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[04-12:57] b090b, Axis : ((yup. damn badgers slashed my tires))
[04-12:57] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[04-13:00] c4ed8, Kali: de claw the things.
[04-13:01] c4ed8, Kali: *smites refresh* its too slow today.
[04-13:01] b090b, Axis : ((are you kidding? there is like fifty of them out htere))
[04-13:07] c4ed8, Kali: *sends you texan badgers to deal with them*
[04-13:10] 94c70, Z: *still has to catch R to get rid of ghouls.*
[04-13:10] b090b, Axis : ((whoo!))
[04-13:11] b090b, Axis : ((R would be in over his head alone....))
[04-13:11] 94c70, Z: *thinks Axis is totally underinformed about what he is attacking*
[04-13:12] ae08c, Xyva: heh just kill axis and they'll go away
[04-13:12] b090b, Axis : ((I'm not atacking rua right now))
[04-13:13] b090b, Axis : ((just kill axis hmm? thats alot harder than you htink))
[04-13:13] 94c70, Z: pfft. *wasn't talking about Rua.*
[04-13:13] ae08c, Xyva: I never said it would be easy
[04-13:14] b090b, Axis : ((No one has gotten close yet.))
[04-13:15] c4ed8, Kali: *stays out of this one*
[04-13:15] ae08c, Xyva: no one has a good reason yet
[04-13:16] b090b, Axis : ((ya know xyva...nothign pisses me off more than people saying they can just kill me like it's simple. so why don't ya just go on to something else eh?))
[04-13:23] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[04-13:25] c4ed8, Kali: AAAkkk!!!
[04-13:25] 94c70, Z: *could kill Axis*
[04-13:25] 94c70, Z: just have to pop his ego first...
[04-13:26] 94c70, Z: *gets out a really big needle.*
[04-13:26] 94c70, Z: *is kidding of course.*
[04-13:26] b090b, Axis : ((Z...bite me.))
[04-13:26] 94c70, Z: *bites Axis*
[04-13:35] c4ed8, Kali: *growls at net speed*
[04-13:58] b090b, Axis : ((I LOVE APPLEJUICE))
[04-18:36] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[04-19:20] 8b22d, Kali: *peeks*
[04-19:58] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[04-20:00] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[04-20:14] 8b22d, Kali: *blinks* Ive been stolen again?! I wasnt even here!!!
[04-20:15] ae08c, Xyva: mmhmm suuuure thats what they all say
[04-20:17] 8b22d, Kali: *RaE* thief.
[04-20:22] ae08c, Xyva: *grins* and what if I am?
[04-20:25] 8b22d, Kali: Hrm...
[04-20:25] 8b22d, Kali: I'd probably wonder what else you're going to steal.
[04-20:26] ae08c, Xyva: hmm your good enough
[04-20:26] 8b22d, Kali: TaE again*
[04-20:27] 8b22d, Kali: *RaE*
[04-20:35] ae08c, Xyva: hmm
[04-20:45] 8b22d, Kali: Well, I gotta admit, thats not something i hear every day.
[04-20:46] ae08c, Xyva: you see most thieves get caught because they get greedy and go after more than they orriginally wanted and end up getting caught
[04-20:47] ae08c, Xyva: there is only one thing I want
[04-20:50] 8b22d, Kali: *narrows eyes and asks cautiously* that would be me?
[04-20:51] ae08c, Xyva: yup *grins grabing her and taking her away with him*
[04-20:58] 8b22d, Kali: Can I ask where you plan on taking me?
[04-20:59] 3adf1, Sileen: ... Ummm.... *scratches head*
[04-20:59] 8b22d, Kali: problem Sil?
[04-21:01] 3adf1, Sileen: Popped in, started reading, and for a second there I thought it was IC talk... I was like.. "WTH? That CAN'T have missed that they have their OOC handles that long!"
[04-21:01] 3adf1, Sileen: That can't=They can't
[04-21:02] 8b22d, Kali: *L*
[04-21:06] 3adf1, Sileen: *slips back to lurking*
[04-21:07] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[04-21:07] 5c8ec, Travis: PH34R ME!!
[04-21:07] 8b22d, Kali: never
[04-21:08] 5c8ec, Travis: oh fine
[04-21:12] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 10:08pm, September 04 (CDT) ).
[04-22:17] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[04-22:19] 8b22d, Kali: hi ana
[04-22:21] ab466, Ana: Hey, Kali
[04-22:21] ae08c, Xyva: *sings* 867-5309
[04-22:22] ae08c, Xyva: <_<>_> *hides*
[04-22:23] 8b22d, Kali:
[04-22:51] 8b22d, Kali: *attempts to wander off*
[04-22:55] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[04-22:56] 985a3, Pedron Nial: hell-o
[04-22:57] 8b22d, Kali: *curses* eh.. hey Pedron. you caught me.
[04-23:01] 985a3, Pedron Nial: Mwuhaha!!
[04-23:01] 985a3, Pedron Nial: I feel happy now *L*
[04-23:03] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[04-23:03] 5c8ec, Travis: BANINATION!
[04-23:04] 985a3, Pedron Nial: eh?
[04-23:05] 5c8ec, Travis: I am the Great Trav-holio...are you threatening me?
[04-23:07] 985a3, Pedron Nial: No....... no not at all, threaten? me? you? *nervous laugh* In fact, I come bearing gifts. *presents the Great Trav-holioi with gfts of good things*
[04-23:07] 5c8ec, Travis: You bring me TP for my bunghole?
[04-23:08] 8b22d, Kali: *blinks*
[04-23:08] 985a3, Pedron Nial: Uh.... sure... *hands TP over*
[04-23:08] 5c8ec, Travis: *cackles uncontrollably* Bunghole...hehehehehe bungggghole
[04-23:08] 985a3, Pedron Nial: *then runs for cover in a gopher hole*
[04-23:09] 5c8ec, Travis: *walks over with a torch*! *drops torch in gopher hole and dumps gasoline down the hole* FIRE FIRE!!
[04-23:11] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[04-23:11] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[04-23:11] 985a3, Pedron Nial: *throws gopher family into path of fire to slow it, then runs through the network of evil gopher tunnels*
[04-23:12] 5c8ec, Travis: *begins pumping gasoline down the tunnels*
[04-23:14] 985a3, Pedron Nial: *runs away from the closing wall of flame, scurrying up onto the surface as a gout of fire explodes from the whole he was just in* *panting, runs for the trees* e
[04-23:15] 5c8ec, Travis: *runs around with a flamethrower and begins toasting the forest* I AM TRAV-HOLIO!! FIRE!!
[04-23:16] 985a3, Pedron Nial: GAAAAAH!! *bursts free of the treeline, makes a dash to the interstate*
[04-23:17] 8b22d, Kali: Mwahaha *drives semi over pedron*
[04-23:17] 5c8ec, Travis: *lights a car on fire as it drives by heading for Pedron*
[04-23:18] 985a3, Pedron Nial: *lept into a conveniently placed suped up Nissan Skyline and does the fast and the furious slide under the semi manuevre*
[04-23:19] 985a3, Pedron Nial: *floors it down the interstate away from Travis, who owns you all*
[04-23:19] 5c8ec, Travis: *leaps onto the nissan and tosses a molotov cocktail in the window* Hehehehehe BOOM!
[04-23:20] 985a3, Pedron Nial: WHAT!! YOU DON'T OWN US ALL!!! *now drives the car on fire into a telephone pole, it stops smokoing, tumbles out, also on fire, rolling around* owowowoww
[04-23:21] 5c8ec, Travis: I am Trav-holio...I own says the almighty bunghole.
[04-23:21] 985a3, Pedron Nial: uh.. brb
[04-23:22] 5c8ec, Travis: *gets the flamethrower and roasts Pedron* FIRE!! Hehehehehe Burn...BURN!
[04-23:27] 5c8ec, Travis: BUNGHOLE VANISH!! *poofs*
[04-23:27] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 12:27am, September 05 (CDT) ).
[04-23:31] 8b22d, Kali: *tries to leave again*
[04-23:32] 985a3, Pedron Nial: back
[04-23:32] 985a3, Pedron Nial: HAHA I THWARTED YOU!
[04-23:33] 8b22d, Kali: *sighs*
[04-23:34] 985a3, Pedron Nial: hehe... you can leave if you really want to
[04-23:35] 8b22d, Kali: nah.. im just playin. I'll go to bed in a while.
[04-23:36] 985a3, Pedron Nial: Or will you? o0o0o
[04-23:37] 985a3, Pedron Nial: hmm.. hungry... brb
[04-23:37] 8b22d, Kali: I think I can manage that.
[04-23:38] 985a3, Pedron Nial: yay for food!! what's that?
[04-23:38] 8b22d, Kali: leaving.
[04-23:40] 985a3, Pedron Nial: Ooh, ok
[04-23:40] 985a3, Pedron Nial: i'm surprised no one is here
[04-23:41] 8b22d, Kali: *sighs* saturday..... date night.
[04-23:42] 985a3, Pedron Nial: is it?
[04-23:42] 985a3, Pedron Nial: Damn, these crackers are stale.
[04-23:43] 8b22d, Kali: I dont know for sure, I've only heard rumors about it.
[04-23:44] 985a3, Pedron Nial: I assume you're talking about saturday being date night, and not my stale crackers?
[04-23:45] 8b22d, Kali: date night.
[04-23:45] 985a3, Pedron Nial: *L* Well parents make me stay home after 11, so
[04-23:47] 8b22d, Kali: *L*
[04-23:51] 985a3, Pedron Nial: I have an excuse!
[04-23:51] 8b22d, Kali: lucky you.
[04-23:52] 985a3, Pedron Nial: yep
[04-23:56] 8b22d, Kali: *has an excuse, thinking about it* there are NO decent eligible males within 3 states.
[05-00:00] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[05-00:00] 3e045, Pedron Nial: I hate aol
[05-00:00] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Which state do you live in?
[05-00:03] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[05-00:03] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Apparantly Aol can't handle more than tthree windows at once
[05-00:04] 8b22d, Kali: Aol cant handle one at a time usually.
[05-00:04] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Unfortunately, that is true.
[05-00:05] 3e045, Pedron Nial: Gah cheap parents, won't pay for Broadband
[05-00:06] 3e045, Pedron Nial: hmm... cowboy bebop's on now, I think I'll go watch i
[05-00:07] 3e045, Pedron Nial: it*
[05-00:07] 8b22d, Kali: oy...
[05-00:07] 8b22d, Kali: *goes to bed* g'night
[05-00:08] 3e045, Pedron Nial: night
[05-00:39] ab466, Ana: Day!
[05-00:51] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *She strolls aimlessly through the streets of . She should have returned to En'Tai by now. She half expected there to be a posse after her, straight from Lord Aegnor himself. Yet at the same time, she isn't the least bit surprised that there is, in fact, no posse. After all, he has much more important issues to deal with than a wayward assistant. Associate. Advisor. Whatever he might wish to call her at any given time. She's been out of her league this entire time, knowing that he'd see right through her and yet pursuing her ends without care or regard for those around her... or herself. Strange, that he might accuse her of avoiding him and yet, for once, she is not.*
[05-00:58] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *She bypasses the castle and heads toward the Glimmering Inn. It's unlikely she has a room there anymore, but she can always get one. She has nothing to report to En'Tai quite yet anyway. Save her own failure... or 's reluctance to commit to her cause. Perhaps it's that she isn't as... persuasive as her Lord. Regardless, she refuses to worry about it anymore. She mentally strikes off as a lost cause... for now. There are other kingdoms to acquire. Other alliances to be made. Information to be gathered. After all, it's been a while since rumors of Sothicus Aurelius has been mentioned in the city streets. She isn't foolish enough to believe the threat has gone, however.*
[05-01:01] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *It was time. She's spent so much time running errands for Lord Aegnor and not enough time focussing on her magics, her skills. She soon steps into the Glimmering Inn and moves over to the front desk. The man behind the counter is cordial enough, never looking her in the eye. She acquires a decent room and heads up to it, closing the door firmly behind her. She leans back against the door, her eyes drifting to the window. She finds herself wondering, briefly, if Miakuti was doing all right. She'd been left in , the last she knew. But the last time she was in , Miakuti was nowhere to be seen. Which isn't, in itself, all that alarming. Still, Anastra finds herself missing the little one. She shakes off the feeling with a sigh and, drawing several sheafs of paper from her satchel, sets the bag down on a nearby table.*
[05-01:05] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *She unrolls the scroll-like papers, reading over the script there. She'd taken the information from Lord Aegnor's personal stash and, though she never believed he'd miss it, she wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he was fully aware of her acquiring the item. Written in draconic upon the scroll there is a spell, one that's easy enough to learn... but that she's not had the opportunity to concentrate on. She bites her lip, reading the scroll as she moves over to the bed and perches on the edge. It was going to be harder than she thought. She'd never quite mastered the art of using magic. She supposed now was as good a time as any to start.*
[05-01:14] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *She spends some time memorising the information on the scroll before setting it down and concentrating before her. She points toward the wall, creating a small area of darkness around the wash table located there. Satisfied that spell worked, she then redirects her attention to the spell she's trying to learn. She takes a moment or two to concentrate again before looking to the magical darkness.* Diascorpio! *Nothing happens for a moment, and then the darkness starts to dissipate... only to reshape itself into a sphere. The fading darkness regains its density, and her moment of hope flickers out. She glares at the darkness.* You're supposed to dispel. *The darkness, of course, offers no reply.*
[05-01:18] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *She looks back to the scroll, eyeing it critically. The words blurr a bit before her, and she sighs. Rolling the scroll back up, she rises and moves to place it back in her satchel. She'd been travelling all day, after all. Perhaps she was merely tired. Or perhaps she hadn't read the scroll right. Maybe she should seek out a teacher. Of course, the only one she can think of to teach her has far more important things to do. Still, it would give her an excuse to go back... Not that she wants to go back.* Of course I do. *Speaks to the darkness, which still hangs - almost mockingly - around the wash table. She can't help but feel she's being watched and turns to narrow her eyes on it. Maybe she'd accidentally turned the darkness into an eye that someone was using to spy on her!*
[05-01:22] ab466, Anastra Sylune : *She moves cautiously back to the bed, perching on the edge once again... her eyes never leaving that sphere. She sits and watches it warily until it finally starts to wear off and then, gradually, completely disappears. She allows herself a sigh of relief before relaxing slightly. Her eyes stray occasionally back to that spot, even as she moves to lay down and curl up. Sleep... yes, sleep would be much appreciated. Very useful.*
[05-11:10] 8b225, Kali: hmm
[05-11:37] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-11:37] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[05-11:39] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : Not again.
[05-11:44] 8b225, Kali: Not again.
[05-12:07] 8b225, Kali: *hides*
[05-12:17] ae08c, Xyva: *finds and resteals Kali*
[05-12:19] 8b225, Kali: AAAkkkk!!
[05-12:19] ae08c, Xyva: *pulls her IC*
[05-12:25] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (*drags you with her*)
[05-12:28] ae08c, Levald : of course I'll go, as long as your sure you want to.
