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[09-14:51] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : but will I live? *returns his look with one of no emotion* I need more water.
[09-14:51] 63f6d, Bartuc : No. *he reaches for the dooragian taking the light with him*
[09-14:52] EXIT: Luke has left the chat ( I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart. There's a chance we could make it now, we'll be rocking 'til the sun goes down. I believe in a thing called love, ooh! ).
[09-14:53] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: *after she is healed she drops to sleep is grateful really but needs the sleep hops drae will thank her for her..*
[09-14:54] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he closes his eyes trying to ward off the telepathic intrusions, to no avail. The voices are just whisperings, unintelligible. But the whisperings seem to echo within the walls of his mind, numbing his senses, he jerks slightly against it, his hood falling down to reveal a head of white hair and ebony skin.*
[09-14:54] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Please, don't go yet. *the first time she's used the 'p' word*
[09-14:55] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : *standing up from the bed she turns to walk from the room after Sorcha fell asleep*
[09-14:55] 63f6d, Bartuc : *notices this and puases just before opening the door* Why?
[09-14:55] f3b76, Sorcha Lidil: (bye all! blame work that i have to go! *hugs toall*)
[09-14:56] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (bye,)
[09-14:57] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he closes his green eyes against he voices which have no become a torrent of agonized screams.*
[09-14:57] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 3:55pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-14:57] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : *opening the door she sees Sorcha's friend standing near it... hood down, she realises that he is a drow... )) Hello... she's asleep now.. you should let her alone for a bit... would you like to join me downstairs?
[09-14:57] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : **now
[09-14:58] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *the second the door opens the voices stop, leaving him woozy but otherwise alright. He looked in the open door to see Sorcha sleeping peacefully.* Her wound is healed? *he quickly flips the hood back up.)
[09-14:58] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *
[09-15:00] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : Yes, she will be fine... *narrowing her eyes at him again* would you like to tell me how that happened?
[09-15:00] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : I want to know if you are a people of mercy. I have concern that you are not. I wish to learn more. Stay, please. *she's learned much from this that she doesn't think she'd learn otherwise, but she feels she's reached the end of what she can learn this way, if he's just going to let her waste away, she couldn't entirely blame him, but she wouldn't learn much by it. Her point to all this was studying his people without any formal fronts that could not help but be there if she'd shown who she really was* You spoke of a dragon.
[09-15:02] 63f6d, Bartuc : *he glares at her his eyes boring into her* If I speak to you you must swear on all that you find holy you will be completly honest wiht me.
[09-15:02] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *biting his lip he paused. He didn't want more angry highelves trying to kill him so he used the excuse Haesanga had provided for them the other day.* Sparring accident...
[09-15:04] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : Sparing...what was Sorcha doing sparring?.. she's a seamstress...*shaking her head* Look Ive had a long hot walk, would you care to go downstairs and get a drink?
[09-15:04] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : **them
[09-15:05] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he nodded, answering her question about sparring despite the fact that he probably didn't need to.* It's complicated... I'm not even sure if I'd know where to begin.
[09-15:06] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : In what I say, from here on, I will not lie, if you will answer my concerns about mercy and my questions about the dragon.
[09-15:07] f9c17, Haesanga: ((rar))
[09-15:07] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (oh, , your on!)
[09-15:08] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : *turning to walk down the stairs* you can begin by telling me your name.. Mine's Illisse.. this is Lotesse *pointing to the tall blonde woman with her*
[09-15:09] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I am now))
[09-15:09] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he follows them.* I am Eradrae... *he stopped talking for a moment, staring absently into space.* Thank you...
[09-15:10] 63f6d, Bartuc : Very well. *he walks away fro mthe door* Yes we were attacked by adragon one day one the plains. We had spotted a woman and went towards her. She becaem a flaming black horse. A Nightmare I later learned. Then a dragon attacked us. Nobody was injured and we moved on. LAter I tlaked with the nightmare and she took me to meet this dragon. He wants or aid for something and was enormusly arrogant. It is a mutual defense pact. Now Waht is your name?
[09-15:11] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((ack so many typos))
[09-15:14] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : You're welcome...*walking down the stairs, continuing on to the bar.. she taking a seat..Lotesse stopping near them... noticing this....* Lotesse, I will be fine here.. you should go get some rest so we can go look for Val later..
[09-15:14] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Mab *and if he didn't know what a nightmare was, that name should also have no meaning for him* Although, you have not answered my questions of mercy. Does you law not allow mercy to those who would steal not for greed, but for desperate need?
[09-15:14] f9c17, Haesanga: ((btw, Haes is gone from Ruap. Dissapeared yesterday ))
[09-15:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he sits down beside her.* Its on me - its the least I can do. *he reaches into his pocket and produces several coins and looks about for the tender.*
[09-15:15] 1b2b2, Lotesse : If you wish it so...*turning to the tender and making arrangements for the room she had just left that morning*..good day...*this to Eradrae*
[09-15:16] 63f6d, Bartuc : Law is defined by he cheif shaman and people of the clan in question. A theif is a theif. If one in desperat need came to us for aid, we might not only help them but welcome them in.
[09-15:18] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : but what if the desperate one had been conditioned not to trust, through their various trials. or my second scenerio. *the one she wants him to suspect was hers* what if the person already tried to trade through legitimate means and you refused them without further discussion on the matter?
[09-15:19] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods to her, then looks back to Illisse.* What shall you have? (wow... such a great, and I mean GREAT, post)
[09-15:20] 63f6d, Bartuc : Our horses except for culls and certain out land nations do not go to outsiders. and when they were cuaght they could explain this and we would be able to hel pthem.
[09-15:21] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : (who's?) A glass of wine would do for now..thank you...*sighing deeply* at least he didnt take everything..*not realising that this was spoken outloud*
[09-15:22] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Mine, , I was being sarcastic) *he looks over to her.* pardon me?
[09-15:23] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : *blinking at him*what?
[09-15:24] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he raises an eyebrow, though from beneath his hood it was hard to tell,* You said something: "atleast he didn't take everything"
[09-15:24] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : I see. You left that out of your previous answers. So, the wretch on the run demonstrates fear and mistrust, but tells his story when he is caught and you help him? The one you summarily refused, who takes that as an unremittable 'no' but cannot return to her people empty handed, explains her story upon capture, you let her live, but she still goes empty handed?
[09-15:26] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (wow... I feel like I'm RPing so bad. ... i guess almost 10 hours of RP in a day can do that to you...)
[09-15:26] 63f6d, Bartuc : *sighs* What are you getting at? I'm a warrior not a politican.
[09-15:26] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : I did?... oh, I didnt mean to...I was traveling with someone, he disappeared from our camp a few days ago..taking just about everything with him..Thats why i was even here in in the first place
[09-15:27] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : I only want to know if you have mercy mixed inside somewhere beneath that warrior exterior. It is important that I know.
[09-15:29] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : Oh... *As the tender came he placed an order for a glass of water and a bottle of wine of some sort. He turns back to her as the Tender leaves to fetch their drinks.* really? what happened?
[09-15:30] 63f6d, Bartuc : We show mercy when we are able to. The plains are a tough place. Our horses are our children and our life. We are warriors and always have been.
[09-15:30] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : He is ill, we were traveling back to our home when he disappeared.. I was hoping that he had come back here...
[09-15:31] 63f6d, Bartuc : I have the feeling we are kinder than many of your politicans becasue we are honest
[09-15:33] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he tilted his head.* could yu not heal him?
[09-15:33] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Very well, I have learned all I needed. *she sits up, wincing greatly, squinting from the pain in her ribs and then gracefully stands* You will release me now.
[09-15:34] 63f6d, Bartuc : I'm not done wiht you yet. Who and what are you really?
[09-15:36] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : What is wrong with him requires more than i can do.. *shaking her head very sadly*We were going home to the healer who taught me... unfortunately, Lotesse brought me word that she is dead... I dont know what I will do now
[09-15:37] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Why is he asking what she is? He shouldn't have any reason to believe she is anything other than human. Or is he meaning what station/job?)) I am Mab. I am a spy in you land, gathering the intel that I have just now gathered to my satisfaction and only that intel. I am done. I must return and report.
[09-15:37] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((station job))
[09-15:37] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((k))
[09-15:38] 63f6d, Bartuc : I see. and what makes you think I'm just going to let you leave?
[09-15:40] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *lightly smiles and walks up to him, looking up into his eyes directly* because I require it.
[09-15:40] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he doesn't answer, not quite sure what he should say. The tender returns with their drinks. Dropping a glass of water in front of Drae and a glass of wine in front of Illise.*
[09-15:41] 63f6d, Bartuc : *Crosses his arms and eyes her* Is that so? Where are you from?
[09-15:41] f9c17, Haesanga: *snoozes in the Moon elf palace guest room in his 'nest' of blankets*
[09-15:42] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : HOw long have you been on the surface?.*changing the subject*
[09-15:43] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : I come from through the portal and that is where I shall return. Now, release me.
[09-15:43] 63f6d, Bartuc : *says nothing but only eyes her* What country?
[09-15:44] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he shrugged, looking around to make sure no one had overheard.* only a matter of months, despite the lighting I find it much more comfortable then the underdark...
[09-15:46] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : *seeing the way he reacted to her comment*you dont have to worry here.... The Glimmering Inn is an unusual place... everyone is welcome here, Im sure if you stay a while you will see... *rather curious* why is here more comfortable?..*she's heard that before from another drow*
[09-15:47] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : The country of my birth.
[09-15:48] 63f6d, Bartuc : I suggest you stop toying with me Miss Mab.
[09-15:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-15:49] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : Or you'll let me waste away down here? I told you your hospitality was not persuasive.
[09-15:51] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he thinks for a moment.* The environment is ever hostile... The air is stagnant and unmoving. and there is very little water that is safe to drink, let alone touch. *he paused, closing his eyes, however, there were things about his life in the underdark that he would miss.*
[09-15:51] 63f6d, Bartuc : Indeed. I suppose you will have to stay here a while longer then. Have a good evening Mab. he walks towards the door again*
[09-15:52] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *as soon as he would turn to walk towards the door, she being so close to him, would swing her chains to club him across the back of the head with the mind to knock him out*
[09-15:54] 63f6d, Bartuc : *it would take her a noisey second to do so. Luckily Bartuc was expecting this. She still smashes him across the cheek will enough to snap his head around. He hops back a step* I thought you were smarter than that.
[09-15:56] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : HOw did you meet Sorcha?.. I havent seen her in a while
[09-15:56] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she actually swung really fast, wouldn't take her a second, more like a split, but meh.* I'm stubborn. *and she goes to try and loop the chain over his neck in a very quick and w/o warning lunge.* You're not leaving if I'm not.
[09-15:58] 63f6d, Bartuc : *leaps forward at hte same time so as to knock her down him on top* We'll see
[09-15:58] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he thinks back, having to think hard to remember what had hapened himself.* She was being attacked... The man was insane... *He paused, trying to remember what came next.* She saw my face in the fight but she didn't judge me based on the color of my skin. *he speaks about it with a certain softness in his voice.*
[09-15:59] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *gets knocked down, but as she is going down, would still try and finish her move of looping the chain over his neck* Shall we?
[09-15:59] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((around the back of his neck?))
[09-16:00] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Over his head around the back of his neck is what I meant, yeah, what's she's been trying to do all along))
[09-16:00] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Quick loop motion, shouldn't take her much time to do))
[09-16:00] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : *RaE at the tone in his voice* does she know how you feel? *knows that look of love very well*
[09-16:01] 63f6d, Bartuc : *it would loop around the back of his neck but he bashes his right fist into her broken rib grining the studs into hte flesh*
[09-16:01] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (whats RaE?)
[09-16:02] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : (raises an eyebrow)
[09-16:04] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He smiles.* Yes... But... its not that simple - I wish it were. *it was strange how much he was confiding in this stranger, but he felt as though he could trust her, despite the uneasiness he had felt earlier.*
[09-16:04] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *cries out with that, although her rib is no longer broken from before, she left it bruised and this could crack it anew. She pulls his head down to hers for a quick, sharp head butt, aiming the hard part of her forehead for the tender spot of his between the eyes*
[09-16:06] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : What is not simple about it?.. Because you are drow?
[09-16:06] 63f6d, Bartuc : *brings his head down so that it would slam just abouve that...but his head is very hard and he is in the better position. still it rings him decently and to by himself tiem to recover he sams inot the rib again hard enough to re break it and places his other hand on her throat using this to leverhimself back up*
[09-16:08] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods.* I'd be doing her an injustice if I stayed... *he sighed heavilly.*
[09-16:09] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : If she feels the same for you then leaving would be a greater injustice.
[09-16:10] f9c17, Haesanga: ((eye Poke! eye poke Mab!))
[09-16:12] f9c17, Haesanga: ((or groin kick))
[09-16:12] f9c17, Haesanga: ((that works too))
[09-16:13] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : ((Drae... I have to leave for a while...*smacks Haesanga for treating Mab that way* ))
[09-16:13] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *cries out with that and starts to get choked. Puts up her shield, thinking only two thoughts and not letting her mind stray from those two thoughts. "Protect myself" "Don't let myself be left alone" keeping any thoughts of evetual escape from entering her mind, having learned the last time that to plan for such is to undo herself. She looks at him with the strain of her concentration and with great pain, but no fear. Only pride holds her here and she is very stubborn. She guesses that to tell him who she really is would likely secure her freedom, unless he felt threatened by her people and what they might do. Hmmm, that's a possibility, but she guesses the prior. She just doesn't want it held over her head that she could not escape, that he held her at his mercy. She also feels that if she cannot escape, it could weaken her reputation in her kingdom. She'd poke his eyes, but she has the chain looped around the back of his neck. She struggles in her mind if it is more pride or more her fear of repercussions. She can groin kick him, and she tries to knee him in the groin. Thanks Haes. That move worked before*
[09-16:13] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he bites his lip.* I wish it were that simple. What of our future together? If people will not accept me for being a drow elf then a union between myself and someone as beautiful as her certainly wont be allowed!
[09-16:13] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (okay)
[09-16:14] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (I might have to go soon anyway tho, so I may not be back for a few hours)
[09-16:14] 1b2b2, Illisse Brilthor : (this is what i get for not stopping at the store on my way back from the lake..)
[09-16:14] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*ows* what did I do? I was giving her advice))
[09-16:15] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she wavers in her shield with the last thoughts, btw, but that's when she groin knees him*
[09-16:15] 1b2b2, Kali: ok my mistake... sorry
[09-16:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, I may not have to leave tho)
[09-16:15] 63f6d, Bartuc : *ooh that would help if he wasn't prepared....he is shall we say..protected. HE brings his free fist up and slams it straight into her face aiming to slam her head into the ground,and he would keep doing so*
[09-16:15] JOIN: Zaszh has entered.
[09-16:16] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (hey zas)
[09-16:16] MSG: Zaszh sent a message to Mab Fairy Queen.
[09-16:16] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Howdeh))
[09-16:17] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *she resumes her thoughts of "Don't let myself be left alone. Protect myself" and keeps to those thoughts, her sheild roaring back up after the first punch, which she groans at, it getting the other cheek that was not already bruised as she last second turned her head*
[09-16:17] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*whiines*))
[09-16:18] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Mabs been fighting ic for like the past 3 days)
[09-16:19] 63f6d, Bartuc : (and I have been thrashing her everyday. would he feel the shield?))
[09-16:19] 1b2b2, Kali:
[09-16:20] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *the rest of his punches she would just say a pained* uh! *at for each one, allowing just enough to get through to nudge into her and indicate a need for reaction, which still hurts, because of the first punch* ((His first punch, after the shield, he might feel like her face got suddenly harder, but she's left a little give and he has gloves on, doesn't he?))
[09-16:21] bb71d, Zaszh: *He emerges from the underdark, bathed in sunlight for the first time in his life. Behind him, a row of slaves carry his personal belongings, and an escort of Illithid psi-warriors surround them. Zaszh speaks in a chittering series of clicks and disheartening clacks* <This is disgusting...> *The trees grow high all about him, and the sun blazes uncomfortably. Squinting his pupil-less, glossy grey eyes, he proceeds forward* <Release the slaves, we've no need for them here>
[09-16:21] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Illithids are awesome...)
[09-16:22] bb71d, Zaszh: *The psi-warriors turn, facing the five hapless slaves. Moments later, they fall to their knees, screaming in anguish and pain as pressure builds behind their eyes and ears. One by one, their heads burst, pop, and explode in a violent display until all of them are nothing but twitching corpses in the grass* <Carry my belongings, we move for the city known as .>
[09-16:23] 63f6d, Bartuc : *he starts growling getting caught up in his anger smashing harder and harder*
[09-16:23] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((hmm iliithid ghouls))
[09-16:23] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Okay, I know what they look like. What are they like? We don't have enough species? *scratches head*))
[09-16:24] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Hmm... I don't think they'd be able to use their Psionic powers if they were ghouls, would they?)
[09-16:24] bb71d, Zaszh: *The six Mind Flayers, Zaszh included, head off through the woodlands at a slow pace, not particularly knowing what to expect from the surface world*
[09-16:25] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : *he'd kill her if not for her shield and she lets herself fall limp, keeping the shield up and her chains still wrapped about his neck*
[09-16:25] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((NO ILITHIDS))
[09-16:25] bb71d, Zaszh: ((They're mean. Verreh verreh mean. They're actually not even supposed to be from the Forgotten Realms planet. They're aliens who crash-landed a long long time ago, and they consider themselves a superior race))
[09-16:25] f9c17, Haesanga: *stirrs a bit where he lay, one dark eye opening as he looks around the room. Silence. Sunlight streamed in the window, falling across his matted feathers, warming him, healing him. He turns, rolling onto his back and lets it fall acrossh is torso as he sighs, closing his eyes again and falling into a deeper, more relaxed sleep*
[09-16:25] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((we already said no psionics I belive))
[09-16:26] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (they're a species that reigns from the underdark using advanced Psionic powers.)
[09-16:26] 94295, Mab Fairy Queen : ((Hmmm, I think Ilithids would be straying waaay too far from our overall theme.))
[09-16:26] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Well, if you have drow, you've just gotta have Illithid))
[09-16:27] bb71d, Zaszh: ((They're already a major part of Rhaz's history, and a big part of Eradrae's as well))
[09-16:27] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Meh, but whats wrong with Psionics?)
[09-16:27] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[09-16:27] JOIN: Bartuc has entered.
[09-16:27] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (they weren't that big a part of Eradraes, but they did take a crucial roll in it)
[09-16:27] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((I may have to puase for a while))
[09-16:28] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Yeah, I don't play psionics as if it were the force. Force = Convenient excuse for people to mode, trust me, I hate it))
[09-16:28] f9c17, Haesanga: ((guys if the mods hve no psionics, then NO PSIONICS. dont argue))
[09-16:28] 3a8a8, Roki: Ahem...
[09-16:28] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((and we stated it wouldn't be fair to our spellcasters))
[09-16:28] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (i don't care I don't use Psionics anyway, I was just curious as to why there were no Psionics)
[09-16:28] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Quit kissing butt and stay outta the discussion, Haes. It's not an argument, it's a peaceful discussion))
[09-16:29] 63f6d, Bartuc : ((*puase))
[09-16:29] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Why wouldn't it be fair to spellcasters? They have major saves against psionics anyways, and spell resistance doubles as psionic resistance too))
[09-16:29] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I'm not kissing butt. Being a mod myself, I know how annoying it is to have people debate with me about a policy I set up.))
[09-16:29] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Mab, Bartuc, got MSN?))
[09-16:30] bb71d, Zaszh: ((I'm a mod too. When people complain about a policy, I consider that maybe it needs to be changed. I'm not infallable or anything, ))
[09-16:31] f9c17, Haesanga: ((On my game, when people complaina bout something that prevents twinking/modding, I say "Stop arguing. The type of character forbidden is too powerful for the game to handle." and that's that.))
[09-16:31] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (you guys are all mods?)
[09-16:32] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I've been running my own text-based RPG for something like five years now, and I've been a mod/admin on about six others.))
[09-16:32] bb71d, Zaszh: ((oh, come on. Anyone who has seen me play knows that I'm not a powerplayer by any means. I like playing bad guys just to see them get beaten, laffo))
[09-16:32] 3a8a8, Roki: this isnt you game Haes.
[09-16:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*sighs* I was just agreeing with the no-psi policy. Yeesh))
[09-16:33] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Yeah i agree with Zas, he isn't a powerplayer, but with Psionics, some people would be. Anywho, I g2g)
[09-16:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((And I never said it was my game.))
[09-16:34] bb71d, Zaszh: ((That's why I offered to make a list of psi abilities, levels 1-4))*Continues onward, his small band of illithid psi-warriors finally deciding to break camp and hide themselves away from the harsh glare of the sun.
[09-16:35] bb71d, Zaszh: *
[09-16:35] 3a8a8, Roki: if anybodys making a list of Psi abilities, its me. and i'm not going to do it untill its admin sanctioned.
[09-16:36] 94295, Mab: I don't have MSN, sorry. Haes is not a mod here, she's just relating. Roki is a mod. Yes, I believe that Zaszh would not abuse it, but it would still be seen as unfair by many players, and would be technically unfair to magic users. Making a list of psi abilities 1-4 would just be like the magic, redundant, since all of the abilities will be showing up as magical abilities anyway.
[09-16:37] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Ok, go ahead, Roki. Even though I've got a whole list of convertible psionic resources and the list is already half-done. As for it being 'like magic' and redundant. Could you explain that to me?))
[09-16:37] 94295, Mab: Because the same exact abilities can be duplicated with some of our magic spells, that's why it's redundant for chat purposes.
[09-16:38] 3a8a8, Roki: Psionics are a spliter of Magic. spells that affect the mind. plain, simple. and no way we're doing it.
[09-16:38] bb71d, Zaszh: ((Redundant, and yet it opens up oppurtunities to diversify character classes...Not to mention, people who want to play mages, can play something different))
[09-16:39] 94295, Mab: And can you imagine the tediousness of checking with all our psi - like spells to see what level of ability they are at and cross referencing with your seperate psi stats to make sure they're fair?
[09-16:40] 3a8a8, Roki: i concur with mab. we dont have all of our spells up yet. just waiting for the last chunk to get totaly done. and then we'll have 5x more spells than what we have on the boards now.
[09-16:40] bb71d, Zaszh: ((There would be no psi-stats, just the abilities, etc. I think that any tediousness was brought upon yourselves, to be honest. But, anyways, I'm obviously not getting through. The character I've played for the past week or so now just kinda has no function, so I guess I'll void him. Zaszh too. No purpose for me to play here then at this point, sorreh. Wish you all luck.))
[09-16:41] EXIT: Zaszh has left the chat ( 5:40pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-16:41] 94295, Mab: And we already have a very large assortment of species, each one only played by a couple players, because everyone wants the fun of making up a new species. It's just a lot of work, when I've only seen a grand total of 2 players interested in the psions.
[09-16:46] 1b2b2, Kali: Axis will you be here later?
[09-16:46] f9c17, Haesanga: *continues to sleep and rest in the bed *
[09-16:47] 94295, Mab: Axis had to go. We're paused.
[09-16:48] 1b2b2, Kali: ah ok... im gone for a while too.. see ya 'll later
[09-16:48] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Sorry for being such an arguer btw guys. I dont like it when someone calls me a butt kisser.))
[09-16:49] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 5:48pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-16:53] 94295, Mab: *meanders off to RL work for now*
[09-17:07] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:07] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:07pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:08] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-17:09] EXIT: Axis has left the chat ( 6:08pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:12] 94295, Mab: Hmmm
[09-17:12] f9c17, Haesanga: ((wb mab))
[09-17:13] 94295, Mab: heh, thanks
[09-17:15] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*stretches, flexing out claws* I'm doing ok with Haes right? I'm trying to pull him off as a smarty pants, but also with a lot of cat/bird charcteristics in behaviour))
[09-17:15] 94295, Mab: Yeah, you're doing spiffy.
[09-17:16] f9c17, Haesanga: ((good. Still looking for a pic too))
[09-17:21] 94295, Mab: Species on Bettenchi have a lot more leeway to interpretation than other RP sources, because we only go by what is in their species writeup and beyond that it's up to player interpretation. Of course, that is for the species that get accepted to Bettenchi. I don't want this place going all Dragonball Z or some other such direction. I think that would kill what most find so appealing about this chat. *is still bumming over the recent ooc debate, obviously* Some players just can't accept that we can't take in every single species that they can possibly come up with just because they're fantasy. *just vents some more* I get the impression that most players like the flavor of fantasy that we've presented.
[09-17:22] 94295, Mab: Don't you? *looks for reassurance now*
[09-17:23] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*nods* Yeah. Its really unique in its own way. I like it. Its not the usual *everyoen's in a bar drinking together* and stuff. And definitely limit how many nes species there are. To use an example, I worked hard on my game, and I built different areas for different 'species'. Went through all that trouble... only to have nearly ALL the players of that species up and dissapear, leaving me with an empty zone that I wasted time and mindpower on to build just for them, just to have it go to waste. Totally ticks me off. So I agree with your decision.
[09-17:25] f9c17, Haesanga: ))
[09-17:27] f9c17, Haesanga: ((so in conclusion: Good job Mab! *showers with cookies*))
[09-17:28] 94295, Mab: Thanks. *munches* Now, I'm gonna have to go and make some cookies. *gets craving*
[09-17:28] f9c17, Haesanga: *hees*
[09-17:30] 94295, Mab: *decides to clear chat just to get things on a better note*

Chat cleared by Mab.
[09-17:30] 94295, Mab: Aaaah, better.
[09-17:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*nods*))
[09-17:34] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hmm. My paycheck is more than I expected))
[09-17:38] 94295, Mab: That's good, isn't it?
[09-17:40] f9c17, Haesanga: ((ya))
[09-17:40] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I can pay for my game account, buy laundry soap...))
[09-17:45] 94295, Mab: Oh good. Game account?
[09-17:45] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I pay 10 dollars a month for 20 mb of room for my RPG and website))
[09-17:48] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-17:48] 94295, Mab: Ah, cool. I have a website that I maintain, much of the graphics for this chat is stored there.
[09-17:48] f2987, Will-o'-the-wisp: (hi... Mind if I ask why you cleared the chat? *just curious*)
[09-17:48] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*nods* I'm very pleased with spodzone. Reliable, fast, and the sitehost does a lot of work that isn't in his job description.))
[09-17:49] 94295, Mab: I just realized why the chat emptied same time as it did yesterday. *looks at time* Dinner time! *L*
[09-17:49] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hee))
[09-17:49] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 6:48pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:50] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[09-17:50] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : ('ello!)
[09-17:50] 94295, Mab: I cleared the chat, because it was an ooc debate that was getting me bummed out and it made me feel better, even though it was nuffin to hide. Just was refreshing.
[09-17:50] 94295, Mab: Hi Eradrae.
[09-17:51] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (, k, I g2g)
[09-17:51] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 6:51pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-17:56] 94295, Mab: La la la I killed the chat. *dances around in a circle*
[09-17:59] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*bites*))
[09-18:06] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-18:06] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 7:06pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-18:06] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[09-18:06] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (I'm back)
[09-18:10] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hihi))
[09-18:12] 518a7, Mab: *delayed reaction to biting* yipes!
[09-18:13] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (how r u)
[09-18:13] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*stabs evil netspeak*))
[09-18:14] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : :/
[09-18:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (*wants to make an evil character of somesort...*)
[09-18:15] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Llano doesn't count cause she thinks she's good and isn't craza powerful)
[09-18:19] EXIT: Eradrae Baenre has left the chat ( 7:15pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-18:21] 518a7, Mab: Hmmm, well, there's lots of evilness to choose from. *again, delayed reaction* The evil doers unite!!
[09-18:22] 518a7, Mab: I'd like to see some more evil drow, because they all seem to be good guys.
[09-18:30] f9c17, Haesanga: (*flops*))
[09-18:34] 518a7, Mab: *whimpers* My kitty hurted meeeee.
[09-18:47] 518a7, Mab: I think my cat is a little psycho. He'll be all purr purr purr nuzzle nuzzle and then CHOMP kill kill kill on my hand out of the blue, like some irristible urge has compelled him and he bites hard and stuff.
[09-18:51] f9c17, Haesanga: ((hee.))
[09-18:52] f9c17, Haesanga: /((*husg*))
[09-18:52] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I was in a police station one night, waiting for something. They had a cute black and white cat who tried to completely destroy my shoes
[09-18:58] f9c17, Haesanga: ((My cockatiel is pecking at the fish's bowl, and thefish is threatening her))
[09-19:23] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-19:28] af299, Kali: *haunts*
[09-19:31] f9c17, Haesanga: ((yo))
[09-19:31] af299, Kali: ah darn.... spoiled my haunting....
[09-19:32] af299, Kali: fish get the bird yet?
[09-19:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Nope))
[09-19:33] f9c17, Haesanga: ((bird is outside in her cage enjoying the sunshine
[09-19:35] af299, Kali: thats cool
[09-19:37] f9c17, Haesanga: ((or not. She wants back in *carts cage back to room* How you?))
[09-19:39] af299, Kali: having a good day.. i spent the last 2 at the lake and came back suntanned, windblown and refreshed...
[09-19:40] af299, Kali: how about you?
[09-19:40] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Lazy day friday. ))
[09-19:41] af299, Kali: ahh... thats always good...
[09-19:42] 518a7, Mab: I had a parrot. She's with my father and mother-in-law now.
[09-19:42] f9c17, Haesanga: ((going shopping for Febreeze)
[09-19:43] af299, Kali: oooo what kind?
[09-19:45] f9c17, Haesanga: ((Uhm... the most powrful kind I canfind)
[09-19:47] 518a7, Mab: hehe
[09-19:47] af299, Kali: i meant mabs parrot
[09-20:00] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-20:00] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:00pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-20:00] af299, Kali: hello Axis...
[09-20:01] JOIN: Axis has entered.
[09-20:02] b55e5, Axis : ((hey kali and mabby))
[09-20:05] b55e5, Bartuc : ((*pokes mab*))
[09-20:06] f9c17, Haesanga: ((I gotta go shopping. BBL))
[09-20:06] b55e5, Bartuc : ((*pokes mabby ic*))
[09-20:08] af299, Kali: mmmmm *tortures people* cherry cheesecake......*eats*
[09-20:09] b55e5, Bartuc : *standsup off the uncouncousnes feigning MAb* I won't kill her. I will not.
[09-20:10] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she sighs* You already have, or at least you already would have if I had not protected myself.
[09-20:11] b55e5, Bartuc : *blinks..thought she was uncounsous.* Now what exactly did you do? your skin felt hard.
[09-20:14] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : Does it matter? You've done the equivalent of killing a petite, shackled, unarmed woman. *she sits up, flinching as she does so from his fresh job of cracking her ribs*
[09-20:15] b55e5, Bartuc : I would have stopped before you died. I have before. Anyway as far as I know it is a petite woman who intends to lead an army against my people.
[09-20:17] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : And where would this petite woman be keeping said army? Up my sleeve? *she moves to her knees to get up*
[09-20:18] JOIN: Travis has entered.
[09-20:18] b55e5, Bartuc : *points at her* stay down. And you know what I'm talking about. I'm sure your not as stupid as you act.
[09-20:22] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she scowls at him, but stays on her knees* I was not aware that I've acted stupidly. I've only made one mistake. *and that was drinking that danged drink, because she could have escaped at her leisure if not brought to this hole*
[09-20:24] b55e5, Bartuc : You made the foolish mistake of attacking me and coming here in the first place. And you shouls know you are one of the few to dare my fury twice and survive. Do you want to try for three? *fury still burns in his steely eyes* I'm haveing second thoughts about my earlier decison to not bury you alive and to let you go.
[09-20:28] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *looks at him with a concerned kind of glare and remains silent. She thinks of something else. Perhaps it could be turned to her advantage, should the need ever arise, if he underestimated her abilities and that of her people. It was not like with a force that had scary powers that could overwhelm her peoples. However, he people were weakened at this time by their own civil problems. It's plain by her expression that she is pondering*
[09-20:30] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *also, why on earth should he believe that the queen of the fae herself came and decided to do her own spying? Only a great fool would believe a story like that, true as it was*
[09-20:31] b55e5, Bartuc : I give you two options now both peacful. One you tell us your station and country of orgin. If You can back it up we will fix you up give you food drink and a bath. Two you tell us your country and let us arrange for a pick-up for you. Belive it or not I am trying harder than you to end this.
[09-20:33] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-20:34] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 9:33pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-20:34] JOIN: Eradrae Baenre has entered.
[09-20:34] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (hello)
[09-20:42] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : Why so compassionate when you know not my intentions? *looks at him warily. Tell him who she is, but do not tell him she actually couldn't escape this pit. That could work. She's already demonstrated acts of toying with him. Perhaps she can pass this whole incarceration off as her playing along, should she ever have instance where he could see her true powers. He didn't need to know all her great powers could so easily be encased. Yes, good, but why, after all of this was he just up and deciding to let her go? She was oath bound not to lie and she was a fae of her word. He did not know that, however. He did not know if her people were noble. Why would he believe her word when it was so outrageous a thing to believe? Well, here goes* I am Mab, Queen of Ferialii. *name of a small kingdom of fae that lays in ruins from a long ago time, but she is still queen of them, along with all the rest of the fae kingdom. He would not know the name anyway. She is not yet ready to reveal she is fae. She is expressionless except for the pointed nervous swallow as she kneels as proudly as possible when kneeling*
[09-20:42] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : ((hi Eradrae))
[09-20:43] b55e5, Bartuc : *raises an eyebrow* Indeed.
[09-20:46] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he shifted slightly, looking away from the highelf at his side.* the underdark is a foul place, the little water that is safe to touch is stagnant, hostile creatures are around every turn. *he sighed.* There is no wind in the underdark... I'd miss the wind if I had to go back now. *He shifte in his chair. As much as he had hated the underdark, there were things that he would miss.*
[09-20:47] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *looks up at him nervously, but keeps her proud demeanor to emphasize her royalty* Will you keep me like this until you verify, or will I be better treated? *chin up she looks away from him, past him, just staring forward, not directly at him after her initial nervous look*
[09-20:49] af299, Illisse Brilthor : *placing her hand on his arm.. hoping to not insult him* why do you turn away when you talk about that place?..
[09-20:51] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He shook his head.* Many dark memories return to haunt me when I think of it. There are wounds that have not fully healed... *He sips his water.*
[09-20:52] b55e5, Bartuc : *sighs* You get water now. And we will remove the shackles. IS there anyway to prove it? And some how I feel you are hiding something. I don't know why I feel that way or why you are. *sounds very tired*
[09-20:54] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-20:55] af299, Kali: ah memories... those I cant help with.. only time can take the pain from them.
[09-20:57] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[09-20:57] af299, Kali: *growls*
[09-20:58] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : Anyway to prove it? Other than sending one of yours there and bringing one of mine here? What other proof would there be? *he still really doesn't know why she even came* I should like better accomodations than just water in the mean time. I still have water. That's not much of an improvement. I'll be sorry I told you if that is all that comes of it. *looks off and folds her arms*
[09-20:58] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He nods, shrugging.* I don't expect I'll ever be rid of them - not sure I'd want to be.
[09-20:59] b55e5, Bartuc : Is there a portal there?
[09-20:59] JOIN: Anastra Sylune has entered.
[09-21:00] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : Not one I'd give you the name to. You can understand my need for security. Mine is a walled and secure place to rule. I can't go telling our secret passwords. You'd need to send someone to a more public portal and then have them travel there. You do understand, don't you?
[09-21:01] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Some are good to get rid of.. I know this from experience.. its best to leave them behind and get on with your life...
[09-21:01] b55e5, Bartuc : Can you give directions? on a map to it?
[09-21:03] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he nods again.* I won't let them hold me down - its just, if I let go of my painful memories, then what will my good memories mean?
[09-21:03] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : Do you even have those lands charted? You speak of western lands as so far away and unknown.
[09-21:04] b55e5, Bartuc : They are far away. But we have an alley i nthe west that will have maps.
[09-21:06] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : I do not know this ally of yours. I'm only confiding in you. *spares him a look for the last statement*
[09-21:07] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-21:07] b55e5, Bartuc : *glares at her patince apparently thinning* Massonia
[09-21:08] af299, Illisse Brilthor : If you can do that then you will be ok..... you're good memories will always be that.. good... no matter what , nothing can change those...And you will always make new ones..*glancing upwards as if to see Sorcha thru the floor somehow*
[09-21:11] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : I see. I want better accomodations while you get these maps. It could improve future relations. *glares back*
[09-21:12] b55e5, Bartuc : You could improve it alone with a few words. YOu would be in as good as you could want. but for a few words. *turns to leave*
[09-21:12] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he smiles, knowing what she was implying.* I figure that as long as the good memories still mean something then I'm worlds apart from my kin.
[09-21:13] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : I have told you what you asked. What few words more do you need? *actually doesn't know what he means*
[09-21:14] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-21:15] b55e5, Bartuc : There is somethign you are hiding. I am sure of it. We shall see. *stops as if a thought occured to him* What would oyu give. Right now to be healed and taken home?
[09-21:16] af299, Illisse Brilthor : hmph.. Your kin.. I find it strange that there are so many drow on the surface.. you are not the first Ive talked to.
[09-21:18] f9c17, Haesanga: ((back))
[09-21:18] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : More than I have given? I do not know what you mean? I have answered your questions. I have taken you beatings. *thinks to herself, "far moreso than i had to" regarding the beatings* If you do not ask the question. I cannot give the answer. If you do not make the request, I cannot know if I can fulfill it.
[09-21:19] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he looked to her, surprised.* I encountered three before now, all in a group... My "goddess" guided me to them. *A slight venom touches his voices as he utters the word "goddess".* Are there more in the city? *he would have dearly liked to meet others of his kind that shared his heart.
[09-21:19] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *
[09-21:20] b55e5, Bartuc : I might remind yo uthe beatings were your fault. you did attack me after all. I'm not sure of the question. Maybe we will find it eh? Now I will have lanterns, food and water brought down if you promise to stay in here.
[09-21:22] af299, Illisse Brilthor : There is one, but I dont know where he is any more.. I have been gone from for a while... the last I saw of Jagged was in the forest not far from here.
[09-21:23] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he listened intently, perhaps he would seek this Jagged out after he was done in . (and holy crap i just remembered before we left they were talking about why Drae couldn't be with Sorcha)
[09-21:26] af299, Illisse Brilthor : (LOL ok..))*changing subject yet again on the drow.... something she's known for doing anyway*...You said before that you couldnt be with Sorcha because of your kin... if you are staying here why should that worry you?
[09-21:30] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks around the room with just her eyes exaggeratedly, almost rolling her eyes* How would I leave? I still question your hospitality. I only attacked to escape, not to harm you like you did me. *said with distaste. She can't help but feel profoundly humiliated. She deserved respect, her position demanded it, and here she was almost on the verge of begging for common comforts. She does not even remind him that he said he'd remove the shackles. She will only insist on what should have already been granted her upon learning she was noble born. She will not beg of this human.*
[09-21:30] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he tensed slightly.* People have a hard enough time accepting a drow elf, but a union between a drow elf and one as beautiful as Sorcha? It would not be tolerated. And what of any children we might have? Would they be possessed of the evil, innate to Drow? I know she loves me now... and I love her.. but it will pass, and she'd be better off without me in the long run...
[09-21:33] b55e5, Bartuc : I responded as I was trained. You might consider leaving by attacking the peole sent ot give you those comforts you ask for. Don't worry It will be made much better. In an hour or two you will be out. *he exits and soon people would flood the room bringin lanterns Shamans ((mages)) tneding to her injuries, shackles removed and she is given good food and water. They even leave the door open but guards on it*
[09-21:33] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[09-21:36] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[09-21:37] af299, Illisse Brilthor : dont you think that people can change? just because of being different is no reason to not be together... your children would have love on their side.. unless you believe that drow are inherantly evil?
[09-21:37] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** walks through along a main hallway of his castle. He doesn't wear traditional garb for a king. He is dressed for war, always ready. enters his chambers, and walks out onto the stone blacony that over looks his marvalous city, one of his slaves, falls him in carrying a jug of ale. As Khiumil sits the slave sets the jug infront of him, bows then turning quick like runs from the kings sight**
[09-21:39] f9c17, Haesanga: ((grr. PJJ wont let me open a second window))
[09-21:39] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[09-21:40] JOIN: Haesanga has entered.
[09-21:40] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 10:40pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-21:40] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** looks around to make sure no one is around, then pulls a scroll from his sleave. un-rolling it he read, about the continueing trouble in his mines. and about what his generals plan to do to fix it. He nods approvingly.**
[09-21:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-21:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:40pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-21:40] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[09-21:40] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 10:40pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-21:40] JOIN: Vesarn has entered.
[09-21:41] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he sighs.* I do not know whether or not Drow are inherently evil... But I do know that even if people change, they wil not change so quickly. And if our children arn't evil they will be subjected to the same racism I was and am subject to. And then what? I will outlive her by many many centuries unless I pass in battle.
[09-21:41] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** holds the scroll over a candle in the ,middle of the table, letting it catch fire he throws it over the belcony. by the time it would it his ground it would be nothing but ashes**
[09-21:42] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** wonders where that slave he bought a few days ago is**
[09-21:42] f9c17, Vesarn: *meanwhile just now enters the room, intending to sweep it. He erks, seeing the King there and bows. * Sorry my lord... *back up quickly*
[09-21:42] af299, Illisse Brilthor : what racism? I doubt you have met much of that here. and as for dying... you could have lost her today.*hoping to give him the shock he needed*
[09-21:45] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** is mildly drunk so his voice slurs abit** Hey, come ere a sec, boy.
[09-21:45] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : (( yea i meant ere....))
[09-21:46] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He sighed.* What racism? Ever since I've come to the surface I've been assailed by it constantly, I've got bounty hunters after me for the simple fact that an arrogant high elf does not deem my existence on the surface appropriate.
[09-21:46] b18e0, Luke: *yawns*
[09-21:47] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : I've not asked for comforts. I've stated what I want. *corrects him as he goes. Queen Mab asks for nothing. and she never actually promised to stay put. She talked around that part. Just the same, she does not attempt to leave, content that the door is opened and she can leave as she pleases. She vows that door will not be closed again to lock her in. She lifts her shirt for the shamans to examine her injuries to her ribs, not too high, looking straight ahead and not meeting any of their eyes. She allows them to do their work. However, even Mab cannot be healed by NPC healers, even though she can just heal herself, so we'll just say they made her feel a little better with oinments and bandaging. She does not rub her wrists or show that she cares one way or the other when the shackles are removed. The whole time, she has stayed on her knees in the same position Bartuc left her, at least until she goes to eat. Now, what did he mean by she'd be out in an hour or two? No way, no way at all he could confirm who she was that fast. she eats a trifle little of the food presented her and only enough water to quench her thirst. She amusedly wonders if he has decided to kill her afterall, not believing her stories, because she had to admit, the sounded ludicrously far fetched.*
[09-21:47] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : Sorchas strong... She could have made it...
[09-21:48] f9c17, Vesarn: *freezes, swallows and approaches slowly * yes milord? *he asks, noting the signs of drunkenness and gulps a bit.*
[09-21:48] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Eradrae, she might not have. you tried to help her, yes.. but she would have needed a healer in the end...
[09-21:49] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[09-21:49] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[09-21:50] b55e5, Bartuc : *the shamans bandage her up which is what player meant. In one hour there would be another great poundign of hooves and four men would enter* Miss Mab? Will you come wiht us please? Lord Bartuc has the maps.
[09-21:50] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : Ere you scared of meh? Do I intimidate you? ** leans for ward the jug of ale held slopaly in his hand, his eyes are blood shot and half open...or half closed**
[09-21:50] 6df9d, Liz: Mab's free?
[09-21:51] b55e5, Bartuc : ((not quite))
[09-21:51] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he nodded.* I know... She only had a few days left before we would have had to amputate the arm... I am eternally grateful to you for what you have done. But... My place in the world is not with Sorcha - its more trouble then its worth... she'll realize that soon. *He didn't bother to say where his place in the world was.*
[09-21:51] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she stands from her more settled to reach the food kneel* I will come with you if you address me properly.
[09-21:52] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : what if you wanted to abbrivate is mab free could you be like , S'mab free?))
[09-21:52] f9c17, Vesarn: *states quietly * Milord, I have only respect for you. I am just... just naturally nervous.
[09-21:52] b55e5, Bartuc : *the man looks confused*Address you how?
[09-21:53] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : Well quit be so twitchy boy! Or I'll give ya sumtin to twitch for.
[09-21:54] JOIN: Aegnor has entered.
[09-21:54] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Not just her arm, Eradrae... she would have died, the infection would have spread into her body, not just her arm... You must not love her very much if you arent willing to fight to stay with her.
[09-21:55] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** speaks to the winged women** So where do you travel to next? Or do you just travel this area?
[09-21:56] f9c17, Vesarn: *cringes and nods, forcing his shivers away* Yes M'lord.
[09-21:57] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** sits back into his chair leaning to oneside abit he takes a drink from his jug. begins to take it from his lips and drops it on the ground**
[09-21:57] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* I go where my feet and wings take me.
[09-21:58] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Yeah so you could just fly in circles for a couple days? ** laughs** Sounds like you need go where your head takes you.
[09-21:58] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she gives him an disparaging look* He didn't tell you who I was? *she then abruptly brushes past him to be escorted out*
[09-21:59] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he stood up, his chair falling over as he clenched his fists. He hadn't realized the infection was that bad,* Would you like to know what really happened to her?!? I was attacked by a head hunter, and... and when I fight... I slip into a sort of trance - I can't control myself. After I was done with the bounty hunter I tried to kill her! *he's trembling visibly by this point.* My kin will not rest until I am dead and bounty hunters attack me relentlessly, violence is a simple fact of my life, so long as I fight, no one around me is safe...
[09-22:00] f9c17, Vesarn: *watches as the jug tumbles to the ground, smashing and he erks, moving closer and kneeling to pick up the peices* I will get you another jug, Lord.
[09-22:01] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** he doesnt relize that the jug broke, swings a closed fist down onto the boys head** Get away from my, ale.
[09-22:02] JOIN: Caradonia has entered.
[09-22:02] f9c17, Haesanga: *opens his eyes again, tensing. It was quiet. It was evening in th eMoon Elf lands, and he sniffs the air... that smelled yummy. Straighening, he flinches, stiff, but midns not, for sitting at the edge of the bed was a tray of food, which quickly was devoured by the griffin. He stands, stretching to the ceiling and then rolling his shoulders. Next thing to do, a bath. He explores the room quietly, finding it easily and dunks himself into the tub, gasping as the water flushes out his wounds. Carefully dabbing at them, he rinses the blood out of his matted fur-feathers, uttering small curses to himself whenever one is yanekd out in the process, but finally he got all of the blood out. A few bald spots marred his appearance, but he didn't care as he fluffed up, shaking a bit to get the water out. Stll damp he steps back into the room proper, glancing about, expecting clothes to be somewhere, as they somehow knew when he would awaken so his food was fresh, and bath was warm.*
[09-22:03] af299, Illisse Brilthor : *sits there in stunned silence* caused that wound?
[09-22:03] b55e5, Bartuc : *they walk around her and they young man speaks softly to her* He sadi you were the ruler of soem western country and we were to respect you...erm...hwo are we supposed to adress you? *the young man seems truely confused. As they walked out MAb would see a unique sight. A massive feild, covered in bones. The bones of thousands upon thousands of men and horses as the yhead around the barrow*
[09-22:04] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he falls to his knees.* It... was an accident... I... I didn't mean to...
[09-22:06] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Who sent this bounty hunter after you?
[09-22:06] f9c17, Vesarn: *is hit squarely and he yelps, darting back, rolling across the floor as he drops the shards again. * Its broken! *he points out again, rubbing the back of his head, looking shockd.
[09-22:07] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He looked up at her, trembling hopelessly.* I didn't mean to...
[09-22:07] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* Not in circles
[09-22:08] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she looks at the sight curiously, wondering what the barrows were for if they're all above ground anyway. To the young man she says annoyedly* Just "Your magesty" did not occur to you as a title?
[09-22:09] af299, Illisse Brilthor : I under stand you didnt mean to hurt her Eradrae... *pausing* or do you mean something else?
[09-22:09] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well where do you usually go. You must have been here before because you knew of this place. ** drinks from his jug of ale**
[09-22:10] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[09-22:10] b55e5, Bartuc : *looks a little annoyed and stops trying to talk kindly to her.* Heres the prisoner. *bartuc waves her over* Here is the maps..
[09-22:10] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He shakes his head,* I didn't mean to hurt her... I... *He stopped, and closed his eyes, not caring that his hood had fallen down.*
[09-22:11] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** rinkles his brows, seeing that it is broke** You broke it! ** swings at the slave again aiming for his face**
[09-22:11] JOIN: Luke has entered.
[09-22:11] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* I'd never been here before
[09-22:12] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well for never being here before you navigated it well enough ** leans forward, resting his elbow on the table**
[09-22:12] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Drae, what is the bounty hunter after you for?
[09-22:13] af299, Illisse Brilthor : (Hi Luke)
[09-22:13] b18e0, Luke: hey... *didn't just enter, has been in here for a while*
[09-22:13] 6df9d, Lafiel : I study maps to decide where I go next]
[09-22:14] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he shook his head.* the bounty hunter is dead... A high elf sent him... She's trying to kill me... Trying to make me suffer...
[09-22:15] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *tsks at his behaviour. Pride severly hurt, she's having a bit of an attitude. She strides over to where Bartuc is with a regal air* You're not a culture of much ettiquete. *she states to Bartuc as a casual observation. She looks at the maps.*
[09-22:15] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** walks out the gates of , towards the forest. to ask cara about the odd man that they encounted the other night. though is sure that they knew each other before. left because he though he was causing a dense situation**
[09-22:16] af299, Illisse Brilthor : (ok Luke... pjj's being weird today)
[09-22:17] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Oh I see. ** thinks ** Well how long till you take off again.
[09-22:17] 404e7, Caradonia: *She sitting on a low hanging branch, the tree that it growns from is a old specimen that has bowed over, it's leaves almost kissing against the quietly running water. She too has her thoughts centered on the other night. Her mind is far away, you can tell, her eyes just gaze without emotion into the fire*
[09-22:17] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Why dont you take Sorcha and leave here then?.. there must be somewhere on Bettenchi you could be safe and stay together.
[09-22:17] b55e5, Bartuc : WE don't need it. as I said we aren't politicians out here. Now where is the portal you want to go through.
[09-22:18] f9c17, Vesarn: *is about to duck when he stops himself, taking it in the forehead as the small elf stumbles to one side. * My lord! I didnt! *he stammes, scrambling to get away.*
[09-22:19] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he shrugged, the trmbling not so bad now.* I don't know... I know nothing of the surface... I have no doubt that she would follow me... She wont rest until she has her revenge...
[09-22:19] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : Don't lie to me. boy! You broke it! ** stands up, pulls back a leg and lets it loose for the boys legs**
[09-22:20] f9c17, Haesanga: *finds the clothes and slips them on... a bit tight on the large griffin, but he didn' mind. His own were bloody ruins right now. The pants were thankfully loose. He made a note to thank their seamstress or tailor before leaving, and then picks up a comb, carefully grooming his feathers out*
[09-22:20] 6df9d, Lafiel : I don't know. It's getting dangerous, here.
[09-22:20] b18e0, Luke: ...what I meant was, I didn't just arrive... I was here before I had to re-enter the chat...
[09-22:20] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she points to city* There is the nearest portal to my kingdom that is a public portal.
[09-22:21] af299, Illisse Brilthor : ((LOL Like i said pjj's being weird... its done that to me several times tonight))
[09-22:22] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** moves through the brush of the edge of the forest using his hand to make way. looking for cara, **
[09-22:22] f9c17, Vesarn: *his legs are kicked from under him and he changes tactics* Please, have mercy! It was an accident!
[09-22:23] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Yes what, with all of the ghouls and I hear that a demon and a nightmare have been killing off quiet abit of people also. ** drinks for his jug**
[09-22:24] 404e7, Caradonia: *Her head lifts and turns to the sound of approaching footsteps.* hello?*Her voice not so wary this time, only look to the twin pommels tucked against her hips*
[09-22:24] b55e5, Bartuc : hmm rupenchi.... where is your kingdom?
[09-22:25] 6df9d, Lafiel : I had'nt heard that last..
[09-22:25] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : Hey. I am getting better about finding you out here. ** hold out hands to indicate the forst** You should try sleeping in a bed for while.
[09-22:26] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : North of there, directly. You just travel until you cannot proceed further north and you've found it. *smirks*
[09-22:26] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well I heard it from some commoners in here. ** shrugs** May be false information.
[09-22:27] af299, Lotesse : *coming down the stairs after taking a smaller nap than Illisse expected she was sure, she sees her and the drow still talking at the bar*
[09-22:27] 404e7, Caradonia: *Views him with a smile* Beds are for the weak*She pats a place next to her. The branch is so low that he would only need to stand on his tip toes and sit*
[09-22:27] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : **waits to kick the boy again ** Why should I. You show no respect for my things. How about I break something of yours?
[09-22:27] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Illisse, I posted.)
[09-22:27] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (Nm, )
[09-22:27] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *and smirks again for good measure just to bug those that can't stand people smirking all the time. Okay, j/k. player being silly*
[09-22:28] af299, Lotesse : (*smirks back*)
[09-22:28] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** walks over to her, backs up to the branch them stands tip to placing his rump on the branch, it sinks lower with his wieght** I am old, I need my good rest. And I am not week, thank you.
[09-22:29] 94c70, Z: *peeks*
[09-22:29] 404e7, Caradonia: The cracking and popping of your joints tell me your old *shepauses to nibble on a peice of sweet grass* my grandfather was old..much older than you and he liked to sleep in trees.
[09-22:29] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he wakes up very slowly, Ivirel's healing not completely done... the cuts and bruises all over his face are still evident, but the pain is gone at least... he slowly heads out of the room, in search for Haesanga*
[09-22:29] b55e5, Bartuc : Thats and directly north. hmm no Feralii on massonias maps...
[09-22:29] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He gathers his wits and standsup, perhaps he should just leave now, while Sorcha was sleeping?*
[09-22:29] 6df9d, Lafiel : Possibly. Still, better to be safe than sorry.
[09-22:30] af299, Illisse Brilthor : *holding out her hand to stop him*.. What will you do?
[09-22:30] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : It is there.
[09-22:30] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *she reaffirms*
[09-22:30] f9c17, Vesarn: *still kneeling, holds his side a bit* I am sorry... I'll ... I'll find you a new one. *he promises pleadingly, panting for breath.*
[09-22:30] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : I avoid anything other then the main streets. I don't take chances with my life.
[09-22:31] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Is still there with Galean. Though, she had thought about going and finding the Fae Queen herself to keep any other trouble away.*
[09-22:32] f9c17, Haesanga: *perches on the chair, still brushing out his feathers, uttering a few low curses as some are yanked out. Finally though, he looked pretty presentable. Hearing someone at the door he looks up * hello?
[09-22:32] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : Well, I grew up sleeping on the ground. Slept once in a bed. So from now on I sleep in a bed as much as possible. ** smiles at her abit looking at her through red eyes**
[09-22:32] b55e5, Bartuc : *shrugs* You'll be hte guide. Anyway, you will be given accomidations for hte night. see you in the morning *and she would be given as nice a place as she wanted*
[09-22:33] EXIT: Bartuc has left the chat ( 11:32pm, July 09 (CDT) ).
[09-22:33] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** kicks at the elfs kidney ** You have no way to raplace it! Your a slave!
[09-22:34] 404e7, Caradonia: See, that's because you slepts on the ground. Trees are a different sotry*Wags a finger at him before swatting at a fly*
[09-22:34] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he sits, down as if that had been his intention all along.* I don't want to go up stairs and wake Sorcha. I was thinking I'd go for a walk, I don't imagine I'll sleep this night...
[09-22:35] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he is cleaned up, and dressed in representable clothing... not much can be done about the gruesome looking cuts across his face, one going right across his eye and down past his cheek, and another going diagonally across it... he nods lightly to Haesanga as he enters the room* good evening... *hopes that Ivirel decides to get up and follow (*poke poke*)*
[09-22:35] f9c17, Vesarn: *this time takes the kick and doubles over, coughing as he curls up. * I... I'll make you one... *he stammers* Please, no more...
[09-22:35] 518a7, Mab Fairy Queen : *raises a brow to that. She wouldn't expect anything more in the way of a tent than would be afforded any guest. Takes a bath, eats some food, drinks some water, etc. Goes to bed under guard, I'd imagine. Bartuc's player had to go w/o leaving many details.*
[09-22:36] 404e7, Caradonia: ((slept...story..))
[09-22:36] af299, Illisse Brilthor : Why dont you go check on her anyway.. it would make you feel more at ease..My friend is looking for me..*doesnt say that Lotesse is more body guard than friend*
[09-22:36] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** eyes fallow the fly for a few moment before his large callus hand shoot out catching it, crushs the tiny fly** By in the dessert if you don't catch and kill these things they will bite you. I spent alot of time catch flys. I had nothing else to do. ** shrugs tossing the bug into the water**
[09-22:37] 6df9d, Lafiel : Obviously
[09-22:38] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *He sighed.* on second though perhaps I should try to sleep... *he stands up.* thank you again. He moves toward the stairway.*
[09-22:38] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well your a women of few words. Come from traveling alone I suspect.
[09-22:38] f9c17, Haesanga: *straightens, standing and bows to Galean, his shirt bulging in places form the bandages around his middle* Lord Galean. I was hoping to see you again! I'm glad to see you're looking much better now.
[09-22:38] 404e7, Caradonia: Oh, wow, I fly bite..ouch. *Looks at him, a funny little gleam in her eyes* Do you view anything else in that light?
[09-22:39] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : (I g2g)
[09-22:39] af299, Illisse Brilthor : (k see ya..thanks for the rp))
[09-22:40] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** uses a doubled fist to stike the slaves head trying to make him pass out ** Shut up!
[09-22:40] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I couldn't care less about how I look, to be honest... *he laughs lightly* the most important thing is how I feel, and it is 100% better than last night, let me tell you... how have your wounds healed up?
[09-22:40] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Would of course get up and follow him, she's not about to let Galean out of her sight.*
[09-22:40] f2987, Eradrae Baenre : *he procedes up stairs and into his and Sorchas room. Crawling in bed beside the sleeeping girl, he was soon asleep as well*
[09-22:41] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : Well about two things good have happent in my life. I don't have much to look at in the light. ** shrugs abit** But thats all in the past. I guess. ** though he still has nightmares **
[09-22:42] 6df9d, Lafiel : Comes from being chased by my past. Besides, you can never be too carefull, these days.
[09-22:42] af299, Lotesse : *watches the drow leave the bar. approaching the bar and taking a seat beside Illisse.* You will not find him here..... lowering her head at the shame from hiding the truth from her*
[09-22:42] f9c17, Haesanga: *runs a hand over his shirt lightly,k prodding at the bandages underneath* Better than expected. They're sore, and I think opened a bit from the bath, but healing well, thank you. * looks up at him *
[09-22:42] f9c17, Vesarn: *curls up, an arm over his head protectively as the fists slam down on him, yelps coming from his form as he stops trying to beg, instead just whimpering and jumping fromthe beating.*
[09-22:43] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[09-22:43] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly* I am trained in healing, as is my sister... I can help heal your wounds if you wish...
[09-22:43] 404e7, Caradonia: *Her brows knit together in a confused furrow and she shrugs her shoulders, brushing it off* What sort of nightmares do you have?
[09-22:43] af299, Lotesse : (*throws a * in there*)
[09-22:44] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : (( that statement was in the actions, cara ((
[09-22:44] af299, Illisse Brilthor : *staring at Lotesse..stunned* What do you mean, he's not here... How do you know?
[09-22:44] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : (( unless you have seen his have nightmares?))
[09-22:46] 404e7, Caradonia: ((Oh! Sorry! Ooops!))
[09-22:46] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** grabs the elf by the hair in a strong hand, drags him from the belcony. out of his chambers. pulls the kid, then slams him into the hallway wall**
[09-22:47] 404e7, Caradonia: *Her brows knit together in a confused furrow and she shrugs her shoulders, brushing it off* What brings you out here?
[09-22:50] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Your past? Is it that bad? ** shrugs ** No, no you can't.
[09-22:50] f9c17, Haesanga: I've already taken much of your hospitality... but I will accept gratefully *he states.* If it hurts to move, then well, I'm proud, but not proud enough to let myself suffer.
[09-22:50] f9c17, Vesarn: *yelps and grabs at his wrists as he scrambles, trying to climb to her feet as he's drug, coughing once crushed against thewall, body bruising as he closes his eyes * Oh gods...
[09-22:51] af299, Lotesse : *drawing from her pocket, the seeking ball and showing it to Illisse* the owner here..Mr Trendlekim, gave me this.. It is a seeking ball.. that is how I found you.. and how I will find Valandil for you.. *holding the ball carefullly in both hands she says his name*Valandil Elladan *watching Illisses face as the thin line traces a path along its surface, now ending somewhere in ... * he is moving fast.. It looks like he hasnt stopped even to rest, The last time i checked, he was to the west, just beginingt to shift to the north...I am sorry , My lady, I would not have done different given another choice.. YOu will stay here with Levald to keep watch over you while I go after him.
[09-22:51] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : Looking for you. Your about the only person I talk to now a days. ** shrugs ** I am always with the gernerals. Discussing kingdom defences. Army stuff. Boreing rather.
[09-22:51] 6df9d, Lafiel : I like to decide how I'm going to live my life. Others think they can decide that for me.
[09-22:52] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : You think that gods are watching you? Your a slave! You have no god!
[09-22:53] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Hm well. Freedom is a rather nice thing to have. Thats why I was a pirate most of my life. Doing what I was not supposed to.
[09-22:53] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *nods lightly, and he moves over to him, placing his hands over the wounded area* Fallana Sha'Quessirsina... *he concentrates heavily on one particular wounded area, and the wound would begin to heal up*
[09-22:54] 6df9d, Lafiel : Did anyone ever try to catch you and bring you back so you'd do what they wanted?
[09-22:54] f9c17, Vesarn: *gets his feet under him, standing there, trembling wide eyed* Please... forgive me my lord...
[09-22:54] 404e7, Caradonia: Hmm..sounds delightfully dull*Chuckels* Your about the only other person I speak to as well. Except for my horse but I think she thinks I'm nuts
[09-22:55] af299, Illisse Brilthor : *seeing the stubborn look in Lotesse's face.. one she was very familiar with, she bites her lip, frowning just a bit*You arent going to give me a choice are you?.. *sighing deeply* very well, I will stay here... just find him quickly... I wonder if there is a portal that could get you to ahead of him.. maybe catch him before he gets farther away.. *falls silent in her thoughts*
[09-22:55] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well no. But someone did try to catch me. Being a pirate and all. Not exactly a thing people smile upon.
[09-22:55] f9c17, Haesanga: *the worse wound is on his torso, heading down fromthe lances he flew over that scraped him badly and he holds still while he was healed, watching intently, like a hawk*
[09-22:56] 6df9d, Lafiel : And yet you're still one
[09-22:57] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** laughs** If you think your horse thinks your nuts, then you must be. ** twists on his rump letting his legs hang on each side of the branch. leans back letting out a grown**
[09-22:57] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *as soon as each wound is healed, he goes on to the next, and does the same thing, saying the same word to activate the spell*
[09-22:58] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : A pirate. Well not really. But if someone were to pay me to be on thier crew, I would join, surely. ** nods**
[09-22:58] f9c17, Haesanga: *Six wounds in all, and he's done. The griffin lowers his arms carefully, nodding* Much better. Thank you Lord Galean.
[09-22:58] 404e7, Caradonia: Yeah, who am I to judge my own sanity*winces a bit and scoots down a bit* watch where your slinging those things...
[09-22:59] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : **looks at the slave a moment then smacks him open handed** Get goin. ** then points down the hallway ** Before you get me mad!
[09-22:59] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *as soon as he's finished, he stands up* it is the least I could do... you did save me from the fae...
[09-22:59] 6df9d, Lafiel : I see.. *sips her juice*
[09-22:59] f9c17, Vesarn: *yelps again as he's smacked, but nods, stumbling back and scooting quickly, almost running*
[09-23:00] f9c17, Haesanga: *snorts at that as he strips his shirt off, removing the bandages - he didn't need them now - and pulling it back on again* I shouldnt' have had to... gods... I did not know they were such people.
[09-23:00] af299, Belthil : *she paces the floor, wondering what had happened to the runners she had sent out to neighboring countries... almost cursing at their delayed return.... she would never know that they had all been destroyed before ever leaving wyncadia*
[09-23:00] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : Opp. Sorry. ** lifts his legs kicking her playfully a few times at her rump ** Oops. Your big bum got in the way.
[09-23:01] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Stands by, silent.*
[09-23:02] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : ** watchs the boy leave, he turns and walks back into his chambers. moves over to a table full of jugs of ale. grabs another then opens it.** Supid, slave. I kill them all.
[09-23:02] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : it is not the people... the people are good hearted... the council is to blame for this... their corrpution has spread to the people... only the young generation's innocent eyes are the ones who can see what is really going on... even the queen knows about this, but there is not much she can do, as the council will throw her into isolation before she hurts herself... I think they are more worried about her regaining the power that is rightfully hers... *he clenches his fists, just thinking about that bastard*
[09-23:03] af299, Terra: *shaking the almost evil feeling of from her, more of a mental shaking really, she gladly reached the borders of , passing beneath that invisible marking line, keeping a path towards the capitol city... where she hoped to hear more of the rumors of the coming war*
[09-23:03] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Hmm well. I do what I must. ** also drink. but ale and not juice**
[09-23:04] 404e7, Caradonia: *In a quick motion, almost a reflex she grabs at a foot and pulls..downward, hoping that he will tumble into the grass..which..kindly..isnt too far below*
[09-23:05] f9c17, Haesanga: *scowls as well, folding his arms * That is not right. And they blame you for her dissapearance? *shakes his head in disgust, almost growling * The griffins will help. I can leave immediately for Kananaskis for assistance if you need it.
[09-23:05] 6df9d, Lafiel : As do we all, in some way or another. *looks into her glass, contemplating leaving tonight*
[09-23:07] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : my main concerns are getting the queen safe... I still have my obligation and my responsibilities to find her
[09-23:07] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : **as he begins to fall leans up and grabs for her wrist hoping to bring her down with him ** Hey!
[09-23:07] af299, Ilia Fion : *settling in her favorite chair for the evening, she opens an old faded book, that had belonged to her father, reading for the final time the spell for Animal Heal... pleased that she had finally mastered it*
[09-23:07] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* I can help with that too. Any way you wish.
[09-23:08] JOIN: Sorcha Lidil has entered.
[09-23:09] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : a covert operation would be best suited for this... the least amount of people possible... I plan to do this alone...
[09-23:09] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Yes, I suppose. What must you do?
[09-23:10] 404e7, Caradonia: *She clings with her legs and holds onto the branch with all her but to no avail..gravity is just too demanding. With a shreik she tumbles down into the grass*
[09-23:10] 6df9d, Lafiel : Hmm?
[09-23:11] 404e7, Caradonia: ((*insterts..Might))
[09-23:12] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** laughs at Cara ** Well that didn't work so well did it? At least your big, bum broke you fall. ** laughs again**
[09-23:12] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : You talked of people trying to controll you. What must you do to avoid that?
[09-23:13] 6df9d, Lafiel : Run.
[09-23:13] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Frowns at Galean.* No.
[09-23:13] 72799, Khiumil Arisol : Sound like a tempory sollution to me. ** shrugs** But, that is just me
[09-23:14] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Sound like a tempory sollution to me. ** shrugs** But, that is just me
[09-23:14] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods * That is very dangerous. *he states* I will go with you. I'm camoflaged. Kind of. *eyes grey feather=hair*
[09-23:15] 404e7, Caradonia: *She stands up and dusts herself off while scowling down at Tarnis* yes, it worked out just like I planned. You feel..I feel...and now my arse hurts..Perfect...
[09-23:15] 6df9d, Lafiel : They'll stop, eventually
[09-23:15] f9c17, Haesanga: ((*posts a bounty*))
[09-23:15] af299, Zaeth : *drawing herself up in a spot as comfortable as she could get, trying to stay hidden behind the throne, she pulls from her sleeve, the small bit of parchment she had found tucked there long ago... reading the word written there..therapevo... pausing once again at the warmth she felt in her hands... Heal moderate wounds... that might just come in useful to Palladia, but she had absolutely no idea of how*
[09-23:15] f9c17, Vesarn: *closes the door behind him and leans against it, trembling, panting*
[09-23:15] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he looks around to Ivirel, then back to Haesanga* you two have risked your lives for me once already... I will not have it again... my decision is final on this.
[09-23:16] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** uses his feet to try and grab Caras' and pull them from under her** Come on have a seat.
[09-23:17] f9c17, Haesanga: *states* I would have been in danger anyways if the fae were going to imprison anyone who wandered into their territory by accident. I just... upped the ante a bit. I insist.
[09-23:18] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : (( AH!))
[09-23:18] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** uses his feet to try and grab Caras' and pull them from under her** Come on have a seat!
[09-23:19] 72799, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well I suppose. But that is to long of a time to wait for me. I would have to kill them or die tryin. I wont run.
[09-23:19] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : your offer is noted... but this is something I have to do by myself... this is my mess, and although I am greatful for your efforts, you two should not have dragged yourselves into this...
[09-23:20] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : You always leave, Galean. One day you will leave and will not come back. I will go, with or without your permission. *She crosses her arms over her chest.*
[09-23:20] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods slowly* I will not argue. But please, if you are in need of my help or the griffins... even if it is work that is safe, such as finding knowledge, which is something we're good at, then call me.
[09-23:21] 6df9d, Lafiel : You're not me.
[09-23:21] 404e7, Caradonia: *Just as soon as she dusted herself off she's dirty again...and she mutters something nasty about Tarnis and any relations he might have* If you insist...
[09-23:22] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I will, Haesanga... *he looks to Ivirel* your place is with the queen, not in the field... if it wasn't for circumstance, you would have been shackled up beside me, or locked up... I will not have you out in the field risking your life to save someone that has no relevance to you..
[09-23:22] f9c17, Vesarn: *goes about, finally finding an ale jar and fills it, moving back towards the room above. HE taps on the door lightly * M'lord, I have your ale for you...
[09-23:22] 72799, Tarnis Catadon : ** laughs ar her ** I do. That tree is too hard.
[09-23:23] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : If you have no wish to be here and would rather be a Fae you should not have come back. *She eyes him a little, then moves towards the door to leave. Her words sharp, pained and angered.*
[09-23:24] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods* Then, once I have met the king and queen - they wish to speak with me, I am told - I will be on my way to . I have friends there who would be worried of me.
[09-23:24] 404e7, Caradonia: Your so weak..*lounging out on the grass, her legs swung out..elebows burrowed in the grass while propping her body up*
[09-23:26] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I think you should stay clear of any public places for just a little while, or go around in human form, where you will not be so easily recognised...
[09-23:27] f9c17, Haesanga: *blinks at Galean, furrowing his brow* I will take that in mind, definitely.
[09-23:28] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Not being stopped, she leaves and steps outside. She makes her way down the paths, her destination being the portal.*
[09-23:29] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he looks to Ivirel, then goes after her*
[09-23:29] f9c17, Haesanga: *blinks as the two walk off, and he looks around the hallway* ... Hmm.
[09-23:30] 07bd3, Tarnis Catadon : Me, week. Me? ** sits up getting on his knees. looking down on cara** Care to prove that?
[09-23:30] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : What you again. ** yells for the gaurds. they come in a moment. they enter the room pushing by the little slave. the answer the call " Yes, sir?" ** Take this boy to the garden, tie him inbetween the two stone pillars. the gaurds answer "Sir!" . they move to the boy. they go to grab him up and if they succeed would take him to where the king suggested**
[09-23:30] 07bd3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : I know. But, well. ** thinks ** I guess.
[09-23:31] f9c17, Vesarn: *is shoved into the door, managing to avoid spilling the ale when he freezes, looking up while his face pales. * Oh, no... *he stammers as he's grabbed and dragged back easily. Quickly gagged to avoid his screaming, they lash him as appropriate despite his struggles*
[09-23:31] 07bd3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : weak*))
[09-23:32] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Her pace is not rushed, but clearly with purpose. She knew where she was going, at least far as the portal. She was not sure yet where she would go once there.*
[09-23:32] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he goes into a slowish run, still a little sore* Ivirel!
[09-23:32] 6df9d, Lafiel : All I want is to be left alone to live my life how I choose.
[09-23:32] 404e7, Caradonia: Your the one that can't tolerate sleeping in a tree. *She nudges him with her foot while picking up another blade of grass to nibble on* Your getting soft in your old age..*grins, cattily* Old man
[09-23:33] 518a7, Mab: Luke, you've got mail.
[09-23:33] 3a8a8, Roki: *holds a lighter up to Arisol.. waits for explosion*
[09-23:33] f9c17, Haesanga: *looks around, then turns to the nearest person* Excuse me, until my audience with His and Her Lordship, where might your library be?
[09-23:33] 518a7, Mab: *toodles off back to all the busy stuff she's trying to juggle*
[09-23:34] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : ** fallows the sruggling slave. The gaurds hand the king a whipp. He coils it up the pulls it back then pulls it forward quickly the whip would hit the boys back making a loud Crack sound**
[09-23:34] f9c17, Vesarn: *wriggles frantically, then yelps and goes still as the whip lands across his back. What's with the Elves and getting whipped these days? His eyes snap closed and he shudders, body taut.*
[09-23:35] 6df9d, Lafiel : (( *thinks someone should thump Arisol* ))
[09-23:36] 07bd3, Tarnis Catadon : ** grabs for her foot. if he succeeds pulls her foot leans back easily pulling her on and over him, so her head would lay on his shoulder if she were to lay back**
[09-23:36] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : (( ** explodes ** ))
[09-23:36] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She gives no answer to him, nor does she stop. She would continue walking at the same pace towards the portal.*
[09-23:37] 07bd3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well I guess you have that right.
[09-23:37] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : (( I didnt relize that when i made this name ))
[09-23:37] b18e0, Kaelan : *is sitting in his room within the castle, reading over these allegations... after a while, he throws them across the room* impossible...
[09-23:38] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : ** pulls back again whipping the slave again**
[09-23:38] f9c17, Haesanga: *finally makes his way to the library, where he sits reading until summoned*
[09-23:38] 6df9d, Lafiel : I do. *finishes her juice*
[09-23:38] f9c17, Vesarn: *jerks again, tears springing to his eyes as he shudders, moaning somethign through the gag as he wriggles frantically, shaking his head.*
[09-23:40] 07bd3, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Yes well. You have been in one spot to long, should you not run?
[09-23:40] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches out and puts a hand on her shoulder* stop!
[09-23:41] 6df9d, Lafiel : I should.
[09-23:41] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : ** drops his whip walking over to the slave while pulling out his jemmed dagger. runs it along the slaves back with that blade the pushs it as he goes, cutting grooves into his back** Teach you to break my things.
[09-23:41] 404e7, Caradonia: *he dosent succeed tihs time. He grabs for her leg and she kicks his hand away after she jerks loose**scowls at him, a smile threatining to take away it's integrity*
[09-23:42] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She shrugs his hand off.* Go do what you have to do Galean. *Still she does not stop.* And I will do what I must.
[09-23:43] b18e0, Kaelan : something has to be done about this corrupt council... *he looks to one of the servants* go get the griffon...
[09-23:43] f9c17, Vesarn: *writhes and screams past the gag as the knife slices his back, trying to pull away frantically, turning to look over his shoudler pleadingly.*
[09-23:44] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he grabs a hold of her shoulder again, and pulls her to turn her around to him* why do you have to be so god damn stubborn??
[09-23:44] 07bd3, Tarnis Catadon : ** stares at her waining for her scowl to break**
[09-23:45] EXIT: Sorcha Lidil has left the chat ( 12:08am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[09-23:45] f9c17, Haesanga: *was completely enveloped in a history book when he's tapped ont he shoulder. Jumping, he stands, nodding. Almost nervously he runs a hand through his feathers again, making sure they were neat, looking around at the stone palace... his 'barbarian' people, at least compared to the elves, prefered their natural surroundings to stone buildings as he walks along to meet the king.*
[09-23:46] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I cannot risk you getting hurt, Ivirel... I cannot risk living with the guilt of your death if you got killed under my guard... I am thinking of you, not myself...
[09-23:46] 404e7, Caradonia: *She tosses him a very saucy smile and resumes her comfortable lounge* That all old man*Voice almost like velvet*
[09-23:46] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Stumbles a step as he turns her around to face him.* Why do you? *She takes a step back in order to move away in order to continue on.*
[09-23:48] 07bd3, Tarnis Catadon : ** he was still in a crouch. he leaps forward, trying to land on her. this "old man" has some pep still. if he lands on her, he would grab for her wrists**
[09-23:49] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( *sneaks her post before Galean's last one.* )) You stopped thinking of me brother when you started living with her. *She looks back at him again for a moment, then turns away to continue her trip.*
[09-23:50] 07bd3, Khiumil Arisol : ** stops beating on the slave, rubs his eyes. now speaks to the gaurds "take him to dungon lock him up for a few days" the gaurds to so**
[09-23:50] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he holds onto her shoulders tightly so she can't move* because I love you too much to let you risk your life... you are my only sister, Ivirel... this is not the path that you are meant to take... *he looks deep into her eyes* what I am doing is uniting two civilizations so they can battle the darkness that approaches swiftly... I need your support in whatever I do, and without that support, it makes it harder for me to do what I need to do...
[09-23:51] f9c17, Vesarn: *goes limp, shuddering still and is drug down, groaning a little bit, sobbing as he's chained up again, hanging from the middle of the room, his back bleeding from the beating, left to hang there.*
[09-23:51] 404e7, Caradonia: *She lets him, land on her that is, but when he lands he would feel a knee not so gently nestled into his belly*
[09-23:53] b18e0, Kaelan : *he waits patiently for Haesanga to come to his room, yawning a little*
[09-23:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *is let into the room, glancing about a moment, before focusing on the Elf King. He walks forwards, until he was five paces away and drops to a knee. * Greetings, my lord.
[09-23:54] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : Let me go, Galean.
[09-23:57] b18e0, Kaelan : Greetings, Master Haesanga... I have received word of your heroics and your bravery in rescuing two of my people... I wanted to personally thank you for this.
[09-23:58] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : no... tell me where you are going first...
[09-23:58] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[09-23:58] f9c17, Haesanga: *looks up and smiles, remaining kneeling* It was my honor. I could not stand by and allow that... atrocity... to happen. *he states simply* YOu are welcome.
[09-23:59] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[10-00:00] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** as the knee meat his stomach he tighten up letting out a little grunt/chuckle. then reachs down to try and push her knee out of the way** That's not very kind. But thanks for not going for the gold though.
[10-00:00] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : It doesn't matter.
[10-00:01] b18e0, Kaelan : the fae council will pay dearly for this... I sent Lord Galean over as a show of good faith, and as an ambassador for our people in hopes of building a friendship between the two people... at the moment, it is only the fae's Queen that is keeping any slim chance of an alliance alive... quite a delightful woman, she is...
[10-00:02] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well then, go on and run ** abit buzzed not acting himself. points at the door** Go, run.
[10-00:02] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at that, eyes glinting* I've offered my clerical services to Gaelan to help settle this, hopefully in a court before taking it to any field. My services are at your disposal.
[10-00:02] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : it does... there will be bounties up in any public city wherever you go... *he sighs for a moment* if I let you accompany me on my scouting, will you promise not to leave now?
[10-00:02] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[10-00:03] 6df9d, Lafiel : There is someone here.
[10-00:04] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** raises an eyebrow** Someone here?
[10-00:04] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : Why would you let me? You would only leave while I slept. *She again tries to get free of his grip on her shoulders. Talking to him now was hurtful.*
[10-00:05] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** raises an eyebrow** Someone here?
[10-00:05] b18e0, Kaelan : I thankyou for that. if things like this happen again when the queen is found and returned, then there will be no clerical services needed... it will be war, but not on the people of the fae, no... it will be war only on the council members...
[10-00:05] c2b59, Khiumil Arisol : ** goes to his chambers then to bed **
[10-00:05] f9c17, Haesanga: ((clerical - book stuff. doh))
[10-00:06] 6df9d, Lafiel : I care for him, as he does for me.
[10-00:06] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods seriously at that as he stands finally.* I understand. I can't say if the griffins will get involved... we prefer to mediate... but good luck. Justice must prevail
[10-00:06] 404e7, Caradonia: He he...cute*Refuses to move her knee; she has very strong yeah..good luck. However, a fist comes out of nowhere with an aim toward his jaw, looking for that sweetpoint. It's her fist by the way*
[10-00:07] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : So you have been here before. ** tilts his head and drinks for ale**
[10-00:07] f9c17, Vesarn: *groans as he twists, hanging there, his back and arms burning badly.*
[10-00:07] 6df9d, Lafiel : No.
[10-00:08] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** smiles as her fist hits his jaw. is used to all sorts of pain. so this does nothing for him** Nice try.
[10-00:09] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : So then how do you know someone is here?
[10-00:09] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I have to go regardless of whether you are awake or asleep... this way, you would be with me... you always complain that I am never here for you... now is your chance to let me be there for you...
[10-00:09] c2b59, Khiumil Arisol : ** sleeps so very comfortably **
[10-00:10] b18e0, Kaelan : *nods lightly* and it will prevail... if you are able, I have a single task for you...
[10-00:10] 404e7, Caradonia: *Tries a different tatic* Would you get off me please?*He's kinda laying on her leg, the one that's curled up and pinned between them; the muscle is starting to cramp*
[10-00:11] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** releaser her suddenly hearing her. leans back crossing his arms over his his knees** Yes. Sorry.
[10-00:11] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *sighs quietly.*
[10-00:12] 6df9d, Lafiel : Because I met him soon after I arrived.
[10-00:12] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods * Of course my lord. I would be happy to. *he staets immediately with a smile, feathers bristling a bit.*'
[10-00:12] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Oh, sure..okay. ** smiles at her **
[10-00:13] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : Ivirel, please... *he slowly slides his hands from her shoulders* if I can't be sure that you're safe while I'm away from you, then this is just one way that I can know that you will be safe, with me...
