These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

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[04-03:45] JOIN: Lilac has entered.
[06-22:41] JOIN: firefox has entered.
[06-22:43] JOIN: firefox has entered.
[06-22:46] JOIN: firefox has entered.
[06-22:48] 31f76, firefox: anybody home
[06-22:48] 31f76, firefox: anybody here
[17-18:46] JOIN: SeaDove8970 has entered.
[17-18:47] d2f60, SeaDove8970: hello
[17-18:47] d2f60, SeaDove8970: hello
[17-18:48] d2f60, SeaDove8970: yep
[24-20:36] JOIN: Katie has entered.
[05-03:46] JOIN: jgrdgrgdgd has entered.
[05-03:46] 5bab3, jgrdgrgdgd: gdggd
[05-15:03] JOIN: Warior of Satan has entered.
[05-15:04] 710af, Warior of Satan: hey
[10-01:59] JOIN: Simaren has entered.
[10-01:59] 77fba, Simaren: hi
[30-23:44] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[30-23:44] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 11:44pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-23:45] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[30-23:45] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 11:45pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[30-23:53] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[30-23:53] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 11:53pm, August 30 (CDT) ).
[01-13:17] JOIN: Jed has entered.
[01-20:10] JOIN: Kalyka has entered.
[01-20:11] c8678, Kalyka: hello everyone
[01-20:11] c8678, Kalyka: whats goin on?
[01-20:12] c8678, Kalyka: hey
[07-20:03] JOIN: Kat has entered.
[07-20:03] f9217, Kat: hello
[07-20:04] EXIT: Kat has left the chat ( 8:03pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:44] JOIN: ILUVBIGBOOBS has entered.
[11-15:15] JOIN: sexy has entered.
[11-15:15] 3208c, sexy: hey
[11-15:16] 3208c, sexy: hey
[11-15:16] 3208c, sexy: hey
[11-15:17] 3208c, sexy: i have big boobs
[11-15:19] 3208c, sexy: hello
[14-02:01] JOIN: sgg has entered.
[14-02:01] 18745, sgg: sfgs
[14-02:01] 18745, sgg: Hiii
[14-02:01] 18745, sgg: Anyone there?
[14-04:14] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[14-13:50] JOIN: BobbyDigital has entered.
[14-13:51] b7cdf, BobbyDigital: *says hello to everyone*
[14-13:57] JOIN: Roslin has entered.
[14-13:57] f0b2c, Roslin: Hrm.
[29-17:09] JOIN: Ashley has entered.
[29-17:12] JOIN: Ashley has entered.
[29-17:13] 64fde, Ashley: Sorry, but what kind of roleplay is this?
[29-17:14] JOIN: Ashley has entered.
[29-17:22] EXIT: Ashley has left the chat ( 5:21pm, September 29 (CDT) ).
[04-18:47] JOIN: Rhainwen has entered.
[11-02:28] JOIN: Akriel_BrokenAn has entered.
[11-02:29] e3f3a, Akriel_BrokenAn: nice, Roleplay~
[12-17:11] JOIN: Vex has entered.
[15-08:43] JOIN: Kharlia has entered.
[15-08:43] e56ec, Kharlia: *says Hey*
[15-08:44] e56ec, Kharlia: *Asks if anyone is around...."
[15-08:44] e56ec, Kharlia: ***Nothing but blowing wind.............."
[15-08:47] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[15-08:53] f0047, Noname: hello?
[15-09:35] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[15-09:39] JOIN: Nakita has entered.
[15-09:40] 818f3, Nakita: * Peeks*
[15-09:41] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[15-09:41] f0047, Noname: ((*pounce tackle hugs Nakita*))
[15-09:41] 818f3, Nakita: hello ??
[15-09:41] f0047, Noname: *kabonks old color*
[15-09:41] f0047, Noname: Tis Shifty
[15-09:42] 818f3, Nakita: (( Bah !!! * tackle tickle hugs back* ^-^ ))
[15-09:43] f0047, Noname: ya be las?
[15-09:44] 818f3, Nakita: (( heh I am pretty good, and u ?? ))
[15-09:45] f0047, Noname: ((I be fine.))
[15-09:46] 818f3, Nakita: (( good, heh ))
[15-09:47] 818f3, Nakita: (( * pets the baby seal in her Pic* :) ))
[15-09:47] f0047, Noname: ((*looks at the seal* Yummy.))
[15-09:48] 818f3, Nakita: (( what !?!? * Fwaps Shifty* ))
[15-09:49] f0047, Noname: ((*is fwaped and dies*))
[15-09:50] 818f3, Nakita: (( * giggles..sighs and revives* ))
[15-09:51] f0047, Noname: ((*comes back and pounces on her* Thanks.))
[15-09:53] 818f3, Nakita: (( * lands in a pile of goose feathers* achoo!!!! heh well i must go ad sell donuts for french class.. yes yes im going to france!! hehe bye!! ^-^ ))
[15-09:54] f0047, Noname: ((hehe...ok. bye, take care. *huggles*))
[15-10:00] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 9:54am, October 15 (CDT) ).
[22-21:42] JOIN: Karma Lilly has entered.
[28-18:29] JOIN: Sage has entered.
[28-18:31] EXIT: Sage has left the chat ( 6:29pm, October 28 (CST) ).
[28-19:17] JOIN: Drakesun has entered.
[28-19:17] c3194, Drakesun: hi?
[28-19:17] c3194, Drakesun: hmph..
[29-21:18] JOIN: Kennyon has entered.
[29-21:20] ba8e1, Kennyon: Hello
[29-21:59] JOIN: none has entered.
[29-23:44] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[01-18:43] JOIN: DixieJ has entered.
[01-18:43] ca540, DixieJ: what kind of rp is this?
[01-18:43] ca540, DixieJ: hi???
[01-18:44] ca540, DixieJ: is this an rp at all?
[01-18:44] ca540, DixieJ: lalalalalala
[04-14:57] JOIN: sexi has entered.
[04-21:35] JOIN: Leon Belmont has entered.
[04-21:35] 16a24, Leon Belmont: <<
[04-21:35] 16a24, Leon Belmont: >>
[04-21:37] 16a24, Leon Belmont: i am new here myself
[04-21:38] EXIT: Leon Belmont has left the chat ( 9:37pm, November 04 (CST) ).
[04-21:39] JOIN: Leon Belmont has entered.
[04-21:40] 16a24, Leon Belmont: very quiet rp
[05-19:33] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[05-19:34] JOIN: Sabal Serear has entered.
[05-19:35] d49ba, Sabal Serear: hello
[09-10:17] JOIN: link496 has entered.
[09-10:18] e513e, link496: hello?
[09-10:22] JOIN: Hawk has entered.
[09-10:23] EXIT: Hawk has left the chat ( 10:22am, November 09 (CST) ).
[09-13:26] JOIN: Tendalus has entered.
[09-13:26]       Tendalus
[09-13:27] dd7d7, Tendalus: Greetings
[09-13:27]       Tendalus smiles
[09-13:27]       Tendalus looks around curiously.
[09-19:20] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[20-14:09] JOIN: watermelon has entered.
[23-22:16] JOIN: k has entered.
[23-22:17] 6981e, k: r u alive? anybody?
[24-15:15] JOIN: sobe has entered.
[24-15:16] 09c81, sobe: hey everyone
[26-14:29] JOIN: SweetStrawberri has entered.
[30-11:05] JOIN: AnnaBelle has entered.
[30-11:28] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[04-08:09] JOIN: topxes has entered.
[07-19:07] JOIN: DafyddEdwardDra has entered.
[07-19:08] JOIN: DafyddEdwardDra has entered.
[07-19:09] JOIN: DafyddEdwardDra has entered.
[08-14:54] JOIN: Leinda has entered.
[11-21:35] JOIN: Aurora Denmore has entered.
[11-21:36] 1a4f1, Aurora Denmore: hello all
[11-21:36] 1a4f1, Aurora Denmore: *sighs and sits in the dark corner watching everyone's actions"
[11-22:41] JOIN: LoneFireAngel has entered.
[12-18:33] JOIN: NeRaVaR has entered.
[12-18:34] 68588, NeRaVaR: hi all
[12-18:34] 68588, NeRaVaR: hi all
[12-18:37]       NeRaVaR looks around and walks to Aurora's table
[12-18:38] 68588, NeRaVaR: looks around and walks to Aurora's table
[12-18:39] 68588, NeRaVaR: hi can i join
[12-18:42] JOIN: NeReVaR has entered.
[12-18:42] WHO: Aurora Denmore is unknown.
[15-21:38] JOIN: LovDoc has entered.
[15-21:40] 5cea9, LovDoc: hi room
[15-23:44] JOIN: kriger has entered.
[15-23:44] d261c, kriger: time on post
[15-23:45] d261c, kriger: hola?!
[15-23:45] d261c, kriger: hola?!
[20-01:38] JOIN: bty has entered.
[22-17:38] JOIN: Rhiannon has entered.
[22-17:39] 15b3f, Rhiannon: Hello everyone
[22-17:40] 15b3f, Rhiannon: I'm new and I was wondering, is this place any good?
[22-17:42] 15b3f, Rhiannon: I'm trying to find a suitable place to RP.
[22-17:43] 15b3f, Rhiannon: Does anyone know?
[22-17:43] 15b3f, Rhiannon: -.-;
[22-17:44] 15b3f, Rhiannon: I'll be on my way then.
[22-19:27] JOIN: Norai Kenshin has entered.
[22-19:28] ad633, Norai Kenshin: Hiya
[22-19:28] ad633, Norai Kenshin: Hiya
[22-19:33] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[23-10:06] JOIN: tkuliver has entered.
[23-10:07] 0b2c0, tkuliver: hello
[23-10:07] 0b2c0, tkuliver: hello
[25-15:35] JOIN: Onifer has entered.
[25-15:36] 49259, Onifer: hello room
[25-15:36] 49259, Onifer: hello
[25-16:29] JOIN: lil princess has entered.
[25-16:30] cb0d6, lil princess: hello???
[25-16:31] cb0d6, lil princess: ne1?
[27-01:16] JOIN: Draven69 has entered.
[27-01:17] d2129, Draven69: looks around and finds nothing of interest
[27-01:18] d2129, Draven69: looks around and finds nothing of interest
[27-01:19] d2129, Draven69: Quietly returns to the place he came from...
[27-01:19] d2129, Draven69: ..I await the return of The Vampires Kiss...
[27-01:19] EXIT: Draven69 has left the chat ( 1:19am, December 27 (CST) ).
[30-10:52] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[02-23:59] JOIN: Max_452 has entered.
[02-23:59] 65e2e, Max_452: hello
[06-15:48] JOIN: Celeborn_Sorcer has entered.
[06-15:48] 25fa3, Celeborn_Sorcer: hello?
[06-15:48] 25fa3, Celeborn_Sorcer: Hello
[07-10:11] JOIN: vic has entered.
[09-13:32] JOIN: Lesion has entered.
[10-01:22] JOIN: Grace has entered.
[10-01:25] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[10-01:26] d7bf3, Noname: hello
[10-16:18] JOIN: Reed Lowell-Nak has entered.
[10-16:18] NICK: Reed Lowell-Nak changed nick to newname.
[12-23:20] JOIN: Hollyhotpants has entered.
[13-15:14] JOIN: Braska has entered.
[13-15:14] ffd02, Braska: Hello
[19-21:13] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[23-09:52] JOIN: Devil has entered.
[23-09:52] ece2b, Devil: hail
[23-09:54] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[23-09:54] ece2b, Devil: how are thee today
[23-09:56] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[23-09:57] bdfc2, Noname: You're typing in black there...kinda impossible to see it against a black background.
[23-09:57] ece2b, Devil: who me
[23-09:57] bdfc2, Noname: Yes, Satan..heh.
[25-12:33] JOIN: boots has entered.
[25-12:33] EXIT: boots has left the chat ( 12:33pm, January 25 (CST) ).
[26-15:49] JOIN: twisted angel has entered.
[26-15:49] 6c5ff, twisted angel: hello
[27-15:25] JOIN: midnight_angel_ has entered.
[27-15:26] 224b1, midnight_angel_: hewo
[30-09:31] JOIN: riga has entered.
[30-09:33] cea51, riga: voi
[30-09:34] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[30-09:34] 0769d, Noname: I can read the black typing..
[30-12:33] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[30-20:16] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[31-04:55] JOIN: ray4770 has entered.
[02-11:21] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[02-11:22] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[02-11:22] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[02-11:23] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[02-21:54] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[04-17:26] JOIN: psycho chick has entered.
[04-17:27] 78a5e, psycho chick: wassup pplz?
[05-03:49] JOIN: Kaijin_Setmetsu has entered.
[05-03:50] 4502c, Kaijin_Setmetsu: ?
[05-13:46] JOIN: NeoFalcon has entered.
[05-13:46] 29974, NeoFalcon: ?
[05-13:46] 29974, NeoFalcon: b
[05-13:49] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[05-13:49] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::A silver falcon enters and lands on a nearby tree branch::
[05-13:49] JOIN: Andrew Deamon has entered.
[05-13:50] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Hello Sedi>>
[05-13:50] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Hello Sedi>>
[05-13:50] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Damn it Andy>>
[05-13:50] 29974, Sedi: walks around
[05-13:50] 29974, NeoFalcon: ...
[05-13:50] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::a mesterious figure enters and looks over at the falcon::
[05-13:51] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Ruffles his feathers::
[05-13:51] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "what are you doing here'
[05-13:51] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<I hate demons>>
[05-13:51] 29974, Sedi: goes to a cornor
[05-13:51] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Bite my Zota>>
[05-13:52] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::looks at sedi with his pure white eyes::"why the hell are you doing here"
[05-13:52] 29974, NeoFalcon: me*
[05-13:52] 29974, Sedi: looking around
[05-13:52] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Swoops down at Andrew and rakes at his eyes with talons::
[05-13:52] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "sedi what are you doing"
[05-13:52] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Die bitch>>
[05-13:53] 29974, Sedi: loooking around
[05-13:53] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::moves::"damn bird"
[05-13:53] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Circles around and swoops down again::
[05-13:53] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Rakes talons forward::
[05-13:53] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::pulls out a dagger and throws it at neo::
[05-13:54] 29974, Sedi: watching the action
[05-13:54] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Grr>>
[05-13:54] 29974, Sedi: k
[05-13:54] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Darts towards Sedi::
[05-13:54] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "damn bird"
[05-13:54] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "damn bird"
[05-13:54] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Rakes his takons at him::
[05-13:55] 29974, Sedi: goes ion tlo a neby store
[05-13:55] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::runs to sedi and moves him:;;
[05-13:55] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Flys to a tree branch::
[05-13:55] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<Dumas cn't spll>>
[05-13:55] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::teleports over to the bird and grabs its troat:;
[05-13:56] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "what are you doing neo"
[05-13:56] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<I didn't know i had a troat>>
[05-13:56] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<You mean throat?>>
[05-13:56] 29974, Sedi: watching the action throgh a hole
[05-13:56] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<dumbass>
[05-13:56] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Bites andrew's hand::
[05-13:57] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((screw you ass))
[05-13:57] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<...He said hole::
[05-13:57] 29974, Andrew Deamon: :"ouch"
[05-13:57] 29974, Sedi: cool hu
[05-13:57] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Bites down HARD::
[05-13:58] 29974, Sedi: coo hu
[05-13:58] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::throws the bird at a tree"
[05-13:58] 29974, Andrew Deamon: (::)
[05-13:58] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Watches blood rise from andy's hand::
[05-13:58] 29974, Sedi: cool
[05-13:58] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Hits tree and falls to the floor::
[05-13:59] 29974, NeoFalcon: <<As tidus would say, Ouchies>>
[05-13:59] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::pulls off glove and looks at hand::"bitch buns bird"
[05-14:00] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::There is a flash of light and the bird is replaced by a man with long silver hair::
[05-14:00] 29974, Sedi: time to go
[05-14:00] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((save this guys))
[05-14:00] 29974, NeoFalcon: ::Runs away::
[05-14:00] 29974, Sedi: ass hole
[05-18:37] JOIN: explosiv has entered.
[05-18:37] 01de4, explosiv: hi room
[06-09:09] JOIN: Neo Falcon has entered.
[06-09:10] 29974, Neo Falcon: "Die"
[06-09:10] 29974, Neo Falcon: You guys here?
[06-09:10] JOIN: Andrew Deamon has entered.
[06-09:11] 29974, Neo Falcon: Hello?
[06-09:11] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[06-09:11] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "yes'
[06-09:11] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "yes'
[06-09:11] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Looks around::
[06-09:11] 29974, Sedi: looks around
[06-09:11] 29974, Neo Falcon: where is demi?
[06-09:12] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((where were we yesterday))
[06-09:12] 29974, Neo Falcon: ?
[06-09:12] 29974, Sedi: go down
[06-09:12] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((sedi is here))
[06-09:12] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Bites off sedi's head::
[06-09:12] 29974, Neo Falcon: ((Crunchy))
[06-09:13] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "?"
[06-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: Sedi u there?
[06-09:13] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::looks confused::
[06-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: die
[06-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: bitch
[06-09:13] 29974, Sedi: yes
[06-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: Sedi!
[06-09:14] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "P"
[06-09:14] 29974, Neo Falcon: Why aren't you talking
[06-09:14] 29974, Neo Falcon: So?
[06-09:14] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((who))
[06-09:14] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Charges at Andrew with his blade in his hand::
[06-09:14] 29974, Sedi: whats there to talk about
[06-09:15] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Spins around and slashes at his chest::
[06-09:15] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((who))
[06-09:15] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Drop kicks andrew::
[06-09:15] 29974, Neo Falcon: You dumbass
[06-09:15] JOIN: demi has entered.
[06-09:15] 29974, Neo Falcon: :-)
[06-09:16] 29974, Andrew Deamon: :;moves"
[06-09:16] 29974, Neo Falcon: jdhusfv
[06-09:16] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Moder::
[06-09:16] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::die::
[06-09:16] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "dumb buns human"
[06-09:16] 29974, demi: jshfsj
[06-09:16] 29974, Neo Falcon: ha ha
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: human, heh heh
[06-09:17] 29974, demi: "step one"
[06-09:17] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((who is a moder))
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: what the hell is a dumb buns human?
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: YOU
[06-09:17] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((time out))
[06-09:17] 29974, Sedi: you are andrew
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: YOU ARE A MODER ANDY
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: MODER
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: Modere
[06-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: Modrere
[06-09:18] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ((you say to many things and it does not pop up))
[06-09:18] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Kicks sedi in his balls::
[06-09:18] 29974, Sedi: kick neo in the ball
[06-09:18] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Runs at andrew his a sword in hand and chops his head off and eats it::
[06-09:18] 29974, Neo Falcon: "That sedi is moding"
[06-09:19] 29974, demi: :runs over to neo:"up"
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: "MODER"
[06-09:19] 29974, demi: "sup"
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: "Andrew is a Moder"
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: MODER
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: MODER
[06-09:19] 29974, demi: good bye
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: Ahhh demi has arrived
[06-09:19] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::moves then hits neo in the back::
[06-09:19] 29974, Sedi: soks neo in the face
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: don't go
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:19] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:20] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:20] 29974, Neo Falcon: 2
[06-09:20] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::ducks under sedis hand::
[06-09:20] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Kicks him where his balls should be::
[06-09:20] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::looks at neo::"you die today vamp"
[06-09:21] 29974, Neo Falcon: "Hell no!"
[06-09:21] 29974, Andrew Deamon: ::charges at neo with blade in hand::
[06-13:40] JOIN: Neo Falcon has entered.
[06-13:40] 29974, Neo Falcon: ?
[06-13:41] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[06-13:41] 29974, Neo Falcon: Hello sedi"
[06-13:41] 29974, Sedi: what u doing
[06-13:41] 29974, Neo Falcon: Nothin
[06-13:42] 29974, Neo Falcon: why?
