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[02-22:48] 6ac21, Aralore : *He lets out a slight yelp as she does this, dodging his own blade and maneuvering it away, making for a quick jab to her leg as he sidesteps in whatever direction is farther from the sword*
[02-22:49] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *slides her leg back, so his blade just skims the skin.. as her wing comes about, aiming to bap him to the side* *is such a cheater*
[02-22:51] 6ac21, Aralore : *He ducks, but not enough, the leg grazing him and forcing him back, he does not make any retaliatory move, finding himself more squeamish to cut Delotha than he thought he'd be* Ooh, I'm sorry, did I cut you?
[02-22:53] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Only a little... *grins* Didn't even break the skin, you weak little drow
[02-22:56] 6ac21, Aralore : Little!? LITTLE!?!?! *he moves to a standing position, gracefully, but a bit too meticulously for melee fighting, his form more suited to archery after all these years, as he makes a wild swing for Delotha's waist* I'll have you know Drow tend to be smaller than most elves!
[02-22:57] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : No wonder you're so puny! *decides to play with him now, only parrying with no counter attack this time, her blade being forced out at a slight angle towards him, and slightly pointed towards where his blade swings in from, but mostly facing upright*
[02-22:59] 6ac21, Aralore : Lost your appetite for blood? *Smiles, striking again, but for her hip with the curved end of the blade*
[02-23:05] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Nah.. I just like to wear out my prey before I go in for the kill... *slides to the side, bringing the blade out in the same parry for it again*
[02-23:09] 6ac21, Aralore : Well, I'm just not in my can't bloody well parry one of my arrows! *he brings his rapier into a guard stance, waiting now for her move*
[02-23:13] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : You wanted to sword fight, love... *abruptly charges in, stabbing out swiftly to parry aside his blade, as her wings snap about, moving to encircle him.. meanwhile her other hand comes up, aiming to grabe for the wrist with the sword*
[02-23:18] 6ac21, Aralore : *His reflexes are nothing short of epic, and he jerks away in what, to some, could almost be described as before she even launched the assault--but her wings box his lithe form in, and she gets hold of his wrist anyway, struggling futilely. His muscles are incredibly well-toned and strong, but nothing near one with a demoness's blood within her*
[02-23:19] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *.. and she jerks him in, as she tilts her head, aiming to plant a kiss on those dark lips*
[02-23:24] 6ac21, Aralore : *He kisses her passionately, and she can feel his tense wrist relax under he grip, his demeanor a bit off-guard and surprised*
[02-23:25] 6ac21, Aralore : ((he=her, rather.))
[02-23:25] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *breaks the kiss, cackling* We need to work on your melee skills.. *flash-bwoof! They vanish*
[02-23:26] 6ac21, Aralore : *Wee! Vanish*
[02-23:59] 246e5, Mab: Aww, that was a cute lil RP.
[02-23:59] 246e5, Mab: *tidies up some more things*
[03-02:12] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-02:24] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 3:12am, January 03 (CST) ).
[03-09:18] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-09:40] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-17:06] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-17:08] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 6:06pm, January 03 (CST) ).
[03-19:33] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[03-19:40] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[03-20:26] 16ab8, Ghouls : *day and night the Black Fortress seethes with activity. Ghouls carting in trees that they had chooped down, to be manufactured into arrows, and spear shafts. Massive boulders rolled along for catapults, and the sounds of industry, hammers on anvil and steel, smoke and flame as they make new weaposn and armor, and all in unholy silence, not a word exchanged abouve a faint whisper. *
[03-20:42] 6ac21, Aralore : ((Someone to RP with, Ghouls?))
[03-20:43] 16ab8, Axis : ((sure))
[03-20:43] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((for a little while alt least))
[03-20:46] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((still here?))
[03-20:47] 6ac21, Aralore : ((Yes.))
[03-20:48] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((ah good. got anyhting in mind?))
[03-20:49] 6ac21, Aralore : ((Nah, I can't think of anything :/ ))
[03-20:50] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((.....oh.....))
[03-20:57] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((mayeb I can eat you?))
[03-20:59] 6ac21, Aralore : ((I don't think Delotha would like that.))
[03-21:00] 16ab8, Ghouls : (((I'll leave the important bits....))
[03-21:00] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((and then you'll become a forever))
[03-21:01] 6ac21, Aralore : (( I so whipped that I can't go and get eaten every once in a while!?))
[03-21:02] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((aw come on...unlive a little. have some fun....go drinking wiht the ghouls. get plastered...and eaten))
[03-21:03] 6ac21, Aralore : ((Dang. GTG. Might be on later.))
[03-21:04] 16ab8, Ghouls : ((alright cya))
[04-01:38] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-01:44] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[04-01:46] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : (hi)
[04-01:50] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 2:46am, January 04 (CST) ).
[04-18:29] 164e4, Mab: I have such a craving to watch Disney's Hercules.
[04-19:01] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[04-19:01] 000c7, Axis : ((I need somehting to do!!!!))
[04-19:26] JOIN: hulkdogs has entered.
[04-19:27] 000c7, Axis : ((wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee))
[04-19:28] 60e22, hulkdogs: Yo
[04-19:28] 60e22, hulkdogs: Hi
[04-19:29] 000c7, Axis : (howday))
[04-19:31] 000c7, Axis : ((damn AIM))
[04-19:35] 000c7, Axis : ((brb hulk))
[04-19:41] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[04-19:41] 8a400, Axis : (damnation))
[04-19:43] 60e22, hulkdogs: Im out i got a movie to watch Later
[04-19:43] 8a400, Axis : ((ya))
[04-19:44] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 8:43pm, January 04 (CST) ).
[04-19:50] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[04-21:55] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-22:12] 3adf1, Sileen: Hmm..
[04-22:13] 3adf1, Sileen: Hehe.. important bits..
[05-02:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-02:46] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[05-02:47] df309, Lan: *pounces the wisp* Who are ya and whaddaya want?!? :irate voice*
[05-02:47] df309, Lan: Erm... that was sposed teh be "pirate"
[05-02:48] aa1a4, Will-o'-the-wisp: greetings to all in the aether
[05-02:48] aa1a4, Will-o'-the-wisp: yah boo suks!
[05-02:50] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[05-02:51] df309, Lan: *growls at internet* So what brings you to bettenchi?
[05-02:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-02:53] aa1a4, Will-o'-the-wisp: stuff,i hav a fey to talk to and its very important
[05-02:54] df309, Lan: Ah, would that be Kaya?
[05-02:54] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: possibly
[05-02:55] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: plus i hav issues with a certain lethes
[05-02:55] df309, Lan: *nods* I see. She is a good friend of mine... I introduced heer to this chat...
[05-02:55] aa1a4, Will-o'-the-wisp: nice
[05-02:56] aa1a4, Will-o'-the-wisp: i hav to work soon so ill say bye and mayb catch u l8r
[05-02:56] df309, Lan: Yeah... well, I gotta go... its very early morning here! Yep, maybe later.
[05-02:57] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 3:56am, January 05 (CST) ).
[05-05:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-05:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:10am, January 05 (CST) ).
[05-05:10] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[05-05:17] aa1a4, anarsil halfmoon: as the hills slowly roll by, thinks about his life and his achievements so far.the road is dry and dusty and small swirls form around his ankles,*chuckles to self as he thinks of one of his lesser achievements* about mid morning crosses a stream, the cold water reaching up to his waist. on the other side flops down on the grass .
[05-06:38] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[05-06:38] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 7:38am, January 05 (CST) ).
[05-07:22] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[05-07:23] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Kali.
[05-07:23] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:23am, January 05 (CST) ).
[05-07:24] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[05-08:58] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[05-19:07] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[05-19:10] MSG: Axis sent a message to Kali.
[05-19:12] 99607, Lethes : *lethes idly practices with a few other palace guards, rying to drive away the oppressive boredom that was washing over the kingdom. Inside the walls of the fae nothing happened. The place was stagnent*
[05-19:16] 99607, Lethes : ((so you got beef with me eh anarsil? I can't iamgine what for. meh.))
[05-19:18] 99607, Axis : ((so bored))
[05-19:23] 99607, Axis : this is the offical comic of the day
[05-19:42] 99607, Lethes : *lethes spins his blade about his torso in a short spiral while the three other guardsmen encircled him. He struck at the guard in front of him(g1), then uses the rebound of hte blade off the guards countering blow to spin fast enough to deflect the blade of the fae behind him (g2), then he drops and twists simaltaniously to avoid a thrust from the man on his right (G3). He encoils spinning and kicking at guard 2 cuasing him to stagger back. As he rises he bats a way a downward slash from guard 1, now beside him, then deflects guard 3's blade away from his head. Lethes uses the unusally long grip of his sword to provide extra speed and leverage as he backpedals from the three guards, who advance steadily keeping up a steady rain of blows. The three are good enough to keep from tangling each other up, and are slowley wearing Lethes down. Suddenly he dives forward, shrinking to a bare quarter of his size as he does. He skids between the legs of guard 2 and as he comes out behind him and spisn to his feet, he grows back to his normal size, lashing out with his pommel to crack the fae solidly across the jaw. * Out! *lethes cries, and the man staggers back and out of the fight. The other two try and circle aroudn to either side of lethes, so as to keep him between him. However he doesn't allow that. The ceiling is too low for wings, but as they both slash at his torso he backflips over thier blades, catchign himself on his free hand and rollign to his feet. He spins and slashes, pullign the blow so it only tapped the side of guard 3.* Out! *then spins, catching thethird guard's blade in a bind and disarming him, placign the tip of his blade against his throat* I win. *he smiles a little then holds out his hand. All three guards are good-natured about his win and shake his hand* IT figures eh? *guard 1 says* You aren't The Commander for nothin'. *they all chuckle and all walk off to clean up*
[05-19:44] 99607, Axis : ((wow..big post))
[05-20:05] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[06-03:16] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[06-03:33] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *Alone sat in her small shop was Sorcha, the defining silence was driving her mad, she had no one to talk to except the slow stream of custormers. She needed some company other than the odd random customer she needed Drae even if he wouldn't come near her. She needed something anything. She rested her head against the wall and twisted her finger round a lock of hair as she thought*
[06-04:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-06:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-06:47] cfb41, Kali: *chuckles*
[06-06:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:47am, January 06 (CST) ).
