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[19-09:16] e599c, Chewie: heh
[19-09:16] 2f942, Axis : ((bleargh))
[19-09:18] 1651f, Kali: okay... lets check this.
[19-09:18] 2f942, Axis : ((hrmm missing a few words there))
[19-09:20] 1651f, Kali: and they are all the wrong colors from what they should be.
[19-09:21] 2f942, Axis : ((*has a seizure*))
[19-09:21] 1651f, Kali: *is not amused*
[19-09:27] 1651f, Kali: ok.. fixed that..
[19-09:28] e599c, Chewie: Black on black doesn't go very well.
[19-09:29] 1651f, Kali: was supposed to be a lighter shade of blue and a darker green than that
[19-10:20] 2f942, Axis : (*sigh*)
[19-11:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-13:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-13:30] 83e49, Kali: *lurks*
[19-13:39] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[19-13:41] a1ef4, HulkDogs : HUM
[19-13:41] a1ef4, HulkDogs : How is Kali?
[19-13:41] 83e49, Kali: Kali's not very happy.
[19-13:42] a1ef4, HulkDogs : With me?
[19-13:42] 83e49, Kali: no. just with irl.
[19-13:43] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[19-13:44] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[19-13:44] a1ef4, HulkDogs : Oh. Im sorry. Hope it get better for you.
[19-13:44] 83e49, Kali: *blinks* didn't you just come in?
[19-13:44] a1ef4, HulkDogs : gets*
[19-13:46] a1ef4, HulkDogs : Yea but the whole window like freaked out and the whole chat said action canceled.
[19-13:46] 83e49, Kali: Its done that to me before... just jj being a child
[19-13:49] a1ef4, HulkDogs : Rar, All my fun charaters a stuck in a pauses.
[19-13:50] a1ef4, HulkDogs : a-are
[19-13:51] 83e49, Kali: then you will just have to make another
[19-13:51] a1ef4, HulkDogs : **kills his grammer **
[19-13:53] a1ef4, HulkDogs : I got to many now. I make character to give other people RP. Need to make myself one. Seems like the characters I don't make plans for turn out the best.
[19-13:53] a1ef4, HulkDogs : to-too
[19-13:53] 83e49, Kali: *agrees*
[19-13:54] 83e49, Kali: how many do you have?
[19-13:54] a1ef4, HulkDogs : ** goes to look through the species list **
[19-13:54] a1ef4, HulkDogs : 13.
[19-13:55] 83e49, Kali: *same*
[19-13:59] 8e792, HulkDogs : Same as in your goin to look through species? Or same number of characters?
[19-13:59] 83e49, Kali: chars
[19-14:00] 83e49, Kali: I dont want another species..., now I say that, I'll become something else...
[19-14:01] 8e792, HulkDogs : Why are there so many different species of Elves?
[19-14:02] 8e792, HulkDogs : Well me and my friend are making a new species.
[19-14:03] 83e49, Kali: because there are. actually we have very few considering that there are more than 3 dozen types altogethere
[19-14:03] 8e792, HulkDogs : I think I may make a new Gargoyle.
[19-14:05] 8e792, HulkDogs : Yup Gargoyle.
[19-14:07] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[19-14:08] e62f9, Joey: iv knoticed all my chars seem to be powerhouses ... i need like a Nightmare to have another rare specis to my list
[19-14:08] 83e49, Kali: macho maleness........add centaur to your list.
[19-14:09] e62f9, Joey: maybe ... heh i dont want another char though im content with the 5 i have
[19-14:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:10pm, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-14:12] e62f9, Joey: and zeekan likes to make cloths ... thats not macho
[19-14:12] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[19-14:13] 54fec, Axis : ((rarg))
[19-14:15] 83e49, Kali: yes but he's more mage than tailor isnt he?
[19-14:15] 83e49, Kali: or alchemist.
[19-14:15] e62f9, Joey: hes more hunter than tailor
[19-14:15] e62f9, Joey: hes more hunter than tailor
[19-14:16] e62f9, Joey: spells he dose have are used for hunting mainly ... though i might make him into a fighter mage
[19-14:16] 83e49, Kali: there you go... macho
[19-14:17] 54fec, Axis : ((*eyes them* yawn))
[19-14:18] 83e49, Kali: *narrows eyes* who you lookin at?
[19-14:18] e62f9, Joey: to bad im a skinny white boy ... holy damn so iv been at this new job for only about 2 week .. and to admit it ... it was a wench to lift 90 pound bag of cement ... now its finally getting easy *unloaded about 108 bags of cement today*
[19-14:19] 83e49, Kali: *snickers*
[19-14:20] 8e792, HulkDogs : I would rather unload bag of cement the roof a house. And I did a huge hourse this summer and it get hot up there.
[19-14:21] 83e49, Kali: *blinks* I thought you said you roofed a horse.. *dies*
[19-14:21] e62f9, Joey: its not in the cshade and i work 10 hour days ... every day and sometimes weekends
[19-14:23] 54fec, Axis : ((I get to be bored all day))
[19-14:25] cd8a4, HulkDogs : The thing is on a roof its black and there are stone that hold heat.]
[19-14:26] 83e49, Kali: whats on a roof?
[19-14:26] e62f9, Joey: yep cuase cement and black top dosent ... well anyways i gtg see yall later
[19-14:30] 83e49, Kali: *flees* BBIAB
[19-14:32] 54fec, Axis : (( bored))
[19-14:33] 6af99, HulkDogs : Roof tend to attrack more heat for some reason. I have worked over black top before it not quite as hot. ** meanders away to make a new char **
[19-14:33] 6af99, HulkDogs : But its still very hot. Not saying it isn't,
[19-14:35] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[19-14:37] MSG: Ramzix sent a message to Shakahnna.
[19-14:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-14:40] JOIN: Z has entered.
[19-14:41] JOIN: Shakahnna has entered.
[19-14:44] bc1b6, Ramzix: *Ramzix sit indian style with his sword stucking into the rooftop as he reads his book in faeries*i*
[19-14:45] 54fec, Lethes : *is a farie!*
[19-14:47] a7040, Shakahnna : *is flapping her way to Ramzix but a gust of wind pickes her up and tosses her straight to Ramzix causing her to thud into his chest and land in the pages of the book on her book*owie..*she whimpers*
[19-14:47] a7040, Shakahnna : (cool and the fairies take over muahahaha)
[19-14:49] bc1b6, Ramzix: *he looks at the fairy ((so many ways to spell this.)) then gives her a greeting smile*
[19-14:50] a7040, Shakahnna : *She grins up at him cheeks all red...from the imbaresment of landing into him offcourse*
[19-14:51] 94c70, Z: *might have to disrupt that control*
[19-14:51] a7040, Shakahnna : (*sticks tonge out at Z you love us really)
[19-14:51] 94c70, Z: actually there's a distinct difference between Fairy and Fae
[19-14:52] 54fec, Lethes : ((*shakes fist*))
[19-14:52] 94c70, Z: Yes... yes I do Shak
[19-14:52] bc1b6, Ramzix: What's a fae? I was refering to faeries
[19-14:53] bc1b6, Ramzix: ((woops. brackets))
[19-14:53] 54fec, Lethes : ((We are faires Fae can be anythign else liek ents))
[19-14:54] a7040, Shakahnna : (*grins all big like*)
[19-14:54] 94c70, Z: Fae are the norse version of Fairies, which came from the English I think.
[19-14:54] bc1b6, Ramzix: ((test))
[19-14:55] EXIT: Ramzix has left the chat ( 3:54pm, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-14:55] 54fec, Lethes : ((actually I think fea and fairies both had celtic orgins at least somewaht))
[19-14:55] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[19-14:56] a7040, Shakahnna : (*bites everyone as is a naughty fairy like that*)
[19-14:58] 54fec, Lethes : ((*drains shak's life force*))
[19-14:59] a7040, Shakahnna : (*dies all shriveld like whihc isnt pritty*)
[19-14:59] 94c70, Z: Lethes, Fairies are like americanized Fae Fairies are typically seen as good. Fae are mischieves and obnoxious.
[19-15:00] 54fec, Lethes : ((there are celtic tales referign to faireis though....nothig nlike what we think of them though))
[19-15:00] 0b067, HulkDogs : Is there a icon for Oni yes?
[19-15:00] 0b067, HulkDogs : yet *
[19-15:00] bc1b6, Ramzix: *He strokes her hair with a fingertip*
[19-15:00] 54fec, Lethes : ((nope hulk))
[19-15:01] DICE: Ramzix rolls 12, 5, 5, 13 = 35 on a 4d20.
[19-15:02] 54fec, Sehk: ((we oni are icon-less))
[19-15:02] bc1b6, Ramzix: ((disregaurd that.))
[19-15:02] a7040, Shakahnna : *tilts her head enjoying the attention*
[19-15:03] 94c70, Z: *boredom.*
[19-15:04] 54fec, Sehk: ((*is bored too Z*))
[19-15:05] 94c70, Z: *looks at her chars and ponders RP*
[19-15:05] 94c70, Z: guess I could go through the painful task of filling out the stupid reg thing. *le sigh.*
[19-15:06] 54fec, Sehk: ((*ponders rp as well*but what to rp? bleh))
[19-15:08] bc1b6, Ramzix: *he guestures with this arms to ask if she plans to grow bigger*
[19-15:09] a7040, Shakahnna : *looks up at Ramzix and then to the book*what yuo reading?*she hops to the side and with a little flash of light is in full size mode(brb need snack)
[19-15:14] fffef, Kaya : *joins the fairy convention*
[19-15:16] 54fec, Lethes : *faieres all around as he wlaks through the rua portal to visit Kaya..his armor is in the distinct flowing fae style*
[19-15:16] fffef, Kaya : *pic*
[19-15:17] 94c70, Z: *pokes Sehk* You are RPing
[19-15:18] fffef, Kaya : *blinks..wondering how she got from his arms back to *
[19-15:19] 54fec, Lethes : *well that was a bit ago.....player thought*
[19-15:19] fffef, Kaya :
[19-15:20] a7040, Shakahnna : (back sorry bout that)
[19-15:21] 94c70, Z: *can't find the Oni writeup*
[19-15:22] fffef, Caradhras : its just above the dwarves
[19-15:23] 54fec, Arkady: ((*wolf dances*))
[19-15:25] bc1b6, Ramzix: *points to her then closes the book around his finger to show the drawing of a fairy*
[19-15:26] 54fec, Arkady: *trots along with caradhras a pair of night black wolves with eyes the color of blood*
[19-15:27] a7040, Shakahnna : Oh*she says as she tilts her head all curiously*why?*proding at the ook as she leans on his shoulder*
[19-15:27] fffef, Caradhras : *continues to search with Arkady, his nose close to the ground*
[19-15:29] 54fec, Arkady: *puases in his sniffing lookign up and seeing a dwelling at a decent distance* Mayeb we should start there.
[19-15:29] fffef, Zaeth : *is leaning against a doorway opening out into Ki's garden, staring out into nothing*
[19-15:30] fffef, Caradhras : I suppose its too much to hope that she's there.
[19-15:32] 54fec, Arkady: Maybe...but it's a start and the trail leads that direction....
[19-15:33] 94c70, Z: *cries, had a name for her char now can't remember it.*
[19-15:33] 54fec, Arkady: ((*pets Z*))
[19-15:33] fffef, Caradhras : *takes off at a lope for that house*
[19-15:35] 54fec, Arkady: *does as well, two shapes of night shadow straying into the daylight*
[19-15:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-15:45] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[19-15:46] e2935, Ramzix: *points to her* ~So I can Understand you.~
[19-15:47] a7040, Shakahnna : She looks confused*but...*she bites at her lip*why not talk to me more..wont that work?
[19-15:50] e2935, Ramzix: ~You weren't here. Why do you claim me?~
[19-15:51] a7040, Shakahnna : *She seems to think this over then nudges her way onto her lap*because I can..and your cute*her cheek almost beetroot in colour*
[19-15:55] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[19-15:58] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[19-15:59] e2935, Ramzix: *Smiles a little*~ That and I can't scream outin protest, correct?~
[19-16:00] a7040, Shakahnna : Thats true but do you really want to?*looks oh so cute like*
[19-16:05] e2935, Ramzix: *shakes his head*~I count you a nice friend.~ *not saying only friends though*
[19-16:06] a7040, Shakahnna : *She giggles lighlty but she had hoped it was more but doesnt argue*im glad but I warn you ...i wotn be keen on other girlies*she smiles sweetly*
[19-16:09] e2935, Ramzix: ~There is only our friend Kali. She was my first friend here~
[19-16:11] a7040, Shakahnna : She ok..I like her*So am I aloud to claim you?
[19-16:11] 616b8, Ankalima Morwen : *who btw is just coming down the stairs of the Inn, her cheeks are pinked and there is a soft smile on her face, she's taking the stairs slowly one at a time, almost lost in thought*
[19-16:12] a7040, Shakahnna : (we on roof hunny)
[19-16:14] 616b8, Ankalima Morwen : *kali's inside*
[19-16:14] 616b8, Ankalima Morwen : *for the moment, she may get to you soon or she may not*
[19-16:17] 54fec, Axis : *may eat peoples faces...or may not*
[19-16:17] 616b8, Belthil : *profile test*
[19-16:20] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[19-16:22] 6df9d, Liz: *growls and flops*
[19-16:22] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 5:22pm, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-16:22] e2935, Ramzix: *nods* ~Want to go Inside? my skin is still adjesting to the feel of the air. It's chilling~. It
[19-16:23] 616b8, Belthil : *vanishes again*
[19-16:24] a7040, Shakahnna : *She nods pointing out the fact ehr skin is all goose bumpy with the cold..she gets up but stay in her full form rather than fairy as she thinks Ramzix prefers it*
[19-16:27] e2935, Ramzix: He stands to his feet, using his sword to prop him up. He then pulls the blade from the wood of the inn and resheathes it. He figures he'll take the easy way of going d down the steps*
[19-16:28] e2935, Ramzix: ((stupid scroll bar's in my way. cuts off last 5 characters from veiw))
[19-16:28] a7040, Shakahnna : *follows Ramzix very closely indeed*)
[19-16:31] e2935, Ramzix: Heading out the front door of this now closedshop, he turns for the inn and starts on his way*
[19-16:32] a7040, Shakahnna : *Still following closely but being careful that her bare feet dont step in nay glass which slows her down slightly*
[19-16:33] e2935, Ramzix: ~What do you eat?~
[19-16:35] a7040, Shakahnna : Me....probably the same as you*little smile*thouihg I dont eat as much*said as she sort of slutters over some glass trying hard to keep up*
[19-16:37] a7040, Shakahnna : (whoops slutters being flutters)
[19-16:38] e2935, Ramzix : *He stops and turns to her* ~there's a lot of glass around and you haven't shoes. Why don't you climb unto my back, i'll carry you across.~ y
[19-16:40] a7040, Shakahnna : *seems shy at this idea but does clamber on is as light as a feather on his back*you sure this ok*whisperd into his ear as she goes shy*
[19-16:42] e2935, Ramzix : ~Why would it not?~ *he takes hold of her legs and holds then around his waist so that don't accidentally fall onto the glass or something**
[19-16:42] 94c70, Z: *shnore*
[19-16:43] a7040, Shakahnna : *giggles lightly as she is carried to there destination..not answering his question*
[19-16:48] e2935, Ramzix : *he carries herwith no complain till the reach the front door of the Glimmering* ~It should be ok to set you down here~
[19-16:50] a7040, Shakahnna : oK*she wriggles her way of his back and slides infront of him and opens the almsot skip in her step*
[19-16:51] e2935, Ramzix : *He follows her in, a bit thirsty*
[19-16:52] e2935, Ramzix : ((brb))
[19-16:53] a7040, Shakahnna : *sits at the bar well more on the bartop with ehr legs crossed which probably isnt a wise idea*
[19-16:53] a7040, Shakahnna : (ok)
[19-16:54] e2935, Ramzix : *he takes the stool next to her*~men are staring, Shaka.~ *points to her open legs ((and dress?))*
[19-16:57] a7040, Shakahnna : *She blinks and quickly closes her legs very much imbarrrresed*oops*
[19-16:59] e2935, Ramzix : Yeah.
[19-17:00] a7040, Shakahnna : *goes very much shy and is back on Ramzixs lap in a flash*dont like people staring only you get to
[19-17:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-17:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:01pm, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-17:02] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[19-17:03] e2935, Ramzix : *he orders an ale and a mug of water* ~You're an odd being . I like you.~
[19-17:06] a7040, Shakahnna : Odd in a good way*asked as she looks up stealing a sip of his ale and crinkling her nose*
[19-17:08] e2935, Ramzix : *Why not? He leaned down and kissed her lips softly. There goes his blush, splayed all about his cheeksk*
[19-17:09] NICK: Z changed nick to Telaya.
[19-17:09] a7040, Shakahnna : *her twinkling eyes go wide as he kisses her oh her little cheeks just go reder going speachless*
[19-17:11] fc520, Arkady: ((*howls*))
[19-17:11] fc520, Albrecht: ((*howls also*)
[19-17:12] bc079, Caradhras : *howls too*
[19-17:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-17:12] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:12pm, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-17:12] JOIN: Pol has entered.
[19-17:12] a7040, Shakahnna : (joins in the howling for the hell of it*)
[19-17:13] beb5e, Pol: **Sigh and sits in a beanbag chair, another sigh and then he looks down** Meh...