[05-12:28] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *is sitting in a booth in Glimmering waiting for Levald to answer her*
[05-12:33] ae08c, Levald : Of course I'll go, as long as your sure you want to.
[05-12:34] JOIN: Z has entered.
[05-12:34] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *slowly shaking her head, a lost look on her face*Levald, Im not sure of anything anymore.
[05-12:36] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (hi Z)
[05-12:37] ae08c, Levald : Do you still want to go?
[05-12:39] 94c70, Z: *waves, then wanders back out.*
[05-12:46] 8b225, Lotesse : *watching the look on Illisse's face, she was uneasy about approaching her. but she needed to know. Making her way across the tavern, she reaches out to just barelyl touch Illisse on the arm*
[05-12:50] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *startled, she looks up* Lotesse? *glancing around the room* Did you bring Val back with you?
[05-12:54] ae08c, Levald : *glances over at lotesse listening*
[05-12:55] 8b225, Lotesse : I found him, Illisse. But he's gone again. He attacked my and the seeking ball Mr Trendlekim gave me was broken. I couldnt follow him this time. Im sorry.
[05-13:02] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *shock and sadness fills her eyes as she glances to Levald* Then there's nothing we can do. Looks like I'll be staying here until someone finds him again.
[05-13:06] ae08c, Levald : *holds back a small smile* looks that way. Im sorry
[05-13:10] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *laying a hand over Lotesse's* My friend, will you go back home and tell them I wont be coming back. Sayia is a good healer. Tell them she is my choice to replace our teacher. I may not be back for a long time.
[05-13:14] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : I wish you'd come back with me. *glancing at levald* But I understand you're staying here. . I will leave now. They need to know what is happening. *nods to them both, pulling her hand free from Illisses and heads quickly out the door, not letting them see the tears in her eyes, knowing she'd probably never see her friend again*
[05-13:17] 8b225, Lotesse : I wish you'd come back with me. *glancing at levald* But I understand you're staying here. . I will leave now. They need to know what is happening. *nods to them both, pulling her hand free from Illisses and heads quickly out the door, not letting them see the tears in her eyes, knowing she'd probably never see her friend again*
[05-13:20] ae08c, Levald : *watches her go before finallt looking back to Illisse*
[05-13:22] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *he would see a tear sliding down her cheek, as she whispered* I hope no one finds him.
[05-13:25] ae08c, Levald : *slowly stands offering her his hand to help her up*
[05-13:28] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *giving him a look of gratitude, she takes his hand, standing beside him* I'm glad you're here.
[05-13:32] ae08c, Levald : *he smiles gently putting his arms around her and hugging her tight* Im here when you need me so dont be too scared to ask me to help ok.
[05-13:36] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-13:37] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *very softly* help
[05-13:40] ae08c, Levald : *relaxing his hug he lets go of her* with what?
[05-13:45] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[05-13:45] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *shaking her head* I have to get used to not having him around. He's been such a part of me for so long Im not sure who I am without him anymore.
[05-13:45] 6f422, Axis : ((hi all)))
[05-13:48] ae08c, Levald : (hey axis)
[05-13:48] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (hi)
[05-13:50] 6f422, Axis : ((*yawn* whats up?))
[05-13:51] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (rearranging some of my chars. since Val isnt here enough to get any rp time with them)
[05-13:52] 6f422, Axis : ((ahh))
[05-13:52] ae08c, Levald : (well theres a hurricane just to the northeast)
[05-13:52] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (another one)
[05-13:53] 6f422, Axis : ((oh lovely))
[05-13:57] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-14:00] ae08c, Xyva: (yup and they just announce another storm making hurricane status a little north and east of south america. its got close to the same path as this one)
[05-14:01] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (they were talking about that last night. but then they were talking about them crossing paths*shivers*)
[05-14:01] 6f422, Axis : ((wonderful))
[05-14:02] ae08c, Xyva: I dont think it will be here till around next weekend
[05-14:06] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (joys)
[05-14:09] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* give it some time. you'll figure it out soon enough.
[05-14:13] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : You may come to regret offering to help. There's been so much we've been thru. He's save me , more than once. *small laugh* I have this tendency to get myself in trouble with out even trying.
[05-14:14] 6f422, Bartuc : *In the northern area abouvce Quamn the tribes there are being conquered by Bartucs army*
[05-14:16] 6f422, Bartuc : ((QUMAN))
[05-14:17] 6f422, Lok : *standing atop the palace and gazes over the land surveying the city and the harbor and the lands beyond*
[05-14:19] ae08c, Levald : Well I wont take it back so I guess Ill just have to finish what I started and keep you as far out of trouble as I can.
[05-14:21] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : That wont be easy.*pausing* Come to think of it. you've saved me the last couple of times.
[05-14:22] 6f422, Bartuc : *Bartuc himself sits upon his horse gazing down upon the battlefield. IT was an easy victory..his savage brutal tactics worked and another tribe was pacified*
[05-14:23] d2aa8, Mab: She bwoke da seeker ball thing? Awwwww
[05-14:24] 6f422, Axis : ((hey mab))
[05-14:24] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : ((Val broke it))
[05-14:28] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* where are you staying?
[05-14:30] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : I... I hmm I dont know. My room here is only paid thru the next couple of days. I wasnt planning on staying here much longer. At home I wouldnt need money. but here I do.
[05-14:37] ae08c, Levald : Its ok you can stay at my place. I'll move Ghamels bed into my room and you can have his.
[05-14:40] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : Levald, are you sure you want to do that? *ponders* Where is he anyway? I havent seen him in a while.
[05-14:42] ae08c, Levald : I dont mind and Im sure he wont. I see him if he comes back but other than that he spends alot of time with his friends.
[05-14:45] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : Alright. It wont take much to move my things. I dont have a whole lot.
[05-14:47] ae08c, Levald : do you want to move in to day or use up the rest of your time here?
[05-14:49] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : Today if you dont mind too much, maybe Mr. Trendlekim will return some of my rent.
[05-14:51] ae08c, Levald : alright. let me help you get your things.
[05-14:55] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *turns and walks toward the stairs, heading up to her room* There's only my small clothes bag and my herbs. the tent and things are stored out in the stables.
[05-14:57] ae08c, Levald : want me to get those
[05-14:58] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : Only if you want to use them. I dont think I'll be needing camping things or a long time.
[05-15:02] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *smites typos*
[05-15:04] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (*pokes for Levald* where's you?)
[05-15:26] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-15:27] d2aa8, Mab: *looks around*
[05-15:28] ae08c, Xyva: hey mab
[05-15:29] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : hi Mab
[05-15:31] ae08c, Levald : Ok Ill leave them there and go get another bed *turning toward the door*
[05-15:32] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *opens the door to her room, pausing before stepping inside, tears slowly sliding down her cheeks*
[05-15:32] JOIN: mad hatter has entered.
[05-15:33] d2aa8, Mab: Hi
[05-15:34] ae08c, Levald : *exiting the inn he heads to the stables to get jessup*
[05-15:37] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *slowly walks thru the room, picking up what pieces she had left scattered about, not much, just a c hange of clothes and her night gown, her herb packs were always packs ready to leave at a moments notice*
[05-15:40] ae08c, Levald : *taking jessup out of the stables he saddles him up and rides to the market area looking to buy a new bed*
[05-15:44] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *shouldering her packs, she walks from the room, leaving the door standing wide. not paying attention to anyone as she walks out the door and down the street towards Levalds shop*
[05-15:50] ae08c, Levald : *finding a bed he gets down and buys it. he then taks off jessups saddle and puts the bed up on him, tying securly to jessups back before slowly starting the walk back to the smithy*
[05-15:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-15:56] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *reaching his shop, she drops her packs, slumping down on the door step, leaning back against the door*
[05-15:58] ae08c, Levald : *he smiles seeing her sitting at the door from down the street*
[05-15:58] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *sits waiting for him*
[05-16:00] ae08c, Levald : *gets there* hey, you all ready? *dropping the saddle and taking the bed off of jessup*
[05-16:02] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *raising her head from the door*I told you it wouldnt take long. *nodding toward her three packs* that's all I have.
[05-16:06] ae08c, Levald : ok. why dont you sit out here and watch jessup while I go move Ghamels things into my room, ok?
[05-16:11] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *RaE* You have to be joking. You know how I feel about that....that.. four legged living nightmare.
[05-16:13] ae08c, Levald : *grins* you dont have to touch him. He wont go anywhere. I just dont want to leave him out here alone where someone could take him. It will only take me a few minutes
[05-16:18] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *warily* As long as I dont have to touch him.
[05-16:22] ae08c, Levald : you dont *still grinning as he goes inside and starts moving Ghamel into his room*
[05-16:24] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *gives him a bit of a wild look as he walks inside, turning to stare at the horse* Dont even get any bright ideas.
[05-16:26] ae08c, Levald : *Jessup snorts after her comment almost in response**levald first moves Ghamels Bed into his room before returning to gather his things*
[05-16:32] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *narrows her eyes at the horse, whispering softly* glue
[05-16:34] ae08c, Levald : *finished he goes back outside seeing jessup hadnt moved* see what did I tell you.
[05-16:35] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : He's just fooling you. biding his time.
[05-16:37] ae08c, Levald : *grins walking over to grab the bed* oh ok. Im almost done *picking it up he takes it inside*
[05-16:39] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *turns her gaze back to jessup*
[05-16:41] ae08c, Levald : *while Levald's inside setting up her bed Jessup turns and walks over to Illisse nuzzling up to her and giving her face onle long Lick*
[05-16:42] ae08c, Levald : one*
[05-16:43] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *levald would definitely hear her scream*GET AWAY FROM ME YOU DEMON!!
[05-16:45] ae08c, Levald : *drops the bed rushing out the door worried about whats going on before getting hit with the uncontrolable laughter caused by the sight*
[05-16:46] ae08c, Levald : *caughs trying to hold it back*
[05-16:47] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *glaring at Levald* I told you! he's out to get me.
[05-16:48] ae08c, Levald : coughs*
[05-16:49] ae08c, Levald : *snorts a few times holding back the laughter as he pulls jessup away from her, unable to hold back the grin that comes with it*
[05-16:50] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : What??!!
[05-16:55] ae08c, Levald : nothing *swollowing down the laughter and letting jessup go* stay here jessup. *turns to Illisse* im almost done just let me fix the bed and Ill take jessup back to the stables while you move in, ok?
[05-16:56] ae08c, Levald : swallows*
[05-16:57] ae08c, Levald : swallowing*
[05-16:58] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : If you think Im staying out here with that spawn of hell, you are mistaken. I'll fix the bed and you can take him away
[05-17:01] ae08c, Levald : *grins* ok you can push it where ever you'd like it and there are extra sheets pillows and blankets in my room. I'll be back in a few minutes if you need any help. *picks up jessups saddle and starst to put it on him*
[05-17:02] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (*mis-read that* *L* )
[05-17:04] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : Fine.*watching that horse just a second more, before turning to go inside wondering where she should move the bed*
[05-17:04] ae08c, Levald : (*slaps forehead* levald is an arcane blacksmith)
[05-17:06] ae08c, Levald : *finnished he rides to the stables*
[05-17:06] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (*L* *keeps mouth shut*)
[05-17:09] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *finally deciding where she should move the bed, she tries to push it there, not r ealizing how heavy it actually was, struggling with it for a few minutes before giving up and falling down on it* I'll just sleep here
[05-17:12] ae08c, Levald : *at the stables he take off the saddle and puts it away, returning with a brush to brush jessup before putting him back in his stall. when hes finished he starts his walk back to the smithy*
[05-17:12] ae08c, Levald : (take+s)
[05-17:12] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[05-17:13] ae08c, Levald : (hey axis)
[05-17:13] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : (hey Axis)
[05-17:14] 59c8a, Axis : ((hey..just checking in))
[05-17:15] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *he would eventually find her curled up on the end of the bed, half asleep, where ever he had left the bed*
[05-17:16] 59c8a, Axis : ((*poisens the well* Hmm this is fun))
[05-17:17] ae08c, Levald : *when he gets back to the smithy he takes a peek into her room smiling when he sees her* have any trouble?
[05-17:19] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *opening one eye, to look at him* Oh no, none at all *dryly*
[05-17:19] ae08c, Levald : (*nods*)
[05-17:20] ae08c, Levald : *grins* want some help?
[05-17:20] 59c8a, Axis : ((bbl then..))
[05-17:21] ae08c, Levald : (c ya)
[05-17:23] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : yes please.*getting up off the bed*
[05-17:24] ae08c, Levald : where do you want it? *walking into the room*
[05-17:28] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *if there is a window in the room, player would like it there* How about there?
[05-17:30] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* thats fine *pushing it against the wall under the window*
[05-17:33] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : *smiles watching him move the bed so easily* Now why cant I do that. *shaking her head* Where did you say the covers were?
[05-17:35] ae08c, Levald : in my room folded in a pile in the corner
[05-17:36] 8b225, Illisse Brilthor : which is where? *hasnt been anywhere but the smithy itself before*
[05-17:38] ae08c, Levald : The room right next to this one.
[05-17:42] c4de2, Kali: oh *turns and walks into his room, looking for the covers*
[05-17:43] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *turns and walks into his room, looking for the covers* (*smites refresh*)
[05-17:44] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-17:47] ae08c, Levald : *follows her smiling, planning to help her*
[05-17:48] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *turns around looking in first one corner then the next*
[05-17:55] ae08c, Levald : that one *pointing to the back corner hidden by the foot of his bed*
[05-17:59] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *peers towards that corner before walking to it and leaning over to pick up a blanket*
[05-18:02] ae08c, Levald : *walks up behind her waiting to get the sheets and pillows but changes his mind pushing her over onto them instead grinning*
[05-18:04] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *falls into them, startled* what did you do that for? *trying to get up*
[05-18:06] ae08c, Levald : *still grinning he shrugs offering his hand to help her up*
[05-18:07] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *takes his offered hand, pulling him down instead of letting him help her up*
[05-18:10] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[05-18:12] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (hey Ana)
[05-18:14] ae08c, Levald : hey *almost falling on her*
[05-18:17] JOIN: Strahd VonZarovich has entered.
[05-18:18] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *RaE* you started it.
[05-18:20] ab466, Ana: Hello!
[05-18:21] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-18:24] ae08c, Levald : *grins trying to get back up*
[05-18:26] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *finally recovers a bit of that elven grace, rising easily from the stack of blankets, looking back down at him*
[05-18:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-18:28] ae08c, Levald : well? *holds out his hand wantng help*
[05-18:28] EXIT: Strahd VonZarovich has left the chat ( 7:17pm, September 05 (CDT) ).
[05-18:29] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *braces herself before taking his hand, as if she could pull him up*
[05-18:31] ae08c, Levald : *grins getting up as he pulls her back down anyway*
[05-18:37] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *of course he does, but he isnt getting up that easy**seeing as he's not quite balanced, she wraps her arms around one of his, pushing against the floor to knock him back down, falling on him*
[05-18:39] ae08c, Levald : woah *falling back down with her on top of him* fine *starts tickling her*
[05-18:43] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *stops suddenly, aware of how close she'd came to kissing him. * umm. I.. *blushing* I'd better get that bed made.
[05-18:46] ae08c, Levald : *smiles letting her get up* ok *waiting to roll over and get out of the way*
[05-18:48] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *gets up, blushing still. memories of Val doing ticking her flashing thru her mind*
[05-18:50] ae08c, Levald : *gets out of the way slowly standing up next to the pile*
[05-18:52] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *picks up a hand full of blankets, leaving what ever pillow and sheets were there*
[05-18:53] ae08c, Levald : *bends back down to grab the pillows and sheets before following her out of the room*
[05-18:56] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *goes back to her room, dropping the blankets to the floor, starting to cry*
[05-19:01] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-19:04] ae08c, Xyva: *stops at the door seeing her crying. he drops the pillows and sheets and walks over to her, wraping his arms around her and holding her close wispering* Im sorry
[05-19:07] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*G*)
[05-19:11] ae08c, Levald : *stops at the door seeing her crying. he drops the pillows and sheets and walks over to her, wraping his arms around her and holding her close wispering* Im sorry
[05-19:18] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *curling her hands into the front of his shirt, she continues to cry, one of those broken heart crying bouts* I *sob* cant *sniffle* *shaking her head trying to stop crying* Oh gods, Levald, How am I going to live with out him?
[05-19:25] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*curses afore mentioned hurricane*)
[05-19:33] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-19:38] ae08c, Levald : *continues hugging her gently swaying with her* you'll just have to try, and I'll help you as much as I can and try even if I cant.
[05-19:42] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *slowly stops crying, then looks up at him* Why would you do that?
[05-19:46] ae08c, Levald : *decides to tell her only half the truth knowing the stress she must be feeling* because we're friends and thats wat friends are for.
[05-19:52] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *sniffs, accepting his explaination* Im glad you are my friend. *kisses his cheek softly, then gives him a curious look* Have you ever been in love?
[05-19:54] ae08c, Levald : *smiles thinking about her question* yes, I have been in love.
[05-19:57] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *RaE, moving out of his arms* what happened to her?
[05-20:02] ae08c, Levald : *the smiles slowly fades as he swallows down the lump starting to form in his throat* nothing...she loved someone else.
[05-20:03] ae08c, Levald : (smile*)
[05-20:05] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Oh. I'm sorry. She was a fool if she turned you down for someone else.
[05-20:07] ae08c, Levald : she doesnt know
[05-20:09] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : you never told her?
[05-20:11] ae08c, Levald : no, I only wanted to see her happy and telling her could have changed that
[05-20:13] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Someday, I hope you'll find someone else to love. You are too special to go without a woman who loves you.
[05-20:22] ae08c, Levald : *gives her a small smile* maybe, someday. *his eyes wet though he didnt cry* now how about we get that bed made? *turning to retriev the pillows and sheets*
[05-20:25] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : good idea. I think I could sleep for a week
[05-20:29] ae08c, Levald : *he smiles again bringing the pillows and sheets to the bed and starting to make it*
[05-20:33] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *helps him make the bed, turning the top blanket back* Thank you for letting me stay here.
[05-20:38] ae08c, Levald : your always welcome here even if you move out and get a house down the street
[05-20:39] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *grins at him* trying to get rid of me already?
[05-20:40] ae08c, Levald : huh? I just said your always welcome here
[05-20:45] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *kisses him on the cheek* That was a joke.
[05-20:46] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* oh ok
[05-20:49] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *there would be a quiet sound of her stomach growling* emm *eye shift* got anything to nibble on around here?
[05-20:51] ae08c, Levald : not really. Usually I eat at the inn. If your hungry we can go
[05-20:54] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : hungry? thats putting it mildly. I feel like I could eat a horse.
[05-20:55] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* then lets go
[05-20:56] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *chuckles, thinking about what she said* definitely not yours.
[05-21:00] ae08c, Levald : good *forming his arm into a wing shape as if her were noble grinning*
[05-21:01] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs, taking his offered arm*
[05-21:03] ae08c, Levald : here we go *leading her from the room out the front door heading toward the inn*
[05-21:03] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*player has this sudden picture of wizard of oz*)
[05-21:05] ae08c, Levald : (*grins* *was about to start singing it actually*)
[05-21:05] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*dies*)
[05-21:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-21:17] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *fights the urge to skip**walks slowly to the Inn, *
[05-21:19] ae08c, Levald : *smiles pulling the door open and leading her inside* where do you want to sit?
[05-21:20] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : How about that booth? *pointing to one in the back corner*
[05-21:24] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[05-21:25] ae08c, Levald : alright *takes her over to the back corner booth guiding her in before sitting across from her*
[05-21:30] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *sits across from him, thinking about what she can afford to order*
[05-21:32] ae08c, Levald : what do you want to eat? *looking down at the menue*
[05-21:36] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : I would like some fish, I just dont think I can afford it right now.
[05-21:38] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[05-21:38] ae08c, Levald : thats fine I can take care of it. what kind do you want?
[05-21:38] 0682d, Travis: *breakdances*
[05-21:40] 0682d, Travis: *breaks it down old school Michael Jackson style* WHOO!
[05-21:41] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (Now that I didnt need to have a picture of *L*)
[05-21:43] 0682d, Travis: *does the Thriller dance*
[05-21:46] 0682d, Travis: *uses a can opener on Levald's armor*
[05-21:46] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*waves belatedly to Kalamaro*)
[05-21:48] d6de0, Kalamaro: **totally is learning the thriller dance for a talent show right now**
[05-21:48] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*dies again*)
[05-21:49] ae08c, Levald : (*laughs when the can opener breaks due to misuse on something it cant cut*)
[05-21:50] 0682d, Travis: *gets a blow torch and cuts up the armor*
[05-21:50] 0682d, Travis: *does the Thriller dance with Kalamaro*
[05-21:51] d6de0, Drake: **turns into a zombie and makes all the ghouls in bettenchi dance with him, thus ending that problem
[05-21:51] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[05-21:52] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Sexy. Very sexy.*
[05-21:52] ae08c, Levald : (*smites the blow torch for being in the wrong technological time period*)
[05-21:53] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Wearing a big spinner hubcap on a chain around his neck. Ice on his fingers and does. Gold tooth, beard in corn rows. Is a pimp dwarf. Has an axe made out of gold! GOLD!*
[05-21:53] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Levald, I cant let you buy my dinner. (*DIES*)
[05-21:53] 0682d, Travis: *gets a big hammer and starts beating the snot outta Levald's armor* GET OUT OF THERE!
[05-21:54] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Straight thuggin.*
[05-21:54] 0682d, Travis: *steals the gold axe and smacks the midget pimp in training* Get outta my territory Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a wench?
[05-21:56] ae08c, Levald : I invited you out to dinner. I'm going to pay for it. what kind of fish did you want?
[05-21:56] 0682d, Travis: *smacks Levald with a trout* SHE WANTS TROUT!
[05-21:56] ae08c, Levald : (*Laughs as his armor takes the beating without a scratch*)
[05-21:57] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Sheezles son! I'm Oyrin Darkune! Cocains a helluva drug!
[05-21:58] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*eye shift*) Salmon
[05-21:58] d6de0, Drake: anybody ever seen Pulp Fiction?
[05-21:58] 0682d, Travis: *puts Oyrin into a mirror*
[05-21:59] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*has.. didnt like it*)
[05-21:59] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : Now that ya mention it. I think I'm bleedin inside my chest. I call a truth charlie Travis, who owns you stickiest of the icky!...Smoke a bowl with your old brotha Rick Darkune?
[05-21:59] ae08c, Drako : *eats drake*
[05-22:00] 0682d, Travis: Hey Drako...there's a new joke going around, have ya heard? What'd the five fingers, say to the face?
[05-22:03] ae08c, Levald : *smiles waving to a waitress as she passes, getting her attention* hello, we would like an order of salmon, and one of steak. and A bottle of honey wine. thanks. *smiles again as she goes to fill the order*
[05-22:03] d6de0, Drake: **eats drako... FROM THE INSIDE** Yeah, well, it really is my name! Bi-Az-Nitch!
[05-22:04] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 11:00pm, September 05 (CDT) ).
[05-22:04] ae08c, Drako : *eats Travis, who owns you all not waiting for the answer* there are only four fingers on a hand
[05-22:05] d6de0, Drake: People, you all should go register a talamaru! like, right now!
[05-22:05] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Honey wine. Levald, I dont drink. (Not on your life.. *has 13 chars now*)
[05-22:07] d6de0, Drake: **grabs kali** it not up to you!!
[05-22:07] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (oh and you think you're going to force me to reg one?)
[05-22:08] d6de0, Drake: **turns to his friend zed** bring in da gimp (thats a Pulp Fiction refference, but I wouldnt know if you guys knew that, cus nobody ever answered my last question!)
[05-22:09] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (I did. try reading faster)
[05-22:10] ae08c, Xyva: *alters the multiverse turning Drake into a puddle of interplanitary space goop and takes Kali back* MINE
[05-22:11] d6de0, Drake: **reads back** you didnt like it? **throws kali back into her rp, cus he seems to being killing it**
[05-22:11] d6de0, Drake: **melts**
[05-22:12] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (yes you are. we've been at this for a very long time too)
[05-22:12] ae08c, Levald : *looks at her* why not?
[05-22:14] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : I'm a healer. Having my senses dulled even a small bit could cost someone their life.
[05-22:15] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* alright. what would you like to drink?
[05-22:18] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Mint tea is what I usually drink.
[05-22:21] ae08c, Levald : *smailes at the waitress as she returns with the wine* sorry but could we have a pot of mint tea instead? thank you. *turning back ti Illisse as she leaves with the wine* that was an easy fix
[05-22:21] ae08c, Levald : smiles*
[05-22:23] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Just because I dont drink, dont let that stop you
[05-22:29] JOIN: Isiah Jericho has entered.
[05-22:29] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-22:30] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[05-22:30] 6df9d, Liz: *lives!!*
[05-22:31] ae08c, Levald : it makes no differance to me... besides its no fun drinking alone,
[05-22:33] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **currently in the Epoch's safe house, standing, arms folded, watching as the flames burn... Isiah Jericho is with him, Isiah, as usual, where a serious expression.** So, whats our next move, I havent seen the deadies in nearly a month, and a couple of the guys are anctious to act...
[05-22:33] ae08c, Levald : (hey liz)
[05-22:33] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : hmm. Alright.
[05-22:36] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **accompanying Rikkell in the safe house sits quietly, his eyes never leaving the fire as he explains** well until there are signs of them I would suggest no action, if a battle must ensue let the come to us for it.
[05-22:36] ae08c, Levald : *the waitress soon returns with the tea pouring the each a cup before putting down the pot and getting back to work*
[05-22:37] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: and I think we both know that a battle MUST ensue
[05-22:37] 6df9d, Lafiel : *yawns and comes down the stairs and heads over to the fire. She notes that Rikkel seems to be in some type of meeting, which is why she does'nt stop by*
[05-22:39] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : And I dont know if you heard, but the other night I was atacked by a damn demon, he said something about "The advocates of death"... **heard laf yawn and turns** Hey Laf, come'ere real quick, would ya?
[05-22:39] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *adding a bit of honey to sweeten hers, she stirs it slowly before taking a sip* What was she like? *going back to their previous conversation*
[05-22:40] ae08c, Levald : shes perfect
[05-22:40] 6df9d, Lafiel : *adjust her course from a seat by the fire to a seat by him* Hmm?
[05-22:41] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **suddenly becomes concerned and curious** advocates of what? did he say anything else??
[05-22:42] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *RaE* perfect? I have yet to meet a perfect person.
[05-22:44] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : well, it was obviously a warning, considering he left me alive... besides that, we got a necromancer with thrity or so skeletons to deal with... but presently, Id like to introduce you to Lafiel **motions to her**
[05-22:45] 6df9d, Lafiel : *struggles to wake up all the way as she studies the one she's being introduced to*
[05-22:45] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[05-22:47] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **looks up from the fire for the first time in a while glancing at the stranger** A pleasure
[05-22:48] ae08c, Levald : *smiles glad he hadnt taken the wine which could have caused him to let something slip* in my eyes she was perfect... and you'd be surprised.
[05-22:49] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **Smiles** Laf, this is Isiah Jericho, the leader of our little group here... Isiah, Lafiel is trained thoroughly with a sword, and I think she'd make an excellent addition to the group... that is, if she wants to join...
[05-22:51] 6df9d, Lafiel : *she bows ever so slightly* Greetings, Sir Jericho. *a hint of a smile tugs at her lips* And I assure you, Rikkell overexagerates about my skill. I simply know enough to stay alive.
[05-22:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-22:53] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: Well surviving a battle is halfway towards victory
[05-22:53] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : I used to think Val was perfect. I was wrong.
[05-22:54] 6df9d, Lafiel : *nods* True. Very true.
[05-22:55] ae08c, Levald : I'm sorry
[05-22:56] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : speaking of survivng battles, how come I seem to be the only operative in the organization actually going out and doing anything... and where the hell as tarnis, you heard from him lately Jericho?
[05-22:57] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *sighs* I cant worry about him anymore. it hurts too much.
[05-22:59] ae08c, Levald : *takes a sip of his tea* alright
[05-23:00] 94c70, Z: *should destroy something.*
[05-23:01] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*proposes you aim for Val's country*just cause)
[05-23:01] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: Can't say that I have
[05-23:02] 6df9d, Lafiel : *she leans back in her chair, stretching*
[05-23:02] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Will you tell me more about this perfect woman of yours? anything to keep my mind busy
[05-23:04] 94c70, Z: *does and takes over the world!*
[05-23:05] ae08c, Levald : what do you want to know about her?
[05-23:07] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **sighs** So, new business... We have an angel that may join our ranks... a necromancer with a large army of skeletons... and, most morbid perhaps, a demon warning me to stay out of the way of Death's Advocates... called himself a servant of death's right hand... any thoughts from either of you?
[05-23:08] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Oh, I don't know. anything, everything. what did she look like?
[05-23:09] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (if the necro's player is around can you im me please? )
[05-23:09] 6df9d, Lafiel : Find out who the Advocates are, what their goals are. Then, if they're more dangerous than the necromancer..take care of them.
[05-23:10] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **smiles that o so rare smile** Donobar you worry too much let these "Advocates of Death" come and we'll send them right back to him**removes one of his large daggers** in rpieces
[05-23:12] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: We need to know how many "Advocates" there are, and this necromancer has he threatened us?
[05-23:15] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[05-23:15] 54891, Cookie Monster: *slinks in and waves*
[05-23:16] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*waves back*)
[05-23:16] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((what goes on?))
[05-23:17] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*L* hours and hours of rp *grins*)
[05-23:18] ab466, Ana: *Stretch*
[05-23:18] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : we know they have a demon woreking for them, and he isnt even the leader... what do we have? three humans, a pegasus and one very large person... not very impressive... and the necromancer and I fought a few days ago... he generally wasnt much of a threat, but he has an army of skeletons... strength in numbers...