[06-06:49] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[06-06:49] be832, anarsil halfmoon: greetings to you in the aether
[06-06:50] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 7:49am, January 06 (CST) ).
[06-06:50] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[06-06:50] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: hello
[06-06:50] cfb41, Kali: well. hello. havent been here so early in a while
[06-06:51] be832, anarsil halfmoon: *ah well.*
[06-06:51] be832, anarsil halfmoon: who you or me?
[06-06:51] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: missed ya
[06-06:52] cfb41, Kali: havent been here much at all. me.
[06-06:52] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: hows life the universe,boyfriend everything?
[06-06:52] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: busy huh?
[06-06:53] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: ive only bin in a few times myself
[06-06:53] cfb41, Kali: spoiled myself over the holidays. slept in and spent most of the time on the phone. everything is wonderful
[06-06:53] be832, anarsil halfmoon: good pleased to here it , i trust Omnipotencemas went well
[06-06:53] cfb41, Kali: I saw you talked with Lan the other day. I havent seenhim much either
[06-06:54] cfb41, Kali: it was quiet.
[06-06:54] be832, anarsil halfmoon: yeah well hade to talk to some one, its been a while
[06-06:55] cfb41, Kali: you know him.
[06-06:56] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: no i dont ,hey ime back you know and ime in town!! so although ime still insubstantial lethes better watch out i wont be so hard to get rid of next time!! oh and ive yet to catch up with KAYA
[06-06:57] be832, anarsil halfmoon: well *L* is anyway
[06-06:57] cfb41, Kali: how was your xmas? Lan is alanon. so yes you do.
[06-06:57] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: ime still looking for clues to his whereabouts
[06-06:58] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: oh bugger didnt know.
[06-06:58] cfb41, Kali: *L*
[06-06:59] be832, anarsil halfmoon: xmas was mixed bag really had our plumbing ripped out ,and central heating and all replaced.
[06-06:59] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: oh and boxing day was in an RTA
[06-06:59] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: nothing serious
[06-07:00] cfb41, Kali: rta?
[06-07:00] be832, anarsil halfmoon : hey wheres my pics
[06-07:01] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : road traffic accident
[06-07:02] cfb41, Kali: ouch
[06-07:02] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : trashed my car bout Ł2500 damaged cars a write off
[06-07:03] cfb41, Kali: ouch again. you ok?
[06-07:04] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : trashed my car bout Ł2500 damaged cars a write off
[06-07:05] be832, anarsil halfmoon : yeah wasnt my fault, driving along a road and a car was in a side turning i saw him a started to slow downas i saw him edge forwards and then he stopped so i carried on going and he pulled out in front of me i had about 10 ft to stop in
[06-07:05] be832, anarsil halfmoon : hes addmitted liability
[06-07:06] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : so there ya go!
[06-07:06] cfb41, Kali: well, atleast his insurance will pay for it.
[06-07:07] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : yup
[06-07:07] be832, anarsil halfmoon : so now all ive got to do is storm the castle, kill the bad guy and marry the girl!!
[06-07:08] cfb41, Kali: *L*
[06-07:08] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : oh ive all ready stormed the castle
[06-07:08] cfb41, Kali: who's the bad guy?
[06-07:09] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : lethes
[06-07:10] be832, anarsil halfmoon : as i said ime back and ime in town
[06-07:10] cfb41, Kali: ah. well, you may have a VERY hard time marrying the girl. especially if you kill her lover.
[06-07:10] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : well one of me is!!
[06-07:11] be832, anarsil halfmoon : yeah i had thought about that,................
[06-07:11] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : so alsorts of things crosse3d my mind like banishment
[06-07:13] be832, anarsil halfmoon : but he is just her lover....unless it runs deeper of course! in which case ill just fade away
[06-07:13] be832, anarsil halfmoon : and anarsil will find only rumours and stories
[06-07:14] cfb41, Kali: she doesnt know how deep her feelings are for Lethes. only time will tell. and Im going to go now. crawl backin bed for a while. its still too early for me today.
[06-07:15] a0002, anarsil halfmoon : bye nice to here /see u again
[06-07:15] cfb41, Kali: *yawns her way out*
[06-07:15] be832, anarsil halfmoon : its lunchtime now 1 :16
[06-07:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-07:20] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: hahaha ill get you lethes if its the last thing i do
[06-18:59] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[06-19:04] c3095, Lethes : ((feh. Fat chance. Tryign to get me will be the last thing you do. so nyah nyah.))
[06-19:13] c3095, Axis : ((Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes.. you need to come on in the eenings))
[06-19:13] c3095, Axis : (evenings*))
[06-19:30] 3adf1, Sileen: I like.. toast...
[06-19:34] c3095, Axis : ((hey sileen))
[06-19:35] c3095, Axis : ((lookie at the board))
[06-19:35] c3095, Axis : ((my new race ^^))
[06-19:37] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[06-19:41] c3095, Axis : ((la da de))
[06-19:42] 3adf1, Sileen: *bites chat* BEHAVE!!
[06-19:43] c3095, Axis : ((got booted sileen?))
[06-19:43] 3adf1, Sileen: *eyes new race* Hm.. they seem a bit uber for my tastes
[06-19:44] 3adf1, Sileen: Something like that
[06-19:44] c3095, Axis : ((Mabbish approved them. Also if your gonna harp about uber look atthe elementals first.))
[06-19:45] c3095, Axis : ((they are almost invincible. The Malevioy at least havea weakness....and you would need special approval to be one))
[06-19:45] 3adf1, Sileen: I didn't like the elementals either. My version were a lot less uber.
[06-19:46] c3095, Axis : ((I don't like the elementals. one could wipe out my whole army on it's own))
[06-19:47] 3adf1, Sileen: Not my chat though. So.. I try not to worry about it too much
[06-19:49] 3adf1, Sileen: Besides! I gots a half-demon! With wings! That can teleport! I can flee those goofy elementals...
[06-19:49] c3095, Axis : ((Well....I try to make things as good for everyone as I can. Though I'm only the reg admin))
[06-19:50] c3095, Axis : ((heheh yeah sileen. I can too))
[06-19:50] 3adf1, Sileen: And Aurora has a temporary sheild of invulnerability, so not much they can do to her. Poor uni... she just kinda.. exists.. no spark without her precious horn..
[06-19:50] 3adf1, Sileen: *pats her* She's so cute
[06-19:52] c3095, Axis : ((*chuckles.* I am just so frickin' bored. I wanna cuase mishcheif))
[06-19:53] 3adf1, Sileen: Yeah..
[06-19:54] c3095, Axis : ((*grumbles at dumb people who just skipped out*))
[06-19:55] 3adf1, Sileen: *was one of them*
[06-19:57] c3095, Axis : ((well you came back))
[06-20:05] 3adf1, Sileen: Kiinda
[06-20:07] c3095, Axis : ((close enough))
[07-03:02] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-04:58] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[07-05:00] be832, anarsil halfmoon: awakening early, sets a meager breakfast and heads off fast. not knowing where he's going or why he's going there. o
[07-05:00] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:00am, January 07 (CST) ).
[07-06:28] cf538, Kali: hehe, Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes.. the mighty.......has had a very busy schedule. sleep taking up a part of her evenings. I'll be moving in a few weeks, hopefully, then I'll spend more time here.
[07-06:28] cf538, Kali: *blinks*
[07-06:28] cf538, Kali: ok, who filtered me? *griins*
[07-07:00] JOIN: shade has entered.
[07-07:04] be832, shade: *sits on the roof of the building opposite where it had last seen kaya and ponders the problem in hand* "how do i get passt that damnable fey guard? and see kaya to tell her
[07-07:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-10:43] cf538, Kali: *llurks in aim*
[07-10:51] cf538, Kali: ok. whats with the double type?
[07-13:34] 4c6ed, Kali: AnKali, the mighty...hey, that
[07-13:34] 4c6ed, Kali: ok, that is just wrong.
[07-13:47] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[07-13:47] 10a2c, Lan: *pounce*
[07-13:48] 10a2c, Lan: HII!!!
[07-13:50] 10a2c, Lan: Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes......?
[07-13:51] 10a2c, Lan: >_<
[07-13:52] 10a2c, Lan: Get back here!
[07-13:53] 4c6ed, Kali: akkkk!!!!!!
[07-13:54] 4c6ed, Kali: hey. how are you?
[07-14:00] 10a2c, Lan: Good
[07-14:02] 4c6ed, Kali: havent seen you in a while
[07-14:03] 10a2c, Lan: Yeah, I know...
[07-14:03] 10a2c, Lan: I have missed ya alot...
[07-14:03] 4c6ed, Kali: I havent been here much lately
[07-14:04] 10a2c, Lan: Yeah, I know dat. I'm usually lurking whenever I can!
[07-14:05] 4c6ed, Kali: good.
[07-14:05] 4c6ed, Kali: *L* you talked to someone you know in here the other day. he didnt realize who you were though
[07-14:06] 10a2c, Lan: Who...?!?
[07-14:06] 4c6ed, Kali: anarsil
[07-14:06] 4c6ed, Kali: jerle
[07-14:09] 10a2c, Lan: Oh!!!
[07-14:09] 4c6ed, Kali: yeah
[07-14:11] 4c6ed, Kali: I d ask if you wanted to rp. but I dont think we have any chars near each other anymore
[07-14:11] 10a2c, Lan: =_='
[07-14:13] 4c6ed, Kali: what? we dont. val is back in rua, Lan can rule and garrett is I dunno where.
[07-14:14] 10a2c, Remal : (( Don't forget me! *needs to retake the kingdom* ))
[07-14:14] 4c6ed, Kali: oh yeah. I did forget
[07-14:15] 10a2c, Lan: *tear*
[07-14:15] 4c6ed, Kali: Im cutting down on chars... kazia, lotesse and Ilia are going
[07-14:16] 10a2c, Lan: Ah... ok.
[07-14:17] 4c6ed, Kali: *chuckles* I still have a lot of others. I think Im getting rid of Caradhras too. LAI'DOR council and fae border guards and 's messenger.
[07-14:18] 4c6ed, Kali: leaves me with 2 queens, a healer, a giantess child and an assassin
[07-14:20] 10a2c, Lan: *nods, then growls at aim express*
[07-14:20] 4c6ed, Kali: *does too*
[07-14:21] 4c6ed, Kali: erm... 3 queens and an oni.
[07-14:22] 10a2c, Lan: Well... wow.
[07-14:22] 4c6ed, Kali: *blinks* HOW could I forget Belthil? hmm? especially since she and Corell just got engaged.
[07-14:23] 4c6ed, Kali: have anything you'd like to rp?
[07-14:24] MSG: Lan sent a message to Kali.
[07-14:24] 10a2c, Lan: Who's Corell?
[07-14:24] 10a2c, Lan: Never heard of him...
[07-14:25] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[07-14:26] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[07-14:27] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[07-14:29] 4c6ed, Kali: read the'll find out about Bel and Corell.....real fast.
[07-14:29] 10a2c, Lan: Thanks.... >_< I gotta go for a few minutes... I'll be back in about 25 min.
[07-14:29] 4c6ed, Kali: alright. see ya
[07-14:29] 10a2c, Lan: Ok! Oh, and what about Illisse...?
[07-14:30] 4c6ed, Kali: illisse is on her way to with Levald. dont know what we're going to do with them just yet. she was supposed to be taking over as queen of the high elves
[07-14:31] 4c6ed, Kali: you should also spend some time in Tel'Mithrim
[07-14:31] 10a2c, Lan: Wait... WHAT?!? I was going to say that Val was on his way to , cuz he finally regained sanity!
[07-14:32] 4c6ed, Kali: thats what you get for being gone!
[07-14:32] 4c6ed, Kali: what is Val going to do there?
[07-14:32] 10a2c, Lan: Yeah, I know... I'll be back in 30 min, and if not, then about 3:30 my time...
[07-14:32] 4c6ed, Kali: hrm. I'll probably be here
[07-14:33] 10a2c, Lan: Well, since he is the Royal price, and supposed rightful heir to the throne...
[07-14:33] 10a2c, Lan: ummm... not the royal price... just the prince...
[07-14:33] 4c6ed, Kali: *chuckles* her brother sent her there to do that.
[07-14:33] 4c6ed, Kali: *dies* the royal what?
[07-14:34] 10a2c, Lan: Well, this will certainly make things interesting... I gotta go...
[07-14:34] 4c6ed, Kali: see ya
[07-14:35] 10a2c, Lan: ^___^ Hey, nice to talk!
[07-14:35] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 3:35pm, January 07 (CST) ).
[07-14:37] 4c6ed, Kali: I'll be around today and probably part of tomorrow atleast.
[07-14:40] 4c6ed, Kali: *goes to AIM* ya'll know how to find me.
[07-14:53] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[07-17:33] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[07-18:08] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[07-18:09] 4c6ed, Kali: *smiles* hey
[07-18:09] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[07-18:11] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[07-18:11] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[07-18:12] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[07-18:13] 01482, Xyva: hey
[07-18:14] d06c3, Axis : ((hey hey))
[07-18:15] 4c6ed, Kali: hey
[07-18:17] 4c6ed, Kali: *blinks* horrid flashback....hey, hey, we're the monkies...can't help monkying around.... someone stop me quick!!!!!!!!!
[07-18:17] d06c3, Axis : ((*runs confusedly* I need soemthing to do......))
[07-18:19] 4c6ed, Kali: ok. so it was a bad bad BAD flashback.
[07-18:20] 01482, Drako : *aches to be unfrozen*
[07-18:21] 4c6ed, Zaeth : (*grins* oh really?....think I can fix that)
[07-18:21] d06c3, Ghouls : ((*aches to eat drako*))
[07-18:22] 01482, Drako : *is too crunchy*
[07-18:22] d06c3, Ghouls : ((na crunchy is good))
[07-18:23] 01482, Drako : (ok where did it pause?
[07-18:23] 01482, Drako : )
[07-18:25] d06c3, Ghouls : ((we were advancing upon the elvish swordsmen guarding the queen,))
[07-18:26] 6e702, Kali: *grumbles* damned connection!
[07-18:28] 01482, Drako : (so how close am I to the ghoul's leader?
[07-18:28] 01482, Drako : )
[07-18:30] d06c3, Ghouls : (you said you were very high up... they are on the wall approachign the swordsmen))
[07-18:30] 6e702, Zaeth : *the ghoul leader is standing on the wall probably about 20 ft from Zaeth, he is surrounded in front by a wall of archers and one very angry elf* You've had your, do you wish to die?
[07-18:31] 6e702, Zaeth : (*chuckles* I'd forgotten about that link!)
[07-18:32] d06c3, Ghouls : I am Already dead!!! and you wanted to fight remember? I belive you shot at us......
[07-18:32] 01482, Sedrik: (I also said I was making a dive for him)
[07-18:33] 01482, Drako : (I also said I was making a dive for him)
[07-18:34] d06c3, Ghouls : ((no you didn't. you said you moved lower))
[07-18:34] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[07-18:34] 6e702, Zaeth : (hi Lan)
[07-18:34] d06c3, Ghouls : ((hey lan))
[07-18:35] 01482, Drako : (salve lan)
[07-18:35] 0d02c, Lan: *waves, and bounces*
[07-18:36] 6e702, Zaeth : (hrm.. well, there's two of me again)
[07-18:40] 6e702, Zaeth : *stands very still, slowly tossing the fireballs up in the air, letting them bounce in her hands* Looks like who ever killed you didnt do a very good job of it.
[07-18:42] d06c3, Ghouls : *they stride steadily towards them, a meanacing clot of night shadow come to huant the day* Your a fool. your people deserve the fate that they shall suffer
[07-18:43] 01482, Drako : *streaking low along the wall he gets ready to snatch the sassy elf as he goes for the ghoul leader*
[07-18:45] 6e702, Zaeth : *does a very good job of being sassy...tossing one of the fireballs at the ghouls leader, intending it to land at his feet*
[07-18:46] d06c3, Ghouls : *they simply all step back as the small ball hits the ground...and watches her get snatched, even as he does.*
[07-18:50] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 7:35pm, January 07 (CST) ).
[07-18:50] 01482, Drako : *wraping his long talloned fingers around her middle he pulls her off her feet as he lowers his other hand to grab the ghoul at the end of his fly by.*
[07-18:52] 6e702, Zaeth : Ahhhhhh*screams and lets the other fireball fly as she is lifted off the wall from behind*
[07-18:55] d06c3, Ghouls : *oops is snagged....his ghouls take immediate advantage of this, and if the elves are distracted by the appearnce of the dragon, which they probably will be, the ghouls will charge, hitting the elven line like a scythe*
[07-19:00] 01482, Drako : *throwing his wings down hard he hurdles hims self up from the wall so he can take his captives away for his business. the wind would be enough tothrow several ghouls back and stop the rest in their tracks*
[07-19:00] 6e702, Zaeth : *the archers might have been unprepared, but the swordsmen behind the ghouls werent, attacking the ghouls from behind as they moved to attack the archers, getting blown backwards by the dragon's wings*
[07-19:02] d06c3, Ghouls : *everyone is blown down, however the ghouls recover with feindish speed, unhurt and not stunned by crashing to the hard stone, they would then leap into the ranks of the archers hacking and slashing*
[07-19:07] d06c3, Ghouls : ((*gnaws jello*))
[07-19:08] 01482, Drako : *twisting to the north he grasps them tight, heading to the nearest wood*
[07-19:08] 6e702, Zaeth : *realizing the futility of their arrows, the archers draw swords from beneath their quivers, meeting the ghouls head on, as the swordsmen finally attack from behind*
[07-19:10] d06c3, Ghouls : *realize of course that most wounds would either not hurt them and they are wearing full armor. Also they feel no fear. Those elves with light armor are the first targets as the ghouls form a circle of death..*
[07-19:10] 6e702, Zaeth : *looking down at the ground fleeing past her feet at an unOmnipotent Beingly height and speed, she wraps her arms around the ...talon?...wha? *Dragon? where the heck did he come from? *muttering to herself with her eyes squeezed shut*
[07-19:12] d06c3, Ghouls : *glares atthe dragons claws from behind his helmet, but waits patienetly for the drago nto reach it's goal*
[07-19:15] 01482, Drako : *flying low over the wood he folds in his wings and falls through the trees landing on his hind legs*
[07-19:22] 6e702, Zaeth : *like a well oiled machine, the elven warriors begin moving close to the ghouls, being elite warriors, they are wearing mithral armor, not light armor, they are the queens guards afterall. they outnumber the ghouls more than 4 to one as reinforcements begin arriving from their posts along the wall* ~Zaeth~*as they lurch to a stop, she begins to yell at the dragon* Put me down you beast! I almost had him!
