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[18-03:58] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Shakes his head with a slight smirk on his face still.* How dreadful, I.. we will take care of her of course..
[18-03:58] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *smiles* Good. Perhaps speak again with you another time. And will bring some Goblin water for sharing.
[18-03:58] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : *Should send spies into Narmotur's castle*
[18-03:59] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : No.. no... *mumbles this quietly as she moves to get up. She had done nothing wrong, why was this happening?*
[18-03:59] 94c70, Muna : *Would feed their hearts to ghouls and send the bodies back to Jerren.*
[18-04:01] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *nods* I'll look forward to it
[18-04:02] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Thats if his people didn't do it first... he waves a hand to the Elven woman.* Get her up.
[18-04:02] 54891, Jerren Skulldeep : ((even if they were realy good spies? )) As for now... is late, and must be getting some rest. Would hope to meet you again, Delotha.
[18-04:04] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You as well, Jerren *winks* Sleep tight..
[18-04:04] 94c70, Muna : *Turns and leaves the royal hall, the cute little Mab in glass still in her possession, leaving Narmotur to his moments of fun.*
[18-04:08] 19a2a, Luke: back
[18-04:11] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The soldiers procede to do as he'd commanded.* Well, Shall we carry out the Lordesses wishes? *smirks a little.* ((*is paranoid, has security out the butt*))
[18-04:13] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Shakes her head as she makes a futile attempt to move away.* No... I, I did nothing..
[18-04:15] 94c70, Muna : (( WB ))
[18-04:15] 2b286, King Narmotur : blindfold her.. *The guards resecure her chain and attempt to blind fold the girl.*
[18-04:16] 19a2a, Luke: thanks
[18-04:19] 94c70, Muna : (( Ready? ))
[18-04:20] 19a2a, Luke: I guess...
[18-04:20] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *There would not be a lot of fight from her, Muna having painfully taken away precious energy from her. But she does bring her arms up to ward them off from touching her face, or even blind folding her.*
[18-04:20] 19a2a, Luke: ...that is, if that was directed at me
[18-04:21] 94c70, Muna : (( It was. If you don't want to RP tonight, that's fine. ))
[18-04:22] 19a2a, Luke: would it be alright if we postponed it until tomorrow, Z?
[18-04:23] 2b286, King Narmotur : *One of the other guards helps restrain her, and yes they'd win eventually..* Come along. *He stands up and moves towards the door.*
[18-04:24] 94c70, Muna : (( Sure. *shrugs* Maybe you'll be on earlier. ))
[18-04:25] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[18-04:25] 19a2a, Luke: I should be...
[18-04:25] 19a2a, Luke: I'm gonna go have dinner... see ya's later
[18-04:26] 94c70, Muna : (( *is going to bed then* ))
[18-04:26] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( 5:25am, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-04:27] 2b286, King Narmotur : *and yep he leads them off.*
[18-08:08] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[18-08:09] 6df9d, Liz: *flops*
[18-08:14] 6df9d, Liz: *feels so alone*
[18-08:23] 6df9d, Liz: *waits*
[18-08:40] 6df9d, Liz: .
[18-08:59] 6df9d, Liz: .
[18-09:06] EXIT: Liz has left the chat ( 9:59am, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-10:44] 84a05, Kali: *sneaks in doing admin stuffage*
[18-11:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-11:42] JOIN: Kenneth Umbra has entered.
[18-11:48] 84a05, Kali: *eyes the kendar*
[18-11:48] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((*eyes back* How'd you know?))
[18-11:49] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((oh... profile *shoots himself*))
[18-11:49] 84a05, Kali: *shifty eyes*
[18-11:49] 84a05, Kali: *chuckles*
[18-11:51] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((*wanders around* Anybody else here?))
[18-11:52] 84a05, Kali: good question
[18-11:52] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-11:52] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:52pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-11:52] JOIN: Mara'Saku has entered.
[18-11:53] 84a05, Kali: hey Mara
[18-11:53] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((hola))
[18-11:54] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( Hey ))
[18-11:55] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Im gonna kill my cat . He woke me up this morning. He put a snake in my bed! )
[18-11:55] 84a05, Kali: *dies*
[18-11:56] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Goes to shoot the cat. brb ))
[18-11:56] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Going to go* ))
[18-11:56] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *walks about the streets of , looking for a place to spend his hard earned money* ((yeah, cats do that. For that, they suck. And snake?))
[18-11:57] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( It was a 4 foot black snake ))
[18-11:57] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((test))
[18-11:58] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((huh? How?))
[18-12:00] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( He bit it and jumped up and dropped it in my bed ))
[18-12:00] 84a05, Kali: yikes.... that is one dead cat
[18-12:01] 84a05, Kali: mine only brings me mice... and eats them infront of me
[18-12:02] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Yea im deciding if i wanna waste a shell on him or not... ))
[18-12:03] 84a05, Kali: pfft nah....
[18-12:03] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((I... see...)) *goes around buying various foods from the vendors**examines some of the small wares, like throwing knives and good looking bronze items from afar, and when the merchant isn't looking he tucks them into his sachel and walk away*
[18-12:04] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((shell or showing the cat... decisions...))
[18-12:05] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *is sitting on the roof of a nearby shop, watching the new little sneak hard at work ..chuckling to herself*
[18-12:06] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((not entiely a sneak!... he just can't help it))
[18-12:06] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *from her point of view....he'd just a sneak... so far*
[18-12:08] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((mara... continue?))
[18-12:09] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( where were we? I forgot sure ill RP ))
[18-12:10] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *looks around the weaponsmith's shop, wishing he could use a sword or a spear or a halbred**sigh*
[18-12:10] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((*blinks* you show your cat?... ..umm.. i was just telling you that i was studying not casting the spell))
[18-12:11] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( ok and what about showing my cat? No hes just a normal black cat. Nothing special ))
[18-12:12] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((showing your cat who's boss))
[18-12:13] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[18-12:14] 37813, Jagged Farrell :
[18-12:14] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *watching the sneak for just a bit more, she heads down the stairs and into the interior of the shop.. heh the same shop Ken is in right now....casting darkness.. the shadows of the shop begin to gather around her.. efectively hiding her from his view*..(( .. levalds smithy))
[18-12:14] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Oh, Ill just...iono i cant hurt my buddy-cat))**He would chuckle and ask her once more this time merely changing the question**"What spell were you studying then miss?"
[18-12:15] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : ((glimmering Inn))
[18-12:15] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Glimmering...I think ))
[18-12:16] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : ((and just about anywhere you want jace))
[18-12:17] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((w/ Ankalima)) I hope that bloke got my note last night. I would be a shame if he went crazy 'cause he didn't know what happen'd to his money and dinner. *continues eyeing the weapons he'll never be able to use and then decideds to leave the shop* Such a nice day! But what to do?
[18-12:19] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *Kali's fine**drops her spell as she follows the man out of the shop.. blending into the crowd*
[18-12:19] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *Kali's fine**drops her spell as she follows the man out of the shop.. blending into the crowd*
[18-12:19] 37813, Jagged Farrell : ((anywhere I want? um... on the bed, in the shower.... against the wall... ahem, ok Ill stop))
[18-12:20] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((umm... *g*))
[18-12:20] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : (*g*)
[18-12:21] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **He would slowly awake within the confounds of the forest. He was just behind the forest line which the tavern faced. He would sigh ad take the cloak off of his body returning it to his back afterwards when he stood up. He wrapped about his body and began to walk torwards the tavern. He would idoly brush the white hair from his face and his amber eyes would flash slightly as the morning sun hit them. He would yawn and continue to walk torwards the tavern. He would walk up the steps and slowly into the tavern. He would sit at a booth and slowly his amber eyes wouyld gaze out over the people in the tavern. He would chuckle slightly and close his eyes once more**"Nothing. Such a dull place"
[18-12:21] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Whats '*G* mean? ))
[18-12:21] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *do to his short stature, he kinda just disappears into the crowd, still oblivious to the fact that he's been marked*
[18-12:21] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((grin))
[18-12:22] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( thanks ))
[18-12:22] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *is once again sitting in the Inn.. infront of the fireplace.. reading that darn spell again*
[18-12:23] 37813, Jagged Farrell : ((I think its time to have some fun.....))
[18-12:24] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : **ahh. but she's shorter..... and much more experienced at this little game.. following him easily*((woohoo!!))
[18-12:26] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((wow! shorter than a Kender?!)) *takes to the rooftops to get an aerial view of the agora**he likes watching people go about their lives, and he needs to find a new mark for tonight* All right... where's the big spender?
[18-12:26] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((just by 2". That's pretty short))
[18-12:27] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **His amber eyes would once again fall to the elf. She was again looking at that damned spell. What people saw in learing so many spells he would never know he merely knew two though would like to learn how to make fire and acid come from his hands, That seemed fun, but learning too many spells was a damned waste of time when one could be out killing for hire. He would never understand this. He would sigh and chuckle. He deep voice would speak up again as he brushed the white hair from his youthful face**"Miss Elf, Again im sorry to interrupt you though when you finish with that spell could you do me a slight favour?"**He would say as nice as he could and pain could be heard in his voice as he had rarely ever been nice. It would actually seem rather funny to hear him struggle with being polite**
[18-12:30] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *sighs as she's interupted once again..looking up to see the same .ahem.. gentleman from the night before..the violet of her eyes flashing a bit of fire in them*You must enjoy interupting people
[18-12:32] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *watches the people, he sees Kali but as she hasn't done anything suspicious thus far, she is merely passed over*
[18-12:33] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *watching him move to the roof, she sticks in the shadows of the building across from him.. following his eyes as he makes his search.*
[18-12:33] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **He shrugged** Its ok. But could you teach me how to make fire and acid come from my fingers when your done doing what your doing? Im in no hurry, just merely intruiged. Again im s-sorry for interrupting you"**He would lick his fingers and kill the candles light. He would sigh as a shadow fell over him, he could be seen very well for awhile then his body faded into the blackness instantly, he would allow his amber eyes to be seen**" This is one of the two spells i know, Shadow dancing, is what my superiors called it"
[18-12:33] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *adjusts his pifwuii, reaching over his shoulders to pull the hood over his features, shrouding himself in its protective shadows, walking smoothly down s main street*
[18-12:35] JOIN: Tru Staria has entered.
[18-12:36] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *sighs* No one throwing about their money? How am I suppose to know who to steal from? *sigh**stands up and moves through the rooftops*
[18-12:37] f3b76, Tru Staria: *She guides her horse through the streets of , her long hair is tied back and she is wearind dark riding clothes, she sits on the back of her horse gently guiding it with a nudge of the reigns now and then*
[18-12:37] MSG: Kenneth Umbra sent a message to Tru Staria.
[18-12:37] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *looking at Mara.. curious about him but isnt going to show that* I'm no teacher..just a healer intent on learning.
[18-12:37] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Ok ill brb. Dinner time. I shouldnt be long ))
[18-12:38] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *with that predatorial gait he slides through various people that do their daily shopping, speaking to no one*
[18-12:38] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *Jagged might notice a slight, redheaded half elf.. quietly watching the rooftops*
[18-12:39] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((*sighs*))
[18-12:40] MSG: Tru Staria sent a message to Kenneth Umbra.
[18-12:40] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *sees Jagged make his way through the crowds* Hm... he seems important on to himself... And a Drow even... I bet he's got loads of excellent stuff!
[18-12:41] MSG: Kenneth Umbra sent a message to Tru Staria.
[18-12:41] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((there is NO way Ken would know Jagged was a drow))
[18-12:42] MSG: Tru Staria sent a message to Kenneth Umbra.
[18-12:42] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((I think the indigo skin gives it away, but if he can give me a reason otherwise, I'll revoke it.))
[18-12:43] MSG: Kenneth Umbra sent a message to Tru Staria.
[18-12:43] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *his moon grey eyes narrow to peircing slits, sharper than any blades edge as he continues in the vacinity of the Glimmering Inn, his eyes darting upwards as his ears perk slightly, gaze falling over Ankalima, a slow even breath filling his lungs*
[18-12:44] MSG: Tru Staria sent a message to Kenneth Umbra.
[18-12:44] 37813, Jagged Farrell : ((none of his skin is exposed right now))
[18-12:44] f3b76, Tru Staria: *She looks around carefully, new to the area she is careful where she goes*
[18-12:46] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((very well. *strikes the Drow part, keeps the rest*))
[18-12:48] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *her eyes following Ken's.. she begins to follow his obviously.. new target.. smiling a bit to herself as she observes the way the man is walking.. bit off more than he could chew with that one))
[18-12:48] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *his nose wrinkles slightly as his eyes widen noticibly, returning his gaze forward as a step of purpose turns to his walk, his dark black cloak swirling bout his calves wistfully*
[18-12:49] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *moves her post above Jagged's*
[18-12:51] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( Back ))
[18-12:52] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *looks up and sees the little red head eyeing the same mark* Hmmm... now who do we have here? *watches Jagged change his direction towards Kali*
[18-12:53] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *his lips curl into a malicious smirk, a glint seen beneath the penetrating shadows of his pifuwii as he comes to a pause before a fruit stand, turning to gaze at the venders wares*
[18-12:53] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **He would chuckle and then reappear from the shadows**"Then may I borrow a spell book and teach myself? If i return it afterwards?"
[18-12:54] f3b76, Tru Staria: *She leads her horse down one of the many main streets and she stops. She would then hop down from her horse graceful as possible and take a look around*
[18-12:55] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : ((Mara you have any IM?))
[18-12:55] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( KoalOneri ))
[18-12:56] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( For aim ))
[18-12:56] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : ((why cant i remember that))
[18-12:56] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( *L* ))
[18-12:59] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : I dont keep spell books and even if i did. I wouldnt give them to some stranger
[18-13:00] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *continues to watch Jagged*
[18-13:00] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[18-13:02] f3b76, Tru Staria: *She puts her hose into the stables and for the time being walks around*
[18-13:02] EXIT: Tru Staria has left the chat ( 2:02pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-13:02] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((*chuckles* i didnt know hoses had stables))
[18-13:02] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he wraps his gloved fingers about a ripened fruit, raising it towards him, examining it as if thoughtfully*
[18-13:03] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **He would chuckle and slowly stand walking from the shadow torwards her, taking a seat on the floor about a meter from her. He would swat the white hair from his head once again**"Who would I seek to teach me the magii I need to. To make fire and acid come from my hands that it"**He would sigh and avert his eyes, he was never one to feel comfortable around people yet he would be nice to elves as he was taught to respect them**
[18-13:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-13:04] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *pulls out a scrap of paper and scribbles down a little something**ties the note to a throwing knife and throws it down to Kali's feet, sticking in front of her**the note reads:" We seem to have a similar interest"*
[18-13:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 2:04pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-13:05] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[18-13:05] cec49, Axis : ((*peers*))
[18-13:06] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : ther is a school for mages far to the south.. but i have no idea of how you would get there.
[18-13:07] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *slightly sharpened talons dig into the flesh of the fruit as he smoothly slides a peice of silver from a pouh on his belt, flipping it towards the vender before pivoting on the balls of his feet, heading towards the Inn*
[18-13:07] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **He shook his head and scooted back a little bit merely feeling uncomfortable around people and being so close to them**"No. I dont like being around lots of people. I just wish to learn two spells, not to...become a mage"**He said lowly, he head falling to look at the floor
[18-13:07] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **
[18-13:08] cec49, Axis : *gazes over the city from his perch high abouve it all. Snifffing the air he catches a famioler scent*
[18-13:09] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *picking up the knife and note, she reads it.. glancing sharply up at the building, sliding her eyes down to a near by alley.. indicating he should meet her there*
[18-13:10] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *smiles, picking up the hint and bounds down to the street**walks over to the indicated alleyway to me the young lady*
[18-13:11] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *a silver streaked brow raises slightly, each step utterly silent in the throng of people, in a sea of bumbled movements he is a elegant swan*
[18-13:11] cec49, Axis : *bouds across the roof tops after the familier scent*
[18-13:12] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((elegant swan... wheeee))
[18-13:12] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he turns towards the hatch of the Glimmering Inn, opening it smoothly as he steps into the bustling warmth of Trendlekims*
[18-13:15] cec49, Axis : *his bounding movements lend him an appearnce of flying. His flitting shadow-shape goes almost completely unoticed by those below, and even to those who see him they only see shadow*
[18-13:17] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *as he steps into Trendlekims, his fingers catch the edges of his hood, pulling it back to pool atop his broadened shoulders, revealing his dark bluish grey flesh, silver streaked hair framing his sharp features*
[18-13:17] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *rounding the corner into the alley, she's not very polite.. almost gettin up in his face..* Who do you think you are, little sneak?
[18-13:20] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *glancing up as the door opens, her eyes lighten at seeing a familiar face.. one she hadn't seen in quite a while* I cant help you learn what you want.. It is completely against my views to use such spells
[18-13:20] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *very polite by contrast; extends a hand* Kenneth Umbra! And I prefer "thief" to "sneak". And you are...?
[18-13:21] cec49, Axis : *vanishes, then re-appears out of an alley and glides in the glimmering inn*
[18-13:21] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : Your shadow as long as you persist in your little spree
[18-13:22] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : Oh good! Does that mean we'll be friends?
[18-13:24] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *the mandatory bar wench beams happily as she sees him enter, rushing to take the drows order as he walks towards a secluded booth* A whiskey will be fine...
[18-13:24] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : I dont think so..*stepping back a bit*you're in dangerous waters here
[18-13:25] cec49, Axis : *he glances after the light glinting off his cat-eyes and silver hair. Slowley he turns and flows after jagged* It has been awhile.
[18-13:25] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : Well then Shadow, while it is nice to make a friend and all, that isn't what I came here to talk about. I noticed that you were watching the man barging through the crowds. What can you tell me about him? I would like to be well informed about someone before I.... uh.... relieve him of useles items left to collect dust.
[18-13:26] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : **He sighed and walked back to his booth with a thank you to her**
[18-13:27] 37813, Jagged Farrell : That it has my old friend.... *sitting down within the booth, looking to the demon* I see that times have found you well...
[18-13:28] cec49, Axis : Very well indeed. You look well.
[18-13:30] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : You arent very observant are you.. and you dont listen well either..*sighing a bit as she leans her back against the wall*
[18-13:30] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *the bar wench runs over with his whiskey, setting it down infront of the drow* Thank you dear... *smiling sharply as he pays her for the drink, returning his gae to Axis* How have your... investigations been?
[18-13:32] cec49, Axis : I have struck a dead end. Something is rolling in it's sleep. But The diagram is missing something and I am not sure what.
[18-13:32] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[18-13:34] 37813, Jagged Farrell : Hmm.... tell me about this diagram...
[18-13:34] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : Well there are only so many things that you can learn from the rooftops and intial sight. However, from the way you were eyeing him, I think you know something.
[18-13:37] cec49, Axis : It was created from a mixture of nightmare blood, gravedust, nightshade gathered from a roadside tomb on a moonless night, and the blood of a half-breed demon. The diagram Is from the calculations I have made from the stars and wind.
[18-13:39] c6c97, Aldrik : *peeks down into the alley from a shadow on the rooftops hidden by his ammulet, keeping an eye on Kali*
[18-13:40] 37813, Jagged Farrell : And so it isnt necesarily something the diagram is missing, but something you, yourself is missing...
[18-13:40] cec49, Axis : What do you mean?
[18-13:41] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ok.. for starters.. tell me what you noticed about him
[18-13:43] 37813, Jagged Farrell : Isnt it Obvious Axis? *leaning forward a bit, resting his forearms upon the table top* You have made this diagram from your own calculations drawn upon your studies of the wind and stars, if this diagram isnt doing what youve expected it to do, obviously you have miscalculated... your studies were wrong somewhere, either that, or you just havnt noticed your missing peice
[18-13:43] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *watches Mara walk back to his booth, turning her eyes back to watch Jagged*
[18-13:46] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : Well, he definantly isn't a nobleman from here, however he does walk through the crowd with the same distain for the people. However, he is not just some brute, but someone of skill from the way he was able to navigate through the crowd. His face was covered, shrouded by his cloak, therefore I cannot make anymore guess as to who he may be. However, while he may not be rich, I imagine that he may have something interesting.
[18-13:47] cec49, Axis : A black thread in the weave eh? The original bindings are hidden *he sinks inot silence fora moment thinking*
[18-13:49] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he nods slowly, that grin showing slowly upon his lips* exactly.... *letting his voice trail slightly as his gaze shifts towards Illisse, meeting her gaze, his eyes having that magnetic draw to them, peircing through to the very soul*
[18-13:49] c6c97, Aldrik : *tosses a small pebble down aiming for Ken, wanting to play games with his head*
[18-13:50] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : quite a bit more skill than you have.. and would never have had you tried to steal from him
[18-13:50] c6c97, Aldrik : *is still hidden in the shadows*
[18-13:50] cec49, Axis : I need to break the bindings with a great power *his eyes narrow as he says this softley* More power than I have yet.
[18-13:51] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *oh she remembered that look.. nodding her head to him with a small smile on her lips*
[18-13:51] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *pebble hits him on the head* ow! *looks up and sees only shadow**shrugs* Oh? And how do you know how much skill I have?
[18-13:52] 37813, Jagged Farrell : do you even know what your trying to free Axis? *his voice lowered as he flashes Illisse that smirk of his as he returns her nod, looking back to Axis*
[18-13:52] c6c97, Aldrik : *grins tossing another*
[18-13:53] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : I've been watching you. *RaE as he flinches* something wrong?
[18-13:55] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *another pebble bounces off his head and lands on the ground in front of them* Shoddy architecture you people have here. *looks up again, growing suspcious*
[18-13:55] cec49, Axis : Some would say no. Even I have only a part of an idea. But the magic i nthat place is very old. More so than you can imagine unless you can feel it, smell it, hear it. Older than elves, than dragons. *a sly smile crosses his lips* They know much. They know you, Jagged Farrell.
[18-13:56] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *turns back to Kali and produces a few items from the agora* What? These? This is just my kleptomania. I am far more professional on the job.
[18-13:56] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[18-13:56] c6c97, Aldrik : *keeps down a giggle throwing down a small hand full of pebbles*
[18-13:57] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : and just what kind of job is that?
[18-13:57] EXIT: Travis has left the chat ( 2:56pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-13:58] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *his brow raises slightly* and what do these.... ancients, say of me?
[18-13:58] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *smirks* Why the job of theivry, of course. *pebbles hit him* All right that's enough! *throws a knife up at the source of the falling debris*
[18-14:00] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *slashes her hand out to intercept that knife*
[18-14:00] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *slashes her hand out to intercept that knife* (and learns to remember who she is)
[18-14:01] cec49, Axis : In their dreams you wlak throug ha sea of blood a thousand shadows dancing about you. *his voice has become deep and his eyes dark as he speaks softley* lightning abouve and below....
[18-14:02] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *his eyes narrow sharply, a dangerous glint appearing within them, and for the carefull observer they may see his sharpened nails digging within the table top as he listens*
[18-14:05] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *looks at her* what is it?
[18-14:06] cec49, Axis : Feathers of steel on the wind, screamign all about. A luagh of glee. Your possiblilites, endlessly flow away with every breath. But more come. A column of bone rises beneathe your feet carrying you into the storm, and a bridge of flesh presents itself.
[18-14:06] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *eyes her suspiciously now* Well, I should be going. *returns to the masses of the agora*
[18-14:06] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((gtg))
[18-14:06] EXIT: Kenneth Umbra has left the chat ( 3:06pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-14:07] 84a05, Kali: *sighs* abandoned on all fronts
[18-14:08] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *his brow furrows slightly* intresting....
[18-14:08] cec49, Axis : ((*steals kali for the circus*))
[18-14:08] 64cd9, Mara'Saku : (( test ))
[18-14:08] cec49, Axis : *he blinks his eyes and voice returning to normal* They dream of you.
[18-14:09] 84a05, Kali: hey!!.... wait... what am I going to do there?
[18-14:10] cec49, Axis : ((beats me I'm just gonna sell you))
[18-14:11] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[18-14:11] 84a05, Kali: *curses* *narrows eyes*
[18-14:12] c6c97, Xyva: *enslaves axis*
[18-14:13] cec49, Axis : ((bwahahhaa! *gets $10 and a hot dog*))
[18-14:13] 84a05, Kali: *makes deal with circus owner to take you too*.. bearded lady's barber... mwhaha
[18-14:13] cec49, Axis : ((*STABs xyva*))
[18-14:14] cec49, Axis : ((*teleports*))
[18-14:14] EXIT: Mara'Saku has left the chat ( 3:08pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-14:14] 84a05, Kali: demons...
[18-14:15] c6c97, Xyva: mmhmm
[18-14:15] 37813, Jagged Farrell : but why would they?
[18-14:18] c6c97, Xyva: *test*
[18-14:19] cec49, Axis : They only know. I cannot guess.
[18-14:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:20] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *chuckles lightly as the sneak disappears.. looking up to the roof* You can come down now
[18-14:20] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:20] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:20pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-14:21] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[18-14:21] c6c97, Aldrik : *sits quietly knowing she cant be sure its him yet*
[18-14:21] 37813, Jagged Farrell : And you cannot ask?
[18-14:22] cec49, Axis : Until the bindings are broken I can only listen to their dreaming whispers.
[18-14:22] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : I know someones up there.. you're aim's too good
[18-14:24] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he gives a small nod, taking a drink from the whiskey* So what are your plans now...
[18-14:25] cec49, Axis : I shall find or obtanie enough power to shatter the wards, and when the time is right, re-enacte the ritual. And they shall awaken.
[18-14:26] 37813, Jagged Farrell : And why do they need to be awaken Axis?
[18-14:26] 37813, Jagged Farrell : ((awakened))
[18-14:27] cec49, Axis : *his slowl smile would be uncomfertable to loo kat even for jagged* Why, to take back what is theirs of course.
[18-14:27] ab6ae, Sileen: *sways*
[18-14:28] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he grins slightly, raising a brow* And why must you help them?
[18-14:29] c6c97, Aldrik : *tosses down a pebble aiming for her cleavage*
[18-14:30] ab6ae, Sileen: Hm... to go IC...
[18-14:30] ab6ae, Sileen:
[18-14:30] 37813, Jagged Farrell : ((Trendlekims))
[18-14:30] cec49, Axis : They whispered to me, and I listen. They called and I answered.
[18-14:31] cec49, Axis : ((glimmering(axis) Tranalous(lok), En'Tai (bartuc) MAge tower (Tirale)))
[18-14:31] 84a05, Belthil : *calling a messanger to her, she gives him a letter she's written to the Queen of , requesting passage thru her lands for Belthil and her people, some 10,000 refugees from Sothicus's attack on Wynacadia.. sending him thru the secret passage under the castle to emerge some where past the guards that Soth had left around her city*..(Wyancadia... Glimmering.. alley outside glimmering)
[18-14:31] c6c97, Aldrik : (above an alley in rua)
[18-14:33] 37813, Jagged Farrell : I see....
[18-14:34] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *snagging the rock just before it hits her, rolling it over in her hand, looking up the building again*Kinda bold there arent ya?
[18-14:35] c6c97, Aldrik : *tosses a hand full of pebbles down at her cleavage*
[18-14:36] cec49, Axis : Perhaps you do...
[18-14:37] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he shakes his head slightly* its curious though....
[18-14:37] cec49, Axis : Is it?
[18-14:39] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *steps back as she sees more pebbles coming over the roof.. hitting her back against the wall behind her*ooomph.. *her grey eyes almost black with anger as she slowly stands away from the wall... turning to walk out of the alley*
[18-14:40] 37813, Jagged Farrell : Why you would so willingly give yourself over to something you dont even understand yourself... becoming their willing pawn
[18-14:40] c6c97, Aldrik : *tosses a dagger ahead of her, she would recognise it*
[18-14:42] cec49, Axis : Becasue I am more than a pawn. *he stands up and turns towards the door* You shall see.
[18-14:42] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *hisses as the dagger flashes in front of her* Omnipotence..*thinking that damned little sneak was tryiing to get back at her, before she looked at the dagger... then back at the roof.. her anger suddenly disappearing*Watching me again?
[18-14:43] 37813, Jagged Farrell : Indeed....
[18-14:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *as Axis moves out.. he'd bump into a familiar demoness. Nar har har*
[18-14:45] cec49, Axis : Perhaps soon you will hear their voice. Then you will understand *he flows towards the door vanishing as soon as he is through*
[18-14:46] cec49, Axis : ((oops didn't see your post del))
[18-14:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Drat, he got around her.. ah well* *she pauses just inside, gloved hands falling on hr hips, as she scans the other patrons*
[18-14:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((S'all good))
[18-14:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-14:49] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *she'd see an elven woman infront of the fireplace*
[18-14:49] c6c97, Aldrik : Always *starting to climb down*
[18-14:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 3:48pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-14:49] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[18-14:51] cec49, Axis : ((what now...))