[05-23:18] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((how terrible. Whats the latest news that I've missed?))
[05-23:19] 6df9d, Lafiel : If only we had a paladin
[05-23:20] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* she's absolutely gorgeous *taking another sip of tea*
[05-23:20] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : you know any, because they really arent my crowd...
[05-23:21] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (hmm not horrible. mostly, Illisse has left Val, because he's just nuts and is staying at levalds smithy)
[05-23:21] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : hmm perfect and gorgeous?
[05-23:22] 54891, Cookie Monster: Hmm. *ponders if Rikkell's group might want a group of mercs for fighting skeletons...*
[05-23:22] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* Can't say that I do.
[05-23:22] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: what we need are holy creatures, and a few at tha
[05-23:23] ae08c, Levald : *grins* its part of the package
[05-23:24] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: look if these Advocates are as demonically populated as I think they are a Gargoyles might not be a bad idea
[05-23:25] ae08c, Levald : (*remembers the knights of the golden order are at the inn if anyone needs them*)
[05-23:25] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : ((rikkell probly has a few bounties on him, and laf definately does, mercs might be a bad idea))
[05-23:26] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **Chuckles** Gargoyles, those things are always a pleaure... got any certain gargoyles in mind?
[05-23:26] 54891, Cookie Monster: Darn, and here I was thinking I might actualy get to put Hida and Skarling to work.
[05-23:26] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : because, if Im not wrong, I know I saw one fighting a man the other day...
[05-23:27] 6df9d, Lafiel : *listens, having nothing to add, knowing no gargoyls or holy creatures*
[05-23:27] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (as soon as Kazia's finished with the giants , she's going ot be looking for skarling)
[05-23:28] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : anything else part of this package?
[05-23:28] 54891, Cookie Monster: o/
[05-23:30] 94c70, Z: *doesn't need Knights for anything.*
[05-23:30] 94c70, Z: *seems to only have ghouls looking for her, weee..*
[05-23:30] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: I do, however I don't know much about him, he may very well hate humans as so many Gargoyles do
[05-23:31] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (*is seriously considering taking over the hunt for Soth*)
[05-23:31] ae08c, Levald : intelligence, and a strong personality, along with some other things I havent thought of yet
[05-23:33] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[05-23:33] 6df9d, Lafiel : Why do they? Hate humans, I mean?
[05-23:33] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **sighs, noticing Lafiels boredom** You ok over there laf?
[05-23:34] 94c70, Z: *wonders how lucky Soth is*
[05-23:36] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **turns to Laf** Gargoyles have a mixed opinion on the Human race, I'm not sure why, some hate them some tolerate them
[05-23:36] 6df9d, Lafiel : *smiles faintly* I'm fine
[05-23:36] 6df9d, Lafiel : Oh..
[05-23:36] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : what does she look like? *grinning* If Im going to find someone else for you I need to know what you're looking for. (not nearly as lucky as he thinks)
[05-23:39] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **pulls a dagger from his belt and starts flipping it through the air, and rolling it between his fingers** how do you suggest we get information on this new group, the other advocates... you are the group leader here, isiah, what're my orders?
[05-23:40] ae08c, Levald : Im not.
[05-23:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-23:41] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **removes one of his daggers too** the best way I know how, information will not come easy we'll have to force from anyone we can
[05-23:42] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Why not, Levald? I dont like seeing you alone.
[05-23:43] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: Rikkell I want you and Laf on the lookout for anyone associated with these Advocates, find out anything you can, that is of course if you choose to join us Laf
[05-23:43] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* I'll know if I find someone. but Im not looking.
[05-23:44] 94c70, Z: *resists commentary.* *whistles*
[05-23:45] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *smiling softly, she places a hand over his* alright. I wont play matchmaker . but you tell me if you find someone.
[05-23:45] ae08c, Levald : *the watress arrives with their dinner*
[05-23:48] 6df9d, Lafiel : *smiles* There's safety in numbers..and it's not as if I have anything better to do.
[05-23:49] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : (oh go ahead Z.. you know its killing you not to )
[05-23:49] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **smiles really big at laf** Welcome to the advocates of epoch, we'rew the good guys... and on the mission, Jericho...Trendlekim... man who owns the glimmering inn, he's supposed to be very wise, maybe I could talk to him first, see if he knows anything useful...
[05-23:51] 6df9d, Lafiel : *nods* There's always information to be found at a tavern.
[05-23:51] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: do whatever it takes to get any and all info on the Advocates thats number 2 priority right now, number 1 is always to stay alive
[05-23:51] ae08c, Levald : thats fine *pushing her plate infront of her before taking his own* this looks great.
[05-23:52] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *taking a bite of her fish, she raises an eye at the steak on his plate* How can you eat that?
[05-23:53] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **stretches and yawns** thats a good first priority, but my first priority right now is sleep, night Jericho, night Laf... **turns and heads towards the stairs**
[05-23:54] 6df9d, Lafiel : Night, Rikkell
[05-23:55] 94c70, Z: *yes, it was killing her for she is already dead.*
[05-23:55] ae08c, Levald : *he grins lifting his knife and cuting off a small chunk* like this *puting it in his mouth and chewing it up*
[05-23:56] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **stands up** some shut eye, so to speak,(eyes too bady scarred to close all the way) would be nice e
[05-23:57] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[05-23:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:57am, September 06 (CDT) ).
[05-23:57] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *laughs at the bad joke*
[05-23:57] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **nods to Laf** its been a pleasure meeting you
[05-23:57] d6de0, Rikkell Donobar : **goes upstairs and fades till whenever to go with laf to see trendlekim**
[05-23:57] 6df9d, Lafiel : *yawns and stands as well* And I think I'll try again..goodnight, Jericho. *heads for the stairs*
[05-23:58] 3605e, Isiah Jericho: **spits on the fire and walks towards the stairs**
[06-00:00] 6df9d, Lafiel : *heads upstairs and to bed*
[06-00:00] 6df9d, Lafiel : **gone**
[06-00:01] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 1:01am, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-00:04] ae08c, Levald : *washes the steak down with the last of his tea, pourng another cup*
[06-00:09] 94c70, Z: *no more reason to lurk, poofs.*
[06-00:10] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *finishing the last of her fish, she folds her hands under her chin, watching him eat* thank you again for letting me stay with you.
[06-00:12] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* Im glad to have you.
[06-00:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-00:16] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *trying to hide a small yawn* I think this day is finally catching up with me.
[06-00:19] ae08c, Levald : *finishes his steak with a third cup of tea* ok, we'll head back to the shop as soon as I pay *waving to the waitress again as he takes out his coin pouch*
[06-00:22] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *covers her mouth, hiding another yawn as she leans her head down on her folded hands, closing her eyes almost dozing off*
[06-00:24] ae08c, Levald : *when the waitress arrives he hands her the money for the food as well as a large tip* thank you *smiling as she leaves* ok we can go
[06-00:26] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : *her head drops off of her hands as she startles awake* hmm? what?
[06-00:27] ae08c, Levald : *grins standing and offering her help up* we can go now
[06-00:29] c4de2, Illisse Brilthor : Oh. good. *taking his hand, very slowly pulling herself up*
[06-00:49] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-00:51] ae08c, Levald : *puts his hand back at his side offering her his arm again*
[06-00:52] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *stumbles a bit, more tired than she thought*
[06-00:52] ae08c, Levald : *grins again waiting*
[06-00:54] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *tucking her hand in the crook of his arm, she starts to walk, not out the door but up the stairs forgetting she doesnt stay there any more*
[06-01:06] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-01:07] ae08c, Xyva: *he grins more wheeling her toward the door* trying to take me to bed?
[06-01:08] ae08c, Levald : *he grins more wheeling her toward the door* trying to take me to bed?
[06-01:10] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *blinks, slightly embarassed* emm. no.
[06-01:11] ae08c, Levald : *leads her out the front door still grinning* ok
[06-01:14] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : Where are we going? *is really just about asleep on her feet*
[06-01:17] ae08c, Levald : I'm taking you back to my place *trying to make it sound like something its not to tease her*
[06-01:18] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *repeats his phrase back to him* trying to take me to bed?
[06-01:40] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-01:41] ae08c, Levald : *grins* why wouldn't I?
[06-01:43] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *eye shift* I'm not the woman you love.
[06-01:45] ae08c, Levald : your living at my place now remember?
[06-01:46] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *blinks her eyes a bit, trying to wake up* Oh. I forgot.
[06-01:48] ae08c, Levald : *smiles as they reach the smithy* welcome home *reaching to open the door*
[06-01:50] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : home. *shivers* why does that sound right?
[06-01:52] ae08c, Levald : *grins* you tell me *taking her inside*
[06-01:53] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : I dont know. It just sounded that way.
[06-01:55] ae08c, Levald : *takes her to her room* well heres you stop. next stop is my bed. you wanna come or are you staying here? *teases her*
[06-01:56] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : I think I'll stay here
[06-01:59] ae08c, Levald : *grins again* ok its your loss *shrugging* goodnight Illisse *turns to go to his room*
[06-02:01] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : good night levald. *walking into her room, lighting the lantern before changing into her night gown and crawling into the bed. he might hear her crying her self to sleep*
[06-02:03] ae08c, Levald : *doesnt here her while he gets ready for bed still grining but thinks he can after he lays down slowly falling asleep*
[06-02:04] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : *fades*
[06-02:05] ae08c, Levald : *fades*
[06-02:06] JOIN: Z has entered.
[06-02:07] ae08c, Levald : (good night Z)
[06-02:09] EXIT: Levald has left the chat ( 3:07am, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-02:09] a6599, Illisse Brilthor : (night Z)
[06-02:10] JOIN: R has entered.
[06-02:12] 94c70, Z: *is being all left alone*
[06-02:14] 2b286, R : *sits on Z*
[06-02:19] 94c70, Isyathiel : *The uneasiness that has haunted her for several nights now, grew stronger each night. The blind march of the undead soldiers grew ever closer to the Eastern Mountain ranges. The sense of evil that comes with things such as the undead, having slipped into her thoughts in the night. Only recently had she admitted to this uneasiness of something undesireable growing close to their lands to Veryatur. And even at this hour she is up, looking off into the distance.*
[06-02:27] 2b286, Veryatur : *The uneasiness had begun to spread as now most in the Kingdom knew something wasn't quite right, especially with the heightened Ranger Patrols and precautions they were taking within the shelter of the Mountain that surrounded Tal'Dolen, Veryatur had indeed taken Isyathiels words to heart and begun investigating the matter through long range Elven Patrols, and the reports that'd came back hadn't been good which in turn had brought orders down from Veryatur to practically everyone to begin prepairing and readying to possiblely defend themselves, the threat was still a little uncertain, the exact size, makeup and so forth. But King Veryatur was taking this very seriously, An Army had not crossed into these lands in many hundreds of years but it was hoped that there first line of defense would protect them, Which was of course the remote location and fact that the Kingdom was very well hidden from those prying eyes out there in the world. Veryatur was now onhis way back up to the upper levels of the Royal House, having been discussing the matter at hand with the others.-
[06-02:41] 94c70, Isyathiel : *The night air is cool and crisp, much as it usually is. Her dark hair flows down her back and her shoulders, constrasting heavily against the flowing white gown that she wears. Its brightness seeming more intense with the light of the moon. For the time, there was not much she could do in this time of preperation. It was likely a false alarm for them as far as the coming force. Their target could well be the En'Tai lands. But even this was a forboding thought. For now, it was in Veryatur's hands.*
[06-02:42] 2b286, Veryatur : *Though the matter troubled him deeply, it was something that he tried not to show even to Isyathiel. Stepping out onto the balcony and into the cool night air, Veryatur approaches her from Behind*
[06-02:48] JOIN: anarsil has entered.
[06-02:50] b7149, anarsil: finishes his drink and walks to the bar for another,asks for aroom and pays the keep the money*
[06-02:52] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[06-02:52] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 3:52am, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-02:56] 94c70, Isyathiel : *She knows that it bothers him already. It is only to be expected. She would be more concerned if it didn't bother him at all. Her stance shifts slightly as she hears him approach from behind. There were really no others that came here aside from her and Veryatur.*
[06-02:58] 2b286, Veryatur : Good Evening my love. *Softly he speaks as he comes up alongside her, his gaze fixed on a point somewhere off over the horizion as he calsps hs hands behind his back*
[06-03:00] 94c70, Isyathiel : *A faint smile crosses her features.* Hello... How does the night find you?
[06-03:03] 2b286, Veryatur : *Sighs all but faintly, taking a moment to consider an answer to that quesiton.* Despite the times.. calm and peaceful.
[06-03:04] 94c70, Isyathiel : Have you recieved reports?
[06-03:06] 2b286, Veryatur : They're starting to come in yes.
[06-03:09] 94c70, Isyathiel : *Pauses briefly, then shifts her gaze to look at him.* What do they say?
[06-03:12] 2b286, Veryatur : *He casts a sideglance at her for a few moments.* We've not been able to confirm the size, but.. It seems to be an army made of up the undead..
[06-03:16] 94c70, Isyathiel : *Nods once. It seemed that she was not surprised. She had not known, but she had already expected the worse. She looks back out onto the city out before her.*
[06-03:20] 2b286, Veryatur : *Taking a deep breah, he exhales slowly before continuing.* It seems its quite a sizeable force, we wont know more ofr a few more days, our scouts are being careful to obseve and not be spotted of course.
[06-03:23] 94c70, Isyathiel : Of course... *She held no doubts in Veryatur's ability.* And there destination? Is there any evidnece of where they are going?
[06-03:25] 2b286, Veryatur : Our Scouts are still trying to determine that
[06-03:26] 94c70, Isyathiel : I see.
[06-03:26] 2b286, Veryatur : I'm having our people take precautions never the less
[06-03:28] 94c70, Isyathiel : Good. Can our border defenses hold them off?
[06-03:30] 2b286, Veryatur : ITs possible we could hold.. with losses, but I'm not quite certain that engaging them directly is the wisest option right now, As I see it we can either hold back and hope they pass by unaware, or allow our Rangers to harras them andweaken them slowly before any major offense.
[06-03:32] 94c70, Isyathiel : I will leave those decisions to your skilled hands, My Love. I will do what I can to help you.
[06-03:33] 2b286, Veryatur : *Again shifts his gaze to her, this time smiling faintly he nods.* I know..
[06-03:38] 94c70, Isyathiel : *After a few silent moments, she extends a hand to him.*
[06-03:43] 2b286, Veryatur : *Veryatur reaches out and accepts her hand gently*
[06-04:14] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[06-05:05] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[06-05:06] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:05am, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-05:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-06:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-07:17] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-07:35] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-09:22] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-09:23] ae08c, Xyva: *peeks* any lurkers?
