Lucas Wolenczak
Canon character from SeaQuest DSV
Name: Lucas Daniel Wolenczak (pron. Wol-en-check)
Age: 17
Hight: 5’10”
Weight: 135lbs
Hair color/Eye color: Blond/blue-silver.
Rank: Non-UEO Personnel.
Assignment: Chief Computer Analyst, SeaQuest DSV 4600
UEO Military ID#: CIV07-2000-ZZ2
Security Access: AIC/Unlimited access to ship's computer systems.
Date of Birth: December 23, 2002
Character Profile: Lucas was born with a Genius level IQ of 245; considered way off the charts. It’s matched with typical teenage emotions, high-energy, impulsiveness, curiosity, and a fun-loving nature. He is the only child to Lawrence Wolenczak and Cynthia Holt.
Lucas’ mother, Cynthia, was a lawyer. Lucas’ father, Lawrence, was a renown scientist in the field of geothermal sciences. His main project throughout the major portion of the first 18 years of the 21st century was a power plant fueled by the energy resources of an undersea magma flow. The Wold Power Plant would have been enough to give power to the entire planet, had it succeeded.
His father’s work bounced Lucas around from school to school, but Lucas ultimately graduated from Elementary school at age 9, and from high school at age 13. He realized quickly the isolation of his own social standing, so was never part of the popular crowd. He enjoyed immersing himself in his work, or causing trouble.
Lucas’ need for acceptance and approval caused behavioral problems in school, which led to a singular focus on mastering computers. He’s had difficulties in life due to his parents' divorce, frequent changing of schools because of his father's business, and boredom created by a superior intelligence.
Lucas graduated magna-cum-laude at the age of 16 with a degree in Applied Principles of Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University. No one has broken his GPA record since.
Lawrence was in charge of one of the largest corporate endowments belonging to the UEO--the United Earths Oceans Organization. In 2018, Lucas was assigned aboard the most advanced ship in or under the waters at his father’s request. The ship created by Nathan Bridger was called the SeaQuest DSV. The "arrangement" by Admiral William Noyce was to provide a sense of discipline and guidance which Lawrence felt the boy lacked. Lucas wasn’t happy, but was unable to defer the decision. The SeaQuest became Lucas’ home after her 6 month refit from the Livingston Trench incident where her former captain, Marilyn Stark, was relieved of command for violation of UEO peace treaty laws.
It didn’t take long for Lucas to create a father/son relationship with Captain Nathan Bridger, and even shorter time for a close, mutual bond with ship's dolphin, Darwin. Lucas held a fascination with dolphins, and so spent the 6 months of the SeaQuest’s refit developing the Vo-Corder Communicator --a system used by Darwin and the hologram program for the main computer.
Lucas was a very valuable member of the SeaQuest, though at first, his cockiness made some others dislike him. He soon lost his cocky edge (although it never completely went away) and made many friends. Among them were Lieutenants Ben Krieg, Miguel Ortiz, and Tim O’Neill. Darwin was his closest companion.
One of Lucas’ many accomplishments was a small, one man sub fighter he called the Stinger. It was developed by himself and Lt. Com. Hitchcock. The two would fight over whether it would be called the Gazel or the Stinger, and both put up good cases. The ship was stolen, they built a new one in 24 hours, but lost the race for new design on sub fighters. Lucas won the name argument, and got to keep his ship. The UEO used the design anyway. The Stinger was Lucas’ baby, and even had his named decaled on the side. He claimed to have invented perfect laminar flow, but Captain Bridger quickly put him in his place by pointing out that "you used it, you didn't invent it. God did. It's called a fish."
It was also the incident where Lucas coined the phrase, "Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want."
Despite his extremely high IQ , Lucas was still a teenager, and ran into many teenage-related problems. He fell in and out of love many times during his tours on the ship. The two most important being Lt. Commander Kathrine Hitchcock, and Julianna, another genius that he met during his stay at Node 3. Captain Bridger became a stand-in father figure for him and gave him advice on many occasions.
Because of the sacrifices he made and excellent actions on the original SeaQuest, he was promoted to Chief Computer Analyst, making him a full fledged member of the ships scientific personnel. This promotion allowed him access and a station on the bridge of the second SeaQuest.
Mission Specialty: Lucas is responsible for programming and troubleshooting all ship's computer systems - including weapons CPU's, navigation, engines, and central computer. He likes to utilizes innovative and unorthodox solutions outside UEO computer procedures, and finds hacking into high security areas fun because of the high risk factor.
