These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[11-17:59] 6ecd3, Ilia Fion : *finishing her chores, she returns to the stables to check on Val. wondering if he was still asleep*
[11-18:03] 6ecd3, Illisse Brilthor : *snags the bit of jerky Levald had sliced from the larger chunk, keeping her eyes on Togo.*
[11-18:05] 6ecd3, Zaeth : *stands next to Arkady and Caradhras listening to the wolves howls wondering what all they were saying*
[11-18:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-18:12] 6dfbd, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((hello?))
[11-18:13] 6ecd3, Kazia Mandragoran : *meets with Queen Nessima to make plans for the transporting of the giant warriors.* (hey)
[11-18:16] 6dfbd, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((you rule here?))
[11-18:17] 6ecd3, Queen Nessima : *worries just how she is going to get 500 giants thru the portals. wishing there was some other larger portals like the one in her mountain keep* (*grins**kali*)
[11-18:19] 6ecd3, Reya : *is in Taulis's room, just on the edge of getting her back side royally tanned*
[11-18:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:16pm, November 11 (CST) ).
[11-18:19] JOIN: Connor has entered.
[11-18:19] EXIT: Connor has left the chat ( 7:19pm, November 11 (CST) ).
[11-18:19] JOIN: Connor has entered.
[11-18:20] 6ecd3, Lotesse : *is in the forest, taking her time traveling home after delivering the message to Illisse from her brother*
[11-18:24] 6ecd3, Terra: *uses her speed to travel from Tirion toward the southern itp of Rethwellen as fast as she could go, hoping to meet up with the ghidra*
[11-18:24] 6dfbd, Connor: *As usual he's been kicked out of one world and into another, peers around his new surroundings* ((patience. I'm new for the moment and don't know how things run))
[11-18:27] 6ecd3, Caradhras : *is standing with Zaeth, also listening to the wolves, his still delicate hearing managing to pick up a word or two in the conversation*
[11-18:28] 6ecd3, Kali: *counts chars* hmm yep thats it except for the council and the border guards.
[11-18:30] 6ecd3, Kaya : (oops) *has taken Sorcha to the portal and is on her way home to Lethes, smiling as she realizes he wont ever believe that the fae council actually had let the woman go*
[11-18:31] 6ecd3, Kali: and royal messanger. *shakes head* I must be tired.
[11-18:47] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:09pm, November 11 (CST) ).
[11-18:48] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[11-18:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:48pm, November 11 (CST) ).
[11-18:48] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[11-18:48] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn: (( YAY it worked))
[11-18:51] 6ecd3, Kali: good
[11-19:04] 6ecd3, Kali: *heads off to bed* its just been too long of a day. g'night ya'll
[12-01:23] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[12-01:25] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 2:23am, November 12 (CST) ).
[12-02:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-02:42] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:41am, November 12 (CST) ).
[12-04:30] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[12-05:16] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[12-05:16] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:16am, November 12 (CST) ).
[12-06:03] 81ca4, Kali: *yawns*
[12-07:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-07:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:21am, November 12 (CST) ).
[12-07:21] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[12-07:22] 8a433, anarsil halfmoon: sits down at a table and waits to see if veronica veraint comes in
[12-07:25] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[12-07:33] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Kaya.
[12-07:34] 8a433, anarsil halfmoon: after an hour or so gets up and leaves the hangout
[12-07:34] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:34am, November 12 (CST) ).
[12-08:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-08:57] 81ca4, Kali: hi wispy.
[12-08:57] JOIN: Brophy has entered.
[12-08:58] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Eeep! where is my cookie!
[12-08:58] 01482, Brophy: huh?
[12-08:58] 81ca4, Kali: *grins!brophy*
[12-08:59] 81ca4, Kali: ok damned typos..*grins@Brophy* there thats better.
[12-09:03] 01482, Brophy: (*pic fix*)
[12-09:03] 81ca4, Kali: who's cookie?
[12-09:12] 01482, Brophy: (*ponders rp*)
[12-09:13] 81ca4, Kali: hmm.
[12-09:31] JOIN: Brophy has entered.
[12-09:33] 01482, Brophy: *quote*
[12-09:39] 81ca4, Ankalima Morwen : perfect
[12-09:41] 81ca4, Ankalima Morwen : who is she?
[12-09:41] 01482, Brophy: (*smiles*)
[12-09:42] 01482, Brophy: (hmm?)
[12-09:43] 81ca4, Ankalima Morwen : your quote, who is she.
[12-09:55] 81ca4, Ankalima Morwen : I still like mine. Aldrik should too.
[12-10:43] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[12-10:45] 01482, Brophy: hey
[12-10:46] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: (hi)
[12-10:55] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: (*curls up yawning*)
[12-11:00] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 11:55am, November 12 (CST) ).
[12-11:26] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[12-15:49] d0fba, Kali: *here for the evening* I hope.
[12-16:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-18:18] e55c2, Kali: *grumbles*
[13-07:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-12:07] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[13-12:22] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 1:07pm, November 13 (CST) ).
[13-20:22] 50036, Kali: hrmmm
[13-20:26] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[13-20:27] 01482, Xyva: hmm
[13-20:27] 01482, Xyva: no aim?
[13-20:27] 50036, Kali: hmm?
[13-20:28] 50036, Kali: odd. I logged on. twice already.
[13-20:34] 50036, Kali: hmm. who to rp....*ponders*
[13-20:42] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[14-08:43] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[14-08:53] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[14-08:54] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[14-08:56] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[14-09:00] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[15-05:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:31] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[15-07:31] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:31am, November 15 (CST) ).
[15-07:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:35] MSG: Will-o'-the-wisp sent a message to Kaya.
[15-08:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-13:18] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[15-13:20] 55b7a, Lan: *sigh* No one is here anymore, are they?
[15-15:25] 4d60b, Kali: Im sorry, Lan. I work most days now. I try to be here in the afternoon when I can.
[15-15:29] 4d60b, Kali: and maybe you should look at your email once in a while!
[15-16:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-16:53] 4d60b, Kali: hmmm
[15-17:06] 4d60b, Kali: *AIM*
[15-20:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-20:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:28pm, November 15 (CST) ).
[15-20:30] JOIN: Hulkdogs has entered.
[15-20:41] ff9be, Hulkdogs: wow still have all my stuff
[15-20:54] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[15-20:54] f96be, Cara: No one's home!
[15-20:55] ff9be, Hulkdogs: okay... ** leaves **
[15-20:56] f96be, Cara: *L* cease
[15-20:59] ff9be, Hulkdogs: **stops** Yes...ah
[15-21:00] f96be, Cara: Call me Ma'am
[15-21:01] ff9be, Hulkdogs: Yes, ma'am .. ** feels some wierd dominatrix stuff coming on **
[15-21:01] f96be, Cara: *Cracks whip*
[15-21:02] f96be, Cara: Nah...then i'd just have you call me Dark mistress or something like that*L*
[15-21:03] ff9be, Hulkdogs: haha
[15-21:04] f96be, Cara: It's okay, i'm funny, you can laugh
[15-21:04] ff9be, Hulkdogs: **begins trying himself up ** Lets go.
[15-21:05] f96be, Cara: Uh..okay. ahem. ...I am the Dark Mistress!!!! Bow and kiss my boots*Points down..yup..wearing boots*
[15-21:06] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** cants kills the boots ** im ah... stuck you bring to boot up here....women.. ** wiats for wihip ** weee.. ohh ashhh *** thinsks in head "weee"**
[15-21:07] ff9be, Hulkdogs: Kiss... wow**
[15-21:07] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** kills random typos for lack of ...welltyping **
[15-21:08] f96be, Cara: *Gives him zee whip* Ker Smack!*right across the shoulders* Kiss zem I say!
[15-21:09] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** rips arms off landing near her boots and worms his way there and kiss. ** Yess mistress
[15-21:11] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** was hanging some how **
[15-21:11] f96be, Cara: Good worm*Gifts with a pat to the head* but made a mess*Ker Smack*
[15-21:15] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** uses his legs to move 90 degrees and rolls her over little blood spit on the floor as he rolls weeee**
[15-21:16] f96be, Cara: Oh, dear. I've killed him.*tsk*
[15-21:16] f96be, Cara: *SIghs* Hurry...dont take all day...*Puts her booted foot on his back and kicks him along*
[15-21:18] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** dies halfway to wear ever ** oops ** ghost floats about ** YOU KILLED ME>>..iitt was hot though
[15-21:19] f96be, Cara: Ooops...I broke him...*Peels off a glove then glances at the ghost...smirks* Another satisfied customer
[15-21:21] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** turns into a giant hotdog and pokes the mistress in the back of the head continuouslyy**
[15-21:22] f96be, Cara: *Eats the hotdog...slowly..with lots and lots of sexy mustard*
[15-21:23] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** give her the yay, wow, craps was a giant hot dog filled with laxitives**
[15-21:24] f96be, Cara: *Is the Dark immune ot all except for the urge to beat people*
[15-21:24] ff9be, Hulkdogs: .....those.....things giver her diareha
[15-21:25] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** turns into the blow and suffacates her YAY**
[15-21:26] ff9be, Hulkdogs: BLOB*
[15-21:26] f96be, Cara: Pssht..*SMITES*
[15-21:27] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** slinks away**
[15-21:28] f96be, Cara: *Drags back in by the ankle*
[15-21:29] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** kicks off cara then moves to the ropes.. climbs onto the corner post and goes to do some sort of body slam**
[15-21:30] f96be, Cara: *Teleports and tackels from behind*
[15-21:31] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** cara sinks into him and die from lack of air cause he is the BLOB**
[15-21:32] f96be, Cara: *Dosent NEED air...eats*
[15-21:33] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** consumed...begins to move though her bowels to get out the ..other... end... must get out**
[15-21:35] f96be, Cara: *Is divine....dosent poop*
[15-21:36] ff9be, Hulkdogs: HAHA
[15-21:37] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** well seeps out from her pours then becomes and sorceress from Diablo lod and orbs her to death **
[15-21:38] f96be, Cara: **Sighs* ....*Sicks Tyriel on your ass* Going to bed..night
[15-21:43] ff9be, Hulkdogs: night
[15-21:44] ff9be, Hulkdogs: ** read rhe book " everyone poops **
[16-05:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-05:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-05:49] a7541, Kali: *reads logs* *shakes head* sad sad. I'll see ya'll tonight.
[16-13:18] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[16-14:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-14:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-14:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:48pm, November 16 (CST) ).
[16-14:50] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[16-14:50] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[16-14:50] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[16-14:53] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 3:50pm, November 16 (CST) ).
[16-15:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[16-18:40] 65c36, Kali: hmm. any body home?
[16-23:16] JOIN: Terabie has entered.
[16-23:16] EXIT: Terabie has left the chat ( 12:16am, November 17 (CST) ).
[17-05:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-05:10] 8a433, Will-o'-the-wisp: lalala lalala lalala one banana two banana three banana, four.
[17-05:10] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:10am, November 17 (CST) ).
[17-07:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-07:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-07:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-07:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:33am, November 17 (CST) ).
[17-07:38] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[17-07:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-07:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-07:49] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: greetings cara
[17-07:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:49am, November 17 (CST) ).
[17-07:50] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[17-07:51] 8a433, anarsil halfmoon: hello?
[17-07:52] 8a433, anarsil halfmoon: no? yes? ok
[17-07:52] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: bye then
[17-08:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-08:37] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[17-08:37] f96be, Cara: wooosh
[17-10:35] 5fd46, Kali: hrm... damned rain. but I*m here for the day now.
[17-11:37] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[17-11:37] fc559, Kali: hey
[17-11:38] f96be, Cara: Yo
[17-12:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-12:13] fc559, Kali: wispy!
[17-13:26] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[17-13:26] 85057, Lan: Hello?
[17-13:33] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[17-13:33] 01482, Xyva: hey
[17-13:34] fc559, Kali: hi. disappeared into 8 bit theatre
[17-13:39] fc559, Kali: ok. Lan if you come back in and dont see me try AIM. I'll be here.
[17-13:41] fc559, Kali: I could use some help on the book if you would like to. Ive hit a void in inspiration.
[17-13:42] 85057, Lan: hey
[17-13:43] fc559, Kali: ahh.. he lives!
[17-13:43] 85057, Lan: I was drawing... Sure, I'll help.... *is writing a novel of his own now...*
[17-13:43] 85057, Lan: *grin* Yes, I liiiiiiiiveeee!
[17-13:43] fc559, Kali: good. Im stuck.
[17-13:44] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[17-13:44] fc559, Kali: well, I wasnt too sure about that part.
[17-13:44] fc559, Kali: oh really. what about?
[17-13:44] 85057, Lan: We need to e-mail more... catch up, etc...
[17-13:45] fc559, Kali: ahem.... if you would answer yours?
[17-13:46] 85057, Lan: I gotta go, but I'll e-mail you today or tomorrow sometime... alright?
[17-13:46] fc559, Kali: I will be here most of tomorrow. try aim if you dont see me
[17-13:47] 85057, Lan: Sorry, sometimes I have time to check, but not always to respond...
[17-13:47] 85057, Lan: alrighty...
[17-13:47] 85057, Lan: Talk to you soon...
[17-13:47] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( *hasn't forgoten all to chat commands... wow...* ).
[17-13:47] fc559, Kali: yeah.
[17-13:48] 01482, Xyva: bye
[17-13:53] fc559, Kali: *grumbles* alone again.
[17-14:14] fc559, Kali: ok you all know how to find me *goes to aim*
[17-20:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[17-23:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-06:13] a9111, Kali: *stretches*
[18-07:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-07:22] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: hello
[18-08:26] 45155, Kali: hi wispy.
[18-08:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-08:30] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: tentatively stretches out the thought to reach kaya again,lethes silhouette suddenly flashes in front of him but he mentally pushes it aside and pushes his thoughts out further
[18-08:37] 45155, Kaya : *stops in mid-flight as she feels a coldness brush against her mind, the same coldness she'd felt before. shivering in fear, she flew faster back towards her home seeking the safety of Lethes presence there*
[18-08:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-08:40] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: kaya, hear me, you know who i am! its luthien, i am trapped thanks to your friend lethes. i cannot get out and i need your help
[18-08:41] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: i can feel you kaya.....i may be dead and a spirit but i know your there ! i can feel you!i dont know how but i can
[18-08:41] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:41am, November 18 (CST) ).
[18-08:42] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[18-08:44] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: gives up waiting for veronica and goes up stairs to collect his belongings pays his bill and steps outside.looks up and down the street and picks up his feet and walks down the street heading out of
[18-08:45] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 9:44am, November 18 (CST) ).
[18-08:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-08:45] 45155, Kaya : *screeching to a halt, if one can do that in flight, she hears a name in her mind*Luthien?* wasnt that the name of the elf she had watched with the queen? She altered her pat to head for the queens residence, hoping to find her there to ask if she knew what had happened to the elf. Come to think of it, she hadnt seen the queen in months. Changing direction again, she goes back to her home, wondering if Lethes had heard anything about the queen being gone*
[18-08:46] 45155, Kaya : *cursed typo's* pat=path
[18-08:48] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: *good to c u*
[18-08:50] 45155, Kaya : (its been a while. Im off work today)
[18-08:50] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: missed the play!
[18-08:51] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: things ok?
[18-08:51] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: ie life the universe everything??
[18-08:52] 45155, Kaya : (wonderful actually. the only thing that could make things better is if time would speed up for about 5 months)
[18-08:52] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: kaya help me there are many things left undone and little enough time to do them
[18-08:53] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: *oh*
[18-08:53] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: whats happening in shannara?
[18-08:53] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: its as dead as luthien!!
[18-08:54] 45155, Kaya : (I havent been in there in a couple of weeks. I've had other things going on. yeah, well, I expected that)
[18-08:54] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: 5 montyhs??
[18-08:55] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: 5 monjths??
[18-08:55] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: months
[18-08:55] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: arse!!
[18-08:55] 45155, Kaya : (yes. school will be close to being out and I can go someplace. then it can stop)
[18-08:56] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: you've lost me!what can stop
[18-08:57] 45155, Kaya : (time)
[18-08:57] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: why?
[18-08:57] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: you just dont want school to start again!
[18-08:59] 45155, Kaya : (because, I'm going to go see my bf. and yes it can stop. cause I wont get to be with him very long before he has to go to boot camp.)
[18-09:00] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *anarsils heading out of town, no veronica veraint no contact, oh also got pointed in a different direction.......sorry to hear that hope hes gonna b ok*
[18-09:02] 45155, Kaya : (he will. Im just going to miss him badly. Im very spoiled. gotten used to talking to him every day. ah well, the post office will be kept busy then)
[18-09:03] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: indeed
[18-09:04] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: schools finished now i have to go was nice to see you again i hope next time it wont be so long
[18-09:04] 45155, Kaya : (see ya later)
[18-09:05] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: keep well big hugs to keep ya goin till the next time
[18-09:05] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:05am, November 18 (CST) ).
[18-09:05] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[18-09:06] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: takes one last look at the glimmering inn and walks off down the road
[18-09:08] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: the noise and hustle and bustle of soon falls away as his loping stride takes him further and further away from the city that has been his home for nearly two months
[18-09:37] 45155, Kali: *goes to AIM*
[18-17:10] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[18-17:13] 016f5, Lan: 'Ello?
[18-17:14] 0d39b, Kali: hi
[18-17:15] 0d39b, Kali: comp is slow, Im dl some music.
[18-17:16] 0d39b, Kali: aim is faster if yours works.
[18-17:17] 016f5, Lan: im public rite now... not too much time rite now either, but a few minutes...