[06-09:46] ae08c, Warren: *walking along the beach he bends down to get a pinch of sand*
[06-09:48] ae08c, Warren: *standing back up he grins as he lifts his arms and releases the sand, starting to laugh as a dune forms under him and sweeps him down the beach*
[06-09:50] ae08c, Warren: *he uses his staff to direct where he wants to go, taking a sharp turn to head back to where he started*
[06-09:53] ae08c, Warren: *when he reaches his starting point he points his staff up, causing the dune to stop. he then slowly lowers his staff pressing down on the dune as it slowly sinks to become part of the beach again*
[06-09:56] ae08c, Warren: *he takes his time walking back to the inn, still smiling from his joy ride*
[06-10:09] ae08c, Warren: *after reaching the inn he heads inside and takes a seat by the fire pulling out a new spell to learn*
[06-10:45] ae08c, Warren: *sits quietly by the fire learning his new spell*
[06-10:45] ae08c, Warren: *fades*
[06-10:52] ae08c, Elias Zorander : *setting a pillow down upon the floor he takes a seat. when he snaps his finger the pillow disapears and he is lifted 3 feet into the air. reaching over he grabs a scroll off his desk and begins learning the new spell*
[06-11:31] ae08c, Levald : *still stretching the tiredness out of himself he steps out side to take a peek at the sun*
[06-11:35] 6e2de, Illisse Brilthor : *is sitting on her bed watching out the window, not really in the mood to get out of bed today*
[06-11:39] ae08c, Levald : *satisfied it will be a nice day he goes back inside somewhat flinching as the do slams and he remembers there are people sleeping*
[06-11:40] ae08c, Levald : do=door*
[06-11:47] 6e2de, Illisse Brilthor : *jumping as the door slams, she bumps her head on the side of the window. As she rubs the spot, she gives a rueful smile* well, there goes my quiet. *getting out of bed she gets dressed. Picking up her brush to run it thru her hair, she walks from the room, barefoot, looking for Levald*
[06-11:49] ae08c, Levald : *looks at her door hearing it open and watching her come out* sorry, did I wake you up?
[06-11:51] 6e2de, Illisse Brilthor : No, I was up.
[06-11:53] ae08c, Levald : oh, ok... are you hungry?
[06-12:13] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-12:21] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *running the brush thru her hair, letting it fall loose down her back, she shaked her head* no I dont think I could eat this morning. I didnt sleep very good.
[06-12:22] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-12:22] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:22pm, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-12:23] ae08c, Levald : ok. got any plans for today?
[06-12:26] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Not yet. I guess I need to start thinking about finding more work.
[06-12:30] ae08c, Levald : hmm could you do me a favor first? *holding back a smile*
[06-12:32] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : What?
[06-12:33] ae08c, Levald : could you do me a favor?
[06-12:33] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : what's the favor?
[06-12:35] ae08c, Levald : *grins no longer able to hold it back* could you take Jessup for a walk?
[06-12:37] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *RaE* very funny.
[06-12:38] ae08c, Levald : I thought so *still grinning* where ar you planning to go job hunting?
[06-12:42] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : I need to let people know that I'm a healer. I know there are people here that need me.
[06-12:45] ae08c, Levald : ok, want me to help?
[06-12:47] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : You can just let people know about me. that would be a big help.
[06-12:48] ae08c, Levald : alright. anything else?
[06-12:53] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Do you need anything done around here? I want to help out if I can. to pay for letting me stay with you.
[06-12:56] ae08c, Levald : you could sweep if you want, other than that theres never much to do
[06-13:03] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *laughing* alright. I think I can handle that.
[06-13:04] ae08c, Levald : *smiles* are you sure your not hungry?
[06-13:05] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : ok ok.. I'll eat.
[06-13:12] ae08c, Levald : good *turning around and walking back out the door, holding it for her*
[06-13:17] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : emm. *looking down at her feet* I think I need shoes.
[06-13:34] ae08c, Levald : ok go get them *waits at the door*
[06-13:38] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *walking back to her room for her shoes, if she hadnt just moved in she would be doing the where in the hell are my shoes thing, but they are lying just at the edge of the bed. putting them on, she stands, brushing her skirt down and walks back out to Levald* Alright. Im ready now.
[06-13:53] ae08c, Levald : *letting her out he closes the door and takes her to the inn*
[06-14:04] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *walking in the door, she heads for the same booth they sat in the day before*
[06-14:06] ae08c, Levald : *smiles following close behind her*
[06-14:13] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *blinking at the plates of food sitting there, she turns to him* Looks like someone's already sitting here.
[06-14:20] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : *would be sitting in that booth, waiting for Aldrik to come looking for her*
[06-14:24] ae08c, Levald : ok, pick another
[06-14:26] ae08c, Aldrik : *blinking a few times he makes his way down stairs wonder where Kali had gone off to*
[06-14:27] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *moving back a few steps, she slides into the next booth* This one's good. *smiling at him*
[06-14:28] ae08c, Levald : *smiles sitting across from her* good, what do you want to drink?
[06-14:30] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Tea. and lots of it. *hiding a small yawn*
[06-14:32] ae08c, Levald : what kind? *waiting for the waitress to get there*
[06-14:34] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : what ever they have thats hot today.
[06-14:36] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : *grinning, she decides to play games with him, blinking to appear just at his side for a brief second before blinking back to their booth*
[06-14:37] ae08c, Levald : ok. what do you want to eat?
[06-14:39] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : eggs, fruit, toasted bread, *smiling* ok I lied, Im starved.
[06-14:39] ae08c, Aldrik : seeing her flash next to him he looks around finally seeing her at their booth.*
[06-14:42] ae08c, Levald : *grins at her as the waitress arrives. he orders the tea along with eggs, fruit, and toast for both of them*
[06-14:44] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : *RaE at Aldrik, she's still grinning*
[06-14:49] ae08c, Aldrik : *he smiles blinking again before finally heading over to join her*
[06-14:50] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : You're getting better at that.
[06-14:51] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : I guess I've been so worried lately I havent eaten much.
[06-14:54] ae08c, Aldrik : hmm? *taking a seat across from her*
[06-14:55] d2aa8, Mab: *will bbl. Has to do do something RL-ish*
[06-14:55] JOIN: Bundy has entered.
[06-14:55] JOIN: Bundy has entered.
[06-14:56] EXIT: Bundy has left the chat ( 3:55pm, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-14:57] ae08c, Levald : hmm, I guess I'll just make sure you do.
[06-14:57] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : The skipping.
[06-14:57] JOIN: Z has entered.
[06-14:58] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (*suffers from multiple personality disorder greatly today*)
[06-14:58] 94c70, Z: heh
[06-14:59] ae08c, Aldrik : I was? *looking down at the food on the table*
[06-14:59] ae08c, Aldrik : (hey Z)
[06-14:59] 94c70, Z: *greets*
[06-15:00] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : *grins* Isnt that what you were trying to do? (hello Z)
[06-15:00] 94c70, Z: *is just here to lurk as usual8
[06-15:02] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : How are you going to do that?
[06-15:03] 94c70, Z: *flips through her characters to see if there is any for her to use by herself.*
[06-15:05] ae08c, Aldrik : no I havent gotten that far
[06-15:08] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : hmm *slightly grinning* How far have you gotten?
[06-15:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-15:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-15:12] JOIN: C has entered.
[06-15:12] 94c70, Z: *pounces C*
[06-15:12] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[06-15:13] e599c, Chewie: Was me. wrong button
[06-15:13] 94c70, Z: oh pfft
[06-15:13] 94c70, Z: well nothing to see here
[06-15:14] e599c, Chewie: Yea, I sure ain't exciting. And no one misses me.
[06-15:15] 94c70, Z: *talked to you last night*
[06-15:15] ae08c, Levald : by taking you here every day
[06-15:15] e599c, Chewie: I know.
[06-15:16] ae08c, Aldrik : I've read the spell a few times and tried
[06-15:16] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : oh
[06-15:19] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : hmm Maybe it's time you started practicing.
[06-15:22] ae08c, Levald : *he smiles looking over to see the waitress on her way back with the tea*
[06-15:22] ae08c, Aldrik : I'll figure it out some time
[06-15:24] 94c70, Z: *is going to go ask for her money back, snores.*
[06-15:27] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : ( ?)
[06-15:27] JOIN: R has entered.
[06-15:28] ae08c, Aldrik : (hmm?)
[06-15:30] 971f0, Ankalima Morwen : (problems Z?)
[06-15:30] 94c70, Z: *boredom*
[06-15:32] 2b286, R : hmm
[06-15:33] e599c, Chewie: Yep
[06-15:39] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Its funny, or odd more like, thinking about Val. As much as we've been through, I dont miss him as much as I thought I would, finding out he's gone again*is so very much lying*
[06-15:41] 94c70, Z: *sighs and wanders off.*
[06-15:47] ae08c, Aldrik : *the waitress hands them each a cup of tea and sets the pot down* thats good, I think.
[06-15:48] ae08c, Levald : *the waitress hands them each a cup of tea and sets the pot down* thats good, I think.
[06-15:49] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *sighing* But what does that say about us? Did our bonding mean as little as that to me?
[06-15:51] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 4:41pm, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-15:56] ae08c, Levald : you would have to ask your self that one
[06-15:58] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : I have, over and over last night. I have no answer for it.
[06-16:04] ae08c, Levald : does your bond to him mean more than that to you?
[06-16:07] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : I thought, oh I dont know what I thought anymore. When I met him, I had been betrayed by one I thought loved me. Val put the pieces back to gether. and he left me. there was nothing that bond could do to stop it.
[06-16:09] ae08c, Levald : *watches her taking a sip of tea* does that mean yes or no?
[06-16:11] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *staring off into the distance, whispering as she realizes what had happened* no.
[06-16:20] ae08c, Levald : then thats your answer *drinks the rest of his tea pouring another cup and drinking half of that before setting it down*
[06-16:26] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *letting a tear slide down her cheek* so much time. How long do I have to go thru the wrong men. Why cant I just find the right one?
[06-16:28] ae08c, Levald : give it time
[06-16:29] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Thats all I have is time. I would just like to spend some of it with someone who loves me.
[06-16:33] ae08c, Levald : thats all anyone wants *he finishes his second cup pouring a third*
[06-16:38] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Is that all you want?
[06-16:40] ae08c, Levald : yes *he says quietly having to swallow the lump in his throat again*
[06-16:45] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : What would you do to find that kind of love? Apparently Ive been doing something wrong
[06-16:53] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-16:54] ae08c, Xyva: I plan to wait till it finds me
[06-16:55] ae08c, Levald : I plan to wait till it finds me
[06-16:57] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : How will you know she's the right one?
[06-16:57] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-16:58] ae08c, Levald : I already do... Im waiting on her.
[06-16:59] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : waiting for her to do what?
[06-17:01] ae08c, Levald : Im waiting for her to figure it out that we're ment to be together
[06-17:11] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : why dont you tell her how you feel?
[06-17:16] JOIN: Z has entered.
[06-17:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-17:18] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Hmm...))
[06-17:19] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (*peeks at wispy* yes??)
[06-17:20] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Nothing...just filling out the registration form for a character.))
[06-17:20] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (ah k. any questions, ask away)
[06-17:21] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-17:22] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Thanks Illisse. ^_^))
[06-17:22] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (*ponders* do I know you?)
[06-17:23] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((No, I'm somewhat of a newbie to this chat.))
[06-17:24] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (ahh )
[06-17:27] ae08c, Xyva: hey will-o *steals Kali* im the newbie mod
[06-17:28] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (Mwahaha you cant steal her, *isnt here*!)
[06-17:29] ae08c, Levald : because I want her to know it for herself
[06-17:30] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : What if she never finds that out?
[06-17:31] ae08c, Levald : then I will be waiting forever
[06-17:31] 11fe6, Mab: and I'm back.
[06-17:32] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (hey Mab)
[06-17:32] 94c70, Aduan: *The days pass one by one. The woman he knows as Aminia still in his ownership. Mab has been treated well during her stay in his personal space. His status under Muna's rule allows him the luxury of space and materials to provide for his Clan, including his women. This space consists of a series of rooms, some are family rooms where those who have families in the clam live together. Other rooms are single rooms, meant mostly for his own women, such as Mab. He has his own personal bed chambers as well. Lastly, there is a common place to eat and a larger room where get togethers are held as well as entertainment. He has ocassionally had Mab sit at his side in these times to let her watch, when he is around. During the times that he is away doing his duties for Muna, he keeps Mab in the room provided to her.*
[06-17:33] 11fe6, Mab: Howdy
[06-17:33] ae08c, Levald : (hey mab)
[06-17:33] 94c70, Z: *is just the evil mod*
[06-17:34] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Levald, is she happy now?
[06-17:34] ae08c, Levald : no
[06-17:35] 971f0, Kali: *lilves here*
[06-17:35] 971f0, Kali: and someday I hope to learn to spell too!
[06-17:36] ae08c, Xyva: *grabs Kali slinging her over his sholder and running away with her*
[06-17:37] 94c70, Z: *snipes Xyva right in the arse*
[06-17:37] 971f0, Kali: AAAKKKK!!!! why did I come in?
[06-17:38] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : *has been spending the days in a kind of moping cooperativeness. It is clear that her spirits have not been lifted. Occasionally, she'll smile at a child running by or some small thing like that, but that is even a sad kind of smile. She sits in her room now, having just finished bathing and dressing*
[06-17:39] ae08c, Xyva: *is sniped with a blank*
[06-17:39] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Then what are you doing here? you should be there for her.
[06-17:41] ae08c, Levald : she knows she can come to me and I will always be here for her.
[06-17:43] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : Like me.
[06-17:45] ae08c, Levald : yes, like you
[06-17:45] 94c70, Z: *As he does each time he returns from serving Muna, he enters Mab's room. This day is different, however. He was later than usual. He had spend extra time cleaning himself up, having required to tend to himself. One arm from the wrist up to just short of his elbow was wrapped tightly.* Aminia, good to see you.. *Did he expect to come in one day and find her there no more? Perhaps, or perhaps there were other reasons for him to check on her when he could.*
[06-17:46] 94c70, Aduan: *As he does each time he returns from serving Muna, he enters Mab's room. This day is different, however. He was later than usual. He had spend extra time cleaning himself up, having required to tend to himself. One arm from the wrist up to just short of his elbow was wrapped tightly.* Aminia, good to see you.. *Did he expect to come in one day and find her there no more? Perhaps, or perhaps there were other reasons for him to check on her when he could.*
[06-17:49] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : You are too good Levald. *taking a sip of her tea and making a face because it was cold* There arent many men like you around.
[06-17:49] 94c70, Z: *types blonde on Illisse's forhead.*
[06-17:50] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : Good to see you too. *said politely and even kindly, because he'd been kind to her, at least after their first unofficial meeting when he was showing off to the other guys. heh. She glances him over casually and then notes the bandage on his arm* What happened to your arm? *furrows her brows in concern*
[06-17:52] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : (close enough)
[06-17:52] 94c70, Aduan: *His fist clenches a little, then relaxes again as he moves towards her.* Just a battle. *Stated as though it were a normal thing.*
[06-17:55] ae08c, Levald : *he gives her a small smile and looks up at the waitress who is standing there with their food*
[06-17:56] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : I hope she finds out what she's been missing.