Personal History: (Sam and Jena are not canon) From the time he was 6 months old, Lucas had a caretaker named Jena Ravenwood. Jena’s job was to be there for Lucas when his mother, Cynthia, could not. She is the closest to a real mother Lucas ever had. Lucas never had a strong relationship with his parents, and was often left in Jena’s care. He made a few close friends over the InterNEX, but was moved around so much that creating real life relationships became too hard to maintain, and so he stuck with the InterNEX. He was known widely among the hacker world as "Frankenstein." He chose this name partly because he felt like the monster creation of Dr. Frankenstein, and partly like the man himself.
Two months into the first tour of the SeaQuest, Lucas met a young woman named Samantha Haley Kinkade. She mirrored his age, his IQ, and his arrogant streak, causing the two to butt heads more often than they collaborated. Both of their minds quickly changed after an accident with an experimental virtual navigation program left their souls connected to each other for over two weeks in his body. Though they were grateful to get on with their separate lives after visiting the Chatton Parapsychology Center in Florida, they still retained a connection. Samantha is one of Lucas’ few close friends, and he is hers.
If there is a puddle anywhere in his vicinity, he will jump in it.
Favorites and Likes:
Lucas tends to be a collector of 1990’s technology memorabilia because it’s “so primitive and fascinating.”
Favorite color is midnight blue.
Favorite band is Neurohouse, and he likes Jimmy Hendrix.
Favorite food is Pizza --anything greasy.
Favorite articles of clothing are his flannel shirts, and his Marlins jersey.
Likes to dabble with new technology.
Likes to hack secure codes --it’s a challenge that’s akin to a kid in a candy store.
Likes traveling at high speeds.
Likes girls who see past his blue eyes and blond floppy uncut bed messy hair. Likes the hot ones, too.
He keeps a blog.
Hobbies: Hacking, music, reading, annoying people, saving the world once a week (sometimes more), and generally making things 20% cooler.
During the first months of the SeaQuest’s first tour, Lucas developed a program mirroring the VRN that would take the watcher into the virtual world of any media they inserted into the program. Lucas tested this via the Stinger on one of his Star Wars books, but something went wrong, and instead of a virtual world, Lucas was propelled through an Einstein-Rosenberg bridge --a wormhole-- to the real dimension of the book. He crashed in the Dune Sea on the desert planet, Tatooine, outside of the city of Mos Eisley.
Lucas' ship, the Stinger was ripped apart by Tuskins. When Lucas stumbled into Mos Eisley, sunburned, thirsty, and tired, he knew he had no place to go, he couldn't understand anyone --as the basic language in the universe was not English--, so he stole a translator and went to the only place remotely familiar; The Mos Eisley Cantina. There, he managed to convince the bar droid to hire him on. He worked in the tina for a month or so, sleeping in the back storage room, trying to find a way back home to the SeaQuest, and continue to figure out how he got into the actual tangible Star Wars Universe
He made friends with Rhiannon and Aki Dai, the Cantina Ghost, and a few others. Rhiannon grew to like Lucas, despite his protective wall of arrogance and cockiness, and invited Lucas to live with her and Aki on Aki’s water world. Lucas agreed. Grateful to get out of the Cantina, he gladly resigned his employment.
The huge diversity of aliens everywhere were cool, but took a lot of getting use to. He went through some harrowing experiences with some slavers. During a town Bazaar, his translator was destroyed. The area was so dense with people, that he quickly lost sight of his group of friends. One of the local slavers, a man by the name of Dravan Kavaar, saw Lucas as a golden opportunity, and kidnapped him. If it weren’t for Rhiannon, Toxic Marsh, and Aki, Lucas would have been sold to the slave market. Dravan had evidently been watching him mess with the local technology at the bazaar and had targeted him.
His translator was immediately updated with an implant of one of the more up to date versions in his right hand. It failed only once.
A week went by with Lucas spending most of his time trying to repair the timer that brought him to Tatooine, but one meeting with Melissa Rayel would change his outlook, and his future.
Melissa invited Lucas and Toxic Marsh on a quest to find some orbs rumored to be able to destroy time, and therefor the galaxy. They worked together, grew to hate each other, grew to like each other, --but everyone’s still iffy about Anne, Melissa’s ship’s A.I.-- but used their combined know-how to solve the puzzles leading to the orbs.
On the last planet --a water planet -- the group discovered the last orb in a water cave, but on the way upworld, Lucas was infected with a metallic-blue slug that changed the chemical make-up in his blood to only accept a methane nitrogen compound instead of oxygen. Lucas nearly choked to death on his own air. They discovered the problem and stuck him in the ship’s med bay behind a force field breathing a different atmosphere because oxygen was lethal. He hated it. He had expected Marsh to use every opportunity to joke about the “bubble boy,” but to his surprise, Marsh’s jokes were few and far between. Marsh supported him. The ship picked up Natasha, and they went home to figure out the puzzle of the orbs. Lucas spent most of his time at the small console he had working out that puzzle.