[06-13:42] 29974, Neo Falcon: What the hell is that???
[06-13:42] 29974, Sedi: go slap a ho
[06-13:42] 29974, Neo Falcon: Music?
[06-13:42] 29974, Neo Falcon: Ok
[06-13:43] 29974, Neo Falcon: I don't know
[06-13:43] 29974, Sedi: go slap yourself
[06-13:43] 29974, Neo Falcon: I AM BORED
[06-13:43] 29974, Neo Falcon: no
[06-13:43] 29974, Sedi: because your the ho
[06-13:43] 29974, Neo Falcon: you stupid uncle mkayer
[06-13:44] 29974, Neo Falcon: ???
[06-13:44] 29974, Sedi: uncle mkayer
[06-13:44] 29974, Neo Falcon: I'm leaving
[06-13:44] 29974, Neo Falcon: bye
[06-13:44] 29974, Sedi: uncle mkayer
[06-13:44] 29974, Neo Falcon: the is boring me, we are the only people here
[06-13:44] 29974, Neo Falcon: bitch
[06-13:45] 29974, Neo Falcon: ass
[06-13:45] 29974, Sedi: time to die
[06-13:45] 29974, Neo Falcon: mkay
[06-13:45] 29974, Neo Falcon: shit
[06-13:45] 29974, Sedi: mkay
[06-13:46] 29974, Neo Falcon: Step 1: instead of buns say buns, like kiss my buns, and your a bun hole
[06-13:46] 29974, Neo Falcon: kiss my ass
[06-13:46] 29974, Sedi: cocksucker
[06-13:47] 29974, Sedi: shit
[06-13:47] 29974, Neo Falcon: step one: instead of buns say buns
[06-13:47] 29974, Sedi: ddfjfdfjefuer ass
[06-13:47] 29974, Neo Falcon: you uncle mkayer
[06-13:48] 29974, Sedi: no you are
[06-13:48] 29974, Neo Falcon: Shithead mother mkaying bitch, cocksucking shit head
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: ich
[06-13:49] 29974, Sedi: takes a rocket launcher and kills neo no matter what he does
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: fajgds
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: bh
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: d
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: d
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: Joel is gay
[06-13:49] 29974, Sedi: that was demi
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: so is his mother
[06-13:49] 29974, Sedi: that shot it
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: matt too
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::eats the rocket:
[06-13:49] 29974, Neo Falcon: ((Mmmmm crunchy::
[06-13:50] 29974, Sedi: ((josh sucks ass))
[06-13:50] 29974, Sedi: but it is a dud
[06-13:50] 29974, Neo Falcon: mkay mkayin mkayass mother mkaying bunshole!!!
[06-13:51] 29974, Neo Falcon: mkay
[06-13:51] 29974, Neo Falcon: mkayin
[06-13:51] 29974, Neo Falcon: mkayer
[06-13:51] 29974, Sedi: mkay you in tha buns or the croch
[06-18:05] JOIN: Hiyato has entered.
[06-18:05] 2d964, Hiyato: well
[06-20:22] JOIN: Sephiroth has entered.
[06-20:22] 550e8, Sephiroth: hey hey
[06-20:23] 550e8, Sephiroth: wats up??
[06-20:23] 550e8, Sephiroth: hellooo??
[06-21:38] JOIN: Roque has entered.
[06-21:38] EXIT: Roque has left the chat ( 9:38pm, February 06 (CST) ).
[10-09:07] JOIN: Neo Falcon has entered.
[10-09:07] 29974, Neo Falcon: Hello?
[10-09:07] 29974, Neo Falcon: sephiroth?
[10-09:08] JOIN: AndrewDeamon has entered.
[10-09:08] 29974, Neo Falcon: Andrew deaomons mother is a bitch
[10-09:08] 29974, Neo Falcon: WELL!!!
[10-09:09] 29974, Neo Falcon: WELL
[10-09:09] 29974, Neo Falcon: WELL!!!!
[10-09:09] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "there is no sephiroth"
[10-09:09] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "
[10-09:09] 29974, Neo Falcon: Shes a bitch, shes a bitch shes a big fat bitch, shes a bitch shes a bitch bitch bitch
[10-09:10] JOIN: demi has entered.
[10-09:10] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "your motheri s the bitch"
[10-09:10] 29974, Neo Falcon: Shes the biggest bitch in the world, she a bitch!!! Shes a big ft bitch
[10-09:10] 29974, Neo Falcon: Stabs demi
[10-09:11] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "What in the world?"
[10-09:11] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "What in the world?"
[10-09:11] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Attemps to cut demi's balls off only to relize that he doesn't have any::
[10-09:11] 29974, demi: ::bloks:
[10-09:11] 29974, demi: hello
[10-09:11] 29974, demi: hello
[10-09:11] 29974, demi: hi
[10-09:11] 29974, demi: hi
[10-09:11] 29974, Neo Falcon: Learn how to spell Blocks, DUMBASS!!!!
[10-09:12] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ::Slaps demi then slaps Neo!::
[10-09:12] 29974, demi: hi
[10-09:12] 29974, Neo Falcon: Austrailian bastard
[10-09:12] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Sticks a knife in andrews chest
[10-09:12] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ::then punches bothof them::'
[10-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Then he back kicks him::
[10-09:13] 29974, demi: :walks over to andy:"SLAP THAT HO":slaps andy
[10-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: Fuck
[10-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: Fucker
[10-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: You mkaying asshole
[10-09:13] 29974, Neo Falcon: YES!
[10-09:14] 29974, demi: im out
[10-09:14] 29974, demi: im out
[10-09:14] 29974, Neo Falcon: ::Does a backflip::
[10-09:14] 29974, Neo Falcon: "Whhhooooooooooooo!!!"
[10-09:15] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "dumbass mother mkayer yes it's true noone mkays an uncle quite like you"
[11-08:41] JOIN: jojo has entered.
[11-08:41] c17f2, jojo: hey every1
[11-09:08] JOIN: Corn Holio has entered.
[11-09:08] 29974, Corn Holio: Hello?
[11-09:09] 29974, Corn Holio: Anyone here
[11-09:09] JOIN: AndrewDeamon has entered.
[11-09:09] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "neo"
[11-09:10] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "neo"
[11-09:10] 29974, Corn Holio: I Am HORN HOLIO!!!
[11-09:10] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "hello"
[11-09:10] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "jerk""
[11-09:11] 29974, Corn Holio: YOU WILL GIVE ME YOUR TEEPEE
[11-09:11] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[11-09:11] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "so where is sedi"
[11-09:11] 29974, Sedi: mkayer
[11-09:11] 29974, Corn Holio: HE IS GAY!!!
[11-09:12] 29974, Corn Holio: YOU WILL GIVE ME YOUR TEEPEE
[11-09:12] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "kill corn holio now sedi!!"
[11-09:12] JOIN: JOJO has entered.
[11-09:12] 29974, JOJO: "HEY PEPESS?
[11-09:12] 29974, JOJO: WAZZUP?
[11-09:13] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "who the hell is jojo"
[11-09:13] 29974, JOJO: YO MOMMA
[11-09:13] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "ass"
[11-09:13] JOIN: Neo Falcon has entered.
[11-09:14] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "you suck balls jojo"
[11-09:14] 29974, Neo Falcon: Fuck jojo
[11-09:14] JOIN: Jojo has entered.
[11-09:15] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "you there neo"
[11-09:15] 29974, Jojo: Fuck you asshole
[11-09:15] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "mkay jojo"
[11-09:16] 29974, Sedi: mkay jojo
[11-09:16] 29974, Jojo: die bitches
[11-09:16] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "bitch"
[11-09:16] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "how you going to kill us"
[11-09:16] 29974, Jojo: ::whips it out and dickslaps Andrew::
[11-09:17] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ::grabs his dick and pulls it off"
[11-09:17] JOIN: Neo Falcon has entered.
[11-09:17] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ;;*
[11-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: What the mkay?
[11-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: ?
[11-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: ?
[11-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: ?
[11-09:17] 29974, Neo Falcon: Jeremy?
[11-09:17] JOIN: Jojo has entered.
[11-09:18] 29974, Jojo: Fuck?
[11-09:18] 29974, Jojo: Fuck you all
[11-09:18] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ""suck this"::puts dick in jojo's mouth::
[11-09:19] 29974, Jojo: mkay
[11-09:19] 29974, Jojo: Fuck
[11-09:19] 29974, Jojo: Fuck
[11-09:19] 29974, Sedi: mkay
[12-09:07] JOIN: Neo Falken has entered.
[12-09:08] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[12-09:09] 29974, Sedi: Fuckers
[12-09:09] JOIN: demi has entered.
[12-09:10] 29974, Neo Falken: ?
[12-09:10] 29974, demi: mukay jojo
[12-09:10] 29974, Neo Falken: Fuck demi
[12-09:10] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[12-09:11] 29974, shadow: was up you guys
[12-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: Hey lance
[12-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: WAZZUP!!!
[12-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks shadow in his balls::
[12-09:11] JOIN: AndrewDeamon has entered.
[12-09:11] 29974, demi: :walks over to neo;
[12-09:11] 29974, shadow: hey no kicking
[12-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "What demi?
[12-09:12] 29974, Sedi: b
[12-09:12] 29974, demi: :gives a purple nurple:
[12-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "Why not?
[12-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "Punches shadow in his face::
[12-09:12] 29974, shadow: runs at Neo with a sword a cuts his balls off
[12-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slaps shadow::
[12-09:12] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "what's up"
[12-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "Slap that ho"
[12-09:13] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Rolls out of the way::
[12-09:13] 29974, shadow: i hope that doesnt hurt
[12-09:13] 29974, Neo Falken: "No cheap shots::
[12-09:13] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ::runs at shadow and slaps him::
[12-09:13] 29974, demi: :SUPER SLAP:
[12-09:13] 29974, demi: to neo
[12-09:13] JOIN: Psycho*:) has entered.
[12-09:14] 29974, Psycho*:): wazzuppp!!!!
[12-09:14] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Back kicks shadow::
[12-09:14] 29974, shadow: kicks psycho in the balls and the head
[12-09:14] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitch slaps psycho::
[12-09:14] 29974, Neo Falken: "I'll take you all on!"
[12-09:14] 29974, demi: ::throws beer at any::
[12-09:14] 29974, shadow: runs at psycho and thro;ws him out of the chat room
[12-09:14] 29974, Psycho*:): mkay you
[12-09:15] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "so shadow who is your friend"
[12-09:15] 29974, demi: andy:
[12-09:15] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks sedi::
[12-09:15] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Then andrew::
[12-09:15] 29974, demi: :Fuck you andy:
[12-09:15] 29974, shadow: joins team with neo to kick psycho's ass
[12-09:15] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "mkay off bitch"
[12-09:16] 29974, Psycho*:): Sonic Kicks the jackass shadow: shut up Bitch!!!!
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Takes out a pistol and fires several rounds at psycho::
[12-09:16] 29974, shadow: well neo yu want to join
[12-09:16] 29974, Sedi: kicks neo back
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: "Who's psycho now?
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: "Who's psycho now?"
[12-09:16] 29974, Psycho*:): lol
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Gets kicked by sedi::
[12-09:16] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ::runs at neo and kicks him in the balls::
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: "Ouch"
[12-09:16] 29974, shadow: pick neo up throws him at psycho
[12-09:16] 29974, Psycho*:): I AM DUMBASS
[12-09:16] 29974, demi: :shit kick in the nuts: "do you have balls"
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks him back::
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: "AAAHHHHHH"
[12-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Lands on psycho::
[12-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: "What the hell"
[12-09:17] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "you are a bitch neo"
[12-09:17] 29974, demi: throws a big greasy vibrator at psycho
[12-09:17] 29974, shadow: runs at psycho and does a series of moves on him that leaves him on fire
[12-09:17] JOIN: 00Niggar has entered.
[12-09:17] 29974, Sedi: bitch slaps neo
[12-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Charges at shadow with a large spear in hand::
[12-09:17] 29974, Psycho*:): KUN PAO!!! : pummels Neo:
[12-09:18] 29974, demi: peace
[12-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Thrusts::
[12-09:18] 29974, shadow: hey neo mrs hernandez us begind you
[12-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: Fuck that demi
[12-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!"
[12-09:18] 29974, Psycho*:): SHADOW KICK :kicks shadow HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
[12-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Turns around::
[12-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: G2G
[12-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: Later
[12-09:18] 29974, 00Niggar: I'll stuff you up like thanksgiving turkey
[12-09:18] 29974, Psycho*:): ses BITCH!!!
[12-09:19] 29974, shadow: hells fire hits psycho
[12-09:19] 29974, shadow: allrigt see you later
[12-09:19] 29974, 00Niggar: your a dick
[12-13:49] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[12-13:49] 29974, Sedi: f
[12-13:49] 29974, Sedi: fdj
[12-13:50] 29974, Sedi: h
[12-13:50] 29974, Sedi: s
[12-13:50] 29974, Sedi: bdhfggsfdfdjgsd
[12-13:51] 29974, Sedi: jds
[12-13:51] JOIN: Neo Falken has entered.
[12-13:51] 29974, Neo Falken: Sedi?
[12-13:51] JOIN: demi has entered.
[12-13:52] 29974, Sedi: neo
[12-13:52] JOIN: AndrewDeamon has entered.
[12-13:52] 29974, Sedi: neo
[12-13:52] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "hello"
[12-13:52] 29974, AndrewDeamon: g
[12-13:53] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[12-13:53] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "hey"
[12-13:53] 29974, Neo Falken: Yeah?
[12-13:53] 29974, Neo Falken: andrew?
[12-13:53] 29974, demi: :walks over to neo:"time to suck balls"
[12-13:53] 29974, Neo Falken: Your late?
[12-13:53] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "what are you doing"
[12-13:53] 29974, shadow: waz up guys guess who is back
[12-13:53] 29974, Neo Falken: "demi too?
[12-13:53] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Punches lance::
[12-13:53] 29974, Neo Falken: "Bite me"
[12-13:53] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "so"
[12-13:54] 29974, demi: ghkghk
[12-13:54] 29974, Sedi: h
[12-13:54] 29974, shadow: jumps on neo head and bites it off
[12-13:54] 29974, demi: gjhgj
[12-13:54] 29974, Neo Falken: Throws a long dagger at shadow::
[12-13:54] 29974, Sedi: h
[12-13:54] JOIN: BadBoy has entered.
[12-13:54] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ::turns to see shadow arrive::
[12-13:54] 29974, demi: ut
[12-13:54] JOIN: Criminal has entered.
[12-13:54] 29974, shadow: where is psycho and double o nigger
[12-13:55] 29974, Criminal: Your all criminals!!!!!!
[12-13:55] 29974, Sedi: neo
[12-13:55] 29974, shadow: catches the dagger and it rebounds on demi
[12-13:55] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Takes his head from shadow's mouth and puts it back on::
[12-13:55] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "well,well,well look what the falcon drag inn"
[12-13:55] 29974, BadBoy: whass up
[12-13:55] 29974, Neo Falken: "Bitch"
[12-13:55] 29974, Criminal: Hey guy i forgot to wear underwear.
[12-13:56] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks badboy's head off::
[12-13:56] 29974, shadow: you may take it back but your missing and eye
[12-13:56] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitchslaps Criminal::
[12-13:56] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "careful neo"
[12-13:56] 29974, Neo Falken: ?
[12-13:56] 29974, BadBoy: f u neo
[12-13:56] 29974, Criminal: no im not its right here
[12-13:56] 29974, Sedi: kicks neo
[12-13:56] 29974, Neo Falken: Yeah right
[12-13:56] 29974, shadow: cathces badboys head and throws it at criminal
[12-13:56] 29974, Neo Falken: asshole
[12-13:57] 29974, AndrewDeamon: g2g
[12-13:57] 29974, AndrewDeamon: ttyl
[12-13:57] 29974, Criminal: Neo your going down
[12-13:57] 29974, Neo Falken: "Ouch
[12-13:57] 29974, shadow: got something to say neo say it
[12-13:57] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Punches sedi::
[12-13:57] 29974, demi: :peace out
[12-13:57] 29974, Neo Falken: Cut it out
[12-13:57] 29974, BadBoy: criminal is a bitch
[12-13:57] 29974, Neo Falken: I'm out
[12-13:57] 29974, Criminal: CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[12-13:58] 29974, Criminal: CRIMINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, Neo Falken: PEACE
[12-13:58] 29974, BadBoy: criminal is gaqy
[12-13:58] 29974, shadow: double kick criminal and badboys
[12-13:58] 29974, Criminal: BADBOY YOUR A DICK
[12-13:58] 29974, BadBoy: ?
[12-13:59] 29974, shadow: i will shove you underwear down your throat criminal
[12-13:59] 29974, Criminal: YOUR GOING DOWN BADBOY
[12-13:59] JOIN: criminal01 has entered.
[12-13:59] 29974, shadow: i hope you like that
[12-13:59] 29974, shadow: did taste good
[12-13:59] 29974, criminal01: retards
[12-13:59] 29974, BadBoy: criminal is milk dud
[12-13:59] 29974, Criminal: BRING IT ON!!!!!BIMBO
[12-14:00] 29974, shadow: criminal01 lets join forces
[12-14:00] 29974, criminal01: fags
[12-14:00] 29974, criminal01: ok
[12-14:00] 29974, Criminal: SO YOUR STEALING MY NAME CRIMINAL1
[12-14:00] 29974, Criminal: ASS
[12-14:00] 29974, shadow: picks up criminal 01 and lunges him at criminal
[12-14:01] 29974, criminal01: screw u
[12-14:01] 29974, shadow: criminal im going to give u a wedge
[12-14:01] 29974, BadBoy: FU
[13-09:07] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-09:08] 29974, shadow: were is everybody at
[13-09:08] 29974, shadow: criminal there is a bomb that explodes when u entr
[13-09:08] JOIN: Falken has entered.
[13-09:08] JOIN: Falken has entered.
[13-09:08] 29974, Falken: WAZZUP
[13-09:08] 29974, Falken: WAZZUP
[13-09:09] 29974, shadow: neo were are u
[13-09:09] 29974, shadow: jumps on falken and uses him like a puppet
[13-09:09] 29974, shadow: u wil follow my orders
[13-09:10] JOIN: Neo Falken has entered.
[13-09:10] JOIN: DEATH666 has entered.
[13-09:10] JOIN: Deamon has entered.
[13-09:10] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitch slaps Shadow::
[13-09:10] 29974, DEATH666: hello
[13-09:10] 29974, Neo Falken: "Idon't think so"
[13-09:10] 29974, shadow: hey dont slap like a bitch
[13-09:10] JOIN: Negga has entered.
[13-09:10] 29974, DEATH666: mkay all nerdsd
[13-09:10] 29974, Deamon: ::walks in and sits on a bench::
[13-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Chargesat shadow::
[13-09:11] 29974, shadow: who is Death 666
[13-09:11] 29974, DEATH666: ever one must d
[13-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Jumps onto his shoulder::
[13-09:11] 29974, Deamon: "all ready fighting?"
[13-09:11] 29974, Negga: Who the hell is shadow
[13-09:11] 29974, DEATH666: mkay all nerds
[13-09:11] 29974, shadow: uses neo strength against him and he accidentally hists deamon
[13-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Sticks sword through his head::
[13-09:11] 29974, Negga: vcbjxjhgdhjlkughdjdxz
[13-09:12] 29974, Negga: nhrekulkyusulkywghehuietywri
[13-09:12] 29974, DEATH666: I killl all Bitchs
[13-09:12] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[13-09:12] 29974, Negga: kuxcvbkhldfghshjlkgfasjkhaghf
[13-09:12] 29974, shadow: runs at deamon an slaps him with a hellfire slap
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Deamon: "ok well you are the bitch"
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: "It's time.."