[07-19:25] 6e702, Zaeth : ~elven warriors~ *trying to boost the confidence of his comrads an archer begins to call out a training chant they were all taught* CUT FIRST, CUT LAST, CUT, CUT, CUT
[07-19:26] d06c3, Ghouls : *These too are elite warriors. And even the best armor has poitns wear a poisened blade can slip in. They do not tire, and there is only so much room ffor the elves, so the ghouls would be fighting a fairly consistent number. They fight in silence, no sounds coming from them as they fight with the untiring determination of the dead and damned. The ghoul leader sits paitently sword in hand, ready for anything*
[07-19:27] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[07-19:27] d06c3, Ghouls : ((oopsy that was))
[07-19:31] 01482, Drako : *blowing a large cloud of smoke into her face he hisses* silence elf* watching them as he holds on*
[07-19:31] 01482, Drako : *
[07-19:34] 6e702, Zaeth : *coughing and trying to wave the smoke from her face, she keeps muttering under her breath, knowing that her spells would have no effect on him*
[07-19:35] d06c3, Ghouls : *seems content to wait....his only regret is missing the fight*
[07-19:39] 6e702, Zaeth : ~warriors~*sacrificing himself for his brothers, one elf charges to the front, throwing himself into the ghouls hoping to knock a couple of them down*
[07-19:42] d06c3, Ghouls : *as he throws himself forward, one ghoul responds in kind, throwing himself out of the line of battle, quickly replaced by the one behind him in to the jumping elf, impaling him on his sword even as they fall into elven ranks. The ghouls slowley back up so that their backs are to the wall, and the elves can no longer get behind them.*
[07-19:44] d06c3, Ghouls : ((wall's crenelations rather))
[07-19:55] 6e702, Zaeth : *seeing their comrads sacrifice in vane three archers charge into the ghouls swords first as they lead the tip of a blood raged charge, right into the heart of their formation
[07-19:56] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[07-19:57] d06c3, Ghouls : *mess with the best, die like the rest. Eventually though after a long, savage, bloody battle the ghouls fall. However it is not an easy victory. que blood runnign in rivluets off wall, including the corrupted old ghoul blood*
[07-19:58] 01482, Xyva: you two will listen first and then answer my questions * accenting his hiss with puffs of smoke and sparks of fire*
[07-19:58] d06c3, Ghouls : *blood sprayed all over, poisend ghoul blades having done their job*
[07-19:59] 01482, Corell Araos: you two will listen first and then answer my questions * accenting his hiss with puffs of smoke and sparks of fire*
[07-19:59] 01482, Drako : you two will listen first and then answer my questions * accenting his hiss with puffs of smoke and sparks of fire*
[07-20:00] d06c3, Ghouls : *silent, stoic, unmoving.*
[07-20:00] 01482, Drako : (grreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!)
[07-20:00] 6e702, Zaeth : *slowly stills her muttering, letting herself hang limply in his claw*
[07-20:03] 01482, Drako : understand?
[07-20:03] 6e702, Zaeth : grrrrr *grudgingly nodding*
[07-20:04] d06c3, Ghouls : *nods slightly*
[07-20:07] 01482, Drako : good... Im Drako a protector of Queen Nessima of Belegorod. I came here to get information
[07-20:09] 6e702, Zaeth : Queen Nessima? Who is she? *having been in hell for some time and having amnesia, she has no clue*
[07-20:10] d06c3, Ghouls : *knows....having raided around there..but unresponsive*
[07-20:11] d06c3, Ghouls : ((*sigh* puase again*))
[07-20:18] d06c3, Taulis : *sitting on a massive boulder, reclingin on the pile around it. his bow lay next to the bored hunter*
[07-20:19] d06c3, Taulis : *he runs his hand through the grey streak in his hair, noting how there was more grey in his braid today*
[07-20:28] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[07-20:30] d06c3, Axis : ((hey))
[07-20:30] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[07-20:31] 0d02c, Lan: Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes.....?
[07-20:31] 0d02c, Lan: You here?
[07-20:31] d06c3, Axis : ((Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes.. left))
[07-20:31] 0d02c, Lan: Oh
[07-20:31] 0d02c, Lan: Ok... >_<
[07-20:31] 0d02c, Lan: I'll be around...
[07-20:32] d06c3, Axis : ((not 5 minutes ago))
[07-20:36] d06c3, Axis : ((*sigh I need rp*))
[07-21:27] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[08-10:04] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[08-11:09] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[08-11:33] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *she sat beside the window upstairs in her home looking up at the dark sky she whispered softly to the night to bring Drae home to her she just hoped something somewhere could hear her little rambelings and would do as she asked*
[08-11:48] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[08-12:00] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *She slowly stood and headed downstairs and out of her shop slipping on a dark green robe she made her way along the streets*
[08-12:01] 97969, Eradrae Baenre: *His head perks up slightly and he resists the urge to call out to her as she comes out of her home, He quickly ducks away, out of view and creeps along the rooftops away from her.*
[08-12:02] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *She glances ahead of her as she wanders scanning the sky line she sighed to herself and she made her way to the inn*
[08-12:05] 97969, Eradrae Baenre: *he follows her, staying out of sight, watching her go into the inn. He turns away, thinking for a moment,, a smile creeps upon his features.*
[08-12:07] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *She felt watched but she always felt watched now a days sometimes it made her feel uncomfortable others it made her feel safe, depending on what mood she was in. She pushed open the door and headed to a corner seat where she ordered a drink from a waitress*
[08-12:14] 97969, Eradrae Baenre: *After several moments a sickly pale elf with short, unevenly cut white hair walks in,, looking around for a moment, his green torn cloak wrapped tightly arround him, to conceal any weapons he might be carrying.*
[08-12:17] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *She glances to the elf then away as she pays for her drink taking a long sip she glances back to him curious*
[08-12:19] 97969, Eradrae Baenre: *He slowly walks over to the bar, and sits down besides Sorcha.* Evening. *he greets her, smiling widely.*
[08-12:20] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : Good Evening...*she slowly looks to him looking at him still curiously*...not seen you around before..
[08-12:22] 97969, Eradrae Baenre: *he nods.* well, I wouldn't expect so, I just arrived from Fae. *his voice is thick with a strange, unidentifiable accent.*
[08-12:23] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : Fae...*she sighs a little and takes a sip of her drink but something causes her to look back at him his eyes....can't be*.....drae?*she says quietly*
[08-12:28] 97969, Eradrae Baenre: *he turns her head to her slightly, raising a brow.* Drae? You must be mistaken I am Lazwar Malifuriel, I was visiting friends of the familly in Fae. *Despite his ability to spin a lie, his eyes burn with a longing as he looked at her and he forces himself to look away.*
[08-12:28] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : *pause*
[08-12:29] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 1:28pm, January 08 (CST) ).
[08-13:26] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-13:27] 86e9d, Axis : ((bah, Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes.. was supposed to be in here today...ah well))
[08-14:05] cb4ed, Mab: Okay, this is a public service announcement. Time travel is something we're steering away from in Bettenchi, simply because in an online chat type RP, if one person decides to go back in time and change history, it's not fair to expect all other possibly effected players to have to be mindful of that and change their histories accordingly. Time paradoxes that supposedly don't effect any other characters will also not be accepted because it's very unrealistic (beyond the bounds of fantasy realistic) to think a change in the time line would only effect one character or two. So, a general NO to anything proposed like that.
[08-14:07] 86e9d, Axis : And to add to that, anything suggestive of that in your char history, will not be approved. Nor will good members of evil races.
[08-14:11] cb4ed, Mab: Yeah, character history was implied.
[08-14:16] 86e9d, Ghouls : *on the wall of the fortress ghoul crews can be seen checking over the wall ballista, stacking ammo, both bolts and large balls. Weapons are set in racks by the towers, cases of arrows set along the chest-high crenelations, the chutes for hot oil set up near the slits between crenelations are cleaned and polished, while fires are kindled for said oil and pitch. All the ghouls are pullign into the fortress, with massive bolts locked into place behind the section of wall that acts as a door. Ghouls sit in the bottoms of huge tiled basins that take up a large part of the fortress courtyard, a wide walkway between the two. The fortress is prepared for war*
[08-14:18] cb4ed, Mab: and No 1700s to modern times inventions, well, within reason. We don't want "machines" and mechanical type stuff that seems like it would not normally be part of medieval times, otherwise known as the dark ages. Only exception is 1700s style ships, but then these don't have cannons like the ones on earth did. Mann, we're mean, aren't we? I'll consider great apparatuses for charting the stars that have gears and interesting stuff like that, but bike pedaled flying machines and other stuff that seems more Will Wonka than medieval times, no.
[08-14:20] 860ca, Kali: *wanders aimlessly*hi all
[08-14:20] cb4ed, Mab: Hi Kali, the mighty...hey, that rhymes... Me doing public service announcements. *L*
[08-14:21] 86e9d, Axis : ((hey
[08-14:21] 860ca, Kali: heh. now if some would read them.
[08-14:22] cb4ed, Mab: ** Yeah
[08-14:24] 860ca, Kali: *gets a giggle out of her filter*
[08-14:26] cb4ed, Mab: hehe
[08-14:26] 860ca, Kali: how ya been Mab? Ive been working and sleeping too much to spend much time here lately. that will all change soon. by mid feb.