The procedure to cleans his system put him in a coma for 3 months.
He awoke back on Tatooine, went back to live with Aki and Rhi, and try to find out what happened while he was unconscious. All he has are strange dreams that form a series of events he still believes are dreams. When he was in a coma, his spirit wandered. Those are the dreams.
After the recovery, he went on a trip with Rhi and Aki where he found his kitten, Auryn, in a sacrifice chamber of an off world temple. On that trip, he got angry at Auryn for knocking everything over, and caused a beaker to halt in mid fall. Immediately after, he tired to run away. Rhiannon convinced him not to and said she’d help him work through it, seeing as she had similar powers in the Force. Shocked but dealing, Lucas agreed.
This was about 7 months into his living here, he started training the ability to use minor force powers. Part of that was caused by a junction with the CG when the CG couldn't get back to the cantina on time. The other parts are caused by his high IQ --being 245 (off the charts), and his constant exposure to the Spice laced Tatooine atmosphere.
Lucas has learned simple hand to hand combat, and how to handle various forms of blasters. He keeps a simple blaster pistol strapped to his thigh, and has been forced to use it in the past to save his own life, and the lives of others.
Lucas was hit by a blast from Shadow that seriously spiked his anger, causing him to become more and more violent. That finally ceased when he was involved in a car wreck that gave him amnesia that he's still recovering from. He regained most of his memories through a VR program at Sky Pyramid with the help of Kaylee Tsekani --who he has developed a crush over.
There was a dark period in his life here that he regrets, and fights with every day. At one point, he was overcome with a moment of pure supidity blanketing a theory that this world was just a melting pot for human ideas and didn’t really exist. He believed if he died here, he would wake up back on Earth in his dimension, and be able to rewrite history so the people he’s come to care for wouldn’t have to suffer.
His attempt was driven by sheer desperation, the want to go back to the way life was. So he jumped from a cliff face.
Kaylee broke his fall--almost literally-- and she knocked his lights out because of what he tried to do. It was a yelling match that he won’t soon forget, but in the end, he was convinced to take life the way it was. The worst had to be over. The punch to his face knocked some sense into him. For a genius, that night, he was pretty damned stupid. He's experienced a lot of hell being here --on his standards -- and wanted to change things.
He’s been fighting depression since then, more so than usual in his past.
Dravan returned 9 months after the Bazaar incident and caught him again, this time bragging to his buddies about his recent acquirement, and tried to force Lucas to repair a mechanism that created weapons he intended to sell to fighting factions. The other slaves had failed. Lucas could fix it, but instead, he sabotaged it. Aki stormed the hideout, and in the end, Dravan was killed, though the damage was already done. Lucas is now on the most wanted list of many slavers in the area because of the one slaver that caught him and bragged about it. And the fact that Lucas got away.
The Slavers want him because he's still underage, --attainable-- and he's "too valuable an asset to be left wandering free in the universe."
Other events would be that he's shrunk himself by accident when working on a shrink ray he found in Aki’s attic (He’s never cleaning the attic again), he's nearly drowned in the ocean at least once, he was responsible for keeping Rhiannon's soul safe after her body was badly injured in a battle, and he still doesn't have a girlfriend. Oh yea, and the bonk on the head combined with the Spice in the air, water, food, and his small force ability have brought his conscience to the surface. i.e. Samantha Kinkade.
She’s a come and goer that he can see off and on, and unfortunately one that Toxic Marsh fell in lust with. It sickens Lucas, really. He keeps telling Marsh that she's just a graphical representation of what would be considered his conscience, therefor a part of him, but Marsh doesn't seem to care. Samantha is a memory imprint of what was left behind in his mind, and so his conscience takes on that form. With Samantha, hers would look like him. Lucas finally gave in and programmed a hologram of Samantha so Marsh would leave him alone.
He found the remains of the Stinger only a few days ago while sand surfing with Marsh and has been trying to put it back together.
Now with everything he's gone through, how much he's changed physically, mentally, and emotionally --though he's still a 17 year old average genius teenager-- he's afraid that when, or if he does get back, he won't be welcomed. He’s afraid he'll be shunned and locked away because the reality of the UEO earth is that his force ability is considered a security risk, and the psychics will want to study him. No one trusts Psychics --Spyers-- on Earth. It would be one more notch in his isolation from humanity. He frequently has nightmares that everyone he misses back home on SeaQuest and can't wait to see, will turn their backs on him. It's a valid fear for him.
So, in a nut shell, he's dodging the slavers, trying to find a way home, rebuilding his ship, helping Natasha hunt the worm that took Jek, dealing with the Force along with being friends with Marsh, dealing with a faulty translator that's suppose to have a lifetime guarantee, trying to find a place in this universe for himself where he can fit in, fighting bouts of depression because of his suicide attempt, dealing with the CG because he's the only one who will allow the CG to form a link with, he's trying to get the rest of his memory back, piecing together what happened while he was in a coma, and he's been told he might relapse back into breathing only methane again because of the trace the virus left in his DNA. Oh, he's also got one of those nice little chips the slaves are injected with by the slavers that's located somewhere in their body. He's pretty sure it was deactivated, though.
Through it all, he still holds onto the hope that someday he’ll get to go home back to the SeaQuest, back to his friends--Darwin, Captain Bridger, Ben, Miguel, Tim-- his family, and back to the life he once knew as the kid who spent days playing in the Moon Pool with Darwin. Back to a life where keeping yours wasn’t a day to day job.
Affiliation(s) -- Jedi Order (achieved level of Knight), United Federation of Planets (ETH program), Kukai Foundation (technical consultant).
Surviving family: None.
Lucas Wolenczak arrived on Tatooine from the same accident, only this time into the holographic matrices of Captain Zon Huntreas' ship, the Explorer. He was awake, sentient within that computer, thinking what he experienced was a dream. Lucas was propelled out of that 6 months after the Explorer entered the Tatoo system in the Arkanis sector for the first time, sending him into a solid state where he crash landed on Tatooine in the Stinger.
2 weeks later, he went back to ship, where he discovered that he was a sentient hologram --his consciousness was thrust into the the ship's Emergency Technical Holographic Program -a Mark 1 modeled after the young Lucas Wolenczak of their reality (See bottom of character profile). He built a crude portable emitter where he downloaded the ships SeaQuest program. Katya (now Katherine Wolenczak due to a genetic manipulation to become Lucas' twin sister) arrived under the same circumstances.
Both Lucas and Katherine, and now Jason Barnham can move freely between existence in the digital world, and the material world. All three have to return to the emitter for a sleep cycle to regenerate their energy. If they don't, after 7 days, they start to experience signs of psychosomatic illnesses such as stress, inability to stay awake, memory loss, higher aggression, ect until if left long enough, they can fall into a coma. From there, they assume they die, but no one knows for sure what will happen.
Lucas and Katherine are Force sensitive, and are being trained by James Aries. Katherine--having had prior experience in metaphysical abilities-- took to Force training easier than her now-twin brother, Lucas. Lucas has a hard time letting himself just believe without question, thus making him lower on the Force training scale. He has shown to possess a possibility to become very powerful in the Force in either the light or darkside.
Existing as a hologram has caused problems. Because of their uniqueness, they were sold to a man named Javi, who collected rare technology. Being sentient holograms, they had to fight for the right to be considered alive by normal standards. Javi lost the case, but continues to torment them even after death in alterations he made to the emitter. The knowledge that there are others like Javi out there remain in the back of Lucas' mind as an ever present concern.
Lucas has adapted well to being of holographic nature. He, Kat, and Jason all emit a different sense to Force users and average scans. They are a race unto their own. Lucas has become more accustomed to going into "datamode" as they call it, and finds the whole thing to be "Absolutely amazing." He's living the ultimate hacker dream. And he's used those skills in his new environment. He and Katherine form an infiltrate and hack team.
Lucas still finds himself homesick from time to time. Jason and Katherine died after the SeaQuest was destroyed --his body in the med bay went with it-- and they have nothing to go back to. He was the gray area.
Lucas' lightsaber and Force skills are improving.
1 year, two months, and 2 days
Lucas was caught up in a battle between Jason Anpu, and an unknown man bent on causing destruction. Lucas --who had just learned how to Hover through the Force-- drove a speeder into the body of the morphed being as a distraction while Jason powered up to lace into a final attack. At the last minute, Lucas jumped free of the speeder and hovered just above the top edge of the buildings flanking the alleyway. The mutated man was destroyed, sending out a powerful shock wave that send Lucas flying uncontrolled into a wall two buildings over. He hit his head on a rock and was buried under rubble.
A 5 year old girl named Caslyn Jasil found Lucas unconscious when she and her brother, Ferin, were playing hide and seek in the newly made disaser area. Lucas was taken to the home of Ray and Imalan Jasil--farm workers for the Aries Moisture Farm.
When Lucas awoke, he had no memory of the accident, or of his past. He had no idea who he was. Imalan took pity on Lucas and allowed him to stay with her family, the Jasils'. They called him "Alin," a word in their language meaning "Lost."
