Name: Morph

Other names/aliases nicknames: Morphie, Morphmon, Leon Isuka, Slash

Age: Chronologicaly around 16

Species: digimon/hedgehog
Theme Music: "Egao" - Kouji Wada
Appearence:Grey fur, red scarf, purple and black shoes, black gloves with three slits on top of them.

Weapons: Retratable claws and tendrils

Special Abilities: Energy blasts, temporaraly melting itno a puddle, limited healing

Other forms: OmegaMorphmon, HyperMorphmon, TyrantMorphmon

Likes: Freedom, Graphic Novels, The Outdoors, Heavy Metal, Tamers, Privicy, Frosty ice cream, his goggles

Hates: Crowds, Sadism, Bigotry, Cowards, Government, being ordered around, being underestimated, people getting in his way, having his size pointed out

Nicknames/Titles for others: Abigor=Abi, Cosmic=Boy Scout, Sonic=Sonikku, Tails=Kid, Knuckles=Guardian, Luffy=Straw Hat, Zoro=Swordsman, Sanji=Cook, Axel=Rat Baka, Scourge=Fake. Weaknesses: Magnetic waves, reformats into weaker form afetr dying/using too much energy.
History: Morph was created around the time of the Great War of Mobius. Overlander Scientists found out about a "digital world" and started working on a project, which was Morph. At first he was just for research, but as the war came around he was modified for fighting. Morph was never awakened after his creation until a few years ago. At first he was obsessed with becoming stronger than anyone on the planet, but he has changed since then. Having no past, he constantly wanders the planet. Pictures: