These logs are no longer being updated. Use DB Logs to see recent lines.

[08-07:54] 3bf65, Kali: watching the clock.
[08-07:55] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: how lotesse know?
[08-07:56] 3bf65, Kali: lotesse is me. I was just saying I know you have to leave
[08-07:56] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: yes but how lotesse know
[08-07:57] 3bf65, Kali: know what?
[08-07:57] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: c ya 2 morrow!! hugs
[08-07:57] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: bye bye
[08-07:58] 3bf65, Kali: *shakes head* bye
[08-07:58] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: dont panic
[08-07:58] 3bf65, Kali: me panic??? never!!
[08-11:02] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-11:03] 012b3, Axis : ((Kali? you aboot?))
[08-11:07] 012b3, Axis : ((humph... I get on at schooland nobody is around))
[08-11:10] 012b3, Ghouls : ((maybe I ought to do the ghoul report...))
[08-11:16] 012b3, Ghouls : ((well yesterday evening the ghoul forces took over the country ruled by Riddonel Doomhaven. In three days that will bring their forces up to an unprecedented high. The Black Dagger army still hunts Tal'dolen. Silk production in mannosia has fallen 20%))
[08-11:17] 012b3, Ghouls : ((thank you and good day))
[08-11:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-12:04] 81c0a, Kali: LOL sorry Axis, the one day I actually wasnt here.
[08-14:34] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[08-14:37] 6b625, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ACCUALLY ... we made a alliance *peers*pfft ))
[08-14:38] 81c0a, Kali: *L*
[08-15:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:48] ec161, Mab: *looks around* Hellooooo!!
[08-16:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-16:51] ec161, Mab: la la la *does clean up and updating here and there*
[08-16:57] 81c0a, Kali: *eye shift*
[08-17:06] 81c0a, Kali: *is afraid to look*
[08-17:24] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[08-17:25] a5b3b, Axis : ((hey folks))
[08-17:26] 81c0a, Kali: hey Axis.
[08-17:27] a5b3b, Axis : ((*munches* whats up?))
[08-17:27] 81c0a, Kali: same as you, munching
[08-17:28] a5b3b, Axis : ((lovely))
[08-17:29] 81c0a, Kali: doritos and 7 up
[08-17:30] 81c0a, Kali: waiting for my pizza to get finished
[08-17:30] a5b3b, Axis : ((cheez-it's))
[08-17:33] 81c0a, Kali: cand have 'em.
[08-17:33] 81c0a, Kali: cant even
[08-17:34] a5b3b, Axis : ((why?))
[08-17:36] 81c0a, Kali: msg's some brands have a lot. gives me bad migraines
[08-17:37] a5b3b, Axis : ((ahhh...same as my mom))
[08-18:09] a5b3b, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[08-18:10] JOIN: Z has entered.
[08-18:11] a5b3b, Axis : ((*waves*
[08-18:11] 94c70, Z: *waves*
[08-18:12] 81c0a, Kali: *stands and waves both hands*
[08-18:14] a5b3b, Arkady: *pounces the both of you*))
[08-18:15] 81c0a, Caradhras : ((hrm.. pounced *eye shift*))
[08-18:21] a5b3b, Arkady: ((*waits*))
[08-18:22] 81c0a, Zaeth : (dont look at me.. I'm screaming and trying to get away from caradhras))
[08-18:27] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Uh, was taking Zaeth inside after she fainted and stuff because of Arkady.*
[08-18:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-18:28] 81c0a, Zaeth : (ok)
[08-18:28] a5b3b, Arkady: *is just in human form standing being confused*
[08-18:29] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Player doesn't remember why Zaeth fainted, but she did.*
[08-18:30] 81c0a, Caradhras : *she fainted because of hearing Arkady say Caradhras's name* *so she's lying where ever Ki put her*
[08-18:31] 81c0a, Caradhras : *Ki should remember that name from zaeths memories she'd been talking about*
[08-18:31] a5b3b, Arkady: Um...what just happened? *says aloud*
[08-18:35] 81c0a, Caradhras : ~she fainted~ *looking at Ki, still speaking in rough common*~what's wrong with her?~
[08-18:36] 94c70, Ki Razan: She was cursed. *The best he can come up with to describe it in his heavily accented common.*
[08-18:38] a5b3b, Arkady: Cursed? oh just what we need. And it will be days before the spell wears of caradhras unless it is dispelled...
[08-18:41] 81c0a, Caradhras : Cursed how? Can she still use her magic?
[08-18:42] 81c0a, Zaeth : *is still out cold*
[08-18:44] 94c70, Ki Razan: *He shrugs. How was not an answer he had really, only assumptions.* Magik? No. *It was an obvious answer since she seemed to not have any knowledge of how to use it.* You are not helping by being here.
[08-18:46] a5b3b, Arkady: *stands there...was hired to get caradhras to zaeth and get them both back....doesn't knwo how to deal with this*
[08-18:48] 81c0a, Caradhras : Isnt there anyone around here who is capable of removing this curse?
[08-18:51] 94c70, Ki Razan: No. I have been working on it.
[08-18:54] a5b3b, Arkady: * lost*
[08-18:56] 81c0a, Caradhras : *giving a rough sounding huff, he lays his head on what ever Zaeth's laying on, pushing his nose closer to her, looking almost like he was about to lick her face* ~Zaeth~
[08-18:57] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Sighs, these people were clearly not going to listen to him.*
[08-18:57] a5b3b, Arkady: Um..can I ask your name sir? *to Ki* I'm Arkady...I'm a tracker.
[08-18:59] 94c70, Ki Razan: No, you cannot. You both test my will by refusing to listen to my request after invading my land.
[08-19:00] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Oh yes does recall Caradhras' name, but that doesn't mean he will be any more leniant to disrespectful guests.*
[08-19:01] a5b3b, Arkady: Look under normal curcumstances I would be gone already.
[08-19:01] 81c0a, Caradhras : *ignores them both, pushing his nose closer to Zaeth's face*
[08-19:03] 94c70, Ki Razan: Twice I have asked for both to leave. If you cannot do it of your own will, I will remove you myself. *This said quite seriously. They had no consideration for him, his property or Zaeth with their rude intrusion.*
[08-19:06] a5b3b, Arkady: *sighs...diplomacy wasn't his strong suit* Caradhras get over here and explain...I'm no diplomat.
[08-19:10] 1ae02, Caradhras : *reluctantly drawing his attention away from Zaeth, he pads over to stand next to Arkady, nodding his head back towards Zaeth as he talked*~ She is Queen Zaeth of LAI'DOR. She has been missing for months.~*pausing*~she was to be my wife.~*spoken almost too quiet to hear*
[08-19:11] a5b3b, Arkady: *blinks several times...didn't know the last*
[08-19:16] 94c70, Ki Razan: *The last gives him only short pause. He could understand it, but it still gave them no right or justification to act with so little respect. As his guest, he would defend her equally to any he would invite into his home. These two in front of him not being invited.* This give you no justification to come into my home after being asked to go. *He eyes them carefully.* You are wrong if you believe I will allow you to take her from here. *Of course he would let Zaeth go if she was certain that was what she wanted.*
[08-19:18] a5b3b, Arkady: *sighs again...wasn't beng disresepctful in his eyes.* Mayeb we should wait till she wakes up again cardhras
[08-19:20] 1ae02, Caradhras : *loves her, see's nothing wrong with trying to get her back* and what? beg to see her?
[08-19:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-19:27] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Raises a brow slightly at the insinuation that he would make someone beg for something.* She has been here many day now. In that time it has been only me taking care of her injury. I ask noone to beg. *Insulted* I ask that strangers respect my home.
[08-19:30] a5b3b, Arkady: *just stands...couldn't say much....*
[08-19:36] 1ae02, Caradhras : Many days. Alone here with you. *letting a shoulder slump, he turns to Arkady, a definite sadness in his eyes* What is there here for me now? He has ruined her. Better she stay here than return to her kingdom and be an embarassment to us all.
[08-19:37] a5b3b, Arkady: *looks bewildered for the first time in their association* Wha?
[08-19:38] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Remains silent for the time being. Unsure of the meaning of Caradhras words.*
[08-19:41] 1ae02, Caradhras : To stay alone with a man she isnt married to, that is something my people will not accept from their queen.
[08-19:42] a5b3b, Arkady: Erk.....
[08-19:46] 94c70, Ki Razan: *His brow quirks again. This is what he gets from these intruders after aiding their proclaimed friend?* Perhaps then you should leave, now.
[08-19:49] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[08-19:52] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *somewhere, in the vast land of QUMAN, a portal activates on top of a small hill, sending out a flash of light and a breeze rippling outward. The light intensifies, then just snaps out as suddenly as it came, revealing seven figures. One woman and six men. All show evidence of great trauma. Of pain, fatigue, and hopelessness*
[08-19:53] 1ae02, Caradhras : *turning to walk slowly away, he pauses before turning back to Ki, teeth bared, giving a low snarl* Why are you in such a hurry for me to leave? Afraid of what she'll say when she wakes up?
[08-19:54] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[08-19:56] a5b3b, Bartuc : *describes QUMAN once again...endless rollign hills and flat stretches off grass....clumps and liens of trees on the occasion...very bright hard summer sun*
[08-19:56] a7e64, O.R.: *Pimps it out*
[08-19:57] 94c70, Ki Razan: If you have not been paying attention, your presence brought her distress. You care too much for your own self to see the possibilities.
[08-19:58] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she sighs heavily and looks around, a breeze blowing a strand of hair in her face* Noone in sight. Great.
[08-20:00] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *Is of course tagging along in her shadow, completely invisable inside it. So invisable to the world around him, that even Shanira might not notice his presence. It was always creepy like that. Never knowing exactly where he is and if he's even there or not.*
[08-20:01] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *The long travel may be apparent in his weariness, but he still carries himself well. He glances up at the sky for a moment, then glances about.* QUMAN.
[08-20:02] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : We should set up a camp of some kid. There's bound to be a sharp toothed kitty out there.
[08-20:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:02] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( kind ))
[08-20:03] a5b3b, Arkady: *begins to turn...then he suddenly transforms into his massive hybrid form, powerful legs would propel him across the distance to zaeth, where he would scoop her up without apparent effort and try to leap away again*
[08-20:04] 1ae02, Caradhras : (*has to leave*)
[08-20:05] a5b3b, Bartuc : *No real obvious shade to be had except in those far off tree's....and that sun is awefully strong...the plains are a tough place...oh and they are beign stalked*
[08-20:06] 94c70, Ki Razan: *pauses or something*
[08-20:06] 94c70, Z: now that's just really fair since Kali is leaving...
[08-20:07] 1ae02, Caradhras : (you guys can npc me sorry my neighbor just showed up)
[08-20:09] 94c70, Ki Razan: (( *shrugs, will deal with it.* )) *As quick as Arkady would shift into his form, the curved blade of his sword would be drawn from its sheath. The movement nothing short of graceful as he positions himself with the blade estended out. Arkady would find the blade in his path before he could even get past Razan.*
[08-20:10] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *If they are being stalked, Valin would know. One, because he has cool bodyguard intuition like that. Two, becaise on Plains like this, the being stalking them casts a shadow. Which as close to a homecoart advantage as you can get. So for the time being Valin simply lies hidden. Watching.*
[08-20:11] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *That and that whole 'Sense Entity' thing.*
[08-20:11] 94c70, Arion Gatto: If we camp in these plains, you can't wander off, M'Lady.
[08-20:11] a5b3b, Arkady: *he would slap aside the blade with one huge handand slam his shoulder into Ki's chest...obviously trying not to hurt him to badly, but tryign to get him out of the way*
[08-20:13] a5b3b, Bartuc : **camoflaged perfectly in the high grass are a pair of large grasscats, essentially tigers.*
[08-20:14] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she turns to look at him, her blue eyes still mirroring the horror of what's happened to them all* And where would I wander off to, Arion? Unless the Nomads are cleverly disguised as grass, there's nothing to wander off to .
[08-20:16] 94c70, Arion Gatto: The nomads are just one of the things we have to be careful of. *He moves on forward away from the portal.*
[08-20:18] a5b3b, Bartuc : *rar...the kitties smell the humans and watch them from in th high grass*
[08-20:19] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Hopefully they'll help us. I was in negotiations with their king before...*shakes her head, following and generally heads towards the distant trees. In a place like this, where's there's trees, there has to be water*
[08-20:20] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Is stronger than what Arkady might expect. He stumbles back with the force of Arkady throwing himself into him, one arm coming up to wrap around his furry form. With a flick of his wrist he would aim to drive the point of his sword into one of Arkady's back hunches. He is a little less worried about harming Arkady for the way he saw Arkady's actions it was an attack, an unprovoked attack,.*
[08-20:22] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *And in turn Valin watches the big fluffy things that he has already classified as predator type animals. Of course, his vision is different then regular mortal vision anyway.*
[08-20:22] a5b3b, Arkady: *is 9ft tall i nthis form and around three tiems human strength...he would grasp Ki's sword wrist and begin twistingaimign to make him drop it or suffer a broken wrist...not using his formidable set of teeth on ki like he could*
[08-20:27] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Where do we find them?
[08-20:27] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Honestly?
[08-20:28] a5b3b, Bartuc : *is busy being nomadic*
[08-20:31] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *Is..there...*
[08-20:32] a7e64, Bernard: *Is the bombdigety*
[08-20:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-20:35] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( *dies* ))
[08-20:35] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Resits for what he can against Arkady. However, the grip on his sword eventually forced loose. He would then lift one knee to suddenly thrust it into Arkady's chest, or gut, depending on what would be level with said attempt.*
[08-20:36] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Preferablly, honestly.
[08-20:37] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I have no freaking idea.
[08-20:37] a5b3b, Arkady: *grunts with the blowbut then tries somethign else...flings Ki away into the open garden. If that wroks snatches up Zaeth and tries to bound away*
[08-20:38] a5b3b, Bartuc : *they are actually by the feild of bone...but none of them would know where that is. And is admiring his new mage-steel sword and cross spear..meanwhile the grasscats stalk closer*
[08-20:38] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: ((*Revives with the kiss of life*))
[08-20:41] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( *is so tempted to do more than just revive* ))
[08-20:41] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *He looks about again, scanning her horizon.*
[08-20:43] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Gets flung, however, he clings onto Arkady. Also notes that they are further inside so there is no open doorway to the gardens outside.*
[08-20:43] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: ((Sex is fine too. I have to quams against that. *Wink*))
[08-20:44] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : ...Sorry. *brushes at her forhead and concentrates on the stand of trees*
[08-20:44] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( *blushes and chokes, not expecting that* ))
[08-20:44] a5b3b, Arkady: *spins trying to slam the clingy Ki into a wall*
[08-20:45] a5b3b, Bartuc : *onw of the grasscats creeps close enoguh and pounces at shanira razor claws extended while the other pounces at Arion*
[08-20:47] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she let's out a startled scream as the kitty pounces at her, her instincts making her stumble back and draw her sword, the cat just barely missing her. And, just for dramatic effect, a small bit of hair cut by a claw wafts away*
[08-20:48] JOIN: Malina Andrews has entered.
[08-20:48] 03281, Malina Andrews : (( * Peekies** ^^ Bonjour ^^ ))
[08-20:48] a5b3b, Bartuc : ((hello))
[08-20:49] 03281, Malina Andrews : (( heya , tis I, Nakita ^^))
[08-20:49] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *And of course, doesn't allow this. Even with the guard around, Valin doesn't rely on them. He suddenly bursts out of the shadow trailing behind Shanira, as if there were a hole in the ground where he came from. When he comes out, his arms are straight up, holding his sword, straight down along his body, his whole body like a pencil. However, as he shoots upwards, up past Shanira, his feet plant off her back, more or less kicking her foward as she stumbles back, and out of the cats path. So as she falls foward, and the cat pounces in from the side, now on a path straight at Valin, his sword flashes upwards, aiming to cleave it's head right in two.
[08-20:50] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: And of course, doesn't allow this. Even with the guard around, Valin doesn't rely on them. He suddenly bursts out of the shadow trailing behind Shanira, as if there were a hole in the ground where he came from. When he comes out, his arms are straight up, holding his sword, straight down along his body, his whole body like a pencil. However, as he shoots upwards, up past Shanira, his feet plant off her back, more or less kicking her foward as she stumbles back, and out of the cats path. So as she falls foward, and the cat pounces in from the side, now on a path straight at Valin, his sword flashes upwards, aiming to cleave it's head right in two.
[08-20:51] 03281, Malina Andrews : (( Locations ??? ))
[08-20:52] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *No! His body isn't suppose to be like a pencil! Dumbass me. His legs are suppose to be curled upwards, sort of in the fetal position.*
[08-20:52] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Draws his long sword, the blade cutting through the air as he swings it aiming to slice thorugh the grasskitty at the neck.*
[08-20:52] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *and, of course, as is usually the case when Valin's around, she does'nt get to do anything with her sword*
[08-20:56] 03281, Malina Andrews : (( ugh ))
[08-20:56] 94c70, Arion Gatto: (( we're in QUMAN. ))
[08-20:57] 03281, Malina Andrews : (( oic thanks ))
[08-20:57] a5b3b, Bartuc : *minues one kitty...and the cat's pounce would befastenough it would likely ne on arion before he got his sword fully out*
[08-20:58] a5b3b, Bartuc : *agh screw it..the cat leaps away...I'm outa here*
[08-20:58] a5b3b, Bartuc : ((I'm leavign for the night..later))
[08-21:03] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: *Nah, with his free hand, Valin was going to lodge a small spike in the others head. But either way, both threats have been nuetralized. Valin lands on the ground next to Shanira, instantly helping her to her feet. ''Are you okay Ma'Lady?'' Is of course concenered, but his Spok-like voice hardly reflects it.
[08-21:05] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *He gets to his feet as well, replacing the sword where it goes. He then turns towards Valin and Shanira.*
[08-21:08] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she nods and stand, sliding her sword back into it's sheath, shaking just slightly* Nothing that a good night's sleep won't fix, Valin.
[08-21:12] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: He nods slightly. ''Please, forgive me for kicking you.'' His sword has already mysteriously disappeared within the folds of his giant cloak. The only remenants of it's existance lies in the form of the grasscat. Which looks like it just fell asleep in the sand. The only sign of injury is the blood that ever so slowly trickles out of a thin line that seems to split the grasscats head into two. Which it actually is, but the sharpness of the sword makes it hard to tell.
[08-21:16] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : By now, I'm used to being kicked and knocked out by you for my safety. *smiles faintly*'
[08-21:18] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: Simply nods. How he actually took that comment, he of course doesn't display. Simply resumes that silent statue like presence.
[08-21:30] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Is still there as they speak, helping with the camp or what not.*
[08-21:31] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( They're making camp? ))
[08-21:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-21:40] 94c70, Arion Gatto: ((*thought they were..* ))
[08-21:43] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( Once they reached a stand of trees in the distance. But let's just say they are )) *does what she can to help set it up* Who takes first shift?
[08-21:46] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: ''Both of you sleep through the night. You are weary. You will need your energy to cross the plains.''
[08-21:51] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Looks to Valin, and then to Shanira.* Sounds like we already have the first volunteer.
[08-21:55] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she shakes her head and nods* And it'd be pointless to argue with him.
[08-21:56] a7e64, Valin Darkguard: No, he isn't a volunteer. It's his job and duty. ''Indeed. Get some sleep.'' His monotone voice made it sound more like a command. Which it was. Sort of. Seems to melt into the shadows of the night to resume his ever vigalent duty.*
[08-22:09] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Watches as Valin so eerily disappears before he turns his attention back to Shanira.*
[08-22:12] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *setting out her bedroll, she lays down, too tired to even think about eating. She sighs, and it's not a happy one*
[08-22:15] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Moves to take up a seat next to her on the ground.*
[08-22:16] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : What am I going to do, Arion?
[08-22:22] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Do what you came here to do.
[08-22:23] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : To ask for sanctuary and help?
[08-22:25] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Do you think they will give it?
[08-22:27] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *again that tired sigh* I honestly don't know. But I have to try. After all, what do I have left to lose?
[08-22:29] 94c70, Arion Gatto: If they choose not to kill us? Not a lot.
[08-22:31] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Arion?
[08-22:49] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Yes?
[08-22:51] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I'm sorry. Before, no matter how hard I tried, I could'nt understand what you've been through. To lose your friends, family, and home. ....Now I do.
[08-22:55] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Offers her a smile.* There is no need to apologise.
[08-23:00] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : How do you go on?
[08-23:03] 94c70, Arion Gatto: Life goes on, so shall I.
[08-23:04] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : How can I?
[08-23:08] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Lays a hand gently on her shoulder.* You'll come to learn.
[08-23:11] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I don't know..
[08-23:13] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[08-23:15] 54891, Cookie Monster: *wave wave*
[08-23:15] 1ae02, Kali: *sneak tackle huggles Cookie*
[08-23:15] 54891, Cookie Monster: IeeeeE!!! *huggles Kali back*
[08-23:16] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[08-23:16] 1ae02, Kali: *L*
[08-23:17] 94c70, Arion Gatto: I think you can.
[08-23:21] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : So much faith..
[08-23:28] 94c70, Arion Gatto: *Gives her shoulder a gentle squeeze.* In you, always.
[08-23:29] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she looks up at him. Softly* I don't know what I would do without you and Valin. I'd be so lost..
[08-23:32] 94c70, Arion Gatto: He is a good.. man. *Is actually not sure that Valin is human.*
[08-23:33] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : He is..
[08-23:46] 94c70, Arion Gatto: You should get some sleep.
[08-23:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-23:48] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I should...
[08-23:58] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *if he answers, she's not aware of it, as she falls deeply asleep*
[08-23:59] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : **Gone**
[08-23:59] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 12:59am, September 09 (CDT) ).
[09-10:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-10:54] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-10:54] 012b3, Axis : ((anyone on today?))
[09-11:02] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 11:54am, September 09 (CDT) ).
[09-12:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-14:12] 5eaed, Kali: grr
[09-14:12] 5eaed, Kali: Mab?
[09-14:12] 5eaed, Kali: Xyva?
[09-14:14] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[09-14:15] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:15] 5eaed, Kali: *SCREAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
[09-14:17] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-14:18] 4c6f0, Axis : ((*eyes*))
[09-14:22] 5eaed, Kali: hey Axis
[09-14:22] 5eaed, Kali: Im having pc troubles and am at the library.
[09-14:23] 5eaed, Kali: this is iritating. I cant even use aim express because theyve installed stopzilla
[09-14:23] 4c6f0, Axis : ((eesh))
[09-14:24] 5eaed, Kali: yes EESH!!!!!
[09-14:24] 4c6f0, Axis : ((*cowers*))
[09-14:25] 5eaed, Kali: my xp decided to just be a pain. I can dial in but it wont let me see any screens. so Im re installing it in a bet. after I try and save a bunch of stuff. . *blinks* oh shhhh all my spell lists *cries*
[09-14:26] 4c6f0, Axis : ((*pets*))
[09-14:26] 5eaed, Kali: can you do me a favor and check if Xyva is on aim?
[09-14:26] 4c6f0, Axis : ((he is))
[09-14:27] 5eaed, Kali: yell at him to come here please?
[09-14:28] 4c6f0, Axis : ((done))
[09-14:28] 5eaed, Kali: or ask nicely.
[09-14:28] 5eaed, Kali: thanks
[09-14:28] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[09-14:29] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:30] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[09-14:31] 5eaed, Kali: netscape
[09-14:31] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:32] MSG: Xyva sent a message to God.
[09-14:32] ae08c, Xyva: *grins* it worked
[09-14:32] 5eaed, Kali: *L* now you just have to wait for an answer.
[09-14:33] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[09-14:36] ae08c, Xyva: *has found xyva's theme song*
[09-14:36] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:37] 5eaed, Kali: n/m I dont want to know
[09-14:38] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[09-14:38] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:39] ae08c, Xyva: its Quinn the Eskimo
[09-14:39] 5eaed, Kali: *sighs* hmmm.
[09-14:39] 5eaed, Kali: I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW!!!!!!!!
[09-14:40] ae08c, Xyva: *grins* so
[09-14:40] ae08c, Xyva: I was telling Axis
[09-14:40] ae08c, Xyva:
[09-14:41] 5eaed, Kali: yeah but Im still looking
[09-14:41] 5eaed, Kali: ok sent again.
[09-14:41] ae08c, Xyva: hmm too late now
[09-14:41] ae08c, Xyva: *steals kali*
[09-14:42] 5eaed, Kali: *grumbles* NOOO I have to fix my comp!!!
[09-14:43] ae08c, Xyva: *takes the pc too*
[09-14:43] ae08c, Xyva: happy?
[09-14:43] 5eaed, Kali: ohhh good then you can fix it.
[09-14:43] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:45] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[09-14:46] 5eaed, Kali: *grunbles more*
[09-14:46] ae08c, Xyva: try my yahoo
[09-14:48] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:49] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:51] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[09-14:51] 5eaed, Kali: *looks at posts* I cant even spell right today.
[09-14:51] 5eaed, Kali: some but probably not enough.
[09-14:52] ae08c, Xyva: hmm
[09-14:53] ae08c, Xyva: got another pc you could store stuff on? over write the floppies after you move the files
[09-14:53] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[09-14:54] 5eaed, Kali: *L* If I had another one I darn well wouldnt be at the library
[09-14:54] 5eaed, Kali: I've got to go.
[09-14:54] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[09-14:55] ae08c, Xyva: bye
[09-14:55] 5eaed, Kali: *flees*
[09-15:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-18:51] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[09-19:07] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *slinking through the lower chambers of the castle ... his black hulking form almost fllls up the hall compleatly behind him are a group of nonghouled surgens and the like .. carrying with them 5 ghouls ... chained down ... they seem to be elite guards*
[09-19:08] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *they reach a massive room deep under the ground ... inside are 5 tables with Metal armor leather straps and other items of the sorts
[09-19:08] MSG: Mab sent a message to Kali.
[09-19:10] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *they reach a massive room deep under the ground ... inside are 5 tables with Metal armor leather straps and other items of the sorts.* *as they all are compleatly in the room he moves around to the center ... having the others strap the ghouls to the tables spread eagle*
[09-19:13] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-19:15] 1611b, Axis : ((*peers for somethign to end the boredom*))
[09-19:15] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *once everything is safe and sound Ridd moves over to the one closestest to the door and looks down at the once living man* lets see how well this dose *he brings up a scaple and puts it agains the mans left arm slicing the skin open and flaying it back to expose the muscle of the man*
[09-19:18] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *after a minute of looking at the exposed muscle and fatty tissue he peers around* markyus .... bring me a steel arm blade *he then returns to the arm and pulls on some leather stiching in his hands*
[09-19:26] e5c81, Mab: ((*peers for same reason as Axis*))
[09-19:27] 1611b, Axis : ((((*pounces mabby*))
[09-19:27] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *after the blade is givin to him he takes the arm part that would normally fit over a cloth sleve with leathe straps .. he take it and pushes it against the exposed muscle fitting it in place .. with extra room to spare* Markyus ... hold his jaw open and cut out the tongue
[09-19:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-19:31] e5c81, Mab: ((*pounced* Gah!))
[09-19:32] 1611b, Axis : ((bored boreded *ties up mabby and puts her in a box*))
[09-19:34] e5c81, Mab: *wheee! in a box. squirms*
[09-19:34] 1611b, Axis : ((*sells mab to albania*))
[09-19:34] 81a3a, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( crap i gtg *npc's ridd and the surgens to continue the .... stuff hehehe* ))
[09-19:36] 1611b, Axis : ((*sigh I'llbe back i na dad has to use the interent))
[09-19:38] e5c81, Mab: ((k))
[09-19:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-20:32] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[09-20:32] 25aad, Lan: *blinks*
[09-20:32] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[09-20:33] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[09-20:34] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[09-20:34] 25aad, Lan: Hah... fixed... won't be blinking anymore...
[09-20:37] 25aad, Lan: Hello?
[09-20:43] 25aad, Lan: I guess I missed everyone... *cries, then walks away*
[09-20:43] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( 9:43pm, September 09 (CDT) ).
[09-20:51] JOIN: lan has entered.
[09-20:58] EXIT: lan has left the chat ( 9:51pm, September 09 (CDT) ).
[09-23:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-13:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-13:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:07pm, September 10 (CDT) ).
[10-13:46] 5eaed, Kali: *reappears* temporarily anyway
[10-13:46] 5eaed, Kali: grr wrong color
[10-13:55] 5eaed, Kali: *curses library pc*
[10-14:10] 5eaed, Kali: *sighs* where is everybody?
[10-14:27] 5eaed, Kali: *ponders screaming*
[10-14:32] 16fbb, Travis: *pounce*
[10-14:32] 5eaed, Kali: Weeeee!!! real people!!
[10-14:33] 16fbb, Travis: yah what's with ignoring me on AIM?
[10-14:33] e5c81, Mab: *blinks* Am I alive?
[10-14:34] 16fbb, Travis: get your butt on there I got someting to show you
[10-14:34] 16fbb, Travis: NO!
[10-14:34] 16fbb, Travis:
[10-14:34] 5eaed, Kali: I cant log on. my pc has spyware thats being a pain. Im working on getting rid of it today. Im sorry
[10-14:34] 5eaed, Kali: I can get on line but nothing else. Im at the library now
[10-14:35] 5eaed, Kali: did Aim say I was there?
[10-14:35] 5eaed, Kali: hi Mab
[10-14:36] 16fbb, Travis: yes
[10-14:36] 16fbb, Travis: then you disappeared
[10-14:36] 16fbb, Travis: but oh well, I uploaded it.
[10-14:36] 5eaed, Kali: hmm it just said I was connecting, never said I was connected.
[10-14:37] 5eaed, Kali: from your class?
[10-14:37] 16fbb, Travis: yep
[10-14:37] 16fbb, Travis: I forgot how much I missed drawing
[10-14:38] 5eaed, Kali: *glares at you, hands on hips* then why did you stop? Hrmmm??
[10-14:39] 5eaed, Kali: can you see if Xyva is on for me please?
[10-14:39] 16fbb, Travis: because my family was going through hell so I wasn't exactly thinking about
[10-14:39] 16fbb, Travis: and yes he is
[10-14:39] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[10-14:40] 5eaed, Kali: *L*
[10-14:40] 5eaed, Kali: *apologized for yelling*
[10-14:41] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[10-14:41] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[10-14:41] 16fbb, Travis: 'sokay, my abilities just hybernated till I could use them again
[10-14:41] 5eaed, Kali: *stolen again* *sighs*
[10-14:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-14:41] e5c81, Mab: hi
[10-14:41] 5eaed, Kali: atleast they didnt get dusty.
[10-14:42] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[10-14:42] e5c81, Mab: Nice candle
[10-14:42] ae08c, Xyva: hey mab
[10-14:42] 16fbb, Travis: danke
[10-14:42] e5c81, Mab: Is this admin/mod chillin hour?
[10-14:42] 5eaed, Kali: alrighty. hopefully I will have my pc cleaned up and back online by tonight.
[10-14:42] 16fbb, Travis: they did a lil but not much
[10-14:42] 5eaed, Kali: yesh
[10-14:43] 16fbb, Travis: I guess so...cause we be the coolness
[10-14:43] 5eaed, Kali: or atleast 5 minutes worth of chill
[10-14:43] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[10-14:43] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[10-14:44] 16fbb, Travis: *cuts off Joey's face* He annoyed me........what?
[10-14:44] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Swats Joey* down boy
[10-14:44] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[10-14:44] 5eaed, Kali: *shushes Joey* cant you read? chill.
[10-14:44] 0a065, Joey: (( *may not have a face but still has vocal cords* ... boo?
[10-14:44] e5c81, Mab: So, who has something to RP? *throws ya'll IC*
[10-14:45] 0a065, Joey: oooooo i seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... *sits n waits for this ... calm hour to end*
[10-14:45] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[10-14:45] 16fbb, Travis: *reaches down into Joey's throat and pulls out his vocal cords* Boo yourself.
[10-14:45] MSG: Travis sent a message to Travis.
[10-14:45] 5eaed, Kali: sorry Mab, can't. *has to run in about 3 minutes
[10-14:46] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I have a centuar..*dangles*
[10-14:46] 16fbb, Travis: I've officially retired from RP again which will last indefinitely
[10-14:47] 16fbb, Travis: which would explain my absense in RPing for the past month or so
[10-14:47] e5c81, Mab: *bats at centaur* mew?
[10-14:47] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[10-14:47] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: uh...*neigh*
[10-14:48] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: She's is Rua
[10-14:48] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:48pm, September 10 (CDT) ).
[10-14:49] ae08c, Xyva: has anyone else ever wondered how many lungs a centuar has?
[10-14:50] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[10-14:50] 16fbb, Travis: no...I disected one once
[10-14:50] 5eaed, Kali: do I want to know?
[10-14:50] 5eaed, Kali: grrr *has to flee*
[10-14:51] JOIN: Ryden has entered.
[10-14:51] f96be, Ryden: ((Acutally...I have always wandered about stomachs))
[10-14:51] 16fbb, Travis: 15
[10-14:51] ae08c, Xyva: bye
[10-14:51] 16fbb, Travis: 15 of everything
[10-14:51] e5c81, Mab: I think they have 4, two for more air for running like a horsey.
[10-14:51] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[10-14:51] 5eaed, Kali: *vanishes*
[10-14:52] 16fbb, Travis: nooooo, 15 of everything, all smaller than normal
[10-14:52] 0a065, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he is standing in the middle of the opperation room.. looking at the 5 tables ... the ghouls he brough in with him are deffiantly different... where skin used to be on a chest is now plated with steel sewen to the body and the extra skin over lapping the edges ... on the heel of the feet are spurs and talons on the toes* they are almost ready for testing* he moves over to the closet one and runs a clawd finger over where his face used to be .. .all that is left is a polished steel mask sewn to the face with eye slits*
[10-14:52] 0a065, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( thats a lot o penis ))
[10-14:53] f96be, Ryden: (( ((Heeheheheh..I laughed..I cried...and I laughed some more))
[10-14:53] 16fbb, Travis: organs ya monkey mouf
[10-14:54] 16fbb, Travis: that's evil
[10-14:54] 16fbb, Travis: but funny hehehe
[10-14:54] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[10-14:54] 0a065, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *other mods have been made to there bodys .... steel quills on there backs blade arms and such ... just minor details ... making almost any part on there body deadly*
[10-14:55] 0a065, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( penis isnt a organ eh? ))
[10-14:55] f96be, Ryden: ((It's a man organ...therefore making it not as good as the other organs))
[10-14:57] 0a065, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ...*blinks* ))
[10-14:59] f96be, Ryden: *The centaur draws back her arm, fingers curling the bowstring with it as she aims the arrow point at some far off target. She waits three heartbeats, each thudding like a heavy step on the ground and then she sends the arrow hurtiling through the air, it whizzing as it goes*
[10-15:08] f96be, Ryden: *Her ears pick up the faint hint of Thud and, after kicking up her heels, she races towards her traget, quickly covering the distance between point A and point B(*
[10-15:15] e5c81, Mab: *goes to get brownies*
[10-16:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-16:29] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[10-16:30] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:29pm, September 10 (CDT) ).
[10-16:31] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[10-16:32] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((I have to quest for my magical item? Hmm...))
[10-16:35] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((*shrugs and does his stitch voice, chewing on a rock.*))
[10-17:18] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Talamaru's have no pupils? *shivers* That's creepy..))
[10-17:18] EXIT: Artemis Zepharin has left the chat ( 6:18pm, September 10 (CDT) ).
[10-18:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:38] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[10-18:38] 25aad, Lan: Hello?
[10-18:39] 25aad, Lan: Why do I always arrive when no one is here?
[10-18:42] 25aad, Lan: Yaaargh...
[10-18:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-18:44] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: No clue
[10-18:44] 25aad, Lan: *peers*
[10-18:44] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[10-18:44] 25aad, Lan: Hello there...
[10-18:45] 25aad, Lan: Wow... people... *blinks*
[10-18:45] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yo
[10-18:46] 142f9, Joey: (( WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE))
[10-18:46] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Squashes Joey*
[10-18:47] 25aad, Lan: *blinks at familiar shade of purple* Is that Ryden?
[10-18:48] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yup
[10-18:48] 25aad, Lan: *grin* thought so...
[10-18:48] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *L* why?
[10-18:49] 25aad, Lan: Well, let everyone know that I'm back and sorry for being away for a while... Real life situations and bad timing kept me away...
[10-18:49] 25aad, Lan: But for know, I must bid you farewell...
[10-18:50] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Will do. Ta ta and nice seeing ya
[10-18:50] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( *lets a herd of aardvarks loose, and tells them to serch out Kali* ).
[10-19:32] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[10-20:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-20:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-20:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-20:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-20:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-20:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-21:15] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[10-21:16] 5b815, Joey: anyone around?
[10-21:30] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[10-21:31] ae08c, Xyva: hey
[10-23:29] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[10-23:33] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[10-23:34] 3e045, Pedron Nial: hello
[10-23:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-00:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-08:18] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[11-08:19] c16d4, Ramzix : ((test))
[11-08:22] c16d4, Ramzix : *he's finally done with that book. it took him a bit, but ge got through it. also, his writtwen common has gotten much better, he only needed to get his fingers back used to wrtiting. he hadn't done it in yearsn*
[11-08:40] JOIN: Shira has entered.
[11-08:53] c16d4, Ramzix : ((hi))
[11-09:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-09:07] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Straech*
[11-09:13] c16d4, Ramzix : ((woops))
[11-09:13] 5eaed, kali: hrmmmm
[11-09:14] 5eaed, kali: *sighs*
[11-09:18] 5eaed, kali: ramzix, can you do me a favor?
[11-09:21] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I hate waking up hungy. makes me very very grouchy
[11-09:21] 5eaed, kali: me too.
[11-09:21] 5eaed, kali: but then Im very grouchy this week anyway. *curses pc*
[11-09:22] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: What did it do...*threatining tone..hates naughty computers*
[11-09:23] 5eaed, kali: spyware again.
[11-09:23] 5eaed, kali: Im at the library until its fixed..
[11-09:23] 5eaed, kali: can you do me a favor?
[11-09:23] 5eaed, kali: look on aim for xyva
[11-09:24] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: He's not on one of my sn's..i'll check the other
[11-09:25] c16d4, Ramzix : ((he's not on.))
[11-09:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-09:25] 5eaed, kali: *grumbles*
[11-09:25] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: You ever feel so happy that your sure your about to burst?
[11-09:26] 5eaed, kali: yes I have
[11-09:26] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: hmmmmm....I think i'm manic...excuse me*wanders off8
[11-09:29] 5eaed, kali: apparently you are.
[11-09:30] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: It happens when I've only just woken up
[11-09:49] 5eaed, kali: *sighs again* I have to leave. I hope I will get my pc working later today, but If not I will see you all on monday afternoon. *goes very reluctantly*
[11-09:50] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Latr
[11-10:39] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[11-10:47] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[11-11:03] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[11-11:06] ae08c, Xyva: hey
[11-11:07] a705f, Joey: yo whats up?
[11-11:14] ae08c, Xyva: nm
[11-12:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-13:35] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[11-13:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-14:22] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[11-14:25] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 3:22pm, September 11 (CDT) ).
[11-14:50] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[11-16:43] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[11-16:49] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[11-16:49] cb6a8, Joey: ... DAMN IT ... the room has been dead for a couple days
[11-18:14] 2814f, Kali: Sorry Joey. Im back now. it should liven up *isnt big headed at all*
[11-18:19] 2814f, Kali: hrm.. what happened to my avatar?
[11-20:00] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[11-20:03] ce83a, Kali: *eye shift*
[11-20:04] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[11-20:09] ce83a, Kali: ok this isnt funny
[11-20:09] ce83a, Kali: whats going on?
[11-20:10] ce83a, Kali: page keeps freeze
[11-20:20] ce83a, Kali: hmm *tries again*
[11-20:21] ae08c, Xyva: huh?
[11-20:22] ce83a, Kali: the page is acting up for me
[11-20:24] ce83a, Kali: hmm
[11-20:37] 12522, Kali: this is just odd.
[11-20:38] 12522, Kali: hmm *growls*
[11-20:38] ae08c, Xyva: still screwing up?
[11-20:40] 12522, Kali: apparently
[11-20:42] 12522, Kali: this is getting irritating
[11-20:42] ae08c, Xyva: I thought you said the last post you could see was "page keeps freezing"
[11-20:43] 12522, Kali: I have to hit refresh to see it. and not let the page refresh on its own
[11-20:44] ae08c, Xyva: odd
[11-20:47] 12522, Kali: yes very odd.
[11-20:47] 12522, Kali: *blinks* that worked.
[11-20:47] 12522, Kali:
[11-20:48] ae08c, Xyva: is it fixed?
[11-20:49] 12522, Kali: looks like it.
[11-20:50] ae08c, Xyva: *grins*
[11-21:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-21:34] 12522, Kali: *peeks*
[11-21:40] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[11-21:40] 35a1c, Artemis Zepharin: ((*peeks back*))
[11-21:41] 35a1c, Artemis Zepharin : ((Icon test.))
[11-21:41] 35a1c, Artemis Zepharin : ((Test again.))
[11-21:45] 12522, Kali: *applauds the dot*
[11-21:46] 35a1c, Artemis Zepharin : ((?))
[11-21:47] 35a1c, Artemis Zepharin : ((Oh...heh, thanks.))
[11-21:49] 35a1c, Artemis Zepharin : ((brb.))
[11-21:49] 12522, Kali: I dont plan on going anywhere
[11-21:52] 00cda, Travis: *breakdances*
[11-21:55] 12522, Kali: *watches*
[11-21:56] 00cda, Travis: *image test*
[11-21:56] 00cda, Travis: poo
[11-21:56] 00cda, Travis:
[11-21:59] 00cda, Travis: NINJA VA! *disappears*
[11-21:59] 00cda, Travis: ...what the crap?
[11-22:00] 12522, Kali: *L*
[11-22:01] 00cda, Travis: *disappears*
[11-22:12] 12522, Kali: *doesnt*
[11-22:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-23:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-23:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[11-23:25] 12522, Kali: *blinks*
[11-23:30] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[11-23:30] 12522, Kali: ahh Hi Joey.
[12-01:03] 12522, Kali: *falls asleep*
[12-01:11] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[12-01:12] 1bc94, Joey: hmmm *looks around*
[12-11:38] 130de, Kali: *wanders aimlessly*
[12-11:39] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[12-11:39] 60070, Joey: hay
[12-11:40] 130de, Kali: hi
[12-11:40] 60070, Joey: whats up?
[12-11:42] 130de, Kali: hrm..
[12-11:42] 130de, Kali: *sighs* here we go again. *curses refresh*
[12-11:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-11:43] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Morning*feasting on old Bagels*
[12-11:46] 130de, Kali: this is just going to drive me nuts.
[12-11:47] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Computer still in the shop?
[12-11:48] 60070, Joey: hum de dum
[12-11:51] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I wanna role play*scratching head* Or do I?
[12-11:52] 130de, Kali: no I have it.. its just not letting jj refresh right. every time I post it takes posts away.
[12-11:52] 130de, Kali: I had it working last night, but its messing up again.
[12-11:53] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Is it freaky with anything else?
[12-11:54] 130de, Kali: just jj.
[12-11:55] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Could just be something with your internet
[12-11:59] 130de, Kali: I wish I knew.
[12-11:59] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Who did you take it too?
[12-12:00] 130de, Kali: one of my neighbors is a comp tech. he brought me a hijack program and installed it. because thats what happened. damned spyware garbage. every thing else works just not jj sites. they freeze up.
[12-12:01] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Odd
[12-12:01] 130de, Kali: extremely.
[12-12:02] 130de, Kali: brb going to restart.
[12-12:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-12:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:13pm, September 12 (CDT) ).
[12-12:13] 153b1, Kali: *sighs*
[12-12:14] 153b1, Kali: well that didnt help
[12-12:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-12:18] 153b1, Kali: *yells*
[12-12:26] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *Cowers*
[12-12:28] 153b1, Kali: sorry ,Cara. this just isnt working today. I'll be back later.
[12-12:40] 153b1, Ankalima Morwen : *link test*
[12-12:41] JOIN: Pedron Niall has entered.
[12-12:41] 153b1, Kali: hello Pedron.
[12-12:42] 153b1, Ankalima Morwen : well its getting faster.
[12-12:42] 3e045, Pedron Niall: "Cannot Find Server"
[12-12:42] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Hey
[12-12:43] 153b1, Kali: hm?
[12-12:43] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Wo0o0o GO STEELERS!!!
[12-12:43] 3e045, Pedron Niall: on the link, when I click on it it says "Cannot Find Server"
[12-12:44] 153b1, Kali: *L* you dont click on it.. roll over it. its on the status line.
[12-12:45] 3e045, Pedron Niall: huh?
[12-12:45] 153b1, Kali: and you can just shush about the steelers.
[12-12:46] 153b1, Kali: hold mouse over link, read the statusline
[12-12:46] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Grrrrrrrrr
[12-12:47] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Oh, ok
[12-12:49] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ...I should really be doing homework right now....
[12-12:50] 153b1, Kali: *L*
[12-12:51] 3e045, Pedron Niall: *sigh*
[12-12:53] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Ok, I'm trying to read some story about a mexican girl's struggle to grow up or somesuch bullyay, wow, crap, and talk online at the same time....
[12-12:53] 153b1, Kali: *turns boss* go read!!!!
[12-12:54] 3e045, Pedron Niall: ... You guys really need to lose the filter
[12-12:55] 153b1, Kali: nope..
[12-12:56] 3e045, Pedron Niall: The chat is rated "R" anyway
[12-12:57] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Wo0o Steeler's are pwning the Raider's right now!!
[12-12:57] 153b1, Kali: the filter is there for a reason. some for good, personal reasons, but most just for the fun of them.
[12-12:59] 3e045, Pedron Niall: It's so annoying!!! I must destroy it.... but for now... I must read this tardcart story
[12-13:03] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Wo0o0 TOUCHDOWN STEELERS!!
[12-13:05] 153b1, Kali: *vaes* turn that tv off! do your homework!!!
[12-13:05] 153b1, Kali: *L*
[12-13:05] 153b1, Kali: someones done it again!*loves it*
[12-13:05] 3e045, Pedron Niall: Not watching TV, listening to my dad yell YES!! TOUCHDOWN!! really loud
[12-13:07] 3e045, Pedron Niall: And anyway, you aren't my mother!! (hehe the classic response)
[12-13:14] 3e045, Pedron Niall: yeah i'm gonna sign off and actually do this stupid hw
[12-14:19] 153b1, Kali: *re appears*
[12-16:48] 818cc, Mab: *vaes*
[12-16:48] 818cc, Mab: Hmmm, oops
[12-17:32] 153b1, Kali: *L* *pats Mab*
[12-17:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-17:35] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:34pm, September 12 (CDT) ).