[06-17:57] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : A battle? With whom? Why? *stands from the bed and tilts her head slightly*
[06-17:58] ae08c, Levald : so do I *looking down at his food*
[06-18:00] 94c70, Aduan: There are creatures that live in the sand that threaten this place and everyone inside. They can live with very little, but they are driven to eating raw flesh. *He comes to a stop a short distance in front of her.* If we don't keep them at bay, they would get inside and eat everyone here.
[06-18:01] 971f0, Illisse Brilthor : *putting her hand out to lightly lay it on his, she whispers* she's a fool to not be with you.
[06-18:04] ae08c, Levald : *he smiles* she doesnt know any better
[06-18:05] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : Why does not your mistress destroy them? *wonders why his mistress even has any of them living in this unhospitable place* How badly were you hurt? Was anyone else injured? *aches to heal, to be useful in a good way again, even if a little bit.*
[06-18:06] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*completes his character form.* Just a long does that usually take? Around a week would be a fair assumption?))
[06-18:07] 971f0, Kali: probably a lot less than that.
[06-18:08] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[06-18:08] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Ah..sweetness. ^_^))
[06-18:08] 94c70, Aduan: They are a good line of defense for us. But, it does come at a price like everything. *He reaches out and takes one of her hands in his.* You are safe. Only one was lost this time.
[06-18:09] 971f0, Kali: hey Oyrin
[06-18:10] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : One was lost!?! *looks aghast at the notion*
[06-18:14] 94c70, Aduan: This was a rather large one. They're dangerous to battle even at their most average. Sometimes men are lost.
[06-18:15] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Creaking....a cart moving into the city. A single occupant holding the reins of the mule that pulls the cart a long pipe coming out of his mouth as he smokes some of the natural leaf.*
[06-18:15] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : but there must be another way. *shakes her head in disbelief and not accepting of that answer*
[06-18:17] 971f0, Kali: wispy you still here?
[06-18:17] 94c70, Aduan: You should not worry yourself over it, Aminia. It's over now.
[06-18:17] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((*is still here, yes*))
[06-18:20] 971f0, Kali: you have any IM?
[06-18:21] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : but it shouldn't have happened. *protests* You serve her so faithfully, yet she cannot defeat such a creature which I know is easily in her powers to do?
[06-18:23] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((Not on this computer, my g/fs house...heh.))
[06-18:23] 35a1c, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((bbl, dinner.))
[06-18:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:23pm, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-18:25] 971f0, Kali: *blinks* alright.
[06-18:25] 971f0, Kali: *vanishes* see ya'll tonight
[06-18:27] 94c70, Aduan: It is one of many of our responsibilities, Aminia.. *He takes a last step towards her to close the rest of the distance between them. He gently releases her hand to bring his hand up to brush a couple of the thin braids in Mab's hair to rest behind her ear.* We won and in celebration of this victory, we shall feast on good meat.
[06-18:28] 4d339, Oyrin Darkune : *Looking around as he makes his way to the glittering inn...yep...he's been away for a few days and his mouth craves that delicious malt beer.*
[06-18:30] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : *looks down. doesn't feel much like celebrating with this news that one was lost* I'm glad that you have reason to rejoice. *softly says noncommittaly*
[06-18:32] 94c70, Aduan: *Lightly brushes his hand over her cheek as he watches her.* Aminia...
[06-18:34] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes? *looks back up at him, meeting his eyes*
[06-18:37] 94c70, Aduan: *He holds her gaze silently for what seems like a long time. * His loss was for those that he cares about. Would you not defend what is important to you the same way if you had a chance?
[06-18:42] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : Yes, of course. *she would and has* but your mistress should have helped you. *she shakes her head and turns, looking down*
[06-18:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-18:47] 94c70, Aduan: That isn't a decision I make for her. *Furrows his brows mildly when she turns from him. He wraps his arms around her waist, gently drawing her to him. He lets his breath lightly brush along her ear and her neck some before he speaks softly to her.* I would do the same, even for you, Aminia. *Considers this for a moment.* I will pardon us from the meal.
[06-18:55] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : *flinches a bit as he draws her near him, mostly a startled gesture. shivers as he speaks softly to her, her breath brushing* Even for me? I would not ask it. *as he considers and then states he'd pardon them from the meal, she looks over her shoulder at him, or as much as she can turn to do so wrapped in his arms* I do not wish to dampen your evening and keep you from your festivities on my account. *sounds apologetic and concerned*
[06-19:02] 94c70, Aduan: *One hand traces its fingers along her exposed side in gentle strokes.* Would you spend the time with me?
[06-19:05] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : *shivers again with his touch* If you wish it. *is lonely and heart broken. Has been scratching a portrait of Galean into a secluded wall in her room where no one is as likely to see.*
[06-19:11] 94c70, Aduan: *His fingers still stroke her side as he holds her to him.* I would be lying if I said I didn't wish it. I would like to know your thoughts on it.
[06-19:13] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : As your equal? *glances demurely over her shoulder in his general direction*
[06-19:15] 94c70, Aduan: As your honest feelings. *Gazes at her as she turns her head to glance back at him.*
[06-19:17] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : My honest feelings are that I am your equal. Can you deal with that? *turns slightly, looking at him expectantly*
[06-19:20] 94c70, Aduan: *His hold around her waist loosens to allow her to turn easily. His hands come to rest on her sides.* I can, but I can't speak for others.
[06-19:24] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : I don't care about the others when I do not have to interact with them. *pulls away a little to move to sit on the bed* How shall we spend our time fasting? *meaning skipping the meal*
[06-19:25] 94c70, Aduan: Who said anything of fasting? *Follwoing her, he reaches for her wrist.*
[06-19:29] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : *lets him take her wrist and stops before actually sitting down* Oh, I thought if we skipped the meal...*trails off, her assumption pretty obvious to the point it doesn't need to be explained out*
[06-19:31] 94c70, Aduan: *Turns her a little so that they are facing each other.* Is that what you think I want from you.?
[06-19:34] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : I am not sure what you want. *looks at him searchingly, unsure*
[06-19:38] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : ((*drinks Minute Maid orange juice. yummy!*))
[06-19:42] 94c70, Aduan: *Watches her for another long a moment.* Nor am I. When I touch your skin, I want to hold you forever. When I am looking into your eyes, I want to stay there forever. I have a strong desire to enjoy at least one kiss. But you have another for these things, I know. All I can do is comfort you.
[06-19:50] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : What is it you hope for? *She can't imagine just giving up on her love for Galean.* Why do you risk so much for me? *speaking of the consequences Muna hinted at here and there. has yet to get that armband tatoo he spoke of*
[06-19:52] 94c70, Aduan: *It has not come time for that yet.* I hope for something good. I take the risk because I feel the risk worth taking.
[06-19:54] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : *smiles every so lightly* What is something "good" in your opinion?
[06-20:00] 94c70, Aduan: So much of it stands in front of me now.
[06-20:06] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[06-20:14] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : So, for me to stand like this is "good" ?
[06-20:17] 94c70, Aduan: *smiles a little at her literal interpretation of what he said.* Maybe not all the time. But the beauty, the kindness, the generousity. These are good things...
[06-20:26] 11fe6, Mab Fairy Queen : You do not know of my kindness or generosity. I've only been taking comfort in yours. I am here in this place not by my will and so felt...entitled to it, I guess. I have not been in a humour to return such acts when they are given to me, partially, I suppose, on some level, I feel it more is owed me for what has been taken and the hurts I've suffered, but you did not cause them.
[06-20:36] EXIT: Mab Fairy Queen has left the chat ( 9:26pm, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-20:37] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[06-20:39] 4f763, Axis : ((helloooo?))
[06-20:47] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 9:39pm, September 06 (CDT) ).
[06-21:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:53] 94c70, Will-o'-the-wisp: *testeses*
[06-21:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:55] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-21:59] 59b01, Kali: *peeks*
[06-22:32] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[06-22:32] ae08c, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[06-22:37] 59b01, Kali: *blinks*
[06-22:44] 59b01, Kali: I wasnt even here again!
[06-22:45] ae08c, Xyva: *grins* looks like your here to me
[06-22:46] 59b01, Kali: *eye shift*
[06-22:47] 59b01, Kali: no Im not.
[06-22:47] ae08c, Xyva: mmhmm thats what I thought *carries her away*
[06-22:53] 59b01, Kali: *flees*
[06-22:54] ae08c, Xyva: *chases*
[06-23:23] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[06-23:23] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Bah...damn pic...))
[06-23:24] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Test.))
[06-23:25] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Ah, better.))
[06-23:27] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((*works on webpage 'til registration comes back.*))
[06-23:29] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Eh, screw it, too lazy.))
[06-23:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[06-23:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-02:36] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-05:09] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[07-05:10] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:09am, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-05:30] 5296a, Kali: hello when you check back anarsil.
[07-06:20] 11fe6, Mab: *ponders updating things*
[07-06:50] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-07:18] 5296a, Kali: *is afraid, very very afraid*
[07-07:20] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[07-07:22] 5296a, Kali: hey. *has to flee again*bbiab
[07-07:24] 5296a, Kali: I'll be back in about 45 min
[07-07:27] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: *leaves the bar and makes his way to his room,at the top of the stairs makes a left and stops at the third door on the right.turns the handle and pushe4s the door open with a click,the room is dark-the3 only light entering through a small window,lights a splint and a candle found on a side board. checks the room and sits on what vaguely passes for a bed testing the springs. removes his sword and bow and lays down.
[07-07:27] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: 45 mins?thats the end of lunch
[07-07:28] 5296a, Kali: sorry, I take kids to school. really bad timing
[07-07:29] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[07-07:29] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: argh#
[07-07:29] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: argh#
[07-07:30] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: you not funny velly unfunny you not funny guy
[07-07:40] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[07-07:48] 6d547, anarsil halfmoon: bye
[07-13:47] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[07-14:05] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[07-14:19] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[07-14:20] JOIN: Polgadis Salri has entered.
[07-14:21] e7c16, Axis : ((hi pol))
[07-14:23] beb5e, Polgadis Salri: (( Hey ))
[07-14:23] beb5e, Polgadis Salri: (( Ill be seein yall ))
[07-14:23] e7c16, Axis : ((leaving so soon?))
[07-14:27] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-16:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-16:15] JOIN: Pedron Nial has entered.
[07-16:18] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *pokes lurkers*
[07-16:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-16:33] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[07-16:34] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Test.))
[07-16:34] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Test again.))
[07-16:36] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *pokes artemis*
[07-16:38] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((*dodges poke, for a Muskiteer-like character he is.* En garde))
[07-16:39] 9cd8c, Kali: *pokes you both!!!!!*
[07-16:40] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *is poked* *turns into D'artagnan* *draws a sword*
[07-16:40] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((*but alas, Kali's finger hits his back and he falls.* Gah!))
[07-16:40] 3605e, Pedron Nial: One for one and one for one!
[07-16:40] 3605e, Pedron Nial: Wait... I think I got that wrong..
[07-16:41] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *launches at kali with my cwazy sword of greatness*
[07-16:41] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Heheh.))
[07-16:41] 9cd8c, Kali: *casts shield, sending pedron flying backwards*
[07-16:41] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((*hopes that his character will be registered, but just in case, prepares a webpage to upload for info.*))
[07-16:42] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *lands in a ninja crouch, turns into Ryu Hayabusa*
[07-16:42] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((*looks to Kali, his hand casually slipping off the hilt of his rapier, smiling nervously.* Heh..heh...ugh...*makes a face, is not planning to draw on her anytime soon.*))
[07-16:43] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *draws the True Dragon Sword, throwing some Shurikens with his left hand*
[07-16:43] 3605e, Pedron Nial: ((*at Kali*
[07-16:43] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[07-16:43] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ((Brb, gonna take a cold shower to cool down...frickin hot over here.))
[07-16:43] 9cd8c, Kali: hello???? *is shielded* dem don work
[07-16:44] 84933, Travis: *boots Pedron*
[07-16:44] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *throws cwazy exploding Shurikens* How d'you like them apples???
[07-16:45] 9cd8c, Kali: *shakes head* dont you read?
[07-16:46] 84933, Travis: *takes away Pedron's toys and bops him on the head with a shuriken*
[07-16:52] 84933, Travis: I always kill the chat
[07-16:53] 9cd8c, Kali: murderer
[07-16:53] 3605e, Pedron Nial: *is bopped* Ow... that wasn't very nice
[07-16:53] 84933, Travis: So?
[07-16:55] 3605e, Pedron Nial: Hmm. Good point.
[07-16:56] 3605e, Pedron Nial: I'm gonna go play combat pillows
[07-16:56] 3605e, Pedron Nial: bbl
[07-16:57] 84933, Travis: ...wimp
[07-16:57] 9cd8c, Kali: *blinks*
[07-16:57] A giant net flies in and catches Kali, Pedron, and Travis!
[07-16:58] 84933, Travis: *blinks and cuts open the net*
[07-16:58] 3adf1, Sileen: Hey!
[07-16:58] 3adf1, Sileen: You're not allowed to do that!
[07-16:58] 9cd8c, Kali: *escapes with travis
[07-16:59] 3adf1, Sileen: Doh..
[07-16:59] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *is back.*
[07-16:59] 9cd8c, Kali: Mwahahaha!!
[07-17:00] 84933, Travis: *tackles Sileen* GOTCHA!
[07-17:00] 3605e, Pedron Nial: NOOOOO I'm in a net!
[07-17:00] 3adf1, Sileen: Welcome back spiffy picture gu-AAAAAAAHH!! *tackled*
[07-17:01] 3605e, Pedron Nial: Oh wait... *climbs out*
[07-17:01] 3adf1, Sileen:
[07-17:01] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *looks to his picture.* Only thing frickin eyes >_<
[07-17:02] 3adf1, Sileen: Yeah... that is kinda creepy
[07-17:03] 3adf1, Sileen: ... Hm.... *opens photoshop*
[07-17:03] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Oooo...if you're going to attempt at eyes, make them ocean blue ^_^
[07-17:05] 84933, Travis: ....I don't know if you've been informed Artemis but unless you tone down your character, and send in a proper form, you ain't gettin regged son.
[07-17:06] EXIT: Pedron Nial has left the chat ( 6:01pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-17:06] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Toned down? I'm not sure I understand...I threw in all those abilities as future things to learn, not what he knows now...
[07-17:06] 84933, Travis: yeah but we don't have those skills in our list
[07-17:06] 84933, Travis: you can't make up your own magic skills
[07-17:08] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Why not? Some can magic up magical spells, why not magical skills? And the character isn't going to be using any of those anytime soon...I was going to pre-approve them before they were even touched.
[07-17:09] 9cd8c, Kali: *sighs* you have to use the spells we have available.
[07-17:09] 84933, Travis: well if you wanna pre-approve them talk to Kali, Mab, or Sileen, I'm the registration admin and we don't have those skills.
