline, eyes force closed, open!..white draining away, the voice suddenly stops. she's pulling at his arms, trying to undo them, tho not Hell-bent on his demise right now - she doesnt like men touching her, she decides when to touch, and it's usually a rather brutal embrace*
[27-02:42] fddb6, Pearl: ( has entered? i wish *the sound of a rusty gate clanging* )
[27-02:43] 8502e, Warlock: *..grimaces, the feeling of the House itself seeming to become known in the air, a fetid and oppressive consciousness ...trying to choke him, even, in some more cruel way than merely blocking lungs that no longer draw breath..**...gripping Pearl, who might as well be struggling against a moving, tightly gripping granite statue of her vampiric Sire..he moves back towards the entrance and the main room, almost at a run, his boots hitting the floorboards like pistons, dust puffing up at each step..*
[27-02:45] 8502e, Warlock: *..his face has become nothing more than a sharply hewn bit of flesh clinging to bone, grey eyes narrowed in anger..? ..determination..? for something (love?) he has become again, a machine of momentary purpose, acting on the bellowing instinct to leave this place with what seems to be this woman of his own creation, of his blood..object of his mourning and sorrow for having lost..*
[27-02:47] fddb6, Pearl: *imagine a giant fist pounding down on a dining room table that is fully laden with plates, glasses and cultery - that is the sound filling the house. the woman in his grip is struggling, now leaning forward to bite this thing, wriggling and cursing...and finally, as cool night touches her skin, screaming in utter agony. the final threashold before them both, it's wood suddenly gushes forth with a clear pyroclastic flow, as if birth waters had been gushes forth, washing over them obscenely*
[27-02:48] fddb6, Pearl: ( cutlery )
[27-02:52] fddb6, Pearl: *her blue eyes wide with shock, he doesnt realise it but this has been a true gestation, one that has been interrupted. the unseen psychic umbilical connection Pearl and the House, woven without her real understanding after the initial reduction of herself has been feeding a third presence, a disgusting result of the House literally copulating with her Spirit during the daylight while at her most vunerable. like all good mines, once the main vein has been sourced, all manner of other jewels still lie....
[27-02:54] fddb6, Pearl: ...hidden within her, hard nodes of her former Alal self, removed from any real ability to be used by her anymore, but the House... .. her skin feels tight, the night air warm, drying the mucus, she begins to cry*
[27-02:56] fddb6, Pearl: ( sorry, computer is playing up, making my ideas all broken by halting pixels :( )
[27-02:57] 8502e, Warlock: Shhh...*..absently, though, eyeing the House , standing before the parked car, very wary of the monstrous building..**...pauses, setting Pearl ever so gently on hood of the car..and then, surprisingly , quickly re-enters the House itself, becoming lost in the darkness within nearly instantly..*
[27-03:00] fddb6, Pearl: *she only knows she is Not, now...Not Inside, and that is very bad...but so tired...sooo tired, and a great twinge of pain wracks her lower abdomen. curling up, seeking comfort, she glistens in the moonlight, the flare of silver disc on her skin dulling as what coats her continues to dry. she dozes, not knowing what he does*
[27-03:02] 8502e, Warlock: *...long moments pass, and then his footsteps are heard, the wood of the foyer disapproving loudly of his heavy footfalls, formerly discared trenchcoat in one hand he approaches Pearl again, gaze still half on the House, which seems to illogically look over them's entrance like a gaping maw, one tooth tilted and rotting..**...leans over, draping the long coat over the huddled girl, one hand reaching stroke her face..*
[27-03:07] fddb6, Pearl: *at his touch, her eyes open, and catch some of the silver light in them, looking towards the hand that touches her...the glimmering moves along his arm, to his face. she states, calmly, her lips making the same movements as they did when the other Thing spoke from within her* Warlock.
[27-03:10] 8502e, Warlock: *..nods, as if affirming this, as if she was asking some sort of question...**..reaches out, taking her again in his arms, left supporting her neck/shoulders, the right supporting her lower half, under her legs..* I'm takin' yeh away from 'ere. *..pauses, glancing back at the House, a tone of bitterness in his voice.. * Far.
[27-03:15] fddb6, Pearl: *coming from what was a dream into what SHOULD be a dream, that tickle of Self becomes a flood at her Sire's promise. wrapping one weak arm around his shoulder, she nearly swoons, grimaces at her state, inwardly...and jokes in his ear* didnt even give me a chance to comb my hair.
[27-03:16] fddb6, Pearl: ( i need to reboot so fucking bad, i know it's late for you, but please, even if you're here 20mins more, i want to be able to EMOTE, i cant even type...brb ;p )
[27-03:17] 8502e, Warlock: (( You've got 20 minutes before I pass out. *..waits..*))
[27-03:23] JOIN: Pearl has entered.
[27-03:23] 18856, Pearl: ( see, i knew it..can SMELL it when you're wrapping me up for the night ;p )
[27-03:24] 8502e, Warlock: Yeh 'ad plenty of time to fix yerself up. *...the barest of smirks on his lips, leaning down and setting her inside the vehicle, after opening the back door..the black, scratched and holed leather seat cool to the touch...*
[27-03:25] 8502e, Warlock: (( It's 4:30 am. *...leaves that as his best defense..* ))
[27-03:26] 8502e, Warlock: *..shuts it, and slides into the driver side, not starting the vehicle...his eyes looking up to the rearview mirror, her form showcased in the reflecting surface...silent, just watching her, his hands motionless..*
[27-03:27] 18856, Pearl: *she feels a smile, and it started from within, not without. she cherishes the feeling as her tortured eyes close, sinking down in the seat so that it cradles her face, and so that she can watch the driver who now enters. the scratch of shabby apholstery feels damn fine to her, and she rubs her cheek against it. the House looms, tho..and perhaps the intensity of her gaze towards Warlock is not entirely bourne from passion for her Sire. she does not wish to see it ever again, and knows it screams within*
[27-03:30] 8502e, Warlock: *..on some level, knows that too, sneers as he turns the ignition, the engine explodes with noise, growling and sputtering..then turning over, growing louder as he revs it, as if a vehicular "fuck you" towards the building itself..**...a sharp turn and a screech of tire on the gravel, and their heading away from the house, the headlights illuminating the road before them, dusty with the previous tire tracks..*
[27-03:32] 18856, Pearl: - fin -
[27-03:32] EXIT: Pearl has left the chat ( 3:32pm, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-03:33] EXIT: Warlock has left the chat ( 3:30pm, June 27 (CDT) ).
[27-20:43] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[27-23:54] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[27-23:55]       (Lurker) looks around now...
[28-01:17] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[28-01:17] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 1:17pm, June 28 (CDT) ).
[28-01:17] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[28-02:44] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[28-18:02] JOIN: magickkk has entered.
[28-18:03] 21d2c, magickkk : can any one here draw me a gothic looking tiger
[29-04:14] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[29-11:39] JOIN: cute-freaky-goth-girl has entered.
[29-11:40] 1c764, cute-freaky-goth-girl: hey everyone
[29-11:41] 1c764, cute-freaky-goth-girl: 14
[29-11:42] 1c764, cute-freaky-goth-girl: i hate this chat rooms its boring if u think that to press 22222222222222222
[29-23:29] JOIN: Ryab has entered.
[29-23:29] JOIN: Ryan has entered.
[30-00:13] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[30-00:13] d4689, (Lurker): damn this place died lol
[01-01:32] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[01-01:35] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 1:32pm, July 01 (CDT) ).
[01-01:48] JOIN: Jean-louis Vignes has entered.
[01-01:50] EXIT: Jean-louis Vignes has left the chat ( 1:48pm, July 01 (CDT) ).
[01-01:51] JOIN: Jean-Louis Vignes has entered.
[01-22:30] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[01-22:30] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:30am, July 02 (CDT) ).
[02-05:39] JOIN: WOMAN with WINGS has entered.
[02-05:39] 17b08, WOMAN with WINGS: Helle there
[02-05:41] 17b08, WOMAN with WINGS : How does this work
[02-05:41] 17b08, WOMAN with WINGS: Suck it
[02-05:42] 17b08, WOMAN with WINGS: Drop it
[02-05:43] 17b08, WOMAN with WINGS: ((HELLLLO))
[02-05:44] 17b08, WOMAN with WINGS: HEY
[02-21:53] JOIN: Shemhamforash has entered.
[02-21:54] 002bd, Shemhamforash : Hello?
[02-21:54] 002bd, Shemhamforash : Hello?
[02-23:34] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[02-23:35] d4689, (Lurker): hmmm
[02-23:37] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:35am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[02-23:38] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[02-23:38] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:38am, July 03 (CDT) ).
[03-00:30] JOIN: Joe O'Riley has entered.
[03-00:30] JOIN: Lostrus has entered.
[03-00:32] db7b1, Lostrus : *sitting in a far corner of the tavern she rubs her cheek on the very wall..eyes closed..plucking some sort of energy from the house itself it seems...murmuring softly to it*
[03-00:34] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley: *not too far off methinks, probably at the bar proper, up on a stool with a nice mug of Guiness infront of him, clothed as trenchcoat topping off the black shirt, pants, and boots*
[03-00:35] db7b1, Lostrus : *she looks up and speaks softly*my pearl...*she taps the wall and sighs*she's not my sister anymore..she*her voice trails off and rises..standing in the shadows*are you all right joe?
[03-00:40] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley: *takes a pull from his glass, looking over his shoulder at Lost, shrugging slightly* serta... alot on m'mind...
[03-00:42] db7b1, Lostrus : you're not still hurt are you*she moves forward..eyes concerned..her light pink velour jogging suit a little mussed..a lingering smell of charred something hangs around her in a haze*
[03-00:44] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley: Nae... 'm fine... i think... i dunno, 's just hard gettin used tae it again, ye know ? *turning the swivvling stool around on its axis to face her, resting the mug on his kneecap, looking her over ... a small smile comming to his lips... he truely is one of the most blessed damned beings....*
[03-00:46] db7b1, Lostrus : *she doesn't return the smile but fidgets..bare toes digging into the carpet*you're really a mortal again joe..truly*her voice is soft..her gaze going everywhere except for his face*
[03-00:49] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Yeah... it sucks... *raises the glass to his lips, taking another pull from the half empty beer, not taking his eyes off of her* Ah know i canna drink as much... ye can 'least still look at me... *his jaw sets*
[03-00:50] db7b1, Lostrus : *she flicks her gaze to him and looks down*sorry..i just..this is*she gestures and moves to sit in a plush high backed chair..curled up*i'm scared i might hurt you joe..i'm scared
[03-00:54] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : *sighs lightly, getting up off of the stool and walks her way* I"m scared too... like ah said, ah canna drink as much.. 's easier far me ta over dewit and prolly kill m'self...but 'ey... dun stop me from drinkin... *takes a pull from his mug as he sits down on the arm of the char she's in*... or lovin ye. We'll jus 'ave t'do somethin 'bout this 'ole mortal thing... what ah dunno... dun feel like bein a bloodsucker the rest o' eternity..but if 's the only way... ah'll 'ave t' get used t'it.
[03-00:57] db7b1, Lostrus : i don't know joe*she reaches to runs her palm over his thigh..leaning her head against him*i don't know how it works..with humans. and most vampires don't like me very much..*she chews her lower lip*do you know any who don't hate me
[03-01:01] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Ah don think Aph does...realy... she's jus' blinded by Abigor...won' see reason an shite like 'at...same for Ian.... if Abigor's ever to leave his body... well... ah 'ave a feelin 'e wouln object to gettin those fangs on m'neck...*looking down at her as he speaks, running a hand down her hair, a smooth, gentle motion, eventually comming to a stop on her shoulder*
[03-01:02] db7b1, Lostrus : *she looks up and frowns*i will not deal with the goddess anymore*shaking her head slowly*and she's not a vampire anymore anyway...i don't know how..but she's not anymore*she sighs and her chin quivers*if you stay mortal i don't know how to keep you safe..i cannot keep you in another would hurt you..
[03-01:05] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : She may not be a vampire...granted...but ah think she still does have a feelin or two in'er...but its all up to you ... reguardin that anyways... and keepin me safe... fer now, gimme a few guns, couple grenades, tripwire, and a good place to hide...and i'll be safe...sorta anywey.. ah 'elped invent what humans call guerilla warfare.. or so th' 'istory books say...
[03-01:06] db7b1, Lostrus : *she shakes her head*do you know what she did*her gaze falls onto the floor and takes on a haunted expression*they killed them joe..those innocent the temple..all of them died
[03-01:10] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Soun's more like Abigor than Aph, my love... *sets his mug down on a conveniant table, gently rubbing her shoulder* She's inclined to protect .. not tae kill...
[03-01:11] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : ah'm not standin up far'er ...just reasoning thin's out... 'm good at 'at sometimes..
[03-01:11] db7b1, Lostrus : no..joe*she shakes her head*do you want to see...i can show you what i saw..*she whispers*she was going to try to hurt the babylonian...they..they killed*her breath hitches*all of them...
[03-01:14] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : I don' doubt what ye saw... ah knew it'd happen if Abigor e'er came back thar... easy fer'em tae do it... 'm sorry they's dead, luv...but .. *he just frowns... he did get to know a couple of them himself...not enough to get emotionaly attatched..but still ... Lostrus being sad like this kinda makes him sad too damnit*
[03-01:15] db7b1, Lostrus : they did nothing..i saw her joe*she shivers*she shot get that urn..they burned her temple joe*she closes her eyes and takes a breath*i don't want to talk about it anymore
[03-01:17] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : *just nods, growing quiet, just taking her into his arms, or at least arm... trying to give some sort of confort to'er, words dont always work as well as a friendly arm*
[03-01:18] db7b1, Lostrus : i think...i am growing to hate her*her tone is sad..mournful really*
[03-01:20] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Shh... stow'at.... hate's a strong word ye know....
[03-01:21] db7b1, Lostrus : i know..*she shakes her head and settles against him more*what do we do..abigor will come for his first chance
[03-01:24] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Find a way tae kill'em...simple as 'at... no carin who's body he's in...ah know there's weapn's that can do 'at... Ian 'eld one to m'throat once...*growing thoughtfull*
[03-01:25] db7b1, Lostrus : but i promised joe..i promised her i wouldn't hurt him anymore*she leans away from him*i promised
[03-01:28] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Then we draw'em outa 'at body .... 'ow ah dunno. 's no' somethin ah studied o'er th' last 80 yeas....* as she leans away, he slips down into the chair as well, finding that having a chair arm on his ass isnt the most comfy thing ever*
[03-01:29] db7b1, Lostrus : *she squirms and makes her way into his lap..frowning*you can do that?
[03-01:33] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : 'm sure thars a way...79 years ago ah thought ah'd be dead by now....*he slips an arm around her, resting it on her upper thighs, other arm resting on the chairs arm* an jus a few deys ago ah ne'er thoughd ah'd be free of a mistake ah made long ago.. look a' me now... 'ere...with th' one ah love...*smiles up at her*
[03-01:34] db7b1, Lostrus : *she smiles back..still somewhat nervously*if he comes...i will kill them all*her voice low..a promise held in it*the goddess..ian..abigor...all i must to keep you from harm
[03-01:39] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Don ferget I can take care o' m'self fairly well too... ah've killed 'undreds b'fore get the idea... *spoken heavily..somethin he's not too proud of now, but wont undo it if he had the chance... it made him what he is now*
[03-01:40] db7b1, Lostrus : but you weren't a mortal joe*she looks into his face and frowns*humans are fragile..easily broken..i won't have you hurt
[03-01:41] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : dun understand... at's while ah's still mortal... o'er 80 yeas ago... 'm a founder o' what's called th' IRA ... or so i've 'eard...we jus did wha we 'ad tae do ta insure the freedom of our people...
[03-01:43] db7b1, Lostrus : *she nods a little*were you ruled by evil people?*her tone truly eyes big and wide..holding on his*
[03-01:45] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley :' English.... ah still dun like those 'alf cocked shite eaten, uncle focken *>insert colorful Gaelic phraze here<* arseholes....puttin thar noses whare it dun belong... Ireland...
[03-01:45] db7b1, Lostrus : *she giggles..unable to help it*that was a yes wasn't it?
[03-01:47] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : *nods, biting back a few more choice words* Ya...'twas...
[03-01:49] db7b1, Lostrus : *she smiles at him*i don't have to be ashamed with me
[03-01:54] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : *smiles a bit right back at'er* 'm not realy ashamed... jus sad at what 't all came down ta back then... *sighs just a little, shaking his head, then looks back at'er* Ye need anythin luv ? I may be mortal, but i can at least take care of the one ah love...
[03-01:55] db7b1, Lostrus : *she sighs and sags against him*i just want to keep you alive..i don't want you to be breakable..
[03-02:01] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Ah'll always be breakable.... if ah didn' have ye, ah'd be a broken...misrible man..
[03-02:02] db7b1, Lostrus : *her cheeks flush and she smiles*i will always protect you from hurt joe...always
[03-02:02] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : And I you... no matter what it takes.
[03-02:04] db7b1, Lostrus : *she cuddles against his chest...her energy wraps around them warm arms*joe..i have a little place here
[03-02:06] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : mmm...Do ye now ? *his heart fluttering just a bit at the energy... damn 'at feels good.. like a nice hot tub*
[03-02:08] db7b1, Lostrus : yes*she nods*in the wine cellar...with blankets..and a little radio*her energy warms to him..moving around them lazily*it is nice...i have music..and it's warm..*her voice lowers to a purr*would you like to see it joe
[03-02:10] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : *melts against her, even tho she's ontop of him.. he's just good like that* music ? music is good.... *speaking softly, languidly almost..* you know ah wanna see it...
[03-02:12] db7b1, Lostrus : *she kisses his cheek lightly..and grins*carry me..*arms wrapped around his neck..eyes bright*it is very comfortable..lots of pillows
[03-02:15] 5cd0d, Joe O'Riley : Ye'll make me fall asleep by the time we get thar if ye talk like that anymore...*shuffles a little to the edge of the chair, and rises quite easily with her in his arms, he's still quite strong for a mortal...built like a brick shithouse, he walks towards her little place*
[03-02:22] db7b1, Lostrus : *smiling she nestles down into her little nest in the wine cellar with him..for the moment happy and safe*
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[05-19:03] 7a1ce, Arylea: hi
[05-19:03] 7a1ce, Arylea: anyone here?
[05-20:22] JOIN: Mark has entered.
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[09-13:06] 0f94e, subbbi: hi
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[09-13:08] 0f94e, subbbi: Hi
[09-13:08] 0f94e, subbbi: hi
[09-13:08] 0f94e, subbbi: Arylea:
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[09-13:09] 0f94e, subbbi: dfsaf
[09-13:09] 0f94e, subbbi: Hoi
[09-13:09] 0f94e, subbbi: Arylea
[09-13:10] 0f94e, subbbi: still here
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[09-21:23] 53f21, Ryan: (*waves to the lurker*)
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[11-03:29] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[11-03:30] 42a1e, CarahWillow : anyone here
[11-03:33] JOIN: Carah Willow has entered.
[11-03:33] 42a1e, Carah Willow: im by myself
[11-03:34] JOIN: Wred has entered.
[11-03:36] d9729, Wred : Hello? is anyone here??
[11-03:36] 42a1e, Carah Willow : *looks up* who's there?
[11-03:38] d9729, Wred : ~looks in the direction of the Tavern~
[11-03:38] d9729, Wred : Who wants to know?
[11-03:38] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[11-03:38] JOIN: Kinsale. has entered.
[11-03:38] 71fb2, Kinsale.: Wow. It actually worked.
[11-03:39] 42a1e, CarahWillow: My name's Carah....*squints her eyes* Hey that voice sounds familiar...
[11-03:39] d9729, Wred: Carah..... Carah Willow????
[11-03:39] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Holy shit, Kin it's you! Why...i haven't seen you since a year ago
[11-03:40] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *looks back up* Um...yeah that's my name....good job
[11-03:40] 71fb2, Kinsale.: *scratches head* God, it's been _years_!
[11-03:41] d9729, Wred: Wow... I haven't seen you in....god.... I don't even know how long....
[11-03:41] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Probably *smiles* Yeah, i haven't been around for a long time...things have been dead...very depressing
[11-03:42] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *looks back up at the voice* Who...who are you? I can't see ^_~
[11-03:42] 71fb2, Kinsale.: Dead. *laughs* No, you can still visit the dead.
[11-03:42] d9729, Wred: ~comes in from the shadows, his long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail~
[11-03:42] 71fb2, Kinsale.: *walks into the light* Well Carah, now, I'm hurt! You don't remember me?
[11-03:43] d9729, Wred: What about me? Remember me?
[11-03:44] 42a1e, CarahWillow: No I see you Kinsale...i remember you *laughs*
[11-03:44] 71fb2, Kinsale.: *laughs* God, I miss responding to things that aren't even remotely said in your general direction.
[11-03:44] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Wred!!! OH! *just stands there* Wow...w...well it has been a long time hasn't it? Jesus...really long...
[11-03:45] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *laughs at Kinsale* Oh my god yes. And i loved getting in battles that weren't mine...everyone wanted a peice of the bad guy
[11-03:45] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *sits on her lovely couch she brought with her*
[11-03:46] 71fb2, Kinsale.: Well. Aren't we just having ourselves a happy little reunion here? *walks over to Carah, gives her a hug* Ah, how've you been?
[11-03:47] 71fb2, Kinsale.: ((Ouch, that one won't do...))
[11-03:47] 71fb2, Kinsale.: ((Maybe...))
[11-03:47] 71fb2, Kinsale.: ((Eh, no.))
[11-03:47] d9729, Wred: Too long really, how've you been Carah? ~sits, cross legged on the floor, near Carah~
[11-03:48] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *hugs back and resumes her position on the couch* not dead, so thats good
[11-03:49] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *looks at Wred and laughs* Sorry im still in shock here...Its been about three times as long since i last saw you than last seeing kinsale....i mean wow. *ramembers something* Umm...ur not going to mess with my couch again are you ^_~
[11-03:50] d9729, Wred: No, I've grown up alot since we last crossed paths ~smiles~
[11-03:50] 71fb2, Kinsale.: *looks at Wred* Oh, come now. Growing up is highly overrated. Is it not, Carah? *grins*
[11-03:52] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *laughs* You mean no more drunken Wred who destroys my couch?
[11-03:52] d9729, Wred: Hey now, I didn't say I was 40 did I?
[11-03:52] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Yes i have to agree with Kin on that one...Ive not grown up much
[11-03:52] d9729, Wred: Drunken, yeah, on occasion, but I thnk your couch has suffered enough
[11-03:53] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Lesse...last time i saw you you were like 20
[11-03:53] JOIN: Wred has entered.
[11-03:53] 71fb2, Kinsale.: Well. *whistles* Twenty years certainly is a long time.
[11-03:54] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Agh I cant keep track of time...who knew...Im almost 21, i feel so damn...old...and i dont like it
[11-03:54] 42a1e, CarahWillow: My couch? Ahahah. You know how many new ones ive had to get?
[11-03:55] EXIT: CarahWillow has left the chat ( 3:54pm, July 11 (CDT) ).
[11-03:55] 71fb2, Kinsale. : ((Now these are handy little buggers.))
[11-03:55] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[11-03:55] 42a1e, CarahWillow: please work
[11-03:56] 42a1e, CarahWillow: ((Eh, not that great))
[11-03:56] d9729, Wred: I'm 22, and I actually like having grown out of that "woe is me, why live?" phase
[11-03:56] 71fb2, Kinsale. : ((No, but interesting nonetheless.))
[11-03:58] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *raises an eyebrow* Well, I don't know about that..i still don't see a huge point to life, but it doesn't make it unlivable...I never got it tho, Wred why were you so bent on getting drunk all the time?