[12-17:36] 153b1, Kali: hrm.. why did that happen.
[12-18:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-18:21] 153b1, Kali: *lurks*
[12-18:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-19:14] f592f, Kali: Level 3's are done and up.
[12-19:14] f592f, Kali: *starts on level 4's*
[12-19:31] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[12-19:32] ef82e, Axis : ((peers))
[12-19:34] f592f, Kali: hi
[12-19:35] ef82e, Axis : ((heelo))
[12-19:46] f592f, Kali: *shakes the level 4 list* *edits, edits, edits, edits*
[12-19:47] ef82e, Ghouls : ((*prepares for the ghoul news*))
[12-19:55] f592f, Kali: *waits with glee*
[12-19:56] ef82e, Ghouls : ((*ghoul in a suit sitting at a news desksome papers sittign in front of him* Hello and welcome to ghoul news at 9. Currently another ghjoul foce is movign to link up with the Black Dagger army to find and eliminate Tal'Dolen. The fortress south of Acedenwan has been completed and Gryskae has benifited greatly by the allaince with the ghouls. Another small force of ghouls has set out for the far east to set up a base and begin raiding the lands of the . That is all for theis ghoul news update. Thank you and goodnight. *fade to black*))
[12-19:57] ef82e, Ghouls : ((correction far west))
[12-20:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-20:04] ef82e, Ghouls : ((now plots to make the ghoul news the number one watched news channel in bettenchi))
[12-20:09] f592f, Kali: *is so afraid*
[12-20:10] ef82e, Ghouls : ((thats right be afraid!! and Be pepared!! for we cater!!!))
[12-20:17] f592f, Kali: *sighs*
[12-20:19] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[12-20:19] 3e045, Pedron Nial: eeeek ghoul news!! the sad thing is it's better than Fox news!!
[12-20:20] ef82e, Ghouls : ((hrmm))
[12-20:20] f592f, Kali: its so much more fun
[12-20:21] 3e045, Pedron Nial: You cater???
[12-20:22] ef82e, Ghouls : ((oh yeah. we ghouls ow na meat market. we deliver cater ect))
[12-20:23] 3e045, Pedron Nial: cool
[12-20:23] 3e045, Pedron Nial: I wish I had a catering ghoul
[12-20:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[12-20:24] f592f, Kali: *blinks*
[12-20:24] ef82e, Ghouls : ((We are the greatest! All hail ghouls.))
[12-20:25] f592f, Kali: if you had a catering ghoul, you might be what they serve.
[12-20:25] f592f, Kali: *L*
[12-20:26] 3e045, Pedron Nial: *hails catering ghouls* wait... ghouls want to eat me!! aaaah!! *runs under a kitchen*
[12-20:28] ef82e, Ghouls : ((unless you buy some food prepare to be eaten))
[12-20:29] 3e045, Pedron Nial: You can't see me, naah naah naah!!
[12-20:29] ef82e, Ghouls : ((*sees him*))
[12-20:30] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Oh. Yay, wow, crap.
[12-20:30] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Funny thing is.. filter didn't make me say that. I chose to
[12-20:31] f592f, Kali: *dies*
[12-20:31] ef82e, Ghouls : (( what do you want to buy?))
[12-20:32] 3e045, Pedron Nial: *pushes kali at ghouls* Take her!! Not me!!
[12-20:32] f592f, Kali: AAAAKKK!!!!!!
[12-20:33] f592f, Kali: *has to go* *sighs*
[12-20:33] 3e045, Pedron Nial: *looks quizically at kali* WHY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE???
[12-20:33] MSG: Kali sent a message to Xyva.
[12-20:34] ef82e, Ghouls : ((bye kali *ties up pedron and marches him towars the ovens*))
[12-20:34] f592f, Kali: weeee!!! mwahaha!!
[12-20:35] 3e045, Pedron Nial: S-Mart Attack!!! *throws an S-mart at ghouls*
[12-20:36] ef82e, Ghouls : ((*sells it* counts gold*))
[12-20:38] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[12-20:38] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Curse you tommy twotone!
[12-20:39] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sneezes*
[12-20:40] 3e045, Pedron Nial: haha you sneezed
[12-20:41] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: It was violent..but fun
[12-20:42] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Violent sneeze?
[12-20:44] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: yeah...ya know...the kind that lifts you out of your seat
[12-20:46] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[12-20:48] MSG: Xyva sent a message to Kali.
[12-20:49] ae08c, Xyva: hey Pedron
[12-20:49] ae08c, Xyva: hey cara
[12-20:49] 3e045, Pedron Nial: I hope nobody got injured.... last week one of those killed an elderly woman while she crossed the street.
[12-20:49] 3e045, Pedron Nial: heylo xyva
[12-20:50] ae08c, Xyva: .jpg'>.jpg'>
[12-20:51] ae08c, Xyva: .jpg'>.jpg'>
[12-20:51] ae08c, Xyva: hmm
[12-20:51] 3e045, Pedron Nial: eh?
[12-20:52] ae08c, Xyva:
[12-20:52] ae08c, Xyva:
[12-20:52] 3e045, Pedron Nial: i'm gonna get carpal tunnel syndrome yay!
[12-20:52] ae08c, Xyva: hmm those work
[12-20:58] 3e045, Pedron Nial: that's what they want you to think
[12-21:03] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[12-21:04] ae08c, Xyva: .jpg'>.jpg'>
[12-21:04] 3e045, Pedron Nial: heylo Kalamaro... hehe that sounds like calamari
[12-21:05] bf64b, Kalamaro: ((yeah, I know, but I cant remeber what calamari is... whats up?))
[12-21:06] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Calamari=squid
[12-21:07] 3e045, Pedron Nial: it's squid italian-ized
[12-21:07] bf64b, Drake: is that big?
[12-21:11] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ugh.Calamari
[12-21:19] 3e045, Pedron Nial: uh... it's regular squid, i guess... i wouldn't know
[12-21:20] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I hate art..I hate it so much right now
[12-21:21] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Why?
[12-21:22] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Can't something to turn out the way it needs too
[12-21:23] 3e045, Pedron Nial: I wouldn't know... not artistic really
[12-21:23] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *tears out hair* i'm taking abreak
[12-21:24] 3e045, Pedron Nial: I hate automatic faces when you type and stuff
[12-21:27] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I really dont mind em one way or another
[12-21:30] ae08c, Xyva: .jpg'>
[12-21:30] ae08c, Xyva:
[12-21:30] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: ARgh*stabs something with her pencil*
[12-21:31] ae08c, Xyva: what were you drawing?
[12-21:32] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: I have to do a self portriate..but have to have done in a way that it's like i've stepped into a 3 way mirrior
[12-21:32] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Look over the spelling...i'm annoyed
[12-21:34] ae08c, Xyva: you should get a 3 way mirror
[12-21:34] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Dont have one. I live in a dorm
[12-21:35] ae08c, Xyva: find 2 more and make one then
[12-21:35] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *L* I think you are overestimating my resources
[12-21:36] ae08c, Xyva: unless you can draw each part separatly and adjust the mirror between parts
[12-21:37] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: That's what i'm trying to do
[12-21:38] ae08c, Xyva: I just though of a problem
[12-21:38] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: oh?
[12-21:39] ae08c, Xyva: you are going to have to guess on the eyes of 2 parts because in a 3 way mirror all 3 sets cant be looking at you
[12-21:40] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah...I thought of that...i'll just have a point of recession where they all should be looking
[12-21:42] ae08c, Xyva: another problem you should find using only one mirror is the mirrors should reflect a part of the other mirror
[12-21:42] ae08c, Xyva: I gtg
[12-21:42] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *whimpers* I knoqw
[12-21:42] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: oaky
[12-22:49] f592f, Kali: *re appears* ahhh piffle. everyone's gone again.
[12-23:13] f592f, Kali: oh lord,, *reads logs* *is tracked by aardvarks*
[12-23:19] f592f, Kali: Val, if Im not here, log onto aim a sec. It'll find me.
[13-00:04] f592f, Kali: *wanders off to bed*
[13-01:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-02:46] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-02:53] 8a433, anarsil halfmoon: awakens at 7,gets up and walks over to the shoddy table on which sits a bowl of cold water.quickly sluicing the water over his head. The droplets cascading down his face like a million crystals caught in the morning sun,streaming through the window. After shaking his head ,gathers posessions and leaves the room and heads down stairs to find something that will pass as breakfast. At the bar finds the keeper cleaning tables.orders some food and waits at a table.
[13-02:54] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 3:53am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-03:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-05:01] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-05:03] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: The barkeep arrives with a plate of bacon,eggs fresh bread,musrooms and tomatoes, places on the table and leaves
[13-05:04] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: *devours food*
[13-05:05] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: calls for a drink downs very quickly, pays and leaves
[13-05:05] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:05am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-05:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-05:08] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: a voice whispers in the forest,calling a name,but is drowned out by the wind the only things to hear are the trees *kaya,help me or i am done*
[13-05:12] 6f843, Kali: *yawns*
[13-05:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-05:17] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: moves towards the edge of the forest.callsout*kaya*
[13-05:19] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: moves through the trees(literally) and stands at the edge of the trees about 2ft above the ground the sun light straming through him
[13-05:19] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: streamig
[13-05:20] 6f843, Kaya : *curled inside the large oak leaf, she stretches awake. as she sits up, rubbing the sleep f rom her eyes, she wonders if the voice she heard was just a dream*
[13-05:20] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: streaming
[13-05:20] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: morning
[13-05:20] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: sorry to wake you but hav to go now
[13-05:35] 6f843, Kali: (see you later)
[13-06:49] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-06:50] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 7:49am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-06:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-06:55] fffef, Kali: morning
[13-06:55] fffef, Kali: again
[13-06:56] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: trapped,trapped in a world i never new-or experienced.trapped with no way to experience the smells,sounds ,not to touch, why me ? maybe mab could tell me! or kaya could ask her she is queen after all.but i cannot ask them or talk to them.kaya doesnt even know..probably and mab probably doesnt even remember me just another traveller who dropped by her kingdom one day!
[13-06:56] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: hi
[13-06:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:56am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-06:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-06:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:57am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-06:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:57am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-06:58] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:00] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: walks down the road,various shops and stalls crowd the streets like a crowd at a hanging,walking further comes to a large square with traders stalls set up,and decide to have a look at available gtoods
[13-07:01] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: how u?
[13-07:01] fffef, Kali: *L* awake
[13-07:02] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:02] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: nice!!
[13-07:02] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: is it really 8:00
[13-07:03] fffef, Kali: says you. I want to go back to bed.
[13-07:03] fffef, Kali: no 7:00
[13-07:03] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: so go back to bed!!
[13-07:04] fffef, Kali: cant, drive kids to school then dr appt. then job interview
[13-07:05] fffef, Kali: neighbor kids..
[13-07:05] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: yikes! busy day
[13-07:05] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: nothing serious i hope?
[13-07:05] fffef, Kali: yep, today.
[13-07:05] fffef, Kali: nah.. check up.
[13-07:06] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: gud luk wiv the job!!
[13-07:06] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: sounds ominous!
[13-07:07] fffef, Kali: *L* only cause of the vampires. I hate needles.
[13-07:07] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: wots the job for?
[13-07:08] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: now ime really curious ......check up for wot??
[13-07:08] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:08am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-07:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-07:09] MSG: Kali sent a message to Anarsil Halfmoon.
[13-07:10] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *how can i make her hear me?ime just a shadow...a wraith a thing of no substance or being
[13-07:12] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *kaya, where are you!*
[13-07:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:12am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-07:12] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:13] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: cool
[13-07:13] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: sorry that was rude of me to ask
[13-07:13] fffef, Kali: if it was rude, I would have told you so.
[13-07:13] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:14] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: maybe
[13-07:16] fffef, Kaya : *stretching her wings towards the morning sun, she shivers* Ooo what a strange dream* finding a dew drop, she bends to scoop it up in her hands wanting to wash her face, but dropping it as she sees a reflection crossing it. Turning around, there is no one there* I must still be asleep. *shaking again*
[13-07:17] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: *walks towards a stall that contains various items including cheap trinkets and jewelery
[13-07:17] fffef, Kaya : (*L* you know me. have I ever had a problem telling people just what I think?)
[13-07:17] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:17am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-07:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-07:19] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: moves through the woods and (sits)on a tree stump with head in hands
[13-07:22] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: a small insect catches his eye,(curious do i even have eyes)on a leaf fluttering its wings in the sunbeams
[13-07:23] fffef, Kaya : (i'd say yes,)
[13-07:23] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: dismisses it and ponders on how to conect with the material world
[13-07:24] fffef, Kaya : *stretching again, there is a quick shimmer as she shifts into her human form*
[13-07:26] fffef, Kaya : (ive got to flee.. wont be back for an hour. see you this week sometime)
[13-07:28] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *what the.......*across the glade a person shimmers into exsistance where the insect had been,*kaya.damn she cant hear me*gets up and moves towards the faerrie and settles beside her looking at her intently t
[13-07:28] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: okie dokie
[13-07:29] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *how in mabs name *
[13-07:29] fffef, Kaya : *once again gets that creepy 'I'm being watched' feeling*
[13-07:31] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *walks through kaya*
[13-07:31] fffef, Kaya : (*does her imitation of a fairie fleeing*)
[13-07:31] fffef, Kaya : ewwwww *shudders hard*
[13-07:31] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *kaya its me ....what am i saying she cant hear me!"*
[13-07:35] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: stands in front of kaya inches away looking at herand projects an image of himself out towards her *kaya its luthien dont be afraid....*
[13-07:38] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: tries to picture himself as he was in life,his hair, eyes, physical appearanceand projects it towards kaya willing her to see the image
[13-07:39] 6d547, Will-o'-the-wisp: *why is she here?surely she should be in the kingdom!not out here!
[13-07:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:39am, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-07:40] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:41] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[13-07:47] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-08:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-08:18] fffef, Kaya : *shuddering again, she rubs her hands up and down her arms, trying to warm them up, not understanding where the sudden chill had come from, the picture of an elf crossing her mind. someone she hadnot seen since just before the disappearance of Mab*
[13-09:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-09:37] fffef, Kali: *flees* bbl
[13-09:39] fffef, Kali: *stops* hello wispy
[13-12:36] fffef, Kali: *sighs* I hate dr's>
[13-13:44] fffef, Ilia Fion : *returning home, having missed Lotesse, she walks into her house, calling out for Val to let him know she had returned, coming to an abrupt stop as she reached the living room. Thin shards of glass littered the door way of the barred room, its door standing wide, furniture slightly askew, turning slowly around surveying the damage, not that there was much, but more than enough to send her flying thru the house, checking every room for more damage. There was none, except food missing from the cupboards. Expanding her search to the exercise pens, then to the barn, her foot steps slow in shock at the sight of a pair of feet sticking out of Rashwe's stall. taking a step closer, then another, her eyes widen, as a one sided smile appears on her face, although she had no idea why Val was sleeping in a horse stall, she placed a hand on the wall, bracing herself against it to slowly slide down, resting her back on the outside of the stall. Just waiting for him to wake up*
[13-13:50] fffef, Ilia Fion : *passing the time reading a new spell. Dust to Water, something she might need with the horses some day*
[13-13:53] fffef, Council of Lai'dor : *dither, dither dither, sign this, sign that*Any word from Caradhras and Arkady? no? hrm.
[13-13:54] fffef, Council of Lai'dor : *BLINKS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[13-13:57] b30c4, Kali: tell me I didnt just see that.
[13-14:02] b30c4, Fae Border Guards : *march/flies wings in unison, keeping to their patrol of the Fae borders*
[13-14:04] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[13-14:06] b30c4, Kali: hey Joey.
[13-14:09] 7a22a, Joey: hio
[13-14:12] b30c4, Kali: this has been a strange afternoon. the chat just inverted itself. just the chat lines nothing else.... very strange.