[18-14:51] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *flips his dagger over in her hand before handing it back to him* Did you have to throw that at me? *knows he was aiming ahead of her but.*
[18-14:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *that elf is there, never fail* *booted feet tap rythmically against the hard floor as the woman crosses towards the bar, then hops up onto a bar stool*
[18-14:53] c6c97, Aldrik : I didnt. *taking it back*
[18-14:53] 84a05, Illisse Brilthor : *heh she lives there until Val is found... filter..filter..filter..filter*
[18-14:54] 37813, Jagged Farrell : *he smirks slightly, finishing his whiskey, slowly standing up to head out as well*
[18-14:57] cec49, Axis : ((later
[18-15:01] 37813, Jagged Farrell : ((ciao))
[18-15:01] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *smiling at him* sure... you hungry? I need food after watching that sneak.. made me miss my lunch
[18-15:02] EXIT: Jagged Farrell has left the chat ( 4:01pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-15:04] 84a05, Zaeth : *profile test*
[18-15:09] 84a05, Belthil : *the people of her country have been straggling in towards the capitol city for weeks.. carrying what meager belongings they dared to save.. the city, now overflowing with refugees, they have started setting up small camps out side the walls*
[18-15:10] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:11] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[18-15:12] c6c97, Aldrik : Food sounds good.
[18-15:12] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : yeah.. and it will give us time to talk about Skarlings message
[18-15:18] c6c97, Aldrik : ok...lets go
[18-15:22] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *leaves the alley heading for the Inn*
[18-15:25] c6c97, Aldrik : *Walks with her sliping an arm around her waist*
[18-15:27] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *smiles as he does that.. giving in and laying her head on his shoulder.. walking like a couple in love.. strange for her to act like that in public*
[18-15:32] c6c97, Aldrik : *smiles looking at her*
[18-15:34] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *stops at the door of the Inn..letting him open it.. sheesh where did the ladylike manners come from?*
[18-15:37] c6c97, Aldrik : *opens the door and leads her in, taking her to a table by the fire*
[18-15:37] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:39] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-15:39] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 4:39pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-15:39] JOIN: Mara'Saku has entered.
[18-15:40] JOIN: Jagged Farrell has entered.
[18-15:42] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : *takes a seat at the table* Are you going to Ent'ai with Skarling?
[18-15:44] c6c97, Aldrik : Are you? *pushing her in for some odd reason before taking a seat across from her*
[18-15:46] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : I think I am.. I've got a strange feeling I'll find that person Ive been looking for.
[18-15:47] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( brb ))
[18-15:49] c6c97, Aldrik : If you go so do I
[18-15:50] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : **changes that to **
[18-15:52] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : I wonder how long it will be before we leave
[18-16:10] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[18-16:11] c6c97, Xyva: never reall thought about it
[18-16:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-16:15] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 5:15pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-16:15] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( back for a second. Testing my profile ))
[18-16:16] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[18-16:16] c6c97, Aldrik : never reall thought about it
[18-16:16] c65ea, Axis : ((*yawwn*))
[18-16:16] ab6ae, Sileen: Feeeeeeelings! Wo wo wo feeeeelings!
[18-16:16] c6c97, Aldrik : (Really*)
[18-16:17] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( Another test ))
[18-16:17] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( Almost. Need color now... ))
[18-16:17] 37813, Jace: *yawns*
[18-16:17] c65ea, Axis : ((rarg.))
[18-16:17] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : I guess we need to find him and ask.. I wouldnt want to make plans here and have to drop them in a split second
[18-16:18] c6c97, Aldrik : ok
[18-16:20] 84a05, Ankalima Morwen : ((and the award for the shortest post goes to.....Aldrik....))
[18-16:24] c6c97, Aldrik : (*grins* thank you, thank you)
[18-16:27] c65ea, Ghouls : *In several countries ghouls have been attacking outlying Border towns and farmsteads, leavign no evidence behind, beyond the obviuos signs of an attack*
[18-16:29] 37813, Jace: Hm... to rp... or not to rp...
[18-16:31] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( another test ))
[18-16:31] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( It works **Jumps for joy** ))
[18-16:34] 84a05, Kali: oh.. rp Jace rp
[18-16:35] 37813, Jace: bleh, but what to rp?
[18-16:35] EXIT: Mara'Saku has left the chat ( 5:31pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-16:35] 84a05, Kali: hrm.....
[18-16:36] 37813, Jace: kinda feel like killin sumfin..
[18-16:36] 84a05, Kali: *looks at her char chain*
[18-16:38] 37813, Jace: brb
[18-16:38] c65ea, Ghouls : ((*tackles kali*))
[18-16:39] 84a05, Kali: AAKkk!! *is tackled again*
[18-16:39] c65ea, Ghouls : ((heheheh))
[18-16:42] c65ea, Ghouls : (*gnaws kali*))
[18-16:42] 84a05, Kali: have a good weekend?
[18-16:42] 84a05, Kali: erp
[18-16:42] c65ea, Ghouls : ((It was okay. The convention wasn't that great. Met some people that were cool))
[18-16:43] 84a05, Kali: thats good... bad.. and good
[18-16:44] c65ea, Ghouls : ((yup. Now I'm bored until I go to see I robot i na few hours.)
[18-16:44] 84a05, Kali: heh sorry cant help there.. Im about to leave myself
[18-16:46] c65ea, Ghouls : ((Damn you! ))
[18-16:46] 84a05, Kali: *growls*
[18-16:47] c65ea, Ghouls : ((heh bah))
[18-16:47] c65ea, Ghouls : ((joking rawr))
[18-16:47] 84a05, Kali: sorry cant be helped.. walmart is screaming my name...
[18-16:48] c65ea, Ghouls : ((bah. have a good time then))
[18-16:49] 84a05, Kali: actually gotta get groceries for the week.. not fun really... all those people *shivers* *hates crowds*
[18-16:49] ab6ae, Sileen: WEEEEE!!!!
[18-16:50] c65ea, Ghouls : ((*tackles sileen*))
[18-16:51] 84a05, Kali: *vanishes*
[18-16:51] ab6ae, Sileen: *tackled* Yeep!
[18-16:52] c65ea, Ghouls : ((hello))
[18-16:54] ab6ae, Sileen: Hi! )
[18-16:54] ab6ae, Sileen: =
[18-16:54] c65ea, Ghouls : ((whats up?
[18-17:01] ab6ae, Sileen: Not a lot, with you?
[18-17:03] c65ea, Ghouls : ((nadda. boredom))
[18-17:04] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *she has been roaming of late, keeping to the shadows, looking for weaknesses, but not just any weaknesses,not just weaknesses in defense, but weaknesses in spirit and fortitude, weaknesses in conviction and valour, weaknesses in goodness. It is those things of which she wishes to catalog for her mistresses. She is but a lowly drow, hardly worth remembering by the drow as a whole. Oh, one more thing. She is a hunter of errant male drow who think to do good or destroy the drows' "good" name*
[18-17:06] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *and player is looking to try and get this chic killed, cuz she never uses this character.*
[18-17:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *keels her*
[18-17:07] c65ea, Ghouls : ((I got ya))
[18-17:07] c65ea, Ghouls : ((are you in rua city?))
[18-17:08] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *She walks down a walkway in , slitting the throats of any inher path in this supper time evening light. Most are inside dining, but those roamers who probably are up to no good anyway are falling victim to her blade.*
[18-17:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*should rescue her, just to be obnoxious*))
[18-17:09] c65ea, Axis : *walks past her seeming to ignore her*
[18-17:10] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *notes the foolish ignorance of this lowly male, at least as far as she is concerned to see the back of him. She creeps up behind him, intent on slitting his throat.*
[18-17:11] c65ea, Axis : *as she would be reaching out towards him she might hear one whispered word. and a bright burst of light would explode in front of her eyes*
[18-17:12] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : Aaah! *staggers back, but how does Axis tolerate the bright burst of light, being that he is a demon,not that Llel knows that*
[18-17:14] c65ea, Axis : *he opens his eyes and grins at her, not that she will be able to see well. He then flings a throwing spike at her left knee*
[18-17:14] c65ea, Axis : *his eyes were closed in case it wasn't noted*
[18-17:15] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Plus iot was behind his head, not in his face))
[18-17:15] c65ea, Axis : ((that too))
[18-17:18] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-17:22] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *she flails blindly and hears the slightest sound of the spike sailing through the air at her left knee and moves her knee in the nick of time*
[18-17:22] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : ((Sorry for delayed post))
[18-17:24] c65ea, Axis : *slips towards her a whisper of sound as his cloak flows about him. A hiss as his Vemonous sword comes out of it's sheath. then he makes a thought quick thrust at her right arm, aiming to poke through the seams of any armor there*
[18-17:28] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *she hears the whisper of his cloak and hisses as she brings her blade to slash at his right side as he is coincidently going for her right arm. Their blades might interconnect, but if they miss each other, it would be her armoured chest that the point of his blade would find and it wouldn't be a seam. Whether her slash hit anything I'll leave up to Axis. She gets pushed back by his thrust, her chest being there instead of her arm due to her last minute sweeping slash at him*
[18-17:30] c65ea, Axis : *her blade would skip off his tough skin. His other hand flings a dagger at her belly hard enough to punch through many metals. then he slashes at her throat*
[18-17:35] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *her throat and stomach are armoured. Let's just say she's all armoured, yeah. Makes it more interesting. Her throat has thick mail and her stomach plates. The dagger penetrates and stabs her in not so super vital areas, not that it does her any more good mind you. She doubles over a little from the stab and swings coincidently for his left arm, coming back around from her previous swing for his right, although this is sheer luck that she's aiming this way, because she can't see hardly a thing. His aim for her throat misses, due to her doubling over and pings off her helmut*
[18-17:37] c65ea, Axis : *his blade comes back around and bats her sword to the side and possibly out of her hand. he then hops back and he begisn chanting*
[18-17:41] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *her blade is indeed knocked out of her hand and she too backs away, not knowing where exactly it went, listening to it clatter a little out of reach of where she dares to go with her not being able to see*
[18-17:43] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *lounges on the rooftop, watching*
[18-17:44] c65ea, Axis : *she wouldn't notice his hand come up with a bit of crystal. she might feel a surge of magic. but then a beam of light would shot from under her feet into the night sky. The stars empoering the beam of pure star fire would lance into the sky like a beacon. just before he finishes the spell axis covers his eyes becasue all ina close diztance who didn't would be blinded*
[18-17:45] c65ea, Axis : ((I gotta go here))
[18-17:46] c65ea, Axis : ((in like 5minutes))
[18-17:48] c65ea, Axis : *the beam of light would shhot up for a while and axis would walk off*
[18-17:48] c65ea, Axis : ((soory but I have to go))
[18-17:49] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *she screams, looking upward to the sky and I'm not sure the effect it would have on her. She dies? Whatever effect its supposed to have on her it does. What does it do?*
[18-17:50] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *does he burn up?*
[18-17:50] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : ((he = she))
[18-17:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *shields her eyes*
[18-17:58] 0d3ae, Lleleneth : *player wonders where a demon up and got that thing in the first place, but will worry about that later, cuz she doesn't really care at the moment. The once drow falls into a shimmering black pile of ash, her scream fading off as her body is consumed, even her armour is burned away. The ash blows away on the coastal night wind*
[18-18:00] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *peeks after a moment* .. Dang Axis. Drow just do not like you
[18-18:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:02] 0d3ae, Mab: *deletes dead character and cleans her off of chain, clapping hands in that removing dust kind of way with satisfaction*
[18-18:05] JOIN: Ana has entered.
[18-18:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*missed him leaving* *scoots off*))
[18-18:14] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *heals herself of the minor damage she sustained during Muna's interrogation. It does not take a great deal of power to fix, because it was more painful that actually damaging, since it didn't crack her skull. She is furious, ashamed, and scared out of her wits, stuck in this little sphere. It's powers are beneath her and yet she is powerless to escape it. She sits and frets and ponders. Her face no longer painted, because she shrunk out of the paints the EnTai women applied as well. Her hair no longer set up with combs and picks, they too falling out of her hair as she shrunk. Her currently raven black hair falls in soft unkempt tangles around her tiney shoulders. She is clean for the very same reason that her face is no longer painted. She shrunk out of all the grime of a night in that muddy crypt with Galean* *end cameo*
[18-18:15] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-18:15] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((that actually = than actually))
[18-18:15] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((It's = Its))
[18-18:20] 98055, Fae Council : *they have been issuing orders and instructions and spreading lies to appease the public, explanations for what happened and just how clever the "lies" were that were spoken against them and why. The need the queen for their puppet to truly relax the minds of the general public and make them feel confident in their leadership again. The people love their queen. She could do no wrong in their eyes and the council wishes to use that to secure their control*
[18-18:20] 98055, Fae Council : ((The need = They need))
[18-18:23] f41a5, Kali: *sneaks*
[18-18:26] f41a5, Kali: *growls at AIM*
[18-18:27] 98055, Fae Council : *They have also stepped up security. They hadn't been guarding the portals quite as much as normal in the hopes that their queen would try to slip back in that way, but they now know that she now knows and know that she would not take a route so obvious and easy for them to pick her up from. They now have the portals heavily guarded, not that the portals' wards aren't powerful enough a guard by themselves. They know, though, that certain elves and persons have counter wards given to them by the queen to keep from suffering the portals' effects. The guard on the walls are as tight as ever, but they've been issued a new command at the walls to watch for their queen and report to the council immediately upon her return should she try to reenter the kingdom that way. They're not to interfere with her movements, but he council will be notified. That way they can sneak up on her and the queen nor the people will realize it. That is their plan should she return by that route anyway. They keep the unenchanted general populace oblivious. Only the palace guard and the high ranking officers are under the council's enchantment. They're powerful as a combined force, but not so powerful as to enchant their entire country*
[18-18:31] 98055, Fae Council : *let's say there are a hundred and five council members total wrapped up in this vile plot. This is the entire council. It could be that some would have been noble, but have had their minds slowly poisoned with enchantments and spells by the corrupt ones over a long period of time. Where did the corrupt ones get such enchantments to use on their fellow council members? Well, that's a possibility for further story to come, but isn't known at this time*
[18-18:36] f41a5, Kaya : *ponders her role as spy.. both for the queen and for the council*
[18-18:44] 98055, Fae Council : *They hold the girdle, the tassled sash carefully woven by a powerful sorceror of the past who was also king of the fae at the time. He was concerned about his heir, that he might go down the wrong path if something were to happen to the sorceror king, because his heir was wild and unruley. The king entrusted the girdle to the council with the instructions that they use it on his heir or any subsequent heirs should they ever be shown to be corrupted. It was a secret pact between council and ruler. The sorceror nor the council ever dreamed that the entire council could ever go corrupt. That was out of the realms of believable possibility. Well, when the king died in a fierce battle for the world, whichever one was going on at the time where evil threatened to destroy all, his heir took the throne. His heir being Mab's father. It turned out that his unruliness (spell?) was just youth and vigor and he tamed down into a very good and noble king, even if with a bit of a temper sometimes. He too got killed somehow that we'll worry as players about later, cuz player can't think of a reason for him to have died just yet. Mab assumed the throne at a very tender, tender age of 12. The council was only beginning to fall into corruption then, untraceable corruption in just a handful of them. It has been centuries and centuries of time and has taken this long for the whole council to be taken under. Unfortunately for Mab, they still hold the girdle that can bind her actions and will to them. She will retain her own thoughts and feelings, but will be unable to act contrary to the council's will should they bind her with the power of that sash. She knows this. They know she knows this.*
[18-18:53] 98055, Fae Council : *for kicks and giggles of the player, the council summons Kaya, the dress maker. They had overheard rumors of Mab planning on having Kaya open a shop in Rua with some special fabrics of the fae. They are not so foolish as to think Mab just wanted to expand business. They can guess the real reason she wanted Kaya in that role.*
[18-18:57] f41a5, Kaya : *not a little scared at the summons from the council, she presents herself at the council chambers, speaking to the guard at the door*The council has asked to see me. My name is Kaya
[18-19:01] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:01] JOIN: Sierra Demonbane has entered.