It took Lucas (Alin) 10 days to discover he was a hologram when Jason forced him back into datamode to recharge. Even there, he had no memory. Sam, the A.I, took him through a file scan that enabled him to remember everything, but only while he was inside the emitter. In the material world, his memories have taken longer to resurface. The painfully strong ones cause him headaches, so he willingly keeps them back to avoid the pain. He was given the choice to have his life as Alin completely erased and replaced with the life of Lucas Wolenczak, but he declined it. He would deal with his memories as they returned. Katherin Skywalker, his only real family, agreed to let her brother discover this on his own.
His memories come back to him in bursts, mostly under pressure. His body remembers how to fight, but his mind doesn't. James is reteaching Lucas lessons in the Force, hoping his memories would return. This time without Lucas slipping to the Darkside. The memory loss came at a fortuitous time: Lucas was going dark due to being stalked by a darksider, and his own dark alter ego, Daniel.
Out of the respect for the Jasils, Lucas kept the name Alin in place of his middle name, Daniel. He lives with them at the Aries Moisture farm maintaining the vaporators and other technology. Ray Jasil has taken to Lucas like a son, and young Caslyn (Cassy) formed a bond with him. They train in the force together, as Cassy wouldn't have it any other way.
With the death of Lucas' P.E (post explosion) friend, Aerena Monite, he managed to save a percentage of her brain waves in the emitter before Damual's blood changed her into a vampire and Lucas was forced to take her head with his lightsaber. He hasn't been the same since. One new scar on a new life.
Lucas has gone through a physical "reboot." after saving the life of a federation officer trapped in a transporter buffer. When Lucas reemerged, he had lost his ability to transform into data, and so was trapped in a physical body. After 7 days, he began to show signs of psychosomatic illness, and his body began to shut down. A week later, he was bed ridden and unable to move. Omega Kiyoshi and Telana figured out how Lucas had come to be of holographic nature, and outfitted the Gekko State to recreate the incident within the Route of Ages. Lucas died on the ship. Moments later, he was recreated as a hologram/human mix again, only this time with yet another memory loss, and the belief that he was the ETH (Emergency Technical Hologram) on Huntreas' Federation ship, the Explorer. It took a year for him to realize he was not a programmed replica of the original Lucas Wolenczak, but one containing the soul of the real deal.
Lucas bought himself a scrap-heap of a personal space yacht of unknown origin for 25,000 credits. The owner was so eager to sell it, he didn't ask questions, took the money, and split. Lucas spent months repairing, updating, and overhauling the entire ship almost to the point where it was rebuilt from scratch. He used his own knowledge from the SeaQuest's computer and ship design, his vast database of Federation technology, and technology from this galaxy. Finally, after four months of near consistent work, he was able to captain his new vessel on its maiden voyage. He named it The Phoenix. For obvious reasons.
He now lives either on his personal ship, the Phoenix, at the ranch, or sleeping in a cot in his lab on Olympus Station where he's working on a way to fight the Borg with a close-knit think tank. He is a Jedi Knight, but a hacker at heart. And he cannot see living life without being able to jump back and forth being cyberspace and solid space. He is now 23, though can only age if his 'aging algorithm' is activated. Whenever he receives a direct order from a Starfleet officer, he feels strongly compelled to obey --due to being from their computer system --but he has free will and can decline.
He attends the safe, extremely huge and enclosed school 'Garden,' outside of Mos Eisley as a 12-year-old (looking more like he's 8 and barely pushing 4'5") Daniel Jackson. He took the name due to his appreciation for the actual Dr. Daniel Jackson back in the 21st century on Earth. He attends garden because of Sam's insistence that he socialize more. At first it was a task she forced him to do, changing his 'avatar.' Over time, he came to enjoy it, and kept the alternate persona of Daniel Jackson.
His description of Daniel's history is as follows:
See, the ship I was born on was under attack by an Imperial remnant. My uncle said the ship wasn't going to make it through the firefight. There were blasts exploding all through the ship. After I was born, everyone had already made it to an escape pod. There was one left. My father had to fight off one of the other crazy crew members to get my mother into the escape pod. I don't think he made it. The pod jettisoned, and a few seconds later... BOOM! The ship blew up! My mom and I were caught by the imperials. We were held on the ship with them as prisoners for months until that ship came under attack by the New Republic. My mom fought against an entire legion of storm troopers and Imperial sympathizers to give me to a Jedi that had come with the boarding party. We got away, but the Imperial ship exploded. I was sent to an orphanage to be raised. A couple of years ago, I stowed aboard a transport ship and got off on this planet, only because I was about to be discovered. Here I met my uncle --not really my uncle but we look enough alike-- and he sent me to Garden. So I live there now. I like it better than the orphanage on Coruscant.