[19-17:13] fc520, Albrecht: ((quick cameo)) *in Rethwellan a massive man wolf much like the one in hte picture throws bakc his head and holws long and loud his pack mates joining in*
[19-17:13] e2935, Ramzix : ((*chuckles* odd gal)) *He breaks the kiss and looks at her*
[19-17:14] 94c70, Telaya: ((*test*))
[19-17:14] fc520, Albrecht: ((color test))
[19-17:14] bc079, Caradhras : ((ooooooo your new oni?))
[19-17:15] fc520, Albrecht: ((this will bea bit better))
[19-17:15] EXIT: Pol has left the chat ( 6:13pm, August 19 (CDT) ).
[19-17:15] a7040, Shakahnna : *swallows hard and licks her lips*Just friends huh?*voice shaky*
[19-17:16] fc520, Arkady: ((*brushes his fur*))
[19-17:16] e2935, Ramzix : ~Never said that.~
[19-17:18] a7040, Shakahnna : Ohh...I just asumed well...*falls silwent gaze lowerd*
[19-17:22] e2935, Ramzix : ~I've been alone a very long time. but i am still mortal.~ *gives her that boyish smilw that contradicts his ancient eyes*
[19-17:22] NICK: Telaya changed nick to Z.
[19-17:23] bc079, Caradhras : *has suddenly discovered one thing that isnt so great about being a wolf.... stopping in mid lope, he drops to his haunches, turns his head back wards, a hind paw stretching up and forward to scratch vigerously just behind his ear.. making those ooo ooo ooo howling noises as he chases a flea away*
[19-17:23] a7040, Shakahnna : Well you not alone now*said as she curles a strand of her hair around her finger not sure whatr she is suposed to do now*
[19-17:24] 94c70, Ki Razan: (( *hands Caradhras some FrontLine* ))
[19-17:25] bc079, Caradhras : ((*dies*))
[19-17:25] fc520, Arkady: *makes a wolfy chuckling sort of sound*
[19-17:25] 94c70, Ki Razan: (( *has a killer sense of humor* ))
[19-17:27] bc079, Caradhras : *growls*
[19-17:28] e2935, Ramzix : *He smiles to her and sis on the ale slowly*
[19-17:28] bc079, Zaeth : *would so laugh at seeing the wolf act like a pup*
[19-17:29] fc520, Arkady: *sits andlets is tounge hang out as he pants...damn sun was hot* Better?
[19-17:30] fc520, Arkady: *this in wolf tounge*
[19-17:30] a7040, Shakahnna : *watches him sipping the ale*so what now?
[19-17:30] 94c70, Ki Razan: *While Zaeth stands in the door way looking over his well taken care of garden, he is returning. His footsteps make little puffs of dust as they contact the dirt path.*
[19-17:33] bc079, Caradhras : *gives some sort of wolfish cursing, then sighs greatly* yes.
[19-17:33] bc079, Caradhras : *gives some sort of wolfish cursing, then sighs greatly* yes.
[19-17:34] e2935, Ramzix : ~I don't know.~ *shrugs* ~I say we just see where it takes us.~
[19-17:34] fc520, Arkady: *chuckels a bit more* The spell will be degrading soon. Come on we should be close. *would begin loping towards the house again*
[19-17:35] a7040, Shakahnna : *she nods to him taking his ale and stealing a sip*
[19-17:35] a7040, Shakahnna : *then without warning she leasns in kisses him deeply and with a flah she is a small fairy and fluttering off*
[19-17:35] e2935, Ramzix : ~If you'd like you can have it all.~
[19-17:37] bc079, Caradhras : *follows Arkady*
[19-17:38] bc079, Zaeth : *she doesnt see him, still staring out over the garden*
[19-17:39] e2935, Ramzix : ((*gone*))
[19-17:40] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Not sure if he can see the wolves jyst yet. But he too is headed towards his home, growing nearer and nearer. In fact, he is able to see Zaeth within the door way.*
[19-17:41] fc520, Arkady: *he would follow the scent carried o nthe breeze his lope getting faster as he circles wide aroudn the dwellign and unless there was soem kind of fence or wall would be right at the gardens edge*
[19-17:44] bc079, Caradhras : *sticks close to Arkady, sliding to a halt as he catches sight of a man approaching the house*
[19-17:49] bc079, Zaeth : (*got lost*) *she finally shakes her self out of her thoughts, seeing Ki coming home*
[19-17:56] bc079, Zaeth : *pokes for other players*
[19-17:56] fc520, Arkady: ((*looks around for Z*))
[19-17:57] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Nope, no fence as his lands take up more than just that small space. Stopping to stand a few feet away from Zaeth, he gives her a bow of his head.* Good afternoon, Lady.
[19-17:59] fc520, Arkady: *he stops and snifs...zaeth was there...and he creeps closer keepign low until he might see a even woman. he would gesture wiht his head for caradhras to come over beside him*
[19-18:00] bc079, Zaeth : *smiling at Ki, she's glad to see him* Hello Ki.
[19-18:00] fc520, Arkady: ((elven woamn))
[19-18:01] bc079, Zaeth : ((*is both*))
[19-18:02] fc520, Arkady: ((heheh))
[19-18:03] bc079, Caradhras : *slinks toward Arkady, almost rising to his full height as he sees Zaeth*
[19-18:11] 94c70, Ki Razan: You can walk if you wish. *Referring to the fact she didn't have to stay inside. She was more often just within the door or inside than anything.*
[19-18:12] fc520, Arkady: *seizes cardhras by the scruff of his neck and pull him down* how should we reveal ourselves?
[19-18:13] fc520, Arkady: *said very quietly*
[19-18:14] bc079, Zaeth : Oh.. heh. I like it here. Having walls around me again makes me feel safer
[19-18:16] bc079, Caradhras : *tries to stifle a yelp as Arkady pulls him down, his red eyes growing darker* What do you mean how? I just walk in and talk to her.*forgetting he's still a wolf*
[19-18:17] fc520, Arkady: Your a do oyu think they are going to react when you wlak over to them and speak, badly I might add, claiming to be an elf.
[19-18:20] bc079, Caradhras : *sits, almost thumping on his back side. a definite slump to his attitude* erm...
[19-18:20] JOIN: Razalasri has entered.
[19-18:21] fc520, Arkady: yeah...maybe I'll go to human form and tell's better than nothing...
[19-18:21] bc079, Kali: Hey Ras
[19-18:22] a3f9d, Razalasri: [guys, where you at. Fenced enclosure or a building. I see a refernce to walls.
[19-18:22] bc079, Caradhras : That might be better.
[19-18:22] a3f9d, Razalasri: [Kali! ]
[19-18:23] bc079, Caradhras : ((hehe... Hi))
[19-18:23] a3f9d, Razalasri: Does'nt seem to be working.
[19-18:23] 94c70, Ki Razan: As you wish. *Might react oddly to a pair of wolves since wolves aren't native creatures.* You are feeling well?
[19-18:23] fc520, Arkady: ((pah. I have to go for maybe 10 minutes...))
[19-18:23] a3f9d, Razalasri: No not working.
[19-18:24] bc079, Zaeth : ((you spelled it wrong))
[19-18:24] bc079, Zaeth : ((ok Arkady))
[19-18:24]       Razalasri slumps down, cold eyes glowing darker as his ears twitch.
[19-18:24] a3f9d, Razalasri: [Elven ears twitch? Whatever]
[19-18:25] fc520, Arkady: ((bbs))
[19-18:26] bc079, Zaeth : Yes, Ki, Im fine. I ...*pauses for a moment* I keep trying to remember more about my father.
[19-18:27] bc079, Kali: yes they do. which are you talking about though?
[19-18:27] MSG: Razalasri sent a message to Kali.
[19-18:28] bc079, Kali: pfft.. n/m *not reading straight*
[19-18:30] bc079, Kali:
[19-18:30] MSG: Razalasri sent a message to Kali.
[19-18:31] a3f9d, Razalasri: Telling who to email you?
[19-18:31]       Razalasri shakes head, forgetting where he is at for a moment.
[19-18:31] bc079, Kali: thats sn... and email... would be you.
[19-18:32] a3f9d, Razalasri: Gladly child.
[19-18:32] bc079, Kali: *dies* child....
[19-18:33] bc079, Zaeth : ((*nudges Z*))
[19-18:34] fc520, Arkady: ((back))
[19-18:36]       Razalasri smiles coldly. Child. Yes.
[19-18:36] fc520, Arkady: *slowely stands up flowing into human forms and clears is throat politley* excuse me...
[19-18:36] a3f9d, Razalasri: Sending one now.
[19-18:37] bc079, Zaeth : *is completely startled at the sudden appearance of Arkady*
[19-18:40] bc079, Caradhras : *sits quietly watching them all*
[19-18:40] JOIN: Rasalasri has entered.
[19-18:41] 94c70, Ki Razan: *He is about to respond to Zaeth, until he hears Arkady's voice. His hand goes to the hilt of the sword at his side, turning to face the intruder.*
[19-18:43] fc520, Arkady: *crosses his arms over his chest a gesture meant to calm as it would make it hard for him to draw his own weapons.* You'll have to excuse me but my companion and I have been searching for you, m'lady Zaeth, for a while now *says this directly to Zaeth*
[19-18:44] a3f9d, Rasalasri: *noes the hand's motion, drow features breaking into a smile much like a snarl* Not for me i WOULD HOPE?
[19-18:45] a3f9d, Rasalasri: [Damn cap lock. Picks the most foolish times to engage. No yeling intended Ki Razen]
[19-18:46] 94c70, Ki Razan: *His presence apparently ignored by this stranger, he shifts his position to be between Zaeth and Arkady.*
[19-18:46] bc079, Zaeth : *her eyes widen, blood slowly flowing away from her face as she begins to tremble* Z.. Z..Z..*unable to finish the word*
[19-18:46] fc520, Arkady: ((you don't even know where we are do you?))
[19-18:47] bc079, Zaeth : ((I forgot... they are in a private home in Ent'ai...sorry bout that))
[19-18:47] a3f9d, Rasalasri: [Not a clue on this earth. Mind filling me in}
[19-18:47] a3f9d, Rasalasri: {Ah, thank you, I suppose. What about storyline?}
[19-18:48] a3f9d, Rasalasri: {What is going on}
[19-18:49] bc079, Zaeth : ((check your mail?))
[19-18:49] fc520, Arkady: *bows slightly to ki * again I apologize for intruding here. MY name is Arkady. My compainon is Caradhras....and we had to take...drastic matters to get him into your land..namley turning him into a wolf*hopes caradhras takes his cue*
[19-18:50] 94c70, Ki Razan: You are trespassing.
[19-18:50] bc079, Caradhras : *does catch that.. coming out from where he had been hiding, nodding his head low, *
[19-18:50] a3f9d, Rasalasri: {Ah no. But it was empty a moment ago.}
[19-18:51] bc079, Kali: *beats JJ upside the processor with a large stick* keep getting booted
[19-18:52] bc079, Zaeth : *swaying slowly, she does the girlish thing of fainting*
[19-18:53] fc520, Arkady: *sees this* Ah...crud. May we explain what we are here for good sir? *to Ki*
[19-18:53] fc520, Arkady: In more detail that is
[19-18:57] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Turns his attention away as he hears the sound of Zaeth falling. Instantly, he forgets about thse intruders as he goes to Zaeth's aid.* You are causing more harm than good. This I have no desire for. *Carefully, he would pick Zaeth up from the floor intending to take her inside to recover from the fainting spell.*
[19-18:58] 3adf1, Sileen: Someone fainted! Yes! Zaerth's cute!
[19-18:58] fc520, Arkady: *loosk down at caradhras a little confused*
[19-19:00] a3f9d, Rasalasri: {I must go. Farewell all.}
[19-19:01] bc079, Caradhras : *gives Arkady a wolfish... I had nothing to do with it .. look. talking to Ki hoping he might understand him* I'm coming with you.
[19-19:02] bc079, Zaeth : *lays in Ki's arms.. quite dead to the world*
[19-19:11] JOIN: Faeohtar has entered.
[19-19:14] bc079, Zaeth : ((*waves to Faeohtar*))
[19-19:15] fc520, Arkady: *Arkady fades...the rest can go on without me....*
[19-19:15] c6c97, Faeohtar: *walks silently through the alley his dual blades hidden by his cloak as he approaches a beggar*
[19-19:17] c6c97, Faeohtar: (*nods*)
[19-19:20] bc079, Zaeth : (*pokes Z* you want to pause till tonight?))
[19-19:24] c6c97, Faeohtar: *passing the beggar one of his blades begins to whistle as it lashes out severing the beggars head from his shoulders**smiles continuing his walk*
[19-19:35] 94c70, Ki Razan: (( *sighs* if you guys want. I'm sorry. ))
[19-19:37] bc079, Zaeth : ((its ok))
[19-19:52] c6c97, Faeohtar: *licks the blood from the blade before concealing it again*
[19-20:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-21:09] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-22:30] ba19f, Kali: *blinks* where is everyone?
[19-22:36] ba19f, Kali: *sighs and wanders off* If anyone wants me AIM.
[19-23:35] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[19-23:37] 3adf1, Sileen: It's a Drake
[19-23:53] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[19-23:54] 34440, Drake: a little bit
[19-23:54] 3adf1, Sileen: A little bit of Drake? Where'd the rest go?
[19-23:56] 34440, Drake: **points with his bill at the oven**
[19-23:59] 3adf1, Sileen: *falls over*
[20-03:18] [20-03:22]

Chat cleared by Sileen.
[20-03:22] 3adf1, Sileen : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!
[20-03:22] 3adf1, Sileen: Ermpakleer!
[20-03:25] BAN: The Sileen-Dragon has eaten 3adf1 and chews for seconds.
[20-03:25] BAN: The Sileen-Dragon has eaten 3adf1 and chews for 20 seconds.
[20-03:30] 94c70, Z: *pokes Sileen*
[20-04:11] JOIN: R has entered.
[20-04:17] 2b286, King Narmotur : *IN the wake of the recent chaos that'd plagued Narmoturs sham wedding, things had actually returned to quite a peaceful nature, the loss of Ivirel was not that major of a deal and the story had been spun to the public spectators so that'd not look so bad on the Kingdom. But afterwards Narmotur had left the City and escaped with a few servants and others to a secluded location that was unknown to many, and impossible to get to except by watercraft, but even then he always had quite a few guards nearby just in case. For now it was a working vacation though Lord Fyren was handling day to day operations in the Capitol, such as over seeing troop readiness as the possiblity of war still loomed on the horizon. and for the pesky demon? A healthy amonut of gold had been offered in exchange for information pretaining to her and the hostage that she now held, Namy Ivirel of course..*
[20-04:26] JOIN: Haessanga has entered.
[20-04:26] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[20-04:27] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 5:26am, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-04:30] 3adf1, Sileen: He'd probably get that she hangs out at the Glimmering Inn a lot... and that
[20-04:30] 3adf1, Sileen: 's about it
[20-04:33] 3adf1, Sileen: That, and she gets into fights a lot.. she killed a buncha dogs who killed a villanger.. might get that she chaarged into burning houses to save people... various rumors as to why she wrecked the wedding
[20-04:33] 3adf1, Sileen: Wee!
[20-04:33] 3adf1, Sileen: *goes to bed*
[20-05:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-05:50] e3dcd, Kali: *wanders around aimlessly*
[20-05:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-08:56] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-08:57] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:56am, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-08:57] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-08:57] e3dcd, Kali: Hey Axis..
[20-08:57] 99059, Axis : ((hey))
[20-09:06] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[20-09:07] 99059, Axis : ((hi T))
[20-09:08] e3dcd, Kali: Hey
[20-09:08] 1fdcb, Travis: yo
[20-09:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-09:09] JOIN: Chewie has entered.
[20-09:10] JOIN: Arutha Duthain has entered.
[20-09:10] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (Mwaha)
[20-09:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-09:12] 1fdcb, Travis: *runs over and owns Arutha* Battle over mwhahaha
[20-09:12] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (*sidesteps owning and stabs Travis, who owns you all in the forehead* I win)
[20-09:12] 99059, Axis : ((*waves at arutha*))
[20-09:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:12am, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-09:13] 1fdcb, Travis: *backhands Arutha* FACE STABBER!!
[20-09:14] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[20-09:14] f96be, Caradonia: ((Roar!!!))
[20-09:14] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : (*backhanded* That's it! EMBER THE BURNINATOR COME FORTH!)
[20-09:15] ceea7, Ember : *burninates Travis, who owns you all*
[20-09:15] f96be, Caradonia: ((*Dosent care*))
[20-09:15] 1fdcb, Travis: * all ashen*
[20-09:17] f96be, Caradonia: ((*slithers off to get her tea*))
[20-09:17] 1fdcb, Travis: *starts a bbq to roast pigs* Hey, burninator, light the fire buddy
[20-09:18] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *it is now dawn...and the camp has been dismantled, broken down and packed up amongst the soldiers...and there, amongst the smoke and mist of the early morning is Arutha...king of , sitting upon his coal black stallion Midnight, dressed for war...his fitted studded leather armor gleams at the studs when the light touches it, he currently has his helm off of his face...his soulful brown eyes scanning over his troops as they nervously are mounted before him, his face girm, as those who had served with him during the Orcwars would remember...*
[20-09:22] NICK: Travis changed nick to Krondorian Occupational Force.
