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58943, *Tarian Maddox : *le active pause*
29712, *Tomcat : I never said I was a manwhore. You just came to that conclusion. *Grins at her, and for a moment, he has the glowy cat-eyes directed at Tarian. But it's one of those 'blink and you miss it' moments, so fast that one can't be sure it happened at all.* 'Ey, 'ey. You were knocking back mixed drinks at the same time. Me? I was having a cheap ale. *he makes this grandiose gesture of being exasperated, but it's so ridiculously drawn out and comical, he can't be serious.* I swear, La Fey Verte, there is no winning with you.
58943, *Tarian Maddox : Because it's fun to watch! *nodding in response to Tom's question* They mix brandy in with the coffee, and sometimes some other flavors. It tastes good, too. But it's really fun to watch. *grinning* I don't think anyone would argue that I'm not a little insane. I don't know Tom well enough to say anything on that subject, but he's a self-admitted manwhore. *fixes Tom with an angelic smile* Who day drinks.
c841b, *Alexis Shade : would you want.. *she'd stop and shake her head* I'm starting to think that you guys are a little insane. And yeah, I'm from here...mostly. I..moved here when I was little. It's not a bad place to live, compared to other places.
29712, *Tomcat : I thought you said I sprung fully formed from a patch of four-leafed clovers. *He says with a chuckle at Tarian. Narnia. As if! Though she's not too far away with that answer... Maybe a bit too close for comfort, but he's playing it off as if it's a big joke, and they're always doing this.* Aye, I've seen it done a few times. They usually use brandy, aye? Set it on fire, quite the show.
58943, *Tarian Maddox : *taking her drink, she adds some extra sugar and follows after Alexis* Fire coffee. It's really fun to watch them make it. It's really dramatic, pouring liquid fire from one cup to another. *grins, picking out a seat* So you're from here? *pointing at Tom* He's from Narnia or something. I just got here last week.
c841b, *Alexis Shade : I was just out for a...walk and met him in the nearby park. What's cafe brulot? *she't take her drink and follows Tomcat over to the table* And I'm always careful. *it was how she stayed safe*
29712, *Tomcat : Getting to know the locals. *Since Alexis struck him as a local. Don't ask me why this occurred to him, it just did. These things happen. Jumping to conclusions is a thing!* And of course you would want fire in your coffee. Gotta be careful of this one, Alexis. *He says with a light, lilting laugh. When he had his coffee, which had a modest amount of cream and sugar to it, he would find them a table to sit at.*
58943, *Tarian Maddox : *her eyes flick over the menu* Okay, it looks like cafe brulot is out of the question.....I'll go with a cappucino. *tucks her hands into her pockets, looking between the other two* So what are you guys up to? *pretty sure for Tom the answer is "no good," but who knows for Alexis? She seems nice enough*
c841b, *Alexis Shade : Your guess is as good as mine..I've never been here before. Not to this location, anyway. My advice is to go with what you normally get and judge the place on how good it tastes. *after Tomcat was done ordering, she'd order a green tea latte*
29712, *Tomcat : Don't mind her, she's just jealous of my good looks. *Flashes Alexis a wink and a grin. This is in regards to how he had been called a skank. He followed them inside, and hovered around; metaphorically, not literally.* Well, as long as it's not in the papers, I suppose you're all good. *In regards to Tarian causing mischief. He is curious, and he'll find out, sooner or later. After a few moments, he disengages to go and order himself a simple coffee.*
58943, *Tarian Maddox : You too, Alexis. *smiling coolly at Tomcat* That's for me to know and you to....well, I don't know if I want you to find out, so I guess you'll just have to wonder. *pauses just inside the cafe to consider her options as far as food and caffeine are concerned. Looks toward Alexis* Have you been here before? What do they have that's good?