[13-09:12] 29974, Noname: hahhaaaaa
[13-09:12] 29974, Negga: lhlk.kgnjdkghjthe;'jdfh;ldfndfskudfhjw';uth';uewutj;sa'jt;lisdthtlvumtygjjklljhyliutu;lbljbjlk;jl;khj;lkhxkj;lghkhertphjlkrejk;lhrtj
[13-09:12] 29974, shadow: Runs at Death and stabs him in the balls
[13-09:13] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Flashes and the isan explosionthat sends everyoneflying backward::
[13-09:13] 29974, shadow: i hope that didnt hurt
[13-09:13] 29974, Deamon: ::grabs his face then looks at shadow with his pure white eyes::
[13-09:13] 29974, Negga: you guys suck you wil never find me haha dumb ass
[13-09:13] JOIN: criminal has entered.
[13-09:13] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Appearsbehind Shadow::
[13-09:13] 29974, Deamon: ""its time to die shadow"
[13-09:13] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitch slaps Negga::
[13-09:13] 29974, DEATH666: Die nagga :Bitch slaps Nagga:aaahahahaha!!!!!
[13-09:14] 29974, Neo Falken: "Motha mkaya!"
[13-09:14] 29974, shadow: what it isnt possible nobody is that fast
[13-09:14] 29974, Negga: who the hell is neo falken
[13-09:14] JOIN: BADASS has entered.
[13-09:14] 29974, criminal: z gygyjunyn jtju
[13-09:14] 29974, Deamon: ::starts to rapidly teleport all over::
[13-09:14] 29974, shadow: that is none of your business negga
[13-09:14] 29974, criminal: screw badass
[13-09:14] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Yomomma::
[13-09:14] 29974, criminal: gcyt
[13-09:14] 29974, BADASS: wass the mkay up
[13-09:14] 29974, criminal: who is negga
[13-09:14] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slashes at badass cutting off hishead::
[13-09:14] 29974, shadow: uses a series of moves that sets badass and neo on fire
[13-09:15] 29974, Negga: badassisgay
[13-09:15] 29974, Deamon: ::appers behind shadow and hits him in the head::
[13-09:15] 29974, BADASS: you guy;s suck dick so suck on this
[13-09:15] 29974, Deamon: "bitch"
[13-09:15] 29974, Neo Falken: "AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! FFFFIIIREE!!"
[13-09:15] 29974, criminal: domonique is a SUPER FAG!!!!!!!!!!
[13-09:15] 29974, DEATH666: I put frill in your buns BADASS
[13-09:15] 29974, shadow: we dont suck as well as u Badass
[13-09:15] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Runs in circles making chikennoises"::
[13-09:15] 29974, criminal: BADASS FAG
[13-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: ?
[13-09:16] 29974, Negga: badass is the gayies name
[13-09:16] 29974, criminal: BADAS FAG
[13-09:16] 29974, Deamon: ::moves with the wind and is gone again::
[13-09:16] 29974, shadow: Neo are u dead yet?
[13-09:16] 29974, Negga: and so is neo falken
[13-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitch slaps criminal::
[13-09:16] 29974, criminal: Neo Falkin has been destroyed
[13-09:16] 29974, shadow: Runs at Deamon and slash another breathing hole in him
[13-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: Then Negga::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slaps negga::
[13-09:17] 29974, BADASS: fagets all you nerds suck dick to get a a in your class and learders suck on my dick
[13-09:17] 29974, shadow: Death lets join forces
[13-09:17] 29974, Deamon: ::moves::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slapsnegga again::
[13-09:17] 29974, criminal: You want a peace of me Neo Falkin
[13-09:17] 29974, BADASS: i'm going to kill all you guy's
[13-09:17] 29974, BADASS: i'm going to kill all you guy's
[13-09:17] 29974, Noname: who the hell is neo falken
[13-09:17] 29974, shadow: We will destroy u deamon
[13-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Dick slaps negga::
[13-09:17] 29974, Noname: ,jhm,nf,j.hfghdkj;lhdsgj;lhfd;lj
[13-09:17] 29974, Deamon: ::then with extream force puches him in the face and knocks him down::
[13-09:17] 29974, criminal: Huh BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-09:18] 29974, shadow: who is noname
[13-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks noname in his balls::
[13-09:18] 29974, criminal: SHUT THE HELL UP BADASS .FAG!!!!!!!!!
[13-09:18] 29974, Noname: 1+1 6
[13-09:18] 29974, shadow: gets back up and kicks him in the balls
[13-09:18] 29974, Deamon: "get up shadow"
[13-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slaps criminal::
[13-09:19] 29974, shadow: i did
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slaps criminal again and again::
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: And agian::
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: And agian::
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: And agian::
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: And agian::
[13-09:19] 29974, Noname: leaders is hella gay shit he sucks on heela dick and darius is a poor nigga
[13-09:19] 29974, criminal: Slaps shadow and neo falkin
[13-09:19] 29974, shadow: bithch slaps deamon that leaves his face on fire
[13-09:19] 29974, DEATH666: : BODY SLAMS BADASS: HAAAAHAAA!
[13-09:19] 29974, Noname: 7-9 8
[13-09:19] 29974, Noname: peace out gay fags
[13-09:19] 29974, Deamon: ::picks up shadow and throws him into the river::
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Steps on criminal::
[13-09:19] 29974, criminal: FUCK YOU NONAME!!!!!!!!!
[13-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks him::
[13-09:19] 29974, shadow: hey i cant swim
[13-09:20] 29974, Deamon: "assmunch"
[13-09:20] 29974, Noname: death666 is a bitch
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Noname: badass are you gone
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks criminal again::
[13-09:20] 29974, shadow: hey i think i found a fish
[13-09:20] 29974, shadow: i can throw it at u deamon
[13-09:20] 29974, Noname: jhufuyff
[13-09:20] 29974, Deamon: ::starts to walkk away::
[13-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitchslaps Noname::
[13-09:20] 29974, shadow: see ya
[13-09:21] 29974, criminal: FUCK ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-13:44] JOIN: badboy has entered.
[13-13:45] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[13-13:46] 29974, Noname: badboy is a bitch
[13-13:46] JOIN: negga has entered.
[13-13:46] 29974, negga: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-13:47] 29974, negga: vbnmjnkjjlkkthjk;ltur
[13-13:47] 29974, Noname: badboy is a bitch
[13-13:48] 29974, negga: who the hell is badboy
[13-13:48] 29974, Noname: negga go to hell
[13-13:48] 29974, negga: who the hell is criminial
[13-13:49] 29974, Noname: nobody is here exept me and you jahahahahahahhahahah
[13-13:49] 29974, negga: jhsghldrsyudukydeigh
[13-13:49] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-13:49] 29974, Noname: noname is badboy
[13-13:49] 29974, Noname: noname is badboy
[13-13:49] 29974, Noname: noname is badboy
[13-13:49] 29974, shadow: is that u negga
[13-13:50] JOIN: Endessomega has entered.
[13-13:50] 29974, Endessomega: badboy is gay
[13-13:50] 29974, Noname: where are you shadow
[13-13:50] 29974, negga: watzzzzzzz up shadow
[13-13:51] 29974, Noname: badboy isnt here
[13-13:51] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-13:51] 29974, shadow: was up guys
[13-13:51] 29974, shadow: badboy sucks bad dick
[13-13:51] 29974, negga: hdfgdf;lkfsdgu;zhvjsaf/lmgasjkhgagughjgd
[13-13:51] 29974, negga: ghjdfghj;lkdfgjdlkjfgsajl;lkahfgs
[13-13:51] 29974, negga: jkjhr;jhjh;jlfh;jrt?
[13-13:51] 29974, negga: ktjyhjflkdshglkdkfjgjhdglhbgfsdh
[13-13:51] 29974, Endessomega: dumps noname into a dumster full of dildos
[13-13:51] 29974, negga: hfhgdfrjrtkhjlrhrtyehjghfjhjjh
[13-13:51] 29974, negga: hhjlgjlkhjlktgjhtyhjjlhgjlhk
[13-13:52] 29974, shadow: some where u cant see me i see u but u cant see me
[13-13:52] 29974, negga: khjljbh,mhghghghhlhh?;hgt
[13-13:52] 29974, Noname: who is the bigest bitch shaow
[13-13:52] 29974, negga: ghhghdghhjdghghdlgkjjgjg;
[13-13:52] JOIN: Kitsuki6 has entered.
[13-13:52] 29974, Noname: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaghahahahhahhahahahahahhahaha
[13-13:52] 29974, negga: hksghfgjhfghgfhlfghgshgshgsdfgfghjbdkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[13-13:52] 29974, shadow: hey noname i hope u like that
[13-13:52] 29974, negga: hfjghkghlhkjfhglkfjhgjfksdhhjdfghbsghhfdhgdhdhdhjdfhjgsjhgjdfhshgdghfhdgfjkhlghlgfdhghkglkjdfhjtiuhgdfgjnkjf6utg hksjdf8yet9ojsfgnskjhtsdirloyertiertu7768uiertjrtrtejhkjrtkjrhjterhfghjkrahjrhjldgsakhjfgsjsjdkfhhjlkfghjajhdffgd
[13-13:53] 29974, Endessomega: kitsuke sucks
[13-13:53] 29974, Kitsuki6: kill all neggaS
[13-13:53] 29974, shadow: throws kitsuki6 in a river
[13-13:53] 29974, shadow: hes right
[13-13:53] 29974, Noname: shadow needs to suck a dick
[13-13:53] 29974, negga: where are you shadow?
[13-13:53] 29974, shadow: hey noname u suck
[13-13:53] 29974, Endessomega: throws kitsuke in a dumpster full of dildos
[13-13:54] 29974, Kitsuki6: Super jumps out) HAAHAHA cant kill me!!!
[13-13:54] 29974, shadow: hey lets dont get personal noname
[13-13:54] 29974, negga: neggga ois back
[13-13:54] 29974, shadow: yes we can u r a midget kitsuke
[13-13:54] 29974, Noname: where is badboy
[13-13:54] 29974, Endessomega: who is noname
[13-13:54] 29974, Endessomega: ??
[13-13:54] 29974, shadow: hey negga y dont u talk
[13-13:54] 29974, Noname: badboy isnt here
[13-13:54] 29974, Noname: where are you shadow
[13-13:54] 29974, Noname: noname is badboy
[13-13:54] 29974, Noname: nobody is here exept me and you jahahahahahahhahahah
[13-13:54] JOIN: sir has entered.
[13-13:54] 29974, Endessomega: well
[13-13:54] 29974, negga: where are you guys?
[13-13:55] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[13-13:55] JOIN: Criminal has entered.
[13-13:55] 29974, shadow: chops off kitsuke head off
[13-13:55] 29974, Kitsuki6: I put my foot all up in your butt Shadow
[13-13:55] 29974, shadow: sir is gay
[13-13:55] 29974, Noname: kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahax
[13-13:55] 29974, Noname: yiu guys suck
[13-13:55] 29974, Endessomega: sir is gay
[13-13:55] 29974, Criminal: Hey there shadow
[13-13:55] 29974, shadow: sir is major gay with a block head
[13-13:55] 29974, negga: i agree
[13-13:55] 29974, Endessomega: criminal u suck
[13-13:55] 29974, negga: 4760728
[13-13:55] 29974, Noname: mkay yoou
[13-13:55] 29974, Criminal: Were is neo falkin
[13-13:56] 29974, shadow: pull out a sword and slashes a breathing hole in kitsuke
[13-13:56] 29974, Kitsuki6: Sliced and diced shadow ) HOW YOU LIKE THAT!!!!!
[13-13:56] 29974, shadow: noname is so gay he hosts a gay website
[13-13:56] 29974, sir: doyoulikeeggs
[13-13:56] 29974, Noname: who is using noname
[13-13:56] 29974, Endessomega: put different color negga and criminal
[13-13:56] 29974, negga: where's sir?
[13-13:56] 29974, shadow: well u miss kitsuke u have bad aim
[13-13:56] 29974, Criminal: Kitsuki6 your going down!!hahhaaaa!!1
[13-13:57] 29974, Endessomega: shut the fuk up sir
[13-13:57] 29974, sir: ilikeegg
[13-13:57] 29974, Criminal: Shut up Shadow I'm talking
[13-13:57] 29974, Noname: negga a dick
[13-13:57] 29974, shadow: uses ur strength against u and kitsuke throws HIMSELF in a river,what and idiot
[13-13:58] 29974, Endessomega: throws criminal in a pile of dildos and shoves one in his ass
[13-13:58] 29974, shadow: no one can touch the SHADOW
[13-13:58] 29974, Kitsuki6: Throws shadow in to a sewer) HOW YOU LIKE THEM APPLES,HUH!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-13:58] 29974, Criminal: I blew shadow into oblivion
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: hah
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: hah
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: hah
[13-13:58] 29974, negga: who The Hell is sir?bithes
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:58] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:58] 29974, negga: hah hah hah hah hah
[13-13:59] 29974, shadow: well u were the first one in the sewew kitsuke
[13-13:59] 29974, Endessomega: criminal is gaaaaaaaaaaayy
[13-13:59] 29974, shadow: that how u no about it
[13-13:59] 29974, Criminal: SHADOW LETS JOIN FORCES
[13-13:59] 29974, shadow: criminal is gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Noname: a bitch
[13-13:59] 29974, Endessomega: sir is a damn fruit
[13-13:59] 29974, negga: xcm,mkfkfgjjfgngfjguhuighkjtkrpfplgogrtuifj;fghjk;fgmglfjg
[13-13:59] 29974, negga: xcm,mkfkfgjjfgngfjguhuighkjtkrpfplgogrtuifj;fghjk;fgmglfjgfglkj
[13-13:59] 29974, Criminal: YOU'LL BECOME MY LACKY
[13-13:59] 29974, Endessomega: noname u suck dildos
[13-13:59] 29974, shadow: uses a series of moves that leaves everyone except me on fire
[13-13:59] 29974, negga: uuigoguoiuiogtuirotuoiroiruuirritpouutyipotroiuyroiuyoioiuuyuripuiryuypoiuypoiuypoiiporyuipouoipurtipoturutirpoiuportuoiiuotipourtipoipourypoiipoipoutyrpoiioipoyrtpoioippoiurypiipopruiputiurito't'ks;bghsdsgjvsgdhjgfk;jufsgj;sdjdad;lj;joi;utrojyoie[p578688788778878787878788787878787877878787878787887878787878787787887878787878788787878
[13-14:00] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 1:59pm, February 13 (CST) ).
[13-14:00] 29974, Criminal: WHO THE HELL IS SIR!
[13-14:00] JOIN: badboy has entered.
[13-14:00] 29974, Endessomega: sir is a damn fruit
[13-14:00] 29974, Kitsuki6: Endessomega IS a fag Hag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O YAHHH
[13-14:00] 29974, shadow: kitsuke u r a bald mo fo just like badboy
[13-14:00] 29974, badboy: badboy home
[13-14:00] 29974, negga: nowone can type longer then me
[13-14:00] EXIT: badboy has left the chat ( 2:00pm, February 13 (CST) ).
[13-14:00] 29974, Endessomega: randy
[13-14:00] 29974, Endessomega: is
[13-14:00] JOIN: badgirl has entered.
[13-14:00] 29974, Endessomega: sir
[13-14:00] 29974, Kitsuki6: its rando ho
[13-14:00] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, badgirl: honey i'm home
[13-14:01] 29974, Criminal: SO SHADOW YOU DON'T WANT TO JOIN?
[13-14:01] 29974, Kitsuki6: whos bad girl
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, shadow: Kitsuke is fruity fruit cake like a fruity monk
[13-14:01] 29974, Endessomega: bad boy is gay
[13-14:01] 29974, Endessomega: sir shut up
[13-14:01] 29974, shadow: hey badgirl i like ur style
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, shadow: we should meet up and kick ass
[13-14:01] 29974, Criminal: HEY BADGIRL CAN I GET YOUR NUMBER
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hry
[13-14:01] 29974, Kitsuki6: suck me BADGIRL SUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-14:01] 29974, negga: mn,bzbdshjfghhjfgdhsgfjghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkklllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
[13-14:01] 29974, Endessomega: who is bad girl
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hry
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:01] 29974, badgirl: badboy left dumb ass
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, shadow: hey badgirl lets talk
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, Criminal: FUCK YOU SHADOW SHE'S MINE
[13-14:02] 29974, negga: who the Helllllll is badgirl
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, shadow: who is badgirl
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, badgirl: ok
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, Endessomega: who is bad girl
[13-14:02] 29974, shadow: are u really a girl
[13-14:02] 29974, Criminal: SHUTUP SHADOW
[13-14:02] 29974, Endessomega: ??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:02] 29974, badgirl: sir stop saying hey
[13-14:02] 29974, Criminal: YOUR ABOUT TO GET DROPPED SHADOW
[13-14:02] 29974, shadow: and are u really a BADGIRL,ha ha ha
[13-14:03] 29974, negga: hey badgirl want to go out sometime
[13-14:03] 29974, Kitsuki6: YEAH ARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-14:03] 29974, Endessomega: sir shut the fuk up
[13-14:03] 29974, shadow: sir stop saying hey like a jackass
[13-14:03] 29974, Criminal: YOUR AN ASS SHADOW
[13-14:03] 29974, Criminal: HEY SHADOW ASK NANCY OUT
[13-14:03] 29974, negga: peace out i'm out
[13-14:03] 29974, badgirl: yeah want my phone number its4734615
[13-14:03] 29974, shadow: ur a buns kitsuke
[13-14:03] 29974, sir: make me
[13-14:03] 29974, Endessomega: u r gay criminal
[13-14:03] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:03] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:04] 29974, sir: hey
[13-14:04] 29974, shadow: hey are u attractive
[13-14:04] 29974, Criminal: CALL ME BADGIRL 4600538
[13-14:05] 29974, shadow: hey u still on kitsuke
[13-14:06] 29974, shadow: hey who is still on
[13-14:06] 29974, shadow: well am i talking to myself
[13-14:07] 29974, shadow: who the is on too beside the gay Kitsuke
[13-14:07] 29974, Kitsuki6: YOUR A LOSER FOOL
[13-14:08] 29974, shadow: excuse me while i curse for a while
[13-14:08] 29974, shadow: xhshfhcdhhfohfajfiahcoh
[13-14:08] 29974, shadow: dfahdfkjhfkhjfdhfah
[13-14:08] 29974, shadow: i feel better
[13-14:08] 29974, shadow: who are u calling a loser fool
[13-14:09] 29974, shadow: why do we have the same color
[13-14:09] 29974, shadow: well arent u talking
[13-14:09] 29974, Kitsuki6: I dont know im supposed to be blue
[13-14:09] 29974, shadow: hold on while i get my file up
[13-14:10] 29974, Kitsuki6: k
[13-14:11] 29974, shadow: who is bad girl
[13-14:12] 29974, shadow: Kitsuke is gay
[13-14:12] 29974, shadow: kitsuke is major gay
[13-14:12] 29974, shadow: excuse me while i cuss
[13-14:12] 29974, shadow: fjaksjdflvnahgjjd
[13-14:12] 29974, shadow: fjjfljdfjadfjd
[13-14:13] 29974, Kitsuki6: quit talking about me or ill put my foot up in your ass
[13-14:13] 29974, shadow: damn girl dropped a book on me
[13-14:13] 29974, shadow: a heavy one
[13-14:14] 29974, shadow: hey i think i know who bad girl is Kitsuke
[13-14:14] 29974, Kitsuki6: she might have given you a fake number you know that?
[13-14:15] 29974, shadow: i think SHE is a GUY
[13-14:16] 29974, Kitsuki6: soooo boooorrrriiinnggg!
