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[20-08:51] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-08:52] 27267, Belthil : ((hello wispy))
[20-08:53] ab6ae, Naurlote : *the one speaking, and one of the others, lower their bows* What message do you bring?
[20-08:53] JOIN: Ramzix has entered.
[20-08:56] 27267, Belthil : *msngr*I can only give her message to the queen.*wouldnt be a good royal msngr if he told the whole world now would he?*taking a deep breath and rising to his feet* Can you take me to her?
[20-08:58] ab6ae, Naurlote : *guard* ... Very well. Follow me. *they turn, and two vanish back into the trees, while one, the one who spoke, moves ahead.. and the second moves to flank the messanger*
[20-09:02] 27267, Belthil : *moving out with the elven guards, he shakes off his exhaustion, his pride not letting him show anymore weakness infront of the elves*
[20-09:04] ab6ae, Naurlote : *the one flanking, having been watching him, begins speaking a few words in the elven tounge, the one in front pauses, then glances back, then slides a canteen from his shoulder, taking a sip, then passes it over to the messanger* Drink...
[20-09:12] 27267, Belthil : *back in Wynacadia, Belthil has had her lover taken to a bed chamber near hers, summoning a healer from the city, one who had refused to stop treating the commoners to come live at the keep.. she was the best Belthil had seen... the woman was now in with him. treating what ever damage had been done to him*.*msngr**not knowing the elvish language, he has no idea of what the guards are saying to each other..possibly thinking they are a bit rude to speak to each other in their own language in front of him, but as the guard pauses and hands him the canteen, he realizes that they were talking about him.. now knowing his pride hadnt fooled them at all, he takes a drink of the water..nodding to them both* Thank you..*taking another smaller sip before handing it back to the elf*
[20-09:12] ab6ae, Naurlote : *They won't force him to drink o'course... the lead one looks to the flanker, muttering something in elvish. The basic thing is "go hide in the bushes for awhile and give this man some time to rest", ofcourse after she, yes one f them was she, takes off, the elven man looks to the messanger* She is going ahead to do some quick scouting. In the mean time... *he sinks down, sitting on the ground* Rest
[20-09:14] 27267, Belthil : *glancing after the woman, he gratefully sinks to the ground near the guard, resting his back against a tree*
[20-09:17] ab6ae, Naurlote : I apologize if we come off rude for speaking to each other so that you cannot understand. Alas, my campanion is young yet, and has not common.... *takes another sip of the canteen, before passing it to him once more... and it carries on like this, idle conversation, the guard being rather friendly all things considered... the messanger is even offered food. Think Lembas bread. After about 30 minutes, the elven woman returns.. saying some stuff in elvish along the lines of "Has it been long enough, or shall I go hide some more?" "No.. we shall continue". Look how they let him think his dignity is spared. Silly elves. And off they go again*
[20-09:21] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((not learned common)) *and.. we fade on on them traveling*
[20-09:24] ab6ae, Naurlote : *fade out, on them traveling*
[20-09:24] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((not learned common, btw))
[20-09:25] 27267, Belthil : ((*chuckles* *has both*))
[20-09:26] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((*falls over*))
[20-09:27] 27267, Lotesse : /i
[20-09:33] 27267, Lotesse : *also on her way to , on foot thru , she's reached those borders.. passing silently thru the forest, she stops just at the edge of a smalll clearing, drawing the seeking ball out of its pouch..*Valandil Elladan *watching the line as it traces across the surface of the ball, showing just where he was then.. slipping it back inits pouch, she adjusts her bow and quiver against her shoulder and heads out again*
[20-09:34] 27267, Lotesse : ((*stares at avatar* hrmmm.. what do you think?))
[20-10:13] 27267, Terra: *slowly becoming uncomfortable with the looks from the humans in Trelanus, she makes a quick shift back into the earth, traveling thru it.. searching for her friend Lok*
[20-10:18] 27267, Illisse Brilthor : *holding out her hand toward the fireplace, she softly speaks the word to cast the spell fire summoning....watching in delight as a torch sized flame appears in the empty spot*
[20-10:41] 27267, Zaeth : *profile test*
[20-10:42] 27267, Zaeth : pfft wrong!
[20-10:54] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-10:54] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 11:54am, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-10:55] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-10:55] 27267, Kali: hey Xyva
[20-11:20] ab6ae, Sileen: I'm awake!
[20-11:20] 27267, Kali: you slept?
[20-11:21] ab6ae, Sileen: Um... no!
[20-11:23] 27267, Kali: caffiene overload
[20-11:24] ab6ae, Sileen: Yyeesssss!!
[20-11:25] 27267, Kali: I can tell
[20-11:26] ab6ae, Sileen:
[20-11:28] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-11:28] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:28pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:29] 27267, Zaeth : *test*
[20-11:29] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-11:29] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:29pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:29] 27267, Zaeth : ((hrm... need to change my link i think))
[20-11:31] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-11:31] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:31pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:31] JOIN: Addrah has entered.
[20-11:31] 64cd9, Addrah: (( Hello ))
[20-11:33] 27267, Zaeth : ((hello Addrah....*link test*))
[20-11:34] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[20-11:34] 27267, Zaeth : *cackles with glee*
[20-11:36] 64cd9, Will-o'-the-wisp: (( **Cackles with her cause he just got up and hes still sleepy** ))
[20-11:36] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:36pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-11:37] JOIN: Addrah has entered.
[20-11:37] 64cd9, Addrah: (( Oh, that was me below ))
[20-11:37] 27267, Zaeth : ((*knew*))
[20-11:38] 64cd9, Addrah: (( * Was just making sure. Pushes anyone IC** ))
[20-11:39] 27267, Kali: hey... thats my job!
[20-11:39] 64cd9, Addrah: (( *Steals Kalis job from now on. Evil snicker* ))
[20-11:39] 74d1f, Ana: *Hums*
[20-11:42] 27267, Kali: *drops a brick on addrah's head* dun thin so hun
[20-11:43] 64cd9, Addrah: ((brb))
[20-11:43] JOIN: Z has entered.
[20-11:45] 27267, Kali: Aaye Z
[20-11:46] 94c70, Z: hello.
[20-11:48] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[20-11:49] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Hey Kali, IM me, I got my kingdom idea))
[20-11:50] ab6ae, Sileen: Laaa di daa di daaa
[20-11:51] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((PacMan386))
[20-11:54] 94c70, Z: *makes Adrian come around tomarrow since he's not on when she gets home.*
[20-11:55] JOIN: Keivah has entered.
[20-11:55] 94c70, Z: hm.. *eyes her list of chars and ponders.*
[20-11:56] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Guien'll be home tommorow, I think, probably later at night though))
[20-11:56] 94c70, Z: he's usually on when I get home from work.
[20-11:59] 27267, Kali: ok who stole Mabs map?
[20-12:00] 94c70, Z: *hides it, eyeshift*
[20-12:00] ab6ae, Sileen: I ate it
[20-12:01] 74d1f, Ana:
[20-12:01] ab6ae, Sileen: Did Adrian ever finish with Manossa?
[20-12:01] 94c70, Z: She gave it to the... chocolate dragon.
[20-12:02] ab6ae, Sileen: *dies
[20-12:02] ab6ae, Sileen: *
[20-12:02] 94c70, Z:
[20-12:02] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((he will soon, one final dinner with the queen and Im pretty sure I can have the armies... then everything will god as planned > ))
[20-12:02] 74d1f, Ana: *wants a chocolate dragon now*
[20-12:02] 27267, Kali: can one of you see if you can load it? and maybe send it to me? all i get is red X of DOOM
[20-12:03] 94c70, Z: *thinks Adrian has one last thing to get around besides a dinner with the Queen.*
[20-12:03] ab6ae, Sileen: *ROFLMHO* No no.. you don't
[20-12:03] 74d1f, Ana: Real chocolate. *Eyes*
[20-12:03] 94c70, Z: LMAO. *giggles and hides behind Sileen.*
[20-12:03] ab6ae, Sileen: *flee!*
[20-12:04] 74d1f, Ana: Which, coincidentally, I have. Except I'm not hungry.
[20-12:04] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((**doesnt know what other thing Z's talking about**))
[20-12:04] 27267, Kali: someones awfully proud of them selves
[20-12:04] 94c70, Z: *wonders if Axis has ever seen Mall Rats*
[20-12:04] 27267, Kali: *mugs Ana for her chocolate*
[20-12:04] 94c70, Z: err.. Axis? I meant Ana.
[20-12:05] 74d1f, Ana: *Doesn't know either, but is talking about chocolate* Ack! *Hordes her chocolate!*
[20-12:05] 74d1f, Ana: Of course she has.
[20-12:05] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Mallrats is my favorite movie))
[20-12:05] 94c70, Z: *grins at Adrian.* Yeah, unfortunately, I didn't catch the time to RP with Liz after it was brought up.
[20-12:08] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:09] 94c70, Z: *killed the room.*
[20-12:09] 27267, Kali: nah... just trying to get that darn map
[20-12:09] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 1:08pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-12:09] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Sings: "Its the freestyle, meanwhile I keep the beat kickin', sweat drippin' girlies in the limo eatin chicken"
[20-12:10] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-12:10] 66a9b, Axis : ((hey all))
[20-12:10] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Digital Underground kicks))
[20-12:14] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((hey adrian....gonna bring us our meal?))
[20-12:15] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((soon enough, Im waiting for Liz to finish tis rp with me))
[20-12:16] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:16] 94c70, Z: *sniffs* and I'll be gone before I can tell Liz I can RP tonight.
[20-12:17] 27267, Kali: I'll tell her
[20-12:19] 94c70, Z: thankee.
[20-12:28] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((hrmm I wonder if there is anyone I can use my new ghidra with....))
[20-12:28] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: For the special skills, do you make them up, or no.
[20-12:30] 27267, Kali: check the board under species write ups for your species and then IM me
[20-12:31] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((*pushes kali forward then hides*))
[20-12:32] 66a9b, Arkady: ((grr. argh))
[20-12:32] 27267, Kali: proplems?*does her admin cackle*
[20-12:34] 66a9b, Arkady: ((wheee I'ma werewolf.))
[20-12:35] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: ....aren't there humans....
[20-12:36] 66a9b, Arkady: ((course there are))
[20-12:36] 27267, Kali: yes but we didnt feel the need to put the species desc for them on the board.... ... its pretty much a given how they are
[20-12:37] 66a9b, Arkady: ((I mean seriuoly....who needs a write-up on humans?))
[20-12:37] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yeah, but don't they get any skills at all.
[20-12:37] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: Eff it. I'lll go with Kitsune.
[20-12:39] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: Ah, nevermind. They don't use melee weapons.
[20-12:40] 27267, Kali: wispy... you have any IM?
[20-12:40] 66a9b, Arkady: ((there are always ghouls))
[20-12:45] JOIN: Lan has entered.
[20-12:45] 9c209, Lan: Then there are centuars
[20-12:45] 9c209, Lan: *grin*
[20-12:45] 27267, Kali: hey Lan
[20-12:46] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Wisp, go with a nightmare!))
[20-12:46] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((You'll be happy you did... course, they're rare, and they might not approve it.))))
[20-12:46] 66a9b, Arkady: ((be a plains elf and join the QUMAN!))
[20-12:46] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: I wanna make a Thief-based character.
[20-12:47] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: Meaning I want to join the Black Hand.
[20-12:47] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((then make a human thief, I got one))
[20-12:48] 66a9b, Arkady: ((they aren't even shiney!))
[20-12:48] 9c209, Lan: Hiya...! *still can't stay long... smacks life*
[20-12:48] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: I know, I will, because there's no other race I really find worth being.
[20-12:48] 27267, Kali: and i have a half elf thief/assassin
[20-12:48] 9c209, Lan: Heh... be in
[20-12:48] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: At least not that goes with Thief.
[20-12:49] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Be in the Death's Advocates, make a bad guy))
[20-12:49] 27267, Kali: speaking of which Lan.. I need to talk to you
[20-12:50] 66a9b, Arkady: ((be a gargoyle in hte land of Tranalous))
[20-12:50] 74d1f, Anastra Sylune : *Still recovering in En'Tai.*
[20-12:50] 27267, Kali: and before you leave today!
[20-12:50] b0413, Will-o'-the-wisp: No and no.
[20-12:52] 94c70, Z: *pounces Lan*
[20-12:52] 66a9b, Axis : ((*pounces Z*))
[20-12:53] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-12:53] 9c209, Lan: Ok... I have 2 minutes...
[20-12:53] 27267, Kali: *pounces Z and Axis* get off the man.. I need him
[20-12:53] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-12:54] 9c209, Lan: *grin*
[20-12:55] 66a9b, Axis : ((Alive?))
[20-12:55] 74d1f, Ana: *Smirk*
[20-12:55] 9c209, Lan: (( Heheh... just try to take me. ))
[20-12:55] 27267, Kali: YES!!!!
[20-12:56] c6c97, Xyva: wispy do you have aim or msn or any other msging service?
[20-12:56] 66a9b, Axis : ((*dips everyone in chocate*))
[20-12:56] 66a9b, Axis : ((chocolate even))
[20-12:57] 74d1f, Ana: Damn, now someone needs to clean it off.
[20-12:58] 94c70, Z: *got squished*
[20-12:59] 9c209, Lan: *has to poof now for a while... Will be back*
[20-12:59] 9c209, Lan: **poofs into lurkiness**
[20-13:00] 74d1f, Ana: He needs to be replaced!
[20-13:00] c6c97, Xyva: *is carried away by umpa lumpas*
[20-13:01] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[20-13:01] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-13:01] 2acf0, Darrius Lokken : ((Z, hes home, can we finish this now?))
[20-13:02] EXIT: Ana has left the chat ( 2:00pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-13:02] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-13:02] 94c70, Z: Nope, I work today. My ride's supposed to be here like.. 4 minutes ago. :/
[20-13:03] 94c70, Z: Hulk will you be on during the day tomarrow?
[20-13:03] 4a445, Kali: wispy I lost you
[20-13:03] b190c, HulkDogs: um
[20-13:03] b190c, HulkDogs: um
[20-13:03] b190c, HulkDogs: um
[20-13:04] b190c, HulkDogs: wow...alot of those///i have to help sometime tomarrow with the moving of my great grandpa to some retirement home
[20-13:04] 2acf0, Darrius Lokken : ((I can be in as early as 9:45 a.m.))
[20-13:05] 94c70, Z: I won't be home tonight until 11:30 pm Chat time. *points at the time stamps under the avatars*
[20-13:05] 2acf0, Darrius Lokken : ((thats the same as our time))
[20-13:06] 94c70, Z: Gotta go.
[20-13:07] b190c, HulkDogs: ill do quick little rp
[20-13:10] 66a9b, Axis : ((badadum. anyone for rp?))
[20-13:11] 4a445, Kali: If she can remember where she is... or who she is.. yes
[20-13:12] b190c, Tarnis Catadon : ** the forces for have reached Emania and have been marching in land for about an hour. the infantry march in two groups of 500 about 1 mile. also there is two groups of 100 cavlary riding along side of the ifantry and the two groups of 150 archers who march behind the two groups of infantry...march march left right left right.**
[20-13:13] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[20-13:14] 6df9d, Liz: *sighs and flops*
[20-13:14] b190c, Tarnis Catadon : (( about 1 mile apart ))
[20-13:16] 66a9b, Axis : (hmm infantry attack on the front ot distract the cavlery and infantry then a calvary rush on the rear to shatter the archers and scatter the melle units....*nodnod*))
[20-13:17] 66a9b, Axis : ((sorry bored))
[20-13:17] 4a445, Kali: *pats*
[20-13:18] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-13:18] 6df9d, Liz: Help
[20-13:18] c6c97, Xyva: *pets kali*
[20-13:19] 66a9b, Axis : ((eh?)))
[20-13:22] 6df9d, Liz: *pokes the chat*
[20-13:23] 4a445, Zaeth : *pats as she is petted* wait... *hides*
[20-13:23] 66a9b, Axis : ((adrai will be with ya i na bit liz))
[20-13:23] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-13:24] b190c, HulkDogs: hmm...oh the calvary will break off as soon as they see emania forces
[20-13:24] 4a445, Zaeth : *profile test*
[20-13:25] 66a9b, Axis : ((wh yare they so far apart?))
[20-13:25] 4a445, Zaeth : *dances*
[20-13:26] b190c, HulkDogs: so they can attack from two side...possibly to cause some confusion
[20-13:27] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[20-13:27] 24fa0, Dre'makius : ((*yawns*))
[20-13:27] 66a9b, Axis : ((hmr the problem is if one is attacked the other won't be able to help. Don't mind me. Not trying to complain or preach))
[20-13:28] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **is currently, in the room that was provided to him by the queen of Mannossa, he buttons up a lavish silk, gray dress shirt that was given to him by the king. He removes his mask for a moment, revealing his hideous face, to change into a porcelain mask, painted exquisitly. He waits for his invitation down to the dining hall**
[20-13:29] b190c, HulkDogs: a mile isnt really that far though...besides i am new to the raging war things i got some things to learn
[20-13:30] 24fa0, Dre'makius : *would walk across her grand chamber, the Queen of she is, the dress fitting her and flattering her well, but she hates it**her hair had been taken out of the tangles that they had been in as a theif by her handmaidens the King had bestowed upon her, the King being a man she has not seen since they married*
[20-13:31] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((I like and am good at would take them a for your ifnatry to get there. but your calvery could get there relativly quickly.))
[20-13:31] 24fa0, Dre'makius : **GONE**
[20-13:34] b190c, HulkDogs: probly 10 mins for the infantry maby 8 for the archers
[20-13:34] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *studies herself in the full length mirror as her handmaiden, Tamaca, finishes putting the last of one of the mainy intricate braids in her hair. She's wearing a flowing silk dress of shimmering blue*
[20-13:35] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((long enough for a hit and fade attack))
[20-13:37] b190c, HulkDogs: yea but...i dont mind this is a small portion of tarnis's army
[20-13:37] 64cd9, Addrah: (( Back ))
[20-13:37] b190c, HulkDogs: and as soon as he can take over emania he wil have thier points
[20-13:37] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **Looks at himelf in his own mirror, he straightens his jet black, smooth medium length hair, flattens the silk shirt, and clips the gold chain supporting a long, midnight blue cape.**
[20-13:38] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((true. I ought to make a stratigist char. The nbid out his services.))
[20-13:39] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((I'll make strategies so you don't have to. ))
[20-13:41] b190c, HulkDogs: sure ill take some ideas
[20-13:41] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and nods, her blue eyes twinkling just slightly* Good enough.. *heads for the door to her suites and nods at one of the men waiting outside* Bring him to the hall, I will meet him there.
[20-13:44] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((whats your IM?))
[20-13:45] b190c, HulkDogs: are you hex dark fire?
[20-13:47] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((thats me darkfire is one word))
[20-13:48] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **there is a knock at the door, Adrian answers it to find a guard** Is she ready for me?
[20-13:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:49] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *setting the small informal tiara on her head, she makes her way down to the dining hall*
[20-13:49] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-13:57] b190c, HulkDogs: (( test ))
[20-13:59] b190c, HulkDogs: where did the rp go?
[20-14:00] 66a9b, Ghouls : ((beats me))
[20-14:00] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **The guard replies "follow me", and Adrian does, following him through a mass of hallways to the dining hall, he spots her and bows** Your highness, you look lovely
[20-14:01] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and inclines her head* You don't look too bad yourself *there's only two places set, one at each end of the table* Hungry?
[20-14:04] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : famished **this mask, of course, has an opening for his mouth while still not reavealing his ghoulish features**
[20-14:07] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-14:07] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and sits down at one end of the table* Good. I fear, in honor of your..presense, the cooks have made a three course meal.
[20-14:09] c6c97, Radagast Aurelius : *test*
[20-14:11] 64cd9, Addrah: **He slow walked down the streets of the main city. His destination was the tavern. He had been shown how to transform from his natural form into that of a human. He basically looked the same yet he had hands and feet instead of paws and his face looked like a humans. His hair stayed the same, big and bushy with the ponytail in the back of it. He slowly crept along the street, his movement silent, his dagger out. He quickly moved behind a man with a very large gold pouch and slit it at the belt so bag and all fell in his hands. He silently retreated torwards the tavern, sitting on the porch counting the coins. The man was loaded! So much gold. So much. He pocketed it and walked into the tavern, smiling slightly. He walked torwards the bar and ordered milk, paying for it. The maid soon came back and smiled calling him a "Little Cutie". He blushed and drank the milk quietly. If she only knew what he was she would be terrified. He looked down and chuckled to himself, sighing once more**
[20-14:13] b190c, HulkDogs: (( where is addrah? ))
[20-14:14] 64cd9, Addrah: (( The main city. is it? ))
[20-14:14] 66a9b, Arkady: *and Arkady alos happens to be there. The serving made blushes breifly at him as he says a few words then she giggles and runs off. Arkady smirks and goes back to his food*
[20-14:14] b190c, HulkDogs: tetr
[20-14:15] 66a9b, Arkady: ((yeah addrah))
[20-14:15] b190c, HulkDogs: main city is a a general thing...there are many kingdoms with main citys. though is the center of most rp
[20-14:15] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : sounds perfect... I dont mean to pressure you, but Im overcome with curiosity, have you reached a decission?
[20-14:15] 64cd9, Addrah: (( Wherever the glimmering is. I dont know the cities ))
[20-14:16] 64cd9, Addrah: (( Arkady you at Glimmering? )
[20-14:16] 4a445, Kali: Glimmering Inn is in ... it is the main gathering place for the rp here..
[20-14:17] 66a9b, Arkady: ((yeah))
[20-14:17] 64cd9, Addrah: (( ok))
[20-14:17] b190c, HulkDogs: ** sits on kali** I just said that...cept the inn being in rua
[20-14:17] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I have *smirks*
[20-14:18] 4a445, Kali: grrrrr *hates being sat on*
[20-14:18] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : well, is it good or is it bad? I really hope its good.
[20-14:19] 64cd9, Addrah: **He laughed as he saw Arkady. He would slowly walk over to the older male**" So... Did you even recignise me? I stink, I smell like humans."**He gagged slightly at the aweful smell of the humans**
[20-14:19] b190c, HulkDogs: ** sits under kali**
[20-14:20] 66a9b, Arkady: You still smell like a ghidra. Even in this nose-deaf form I can tel lthe differnce.
[20-14:21] 64cd9, Addrah: "I wont for long. Stupid human cloathes. Stupid human body**Scratches his chest under the shirt**"It itches. How do these people stand living with the itchy clothing?"
[20-14:21] c6c97, Xyva: *steals Kali*
[20-14:22] 4a445, Kali: gaah what a day... Ive been poked, pushed, covered in chocolate, sat on, sat under and now stolen..
[20-14:22] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : It's good. Or, at least I hope it is. *watches as servants carry in the first course, fresh baked bread and cheese*
[20-14:24] 66a9b, Arkady: Yo uget used to it *arkady turns and glances breifly at his own chest. Addrah might notice his clothing appears more like boiled leather armor than just clothing.* IT provides protection..
[20-14:26] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **his human side smiles at the bread while his ghoul sides craves for something that'll bleed** I hope it is too... I mean not to pry, but you did say that you rule this kingdom alone, you never had a king?
[20-14:27] 64cd9, Addrah: **He chuckled and sat beside the older Ghidra on the floor.**"I bet that itches more than this. It looks so uncomfortable. Humans live in such uncomfortable environments. I actually feel sorry for them"**He sighed and looked down then scooted to lean back against the wall still beside Arkady**"So where did that one man go. The one that was trying to make an alliance with you? The king?"
[20-14:27] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles faintly and begins to eat* That is true, for the time being at least.
[20-14:28] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : Is there any particualr reason you havent?
[20-14:30] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I have'nt had much luck in that department. Call me old fashioned, but I beleive in marrying for love, not for the gain of lands and money.
[20-14:31] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : I completely agree with you... and you've not found one that you love?
[20-14:31] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-14:31] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : No, I have'nt.
[20-14:31] 66a9b, Arkady: Don't feel sorry for them. He probly took the portal back to the Dark Forest.
[20-14:32] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **picks up a piece of bread** I hope that you one day can.
[20-14:33] 64cd9, Addrah: **He nodded and sighed**"They have many more problems than we do"
[20-14:34] 66a9b, Arkady: They enslave our people if they can. I see no reason to pity them.
[20-14:35] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : If I have'nt by now...*shakes her head*
[20-14:36] 64cd9, Addrah: **He chuckled and tossed the very large bag of coings up on the table beside him**"Then I dont feel bad about this"**He chuckled**
[20-14:37] 66a9b, Arkady: *opens up the bag and raises an eyebrow at the gold wihtin* Just don't get caught.
[20-14:37] 64cd9, Addrah: (( brb ))
[20-14:39] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : I dont mean to be rude, your highness, but that is not the way you should talk. You are a beautiful, intelligent, and powerful woman. You would make a perfect wife, just as you are a perfect queen... and I've noticed that since my arrival, youve called me Sir Darrymont... please, call me adrian.
[20-14:50] 66a9b, Arkady: ((sloooow))
[20-14:50] 2acf0, Adrian Darrymont : **pause**
[20-14:51] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : **pause**
[20-14:51] EXIT: Shanira Treyan has left the chat ( 3:51pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-14:51] 66a9b, Arkady: ((ah damn....))
[20-14:52] 9c209, Lan: Heh... I'm back for a few min...
[20-14:53] 4a445, Kali: *sighs*
[20-14:53] 9c209, Lan: *grin* Well...
[20-14:55] 4a445, Kali: meet me
[20-14:55] b190c, HulkDogs: **thinks about war a such**
[20-14:56] b190c, HulkDogs: ** gag at his color**
[20-14:56] 9c209, Lan: Well... what war...?
[20-14:57] b190c, HulkDogs: ** is on a everlasting search fo the perfect color**
[20-14:57] b190c, HulkDogs: and Emania
[20-14:57] 9c209, Lan: What color would that be?
[20-14:58] 9c209, Lan: Where exactly is Emania?
[20-14:58] b190c, HulkDogs: i havent decided yet....Emania is on the lil island west of
[20-15:00] b190c, HulkDogs: Test
[20-15:01] b190c, HulkDogs: ok last try for a while
[20-15:01] b190c, HulkDogs: that is far too dark..ok now last try
[20-15:02] b190c, HulkDogs: ** plots war with creon**
[20-15:04] b190c, HulkDogs: ** wonders off **
[20-15:06] b190c, HulkDogs: ** fall off a cliff GONE **
[20-15:10] 66a9b, Arkady: ((*sigh*))
[20-15:12] 4a445, Kali: *sighs also*
[20-15:13] 66a9b, Arkady: ((*plots war with people who don't exist.* bah))
[20-15:14] 4a445, Kali: *plots war with people that do exist**curses their grandchildren*
[20-15:16] 66a9b, Bartuc : ((heh...maybe I can conquer tal'den near En'Tai. Would have to talk to aegnor first though))
[20-15:17] 4a445, Kali: *needs to come up with a kingdom name*
[20-15:19] 66a9b, Bartuc : ((hmm Tal'dolen doesn't haev an army yet...))
[20-15:19] 4a445, Kali: you could always have Axis take over Gryshdaeke
[20-15:20] 66a9b, Bartuc : ((that would be awsome.....))
[20-15:21] 4a445, Kali: kinda unusual.. demon kingdom thats allowed to exist..
[20-15:21] 66a9b, Axis : ((*considers* I should try at least.....))
[20-15:25] 66a9b, Axis : ((they are prolly powerfull ))
[20-15:26] 4a445, Kali: I would imagine... being able to hold a kindgom like that, they would have to be
[20-15:27] 66a9b, Axis : ((I might try and do that when mab is back next. Also few human are a match for a demon. Consider he massive army htey must have if they are that big))
[20-15:29] 4a445, Kali: probably not as massive as you'd think..
[20-15:31] 9c209, Lan: Back... 2-3 min... Ren Faire stuff again...
[20-15:32] 4a445, Kali: hi
[20-15:32] 66a9b, Axis : ((Gryshdake is pretty large so it still must be big. maybe nto the size of say En'
[20-15:32] 66a9b, Axis : Tai but still.
[20-15:33] 66a9b, Axis : ((not a huge nation true but still))
[20-15:33] 4a445, Kali: no its only about 100 miles wide
[20-15:33]       Lan smacks life for time... and gets smacked back.
[20-15:34] 66a9b, Axis : ((*eyes the map* looked bigger n than that...ah well still.))
[20-15:35] 4a445, Kali: they have a write up on the hot spots
[20-15:36] 9c209, Lan: Grrr... I have to go... so, adios! I'll be here tomorrow.
[20-15:36] 66a9b, Axis : ((I noticed))
[20-15:36] 4a445, Kali: it doesnt surprise me Lan..
[20-15:36] EXIT: Lan has left the chat ( *poofs out of existence* ).
[20-15:42] 66a9b, Axis : ((*yawn*))
[20-15:50] 66a9b, Axis : ((addrah said he was gong to be right back dammit.... and it has been almost 40 minutes))
[20-15:51] 4a445, Kali: dont you know that time is relative ...
[20-15:52] 4a445, Kali: *chuckles* just look at Lan for example... friday he said he'd be back in an hour... took 3 days for that hour to pass
[20-15:52] 66a9b, Axis : ((bah. I don't care if you are snail. Say you'll be right back is going to use the bathroom or get a drink not 40 minutes. *grumbles and hunches down i na croner with a sharp object*))
[20-15:53] 4a445, Kali: oh... dont tempt me with sharp objects .. i might have to take it from you and use it
[20-15:55] 66a9b, Axis : ((you stay away from pokey! ))
[20-15:55] 4a445, Kali: aww c'mon... please???? I wont hurt it... much
[20-15:56] 66a9b, Axis : ((Minemineminemineminemine))
[20-15:57] 4a445, Kali: fine... I'll just get my own... *goes looking for a nice SHARP stick*
[20-15:59] 66a9b, Axis : ((rarg))
[20-16:00] 66a9b, Axis : ((bwahahahha))
[20-16:01] JOIN: Addrah has entered.
[20-16:01] 4a445, Kali: *finds sharp stick... made out of steel...looks for test subject*
[20-16:02] 66a9b, Arkady: ((bout bloddy time))
[20-16:03] 3b042, Addrah: (( Sorry. We went out to dinner ))
[20-16:04] 4a445, Kali: I'll hold him down for you Axis..
[20-16:04] 66a9b, Arkady: ((*grumbles*)) Just don't get cuaght stealing....
[20-16:04] 66a9b, Arkady: ((hey you just got that ice metal stick...test it out))
[20-16:05] 66a9b, Arkady: (nice metal stick))
[20-16:05] 4a445, Kali: Mwhahaha.. *evil glint in her eyes*
[20-16:06] 3b042, Addrah: **He would chuckle slightly**"Im still better than these humans even when Im in their own form. They cant hear or see me when i sneak around."**He would chuckle more, He was becomming ever more alert of his superiority over some humans**
[20-16:08] 66a9b, Arkady: humph. Now where were you born.
[20-16:09] 3b042, Addrah: "Ummm in the woods maybe thirty or so miles from this area"**He said as a guess. He really didnt know the exact measurement but he would have guessed thirty miles**
[20-16:11] 66a9b, Arkady: hrm...and you said you never met another of our race beyond your familey?
[20-16:12] 3b042, Addrah: **He shook his head** Just you. Your the only other one I know besides my mom and dad and brother and sister, I think. I dont remember much before I left home"
[20-16:14] JOIN: Addrah has entered.
[20-16:14] 66a9b, Arkady: Hrmm.
[20-16:15] 3b042, Addrah: "Why?"**He looked up, His face looking confused**
[20-16:16] 66a9b, Arkady: Becasues it is odd. It is safer to be in groups.
[20-16:17] 4a445, Kali: *Fades off into her little tiny corner of the universe*
[20-16:18] 66a9b, Arkady: ((I gotta go here *waves to kali byebye*))
[20-16:18] 3b042, Addrah: **He shrugs**" Ive never been taught that"
[20-16:19] 66a9b, Arkady: IT's common sense which you need to learn *he gets up stretches and walks out*
[20-16:19] 66a9b, Arkady: ((later all))
[20-16:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-16:21] 4a445, Kali: *waves bye to Arkady*
[20-16:22] 3b042, Addrah: (( See ya ))
[20-16:22] 3b042, Addrah: (( Im here if anyone needs me ill just be...around **Goes to mess with his webcam* ))
[20-16:35] EXIT: Addrah has left the chat ( 5:22pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-16:58] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-16:58] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:58pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-17:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:04] 0823c, Will-o'-the-wisp: I job....
[20-17:04] 4a445, Kali: wispy works?
[20-17:05] 0823c, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yes wispy the bone...
[20-17:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-17:09] 4a445, Kali: what kind of work does wispy do?
[20-17:10] 0823c, Will-o'-the-wisp: I hate my boss too. Kali...How are you?
[20-17:10] 4a445, Kali: wondering who wispy is'
[20-17:16] 0823c, Will-o'-the-wisp: Cara...
[20-17:17] 4a445, Kali: heh.. should have recognized the color
[20-17:22] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *campaigns in LAI'DOR. Wheeee!!*
[20-17:22] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: It is quite destinguished
[20-17:22] 4a445, Kali: *RaE*
[20-17:22] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *rallies others to his flag. Whoohooo!*
[20-17:23] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *gets assasinated.* Dang it!
[20-17:23] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *comes back as another petty minor royal, because there is more than one*
[20-17:24] 4a445, Zaeth : *would have arranged his assassination had she remembered who she is*
[20-17:24] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: Now THATS destinguished...
[20-17:26] 3a8a8, Roki: blah
[20-17:26] 4a445, Zaeth : *cause she not a nice girl*
[20-17:26] 4a445, Zaeth : hello Roki
[20-17:31] e45ca, Will-o'-the-wisp: Yo and stuff...
[20-17:35] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *all those who rallied to the other petty minor royal now flock to him. He's the flavour of the day. Yeah!*
[20-17:35] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *fade out with him gaining support*
[20-17:36] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: ((Meheheheh))
[20-17:36] 4a445, Council of Lai'dor: *the council, making note of this new 'flavour of the day' quietly hire mercenaries to remove him and his followers*
[20-17:38] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *fade back in with him running down an alley for his life. all his followers killed* AAAAAHHH! I'm gonna diiiiiiiiiie!!!
[20-17:38] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: ((Hi Roki))
[20-17:38] 4a445, Council of Lai'dor:
[20-17:40] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal: *sees an evil grinning, green, 3 headed monster looming over him and wonders where the council found such a creature.*
[20-17:41] 4a445, Council of Lai'dor: mwhahaha *wouldnt he like to know*
[20-17:42] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : *proclaims* I am Sylvan! Long live LAI'DOR the good!!! *dies somehow* AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaagh....
[20-17:44] 3a8a8, Roki : *updates profile*
[20-17:44] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*pops neck* Aaaaah, feels good))
[20-17:46] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*tries current ident with an 'a' at the end to see what color it is*))
[20-17:47] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*then tries Roki's ident with an 'a' at the end to see what color it is. Is that bored*))
[20-17:48] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*goes for broke and goes ahead and tries council's ident with an 'a' at the end to see what color is resulting*))
[20-17:50] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*goes back to "beeble" which results in abnoxious yellow*))
[20-17:50] 3a8a8, Roki : try your area code + the last number
[20-17:51] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((You don't like "beeble" yellow? *LOL*))
[20-17:52] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*test*))
[20-17:52] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((bleh, not very exciting a green*))
[20-17:53] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((BEEBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!))
[20-17:54] 4a445, Kali: *cuddles her color*
[20-17:54] 4a445, Kali: *narrows eyes* Do I know you PMR
[20-17:55] bb0b1, Mab: *yawns* PMR?
[20-17:55] 4a445, Kali:
[20-17:59] 4a445, Kali: it was the BEEBLE that had me going for a bit... *smacks Val for using it*
[20-18:03] bb0b1, Mab: Val uses "beeble"?
[20-18:03] 4a445, Kali: it was the word of the day... for about a month
[20-18:04] bb0b1, Mab: Oh really? *L* I don't know how I came up with it.
[20-18:05] bb0b1, Mab: I was just randomly typing into the hex code box. I think I meant to type "Bleeba" or something.
[20-18:05] 4a445, Kali: hehe
[20-18:06] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((*tries "bleeba"))
[20-18:06] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((Interesting))
[20-18:07] bb0b1, Petty Minor Royal : ((Ewwww, that was bad))
[20-18:09] 4a445, Kali: *test*
[20-18:09] bb0b1, Mab: I'd go back tot he pink. *nods*
[20-18:10] 4a445, Kali: .. that was S.teve
[20-18:11] 4a445, Kali: eww
[20-18:11] 4a445, Kali: not going to go there...
[20-18:12] 4a445, Kali: *goes back to her fav*
[20-18:12] bb0b1, Mab: You're not going to go to the black abyss?
[20-18:13] 4a445, Kali: *chuckles* that was not good
[20-18:13] bb0b1, Mab: hehe
[20-18:13] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:31pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-18:14] bb0b1, Mab: *craves RP* Unfortunately, everyone my characters are currently involved with aren't on yet.
[20-18:14] 4a445, Kali: er wrong... S.teve was teh blue... Zaeth was da green
[20-18:15] 4a445, Kali: its been just about dead all day
[20-18:15] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[20-18:16] 4a445, Kali: *grabs the chat by the shoulders, shaking it hard* c'mon!!!!!
[20-18:21] 4a445, Kali: *sighs* that didnt help.... *considers more cameos*
[20-18:21] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[20-18:22] e45ca, Caradonia: ((*drowns Kali*))
[20-18:22] c6c97, Xyva: bah misread that.
[20-18:22] bb0b1, Mab: Uhy uhy uhy uhy uhy uhy's N.ot The.e.e!
[20-18:22] bb0b1, Mab: LOL @ filter
[20-18:22] 4a445, Kali: *cackles*
[20-18:23] 4a445, Kali: what did you misread X?
[20-18:23] c6c97, Xyva: Cameos
[20-18:24] 4a445, Kali: *(sighs and adds drowning to the things she's had done to her today*
[20-18:25] e45ca, Caradonia: ((*sweet smile*))
[20-18:25] c6c97, Xyva: added an l, t, and another e
[20-18:26] 4a445, Kali: ah yes... I am Gueneviere ... *shakes head*
[20-18:27] bb0b1, Mab: BORED!!!!!!!!
[20-18:33] c6c97, Xyva: omm neither of those as an l or a t in them so I would have to say they're wrong
[20-18:33] c6c97, Xyva: Umm*
[20-18:41] ab6ae, Sileen: ...Mew
[20-18:43] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[20-18:46] cb2b7, Caradonia: *Restless she roam, sticking to the trees rather than to the ground it feels too...routine to travel where your support dosent sway underfoot. She goes from branch to branch occasionaly having to leap between the too. Though the movement lacks the power of a natural tree dweeler she still has grace...a balance, seen in her landings*
[20-18:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-18:48] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[20-18:50] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She finds a permanment perch in a large and stately oak. She gratefully lays outstreached on one inviting branch, the wind blowing through the thick and lush canopy, rustling a lullyby*(yeah..typos..lots of em. Dont care any more))
[20-18:50] ab6ae, Sileen: *skitters across the cieling*
[20-18:50] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((*slaps a rolled up newspaper at the skitter* Ewwww its a Sileen!!!))
[20-18:51] 4a445, Kali: *gets the bug spray*...
[20-18:51] ab6ae, Sileen: Mew! Mew! *scampers away*
[20-18:52] af509, Vesarn: ((Who plays Lando again?))
[20-18:52] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((*THWAP*))
[20-18:52] 4a445, Kali: *escapes to the great outdoors*
[20-18:53] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((*had her fill of the great outdoors*))
[20-18:53] af509, Vesarn: ((HElLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO))
[20-18:54] ab6ae, Sileen: ((*cries*))
[20-18:54] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((I dont think he's online))
[20-18:54] ab6ae, Sileen: ((I dunno. Some random person))
[20-18:55] af509, Vesarn: ((I know he's not online. I want to know who plays him)
[20-18:56] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((Maybe you should ask him, when he's around. And not some feisty colors that represent people that are..well..uh..faceless?*feeling grumpy*))
[20-18:57] af509, Vesarn: ((I can't ask him if I dont know WHO HE IS.))
[20-18:58] ab6ae, Sileen: Why.. am I using parenthesis
[20-18:58] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((He also plays Tarnis. When he pops it...ask him.*wanders off to eat something good and fattening*))
[20-18:58] ab6ae, Sileen: *hangs upside down from the cieling, evili-eyeing the one who twapped her*
[20-18:59] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((*taunts with candy goodness* Allllll mine*eat eat eat*))
[20-19:00] af509, Vesarn: ((*sighs*))
[20-19:00] EXIT: Vesarn has left the chat ( 8:00pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-19:03] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((wow..what a way to traumitize your kids..*looking at Trading Spouces*
[20-19:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-19:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:10pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-19:11] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[20-19:12] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-19:12] ff774, Axis : ((*eyes gryshkaed the nation of demons* hmmm))
[20-19:12] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((Yaaawwwwnnnnn*streaches and cracks neck*))
[20-19:12] 6c8e0, HulkDogs: whos looking for me?
[20-19:13] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((Vesarn))
[20-19:15] 6c8e0, HulkDogs: Okay so where is Vesarn?
[20-19:15] ff774, Axis : ((anyone for rp whilst I ponder conquering the demons?))
[20-19:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Demon!)) *she.. was in pain. After the episode where she had to be dragged from the Glimmering Inn, it really hadn't gotten better. She would lay there, and switch between writhing in agony, body arched up as she made eerie angry screams that could wake the dead, fanged teeth bared at anyone who approached her, even Aralore... to just laying there passed out form unconciousness*
[20-19:15] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((I dunno..I snapped at him perhaps he's lurking..*looms*))
[20-19:17] ff774, Axis : ((where are you delthoa?))
[20-19:17] 6c8e0, HulkDogs: Snapped at him for what?
[20-19:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*scratches head* Come to think of it... I'm not sure. I'm going to guess a room in the Glimmering Inn))
[20-19:19] ff774, Axis : ((hrmm would I be able to find you...or anyone realy?))
[20-19:22] JOIN: Aralore has entered.
[20-19:22] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She looks down and finds a pool of water reflecting her face back up at her or some form of it..she's so far up that she looks like shadow, casted by leaf or limb*
[20-19:22] 5e834, Aralore : *Is beside Delotha, of course, probably dabbing her with various rags, with a million scratch marks all over his body*
[20-19:22] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Well... there's loud screaming sounding like someone is losing their sanity coming from upstairs?))
[20-19:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *bite marks too*
[20-19:24] bb0b1, Mab: Question. What specifically about a bag of oranges causes mafia types to consider them a good lesson teaching beating tool? I never understood that. *scratches head*
[20-19:25] ecdb5, HulkDogs: I thought it was a back of dimes
[20-19:25] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((They like that citrisy smell?))
[20-19:25] ecdb5, HulkDogs: back - bag
[20-19:26] ff774, Axis : ((I may do some of my other things later)) *axis walks into the glimmerign his head full of plans for taking the demon nation. Then he hears the screams. He quickly dashes towards the stairs regonizing the sound. he heads for the door that the screams are coming from and listens at the door*
[20-19:26] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[20-19:26] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : RrrrrrRRAAAAAAAAGGGHH!!! *Aralore... has another bite mark*
[20-19:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Mwehehe*
[20-19:27] af509, Vesarn: *is finally let down from where he was hung after his punishment, slumping to the floor, trembling a bit as his stiff muscles finally move, with a soft groan. A few minutes later, he made his way upstairs slowly*
[20-19:28] bb0b1, Mab: Someone tells me you can smack people with them and they don't leave a mark, but I'm not sure that is scientifically sound. Citrisy smell. hehe. Funny.
[20-19:28] ff774, Axis : ((they won't really...except maybe bruising))
[20-19:29] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((I thought that was false. There is a festival in..South America I think that they throw oranges at people..and they leave some serious welts...))
[20-19:29] ff774, Axis : *he raps sharply on the door one hand inside his cloak on his sword as he does*
[20-19:29] bb0b1, Mab: This person's explanation was: "They're soft enough what when you hiit someone with them it doesnt bruise the skin..but it still stings like all get out"
[20-19:29] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : **sits in his chambers abit worried with the Ardian who is leading his forces to Manossa**
[20-19:30] af509, Vesarn: ((If being hit with a bag of oranges doesnt' bruise, then I'm the Queen of Spain))
[20-19:30] bb0b1, Mab: I guess I'll never know the answer until I try it. *fills a bag full of oranges and looks for her honey* Oh honey!!
[20-19:30] ff774, Axis : *he raps sharply on the door one hand inside his cloak on his sword as he does*
[20-19:30] ff774, Axis : ((they are soft))
[20-19:31] JOIN: Dre'makius has entered.
[20-19:31] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((*L* I feel sorry for this...honey))
[20-19:31] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : (( i think throwing an orange would leave a welt...but slamming them into someone wont..))
[20-19:32] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would be in her own chambers, having been thoroughly pissed off since that dog Khiumil married her**but yet... feels rather alone and quite depressed at the same time*
[20-19:32] cb2b7, Caradonia: ((Oooh Omnipotent Being I hurt!!! But I smell so fresh..))
[20-19:33] af509, Vesarn: *By luck, the poor elf was schedueld to take the king his evenign snack and he grits his teeth, moving quietly to the chambers with the tray and taps lightly on the door, waiting to be let in.*
[20-19:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *doesn't answer the door... is in pain!*
[20-19:33] af509, Vesarn: ((bags of oranges are heavy, even if they are soft, you're being hit with 10-20 pounds (or more if its a big bag) of slightly soft matter probably at a high speed))
[20-19:33] 5e834, Aralore : *Lets out a startled cry of agony, yelling at whatever's at the door to go away, rubbing yet another wound*
[20-19:34] ff774, Axis : It's me Aralore. You cna open the door or I can kick it in.
[20-19:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : * evil. growls... growl growl... spazz*
[20-19:35] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : Come! ** abit startled. He has had anything to drink as of yet **
[20-19:35] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would decidedly leave her chambers and head to Khiumil's, if she has to be his wife she isn't going to sit collecting dust in the corner*
[20-19:36] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : (( hasnt ))
[20-19:36] af509, Vesarn: *steps in, moving timidly. He glances to the King, then down again, moving carefully with the tray into the room, not saying a single word, setting it down quietly on the table in front of him.*
[20-19:36] bb0b1, Mab: What kingdom is Khiumil a king of?
[20-19:36] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She brushes away her tangled hair and leans over and off the branch, her legs wrapping around the limb striving for balance*
[20-19:36] 5e834, Aralore : Damn it all...*takes a hand from Delotha, getting out his bow and pulling two rather plain looking arrows onto it, the immaculately crafted white bow aiming for the door* If you've come for trouble, trouble's what you'll get.
[20-19:37] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : (( ))
[20-19:37] ff774, Axis : What are you doing to her?! *the words are a snarl wit hclear demonic threat behind them*
[20-19:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snarl.. growl... then rolls onto her side, and makes a apthetic sounding whimper. Aaaw!*
[20-19:40] 5e834, Aralore : Me!? You're the demon, you probably have her possessed or something! So unless you know a good priest, but not too good, I suggest you high-tail it out of here.
[20-19:41] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : ** looks at vesarn. ** Hello, there. ** looks over the food on the tray ** Thank you.
[20-19:42] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-19:42] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would come walking in after Vesarn folding her arms across her chest to look at her King, her green eyes rather piercing*
[20-19:42] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-19:42] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She can see her face better and she smiles at herself, grinning inwardly at her reflection. The smile ripples and her face changes as a leaf falls and sends the image asunder*
[20-19:43] ff774, Axis : *The clear sound of a swrod being drawn would come from the other side* Moron drow! Demons can't posses people. And you are a drow...who are known for their tourture techniques! *knows he is an archer so steps slightly out of any line of fire o nthe door*
[20-19:43] af509, Vesarn: *bows a little bit, a bit of his back visible, a few very tiny blood spots visible on his back where his movements broke open his wounds, straightening again slowly, face kept carefully composed*
[20-19:45] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would notice the blood splotches on his back and then look to her husband*
[20-19:45] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *is such a trouble maker...* *her back arches.. could he see beneath the shirt, the mucles are straining... and she lets out another angry scream, her eyes meanwhile shifting to red*
[20-19:45] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : **looks past the slave to dre. ** Hello, m'lady. How do you fair?
[20-19:45] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : **looks past the slave to dre. ** Hello, m'lady. How do you fair?
[20-19:46] 5f661, Dre'makius : *she sneers, walking towards him* what mean you how do I fair?
[20-19:46] af509, Vesarn: *didn't know dre was posting in the same room, as he can't read that dark text. He turns a bit, stepping to one side so they may talk*
[20-19:47] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : ** moves through the forest once again looking cara. **
[20-19:47] 5f661, Dre'makius : ((better Vesarn?))
[20-19:47] af509, Vesarn: ((thank you))
[20-19:48] 5f661, Dre'makius : (()
[20-19:48] 5e834, Aralore : Delotha...can you hear me? Your friend has gone nuts. Help me send him back to the fiery depths.