[18-19:02] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (hello)
[18-19:02] f41a5, Kaya : ((hehe speak of the devil))
[18-19:02] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (???)
[18-19:03] f41a5, Kaya : ((i was just talking about your char to Mab))
[18-19:03] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (oh, kool)
[18-19:03] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (*scrolls donw to see.*)
[18-19:04] f41a5, Kaya : ((not there..Im me please))
[18-19:04] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (k)
[18-19:04] 98055, Fae Council : *now, much to Mab's charinge and something she was planning to do something about, somehow, the council has started a tradition of reporting underlings doing the most humiliating bowing and groveling when they are presented before the council and their queen. A reporting subject is expected to go to their knees and then lay prostrate on the floor until bidden to kneel again upon entering the middle of the council chamber, throne room, or answering a summons of an individual council member or the queen. Mab has argued this "custom" that wasn't in place when her grandfather had ruled for some time, but it, unfortunately, wasn't as high on her priority list as other more pressing matters, and so she was unable to finish her plans to demolish the custom as of yet. So, the council room doors are opened for Kaya by the guards. It is a circular chamber with a fine inlaid pattern of different marbles on the floor and ornately carved wooden booths for the different council members surrounding it, the carvings in dark reddish wood looking to almost have been grown that way instead of carved, very organic. The dome ceiling was indeed carved from inside this mountainous cavern, but it too looks like it was grown that way. Pillars too have the swirling, detailed, organic look.*
[18-19:13] f41a5, Kaya : *suddenly remembering said tradition, she walks to the middle of the room,slowly sinking to her knees before stretching out on the floor.. stupid custom but...hey.,..she lays there on the marble floor, slightly cool at that. waiting to be acknowledged by the council*.
[18-19:15] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : *she sat, her knees tucked into her chest, her hair, whic was closer to brown then blonde, matted to her face. She'd run out of tears what seemed like several hours ago. She'd already failed her mission. Everything she'd ever fought for had been for nil. They had stripped her of her weapons, but she was sure they were near by, she could probably summon her throwing knives to her hands, but what would that accomplish.?*
[18-19:16] 98055, Fae Council : *they cruelly take their time to notice her. They see her, but they continue their discussions, smirking at the pretty fae in the groveling position inbetween their finishing murmuring discussions. Finally the leader says to Kaya* Very well, to your knees and report, loyal subject of Mab and this council and all out our great fae nation. *gotta put in the pomp whenever possible*
[18-19:16] 98055, Fae Council : ((out our = of our))
[18-19:19] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-19:19] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 8:19pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-19:20] JOIN: Mara'Saku has entered.
[18-19:20] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( Hey ))
[18-19:20] 98055, Fae Council : ((Hey Mara))
[18-19:21] JOIN: Malcolm Night has entered.
[18-19:21] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (g2g, bye)
[18-19:21] EXIT: Sierra Demonbane has left the chat ( 8:21pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-19:23] 18221, Malcolm Night: ((*throws a stink fish at Kaya*))
[18-19:24] f41a5, Kaya : *doesnt get irritated for some time. but after a while is tapping her fingers on the floor.rising to her knees as they finally speak*Honorable council members*oh does that killl her* the light from the sky was a woman, she said her name is Sierra but not more than that.. she is in an outer room waiting to be questioned more
[18-19:25] f41a5, Kaya : (( bleah.. even my cat wont touch that))
[18-19:26] f41a5, Kaya : ((hey Mara))
[18-19:26] 98055, Fae Council : From whence does she hail from.......besides the sky, that is? *coolly questions Kaya, looking down at her with smug satisfaction that he can barely contain.*
[18-19:26] JOIN: Malcolm Night has entered.
[18-19:26] 18221, Malcolm Night: ((=p))
[18-19:28] f41a5, Kaya : *hiding her contempt for him..her loyalties lie with the Queen*she refused to say. Only that she remembered nothing but darkness. But that was a lie in itself, she has been here before
[18-19:29] 98055, Fae Council : Has she? *raises a brow* What species is she? *hasn't looked on her himself*
[18-19:33] f41a5, Kaya : That would be a good question, My lord. she remains covered and refuses to remove her cloak. I was loathe to force her to remove it . I was hoping to get her to do it on her own.
[18-19:35] 18221, Malcolm Night: ((*meanders through the forest outside of , wearing a blue cloak with the hood down*))
[18-19:36] 18221, Malcolm Night: ((*meanders through the forest outside of , wearing a blue cloak with the hood down*))
[18-19:36] 18221, Malcolm Night: *meanders through the forest outside of , wearing a blue cloak with the hood down*
[18-19:36] 98055, Fae Council : How tender and considerate of you, loyal citizen. However, with so many threats abounding, we like to know the full nature of those who would tresspass, regardless of how they go about doing so, whether sneaking through a portal, flying over the wall or ....hehe.....appearing in a great shaft of light from the sky.
[18-19:37] 18221, Malcolm Night: (stupid me...i mean...stupid comp...yea...that's it)
[18-19:37] 3a8a8, Roki: meanwhile.. not more than a swallows flight away... King Roki and Sir...Roki.. have discovered something.......... NNNNIII !
[18-19:37] f41a5, Lotesse : *not knowing how to use the portal to , she's set out on foot to try and get there as quickly as possible.. she is running swiftly thru the forest ..not a hard pace but normal for an elf.*
[18-19:38] f41a5, Kaya : ((*bows to King*............not))
[18-19:39] 3a8a8, Roki: .... NI !
[18-19:40] f41a5, Kaya : ((do i want to know?))
[18-19:41] 98055, Fae Council : ((but you are no longer the knights that say.....NNNNIII!!))
[18-19:41] 3a8a8, Roki: we are the knights who say.. Ecky Ecky Ecky kaping zoo boing *mumble mumble*
[18-19:41] 18221, Malcolm Night: *attempts to whistle but is not very good at it*
[18-19:41] f41a5, Kaya : If you would allow me,I would question her further
[18-19:45] f41a5, Lotesse : *slows her pace as she hears someone trying to learn how to whistle.. coming to a stop as she neared the clearing where he was*
[18-19:45] 98055, Fae Council : That will be well, but she is to remain confined and under great watchful guard until we say otherwise. We wish her in irons for the time being, but kept otherwise comfortable until we know if she is to be trusted. Now, on to another matter... but first, my council needs to discuss a moment. *gestures to her that she should go back to being prostrate on the floor while he and his council convene in low, unaudible murmurings. They just enjoy the power of making subjects do that way too much*
[18-19:47] 3a8a8, Roki: and now.. i go to da movie
[18-19:47] JOIN: Malcolm Night has entered.
[18-19:48] 18221, Malcolm Night: *doesn't notice Lotesse, is too busy being a failure when it comes to whistling*
[18-19:48] f41a5, Kaya : *repressing a sigh, she lowers herself back to the floor.. quietly grumbling to herself*
[18-19:50] f41a5, Lotesse : *biting her lips to stop the laugh fighting to get out, she walks into the clearing*thats just about pathetic
[18-19:51] f41a5, Lotesse : (sheesh.*has to go in 10*))
[18-19:51] 98055, Fae Council : *after about 15 minutes of discussing, them occasionally glancing at her with smug satisfied smirks (she may have noticed them doing so) the council member speaks, but he doesn't tell her to rise. He likes her like that, the dirty old man that doesn't look old, cuz he's fae* We understand that our illustrious queen has high hopes for you and what you could mean for relations to other nations.
[18-19:52] 18221, Malcolm Night: *looks at lotesse*gee...thanks
[18-19:57] f41a5, Kaya : *oh she's seen them.. keeping her mouth shut but she's got him marked when this he's taken down...titling her head up slightly to speak to them*What relations?.. She has asked me to set up a small shop so that we can possibly start selling our cloth.. nothing more than that.
[18-19:58] f41a5, Kaya : ((*smackes the this outta there*))
[18-20:01] f41a5, Kali: *has to run now* bbl
[18-20:03] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-20:03] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:03pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-20:03] JOIN: Mara'Saku has entered.
[18-20:03] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( Hey ))
[18-20:05] 98055, Fae Council : *pause*
[18-20:06] 98055, Fae Council : ((Hey Mara))
[18-20:06] JOIN: Xyva has entered.
[18-20:21] 98055, Nomeda : *she has moved from graveyard to graveyard in city, lighting torches at each grave, torches driven hard into the ground and not easily knocked over. At each site, whether within the walls or without, she has set some poor hapless human to keeping the torches fueled and lit with the threat of killing them and their families in cruel and painful ways if they do not obey.*
[18-20:21] ab6ae, Sileen: *pokes head in*
[18-20:23] 98055, Nomeda : *torces = torch posts, which are really big torch lanterns, like those that light many of the streets, the flame not enclosed and burned with a fuel that is not easily doused by something like fog or rainfall. Nomeda has a very good knowledge of fire, afterall*
[18-20:25] 98055, Nomeda : *she has set these up in every graveyard. They are a warning to ghouls. She knowing well that ghouls and fire don't really get along that well*
[18-20:25] ab6ae, Sileen: *eases in further*
[18-20:25] 98055, Nomeda : ((LOL@Sileen))
[18-20:26] e599c, Chewie: *Peeks.*
[18-20:28] ab6ae, Sileen: *laughs too* Hahahahaha-... Wait, what's funny?
[18-20:28] ab6ae, Sileen: *waves at DaChew*
[18-20:28] e599c, Chewie: *Waves back to Sileen.*
[18-20:29] ab6ae, Sileen:
[18-20:29] 98055, Nomeda : *with authority from Muna, (we'll just say she's reported back with her intentions to Muna at least once) she now moves back to the first graveyard she has so set up warnings at, having completed her rounds. She now has men digging a 3 foot deep trench around the inner walls of the graveyards. Why in the heck she is having them do that is a mystery, but she sets them to digging this not very deep trench, starting with the first one and this will be what she does for the next few days until this new task is complete. Meanwhile, while she has men digging, she patrols, in search of ghouls to kil first hand*
[18-20:29] e599c, Chewie: *Ponders. Sleep or find rp.*
[18-20:31] 98055, Nomeda : *fade out for now*
[18-20:31] ab6ae, Sileen: *misses randomly slaughtering ghouls*
[18-20:32] e599c, Chewie: *Misses RP with her wacky schedule.*
[18-20:33] ab6ae, Sileen: *hugs daChew*
[18-20:33] e599c, Chewie: *Hugs back.*
[18-20:34] 98055, Mab: *runs out of plot advancing things she can do on her own without other plot advancing interactive characters. goes back to work*
[18-20:39] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: meh
[18-20:40] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (())
[18-20:40] e599c, Chewie: Aye.
[18-20:40] 64cd9, Mara'Saku: (( Whats up? )
[18-20:41] e599c, Chewie: NAda
[18-20:42] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[18-20:43] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:42pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-20:44] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[18-20:44] 5f2d2, Axis : ((ello?))
[18-20:45] 5f2d2, Axis : ((anyone up for rpness?))
[18-20:46] e599c, Chewie: night.
[18-20:47] 5f2d2, Axis : ((Ya leaving?))
[18-20:47] e599c, Chewie: Yea. Gonna go sleep
[18-20:47] ab6ae, Sileen: *wakes up* Mew!
[18-20:47] 5f2d2, Axis : ((later then))
[18-20:48] ab6ae, Sileen: See ya daChew
[18-20:48] 5f2d2, Axis : ((hihi sileen))
[18-20:51] 5f2d2, Axis : ((I'm reading the logs and I'm confused....did muna get MAb? how? ))
[18-20:54] ab6ae, Sileen: Yes, Muna got Mab. Mab
[18-20:56] 5f2d2, Axis : ((dam ndemons))
[18-20:57] ab6ae, Sileen: and Galean were chillin by some water, Muna grabbed Mav and teleported away to a sealed off cave. Using Galean's sister to thtreaten her with, she got Mab to go inside a glass ball in return for Ivieral's safety... then took Mab and Ivriel back to the castle, so Mab gets to hang out in a glass bubble, and the weird girl gets beat up s'more
[18-20:57] 5f2d2, Axis : *Axis is currently sitting in the Inn sharpening a knife whistling to himself*
[18-20:58] EXIT: Mara'Saku has left the chat ( 9:40pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-20:59] 5f2d2, Axis : ((I just wonder how she knew where she was if she was in en'tai. ))
[18-20:59] ab6ae, Sileen: I didn't ask
[18-20:59] 5f2d2, Axis : ((bah. ah well nothin I can do. ICness?))
[18-21:02] 98055, Mab: Mab did leave word in EnTai when she left with Galean that they were heading to ACENDAWAN to inquire about what was learned about Galean's missing sister and then planned to go to and search for her.
[18-21:03] 5f2d2, Axis : ((I see. ))
[18-21:04] JOIN: Sierra Demonbane has entered.