[18-17:19] 0d39b, Kali: ok.
[18-17:19] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[18-17:22] MSG: Lan sent a message to Kali.
[18-17:23] 0d39b, Kali: oh well, it was just an idea.
[18-17:28] 0d39b, Kali: if you ever get more than a few minutes, Kazia has war plans she's putting into motion, if others will show up to rp.
[18-17:28] 016f5, Lan: Hm? What was?
[18-17:28] 016f5, Lan: Ooooooh... Sounds... ehm... violent!
[18-17:29] 0d39b, Kali: it will be. mwahaha
[18-17:30] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[18-17:31] 0d39b, Kali: have to destroy the ghouls.
[18-17:31] MSG: Lan sent a message to Kali.
[18-17:33] 016f5, Lan: Really! Oh fun! *thinks that Remal may have to get in on it, and retake his kingdom in the process...*
[18-17:34] 0d39b, Kali: but what?
[18-17:34] 0d39b, Kali: yes he will. I may have to re reg him though
[18-17:35] 016f5, Lan: It seems that you think it wouldn't work...
[18-17:35] 016f5, Remal : *doesn't think so...*
[18-17:35] 016f5, Remal : *grins*
[18-17:36] 0d39b, Kali: not on your life. I know it would work. *eyes*
[18-17:36] 016f5, Lan: I still have all my characters, I think...
[18-17:37] 0d39b, Kali: ok. I havent checked in a while
[18-17:38] 0d39b, Kali: val is still with Ilia, but not locked up anymore. by his own doing.
[18-17:39] 016f5, Lan: *is eyed* Oh! I interpreted it wrong! It seemed to me that you thought it wouldn't work, but nvrmind...
[18-17:39] 016f5, Lan: Alrighty...
[18-17:40] 016f5, Lan: *checks mail*
[18-17:40] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[18-17:41] 0d39b, Kali: heh, welllllllllll.
[18-17:43] 016f5, Lan: Ah, yes... that would result in an exceedingly high bill...
[18-17:43] 016f5, Lan: And yes... I am now in a band... I play lead guitar...
[18-17:44] 0d39b, Kali: ooooo
[18-17:45] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[18-17:49] MSG: Lan sent a message to Kali.
[18-17:51] 0d39b, Kali: ok. that sounds like a good one.
[18-17:52] 016f5, Lan: Thanks!
[18-17:52] 0d39b, Kali: and you know I dont sleep.
[18-17:52] JOIN: demonicbunny has entered.
[18-17:52] d7af6, demonicbunny: hi everyone
[18-17:52] d7af6, demonicbunny: test
[18-17:53] 0d39b, Kali: hi
[18-17:53] d7af6, demonicbunny: hi kali love the pic
[18-17:53] 016f5, Lan: I gotta go... but I'll e-mail you about the basics on my book later... Yes, I do know that... *grin*
[18-17:53] d7af6, demonicbunny: wait
[18-17:53] d7af6, demonicbunny: you write?
[18-17:53] 0d39b, Kali: *L* there goes your green Lan. you'd better.
[18-17:54] 0d39b, Kali: so do I.
[18-17:54] 016f5, Lan: Hey! You stole my color! *glares at Monty Python demonic bunny*
[18-17:54] 016f5, Lan: Yep... I do.
[18-17:54] d7af6, demonicbunny: it's my signature and i'm a writer too
[18-17:54] d7af6, demonicbunny: really may i ask what genre?
[18-17:55] d7af6, demonicbunny: i'm a bit darker than you
[18-17:55] 0d39b, Kali: fantasy
[18-17:55] d7af6, demonicbunny: has always maintained the world needs more redheads
[18-17:55] 0d39b, Kali: and thanks about the pic.
[18-17:56] d7af6, demonicbunny: i do vampyres and action fiction
[18-17:56] d7af6, demonicbunny: mainly that is
[18-17:56] d7af6, demonicbunny: np
[18-17:56] 016f5, Lan: Right now... a fantasy novel called Destiny's Grasp , but I also do a bit of sci-fi...
[18-17:57] d7af6, demonicbunny: cool
[18-17:57] 016f5, Lan: Well, I'm off, and hope to be back if work is slow... *waves*
[18-17:57] 0d39b, Kali: *L* the new chapter is 'becoming a guardian* *waves back*
[18-17:57] d7af6, demonicbunny: look this may be a bit sudden but you two interested in forming a writing group?
[18-17:57] d7af6, demonicbunny: bye lan nice meeting you
[18-17:57] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( *also does a bit of film production, and music* ).
[18-17:58] 0d39b, Kali: a writing group?
[18-17:58] 016f5, Lan: And yes, that sounds interesting... get my e-mail from kali...
[18-17:58] 016f5, Lan: bye!
[18-17:58] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 6:58pm, November 18 (CST) ).
[18-17:58] d7af6, demonicbunny: sounds interesting kali
[18-17:58] 0d39b, Kali: bye
[18-17:58] d7af6, demonicbunny: okay bye
[18-17:59] 0d39b, Kali: bunny you got aim?
[18-17:59] d7af6, demonicbunny: yeah we can bounce ideas off each other and proof read each others work
[18-17:59] d7af6, demonicbunny: no sure don't on a public comp right now
[18-18:00] d7af6, demonicbunny: here's my addy
[18-18:00] d7af6, demonicbunny: send me an email with lans addy and yours and i'll send you the story about to be published
[18-18:00] 0d39b, Kali: mine's under pic.
[18-18:01] 0d39b, Kali: mine is posted at the grey company site.
[18-18:01] 0d39b, Kali: and you can look at the new one under kali's profile.
[18-18:02] 0d39b, Kali: wow, Ive never seen hotmail so busy.
[18-18:03] d7af6, demonicbunny: um have no idea who grey company is and all i found under there is your addy
[18-18:03] d7af6, demonicbunny: do you have lans?
[18-18:04] 0d39b, Kali: yes. but its in my add book in hotmail. grr. I'll send it in a few....... the page to the left is profile
[18-18:05] d7af6, demonicbunny: okay the poem at the bottom is nice I didn't have time to read more
[18-18:06] d7af6, demonicbunny: i never meant to get published, hey found me on the web and hunted me down
[18-18:08] d7af6, demonicbunny: hello
[18-18:08] 0d39b, Kali: *L* neither did I. but that's what happens. if Lan will get off his back side and help with his char, I'll get this finished in time
[18-18:09] d7af6, demonicbunny: you're being published?
[18-18:10] 0d39b, Kali: yes. the first book is due out next fall.
[18-18:11] 0d39b, Kali: more short stories actually
[18-18:12] 0d39b, Kali: *grins* oops. my bf is going to die. he doesnt know yet. but he will when he reads this.
[18-18:12] d7af6, demonicbunny: cool! you should have started a group
[18-18:13] d7af6, demonicbunny: well send me a few short ones to read then did you send that email?
[18-18:13] 0d39b, Kali: a few minutes ago.
[18-18:14] 0d39b, Kali: its a series of shorts. about mine and val's chars here.
[18-18:14] d7af6, demonicbunny: YOU HAVE MAIL
[18-18:15] d7af6, demonicbunny: I MAY LOSE YOU FOR A MOMENT BUT WILL BE RIGHT BACK
[18-18:15] d7af6, demonicbunny: sorry working on a site
[18-18:15] 0d39b, Kali: k
[18-18:19] 0d39b, Kali: hmm, I've got to go. I'll be here tomorrow until around 2. working late night. where are you?
[18-18:24] JOIN: BUNNY has entered.
[18-18:24] d7af6, BUNNY: THANKS
[18-18:25] 0d39b, Kali: np
[18-18:25] d7af6, BUNNY: did it arrive?
[18-18:25] 0d39b, Kali: yes. Im reading it now.
[18-18:25] d7af6, BUNNY: im in new mexico
[18-18:25] d7af6, BUNNY: should have warned you my work is dark
[18-18:25] 0d39b, Kali: *smiles* Texas
[18-18:26] d7af6, BUNNY: what do you do if i may be so bold to ask
[18-18:26] 0d39b, Kali: dark is good. mine is elven. quite different.
[18-18:26] d7af6, BUNNY: really were neighbors I live in the rio grande valley
[18-18:27] d7af6, BUNNY: well i'd like to se some if you don't mind have ahad an elf or two in my series
[18-18:27] 0d39b, Kali: I work in a fabric store. and my alter ego makes rennaisance clothing. *north of ft worth*
[18-18:28] d7af6, BUNNY: haven't been there but was in corpus and some others
[18-18:28] d7af6, BUNNY: do you carry hitched webbing there?
[18-18:28] 0d39b, Kali: for?
[18-18:29] d7af6, BUNNY: hatbands and tyhhe like
[18-18:29] d7af6, BUNNY: sorry tryingto get as much done as we can before you leave
[18-18:30] 0d39b, Kali: *L* I can stay a few more.
[18-18:30] 0d39b, Kali: I havent seen it.
[18-18:31] d7af6, BUNNY: hmmm would have thought a store there would have it looks like indian design about 3/4 inch wide
[18-18:31] d7af6, BUNNY: ch martial arts and have a sideline of worki have a small ranch, te
[18-18:31] d7af6, BUNNY: thats looks like gibberish
[18-18:32] 0d39b, Kali: *L again* we are in a more upscale neighborhood. and its entirely possible we have it. I havent been thru the entire store. *is a farm girl*
[18-18:33] 0d39b, Kali: the store is the size of a small walmart.
[18-18:33] d7af6, BUNNY: i'm just a half cajun half yut myself
[18-18:33] d7af6, BUNNY: story was pretty good so far
[18-18:34] d7af6, BUNNY: wow check for me please it will be in notions if I am not mistaken and probably am
[18-18:34] 0d39b, Kali: its in desperate need of finishing. but the bad thing is Im working on 4 different stories at the same time. *manic*
[18-18:36] d7af6, BUNNY: relax at any one time i have six books a dozen novellettes and maybe a hundred short stories in the works
[18-18:36] d7af6, BUNNY: you might go over their heads with mithrial
[18-18:37] 0d39b, Kali: nah, its aimed at the elven market
[18-18:37] d7af6, BUNNY: test
[18-18:37] d7af6, BUNNY: ahh i have an old site somewhere with elven art on it
[18-18:38] 0d39b, Kali: one of the books in the works is an elven poem book. translations into quenya.
[18-18:38] d7af6, BUNNY: sounds interesting
[18-18:39] 0d39b, Kali: my own work. for now. I plan on adding others to it.
[18-18:40] d7af6, BUNNY: well, any critique on my work? You can't hurt my feelings and I love criticism It's what allowed me to live with Hellcat for so long
[18-18:40] 0d39b, Kali: Ive got a friend in england that im hoping to convince to let me put his poems in there and translate them.
[18-18:43] 0d39b, Kali: its pretty good. is it a short or is it part of a bigger story?
[18-18:43] JOIN: BUNNY has entered.
[18-18:43] d7af6, BUNNY: JUST SENT LAN A COPY
[18-18:44] 0d39b, Kali: I though you might have.
[18-18:44] d7af6, BUNNY: UM, INengland they use english so hows the translation going to be unless you are going into elven?
[18-18:44] d7af6, BUNNY: what DIDNT you like about it
[18-18:44] 0d39b, Kali: *giggles* translate into elven.
[18-18:45] d7af6, BUNNY: just checking how do i join this happy little group in here
[18-18:46] 0d39b, Kali: I think you should blend it into the bigger story. the mention of his family makes me want to know more about them. if you want to rp, fill out the reg form and send it in. either Axis or I will look at it.
[18-18:47] d7af6, BUNNY: oh this is an rp room?
[18-18:47] 0d39b, Kali: yes. but you are welcome to come and chat.
[18-18:48] d7af6, BUNNY: well at this point I have the trilogy, two more books on himd 5o odd novellettes and hundreds of short all based on Rolf
[18-18:48] 0d39b, Kali: with the way school and work schedules have been lately, not much rp has been going on.
[18-18:48] d7af6, BUNNY: and where is the ap?
[18-18:48] 0d39b, Kali: click the registration link at the bottom of the page.
[18-18:48] d7af6, BUNNY: okay
[18-18:49] d7af6, BUNNY: if you'd like more I can send a few then the link when his site is up. If I can ever find anyone to make it
[18-18:49] 0d39b, Kali: read the board for species and magic help. Ive got to go now though. I'll be here in the morning . *L* what kind of help do you need?
[18-18:50] d7af6, BUNNY: nice meeting you better to start from scratch on my site i made such a mess so i guess a whole new site
[18-18:50] d7af6, BUNNY: well bye
[18-18:51] 0d39b, Kali: email me details. I can help a little bit. see ya later.
[19-02:44] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[19-02:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-04:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-05:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-05:59] 9c577, Kali: hmmm. mornin
[19-09:48] 9c577, Kali: *profile check*
[19-09:51] 9c577, Kali: *edits prof*
[19-12:07] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[19-12:07] d7af6, WHYSPER: HELLO
[19-12:07] d7af6, WHYSPER: kali
[19-13:13] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[19-13:17] d7af6, WHYSPER: hi cara
[19-13:17] d7af6, WHYSPER: brb
[19-13:42] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[19-13:42] d7af6, WHYSPER: ANYONE HERE?
[19-14:17] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[19-14:18] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[19-14:19] 7141a, Lan: Weelll... I am right now...
[19-14:19] 7141a, Lan: But this is after you left, most likely...
[19-14:19] 7141a, Lan: *eyes pop* Cara! Hey, how are you?
[19-14:21] 7141a, Lan: Cara?
[19-14:23] f96be, Cara: SOrry!! was writing a post.
[19-14:23] f96be, Cara: And I'm fine, just lurking about occasionally.
[19-14:23] f96be, Cara: And you?
[19-14:23] 7141a, Lan: *sigh* Well, I gotta go...
[19-14:24] 7141a, Lan: Well enough... I'll check back in later...
[19-14:24] f96be, Cara: Take care.
[19-14:25] 7141a, Lan: *waves* Hope to see you later!
[19-14:25] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 3:25pm, November 19 (CST) ).
[19-14:42] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[19-14:43] d7af6, whysper: hello
[19-14:45] d7af6, whysper: damn and I thought this would be a fun room
[19-15:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-15:41] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[19-16:08] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[19-18:35] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[19-18:36] 125f3, Lan: Hello?
[19-18:37] 125f3, Lan: I'll check back in a while...
[19-23:15] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[19-23:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-00:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-03:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:57] b9a8b, Kali: it is a fun room. you just have to be here when people are here
[20-20:00] b9a8b, Kali: and unfortunately Im not til tomorrow morning. see ya then. *goes*
[20-23:09] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[21-02:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-11:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-12:15] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[21-12:36] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: wow so busy....
[21-12:48] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 1:36pm, November 21 (CST) ).
[22-08:35] e6071, Kali: hmmm
[22-08:58] e6071, Kali: *goes to AIM* for most of the day.
[22-16:02] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-16:02] fc3b2, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( picture farming ))
[22-17:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-17:25] 0f86c, Will-o'-the-wisp: hm
[22-17:25] 0f86c, Will-o'-the-wisp: anyone here
[22-17:42] 55ad3, Kali: here
[22-17:44] 55ad3, Kali: *aim*
[22-18:00] 55ad3, Kali: grrrr.
[22-23:20] JOIN: Malice has entered.
[22-23:22] EXIT: Malice has left the chat ( 12:20am, November 23 (CST) ).
[22-23:29] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[22-23:29] 125f3, Lan: Ello?
[22-23:32] 125f3, Lan: Not watching I guess...
[22-23:35] 125f3, Lan: *sigh* I'll be on aim...
[22-23:35] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 12:35am, November 23 (CST) ).
[23-06:47] 20384, Kali: sorry Lan, I missed you again. *checks your time* I was sound asleep by then. email
[23-07:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-14:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-14:54] e7909, Will-o'-the-wisp: hello
[23-15:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[23-18:35] JOIN: Shana has entered.
[23-18:35] 7f557, Shana: hi
[23-18:53] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[23-18:54] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[24-05:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-07:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-13:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[24-15:02] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[24-15:02] d7af6, whysper: hello
[24-16:46] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[24-16:57] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[24-17:57] JOIN: BUNNY has entered.
[25-05:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-05:01] aa1a4, Will-o'-the-wisp: greetings to all in the aether
[25-05:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-07:18] 8444d, Kali: Happy Thanksgiving ya'll. *goes to eat till she cant any more*
[25-07:25] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[25-07:26] aa1a4, anarsil halfmoon: walks on out through the gates of on through the fields
[25-07:28] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Kali.
[25-07:30] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: *takes a drink from his flask* and carries on through the fields
[25-07:30] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Ankalima Morwen.
[25-07:31] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[25-07:31] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Kaya.
[25-07:31] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Lotesse.
[25-07:32] aa1a4, anarsil halfmoon: slowly the amount of people travelling thins out and soon only people working in the fields can be seen
[25-07:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-07:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-11:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[25-11:39] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[26-02:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-02:50] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:50am, November 26 (CST) ).
[26-05:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-06:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-07:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[26-16:23] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[26-21:39] b60c1, Kali: grrrr missed again.
[27-14:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[27-20:22] 1bec8, Mab: Hmmm, how shall we proceed? *ponders*
[28-09:35] e2ef1, Kali: oooo *waits*
[28-10:26] e2ef1, Kali: *will reappear Monday morning* *vanishes*
[28-16:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[28-17:41] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[28-17:41] a5f6e, Axis : ((*sigh*))
[28-20:06] JOIN: AP has entered.
[28-20:10] EXIT: AP has left the chat ( 9:06pm, November 28 (CST) ).
[29-02:33] JOIN: mythias has entered.
[29-02:34] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[29-02:34] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: w00t!
[29-02:38] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: ello?
[29-02:52] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: Drat
[29-03:06] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 3:52am, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-03:27] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[29-03:27] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[29-03:27] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: ?
[29-03:27] 18f07, Joey: (( *sighs* ))
[29-03:28] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: Chats deader than a possum pancake found by the side of the road./
[29-05:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-05:05] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[29-05:06] aa1a4, anarsil halfmoon: yo kali/kaya/illisse/ please e-mail me your email address hugs anarsil
[29-05:06] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:06am, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-06:24] d3e7e, Kali: IT IS NOT!!! you just arent here at the right time. I will be here all day.
[29-06:27] d3e7e, Kali: road kill. sheesh.
[29-07:31] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[29-07:32] aa1a4, anarsil halfmoon: hahaha velllllllllllllllllly funny you velley funny guy hahaha
[29-07:33] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[29-07:34] aa1a4, anarsil halfmoon: hahaha allllllllllllllllllllllllll day hahaha vellllly funny hahaha
[29-07:34] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:34am, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-07:37] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[29-07:38] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[29-07:38] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: ?
[29-07:42] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: C'mon people, wake up1
[29-07:46] JOIN: Ryven Vrinn has entered.
[29-07:46] 175a5, Ryven Vrinn: I'm awake, I'm awake. And I'm looking for a portrait, hehe.
[29-07:46] 175a5, Ryven Vrinn: I'm all for some RP if you're interested.
[29-07:55] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: Who you have?
[29-07:57] JOIN: Ryven Vrinn has entered.
[29-07:57] 1ae02, Ryven Vrinn: Just a drider.
[29-07:59] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: Where's he at?
[29-08:01] 1ae02, Ryven Vrinn: Ack, on second thought, I'm not going to be able to RP. I need to type some e-mails, among other things. Crap, sorry for the tease =(
[29-08:01] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-08:03] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: d'oh. *looks to cara for entertainment*
[29-08:14] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: Cara?
[29-08:27] d3e7e, Kali: hmmm
[29-08:28] d3e7e, Kali: *tackles Cookie*
[29-08:28] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: hiya!
[29-08:29] d3e7e, Kali: how ya been?
[29-08:30] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: up and down. More up than down so I suppose I'm doing pretty well
[29-08:31] d3e7e, Kali: thats good.
[29-08:31] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: what about you?
[29-08:31] d3e7e, Kali: glad to see real live people for a change.
[29-08:32] d3e7e, Kali: heh, Im working a lot. have today and friday off. happy otherwise
[29-08:32] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: Like it says in my profile, I'm just an artificial inteligence.
[29-08:32] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: o/
[29-08:32] d3e7e, Kali: *L*
[29-08:34] d3e7e, Kali: ok. Im glad to see artificial life forms then
[29-08:35] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: If you call this livin...
[29-08:36] d3e7e, Kali: its living, just on the edge of reality.
[29-08:37] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: does that increase or decrease property value?
[29-08:37] d3e7e, Kali: increase
[29-08:38] d3e7e, Kali: its a very populated spot.
[29-08:38] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: coooool. So, care to play for a little while? My body is having a weird fit of letting me sleep only 4 hours at a time, even when I take maltonin.
[29-08:38] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: melatonin rather
[29-08:39] d3e7e, Kali: ok. your choice.
[29-08:42] d3e7e, Kali: I havent rp'd except for xyva's chars and sorcha in like a month or so.
[29-08:43] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: I've not played period. I'd like to play Jerren if its okay with ya. He can pretty much be anywhere you need him to be cause he's all mobile like that.
[29-08:44] d3e7e, Kali: hmm. ok. *ponders who*
[29-08:45] d3e7e, Kali: wasnt jerren going to meet the ghidra?
[29-08:46] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: He was, yes. It was to be part of a scheme I had to create an alliance of minor races.
[29-08:49] d3e7e, Kali: where do you want him? I have chars there, in tirion, , rua and faie
[29-08:49] d3e7e, Kali: fae, if I could type today.
[29-08:51] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: ((doesn't matter to me. I could have him delivering a message to any of them))
[29-08:55] d3e7e, Kaya : ((we'll go with the fae, I need axis or xyva for the others right now. until we figure out the new re write and what will be happening with it))*she had just escorted the woman Sorcha to the portal back into Rua, puzzled that she had been set free by the council and was on her way back to her home to find Lethes and ask him if he'd seen the queen lately.*
[29-09:01] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren is located a few miles outside the border of what is considered the border of the Fae Kingdom and he isn't alone. He has a decent sized retinue along with him and considering the number of armed soldiers he's either leading a very long range raid or a very well protected envoy. As he seems to not by trying to hide his group from what eyes the Fae have around their kingdom and the fact he hasn't sent out scouts or outriders it doesn't look like he's picking a fight... yet.*
[29-09:06] d3e7e, Kaya : *seeing more than the usual number of fae soldiers heading toward the gate carefully hidden in the surrounding wall, she decides to follow them, being the nosy little fae she is. Shifting into her fae form, she flits over the wall out into the surrounding forest ahead of the soldiers, heading straight into Jerrens path*
[29-09:12] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : *And Jerren's retinue has to be one of the more unusual sights in the history of Bettenchi. Not only are goblins present in the group, but four armed Gargoyles and a couple dozen Ghidra footmen. Boar riding goblins with axes, slimer wolf riders with arrows, a few on nightmarishly big spiders, a few slinking walking in cloaks that cover their features, and a half dozen goblins that look to be almost as big as orcs wearing equiptment in unusualy good shape*
[29-09:15] d3e7e, Kaya : *never having seen any of the other species besides the human, she would literally skid to a halt, her eyes wide open, sifting back to her human form with out even realizing it.*
[29-09:17] d3e7e, Kaya : *she would appear similar to the avatar, tall, red headed and slightly afraid*
[29-09:17] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : *Jerren raises his fist and the party stops, though it takes a little longer for the non-goblins to recognize goblin command signals* You there! You human?
[29-09:20] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Kaya.
[29-09:21] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Kaya.
[29-09:23] MSG: Kaya sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-09:24] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Kaya.
[29-09:28] MSG: Kaya sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[29-09:29] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Kaya.
[29-09:29] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Kaya.
[29-09:30] d3e7e, Kaya : ((*giggles* I'll see what I can do))
[29-09:33] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : ((yp.
[29-09:33] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : ((yp.
[29-09:38] d3e7e, Kaya : *stammering* Im not. Im a fairy.
[29-09:38] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*poke poke*))
[29-09:38] d3e7e, Kaya : ((*smiles* im here,))
[29-09:40] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : *smiles* Is good then. *he rides up past his guards and advisors on his overly large wolf. When he gets to be a foot away he tosses a small leather pouch onto the ground before her feet* You take me to gates of Fae, you have this gold.
[29-09:47] d3e7e, Kaya : ((sorry page keeps locking up))
[29-09:53] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*pat pats*))
[29-09:56] d3e7e, Kaya : Who are you? The Fae Council doesnt see just anybody
[29-10:03] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : Am Jerren Skulldeep, king of Gobiln Kingdom and representing Alliance of Minor Races. Not wanting to see Council, wanting to see QUEEN.
[29-10:05] d3e7e, Kaya : The queen is.....away....just now.
[29-10:10] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : Where she? Came to Fae kingdom first in honor of Queen's actions. Is most bad.
[29-10:14] d3e7e, Kaya : ((I might have to vanish for a bit. its starting to storm pretty bad here)) She.. I dont know where she is. *for some reason trusting the man with her secret, something she hadnt even spoken to Lethes about* She's been missing for several months. *walking closer to Jerren* The council will just tell you she cant see you. Im worried about her.
[29-10:19] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : ((no prob)) *Jerren's face looks concerned as well. He turns to a grouping of his party behind him that dont look to be carrying any weapons larger than a dagger and dressed in finer clothing, depending on the race's standards of such. He tells them something in goblin and they speak back and forth for a bit. Finaly he turns back to Kaya* We are sorry for disapearance of Queen Mab. She was wililng work with goblins durring invasion of orcs and chaos armies and have our respect. We will see Fae Council.
[29-10:25] d3e7e, Kaya : ((ok, Im gone for a while. power is flickering now. see ya sorry))
[29-10:25] 46ec7, Jerren Skulldeep : ((no prob, later!))
[29-11:26] 8b257, Kali: brr ok. its wet and cold. but Im back.
[29-12:51] ff97b, Mab: La la la, cleaning up is fun to do.
[29-12:53] 8b257, Kali: *shakes out her feather duster* aaachoo. *sniffles*
[29-13:25] ff97b, Mab: *L*
[29-13:57] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-13:59] 01482, Aldrik : (hey)
[29-13:59] 8b257, Kali: *grins*
[29-14:00] 01482, Xyva:
[29-14:01] ff97b, Mab: *cleans and polishes and takes out a lot of trash*
[29-14:02] 01482, Xyva: *is carried away in the trash bag*
[29-14:04] 8b257, Kali: *watches him get carried away, laughing* supreme dictator.........
[29-14:06] 01482, Xyva: *the bag breaks**is dumped onto the ground*
[29-14:06] ff97b, Mab: Now, to update icons like I said I was going to do earlier.
[29-14:09] 01482, Xyva: Ooo eyecons
[29-14:09] 8b257, Kali: *grabs broom*
[29-14:09] 01482, Xyva: icons*
[29-14:16] ff97b, Mab: Icons updated to better reflect what we're keeping.
[29-14:17] 8b257, Kali: oooo
[29-14:24] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[29-14:24] 01482, Xyva: hi
[29-14:24] 8b257, Ilia Fion : hi
[29-14:24] ff97b, Mab: Could I get a cameo of everyone's current characters they wish to keep registered? I'm about to do a list purge.
[29-14:24] 8b257, Illisse Brilthor : hrm
[29-14:24] 01482, Aldrik : hi
[29-14:24] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[29-14:24] 8b257, Zaeth : working on it.
[29-14:25] 01482, Davik Hollis: hola
[29-14:25] 01482, Drako : silva
[29-14:25] 8b257, Terra: *travels*
[29-14:26] 01482, Elias Zorander : salve
[29-14:27] 8b257, Queen Nessima : *hungry*
[29-14:27] 01482, Headmaster Zorander : me again
[29-14:28] 8b257, Ankalima Morwen : *lets Aldrik carry her back to the Inn*
[29-14:28] ff97b, Mab: Cool. If you could spread the word to players still playing to do that. I'll delete old handles later on. I go to work out now. BBL.
[29-14:28] 01482, Levald :
[29-14:30] 8b257, Reya : *trouble*
[29-14:30] 01482, Radagast Aurelius : 0_0
[29-14:30] 8b257, Kazia Mandragoran : *wanders*
[29-14:31] 8b257, Fae Border Guards : *march march march*
[29-14:31] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-14:31] 01482, Sedrik: *whistles jeopardy*
[29-14:32] 01482, Warren: theyy call me the mole
[29-14:32] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *waves to everyone*
[29-14:33] EXIT: Cara has left the chat ( 3:31pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-14:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:33pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:33] 01482, Corell Araos: ello
[29-14:33] 8b257, Belthil : *waves back* Hi Conrad
[29-14:33] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-14:34] 01482, Corell Araos: *filtered filtered in the forest with belthil* :
[29-14:34] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : I was waiting for some people to cme into this I can actually try out this char
[29-14:34] 01482, Corell Araos:
[29-14:34] 01482, Corell Araos:
[29-14:34] JOIN: Cara has entered.
[29-14:35] 01482, Xyva: and back to me
[29-14:35] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *ponders where to start his char* hmmm
[29-14:36] EXIT: Cara has left the chat ( 3:34pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:36] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-14:36] 8b257, Belthil : *grins*
[29-14:36] f96be, Caradonia: Keep me!
[29-14:37] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Anyone care to RP with me?
[29-14:37] 8b257, Caradhras : hmm do I want to stay
[29-14:38] f96be, Caradonia: I'll play
[29-14:38] 01482, Xyva: mebe
[29-14:38] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : ok we need somewhere to start...this is my first time RPing in here so I only know the basics of the rooms world.
[29-14:38] 8b257, Kali: *shall return shortly*
[29-14:39] f96be, Cara: ((There is a world map...look there and pick a place))
[29-14:41] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : It may be just that im slow but I dont see where I can look at a map :/
[29-14:43] f96be, Caradonia: ((
[29-14:45] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( I guess I'll start out somewhere in northern italy....heading toward ))
[29-14:45] f96be, Caradonia: ((Sounds good...Cara is usually in the forest's through there))
[29-14:47] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-14:48] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *Conrads black hair whipped in the wind as he trotted along on his brown and white horse. The road was windy and took him threw some thick forest. Being in a good mood this morning he hummed a small tune to himself. But always on alert his deep blue eyes wandered around the path infront of him always keeping an eye out for anything dangerous.*
[29-14:50] f96be, Caradonia: *She could be dangerous but, then again, she's not in his vicinity....or is she? A pair of eyes watch the path of this travler hidden in the boughs of an evergreen..unseen by untrained eyes*
[29-14:52] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he kept his horse at a nice pace...he was enjoying this ride to . He always loved the outdoors, it was his heritage and he grew up in it. For the pair of eye's watching him, they would see nothing but a good sized man with assorted furs and some armor doned around his body. But he was still unaware of the presence*
[29-14:54] f96be, Caradonia: *She moves within the trees silently, a skill taught my time and patience and a natural aptitude. She's not above robbing this man but then again she's not wanting to take the chance in getting her ass kicked....decisions...* Hey!*She shouts out brashly...decided to play a little trick*
[29-14:56] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *Although his horse reared up when she yelled. Conrad on the other hand stayed calm and let the horse go up and come back down on all fours. He squinted his eyes scanning the tree line. His free hand on the hilt of his longsword.*
[29-14:57] f96be, Caradonia: *She slides along the tree trunk like oil, climbing down and falling into shadows casted by the tree's winter foliage...two golden eyes peek out at him*
[29-14:59] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 3:57pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-14:59] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *Not being one to underestimate any foe untill he new what they were about, he stopped his horse and stared right back at the golden eyes. His gaze was neither hostile nor friendly.*
[29-14:59] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( Well that stinks))
[29-14:59] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-14:59] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( YAY!))
[29-15:00] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* had to laod my picture dahlink))
[29-15:01] f96be, Caradonia: *They fade for a moment while she blinks...slowly. Then she walks forward, stepping out onto the frozen ground with a dainty foot wrapped up in a boot..the rest of her follows*
[29-15:03] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *seeing that she is female he turns his horse to the side* Wanna tell me what you get out of spying on a lonely traveler? *a small smirk came across his face as he gave her a once over*
[29-15:05] f96be, Caradonia: No reason, you were passing along which was convient at the time, was rather bored you see..*Voice is a low for her appereance she's pretty, large eyes with a finly set nose and full lips on a face that's well sculpted..her's hard to tell under the cloak she has wrapped about her*
[29-15:07] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : I see...well I can't say that was a formal introduction. My names Conrad...and yours M'lady? *he says this after quickly dismounting from his horse. He stood about 6'0 had a the build of a lumberjack, his face was slighty tan but he had somewhat of a dark demenor about him.*
[29-15:08] f96be, Caradonia: Formalities are useless but pretty...nonetheless*The curls over into a sweeping bow an arm extending behind her in a graceful lift then she stands straight* Caradonia but I insist on Cara
[29-15:09] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : As you wish M'lady...I normally wouldent be so polite but you seem more open to conversation then most of the people I meet..
[29-15:11] f96be, Caradonia: *She gifts him with a raised brow then walks over, taking slow but sure steps towards him*Maybe it's not conversation that I want*Expression carries a feel for seduction then it fades she reguarding his horse* Lovely beast, name?
[29-15:13] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he gives her a smirk...though he didn't really know what she was up to JUST yet, but he was intrigued...he patted the horses neck* Her name is Nailo the elven word for NightBreeze.
[29-15:16] f96be, Caradonia: Nailo*Says the word like she's tasting it...she holds her hand out for the horse to sniff and it should oblige..she has the tender nature that most animals are drawn too* Fitting name
[29-15:18] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *the horse does sniff her hand gently...conrad pulled some oats from a pouch on one of his saddle bags, he fed them to the horse.* May I ask what your doing all the way out here....I mean unless your traveling as I am
[29-15:18] 8b257, Kali: *re appears*
[29-15:19] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : ((*waves*))
[29-15:19] f96be, Caradonia: I suppose you can say that I live out here..*lifts her head to nod in the direction of some unseen domain..*
[29-15:21] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : I see...well I applaud you for living out in nature. I spend most of my time in nature but I am heading to the captiol to see if there is any work....*he adjusted something on his horses saddle before turning back to her* Care to walk with pass time. That is if you don't have anything else to do.
[29-15:22] f96be, Caradonia: *She gives her shoulders a slight shrug then pulls up her hood* I have nowhere else to be and I might just pick up some things while in town..*Probably someone's money purse*
[29-15:25] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-15:25] 8b257, Lotesse : ((*keeps her name in the hat* for now))
[29-15:26] 8b257, Council of Lai'dor : ((them too. til I get decide to have Zaeth kill them all))
[29-15:27] 8b257, Malkier Royal Messenger: *is still drunk enough to cause Davik problems*
[29-15:28] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Well I'm glad to hear it....I don't know how far we are from the city. I may have to set up a camp if the sun sets. *he started to walk his horse down the road again...figureing it needed a breather from the ride.*
[29-15:28] 8b257, Kali: opk... sorry to interupt. thats the last of them. *sits back and watches now*
[29-15:30] f96be, Caradonia: *She walks along side him, a small dark shaped wrapped up in her cloak, looking a tad annoyed* Your taking the long way..
[29-15:31] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he stopped walking and looked down at her with a puzzled look on his face.* Well..I umm I didn't know there was a quicker way to get there.
[29-15:36] f96be, Caradonia: There is but it isn't by road*She stops and looks up at him, yellow eyes gleaming with a errie but lovely cast* Feeling brave?*full lips grinning*
[29-15:37] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( brb I gotta walk my dog)) *Pause*
[29-15:42] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-15:42] MSG: Kali sent a message to Kaya.
[29-15:43] 8b257, Kali: *L* wonder what I sent myself.
[29-15:44] f96be, Caradonia : ((*going to diner*))
[29-15:47] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : ((ok im back))
[29-15:48] 8b257, Kali: hey
[29-15:48] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : how are ya?
[29-15:49] 8b257, Kali: wet. its pouring down rain
[29-15:50] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : that sucks....It's nice a clear here. We got rain all weekend
[29-15:53] 8b257, Kali: where is 'here'?
[29-15:54] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Massaschusets if I even spelt that right
[29-15:54] 8b257, Kali: heh. Texas here.
[29-15:55] 8b257, Kali: its not supposed to be this wet!!!
[29-15:55] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : I've been to texas...san antonio. Not a bad place I went to see the Alamo though
[29-15:56] 8b257, Kali: its cool. Im north of Ft. Worth. never been to mass> before.
[29-15:57] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Don't come here it's boring I live in suburbia USA
[29-15:58] 8b257, Kali: *L* *small town america*
[29-16:00] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Ya well...I personally don't like MA...I want to move to europe or something
[29-16:02] 8b257, Kali: Im looking at Oregon actually. although I plan on spending the next few years in florida. hopefully.
[29-16:03] 8b257, Kali: whats wrong with Mass?
[29-16:04] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : It's getting way to developed...alot of idiots
[29-16:04] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : I mean its got its ups and downs
[29-16:04] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : but the police here suck they have nothing better to do other then pull people over for no reason
[29-16:05] 8b257, Kali: *L* that happens everywhere.
[29-16:10] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *gets bored and starts to river dance.......then stops*
[29-16:13] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : .
[29-16:14] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : ill be back *runs off*
[29-16:40] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : hmmm
[29-17:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-17:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:09pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-17:13] 8b257, Kali: ermmm.. sorry, was on the phone.
[29-17:16] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[29-17:17] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : oh it's no problem...I wonder where cara went.
[29-17:19] 8b257, Kali: dinner. she'll be back in a while.
[29-17:21] 8b257, Kali: Im not sure if she had an evening class or not.
[29-17:25] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-17:25] f96be, Caradonia: **back))
[29-17:26] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : wb
[29-17:26] ff97b, Mab: And now to clean out dead factions. doodeedoodeedoo.
[29-17:26] f96be, Caradonia: ((Thank you))
[29-17:27] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *unpause*
[29-17:28] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he raised an eyebrow at the look he got from her.* Alright M'lady I'm feeling how do you suppose we get to the city quicker? *his deep blue eyes stared back at hers.*
[29-17:30] f96be, Caradonia: This way*Grinning, she grabs his hand and pulls him along behind her, the horse following. She'll take them on a very interesting short cut, hips bustling while skipping over roots and sliding down a somewhat steep hillside*
[29-17:31] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he follows her his horse being pulled behind him by the reins. He slid down the hillside and tried to keep up with her, which wouldent be to hard.* Where does this take us anyway?
[29-17:35] f96be, Caradonia: To rua*She slides down it and stands up with a dust to her derierre* We'll come out at near the side wall but we'll be able to get would as well *She smiles back at him before turning left* You can always turn back if ya want too
[29-17:36] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : No I think I'll follow you....just don't try anything, I wouldent want to have to hurt your beauty. *he followed behind her, his comment was more him just being a smartass then a threat.*
[29-17:41] f96be, Caradonia: Oh, I wouldn't worry about me attacking..*She smiles back at him, it's more of a smirk really* You wouldn't know what hit you even if I did*Laughs as they come upon a small stream....she then follows leading towards Rua*
[29-17:42] ff97b, Mab: K, done my cleaning for the day. 4 hours of work. Definitely done for the day. Chat is cleaner.
[29-17:44] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : ((gotta eat be back later)) *pause*
[29-17:44] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 6:41pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-17:44] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-17:46] f96be, Caradonia: ((Okay))
[29-17:52] 8b257, Kali: *vanishes* see yall later this week
[29-18:04] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( im back))
[29-18:05] f96be, Caradonia: ((Hey, welcome))
[29-18:05] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *Unpause*
[29-18:07] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he shook his head as he let out a slight chuckle* Oh we would just have to see about that...*he ducked under some branches and led his horse behind him as they walked along the stream*
[29-18:08] f96be, Caradonia : Not going to attack a lady are you..*Purred back at him with a blatent grin..she's flirting but hey...he's attractive*
[29-18:12] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he grinned to himself* hmmm...well it really depends, if they're nice to me I usually try to get to know them just a bit more...*he said this with somewhat of mischief in his voice.*
[29-18:15] f96be, Caradonia : Well, that sounds dreadfully dull*Growing warm from the rappid walking she tugs down her hood then comes to an adbrupt stop* There's the city *Points, aiming for a clearing between teh trees*
[29-18:16] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he had been watching the ground as he walked so when she stopped short he had to stop extremely short as to not bump into her...although he still managed to pretty much run right into her. He would grab her hip as to keep her from falling as he looked up at the clearing.* Well that was a shortcut
[29-18:17] EXIT: Conrad Kerwyn has left the chat ( 7:16pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-18:17] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[29-18:20] f96be, Caradonia : *She wraps a hand around his upper arm to steady him, her grip is very strong* I told you it was*Teasing smile*
[29-18:21] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he looked down at her and was somewhat surprised by her grip by shrugs it off.* Well what do you say we head on in.
[29-18:24] f96be, Caradonia : i wont argue with that logic*She hurries on ahead in her rappid walk, hips a sway beneath the cloak....when they reach the town there is a low wall and she looks back at him* I'll climb over...walk down to the gate*Points to the left then climbs like a moneky up the masoned walls*
[29-18:25] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he follows her to the wall and gives her a nod before heading down towards the gate. He waited there for her to open it up and let him in*
[29-18:27] f96be, Caradonia : *moments later there is the sound of her whistling then voices..she chit chats for a moment with a male, elderly then she lets in Conrad* Hurry *Eyes glinting with michief*
[29-18:29] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he quickly got himself and his horse inside the gate and started down the road as to get somewhat out of site. He turned around and looked at her.* Thanks for letting know about that shortcut...*he smiled as he watched her*
[29-18:33] f96be, Caradonia : Oh, your welcome*She looks up at him with a nod and smile then unwraps herself from her cloak. She's short but that was obvious..her physique, though held in a small frame, holds curves that are asthetically pleasing to the eye and mark her as a grown woman...* Hungry?*looking at him*
[29-18:35] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he shrugs* I could definetly go for a good know a good place? *he gave her a slow look over a smile coming across his face he tried to hide it since it was pretty obvious he was checking her out*
[29-18:36] f96be, Caradonia : Yeah, I know a good place or two though I'm not sure if they have steak..*Smiles and shrugs as if in for the being checked out..if she notices it she dosent let on*
[29-18:37] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Well how about you lead to a place where I board up my horse here...and then I will buy a bite to eat. My treat.
[29-18:40] f96be, Caradonia : Sound like a plan..*She runs a hand through her hair, shaking it out while heading toward Trendlekins, it's not that far of a distance from wehre they are* You'll have to take your horse around back to be stabled..*Grins at him then dashes inside with a wave*
[29-18:44] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : * he follows her untill he sees the stable. Takeing Nailo to the back of the stable he finds a spot and begins to remove her saddle, once that's done he makes his way back out to the street and waits for her.*
[29-18:45] f96be, Caradonia : *She comes back out..sans coat and grabs his hand, guiding him inside* This is a rather nice place...*opens the door and lets it close behind him..the smell of food and clean quaters*
[29-18:47] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he takes in a huge breath of air when he enters the building. A smile forms across his face* Well I am glad I found sure do know how to pick them. I haven't been a place this nice in a while. *he would follow her into the building and wait to find a seat*
[29-18:49] f96be, Caradonia : I frequent this town quite a bit...*Her eyes slide to search the shadows, looking and making sure. It's not overly busy so finding a decent place to sit and eat is quite easy...she picks a place that's half in shadow and half in light..she of course picks to sit in the shadows...*
[29-18:50] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he sits down across from her and orders just an ale for now* So tell me about yourself...I mean I don't know more then your name I think.
[29-18:52] f96be, Caradonia : Well, what would you like to know.*Ordering a ale and a bowl of stew..she's very hungry. That done she reguards him with her yellow leg curled beneath her*
[29-18:55] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : *he shrugged lightly* I dont know...I mean I know you come from the forest...but I mean everyone has a place where they hailed from before they moved on.
[29-18:56] f96be, Caradonia : I hailed from family and I were nomads and frankly, i'm keeping up the tradition..*She smirks a tad while a bit of pain, the emotional kind, flares up into her eyes*
[29-18:58] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : My family too was a band of nomad''s actually what I do also. I don;t know what it is I just can't seem to stay in one spot for very long *he took a few big gulps of his ale*
[29-19:01] f96be, Caradonia : My people were gypsies....we werent allowed to stay in one place for long...people always blamed us when their money was missing*She gets this grin on her face, delightful and devious in one complex twist*
[29-19:04] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[29-19:05] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Ah I you must be skilled in the art of picking peoples pockets. I'm surprised I don't have anything missing. *he smirked at her....he was pokeing fun and he chuckled as he took a gulp of his ale*
[29-19:07] f96be, Caradonia : Ah, but the evening is still younge..and picking pockets isn't all I do pretty boy..*She takes out a coin and does the magicians trick, flipping it along her knuckels, making it ripple...showing her manual dexterity*
[29-19:08] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Pretty boy huh....we'll see about that. *he watched with some amusement, but those tricks not being the newest things out there he wasn't very impressed although his expression wouldent show it*
[29-19:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[29-19:09] f96be, Caradonia : *She's not trying to impress, she's trying to demonstrate...there is a difference ya know* What are you hungry for?
[29-19:10] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : hmmm *he thought for a moment then called over the server* I'll have the biggest piece of beef you can get me....
[29-19:10] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( crap I gotta go i wont be on till tomrrow.....wanna pause or no?))
[29-19:11] f96be, Caradonia : ((We can you have aim?))
[29-19:11] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( ya it'
[29-19:12] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : (( ya its thecause456 alright ill see ya) *pause*
[29-19:12] EXIT: Conrad Kerwyn has left the chat ( 8:12pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-19:21] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 8:11pm, November 29 (CST) ).
[29-20:23] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[29-20:55] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[29-20:58] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[30-00:25] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[30-00:26] df309, Remal : *is going to take back Cyrthas*
[30-00:26] df309, Remal : (( as soon as someone is in here to RP with ))
[30-05:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-06:25] d0280, Kali: if you can be here friday, I'll be here then.
[30-07:30] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[30-07:31] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: hello every no one how are'nt you all
[30-07:31] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:31am, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-07:33] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[30-07:33] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:33am, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-12:25] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-12:25] f96be, Caradonia: ((*peeks*))
[30-13:22] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-13:22] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 2:22pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-13:33] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[30-13:34] 8ea1b, Lan: Helo?
[30-13:38] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 2:34pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-13:38] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 2:34pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-16:04] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-16:11] JOIN: Conrad Kerwyn has entered.
[30-16:11] 6cd4c, Conrad Kerwyn : Ello
[30-16:13] f96be, Caradonia: 'ey
[30-17:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[30-17:08] f046d, Kali: *grumbles*
[30-17:08] f96be, Caradonia: ((Hi hi))
[30-17:11] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[30-17:11] 653ed, Lan: Hello!
[30-17:12] 653ed, Lan: Hello?
[30-17:13] 653ed, Lan: Kali? Cara?
[30-17:16] 653ed, Lan: *sigh* No one... Guess I just missed you...
[30-17:16] 653ed, Lan: I'll try again later...
[30-17:16] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 6:16pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-17:18] f046d, Kali: noooooooooo
[30-17:19] f046d, Kali: *grumbles more* cant you stay still for 5 minutes?????
[30-17:20] f046d, Kali: at least you could have tried AIM!!
[30-17:20] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[30-17:21] 653ed, Lan: Heh... I'm still here... just in lurkdom...
[30-17:21] 653ed, Lan: And I'm on a public comp rite now...
[30-17:22] 653ed, Lan: *waits for 5 minutes*
[30-17:22] f046d, Kali: grrr
[30-17:22] 653ed, Lan:
[30-17:22] f046d, Kali: very funny.
[30-17:23] 653ed, Lan: Eeeep! Don't "grrr" at me!
[30-17:23] f046d, Kali: my comp is slow tonight. *fusses*
[30-17:24] f046d, Kali: I wasnt grrr'ing at you.
[30-17:26] f046d, Kali: did you come up with any ideas for the story?
[30-17:26] 653ed, Lan: Ok... I'm sorry... this comp is pretty slow too...
[30-17:26] f046d, Kali: how've you been?
[30-17:26] 653ed, Lan: Some... But I am going to review them and send them to you tonight...
[30-17:27] 653ed, Lan: So-so... and yourself?
[30-17:27] f046d, Kali: good. working a lot. packing
[30-17:28] 653ed, Lan: Packing? For what?
[30-17:29] f046d, Kali: moving
[30-17:29] 653ed, Lan: Really? Where to...?
[30-17:30] f046d, Kali: as soon as I find a new place.
[30-17:31] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[30-17:31] 653ed, Lan: Oh... Well, good luck with that...
[30-17:32] f046d, Kali: find a new place...heh.... right now, Im checking on land in Oregon.
[30-17:34] 653ed, Lan: Ah... It rains alot up there...
[30-17:34] 653ed, Lan: Where in Oregon are you looking?
[30-17:34] f046d, Kali: Im seriously thinking about starting a horse ranch there. it will be a great place to write too. At least I hope it will. *giggles* its been raining a lot here too.
[30-17:35] f046d, Kali: every where right now. til I can go up and really take a look around
[30-17:37] 653ed, Lan: Hey... there is some good space in Cali...
[30-17:37] 653ed, Lan: *grin* Expensive though...
[30-17:37] f046d, Kali: really, Im looking for someplace cheap, that I can afford a good bit of land
[30-17:38] 653ed, Lan: How 'bout ohio... cheap, and there is a lot of space...
[30-17:39] f046d, Kali: and lots of water when it rains.
[30-17:40] f046d, Kali: there are a few special things we're looking for.
[30-17:40] 653ed, Lan: Yah...
[30-17:40] 653ed, Lan: I have about 5 more min...
[30-17:41] f046d, Kali: oh
[30-17:41] f046d, Kali: alright
[30-17:45] 653ed, Lan: I should be back later...
[30-17:45] f046d, Kali: well, you know how to reach me.
[30-17:46] f046d, Kali: I wont be here. Im going to sleep til chris gets off of work.
[30-17:46] f046d, Kali: I wont be here. Im going to sleep til chris gets off of work.
[30-17:47] 653ed, Lan: Okie... *hugs* Sleep well...
[30-17:48] MSG: Kali sent a message to Lan.
[30-17:49] MSG: Lan sent a message to Kali.
[30-17:49] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 6:49pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-17:50] f046d, Kali: *goes off to bed* I might be here in the morning. I have to check my schedule
[30-19:01] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-19:02] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[30-19:04] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[30-19:05] df309, Lan: Hello?
[30-19:05] d3b64, Axis : ((hello))
[30-19:06] df309, Lan: Hey Axis...
[30-19:06] df309, Lan: How are you?
[30-19:06] d3b64, Axis : ((not bad...looking at promise rings.))
[30-19:07] d3b64, Axis : ((you?)
[30-19:09] df309, Lan: I'm doing pretty good... there hasn't been much action here lately though... >_< Frustrating...
[30-19:10] d3b64, Axis : ((yeah. The biggest battle bettenchi has ever see ncould begin if people owuld come
[30-19:11] df309, Lan: *grin* What is this about a battle...? Between whom?
[30-19:12] d3b64, Axis : ((between my insanly huge ghoul army and everyone else))
[30-19:13] d3b64, Axis : ((My 100,901 ghouls complete wiht calvery and archers))
[30-19:13] df309, Lan: Hmm... My centuar could take 'em! *grin*
[30-19:15] d3b64, Axis : ((yeah fat chance. Actually I belive the centuars were gonna be in on it too....after all the ghouls have attacked almost every nation o nthe map))
[30-19:17] df309, Lan: My centuar could take a very large chunk of that army... probably. He is very powerful...
[30-19:17] f96be, Caradonia: ((Rawr!!...))
[30-19:17] f96be, Caradonia: ((I mean...hello))
[30-19:18] df309, Lan: AAAAHH! *pants* Oh... hi!
[30-19:18] d3b64, Axis : ((I still doubt it. for one thing you would have to get through a literal rain of arrows. you would have better luck dodging raindrops in a monsoon))
[30-19:18] d3b64, Axis : ((heyr cara))
[30-19:19] f96be, Caradonia: ((There should be stampeding....lots of stampeding))
[30-19:20] f96be, Caradonia: ((Oh! and I have a centaur))
[30-19:21] df309, Lan: Actually, Axis... Remal ( my centuar ) could get through a stor of arrows...
[30-19:21] df309, Lan: Yah... Ryden, right Cara?
[30-19:21] f96be, Caradonia: ((*Observing with interest*))
[30-19:21] f96be, Caradonia: ((Yup yup))
[30-19:22] df309, Lan: You have seen Remal in action once, haven't you?
[30-19:22] d3b64, Axis : ((20,000 archers firing 8 arrows a minute? ))
[30-19:22] df309, Lan: Yup! He could get through that...
[30-19:23] d3b64, Axis : ((HA! fat chance. besides a large part of this battle is seige. i have got a bad-ass fortress. also it would be easy to get you to implae yourself on pikes or get dragged down by sheer numbers))
[30-19:23] df309, Lan: ^_^
[30-19:24] f96be, Caradonia: ((I havent...regretably))
[30-19:24] df309, Lan: Nope. He seriously could get through the arrows... and how would he impale himself on a spike?
[30-19:25] df309, Lan: Seppekou?
[30-19:26] d3b64, Axis : ((not spikes....pikes. CArried by imfantry. as you charge they lay o nhe you get close they lift them and your momentum impales you o nthem. if not the first row the second or third or fourth))
[30-19:26] f96be, Caradonia: ((Heh?))
[30-19:26] d3b64, Axis : ((pieks liek these are very long))
[30-19:27] f96be, Caradonia: ((*SIghs* I want to see some hugs people!!!))
[30-19:28] df309, Lan: *grin* Oh, pikes! Well, in that case, he could deal with that as well... seppekou is when a samurai commited suicide to preserve his honor... *hugs Cara*
[30-19:28] d3b64, Ghouls : ((*hugs cara*))
[30-19:28] df309, Lan: Looking for a challenge?
[30-19:29] d3b64, Ghouls : ((Everyone underestimates my ghouls. DO you know how hard it is to throw a battle like that? and why not))
[30-19:29] f96be, Caradonia: ((That's good.....well hug each other...))
[30-19:29] df309, Lan:
[30-19:29] df309, Remal : (( Well, you set the battle place, etc. ))
[30-19:30] d3b64, Ghouls : ((*the obscelnly fat ghoul waddles up and hugs lan and cara, pressing them into it's rolls of flesh*))
[30-19:30] df309, Remal : (( *looks warily and hugs quickly, then hugs Cara again*
[30-19:30] df309, Remal : (( Eck! ))
[30-19:30] d3b64, Ghouls : ((open feild or how the real battle is gonna be?))
[30-19:31] f96be, Caradonia: ((That was rather scary*clings with a mew*))
[30-19:31] df309, Remal : (( doesn't matter really... *is clinged to*
[30-19:32] d3b64, Ghouls : ((cara? you decide. I don't care))
[30-19:33] df309, Remal : (( I'll be back in just a min... gotta eat ))
[30-19:33] EXIT: Remal has left the chat ( 8:33pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-19:34] f96be, Caradonia: ((mmmmm Open feild))
[30-19:34] d3b64, Ghouls : ((hrmm okies. more of a challenge anyway))
[30-19:39] f96be, Caradonia: ((Defiantly))
[30-19:39] d3b64, Ghouls : ((but not by much))
[30-19:39] d3b64, Ghouls : ((but better than sitting behind a wall and firing arrows till he dies))
[30-19:40] f96be, Caradonia: ((Yup....I can't find my on*
[30-19:43] f96be, Caradonia: ((back))
[30-19:43] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[30-19:44] df309, Lan: Back...
[30-19:44] d3b64, Ghouls : ((Wb))
[30-19:44] f96be, Caradonia: ((*pounce*))('
[30-19:44] df309, Remal : (( Open field it is ))
[30-19:44] df309, Remal : (( *dodges* ))
[30-19:45] f96be, Caradonia: ((Crap))
[30-19:45]       Remal stands alone, watching the ghouls warily...
[30-19:45] df309, Remal : (( ? ))
[30-19:47] d3b64, Ghouls : *streched out for about a half mile is the front line...all savage nasty ghouls bearinrusty weapons and claws. Their would be a whistle as a massive flight of arrows was loosed fro msomewher in the back....the sky would turn balc*
[30-19:53] df309, Remal : *using his mind powers to create a bubble of force around him, the arrows would bounce off, and land harmlessly on the ground. He starts to advance slowly*
[30-19:53] df309, Remal : (( Everything that I will proceed to do is within my power and was approved... ))
[30-19:55] df309, Remal : *impenetrable to projectiles at the moment...*
[30-19:56] d3b64, Ghouls : *he would hear a great roar from the force...a massive deep throated chanting as the arrows continue to fall...and the massive savage hoarde would breake int oa savage run....*
[30-19:58] df309, Remal : *stops advancing, and strengthens his bubble and makes it just large enough to cover him... and waits until the ghouls are all over him... or his bubble*
[30-19:59] d3b64, Ghouls : *he would be able to see nothign but ghouls as they surronded him...waiting to attack*
[30-20:01] df309, Remal : *once the ghouls surrounded him, and piled Omnipotent Being knows how high on his bubble, he smiles. Then he uses his area hold ability, freezing all ghouls within 150 feet*
[30-20:01] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[30-20:02] d3b64, Ghouls : ((notes not on his bubble))
[30-20:02] d3b64, Ghouls : ((is it a mind affecting thing or waht? explain))
[30-20:03] df309, Remal : (( Not mind affecting. It just holds all beings within 150 feet... ))
[30-20:05] d3b64, Ghouls : *more ghouls would pile over those ghouls to get at him...throwing bags of powder into the air...powder that is a deadly poisen that rots the lungs*
[30-20:05] bdd06, Ryden: ((*watching*))
[30-20:08] df309, Remal : *expands his bubble, adding blade-like spikes and spins his bubble, shredding the ghouls within 100 ft.*
[30-20:09] d3b64, Ghouls : ((what about poisen? obvuisly your bubble doesn't keep out air))
[30-20:11] df309, Remal : *holds his breath* (( ))
[30-20:11] EXIT: Ryden has left the chat ( 9:05pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-20:12] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-20:13] df309, Remal : (( Crap... I gotta go... supposed to pick up my sister 5 minutes ago... I'll try to make it back in a while... ))
[30-20:14] d3b64, Ghouls : *as he shreds ghouls even more poiesne would be released...the tinest breath would be fatal by now ghouls back offbut leap abck in some digging under the earth , most likely unseen becuase of all the ghousl around them*
[30-20:14] d3b64, Ghouls : ((k))
[30-20:15] EXIT: Remal has left the chat ( 9:13pm, November 30 (CST) ).
[30-21:10] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-22:31] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[30-23:56] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[01-00:11] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[01-00:11] 46ec7, Cookie Monster: ?
[01-06:30] ae6e6, Kali: hmm
[01-07:14] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[01-07:20] ae6e6, Kali: morniin sorcha
[01-07:20] ae6e6, Kali: I'll bbiab
[01-07:22] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: (okay and afternoon)
[01-09:33] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[01-09:33] ae6e6, Kali: hi cara
[01-12:43] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[01-12:43] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[01-12:44] 009d0, Lan: hi!
[01-12:45] 009d0, Lan: Kali?
[01-12:48] 009d0, Lan: *waits*
[01-13:03] 009d0, Lan: *sigh* I waited for 25-30 min... just to let you know... hope to catch you later!
[01-13:03] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 2:03pm, December 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:07] 250ac, Kali: smart arsed arent you?
[01-13:09] 250ac, Kali: if you'd logged onto aim I would have known you were here.
[01-13:09] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[01-13:10] 009d0, Lan: Well, what can you say for public comps?
[01-13:10] 250ac, Kali: they bite.
[01-13:11] 009d0, Lan: EXACTLY!
[01-13:11] 250ac, Kali: I was talking to my sis....*giggles* you're lucky her dog went in the house or I wouldnt be here still
[01-13:11] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[01-13:14] 250ac, Kali: hi again cara
[01-13:15] f96be, Caradonia: Hey Kali This semester is almost over with *beam*
[01-13:15] 250ac, Kali: yay!!!
[01-13:15] 009d0, Lan: Hallo!
[01-13:15] f96be, Caradonia: I'm excited *all bouncy))
[01-13:15] f96be, Caradonia: ((How ya doin' Lan))
[01-13:16] 009d0, Lan: (( pretty good ))
[01-13:17] 009d0, Garet Jax: (( I should play Garet more though... ))
[01-13:17] 009d0, Garet Jax: (( And yourself? ))
[01-13:17] 250ac, Kali: do you still want to have Lan?
[01-13:18] f96be, Caradonia: ((Quite well))
[01-13:18] 250ac, Kali: you should play Val some too. *shuts up now*
[01-13:21] f96be, Caradonia: ((I'd like to know where everyone has ran off to?))
[01-13:22] 250ac, Kali: Im here
[01-13:22] f96be, Caradonia: ((Well, I mean, no one plays much anymore))
[01-13:22] 250ac, Kali: my comp is just very slow today. I havent ran adaware in a few days.
[01-13:23] f96be, Caradonia: ((ah))
[01-13:23] 250ac, Kali: Ive been working a lot. Omnipotencemas season you know. and when I am home Im either sleeping or packing or on the phone.
[01-13:24] f96be, Caradonia: ((Ohh))
[01-13:24] 250ac, Kali: *shakes head* holiday season.....there!
[01-13:24] f96be, Caradonia: ((Have you found a place yet?))
[01-13:24] 009d0, Garet Jax: *blink* Sorry... hlod on.
[01-13:25] 250ac, Kali: no, Im still looking. Actually I might just wait till this is all finished and I get the money coming to me...then find a place.
[01-13:25] 009d0, Lan Mandragoran : (( I went to go find myself... ))
[01-13:25] 250ac, Kali: *eyes* and did you?
[01-13:26] 009d0, Valandil Elladan : (( And yes, I wat to keep Val and Lan... ))
[01-13:26] 250ac, Kali: I just asked cause Im thinking about what to do with Kazia.
[01-13:27] f96be, Caradonia: ((At least you'll be ready))
[01-13:28] 250ac, Kali: yeah, pretty much all thats left are my clothes and what books I want to keep. and let me tell you! that is harder than I thought, to chose which to keep. out of the 1,000 odd I have, I dont want to try and move them all. it'll take DAYS
[01-13:29] f96be, Caradonia: ((Shiza...what will you do with those you dont keep?))
[01-13:30] 250ac, Kali: give them to the library most likely
[01-13:30] 250ac, Kali: *L* thats where I got most of them anyway. we have a huge trade shelf. its like 5 book cases of them
[01-13:30] f96be, Caradonia: ((Wow))
[01-13:31] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[01-13:32] EXIT: Strahd VonZarovich has left the chat ( 2:31pm, December 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:32] 250ac, Kali: oh, if either of you see axis, before I forget, tell him I had Mab keep all his chars reg'd.
[01-13:32] JOIN: Strahd Vonzarovich has entered.
[01-13:32] 250ac, Kali: hello, and apparently good bye!
[01-13:32] f96be, Caradonia: ((Okay))
[01-13:34] 250ac, Kali: heh, yeah, I read a lot.
[01-13:35] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L*))
[01-13:35] 250ac, Kali: ok, more than a lot. but Ive been writing too.
[01-13:36] f96be, Caradonia: ((That's good))
[01-13:36] 250ac, Kali: had a brain storm last night, wrote 6 pages before I fell asleep....on my notebook.
[01-13:38] f96be, Caradonia: ((Nice))
[01-13:44] 250ac, Kali: hrm
[01-13:46] 009d0, Lan: I gots to go... I need to make a movie... be back later...
[01-13:46] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 2:46pm, December 01 (CST) ).
[01-13:47] 250ac, Kali: *blinks* bye?
[01-14:03] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[01-14:03] d7af6, WHYSPER: HELLO
[01-14:17] 250ac, Kali: hey
[01-14:19] d7af6, WHYSPER: hi
[01-14:19] d7af6, WHYSPER: how are you
[01-14:19] d7af6, WHYSPER: sorry for lagging
[01-14:19] 250ac, Kali: comp is slow here
[01-14:19] d7af6, WHYSPER: sorry
[01-14:20] d7af6, WHYSPER: been answering mail
[01-14:20] d7af6, WHYSPER: did you ever find that hitched webbing at work?
[01-14:20] 250ac, Kali: no
[01-14:21] d7af6, WHYSPER: realllllyyyyyyyy sloowwww
[01-14:21] d7af6, WHYSPER: thanks for checking
[01-14:22] 250ac, Kali: we've been so busy, you're lucky I remembered.
[01-14:22] d7af6, WHYSPER: i am honored that you did
[01-14:22] 250ac, Kali: my schedule changed or I wouldnt be here
[01-14:23] d7af6, WHYSPER: any ideas for my site?
[01-14:23] d7af6, WHYSPER: you sound tired
[01-14:23] 250ac, Kali: I dont know what you have on your site.
[01-14:24] d7af6, WHYSPER: a jumbled mess. i worked with templates and i sux
[01-14:24] d7af6, WHYSPER: i=it
[01-14:26] d7af6, WHYSPER: hello
[01-14:35] d7af6, WHYSPER: LATER
[01-14:56] JOIN: Pedron has entered.
[01-14:57] 3c170, Pedron: *peers* Blech, cobwebs
[01-15:01] 250ac, Kali: sorry whysper I got sidetracked. hey Pedron
[01-15:03] 250ac, Kali: and I'll have you know, Mab and I cleaned out the cobwebs a couple of days ago.
[01-15:05] 250ac, Kali: and Im gone to work now see you later. *gone*
[01-15:10] 3c170, Pedron: uh..
[01-15:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-15:10] 3c170, Will-o'-the-wisp: well that was weird
[01-16:16] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[01-16:16] d7af6, WHYSPER: Hhello?
[01-16:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[01-16:17] 23a50, Will-o'-the-wisp: (hey, one sec)
[01-16:21] d7af6, WHYSPER: hi will
[01-16:33] d7af6, WHYSPER: well i waited far more than one cec
[01-16:45] 23a50, Will-o'-the-wisp: (Sry, just registering, I'm done now, I'll log on with my char)
[01-16:45] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:45pm, December 01 (CST) ).
[01-16:45] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[01-16:45] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Their)
[01-16:45] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (**There)
[01-16:45] MSG: Sorn Bael'Tharas sent a message to Aldrik.
[01-16:46] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (test)
[01-16:46] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (test)
[01-16:46] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (That looks about right)
[01-17:09] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[01-17:25] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (Test)
[01-17:26] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (test)
[01-17:26] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (Strange, that was working before)
[01-17:26] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (test)
[01-17:26] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (...)
[01-17:34] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[01-17:34] d7af6, whysper: hello?
[01-17:35] d7af6, whysper : damn this place is deader than a funeral home
[01-17:36] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (back)
[01-17:36] d7af6, whysper : hey
[01-17:37] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I've only got a couple minutes but I should be able to get back on in about an hour)
[01-17:37] d7af6, whysper : where is everyone?
[01-17:37] d7af6, whysper : mmm my green works
[01-17:37] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (what time does this place ussually start getting busy around?)
[01-17:38] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ( I dunno. I'm new)
[01-17:38] d7af6, whysper : you know html sorn
[01-17:38] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (test)
[01-17:38] d7af6, whysper : i'm here off and on and people are rarely here
[01-17:38] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (No I don't, sry)
[01-17:39] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((Test)))
[01-17:39] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (test)
[01-17:39] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (test)
[01-17:39] d7af6, whysper : np
[01-17:39] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hmmm, that sucks)
[01-17:39] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (test)
[01-17:39] d7af6, whysper : what are you doing there? testing your test button?
[01-17:39] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (test)
[01-17:40] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I was just testing all the little square things)
[01-17:40] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (, I'm done)
[01-17:40] d7af6, whysper : damn thats a retarded lookin smiley
[01-17:40] d7af6, whysper : oh
[01-17:40] d7af6, whysper : reminds me of my ex sister in law
[01-17:40] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ()
[01-17:41] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (oops, l.ol)
[01-17:41] d7af6, whysper : so whats your char?
[01-17:41] d7af6, whysper : cool girl smiley
[01-17:42] d7af6, whysper : my signature V""""V
[01-17:42] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (My char is a human male)
[01-17:42] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: whois sorcha lidil
[01-17:42] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Oops)
[01-17:42] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Forgot the / just checking out who ppl are)
[01-17:43] WHO: Sorcha Lidil last seen 8:22am, December 01 (CST)
[01-17:43] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Damn g2g)
[01-17:43] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (bye)
[01-17:43] d7af6, whysper : was thinking about regestering but haven't
[01-17:43] d7af6, whysper : later
[01-17:59] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[01-18:48] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[01-18:49] WHO: Kali last seen 3:28pm, November 29 (CST)
[01-18:50] WHO: Aegnora last seen 11:03pm, August 28 (CDT)
[01-18:50] WHO: Bobfred is unknown.
[01-18:50] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: /who is Llano Alanastrina
[01-18:51] WHO: Llano Alanastrina is unknown.
[01-18:51] WHO: Amber last seen 10:11pm, August 25 (CDT)
[01-18:52] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: /colour blue
[01-18:52] WHO: Drace Dalmuara is unknown.
[01-20:45] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[01-21:10] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-05:11] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[02-06:29] 2dd4d, Kali: *yawns* wow, it got busy ye last night.
[02-06:36] 2dd4d, Kali: and Sorn, if you want to know who people are, just look at their profiles. *your friendly neighborhood Admin*
[02-06:45] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-06:46] MSG: Sorn Bael'Tharas sent a message to Headmaster Zorander.
[02-06:46] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (, didn't see that button until just now, thanx)
[02-06:47] 2dd4d, Kali: the headmaster wont be here til later to day. maybe.
[02-06:48] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Well, I can RP as a guest till then. I'm using the same name I'd be using if I had an account anyway. Does this place ussually get very busy? I')
[02-06:50] 2dd4d, Kali: *confused* what does Zorander have to do with you being reg'd? and it does in the evenings, but its been a little slow lately with a lot of us working odd hours competing with school schedules.
[02-06:51] 23a50, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Oh, I thought the headmaster was the guy who was responcible for reging ppl. in any case, I g2g to school, ttyl)
[02-06:51] 2dd4d, Kali: he's just the headmaster of our mage school.
[02-06:52] 2dd4d, Kali: *off to work* bye
[02-07:26] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[02-07:27] MSG: anarsil halfmoon sent a message to Kali.
[02-07:28] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:27am, December 02 (CST) ).
[02-07:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[02-07:34] 8a433, Will-o'-the-wisp: the fronds of light seem to reach out and caress *L* stroking his very essence, if he could have felt it the fronds would have seemed cold.Then slowly the fronds start to enter the shades space and he grows frightened shrinking away,as if trying to get away.but even though he is of no substance the fronds hold him fast
[02-07:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:34am, December 02 (CST) ).
[02-13:46] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[02-13:47] d7af6, whysper: hello?
[02-13:47] d7af6, whysper: hello?
[02-15:15] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-15:43] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[02-15:43] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hey)
[02-15:45] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (U there?)
[02-15:53] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[02-15:53] d7af6, WHYSPER: HI
[02-15:53] d7af6, WHYSPER: sorry about that
[02-15:54] d7af6, WHYSPER: hello
[02-15:58] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hi)
[02-15:59] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[02-15:59] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Sry, u weren't answering and I got distracted)
[02-15:59] d7af6, WHYSPER: HI
[02-16:00] d7af6, WHYSPER: hey i was talking to someone in here and she left me hanging for half an hour before i finally left
[02-16:00] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-16:00] d7af6, WHYSPER: you are a dud e right?
[02-16:00] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Damn computer)
[02-16:01] d7af6, WHYSPER: if not I apologize
[02-16:01] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Anyway don't worry about it man, my bad. and yes I am a dude)
[02-16:02] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Alright I think my internet might cut out again in a sec, so If I ttake a minute to reply, thats why)
[02-16:02] d7af6, WHYSPER: cool
[02-16:03] d7af6, WHYSPER: i'm harrison
[02-16:03] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-16:04] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Cool, do u understand what this particular chatroom is for?)
[02-16:04] d7af6, WHYSPER: wb
[02-16:05] d7af6, WHYSPER: supposedly roleplay but an op said i could chat here
[02-16:05] d7af6, WHYSPER: or am i mistaken
[02-16:06] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Cool just checking, you're allowed to chat just ussually ur supposed to use brackets or have a special reg for it)
[02-16:06] d7af6, WHYSPER: no one told me are you an op
[02-16:07] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (No, but I've been Role Playing for 4-5 years)
[02-16:07] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (U don't have to if u don't want to, I'm just going by what I know)
[02-16:08] d7af6, WHYSPER: you know html?
[02-16:08] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (No, wish I did thho)
[02-16:08] d7af6, WHYSPER: i'll pass on the brackets then
[02-16:08] d7af6, WHYSPER: so do I i need a site in a hurry
[02-16:09] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Y?)
[02-16:09] d7af6, WHYSPER: i'm a writer and need to post crap for publishers to see
[02-16:09] d7af6, WHYSPER: btw are there vamps in this room?
[02-16:11] d7af6, WHYSPER: HELLO
[02-16:11] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (My brother migh know some, I'll check,)
[02-16:12] d7af6, WHYSPER: cool
[02-16:13] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Oh he says he doesn't but apparently he used to come to this room, he syays Kali knows some whenever she comes on. as for the vampires, I rreally don't know)
[02-16:14] d7af6, WHYSPER: kali always busy thanks for checking though
[02-16:14] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (, yesterday he made me check out if his old accounts were still open)
[02-16:14] d7af6, WHYSPER: the site I have sux
[02-16:14] d7af6, WHYSPER: were they
[02-16:15] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Nah)
[02-16:15] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (yarg, one sec, he's making me check something else again)
[02-16:15] WHO: Sorcha Lidil last seen 8:22am, December 01 (CST)
[02-16:15] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Back)
[02-16:18] d7af6, WHYSPER: wb
[02-16:18] d7af6, WHYSPER: is he computer illiterate or what?
[02-16:19] d7af6, WHYSPER: i mean like more than me because i would bet that impossible
[02-16:20] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[02-16:21] JOIN: whysper has entered.
[02-16:21] JOIN: cuddlebunny has entered.
[02-16:21] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (No but its my turn on the computer)
[02-16:21] JOIN: cuddlebunny has entered.
[02-16:21] d7af6, cuddlebunny: hello?
[02-16:21] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hi cuddlebunny)
[02-16:22] d7af6, cuddlebunny: i can't see anything
[02-16:22] JOIN: cuddlebunny has entered.
[02-16:23] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Is that better?)
[02-16:24] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Is anyone there?)
[02-16:25] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ()
[02-16:25] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (oops, wrong face )
[02-16:27] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (.... well this is fun)
[02-16:37] JOIN: WHYSPER has entered.
[02-16:37] d7af6, WHYSPER: SORRY I GOT BLOCKED
[02-16:37] d7af6, WHYSPER: THOUGHT YOU DID IT
[02-16:38] d7af6, WHYSPER: hello?
[02-16:38] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (, you got blocked? What do u mean?)
[02-16:40] d7af6, WHYSPER: i got kicked out of the room and it wouldn't let me back in
[02-16:40] d7af6, WHYSPER: thats why I tried cuddlebunny
[02-16:41] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Thats weird)
[02-16:42] d7af6, WHYSPER: what being booted or being cuddlebunny
[02-16:42] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (booted)
[02-16:43] d7af6, WHYSPER: oh
[02-16:43] d7af6, WHYSPER: well cuddlebunny doesn't really fit me either
[02-16:43] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ()
[02-16:44] d7af6, WHYSPER: although my ex hung that on me
[02-16:45] d7af6, WHYSPER: and used it public
[02-16:45] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (lmao))
[02-16:47] d7af6, WHYSPER: at 6'4 it's embaressing
[02-16:47] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (())
[02-16:51] d7af6, WHYSPER: so what are you up to?
[02-16:52] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((not much, just sitting around, hoping some ppl come on... my brother says this place used to be pretty active... I'm hoping the last couple days have just been slow))
[02-16:52] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((U?)))
[02-16:55] d7af6, WHYSPER: workin on my site
[02-16:56] d7af6, WHYSPER: when you put smiley in brackets it becomes a girl
[02-16:56] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((it does?))
[02-16:59] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((Dinner, time be back soon)))
[02-17:00] d7af6, WHYSPER: look at it like a goofy chick
[02-17:02] d7af6, WHYSPER: later dude
[02-17:23] JOIN: BUNNY has entered.
[02-17:36] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((back...)))
[02-17:43] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((I see that no one else is)))
[02-18:09] e84a5, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((....)))
[02-18:22] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-18:24] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((*sigh*))
[02-18:44] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((....)))
[02-18:50] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((.... .... ....))
[02-19:01] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[02-19:01] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (...)
[02-19:22] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (*Explodes*)
[02-19:30] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[02-19:31] f96be, Caradonia: Greetings exploding one))
[02-19:36] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hi)
[02-19:38] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (darn I've been waiing since like six and now someone comes on and I miss it)
[02-19:39] f96be, Caradonia: ((I'm here))
[02-19:41] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Cool)
[02-19:41] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I'm actually on the phone at the moment but I should be done soon)
[02-19:43] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Done, anyway, I'm new to Bettenchi (though not RP). Feel like RPing?)
[02-19:45] f96be, Caradonia: ((SUre..well..can you wait half an hour??))
[02-19:45] f96be, Caradonia: ((Here is my aim...Yon the Morrigan))
[02-19:46] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I can, I'm not in a hurry, though I don't use Aim)
[02-19:46] f96be, Caradonia: ((Msn? Yahoo? Icq? I got em all))
[02-19:47] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (MSN)
[02-19:47] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (
[02-19:59] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Talking to myself is so much fun...)
[02-19:59] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (So, How bout them Mets?)
[02-20:00] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (B@$TA@RD$!!! ALL OF THEM)
[02-20:08] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[02-20:08] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Wb)
[02-20:08] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I got a bit bored... as u can prolly see)
[02-20:09] f96be, Caradonia: ((*chuckle* yes, I see that))
[02-20:11] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (anyway... Umm... I'm not 100% sure on the setting, I know about ruapento or w/ebut thats about it)
[02-20:15] f96be, Caradonia: *It's a slow night and consequently it's very quiet. She in the inn, a drink in front of her, the mug half empty. She has the expression of a woman hungry for something to do*
[02-20:19] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *A tall, slim, man walks in, his cloak billowing in the fell wind about his ankles. his shoulder-length brown hair can be seen, dancing around his shoulders through his hood. He carries himself with a certain grace, that seems somehow threatening, while being gentle aat the same time. (more)
[02-20:21] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *as he steps into the tavern he takes a look around, his hood shifting with the movement of his head. Then his gaze falls upon Caradonia and he continues toward her.* Mind if I have a seat m'lday?
[02-20:21] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: **M'lady
[02-20:23] f96be, Caradonia: *Her slender brows arch over her yellow-gold eyes, reguarding the stranger with a look of slight astoundment, isnt used to people being that foward* Of course..*Nods to the chair across from her* make yourself comfortable*Voice is low and soft and polite*
[02-20:26] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Pulls his hood down, revealing a handsome man, with grey eyes and the beginnings of a beard, his skin lightly tanned.* Not many people tonight, I see. Oh, and by the way, my nameis Sorn.
[02-20:28] f96be, Caradonia: There really never are*She holds a hand out to him, for him to shake* My name is Caradonia but I insist on Cara..*She's quite attractive in the face, well scuplted bone structure, a carefully made nose and full lips that look as if they are apt to smile, tilted up in the corners they are*
[02-20:30] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He takes her hand and gives it a firm shake,* Its nice to meet you. If you don't mind my asking though, if its so quiet, why are you here?
[02-20:38] f96be, Caradonia: I like the food oh...and I have a room upstaris*She leans back in her chair with a slight chuckle, arms wrapping around her curled knees*
[02-20:38] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (Test)
[02-20:39] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He nods, looking toward the roof, as if to see the room. Shifting his view back to her he smiles.* I'm not a regular here, so what particular dish would you recemend?
[02-20:40] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He nods, looking toward the roof, as if to see the room. Shifting his view back to her he smiles.* I'm not a regular here, so what particular dish would you recemend?
[02-20:44] f96be, Caradonia: The spiced potatoes or the stew....either is quite filling..*She sighs and rubs her tummy, by the content look on her face she must have eaten recently* Where do you hail from?
[02-20:47] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *he nods.* Well, I was born in Ruapento, and I'm still here. Not much to say really, and you? *He flags down the tender as they continue their conversation*
[02-20:48] f96be, Caradonia: Here, there, everywhere. I'm a nomad just like the rest of my family*She tells the tender that she wants another ale while she's at it..*
[02-20:55] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *Orders the spiced potatoes, dropping a gold coin onto the countertop Just then a rather short chubby man walks in and after eying sorn a minute walks over and sits in the corner of the room.*
[02-20:56] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmm*eyes drift to the gold then to the chubby man who just entered, then back to the gold...she's a theif of the con artist/pick pocket is her hobby* Looks like you got an admirer
[02-20:59] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He smirks.* Indeed. Give me a moment... I've got business to atend to.... *He standss up and walks into the corner of the room, sitting down infront of the man.*
[02-21:04] f96be, Caradonia: *She gets her ale and she sips on it, looking like a woman whose minding her business but oh so secretly isn't *
[02-21:07] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *The man whispers angrily at Sorn but after a growl from the much larger man, the fat one shuts up.After some more whispering the short one produces a pouch from his pocket and hands it to Sorn who quickly pockets it. The man gets up and stomps out the door, leaving Sorn with a wide grin on his face as he proceeds back to sit with Cara, his potatoes, already being placed down at his seat*
[02-21:08] f96be, Caradonia: You look like your a man with lots of friends*Said as she turns towards the door, watching it click closed after the departure..there is something feilne about her..the smoothness of movements and how she watches every twitch, every flick of the hand*
[02-21:10] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *His smiles not relenting.* If you can call them that. *he sniffs his potatoes before he begins to eat, slowly*
[02-21:12] f96be, Caradonia: What do you call them..*Eyes peeking over the brim of her mug, two golden orbs with a curious gleam to them...her tone friendly before it cuts off with the drink*
[02-21:16] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : "business associates"... Filthy rats... *He shrugs* In any case, he's gone now, so he's no more trouble to me.
[02-21:17] f96be, Caradonia: Oh, I see, *She chuckles a little before sitting her mug of ale back down* How's the food..*Glancing at his plate then him..questioning*
[02-21:19] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *he nods* In all honesty, better then I expected. Most taverns I've been to couldn't hold a candle to it. So, what do you do for a living?
[02-21:21] f96be, Caradonia: *Oh, here's a fun question. She looks up at him as if she's giong to tell the truth but lies like silk flow from her full lips* I streach and dry animal hydes...then sell them
[02-21:24] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He smiles, not showing a hint of suspicion, though with such dead grey eyes, it would indeed be hard to tell., as it was, he was also a fluent liar.* And I am part of a merchants guild, I collect money from those who owe the guild. *he pats the pouch the man had given him.*
[02-21:27] f96be, Caradonia: Must pay well...*rakes a hand through her tawny colored hair, eyeing him with a slight smile..a liar knows a liar*
[02-21:30] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He smiles back at her, the same smile she was using at him, making it all to evident to her that he too understood that she was lying. It pays well enough, as I imagine your job does as well. *His smirk widens slightly, to a playful smile even.
[02-21:30] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *
[02-21:31] f96be, Caradonia: *He is proving himself to be more interesting company than she had orgionally thought* Oh, business comes and and demand..
[02-21:36] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : So it ussually is with businesses, *he shifts his weight slightly.* So where do you get you animal hides? *His smile does not subside.*
[02-21:38] f96be, Caradonia: I'm quite the hunter but occasionaly, when leather is demand, i'll purchase a cow and slaughter it myself*When she tells a lie she makes sure that it's a beleivable lie*
[02-21:40] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : Ahh, *he nods.* I imagine there mus be quite the demand for leather in Ruapento,
[02-21:42] f96be, Caradonia: No, not really....excuse me for a second? I'm going to atke care of my tab*She stands and walks up to the bar...she strikes one as dimunitive but there is nothing small in the way she moves..she just reeks of power and confidence. Bill paid she walks back over..humming a tad*
[02-21:44] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *His smile widens all the more.* Graceful I see. You fight?
[02-21:45] f96be, Caradonia: Not if I can help it. Do bill collectors fight often or do you just reconize that sort of thing on pure instict*Grinning at him*
[02-21:49] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *Still grinning.* Well, I like to train my self, gives me a sense of satisfaction to be better then most other people. . ANd yes, occasionally people are not so willing to pay their bills, so I must fight them. *
[02-21:50] f96be, Caradonia: I certianly hope it's not to the death...dificult to collect off a corpse..espically if they hid the money*talks like someone whose knows..but looks far too innocent*
[02-21:52] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *Shrug* Most arn't brave enough to fight, and when they do, they ussually lose badly enough they give up half way through
[02-21:52] f96be, Caradonia: That must leave you quite frustrated...or so I imagine..*She leans back in her seat, chair balanced on it's back two legs..the topic off of her*
[02-21:58] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He shrugs, also leaning back.* Not really. I enjoy it actually... In any case, its of no real relevance.* and, just out of curiosity, if your a nomad and your saying at the inn, why do you have a shop in Ruapento, would it not be less expennsive t o simply stay there?
[02-21:59] f96be, Caradonia: It would except I don't have a shop, I bring my wares with me when I come to town and I stay the nights here...while visiting..*She smiles at him..nice and big..Oh she's good*
[02-22:02] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : That must be expensive to travel between cities like that. And dangerous I would imagine, Mind if I take a look at your wares, I 've been looking for some Omnipotent Being leather lately.
[02-22:04] f96be, Caradonia: *She motions to the purse at her looks very full* Sorry, but I'm wearing what is left*Cara acutally does work with animal hydes..but its more of a interest rather than a makes a great cover....she grins* Look all you want
[02-22:04] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : **good
[02-22:08] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He nods, looking her up and down, quite probably not even looking at the leather.* . I Well, it seems you've exhausted my questions. *his eyes convery a silent congradulations to her, which she could have quite easilly picked out.*
[02-22:10] f96be, Caradonia: *She does and her curled lips tilt up into a even wider smile, charming for a gypsy..but arent they all* So, does this mean it's my turn?
[02-22:11] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He nods.* Knock yourself out.