[10-00:13] 6df9d, Lafiel : What? *eyes him*
[10-00:14] f9c17, Vesarn: *lets his head hang forwards, hardly noticing the click as the lock on the cell opens. A slight breeze chills his half naked form and he stirrs, blinking... before something snaps across his back, ripping him awake with a scream of agony as the cat of nine tails slaps across his back a second time, the elf wailing into the gag, his pleads muffled and ignored.*
[10-00:14] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : I still think you have been here before.
[10-00:15] b18e0, Kaelan : I want you to observe what happens between Galean from a distance... I want you to be a witness to anything that happens, as evidence to the corruption of the fae council... but under no circumstances are you to be seen by him... he is not to know that you are following him, or that you are working under my orders...
[10-00:15] b18e0, Kaelan : ((between=with))
[10-00:16] 404e7, Caradonia: Thank you.*Sits up and rubs at her thigh muscle, wincing at the sharp bite of pain*
[10-00:16] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She just shakes her head. Emotion having her at a loss for an ability to say anything.*
[10-00:16] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at this, slowly* I am not sure if I can do that.. I'm not one for slinking around easily*he admits, hating to say no.* I will try though.
[10-00:19] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : I still think you have been here before.
[10-00:19] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shakes her head* I have'nt.
[10-00:20] b18e0, Kaelan : if you do not feel up to the task, then I understand completely... there can be no margin for error in this mission, none at all... if you cannot assure me 100% success, then do not do the task I have set before you... stealth will be of the most importance
[10-00:20] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** nods to her.** Sorry. ** looks down at the ground through red eyes. knows that being restricted is a horrible feeling why did he do that**
[10-00:20] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods slowly* Then I must reject it. I am sorry. *he states quietly, but understandingly*
[10-00:22] f9c17, Vesarn: *continues to twist and writhe in agony as he's whipped until his back resembled hamburger, before they just stop, turn and leave, leaving him hanging there, blood dripping to the floor*
[10-00:23] 404e7, Caradonia: It's alright*She stands and shakes her leg out and then just kinda rubs* Really*looking over at him* It's fine*Tosses him a smile*
[10-00:23] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Hmm. Well. If you insist.
[10-00:23] 6df9d, Lafiel : I do. *looks at him*
[10-00:23] b18e0, Kaelan : understood... I thankyou for your honesty, Haesanga... when you return home, please give word of our thanks to your people...
[10-00:24] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Hmm, well. ** looks around ** So where is this, "someone"?
[10-00:24] f9c17, Haesanga: I will do so. *hw bows again and backs up ten steps before turning, walking out*
[10-00:24] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Sighs a little at the silence from him. Slowly, she turns away.*
[10-00:25] 6df9d, Lafiel : *shrugs* I'm not his keeper.
[10-00:25] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he sighs as well* Ivirel?
[10-00:26] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Still. Not a very good idea. I know better then that. ** shakes his head abit **
[10-00:26] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : Yes..?
[10-00:27] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : talk to me...
[10-00:28] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Her voice is quiet now.* You have somewhere to be, Galean. I wish to be alone.
[10-00:29] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : Well then how do you know he doesn't care for many other women?
[10-00:30] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *nods* I am sorry for the pain I have caused you... and I'm sorry that I could not be the brother you wish for me to be... *he turns and he heads back up to the castle*
[10-00:31] 404e7, Caradonia: *She chuckels and shakes her head a little* Dont dwel on it..*and she lays back in the she was, comfortably lounging*
[10-00:31] f9c17, Haesanga: *heads for the portal after getting his armor, etc... from his room*
[10-00:32] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Says nothing. Her throat is tight with sadness. She just stands there as he walks away.*
[10-00:33] JOIN: Liz has entered.
[10-00:33] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** leans back into the grass. links his fingers from both hands together the draps them over his eyes sighing** Thats the thing. I must.
[10-00:34] 6df9d, Lafiel : Because he is'nt like that.
[10-00:34] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he stops for a moment and looks back to her* I love you, sister... never forget... *he turns back around, and heads back up to the castle, passing Haesanga on his way through, nodding to him lightly* safe journeys, friend...
[10-00:34] f9c17, Haesanga: *pauses and looks at Galean with those hawklike eyes* And you too galean. WAtch your back, right?
[10-00:35] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : After just meeting him how would you know? You did just met him right?
[10-00:35] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : I will... *he continues to head up to the castle*
[10-00:35] 6df9d, Lafiel : I've known him for a few months.
[10-00:36] f9c17, Haesanga: *continues to walk along, looking at Ivirel as he comesto her* are you okay?
[10-00:37] 404e7, Caradonia: Well dont..*she gnaws on her bottem lip..watching, worried..she sits up and leans forward on her knees* Before I make you*totally serious expresion*
[10-00:38] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Make me? ** doesnt look at her . still stuck on what he did to the women. trapped her and all. after what he has been through he should no better**
[10-00:40] 404e7, Caradonia: *She nudges two fingers into his shoulder* yes, make you. I'll be forced to occupy you in other ways...see!*tosses a small pebble at him*
[10-00:41] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *glances at Haes.* I am fine.
[10-00:42] 6df9d, Lafiel : **pause**
[10-00:42] EXIT: Lafiel has left the chat ( 1:42am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-00:42] c2b59, Dekan Elsin Nahkal : ** pause with lafiel **
[10-00:42] f9c17, Haesanga: *nods at her* Very well. Take care of yoruself. I return to Rua Penchi now. *he states, bowingand, if allowed, will take her hand and kiss it softly(
[10-00:43] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She lets him do it, not really caring too much either way right now.* Farewell.
[10-00:43] b18e0, Kaelan : *one of the servants has followed Haesanga down, to help with the portal activation*
[10-00:44] f9c17, Haesanga: *smiles at her and squeezes the hand gently, steping close* It was good flying with you. SEe you again, Lady Ivirel. *he states before turning and heading to the portal, soon arriving back at RUA PENCHI.*
[10-00:45] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Nods once, staying there for now.*
[10-00:45] b18e0, Kaelan : *the servant says all this in Elvish* Harness the power of the moon... *then in common/basic/English* Glimmering Inn...
[10-00:46] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** reachs out quick like grabbing the pebble the drops his hand back to cover his eyes**
[10-00:46] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( the - then ))
[10-00:47] f9c17, Haesanga: *steps out into the glimmering in, looking around hopefully for one of his friends. not seeing them, he steps out into the city itself, moving to head down a sidestreet as stealthy as the light-smokey grey man can*
[10-00:47] 404e7, Caradonia: Oh come on!*her voice lifts to a plaintive whine just as her hands paw at the hand that cover's his eyes* You didnt come out here to pout didya?
[10-00:48] b18e0, Kaelan : *the portal deactivates instantly, as to not let any nasties in from Rua* *the servant goes back to doing his normal duties*
[10-00:50] f9c17, Haesanga: *Suddenly... * DRUNK GUY: HEY! Isn't that that griffin that the fae want? Something like a thousand gold... *whirls, curses to himself as he turns and bolts down the street.*
[10-00:50] b18e0, Kaelan : ((brb))
[10-00:51] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Eventurally, she leaves the spot she is standing and goes to the portal. She stands there for a moment, just looking at it. WHere to go? She did not know. She wasn't needed here or there. Her head bows a little, whisps of silvery hair falling into her face. But she then finally speaks the elvish chant to activate the gate. After a few moments, she speaks a few other words taht she has over heard used while waiting for Galean to return. She watches the magical surface, biting her lower lip a little. But she then squares her shoulders and sets her jaw with determination. Stepping forward, she enters the portal and disappears from the moon kingdom.*
[10-00:51] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Didn't plan on it. But my actions. Well I shouldn't have. ** sits up looking at her ** I was restricted my whole life. And I did it to you..I hate that feeling.
[10-00:53] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** sits in the inn, heard the drunk guy, fallows him out of the inn and down the street with his hound and skeletons fallowing him**
[10-00:54] 404e7, Caradonia: *She quirks a brow at him and sits back on her heels* I told you not to worry about it. The only reason I asked you to get off of me was because my leg was cramping. I wasnt restricted..
[10-00:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *jogs down the street, panting as he turns a corner and stops, resting a moment. He listens intently, scowling. People were coming. He turns to run dwon the alleyway, before skidding to a stop, inches from crashing into a Ghoul. * Omnipotent Beings! * he shouts, and grabs at the thing, mostly in self defense as he starts to wrestle with it.*
[10-00:54] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Her destination gate opens, depositing her out in the middle of an open field, the gate of QUMAN. Inexperienced at doing this alone, she really didn't know where she was going just that it was somewhere other than there. As the gate deactivates, she glances around her at the open space.*
[10-00:55] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** exhales almost painfully ** Still. You were in the position.
[10-00:55] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 12:23am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-00:56] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** rounds the corner now right be hind Haesanga** Hello there, gold.
[10-00:57] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( behind*))
[10-00:57] f9c17, Haesanga: *grunts as he hears Nefiset behind him, and is clubbed by the Ghoul, knocking him back. He then slashes with his claws.* Kind of buisy... I'll deal with you in a moment. * gets al ucky hit in, sending the ghoul stumbling back.*
[10-00:58] 404e7, Caradonia: *Sighs and rakes a hand through her hair, looking a little irate*Look, just forget about it. If I say that it's not a big then it's not a big deal. In case you dont reember we were only playing. Not trying to hurt each other
[10-00:59] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** grabs onto haesanga using bleeding touch, he would suddenly begin to bleed. Now tugs on his with force** Come or my skeletons will have to kill you.
[10-00:59] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Walking forward away from the gate, she did not recognize any of the land. But she had gotten what she had told Galean she wanted, to be alone. But now that she had it, she was not so sure. Her small figure treks through the field slowly. She carries nothing but the bow on her back.*
[10-01:00] f9c17, Haesanga: *yelps at this and coughs, his nose bleeding now as he struggles a bit, the Ghoulcoming forwards at all of them.* what are you... Guh... where are you taking me? *he freezes, the blood tricling down his face.*
[10-01:02] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : You seemed that you were not playing. ** sits up seeming more at ease. he is ** So anyway . ** trying to change the subject now. points at the nearby water** Is that deep enough to, really swim. ** though he doesnt know how he plans to learn**
[10-01:03] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Come on before those buggers get you. ** tugs on Haesanga ** We are going to fae.
[10-01:03] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Come on before those buggers get you. ** tugs on Haesanga ** We are going to fae.
[10-01:04] f9c17, Haesanga: *is bleeding from where he's touched, not his nose, sorry, and erks, resisting as he's dragged. * No. You can't take me there... *he sgrunts, and swings an elbow back, trying to get Nefiset in the side*
[10-01:04] b18e0, Kaelan : ((back)) *the servant guides Galean to him*
[10-01:06] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he reaches the king's room, and kneels down on one knee* my lord...
[10-01:06] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( ah double post! ))
[10-01:06] 404e7, Caradonia: No, it's just a barely comes to my hips. But that didnt stop you the other evening when you plunged on in*chuckels a bit*
[10-01:07] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** takes it in the ribs, spins the staff around with blurring speed aimed for haesangas head, trying to knock him out**
[10-01:08] f9c17, Haesanga: *ducks quickly... he's a master at staffs and though he doesn't have his own, he takes it on the arm instead, reaching up to grab it in one claw. * Hands off me! *he grunts, pushing against Nefiset, oblivious to the skeletons.*
[10-01:09] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Hmm. Well. Do you know where there is a, um pond. To swim. ** looks around abit..obvliously still thinking about it. but trying to forget**
[10-01:10] f9c17, Haesanga: *the staff knocks his head too, dazing him*
[10-01:11] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** after the staff hits haesanga's arm his reverses the staffs spin now, it picks up spead to a blur and aims for his head again. waits to get his skeletons into this. also has a jackal.**
[10-01:11] 404e7, Caradonia: Sure*She stops over, grabs his hand and tugs on him, trying to get him to stand* But the water would be really cold right now.....
[10-01:12] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *A breeze blows through her lockes of silvery hair as she walks through the tall grass in the plains of QUMAN. She had chosen a random direction from the portal and started walking. A single tear rolls down her cheek as her eyes watch the ground as she walks.*
[10-01:12] f9c17, Haesanga: *is slower this time, still weak despite his repaired wound and it cracks him in the back of his skull, the skeletons catchin ghim easily as he groans, stirring a little bit * L.. let me go... dont do this...
[10-01:13] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** puts a hand behind him pushing up but also using cara to pull himself up. Standing now. looking down onto cara with a small forced smile** Lead.
[10-01:14] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Hold him ** spoken to the skeletons. they try to do as told. while they are attemping to hold down, haesanga he spins his staff up to speed the bring it blurring down towards haesasga, trying to knock him out with this blow**
[10-01:15] f9c17, Haesanga: *wriggles frantically, and the blow strikes him across the temple, the griffin's form going limp in their arms.*
[10-01:16] 404e7, Caradonia: *She does lead but she tucks her hand into the crook of his arm,* Will do..i'm good at that*and she pats his arm with a sigh...wish he would cheer up* How well can you swim?
[10-01:17] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Hold him. Don't let go** spoken to skeletons ** Gaurd them ** Spoken to his jackal. ** now moves back to the glimmering inn to get a pillow**
[10-01:17] b18e0, Kaelan : Galean... I want you to start your search. go to any possible locations that the two of you had been previously. search thoroughly, and be invisible... now, good luck, and harness the power of the moon... swift travels...
[10-01:17] f9c17, Haesanga: *lays there, the skeletons twisting his arms behind his back and pinning him facedown. He groans a bit, blood trickling now from his nose, not moving.*
[10-01:18] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Hmm. ** smiles abit. real this time ** I can't at all. ** places his hand over hers**
[10-01:19] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( what the heck two posts again, and cant undo))
[10-01:20] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he nods* thankyou my lord... *he stands, and heads quickly for the guest room he was staying in... he puts on the Aceilin mithril armour underneath his shirt, then the elvish cloak over the top... he arms himself with the longbow, the two blades, but leaves the orcish dagger behind... he quickly heads for the portal* Harness the power of the moon... *it activates* Gate to QUMAN *and he is teleported into QUMAN... he glances around for a moment when he arrives*
[10-01:21] f9c17, Haesanga: *growls a bit at the Hound. He hates dogs, and the skeletons tighten their grasp, one gripping his neck, the pointed bones digging into his flesh, keeping him from trying to morph, unless he wanted them going THROUGH his neck*
[10-01:22] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( AH whats going on where is my post? ))
[10-01:23] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** laughs abit** I can't at all. ** places his hand over caras, as gently as callous hand can**
[10-01:24] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he narrows his eyes slightly, trying to get a broader view of the plains, trying to see anything that resembles the tent city of the barbarians*
[10-01:25] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** walks into the inn. straight up the stairs, into someones room snatchs a pillow from under a sleepers head. leave and goes back to the griphon**
[10-01:26] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he looks down for a moment, and kneels... he runs his hand over the grass where there is the small footprint on the ground... he looks in the direction that they lead* they're fresh...
[10-01:26] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She is not going towards the city of QUMAN. She is headed in another direction, aimlessly travelling for the most part. What would she find? She did not know, nor was she thinking about that.*
[10-01:26] f9c17, Haesanga: *still laying there, growling, feathers bristled as he glowers at Nefiset* You'll regret this. I suggest letting me go.
[10-01:27] 404e7, Caradonia: Oh, my, that is a problem..*She stops and looks in many different direction while chewing on the inside of her mouth*The only pool that I know of is a very deep pool....
[10-01:28] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : No I don't think I will ** Casts the spell, Brizbane's Driftdisk, the skeletons and the griphon, and himself float 3 ft into the air. speaks to the hound** go ** point towards fae and the hound begins to trot.. all of those a on the drift disk begin to move**
[10-01:29] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he has a bad feeling about who these tracks belong to, so he quickly begins to follow them*
[10-01:30] f9c17, Haesanga: *blinks as they float, wrigglijg a bit as though hoping he werent pinned anymore.* I think you will *he argues back, wriggling in the Skeleton's grasp*
[10-01:30] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Well there is now shallow end? ** stops as cara does looking about as she does **
[10-01:31] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( now - no ))
[10-01:31] 404e7, Caradonia: No, there isnt...not even for someone of your height*she looks up at him* You've seen the was the pool from the other evening.
[10-01:32] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Oh. well. ** thinks** if I am forced then I am sure I can learn pretty fast to swim. ** laughs abit**
[10-01:34] f9c17, Haesanga: *tenses his mustcles, trying to break the skeletons' hold*
[10-01:35] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** the skeletons start to budge. nef looks at the griphon.** Hey quit that. Or I will just have to kill you.
