
Character Species: Human

Character Alignment: Neutral

Physical Description: 6’1” Black hair,Pale Blue eyes, Thin, Swift, muscular build

Magical Talent(s) and/or Spell(s):
Level 1
Summon animal servant
Delay poison.

Special Skills: He can become almost completely invisible in the shadows. Is extremely skilled in the use of his short sword and dagger, capable of throwing them ten feet and taking the wings of a fly on the wall.

Magical Items/Weapons: The amulet he wears can absorb sound and light when exposed.

Regular Items/Weapons:

Weapons/armor: Two daggers and a short sword. Leather boots, tunic, and arm guards. Dark cloak made from Mannossan silk.

Pack: Bed role, flint, kindling, Poison past in a box. Bag of coins.

Property of Note: Ankalima Morwen’s heart.

Brief or Long History: Aldrik spent most of his career as a thief with his friend “kali” who left after they realized their true feelings for each other. He attained his skill through years of thieving. He has been spending most of his time in the rua forest but recently wandered into rua for a while. While in rua he ran into Kali and is currently spending his time with her.