[13-14:16] JOIN: rene has entered.
[13-14:16] 29974, Kitsuki6: mkay you
[13-14:16] 29974, shadow: hey wait im going on the micro soft thingy
[13-14:16] 29974, Kitsuki6: she a guy then she
[13-14:16] 29974, rene: hey you guys what are you talking about
[13-14:17] 29974, rene: this is true bordom
[13-14:17] 29974, shadow: well Yeah
[13-14:18] 29974, rene: how was your day so far
[13-14:18] 29974, shadow: hey rene why arent u showing up
[13-14:18] 29974, Kitsuki6: wazzzup
[13-14:18] 29974, Kitsuki6: d
[13-14:18] 29974, Kitsuki6: g
[13-14:18] 29974, shadow: damn u r so bright ur blinding me
[13-14:18] 29974, Kitsuki6: h
[13-14:18] JOIN: RENE has entered.
[13-14:19] 29974, shadow: hey kitsuke doesnt that color hurt ur eyes
[13-14:19] 29974, RENE: IAM BACK
[13-14:19] 29974, shadow: no ur not back
[13-14:19] 29974, shadow: hey dont hurt my carma
[13-14:19] 29974, Kitsuki6: no
[13-14:19] 29974, shadow: i be back
[13-14:20] 29974, Kitsuki6: quit using such high words
[13-14:20] 29974, RENE: and i run i run so far away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-14:20] 29974, shadow: hey watsup with the green word????
[13-14:20] 29974, Kitsuki6: no that is my saying
[13-14:21] 29974, shadow: i am started to get sick because of the color
[13-14:23] 29974, shadow: hey did leader leave
[13-14:23] 29974, RENE: what are high words
[13-14:24] 29974, shadow: hey u making me feel so lonely
[13-14:24] 29974, shadow: nobody wants to play with me
[13-14:25] 29974, shadow: okay be like that i will take my toys elsewhere
[13-14:26] 29974, RENE: hey i see dead people
[13-14:26] JOIN: Kitsuki7 has entered.
[13-14:26] 29974, Kitsuki7: wazzup
[13-14:26] 29974, shadow: hey are they Naked rene
[13-14:28] 29974, shadow: hey i guess Leader is in trouble
[13-14:28] 29974, RENE: hey iam so out i am not trying to get in so major trouble
[13-14:29] 29974, Kitsuki7: f
[13-14:29] 29974, Kitsuki7: f
[13-14:30] 29974, Kitsuki7: f
[13-14:30] 29974, Kitsuki7: d
[13-14:30] 29974, Kitsuki7: f
[13-14:30] 29974, shadow: hey Kitsuke u looklike a pink powerpuff girl
[13-14:31] 29974, Kitsuki7: shut up
[13-14:31] 29974, shadow: same to u pal
[13-14:31] 29974, shadow: same to u pal
[13-14:33] 29974, Kitsuki7: kiss my buns shadow
[13-14:34] 29974, shadow: hey i think the cyber police will get u for saying that
[13-14:35] 29974, Kitsuki7: no they wouldnt and if they do they can kiss it
[13-14:35] 29974, shadow: yeah that is so true
[13-14:36] 29974, shadow: oh shit theyre right behind me be right back
[13-14:37] 29974, shadow: ahhhhhhhh
[13-14:39] JOIN: RENE has entered.
[13-14:40] 29974, shadow: man one of them kicked in the face
[13-14:40] 29974, shadow: ahhh .........OUCH
[13-14:43] JOIN: RAYA has entered.
[13-14:44] 29974, RAYA: IAM BACK DID YOU MISS ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????
[13-14:44] 29974, shadow: hey that doesnt go there........ahhh
[13-14:49] 29974, shadow: hey can someone help me he has cold fingers......hey that hurts
[13-14:52] 29974, RAYA: you guys are really sick
[13-14:53] 29974, shadow: hey tell that to the man who is trying to kill me excuse me .......take that u idiot
[13-15:17] JOIN: AndrewDeamon has entered.
[13-15:19] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "Neo you there?"
[13-15:19] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "Guess i'm all alone"
[13-15:20] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "Damn it where is everone!"
[13-15:20] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "HELLO!"
[13-15:21] 29974, AndrewDeamon: "All well i'll come back later."
[13-15:56] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-15:56] 29974, shadow: hey andrew u there
[13-15:57] 29974, shadow: Hey andrew were are u
[13-15:58] 29974, shadow: Man were is everybody
[13-15:59] 29974, shadow: man is everybody gone
[13-15:59] 29974, shadow: are we havin yet
[13-16:00] JOIN: Kitsuki8 has entered.
[13-16:00] 29974, Kitsuki8: I have been reborn
[13-16:00] 29974, shadow: damn that guy is back hey kitsuke help me
[13-16:00] 29974, shadow: what 8 times
[13-16:01] 29974, shadow: allright see u later
[13-17:08] JOIN: goth boi has entered.
[13-17:09] e38fc, goth boi: you in yet
[13-17:09] e38fc, goth boi: you in
[13-17:10] e38fc, goth boi: dsaa
[13-18:24] JOIN: goth has entered.
[13-18:25] e38fc, goth: hello
[13-19:25] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-19:26] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[13-19:26] e38fc, shadow: hey who is goth
[13-19:26] e38fc, shadow: hey noname is that u
[13-19:27] e38fc, shadow: Noname arent u talking
[13-19:28] e38fc, shadow: hey noname wats up cat got ur tongue
[13-19:28] e38fc, shadow: Noname ur totally gay
[13-19:39] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-20:12] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[13-20:12] e38fc, shadow: was up u guys
[14-11:41] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[14-11:41] e38fc, shadow: hey neo u there
[15-11:14] JOIN: mosh meilo has entered.
[15-11:15] e38fc, mosh meilo: hello
[15-11:15] e38fc, mosh meilo: hello
[15-11:36] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-09:07] JOIN: Neo Falken has entered.
[17-09:07] 29974, Neo Falken: ?
[17-09:08] 29974, Neo Falken: ::A silver falcon enters and lands on a nearby tree::
[17-09:08] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[17-09:08] JOIN: kickass has entered.
[17-09:08] 29974, Neo Falken: <<Huh>>
[17-09:08] JOIN: SEdi has entered.
[17-09:08] 29974, kickass: wazz up
[17-09:08] 29974, shadow: wassup guys
[17-09:09] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Flys over and lands on shadows shoulder::
[17-09:09] 29974, Neo Falken: <<WaZZZZup!!>>
[17-09:09] 29974, Neo Falken: "..."
[17-09:09] JOIN: kitsuki9 has entered.
[17-09:09] JOIN: Sedi has entered.
[17-09:09] 29974, kickass: wazz upppppppp
[17-09:09] 29974, Neo Falken: <<Kit>>
[17-09:09] 29974, shadow: hey who is hot girl
[17-09:09] 29974, kitsuki9: I rise again (hahahahaha)
[17-09:09] JOIN: Andrew Deamon has entered.
[17-09:10] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-09:10] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-09:10] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "Hello."
[17-09:10] 29974, Sedi: n
[17-09:10] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slaps Shadow::
[17-09:10] 29974, Neo Falken: "Wazzup?"
[17-09:10] JOIN: hittaru has entered.
[17-09:10] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "Where are you Sedi?"
[17-09:10] 29974, kickass: kick shadow
[17-09:10] 29974, hittaru: l
[17-09:11] 29974, Sedi: s
[17-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: "WAZZZZZZZUP???"
[17-09:11] 29974, shadow: does hellfire on neo that leaves him into a pile of ash
[17-09:11] 29974, shadow: i hope u like that
[17-09:11] 29974, kickass: dont open a can of kick ass
[17-09:11] 29974, Sedi: a
[17-09:11] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "Ahh Mr. Falken."
[17-09:11] JOIN: slayer has entered.
[17-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks Andrew in his head::
[17-09:11] 29974, slayer: g
[17-09:11] 29974, Neo Falken: :::Pisses on him::
[17-09:12] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "Ochies what was that for?"
[17-09:12] 29974, Sedi: a
[17-09:12] 29974, kickass: shut up dumbass
[17-09:12] 29974, Neo Falken: ::ASH::
[17-09:12] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "looks like i'm having falken tonight!
[17-09:12] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "looks like i'm having falken tonight!"
[17-09:12] JOIN: The Great Bungh has entered.
[17-09:13] 29974, Andrew Deamon: "Come here you little bird!"
[17-09:13] JOIN: pyro has entered.
[17-09:13] JOIN: The Great Bungh has entered.
[17-09:13] 29974, pyro: .......
[17-09:13] JOIN: Corn holio has entered.
[17-09:13] JOIN: negga has entered.
[17-09:14] 29974, negga: wazzzzzzz up
[17-09:14] 29974, Corn holio: ::Takes off his clothes and runs in circles making chiken noises::
[17-09:14] 29974, negga: jkgfkljlkjlgdkjjkgfjlkjdfgj
[17-09:14] 29974, pyro: ......
[17-09:14] 29974, pyro: ......
[17-09:14] 29974, negga: kjlbhjlbhjhhfhlfdghjgfdhkjfgkhjghkjjfgh khfgljk;ljfghj;ghdj;hjehjkhrkhjdljkdfhj;lkjhjdhfg;lkjdhjhglkfgjjghlfnmnmlijfghd;mfghj l;ljfgjdgfsl;khghjlktrj
[17-09:14] 29974, Corn holio: "I AM CORN HOLIO I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!"
[17-09:14] 29974, pyro: who are u dumb mkays
[17-09:14] 29974, Corn holio: ::Slaps Shadow::
[17-09:14] 29974, negga: aaaaaaaaaaaaaa bitch buns bitch
[17-09:14] 29974, pyro: hey who the mkay is shadow
[17-09:15] 29974, Corn holio: "Surrender your nachos!!::
[17-09:15] 29974, kickass: negga has enter the home of kickass
[17-09:15] 29974, pyro: and who the mkay is Kitsuke9
[17-09:15] 29974, negga: h tjknncvb,ncvlmhlk;dhglkdydfghghhhhghjhhgjhjg
[17-09:15] 29974, negga: gnvbm,fdhjldhjghlkdfhsjhfbjklghdghjjhjhdjhghjlkjkdl;lkhjhgjlhkd
[17-09:15] 29974, Corn holio: ::THERE WILL BE TEEPEE FOR EVERYONE::
[17-09:15] 29974, Corn holio: ::Chucks a roll of toilet paper at Shadow::
[17-09:15] 29974, negga: hm.kgmfjhhjjjjjjjjjjjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[17-09:16] 29974, pyro: hey dont let me find out who is shadow
[17-09:16] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[17-09:16] 29974, kickass: i'm goning kick neggas ass
[17-09:16] 29974, negga: negga is logging out
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: ::MAKES CHICKEN NOISES::
[17-09:16] 29974, Kahuna: negga gets slaped
[17-09:16] 29974, pyro: i hate the dark that hangs around him
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Corn holio: DANCES
[17-09:16] 29974, Kahuna: kahuna has big ass
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: I AM CORNHOLIO! I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: I AM CORNHOLIO! I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: I AM CORNHOLIO! I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: I AM CORNHOLIO! I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: I AM CORNHOLIO! I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: I AM CORNHOLIO! I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, pyro: hey kitsuke do u know shadow
[17-09:17] 29974, Kahuna: me kahuna me f u all up
[17-09:17] 29974, pyro: because i will like to meet him
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Corn holio: YOU ARE A BUNGHOLE!!!!
[17-09:17] 29974, Kahuna: kitsuki is now kahuna
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Corn holio: ::NACHOS
[17-09:18] 29974, Kahuna: yes i sutanly do
[17-13:43] JOIN: kickass/badass has entered.
[17-13:43] JOIN: negga has entered.
[17-13:44] 29974, negga: lkvcbkl;bcvjlkj;lgdfjmlkfgdhj;lkfghskjodtgghmbfgnjlkkjhdgl;kjhs
[17-13:44] 29974, negga: bhhdfgljkbhdlkjhdgjhkjggs;jdlf;krgj;lkgjfh;lkjfgj;lkfg
[17-13:44] 29974, negga: bhhdfgljkbhdlkjhdgjhkjggs;jdlf;krgj;lkgjfh;lkjfgj;lkfgjfghlkjdghglj,hdfghjlfgj;lkh
[17-13:44] 29974, negga: jlkgdhjklhjfglkhgjlkghjlkjlghlkjhgdfjlkhgjlkjlkdjkhgkljhgfkjhjkhjk your mother is fat
[17-13:45] 29974, negga: fgh,hfm.,fghm,,m/.gm,ghjfm,hj,m,.fhm.,fghjm;,jfh;lkjy;lk;jfh;lkkfnjfjlkdghjlhdfghk;jkhf
[17-13:45] JOIN: badass has entered.
[17-13:46] 29974, badass: neega needs to write to badgirl
[17-13:46] 29974, negga: jh,jhdjkhfgjfghl;kfghjhgfjhfjggffgdghhgdnlkhdhfgjgh;ljghjghjlkhflkhfjlkhkhlkhflkfhjklkhkj;lkjlkfhlkjjlk;hfglkjk;h';lfgh;lkfgh;lh;lkhg;lk;lkhg;lkfhg;lkh'j;kfg';lkjkh;'lfgk;ghk';x'l,,gnxv:JKHG;lghdf;lgdjlkh;kjlk;lk;n;kghm;lcn;l;lj;lk lkncvlk;gh;lkfkhtjdfghkj;lkjjlkbn c;lkjlkjgpkjkj;fghkjlfghk;fgh;kfghkhgf;lkhfgkghk;l'k;ljkhjghjkklhlkjkfhj;lkfjk;lhlkjfgkjh;glkj;kjhdiofgphgjkgkgkkgiooiopojfh'lKth;jifgsdlhlfdsngh;lktdhhj;,lsk;lhdfg gfdkjlzghjdghajkhxgdflkghjslkdgjglkdfhgkjghjlkdfglkhjhgjghjlnghhjghhgkjhgdndfgjlk
[17-13:46] 29974, negga: jh,jhdjkhfgjfghl;kfghjhgfjhfjggffgdghhgdnlkhdhfgjgh;ljghjghjlkhflkhfjlkhkhlkhflkfhjklkhkj;lkjlkfhlkjjlk;hfglkjk;h';lfgh;lkfgh;lh;lkhg;lk;lkhg;lkfhg;lkh'j;kfg';lkjkh;'lfgk;ghk';x'l,,gnxv:JKHG;lghdf;lgdjlkh;kjlk;lk;n;kghm;lcn;l;lj;lk lkncvlk;gh;lkfkhtjdfghkj;lkjjlkbn c;lkjlkjgpkjkj;fghkjlfghk;fgh;kfghkhgf;lkhfgkghk;l'k;ljkhjghjkklhlkjkfhj;lkfjk;lhlkjfgkjh;glkj;kjhdiofgphgjkgkgkkgiooiopojfh'lKth;jifgsdlhlfdsngh;lktdhhj;,lsk;lhdfg gfdkjlzghjdghajkhxgdflkghjslkdgjglkdfhgkjghjlkdfglkhjhgjghjl
[17-13:47] EXIT: badass has left the chat ( 1:46pm, February 17 (CST) ).
[17-13:47] JOIN: badgirl has entered.
[17-13:47] 29974, badgirl: badgirl is home
[17-13:47] 29974, negga: jfljkbgjkhfdghgfl;dfhg;ljkghsetdfgghdghnljhgljkghhjkhkjlkjlkghkhdgfglkglkjhgdlkjlkjlkjnlkjfghnlkjkjfhjfhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
[17-13:48] 29974, badgirl: wazz up
[17-13:49] 29974, negga: ,jlfghgjjjjjjjjjjjjjkkkkkkkkkgdfjlhjgljkgdhlkjghlkdghhjlkmfdiuylhigdf urpyiuuiurtlkjjrtljkjlkjltyrj;lkftjlk;gflkjdfgjkjljjjghjgh
[17-13:49] 29974, badgirl: jhfg
[17-13:50] 29974, negga: jjhghkjhjhjjljjjjhj;lkgxdfghfkjfdkjdhjghfddulkjhf'j ghlfhghggujghklhfl;djklf;;l;jjk;jhgfjdjgdf;ugufjgjghhjf'ughjfug'ghlkfgdg;fhl;sdghgldsfghoisrtydltorty
[17-13:50] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[17-13:51] 29974, shadow: wazzup
[17-13:51] 29974, shadow: wazzup
[17-13:51] 29974, shadow: wazzup
[17-13:51] 29974, negga: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[17-13:51] 29974, negga: wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
[17-13:51] JOIN: EndlessOmega has entered.
[17-13:51] JOIN: EndlessOmega has entered.
[17-13:51] 29974, badgirl: ((hey negga you a bitch))
[17-13:51] 29974, badgirl: ((wazzzzzzzzzzz up))
[17-13:52] 29974, negga: weqwewewewewewqewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewewe
[17-13:52] 29974, shadow: no badgirl your a guy you sick mkay
[17-13:52] 29974, badgirl: ((shadow wass up jonh is bitch))
[17-13:52] 29974, EndlessOmega: dom is a damn woman
[17-13:52] JOIN: pyro has entered.
[17-13:52] JOIN: KaHuNa has entered.
[17-13:53] 29974, negga: areareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareareare
[17-13:53] 29974, pyro: hey kitsuke you were telling me about shadow
[17-13:53] 29974, EndlessOmega: who is pyre
[17-13:53] 29974, EndlessOmega: pyro
[17-13:53] JOIN: criminal has entered.
[17-13:53] 29974, shadow: hey who is pyro
[17-13:53] 29974, pyro: so there you are shadow
[17-13:53] 29974, KaHuNa: Wazzzup
[17-13:53] 29974, criminal: Die
[17-13:53] 29974, EndlessOmega: die kahuna
[17-13:53] 29974, negga: 3275327657327653757325775732573275632756237532757573275327532757325732732757325732785327873753275327573273728532787687327873873
[17-13:53] 29974, badgirl: ((shadow is a cock sucker))
[17-13:53] 29974, EndlessOmega: die criminal
[17-13:53] 29974, KaHuNa: Shut up sluts
[17-13:53] 29974, criminal: Kahuna got raped by a Reindeer
[17-13:53] 29974, shadow: what do you mean pyro
[17-13:54] 29974, shadow: i dont even know you
[17-13:54] JOIN: kago larry has entered.
[17-13:54] 29974, negga: kh7678976378532757389732785757325732783278785732876798378573277272727272727277777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777722222227272772727827272727272772727272727272727272727272727272727272727272727
[17-13:54] 29974, pyro: yes you do
[17-13:54] 29974, KaHuNa: what up badgirl
[17-13:54] 29974, shadow: What who are you
[17-13:54] 29974, EndlessOmega: kago larry is gay
[17-13:54] 29974, pyro: an old friend moonsnake intoduced me to you
[17-13:55] 29974, criminal: EndlessOmega can Kiss my sweet Ass!!!!!!!!!!
[17-13:55] 29974, badgirl: ((who has socom1 for ps2))
[17-13:55] 29974, negga: 3337373737373373737373737373773377373737373737373737373737373737373737373737377777737373737737373737373783737373737373737373737373737373737373737373737373737373
[17-13:55] 29974, EndlessOmega: ((wat up gayass john cant say anything))
[17-13:55] 29974, KaHuNa: Negga is a fart (Pummels Negga) hahahaha!!
[17-13:55] 29974, criminal: Stop mkaying around Jonathan you fat Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17-13:55] 29974, shadow: moonsnake introduce you to me?