[11-03:58] 42a1e, CarahWillow: ((my picture i mean)
[11-03:59] EXIT: CarahWillow has left the chat ( 3:58pm, July 11 (CDT) ).
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[11-03:59] 42a1e, CarahWillow: ((checking))
[11-04:00] d9729, Wred: I was lonely, and I let it get to me, still am, but it doesn't get to me anymore
[11-04:01] EXIT: CarahWillow has left the chat ( 3:59pm, July 11 (CDT) ).
[11-04:01] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[11-04:01] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *sighs* Well you never came off to me as the lonely type
[11-04:02] 42a1e, CarahWillow: you seemed pretty much like you wanted to be alone
[11-04:03] 71fb2, Kinsale.: Carah, Wred, good seeing you. Sorry, but I have to run. *nods to each in turn and ducks out*
[11-04:03] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Ah but my memory is worth shit tho...
[11-04:03] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Bye Kinsale
[11-04:03] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *wavies*
[11-04:04] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *sighs and lies down on her couch*
[11-04:04] 42a1e, CarahWillow: So had an adventures since i last saw you?
[11-04:04] d9729, Wred: ~waves after Kinsale~ Well, no, what I really wanted was someone to come and ask why, and not give up when I said I didn't want to talk about it
[11-04:05] d9729, Wred: I've had a few adventures, none to speak of though
[11-04:06] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Oh yeah i remember asking you many times...sometimes i actually got somewhere
[11-04:06] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Really now...^_~ ARE YOU SURE?
[11-04:07] d9729, Wred: Yeah, I'm sure, but its in the past, so lets not dwell on it eh?
[11-04:08] 42a1e, CarahWillow: a sweller
[11-04:08] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *laughs* DWELLER i mean
[11-04:08] EXIT: CarahWillow has left the chat ( 4:08pm, July 11 (CDT) ).
[11-04:09] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[11-04:09] d9729, Wred: What about you, why aren't you thrilled with life? I mean you look great...
[11-04:10] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Healthy you mean? Not really...ive spent a lot of time sitting and moping...gained some weight ^_^
[11-04:11] d9729, Wred: Really? it certainly doesn't look it, and I did mean great
[11-04:12] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *looks back up at the ceiling* To tell you the truth, i really haven't had a good year. It's been pretty lonely. I miss all of my friends. The way things were.
[11-04:13] 42a1e, CarahWillow: I've gone back to my hometown to visit my grandma and it's been pretty depressing...she's pretty sick and I feel like im wasting my life
[11-04:13] d9729, Wred: We all miss the past ~gets up off the floor and sits next to Carah on the couch, facing her~
[11-04:13] 42a1e, CarahWillow: I mean what have i really done with it...*sighs* I feel purposeless...not really hopeless. i'm numb
[11-04:14] 42a1e, CarahWillow: ((i was lying down but we'll pretend i wasnt))
[11-04:14] d9729, Wred: The only wasted life, Carah, is a life that doesn't get lived
[11-04:15] d9729, Wred: (( I said next to, even laying down I'm sure you don't take up the whole couch))
[11-04:15] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *half smiles* I know...I just guess i dont konw what to do with myself
[11-04:16] d9729, Wred: Why did you stop doing what you were doing when I knew you in Windor?
[11-04:17] 42a1e, CarahWillow: I always wanted life to be some huge adventure, and it is at times but every time i am done with some small job i feel like i need to rush to find another to fill the void...*fidgets* Oh jesus nevermind, im babbling
[11-04:17] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *laughs* What was I doing?^_^
[11-04:17] JOIN: me has entered.
[11-04:20] d9729, Wred: Merc work mostly, did it dry up?
[11-04:21] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Well ever since Saria got old and i put her back in the wild, I've felt much lonelier. Most of our friends have obviously moved on after Windor fell.
[11-04:22] d9729, Wred: And Meridian after it
[11-04:22] 42a1e, CarahWillow: The last job i really got was just carrying some stupid magic orb to another town, and its tiring...
[11-04:24] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Yea well i never traveled there as much as i did Windor. I can't believe Guido's restaurant is gone though. That was around for a while. Always a place to go to escape...
[11-04:25] d9729, Wred: Places come and go ~shrugs~ But if you truely want adventure, I could use some help
[11-04:28] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Haha. Well of course i do. I wish it were the old days, fighting bad people out of our town. Laughing and getting crazy and hyper with everyone. Jello pools. *holds her head* God i cant believe i made a jello pool...hehe
[11-04:29] 42a1e, CarahWillow: If you dont mind my asking...where are your parents
[11-04:29] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Do you see them ever
[11-04:29] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Im sorry,ive probably asked before
[11-04:30] d9729, Wred: They... well, last I heard, they were dead
[11-04:31] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *nods* That's what i thought.....have you...ever...tried to find out?
[11-04:32] d9729, Wred: No, I'm not sure I want to know for sure... We had a falling out shortly before I moved to Windor, and that was the last time I spoke to them
[11-04:33] 42a1e, CarahWillow: After my mother died I searched everywhere for my dad. There was still hope until i found the person who killed him. *sighs*
[11-04:33] d9729, Wred: But my home town was burned to the ground, so, I imagine they went with it
[11-04:33] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Oh...well my dad and I never got along very well...
[11-04:34] 42a1e, CarahWillow: *gets wide eyed* Yours TOO? Holy shit....well mine wasn't burned necessarily. It was taken over, but there were alot of houses burned, and my mother was killed by the invaders.
[11-04:35] d9729, Wred: ~stands and extends his hand~ come with me, We'll catch up
[11-04:36] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Oh and im supposed to just follow you to wherever? ~_^
[11-04:37] d9729, Wred: Well, yeah... ~confused~
[11-04:37] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Where? Huh?
[11-04:38] 42a1e, CarahWillow: For all i know you could've changed from a couch-harassing-drunkard to a rapist or even WORSE a theif!
[11-04:40] d9729, Wred: Well... I am a theif... kinda.... but NEVER a rapist, I hunt them
[11-04:40] d9729, Wred: I'm a bounty hunter now
[11-04:40] 42a1e, CarahWillow: I dunno if i can go anywhere with grownups...I dont think this is a wise decision lets just keep mister hand down and set right back down on this here sofa...*awkward silence* OK, bad joke. I KNOW im not funny. Dont remind me *laughs*
[11-04:41] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Why are you a theif
[11-04:42] d9729, Wred: someone steals something from you, I'll get it back, for a small fee
[11-04:43] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Well thats different than being a theif...ur just giving people back what they deserve
[11-04:43] d9729, Wred: thats why I said Kinda
[11-04:45] 42a1e, CarahWillow: ^_~ *gives him a 'duh' look*
[11-04:45] JOIN: Wred has entered.
[11-04:45] 42a1e, CarahWillow: Well i must be getting back to the chickens
[11-04:46] 42a1e, CarahWillow: haha, no really I need some sleep, so i will see you back here for sure then?
[11-04:46] EXIT: Wred has left the chat ( 4:45pm, July 11 (CDT) ).
[11-04:47] 42a1e, CarahWillow: well BYE TO YOU TO MISTER! *laughs and walks out to her house*
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[14-08:07] JOIN: Nyssa has entered.
[14-08:08] 4bf56, Nyssa: hi
[14-22:22] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[14-22:22] a5f78, CarahWillow : *peeks in*
[14-22:32] JOIN: Kinsale. has entered.
[14-22:33] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-22:33] JOIN: CarahWillow has entered.
[14-22:33] a5f78, CarahWillow: Who is the lurker
[14-22:34] 77b41, Kinsale.: *walks in*
[14-22:35] a5f78, CarahWillow: HEY! *hugs* how are you
[14-22:36] a5f78, CarahWillow: *sits on her couch*
[14-22:36] 77b41, Kinsale.: Hey there. I'm alright.
[14-22:36] a5f78, CarahWillow: *looks at her watch*
[14-22:38] a5f78, CarahWillow: Well u certainly seem slow today
[14-22:38] a5f78, CarahWillow: I am fabulous
[14-22:38] a5f78, CarahWillow: Im in the mood to talk a lot but i can see ur not so its guna sucks
[14-22:38] 77b41, Kinsale.: *falls into a chair* Ahh.
[14-22:38] a5f78, CarahWillow: Maybe i should just retire early. Not see any friends today.
[14-22:39] 77b41, Kinsale.: Well, I am a bit slow today, but I don't mind talking.
[14-22:39] a5f78, CarahWillow: what have u been up to then?
[14-22:39] a5f78, CarahWillow: Whats your story
[14-22:40] 77b41, Kinsale.: Oh...My story. *thinks* It's really not much of a story.
[14-22:42] 77b41, Kinsale.: I still hung around Meridian for awhile until the place completly dried up. I've been pretty reclusive since then. Haven't gotten out much, you know.
[14-22:43] a5f78, CarahWillow: what do u do all the time
[14-22:44] 77b41, Kinsale.: *laughs* Oh, as little as possible really. Just been "living off the land" really. Never had much need for a lot of money.
[14-22:46] a5f78, CarahWillow: Doesnt it get extreamly boring?
[14-22:46] a5f78, CarahWillow: I always feel like i need a purpose...something to accomplish
[14-22:46] a5f78, CarahWillow: Like recently i decided to move to im taking all of my furniture and moving it to my new house
[14-22:47] a5f78, CarahWillow: And im going to start a new job
[14-22:47] a5f78, CarahWillow: no more of this mercinary stuf
[14-22:47] 77b41, Kinsale.: I suppose you could say it gets boring. But I've always led a simple life.
[14-22:47] a5f78, CarahWillow: In this small town close by here they have an opening as a vet so im going to take that job
[14-22:47] a5f78, CarahWillow: hah
[14-22:48] 77b41, Kinsale.: Hm. A vet, eh? Well, good luck with that.
[14-22:50] a5f78, CarahWillow: Thanks
[14-22:50] 77b41, Kinsale.: It's a bit of a change from killing for money, isn't it?
[14-22:50] a5f78, CarahWillow: Still looking for that someone tho
[14-22:50] a5f78, CarahWillow: I feel so old
[14-22:50] a5f78, CarahWillow: haha
[14-22:52] 77b41, Kinsale.: I think I stopped looking a long time ago...
[14-22:52] a5f78, CarahWillow: Hmm
[14-22:52] a5f78, CarahWillow: That's sad
[14-22:52] a5f78, CarahWillow: how old are you
[14-22:53] 77b41, Kinsale.: Well, I had a few bad experiences. I say being alone is better. No one can hurt you when you're all by yourself.
[14-22:54] a5f78, CarahWillow: Except yourself....
[14-22:55] 77b41, Kinsale.: *thinks* Jeeze...When was my last birthday? I never really keep track. *thinks* Ah, 28.
[14-22:55] 77b41, Kinsale.: Yes, but I was never really the masochistic type. *laughs*
[14-22:56] a5f78, CarahWillow: Not that way...Ijust feel bad if im alone too long
[14-22:56] a5f78, CarahWillow: Oh well
[14-22:56] a5f78, CarahWillow: It's really past my bedtime
[14-22:56] a5f78, CarahWillow: *laughs*
[14-22:56] a5f78, CarahWillow: Plus im moving in a few days
[14-22:56] a5f78, CarahWillow: but i'll be back tomorrow or the next day
[14-22:57] a5f78, CarahWillow: so be sure to try to stop by or something
[14-22:57] 77b41, Kinsale.: Ah, leaving so soon?
[14-23:00] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-23:00] a5f78, CarahWillow: Yeah
[14-23:00] b4fcd, (Lurker): .........
[14-23:00] a5f78, CarahWillow: Who is this lurker man
[14-23:00] a5f78, CarahWillow: *waves* hello, lurker. *smiles*
[14-23:00] b4fcd, (Lurker): Welcome to R'Leyh folks...
[14-23:01] b4fcd, (Lurker): Lurker man owns this room...**chuckles**
[14-23:01] a5f78, CarahWillow: Hello and who are you
[14-23:01] a5f78, CarahWillow: cool
[14-23:01] a5f78, CarahWillow: hehe
[14-23:01] a5f78, CarahWillow: no one ever comes here except us. it's a very quiet room
[14-23:02] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:01am, July 15 (CDT) ).
[14-23:02] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-23:02] 77b41, Kinsale.: It would seem so.
[14-23:02] b4fcd, (Lurker): Verrrrry quiet....been hoping it would have snazzy rp..*L*...but my reputation precedes me and the Amt is overbearing
[14-23:04] b4fcd, (Lurker): But welcome just the same....somebody has to use it...*L*.. even if I don't
[14-23:05] 77b41, Kinsale.: Well, you're better than some owners of places I've known before. Who never ever make an appearance to their own home.
[14-23:06] a5f78, CarahWillow: Hehe...well ive only been to two RP chats and both have had more traffic than this
[14-23:06] b4fcd, (Lurker): Was going to make an unseen presence typr post for ya...but you seemed OOC...*L*. thought I'd pop in and say a quick hello
[14-23:06] a5f78, CarahWillow: It's too bad really. they can be a lot of fun
[14-23:06] b4fcd, (Lurker): *L*. well it's MY haven...*chuckles* Doesn't matter if it's popular...just needs to be here for when I feel like using it I suppose. No biggy
[14-23:07] a5f78, CarahWillow: Hehe. Well im half in Character half out, but i was full blown before hehe
[14-23:08] 77b41, Kinsale.: There's hardly ever any difference for me, so it doesn't really matter. =P
[14-23:08] a5f78, CarahWillow: yep. im pretty much the same too.
[14-23:09] a5f78, CarahWillow: Well before I was heading off back to my house, so I guess i should keep doing that. Got a lotta packing to do tomorrow ^_~
[14-23:10] b4fcd, (Lurker): Ugh....moving...*shudders**
[14-23:10] 77b41, Kinsale.: Well, you have fun with that Carah. Bye.
[14-23:11] a5f78, CarahWillow: *chuckles* Ill see you later, Kin. Nice meeting you...:Lurkerman
[14-23:14] b4fcd, (Lurker): Night
[14-23:15] 77b41, Kinsale.: I suppose I should be going as well then.
[14-23:16] b4fcd, (Lurker): Have a good one...**slips out**
[14-23:16] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:16am, July 15 (CDT) ).
[14-23:19] a5f78, CarahWillow: *waves and walks out, homewardbound*
[14-23:19] EXIT: CarahWillow has left the chat ( 11:19am, July 15 (CDT) ).
[14-23:28] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-23:40] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-23:49] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-23:49] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:49am, July 15 (CDT) ).
[14-23:51] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[14-23:51] JOIN: Davis has entered.
[14-23:51] 5cce6, Davis : ((bows to all))
[14-23:56] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:51am, July 15 (CDT) ).
[14-23:59] JOIN: Glasscia has entered.
[15-00:01] 78acb, Glasscia: (*giggles in the dark*)
[15-00:02] 5cce6, Davis : *he lays across a large boulder in hte middle of that festering swamp, a smile on his face as he looks up at the stars, he is in his abysmall form, his tail, long and whiplike, swings delicately to his side, massive wings wrapped around hsi body, claws clicking against each other, there is a smile on his face as his almost pure white skin glows in the darkness, tattoos easily seen on his chest and arms*
[15-00:06] JOIN: Tallica has entered.
[15-00:08] 8aedb, Tallica: (( *peers in at Glassica, bounces her brows*))
[15-00:09] 5cce6, Davis : ((*pokes tallica wit a broom* eek cooties!))
[15-00:11] JOIN: Tallica has entered.
[15-00:11] 78acb, Glasscia: (*giggles*)
[15-00:12] 8aedb, Tallica: ((*sneers* sha'll we??))
[15-00:20] EXIT: Glasscia has left the chat ( 12:11pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-00:20] 8aedb, Tallica: (( *waits* *eats the broom* no poke poke...))
[15-00:20] JOIN: Melina has entered.
[15-00:21] 5cce6, Davis : ((*has his broom eaten* acK! i'm defenseless *hides under table* coooties!))
[15-00:21] 8aedb, Tallica: (( *pounders pouncing the unknown person..*))
[15-00:22] 5cce6, Davis : ((*pokes* I hear yer names Sabs.... i dunna rememebr ya but i'm Ivan
[15-00:22] 5cce6, Davis : ))
[15-00:22] 78acb, Melina : *she looks around the outside of where ever the hell she is and wonders why she is there...* *Thinks someone followed her from the St . Shit Catholic school* Ba rum ba bum
[15-00:23] 8aedb, Tallica: (( then im not the only one that doesn't remeber... ello))
[15-00:24] 5cce6, Davis : *his wings shift abit, letting out a massive yawn he turns onto his slide, the night air blowing over his form, he seems to be tired, all his thoughts swirling around in a chaotic mass of confusion, Melina, his daughter seems to be the ever present one,he pondering over and over again as to why she would have run away*
[15-00:25] 78acb, Melina : *her short curly locks are fluffly and shine by the rays of the moon* *Her brown hat...knitted and given to her by one of the teachers...she wears a black corset...trying to make her boobs stick out...and her black pants fit tightly around her buttt and thighs* * her eye make up is thin and black around her eyes making her look a bit psycho*
[15-00:26] 8aedb, Tallica: *wonders along side the swamp, her form shown only as fingure along the fog and mist, dressed in her daily clothing for school, deep green eyes tracing the misty covered swamp, lost track of her friend, could never keep up with her in anything*
[15-00:27] 78acb, Melina : *Her eyes glow dimly like a zombie who wonders mindlessly* *shivers feeling something odd in the air...feels drawn to and kind of stands there in a deep chaotic trance*
[15-00:28] 78acb, Melina : (something*)
[15-00:28] 8aedb, Tallica: *mutters off on the reason Melina would come here anyways... * *crosses her arms tightly the cool air getting to along with this creepy place*
[15-00:29] 8aedb, Tallica: (( getting to her along with blah blah *correction*))
[15-00:29] EXIT: Melina has left the chat ( 12:28pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-00:29] JOIN: Melina has entered.
[15-00:30] 5cce6, Davis : *his pitch black eyes slowly open, standing he cracks his head to the side, bones snapping, it seems as he stirs all wildlife to the swamp starts to move away from him, alligators diving into water and swimming away, birds waking and doing the same , he steps out into the thigh high water, wading through it, his wings folding behind him,*
[15-00:33] 78acb, Melina : *gasps and jolts out of her trance hearing the swamp come to life...ducks down behind some bushes watching this strange creature emerge into the waters...knows Tallica is close by and hopes to grab er before this thing does*
[15-00:33] 8aedb, Tallica: *slowly turns her head toward the swamp, her eyes resting on the thing moving in the water*
[15-00:36] 5cce6, Davis : *he comes into view, seemingly human other than the pair of leathery batlike wings, long black claws, pitch black eyes, and a whiplike tail with a rather large blade at the end, a low snarl set loose as he takes in the first scent, this girl tallica, a nasty smile overcoming his face before he takes in melina's scent, horror overcomming his face, he nearly gasping * m-Melina!
[15-00:36] 78acb, Melina : *quickly grabs Tallica's hand and pulls her down next to her behind the bushes....quickly covers her mouth* shh be dealthy still*her lips tickle Tallica's ear with a whisper* *isnt be very smart with all her special gifts...doesnt quite knoq how to use them all*
[15-00:38] 8aedb, Tallica: *fear raises through out her body growing tense, takes a trembling step back, but falls with Melina as she intercepts*
[15-00:38] 78acb, Melina : *Doesnt dare move even after she hears her name...knows nasty little tricks these things can do* Dont think Tallica *Trys to creep backward motion for Tallica to follow her....seems to have forgotton her blood*
[15-00:40] 8aedb, Tallica: who.. what.. where..?? *can't seem to get a single sentence out, can't help to think, gumbling questons racing through her mind, and she wants her not to think!*
[15-00:40] 5cce6, Davis : *His voice is like a chorus of screams, of pure pain* melina.......Daughter......why have you returned? *a delicate brow is raised, those two not avoiding him for long, in almost an instant he is before his daughter, amassive clawed hand wrapping around her neck, he lifting her up by the scruff* Melina.....don't yyou recognize me?
[15-00:41] 8aedb, Tallica: (( gumbling = jumbling *mutters*))
[15-00:41] 78acb, Melina : (*LOL* yer so funny sabs!)
[15-00:42] 5cce6, Davis : ((*pokes* oh don't you gals worry bout spelling, hell look at my posts *grins*))
[15-00:43] 8aedb, Tallica: *lets out an ear pericing scream as the man just seems to appear in front of them and grasping ahold of her friend*
[15-00:44] 8aedb, Tallica: *doesn't remeber this man at Melina's father... but thats besides the point, crawls away behind a bush to watch*
[15-00:45] 78acb, Melina : *Throws Tallica out of Davis Rampage trying to crumble in pain...but before she can her feet are far above the ground...her eyes closed..just a reflex* *doesnt flinch in his clutch* You? Did you bring me here? *slowly lifts her eye lids to fill her sight with his beautiful face...just stares at him as if it has been decades*
[15-00:47] 5cce6, Davis : Melina.... i cannot belive that you don't remember your father.... *a cruel gril playing on his face, hand going to her skirt, he seems to run his fingers over the fabric, as if pondering* its been so long.....
[15-00:50] 8aedb, Tallica: *screams from behind the bush... as if it would help any* Don't Touch her!!! or ... *grows silient.. or what? your going to thump him to death?... one hell of a night to pick to follow her Tally!*
[15-00:52] 8aedb, Tallica : (( *feels spunky... joins the others with the icon*))
[15-00:53] 78acb, Melina : *Her skin grows warm as her blood boils from the bond she has with him* *she wiggles in his grasp* Daddy...*in a sweet little girl voice* Put me are scareing my kitten!
[15-00:55] 5cce6, Davis : *his grip tightens on her neck* you know i was Worried sick when you ran away.....*his pitch black eyes seem to flare, flashing red a moment before returning to thiier old blackness, his tail swinging about lazily, blade slicing through the air with a small swish sound*
[15-00:59] 78acb, Melina : but daddy diddnt play wif me much...*trys peering over her shoulder hoping mommy luce will appear and speak the voice of reason and get her out of this mess* *whimpers come on daddy...she is just a kid!!
[15-01:04] 8aedb, Tallica : *feels along the ground for something to help Melina with, her small fingers trace along a small pebble, grasps it throwing it over the bushes at davis*.... a great move what was that supposed to do? knock him uncconious?....
[15-01:05] 78acb, Melina : (*giggles @Tallica*)
[15-01:05] 8aedb, Tallica : *mutters of franticely searching for something else*
[15-01:06] 8aedb, Tallica : (( of=off *sticks her tounge out at Melina*))
[15-01:07] 8aedb, Tallica : ((franticly.. sorry had to..))
[15-01:09] 5cce6, Davis : *his claws could tear her limb from limb though they just travel up her thigh, the pads on his fingers resting on her undergarnments* you want to play then? should we also play with your kitten *he slowly sets her down and lets go, wings fluttering abit as he moves over to the bushes that conceal tallica, he rouhly grabbing her by the neck and lifting her up*
[15-01:12] 8aedb, Tallica : *screams franticly kicking at him her nails digging deep into his arm, as she gasp for breat, terror filling her eyes with tears*
[15-01:13] 78acb, Melina : *Closes her eyes...his touch overwhelming all the senses in his body* I was lost daddy *Trys to reach Tallica before he can get a hold of her* Daddy please leave she doesnt know any better *Ducks under his massive arms and leams her chest against his...looking up with big green eyes..looks so innocent*
[15-01:15] 5cce6, Davis : *he smiles lightly, leaning forward he licks her across the cheek* you want a sister? *He asks out of pure curiosity, a small smile on his face as he tightens his grip around Tallica's throat* i think we should all play together....