[02-22:12] f96be, Caradonia: So, you work for a certain business or are you freelance?*Propping her legs up on the table...he getting a good view of her boots...nice ones*
[02-22:16] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : Well, Lord Demric, he is one of the leaders of the guild. *He studies hjer boots for a moment before turning back to her., a playful smile dancing across his lips*
[02-22:17] f96be, Caradonia: Lord Demic...that name sounds a little..familar...*She mirrors his smile...eyes two burning embers in the shadow she sits in* Do you like your job?
[02-22:20] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He tilts his head to the side slightly* Yes, it pays well and I get lots of free time... Occasionally I even get to fight.
[02-22:21] f96be, Caradonia: What do you fight with?*curious girl, but sweetly so* With your hands?*leaning over to touch the back of a afore mentioned hand* Or with something pointy
[02-22:23] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He opens his cloak up, revealing a suit of leather armor, a pair of scimitars, a short sword and a whip.* Depends on the situation...
[02-22:26] f96be, Caradonia: *She eyes the whip with great interest and she stirs in her seat...leaning in a little...* Isn't all that heavy?*Grinning up at him*
[02-22:27] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *his hand slides down to the whip, as she eyes, it his smile again broadening for a moment.* I'm a strong man, I can handle it.
[02-22:28] f96be, Caradonia: Oh, I'm sure you could*Voice a low purr as she sits back down....body settling underneath her cloak that's only somewhat open* But even a big guy like you could get awfully tired
[02-22:30] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *Tilting his head to the side a bit he says.* I could, but I've got lots of stamina, I manage.
[02-22:31] f96be, Caradonia: *She tilts her head back in a outright laugh, the angle exposing the smooth line of her throat and that sweet hollow where the collar bones meet*
[02-22:33] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He chuckles a bit himself.*
[02-22:34] f96be, Caradonia: *She straightens while still giggling* But only managing is a downright shame....more to life than that*Drinks a bit more of her ale...probably a little tipsy by now*
[02-22:37] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : Well, thats when I'm weighed down, when I'm not I'm much better at just about everything., Speaking of which I happen to be quite the dancer... to bad there isn't any music.
[02-22:39] f96be, Caradonia: *She cocks a brow at him while one side of her lip twists up into a suspecting smile* If there was should I be considering myself asked?
[02-22:41] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He shrugs* Would you like that? I do so rrely get the chance to dance. Those merchants are quite the serious bunch...
[02-22:42] f96be, Caradonia: I'd be delighted...*In a sweep of fabric she has her feet on the floor, standing over him...a hand held at to him* Don't worry about the music*Grinning* I can hum
[02-22:45] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *he quickly stands up, disgarding his weapons on the chair as he takes her hand.*
[02-22:46] f96be, Caradonia: *She pulls him towards her and with a sly little grin she takes the lead...she is very grace, very sure and nimble on her makes one wander* Any requests?*humming a tune*
[02-22:47] f96be, Caradonia: ((graceful))
[02-22:48] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *he is also incredibly graceful, if one didn't no better, they might think he was inhumanly graceful, simply from the moment he stood up. * by all means you choose..
[02-22:49] f96be, Caradonia: I acutally feel rather silly doing this..*grinning a tad while she slides a hand up on his shoulder..she's very short...poor dear....then starts humming a little diddy.....warring with her instict to pick his pocket*
[02-22:52] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He shrugs* Who will see us, the tender? I've got no more "associates" coming to meet me. *He begins yto follow the rhythym of her humming with perfect timing and fluid, motions, rare in a man.*
[02-22:53] f96be, Caradonia: How old are you Sorn?*Smiles with a tempting though of dipping him over her arm..she's strong, can hold his heavy ass up*
[02-22:53] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *in a man of his size*
[02-22:55] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He shrugs* Around twenty, not entirely sure (so 18-22) and you? *Standing at 5'10 he very likely stands a a good bit above her.*
[02-22:56] f96be, Caradonia: I think I'm 18*She places her hand at the small of his back and then slowly and carefully dips him..hand a strong grip in his..eyes saying not to let go*
[02-22:58] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He gracefully accepts, following her motions perfectly, his emotionless eyes never leaving hers. His cloak whisks about him as they dance.*
[02-23:00] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[02-23:01] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : (Wb)
[02-23:01] f96be, Caradonia: Your turn to lead*Lifting him up with a easy sigh...this is somewhat fun..somewhat..still pondering on picking his purse..can see it's presence against his hip*
[02-23:03] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : Ahh, then away we go. *He starts at the same pace Cara had been keeping but quickly begins to accelerate, the dance becoming a whir of motion, *
[02-23:08] f96be, Caradonia: *She laughs and then gently shoves away from him with a sly look..* Trying to make me dizzy?
[02-23:10] 348bf, Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He laughs a bit too.* And why would I do that? *He quickly returns to normal.* I tend to get caught up in the dance. An old freind taught me how.
[02-23:19] f96be, Caradonia: ((Sorry))
[03-00:55] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[03-01:02] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: (*ponders why someone has been looking for her?*)
[03-01:02] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: (*been looking in the logs*)
[03-01:08] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil : (*is around here and there*)
[03-05:52] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-05:53] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hello?)
[03-06:18] c1ccb, Kali: *is finally awake*
[03-06:20] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Hullo)
[03-06:21] c1ccb, Kali: *reads logs* *smiles at the thought of a 6'4" cuddlebunny*
[03-06:21] c1ccb, Kali: hello Sorn
[03-06:22] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((,))
[03-06:22] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((arr, I keep forgetting the l.ol is a happy face)))
[03-06:23] c1ccb, Kali: *blinks* what am I saying???!!mine's 6'2"!
[03-06:23] c1ccb, Kali: I wouldnt call him a cuddlebunny though.
[03-06:23] c1ccb, Kali: *grins* at least not in public
[03-06:24] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (())
[03-06:24] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((Damn...))
[03-06:24] c1ccb, Kali: heh, its ok. I know what you mean anyway.
[03-06:24] c1ccb, Kali: try all caps next time.
[03-06:25] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((()))
[03-06:25] c1ccb, Kali: where are you Sorn?
[03-06:25] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((nope))
[03-06:25] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((oh well))
[03-06:25] c1ccb, Kali: hrm.. its lost it.
[03-06:26] c1ccb, Kali: *test*
[03-06:26] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((Apparantly my brother used to come here, he said it used to be a lot mote active. What happened?))
[03-06:26] c1ccb, Kali: *shakes head* wonder who messed with it.
[03-06:26] c1ccb, Kali: who's your brother?
[03-06:27] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((umm... I keep forgetting his chars firt name...)))
[03-06:27] c1ccb, Kali: it was in the summer, when people didnt have school and stuff to do. real life calls. its picking back up though. what kind of char was his?
[03-06:27] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((It started with E but I remember the last name was Baenre)))
[03-06:27] c1ccb, Kali: Edrae!!!! tell him to get back in here Sorcha's been looking for him
[03-06:28] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((On sec, I'll let u talk to him, just let me go get him)))
[03-06:29] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((Umm... hey...)))
[03-06:29] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((I got grounded for a long time then just sorta... didn't come back...))
[03-06:29] c1ccb, Kali: *L*
[03-06:29] c1ccb, Kali: ouch
[03-06:30] c1ccb, Kali: you should. Sorcha's been wondering what happened to you.
[03-06:31] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((Guess I may as well. I guess I'll sign up again.... later, tho I'm busy getting ready for school.)))
[03-06:31] c1ccb, Kali: I know.
[03-06:32] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((alright its the real Sorn again))
[03-06:32] c1ccb, Kali: have fun. I'll be here off and on today.
[03-06:33] c1ccb, Kali: he had a couple of really good rp's going before he quit.
[03-06:33] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (((K< I've gotta go to school soon anyway, oh and btw I've recruited a vet RPer to the chat, she says she she'll get more)))
[03-06:34] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((did he? All he told me about was Eradrae, which soundd cool, even if he was sorta a Drizzt clone)))
[03-06:34] c1ccb, Kali: see ya
[03-06:35] c1ccb, Kali: he had drae and his sister. sorcha was in one and I was in the other. with my Fae.
[03-06:35] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((bye))
[03-06:36] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ((cool. I'll ask him about it.))
[03-06:36] c1ccb, Kali: bye
[03-07:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-07:29] be832, Will-o'-the-wisp: the shade is lost to its self and lastly remembers kayas first greeting
[03-07:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:29am, December 03 (CST) ).
[03-07:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-08:13] 00a7c, Kali: *ponders*
[03-13:28] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-13:29] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hullo?)
[03-13:37] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Well then...)
[03-14:06] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-14:39] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-14:41] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hey)
[03-14:44] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-14:45] f96be, Caradonia: (*groggy*))
[03-14:46] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (So...)
[03-14:46] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Wait... that might seem rude)
[03-14:47] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* I assure you, I'm not offended))
[03-14:47] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (thats not how I meant, basically I just couldn't think of anything to say and so is generally as a bridge type thinger in convo.)
[03-14:48] f96be, Caradonia: ((That was acutally how I took it*L*))
[03-14:49] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (*L* just checking)
[03-14:49] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (You to groggy to RP or?)
[03-14:51] f96be, Caradonia: ((Nah, i'm alright..just slowly waking up ))
[03-14:52] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Ahh, what time is it there?)
[03-14:53] f96be, Caradonia: ((4 in the afternoon))
[03-14:54] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (oh... *L*)
[03-14:54] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (So I imagine u live in Canada somewhere?)
[03-14:54] f96be, Caradonia: ((east coast of the U.S))
[03-14:55] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Ahh, I live in Canada and my clock says its 10 to 4)
[03-14:55] JOIN: BUNNY has entered.
[03-14:55] d7af6, BUNNY: HI EVERYONE
[03-14:55] f96be, Caradonia: ((ah..well..I'm in Virginia so who knows))
[03-14:55] d7af6, BUNNY: LOVELY PIC
[03-14:55] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (anyway, shall we continue where we left off?)
[03-14:56] f96be, Caradonia: ((It's rabbit season!))
[03-14:56] f96be, Caradonia: ((thank you))
[03-14:56] f96be, Caradonia: ((Yes , That'd be cool))
[03-14:57] d7af6, BUNNY: did you do it?
[03-14:58] f96be, Caradonia: ((I wish))
[03-14:58] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (K, I'll fetch the last couple posts then)
[03-14:58] d7af6, BUNNY: pity I need art
[03-14:59] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: f96be, Caradonia: Your turn to lead*Lifting him up with a easy sigh...this is somewhat fun..somewhat..still pondering on picking his purse..can see it's presence against his hip*
[03-14:59] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Sorn Bael'Tharas : Ahh, then away we go. *He starts at the same pace Cara had been keeping but quickly begins to accelerate, the dance becoming a whir of motion, *
[03-14:59] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Caradonia: *She laughs and then gently shoves away from him with a sly look..* Trying to make me dizzy?
[03-15:00] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Sorn Bael'Tharas : *He laughs a bit too.* And why would I do that? *He quickly returns to normal.* I tend to get caught up in the dance
[03-15:00] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (ANd thats where we left off)
[03-15:02] f96be, Caradonia: Well, you dance rather well..*Grinning a tad, hearing the clank of his change purse...THATs music but does the little chick dare?*
[03-15:03] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he grins playfully.* I'd be quite determined to prove you wrong if you thought otherwise.
[03-15:06] f96be, Caradonia: *Her lips curl up into a wide but rather pleased smile* Therefore I retract my previous statment...your dancing is awfuly
[03-15:08] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Well then, *he holds a hand out to her, tilting his head slightly.* I guess I've got to prove otherwise.
[03-15:09] f96be, Caradonia: I guess that you do*Fingers lightly and gently settling in his, she looking rather....sly*
[03-15:12] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He leaps into graceful motion, a quick paced dance, filled with twirls and complicated foot work. At this point it seems almost as though he is testing her.*
[03-15:14] f96be, Caradonia: *He's testing the wrong woman if he's trying to foul her up, growing up a knife fighter's speed and agility were tested by dance....except there were knives involed. Her body moves in graceful and effortless steps, beating a staccato on the floor*
[03-15:18] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Very good, most people can't keep up with me. *the dance starts to speed up slightly, becoming a dance so graceful that it would awe any spectator.*
[03-15:19] f96be, Caradonia: Not so fast!*Laughing just as one of her legs trips up with his, probably trippig them both*
[03-15:21] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Laughing as he falls, making sure to put his body between hers and the ground to absorb the impact.* Well, am I a good dancer yet, or shall we continue?
[03-15:28] f96be, Caradonia: *She laughs* I'm impressed so I think we are finished here*Fingers that have been trained for years and years deftly untie his money bag, one would think it would make a noise but it dosent..she just makes to slide it up her sleeve under the guise of standing up....nothing she did was out of the oridianry movement and she stands, her cleveage should make for an interesting distraction*
[03-15:31] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *his fingers twitch slightly as she stands up, perhaps he'd seen her take his purse, perhaps he was thinking of grabbing something else, in any case, he didn't and also stood up.* Well then, it was nice meeting you Caradoniaa. *he turns toward his stuff, still sitting on the chair.*
[03-15:33] f96be, Caradonia: *She reaches out and places a hand on his harm* Leaving already? and's Cara...
[03-15:36] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he shrugs,* I got the impression thats what you meant when u said "We're finished here."
[03-15:38] f96be, Caradonia: I meant that I'm finished dancing..*She walks up next to him and slide a arm around his waist, and she holds her hand up to him, something cupped in her palm* You dropped this...*His gold bag...or wathever*
[03-15:41] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He smirks.* Did I now? *The look in his eyes tells her that he hadn't been heading to his weapons to put them back on his belt.* Is that how you leather merchants come onto men?
[03-15:42] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-15:44] f96be, Caradonia : Mmmmmhmmmm*Grinning she dangles the bag in front of his eyes, jiggling the coins inside* It's all there, I promise*Grabs his hand by the wrist and puts it in his palm* You should keep a better eye on it
[03-15:47] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He takes it and ties it to his belt* I'll keep an eye on it.
[03-15:48] f96be, Caradonia : That's a good boy..*She shrugs out of her cloak and lays it on the back of her chair, the glinting of throwing daggers glimmer on the inside of it. She sits down and props a leg up* So, what does a man in your business do for fun?
[03-15:51] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Taking her que and sitting down again,* Oh, I'll bet you can imagine.... *The mere question makes his smile widen, as he makes another attempt at flirtation.*
[03-15:53] f96be, Caradonia : *She catches onto that attempt and it makes her smile* So you like to dance with women you barely know in your spare time?
[03-15:54] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Its passes the time. *he tosses his weapon belt to the floor, waving the tender down again.*
[03-15:55] f96be, Caradonia : *She takes that as a very good sign, it eases things, it eases her and though she was relaxed before she looses up a tad more* There are other things..i'm sure, that can pass the time
[03-15:57] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Oh yes, a good many other things, I find most women would rather just dance thouh.*A devilish grin spreading across his face.*
[03-15:58] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-15:58] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *though
[03-15:58] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Wb)
[03-15:59] f96be, Caradonia: *She laughs, the sound is low and amused* Sorn, if I was a gentler woman I'd be blushing....*Starts chuckling again*
[03-16:01] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Returning the laugh.* You wouldn't be the first.
[03-16:03] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-16:03] f96be, Caradonia: Oh? Have a long line of ladies in waiting?*Lips curling up in a side ways smile which fades when she ordres herself a plate of foot..potatoes and rabbit and another mug of ale*
[03-16:05] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he shrugs* I wouldn't exactly call them 'waiting', but whatever pleases you. *he orders a glass of fire wine, the first actualy alchohol he's had so far.*
[03-16:05] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (brb)
[03-16:05] EXIT: Sorn Bael'Tharas has left the chat ( 5:05pm, December 03 (CST) ).
[03-16:05] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-16:06] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (testing out an image)
[03-16:06] f96be, Caradonia: Well, if they arent waiting then what are they?*Drinking up the last of her ale in the other mug..she should be well on her way to drunk..but she's not unless she's hiding it really well*
[03-16:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-16:09] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Not sure, haven't spoken to any in quite a while. *sips his fire wine.*
[03-16:11] f96be, Caradonia: Not surprising, you just reek of Cad*Chuckling while she takes a drink, eyes peeking over the mug's rim*
[03-16:14] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Well theres that about it. *he pauses for a moment, just staring at her, unblinkingly.* You however don't seem to have a problem with that. Most merchants arn't so brave.
[03-16:16] f96be, Caradonia: *Her shoulders bounce in hapless shrug* I'm really good at taking care of myself..*She smiles at him, it's a alluring thing*And I'm not scared of..well..much of anything
[03-16:17] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He nods.* Thats commendable... if somewhat foolish.
[03-16:19] f96be, Caradonia: *She smiles and rolls her finger around the mug's rim* I have fears, I've faced quite a few...besides*Looking up, a brow arching* "Much of anything" isn't exactly fearless
[03-16:21] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Taking another sip of his firewine he nods.* What ARE you scared of then?
[03-16:22] f96be, Caradonia: My, we are getting a bit personal arent we?*She stirs a bit in her seat, the reality of her fears isn't something that she likes to think about..much less converse on*
[03-16:23] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *Shrugs.* There are only so many topics to discus, Mrs. Caradonia.
[03-16:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[03-16:25] f96be, Caradonia: *She shakes her head, chuckling* How many times am I going to have to tell you....Call me Cara.
[03-16:26] JOIN: bunny has entered.
[03-16:27] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He chuckles a bit.* Force of habit I suppose... My employers would not be very happy if I refered to them without the proper respect... not that I imagine they'd do anything about it.