[17-13:55] 29974, pyro: yes
[17-13:56] 29974, kago larry: anuhak si yag
[17-13:56] 29974, shadow: we barely new anybody on the net pyro
[17-13:56] 29974, criminal: Negga I'm going to woop your buns fat ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17-13:56] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-13:56] 29974, pyro: yes you know me
[17-13:56] 29974, pyro: think deeper
[17-13:56] 29974, EndlessOmega: ((negga is a mkayin dick sucker))
[17-13:56] 29974, KaHuNa: can i talk with you guys to shadow
[17-13:56] 29974, KaHuNa: ????
[17-13:57] 29974, shadow: hey are you a guy or a girl
[17-13:57] 29974, Noname: jonh is a bicth
[17-13:57] 29974, pyro: definetely a girl
[17-13:57] 29974, kago larry: oryp si a rekcuf
[17-13:57] 29974, Noname: i mean bitch
[17-13:57] 29974, criminal: Hey Pyro!
[17-13:57] 29974, EndlessOmega: or ?
[17-13:57] 29974, shadow: what a girl
[17-13:57] 29974, KaHuNa: Im your friend jakbut
[17-13:57] 29974, pyro: last time i check i was
[17-13:57] 29974, Noname: yes i'm a girl
[17-13:57] 29974, criminal: I got burns on my buns burns on my crack
[17-13:58] 29974, shadow: hey i finally know who you are
[17-13:58] 29974, pyro: you do?
[17-13:58] 29974, criminal: Burns on my penus burns on my sack
[17-13:58] 29974, KaHuNa: Who am i? huh?
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, criminal: Prove it noname
[17-13:58] 29974, shadow: you are an old friend in TURLOCK
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:58] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: hey
[17-13:59] 29974, pyro: yes very good you find out pretty quick
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, criminal: Fuck you block head
[17-13:59] 29974, KaHuNa: Kago is a fag
[17-13:59] 29974, EndlessOmega: ((shut the fuk up criminal))
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, Noname: criminal is a bitch
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-13:59] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-14:00] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-14:00] 29974, kago larry: yeh
[17-14:00] 29974, shadow: hey pryo what are trying to do
[17-14:00] 29974, pyro: just talking thats all
[17-14:00] 29974, EndlessOmega: ((throws criminal in a pile of dildos))
[17-14:00] 29974, KaHuNa: where is pyro
[17-14:00] 29974, Noname: peace out gay faags
[17-14:00] 29974, pyro: cant old friends talk
[17-14:00] 29974, criminal: kiss my shiny metal buns noname
[17-14:00] EXIT: Noname has left the chat ( 2:00pm, February 17 (CST) ).
[17-14:00] 29974, kago larry: uoy lla era yag
[17-14:01] 29974, pyro: hey Kahuna but out of my conversation'
[17-14:01] 29974, shadow: not what you did to me pyro
[17-14:01] 29974, kago larry: oryp si yag
[17-14:02] 29974, EndlessOmega: ((ogak si yag))
[17-14:02] 29974, KaHuNa: Who was Noname I going to kick his but
[17-14:02] 29974, pyro: i am sorry for what i did to you and i am willingly to make amends
[17-14:02] 29974, criminal: Throw EndlessOmega in a pit of Gay buns men!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17-14:02] 29974, KaHuNa: no pyro i wouldnt
[17-14:02] 29974, kago larry: lanimirc si YAG
[17-14:02] 29974, pyro: bye shadow talk to you tomorrow
[17-14:03] 29974, shadow: hey wait dont go
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, KaHuNa: Bye shadow talk to you tommorrow
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: asss
[17-14:03] 29974, shadow: i need to know more
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: ass
[17-14:03] 29974, KaHuNa: Pyro is a man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: Shadow suck,o
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: Shadow suck,o
[17-14:03] 29974, shadow: pyro dont go
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: Shadowlo; 9
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: q
[17-14:03] 29974, criminal: q
[18-09:14] JOIN: KahUnA# has entered.
[18-09:15] 29974, KahUnA#: Wazzup shadow
[18-09:15] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[18-09:15] 29974, KahUnA#: anyone there
[18-09:16] 29974, shadow: pryo are u there
[18-09:16] JOIN: criminal has entered.
[18-09:16] 29974, KahUnA#: no she ant
[18-09:17] 29974, KahUnA#: see ya fool
[18-09:17] 29974, criminal: Pyro is a gay ass.
[18-09:18] 29974, KahUnA#: criminal is gay
[18-13:53] JOIN: kAhUNa has entered.
[18-13:53] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[18-13:53] JOIN: eNdLEs5OmegA has entered.
[18-13:53] 29974, shadow: kahuna is gay
[18-13:53] 29974, kAhUNa: was is up my niger
[18-13:54] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: throws criminal in a pile of dildos
[18-13:54] JOIN: criminal has entered.
[18-13:54] 29974, kAhUNa: shadow is a fag hag
[18-13:54] JOIN: pyro has entered.
[18-13:55] 29974, pyro: wats up shadow
[18-13:55] 29974, criminal: Fuck you kAHUNa
[18-13:55] 29974, kAhUNa: pyro is a man!!!!!!!!!!
[18-13:55] 29974, shadow: pyro where are u
[18-13:55] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: shodow lets join forces
[18-13:55] 29974, pyro: in moonsnakes house
[18-13:55] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: and also kahuna
[18-13:56] 29974, kAhUNa: Criminal is An AZZ wipe
[18-13:56] 29974, shadow: hold on omega
[18-13:56] 29974, criminal: Shadow likes to bang Nancy every hour on the hour
[18-13:56] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: ass
[18-13:56] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: ass
[18-13:56] 29974, criminal: NANCY:Harder Shadow Harder!!!!!!!!!!!
[18-13:56] 29974, shadow: hey tell moonsnakes that i said wassup
[18-13:56] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: im gonna kick your buns criminal
[18-13:57] 29974, shadow: hey criminal do you want have two broken arms
[18-13:57] 29974, criminal: NANCY:Ohhhh......Criminal!
[18-13:57] 29974, pyro: he said hey
[18-13:57] 29974, kAhUNa: your a fag hag AZZ man criminal
[18-13:57] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: criminal is a fag and sucks dilos
[18-13:58] 29974, shadow: hey im serious that u r going to die
[18-13:58] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: jasmine:ohhhhhhhh........get the mkay of me daryus....
[18-13:58] 29974, criminal: Nancy: More Criminal MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18-13:58] 29974, kAhUNa: Criminal Want to be in a FULL BODY CASE!!!!!!!!!!!
[18-13:58] 29974, shadow: pyro is moonsnake done with the star case
[18-13:59] 29974, pyro: yeah he is done
[18-13:59] 29974, criminal: Nancy: You are More Criminal Than Ever..........
[18-13:59] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: Jasmine: kiss my asz daryus
[18-13:59] 29974, shadow: hey i will sever your head
[18-14:00] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: criminal is gonna break his again jackin off
[18-14:00] 29974, pyro: are u talking to me shadow
[18-14:00] 29974, criminal: NANCY:Shadow it's not what you think!MAybe it is
[18-14:00] 29974, shadow: hey darius look jasmine is behind u
[18-14:01] 29974, shadow: im am serius that u will get hurt in the end of this session
[18-14:01] 29974, criminal: Criminal blew up Shadow into pieces hahahahaha!!!!
[18-14:01] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: jasmine is not the right person 4 u darius
[18-14:01] 29974, kAhUNa: criminal remeber this: AHHH!!!! MY HAND!!! MY FING HAND!!!!!
[18-14:01] 29974, pyro: hey do u remember when we first met
[18-14:01] 29974, criminal: Fuck you 2 liter soda
[18-14:02] 29974, shadow: yeah i remember u tried to beat me up
[18-14:02] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: fuk u criminal buns muther fuker
[18-14:02] 29974, kAhUNa: mkay you CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[18-14:03] 29974, criminal: Suck your 2 inch Dick Ass
[18-14:03] JOIN: Link has entered.
[18-14:03] 29974, eNdLEs5OmegA: ((im kick your buns))
[18-14:03] 29974, shadow: hey who is link
[18-14:03] 29974, kAhUNa: Fuck you CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!
[18-14:03] 29974, Link: hey kahuna u r gay
[18-14:04] 29974, kAhUNa: who the hell are you Bitch!!!
[18-14:05] 29974, shadow: hey i think u got a secret admirer kahuna
[18-14:05] 29974, kAhUNa: who
[18-14:05] 29974, shadow: i think that link is a girl
[18-14:05] 29974, kAhUNa: ???
[18-14:06] 29974, kAhUNa: you sure?
[18-14:06] 29974, shadow: hey i remember that veronica sn is Link]
[18-14:07] 29974, kAhUNa: arent you going to talk Link?
[18-14:07] 29974, shadow: i think she or he left
[18-14:08] 29974, kAhUNa: Who gay now? huh bitch!!!
[18-14:09] 29974, shadow: uh u are
[18-14:09] 29974, shadow: hey u the one all excited
[18-14:09] 29974, shadow: dude u need to calm down
[18-14:09] 29974, kAhUNa: why dont we take this outside, shadow?
[18-14:09] 29974, shadow: lets check out the girls in this class
[18-14:15] 29974, shadow: all right im down
[18-14:22] 29974, kAhUNa: k
[18-14:39] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[18-14:39] 29974, Noname: ?
[18-14:40] 29974, Noname: anyone here?
[18-14:40] 29974, Noname: ?
[18-14:40] 29974, Noname: ?
[18-14:40] 29974, Noname: ?
[18-14:40] 29974, Noname: ?
[18-14:57] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[18-14:57] 29974, Noname: Damn you shadow..
[18-15:07] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[18-15:08] 29974, shadow: hey noname u there
[18-15:14] JOIN: bad girl has entered.
[18-15:14] 29974, bad girl: hello
[18-15:14] 29974, bad girl: lance its me charles
[18-15:32] JOIN: goth boi has entered.
[18-15:35] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[18-15:35] 29974, shadow: hey charles u there
[18-15:45] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[19-09:07] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[19-09:07] JOIN: J@Go has entered.
[19-09:08] 29974, J@Go: Wazzup
[19-09:08] 29974, shadow: hey is any one there
[19-09:08] 29974, shadow: Wazzup
[19-09:08] 29974, shadow: is anybody there
[19-09:09] JOIN: lewis is gay has entered.
[19-09:09] 29974, J@Go: yeah i am
[19-09:09] 29974, lewis is gay: hfbkjdgjsdfhgsfg
[19-09:09] 29974, shadow: Why do leader and juan like big dick
[19-09:09] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[19-09:09] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[19-09:09] JOIN: lewis is gay has entered.
[19-09:09] 29974, J@Go: I m going to kick your buns john
[19-09:09] 29974, shadow: can i jump on somebodies head
[19-09:10] 29974, lewis is gay: jpvbxlhgvjkfghlkhlkhjgjsghd
[19-09:10] 29974, J@Go: I goingto kick you buns to lance
[19-09:10] JOIN: lewis is gay has entered.
[19-09:10] 29974, shadow: Nobody wants to play with me
[19-09:10] JOIN: lewis is gay has entered.
[19-09:10] 29974, lewis is gay: gjgfgfggkfgggggfkfhghjkkgh
[19-09:11] 29974, shadow: fine then ill take my tows elsewhere
[19-09:11] 29974, shadow: i mean toys not tows
[19-09:11] JOIN: DarKNesS has entered.
[19-09:11] 29974, lewis is gay: ghkfdgghgfdhghghffghjkhgjkgfdhkfggfhjkhhkghghghkhhfhgjhjgdhghgjhhghjkhhghhkhkhkgjdhkgdhkgkhjghdfkhjfkgdhksdhhddhlfguguuteidkjhdfgkjhgfdkbfdhjkghkghkjgfjgjghhdhjkgjkhfggfhdkjdfgskhghghhkgkjhghgghkjghjkdgghlkjhkgjkhhjjhdgjkhgdjhdfgjkhghjkgjhkggjkhh
[19-09:11] 29974, shadow: hello
[19-09:12] 29974, DarKNesS: Time to; kill
[19-09:12] 29974, lewis is gay: hfdghhghkgkjhkhkjhhjfgsdghhjk;jkhdrghdfkhjghjghgjkldfgkhhjkhkjdghghkhhjkhjkgjkhhkjkhjfdgkhjhjkhjkdfggkjhgdhkhjkgdfdljkjkh
[19-09:12] 29974, shadow: Thats right no more teddy for u
[19-09:12] 29974, DarKNesS: all must die
[19-09:13] 29974, lewis is gay: jifhhljkhhjfgdjkhjhgjkhhjkdgjlkhjkhhjhjkdgsd,nmhjhjkfdgsjkhjkhjhkfgdkhjkjfhjkkdfgkhjjhkhjkkdfghjkhjkkhjfgdjkhjkjhdfgjkhkhjfhjkfgdkhjhjkhjkkhjhjkjdfgflkjhjllkj;;lhgsdfl;jkbnhjkkjjkhhhhhfr;ltjlkghfÅ´asexdrcvfbgnhujimk]"[;0pl9o,kmi8ju7nh6by5gtvr23de5rfp[
[19-09:13] 29974, shadow: hey can all the guys leave the room and leave me with the girls
[19-09:13] 29974, DarKNesS: DIE!!!! (stabs shadow and slices him
[19-09:14] 29974, shadow: leader shut up
[19-09:14] 29974, shadow: hey i cant help it if i am a ladies man
[19-09:14] JOIN: HiTmAn12 has entered.
[19-09:14] 29974, HiTmAn12: NO
[19-09:15] 29974, shadow: hey lets all jump up and down like monkeys
[19-09:15] 29974, HiTmAn12: noo
[19-09:15] JOIN: Link has entered.
[19-09:16] 29974, Link: hey Kahuna are u there
[19-09:16] 29974, HiTmAn12: so link we meet again
[19-09:16] 29974, HiTmAn12: its me kahuna
[19-09:16] 29974, Link: guess who this is
[19-09:17] 29974, Link: well i am glad to read u
[19-09:17] 29974, HiTmAn12: i dont know who?
[19-09:17] 29974, Link: u probably think i am a guy but no
[19-09:17] 29974, Link: i am a girl
[19-09:18] 29974, HiTmAn12: are you a friend of mine
[19-09:18] 29974, HiTmAn12: ???
[19-09:19] 29974, HiTmAn12: you still there?
[19-09:19] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[19-09:19] JOIN: Link has entered.
[19-09:20] 29974, Link: yeah i am a friend
[19-09:20] 29974, HiTmAn12: link you there
[19-09:20] 29974, Link: well no of u r s
[19-09:20] 29974, HiTmAn12: silvia??
[19-13:58] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[20-09:09] JOIN: RyU X666 has entered.
[20-09:10] JOIN: baboy has entered.
[20-09:10] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[20-09:10] 29974, RyU X666: any one here?
[20-09:10] 29974, shadow: hey who is taking my name
[20-09:10] 29974, baboy: i am
[20-09:11] 29974, shadow: hey lets all jump up and down and act like monkeys
[20-09:11] 29974, RyU X666: yeah who took my friends name?
[20-09:11] 29974, shadow: hey badboy i will personally shove u down a shredder
[20-09:11] 29974, shadow: i have a personal copy wright on my name
[20-09:11] 29974, RyU X666: ill kick your Ass dom
[20-09:12] 29974, shadow: so nobody can take my name
[20-09:12] 29974, shadow: hey u noe what u r DOM?
[20-09:12] 29974, RyU X666: or any of my names
[20-09:12] 29974, shadow: ur a CHICKENFUCKER
[20-09:13] 29974, shadow: hey any girls in here
[20-09:13] 29974, shadow: brb
[20-09:13] 29974, RyU X666: why arent you fighting back dom?
[20-09:14] JOIN: Link has entered.
[20-09:15] 29974, Noname: link its me kahuna
[20-09:16] 29974, Link: hey i thought that was u
[20-09:16] JOIN: RyU X666 has entered.
[20-09:16] 29974, RyU X666: i just changed my name
[20-09:16] 29974, Link: hey asl
[20-09:16] 29974, RyU X666: So link who are you?
[20-09:17] 29974, Link: i am girk=l
[20-09:17] 29974, RyU X666: 14-male-cambodia
[20-09:18] 29974, Link: u live cobo
[20-09:18] 29974, RyU X666: sorry my mistake i live in california
[20-09:18] 29974, RyU X666: sorry
[20-09:19] 29974, Link: hey so do i
[20-09:19] 29974, RyU X666: whats you real name?
[20-09:19] 29974, Link: where in cali
[20-09:19] 29974, RyU X666: im Lewis
[20-09:19] JOIN: badboy has entered.
[20-09:19] 29974, RyU X666: stockton
[20-09:19] 29974, badboy: wazz up
[20-09:20] 29974, Link: i live in stocton as well
[20-09:20] 29974, RyU X666: hey thats cool
[20-09:20] 29974, Link: c u late
[20-09:21] 29974, RyU X666: see ya later
[20-13:52] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[20-13:53] JOIN: enDlesSOmEGa has entered.
[20-13:53] JOIN: Link has entered.
[20-13:53] EXIT: enDlesSOmEGa has left the chat ( 1:53pm, February 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:53] JOIN: criminal001 has entered.
[20-13:54] EXIT: criminal001 has left the chat ( 1:53pm, February 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:54] 29974, shadow: hey leader she is back
[20-13:54] JOIN: ObLIViouS has entered.
[20-13:54] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[20-13:54] 29974, Kahuna: link you there
[20-13:54] 29974, shadow: hello
[20-13:54] EXIT: ObLIViouS has left the chat ( 1:54pm, February 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:55] 29974, Link: yeah
[20-13:55] JOIN: ApocLYpse has entered.
[20-13:55] 29974, shadow: hey who is Link
[20-13:55] EXIT: ApocLYpse has left the chat ( 1:55pm, February 20 (CST) ).
[20-13:55] 29974, Link: hey who is shadow
[20-13:55] 29974, Kahuna: do you go to stagg?
[20-13:55] JOIN: shattered tears has entered.
[20-13:56] 29974, Kahuna: he is my friend
[20-13:56] 29974, shadow: hey i am right here
[20-13:56] 29974, shattered tears: who is link
[20-13:56] 29974, shadow: i go to stagg too
[20-13:57] 29974, Link: hey u there Kahuna
[20-13:57] 29974, shattered tears: so do i
[20-13:57] 29974, Kahuna: link you there
[20-13:57] 29974, shadow: hey i am desperate man
[20-13:57] 29974, Kahuna: yeah im here
[20-13:57] 29974, shattered tears: who r u link
[20-13:58] 29974, shadow: i am an old man with a last request
[20-13:58] 29974, shattered tears: wher the fuk is kago larry now huh!!!?
[20-13:58] 29974, Link: helo
[20-13:58] 29974, Kahuna: link do you go to stagg high school?
[20-13:58] 29974, shadow: i want to know to
[20-13:59] 29974, Link: ur gross
[20-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: Link you there?
[20-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: whos gross?
[20-13:59] JOIN: shattered tears has entered.
[20-14:00] 29974, shadow: hey do u go to stagg or not
[20-14:00] 29974, shattered tears: who is link
[20-14:00] 29974, Link: do u go to stagg
[20-14:00] 29974, Kahuna: yes
[20-14:00] 29974, shattered tears: ???
[20-14:00] 29974, Kahuna: i
[20-14:00] 29974, Kahuna: do
[20-14:00] 29974, shattered tears: yea
[20-14:01] 29974, Kahuna: ......
[20-14:01] 29974, shadow: i maybe gross but i got my good side
[20-14:01] 29974, shadow: helo
[20-14:01] 29974, Kahuna: yeah right shadow
[20-14:02] 29974, Kahuna: and im biy
[20-14:02] 29974, Link: halo
[20-14:02] 29974, shattered tears: hello
[20-14:02] 29974, shadow: hey i think she likes me
[20-14:02] EXIT: shattered tears has left the chat ( 2:02pm, February 20 (CST) ).
[20-14:02] 29974, Kahuna: link what r u doing?