[15-01:17] 78acb, Melina : *puts her hands on her hip gapsing * No Daddy No!! *drops down and trys to tug on Tallica's legs to help get her loose* Leave her alone!! Where is mommy..Mommmy!!! *Wailing like banchee hopeing to distract him*
[15-01:17] 8aedb, Tallica : *her arms lose their grimp, her whole body seem to grow numb as her oxygen is cut short, gasp for breath once more but fails at the attempt*
[15-01:19] 5cce6, Davis : *he snarls in a fit of rage, nearly crushing tallica's neck in his grasp as he turns to Melina* She was never your mother.......Melina, she was a goddamned bitch thats what she was *He snarls at her, tail jabbing into a nearby tree* so you, don't want a sister?
[15-01:19] 8aedb, Tallica : *is scared to death but can't scream for help, or beg for her life.... wishes she would of stayed at home*
[15-01:21] 8aedb, Tallica : *feels helpless and all together hopeless, the presure on her neck tightening, their voices grow fainter along with their images*
[15-01:22] 78acb, Melina : *shakes and shudders as he yells at her...still trying to pull her friend free* Please daddy..please*A soft sweet whisper escapes her lips...a slight shake in her tone goes hand in hand with the tear that falls down her cheek*
[15-01:24] 5cce6, Davis : *he lets out a low growl, allowing the girl to drop to his side, an arm wrapped around melina's waist* then we'll play, as she watches.... *a lustfull look into his eyes, wings wrapping around her* or should i change into a more human form?
[15-01:25] 5cce6, Davis : ((in not into))
[15-01:26] 78acb, Melina : *shrugs him off and crounches down to her friend...hugs her in a protective manner* Its okay....he isnt going to hurt you now*kisses her chick....thought this was gonna be one of thosenights where they crash the college parties...but nooo* Its okay Tally
[15-01:27] 8aedb, Tallica : *drops the the ground in and out of concious, their voices making little sence her vison of them blurred by tears, inhales the toxic air which she was deprived of roughly slowly getting her sinces back*
[15-01:29] 5cce6, Davis : *he closes his eyes iand in aflash of black energy he is in his human form, stark naked and all handsome like Dave Navarro!, he member, which is by the way hanging free, is slightly larger than the average man's.**he is still tall, naked, and in the muck of the swamp, dirty, a hand wrapping around Melina* Melina....
[15-01:29] 8aedb, Tallica : *her voice cracks as she speaks thrusting her arms around Melina* who
[15-01:29] 8aedb, Tallica : *her voice cracks as she speaks thrusting her arms around Melina* whats going on!!
[15-01:31] 8aedb, Tallica : *her voice cracks as she speaks thrusting her arms around Melina* whats going on!!
[15-01:34] 78acb, Melina : *His ares around her waist pulling her away from her frightened friend...keeps a hold of Tally* no daddy no....she is scared...she saw you!! *starts to freak out....her spsirt turning wild* no!!! *kicks at him*
[15-01:36] 8aedb, Tallica : *refuses to let go of Melina * No please leave her alone sir!
[15-01:36] 8aedb, Tallica : *refuses to let go of Melina * No please leave her alone sir!
[15-01:38] 5cce6, Davis : *he moves over twords tallica, and, placing a hand on her forehead black tendrils of energy seem to seep from his body, all wrapping around her, he slowly starts to erase her memory of him, her mind easily manipulated, hestarts to put in a few false memories, Letting her think that Davis is Melina's father, and what they do is just normal, a smile on his face as he concentrates*
[15-01:40] 8aedb, Tallica : *puts all her strength in hanging to Melina as the man or what ever the hell he is touches her forehead...verything from there on is lost, eyes the man curiously*
[15-01:42] 78acb, Melina : *she is silent and crawls over to Tally and holds her her to try and comforts her* Daddy please leave her *Crys silently* She is my only human...dont touch mer please*Holds on to Tally shuddering in fear of her father* mmmm
[15-01:42] 8aedb, Tallica : *lets go of Melina, so her father can take her up in to his arms, maybe to cure the reason she's crying* whats wrong melina?
[15-01:43] 5cce6, Davis : *He smirks some* tallica, who am i? *he asks plain as day, a brow raised as he looks over to his daughter as if to say "watch". a smile on his face*
[15-01:45] 8aedb, Tallica : uh *smirks thinking the queston stupid and ignorant of him to ask* her father of course.. *rolls her eyes* now whats wrong melina? why are you crying?
[15-01:45] 78acb, Melina : *Sniffles leaning into Tally* hes bad....*looks like a lost little girl whos brain and all sense of sanity has been kidnapped*Stay away from her daddy...stay away *
[15-01:46] 8aedb, Tallica : *sweetly as ever brushes the hair from melinas face* hunny he's your father... why are you acting like this?
[15-01:46] JOIN: Lostrus has entered.
[15-01:47] 78acb, Melina : *pulls back from Tally's should to look at her face...her eyes a starnge puple color...tears rolling down her cheeks* Are you okay now? *her soft fingers smoothe over Tallica's neck.* It hurts
[15-01:47] db7b1, Lostrus: *walking out of shadow..glowering she puts her hands on her hips..looking up at davis*what is it davis
[15-01:47] 8aedb, Tallica : *her lightly colored greens eyes shift softly over to Davis in queston of Melinas actions*
[15-01:48] 78acb, Melina : (*shoulder)
[15-01:48] 5cce6, Davis : ahh melina, daughter... i would like you to mee Lostrus *he nods twords lostrus, standing with a smile, course he is naked that doesn't even seem to bother him* Lostrus, this is my daughter
[15-01:49] 8aedb, Tallica : what hurts? *goes to cock her head but stops with a slight wince* oh that... just alittle
[15-01:49] 5cce6, Davis : ((meet rather))
[15-01:51] db7b1, Lostrus: *she leans a hip on a chair looking incredibly unamused..her full lips pursed..her expression tense*hello davis junior...*she looks up at davis*have you seen my father
[15-01:52] JOIN: Melina has entered.
[15-01:52] 78acb, Melina: (help)
[15-01:53] 8aedb, Tallica : (( help? *yawns and snuggles in a corner* ))
[15-01:56] JOIN: Melina has entered.
[15-01:57] 78acb, Melina: (sorry all)
[15-01:57] 5cce6, Davis : *he lets out a small chuckle, leaning against an old tree* lostrus, if i ever saw your daddy i would no, no i havent *offers a small smile* if i do i shall send you a postcard....*he lets out a small little laugh, his eyes darting to Melina* Melina....come here *his voice commanding as ever, abit inhuman*
[15-01:58] 78acb, Melina : *turns around and glares at Her dad and this stranger....rolls her eyes at nekidnness *puts her arms up as if sheilding Tally from the rather of these monsters* She still sees...she is just a kid daddy!
[15-02:00] 78acb, Melina : No! *throws her nose up in the air and shakes her short bouncey curls around* I thought you would be happy but you still dont care!!! *frowns and puts her arms down at her side...moves over to give Tally some breathing room*
[15-02:01] db7b1, Lostrus : *looks entirely human..short..wearing a black velour track suit..caramel skin..mussed black hair*listen..davis..whatever*she gestures at melina*you're doing here..take care you don't disturb the house...and do calm that child..her hysterics annoy me
[15-02:02] 78acb, Melina : (*L* )
[15-02:03] 5cce6, Davis : *his own left eye seem to twitch, a small grin overcomming his face as he contacts Melina Telepathcially*~Melina! if you don't calm down and be a good girl i will kill that kitten of yours~*he narrows his eyes abit, snapping his fingers*~do this, i'll see that your kitten gets home in one piece~
[15-02:03] 8aedb, Tallica : *slowly gathers to her feet, taking in the atmospher* where the hell am i? i thought you said you were going to a party Meli....nnuuuu urm ...*leans in to whisper into melina's ear* does your father now he's erm nude?
[15-02:06] 8aedb, Tallica : now = know
[15-02:07] 78acb, Melina : *Purks out her lip out and sighs...stars to rise with Tally* Yes...he is just trying to get attention*whispering back to her...rolls her eyes to him* *finally looks as thought she has got it together...dusting off her shirt...looks through her curls* Promise?
[15-02:07] 8aedb, Tallica : he's going to kill your kitten? thats sort of mean!
[15-02:09] 78acb, Melina : Yeah he kills em whenever they bite him*Frowns*
[15-02:10] 5cce6, Davis : *he smiles slightly* Promise sweetie.....*he gestures for her to join him. already working on opening a portal to send them all through the shadowlands, his brows knitted slightly as he multi tasks* Lostrus.... i hear tell that your in love *a cruel smile dancing over his face*
[15-02:11] db7b1, Lostrus : *that was really not the wise thing to say at the moment..with a low feral growl she lashes out with hands and her energy and hits him hard in the face with a roundhouse right..her energy roaring into him like a freight train..her voice loud and harsh*you will not speak of that again davis..lest i skin and devour you and your you understand*as she speaks her energy wraps itself round his neck like angry hands*
[15-02:12] 8aedb, Tallica : oh i see... well then it needs to be punished... don't like kittens anywho... whats he doing...
[15-02:13] 8aedb, Tallica : urm... *steps away from the happenings*
[15-02:13] 78acb, Melina : *Stayes clear of her daddy as the Lady attacks him...doesnt want to get in the middle of it.* uh oh*backs into Tally hopeing they done get grazed by theit demoni fury* DADDY!
[15-02:14] 78acb, Melina : (gives up on spelling)
[15-02:14] 5cce6, Davis : *he pushes her energies away with his own, the abysmall and inferal ones mixing together, punched he falls back a few feet, a nasty bruise on his right eye, he shaking his head several times* speak of what? my dear lostrus.....i have no clue as to what you could possibly be talking about *He spits out a thing of blood, pitch black*
[15-02:16] db7b1, Lostrus : *she growls her glamour fluttering and since she's been in new york..she jumps atop him little hands wrapped around his neck..she absorbs his energy and hisses in his face*shut up davis...i will kill you
[15-02:17] 78acb, Melina : *Doesnt like to see her daddy pushed around...her eyes glaze over with a hateful energy and like a foolish child she jumps on Lostrus' back clawing at her like a wild cat* Leave him alone!!! Leave hime alone!!
[15-02:17] 5cce6, Davis : *he lets out a small sigh, mixed with a small grunt as he falls to the ground* that was a way of me saying i won't speak of it lostrus....*he snarls back at her* would you mind? i have to get my daughter and her friend back to school
[15-02:19] 8aedb, Tallica : *just watchs in amazement, confused as ever. and lost*
[15-02:20] db7b1, Lostrus : *she reaches behind her..her body moving in a seriously nasty unnatural way and she snatches the girl by the scruff of the neck and shakes her*stop it child...i am not amused..*she stands and drops the kid onto her pops..straightening her hair she smiles sweetly*should you see my father..or others of the family..tell them i need to speak to him..*she gives each a sweet lovely smile and turns her back..heading into a swirling mass of nothing*for now i have to go take my dog for a walk
[15-02:22] 5cce6, Davis : *he wraps his arms around melina* stupid girl.....NEVER attack must NOT *He holds his daughter to him, groaning* now, i'll take both of you back to school....
[15-02:22] db7b1, Lostrus : *leaving nothing of herself she steps into the void and is gone..the swirling darkness replaced with the swamp scenery*
[15-02:22] db7b1, Lostrus : ~~~~~~~~Daddy's Girl
[15-02:23] 78acb, Melina : ouff *falls on her dady nekid body...looking up at Lostrus with a deep evil stare...a small growl merges from her throat* You very unhappy lady...*startled by the sudden graps her father takes her into.....cowers to his fury and puts her head down*
[15-02:24] 78acb, Melina : *Leans her head on his chest whimpering* But why daddy? *sneaking a peaks through her bouncey curls*
[15-02:24] 5cce6, Davis : *and in a flash, all three of them are gone , zooming through the shadowlands back to schoo*~goners~
[15-02:25] 8aedb, Tallica : *goes to take a seat, but finds nothing*.. oh hell... *piffers*
[15-02:30] EXIT: Tallica has left the chat ( 2:25pm, July 15 (CDT) ).
[15-02:58] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[15-11:46] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[15-12:02] JOIN: merp has entered.
[15-12:44] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[15-12:47] c2300, (Lurker): hmmm
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[18-08:52] JOIN: Lostrus has entered.
[18-08:52] db7b1, Lostrus: (*test*)
[18-08:53] db7b1, Lostrus: (damn)
[18-08:55] db7b1, Lostrus : *having transported herself here she sits in a far shadowed corner of the cellar..having found the lowest point of the inside of the house..forehead on her knees she murmurs softly to herself..the house around her seems to bend forward the tiniest bit..listening..responding..around her the air grows dense..something gathering from her small form*
[18-08:59] db7b1, Lostrus : *eyes closed she concentrates deeply..feeling for the unique energy of the house..delving into it..her own energy focused and narrow as a blade. looking for what she needs..her actions though born of desperation are is her skilled dissection of the various moods of the house..using just a bit of trickery she seems to meld into the wall an inch..the material around her rippling as if to take her into it's heart*
[18-09:04] db7b1, Lostrus : *basking for a moment in the embrace of the swirling energies of the house she slowly..gently begins to draw some of that into herself. letting it suffuse her..meld with her own unique energy..still murmuring softly she allows herself to sink deeper..letting the house feel her energy..tempting it to take her for it's own*
[18-09:10] db7b1, Lostrus : *her small form obscured somewhat she spreads her arms..embracing the energy flowing into her in a slow sensuous if she herself were of the house..her moment of trickery having done it's job as the house readily gives it's energy to her..washing through her..joyfully tangling with her own..strengthening her the boost she'll need for the coming days*
[18-09:19] db7b1, Lostrus : *lost in the delierium of feeding from the house she moans..less a vocalization than a vibration. her being filled with the glory of feeding from such a source..though she realizes now she must begin to withdraw..remove herself from the buildings sweet clutches..then go to rest for the coming battle*
[18-09:23] db7b1, Lostrus : *slowly extricating herself she forces the house back..denying it's hunger for it only the barest taste. taking offense the house rudely shoves her away..the burst of energy shoving her forward so she falls to the floor on her knees..reeling from the influx of energy. her eyes closed..fists clenched as the prize she holds deep within stirs angrily..seeming to chew with incorporeal teeth at her innards. it's fists battering at her mind. the alien energy of it flailing against her own.*
[18-09:25] db7b1, Lostrus : *dragging herself to her feet she stretches..figuring it would be best to step out of the house before it decides to retaliate..she climbs out a window and heads in the direction of the cemetary. wanting to find the place where she last saw her father here*
[18-09:29] db7b1, Lostrus : *climbing onto a crumbling vault she sits for a few minutes..gathering her strength for the return to the farm..deciding against leaving nothing she instead leaves a trace of energy calling card for her father. whispering as the void takes her*father...
[18-09:30] EXIT: Lostrus has left the chat ( 9:29pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[19-02:40] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-03:00] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-03:00] 5dfe1, (Lurker): hello?
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[20-12:20] JOIN: dark_vampyra has entered.
[20-12:20] 11b22, dark_vampyra: ello peeps!
[20-12:21] 11b22, dark_vampyra: ello!
[20-14:44] JOIN: Leigh has entered.
[20-14:45] 25ee0, Leigh: **her incorporeal presence wanders the empty halls...anything....anybody....her plea echoes into the darkness**
[20-14:49] JOIN: Leigh R'Leyh has entered.
[20-14:50] 25ee0, Leigh R'Leyh: **haunting melody of whispered lullabys sulter from within the walls themselves, falling upon absent ears**
[20-14:51] 25ee0, Leigh R'Leyh: Where have you gone brother dear....where have you gone.....
[20-14:51] 25ee0, Leigh R'Leyh: **the flicker of candlelight betrays her movements*
[20-14:52] 25ee0, Leigh R'Leyh: **the rustle of gauzed curtain moves in her wake**
[20-14:52] 25ee0, Leigh R'Leyh: I am sooooooo cold.....**breathed whisper**.....whyyyyy......
[20-14:53] EXIT: Leigh R'Leyh has left the chat ( 2:52am, July 21 (CDT) ).
[22-01:47] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[22-17:27] JOIN: Venom has entered.
[22-17:28] 995c4, Venom: ?
[22-17:29] 995c4, Venom: -=Takes a glance around, his tounge whipping violently around, drool dripping to the floor=-
[22-17:29] 995c4, Venom: We see nobody is here. -=Shoots a line of webbing out, swinging out of the room.=-
[23-14:02] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[24-11:35] JOIN: ~~B has entered.
[24-11:35] 25ee0, ~~B: webbing? **scratches head**
[24-17:44] JOIN: Catorshay has entered.
[24-17:45] 69f2e, Catorshay: hello?
[24-17:58] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[24-17:59] 69f2e, (Lurker): ....?
[24-17:59] 69f2e, (Lurker): this is not me
[24-17:59] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 5:59am, July 25 (CDT) ).
[24-18:00] JOIN: catorshay has entered.
[24-18:00] 69f2e, catorshay: .......
[24-18:00] EXIT: catorshay has left the chat ( 6:00am, July 25 (CDT) ).
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[26-06:29] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
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[26-06:31] JOIN: Zamil has entered.
[26-06:31] JOIN: Lostrus has entered.
[26-06:32] db7b1, Lostrus: *wandering in the place between realms she sits and curls her knees to her peace for the moment..her hidden 'guest' silent..her mind clear*
[26-06:34] 869a7, Zamil: *he had been following her for some time now, hell if kept him out of his slutty habits, and as he krept along the shadowlands he attempts to mask his presance, , his glamour barely existant in such a realm*
[26-06:35] db7b1, Lostrus: *she turns her head and sighs*what do you want zamil...i am not going to heal you if joe hurt you badly..i don't have the energy*her voice almost listless..her eyes half closed*
[26-06:37] 869a7, Zamil: *he blinks, having forgotten how truley powerfull his mistress was* I thought you were in LA.....mistress....*his magenta eyes seemingly glowing in the shadowlands, like two pretty orbs*
[26-06:38] db7b1, Lostrus: *rubbing taloned fingers across her forehead she nods*yes..i was visiting someone..*her wings twitch and she sighs long and low*i got a bit tired..need to rest here for a bit
[26-06:40] 869a7, Zamil: *he frowns abit, a brow raised as he creeps closer* something wrong, you seem...different *His wings flutter abit as he moves, tail slicing through "air"**he seems totally healed from Joe's beating, though inwardly, he feels violated*
[26-06:43] db7b1, Lostrus: i am fine. simply tired. i did a favor for someone that exhausted me*she looks up at him*why are you still following me zamil
[26-06:44] 869a7, Zamil: I don't have anything to do mistress.....since...i don't feed anymore *he sighs abit, keeping a safe distance, it seesm he knows something is wrong with her, a frown on his face* if your tired.... you can feed off me if you want
[26-06:46] db7b1, Lostrus: *she frowns a bit*but why...why do you follow me like could find another easily...
[26-06:47] 869a7, Zamil: *he blinks a moment, curling up into a ball he wraps his wings around his own body, shuddering abit* your my mistress.... *the anwser is simple, and to a young intellect like his, it explains everything*
[26-06:48] db7b1, Lostrus: *she shakes her head*foolish creature...*she stands and looms over him..looking down soberly*do take care you do not become too attached to me
[26-06:50] 869a7, Zamil: *he backs away from her abit, avoiding eye contact, his own energies tensing considerably as she gets closer* yes mistress.... *he frowns some, as if expecting to be hurt in some way*
[26-06:51] db7b1, Lostrus: *she crouches and runs the very tip of a talon along his jaw..studying his face*you are very scared of me..still
[26-06:55] 869a7, Zamil: *he looks up timidly at her, shuddering abit as her talon traces over his chin, still avoiding eye contact* yes mistress....I am.... *his wings flutter slightly*
[26-06:57] db7b1, Lostrus: *she gives a slow smile..her talon slipping between his lips..gently..though something in her eyes says it might not stay gentle*you're getting smart...are you upset i let joe harm you..instead of doing it myself
[26-06:59] 869a7, Zamil: *he makes no attempt to do anything with that talon so close to his mouth, swallowing hard he shudders again* abit mistress..... *He bites his lower lip, mirror like hair reflecting her own image back at her*
[26-07:02] db7b1, Lostrus: *she nods*tell me the truth zamil...*her talon traces back along his jaw slowly*
[26-07:05] 869a7, Zamil: I was dissapointed mistress.... *he looks up at her, energy swirling, collecting, teasing her own, his head bowed abit, he still avoiding eye contact*
[26-07:06] db7b1, Lostrus: *her energy slaps at his..shoving it away*were you now...was joe too rough with your tender hide..
[26-07:12] 869a7, Zamil: *as his energy is slapped away he whimpers.... looking up at her abit* um... *he doesn't really know how to anwser that*
[26-07:12] db7b1, Lostrus: tell me the truth and*she purses her lips*i will let you feed..
[26-07:15] 869a7, Zamil: *He nods abit, looking pitiful in his half starved state* yes mistress,,,,,he was rough *he yawns deeply, looking up at her again, tail swinging back and forth*
[26-07:16] db7b1, Lostrus: did he hurt you too badly*she moves away from him and crouches..wings moving slowly..her eyes boring into him*
[26-07:18] 869a7, Zamil: not physically, mistress..... *he shudders, that feeling of being controled, violated by anyone other than her making him uneasy, feeling dirty, tails slwoing, wings unwrapping from around his body*
[26-07:19] db7b1, Lostrus: how so*she gestures*stand up zamil..speak to me directly
[26-07:24] 869a7, Zamil: *he stands up, doing as she says, he looks at her directly, wings wrapping around his body again, tail swinging back and forth rapidly, his eyes centered on her*
[26-07:25] db7b1, Lostrus: explain yourself zamil...i am not very patient tonight*she walks a slow circle around him..her energy taunting his hunger..dragging a talon across his skin at random places*speak up
[26-07:27] 869a7, Zamil: I feel violated mistress..... like someone other than you has harmed me...... *he frowns deeply, wings wrapping around him tightly*
[26-07:29] db7b1, Lostrus: don't want him doing that anymore*she smiles inwardly..rather liking the idea of owning him so completely*i see...
[26-07:31] 869a7, Zamil: yes....mistress.... *He feels like there is something wrong with her still, sensing it through that sorta bond all slaves have with thier masters, his claws clicking against each other absentminded like, magenta eyes set on her*
[26-07:34] db7b1, Lostrus: *she stands in front of him and gestures*listen...i am tired go find yourself someone to feed on..and come to me los angeles...
[26-07:36] 869a7, Zamil: *he nods abit, sliding away from her* i'll do that right away mistress.....thankyou *he ducks away from her and vanishes off to go hunt*
[26-07:40] db7b1, Lostrus: *she watches him go and heads slowly back to the bed where her friend hope lies...figuring she might as well sleep the abyss is little more than cold comfort this evening*
[27-12:53] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[29-00:12] JOIN: Eira has entered.
[29-00:12] 1dbfe, Eira: Mistresses and maestros, ain't we all.
[29-00:13] 1dbfe, Eira: Perhaps I have interuppted something I should not have?
[29-00:15] JOIN: Eira has entered.
[29-00:16] 1dbfe, Eira: the hell am I?
[29-00:18] 1dbfe, Eira: DAMN YOU PORN
[29-10:14] JOIN: Dragonfhain has entered.
[29-10:14] eda69, Dragonfhain: Salutations and abhorrations to all
[29-10:15] eda69, Dragonfhain: salutations and abhorrations to all
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[29-13:37] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 1:36am, July 30 (CDT) ).
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[29-21:09] 26111, ruma : hello my preety how the nite air 2nite ???
[29-21:57] EXIT: ruma has left the chat ( 9:13am, July 30 (CDT) ).