c841b, *Alexis Shade : Oh...fate.. *she would make a slight face, indicating just what she thought of that* Skank? *she'd eye him for a moment before shaking her head and giving Green-Hair a small wave* Nice to meet you, Tarian. *she would enter the cafe and inhales the delightful scents that are common with such places*
29712, *Tomcat : Some people say the fates, I say the winds. *He clarifies for her. He was speaking figuratively, rather than literally.* Danger can be fun. But I understand. *He typically hid as well, though he was not above causing shenanigans; it's just that he didn't stand out, or rather, could make himself not stand out.* Alexis, this is Tarian. Tarian, Alexis. *He would make quick introductions to the two women once they closed the distance.* So, La Fey Verte, what sort of mischief have you been up to? *Because he is all sorts of nice tonight, he would hold the door open and allow them both to go in first.*
58943, *Tarian Maddox : *pauses mid-stride, turning to face the source of the sound* Oh! *smirking* Hey, skank. *her eyes shifting to Alexis* Also hey. *with a small wave. She turns back toward the cafe, lingering on each step to give them time to catch up to her. Hey, always good to make new friends, right? She's definitely gotten some rest and food over the last couple of days, making her a little more patient and amenable. A little*
c841b, *Alexis Shade : The winds? *she would shake her head at the idea of flying anywhere outside of Canada. No, the way she sees it she's best keeping her wings to herself and being just like everyone else. Of course if he wasn't meaning literally, it would go right over her head* Yes, I's dangerous not to. *and while she could feel the energy coming off of him, her own steps would remain measured and somewhat plodding. After flying, she always hated walking anywhere. Blinking when he shouts to someone, it wouldn't take her long to spot "green-hair"*
29712, *Tomcat : You never know. Maybe the winds will guide you there. They are fickle things, and we can never quite know just where they will blow us. *he gives an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders as he continues along the streets, an excited energy in his steps. She might feel a bit of liveliness and spring to her step as well, as if walking were as effortless as the flying had been made.* You hide, don't you? *Perhaps it was too blunt, but curiosity often got the best of him, and some times it was the best way to get an answer. Perhaps it was bluntness that got him cast away. Who knows?* Hm... green-hair! *A shout out to Tarian as they were approaching the same cafe; how's that for coincidence?*
58943, *Tarian Maddox : *she steps out of an alleyway in a clean set of clothes, though she wears the same jacket, her green hair pulled into a low ponytail that covers the tops of her ears. She has no backpack this time, taking a moment to stretch and enjoy being on the street without all her belongings loaded onto her back. Looking around, she sees a cafe and ambles toward it*
c841b, *Alexis Shade : *she didn't know he was Fae, she just thought that he was a mutant like she was..or believed she was. With no real memories about her parents and noone to ask about her ancestors, assumptions were all she could go on* I doubt I'll ever get a chance to visit Finland but I will if I ever do. *she would sigh a little when she puts her coat back on, trapping her wings underneath but she had learned the hard way that not everyone was tolerant of mutants even in Toronto* Besides flying? Reading, fishing, going to the movies... *all things you could do alone*
29712, *Tomcat : (*Cat-Stretch.*)
JOIN: Liz has entered.
58943, *Tarian Maddox : ((*stretch*))
JOIN: Gimp Faerie has entered.
JOIN: pH has entered.
JOIN: Vitus has entered.
4b4c9, *Hayato Mamoru : *Hayato wantered through the halls, passing by door after door. It always surprised him the size of his own facility, which was much larger than the one he ran back in San Diego...back when GUARD was up and running. Though he chose to run things differently than before. A woman stopped him in the hallway saying "Dr. Mamoru, we need you to sign this approval notice. The construction is almost completed." He took the extended clipboard and signed it.* That's good to hear. The new living quarters will be helpful with all the refugees from the US. And before you say anything, I don't care if it's not a PC phrase. Everything is chaotic there, and it provides us with an opportunity they are just throwing away. *The woman walked off, and Hayato turned to look out the window to the forest before him. He places his hand on the window and talks to himself.* You can't just toss out the parts of science you don't like. Like swimming upstream, you can't fight evolution. EDEN will be that beacon.
ca3e1, *Alchemist: *kicks his AV*
ca3e1, *Alchemist: Alright, done with house things
16a91, *Vitus: (( Them too))
41a1c, *Gimp Faerie: Yarr. Don't ye be fergettin' Father Dagon and Mother Hydra, lubber.
16a91, *Vitus: (( the sea only has cthulhu and fish shit
41a1c, *Gimp Faerie: Yarr. Well, I be a man o' the sea, lad.
16a91, *Vitus: (( Thats hurtful))
JOIN: Vitus has entered.
41a1c, *Gimp Faerie: Avast, lubbers.
JOIN: Gimp Faerie has entered.
16a91, *Vitus: *He was posted up in an alley, He had just made a deal like normal days and sighed softly. He had a new guest in his place and she seemed like she needed help. He did wonder if she was being truthful or sent from someone else to disrupt him. Lighting a cigarette he took a puff as he looked over the money he just made. It would be enough to resupply him which means anything else right now will be pure profit which he is happy about*
MSG: 1 sent a message to Tarian Maddox.
16a91, *Vitus: (( *offers alchemist coffee or energy drink*))
ca3e1, *Alchemist: *yawns*

Last Post:5:36pm, April 11 (UTC) (1)

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