[18-21:05] ab6ae, Sileen: Who you want? Delotha or Unicorn? *silly question, but asks anyway*
[18-21:05] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (hello
[18-21:05] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : )
[18-21:05] 98055, Mab: They decided there was enough evidence to suggest that it was Rua's king's men that nabbed his sister and so they went to inquire of Narmotur about it. Muna showed up as they were about to ask Narmotur and did her thing to trap Galean and Mab in an underground crypt that wasn't quite above high tide, but which was a sealed room as far as Mab's ability to escape. Muna does not yet know who Mab is, only that he's stronger and more powerful than she looks and probably important.*
[18-21:06] 98055, Mab: he's stronger = she's stronger
[18-21:06] 5f2d2, Axis : ((del I think. hey someone who tryes to slay demons heheh.))
[18-21:06] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (, you have to understand her storyline)
[18-21:07] 5f2d2, Axis : ((nya wish on a genie ))
[18-21:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *and who should enter? Yes, our darling demoness... well, half demoness. She slides through the front door, booted feet tapping over the hard floor, as she makes her way towards the bar*
[18-21:08] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : (mmm... sure... she's only ever actually killed one demon but...)
[18-21:09] 98055, Mab: That and what Sileen said about sums it up without all the fun and interesting details. Muna nabbed Mab from that crypt room while Galean was asleep real quick like and took her to another dryer crypt room and that is where she interrogated Mab and threatened Galean's sister which led to Mab submitting herselt to be closed in the sphere to save Galean's sister. The end. hehe
[18-21:10] 3fb2d, Sierra Demonbane : *she kept her hood up, despite the fact that she was locked in the room alone. She was half drow after all, and in Fae such people were not ussually accepted. She was their prisoner so she knew they'd eventually find out, but she'd delay it as long as possible.*
[18-21:12] 5f2d2, Axis : *he nods to del as he continues on his task*
[18-21:14] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *gives a little way.. then glances away, ordering a red wine*
[18-21:16] 5f2d2, Axis : *examines the knife. Satisfied that it was back to being sharp he sheathes it*
[18-21:17] JOIN: Adrian Darrymont has entered.
[18-21:17] 8355a, Sierra Demonbane : *there were bags beneath her eyes - she had been crying and was exhausted. She hadn't moved since the gaurds had left except rocking back and forth.*
[18-21:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glances back to Axis with a smirk* So... drow do not like you, I've noticed
[18-21:19] 5f2d2, Axis : So you saw. Indeed many drow seem ot have issues with me.
[18-21:19] JOIN: Kenneth Umbra has entered.
[18-21:20] 8355a, Sierra Demonbane : (wow... Axis your name just reminded me of a character I had at another RP chat... he was redicucomplicated.)
[18-21:21] 5f2d2, Axis : ((heh))
[18-21:21] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Hehe.. you must have an anti-drow field
[18-21:23] 5f2d2, Axis : I get along okay with one drow.....but for some reason some seem to want to kill me
[18-21:23] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : There's a drow you get along with? Shocking...
[18-21:23] f41a5, Kali: *drops back in*
[18-21:24] f7c58, Sierra Demonbane : (hey Kali)
[18-21:24] 5f2d2, Axis : Heh. right. Speaking of angry drow wheres aralore?
[18-21:24] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[18-21:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *shurgs* I don't keep him on a leash. He goes were he wills.
[18-21:25] 5f2d2, Axis : You ought to keep him on a leash....course he might like it.
[18-21:26] f41a5, Kali: hi sierra
[18-21:27] f7c58, Sierra Demonbane : *She couldn't think staight, it seemed as though her entire world was falling apart. Everyone she'd ever knew was gone. Her entire reality had been shattered. The one she was in now was polar opposites with the one she'd been in just hours ago.*
[18-21:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* Nah.. I trust him. *pause, then mutters* For the most part..
[18-21:29] JOIN: Sergin Blade has entered.
[18-21:30] 5f2d2, Axis : He is a drow and all that entails. *he now is reapplying poisen to his sword* Though I admit the last drow I met is a pile of ash.
[18-21:31] 5f2d2, Axis : So I'm not exactly the best judge
[18-21:31] 985a3, Sergin Blade: **steps into the woods, his eyes darting about him to get an over view of the area...**Hmm...**he walks calmly through the woods**
[18-21:31] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *shrugs* He screws up... I tear him apart with my bare hearts and eat his heart.
[18-21:32] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : **fold one arm across his chest, and rests his other arms elbow on it, putting that one hand to his mouth** Your highness, your kingdom is grouped together with a lot of other kingdoms, making it a good vantage point for attack from Sothicus, besides that your army is not very large, without our help the odds of your survival in this war are slim to none.
[18-21:32] 5f2d2, Axis : *glances up* Spoken like a true demon.
[18-21:32] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : we only wish to help kingdoms with our companionship and friendship
[18-21:33] f41a5, Kaya : *is unfortunately for her... still lying on the council chamber floor.. getting those cold chills from the marble floor. plotting the many ways she';s going to get back at that dirty old fae*
[18-21:34] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *winks* I try
[18-21:34] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : and, may I add, with our experience
[18-21:35] 5e834, Aralore : ((*ker-gulp*))
[18-21:35] 98055, Fae Council : *as they were saying to Kaya* We believe that after you were to establish a cloth selling presence that Mab was going to have you observe the goings ons around the country. No doubt, our cloths would draw high priced buyers with influence and people talk. *still lets her lay prostrate all groveling like on the floor*
[18-21:35] 5f2d2, Axis : *chuckles* I'll make a demon out of you yet.
[18-21:35] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*L*))
[18-21:36] f41a5, Kaya : ((sheesh Aralore.. Id stay away from that demoness))
[18-21:36] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *her dark blue eyes narrow a bit as he says this, her chin lifting a little* We are aware of what our chances are. We have always been aware. *looks at him* Which is why alliances have helped us they will help us now* And what is the price of your aid?
[18-21:36] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs, flashing her sharply pointed canines* Possibly... yes
[18-21:36] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((I only talk big *L* Aralore knows I'm a big softie ))
[18-21:36] 5e834, Aralore : ((*Hides the cabal of pleasure slaves he keeps*))
[18-21:37] 985a3, Sergin Blade: **he steps up to the lake and crouchs low to the water, dipping on hand in to test the tempature** little cold... meah**he turns about and begins to walk into the woods. Slowly he begins to change into a Black wolf. Suddenly he turns and darts for the water, leaping into it**
[18-21:37] 5f2d2, Axis : *grisn at her showing off his sharp teeth* Ithink I already have.
[18-21:38] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( ))
[18-21:39] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : as I said, we wish only to help you, and look for none of our own personal gain, which is why all we truelly need is controls over your army, and the production of weaponry and armor. Your military will be and great hands, and nothing will happen without the queens consent.
[18-21:39] f7c58, Sierra Demonbane : *she continued to rock back and forth. Why did this happen to her? what god had she angered for this to happen?*
[18-21:40] 5e834, Aralore : ((Tch, only trusts him for the most part.))
[18-21:40] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((be and = be in))
[18-21:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Hehehe))
[18-21:40] EXIT: Sergin Blade has left the chat ( 10:37pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-21:40] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : And I have your word on that? *sounds extremely suspicious. After all, nothing comes without a price. Ever*
[18-21:42] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : I guarantee, we will ask for no more... Oh, and your kingdom must serve shelter to all the combined armies, if the need arises, but that is doubtful.
[18-21:43] 19a2a, Luke: *comes back from work* hey all
[18-21:43] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods slowly* If they are able to help with the food.
[18-21:43] f41a5, Kali: Hi Luke
[18-21:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : You think you have, huh? *smirks*
[18-21:44] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : of course, the need for food rations will not arise, by the way, creon will supply for that.
[18-21:44] 5f2d2, Axis : Oh yeah. While ago really.
[18-21:45] 19a2a, Luke: *ponders either RP or playing Diablo II for a couple of hours*
[18-21:46] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods again* And nothing will be done with my army without my approval?
[18-21:47] f7c58, Sierra Demonbane : *Slowly sleeps takes her, as hard as she did try to fight it.*
[18-21:47] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((**likes diablo one better**))
[18-21:48] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra :
[18-21:48] 19a2a, Luke: I levelled up something like 30 levels in a few hours... it was phenomenal...
[18-21:48] 5f2d2, Axis : ((Glimmering))
[18-21:48] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : I assure this... I give you my word
[18-21:49] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : ((, in a crypt somewhere))
[18-21:49] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods slowly and thinks in silence for a few moments*
[18-21:49] f41a5, Kali: just about everywhere
[18-21:49] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : ((Mannossa))
[18-21:50] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes, a very healthy ego you have
[18-21:50] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((Diablo is tempting)) *strolls on into the Trendelkim's for a drink*
[18-21:50] 19a2a, Luke: I'm gonna play Diablo II for a little while... I'll be back a little later. bye *plays on the USWest server*
[18-21:50] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : (( Mannossa ))
[18-21:51] 5e834, Aralore : *Wanders on into the Glimmering Inn, cloak pulled tightly about him, meandering towards the bar for a drink*
[18-21:51] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( 10:50pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-21:51] 5f2d2, Axis : Thank you. I make it exercise regularly. *re-sheathes the glimmering blade i nhis cloak* then his gloden cat-eyes glance at ken as he enters*
[18-21:51] 98055, Fae Council : *waits Kaya's response*
[18-21:51] 98055, Fae Council : ((Fae Kingdome))
[18-21:51] f7c58, Sierra Demonbane : (locked in a room in fae)
[18-21:51] 5f2d2, Axis : *then at aralore*
[18-21:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Who do you excercise it on when I'm not around? *laughs softly*
[18-21:54] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *waves and greets everyone that he sees and passes on his way to the bar* Evenin' barkeep. I'll have an ale if you would! *turns to Axis* Top o' the evenin' to ya!
[18-21:54] 5f2d2, Axis : Random people.
[18-21:55] 5f2d2, Axis : *ignores kenneth*
[18-21:55] 5e834, Aralore : Dwarven Ale, bar keep. *sighs softly, setting some silvers down at the bar top*
[18-21:55] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : **eyes her** This, Im sure, is a huge decission, and Im will not try to pressure you, though I know you will not regret allying my master
[18-21:56] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : take as much time as you need
[18-21:56] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *ignored, but doesn't care**turns to Aralore* And a good evenin' to you too, sir.
[18-21:57] f41a5, Kali: sorry council... got lost in adminosity
[18-22:00] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : You must be wearied from your trip, Mr. Darrymont, and I have not yet had dinner. What say you to joining me for dinner in hour?
[18-22:00] d603e, Ashe : ((*shifty eyes* SO BORED!!))
[18-22:01] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *glances to Kenneth, then back as Axis* Friend of your's...? *Then, hears a familiar voice, as her eyes shift towards Aralore*
[18-22:02] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *finding no response from either of the two patrons, he turns to his ale which had been sitting there for quite some time* Nothin' like a good ale. *drinks it down*
[18-22:02] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : I would be honored to share such company with royalty. But, may I please be provided corridors, I wish to change out of these rags **notes the armor, he is still wearing**
[18-22:02] d603e, Ashe : **GONE**
[18-22:03] 638ad, Sierra Demonbane : *Her mind slips off to another time. A much darker time. All that she can remember.*
[18-22:03] 5e834, Aralore : *Rather keen ears pick up on Delotha's voice as well, turning towards her as his drink arrives*
[18-22:04] f41a5, Kali: *still laying on that marble floor, she shakes her head* No you are mistaken.. I am only going to sell our cloth.. expanding my business to include other species nothing more
[18-22:04] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *winks at Aralore as he looks towards her*
[18-22:04] 98055, Fae Council : *looks at Kali puzzled* Where did Kaya go? ((JUST KIDDING))
[18-22:05] f41a5, Kaya : *still laying on that marble floor, she shakes her head* No you are mistaken.. I am only going to sell our cloth.. expanding my business to include other species nothing more
[18-22:05] 5f2d2, Axis : *waves slightly to Aralore*
[18-22:05] f41a5, Kaya : ((*blinks* you did NOT see that))
[18-22:05] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : ((see what?))
[18-22:06] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* Of course. You and your men will be given a suite to share during your stay here. *glances over at one of her men and he runs off*
[18-22:07] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *after finishing his ale and seeing the company around, he figures his best place would be back to the rooftops*
[18-22:08] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : **nods thankfully, turning to one of his accompanying soldiers** my clothes... **the solider nods and replies "right away!" and runs for the exit**
[18-22:08] 5e834, Aralore : *Returns Axis's wave half heartedly, mouth bunching to the side in dismay that he gets but a mere wink, taking a sip of his ale and sidling over to Delotha* Haven't you missed me at all..?
[18-22:09] 5f2d2, Axis : ((gotta go.) Later del *gets up and walks out*
[18-22:10] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Once he returns, you will be shown to your quarters and we will meet in one hour in the dining hall.
[18-22:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *rises from her seat, as she places her hands onh er hips* Depends... *leans in* Where have you been ?
[18-22:11] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Bye Axis..
[18-22:11] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : Wonderful, and I thank you for your gratitude
[18-22:12] 98055, Fae Council : We've known Mab since she was a baby and she is now thousands of years old. I think we can safely say that she had additional plans. We wish for you to carry them out, start your shop and listen. Try to build a reputation and get yourself invited to the major events. Learn what is planning on the grander scale. Also see if they have heard anything of our dear and precious missing queen. We fear for her greatly. *he sounds so sincere about the queen part* Before that, though, finishing your interrogation...*shakes his head quickly correcting himself* I mean questioning of our surprise visitor. Do make sure she is in irons until we, the council make a determination about her.
[18-22:12] JOIN: Sierra Demonbane has entered.
[18-22:13] MSG: Kenneth Umbra sent a message to Shanira Treyan.
[18-22:13] 5e834, Aralore : Pleasuring half-orc female concubines. *Crosses his arms, eyeing her* Undead ones. Killing them, too.
[18-22:13] ab6ae, Aegnora : *skulk skulk...*
[18-22:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chokes* Pleasuring....!!
[18-22:14] 5e834, Aralore : No. Just the killing part.
[18-22:15] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : *nods* Perhaps I will have my answer to you before the end of this night.
[18-22:16] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *takes up his hoopak and heads out of the tavern only to be yelled at by the barkeep for not payin'* Terribly sorry sir. *flips him a gold coing* That should cover any in the future I forget to pay for as well. *after the tavern door closes, he makes his way up to the rooftops*
[18-22:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Ah... you'll live then. *smirks* And yes... *reaches forward to grab him, and yank him to her*
[18-22:18] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : I hope that it is in my favor.