In a nutshell........
Lucas fell in love with Sonia Aries (who since changed her name to Azaria Mae when he gave her the nickname of "Mae.") and was actually able to sustain a relationship with her for a few months. For the first time in a very long time he was happy. During that period, exposure to severely strong Darkside energy caused his actions to gradually become more volatile --to the extent of setting off a concussion grenade in a public pod racing arena in order to kill the Hutt controlling Mos Iya. It worked, but many were injured. He never saw it, as he was changing and using his actions against the people of Mos Iya --a town on the other side of the planet from Mos Eisley-- to "protect Mae." Before long, he was controlling the wills of every citizen in that town, and was beginning to expand outward to the surrounding farms. He put himself in power as "Daniel" and not as "Lucas." "Daniel" had succeeded in taking over. He was caught soon after, chased through the Olympus 4 station's computer, betrayed his A.I, Samantha, and eventually trapped in a shuttle where he was dragged into a flash drive. Lucas was imprisoned within an isolated holodeck cell for one month without any contact with the outside world. He fought his darker side and won. The next two months were spent under the close supervision of the Jedi as he underwent Darkside recovery therapy. Being given a clean bill of mental health --and some new tools to maintain that health--, they returned his emitter and sent him home. Jedi Master Dalma was his primary "therapist."
When he arrived, everyone had turned their backs on him except for Telana Kiyoshi and Jocelyn Harris-Dratch. He clung to their friendship if only to not feel so alone. Lucas was hated, feared, and met with distrust. It would take the rest of the year to regain the friendships he'd once had. Plus, he had lost Azaria Mae as a girlfriend.
Lucas developed "C.A.D" (Cryonic Atmospheric Destabilizing program) to upset the inner workings of the Borg. It can infiltrate both cybernetic and biological beings. It's objective is to freeze whatever it infects. It worked, though he had to give the cryogenic virus adaptive algorithms in order to keep up with the advanced systems of the Borg. He keeps that program stored away in his room at the Aries Ranch, in his desk drawer, in a disconnected flash drive with a skull and crossbones drawn onto it. That program is too dangerous to keep stored in any system, even in a Deep Freeze partition. If C.A.D ever got out, .....well, let's hope it won't.
Tatooine was attacked --again and again. He helped to fight off the Locust aliens by sending them a virus to take down their shields. Those stupid aliens return every year, and never once seem to learn. He used C.A.D to take it down.
Samantha wanted him to have a real home --something he's never had before. After observing Telana and Omega with their kids, she promised him a well deserved vacation. Not thinking much of it, Lucas went back to solid a 3 year old with no memory beyond that point in his life. Samantha used that time to clear Lucas' emitter of the virus infecting it from a rescue mission in a super computer, and Telana and Omega took him in after reading a note sent to their email by Sam explaining her motives, and that Lucas had no knowledge of her plan. He stayed with them for one week, and for that time, got to have a normal life with everything that comes with a loving family. He ate waffles, played in the rain and mud, befriended their 1 year old, Katrina, finger painted, played games, built a complex domino design, was tucked into bed, and--as Sam promised--felt no pain. For the first time --even from his birth home on Earth-- he was loved by a family just for being himself.
When he returned to normal, all he could do was apologize profusely for Sam's actions and defend himself. He knew Omega and Telana were angry, and although he avoids them now out of embarrassment, he can never forget, or repay them for the gift they gave him. Lucas has since banished Samantha from the emitter to be the caretaker of his ship, the Pheonix. That was the last straw of her messing with his program.
In October, he fought alongside the Federation when the Invid brought over 25,000 ships into the Arkanis sector with the intent on wiping out life on Tatooine so they could grow their "Flower of Life." Having failed at giving the hive mind new coordinates to get the hell out of dodge, Lucas convinced Admiral Huntreas to send him through to the Invid lead ship so he could hack that computer and try again. He was sure he could succeed if he had a little more time. With so much at stake, he had to try. He was sent through a communication frequency, and hacked the system, but as soon as he connected to the hive mind and began the upload of the new coordinates, a program of Dr. Tesla (an Invid scientist) got in his way. Lucas was able to talk Tesla into shutting down the brain. The scientist did so seconds before the ship was destroyed by outside forces. Lucas was still on board when it blew. He was able to lock himself in a partition in the communications nexus of the Invid ship without a breath of time to spare. He survived the blast, though his program was ripped apart --literally. Losing power in a chunk of memory floating in a massive debris field bearing the corpses of ships both enemy and friendly, he held on to life and waited for the residual energy in the partition to fade.