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[06-16:19] 45a1c, Shagswing_69: hi faggits
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[08-16:32] JOIN: XxJimmyxX has entered.
[08-16:34] 66a8c, XxJimmyxX: hello
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[12-14:01] JOIN: fallacy of dawn has entered.
[12-14:02] c9248, fallacy of dawn: hello
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[12-14:06] 66a8c, (Lurker): hey
[12-23:00] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[12-23:05] 4a9cf, Saige: (ok. Just here to leave a message... the person knows who it's for... my computer has that stupid worm that they've been having in the papers and what not. I think I'm going to have to take it in. The comp I'm on now doesn't have messengers and I don't have your e-mail addy saved, so e-mail me. Catch ya when I can)
[12-23:19] JOIN: alex j thomis has entered.
[12-23:22] 5b0b3, alex j thomis: *with a flurry of black feathers tiped in an electric blue hue he appears.....his six foot wings spread in a streatch and yawn*
[12-23:27] 5b0b3, alex j thomis: *looks around with a chuckle* welcome home alex......
[12-23:29] 5b0b3, alex j thomis: *walks upstairs to find a room*
[13-01:52] JOIN: alex j thomis has entered.
[13-09:35] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[13-09:35] b83e9, (Lurker): Ha, gereat room fuckers,
[13-09:36] b83e9, (Lurker): CK sucks his daddys dick
[13-09:36] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 9:36pm, August 13 (CDT) ).
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[13-21:35] JOIN: Emily has entered.
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[13-22:36] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:35am, August 14 (CDT) ).
[13-22:42] JOIN: MORGANA has entered.
[13-22:43] ddb34, MORGANA : hello
[13-22:44] ddb34, MORGANA : hello
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[13-22:48] ddb34, MORGANA : hello
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[16-01:22] JOIN: Roses has entered.
[16-01:27] JOIN: Kalan has entered.
[16-01:29] db7b1, Roses: *frowning she's carried into the manse...the big man holding her large and silent..he murmurs something about her being weak and not having shoes on as he carries her up the stairs and towards her carefully hidden rooms..somewhat happy to have returned to this place she touches the wall.whispering*hello again miss leigh
[16-01:34] 006d5, Kalan: *several miles to teh north an old black decommisionned huey helicopter speeds over the bayou, the sound of blades slicing through the air causing animals below to get a little spooked, kalan inside with four bodyguards, along with, of course. the pilot*
[16-01:35] db7b1, Roses: *shooing out the big man she sets about resetting the wards on the urn in the corner...then she undresses and lays in bed...eyes closed..not breathing or moving so as to conserve energy..he was right she is exhausted*
[16-01:40] 006d5, Kalan : *his chopper moves in closer, sound now easily heard as it hovers several feet above the cemetary, blades causing foliage to be pushed down , wind flowing around the machine as several ropes fall from the thing, five of them, Kalan and his guards sliding down them, then, once on the ground the chopper lifts off and flies northward, it easily dissapearing off into the horizon*
[16-01:41] db7b1, Roses : *eyes closed she chants softly under her breath...murmuring the words to some old spell or another..lips barely moving as she tries to put herself into sleep*
[16-01:50] 006d5, Kalan : *the men with him are dressed like special ops. all in black each carries an M-16 assualt rifle, along with berrettas in thier belts. Kalan is dressed in a black beret, silver skull and crossbones on the hat. the trench he wears is black, the kind the ghestapo wore. A pair of combat boots and baggey cammo cargo pants, the shirt he wears is a tight black color, he seems ill, even with the mascera on his eyes and the makeup that covers his face, moving through the cemetary and into the house, guards close to
[16-01:50] 006d5, Kalan : him as he moves into the tavern, looking around abit feverishly*
[16-01:52] db7b1, Roses : *curling up she sighs heavily..sensing the presence of her ghoul..she really too tired to deal with bratty children tonight..but she sends for him anyway..dimming the lights as well so he can't see her face she sits up in bed and whispers..knowing full well he will hear*kalan..come
[16-01:56] 006d5, Kalan : *his head snaps to the side, in her direction, frowning deeply he points to two of his guards and motions for them to stay in the tavern, then, moving with the other two he makes his way up stairs, the scent of roses nearly overpowering for him as he moves, hands shaking slightly as he points for the remaining two guards to stand outside the room, he entering it almost as if in a trance*
[16-01:59] db7b1, Roses : leave the men outside..i don't want them tracking dirt in here*she gestures..a ring on her left hand glinting brightly in the gloom as if lit from within*come sit on the bed kalan...youa re unwell
[16-02:01] 006d5, Kalan : *he looks outside the room, motioning for the guards to join the other two downstairs he frowns deeply, so far not saying a word, he moving over and sitting down on her bed, eyes hard, he taking off his beret and setting it aside for the moment* no shit....
[16-02:02] db7b1, Roses : *leaning back on her pillows she folds her hands in her lap..her face in shadow..voice more rusty than usual*i had business to take care are not my only care kalan...
[16-02:02] JOIN: Jacob Wishlack has entered.
[16-02:03] EXIT: Jacob Wishlack has left the chat ( 2:02pm, August 16 (CDT) ).
[16-02:08] 006d5, Kalan : *he sneers, playing with a few of the rings on his hands he speaks in a rather mean tone* like i give a shit...... my buisness is loosing money because some shithead vigilante is blowing up my meth labs, jesus.... and with whatever the hell you've done to me i haven't been in the best of moods....*he corsses his arms abit, looking over to her*
[16-02:09] db7b1, Roses : *annoyed her arm lashes out and she grabs a fistful of his hair..yanking him across the bed*you spoiled little shit...*shaking him*do you have any idea what i have been dealing with
[16-02:11] 006d5, Kalan : *he winces as she tuggs on his dreads, arm digging into his coat he pulls out his glock, shoving it under her chin, his hand shaking violently, unable to pull the trigger, regardless of what shes doing, he can't do it, eyes narrowed, abit teary*
[16-02:12] db7b1, Roses : *with her other hand she snatches the gun and lets go of his hair..she holds it up and starts bending it in her hands..which given the bony state of her hands seems impossible*i don't like guns
[16-02:14] 006d5, Kalan : *he places a hand on his head, eyes set on his gun, frowning deeply as he cradles his locks, silent for the moment, not really able to do much of anything, he looks her over a moment, smirking* your not looking so hot..... what fall back on your meals?
[16-02:15] db7b1, Roses : *she drops the mangled gun to the floor and lays back..closing her eyes*when one is old as i...certain tasks require you to shed blood..i have not fed since
[16-02:20] 006d5, Kalan : *he lets out a stifled chuckle, smirking some* what? i thought you had drones about that you could just grab and drain at will...*he smirks some more* ya know its funny, your this ancient superior being and you don't have the common sense to kill something to help yourself.... *he reaches a hand into his coat, taking out a pack of ciggerettes he takes one out and puts it in his mouth, searching his coat for a lighter*
[16-02:21] db7b1, Roses : i don' that to my followers*she snatches his smoke and shakes her head*don't smoke in here i don't like the smell..*she frowns at him*killing is not always the best answer..much of the time it causes more problems than it solves
[16-02:25] 006d5, Kalan : thats a load of bullshit *he seems angry at her for taking away his cigg, crossing his arms abit he smiles some* killing idiots who can't pay thier rent, fools who don't respect my authority.... and the bastards who try to rob from me *He clenches his fist, looking somewhat like a zealous man, an overzealous man*
[16-02:27] db7b1, Roses : *she rolls her eyes*be quiet're *she gestures*greed and lack of empathy are making my head you want to see what killing accomplishes..hmmm
[16-02:29] 006d5, Kalan : i don't NEED to see it, rosey, i deal with it every day *he smiles some, geasturing* Alright, i'll stop talking about myself, though *he smirks* i did hear that some of your drones were killed down here in new orleans.....
[16-02:31] db7b1, Roses : do need to see it*she moves like a snake and grabs his head in both hands..letting the images of her panicked followers running..gunfire..women screaming..things exploding..she trickles their fear into him and hisses*you will learn child
[16-02:34] 006d5, Kalan : *he fights it with all he has but its useless, he starts to shake, to tremble in her hands, eyes showing fear, the images doing little to phase him, hes done those things to others before, its the fear that shakes him*
[16-02:35] db7b1, Roses : *she whispers to him*can you hear them scream...can you feel what violence does..*her voice low and rusty as ever she withdraws suddenly*there are..other ways to handle things..*she snorts*stupid humans
[16-02:39] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-02:41] 006d5, Kalan : *he shudders as she lets him go, looking paler than he did before, his frown deepening as he stands abit shakily, snatching up his beret, his insides twisted* fuck this..... i don't need you *a lie, without her he will die, but he refuses to accept that, slowly heading twords the door*
[16-02:41] 50c68, (Lurker): theres life in my room after all ...maybe theres hope yet lol (goes back into the dark from wence he came)
[16-02:42] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:41pm, August 16 (CDT) ).
[16-02:42] db7b1, Roses : (*reaches to pinch what seems to be an AD...night sugar*blows a kiss*)
[16-02:43] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-02:44] db7b1, Roses : *she shrugs*go..but do not call for me when you are breathing your last...i've got much to do in coming months...very important prophecy is coming to fruiition and i cannot be called away
[16-02:44] 50c68, (Lurker): *is and AD lol just don't wanna disrupt rp * night night Oh I'm gonna re open the room completely in a week so tell all your friends lol *gone for real *
[16-02:44] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:44pm, August 16 (CDT) ).
[16-02:47] 006d5, Kalan : *he stops a moment, face scrunching up abit, he thinks a moment, then slowly turns twords her* i'll die without you, won't I? *said simply, his eyes set on her shadowy form, totally ignoring what she sait about her prophecy*
[16-02:47] db7b1, Roses : (*giggles and smacks his bum as he passes*)
[16-02:48] db7b1, Roses : yes..eventually*she shrugs*given your state of health beforehand..i'd say four or five months..six at the most
[16-02:51] 006d5, Kalan : *He grits his teeth, forming a fist he slams it against teh wall, hatred for her pulsing through him, hating to be controlled by anyone, but to be dependant, thats even worse**he turns around slowly, sneering* Fine, so you have your leash around me, what now?
[16-02:53] db7b1, Roses : it was your own didn't want to die*she shrugs again*i'd suggest you behave before i have you caged...try me if you don't think i will
[16-02:57] 006d5, Kalan : *he sneers, returning to her bedside he sits down and crosses his arms, nearly gagging at the overpowering scent of roses around him, he playing with one of his rings nervously, pondering on wiping out her temples systematically, pondering on a way, if any, to break free*
[16-03:01] db7b1, Roses : *she frowns*don't even think about it kalan...i would skin you. *she smiles a bit*i'm not above removing threats the way you do..*she leans over and picks up a small cell phone..tapping af ew keys then murmuring into it*tamiel..yes dear. before we go back to new york will you find me one of those large cages...the kind that are suspendible from the ceiling..thank you*she hangs up*keep itup boy
[16-03:04] 006d5, Kalan : *he sighs, forgetting she can read his mind.... his fist only tightens, nails digging into his palms, a slow trickle of blood flowing from them, caused by his anger* Fine...... *He doesn't say anything else, keeping his thoughts and actions toned down for the moment*
[16-03:06] db7b1, Roses : *she sighs*i should have just killed annoy me kalan...ghouls should not act like that
[16-03:11] 006d5, Kalan : well i'm not used to being controlled, by anyone..... *he looks over to her, wiping his hand off onto his coat* but i value my life even more than my i suppose i'll just have to be your littel bitch boy for awhile *he shudders abit, body shaking again he grits his teeth slightly*
[16-03:13] db7b1, Roses : the problem kalan. you have no one has ever stopped you before and it's pissing you off*she nods..tired now she rolls onto her side her back to him*i am strict...i do not allow such behaviour among anyone close to me
[16-03:18] 006d5, Kalan : you turn them into one of your drones.... *he says nothing more just leans back and wonders what his men are doing, knowing full well they will shoot anyone who messes with them, he checking the watch on his wrist a moment, pondering on if the chopper will be back an hour early, his wincing abit, that need for her digging at him again, causing him pain*
[16-03:19] db7b1, Roses : no..they are not follwoers come from all over..and do as they please as long as they follow my few rules
[16-03:24] 006d5, Kalan : *he says nothing to her, justs sits on her bed in silence, reaching into a coat pocket he takes out a syringe, brows furrowing as he finds it already used he tosses it twords the opposite wall, it sticking into the wood like a dart, hand trembling afterwards*
[16-03:27] db7b1, Roses : that is disgusting kalan*she rubs her temples* are going to have to learn to act like a civilized human being
[16-03:30] 006d5, Kalan : *he looks back at her,holding his shaking hand* so, you did this to me, how do i stay well? *he loooks concerned for once, oh hell no not for her, for himself, he totally ignoring what she just said*
[16-03:35] db7b1, Roses : you will have to be fed every now and then*she frowns*and you will learn to listen to more than what pertains only to you...
[16-03:35] db7b1, Roses : brb
[16-03:35] db7b1, Roses : brb
[16-03:37] 006d5, Kalan : fed? Like as in what? *he looks her over again, pondering on what that could mean, his men downstairs causing some trouble as they drink, a game of russian roulette in the making**looks over at his hands, sighing* whatever it is just fucking give it to me......*he grimaces* please....
[16-03:40] JOIN: Joe O'Riley has entered.
[16-03:43] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley: ((someones in trouble...))
[16-03:44] 006d5, Kalan : ((da, comrade))
[16-03:44] db7b1, Roses : as in you must drink my blood occasionally*she rubs her temples harder..eyes clsoed*it will keep you alive for a very long time
[16-03:46] 006d5, Kalan : *rubs his handover his cut hand, eyes falling on her again* your blood? ......huh.... *he looks down at his hand* so i'll live longer than a normal human then?.....
[16-03:47] db7b1, Roses : yes...i have one who lived to be over a century*she doesn't add that she eventually had to kill hm*
[16-03:51] 006d5, Kalan : lucky him *said in a sarcastic tone, he looking over to her again* will you ever let me be embraced by anyone else....or maybe just give me back my mortality..... *He hates the thought of being dependant, a thing hes not able to live with so far*
[16-03:51] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *a shadowed figure walks down the road, silent as death itself, and black as the very night, its steps fall against the old surface then turn off onto the mansion road... time passes of course, as does all things, and he's in sight of the old mansion.... * great... place feels like a tomb alreadeh....*shakes his head and makes for the main entrance*
[16-03:54] db7b1, Roses : *she frowns..looking up..she speaks aloud*joe...upstairs..*laying back*there is someone you should meet
[16-03:57] 006d5, Kalan : someone i should meet?.....fuck.... *he reaches into his trench, taking out a small walkie talkie he flicks it on, talking to one of his men down in the tavern* yeah....don't kill the next person to walk in...yeah i know.....just fucking do it.... *he flicks the walkie talkie off and shoves it back into his trench, hand holding onto his trench, it shivering violently*
[16-03:59] db7b1, Roses : they won' able to kill him
[16-04:00] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *waltzes right on in, looking around a bit as he adjusts his black trenchcoat... then runs a hand over his slicked back hair (tied into a pony tail in the back) and walks up the staircase, drawn towards Roses...a moment later, he stops at her door, knocking*
[16-04:02] db7b1, Roses : come in please joe..
[16-04:03] 006d5, Kalan : *he looks up twords the entryway, eyes narrowed at whoever it is, he doesn't care, hes too pissed, and ill to care*
[16-04:05] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *which of course, he does, the door slowly swings open as he walks in, trench flowing all around him movie-star style...he levels his gaze on Roses immediatly, giving her a deep, respectfull nod... its all about the show tonight, aint it ?... then he looks at Kalan... slowly flashing the poor boy a smile that shows off his set of overlong fangs*
[16-04:07] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : ((*slaps icon while he's at it*))
[16-04:10] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-04:12] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 4:10pm, August 16 (CDT) ).
[16-04:12] 006d5, Kalan : *he sneers at the man, fucking leeches, all they have is intimidation,....**he looks over to roses, then back to joe, he looking more military commander like compared to joe, and he likes that* so what the fuck are you supposed to be?
[16-04:14] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *he wants to look all military ay ? pish.... he just continues to smile at the boy as he moves around the room a bit, eventually leaning against the wall, facing Kalan of course*... ye ever 'ear of th' IRA, boy ? *clasping his hands infront of him as he speaks, letting the smile fade into something grim...very grim*
[16-04:16] 006d5, Kalan : fucking hell, look your intimidation bullshit isn't going to work, okay? hell your doing it all wrong.... *he stands, brushing his gestapo style trench off, adjusting his beret a moment he heads twords the doorway* i don't have time to fuck with you
[16-04:18] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : An' ye'll jus' 'ave tae learn some manners....*and then..within the blink of an eye, dear Joe is standing infront of the doorway, arms crossed over his chest... a cold glare in his eyes* Ah ask'ed ye a question boy.... an' ah expect it answered..
[16-04:21] 006d5, Kalan : look.....i have a chopper coming in like, ten minutes.... *he reaches into his pocket, pulling out that walkie talkie he flicks it on* yeah, theres someone here whose bothering me, know what to do *he flicks the thing off and adjusts his beret, then, behind Joe the muzzle of an M-16 is pressed against his back, a husky voice ringing into the irish man's ear* move outta Mr. Kalans way.....
[16-04:25] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *hell... the second that muzzle even gets within a quarter inch of his coat, Joe's in action, using a combo of preturnatural(sp?) speed and strength to rip the weapon out of the soldiers hands, spinning the butt of it up to impact hard against said soldiers nose.. probably hard enough to break it.. or worse... then flip the gun around to have it pointing at Kalan's own chest, this taking place within the space of a second*
[16-04:25] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : ((if i step o'er my bounds, emme know... i'm still 3/4 drunk))
[16-04:25] 006d5, Kalan : ((ahh only 3/4, least yer 1/4 sober))
[16-04:26] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : (( that 1/4 of me is Irish.... so not quite.))
[16-04:29] 006d5, Kalan : *he narrows his eyes, another bodyguard coming through the opening, pointing his gun at joe kalan raises his hand* you fucking idiot, hold your goddamned fire, hes got me at gunpoint *said with the oh so slightest sense of anger* tell the other two to pull back to the rendevous point..... and if i don't come out of this totally unscathed.... then send the order to have Roses' temple burned to the ground *as the drug lord of New York, you have enough firepower and manpower to do much anything*
[16-04:32] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *cant help but laugh at Kalans orders*.... ye think ah care if her temples are burned down ? I've got no feelin's far her religion... i'm an Athiest... now ...answer me question an ah might let ye go ...
[16-04:34] 006d5, Kalan : she won't be happy at either of us, if her temple is burned down *he nods twords the man and he dissapears, dragging the man with the broken nose with him, Kalan sighs and crosses his arms* thats the immigration bearou, right?
[16-04:36] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : 'ats INS ya twat....*shakes his head... damn kids..dont know anythin'*... go learn yar history boy... then watch th' BBC fer a while... then come back 'ere an ah might teach ye a lesson....
[16-04:38] 006d5, Kalan : Hey fuck you pal, just cuz i don't know a goddamn irish terrorist group... or irish army, or some other shit like that, doesn't mean you have any right to call me boy *
[16-04:39] JOIN: Violet has entered.
[16-04:40] ab32a, Violet : *makes her way quickly into the building shivering as she rubs her arm that closes the door*hello..anyone home*voice shaky hoping the residents will let her stay long enough to warm up
[16-04:40] ab32a, Violet : ((hi all))
[16-04:41] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : Now yar gettin th' picture.... the Irish Republican Army.... ah made it m'self... 80 years ago... *small lie..but close to the truth*... which mean's ah know 'ow tae use one of these beauts...*meaning the gun*.... yar goin' tae be spendin taime 'roud me boy.... go learn who yar dealin with....*steps to the side, lowering the weapon*.. an ah'm keepin th' gun....
[16-04:44] 006d5, Kalan : keep the piece of shit, i'm getting state of the art prototype assualt rifles that the US army is testing..... *he pushes by the man and moves off into the hall, making his way outta the house he joins his men as they wait for the old decommisoned huey to hover overhead, when it does arrive, he climbs into it with his men and speeds off into the horizon*
[16-04:46] ab32a, Violet : *watches a man walk past in what seems to be a bad temper*hmm maybe ide be better finding somewere else*looks outside at the swamp she just got out of..frowns lightly*
[16-04:48] 1ece6, Joe O'Riley : *shakes his head as the boy leaves.... much to learn... he has... yes...looks down at the m-16, shrugs and tosses it over his sholder, holding it by the shoulder strap of course...then heads down to his room...perfectly aware that thres someone downstairs...but its not his he heads towards a vacant room...and claims it his own* ((sorry chica.. but i'm goin tae bed too))
[16-04:48] ab32a, Violet : ((ohh probs))
[16-04:51] ab32a, Violet : *doesnt think anyone else is around and sits at the door and snoozes till the owner shows up...would rather pay the price of him or her not wanting her here rather than going back out into the swamp*(sweet dreams and stuff)
[16-05:01] ab32a, Violet : (any lurkers in here?)
[16-05:14] ab32a, Violet : *takes in her surroundings with a deep sigh feeling ever so slightly better though still extremly cold(guess will play with self then*pout*)
[16-05:21] ab32a, Violet : *stands aventually feeling very uneasy about walking around someones place without them knowing...finds the kitchen eventually and manages to make herself a coffee without her usual 3 sugars...frowns at the taste*
[16-05:28] ab32a, Violet : *sips at the coffee as she looks around wondering why its so quiet for such a large place*
[16-05:42] ab32a, Violet : ((ok either the chat the who is in room and who is watching is broken or there are lurkers around?)
[16-05:50] ab32a, Violet : ((ohh well im offsky if anyone wants to roleplay in here with me my aim is vampLizzyBathory and msn is i doubt anyone is on at this time*frown*)
[16-05:50] ab32a, Violet : (*gone*)
[16-05:50] EXIT: Violet has left the chat ( 5:50pm, August 16 (CDT) ).
[16-09:10] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
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[16-12:10] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 12:09am, August 17 (CDT) ).
[16-15:54] JOIN: Dark Angel 002 has entered.
[16-15:54] 95bb5, Dark Angel 002: Hello everyone
[16-15:56] 95bb5, Dark Angel 002: Any one still here?
[16-15:56] 95bb5, Dark Angel 002: Hello everyone
[16-15:57] 95bb5, Dark Angel 002: Am I the only one here?
[16-15:58] 95bb5, Dark Angel 002: ?
[16-16:12] JOIN: liz has entered.
[16-16:12] ab32a, liz: hi dark angel
[16-16:15] ab32a, liz: damn i was to late
[16-16:19] ab32a, liz: *pouts*
[16-16:29] JOIN: ~~B has entered.
[16-16:29] 589a8, ~~B: Boo
[16-21:30] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-21:30] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-22:02] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-22:02] ab32a, (Lurker): (any lurkers?)
[17-03:03] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[18-12:45] JOIN: liz has entered.
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[18-15:33] JOIN: mad. has entered.
[18-15:34] 8cf51, mad.: mjau
[18-16:21] JOIN: liz has entered.
[18-16:21] ab32a, liz: (anyone here?)
[18-16:24] ab32a, liz: (frowns and leaves)
[18-16:24] EXIT: liz has left the chat ( 4:24am, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-13:53] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-22:10] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-22:10] d9ed7, (Lurker): THREE DAYS TILL OFFICIAL REOPEN
[19-22:10] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:10am, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-00:12] JOIN: LadyR has entered.
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[20-13:07] JOIN: liz has entered.
[20-13:07] ab32a, liz: hewo
[20-13:10] EXIT: liz has left the chat ( 1:07am, August 21 (CDT) ).