[20-14:02] 29974, Kahuna: PLease talk to me
[20-14:02] 29974, Link: i am typing right now
[20-14:03] 29974, Kahuna: k
[20-14:03] 29974, shadow: yeah thats wat i want to know
[20-14:03] 29974, shadow: hehe
[20-14:03] 29974, Kahuna: you go to stagg link?
[20-14:03] 29974, Link: damn shadow ur sick
[20-14:04] 29974, Kahuna: aswer please
[20-14:04] 29974, Kahuna: PLEASE
[20-14:06] 29974, Kahuna: Link you there?
[20-14:06] 29974, Kahuna: Link you there?
[20-14:06] JOIN: Link has entered.
[20-14:06] 29974, Link: hey kahuna u there
[20-14:07] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[20-14:07] 29974, shadow: no but i am
[20-14:07] 29974, Kahuna: yeah
[20-14:08] 29974, Link: yeah i know u r u sick bastard
[20-14:08] 29974, Kahuna: im here
[20-14:08] 29974, shadow: hey u know u look cute when ur mad
[20-14:08] 29974, Link: hey i just want to talk to kahuna
[20-14:09] 29974, Kahuna: shadow shut up
[20-14:09] 29974, Kahuna: let me talk to her
[20-14:09] 29974, shadow: hey cant i talk to her
[20-14:09] 29974, Kahuna: dont make me hurt you
[20-14:09] 29974, Link: thanx kahuna
[20-14:10] 29974, Kahuna: so...Link
[20-14:10] 29974, shadow: leader u little suck up
[20-14:10] 29974, Kahuna: what high school do you go to?
[20-14:11] 29974, Link: Lincoln
[20-14:11] 29974, shadow: again ur a little suck up
[20-14:11] 29974, Kahuna: you go to licoln?
[20-14:12] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[20-14:13] 29974, Kahuna: brb
[20-14:18] 29974, Kahuna: link you there
[20-14:19] 29974, Kahuna: link?
[20-14:20] 29974, Kahuna: link
[20-14:20] JOIN: Link has entered.
[20-14:20] 29974, Link: sorry
[20-14:20] 29974, Kahuna: darn shes gone
[20-14:20] 29974, Kahuna: there you are
[20-14:20] 29974, Kahuna: i go to stagg
[20-14:21] 29974, Link: i am so sorry
[20-14:21] 29974, Kahuna: i use to go to lincoln district
[20-14:21] 29974, Link: my stupid friend logged me off
[20-14:21] 29974, Kahuna: it ok
[20-14:22] 29974, Kahuna: i had to do something
[20-14:22] 29974, Link: ur sweet
[20-14:26] 29974, Kahuna: so are you a freshmen or what?
[20-14:28] 29974, Kahuna: u there
[20-14:29] 29974, Kahuna: helo
[20-14:30] 29974, Kahuna: hello
[20-15:34] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[21-00:15] JOIN: KasperZ has entered.
[21-00:15] 75e67, KasperZ: Hey
[21-01:09] JOIN: funfun has entered.
[21-01:09] 7c3a4, funfun: hello everone:)
[21-01:09] 7c3a4, funfun: anyone wanna role play?
[21-01:24] JOIN: kago has entered.
[21-01:25] f3544, kago: hello
[21-01:26] f3544, kago: anyone
[21-01:26] f3544, kago: bye
[21-01:26] EXIT: kago has left the chat ( 1:26am, February 21 (CST) ).
[21-02:14] JOIN: Valandil has entered.
[21-16:17] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[21-16:19] JOIN: Mr, Me has entered.
[21-18:00] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[23-09:07] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[23-09:08] 29974, shadow: hey guys wats up
[23-09:08] 29974, shadow: no its mr sme more like it
[23-09:08] JOIN: Criminal has entered.
[23-09:08] 29974, shadow: hey are u gay
[23-09:09] 29974, Criminal: Shadow r u in yet
[23-09:09] 29974, shadow: criminal ur going to jail
[23-09:10] 29974, Criminal: Over my dead buns body wiyh mustard
[23-09:10] 29974, shadow: ran at criminal full force
[23-09:10] 29974, shadow: ran at criminal full force
[23-09:10] 29974, Criminal: Who the hell is Mr.Me?
[23-09:10] 29974, shadow: and light wat was left of his hair on fire
[23-09:11] 29974, shadow: hey kahuna u in
[23-09:11] 29974, Criminal: Then criminal used icredible force to blow away the fire
[23-09:11] JOIN: kahuna has entered.
[23-09:11] 29974, shadow: u cant do that u r hair is already gone
[23-09:11] 29974, Criminal: Criminal then threw a dildo at Shadow and killed him.
[23-09:12] 29974, kahuna: what is up
[23-09:12] 29974, shadow: hey kahuna any work from Link
[23-09:12] 29974, Criminal: It just grew right back in a instant flash.
[23-09:12] 29974, shadow: ur sweet Link
[23-09:13] 29974, shadow: yeah right
[23-09:13] 29974, kahuna: what the hell you talking about ?
[23-09:13] 29974, shadow: can i jump on ur head
[23-09:13] 29974, Criminal: Sorry link is not available after i robbed her!
[23-09:13] 29974, shadow: wat do u mean
[23-09:14] 29974, kahuna: ill kick your but lance
[23-09:14] 29974, shadow: i see u try
[23-09:14] 29974, Criminal: LINK:Ohhhhh.......Criminal
[23-09:14] 29974, shadow: comon im waiting
[23-09:14] 29974, Criminal: Shut up Kahuna!
[23-09:14] 29974, shadow: hey were expecting someone new
[23-09:14] 29974, kahuna: shut up you immature bitches
[23-09:15] 29974, shadow: he will be here in few
[23-09:15] 29974, shadow: so be ready
[23-09:15] 29974, shadow: Kahuna u readin
[23-09:15] 29974, Criminal: Yeah my Dick!Hahaha I'm Rick James Bitch!!!
[23-09:16] JOIN: dick has entered.
[23-09:16] 29974, shadow: he will be here
[23-09:16] 29974, kahuna: criminal your gay
[23-09:16] 29974, shadow: dick ur very small
[23-09:16] 29974, Criminal: Fuck you Dick
[23-09:16] 29974, shadow: hey lets all bag on DICk
[23-09:16] 29974, dick: who the mkay ia talken shit
[23-09:16] 29974, Criminal: Kiss my Black buns Kahuna
[23-09:17] 29974, kahuna: who the mkay is dick?
[23-09:17] 29974, shadow: hey dick wats up with gay name
[23-09:17] 29974, Criminal: Criminal is fu!
[23-09:17] 29974, dick: i am a giant dick
[23-09:17] 29974, shadow: hey u wanna c a real dick
[23-09:17] 29974, dick: we can all be gay together
[23-09:17] 29974, shadow: no not really
[23-09:17] 29974, Criminal: Dick thats a mighty big Dick
[23-09:17] 29974, shadow: aw come on lets all go
[23-09:18] 29974, shadow: hey criminal ur kind a guy
[23-09:18] 29974, dick: no i'm just messen
[23-09:18] 29974, Criminal: Shadow you have no Dick
[23-09:18] 29974, kahuna: you guys are gay, weres link
[23-09:18] 29974, shadow: alert badguy and badgirl pyro moonsnake
[23-09:18] 29974, Criminal: Gimmmie your wallet
[23-09:18] 29974, shadow: that we have a new guy
[23-09:19] 29974, shadow: can i p in ur wallet
[23-09:19] 29974, Criminal: I'm out
[23-09:19] 29974, shadow: g2g
[23-09:19] 29974, dick: waaiting for responce from next asshole
[23-09:19] 29974, kahuna: fags fags fags fags fags
[23-13:49] JOIN: Link has entered.
[23-13:49] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[23-13:49] JOIN: EndleSSOmega has entered.
[23-13:49] 29974, Link: hello Kahuna are u there
[23-13:49] 29974, Kahuna: hey
[23-13:50] 29974, Kahuna: i am here
[23-13:50] 29974, EndleSSOmega: dick is a fag
[23-13:50] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[23-13:50] 29974, shadow: no but i am
[23-13:50] 29974, EndleSSOmega: whats ur name dick
[23-13:50] 29974, Kahuna: link you there
[23-13:50] 29974, EndleSSOmega: ??
[23-13:50] 29974, Link: wat
[23-13:51] EXIT: EndleSSOmega has left the chat ( 1:50pm, February 23 (CST) ).
[23-13:51] JOIN: link has entered.
[23-13:51] 29974, Kahuna: are u freshmen?
[23-13:51] EXIT: link has left the chat ( 1:51pm, February 23 (CST) ).
[23-13:51] JOIN: Link has entered.
[23-13:52] 29974, shadow: hello link
[23-13:52] 29974, Link: wats up
[23-13:52] 29974, Link: why are three links
[23-13:52] 29974, Link: kahuna u there
[23-13:52] 29974, Kahuna: i dont know
[23-13:53] 29974, Link: kahuna
[23-13:53] 29974, Link: ?
[23-13:53] JOIN: Criminal has entered.
[23-13:53] 29974, shadow: hey link lets go out some time
[23-13:53] 29974, Kahuna: yeah its me
[23-13:53] 29974, Link: mkay u kahuna
[23-13:53] 29974, Kahuna: it me kahuna
[23-13:53] 29974, Criminal: Leader: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........Charles!!!
[23-13:53] 29974, Link: do i dont want to
[23-13:53] 29974, Kahuna: bitch!!!
[23-13:54] 29974, shadow: why not
[23-13:54] 29974, shadow: aniboo
[23-13:54] 29974, Link: because
[23-13:54] JOIN: criminal has entered.
[23-13:55] 29974, Kahuna: link you gonna talk or what?
[23-13:55] 29974, shadow: hey u look cute when ur mad
[23-13:55] 29974, criminal: Leader:Ohhhhhhhhhh.........Charles!
[23-13:55] 29974, Link: criminal is a fag
[23-13:55] 29974, Link: ur very stupid
[23-13:56] 29974, Link: u know criminal u r gay
[23-13:56] EXIT: Link has left the chat ( 1:56pm, February 23 (CST) ).
[23-13:56] 29974, criminal: Leader: Whoa Nelle!Charles!!!
[23-13:56] 29974, Kahuna: Real link were r u????
[23-13:56] 29974, shadow: hey can hair set on fire
[23-13:56] JOIN: VvShatteredTear has entered.
[23-13:57] 29974, Link: u r gay criminal
[23-13:57] 29974, Kahuna: darius: F me shawn F me!!!
[23-13:57] 29974, VvShatteredTear: can i set ur hair on fire shadow
[23-13:57] 29974, criminal: Leader:Good God Chrles!!!!!!!!!!!
[23-13:57] 29974, Link: no but ur brain can
[23-13:58] 29974, Kahuna: link, r u freshmen?
[23-13:58] 29974, shadow: hey that was uncalled for
[23-13:58] 29974, criminal: Who wants a piece of Criminal!Bring it onAfter dinner
[23-13:58] 29974, Link: yes i am
[23-13:58] 29974, shadow: hey criminal lets go
[23-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: ok
[23-13:59] 29974, shadow: u want some of me? eh Link
[23-13:59] 29974, criminal: Criminal is ready to take all of your Wallets!!!
[23-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: so, .....
[23-13:59] 29974, Link: ur gross
[23-13:59] 29974, shadow: so what
[23-13:59] 29974, criminal: I reckon I be taken all of your clothes
[23-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: did you know any one named "Leader"??
[23-13:59] 29974, shadow: hey ur not seeing my real charm yet
[23-14:00] 29974, Link: no i believe not
[23-14:00] 29974, Link: u dont have any charm
[23-14:00] 29974, Kahuna: when you were in 6th grade??
[23-14:00] 29974, shadow: hah leader u got punked
[23-14:00] 29974, Noname: Darius:Lets go into a dark alley way charles
[23-14:00] 29974, Link: c u late
[23-14:01] 29974, criminal: Criminal is just that poor so that he will smoke some buds
[23-14:01] 29974, shadow: hey u not gona say bye to me
[23-14:01] 29974, Kahuna: F u bitch!!!
[23-15:14] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[23-15:22] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[23-15:22] 29974, shadow: hey kahuna are u there
[23-15:32] 29974, shadow: hello
[24-09:12] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[24-09:13] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[24-09:13] 29974, shadow: hey am i all alone
[24-09:13] 29974, Kahuna: wazzup
[24-09:14] 29974, Kahuna: hello
[24-09:14] 29974, shadow: kahuna i am going to get some from Link
[24-09:14] 29974, Kahuna: talk bitch
[24-09:14] 29974, shadow: yeah baby
[24-09:14] 29974, Kahuna: F U MOTHER FUCER
[24-09:14] 29974, shadow: she is going to be on me like white on rice
[24-09:14] 29974, Kahuna: FUCK YOU MOTHER FUCKER
[24-09:15] 29974, shadow: like flies on shit
[24-09:15] 29974, Kahuna: I KICK YOUR ASS
[24-09:15] JOIN: Criminal has entered.
[24-09:15] 29974, shadow: like beans on a burrito
[24-09:15] 29974, Kahuna: IF YOU LAY ONE HAND ON HER
[24-09:15] 29974, Criminal: You guys are ass's
[24-09:15] 29974, shadow: she is going to cry out my name
[24-09:15] 29974, Criminal: Leader:OOOOOOOhhhhhh........Charles!!
[24-09:16] 29974, shadow: Ohh Shadow
[24-09:16] 29974, Kahuna: WOW YOU R A DIP SHIT YOU KNOW THAT
[24-09:16] 29974, shadow: hey i think she likes me
[24-09:16] 29974, Criminal: Shit I'll lay a hand on her fu!
[24-09:16] JOIN: Neo Falken has entered.
[24-09:16] 29974, Neo Falken: Die Shadow!!
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Kicks shadows head off::
[24-09:17] 29974, shadow: she always telling me weid things
[24-09:17] 29974, Criminal: Names criminal James Criminal
[24-09:17] 29974, shadow: hey i only got one head
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bites criminal::
[24-09:17] 29974, Kahuna: DARIUS: MY HAND! MY FUCKIN HAND!!! I CAN MASTERBAIT!!!
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Criminal: Whoa Nelle CHARLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, Neo Falken: Rips on::
[24-09:17] 29974, shadow: hey can all the gys leave and leave me with the ladies
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: rips one
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::BITES KAHUNA::
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::BITES KAHUNA::
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::BITES KAHUNA::
[24-09:18] 29974, Criminal: Fuck you!
[24-09:18] 29974, Kahuna: HELL NO NIGA
[24-09:18] 29974, shadow: hey are u guys there
[24-09:18] 29974, Neo Falken: ::SLAPS SHADOW THEN KAHUNA::
[24-09:18] 29974, shadow: hey i cant help it if iam a ladies man
[24-09:18] 29974, Kahuna: YEAH BITCH
[24-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: "I AM CORN HOLIO!!::
[24-09:19] 29974, Kahuna: MY ASS YOU ARE
[24-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: "I NEED TEEPEE FOR MY BUNGH)OLE"
[24-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Bitch slaps kahuna::
[24-09:19] 29974, shadow: hey u the one who cant even talk to a girl on line
[24-09:19] 29974, Criminal: Hey guys I found a penny I'm rich!!!!! NOw I can move out of the box
[24-09:19] 29974, Neo Falken: ::Slaps shadow::
[24-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: "Slap that ho!"
[24-09:20] 29974, Kahuna: LANCE IS A FAG!!!
[24-09:20] 29974, shadow: i have alot more girlfriends than u do
[24-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: ::KICKS KAHUNA IN THE BALLS::
[24-09:20] 29974, Criminal: Yeah your dolls
[24-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: "LANCE?"
[24-09:20] 29974, shadow: no u cant move out yet darius u still owe me one dime
[24-09:20] 29974, Neo Falken: "Pimp you be?"
[24-13:55] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[24-13:55] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[24-13:55] 29974, shadow: hey neo u there
[24-13:55] JOIN: Link has entered.
[24-13:55] JOIN: XShatteredtears has entered.
[24-13:55] 29974, Kahuna: NO
[24-13:56] 29974, shadow: hey kahuna any word from link
[24-13:56] 29974, Kahuna: HEY LINK
[24-13:56] 29974, shadow: hey link can i jump on ur head
[24-13:56] 29974, XShatteredtears: neo falken is gay
[24-13:56] 29974, Link: wats up Kahuna
[24-13:56] 29974, Kahuna: XsT is gay
[24-13:57] 29974, Kahuna: what up
[24-13:57] 29974, shadow: well arent u going to say hi to me
[24-13:57] 29974, Kahuna: lol
[24-13:57] 29974, Kahuna: no she isnt
[24-13:57] 29974, XShatteredtears: SHUT THE HELL P KAHUNA
[24-13:57] 29974, XShatteredtears: UP*
[24-13:57] 29974, Link: hey shadow can u stop talking to me
[24-13:58] 29974, XShatteredtears: HI LINK
[24-13:58] 29974, shadow: i agree with shattered tears
[24-13:58] 29974, Kahuna: HAHA SHADOW
[24-13:58] 29974, Kahuna: !!!
[24-13:58] 29974, shadow: hey Link lets get to know each other
[24-13:58] 29974, Link: how about not
[24-13:58] 29974, XShatteredtears: AWWWW U CANT SAY HI
[24-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: Lane got turn down wow
[24-13:59] 29974, shadow: hey if we make kids ill name them chain and lock
[24-13:59] 29974, XShatteredtears: THATS FUCKED UP
[24-13:59] 29974, Kahuna: Excuse me Lance
[24-14:00] 29974, Link: hey u know ur starting to annoy me
[24-14:00] 29974, XShatteredtears: HI LINK
[24-14:00] 29974, shadow: what is
[24-14:00] 29974, Kahuna: Shut up jakAsses
[24-14:01] JOIN: Link ` has entered.
[24-14:01] 29974, Kahuna: link you stil there?
[24-14:01] 29974, shadow: Cmon Link lets talk later
[24-14:01] EXIT: Link ` has left the chat ( 2:01pm, February 24 (CST) ).
[24-14:01] 29974, XShatteredtears: cant say hi
[24-14:01] 29974, Link: hey i rather talk to kahuna
[24-14:01] 29974, XShatteredtears: stupid whore
[24-14:02] 29974, Link: so do u have a sn
[24-14:02] 29974, Link: hi shatter tears
[24-14:02] 29974, Kahuna: no i am sorry
[24-14:02] 29974, shadow: hey wat about me what about me
[24-14:02] JOIN: Xshatteredtears has entered.
[24-14:02] 29974, Kahuna: very sorry
[24-14:02] 29974, Link: ooooooooo
[24-14:02] 29974, Link: ooooooooo
[24-14:03] 29974, Xshatteredtears: and that whore thing was for u link
[24-14:03] 29974, Link: hey do u live by lincoln
[24-14:03] 29974, Kahuna: what?
[24-14:03] 29974, shadow: hey i live by lincoln
[24-14:03] 29974, Kahuna: see ya
[24-14:03] 29974, shadow: c u late
[24-14:03] 29974, Kahuna: bye link
[24-14:04] 29974, Xshatteredtears: it was for shadow
[24-14:04] 29974, Link: bye kahuna
[25-12:53] JOIN: Trapt Vampyre has entered.
[25-12:53] f3544, Trapt Vampyre: (hi)
[25-12:54] f3544, Trapt Vampyre: im new
[25-12:56] f3544, Trapt Vampyre: hi
[25-13:50] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[25-13:50] cb951, shadow: hey wats up
[25-13:50] JOIN: Link has entered.
[25-13:50] JOIN: kago has entered.
[25-13:51] cb951, shadow: Hey Link wats up
[25-13:51] EXIT: kago has left the chat ( 1:50pm, February 25 (CST) ).