[13-14:13] 7a22a, Joey: hmm it seems right to me
[13-14:14] b30c4, Kali: now.. but it wasnt.
[13-14:15] 7a22a, Joey: hmmm ...
[13-14:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-14:29] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[13-14:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-16:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-18:23] b30c4, Kali: grrr *shakes you all* where is every body?????????
[13-18:43] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[13-18:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-18:44] 9f504, Joey: ... WTF its like the rp rooms are dead ... <---- *is pissed*
[13-18:55] b30c4, Kali: *pats Joey*
[13-19:04] b30c4, Kali: *realizes she isnt afraid of the aardvarks Val sent out to find her, conjures a herd of wombats to confuse them*
[13-19:09] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[13-19:09] 77945, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[13-19:10] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *purrs*
[13-19:12] b30c4, Kali: *eye shift*
[13-19:12] b30c4, Kali: hmm thats an odd color.
[13-19:13] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Mine?
[13-19:13] b30c4, Kali: hmm
[13-19:13] b30c4, Kali: yay.. no mine. i had the wrong hex in
[13-19:14] b30c4, Kali: too much salmon,
[13-19:16] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:13pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-19:17] JOIN: Joan has entered.
[13-19:18] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[13-19:19] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 8:09pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-19:19] f96be, Joan: *She rides into town on her horse with a metal spire bonded upon it's leather mask. Rider sits with a placid expression on her snowy face, starlight eyes impassive, a sneer on her lips*
[13-19:19] JOIN: Slayn has entered.
[13-19:19] EXIT: Joey has left the chat ( 8:18pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-19:21] b30c4, Kali: hmm hello Joan.
[13-19:22] f96be, Joan: *The horse knickers and tries to pull on the reigns but she holds the massive beast still; let it paw at the ground and snort at the air with impatience. Now, right or left? her head turns so her eyes ca consider either direction and after a breath she kicks her horse down the left one, riding into a alley*
[13-19:22] 77945, Slayn : *is somewhere himself sitting lightly on his elven bred horse. One gloved hand reaches up and adjusts his mask*
[13-19:22] f96be, Joan: ((It's Cara Kali))
[13-19:22] 77945, Slayn : ((color test))
[13-19:23] b30c4, Kali: *smacks head* purple.
[13-19:23] f96be, Joan: ((*laughs*))
[13-19:25] f96be, Joan: *She slackens her grip on her control and the animal canters down the alleyway, it's shadow long and omnious, the woman like a ghost on it's back*
[13-19:27] 77945, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*elven stratigist for hire*))
[13-19:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:27pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-19:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-19:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:27pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-19:27] b30c4, Council of Lai'dor : *considers hiring*
[13-19:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:27pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-19:28] JOIN: Slayn has entered.
[13-19:28] 77945, Slayn : ((then go to war with somebody))
[13-19:29] b30c4, Council of Lai'dor : as soon as our queen is returned.
[13-19:29] b30c4, Council of Lai'dor : joining forces with and going after Soth.
[13-20:10] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[13-20:11] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[13-20:11] ae08c, Levald : hey
[13-20:12] 77945, Slayn : ((hey))
[13-20:12] ebddc, Aralore : ((Hail to thee.))
[13-20:12] b30c4, Kali: *wanders off*
[13-20:12] 77945, Axis : ((I mean hey))
[13-20:13] ae08c, Levald : (ok so what was it you wanted to know?)
[13-20:15] ebddc, Aralore : ((I needs a ring.))
[13-20:15] ae08c, Levald : (ok what kind?)
[13-20:16] ebddc, Aralore : ((Wedding ring.))
[13-20:16] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[13-20:17] ae08c, Levald : (ok do you know what the magic ingredient should be for those attributes?)
[13-20:18] ebddc, Aralore : ((Eye of Newt. It's always good with Eye of Newt.))
[13-20:19] ae08c, Levald : (*grins* no I dont think that will work)
[13-20:20] ebddc, Aralore : ((Mab makes us know that stuff?))
[13-20:20] ebddc, Aralore : ((How about a dove's bloodied innards?))
[13-20:20] ae08c, Levald : (I was thinking something like the powder on fae wings)
[13-20:21] JOIN: Pedron has entered.
[13-20:21] ae08c, Levald : no I want something that could be linked to the embued properties)
[13-20:21] 3e045, Pedron: You know you've gotten lazy when you don't wanna type a four letter last name *L*
[13-20:23] ebddc, Aralore : ((Gold, and platinum, will be for the ring...and then you can just enchant it with arcana. A pinch of sand, a bit dust, valueless material components.))
[13-20:25] ae08c, Levald : *sitting in the smithy he quietly polishes his sword*
[13-20:26] ebddc, Aralore : ((Are you in Rua?))
[13-20:26] ae08c, Levald : (yes im in levalds smithy)
[13-20:28] ebddc, Aralore : *Steps into the smithy, clad in a cloak of thin, subdued violet, white locks of hair spilling forth in juxtaposition to the dark clothing. His gait is hesitant, amethyst eyes missing nothing as they take in whatever may be in Levald's work place*
[13-20:29] ebddc, Aralore : ((BRB))
[13-20:30] ae08c, Levald : (k)
[13-20:31] ae08c, Levald : *hearing the door open he smiles looking up as he sets his sword on the table and stands* Good evening
[13-20:32] ebddc, Aralore : ((Back))
[13-20:36] ebddc, Aralore : *Smiles, nodding to Levald* I'm looking to buy an item of such beauty it will stir the heavens themselves in jealousy, a token of such value and worth as to woo a demoness. A ring. Do you have the means to craft such a paragon of mystique and fiery intrique?
[13-20:36] ebddc, Aralore : ((intrigue, too.))
[13-20:41] 3e045, Pedron: Jeez, my internet likes lagging
[13-20:42] ae08c, Levald : I can
[13-20:42] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[13-20:43] 5d41c, O.R.: I got Maya 6.0, I got Maya 6.0 *Dances*
[13-20:47] ae08c, Levald : is there anything required of it other than that or is its disign and comosition entirely up to me?
[13-20:47] ebddc, Aralore : I think it should be a band of platinum and gold...with a diamond--the largest in your stock! And enchanted with arcana, as to be featherlight, and to allow the wearer to be immersed in feathery white light whenever she so desires, as that is the way a bride ought be accustomed to being entreated.
[13-20:56] 3e045, Pedron: What's maya 6.o?
[13-20:57] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* when do you need it by?
[13-21:00] ebddc, Aralore : I suppose I haven't any strict due long does it take to craft it?
[13-21:00] 5d41c, O.R.: Only the newest Graphic Design program, w00t!
[13-21:00] ebddc, Aralore : And by all means, money is no object, if it takes more to expedite the process, so be it.
[13-21:00] 3e045, Pedron: Ah.... I wouldn't kow.
[13-21:00] ae08c, Levald : I could craft it in 2 days but I would prefer 5
[13-21:01] 5d41c, O.R.: Bwahahaha! *Keeps making basketballs suddenly light on fire and then combust!*
[13-21:08] f96be, Joan: ((*flex*O))
[13-21:09] ae08c, Levald : (hey cara)
[13-21:11] f96be, Joan: ((Yo!))
[13-21:11] ae08c, Levald : (nice pic)
[13-21:12] f96be, Joan: ((Thank ya))
[13-21:13] ae08c, Levald : (whered you get it?)
[13-21:14] f96be, Joan: ((Xyva gave me a site quite a while back))
[13-21:14] ae08c, Levald : (*grins*)
[13-21:15] ae08c, Xyva: Boo
[13-21:15] f96be, Joan: ((*chuckle* what?))
[13-21:15] ae08c, Levald : (that'd be me)
[13-21:16] f96be, Joan: ((Oh..*snort*))
[13-21:17] ae08c, Levald : (aralore, you still here?)
[13-21:18] ebddc, Aralore : ((Sorry!))
[13-21:18] ebddc, Aralore : *Nods* I can give you the five days. What should it run in gold?
[13-21:18] ae08c, Levald : ('s ok)
[13-21:24] ae08c, Levald : It would cost around 300 gold
[13-21:25] ebddc, Aralore : *Nods* I think I can pay you in platinum now, if you so wish. Would you like that or gold pieces?
[13-21:26] ae08c, Levald : gold is easier to use around here if you dont mind
[13-21:27] ae08c, Levald : i only need half of it for now the other half can wait till I fi
[13-21:27] ae08c, Levald : fi*
[13-21:29] ae08c, Levald : (ok someone needs to fix the filter)
[13-21:29] f96be, Joan: ((*bored..kills things*))
[13-21:30] ae08c, Levald : fin ish*
[13-21:32] ebddc, Aralore : *Nods, withdrawing a pouch from his robes and pulling a drawstring loose carefully. From it drop gold pieces disproportionate to the bag's size in front of Levald, upon a table or whatever elevated surface exists. Aralore mutters a few words and makes a few simple gestures with his hands. The coins line up in a very orderly fashion as he utters the words "Four Hundred" in plain common and eighty neat rows of 5 gold pieces each line themselves up, a remaining few miscellaneous pieces flitting showily back into the bag as he replaces it.* Here you are, good sir, plus a little extra. I want it to be the most splendid creation since magic itself was scried into the cosmos. I want it to fit any and all wearers prefectly, such that Delotha may pass it on to any she wishes.
[13-21:32] f96be, Joan: (( with*stomps foot*))
[13-21:34] ae08c, Levald : *smiles taking the gold and pocketing it* would you like the stone set into the band or upon it?
[13-21:36] ebddc, Aralore : Into it, I should greatly appreciate it if it would flow and curve smoothly outward as if merely an extension of the other parts.
[13-21:36] ae08c, Levald : (sorry I cant *is taken*)
[13-21:36] f96be, Joan: *Mischeif's hooves thud upon the cobble stoned steet with a steady thudding rhytm. The animal, by his movements, strikes one as bored and this emotion echoes in his mistress's face......full lip looking petulant...pouty*
[13-21:37] ae08c, Levald : I can do that too
[13-21:38] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[13-21:39] ae08c, Levald : I'll start working on it tomorrow and have it fined before the new week
[13-21:40] ae08c, Levald : (*smites the filter*)
[13-21:41] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ))
[13-21:43] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich: *sitting once again in the glimmering inn ... his thick dire wolf coat covers his body .. hiding his armor but not his sword ... he is sitting facing the door of the inn *
[13-21:44] ebddc, Aralore : *Bows* You have my sincerest gratitude. *turns on a heel gracefully, sidling out in perfect silence*
[13-21:45] f96be, Joan: Dull town*voice echoing in the empty alley, talking to her horse of course but one can see she would rather be talking to more responsive company. Eventually she comes to a inn, the sign on front says glimmering inn. She sees about getting her horse tended too and with a arragorant flip of her cloak she enters in, hand on the pommel of her sword*
[13-21:47] ae08c, Levald : *following him to the door he locks it behind him taking his sword and putting it away before heading to bed, keeping quiet so as not to wake Illisse.*
[13-21:47] ae08c, Levald : (night yall)
[13-21:47] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich: *his eyes are sorta zoned out on the mug of ale he has infront of him ... watching the ripples mess with his reflection *
[13-21:48] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 10:48pm, September 13 (CDT) ).
[13-21:49] f96be, Joan: *Eyes move from corner to corner till at last they rest on Zeekan and his interesting apparal* Nice coat*said as she walks by, the leather of her boots creaking with her stride*
[13-21:50] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[13-21:51] 54891, Cookie Monster: *leaps in, hits the ground with a roll, springs up, waves to Z, and is about to dive behind the bar of the chat, when realizes has seen Joan's pic before and smacks into it*
[13-21:52] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich: *his head raises slightly a smirk on his face already .... cuase hell he just got commented on his coat OH YEA * why thank you ... i made it my self ... *he take a LONG look at her own "cloths"* your got some interesting cloths too
[13-21:53] f96be, Joan: ((Oh? is someone else using it?*preparing to change*))
[13-21:53] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((no no, I just recognize the artist who made it.))
[13-21:54] f96be, Joan: A handy man?*commenting while she grabs a barmaid gently by the arm, whispering to the girl her order and glancing back at Zeekan with her glacier eyes, lips coiling up in a sideways smirk*
[13-21:56] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : i guess i could be called that ... but its only for clothing ... and tracking *nods then bringing his over sized mug to his face he takes a deep swig of the ale the slams it back down on the table* WOOOOOOO i love this stuff
[13-21:58] f96be, Joan: Fascinating*her own apparal is of heavy wool(her cloak) and leather, dark black and red(everything else) When she gets her drink she sips the girl a gold coin and sits atop a table, legs crossed, before taking a sip*
[13-21:59] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : well arnt you just a sexy thing? *the true womaning nature of himself comes out ... just gonna take her in to his mind and burn her image onto his brain*
[13-22:01] f96be, Joan: Am I? Haven't noticed*Another long drink of whatever she odered from her mug. By the tone of her voice the opinion of her appeal is not something new to her...this is no shrinking violet*
[13-22:01] 54891, Cookie Monster: Mind if I bring in one of my own chars to the RP or would you prefer this to be one on one?
[13-22:02] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( bring em in COOKIE WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ))
[13-22:02] f96be, Joan: ((I dont mind *chuckle*))
[13-22:03] 54891, Cookie Monster: 9
[13-22:03] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((
[13-22:03] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((*smacks the Lap top he's forced to use* Care for the Goblin king or a merc captain?))
[13-22:04] f96be, Joan: ((either!))
[13-22:04] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( merc capt))
[13-22:05] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : yep ya are *he takes another swig of the ale and another eyefull of the woman* im zeekan *he extends his meaty hand towards the woman * * oh yea is trying to get the name already*
[13-22:08] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *the door of the inn is kicked open, and a man who is apparently allready well on his way to a good hangover in the morning stumbles in. Following in his wake are several other men a bit more sober. None have any sort of regular uniform, but they all have builds that attest to either being laborers or warriors. Towards the end of the dozen and a half men comes a man wearing a mix of merchant's fine clothes and a breast plate and a dark skinned man with a turban and light, very loose clothing*
[13-22:08] f96be, Joan: *lets him get his eyeful because, frankly, that's all that he's going to get. She's a tall woman with long long legs and arms corded with supple muscle. She lifts her mug and tips it towards him * Joan*yes immediatly cut to the arriving party, fingers fluttering to her sword*
[13-22:10] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *gets her name then his head snaps up ... not grabbing for his sword but just ready to punch some people if they start anything ... then speeks to her* good to meet you ... these friends of yours?
[13-22:10] f96be, Joan: ((ye=eyes))
[13-22:13] 896a6, Kali: *attempts to sneak in*
[13-22:13] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *a few of the less violence inclined and those that want to avoid trouble scatter as the gang of rowdy men begin moving for tables close togather. The man wearing the breast plate calls out* Settle down now boys, we get kicked out of here, we loose half our clientele. *this gets some cheerfully drunken back talk from the lot of them and the man, apparently being in charge, takes this as a good sign and moves to a table near his men but in arms reach of Joan's table*
[13-22:14] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((Why sneak in? She's the company's little sister. ))
[13-22:14] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((*huggles Kali*))
[13-22:15] f96be, Joan: Strangers to me.*half of her face is hidden by her mug as she lifts it for another long sip..only her eyes, icey and sharp, can see over the rim.*
[13-22:15] 896a6, Kali: *snuggles in* company? *is half asleep*
[13-22:16] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *he is at her table as she is sitting on his* i see ... well i hope for not to much trouble tonight
[13-22:16] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((The merc company to which Ankalima works for))
[13-22:17] 896a6, Kali: ahhh
[13-22:17] f96be, Joan: No reason to expect trouble..*pauses, glancing around, her mug a heavy thump as she sets it down* that is..unles your looking for it
[13-22:18] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: *the turbaned man sits down beside the groups boss. By his disposition, he seems to be close with Skarling, either the second in command or maybe his body guard* You don't realy expect them to be calm do you?