[20-19:49] af509, Vesarn: ((*wishes people in the OTHER chats were as considerate as Dre *gives cookie* ))
[20-19:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *were she more aware of what was going on, she'd clobber Aralore*
[20-19:50] ff774, Axis : *smacks himself i nthe head for a fool....teleports inside the room mext to aralore* Told you to let me in
[20-19:50] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She's being looked for and she's not aware of it so she lounges, peices of drying sunlight catching on her body and warming her. She rises so she's sitting and she looks around..listining.....birds are no longer chirping..*
[20-19:50] 5f661, Dre'makius : ((WOOT!! *gets a cookie**smiles, dances happy dance, then sits in comfy cusion and munches on cookie*
[20-19:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *is laying on the bed, untouched, with her back arched... though at least she's stopped making angry screams or growls, instead she's panting rapidly, as if not getting enough air*
[20-19:52] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : How are you? ** looks at her as if she is isane**
[20-19:52] 5e834, Aralore : Return from whence you came, hell spawn. You aren't going anywhere with her.*Turns his gaze to Axis, with a withering frown*
[20-19:52] MSG: Delotha Feanor sent a message to Axis.
[20-19:52] 5f661, Dre'makius : You would know if you came and spent time with me. *would stand a foot from him, her arms folded across her chest*
[20-19:53] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : ** to save time tarnis happens to be getting good at finding cara.. walks into her lil camp..looks over to her...doesnt speak**
[20-19:54] ff774, Axis : *igores him as insignificant laying his fingers across her wrist for a pulse*
[20-19:55] af509, Vesarn: *just... stands to one side*
[20-19:55] bb0b1, Fahrena : *cameo until Mierka gets online* *She lays on the bed of leaves that Mierka kindly got for her after her whimpering about the pebbles in her bare back drove Mierka to do so, so that Mierka could get some sleep. The leaves worked nicely. It's coming on to morning. Player figures we'll start RP up again at night, so this will sum up the day. Mierka is no doubt going about daily activities and ignoring the quiet for a change Fahrena. She watches the sun rise over the trees. Lando doesn't look as fearful in the daylight looking down at her as he did in the moonlight. She still wonders if he can hear and see while in stone form. She has managed to squirm her legs free so that her knees are bent and aimed for a rather tender spot of Lando's if he wasn't stone. It's not really her intention to cause him harm in that way. It is just the most comfortable way to arrange her legs since she squirmed he thighs slowly and carefully free in order to give relief to the arrow grazing injury on her thigh. She mutters to Lando, figuring he can't hear her anyway* I'd only be half as despesrate to escape if you'd stop further injuring me every time we come into contact. *she can't say that she wouldn't try to escape, but she knows that she wouldn't make it so immediate a priority if she wasn't fearing for the soundness of her limbs every time Lando seemed even a bit cross*
[20-19:55] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She looks down at him, her wide eyes unblinking, watching* Your getting better at this*calls down to him just before she climbs down..and this she does..quickly..scampering down like she was born to do this*
[20-19:55] MSG: Axis sent a message to Delotha Feanor.
[20-19:56] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : I have been busy running a kingdom. ** shrugs it off ** Would you like to go and have dinner? Go for a walk. ** looks back to Vesarn** Some entertainment?
[20-19:57] 5e834, Aralore : She's breathing, fool. Haven't you a brain? Now...if you know what's wrong with her, then speak up. Otherwise, get out. Lest the same demonic illness that afflicts her go to you, too.
[20-19:57] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would rub her shoulder and then look to Vesarn* A walk... preferably..... *would mutter* because your definition of entertainment is something I'm not familiar with
[20-19:57] MSG: Delotha Feanor sent a message to Axis.
[20-19:58] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : Am I. ** turns around so he faces her. his arms folded over his chest**
[20-19:58] af509, Vesarn: *looks up, paling as the King looks at him, and tenses, before relaxing a bit at Dre's response.*
[20-19:58] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snarls, and jerks around to latch her fangs into Axis's wrist... has a pulse, btw. A quick one*
[20-19:59] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : (( Am I?))
[20-20:00] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She brushes her hair away from her face, trying to pull it back the best she can, the tangled mess having a mind of it's own* has..*she strolls over so she can get a good look at his face* What is the matter?
[20-20:01] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : ** stands up moving forward to dre, pulls his cloak free from the chair then moves next to her holding out arm. she should hold on to this shred of kindness in Khiumil**
[20-20:01] ff774, Axis : Shut up. *he jerks his hand out of the way thenquickly flips her over onto her stomach, sitting on her across her hips his legs pinning her arms down hopefully. He then begins to slit the back of her shirt wiht his claws*
[20-20:02] af509, Vesarn: *is left behind* ((so much for that RP))
[20-20:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *oh.. is making quite a fuss about that... jerking around and shredding the bedding something awful.. those red eyes flaring like fire as she latches her teeth into a pillow... *
[20-20:03] bb0b1, Fahrena : *She is not so lucky to be able to squirm her wrists loose from his grasp, but she wiggles her fingers out of boredom. An ant crawls very close to her and she warns it* Don't you dare tell your friends this would be a good path to take. *That's all she needs is an ant trail going over her. She squirms around to discourage the ant and it works. It finds a different place to scout, going around her and Lando. She sighs with relief and is very glad she took the time and care to slowly work her legs free. If she hadn't, she'd be the bridge rather than the turn pike for the ant nation.*
[20-20:03] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would link her arm in with his, glancing back to Vesarn**looks towards the windows* It is awfully dark..... perhaps.. Vesarn could follow with a latern?
[20-20:03] 5e834, Aralore : *Aims his bow at Axis, voice lowering* What're you doing?
[20-20:03] af509, Vesarn: ((You wouldnt' know my name()(
[20-20:04] 5f661, Dre'makius : ((switch Vesarn with servant )
[20-20:04] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : ** turns looking a Vesarn. **He will fallow us with lantern and drinks.
[20-20:05] ff774, Axis : Shut up.*he slits her shirt to the waist then tears it open revealing her back* I think.....
[20-20:05] af509, Vesarn: *blinks and looks up, eyes looking leerily towarsd the drink tray and the lantern he'll have to both carry, hesitating.*
[20-20:06] 5f661, Dre'makius : Drinks won't be necessary *she looks to him* for I am not thirsty *would dig her fingers into the arm of her king*
[20-20:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *oooh it's a creepy sight indeed. Looks like there is two alive thingies moving about under her skin, and occasionaly pressing up against it... which incites another eerie scream*
[20-20:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Hehe... bet you thought he was just being kinky!))
[20-20:08] 5e834, Aralore : Don't you tell me to shut up! This...this is my room! I paid for it. So I want some answers. What is that? What are those...those things!?
[20-20:08] ff774, Axis : ((who said I wasn't?))
[20-20:08] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : Fine. Just the lantern. ** looks ro Vesarn.** Fallow in haste with that lamp. ** turns back to dre ** Shall we go?
[20-20:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *What? So I got the hunchback of doom... sue me*
[20-20:09] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (())
[20-20:09] ff774, Axis : Shut up and listen fool.She is a demon. These are wing buds. Demons get them.
[20-20:09] 5f661, Dre'makius : *nods* yes. *would look to the door, her expression quite harsh, and indeed quite bothered*
[20-20:10] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : I don't much like war. ** shrugs ** Had to send some forces to Emania. People will die.
[20-20:10] ff774, Axis : *speaks as to a child*
[20-20:10] bb0b1, Fahrena : *the day moves on and she listens to the chirping birds. She tries to look every direction except up at Lando. She falls asleep a couple times. It had been chilly for her last night with wet clothes from the river and no blanket. The day is relatively warm and her clothes have finally dried in the day time breeze. Can't say they've dried from the sun, because she's rather shaded from the sun. She really wishes she could scratch her nose. That alone is enough to spur her to escape faster, being deprived of the ability to scratch her nose. She tries not to think about it, but then a butterfly lands on her nose.* Shoo! Shoo!
[20-20:11] af509, Vesarn: *eyes the ten foot pole lamp, designed to be held over their heads as he picks it up, carefully. He grunts, struggling with it and its obvious his thin frame couldnt' carry it easily. * Its... a bit heavy..
[20-20:11] 5e834, Aralore : I don't like them. They're causing her pain. We should destroy them. They could kill her.
[20-20:12] cb2b7, Caradonia: Oh, I see.*She gives him a very sympathetic look and leans up on her tip toes to give him a hug*
[20-20:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *on que, she lets out another eerie scream, as the.. things... seem to get bigger, pressing more tightly against the skin*
[20-20:13] ff774, Axis : Have yo uever considered ripping her arms off? Ripping of fher wings would be the same. They are a sign of power for us anyway *axis is clearly delighted by her getting wings. he stil lspeaks slowley ,as if to a particularly slow child.* They'll be free soon.
[20-20:13] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : ** stops short. abit annoyed he turns suddenly to vesarn.** Deal. ** trying to remain calm. turns back to dre...moving along the corridors towards the castles center garden**
[20-20:14] 5f661, Dre'makius : *would walk step in step with him, her new dress flowing gently around her figure, a dress made for a queen, but she doesn't feel like one**her grip on his arm would remain taught, hoping to numb his arm slightly*
[20-20:15] ff774, Axis : *he pulls out his favorite large silver knife* But let us hurry the process...
[20-20:15] af509, Vesarn: *flinches a bit at the command and struggles with the lamp, slowing to be behind them as he gest it through the door, then pulls it op, almost comically wobbling it about as he tries to keep from dropipng it.*
[20-20:15] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : ** unfolds his arm then wraps them around her. picks her up so she is off the ground..he his trying to change his thoughts smiles** Who wins?
[20-20:16] 5e834, Aralore : *Takes the arrows and puts them away, albeit unhappily--his eyes widen slightly when he sees Axis's actions* You're not cutting her with that...
[20-20:16] bb0b1, Fahrena : *the pretty butterfly finally flies off and she groans at the itching its landing cause her nose. Out of desperation, she finally leans up as high as she can and rubs her nose against Lando's rocky face. Mutters* Don't think anything of this or get any ideas. *It does the trick. Aaaah, relief. Nose no longer itching. Having not dried her face off from her bath in the river and having air dried had made several places itch from mild drying out of her skin. At least her nose didn't itch. Her healing injuries sure did though. ((*keeps switching between present and past tense*)) She reminds herself that her injuries itching is a good thing and she can feel that the stiches in the ones the woman stitched up are still sound. She will have to go back one day, if she gets out of this, and thank that old woman and pay her handsomely for the great job she did*
[20-20:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *growls angerily... punctuated by a sudden whimper*
[20-20:17] cb2b7, Caradonia: *SHe laughs and swings her feet mid air her bare toes lightly kicking at his knees* I do, this is far to fun*lets out a giggle*
[20-20:18] ff774, Axis : *takes the large curved knife and lays it along the flesh of one wingbud...the suddenly slashes then whips the dagger over and does the same on the other side. Basically in a few heartbeats he cuts the skin over them*
[20-20:20] ecdb5, Tarnis Catadon : ** begins walking towards a pool of water that is conveniently there...stops at the edge** Care for a swim?
[20-20:20] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *from the slits in the skin... emerge.. baby wings! They are a mess still though... all wet and bloody and.. yeech..*
[20-20:21] bb0b1, Fahrena : *The old woman had stitched her up with such kindness and care and reverence, the stitches so small, the woman used a magnifying glass to do them, the stretchy thread made of gutt so thin. It almost looked like fine lined embroidery on her arms and thigh, except for the inflamed skin around it, but that was now settling down. Soon, she could pick the stitches free, but that would be difficult without the woman's fine instruments, their being that small. Goodness they itched though. She shifts so that her tunic sleeve might rub lightly along her arm and her leggings along her thigh to try and relieve it.*
[20-20:21] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : Something on your mind? ** they would move through the garden. and out through massive wooden doors. into the streets of Belkin**
[20-20:21] af509, Vesarn: *follows as best he can, grunting on occasion, straining to keep the lamp from toppling or spilling, sweat trcikling over his skin*
[20-20:22] 5f661, Dre'makius : Why did you marry me? *would not look to his gaze, walking with him, curious about her surroundings*
[20-20:22] cb2b7, Caradonia: No!!!*yelps and tries to squirm free without being dropped into the fridged water. She's not in her normaly clothing. I s in a light cotteny dress..would freeze*
[20-20:22] 5e834, Aralore : Bloody hell, I hope these are what Delotha ordered...
[20-20:24] ff774, Axis : Get some warm water. Best if we get her cleaned up *he cuatiosly gets off of her hoping that this will ahev calmed her*
[20-20:24] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : Because you are beautiful. ** shrugs. pleases with vesarn so far **
[20-20:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *bloody is right... though at least with the clean cut, it didn't hurt near as much as the wings shoving out on their own... she lays a bit more quietly, panting heavily, her forehead resting against what's left of the the pillow...*
[20-20:25] 5f661, Dre'makius : So that's why you spend no time with me. *would continue to avoid his gaze*
[20-20:26] bb0b1, Fahrena : *Her shoulder wound still aches and her foot and hand injuries. They were deeper than the gashy scratches along her arm and the thigh graze and her being bent over a horse day after day wasn't helping them recover any faster. That still infuriated her, the indignity of it all, not to mention the discomfort.*
[20-20:27] af509, Vesarn: *is starting to lag behind though, unable to keep up and hold the lamp steady, finally letting one end drag on the ground behind him*
[20-20:27] ecdb5, Khiumil Arisol : I don't spend time with you because I am busy running a kingdom. ** they moves around the side of the castle wall now...there is a forest here...about 10 yards wide.**
[20-20:28] 5f661, Dre'makius : You know that is a load of bull *would look to him finally*
[20-20:29] af509, Vesarn: *Continues to lag behind, trying to get the lamp betwen the trees without setting any on fire(*
[20-20:30] ab6ae, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((That reminds me...)) *Has, long since, set sail with the news that our dear Khiumil has already given his armies to another..*
[20-20:30] 5e834, Aralore : *Has a pail of lukewarm water, pulling it off the stove and lightly dabbing Delotha with it, tearing off a piece of an immaculately crafted cloak to help soak up the blood and water*
[20-20:31] ab6ae, Lanika Chagg'Ra : ((Now if our dear leader would ever come in... someone could be done with that. Merph))
[20-20:31] bb0b1, Fahrena : *she sighs. This all night and day long rest in at least more comfort than she had been experiencing was all in all a relief and she reminds herself that the plant monster could have gotten her if not for Artanis and that Artanis is suffering far more than she has to the point of no comparison and that it is because of her. This has reduced her complaining quite a bit, but it doesn't mean she would just tolerate unjust inflictions without questioning them. The day wanes into evening a little. Where did the time go? She must have slept more than she realized. This was well. She needed the rest without strain to her injuries.*
[20-20:31] ff774, Axis : *kneels down next to her head * Time to wake up delthoa....
[20-20:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *when touched, the small, fragile seeming wings quick a quiver, and instictively folds up... though even as he begins cleaning her, the wings would slowly seem to grow, and flesh out more... the slender, near transparent membrane also gradually taking color, and being les... see through* *darkly, in a soft face* ... that.... hurt like hell...
[20-20:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((soft voice))
[20-20:34] 5f661, Dre'makius : ((eep.. really sorry.. I gotta jet... .... no pausing. just.. fastforward thing**GONE*))
[20-20:34] EXIT: Dre'makius has left the chat ( 9:34pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-20:34] ff774, Axis : You grew wings. Proud of you. It always hurts...
[20-20:36] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Why is it a load of bull? There is alot going right now. ** players get lost now and esscorts dre to her chambers..goes back to his own...instructs vesarn to do the same
[20-20:36] bb0b1, Fahrena : *end cameo*
[20-20:38] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[20-20:38] af509, Vesarn: *manages to get the lamp back, albeit he slammed it rather hard several times against trees and the castle as he tries to do so*
[20-20:38] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : Oh. Alright. Ya big baby. ** moves her back over the land..sets her down gently then moves away from teh water abit laying down**
[20-20:38] 5e834, Aralore : *Glowers at Axis, not above simple jealousy, moving down next to Delotha and nudging Axis grumpily, after all, he hasn't meditated since before Delotha went down* Is there anything I can bring you, Delotha?
[20-20:39] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *dryly* So glad you approve... and unless you have something that speeds this process up.. not really.. Aralore...
[20-20:42] ff774, Axis : IT will progress pretty well from now on. I can put you to sleep if yo uwant though... But it shouldn't hurt as much after that heals
[20-20:42] cb2b7, Caradonia: Thank you...*scowls at him and glowers in his direction..yellow eyes narrowed* I am not a big baby..or*holds up a finger at him and wags it* nor a little one...
[20-20:43] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** speaks to Vesarn as there is no one else to speak to ** How are you?
[20-20:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : So.. uh... sorry about.. the biting thing...