[20-09:22] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((*with the voice of thousands* Ph34r Us!))
[20-09:22] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *not a warrior, but from , he's volunteered in the service and his helmut is too big, but he can't complain, since he came in last minute and got the helmut for free, along with the rest of his pieced together protection*
[20-09:23] e599c, Pug Duthain: *After checking in with the dragons and ensuring some of the other wizards they'd brought along wer ready, Pug headed towards Arutha. He wasn't nearly as decked out as Arutha, for all that armor would get in the way.*
[20-09:27] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: *and while Arutha is readying himself and his men, Soth's legion of undead warriors are watching, awaiting the coming battle. They're armored and armed, ready for war, their numbers great and their hate greater*
[20-09:28] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *aaaaaaaand he waits*
[20-09:29] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *his rapier hangs at his side as he looks over each man, and the two dragons behind very thankful they are here..without them...he'd be in a tighter spot than he already is...he then raises his voice so that the entire force may hear him* You are the finest our motherland has to offer...You have survived fire...pain...loss...and death....and still you stand!! *he continues in his speech, his voice full of cold, determined conviction* Now is the time that we, the last Sons of have waited for...the time when we rise up against those that would subdue us...when we TAKE BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS! *he pauses, his voice lowering some..but not much* I will not lie to is a desperate fight...and it is likely that for many of us...this will be our final day... and if it should be so... Let us make such an end that will ring throughout ALL -TIME- !! LET US MAKE THOSE WHO HAVE ROBBED US TREMBLE AT OUR DETERMINATION! *he raises his helm, his rapier drawn*
[20-09:31] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((We will not go quietly into the night! We will not fall without a fight!!))
[20-09:32] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *feels all inspired and stands a little taller with his helmut almost obscuring his vision, because it's too big*
[20-09:32] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((Now for for for rage...and the RED DAWN! *</theoden>*)
[20-09:34] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((*whipes away tears* It was beautiful yall))
[20-09:34] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Was ready before and still is. Waits for Arutha to move the army.*
[20-09:35] 99059, Axis : ((*nukes both sides*))
[20-09:36] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *he places his helm over his head, the white cavalry plume of horsehair falls down the back as he calls out once more* Those who stand with me....are my brothers...and as my brothers...we will go forth...and carve our freedom from their carcases! *he wheels his horse around to face the walls of , a grim look on his face* At the ready! *the army takes its positions, half forming up behind Arutha, the other half behind Pug, weapons drawn and readied* At the Quickpace... *he canters off taking his army with him Ember disguising himself as a horseman for the moment*
[20-09:37] ceea7, Ember : ((*burninates nuke away from his side*))
[20-09:38] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: *undead groans, armor clinking together, swords drawing...they're waiting...they want blood*
[20-09:38] 99059, Axis : ((just nukes the orcs then..oh well *roasts a marshmellow over nuclear fires*))
[20-09:38] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *his horse bucks, getting aggitated and he disrupts a small part of the formation as they charge past him and his stubborn mount*
[20-09:40] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Looks to Arutha as they begin to move.* Goodluck today my King. I shall see you again when we meet.
[20-09:43] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : And you as well Cousin... *he dips his head as he leads his group towards the main gates..yes...a frontal devilishly tactially smart like that..disconcert the enemy with a frontal charge...and have another force circle round and flank them...* CHARGE!!!! *with that...the ground errupts into thunder as ian heavy war horses break upon the ground like water over rocks, charging through the charred and bloodstained fields...Ember ends his little spell as he jumps off his horse and takes flight, a primal roar escaping from him...his russet gold scales shining in the sunlight...doom is at hand*
[20-09:45] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: *upon the high walls the archers take up their bows and strike down at Arutha's charging forces, the scum. Overturned pots are scattered about from the oil dumped on the orcs, the walls are scorched from unholy fires and the undead are there, snarling and growling, some speak to each other about feasting on Arutha and his men, they stand ready to be unleashed upon Arutha. The arrows rain down now...and they see the dragon...crap!*
[20-09:46] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *gets back into formation just in time for the charge and his horse decides to get startled and acts up again. Her ends up facing the other way, having turned in circles several times as the other horses charged by. He swears and threatens his uncooperative horse*
[20-09:47] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : Her = He
[20-09:49] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *bodies begin to fall as man and horse get impaled with the arrow barrage...but thats the funny thing about cavalry, they are strong against archers because they constantly not too many bodies litter the ground...Ember swoops down upon the archer positions and breathes a stream of hellfire as he swoops by...and the charge continues...Ember swooping and diving and breathing doom*
[20-09:50] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((*switches writing styles*)) The undead commanders call forth for the infantry to be ready, they all draw their swords and ready their shields. The archers on high burn and would keep firing if not for the fact that the bowstrings would've snapped so they just fall down the walls and shatter. The archers that haven't been hit yet just keep firing.
[20-09:50] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Allows his force to remain together with Arutha's until the last minute before braking off and making for the trip around. The other dragon is still in disquise as they ride on. It' snot yet time to break out the second supise.*
[20-09:51] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *leans down closer to the horses ears and head* Okay, you see that over there? *points over where the charging horses have headed to* That is what is known as a battle charge. It means you're supposed to charge that way and carry me to battle. When you think about it, it's not really that difficult a concept. *horse snorts and moves to start grazing on a bit of grass* Come on now, plenty of time to eat later. We've got a battle to fight. I know horses don't get much of the glory, but you're really not doing much to help in that regard. Do you realize you're giving your whole species a bad name? What would your parents say?
[20-09:52] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((*makes mental note to have Tarence and his mount slaughtered*))
[20-09:56] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((*does likewise and switches writing styles*)) Ember, the great golden dragon again swoops around to breath his own personal hellfire upon the undead archers, arrows that are fired upon him bounce off his aged, tough hide..there is a reason why Dragonscale armor is so prized. Arutha's men near the walls and now it is time for the coldest surprize of them all...mid flight Ember stops...and begins weaving through the magical arts. The sky darkens, and massive hailstones begin falling from the sky, upon the walls and those around the walls... Arutha's boys are not quite at the wall yet but they are closing in. The ice should knock a big enough hole in the wall for Arutha to lead his troops in and kick ass
[20-09:58] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Pug brings his forces around the backside of the city, the dragon in their midst breaks formation and joins Ember in the sky burning the archers along the back wall.*
[20-09:59] ceea7, Ember : ((Burninating the countryside...Burninating the archers! Burninating all the soldiers...and their UNDEAD COMMANDERS! UNDEAD COMMANDERS!!! EEEEEEMMMBBBBEEEEERRR!!!! AND THE DRAGON COMES IN THE NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!))
[20-10:01] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The archers on the tallest parts of the wall are replaced with new archers and then begin raining death once more, the ice hitting the walls in the meantime and knocking holes in them, one of the archer towers is struck and collapses downwards into the field, and there's the other dragon causing damage, burning more archers. The wall finally crumbles and the infantry stands ready, some near the front having been smashed by the wall and ice. The Commanders call for the polemen who rush forth to the front line and ready themselves, planting the spears with their feet, making a wall of spears.
[20-10:01] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : Hup! Hup! *he coaxes his steed to finally give up eating the grass and trot toward the battle, only it isn't a great battle steed. It's a plow horse. By the time Tarence arrived and signed up all the good horses were taken and when Tarence stated his occupations, they smirked and directed him to this, uh, fine animal. Tarence was not so dim as to not realize he wasn't getting the right kind of horse, but he really didn't have room to debate or complain, same as his armour. He's making do. The horse balks as the reach the part with the dead bodies and he coaxes it forward, the din of battle making it hard to hear, even though it's still a ways off*
[20-10:04] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: One last archer fires an arrow before being scorched and toppling over the wall, the arrow flies right towards Tarence. The backside of the city is caught in confusion and the commanders quickly dispatch soldiers to the back to deal with Pug, those blasted Dragons causing so much havoc.
[20-10:05] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Bodies continue to fall from the deadly black and piercing rain of the arrows, man and horse screaming in pain when pierced...Arutha himself takes an arrow in the shoulder...a grazing shot. Pain flashes through his eyes and he too makes a short yell of pain and then spurs his horse faster...the wall of spears coming closer and closer with every moment. Ember swoops down again for another pass of hellfire, this time aimed at the polemen, to disrupt their lines and allow the charge of cavalry a chance to get through before breaking off and heading towards another archer tower
[20-10:06] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Where Arutha had thhe dragon blow down the wall, Pug does his own himself. He uses a spell to unleash rock burning fire. The rock before him melts like plastic. While they wait for the fire to take effect, the men upon the horses prepare to take down those soldiers who've come to deal with them.*
[20-10:08] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *as the arrow comes sailing toward him, he's trying to coax his horse to turn back toward the battle again as it's side stepped a little and he leans back to smack the horse on the rear. As he does so, the arrow goes sailing right in front of his nose and his eyes widen* That was too close! *he coaxes his horse forward* Hiyah! Hiyah!! *the horse begrudgingly moves closer to the battle neighing with nervousness. Tarence fumbles for his sword*
[20-10:11] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The front line of spears wavers only a moment, refusing to give into the fire, their flesh burns, their armor's scorched as well as their arms, but they hold their position. Some of the sword weilding infantry catches fire too, but they also hold their position, not swaying to the fire. One of the commanders calls out, "DEATH TO THE SWINE!" Another of the commanders moves to direct the troops in the back, directing them to attack as soon as the wall melts down and Pug's men are in sight. Another line of polemen is sent to the back to aid in this fight, the majority of the forces dealing with the charge. One of the fallen archers, being a Phyrexian, begins reassembling himself from other dead warriors and takes up a sword when he reforms fully, heading to deal out death to Arutha's forces.
[20-10:16] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : While the lines are wavering...thats when Arutha's force breaks upon them like water over rocks. Every soldier fights his hardest at the forest of spears ready to jab, gouge and kill them. Arutha launches himself from his horse, his rapier at the ready and brings it to bear on the nearest soldier, stabbing the undead thing through its eye socket before recoiling and readying for another attack. Hell has broken loose. Ember is currently swooping and diving, strafing the Occupational Force's center with hellish fires from his mouth.
[20-10:18] e599c, Pug Duthain: *As the wall melts, the dragon swoops down and breathes fire upon the enemy. While Pug is a mage, he saves his magic for use later on.*
[20-10:19] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *He reaches the battle finally and he starts swinging at anything that gets past the other men. Okay, he just isn't a warrior. He's a bard, for crying out loud. hehe*
[20-10:19] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The force of spears, breaks enough to let some men through, then they try to reform and begin stabbing away at the nearest man. Undead warriors come at Arutha and his men from all angles, the only thing keeping them from being killed outright is that the numbers make it hard to get in close. One warrior swings at Arutha, only to miss, hit one of Arutha's men, and then receive a pierced face for his trouble. Flaming warriors in the front and back charge at their enemy, no pain, no fear, just unrelenting hate.
[20-10:22] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *gets his sword caught in an undead's head and can't get it loose. Is playing tug of war*
[20-10:22] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Now after the fire dies down, Pug and his men charge into the city using the hole created by his magic fire. Pug falls back a bit, not being a well off fighter, but is close enough to spur the men on and fighting when he needs to.*
[20-10:24] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: That lone Phyrexian from early is heading for Tarence, a sword in hand, and blood on his mind. The warrior closes in on Tarence. The undead warriors in the back are almost all on fire, but they just move forth, their limbs moving to hit, maim and slaughter the closest living thing.
[20-10:24] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : And so now the slaughter now ensues, and bodies begin falling like rain. Valiantly, Arutha's men pursue their goal of destroying their enemy for their homeland, but alas there are too many of them. They stand and fight with all of their training, passion, and love..for their king..for their country...for their family members that were erradicated in the inital attack, when was lost. Onward they push...through the waves of undead bodies, not a still sword in the group. Ember adds further support with a powerful gust of wind generated by his massive, inhumanly strong wings, meant to knock some troops down.
[20-10:25] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((piccy test))
[20-10:27] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *sees the Phyrexian coming toward him and can't get his sword loose. He lets go of the undead he managed to "kill" relinquishing his sword to it and spurrs his horse forward. He sees a spear sticking out of the kind of horse he feels he should have gotten, only not dead, and manages to yank it out, turning his "steed" to face the oncoming Phyrexian*
[20-10:27] e599c, Pug Duthain: ((I've got about an hour left guys, before I gotta go. Maybe a little less.))*Now Pug unleashes some of his spells, letting lose one that freezes a group of undead who were stuck infront of the spell.*
[20-10:30] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The undead warriors persue their foes, unleashing hell upon those close enough to them, any Phyrexians reforming to cause more trouble. Some of the warriors are blown down by Ember only to return to the fray. Several are blown outright to the back and just begin helping battle Pug. The group of frozen warriors await to either melt or be hacked away.
[20-10:34] e599c, Pug Duthain: *The other dragon does the same as it's kin, stiring up the winds, and occasionally burning the undead between Pug and Arutha's groups. The men with Pug fight hard and valliantly, hacking, slashing, attempting to reunite with their king.*
[20-10:35] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Arutha's forces are nearing the proposed meeting area, where they had planned to rejoin Pug's forces. His boys unleash their own form of hell, fighting with that overwhelming passion that one gets when fighting for their homes. Ember makes one final pass, obliterating those he flies over with a final stream of hellfire. He then sweeps around and lands in the thick of the battle, using his massive forelegs like mythic warhammers, smashing all those around him. His tail likewise cracks and strikes like lightening, sending the head of a Phyrexian rolling past Pug. Meanwhile, Arutha is embattled with two or three undead soldiers parrying, thrusting and dancing past their attacks as best he can.
[20-10:36] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: One of the spearmen launches his spear at Pug before being hit with a blast of dragonfire. Again warriors are knocked down from the great winds, but always the return to their task, to kill their foe, to feast upon them. The Phyrexian begins charging at Tarence, slashing at him, an unholy growl leaving its throat.
[20-10:39] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: One of the warriors dancing with Arutha, lunges forward, as one behind Arutha stabs at Arutha's left sholder. Phyrexian's reforming if they can, gathering up and moving back into battle. A small battalion, unwisely attacks Ember, only to be obliterated outright.
[20-10:41] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *gets sliced along the side of his shoulder as he leans back* Woah! *the horse rears in fright and bucks him off, sending Tarence saling off toward the ground, retains the spear though and is probably better off w/o the horse. The horse charges off away from the battle. Tarence moves to get back to his feet, clutching at his shoulder wound with his free hand*
[20-10:43] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : *a cry of pain breaks free from him, as a soldier takes out the soldier who had stabbed his King, and then moves to his King to remove the weapon...Arutha switches fighting with his right hand and continues hacking and slashing bravely.
[20-10:43] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: And that lone warrior faces Tarence, and speaks, its words almost gurgled, "Foul pig, I shall feast upon you."
[20-10:43] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Pug being a mage and not an outright fighter, doesn't notice the spear comming at him as it slams him in the left shoulder. He's knocked off his horse and onto the ground, groaning as he grabs the shaft and yanks it from his shoulder.* Damn that hurts. *He says as he gets to his feet again and begins to climb back upon his horse.*
[20-10:44] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : I really don't tast that good. *gets to his feet, brandishing his spear, discovering he is more a spear man than a swordman.*
[20-10:50] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: Those undead warriors just won't stop coming. The pyrexians are like roaches, squish them and they just get back up and return to the fight. One of the warriors kills the man who helped Arutha and stands over the king, "Prepare to die swine." The warrior lifts his sword high with a sickening growl. Over on Pug's side, the forces are about even, Undead fighting Living men, hacking, slashing, biting, clawing, whatever means they have to take their enemy out. Tarence's foe begins closing in, its sword held reversed to come in close and slash at the man's throat.
[20-10:51] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((test new pic))
[20-10:51] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((Come get some.))
[20-10:52] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: ((first one was better))
[20-10:52] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *bats the sword away at the last minute, leaning back, a look of fear on his face, what you can see of it under the over sized helm*
[20-10:53] e599c, Pug Duthain: *He sees Arutha on the ground and despite his shoulder being sore, he leaps from the horse into the warrior over Arutha. He wasn't about to lose his cousin. The men continue fighting some making to meet up with Arutha and now Pug.**
[20-10:55] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The pyrexian slams his fist into Tarence's face, and knocks the helmet off his head. The warrior over Arutha hits the ground and begins biting at Pug, his sword having been knocked out of his hand and into a fellow undead warrior's back.
[20-10:55] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : When he lifts up the sword, Arutha makes ready to counterstrike, but Pug takes care of it, and he springs to his feet to finish the creature off in a sweet tag team kind of move. Meanwhile, Ember begins wading through the undead, smacking them around like an enraged pimp looking for his money.
[20-10:59] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-10:59] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: And indeed the forces are trampled under Ember's might, crushed, smashed, broken and split in half. Their numbers have shrank, but they still hold the majority here. And still they came, some of them even managing to climb up on Ember to attack him, though how far that goes remains to be seen.
[20-10:59] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:59am, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:00] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-11:00] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Groans as Arutha steps in and finishes off the undead. Slowly he gets to his feet. Now favoring his left shoulder, more than before. The other dragon continues to burn some but eventually joins Ember in beating on them with claws, tail and arms.*
[20-11:01] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: Stupid dragons! These two alone are beating down the numbers of undead rapidly.