[13-22:19] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *he chuckles* Of course not. But having said that I at least have plausable deniablility should a riot ensue. He laughs at his own joke as one of the men tosses an empty mug from whatever previous establishment they visited right onto Joan's table*
[13-22:20] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *keeps a eye on the rowdie bunch continue to drink from his big ol mug * well anyways * trying to ignore the mug hiting the table* what are you doing here?
[13-22:21] f96be, Joan: *She looks at the thrown tabbard, a brow raising to a deliciously dangerous angle. She picks it up, by the handle and just drops it...on the ground, full mouth curling into something nasty* Looking for work*Smoothly said, a cat ready to unsheath it's claws*
[13-22:22] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : yea me too ...
[13-22:25] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *ever the merchant, Skarling's ears perk up, overhearing the two behind him talk. After all, while employment had been mild to scarce as of late, he was always on the look out for some more promising soldiers*
[13-22:26] f96be, Joan: What do you do, other than wear the animals that keep the wilds..wild* a hand, gloved and previously hidden under her cloak touched the fur of his own cloak, face impassive ut the very air around her is tense*
[13-22:27] MSG: Skarling Ironhand sent a message to Kali.
[13-22:27] MSG: Kali sent a message to Skarling Ironhand.
[13-22:29] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen :
[13-22:29] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : i craft clothing and im one hell of a tracker ... hunting anything from dire bears to humans give me a thrill in life * he smiles and then also pets his belt .. the soft furr corsing through his hands* enchanted clothing that is
[13-22:29] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((The inn))
[13-22:30] f96be, Joan: Fascinating*From the very timber of her tone one can tell that her comment is sincere* Enchanted as in how?*ears catching that one word, desire in her eyes, curling the shape of her lips..feline..very*
[13-22:32] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : waterproof ... and fireproof ... iv seen a demon cast one of there little fire spells and the cloths dident even frey *nods* but seeing as the kind of leather i use its rather thick and dence ... good for leather armor too
[13-22:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[13-22:33] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *walking slowly down the stairs, red braid still slightly ruffled,she smiles at the noise coming from the tavern, as she continues down to her booth, motioning for the waitress to bring her usual bottle of wine*
[13-22:33] f96be, Joan: Oh,*disapointment..see it?* I was thinking of something else entirely.*That gloved hand hides itself back in the folds over cloak, while her head turns..glancing behind her*
[13-22:34] JOIN: Z has entered.
[13-22:36] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : ... *raises his eyebrow* what did you think? just cuase i said them 2 dosent mean i cant add other effects to my clothing
[13-22:37] f96be, Joan: Give me a list. I'm a woman of facts...not of imagination*legs recross and the scent of freshly oiled leather perfumes the room*
[13-22:38] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : i just need to know the effects you want and then i can try and put them on thats all ... in all things you got to use your imagination *his hand rach up behind his head and grab the hilt of his sword and just cling to it *
[13-22:38] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( *pokes skarling ... wondering if he is still here * ))
[13-22:39] 94c70, Z: *snores*
[13-22:40] f96be, Joan: Panther skin, I beleive that's what they are....a large black cat..bit claws*Fingers shape into claws and mime in the air* Find me a hide of that....i'll pay you...and then make me nearly impossible to find in the dark*Coniving look here...*
[13-22:40] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*pokes Z for snoring when she's still asleep herself*)
[13-22:41] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[13-22:41] 54891, Cookie Monster: *kicks his way back in*
[13-22:41] 94c70, Z: * snores *
[13-22:42] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : * his personal guard are fied ... modified in the ghoulish state the 5 Faceless follow him leaving up from the underground area into the castle hall*get the 10,000 ghouls i was promised ready ... its time to make her land mine compleatly *his head turns to face the direction of emania*
[13-22:43] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles, listening to the woman* impossible to find *spoken just as quietly as the next word, causing the shadows to gather around her, almost completely hiding her* (*L*)
[13-22:43] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( Omnipotence ))
[13-22:43] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *the gathered mercinaries see Ankalima and suddenly burst out in cheering, a couple of the more sober ones leaping up, rushing over to her, and carrying her to their table*
[13-22:43] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( NO NOT OMNIPOTENCE ... HAYZUSE OmnipotenceE ))
[13-22:43] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*POKES*)
[13-22:43] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ... Omnipotent Being damn it ))
[13-22:44] 94c70, Chima: *Has since returned home. With some skill, cunning, and blessings from their Omnipotent Beingdess, she and Khavi killed the crew of a small boat and took to the sea to return home.*
[13-22:44] f96be, Joan: *Wasn't listining to the woman, or watching her as she came down...she's in the process of making a deal but if she had heard...she would have been interested...very*
[13-22:45] 94c70, Z: *SNORES*
[13-22:45] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *his eyes widen at the crazy display of drunkeness* well looks like shes popular with the guys *smiles and nudges her ... oh yea was calling ankalima the slut of the group *
[13-22:45] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (carries how? *G*)
[13-22:46] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : well .. i could find a black panther ... it wil take time sence this isnt there region but i could do it ... easy *shrugs ... just simply shrugs*
[13-22:46] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (really not a wise move there Zeek)
[13-22:47] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((picked her up and had her sit on their shoulders I suppose? I dunno))
[13-22:47] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( ... yea i know .. but hay its zeekans personality ))
[13-22:47] f96be, Joan: *Icy eyes turn towards the shouting finally, expression annoyingly passive, shrugs, no real comment, just looks back at Zeekan* Your price?
[13-22:48] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *A couple of the mercs look over to Zeekan and give him some nasty, if slurred, words*
[13-22:48] 94c70, Z: well isn't Ankalima lucky.
[13-22:48] 94c70, Z: oops
[13-22:49] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he marches through the castle as the 3 faceless .. the more suppurior warriors now hunt down the 10,000 and to assembel them on the border of emaina .. while he would ride a ghould war horse out towards the borders himself with 2 faceless*
[13-22:49] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs at the men, glad to be so welcomed, nodding her head to Skarling on her way past his table*
[13-22:50] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((where in hell did he get 10k of them?))
[13-22:50] 94c70, Z: *notes that Emania is on a whole other land mass.*
[13-22:50] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *smiles back* Evenin' lass.
[13-22:50] 94c70, Z: Cookie, they multiply worse than rabbitized tribbles
[13-22:51] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : ((Rid made a deal with the ghoul master, gave him rids country mostly)
[13-22:51] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *gets the urge just to flip off the drunkards but seeing as how that might result in a bar fight ... he dident feel like cleaning up a bloodymess* well it would cost id say ... 5 gold for the trip ... then to bring it back here to prepair it and cut it another 5 gold and the spell it self being 5 gold ... so id say 15 gold?
[13-22:51] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*dies* so very true)
[13-22:52] 94c70, Z: You know sometimes it feels like one big game of monopoly in here.
[13-22:52] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*blinks* it isnt? )
[13-22:52] f96be, Joan: 15 gold*she is mentally calculating what she has in her purse and what she has in her stash hidden in parts unmentioned's worth it* long will it take?
[13-22:53] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((*hids his control of Park Place and Kentuky*))
[13-22:53] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ridd made a pact with the ghoul lord that if he helped him take out the human goverments and if he would he would let his whole country be ghouled ... while ridd made a a deal with a runiours powers to ... well what he is now ))
[13-22:54] 94c70, Z:
[13-22:55] 94c70, Z: *buys some cookies before going and renting a room on park place so she can get a discount*
[13-22:55] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : depends on how bad you need it *he smiles * but im more into mercinary work my self but this is a nice side job
[13-22:56] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *sliding into a seat as she snags her bottle of wine from the barmaid, * looks like you've had a good evening. (Ooo)
[13-22:56] 818cc, Mab: *peers around*
[13-22:56] f96be, Joan: No, matter, within the next year.*Like liquid he slides into the chair opposite of him, one booted foot proping up on the table* Mercinary work*smirks* oh..interesting
[13-22:56] 54891, Cookie Monster: *will give Z permanent free landings on his Dark Blue and Red if she gives him an army to match Riddonnel's*
[13-22:58] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : We all have, yes... *looks over to the two behind him* And I'm thinking of seeing what those two back there are capable of and if I might want to recruit them.
[13-22:58] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*waves at Mab*)
[13-22:58] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : well mercinary work pays good if the jobs good plus a good employer * he looks her over his eyes raising abit at how longher legs are*
[13-22:58] 94c70, Z: *knows someone who could eat Ridd's army for breakfast*
[13-22:58] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *smirks* The woman maybe.
[13-22:59] 8048d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( the funny thing is ... the army is WAY past 10,000 ... he just gets 10,000 cuase it was what he was givin .. the ghoul lord has SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many more * * soth's army SUCKS * ))
[13-23:00] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : If nothing else she knows how to vamp her way into a bargain.
[13-23:00] f96be, Joan: I know of the perks*up comes the other leg, they crossing at the ankels, giving Zeekan a view of the bottem of her boots..yummy* It's something I dabble in..from time to time
[13-23:00] 94c70, Z: *wasn't thinking about Soth*
[13-23:01] 94c70, Z: Hmm.. who to play.
[13-23:01] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs,* Done that myself once or twice.
[13-23:03] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: *Skarling chuckles* The man I think will be one of those charge in and think strength alone will pull him through. A complete lack of style. The woman wears her clothes for drawing attention rather than for practicality. I would not think her a regular soldier either.
[13-23:04] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : ahh ... well iv been a loner most my life ... its not bad, i can live off the land and such with ease but iv been a bounty hunter befor .. i might pick that up again * he pulls his sword out ... the 5 foot blade slideng out and resting on the table ... blood stains cover it * but its magic that is the key *he winks .. and no is not a charge in type ...if he was that he wouldent have survived a pack of dire wolfs*
[13-23:06] f96be, Joan: *Black and red dont show blood but that's another story for another day* I think you need to clean off your blade..*only commenting on that..and not his claim to surviving off the wild.*
[13-23:06] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *chuckles at Hida's assesment. Skarlings canny enough to realize Zeekan might have more than meets the eye. Finaly he decides to turn to his neighboring patrons.* Tell me... would you prefer bounty hunting over REAL mercinary work or do you prefer your loner status?
[13-23:08] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *glancing down at the darkened soft leather pants and linen shirt she's wearing, dressed more for work and comfort than anyting, she turns to Hida* some of us arent regular soldiers.
[13-23:08] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *befor skarling interupts* i dont like to clean it ... i clean it befor my next kill always * then as skarling turns to them zeekan turns his head slightly* well .... id like to work in a team over single .. its easyer to take your prey with more
[13-23:09] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Can you fight people rather than prey?
[13-23:10] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *smirks* oh i can do that easy ...
[13-23:11] f96be, Joan: *She leans back in her chair balancing on the back tso legs, arms crossed over her chest. She listens with an attentive ear...awaiting a name...even if it's not meant for her*
[13-23:13] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *listens*
[13-23:13] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*beats refresh*)
[13-23:13] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : And you? *looks over to Joan, the same question in mind*
[13-23:14] f96be, Joan: I prefer people to animals...*Her chair slams down on it's four legs with a sound almost like a boom* Pays better*She tips her mug towrads her..seeing if there's an left*
[13-23:16] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Hmm. *smirks* My name is Skarling, of the Winyacadian merchant family the Ironhands. I'm the owner and commander of a moderately sized but quite decent mercinary company the Iron Talons.
[13-23:18] f96be, Joan: A pleasure. I would be Joan, of no one's family, owner of nothing except a pair of boots and a tempermental horse...*Drops her feet off the table, not liking how she feels bent up*
[13-23:19] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *he extends his meaty hand* im Zeekan Tovich of the famous hunter family Tovich
[13-23:21] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *purses her lips, taking note of the introductions*(*fights the need to be smart assed*)
[13-23:21] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( oh just do it ))
[13-23:21] f96be, Joan: ((*L* why fight it?))
[13-23:21] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *offers his to Zeekan and shakes* Forgive my rudeness, but your conversation struck my ear and I must profress I have an interest in warriors or any that could create magic armament.
[13-23:26] 818cc, Mab:
[13-23:26] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*slowyl nods her head, speaking in a down easter voice* Ankalima Morwen, thief of hearts, owner of them all) (ok *sighs* ))
[13-23:27] f96be, Joan: ((*giggle*))
[13-23:31] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : ahhh i see ... well its a pleasure to meet ya
[13-23:31] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((did Zeekan die?))
[13-23:31] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*peers around* I killed it)
[13-23:32] JOIN: Terabie has entered.
[13-23:32] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *to Joan* Are you a warrior with a horse, or are you a true cavalry person?
[13-23:35] f96be, Joan: I was never trained as cavalry but..*glancing around, cool eyes drinking up details* I prefer to be mounted rather than on foot....*grins a little, to herself* Opposition tends to run when they see a bloodthristy woman atop a horse..
[13-23:36] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : that would turn me on *mumbles to himself while he takes a drink from the mug*
[13-23:39] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : I've seen the Emanian's have held off ian's in the past and would tend to agree with you. I'd have to see you in action though, as training speaks far more volumes of ones fighting ability than what you might tell me of your raw courage.
[13-23:41] f96be, Joan: I was never offically trained but that doesn't mean that I dont know what i'm doing.*Shrugs a bit and waves the waitress over..mug has been empty for far too long*
[13-23:42] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : As I said, I would have to see you in action. And you. *to Zeekan* Besides hunting wild beasts, what training have you had in true war?
[13-23:43] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : nothing regarding true war but i have fought men groups of them even at a a time ... *his meaty hand pats the blood bound blade* this sword has never failed me
[13-23:45] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[13-23:45] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 12:45am, September 14 (CDT) ).
[13-23:48] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *grows iritated with the conversation, drawing out her mithril dagger , slowly flipping it end over end, the hilt smacking hard into her palm*
[13-23:48] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *glances at it, somewhat disdainfully at the lack of good care for one's prized instrument* Hmm. As before, I would have to see you in action.
[13-23:49] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : and when can that be *looks at ankalima* you seem pissy
[13-23:50] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Preferably at a time of light, but I have a man that would be a good test of skill for you.
[13-23:51] 94c70, Z: *slinka dink.*
[13-23:51] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *smirks and nods* good ... id like a challenge ... * Skarling dosent know about his magic skills luckily*
[13-23:52] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Do you want the challenge now?
[13-23:52] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *grasping the hilt, placing the tip of the blade against her finger and slowly turning it over, the light reflecting off of it* You dont respect much do you. *nodding to the bloody weapon*
[13-23:54] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *he leans back in his chair pushing it onto its back 2 legs* what makes you think that>?
[13-23:54] f96be, Joan: *watches in silence, waiting her turn, half wandering who her her challenger will be....if she is provided with a chance to prove herself*
[13-23:56] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *looks between the two, as neither of them have said they wanted it now or later*
[13-23:56] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : i dont have the time right now ... unfortuantly ... but when im avalible i will accept any challenge * its to hard for him to resist any challenge*
[13-23:59] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *RaE* just looking at you.
[13-23:59] 94c70, Z: *tests*
[14-00:00] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : oh im sorry i seem dissrespectfull .. maybe its the pissy attitude that makes ya see it like that *he eyes her*
[14-00:00] 94c70, Z: *wonders wtf is up with her AIM*
[14-00:00] f96be, Joan: Tomorrow. My horse and I would like some rest..*stands, she's a very, very tall woman who seems comfortable with her height.emppowered by it. * Meet you at Noon tomorrow*voice posing the question with some ease*
[14-00:01] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : *looks between Aknalima and Zeekan. If Ank' wants to test her out right now, Skarling isn't going to stop her.*
[14-00:01] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (aim is updating things today.. its being a pain )
[14-00:01] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Tomarow then.