Captain Colleen Fitzgerald found him after his last transmission to be evacuated was cut off. Young Ensign Kimiko Asher quickly used portions of the Federation's Intrepid class USS Wellspring ETH to repair his program. Without Samantha there to oversee a smooth repair, the programing "suture" was akin to field medicine in the 1800's. Lucas reactivated as the ship's emergency technical hologram without recognition of what he was, as his soul had buried itself in a comatose state for protection. He was an utter, complete, clusterfuck of a mess. It took Jedi Master Dalma Ohma and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker on Yavin IV to 'wake him up.' The link to the hive mind was severed by Dr. Tesla --who revealed that the Tragolites had hired the Invid to attack with promises that the planet would be theirs to grow the flower. Angel --Telana's sister--was responsible for nearly wiping out every last invading ship and leaving the Regent to flee back to his home planet. Angel sacrificed her life.
Lucas is now the Wellspring's ETH --as his consciousness was originaly thrown into the Explorer's Mark 1 ETH 6 years ago through the Route of Ages --so he basically went back to his first mission objective: serve the ship and assist her crew. He has accepted the fact that he has a soul--albeit a damaged, weakened, traumatized bloodied thing. He wants nothing to do with its experiences, and is happy to just be who he is with his own thoughts and abilities. His Force skills are blocked as a result. He feels his humanity, remembers his life as Lucas Wolenczak --the Human from SeaQuest-- and the Jedi from Tatooine, but he's fighting returning to a life that's more like a nightmare.
He will return to normal on his own, but until then he's content with his purpose, and feels like he's Home.
Emergency Technical Holographic Program
(As recorded by Starfleet.)
The Emergency Technical Holographic program (ETH) was a sophisticated Hologram developed in early 2378 by Starfleet after the success of the Emergency Medical Holographic program (EMH) developed by Dr. Lewis Zimmerman in the early 2370s. Both were used on some Federation starships in the late 24th century. The ETH was designed to provide short-term advanced assistance during emergencies in engineering with the capacity to literally replace a starship's Chief Engineer or science officer. It was programmed with the same basic mission objective as Dr. Farallon's boxy Exocomps --developed in 2369. The ETH could enter areas deemed too hazardous for crew members. The formal name of the program was ETH Program DE-1 Diagnostic Logistic and Engineering Subroutine Alpha-242.
The first starship to be equipped with an ETH was the USS Bellerophon, although the Explorer also had an ETH program, followed shortly after by the USS Wellspring.. All three were Intrepid class starships.
(There is an apparent contradiction as to which starship was the first to have an ETH. Although it is specifically stated that Explorer was the first to be equipped with an ETH, it was later revealed that the USS Bellerophon, which had been launched one month prior to Explorer, also had an ETH program. It may be that Explorer received their ETH during construction while the one aboard Bellerophon was installed just prior to that ship's launch.)
Deep Space 9 does not have an ETH due to it being incompatible with Cardassian technology.
As of 2384, there have been four versions of the ETH, called Mark I, II, III, and IV. Starfleet commissioned the brilliant holo-programmer, Dr. Astrid DeLeon at the Starbase 1 Holoprogramming Center above Earth to create the embodiment of modern engineering. The ETH Mark I was first activated in 2378 and was programmed with 5 million possible troubleshoots from the collective information of 2000 technical references and the experience of 42 individual engineering officers. The ETH was also supplemented with contingency programs and adaptive programs to learn while serving as a supplement of a normal engineering staff member in cases of emergencies. It contains 50 million gigaquads of computer memory, which is "considerably more than most highly developed humanoid brains."
Dr. DeLeon, proud of her achievement,
decided to program the ETH with both the physical and psychological likeness of
one of the 21st century’s greatest minds, Dr. Lucas Wolenczak. He originally
worked on board the submersible vessel SeaQuest
DSV for the UEO (United Earths Oceans organization) beginning in 2018. She uploaded the historical databanks of his
life up to his 17th year. It
was in this time frame that she felt he showed his broadest adaptive
capabilities and limitless imagination without
the controlling thumb of any command structure. He was known for early inventions like the “Stinger” (a single-man fighter), very early bio-gel pack technology to cool the computer
core of the SeaQuest, the holosphere's fledgling schematics, refining the SeaQuest's outer bio-skin, and developing
the Vocorder that eventually became the base technology for the Universal
Translator. She was also envious of his
free spirit and rebellious nature to be pinned to one regime. The resulting hologram was
arrogant with a smart-ass streak, and as a result was poorly received by many
Starfleet engineers. This resulted in nicknames like "Emergency Technical
Hothead" and "Expendable Talking Hammer." Some of Starfleet’s
technical crowd even went so far as to object to the use of the ETH entirely.