[08-14:26] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-14:27] cb4ed, Mab: Okay, any characters I should be mindful of not deleting as I do my periodic purge? My goal is to get the list down to genuinely active players. I've been fine. Cool. glad you'll be around more. I should be around more too. Just trying to get the chat all updated in the mean time. Oh, do you have those alphabetized spells? If we could get posted whatever you've got done, I can finish from there.
[08-14:28] 860ca, Kali: ok. give me a few minutes and I'll post them
[08-14:28] 860ca, Kali: always..... I'll get you a list in a sec
[08-14:28] cb4ed, Mab: I'm trying to stomp out inconsistencies and get everything streamlined and stuff.
[08-14:29] 860ca, Kali: xyva was working on them too. hmm. I'll wait til he gets home later and then post the list he has .
[08-14:30] cb4ed, Mab: K
[08-14:30] 86e9d, Axis : ((*doesn't have any spells beyond the Malvioy*))
[08-14:31] cb4ed, Mab: We'll stick the Malvioy spells in after the updated ones are posted, we can slip them in alphabetically then.
[08-14:31] EXIT: Slayn has left the chat ( 3:31pm, January 08 (CST) ).
[08-14:31] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-14:32] 86e9d, Lok : ((hmmm kitties))
[08-14:33] 860ca, Kali: oh yeah, I forgot about those. do we want to have them posted with the others or keep them species specific?
[08-14:33] 86e9d, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[08-14:33] 86e9d, Axis : ((species specific))
[08-14:34] 860ca, Kali: *hands you a bone* here, chew on this.
[08-14:35] cb4ed, Mab: hehe
[08-14:35] 86e9d, Axis : I'd rather gnaw the bones of armies
[08-14:36] 860ca, Kali: *pats* soon, hopefully.
[08-14:37] cb4ed, Mab: I was thinking of mixing the species specific ones in with the rest and just having in BOLD CAPS that they could only be used by a certain species, because I think we have several spells in there already like that. We're talking spells, not innate magical abilities. Spells have to be learned, even species specific ones.
[08-14:37] 860ca, Kali: that works too.
[08-14:38] 86e9d, Axis : DOesn't matter to me.
[08-14:38] 860ca, Kali: that way people could see what the spell is capable of doing. no questions asked
[08-14:39] cb4ed, Mab: Yeah, and they don't have to hunt it down anywhere else, if it comes up in RP and they have a question about it.
[08-14:40] cb4ed, Mab: Now, innate magical abilities go in the species writeups, but then, that makes sense. That way, for any kind of magical act, people only have to look one of two places. Eventually, I'll get around to making a new thread and alphabetizing the species too.
[08-14:45] 86e9d, Axis : hrmm
[08-14:47] 86e9d, Axis : *ponders violence
[08-14:47] 860ca, Kali: hrm.
[08-14:49] 860ca, Kali: ok, Ive posted what I have finished. I'll have Xyva check against his list when he gets home
[08-14:50] 860ca, Queen Nessima : *ponders* and just what kind of violence did you have in mind?
[08-14:52] 86e9d, Axis : I was thinking a fight of some kind, espeically with sword or spear
[08-14:54] 86e9d, Taulis : o'course hunting someone wouldbe fu nto
[08-14:55] cb4ed, Mab: hehe. I'm getting ready to delete handles that haven't been used since September and beginning half of October. Any I should be mindful of not deleting?
[08-14:55] 860ca, Queen Nessima : (hmm ok Mab, my chars...Queen Nessima, Reya, Zaeth, Illisse, Belthil, Kaya, Terra, K~aki and ank~alima. Xyva's chars Aldrik, Corell, Davik ,Drako, Elias, Headmaster Zorander, Levald,Radagast, Sedrick ,
[08-14:56] cb4ed, Mab: Oh, what the heck, I'm deleting Sept and Oct, except what you tell me not to delete.
[08-14:57] 86e9d, Taulis : ((Axis Tualis Lethes albrecht arkady Lok bartuc ghouls sehk Sorceress Tirale
[08-14:57] 860ca, Queen Nessima : (Val's chars.... hmmm.. Lan, Valandil, Garrett, Remal, and I think thats all of those.)
[08-14:58] cb4ed, Mab: K
[08-14:58] 860ca, Queen Nessima : (you can delete Kazia, Ilia and Lotesse. I dont need them, hmm keep Kazia for now. depends on what Lan wants to dowith )
[08-15:00] MSG: Queen Nessima sent a message to Delotha Feanor.
[08-15:00] 860ca, Queen Nessima : ok what happened?
[08-15:00] 860ca, Queen Nessima : (*looks at all the lists and chuckles* and to think, less than a year ago, I had only one)
[08-15:01] 860ca, Queen Nessima : *shakes head* Sileen's gonna think Ive gone crazy)
[08-15:01] 860ca, Kali: problem is Axis, who to hunt?
[08-15:01] cb4ed, Mab: Who has the character Togo Boffin?
[08-15:02] 86e9d, Taulis : ((I dunno. I would like to hunt other chars, cept there is nobody to hunt))
[08-15:03] 86e9d, Taulis : (same for char violence))
[08-15:03] 860ca, Kali: Oyrin is Togo
[08-15:03] cb4ed, Trella : *could be hunted*
[08-15:03] cb4ed, Faltren : *could be hunted*
[08-15:04] cb4ed, Swarm of Pesky Pixies : *would be interesting to hunt*
[08-15:04] 86e9d, Taulis : ((ooo a pegasi))
[08-15:05] cb4ed, Faltren : *at long last, he has given up his own hunt and returned to the lands of his people. He now scouts the boarders of his people's nomadic lands*
[08-15:06] cb4ed, Faltren : *the raven black pegasi sweeps through the air like a circling hawk and then moves on to scout the next region*
[08-15:08] 86e9d, Taulis : *through the forest creeps the 16' tall Tuali, bow in hand, ears catching the sounds of pegasi wings*
[08-15:10] cb4ed, Faltren : *talented giant to creep so. His keen eyes survey the tree canopy and he tosses his equine head, not sure why he feels ill at ease. He swoops around in another circle of the area*
[08-15:12] 86e9d, Taulis : *is the foremost hunter of the giants after all. His soft-soled boots make relativly little noise in the loamy forest, he draws back the string of the bow quietly, slowley and peers up through the cnaopy
[08-15:16] cb4ed, Faltren : *dives down to the treeline in a darting sweep that veers off to his right, Taulis' left suddenly, a cautionary closer look move, but the trees are thick.*
[08-15:18] 86e9d, Taulis : *tualis sees the shadow agianst the lightof the sun as Flatren veers, a glowing red arrow appears on the bowstring, and Tualis fires, the arrow of stunning energy streaking towards flatren*
[08-15:22] cb4ed, Faltren : *it strikes his wing and he neighs in alarm and plummets through the branches of the trees below, because he can't hold his wing to stop him, one wing flapping frantically to try and slow him, but is of not much help. Scratched and bruised he frumps to the ground several paces through the trees from Taulis. One wing limp, he does that horse laying on its side trying to get up kind of struggling.*
[08-15:24] cb4ed, Faltren : ((Who has Tru Staria as a character?))
[08-15:24] 86e9d, Taulis : *he trots throug hthe tree's to his prey, another glowing arrow on the string. aimed at Faltren* Looks liek a cuaght a male eh?
[08-15:25] 860ca, Kali: I think that is one of cara's but Im not sure
[08-15:27] cb4ed, Faltren : *as Taulis is trotting over, her manages to kick and roll to his feet and stand, but one wings is hanging limp while the other is neatly folded back. He rears up and swerves in the middle of that to turn and run, attempting to dart past Taulis' left side before he can shoot. Unfortunatly, any kind of move like this is especially difficult with a limp wing just flapping around with his movements and dragging.*
[08-15:27] cb4ed, Faltren : her = he
[08-15:28] 86e9d, Taulis : (uuum sorry mabbish but I gotta go for a bit
[08-15:28] cb4ed, Faltren : ((NP))
[08-15:28] 86e9d, Taulis : (cya tonight prolly))
[08-15:30] 32146, Kali: byeee
[08-15:30] cb4ed, Faltren : ((K, see ya))
[08-15:32] 32146, Kali: think Im gonna wander off for a bit too. work on some sewing. bbl
[08-15:32] cb4ed, Mab: I'm gonna go watch some Star Trek. BBL
[08-16:23] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-17:13] cb4ed, Mab: back
[08-18:17] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-18:18] 95e05, Axis : ((*sigh*))
[08-18:22] 3adf1, Sileen: Why does the Axis sigh?
[08-18:24] 95e05, Axis : boredom and a lousy day
[08-18:25] 3adf1, Sileen: Ah.. sorry.
[08-18:33] 95e05, Axis : ((what are you up to?))
[08-18:41] cb4ed, Mab: about 5' 4"
[08-19:12] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-19:12] cfe2a, Axis : ((bah))
[08-19:22] 3adf1, Sileen: *snickers*
[08-19:22] 3adf1, Sileen: I'm up to 5'2!
[08-19:24] cfe2a, Axis : 5'5"
[08-19:28] 3adf1, Sileen:
[08-19:34] cfe2a, Axis : What a waste of a saturday
[08-19:35] cb4ed, Mab: What's a waste?
[08-19:35] cfe2a, Axis : today
[08-19:35] cb4ed, Mab: We all know how tall each other is. I'd say that's beneficial. >_> <_< >_>
[08-19:37] 3adf1, Sileen: *L*
[08-19:42] cb4ed, Faltren : *and is, you know, trying to dart around Taulis' left side as an arrow is being shot at him.*
[08-19:43] cfe2a, Axis : (eeh sorry mab...I'm not up to rping right now. I think I'll see if Ican find some dinner.