[18-22:18] 638ad, Sierra Demonbane : *she slept away. Everyting that had occured in the last 36 hours of her life playing itself out again and again, as if to taunt he for her failure.*
[18-22:18] 5e834, Aralore : *Kisses her deeply, and a bit too long as to be appropriately accepted by most...but he's not seen her in a while, so he's off the hook*
[18-22:19] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Only time will tell.
[18-22:19] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *and just to prove Delotha's evil, while she does kiss him back, she also dips him back, keep one hand on his back to support him, while the other pushes him down*
[18-22:20] f41a5, Kaya : *stopping the snort that threatened at his little slip up*I will do as you ask..*realizing he's given her a way to get back and forth safely but being quiet about that..*and I will leave our guest to the tender mercies of the guards after Ihave spoken more with her
[18-22:20] JOIN: Sierra Demonbane has entered.
[18-22:22] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *She was suddenly wide awake, sitting as she had been when she'd fallen asleep knees tucked into her chest. More tears would have escaped her sixteen year old cheeks had she enough water in her body system, but truth be told, she did not.*
[18-22:23] 5e834, Aralore : *Gives a little noise of astonishment and surprise, trying to keep himself from falling over*
[18-22:23] f41a5, Kaya : ((*seriously beats pjj to death*))
[18-22:23] 98055, Fae Council : This is well. You may rise and depart to your task and bring us back word. *he sits up on his chair that is practically a throne. It is set up in the middle of the second teir of the dias instead of to the side like it normally is. The throne of the queen sits on the teir above it and behind his own grande chair, it sits empty up there.*
[18-22:24] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: ****cheeks = ees.
[18-22:24] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : **Stares intently at shanira through the blue glass on his sliver mask. He puts one arm on the table.** Is there anything you would like to know about myself, or my master... for the sake of creating further trust between the two of us.
[18-22:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *holds him securely.. won't let him fall*
[18-22:24] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: **ees = eyes
[18-22:24] 94c70, Z: *poofs*
[18-22:26] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Tell me about yourself. A man can be judged by the company he keeps.
[18-22:26] 5e834, Aralore : *Hugs her more tightly, relieved at being back in her arms after his arduous fighting*
[18-22:27] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[18-22:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *breaks off the kiss finally, smirking down at him* .. Hi there
[18-22:29] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *wanders about the rooftops, wondering where he should steal next**it isn't even about the stealing, just the challenge*
[18-22:29] 94c70, Z: *ponders RP*
[18-22:30] 5e834, Aralore : You know, I'm only using you to get to some kind of devillish immortality. *winks*
[18-22:31] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: (...)
[18-22:31] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : I used to be a traveling merchant, I owned an estate, stables, and 50 acres. I was going through when I was attacked, and my face was scarred badly... whenI returned home, I could not find my wife or daughter, and I still no not where they've gone... It was returning to that I met Darrius Lokken, he has assisted me in my search for my family, in return , I help him with his cause of whiping clean the threat that plaques bettenchi.
[18-22:31] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirk widens* Someone is asking to be dropped... her arms jerk quickly like, making as if she's going to let him crash on the floor... but does catch him, and draw him back up to his feet*
[18-22:31] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *looks over to the royal castle* Ya know... I've never been there. I wonder what it's like? I'm sure there are plenty of teasures there, but what good are they to me? I need something useable... handy...
[18-22:32] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : Did you ever find them? Your wife and child?
[18-22:33] 94c70, Z: Hrm.. *flips through her chars.*
[18-22:34] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : **pauses, sighing...** My search isnt yet over...
[18-22:35] 5e834, Aralore : ((*gglz at Z's pic*)) *Lets out a bit of a yelp, but this is more of a put on, as his feet are more than graceful enough to stay balanced* You're just a sadist!
[18-22:35] JOIN: R has entered.
[18-22:36] 94c70, Z: *mews at Aralore.*
[18-22:36] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : I hope you find them. I sincerely do.
[18-22:37] f41a5, Kaya : *taking her time getting up off the floor, stretching and fluttering her wings, she turns and walks from the chamber on her way to the room Sierra is being held in*
[18-22:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes yes... I know
[18-22:38] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : and I thank you for your vote of confidence, I merely hope that when I find them, she still recognizes me... She was very beautiful... in fact, you look quite a bit like her, I didnt notice it before...
[18-22:39] 5e834, Aralore : No fair. You get off on being evil. I'm just an innocent dark elf. We're born to be innocent...
[18-22:39] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *she continues to sit there, her dreams slowly fading into the back of her mind. She begins rocking back and forth aga, keing her hood up. Should she try summoning her daggers to her hands? Perhaps she should try to escape? She didn't imagine there was much time left and if she was going to redeem herself she'd need to act quickly.*
[18-22:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : HA!
[18-22:41] 6df9d, Shanira Treyan : **pause**
[18-22:42] bfbf0, Adrian Darrymont : **pause**
[18-22:42] EXIT: Adrian Darrymont has left the chat ( 11:42pm, July 18 (CDT) ).
[18-22:42] f41a5, Kaya : *passing the guard outside Sierra's door, she waits for them to unlock it before opening it and walking into the room.. watching her rock back and forth* Are you alright?
[18-22:42] JOIN: Darrius Lokken has entered.
[18-22:43] 5e834, Aralore : Damn. Won't anyone at least pretend to believe me?
[18-22:44] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *She shifts her gaze to Kaya.* You've locked me in room in which I do not wish to be kept. I have not eaten in three days and I think I'm dehydrated - I've been better,
[18-22:45] bfbf0, Darrius Lokken : ((cameo)) **Still trapped beneath the desert in an unknown location... still plotting with his demon friend Guien what they should do from here, and is sincerely hoping that the ghoul completes his mission**
[18-22:45] f41a5, Kaya : You havent been given food?..*is not very happy*
[18-22:45] bfbf0, Darrius Lokken : ((gone))
[18-22:46] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *her eyes narrow beneath her hood.* Why do you keep me here? I've caused no harm to anyway!
[18-22:46] 94c70, Z: Lokken!
[18-22:46] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: **anyone
[18-22:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Innocent drow? No one would believe that
[18-22:46] ab6ae, Aegnora : *could get to Lokken to harass him*
[18-22:47] 94c70, Z: *needs to harass him since he didn't show for RP the other day*
[18-22:48] 5e834, Aralore : *Smiles, letting an obsidian hand drift to her cheek* I said pretend, my love...
[18-22:49] f41a5, Kaya : You wouldnt answer my questions and tried to run thats why*is acting a bit rude in front of the guards..speaking to them* bring her food and water.. I dont need her half dead before i get a chance to inter..question her
[18-22:49] 98055, Fae Council : *after Kaya leaves they place a reward notice for the safe return of their queen to all kingdoms except and ACENDAWAN. See bounty link above*
[18-22:52] ab6ae, Aegnora : Well.. pretend they might pulls off *smirk*
[18-22:52] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *She stood up, slowly, shivering.* You wouldn't understand anyway. I need to get out of here. *Her mission was beginning to press on her mind even more. Davin had sacrificed his life to give her this chance... If she succeeded she might be able to change that.*
[18-22:52] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Well.. pretend they might pulls off *smirk*
[18-22:57] 5e834, Aralore : Good..because if you pretend to believe that dark elves are good, maybe I can get you to one day believe it about this one, and then comes the evil.
[18-22:58] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs* You just forewarned me, though
[18-22:58] f41a5, Kaya : *waiting until the guard closes the door behind them..she walks closer to Sierra*be quiet.. I'll try to get you out of here..*probably surprising Sierra as much as herself at that offer*
[18-23:01] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *As Kaya had walked closer she had almost summoned her throwing knive to her hands. She had planned to lash out and try make an escape, but her the womans offer nearly knocked her off her feet. She barely manages to stammer out the words.* Th-Thank you.
[18-23:01] 5e834, Aralore : Nah, you'll grow complacent, until one day you're in the stocks because you made some guard angry, and I'll have you all to myself.
[18-23:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *laughs louder this drape, draping an arm over his shoulders*
[18-23:05] 5e834, Aralore : ((Drapes on the brain.))
[18-23:05] f41a5, Kaya : dont thank me yet..I havent gotten you out of here.. and Im making 2 conditions to doing that
[18-23:06] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Oops! drape=time))
[18-23:06] 5e834, Aralore : You won't be laughing when I'm undressing a helpless demoness for...*lowers his voice, pausing a moment* A prank!
[18-23:06] 98055, Fae Council : *fade out*
[18-23:07] 98055, Fae Council : *and Kaya is gonna be in twubble if she succeeds, big twubble*
[18-23:08] 94c70, Artanis : *Is still where ever it is that she had been drug to after Fahrena had told Mierka to give her a sip in the stream to get rid of the plant's sap. She is awake, though near delerious from the inability to pass out or even sleep due to what was in her system and couldn't be washed away.*
[18-23:08] eb621, Sierra Demonbane: *She nods, swaying slightly.* I need to get out of here more then you know...
[18-23:11] f41a5, Kaya : that is one of the conditions I'm placing on you.. you will tell me who you are and why you are here.
[18-23:12] b3769, Sierra Demonbane: *She nods, continueing to sway.* I will... but, you and only you. No one else must know...
[18-23:13] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *arches an eyebrow at him*
[18-23:14] f41a5, Kaya : There is no one else here.. *light tap on the door before it opens to reveal the guard with food and water* Eat first.. you're about to collapse on me
[18-23:15] 5e834, Aralore : What? I can't help myself. And I'm too cute to stay confused at..
[18-23:16] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[18-23:16] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *reaches up to flick his nose* You're not near as cute as you think you are...
[18-23:16] b3769, Sierra Demonbane: *She slowly lowers herself too the ground keeping her hood up. She would show Kaya her face, but witha gaurd there it may pove disasterous.*
[18-23:16] b3769, Sierra Demonbane: (hi Sorcha, its me, Drae
[18-23:16] b3769, Sierra Demonbane: )
[18-23:17] 5e834, Aralore : Awh...I'm not?
[18-23:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *slides her arms around him, hugging him lightly* Nope.. not at all *grins*
[18-23:18] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (hehe i know hiya)
[18-23:19] 98055, Fahrena : *let's see. we left off with them all sitting on the bank by the river, Fahrena still has her hands and wrists tied and is in soaking wet clothing now, but is much refreshed. Artanis is still having great pain, but it should settle to every half hour soon. Mierka is sitting there.*
[18-23:19] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : (where were we?)
[18-23:19] 6df9d, Mierka : We need to get moving.
[18-23:21] 5e834, Aralore : Then you're not nearly as demonic as you envision yourself to're just getting sloppy in the demonic department.
[18-23:21] 98055, Fahrena : Are we bringing her with us? *hopes they do, because she knows Artanis will help her as soon as she is feeling better. She might betray this hope in her tone*
[18-23:21] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (he was about to make breakfast)
[18-23:22] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : (ah yes)
[18-23:22] 6df9d, Mierka : *shakes her head* No. Too dangerous. She'll stay here.
[18-23:23] 98055, Fahrena : *gets a disappointed look and sighs*
[18-23:24] f41a5, Kaya : *player fades leaving Sierra to eat and rest*
[18-23:24] 6df9d, Mierka : I won't leave her tied or anything.
[18-23:25] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Oh ho! You're just bitter because I'm so much cuter then you *winks*
[18-23:26] 98055, Fahrena : Alright. *as if she has a say in the matter* Well, I suppose I better keep my word I gave just for a bit of refreshment. Make sure she is pulled safely away from the bank. Perhaps start a fire in a safe clearing for her to warm by? *starts scooting toward the horse*
[18-23:26] 5e834, Aralore : You're on to me..
[18-23:27] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *hopping from rooftop to rooftop**sigh* Without a mark, this isn't as fun... *stops on a corner and sits down* Well, at least I'll lull everyone to bed. *takes out his flute and begins to play*
[18-23:27] 6df9d, Mierka : *nods and follows her, meaning to tie her back to the horse before she does those things*
[18-23:27] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I always am *brushes her fingers through his pale hair*
[18-23:28] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *quickly starting a fire, he takes a bried moment to glance at Sortchas still sleeping form He quickly constructed a (you know those spinner thingers!) and began to cook the first of the two rabits.*
[18-23:28] 98055, Fahrena : *would cooperate with being hoisted again over the front end of the saddle next to the neck, muttering about it as she does so, it being so undignified and humiliating. Waits with an annoyed and begrudging expression as she'd be secured like that*
[18-23:30] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *so peacefull, like nothing is the matter shes curled up a little and is actaully shivering a bit as she sleeps*
[18-23:30] 5e834, Aralore : Nuh-uh...I can have secrets...deep, dark, disturbing ones!
[18-23:30] 94c70, Artanis : *Is not very aware of any of what they are doing as she has her own issues to cope with.*
[18-23:32] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *his keen drow eyes had seen the shivering. He hoped the fire would warm her up. other than that there was nothing he could do. letting the rabit cook he sat there,the fire between him and sorcha and he stared at her, smiling faintly, his hood down.*
[18-23:32] 6df9d, Mierka : *when she's secure, she goes back for Eri and brings her out of the water and a safe distance away from the bank. She then begins to gather some wood for the fire. She covers Eri up with the one dry blanket, then builds the fire*
[18-23:34] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she slowly opens her eyes and looks to Drae* oh...good morning*she smiles warmly and moves over to him and the fire*
[18-23:34] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Do you..?
[18-23:35] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *The only reply she got was his smile widening, as if to take in his ears. He turned the rabits stick after a moment, having decided it was cooked enough on the one side.*
[18-23:36] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she then sits beside him and leans against his arm watching the fire and warming up*
[18-23:36] 8a35f, Kenneth Umbra : *hears the thump of people collapsing in the room below him**stops playing for a sec* Tsk, they should've gone to bed all ready. *resumes playing*
[18-23:36] 5e834, Aralore : Yes, I'm dark, and mysterious, and complicated, and that's that.
[18-23:37] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Whatever you say, Aralore
[18-23:37] 98055, Fahrena : *squirms and grumbles*
[18-23:39] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *he wraps his one arm around her shoulder. And he sits staring at the fire.*
[18-23:39] 6df9d, Mierka : *once she's sure the fire won't go out soon, she heads for the horse and mounts up* Let's go
[18-23:39] 5e834, Aralore : *Grins* Again, the pretend to believe me thing...