[20-20:44] af509, Vesarn: *blinks at that, panting a little bit and replies* I'm fine sir... Sire. *he corrects himself, pausing to hold the lantern steady again*
[20-20:44] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[20-20:44] JOIN: Cookie Monster has entered.
[20-20:45] 5e834, Aralore : Yes, about that, Delotha, if we're going to get married, there's going to have to be sacrifices, starting with the biting. *Offers her a wry grin*
[20-20:45] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : **looks at the scawny elven boy** You may set that down.
[20-20:46] ff774, Axis : *he comes out with a vial of sleepign powder* Ready for a nap del?
[20-20:47] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *just makes a snort in response to that, and then to Axis* I'll stay awake... I can deal with this pain
[20-20:47] 54891, Cookie Monster: *Waves to all*
[20-20:47] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*waves back*))
[20-20:47] af509, Vesarn: *he looks at Khi, gratefully and puts it down carefully, flinching as he bends over, then back up * Thank you sire...
[20-20:47] bb0b1, Fahrena : *has ended cameo, but can still be here for those that might wish to continue RP*
[20-20:48] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((sorry I missed last night. IRL friends pulled me away from the compy))
[20-20:48] ff774, Axis : If you want. he stands and stretches* ((*waves* Hey Cookie is jerren wanting to meet with Lok?))
[20-20:50] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((Sure!))
[20-20:51] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Yeah. ** looks at the elven boy ** Care for a drink?
[20-20:51] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. for the record... until I'm finished with this... I hate everyone, so don't piss me off...
[20-20:52] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[20-20:54] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : Your little before you are big. ** smiles up at her. ** LIttle baby ** taunts her playfully**
[20-20:55] 5e834, Aralore : Duly noted.
[20-20:55] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-20:56] ff774, Axis : on that note I shall go for a bit. Aralore I need to talk to yo ufor a moment. now.
[20-20:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : That said... both of you get lost, and don't come back unless you plan on feeding me *drops her head back down to the mattress*
[20-20:57] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She lifts a foot and nudges him in the ribs non too gently* i'm not a baby...*she eyes him..looking for a suitiable insult cant find one so nudges him again*
[20-20:57] af509, Vesarn: *shakes his head* No thank you sir... *he replies politely, moving a hand behind his back to touch at his wounds gently*
[20-20:59] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** is no longer stone..the sun has drop far enough for him to turn into flesh..though with his cloak he would have been able to any how...looking down at fahrena** There is nothing wrong with the way I teach. ** smiles evil like at her** And I just might get ideas. ** playing abit he trys to kiss her...though it is half hearted**
[20-21:00] 5e834, Aralore : What kind of food do you want, Delotha?
[20-21:01] bb0b1, Fahrena : *gasps as she speaks to her. Oh crap! He could hear her!! Her eyes wide and stunned.* No! Uhk! Stop! *panicked, thinking him serious in his half hearted attempts to kiss her*
[20-21:01] 54891, Cookie Monster: ((Lando? Have you read the species write up for Gargoyles?))
[20-21:01] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((ehem she speaks = he speaks sorry bout that. *has been having pronoun problems*))
[20-21:01] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : ** wraps his arm down around her foot so she cant have it back** Alright. Don't be offended. Just playing. ** offers her a wide goofy looking smile trying to make her smile as well**
[20-21:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *waves him off... *
[20-21:02] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Why not. When a king offers a drink. No one should refuse! ** leans back into his chair** At least have a seat**Motions to a chair on the opposite side of the little round table**
[20-21:02] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((I'm getting ready to change the writeup in regards to being able to hear/listen while stone))
[20-21:03] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((More fun for the gargoyles that way))
[20-21:03] 99e10, Lando Trosni : (( *twitchy eyes** what she said.,..for fun))
[20-21:03] ff774, Axis : Come on Aralore We need to talk
[20-21:03] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[20-21:03] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She snickers and wiggels her foot in his grasp* What are you going to do with a third foot*Neatly balancing on one leg..wobbling just a little because she's on uneven ground*
[20-21:04] af509, Vesarn: *flinches a bit and nods, sitting down carefully... tenderly* I mean no disrespect sire... I just can't stomach wine well...
[20-21:05] 6df9d, Mierka : *if they were paying attention, they might hear a faint humming and once in a while a splash coming from the stream. She's taken the chance to have a bath, trusting in Lando to keep Fahrena secure*
[20-21:05] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : I could run faster with it? ** pulls her foot alittle...trying to make her fall over**
[20-21:05] 5e834, Aralore : *Nods to Axis, standing up and moving out* Very well..
[20-21:06] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** still pinning her ** Sleep well. How do rocks feel around your wrists and in you back?
[20-21:06] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She tetters a little but not enough to loose footing* I think that would only work if you had 4 legs....having only 3 would make you uneven
[20-21:07] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((There, all fixed. Now Gargies can have a little more fun with the being stone thing))
[20-21:07] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : I am sure you don't. Tell me you been a slave all your life?
[20-21:07] af509, Vesarn: I do... *he admits in timid tones* Y... yes I have. As long as I can remember *shiver*
[20-21:08] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : ** reachs for his fourth foor. ** Then give me another.
[20-21:08] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : (( foot *))
[20-21:08] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *smiles and shakes her head as he compliments her* Are you trying to influence my decision through flattery, Sir Darrymont?
[20-21:09] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Have any plan to one day not be a slave? ** Shrugs** If I were you I would be doing all I could to get out of that life...** looks a vesarn ** Don't get any ideas.
[20-21:09] ff774, Axis : *when they are out side he closes the door then slams his fist throug ha nearby wall eyes blazing with surpressed fury* Never ever ever point a weapon at me AGIAN!!!!!
[20-21:09] bb0b1, Fahrena : *scowls at him* Not so bad if you're made of stone with a heart of one. *squirms a little in frustration. Hears the sounds of Mierka bathing. Wishes she could do likewise again and this time w/o soaking her clothing* Please, let me move some? *still has her knees situated where she could do him injury if she felt so inclined*
[20-21:10] af509, Vesarn: *eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly* no ideas sir... none at all. *he promises geverently, an old scar on his wrist rubbed a bit lightly*
[20-21:10] 5e834, Aralore : Then do not mention Drow torture techniques, again...that's a chapter of my life I'd prefer to put behind me..
[20-21:11] eed62, Darrius Lokken : **smiles visibly beneath his mask** I meant everything I said, and Adrian, I think you are on a first name basis with me, your highness.
[20-21:11] cb2b7, Caradonia: You cant have mine!*She zigzags her foot out of his grasp moving with a agile ease that is to be envied* How will I stand?
[20-21:11] ff774, Axis : *he snarls* then watch your tounge about demons fool. Keep in mind delthoa is one too.
[20-21:12] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **smiles visibly beneath his mask** I meant everything I said, and Adrian, I think you are on a first name basis with me, your highness.
[20-21:12] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** moves his legs out allowing her movemt but keeps her wrists tight...he heard mierkas and fahrenas talk about how he is not so civil** Better?
[20-21:13] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : I will carry you where ever you wish! You don't have to walk anywheres! ** still trying half heartedly to catch her foot**
[20-21:13] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : First name basis? *tilts her head slighty* Very well, Si...Adrian. I am called Shanira.
[20-21:13] bb0b1, Fahrena : Some, but I'd like to move my arms, rotate joints, you know, that sort of thing you non-captives take for granted? *glare glare glare*
[20-21:13] 5e834, Aralore : She is only half-demon.
[20-21:14] 6df9d, Mierka : *she eventually sighs and gets out of the water, wringing out her hair before pulling on her clothes over her damp skin, leaving her hair free for the moment*
[20-21:14] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Good. Ideas get people hurt. If you tried escape I would send you to my mines. ** pauses** Like the idea of swinging a hammer for the rest of your days?
[20-21:14] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **bows his head smiling** Well Shanira, Im Adrian, and its my pleasure to be in your company.
[20-21:14] cb2b7, Caradonia: *She attempts to avoid the grabbing with a delighted laugh* Well, when you put it that could just carry me around anyway*zigzags a bit more realizing that he holds her on a tether..her leg*
[20-21:15] af509, Vesarn: *shakes his head, not leaning back in the seat, despite how comfortable it would be.* N... no sir...
[20-21:15] ff774, Axis : She has the wings now. she has the claws and blood. I will not warn you again. If you do not belive me ask delthoa about the last one who tried to kill me. *turns and walks away*
[20-21:15] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Now, are you just saying that?
[20-21:15] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** looks around the before releasing fahrena's wrists he sits on her. pinning her at the waist. ** Where is Mierka?
[20-21:17] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Good then. So as long as you don't break any more of my stuff, then you shall remain unharmed. I bet you like that
[20-21:17] af509, Vesarn: *shivers* I... I dont want to get hurt. I wont break anything else... *he promises, and of course, things will get blamed on him, somehow*
[20-21:18] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : ** moves the hand of the arm that is holding one of her feet captive. hits her in the back of the knee of the leg that is supporting her ** Come on have a seat.
[20-21:18] bb0b1, Fahrena : Oof! *tenderly moves her arms down, her shoudler muscles being the only ones tight and sore this evening, unlike previous evenings where she had less movement abilties* I cooked her and ate her. I've resorted to cannibalism, you keep me so hungry. *and her stomach seems to growl right on cue*
[20-21:18] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : I mean all that I say **looks at her from across the dining table** Shanira, would it be to informal of me, to ask if I could sit closer... I feel a bit disconnected fromover here, dont you?
[20-21:19] 6df9d, Mierka : *begins making her way back to camp, combing her fingers through her hair*
[20-21:20] 99e10, Lando Trosni : Well since you have eaten then I should not go through the trouble of tracking a deer and bringing it back before we take off again?
[20-21:20] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* But if you were to attack me I'd have more of a chance to defend myself than if you were sitting nearer to me.
[20-21:21] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : That's a good boy. Eventually you will earn some luxuirys(sp), you own small chambers...books...your own servant. But you are years from that.
[20-21:21] cb2b7, Caradonia: *Pretty much has to at this point, she cant evade this and so she neatly falls, landing with a soft thump and a Omp..sitting at a awkward angle..that is..if he' s still holding that one foot*Does this mean that your not going to carry me?
[20-21:22] af509, Vesarn: *nods al ittle bit, then asks* And maybe, freedom someday?
[20-21:22] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : Well how far do you want to go? ** shrugs...releasing her foot to allow he comfort** I can only carry your heavy rump so far.
[20-21:22] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : Come now, do I have any reason to attack you? **says this as he moves his chair closer to her**
[20-21:24] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : You did bring an army to my doorstep. *lets him*
[20-21:24] 99e10, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** still studying scrolls one week left till he is done**
[20-21:24] cb2b7, Caradonia: *she folds her foot beneath her with a smug look* My rump is not's nice..a stable boy said so...and I have no desitnation in mind...think of it as spur of the moment
[20-21:24] bb0b1, Fahrena : *narrows her eyes. She is being bolder than she normally would be with him after he tore into her the last time she was his captive. She fears him greatly from that. She wonders what kind of condition she'd be in now if she hadn't escaped and gotten fixed up. She'd have likely died from infection or at the very least had horrible looking gashy scars on her arm and thigh. She is scared of him, but being in this close proximity to him all day has desensitized her just enough for sarcasm to return* Well, I did regurgitate her. She's only a little smoked and slimey. None the worse for wear. *flinches under his weight on her waist*
[20-21:25] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : **pause**
[20-21:25] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *from the edge of the clearing* Which is why I needed a bath.
[20-21:26] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : That wasnt my doing, the king of is a bit strange and just wanted to have his military recognized
[20-21:26] 6df9d, Mierka : *from the edge of the clearing in which they're camped* Which is why I needed a bath
[20-21:26] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *snorts* And what better way than to have it invade?
[20-21:27] 99e10, Lando Trosni : Good then. You have tasted her twice. You should be good with out food for a couple more days. ** turns looking at mierka ** And you look better for it. ..** pauses ** Will you keep track of fahrena so I can catch us some dinner for we get going?
[20-21:28] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : As far as I can tell, our negotiations have been peaceful, am I wrong?
[20-21:28] 6df9d, Mierka : *nods, smiling faintly at his compliment* We have no ropes..want me to sit on her?
[20-21:28] bb0b1, Fahrena : *whimpers at his saying she won't get any food, looking away to the side with a pouty expression*
[20-21:29] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *shakes her head* No. They've been pleasant.
[20-21:29] 99e10, Lando Trosni : No. ** unhooks his crossbow and hold it out for mierka ** Just shoot her if she moves to run.
[20-21:30] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **half smiles** is pleasant good?
[20-21:30] 6df9d, Mierka : *takes it from him* Alright
[20-21:30] bb0b1, Fahrena : *then looks at Mierka and narrows her eyes at the sitting on her comment. Good. They have no ropes. Just as she planned. She actually sighs with relief at the threat of a crossbow shot at her over being tied down or sat on. At least it is more physically comfortable*
[20-21:32] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** pushs off the ground very hard like taking flight. he fly through the trees..ducking branchs and moving along all quick like eyes peeled for some game**
[20-21:32] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : (( oops sorry vesarn one sec))
[20-21:33] 6df9d, Mierka : *she keeps the crossbow aimed at Fahrena* How's your back?
[20-21:33] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Freedom? Freedom? ** snorts ** That would take some wonderous service. And what would you do with yourself once you are free? You would have no talents to live on out there. ** motions out a window to the city below**
[20-21:35] bb0b1, Fahrena : *oofs when he gets off from pinning her and sits up, rubbing her wrists and rotating her shoulders more fully, only more slowly on her injured one.* Good, he's gone for a while. *sits there and stretches her sides, working the kinks out. Massages her own neck, just generally working to make herself more comfortable*
[20-21:35] af509, Vesarn: *lips tighten a bit, but he doesn't give any reply for a few momnets* I'd go home.
[20-21:35] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *chuckles* Of course *the empty bread and cheese plates are removed and replaced with a succulantly herbed fish covered in a light wine sauce. On the side there's a slightly spicey steamed vegetable that goes perfectly with the fish*
[20-21:35] bb0b1, Fahrena : My back is fine. Thank you. I might have some small bruises, but you came to my rescue just in time.
[20-21:36] 6df9d, Mierka : Are you that afraid of him? *curious, nodding to her responce*
[20-21:36] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** wow... a wild bore.. swoops down grabbing it up...he will have alittle above the tree tops and moves along till he is over head of the two women. drops the bore just to the right of fahrena** Look out! ** flys off to find another animal..he likes variety**
[20-21:37] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : How do you have a home if you have been a slave your whole life?
[20-21:37] 99e10, Lando Trosni : (( boar*))
[20-21:37] af509, Vesarn: Amongst other elves... I have to have family somewhere..
[20-21:37] bb0b1, Fahrena : How afraid of him do you mean? Afraid he'll may me lay my bare back on pebbles? Afraid he'll gash my arm to shreds or shoot a bolt through my foot just to capture me? Oh, you're right. I don't know why I fear him so. *dripping heavily with sarcasm*
[20-21:38] bb0b1, Fahrena : he'll may = he may
[20-21:39] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Everyone has family somewhere. But your could not have cared much for you if they allowed you to become a slave?
[20-21:39] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((Okay, we need posting order.))
[20-21:39] 6df9d, Mierka : *snorts* Well, if you did'nt try to escape, he would'nt be so mean..*jumps as the boar lands next to them* Dinner
[20-21:40] 99e10, Lando Trosni : (( **scowls...** i steps out of line...i think it was mierka fahrena then lando))
[20-21:41] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **serves himself a plate** So, Shanira, do you have any particualr interests or hobbies?
[20-21:41] af509, Vesarn: *he slwallows a bit* Maybe they thought I was dead... *his voice was soft now... he was clinging to hopes*
[20-21:41] bb0b1, Fahrena : *and then the boar falls down next to her and she jumps to the side before she can respond to Mierka* Aah! *glares at the boar and then looks at and says to Mierka with indignant sarcasm* Do you think if he almost kills me with the food that I should demand to be entitled to partake of some?
[20-21:42] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** flys away in another direction... now searchs for a deer**
[20-21:43] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : In my spare time, I like to read and ride wherever my heart takes me. *sighs* But spare time is rare, these days. And you, Adrian?
[20-21:44] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : What would give them that idea. And if your family thought you were dead how could some random slaver decide you lived?
[20-21:44] 6df9d, Mierka : *shrugs, keeping the crossbow trained on her* Demand all you want. It's up to him what you get.
[20-21:44] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : (( What would give them that idea?))