[07-17:09] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Well is there a Haste Spell and a Cat's Grace spell? Those are spells from the DnD book at least...those would be the equivalent of what my character possesses.
[07-17:10] 9cd8c, Kali: go look at the level 1 spell list. pick 2 from there.
[07-17:11] 84933, Travis: yeah
[07-17:11] 84933, Travis: you get 2 level one spells and dispell to start with man
[07-17:11] 9cd8c, Kali: and yes we do have d & d spells. but they are edited for using in bettenchi.
[07-17:12] 84933, Travis: If you wanna RP here, and believe me, we want you to, you gotta follow the rules to get regged.
[07-17:16] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *le sigh* Well I must leave to drive my g/f to class. Be back later.
[07-17:17] EXIT: Artemis Zepharin has left the chat ( 6:16pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-17:17] 84933, Travis: well now that that's cleared up...who's up for some tennis? *whacks a ball that hits some random person in the face*
[07-17:18] 3adf1, Sileen: BWAHA!
[07-17:18] 3adf1, Sileen: He left? BOOGERS!
[07-17:19] 3adf1, Sileen:
[07-17:20] 3adf1, Sileen: Someone admire my job dang it
[07-17:20] 3adf1, Sileen: *sulk*
[07-17:20] 84933, Travis: dang girly, good job
[07-17:20] 84933, Travis: hugs*
[07-17:21] 9cd8c, Kali: *applauds*
[07-17:21] 3adf1, Sileen: *hugs* Thanks
[07-17:23] 9cd8c, Kali: *delayed reaction* *ducks*
[07-17:23] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 6:20pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-17:24] 3adf1, Sileen: ...
[07-17:24] 9cd8c, Kali: what?
[07-17:25] 9cd8c, Kali: I was ducking Travis's tennis ball
[07-17:26] 3adf1, Sileen: Oh
[07-17:28] 9cd8c, Kali: *hugs*
[07-17:30] 3adf1, Sileen: Just so they will be in the logs for when he gets back.... better versions
[07-17:33] 9cd8c, Kali: if I see him I'll tell him
[07-17:37] 3adf1, Sileen: o/
[07-17:39] 9cd8c, Kali: heh.. as busy as its been here, he'll see it himself
[07-17:40] 3adf1, Sileen: There is that... dratted school and college interfering with RP!
[07-17:41] 9cd8c, Kali: mmhmm
[07-18:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-18:27] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: AH SWEET SILEEN! The eyes look great!! ^_^
[07-18:28] 9cd8c, Kali:
[07-18:30] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Though not sure whether to use the character or not for its intended use...the uniqueness has been bled from it. >_< *le sigh*
[07-18:31] 9cd8c, Kali: how?
[07-18:32] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[07-18:32] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Eh, just a certain Prestige Class I was attempting to create...I just have to go back to the drawing with the character I guess...I'm just lazy.
[07-18:32] 84933, Travis: yes how?
[07-18:32] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: It should be ok.
[07-18:32] 84933, Travis: I'm a ghost
[07-18:33] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:32pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-18:33] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 7:32pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-18:34] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[07-18:34] 9cd8c, Kali: and Im alone
[07-18:34] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Muwhahaha...I've got eyes!
[07-18:35] 9cd8c, Kali: or not
[07-18:36] 9cd8c, Kali: now, what about this prestige class you're wanting
[07-18:38] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: It was what I had sent in, and Travis had explained that the skills that I had created weren't skills that Bettenchi recognized, hence they did not exist. The skills do become quite strong, but if Mastered properly, which I had no intention of actually doing in the first place. I was merely setting out a path that my character was going to evolve into.
[07-18:38] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: If the character would actually fully master the class in the first place.
[07-18:40] 9cd8c, Kali: hmm. ok. what I'd suggest is to read the board, basic rules and the magic system. each skill or spell takes a certain amount of rl time to master.
[07-18:41] 3adf1, Sileen: I thought if it was within reason, they could have any non related magic skill they wished.. and any spell like skills had to be on the level of level 1 spells to start
[07-18:43] 3adf1, Sileen: *bites Artemis's ankle*
[07-18:44] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: >_O Owww...the skills I had equipped to my character were mild I thought..
[07-18:44] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: I can show you what I wrote if you would like to read it.
[07-18:44] 3adf1, Sileen: Rrr! *arches back and chomps down harder*
[07-18:45] 3adf1, Sileen: Kali helps register. I just chew on people for kicks, and moan and whine at the chat master about species **chomp chomp*
[07-18:45] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *draws his rapier, and aims for the stomach of the animal* Yield! ...oh, and before anything vicious happens, thanks for the picture. ^_^
[07-18:46] 9cd8c, Kali: what you wrote was a lot of power. If what you told travis was true and you just wanted them for future powers you need to just put what you want to have your char start out with and check with one of us about the future skills
[07-18:46] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Well that's what I done I thought...I will do that this time then.
[07-18:47] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *I thought I had done...sorry, dyslexic.
[07-18:48] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *fills out form right now.*
[07-18:48] 3adf1, Sileen: *lets go of his ankle* *sulk*
[07-18:48] 9cd8c, Kali: *hand Sil garlic salt*
[07-18:49] 3adf1, Sileen: And your welcome
[07-18:49] 9cd8c, Kali: what weapon are you putting?
[07-18:49] 3adf1, Sileen: ...Ooo... *eyes his ankle again, holding the salt* This won't hurt me a bit
[07-18:49] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Yeah, the weapon I actually screwed up with be a Rapier.
[07-18:49] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *will
[07-18:50] 9cd8c, Kali: doing what exactly?
[07-18:50] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[07-18:51] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[07-18:51] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Was that directed towards myself?
[07-18:52] 961c2, Joey: (( *blinks and zombiefies * must make plan work))
[07-18:52] 9cd8c, Kali: hey Joey
[07-18:52] 9cd8c, Kali: well yes. I was talking to you. *eye shift*
[07-18:53] 3adf1, Sileen: ...Mew?
[07-18:53] 3adf1, Sileen: Don't listen to her... she was totally talking to her invisible friend
[07-18:53] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Ah...then I'm not sure I Rapier will be doing what? It won't be doing anything...just hanging at my hip I suppose. *shrugs*
[07-18:54] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *is so confused at this point*
[07-18:54] 9cd8c, Kali: ok. so its just a blade and not anything magical.
[07-18:56] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Not at the moment, no. *shrugs* It may be a customized blade, but no magical properties involved.
[07-18:58] 9cd8c, Kali: ok. what skills?
[07-19:00] 961c2, Joey: *screams n slaps wall*
[07-19:00] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: The first skill is Weapon Proficiency with the Weapon of Choice, which would be a Rapier in this case. The Weapon Proficiency skill stacks onto whatever skills the user already has with that weapon, granting a higher accuracy and damage rating because the sword basically instructs the user on how to use the blade more efficiently...the accuracy and damage ratings are up to you.
[07-19:00] 84933, Travis: *blows wall up with c4*
[07-19:02] 84933, Travis: yeah I remember all the skills, still have your reg form
[07-19:02] 3adf1, Sileen: *stomps gleefully on what's left of wall* Take THAT!
[07-19:02] 961c2, Joey: *blinks at travis* damn ... i was SLAPPING that wall
[07-19:02] 84933, Travis: *whispers* She gets violent sometimes...
[07-19:03] 3adf1, Sileen: ... Why are we abusing the wall?
[07-19:03] 84933, Travis: I dunno...he was slapping it...I figured it did something wrong so I blew it up.
[07-19:04] 9cd8c, Kali: *hands you both brooms and dustpans* put it back together
[07-19:05] 84933, Travis: *vaporizes the wall* Put what back together?
[07-19:06] 3adf1, Sileen: Um.. <.< >.> Yeah Travis.. put it back together *flee!*
[07-19:06] 9cd8c, Kali: ok. Im just a bit confused. how does the skill make the weapon become a teacher?
[07-19:06] 961c2, Joey: HAHAHA *laughs* you got to put it together
[07-19:07] 9cd8c, Kali: hmm well Joey, sorry they's nothin lefta youse wall.
[07-19:07] 84933, Travis: *vaporizes Joey* Shush
[07-19:08] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: It doesn't make it a teacher, but because the user can make a deeper connection to the blade, he is able to see how to wield the sword more efficiently. It was poorly worded on my behalf.
[07-19:09] 84933, Travis: and how does one make this connection?
[07-19:10] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Through training and a form of meditation...basically hardcore concentration. The concentration becomes less when the user practices because it becomes easier to make the connection.
[07-19:11] 84933, Travis: so pretty much you wanna be Kenshin with a katana?
[07-19:11] 961c2, Joey: ... is the sword sentient?
[07-19:12] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Kenshin? No, not at all...think of it this way: All things have a spirit, and when the user and the sword become one, they perform more efficiently.
[07-19:12] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: By the way...I've never actually watched Kenshin anyways...heh.
[07-19:12] 84933, Travis: er...with a rapier
[07-19:13] 84933, Travis: so you want all the weapons to have spirits to tap into to become better with them?
[07-19:13] 9cd8c, Kali: and therein lies a problem. inanimate objects with a spirit.
[07-19:14] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ...then like I suggested before this conversation, I will just have to take the character back to the drawing board.
[07-19:15] 84933, Travis: yeah duder, you're gonna have to cause we'd basically be rewriting the chat to accomidate you
[07-19:16] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Well then...looks like I have a bit of writing to do.
[07-19:17] 4f51d, Joey: (( Artemis ... you play ff11?? ))
[07-19:19] 3adf1, Sileen: *whispers* Cows are my friends...
[07-19:20] 84933, Travis: MONKIES! MONKIES EVERYWHERE!
[07-19:20] 84933, Travis: /Stealth
[07-19:20] 4f51d, Joey: (( CACKALS *and dose a huray jump* NO MORE RIDD ... or human ridd anyways* ))
[07-19:20] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: I do not...why?
[07-19:21] 4f51d, Joey: (( *points at your pic* ff11 redmage in full artifact armor *blinks* ))
[07-19:21] 3adf1, Sileen: What happened to Ridd?
[07-19:22] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Ah...didn't know that.
[07-19:23] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[07-19:24] 4f51d, Joey: (( ill tell you on aim))
[07-19:24] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[07-19:24] 84933, Travis: *has sudden urge to be mean to everyone*
[07-19:25] e67a4, Axis : ((*stalks the chat*))
[07-19:25] 9cd8c, Kali: *is mean to everyone*
[07-19:25] bba97, Drake: **Walks in wearing a black bandana and aviator sunglasses** wassup ya lil' bishes?!?
[07-19:25] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Kali, you were actually very helpful...thank you.
[07-19:26] 84933, Travis: *twitches* KILL THE WIGGER!
[07-19:26] 9cd8c, Kali: why thank you arti. *glares around* SEE?? I can be nice!
[07-19:27] 84933, Travis: ...yeah but now he's got a lil brown on his nose...whipe that off bud.
[07-19:27] bba97, Drake: **blats that fool and as gone!**
[07-19:27] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: ...whereas Travis seems to make sarcastic comments at every turn... >_>
[07-19:28] 84933, Travis: *pounds Drake into pieces*
[07-19:28] 84933, Travis: Ya think?
[07-19:30] 3adf1, Sileen: Mew?
[07-19:30] e67a4, Axis : ((well...this is fun))
[07-19:31] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Really..
[07-19:31] 84933, Travis: PEACE I'M OUT!
[07-19:31] e67a4, Axis : ((wonder if htose damn hunters are ever going to get aroudn to stalkign me..))
[07-19:33] 9cd8c, Kali: its too quiet!! *throws you all IC and flees*
[07-19:35] 4f51d, Joey: (( shhh im looking for ridds body ))
[07-19:35] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *looks to become IC, but fills out form first.*
[07-19:36] 9cd8c, Kali: did you just shush me?
[07-19:38] e67a4, Ghouls : *on the northern shores currently diving into the english channel equivelent is an army of ghouls, and a dark form circles abouve them*
[07-19:39] 4f51d, Joey: yes i did OH YEA IM Omnipotent Being
[07-19:40] 9cd8c, Kali: oh really.
[07-19:42] e67a4, Ghouls : *they begin to swim towards Caranthe Ar Feiniel ,alice on their minds*
[07-19:43] e67a4, Ghouls : ((malice))
[07-19:43] 9cd8c, Kali: darn you, you spoiled my post again!
[07-19:44] e67a4, Ghouls : ((darn who? darn me?))
[07-19:45] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[07-19:46] 9cd8c, Kali: yes! I was so thrilled that ghouls finally found a woman.
[07-19:46] 6df9d, Liz: *L*
[07-19:47] EXIT: Artemis Zepharin has left the chat ( 8:35pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-19:48] e67a4, Ghouls : ((ghouls got a woman..not one you know though *sticks teri rottign tounges out at kali*))
[07-19:48] 9cd8c, Kali: ewwww
[07-19:50] 3adf1, Sileen: Someone's got my char who's allied with the ghouls.. I think...
[07-19:52] 9cd8c, Kali: emmm.
[07-19:53] 3adf1, Sileen: How does that relate? It doesn't! I'm just bored
[07-19:53] 3adf1, Sileen: Speaking of which... unless something happens with her soon, need to arrange Aurora escaping
[07-19:54] 4f51d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( MUAHAHAHAHA *is almost ready* ))
[07-19:54] 9cd8c, Kali: *L*
[07-19:54] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *somewhere, in the vast land of QUMAN, a portal activates on top of a small hill, sending out a flash of light and a breeze rippling outward. The light intensifies, then just snaps out as suddenly as it came, revealing seven figures. One woman and six men. All show evidence of great trauma. Of pain, fatigue, and hopelessness*
[07-19:55] e67a4, Ghouls : ((bout time)* soon enough they would begin wading ashore and the silent killign would begin...not wakign a soul if they could*
[07-19:58] e67a4, Bartuc : *the land is a vast open plainwith occasnonly snaking lines of trees. much grass and gently rollign hills*
[07-19:59] EXIT: Riddonnel Doomhaven has left the chat ( 8:54pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:00] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[07-20:00] e67a4, Bartuc : *the sun beats down brutally with littel shade to be found*
[07-20:01] 4f51d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *standing on the shores ... he has been waiting for this moment ... his body is cloaked compleatly in black silk ... not even eyes could be seen from behind it ... he stands there infron of his army waiting for the ghouls*
[07-20:02] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *after a few moments of discussion, the seven start down the hill towards a distant line of trees, reasoning that there'd have to be a water source to support them, as they don't appear to be dead or dying. They do what they can to keep the sun off their heads, though there is'nt much that they can do. Silently, with each step, the exiled queen prays that they'll be found by Bartuc's people soon*
[07-20:02] e67a4, Ghouls : *the ghouls are well armed and approratly armored and they just stride out of the water grinning emacated bodies quickly pickign up into a trot towards the army a dark shape sailign overhead*
[07-20:04] 4f51d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he holds out a hand... it is covered by the silk cloak made in a halt position .. his head would be looking up towards the dark figure*
[07-20:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:05] e67a4, Bartuc : ((waitwaitwait...shouldn't Z be here for this))
[07-20:06] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( Fine. Ooga Boogaing petty people. ))
[07-20:06] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 9:06pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:07] e67a4, Ghouls : *the army keeps trottign and a voice would speak in ridd's head.* {you should just sirrender and make this go quicker]
[07-20:07] JOIN: Aerin Shadowblade has entered.