[03-16:28] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmmmm...Knowing that, I would make it my business to drive them up their respective walls...*She smiles at him*
[03-16:31] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (oops accidentaly undid my last post... ignore its absence)
[03-16:31] EXIT: Sorn Bael'Tharas has left the chat ( 5:31pm, December 03 (CST) ).
[03-16:32] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-16:37] 83799, Kali: *sneaks in*
[03-16:44] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hey Kali)
[03-16:46] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (oh, I did talk to my brother about his characters and stuff and he said that the other Drow Elf was not Eradraes sister. Apparantly it was his daughter from the future.*
[03-16:46] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: )
[03-16:46] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I'm not entirely sure how that works but oh well... anyway brb, supper)
[03-17:06] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (back)
[03-17:11] f96be, Caradonia: ((Back))
[03-17:17] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Wb Cara *hops bic*)
[03-17:19] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles all the wider.* Good point, miss Caradonia.
[03-17:21] f96be, Caradonia: *She rolls her eyes and flicks a drop of ale in his direction* I suspect that you are now calling me by my full name on purpose
[03-17:22] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *in an obviously exagerated voice he says.* Oh, my... My mistake, sorry about that.
[03-17:23] f96be, Caradonia: *She gives him a quick little kick underneath the table* no one likes a smart ass*Gives her hair a flip and takes another drink from her mug..humming*
[03-17:26] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He feigns an agonized expression as she kicks him.* I suppose your not so easy to drive up walls.
[03-17:27] f96be, Caradonia: It depends on what it is..acutally*He feigns a agonized expression she mouths a pout at him*
[03-17:30] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Is that so? *he takes another sip of his firewine, the glass now half of what it had been.*
[03-17:31] f96be, Caradonia: Yeah...everyone has their pet peeves...*She looks at his glass with a raised brow* How does that taste?
[03-17:34] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Like burning actually... However, it does tend to get a person drunk much quicker then other brews. *he tips the glass toward her before taking a particularly large swig.*
[03-17:35] f96be, Caradonia: The more burn the better.*She lays her cheek in the cupped palm of her hand..observing him with a little smile* Are you wanting to get drunk?
[03-17:37] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Well, I can take quite a bit of fire wine before getting drunk, but its been quite a while since I have been drunk, so why not?
[03-17:38] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmmmm...well....what if you get drunk and I decide to take advantage of you..*Grinning a bit, as if liking the idea*
[03-17:41] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he grins back.* By take advantage I assume you don't mean take my purse. In fact I would not have to be drunk for yu to take advantage of me. *He smiles broadly at her, tipping his glass toward her again.*
[03-17:42] f96be, Caradonia: *She grins and wrinkels her nose at him* I don't like my men THAT ease..I like a little bit of a conquest.
[03-17:44] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: who said it would come so easy? I said you could take advantage of me, not I'd give myself to you.
[03-17:46] f96be, Caradonia: *She starts laughing after the first uttered sentence, it's the kind of laughter one would hear when thoughts have drifted off to something naughty* So,*still snickering* You'd like there like a fish and take it?
[03-17:49] f96be, Caradonia: ((Lay))
[03-17:50] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smirks at her.* Well, I can't imagine that'd be very fun for you. After all, thats not a very good way to be using all my stamnia now is it? *he taps his weapon belt as he mentions stamina.*
[03-17:51] f96be, Caradonia: Your correct, that would be a waste your well hoarded energy. Though..*tapping her chin as if she'd gotten a revolutionary thought* You could give in to my wiles...hmmm
[03-17:53] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He laughs.* Well, I guess I suppose it depends where your wiles take us.
[03-17:55] f96be, Caradonia: No doubt somewhere fun and well*Shrugs with a slight smile* but it's not like you'll find have all that heavy equipment to carry. You need your strenght*She gives his hand a consoling pat*
[03-17:56] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he shrugs* Its a shame... It would have been fun.
[03-17:57] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmmm...yeah...would have been*Breaths out a light sigh while her eyes watch him from her side across the table*
[03-17:59] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Well, then, the only solution to this, of course, is *He downs the rest of his drink then shouts out to the tender.* More fire wine!
[03-18:00] f96be, Caradonia: *She throws her head back with a loud laugh, it ebbing to a giggle* Will this night end with you passed out in some corner?
[03-18:02] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: I very much doubt that, last time I actually drank, it took 2 bottles of fire wine to give me a hangover... albeit a very nasty one.
[03-18:03] f96be, Caradonia: That's good, I can't say that I enjoy the thought of a man your size whimpering like a little girl*Winks at him*
[03-18:05] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He nods.* Neither can I... In fact, if I saw one, I'd likely put him to the tip of my sword.
[03-18:06] f96be, Caradonia: *She gives him a look of slight dissaproval* Oh, come now, surely you have more imagination than that
[03-18:07] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he nods.* Your right, I'd turn him in for some heinous act and let the authorities find some interesting way to tear him aprt in public.
[03-18:09] f96be, Caradonia: Better, but humiliation is always a nice way of chiding someone....I would suggest having him wake up in the docks and finding himself in a awkward position with a fish*Takes a sip of her ale..*
[03-18:09] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: **apart
[03-18:10] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: ahh better yet! I'd let the authorities find the "rapist" that way! *he takes the firewine from the tender, who had just finished pouring his drink.*
[03-18:11] f96be, Caradonia: I have no mercy with rapists...the only humilation they would suffer is loosing what lurks between their legs...gah..foul beings..*Shudders and wraps her arms about her self*
[03-18:13] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shrugs* Never had a taste for such lowly creatures myself, but I'm sure the authorities would figure something similiar as punishment.
[03-18:14] f96be, Caradonia: *He probably should be asking himself why she would be having any experience with rapists in the like..but since he didn't ask she's not going to tell* hopefully so...*Eyes him for a moment, shadowing some thought*
[03-18:15] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *raises a brow at her, as she eyes him.*
[03-18:18] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmm*She stands up and walks so she's next to him* Hold still, you have something on your mouth...*Leans over to kiss him on the mouth. It's a quick but sweet peck and she leans up with a grin* Okay, it's gone now
[03-18:20] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-18:20] f96be, Caradonia: ((Second mouth..lips)
[03-18:22] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He chuckles.* Well, I'll be sure to come find you whenever I have something on my mouth then.
[03-18:23] f96be, Caradonia: *She just rolls her eyes* I dont know If i'd want someone too dense as to reconize a blatent invitation to come and find me..Jeeze*laughing*
[03-18:27] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He smiles, downing his second glass of fire wine.* Well then, I'm glad I'm not so dense.
[03-18:30] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (oops misunderstood that)
[03-18:30] f96be, Caradonia: *She gives him this "I wouldn't be so sure about that If I were you" look before leaning back in her seat, the chair balanced on it's back legs*
[03-18:31] EXIT: Caradonia has left the chat ( 7:30pm, December 03 (CST) ).
[03-18:31] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-18:57] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[03-21:56] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-21:56] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hullo)
[03-22:01] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-22:02] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (WB)
[03-22:03] f96be, Caradonia: ((Thank you)
[03-22:05] 24958, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shrugs* Oh, you would. *A devilish grin touches his face.* Trust me.
[03-22:06] f96be, Caradonia: *She arches a finely shaped brow, reguarding him with a smirk* Your going to have to give me more than a "trust me"
[03-22:10] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[03-22:10] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Damn, lost my post...)
[03-22:10] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *His devilish expression unrelenting,* You said you have a room upstairs, I could... Show you
[03-22:15] f96be, Caradonia: As if I would let it happen that easy. For a man who knows sooo much about women you really are rather bad at seduction..*Picking up her ale and taking a long hard drink*
[03-22:18] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He laughs.* Ahh, never did I claim to know a lot about women, I simply claimed I'd 'been around' , ussually my mad good looks however are ussually enough. *he looks around to the tender and signals for yet more fire wine.*
[03-22:20] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmmm, poor girls*Motions for her mug to be refilled as well while chuckling to herself* Fooled by a pretty face. *winks at him*
[03-22:23] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He laughs.* I'm sure they don't agree! *He discards his glass and simply starts drinking from the bottle, probably by now, at least slightly drunk*
[03-22:26] f96be, Caradonia: I dont suppose that you've kept in touch to ask them if they agree *Grinning at him, watching him drink*
[03-22:27] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Well, they're still around... somewhere... I'd just have to look a little bit. *he smiles, tipping the bottle toward her before taking another large swig.*
[03-22:28] f96be, Caradonia: *She laughs while leaning across the table, slowly pulling the bottle from his grasp* Hey, slow down a bit....I dont want you Too drunk
[03-22:30] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: I'm not drunk! *he laughs loudly.* Lightly buzzed is the appropriate term. *he nods to the bottle,* try some, tastes like burning.
[03-22:35] f96be, Caradonia: ((Brb))
[03-22:36] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (k)
[03-22:45] JOIN: Mythias has entered.
[03-22:45] 8698c, Mythias: (matt wales are you here)
[03-23:00] WHO: Sorn Baeltharas is unknown.
[03-23:00] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[03-23:02] 6b771, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Night all)
[03-23:02] f96be, Caradonia: *She grins and takes the bottle..tipping it back for a long drink* Ugh..*Face screwing up*
[03-23:02] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[03-23:02] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[03-23:03] cc37e, Haesanga: ((hi))
[03-23:03] cc37e, Haesanga: ((... why isn't Haesanga registered?((
[04-01:38] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[04-01:40] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[04-01:46] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: *
[04-01:46] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 2:46am, December 04 (CST) ).
[04-02:47] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[04-02:52] bbb93, Sorcha Lidil: *She slowly moves through the streets of in a daze it had been a couple week now since the Fae had let her go but what had become of Drae? why did she leave she had no choice it was either go or be thrown back into prision again, she missed him she wish she knew what had become of him but she would have to wait*
[04-02:52] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 3:52am, December 04 (CST) ).
[04-10:10] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[04-10:11] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-10:13] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hey hey)
[04-10:14] f96be, Caradonia: ((Hello! *L* I feel asleep last night..i'm sorry))
[04-10:14] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Um, I was just about to get off, I should be back in a little while, its my brothers turn)
[04-10:14] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (, don't worry about it)
[04-10:14] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (Anyway, I'll be back in 30-60 min)
[04-10:14] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* alright, i'll see ya in a wee bit.))
[04-10:14] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (I think my bro wants to sign up)
[04-10:14] EXIT: Sorn Bael'Tharas has left the chat ( 11:14am, December 04 (CST) ).
[04-10:20] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[04-10:23] d187c, Eradrae Baenre: (Hi)
[04-10:27] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-10:27] f96be, Caradonia: ((hello))
[04-10:27] d187c, Eradrae Baenre: (How r u)
[04-10:28] f96be, Caradonia: ((well thank you, looking for my shoe so I can go grab some food))
[04-10:29] d187c, Eradrae Baenre: (*L* sounds like mad fun)
[04-10:30] f96be, Caradonia: ((Oh you better beleive it. This is so fun that it's sinful ))
[04-10:33] f96be, Caradonia: ((Anyway..time for chow...ta ta))
[04-10:35] d187c, Eradrae Baenre: (C ya)
[04-10:54] f96be, Caradonia: ((Ah, the wonders of cafeteria food))
[04-10:56] d187c, Eradrae Baenre: (*L*)
[04-10:59] f96be, Caradonia: ((Yum yum...*Bleh*))
[04-11:02] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[04-11:03] MSG: Caradonia sent a message to Jesus Christ.
[04-11:05] MSG: Caradonia sent a message to Caradonia.
[04-11:10] f96be, Caradonia: worked
[04-11:21] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[04-11:30] f96be, Caradonia: ((It's cold!))
[04-11:30] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 12:21pm, December 04 (CST) ).
[04-11:31] JOIN: Sorn Bael'Tharas has entered.
[04-11:32] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: (hullo)
[04-11:32] f96be, Caradonia: ((*L* hi))
[04-11:35] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Caradonia: I dont suppose that you've kept in touch to ask them if they agree *Grinning at him, watching him drink*
[04-11:35] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Sorn Bael'Tharas: Well, they're still around... somewhere... I'd just have to look a little bit. *he smiles, tipping the bottle toward her before taking another large swig.*
[04-11:35] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Caradonia: *She laughs while leaning across the table, slowly pulling the bottle from his grasp* Hey, slow down a bit....I dont want you Too drunk
[04-11:35] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: Sorn Bael'Tharas: I'm not drunk! *he laughs loudly.* Lightly buzzed is the appropriate term. *he nods to the bottle,* try some, tastes like burning.
[04-11:38] f96be, Caradonia: *She arches a brow at him just before she leans across the table to grab the bottle by it's neck and takes a big gulp..swallows* Oh Omnipotent Being! It does burn*Coughing while setting the bottle back down*
[04-11:42] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he smiles widely.* indeed, it does! Quite a strong brew! *He reaches over to take the bottle back.*
[04-11:43] f96be, Caradonia: Mmmm, no...I want another*She tips the bottle back for another drink before he can grab the bottle away from her*
[04-11:44] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shrugs.* Help yourself. Tender, more fire wine!
[04-11:45] f96be, Caradonia: *She laughs and sets it down with a slow smile* I like it but it just keeps..burning*She giggles and shakes herself*
[04-11:46] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He tilts his head a bit, then quotes her.* The more burn the better.
[04-11:47] f96be, Caradonia: It's in a good way*She smiles at him before resting back in her seat* and this is going to get me deliciously drunk
[04-11:51] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He laughs a bit.* I'm getting there to! *He takes another bottle from the tender, dropping another gold coin onto the counter top.* They call it FIRE wine for a reason, you know. Actually... I'm not sure it shoud be a wine, They should almost simply call it a bottle of alchohol.
[04-11:53] f96be, Caradonia: It has that delightful...alchoic smell to it....promises to burn*She watches another bottle be sat down on the table* I'm going to be scraping you off the floor...arent i?
[04-11:55] f96be, Caradonia: ((well))
[04-11:55] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He laughs.* I doubt it, remember, I drank two bottles last time.
[04-11:59] f96be, Caradonia: True, but, how long ago was that last time*Eyes intense on his as she rubs her booted foot against his*
[04-12:00] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He shrugs.* A month, maybe two. I'll be feeling this in the morning but I'll be okay.
[04-12:01] f96be, Caradonia: And your going to drink the rest of that bottle?*foot climbing up his leg, absently, she dosent even seem that aware of it*
[04-12:04] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He pretends not to notice, though he was very likely not to upset about it* DMaybe not all tonight, but the majority of it *he raises it to his lips.*
[04-12:07] f96be, Caradonia: That's good, because*Watching him with her head tilted to the side* That stuff is pretty potent and I can't have fun with someone hugging onto oblivion
[04-12:09] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he laughs.* And if I drank all of this I might not remember your face... That would be a tragedy if I couldn't remember a face as beautiful as yors
[04-12:11] f96be, Caradonia: *Her lips curl up into a wide and rather pleased smile* Oooh, you are quite the charmer arent you. I'll admit it, I'm charmed.
[04-12:12] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He returns the smile,* I try. *taking another swig of the strong substance, he puts the cork back in the bottle and sets it down on the table.
[04-12:14] f96be, Caradonia: I'm flattered...*She ponders on leaning her chair on it's back legs but the world is spinning far to much...her eyes get wide for a moment..she soft yellow a little glazed over* I think i'm drunk
[04-12:15] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He laughs.* Strong alchoholic drinks tend to do that to you, or is that just me?
[04-12:17] f96be, Caradonia: No, I think it's an universal response..*Her eyes close against the nauseous spinning of the room then they shoot open and she stands up* I need some clear my head*She grabs his hand and pulls him along behind her*
[04-12:18] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He looks back at his weapon belt, almost with a longing expression, before he turns back to her, an arm finding its way around her waist, lending some support, his steps are far less graceful then they were... mind you now it simply seems as if he is an ordinary man.*
[04-12:21] f96be, Caradonia: *She catches that longing look towards his weapon belt* We wont be out there for too long...*Hips moving in accordance with his as she walks, though inebriated she still carries a high amouth of grace*
[04-12:22] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He simply lets her lead him wherever she will.*
[04-12:27] f96be, Caradonia: *They just stop right outside and she breathes in the chill night air* much better*Leaning into him with a slight smile*
[04-12:29] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he takes a deep breath, enjoying the cool air. He supports her weight ease, his arm around her tightening slightly, though not uncomfortably.*
[04-12:32] f96be, Caradonia: Hmmmm*She gets this smile on her face, the kind with the corners lifting up in a attractive curl. She looks up at him, her breath a hot straem of fog in the air*
[04-12:35] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *A smile touches his handsome features as well, as he looks over at her.*
[04-12:36] f96be, Caradonia: Hi, your awfully lovely when I'm drunk*She lets out this little giggle just before she leans up to kiss him on the lips*
[04-12:37] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *He doesn't answer, simply leans down to kiss her back.*
[04-12:41] f96be, Caradonia: *She pulls away with a sly smile* I think It's time that we go back inside*Grinning as she pulls away to walk back inside*
[04-12:42] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *he almost laughs, then follows her back inside. As soon as he's inside he checks his weapons, which are still lying where he left them.*
[04-12:48] f96be, Caradonia: *Hasn't touched them or anything of the sort so he can just relax and enjoy himself* Go ahead...sit down
[04-12:50] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *his hand sliding away from her waist, he sits down, still smiling.*
[04-12:53] f96be, Caradonia: *And she promptly sits in his lap, perched quite comforabtly with a arm draped over his shoulder* Forgive me, but you looked more comfortable than my chair
[04-12:56] d187c, Sorn Bael'Tharas: *both arms sliding around her waist, he simply looks at her.* Am I?