[20-14:04] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-14:04] d9ed7, (Lurker): TWO DAYS TILL OFFICIAL REOPEN
[20-14:04] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:04am, August 21 (CDT) ).
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[20-21:05] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 9:05am, August 21 (CDT) ).
[20-21:09] JOIN: ~~B has entered.
[20-21:10] 589a8, ~~B: What re-Open?? **looks about....sways to the sound of the crickets**
[20-22:17] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-22:20] JOIN: Sabs has entered.
[20-22:21] d9ed7, (Lurker): Yes B Re-open in two days
[20-22:22] EXIT: Sabs has left the chat ( 10:20am, August 21 (CDT) ).
[20-22:42] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-22:42] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:42am, August 21 (CDT) ).
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[21-10:46] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:46pm, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-13:29] JOIN: Pesence In THe House has entered.
[21-13:30] 589a8, Pesence In THe House: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....**breathless whisper seeps from the walls themselves**
[21-13:31] EXIT: Pesence In THe House has left the chat ( 1:30am, August 22 (CDT) ).
[21-13:33] JOIN: Presence In The House has entered.
[21-13:33] 589a8, Presence In The House: I feeeeeeeeeeeel you......whoooooooooooo....
[21-13:33] 589a8, Presence In The House: **lights down dimmed murky hallways flicker as though almost turning on and then loosing the juice**
[21-13:36] 589a8, Presence In The House: **keening heartwrench**. where did you goooo.....pleeeaaasseeeeee
[21-13:38] 589a8, Presence In The House: **sounds of lighted footsteps pounding away, their depth disappearing into the monotonous silence that has overtaken the Mansion**
[21-13:38] EXIT: Presence In The House has left the chat ( 1:38am, August 22 (CDT) ).
[21-20:51] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-20:53] d9ed7, (Lurker): REOPEN TOMORROW NIGHT
[21-21:04] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-21:04] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 9:04am, August 22 (CDT) ).
[21-21:05] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[22-10:50] JOIN: A single small raven.. has entered.
[22-10:52] 2995e, A single small raven..: *from a point far away from this house she flies..wheeling through early morning gray skies..past the rains..and finally she lights in a mangrove tree outside..staring at the house..head cocked as she watches it..the small sentinal fluffs her feathers and glides closer..wings outspread she lands on the sill of an open window..calling once..a warning perhaps in case anyone stands within*
[22-10:54] 2995e, A single small raven..: *hopping along she trots down an empty hallway..pausing every now and then to squawk..she pecks at the wall in greeting..inwardly smiling at the familiar presence of the house..and another..hopping forward her senses reach..stretching to touch the like housed in this place..she calls again..loud..desperate perhaps*
[22-10:57] 2995e, A single small raven..: *her calling increases..both in pitch and rapidity until the halls ring with it..behind those calls comes a wave of pain..anger..hurt. still the child her tempre flares and around the small creature the house seems to bend if it cowers with the memory of this ones anger..taking flight again she moves further upstairs..passing a place in the wall behind which she is positive is a door..though she takes no time to greet the ancient ensconced there..she merely searches*
[22-11:01] 2995e, A single small raven..: *finding nothing she flies out of the window she came in through..leaving a trail of palpable energy to those who might feel it..a small legacy of her hurt and exhaustion..once outside she circles the house a few times before winging west..knowing full well she will return soon to be with him..and perhaps to find a true home*
[22-11:02] 2995e, A single small raven..: ~~~~~Daddy's..Girl
[22-20:39] JOIN: Emily has entered.
[22-21:51] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[22-21:54] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *walks down the gravel drive having dismissed his guardians the cain in his right hand tapping the ground gently as he starts toward the large marble steps of R'leyh manner *
[22-21:56] JOIN: Violet has entered.
[22-21:57] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *raises a black gloved left hand and adjusts the shades over his eyes as he makes his way up the steps to the main doors his cain leading the way *
[22-21:58] ab32a, Violet : *is sittong on the steps enjoying the cool breeze*
[22-22:00] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *his head tilts as he notices a presence on the steps * Good evening
[22-22:01] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *his voice soft as unfamilar to these parts his head ringing with the feelings and presence of the Plantation ..all these things echoing within his mind *
[22-22:01] ab32a, Violet : *looks up with a surprised smile*emm hi
[22-22:05] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Unless your happy out here I believe the inside is much nicer *offers a small smile as his hand reachs out and grips the door handle and opens the door* *his mind rushing within pleasure and pain as the manner cries to be brought back to life *
[22-22:07] ab32a, Violet : *stands*well I wasnt sure see I didnt know who owned it and well..
[22-22:10] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *steps in his head tilts as he listens to her words* well now your question is answered *chuckles a little as he continues in the presence of the mannor , the plantation intoxicating and vile to him all at once *
[22-22:11] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (brb)
[22-22:12] ab32a, Violet : *follows him slowly*ohh hi em im violet
[22-22:19] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Well your open ... I'm here ... dunno why but I am
[22-22:20] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Night to meet you Violet I'm Randal ...Randal Mcalister
[22-22:22] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: night- night
[22-22:23] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: night-nice
[22-22:24] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( DAMN gotta Go will Carry on with tomorrow night ))
[23-08:44] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[23-10:59] JOIN: dark_soul_goth has entered.
[23-10:59] aace6, dark_soul_goth : hello
[23-14:05] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[23-14:05] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:05am, August 24 (CDT) ).
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[23-21:27] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[23-21:54] EXIT: Randal Mcalister has left the chat ( 9:27am, August 24 (CDT) ).
[23-22:34] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[23-22:36] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[23-22:39] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *stands in the main room of the mannor his body drawn tight with the feeling of the air all around him his mind dark and clouded *
[23-22:40] 75669, Saige: *arrives late at night in a taxi. The backassward fuck of a driver doesn't even get her bags out, but he was kind enough to pop the trunk. She tosses him a lousy tip before she pulls her small suitcase from the trunk. After slamming the trunk lid down hard, she flips him off as he drives away*
[23-22:43] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *glances back over his shoulder at the noise although he can't see the mannor and the plantation tying itself to his being he notes the arrival the main doors open seeing as he didn't cloths them the lights in the mannor arn't on yet seeing as he doesn't need them *
[23-22:47] 75669, Saige: *doesn't struggle in the slightest with her suitcase, it was just rude. She is a snob after all. Her boots make nice noises on the stairs, then walks through the main doors. She's quiet otherwise, not really sure who's in this house to wake up*
[23-22:53] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *a small smile crosses his face as he turns to face her the sound of her boots unmistakable * You came ... *his voice carring a hint of happiness*
[23-22:55] 75669, Saige: *sets her suitcase down just out of the way of the door* Of course I did. *the faint brushing sound of leather on leather from her jacket as she shrugs* Didn't have anything better to do.
[23-22:57] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *grins a little * you minde hitting the light switch over there on the side of the door *motions with a hand knows she has no problem seeing in the dark*
[23-22:57] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: You have any problems with your travel?
[23-22:57] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: o*sounds genuinely concerned *
[23-23:00] 75669, Saige: *reaches out and flicks it on* Just buying enough groceries to convince my brother to stay in my place and babysit *seems much more amused by this than angry* No, it was fine. They overbooked, so I had to take a later flight than I'd expected.
[23-23:04] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Damn ....sorry about that ..if i'd had known I had one before i bought the ticket ...I'd have sent my own plane to get you *the large light fixture above the room comes on illuminating the entire front room ..the rest of the lights around the mannor seem to respond as come on as well the mannor begining to come to life once agian *
[23-23:05] 75669, Saige: Well, if you'd have told me you were leaving, I would have told you that I couldn't bring him.
[23-23:05] 75669, Saige: (misread that... undo)
[23-23:06] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ((ok))
[23-23:10] 75669, Saige: *walks up to him, pulling the extra ticked out of her pocket. She gently runs the corner of it over his cheek* How about next time, you just tell me you're leaving so I don't have to chase after you.
[23-23:13] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *grins a little as he faces her * Well i had to see exactly what i meant to you after all ... I feel kinda special that you trecked all the way down here to see little ole me ...
[23-23:15] 75669, Saige: Mmm *tucks the ticket into the first available pocket* Well, you'll feel very special after you get the grocery bill.
[23-23:18] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles as he grabs her rather swiftly and pulls her close as if he's going to kiss her * Oh I think I can handle that ... of maybe you'd like me to work it off ... *the energy surrounding him reaching out to her as she comes into contact with his body *
[23-23:20] 75669, Saige: Ha! *slides her hands up and places them on his chest. She pushes him away slightly, but not with any real intention of being let go* You wish. I'm still pissed at you for not telling me before you left
[23-23:26] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *holds her there a puppy dog look ((no other way to explain it )) plays across his face * well i didn't know i had to come either but something told me and you were sleeping and I knew you had things to take care off forgive me ?
[23-23:30] 75669, Saige: Obviously, you twit. I'm here, aren't I? Like I'd waste my time and effort to come all the way down here to lay you flat. I'd just wait for you to come back *her hands slide up his chest and around his shoulders in a gentle hug* Well next time, wake me up so I can talk you out of leaving.
[23-23:33] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *smiles* I never know with you ... *his arms wrapping tighter around her as he holds her * I'll do that ... so you give anymore thought to coming here? you can bring your brother and his family if you like its a big place a whole lotta room
[23-23:36] 75669, Saige: My brother is an adult. He has his own life. Are you so sure that you want this, though? Do you understand that you're taking on more than just me, here?
[23-23:39] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Saige ...I know you have Ethan ...I know I Lo..*pauses * i know I want to be with his mother and I can't be with his mother if I don't accept him no can I ? Your a devoted mother and I want to be there for you both *puts a little more meaning on the last word*
[23-23:43] 75669, Saige: *how can she help but smile a little* He's a lot of work and I'm lucky because he's a good kid. If he'd been a little fucker like my sister, Kaelyn, I don't know what I'd do. *her arms wrap a little tighter around him* I also know that I'd love being here with you.
[23-23:45] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *smiles a little as he leans down and kisses her softly *
[23-23:46] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Well I'd love to have the both of you here with me ... and a plus'd be away from them ...
[23-23:46] 75669, Saige: *her lips are soft except for little patches where she's chewed them raw... nerves from this and that* Yes, I would be, but 'they' are all I know.
[23-23:49] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: mmmmmm ....... yeah they are all you know but ....look at how much you like them .. *chuckles a little remembering all her cheerful greetings to them * And besides Ethan can grow up away from all that mess
[23-23:52] 75669, Saige: I would rather him lay and bed at night and tell himself that his family doesn't see him because of distance, not because they live a block away and just don't bother. *yeah. it still bugs her* I don't like anybody. Nothing personal against the bastards.
[23-23:55] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* well I seem to have a hold on you ... dunno how or why but I do ... and yeah not to mention I have all these resources now .. i can provide well for the both of you
[23-23:57] 75669, Saige: Oh whatever. I could provide for you, me, Ethan, and half of New England for the rest of our lives. I just brought up the finances crap so I would have something to talk to you about.
[23-23:58] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* So now it all comes out ... *raises a black glove covered left hand and adjusts his shades*
[23-23:59] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: well seems we're both well off ... *smiles*
[24-00:00] 75669, Saige: Oh, I'm full of secrets... *tilts her head slightly so that her cheek rubs against his gloved hand* Just like you are.
[24-00:02] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *as he cheek comes in contact with the glove a surge or energy can be felt within his hand doesn't harm her in anyway but it makes itself felt as he notices her touching his hand he pulls it back down swiftly * Yeah ... well ...I have a few .. *smiles* and i knew you did too
[24-00:04] 75669, Saige: Well, I guess I'll trust you when you trust me. *she's beginning to feel less and less comfortable with this whole... glove thing* So do I get room service or something around here?
[24-00:07] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *tilts his head* well its kinda odd from what i gather all the servants of the mannor were murdered and their spirits are bound to the plantation so things tend to get done around here *nods slowly* I'm not comfortable with this but not much i can do about it kinda freaks me out but I heard worse in Boston
[24-00:09] 75669, Saige: *lowers her head... if only he could see the 'are you kidding me' look that he's getting* And you want me to bring up my son here?
[24-00:12] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *smiles* its not as bad as it sounds really ... the mannor carries a life of its own and it needs me *shrugs* soooo basically whatever I say goes
[24-00:14] 75669, Saige: ugh. I don't know if I like that or not *plants a few light kisses down his neck*
[24-00:19] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Nothing will happen to you or ethan here ....I'm sure of that ...*sounds really certian of the fact* but i won't push it *smiles his hands running down her back to her hips *
[24-00:21] 75669, Saige: I already said we were coming, you stubborn ass *term of endearment, of course* But I want to bring all those damned herbs I bought and had shipped from all over the world.
[24-00:25] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *smiles his face seems to light up * great great ... uh I don't see no problem with that what ever you want ... *is being really agreeable now*
[24-00:26] 75669, Saige: mmmhmm... *eyes him suspiciously* Judging from your hard on, there... I'd imagine not.
[24-00:29] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* it's not hard yet
[24-00:30] 75669, Saige: Great. Then you'll have no problem showing me to my room... and as I'm undoubtedly the gues of honor, you can carry my suitcase. I packed light. I can only stay for a couple days.
[24-00:32] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[24-00:33] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* well I can show to your room or you can could come to mind as for the suit case i believe I can get that
[24-00:35] 75669, Saige: *frowns. Even though he can't see her face, she doesn't bother to hide her disappointment with the flatness of her voice* You mean you were really going to put me in a room by myself?
[24-00:37] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* Ofcourse not ... you twit ... *grins really big* I had to get you back for the carring your suit case comment
[24-00:39] 75669, Saige: Well I was serious. I'm a fucking lady, you know. *wraps her arms around him tight, then springs up to wraps her legs around his waist* Forget the suitcase. I passed my test coming down here. Now let's see if you can finish the job and take me to bed.
[24-00:42] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Oh I can do that ...I can definately do that ... *takes her up the stairs to the main room *
[24-00:44] 75669, Saige: *and that is that*
[24-00:45] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *gone*
[24-05:44] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[24-05:44] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 5:44pm, August 24 (CDT) ).
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[26-20:48] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 8:48am, August 27 (CDT) ).
[28-00:57] JOIN: Diz has entered.
[28-06:50] JOIN: Razor has entered.
[28-06:51] 6ee02, Razor : hello??
[28-11:24] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[28-11:25] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:24pm, August 28 (CDT) ).
[28-20:32] JOIN: ShadowDemon has entered.
[28-20:34] 6eb5f, ShadowDemon: *appears walking slowly head hund* he wears a pair of black slightly baggy pants held up by a rope and a red T torn...*and a demonic blade on back with a small dagger on side* a strand of his short jet black hair falls over one of his ice fire blue eyes as he glances upward
[28-22:26] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[30-22:32] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[30-22:32] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:32am, August 31 (CDT) ).
[30-23:33] JOIN: Death has entered.
[31-13:42] JOIN: One Small Raven has entered.
[31-13:44] 7c247, One Small Raven : *the small ragged bird sits alone..her flock left far behind in an old tree..feathers fluffed for warmth..head cocked as she watches the house..once her home..and now what? a shell of a thing perhaps. as she has no true home..she gives a small mournful cry and takes flight..circling high above the stately old place. wheeling on updrafts until she tucks her wings in and dives..screaming into the searing sunlight*
[31-13:48] 7c247, One Small Raven : *aiming herself at the glitter of a high window she passes through the glass with a shriek..sending glittering shards of glass everywhere..once inside she perches on a table and shakes herself..carefully plucking debris from her feathers..calm as if she hadn't just plummetted like a bullet..with the intention of hurting the house*
[31-13:50] 7c247, One Small Raven : *stretching out her wings she glides to the floor and hops down the hallway..pausing every now and then..head moving in that singularly jerky raven motion..she pecks at the wall..floor board..snags a loop of carpet in her beak and yanks..perhaps out of long pent up anger..or frustration at her current situation..perhaps both..though she is intent on working out this anger*
[31-13:54] 7c247, One Small Raven : *unable to do much damage to the carpet she takes wing once more..heading the vulnerable tavern..yes..a more fitting place to do a bit of something to make her feel better..though another thought occurs to her..riding on the energy of the house as it strokes her own..a bit if it misses it's little one..the child it brought into the earthly realm itself*
[31-13:59] 7c247, One Small Raven : *from above comes the noise of the rest of her flock..they come to her silent call..she will do whats necessary to survive the coming days..perhaps even return here..with her makeshift family in tow..though perhaps not. this place is dangerous. lighting on the bar she looks around..pecking the shining hardwood..determined to mar it's gleaming surface*
[31-14:05] 7c247, One Small Raven : *as the others flood into the room she takes wing..disappearing into the group in the deep shadows..a final flurry of wings and raucous cries and she steps out of the shadows whole*
[31-14:05] NICK: One Small Raven changed nick to Lostrus.
[31-14:07] 7c247, Lostrus : *big black eyes steely she walks slowly around the room. fingertips trailing over furniture..various things bringing a tiny smile to her full lips..she mutters*this fucking house. a shell.*shaking her head she sits herself at the bar and picks at the dent in the wood made a moment ago..with each ticking of her fingernail her anger grows..her hurt surfaces black and oily*
[31-14:11] 7c247, Lostrus : *looking around she loses herself momentarily in memory..a vision playing in her mind..the woman. red haired.the one that should have been her mother. to have had such a mother. perhaps then she wouldn't be where she is now. the anger roils just beneath the surface and the old house shudders..sighing as if in readiness for the unrelenting onslaught of the childs temper*
[31-14:13] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[31-14:13] 589a8, (Lurker): ..
[31-14:13] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:13am, September 01 (CDT) ).
[31-14:14] JOIN: Unseen Presence has entered.
[31-14:15] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **is drawn from it's hiatus and silence by the waves of great emotion permeating within the house. The emotion seemingly bringing life back to silence**
[31-14:16] 7c247, Lostrus : *laying her head on the cool wood of the bar her fingernails rake four rather deep furrows into much confusion. so many emotions. it's really becomming too much. maybe she should go. return to the abyss where she was spawned and not return. so much simpler. no speaking, no lovers no nothing. the simple quiet dark of finding lesser beings, taking from them what is needed and leaving the corpses to rot*
[31-14:17] 589a8, Unseen Presence: *a sigh is echoed off abandoned hallways and empty rooms, rolling down the stairs almost like a malleable force**
[31-14:19] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **draws more energy as it unfurls itself from its slumbering ways, lights flicker overhead on chained chandeliers and sconced entries**
[31-14:19] 7c247, Lostrus : *her back stiffens suddenly and she sits up..those big black eyes scouring the dark for the source of the strange energy she can all but taste. something to kill? somethig to take her frustration out on..but that would be too good wouldn't it. she looks up and murmurs*mr. renfeld
[31-14:20] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **Her answered reply an echo of a triage of voices, all decidedly feminine**....nooooo
[31-14:21] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns..well this is different ain't it*who is it*partly fearing the house itself has found voice and will punish her for an old violation*
[31-14:25] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **ooohhh she is right...the house does have a voice...but she is just one of many, living her own tortured holdings within it's confines, also paying for all her physical sins** You came backkkkk
[31-14:26] 589a8, Unseen Presence: Stayyyyyyyy.... **a soft breeze perfumed with peaceful feelings brush over the little figure, enticing, yearning..**
[31-14:26] 7c247, Lostrus : for now*suspicious she bottles up her energy tight..not letting it leak out..or please no find something dark to latch onto..that new hunger*who are you..*frustration playing around the edge of her tone*
[31-14:27] 589a8, Unseen Presence: It's meeeeee.....have always been with you herreeee....
[31-14:28] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns harder..and being her fathers daughter bristles at the unwanted contact..her energy lashes out..she climbs atop the bar..crouching..her glamour rippling a little bit..she bites her lower lip and whispers*pearl..*knowing full well it isn't she but..might as well ask*
[31-14:38] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **soft peel of laughter seeps out from the walls themsleves**
[31-14:39] 7c247, Lostrus : *low in her throat she growls..the sound liquid almost..feral. not at all right coming from her lovely face..anger bubbles up and she snarls at those very walls*who are you
[31-14:41] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **a shadowed form attempts to materialize, not getting much farther tham a solid dark outline....then it seeps away into the nothing-ness whence it came**unable to solify from years of solidtude and no energies to feed off, she can't become physical...just yet**
[31-14:42] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **a voice clear as a bell is lightly delivered to her right ear*. Don't be afraid
[31-14:43] 7c247, Lostrus : *the whites of her eyes bleed out slowly to a gleaming avian black and she turns..that lush little body twisting unnaturally and her fist lashes out..she scoots away from the voice*fuck you..who are you*her ire just getting started..the glamour fading just a bit..tattering around the edges*
[31-14:44] 589a8, Unseen Presence: Wherrrrrre is Renfelddddd.....**the voice swiftly turning to a painful keen of loss and mourning**...whereeee
[31-14:45] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns*i don't know..gone..everyone is gone*grasping at straws here she whispers*my father
[31-14:46] 589a8, Unseen Presence: But you'll stayyyy.....**snick**snick**snak**click*
[31-14:47] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **the sounds of various metal on metal locking devices to windows and doors close into place all over the house**
[31-14:48] 589a8, Unseen Presence: I'm so need to stayyyy...**breeze lifts the hair off the nape of Lostrus' neck**
[31-14:52] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **the flock of Raven's sensing the heavy change in the air caw out in their warnings and fury. They caw for their comrade now tighyl enclosed in something they couldn't comprehend in their birdy ways. Their harsh cries cracking the serenity of the night, compelling all other night creatures to fall silent in the wake of their noise**
[31-14:53] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns..hopping off of the bar..shaking her head*can't stay..i will visit..*she pauses..remembering it's nice to do things for others..she murmurs*the babylonian is here*hearing them call she whispers quiet..silence now..she will find them when she must*
[31-14:54] 589a8, Unseen Presence: Promissssssssse...
[31-14:55] 7c247, Lostrus : yes..i promise*she sighs..her glamour settling more firmly*she is have to find her.*she chews her lower lip*i will come back..
[31-14:57] 589a8, Unseen Presence: There is no one here.....**click*clack*zzzzz*clank*clip** the locks fall back to their once awaiting and open position, open to all who dare to come to this haunted place of pergatory**
[31-14:58] 7c247, Lostrus : *she smiles a little*the witch is here..she hides..*shoving her hands into her jean pockets she looks up listening to the locks..then she sighs*do you know my father
[31-15:00] 589a8, Unseen Presence: I watched himm......she cried....**the voice a confirmation**
[31-15:01] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns...shaking her head..would serve her right that whatever is here doesn't make any sense*the tall lady cried
[31-15:02] 589a8, Unseen Presence: Yesss....the lady with Fire....he came and she cried....ohhh she cried....and ohhhh he laughed....
[31-15:03] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns harder*he laughed...*that doesn't sound right..not from the memories plucked from the woman while she was incapacitated* you're wrong he didn't laugh
[31-15:04] 589a8, Unseen Presence: She comes back looking for do youuu...
[31-15:05] 589a8, Unseen Presence: But she never stayyyys....I will lock her next time she comes to....yesssss....will make them all stayyyy
[31-15:06] 7c247, Lostrus : *her lower lip trembles and she yells*he didn't laugh..he didn't..he loved her*behind the bar a bottle teeters then falls..she crosses her arms..though outwardly she wears the skin of a beautiful woman..inside she is still much the child*you lie
[31-15:06] 589a8, Unseen Presence: I don't lie.....I see....
[31-15:07] 589a8, Unseen Presence: He came back to torture her......she can't be with another for him...he would kill them all if she he forces her to be alone and forces her to wait....she criessssss.....everytime she comes she criesssss....