[14-00:02] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *is very pissy* take a bath.
[14-00:02] MSG: Joan sent a message to Acorna.
[14-00:02] f96be, Joan: ((Crap))
[14-00:03] f96be, Joan: Tmorrow then*And strolls off upstairs..a door slamming closed soon after*
[14-00:03] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( acorna ? ))
[14-00:03] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Well... *looks over to Ankalima* You got her rilled up.
[14-00:04] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : How in the hell did I do that? I wasnt even talking to her.
[14-00:05] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : ... 2 pissy women *looks back at ankalima* you just give off this aura of top b!tch and she though she had to top you
[14-00:07] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : that will not be easy. for either of you.
[14-00:08] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : im not trying to take your position ... i like being who i am *flips her off for making the assumption of him wanting to be top b!tch*
[14-00:10] 818cc, Acorna : (())
[14-00:10] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : (( omg ther is a acorna ... AWSOME ))
[14-00:11] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : Oh how polite. *isnt top wench, just in a really bad mood now. Looking back to skarling* I'm going back to bed. *mumbles something about rude smelly men*
[14-00:12] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Ank... *before she hits the stairs* Relax.
[14-00:14] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : sorry if i peeved her off .. i have to go get slep now also .. i will see you soo Skarling
[14-00:14] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *turning around, there is a dangerous glitter to the slate grey eyes* I plan on it, sometime next week.
[14-00:14] 8048d, Zeekan Tovich : *walks up to his room and gone * (( eeee gtg ))
[14-00:14] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : Nods, and lets her go, as she's not going to listen to words encouraging her to calm down*
[14-00:15] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (grr )
[14-00:17] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((*huggles Kali*))
[14-00:17] 54891, Skarling Ironhand : ((*huggles Kali*))
[14-00:18] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : (*smites Joey* chicken)
[14-00:18] 896a6, Kali: *sighs* *was going to steal that darn sword*
[14-00:20] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[14-00:20] 94c70, Z: *steals the sword, gives it to Kali*
[14-00:21] 8048d, Amroth : (( *freezinates all who touches sword* ))
[14-00:22] 8048d, Amroth : (( ok gone))
[14-00:24] 94c70, Z: *is immune, keeps sword*
[14-00:25] 896a6, Ankalima Morwen : *slowing her steps as she nears their room, she stops and leans her head against the door* cursed men. *opening the door, she gives a soft smile, closes the door behind her getting ready for bed. curling up in his arms and falling asleep*
[14-00:27] 896a6, Kali: *runs AIM update* Im still here.
[14-00:41] 896a6, Kali: and apparently alone. *sighs**edits profile and goes to bed*
[14-00:43] 94c70, Z: *is here*
[14-00:43] 94c70, Z: *just doesn't know what to do with Kali*
[14-03:37] b2796, Mab: *is here too. could RP. Said she'd like to and got no reply back reregardiding it. Okay, the typing is g going rfreakakyy because I am sooooo not typing this badadly. WEAIRD!!! I'm not doing this. I swearar. It's P.JJ. *is freaked out now*
[14-05:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-05:11] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: *shimmers slightly,and moves back through kaya..and floats at her side*
[14-05:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:11am, September 14 (CDT) ).
[14-06:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-06:47] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: *is Travis* Duder duder!
[14-06:58] 96dbe, Kali: hmm how odd
[14-07:04] 96dbe, Kaya : *shivering again, she glances around the clearing, then down at her feet, wondering if she's standing on someones grave, before getting that image in her head again* Luthien? *almost whispered*
[14-07:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-07:24] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:23am, September 14 (CDT) ).
[14-07:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-07:31] 8a433, Will-o'-the-wisp: *(walks) away from kaya and stands in the sunlight, strangely his non-body casts a shadow on the ground ,mimicing every move.thinks for a moment.....and moves back to stand in front of kaya-watching the shadow he raises his arm to touch kayas shoulder,although physically there is no touch the shadow folows.(hope kaya sees this)thinks to self*
[14-07:36] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[14-07:38] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[14-08:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-08:44] 96dbe, Kaya : *rubs her eyes, seeing the shadow move toward her. thinking she must have drank some strange flower water*
[14-08:45] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-09:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-09:17] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:14am, September 14 (CDT) ).
[14-09:18] JOIN: Joan has entered.
[14-09:20] f96be, Joan: *She descends the stairs with her head pounding with every thud that her boots much ale or not enough sleep, either will get ya. She wraps her cloak around her and takes a seat, booted foot comming to rest upon the table top*
[14-09:31] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *sitting in her booth, her back to the wall, watching out into the room. Joan might hear her chuckle as she watches the woman*,
[14-09:33] f96be, Joan: *She does. Glacier tinted eyes shift to Kali with a catlike ease, one would never know that's she's ready to rip her own head off*
[14-09:37] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *biting her lip, she's not gonna say a word, but in her trade, if you arent observant, you're dead* rough morning?
[14-09:38] f96be, Joan: Rough night*A agile hand clasp the waitress as the girl walks by* bread and cheese...if you dont mind*So it's not a hangover*
[14-09:40] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : You mean Skarlings boys?
[14-09:41] f96be, Joan: *She laughs at this..amused* No, I was speaking of the bed I slept in...too narrow*her order is served and she takes a healthy bite out of her bread*
[14-09:44] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : ahh. well, I never have that problem. being short has its advantages.
[14-09:45] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *is according to Oyrin, two inches from being a dwarf*
[14-09:47] JOIN: Joan has entered.
[14-09:49] f96be, Joan: I like being tall*And she does, she carries her self with ease and pride, even when she has her feet propped up on the table and her cheeks are puffed out from all the bread in her mouth..**swallow*
[14-09:53] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : I heard you tell skarling last night that you're looking for work?
[14-09:54] f96be, Joan: You heard correctly*taking a healthy drink of water eyes watching the other woman very carefully , the look in her gaze is very intense..*
[14-09:56] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : What exactly is it you do?
[14-10:00] f96be, Joan: A little bit of everything. *Shrugs a bit* I ick upon things fasts, skills and the like....previous employer called me a mimic..but I think he just wanted to bed me*Snorts and drinks some more water*
[14-10:04] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *RaE* did he? *questions, wanting to protect the men she works with *
[14-10:07] f96be, Joan: Yes, he did but he was the lowest form of life that I ever met and made your skin want to crawl off and away*Shudders despite herself and takes another bite of bread*
[14-10:08] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *that eyebrow arches higher* your choice? or his?
[14-10:13] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *becomes more than a little concerned about this womans behavior, pursing her lips slightly* or maybe you killed him for it.
[14-10:16] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : hmph. Did he succeed?
[14-10:18] f96be, Joan: No, but not for lack of trying*chuckles a bit, to herself* I slept with my sword the entire time I was in his employment. Would have been foolish of me not too*Shifts in her seat and drops one foot on the floor*
[14-10:20] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : A sword's good for some things, but how are you at close work? whats your weapon of choice there?
[14-10:25] f96be, Joan: I'm not fond of close work in the terms that I think your speaking of but I can do it...if needed..*Likes her sword..liked mowing people down with it*
[14-10:29] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : My father was fond of his sword. *frowns, asking what might appear to be an odd question* Any romantic entanglements?
[14-10:32] f96be, Joan: *It is a odd question and she looks at the woman with a raised brow* no, why do you ask*arms crossing over her torso in a business like way*
[14-10:35] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : I almost quit over one not long ago. I'd hate to put Skarling thru that again. Just want to make sure if he takes you on, you wont be running any risks.
[14-10:36] f96be, Joan: I only run risks if I'm paid to run risks. Men are a unnessicary concern and tend to ask questions they have no business asking. but..that's just my opinion*Leaning back in her chair..lounging like a giant feline*
[14-10:41] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *a calm, quiet look appears on her face* it wasnt his fault. *blinking away that thought, she looks back at Joan* ya dont like men?
[14-10:42] f96be, Joan: *A smile cuts across her face in a savage slash* Oh...I like them but not enough to live my life with one...not yet anyways*chuckles to herself*
[14-10:44] e599c, Chewie: *Peeks*
[14-10:45] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : (*waves*)
[14-10:46] e599c, Chewie: *Waves back.*
[14-10:47] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs*
[14-10:48] f96be, Joan: So, Skarling, is he a good man to work for*Head curling to the side, curious*
[14-10:51] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : He's the first man I've willingly signed on with. Up until I met him, I'd always worked alone.
[14-10:52] f96be, Joan: It's always encouraging to hear an employee to speak so well of their employeer. what about your co workers*Remebering the mug tosed at her....*
[14-10:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-10:54] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs loudly* just picture them as a dozen or so big brothers.
[14-10:55] f96be, Joan: *makes a sour face* ah hah*Probably has siblings..probably has brothers..hence the sour expression*
[14-10:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-10:57] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *doesnt have siblings, so this is fun for her* Poor Aldrik, I fear for him if he ever decides to make an honest woman out of me.
[14-10:59] f96be, Joan: Aldrik is the name of your man?*nods, chuckling a bit* Is he apart of this company as well?
[14-11:00] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : Yes to both questions.
[14-11:01] f96be, Joan: Interesting*Says this alot..who knows if she acutally means it* When will i be tested?
[14-11:02] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : I guess that's up to Skarling. He's the one making the decisions.
[14-11:04] JOIN: Joan has entered.
[14-11:05] f96be, Joan: *She nods, thought as much* I suppose i'm staying in town for awhile then
[14-11:10] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : If you want to. you just have to watch out for a couple of things.
[14-11:11] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : well lone problem really.
[14-11:11] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : one!!!
[14-11:11] f96be, Joan: *She nods again, a gloved hand raking through her thick white hair* I try to stay prepared..
[14-11:11] f96be, Joan: What's that?
[14-11:13] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : I havent seen any in the last few weeks, but there's a problem with ghouls attacking the city.
[14-11:14] f96be, Joan: They move fast*This is no surprise to her, she dosen't live a sheltered life and she's heard townsfolk from other places speak of the recent ghoul infestation*
[14-11:16] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : too fast. If estimates are right, they've taken a hundred or more just from .jpg'>.jpg'>. If it hadnt been for a priest, They would hve gotten me more than once.
[14-11:17] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : (*stares* wha??)
[14-11:18] f96be, Joan: You are lucky then*fingers tapping at the table, a thought in her mind..festering* But can only holy things destroy them, stop them?
[14-11:19] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : I've heard healers can destroy them also. But I've not seen that happen.
[14-11:20] f96be, Joan: Maybe if they are dismemebered...*Trails off, relishing that deliciously appealing idea*
[14-11:21] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *shakes head* it would take a lot. *remembers the lone hand that kept trying to crawl up her pants*
[14-11:22] f96be, Joan: What about fire*Player wanders if the heads of the ghouls are moaning for brrraaainnnnsss*
[14-11:23] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *only to eat, they are fairly smart* yes fire works on them
[14-11:24] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *pause*
[14-11:33] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : (*wanders off in search of food* aim is on)
[14-11:37] f96be, Joan: So they arent' completely and totally unstopable..*wanders at the predicament that the world finds it'self in*
[14-11:39] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : no they arent. but the odd thing is, its almost like people dont care. they would rather let the ghouls take over the world than fight to save it.
[14-11:40] f96be, Joan: That's rather depressing for heroes risking their lives to fight the good fight*leaning back in the chair again, eyes watching everything..expressions..thoughts telling on faces*
[14-11:43] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : what hero's? *waving her hand to encompass the Inn* most of them are right here.
[14-11:43] f96be, Joan: *Glances around* Is it normally this empty?
[14-11:45] e599c, Chewie: *could come and join the fun, but player needs to be off to school.*
[14-11:45] e599c, Chewie: *Runs off.*
[14-11:46] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : lately. there's just Skarling's men, myself and aldrik. The healer moved out a few days ago. Dont know what good she'll be. Her man's gone nuts. she's moved in with the blacksmith.
[14-11:48] f96be, Joan: Went nuts?*shakes like a man but she perks up at the sound of Blacksmith* Does he shoe horses?
[14-11:49] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *nodding* a quite a bit more. I'd take you to him, but hes gone for a couple of hours.
[14-11:50] f96be, Joan: I'm in no hurry. My desetier(sp) threw a shoe yesterday afternoon and the beast is giving me dirty looks*Sighs*
[14-11:52] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : His name's Levald, and his shop is just a couple places down from here. I use his roof to practice on.
[14-11:53] f96be, Joan: I'll give him a look either later today or tomorrow...fate willing*nods a thank you and flexes her hand in her glove*
[14-11:58] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *trying to hide a yawn, she winks at Joan* long night *placing her hand against the tea pot, only to pick it up and wave it toward the bar maid wanting more and very hot, speaking to her briefly* and dont forget the honey.
[14-11:59] f96be, Joan: I take it your bed wasn't too narrow*chuckles, it's a womanly thing*
[14-12:03] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *smirking* not cold either.
[14-12:04] f96be, Joan: *laughs* Had something to keep you warm I take it..
[14-12:12] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : mmhmm*taking the pot of tea from the maid and pouring herself a large cup*
[14-12:14] f96be, Joan: Glad I was down on the other end of the hall*Smirks and fies off the rest of her bread*
[14-12:15] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : (*dies*)
[14-12:16] f96be, Joan: ((What..the..hell*eyes*))
[14-12:16] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : ((*L* someone's been playing with the filter))
[14-12:18] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : ((*is also completely innocent* ))
[14-12:19] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : *laughs* You could'a been in the next room and not heard athing. Mr Trendlekim has some odd bit of magic about this place.
[14-12:24] f96be, Joan: So it seems. It's a nice tavern...nicer than many that I've encountered*settling back in her chair*
[14-12:28] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : Ive only seen his wife once. but he's a sweet man. strange, but sweet.
[14-12:32] f96be, Joan: Strange how?*Curious, it's always best to be so*
[14-12:34] 96dbe, Ankalima Morwen : He loves to appear out of seemingly no where. for one. and always has just what you're looking for. Omnipotent Being's only know how old he is.
[14-12:38] f96be, Joan: Peculair...fascinating..but peculiar *fingers tap against her thigh..pondering*
[14-13:01] f96be, Joan: (( digi camera is Omnipotent Being))
[14-13:02] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[14-13:04] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 2:02pm, September 14 (CDT) ).
[14-13:53] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[14-13:55] JOIN: Pig Norton has entered.
[14-13:56] de9e7, Pig Norton : *a small piglit walks into the bar*
[14-13:56] de9e7, Pig Norton : *he wiggels his snout as to smell around the area*
[14-13:59] aa2cc, Kali: *bites lips*
[14-14:00] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[14-14:03] aa2cc, Kali: *sighs* I tried to be quiet!
[14-14:05] ae08c, Xyva: *grins*
[14-14:07] ae08c, Xyva: *knows whats wrong with the filter*
[14-14:08] ae08c, Xyva:
[14-14:10] aa2cc, Kali: oh really.
[14-14:11] ae08c, Xyva: mmhmm
[14-14:12] ae08c, Xyva: the filter is no longer case sensitive so the filter needs to be changed from nis h to ' to fix it
[14-14:12] ae08c, Xyva: nis h'
[14-14:12] ae08c, Xyva: thout the spaces
[14-14:12] ae08c, Xyva: without*
[14-14:17] aa2cc, Kali: hrmm
[14-14:23] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-14:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:23pm, September 14 (CDT) ).
[14-14:26] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-14:31] aa2cc, Kali: *waves*
[14-14:32] 01f42, Axis : ((*waves* I'm preparign to make the ghouls news a real network...recappign important events and such. interviewing chars as well))
[14-15:21] aa2cc, Kali: *grabs a towel* its pouring
[14-15:22] 01f42, Axis : ((hurrican screwing up weather systems I would bet))
[14-15:23] aa2cc, Kali: yup.