[07-20:08] 4f51d, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he speeks out from under his hood .... a loud booming sound would echo accross his land* I have a porpasition Lord of the ghouls
[07-20:08] 76b8f, Aerin Shadowblade: ((Oooooh....A battle.))
[07-20:10] e67a4, Ghouls : *the ghouls don't stop walking up the beach drawing weapons* {speak quickly}
[07-20:11] EXIT: Riddonnel Doomhaven has left the chat ( 9:08pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-20:11] JOIN: Riddonnell Doomhaven has entered.
[07-20:13] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: (( first stage of change )) *he speeks again this time yellow eyes lighting up from under the hood* Stop the army and we will talk .... i have a propasition for you , one you will enjoy
[07-20:14] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: (( *also just tesing pic *))
[07-20:14] e67a4, Ghouls : *they slow their advance and then stop but they keep piling out of the water *
[07-20:15] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: You seem to have a goal as i do ... i wish to make a alliance between our forces
[07-20:16] 8ea97, Aerin Shadowblade : ((*Skips out,will come back tommorow.*))
[07-20:17] e67a4, Ghouls : {you wish to ally your...flesh...with my dead? *dry amusment*}
[07-20:19] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: I wish to make flesh become undeath ... i want to grant my people the power to crush all that have wronged us ... and they mush shed the human mortal self to do so *he continues to stair up at the ghould lord*
[07-20:20] e67a4, Ghouls : {You will simply bear your throats to us? what do you desire in return?
[07-20:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-20:23] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: i will do so ... as long as you help me destroy the human kingdoms and there armys ... i want humanity in shambles
[07-20:27] e67a4, Ghouls : {then know this, My mighty general. You are mine from now to eternity. If you swear to this I will allow you to have their hearts for your breakfast meals.}
[07-20:29] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: I can never be fully owned ... i must warn you of this ... i can give you compleat serveses but you may never own me ... i will never let a ghoul take its bite out of me
[07-20:31] e67a4, Ghouls : {as long as you remeber who gives you this gift. And never attepemt betrayel. Now you may want to tell your men to kneel and bare their throats..or just get out of the path of the fighting
[07-20:33] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: these men are ready to accept the gift *he turns his cloaked head towards his men and nods* *in unison there bodys drop to the ground and bow there heads*
[07-20:34] e67a4, Ghouls : *as a reward their deaths would be swift severed spinal cords bitten out throats all very swift and the ghouls completley silent except for gurgles of satisfaction*
[07-20:35] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: *he himself dosent move ... letting the ghouls rush past him... if any got close enough within damaging him his hand would jet out quicker than they could react only to crush there skulls*
[07-20:36] e67a4, Ghouls : *they would just dart around him and under his grapsing hands intent on the feast*
[07-20:36] e67a4, Ghouls : *the feast of his army would take a while*
[07-20:38] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: *he begins to stride towards the lord of ghouls his eyes never leaving the man* The city of the night welcomes you ... make this a haven if you please
[07-20:40] e67a4, Ghouls : Another stronghold is good. *using his real voice slightly hollow sounding as he lands.* Soon I shall bring you to our home.
[07-20:41] e67a4, Ghouls : Tell me does your land have any exports? any major trade?
[07-20:41] 4f51d, Riddonnell Doomhaven: *he bows ever so slightly* may i ask your name?
[07-20:43] e67a4, Ghouls : My of little importance. However you may refer to me as Kronos, or as the dead do, Master. whichever suites you.
[07-20:48] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[07-20:49] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he looks at Kronos* i have been a exile ... i have no major trades unfortonatly ... only an army
[07-20:52] e67a4, Ghouls : All the better. Nobody will notice the fact that every living thing in your lands are dead then.
[07-20:52] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : very true .. though i dont have many visitors so it shouldent matter ... ghoul everything you wish .... these lands are dead
[07-20:52] e67a4, Ghouls : We are a shadow empire. We strike and dissapear. So far we have met no resistance. The advocates of Epoch had potential but no orginization.
[07-20:54] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : i will take my personal guards and my elite guards with me ... i have other plans for them other than ghouling *he flashes a unseen smile* but i might let you have them ... they will be my unit
[07-20:55] e67a4, Ghouls : What are their numbers? *his ashen wings dissapear into his robes*
[07-20:57] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : i have a army about 16300 ... but my total population is much higher obviously
[07-20:58] e67a4, Ghouls : Indeed *cold satisfaction in that voice*
[07-21:00] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : What do you plan to do with your vast army?
[07-21:01] e67a4, Ghouls : Next whipe out the far eastern countries. The ncatch the whole of the west in a pincer. The nwe shall go across the sea. wit hevery battle my army shall become larger.
[07-21:05] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : good .... though i do request the desimation of the human kingdoms .... they do not come here nore even check on me there is a rumor spreadding that i ... am dead *he laughs*
[07-21:06] e67a4, Ghouls : of course I'll kill them all *waves a hand dismissvely* thats most of the fun
[07-21:07] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *a smile spreads accross his face ... he would reveal himself but the time isnt right yet ... he is almost compleaty changed*
[07-21:08] e67a4, Ghouls : *is completley hidden under his robes and cowls gloves and mask...not intending to reveal himself* Is there anyone in particular you haev a gruge agaisnt?
[07-21:10] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : Emania ... the woman who owns that country is named chima ... she is a nucence ... i wish to rid this place of
[07-21:11] e67a4, Ghouls : Hmm Emania. That is nearby yes? They still exist there?
[07-21:12] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : they do .... and it is very close by ... its the only country connected to mine
[07-21:13] EXIT: Riddonnel Doomhaven has left the chat ( 10:12pm, September 07 (CDT) ).
[07-21:13] e67a4, Ghouls : Well I suppose I'll have it overwhelmed in three days.
[07-21:13] JOIN: Riddonnel Doomhaven has entered.
[07-21:14] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he nods in agreement* good
[07-21:15] e67a4, Ghouls : IS the ruler still alive?
[07-21:18] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : she is ... or i presume she is ... i want to kill her my self
[07-21:19] e67a4, Ghouls : Be my guest. I shall leave Emania to you. Take. hmmm ten thousand. Kill every livign thing except soem of the younger ones..for cattle.
[07-21:20] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he bows slightly* yes sire
[07-21:23] e67a4, Ghouls : I shall supply your tailors with Mannossan sliks for your outfits. Very fine stuff and extremly strong. Hmm. Anything else you would like? *is in a good mood apparently*
[07-21:26] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : that is all i need ... *his head jerks towards the city* my castle is in the middle ... please be respectfull of it ...
[07-21:28] e67a4, Ghouls : *there would be a silent exchange between ghoul master and a ghoul....the ghoul would go over to him and report..basically waiting for assignements for where to kill. ghoul mster dissapears* (and so does player. night))
[07-21:29] 60660, Riddonnel Doomhaven : *he also dissapears back towards his castle*
[07-22:38] 9cd8c, Kali: *reads logs* oh joy. ghouls is growing by leaps and bounds and no one is stopping them. ..bettenchi: ghoul world.
[07-22:43] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[07-22:44] 7b633, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *cackals* well thats what happens when no armys rise against a power ... *smiles* ))
[07-22:46] 9cd8c, Kali: so has to get her army going. *curses absent players*
[07-22:46] JOIN: Z has entered.
[07-22:47] 7b633, Riddonnel Doomhaven : yep ... good thing about active chars is that well .... there active
[07-22:48] 94c70, Z: *was wondering why her ears were burning earlier*
[07-22:48] 94c70, Z: *is active when people actually wait for once.*
[07-22:48] 9cd8c, Kali: *nods*
[07-22:53] 94c70, Z: *catches up.*
[07-22:53] 7b633, Joey: oh yea
[07-22:56] 94c70, Z: *pokes Joey for plotting against her*
[07-22:56] 9cd8c, Kali: hehe
[07-23:04] 94c70, Z: *sighs*
[07-23:04] EXIT: Z has left the chat ( 12:04am, September 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[07-23:11] 9cd8c, Kali: *waves at wispy*
[07-23:11] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: *wispy is Artemis.* Hey.
[07-23:11] 9cd8c, Kali: ah
[07-23:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:11am, September 08 (CDT) ).
[07-23:13] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[07-23:13] JOIN: Artemis Zepharin has entered.
[07-23:14] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *whacks Travis with the blunt side of the rapier* >_<
[07-23:15] 9cd8c, Kali: hey!
[07-23:16] 9cd8c, Kali: *thwaps Artemis for Travis*
[07-23:16] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Well he wasn't being very newbie compliant, making sarcastic comments at everything that I said...
[07-23:17] 7b633, Joey: where is travis?
[07-23:17] 9cd8c, Kali: asleep.
[07-23:18] 9cd8c, Kali: where I should be. but I almost never do.
[07-23:19] 9cd8c, Kali: and sorry Artemis.
[07-23:22] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Sorry? For what?
[07-23:22] 9cd8c, Kali: *iritates you all singing toby keith songs* Mwahaha!!
[07-23:24] 9cd8c, Kali: being hard on you about your char.
[07-23:25] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: Oh, nah, you weren' were being pretty level headed about it...hell, you and Sileen were the only ones who actually allowed me to lay it out.
[07-23:25] 9cd8c, Kali: *giggles* thats only cause Sileen was hungry.
[07-23:25] 7b633, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( ... *cant wait to comense the killin* ))
[07-23:27] d2dc2, Artemis Zepharin: *can't wait to be regged.* Heh.
[07-23:28] 9cd8c, Ankalima Morwen : ((*quit killing*))
[07-23:29] 7b633, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( *points at Kali* cant handle the blood can ya? ))
[07-23:31] 9cd8c, Ankalima Morwen : blood I can handle. war I can handle. I cant deal with the one on one assassinations anymore. seeing as I nearly killed Aldrik
[07-23:31] 7b633, Riddonnel Doomhaven : (( damn could use one less person in this place ))
[07-23:36] 9cd8c, Ankalima Morwen : I've been killing for money since I was 15. 10 years. 276 people. I see them all. I know their names. they never bothered me. but almost killing Aldrik? even if it was a mistake, that I cant deal with anymore. (and yes is talking ic so nyah)
[07-23:43] fafbc, Kali: and has been talking to herself once again. *sighs*
[07-23:58] fafbc, Illisse Brilthor : *sitting on her bed in Levalds shop, she's reading for the final time the words for the spell restore blood. , having been practicing on small woodland creatures. and the occassional patient. smiling , rather pleased with the results, she tucks the parchment into her herb pack, digging out a new piece, Heal Major Wounds. with the way things looked, she would need all the healing spells she could learn. reading the arcane elvish, over and over , she fell asleep, resting her head on the windowsill*
[08-00:04] fafbc, Kali: *sighs, taking her babbling self off to bed*
[08-00:05] fafbc, Kali: *ponders changing her char links*
[08-00:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-05:01] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[08-05:05] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[08-05:07] EXIT: anarsil halfmoon has left the chat ( 6:05am, September 08 (CDT) ).
[08-07:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[08-07:15] JOIN: anarsil halfmoon has entered.
[08-07:22] 3bf65, Kali: morning Anarsil.
[08-07:26] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: greetings kali is this thought transference or something ...and how do i know you
[08-07:26] 3bf65, Kali: hmm. good question.
[08-07:27] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: ha ha ha you funny velly funny
[08-07:27] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: got ur email
[08-07:27] 3bf65, Kali: ok
[08-07:28] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: no worries
[08-07:28] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: hows things?
[08-07:28] 3bf65, Kali: *shakes head* that just wasnt right. or fair.
[08-07:28] 3bf65, Kali: good.
[08-07:28] 3bf65, Kali: hows your day?
[08-07:29] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: ok
[08-07:30] 3bf65, Kali: where's your char?
[08-07:31] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: ime in some inn some where,booked aroom for a while and will head off from there
[08-07:31] 3bf65, Kali: *L*
[08-07:31] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: sounds familiar doesnt it!!
[08-07:32] 3bf65, Kali: very
[08-07:32] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: different person though,will probably end up at mabs place sometime though
[08-07:33] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: but not for along time!!!
[08-07:33] 3bf65, Kali: *G* too bad she's not there.
[08-07:33] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: nevermind
[08-07:33] 3bf65, Kali: she's been taken by our resident evilness.
[08-07:34] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: o?
[08-07:34] 3bf65, Kali: muna. evil lady.
[08-07:35] 3bf65, Kali: she's been gone almost as long as someone else I used to know.
[08-07:36] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: aha then this is the chance ive been waiting for!!what better way for a half elven rogue to gain great reward than by saving the faerrie queen#
[08-07:37] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: oh who would that b??
[08-07:38] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: where r you r5ight now
[08-07:38] 3bf65, Kali: a strange lone character. liked to travel by himself.
[08-07:38] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: where r u right now,what dyo mean strange?!*
[08-07:40] 3bf65, Kali: *L* depends on which cchar.. I have 3 free in rua 2 that arent and people just about every where else.
[08-07:40] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: not velly funny
[08-07:42] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: kali is ?kaya is?ankalima is?
[08-07:42] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: where??????
[08-07:42] 3bf65, Kali: kaya is in , main city, ankalima is but busy, illisse is also.
[08-07:43] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: is also ??wot
[08-07:44] 3bf65, Kali: busy, occupied. she's left Val or rather he's left her, gone crazy and she's in rua looking for more healer work
[08-07:44] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: i c#
[08-07:45] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: probably start askin around about half brother,and head off looking for him!!
[08-07:45] 3bf65, Kali: kaya's set up a clothes shop in rua.
[08-07:46] 3bf65, Kali: would be a good start.
[08-07:47] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: they must b very small clothes,i was actually aware of that though as the (phantom drifted by once or twice but cfould not find anything in a nice shade of grey
[08-07:47] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: could
[08-07:47] 3bf65, Kali: hmmm he should come again.
[08-07:48] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: good start??
[08-07:48] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: i think hes a bit past it
[08-07:49] 3bf65, Kali: looking for your brother.
[08-07:50] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: but mayb i can drag him up from the woods ,hes roaming around at the moment in the woods the sun hurts his eyes
[08-07:50] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: so he stays in the shade
[08-07:50] 3bf65, Kali: hmm
[08-07:51] 3bf65, Kali: actually, I do have a char out in the woods around rua
[08-07:51] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: gonna have to make new char up no history again,hahahaha
[08-07:51] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: but there ya go
[08-07:52] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: hav 2 go soon
[08-07:53] 3bf65, Lotesse : ((Lotesse is out there. .. *knows* Ill maybe see you tomorrow))
[08-07:54] a0002, anarsil halfmoon: how know