[25-13:51] cb951, Link: do u know where kahuna is
[25-13:51] JOIN: kango has entered.
[25-13:51] cb951, kango: no
[25-13:52] cb951, shadow: no i dont he is probaly in the bathroom playing with himself
[25-13:52] cb951, kango: knil wnok anuhak
[25-13:53] JOIN: Link has entered.
[25-13:54] cb951, kango: wodahs si yag
[25-13:55] cb951, kango: hello
[25-13:55] cb951, shadow: hey
[25-13:56] cb951, kango: hello
[25-13:56] cb951, kango: ((hello))
[25-13:56] cb951, shadow: can i jump on ur head
[25-13:57] cb951, kango: ((hello))
[25-13:57] cb951, kango: hello
[25-13:57] cb951, kango: gjsjrggrgi
[25-13:57] cb951, kango: gkgeyhrtujlok7978
[25-13:57] cb951, shadow: are u reguritating
[25-13:58] cb951, kango: !@#$%^&*()_-+=
[25-13:58] cb951, kango: ~`!@#$%^&*(_-=+)
[25-13:58] cb951, kango: !@#$%^&*()_+!@#$%^&*()_+-=`
[25-13:59] EXIT: kango has left the chat ( 1:58pm, February 25 (CST) ).
[25-13:59] cb951, shadow: hey can i jump on ur head
[25-14:00] cb951, shadow: hey look ( . Y . )
[25-14:00] cb951, shadow: there boobies
[25-14:18] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[25-14:18] cb951, Kahuna: hello
[25-14:18] cb951, Kahuna: hello
[25-14:18] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:18] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:18] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: hi
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:19] cb951, Kahuna: shut up
[25-14:22] JOIN: SEXY SEXY has entered.
[25-14:22] cb951, Kahuna: what up
[25-14:22] cb951, SEXY SEXY: THE SKY
[25-14:23] cb951, Kahuna: hey, how you doin?
[25-14:24] cb951, SEXY SEXY: I LIKE THIS COLOR
[25-14:25] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[25-14:26] cb951, SEXY SEXY: YOU ARE RETARTED
[25-14:26] cb951, SEXY SEXY: RETART
[25-14:26] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[25-14:26] cb951, SEXY SEXY: RETART
[25-14:26] cb951, SEXY SEXY: RETRAT
[25-14:27] cb951, shadow: hey can i set ur head on fire sexy
[25-14:27] cb951, Kahuna: what up niga
[25-14:27] cb951, SEXY SEXY: SO SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN
[25-14:27] cb951, shadow: okay lets do it
[25-14:27] cb951, shadow: hey when do u want to do it
[25-14:27] JOIN: Jago has entered.
[25-14:28] cb951, Jago: yo Ka huna
[25-14:28] cb951, shadow: hey kahuna i told u not to any one with a Fucked up walk
[25-14:28] cb951, shadow: definetiely male
[25-14:29] cb951, SEXY SEXY: o then your all my type
[25-14:29] cb951, Jago: tank
[25-14:29] cb951, SEXY SEXY: are you from stagg
[25-14:29] cb951, shadow: yo Jago wats up
[25-14:30] cb951, shadow: i am in the library right now
[25-14:30] cb951, shadow: hey do u go to stagg
[25-14:31] cb951, SEXY SEXY: maybe yes maybe no
[25-14:31] cb951, Jago: my real name is Tai Mi Shu
[25-14:31] cb951, shadow: hey look ( . Y . )
[25-14:31] cb951, shadow: their really big
[25-14:31] cb951, shadow: hey lets go fishing
[25-14:32] cb951, Jago: haha :0)
[25-14:32] cb951, shadow: ><> its nemo
[25-14:32] JOIN: maliyah has entered.
[25-14:32] cb951, shadow: hey sexy do u want a rose
[25-14:32] cb951, shadow: @-------)-----
[25-14:33] cb951, SEXY SEXY: shadow your no fun
[25-14:33] JOIN: Gelarto has entered.
[25-14:33] cb951, shadow: hey maliyah wats up
[25-14:33] cb951, Gelarto: hey
[25-14:33] cb951, SEXY SEXY: hey maliyah
[25-14:33] cb951, maliyah: hey wats sup peeps
[25-14:33] cb951, SEXY SEXY: hey gelarto
[25-14:33] cb951, shadow: hey maliyah wats up cant talk
[25-14:34] JOIN: barto has entered.
[25-14:34] cb951, maliyah: hey
[25-14:34] cb951, shadow: nice trick
[25-14:34] cb951, barto: what is up homies
[25-14:34] cb951, SEXY SEXY: hey maliyah pick some other color
[25-14:34] cb951, maliyah: who said that i cant talk
[25-14:34] cb951, shadow: i mean with the invisible letters
[25-14:34] JOIN: Homer has entered.
[25-14:34] JOIN: hi has entered.
[25-14:35] cb951, maliyah: my home gurl pick that color
[25-14:35] cb951, hi: hi!!
[25-14:35] cb951, shadow: hey why cant u type a full name
[25-14:35] cb951, shadow: thats kinda weird
[25-14:35] JOIN: SEXY SEXY has entered.
[25-14:35] cb951, shadow: hey Hi thats kinda catchy
[25-14:35] cb951, maliyah: u knoe what fucc u guy
[25-14:35] cb951, Homer: Me hugry$%&%*
[25-14:36] cb951, shadow: yeah i bet she did
[25-14:36] cb951, hi: Du MA ME!!
[25-14:36] cb951, Homer: Me Hungry@#$^^*&^*(
[25-14:36] cb951, shadow: hey can u hear me now
[25-14:36] cb951, shadow: good
[25-14:37] cb951, shadow: hey sexy were are u at
[25-14:37] cb951, SEXY SEXY: HEY HI HOW YOU DOING
[25-14:37] cb951, shadow: hey can all the guys leave the room and leave me with the ladies
[25-14:37] JOIN: BiG K@hUnA has entered.
[25-14:37] cb951, shadow: heres a rose for everyone
[25-14:37] cb951, shadow: @-------)-----
[25-14:37] cb951, maliyah: um shadow i know u have my class rite now and i dont want to chat with ur ugly buns get that right nigga
[25-14:38] JOIN: biotch has entered.
[25-14:38] cb951, biotch: sup mah niggaz
[25-14:39] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: Go, Go, GI Joe Joe GO JOE!!!!
[25-14:39] JOIN: pryo has entered.
[25-14:39] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: hi
[25-14:39] cb951, pryo: hey wats up
[25-14:40] cb951, shadow: hey who said i am in ur class
[25-14:40] cb951, maliyah: i dont know who the fucc is he
[25-14:40] cb951, shadow: im in the library
[25-14:40] cb951, biotch: sup MARIE can dis biotch HOLLA foe a dolla
[25-14:40] cb951, biotch: sup MARIE can dis biotch HOLLA foe a dolla
[25-14:40] cb951, pryo: hey wats up room
[25-14:40] cb951, maliyah: ya nagga succ
[25-14:40] cb951, shadow: hey i am up to that
[25-14:40] cb951, biotch: aye guh... where u at
[25-14:41] cb951, maliyah: hell yah
[25-14:41] cb951, biotch: who iz up in dis room state yo name
[25-14:41] cb951, maliyah: wats sup
[25-14:41] cb951, pryo: can i jump on ur head right now
[25-14:41] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[25-14:41] cb951, SEXY SEXY: so pryo where you want to take this
[25-14:41] cb951, pryo: hey sexy its me the gy
[25-14:41] cb951, maliyah: holla
[25-14:41] cb951, maliyah: not for a dollar
[25-14:41] cb951, SEXY SEXY: hey kahuna
[25-14:41] cb951, biotch: who da hell iz sexxy
[25-14:41] cb951, pryo: i hope its any where from i am sitting
[25-14:41] cb951, SEXY SEXY: the woh!!!!????????
[25-14:42] cb951, biotch: haha u aint sexy
[25-14:42] JOIN: BiG K@hUnA has entered.
[25-14:42] cb951, shadow: hey pryo leave the ladies alone
[25-14:42] cb951, biotch: u iz... OOGLEE
[25-14:42] cb951, Kahuna: wazzup
[25-14:42] cb951, pryo: i dont have to
[25-14:42] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: hey
[25-14:42] JOIN: SEXY SEXY has entered.
[25-14:42] cb951, SEXY SEXY: SORRY GUYS
[25-14:42] cb951, pryo: hey hi were are u
[25-14:42] cb951, Kahuna: who took my name?
[25-14:43] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: I did niga
[25-14:43] cb951, shadow: damn right ur sorry
[25-14:43] JOIN: ANGEL EYES has entered.
[25-14:43] cb951, Kahuna: bitch chang your name
[25-14:43] cb951, ANGEL EYES: HEY GUYS WHATS UP
[25-14:43] cb951, pryo: im going to hang out with my wang out
[25-14:43] cb951, biotch: who meeh?!
[25-14:43] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: Hell no niger
[25-14:43] cb951, shadow: hey do u really have angel eyes
[25-14:44] cb951, biotch: I KNOE I DO
[25-14:44] cb951, Kahuna: I know who you are Scott! name thief
[25-14:44] cb951, pryo: hey biotch u sound like a real nice person
[25-14:44] cb951, ANGEL EYES: yes i do
[25-14:44] cb951, shadow: hey everone asl check
[25-14:44] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: dont talk about me like that bitch!!
[25-14:44] cb951, maliyah: i'm gone ya mother fuccer succ diz nutz
[25-14:45] cb951, pryo: hey tell scott i give a damn
[25-14:45] cb951, ANGEL EYES: shadow are you boy or girl
[25-14:45] cb951, shadow: do we have to be so rough
[25-14:45] cb951, biotch: YAH I AM A NICE PERSON
[25-14:45] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: I kick your buns leader!!
[25-14:45] cb951, shadow: definetely a boy
[25-14:45] cb951, pryo: hey are u a girl
[25-14:46] cb951, Kahuna: your gay scott, your Gay
[25-14:46] cb951, ANGEL EYES: are you taken
[25-14:46] cb951, biotch: IMMA GUH OH WAIT IM A BOY NO NO WAIT IMMA SHIM
[25-14:46] cb951, shadow: no not yet
[25-14:46] cb951, Kahuna: LInk were r u???
[25-14:46] cb951, ANGEL EYES: can i hallor
[25-14:46] cb951, biotch: HEY WHO SINGLE UP IN DIS MOFO
[25-14:46] cb951, pryo: damn ur complicated
[25-14:47] cb951, biotch: WANNA HOLLA !! *wink*
[25-14:47] cb951, pryo: me me choose me
[25-14:47] cb951, shadow: go ahead
[25-14:47] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: Bitch you better not be talking bout my link
[25-14:47] cb951, Kahuna: your she not anybodys
[25-14:47] cb951, pryo: hey can i jump on ur head shadow
[25-14:47] cb951, ANGEL EYES: all right then tell me about your self
[25-14:48] cb951, Kahuna: and anyways a bastard like you cant get a girl
[25-14:48] cb951, biotch: no itz ok u not mah type ill pass on u
[25-14:48] cb951, shadow: well i am a mysterius kinda guy
[25-14:48] cb951, shadow: keeps to myself alot mostly
[25-14:48] cb951, shadow: and really shy
[25-14:48] cb951, pryo: mysterious my ass
[25-14:49] cb951, pryo: do u want me to kick the shyness out of u
[25-14:49] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: hey any hot girls out there
[25-14:49] cb951, biotch: HEY STOP CUSSIN
[25-14:49] cb951, ANGEL EYES: o really
[25-14:49] cb951, biotch: DAS A VERY BAD LANGUAGE 2 USE
[25-14:49] cb951, Kahuna: dont do it girls his a fag
[25-14:49] cb951, shadow: hey biotch is right
[25-14:50] cb951, shadow: hey biotch were are u
[25-14:50] cb951, biotch: IM OVA HEA
[25-14:50] cb951, ANGEL EYES: your a fag
[25-14:50] cb951, biotch: CAN U SEE MEEH
[25-14:50] cb951, biotch: HI...
[25-14:50] cb951, pryo: who is ova hea
[25-14:50] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: I am
[25-14:50] cb951, pryo: i want to see u
[25-14:50] cb951, Kahuna: god you r gay scott
[25-14:51] cb951, shadow: hey i cant see u since i am in the library
[25-14:51] cb951, biotch: OH... U WANNA SEE MEEH... SEE MEEH DEN WASSUP!!
[25-14:51] cb951, shadow: so u got to tell me were u r
[25-14:51] cb951, ANGEL EYES: iam hot
[25-14:51] cb951, ANGEL EYES: and a girl
[25-14:51] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: shut it aznboi
[25-14:52] cb951, biotch: HEY WHO IZ DA AZN BOI
[25-14:52] cb951, Kahuna: I dont have to WHITEMAN
[25-14:52] cb951, shadow: ur are u?
[25-14:52] cb951, Kahuna: i am
[25-14:52] cb951, ANGEL EYES: hey BIG@hUnA lets talk
[25-14:53] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: ok
[25-14:53] cb951, pryo: hey angel wanna talk
[25-14:53] cb951, ANGEL EYES: so tell me about your self
[25-14:53] JOIN: Noname has entered.
[25-14:53] cb951, shadow: hey biotch dont go
[25-14:54] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: I am 5' 6" brown hair brown eyes
[25-14:54] cb951, ANGEL EYES: i am a sucker for brown eyes
[25-14:55] cb951, shadow: hey angel i thought u wanna talk
[25-14:55] cb951, Kahuna: dont talk to him hes a staker
[25-14:55] cb951, Kahuna: ange
[25-14:55] cb951, pryo: hey can i jump for ur delight
[25-14:55] cb951, shadow: of shut up kahuna
[25-14:55] cb951, ANGEL EYES: i do but you don't give me enough live
[25-14:55] cb951, ANGEL EYES: i mean love
[25-14:56] cb951, ANGEL EYES: so i had to move on untile you came around
[25-14:56] cb951, shadow: hey then lets talk love
[25-14:56] cb951, shadow: where are u
[25-14:57] cb951, ANGEL EYES: sounds like a stroung topic are shure you want to
[25-14:57] cb951, Kahuna: angel eyes do not talk to big kahuna he is evil
[25-14:57] cb951, Kahuna: !!
[25-14:57] cb951, shadow: yes
[25-14:57] cb951, ANGEL EYES: ok then what do you think love means
[25-14:57] cb951, pryo: hey angel its me Lance
[25-14:57] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: angel eyes arnt you goin to talk to me???
[25-14:58] JOIN: JOKER has entered.
[25-14:58] cb951, shadow: where a person has deep emotions for one another
[25-14:58] cb951, ANGEL EYES: yes i can handel you all
[25-14:58] cb951, pryo: hey edgar wats up
[25-14:59] cb951, ANGEL EYES: you are really something else
[25-14:59] cb951, shadow: yes i know
[25-14:59] cb951, pryo: cmon can u type fast enough
[25-15:00] cb951, Kahuna: dont talk to him his bad news angila
[25-15:00] cb951, ANGEL EYES: hey BIG K@hUnA i am goin to give you a nick name how about bk
[25-15:00] cb951, pryo: mkay u kahuna
[25-15:00] cb951, pryo: FUCK U kahuna
[25-15:00] cb951, BiG K@hUnA: k
[25-15:01] cb951, ANGEL EYES: shadow tell me what you think would be a lovly day
[25-15:01] cb951, ANGEL EYES: all right then BK tell me what you think live means
[25-15:01] cb951, shadow: for me, its when the sky is gray
[25-15:01] cb951, JOKER: ANGEL EYES IS A A@@
[25-15:01] cb951, shadow: sorry if it doesnt meet ur expectations
[25-15:01] cb951, Noname: who the @$%! is joker
[25-15:02] cb951, pryo: hey shadow ur really gay
[25-15:02] cb951, Kahuna: bye big kahuna! lance its time to infutrate the plan!!!
[25-15:02] cb951, ANGEL EYES: gray is good keep talking
[25-15:02] cb951, JOKER: NONAME IS A F@CKER
[25-15:03] cb951, ANGEL EYES: joker tell me what you mean
[25-15:03] cb951, ANGEL EYES: joker is a fagg
[25-15:03] cb951, shadow: so wat is ur kind of day
[25-15:03] cb951, Kahuna: you know why he uses big kahuna for a name? it means big dick!!!
[25-15:03] cb951, Noname: hey dont let the name fool u but i am pryo
[25-15:03] cb951, ANGEL EYES: pryo your gay
[25-15:03] JOIN: noname has entered.
[25-15:04] cb951, Noname: i kinda fo got erased
[25-15:04] cb951, Kahuna: big k u stil there?
[25-15:04] cb951, ANGEL EYES: well i am noy really in to days i like sun sets and things like so they really make me happy
[25-15:04] cb951, Noname: hey noname there is only one and thats me
[25-15:04] cb951, Kahuna: Ha Ha hes gone
[25-15:05] cb951, noname: oh hell na
[25-15:05] cb951, shadow: yeah the sun hurts my eyes
[25-15:05] cb951, noname: you betts ta change yo name boy
[25-15:05] cb951, ANGEL EYES: joker go suck some balls
[25-15:06] JOIN: Rebirth666 has entered.
[25-15:06] cb951, ANGEL EYES: shadow what are you thinking right now tell me whats on your mind
[25-15:06] cb951, Rebirth666: what up
[25-15:06] cb951, noname: who the $@%! is noname
[25-15:06] cb951, Kahuna: hey greg
[25-15:06] cb951, ANGEL EYES: het there Rebirth666 what up
[25-15:06] cb951, Rebirth666: what up
[25-15:07] cb951, ANGEL EYES: and joker you still need you go suck some balls
[25-15:07] cb951, ANGEL EYES: how you doin Rebirth666
[25-15:08] JOIN: LilBadGirl has entered.
[25-15:08] cb951, shadow: well i am being nagged by the librarian
[25-15:08] cb951, Kahuna: da da da
[25-15:08] cb951, shadow: so its kinda hard to talk
[25-15:08] cb951, ANGEL EYES: shadow why
[25-15:08] cb951, Rebirth666: hey bad girl
[25-15:08] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell is shadow?
[25-15:08] cb951, shadow: hey who is lilbadgirl
[25-15:08] cb951, ANGEL EYES: shadow i want to met you
[25-15:08] cb951, Kahuna: hey bg
[25-15:08] cb951, shadow: we must be thinking the samething
[25-15:08] cb951, shadow: u have already
[25-15:09] cb951, ANGEL EYES: what are you talking about shadow
[25-15:09] cb951, shadow: remember when u saw me when the library
[25-15:09] cb951, Rebirth666: REBIRTH USE TO BE DEATH
[25-15:09] cb951, LilBadGirl: who r u shadow?
[25-15:10] cb951, JOKER: YOU GAYS ARE FUCKEN GAY
[25-15:10] cb951, Kahuna: you gay go aw
[25-15:10] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell is angel eyes?
[25-15:10] cb951, Kahuna: away
[25-15:10] cb951, ANGEL EYES: joker is really gay as hell he needs to go grow a dick
[25-15:10] cb951, shadow: i am mysterious guy
[25-15:11] JOIN: kitty kat has entered.
[25-15:11] cb951, LilBadGirl: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[25-15:11] cb951, Rebirth666: o shit librarian got to go
[25-15:11] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell is kitty?
[25-15:11] cb951, ANGEL EYES: Shadow your back i missed you
[25-15:11] cb951, JOKER: YOU GAYS ARE GAY
[25-15:11] cb951, shadow: hey who is kitykat
[25-15:12] cb951, ANGEL EYES: kitty kat ???!!!!!?????????????
[25-15:12] cb951, Kahuna: who is kitty kat
[25-15:12] cb951, shadow: yeah i know the stupid librarian again
[25-15:12] cb951, kitty kat: well, who are you is the question
[25-15:13] cb951, LilBadGirl: u no what joker your a fagg!!!!!