[10-01:35] f9c17, Haesanga: *glares at Nefiset.* Let me go, and I'll stop.
[10-01:35] 404e7, Caradonia: Should I shove you in when your not looking?*Flashing him a catty smile while nudging in a playful manner*
[10-01:36] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( ** loves his necro pic** ))
[10-01:37] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : That just might work. ** nudges back though much less force. he has gotten out of hand before. seems he has more strength the he thinks. not to mention that he has already pinned her once and made her uncomfortable**
[10-01:38] b18e0, Luke: *loves his necromancer pic*
[10-01:38] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** speaks to his skeletons** Release! ** they do so, both still holding shields and short sword** Run and I'll have to kill you.
[10-01:39] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She continues her trek, the rolling hills of the meadow were as gentle as the wind was. She pulls up the hood of her cloaking to help control her hair. She then hugs the cloak around herself as if she were cold.*
[10-01:39] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( yea but mine is not from a game ))
[10-01:39] f9c17, Haesanga: *springs to his feet, and crouches into a combat stance. He eyes the blade, then looks down at the ground, then back again glaring * Put me down.
[10-01:40] b18e0, Luke: ((so?))
[10-01:40] b18e0, Luke: *kicks brackets*
[10-01:40] 404e7, Caradonia: I'll feel bad if you drown though*Leading his still into a small clearing and behold..the pond with it's chilly water and unseen bottem* Here we are
[10-01:41] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Grab him. put blades to throat. ** the skeletons from from behind the griphon and try for the grab. if they succeed they would have put their swords to his throat**
[10-01:41] b18e0, Luke: *loves his saber pic even more*
[10-01:41] f9c17, Haesanga: *struggles, up to the point the blades are at his throat. He stands there, panting a bit, glaring at Nefiset.* I'll scream if you dont.
[10-01:43] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *as he travels in a fast but quiet sprint, he begins to see a faint figure far in the distance... he continues on his same line*
[10-01:43] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : You would be the only to feel bad ** looks at the pond. and does look for the bottom and doesnt see it**
[10-01:44] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Go ahead. scream. No one would help you. ** waves a hand dismively**
[10-01:45] f9c17, Haesanga: I have friends in Rua Penchi who will help *he was sweating, wobbling a little bit stil fromthe blows to his head.*
[10-01:46] 404e7, Caradonia: Having second thoughts?*Leans up to whisper in his ear, laughter thickening her voice*
[10-01:47] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : You have friends that will die when we get done with this place. ** grins abit** Now shut up.
[10-01:48] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Moves along, the tall grass was almost as tall as she was. It swished softly as it brushed against her.*
[10-01:48] f9c17, Haesanga: *growls at him at that, tensing up and the skeletons grab him tighter, one blade digging in slightly as he flinches.* You did this to the city?? You will pay, I promise you..
[10-01:48] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : No, I need to learn. ** walks close to the water. steps back. begins to unbuckle his sword. once done sets it aside. has no shirt on, so he sits ulacing his boots**
[10-01:49] JOIN: R has entered.
[10-01:49] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : No I didn't to all of this glorius work. But I helped. ** smiles holding out his hands. they are close to exiting the city**
[10-01:50] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( to - do ))
[10-01:50] 404e7, Caradonia: *Places a hand on his arm* Perhaps you should wait till the water is warmer. Trying to swim in cold water is'd welcome drowning...
[10-01:51] f9c17, Haesanga: *growls again, then coughs, spitting some blood to one side as he slumps, feeling dizzy*
[10-01:52] 2b286, King Narmotur : *After the inccident in where valuble prisoners and the Kings favorite toy had been let go, King Narmotur had sent forth his secret police to track her down and capture her again. Many black riders had been searching the country side as far north as and into the West and east, but one such patrol was on its way home to their kingdom, having come up empty handed however they did require something to bring home for their king.*
[10-01:52] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** is half way undressed, one boot off and only one left, his trousers and belt. looks up at he through red eyes** You will save me.
[10-01:53] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Shoosh up over there. ** wiggles his staff** I'll have to smack you a good one.
[10-01:53] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ( he- her ))
[10-01:54] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he continues to follow, now seeing that it is in fact Ivirel... he curses lightly under his breath*
[10-01:54] f9c17, Haesanga: *tlares at Nefiet, turning to spit out more blood, slouching now, hands still locked behind his back by the skeletons' fingers. * Guh...
[10-01:55] ab6ae, Naurlote : *And any who got too close to would have been forced away, one way or another... Immortal elves care naught for the pasttimes of men, nor what would bring them to , unless it be the wish to bond against a growing threat.*
[10-01:55] ab6ae, Naurlote : *Any of Narmotur's riders, I should specify*
[10-01:55] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : Good boy ** sets his staff, down. they move along, exting the city and moving towards fae**
[10-01:55] 404e7, Caradonia: Not if your naked!*half covers her eyes but makes it a point to peek through*I think you should wait until tomorrow
[10-01:56] f9c17, Haesanga: *slumps further, shaking his head, trying to wipe his face. He spits out more blood and leans to one side.* Why are you doing this? There's bigger game out there...
[10-01:57] ab6ae, Sileen:
[10-01:57] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Even though they're usually disgused as common travelers? if not, flushes an RP down.*
[10-01:57] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** from peaking she would only see a bald blue headed man without a tunic pulling off a boot** Fine I'll wear trousers. Though I don't see the big deal. ** think a moment** You were brought up to wear clothing, always?
[10-01:57] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((QUMAN))
[10-01:58] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : ((QUMAN))
[10-01:58] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( forest, ))
[10-01:58] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : heaing for fae ))
[10-01:58] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : (( heading *))
[10-01:58] ab6ae, Naurlote : *Hey, elves got threatened by Sothicus, and are preparing for battle. ANYONE would be challenged, even other elves. And human riders? Pfft! Unless messangers, they ain't getting close*
[10-01:58] f9c17, Haesanga: ((With Nefiset))
[10-01:59] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((*dresses them as human tourists!* ))
[10-02:00] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*would laugh if they were dressed as Japanese tourists, with their cameras and everything*))
[10-02:00] 404e7, Caradonia: Unless i'mIn the presence of other women or the man that I'm not related too...then yes, you've hit upon my awful little secret*Rolls eyes and tugs off a boot..might as well be ready for when he starts drowning*
[10-02:00] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( ** noticed that cara is not on aim ...wonders if she got kicked offline**
[10-02:01] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( NM ))
[10-02:01] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((*watches them take pictures of Galean?* ))
[10-02:01] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She still walks, no destination in mind other than getting away.*
[10-02:02] 404e7, Caradonia: ((aim was being a pain in the runs smoothly now))
[10-02:02] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*strikes a pose*))
[10-02:03] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** unbuckles his belt. sets it and all held on it aside. steps up to the side of the pond/pool of water. just walks into the water. of course that doesnt work , falls in face first, goes under. first instinks are to kick his feet. which does well enough to keep him from sinking but not to bring his to surface, one hand holds his nose. the other reaching for the surface** (( ah ))
[10-02:04] f9c17, Haesanga: *waits for an answer*
[10-02:04] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** still moving to fae. speaks to his jackal pulling the disk** Faster! ** responce is ...they move faster....weee**
[10-02:04] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((*L*))
[10-02:05] f9c17, Haesanga: WEll?
[10-02:05] 404e7, Caradonia: ((wait..that sounded wrong...not realted too=married))
[10-02:05] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : * ignores the griphon ,,,dang wont it shut up?**
[10-02:06] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** ignores the griphon ,,,dang wont it shut up?**
[10-02:06] f9c17, Haesanga: *nope. not till he's likely unconcious or gagged* They'll capture you too you konw. They want to capture everyoen who wanders into their kingdom
[10-02:07] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : I doubt those who bring in a bounty would be capture. Even so, I would fight till dead.
[10-02:08] f9c17, Haesanga: They'd want you alive, they wouldnt' kill you *he states in a know-it-all voice*
[10-02:09] 404e7, Caradonia: *Mutters a curse, sheds her cloak and dives in, clothing and all. THe water is freezing and she barely reembers her purpose. but she manages to come up behind Tarnis and while being wary of flailing feet and arms she wraps a arm around his chest, kicking her legs as hard as she can to bring his face above threataning to sink herself*
[10-02:09] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he keeps getting closer to her* *he whistles a familiar whistle, one that she would recognise... it's the same one he uses to get his horse's attention*
[10-02:09] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : You know what? ** doesnt wait for the griphon to respond, picks up his staff and swings it down to haesangas head. trys to knock him out**
[10-02:10] 2b286, King Narmotur : *At the very least, the Riders had attempted to enter , and having failed they'd still search the lands just outside of the Kingdoms southern border, but still they were returning home now.*
[10-02:10] f9c17, Haesanga: *is smacked right in the face, below the eye and he jerks back... then slumps forwards with a groan, blood trickling further out of his mouth.*
[10-02:10] ab6ae, Naurlote : *Dang right! No messangers, no buisness here! Shoo!*
[10-02:11] ab6ae, Naurlote : ((*L*))
[10-02:11] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** head pops above the water, he is coughing. also laughing** Wow. ** cough** How do I stay above? ** cough**
[10-02:11] f9c17, Haesanga: *ftb*
[10-02:11] c2b59, Nefiset Da'emorentis : ** fades this char**
[10-02:13] c2b59, HulkDogs: Mean elven people.
[10-02:13] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Sighs as she hears the whistle. She didn't understand why things had to be this way. But she pretends she did not hear it, tells herself it was not there.*
[10-02:14] 404e7, Caradonia: *She blinks the water out of her eyes and does the best to keep him above water* Trick some gypsy forest dweeler into diving in after you
[10-02:15] ab6ae, Naurlote : (( ))
[10-02:15] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Oh and it worked too. ** laughs and then coughs ** But how do I stay up? Really?
[10-02:15] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The seven horsemen thundered across the grassyplain of QUMAN, in the distance the lead rider noticed a small figure moving through the grass, seemingly alone.*
[10-02:15] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he sees something very uninviting... some barbarian scouts up ahead* *he quickly moves beside her* down, now... *he ducks, and pulls her down as well with him*
[10-02:17] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Jerks out of startlement, she had thought he was further away.* Galean!
[10-02:17] 404e7, Caradonia: Kicks your legs really fast..but have some control to it..dont flail..and then*pauses, trying to think of the words to describe..treading water* Use your arms to stay afloat by waving them underwater*Lame description but learning to tread water is something to be praticed and demonstrated*
[10-02:18] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : shhh... *he holds her close to him, and he throws the elvish cloak over the two of them... from a distance, it would appear to the riders that it is just another rock in amongst the grass*
[10-02:18] 2b286, King Narmotur : *They notice the figure taking down the other one as they thunder ahead directly towards where Galean and Ivirel were now hidden.*
[10-02:18] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : **slows the kicking of his feet. feels better push below him. he begins to "waves" his arms this cause him to since at first. so reverses the
[10-02:19] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( darn ...cont.)) "waving of his arm. he lifts back up taking all the pressure from cara. he laughs as he gets the idea** Oh!
[10-02:20] c2b59, HulkDogs: (( rar! "waving"))
[10-02:20] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Closes her eyes for a moment as she listens to the thundering of the hooves.* I wish not for your help, Galean... *SHe pushes against him lightly, not being very strong.*
[10-02:21] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he places his hand over her mouth before she can spit out the words and give away their location*
[10-02:23] 404e7, Caradonia: *Almost sighs with releif when he gets the hand of it and with a nod she eases away from his kicking legs and waving arms* Much better*and ponders climing out of the water*
[10-02:24] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** begins to move away from the shore. starts to try and turn himself to look at cara** Pretty tiresom activity. ** is enjoying the cold **
[10-02:24] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : mmmph! *Surprised at his doing that. She doesn't understand his doing this, it was just horses.*
[10-02:25] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The riders slow greatly as they reach the area in where the two elves were located, The riders are all but silent, each of them cloaked in dark robes but unlike most of the time their hoods were down, A few of them pause just feet away from Ivirel and Galen, silently listening and wondering what'd happened to the two people they'd just seen moments earlier.*
[10-02:26] 404e7, Caradonia: You get used to it*Dosent seem to be tiring at all acutaly just looks like she's cold. Getting out seems better and better*
[10-02:26] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he holds her mouth tighter, his heart racing* *he whispers, it would barely even be as loud as the breeze around them, so his whisper would blend in perfectly* ~quiet~
[10-02:30] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Is held against Galean and held silent.*
[10-02:30] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Hmm well. I think I learned this part.. alittle...I will learn move at a more shallow location. Not to mention you don't look to be enjoying yourself. ** moves past her oh so slowly, places his hands on the shore. if she were to turn and look at tarnis she would see a completely scared back, it is almost pink. but has a tanned color to it. anyways..with his hands on the ground his pushs himself out of the water. then pulls himself onto shore. so that his legs stay in the water and he lays form the hips up on the ground**
[10-02:31] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( scared - scarred*))
[10-02:33] 404e7, Caradonia: *She does indeed notice the scars but she dosent comment on this...wont comment unless he makes it very deliberate* Sounds like a good idea*And she tries to pull herself out of the water but it's harder to do when your fully and are being weighed down with lots of water*
[10-02:33] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The horsemen remain silent, their leader though found the rock a bit odd and out of place for the plains, he gestures to one of his other riders then to the rock itself. The rider nods and takes his lance from its mount and jabs it at the rock in a swift motion.*
[10-02:34] 404e7, Caradonia: ((*adds* and fabric....and fully dressed))
[10-02:35] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : **notices cara's trouble. lifts himself up. moves so that he is standing on the ground above, cara. holds out a hand for her to take, a small smile on his face**
[10-02:35] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *the lance slams into his back, but it doesn't pierce the cloak... strangely enough, with the strength of the mithril armour, it would seem solid as a rock... his body would not flinch one muscle, even though his back is now throbbing*
[10-02:37] 404e7, Caradonia: *She smiles back and grabs onto his hand, trying her best to help him, help her but it's kinda hard to do...*
[10-02:38] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *The jolting surprises her though and she lets out a little squeak, quickly cutting herself off as soon as she realizes waht she just did.*
[10-02:39] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he closes his eyes when she squeaks... there goes the cover, and possibly their lives*
[10-02:39] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** pulls her from the water, easy and with out a sign of strain. others would think it odd. but tarnis has been used to work that requires strength to be easy.... sets cara down on shore next to him, but without relizing he doesnt release her hand. his red eyes seem be daze and looking else where**
[10-02:40] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*ponders bringing a rabbit along, and make it squeak, just as a cover*))
[10-02:40] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( dazed*))
[10-02:41] 404e7, Caradonia: *She hasn't pulled her hand free of his yet but acutally gives his hand a squeeze, trying to gain his attention* Thank you*Slight nudge* whats wrong?
[10-02:43] 518a7, Mab: Galean's cloak should be stabbitied, only his armour should be okeydokey. Just a little FYI, not that his cloak is vital or anything, but for technicalities sake.
[10-02:43] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((alright... wasn't sure exactly how to play it))
[10-02:43] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** notices the pressure on his hand, lets his hand loose but doesnt move it yet, his eyes flick, now looking into, caras.** Huh? Oh. Nothing. Just started to stare. I dunno.
[10-02:44] c2b59, HulkDogs: ** pokes mab ** Eh wise uh,,, gal.
[10-02:45] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Armor or not, with the force that the lance was driven into Galens back, it'd penetrate the cloak, tearing it, the rider applying pressure still for the moment, seemed normal but as he brings the lance up, he does so in a forward motion, that'd possibly catch on the cloak and maybe lift it up some.*
[10-02:45] c2b59, HulkDogs: look at tarnis profile i got that pic into it
[10-02:46] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Closes her eyes tightly shut.*
[10-02:47] 518a7, Mab: ooo, shiney sword. *took her a second to tell what it was*
[10-02:47] 404e7, Caradonia: *her hand slips away to rest in her lap and she clears her throat, looking away* Oh..okay..I see...*rolls eyes and nudges* Seriously..whats up?
[10-02:48] c2b59, HulkDogs: Yea its got a weirld angle on it but it looks kool
[10-02:48] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to King Narmotur.
[10-02:50] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** sits down infront of cara ** Nothing. Just, never done anything with anyone. I mean that requires trust. ** thinks looking around abit** Never beeen able to trust anyone, I mean. ** shrugs then lays back soon after. now looking up through some trees to the eyes green the other red. feels around above his head for his sword...finds it and pulls it close to him,,sorta by his side**
[10-02:51] MSG: King Narmotur sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[10-02:52] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to King Narmotur.