[20-11:03] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Ember begins to shake from head to toe, like a wet dog, flinging undead everywhere, into walls, buildings, other people...that old jazz. He then continues to smash his way through the lines, roaring and such like the badass winged gecko he is. Meanwhile Arutha moves to Pug, still bleeding from his left shoulder as well and begins fending off attackers from his cousin, perhaps giving him an opening to use magic.
[20-11:03] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *as his helm is knocked off, him getting a bloody, but not broken nose, because his helm had a nose guard, he brings his spear in blindly in an upward thrust aimed at the undead's throat and hopefully, with luck, might go as far as into the undead's head, the end of the spear being wedges on the ground and this halfway accidental, halfway desperate move taking advantage of the undead's forward momentum*
[20-11:06] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Excatly the point. The men behind Pug slowly begin to work their way to circle around Pug and Arutha. As Arutha begins fending attackers from him, Pug indeed takes an opening given to use magic. The spell he uses this time is a holy one, knowing the undead hate such a spell.*
[20-11:08] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: Tarence's foe, by sheer luck, would be pierced through the face...going limp and falling apart. The undead's numbers are now sorely low, they only hold their numbers by a small bit compared to the beginning of the battle. One of the undead commanders had hidden and now that he has a clear path he takes off, fleeing the battle. The 3 others stand their ground, fighting now with their men. Steel upon steel, the sound is defeaning. The dragons growl and roar, the undead growling and yelling as well. Silence is a foreigner in this time, but pain is not. Blood is covering the stones, pyrexians trying to pull together only to be squashed by a dragon, or pierced by a wary soldier.
[20-11:09] 99607, Lok : (cameo)*and from high up and far away the whole thign is beign watched by one of hte small gargoyle patrols Lok had out near here*
[20-11:11] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *might be luck, but he'll make it sound like a valiant move in future songs he'll write. His confidence bolstered some, he heads further into the battle, spearing non reforming undead in the heads while they have their back's turned*
[20-11:11] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : back's = backs
[20-11:12] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: Unfortunetly for Tarence, the undead he stab are already real dead...cause he's a silly chicken who's been out of the battle too long.
[20-11:15] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Yes...the ground is stained with ian and undead blood alike... do undead even HAVE blood? Anyways, the tide is turning...and Arutha can sense this. "ON TO THE CASTLE!!" He tries to scream this over the din of battle, but it is unlikely that anyone would hear him. He continues to fight and press on, defending Pug tho is using holy magics for their benefit. Ember is tearing through blindly, smashing the enemy lines like a rabid wildebeest charing over the savannah, stepping on one of the commanders. He pauses and checks under his foot and wipes the remains on a rock.
[20-11:18] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The holy spell if in effect, begins taking its heavy toll, turning undead to piles of stinking ash where they stand when hit. The numbers just keep dwindling. They're practically even with Arutha's initial numbers now.
[20-11:19] e599c, Pug Duthain: *Uses a couple more holy spells before stopping for a while, he must save some for later in the battle, Instead he turns to fire magic, closely followed by ice. Occasionally it's called upon for him to use a sword, which he does, but rather unsteadily. And YES the holy spell is in effect.*
[20-11:21] e599c, Pug Duthain: ((I've gotta go.))
[20-11:21] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: A small group of undead had gone completely primal and torn a living warrior out of his armor and are currently huddled over him, feasting upon him, sickening smacking sounds and gurgling, the blood spills in a great puddle around them.
[20-11:21] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *not a silly coward, just unfortunate. He's trying*
[20-11:21] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *er, not a silly chicken*
[20-11:21] e599c, Pug Duthain: ((*Also gives Arutha permission to NPC him and the rest of his force.*))
[20-11:23] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : And the bodies continue to fall...currently, there is only about 100 left of Arutha's original band of warriors, dragons not included. Blood staining the cobblestone streets of the city as the battle continues to rage. Arutha is currently taking on two swordsmen, one of which should get stabbed before he just barely parries another thrust for his heart. Ember whipcracks the small group of feasting undead with his tail.
[20-11:24] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *if the feasting ones are anywhere near him, he'd come upon them and starts spearing them in the heads while their backs are turned*
[20-11:28] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: Finally, the last of the forces are left, the all gather ahead infront of Arutha's forces...about 150 against 100 now, the holy spell and dragons having done so much damage so quickly now. The last of the undead warriors stand ready, blood stained swords pointed at their foes. This is it, the final showdown of this battle.
[20-11:32] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Indeed..and Arutha has his place in the center, on the front line as the ian troops are forming up, a loud war cry from Arutha in native ian dialect of Common ensues, ehcoed by his troops as they charge..flat out no holds barred, final option, victory or death charge, swords, hammers, maces, and axes at the ready. Ember and Amber the two dragons go about smashing any stragglers and look for survivors among the dead to heal them up good.
[20-11:34] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: The forces clash, the sound of steel hitting steel echoes in the air, war cries cut through, it's all or nothing. Hammer to hammer, sword to sword, axe to axe, the undead forces charge, seemingly more ferocious and unfeeling than before, it's them or Arutha's men and by Sothicus they're gonna make it Arutha's men.
[20-11:35] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *stabbity stabbity stabbity, goes around stabbing any undead that moves even a little*
[20-11:39] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Valor and courage abound in the surviving troops, each man fighting with fortitude of legend..but none moreso than their King. He darts, dashes and stabs, in a seeming dance...such as he was trained. Fannon would be proud. Numbers dwindle on his side, as the undead are still more numerous, though not by much. Pug unleases another spell, sent to blast one of the commanders to their undead-y doom, before staying behind Arutha, who is fighting as a madman.
[20-11:42] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *actually manages to save a few of the real warriors by stabbing some undead that are coming at them from behind. Poetic justice, since the undead would also be coming at the warriors from behind and he's stabbing the undead from behind.*
[20-11:45] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : ((Backstabber))
[20-11:45] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : *did that before they gathered. Player posting late, yeah that's it. *
[20-11:48] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: Undead strike down living, living strike down undead. The forces had dwindled to small numbers but this final clash was of epic proportions, always the end of the battle because that's when things count. Warriors from both sides fall, the undead commanders having fallen, one of them having escaped to make his way to Sothicus. The battle's outcome is decided though, the courage and valor of the ians is too much and in the end, the undead are obliterated, every stinking one of them. Leaving only 50 of Arutha's people though, not a person there left unwounded. The day is won.
[20-11:49] c611d, Tarence Kurandi : ((and I gotta go now.)) *Tarence keeps being a little helpful as best he can, but at least helpful, heroic for a bard who has never trained for battle and doesn't have the mind for it*
[20-11:50] EXIT: Tarence Kurandi has left the chat ( 12:49pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:51] 1fdcb, Krondorian Occupational Force: And so the battle is won, the undead finally finding death, lay bleeding, crushed, mutilated and in piles of ash.
[20-11:51] ceea7, Arutha Duthain : Indeed, the day is won, the fact driven home as Arutha makes that final thrust for the remaining commander, impaling him on half his rapier before booting him off and raising the blood encrusted sword in the air. It glows red in the light of the sun mixed with the blood, and those that remain, cheer, before moving further into the ruined city/state of , to where the banner of the Black Rose flew...only to be taken down, and replaced with the Crimson Eagle on the black background. Arutha's standard and colors. Glorious be this day..512 ian men and two dragons took on and defeated an army 4 times their size. The King...has returned.
[20-11:52] JOIN: Khalek The Changer has entered.
[20-11:53] NICK: Krondorian Occupational Force changed nick to Travis.
[20-11:53] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 12:53pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:53] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[20-11:53] 1fdcb, Travis: Now THAT...was fun.
[20-11:54] ceea7, Steve: Indeed. Epic battles own.
[20-11:55] 1fdcb, Travis: right, now I gotta go and take care of school stuff
[20-11:55] ceea7, Steve: That's cool bro I need to go anyway *hug*
[20-11:55] 99607, Axis : ((that was actually entertainign to watch too))
[20-11:56] 1fdcb, Travis: *hugs* Peace
[20-11:56] 1fdcb, Travis: ah thanks man hehe, glad we could please
[20-11:56] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 12:56pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:56] ceea7, Steve: Proof that me and Travis, who owns you all own you all
[20-11:57] 99607, Axis : ((pah))
[20-11:57] EXIT: Steve has left the chat ( So we make our stand and pray, on this Declaration Day...Gimme Liberty or Gimme Death...I'll fight till my last breath. ).
[20-11:57] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[20-11:58] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[20-12:06] a7442, Kali: Hi Cara.
[20-12:09] 99607, Axis : ((now what to do..))
[20-12:11] a7442, Kali: *ponders cameos*
[20-12:12] 94c70, Z: *poof*
[20-12:14] 99607, Axis : ((waves at Z))
[20-12:14] 94c70, Z: Hey Axis.
[20-12:15] a7442, Kali: hey Z
[20-12:15] 94c70, Z: Hey Kali.
[20-12:16] 99607, Axis : ((*trashes and rusn away*))
[20-12:20] a7442, Queen Nessima : *profile test*
[20-12:20] 94c70, Z: *le sigh* another week of work.
[20-12:20] a7442, Queen Nessima : mwahaha .. it worked!!!
[20-12:21] a7442, Queen Nessima : *pats Z*
[20-12:25] 99607, Axis : ((bored bored))
[20-12:26] 94c70, Z: *too*
[20-12:28] a7442, Queen Nessima : *made it rain on her profile* *is having fun*
[20-12:29] 94c70, Z: *should send in her registrations.*
[20-12:33] a7442, Kali: well I need to get back to cleaning.. but Im having too much fun with these effects right now.
[20-12:33] 274d2, Taulis : ((*darts nessima and takes her profile*))
[20-12:34] a7442, Queen Nessima : AAAArrrggg!!*falls asleep*
[20-12:34] 274d2, Taulis : ((*cackles**))
[20-12:36] 274d2, Taulis : ((I'm off. I'll be back in an hour hour and a half))
[20-12:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:41] a7442, Kali: *dies* earthquake effects in profiles...
[20-12:48] f96be, Will-o'-the-wisp: Roar
[20-12:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:54] a7442, Terra: *profile test*
[20-12:55] 94c70, Z: *wishes she had 'net at work*
[20-12:55] a7442, Terra: ((grr didnt work))
[20-12:58] a7442, Kali: well, I gtg for about an hour.. see ya later.
[20-13:26] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[20-13:27] dab70, Joey: WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[20-13:29] dab70, Joey: (( arutha = joke ))
[20-14:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-14:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-14:01] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:01pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-14:01] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-14:01] 7e274, Axis : ((*peers*))
[20-14:03] 59b64, Kali: *peers back*
[20-14:04] 7e274, Axis : ((*waves*))
[20-14:05] 59b64, Kali: hey
[20-14:07] 7e274, Ghouls : *in mihtrenburg a smalldwarven settlement...about 200 dwarves is attacked swiftly and without warning. After a quick and savage battle the dwarves are taken*
[20-14:11] 7e274, Axis : ((just needed to getthat taken care of))
[20-14:11] 59b64, Kali: heh yup.
[20-14:12] 7e274, Axis : ((hrmm now waht...I suppose Tal'dolen can be attacked soon))
[20-14:14] 7e274, Axis : ((I'll need Z for that))
[20-14:15] 59b64, Kali: *nods*
[20-14:20] 7e274, Axis : ((*sigh* bored))
[20-14:22] 59b64, Kali: you can come help me.. Im deep cleaning my living room.. moving furniture and stuff.
[20-14:25] 7e274, Axis : ((your carpet will be really clean If I burn it))
[20-14:28] 59b64, Kali: then I'd need a new house.
[20-14:30] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-14:30] 7e274, Axis : (point))
[20-14:31] 59b64, Kali: but then I'd have to buy all new stuff.. and with my finances.. Id be sleeping on the floor.
[20-14:32] 59b64, Kali: cooking over a campfire..
[20-14:35] 7e274, Axis : ((alright I won't flame clean your carpets....))
[20-14:38] 59b64, Kali: well thats good... cause right now Ive got bigger problems.. like trying to figure out why this chicken has 2 hearts..
[20-14:40] 7e274, Axis : (())
[20-14:41] 59b64, Kali: *dies*
[20-17:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:02] 3f9fc, Kali: *test*
[20-18:04] 3f9fc, Kali: *snarls*
[20-18:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:21] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:21] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:21pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-18:21] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-18:23] d5d16, Axis : ((*plans the ghoul fortress* it will be great))
[20-18:23] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:20pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-18:23] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[20-18:27] d5d16, Axis : ((*waves at haes*))
[20-18:35] af509, Haesanga: ((Hello.))
[20-18:36] d5d16, Axis : ((wahts up?
[20-18:39] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[20-18:39] 3f9fc, Kali: *pops in* hey
[20-18:39] 07224, Cookie Monster: I'mmm baaaaaack!
[20-18:40] 3f9fc, Kali: *tackles Cookie*
[20-18:40] d5d16, Axis : ((hey all))
[20-18:41] af509, Haesanga: ((Nothing that concerns you.))
[20-18:42] JOIN: Selorf has entered.
[20-18:42] 985a3, Selorf: ((this a midevil RPG))
[20-18:42] d5d16, Axis : ((thats good))
[20-18:43] 985a3, Selorf: ((?))
[20-18:43] 07224, Cookie Monster: *huggles Kali*
[20-18:44] af509, Haesanga: ((yes, very good))
[20-18:44] 07224, Cookie Monster: So what did I miss besides being recaptured by Arutha?
[20-18:44] d5d16, Axis : ((yes it is a medievl fantasty chat))
[20-18:44] 3f9fc, Kali: *purrrs*
[20-18:44] 985a3, Selorf: ((ty axis))
[20-18:45] 3f9fc, Kali: hmm.. Mab's still under Muna's control......
[20-18:45] d5d16, Axis : ((alot of emptiness. np selprf))
[20-18:45] 985a3, Selorf: ((oh one more question.....where is setting? ^i.e. Tavern, town, etc^))
[20-18:45] 3f9fc, Kali: Zaeth has been found.. sort of.
[20-18:46] d5d16, Axis : ((a world called of the main rp places is a tavern though))
[20-18:47] 985a3, Selorf: ((is that where we are now? or is this a multi place RPG?))
[20-18:47] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[20-18:47] 404ef, Travis: Sometimes you wanna go, where everybody knows your name
[20-18:47] 07224, Cookie Monster: Tavern in a city-state called
[20-18:48] 3f9fc, Kali: multi place...its an entire world.
[20-18:48] d5d16, Axis : ((With countries owned by various players))
[20-18:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:48] 985a3, Selorf: ((where am i))
[20-18:48] 404ef, Travis: Selorf, see this link
[20-18:48] 985a3, Selorf: ((where am i))
[20-18:49] 985a3, Selorf: ((ty))
[20-18:49] 404ef, Travis: you're where ever you want, but most of us RP in
[20-18:49] 985a3, Selorf: ((how would i go about getting to the tavern))
[20-18:50] 404ef, Travis: travel through rua
[20-18:50] 404ef, Travis: read the link duder
[20-18:52] af509, Haesanga: ((Crap Muna's still pulling that yay, wow, crap? Mrrr))
[20-18:52] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 7:52pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-18:53] 3f9fc, Ankalima Morwen : *is currently sitting at the bar in the Glimmering Inn, dressed quite unusual for most women around there, soft, leather pants, linen shirt, knee high boots. she's drinking fae wine, waiting for something to happen cuz player is bored*
[20-18:53] 985a3, Selorf: ((are ummm...idk what to call them.....ppl who can morph allowed in here?))
[20-18:54] 985a3, Selorf: ((mind you when i say "morph" i mean ummm.^i.e.WereWolf^))
[20-18:55] 404ef, Travis: not unless you've worked on upper level spells
[20-18:55] 404ef, Travis: you're a newb in here so you'd get two level 1 spells and dispell
[20-18:56] d5d16, Axis : ((see the ghidra..they are the closest we have to were creatures))
[20-18:57] JOIN: Selorf has entered.
[20-18:57] d5d16, Arkady: ((I have two ghidra....includign the king of ghidra))
[20-18:58] 985a3, Selorf: ((im not following...))
[20-18:59] 3f9fc, Kali: Selorf.. you have aim?
[20-18:59] d5d16, Arkady: ((on the board we havea thread for species...the Ghidra are our werewolves/cats))
[20-18:59] 985a3, Selorf: ((my "morph" isnt a what you might call infected with it))
[20-18:59] 07224, Cookie Monster: ((Beastmen))
[20-19:00] 3f9fc, Kali: NO you cant morph here.
[20-19:00] 07224, Cookie Monster: ((As I'm aware, Mab doesn't go for werewolves, so no.))
[20-19:00] d5d16, Arkady: ((AIM kali she can explain it))
[20-19:00] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Arkady.
[20-19:01] MSG: Arkady sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-19:02] d5d16, Arkady: ((If your talkign abotu lycanthropy we don't have it Sel...we do have a species of shape shifters called the ghidra who are basically werewolves/cats))
[20-19:02] d5d16, Arkady: ((their descripton is o nthe board))
[20-19:03] 404ef, Travis: Yeah, but we don't have full on Lycans, so if you were wantin medieval Underworld, sorry. No vampires either
[20-19:04] d5d16, Axis : ((nothing remotly like vamps))
[20-19:06] 404ef, Travis: we have things with pointy teeth, that's about as close as you're gonna get
[20-19:07] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Arkady.