[25-15:13] cb951, JOKER: YOU GUYS ARE FUCKEN GAY
[25-15:13] cb951, JOKER: YOU GUYS ARE FUCKEN GAY
[25-15:13] cb951, Kahuna: tahi kitty
[25-15:13] cb951, shadow: well the i really dont know
[25-15:13] cb951, shadow: you gay faget dumshiy
[25-15:14] cb951, shadow: thats not em
[25-15:14] cb951, Kahuna: what to be my pussy kat?
[25-15:14] cb951, shadow: u
[25-15:14] cb951, shadow: i mean me that was really my friend
[25-15:14] cb951, kitty kat: joker, why do u call me gay
[25-15:15] cb951, JOKER: JOKER IS LEAVING
[25-15:15] cb951, Kahuna: hey guys i am going to multiply
[25-15:16] cb951, Kahuna: here we go
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES
[25-15:16] cb951, Kahuna: aaahhhhh!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, Kahuna: aaahhhhh!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, Kahuna: aaahhhhh!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, Kahuna: aaahhhhh!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:16] cb951, JOKER: BICTHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell r u calling a bitch you fagg it
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, Kahuna: OOOHHH SSSSSHHITTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:17] cb951, kitty kat: who are u kuhana
[25-15:17] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell r u kitty kat???????????????????
[25-15:18] cb951, kitty kat: i'm me
[25-15:18] cb951, shadow: can i light ur head on fire
[25-15:18] cb951, shadow: can i light ur head on fire
[25-15:18] cb951, shadow: can i light ur head on fire
[25-15:18] cb951, shadow: can i light ur head on fire
[25-15:18] cb951, shadow: can i light ur head on fire
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, JOKER: KITTY CAT IS MY PUSSY
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: OH SHIT HERE WE GO AGAIN
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:19] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:20] cb951, shadow: damn that stupid librarian is back
[25-15:20] cb951, shadow: aahhhhh
[25-15:20] cb951, kitty kat: joker, that's not funny
[25-15:20] cb951, shadow: aahhhhh
[25-15:20] cb951, shadow: aahhhhh
[25-15:20] cb951, shadow: aahhhhh
[25-15:20] cb951, shadow: aahhhhh
[25-15:21] cb951, shadow: excuse me is it against the right for an adult to touch a kid
[25-15:21] cb951, Kahuna: (PPPPPPPUUUUULLLPPP)oh sit that was not me
[25-15:21] cb951, Kahuna: (PPPPPPPUUUUULLLPPP)oh sit that was not me
[25-15:21] cb951, Kahuna: (PPPPPPPUUUUULLLPPP)oh sit that was not me
[25-15:21] cb951, Kahuna: (PPPPPPPUUUUULLLPPP)oh sit that was not me
[25-15:21] cb951, shadow: i mean this guy is like a micheal jackson
[25-15:22] cb951, shadow: i mean, excuse me ahhhhhhhhhhhh
[25-15:23] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys r stupid
[25-15:23] cb951, Kahuna: I KNOW
[25-15:23] cb951, Kahuna: I KNOW
[25-15:23] cb951, Kahuna: I KNOW
[25-15:23] cb951, JOKER: KITTY KAT I KNOW WHO U R
[25-15:24] cb951, shadow: thats not the only thing we are
[25-15:24] cb951, kitty kat: KUHANA what's up with that
[25-15:24] cb951, Kahuna: GUESS WHAT CARTOON CHARACTER
[25-15:24] cb951, Kahuna: I AM
[25-15:24] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
[25-15:25] cb951, Kahuna: SS1
[25-15:25] cb951, kitty kat: yur scarin me
[25-15:25] cb951, LilBadGirl: come on pussy kat oh oh oh oh oh oh
[25-15:25] cb951, Kahuna: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
[25-15:25] cb951, Kahuna: SS2
[25-15:25] cb951, kitty kat: just a little
[25-15:25] cb951, Kahuna: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:25] cb951, Kahuna: SS3
[25-15:26] cb951, kitty kat: o my gosh
[25-15:26] cb951, kitty kat: lilbadgirl is really a guy
[25-15:26] cb951, LilBadGirl: u bitch
[25-15:27] cb951, kitty kat: what the hell is goin on
[25-15:27] cb951, LilBadGirl: mkay u
[25-15:27] cb951, LilBadGirl: mkay u
[25-15:27] cb951, Kahuna: SS4
[25-15:27] cb951, LilBadGirl: mkay
[25-15:27] cb951, JOKER: I`M GOING TO GO BUY ME A SODA
[25-15:27] cb951, LilBadGirl: u jake off with your mom
[25-15:27] cb951, LilBadGirl: u bitch
[25-15:27] cb951, shadow: can u buy me a soda
[25-15:28] cb951, shadow: u guys are monkey
[25-15:28] cb951, kitty kat: lilbadgirl who r u
[25-15:28] cb951, Kahuna: THE SCREAMING HURTS MY FAT ASS
[25-15:28] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell r u?
[25-15:29] cb951, shadow: cmon badgirl i know who u r
[25-15:29] cb951, Kahuna: I THINK I JUST GOT HEMERODES
[25-15:30] cb951, kitty kat: when u say pussy cat r u refering to me
[25-15:30] cb951, Kahuna: NO
[25-15:30] cb951, kitty kat: is that u angela
[25-15:30] cb951, Kahuna: AHEM
[25-15:30] cb951, Kahuna: I MEAN
[25-15:30] cb951, Kahuna: no
[25-15:31] cb951, kitty kat: shadow who is badgirl
[25-15:32] cb951, shadow: she is a girl in ms watt class
[25-15:32] cb951, LilBadGirl: who the hell is kitty kat?
[25-15:33] cb951, Kahuna: life sucks
[25-15:33] cb951, LilBadGirl: it does
[25-15:33] cb951, LilBadGirl: life really sucks
[25-15:33] cb951, Kahuna: my ASS is killin me
[25-15:33] cb951, shadow: hey badgirl i know who u are
[25-15:33] cb951, kitty kat: shadow r u in ms watt class
[25-15:35] cb951, LilBadGirl: ((the fagg it is back))
[25-15:35] cb951, kitty kat: hello,shadow
[25-15:36] cb951, shadow: no i am not
[25-15:36] cb951, JOKER: YOU GAYS ARE BOARING
[25-15:36] cb951, shadow: but i can see u right now
[25-15:37] cb951, kitty kat: shad who u talkin to
[25-15:38] cb951, LilBadGirl: did u guys know that joker is gay
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, JOKER: NO
[25-15:38] cb951, kitty kat: wow shad u take long to answer my Q
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: i start with one, i dont know why it does really matter how hard u try, keep that in mind the design is right to explain a few times, all i know , time is a valuble thing, watch it fly by as the pedilum swing watch it count down til the end of the day, the clock ticks life away, so unreal........
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, JOKER: NO BICTH
[25-15:39] cb951, shadow: hello
[25-15:39] cb951, kitty kat: 2 can play this
[25-15:39] cb951, kitty kat: bitch
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:39] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, JOKER: NO YOU CAN`T
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, Kahuna: I WILL CRUSH YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[25-15:40] cb951, kitty kat: kuhana
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, kitty kat: shut up
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:40] cb951, LilBadGirl: u guys tlk to much shit
[25-15:41] cb951, kitty kat: dude
[25-15:41] cb951, JOKER: SHUT THE FUCK UP
[25-15:42] cb951, kitty kat: guys
[25-15:42] cb951, LilBadGirl: mkay u
[25-15:42] cb951, Kahuna: OOWW!! MY HEART IT IS CRUSHED. I DOFF MY SELF
[25-15:42] cb951, LilBadGirl: mkay you gays
[25-15:43] cb951, LilBadGirl: mkay
[25-15:43] cb951, kitty kat: y cant we all just be gay
[25-15:43] cb951, LilBadGirl: i have breast cancer
[25-15:43] cb951, JOKER: NOT FUNNY
[25-15:43] cb951, kitty kat: lets just all hold hands
[25-15:43] cb951, LilBadGirl: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[25-15:43] cb951, LilBadGirl: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[25-15:43] cb951, LilBadGirl: ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: just playing
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: just playing
[25-15:44] cb951, kitty kat: j/k
[25-15:44] cb951, JOKER: THAT`S NASTY
[25-15:44] cb951, Kahuna: yes let all go gay
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, LilBadGirl: why can't we all just get along
[25-15:44] cb951, Kahuna: im a homo
[25-15:45] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:45] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:45] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:45] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:45] cb951, Kahuna: oh my god!!!
[25-15:45] cb951, kitty kat: so am i
[25-15:45] cb951, Kahuna: shut up!!!!
[25-15:45] cb951, JOKER: ME TO WHERE DO YOU LIVE
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:46] cb951, kitty kat: up you buns & round corners
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:46] cb951, LilBadGirl: r u guys virgins?????????
[25-15:47] cb951, Kahuna: anally??
[25-15:48] cb951, kitty kat: r u
[25-15:48] cb951, JOKER: ASS BICTH FUCK
[25-15:48] cb951, kitty kat: y ask n-e-ways
[25-15:49] cb951, LilBadGirl: did u guys know that edger got mkayed already
[25-15:49] cb951, LilBadGirl: did u guys know that edger got mkayed already
[25-15:49] cb951, JOKER: KITTY KAT IS PRITTY
[25-15:50] cb951, LilBadGirl: estas bien jocker
[25-15:50] cb951, Kahuna: hell yeah she is
[25-15:51] cb951, LilBadGirl: estas loco pero bein loco
[25-15:51] cb951, LilBadGirl: estas loco pero bein loco
[25-15:51] cb951, LilBadGirl: estas loco pero bein loco
[25-15:51] cb951, LilBadGirl: estas loco pero bein loco
[25-15:51] cb951, kitty kat: kuhana do u know who I am
[25-15:51] cb951, kitty kat: I see u
[25-15:52] cb951, kitty kat: lol
[25-15:52] cb951, LilBadGirl: ya kuhana do u no who she is?
[25-15:53] cb951, Kahuna: no i dernt
[25-15:53] cb951, kitty kat: say sometin dam it
[25-15:53] cb951, shadow: heilo
[25-15:53] cb951, JOKER: LIKE WHAT
[25-15:54] cb951, kitty kat: i wanna talk to shadow
[25-15:54] cb951, kitty kat: hi
[25-15:55] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana is so sexy
[25-15:55] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana is so sexy
[25-15:55] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana is so sexy
[25-15:55] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana is so sexy
[25-15:55] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana is so sexy
[25-15:55] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana is so sexy
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: okay hi
[25-15:55] cb951, kitty kat: male or female
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: im to sexy for my shirt
[25-15:55] cb951, shadow: well male
[25-15:56] cb951, Kahuna: wow that a little scary
[25-15:56] cb951, kitty kat: uh oh i got togo
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, LilBadGirl: lol
[25-15:56] cb951, kitty kat: bye shadow
[25-15:56] cb951, Kahuna: thats to fast
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[25-15:57] cb951, LilBadGirl: kuhana your so sexy
[26-13:51] JOIN: Xshatteredtears has entered.
[26-13:51] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[26-13:51] JOIN: Link has entered.
[26-13:52] cb951, Kahuna: wahu
[26-13:52] cb951, Kahuna: wahu
[26-13:52] cb951, Kahuna: wahu
[26-13:52] cb951, Kahuna: wahu
[26-13:52] cb951, Kahuna: wahu
[26-13:52] cb951, Kahuna: wahu
[26-13:52] JOIN: Zyriu has entered.
[26-13:52] cb951, Xshatteredtears: wahu my as
[26-13:52] cb951, Xshatteredtears: s
[26-13:52] cb951, Link: hello is anyone here
[26-13:52] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[26-13:52] cb951, Zyriu: You guys ruined my chance to ask her out
[26-13:52] cb951, shadow: hey wasup room
[26-13:53] cb951, Zyriu: Zyriu is here
[26-13:53] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[26-13:53] cb951, Link: ask who out
[26-13:53] cb951, Xshatteredtears: you ruined your own damn cance
[26-13:53] cb951, Kahuna: link is that you
[26-13:53] cb951, Kahuna: ???
[26-13:53] cb951, Link: yeah
[26-13:53] cb951, Zyriu: Uhhhhhhh thats classified iformation........
[26-13:54] cb951, shadow: hey Link can i jump on your head
[26-13:54] cb951, Link: no u may not
[26-13:54] cb951, Kahuna: who is Zyriu
[26-13:54] cb951, Kahuna: ??
[26-13:54] cb951, Kahuna: ........................
[26-13:54] cb951, Zyriu: Hey Link are you going to see the new Scooby Doo2
[26-13:54] cb951, Xshatteredtears: shut up zyriu
[26-13:55] cb951, Link: so Kahuna havent talked to u a while
[26-13:55] cb951, Kahuna: yes it has
[26-13:55] cb951, Xshatteredtears: hi link
[26-13:56] cb951, Zyriu: ((kahuna let me borrow the video Rey said I could see))
[26-13:56] cb951, Link: hey zyriu who are u
[26-13:56] cb951, Xshatteredtears: i still have to see it retard
[26-13:56] cb951, Xshatteredtears: i still have to see it retard
[26-13:57] JOIN: exeal101 has entered.
[26-13:57] JOIN: Hotaru has entered.
[26-13:57] cb951, exeal101: wat up
[26-13:57] cb951, Zyriu: ((I'm a shrouded mystery))
[26-13:57] cb951, Xshatteredtears: who is hotaru
[26-13:57] cb951, Kahuna: link how old r u?
[26-13:57] cb951, exeal101: me?
[26-13:57] cb951, Hotaru: Im a girl
[26-13:58] cb951, Zyriu: yeah how old are you
[26-13:58] cb951, Xshatteredtears: shut the hell up zyriu
[26-13:58] cb951, exeal101: i'm 16
[26-13:58] cb951, Zyriu: You guys are mean
[26-13:58] cb951, Xshatteredtears: are you sure you are a girl
[26-13:58] cb951, Xshatteredtears: ?
[26-13:58] cb951, Zyriu: Teah right
[26-13:58] cb951, Kahuna: link you there?
[26-13:58] cb951, shadow: hey hotaru u there
[26-13:59] cb951, exeal101: why how old r u
[26-13:59] cb951, Zyriu: I mean Yeah right
[26-13:59] cb951, Kahuna: i was hotaru
[26-13:59] cb951, Link: yeah
[26-13:59] cb951, Zyriu: Hey guys were are you
[26-13:59] cb951, Kahuna: HAHAHAHAHAHa
[26-13:59] cb951, Xshatteredtears: thats y i said r u sure u a girl
[26-13:59] cb951, Zyriu: Hi yah Link
[26-13:59] cb951, Xshatteredtears: reeetarrrd
[26-14:00] cb951, Kahuna: link how old ru?
[26-14:00] cb951, Kahuna: ???
[26-14:00] cb951, exeal101: sup link
[26-14:00] cb951, Zyriu: Has anyone ever played Phantasy Star Online
[26-14:00] cb951, exeal101: how old r u really?
[26-14:00] cb951, Xshatteredtears: thats y i said r u sure u a guy zyriu
[26-14:00] cb951, Link: i am 15
[26-14:00] cb951, Zyriu: Why is everyone hitting on Link
[26-14:01] cb951, exeal101: where ya from
[26-14:01] cb951, Zyriu: Guys?
[26-14:01] cb951, shadow: hey Link we are the same age did u know that
[26-14:01] cb951, Zyriu: Guys?
[26-14:01] cb951, Kahuna: link Im 14
[26-14:01] cb951, Xshatteredtears: shut the fuk up zyriu
[26-14:02] cb951, exeal101: that's a good question
[26-14:02] cb951, exeal101: y is everyone hitting on link
[26-14:02] cb951, Kahuna: SHUT THE FUCK UP SHATTERED TEARS
[26-14:02] cb951, exeal101: ne of u guys play diablo
[26-14:03] cb951, Link: so what age are u really
[26-14:03] cb951, Zyriu: I will not do no violence..............but I will woop your ass
[26-14:03] cb951, Xshatteredtears: hahahahah
[26-14:03] cb951, Link: i mean for everyone
[26-14:03] cb951, Xshatteredtears: u fukin retad
[26-14:03] cb951, Zyriu: Kiss my ass
[26-14:03] cb951, Kahuna: who
[26-14:03] cb951, exeal101: me i'm 16
[26-14:03] cb951, Xshatteredtears: kiss my ass
[26-14:03] cb951, exeal101: and i'm a guy
[26-14:03] cb951, Kahuna: im 14
[26-14:03] cb951, Zyriu: shatteredtears shut the mkay up
[26-14:03] cb951, exeal101: how the mkay r u gonna kick his buns on the net
[26-14:04] cb951, Xshatteredtears: u shut the fuk up kahuna wanna be
[26-14:04] cb951, exeal101: REALLY?
[26-14:04] cb951, Kahuna: see ya got to go
[26-14:04] cb951, Zyriu: wsdfghjerftghjk
[26-14:04] cb951, Zyriu: rahgyf
[26-14:04] cb951, Zyriu: Link can I have number
[27-13:49] JOIN: Zyriu has entered.
[27-13:50] cb951, Zyriu: anybody here
[27-14:27] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[27-14:28] cb951, shadow: wassup
[27-14:50] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[27-14:51] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[27-14:51] cb951, Kahuna: hey
[27-14:51] cb951, Kahuna: you in
[27-14:51] cb951, Kahuna: get in or get out
[27-14:53] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[27-14:53] cb951, shadow: wassup
[27-14:54] cb951, shadow: lets all jump up and down like monkeys
[27-14:54] cb951, Kahuna: were the hell were you?
[27-14:54] cb951, shadow: i got lost at the stripper sections
[27-14:54] cb951, Kahuna: hahahaha
[27-14:54] cb951, Kahuna: lol
[27-15:00] cb951, shadow: just stay calm, oh man oh man
[27-15:00] cb951, shadow: im glad that im wearing these pants
[27-15:58] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[27-15:59] cb951, shadow: just calm down, oh man oh man
[27-21:30] JOIN: sniper_wolf_the has entered.
[27-21:30] fc21c, sniper_wolf_the: hi
[27-21:30] fc21c, sniper_wolf_the: hi
[27-21:30] fc21c, sniper_wolf_the: hi
[27-21:30] fc21c, sniper_wolf_the: hi
[27-21:30] fc21c, sniper_wolf_the: any ne here?
[27-21:31] fc21c, sniper_wolf_the: hi
[01-12:32] JOIN: Link has entered.
[01-13:47] JOIN: shadow has entered.
[01-13:48] cb951, shadow: sup
[01-13:48] JOIN: ShatteredSNAKE has entered.
[01-13:48] cb951, ShatteredSNAKE: hi link
[01-13:48] cb951, shadow: sup
[01-13:48] cb951, ShatteredSNAKE: hi link
[01-13:49] cb951, ShatteredSNAKE: !!!!
[01-13:49] JOIN: Link has entered.
[01-13:49] cb951, shadow: sup Link
[01-13:49] cb951, Link: is kahuna here
[01-13:49] JOIN: Zyriu has entered.
[01-13:49] cb951, ShatteredSNAKE: thats messed up
[01-13:50] cb951, ShatteredSNAKE: he here in a sec
[01-13:50] cb951, shadow: no but i am
[01-13:50] EXIT: ShatteredSNAKE has left the chat ( 1:50pm, March 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:50] cb951, Link: i dont want to talk to u
[01-13:50] cb951, Zyriu: Hey yah Link!
[01-13:50] JOIN: Kahuna has entered.
[01-13:50] JOIN: XShatteredtears has entered.
[01-13:50] cb951, Kahuna: hey link
[01-13:51] cb951, shadow: why not