[18-23:40] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: Did you sleep well*she whispers leaning against him gently*
[18-23:40] 94c70, Muna : *Within a large chamber of her own within the palace at , a pillar rises up from the floor coming up to just above waist height. In the groove on top of this pillar, rests the glass sphere which imprisons Mab. For the last few hours, she has been alone. But no longer, the doors at the end of the room open and she enters.*
[18-23:40] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *again feels around the sphere that holds her, looking for a chance fluctuation of magic or weakness that would allow her to push through with just her strength*
[18-23:41] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *she stops this exploration as soon as she hears Muna enter, btw*
[18-23:41] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *chuckles softly*
[18-23:42] 98055, Fahrena : Or you can let me go to tend to her. Just tell that gargoyle I hit you over the head. *sarcasm mostly as she frustrately jerks at her restraints*
[18-23:42] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *he shrugged.* I kept seeing Llano's death in my dreams... over and over...
[18-23:43] 6df9d, Mierka : Yeah. Right..*snorts and starts the horse at a slow walk* How about I don't and say I did?
[18-23:43] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: if you didn't she would only have killed you, then me most likely*she reaches him and strokes his cheek gently* don't trouble yourself
[18-23:44] 98055, Fahrena : Then you'd be a liar. *jerks at her restraints and huffs frustratedly, wincing as she jarrs one of her healing injuries*
[18-23:45] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *he shrugged again. Offering no answer, as he lifted the stick that the rabit was impaled on way from the fire *hungry? I know its not as good a the food from trendelkims, but we don't have many options.
[18-23:45] 94c70, Artanis : *Eventually, she feels it subside. A low groan escapes her. Though, she does not yet realize that she will be struck by this frequently throughout the course of the day for days to come.*
[18-23:46] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *she quickly sits back in a huddle as though she was doing nothing upon hearing Muna enter*
[18-23:47] 6df9d, Mierka : No, I'm a thief. *continues on and, as her eyes adjust to the gloom of the forest, urges the horse a bit faster*
[18-23:47] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: You need it more than i...i don't feel rather well save me some alright?*she would then get up and go to her bag getting out some clothes she looks to him* im going to change i will be back*she then goes to find some water maybe a little stream, and sits washing and stuff*
[18-23:48] 5e834, Aralore : *Sips his ale, seating himself finally*
[18-23:49] 98055, Fahrena : *squirms, trying to work her bindings loose. grunts slightly as the horse picking up pace jarrs her stomach* Do I have to always be bound in this humiliating fashion? *her bare back and hind end being what is presented for Mierka to talk to*
[18-23:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *sits down as well beside him, watching him as a stray finger moes out, brushing some of his pale hair behind an obsidian ear*
[18-23:50] 94c70, Muna : *Would only expect Mab to be looking for some way out. She does not find the Fae woman to be that unintelligent.* I hope you have had enough time to explore your new home...
[18-23:51] 6df9d, Mierka : How else would I tie you? Lando left you tied like this and this is how you'll remain untill he joins us.
[18-23:51] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *he tore off what little meat he could salvage as he set the other rabit he'd caught onto the fire.*
[18-23:51] 94c70, Artanis : *And left there and stuff, fades out unless otherwise needed.*
[18-23:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *she would come back after a long time and sit down watching him* ...
[18-23:53] 5e834, Aralore : *Returns the favour, playing with her hair a bit with one hand and putting his arm securely about her waist with another* I remember when we'd drink ourselves silly...
[18-23:53] 98055, Fahrena : It's not very good for my hand and foot wounds to have all the blood rushing down to them for most of the day. It causes painful throbbing, not to mention the throbbing headaches and the pull at my injured shoulder. You're not the least bit sympathetic? *jerks frustratedly again at the restraints, grunting femininely with the effort*
[18-23:54] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *moves to her knees, pressing her hands against the glass to peer at Muna more closely through the glass* How long are you going to keep me here?
[18-23:54] b3769, Eradrae Baenre : *by the time she returns the second rabit is done cooking and the fire put out, though Eradrae had had no water. *
[18-23:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *fade*
[18-23:55] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 12:55am, July 19 (CDT) ).
[18-23:55] 6df9d, Mierka : *looks at her and shakes her head* It's been a long night, I'm tired and hungry, I can't say that I am.
[18-23:56] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 12:54am, July 19 (CDT) ).
[18-23:56] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes... that was always fun *grins at him*
[18-23:56] 98055, Fahrena : *growls with irritation* Well, if you'd been willing to listen to my instructions for a snare, you probably wouldn't be as hungry and nor would I. *hopes Mierka is very hungry and just gets weaker and weaker*
[18-23:57] 94c70, Muna : For as long as it takes...
[18-23:57] 94c70, Muna : (( Sympathetic? She did leave Artanis to the wolves and Narmy's boys ))
[18-23:57] 6df9d, Mierka : You should'nt be hungry, seeing as I gave you my half of the food for today, as well as yours.
[18-23:59] 5e834, Aralore : Never could quite get you liquored enough to find me attractive, though.
[19-00:00] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : For as long as what takes? *pounds annoyed like on the glass*
[19-00:00] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *sort of half pounds with one hand*
[19-00:02] 94c70, Muna : *She comes to stand at the pillar. With one hand, she reaches out and picks up the glass sphere that Mab now resides in, lifting her to more eye leve.* I can only imagine how curious about that you must be...
[19-00:02] 98055, Fahrena : Yes, well, that was your decision. I'm saying I'd have liked more and you could have had more too. *winces from a sharp pain that runs up from her hand and whimpers a little* Mmmm. *that whiney king of "mmmm"*
[19-00:03] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I always find you attractive... you're just not as cute as you think you are *grins devilishly*
[19-00:03] 6df9d, Mierka : Well, if your friend had'nt come along, we would've been able to rest.
[19-00:04] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *braces herself, looking around as the glass is lifted* Why don't you just tell me?
[19-00:05] 98055, Fahrena : ((king = kind)) If that monster hadn't come along, maybe it would be you strapped over the horse and then we'd see how you felt about it.
[19-00:05] 5e834, Aralore : Just as you're not as evil as you think you are..
[19-00:06] 6df9d, Mierka : *sheugs* But that did'nt happen, now did it? Besides, I'm positive you would've just left me in there and rode away with your friend.
[19-00:08] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Pshaw! I am incredibly wicked *winks*
[19-00:08] 6df9d, Mierka : (( *Shrugs* ))
[19-00:09] 94c70, Muna : Now.. where would the entertainment be in that?
[19-00:09] 5e834, Aralore : Then I am incredibly cute. They're equal.
[19-00:10] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Fine fine.. but you're still not as cute as me. *pause* ... Aralore?
[19-00:12] 98055, Fahrena : No, I undermine provinces for invasion. I would never leave anyone to suffer in the mouth of that monster. I'd just strap you over the horse and swat you with a stick whenever you said something I didn't like as payback for working with that gargoyle. *her tone every so sarcastic, especially about her undermining her province*
[19-00:13] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : Glad you're having a good time. *folds her arms, still kneeling, wings still there, although she could lose them if she wanted to*
[19-00:14] 5e834, Aralore : ...Yes?
[19-00:14] 6df9d, Mierka : *shrugs* Working with him was better than what I was doing before.
[19-00:14] 5e834, Aralore : *Tilts his head to the side curiously*
[19-00:16] 94c70, Muna : *Chuckles quietly as she sets the galls sphere down into its place again.* There is something that might be of interest to you. Your, Council, seems to be concerned with your disappearance...
[19-00:17] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : How much do you care for me?
[19-00:18] 98055, Fahrena : What were you doing before? *any information could be useful*
[19-00:18] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : My disappearance? *said in dismayed belief as though that's a silly notion*
[19-00:19] 6df9d, Mierka : Living hand to mouth
[19-00:19] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *emphasis on "My" in that "who me?" tone*
[19-00:20] 98055, Fahrena : Doing what? Were on on the a brothel? *knows she could be insulting with that last remark and kinda meant it that way8
[19-00:20] 94c70, Muna : Indeed... *She observes Mab as she peers down at her.* It's quite coincidental that this comes up only a few days after you have become my.. guest.
[19-00:21] 98055, Fahrena : on on = you on
[19-00:21] 5e834, Aralore : *Takes on a mock nervous look* I don't have any money's all...disappeared..
[19-00:22] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((Actually she went poof a good while before you ran into her))
[19-00:22] 6df9d, Mierka : Why? It's not as if you care. *tired and hungry, the woman's chatter is starting to really annoy her*
[19-00:22] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *the serious look fades, as she reaches out to ruffle his hair* I'll get you later then..
[19-00:23] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : Well, you know how coincidental things can happen, I'm sure. How old are you?
[19-00:24] 98055, Fahrena : *and fade out like that for now. Fahrena will again be very sore and throbbing in multiple place by the end of the days ride, but she'll try to remember not to feel as sorry for herself after witnessing Artanis' lot after she was trying to help her*
[19-00:25] 6df9d, Mierka : *she'll eventually gag the woman and ride on in relative silence*
[19-00:25] 94c70, Muna : Old enough to know what tricks the Queen of the Fae is capable of...
[19-00:25] 6df9d, Mierka : **fade**
[19-00:25] EXIT: Mierka has left the chat ( 1:25am, July 19 (CDT) ).
[19-00:26] 98055, Fahrena : *will throw a tantrum when she does that, but will settle down to grumbling an hour or so after that*
[19-00:26] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : I'm embarrassed at the credit you are giving me. I hope the real queen doesn't find out.
[19-00:27] 5e834, Aralore : You were serious? *Looks into her eyes, hugging her tightly, contemplating a moment his wording* I love you...the stars and heavens hold little in comparison to that which spans the breadth of a distance no more than your arms.
[19-00:28] 94c70, Muna : Are you saying that your Elf Prince lies..?
[19-00:28] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me? *tilts her head, watching him closely*
[19-00:31] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : Lies about what? He told you I was the queen? Well, nice of him to sacrifice my safety to protect my queen without asking me how I felt about it. *tries to look disgruntled* If I'd known he told you that, I'd have played along.
[19-00:31] 5e834, Aralore : *He speaks without hesitation, though he's inwardly nervous, as she's been fearful of saying anything commital to him in the past* Of course I, strike that...I want to spend the rest of existence with you. Eternity..? Isn't that...well...nevermind.
[19-00:32] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *gives a sudden wicked grin* ....Let's get married... I'll even go kidnap the king to do it
[19-00:34] 94c70, Muna : Oh, he spoke no words... *A light smirk touches her lips. She withdraws her other hand from her cloaks, in her fingers, she holds a long locke of the silvery hair of the Moon Elf.* It was in his thoughts, the last fleeting ones. Those you have before you are left to the cool claws of death... *She idly strokes the loacke of hair with her fingers.*
[19-00:38] JOIN: R has entered.
[19-00:40] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *goes ghost white, not literally though, that losing of color when one is very afraid, not that it is very obvious at her present size. She starts to tremble. She knows what Muna had done and tried to do with her mind. Could she have done so to Galean and gleened the information and then.....* NOooooo! *she didn't mean to cry that out aloud, but did as she falls to her hands and knees panting in panic. She will bring him back. She will do it, after she's vanquished the council somehow, she will bring Galean back, but what if she can't find his body? Her torso falls further forward as she clutches at her hair in her grief. She could be lying, she thinks. Yes, she could be. They'd need the prince for a bargaining chip if the Moon Elves attack. Oh, but they still had his sister alive.* nooooo. *she weeps in a shuddering weep at that thought*
[19-00:40] 5e834, Aralore : *His eyes widen, a broad grin appearing on his face* me? wnat to get married..?
[19-00:40] 5e834, Aralore : ((Want, damn you fingers, want.))
[19-00:42] 94c70, Isyathiel : *The moon rests ontop the highest peak of the Daesel mountains, which make up part of the western border of the En'Tai lands, as if it were a crown. The moon casting its pale light over the city of Tal'Dolen, complimented by the light of the stars. The sharply clear night came with a crisp night air that was quite common to Tal'Dolen. Within the city was the royal house. There were four large balcony like structures that had been turned into small private gardens, one facing each direction. She, the Queen of the Laumil, stands at the outer edge of one of these. Her dark hair flows down her back and over her shoulders, contrasting with the silvery white gown that she currently wore.*
[19-00:46] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *coughs, trying to hard not to blush* Well... I've been looking for a reason to kidnap that king for days you see...
[19-00:47] 94c70, Muna : *Yes, as if knowing Mab's thoughts she confirms some of it.* You see, the girl being the dear Prince's sister makes her a Princess... *Idly runs the silverly locke of hair along the back of the knuckles of or other hand, as if showing off an esquisite strand of pearls.* I only need one alive... Lord Narmotur is quite fond of the young Princess, yes fond indeed...
[19-00:48] 5e834, Aralore : *Lowers his voice, wrapping his arms about her neck* But I don't want to be one of those good, pious couples...I want sex before the wedding. A bit of depravity before something so sugary sweet as a wedding.
[19-00:48] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : RRRRRRRAAH!! *starts pounding on the glass in great blows, which look laughable at her present size*
[19-00:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks* Don't go getting too excited you cheeky drow... I didn't mean immediantly
[19-00:50] 5e834, Aralore : Why not..? Isn't evil's nature to be impetuous?
[19-00:52] 94c70, Muna : *And if she were the sort to have a signature cackle of evil, this is when she would do it. But as she is much more casual about her sadisticisms, the satisfaction can only been seen in the cold gleam of her eyes.* The moment was... shall I say, enjoyable. His pale flesh greying, shrivelling as I drained everything from him...
[19-00:54] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : Yes... but I'm being evil, by making you wait
[19-00:55] 5e834, Aralore : Making me wait for what..? *grin*
[19-00:55] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *winks* For a lot of things
[19-00:56] 94c70, Isyathiel : *She always watched the western horizon on the nights in which Veryatur was out with his men on patrols. The bond between them was strong, often going beyond the physical and emotional. There had not been a stranger pass through their lands for hundreds of years now. Even the En'Tai had not wandered into these mountains. The En'Tai were not a threat, though. They were an honorable people that for millinia have co-existed with them as neighbors unknowingly.*
[19-00:57] 5e834, Aralore : If I am as attractive as you say I am, it must have some measure of difficulty on you..
[19-00:57] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : I have a very high willpower
[19-00:58] 5e834, Aralore : *Chuckles* So do I...*sticks his tongue out* See if I care...I'll just withold from you for all eternity..
[19-00:59] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *smirks, as she reaches out, brushing her fingers over his cheek* Will you now...?
[19-00:59] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *let's out such a high pitched and shreaking cry of anguish that it could probably break glass. Does it? Does it? Her back arched and her looking to the sky...or ceiling in this case, a great shard of light coming from her and striking at the ceiling, just light, doesn't do anything, but really lights up the room. Muna might not care for the light show*
[19-01:01] 5e834, Aralore : I have to do what I have to do, Delotha...*returns her expression smugly*
[19-01:01] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((BBIAB))
[19-01:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : We'll see...