[10-02:54] 404e7, Caradonia: *Nods, understanding his words and perhaps what he's saying* I'm glad that you trust me.*she nods towards the water* If I hadnt came in..and you hadn't figured out how to do would have went under...
[10-02:56] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : Well yes. But I would have figured it out before dieing. ** pauses, then shivers.** Hopefully.
[10-02:56] MSG: King Narmotur sent a message to Galean Arrowan.
[10-02:56] MSG: Galean Arrowan sent a message to King Narmotur.
[10-02:57] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *as the lance comes out of the cloak, the slightest rip would be heard*
[10-02:58] 404e7, Caradonia: Happily we'll never know *smiles nice and bi and then stands up, dripping everywhere* I'm cold..i'm thinking of going back to change...and then going to sleep..In a bed*feigned gasp*
[10-02:59] c2b59, Lando Trosni : ** lands in a tree next to the great wall of fae. climbs up to the top most branch that can support him, leaps 10ft into the air and flaps his wings, barely make it over, he drops to the other side on all fours he lets out a growl and it hurt his shoulder. stand and walks towards the city of . fade on char**
[10-02:59] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She hears the sound and tenses. Galean might even feel her tense as he holds her.*
[10-03:00] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Seeing now that his suspicions had been proven correct, He immediately moves in, as do the other riders to surround the pair.*
[10-03:02] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** stands up also dripping though not so much** Oh wow! ** exadurated** Let me come with you. I'll pay for your room. ** leans over grabbing his sword, flings it around his back and re buckles it. grabs up his belt, buckles it. now grabs boots, he will walks bare foot till he drys move, moves next to cara** If I had a cloak I would offer it to you. Sorry. ** holds out a crooked arm for her ** I can make heat though.
[10-03:02] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he sees the hooves of the horses closing in, and he knows that they've been found out*
[10-03:06] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*has to go have a shower in a few mins*))
[10-03:07] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The seven riders soon have them surrounded, The leader draws his sword and finally speaks.* Show yourselves and you may yet live..
[10-03:07] 404e7, Caradonia: I have a cloak*smiles and puts said cloak* and in this cloak I have money which means it's not nesscary for you to buy my room but thank you*hand slips into the offered crook of his arm and she, in so many words, guides him towards town...she's stumbling a bit and it's obvious that she's sleepy*
[10-03:08] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Doesn't move, she hardly even breathes.*
[10-03:09] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** smiles abit** Yes but see. I have alot of gold I don
[10-03:09] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he releases his hand from her mouth, then pulls the cloak from over them, and stands up... his cut and bruised face might yet save him from the descriptions the fae have given for the bounties*
[10-03:10] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : 't need. So why should you use yours? ** notices that she is stumbling** Want a lift? ** means by carrying her, like her legs over his for-arm and her back resting on his fo-arm**
[10-03:10] JOIN: Cyrano Chagg'Ra has entered.
[10-03:11] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((bb in 5, gotta have a shower))
[10-03:11] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The chief rider archers a slight brow upon the realization that it was but an elf, his eyes center on Galeans face for a long moment before he begins to gaze over him from head to toe, that is until he notices the other one.* Get up, what are your names?
[10-03:13] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Stays sitting on the ground. She warily looks around them at all the horses and darkly dressed men. She doesn't answer the question about her name.*
[10-03:13] 404e7, Caradonia: Because I'll run up quite a large bill when I splurge like this so let me pay. and no*shaking her head while rubbing her eyes* town isn't too far off, i'll more than make it..*yawns at him and closes her mouth with a grin*
[10-03:16] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : I wouldn't mind but, okay. Are you sure you sound quiet tired. ** shrugs** You could stay in my chambers, at the castle. I stay else where in the castle. Everything there is free. And you can leave anytime.
[10-03:21] 404e7, Caradonia: My horse is at the tavern*Nudges into him sleepily and wraps her cloak further around her* and i think that it's closer but the offer is appreciated*gives his arm a squeeze*
[10-03:24] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** moves his crooked arm his side and wraps it around he gently, yet firmly so she wont fall over** I would feel saver about you coming to the castle, what with all thats is going on. The city is not safe.
[10-03:24] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( arm >> from << his side*))
[10-03:27] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((back)) I am Captain Haldir Cahall of the Moon Elf Royal Guard... this is my sister... she strayed into these lands while messing around with the portal...
[10-03:27] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( Cara, you seem like your trying to wrap up to arm ...wanna start short handing this abit or just finish up normally?))
[10-03:27] 404e7, Caradonia: *She looks up at him with a raised brow then relents with a nod* With gratitude I accept your gracious offer...let's hope i'm a gracious guest*Smiles and nudges herself awake a bit*((I need to go...getting sleepy))
[10-03:27] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he holds his hand out to Ivirel*
[10-03:27] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( huh arm...this RP ))
[10-03:28] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( want me to play cara for you ...just get he to castle.. to chamber sleep ? ))
[10-03:29] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( he- her ** is getting tired also **))
[10-03:30] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She doesn't move right away, but finally she does take Galean's hand and stands up. What he said wasn't all a lie.*
[10-03:33] 404e7, Caradonia: ((yeah..that would be just fine. Sorry to cut it short. I just gotta work toomrrow.))
[10-03:33] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( perfectly fine. good night. see you tomarrow maby))
[10-03:34] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : (( maby- maybe))
[10-03:34] 404e7, Caradonia: ((Take care..*wonders off to bed*))
[10-03:34] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he sounds extremely convincing*
[10-03:35] JOIN: R has entered.
[10-03:36] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The rider narrows his eyes on the both of them.* A innocent enough incident, yet... You attempted to concel yourselves?
[10-03:37] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Though she would rather bolt, make a run for it, she stays there silently.*
[10-03:38] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : there are patrols all over these lands, from a barbarian tribe... they don't hesitate to take prisoners... I heard horses, and in the darkness, I did the only thing I could think of in time, which was to attempt to hide...
[10-03:39] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** yeah anyways. II the two, tarnis and cara move into a through . to the glimmering inn, then out around back the portal. speaks " know the right channels " waits a moment then " mal bung. " the portal opens, the two walks through.coming out in the tower of the castle. tarnis walks cara to his chambers. gives her a change of clothing, leaves the chambers to go sleep on a couch in the commons. cara changes and goes to bed and tarnis is already alseep**
[10-03:39] c2b59, Tarnis Catadon : ** fades **
[10-03:39] c2b59, HulkDogs: Night all. Happy rping.
[10-03:39] EXIT: HulkDogs has left the chat ( 4:39am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-03:41] 2b286, King Narmotur : *chuckles a bit.* We're no barbarians.. *No, they were far worse, carrying out the dirty work of a corrupt King and making very bloody statements to those who'd try to undermind him.* The two of you should be more careful and again I ask, what is her name? *his eyes settle on the young elf girl, before they dart back to Galean.*
[10-03:41] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : her name is Ivirel...
[10-03:44] 2b286, King Narmotur : A beautiful name.. *his eyes shift back to Ivirel.* Do step forth Ivirel.
[10-03:46] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Blinks once, then looks to Galean a moment before looking back to the one that spoke to her. She decidedly takes a step back instead.*
[10-03:48] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he holds her close to him* perhaps if you withdrew your weapons and gave us some space, she would be less frightened...
[10-03:50] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Only two of the riders actually had their weapons out, but as Ivirel steps back, one of the other riders that'd situated himself behind the pair moves foward, closing the short gap between himself and his mount and them.*
[10-03:53] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Glances over her shoulder at the one that just stepped up closer to them from behind.*
[10-03:54] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he holds her closer to him when they do that, trying to keep her calm in this bleak situation*
[10-03:56] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The rider eyes the two elves, particularly Ivirel for she could be quite useful.* Indeed, Captain Cahall you may go.
[10-03:58] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he narrows his eyes at the man* and my sister is coming with me...
[10-04:00] 2b286, King Narmotur : Of course.. *his eyes remain on Galean for a moment, considering the situation at hand.*
[10-04:01] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Remains silent, listening. She didn't really understand what was unfolding here.*
[10-04:03] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he holds her close to her* Tul seler... *he moves through the horses with her, making sure she gets out ahead of him incase they try anything*
[10-04:04] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Moves as he directs her, though her attention remains mostly on the horsemen.*
[10-04:04] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Signals his men to disperse for the moment, and they do, a few forming up positions flanking the pair, slowly keeping pace with them.* Do we frighten you?
[10-04:04] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *is aware of all of them... will not hesitate to draw his weapons if they attack*
[10-04:05] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : you have no further business with us. we would appreciate it if you continued on your way...
[10-04:07] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Moves on ahead.*
[10-04:09] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((*has to go in a few*))
[10-04:09] 2b286, King Narmotur : I would beg to differ.. Captain.. *he casts a slight hand motion, signaling a rider to Galeans right to go into action, The rider charges forward at Galean with his long lance, yes the rider was already aware that he'd stuck the elven being and not harmed him, but this wasn't ment to kill him, oh no. If he made contact it'd most likey put Galean down for a few moments and the nature of the lance would help keep the rider clear of counter attacks for the moment. but as he does this another two riders charge in from Galeans other side, one drawing a sword, the other his lance.*
[10-04:14] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : Ivirel, get down! *as he yells, he draws his two blades from their sheaths on his back, moving slightly as to not be in the direct path of the lance... when he's close enough, he attempts to grab onto the lance, and pull himself up onto the horse and kick off the rider... note, he 'attempts to'*
[10-04:15] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((correction... he only draws one of the blades... if he drew two, then it'd make it impossible to grab a hold of the lance))
[10-04:15] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Ducks down into the tall grass, likely encouraged to do so when Galean lets go of her hand to draw his blades.*
[10-04:15] EXIT: Haesanga has left the chat ( 3:11am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-04:16] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[10-04:16] f9c17, Puwia: ((may join in?))
[10-04:17] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : (( I think we're all heading out shortly Puwia. ))
[10-04:19] 2b286, King Narmotur : *As Galean successfully grabs hold of the lance the rider swings the lance out and releases it in a split second, unless he was very quick he'd find himself on the ground likely, but if successful? he'd also have to contend with a quick attempted blow from the heavy gauntlet of the riders other hand, The other two riders close in on him and the other rider, as their leader and a few others move in on Ivirel.*
[10-04:19] f9c17, Puwia: ((awww. ok then))
[10-04:20] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Noticing some of them coming towards her, she moves away from them.*
[10-04:23] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : *he managed to keep a hold of the lance... he slams that at the chest of the guard that has the other lance* ((*really has to go* the person I'm going out with has just arrived... is there any way that this can be resolved in a few posts?))
[10-04:27] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((I said that I had to go in a few beforehand, but yet you start a fight... not happy, Jan...))
[10-04:27] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((Yep )) *With the original rider dismounted now, and Galean thrusting the other lance into the second rider, he'd be distracted hopefully for just long enough as the third rider comes in from the other side to deliver a sweeping blow at Galeans waist with his longsword, aiming to knock him from his horse. While the other rider would likely be impaled. meanwhile the other riders move in on Ivirel, the cheif rider, with riders protecting his flanks, leans over in the saddle some as he attempts to snatch the girl up by the scruff of her neck.*
[10-04:27] 2b286, King Narmotur : ((or shirt rather)0
[10-04:28] b18e0, Galean Arrowan : ((and since I have to go...)) *the blade hits him and knocks him off the horse.. he is knocked out.. blah blah blah* *fade or whatever*
[10-04:28] EXIT: Galean Arrowan has left the chat ( 5:28am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-04:30] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Ducks out of the way of their grasp.* Galean! *Seeing him having gone down., she tries to get back to him.*
[10-04:30] f9c17, Puwia: ((that was rather uncouth))
[10-04:32] 2b286, King Narmotur : *With Galean down and out, and with his other riders providing control over him, He dismounts and goes after Ivirel on foot, again attempting to grab her by her clothes
[10-04:32] f9c17, Puwia: ((that was also a mis window. Sorry))
[10-04:33] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *SHe tries to use the advantage of her size to get out of their way or wave them off with her hands, at least until she gets to Galean where she goes to her knees at his side.*
[10-04:36] 2b286, King Narmotur : *She evades him for the moment, but when she does this? he again attempts to grab her by the coller of her clothing and jerk her up*
[10-04:37] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Jerks as she feels herself grabbed and then jerked up.* No!
[10-04:41] 2b286, King Narmotur : Silence! *he uses his other hand to try and backhand her and with an armored gauntlet on? it'd be quite a nasty blow*
[10-04:42] JOIN: R has entered.
[10-04:43] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Her head whips back from the strike. It hurts a lot, stings. But she falls into a shocked silence for a long moment.*
[10-04:45] 2b286, King Narmotur : Mount up. *he yells out to them, dragging the girl back to his horse and then promply dropping her to the ground, The other riders meanwhile help collect the one man who'd been impaled, a unfortunate loss but if he'd been more skilled and truly worthy, he'd be alive still*
[10-04:46] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : Galean! *She strugles a little as the lead rider carries her off. But once he sets her down on the ground again she tries to run.*
[10-04:47] 2b286, King Narmotur : *and would attempt to knock her down again with a quick backhand before she gets to far.*
[10-04:49] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *THe hit knocks her to the ground. She puts one hand to the side of her face as she looks up a moment at the one that just hit her. She moves backward a little, staying to the ground.*
[10-04:51] 2b286, King Narmotur : *The rider promply puts his foot dow non her chest, or tries to atleast while he retrieves some things from his saddlebag*
[10-04:52] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *She would scamper out of the way of this with him being distracted.*
[10-04:55] 2b286, King Narmotur : *oh well, having retreived what he needed he again returns his attetion on her as he attempts to kick at her.*-
[10-04:56] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Keeping to her knees, she curls up to try and cower away from the kick.*
[10-04:57] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Quickly he then tries to rush in and come down on her, using his free hand to try and grab her by one arm.*
[10-04:59] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *Yelps.* No! *She tries to pull her arm free.* Galean, help!
[10-05:00] 2b286, King Narmotur : Galean is dead. *smirks a little, it was a lie yes but a good one, he tries to force her down and if successful he'd work at restraining her*
[10-05:01] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : You lie! *She struggles against him, but she can't over power the larger human.*
[10-05:04] 2b286, King Narmotur : *Another rider is soon there as well, helping to restrain her while the other attempts to secure her hands behind her back, her ankles together and.. gag her of course.*
[10-05:05] 94c70, Ivirel Arrowan : *One was tough enough of a challenge for her, two was impossible. She whimpers as they restrain and gag her.*
[10-05:07] 2b286, King Narmotur : *They quickly throw her over the back of the chief riders horse, and secure her as best as they can to prevent her from falling off. From there? They'd mount up and take off back towards home, with their one dead man and his horse with them, not wishing to leave any traces of just who they were*
[10-07:48] JOIN: Puwia has entered.
[10-09:35] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[10-09:54] JOIN: HulkDogs has entered.
[10-10:07] JOIN: Kali has entered.
[10-10:08] cef18, Kali: morning
[10-10:23] cef18, Belthil : *going downstairs into the library, she searches for a certain book... one that Allanon had told her she needed to read before he left... finding the red leather covered tome, she sits by the window, in the sunlight, reading the first cantrip listed there.... Static Ball... hoping that she would never need to use any of them.
[10-10:33] cef18, Terra: *continuing her journey, she has reached the capitol city of , cautiously listening to the conversations there... finding that the army there is preparing to go to war... over what..she still did not know. soon speeding on her the land of the Fae*
[10-10:39] cef18, Ilia Fion : *feeling the need to be free of the worries of raising and training her horses for the day, she saddles her favorite mare.. Ilfirin...and heads south from her home into the forest...seeking only a calm bit of space in which to be alone. Oddly catching signs that someone had passed this way not long before..the path being very erratic, she decides to follow them, concerned that whoever it is may be injured.*
[10-10:44] cef18, Ankalima Morwen : *returning to her room, leaving Aldrik to follow her quick pace,she changes clothes... preparing to do a bit of spying. she needed to find someone.. and quite soon if she had any hope of finding a way to help prevent the coming troubles*
[10-10:46] cef18, Kali: *ends her little cameos and disappears for the day*
[10-10:46] EXIT: Kali has left the chat ( 11:46am, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-11:04] JOIN: Will-o'-the-wisp has entered.
[10-11:04] EXIT: Will-o'-the-wisp has left the chat ( 12:04pm, July 10 (CDT) ).
[10-11:08] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: ** hums **
[10-11:12] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: ** ogles his pic **
[10-11:14] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: ew pink
[10-11:15] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: go away!
[10-11:15] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: good boy
[10-11:15] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: no more pink /gtin
[10-11:17] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: like i said no more link ** insane **
[10-11:18] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: HELLO?
[10-11:19] 5e6c3, HulkDogs: purple come on give me some manly colors