[20-21:44] af509, Vesarn: *swallows, jaw tightening, having no reply for that. He just stares at the table*
[20-21:45] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : How did you end up in slavery?
[20-21:46] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **Thinks to himself** Not much free time anymore, is there? I suppose the best thing to do for me though, is I love to search through new cities, I guess its a left over of my prior profession, but its always been exciting to me.
[20-21:47] bb0b1, Fahrena : Well, you have to keep me under guard, which means you can't cook it. *moves to butcher the boar, taking up a sharp rock and working at it* This would be easier with a knife. *grumbles* If he tries to get smart and cute after I go through the trouble of cooking this and dares deny me some, I will try to kill him instead of just escaping. *pulls over some big leaves and lays the boars gutts out on it, careful not to soil any more than her hands, not sure if they'd let her clean up after. * Those'll make a good stew.
[20-21:47] af509, Vesarn: I... I was captured... tortured..
[20-21:48] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : To explore new places and learn new things? *there's something about her smile that says she knows exactly how he feels, if that's the case*
[20-21:48] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Well if you allowed yourself to be cought then you must belong here, a slave.
[20-21:49] 6df9d, Mierka : *watches her, not offering to help because, honestly, she would'nt know what to do. Instead she blinks* The guts?
[20-21:50] af509, Vesarn: I didn't aLLOW myself to be caught... *he states suddenly tense, upset.*
[20-21:50] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** swoops down on a deer. in a single easy slice uses his claw to cut the deer throat. before it can callops he grabs it up and flys towards camp...he hopes that they have a fire going...these dead animals are sure to attrack other animals**
[20-21:51] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Well if you didn't get away you must not have tried very hard.
[20-21:52] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **he tries to fillthe rumbling in his stomach with fish and vegetables... but he knows what hunger this is that grows, and it terryfies him. His human side knows that what he is eating is delicious, but the ghoul screams in his head for something raw... he noticably loses his concentration for the moment**
[20-21:53] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[20-21:53] af509, Vesarn: *doesn't respond. Just sits there, staring at the table.*
[20-21:53] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *frowns slightly, watching him* Are you ok?
[20-21:53] 99e10, Lando Trosni : (( puts his post infront of Mierkas ))
[20-21:54] bb0b1, Fahrena : *she throws away the intestines far away into the forest, not wanting to risk being forced to eat those as her share, figuring Lando will try to get cute and cause her more grief by offering her the most disgusting bits, if any. She is rather cynical of her opinion of him and what he'd likely do, figuring the worst and trying to prevent him being able. She limps and lugs the boar's body over to the fire pit, dragging it on fern fronts. She, herselt rips some from the hem of her tunic, or what's left of it, to lash together the spit for the boar and then puts the whole contraption together. The girl has camping skills. She and her dad used to go camping when she was young, before he got killed and she took over his province.*
[20-21:54] 99e10, Lando Trosni : (( hmm ** ** around that ))
[20-21:55] 6df9d, Mierka : *continues to watch, trying to brush out her still drying hair with one hand and not suceeding*
[20-21:55] 5e834, Aralore : *Lurks about a random farm in the city, nocking his bow with a single arrow, he fires, blowing off one of the legs of an innocent little lamb. It makes some sort of horrified lamby noise as he mutters a draconic incantation, an incorporeal little mage's hand grabbing the leg of lamb and arrow and hauling it off...Aralore wraps the leg in paper, and returns to Delotha's room, setting the piece of meat up on a spit*
[20-21:56] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** drops the deer near where the boar was the drops back down to ground. looking about spots fahrena doing the work** Good girl.
[20-21:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *stirs a bit, opening one still red eye to peer towards Aralore... by the time he's returned, those wings are.. pretty good sized. One is propped up on the bed frame, the other draped off the bed and lightly brushes the floor*
[20-21:58] eed62, Darrius Lokken : **snaps to attention with a gasp of air, turning his head quickly to Shanira** Yes, fine, pardon me. I just had a lapse in thought, thats all...
[20-21:58] ff774, Axis : ((*bites aralore*)
[20-21:59] eed62, Darrius Lokken : ((ARGHH!))
[20-21:59] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : If you're sure..
[20-21:59] 5e834, Aralore : *As it cooks, he moves over to her quickly, tucking a strand of hair behind her hair as she's fond of doing.* How're you feeling?
[20-21:59] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Bites self* ow ))
[20-22:01] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : sorry... Are there any things you think you should know about me?
[20-22:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... I still hate the world...
[20-22:02] bb0b1, Fahrena : *she finally props up the board, it's head up toward the sky and rams the stave through the whole boar, putting all her slight weight into the effort. She then puts the stave over the fire. Sneers at Lando with his comment* This "good girl" is going to go down to the river and wash up now. *waves to Mierka mockingly imperious* Come, faithful escort and keep your arrow wary. Tonight, we feast! *thinks darkly to herself, "at least it better be we"*
[20-22:02] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Well, your hobbies, for one. Any siblings?
[20-22:02] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((board = boar))
[20-22:03] 6df9d, Mierka : *rolls her eyes* Oh yes, Most Honored Captive.
[20-22:04] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Well. What ever it was there is not much you can do now.
[20-22:04] bb0b1, Fahrena : *limps off down to the river, frankly not caring if Lando would object or not. She is almost as furious about his teasings as she is scared of him and is being actively rebellious to both.*
[20-22:04] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((oops, posted too quick. sowwy lando))
[20-22:05] af509, Vesarn: *doesnt' seem to listen, save for the faint tightening of his hands on the arm of the chair.*
[20-22:05] 5e834, Aralore : *Smirks* What about me? I should remind you, I've brought food.
[20-22:05] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : hmm, none that I know of... **ponders a moment** No, cant say that I have any. You've always been royalty, have you ever tried to blend in with the common people?
[20-22:06] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** take over now working on the deer** Don't run fahrena. Or I wont be so civil. ** does the same process as fahrena. pulling out guts and the whole bit**
[20-22:06] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** slames a fist down on the small round table** Are you listening!?
[20-22:06] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* I did
[20-22:07] af509, Vesarn: *jumps in surprise, yelping and jerks his head around * Y... Yessir!
[20-22:07] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : (( its alright ))
[20-22:07] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : And for that, you are spared my demoness wrath...
[20-22:09] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : and did you enjoy it?
[20-22:09] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : (( erm was supposed to be posted under lando ))
[20-22:10] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* As much as I could. Common born have so much freedom that they take for granted, though they don't see it.
[20-22:11] bb0b1, Fahrena : *at least she hopes his saying she would get no food was him trying to upset her and wasn't serious. If he was, ooooooooo! the anger boiling at even the thought. Mutters darkly back to him as she heads off so that he can hear* Your idea of civil is laughable. ((*thinks we skipped Mierka, but gets impatient to post when Shanira posts twice in that time*))
[20-22:11] 6df9d, Mierka : *follows her, of course, not saying anything for the moment*
[20-22:12] 5e834, Aralore : I'm almost disappointed that I haven't...*moves over to the spit, pulling the piece of meat off when it's done, offering it to Delotha*
[20-22:12] 6df9d, Mierka : Who? His or mine?
[20-22:13] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : But they also face much greater hardships
[20-22:13] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : True..
[20-22:14] 99e10, Lando Trosni : I am glad to humor you. ** grabs up some guts throughing them at fahrena. ** Go bath, women.
[20-22:15] ff774, Axis : ((later all))
[20-22:15] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Good. Wouldn't want to have to add to your collection of scars.
[20-22:15] af509, Vesarn: *shudders at that and finally sits back, ignoring his stinging back now as he just sits there, half curled up miserably* may I go now...? *he asks hopefully*
[20-22:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I wouldn't be... *stays mostly still, except for the arm that reaches out to take the bit of meat* ... Dang it all.. now I have to take time to try and fricken fly.. *pops the meat into her mouth, chewing sullenly*
[20-22:16] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **sits quietly, waiting for her to initiate a topic of coversation**
[20-22:18] bb0b1, Fahrena : I was answering Lando, obviously. *to Mierka. She heads to the river and pulls off what could only mockingly be called a tunic now. She pulls off her boots carefully not to upset her foot wound. She unwraps her foot bandage and pulls off her leggings.* If I go under water, you can shoot where the ripples are and be garanteed to hit me. *she wades into the water in the buff to waist deep and counts on Lando being too busy cooking to come upon them. She really doesn't give Mierka much chance to object to her actions* Aaaah, it's nice to bathe without getting one's clothings soaked. *does make her bathing quick though. Mierka might note her shoulder bandage which has a thin band that goes across her chest to secure the banage stays over her shoulder wound*
[20-22:18] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *she finishes her fish in silence, thinking back to her experiences when she had been visiting incognito, before the horror of Khalek*
[20-22:19] 6df9d, Mierka : *watches her* You'll feel better once you're done.
[20-22:20] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[20-22:21] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : No you may not leave. You don't like my company?
[20-22:22] 5e834, Aralore : The ability to fly is remarkable. You should be happy.
[20-22:23] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** ....through some magic the deer is now hang over the fire on a stick..**
[20-22:23] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **While he sits quietly, he can hear the ghouls thoughts off in the distance... he starts to chuckle quietly at the flesh sitting near him as he slips a little bit into his forthering madness, the hunger grows stronger.**
[20-22:23] af509, Vesarn: *tenses, and shakes his head* No... I... I enjoy it sir... I'm just tired... *uh oh..*
[20-22:24] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[20-22:24] 94c70, Z: *snuck in, mwahaha*
[20-22:24] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *blinks, brought out of her memories at the chuckling* What's so funny?
[20-22:24] 485ea, Caradonia: ((back!!))
[20-22:25] bb0b1, Fahrena : Better because I insisted upon it. *clarifies somewhat snobbily. She is in slightly bitter mode due to Lando's presense. She also feels they would not have even thought to allow her to do this had she not just up and gone to do it of her own volition. Yup, she's in that bitter, "If they won't treat me with respect, I'll take it for myself" kind of mode. She climbs back out and shakes off and sorta wringes the water off with her hands. Washed her hair while in there too, but didn't go all under when she did it. Anyways, she gets out and gets as dry as she can as quickly as she can before putting her foot bandage back on, flipping it to the cleaner side in, etc and gets back dressed over her damp self and then limps her way back up to the camp.*
[20-22:25] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[20-22:25] 04ca2, Kali: *snuck in behind Z*
[20-22:26] 94c70, Z: *settles in and ponders on what to do...*
[20-22:27] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : **Glances at her, grinning madly..... he stops himelf as his humanity seeps through again** Nothing, just recalling old memories...
[20-22:27] 6df9d, Mierka : *follows her back, shaking her head, almost wanting to gag her just out of spite*
[20-22:28] eed62, Darrius Lokken : **knows exactly what z should do**
[20-22:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Flight... remarkible. Crash landings until I learn, not so remarkable..
[20-22:28] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *chuckles* At least yours made you chuckle. Full or would you like desert?
[20-22:29] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : **pause**
[20-22:29] eed62, Adrian Darrymont : please
[20-22:29] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((Whoooo!! My other sister did super great on her cop certification test. *dances happily*))
[20-22:30] 5e834, Aralore : If you want to truly be a drama-demoness. Otherwise, I can catch you. All Drow of even nominal nobility possess the preternatural ability to levitate themselves at will.
[20-22:31] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** turns to the two women ** Dinner will be ready shortly. ** grins at fahrena almost evil like ** Did I speak civil enough?
[20-22:31] af509, Vesarn: ((poke))
[20-22:31] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Oh so you are tired of me presense? Maby I should leave?
[20-22:32] af509, Vesarn: *shakes his head again quickly* No... not like that... Its just been a long day... *he starts to feel very bad about this... *
[20-22:32] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[20-22:33] 99e10, Guien Ventorrell : ** in a cave with darrius by a portal which they cant use**
[20-22:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snorts* .. Besides! What the heck am I going to do with these things?! *one wing twitches* They are just.. out there! *growls* And.. flopping all over the place!
[20-22:33] eed62, Darrius Lokken : **stands from where he sits in the tunnel** Ok Guien, shall we move?
[20-22:34] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : ** looks at cara a moment...player trying to remember where they left off..** So how far do you expect me to carry you
[20-22:35] bb0b1, Fahrena : *retorts back* Better, but you can work on the inflection at the end there. It's a little off. *all haughty. She grabs up a long, large, straight branch from the ground and a sharp rock, there being lots of handy sharp rocks around (hence her complaints about sharp pebbles in her back the night before, before Mierka helped her out with that) and she starts breaking off and carving off the small branches from the staff, making herself a walking stick that she intends to use. She'll see just how far she can take this. Glares at Lando as she does so, having taken a seat by the fire through the course, sitting across from him, the farthest away she can and still be part of the fire circle gathering*
[20-22:35] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : Long day? Do you know what it's like to run a kingdom? No! All you do is serve wine and bread. ** grabs onto the table throughing it onto vesarn**
[20-22:36] 5e834, Aralore : *Arches a brow* When your demon friend was here, I suggested we destroy the wing buds. He insisted they were like arms, and I would never consider cutting your arms off. Clearly, they're more like arms you don't want.
[20-22:36] af509, Vesarn: *yelps and leaps out of the way, stumbling into some clear space* Forgive me! I didn't mean to be disrespectful!
[20-22:36] 485ea, Caradonia: As far as it takes*her tone sliding into pertnes just as she smiles to sweeten the edge* Eventaully i'll come to a destination
[20-22:36] 6df9d, Mierka : *licks her lips and sits down near the fire* I can hardly wait. *grins*
[20-22:36] eed62, Darrius Lokken : ((Z, let get farther in this, k?))
[20-22:36] 94c70, Muna : *Has returned to Colair only minutes ago. She had returned to this place for the time being while Mab remained in contemplating her new place in the world. Though the Elven Prince was of some importance, Queen Mab was by far a chance that came along less than once in a life time, even her life time. She prepares what she feels will be useful while Mab comes to visit. *
[20-22:36] JOIN: R has entered.
[20-22:37] 94c70, Muna : (( Lokken, if you don't have time, we can wait. I just got home so there is a lot of stuff I have to do. ))
[20-22:38] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : But you travel to much. Four legs are not enough to take you every where you are sure to want to go.
[20-22:39] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** grabs up his chair after he stands, swing it down on the poor elven boy. **
[20-22:39] eed62, Darrius Lokken : ((truthfully, I only have a half hour, but I wanna get this done with sooner than later, even though we wont get done, we'll get farther, and I need Darrius for war use, soon as possible. But if you prefer to do this tommorow and can be on betweem 9 am and 4 pm, then let me know, cus that'd be perfect.))
[20-22:39] af509, Vesarn: *erks and drops to his knees, hands up over his head as the chair smashes down on his back, dropping him to his stomach with a loud cry, welts reopening as bruses are left and he sobs* Please! Mercy!
[20-22:39] 94c70, Muna : (( *Is off tomarrow, can't promise to be awake at 9am just for RP, but would be on before 4pm.* ))
[20-22:40] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** turns the spik of both the deer and boar...notices fahrena making he walking stick. and potential weapon** Won't be long.
[20-22:40] eed62, Darrius Lokken : ((works))
[20-22:40] 99e10, Guien Ventorrell : (( I am free to continue from 1:30 PM on ))
[20-22:41] 485ea, Caradonia: I'll let you stop to camp every day*She nudges him a little with her shoulder. She smells like the trees; the scent appearing just as she moves.*I promise*grin*
[20-22:41] 94c70, Muna : (( well that works out just fine then. Cuz I'm sorry, I'm not getting up at 9am on my day off ))
[20-22:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : .. Had you cut them off... I would have almost killed you. *pushes up slightly, to look to him* Imagine.. growing an extra set of arms, and then trying to learn to use them as well as the first. They are indeed wonderful gifts... even if they HURT to get... but that are also very... conspicious. If I ever wanted to hide I was a demon again, I'd not be able to.
[20-22:41] eed62, Darrius Lokken : ((guien, call me tommorow and let me know when everybodies on))
[20-22:41] 99e10, Guien Ventorrell : (( alright ))
[20-22:42] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** grabs up the chair vesarn was sitting in, swing this chair down as well...what a short tempered man...unluck slave boy**
[20-22:42] 94c70, Muna : (( *makes that IC post a cameo thingee or something.* ))
[20-22:43] eed62, Darrius Lokken : ((I gota go anyways))
[20-22:43] 94c70, Z: *sits back with sniper rifle and flips through other chars to RP.*
[20-22:43] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[20-22:43] bb0b1, Mab Fairy Queen : *is still in that room. Has silently cried herself out, shaking violently with her sobs, but not having made a peep.*
[20-22:43] af509, Vesarn: *is hit again, arms around his head as blood trickles from his back, starting to stain his shirt and likely the carpet as he whimpers under the assault, just laying there and taking it*
[20-22:43] 99e10, Guien Ventorrell : (( later darrius ))
[20-22:44] EXIT: Guien Ventorrell has left the chat ( 11:43pm, July 20 (CDT) ).