[20-19:07] d5d16, Axis : ((lie me and del...think we lost 'im though))
[20-19:08] 404ef, Travis: I think we scared him away
[20-19:09] 07224, Cookie Monster: o/ for n00b scaring
[20-19:09] 3f9fc, Belthil : ((*purrrs* *pouts* Nothing like vamps?))
[20-19:09] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((*has some nice pointy teeth*))
[20-19:09] MSG: Arkady sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-19:10] d5d16, Arkady: ((*teeth are longer and sharper than del's*))
[20-19:10] 404ef, Travis: *high fives Cookie*
[20-19:10] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *has wings, beat that!*
[20-19:11] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *has dreads!*
[20-19:11] d5d16, Axis : ((aww he's gone? I had just got the grill ready *standing next to a massive grill the flames from which can be seen from space*))
[20-19:12] 3f9fc, Queen Nessima : *is taller than you*
[20-19:12] 404ef, Travis: Sorry bud, no n00b roasting today.
[20-19:12] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Arkady.
[20-19:13] d5d16, Sorceress Tirale : ((*is older than you*))
[20-19:13] 404ef, Travis: Owns you all so be quiet
[20-19:13] d5d16, Axis : ((awwww....and it took so much lighter fluid to get the fire going))
[20-19:13] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *is dang old, you shush*
[20-19:13] 3adf1, Sileen: And no one owns me!
[20-19:14] 3f9fc, Kali: *peers at T* Dun think so.
[20-19:14] 404ef, Travis: eeewww...lighter fluid makes the food taste gross
[20-19:14] 404ef, Travis: Ok so I don't own the two lovely ladies here, but I still own everyone else
[20-19:15] MSG: Arkady sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-19:16] MSG: Arkady sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-19:16] d5d16, Arkady: cookie make every word west...east..nto west...east
[20-19:16] d5d16, Arkady: ((cannot be owned in any of hs incarnations*))
[20-19:17] 07224, Cookie Monster: *snuggles Sileen then slips IC*
[20-19:18] 404ef, Travis: *slaps Arkady silly* Oh but I do own you
[20-19:19] d5d16, Arkady: ((oh but you don't))
[20-19:19] 404ef, Travis: oh but yes my son...oh but yes
[20-19:20] d5d16, Albrecht: *is in Rethwellan on the border with his pack...being the king*
[20-19:20] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *over the lands west of Mithrenburg, into the eastern lands of Rethwellan rides a boar. While this is not too uncommon, it is slightly less common to see a Goblin riding it. And while there are certainly goblin bands spread out across the face of Bettenchi, this one happens to be a representative of a rather large band indeed. Attatched to the back of the goblin is a pole bearing a white flag*
[20-19:24] d5d16, Albrecht: *he is spotted lo and behold by Arkady and his pack. The goblin would find himself surronded by a pack of rather large wolves eying him and his flag*
[20-19:24] 404ef, Travis: *walks around singing* Ring ring ring ring ring ring, banana phone. Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, banana phone.
[20-19:26] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Boar squeels and slides to a stop, tearing up some soil as it does so. It whirls its head left and right, as though looking for a fight. The goblin, on the other hand, looks tickled green and grins around at all the wolves.*
[20-19:26] d5d16, Albrecht: ((abrecht's pack))
[20-19:28] 3f9fc, Kali: *wonders just how green that would be*
[20-19:29] d5d16, Albrecht: *the suddenly stop being just wolves and become much more. The rise up into the shapes like in the pick, all different colors and sizes thoug hall are very large. Albrecht himself looks basically like in the pic, with snow white fur. and they don't look overly happy...but seeing the white flag they do not attack...yet*
[20-19:30] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Goblin grins his pointy teeth. He speaks in common* Want leader!
[20-19:30] 404ef, Travis: I thought it was tickled pink...
[20-19:30] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : ((how would a goblin be pink?))
[20-19:31] d5d16, Albrecht: *Albrecht step forward eyeing him* I am.
[20-19:31] d5d16, Albrecht: *in a rough version of common...wolf mouth not designed for it after all*
[20-19:31] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : How big leader? Sergeant? Captain? Tribe leader?
[20-19:33] d5d16, Albrecht: I lead my pack..I lead my tribe...I lead my nation.
[20-19:34] d5d16, Albrecht: *doesn't add that not everyone follows the leader here*
[20-19:37] 404ef, Travis: *paints the goblin pink*
[20-19:38] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the grin, though it realy shouldn't, spreads wider and reveals a few more teeth. With that the goblin leaps off the boar in front of Albrecht and bows. The flag waves a little close to his face as the goblin does so, as well as when the goblin straightens.* Am Gimbogum, am thoughtspeaker for Jerren Skulldeep, King of .
[20-19:40] d5d16, Albrecht: And what do the goblins want here?
[20-19:40] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Not know. Only have message.
[20-19:41] d5d16, Albrecht: What is your message?
[20-19:43] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Not know. Let me ask. *the goblin tilts his head to the side, goes cross eyed, and begins making funny humming sounds. This would all make perfect sense if Albrecth were an expert on Goblin culture and realized this was a member of the Cobbler tribe, allmost all of whom are at least slightly mad*
[20-19:44] d5d16, Albrecht: *his fellow packmembers eye him and the few with weapons hold them a little more readily seems to them he is more than alittle mad*
[20-19:45] d5d16, Albrecht: ((albrecht and his fellow pacl members))
[20-19:46] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblin uncrosses his eyes and stares off into the distance for a moment. Then his vision focuses on Albrecht and shifts posture to that of a differant person* Want to talk of Alliance.
[20-19:47] d5d16, Albrecht: Between the ghidra and the goblins? Why?
[20-19:47] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : ((You need to do the write up for the Ghidra on the Species list))
[20-19:48] d5d16, Albrecht: ((it's already on there))
[20-19:50] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Because are minor races. Humans, elves, dwarves, orcs. All rule lands. Crush smaller races on whim. ((you've got their kingdom up, but they aren't in the species write up))
[20-19:51] d5d16, Albrecht: ((yeah they are...I didn't make them.)) Hmm and do you haev any others i nthis alliance?
[20-19:53] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : ((Do a "Find on this page" They aren't there)) is allied with Gargoyles.
[20-19:53] 3f9fc, Kali: the Ghidra is listed just under the phoenix
[20-19:54] 3f9fc, Kali: is=are
[20-19:54] d5d16, Albrecht: ((right under pheonix's))
[20-19:54] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*wonders why he didn't see it*))
[20-19:55] d5d16, Albrecht: hmm Gargoyles....I will want to speak with your leader in person.
[20-19:56] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : I am leader, speaking through Gimbogum.
[20-19:57] d5d16, Albrecht: *the warriors shift uneasily* *is a little off-balance from that*
[20-20:00] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblin grins, without showing the teeth, glad to have a reaction* Goblin magic. *a part truth*
[20-20:02] d5d16, Albrecht: I see....What is the point of this allaince? conquering or simple survival?
[20-20:03] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Both.
[20-20:04] d5d16, Albrecht: *they are to fight. grins a little though it looks a little vicous on a wolfs face* Excellent....
[20-20:06] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *The goblin grins, whether this is Jerren's reaction on the other end of the "line" or if this is the goblins predisposition towards violence, its impossible to tell* Am glad you like. Shall actualy meet face to face, or is thoughtspeaker good enough to talk through?
[20-20:09] d5d16, Albrecht: I would like to meet you face to face. easier to talk. *by that he means tell if you are lying*
[20-20:10] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Is fine. Shall come here, or guide through Dark Forest?
[20-20:11] d5d16, Albrecht: Come here this time. I shall visit your forest at another point.
[20-20:12] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Shall be there in three days time. Have offence at riding wolves?
[20-20:13] d5d16, Albrecht: Not especially. As long as they are well kept.
[20-20:14] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the grins for a moment before the smile fades and its eyes glaze over. It snaps back to attention, with a slight crazed look indicating Gimbogum is back to his senses*
[20-20:17] d5d16, Albrecht: Would you prefer to ride back to your peopel or stay here?
[20-20:18] 3adf1, Sileen: AAAAHH!!!!
[20-20:18] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : Jerren wanting stay here and see your people.
[20-20:19] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the concept of I or me not having a particular word in Goblin, its hard for translation of what the individual wants*
[20-20:22] d5d16, Albrecht: Gimbogum may stay in the village near here.... Blood moon! *he says somehting in the Ghidra tounge meaning take him to the guard village and tell them he is an envoy*
[20-20:23] d5d16, Albrecht: *to a ghidra with a redsih round slpotch of fur on his chest*
[20-20:24] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Goblin follows when taken*
[20-20:25] d5d16, Albrecht: ((and faaaaaaaaaaaades to black*))
[20-20:26] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : ((yaaay))
[20-20:27] 3f9fc, Kali:
[20-20:27] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : ((not THAT kind of fade Kali. Get yer mind out of the gutter))
[20-20:27] d5d16, Albrecht: ((*chomps kali*))
[20-20:28] 3f9fc, Kali: *dies* never
[20-20:31] d5d16, Axis : ((*pokes kali*))
[20-20:31] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[20-20:33] MSG: Kali sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[20-20:34] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *pat pats Kali*
[20-20:35] e599c, Chewie: *Lurks*
[20-20:36] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[20-20:36] d5d16, Axis : ((hey drake))
[20-20:38] 3f9fc, Kali: *huggles Jerren and Axis* *waves bye to everyone else* see ya'll later
[20-20:38] d5d16, Axis : ((bye kali))
[20-20:46] 3adf1, Sileen: I'm bored
[20-20:48] 3eb48, Axis : ((you ain't the only one))
[20-20:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:49pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-20:51] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[20-20:51] 404ef, Travis: C IS FOR COOKIE!
[20-20:56] e599c, Chewie: And B is for boredom.
[20-20:56] 3eb48, Ghouls : *Raids mithrenburg*
[20-20:57] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 9:51pm, August 20 (CDT) ).
[20-21:02] 3adf1, Sileen: So.. who wants to go IC? *eg*
[20-21:03] 3eb48, Axis : ((*raids delthoa*))
[20-21:07] 3eb48, Axis : ((*raids sileen and all of her chars*))
[20-21:07] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *munches the nish fleet*
[20-21:10] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *teleports away*
[20-21:10] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *rains greek fire and large boulders and arrows unto the silly monster*
[20-21:11] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *dives amd eats th bottoms of the silly boats*
[20-21:14] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *Actually swims along the nish coast...bored and lookign for good prey*
[20-21:14] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*shoving Lanika IC*))
[20-21:15] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *has the magices cast ice bolt under the ship to freeze the thingie to death, or the ice weighs it down so the ships can move on*
[20-21:15] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((Wait.. ice floats!)) *traps it in ice*
[20-21:16] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *is immune to your puny npc magic lvl 2 it*
[20-21:17] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((Oh.. you went IC. Dang it, am I really going to really have to try and find a way to kill or escape from you? -_-' Dang I wish I had a dragon now..))
[20-21:18] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((I'm nto gonna kill your char..I just want to do a bit of raidign and have someone care. lokken doesn't care howmany of his peopel I kill))
[20-21:20] 07224, Jerren Skulldeep : *cares that Somebody is raiding ships... after all, it weakens a human nation*
[20-21:20] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((Alright then... )) *ships are docked at one of the cities, people are moving about... so on, so forth*
[20-21:22] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((It still bugs me that Lokken thought it was good I was killign his people))*swims in towards the city...has become hungry so he examines the ships...and rears up out of the water plunging back down prolly tearing that ship in half..and would proceed to daintly snap up the crew*
[20-21:23] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((He's a weirdo))
[20-21:24] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *an alert goes out as soon as it rears it's ugly head, people going for harpoons... one such, a large harpoon set up for cases like these, spins around to target the creature as it's busily snapping up people all content like... and fires towards it's body*
[20-21:24] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((from what? a cross bow?))
[20-21:26] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[20-21:27] 1f12f, Drake: hes a pscho, what can i say?
[20-21:27] 1f12f, Drake: pscho with a y even
[20-21:28] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((Basically))
[20-21:28] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *assumes it was somethign powerful and it sinks in..nto doing a whole lot of damage...after all is massive but it snaps it's head aroudn glares and dives heading for the source from under water, smiting another ships underside with his tail on the way*
[20-21:33] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *it sticks in, it's not an intellegant booger, and it hurts... and meanwhile, they are loading another one in*
[20-21:35] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *is far smarter than they think. if they are on a boat he would come directly from underneath it...if they were anywhere near the water like o nthe dock he would come out of the water and his head would snap forward lieka serpents to bite them..prolly takign out a chunk of dock*
[20-21:40] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((I think sileen went away....))
[20-21:41] 1f12f, Drake: yeah, I know... which sucked
[20-21:44] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *On the dock, actually.. and when the head snaps out, a few younger lads flee.. but two older and more expeirienced stay , and as the mouth opens and jerks down, they fire... that large bolt flying up to hopefully embed itself in the creature's brain*
[20-21:46] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *after jerking the thing around to point where the splash and head came up ofcourse*
[20-21:47] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *is too fast for that...the speed of hsi strike woudl carry him close eonugh that the bolt would strike him jus tbelow the mouth and skid along his jaw as he is aimign jus tabouve it himself at the men...the next instant would have the men beign eaten and the dock trashed*
[20-21:48] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((*smites space bar*))
[20-21:49] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *They all die* *yay*
[20-21:49] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((BBL))
[20-21:50] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((bye *sigh*)) *trashes the palce and goes back out to sea*
[20-21:53] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((Nm... can still RP)) *meanwhile, while it's chewing on dock... which, thick wood, he's not THAT massive, not in the head at least, so it's more then one quick chomp and no dock, those standing around begin hurling harpoons towards the thing's eyes, trying to ram roped ones through it's thick flesh, and so on*
[20-21:57] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *sees them coming out of one eyes as he chomps and rears back a few danglign form itsl flesh and spins sweepign his long tail across the whole lot of them with immense speed and force....has had encounters liek this before in his long life*
[20-22:00] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((my typing is horrible today))
[20-22:00] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *Well.. the massive creature, that's a big target, is too fast and tough for their lil harpoons... despite the Species Desc saying harpoons would hurt them, so a lot of peeps are knocked back by that flipper... however, others, quicker, move up the docks onto land, hauling on the roped harpoons that stuck home into the creatures flesh... others moving in to help grab these ropes. One even bolding wrapping his around part of the dock*
[20-22:00] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[20-22:00] c6c97, xyva: hmm
[20-22:01] JOIN: Feaohtar has entered.
[20-22:02] c6c97, Feaohtar: *test*
[20-22:02] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *just yanks. the one aroudn the dock would rip free and those holding on would be swung into the ocean. and palyer thinks the write up could have used alittle more thought in that aspect. would then dive again heading back towards the ship from under water*
[20-22:02] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *rip free from his flesh*
[20-22:06] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *They are harpoons, they aren't going to easily rip out with a shrug of it's scaley shoulders... and the dock is more sturdy then that. One rope might snap, but there are multiple people with multiple ropes.. and even as it would yank to try and get away, people might be yanked off their feet, but more harpoons, roped and not, are being thrown at the creature now*
[20-22:08] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[20-22:08] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *isn't jus ta shrug really yanks. the one attacked to the dock would either tear out of his flesh or the rope would break. and the people who are hodlign ropes are gonan get pulled off their feet by his immense weight turning about and sweepign agian with the tail with bone crushing force*
[20-22:09] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *he's in water.. he can squirm, but he can't dig his heels in and yank*
[20-22:10] c6c97, Drako :
[20-22:10] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *he can throw his wieght about*
[20-22:10] 1f12f, Drake: I got one in creon, one almost to creon, and two in rua
[20-22:11] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *and simply by lifting his head up high he can exert enough force to free him from that one*
[20-22:11] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((nish))
[20-22:12] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *he's 20 men long, a lot of it is tail.. there's more then 20 men throwing roped harpoons and such at him, and they CAN dig their heels in*
[20-22:12] c6c97, Xyva: (I would think a sea serpent could pull more by swimming than trying to walk)
[20-22:13] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *Well, he is next to a dock, and had nicely stopped to chew on deck so he could get plugged. Could he get up to speed from the dock, they'd get yanked no contest, but he's trying to get away right now*
[20-22:13] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *and many of those harpoons would glance off his very thick hide. and would lashe them with that tail and his wieght is more than a match for them...also rope can slip through hands
[20-22:13] c6c97, Xyva: (like gators have tails strong enough to push them 80% up out of the water with thier tail alone, and hes got fins not feet)
[20-22:14] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *also didn't knwo the dock was so immensly thick...*
[20-22:16] 1f12f, Drake: Axis, arent sea serpents supposed to be governed by instinct rather than intelligence?
[20-22:16] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((How hard is whale hide? Anyone know?))
[20-22:17] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((not necessarily. They are not sentient but are s,art))
[20-22:17] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((smart))
[20-22:17] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((beats me. also I haev to go))
[20-22:18] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((It's a dock.. they have huge ships, they have large weapons to hug on those ships. It's gonna be a big dock. Technically, they should also have more then one of those big harpoon things, but I didn't specify before, so I'm not doing anything about that not. And they are clever, as in, they learn not to bash into iron clad ships after hurting their nose, and learn to hit different spots clever, not complex tactics clever))
[20-22:18] 1f12f, Drake: ok, well... I was reading their description, and under type of government it says "feral creatures governed mostly by instinct"
[20-22:18] c6c97, Xyva: (ever touched pleather?)