Eventually it was concluded that the ETH Mark I was defective, and they were bounced out of the engineering corps. While an ashamed Dr. DeLeon tried to have them decommissioned, Starfleet reassigned them to scrub plasma conduits on transfer barges with Dr. Zimmerman's defunct EMH Mark 1’s. The ETH Mark I's were also deployed in other menial tasks, like dilithium mining –also alongside the EMH Mark 1’s. Thus began a discord between the two Holographic programs.
Of at least 225 Mark I's created, 221 were reassigned, reprogrammed, or lost due to disasters befalling their parent ships. Four escaped by virtue of their ships being lost through the Route of Ages; one aboard the Agamemnon, one aboard the Bellerophon, one aboard the Wellspring, and one aboard the Explorer.
Most notably Lucas Wolenczak, a Mark I serving on the USS Explorer, ran intermittently for six months and was forced to expand his programming extensively to keep up.
To address the flaws in the ETH Mark I, Dr. DeLeon began work on the Mark II with help from Dr. Zimmerman's research. The prototype was finished in time to be included in the engineering bays of the USS Artemis in 2380.
While the Mark I's outward appearance was a copy of the young 21st century inventor, a disillusioned Dr. DeLeon changed the outward appearance of the Mark II. Furthermore, the patterns of behavior of the following versions were designed to be more pleasant and courteous and their outward appearance was changed. To achieve this, DeLeon initially tried to improve on the programming of the Mark I, but eventually decided to create the Mark II from scratch. In addition to that, new ship designs like the USS Artemis enabled full mobility for the ETH, as the whole ship was outfitted with holographic projectors.
The Mark II was soon replaced by a Mark III, followed by a Mark IV.
By 2384, the Mark I programs were reconfigured to work at a Federation mining colony in replacement of other forms of labor. These programs, having been reasigned to their new function, were able to obtain bootlegged copies of the holonovel Photons Be Free and view them. One of the ETH miners found the holonovel "spectacular."
The fact that the reconfigured Mark I's could view holonovels suggests that they retained at least some level of sentience left over from their original programming.
USS Explorer’s ETH Mark I –Lucas Wolenczak
After the ETH Mark II supplanted the
"inferior" Mark I, the only remaining versions to fulfill their
original programming were aboard the USS Explorer, the USS Agamemnon, the USS Wellspring, and the USS Bellerophon,
which were all sent through the Route of Ages. However, a notable caveat was that in 2382,
the Bellerophon ETH was deleted when a virus tore through the ship’s
computer, leaving it derelict. The Agamemnon was destroyed in a battle over Tatooine,
thus destroying that ship's ETH, and the Wellspring ETH was never utilized. Its program was used to repair the Explorer's ETH matrix, leaving Explorer’s
program, "Lucas Wolenczak” as the only remaining Mark I still operating as an ETH.
Explorer’s ETH developed a distinct personality when the Explorer was caught into the Route of Ages for the first time on January 3rd, 2381. It took the ship through a split second in Earth’s history on November 12th, 2018. At that exact moment, Lucas Wolenczak had activated an experimental holographic sphere on board the United Earth's Oceans Organization (UEO) submersible vessel, SeaQuest DSV. The Route snagged his consciousness and attached it to the Explorer's inactive ETH program. For the next six months, Lucas expanded his programming as the crew called on him for support and for repairs after various battles. Through all of this, Lucas was able to hack his way through the ship’s systems, exploring every facet of the computer when his program was inactive. He was not aware that his “dreams” of dwelling within a computer were actually Reality, and that his room on the SeaQuest was a recreation on the ship’s holodeck.
This statment was taken from the report provided to Starfleet Headquarters by then-Captain Zon Huntreas.
He became aware of his rare situation when he was ripped from the ship’s computer by a temporal spike in the Route and was sent to the desert planet, Tatooine. After a few days, he realized his predicament and built a crude mobile emitter.
The Explorer later crashed on Tatooine, leaving Lucas an ETH without a ship.
A unique aspect to Lucas Wolenczak was the ability to transfer himself from physical matter to digital data by entering –or thinking—the code “826242” which was Captain Bridger’s (captain of the SeaQuest) favorite number. It was later revealed by a local Jedi that the Force played a powerful role in his existence. He soon found he could manipulate that energy. A downfall to this ability was an apparent need to return to “Datamode” within the mobile emitter for 8 hours continuously every 7 days to recharge or memory degradation would occur.
In a report filed by Explorer's Captain, Zon Huntreas, Starfleet has since recognized Lucas Wolenczak as a sentient lifeform under the adjudicated law redefining "life" altered because of Lt. Commander Data.