[14-15:25] 01f42, Axis : ((I'll be getting it thursday...he's gonna be parkign his fat arse right over my region))
[14-15:27] aa2cc, Kali: *L* this is just the storm before the storm. It rains 2 more inches and my pool'll over flow.
[14-15:28] 01f42, Axis : ((oh lovely....))
[14-17:05] 3bbc2, Kali: *lurks*
[14-17:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-17:21] 3bbc2, Kali: *BORRREEEEDDD!!!!!!!!!!!*
[14-18:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:25] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:28] 3bbc2, Kali: Hi Cara
[14-18:29] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hmm..
[14-18:30] 3bbc2, Kali: hrmmm is right what the heck is going on?
[14-18:31] 3bbc2, Kali: first it posts slow then they disappear. grr. *gives up*
[14-18:32] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: *pats*
[14-18:34] 3bbc2, Kali: *needs to throw things*
[14-18:35] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: *moves out of range.*
[14-18:37] 3bbc2, Kali: chicken
[14-18:39] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Trust me, my g/f gets freakishly strong when she wants to throw things...that's usually around that hormonal time of the month, but still...that was enough for me.
[14-18:40] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : *is just frustrated not hormonal*
[14-18:40] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Well...women are dangerous...
[14-18:40] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : **
[14-18:41] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : *blinks* okay..
[14-18:43] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : *walking thru the door of Levalds shop, she pauses for just a second, catching an unusual feeling to the place. She'd known Illisse had moved in, but hadnt realized what kind of change that had made in things. just Levald having a woman around felt ....somehow.. better than things had been *
[14-18:45] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*yawns*))
[14-18:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-18:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:49pm, September 14 (CDT) ).
[14-18:49] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : *shaking her head, she continues up the stairs and out thru the roof door, heading for the practice post she liked to use. sitting on the edge of the roof, rolling her shoulders, trying to relax them, just being back here was stressful, she closes her eyes to the sunset, wishing that Aldrik was with her, but also knowing this was something she needed to do on her own*
[14-18:49] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*ponders coming in with a char* Brb, dinner.))
[14-18:50] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : (np)
[14-18:56] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : *it was the first time she'd been back up here after that horrible day. shifting her shoulders again, she takes several deep breathes, standing once more and facing the post. As she lowers her head, letting go of just about everything, she reaches to draw the first of her 9 daggers. fully armed tonight, they are all well hidden. Listening to the sounds of the city below, more listening for Aldrik, she flips the first one up in the air, letting it fall end over end til she felt it right and grasped it by the hilt, flipping it quickly over once more before letting it fly toward the post*
[14-19:04] 3bbc2, Ankalima Morwen : *has to reboot*
[14-19:17] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[14-19:18] a28bc, Axis : ((damn aim not working))
[14-19:18] bac47, Kali: hi
[14-19:18] bac47, Kali: its screwing up again
[14-19:20] bac47, Kali: their new update bites.
[14-19:21] a28bc, Axis : ((yeah....I just installed them...and now it don't work))
[14-19:22] bac47, Kali: hmm
[14-19:22] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*is back*))
[14-19:22] bac47, Kali: mine does mostly, except every now and then it sends me to aim search for no reason
[14-19:26] a28bc, Axis : ((oh lovely))
[14-19:35] bac47, Ankalima Morwen : *stares out the window at the sunset* gorgeous
[14-19:49] a28bc, Axis : ((blah))
[14-19:50] bac47, Ankalima Morwen : *dead*
[14-19:52] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[14-19:56] bac47, Ankalima Morwen : (*hides*)
[14-20:07] a28bc, Axis : ((rar))
[14-20:07] e599c, Chewie: *Slides back in.*
[14-20:16] bac47, Ankalima Morwen : *falls out* bbl
[14-20:17] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: *sigh*
[14-21:24] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-21:32] bac47, Kali: *trips on her way back in*
[14-21:58] bac47, Kali: *works on book* if anyone wants me just aim*
[14-22:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[14-23:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-01:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-01:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:43am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-02:38] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-02:41] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: *hmm maybe if i try to touch her shoulder, she seemed to flinch when i walked through her*moves to touch kayas shoulder with his right arm
[15-02:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-05:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-05:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-05:14] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:14am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-05:48] 7a4ad, Kaya : *shivering at the icy touch, she jerks back from it, swinging her hand around as if to hit what ever it was, only to feel her hand move thru another, larger cold spot. finally realizing what was happening, something she'd only heard about, but never experienced herself, she moves both hands out toward the spot, trying to find the shape of it. speaking softly to the chill* Who are you? What do you want with me?
[15-07:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:33am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-07:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:34am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-07:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:34am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-07:34] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[15-07:35] 3e274, anarsil halfmoon: heads for .jpg'>.jpg'>
[15-07:36] 3e274, anarsil halfmoon: carries on walking through the square and makes his way to the town gates
[15-07:39] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 8:36am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-07:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-07:42] 3e274, Will-o'-the-wisp: *kaya you are in great peril*screeming at the top of his non-voice,he is aware of nothing more than a sound like the wind. *you must leave this place for a great evil is coming*
[15-07:42] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:42am, September 15 (CDT) ).
[15-07:42] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[15-07:44] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[15-07:45] 3e274, anarsil halfmoon: leaves town after picking up some supplies and heads west
[15-08:19] 15b60, Kaya : *unable to hear the spirit screaming, she is aware only of the fact that the temperature is quickly dropping around her. more than just a little terrified, there is a quick shimmer as she changes forms, becoming nothing but a small white streak heading back toward .jpg'>.jpg'> and Lethes, hoping that the spirit would not find here there and if it did, that Lethes could help keep her safe from it*
[15-08:21] 15b60, Kali: hmm *tests icons* ,
[15-08:22] 15b60, Kali: ascendawan
[15-08:23] 15b60, Kali:
[15-08:23] 15b60, Kali:
[15-08:23] 15b60, Kali:
[15-08:23] 15b60, Kali:
[15-08:23] 15b60, Kali:
[15-08:24] 15b60, Kali: Nirawyr
[15-08:24] 15b60, Kali: QUMAN
[15-08:24] 15b60, Kali: LAI'DOR
[15-08:25] 15b60, Kali: .jpg'>.jpg'>
[15-08:25] 15b60, Kali: hrmm.. why is it just Rua that wont work?
[15-08:35] 15b60, Kali: *sighs and wanders off to work on spell lists* bbl
[15-11:49] ad733, Belthil : **in utter amazement, she stands infront of a scout, one she'd thought lost weeks earlier. Her eyes widening as she listened to his report, she grasped Corell's hand tightly, surprised beyond belief that Soth hadnt moved a foot farther after he had taken the capital. rewarding the scout, she signaled the chamberlain, ordering him to make arrangements for more of her people to leave. as quickly as possible. as of now, there were just over 5,000 left massed into what little area of safety she'd thought she had. Sending another scout north and west, she wanted information on the goblins and what the ports looked like. If necessary, she would get the rest out, and Corell and herself out by ship. If she had any left*
[15-12:03] ad733, Kazia Mandragoran : *her meeting with Nessima over, fast forwarding ahead, because player just doesnt feel like talking with herself, Kazia's just stepping out of the portal back in , activating her charm to reappear in her room. if she dared to tell the true reason, she was afraid of what Lan might say when he found out she'd gone to the giants alone. no matter that she'd made a good alliance with them.they having agreed to send 500 giants with her when the war started, and another 500 to help protect while she and Lan were gone, those would be insignificant compared to her going off with out talking to him atleast. ringing for a servant, she instructs her to get a bath ready, and to set out the soft rose colored gown, she'd worn the night Lan had asked her to marry him. take his mind off of her being gone, that was the plan. does it work? we'll find out some day*
[15-12:13] ad733, Kazia Mandragoran : (*yawns and falls asleep*)
[15-14:18] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[15-14:19] ccb46, Axis : (hello?))
[15-14:19] ad733, Kali: hey
[15-14:22] ccb46, Axis : (hey))
[15-14:23] ad733, Kali: aim still not working?
[15-14:24] ccb46, Axis : ((thats right
[15-14:25] ad733, Kali: hmm try re installing it?
[15-14:25] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[15-14:26] ae08c, Xyva: .jpg'>.jpg'>
[15-14:26] ccb46, Axis : ((I might have to...we'll see...bah on it. btw how many giants do we have?))
[15-14:27] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[15-14:28] ad733, Kali: 4 *echoing from where ever I've been taken*
[15-14:29] ccb46, Axis : ((in the giant army I mean...obviuolsy wwe have plenty more than 1000 i nthe giant army))
[15-14:29] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[15-14:30] ad733, Kali: *L* hrm
[15-14:31] ad733, Kali: 800
[15-14:31] ad733, Kali: unless our population has changed.. we have 5,000 giants.
[15-14:33] ccb46, Axis : ((I see....800 in the army? then where do the other 200 come from? or is it 5000 military))
[15-14:34] ad733, Kali: *blinks* what other 200?
[15-14:35] ccb46, Axis : ((in the post as KAzia you said the gioants promised 1000 to help))
[15-14:39] ad733, Kali: *sighs* Ill talk to you later. I'll be back in about 30 if you're still here.
[15-14:40] ccb46, Axis : ((alright))
[15-14:41] ae08c, Xyva: she said to tell you 500 would be military and 500 would be civilian
[15-14:43] ae08c, Levald : *returning form the market he walks over to the furnace, stocking it with coal before lighting it with emberstrike. he waits for the fire to get hot enough for him to use*
[15-14:44] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[15-14:47] ccb46, Lok : ((*ponders visiting levalds shop*))
[15-14:50] ae08c, Levald : *while he waits he takes out two metal cups puting half a gold coin in one and half a platnum coin in the other.*
[15-14:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-14:58] ae08c, Levald : *after the coals are all red he evens them out in the furnace before using his toungus to set the cup down strait leaving them to sit back down*
[15-15:03] ae08c, Levald : *waiting at the table he takes out his sword and begins to polish it again*
[15-15:06] JOIN: Markain has entered.
[15-15:07] ae08c, Levald : *he smiles checking his reflction before moving on*
[15-15:08] 62e7c, Markain: *She had followed Levald..curiosety at the things he bought..she watched him closely a glimmer in her deeply blue eyes..her head slightly tilted..she had always been curiosue about the building of armour and swords and usefull cavillian things*
[15-15:11] ae08c, Levald : *turning the blade around he begins polishing the opposite edge*
[15-15:12] 62e7c, Markain: *curiosety drives ehr forward as she quietly slides open the creaking ever so slightly..she stands at the door unsure if he heard the door or not but stays quiet not wishing to interupt his work*
[15-15:13] ae08c, Levald : *hearing the door he looks up smiling as he sets the sword down and stands* hello
[15-15:14] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *Markain, would probably miss the elven woman leaning against a doorway also watching Levald*
[15-15:15] 62e7c, Markain: *A gentle smile crosses her blue lips*Please dont stop on my acount*she doesnt notice the girl behind her*
[15-15:16] ae08c, Levald : no, no its fine. how can I help you?
[15-15:17] 62e7c, Markain: No real reason I just wish to see you work*that gentle smile never fading*
[15-15:19] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *test*
[15-15:20] ae08c, Levald : alright, Im not really doing much right now though, I have to wait for that metal to melt. *pointing toward the furnace*
[15-15:21] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *very slowly takes a step back into her room, not wanting to disturb them*
[15-15:21] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *test again*
[15-15:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-15:22] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : (*dies*)
[15-15:22] JOIN: Markain has entered.
[15-15:23] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *again*
[15-15:24] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *color*
[15-15:24] 71064, Markain: *she steps in a little further ..looking to wear he points*I see*said in a gentle almost melodic tone...she moves towards him and held out her hand to shake his*I am Markain
[15-15:26] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *color*
[15-15:26] ae08c, Levald : *smiling he shakes her hand* Im Levald
[15-15:26] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *color*
[15-15:27] 71064, Markain: A pleasure im sure*slowly withdrawing her hand back if he lets her*
[15-15:29] ae08c, Levald : *letting go of her hand he turns back to the table lifting his sword to her* you can try if you want.
[15-15:31] 71064, Markain: *she takes the sword gently running her thumb along the blade..smiling at its sharpness..she seems to check it over in great detail..stepping back from him she turns her body making the sword swish in the air she closes her eyes listeing to its beautiful sound*
[15-15:35] ae08c, Levald : *smiling he waits for her to fi*
[15-15:35] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : (*L*)
[15-15:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[15-15:36] 71064, Markain: *she swishes it around once more then holds the blade in her hand and offers the other side to him in a part bow*Thank has been to long since I wielded a weapon*
[15-15:36] ae08c, Levald : (*smites filter again* hey thats my color)
[15-15:37] 71064, Markain: (*beats the* off)
[15-15:37] ae08c, Levald : *Taking his sword he puts it away* I could make you one *walking toward the furnace*
[15-15:37] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : (*color thief*)
[15-15:38] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[15-15:40] ad733, Kali: *blinks* How do you find me? *grins*
[15-15:40] 71064, Markain: I could not pay you for such a weapon..kind sir
[15-15:42] ae08c, Levald : sir? *smiling* Im a blacksmith. the weapons I make are good but thy arnt hard work and dont require expencive materials. if you need a weapon Ill make one for a fairly low price.
[15-15:44] ae08c, Xyva: A little birdy told me you were here
[15-15:44] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *is still standing beyond her doorway, just barely out of sight, listening to him and thinking about her words. ~kind~ she knew he was more than that. *
[15-15:44] 71064, Markain: What you see on me is all I hold....I have become more peacful as much as my heart longs for such a weapon I must decline
[15-15:44] ad733, Kali: *insert filtered word* bird.
[15-15:46] ae08c, Xyva: *shoots the bird*
[15-15:46] ae08c, Xyva: aw crap he was on my side *grumbles*
[15-15:47] ad733, Kali:
[15-15:48] ae08c, Levald : well if ever you can afford one I'd be glad to make it.
[15-15:48] 71064, Markain: *She smiles at his offer*I shall keep you to that
[15-15:48] ae08c, Levald : I would expect you too.
[15-15:49] 71064, Markain: *She smiled*makes a change for so often have I had broken promises
[15-15:51] ad733, Kali: *buys Xyva a new bird* *eye shift* you did not see that
[15-15:53] ae08c, Levald : *returns her smiles turning back to the furnace, checking again* almost ready *wondering where Illisse is when he realizes he hasnt seen her all day*
[15-15:54] ae08c, Xyva: *turns around and finds the new bird* Ooo
[15-15:54] ae08c, Xyva:
[15-15:54] 71064, Markain: I look forward to seing you work..asuming you still wish me to?
[15-15:55] ad733, Kali: *neglects to mention the bird now works for her*
[15-15:57] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *taking a step back into the doorway* I would like to see you work too.
[15-15:57] ae08c, Levald : Its up to you really, either way Im still gonna work
[15-15:58] ae08c, Levald : *turning aroun when he hears Illisse* hey, have you been here all day?
[15-15:58] ae08c, Levald : (around*)
[15-16:00] 71064, Markain: *she turns giving the other girl a gentle nod of her head*seems you are popular today
[15-16:01] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : Yes I have. *just a bit sad*
[15-16:02] 71064, Markain: *can see the sadness in the girls eyes*you seem upset?
[15-16:03] ae08c, Xyva: *smiles glancing at the furnace* ok its ready
[15-16:04] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *shaking herself, forcing a small smile* just lost sometimes.
[15-16:04] ae08c, Levald : *smiles glancing at the furnace* ok its ready
[15-16:04] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : (oops *changes colors again*)
[15-16:05] ad733, Illisse Brilthor : *test*
[15-16:05] 71064, Markain: *she nods gently just before she glances to Levald as he speaks*