Full Name: Arthur Claymore

Codename: Calibur

Race: Mutant

Earth-616 Counterpart: None

Age: 17

Affiliation: Empire

Base of Operations: The Imperial Institute

Brief History: Arthur's father instilled in him a sense of knighthood and honor, a code that Arthur has attempted to emulate in his life. When he first began to manifest his powers, his father was hesitant to allow him to join the Institute fearing that his gifts would be used for less than honorable reasons. Eventually, Arthur's mother was able to convince his father that Arthur learning to use his gifts was more imortant than unfounded fear of what maybe. To that end, Arthur has been sent to the institute to train with others of his ilk.

Construct Generation: Arthur is able to create objects with the power of his mind. Primarily he uses this ability to craft weapons from thin air. However, the more complicated the construct the more concentration and attention it requires to create. Likewise, while he could create a complicated future technology he has to be aware of the individual mechanisms of it's operation. He can't just think of a nuclear missle, he has to actually be aware of the individual components of such a weapon to form it, he also would have no means of activating without creating some device to fire it and such a complicated expenditure would take a long practiced time to manage. For this reason alone he maintains lesser medieval style constructs for combat situations. These constructs are independent of him once they have been created, becoming solid and real objects that he can gift to others for use. He is able to deconstruct these objects with his will, but they seem not to require him to maintain them such as when he is unconcious they are still present.

Visual Memory Encoding: Arthur is capable of remembering anything he sees, this is especially beneficial in his ability to obtain blueprints of an item so he can recreate it with his power. He's also capable of memorizing any physical action and recreating it himself. In this manner he can learn any combat style he sees executed and replicate it for his own use.

Creative Artist Mind: One of Arthur's biggest assets is his ability as an artist. He is able to memorize any face he's ever seen and recreate a visual image of it. He's also able to use his creative ability to envision weapons or tools that haven't been invented yet or modified in some manner to his liking.

Heavy Construct: The constructs that Arthur creates are extremely durable and resistant to damage. He's not sure how much damage his constructs can take without breaking, however he's created a shield capable of holding it's integrity against an explosion and withstanding the impact of a car. His own car, one of his constructs, has broken through brick walls without any notable structure damage. Even the windows remain intact, implying that the objects he's craft are actually made of a matter that can mimic the appearance of an object but is a great deal more durable than the material itself might appear.