[31-15:09] 7c247, Lostrus : no..he wouldn't*knowing full well he her anger bottles come flying off of the shelves..spattering her with liquor and glass..the walls groan and from her fingertips jut those black front of her a table overturns..the chairs flinging themselves at the walls as she cries* no nonononononono*her screaming rising in pitch*
[31-15:10] 589a8, Unseen Presence: But he hasn't been here in many years.....she has though....maybe she tortures herself ~for~ he wants.....whyyyyyy do you look for him? Stay with meeeeee, I won't make you cryyyy
[31-15:13] 7c247, Lostrus : *her ire subsides enough so she can spit the words..those as venemous as the ichor dripping from her fingertips*he father..*perhaps the spirit can see behind the the true much like his..with small differences thanks to her mother..she sags..her energy flagging*he is my father..
[31-15:15] 589a8, Unseen Presence: He is disease.....
[31-15:16] 7c247, Lostrus : *she frowns..he might be bad but he is daddy*dont say that..don't*with an arm she knocks a table out of her way and starts to pace..frowning at nothing*i am going now..
[31-15:17] 589a8, Unseen Presence: Angry at meeeee.....**keening wail turns to a frightful deafening pitch as it squeals in misery and longing**
[31-15:18] 7c247, Lostrus : *she winces*no..i just want to go now. i have to check on my dog*said perfectly a corner a hole between realms opens itself..tiring as it is she must travel that way*i'll come back
[31-15:19] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **likes the Fire Lady....resents what it was that made her cry in that room upstairs for over three months. Least then somebody needed her**
[31-15:20] 7c247, Lostrus : *she turns once..murmuring before she is swallowed by the void*i promise..i'll come back. he won't make her cry again*a tone of mature finality there..funny considering the damage left behind*
[31-15:20] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **withdraws her presence there, the atmosphere lightening the breathe noticably.....she has retreated**
[31-15:21] EXIT: Unseen Presence has left the chat ( 3:20am, September 01 (CDT) ).
[01-02:32] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
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[04-12:22] JOIN: ~~B has entered.
[04-12:22] 589a8, ~~B: **pokes about**
[07-01:38] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[07-01:38] 15b9b, (Lurker): ?
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[09-17:11] JOIN: blackkat has entered.
[09-17:13] 99fd0, blackkat : hi all
[09-17:13] 99fd0, blackkat : hi all
[09-17:14] 99fd0, blackkat : hey whats up all
[09-17:17] 99fd0, blackkat : where are my messages
[09-17:18] EXIT: blackkat has left the chat ( 5:17am, September 10 (CDT) ).
[11-12:19] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[11-12:22] fb2c5, Kali : *wandering through the tombstones she lets a gloved hand slide over an old stone...crumbling really...the name long since worn away...head down she passes several more and makes her way to a bench...seating herself she removes the dark tinted glasses from her face and pushes them into her duster...removing her gloves she does the same...looking as though she is relaxed, perhaps for the first time in ages she leans back and lets her eyes wander over the billions of stars above her*
[11-12:24] fb2c5, Kali : *turning to face the large main house she shakes her head being dark, and cold...closing her eyes then she settles in...letting the silence lull her into dream...*
[11-12:24] fb2c5, Kali : ~ Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here~
[11-13:15] JOIN: lordlucifer has entered.
[11-13:15] 14a6d, lordlucifer: hmmmmm
[11-13:15] 14a6d, lordlucifer: interesting
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[13-20:24] JOIN: Darkheart has entered.
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[14-22:14] JOIN: Faust has entered.
[14-22:14] 7ac0e, Faust: Hello?
[14-22:14] 7ac0e, Faust: Anybody home?
[14-22:15] 7ac0e, Faust: empty... again...
[14-22:16] 7ac0e, Faust: *leaves*
[15-01:12] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-02:01] JOIN: -Narration- has entered.
[16-02:03] 589a8, -Narration-: *an angry wind blows forth from the confines of the bayou encompassing these damned and tortured grounds...the long draping locks of spanish moss and choking kudzu rustling ever so lightly as the flowing currents pick up their pace*
[16-02:05] 589a8, -Narration-: *waters, black with age and foul taint, swirl and begin to crash lightly upon the eroded shoreline...the boats tied to the estates docks, all but rotted in their watery imprisonment, knock loudly upon the wooden slants of which they seem immortally bound*
[16-02:06] 589a8, -Narration-: *these grounds have seen many storms...both from within as well as the more common variety that now threatens to spill it's seed once more, forth upon the aching visage nestled deeply within these lonely, maddening swamps*
[16-02:08] 589a8, -Narration-: *the storm grows ever closer...thunder crashing out, their nearness becoming all the more deafening with every ionized mating of earth and sky...shadows, even more so than usual, creep slowly over the landscape as nature comes to call once more*
[16-02:10] 589a8, -Narration-: *shudders, free from the pinning grip of the house weave back and forth, returning over and again, like entranced lovers fallen into those desired arms for which they part, yet always return...*
[16-02:12] 589a8, -Narration-: *...again the gods beckon as their crashing angers grow more bold and aware...oaks as old as the house itself begin to groan to life after years of monolithic slumber...limbs creaking as their great weight once more move under the power of the elements..*
[16-02:14] 589a8, -Narration-: *...and there, in those instantaneous flashes given off by the very skies above, history reminds these grounds of their lightning strikes, shadowed forms are recalled for but the briefest of instances, hanging from the trees...kicking...screaming...*
[16-02:17] 589a8, -Narration-: * shadows play across trhe very world itself, those second long flashes recall blood as it drenches forth from the hack and sometimes altogether severed human limbs above...morbid human pinatas, dripping forth their evicerate prize upon the land lying below...a land, all to eager for these rewards..*
[16-02:18] 589a8, -Narration-: *...the grounds fill with screams of horror...of last visions before damnation...of mistakes made again, and again, and again...*
[16-02:21] 589a8, -Narration-: *the waters of the swamps heave, as if begging the lands to share it's once claimed attrocities...the lightening strikes, combined with the multitudes of overhanging spanish moss, cast an eerily fitting red sheen over the's newly wet sheen now run crimson in both memory as well as present state...*
[16-02:22] 589a8, -Narration-: *...and there, within the confines of this lonely structure...both obscurely alone, yet always companied by these ghosts of the past, a dark figure stares blankly from a second story window...*
[16-02:23] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-02:24] 589a8, ºRenfeld R'leyh: Happy Birthday Leigh...
[16-02:25] 589a8, -Narration-: *the dusty drapes encircling the window flutter as their let drop...the form, much like this storm shall soon be, simply vanishes back into the darkness from wince it came...somewhere between heaven and hell*
[16-10:52] JOIN: noneed4one has entered.
[16-10:52] 6db1c, noneed4one: is there anyone here
[16-10:52] 6db1c, noneed4one: I am curious
[16-10:52] 6db1c, noneed4one: I have questions
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[19-02:02] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:01pm, September 19 (CDT) ).
[19-02:02] JOIN: Jenks has entered.
[19-02:02] 33c9e, Jenks: ((hmm*looks around the room*))
[19-02:05] 33c9e, Jenks: ((*sighs* oh well.......))
[20-02:27] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-02:31] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 2:27pm, September 20 (CDT) ).
[20-02:31] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[20-02:47] f5d4d, Kali : *she stands silently.... a lone figure looking out over the massive plantation...her hands resting on the railing over the balcony..the slow breeze blowing through her hair, making her sheer night garments move...even at this time of year the air is warm...the fragrance of jasmine , and the smell of the stagnant swamp waters mingling to create a powerful odor...her eye lids close for a moment, her brows knitting together to create a frown, lower lip protruding slightly..that thought that she is now --
[20-02:57] f5d4d, Kali : --alone in this world coming to the front of her having been over a year since he has died.. her eyes reopening she breaths in deeply...feeling less alive as she does so...never having felt so distant from the world as this than likely the only being within fifty miles...knowing for sure she's the only one that would even dare to come in the first place, let alone make it..her nails digging into the old, water logged wood of the railing she mutters something unintelligable--
[20-03:01] f5d4d, Kali : --her teeth now biting into her lip making it bleed..and it does so rather profusely...not seeming to notice this however she simply stares ahead...ignoring the echos of the past...the only thing moving is the hanging moss...the only thing that moves here...for time doesn't even do couldn't, wouldn't dare to do this...supposing for an instant that perhaps that is why she is still drawn to it...she pushes off the might think this gesture would make the thing break and fall to pieces
[20-03:06] f5d4d, Kali : --but the looks of this house decieve from every holds steady...she turns her back on the world and enters into the ''solace'' of the house...letting her feet drag on the carpet just to make a noise..shattering the deafening silence she wanders into a room at random.....and lays down upon the bed...among the dust, amidst the hollow exsistence of house itself...looking as though she belongs there...and if she lay there long enough she too would be coverd in that dust...she isn't really there --
[20-03:07] f5d4d, Kali : anymore though...she's gone now...into herself..hoping to uncover answers to her, she might not really ever be anywhere ever again..*
[20-03:11] f5d4d, Kali : ~ You're a whipping boy, raised by mongrils and set on a sacrificial stone~
[21-12:59] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-16:01] JOIN: LoupGarou has entered.
[21-16:03] e29b1, LoupGarou: thinks to himself always loved a quite room
[21-16:04] e29b1, LoupGarou : decides to have a look around
[21-18:28] JOIN: LadyRaven has entered.
[21-20:45] JOIN: murderhappy has entered.
[21-20:46] a5753, murderhappy: bonjour
[21-20:47] a5753, murderhappy: ((ca va?))
[21-22:57] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[25-15:52] JOIN: Setajin Satohi has entered.
[25-15:53] 5d54a, Setajin Satohi: O_o
[25-17:11] JOIN: Nocturnal Pulse has entered.
[25-17:12] 7405c, Nocturnal Pulse: *looks around*well god damm
[26-02:31] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[27-02:42] JOIN: Lostrus has entered.
[27-02:42] db7b1, Lostrus: (test)
[27-02:43] db7b1, Lostrus: (fuck)
[27-02:47] db7b1, Lostrus : *with nowhere else to one else to take it out on she comes home again. though not for the promised visit with a spirit..this night finds the child angry..hurt. a pain resonantes in her and is held for the moment in check. that familiar yet alien energy with held from the damned place of her 'birth' into this world..instead she stalks it, moving around it as if stalking prey. and yes..tonight the house will feel her wrath..and bear it silently as ever*
[27-02:50] db7b1, Lostrus : *the if sensing the presence seems to shudder..settling firmly on her foundations..readying for the coming onslaught. that she will weather..just as the recently passed storm..and hundreds of storms. and hundreds more storms if she has her way. but for now she sits..waiting for the inevitable. lostrus meanwhile comes closer..yes..slipping against the veil that keeps this realm seperate from the next..her energy coiled tight..ready to strike..and only waiting for the proper moment*
[27-02:52] db7b1, Lostrus : *she moves herself into the tavern. the familiar surroundings silent poised it seems. she steps into the physical..her glamour dishevled..eyes a solid avian black..her lush form moving through the dim room intent on something..she hops up atop the bar and crouches there..just feeling the house's energy for the moment..touching it..letting her own stroke it into complacency*
[27-02:55] db7b1, Lostrus : *squatting her fingers tear..the soft flesh parting like butter to drip thick black ichor onto the bartop..each droplet sizzling where it lands..eating into the woods..and from this..long black talons unsheath themselves from once dainty fingers..the tips clicking against hardwood..eyes partially closed she murmurs*he's*the words coming out strangled..the lid on her temper fit to burst*
[27-02:57] db7b1, Lostrus : *the house..recoils knowing well what comes next as the lone abandoned one sits there..whispering to herself*he is not here..*talons digging deeper into the hardwood..scraping it like cork into dark crumbling ribbons*he..isn't here*that little voice growing louder..doors upstairs begin to slam shut..locks clacking shut should anyone else be would be wise of them to take cover*
[27-02:59] db7b1, Lostrus : *from the bowels of the house comes a deep mournful groaning..more vibration than sound..the walls shimmy gently..dust floating down from rafters..chandeliers tinkling softly..bottles clinking together as she stands atop the bar..head tilted back..her face placid..the eruption held off for one sweet suspended moment of absolute stillness and silence*
[27-02:59] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[27-03:01] db7b1, Lostrus : *her sweet lush little mouth opens..stretching horribly into a maw that resembles her fathers..from it comes a hits the air with a concussive blast...knocking bottles from the shelf..pain and rage fueling it to grind into the very bones of her brethren where ever they may be..her fists cleched..talons cutting into tender flesh..her body shifting..growing..wings sprung from her back..nothing held back for once*
[27-03:04] db7b1, Lostrus : *the screaming..goes on as her body changes..the glamour shredded into nothing..she stands still a moment..eyes leveled on windows that burst outward as if hit with an unseen fist..anything in her path will die this night..of that she is certain..unable to control herself..or unwilling the destruction begins..tables hurl themselves out the broken windows..against the walls..bottles hurtle from their shelves..nails in the very walls begin to shiver themselves out of place*
[27-03:04] 8f047, Kali : *unfaultering she stands beneath that old tree that held leigh...hand resting apon it...a split second of human instict ...the urge to cover her ears...something so strange to her she almost ponders it, but her attentions remain on the house, and more importantly on what's inside it...the wind sweeping through the property, although else where it is still..her duster flying about her...*
[27-03:06] db7b1, Lostrus : *like the eye of the storm she surveys the damage with a cool eye..even as beams crack and groan..her energy devouring the pain of the house..leaching it greedily..fueling something darker and more terrible inside her..all the pain inside coming out now..she moves effortlessly up the stairs..more doors slam themselves shut..somewhere another screams..perhaps one of her brothers
[27-03:07] db7b1, Lostrus : or her father? probably not. at this point though she cares nothing about any of them..and her anger races through the familial link to seek them out..and hurt them..all of them. her footfalls heavy as a heartbeat she stands at the front door..watching the beautiful wood start to buckle..her screaming increases in volume..infused with her strange halfbreed energy..tearing up everything in it's path*
[27-03:09] 8f047, Kali : *Patrics' blood forever flowing in her veins she winces as the alal string is pulled within her....awakening something she had forgotten was there....removing her gloved hand from the tree she takes a step back...her gut wrenching with a sickness unlike to any she has known....she hasn't been this close to one of the creatures since Ck himself had her in his grasp...the pain unrelenting she moves further back from the the direction of her own...the guest house on the outskirts of the property.*
[27-03:11] 8f047, Kali : *straining to think clearly through it all she whispers a few words....nothing that can be heard as she turns and nearly bolts...not knowing what else she could do at this point....*
[27-03:11] db7b1, Lostrus : *watching the doors start to splinter dispassionately she turns abruptly away from head upstairs..looking for the witch..the witch will know..her attention shifts..feeling out another presence..but quickly moving on..shutting herself off from it..she comes to a door..and wills it open..standing in an empty room that smells vaguely of roses..her roar of disappointement and sadness over not finding the babylonion only serving to make her tantrum worse..words break through the soundless scream*
[27-03:12] db7b1, Lostrus : WHERE IS HE...WHERE IS HE*the words become a chant..over and over again..each repitition breaking something else in the house..a wall here..a crack in the foundation there..renfeld of course should he see the damage will be livid..but she doesn't care..she has but one mission..and cleary it's not to be finished here*
[27-03:14] db7b1, Lostrus : *again and again the words come..she shimmers out of the house..moving between realms..only to appear high above the house..nightmare in flesh. her long lean body outlined by moonlight..wings outspread..trees below bow..cowering in her wake as her eyes survery the grounds..looking..looking*
[27-03:15] 8f047, Kali : *never having felt such confusion she treks through the swamp....the pain subsiding the further she distances herself from the tormented child...sweat beading on her forehead....she can't explain it...Patrics' blood must have done something...somehow...she stumbles up the small hill to her house...gloved hand out to turn the knob she practically falls in..slamming the thing behind her...*
[27-03:16] db7b1, Lostrus : *to one who does not know her..she is destruction in flesh. beautiful in a terrible but beguiling blood..arms outspread she waves one arm and one of the old slave shacks collapses slowly in upon itself..the graveyard where she last glimpsed her father..tombstones disentegrate..for a moment there is pure silence..the feeling of forboding oppressive in the if it has thickened..preparing for a blow*
[27-03:20] db7b1, Lostrus : *after a few minutes of strained unnatural lifts as suddenly as it came..and just as abruptly all trace of her energy is pulled back..leaving a strange void..but she hovers there still..outlined against the face of the moon..her pained whisper echoes*where is he*the words float down to earth like a feather..and the house below groans..starting to right itself as she always does..and quick as a nightmare she is gone again..blink and suddenly the outline of her is gone...the only proof of
[27-03:21] db7b1, Lostrus : her appearance a single black feather floating peacefully to the ground..taking it's sweet time as she goes to search elsewhere..pained almost unto panic..she disappears into the abyss still whispering*where is he..where..where is he..*with that she is gone..again. perhaps to return home..where she belongs*
[27-03:21] db7b1, Lostrus : ~~~~~~Born Bad
[27-03:23] 8f047, Kali : *she slumps down into one of the many chairs in her parlor....ripping her duster off along with the leather gloves she wears she clutches at her head as Lostrus pulls back so causing her to flinch..body jerking unnaturally...she closes her eyes...trying to regain control over herself once more...the abscence of the creature a blessing...her mind tangled now she doesn't know why...slowly her body relaxes, her eyes closing...she drifts in and out of unconsiousness, her nightly visit to the main
[27-03:25] 8f047, Kali : house having been cancelled...more than likely for awhile....not too worried, for she knows someone is there, always watching over it....she blanks out....*
[27-03:25] 8f047, Kali : ~i'mma little tea pot~
[27-11:54] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[28-02:27] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[29-00:44] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[29-01:25] JOIN: Tanzabus has entered.
[29-01:29] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtan
[29-01:30] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: hello?
[29-01:31] 6d3d4, Tanzabus : hello
[29-01:32] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtan
[29-01:34] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtan
[29-01:34] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtan
[29-01:34] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: Ph'hglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh Wgah'nagl fhtan
[29-01:37] 6d3d4, Tanzabus: PH'HGLUI MGLW'NAFH CTHULHU R'LYEH WGAH'NAGL FHTAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[30-02:25] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[30-12:42] JOIN: Tanzabus has entered.
[30-12:43] e2a3f, Tanzabus: ack, still no one here
[30-12:44] e2a3f, Tanzabus: ack, still no one here
[30-12:44] e2a3f, Tanzabus: ...........................
[30-12:44] EXIT: Tanzabus has left the chat ( 12:44am, October 01 (CDT) ).
[01-15:46] JOIN: has entered.
[01-15:46] b5669, : no life...
[01-15:47] b5669, : ((???))
[01-15:48] b5669, : ((come. have a drink))
[01-23:10] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[02-15:49] JOIN: Dark Angel has entered.
[02-15:51] 453ab, Dark Angel : Hello?
[02-15:51] 453ab, Dark Angel : ????
[05-00:19] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[05-18:36] JOIN: hacker_07 has entered.
[05-18:37] 72563, hacker_07 : ?
[05-18:38] 72563, hacker_07 : hey
[05-21:50] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[06-22:45] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[06-22:46] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:45am, October 07 (CDT) ).
[07-00:01] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[07-22:52] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[08-22:30] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[08-22:30] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[08-22:33] ca05f, Saige: *stands in a large bedroom, leaning against the pane of an open window. The soft breeze blows her dark hair from her pale face as she silently looks out over the land*
[08-22:38] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *makes his way slowly out of the bathroom his dress slacks the only think on besides his shades ..his head turns slowly toward the open window the breeze filling the room and brushing agianst his skin* ah .. your awake
[08-22:40] ca05f, Saige: *turns her head slightly towards him and smiles softly* And you're finally out of the bathroom.
[08-22:43] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *can hear the difference in her tone as she smiles * Oh my would that be a smile ? *walks slowly over toward her wrapping his arms around her and leaning forward kissing her softly on the side of the neck*
[08-22:44] ca05f, Saige: *leans back so that her body rests comfortably against his* mmm indeed. Don't think you've softened me up, though.
[08-22:48] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *kisses her softly once more* Havn't I ? lets see a few months ago you'd have bitten my head off for that comment ... *grins* Funny what love does to a woman *says teasingly*
[08-22:50] ca05f, Saige: Is that what they call it these days? *her fingers trail up his leg until they finally nestle in the pockes of his pants* And I would not have bitten your head off.
[08-22:53] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Oh really ... I believe you'd have used the words and I quote "Fuck you shut up" I think that describes it doesn't you? *chuckles softly as his arms wrap around her stomach crossing one another and coming to rest on oppisite hips*
[08-22:57] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[08-22:58] ca05f, Saige: Sorry to disappoint you, but you're not the only one I've said that to. *smirks rather wickedly* But I assure you, I've said it to you far more than anyone else.
[08-23:01] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Oh baby talk to me *pushes up agianst her firmly as he pulls her back agianst him *
[08-23:03] ca05f, Saige: *actually giggles, though it's short. Almost not even there, but she catches herself and turns it into a feigned irritated laugh* come on *struggles against his hold, but not seriously enough to break it* The only baby is in the next room and I need to check on him.
[08-23:06] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[08-23:07] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *grins an lets her go slowly * Yeah... he's been quiet a good idea to check on him *would hear if anything was wrong but knows how a mother is so steps to the side * Oh and Saige *folds his arms as he seems to be looking at her * you giggle so cute *chuckles*
[08-23:10] ca05f, Saige: I don't giggle *leans up on her bare toes to flick her tongue over his lips before she walks out of the room, leaving the door open behind her since she's coming right back*
[08-23:12] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: If you say so *says softly* but it was so cute *grins* you'll do it agian
[08-23:14] ca05f, Saige: *and he's stil asleep. good kid. so she mosies back, still leaving the door open* Have you gotten any work done at all since we've been here?
[08-23:18] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Hmmmm? ... work whats that? *grins* Yes actually i have I don't lay in bed with you all night you know ...
[08-23:21] ca05f, Saige: *raises a curious brow as she strolls to him, her bare feet making noise that only he would hear* you don't? *tilts her head to the side as her hand raises. A soft fingertip presses lightly at the base of his throat, then slowly makes a path down to just below his belly button*
[08-23:22] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[08-23:24] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Most of the time I do ....but i don't really have to do much work here accept make sure the mannor and the grounds stay in tact
[08-23:26] ca05f, Saige: They wont be once Ethan starts walking... *drops her hand. intent on having a real adult conversation with him for once* So what does that involve? Why don't you ever ask me to go with you?
[08-23:36] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: I didn't think you were interested ...i mean after all when i asked you to move here with me and i told you about the mannor you seemed kinda creeped out
[08-23:37] ca05f, Saige: I was creeped out about moving in with you, not about the place. Let's go right now. I need a walk. It gets stuffy in here.
[08-23:38] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: You wanna go right now?
[08-23:41] ca05f, Saige: *nods as she tugs on a belt loop*Yeah. why not? Have you got anything better to do?
[08-23:46] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: No not really ...*smiles* you want to go? ....lets go
[08-23:48] ca05f, Saige: *keeps hold of his belt loop as she turns. but then she stops and loops her arm through his, deciding to let him to the leading this time*
[08-23:50] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *takes her arm and slowly starts to walk out of the room and into the hall* Where do you want to go first ?
[08-23:52] ca05f, Saige: Out, of course. Somewhere not in this house.
[08-23:53] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Alright ... *takes her down the hall not needing his cain to the stairs ..down the stairs slowly his bare feet making little to no noise on the floor*
[08-23:59] ca05f, Saige: well... impress me with the sights.
