Name: Morph
Other names/aliases nicknames: Morphie, Morphmon, Leon Isuka, Slash
Age: Chronologicaly around 16
Species: digimon/hedgehog
Theme Music: "Egao" - Kouji Wada
Appearence:Grey fur, red scarf, purple and black shoes, black gloves with three slits on top of them.
Weapons: Retratable claws and tendrils
Special Abilities: Energy blasts, temporaraly melting itno a puddle, limited healing
Other forms: OmegaMorphmon, HyperMorphmon, TyrantMorphmon
Likes: Freedom, Graphic Novels, The Outdoors, Heavy Metal, Tamers, Privicy, Frosty ice cream, his goggles
Hates: Crowds, Sadism, Bigotry, Cowards, Government, being ordered around, being underestimated, people getting in his way, having his size pointed out
Nicknames/Titles for others: Abigor=Abi, Cosmic=Boy Scout, Sonic=Sonikku, Tails=Kid, Knuckles=Guardian, Luffy=Straw Hat, Zoro=Swordsman, Sanji=Cook, Axel=Rat Baka, Scourge=Fake.
Weaknesses: Magnetic waves, reformats into weaker form afetr dying/using too much energy.
History: Morph was created around the time of the Great War of Mobius. Overlander Scientists found out about a "digital world" and started working on a project, which was Morph. At first he was just for research, but as the war came around he was modified for fighting. Morph was never awakened after his creation until a few years ago. At first he was obsessed with becoming stronger than anyone on the planet, but he has changed since then. Having no past, he constantly wanders the planet.