[08-19:44] cb4ed, Faltren : ((K. I'm already eating din din))
[08-19:44] cfe2a, Axis : byeeee
[08-19:45] cb4ed, Mab: bye bye
[08-19:47] cb4ed, Mab: *restarting comp*
[09-04:23] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[09-10:56] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-11:46] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-13:57] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-14:28] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-14:39] 3adf1, Sileen: You are always in here, aren't you?
[09-14:42] 6acb2, Axis : ((not really))
[09-14:46] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[09-14:49] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-14:50] 4642f, Caradonia: *She been in the stable for about an hour now. 3rd stall down with the black gelding she named clover. She brushes his hide, singing in her low voice as her hand moves the curry comb in smooth long strokes. *
[09-14:51] 3adf1, Sileen: Wow, four people now
[09-14:53] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He walks along the edge of the stable, having already been inside the tavern looking for her, his footsteps quiet - but not silent.*
[09-14:55] 4642f, Caradonia: *She pauses mid stroke to listen, hearing the crunch of said footsteps but she's not quite sure where they are comming from* Hello?*calling out boldly and why not? she has her daggers slung in a belt around her hips*
[09-14:56] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he appears at the entrance of the stable, leaning against the door frame, he doesn't speak, just watches her, his head tilted, an almost sad smile touching his features.*
[09-14:56] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (brb)
[09-14:58] 4642f, Caradonia: *His image is a flicker at the corner of her eye. She turns and smiles when she sees him. The curl of her lips is soft, kind and happy. She's very pleased to see him. She pets down her brush and steps out of the stall to walk to him*
[09-15:00] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He walks slowly toward her.* Are you... Leaving then?
[09-15:02] 4642f, Caradonia: Yeah...tomorrow....early in the afternoon*She stops and lets him come to her....a hand lifting and nervously raking through her thick tresses*
[09-15:04] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *The smile fades away leaving only the sad part of his expression.* When will you be back?
[09-15:05] 4642f, Caradonia: I dont know, a few days...weeks...a month*She lists off the monitors of time with a sad look and she catches his hand, drawing him to her*
[09-15:07] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he lets his other hand slip around her waist.* Come see me when you get back. I can scratch my address into a strip of leather of something if that would work?
[09-15:23] 3adf1, Sileen: Hm.. happy couple left
[09-15:25] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[09-15:26] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-15:27] a1c46, Caradonia: *She nods "yes" and draws him into a hug, her small person holding him very tightly*
[09-15:28] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He hugs her back.*
[09-15:29] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : .
[09-15:29] EXIT: Delotha Feanor has left the chat ( 4:29pm, January 09 (CST) ).
[09-15:29] a1c46, Caradonia: *She pulls away before she starts crying. Tears, how silly are they. Again..that uneasy guesture of raking her hair.* I havent left yet...*Small smile*
[09-15:32] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles slightly.* I've got... Business to attend to later... but I should be done shortly after the sun goes down.
[09-15:39] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ( :/ )
[09-16:34] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-16:35] 599ef, Caradonia: ((I will KILL my sibling...oh yes..))
[09-16:37] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[09-16:37] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : (wouldn't we all like to do that?)
[09-16:38] 599ef, Caradonia: ((Too bad it's illegal*SIgh*))
[09-16:38] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[09-16:39] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hullo)
[09-16:39] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (My MSN doesn't seem to be working right now, but w/e)
[09-16:39] 599ef, Caradonia: ((*L* hello.))
[09-16:40] 599ef, Caradonia: *She glances in the way of the stable enterence, trying to get a grasp of time by the day's light* How long till sundown then....
[09-16:41] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shrugs, not entirely sure himself.* Three-Four Hours?
[09-16:41] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (BTW, how do I change the color of my font?)
[09-16:42] 599ef, Caradonia: ((
[09-16:43] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 5:37pm, January 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:43] 599ef, Caradonia: *Her hand still holds his withing her grasp, thumb rubbing the back of his hand and she looks up at him...thoughtful* That's no too terriably far away...
[09-16:45] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shakes his head.* So I guess I'll see you then, in the tavern?
[09-16:47] 599ef, Caradonia: *She nods, eyes on her boots* Yes, I"ll be in the tavern*Her eyes flicker up to watch his own eyes while her free hand touches the side of his cheek*
[09-16:48] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles, planting a tender kiss on her lips before he turns away and leaves the stable., heading toward the main street.*
[09-16:50] 599ef, Caradonia: *She waits until he is out of view before she steps back into the stall and returns to the grooming of Clover, her voice is silent now. Thoughts busy with other things*
[09-16:54] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (brb)
[09-16:54] EXIT: Sorn Bael'Tharas has left the chat ( 5:54pm, January 09 (CST) ).
[09-16:54] 599ef, Caradonia: (when you find a color you like you enter the coke in the box to the left of the Icon selection))
[09-16:54] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[09-16:55] 599ef, Caradonia: ((welcome back))
[09-16:55] MSG: Sorn Bael'Tharas sent a message to Caradonia.
[09-16:56] MSG: Caradonia sent a message to Sorn Baeltharas.
[09-16:58] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (ty)
[09-16:59] 599ef, Caradonia: *Cara is in the tavern pouring over a map that's laid out on her current table. There is a path outlined in red and she's paying special attention to that scarlet line.* hmmm*SHe looks up, glancing at the light outside...almost sundown*
[09-16:59] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He rushes down one of the back streets, clutching at his shoulder, his foot falls silent as death. They were close on his heels he knew.*
[09-17:02] 599ef, Caradonia: *She rolls up the map, folds it and then slides it into her cloak. That done she steps out on the front step lookiing around for Sorn with anxious eyes*
[09-17:04] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Inconveniently on the street behind the Tavern, some ways away he keeps running, now just a silohuete(sp?) as the sun sinks lower on the horizon.
[09-17:07] 599ef, Caradonia: *And she will wait....till sundown. After that who knows where she'll end. Perhaps she'll find herself in the alleyways...and rob someone blind*
[09-17:11] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He looks behind himself - Nothing. But he knew they were there. Should he go to Caradonia for help? Could he risk endangering her? Of course he could, she was a big girl, she could protect herself... He turned down a series of alleyways, hoping to lose his pursuers in a maze of twists and turns until finally he came out directly behind the Tavern, the suns very last rays shining out over the city.*
[09-17:14] 599ef, Caradonia: *Damn right she can! the only thing she can't handle is Curst but that's a long story for some other day. She's watching this sunset, eyes fixated on the horizon, watching the sun fade beneath it while night crawls forward to cover like a's almost time for him*
[09-17:16] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he runs arounds the front of the Tavern, quickly taking his cloak off and draping it over his one, wounded shoulder. He comes out infront of Caradonia.* Hey, inside. *he moves closer to her, gently pushing her through the door.*
[09-17:18] 599ef, Caradonia: Right on--*Was about to say time but she's cut off when he speaks. She says nothing and lets herself be pushed inside the inn...eyes questioning..asking what her voice hasn't had a chance too*
[09-17:21] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he cautiously looks over his shoulder as the door closes behind them.* Upstairs, where theres less people.
[09-17:22] 599ef, Caradonia: *The hair on the nap of her neck rises as her unease grows but she does as he asks and hurries, upstairs, towards her room. She unlocks the door and steps inside, warily..waiting for him to follow*
[09-17:25] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he follows her into her room, waiting for her to shut the door behind him before saying anything, his left hand on the hilt of his scimitar, the scimitar on his left hip - the one on the right hip isn't visible.*
[09-17:25] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: **the one he ussually wore on his right hip
[09-17:26] 599ef, Caradonia: Sorn, what is it? What's wrong?*Her voice is a whisper but it's stern as well as concerned. For the first time she observes him with careful eyes...something is defiantly not right*
[09-17:32] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he shifts toward the window, looking outside, he quickly pulls the curtains sh. He sits down oon the bed, letting his cloak fall away from his wounded shoulder.* I was attacked, they overwhelmed me. *with his free hand he reaches up to a pendant on his neck and takes it off, he hands it to her.* This is a stone of healing, Press it to my shoulder.
[09-17:35] 599ef, Caradonia: *One would expect questions but she's not a food. there are times that require only action and so she takes the stone and gently but firmly, presses it to his shoulder...scowling.....*
[09-17:37] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He mutters some incoherent word and the stone glows, bright, the wound slowly sitching itself together and closing up, he squints his eyes and grits his teeth as it happens.* Thank you. *he holds his hand out for the pendant.*
[09-17:39] 599ef, Caradonia: *She places it into his hand, still without words but then she speaks..voice low..quiet...ready for secrets* Who did this too you*her voice is angry..mean. She's out for blood*
[09-17:43] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he puts it around his neck and shrugs.* There were a few. It was an ambush, their going to find me if I stay here for long. *As a set of footsteps walk past the door, he visibly tenses up.*
[09-17:44] 599ef, Caradonia: *She draws a knife and she presses not against the door but the wall..listining..the steel of her dagger twinkling wickely..that same glint is in her eyes* I can have them taken care of......
[09-17:46] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shakes his head.* not that simple, its an Assassins guild - their top assassins, if we kill them the guild will be... angry. And you never want to anger a an assassins guild in , trust me.
[09-17:48] MSG: Caradonia sent a message to Sorn Baeltharas.
[09-17:50] MSG: Sorn Bael'Tharas sent a message to Caradonia.
[09-19:55] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-19:55] f96be, Caradonia: ((*peeks back in*))
[10-00:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-00:25] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[10-02:41] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[10-05:10] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[10-07:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-07:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-08:38] JOIN: shade has entered.