[20-22:19] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((not=now))
[20-22:19] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((I'm nto doing anything complex...I'm smashing until you stop throwing sharp things))
[20-22:20] c6c97, Xyva: (doesnt say they're dumb under weaknesses)
[20-22:20] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *one way or another is turning and swimming back out..let go or drown their choice*
[20-22:21] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : *swims through a ship as he goes as well*
[20-22:21] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : (( They can get pretty wiley by that time, like that legendary fish you can never catch, only these are likely to be hunting you." They are fish heads))
[20-22:21] 1f12f, Drake: yeah, but they kinda reffer to them like they would a dog... can be trained, it seems they're made more for being owned then played is all Im saying...
[20-22:22] 1f12f, Drake: kinda like the skeletons
[20-22:22] c6c97, Xyva: (I think they would be smarter than moby dick)
[20-22:22] 3eb48, Velkath the Sea Serpent : ((argue later....cuase I'm out. and as the only player of this species I think I should be given some lee way on how I play. later))
[20-22:23] 3adf1, Lanika Chagg'Ra : *sharp wooden shards shred that skin of his, thick, yes, but not THAT thick.. the creatures is now bleeding from holes punches into it, and the 6 foot spear jutting from it's side, and the wood sharps sticking into it*
[20-22:28] JOIN: Z has entered.
[20-22:29] 3adf1, Sileen: ... Remind me not to RP when I'm in a bad mood.
[20-22:29] 3adf1, Sileen: At least RP fights
[20-22:29] 94c70, Z: Get that agression out Sileen
[20-22:36] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[20-22:37] JOIN: gurthar has entered.
[20-22:38] c6c97, gurthar: anyone want a fight to the death they wont loose??
[20-22:38] 3f9fc, Kali: Hi all
[20-22:39] c6c97, gurthar: *test*
[20-22:41] MSG: Drake sent a message to Illisse Brilthor.
[20-22:41] c6c97, gurthar: *pulls out the sword of focus, his anger flaring as he walks, looking for a fight*
[20-22:41] 3f9fc, Kali: oh suuuure make me change chars...
[20-22:43] 3f9fc, Illisse Brilthor : ok Drake.. what was that for?
[20-22:44] 1f12f, Drake: whoa
[20-22:44] 1f12f, Drake: thats what that thing does
[20-22:44] c6c97, gurthar: ()
[20-22:44] 1f12f, Drake: gurthar, are you new?
[20-22:44] 3f9fc, Illisse Brilthor : ummm yeah..
[20-22:45] c6c97, gurthar: (totally *grins*)
[20-22:46] c6c97, Xyva: woohoo im the mod for helping newbies
[20-22:48] c6c97, gurthar: *swings the sword at anyone closes enough to chase cutting anything that looks cutable*
[20-22:48] 3adf1, Sileen: Ain't it cool, Drake? I played with it awhile ago
[20-22:49] c6c97, gurthar: *kisses a slower cripple continuing his rampage*
[20-22:49] c6c97, gurthar: ( I mean kills********)
[20-22:50] 3f9fc, Kali: I wasnt gonna say a word.
[20-22:52] c6c97, gurthar: (so no one wants to fight?)
[20-22:55] 1f12f, Drake: ((do you want that cvharacter?))
[20-22:55] 1f12f, Drake: ((gurthar I mean))
[20-22:55] c6c97, Xyva: (why?)
[20-22:57] c6c97, gurthar: (why?)
[20-22:58] 1f12f, Drake: ((cus you want him to fight real bad, and since its unregged it can kill any of mine.... sooo...))
[20-22:59] c6c97, gurthar: *severs an old mans head from his shoulders killing anythink he can*
[20-22:59] 3f9fc, Kali: drake... he's unreg'd ..he can NOT kill you.
[20-23:00] c6c97, gurthar: (bring it)
[20-23:00] c6c97, gurthar: (not without permission)
[20-23:00] 3f9fc, Kali: 13. A non-registered character cannot kill, capture or maim a registered character without that player's permission. A registered character can kill capture and maim a non registered character without permission.
[20-23:01] 94c70, Z: OMG! *dies*
[20-23:03] 3f9fc, Kali: *narrows eyes* what?
[20-23:06] c6c97, gurthar: *begins cornering people, chalenging them before hacking off their head*
[20-23:06] 94c70, Z: *smites gurthar with the power of Sniper Kitty*
[20-23:07] 1f12f, Drake: it says I can kill him
[20-23:07] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Where is Gurthar doing this all?))
[20-23:08] 1f12f, Drake: can kill maim or capture without permission
[20-23:08] c6c97, Xyva: (were ever the first person wants him)
[20-23:08] c6c97, Xyva: where*
[20-23:09] 94c70, Z: *pokes Delotha.* What'd Delotha do with Ivirel?
[20-23:10] 3f9fc, Kali: didnt I just say that?
[20-23:11] c6c97, Drako : (*eats drake*)
[20-23:12] 1f12f, Drake: yeah, but before that you said I couldnt, just making sure we agreed
[20-23:13] c6c97, gurthar: *cleaves into the side of a young man trying to jump over a cart to get away*
[20-23:13] 3f9fc, Kali: no Drake read down.. I said HE can not kill you....
[20-23:14] 1f12f, Drake: oooohhh
[20-23:20] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((Feeding her to a dragon... nah, she's still at the hide out)) *flash!* *Delotha's in that rocky valley again*
[20-23:20] c6c97, gurthar: *archs the sword down hacking into an ols beggar who fell trying to run*
[20-23:20] c6c97, gurthar: (old*)
[20-23:20] 94c70, Z: M'kay. *was thinking about RPing the char.*
[20-23:21] c6c97, gurthar: (anyone figure out where I am yet?)
[20-23:24] 1f12f, Drake: your in rua
[20-23:25] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( *Doesn't, but hasn't been paying attention.* )) *Still in the Valley of Delotha, for lack of any other name, she still resides. She has since braved using the vial that the mage had given her and found that her words had been true. Near all of her time was spent alone, which was both a blessing and a curse. While alone, she knew that there was noone around to hurt her but it also meant there was little to do but to think.*
[20-23:28] c6c97, gurthar: *kicks a kid against Levalds door slicing his head off and gashing into the wood before going after his next victem*
[20-23:28] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : IIIVIIIREEEEL!! *starts moving around, looking for the elf*
[20-23:28] c6c97, gurthar: (victim*)
[20-23:35] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *At the lake's shore as she often is, still finding the free standing whirlpool an oddity. Shfiting, she lifts her chin from where it was resting on her arms as she hears her name called. With a small sigh she pushes herself to her feet, brushing herself off. Though, brushing herself off was a bit of a pointless motion as she had no clean clothes.* I am here.. *SHe turns a little, looking to see where the Demoness is.*
[20-23:35] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *moves towards her* It's time to get you home... are you ready?
[20-23:38] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She looks away, glancing over her shoulder at the lake. This place, where ever it was, was not a bad place. Her silvery gaze returns its focus on Delotha and she nods.* I'm ready.
[20-23:39] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *holds out her hand* Let's be off, then...
[20-23:41] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Extends her hand, placing it into Delotha's.*
[20-23:42] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *flash-fwoomp!.. and they are standing in front of the Glimmering Inn's portal* I'm going to guess you know how to use this..
[20-23:44] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Glances off to the side.* No.. *Shakes her head.*
[20-23:45] c6c97, gurthar: *fades*
[20-23:47] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *rolls her eyes* Oy... a moon elf, who doesn't know the chant to their own portal. How obnoxious
[20-23:54] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Know what country your home is in?
[21-00:00] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : I'm sorry. Galean never let me use it. *Her brows furrow a little.* Acendawen. *or something, player probably spelled it wrong.*
[21-00:00] JOIN: O.R. has entered.
[21-00:02] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Good enough... we'll start there. Would you say it was more in the east side, or the west side, north, south... or more in the middle?
[21-00:05] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Blinks at Delotha. If she wasn't feeling stupid already, she did now. She frowns a little not having anything to reference to.* I'm not sure.
[21-00:11] JOIN: Cookie Monstert has entered.
[21-00:15] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-00:24] 5e4a2, HulkDogs :
[21-00:27] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 1:24am, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-00:27] JOIN: Chade Rujho has entered.
[21-00:30] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-00:31] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-00:32] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ... *just starts laughing*
[21-00:34] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Shifts nervously. The only reason she had managed to use the portal to leave her home was that she copied what someone that had left before her had done.*
[21-00:37] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : *The portal should have had the chant to get to it on it, shouldn't it?*
[21-00:37] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-00:37] 8c7dc, O.R.: *Does stuff*
[21-00:37] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Player is tired enough to not remember.*
[21-00:38] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 1:37am, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-00:40] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : ((.. GAH!)) *is old, knows a lot of stuff, we'll just assume she knew how to get there, and gets Ivirel there* ((I'm too distracted to RP right now, sorry)) *gone*
[21-00:40] 07224, Cookie Monstert: *scratches chin*
[21-00:40] JOIN: HulkDogsChade Rujho has entered.
[21-00:40] EXIT: HulkDogsChade Rujho has left the chat ( 1:40am, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-00:41] JOIN: Chade Rujho has entered.
[21-00:41] 3f9fc, Kali: *yawns and wanders off to bed*
[21-00:44] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-00:44] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-00:44] 5e4a2, HulkDogs : ** goes insane **
[21-00:46] 5e4a2, HulkDogs : Hello? ** his word echos **
[21-00:50] 94c70, Z: *slink*
[21-00:51] 5e4a2, Hulkdogs : ** tackles Z **
[21-00:54] 94c70, Z: *splats*
[21-00:57] 5e4a2, Hulkdogs : ** grabs her thumb and blows on it making her unsplatted **
[21-01:02] 5e4a2, Hulkdogs : ** runs off to bed ** NIght
[21-01:41] JOIN: R has entered.
[21-01:46] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[21-01:52] 3adf1, Aegnor: *The darkness of the countryside, raw and natural - its essance rarely touched by man - is broken only by the Forbidden City, an apparent bastion of light to the curtains of black. Far to the East, the horizon lightens in preperation of the coming dawn. The city is resting peacefully, the first long peace after ages of internal war... There is one, however, standing at the battlements, that is not sleeping as restfully as those under his sworn protection. The cities' gates are shut tight, the walls are fortified and guarded, and the men are ready... drawn tight as a bowman's string. There have been surprisingly few casualties in training. Aegnor attributes that to the seasoned man leading them, one of the elite demon slayers, the En'Tai's most valued warriors.*
[21-02:02] 3adf1, Aegnor: *The En'Tai, with Aegnor guidance, slowly rescinds out of the ages of isolationism, and rises toward opening its harbers to trade... Aegnor is, however, very mindful of the spirit of this nation, and he will not see it lost. This place has the power to change the world with its essence.*
[21-02:03] 165d2, Mab: *dumdeedumm, organizes and readies* Of course, I missed Hulk. *grumbles*
[21-02:03] 3adf1, Aegnor: ((Trust me. You didn't miss anything.))
[21-02:04] 94c70, Z: *pets Aegnor*
[21-02:05] 3adf1, Aegnor: ((I'd purr but my motors broken.))
[21-02:05] 94c70, Z: Aww.. poor guy.
[21-02:12] 165d2, Miakuti : *is still skitting about the palace grounds of the forbidden city, grabbing food when she can and hiding, looking for the one responsible for her being here, not knowing she did it herself*
[21-02:16] 3adf1, Aegnor: *Aegnor retreats to his chambers to get what sleep he can. It has been broken as of late by nightmares of dark days... unrelated to the creatures themselves, save for a few. And when dreams no longer bring peace, it is said, a being is truly damned. Is he? Or perhaps chained is a more appropriate term. Chained to this fate, and no other. To lead these honorable warriors into the battle of their age. It is an honor, and a burden... but it is to bear. There is some comfort in that, dictates his thoughts, as he prepares to sleep. There is more comfort now that the city is at least defensable, but not much. It is not in the defenses he places his faith, but in the men manning them. That, too, is encouraging... for it is hard to come by a more elite army. Flesh is as steel in the proper mold, blood is as fire. Soon there would be enough of that...*
[21-02:17] 94c70, Ki Razan: *Is in En'Tai somewhere too, semi-paused with Zaeth as there has not been a whole lot else of much for him to do.*
[21-02:20] 3adf1, Aegnor: *His thoughts remain on blood and war as sleep closes in. Gone for now.*
[21-02:34] 94c70, Muna : *She has left Mab in the care of one of many of her servants. She had what she wanted to know. Now, she would record this information in her library and then prepare for the changes in her plans this created.*
[21-02:40] JOIN: Abidemi has entered.
[21-02:41] 94c70, Aduan: (*test*)
[21-02:44] 2b286, Abidemi : ((hmm))
[21-04:09] 3adf1, Delotha Feanor : Argh
[21-04:09] 3adf1, Sileen: Argh
[21-08:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-09:45] 0e08a, Kali: *peeks*
[21-11:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-11:02] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:02pm, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-11:03] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[21-11:42] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[21-11:52] 8353d, Axis : ((sigh))
[21-13:12] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-13:47] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[21-14:56] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-14:57] 288a2, Joey: whos all lurky?
[21-15:18] ceea7, Sinder : *lurks and plots evil things*
[21-15:20] EXIT: Joey has left the chat ( 3:57pm, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-15:21] JOIN: Golem Of Amroth has entered.
[21-15:23] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *his steps are slow .. the ground around him sems to sink with each step ... his body , made out of polished steel he makes his way down the Raupenchi main road ... a small sack in his right hand*
[21-15:25] ceea7, Sinder : *is resting up in a tree, draped over one branch, his back against the trunk. His left leg dangles from the branch while is right leg is propped up...his silver hair reaching well past his waist, and he has 3 tails of course..., he sleeps clutching an old, poor looking sword*
[21-15:28] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : * he knows exzatly wher he is headed ... and even if a flea dident want to be found he would find it ... so he veers off the road sinkingly slithy into the dirt as he walks ... silver eyes staring into a void*
[21-15:29] ceea7, Sinder : *he's currently napping, so he doesnt care...his ears do twich about though hearing the usual humdrum traffic of people along the main road*
[21-15:32] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *he reaches the fox boy quickly his head dosent even look up to see the fox ... he knows he is there ... a strok steel hand moves out and pushes against the tree and trys to shake it*
[21-15:32] 0e08a, Kali: *is apparently late on the whole lurk thing.**lurky*
[21-15:34] ceea7, Sinder : *and as the tree shakes...he is shaken out of his sleep, and startled so he tumbles down to the ground, only to land in a crouch, his golden eyes shooting open as he yells at the behemoth* HEY! JUST WHAT'S THE BIG IDEA?!
[21-15:38] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *his mouth opens up .. though not fluid just opens up a low bellow leaves his mouth* Are you Sinder ... the Kitsune?
[21-15:39] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : (( erm maten i mean ))
[21-15:41] ceea7, Sinder : ((*eyes J0-J0* Do it again..and I'll stab you in the face with a soldering iron..)) Who's askin? *oh yeah..he acts like the bhig tough guy..his ears flattening against his head*
[21-15:42] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : Lord Amroth * his face just stairing forward not even looking down at the smaller kitsune*
[21-15:43] ceea7, Sinder : And why would I care if this..Lord Amroth is lookin for me? * leans back against the trunk of the tree all bad-ass like, his arms crossing over his chest, his eyes closing*
[21-15:47] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : you dont need to care
[21-15:48] ceea7, Sinder : Pfeh... some Lord..cant even show up in person... *smirks arrogantly*
[21-15:49] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : He is to busy to show up. he has sent me to give you this * his hand opens up and holds out a sack to Maten *
[21-15:52] ceea7, Sinder : *he eyes the sack and takes it from him before opening it* Whats in here? A body?
[21-15:53] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *he dosent say a word at all ... inside is a map and a ring with a note wrapped around both*
[21-15:58] ceea7, Sinder : *eyes the two items and unrolls the note and begins reading it*
[21-16:00] ceea7, Sinder : *eyes the cryptic note and decides what the he slips on the ring*
[21-16:06] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *his hand retracts as it falls to his side a metal clang tell him that its at his side .. he stands tehrre un moving*
[21-16:11] ceea7, Sinder : *eyes the big metal thing and pushes against it a moment to see if it is still "alive" before looking at the map again with an arched silver brow*
[21-16:12] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *his mouth continues to stay open ... the same voice leeks out* along this quest you will gain much power ... come face to face with death ... and learn the past ...of what happened
[21-16:17] ceea7, Sinder : Heh.. I already know my past...*is quite arrogant this one* Too bad Hiten's not coming along..*smirks*
[21-16:19] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : he is ... your brother will be in this test also ... another servant is looking for him as we speek *
[21-16:21] ceea7, Sinder : Heh.. See you 'round Tin Man...dont rust...*with that he takes off, following the map*
[21-16:23] 288a2, Golem Of Amroth : *his body begins to turn to rust almost instanly as maten leaves his presence ... no longer needed he drops to the ground dissolving into rust*
[21-16:24] ceea7, Sinder : Talk about crappy smithsmanship..*shakes his head and continues*
[21-16:28] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-16:29] NICK: Joey changed nick to Golem of Amroth.