[20-22:44] 54891, Cookie Monster: *feels like RPing* Anyone for the job?
[20-22:45] 94c70, Muna : (( *Ties Cookie down for not showing up last night* ))
[20-22:45] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : I would still grow weary** pots at her rump ** This big Ol' thing.
[20-22:45] 04ca2, Kali: *has several that are available*
[20-22:45] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : (( pokes ))
[20-22:46] 94c70, Muna : *Oh yes, in the morning hours of the day, she also sent out a messanger with a message to the Council of the Fae offering information on their missing Queen.*
[20-22:46] 94c70, Z: *pokes Tarnis*
[20-22:46] 5e834, Aralore : There might be some illusion spells that can hide your appearance...I've even worn rings that make me look like a normal elf.
[20-22:46] 99e10, Lando Trosni : (( is it fahrenas turn? ** thinks he is loosing his mind **))
[20-22:46] 2b286, R : *pokes around, bored*
[20-22:47] 499d9, Caradonia: *She smacks at his hand* My rumb is not big*and she scoots away from the poking with a scowl*
[20-22:47] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** walks up to the boy, grabs onto his arm and begins to walk. towards the dungeon again**
[20-22:48] af509, Vesarn: *is drug to his feet, heart sinking as he realizes where they're going * No... please... I beg you, no more...
[20-22:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Hm... we'll see. *pushes herself further up, as she slides her legs under her, then glances over her shoulder, as the wings slowly lift from th ground, stretching out* ... Well... the tingley pain is slowly fading. I do believe they are about done.
[20-22:48] bb0b1, Fahrena : *she isn't giving it any sharp ends, but he staff is a staff and he knows she knows a little about how to use it. However, she isn't even thinking about that use for it. She means to walk, if needs be, to avoid being tied, bent over that horse again in that humiliating and uncomfortable fashion*
[20-22:48] 54891, Cookie Monster: R? Got the RPing itch?
[20-22:49] bb0b1, Fahrena : he staff = the staff
[20-22:49] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** def in rage drags the boy along **
[20-22:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. and.. for the record... they are some pretty good sized wings, in that fricken lil room*
[20-22:49] af509, Vesarn: *Is drug down, struggling frantically*
[20-22:49] 94c70, Aisha: *Under the stone work of a bridge that covers a now empty and dead stream bed, she sits leaned up against the bank. Eldwin's prone body lay next to her. For these last few days, she had done nothing but fight. She had to find some sort of magic that was strong enough to heal Eldwin's condition. But she was a one person army, the odds were impossible. Though, through all of it, she had not lost her faith. She had continued to fight.*
[20-22:49] 6df9d, Mierka : *nods, watching them, silent*
[20-22:49] MSG: Aisha sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-22:50] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Aisha.
[20-22:50] JOIN: Eldwin has entered.
[20-22:51] MSG: Aisha sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-22:51] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** uses his claws to rip off some half cooked meat. stuff it in his mouth** Mmmm.
[20-22:51] 2b286, R : Taking it where I can get it
[20-22:52] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : Oh. Alright. So it not big. ** laughs at her **
[20-22:52] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Kali.
[20-22:53] 04ca2, Kali: Wide awake
[20-22:54] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** throws the boy into the dungeon shutting the door behind them **
[20-22:54] MSG: Cookie Monster sent a message to Kali.
[20-22:54] 94c70, Chima: *In Emania, she stands outside currently observing the construction of wooden artillery meant to be used as defense for their city. Everyone and everything was always in preperation. This war was almost as much a part of their daily lives as eating or sleeping was.*
[20-22:54] 2b286, Eldwin : *Eldwin had been out of it ever since the little confrontation , suffering from the grim effects of the spells that'd been cast upon him. Though her efforts had helped, It was still ravaging his body and the pain and suffering had not diminished at all. Groaning a little and twitching, Eldwin experiances another round of pains. There really wasn't anything else in his mind now, just the pain and trying to cope with it, he wasn't sure really where he was or whom he was with at this point..*
[20-22:55] bb0b1, Fahrena : *uses her now crudely carved staff to help herself up and look over the boar* I don't like pork that much. *she moves over the the venisen* It's almost done in spots. *uses sharp rock to carve off a "done" portion of the venisen, even though she cooked the boar. She doesn't ask. She wouldn't even think to grovel so much as to ask for what she feels entitled to.*
[20-22:55] af509, Vesarn: *is flung in, bouncing off the wall and thuds to the floor, sobbing a bit as he looks up to see Khi 's silhouette through the door* Please... I'm so sorry... have mercy...
[20-22:55] 5e834, Aralore : *Glances at the wings, eyes widening a bit* They sure are awkward-looking things...
[20-22:55] MSG: Kali sent a message to Cookie Monster.
[20-22:57] 6df9d, Mierka : *shudders at the thought of raw meat and decides to wait just a bit longer*
[20-22:57] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** moves grabbing up the boy...would pulls him roughly onto a bed of needles. with another bed of needles over head...which will be lowered down**
[20-22:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *darkly* Get used to them... *slides off the bed, tucking those obnoxiously large wings behind her* ....
[20-22:59] af509, Vesarn: *yelps again as the needles scrape his body, pulled onto his back as he stares up* no... no... *he wriggles, tryign to get off.*
[20-22:59] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((How far into Winyacadia are they?))
[20-22:59] 5e834, Aralore : I think they look sexy, anyways. Very fetching, indeed. And evil.
[20-23:00] 99e10, Lando Trosni : ** doesnt protest fahrena helping herself. ** Will this subdue your appitite?
[20-23:01] 2b286, King Narmotur : *King Narmotur was for once not in his throne room, but one of the side rooms which served as a war room during emergency situations such as now. The patrols along the borders of his Kingdom had increased significantly in the event the Moon Elves became wise to what was actually going on, However no large concentrations of enemy soldiers had been seen approaching thus far which was a good sign for a moment. Elsewhere in the Kingdom, preperations were underway in the event of an invasion and possible siege of the Capitol, all of which they were well prepared for.*
[20-23:01] 94c70, Aisha: (( Not too far. She's one person up against several hundred ))
[20-23:01] 499d9, Caradonia: *She looks at him like she wants to hold his head under water for a painfully long time* My my..your so funny*opts for saracsim*
[20-23:02] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** his hand pushing on vesarns chest while he leans over turning a pulley which lowers the needles.. doesnt stops untill the an poking vesarn**
[20-23:02] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : I know. I try. ** offers a smile. ** What if I want you to carry me?
[20-23:03] af509, Vesarn: *Yelps and wriggles frantically, turning his head to one side to protect his face as the needles stab into him and he sobs. * Dont... please... no more...* His arms and legs were still a little mobile, beign thinner than his body, but he trembled, a bit of blood trickling down a few of the needles in his back*
[20-23:03] bb0b1, Fahrena : *glares at him across the meat and the fire* I only take and require what is my right. *she then spins her back to him, surprisingly graceful for one who limps and limps back to where she was sitting to have at her venisen*
[20-23:03] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *a small goblin raiding force, consisting of four wolf riders, six boar riders, a newly recruited spider rider, as well as a dozen more infantrygoblins and a sneak are out on the patrol of Winyarcadia, looking for loot and plunder. The sneak is currently far ahead of the rest of his group as he's better at scouting than even the wolf riders*
[20-23:04] 2b286, Eldwin : ((hmm))
[20-23:04] 499d9, Caradonia: *Coughs at a laugh and lays back on the grass* Oh..that would be fine...if you only wanted to move for two feet.
[20-23:05] 99e10, Tarnis Catadon : Oh? But aren't you a mighty women?
[20-23:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ... You.. are definately an oddball, you know that?
[20-23:05] 6df9d, Mierka : *setting the crossbow aside, she takes out her dagger and cuts out a piece of venison and spears it on the the blade, listening to them. She takes an experimental nibble. Her eyes light up and she smiles* This is good . *that she finds simple deer delicious might give hint to what she's used to eating*
[20-23:06] 5e834, Aralore : I'm Drow. Of course I'm an oddball. *grins* But I'm your oddball.
[20-23:06] 99e10, Khiumil Arisol : ** unreels the pulley more..leting more weight onto Vesarn.** I bet you wold perfer my company before! Wouldn't you!?
[20-23:07] 94c70, Aisha: *Eldwin's sounds get her attention. She glances over at him and a sadness comes to her eyes.* I'm sorry Eldwin that I'm not strong enough to help you. *She releases a soft sigh before she turns her attention back to tending the injuries she suffered in the last skirmish. Due to the fact she had to pick and choose her fights very carefully, they had not progressed very far. Not even she could take on tens of soldiers at a time.*
[20-23:07] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((hmm, test))
[20-23:07] af509, Vesarn: *moans softly, trying not to breathe and force the needles in deeper, his body trembling as he tries to lay still.* Yes.. yes I would...*he states frantically, just wanting it to end.*
[20-23:08] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:08am, July 21 (CDT) ).
[20-23:08] JOIN: Eldwin has entered.
[20-23:10] JOIN: Eldwin has entered.
[20-23:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *groans* I must be lucky...
[20-23:10] 499d9, Caradonia: When it comes to matters of wit...intreague and running away to save my arse*Speaks with a almost superior tone and indeed she would look snobby if she wasnt laying in the grass, wearing a shift and her hair tangled*
[20-23:11] bb0b1, Fahrena : *eats her venisen lady like, but slightly faster and more voraciously than a lady normally would. Let's just say she and Mierka filled a couple water skins as well while by the river and upon eating her fill, she uses the water in the skin to wash it down and then wash her fingers. Finishing that, she moves over to start gathering large leaves for some reason or other* Will we be traveling this night or are we resting a couple of days? *asks as she moves about her business, being sure not to be stealthy about it so they don't get the idea she's going to run, at least not right now*
[20-23:11] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Aisha.
[20-23:11] MSG: Jerren Skulldeep sent a message to Aisha.
[20-23:13] MSG: Aisha sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[20-23:13] 23620, Lando Trosni : (( ** slip his post **)) ** eating silent like, eyes mostly looking at fahrena,...dont want her running again**
[20-23:14] 6df9d, Mierka : *also watches Fahrena as she eats, her body welcoming the warm food*
[20-23:14] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : Hard to run if you are to carry me. ** grinning abit **
[20-23:15] 2b286, Eldwin : Kingdom had aware of *Twists and groans a little, not really aware of her presence .*
[20-23:15] 499d9, Caradonia: But i'm not going to carry you..not in this life or the next*She matter of factly pokes him in the chest with her finger* So there.
[20-23:15] 2b286, Eldwin : *Twists and groans a little, not really aware of her presence .*
[20-23:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*cackles evilly as she adds a details to Delotha's profile*))
[20-23:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((detail))
[20-23:16] MSG: Aisha sent a message to Jerren Skulldeep.
[20-23:16] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** lets it needles drop more then stops walking over a table full of little tools and cutting intraments.** Well it's to late.
[20-23:16] af509, Vesarn: Please... stop it my lord...
[20-23:17] 5e834, Aralore : *Looks offended* You are lucky. Women line up for me.
[20-23:17] af509, Vesarn: *he shuddres, sobbing, flinchign as the needles cut deeper into his flesh as he lays still, hands and legs cuffed down to keep him from lashing out. * No more... please.. I beg you..
[20-23:17] 23620, Lando Trosni : ** swallows his meat .. looks to Mierka to see how she is doing. he thinks she may need some rest. But time is money. shrugs ** Yeah. We will stay here another night.
[20-23:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I'm sure they do... *pauses, glancing to him... then gets a sudden wicked grin*
[20-23:18] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *far off in the distance, the sneak hears some movement, likely of humanoids. He signals back to his troupe with a mirror that he's found something then slips into the shadows, moving closser to Eldwin's position to investigate*
[20-23:21] 5e834, Aralore : *Eyes* What's that look...?
[20-23:21] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** walks back over to vesarn...has an uber sharp knife. kneels down near where the top of vesarns head would be...reachs in with the knife and begin to cut wound his hair like...all the way through to the bone**
[20-23:22] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *one wing unfurls as her upper body twists, the wing shifting to move in front of her... then it swings out towards him in a bap, to slap against him with enough force to make him loose his footing*
[20-23:22] 6df9d, Mierka : *she cuts off another chunk, this time from the boar, and leans back against a tree, relieved*
[20-23:23] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : ** grabs that same finger pulls it so that if she doesnt brace herself she would be laying over him** There.
[20-23:23] 94c70, Aisha: *The sneaky goblin, for lack of better term, would probably have little problem tracking the noise since Eldwin was in quite a bit of a bind. She is much more quiet, though she sits next to him. She tends to a gash in her leg that ran the length of her thigh.*
[20-23:24] bb0b1, Fahrena : Good. *finishes making her fern mattress, carefully arranging them.* Will I have to endure your oh so pleasant close company another night? *to Lando. She then glances at Mierka. She nots neither of them is now aiming a crossbow at her. raises an eyebrow to this and then rolls her eyes and finishes making her soft bed and lays down on it, awaiting Lando's response*
[20-23:24] 5e834, Aralore : *Falls over, as everyone knows he wasn't expecting that one* Ow...
[20-23:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Hm... nope. Didn't hurt *folds her wing back into place, and looks to him smugly*
[20-23:25] 23620, Lando Trosni : I should think not.. But I will be watching you all night.
[20-23:25] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((What sort of bind? And the Sneak is the goblin mix of commando, spy, and assassin)) *the sneak moves closser and closer, finaly peaking its head around to see Eldwin and Aisha*
[20-23:25] 2b286, Eldwin : *groans still.. yes if he could he'd tell her to leave him, even though she probably wouldn't.*
[20-23:26] 499d9, Caradonia: *She tries to brace against the ground or her knee but she falls forward anyway ; moved too slow in the reflex section. She looks up at him with a "what The?" expression *There what?
[20-23:26] 94c70, Aisha: (( Well, Roki's char cast some disease spell thing on him.. ))
[20-23:26] 5e834, Aralore : *Glares, face bearing a multitude of scratches and bite marks* You never run out of attacks!
[20-23:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Not really... *holds out her hand to him* Come, Aralore! Let us go see if I can fly!
[20-23:27] af509, Vesarn: *screams as his scalp is cut off slowly, his body twitching as he tries to hold still despite the agony as the knife cuts through, blood tstaining his hair as its removed by the roots* Stop! sto pplease!!!
[20-23:27] 6df9d, Mierka : Don't you need to sleep?
[20-23:29] 5e834, Aralore : *Head wavers a little* I dunno, Delotha, watching over you was rather may have gotten a full night of rest, but I got a full night of face-claw.
[20-23:30] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh come on... I'll even carry you *grins, flashing her sharp fangs*
[20-23:32] 5e834, Aralore : *Yawns, lying prone on the floor* Okay...*his voice fades a bit* You carry me..
[20-23:32] bb0b1, Fahrena : Good. *Flatly. Rolls on her side and gets genuinly comfortable for the first time since she was recaptured. She has decided to bide her time for this night at least, take the comfort while she can get it to further her recovery. She is not so unwise as to no realize she needs the recovery time, but before last night and tonight, she was not getting the kind of relief from suffering that she needed to actually get anywhere with recovery. Hence, her further feeling desperate need to bolt while she had the chance before, that and her fear that it would only get worse with Lando back. So, now, she makes herself comfortable and hopes not to be tied, bent over the horse tomorrow. She clutches her walking stick close to her, determined that she is going to walk before she lets them humiliate her again as usual.*
[20-23:32] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the goblin takes inventory of their wounds, decides to play it safe and loads a blow gun. It fires it at Eldwin's arm. The poison is non-lethal, but would enact paralysis of the limbs. It then rushes out, dagger in hand and holds it to Aisha's face* HOLD THERE!