[09-00:03] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* not much to impress you with ... its just a Old plantation ... there's catacombs a swamp a cemetary .. what do you want to see? *leads her down the stairs to the Main room toward the front main door* Ethan will be fine I swear it ..*smiles at her*
[09-00:06] ca05f, Saige: I know he will. You're not the only one that can hear everything... I just want to be outside. Let's go to the cemetary.
[09-00:08] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Ok ... *opens the door an leads her out of the house and to the left around the side of the house ..the damp grass cool on his feet as he walks a sense about him as if he knows hwere and where not to step *
[09-00:12] ca05f, Saige: I didn't know they could have cemetaries down here.
[09-00:13] ca05f, Saige: (*ppaaaaauuuuusssse*)
[09-22:45] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[09-22:46] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[09-22:49] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[09-23:04] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Well its not a standard Cemetary ... its more like monoliths *squeezes her hand gently as he moves her away from a puddle of sand* Don't step there ...
[09-23:06] ca05f, Saige: *thinks about just jumping over it, but just nudges closer to him to avoid it* Will it suck me down?
[09-23:12] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *smiles* its possible then agian you might just get dirty and then you'd have to go shopping so I'm looking at whats cheapest for me *chuckles softly *
[09-23:14] ca05f, Saige: I hate shopping. You would be miserable if I had to go shopping, because you'd have to hear me bitch about it.
[09-23:16] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *chuckles* i wouldn't go with you ... *leads her around a few above ground cement coffins down toward the heart of the cemetary *
[09-23:18] ca05f, Saige: Doesn't mean I wouldn't bitch about it later *walks silently just behind him* Anybody interesting here?
[09-23:20] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : Yeah well theres a sensory depervation tank around here somewhere.. *shakes his head* I dunno .... I don't know any of them ...some are R'leyh family and some are those who served the family
[09-23:23] ca05f, Saige: So... how did you get this place?
[09-23:25] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : Well from what i was told was my real fathers
[09-23:27] ca05f, Saige: Is he burried here? *her hair hangs in her face, but if she notices it, she doesn't bother to remove it*
[09-23:28] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[09-23:29] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *shakes his head* Not that I know of ...apparently he disappeared from here some 4 years ago thats why they came looking for me
[09-23:31] ca05f, Saige: *raises a skeptical brow* It took them four years?
[09-23:34] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *nods* Yeah ... Mr. Caine said I was not an easy man to find .. but when you spend half of your life hiding *shrugs*
[09-23:36] ca05f, Saige: Randal... my whole species hides. *laughs a little* "Mr. Caine" *so it's no secret she doesn't like the man* is a moron. I found you just fine.
[09-23:39] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *grins* yeah i know you don't care for him , and yes you did ... I'm still not over that ...I wish just once I could see you .... Yeah i know you species hides ....but do you ever get tired of hiding Saige? *says with real emotion not the usual humorous tone*
[09-23:42] ca05f, Saige: *doesn't even have to think about it* No. I like my life. I like being left alone and not being bothered. Some people hate it, but not me. It's just how it is.
[09-23:46] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *nods* yeah ...i guess so ...
[09-23:49] ca05f, Saige: *her steps come to a slow halt* Does it bother you? I've seen that kind of thing before. The poor human doesn't realize what he's getting into with us and it just slowly drives them crazy.
[09-23:49] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *his bare upper body barely visible in the moonlight but he's usre she has no problem seeing him * I dunno I mean i'm blind and i have been for a long time I've almost forgotten what its like ....
[09-23:51] ca05f, Saige: What what is like? *has a good idea what he means, but the conversation seems to be splitting* seeing?
[09-23:53] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : Yeah .... seeing ... I'm here and i have this map in my head i can see everything in my head except what I need too *chuckles* *shakes his head* Poor human am i ? No saige it doesn't bother me ... you wanna know something odd ..nothing about you bothers me ..not even you paranoid behavior from time to time ..
[09-23:54] ca05f, Saige: Paranoid? *sounds more amused than anything* When am I paranoid?
[09-23:57] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *chuckles* when are you not *says with some ammount of sarcasum*
[10-00:00] ca05f, Saige: I'm not paranoid. I'm just not stupid. *turns to walk back towards the building*
[10-00:00] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[10-00:00] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((*has been wondering if this chat ever got used*))
[10-00:01] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : I never said you were stupid
[10-00:01] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : (( well it does since CK handed over the adminship ))
[10-00:03] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((ooo. Any particular storyline going on right now?))
[10-00:03] ca05f, Saige: I know, just paranoid. The baby's awake though and hungry.
[10-00:03] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[10-00:04] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( Currently Renfeld R'leyh vanished about 4 years ago on the grounds and those who where loyal to him went in search of an Heir and found Randal who was taken and given up for adoption to keep him away from Renfeld))
[10-00:05] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *turns and walks back toward the building just behind her* Yeah ... how else would you describe it ...
[10-00:07] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((so its not the same r'leyh as in the Cthulu mythos?))
[10-00:07] ca05f, Saige: I don't know what you're talking about. How could I describe it? *walks fast, not quite running. A screaming baby just isn't anyone's idea of fun*
[10-00:08] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ((Uh i don't know what he really intended the room to be he gave up running it ))
[10-00:10] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *says low not sure she can hear it * your inability to let me see you for you keep your true emotions covered with fake ones ... *shakes his head can't move all that fast is blind after all *
[10-00:14] ca05f, Saige: *can move fast and she does. through the outside doors, up the stairs and into the room where Ethan is just laying there, checking stuff out. She's well situated in a rocking chair feeding him by the time Randal would get into there. Her brow raised as she looks down at the infant* Yeah, you're cute now... but one day you'll be a man.
[10-00:18] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *moves slow more so because he wants to more then anything else , his bare feet damp and covered in dirt peices of dead grass stick to his pants and feet aswell ..* Pretty quiet night .. *makes his way up the steps to the main door entering the main hall closing the door behind him *
[10-00:23] ca05f, Saige: *does the mommy thing. Changing diapers and what not before she mosies out the door. She's holding him close to her as she walks back down the stairs*
[10-00:25] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *stands in the center of the main hall his head lowered slightly his body standing perfectly still *
[10-00:27] ca05f, Saige: *the child fits nicely in her arms. Still small for his age but strong. He peers over her shoulder to check things out* took you long enough *smiles slightly as she sits on the bottom step*
[10-00:31] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *his head raises slowly his hearing keying in on her voice as he seems to look at her* Well since you had tyhings well in control i figured I could walk back carefully *give a small smile*
[10-00:31] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((how willing is Mcalister in hiring retainers, for whatever reason?))
[10-00:33] ca05f, Saige: Indeed. You're no good to me with broken legs *still holds her son close to her* soon, he's going to want to crawl around and he won't want to be held anymore. It's important to soak this up now. *avoids the 'paranoid' thing as she's not up for an argument now*
[10-00:34] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( depends for what reason really ... the mansion is a haven for things that go bump in the night but if as far as willingness for things go I'm open to any RP ))
[10-00:37] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Yup ... better get it out of your system now ... cause once they start moving theres no stopping them *knows full well she's avoiding the earlier discussion *
[10-00:39] ca05f, Saige: He's sure to have some strange... *searches for a word* gift. Just my luck it'll be invisibility or something.
[10-00:42] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *grins* Lucky you ... but I'll have no trouble finding him
[10-00:44] ca05f, Saige: hah *smirks* I don't imagine you will. Huh. I do wonder what it'll be, though.
[10-00:45] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: I'm sure you'll find out soon enough
[10-00:47] ca05f, Saige: I hope it's not fire like that pyro bitch, Jen. *stands slowly, heading back upstairs* c'mon
[10-00:48] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[10-00:49] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* I think with your luck its gonna be something more along the lines of mind teasing abilities ...*starts toward the stairs his bare feet making no sound on the cold stone floor*
[10-00:52] ca05f, Saige: *slips in to lay Ethan back in his snazzy little crib before waits at the top of the stairs for Randal. Her lips are curved in their native smirk as she taps her bare foot on the floor* You can't wait, can you... until you two can try to gang up on me.
[10-00:54] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Hey 8shrugs* i'm not looking for us to gang up on you ...I'd imagine your gonna have your hands full with him all by yourself *walks slowly up the stairs making her wait .. as he reachs the top of the stairs he pauses as just seems to look at her that is if he could see that would be what he is doing *
[10-00:57] ca05f, Saige: *leans in towards him, her lips just brushing his as she speaks* I said 'try'. *slides a finger through and around a belt loop, tugging* So, speaking of hands being full... do you have any pressing business, or do you have some time to give me a massage?
[10-01:00] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: I think i can clear my calendar *gives her a smirk as he says this * Come on Doll ...*places an arm around her and kisses her gently before he leads her to the room*
[10-01:02] ca05f, Saige: *goes without argument, but of course she has to roll her eyes in disgust at the sickening pet name* Don't... *shakes her head* don't call me that.
[10-01:04] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles* Whatever you say Dear *says the word dear so it rings out just to give her a hard time*
[10-01:05] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( I can now entertain any questions if you have any Cookie that is if your still here ))
[10-01:06] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[10-01:07] b193a, (Lurker): so who are you randal?? would we know you from before?
[10-01:07] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ((*yawns* don't guess your here ))
[10-01:07] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ( depends on who's asking )
[10-01:09] b193a, (Lurker): names Jodi dude, I used to play here from time to time way back when
[10-01:10] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ( dunno if I'd know you or if you'd know me or not )
[10-01:11] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ((Names Jay short for james ...i was suppose to start playing with CK and ADi in here when he created R'leyh ))
[10-01:12] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((Huh? I'm here, was just in another chat as well))
[10-01:12] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ((but that all feel apart when CK got feed up with the net and ADi dropped outta sight ))
[10-01:13] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( well Cookie I can answer any questions you have ))
[10-01:13] b193a, (Lurker): yeah, I had thought CK gave the room to cliff
[10-01:15] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( yup and Cliff gave me the password and stuff to help admin the room cause we were supposed to revive it ... but he dissappeared so i took the character and started the room back up ))
[10-01:17] b193a, (Lurker): ahhh ok I see, well -- nice to see it being used again *s* maybe Ill pop by from time to time then
[10-01:17] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((1. This mansion is a refuge for creatures of darkness, yes? 2. Is there any reason behind keeping all these creatures here other than simply being a place of refuge? 3. How many people do you usualy get (so I can plan how likely it is for my char to be hated) ))
[10-01:18] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: ((That would be nice Jodi , would really be nice to get the room going agian ))
[10-01:20] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: 1. Yes ... 2. depends on what rp reasons you want to be here and 3. just getting started I'm afraid not many characters here yet so not to hated )
[10-01:21] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((heh. How you do registration?))
[10-01:22] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: I'm not sure I'm new to the these chats and neither of the two dopes decided to show me much so I'm kinda fly'in blind waiting on the passwords now webpages so i can build them )
[10-01:29] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((Okay. I've got a few character ideas in mind, but nothing solid for bringing in right this instant. Besides, its bed time. But I'll likely drop by again.
[10-01:31] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( well your more then welcome ...take care ))
[10-01:32] f6eef, Cookie Monster: aye ;)
[10-01:32] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 1:32pm, October 10 (CDT) ).
[10-01:34] EXIT: Randal Mcalister has left the chat ( 1:31pm, October 10 (CDT) ).
[10-01:53] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[10-01:53] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 1:53pm, October 10 (CDT) ).
[10-04:10] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[10-22:24] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[10-22:24] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:24am, October 11 (CDT) ).
[10-22:44] JOIN: Maxamillion Caine has entered.
[10-22:46] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine : *stands outside of the mannor kneeling down watching the shadows in silence *
[10-22:50] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine : shifts his weight slowly an begins to rise until standing straight up, a hand raises brushing a few strands of hair from his face before he starts toward the main doors *
[10-22:56] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine : *opens the doors and steps inside his leather shoes making little to no noise on the floor as he steps in and closes the door behind him *
[10-22:57] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[10-23:01] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[10-23:05] 7f2c6, Saige: *after awakening alone (always her favorite thing), the groggy Miss Ravenwood is currently making her way down the stairs holding a bottle. Her hair is a royal mess and she simply wears a black satin bathrobe: long sleeved, but comes a little higher than mid thigh*
[10-23:16] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: hmmmmmm....
[10-23:17] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[10-23:19] d4426, Saige: *as she reaches the bottom of the stairs, a slight rolling of her eyes is the only indication she gives of acknowledging the other person in the room*
[10-23:23] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: Ah Miss Ravenwood .... how pleasant to see you as well ... *says with slight sarcasm*
[10-23:26] d4426, Saige: I would have to say that the pleasure must be yours.
[10-23:32] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: Yes i'm sure you would ... unfortunately this is buisness
[10-23:35] d4426, Saige: *merely shrugs and brushes past him* It doesn't matter to me one way or the other why you're here, but I don't know where Randal is. he's been gone all morning.
[10-23:35] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: Yes i know he has and I'
[10-23:35] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: ((grrr))
[10-23:36] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: Yes i know where he is and what he is doing ...that is my job after all ..and my buisness is not with him ... its with you
[10-23:38] d4426, Saige: *leans against the banister, crossing her arms over her chest, the bottle still in her hand* Well?
[10-23:39] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: Yes you always were to the point .... so I shall be as well ... He loves you know that i'm sure you and your son
[10-23:40] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: *staightens and brushes his clothing down to smooth out the wrinkles* and thats why I'm here
[10-23:41] d4426, Saige: *oh my. She's losing her patience already. Her tone is arrogant and annoyed* And of course you have some brilliant reason why this is any of your business...
[10-23:44] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: No a simple one ... Don't Hurt him Miss Ravenwood ...its really in your bets interests ... *turns and starts back toward the main doors * I shall tell the master your awake ...
[10-23:48] d4426, Saige: And don't threaten me, Mr. Caine. It would be in your best interest. *unwraps an arm from around herself to reach up and brush the unruly hair from her face* For someone's bitch, you really haven't learned your place yet, have you?
[10-23:52] d9ed7, Maxamillion Caine: *chuckles* Lets get one thing straight Miss ravenwood ... He loves you I care nothing for you should you becomne a problem I'll have no second thoughts about removing you from *said coldly* My only consern is his well being and should you hender that in anyway'll find no place safe to hide *grins* Now that being said Good eve Miss Ravenwood and do try to keep up a certian appearance would you *grins and takes a step forward vanishing as he reachs the door *
[10-23:53] d4426, Saige: *just has to smile to herself as he disappears* Well, it's been a while since that's happened.
[10-23:57] EXIT: Maxamillion Caine has left the chat ( 11:52am, October 11 (CDT) ).
[11-00:01] d4426, Saige: *strolls through the place and into the kitchen to wash the bottle in her hand and the several other's that have accumulated there*
[11-00:54] JOIN: ukboy has entered.
[11-04:06] JOIN: hornyb@stard has entered.
[11-04:07] 23abe, hornyb@stard: hey
[11-04:07] 23abe, hornyb@stard: what up gurls
[11-10:25] JOIN: Schade has entered.
[11-10:26] 0bd67, Schade : so, whats this all about then?
[11-10:27] 0bd67, Schade : okay, so no one says anything then?
[11-10:27] 0bd67, Schade : is that how this works?
[11-10:27] 0bd67, Schade : I see
[11-10:28] 0bd67, Schade : okay then, have at it, you all have fun
[12-06:40] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[12-06:40] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[13-20:54] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[13-21:00] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((*lurks about in the swamp... being far more awefull than anything that could possibly already be living in there*
[13-21:07] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((hmmmm))
[13-21:31] f6eef, Cookie Monster: ((well... nobody's commin I guess))
[13-21:39] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 9:31am, October 14 (CDT) ).
[15-16:18] JOIN: Lynnea has entered.
[15-16:20] 40a2d, Lynnea: *sits in the corner alone*
[15-16:21] EXIT: Lynnea has left the chat ( 4:20am, October 16 (CDT) ).
[16-01:59] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[16-02:04] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 1:59pm, October 16 (CDT) ).
[16-02:05] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[16-02:08] 52e1e, Kali : *she sits on the floor...just off the stair case...cold green eyes staring at the warped wooden flooring and the rather large black stain that is present there...hands only and inch away from think, after six thousand years she was still alone....this stain being the only thing left of the only being she ever truely loved....she could still smell him there...undoubtedly it would be that way forever...her eyes closing slowly she lets the past wash over her now...reaching over millenium to call back
[16-02:08] 52e1e, Kali : those precious days when she looking into his eyes...*
[16-02:08] 52e1e, Kali : (erm..looked into)
[16-02:10] 52e1e, Kali : *she touches the stain gently..a violent shock rolling through her as 'Patrics' last moments shine brilliantly before her...pulling the hand back quickly she skirts a few feet away...the house seeming to sigh with sorrow as even she does knows..too much infact...*
[16-02:14] 52e1e, Kali : *she can hear it's's morning for something lost that can never be returned...she stands slowly...smoothing out her black business suit...hand reaching into her breast pocket to retrieve the dark tinted glasses that are as much a part of her as her real eyes...pushing them onto her face she stares down at the floor a moment longer...and then turning on her heeled shoes she heads for the door...making an echo as she leaves...she can feel the houses's anguish as she does
[16-02:15] 52e1e, Kali : doesn't matter to her anymore...she can't help it...never could....only one thing could and that was the death of it's master...shaking her head she pulls back the heavy oak doors and steps outside..*
[16-02:18] 52e1e, Kali : *walking down the gravel path she looks off into the distance to see her own home, filled with light.... like a beacon...the sorrow filling her to the brim, ofcourse there is nothing to go home to....never way.....she knows he's around, and that he hears the cry as well.....but she as well knows that he will not harken to it...and that is his choice...maybe it's for the best anyway....she comes to the end of the drive....her car waiting for her...pulling open the door she gets in..turing the key it starts..
[16-02:19] 52e1e, Kali : and she pushes the pedal to the floor violently...spining tire and making the gravel fly...she takes off...taking the turns with ease..and is off*
[16-02:19] 52e1e, Kali : (never was...not never way damnit...)
[17-00:23] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[17-10:04] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[17-14:16] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[17-17:58] JOIN: Ainais has entered.
[17-17:59] 582fe, Ainais: Hello all
[18-11:48] JOIN: Elend has entered.
[18-11:50] c5d3c, Elend: lo
[18-11:51] c5d3c, Elend : smells damp in here
[18-20:11] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[18-20:12] d9ed7, (Lurker): hmmm nobody home
[18-20:14] d9ed7, (Lurker): be back about 11pm eastern time
[18-20:18] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[18-20:18] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 8:18am, October 19 (CDT) ).
[18-22:43] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[18-22:43] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 10:43am, October 19 (CDT) ).
[19-11:16] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-11:16] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-20:10] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[19-20:14] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[19-20:17] ca05f, Saige: (lurkie lurkie lurkie)
[19-20:22] f6eef, Cookie Monster: lurk lurk lurk
[19-20:24] ca05f, Saige: indeed
[19-20:28] f6eef, Cookie Monster: aye
[19-20:30] ca05f, Saige: lil' slow... but it happens usually
[19-20:30] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Never RPed here. I wanted to give it a shot though
[19-20:34] ca05f, Saige: I'm pretty new myself. I've only been here a couple times
[19-20:36] f6eef, Cookie Monster: I'm still fleshing out my char in my head. I wanted to give her a test RP here just to see if she'd mesh well
[19-20:37] ca05f, Saige: um, hm. I'm guessing at this point, anything goes
[19-20:37] ca05f, Saige: As far as meshing goes and what not.
[19-20:38] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Spose so.
[19-20:43] ca05f, Saige: where did you go before?
[19-20:44] f6eef, Cookie Monster: I'm from the X-mansion.
[19-20:49] ca05f, Saige: who were you there?
[19-20:50] f6eef, Cookie Monster: The Beast, Xavier for a little while, and a buncho f other chars
[19-20:51] ca05f, Saige: fabulous
[19-20:52] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Whats your background?
[19-20:54] ca05f, Saige: just... around. the Dark Realm, the VK, before than. Twilight.. places like that
[19-20:57] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Cool.
[19-20:57] f6eef, Cookie Monster: hm... do people usualy come on realy late for this chat?
[19-20:59] ca05f, Saige: um, to tell you the truth, the only time I was ever here was when Randal was here too and it was really late. I would imagine so, yeah. they usually do everywhere else
[19-21:02] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Shoot.
[19-21:05] ca05f, Saige: I don't know when all those people you see there come in. I've never seen anyone in here when I was just floating around
[19-21:07] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Hmm. Whats your char here if I might ask?
[19-21:08] JOIN: Leigh R'Leyh has entered.
[19-21:08] ca05f, Saige: That's kind of a loaded question.... the name, the species, social status, any other crap...?
[19-21:09] EXIT: Leigh R'Leyh has left the chat ( 9:08am, October 20 (CDT) ).
[19-21:09] JOIN: Leigh R'Leyh (ooc) has entered.
[19-21:10] f6eef, Cookie Monster: Just any info you care to give. ;)
[19-21:10] 589a8, Leigh R'Leyh (ooc): Heh....there's always me...I'm the resident manor ghost that I never get to play cause the room is always so dead...*L*
[19-21:11] f6eef, Cookie Monster: oooooo
[19-21:12] JOIN: Leigh R'Leyh (ooc) has entered.
[19-21:12] 589a8, Leigh R'Leyh (ooc): *L*...would be nice if I quit closing my browser...
[19-21:12] f6eef, Cookie Monster: So... between the three of us do we have an RP?
[19-21:14] ca05f, Saige: I would think so...
[19-21:14] 589a8, Leigh R'Leyh (ooc): hmmm....can muster a little...
[19-21:14] NICK: Cookie Monster changed nick to Old Lady Santiago.
[19-21:19] NICK: Leigh R'Leyh (ooc) changed nick to Unseen Presence.
[19-21:19] ca05f, Saige : *sits outside writing. She should be enjoying the silence, but her eyes keep instinctively shifting*
[19-21:20] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago : *a middle aged woman of with hispanic features walks up the pathway of the mansion to the door. She's dressed in simple black clothing, hardly eyecatching in regular society. She looks over to Saige and gives a benevolant smile before ringing the doorbell*
[19-21:25] ca05f, Saige : *cool green eyes barely give the woman a glance. Of course she wouldn't just tell the lady to go in. Let her ring the damned bell all night.*
[19-21:29] JOIN: Unseen Presence has entered.
[19-21:29] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago : ((*has similar problems in the X-mansion* Everyone there is too moody and independant to open the door whenever somebody rings. ;) )) *stands patiently for perhaps five minutes before looking up to Saige. Speaks with a slight Spanish accent* May I please come into the house?
[19-21:30] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **the door swings open silently, of it's own accord, silent upon well-oiled hinges**
[19-21:31] 589a8, Unseen Presence: ((anyone read the intro page for a bit of background?)
[19-21:32] ca05f, Saige : You may, but there isn't anybody in there.
[19-21:32] ca05f, Saige : (mmmmhmmm)
[19-21:33] ca05f, Saige : (moody character. Just how she is)
[19-21:33] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago : ((I read some of it. There was a lot to read)) *rae to the discrepancy between the door's opening and what Saige said. However, nods thanks to her before walking in*
[19-21:35] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **thei entrance is greeted by the wafting scent of light feminine perfume....just for but a few moments, then it's dissipated into the air, melding into house-type smells of polish, age, and staleness**
[19-21:36] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **thei...their*
[19-21:37] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago : *a thought strikes her and she pulls out a small silver pendant from her shirt in the shape of a spider. She murmers a few words and closes her eyes, attempting to divine what spirits might be about here*
[19-21:40] ca05f, Saige : *keeps glancing at her wrist, but is reminded every time that she's not wearing a watch. Obviously too distracted to work, she closes the book and just looks out over the landscape. As usual when she's not distracted, the little hairs on the back of her neck are standing on end*
[19-21:40] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **her seeked response results in a resound slamming of the front door**
[19-21:42] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *opens her eyes and turns to look at the now shut door* I sought only to know, not to interfere. You have my appologies.