[21-16:32] 1f3c7, Golem of Amroth : *finnally turns to rust and lets the air blow him about scattering the rest of his remains to the winds ... a new one would take his place but that was fine *
[21-17:11] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-17:13] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-17:13] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-17:42] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-17:50] cb6a6, Joey: hello?
[21-18:28] b9b74, Kali: echo...echo....echoooo.
[21-18:30] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-18:32] cb6a6, Joey: hio
[21-18:37] b9b74, Kali: *G* hey
[21-18:41] cb6a6, Joey: whats up
[21-18:41] b9b74, Kali: not a thing
[21-18:44] cb6a6, Joey: ahhh i see
[21-18:44] cb6a6, Joey: to day is slow
[21-18:56] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-19:10] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[21-19:10] c6c97, xyva: hey joey
[21-19:14] b9b74, Kali: hi Xyva.
[21-19:16] 6e4cb, Joey: Hi Xyva
[21-19:18] c6c97, xyva: *steals Kali*
[21-19:20] b9b74, Kali: *is stolen* again.
[21-19:37] b9b74, Kali: *makes herself comfy*
[21-19:39] 6e4cb, Joey: ** puts feet on table*
[21-19:46] b9b74, Kali: *wonders what's for dinner*
[21-19:48] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[21-19:49] 35b16, Kalamaro: **happy he got his hunter**
[21-19:55] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[21-19:55] 35b16, Kalamaro: ((meh))
[21-19:56] 35b16, Kalamaro: ((meh))
[21-19:57] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-19:57] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( Hunt me ))
[21-19:59] 35b16, Kalamaro: ((...your a dragon... when me and derek made the species, we were originally gonna say that none of them ever hunted dragons, but decided against it))
[21-19:59] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( whos up for any rping? ))
[21-19:59] b9b74, Kali: *vanishes* see ya'll tonight
[21-20:01] 2e1f9, Zeekan Tovich: (( hunting = awsome and if i could id hunt dragons ... to bad id die ))
[21-20:01] MSG: Kali sent a message to Mab.
[21-20:02] 35b16, Kalamaro: ((*laugh* hence the reason I wont hunt dragons))
[21-20:02] 2e1f9, Zeekan Tovich: (( yep ^_^ ))
[21-20:05] 2e1f9, Zeekan Tovich: (( *goes stir crazy* ))
[21-20:09] c6c97, Drako : (*eats Zeekan*)
[21-20:11] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( *eats Drako* ))
[21-20:12] c6c97, Drako : (*is too big*)
[21-20:13] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( *is much bigger * ))
[21-20:14] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( reminds me i need to do the history on amroth ))
[21-20:16] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-20:17] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[21-20:18] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( thats what i though ))
[21-20:25] 2e1f9, Amroth : (( BUCKING POPUPS ))
[21-20:31] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-20:33] e6dc5, Garrod: (( test ))
[21-20:34] e6dc5, Garrod: ((test ))
[21-20:34] 2e1f9, Amroth : (its gooooood ))
[21-20:37] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-20:37] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-20:39] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** walks along in the forest. walking his slave human as if it wear a dog. both are lavishly dresses in matching clothing.**
[21-20:41] e6dc5, Hulkdogs : Attention ** clears throat ** New species is up on the board. Please go and see it! Thanks.
[21-20:41] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-20:42] 2e1f9, Curst Diablos : (( oooo a giant ))
[21-20:45] 0de30, Kalamaro: **In a tree in the forest, being completely silent. He waits as the giant approaches, he looks up at Garrod, a member of his clan, the Arbanzondo's. The arbanzondo clan is the most succesful in the entire Talamaru tribe. Kalamaro makes a series of hand signals to Garrod as the giant approcahes**
[21-20:47] e6dc5, Garrod: ** is sitting watcing as the giant makes his way along the forest. he is wearing only a lion cloth like thinger. looks across the gap the sepparate hhim and Kalamaro nods as he gets the signal.. moves with utter silence forwards abit..moving so when the giant passes him it will be between him and his clan partner**
[21-20:50] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** keeps walking enjoying the cool breeze the he is walking into .. his slave man walks next to him all obediant like **
[21-20:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[21-20:53] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:53pm, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-20:54] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[21-20:55] 129e4, Axis : ((RAR))
[21-20:55] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Kalamaro slowly pulls a hand carved javelin from his back. He drops from his tree silently, and is still hard to see due to natural skin color. He throws his javelin right at the giants left leg**
[21-20:57] 129e4, Axis : *standing somewhere in on a small rocky ridge thrust up from the ground watching the light play off one of his silvery daggers*
[21-20:58] e6dc5, Garrod: ** rights as kalamaro would be moving from his tree the gaint would be passing Garrod, who moves by the cover of the woods then out behind the giant and steal spear in his hand...when Kalamaro release his Javelin Garrod releases his heavey metal spear for the opposite leg **
[21-20:59] EXIT: Amroth has left the chat ( 9:42pm, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-21:00] JOIN: Golem Of Amroth has entered.
[21-21:00] e6dc5, Garrod: ** is making all movements based on the noise made by the gaints walking patterns and knows there is a giant and a humans **
[21-21:02] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** lets out a loud yelling roar as the to weapons peirce into his legs. he falls to one kneel grabbing onto the both of the spear like weapons and tossing them aside.. turns in slow circle looking for the souce of the attacks **
[21-21:02] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : *one of the other golems sent on their task to find the chosen soon comes apon a Rockey ridge thrusting up from the ground his polished steel servace looking straight ahead . a slightly red glow emits from the eyes *
[21-21:04] 129e4, Axis : *sees this golem coming and puts his hands i nhis lcoak..ready to grab spell components or chemicals or weaposn if it became necessary...jus twaching though..hsi cowl thrown back to reveal his silver hair and gold cat-eyes*
[21-21:05] 129e4, Axis : ((pic))
[21-21:06] e6dc5, Garrod: (( color ))
[21-21:07] e6dc5, Garrod: ((color ))
[21-21:07] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : *the jaw just slides down and this time it cranks up to look at the demon* Are you Axis the demon? * a old deep primal voice erups from the golem*
[21-21:08] 129e4, Axis : If I am?
[21-21:08] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Sprints quickly through the woods around to the side of the giant, going unseen and unheard... he stop, removing a wooden stake from his back and jumping, attempting to jab it into the giants ribs, then push off and back into hiding**
[21-21:10] e6dc5, Garrod: ** moves along with great unheard speed drops to the ground rolling and grabs his 20 pound metal spear.. launchs himself from the ground up around chest hight compared to the gaint..but is at his opposite side that Kalamaro was.. stabs at the giants ribs.. the spear would be small enough to go inbetween the ribs. would leave the spear there and push off from the giant landing in a tree then drops to the ground moving behind the gaint again **
[21-21:12] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** growls loudy yelling out in horror and pain as something peirces his ribs on one side and in moments on the other side. finally stands up leaving behind his human slave and running away the spear and wooden steak still lodged into his ribs **
[21-21:12] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : i need to know if you are or arnt ... if your not tell me * he knows its him .. we will just see if he is acceptable*
[21-21:13] 129e4, Axis : I am *is plenty ready now if he turns out to be a threat*
[21-21:15] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : *he holds out a silver hand and as the fingers uncurl it seems to be a small blue silk sack* this is for you
[21-21:16] 129e4, Axis : *not trusting he enacts the mage hand cantrip and floats it up to him and hten opens it examining the contents*
[21-21:18] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : * inside there would be a ring with a blue gem ... a blank map and a note. * *the note reads "Axis The Demon you have been invited to find the lost peices of the Dragon legacy ... if you choose to take this test and burden slip the ring on ~Lord Amroth~ *
[21-21:19] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Takes off running after it as fast as he can, his sprint comparable to an olypian. Again, he removes a javelin and whips it with great speed, this time, at the giants neck**
[21-21:20] 129e4, Axis : *thinks for a second puts a knife in his teeth and slips a ring over one of the skin tight gloves*
[21-21:21] e6dc5, Garrod: ** runs along side the giant who is much to large to run with great spead in the forest. also pulls out another spear. this one it carved from a branch. Launchs the spear for the giants tendion on the back of his ankle.. **
[21-21:22] e6dc5, Garrod: (( speed ))
[21-21:23] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : *as he would put the ring on a glimps in his mind flashes showing him the power of the legacy armor ... a draconic warrior slaying thousands with a swipe of his sword. his sheild blasting back barages of arrows ... a being of extream power ... all this happining during a time befor his birth*
[21-21:24] 129e4, Axis : *licks his lips uncouncsily as this flash comes through...doesn't resist even though he could*
[21-21:25] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** the spear from Kalamaro stick into his should not his neck this is because of the movement around trees ...growls out looking back but cant see what is pursuing him...a moment later a spear goes into his foot. stumbers fulling down crawls alittle bit looks for a way to get away but see's nothing. reachs grabbing out both spears then stands up limp running on **
[21-21:26] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : *as the flash resides the map would now show where the 6 items are ... and if he was close enough to them and focoused on that item it whould show him even more precicly where the item lays*
[21-21:28] 129e4, Axis : *looks down for hte closest one*
[21-21:28] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-21:29] 3adf1, Sileen: *slinks about*
[21-21:30] e6dc5, Strahan Niall: ** is in a cave under guarding a sword that holds way to much power for anyone to wield. and will defend this sword till the end of time **
[21-21:31] 129e4, Axis : *looks abotu for the sheild thing*
[21-21:31] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : * the closest one would be in raupenchi the Legacy sword ONLY accecable through swiming into the waters outside the town into the cave*
[21-21:33] 129e4, Axis : *simming...bah! needs to trick someone into getting it for him*
[21-21:33] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : * the sheild is located around mithrinburg ... deep within there mines*
[21-21:33] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Pull from his belt a rope that holds three rocks at the end, he spins it about quickly, then releases at the giants ankles, which, if hit, would rap around it's legs, tripping it and sending it pitching forward**
[21-21:34] 129e4, Axis : *is gonna have to trick people into getting them so he could kill them and take the item..once he starts getting them*
[21-21:35] 129e4, Axis : *looks at the golem* How many people are i nthis?
[21-21:36] e6dc5, Garrod: ** as the gaint would begin to fall he runs under him and stabs a two sided spear into the ground so that the giant would land on it **
[21-21:36] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : 2 have accepted ... you and one other Maten The Kitsune * his head continues to stair up at the demon ... his body stay compleatly still*
[21-21:37] 129e4, Axis : A kitsune eh? not that threatning. How man yare being offered?
[21-21:38] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** begins to fall as the ropes wrap around his ankles...looks down in time to see a spear in the ground but its too late the spear goes right into his lung when he hit the ground...rolls over as his lung collasps ...gasping for air **
[21-21:41] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Steps up to the gIant, holding a huge stone, he raises it up, and brings it down at its head**
[21-21:41] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : that dose not matter ... only matters are the ones that accept
[21-21:43] e6dc5, Garrod: ** walks up to the giant just out of arms reach **
[21-21:43] 129e4, Axis : Who sent you?
[21-21:44] 2e1f9, Golem Of Amroth : Lord Amroth
[21-21:44] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** jerks his head as the rock hits him.. the his hand shoots out trying to grab this..thing...Talamaru around the torso **
[21-21:45] 129e4, Axis : Amroth....*is old enought ot be familer with dragon lore* That soudns liek adragon name. Why would a dragon send us on a quest liek this?
[21-21:47] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Jumps high and backwards, utilizing his natural reflexes, moving just above the hand and pulling another javeling from his back, throwing it to hopefully pin his hand to the ground**
[21-21:48] 3adf1, Sileen: Sounds like a dragon's name? Hehe. You couldn't pronounce a dragon's name. Dragons typically take for themselves names they pick up... so, they could be anything.
[21-21:49] e6dc5, Garrod: ** moves now slowly and silently while his clan member has the attention of the giant.. he pulls out a large short sword like knife with a jagged edge and trys to stab the giant in the kidney **
[21-21:49] JOIN: Golem of Amroth has entered.
[21-21:51] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** the Javelin goes into his hand sticking it to the ground but he just pulls his hand from the ground with the spear in at and slaps at the talamaru hopefully inpaling him...then his side is suddenly ripped open blood rushing from inside him to stain the ground. rolls over and away from the stab wound...sits up suddenly trying to untangle his feet**
[21-21:52] bf112, Golem of Amroth: (( plus amroth is a recluse ))
[21-21:52] 129e4, Axis : ((whatever nevermind then))
[21-21:53] e6dc5, HulkDogs : Way to shoot him down guys.
[21-21:55] 0de30, Kalamaro: **is now, just out of the giants reach, he pulls another javelin, throwing it at the back of the giants neck, hoping to hit him in his spinal cord and sever it**
[21-21:58] 3adf1, Sileen: Shoot him down? *opens fire on Hulk!*
[21-21:59] 129e4, Axis : *vanishes*
[21-21:59] e6dc5, Garrod: ** watchs the Javelin fly at the giant **
[21-22:00] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** the javelin flys into his neck hitting his spinal cord but a javelin of normal side wouldnt severe the spine **
[21-22:01] e6dc5, HulkDogs : ** sits on sileen and suffacates her **
[21-22:01] e6dc5, HulkDogs : (( side - size...for the giant )
[21-22:02] 3adf1, Sileen: *quished!*
[21-22:02] 3adf1, Sileen: *squished too*
[21-22:03] e6dc5, HulkDogs : ** wins **
[21-22:04] e6dc5, Garrod: ** stands up **
[21-22:04] 0de30, Kalamaro: **growls, pulling another rope from his belt, the same kind that rapped up the giants legs. He throws the rope at the giants neck in hopes of strngling it**
[21-22:05] e6dc5, HulkDogs : ** stands **
[21-22:06] 3adf1, Sileen: *comes back as she snuck in with her adminy power the cheat code giving her infinate lives.. and tackles Hulk!*
[21-22:07] e6dc5, Garrod: ** moves up to the side of the giant as the rope goes for its neck.. pushs the jagged large knife into the giants side again trying to spew its guts every where **
[21-22:13] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** flails his hands into the air trying to stop the rops from going around his neck and instead it goes around his this happens a knife re enters his wound and rips it open wider spilling his inerds all over the forest floor yelling out in horror and pain **
[21-22:14] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** thinks there is only one attacker **
[21-22:14] b9b74, Queen Nessima : *is going to be one royally pissed of woman when she finds out about this*
[21-22:14] EXIT: Golem of Amroth has left the chat ( 10:52pm, August 21 (CDT) ).
[21-22:14] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[21-22:16] e6dc5, HulkDogs : ** but cant dies at all soooo haha....ahh tackled to the ground,,,through sileen around the world with his hulk muscles **
[21-22:17] bf112, Joey: ** wants to join the orgy of death*
[21-22:20] 3adf1, Sileen: *flies back around after being through to smack into his back, then starts tickling him until he pees himself*
[21-22:22] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Jumps onto the giants shoulders... ya know, he's sitting... he has a javelin in hands and he jabs it directly at the giants eye**
[21-22:22] e6dc5, HulkDogs : ** pees on himself then grabs up sileen and pees some more on her ** ewww
[21-22:24] JOIN: Z has entered.
[21-22:25] b9b74, Kali: *Takes her irritated self and goes away*
[21-22:25] e6dc5, Garrod: ** reachs into the giants side pulling out the inards and cutting them **
[21-22:26] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[21-22:27] e6dc5, Arbtian Resderian : ** falls back to the ground, dead the javelin has entered his eye and went into his brain killing him..his intestines all over the places is one dead giant **
[21-22:28] e6dc5, Garrod: ** goes away and up into a tree hides and sleep will take his trophy int the morning
[21-22:28] e6dc5, Garrod: **
[21-22:30] 0de30, Kalamaro: **Does the same as Garrod, will return tommorow for his trophy to display for the rest of the clan**
[21-22:32] 0de30, Kalamaro: **fade**
[21-22:34] e6dc5, Chade Rujho : (( test ))
[21-22:39] b9b74, Kali: Just out of curiosity... how tall are Kalamaro and Garrod?
[21-22:50] b9b74, Kali: *is apparently talking to herself*
[21-22:54] JOIN: xyva has entered.
[21-23:01] b9b74, Kali: Hey Xvya..
[21-23:02] c6c97, xyva: hello
[21-23:04] b9b74, Kali: actually *hugs you because its damned lonely in here*
[21-23:05] c6c97, xyva: *grins hugging you tight*
[21-23:06] b9b74, Kali: I cant believe its so quiet
[21-23:07] c6c97, xyva: why? its saturday night
[21-23:08] b9b74, Kali: ah ...well.. saturday night doesnt mean that much to me...its no different than every other night of the week
[21-23:10] c6c97, xyva: well to me it means I can spend more time out of school so I like it
[21-23:24] b9b74, Kali: *chuckles* I almost wish I had a regular job I could stay away from on weekends to enjoy them more
[21-23:25] c6c97, xyva: *smiles*
[21-23:26] b9b74, Kali: *sighs* or at least a date.
[21-23:41] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[21-23:43] 884df, HulkDogs : Can't sleep.
[21-23:43] 884df, HulkDogs : How is everyone?
[21-23:43] b9b74, Kali: *never does*
[21-23:44] b9b74, Kali: scroll down.
[21-23:45] 884df, HulkDogs : Irritated? Sorry.
[21-23:46] 884df, HulkDogs : Well I think Kalamaro is 8' 4'' and Garrod is 8' 10''
[21-23:48] b9b74, Kali: Talk to Sileen. please.