[20-23:33] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** peels the scalp partly off. lets it hang there...the with a rough hand slap it so that the scalp sticks back to the skull**
[20-23:33] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** peels the scalp partly off. lets it hang there...the with a rough hand slap it so that the scalp sticks back to the skull**
[20-23:34] 04ca2, Kali: ((*thinks Arisol is a double meanie*))
[20-23:34] af509, Vesarn: *hardly notices. HE continues to scream and sob from the pain, twitching under the needles that held him in place, blood continuing to trickle down from his back*
[20-23:35] 2b286, Eldwin : *Is just having the worst week of his life, there is little that he can do of course and the dart hits him.*
[20-23:35] 94c70, Aisha: *Eldwin was not capable of movement anyway, and was not in any condition to alert her that he'd been hit. But when she hears the running feet , she looks up to find the blade being waved in her face. Reflex kicks in as she leans back a little, one hand going up to grab hold of the goblin's weapon hand.*
[20-23:36] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *eyes him... then moves slowly over, that sudden predatory gleam in her still red eyes since he's laying there... and she reaches down, talon fingers gripping his clothing, as she lifts him up... and with a flash of fight... that are suddenly falling through the air. Hey look! There's buildings below that aren't that big! And the drow is dangling from his clothing, by her clawed fingers... mwahahaha!*
[20-23:37] 6df9d, Mierka : *watches as Fahrena settles in for the night* Sleep well
[20-23:37] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *for her efforts she gets a slash across the hand* Said HOLD!
[20-23:38] 23620, Lando Trosni : Hmm? ** looks at MIerka** No. I slept all day.
[20-23:38] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : I am cold ** looks at her through red eyes **
[20-23:40] 5e834, Aralore : We're not...fl-*looks up again* ohhh, I'm gonna hurl.
[20-23:40] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** reachs over to the pulls and winds up the bed of needles above vesarn...looks at the boy....this king must be insane...**
[20-23:41] af509, Vesarn: *lays there, shuddering, sobbing and on the brink of unconciousness, a thousand pinpoint holes made in his skin, some of the deeper ones bleeding.*
[20-23:41] 94c70, Aisha: *Withdraws her hand a little as the blade cuts into the skin on the palm of her hand.* That dagger won't hold against my sword.
[20-23:42] 6df9d, Mierka : Lucky you..
[20-23:42] bb0b1, Fahrena : *TIME WARP!! She woke the following morning, was watched by Mierka throughout the day. Had venisen for breakfast, dried some venisen on a rock for jerky bits, teaching Mierka how to do it while Lando was a rock. hehe. Mierka doing a great job of keeping an eye on the resting Fahrena and Fahrena pretending she is just camping while the fearful Lando is a rock. Now it is coming to evening again the next night and she dreads how the travel arrangements are going to go. Has kept her staff close by her in her hopes to not be parted from it. END TIME WARP. Mierka and Lando can now post their time warp activities*
[20-23:43] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : If grab for sword, slit throat. *makes an extremely loud whistle, and the sounds of the troop's footsteps towards them can be heard*
[20-23:43] 499d9, Caradonia: *She sits up so her back is straight and her chin is lifted* You and i both know that I couldnt keep a bird warm.....besides*Squinting an eye at him* I thought you prefered it cold?
[20-23:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *those wings snap out... and though they don't really stop falling, they fall more controled. A gust of wind catches her.. then the downward movement ceases, letting them glide for a bit... weee! They ain't gonna die..*
[20-23:45] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[20-23:46] 6df9d, Mierka : *Time Warp! Worn out by the traveling, she talked a bit longer, then went to sleep. She actually enjoyed learning how to do these things, though she never said so, asking questions and such about it for later use. Unlike Fahrena, she looks forward to traveling, as she's now rested. Though she wonders what the arrangements for Fahrena will be. End Time Warp!*
[20-23:46] 94c70, Aisha: *SHe moves to stand, her hand going to her hilt anyway. It was a single goblin, or so it appeared to be a goblin. But upon hearing the approaching of more footsteps, she stops glancing in the general direction they are coming from. Eventually, her gaze turning back to the goblin in front of her.* There's nothing for you here. *She was not really prepared for another fight, exspecially where it might get Eldwin killed.*
[20-23:47] 23620, Lando Trosni : **player is lazy.... unrock-a-fies.. ...stands stretchs..looking around sees alll is in order**
[20-23:47] 5e834, Aralore : Ahhh...*covers his eyes* Delotha, I can't catch you if I'm not on the ground!
[20-23:47] 2b286, Eldwin : *is just out of comission*
[20-23:48] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : Is you. You now captive. Toss down sword now.
[20-23:48] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : I perfer cold water. I like it hot though. ** shrugs **
[20-23:50] bb0b1, Fahrena : *glances periodically in Lando's direction, fearing he would unrock-a-fy during the day. It's kept her glancing all day and now she glances over and notes him coming to life and stretching and she takes a deep, nervous breath as she gathers the dried jerky sticks in a nice little leaf bundle for the trip and hands them to Mierka to stow wherever they stow that stuff. She swallows hard and clutches her staff to her, standing up with it and leaning on it heavily*
[20-23:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh calm down... we're just going to... glide tonight. It's safe enough.
[20-23:51] 499d9, Caradonia: are a finicky one*She eyes him, her yellow eyes intense* If I had my cloak i'd like you wear it*Tis is a big statement comming from her. That cloak is extreamly precious*
[20-23:51] 94c70, Aisha: Captive? *Lifts a brow slightly. She was not familiar with goblins taking captive, just material things like treasures.*
[20-23:52] 6df9d, Mierka : *she stows the bundle in one of the saddlebags, noting her nervousness*
[20-23:52] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** reachs over grabbing onto the boys shoulder. pulls his up and out. leans him into a wall. ** Feel better?
[20-23:53] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : I hardy doubt it would fit me. ** pause** Mighty nice of you to offer though. ** abit of the 1960s leaking in..**
[20-23:53] 23620, Lando Trosni : So how shall we travel?
[20-23:53] af509, Vesarn: *is drug off, hardly concious and he sobs a few times, shuddering repeatedly* I... Ghh... Y... Yes... *lies, mostly cause it was the right thing to say*
[20-23:54] 5e834, Aralore : How you get me to do these things, I will never understand..
[20-23:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Easy.. I never give you a choice *smirks evilly* *below, the buildings begin to grow larger, as they circle their way downward*
[20-23:55] bb0b1, Fahrena : *glances over her shoulder at him with narrowed eyed wariness, raising a brow, not trusting him to not be toying with her. Her expression is hateful and disgusted even with the raised eyebrow. She remains standing there*
[20-23:55] 23620, Khiumil Arisol : ** goes grabving up shackels which are above the elven boy...hands him by his hands there then wounders up stairs**
[20-23:56] 6df9d, Mierka : Take turns riding the horse?
[20-23:56] 499d9, Caradonia: My father wore it....He waasn't as large as you but he couldnt fairly be aclled a small man.*She scratches at a eyerow* I take after my mother...they say she was very small in stature.....*nods* Aye, you could probably wear..but I dont have it with it dosent matter*She rolls over onto her belly and presses her face into the grass..cheek first*
[20-23:57] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((*is too late to order pizza* >_<) *the goblin raiding force comes out from where the sneak came from, though not as stealthily. One of the wolf riders, apparently the leader of the group rides up to Aisha and the Sneak. They speak to eachother in Goblin for a moment before the sneak speaks to her again* This commander Gahikarga. He want know who you be, what proffession you have.
[20-23:57] af509, Vesarn: *sobs as he hangs there again, bleeding front and back, and from his head too, finally slipping into unconciousness*
[20-23:57] 5e834, Aralore : Delotha...maybe when we land, we should stay landed. You know, forever.
[20-23:57] 23620, Lando Trosni : You two can ride horse. I will walk, or fly. ** shrugs **
[20-23:58] EXIT: Khiumil Arisol has left the chat ( 12:55am, July 21 (CDT) ).
[20-23:59] bb0b1, Fahrena : *sighs, figuring she knows how that arrangement is going to go. same old same old. Here comes stiff, throbbing joints and limbs and hand, shoulder and foot wounds again. She looks away from them both, standing with her back to them, waiting for them to decide.*
[21-00:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh quit being a spoil sport! I have wings for a reason you know... *glide glide*
[21-00:01] 6df9d, Mierka : We don't have any more rope.
[21-00:01] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : ** yawns deeply..suddenly tired** Well thats to bad.
[21-00:01] 23620, Lando Trosni : Ride double then. ** shrugs ** The horse can take it.
[21-00:03] 94c70, Aisha: *She glances between these Goblins for a brief moment. She does not draw her sword, not yet.* I am Aisha, last of the Knights of the Rose. (( Cooler than Last of the Mohicans, mwaha. ))
[21-00:03] 499d9, Caradonia: Why is that too bad*the yawn is catching and she shifts her body into a curl near his...her head pillowed into a clustering of moss*
[21-00:04] 5e834, Aralore : The reason is to be ironic and walk everywhere!
[21-00:05] bb0b1, Fahrena : *She gets a grim grin. Yes, yes, no more ropes. Her forcing them to treat her civilly has worked. She will bide her time, spend a day or two recovering and getting stronger and then she'll make another break for it. Let them think Lando has her "trained" as he puts it. narrows her eyes more at that comment he made and sneers while facing away from then. Yes, let him think that. She'll cooperate for one more traveling day, yes, one more day to recover.*
[21-00:06] 6df9d, Mierka : *shrugs* Alright
[21-00:06] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : I could be wearing it..** shrugs abit slipping into a sluggish state**
[21-00:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh no! See, if I did that, I wouldn't be able to torture you be taking you into the air! *gives a sudden flap of those long wings... the sensation is a dizzying combo of lurch, weightlessness, then falling again*
[21-00:07] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the sneak translates this to his commander, which causes his eyes to widen and grin with sharp white teeth. He then speaks and is translated once more by the sneak* You are now captive of and shall be taken back to our lands. Jerren Skulldeep, ruler of , shall set price of ransom.
[21-00:07] 5e834, Aralore : Delotha, I think I'm getting sea-sick...and we're in the air. That can't be good. We'd better find a priest. My beautiful face won't last much loner.
[21-00:07] 23620, Lando Trosni : ** walks over to the single horse..brings it around to the two ladys ** Here you go.
[21-00:07] 5e834, Aralore : ((longer, rather.))
[21-00:09] bb0b1, Fahrena : *looks over her shoulder at Lando as he brings the horse around, distrust and bitterness plainly showing on her face*
[21-00:09] 499d9, Caradonia: *She's nearly dropping into far ensared by the hands of morpheus that she dosent rise to slide into the trees..instead she curls up next to her friend and wiggels close for warmth..mumbling* If you roll on me..and squash me..i'll kick you*finished with a big yawn*
[21-00:11] 2b286, Eldwin : *continues to diiie*
[21-00:11] 23620, Tarnis Catadon : ** is already asleep ....zzzZZzz**
[21-00:11] 04ca2, Belthil : *having checked on the healer, still unable to get in to see him, she heads down the stairs to the main hall, seeking the chamberlain.. finding the poor man quaking in his boots so to speak, he'd been trying to hide from her..*Is there word yet of the msngr we sent to ?*knows he hasnt had time to get there, but she's using it as an excuse to relieve her worry over the man lying upstairs*'
[21-00:12] 94c70, Aisha: Ransom? *She shakes her head.* Look around you.
[21-00:13] 6df9d, Mierka : *gets up onto the horse, taking the reins* Come on
[21-00:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Just aim down if you need to hurl... *and now real wickedness... snaps her wings back, and divebombs*
[21-00:15] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *translated, the goblin commander does so and has his words translated back* What?
[21-00:15] 5e834, Aralore : Delotha! No--I don't do well with falling!
[21-00:15] 499d9, Caradonia: *She mutters a sleepy laugh..rolls over onto her bely and falls asleep with the scent of grass filling her nostrils*~~~So very out of it~~~~~~
[21-00:16] 23620, Lando Trosni : ** waits for the women** I think I will scout ahead for dangers..** looks back to mierka** Can you hand her for till tomarrow night? ** leans over picking up his cross bow hold it up to mierka** Use this if you have to.
[21-00:16] 94c70, Aisha: This is.... was my home. There's noone to collect a ransome from.
[21-00:18] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *transtalted* You imporant person. Always someone want important person. Jerren decide. *the sneak and a couple of others suddenly tilt their heads and look off into space, their eyes unfocusing*
[21-00:19] bb0b1, Fahrena : *turns and limps over, eyeing Lando warily as she goes, giving him the evil eye. She slides her staff through a convenient loop along the side of the horse or on the back or somewhere. She's not going to give up that comfort either. She then looks up at Mierka, wondering which way she is expected to get on the horse, if she's really going to be properly riding it or not. Glares at Lando again about the crossbow, but isn't really as upset about that. That's to be expected in a captive situation. It's all the lack of dignity and relative comfort that has her bitter and hateful toward them both, but mostly Lando, because Mierka, she knows, has a niceness under it all. She she looks at Mierka, after stowing her walking stick for when they stop. She makes herself ask* How am I riding? *to be sure, half expecting to be instructed to climb over and ride the same old way untied, but hoping not*
[21-00:21] 6df9d, Mierka : Like I am, behind me *takes the crossbow* At least for now, anyway.
[21-00:23] 23620, Lando Trosni : ** walks up behind fahrena. grabs he by the waist..lift her onto the rump of the horse..he trys to avoid bumping injured bits**
[21-00:24] 94c70, Aisha: *Watches them carefully, the grip on the hilt of her sword tightening a little.*
[21-00:25] 23620, Lando Trosni : (( ** smacks self ** wake up! ))
[21-00:26] 23620, Lando Trosni : (( he- her))
[21-00:26] 2b286, Eldwin : *Dying person of course.*
[21-00:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *snaps her wings out, and banks up sharply before hitting the ground.. the sudden snaping back up getting a "AH!" from Delotha, who flails a bit... and then they both smack down on the ground8
[21-00:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *.. in front of the Glimmering Inn no less*
[21-00:27] 94c70, Aisha: I'm not going with you.
[21-00:29] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *all the ones that suddenly looked off into the distance all speak in unison in common "Am *whatever their name is*, Tindspeaker for Jerren Skulldeep..." *they then all look at eachother surprised before one of the other infantrygoblins steps up infront of Aisha* Am Giskamar, Thoughtspeaker for Jerren Skulldeep. Will go with.
[21-00:29] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((tindspeaker = thought speaker))
[21-00:30] bb0b1, Fahrena : *gasps as she is lifted onto the horse, not having expected that and looks back at Lando with a look of surprise, distrust, indignation, and wonder, if you can imagine all those emotions playing across her face at the same time, her eyes a little wide and glaring, but her harsh look upset by her surprise. She swallows and moves her neck all haughty looking away from him after that, looking semi straight ahead around Mierka*
[21-00:31] 5e834, Aralore : *Sort of catches her, trying to cushion her fall, giving a half-hearted "umph!" and a small smile* Good first landing..
[21-00:31] bb0b1, Fahrena : ((moving her neck = jerking her head *makes more sense*))
[21-00:31] 94c70, Aisha: I will not. There are important things I must do, things that I am running out of time for.
[21-00:33] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : What?
[21-00:33] 23620, Lando Trosni : ** smacks the horse on the rump...he seems to have a rump fetish... ** Go north** Points. then he himself take flight** I am flying ahead till tomarrow night..scout...make sure we dont hit anymore snags. Okay? ** asked of mierka**
[21-00:34] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Any landing you can walk away from...
[21-00:34] 94c70, Aisha: *She gives them no answer. They had attacked her, more or less, and for this she found no need to tell them of her business.*
[21-00:36] 6df9d, Mierka : *nods and urges the horse into a walk* See you when we make camp?
[21-00:37] 23620, Lando Trosni : Yes. ** flys off...flying flying out of site and player falls over dead..exit crawling stage left**
[21-00:37] bb0b1, Fahrena : *stays silent, could just be an object in there possesion, she's so cooperative and silent through this discussion*
[21-00:38] bb0b1, Fahrena : there = their
[21-00:39] 6df9d, Mierka : Another night of travel. *sighs*
[21-00:39] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : If have no answer, we take you back to .
[21-00:40] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *the Sneak turns his head from the conversation and leaves the others with an almost cat like suddeness*
[21-00:41] 5e834, Aralore : Well, it's fortuitous that you landed in front of the Inn, because the only way I'm flying with you again is if I'm drunk...
[21-00:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs merrily, then reaches out and ruffles his hair* No no.. you got to be sober. Or you'll puke all over the place
[21-00:44] 94c70, Aisha: My business is that, my own.
[21-00:45] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : Am giving you two options: Tell what business is, or have no business but captive.
[21-00:45] 5e834, Aralore : It's a small price to pay...
[21-00:46] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[21-00:47] 94c70, Aisha: *She considers that for a moment, The loss of progress that would ocurr from being taken captive would lose time in saving Eldwin and lose all progress she had in making it to what was left of Winyacadia.* I have a friend to save, and a Kingdom to defend..
[21-00:48] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You're just no fun at all... Flying is going to be a part of who I am now, so you'll have to get used to it sooner or later *pause* Or I'll just have to go with Axis.. *ducks inside the Glimmering Inn doorway, laughing*