[10-08:39] 6d547, shade: loiters 25 ft above the ground out side the window where last saw kaya asleep, in a troubled sleep.with LETHES at her side
[10-08:39] EXIT: shade has left the chat ( 9:39am, January 10 (CST) ).
[10-09:08] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[10-16:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-16:23] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[10-18:40] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[10-18:41] f96be, Caradonia: ((*glances*))
[10-18:43] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (*explodes*)
[10-18:44] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (your post)
[10-18:46] f96be, Caradonia: *The fingers wrapped around the handle of her knife aer soon used to scratch at her forehead while she works to formulate a plan, calculate his possibilities* What are you going to do*Voice a low murmer in the room*
[10-18:49] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *shrugs* Well, I could stay and fight, but with their sheer numbers they'd probably overwhelm me. And the fact that many of my own guild are among their number isn't a good sign. is not safe for me until I can formulate a good alias.
[10-18:50] f96be, Caradonia: *She takes a deep breath and leans back against the wall, the daggers held with a casual grip* You could come with me...but they still might find you then....*her invitation is said with soft eyes..the color warm*
[10-18:55] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shrugs.* I don't know. They're probably watching the gates - both magical and non-magical, if I'm to get out I'll probably have to climb over the wall..I doubt they'll pursue me outside of , the more important question however, is: where are YOU going?
[10-18:58] f96be, Caradonia: *Her head tilts at a funny angle, she listning outside but she anwsers him, calmly* There are ways over the walls..true..I know a few myself...*SHe walks past him and sits on her bed..grabbing her bags* I go everywhere..but I was thinking of meeting up with some of my kin...
[10-19:02] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Hmm... Would you mind my tagging along? I may slow you down a bit, I've never been into the wilderness for extended trips or periods of time.
[10-19:05] f96be, Caradonia: I'd love it if you would but...if were going..we need to go very soon..*She hands him her "special" cloak, many a peice of evidence of crimes she's commited is hidden within those folds* Take off yours and wear mine..
[10-19:12] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he nods.* We should stick to the back alleys.. *he takes her cloak and drapes it about himself, quickly flipping the hood over his head..* Shall we be off then?
[10-19:13] f96be, Caradonia: Yes....we defiantly should*She puts on his cloak. and shrugs on her napsack..then opens the door....listning before she peeks out* I have a horse in the stable...clover...
[10-19:15] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Then you should go out the front gate with your horse, I'll go over the wall and meet you on the road...
[10-19:18] f96be, Caradonia: Meet me by the oak whose branches extend over the eastside wall..and out the door she goes, walking with her confident steps, hips aswaying in a dangerous curl and another door closes..she's outside by now*
[10-19:23] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles slightly, beneath the hood, before proceeding out of the Tavern and straight into the back allies.
[10-19:26] f96be, Caradonia: *SHe eases a bit once she's in the stable..hay and the smell of horse has always comforted her. Clover neighs in greeting and she slides up on the animals back, no saddle, always rides bareback and, to spare one the boring detail. She rides the horse out the city gates at a easy pace..leisurely*
[10-19:32] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he passes by the stbale and into the back allies, heading for the eastern wall.*
[10-19:34] f96be, Caradonia: *Clover is a good horse. Once she's outside the city wall they have a silent ride. His shoeless hoves are quiet upon the turf and he does not snort or neight...he just goes as she bids. She'll naturally get to the tree before him and she waits. with a anxious stomach*
[10-19:38] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *After several moments, yelling can be heard on the wall, as Sorn scales down it, several men appearing behind him, clad in too much armor to journey down after him.*
[10-19:40] f96be, Caradonia: On the*She hand tangled in Clover's mane while the other has out two small throwing daggers..their glint like starlight. Her eyes are wide..worried*
[10-19:42] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Its fine... Apparently the guild has some friends in high places... *more shouting can be heard as he touches the ground. , the y were calling for archers! he ran toward her, quickly leaping upon the horse behind her.* Go!
[10-19:42] 97969, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I'vve g2g)
[10-19:44] f96be, Caradonia: *She leans forward and with a squeeze of her thighs the gelding is spurred at a great speed, the animal moving fast for the two full grown people settled on his back. She holds on for dear life and she hopes that Sorn as as well....*
[10-19:52] JOIN: Remal has entered.
[11-05:05] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[11-07:26] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[11-07:26] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:26am, January 11 (CST) ).
[11-19:01] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[12-06:30] 3fa39, Kali: *peeks in* hrm. *will be here most of the day*
[12-06:35] 3fa39, Kali: oh, if you dont see me here, AIM is on.
[12-07:15] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[12-07:21] 3e274, anarsil halfmoon: after three days of walking enters a village and stops to look around
[12-07:21] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:21am, January 12 (CST) ).
[12-08:49] 3fa39, Kali: *putters*
[12-09:05] 3fa39, Kali: *wanders off for a while* bbl
[12-09:55] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[12-12:38] 27981, Kali: *back*
[12-13:42] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[12-13:43] 27981, Kali: hey cara
[12-13:44] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[12-13:44] f96be, Caradonia: Yo!
[12-13:45] 27981, Kali: how ya been?
[12-13:51] f96be, Caradonia: busy as a bee
[12-13:55] 27981, Kali: sounds familiar
[12-13:56] 27981, Kali: ive been working and working...sleeping...working.... starting to look for a new place to live.... I really gonna hate living in an apartment. *shudders* ah well, atleast that wont last forever.
[12-13:58] f96be, Caradonia: True. THink of it like that
[12-14:00] 27981, Kali: oh, I know it wont. we've already made other plans. they just cant happen til closer to the end of this year
[12-14:04] f96be, Caradonia: *Nods*
[12-14:08] 27981, Kali: Im looking forward to someplace new. just not so close to people
[12-14:53] 27981, Kali: *grumbles at her comp*
[12-16:38] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[12-16:39] 0ade9, Lan:
[12-16:41] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 5:39pm, January 12 (CST) ).
[12-19:48] 057f3, Mab: *Cleans and tidies, yes, does, oh yes, does*
[12-21:50] 057f3, Mab: *works on updating way outdated reg form*
[12-22:03] 057f3, Mab: doodeedoodeedoo
[12-22:38] 057f3, Mab: Almost finished with reg form updates.
[12-23:05] 057f3, Mab: Okay, reg form updated.
[12-23:31] 057f3, Mab: Ooooo Naughty
[12-23:31] 057f3, Mab: moaning
[12-23:32] 057f3, Mab: DORKY WENCH
[12-23:32] 057f3, Mab: *fixing the filters, btw*
[12-23:32] 057f3, Mab: ANTIDISTISTABLISHMENT
[12-23:33] 057f3, Mab: FECESting
[12-23:33] 057f3, Mab: FECES
[12-23:33] 057f3, Mab: FECESty
[12-23:35] 057f3, Mab: FECES LIKE
[12-23:35] 057f3, Mab: FECES
[12-23:35] 057f3, Mab: FECES
[12-23:35] 057f3, Mab: Good
[12-23:38] 057f3, Mab: DUMPING
[12-23:38] 057f3, Mab: DUMPING
[12-23:38] 057f3, Mab: HOLE OF REFUSE
[12-23:39] 057f3, Mab: Ooooo Naughty
[12-23:39] 057f3, Mab: DORKY WENCHy
[12-23:42] 057f3, Mab: You FECES LIKE WEIRD & SMELLY ORIFICE!!! Go soak your head in your own HOLE OF REFUSE!!
[12-23:43] 057f3, Mab: /basheful
[12-23:43] 057f3, Mab: oops
[12-23:43] 057f3, Mab:
[12-23:44] 057f3, Mab: Sorry for the potty mouth talk. Had to test filters for grammatical accuracy. >_> <_< >_>

Chat cleared by Mab.
[12-23:48] 057f3, Mab: and fixed the registration link at the bottom of the page as well as the top of the page. So me don't wanna hear that someone can't find the registration form. hehe.
[12-23:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-02:35] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[13-03:46] JOIN: shade has entered.
[13-03:47] 8a433, shade: *floats in*
[13-03:47] MSG: shade sent a message to Kali.
[13-03:48] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[13-03:50] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : (hi)
[13-05:03] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-05:07] 8a433, anarsil halfmoon: walks along the one street which seems to run through the village, and noticeing a building with a sign above offering supplies decides to replenish his stores of food
[13-05:07] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:07am, January 13 (CST) ).
[13-06:40] 53508, Kali: anarsil, your pics are where you left them. you have to put them up on the page yourself. I cant do it for you. upload the one you want to jj and use that url . *has a migraine..goes away* I'll be back tonight maybe.
[13-06:48] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-06:49] be832, anarsil halfmoon: bye nice to see ya not sure i understand
[13-06:50] be832, anarsil halfmoon : see what i can do
[13-07:23] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-11:04] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[13-14:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-18:21] 86ef7, Kali: *peeks in*
[13-18:43] 86ef7, Kali: *sighs* bb tomorrow. hope to see someone here.
[13-19:45] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[13-19:46] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[13-19:50] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Several bowmen appear on the castle wall, firing at the horse. They probably wouldn't hit as the shots were rushed and the target was moving so fast. Sorn, smiling, looked back, and waved.*
[13-19:56] f96be, Caradonia: *Cara is too preoccupied to turn back and taunt the bowmen. The horse moves like a black wind but she's guiding the animal with her hands in it's mane and her legs pressing right or left. Finally they break into the land where the trees are thick and sentinent and no arrows can seep through...the horse still runs as if the devil is after them though*
[13-19:59] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he wraps his arms around her waist, holding on tightly, not used to riding without a sadle. Leanings forward slightly so that his mouth is by her ear he whispers to her.* Thank you.