[21-23:50] 884df, HulkDogs : Umm Okay.
[21-23:56] b9b74, Kali: *wanders off to try and sleep* night Hulk.
[21-23:56] 884df, HulkDogs : ** **
[21-23:57] 884df, HulkDogs : Night
[21-23:57] b9b74, Kali: g'night Xyva if you're still around too.
[21-23:59] 884df, HulkDogs : ** grumbles with complications of the species right up.. friend left out details while right up the form **
[22-00:02] 884df, HulkDogs : ** dies from feeling like a tard then withers and blows away in the winds **
[22-00:02] 3adf1, Sileen: *catches what's left of him in a bottle*
[22-00:04] 884df, HulkDogs : ** comes to life in the bottle now a gene in a bottle ** Let me out I'll grant you three wishs!
[22-00:04] 884df, HulkDogs : do you spell gene...Geni... ** brain is running on empty **
[22-00:07] 884df, HulkDogs : ** sleeps in the bottle for then night **
[22-00:08] 884df, HulkDogs : Night everyone.
[22-00:10] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 1:08am, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-00:26] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-00:27] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:26am, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-00:38] [22-00:39]





[22-00:41] 3adf1, Sileen: Ain't it pretty?
[22-00:41] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp:
[22-00:42] 3adf1, Sileen: What? I'm insane
[22-00:43] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah
[22-00:44] 3adf1, Sileen:
[22-00:45] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: that's ok though.
[22-00:46] 94c70, Z: BIG Shinye!
[22-00:46] 94c70, Z: ... and I can't spell.
[22-00:46] 3adf1, Sileen: Hehe
[22-00:51] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-00:51] 3adf1, Sileen:
[22-00:52] 7a22a, Joey: DANCE
[22-00:52] 3adf1, Sileen: DANCE
[22-00:55] 94c70, Z: Get enough of them in a line and you can do that one dance where people hold each other's butts.
[22-00:55] 3adf1, Sileen:
[22-00:56] 94c70, Z: lao.
[22-00:56] 94c70, Z: *mumbles about typing*
[22-00:56] 3adf1, Sileen: __ __
[22-00:56] 3adf1, Sileen: ... I am so bored...
[22-00:56] 94c70, Z: Swng yo' pardner 'round an' 'round.
[22-00:57] 3adf1, Sileen: *grabs Z and swings her aropund*
[22-00:58] 3adf1, Sileen: around too
[22-00:59] 94c70, Z:
[22-00:59] 94c70, Z: Weee!
[22-01:00] 7a22a, Joey: good night you 2 have fun dancing
[22-01:00] 3adf1, Sileen: G'night Joey
[22-01:47] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *eyes time*
[22-02:10] 94c70, Z: *snores*
[22-11:47] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-11:48] fbdab, Joey: wow nothing happend when i was gone ... i gues that shows how important i am eh?
[22-12:00] JOIN: Kross Lightbringer has entered.
[22-12:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-12:32] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-12:33] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hmm...
[22-12:39] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-12:40] fbdab, Joey: hmmmmmmmm?
[22-12:41] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hmm indeed...*searches for a pic.*
[22-12:41] fbdab, Joey: what kind of pic?
[22-12:44] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Woodland Elf.
[22-12:45] fbdab, Joey: hmmmm
[22-12:47] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: ...and not like the Woodland Elves of actual Wood/Tree Elf.
[22-12:48] fbdab, Joey: *shrugs* im not good with any type of elf pics .. mainly cuase id never play one so i have no idea where they would be
[22-12:50] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ah.
[22-12:50] fbdab, Joey: yea ... though the DnD pics from have some really good pics there drawn nicely *shrugs*
[22-12:54] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: *goes to that place.* Thanks.
[22-12:59] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-12:59] d37ca, Joey: y/w
[22-13:03] d37ca, Amroth : (( ** rampages** ))
[22-13:09] d37ca, Amroth : (( *dragon dances n rampages* ))
[22-13:12] 12dc4, Zaeth : Do you mean sylvan elves?
[22-13:30] 12dc4, Zaeth : *listens to the echo of her voice*
[22-13:34] 12dc4, Belthil : *profile test*
[22-13:41] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-13:43] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-13:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:43pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-13:44] JOIN: Pol has entered.
[22-13:44] beb5e, Pol: Hey
[22-13:45] ab8ed, Joey: Whats up Pol
[22-13:46] beb5e, Pol: Nothing at all
[22-13:46] beb5e, Pol: Imma go
[22-13:46] beb5e, Pol: bye
[22-13:46] EXIT: Pol has left the chat ( 2:46pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-13:47] ab8ed, Joey: fine *rampages*
[22-14:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:04] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Sylvan Elves...I believe so, yes.
[22-14:04] ab8ed, Armaros: *the Dome of the Elements is finished compleatly... the 4 thrones are finished everything it ready to gather everyone together* *his child like body stands on top of the onion shaped dome green jade eyes stairing out over the area * this will also be changed ...
[22-14:04] 12dc4, Belthil : Then try elfwood
[22-14:07] 12dc4, Kali: and if I could remember who I am...
[22-14:08] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Wow, people just popped outta the woodwork..
[22-14:09] 12dc4, Kali: *dies* well three of them are me...
[22-14:09] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yea, but the search Engine for Elfwood isn't working...and my ADD won't allow me to look through all of the profiles...heh.
[22-14:10] 12dc4, Kali: use the google search in elfwood.
[22-14:11] 12dc4, Kali: and you would go nuts trying to do it anyway.. it takes about a good month do cover them all.
[22-14:13] ab8ed, Armaros: (( *blinks* ))
[22-14:13] 12dc4, Kali: what?
[22-14:14] ab8ed, Armaros: (( ... *rampages* ))
[22-14:21] ab8ed, Armaros: ( Time to start some carnage)
[22-14:23] ab8ed, Armaros: (( *pokes the chat* ))
[22-14:23] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-14:31] JOIN: Joey has entered.
[22-14:32] 9456b, Armaros: (( *scrath the part where he is stading on the dome* ))
[22-14:41] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[22-14:41] d57e8, Drake: Joey, you here?
[22-14:42] 9456b, Joey: (( Im always here ))
[22-14:42] 12dc4, Kali: no.. I'M always here.
[22-14:42] d57e8, Drake: Why the OOC (())?
[22-14:43] 9456b, Joey: no your not .. me > kali see there it explains it all ... i am always here
[22-14:43] 9456b, Joey: its just habbit to put them there
[22-14:46] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-14:46] d57e8, Drake: Anyways, you still need people for your quest?
[22-14:47] 9456b, Joey: (( sure .. why not I/M me ))
[22-14:48] d57e8, Drake: Im at somebody elses house and somebody else buddy list, whats your s/n agin?
[22-14:49] 9456b, Joey: greatjeckeljoe
[22-15:04] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[22-15:06] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 4:04pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-15:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-16:06] d57e8, Drake: Travis, who owns you all in here?
[22-16:07] d57e8, Drake: ummmm...
[22-16:10] d57e8, Drake: what about Kali?
[22-16:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-16:19] d2dc2, Will-o'-the-wisp: Hmm..
[22-16:20] d57e8, Drake: kali/Travis, who owns me/anybody whoi knows Travis, who owns me s/n
[22-16:26] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:19pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-16:28] JOIN: Blyes has entered.
[22-16:29] d2dc2, Blyes: ((Hmm..))
[22-16:39] d57e8, Drake: Hi
[22-16:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-16:42] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[22-16:42] 54891, Cookie Monster: *shinobi sneaks in*
[22-16:45] 54891, Cookie Monster: 'ello?
[22-16:46] d2dc2, Blyes: ((*is here, is just on the phone.*))
[22-16:46] d57e8, Drake: hey
[22-16:47] 54891, Cookie Monster: whats up for playing?
[22-16:47] d57e8, Drake: cookie, you got Travis, who owns me' s/n
[22-16:48] d2dc2, Blyes: ((*is back completely*))
[22-16:49] 54891, Cookie Monster: Dun think so, and if I did it would only be a yahoo IM
[22-16:56] 54891, Cookie Monster: But yes... I would like to RP. Can I get volunteers?
[22-16:59] d2dc2, Blyes: ((Ya got me, right here.))
[22-17:00] 54891, Cookie Monster: Where's your char/chars?
[22-17:01] d2dc2, Blyes: ((, just arrived.))
[22-17:04] 54891, Cookie Monster: I've got two chars in Rua: A mercinary commander and a whirling dervish who happens to be employed by my merc commander.
[22-17:05] d2dc2, Blyes: ((*shrugs* Either one is cool, whichever you want to RP.))
[22-17:08] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: ((Hida's got so much dust on him he's barely recognisable. I think I'll play him)) *in the Glimmering Inn sits a short but well built man. His skin is darker than those who live in the European equivilant. He's wearing a very baggy white long sleave shirt that and pants that are similarly baggy. And when I say baggy I mean almost hammer pants baggy. Attatched to his hips are scabards shaped for falchions. His head is covered by a small wrapped turban of the same silghtly yellowed white as the rest of his clothes*
[22-17:14] d2dc2, Blyes: *as he passes through the city gates, his dark green eyes dart from one side to the other. Basically put, Blyes assumes that people are staring at him and making mental comments, which makes him agitated on a daily basis. He ruffles his shaggy ash brown hair as he stops walking for a second, looking around. He notices the canals running through the area that he is in, raising a brow.* Huh...odd...*and speaking of liquid, he hasn't had anything to drink in quite some time, although being self sustained by the creature that is permanently latched onto his chest, he does need to consume food and drink every once in a while. Noticing the Glimmering Inn's sign hanging in the distance, he makes his way towards it in a casual pace, still eyeing those who look at him for longer than a second.*
[22-17:16] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: *Hida is currently relaxing, enjoying a fruit juice drink while he waits for word from Skarling about their next opportunity for employment. He eyes each person as they come in, sizing them up as in a city this wild it pays to have a guess at who's going to be trouble*
[22-17:17] d57e8, Drake: Joey?
[22-17:21] d2dc2, Blyes: *grabbing firmly at the door, he opens it and steps inside, closing it behind himself. His attire consists of a moderately heavy dark white shirt, which runs a bit high up the neck. Overtop of that, he wears a black vest, held down by a dark crimson sash around his waist. His pants and boots happen to be black as well, as it makes for an excellent color to wear at night, when trying to blend in. He only stands in the doorway for a second, as he locates the bar, and makes his way towards it, eyeing a few people as he walks with a slightly heavier step.*
[22-17:27] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: *eyes the new man and ranks him up there on the list of possible dangers considering the way he walks and carries himself*
[22-17:30] EXIT: Drake has left the chat ( 6:17pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-17:31] d2dc2, Blyes: *subsides the markings that the creature known as Pallos creates on his face and body once he begins to manipulate Blyes' human maximum potential, to make him look like your average everyday person. Although there is heavy scarring on his upper body because of the merging of the two, Blyes makes sure that he is completely covered, so no one can see anything. He sits down onto a stool at the bar, speaking quietly, but strongly to the bartender.* Ale...two of 'em. *he hunches over slightly in his seat, stretching out his back and exhaling while doing so.*
[22-17:31] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[22-17:36] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: *Notices the changes to Blyes' face and wonders if he's some sort of Mage. He sips his juice, because just looking at a person isn't very active*
[22-17:36] a309f, Kali: *re-appears from the far beyond*
[22-17:36] 54891, Hida Al'Asid: ((*huggles Kali*))
[22-17:37] a309f, Kali: Wheee! *huggles back*
[22-17:37] a309f, Kali: Wheee! *huggles back*
[22-17:37] d57e8, Kalamaro: **Still in the Forest, having completed a hunt on a giant last night. He drops from the tree he is in silently. He stalks calmly up to the carcass of the giant, removing a small blue, engraved dagger from his belt. He looks down at the giant, searching for a suitable trophy**
[22-17:38] a309f, Kali: this is your new species?
[22-17:39] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((kali, do you know Travis, who owns me' s/n?))
[22-17:39] a309f, Kali: yes. but I'll tell him you want him.
[22-17:39] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((uh huh))
[22-17:40] a309f, Kali: drake?
[22-17:40] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((ok))
[22-17:41] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-17:41] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[22-17:41] a309f, Kali: Look, I respect peoples privacy.. If he wants you to have his sn. then he will tell you.
[22-17:41] afd25, Travis: Mmmmmmyes?
[22-17:41] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((sorry, really slow comp... tell him to IM PacMan386))
[22-17:42] afd25, Travis: I'm here
[22-17:43] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((will you IM me?))
[22-17:44] MSG: Hida Al'Asid sent a message to Kali.
[22-17:44] afd25, Travis: yeah sure
[22-17:46] MSG: Kali sent a message to Hida Alasid.
[22-17:48] MSG: Hida Al'Asid sent a message to Kali.
[22-17:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-17:48] afd25, Travis: ok, since you're not getting on how bout you just tell me here
[22-17:50] JOIN: Drake has entered.
[22-17:52] MSG: Kali sent a message to Hida Alasid.
[22-17:52] d57e8, Drake: K, sorry, either IM donahue1331, or just do me a favor and check the reg froms real quicck, I have a friend whos new and wants to get reg'd quickly so he can start rping soon.
[22-17:53] afd25, Travis: he can start anytime he wants
[22-17:53] afd25, Travis: he doesn't have to be regged to RP
[22-17:53] EXIT: Drake has left the chat ( 6:52pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-17:54] JOIN: Kalamaro has entered.
[22-17:55] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((I told him that, but he wants to be regged first))
[22-17:56] afd25, Travis: there
[22-17:57] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 6:56pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-17:57] a309f, Kali: Kalamaro...I want to know about this char... is it your new species?
[22-17:57] d57e8, Kalamaro: **walks to the giants right leg, down to the shin. He raises the dagger high and brings it down into the flesh. He starts to slice and cut around through the leg, starting to remove the bone their**
[22-17:58] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((yep))
[22-17:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[22-17:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:58pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-17:59] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((thanks Travis, who owns you all))
[22-17:59] a309f, Kali: How is he looking at the giant?
[22-17:59] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[22-18:00] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((its dead))
[22-18:00] a309f, Kali: you are talamara right?
[22-18:01] a309f, Kali: *pokes cookie*
[22-18:02] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((talamaru, and hes "looking at it" as in he knows its there, and can smell it))
[22-18:02] 54891, Cookie Monster: *nibbles on Kali*
[22-18:03] a309f, Kali: you said he looked down at the giant searching for a trophy.
[22-18:03] a309f, Kali: cookie.. how many?
[22-18:04] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Kali.
[22-18:04] a309f, Kali: *dies* ok
[22-18:05] d57e8, Kalamaro: **removes a javelin from the pouch on his back, and uses it as a wedge to try and pry the bone out** ((oops, my mistake, momentarily fogot the blindness thing... want me to go back and correct the post?))
[22-18:06] a309f, Kali: Turn on your aim please
[22-18:08] d57e8, Kalamaro: ((just send it to donahue1331))
[22-18:10] 13760, Axis : *one of the new personalities that had saturated Axis's mind was in control now...there was a table like rock in the Rua forest...and on this rock lay an elf his hands at his sides, eyes closed. The cloaked form of axis had gloves at had opened the elf's torso with a knife. even now he had a tray of glittering knives, scalpels, and saws as he examined every part of the elf's innards*
[22-18:11] 13760, Axis : *in a scintific cold manner*
[22-18:11] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Kali.
[22-18:12] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[22-18:12] 25aad, Lan: I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[22-18:12] 54891, Cookie Monster: scientific?
[22-18:12] EXIT: Kalamaro has left the chat ( 7:08pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:13] a309f, Kali: Lan, go to S.
[22-18:13] 13760, Axis : ((like a doctor))
[22-18:14] 25aad, Lan: (( *grin* ))
[22-18:16] a309f, Kali: Cookie.. thats fine.. I'll adjust the points
[22-18:19] 54891, Cookie Monster: o/
[22-18:20] a309f, Kali: It may take me a day but I'll get it done.
[22-18:20] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[22-18:20] 13760, Axis : *Soon the body looses interest for him and he sets it aside to be disposed of..he then turns around. It was a young elvin child suspened off the ground by her hands, which were tied to a tree branch. She was gagged but her eyes were bright with terror as the masked Axis smiled gently at her*
[22-18:22] 54891, Cookie Monster: No worries. I needa go anyway.
[22-18:22] 54891, Cookie Monster: *huggles for Kali* Back later
[22-18:25] EXIT: Cookie Monster has left the chat ( 7:22pm, August 22 (CDT) ).
[22-18:25] ca691, Ramzix : Ramzix sits do the fireplace indianstyle on the floor. He's studying/practicing writing in the common language*
[22-18:26] JOIN: Oyrin Darkune has entered.
[22-18:27] JOIN: Shakahnna has entered.
[22-18:29] 13760, Axis : *she struggles wildly as axis gently takes her down, still tied up, and secures her to the rock....then begins cutting into her bare flesh. her wails are muffeld by the gag and ignored by the Dark form as he searches out vulnearable nerves testing her pain tolerances, rubbign toxic, or cuastic substances into the flesh to test the reaction. The process takes hours before her struggles cease*
[22-18:29] 56497, Shakahnna : *flutters in landing neatly on Ramzix head and looking over what he is upto*