[19-21:48] ca05f, Saige : *tucks the small book into it's little pouch and stands, taking the time to stretch lazily before taking equally lazy steps inside*
[19-21:49] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: hmm... without any responce from the spirit wanders into the house, idly looking about, not realy sure where she would need to go to find the owner*
[19-21:51] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **as both wander into the house, dimly lit hallways are illuminated by wall sconsed that cast light upon the surrounding area, to blink out once the person passes...of their own accord**
[19-21:52] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *muses in spanish*<Young house, old home>
[19-21:54] ca05f, Saige: *emerges from the doorway of the balcony, heading slowly for the stairs. The oddness of the house is starting to bother her less, or at least she's handling it better.*
[19-21:54] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **the house itself almost has a maleable atmosphere...thick even, as though one could almost touch the air...such is her presence here when she is about. An undenyably un-empty...and un-alone feeling. Not altogether creepy persay...just...there...**
[19-21:55] JOIN: Unseen Presence has entered.
[19-21:58] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *instictively realizes just how much of an impression the being leaves, and realizes it would be a great allie(sp?)
[19-21:59] ca05f, Saige: *makes it to the stairs, but just stands on the first one. Randal's off doing her a favor, perhaps she could return the favor. This woman could be important* Excuse me. Perhaps there's something I could help you with. (ally)
[19-21:59] 589a8, Unseen Presence: **can feel an inkling of strength of these two newcomers, a twinge in her perception. Oh how alone she has been.**
[19-22:01] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((thanks)) *gives the benevolent smile again* I was looking for the master of the house. I'd come to offer my services.
[19-22:07] ca05f, Saige: (no prob) *stands, a pale hand resting on the banister* Oh... *has to pause for a moment, thinking of an important sounding way to say that he took her son to the zoo* He's out on.. family business. I'm not entirely sure when he'll be back. May I ask what services you came to offer?
[19-22:08] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Child care. My lot in life is one of a nanny.
[19-22:11] ca05f, Saige: *it starts off as a smile, but then ends up being a soft chuckle...*
[19-22:14] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *smiles back*
[19-22:17] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Do you have any idea when he will return?
[19-22:20] 589a8, Unseen Presence: ((gotta head for the bed, sorry all)) **the presence has eased itself away, as though it may have never been....**
[19-22:20] EXIT: Unseen Presence has left the chat ( 10:20am, October 20 (CDT) ).
[19-22:22] ca05f, Saige: No *shakes her head* I really don't. I'm sorry. *steps back down from the stairs* I'm Saige Ra... *why the hell not?* McAlister. And you are?
[19-22:25] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Isabel Santiago.
[19-22:29] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[19-22:31] ca05f, Saige: Well, Ms. Santiago. My husband owns this place. To tell you the truth, we're new here ourselves. He's away for a few days with my son and I'd like to speak with him before deciding whether or not we need a nanny, but I would like to speak with you further.
[19-22:36] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Thank you very much. *nods her head in thanks* Is there somewhere that I can stay until you have decided if you would like my services or not?
[19-22:37] ca05f, Saige: Here, if you wish. If not I'm sure there are places in tow, though I'm afraid I don't know any off hand.
[19-22:38] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[19-22:39] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Again, thank you. *looks about for a moment* Your home has strong memories.
[19-22:41] ca05f, Saige: *blinks once. It had never occured to her to think of this place as her home* Yes, it does. Sometimes a bit too strong. (sorry... typos... it's after 11 and I don't type well after 11)
[19-22:43] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((Understand. Its usualy at about 3 when I start typing the wrong stuff but I know how it is ;) )) A thick blanket can smother as well as warm.
[19-22:45] ca05f, Saige: Indeed. *does indeed have the very distinct sense that this is not an ordinary nanny* Do you have creditials? References?
[19-22:49] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *pulls a small sack from her shoulder and shuffles through it to pull forth a somewhat tatered, though official looking peice of paper written in Spanish*
[19-22:52] ca05f, Saige: *and of all the languages she's fluent in, Spanish is not one of them. She holds out her hand, though* May I?
[19-22:52] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *hands it to her*
[19-22:57] ca05f, Saige: *judging by the wear of the paper, she handles it as the delicate, precious object that it appears to be.* Do you mind if I keep this for a day *pauses to reconsider* possibly two?
[19-22:57] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Certainly.
[19-23:00] ca05f, Saige: *refolds the paper, just holding it in her hand* My son is quite unusual, Ms. Santiago. Hopefully your very presence here would be indication enough to you that nothing around here is ordinary.
[19-23:02] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: That is what I had been told, and that is what I sensed about two miles from here. *smiles* I can assure you I can handle myself well in an environment as this.
[19-23:06] ca05f, Saige: *nods in understanding... or more of as if the woman had confirmed her thought. She seems to have shed her outter coolness, but isn't giving away all caution* His name is Ethan. He is 6 months old. So far, he's aging as normal humans. However, that doesn't mean that he may continue to do so.
[19-23:11] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: May I ask what he is? Or would it be more pertinant to ask about his heritage?
[19-23:15] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[19-23:16] ca05f, Saige: *could get scientific, but cuts right to the chase* We're what you could call a mutant breed of vampires. Obviously, we can have children. They just all age a bit differently.
[19-23:16] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[19-23:17] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: By differently does that mean I will have a longer or shorter term of work?
[19-23:18] ca05f, Saige: ((son offa bitch! 'lo pumpkin))
[19-23:18] JOIN: Old Lady Santiago has entered.
[19-23:19] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *the fron't doors open rather abruptlu and there he stands within the door way his arms out stretched from where he pushed the door his body wrapped tightky in the blood red silk t-shirt and black jeans his eyes covered by the dark sunglasses *
[19-23:19] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (hi hi grins))
[19-23:19] ca05f, Saige: Assuming first that we need a nanny, and secondly that you're the right one... yes. It would mean that you may only be with us a few months, or for years.
[19-23:21] ca05f, Saige: *smiles, ever so slightly. She seems expert at keeping herself quite composed* Speak of the devil
[19-23:21] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *turns with an upraised eyebrow to the man who's entered*
[19-23:22] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *his arms lower to his sides , as takes a few step inside the mannor and the doors slowly swing shut behind him *
[19-23:23] ca05f, Saige: (brb... having issues with the machine)
[19-23:23] ca05f, Saige: (brb... having issues with the machine)
[19-23:27] JOIN: Saige has entered.
[19-23:27] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *seems to look directly at toward Saiges's voice his head tilts as he hears another voice in the mannor as well * Well good evening Ladies I do hope i'm not intterupting ..*his voice somewhat edgey but his tone sincere , a look of aggervation marks his faces as he looks about something in this place still don't get it that he's the Heir to the plantation *
[19-23:28] ca05f, Saige: Of course not... *notes, however that he's lacking something* where's... Ethan?
[19-23:29] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *gives the man a benevolant smile*
[19-23:31] ca05f, Saige: *is of course, seriously ignoring her manners with not giving introductions, but the whereabouts of her child is a bit more important*
[19-23:33] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: He's fine ... he's upstairs *rolls his head slowly the bones in his neck cracking loudly as if he's stiff *
[19-23:36] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Now please don't let me interrupt ... gawd i need a drink .... *starts toward the bar as he reachs behind his back and pulls out a 1ft peice of red and black steel .. he flicks his wrist and it extends into a 5ft cain .. seeing as he's not completely aware of the lay out yet ... the cain strikes the floor before everystep taken as begins toward the bar*
[19-23:36] ca05f, Saige: How... *cuts herself off. Plenty of time to drill him later* Ms. Santiago *btw, she uses Ms. instead of the usual Mrs that most people use for older women, because she doesn't like to assume that people are married just because they are older* This would be the man you were looking for
[19-23:38] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[19-23:38] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Thank you. *follows after Randal* Sir?
[19-23:39] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 11:38am, October 20 (CDT) ).
[19-23:40] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Hmmm *notes the other woman's attention turn to him as she walks slowly behind him * Can i be of assitance ? Miss Santiago was it ??
[19-23:42] ca05f, Saige: *bites her lower lip and watches.... oh... this could be a tad catastrophic. Her head is swarming with possible explainations that she may need to use if a few mere words are spoken*
[19-23:43] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Yes. I'm a nanny by trade. I was wondering if you might be hiring.
[19-23:45] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Hiring ... well I dunno... Ethan's care, although i care myself .. is primarially left up to his mother... that would be a conversation you would have to take up with her ... I can always use an extra set of hands .. but Ethans care is not something I can answer for ...
[19-23:50] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Your wife had told me I should ask you.
[19-23:51] ca05f, Saige: *And... there they are. As she can think of no logical way to save herself now, so she takes the cowards way out* I'm... going to go check on the baby...
[19-23:55] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: * abrows raises behind the shades as he doesn't really say anything imediately .. this needs to sink in * My wife? ... really? .. well now this changes things
[19-23:56] ca05f, Saige: *would love to shoot him a desperate look, but since it would do no good, she makes her way up the stairs, slowly at first then increases the pace*
[19-23:56] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *has a slightly worried look... not the kind of dread worry, but more of one where you just stuck your nose into some sensitive private matter*
[19-23:58] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Well Miss Santiago ... I trust you can provide numbers at which contacts can be reached to justify your claims ... not that i disbileve .. but Ethan is a rather special child and requires rather unique tending too
[19-23:59] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Yes, so your... so Mrs. Mcalister had told me.
[20-00:01] ca05f, Saige: *stays rather composed until she opens the door to the nursery and steps in. Once she closes the door behind her, she just melts childishly to the floor*
[20-00:02] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *lets out a rather dark chuckli ng before stiffling it a wirey grin crosses his face as he turns slowly in the aged womans direction the look on his face genuine as he speaks* Well seeing as how Mr.s Mcalister has informed you and if you have no quarrel with it ... then by all means ... please consider yourself part of the plantation staff ....
[20-00:04] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((*is actualy going to need to change the name, since she's only middle aged*)) *bows slightly* Thank you sir. I promise no harm will come to your child while I still draw breath.
[20-00:06] ca05f, Saige: (thinks it's a cute name... better than 'middle aged lady santiago')
[20-00:08] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((either Madam Santiago or Isabel Santiago I'm thinking. Or the kid could be a real brat and call her that. haha))
[20-00:09] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *nods slowly * fair enough ... in return you get weekly salary , room, board , attire , and dining .. please go no lower then the wine cellar ... the grave yard and swamps are not safe at night ... this mannor has alot of history with it as well as spirits they harm no one so please over look them ... other then that everything should go well ... oh now would be a good time to get aquianted with Ethan ... please he up to the 4th top floor , 3rd door on you right .. and if you would please tell
[20-00:09] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Mrs. mcalister to join me down here for a momment ..*smiles sweetly at the woman *
[20-00:11] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: As you say. *nods to him and goes to where she's been directed. Knocks twice on the door*
[20-00:13] ca05f, Saige: *the voice is muffled... as it's planted nicely into the carpeted floor* What?
[20-00:14] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: May I come in?
[20-00:16] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Ugh... *shakes his head8 your a nanny not a slave... *says low and to himself as he turns back to the bar* mna i could use a cup of hot tea with honey and a lemon *
[20-00:16] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: (( gonna have top double char for a few ))
[20-00:17] ca05f, Saige: J-just a moment *slowly picks herself up from the floor. She looks into the crib, but the baby isn't there*
[20-00:18] JOIN: Maximillion Caine has entered.
[20-00:20] d9ed7, Maximillion Caine: *walks from the kitchen a cup and a saucer in his right hand * Ask and you shall recieve Mr. Mcalister ...
[20-00:20] d9ed7, Maximillion Caine: *makes his way behind the bar and places the cup infront of him * Please due becareful it is rather hot
[20-00:20] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[20-00:21] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Hmmm? Oh its you ... good evening Mr. Caine ... I trust all is well ? and thank you
[20-00:21] ca05f, Saige: *catching movement out of the corner of her eye, she looks over to see him in the playpen, on his tummy messing with some you or another* You can come in.
[20-00:21] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *waits patiently*
[20-00:22] d9ed7, Maximillion Caine: Not a problem Mr. Mcalister and you do not have to refer to me as Mr. I'm an employee nothing more
[20-00:22] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *shakes his head slowly * And I'm just a man ... if i wanted to be addressed as Mr. Mcalister I'd be in court *chuckles* ..
[20-00:23] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *opens the door and walks in. Smiles her benevolant smile on seeing the child* He is a precious one. Mr. Mcalister would like you to come downstairs. Judging by just how sweetly he stated it, I'd say he's not happy.
[20-00:24] d9ed7, Maximillion Caine: I do trust you know the woman has overstepped her bounds and pronounced you Husband and wife ? *a brow raises slowly as he Looks to Randal*
[20-00:25] ca05f, Saige: Well... *why sugar coat it?* He's a real bastard sometimes.
[20-00:25] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Yes ... and I'm well aware of you keeping tabs as you are worried for me ... but my private life is private Mr. Caine and please keep it that way
[20-00:26] d9ed7, Maximillion Caine: Indeed Mr. Mcalister please enjoy the conversation with her I know i shall ... *turns slowly a moves back to where he came *
[20-00:27] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *shakes his head slowly and says softly* oh i intend to *grins* i sooo intend too
[20-00:27] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: I see. *walks over to the baby and and touches him gently on the forehead, stroking the fluff of hair the kid has* Are you... actualy married?
[20-00:28] ca05f, Saige: *turns a sharp look to the woman* Did he hire you?
[20-00:29] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *takes the cup in his left hand .. the cain occuping his right and slowly raises it to his lips ..before drinking he inhales the vapors of the hot liquid enjoying the intoxicating scent *
[20-00:29] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ... Yes.
[20-00:30] ca05f, Saige: And you say that child care is your trade? you've done this several times before?
[20-00:31] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Yes.
[20-00:31] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *takes a sip of the hot tea and waits for Saige to come downstairs ...his patience steady as he's in no real hurry the more she squirms the better *
[20-00:34] ca05f, Saige: Then surely by now, you should know your place and it is not with your nose in our relationship. *of course, she's quite a bit more rude than she'd intended... but she just did a very dumb thing and is now being busted. She's never been embarrassed before* Now if you'll excuse me.
[20-00:35] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[20-00:35] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: *makes a very agile move away from the direction Saige would go to move to teh door*
[20-00:36] ca05f, Saige: *and she does indeed make her way out the door, leaving it open as there is a strange woman in the room with her son. She takes her time going down the stairs and when she gets to the bottom, she stands there*
[20-00:37] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *the cup in his hand remains almost in a fixed position about and inch from his lips as he seems to be siiting in thought his eye narrowed behind the tinted lenses as he takes another drink of the tea *
[20-00:38] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: Well... I seem to have allready caused a disturbance in the house. What do you think of that little one? *picks the baby up and holds him so they look at eachother*
[20-00:38] ca05f, Saige: Why would you hire her on the spot, Randal. We don't know anything about her.
[20-00:39] JOIN: Ethan_LeBeau has entered.
[20-00:40] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((Remy?))
[20-00:41] ca05f, Ethan_LeBeau: (let's see how well I can do this) *blinks very dark almond shaped eyes, sucking intently on his fingers. Yet, he stares into the woman's eyes* (nope, but I know 'im. Ethan's a decendant)
[20-00:42] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *hears her come to a stop at the bottom of the stairs a dark gin crosses his face before he turns slowly on the stool to face the bottom of the stairs * I know enough *said matter a factly* But if you recall i did leave it up to you
[20-00:42] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((I thought you might have been a guy that I RP with in the X-mansion))
[20-00:43] ca05f, Ethan_LeBeau: (nope... he's a supa good friend of mine, though.)
[20-00:44] ca05f, Saige: *crosses her arms over her chest* well, I thought we'd at least talk about it first before you just made the decision.
[20-00:44] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((right on ;) ))
[20-00:45]       Ethan_LeBeau is going to be able to do allllll kinds of cool stuff cuz of his lineage
[20-00:45] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *grins slightly as his head turns in her direction completely* Oh? funny i thought the same thing ...
[20-00:45] ca05f, Saige: Don't be a douche bag. I didn't mean anything by it.
[20-00:46] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *chuckles softly at her words my my how they go staight to his heart* Come here please Saige
[20-00:50] ca05f, Saige: *does as asked, stopping a couple feet away. She moves her arms to stuff her hands into her back pockets*
[20-00:51] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: No ... come here ... 8says softly as he notes she stopped a few feet away*
[20-00:53] ca05f, Saige: I just trucked up and down the stairs. You come here.
[20-00:54] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: fine fine *gets up of the stool and closes the gapo between them with a few steps he pauses for an instant before he is inchs away * so you meant nothing by it? *his voice sincere *
[20-00:57] ca05f, Saige: No. Just... 'girl he fucks' didn't sound very... like I knew what I was talking about.
[20-00:57] EXIT: Ethan_LeBeau has left the chat ( 12:45pm, October 20 (CDT) ).
[20-00:58] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: hmmm ... 8draws his left hand out of his pocket well i guess since you didn't mean anything by it .. you won't be wanting this ... *takes her hand an places a small plush box in her palm and closes her fingers around it * but since i bought it for you ... go ahead a keep it ...
[20-01:00] ca05f, Saige: *looks down at it... no... glares down at the box before she shoves it back to him, hitting him in the chest with it* No...
[20-01:02] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *doesn't make a move to take it back just stands there .. if he had sight he'd be looking dead at her *
[20-01:03] ca05f, Saige: *removes her hand from his chest, so if he doesn't catch the box, it'll fall* I can't. No.
[20-01:07] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *shakes his head his features harded a great deal , his upper body tensing as well .. doesn't catch the box lets it hit the floot * ... Yeah ... sure ... fine saves me the trouble anyway ... but if you'd rather pretend ..then the real thing .. keep pretending ..*turns setting the cup back on the bar , his feelings obviously hurt cause he thought by her comments she might really consider it ..not take less then 2 seconds to say no* i've got work to do ... *his voice seeming distant *
[20-01:08] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *he pushes off the bar an starts toward the basement door *
[20-01:08] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: why would you open up to me or even care too? ... Gawd I'm so fucking stupid ... *words like that hardly ever come out of his mouth *
[20-01:09] ca05f, Saige: You're blowing this up and then running off mad. You're not stupid, but you're acting like it.
[20-01:10] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *reachs the basement door and flings it open the door hitting the jam a large indentation remianing within the polished wood of the door *
[20-01:11] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Really Saige? mad am i ... you can't even tell the difference can you ?? i'm not mad not at all I'm something far worse *impling really hurt *
[20-01:11] f6eef, Old Lady Santiago: ((well, I'll assume that they're not going to come back to check up on the kid... if they do... I guess both the kid and Santiago went to sleep. Cause I need to))
[20-01:11] ca05f, Saige: Cut the dramatics. You're being unreasonable.
[20-01:12] ca05f, Saige: (me too, man. but SOMEONE had to pick a fight. blah! I'll catch you later, though)
[20-01:13] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: You want to introduce yourself as my wife??? *says sharply* then when i finally work up the courage you shove it back in my face??
[20-01:14] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: Oh yeah dramatics?? thats what they alright ... you know what your problem is ? your afraid you always have been you always will be ...why'd i think i could make a difference ?
[20-01:14] ca05f, Saige: Look, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that. It was just an impulse. Just a stupid thing, but I'm not ready.
[20-01:15] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: I'm not ready would have been a far better answer then what you gave me ... I could have lived with that alot easier
[20-01:16] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *takes a breath and shakes his head slowly* i'm done fighting ... it solves nothing and I'm not gonna fight with you cause that means i lose in the end
[20-01:17] ca05f, Saige: Randal... *her voice has a very low, deadly undertone.* I understand you're upset and you're hurt... but I can only take so many insults and apologize so many times. It's not something I do regularly, so I suggest you calm down before you open your mouth any more.
[20-01:20] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *catchs the hint in her voice and just shakes his head , then replies , the words ring with a eerie deadly calm* yeah your right I'm sorry ... it won't happen ever agian no worries I'll be back later ...i have things to do ... *steps on the stairs and closes the door behind him a click is heard as it locks
[20-01:20] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *catchs the hint in her voice and just shakes his head , then replies , the words ring with a eerie deadly calm* yeah your right I'm sorry ... it won't happen ever agian no worries I'll be back later ...i have things to do ... *steps on the stairs and closes the door behind him a click is heard as it locks
[20-01:22] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *the tapping of his cain as it strikes each step escapes the out into the main room and then slowly fades and dies out *
[20-01:23] ca05f, Saige: *speaks to the closed door* Oh, yes it will... and you're going to run away every time... and someday when you come back, I won't be here.
[20-01:25] ca05f, Saige: *turns and quietly walks up the stairs. After checking in on Ethan, she goes into the bedroom that she obviously wont be sharing with Randal tonight, and shuts the door*
[20-01:26] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister: *says back from the other sid eof the door as he can hear her every word maybe she'll hear maybe she won't * I don't run Saige ... you do ... your body is here with me .. but your heart is locked away and thats a place i can't reach .. the second door closes and he's in the basement*
[20-01:29] EXIT: Saige has left the chat ( 1:25pm, October 20 (CDT) ).
[20-01:30] EXIT: Randal Mcalister has left the chat ( 1:26pm, October 20 (CDT) ).
[20-08:09] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-08:09] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-21:19] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[20-21:19] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 9:19am, October 21 (CDT) ).
[20-23:09] JOIN: Isabel Santiago has entered.
[20-23:09] f6eef, Isabel Santiago: ((lurk lurk lurk))
[20-23:49] f6eef, Isabel Santiago: ((lurg lurg lurg))
[21-00:10] f6eef, Isabel Santiago: ((luuuuuuuuuuuuurking))
[21-00:28] f6eef, Isabel Santiago: ((lurk lurk
[21-00:33] f6eef, Isabel Santiago: Lurky lurky lurky
[21-13:17] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-13:17] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-17:34] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-17:35] d9ed7, (Lurker): Randal: (( won't be on till tomorrow night))
[21-20:51] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[21-20:51] EXIT: (Lurker) has left the chat ( 8:51am, October 22 (CDT) ).
[21-21:03] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[21-21:11] NICK: Cookie Monster changed nick to Shambling Zombie.
[21-21:17] f6eef, Shambling Zombie : *roams about the swam aimlessly, with no purpose or any vigor. The skin of its legs are bloated and saggy due to the water's swelling of the rotted flesh. The entire face is slack, with teh jaw hanging open. Even the iris is slack, causing the pupil to be massive and give the zombie a macabre cow eye look*
[21-21:34] f6eef, Shambling Zombie : *roam roam*
[21-21:53] f6eef, Shambling Zombie : *roams just a teansy bit to the right and makes a mild moan as it looses a toe due to it getting stuck on something. It shambles on without further complaint*
[21-22:21] f6eef, Shambling Zombie : ((lalala))
[23-01:01] JOIN: (Lurker) has entered.
[23-01:35] JOIN: Randal Mcalister has entered.
[23-01:38] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *stands in the cellar back agianst the wall his head tilted down, he slowly lets out a sigh * what am I gonna do with her ....I don't really know what I'm doing down here .. i can'
[23-01:39] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *sighs once more*
[23-01:44] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : *pushes off the wall and starts toward the stairs , his cain in his right hand sweeping his path before every step *
[23-01:46] d9ed7, Randal Mcalister : I can't even tell what half of this stuff is down here .. *his left hand reachs forward and slowly turns the knob opening the door .. the cain marks the first step and then the next and the next and continues to do so until he reachs the second door on the ground floor of the manner *