[13-20:02] f96be, Caradonia: *A gentle nod is her response for now then she pulls Clover to a rearing stop, the animal is tirring and quickly, carrying too people at such a speed on this terrian can wear even the fastest down.* We'll stop here, for a little while..*And she slides off, hand in his, pulling him with her*
[13-20:02] f96be, Caradonia: ((too=two))
[13-20:05] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he slides off, still smiling - a different kind of smile then he gave the gaurds of course - a genuine smile..*
[13-20:07] f96be, Caradonia: *She returns his smile but her eyes are concerned as they rove over him* You aren't hurt are are..*said while she shrugs out of his cloak and drapes it over her arm*
[13-20:08] f96be, Caradonia: ((are=you))
[13-20:09] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he shakes his head.* I probably have a bruise on my back, but its nothing big.
[13-20:11] f96be, Caradonia: Good*She assualts him suddenly and she throws her arms around him and gives him an excited yet releived hug* I'm glad
[13-20:13] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Surprised for a moment, he stumbles a pace or two backward, but quickly regains his composure, his arms tightening around her.* Me too.
[13-20:14] f96be, Caradonia: *Slowly and with great relutance she unwraps her arms from his neck and she steps away..a puzzled expression on her face* What exactly happened back there..*Nodding towards the city..hands on hips* Why was your own guild after you
[13-20:17] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles feebly, not offering an answer at first. But after a moment he nods to a boulder sitting just off the path.* Lets sit down.
[13-20:19] f96be, Caradonia: Alright*her tone wairy and curious but she'll let him explain first before she'll ask questions. She sits cross legged on the boulder and her eyes watch clover pick at new grass then she looks at Sorn, waiting for him to begin*
[13-20:26] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he sits down beside her.* Well, as I'm sure you know, I do not collect money from Merchants- most of the time, they ussually don't see me coming soon enough to give up. I'm an Assassin. I was hired to kill one of lieutenenets of an opposing guild,, the lieutenent was tipped off and hired several assassins to ambush me, including some of my rivals.
[13-20:29] f96be, Caradonia: *Well, he's correct. She did know that was up to something other than be a bill collector, she's not stupid and she has a few contacts who know Sorn's name. With a sigh she lays back on her eyeblows, eyes on the verde canopy above them.....she hasn't said anything but she dosent look upset* I'm glad your alright*needs to stress that, assasians are serious business*
[13-20:32] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he laughs, putting on an exagerated voice.* There were only five in the in initial assault - it was hardly a fari fight for them.
[13-20:32] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: **fair
[13-20:35] f96be, Caradonia: *She smiles at him and it's on of those that could melt ice* If it makes you feel any better I steal aristrocracy blind for a living
[13-20:37] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He nods, not surprised.* Wasn't really upset. *he leans back on his elbows as well, his eyes on the canopy of leaves above them.*
[13-20:39] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I g2g)
[13-20:39] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (sry)
[13-21:03] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[13-21:04] f96be, Caradonia: *She lets herself get lost in her thoughts for a moment then she starts giggling* If I hadn't been so attracted to you I would have robbed you blind that first night..*She giggles and nudges at his foot with hers*
[13-21:05] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he laughs.* And I probably would have cut you down. *he shrugs sheepishly.* I'd've regretted it later, but I'dve done it none the less.
[13-21:08] f96be, Caradonia: *Her cheeks dimple with her crooked smile* You might have and then might not have...*Her tone is sweet, teasing*
[13-21:09] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he nods.* Either way. *A smiles creeps onto his features as he speaks, turning his gaze toward her.*
[13-21:11] f96be, Caradonia: *Clover begins to wonder a bit too far off for her liking she she sits up and then makes a clicking sound...and the horse ambles back* We'll have to start soon. We can't sleep here...
[13-21:13] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he nods, thinking.* I doubt they'll chase us - outside the city I am no harm to them - by morning word of my "death" will have filtered through too the head of my guild. The Fae might not appreciate our presence in their woods, though...
[13-21:15] f96be, Caradonia: *She lays back and rubs her hand over her tired eyes, she dosent look worried* They fae were not bothered by my presence when I used to dwell within these woods...*She sits up and ties her hair back with a sigh* we have a long ride though..
[13-21:16] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he sits up.* Oh. Where are we going?
[13-21:18] f96be, Caradonia: I'm not quite clear of the name but my father, before he died, "won" some land and every year our clan meets there.....We are going there*Nods and slides off the boulder and dusts herself off*
[13-21:22] f9231, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he slides off, not bothering to brush himself off.* Ahh, how far is it?
[13-23:33] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[14-02:21] ab99b, Mab: *peeks in*
[14-02:21] ab99b, Mab: What can I fix up today?
[14-03:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-03:15] ab99b, Mab: doodeedoodeedoo
[14-04:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-07:04] 06243, Kali: *hands Mab a feather duster* oh and check the level 4 spells, they're posted. *giggles and walks away*
[14-14:55] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[14-14:55] b68f9, Eradrae Baenre: (hey, Mab, you still around?)
[14-14:57] b68f9, Eradrae Baenre: ()
[15-02:14] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[15-03:31] c5deb, Mab: Darn, missed Eradrae.
[15-05:18] c5deb, Mab: *checks level 4 spells*
[15-18:08] 3adf1, Sileen: Mew
[16-08:50] 63b19, Kali: *yawns her way in*
[16-09:55] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[16-09:56] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[16-09:56] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hullo)
[16-09:57] f96be, Caradonia: ((hey))
[16-09:57] f96be, Caradonia: *She catches Clover by his reins and she looks at Sorn, almost apologetic* It's a long rides away....about a week or two...maybe longer..
[16-09:58] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Your post)
[16-10:00] f96be, Caradonia: ((Got it sugah))
[16-10:06] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he shrugs* Its not so bad.
[16-10:06] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (brb)
[16-10:08] f96be, Caradonia: Do you think you'll be able to survive it riding bareback?*She grins and hoists herself up onto Clover's back and sitting like she was born to ride a horse*
[16-10:11] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: I'll live. *he quickly throws himself onto clover, behind Cara.*
[16-10:11] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Sry bout that)
[16-10:12] f96be, Caradonia: ((no worries))
[16-10:13] f96be, Caradonia: I would be miserable if you didn't*She tosses him a smile over her shoulder and urges the horse forward with a gentle kick...and they move at a brisk walk while she leans back against him*
[16-10:14] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles back, lookinh around at the scenery.*
[16-10:14] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: **looking
[16-10:17] f96be, Caradonia: I really and sincerly hope that you do not have a problem with gypsies.....*Glances back at him, a brow raised* Because you'll soon me amiss a rather thick gathering of them..
[16-10:19] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he doesn't answer, but hugs her tightly, as if trying to reassure her.*
[16-10:20] f96be, Caradonia: *She almost adds that he should probably keep the sharpest of eyes on his money pouch because quite a few other than himself will be watching as well. But it's of no consequence. If they hurt Sorn then Cara would make them wish for death*
[16-10:22] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He goes back to admiring the scenery.*
[16-10:25] f96be, Caradonia: What would happen if you went back to town?*said not meaning that he should return right now but she'll need to go back sooner or later*
[16-10:27] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Most likely I'd be attacked by the group that chased me out. I'll have to wait a few weeks before returning and killing each of them individually.
[16-10:32] f96be, Caradonia: What is it like...being an assasian?*Almost asked "Killing people for money" but thought that would be a too judgement in wording*
[16-10:33] fb61a, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He doesn't answer for a moment.* I don't really know how to describe it. I don't kknow what to compare it too.
[16-13:48] ab96e, Ankalima Morwen : *could tell you*
[16-13:50] ab96e, Ankalima Morwen : anticipation, fear, extreme blood rush, knowing that you've stopped someone from hurting others. unless you're just a paid assassin with no concious what so ever. indiscriminate killing is not my way.
[17-05:00] JOIN: shade has entered.
[17-05:01] aa1a4, shade: (hello world)
[17-05:01] EXIT: shade has left the chat ( 6:01am, January 17 (CST) ).
[17-05:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-16:03] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[18-04:54] JOIN: shade has entered.
[18-07:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-16:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-16:40] c152a, Will-o'-the-wisp: hello
[18-19:31] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[19-06:27] ba7f0, Kali: *eyes*
[19-06:32] bdf8f, Kali: *goes to play diablo*
[19-20:02] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[19-20:06] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[19-20:26] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-10:40] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-10:42] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-11:13] af4fb, Warren: *walking quietly along the beach he smiles seeing a large turtle on its back at the bottom of a dune. Lifting his staff and pointing, he whistles as he summons his horse. From nowhere the horse apears, strong and ready to travel.Tracing his hand down its back he grabs hold of its mane and mounts up bare back. pointing his staff ahead and pressing his heels to its flanks he rides off to the turtles rescue*
[20-11:13] af4fb, Warren: *fades*
[20-19:15] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-19:15] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[21-14:27] 7caad, Kali: *sneaks a peek*
[21-16:46] JOIN: Mantikora has entered.
[21-16:47] a1661, Mantikora: empty?
[21-16:50] a1661, Mantikora: so quaet.....only here....*sitting in the shadow*
[21-16:52] a1661, Mantikora: hah! only russian can sit all night chating
[21-19:42] 7caad, Kali: hah!
[21-19:43] 7caad, Kali: I could do it. Texans can do it too!!
[21-19:44] 7caad, Kali: *eyes the silence* huh, well, Im gone see who ever tomorrow
[21-19:53] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[21-19:54] a5b3b, Axis : bah...just missed 'em
[21-19:54] a5b3b, Axis : Sayonara till tomarra'
[22-11:06] 02d27, Kali: *L* Im playing diablo. aim on
[22-12:20] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.