[19-01:04] 94c70, Muna : *Narrows her eyes to thin slits as Mab creates the light. THe sphere would vibrate with the high pitch scream, but would not fall to the ground as it is nestled into the pillar like a magic ball would be fixated into a royal ceptor. The magic put onto the object saving it from being broken or cracked by the sound. There sphere was thicker than a normal glass, vase or bottle would be also.*
[19-01:04] 5e834, Aralore : If that's what you want to do, instead of playing nicely..
[19-01:05] ab6ae, Aegnora : *ponder*
[19-01:05] ab6ae, Aegnora : (( ))
[19-01:05] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *grins evilly*
[19-01:07] 2b286, Veryatur : *Queen Isyathiel was not the only one that'd ventured out to enjoy the peaceful moonlit night, Making his way up the grandstair King Veryatur moved quietly in a almost casual manner. It'd been a normal day of taking care of different matters relating to the Kingdom from studying the reports from his Elven Scouts to discussing domestic matters with advisors and other officials and the days before that he'd been out on a patrol personally with some of his scouts as he prefered first hand knowledge sometimes on certain matters however, It'd been a long week and in that time he'd seen little of Isyathiel but now it was time to make up for that time lost. Reaching the appropriate floor he turns down one of the hallways leading towards the western Balcony.*
[19-01:15] 5e834, Aralore : *Returns the grin, kissing her tightly, as if letting her escape would be tantamount to letting her escape him forever*
[19-01:16] de0ea, Kali: What kingdom is Veryatur king of?
[19-01:17] 2b286, Veryatur : ((*Laumil, nods*))
[19-01:17] de0ea, Kali: k.. thanks
[19-01:18] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *after a "Mrrph!" ... she kisses him back*
[19-01:20] 94c70, Chima: (( *tests* ))
[19-01:22] 5e834, Aralore : *Tilts his head, putting a hand to her neck and savouring perhaps a bit more than innocently*
[19-01:22] 94c70, Z: *pokes Kali to read the posts she made*
[19-01:23] de0ea, Kali: who what where huh?
[19-01:24] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *trails her fingers up, entwining them into his hair... then, abruptly, she yanks back, giving a hiss of pain*
[19-01:24] 94c70, Z: Oh wait nevermind. *wasn't very clear in her posts as to who Veryatur was*
[19-01:24] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((back))
[19-01:24] 94c70, Z: WB
[19-01:26] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *finally runs out of anguished scream and slumps, head bowed, sobbing uncontrollably*
[19-01:27] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *her light also dimming to just around her person again*
[19-01:29] 94c70, Isyathiel : *She remains still, as if she had all the time in the world. In a sense, she did. However, she knew he was coming, she could.. feel it. It was not uncommon for them to go several days without seeing each other. It was something they endured.*
[19-01:30] 5e834, Aralore : *Frowns* What is it? Is it something I-...*gazes sorrowfully at her, concern emanating from his eyes*
[19-01:30] 94c70, Muna : So much pain... *It was not clear who she meant, Mab or Galean.*
[19-01:31] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *bends over rocking and sobbing* I will make you PAY!!! *cries out to her*
[19-01:33] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : No.. it.. just... HURTS! *lets out another hiss as her shoulders jerk back, as if yanked back on a string, her head ling back as well, eyes glaring on the cieling*
[19-01:34] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : (( l.ol.ling back))
[19-01:35] 94c70, Muna : Will you now...? And how might you do this?
[19-01:36] 5e834, Aralore : *Holds her firmly, tightly in place, speaking in a calm voice* What hurts..?
[19-01:37] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : RRRRRRRRRR!!! *lashes out at Muna hitting the glass so hard she bounces back, landing semi on her back, panting and then curls into a ball, sobbing*
[19-01:38] 2b286, Veryatur : *Gracefully he passes through the hallway on his way to the garden balcony. Separation from her was something that he'd never grown accustomed to even though it'd been something they'd been enduring now for many centuries, but even through the separation their relationship had never become weak, it'd only grown stronger over the passage of time. He finally comes out onto the balcony and towards her he moves. A soft smile appears as he catches sight of Isyathiel, these were the moments that he truly treasured in his life.*
[19-01:40] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *lets out a long hiss, followed by a hard spasm... then goes limp*
[19-01:42] 5e834, Aralore : Delotha..? *Holds her, delicately as she goes limp* Can you...can you hear me?
[19-01:44] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *Newp.. she's unconcious. Bwahaha! What the heck, you might ask? I'm not teeelliiiing yooouuu!*
[19-01:44] 94c70, Chima: *This night in Emania, there is much celebrating happening. A large fire burns which lights the feast and dancing taking place, music also being played. THey had won a small victory this day. A camp to their enemy now lays in burned ash and debris. It had been a heated battle, but those being held in the camp were set free and with the grace of Erea they had destroyed their enemy, at least those that were there. The feast taking place was in celebration of this victory, the return home and most of all in honor and thanks to Erea. Chima sat in her place, watching all this take place, pleased.*
[19-01:47] 94c70, Muna : *Amused by this.* Oh, such hatred.. tsk tsk.. *a hinto of mocking in her voice.*
[19-01:47] 5e834, Aralore : *Cradles her in his! Suppresses kinky thoughts :-O and picks her up, exiting to find the nearest!*
[19-01:48] 98055, Khavi : *would wish she could be there in Emania, if she knew this had taken place, but alas, she is still making her way there, going around the land of the fae, treading the dangerous borders between fae kingdom and Winyacadia*
[19-01:49] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : *isn't injured.. just unconcious you ninny*
[19-01:52] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *curls tighter and sobs louder before settling into anguished whimpers* Please,...........send his body to his people, please. *Now, Mab's ability to bring people back is not a widely known or advertised fact. So, Muna should just take this as a request for respect*
[19-01:54] 94c70, Isyathiel : *Sensing him near, she turns slowly from the rail to allow her gaze to shift from the mountain view to him.* You have returned.. *As if she had not already known this.*
[19-01:56] de0ea, Kali: *crawls off to bed*night ya'll
[19-01:56] 5e834, Aralore : ((Maybe a priest can exorcise the demons from her!!))
[19-01:57] 5e834, Aralore : (('Night Kali!))
[19-01:57] 94c70, Muna : Do you think they would want this..? *Again holding up the silvery locke of hair.* It is all that there is...
[19-01:58] 94c70, Alanna Morie: (( *gets out the holy water and heals Delotha* ))
[19-01:59] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((NO!))
[19-02:01] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Night Kali.)) Noo...*shakes her head* No...*not wanting to believe it* Noooo! *curls up again, sobbing viiolently before settling down again* Please, may I have it? *referring to the lock of hair*
[19-02:02] ab6ae, Delotha Feanor : ((*dies*))
[19-02:05] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-02:06] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *whispers* Hey Mab.. what's the avatar size in here?
[19-02:06] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((125X160))
[19-02:07] 94c70, Muna : No.. you may not.
[19-02:10] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : Why? What do you ask for it? *pulls herself up from her grieving to her hands and knees, sorta kneeling with her hands planted, classing fairy pose*
[19-02:10] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((classing = classic))
[19-02:13] 94c70, Muna : Hmm... it is not up for trade. This is my, trophey...
[19-02:14] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : Please, let me have it. There must be something I could.....*looks at Muna pleadingly* Leave me something of him, I beg you.
[19-02:16] 94c70, Muna : *A light smirk touches the corners of her lips.* You have your memories...
[19-02:16] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *test?*
[19-02:17] 74d1f, Will-o'-the-wisp: *blush*
[19-02:21] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : *is still down in the crypt, having woken up from the unusually long sleep...*
[19-02:25] 2b286, Veryatur : *He nods slightly.* yes, sometime ago but matters have kept me occupied, and for this I apologize..
[19-02:27] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : What do you want to know? *she cannot deliberately sacrifice her people, even if it means she loses the one piece of Galean that she thinks is left that she would need to bring him back*
[19-02:34] 94c70, Muna : *A slight twitch in her eyebrow as it does not quite raise.* Is there something you want to tell me..?
[19-02:34] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-02:37] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : If you give me the locke of Galean's hair, yes.
[19-02:37] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: *a shadow wanders aimlessly in the twilight gloom of the trees,appears to look at the walled town and cries into the night(an audible sound)
[19-02:38] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : *he moves his hand over the orc dagger blade, and begins chanting something*
[19-02:39] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Oooo! We have a Will-o-the-wisp making audible sound))
[19-02:39] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: *it wanders along the forest if seeking to get closer to the wall, as if trying to get in,home!
[19-02:39] 94c70, Muna : (( Whispering in the wind? ))
[19-02:40] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: ks mab,hahahaha you velly funny velly funny guy))
[19-02:40] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: (thanks)
[19-02:41] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : ((, wisp... gal))
[19-02:42] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: (i know private joke-ask kali about it sometime))
[19-02:42] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hi Galean. Mab thinks Muna killed you. hehe))
[19-02:43] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : ((*knows...*))
[19-02:44] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((greetings mab))
[19-02:45] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Oooo! Galean is gonna magically turn the orc blade into a drill bit and drill his way out of there. Whooooo!!))
[19-02:45] 94c70, Muna : I'll consider it when you feel you're ready to tell me... I will then judge if it is worth such a gift... *She would then slowly turn her back on Mab.*
[19-02:45] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hey wisp. Who you be?))
[19-02:45] 94c70, Muna : (( *will eat Galean for lunch if he does that while she's sleeping.* ))
[19-02:46] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((no names mab,,i was alive untill quite recently but got myself shot outside your city))
[19-02:46] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *says quietly* I am queen of the fae. *sighs deeply*
[19-02:47] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Well, why'd you do a silly thing like that, L...I mean wisp?))
[19-02:47] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : ((*is gonna give the blade the power to give elemental damage*))
[19-02:48] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: *the shadow looks around and flits towards the wall the breaze flows through it and the wind makes no resistance.
[19-02:48] 94c70, Muna : (( *thinks the L gives it away* )) *Pauses for a moment.* I know... *She then procedes to leave the room because player needs more than 5 hours of sleep.*
[19-02:49] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((accused internet affair with kali!
[19-02:49] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((She gets that a lot. *L*))
[19-02:50] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((took very long time to sort out))
[19-02:50] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((like whole week))
[19-02:51] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((had to close down all emails and aim sites,get rid of favourites everything))
[19-02:52] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *Bah! Give Mab the locke of hair, dangit! heh. She shudders and falls to a sprawled heap, losing all her pigment, turning pure white, exhausted from her emotional ordeal. She falls asleep sobbing and whimpering*
[19-02:52] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((got to go now work stuff))
[19-02:52] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: ((be back sometime as something))
[19-02:53] 94c70, Muna : *What Mab does not know yet is that locke of hair actually doesn't even belong to Galean, but to Ivirel *
[19-02:54] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *yup, player figured that all along, but yup, Mab doesn't know that. She would know it if Muna gave it to her though. So, good thing she didn't*
[19-02:57] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : *he continues to chant, throughout the early hours of the morning... needs like 6 hours to do the chanting, and he definately has the time*
[19-03:00] 94c70, Z: night people.
[19-03:00] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : ((g'night Z))
[19-03:02] EXIT: R has left the chat ( 4:02am, July 19 (CDT) ).
[19-03:03] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Night Z))
[19-03:14] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *wakes and starts into some inspiring musical number about how she will find a way to be with Galean again and all the mushy stuff like that with lots of lights and pretty sights and symbolic stuff just like in the movies........okay, doesn't really do that, but it sounded like fun to post*
[19-03:14] 98055, Mab Fairy Queen : *fade out for now*
[19-03:17] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : *and on the other end, he is singing his part of the song, and towards the end of the song, the camera splits to show both of them in a piece of musical marvel... j/k of course*
[19-03:26] 19a2a, Galean Arrowan : *fade out, with him doing the chant*
[19-03:51] ab6ae, Sileen: hm
[19-05:02] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-05:02] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: p
[19-05:03] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: e
[19-05:03] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: s
[19-05:03] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: a
[19-05:03] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: e
[19-05:03] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: l
[19-05:03] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: p
[19-05:03] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: e
[19-05:03] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: m
[19-05:04] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: p
[19-05:04] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: l
[19-05:04] a0002, Will-o'-the-wisp: e
[19-05:04] b7149, Will-o'-the-wisp: h
[19-05:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[19-05:06] f3b76, Will-o'-the-wisp: ?
[19-05:09] f3b76, Will-o'-the-wisp : whats up?
[19-05:11] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:09am, July 19 (CDT) ).
[19-06:06] 91778, Kali: *eyes wispy*
[19-06:08] 5de32, Q: . . . . . . . .
[19-06:10] 91778, Kali: what??
[19-06:11] 5de32, Q: *shrugs* dunno... just peeked in and wanted to make that face
[19-06:12] 91778, Kali: ah...
[19-06:13] 5de32, Q: ..yah..tis a simple life a lead...
[19-06:14] 91778, Kali: apparently
[19-06:14] 5de32, Q: yeah -_-'
[19-06:19] 91778, Kali: what are you mod of Q?
[19-06:20] 5de32, Q: *shrugs* was an honorary master until life got me busy
[19-06:21] 5de32, Q: I was the one that named the helped Mab name the place hehe
[19-06:21] 91778, Kali: life? dun have one
[19-06:21] 5de32, Q: ahh school and a job made me get one
[19-06:22] 91778, Kali: i hear they are interesting.. maybe i'll get one someday
[19-06:23] 5de32, Q: *shrugs and yawns* meh... it's work... depends on the kinda job you get
[19-06:24] 91778, Kali: well I work at home so that doesnt really help
[19-06:24] 5de32, Q: oh? what do ya do?
[19-06:24] 91778, Kali: i make clothes for ren faires
[19-06:25] 5de32, Q: oooooo cool
[19-06:26] 5de32, Q: I gotsta drive around the county....tis funny... I now work and get paid for doing basically the exact same thing I did in high school this past year by the very same school system and everything
[19-06:26] 91778, Kali: its good for me. keeps me out of trouble
[19-06:27] 91778, Kali: thats good
[19-06:27] 5de32, Q: well, do you think you'd get in trouble if you worked some place out of the home? *spins in chair*
[19-06:28] 91778, Kali: heh ive done the 'job' thing... i have this small problem of getting along with authority figures
[19-06:29] 5de32, Q: oh?